i see things others don't see season 3

i see things others don't see season 3

By williams in 21 Nov 2015 | 16:01
williams boi

williams boi

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Member since: 21 Dec 2014
the long awaited I see things is bak.....for complaints omissions corrections n interviews reach me on [email protected] or call 08162681408

You can get season 1

season 2
21 Nov 2015 | 16:01
am on.. ride on
21 Nov 2015 | 16:05
Thank God... Finally!
21 Nov 2015 | 16:08
Waooooooo i cnt believe one of my best story on coolval i see tnx oda dnt see part 1(i so much love d@ part 1)Nina my crush,Chukudi my guy......Mr X d villian
21 Nov 2015 | 16:08
@eminem @pizzaro @coolval222-2 @tenniebenson @khola46 @Johnysky @wyse-one @Mray @jummybabe @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @simzy @frank @pheranmmie041 @Chris-wayne @evanz @Itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @hardeywummy @konphido @emmyrex @NextAngel @blessedgirl @ebube @taiwo @TinaGabe @christiana @promzy @flames @vict-vames @sonshine @holarbordah @pharm-vickymears @T-dak @kreepyink @ferdinard @invincible @ele @december @FynBoy @gracedkyenny @ebube @natasha @adura @THANKMIC @onahsunday631 @uncleba426 @besty @ibrams @daofot @BISHOP @KUKS @konphido @crusherdaniels @krizzy @felicity @edna @roes @softie @besty @JESUS-BOY JNR @isabella1 @chomyline @sandie @adegunle3 @johnoscar @sanctus4real @nkluv @sharpzender @everybody come oooo . I see things other things others don't is finally here oo
21 Nov 2015 | 16:11
@william kadunna boi welcome back. I so much loved dis story during those dayz and i'd faithfully follow up with this. Now dat u r back with this story, hope u'll bring back d other of yr story, i mean dat story dat waz in series. Av forgotten d name bt i remembered you stopped at season 3 with d title MY MOTHER
21 Nov 2015 | 16:14
I cnt wait,tnk God u are finally bk
21 Nov 2015 | 16:14
To all coolvallers. This story is a very interesting one. E just be like 'action film'. *using small children language*. It is also one of my best on coolval. If you have not read season 1 or 2. Here is the link.
21 Nov 2015 | 16:17
I don add am to my bookmarks
21 Nov 2015 | 16:20
I'm here already.imeela for the i.v @EMINEM.
21 Nov 2015 | 16:21
tnks @eminem i din really follow d story 4rm d beqinin buh ama catch up soon.. @pizzaro @tinagabe @chomyline @besty @frank @kingson1 @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @saintkenz @Ewomazeal @frankkay @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Olami @December @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace mk una show o
21 Nov 2015 | 16:30
Thanks @abenego-precious-7 @eminem and @pherenmie041. Though i havnt read any part of this yet
21 Nov 2015 | 16:34
@williams come 2 d high table nd narrate d story make everybody see guy @kingson1 come nd grab your seat now!!!
21 Nov 2015 | 16:36
episode 1 could this be love season 4 soon... The two men walked steadily in the darkness towards the old man’s hut. They were dressed only in raffia leaves and sack cloth, and their heads had been clean shaven. One of them carried the necklace of thier intended victim and the other wrung his hands nervously. “Do you think he’ll listen to us this time?” The first man asked apprehensively as he struck at a mosquito on his chest. “He has to, the oracle said he is the only one left who can carry out this feat.” His colleague replied. “She deserves to die. She killed our boss.” The first man hissed and then began to stutter ‘but…but I dont know if we should rahter forget the whole thing, afterall the boss didnt say we should avenge him…” The second man stopped in his tracks and grabbed the first man by the throat. “Our boss is mad! Our source of livelihood is gone! This might be our only chance to redeem ourselves and gain recognition in the family, who knows, the gods might smile on us and Brother Afam will respect us enough to give us a well paying job, afterall we did what he dared not do! He let go of his squirming companion and hissed. “We who once lived on the laps of luxury have been thrown into the pit of penury and you still wail like an old woman! Have some courage! Or did you enjoy the fact that you had to beg for food yesterday? Did you?!” “No!” His companion rasped. “Its not like the food tasted good anyhow. Mama Iyale knows nothing about cooking, i don’t know what she is doing owning a buka…” “Shut up and stop yapping! This is your last chance, if you want to turn back, do so now!” His friend drew close “but know this. when I do succeed, when I gain my riches and glory, when I get the respect and accolades I deserve…I dont so much as want to see you near my doorstep! I will have nothing to do with you! do you understand?” The first man grumbled, still massaging his aching neck.”Why are you talking like this, I was only airing my views a little. We are here already, lets see Baba together.” The second man grunted and they continued their march. As they got close to the hut, they heard a voice “Ikenna and Richard, what are you doing back here again? Did I not tell you that what you ask for is impossible?” The two men stopped abrubtly. Ikenna, the first man looked terrified and almost made to run away but Richard grabbed him. “We got her necklace Baba!” There was silence, the only sound coming from the laboured breathing of both men in the still cold night outside. Finally the door of the hut swung open and Baba came out. He was indeed an old man, his scalp covered with a red plain cap with silk white hair protruding from the sides. his jaw hosted the same colour of hair, only bushier and longer. His eyes were suprisingly soft as he regarded the two men pitifully. He took a step forward with the aid of a twisted walking stick. “Give it to me.” He said, his voice strong and coarse. Richard handed him the necklace and Baba studied it. “It carries her essence. You speak the truth.” He said. “How did you get it?” “We followed your instructions.” Richard said “We followed her for a number of days and saw it was her favourite, she wore it every day to work. We finally made our move yesterday and pretended to be beggars. We were able to convince her to give us the necklace instead of money.” “I preached to her and told her since the necklace was very dear to her it would mean more to us than her money.” Ikenna chipped in finally. “I even quoted a passage from the bible-” “You must be certain she gave