[img]http://6c31bd476a079d28c89a-b992563a576d09cd3465ec01a63680ad.r41.cf2.rackcdn.com/20748084_l_57c72ca54df356478311247aa6cca5d6.jpg [/img]
Having fat bulging between your underarms and chest is in no way appealing. Knowing that bulge is right there is enough to make one feel less confident in one's skin. With belly fat or a fat frame, it's easy to get on a weight loss plan and exercise often but armpit fat?! No wonder it's so common since getting rid of it can be really tricky. Here's how you lose armpit fat like a pro.
[color=red]Lying chest fly [/color]
In losing armpit fat, your focus should be on your shoulders, chest, and back. To do the chest fly you lie flat on your back then lift your knees above your hips at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your knees stay up and your back to the floor then holding small weights spread your arms out to the side with your palms to the ceiling. Adjust your elbows so it's bent slightly, lift your arms to the ceiling and bring the weights together above your chest.
[color=red]Bent over lateral arm raise[/color]
Bend forward slightly at the hips in a fly position and lift up dumbbells. This exercise works in toning your shoulder, underarms and chest muscles. All you need is grab those dumbbells and keep lifting, say 10 times.
[color=red]Swan [/color]
This exercise focuses on strengthening your core and abs along with your upper back muscles. Lie on your stomach with your arms placed beneath your armpits, spread your elbows wide then lift your body some inches off the ground and lower back.
All these exercises might not get your armpit fat out in the flash! But it will surely ensure less flab in the skin.