Keep the conversation going This is where the buck usually stops
for most guys but if you're lucky or
your game is an A plus then your
chances are high with just anyone. It's all about shared interests,
history or affiliation. Now get this clear. If it isn't a one
night stand and the girl believes you
are a potential boyfriend which you
want to convince her you are, then
there has to be something both of
you must identify with together. Interests could range from hobbies to
music, movies, even something as
little as your favourite past time. Your
history. And affiliation could be your
tribe, culture, religion, denomination
e.t.c. Once you have identified a common
ground, then she feels more
comfortable with you and tend to
open up more. This is where you must up your ante
and get her hooked. Next is identifying her weak spot or entry point.