you this necklace of her own free will, Ikenna. Are you sure you are telling me the truth?” “Of course he is!” Richard retorted. Baba looked at him sternly and he took a step back and shut up. “Answer me Ikenna, did she give you this necklace willingly?” Baba inquired again. Ikenna thrust out his chest and nodded emphatically. “Yes she did! Check it yourself , is it not hers?” The sadness that had momentarily left came back into Baba’s eyes. “The only way i can check is to begin the rites. If it fails…” “Enough of all this baba!” Ikenna shouted suddenly in a burst of courage, “If it fails we will look for another way! Try it first!” “The punishment could be severe…” “We don’t need to know the punishment Baba!” Richard cried. “We need to avenge our boss! Try it!” “Go ahead!” Ikenna shouted as he got carried away with his own bravado. The Old man sighed and finally nodded. “Wait outside.” He turned and entered back into his hut as the two men sat outside in the company of the night insects. Richard clapped Ikenna gleefully on the back. “Now you are behaving like a man!” He grinned. Ikenna smiled back. He had always wanted to impress Richard who on more than one occassion had made him feel weak and less than a man. Richard was the only family he had ever known as he was abandoned by his mother as a child and left to die in the streets. Richard had found him and introduced him to a street gang of orphans who begged, stole and did all sorts for money. They had grown up together like prothers and Richard was always getting him into trouble butr he didnt mind as he practically worshipped him. He was proud of himself as Richard clapped him on the shoulder again and they both grinned. From inside the hut they heard the old man’s coarse voice as he raised up incantations. The smell of burning incence filled the air and the sounds of cowrie shells tumbling in an earthen vessel pierced into the night. Ikenna looked at Richard, his apprehension returning full force. “But what if it doesnt work? He said the punishment would be severe…” “Whatever it is, I will share it with you.” Richard said thumping his chest. “The last time someone disobeyed baba, the Boss gisted me that the man was made to walk through the bushes naked and beating a gong announcing his shame…” “What? I dont want to do that?!” Ikenna retorted, “I thought you said we will be made to sacrfice a goat or two…” “Anyone, I will help you steal a goat, its not a big deal so don’t worry. And if its to walk round the forest naked it will be a chance for both of us to show off to the ladies!” They grinned again in thier camaradierre as the moon went behind a cloud and the night grew darker. the chanting in the hut had stopped and a moment later, Baba came out. “Here,” He said, handing the necklace to Ikenna. “since you were the one she gave, you have to give her back.” BOth men jumped to thier feet. “So it worked?” Richard asked enthusiastically. “Yes, it did.” Baba replied, his hand still out. Ikenna smiled and stretched his hand to collect the necklace “We are going to be rich! We are going to be famous!” He said and took the necklace. As soon as his hands closed around the necklace Ikenna fell into a terrible fit. He convulsed where he stood as his eyes rolled up into his head leaving only the white sclera visible. He opened his mouth to scream but his clamping jaws bit down on his tonuge andcut a good portion of it clean off. Blood spilt on Richard’s face as he started to shout in alarm “Ikenna! Ikenna! What is it? Baba, what is going on?!” “You finally killed him, Richard.” Baba said sorrowfully. “You finally led him to his death.” Richard cried out and grabbed his friend, tried to make him lie down but it was no use. The convulsions increased in intensity and Richard heard a sickening snap as the bones in Ikenna’s hands began to fracture. Ikenna suddenly toppled over like a log of wood and crashed on the floor with Richrd following suit, trying to hold his friend still with no success. Ikenna continued to convulse and his bones continued to break as blood oozed from his nose and mouth. “It will continue like this,” Baba said, “Till all the bones in his body are broken. If you have a gun it will be good of him to spare him the misery of a very painful death. ” “But why?” Richard screamed as he continued to hold on to ikenna, “Why is this happening?!” “It only happens like this when the item is stolen. I told you specifically not to steal it…” “But we didn’t!” Richard shouted. “We told a boy to steal it from her hoe and then give it to us willingly. Isnt it the same thing?” “Apparently the powers that be don’t think so.” Baba said with a dep sigh. “I should kill you for what you did to your friend , but I think letting you live will serve a better punishment. Now go. and carry this corpse with you. So saying, the old man turned and went back into the hut. Richards screams toreat him from outside but he ignored the man. he had no pity for him and actually wished he could kill him, but unfortunately there was no one around to help move two heavy bodies. He turned back to the Oracle before him and saw the girl in the magic mirror. She was sleeping peacefully on her bed in her room far far away in Lagos. And covering her were the biggest pair of wings he had ever seen.
21 Nov 2015 | 16:38
@Eminem i sight u tanx dear @frankkay @gracedkyenny @tinagabe @pheranmmie041 make una show face o
21 Nov 2015 | 16:47
Thankz 4 d call @eminem
21 Nov 2015 | 17:03
@Pheranmmie041, imeela for notifying abt d blockbusta.
21 Nov 2015 | 17:09
Wow d season 3 is back..thanks @Eminem n @pheranmmie041{pastor} u can't miss this for anything..extremely interesting.
21 Nov 2015 | 17:09
Wao! Am addicted to this story, i love it like #MOFEDAKU# nice one
21 Nov 2015 | 17:13
Wao! Am addicted to this story, i love it like #MOFEDAKU# nice one ...tnkz 4 d invitation @pheranmie041
21 Nov 2015 | 17:17
@pheranmie @eminem @chomyline tnx 4 d iv o bt i was nt dere 4rm d start. @pheranmmie i av a word 4 u
21 Nov 2015 | 17:18
tboy in d buiding y'all.
21 Nov 2015 | 17:19
Wc back willz.....following like twitter . . $ Tankz @pheranmie
21 Nov 2015 | 17:29
W@ did Mina did dix tym around ooo....shex d only one d@ have wings........ Kaduna nice start man..... I hope Chukudi nd Mina have finaly gotten married sha
21 Nov 2015 | 17:31
o boy i hail
21 Nov 2015 | 17:33
Eyaa dis story z 9ce o bt I didn't Start 4rm prt 1 @eminem tnx dr @chomyline I c u.
