

By chimmy in 11 Jun 2019 | 09:47
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Member since: 29 Sep 2016

*Chapter 1*

Wemimo olatunji was standing under a tree taking refuge under its shade. She was waiting impatiently in front of her friend’s department checking her wrist watch every minute. She wanted to buy some materials for her project and Tessy promised to take her to the place where she could get the materials in large quantities.

“ Tessy ! Is this your 2pm ? She confronted her immediately she sighted her”
“I’m so sorry Wemmy, the lecture ought to end by 2pm but the Lecturer stayed for another 40min”
“OK o,apology accepted, shall we?”
“Yes please”

Wemmy and Tessy are close friends since there 100level days, they are not in the same department but they were room mates in 100l, although they live seperately now but still there friendship grew stronger over the years. They are in their final year and they are more like sisters now. They headed to Wemmy’s lodge immediately they left the store where they bought the materials. She was about to unlock the door to her room when she noticed that someone was inside.
“I think your boyfriend is around” Tessy teased with a wink. Emmanuel opened the door from inside and they all exchanged greetings.
“How did it go? did you get all the materials”
“Yes we did, thanks to Thessy she knows virtually everywhere in this town.
“Thank you Thessy you are a darling” he said

“Come off it Emmanuel what are friends for”

Wemmy and Emmanuel have been dating for the past two years and He loves her so much. He could do anything for her, if she’s too tired to cook, he will come over to cook for her and help her with her domestic chores. There was a time she was admitted at the school clinic, Emmanuel stayed with her all through, he missed lectures and test. He was so sweet and Wemmy appreciated all these, so she respected and cherished him in return.

“Let me be on my way now” Thessy said after staying for some minutes and the couples saw her off.

Wemmy was on her way out when Thessy called her phone.
“Hello dear, Thessy said from the other side”
“Hello Thess, how’s your weekend going”
“Fine, I’m on my way to your place, I want to copy some files on your laptop”
“I’m on my way to Emmanuel’s house, you have a copy of my key, so help yourself in”

“Your spare key is not here with, just wait for me abeg I’ll be there in 10min”
“OK, I’ll wait”

Few minutes later Thessy arrived.

“I’ll be leaving now, you can drop my key with Sophia when you are through”
“Who is Sophia,that jambite?” she asked giving her ‘are you sure look’
“Yes, she’s a good girl.

11 Jun 2019 | 09:47
Come on.bring it on
11 Jun 2019 | 12:35
OK ooo
11 Jun 2019 | 14:48
Sitted already
11 Jun 2019 | 14:57
nice starting
11 Jun 2019 | 17:42
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 2 Wemmy got to Emmanuel’s place but lo and behold he’s not in. She open her purse to use her copy of Emmanuel’s key then she remembered she left her bunch of key with Thessy. She took her phone from her purse and called his line. “Where are you? I’m at your place and my key is not with me” “Sweetheart I’m sorry, I just got a call from my supervisor, he ask me to come over to his house, I was so much in a hurry that I forgot to inform you” “It’s OK, I will leave, maybe we’ll see later when you are back” “You know what I won’t take long, you can stay with my flatmate, he’s around I will give him a call now” “The guy that just moved in, you know we don’t get along well in fact we barely talk” “That’s because you didn’t get to know him, he’s a great guy, he’ll keep you company till I come back” “OK you can call him then”she said reluctantly and ended the call. Emmanuel put a call through to Feranmi and told him his girlfriend need to stay with him till he comes back. Feranmi came out and exchanged greetings with Wemmy. “Emmanuel called, you can stay in my room till he comes back” he said and ushered her in. “Thank you” she said why scanning the whole room, the room is very neat and well furnished just like Emmanuel’s room, guys this days make their room comfy. “Your room is nice” “Thanks please make yourself comfortable plus what can I offer you” “Cold water will do” “No o,you can’t take only water,he declined” “Seriously cold water will do” He served her water and she thanked him. Before They knew it they got talking, Wemmy never knew he was someone interesting to be with it. She checked the time it was 2hours already. Emmanuel called and told her he’s still with his supervisor, he took him out to get some things for the project. He pleaded with her to wait for another one hour. “What did he say”Feranmi asked “He said I should wait for another one hour, I’m sorry for the inconveniences” “Not at all, I’m enjoying myself,I never knew you talk like this, I took you for the quiet type” he said “Me too, I thought staying here with you will be super boring but I was wrong. They continued their gist and they talked about almost everything. An hour 10min later Emmanuel called back and said he’s still with his supervisor. “I will take my leave then” Wemmy informed him on phone. “I’ll check on you when I’m back” he promised before ending the call. “I’d like to take my leave now Emmanuel won’t be coming soon,thanks so much for keeping me company” she informed Feranmi. “My pleasure, its nice getting to know you and you really made my weekend” “Really” “Yes it’s fun having you around and I must confess Emmanuel is really lucky to have an intelligent and friendly lady for a girlfriend” “Oh! Thanks” she said smiling, and he saw her off. Tbc
12 Jun 2019 | 03:24
Girls are always the problem of themselves... I can predict this story that one of the friends will betray another
12 Jun 2019 | 04:04
nasoo e day start
12 Jun 2019 | 04:27
Ride on
12 Jun 2019 | 09:54
Alright ooo
12 Jun 2019 | 15:46
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 3 Wemmy got back to her lodge and collected her key from Sophia, She showered and fix herself something to eat. Emmanuel showed up later in the evening looking tired. “Don’t tell me you are just coming from your supervisor’s house?” “Yes, the man just released me” “Let me get you something to eat” “I’m not hungry we stopped by in a restaurant on our way back” “Are u going home or you want to sleep over” “I’ll sleep over” he replied “Then you should call Feranmi, I really enjoyed his company” “I told you he’s a great guy, I really admire his kind of person ever since he moved in last semester” He called Feranmi later, he thanked him and informed him he won’t be coming home, he passed the phone to his girlfriend who in turn thank him as well. Ever since that weekend, Wemmy always make sure she spare little time to say hi to Feranmi whenever she visited Emmanuel. They now relate well, there was a day she ran into him in school and they chatted for some minutes. Feranmi got a call from his childhood friend, Richard who informed him that his sister just got admission into UI, he told his friend to send her phone no, he promised to check on her. On Friday evening, he called the number his friend sent him. “Hello this is Feranmi on the line, your brother’s friend” “Uncle Feranmi! She shouted gleefully” “I’m happy to hear from you, my brother told me you’d call” “Yep, its been long I saw you, I doubt if I’ll still recognize you” he said jokingly. Richard told me you stay off campus, just text me the address” “When are you coming” “Are you at home now” “Yes” she replied “Then you’ll see me soon” “It’s a lie! She said jumping with joy and the line went off. **** Feranmi alighted from the bike, and she was already waiting for him in front of her lodge. She jumped and hugged him tightly. He handed over to her the things she brought for her. “Thank you big brother” “You are welcome little sis” he said teasingly. They both went into her room where they gist and he gave her loads of advice on academics, social life on campus, boys and UI in general. “Allow me take my leave now, I’ll check on you during the week, at least let me take care of you a bit before I graduate” “Alright, but please Uncle Feranmi,before you leave there’s someone I’d like you to meet, she’s been like a big sister to me here, she’s in 500l too, you need to thank her on my behalf” She took him by the hand and led him to her room she knocked at the door and she came out. “Wemmy!” “Feranmi!” “You guys know each other?” Sophia asked pointing at both of them. “What are u doing here” she asked “So this is your lodge” he asked They all entered into Wemmy’s room and there they answered each other’s questions. “Thank you for taking care of my little sis,she told me so much about you” “It’s nothing, we are once jambite too and I know she needs a lot of care and attention” “I like your room, it’s lady like” “Thanks”. They all got talking for some minutes before he left. When he got home, he went straight to Emmanuel’s room and downloaded everything that happened to him and they laugh over it, its really a small world indeed, its late already so he retired to his room to sleep. During the week, Feranmi payed Sophia a visit, they chatted for a while. He stood to his feet prepared to leave. “Are u leaving already” she asked “No, I want to check on Wemmy, I’ll come back to your room before I leave” Feranmi went to Wemmy’s room, as usual they got talking again as if they’ve known each other for ages. “How’s your project going, hope your Supervisor is not too hard on you like that of Emmanuel” he enquired “Not really but he’ll make you write one chapter for like 10times before approval” she said and they both laughed. “Yours” she asked “I guess I’m lucky with mine, he’s one of the most simplest Lectures in my department”. He checked his wrist wash and realize its getting late. I’ll be leaving now he announced. “Ok, thanks for stopping by, I’ll see you on Saturday” she informed him. “Please bring Sophia along, so she could know my place” “I will, goodnight” “Goodnight” he said and hugged her. There is this strong current that runs between them that made them refrain from the hug immediately. Tbc
13 Jun 2019 | 03:48
13 Jun 2019 | 09:03
Hmmm ? ? ? Strong chemistry indeed
13 Jun 2019 | 11:00
13 Jun 2019 | 11:44
13 Jun 2019 | 17:46
hmmm! about to start
13 Jun 2019 | 18:32
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 4 Feranmi got home that night, and realization dawn on him that he has feelings for Wemmy. He couldn’t sleep at night he was just there on his bed full of thoughts. “Feranmi get her off your head she belongs to someone else, she’s dating your flatmate for crying out loud” He said to himself” Emmanuel and Feranmi are not that close but he’s still a friend and he’s a nice guy. “I think I’ll have to stop seeing her, I’ll tell Sophia to come over whenever she needs me, I have to stop going to that lodge and I’ll make sure I stay away from her when she comes visiting her boyfriend” he concluded For three good weeks Wemmy did not set her eyes on Feranmi, she realized she’s having this not funny feelings for him. She misses him so much that she was tempted to get his phone number from Sophia, she even taught of getting it from Emmanuel but that idea is even worse, so she dropped it. She did not see him on weekends too when she went to her boyfriend’s place, he no longer stays at home on weekends. Alone in her room, she was still thinking about Feranmi. “Wait o, Wemimo, it’s like Feranmi is avoiding you o,or did he feels the same way” She said to herself pacing up and down in her room. “If he does then I’m in trouble” It was a Sunny Saturday morning Wemmy had already made up her mind to stay indoor but she later decided to pay her friend Thessy a visit. Thessy noticed she was quiet, she just sat on the bed starring at nothing in particular. “Sweetheart what’s eating you up? Project, Your supervisor, home or your boo, Emmanuel?” she asked She jolted out of reverie when Thessy mentioned Emmanuel. “Nothing, I’m fine, I just need rest” She lied. She wanted to tell her everything in fact that’s the reason why she’s there but she couldn’t bring herself to share it with her. Thessy will practically skin her alive, if she tell her she has feelings for another guy. She left Thessy’s hostel later in the afternoon, got home, showered and did some research on her project topic on the internet and slept off. The knock on her door woke her up. She opened the door, the sight that greeted her was shocking. Feranmi was standing right there in front of her face. She can’t place what she’s feeling, she’s angry and happy at the same time. “Will you please let me in” he asked politely. “Come in” she said and went straight to sit on her bed while Feranmi sat on a chair opposite her. The room was silent for like 5mins. “Are u done avoiding me” she broke the silence “What gave you the impression that I was avoiding you” he answered her question with a question. “Answer my question” she said quietly. “Wemmy, I didn’t mean to avoid you I just needed to clear my head and set some things straight. I don’t want to destroy our friendship” “So…..have u succeeded in clearing your head” “No and that is why I’m here he said picking his words carefully. Wemmy I need to keep my distance for now, I wish you could understand” ‘Make me understand Feranmi” “It will do us good if I stay away” “Why” she asked firmly “I think I…….. “You think” she interrupted him “Sorry I mean, I…….. “The feeling is mutual” she interrupted him again. You don’t need to avoid me, we both know it can’t happen, I’m in a relationship and I can’t cheat. He was shocked at her revelation, He never knew the feeling was mutual.u can send hi to lordsamuel on 0543589658 to be added to adults chatroom to enjoy more stories. Wemmy looked at his face and saw his eyes, she was actually fighting the tears before, but immediately she saw him fighting his, she bursted into uncontrollable tears. This is the very first time she’s feeling something deep for a guy. This feeling is far different from what she felt for Emmanuel. He was broken seeing her cry, he moved closer to her and hugged her. “I’m sorry, I never mean to cause you pain, I’m sorry for making you cry” They looked into each other’s eyes and before they knew it, they were already kissing which took like forever before it ended. “What do we do now?” she asked after the kiss. “Nothing, let’s just pretend this kiss never happened” Tbc
14 Jun 2019 | 07:38
Hmmmmm........ Work!
14 Jun 2019 | 11:28
14 Jun 2019 | 13:30
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 5 When he left, Wemmy couldn’t get the flashes of the kiss out of her head, her brain was just running, playing and replaying the scene continuously. It was as if she has never been kissed before all her life. She doesn’t need a sooth sayer to tell her she’s deeply in love with him. She bursted into tears again and this time not for herself but for Emmanuel, this guy love her like heavens. Feranmi is right, they should just leave things d way they are now. Despite the fact that they didn’t see each other in weeks, Feranmi’s love for Wemmy grows stronger and stronger, truth be told that kiss did not help matter at all, he couldn’t get it off his head. He broke up with his girlfriend last section based on the fact that he caught her cheating on him, I mean he cut her in the act, while will he do such a thing to another guy, he knows how it felt to be betrayed by someone you love. He did not want Wemmy to turn out to be like his ex. He did not want to be the cause of separation between her and her boyfriend. But he loves her to the bone, He saw her clearly in his future, he saw her as someone who will be in his life for a very long time. ” I’m stuck here. God please help me, your word says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord” he said to himself. Wemmy is sure a wife material, that he is sure of, He knew it’s not written on the forehead, but if you get to know her, then you will wish to have some one like her in your life. **** Feranmi was surprised when he saw her in front of his door, he just came back from school and was about to shower when she showed up. “Wemmy ! What in God’s name are you doing here” Feranmi questioned “Will you let me in first?” “Emmanuel is not back from school” “Of course I know that, just let me in” He gestured her to come in before closing the door behind her. He offered her a sit but she declined. “Gosh I missed her, its been weeks we saw each other” he thought within himself. “I told you we have to maintain our distance for now, till we put this feelings behind us” Feranmi said pacing up and down the room. “And is that helping you? Cos it’s not helping me. Exams is starting in 2weeks and I’m loosing concentration already I’ve never carried any course over and we both know that this is not a good time to experience one, so I need my concentration back and this disappearing act of yours is not helping matters” she stated. “OK, no more disappearing act,hun!” “Promise?” “I promise” He covered the space between them with a stride, he hugged her and kiss her on the forehead. “Feranmi, I’m not saying we should start a relationship but I want our friendship back, imagine we don’t even have each other’s phone number and I know you did that on purpose too” “Give me your number if that will make you happy” he said and they both exchanged numbers. “So how was your day? She asked now in a happy mood. “It was fine, yours?” “Stressful” “But not too stressful for you to come down here, he said jokingly. “Wait! What are you feeling like” she said trying to frown “Easy, where is your sense of humour, I’m just joking, in fact I’m glad you came, you made my day complete” “ Hmm, men and ego, anyway I’m leaving, enjoy the rest of your evening” **** Wemmy got a call from Feranmi later in the evening, he promise to check on her before the week runs out. They do chat on WhatsApp as well, She now sleeps well this days and she concentrated better on her exams and project. He came during the week as he promised and they were back on their gisting mode. He told her about his ex and she realized while he’s been fighting the feeling he has for her. There and then Wemmy made up her mind. “Feranmi, I won’t jeopardize my happiness for anyone or anything, this is my life and I think I now know what I want. ” Wemmy…… “I’m breaking up with him” “What ! He shouted almost spilling the drink She served him “I’m going to break up with Emmanuel” she repeated herself. “I heard you the first time, where did that come from” “Except you don’t want me” “Come off it, you know how badly I want you but I don’t want to be selfish, he loves you Wemimo” “More reasons why I’d rather break up with him than cheat on him. Feranmi, I’m not that kind of a girl, I wasn’t brought up that way, I can’t cheat so it’s better to end things with him. I’m talking about my future here, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with” “Oluwawemimo,like your name implies I don’t want anything to tarnish your name, let’s not rush things here” “I’m not rushing things. Here is my decision, I’ll wait till we finish our exams and project defence before I break the news to him. I mean I’ll have to do it before we leave school finally. “Wemimo people will crucify us” “We’ll cross the bridge when we get there and I believe our love we see us through, Feranmi” Tbc
14 Jun 2019 | 18:53
Humm am speechless
15 Jun 2019 | 05:59
Wemmy! ah sense no twice thinking in this case.
15 Jun 2019 | 07:36
Ride on
15 Jun 2019 | 09:33
Am speechless
15 Jun 2019 | 12:43
Oh Emma Wat 'll dis be for u.
15 Jun 2019 | 12:49
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 6/7 After their second semester exams, Wemmy started preparing for her project defense. A day to her defense, Emmanuel called to inform her that he won’t be coming for her defense, he’s going on an impromptu trip to Lagos. She got a call from Feranmi in the evening. “Hello good evening” “Good evening, how was your day?” “Fine and yours?” “Not bad” “Hope you are not too tensed for tomorrow’s defense?” ‘I’m a bit tensed, I’m going through my slides to ensure that everything is perfect “Can I come for your defense tomorrow?” “To cheer me up?” she asked smiling. “If that will help relieve the tension” “You don’t need to bother, Thessy will be there” “Will Emmanuel be there?” “No he’s traveling tomorrow” “Then I insist, I will be there. See you tomorrow and have a wonderful night rest” Thessy and Feranmi came earlier than she expected, she hurriedly introduced the two. “Thessy meet Feranmi, Emmanuel’s flatmate” “I know him” Thessy said, I’m just surprised to see him here, Oh! you came to represent Emmanuel” ………silence……..Then Feranmi’s phone rang, he excused himself to pick his call. “Saved by the bell” said Thessy “And what’s that suppose to mean?” Wemmy questioned her. “I never knew you two are friends, and here am I thinking I’m your one and only friend” “So you are jealous, see I have a project to defend abeg” “All the best my friend, go and nail it” “Thanks” After her presentation, the Lecturers ask her questions, her supervisor was quiet all through, he was impressed on how she answered all the questions satisfactorily. One of the lecturers who is a sadist in the department was ask if he has any question for her, he said he has no question for her but he wasn’t pleased that she did well. “It’s just that I don’t like the color and font of the slides” said the Lecturer. Wemmy eyed him in her heart of heart. “Imagine, must he talk, he has nothing to say but he still complained about my slide” she thought All the students present started murmuring, trust Dr Charles, he will always find faults in students. Nobody likes him, Wemmy pity his project students. All the students cheered her up has she stepped down from the podium. I joined Thessy and Feranmi, they hugged and congratulate me. “Thanks, finally I’m free, you are next Thessy” “Yes o, next week by God’s grace, I will come and tap from your anointing” she said smiling. Feranmi already had his defense two days before her. Thessy excused them, she said she wanted to see someone in Ring road. Feranmi was with Wemmy till the whole defense activities ended. Wemmy got to her room tired, she knelt down and pray thanking God for the success of her defence. She stood up feeling sleepy and hungry at the same time, while she was still contemplating on what to do, she heard someone knocking on her door, it was her baby, Sophia. “Anty Wemmy, I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to your defense, I had lectures from 9am to 5pm, I’m just coming now, I haven’t step foot in my room.” “No problem, I understand” “So how was it?” “It was good, all thanks to God” “Congrats ma, did Uncle Feranmi come?” “Did he tell you he’ll be coming? “ “No, I just asked” “Yes, he came” “That’s thoughtful of him, I’m hungry and tired” “That makes the two of us, you know what go and shower and relax while I fix us something to eat” “Thank you” she said gleefully, you are a life saver, I’ll really miss you when you leave” “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine my dear, now go and change” Wemmy started packing her things, willed out some while most of them goes to her precious Sophia. Then all the dinner parties started. She couldn’t attend all the final year brethren dinner all because she doesn’t want to go with Emmanuel, plus she’s not in a party mood at all, she had enough issues on her table already, so there is no point forming couples, since she’s planning to break up with him. She only attended that of her fellowship. She called Feranmi and told him she’ll be traveling in two days, which means she’ll have to tell Emmanuel everything the next day. Feranmi had already given out his room and everything in it to his cousin the only thing he needs to take from his rooms are his clothes and personal belongings, that’s guys for you anyway. She advice him to leave the house before she come around the next day, she doesn’t want all this drama she sees on movies to occur. But he insisted on staying since they are in it together, but she made him see reasons, he later agreed reluctantly, She promised him she’ll be okay. But before she meet Emmanuel tomorrow there’s someone she had to open up to……Thessy **** “What ! Are you sick or something, did he hypnotized you, you want to leave Emmanuel for him?” Thessy bombarded her with questions. She did not give her the chance to explain herself, she just continue raking. “So you’ve been cheating on him all this while” “I did not cheat on him” I finally found my voice” “Oh! You are dating another guy and you did not call that cheating? Wemimo the last time I checked double dating means cheating” “Thessy enough of this team Emmanuel and hear your friend out. Thessy I did not cheat, and I’m not proud of this either, I make sure we put everything on hold till I break up with him” Before she knew it, she started shedding tears. She couldn’t hold it back. Thessy moved closer to her and comforted her. “It’s going to be ok” she assured her. “Thank you” she muttered. “Wemmy I know you inside out, you are better than this, you are a decent person and you have people like Sophia looking up to you, I’m still trying to process everything. Why did you choose this path?” “I fell in love” another hot stream of tears flooded her eyes. Thessy I’ve never felt like this with any guy, I chose to be with Emmanuel because he cares for me, I thought care was enough, I love Feranmi, my heart yearns for him every hour, every minute and every second” “It’s ok Wemmy, all will be well, remember the bible says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” it says “In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path” so you have to seek God’s face concerning this matter. But you know this road won’t be easy right?” “Yes, I know” she nodded “Now go the bathroom and wash your face” She came back from the bathroom, Thessy handed her a cup of cold beverage, She drank it and felt relieved. “So you guys never had sex, I mean you and Feranmi” “No, we only kiss once and that was the day we both knew we had feelings for each other” “And you said you didn’t cheat on him” “Is that cheating?” “Lets just say emotional cheating, you cheated on Emmanuel emotionally, since you already have feelings for someone else” “Should I accompany you to Emmanuel’s place tomorrow?” “You don’t need to, I don’t want to drag you into this, he might think you are an accomplice, its my problem, allow me fix it” “Poor guy” she said, I really feel for him” Thessy said patting her friend’s back. “Me too, God please take control and help him get over me fast” “Amen” “Can I pass the night here?” she asked “Before nko, you think I’ll allow you sleep alone in your room in this state” “Thanks, my sister from another mother” Tbc
15 Jun 2019 | 18:58
16 Jun 2019 | 11:20
16 Jun 2019 | 13:51
Are u sure you are doing the right thing?
