I Want A Home -

I Want A Home -

By IRETI in 14 Jun 2019 | 23:24
IRETI Adedipe

IRETI Adedipe

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Posts: 71
Member since: 9 Jul 2016
I Want A Home - EPISODE 1

18+ SNVL

“No aunty, I can’t marry Steve because he doesn’t belong to my class and I don’t even love him” Vivian disagreed and crossed her hands to show her total rejection in marrying Steve Jones like her aunt wanted her. She turned herself backwards making a frown and tried to face another direction as they continued their argument.

“And what exactly is your problem Vivian? As far as I know, Steve is a good man who cherish and love you than anything else and I don’t quite understand the type of class you are that he isn’t, what class exactly are you that he doesn’t belong to? He owns a car, you don’t own one. He owns two houses, you don’t even own one except the house inherited to you by your late parent and he earned lesser to the salary you’re being paid at work. Vivian what exactly is the problem?” her aunt shouted in anger and walked away angrily to have her sit after seeing Vivian’s mind was set elsewhere and she was still reluctant despite all the persuasion she did.

“You just can’t understand aunty, Steve is not the type of man I desires, we are merely friends alone and there’s nothing that will ever happen between him and I because I love someone else”

“You are still repeating the same thing Vivian, tell me exactly what is wrong in marrying Steve? What has the young man done to deserve the bad treat you are giving him?”
“Aunty, Steve is feeble minded, he isn’t my type. He has a soft spot and I don’t think he’s man enough to protect me like I wanted”

“To protect you !!”
“Protect you from what?”
“Aunty what I meant is that Steve is too slow and he’s not the fun type of man that deserves me. He’s always trying to talk me out of having fun and trying to change who I am, and besides my position at the office is senior to he’s and we have a lot more of differences that won’t make us work out”

“OH Differences huh, the only difference I see between you is Steve being more responsible and well mannered. For goodness sake he acquired all he attained at the same company you work while you lavish your earnings on irrelevant parties and sorts, look here my dear, I see no reason why you should reject a gentleman proposal to marry you”

“Proposal !!”
“Yes proposal, didn’t he propose to you?”
“No aunty, Steve didn’t propose to marry me. He hasn’t” Vivian argued and turned to face her aunt directly, hoping she could persuade her the more, even though deep down she knows her aunt was right and Steve indeed is a good man.
“Wait, you meant to say Steve had never proposed to you?” her aunt asked in shock.


“Move this car faster, move faster man”
“I’m trying my best here man, what else do you want me to do?”
“Move this bitch faster or the cops are gonna catch up with us mehn, Do you want us to get caught?”

“Hey man I’m trying my best here, will you drive the goddamn car then?”
The two men continued their argument in fear as different cop vehicles are now closely behind them and more already coming opposite their direction. They both took different glances at the side mirror to check the little distance between the police behind them as their siren sound so loud in the air.

The robbery they just successfully ended up doing was coming well until the cops suddenly showed up when they were some distance away to the crime scene and the ongoing chase had began 5 minutes ago at the less busy road.

“Stop this vehicle now or we shoot” the cops were shouting repeatedly and was soon to catch up with them.

“Put a damn call to Steve and ask where the fuck he went to, we goddamn need him here” the armed robber driving shouted at his crime partner who was seated at the front passenger side and still trying to load a gun with bullets but the fast speed of the car slowed him down longer than he should.

“What the hell are you doing? I said pick up your goddamn phone and call Steve right now, not the guns” he shouted again but his partner didn’t wait to hear the rest, he had started shooting at the police vehicle behind and aimed at their front tire but stopped and step back into the vehicle when the police started shooting likewise. He tried to calm himself and his breathing pace when the police bullet luckily missed him to hit the side mirror and lowered his stands in the car instantly to save himself from being hit by the bullet piercing through the vehicle back glass.

“Call Steve now or we gonna die” the one driving shouted again and turn to another side of the road to prevent the cop vehicles coming forward from stopping them.

“Where the hell are you Steve? The cops are after us bullshit” the second armed robber shouted into the phone immediately the call he dialed was answered.
“I know you are been chased by the cops and I thought you could handled the situation yourself without asking for my help” Steve response came through the phone.

“What the damn are you saying Steve? Your part of the bargain was to drive us safely away after we grab the money, where the hell were you because you weren’t in the car”
“Are you gonna listen to me now or continue complaining and get caught by the police?” Steve asked.

“Start talking now you motherfucker, the police are shooting at us”
“Good. Now listen attentively, get to the end of the lane you are taking and turn to the left side of the road immediately you are away from the first bridge side of that untarred road, continue driving in that zigzag pattern and create some distraction for the police driving behind you, I’ll be there to help you escape and make them lose you”

“What the hell do you meant by distraction? How do we distract them when they are closely shooting behind us”
“Just do as I say idiot, I am late for my evening job and I aren’t got more time to argue”

Steve cursed and ended the call immediately, he ignite the car as he threw the phone on the front passenger side and opened the driver side of the car, he stepped out almost instantly and brought out two pistol. He immediately pointed it backwards to shoot the coming cars.

The driving armed robber continued in the zigzag pattern and increased his speed immediately he cross the first bridge and got to the untarred route Steve instructed them to take. The police bullets had totally destroyed their back glass and both side mirror.

“Don’t lose them, don’t lose them” a senior officer shouted at the officer driving the police vehicle as he joined the heavy shooting due to the sudden dust of the untarred road

“I can’t see clearly with the heavy dust, I can’t see clearly sir” The officer driving complained and reduced his driving speed instead.

“Don’t follow the direction of their pattern, just drive straight or you’ll confuse the others” the senior officer instructed as he was trying to aim perfectly at the robbers car tires but the wave they were driving with prevented a good hit.

Steve sighted the men in the first car as the ones he was told to protect and he allowed them have more distance from the police immediately they turned to the untarred road before he began to fire several shots at the police vehicle coming behind them. The first round of bullet pierced the glass and hit the driver who fell back on the front seat dead before the whole car stumbled likewise due to the hit tires.

The heavy dust produced as a result of their driving pattern caused more commotion with the police vehicles coming behind the stumbled vehicle and crashed into it as Steve continue firing to give adequate time for the robbers who are now running to come into the car he parked.

“Holy shit,, move… move now” One of them shouted holding a briefcase as they both entered the back seat of Steve vehicle sporadically before Steve entered the driver side and speed off crazily to cause more distraction.

GMT 03:32pm

The phone began to vibrate again the sixth time as Steve work on a laptop, he felt the need to pick up the phone and answer Alex who just won’t stop calling him but phone calls are prohibited in the entire building and especially prohibited for him as a part time employee under the working hours.

He heaved a sigh and concentrated on the laptop he was working on after making a quick glance at his wristwatch and took a long look around the vicinity. He felt a bit happiness within him realizing he has less than an hour to complete the day job and he has done a lot within the few hours he resumed to the evening job even though he was a bit late.

“Steve, please can you help me work on this file and send it to me when you’re done?” A lady walk up to his desk and stretched an office file forward to him, distracting his attention.

“Which File?”
“This is the stock file with A.A firm, we still have few more corrections and I want you to have a look and figure out what’s left to be added” She replied and dropped the file on his desk.

“Mary I don’t think I can help you with this, I’m almost done for the day already and I have somewhere to go” Steve disagreed and push the file aside as he began to shut down the system he was working on.

Mary was a childhood friend to Steve and they had met some weeks ago when Steve suddenly appeared in their company to work as a part time staff. To Mary, it seemed Steve doesn’t want any relation with any of the staffs as he’s always quite and only Concentrated on his work but she always strive to relate and get close to him no matter how reluctant he may be on some decisions and to Steve who believed getting his job done at the appropriate time sees Mary as the laziest human on earth and one to get others do what she ought to get done herself. He wanted to stop their closeness at first when he was employed as a part time staff due to her talkative act but shrugged it off considering the fact that they were Childhood friends and she wasn’t the one he could easily snub.

“Please Steve, it’s not gonna take longer than you think. Please help me this last time” she begged and moved closer to his desk.
“Mary I’m sorry I can’t help you right now, I have to go somewhere immediately I relay today’s job to your boss”

“Steve please, help me this one last time please”
“I’m sorry Mary, honestly I have something else to do and somewhere to go”

“And where exactly are you going? Can I come along then?” she asked him smiling when she saw his seriousness about not helping out with the files.
“No you can’t, I want to go alone because it’s somewhere private”
“oh ! Are you going on a date with a woman then? Do you have a fiancée already?”

Steve heaved a sigh tiredly and stands up immediately without answering her questions, he returned the laptop he shut down into the back-bag he came with and re-arranged all the documents he had worked on alphabetically on each other and start to walk away as she instantly ran ahead and stopped right in front of him without minding the stares from the three other staff in the office whose attention were now centered on them.

“OK, Can you at least give me a lift when you’re leaving then? My vehicle had some fault and I hadn’t fixed the problem” She begged and move backwards a bit from him reluctantly after seeing the staffs were still staring.

Steve smiled without looking backwards and nodded in acceptance before she allowed him have his way into the corridor that leads to the boss office and smiled too.

10 minutes later

Steve redialed Alex number immediately he left the company building with Mary sitting at the front passenger side as he drives and connected a Bluetooth with his device.

“Hey buddy, why didn’t you answered your calls?” Alex voice came through immediately the call was answered.
“Sorry man, I was at work and phone calls are prohibited. I’m sorry I didn’t pick up”

“It’s okay. Steve I’m happy to tell you that house now belongs to you, I completed the whole transactions today myself” Alex announced elevated.

“Wow !! Really?”
“Yeah bro, congrats to you”
“How big is the compound?”
“It’s fantastic man, very good like you always wanted it to be, I already sent some pictures to you. Just check them out yourself”

“Wow, I will, I will right now, thanks for your help man, I’m coming over the address you sent already”
“OH are you? And I am just about leaving now”
“No bro, please stay over and wait for me, I’ll join you in 15 minutes”
“I hope you aren’t going to take longer”
“Yeah. Thanks man”

Steve took in a breath immediately the call ended and smiled happily, he noticed Mary was staring him a look but he didn’t bother as he continued shouting ‘yes’ happily and increased the car speed.

“And what is this all about Steve, what’s the good news?” Mary asked with curiosity.
“I finally bought a house Mary, I finally bought the house I’ve always wanted”

“A house”
“Yeah. A house, I finally got it”
“You meant you are this happy all because of buying a house? What of the two houses you already owned?” she asked in bewilderment.

“I still owned both houses, is anything wrong in that?”
“No Steve but why exactly do you need to buy another one for?”

“That’s none of your business Mary” he answered her and increased his speed the more.

“Do you clear off all the necessities before doing the transaction?” Lord Nathaniel asked and made a chuckle after dropping the fruit juice he was drinking as he continued watching the news.

He adjusted himself and sit properly to relax totally on the sofa, he was on a simple shirt with a good trouser that match him perfectly. One could tell from his looks he was in his sixties but he looked agile and healthy like a strong man in his twenties. The sitting room was excellently looking good and furnished with different interior design and decoration with two guards standing alert at the entrance and two body guard behind the chair he sat on as he await response from one of his boys giving him a report.

“Yes sir, the transaction was prepared by Alex and we made sure the house was dully furnished to the taste Steve wanted it but we made sure all the secret exit and entrance in the whole compound are not enlisted among the information giving on the property”

“And are you sure Steve won’t discover all the secrets doors himself”
“No sir, we are sure he will found out in due time but we’d have achieved all our plans totally by then, he won’t get to know on-time because he trust Alex and we made the whole thing perfect without mistakes”

“And where the hell is Alex?”
“He told me Steve wanted him to stay behind but will be here in few hours” the body guard answered all the questions as the entrance door opened almost instantly two masked man entered the main room.

They both took off their face mask immediately they got to Lord Nathaniel position and greeted him after one of them dropped the briefcase he was carrying. He opened it and made an attempt to show Lord Nathaniel but the chief stopped him.

“Is my money complete?” he asked silently and lowered the volume of the TV instantly.
“Yes sir, the whole thing is intact and accurate”

“Was Steve there to help you in the robbery?” the drug lord asked.
“He wasn’t at first, but thankfully he helped us escape the cops”
“Good. We already let him have the house he planned on buying but he doesn’t know the property belongs to me and we will eliminate him immediately the last job is done”

“Can’t we just kill him now? We have enough boys already in place to do this mission” one of the drug lord most trusted man voiced out and walked inside.

“Not yet Sunny, I still have one more thing I need Steve to do for me before he can be killed” the chief countered and nodded to reply sunny greetings.
“Lord Nathaniel I meant no offense but why do you think Steve is more better than any of your men here? Why do you think the rest of us are not capable to handle any of your jobs successfully?”