21 Nov 2015 | 17:51
Kai.......... D story neva start person dn dy die......... U 2 much joor @willams....... Nd pls update could dis b luv 4 na
21 Nov 2015 | 17:53
Tankz 4 d call @emina nd @pheranmmie041 . @jospeh i see u 2, thankz 4 d call
21 Nov 2015 | 17:59
Tankz 4 d call @eminem nd @pheranmmie041 . @pattiejoe7gmail-com i see u 2, thankz 4 d call
21 Nov 2015 | 18:01
@skookum @khola46 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi@Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi@Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi@Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @calisto @hbk @frank @davick @whistler @sirp081 @kristen @liciacutes @whistler @murshan @wind @mojhisolar @charlywizzy @scholes junior @seyifunmi @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @besty @shaxee @kemkit @jenny @leo @john @williams @softtouch @hoelhay @christopher @opeyemii @oluchi @maurice @abdulseries @olamy4fun @hameyeenat @stanny39 @harnuholuwa @jhorlade @somkhid @ruth @flames @loveth @peace @chinanza @ty @mrsolace @kingsbest @ib_dreams @frankkie @crusher @wind @maxblaze @jclash @pholaryemmie @dozzle @donvalley @donpaschalo @joseph @fridex @davin @nash @kuks @ewomazeal @nizzy @ebube @okklad @justify @funmilayo1 @loveth @donb @iksqueency @smilie @borwerleh @hollar @kolababs @ogbara @franklin @vasty @walexidey @damzitayo @chikere @anita @iamchris @wisdom @thankmic @christopher @jummy @maurice @herbyhorlarh @magdalene @esejerro @roes @pearl @chernor @priceocity @mature @swissy @omodunbi @T-DAK @sam @ibrams @dhemilade1 @oyindamola1 @samdee @tholartee @semilore @frankkay @Konphido @pizzaro @sofia @ibrams @sonshine @horlarjuwhon @guddie @tinagabe @saintkenz @pattiejoe7gmail-com @olarachp @pheranmmie041 @heartbrokekid @finestberyl @hansantwi @giftgodiva @natasha9976 @Laurasteve299 @inemeka @master p @Isabella1 @christiana1 @olaniyiadeshina @hajoke @saraya @pulchritude @mrsolace @christiana @cheta @princessomowumi @peterprym1 @peacechinaza @Saintkenz @gracedkyenny @sapiens @invincible @ferdinarddante @others u are invited
21 Nov 2015 | 18:18
Yes, my fav-rite story
21 Nov 2015 | 19:09
Tankz @Eminem n @Kingson1 d i.v..............,.....,......,...........I b4 cn folw dis,I've 2 read season1n2
21 Nov 2015 | 23:23
God!! My best series iz here again ? ..thanks thanks bro @kingson1
22 Nov 2015 | 00:28
@tinagabe the link 2 the season1$2 z their just follow it
22 Nov 2015 | 01:17
@romancelord... William kaduna boi.... Welcome bak..... Ur story z muah.... @kingson1.... Thanks 4 d iv
22 Nov 2015 | 01:34
Thanks for d iv @Eminem and odars
22 Nov 2015 | 02:26
Tnx 4 d iv @Eminem,bt i dnt kw dat dis story still hv season 3
22 Nov 2015 | 03:21
I DON land like landrover, @ Eminem tanx for the iv. Happy Sunday n to the Catholics happy Christ the King Sunday #cheers#
22 Nov 2015 | 04:03
Tnks @eminem. I will be back cos i didnt read 1 n 2, so make i go start. Will join u guys soon
22 Nov 2015 | 06:59
wow wow yessssssssssss .. at last !chukwudi d stronger is back *dancing sekem to d lord* @romancelord .. good to have u back
22 Nov 2015 | 07:13
@mhizdaofot @kuks @cookey @frankkay @rufus @krizzy @jesusbabe @oheneba @pheranmmie1 @aarti @mhizzthessy @sharpzender @ritagold @besty @wiseman @ariketemmy @invincible @pizzaro @adura @blaisebrayne @promzy @wyse-one @steph @christiana @semilore @tenniebenson @mecuze @jenifa @emmyrexx @fridex @sharpzender @victoriouschild @fortunate1 @sonshine @somkhid @vhizkid @december12 @desire @natasha9976 @cherryserah @jummybabe @delight @dainty-shewa @pweety @flames @jenifa @jenny @softie @johnoscar @oheneba @youngfellow @victvames @pharm-vickymears @skookum @eminem @yungprince @timmy @frank @onahsunday631 @henrysanctus
22 Nov 2015 | 07:51
@vict-vames @pheranmmie041 @ebube @invincible @vhizkhid
22 Nov 2015 | 07:53
am following
22 Nov 2015 | 08:17
episode 2 Its three o’clock in the morning. I cannot sleep. The weather is cool and a gentle breeze blows in from the window sending a soothing swirl around the entire room. My rechargeable lanterns are on full blare as there is no light, nothing unusual there. The power outages are a frequent occurrence where I live, so I’m used to it. The room itself is well tidied, clothes well arranged in my cupboard, my books for my dissertation well placed on my study table, my shoes neatly arranged on the shoe- stand by the door. None of these would have been remotely possible, mind you, if not for the lady lying in bed beside me. Nina, my angel, my princess, the love of my life, the order in my chaos. She arrived only this morning and my house already has the feminine touch to it. The faint scent of Edikan-ekong soup freshly made still lingers from the kitchen and the air fresheners she brought send a soothing but not overpowering scent towards my nostrils. She has a scent of her own, rich, royal, luxurious, and her soft skin presses firmly against mine as she cuddles in my arms fast asleep. Her gentle breathing has a calming rythmn, and I find my breath syncing with hers. I remembered her exasperation at coming into my apartment and seeing the place worse than a pigsty with my room buried under clothes and books and pens and documents. Don’t get the wrong picture, I am not usually untidy, but recently I have had to deal with deadlines and an overdue dissertation on my Masters degree. I remember the concern in her voice when she called and how she took the next bus over from her place. She doesn’t live so far from me anyway but has not been around for a while due to work issues. As soon as she arrived things started to take shape. It was like rays of hope were let into my apartment the moment she opened the door. It was after a harsh interrogation from her that I realized I had been surviving on fast-foods from passing food vendors for the past five days. She immediately swung into action and soon soup and stew were on the fire. Without being asked she swept the floors and cleaned out the house. Despite my protests she gathered all my dirty clothes and washed them. And without my consent she arranged my room and changed my bed sheets. She exuded so much care and concern that I could physically feel the stress and tension that had been building up in my body quickly melting away. I was madly in love with this woman. I wanted to marry her so bad. The ring hid somewhere in my closet, in a place her hand literally could not reach, the very back of the top shelf. I didn’t have a tinge of nervousness in proposing, I had it all planned out and God willing, it was going to be the most romantic proposal ever. I valued her more than life itself. Which is why the dream I just had about her was giving me some serious trepidation. Hello, my name is Chukwudi Briggs. I am a single but soon to be married young man working at a top notch Public Relations Firm somewhere in Lagos. I’m of average height and weight, dark skinned, athletic and in generally good health. Most ladies would say I have handsome features and a quiet disposition. My eyes are dark brown and I’ve been told I stare sometimes like I want to look deep into a person’s soul. The ladies like it. They call it my “sexy stare”. If only they knew the truth. I also happen to see things others do not see. No, I’m not crazy, just paranormal. I see visions, signs, spiritual beings, you name it. Luckily for me I don’t see these things all the time, its not like I go out to the streets of Lagos and see dead people walking all over the place. I kind of only see what I want to see, what relates to me at the time. Pachios calls it my “sight” and explains it is something the “Elders” somehow overlooked and forgot to remove before I passed through the veil into this world. Pachios is my Guardian Angel. And he is currently missing. Ever since my run-in with the Man-animal at Asaba, Pachios has completely disappeared. Before he left he reassured me hw would still be looking out for me but that I would have to go through the rest of life’s journey virtually on my own. Not very comforting words since I have had him as my constant companion all my life. I accepted his departure in good faith then because I had Nina and an alternate version of me called “the stronger”. But lately these sleepless nights with these dreams about Nina had got my worry meter reading red. Part of the reason actually why I had been delaying on my dissertation. I have had similar dreams in the past and I know better now than to ignore them. The last time I did , the man- animal had gone on a rampage in Asaba, feeding off innocents with reckless abandon. I looked again at Nina sleeping peacefully beside me and studied her wings. They sprouted just like you’d imagine an Angel’s wings would sprout, straight off her shoulders, of the purest white and the largest I had ever seen on any one person. They covered her now, moving in tandem with her breathing and protecting her from the unseen, the most recent of which was the knife which had materialized in my room and come flying straight at her. It was a bright and luminous dagger, with strange inscriptions written on the shiny but black handle. It had bounced off harmlessly before I could make a move and the creature that sent it had snarled in rage and dematerialized to where it was sent from. I greatly pitied the one who had sent it for it was a vengeance demon, and they got very pissed off if they weren’t able to accomplish their missions. But who would want to carry out vengeance on Nina? Nina who had issues with rat gum, sympathized with motherless chicks and whose heart melted at the sight of stray dogs. Plus she was very good with people too. Who would want to risk sending a vengeance demon to hurt her? I sighed deeply and prayed a psalm over her and watched as a protective orb enveloped the entire room. No more attacks tonight. I made a mental note to say my night prayers more often at least for Nina’s sake, and closed my eyes.
