I have to brag on the
“hubster” for a minute today…
I actually probably don’t do
that nearly enough on here.
:-) He’s a pretty terrific guy
and puts up with a LOT being married to me! Although
we’ve definitely been through
our ups and downs over the
years…there’s no one else I
would want to ride it out with
than him. Especially since he does all his own IRONING!
Yep, that’s what I’m braggin’
on today! Ever since we first got
married he has ironed all his
own clothes (that needed it)…
and he does a great job! It
took him awhile when he first
took on the task, but now he’s got it down to a science
(despite the fact that he irons
on the “wrong” side of the
ironing board…OK…I guess
being a leftie I’M technically
the one who does that…or am I? hmmmmmm) He even uses SPRAY
STARCH to get his white
shirts particularly crisp and
sharp looking. As a matter of
fact, one Sunday after a
church an elderly lady approached me and said, “I’m
so impressed with how nice
your husbands shirts always
look!” To which I smiled and
responded, “Why thank
you!” :-) LOL. See, I told you he puts up with a lot! ;-) Since I’m always interested in
homemade versions of
products we normally buy,
one day I decided to look into
whether I could make a
“laundry spray starch” that would work as well as the
hubster’s trusty brand he’s
been using for years. What I
discovered was that not only
make your own spray starch, it works every bit as good! I
LOVE when that happens! Here’s how it’s made: Homemade Spray
Starch Ingredients: 1 heaping tablespoon corn
1 pint water (if you have hard
water you might want to use
distilled water.)
1-2 drops essential oil (optional) Directions: 1. Fill a pint mason jar with
water (or you can use a bowl,
just measure one pint of
water into it), add the
cornstarch. 2. Put the lid on the jar, and
shake it until the cornstarch is
completely dissolved. (The
mixture will be a milky color.) 3. Add in a couple drops of essential oil for fragrance (lavender or lemon would be nice!), if desired, then
transfer to a spray bottle, and
use. For best results, shake
before each use, and
remember a little goes a
LONG way, so use sparingly. Did you know? Commercially-produced
spray starch usually
contains formaldehyde. Starching clothes
actually makes them last
longer because dirt and
perspiration sticks to the
starch and not to the