“And is that a question for me to answer?”
“Yes my lord, your loyal men who are ready to die for you are right here and they need to know if you place Steve more important than them sir”

“Listen up sunny” Lord Nathaniel flared up suddenly and stand on his feet.
“I do know of your hatred for Steve and I hate him too for betraying me despite all the help I rendered to him, as much as I want him dead, I still need him for this last mission and that is exactly when I’ll be giving you the permission to kill him, but right now, we need to make sure he’s under our close watch till he finished this mission for me” The drug lord said and glance a look at each men in the room before he carried the briefcase in front of him and walked out from the room.

To be continued…

Drop your comments.
14 Jun 2019 | 23:24
yeah.... bring it on!!!...... what next!!!
15 Jun 2019 | 03:00
15 Jun 2019 | 03:09
hmmm go on bro.
15 Jun 2019 | 07:10
Steve in the midst of enemies... I hope he knows what he's doing
15 Jun 2019 | 16:09
I here now
15 Jun 2019 | 17:04
15 Jun 2019 | 17:04
I'm already sited
15 Jun 2019 | 22:01
I Want A Home – Episode 2 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××××× “But you could at least tell her and faced the rejection bro” Charles burst into laughter as Steve narrate exactly what happened when he wanted to propose to Vivian, even though he knew Steve felt hurt with his immediate remark, he made clear mockery of him as he dropped the cup of juice Steve offered to celebrate the new house he just bought. “I felt embarrassed that day Charles, I was already on my knees with the ring case tightly in my fingers and I was about to say the most magnificent qualifications before she told me to stand up and stopped me, she actually said don’t do this please” “Wait Charles, you meant to say she said that loudly in public?” “Yeah she did. It was as if she knows what I’m thinking already and that got me confused if Vivian really cherished me like you all assumed, I am definitely on the lost track Charles” “Of course you are mehn, what do you expect already when you took her on a date at a place famous for proposals? Are you going to get married to her easily like that?” “Charles, I am in love with Vivian and I want her to be my wife” “Of course I know bro and I’m not disputing it, that is why you bought this house to be together with her. Who wouldn’t know that huh? But luckily you got your answers without the questioning” “But she doesn’t want to…” “At least a trail is enough, who knows if she’s pretending? I know and I’m sure Vivian loves you, especially whenever she looks at you” Charles said with a chuckle and walked away toward the kitchen immediately leaving Steve standing. Steve stood akimbo in few minutes and started looking all around the neat sitting room and the decorations he had done all round the room as Charles walked towards the kitchen. He loose his tie and made to sit down on one of the chairs when his phone began to ring out and to speak of the devil, Vivian was boldly displayed on the screen. “HI Vivian” he said immediately he answered the call. “Hey Steve, please come and help me out here. I’m in a little bit of trouble with the cops” “The cops?” “Yeah. I was charged with a lots more offense I didn’t commit, please come over” Vivian begged. ___ An Hour later; Steve thanked one of the cops and headed out of the station with Vivian who was some distance away already looking for Steve car as he gave assuring look to the officer. “Hey let me open that for you” he said immediately he left the cop and rushed down towards his car when he saw Vivian trying to forcefully open a locked passenger seat door. He used the car key remote control to unlock the doors as she entered before he also entered the driver side and ignite the car. “Seat belt please” he said slowly and began to put on the driver seat belt. “Common Steve, will you always abide with rules all your life?” she asked and made a frown. “Seat belt please” Steve repeated before she reluctantly use her seat belt. “I know I went against the road traffic rules Steve but that shouldn’t give you the audacity to force me on anything. My goodness, how can I be charged with different other offences” Vivian complained as if Steve asked her any explanation even though she knew that will be the third time he’ll save her ass up from the cops. “You were driving at a fast speed and you slapped a police officer who told you to turn over when you know you’ve disobeyed the traffic rules” “I’m sorry Steve, I’m really sorry okay. And thanks for saving my ass today again. You are the only one I could call to help out knowing fully my aunt isn’t going to show up” “Thanks !!” Steve exclaimed in surprise and shock “Yeah thanks Steve, I really appreciate you” “Wow you do?” “Yeah. Of course I do” Vivian answered and took a brief look at him immediately he began to drive, she caught him smiling even though he acted not to when she looked at him. “What?” she asked and widened her brow “What’s what?” Steve asked too and made a brief look at her as he continued driving slowly. “You seemed surprised I’m thanking you” “Of course I do Vivian, that’s a word you’ve never ever said to me for years” “Oh !! Is that really true? I’m sorry Steve” “Huh You don’t need to be Viv” Steve smiled and made another glance at her as she also looked at him. They both suddenly burst into laughter for some seconds before Vivian speaks. “And Steve I… I want, to.. To” she stammered trying to show some gestures. “You want to what?” Steve helped out when he stopped laughing and saw her stammering lips. “I meant about our last date together” “Our last date?” “Yes, did you… I mean huh.. Do you want to propose to me that night at the restaurant?” she finally spilled it out stressing the propose. “What did you say?” Steve asked and turned to her. “You were behaving so weirdly the other day at the restaurant we went, did you” “No” Steve interrupted her before she could complete her words. “Are you sure?” she asked. “Yeah I am” “Wow thank God” “Thank God !! Why are you happy about it Vivian?” Steve asked her. “No it’s not that I’m happy.. Uh I’m just sort of happy that…. Yes, like thank God” “You still haven’t answer my question Vivian” “I just did so Steve, what else do you want me to say? I’m just sort of happy honestly” “You are just happy I didn’t” Steve said and stopped, he made a chuckle and concentrated back on the road as there was silence between them for about five minutes before he broke the silence again. “Anyway listen up Vivian, I think it’s been more than 31 months now we’ve been together as best friends” “31 months !! Oh my Goodness. Have you been counting?” Vivian exclaimed weirdly even though her mood already changed. “Yeah it’s 31 months already, and i huh wish to tell you something about myself” “Something about you?” she asked. “Yes. About me, something I’ve been wanting to tell you” “Oh Okay. I’m listening” she urged and turned to face him even though she seemed somehow irritated with his slow driving and she doesn’t suddenly understand how she feels within. “Huh… I think you should not bother, I’ll tell you about it when I come back” he said instead and took a look at his beeping phone. ××××× “Wow, here comes Steve my best hand man” Lord Nathaniel announced loudly and dropped the cup he was holding. “I’ve been waiting for you Steve” he greeted and made a chuckle. “If it’s a must you kill me lord Nathaniel, please let it be upfront and direct if you really want me dead. That way you’ll gonna earned my respect” Steve said with annoyance immediately without returning his greetings. “Hey relax Steve, I would have killed you if I wanted to and I would not have sent just a man to do it, come and let’s have a seat first, I know how strong you are and I know you better than yourself boy” the drug lord said and Steve followed him as he walk to have a seat. “What do you want from me again lord Nathaniel? I’ve done all you wanted me to do and I’ve told you I’m no longer interested in this line of work. Why the hell do you need to sent one of your boys to kill me?” “Calm your nerves Steve, it’s all because I know you’ll come looking for me if you ended up killing the assassin I sent to kill you like I wanted, I saw the dead body and I’ve been wanting to ask you if you had roast him in fire” “What is it you want from me Lord Nathaniel?” Steve raised his voice and stood up with confidence without answering his remarks. “You’ve asked me same question multiple times now but the way you asked them only makes the difference my boy” Lord Nathaniel answered him and raised his hand to signal to the two guards standing behind him. The guards turned and both walk away before he continued. “Do not forget where you came from and who made you this strong Steve, it’s very difficult for me to let you go because you think you’ve been reformed but do this last mission for me and I’ll let you go finally” “No Lord Nathaniel, I am not doing this anymore for you. It’s just enough between us and I’m done doing your jobs” Steve strongly disagreed and made an attempt to leave instantly before the two guards who left earlier suddenly dragged along them a tied man who was pushed forward and forcefully made to be on his knees immediately. Steve stopped walking and took a look at the man’s face with the way he was handled by the guards, the strange man didn’t seem familiar to him or if he’d seen him anywhere but he had to stop when the drug lord brought out a pistol and pointed it at the man’s skull. “Nathaniel we can sort this out between us, you don’t have to do this to me please” The man begged and made few gestures to apologize. “You committed a sin against me and you expect me to let it go just like that huh? Why the goddamn are you begging me after what you did” Lord Nathaniel flared up and cocked the pistol instantly. “Please Nathaniel, think of our mother if not anything and forgive…” he couldn’t complete the words when the drug lord shoot and sent a bullet directly through his skull. Steve stood akimbo in surprise as he suddenly remembered the man’s identity, he stared at the lord who returned the gun back behind him before the guards made to clear off the dead body and he took a longer look at Lord Nathaniel who made a wicked smirk at him. To read more of this story, visit this website www. Kipwriting. Com" “He deserves death for disobeying and going against my orders even though he is my blood brother, what difference will you make Steve? You have no option than to obey my instructions and get me what I want else I’ll go after your loved ones” he added and smiled wickedly before walking away as Steve watched the guards still struggling to carry off the corpse. He made his fist and controlled the urge to hit the drug lord angrily. ××××× The whole atmosphere was cool as Steve sat quietly in the restaurant with a fruit juice placed on the table. He seemed busy with the phone in his hands as he began to view the pictures of a man boldly displayed on the screen. He had access full details and all the information he needed about the man when two men suddenly approached him and took their seat in front of him without him permitting them. “Hey Steve, I’m detective Cougar and this my partner detective Louis, sorry we are gonna take few of your time” One of them mentioned as Steve kept staring at them before they both show their identity cards. “How do we get down Lord Nathaniel?” the detective started in assumption that Steve had already given the permission. “What !!” “The drug lord you worked for and his operation you’re trying to quit now, how can we arrest him?” the detective hit the nail directly after Steve exclamation. Steve widened his brow immediately but he wasn’t scared, he took a strange looks at the two detectives and examined them in 2 minutes if they were truly detectives. “How do you know I’m quitting” he asked them. “Leave that to us Mr. Steve, we clearly follow all your tracks despite that you are extremely good at erasing all the captured footages before we get to see them, we know the operation you work for and your drug lord identity but we can’t arrest him without evidence, we need your help” “I’m sorry detective, I don’t know what is it you’re saying. Perhaps you met the wrong person” “Please help us out Steve, we know you and lord Nathaniel are presently on bad terms and threat to kill yourselves, why don’t you help us capture him instead?” “Excuse me, I said I don’t know what you’re saying nor do I have a proper idea of who you men are” Steve denied and stands up to leave immediately. “You can contact us anytime you change your mind Steve, you are our only hope to get down Lord Nathaniel for good” the second detective said before he could walk totally away from them. ××××× Vivian sat on her office desk as she discuss with Margaret, her office colleague who was seated adjacent her desk. They both smiled and she looked back end the whole office to see Steve concentrating on the project the company manager assigned to him that morning when they were called for a brief meeting. “He’s always concentrating on his work and he’s such a feeble boring gentleman to me” Vivian smiled as she complained. “You meant to say he bought another more beautiful house?” “Yeah. He furnished the whole compound and building excellently, my goodness, Steve is too neat and too composed for my liking” "To read more of this story, visit this website: www. Kipwriting. Com" “OH my bad, but he’s handsome and richer than he looks Viv, you’ve maltreated that gentleman longer than you should Vivian” “Hmm. I know he wanted to propose to me that night at the restaurant but I wasn’t myself that very night” “Hmm. You weren’t yourself?” “Yeah Margaret, I told you about our last date didn’t I? and I asked him about it some days ago when he came to save my ass from the cops but he said No” “He said No !!” Margaret exclaimed. “Yeah. He denied on proposing but Margaret, the truth of the matter is I think I love Steve” “You love him?” “Yeah. I think I do girlie” “Oh my God since when Vivian?” “I don’t know Margaret and I really want to get off this feeling within me since he wasn’t proposing in reality” Vivian answered and turned her gaze back to her friend. “But you said he indeed went on his knees the night at the restaurant and your saw something between his both palm” “Yeah I did” “Then how did you react to him?” Margaret asked and crossed her legs as she asked and smiled. “I told him to stand up and not to do it” “Wow, right there at the public? Oh my God, how must he have felt? He must have been embarrassed my dear. To be continued..
22 Jun 2019 | 15:08
Ride on
23 Jun 2019 | 05:14
I smell something fishy. Those Detectives must be from lord Nathaniel. He wanted to test Steve or even set him up
23 Jun 2019 | 07:43