22 Nov 2015 | 08:17
Wow! After waitinq for so many months,the 3rd season is finally here... @Romancelord u should be qivinq us;call it 3 updates in a day...cos u kept us waitinq for way too lonq. And i hope u've not forqotten ya other story "Could vhiz be love" season 4 ooo #lol . . Uhmm Thankz to everyone that invited me. Thouqh am late,u quyz qazz pardon me jor.
22 Nov 2015 | 09:18
Hmmm.. Guessinq... Richard , hz friend, Ifeanyi and d old man sent d venqence knife.... Next.
22 Nov 2015 | 09:39
@pizzaro... Could dx be love season 4 startinq very soon.
22 Nov 2015 | 09:41
New epi here o @Skookum @Ele1 @Mray @Jummybabe @Johnoscar @Pheranmmie041 as u read plx invite ya friends too
22 Nov 2015 | 09:43
@Ebube serious? I can't wait for that jor!
22 Nov 2015 | 09:49
Tankz @Ele1,bt I cnt felow dis 1
22 Nov 2015 | 10:03
Thankz dearie @pizzaro Cum oooo new ep don land n make sure u bring along 15 of ur fwends @tinagabe @geeadore @ewomazeal @youngfellow @Skookum @crusher @eminem @emmyrexx
22 Nov 2015 | 10:12
22 Nov 2015 | 10:28
Wow dis amazin story is bk 1 of my favourite tanks 4 d iv @ele 1 u re mouthed y havent i see my bestie @sofia nd my hubby @frankkay
22 Nov 2015 | 11:01
Making sence
22 Nov 2015 | 11:01
Thanks @ele1 @abednego-precious-7 make i read 1&2 1st oo
22 Nov 2015 | 11:06
Wow season 3? I love it! @Ele1 @Adedayo David @Eminem tanx guys for remba me. @konphido babe where u dey? @Sofia dear
22 Nov 2015 | 11:49
Thanks @pizzaro were @Ele1 @Frank @invincible @hbankee @Desire @softie @Sofia
22 Nov 2015 | 13:10
22 Nov 2015 | 14:10
@mray tnx u dear bt i was nt at d begining
22 Nov 2015 | 17:00
finally i don show..... Pls whn will ma name enter the list abi we dey fit @pizzaro @eminem @t-dak
22 Nov 2015 | 18:55
@jummybabe im here oo with kunu and toast bread looking 4 a sit.. i see a #LOVE ANGEL# on your head whenever you look at me .. i hope @frank isnt here? wheres @giftgodiva @hardeywummy2 @tinagabe
22 Nov 2015 | 20:53
@kuks who no go remember coolval's prettiest .. na how i go kidnapp @kophindo dey my ming naaa ooops#
22 Nov 2015 | 20:56
@invincible me think say u dn tey 4 here, i no knw say u new oo
22 Nov 2015 | 21:01
@sonshine y naa?
22 Nov 2015 | 21:02
@ele1 i new small o, which time u come here?
23 Nov 2015 | 01:01
@Ele1 bcus I'vnt read 1 n 2 yet
23 Nov 2015 | 05:25
Thanks for the invite.... Now you can continue... loving this.... Shey I never forget some.. abeg watin happen to the Mermaid???