16 Jun 2019 | 16:25
new epic
17 Jun 2019 | 01:48
*I FELL IN LOVE…Part 8* She got a text message from Emmanuel on her way to her lodge and it read: WE ARE NOT OVER I’M NEVER GOING TO BE OVER YOU I WILL FIGHT FOR OUR LOVE I WON’T GIVE UP WITHOUT A FIGHT She got to her room and crashed on her bed crying, she read his message again. “I finally did it, I threw his love back at his face, love made me do all these, does my love for Feranmi worth all this, I can’t believe this is happening to me” She said to herself amidst tears. I never imagined it in my wildest dream that I’ll jilt a guy, where’s the good girl my mother raised” She asked herself. She wept until she no longer had the strength to cry, She turned off her phone and cried herself to sleep. **** Thessy tried Wemmy’s line severally, she still got the number not available response, she later decided to let her be, maybe she needed to be alone. Feranmi was worried sick, he tried reaching her but to no avail, Sophia has traveled after her exams, so he couldn’t call her to ask after Wemmy. He decided to go back to his house the next morning, he entered into the compound and walked right into Emmanuel’s hands. “Speaking of the devil” Emmanuel said “Good morning Emmanuel” “What an effrontery! so you still have the nerve to talk to me after messing around with my girlfriend, You know how much I love her right, and you took her away from me” “I’m deeply sorry for all these, none of us mean for things to turn out like this” “Story for the gods, spare me the sermon Feranmi, she’s all yours now. Enjoy it while it last. She’s mine and I’m definitely going to get her back. I promise you that” he said and walk out on him. Feranmi, did not even bothered entering his room, he rushed out immediately and headed straight to Wemmy’s lodge. He knocked but she refuse to open up. “It’s me Wemmy, please open the door” She opened the door after what took like forever. He hugged her tightly before releasing her. “Wemimo your eyes are all red and swollen that means you cried all night, did you even sleep at all” “I think I’m fine now” “Why did you switch off your phone, you scared me to death, I should be beside you all through but you insisted I leave yesterday. You don’t have to do this alone you know, we are in this together” “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to get you worried, I just wanted to be alone last night” she said tiredly. “I saw Emmanuel this morning” “Really, hope things didn’t go bad” “He just gave me a piece of his mind, I deserve anything he throws at me, because I understand how he feels “Feranmi, promise me I won’t regret this” “I promise you, God helping me, you won’t regret this path we chose. I love you Oluwawemimo, I never had the chance to say it before now, I really do love you and I won’t stop loving you” “I love you too” He moved closer to her and kissed her passionately for the second time, pouring all their love and affection into it. After the kiss Wemmy offered him a seat. “ I have a big request” she said. I want to right some wrongs. “What’s the big request? He asked I don’t want us to have sex till we get married. There is this saying that says if a man loves you he will wait right? I’m not a virgin, I got physical with my ex but I want to start this relationship on a clean slate, God even frowns at it, we call it pre-marital sex,but He calls it fornication” “Request granted” “You won’t think about it? Are you sure you are okay with this?” “Our religion is against it even our culture too does not encourage premarital sex, but we youth just choose to do things our way” “Feranmi……hope you won’t change your mind later” “I’m willing to wait till our wedding night to prove to you that I’m not after your body even though you have a body that is hard to resist but I’ll wait” he hugged her and kiss her on the forehead. “Can I stay with you for a while? I don’t want you to be alone” he said “Yes you can” **** Thessy went to Wemmy’s lodge to check on her and see how she’s holding up. She was not surprised when she met Feranmi there. “Good morning” She said ignoring Feranmi. “Good morning” They chorused. “Wemmy I don’t need to ask how was your night because it’s sure not fine, see your eyes all swollen. You even switch off your phone, I was really worried last night” “Sorry about that, but I needed to be alone” “All will be well sweetheart” Thessy said pretending as if Feranmi did not exist. Feranmi noticed Thessy’s attitude towards him, he wasn’t comfortable with her either and he decided to excuse them. “I’ll be on my way now” he said calmy. Thessy looked deeply into his eyes “this guy is head over heels in love with my friend, it is just too obvious ” she said to her self. “You don’t have to leave because of me” “Theresa!” Wemmy called out “Feranmi ! if you want to be here for a long time, I mean in her life, then it’s better we start getting along because you will always see this face around” Thessy said with a smirk on her face. “I know that already, I know you thought I mislead your friend or something but I’m not sorry that I’m in love with her. If you get to know me, you will find out I’m not a bad person” “If you break my friend’s heart or mess with her, I will personally strangle you” she said now smiling at him. “I promise I won’t” “Thank you my friend, thanks for accepting him, you don’t know how happy I am right now” Wemmy said and hugged her friend. “You don’t have to thank me Wemmy, your happiness is my happiness. Feranmi, welcome to the family” “Thanks for accepting me” he said with a handshake. “Wemmy are you still traveling home today?” Thessy asked “No, not today, I can’t go home like this” “Alright then, let me leave you guys alone, we’ll see later” Thessy said and left the couples. **** The next day, while I was preparing to leave for the park, I got a call from Emmanuel. “Hello Wemmy, I’ll like to see you, can I come to your lodge?” “I’m on my way to the park, I’m traveling” “Wemmy please we need to talk, I want you back in my life….. “The earlier you get over me the better for us. Once I say good night in a place, I don’t go back there to say good evening, my made is already made up” “Wemmy….. “It’s over between us, I’m not coming back to you” she said calmly. “The only way I can be happy with myself is when I see you move on, so please I’m begging you if you truly love me, then let me go and let another person come into your life, someone who deserves you better will surely come. Emmanuel I’ll be hanging up now. Bye” Immediately she ended the call, Emmanuel dialed Thessy’s number and informed her that he’d like to see her. She agreed to meet with him, so he went straight to her hostel. **** “Thessy I thought we are all friends, all of this is going on and you did not bother to tell me about it, if you do maybe things might not turn out this way. U can send hi to lordsamuel on 0543589658 to be added to adults chatroom to enjoy more stories.Thessy I know she’s your friend, you want to have her back, but if I had knew I had a competition, I would have guarded my relationship to prevent intruders like that guy from stealing Wemmy from me” he said sounding depressed. “First of all, I knew nothing about the two of them, believe me or not. I was in the dark too, although I noticed she was withdrawn and keep things to herself but I thought it was just final year pressure” Thessy explained. “Really, I thought you guys shares everything” “She open up to me a day before she broke the news to you. She knows I won’t be a party to it, that’s why she chose not to tell me about it. And its not as if they are having an affair, she just chose not to discuss her feeling for another guy” “I believe you, She’s someone who has a mind of her own and hate to be push around” “Yea, she locked me out so that I won’t talk her out of it” “I won’t give up, I’m going to get her back” “E…mma…nuel! Open your eyes, Wemmy is gone for good, she cared about you but she’s in love with Feranmi” “So you are saying….. “Be a man Emmanuel, people who loves us don’t leave” “Hmm, I give up” he sighed “Good, you deserve a woman who loves you and you will surely find one” “Thanks Thessy, you’ve succeeded in lifting this burden off my chest.” “You are welcome, so are we still friend? “Sure we are” “Including Wemmy?” Thessy added “That’s a work in progress, I’ll have to work on that. But I wish them well.” “I understand” “So when are you traveling, your friend has left already” he asked “Tomorrow and you?” “Tomorrow” he said, they hugged, wishing each other a safe trip. Tbc
17 Jun 2019 | 01:48
17 Jun 2019 | 05:11
Thanks Emma 4 letting her Go
17 Jun 2019 | 05:38
Maturity at its peak
17 Jun 2019 | 11:41
Emmanuel has come a long way with wemmy in caring for each other. The love between them wasn't mutual, one sided love where emmanuel loves wemmy but wemmy cares, thinking that's love.
17 Jun 2019 | 17:08
Since the love wasn't mutual and breaking up was the next reaction. It's not a bad idea in separation, it will be good for emmanuel to look for his heartbeat intead of wasting his time on what wasn't mutual, may he should give thessy a try.
17 Jun 2019 | 17:19
Wemmy and feranmi never wanted this to happen, they tried to move away from this mutual feelings. They tried not to make emma feelings to be filled with betrayal and rejection but the connection has been made already. Feranmi and wemmi has no other choice but to make their love real.
17 Jun 2019 | 17:29
Sophia already knew the kindness and goodness of wemmy. Thessy has been a good friend to wemmi with the right advice and also wanted her happiness. Even if the love between two people was mutual and there was a reason for break up. They still need to move on, because what was meant to be will be.
17 Jun 2019 | 17:50
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 9 Thessy was relaxing in her father’s compound, chatting with one of her siblings. Her phone rang, she checked the caller’s ID, it was her boyfriend Tony. “ Hi sweetheart” she said smiling “Hi, how’s your day going?” “Fine, I’m just here enjoying my free time” “How’s work?” “Work is fine?” “How’s Port Harcourt?” “Cool” “Thessy please I want you to come to Lagos, I kind of need you here” “Tony what exactly do you need me for, I was in Lagos last month nau, do you miss me that much?” “Please……. “Ok I will come, but I can’t come this week, I just left Ibadan last week, so you can’t expect me to embark on this impromptu journey” “Ok, let’s make it next week then” “That’s better” “Thanks, I’ll talk to you later in the day. I love you” “Love you too, bye” “Relationship can be stressful sometimes, what’s the meaning of this now, it’s not in my plan to embark on any long journey for now, but do I have a choice. It would have been much easier if I was still in school” She thought. Some days later, She started feeling somehow about her trip to Lagos, She don’t feel like going any longer, but she already promised him. Reluctantly, she traveled down to Lagos. She noticed he didn’t call her all through the journey, the last time they talked was when her bus took off. She tried calling but his line was switched off. Wemmy called, she told her she still on her way. She got to Lagos around 8.00pm. On a good day he use to come to the park to pick her up, but since she couldn’t reach him, she took a cab to his house, she got there some minutes to 9.00pm. She was about to knock at the door, then she heard sounds, someone is inside his apartment. She knocked and he opened up. “Baby…… “Don’t baby me, you knew I was coming and you did not bother calling me, you were to pick me up, why did you treat me like an unwanted guest, you begged me to come remember?” “I’m sorry, my phone…… “……Is right here with me, I seized it” she said opening the door wider. “Tony what’s going on here, who is she?” “Please come in first, then I’ll explain everything” “And where do you think you are going” she said obstructing me. “Anita will you please quit this melodrama, I told you already that I’m expecting my girlfriend. She came from a very far distance so please move before I move you” Tony said firmly. “I give her just 30minutes” She hissed and went back into the sitting room. “You are sick in the head, did you just gave my girlfriend orders in my house?” “If you think she will sleep here, then both of you are joking, because both of us can’t stay under the same roof, is better she goes back to where she’s coming from” she said shouting on top of her voice. “Anita get your things and leave my house and my life, I told you I’m not interested in you, I have my own girlfriend whom I love, so please leave now” “When you are sleeping with me, you don’t know you have a girlfriend abi, I’m going no where, I’m your girlfriend and she has to leave” Anita faced Thessy, raining abusive words on her, she threatened to kill her, if shedid not leave her man. Before she knew what what’s happening, she pounced on her and tore her clothes and pushed her out of the house, she even pushed Tony who was trying to stop her away, she pushed him so hard that he hit his head against the wall. Tony’s neighbor Mr Martins and his wife showed up when they heard noise coming from his apartment, the wife hurriedly pull off her scarf to cover Thessy. They are nice couples, they really liked Thessy, because she do visit them when she’s around especially when Tony is at work, Thessy stay in their flat to keep the woman’s company. They are all outside except the crazy girl who locked them all out. Tony’s head was already bleeding. So the couples suggest they go their flat, so she could change, Tony’s also needed a first aid, so they followed them to their flat. Thessy was quiet although, even while all the drama was unfolding, she did not alter a word, its like she went dumb all of a sudden. The woman gave her one of her top to wear, Tony’s wound too has been dressed by Mr Matins. “Tony what exactly is going on, who is that girl in your apartment? Thessy is the only girlfriend I know of” Mr Martins asked “I met her in the club and we became friends, little did I know that she wanted more. Fine, we had sex once, she tried to lure me into sleeping with her again but I told her I can’t do it, that I’m in a committed relationship, but she refuse to leave” “Liar ! She finally found my voice. “Thessy that’s the truth” “Please sir, there is just one question I need you to help me ask him. He asked me to come, I was here last month, so I did not even plan to come to Lagos, but he pleaded with me saying he needs me here. So why am I here?” “So you ask her to come when a crazy girl is living with you? Mrs Martins added. “The reason why I asked her to come was that I want Anita to see her and knows that I’m serious with what I said about been in a committed relationship. I thought she will leave once she sees Thessy” “No wonder my spirit held me back from coming, but I ignored the signs. So you brought me here to help you chase your crazy girlfriend away right. I’m sorry your plans did not work out. Tony! Officially, it is over between us” “Baby please don’t do this, you know I love you, you know have never cheated on you before now, please forgive me this time, it won’t happen again, I promise….. “Keep those promises to yourself, you will need it in your next relationship. I never knew you are such a reprobate, sleeping with a random girl, someone you met in a club?” “Thessy! I’ll do everything to make things right, please forgive me” “Oh! so that I can die abi, I’m sorry I love my life, didn’t you hear her, she promise to kill me if I don’t leave her man or you think it’s just an empty threat? I doubt that and I’m not ready to die for a man, I’m Thessy and not Jesus” “Thessy, you travelled a long journey, I think you should shower, eat and sleep, we will sought things out tomorrow” said Mrs Martins “Thank you very much ma, but I’m leaving, I can’t stay here, I have a friend here in Lagos, I’ll pass the night at her place” “You are going no where Thessy, its late and risky its 10:30pm”said Mrs Martins “She’s right, you can sleep here, you can sleep here too Tony, I don’t trust that crazy girl ” Mr Martins added. “Then I’ll leave sir, we can’t sleep under the same roof, let him go and sleep with his lunatic girlfriend” she said “Thessy I’m sorry for putting you through all this” he said in a sad tone.He thanked the couple for their hospitality and left. Mrs Martins prepared the guest room, she serve Thessy dinner, but she can’t eat, she already lost her appetite. She called Wemmy and told her everything that happened, she promise to come and pick her the next day. She cried uncontrollably, she has never been humiliated like this whole life, Mrs Martins heard her cry, she came in and comforted her. She slept in a stranger’s house while her boyfriend was with his crazy girlfriend. She’ll live to tell the story. Tbc
18 Jun 2019 | 06:30
Relationships and it's numerous troubles and palava.... But it's funny how Tony invited Thessy to chase out his crazy side chick; Like who does that?
18 Jun 2019 | 06:53
SORRY 4 de hrtbreak
18 Jun 2019 | 12:07
See wahala
18 Jun 2019 | 16:38
18 Jun 2019 | 16:55
You invited your girlfriend to chase your devil out of your house. Who does that
19 Jun 2019 | 11:45
ode guy
20 Jun 2019 | 02:10
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 10 Wemmy left home as early as 7am to block Feranmi who has promised to drive her to Festac to pick up Thessy. She had called him last night and explained everything that happened to Thessy. They drove to Festac in his father’s car. They got to Tony’s house and parked outside, they entered the compound and saw two police men who came to arrest a lady, you need to see the way she was shouting and cursing while the police dragged her out of the compound, threatening to come back for Tony. Tony stood in front of his apartment quietly, watching as the police led the girl out of the compound. “Feranmi, I guess that’s the girl in question” Wemmy said to her boyfriend. “They should have involved the police before now” “That’s true, at least She’ll be given a restraining order. That’s Tony over there” she said pointing at him. Tony saw Wemmy and walked up to her. “Good morning” he greeted the both of them. “Good morning” Feranmi replied with a hand shake. “Wemmy won’t you answer him, he just greeted you” “Oh! you thought I came all the way here to greet him. Please Tony just bring out my friend, I’m here to get her. “Wemmy! Feranmi called out “Good morning” he greeted Tony reluctantly. “I know you hate me right now because of what I did to your friend, you don’t know how sorry I am” Tony lamented. “Tony my friend slept in your neighbor’s apartment, your girl tore are clothes, she did not even ate dinner last night after a long journey and I’m very sure she did not sleep at night. So do you think Thessy deserve all this?” “Wemmy I’m….. “Just take me to her, before I say what I’ll regret later” Tony took them to the Martins’s apartment, they met the couples and thanked them. Thessy came out to join them in the living room, she looked worn out, Wemmy saw my friend and bursted into tears. “Thessy!” she stood up and hugged her, her eyes were swollen, hair roughed, it was as if she lost weight overnight. “Wemmy, I wished I followed my heart, I would have save myself from all this mess” “It’s OK, everything is going to be all right” “Feranmi, thank you very much for coming” she said weakly. “You are welcome dear” They thanked the couples again for their hospitality and left the place. They got to Wemmy’s house, Thessy showered. Wemmy forced her to take cereals for breakfast. Thessy complained of headache, she gave her painkiller for the headache, luckily she slept off afterwards. Feranmi stayed for a while before leaving, he promised to check on her the day next. She woke up in the afternoon, Wemmy prepared lunch and they ate together. “Thessy, Tony has been calling since, I told him you are sleeping” “Why is he calling, I told him its over between us” “ So you want to end your relationship because of that silly girl, I know you are angry but please don’t leave your man” “I’m sorry, but that’s my decision” “You know your guy doesn’t play around, just forgive him this time” “Yes our Mr perfect has finally cheated but I’m out, sorry to disappoint you” “ I really love the two of you together, I wish you can work things out” “ Let me run for my life o, that girl threatened to kill me if I don’t leave him, you know me I don’t want any problem for my life” “I’m speehless, I don’t even know what to say, why would Tony stoop so low” “Men, most of them are born polygamist, I don’t know why they can’t stick to just one woman, imagine I was here last month o” “Even if you give them sex, it doesn’t stop them from cheating. They claim they love you but still they can’t do without flings” “The lady was arrested this morning” Wemmy informed her. “Wemmy that’s Tony’s problem not mine” Days later, Feranmi took the girls out on a picnic, thankfully Thessy is now herself, she now bonds well with Feranmi as well. She left for Port Harcourt a week later. Things went on smoothly between Feranmi and Wemmy, they hang out a lot and this really helped them to know each other more, they know more about their families. Wemmy also discovered Feranmi graduated with a first class, she got to know this and many more about him. Tbc
20 Jun 2019 | 02:48
still observing
20 Jun 2019 | 04:40
following Calmly......
