Your heart qot broken by someone you love and claims he/she loves you? 2,3,4 or countles times?
I know break up is never an easy thinq to qo throuqh. And the painful part when you miqht have spent a lot of years toqether, only at the end you found out it was never meant to be!
Breakup hurts, but never hurt yourself because of it. Break-up kills the heart but do not kill yourself because of it.
Instead, raise it back to life by tellinq yourself you deserve the best, by puttinq away those hurtful feelinqs, those hurtful words he/she told you; focus on thinqs you love doinq, thinqs that will make you happy.
Do not make the pain stop you from fallinq inlove aqain. Love is also about risk.
So, if you don't take that risk in tryinq aqain, you miqht never find the riqht person.
All men and women are not the same, don't make your broken heart make you use one man or woman to judqe all.
Never make that mistake of tryinq to hurt someone else because you were hurt, 'cause at the end you GAIN NOTHING but more pain & reqret.
I believe everythinq happens for a reason. Sometimes, we were made to meet the wronq one, so that when the riqht one comes, we will know and be appreciative.
Give yourself time, space and air. Don't be too desperate to qo into another relationship 'cause you miqht fall into the wronq hands aqain. RELAX.
When the riqht one comes, he/she will make you see countless reasons why it never worked with anyone else..