I Want A Home – Episode 3 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××××× Steve looked round his environment and kept his car key into his left pocket jacket immediately he came out from his car. He made a sigh in frustration the moment he sighted Lord Nathaniel under the shade in his big compound and began to walk towards him with three boys standing behind him along Sunny. He couldn’t believe he was really in the drug lord compound despite his strong decision to leave the line of work and was about to do what was asked of him by lord Nathaniel forcefully. “Welcome back Steve, it’s really good to have your old self again” Lord Nathaniel said and smiled happily as Steve close-by the shade. The three boys standing beside the drug lord greeted Steve by making some gestures silently except Sunny whose hands was folded. “You made the right decision by doing this last job before we are both done for good. That’s was excellent of you Steve” the drug lord commented and smiled in mockery as Steve was now directly standing opposite him. “If anything ever happens to her, it will be a bad war for you and I lord Nathaniel” Steve made a frown and made himself clear fearlessly as a warning and threatened. “Nothing will happen to your girlfriend since you comply by my rules Steve but I’ll make sure I have my men monitoring and closely watching her” Lord Nathaniel said and stopped Sunny who was about to react to Steve threat by waving to him. “And are you threatening him?” Sunny stubbornly spilled it out despite Lord Nathaniel attempts to stop him. “Hey Sunny, stop right there and let me handle this now” the drug lord interrupted. “No Boss, I need to know if Steve really just threatened you” “I said let me handle this” He shouted again and made a brief glance backwards at Sunny. “My men will monitor her Steve” “No lord Nathaniel, I want your men totally away from her or any of her friends and relatives” Steve countered him immediately. “Okay Steve, I know that girl is the reason you agreed to do this and I can see you’re only trying to protect her” Lord Nathaniel answered and raised his left finger to show his agreement immediately without a second thought about it. “Good. So let’s get straight to business, what’s the plan?” Steve asked immediately and drag a chair from one of the angles to sit before sunny replied him impatiently after he moved closer to lord Nathaniel. “The target arrives into the country tomorrow at noon and he’s possibly heading for an official meeting immediately. We are to apprehend him after the 1 hour meeting and collect the information we need by staging our men around him secretly as security officials” “And who is the target?” Steve asked and pocket his hands. “He’s an Arabian business man called Abdul Rauf and he’s majorly here to meet a man called Mishra who struck a deal with him” “Mishra !!” Steve exclaimed and widened his brow In confusion as he suddenly remembered something about the name. “And have you found out the kind of deal between them?” “No. That won’t be necessary, all we need to do is to clear off any physical problems ahead the time to attack Abdul Rauf” “Isn’t Abdul Rauf going to be fully guarded?” “He will be, he’s surrounded by six highly trained professional guards who will kill even a flie at the slightest sight” “What about Mishra? What have you found out about him?” “Mishra is one of his illegal business dealers, his identity is unknown to us but we found out he back-up every deals involving the target, that is all we know about him” Sunny replied somewhat already frustrated with the questions and made it clear with the way he answered. “We have to change that plan Sunny” Steve said and took out his phone instantly as sunny exclaimed and the guards with them widened their eyebrow including Lord Nathaniel in confusion. “What !!” Sunny exclaimed in annoyance, he knew from the start something like that was bound to happen and that make him more annoyed. “That is a good plan Steve, why does it need to be changed?” Lord Nathaniel asked. “It has to change because Mishra isn’t just an illegal business dealer like Sunny said, he is very much connected and has a lot of dealers working secretly for him. I did a background check on him sometimes ago and I found out he was responsible for the recent attack on Lord Baaji business dealing three months ago and If he surely struck a deal with Abdul Rauf, that means there is a perfect plan ahead to stop any physical attack” “Then are you saying we shouldn’t attack him?” Sunny asked. “We can’t attack Abdul Rauf upfront successfully, that is absolutely impossible especially when they are surrounded by professionals and we don’t know the plans they have in place but we can get him through Mishra somehow without a gun battle or killing anybody and losing any men” “How” Lord Nathaniel asked. “I discovered something intriguing about Mishra” Steve answered. ×××× GMT 02:08pm “I am going into the club now, target is on a white shirt and black trouser, a black Italian shoe and wears no tie” Steve said into the wireless talkon as he walked inside. “Copy that” a response came through the earpiece. “One guard at the entrance, two standing guards adjacent to my position and target seen. Do you copy?” “Copy that” “Good. I’m moving up to target position now, stay focused” Steve said and walked directly beside the bar Mishra was seated after he took note of all the standing positions of Mishra guards. He walked towards the target who was on a drink and sat beside him, removing his eye glasses. “Why do Mishra guards always have to stands some distance away from him?” “Of course to let whoever wants to attack him thinks he’s alone, it’s seemed stupid hearing it but he’s really the safest” Steve heard the two guys monitoring and directing his movement discussed as he greeted the target who was seated alone on the long roll. “HI” he greeted and sit some meters to him. “Hi” Mishra greeted back him by raising his right hand and smiled. “What are you drinking?” Steve asked him smiling and move closer to him. “it’s Mojito, want to have some?” “No, that’s too sweet. I prefer Whiskey” Steve answered and smiled again. “Alcoholic” “Yeah. “Hey, A bottle of Whiskey for the strong boy here” Mishra told the bartender and smiled again, giving Steve the chance to move more closer to him without considering he was speaking with a stranger. “So what’s your name strong boy?” Mishra asked. “I’m Steve, what about you?” “I’m Mishra, son of the devil” he whispered into Steve right ear and burst into laughter. “So are you waiting for someone here? You seemed more handsome to just be alone” Mishra began a conversation as Steve was now totally close to him, leaving no distance between them. He took a brief look around in pretense to appreciate the environment and the cool atmosphere of the club to still confirm the position of the guards but made sure he prevented making any eye contact with them. “Yes I am here alone to drink” He replied after turning back and stylishly brought out a tiny device with a flat shaped cover mouth from his jacket. He sighted Mishra phone beside the glass cup he was seated and took the champagne the bartender dropped. “Wow, as handsome as you are, don’t you have a girlfriend?” Mishra smiled again and asked Steve “Oh I don’t, I am huh a..” Steve said trying to stammer “Gay?” Mishra asked. “Yeah. I know it’s sound ridiculous but I” “I am also a gay too Steve, and I prefer handsome men like you than a woman” “Really !!” Steve exclaimed as if he didn’t know already and didn’t see it coming quick when Mishra suddenly placed a kiss on his lips. He was shocked and wanted to jerk off straight away at first in surprise at the ridiculous act but returned the kiss reluctantly in seconds instead before Mishra broke away and smiled seductively. “I was actually here to meet Brian, my gay partner who called to meet me up here this morning and I’ve been waiting for 2 hours now but I don’t think he will be here any time soon because his phone isn’t going through anymore. I think I like you Steve” he commented without shame and smiled without minding the stares from some un-lookers unlike Steve who found it disgusting but didn’t let it show on his face. He knew such occurrence was bound to happen when he attacked Brian some hours ago and used his phone to contact Mishra for a meeting but was surprised Mishra easily let his guard down than he expected. “I like you too Mishra, and I like your dress” Steve whispered back and tried to faint a smile, he touched the collar of the cloth and smiled the second time as he used the distraction to check what he had done fast on the man’s phone when they were kissing earlier. The loading process was still at 75% and that made him finally concluded that the type of security on the phone was good, it was accurately protected like he thought and must be the only reason he was denied access when he had tried to hack it some hours ago but using a direct log will give full access. He suddenly grab Mishra by the time he raised up his face and placed another kiss on his lips to give the keylogger he planted access to break down the phone full security silently despite that the guards fixed gaze was on him and some of the un-lookers has started minding their business in disgust. He cling unto the kiss without blinking but stopped after he removed the tiny device from the phone when the process finally loaded successfully. “Wow huh can we go somewhere private now? It’s seems we need to do this” Mishra said and touched Steve shoulder seductively. “No Mishra, I think you need to attend to your ringing phone first, you have an incoming call” “What call?” Mishra asked him and took a look at his phone but it wasn’t ringing neither was there any missed calls as he doubled tap the screen. But before he could take a look back, it’s started ringing truthfully and Abdul Rauf was boldly displayed on the screen. He took it up quickly and smiled. “Sorry I have to answer this private call, I’ll send someone to hook you up with me soon” he smiled and started walking away to answer the call. “I planted a keylogger and Abdul Rauf just called him now, monitor their conversation and trace Mishra movement with the tracker I put on the collar of his shirt ” Steve said into the talkon receiver as Mishra left him and the three guards standing some distance away followed behind him out of the club. “Copy that, we saw the log-on already and we broke the security signal” another response came through his earpiece. “Good. Connect me with Sunny straight away, I have some instructions to give him” he order and drank the full content of the champagne left in the glass cup as few people in the club who saw him kissing Mishra earlier was still staring at him with disgust “OK boss” ___ “Steve, Abdul Rauf is out of the meeting location and I think he’s headed to meet Mishra now. He’s already entering the car with his escorts” Sunny said watching Abdul Rauf coming out from the building with heavy guards around him as soon as he was connected to Steve. “OK Sunny, I think you don’t need to track or follow them any longer. I am monitoring Mishra movement from here and I am closely behind him likewise, they just communicated 45 seconds ago and I’ve discovered their exact meeting point. All I need you to do is to locate your boys and tell them to kidnap Mishra immediately he get to the parking garage of the building he’s headed while I’ll meet up with Abdul Rauf disguised as Mishra to make the deal” “Haven’t they met before?” “It’s their first meeting together and I don’t think one recognized the other” “What about the guards? How do we handle them?” Sunny pointed out. “I think their guards aren’t going along with them according to their conversations, they are to stay in different position few meters away from the building under an agreement that both parties should not come along with any weapons, so that makes it easier for us than having to fight with them upfront” “Ok then, how do I get the location of the meeting?” “I’m sending it already into your phone, you can check it out” Steve answered and ignite the car he was inside before speeding off and end the connection with sunny temporarily. ××××× Mishra drove carefully inside the parking garage without any of his guards escorting him as he looked left and right the garage for empty space to park his vehicle. Luckily he spotted a space beside a Van in less than three minutes of driving and parked the vehicle. He took out his phone and came out from the car first before selecting the message application of his phone after locking the car door to sent a quick text to Abdul, informing him he was already in the building. He hadn’t taken four steps away from the driver side of the car when the Van door beside him opened and two of sunny’s men suddenly rushed out, one of them immediately sent a punch into his belly and the other one covered his mouth with a tape straight away to prevent him from shouting. Mishra wanted to counter the swift attack but they were stronger and easily apprehend him before he was pushed into the van hurriedly after another blow landed on him. ___ “Mishra is handled, Abdul Rauf will be in the building in 5 minutes. I have spotted his car entering the garage and he will possibly use the elevator” Sunny’s voice came through Steve talkon as he began to walk to the meeting spot. “What about the package? Is it with him?” Steve asked as he began to walk slowly knowing fully he still has 3 minutes before Abdul Rauf could get to the roof of the building where they are ought to meet before he noticed his phone was vibrating and there was an incoming call from Vivian, he took several looks at the screen without answering the call because of the ongoing mission but hoped she hasn’t put herself into another trouble again, knowing she only calls when she needs his help. “He is holding the tablet device, I think he has it” Sunny answered him. “Good. I knew I was right about this but I want you to stay in position incase Abdul Rauf might want to act dumbly” “He is already walking closely behind you” Sunny’s voice interrupted again as Steve rejected Vivian’s call and returned the phone into his pocket when he heard the target footsteps. He turned back and faced him directly. “HI, I’m Abdul Rauf, are you Mishra?” Abdul asked and extend an handshake to Steve who was disguised as Mishra. “HI, I’m Mishra” Steve replied him confidently and smiled after extending an handshake to him likewise. “OK. But I thought I was expecting a middle aged man” “No you aren’t, Strong boy” Steve said and added their identity code name he discovered from reading most of Mishra conversations. He repeated ‘Strong boy” but Abdul still looked confused and asked for the pass pin number. “What’s the pass pin number?” “It’s not a number, it’s Mojito and I love the chess” Steve answered him correctly and smiled. “Oh, sorry I doubted you. I had to be sure I am with the right person” “It’s okay, did you receive the payment?” Steve asked. “Yes I did and I have the package at the last floor” Abdul Rauf answered and made a gesture backwards. “Okay, let’s go get it” Steve said and nodded before he felt his phone vibrating again but he didn’t bother taking it out. They got to the last floor in five minutes and Abdul brought out a tablet device and a small bag from the car. He stretched both to Steve and handed it over after putting off the device password. “Cool?” he asked Steve who nodded after confirming the contents of the tablet and the small bag. “Thanks” Steve said and smiled to receive Abdul hand shake when a bullet suddenly went into his skull suddenly. Steve stepped backwards instantly with shock and got annoyed when he saw Sunny was the shooter. “What did you do? We already received the package, what was the need to kill him” Steve shouted in annoyance and flared towards sunny immediately. “Because that was the real operation Steve, that is exactly what should be done to keep off Lord Nathaniel from future crisis and I just did the right thing” Sunny replied but wasn’t fast to see it coming and dodge Steve attack as a blow landed twice at his cheek. “Listen up. I’m the one giving orders here, who the hell are you to decide anything?” Steve shouted and grab Sunny’s shirt in anger after he dodged the third attempt but Sunny too retaliated immediately and punched him. “Your damn operation has ended and mine begins now idiot, have you forgotten your time has expired and the job is done” “But why didn’t lord Nathaniel tell me this?” Steve shouted on him and released his shirt. “Because he knows you don’t have the courage to kill, you have become weak Steve. Just go to your mansion, listen to your wife blabber and be ready to change the kids diaper like you wanted, you are definitely fit to do just that” Sunny replied panting and straightened his shirt before his men in the Van showed up behind them. He winks and walked away from Steve who still looked annoyed but knew his job was done and Sunny actually said the truth. “Clean and dispose the two bodies” Sunny ordered the men as he walked towards the tablet and the bag Steve dropped on the floor. Steve closed his eyes to think and reopened it when his phone vibrated again but the vibration ended quicker. He took out the phone and tried to calm himself as a message was boldly displayed from Vivian. “What’s up with the gay of a thing? Is that what you wanted to tell me about you earlier because there are pictures of you kissing a man and its trending on the internet right now. Are you really a gay?” the message says. To be continued…. Visit my website @ www. Kipwriting. Com to read more of this story and endeavor to comment.