20 Jun 2019 | 12:48
Following keenly
21 Jun 2019 | 14:26
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 11 Four month later, They all went back to school to collect their call up later, Wemmy went straight to the board where the list was pasted. She was posted to Edo state, Feranmi was posted to Abia state, Thessy was posted to Kebbi state. She met Emmanuel later in school area, they talked briefly, he told her he was posted to Lagos state. “You are posted, or you posted yourself to Lagos” I said jokingly and we both laughed. Feranmi called to inform Wemmy he can’t make it to Ib that very day, he said he’ll come the next day, she told him she’ll be staying at Sophia’s. He came the next day and collected his call up later too. He called Wemmy to know her where about, she told him to meet her in front of SUB. He joined her some minutes later. “Hi babe” he said with a hug “Hi dear, how far, are you through?” “Yes” “Feranmi I’m leaving today, in fact I did not plan to sleep in Ib yesterday but since you couldn’t come yesterday I had to wait for you, I have to prepare for camp” “Why the rush, you still have the whole weekend to prepare Wait till tomorrow , we’ll travel back to Lagos together, I’m sure Sophia is not complaining or is it because Thessy left yesterday” “Alright you win, I’ll stay till tomorrow. Are u passing the night at your cousin’s?” “Yea, do you know if Emmanuel is still around” “Yes he is, he told me he’ll be leaving tomorrow” “I’ll see him in the house then” “I’m glad you guys are now talking” “Me too, now let’s go I can’t wait to see my Sophia, I really miss her” he said “And she misses you too, you need to see the look on her face when I told her you won’t be coming again yesterday. In fact you need to see the soup he prepared for us” “Really that’s sweet of her” Sophia was so happy to see Feranmi, she was just hopping up and down the room. She served them white rice with meat stew, she can’t forget how well they treated her when they were still in school. She knew the two are dating but she pretended as if she knew nothing. “So when did you guys plan to tell me that you are now together?” .The couples were shocked at her revelation. “How long have you known” Feranmi asked “Before you guys graduated, I know u guys are avoiding each other and trying to fight the feeling back then” “Sophia, I’m sorry we had to keep it from you, although it’s obvious we did not succeed in hiding it from you anyway” Feranmi explained. “I’m not proud of what happened back then, considering the fact that you knew my boyfriend then, I don’t want to pass a wrong message” Wemmy added “This is a matter of the heart sis Wemmy and I completely understand, you can’t trade your happiness because of what people will say” “Wow! My baby sis is now matured o” Feranmi said. Now do we have your blessings?” “Since, Uncle Feranmi, in fact for me its an answered prayer” “Really” they both chorused. You are unbelievable,Wemmy added. “I can imagine what your children will look like, a product of a handsome, tall guy and a beautiful gorgeous lady, hmm” “Dream on Sophia, I’ll see you guys tomorrow. He moved closer to Wemmy and kiss her good night on the lips. “Hello o, I’m here” Sophia said and they all laughed . They left Ib the next day, he promised to check on her before going for Orientation camp. He came has promised, he met Wemmy’s mummy, she prayed for them that they will all go and come back safely. While her Mummy was praying she began to cry. She wondered how she’ll live without him for good one year. After the prayer, her mum understood that she was already missing him, she excused them and went to her room. Both of them are now alone in the sitting room. “Wemmy please stop crying” he moved closer to her and held her arms. I’m missing you already too, but we’ve got no choice, we have to obey the clarion call. “Do you think we can cope with the distance?” “Sure we will, no distance can tamper with my love for you, hun!. My heart is yours Wemimo” “Oluwaferanmi, I’ll miss you” “We’ll be fine, that I’m sure of” “OK let me see you off” They hugged each other tightly, before they stepped out of the compound. Tbc
21 Jun 2019 | 16:40
Would this their love survive?
22 Jun 2019 | 03:39
Let's see if ur love could stand d test of time.
22 Jun 2019 | 06:04
Codedly Following...
22 Jun 2019 | 17:08
Let's see how distance will affect their love
23 Jun 2019 | 03:58
*I FELL IN LOVE* Chapter 12 Wemmy was posted to Esan Local government in Irrua, Edo state while Feranmi was posted to a girls secondary school in Abia state. Despite the distance between them , their love wax stronger and stronger. Feranmi calls like thrice in a day, they also chat online. He suggested coming down to Edo state but Wemmy told him not to come, she doesn’t like corpers traveling up and down it’s dangerous, also he’s visit will make her miss him the more when he leaves. Their hearts yearns for each other but they were separated by distance. Wemmy realized she was doing nothing in her ppa, she just go to the office to gist and chat all day, she don’t want to spend her one year wastefully. She loves fashion, so she decided to enroll in a fashion school. She told Feranmi about it and he liked the idea. Days later she enrolled in a fashion school. ***** Feranmi on the other hand, was struggling with temptations from the girls in the area where he lives. This girls don’t want anything from guys, they don’t want money, infact they are ready to spend on guys. All they want is sex and trust the male corpers in the area, they were having the good time of their life with those girls. He determined in his heart not to sleep with anyone of them no matter the pressure. He came back from school one day, and met a girl in front of his door. “How may I help you” he asked “Please sir, my mother is very sick and I need some money to buy drugs for her” she said “Ok wait here, while I get the money inside” He entered into his room to get her the money she requested for, he only had few change in his wallet, but before he new it she was already in his room. “I told you to stay outside, why did you come in, anyway here is the money” “I don’t need your money, my mother is not sick, it’s you, I want “ she stated “So you actually pull a prank on me, just to get into my room?” “Yes and why are you always playing hard to get” “You want to know why? First I’m in a serious relationship, so I don’t play around and secondly I don’t do kids” “Do I look like a kid to you?” she questioned and before he could say Jack Robinson, she had already pull off her gown standing before him nak*d. #Wisdom is profitable to direct#- The Bible. He looked at her, indeed she wasn’t a kid. “I needed to apply wisdom if I want to get myself out of this mess in one piece” he thought within himself Hewas sweating profusely. “If I reject her, she might scream and call out to people around that I want to rape her, you know all this scenes in nollywood movies” he thought. He immediately activated his play boy mood. “Wow! I underestimated you, you are sure not a kid” i said licking my lips. I can’t wait to get down with you, but you’ll have to give me 10min to rush to a nearby store to buy some cds, as I don’t have any in my room, you know its good to play safe” I explained to her. “Ok don’t be long, I’ll be waiting” she said smiling. “I won’t take long, you can put on your clothes for now, then we’ll continue from here when I come back” I said with a wink. He rushed to his landlady’s apartment and explained everything to her, to cut the long story short, she went to his room, sent the girl out and told her never to set her foot in her compound ever again. Ever since that experience Feranmi promised to always tread carefully, He will never cheat on Wemimo. **** He called Wemmy and told her his ordeal. “Thank God you applied wisdom, that girl would have implicated you o, and it’s going to be her words against yours” she said “You are right, who would have believed me, in another man’s land for that matter” “I’m proud of you sweetheart, just be careful” “I will, I’ll talk to you later” “I love you” “I love you more” Wemmy called Thessy and downloaded everything to her. “You are lucky to have a descent guy for a boyfriend ,you can see the difference between him and Tony now” “Speaking of Tony, any hope?” She asked “Wemmy I’m through with guys for now, I want to be free” “I understand, I know you will meet someone who will love and cherish you, it’s a matter of time my sister” “I pray o, we’ll talk later dear. Take care” “You too, bye” **** Wemmy was in her room rolling on the bed in pains, she called the fashion school and informed them she won’t be coming. She ended the call and Feranmi’s call came through. “Hello, Good morning” “Good morning” “Baby you don’t sound well, are you sick?” “I’m not sick” she replied wincing in pain. “Oh! it’s your time of the month, right” “Yes” “Eh ya, sorry dear” “Thanks” “You should do something about this menstrual cramps, Baby I advised you to stop taking sugary things but you won’t listen” “Dont mind me, I think I ate a lot of sugar lately, because this month’s pain is even worse” “Take painkillers to relief you of the pain then” “Have done that but it’s not effective” “Why is that” “The painkillers are more effective when you take it before the pain start than using it after. Also cold water enhance the pain and you know me I hate drinking ordinary water” “That means you are the architect of your own problem” “Ouch! That was harsh” “I’m sorry, but it’s the truth at least you should do away with all the things that aggravates the pain” “Ok, I will try to avoid them” she said wincing in pain. “Pele (sorry) I wish I could bear the pain for you but I can’t” “Hmm that’s so sweet of you, anyways I’ll be fine, it can’t kill me, everything will be over before evening” “Let me leave you to rest, I’ll check on you later, please take good care of yourself” “I will thanks, love you” “Love you more” Tbc
23 Jun 2019 | 08:13
Those girls go plan for Feranmi ooooo!!! I just hope he survives
23 Jun 2019 | 10:24
Feranmini be extra careful and be wise altogether...
23 Jun 2019 | 13:34
I can't stop laughing
23 Jun 2019 | 13:42
23 Jun 2019 | 14:36
*I FELL IN LOVE* EPISODE 13 - 14 They finished their youth service successfully to the glory of God, it’s not easy but they came, theysaw and they conquered. Wemmy finished with two certificate, NYSC and that of her fashion school, She’s now a certified fashion designer. “Eko state here I come” Wemmy said to herself while packing her bags and baggages. She missed home and her beau like…she can’t wait to see them. **** Six months after NYSC Wemmy got a job, Feranmi got his earlier before her, he got a very good job, in fact they had to celebrate it. Things were going on well for the both of them. Feranmi called at Wemmy’s house one Saturday evening, he brought a bowl of ice cream along with him, he stayed briefly and left. She settled down to drink the ice cream, on opening the cover she saw something shining on the surface. It was a ring. “Oh my God, Is this what I think it is” She was super excited, she picked her phone hurriedly and gave him a call “Hello Feranmi” she said with enthusiasm “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want you in my future and the future is now. Marry me Oluwawemimo Arike Olatunji “Yes I will marry you” I said jumping “Thank you for making me the most happiest man in the whole universe, I promise to love and cherish for the rest of my days” “Feranmi….. I’m short of words right now, but I already gave you my heart a long time ago” “Hmm, thanks” “I like your style though, it was romantic, but It’s just that I did not get to see you get on your knee” she said teasingly. “I will go down on two knees, if that’s what you want my love” “I’m just pulling your legs, in fact I don’t really like the routine proposal” “Really!” “Yes, I’ll talk to you later, I need to go now” “Announcement time right?” “You are just too smart, you got it” “Bye my wife to be” “Seriously !” “Seriously” “OK then, bye, husband to be” She wore her engagement ring and dashed out of her room to share the good news with her family members. She put a call through to Thessy. “Thessy Guess what?” “You are engaged” Thessy replied gleefully “NRC(witch) how did you find out? I asked jokingly. “How won’t I know, in fact I’ve been expecting this news since, I wonder what you guys are still waiting for, since you already have a job” “You are unbelievable” “Congrat my dear, I’m so happy for you” “Thank you, you are next in line” “Amen, I’ll call Feranmi to congratulate him. I’m officially in charge of aso ebi o” “Before nko” we both laughed “Thanks, later” “Alright, bye” They commenced their wedding plans, first the intromimo(introduction) like her Thessy used to call it, right after the introduction the wedding date was fixed. Feranmi got a there bedroom flat on the mainland, Wemmy assisted with the interior decor and every other thing was going on smoothly as planned. **** Wemmy was on break in the office one fateful day, when she got a call from my fiance, he told me to come over to his place after work, she noticed he didn’t sound like his Feranmi. “Sweetheart, what’s the problem you don’t sound good” “All is well, I’ll be expecting you. I’ll see you later” he said and the line went off. He knew I would be worried and he can’t even do me the honours of sharing whatever is eating him up, who does that? She said to herself. Now seriously Wemmy was scared, she only go to his place on weekends, so for him to tell her to come in the middle of the week got her worried. Then she remembered he said all is well, so she decided to dwell on that. Chapter 14 She got to his apartment and he kind of look different. “You don’t look fine to me, are you sick?” “I’m not sick, how was your day?” “Fine, but your face looks gloomy” “Sit down and calm down”. “Wemmy, I have some news for you but I’m sorry it’s not a good one” Now she’s on her feet again, her heart did some Skyrocketing. “Sit Wemimo” he said and she obeyed. Fear griped her as she remembered hearing stories of guys who break up with their fiancee few months, weeks, or even days to their wedding. “God so I’m here to get a break up speech, or did he impregnate someone, since we are in a no-sex-before-marriage kind of relationship, no it can’t be” This were all the thought going on in her head. The letter he pointed at her brought her back from reverie. Now she refuse to sit. “Noooooo…..God no…this can’t be happening to us, after everything we’ve been through! A sack letter! A month to our wedding!” Her legs are now shivering and at that moment sheknew standing up was a bad idea, she crashed on the tiled floor and wept bitterly, she wept like a child that just lost her mother “Wemimo its OK, everything will be fine, I will get another job” “It’s not Ok, is this the price I have to pay for what I did to Emmanuel” she said in tears. “Don’t talk like that baby, that has nothing to do with this, whatever will be will be” “No I think I’m paying for my sins, was it my fault that I fell in love, who says love don’t cause a thing” She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her face. She stood in front of the mirror for a while. “Wemimo Olatuni Arike Ade, you have to be strong for him, he needs you now than ever” she said to herself and left the bathroom. She returned to the sitting room, and joined him on the sofa, she sat quietly beside him. “What happened exactly? She asked “My boss just called me into his office and handed me the sack letter, he said he’s sorry, that my services are no longer needed. I pleaded with him, I even told him about the wedding which he knew already, but he said the instruction was from the head office” “So what are your plans now” I asked “I think we should put the wedding on hold for now” “Sweetheart, this might sound funny and ridiculous, but I feel we should go ahead with the wedding” “What! Without a job?” “I have a job and my fashion work too on the other hand, all we need do is to cut our excesses” “Do you know what God says about a man who can’t provide for his household?” “This is a different case, you had a job, you just lost it” “Before marriage” “….That has been fixed my dear, God hates stagnation and so we are moving forward” “Baby where is all this coming from, are you sure about this?” “Yes I’m sure” “I still have some money in my bank account to run the wedding, but how are we going to cope after the wedding” he asked her. “We’ll use my salary to maintain ourselves till you get another job. I know to get a job is no child’s play in this country but I believe God will make a way for us, He has so many ways where we don’t have one” “Yeah” “One more thing oko iyawo,(bridegroom) this must be between us, not even our family members must know about this” “Atleast let’s inform our parent” “People will discourage us, don’t you get. Let’s just go ahead with our plans to avoid stories that touch” “Are you not scared Wemimo?” “Of course, I am” “Baby I want to take care of you,this has always been my dream, I want to pamper you, provide for our home and not the other way round” “And who says you won’t, you will, when you get a job. May be this is just a test for our love. Feranmi I will marry you whether you have a job or not, I don’t Care how much you have in your bank account, all I want is you. “Oluwawemimo I love you before now, but right now I love you more, I feel like I have everything, I feel like I lost nothing. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you” “One more thing, let’s cancel our honey moon trip in order to cut down expenses” “No way, I can’t deprive you of that” “You can show me the world when you get a job” she said. “Where did I get this kind of understanding woman from?” “From God” “Come here” he pulled her closer and hugged her. ” What will I do without you, your words of encouragement make my mountains plain” She smiled, but deep down in her, she doubt the efficacy of her words. **** She got home that evening, locked herself up in her room and cried to God. “God I seek your face concerning this marriage and you told me to go ahead, so why is all this happening to us, we even neglect our lustful desires just to keep the marriage bed undefiled” She was still lamenting when a verse in the scripture dropped in her heart. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so his my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” She fetched her phone in her bag and inserted her hands free. She search for a song titled I’ll Say Yes by Brooklyn Tarbernacle Choir and listened. I’ll say yes Lord I’ll say yes To your will Lord I’ll say yes Where you lead me I will go I’ll say yes Lord I’ll say yes She sang along in tears, by the time she repeated the track thrice, she felt peace within her, her heart was filled with joy she couldn’t explain. Sheundressed, took her bath, had dinner and slept like a little child.
24 Jun 2019 | 05:41
"The order was from the head office"..... Something is fishy here ooo but I know God has a better plan for you guys
24 Jun 2019 | 07:25
God will surely do wonder
24 Jun 2019 | 19:42
Maybe the company belongs to Emmanuel!
24 Jun 2019 | 20:50
I FELL IN LOVE…Part 15 #Nothing in life has happened to you, it happened for you. Every dissapointment Every Wrong Every closed door… Has helped make you into who you are. You are not defined by your past, you are prepared by your past# Joel Osteen Episode 15 There wedding was a success, with family and friends who graced the occasion. Richard was the best man, while Sophia was the chief bride’s maid, the siblings looked like couples. Thessy insisted she won’t best Wemmy, she said she should be the one running around that day in order to make sure everything turns out well and not sitting behind the Bride doing nothing. And she was right, she was every where fixing everything that needed to be fixed. She’s a selfless friend, many friends would kill to be the chief Bride’s maid but that does not bother her, her priority is the success of her friend’s wedding. Trust Wemmy, she almost brought down Thessy’s head for that, it was after the wedding that she realized what Thessy did for her. she was really proud of her, she has just one close friend and she’s the best. Feranmi was the happiest man on his wedding day, He married his friend, the love of his life and that’s the best thing that can ever happen to a man. The thought of getting married without a job scared him to death, but anytime he looked into the eyes of his beautiful wife he found courage, strength, hope and love that bears it all. After the reception the bride’s parent came to bade them goodbye, Wemmy, her mum and siblings are all crying even her dad was a bit teary too, they will miss her.U can send hi to lordsamuel on 0543589658 to be added to adults chatroom to enjoy more stories. They got home that night, they prayed and thank God for the success of their wedding, He miraculously surprised them, gifts and money came from left, right and center, God got it all covered. Feranmi have always dreamt of their first night together, He was about making out with her when he realized she’s not in the mood, they had a long day and he knew they both had a lot on their minds, so he let her be, they showered and slept. Feranmi woke up around 4am, and was surprised to see her wife awake already. “Baby why are you not sleeping” he asked. “I woke up not quite long, there’s something I’d like us to discuss” He sat up, “what is it?” “I’m sorry I turned you down last night” “I understand you are tired, you don’t need to apologize” “I don’t want us to make baby for now, until we are financially stable” “Wemimo is that the reason why you turned me down last night, that is not an issue, we can use protection for now, then we can go for family planning later, if that’s what you want” “I don’t want to use protection” she said firmly” “Meaning?” he asked “Meaning we are not having sex until we are financially stable” “Jesus Christ! I can’t believe we are having this conversation. Tell me you are joking, we dated for two years and I never pressured you for sex, you think it was easy? and now that we are now married you came up with this ridiculous idea?” he yelled. “Sweetheart, try to understand…. “Make me Wemimo, ma…ke me, there are many ways we can prevent pregnancy, not having sex is not an option. This is 21st century for crying out loud. Or is this my punishment for loosing my job, this is so unfair but you know what? Sooth yourself” “I’m not punishing you” “Then what in God’s name is going on here?” “The truth is that I’m bittered, not at you but with myself and with the way life treated us, I know marriage do have it’s ups and downs but I never knew it will be this early. Feranmi I don’t want to sleep with you with the way I am right now, I’m broken please give me time to heal” she pleaded “I’m sorry for yelling at you, I don’t want to fight with you” “I don’t want to fight with you either, but I can’t do this right now, I’m not trying to be selfish here, but please do this for me. I know its hard” “Baby, I know you are a strong woman, you encouraged and gave me hope and that is why we are here, the only problem here is that you believe you brought this upon us, but you are wrong. I’m sure your ex has forgiven you, I mean us, he’s doing well, he even got married before us but you refuse to forgive yourself” “Please all I need is time, I beg of you” “Come” he said and she moved right into his arms. “Take all the time you want my love, I’ll be right here when you come around, I’m always here” He said and kissed her forehead. “Thank you for your understanding, I can see I married my own husband. I love you” “I love you more” Feranmi was not happy with this arrangement, but what choice does he have, he proposed in his heart never to allow that to cause a drift between them. Tbc
25 Jun 2019 | 02:26
is dat good decision?