23 Nov 2015 | 07:06
am here ooooooooooooo!!! tanks @Else 1
23 Nov 2015 | 07:24
@Detector I sight you jare. Your name is added to the list already
23 Nov 2015 | 10:17
@Ele1 lol tanx dear! I dey follow
23 Nov 2015 | 10:50
Me nd person go fight oo..... Wer my story dy na....before... I. Sleep wake up...mak una tell willams say I talk WELL DONE!!!•
23 Nov 2015 | 18:16
Kul.............. M already addicted 2 dis story....... Nxt
24 Nov 2015 | 06:50
Waiting 4 more,wellcome on board once again @williams
24 Nov 2015 | 08:52
This story makes me forget my ghost Status
24 Nov 2015 | 15:05
episode 3 By the time I opened them again it was late in the morning. I glanced at my bedside clock and noted with a start that it was 9 o’ clock. I looked around the bed but Nina was gone. Sounds coming from the kitchen told me she had since awaken and had started her day. I yawned and stumbled out of bed, had a good stretch and sauntered into the kitchen. Nina was there preparing a breakfast of bread and omlettes. The smiled and came forward to plant a kiss on my lips before I cold stop her. “Good morning sleepy head – allow me kiss you jo!” “I haven’t brushed,” I protested but she kissed me all the same. I grimaced and shemade a face. “I should be the one grimacing and not you.” She said smiling, totally oblivious of the narrow escape she had had last night. “Go and brush your teeth and come and have breakfast. After that we’ll hit the showers.” She winked and returned back to her eggs on the fire, her bum wiggling seductively from inside my T-shirt overall that she was wearing. I swallowed hard and rushed to the bathroom. Breakfast was wonderful and so was shower hour. In case you are wondering I still remained the perfect gentleman. Nina and I had decided on a ‘no sex until we were both ready’ policy. We had both agreed at the beginning of our relationship that having sex early would becloud our judgment and maybe even spoil the process of our ‘getting to know each other’ through and through. Mind you, I thought the ‘getting to know each other’ process was taking a tad longer than I expected and was more than ready pop the proverbial cherry if you get my meaning, but Nina kept on pleading with me to be patient and because I loved and respected her so much …and because I couldn’t very well rape her…I decided to wait until she made the move herself. I watched as she got dressed, wearing a clean collared white blouse and short pen skirt that ended just above her knees, accentuating her hips and butt. She combed her weave-on to one side and painted her lips a number 21 shade of red. A dash of makeup on her face and she was ready to go. She caught me looking at her through the mirror and smiled, showing forth a pair of pearly white teeth that couldonly belong to a goddess or an angel. “What are you staring at?” She asked, putting on her earings. “You are so beautiful…have I told you that before?” I asked “Yes. And it makes me wonder if you would still love me if I was a little more uglier.” She responded. “Women, why do you always have to spoil the moment?” I asked in mock annoyance. “I would love you even if you had one eye and a cleft lip.” “Hmmm, you know where all liars go to.” She replied finishing her make up and turning towards me. I approached her and held her hands. “You know I’m serious. I do love you.” I said, emphatically this time. She sighed and looked away shyly. “How are my wings this morning?” She asked, probably to change the topic. She rarely asked about my ability ever since our run in with her uncle two years ago. It was one thing she didn’t usually talk about with me, mainly because I had earlier given her the impression that I didn’t like talking about it. I glanced behind her and saw her wings, spread out, shiny and humongous as usual. “They are spectacular. Wish you could see them.” I said with a smile. We looked into each others eyes for a moment and suddenly we were kissing. We had kissed many times before obviously but this kiss was different, mainly from her point of view. It was filled with desire, fire, a longing. I opened my eyes for a moment and yes she was burning with the red hot flames of lust I usually saw on others and myself when I was with her. I closed my eyes again and allowed myself to be drowned in the euphoria of our kiss. Her hands found my sides and mine wrapped around her waist and drew her closer to me. I could feel her nipples go erect behind her blouse and I cupped her backside and drew her even closer to me. My actions caused a moan to escape from her lips and her breathing grew fast and urgent. I grabbed her off her feet and still kissing her, walked towards the bed. She opened her eyes and gasped and put her feet down, gently putting her hands on my chest to stop me. “I’m sorry…” She began “I’m not.” I said and kissed her again. But this time she pulled back. “Are you kidding me right now?!” I said, a little too harshly. She backed away from me, a hurt look on her face. “I don’t know what came over me, I’m so sorry sweetheart.” She said, catching her breath and looking very uncomfortable. I paced the room like a wounded lion, growling furiously on the inside but trying my best to appear understanding on the outside. She saw through it immediately and smiled sadly. “I love you too.” She said. “I do, and maybe you are right, maybe I’m being a prude waiting too long for us to have sex, but , but I don’t know, I don’t want us to spoil it, you know?” “Even the boyfriends of one-eyed cleft-lipped babes get to taste the apple once in a while.” I said harshly, and wished immediately that I hadn’t said it. Tears formed in her eyes and she batted her eyelids furiously to push them back. She turned abruptly to the mirror and quickly reapplied her make-up without another word. I was mortified. “Babes, I’m sorry I said that.” I said quietly, remorsefully, standing at the door awkwardly, not knowing whether to go to her or stay where I was. “I guess I lost my patience a bit there but I’m all good now.” She pursed her lips, picked up her purse and came to the door, waiting for me to stand aside. “What, you are not talking to me now?” I asked. She said nothing. I whistled, exasperated, and stepped out of the way. She walked through and hailed a passing commercial bike. Naturally I would have escorted her but i was still upset and stood by the door instead. I watched her go and then shut the door and pulling my clothes went back into the shower. I put the water on ‘warm’ and allowed the soothing flow of warmth pervade my entire system. “I’m sorry”. I said again, to myself. I didn’t know if I was still addressing myself however or her. I was angry at the both of us. Angry at her for being so damned prudish and angry at myself for being so selfish at that point in time. The more I thought about it though, the more I realized she was in the right. I of all people, being a seer, should know better about what sex did to the mind and how lust blinded one from a lot of things. And if I couldn’t control myself with her how could I even say I was worthy of her or worthy of her love? I came out of the shower and dressed up. I composed an apology text “I’m so sorry” and sent it to her. She replied a whole grueling ten minutes later. It was an emoticon blowing a kiss. “Dinner still on tonight?” I texted There was a pause and a “ping” as she replied “Ok” Good. At least she was still talking to me. In a manner of speaking. I smiled and looked up at the wardrobe, at the corner where her hand couldn’t reach. I had been planning this for ages, had even reserved seats in advance. Tonight was going to be the night and nothing was going to spoil it. could this be love coming soon
24 Nov 2015 | 15:12
followinq.... Cant wait 4 dx story... Could This Be Love(mother and son)
24 Nov 2015 | 15:55
wooow.... Let's see how it goes.... Next please
24 Nov 2015 | 16:46
24 Nov 2015 | 17:15
Nice lyk am following this bumper to bumper...
25 Nov 2015 | 00:10
Nina is dam more stronger and powerful than we know. Even in her sleep, she's heavily protected such that the vengeance demon sent to harm her return to finish of the sender. Who could Richard and Ikenna be and what could be Nina's offence to them? I guess they might be the relatives of Mr. ......... (forgotten his name) in season 1. Nice one @Williams. Waiting for could it be love season 4
25 Nov 2015 | 02:17
I hope that nothing spoils it oooo but with the events in the morning, she might think you are rushing things so as to have the opportunity of getting to have sex with her. Women could be sometime funny in the way the reason oooo.
25 Nov 2015 | 02:28
Hmmm....... observing
25 Nov 2015 | 04:45
the most interesting story i have ever read on this site
25 Nov 2015 | 11:06
ok following
25 Nov 2015 | 18:58
Ride on guy..