23 Jun 2019 | 18:31
People will never mind their business. So they took pictures of them while they were kissing
24 Jun 2019 | 04:03
Amebo people took their pics
24 Jun 2019 | 12:54
Amebo people took their pics
24 Jun 2019 | 13:02
I Want A Home – Episode 4 ®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ××××× Three guys sat closely inside the moving car including Sunny at the back seat. Two of his men were both at the front seat and the third man seated beside sunny who looked extremely furious, he had the pistol he used to kill Abdul Rauf earlier still with him and he badly wished he could have shoot Steve along the Arabian man but he never wished to disobey Lord Nathaniel orders. “Boss, but we could at least tell Lord Nathaniel there was some piece of shits and Steve was killed by Abdul Rauf, we can’t just let him go” One of Steve men seated at the front passenger side stubbornly argued after the short silence they had in the car since they left the crime scene and the two others nodded in agreement. “Yes Boss, this is an opportunity to finally kill Steve. We can’t lose this chance to end him miserably and we might not have another way else to eliminate him” the one seated beside Sunny added in agreement. “This mission was too easy and we handled it well enough, Lord Nathaniel will not believe the story that Steve died, he knows how hard Steve can be and he would know we killed him after the mission” Sunny finally answered them after the whole silence since they entered the car. “But what exactly do Lord Nathaniel wants from Steve? Don’t you think he is only deceiving us? He wanted Steve dead two days ago and don’t want him dead now anymore. Why does he believe Steve can handle all of his jobs and we cannot? I believe he is only using us and we can’t allow this to happen boss, let’s get this done once and for all or Steve keep getting the glory for himself” The driver added to the conversation. “We can’t disobey Lord Nathaniel orders guys. Stop blasphemy things about him. Yes, he wanted Steve dead due to some reasons before now and didn’t want him dead any longer, there’s nothing we can do about it” Sunny said without minding the quick glance they made on him with bewilderment as they remained silent and stopped disagreeing with him. He knew they were saying the truth but he doesn’t wish to disobey Lord Nathaniel orders not to kill Steve anymore, he had fought the urge to shoot Steve first immediately he saw him and Abdul Rauf coming to the last floor with the package they wanted but remembered lord Nathaniel orders and stopped. He knew lord Nathaniel had more terrible plans for Steve but its doesn’t seem to him that the drug lord wished to have him dead yet or implement them the plans, he tried to fathom what the drug lord really wants with the reluctant he has in killing Steve, despite all the threat he do make like one of his men just said and he couldn’t find any reasonable reason why the drug lord doesn’t want him dead all of a sudden again. He became angered at once when he felt a sharp pain on his chin as a result of the punch Steve gave him earlier and he tightened his grip on the gun he held immediately. He became more angered when he remembered Lord Nathaniel always call him to make sure he stay in position for Steve and be the back-up man after every successful missions and not to kill him yet because of one thing or the other. He suddenly felt betrayed by lord Nathaniel and felt like he was useless to the drug lord who had been deceiving him all long and Steve was always there to take the glory and appraisal of every job. He suddenly wished he could shoot Steve directly on his chest once and for all and he agreed to the decisions without proper thinking and let the anger part of him took his sense of reasoning. “Turn the car around and let’s do this” he finally agreed startling them and re-cocked his gun. “What !!” the men exclaimed startled. “Let’s kill Steve, he should be coming this way by now and it’ll be easy for us since the cops can’t show up here. We’ll meet him up before he can get to Bourne Voil industrial site” Sunny added and take a glance at his wristwatch to check for the time as the car was crazily turned around. “Good. Thanks boss” the one seated at the passenger side said and quickly brought out a gun, likewise the one seated beside sunny. ×××× Steve heaved a sigh as he took his time to check out four different pictures of him kissing Mishra on His pictures had started going Viral already on the gossip category and he took few moments to read some embarrassing comments on the pictures before he exited the website and took a brief forward in disgust. He wasn’t disturbed at the pictures or the rate its was trending but somehow regretted having to do all he did in the first place. He should have looked for another alternative to distract Mishra and planted the keylogger instead of getting snapped at the club but somehow there was no way he could have done that without Mishra seeing him or getting caught by any of his guards who were watching him closely. He was more worried about what Vivian and every other person who knows him will say and having to be a topic of gossip at work and everywhere else. He rested himself fully on the driver side and closed his eyes for a brief moment when he suddenly heard police siren coming opposite the road he parked. He opened his eyes immediately and saw a vehicle coming behind the police vehicle making the siren and both cars stopped at the exit of the building he just came out from. He watched them afar and ignite the car immediately he saw the two detective who meet up with him at a restaurant few days ago came out from the second vehicle after the officers who came out from the police car. He turned on his light indicator at once and move into the main road as he speed off instantly. He remembered he hadn’t taken proper time to make his findings on the two detectives and wonder how they were at the place that short time. If they’ve really been keeping tabs on him like they said and he hadn’t realize he was ever been followed or anyone was digging information on him, then it means he has been more careless recently and needs to buckle up himself quickly. His thoughts were distracted again by his ringing phone after he was about 1.8 kilometers away from the crime scene and Vivian was displayed again on the phone screen. He took in a breath slowly as he reduced his speed and decided to hear her out by answering the call this time even though the ringing was about to stop before he answered it. “Hey Vivian” he called out. “Hi Steve, where are you?” Vivian asked him immediately. “Is anything the matter again?” Steve widened his brow and asked as if she was in trouble with the cops again due to her urgent tone. “My Foster parent are on a trip into the country and I need to pick them up immediately they get to the airport, can you help me out?” “Your foster parent” Steve rephrased. “Yes Steve, they are both here to visit me for a short vacation and you know I can’t call my aunt for help, I need to pick them up before they’ll miss their way and that’s why I’m calling you” “Em, OK. Where are you now?” Steve glance at his wristwatch and made a slight sigh, thinking she wanted to talk about the gay thing earlier. “I’m on my way to the airport and their flight here is just in 30 minutes from now” “OK, I’ll join you there in few minutes” “Hope you won’t disappoint me?” “No Vivian, I’ll be there with you soon” he assured and the call ends. Steve increased his speed immediately the call ends, he drag down his device notification bar instantly and saw another missed calls from Charles, his office co-mates and different other contact including Mary. He knew and was certain almost at once they’ve all seen the viral pictures and could only be the reason they were calling but he was never disturbed except for Vivian who didn’t ask him about it. “Boss, that’s his car coming ahead” one of Sunny boys reported in their parked vehicle as soon as he saw Steve’s car coming and Sunny opened the back door at once in anger. He stepped out before his men did likewise all holding guns. Steve stepped on the car brake immediately he was almost near Bourne Voil industrial site when he suddenly saw gunmen on the main road, he saw the first Gun man who appeared from one angle of the road and quickly recognized him as Sunny but he wasn’t faster than he should when a bullet hit the left front tire of his car. Sunny rushed forward and fired another shot immediately Steve’s car instantly responded to his attack and stumbled over four times due to the speed he was coming with before his boys started shooting likewise. The car had stumbled more than twice and rolled over downwards before he ordered them to stop and he marched confidently forward after the car stopped at the fourth time in few meters away from them, he raised his gun to check if Steve was dead or still alive while the three of them followed behind. But like Sunny expected, they heard Steve still made a faint sound in pains and he ordered one of them to help him out from the driver side he was stuck. “Bring him out” he ordered as one of them quickly drag him by the waist after breaking the remaining pieces of the glass door. ×××× Detective Cougar began to load bullet into his gun instantly due to the sound of the gunshot they heard as Detective Louis increased the car speed. They had followed Steve secretly earlier without his knowledge when they saw him move the car. ___ “He is slowing down again” Detective Louis said and slowed down his speed too, he was sure Steve will never discover they had seen him even in the tinted glasses of the car he was seated earlier when they arrived with the police officers and won’t know either if he was being followed due to the perfect distance maintained between their cars. They had seen him move his car immediately they came out from their vehicle earlier and followed after him, following his driving pattern by increasing their speed and slowing down whenever he does. “OH my God, what the goddamn” Detective Cougar exclaimed startled immediately Steve car suddenly stumbled four times on the road all of a sudden and different gunshots followed. Detective Louis stepped on the car break instantly as they saw Gunmen shooting upfront, he stopped the car at once and they stepped out immediately with their guns in shock. “What do we do?” “Detective Louis asked immediately they stepped out. “We do nothing but shoot” “What !! Shoot who?” “Yeah Louis, just shoot first” Detective Cougar said and cocked the gun he loaded at once. ___ Steve managed to rest himself on some part of the already destroyed car after one of Sunny men helped him out. The accident was so quick and unexpected he couldn’t make more counter movements. “What a very terrible fate for you today Steve” Sunny remarked with anger and pointed his gun directly below Steve heart. “Shit !! Sunny, did Lord Nathaniel ordered you to do this?” Steve asked helplessly, realizing the situation and stared a look at Sunny and his men. “Don’t fucking ask me such question Steve” Sunny shouted without wasting any time and fired a shot at Steve but he missed his targeted point as two of his men suddenly fell dead right in distraction beside him when he fired the bullet that luckily missed Steve who made a quick move through the help of the distraction but the bullet went into his left shoulder when he tried to run almost instantly. The two detectives began to fire their guns without stopping from their angles as Sunny unexpectedly began to shoot too when he saw Steve ran and made to quickly get cover from the sudden shooters. Steve ran opposite direction of the road at once and luckily he saw the car Sunny and his boys were earlier into, he ran towards the driver side and opened the door. He got inside and ignite the car to move at once as a bullet hit the front glass at the passenger side. “Shit, we got to move out of here now” Sunny instructed the last standing man and fired another shot forward after seeing Steve was escaping with their car and he was so swift and quick. ××××× AN HOUR LATER Vivian went directly into the welcoming hands of her foster mother and the long hug made her foster dad cleared his throat when they seemed not to be letting go of themselves any time soon. They all burst into laughter and she went directly into her foster father’s arms happily. “Wow, you are highly welcome back to our country dad and mum” Vivian greeted them. “Thanks Vivian, even though there are lots of silly things we wouldn’t like to see here, this country is cool and nice atleast” Her dad said in his South African accent and her mum smiled. “You just don’t go there again dad, this is no South Africa” Vivian countered and smiled. “Darling we are here on a short vacation and I don’t think it’s time to compare countries now, let’s get some rest at least” her foster mum countered knowing fully they might start arguing right where they stood. “Yeah you should go and rest now, how was your trip sir/ma” They heard someone said behind Vivian and Steve showed up. “Sorry who are you young man?” “Hey Steve, he’s my friend dad. Meet Steve Jones” Vivian answered him after she took a look backwards to see Steve walking up to them. “OH wow, what an handsome young man. How are you Steve” Her foster mum said and smiled. “I’m fine mum, how was your trip?” “It was gorgeous” her foster dad answered instead and made a funny looks at Vivian. “Vivian I’m sorry I came too late, I had some personal issues I need to..” Steve turned to her and apologized when she interrupt him. “OH you don’t need to apologize Steve, I understand you have personal issues. Yeah I do.. And I uh.. I mean their flight was delayed more than the scheduled time unfortunately and fortunately we are still right here, so we are all good right?” she asked and made a face back to her dad. “OH I see, let me help you with the luggage’s then” Sunny said and tried to lift one of the luggage but he dropped it straight away when he felt a sudden sharp pain from the bullet wound he had already bandaged and had a new cloth put on after the fast treatment he made on the wound. “OH let me help you with that son, I think that is the heaviest among the luggage” Vivian Foster dad suggested when he saw Steve dropped it. “No Dad, let me have them. My car is near here so I’ll just dropped it off quickly” Steve disagreed and managed to carry the luggage with both hands. “OH thanks Steve, that is very kind of you” Her foster dad said as he carried it and started walking away while he carried the two left bags and followed behind him. “No mum, he’s only a friend and that’s all, stop giving me those stares” Vivian whispered back into the woman’s ear as they also followed behind. To be continued. Visit my website at www. Kipwriting. Com to read more of this story and make your comments.