25 Jun 2019 | 02:57
LET'S SEE wat happens IN the NXT EPISODE.
25 Jun 2019 | 03:01
25 Jun 2019 | 08:10
This did not go down well with me at all... Wemmy needs to quickly reconsider her stance sharply oo
25 Jun 2019 | 13:24
This kind marriage self
25 Jun 2019 | 14:22
After the long journey of "I Love You" between wemmy and feranmi in the distance of breaking left with emma who even moved on with speed. Feranmi had to overcame many temptations of cheating on wemmy. Now, they need more strength for love.
25 Jun 2019 | 18:38
Sophia and thessy made it to the top of wemmy's wedding, even richard and more. Thessy made a cool decision about tony who was messing down with regrets. For thessy to accept him again depends on how he persists with true love in his heart. Mr&Mrs martins made it to the kindness list.
25 Jun 2019 | 18:49
The tougher it was for feranmi and wemmy to get married the more they found strength to move on with love. Not a smooth decision for just wedded couple to ignore sex for his job reasons, even if is one time for that first night and the other nights can be romantic with the patient. There's also a wise point and it should motivate the man to go for that job the more for their unborn babies.
25 Jun 2019 | 19:07
Hmmmm Hope its not what am thinking
25 Jun 2019 | 19:44
What sort of marriage is this,Wemmi are sure you won't regret this your decision?
26 Jun 2019 | 10:43
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 16 During the course of Wemmy’s leave, the couples spend most of their time at home, except for one or two occasions that they went to the cinemas. At a time like this it was their friendship that kept them together. They play games, especially scrabble, they both love the game, watch tv together including football matches. Even without sex they still bonded well. “Wemmy was in the bedroom with her husband making preparations for the next day. Her leave was over. “Feranmi, u know I’m resuming tomorrow and I don’t want you to stay in the house alone, do you have anywhere you can go, in order to while away time? I don’t want you to start thinking when you are alone, the last thing I need now is a husband with high blood pressure” “Thanks for your concern baby, It’s like you know what’s on my mind. I have an old friend who runs a small construction company, he just started it, I got to know this while chatting with him online, maybe I can go to his sites and pass time” Let me get his number from Facebook, then I’ll call him” Feranmi called his old friend, Segun Adebayo and explained everything to him, they talked for some time and he ended the call. “How far, what did he say” she asked “He said I can come, he even wished he had a vacant spot, but I told him all I want for now is to leave the house in the morning and come back in the evening.From there I can still go for my job hunt and attend interviews when I’m called upon for one” “Good, I’m happy to hear that, I know you won’t go there for long before you get a job by God’s grace” “Amen, you can take the car to work, I can always catch a bus to the site” “In no circumstance will I allow you roam the street of Lagos on foot when you have a car” “Hmm wifey, you like this your hubby too much. Ok let’s do it this way, I’ll drive you to work in the morning and pick you when you close. Deal?” “Deal, that’s better. Thanks darling, I love you hubby” “I love you more wifey” he said and kissed her. **** The next morning, they woke up very early, had their family devotion and started preparing for the day. Feranmi dropped his wife off at her work place and headed to the site. Segun Adebayo introduced Feranmi to the workers on site including the site engineer and supervisor, he told them he’ll be assisting the site supervisor for now. He left the site at 4pm to pick his wife. They got home around 7:30pm, trust Lagos traffic. “So tell me about your first day in office as Mrs Feranmi Adesanya” he said while helping her out in the kitchen “It was great, everybody was just shouting iyawo here and there, they said I’ve added weight, one of my female colleague even said that’s its a sign of having good sex” “For there mind” he said Speaking of sex, you know there is a verse in the bible that says the wife does not have power over her body, but the husband” “Hope you read the part that says except with the consent for a time” Wemmy countered “Yea, and the latter part says “….that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency” “Feranmi, can we not talk about this now, thanks” “Oookay, I get it” he said raising his hands in surrender. After dinner, Wemmy went into the guest room to start cutting the clothes she wants to sow for some customers. **** Four weeks later, Feranmi approached the site supervisor and told him he’s tired of just sitting around doing nothing. He told him he needs to start doing something on site. He already open up to him and told him how he lost his job. The supervisor declined at first saying he can’t handle a labour’s work, that it’s tedious but he agreed after much plea. He joined the labourers, he realized how tedious the work was, but he already made up his mind, he needed the money, a man shouldn’t depend solely on his wife. At the end of the week, he was given #10,000, he’s friend also gave him #5,000, he said he should use it to fuel his car. Feranmi was so happy. He left the site and drove straight to the market he bought meat, pepper, vegetables and beverages. He’s so happy he’s providing for his family for the first time since he got married. He left the market and went straight to his wife’s office to pick her up. They got home, he opened the car trunk and brought out the stuff he got from the market. Wemmy was surprised when she saw them. “Sweetheart, where did you get all these from?” she said pointing at the food stuff. “From the market ofcourse” he said smiling. “Don’t tell me you are working on site” “Can we go into the house please, then I’ll explain” She gave him a stern look, opened the door to their flat and went inside leaving him to sort out himself. Feranmi went to the kitchen to drop the food stuff, he joined his wife in the sitting room. “Yes, I now work on site, see baby I can’t just sit around doing nothing on site, so I joined the laborers, that’s the only job available on site” he explained “You did what? Feranmi, Am I complaining? no wonder you lost weight. You don’t have to do that, my salary can still sustain us” she said, now crying. “Baby, pls don’t cry, I’m a man, you can’t expect me to fold my hands when I can still help in a little way, Or do you prefer me going to my parent for money? God forbid. Baby you need to see how happy I am today when the money was handed to me” He moved closer to her and wiped her tears, “please don’t be upset, don’t let us ruin our weekend” “I can see you are very happy sweetheart, I know you’ve always wanted to provide for us, but please promise me you’ll quit if the job is getting too stressful” “I promise” he later explained to her that he was paid #10,000 and his friend gave him #5,000 to fuel is car. **** A month later, Wemmy got a call from the site that he’s husband has been rushed to the hospital. She hurriedly took permission at the office and rush to the hospital in tears. “Feranmi I told to you to quit this job but you won’t listen, do you want to kill me, you are not use to this kind of life, why are you doing this to yourself” “Easy my love, I’m fine now, its normal, I will get use to it” “You are not going back to that site o” “I’m going back, those who work there are men like me, don’t worry nothing will happen to your husband” “If this happen again, then I’ll make sure you won’t step your foot in that place again” “Yes ma, as your Lordship pleases” “Anyways the doctor said you’ve been placed on observation till tomorrow” “ God I hate hospital” “Oh! you should have taught of that before over working yourself” “Baby I said I’m sorry, it won’t happen again” “Let me rush home to get some things, I’ll be back” she said “Don’t worry you can stay back at home” he said “Stay back at home while my husband is lying on the hospital bed, and you think I’ll be able to sleep? “Really, so you can’t do without me for one night” he said teasingly. “Whatever, I’ll be right back” They spend the night together at the hospital, Feranmi was discharged the following day. Tbc
29 Jun 2019 | 03:44
Wemmy!!!! Denying your husband sex this long is not healthy oooooo!!!!!! Don't say I didn't warn you
30 Jun 2019 | 03:44
My prayer is for Feranmini to get a job!
30 Jun 2019 | 16:48
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 17 Few months later, Feranmi was about leaving the site when he got a call from his mother. “Hello…. Hello…. good evening ma “How are you doing?” “I’m fine ma” “And your wife?” “She’s fine ma” “How’s work too?” “Work is fine, thank you ma” “Feranmi its almost five months that you got married now and you people are not yet pregnant, your wife was here last week and I did not see any sign of pregnancy, hope all is well” “All is well ma, it was intentional, we want to wait for a while before making babies” “Who’s decision was that?” “Ehm….It was actually mine ma” “Ha, what you’re doing to your wife is unfair o, every woman’s prayer is too have her own child nine month after her wedding” “Mummy its just for a while, our marriage is still young, some people even stay for a year before starting a family” “Children of nowadays…..You know what, tell your wife I’m coming tomorrow, hope you don’t have any functions to attend tomorrow” “I don’t think so” “See you tomorrow, good night” “Good night ma” They were about to sleep when Feranmi remembered his Mother’s message. “Baby my mum called, she’s coming tomorrow, hope you are not going out” “I need to fix my hair tomorrow, that means I will go to the salon early so I can come back on time” she replied **** On Saturday morning, Wemmy prepared breakfast, she made extra provision for her mother in-law in case she comes in before her. She came back from the salon and met her mother in law. “Good afternoon ma” she knelt down to greet her. “Omo mi(my child) good afternoon, welcome” “Thank you ma, how’s everyone at home?” “We are all fine” “I’m sorry you did not meet me at home, I needed to fix my hair, in fact I left early because of you” “No problem my daughter, the hair style looks good on you” “Thank you ma, have you eaten? I prepared your food before I left” “Wemmy I want grand children, that’s why I’m here” “Mummy please give us little time ma, its our decision and we want to stick to it for now” “Who is lying here, your husband said it was his decision, while you said you both decided. I thought you are not part of it that’s why I’m here, so we can talk him out of it” she explained. Wemmy and her husband exchanged glances. “Ehm ehm …. Mummy what I mean is that, it was his idea and I’m in support of it too” “Ehn ehn! The two of you want to put me in the middle abi, that is why it’s not good to interfere in husband and wife’s affairs. “No o Mummy, we did not put you in the middle o” she said playfully. “I was worried for you before, but since you are in it together, no problem” “Mummy thanks for your concern ma, my wife and I are grateful, don’t worry your grand kids are coming soon” Feranmi said with his hands on his mum shoulder. Wemmy entertained her and they shared some gist. She left two hours later. ***** “Sweetheart, why did you tell Mummy that it was your decision?” “Oh! I should have told her that it was yours right?” “You should have said it was our decision, that was what I told my mummy too” “She said she was sure you can’t be a part of it, that every woman wish to carry her child nine month after her wedding, so I said it was my idea” “Feranmi! Thank you” “For protecting my family? You don’t have to thank me” She hugged him. “It’s OK, I need to see a match, will you join me” “No, I have clothes to sow. I must deliver them on monday” “Ok, please pick the clothes we’ll be wearing to church tomorrow, I will iron them when I’m through with the match” “Native or English? She asked “Hmm, tomorrow is first Sunday of the month, let’s go for native” “Copy that” she said with a smile. Tbc
30 Jun 2019 | 19:07
Hmmmm! Wemmy, give your hubby his right
1 Jul 2019 | 04:07
This Thing Of Not Having Sex,is This Marriage
1 Jul 2019 | 09:18
Five months into the marriage and no sex, this is not fair jari!!!!!!
1 Jul 2019 | 14:10
I FELL IN LOVE Episode 18 Feranmi picked his wife at work, it was Wemmy’s birthday. They got home and he told her to shower and change into something nice. “I’m taking you out” he said. “You don’t have to do that, save your money, we can just celebrate it in the house” “I’ve already made preparations and it’s a bit late to cancel, just go and dress up birthday girl” he teased leading her to their bedroom. Some minutes later they left the house. They entered into an exquisite restaurant. “This will be quite expensive you know” Wemmy observed. “Have your sit and let me treat you like a queen that you are” They placed their orders, its been long they ate out, thereby making it more special. “Hope you enjoyed the meal” he asked “Yes I did, thanks for giving me this nice treat” “My pleasure, anything for my beautiful queen, Shall we?” he said and led her out of the restaurant into the car. “There’s one more place I want to take you” he said “Where?” she asked curiously “You’ll see when we get there” He parked in front of a fine building and opened the passenger’s door for her to alight. “What is this place” She asked “It’s a Guest house, trust me you’ll like it” They entered into the spacious room, tastefully furnished, making one feel at home, it has a bar, a stage where some band are playing. The room has just few people in it, people of class judging from there looks and the cars parked in the compound. We settle down on one of the nice settee. The band ended the song some minutes later and a young man came out to cheer them up. Then he introduced the next artist to perform. Please put your hands together for the one and only O B O, I couldn’t believe my ears. “Wow! Davido is here?” I asked my husband and he nodded. Davido came on stage and the whole room cheered him up. “Good evening everyone I’m glad to be among you tonight. I dedicate this song to a priceless jewel here,Wemimo Oluwaferanmi Adesanya” “No, did he just mentioned my name?” She was still in shock when her husband took her hand and walked her to the front stage, the people cheered them. Then the music starts….. Aye…….Aye……. She no want designer “ “ “ Ferrari She say na my love o You belong to me and I belong to her o O baby you go kill e somebody They say love is blind but I dey see am for your eyes o…….. She danced joyfully to the song with her husband, Wemmy was super excited. Davido ended the song and came down from the stage, hugged her and her husband and wished her a happy birthday. The people in the guest house also sang a happy birthday song for her. “If this is a dream, please I don’t want to wake up, this is just too sweet, I can’t believe Feranmi could go this far to celebrate my birthday. He knows I love this particular song” They stayed for a while before they left for home. “Sweetheart, thanks so much for today, I can’t thank you enough” She said while undressing in the bedroom. I will forever remember this birthday” “You are welcome wifey” “How did you arrange all that, please pardon my curiosity, I mean how did you get Davido to perform for me live” “Well, I told Segun about your birthday, that I wish I was financially buoyant to celebrate it with you, since it’s your first birthday after marriage and I wish I could make it special compare to the ones you’ve celebrated while you’re still single. So he told me about the Guest house which is own by his brother. He told me they invite famous artist on weekends, he promise me he’ll help me arrange an artist of my choice. I told him how much you love davido’s song- Aye. He did the rest, I did not spend a dime on that, believe me” “That was so nice of him, I will give him a call tomorrow to thank him. But I still thank you more for your concern about my birthday, if you did not mention it in Mr Adebayo’s presence he wouldn’t have pulled those strings.” She joined him on the bed and started Eulogizing him(Family Pedigree) “Oluwaferanmi, oko mi Olowo ori mi Omo olalomi Olalomi abisujoko Omo woyira koma ba ra eru keru Eru keru abi lala lenu Omo kaka kada opo Oni kaluku amu ti e lo kan kan “You are bursting my brain” he said smiling, I think that’s a big thank you speech, but you never cease to amaze me, who taught you that?” he asked “Mummy taught me, I mean your mum, although I ask her to teach me, I know I’ll need it one day” “That’s thoughtful of you, I love you over and over again my unconditionally bae. I think we should sleep now” “Not yet” she said and brought out her phone from her purse and played a track by Whitney Houston (RIP) Your love is my love. If tomorrow is judgment day And I’m on the front line And the Lord ask me what I did with my life I will say I spent it with you…… Your love is my love My love is your love It will take eternity to break us And the chain of Amistad couldn’t hold us….. While listening to the song, He drew her to him, his lips met hers and he kissed her passionately, she responded with so much love. “I love you Wemimo, I will choose you over and over again” The heat in the room was so much that they felt like exploding. He slowly moved his hands all over her body, in no time are nightie was already on the floor, leaving her unclad. That night Wemmy let go of the burdens and pain in her heart and welcomed her husband. She was broken before but her husband has fixed me, his true love fixed her. He made love to her and it was great. They were both sex starved and they did not stop until they got enough of each other. That was their first time of having sex in five months of their marriage. “Thank you” she said as he cleaned her up” “Hmm, What a birthday! But I’m glad you found yourself again. “Once again I’m sorry for denying you your right ever since we got married. I blamed myself for everything that happened to you, I felt like I was responsible for your present predicament, seeing you like this everyday makes me sad and…… “Shhh! You worth the wait my beautiful wife” he kissed her on the lip to stop her from talking. He later carried her into the bathroom where they showered together, he carried her back to the bedroom and She slept peacefully in his arms. Thank God it’s Saturday, they did not wake up until 8am. “Good morning sunshine” he said and kissed her forehead. “Good morning my love” she replied still feeling sleepy. The rest of the weekend was fun, they couldn’t get enough of each other, She was glowing and shining all through. Tbc
2 Jul 2019 | 20:08
The best birthday so far
3 Jul 2019 | 05:14
Thank God
3 Jul 2019 | 06:29
3 Jul 2019 | 15:06
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 19 Wemmy got a call from Thessy, she needed some advice from her. “Hi girlfriend” “Hi sweetheart, how is you?”(In Jennifer’s voice) “I’m good” she replied smiling. How’s work and family?” “Fine, we bless God” “Wemmy I met someone” “Some…one as in a guy? “Something like that” “Thank God I’m so happy” she said jumping over the phone. “Hold on and let me explain” “Explanation! OK I’m all ears” “I met this man through my uncle but…. “Thessy what’s the but again fa?” “He’s a widower” “Wow! That’s a but” “He likes me a lot, in fact he approached my Uncle and told him how he felt about me” “And what did your Uncle say?” “He told him he has his blessings once I agree to it” “That means he’s a good person since Uncle gave his consent” “Sincerely he’s a good man” “Ok tell me about him” “He is a member of the house of representative, He is 36 years old. He’s a renowned business man, he’s into Real estate and Building. He also has a little daughter from his late wife. “ Really! he’s seven years older than you, that is still OK, I know you love children so his daughter should not be a problem. Let’s leave the but for now, he is still young we cant expect him not to remarry” “So what’s your take on it?” “Do you love him?” “I like him” “Like is good, like do turn to love eventually, all we need now is God’s leading, so let’s start praying about it” “What do I tell him now?” “Tell him to give you time to think about it” “Thank you so much Wemmy, I’m proud to have you as a friend” “Same here” “Talk to you later, regards to your hubby” “I will Bye, love you” “Love you too” Wemmy ended the call and his husband walk up to her. “Thessy?” “Yes, she sent her regards” “So what’s the gist this time?” “I thought it’s only girls that do gossips, but its like guys too have joined the league” “Why did I even ask, you’ll still tell me eventually” “No Pillow talk this time, Sorry to disappoint you. This is between my friend and I” she said with her tongue out” “I know you will tell me before we sleep this night” “Me! Never” They went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, Wemmy did the cooking while her husband kept her company. They ate dinner and retired to bed. “Good night sweetheart” “Good night baby” he replied. He drew her closer, kissed her forehead and laid her head on his chest. “Thessy met someone” she spilled it. “I said it, didn’t I?” he said laughing. I know I will hear the gist before I sleep” “Oooo, this my mouth. Why is it so difficult to keep something from you sef” She hissed. “You’ve drop the headline already, so let’s have the full gist” he said still laughing. “Stop laughing jo, what’s so funny” She said throwing pillows at him. Then the pillow fight started, with Wemmy giggling. You are just too playful, remember you are going to work tomorrow, you better sleep” He said trying to stop her from throwing more pillows. He got hold of her hands and place her on the bed “ Leave me jo” “ OK, you win” He said and kissed her, she returned the kiss. The pillow fight eventually ends with love making. ***** Thessy got a call from his ex, he still wanted her back in his life, He was still finding it difficult to move on without Thessy in his life. “Hi Thess, how are you doing it’s being a while” “I’m fine and to what do I owe this call?” “I’m just checking on you” “Will you please quit this melodrama of yours. Who are you checking on?” “Tess what can I do for you to forgive me?” “How about jumping off a cliff” “Has it come to that?” “Tony please I’m in a middle of something, I don’t have time for this” “Thessy I still care about you, let start all over again” She hissed. “You are despicable” She ended the call. She slammed her phone on the bed and returned back to her dressing table to put finishing touches on her make up she has a date with her suitor. Tbc
3 Jul 2019 | 17:24
Congrats Thessy
4 Jul 2019 | 10:54
Thessy hope you're not falling because of hs status? Anyways, congrats
4 Jul 2019 | 17:44
hope it won't turn to something else at the end
4 Jul 2019 | 20:58
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 20 Wemmy noticed her husband was not in a good mood, She noticed he was absent minded despite the fact that they were seeing an interesting tv programme. He’s the cheerful type, so it was so obvious that something is eating him up. “Feranmi….where exactly are you, because it’s obvious your mind is not here?” “We are rounding up on site this week, the project has been completed. The building will be commissioned next week” “That should be a good news” “It is, it’s just that the company has no other contract for now” “So what happens next?” “The site supervisor said we should pray we get another contract soon” “What happens if there is no contract for now?” “Everyone will be laid off, they only call the workers back when another contract shows up” “Really! Please take your mind off that, all will be well” “Wemimo I need a potential job, all my efforts to get one proofs abortive” Let’s just continue to trust God, he will provide one, so please cheer up” Wemmy made him see an interesting movie, just to divert his attention. It worked a bit. ***** Feranmi has been trying to wake his wife up for like 30min now but to no avail. “Wemmy! Get up it’s 6am already, you have to prepare for work or you’ll be late” She got out of bed reluctantly, knelt beside the bed while Feranmi led them in prayer and she dozed off again While he was still praying. He had to wake her up when he finished praying without her participating in the devotion. “Wemmy! prayer is over, go and take your bath, I’ll help with the house chores while you are at it” he said and left the bedroom. Wemmy drag herself to the bathroom, she took her bath and return to the room. She laid on the bed again without dressing up and slept off again. Feranmi came into the room surprised to meet her sleeping again. “What in God’s name is going on here? Wemmy! He tapped her. Are you Ok” he asked, touching her forehead with the back of his palm to feel her temperature. “I’m not feeling too well sweetheart, I’ll call in sick at the office” “Then you should go to the hospital, I’ll drop you off” “No need for that I’ll just get anti malaria in a nearby pharmacy” “I’m not in support of self medication, let me take you to the hospital” “Doctor Feranmi, it’s just malaria” “You can’t be so sure, you wake up late this days and you are not that active which is just so unlike you” “And what is that suppose to mean, doctor husband?” “I don’t know if u noticed, but you are two weeks late” Now her eyes were wide open, she jumped out of bed and rush to her phone to check the calendar and did some mental calculation. “OMG you are right I’m two weeks late” Wemmy never cared about her menstral cycle’s dates like some females do, her menstral cramp two days before her cycle begins is enough reminder. “God I can’t be pregnant” she said to herself “Baby! He called out, interrupting her thought. I know your fears but you don’t have to be scared, if that’s how God want it, then there’s nothing we can do about it” “ But I’m on contraceptives” she said “We did not use protection on the night of your birthday, it was after that night that you started using contraceptives” he replied. “That’s true, but I’m not vomiting” “ Wemmy! Symptoms differs, moreover we are not sure, maybe its just fever like you said. Let’s just go to the hospital to see a doctor” “Won’t you go to work?” “I’ll call to let them know I will be coming in late, moreover we don’t really have much to do on site” They left for the hospital later in the morning. The doctor referred them to the hospital laboratory where she had a widal and pregnancy test. Tbc
5 Jul 2019 | 05:08
Very well then, very fantastic that love with bond between the couple has led to something beautiful. Let it be pregnancy and not any small sickness, few are not lacking but they are loving enough and can take care of one baby until further notice..