26 Nov 2015 | 08:36
lolz u will propose to her tonight i guess .. but im still wondering how potent men sleep on d same bed with a woman and not entering the sacred place .. @DaintyShewa .. You Re Specially Invited Ooo
26 Nov 2015 | 09:03
continues... By seven in the evening I had finished my reading for the day, had my bath and dressed in a fitted smart looking blue and white stripped shirt and black denim trousers. I walked down the road to the fast food restaurant that had just opened up down the street a few weeks ago. Their food was delicious and the atmosphere was serene. It would be the perfect place to propose to Nina. I had booked a table there about two weeks ago and I prayed the manager of the place remembered. I had not been there more than twice since then to remind them I was coming and I didn’t want them caught unawares; I needed to make it extra special after the goof I made this morning. As I approached the place I saw that it had really taken off. Customers were lined at the entrance and there was loud music blaring away as the DJ played the latest hits. I became anxious for a moment, wondering if the environment would be too rowdy for the romantic evening I had in mind. Anyway, I had booked in the VIP suit and been assured of privacy in that area. I walked into the restaurant and made a beeline through the crowd for the manager’s office. The office was a small one and his desk had been placed right in the middle of it. He was a short fat man with a cigarette between his lips and furrows of worry etched across his forehead like a tattoo. He wore a light grey suit with a black shirt beneath it. His hair was cropped and balding at the centre. He sat down, worrying over sheets of papers on his desk with a chain of bottles attached to his legs which protruded from under the small uncomfortable looking desk. A hooded creature with a scythe sat beside him nonchalantly, signifying a worry which leads to death. It was not attached to him in any way which showed that he could still change his fate if he made the right decisions. “Hello sir,” I said. “I’m Chukwudi. The guy who made a reservation about two weeks ago when you first opened…” “Show me your receipt first if not I can’t help you!” He retorted angrily. “I don’t know why my staff will be booking seat reservations in a busy place like this! If your receipt isn’t here we can’t do anything about it!” I saw the hooded creature shift closer to him. I ignored it. “Sir, here’s the ticket. You really should calm down.” I added, my conscience getting the better of me. The man misconstrued my concern for aggression. “Eh?” he looked up for his papers and at my outstretched hand. He took the receipt from me and looked at it. The moment he saw the insignia fir VVIP his countenance changed. “Ah, sorry sir, please wait a minute while our waiter takes you to your table.” He pressed a button and in seconds a young chap entered the office. “Sir?” “Take this gentleman to his seat in VVIP section.” The manager purred. The boy nodded and turned to me. “This way sir.” I thanked the manager and turned to leave then paused at the door. “Pardon my asking, but have you checked your blood pressure?” I said to the manager who had gone back to studying his papers. He glanced up at me. “No. Why? You selling something?” “No Sir, but you should have it checked soon as a matter of urgency. All the signs of an impending stroke are there on your body.” The man sat back and smiled. “What are you, some sort of doctor?” “Something like that.” I said, “Take it as a friendly advice. Get your blood pressure checked first thing tomorrow morning. I’m serious.” He thanked me very politely and returned back to his work. I left, saddened that I couldn’t tell him any further for fear of being labeled a psycho, and also by the fact that the hooded creature had barely budged from its sitting position near him. He hadn’t taken what I said seriously.
26 Nov 2015 | 09:08
this is serious.... Next please... Another Episode is here. .... @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Johnysky @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse- one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Olami @December @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm-vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Inemeka
26 Nov 2015 | 09:21
Make it two episodes please @Williams. I just hope Nina wouldn't spoil yr day with a 'No' answer. I fear she might misunderstood yr move for proposing to mean that you are desperate in getting her to have sex with you.
26 Nov 2015 | 10:27
@japhola tnk my man u get mouth,am waiting patiencely 4 d showdown
26 Nov 2015 | 11:40
@Japhola thankz bro for the I.V.. I appreciate. *Followinq*
26 Nov 2015 | 12:11
Tnx @japhola 4 d notice
26 Nov 2015 | 12:34
@japhola... Tanks 4 d iv... @romancelord... Help us 2episode is to a day
26 Nov 2015 | 12:48
26 Nov 2015 | 13:55
Lovely story
26 Nov 2015 | 16:58
woow :) i finally cauqht up wir u quyz... @pemamezi u were wonderinq y u had'nt seen my comments tuday...yea i read it all throuqh [color=blue] 1 nd 2 [/color] it waz fantastic
26 Nov 2015 | 17:12
woow :) i finally cauqht up wir u quyz... @pemamezi u were wonderinq y u had'nt seen my comments tuday...yea i read it all throuqh [color=blue] 1 nd 2 [/color] it waz SUPERB :) :)
26 Nov 2015 | 17:12
woow :) i finally cauqht up wir u quyz... @pemamezi u were wonderinq y u din seen my comments tuday...yea i read it all throuqh [color=blue] 1 nd 2 [/color] it waz SUPERB :) :)
26 Nov 2015 | 17:13
this gift of seeing shaa am not sure that i want it anymore
26 Nov 2015 | 17:20
am glad U made it @pheranmmie041
26 Nov 2015 | 17:35
Nice one thanks @Japhola.