29 Jun 2019 | 13:16
Cool. But please let the update be frequent
1 Jul 2019 | 04:10
I love this story.... Try to update frequently
1 Jul 2019 | 09:53
loving dis
1 Jul 2019 | 10:46
I Want A Home – Episode 5 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× Vivian walked into the crowded office hastily after opening the entrance door and walked directly to her desk without minding the full stares from the staffs, she responded to some greetings from those who cares to greet and ignored those who didn’t in annoyance. She made a quick glance at Steve desk position and saw he wasn’t on seat as she walked into her office. She proceeded directly into the inner office that led to the crowded one after the glass door paved way. “Hey Vivian” Margaret greeted as she walked inside hurriedly. “HI Margaret” she greeted back and walked straight to her desk. “What took you so late this morning?” Margaret asked. “Nothing Margaret, I had to take care of something urgently this morning and prepare food for my parent before I could leave for work” “And is everything alright with you? you looked disturbed this morning?” “Yeah. I’m fine, I think I have a slight headache” “A slight headache !!” Margaret rephrased. “Don’t tell me this is all about Steve Jones Vivian” “Yeah Margaret. This is definitely all about Steve and I don’t quite know what to do anymore” “What’s happening to you darling friend?” Margaret stood up immediately with concern and walked up to her worriedly. ××××× And where is the package?” Lord Nathaniel asked in anger. He looked extremely furious and his men knew the rate of his seriousness at once, his mean face could pierced the sky as he gazes angrily at Sunny. “The package was in the vehicle when he got away” Sunny answered. “And why the hell are you here instead of looking for him and getting me my property” the drug lord shouted with rage as Sunny had to move backwards a bit. “I have the whole boys on the look for him already but he hasn’t been found in any of his houses or at work” “No Sunny, No… why have you become this stupid and senseless? Your hatred for Steve has just consumed your sense of reasoning and you’ve acted very foolish against my orders” Lord Nathaniel flared up with rage and walked back to have his seat in annoyance. “And who are the two that attacked you?” he asked. “That is what we don’t know lord Nathaniel, they just started shooting all of a sudden” “Alex” Lord Nathaniel called out for one of the boys standing in the room as he was sitting. “Yes my lord” Alex answered and stepped forward instantly. “You are one of Steve trusted Allie and I think you are in the best position to help us locate him, I want you to found out wherever my drive is and wherever Steve maybe and get me back my stuff” the drug lord ordered and closed his eyes briefly, still trying to calm himself from the uproar he was feeling. “Sunny, you must make sure that drive get to me before 24 hours from now. Failure to do that will result to your death” he warned and got up to walk away with anger. ×××× Alex and Sunny were seated in the computer room with two other boys standing behind them as they began to work on a laptop. Alex fingers was working extremely fast on the keyboard but stopped when he saw the live stream he was looking for. “I got it” he announced to Sunny and the other boys in the room who turned their gaze to him at once. A live stream footage was displayed on the laptop and he viewed it straight away. He paused it at a point where the street cameras caught a glimpse of the shooters but their face was blur and unclear due to the long distance. “Make their face more clearer” Sunny said to him as Alex obeyed and input some keys on the keyboard before their faces were clearly displayed. “Who are this men?” Sunny asked loudly after he finally saw their faces. “This men are detectives” one of the boys standing behind them answered. “What” “Yes boss, I’ve come across this two men two years ago and I can recognize the one by the left as Detective Cougar and Detective Louis by the right side” “Detective !!” Sunny repeated. “Yes boss, this men are detectives” He answered as Sunny stared at him for a minute before Alex interrupted what he was about to say. “I found Steve too” Alex announced and played the footage where Steve was shot when he managed to enter the car and escaped. He fast forward the live stream for about few minutes and they all saw the direction and the route Steve took with the car. They saw him clearly entered a car wash building with the vehicle but he didn’t come out at all in the footage. “He must have walked out disguise among the people who came out on foot or by a different car. There is no way we can recognize him even if we try harder. I know Steve very well” Sunny announced. “Yes I think Steve is smarter than that but we can still search for his appearance anywhere else he went to” Alex added. “No Alex, I think it’s more preferable not to waste your efforts, just pick up your phone and call him, he might tell you where he is” Sunny instructed. ×××× “Steve phone began to ring out the fifth time as he work on a laptop, he had two laptops with him in the hotel room he had lodged and he was working on the one he connected Abdul Rauf tablet and drive. He finally decided to check the phone after several minutes of not taking it and saw Alex was displayed as the new caller. He dropped back the phone when a notification pop up the laptop screen and he quickly inserted the password before “Wait A Seconds” was displayed on the screen. He quickly used the opportunity to check out his missed calls before Alex call came through again. He dropped off the laptop on the bed and answered the call almost instantly there was a knock on the door. “Hey Alex” He said into the phone and walked to open the door. “Hey Steve, I’m coming over to your house, are you home?” Alex asked, trying to ask where he is indirectly. “I think I’ll call you back Alex, I need to attend to something now” Steve said without answering him as he allowed the detectives inside and end the call. “Welcome detectives” he greeted. “Steve thank you for agreeing and helping us on this. I really cannot thank you less” Detective Cougar said immediately his partner entered behind him” “Detectives I think we have a little problem here” Steve said immediately they both walk inside. “Problem !! What’s the problem?” “The drive Abdul Rauf gave me is not the original drive” Steve answered with a disappointment tone as he shut the door. “Not the Original !! What do you mean?” “Yes Detective, I think Abdul Rauf was only trying to deceive Mishra, he has something else in mind apart from this” “But accordingly to your explanation, Abdul Rauf gave you the content and the bag you confirmed accurately before he was shot” “Yes, this is the bag he gave me and that is the tablet I connected with the laptop on the bed. I just worked on it and saw the drive is empty, there’s absolutely nothing in it” Steve answered and watched the two Detectives look at the themselves in disbelief. “Officers I’m telling you the truth here, you can check the laptop and the whole thing yourself. I would have had things my own way if not that I want a complete bad end for Nathaniel and I see no need why I should deceive both of you” He said and walked forward to have them take a look at the laptop. ××××× “Yes there are gossips around the whole staffs but do you actually believed Steve is a gay?” Margaret asked Vivian. “Margaret, pictures cannot lie. I mean I can’t believe he..” “Have you confront him?” “Uh” “Yeah. Have you confront Steve about this? Have you asked him?” Margaret asked repeatedly. “Yeah. I did, I called but he didn’t answered before I texted him and you know…. He didn’t reply my text nor did he talked about it when we went to pick my foster parent at the airport or after he dropped us off to my place” “Vivian, listen up okay. I know how you feel about this and I know you definitely do not like this situation but I think you should confront Steve about it, you’ve turned him down most of all times and sometimes you take him for granted whenever he offers to help you but he still clearly cares for you and I do not see the need for you to be disturb about it. This is a groundless gossip that shouldn’t hold you down for anything darling” Margaret said to comfort her before the door suddenly opened startling them and Charles peep inside before stepping into the office. “I’ve been knocking for quite some minutes but you weren’t paying attention, I’m sorry i barged in like that” “It’s okay Charles. We didn’t notice you at the door, sorry. Are you through with the documents?” Margaret answered him. “No, I just uh want to ask you if you’ve seen Steve recently” he said instead and majorly turned to Vivian. “Seen Steve !!” Vivian widened her brow. “Yeah he actually told me he was at your place when I contacted him the day before and since then I am unable to reach him till now” “Yes he helped me pick my parent at the airport and he left couple of minutes later” “Yes I know Vivian, I just had to meet you if you may know where he went afterwards because I’ve gone to his house but the whole place is locked and his car isn’t in the compound” “Not at all Charles, I don’t know where he went afterwards, Steve never told me if he was going anywhere. But I think you should know, aren’t you best friends?” “But I think he was employed as a part time staff in another company, have you inquire from them?” Margaret asked as they fully turned to face Charles. “Yes, I contacted them already and Mary said it’s been more than five days he came to work under proclamation that he was sick and she hadn’t been chanced to visit him at home” Charles said and widened his brow with more confusion, his phone was on his left hand as he redialed Steve phone which was still unreachable. “Mary !! Who is Mary?” Vivian glanced a look at her friend and turned back to Charles for an answer. “She’s… she’s a friend of he’s” “Friend of he’s?” “Yeah. I gotta go now, I’ve got some work to do on my desk” Charles said without replying her and walked towards the door. ××××× “Where did he say he is?” Sunny asked Alex as he dropped the call Steve finally answered. “Funbos Hotel” “Where is Funbos located?” Sunny asked again and turned backwards when they heard a sound from the door. The door gave way and Lord Nathaniel walked inside, he still looked angered and very furious they all stand as he walked in, wondering what he came for. “Have you found him?” he asked Alex after taking a brief look at Sunny. “Yes Lord Nathaniel, he is at Funbos Hotel” “And why are you all here instead of going to get me my property now?” He flared up and stared at Sunny. “I want all of you out there now and i want my drive back before 24 hours. You all get out, let me discuss with Sunny” he ordered them and began to talk after the last man walked out and closed the door behind him. “Sunny I never felt the need to hide anything from you neither to deceive you but please do all you can to get me Steve. I need that drive at any cost or Steve will destroy my life and my drug business, I won’t lie to you and I won’t ask you to do this for my self interest but please try to understand and do all you can to get me that drive from Steve” he said almost pleading and touched Sunny’s shoulder. “My lord, whatever I have done till today has always been for you alone, consider this done and I’ll get you the drive at all cost” Sunny said and looked at his promising face with assurance. ××××× “The drive is truly empty, nothing is inside. I think Abdul Rauf only wanted to deceive Mishra with the deal” Detective Cougar pointed out thoughtfully and heaved a sigh in frustration after dropping the tablet device with the drive on the bed. “That’s a bullshit.. We can only get to arrest Lord Nathaniel with that drive because it’s contains all the evidence we can use against him. What do we do now that it’s empty?” Detective Louis asked and made to sit on the bed. Steve heaved a sigh too where he stood watching the detectives discuss as he redialed Charles number for the uptenth time but it still wasn’t reachable. He had decide to contact back all his callers but didn’t dialed Mary’s and one of his senior colleague in the company he works as a part time staff even though he had presented a medical report that he was sick and won’t be around for few days before taking the job with Lord Nathaniel. He knew most of them only want to ask him about the gay thing but he wasn’t ready to explain anything especially in his current situation with a dangerous and deadly drug lord he knew very well. He was still emphasizing on who to call next since Charles phone wasn’t connecting when the phone began to ring and an unsaved contact was displayed as the caller. He looked at the mobile line for some seconds without answering it and waited for his true caller application to analyze before Kruger Jacob was displayed. “Kruger Jacob !!” he whispered as the name displayed. He tried to think fast and recall where he had seen the familiar name recently despite his perplex state but its wasn’t coming, he stared a look at it the more and whispered it to himself the second time as the call already ended before he suddenly remembered that was Vivian foster father’s name, he had forgotten totally he gave the man his mobile line when he dropped them off at Vivian’s place. He wanted to redialed the contact immediately before the phone began to ring almost in seconds and he answered it straight forward. “Good day sir” He greeted and turned back to make a glance at the two detectives in the room from the window side he stood. “How are you Steve?” Mr. Kruger voice came through the phone. “I’m very good sir.. Good day and how is your vacation going?” “OH very good Son. My wife and I are on the way to the address you gave us and I’m calling to tell you about it incase we miss our way” “Address !! What address sir?” Steve asked and made a face in confusion. “The same address you gave us to come if we want to visit you, I meant to your house” “OH to my place” Steve exclaimed. “That’s correct son” “But I’m not in the house right now sir, I am presently somewhere far away and I don’t think I’ll be coming over the house today” Steve answered and widened his brow. “Uhh” the man exclaimed.. “What do you mean you won’t be coming home? Are you also going to the club like Vivian? We actually just need some company and we tried to stop Vivian from going to the club today but she