5 Jul 2019 | 07:58
Wemmy and feranmi has got a love that made it, among the top list of most loving newly wedded in few months. The way they do understand each other makes the difference. Understanding each other again on the pregnancy will make more difference and smiles to their parents, it's obvious that a baby is coming and there's still hope for a real job breakthrough for her hubby.
5 Jul 2019 | 08:13
It was a memorable birthday for wemmy, davido performing for her and celebrating her birthday. Kudos to feranmi who took it to the top and segun his friend who made it possible which opened their sexting part of love. Thessy called unto her friend wemmy who gave her a fantastic advice. For real LIKE CAN TURN TO LOVE EVENTUALLY.
5 Jul 2019 | 08:25
Awaiting baby
6 Jul 2019 | 08:00
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 21 Congratulations, you are six weeks pregnant, the doctor said to the couple. “Thank you Doctor” They chorused. “She’ll have to come back later to register for antenatal” said the Doctor “Sure sir, thanks once again” he said with a handshake and they left the doctor’s Office. “Sweetheart, we are having a baby. I’m going to be a mother” she said hugging him on their way out of the hospital. Feranmi was surprised at her reaction. “I thought she’ll take the news badly” he thought within himself. “Yes we are having a baby, I can see you are very happy” “Yes I’m happy” she replied with a smile. “I’ll drop you off at home, we’ll celebrate in the evening” On his way back to the site, he started doing some serious thinking, now he’s the one scared. “God I thank you for this Wonder gift, but God please I don’t want to bring a baby I can’t take care of into this world, please make a way for me” he said silently and sighed. Feranmi got home in the evening and was welcomed with a romantic dinner. “Baby, this is nice but remember you are told not to stress yourself” “It’s not stressful, I’m fine and besides I’m home all day doing nothing” After dinner they retired to bed. “Congratulations to us once again” Wemmy said smiling. “You really surprise me today, you know” “How?” She asked “The way you reacted to the news of course, you don’t want this before” “Well I guess that’s the joy of an expectant mother, I can’t believe I’m carrying our child “ she said gleefully. “I’m happy you received the news with joy” “Hold on! Feranmi, you are scared, gosh! I can see it in your eyes” “Ok, you got me, I’m a bit scared” he sighed heavily. “But you’ve always wanted this from the start” she said sitting on top of him. “I know and I’m grateful to God, it’s just that…….. “Job issue right. He nodded his head in affirmation. “Sweetheart, the scripture says the young lion suffer and lack, but those who put there trust in God will never lack anything good. All we have to do now is to trust God, trust me he works in mysterious ways. See, there is this peace I felt within me since we got the news in the morning, trust me this baby will not suffer, that I am sure of. Let’s just continue to pray and trust God, everything will be fine” she encouraged him. “Oluwawemimo, what would I have done without you, thank you for those words of encouragement, thanks for making things easier for me. You never for once complained. I love you so much” “I love you too, she said kissing him seductively. “No wifey, I don’t think love making is healthy for the baby at this stage” “Like seriously! Says who?” “I read some stuff on the internet at work” “What! You are unbelievable, you just knew you are going to be a father in less than 12hours and you are already surfing the internet?” she said throwing a pillow at him playfully. “Yeah, no sex till further notice, deal with it” He said jokingly. “That’s a lie, I will have to confirm from my gynecologist” “When are we going to know the sex of the baby?” he asked “Google is your friend, so ask google” she replied laughing. “Really! Well played. If you think I’ll touch you this night, OYO is your case” “Haba! Someone can not play with you?” “Off course you can my sweet wife” he replied planting a kiss on her lips. I love you” “I love you too” They prayed that night thanking God for the wonderful gift He gave them and they also tendered there requests to God. ***** Feranmi now stays at home, he does one or two things in the house to keep himself busy. Wemmy now goes to work in his car. Weeks later, he received a call from Segun his friend/boss. “Hello Segun what’s up” “I dey Ore, I have a job for you” “You got another contract?” “Not really, it’s a renovation work, one of my client in Port Harcourt bought a housing property and it needed renovation” “Port Harcourt? That’s far, my wife is pregnant, I can’t leave her all alone here” “Wow! Congratulations” “Thanks” “I think you’ll need the job, now that you are even expecting a baby” “I know, but please give me time to discuss with my wife” “I’ll give you two days for you to get back at me, if you are not interested I’ll have to get someone else to supervise the work for me” “How long will it takes to finish the renovation?” “Three months at most, it all depends on you too if you coordinate things well over there” “You will hear from me in two days, thanks so much, my regards to your family” “OK, say me well to your wife too” “Sure I will” he ended the call with mixed feelings. In difficult times, remind yourself that it is not a surprise to God. He has already written every day of your life in His book.u can send hi to lordsamuel on 0543589658 to be added to adults chatroom to enjoy more stories.God knows the end from the beginning. The good news is that if you will stay in faith, your story ends in victory- Joel Osteen Tbc
6 Jul 2019 | 19:09
I know its far but you still need the job. You can be visiting your pregnant wife from there
7 Jul 2019 | 05:39
God works in mysterious ways
7 Jul 2019 | 17:11
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 22 Wemimo came back from office and met her husband cooking. “Sweetheart I told you to stop cooking for me, I don’t like it. I’m still the wife here. I’ll let you know if I’m too tired to cook, it shouldn’t be a daily routine” “Easy is that the way to greet, I’m just trying to help here” “Good evening” “Welcome, how was your day?” “My day was fine” “How’s my little baby doing?” he said kissing her tummy. “Your baby is doing great” She set the table for them to eat. After dinner, Feranmi told her about Segun’s offer. She sighed heavily. “Sweet heart PH is far, as much as I like the offer, the problem now is me, I’m four months gone how will I cope without you especially in this condition” She said pointing to her tummy. “That’s why we are having this conversation, we need the money my love, a baby is on board already” “I know….Feranmi but I will miss you here” she said close to tears already. “Of course, I will miss you too, we’ve never been apart since we got married. Let’s just say we are doing it for our baby” “When are you leaving” “I don’t know yet, I’ll have to call to confirm from Segun” “OK” “Do I have your blessings” he asked “Yes” she replied, now crying. “Wemimo… please don’t cry, I won’t be able to go if you are like this” “I won’t cry again” she said wiping the tears with the back of her palm. “Come” he said drawing her closer. Please be strong for us, I’ll be back in no time and I promise to always come on weekends to check on you” “ You don’t have to do that, it’s going to be too stressful. I’m Ok with once in a month. I don’t want you travelling up and down, not with this our bad roads” “If it’s Ok by you, then I’ll make it once a month, but do not hesitate to call me if you need me to come over” He called Segun the next day and told him he’s in. They made some necessary arrangements over the phone. He’ll be leaving for PH the following week. Things were not going on well with the couples, Wemmy was all moody through out the week. She doesn’t eat well and she’s already going pale. “Wemimo please try and eat little, you are loosing weight already and its not good for the baby. He said trying to feed her. “I’m hungry, but have lost my appetite” “I’m still here and you are like this, what will now happen when I leave” “I will be fine, don’t worry about me” “Baby if you don’t want me to go then I’ll stay” “No no no don’t stay, I promise I’ll get better. “Now open your mouth, the food is getting cold” he said while trying to feed her. Wemmy was a bit better before her husband traveled. On Monday morning she saw him off to the park. Good bye was really the saddest word to say. Everyone in the park noticed them as she held on to her husband and cried. “I guess you are newly weds” An elderly man at the park said to him. Feranmi greeted the man with a slight smile on his face. “Don’t worry your husband will be back before you know it” he said smiling. “Thank you sir” Feranmi said to the man. Wemmy left the park immediately the luxurious bus took off. She drove out of the park and headed for work. Tbc
8 Jul 2019 | 02:48
Congrats couple
8 Jul 2019 | 20:25
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 23 He got to Port Harcourt late in the evening, Segun already arranged where his going to stay for three month. It’s a one room self contain. He called his wife when he settled down, they talk at length, he sensed she’s no more crying again. That night Feranmi couldn’t sleep, he thought about his wife and his unborn child. He hoped they’ll be fine and soon get use to living separately especially Wemmy. Feranmi resumed work the next day. He had a brief meeting with the workers which Segun has already put together before his arrival. He introduced himself and encouraged them to all work together ad a team for the progress of the work before them. He took one of the trusted workers recommended by Segun with him, together they went to the city to get the necessary materials. They transported some themselves while they booked for some which the suppliers will deliver later. ***** Wemmy got a call from Thessy, she informed her she was engaged. “ Wow! Congratulations dear, I’m so happy for you, when did he proposed?” “ Last night, please don’t ask me the details, but it was wonderful. “Do I have a choice? Anyway I’m pregnant, I’m sorry I should have called earlier to inform you” “Wemmy! That’s great news, congrats to you and your hubby” “Thank you” “I’m the god mother right? “Sure, any other god mother is a counterfeit” “Thank you, I’m honored” “That reminds me, Feranmi is in PH presently” “From work?” “Hmm, yes. It’s just three month assignment though” “No wonder you don’t sound cheerful” “Is it that obvious?” “Yes na, so how are you coping, I know you are missing him already” “Do I have a choice here, I’m trying to adjust” “Please try not to miss him too much and take good care of yourself and the baby” “I will thanks” “I’ll try and contact him then” “Ok, Bye sweetheart” “I’ll keep in touch too, bye. **** It was a hectic day for Feranmi. By 6pm they closed for the day, he ensured everywhere was locked up and he handed over the keys to the store keeper. He needed to buy somethings for himself and one of the workers offered to help. He too him to their market where he got a gas cylinder and some foodstuff, he doesn’t eat out, he preferred home made food. He returned to his apartment and put a video call through to his wife. She looked and sounded better. How’s your first day at work” she asked “Hectic, very hectic but I’m happy we’ve succeeded in putting some things in place, work starts fully tommorow” “Eh ya, the Lord is your strength” “How was your day too” “ Not bad, just trying to adjust to you not been around” “Don’t worry you’ll adapt soon, have you eaten?” “ I just took beverage when I came back from work, I’m still thinking on what to eat. You know there are so many things I’ll have to adjust to, I’m already use to eating with you, eating without you is alien to me” “It’s a matter of time , you will get use to it. So please try and eat something even if it’s little” “I will, maybe after this call. Have you eaten too” “No I haven’t, I just got some things on my way back, I’ll prepare something later. How’s my little one doing?” “ Your baby is fine, your baby too miss you” “I’m sorry little one, Daddy miss you too” Wemmy place are hand on her tummy and repeated what Her husband told the baby. “Daddy miss you too, do you hear that” she spoke to the baby” I’m glad you are both fine. Please eat on time and go to bed early” “I have to cut some clothes before I go to bed” “Wemimo I thought we agreed you won’t be doing this for now” “You don’t need to worry, my doctor said its fine. It won’t affect me or the baby, it will make us stronger” “Wemmy I insist” “Please It’s just once in a while, I’m not even doing it for the money but to keep myself busy especially on weekends” “Speaking of weekend, I suggest you invite mummy over or you go over there to visit” “Its not a bad idea, although both mum already promised to check on me” “Wemmy just take things easy, you know you are all alone in the house” “I will” she said smiling “Thank God you are now smiling” “Really, I should go now” “ OK, good night my precious jewel” “Good night sweetheart, I love you” “I love you too” After the call, she felt more relieved after the whole conversation. She went to the kitchen happily and fixed herself dinner. Tbc
9 Jul 2019 | 03:34
Love wantintin
9 Jul 2019 | 13:56
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 24 A month later, Feranmi traveled down to Lagos to see his wife. He took the night bus on Friday night, he got to Lagos park before 6am and took a cab straight home. Wemmy was so happy, they are happy to see each other, one month was like six months apart. “Look at you, you look so beautiful, I can’t remember the last time I saw a beautiful pregnant woman” he said sizing her up. “Really, I’ll take that as a compliment” “See the way your skin is shinning, I doubt if someone is missing me at all” “Of course I miss you, let’s just say it’s God’s grace that is making me shine” She prepared his favorite food, they ate breakfast together. “I think I need my wife now” he said pulling her closer to him on his side of the bed” “I’m all yours” “I miss you my baby, your touch, your kiss, every…thing” he said touching her soft spots and her body came alive. He made love to her and it was wonderful. He slept afterwards, Wemmy left the bedroom so he could relax, he needed rest, PH to Lagos is a long journey. He woke up an hour later and joined his wife in the sitting room. “ He handed a plastic bag to her. “Here, I got you something” “Wow! That’s thoughtful of you, thanks” She opened the plastic bag inside was two beautiful maternity gown and a pair of brown sandal that matches one of the gown. “Sweetheart this is lovely, thanks so much, God bless you more” “You don’t have to thank me, anyways I’m glad you liked them” Wemmy took off the clothes she was wearing in order to test the dress. “Common go and change in the room, what if someone walks in” “The door is locked, moreover we are not expecting any visitors” she replied smiling. She changed into one of the gown and it looks beautiful on her” “I hope I won’t use my hand to cause problem for myself” “How?” she asked ‘You are looking too sexy for a pregnant woman in this dress” “And you don’t like it?” “Of course I love it, but I doubt if guys won’t be running after you” “So you have seen a guy chasing not only married but a pregnant woman before?” ‘Why is it that everything you wear always look good on you, even a maternity dress!” “That reminds me my mum use to say good things always fit lazy people” “But my own wife is not lazy and she deserved all the best things in life” he said playfully. She tried the second gown and it was perfect too. She thanked him once again, sealing it with a kiss. They watched movies together. Wemmy filled him in on all the happening gists. They were indoor throughout the weekend expect for Sunday morning when they attended Church service together. The weekend was fun filled for the couples they hardly leave each other’s side. On Sunday evening, Wemmy’s mood changed. She knew by morning her husband will have to leave again. “Baby cheer up, I know you are already thinking about tomorrow morning, I’ll be back again hun” he said and made her sit on his lap. She rested her head on his. “You can’t blame me, can you? Its not easy staying here alone without you” “I understand perfectly well, we have just two months left and you will have your husband all to yourself again” “I can’t wait” At night in their bedroom, he bathed her and they had a swelled time together that night. ***** He returned back to PH. The work is progressing and Segun was very impressed when he came over to inspect. “Feranmi I must confessed, you are doing a great job here” “Is that so, I’m happy I didn’t disappoint you” “Infact I underestimated you, I think you should start considering going into construction line” “You think so?” “I’m positive” He informed him that the owner of the property will come over anytime to see how far the work has gone. Two weeks later, the owner of the property showed up but he was surprised at who he saw with him. Tbc
10 Jul 2019 | 18:36
11 Jul 2019 | 05:30
Guess, Emmanuel is the owner
11 Jul 2019 | 06:58
11 Jul 2019 | 12:50
oh my God, Mr Emmanuel! I guess!!
