Sunday Recipe
Oha. Soup
Oha Soup is a delicacy from the eastern part of Nigeria. The
leaf has a mouth-watering aromatic flavour and the taste is
absolutely delectable.
i 6 cups stock i 1/2 cup Oha leaves, chopped i
100g cocoyam (small specie), mashed
400g of dried fish i
1 seasoning cube i
Fresh chilli pepper to taste i
1 bulb onions, chopped i
1 cup crayfish, ground i
200g softened stockfish i
200g kpomo i 1 tsp of Ogiri i 2 cups perewinkle i
3 tbsp palm oil i Salt to taste
1 Wash all the ingredients properly and keep them separately in clean bowls or tray
2 Season your meat and boil to get out your stock
3 Cook the periwinkle with salt and wash properly when it boils
4 When the meat is almost soft, add the stockfish and kpomo
5 Add about 4 cups water i
When the water starts to boil, scoop in the mashed cocoyam to thicken it
6 Add the palm oil, dried fish, pepper, crayfish and periwinkle
7 Add the ogiri (it has a unique smell but it taste good too in soups)
8 Cook for about 20mins for it to thicken
9 Add the Oha leaves and salt to taste