seemed to be stubborn and lied to us that it’s a get together party with her college friends she wouldn’t ever miss. We agreed after few considerations and seeing it’s a chance to finally know you and come over to your place if we may spend the night with you at least before we could leave when the vacation is over” “Huh sir I’m presently very far away busy with work too and I don’t think I’ll come too sooner.. I am…” “Uh.. But I think we are already at the street address, we are in the taxi and we are very much close to the address already” the man countered. ×××× “Vivian What about your foster parent?” Margaret asked as she arranged the books and some documents on her desk after shutting down the computer on the office desk. “They are cool and they gave their consent about it” Vivian answered as she grabbed her phone and a small purse. “Really?” “Yeah. They are gonna be fine” “I thought they hated night parties and clubbing particularly, I thought they’ll never allowed you now that they’re with you” Margaret said and also grabbed her phone as she stands. “I told them it’s a get-together party with my college friends and I have to go even if they doesn’t give their consent” “Huh” “Yeah. You know I really need to clear my head girlfriend” “What about your aunt?” “well Margaret you ask too much of a question, let’s just be on our way. The whole staffs has gone home already” Vivian said and began to walk towards the door. ××××× Sunny dropped the call and returned the phone back into his pocket after giving instructions to his boys. He was in the front seat of the car with Alex who was driving and some of his boys driving behind their car and they were on the way to the hotel Steve claimed he was, when his phone began to ring. “Boss we noticed two old couple in front of Steve’s house some minutes ago and they just entered the compound now with a young man who took them inside” “Who are they?” Sunny questioned. “We have no idea who they are sir” “What about the young man, were you able to see him well he’s not the same Steve we are looking for?” “Yes sir, we would surely know even if Steve is disguised. This is another man, not him” “NO. You would not know if Steve is disguise, he’s smarter than you think you know and he might even be the one that entered” “Then what should we do?” “Go into the building with your boys through the secret entrance and find out who they are, shoot them if they are irrelevant and if there’s need to, and call me any moment you see any other strange thing” Sunny ordered notably. “Okay boss” ×××× “Please do have a seat and make yourself comfortable sir/ma” Charles said and smiled immediately they entered through the main door as the couple walked inside. “Wow what a beautiful place Steve has here” Mrs. Kruger commented and smiled as Charles walked away from the entrance to get them a drink first” To be continued. Visit my website at www kipwriting. Com to read more of this story. There is more Episodes of this story on the website. Just type kipwriting to goggle and visit the website to read over. Endeavor to subscribe for post notifications for continuity and please do make your comments on the blog. Thanks. Much love for you all.
3 Jul 2019 | 22:38
Fire on.
4 Jul 2019 | 11:36
Nice but please the update should be frequent
4 Jul 2019 | 13:54
More episodes of the story is on my website already, you can easily visit and read on from there. Just typed in kipwriting to Google or you visit the blog via www. Kipwriting. Com
4 Jul 2019 | 15:36
continue ooo
4 Jul 2019 | 18:57
5 Jul 2019 | 11:43
I Want A Home – Episode 6 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× GMT 6:34 pm Charles phone began to ring after serving the couple the drinks he went to get for them. “Please make yourself comfortable sir/ma” he told them and moved backwards to receive Steve call after making an excuse. “Are you with them already?” Steve voice sounded. “Yeah. We just entered about 5 minutes ago but I’m not quite feeling good with staying with them Steve. Where exactly are you? Is anything wrong?” Charles asked worriedly. “Nothing is wrong Charles and I’m somewhere I can’t disclose to you for now. Just make sure those two are comfortable and give them whatever it is they demand” “Answer my damn question Steve, Where the hell are you? I can’t keep covering up your duty with mine at the company, it’s too damn stressful for me to handle alone and now you are adding to my troubles by asking me to take care of two old Chicago” Charles complained and manage to low his voice when he glance back at the couple who were already checking out the designs In the room. “I’m sorry Charles, Okay. I appreciate your efforts by helping me but right now, I can’t tell you where I am” “Then Are you really in some kind of shit? What’s with the trending pictures of you kissing a man? Steve what is really going on?” “Charles you can’t understand even if I tell you now but I’ll explain everything when I’m back” “Excuse me Charles” Mrs. Kruger interrupted after Charles asked Steve what was going wrong with him. “Charles right?” she asked when he turned with the phone. “Yeah. You’re correct ma” Charles nodded after he whispered into the phone. “And when will you be back?” He asked Steve and fully turned to face the woman. “Where is the kitchen in here?” She asked him after he turned. “Uh the kitchen?” “Yes, I need to move this away from here and prepare something for us to eat, including Steve when he returns” “OH feel free to walk down the whole place, I uh… okay let me show you the way to the kitchen. Please follow me” Charles said and end the ongoing call with Steve. ×××× “So Detectives, what do you suggest we do now with the empty drive?” Steve asked them immediately the call with Charles ended. “I don’t think we have a clue yet Steve but we’ll take this tablet and the drive with us if we could find something useful with it” Detective Cougar answered and stands up after his partner with the tablet device. “Does it mean there’s no drive?” Steve questioned. “The drive exist, and I think the only way we could find out accurately is through Abdul Rauf henchman” “Henchman !!” “yeah. He’s called by the name Uzza and I found out he manages Abdul Rauf illegal business and associates. We are definitely sure he must know about the drive and everything else we need” Detective Cougar explained and kept the tablet before Steve phone began to ring again. “Excuse me” Steve pleaded to them and moved back a bit to answer the call. “When will you be back here?” Charles voice came through almost immediately. “I will be there with you in few minutes Charles, I already said I am coming” “Yeah you did and I do not expect you to take longer, I’m already in a hurry to hear what you have to say” “I will Charles, okay? Just make sure all the doors are locked and attend to Vivian’s parent for me till I’m back” Steve said and hung up on him instantly before he could say anything else. He turned back to face the detectives after he made a sigh in frustration. “is there any problem?” one of them asked him. “Uh No, nothing to do with this but I think this is what we gonna do” Steve said and returned the phone into his left pocket as the detectives listen to him. ___ 5 minutes later The two Detective walked out from the hotel completely with Steve walking behind them. He had a face-cap on to cover his face from the hotel cameras as he followed their steps and proceeded to where his vehicle was parked. Detective Cougar made a signal to him as he and his partner also walked towards the car they came with. Steve nodded understanding what the detective meant and entered the driver side of the car he just unlocked. He ignite his car and moved after the Detectives towards the big gate of the hotel. The two security guards at the gate opened up for the coming cars to get out after a brief security questions they answered. The Detectives moved out totally from the compound and Steve followed after them before two strange car moved in after Steve. ×××× The heavy noise in the club was definitely up to make an amateur clubber ear deaf, the heavily crowded hall added to the trouble and the bad smell of cigarettes, alcohol and smokes added more to the trouble water even though smoking was prohibited in some sections of the club, some people still disobey the rules and walk around with cigarettes in some of the sections with the pretense of dancing. Vivian was getting drunk where she was seated as she poured herself more drinks despite Margaret reluctant to stop her, she gulp down the whole content left of the alcoholic drink and gasp. She closed her eyes and opened them as she suddenly began to whisper some words Margaret could not hear even though she was sitting next to her. “OH my God… Vivian you’re drunk” “No.. No Margaret.. I’m not drunk.. I’m absolutely alright you know.. I need more drinks here” “No more drinks here again Vivian, I think we need to leave now and I’m taking you home” Margaret countered her. “Hi Damsels” A light muscular tall man suddenly walked up to them and greeted. He smiled and took a look at Vivian who responded to his greetings and at Margaret who didn’t. “HI handsome” Vivian greeted back. “I’ve been watching you pretty ladies sitting and drinking alone over there despite the mood in the club right now and I thought maybe we could have a dance together?” He asked, directing his question to drunk Vivian. “No I’m sorry she can’t dance with you right now, we are both going already” Margaret rejected and grabbed the two phones they placed beside the alcoholic bottles as she tried to lift Vivian up. “No girlfriend, he just requested to dance with me and I’m gonna dance with him, I want to dance huh” Vivian said and tried to lift herself up. “No you can’t dance with anyone here Vivian, we are going now” “Why not Margaret… why are we leaving so quick when we just came in few minutes ago?” “Vivian you are drunk and we have to leave here now.. Just listen to me and stop walking. We have to go now” “No Margaret, I’m not leaving yet.. The party just started and I really felt like dancing” Vivian disagreed and manage to take a step forward even though she could barely walk due to her drunken state as she took the strange man arm. “Let’s dance er…” “Simon, call me Simon” “OH Simon, let’s go dance” “Wow this is my fault and I just made a big mistake here. I shouldn’t have suggested clubbing again to Vivian or letting her take any drinks” Margaret said as she saw them walk away and Vivian’s phone began to ring thereafter, Steve was calling. ×××× Charles rushed back in fear immediately he heard the shrink sound the second time. He managed to stop halfway and tried to fathom where the sound was coming from but it seems from the ceiling and from the wall at same time. It’s been more than 20 minutes he spoke with Steve and he had just directed the couple to one of the best rooms in the house when he suddenly began to hear strange sounds from the second corridor that led to the kitchen. He jacked off with extreme fear suddenly when two men appeared behind him and both were with heavy guns. “Shh…” one of them said and pointed the cold weapon directly on his cheek and stopped him from shouting. “How many of you are in this house?” the second gunman asked emphatically as Charles leg vibrated where he was at their sight instantly and his legs failed him in an attempt to move. “Answer the goddamn question he asked you mehn” “We’re…. 3 we’re three” Charles replied stammering. “Where are the couples?” “Couples !!” Charles rephrased in fear. “Yeah. Where are the other two people” “They’re in one of the room upstairs, please don’t kill us…. We don’t have money.. Please don’t kill us” “Will you shut up? What about Steve? Where is he?” one of them shouted angrily and the other landed a slap on his face. “Take us where the couple are” he shouted and slapped Charles harder in the face. Charles turned backwards immediately with panic and began to walk forward but just as he never expected himself, he suddenly picked to race all of a sudden and rushed into the kitchen when they were out of the corridor so fast the men didn’t anticipate his move quickly as gunshot followed him towards the kitchen almost instantly. ×××× “Boss, I think I just saw Steve car moving into his compound now” a voice sounded into the ringing phone Sunny answered. “What are you talking about? We are already in the hotel” Sunny asked in confusion and took a brief look at Alex who was working on his phone. “I just saw him entered the compound undisguised in a car” “Are you sure you aren’t mistaken?” “Yes boss, I saw him clearly when he entered” “Where are the other boys with you?” “Three of them already entered the building with Kyle through the secret entrance” “OK. Make a call across to Kyle and instruct him not to make any move yet. I need to confirm what you just said” Sunny ordered and hung up. “Steve already left the hotel, he’s not here anymore” Sunny announced to Alex and the men in the room. ×××× Charles was fortunate the bullet missed him and hit the door as he rushed inside and pull the door forward. Urine ran across his bladder instantly and he had no control of himself as he stared behind the door. “God please come to my aid, holy one come to my aid.. Holy one, holy one” he start to mumble repeatedly as the gunmen began to smash the door forcefully open. He tried to pick out his phone but he wasn’t with it, he knelt down immediately when he couldn’t control the urine from coming out as the door finally opened and he was shocked to core to see the two men fell dead at the entrance and Steve was right behind them with a gun. “Steve…” he called out when the door smashed open. “Where are they?” Steve asked and adjust the silencer on the gun as he drag the dead men inside. “They !!” “Yeah. I mean Vivian parent. Where are they?” “They are both in one of the rooms upstairs” Charles answered silently almost in a whisper and attempt to stand up with fear and shock At what Steve just did. Steve ignored his stares and rushed out from the kitchen as he quickly made for the stairs, he was almost at the hall way when he saw another two intruder about to enter one of the rooms. They got distracted when they sighted him behind them and tried to shoot immediately but Steve already fired several shots both on their chest. He made sure they were dead and began to walk towards their bodies. He was few meters away from the bodies when one of the door opened suddenly and Mr. Kruger peeped out to check what was happening due to the heavy noise he heard but the whole light in the hall way suddenly went off almost instantly he peeped. He stepped back without closing the door and saw the room light on, he took another glance at the hallway and the light was still off. He finally stepped backwards and closed the door before his wife spoke In the room. “What is it?” She asked him. “I think I heard a heavy thud at the hallway just now and I tried to check but the whole light there went off almost immediately I peeped and the light here is on” He answered her and walked to get his smart-phone where its was kept. He switched on the flashlight and walked towards the door in order check what was happening but the door didn’t suddenly gave way, it’s has been locked from outside. __ “Steve what is happening here?” Charles asked immediately he stepped out from the kitchen with shock after seeing Steve dropped off two dead bodies on the ground. “Charles are you