11 Jul 2019 | 13:49
*I FELL IN LOVE* Make new friends, keep the old. One is Silver while the other is Gold- Pastor E A Adeboye. Episode 25 “ What are you doing here?”She asked “You two knew each other” the man asked. “Yes, he’s my best friend’s husband” “Your Wemmy” “Yes my Wemmy” “Hi Thessy, I’m surprised to see you as well” “Wemmy told me you are in PH, I intended calling you before now but I never expect to meet you here” “Good morning sir, you should be the owner of this property, Hon. Kingsley Brown” “Yes I am” He replied and gave him a handshake. “I’m Feranmi Adesanya, I’m the supervisor. Let me show you around sir” “OK, after you” “I did not know that you are now into building construction” “It’s a long story Thessy” He showed them around to see how far work has gone. “You are doing a great job here, I’m highly impressed. You’ve not even spend two months, well done and you’ve gone this far” Honorable Kingsley Brown commended him. “ Thank you sir” “I really like your efficiency, I must confessed” “I’m glad you are impressed sir” “The Federal government is currently awarding some contracts. You can submit your proposal, I’ll do the follow up” he informed. “I don’t really know much about this job, I’m still new in the construction business. I’m managing this for a friend “ he explained. “Don’t worry about that, we all started from somewhere. Just believe in your self you can do it” “Thank you so much sir” “Can you leave out the ‘sir’ we are practically brother in-laws now. I’m I right Thessy?” “You are right” she replied smiling. “Have my card, so we can talk later on to put you through the bidding. You will need to submit somethings along with the proposal like introduction letter, company’s profile, Bill of Quantity etc. Don’t worry we’ll discussed everything” “Thank you very much si…” he almost added sir again. Thessy please help me thank him” “Feranmi we are more like a family, you will do the same if you are in his shoes” “Thank you, you won’t understand how much this means to me” “I and Wemmy will be having a very long discussion once I leave here” Thessy informed him. “I’m sure she’ll explain everything to you” “We have to leave now, I have an appointment” “Ok, I’ll give you a call, thanks once again honorable” “Feranmi send your address to me on WhatsApp, so I can check on you once in a while” “I will send it, thanks” They left and Feranmi put a call through to his wife and told her everything that happened. He also told her its time she open up to Thessy. True to her words, Thessy gave Wemmy a call. “The last time I checked, the company your husband is working with is not a construction company” she said sternly. “I’ll explain everything Thessy” “Then start talking” “First I’m deeply sorry, you won’t like what you are about to hear. I know as friends I should not keep secrets from you, but I had to” “Wemmy spill it already” “Ehm… Feranmi lost his job a month to our wedding” “Jesus Christ, Wemmy! It’s a lie, And you kept it all to yourself?” “Even our families knows nothing about it” “Now I fear you, what? I can’t believe this” “After the wedding he met an old friend who owns the construction company is working for now, he started working for him ever since then” “God you passed through all this alone?” “Things are even better now, before he used to work has a labourer on site” “It’s a lie” Thessy bursted into tears. “You don’t need to cry Thessy, you should thank God for us that we survived it” “That explains the reason why the baby did not come early” “Yes, in fact for the first five months of our marriage. I did not allow him touch me. “You mean you did not get intimate for five months?” “Yes” “God, Feranmi have really suffered o” “That is our story” “I believe things will turn around for good very soon by God’s grace” “Amen o” I’m I forgiven?” “Yes you are, you did what you have to do to protect your family” “Thanks, I trust you’ll understand” “Did he tell you about the contract, KB(referring to her fiance – Hon. Kingsley Brown) wants to help him with” “He told me, I’m very grateful Thess” “I’m very sure he’ll get the contract, KB promise to follow it up” “I pray so” “Wemmy you are very strong and I seriously envy you, Feranmi is really lucky to have a woman like you for a wife” “Let’s just say we are lucky to have each other” “How’s my God child, hope my baby is kicking?” “Your baby is kicking , thanks” “Please take good care of yourself, I’ll check on Feranmi too, I told him to send his address in PH” “Thanks girlfriend” “Anything for you, I’ll talk to you later, bye” “Bye” **** Feranmi closed for the day and went to a mall to get groceries. He bumped into the least person he expected to meet in PH. Tbc
12 Jul 2019 | 04:32
Guess it's the season of bumping into people.
12 Jul 2019 | 12:44
Who again...
12 Jul 2019 | 13:02
OK oo
12 Jul 2019 | 14:15
Bumping things on point
13 Jul 2019 | 11:58
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 26 “Sewa! Wow you are the least person I expected to meet in this city” he gave her a side hug. “Hi, Ex boyfriend. How are you doing?” she said smiling. ‘I’m good and you?” “I’m doing well” “So when did you become a Port Harcourt girl?” “I served here, and ever since then I’ve been around” “That’s great” “What are you doing here in PH too, cause the last time I checked you are a Lagos boy” “I still stay in Lagos, my family is in Lagos. Duty calls and that’s why I’m here” “Where do you work” “I work with a construction company” “And you?” “I run a boutique and a salon” “That’s good” He checked her ring finger and noticed it’s not carrying a wedding band” “I’m still single” She said “I’m sorry you caught me, but why are you still single, I use to think you’d be married with kids by now” “Not at all, but I’m seeing someone presently, he’s a Senator and we already have plans” “Hmm, I wish you all the best” “Its nice seeing you again, I need to run now” he said trying to stop a taxi in front of the mall” “I came in my car, let me give you a ride” “That won’t be necessary, I’ll find my way” “I insist, you don’t have to act like we are strangers” “Let’s go, my car is over there” she said pointing to her car. Feranmi followed her quietly into the car. “Toyota Corolla 2015 Model! Senator’s money speaking” he said to himself. “So where’s do you stay?” “Rumuola, you can just drop me by the bus stop, my house is not far from there” he replied “Don’t worry, I’m not complaining, just give me directions to your house from Rumuola. Let me be your chauffer for today” Now Feranmi didn’t like this, but he didn’t want to embarrass her by refusing her offer. He doesn’t want anyone to know where his staying, not even Sewa. He wants to live a very quiet life in PortHarcourt. Sewa dropped him off and headed back to her own house. Seeing Feranmi again brought back memories, she should be his Mrs now, if not for what happened back then in school that made him break up with her. Feranmi was her first love, the one she gave her virginity to and ever since he adored her. He adored her so much that she thought she could get away with anything. She remembered how committed he was to their relationship before she ruined it. He loved, respected and cared for her back then. She believed there is still a place for her in his heart. Although she doubt that, because Feranmi has always been a one woman guy. But she believes there is no harm in trying. She envied his wife who now gets all his love, care and attention. She decided to pay him a surprise visit anytime soon, thank God she now knows where he’s staying. **** Wemmy put a call through to his husband in the evening. He noticed she sounded disturbed on phone. “What’s bothering you my love” “Hmm… nothing” “And you expect me to buy that? I know you inside out, what’s the problem” “Don’t worry, I’d rather not bother you” “You have someone you want to bother aside me” “Sweetheart, my baby is not kicking” “When did you noticed that” “I wasn’t feeling any movement in my tummy since morning” “Maybe it’s normal, for the baby not to kick once in a while” “I don’t think so, we are told in antenatal clinic that a pregnant woman should have 10 or more kicks in two hours” “Just relax Wemmy….. “Feranmi not even the gentle fluttering feelings I use to have. I pray my baby is ok. “You know what just calm down, go to the hospital first thing tomorrow morning to see your Ob/gyn” “I will, that was my plan too, thanks. How’s work today?” “Fine, please don’t stress yourself, take plenty of water and sleep early” “Ok, I miss you” “I miss you too. Good night baby, I love you” “I love you too, good night” He wanted to tell her about Sewa, but he decided not to because of her condition. Tbc
13 Jul 2019 | 19:16
You wouldn't have shown her where you are staying.... It's disastrous
14 Jul 2019 | 10:26
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 27 The next day Wemmy went to the hospital. A beautiful Nurse in her late twenties attended to her. She’s popularly called Nurse Angel in the hospital. Wemmy explained everything to the nurse as she took her vital signs. “You are a first time mom right?” Nurse Angel asked. “Yes” she replied “ It happens like that once in a while, I experience something like this during my first pregnancy too” “Is that so” “Don’t worry, the doctor will attend to you very soon” The doctor attended to her some minutes later. She took an ultrasound scan to check the baby’s condition. “As you can see from the monitor, your baby is doing fine. Just eat well and stay hydrated” “Thank you doctor, I was scared to death last night. Thank you very much” “You are welcome, have a nice day” “You too doc” She went to the Nurses’s station and thank the friendly Nurse she met earlier. She called her husband and explained to him that their baby is fine. **** Feranmi came back from work around 7pm, he was in his kitchen preparing his dinner when he had a knock on his door. He was not expecting anyone, maybe its one of his neighbors he guessed. He answered the door and beheld her Ex, radiating in all her glory, dressed seductively. “Wont you let me in?” “I wasn’t expecting you” “Do I need to call before coming, please stop been formal with me” “Come in” “I came to check a friend who lives very close to this place and I decided to check on you” “Thanks for checking on me” “But I’m kind of busy now” “No problem, like I said I’m just passing by, I’ll see you some other time” she said and took her leave. “What exactly does she want from me for God sake, if she thinks I’m going to have anything to do with her, then she’s joking. If I could overcome the temptations I face during my service year or even stayed for two years and five months without sex then I bet I can never give in to your seductions Sewa” he said to himself and returned back to his cooking. **** Days later, Wemmy went for her antenatal clinic, she met Nurse Angel she was on duty too. She thanked her for the other time. After the clinic she sat at the reception waiting for the sun to go down a bit before going home. Nurse Angel’s shift was over. She was about leaving when she sighted her patient Wemmy. “You are still around? Or you want to see the doctor” Nurse angel asked. “No I want this sun to go down a bit before leaving” “ You didn’t come with your car?” “Yes, my car developed fault this morning, so I took a cab down here” she explained. “I’m through with my shift, can I give you a ride?” “No you don’t have to do that, after a long day? Thanks for the offer all the same” “You did not ask but I’m willing to help” “I don’t want to stress you” “Stress me, she said and pulled her up from the sit gently” They got to the parking lot and she was surprised at her car. “Is this your car?” Wemmy asked “Yes, it’s mine” “I never knew Nurses are this rich, Toyota Rav4 2015 model?” “Actually it’s a gift from my husband, He got it for me on my last birthday” “That’s nice, I hope the other Nurses don’t envy you much” “You can say that again” They entered into the car and she zoomed out of the hospital premises. On there way to Wemmy’s house they talked and get to know little about each other. Wemmy told her that her husband is not in town that she staying alone for now, although she’s now used to it. Nurse Angel too informed her that her husband and his family doesn’t want her to work, they believed she did not need the money since she has everything she needed at her disposal, but she can’t quit her job because of the passion she has for Nursing. Wemmy adviced her not too quit her job, she explained that no matter how rich the husband is, every woman must work. Women should be an asset not a liability. Women too should pursue their dreams and be successful in their various fields. “How can a good and competent Nurse like you just quit, society needs people like you in our health system” she stated her honest opinion After all their discussions in the car, Nurse Angel liked her more. She dropped her off in front of her house, they exchanged phone numbers before she left. Wemmy called Nurse Angel in the evening. “Hello Nurse Angel” “Hello, I was about calling you too” “I called to say thank you for the ride, that was so kind of you” “You are welcome” “Seriously I don’t know a nurse can be so nice to a patient like this” “Nurses are nice and you are one patient that doesn’t look down on Nurses too, I see the way you relate warmly to other nurses and that actually drawn me to you” “Really so some patient are rude” “Yes especially the rich once they look down on nurses, they only respect the doctors” “That’s bad” “So hope you are not feeling lonely?” “Not really” “Has your car been fixed?” “Not yet, is still in the mechanic workshop, but he promised to bring it back in two days time. “Ok, Have you eaten?” “Yes I have, thanks. Everybody calls you Nurse angel, is that your real name?” “No, one of my patients gave me that name, and the name has stucked ever since then, before I knew it everybody in the hospital now calls me Nurse Angel” she explained. “That’s sweet” “My name is Praise, I’m Delta but I married Yoruba” “Really, that means you are my wife then” “Yes o, sister inlaw” they both laughed. “In fact I told my husband about you, Nurse Angel” “Really, Me too” she smiled. “I have to go now, good night my wife” “Good night sister in-law, its fun speaking with you” “Same here, see you next clinic” She ended the call. I don’t know why I just love her” Nurse Angel said to her husband after dropping the call. “Your patient has now turn to your sister law? Women!” “She’s Yoruba, she called me her wife” “So every Yoruba woman is now your sister in-law, you are funny” “No o, she’s just different” “Anyway I love the way you relates with your patients, I love your kind heart and that’s why I love you” he said with a kiss. “I love you too darling. Its time to go to bed” “Ok, I’ll join you shortly” Tbc
16 Jul 2019 | 03:42
That kind of Nurse- Patients relationship is very rare in our world today
16 Jul 2019 | 13:53
Angel's husband cld be Emeka
17 Jul 2019 | 00:01
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 28 Two weeks later, Sewa showed up again at Feranmi’s apartment. He was actually expecting Thessy, she had called earlier that she will stop by in the evening. “Sewa, I’m expecting someone, you can’t show up at my door steps anytime you feel like. Courtesy demands you inform me first” “Leave all this formalities, Moreover I thought you’ll need company since you are new around here” she stood up and walk up to him seductively trying to kiss him. “Sewa! What’s the meaning of this, please you need to leave, like right now” “I still love you” “Love my foot, Sewa leave before I throw you out” he said firmly. “Feranmi remember where we are coming from” she said with pleading eyes. How we started, I gave you my all, my everything, my virginity…. “Stop! Don’t you dare play that card with me, you gave me your virginity to tie me down, while you went around sleeping with other guys. The good news is that we are even, cos you took my virginity too if there is anything like that for a guy” he spat “Feranmi I…. He raised his ring finger to her face. “I think you are forgetting something here” “That you are married?” “Yes happily married” “I’m not asking you to leave your wife, at least she’s not here, I can just fill her gap or don’t you miss having a woman around you” “Sewa I can’t do it, don’t you get it” “She won’t find out, she can be the Lagos wife and I’ll be here for you in pH” Feranmi laughed “Sewa you are funny, hold on a sec. Do you have to stoop so low. You want to be the other woman?” “I don’t mind as long as I have you” “I’m very sorry, you got the wrong guy. I’m my father’s son and we don’t do two women. Sewa I won’t commit adultery with you, you want to know why? I love God, I love my wife and I love myself because he who commit adultery sin against his own body” “Really, is that how you want to play it” She pushed him hard and he landed on the bed. Before he could say Jack, She had already pounced on him, this caught him unaware, he continued struggling just to break free from her. “Sewa stop, don’t make me hurt you, just let go of me” Thessy heard voices in the room, she knocked, but no one heard her knock, due to the argument going on. She wanted to wait outside for a while but curiosity got the better part of her. She flung the door open and met a lady on top of Feranmi. “What’s going on here?” “Thessy please its not what you think, he said pushing Sewa away from him forcefully. “ Feranmi who is this?” “She’s my ex, but trust me there’s nothing between us” “Wait! I know this face in UI- Sewa!” “Thessy what’s up” she said eyeing her “You know her?” Feranmi asked Yes, she’s a friend to one of my room mates in 300level” Thessy replied “So you are his mistress?” Sewa asked facing Thessy. “Oh you even knows he’s married, so why are you here? home wrecker” “Did you just call me a home wrecker?” Feranmi’s phone rang, Sewa took it and smashed it against the wall out of annoyance. “Sewa do you have to do this? He checked the phone and it was broken. She ignored him and faced Thessy. “I’m here to get back what belong to me” “If you think he’ll leave his wife for you, then you are more delusional than I thought” “Thessy, stay out of this, its non of your business” “Do you just say its non of my business. F-Y-I, He’s my best friend’s husband” “And so, we should now run away?” Thessy moved closer to her and gave her two resounding slaps that threw Sewa off balance. “You really have no damn shame, do you? Feranmi tried to stop her but it was too late. “The first slap is for you trying to seduce him and the second is for my best friend” She carried her bag and headed towards the door. “Thessy!” Feranmi called out. I’ll be waiting outside, you think I’ll leave this thing here, no way. I will come in when she leaves” she replied and dashed out of the room. “Sewa, when did you become like this? See what the bad company you kept back then has turned you into. I warned you then but you never listened and that was the reason why I left. Sewa see your life, you need help, at your age you are not even think of settling down. What can that Senator offer you, order than money, highest you’ll end up been his baby mama. Can money buy you a good man, happy home and kids. Think Sewa, think and forsake this bad ways of yours. Stop going after other people’s husband, you are beautiful enough for any guy to notice you. I can’t offer you anything, I’m happily married and expecting a child soon. I’m saying all these for old times sake, please think about it and change your ways. I want to see you in the nearest future and be happy” She carried her bag in tears and left without saying a word. Thessy came in immediately she left. “Feranmi call your wife and tell her everything that happened here today, please don’t make me do it for you” “Trust me Thessy, I’ll tell her everything but not over the phone. You know her condition” “Fine, I agree” “Thank you” “Do you remember what I told you when you started dating my friend?” “I remember” “And I mean it, if you hurt Wemmy, be prepare to answer to me” “Thessy don’t you believe me, there nothing between me and Sewa” “I believe you, but be more careful next time, girls like that can be dangerous” “I will, I promise” Thessy left and Feranmi was all alone again. Tbc
17 Jul 2019 | 04:25
devil is looking for who to devour....
17 Jul 2019 | 11:51
Nawow!!!! Do we have such desperation amongst us again? Sewa went overboard with her desperation ooooo!!!!!! Feranmi should sue for her for rape..... Lolz
17 Jul 2019 | 15:03
Sewa na wah 4 u oo
17 Jul 2019 | 18:42
Chai... See woman rapist ooo
18 Jul 2019 | 03:24
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 29 “How will I explain all this to my wife, I guess I’m in trouble” he said to himself. He checked his broken phone again, he tried to put it on it but to no avail. He thought of ways to reach her, people don’t run call centers again. He decided to go to one of his neighbor, there is this young guy next door. He checked on the guy but unfortunately he’s not in. He felt bad that he won’t get to speak with his wife that evening. He’s very sure his wife will be trying his line by now. “How will I reach Wemmy this night” he thought within himself. He went back to his room, laid on his bed. Flashes of the drama that happened earlier kept on coming unconsciously. Scenes of his phone been smashed against the wall, Thessy’s slaps and all, kept on replaying in his head. He never imagined he could found himself in such an awkward situation. That’s one of the disadvantages of living separately with one’s spouse. One thing is sure, Sewa can’t have the effrontery to come to his matrimonial home to pull all those stunts she pulled earlier”. He just hope she forget about him and changed for better. **** Wemmy has been trying her husband’s line, but it’s not connecting, she decided to call Thessy since she told her she’ll be visiting him that very day. Hello Thessy, I’m sorry to disturb you. Were you able to make it to Feranmi’s place today?” “Yes I left few hours ago, any problem?” Thessy watched her words trying not to slip. “I’ve been trying his line, but its not connecting” “That’s true his phone is kind of faulty” How come, we still talked in the afternoon” “You know all this smart phones, once they drop on the floor they start developing faults, don’t worry he’s fine ehn” “Alright, thanks. How’s honorable doing, I mean your KB” she said teasingly. “My KB is fine o, thanks. “Good night sis, have a good night rest” “You too sweetheart, good night” She ended the call and her mother in-law’s call came through. She asked after her and the baby, she also spoke with her Father in-law too. She thanked them for checking on her. **** The next Morning, Wemmy was already running late for her antenatal clinic, she overslept. She dressed up hurriedly and left the house. Luckily for her Nurse Angel was on duty. “Good morning my wife” “Good morning sister in-law” “Hope you slept well” “Sure I did, how’s family?” “We bless God, hope you are hearing from your hubby” “Yes, he’s doing great, thanks. After exchanging pleasantries. Nurse Angel settled down to take Wemmy’s vital signs. While she was at it her phone rang. “Please excuse me, let me pick this call” “No problem” “That’s my husband who called, he’s on his way here, he has fever and needs to see a doctor” “Are you not a nurse? Why can’t you treat him at home” “Its against the ethics of our job, we can’t treat our families, especially our dear ones” “Is that so?” “Yes, I don’t even treat my son, I can only give first aid, then bring him to see a doctor afterwards” “And why is that?” “Medically it is believed that emotions can make you make the wrong calls in the course of treating your loved ones” “I think I agree to that” “Here he comes” Nurse Angel stood up to acknowledge her husband’s presence. “I can’t believe this, is this your husband?” Wemmy asked “Yes he is, you know him?” “Wemmy! “Yes we know each other” Tbc
18 Jul 2019 | 04:20
Ah guess is Emmanuel
18 Jul 2019 | 12:46
nice,every one is predicting emma ahh. let mine be pending
18 Jul 2019 | 14:04
18 Jul 2019 | 16:24
0 Likes's all good. Ex from here and another ex from there. Let's say it's coincident and wasn't intentional but Sewa jumping on top of a married man is an attempted rape. The two slaps from Thessy and advice from Feranmi should be enough to change her if she decides.
18 Jul 2019 | 17:01
Wemmy in her working on the way of her pregnancy for a healthy new baby had met Nurse Angel as a popular nice friend. There're 80 percent chances of Emmanuel her ex to be Nurse Angel's husband and that's the complete version of meeting ex.