26 Nov 2015 | 17:59
@pemamezi it was'nt easy thouqh.. [color=blue] 181 [/color] paqes nor b beans nah :mrgreen:
26 Nov 2015 | 18:20
Hmm abeg chukwudi come and check me too
26 Nov 2015 | 18:38
26 Nov 2015 | 19:11
still following
26 Nov 2015 | 21:43
continues I shook off the thought and followed the young man to the VVIP section of the restaurant. A glass sliding door ushered us into a serene environment, much different from the noisy atmosphere outside. There were couches arranged in beautiful modern designs around small hexagonally shaped tables. There was a flat screened television and a bar at one corner and the lighting was arranged in such a way that each table was separately illuminated from above by a cone of light which could be dimmed or brightened to the taste of whichever guests sat there. There air-conditioning was set to a comfortable temperature and just beside it was a sign indicating that it was a no-smoking area. A DJ behind the bar played some soft music. “Please have a seat sir.” The young man said and I surveyed the place for somewhere isolated, somewhere I could make an ass of myself without being easily seen. I picked a table by the right, close to the wall and far away from prying eyes. He nodded and asked what I wanted to order and I told him to bring their special wine and to prepare one spicy roasted chicken. He nodded and left. I looked around my surroundings once again. A couple sat at the extreme left hand corner close to the air- conditioning, laughing away and having a good time over soft drinks and fried rice. A young man sat alone at the other end near the entrance, sipping a sex-on-the-beach cocktail and watching the football match on the television. He wore a white outfit with gold outlines on the shirt and black outlines on the trousers. The gold outlines sparkled when he moved. A pair of dark shades covered his eyes and a white and black fedora hat sat on his head. He reminded me of Michael Jackson in his “Moonwalker” outfit. I looked at my watch, 8 o’clock on the dot. She would be here soon. I felt the ring in my pocket and my heart skipped a beat. I suddenly became a little nervous and loosened the collar around my neck. I wanted everything to be perfect. I caught the eye of the DJ and nodded my encouragement, he grinned and gave me the thumbs-up sign and continued with the cool jazz he was mixing. The tune was relaxing and the warmth and strong confidence the music exuded helped in calming my nerves as I took deep even breaths. Fifteen minutes passed and she still hadn’t arrived. I began to fidget. Was she still angry with me? She had replied favourably when I had told her about the dinner date and even though it was a text message it had been friendly enough to show she still wasn’t harbouring any bad feelings, at least not enough to stand me up. I battled with the idea of calling her, whether it would be good manners or not. I decided to give her another tn minutes. The man in the Michael Jackson suit ordered for another drink. He looked forlorn, but there were no manifestations around him that I could perceive. Probably worrying about a little thing., not like me that was being stood up by the girl I wanted to marry on the romantic evening I had chosen to propose to her… Damnit. I picked up my phone and called. The number you have dialed is switched off The robotic voice seemed to be deliberately taunting me. I tried again and got the same response. I closed my eyes and sat back on my seat, massaging my temples with my hands. Why had she switched off her phone? Was she really that upset? Was it that her battery had run down and she had forgotten about our date? The glass door slid open and I stood up expectedly but instead two burly men walked in. I groaned and sat back down, asking myself why I had been so stupid earlier and wishing I could turn back the hands of time when the two men passed my field of vision and headed for the bar. I sat up immediately something was wrong
27 Nov 2015 | 07:26
And what could dat b??
27 Nov 2015 | 10:01
Hmmm . Next plz
27 Nov 2015 | 10:13
Oops...our Nina might be kidnapped
27 Nov 2015 | 10:25
Bring it on
27 Nov 2015 | 17:54
Follow ya
27 Nov 2015 | 18:20
Why did u have to end d episode there? Damn.... U r killing me with suspense. Ride on bro
27 Nov 2015 | 19:21
Hmmm hope is nt what am thinkin
27 Nov 2015 | 19:55
Hope Nina has not bn kidnapped
28 Nov 2015 | 04:18
what happened.....
28 Nov 2015 | 05:53
What could be wrong? Please ooooo! Fix whatsoever that might be wrong
28 Nov 2015 | 11:22
Phew jst finished reading 1 nd 2 been an interestin ride tank God i'v finally caught up wit u guys hope ntin bad happens to Nina keep it rolling mr @williams
28 Nov 2015 | 12:02
what wrong with nina
28 Nov 2015 | 13:02
y did u stop dia nah :roll: it myt b those quyz in ur dream..they ve her? 0h no way
29 Nov 2015 | 01:32
What could be wrong?.
29 Nov 2015 | 05:14
Next pls
29 Nov 2015 | 05:34
Oya nau
29 Nov 2015 | 13:22
Wat happen nw?
29 Nov 2015 | 14:38
I jst hp nina isnt pls
30 Nov 2015 | 11:02
30 Nov 2015 | 20:33
Still waiting
1 Dec 2015 | 04:09
Wia is nina ooo
1 Dec 2015 | 10:33
Is like I will stop following this story, I will read it when it become a completed story, dat is how for d previous seasons.. can't just withstand this suspense anymore..
2 Dec 2015 | 17:18
I'm back again even though no 1 invite me, I sha don invite myself..... hope Nina is okay shaa oooo Nice one Williams, keep it up....... next please
2 Dec 2015 | 20:08
@williams wat's up nah u ar taking eternity to update d next epic haba it nt fair na
3 Dec 2015 | 04:33
3 Dec 2015 | 10:52
@williams whot is goin un u are keepin us here for too long nd u knw de Gods are nt happy about it so guy do somtin na.....
3 Dec 2015 | 11:43
@romancelord.... Wht hpn... No liqht... Den call me 4 fuel
3 Dec 2015 | 23:11
Upgrade 2 epizodz or stop this suspense na. *Followin*
5 Dec 2015 | 09:53
Haba @Williams come and continue with this story nah
6 Dec 2015 | 00:46
Hmmmm I m nt seeing any episode forth coming ooo y
8 Dec 2015 | 06:19
y d stop
11 Dec 2015 | 04:17
Next na abeg
12 Dec 2015 | 12:38
Thank God My Numba 1 Best Story On Coolval Z Bck Even Though I Came Late.....Abeg Oga Williams Wer U Dey We Don Try Wait Ni Abi U Don Abandon Am?....Ur Followers R Pleadin Oooo
15 Dec 2015 | 16:21
am back again to read one of my favourite cos i have wat it takes to read this....nina the golden wing angel
18 Dec 2015 | 08:02
No new update
19 Dec 2015 | 16:36
I came late bt Thank God i caught up with u guys. Ride on Williams coz we're anxiously waiting
20 Dec 2015 | 12:20
[b][i] every day until the end of the Mr coolval contest the kaduna boi brings to u short stories to thank you for ur support as we all no coolval connects Africa with stories allow me take u to dream land with short stories every day of the contest…….i see things others don’t see continues soon…… Vote @romancelord Mr coolval2015 [/i][/b]
22 Dec 2015 | 14:55
@ Williams y r u keeping US waiting for long
23 Dec 2015 | 08:56
@Williams y r u keeping US waiting for long
23 Dec 2015 | 08:57
@Williams, when is d soon? I qex its 4eva! Shey???
23 Dec 2015 | 14:08
@romancelord (@williams kadunna boi)! Nah like dis we go dey deyyyyy? You promised us an update everyday throughout the contest but we've not seem anything. Please don't start now to fail keeping a campaign promise.