okay?” “OH my God Steve I just asked you what is happening here?” Charles said with panic. “Hey relax okay. Cool down first and tell me how this men entered… relax man” “I don’t know how they did Steve, I had the whole doors locked as you instructed” “Charles… Charles.. Breath in and out slowly,,, relax and calm down” Steve Managed to say, following the breathing pace of Charles. “I said relax Steve, we have to clean the area and dispose the dead bodies without letting Vivian’s parent know what is happening here” he added when it seemed Charles wasn’t going to calm down any moment more. “Dispose them !! What the hell are you saying Steve? Aren’t We ought to call the police now” “Charles, relax first so you can hear me out and listen to me, I’ll explain everything to you but not after I dispose them okay? Just calm down” “Buzz off Steve, stop telling me to relax. Disposed the bodies? What is happening and who are these men? How are you this much relaxed?” “Charles listen to me. Okay” “Wait a minute, have you done this before? Why are you so relaxed? Steve who are you?” “Charles I need you to concentrate now and stop asking me stupid questions” Steve shouted loudly when Charles proof reluctant. “I already said I’ll tell you everything, I’ve hidden so much from you and I’m sorry there’s more to my story” “He doesn’t need to know about you Steve, what’s the usefulness telling him if you are already a dead man? I’ve come here for lord Nathaniel drive, give me the drive and let’s end this once and for all Steve” Sunny voice sounded startling them behind interruptedly and five gunmen appeared behind him, including Alex. ××× Mrs. Kruger watched her husband struggled with the door close to one minute but it didn’t gave way. He kept pushing it and tried to open the door from inside but its was all futile. “Is the door locked?” Mrs. Kruger asked him. “I don’t know what’s wrong darling, I think I opened and closed it just now but it’s wouldn’t open again” he replied and drag the knob but it didn’t Give way still. “Maybe it’s a tech door like the one we have in South Africa, why don’t you call Charles to help” “Okay.. Let me put a call across” He added and dialed Charles line which rang severally without it been answered. “he’s not answering the call” “Then try again if he isn’t” ×××× “This place is filled with flowers, plants and fountains. Is there even a darn dog here just like your cheap dreams? Sunny added and moved closer to Steve before his men followed. “You use to be the wise action hero but now you have become homely and everything around you sucks old boy” “Sunny I think there is a mix up somewhere, I’m sorry but the drive you’re dying to have is empty, There is nothing in it” “uhm.. Steve this is a long fight that needs to end between us today and I’m not gonna make things easy for you this time around so do not test my patience now. Give me that drive and the tablet now or we make this the hardest way” “I told you already Sunny, the drive is empty. There is nothing particular to the access Lord Nathaniel want in the drive or the tablet. Abdul Rauf only wanted to deceive Mishra initially and I don’t think he even has what you’re looking for” “Uh really Steve…is that it? then give me the empty drive and the tablet. Let me confirm the emptiness myself” Sunny widened his brow in anger and brought out his gun after walking to sit down. “I’m sorry about that too Sunny, I don’t have the drive or the tablet likewise” Steve said and Sunny made a wicked smirk immediately, he made a chuckle and nodded thrice before he stands up and brought out his phone. “I think you want this the harder way then” he whispered silently and concentrate on his phone for a moment before he raised the device up and a live stream loaded within seconds. Vivian hands and legs were extremely tied to a chair and a man was behind her, holding a pistol. The gunman cocked the pistol and pointed the cold weapon straight at Vivian’s forehead. “What have you done Sunny” Steve suddenly shout with rage and rushed forward to attack stupidly but the men stopped him halfway and a bullet was fired in-between his legs to stop him from the struggle to fight. “Give me the drive and the tablet or I kill her and the couple you hide upstairs, including him” Sunny added mischievously pointing to Charles. “Sunny we do not have to deal this way, it doesn’t have to be like this, both of us are getting deceived by lord Nathaniel each and every day and he’s only using you as much as he can” “Yeah. You are right Steve, I concur” Sunny said and nodded with a smile when a big mug was suddenly smashed on Steve head from behind unexpectedly by one of the boys as he fell unconsciously on the floor. “Where are those couple?” Charles couldn’t comprehend what he was seeing as he stared at Steve body on the floor, he felt very scared and his heart beat was out of normal. He closed and opened his eyes if everything was only a dream he should wake up from but it wasn’t when a heavy slap Landed on him. “Didn’t you hear him ask where the couples are?” the same gunman who made Steve unconscious shouted and landed another slap on him. “upstairs… they are in one of the room upstairs” he repeated stammering. “Alex, go with him upstairs and bring them down here, I want to know who they are” Sunny instructed. To be continued Visit kipwriting. com to read more of this story
6 Jul 2019 | 16:12
I Want A Home – Episode 7 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× The main entrance to the building were taped along the sitting room and kitchen where two dead bodies lay on the floor along with some other parts of the building. The whole setting of the sitting room has turned to a total mess and beyond recognition as chairs were placed against another, the whole rooms in the building wasn’t left out as different papers, documents and cloth were scattered out everywhere. In a nutshell, the whole house was now under police investigations. Mr. And Mrs. Kruger was rescued out from the room as the police began to ask them several questions. The door was filled with different dims of bullets and the lock destroyed already. “Who owns the house?” the inspector asked one of the officers as he walked away from the dead bodies he went to check. “He’s a man called Steve Jones and he bought the building recently” “Steve Jones” the inspector rephrase, sounding as if the name rings a bell. “Yes inspector” “Looking at the way the whole rooms and the house looked like, I think those criminals are in search of something” “Yes inspector, that is exactly what I thought too” “What about the victims?” “Mr./Mrs. Kruger, they are outside sir, the metal door was just opened five minutes ago and they’ve been rescued” “Five minutes ago” “Yes inspector, “Okay, let me check on them” the inspector said and walked out after a glance at the four corpse and the officers snapping pictures to check for evidence or clue on their bodies. Two police officers were already interrogating them by the time he walked over and he wait to hear what they were saying before he interrupted. “I heard a loud thud at the hallway and I decided to check the heavy sound when the light totally turned off and the room we stayed wasn’t. Due to the darkness, I decided to get my phone and used the flashlight to check what was happening and by the time I turned, the door locked and refused to open” “I thought you said you were three in the building” “Yes, Steve friend. He was sent by Steve to take us inside when we arrived here” “And did you contact him when the door didn’t open?” “Yes, my wife and I called him differently but there wasn’t any answer, disappointedly we saw his phone ringing on a shelf at the same room with us. He might have forgotten it when he walked into the room to show us what we need” “Excuse me officers, Mr. Kruger. I’m inspector Kelvin and I’m gonna need to ask you further questions now” the inspector said interruptedly and the officer in front of them moved back for the inspector. “Can you remember the exact time you heard the sound and how many times you heard the gunshot before you called the police?” “I can’t remember the time I heard the loud thud but I think the gunshots followed thereafter less than 10 minutes later and before we knew it, gunshots were fired at the metal door of the room we stayed but the door didn’t Give way surprisingly even though the lock was destroyed” Mr. Kruger answered and took a look at his wife who he could still feel the shock overwhelming her. “Yes the door is bullet proof and can’t be broken by just any kind of bullets, that is why the gunmen couldn’t have access inside and it must have been locked automatically by someone” “Who is the owner of the house to you?” The inspector asked another question. “He’s a friend to our daughter” “A friend of your daughter” “Yes. Vivian” “And where is this Vivian?” He asked them. “That reminds us inspector, she went to the club yesterday night and we’ve not been able to reach her now for hours” Mrs. Kruger answered him as she stared a look at a coming car behind the inspector who also turned to see what the woman was looking at. “Isn’t that Rhoda?” She whispered to her husband as a lady came out from the car. ×××× Steve finally opened his eyes after few minutes of becoming unconscious again, his vision was blurred at first but became clearer the more he opened and totally clear when he opened it and broadly. He saw Vivian tied to a chair at his left side and Charles who was still unconscious at his right. Both were tied with a rope against the chair. He looked at his left and right hands, both legs and the way the chain used on him was tightened, it was so firm and accurate he couldn’t have the chance to move any part of his body except his head. He felt extremely angered at the whole situation and more crazier seeing Vivian and Charles tied before he began to stretched the chains without minding the pains. “Steve… Steve, hey Steve” Vivian whispered when she heard his movement and likewise shouted before she was able to get his attention. She was shocked to the core some minutes ago when Steve and Charles were brought unconsciously inside the dirty room and tied like she was tied, but Steve’s was so perfect and tightened with a chain on both hands and legs widely when they were tied with a rope. She couldn’t fathom the cause for her kidnap earlier when two men entered with a gun and the other with a phone. The video they made without talking and the moment they brought in two more of her colleagues at work only means to her that they want something from the company by kidnapping the staffs. She wasn’t herself and was going crazy as different thought ran through her mind before she remembered Margaret telling her she was drunk and they should leave the club but she hadn’t listen and went to dance with a man she also told her not to dance with, despite that she was so drunk. She remembered moving to the dance floor with the strange man she couldn’t even remembered what he called himself. How she left the club and the whereabouts of Margaret was totally out of sought and what she could remember. She suddenly woke up extremely tied to a chair and a man standing right in front of her. “What happened to you? We’ve been kidnapped” She whispered terribly in shock when Steve turned to her. “I should be asking you such question instead Viv. How were you kidnapped? I thought I told you not to go night clubbing again” Steve asked and turned to his right side immediately he heard Charles made a sound and was now conscious. The both of them took a long look hopefully to ask him if he was okay but he never opened his eyes than make a faint sound in pains. “I think Margaret was kidnapped too, we both went to the club together” Vivian interrupted and immediately both of them turned to face the loud sound on the door that just gave way. Lord Nathaniel walked inside along Sunny and Alex walked behind them. The drug lord cocked the pistol he held almost immediately he took some steps forward to them and pointed it straight at Steve. “Where is my drive?” he asked without wasting time. ×××× Margaret and Vivian’s aunt both came down from the car Mrs. Kruger sighted, the two of them rushed down to the couples position along with the inspector and the two officers. “Rhoda” Mrs. Kruger called out and met her niece embrace before she went into Mr. Kruger’s arm likewise. “Vivian is missing” Rhoda announced after breaking from the quick hug. “What” “Yes Mr. Kruger, I can’t find her anywhere” “What do you mean she’s missing?” Mrs. Kruger asked and widened her brow with shock. “This is Margaret, her colleague at work and I think she’s the perfect person to explain better” Rhoda added as they turned to Margaret, including the inspector. ×××× Alex stretched his right arm again and sent another round of punches into Steve belly and other part of his body, he tightened his grip and landed different punch on his face right and left until he got tired of punches. He looked around him and saw a small rod on the floor when it seemed Steve was still acting strong despite that his face and other part of his body had turned blue bad. Lord Nathaniel and Sunny stepped backwards as they watch silently with anger and observation. Sunny walked forward instantly Alex walked to take the rod, he landed an heavy slap on Vivian who was shouting before he picked one of the little ropes left to cover her mouth and pointed a pistol on her head straight forward. “You don’t have to use the rod on him Alex, Steve will not be moved or talk if he do not wish to. He’s a trained handyman and well experience strong man than you think and I ask you to torture him because I know he trusted you and he never expected any Betrayal from you” Lord Nathaniel said loudly in anger as Steve raised his brute face to look at Alex and saw Sunny pointing out a gun on Vivian. “Now I’m gonna ask the second time and don’t test my patience or I’ll blow off their goddamn head this minute, starting from her” the drug lord shouted referring to Charles and Vivian before the door opened suddenly and one of their men stepped inside. “Sir, I think you need to see this” he uttered as he walked towards the drug lord. ×××× Two suited men stood akimbo at the back of the van as they await the three suited men coming forward and one of them was carrying a brief case. Detective Cougar placed his hands carefully behind him and held unto his revolver at alert if eventually the plan change or if any of the men recognized him. He studied the walking steps of the first man and was about to bring out his gun when the two men behind Uzza raised theirs. “Hey… hey,,, uh. Are you scared?” Uzza smiled mischievously seeing their reactions and asked immediately he got behind the van where detective Cougar and another officer stood with the boot opened widely. “huh.. I thought you are..” “Yeah, I wasn’t. You’re dealing with a good business man here and I don’t compromise on any of my business Kieran. You work for the department of defense right?” Uzza smiled and take his hands for a shake. “Yeah I do and I hope we could come up with a good grand price” Kieran said and shake him back. “Of course we will, So without wasting more time, what do we have here?” Uzza smiled again and sighed as they all turned to the van before Detective Cougar who was disguised as Kieran opened the big bag in the van to display the guns and began to point them out. “This is AR-15 Selective fire rifle, designed specifically