18 Jul 2019 | 17:17
In these moments of long awaited Breakthrough that came to pass for Feranmi to be a complete husband to Wemmy and coming baby and kudos to Segun and Hon KB Thessy's fiancee for their efforts and investments. In these same moments can many things happen to know the TRUE LOVE.
18 Jul 2019 | 17:30
Your ex right?
19 Jul 2019 | 06:39
Guess another ex has been met again
19 Jul 2019 | 09:59
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 30 “Yes, we know each other, she’s my ex” Emmanuel replied his wife “Your ex! Wemimo?” “Yes” “Wooow! Nurse Angel sighed. “Is she the sister in-law you’ve been talking about?” Emmanuel asked “As you can see, she really turned out to be my sister in-law” Nurse Angel replied. “I still can’t believe this, so Emmanuel is actually your husband?”Wemmy asked in awe. “You know what, we’ll continue this discussion later. Wemmy you have an antenatal clinic to attend now, while you have to see a doctor” She said pointing to her husband. I’ll get your card now, so you could see a doctor. When you are both through then you two can continue this reunion thing” Some minutes later, Emmanuel was through. He went to the Nurses station to inform his wife he’s going home. “Where are you going, won’t you wait for Wemmy” “I need to rest, I just took injections” “Go and rest in your car, she’s will soon be through” “To wait for her? This is awkward, Are you not jealous?” “Why would I, you are both happily married, so what’s there” “I’ll wait then” he left the hospital building and stayed in his car. An hour later, She joined Emmanuel in the parking lots, Nurse Angel gave her the description of his car. She wasn’t surprised when Nurse Angel told her the model of his car, Emmanuel rides Toyota Prado SUV, apart from the fact that his parents are rich, they also have connection in high places. She located the car and walked up to him. “How are you doing?” he asked “I’m good, hope you are feeling much better” “Yes, thanks. How’s your husband?” “He’s fine” “You are looking good even with the baby bump” “Thanks” she smiled, placing her left hand on her baby bump. “I use to imagine back then how you’ll look when you’re pregnant and my imaginations was right” “I’m sure you imagined me carrying your baby, right? “Irony of life” he smiled. “Hmm, I never knew God had already answered my prayer until today. So Nurse Angel is your wife?. Now I finally have my peace” “I know you are not happy back then, but as you can see God answered your prayer and gave me a good woman” “Your wife is wonderful, I’m so glad to know she’s your wife” “Yes she’s a wonderful woman” “Let me release you now, so you can go home to rest” “Ok, take care” “You too” “I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other now” “You think so?” “Trust my wife, bye” he said while entering his car. “bye” Wemmy went back to the hospital building to see Nurse Angel before leaving. “Sister in-law of life! “ Nurse Angel said jokingly. “Are we still friends?” “Why not, in fact I’m inviting you over this weekends, we are now family. “Wemmy hugged her. “You are beautiful inside out, I’m glad I met someone like you. “Me too, I’ll give you a call later” “Ok, bye” ***** Feranmi got himself a small phone. He inserted his sim and called his wife. “I’m sorry I couldn’t reach you last night, my phone was broken” “Thessy told me” “Told you what?” he asked hoping Thessy didn’t say anything about Sewa. “I called Thessy when I was worried, she told me your phone was faulty” “Ok” he said and sighed heavily. How’s clinic today?” “Dramatic” “Dramatic? How?” “I met Emmanuel” “Has in…..Emmanuel?” “Yes but that’s not the dramatic part” “Now, you are been dramatic Wemmy…. “Okay let me go straight to the point. Emmanuel is Nurse Angel’s husband” “Are you for real, the same Nurse Angel you use to talk about? “Yes, She even want us to be family friends” “Is she not jealous, knowing you are his husband’s ex?” “That woman is indeed an Angel, it doesn’t bother her a bit” “I’d love to meet her, she’s so matured” “You will meet her, don’t worry. She invited me over to her house” “You can go if you’re comfortable with the idea” “Okay” “I’m coming next weekend” “Great! I’ll be expecting you. She said happily. “Alright, I’ll talk to you later” “Feranmi you don’t sound happy, is it because of your phone? ” “No, I’m fine, enjoy the rest of your day” “I will, later” She ended the call still wondering why he sounded down. “I have to call Thessy too, she must not carry this gist over” She said to herself. She immediately put a call through to her. Tbc
20 Jul 2019 | 02:18
She's an angel indeed
20 Jul 2019 | 10:00
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 31 Feranmi went home that very weekend. He came in early on Saturday morning. Wemmy gave him a warm welcome. She was in a happy mood and he did not want to ruin it, he decided to tell her everything in the evening. “Feranmi tell me you are joking, are you really going back tommorow morning?” “I’m serious, my hands are really tight, if I don’t leave tommorow morning, it will affect Monday’s work. I have just one month left to wrap up things” he explained. Later in the night, He narrated everything that transpired between him and Sewa. “Feranmi, would you have told me if Thessy was not in the picture?” “Sure I will, you know I don’t keep secrets from you” She sat on the chair, head bow with her two hands placed on her forehead. “Do you still love her?” she asked “Are you really asking me if I love her, I can’t believe this is coming from you” “You still haven’t answered my question” “Really!” “Since you were the one who deflowered her, she might still have a place in your heart” “Then permit me to say that Emmanuel still have a place in your heart too. At least, he deflowered you” She smirked. “You know that fact is baseless, so come up with something better my husband” “Wemmy you met your ex and you even went to his house and I never complained, because I trusted you, now instead of me getting the same level of trust from you, what did i get?” “Don’t you dare turns this on me, this is a different case entirely” she flared up. First of all, Emmanuel is married, your ex is not. Secondly, Emmanuel is not in interested in me while your ex clearly does. And to crown it all I asked for your permission before paying his family a visit. While you, you on the other hand, saw your ex, hopped into her car and allow her take you to where you stay, all this without my own consent” “And that was the only mistake I made here” “No! That was not the only mistake you made, she took you home, visited you twice and you never mentioned it. Not for once Feranmi” she shouted “Calm down, is that my offence?” “That is your offence, why did you hide it from me, I thought we use to talk about everything” “I did not say a word because of your condition” “What stupid condition is that? I’m pregnant not hypertensive” she flared up again. You know what, this conversation is over, good night” “Wemmy!! Has it come to this” He tried all possible means to plead with her, but all his plea fell on deaf ears. They slept like strangers that night. The worst part is that he had to leave early the next day. **** He woke up next morning, took His bath and pack his bag. “Baby I’m leaving” he said tapping her. She did not respond. “ I know you are awake Wemimo” Still no response. He took his bag and made to leave the bedroom. “Safe journey” She said “Please take good care of yourself, I’ll talk to you later” He left the room and set for his journey. She was not happy, that was the first time they had a heated argument. She cried when he left, she knew deep down in her heart that Feranmi has long forgotten about Sewa, Sewa was his past and past she’ll be. She find it hard to believe that her marriage was threatened by another woman, she was so scared and imagined what would have happened if Thessy did not show up that very day. “What if Thessy did not show up, will he give in, she wondered, but she trusted Feranmi he won’t do it” She concluded. She left the bed lazily and started preparing for Sunday service. She came back from church and she saw miss calls from Feranmi. She was still contemplating whether to call him back or not when he called back. “Hi baby “Hi” “Hows service?” “Good, we are you now” “We are still in Benin” “Ok, safe journey” “Babe I’m sorry about last night” “It’s OK, I’m sorry for shouting at you” “You don’t sound as if it’s OK, if you are like this, you know I won’t be able to concentrate when I get to PH” “Just give me little time, I can’t pretend I’m fine right now” “Baby I miss your smile, I did not even get to hold you before I leave, you shut me out completely” “Sorry about that” “We’ll talk better when I get to Port Harcourt, I love you so much my Queen” “I love you too, take care” “You too, say hi to my baby for me, I’ll miss you both. “Ok, later” She ended the call and went to the kitchen to fix herself lunch. After taking lunch she called Thessy to thank her personally for looking out for her husband. “Hi Thess, Happy Sunday” “Same here dear” “Feranmi told me the drama that happened in his apartment in PH and I was told you are in the film” “Don’t mind that home wrecker jare” “I was told you slapped her” “You are welcome dear” “I did not say thank you” she reminded her. “You don’t need to say it out loud” she said laughing. “You are not serious “ she smiled “Don’t mind me, I needed to slap her back to factory settings” They both laughed. “Thanks for having my back” “Hmm, you just thanked me” “Yes, you deserve a trophy” “So how are you and Feranmi” “Ehmm, we are good” she lied. She has vowed never to involve a third party in her marriage especially when there is a misunderstanding. “Good, take care of yourself” “I will bye” Feranmi called late in the evening when he got to PH. Wemmy thank God silently for the safe journey. **** Some days later, Wemmy and her husband finally settled there misunderstanding over the phone. Wemmy was not actually fighting with him, she just wanted to punish him for keeping Sewa’s issue from her. Feranmi realized his mistakes and promise never again to keep anything from her. Tbc
21 Jul 2019 | 01:37
Happy family ?
21 Jul 2019 | 15:32
Families of theirs wasn't torn apart because of meeting ex but what may happen in the future because of ex ones is more to view. Thessy fought for her lovely friend Wemmy, smiles and laughter increases as the talked about it.
22 Jul 2019 | 16:04
The patience and understanding of Feranmi to wait for Wemmy's wrath to cool is fabulous and Wemmy forgiving Feranmi for holding the secret for so long is worth a happy family. Nurse Angel accepting the closeness of Emmanuel and Wemmy is good but there should also be a limit to their closeness to avoid first Love feelings.
22 Jul 2019 | 16:17
I FELL IN LOVE Episode 32 Three weeks later, Wemmy was about to sleep at night when she discovered she’s having contractions accompanied with pains, she wondered what was going on because she still has like two months before her due date. Before she knew what was going on, the pain had aggravated. There was no neighbors to call upon, their flat is the only building in the compound. She thought of calling her parents but she knew they will be scared to death especially her mom who is hypertensive. “Feranmi….Feranmi I need you “ She cried in pain. She remembered Her husband can’t help, will he fly down here from PH. God please help me…..” She corrected herself. Then she remembered Nurse Angel, She decided on calling her. Nurse Angel was already asleep when she called, her phone’s ringtone woke her up. Emmanuel was still awake, he checked the caller ID “Honey it’s Wemmy” he passed the phone over to her. She checked the time, it’s 11pm. “By this time, I hope she’s fine” She picked the call. “Hello, Are you OK?” “I’m not, I need your help” she said in pain. “Just hold on a little for me, I’ll be right there. Take a deep breath and calm down, all will be well” She disconnect the call, jumped out of bed and dashed to her closet to change from her night dress. “What happened, is she ok?” Emmanuel asked. “I think she has complications” she replied. “How far is she gone?” “28 weeks” “Let’s go I’ll drive you” “You are going in your pjamas?” “Oh! Give me a minute, let me change” “Let me check on our son while you are at it” They left almost immediately. Emmanuel drove as fast as he could just to get there on time. His wife was just watching him in amazement. She could see fears in his eyes. They got to her house and find there way into the flat, Emmanuel carried her into the car, they headed straight to the hospital. On their way to the hospital, Nurse Angel made some calls to inform her doctor that they are bringing her to the hospital. Wemmy was lying on the back seat crying in pain. Nurse Angel held her and tried to comfort her. “Please Wemmy don’t push, its not yet time, So just hold it in there” “Ok, I won’t, but I’m tired, God please help me, I need your strength” ***** “The Nurses on night duty brought out a stretcher and wheeled her into the Emergency room. The doctor was already around and they attended to her immediately. Emmanuel stayed at the reception while her wife followed the doctors. “God please save her, you did not make us meet again just to see her dead” he prayed silently. His wife came out to join him later. She saw him pacing up and down the hall way. “Honey calm down she’ll be fine, the doctors are attending to her already” “Has the pain reduced?” “Everything is under control, I’m going back to join them” “Ok” Two hours later, Nurse Angel came out of the ER “She’s stable now” she informed her husband. “Thank God” “You still care about her, and I’m happy you are not holding the past against her” She said “I’m sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable” “Uncomfortable! not at all. I see her has my sister” “Thanks for your understanding, Can I see the doctor?” “Yes, he’s in his office” He went to the doctor office, while his wife went to check on Wemmy. “Good evening doc” “Good evening Sir, thanks for your help, I heard you brought in my patient” “Yes, She’s family, what’s her condition now?” “She’s much better, she had early contraction. This normally happens to first time mom, it’s a false labor. But we have been able to stop the labor. We also took an ultrasound scan to check the baby’s condition. Luckily the baby is fine. She’s on IV fluid now, all she needs now is bed rest for few days. “Thank you doctor, can I see her now?” “Yes you can” He went to her ward, his wife was already with her. “How are you feeling now” he asked Wemmy “Better, thanks so much Emmanuel, thank you Nurse Angel, you saved my life” “You don’t need to thank us, all thanks to God” Nurse Angel replied her. “What about your son, did you leave him all alone in the house?” “No, my younger brother is around, so I left him with his Uncle” Nurse Angel replied. “Wemmy you need to call your husband and informed him” “No need for that, I’m fine, I don’t want him rushing down here since he’s coming back home finally by next week” “You still have to tell him” “Honey! She’s right, there’s no point making him rush down here since she’s now stable” “But she can’t go back to the house all alone” he replied his wife. “I will call my Mum, she’ll stay with me till my husband comes back” “That idea is better, I don’t want you all alone in that house again, not in this condition of yours” he said firmly. “Thanks Emmanuel, I wont be alone, don’t worry” Its 2am already, The coupled can’t go back home, they won’t open the gate of their estate until 5am. They had to stay till dawn. Hours later Emmanuel checked his time, its 4:30 am. “Ok, we have to leave now, we’ll check on you in the morning” “Honey, I’ll stay you can just go ahead, today is my off day. I will wait till her mum gets here in the morning” “OK, Wemmy I will check on you later in the morning” “Honey, when you are coming please help me bring a flask and beverages, we can get hot water from here” “Alright then, any other thing, don’t you need a change of clothes?” “Yes, if we need any other thing I’ll give you a call?” “See you two later, Wemmy please try and relax you need lots of rest” “Sure, I will, thanks once again” “Bye Honey, drive safe” “I will” He hugged his wife before leaving. Wemmy told Feranmi later that day, what happened to her. “Wemmy, you’ll see me first thing tomorrow morning” “Don’t come, I said I’m fine now, moreover my Mom is here” “ I can’t wait till next week?” “You have to, there’s nothing to worry about, my mom will stay with me till you come back” “Ok, if you insist. That reminds me, Sophia called she coming next week. “Are they on break? Yes, she said she called you earlier but you did not pick the call Nurse Angel just brought my phone, we left it in the house last night, I’ll call her back later, She won’t allow me make calls now, I’m only permitted to call you” “She’s right you need a lot of rest. I’ll call my parents too, they will check up on you later” “Mummy will be surprised o, because she called me yesterday morning and I was doing fine then” “One more thing next week is our wedding anniversary” he informed “That’s true, its already a year! we thank God. I’ll make necessary arrangements when I’m back but that depends on how strong you are” “I will be back on my feet before next week, but don’t make it elaborate o” “Trust me not in your condition, just family and few friends” “Pass the phone to Mummy let me talk to her” He also talked to his Mother in-law, he thanked her for her help. Wemmy’s mum assured him his wife is OK and she’ll stay with her till he comes back. Feranmi ask his wife to send Emmanuel and Nurse Angel’s phone no to him so that he could thank them also. Some minutes later she send the numbers. He dialed one of the numbers Wemmy sent. “Hello Emmanuel, this is Feranmi on the line” “Feranmi, how are you doing, how’s Port” “Port is fine, I’m good. I called to thank you, thank you very much for your help, I’m very grateful. You and your wife really amazed me, I can’t thank you both enough” “Feranmi let’s just thank God, Wemmy is like a family to me now. You need to see the bond between her and my wife” “I really need to meet that wife of yours, she’s one of a kind” “She really is, I heard you are coming back next week” “Yes, but I pray I can hold on till next week before seeing her” “Just take your time, your wife is much better now and her mum too is around, and trust her Nurse turn friend, she won’t leave her side” “Emmanuel, I never thought a day like this will come, I mean we coming together like this. Should I call it fate or what” “You better get use to the reunion because that wife of mine, will make sure of that” he said and they both laughed. “I’ll give her a call too, I’ll see you when I’m around” “Alright, bye “ The line went off. Feranmi called Nurse Angel almost immediately pouring out his grateful heart.
22 Jul 2019 | 21:21
Happy reunion
23 Jul 2019 | 10:39
This story is interestinnnnnnnnng
23 Jul 2019 | 13:47
Wow I love the bond that now exist between the two family
23 Jul 2019 | 16:32
what a MAN!