23 Dec 2015 | 15:37
[b][i]Continues Vote @romancelord Vote Reformation I’m lost. I’m confused. I don’t know what to do. Oh God what do I do ? I’m sitting alone in my parlour this early morning, my thoughts in utter confusion. It’s been two days already since Nina disappeared. I almost went mad using my full powers all over her apartment, looking for any clue as to what might have happened to her. I must have been at her place for close to an hour before I raised an alarm. Damn well woke up the whole neighborhood running around outside like a madman and screaming her name. The security man and vigilantes were soon on the scene and none of them had seen any suspicious activity. After another thorough search of the Estate, they suggested we report to the police. The police kept asking annoying questions, who was I, how was I related to her, what was I doing at their place, how were there not sure I was the one who kidnapped her and so on and so on. I lost my temper and yelled at them a couple of times and the security guard had to vouch for me, begging them in his native tongue else I would have been thrown behind the counter. I called our boss and intimated him about what had happened and he sent some soldiers over immediately, not that they were any help. They took me from the station back to Nina’s apartment and searched the place again. They asked the security guard if he had heard anything or seen any suspicious person enter or leave the estate and he replied no. They then went further to search every house in the estate. Ok, so maybe they were of some help, but the more unfruitful their search was, the more distraught I became. Eventually we all returned back to the police station in the early hours of the morning, where I gave a statement and Nina was declared missing. There was an issue of waiting for 24 hours before lodging a complaint but the blood on the ground was too ominous a sign to ignore. I had touched the blood earlier. I knew it was Nina’a blood. The authorities could only speculate but I knew! If Nina’s blood was on the floor it meant Nina, my Nina, was hurt. Maybe even… I couldn’t bring myself to think about it. Knowing how close we were the boss has given me some time off. Now my big project didn’t matter anymore. Now all my previous efforts at reading made no sense. I would gladly give up my thesis to see Nina safe and sound. What more could I do? Where was she? I sat in my room perplexed. There should have been a clue, a sign, something! It was like someone came in after the deed had been done and cleared the area of any spiritual signature or activity. It was uncanny. Even touching the bed at the height of my powers should have given me an apparition of her last minutes in her room before she was forcefully removed, but I had felt nothing, seen nothing. I was only able to decipher the blood was hers because as soon as I touched it I saw her face. And even then that was a past image. It should have at least shown where she was at the time. What was going on? I heard a rumble deep within me, something I hadn’t heard in a long time. Chukwudi the stronger was stirring. Chukwudi the stronger is my alter ego of sorts. He is my spiritual self, pure, childlike, undiluted and brimming with power. He is the one I kind of draw my strength from, my internal spiritual regulator. He’s been idle for a while; the last time I let him come out completely was during the incidence with the man-animal in Asaba. Since then the only time I had seen him was once or twice in my dreams. Even yesterday when I was running around Nina’s estate like a mad person he had remained strangely calm. And later on when the soldiers dropped me at my apartment and I had tried reaching him, he had remained stubbornly silent. “So now you rumble after two days?” I started angrily. “Do you know what could have happened to Nina in two days?!” Chukwudi the Stronger’s voice in my head was calm, and that unnerved me. Chukwudi the Stronger is normally a boisterous fellow. Mischievous and full of life, ready to take on any and everything that comes our way. But now he spoke with a solemnity that was sobering. “We need to talk. Switch off your phones and lock the [/i][/b] Side note***** I would resume updating this stories but it has to be slow an episode or maybe 2 a week seriously I'm doing the best I can n will continue doing the best I can thanks for your understanding. @roamncelord
25 Dec 2015 | 18:47
@Wiseman @Ibrams @Johnysky @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay@Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C-Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar Just calling for your attention here…
25 Dec 2015 | 18:49
I see things others don't see season 3 ......updated..... @romancelord for a better Coolval 2016
25 Dec 2015 | 18:51
The bond (could this be love season 4) updated voting day has come vote the romancelord link
25 Dec 2015 | 19:36
26 Dec 2015 | 01:54
woe..hez qonna come out of him
26 Dec 2015 | 02:02
Where could she be?i fear oo
26 Dec 2015 | 04:45
it has begun [IMG][/IMG]
26 Dec 2015 | 05:25
26 Dec 2015 | 05:33
Be still.... Chukwudi stronqer wanna talk to u
26 Dec 2015 | 05:37
An appetizer update! @romancelord please come with the real thing
26 Dec 2015 | 06:35
maybe twice a week...chaiii... are you for real? abeg just kill person!!! m pp
26 Dec 2015 | 07:25
Not impressed
26 Dec 2015 | 07:30
HmmMm gonna rili b adventurous
26 Dec 2015 | 08:55
hmm ..
26 Dec 2015 | 09:09
following bro ride on pls update more pls we Dont like de slow update
26 Dec 2015 | 11:42
Give us more @Williamskadunaboi.
26 Dec 2015 | 12:57
U mean slow & steady @romancelord ???
26 Dec 2015 | 14:57
U mean slow & steady #update @romancelord ???
26 Dec 2015 | 14:58
I beg jorrr w@ ar u saying once a week.....#metcheew :(
27 Dec 2015 | 00:41
Hmmmmm. Let me off my phone. Nd close my door
27 Dec 2015 | 07:30
@williams, "an episode or maybe 2 a week seriously I’m doing the best". Dose re ur statemnts afta all ur promises, riqht? Well, If YES! Den I qex u dnt relly need our Votes! Gush! Dis was 2be 1 of my bex stowie eva in dis site! Nw wht....???
27 Dec 2015 | 17:00
27 Dec 2015 | 17:31
Seriously wen are u gonna post d next episode
28 Dec 2015 | 14:57
Infact some of de writers here makes me to become a ghost reader
30 Dec 2015 | 03:49
cbuks just knew DAT u ar destine to be wat u ar created for
30 Dec 2015 | 20:12
@romancelord please com and update nw,abi u dey vex?
2 Jan 2016 | 12:07
please whats keeping d story?
4 Jan 2016 | 13:41
Guy wetin dey sup naa
12 Jan 2016 | 14:55
bro abeg come update oooo
14 Jan 2016 | 10:21
28 Jan 2016 | 04:32
Nxt Episode Pls, Dnt Keep Us Waiting
28 Jan 2016 | 19:02
Waitinq for more update
20 Feb 2016 | 11:31
I would have wait for this season to be completed before commenting but can't afford to b a ghost reader
21 Feb 2016 | 02:21
Kaduna boi...pls cum update oo...
2 Mar 2016 | 08:10
Waiting for the next episode
14 Mar 2016 | 08:34
Next pls
23 Mar 2016 | 09:50
hmmmm...... i keep seeing interesting stories left unfinished.. and its seems the admin has not put any measures in to curb such acts.. its inappropirate as a writer to start a story without finishing it. i would advice that before one decides to post a story, kindly make sure that its a complete story first. so that all you need to do is update occasionaly. @coolval i think moving forward you need to put measures in place that would prevent our fellow writers from leaving their stories unfinished....maybe a fine or some sort... if there seem to be an emergency, they can always send the rest to you to update for them..... this was one of my favourite stories... i have concluded it ;)
16 Jun 2017 | 08:19
This story has been making my day since I started season1 now it ends incomplete this so painful I swear
12 Sep 2021 | 06:42


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