23 Jul 2019 | 16:59
I can't do that, let me not lie, but is good anyway
23 Jul 2019 | 17:01
*FELL IN LOVE* Episode 33 A week later, Feranmi said goodbye to PH finally, the project was a success, he was given three month and he did not exceeded the time frame. By now he was convinced about going into construction business fully, anytime another opportunity knocked, he decided he would grab it. Wemmy was happy to see her husband back home finally. “Welcome home Sweetheart, I now have my husband to myself” she smiled. “Yes I’m here now, full time husband” they both laughed. He squatted and kissed Wemmy’s baby bump. Daddy is back little one, I can’t wait to meet you” “Baby says welcome Daddy, cant wait to meet you too” Wemmy replied holding her baby bump with both hands. “That reminds me, what’s the sex of the baby” “I’ll tell you later” “Why later” “Which one do you want, a boy or girl” “A girl” “Then it’s a girl” she said laughing “Be serious least I will know what to buy for the baby. “I’m serious its a girl she said still laughing. Tada! food is ready, let me serve you” **** Few hours later, Sophia showed up, She was so happy to see the couples. “See my ba…by” Wemmy hugged her. “Good to see you ma” “Same here, how’s studies and the whole of UI?” “Fine, i really miss the both of you. Uncle Feranmi” She called out immediately he came out of the room, she hugged him. “See big girl, very soon we’ll be preparing for wedding” Feranmi said hugging her back. “Abi o, this is your house, so make yourself comfortable” Wemmy added and showed her to the guest room. That evening, Wemmy went to Sophia’s room, they chatted for a while, Wemmy also gave her the gist about Emmanuel and Nurse Angel. Sophia was shocked when Wemmy revealed everything to her. Feranmi paid Emmanuel and his wife a visit the next day, to show his appreciation. He had to go alone since Wemmy can’t move about for now. The couples welcomed him well. Finally he met the great, loving and accomodating Nurse Angel. Days later, Sophia met Nurse Angel when she visited Wemmy at home. Sophia really liked her, she’s very accommodating, she treated her like she knew her for long. That very week Wemmy and her husband, they celebrated their first wedding anniversary on a low key with few family and friends, Richard his best man and his wife, Emmanuel and his wife included. Sophia too was still around, Their Pastor and one or two Church members were present. The party was more like a reunion. Sophia was looking so beautiful in her royal blue gown, she noticed a guy who had eyes on her ever since the party started. Before the party ended the guy walked up to her. “Hello, I’m Alex” he said stretching his hand for a handshake. “Sophia” She accepted the hand shake him” “I like your dress” “Thanks” “I can see you are related to the couples” “Hmm, yes” “I came with my sister and her husband, they are friends to the couples” “Ok, hope you enjoyed the party?” “Sure I did” “Alex where is your sister?” Emmanuel walked up to him. “It’s time to leave” “Uncle Emmanuel!” “Sophia! I’ve been seeing you around since the party started, well done. “Thank you sir” I’m glad you still stick around. How are you doing? “I’m fine sir” “How’s studies?” “Fine,thank you sir” “Do you too know each other” “No”they both chorused “We met here, I’m just saying hi” Alex explained. “Uncle Emmanuel, let me call your wife, I know where she is” she excused herself. “Alex…. you like her right? Be careful she’s the apple of Wemmy’s eyes” “Nothing like that” “She said she’ll join you soon “Thanks Sophia, I’ll be in the car Alex” “After you brother in-law” “You are Nurse Angel’s ….or let me say Anty Praise’s younger brother” “Yes I am” “That’s good, please I have to attend to somethings” Sophia turn back to take her leave, when he called her. “Sophia please wait” “Yes, you want something?” “Can we be friends, I just like you” “Ok” “Can I have your number, please…” “You can have it” They both exchanged numbers before he left. Later that night in their bedroom, Feranmi brought out the gift he got for his wife, it was a gold necklace. “Wow! This…is…beautiful, thank you” “I got you something too” “Wemimo, a Rolex wristwatch, thank you. I love you so much, happy wedding anniversary to us” he said kissing her. “I love you too, We’ll celebrate many more of this by God’s grace” “Amen, I doubt if I can still carry you, you are so heavy now, I’m even scared to touch you right now” “I’m I that heavy, who made me like this in the first place? She hit him on the chest lightly. “I’m sorry my baby, I wish I could help you carry the baby, but men are not wired to do so” “Feranmi, my legs are aching” “Sorry, it’s the stress. Lie down and let me massage them” He opened the locker and brought out a balm. “Whao, your hands are soothing, thanks” “Its my duty, you dont have to thank me. Baby I wish I could give you the whole world. I’m sorry my love you deserve more than this, I reserved most of the money I made in port Harcourt for the baby. The hospital delivery fees, baby things, christening and all that. But I promise we’ll celebrate it bigger than this next year, He explained while massaging her. At least you won’t be pregnant next year” They both laughed. “I’m not complaining, I like the fact that the party was just a small gathering, at least it helped cut cost as well, plus the last thing I needed now is crowd” She yawned and slept off while Feranmi was still massaging her. He noticed she has stopped talking, and realized she was asleep. He placed her well on the bed and tucked the pillows for her where necessary especially her back. He settled beside her watching her sleep. The first year has been rough but here they are with their love waxing stronger. Tbc
25 Jul 2019 | 02:47
Ah Pray it's continue like this
25 Jul 2019 | 06:45
May it continue waxing stronger
25 Jul 2019 | 07:03
And their love has been conquering things for them.... Alex and Sophia loading
25 Jul 2019 | 10:06
Hope Sophia and Alex will be a second version of Wemmy and Feranmi
26 Jul 2019 | 02:47
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 34 Feranmi was very helpful in the house, he does most of the chores. Wemmy is now on maternity leave. Feranmi set up the nursery for the baby, the decoration was so beautiful, he filled it with nice toys. Wemmy loved it, the nursery was so inviting. Wemmy also bought other necessary baby things in addition to what her husband bought. Everything is going on well except for the fact that Wemmy refused to reveal the sex of the child to her husband. “Wemimo, don’t I have the right to know the sex of my child” “I told you it’s a girl” “You only said it’s a girl because I said so” “I’m not telling anybody the sex of my baby, I’m not like those celebrity that will start announcing there baby’s sex or do I look like Kim Kardasian?” “I’m not anybody, I’m the father” “I’m keeping it to myself. That’s the advantage of been the mother, maybe you should try to be a woman in your next life” she said teasingly. “I know what to do, I’ll go see your doctor” “Don’t bother, he won’t tell you, I already told him I want it to be confidential” “He will tell me, I’m sure of that” “Do you know what they call doctor- patient relationship, I’m the patient not you” “I promise you I’ll tell this child everything you did to me” “Sweetheart please don’t make me laugh, you want to report me to your baby” “Sure I will” “Eh Feranmi, I hope you are not like some men who abandoned their wife once they start having kids” “You are right, I won’t even have your time again” he replied jokingly. “So you will transfer all your love to the baby, right?” “Hmm ! you need to see your face, I’m just joking. You know no one can take your place in my heart” “I pray o” Its time to go to bed, let me help you up. He pulled her up gently and led her to the bedroom. ***** Wemimo is already in her late third trimester. She got a call from Thessy whose wedding is in a month’s time. “Hi, politician’s wife” “Hi you too, na you sabi” “How’s the preparation going?” “Its going on well” I’m coming to Lagos next week, I’ll bring the aso ebi along “I’ll be expecting you girlfriend, my regards to your Parent, siblings and KB” “I will, bye..” Later in the evening, Wemmy informed her husband that Thessy is coming to Lagos. “Sweetheart, Thessy called she’s coming over this weekend to bring the aso ebi” “I doubt if you can attend the wedding, you are heavy already” he said “Have always dreamt of been her chief’s bride maid, this baby bump won’t make it possible “ she said “Its not too late, you can still best her, that is if you are prepared to put to bed in front of the alter” he said jokingly. “You are not serious, I even thought you have a better suggestion. **** The door bell rang, Feranmi went to get the door. “Welcome to our humble home, he said hugging Thessy. “Thank you” she replied smiling “Thessy…… she called out loudly “Wemmy! I never knew you are this heavy. Trust me you can’t make it to my wedding. “Yes that’s your punishment for refusing to be my chief’s bride’s maid” she said and they both laughed. The weekend was fun filled with Thessy around, in fact they slept together in the guest room. Feranmi missed his wife’s attention so much that he had to complain. “Thessy when are you leaving?” “Meaning” she already knows what he’s driving at. “My wife did not have my time again o, Honourable is waiting for you in PH” he said jokingly. “Endure it, don’t worry in two days, I’ll pack my bags ” “Fe…ran..mi, there’s love in sharing” Wemmy chip in. “Clearly your husband don’t want to share o” Thessy said and they all laughed. I understand its been long you saw each other, but you guys have turned me into a bachelor again” “Eh ya, sorry about that” You will soon have your wife to yourself” That night,Thessy did not allow her to sleep in the guest room. Wemmy slept in their bedroom, she missed her husband too, it’s just so good to see Thessy again. Thessy traveled back to PH two days later, Feranmi and Wemmy saw her off to the airport. ***** The couple were in the kitchen cooking when Wemmy suddenly called out. “Feranmi! I think the baby is coming” “What !” “My water just broke” “OK, just relax, sit here I’ll be right back” he said and went straight to turn the gas off. He went to the nursery to get the baby things and took his car keys. Thirty minutes later, they were in the hospital and his wife was wheeled into the labour room. Feranmi sat down in the reception praying quietly. He checked his time it’s two hours already, he couldn’t call anyone because his stubborn wife already told him not to call anybody until she gives birth. Although he likes the way they kept things to themselves, if not the pressure would have been much from family and friends. Two hours later, one of the doctors came out to meet Feranmi, The doctor was sweating profusely. “Mr Feranmi, things are not going on well in the labor room, but I promise you we’ll try our possible best” “What exactly is going on doctor” “That’s why I’m here, who do you want us to save, your wife or the baby?” The doctor asked. “Are you seriously asking me that? Save my wife” he cried out. “Calm down, we’ll save your wife then, if that’s what you want” “He knelt down and held the doctor’s overall. “Please she’s my life she ….must …not…. die. I’m placing her life in God’s hands and yours, please save her” The Doctor pulled him up gently and sat him down on a chair” Just keep on praying” he said and went back to the Labor room. Tbc
26 Jul 2019 | 02:50
Hmmm God please save both the mother and the baby please roll it on @chimmy
26 Jul 2019 | 04:14
GOD! Pls save the Mother and the Bby, all are important.
26 Jul 2019 | 08:56
Nothing bad will happen to both the mother and the baby
26 Jul 2019 | 13:11
i just hope so @kingsabinto
26 Jul 2019 | 16:20
Doctor just come back and tell him that mother and child is alive
26 Jul 2019 | 17:17
Ah Ah!! Which kain wahala be this one? May God deliver Wemmy ooooo
26 Jul 2019 | 18:55
*I FELL IN LOVE* Episode 35 Feranmi cried, he wanted to pray but he couldn’t, he wanted to call his parents, parent in-laws, Nurse Angel since she’s not on duty to tell them the situation on ground. He brought out his phone to make those calls but he heard a voice that said “They can’t help you, I’m the only one who can help you” Immediately he changed his plans and put a call through to his Pastor. He assured him that he’s with him in Prayers. Feranmi called his Pastor back 30 minutes later, His Pastor picked his call and Feranmi had people’s voices praying fervently for his wife and unborn child. He cut the call, lie down on the floor and wept. The whole of his Pastor’s household are Praying for him He was praying silently on the floor when he heard a voice saying “Jeremiah 31:3” repeatedly. He was still trying to remember what that particular verse says, then he dozed off. He had another gentle voice in his Sleep that said “Feranmi ! I have loved you with an everlasting Love and I have drawn you with my Loving Kindness” The Doctor’s voice brought him back as he called out his name. “Mr Feranmi! Congratulations, you are now a father” He stood up immediately and wipe the tears on his face with his palm “Doctor how’s my wife” “Your wife is alive, it’s a miracle” “Thank you Jesus, he said lifting up his eyes to heaven. Thank you doctor” He remembered the Doctor said he’s now a father. “Doctor and the baby, is it a boy or a girl” he asked the doctor. “Both” the Doctor said smiling “Sorry, I don’t get you” “Your wife gave birth to a set of twins. A boy and a girl” Feranmi couldn’t believe his ears. “Oh my God!, no wonder she refused to tell me” “Your wife told me not to tell you, although scan just revealed it two months ago when she had complications the last time. It was that very day we discovered she was carrying twins” “Really, I’m still trying to process this doctor” Feranmi was over excited. “Can I see them now?” “Sure, you can” “Thank you very much doctor” He was directed to her ward. * * #There is hope for a tree if it be cut down, that it will sprout again and that the tender branches will not cease# – Job 14:7 ***** “Oluwawemimo….. he called out as he approached her bed. “Sweetheart….. She smiled faintly, she was weak. He hugged and kissed her forehead. “Thank you for making me a proud father of twins, I will love and cherish you for the rest of my life. God bless the day I laid my eyes on you. He hugged her and cried on her shoulder. “Feranmi don’t cry the storm is over”she wiped his tears. “You almost died, I was told to choose between you and the baby” “I heard you told them to save me, I also begged them to save our babies and let me go. But here we are, God saved us all” A nurse came in and brought the twins, she handed the babies to him, and he held them for the first time with great joy. The nurse took the babies from him later and place them in the cot one by one. Feranmi called his parent and parent in-laws and shared the news. He was about to call Nurse Angel when his friend/boss Segun’s call came through, he picked it immediately. “Hello, you are one of the people I’m about to call, my wife just put to bed. “Wow! Congratulations are in order, A boy or girl?” “Both” Twins! I have another good news for you, remember the contract you bidded for when you are in Port Harcourt, the contract has been awarded to our company. We are to report in Abuja to sign some document, then we’ll be given a check to commence the project. “This is great news, I’m still finding it hard to believe” “Feranmi, thank you for bringing great fortune to me and my company, we are partners now. “I should be the one to thank you, you held my hands in my trying times, you showed me this path, and I’m so grateful” “Feranmi hard work pays, you deserved it, you took my job as if it was yours, and that speaks for you. My regards to your wife, congratulations to both of you. He ended the call and another call came in. “Hello Honorable” “Hello, Feranmi I have good news, I just got you a contract another, a private company here in Port Harcourt wants to have another branch in Lagos, Ibadan and Ogun state. They want to build the one in Lagos first. And the contract is worth billions of naira. Has your friend called? He couldn’t find his voice. “Yes he has” he finally voiced out. “ The Port Harcourt contract has been awarded to his company, since we use his company’s name for that. But this other one is in your own name, have done all the necessary procedures. So you can now stand on your own if you feel like. “Thank you so much sir…. “I know you are still in shock, but that’s how God works, he opens doors where you least expected” “How’s your wife? “She just put to bed, I’m in the hospital” “Wow! This is triple joy” “No its quadruple, she had twins” “Feranmi, your name must enter World Guinness book of records. Only you in one day? You are the luckiest man on planet earth” “ This can only be God, thank you so much sir, God has really use you for me and my family” “All thanks to God, have you called Thessy?” “No I will call her after this call” OK, my regards to your wife, I’ll call her later, she should be resting now. Bye” He ended the call and bursted into tears of joy. “God I never knew you will answer me this way” “What’s going on” Wemmy asked “Our children are blessings to us, they came and brought everything we needed to take care of them” he said “Feranmi, you are still talking in parables” He told her everything Segun and the rep said on phone, Wemmy shed tears of joy. “Oh Lord, I’m grateful, I’ll serve you for the rest of my days she said. She lifted up her voice and sang Lara George’s “Dansaki” I’m acknowledging you for who you are. ……dansaki re baba. She told Feranmi to hand the twins to her, Feranmi snapped them. Wemmy started chanting twins eulogy. “Winini loju orogun Eji woro loju iya e Okan ni nba bi Eji lowole tomiwa Obesa bekiti Obesi si le alakisa Oso alakisa doni igba aso…… “When did you learn that, I know it’s not my mum this time since she doesn’t know you’ll be having twins” he questioned “I got it from the internet, the day I found out I was carrying twins, which I intentionally kept as a secret from you and I’m sorry but I don’t want to scare you. So you won’t run away “ she said smiling. “I will only accept your apology if you promise to teach me the twins eulogy too” “I promise” she said Wemimo I will spoil you and the twins rotten” “Hmm, baba Olowo” “Congratulations to us my love” He sat with her on the bed, he carried one of the twins, Wemmy carried the other and they took their first family picture with his phone. _iamoscar_
26 Jul 2019 | 21:57
one more episode to go
26 Jul 2019 | 21:59
Wow! That was God doing His miracles... He's too faithful to fail those who put their trust in Him. Congratulations to Feranmi and wife for these blessings
27 Jul 2019 | 06:12
Kudos Author Ah enjoyed every bit of this story More of this Author
27 Jul 2019 | 06:29
Kudos to the author for this lovely story Congrats Feranmi and Wemmy
27 Jul 2019 | 11:39
You see... God is always good to those that put their trust in Him. His LOVING KINDNESS and TENDER MERCY are towards His children. Alex should even increase in wooing Sophia because of their closeness with these kinda Wemmy and Feranmi Miracles that can be effective to people around.
28 Jul 2019 | 14:14
Congrats... It was an emotional and plenty portions of blessings. Things were turning out for good and there isn't any first love feelings that can torn things apart. Even Segun felt the Miracles that the babies has brought which positively affected his company. Thessy and his fiancé Hon KB becoming vessels of blessing. Even the closeness of Nurse Angel and Emmanuel has got the truthful great reunion.
28 Jul 2019 | 14:33
I FELL IN LOVE…Part 36 Final Part Feranmi called Thessy, she was so glad to hear the news. “Please give her the phone, I want to hear her voice” “Congratulations my friendship” “Thank you girlfriend” she replied weakly “Now that you have twins are they both my God Children? “Hmm! Oliver twist, the boy is your God son” “I like that, thanks and congrats on your hubby’s contract. God has finally answered our prayers” “Thanks to God and that wonderful, selfless man of yours. God bless the day I met you Thessy” “You know we are not in each other’s lives by accident, God himself orchestrated everything” “You are right my dear” “Let me allow you rest, we’ll talk when you are much stronger” “OK, bye” Feranmi also called Emmanuel and his wife and he said they are coming right away. **** Some minutes later, Emmanuel and his wife came in. They all hugged each other in turn. Nurse Angel was so happy. Feranmi also shared with them the contract news. “You are the girl’s God mother” Wemmy informed Nurse Angel. “Godmother! Really! I’m honored, thanks. Now I have a girl child too” Feranmi sprayed the ward with a nice fragnant air freshener. And immediately Nurse Angel perceived the scent, she rushed into the toilet to throw up. Wow! Is it what I’m thinking” Wemmy said “I think another baby is coming” Feranmi added. “She’s 4weeks pregnant” Emmanuel spilled it Congratulations! Wemmy and Feranmi chorused. Thanks, Feranmi walked up to him and hugged me. Nurse Angel came out of the bathroom to join them. “Baby number two! Congrats sis” Wemmy spread are arms and she hugged her. An hour later the ward was filled with there families and friends. The next day, Emmanuel, his wife and son went to the hospital to check on the Adesanyas(Wemmy & hubby) after Sunday service. Good afternoon…. They all exchanged greetings. Happy Sunday….same here. Feranmi carried Emmanuel’s Son, Samuel. “Hi handsome” “Hi Uncle” “Samuel he’s Daddy not Uncle” Praise corrected her son” “Good afternoon Daddy” “Hi, how are you?” “I’m fineee ” He put the boy down. Nurse Angel is already holding one of the babies. “Since you guys are just coming from church, let me get us lunch, there is a eatery nearby” He left and came back some minutes later with take away. “Here you go” he served everyone. “Praise I got you a lemon drink” “Wow! How do you know I’ll need it” “I know lemon controls vomiting, I can’t have you throw up again. “Really, how do you know all this your wife did not throw up when she was pregnant?” “You don’t know my husband, he knows the physiology of women than a woman herself” Wemmy replied her. “I like that o, keep it up” They continued chatting while eating “Alex told us about Sophia, she said he’d like to friends with her” Praise informed. “Sophia told us too, its like they met on our wedding anniversary party, but we all here knows what it means when a guy says he wants to be a friend” Wemmy replied “And what does it means” Feranmi countered ‘Women! They read meaning to everything” Emmanuel added “Oh, we read meaning abi? We shall see, trust me I’ll remind you later” said Wemmy. “Relax Sister in-law, Alex is a good guy, you have nothing to worry about just in case” Praise said smiling. “Hes a graduate, currently serving here in Lagos” Emmanuel added. “You two should stop patronizing him” Wemmy grinned. They all laughed. “Any way Sophia is a good girl. Let’s just watch and see how things out, Alex may not even be interested in her” Feranmi said “So let’s stop taking Phensic for another person’s headache” Praise added “Yea, but I think Alex wants more than friendship” said Emmanuel “Is there something you know and not telling us” his wife asked him “I know nothing, but I saw them together at the party that day and I think he likes her” “Like I said earlier let’s fold our hands and watch” Feranmi concluded. Almost everyone is through with the food. Praise cleared the packs and disposed them. Minutes later, other visitors came. Wemmy’s siblings, Feranmi’s siblings, their parent, church members. It got to a stage the Nurses had to stop the visitors, they ordered Wemmy to rest. *****you can send hi to _iamoscar_ on 0547495859 to be added to stories room Wemmy was discharged, the twins christening was the talk of the town. Emmanuel gave them one big cow, Segun supplied all the drinks, there parent took care of the food, KB sent some cash and so many other gift coming from members of the families and friends. They did not spend a dime. All their friends were all present including Thessy whose wedding is in a week time. One week later, Feranmi and Emmanuel took a flight to Port Harcourt for Thessy and Honorable’s wedding. They left their wives behind. The couples were do pleased to see them. EPILOGUE A year later,Wemmy and her husband relocated to their own house on the Island. Feranmi was doing great in his construction company. Wemmy now have her own fashion house. She resigned when she had the twins. The twins are doing fine, enjoying their parent’s love and wealth. Thessy had a bouncing baby girl, she also runs an event planning company. Sophia and Alex are now dating, they loved each other and their hoping to end up in front of the altar. Nurse Angel had another baby boy. She now runs her own maternity hospital where she employed competent doctors who work for her. The friendship between the two families waxed stronger. They often fixed dates where they all hang out with their kids. All is well that ends well. _The End_
29 Jul 2019 | 04:43
Happy ending wow.
29 Jul 2019 | 13:55
Very fantastic are these couples in a happy family position. There's every reason to celebrate for family & friends. Wemmy and Feranmi becoming wealthy is a healthy one. Nurse Angel and Emmanuel never disappoints. KB and Thessy being added to these great families. Sophia and Alex on a mission to end as husband and wife. THESE GREAT HAPPY FAMILIES CAN ONLY GET BETTER.
29 Jul 2019 | 14:38
29 Jul 2019 | 14:45
Awesome Story Chimmy The story ends well.
29 Jul 2019 | 16:22
And they lived happily ever after
29 Jul 2019 | 19:29
Wonderful ending service to God is better than service to man, because at the end u will be smiling no matter how and what!!!
30 Jul 2019 | 04:12
Wow What a fabulous story
30 Jul 2019 | 09:35
All is well that ends well
30 Jul 2019 | 14:22


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