for the US armed forces and this three are Mark18 short barrel with modified bolt carrier and gas block. This one here is military A-2 birdcage flash hider and” “What about the fouling of the A-2? The one with Piston operated, that’s my best gun” Uzza interrupted him. “The Fouling is minimized, piston can cause carrier tilt not with manually modify variants, the guns are perfect without it” “Good, you have lovely guns here. Now let’s talk price first” Uzza nodded and one of the men with the briefcase walked forward instantly without wasting time. “2 Grand a pop” Detective Cougar answered. “2 grand what !! What the bullshit, That’s too much Kieran, I’m not authorized to make such kinds of deal with anyone, my boss will be mad at me” “Your boss?” “Yeah. I have a boss and I can’t do it on my own, It’s either you reduce the price or take what we have here in the briefcase or I’ll walk away” Uzza said and pocket his hands as Detective Cougar already start closing the bag. “I’m sorry Uzza, I can’t reduce the price than 2 grand likewise, it’s either that price or we have no deal” Kieran said in disagreement as he finally closed the van. “Okay then, I’ll have them if you insist. Tonight at 9pm, I’ll text you the location. This guns are lovely and I can’t miss them, I’ll talk to my boss about it” “Good” Detective Cougar said and shake him again before Uzza turned and leave along with his men. __ 8 minutes later “If truly Uzza now has a boss other than the late Abdul Rauf like he claimed, then that means he must have betrayed Abdul Rauf for him” “Yes, that’s exactly my thoughts. We need to find out the identity of his boss” Detective Louis commended on the ongoing call. “I thought you said he was Abdul henchman and he manages all of Abdul Rauf illegal business” “Yes he does, I made my findings and I discovered that all the major properties of Abdul are gone, including some documentation and some of his illegal casinos. That surely explains the latter that he truly betrayed Abdul Rauf and he should know something about the drive” “I think I now understand his urgency to buy heavy guns, he wants to start a war” “A war” “Yeah Louis. I think there’s more to this drive than we thought we do and whoever has it in possession is ready to destroy this balance. I think only Lord Nathaniel knows the dead end” “Wait, did you say Uzza asked to meet you today at 9pm?” “Yeah. That was what he said and that should be our best chance to apprehend him, we need to contact Steve” “OH I was just about to tell you… I think we may have a little problem, Steve is In a little bit of trouble” Detective Louis announced “What happened?” Detective Cougar questioned. ×××× Alex walked back into the hostage room after 15 minutes he went outside along Sunny and Lord Nathaniel. He peeped outside and closed the door after Steve raised himself up along Charles and Vivian who stopped talking when they heard the sound of the door. “Are you back to hit me again Alex?” Steve asked and made a weak chuckle immediately he began to walk closer. “I trusted you because you were my childhood friend but you betrayed my trust, don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for this” Steve whispered and made a smirk as blood weave down his nostrils and mouth. His whole face has swollen and out of sought. Alex ignored him and took a look at his wristwatch, he walked closer to Vivian and began to loose the ropes she was tied with and the one covering her mouth. He walked to Charles too by the right and loose the rope on him before bringing out a metal key from his pocket to loose the chains on Steve without a word to any of them as they all stared him a look except Steve. “Lord Nathaniel will not forgive this if you set us free Alex and I’ll never forgive you for betraying me even if you set us escape, it’s a grievous offense to him and you know it’s not wise to betray him. I’d advice you not to do this” “What !!” Vivian and Charles both exclaimed in shock. “Are you crazy Steve?” Charles asked and manage to be on his feet weakly. “Lord Nathaniel will kill all your loved one’s if you can’t provide his drive starting from this woman you planned on having a home with Steve” Alex said and totally loose the chains on Steve legs after a glance at Vivian. He stands up and began to loose the hands too. “Yeah. Like he already killed her parents” ×××× Uzza smiled mischievously and fired the gun with him twice into the chest of one of the boys standing in front of him without waiting to hear more report. He sat back and pulled the Chinese prostitutes sitting beside him to continue what she was doing beneath his trousers when he was interrupted and the two guards behind him walked over the body to dispose it immediately. The place seemed like a hall and a swimming pool of 12.5meters was designed and decorated separately from one quarter of the hall. There were different prostitutes round the illegal casino table who gang up around Uzza’s boys and gun men. A long rectangular back bar filled with different alcoholic drinks and men who gang up to the pour, the whole place was full of prostitutes and sorts of activities that are against normal human acts and morals. “Boss, the men you are planning to make a deal with tonight are truly Detectives. I confirmed it myself” The other man standing announced without trying to look at Uzza and the way he played with the prostitute. “And what if they are detectives?” Uzza asked him. “That means we can’t deal with them” “And why can’t we make a deal with them? I’m I not the one choosing the location and how the exchange works” “Boss, Margot has arrived, should we let her in?” another gunman rushed in interrupting them and announced before the man standing in front of Uzza could respond. “OH common, please do that faster already” Uzza answered immediately and make a mischievous laughter, he pushed the prostitute giving him pleasure away instantly before he zipped up his trouser. “Everybody listen up, Margot is here and I want you all to get ready for business” he announced loudly as the whole place went silent before they all began to pick their guns one after another. “Remember, do not give a chance and always be ready for any attack. Margot probably may not have to leave here alive if need be” he added before they start hearing foot steps very close towards the hall. “Uzza… how have you been?” A middle aged woman greeted immediately she entered the hall with five suited men to meet Uzza where he was seated. “I’m very much fine Margot, how have you been likewise” “Con, we’ll discuss the chill chat later, we’d talk the greetings some other time. let’s get to business for now. Where is the drive? I’m here for it” “OH not Margot, it’s necessary for close business partner like you and I to bother and talk about things that should not cross against our path in the near future. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about, why don’t you have a seat first and let’s drink to success” Uzza smiled and pick up an alcoholic wine. “Uzza I just said I’m here for the drive. Give me my drive and we can both sit and drink then and maybe determine we can do more likely business in the future” Margot moved closer to him and emphasized. “OH the drive !!” Uzza exclaimed playfully and stands up. “Margot, I’ve been thinking and trying to get how important and why you desperately want this drive so bad I had to betray Abdul Rauf just for this goddamn thing you promised me” “Uzza we had a deal. I fulfilled my part of the bargain and I expect you do too, do not let us start a war you won’t like” Margot shouted and widened her brow unsurprised like she had expected. “But I’m sorry Margot, the drive is with me and I can’t give it to you, our deal is off” Uzza said like a command as she expected and her men draw out their guns immediately he walked closer to her almost instantly Uzza’s men also pointed theirs on Margot and her men. “Wow, what a fast move Margot, You just made the biggest mistake of your life and I’d advice you tell your men to lay down their weapons now and listen to the interesting offer I have for you instead of your plans to have the drive in my possession” Uzza smiled and walked more closer. “I can’t give you this drive Margot” he added. To be continued. Visit www. Kipwriting. Com to read more of this story and other action stories on the blog. Endeavor to make your comments
8 Jul 2019 | 12:20
Lovin it...
8 Jul 2019 | 20:10
9 Jul 2019 | 11:55
Too bad
12 Jul 2019 | 10:10
Uzza wuld die soon
12 Jul 2019 | 19:57
bad oo
13 Jul 2019 | 02:54
Visit my website www. Kipwriting. Com to read more of this story. There are more episodes there. I Want A Home – Episode 9 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× “Cougar we cannot give this gun runner our top-notch weaponry, that’s not gonna happen” Detective Louis voice came through Cougar earpiece as he stared at the tablet handed over to him. He stared a look at the one picture the device displayed with bewilderment immediately the live stream with Uzza stopped before more pictures pop up. “Louis” he called out. “Yes Cougar.. I’m with you” “is Max in town?” the detective asked through the mouthpiece after the first sight at the picture. “What !!” Louis exclaimed “Max, is Max in town?” “No Cougar, Max is not even in the country not to talk of been in town. What’s the issue?” “Louis I think you need to come down here now… we have a little goddamn problem” Detective Cougar said and made a quick glance at the van behind them. “You are wasting our precious time Detectives, we aren’t got all day. Let’s make our proposed deal now. Where are the guns?” one of Uzza’s men shouted at Cougar. ×××× GMT 8:00 am “Yeah I was kidnapped, they had me go with them and dropped me off later with no explainable reason I see or I could fathom” Charles explained to inspector Kelvin who was staring him a look and the officer seated beside him. He never did understood why he had to lie and change the whole story to the cops as Vivian told him instead of saying the truth and maybe the police could help them. He and Vivian had to path way somehow after few discussions she had with him contrary to what he expects and somehow both find their way to the police headquarters differently after following Alex men instruction to dispose off the car they ran with. He still find It hard to believe Vivian told him to change the whole story and lie to the cops instead of explaining how the whole thing started and what transpired on the long run despite what they went through but deep down he wished to say the truth contrary and maybe save himself from danger but her sharp arrival before him to the cops headquarters made him finally accept her decision with fear and hope that things won’t turned out bad and he wouldn’t end up in trouble with the famous Drug Lord and his gun-men. “What about Steve Jones? What happened to him?” Inspector Kelvin asked, disrupting his thoughts. “They took him off with them, I absolutely don’t know what must have happened or what they did to him after they dropped me off” he replied the inspector who nodded in response as if he didn’t believed him. “Okay then. Please come with us” the inspector said and walked out from the office after the officer and Charles followed. “Mr./Mrs. Kruger… I think I need to ask you few more questions, please come with me” the inspector called out as Vivian and Charles stared at another, Vivian hoping Charles hadn’t say anything contrary to what she told him out of fear. ×××× Lord Nathaniel re-cocked the Glock pistol in anger and pointed it on one of the five men left on their knees. Sunny was standing behind him and he held a gun likewise, his wound has been taken care of and that of lord Nathaniel along some of the men who got wounded somehow. “You’re next Albert” the drug lord snared and pointed the gun after killing the first man on the row. “Nathaniel you don’t have to do this, I can get you a way to retrieve that data” The supposed Albert pleaded. “How was the data shared in the first place Albert? And what happened to my Drive? It was totally supposed to between the late Clay, you and I alone” “Nathaniel I don’t know how it got leaked and” he couldn’t finish his words when the drug lord sent a bullet into his skull and fired another into the next man following the next. “It’s Margot Nathaniel, Margot is behind the whole set-up and how you lost the data in the first place, please do not kill me” Viktor, the last man on the roll quickly shouted before lord Nathaniel could shoot. “Margot” He exclaimed and made his brow in confusion. “Yes Nathaniel, Margot is behind it and I can help you find the Drive you want if you let me live” ×××× Margot walked into the control room with a guard walking behind her, the three seated men working on different computers stood up at once immediately they saw her walk inside along her personal guard. “What’s the status?” she asked and turned to one of them. “The whole Tower is equipped with cameras and there’s no hidden place the surveillance doesn’t cover in the whole building, and with the heavy measures of security installed. I think its impossible for anyone to penetrate any part of the building without getting caught easily” one of them answered her. “Then are you saying it’s impossible to penetrate and we need to back out?” She asked. “I never said so your lordship, I’m only explaining the security technical structure of the building and how intruders can’t penetrate without been caught or seen” “Good. Then if we can’t penetrate the building or have our men inside, we’ll have to take Uzza from the outside somehow” “How your lordship? Uzza is always surrounded by guards that are armed even to the teeth everywhere he goes and I’m surprised with the rate capacity level of security he kept around himself this few weeks, it’s too strong and cannot be bridge easily. He travels with an armored car equipped with security systems itself. We can’t do that either, it’s too risky for our men and for our incoming products” “Then are you saying I should let Uzza have what belongs to me? Are you saying he has become powerful and there’s no way I could get to him anymore?” Margot shouted in anger and grabbed a gun from the guard behind her. “No your lordship, what I meant to say is….” He couldn’t finish when she fired a shot into his skull and pointed the same gun instantly on the two left who raised their hands quickly in fear. “We can hack the security system your lordship, there’s a way our men can enter without alerting their control men and there’s even a way we can direct his armored car if you want him upfront” one of them quickly shouted loud. “Good. Now get to work, some reinforcement will join us soon and we need to take down Uzza quickly before he’ll have my plans destroyed totally” She ordered them and lowered the gun in relief. ×××× Uzza dropped his tobacco and sits behind the two Chinese men working on two different laptops. He saw them connecting the Drive with the laptop and they’ve began to access the content immediately. He stared at the laptop screen even though he couldn’t understood what they were doing yet but he knew they were hacking the encrypted codes first and he was getting tired and impatience of staring at the laptops screen after 30 minutes. “How much time do I give you to finish up quickly?” he asked, startling them. “Huh We need about 3 hours, what we have here cannot be undone faster without the tablet we requested” one of them answered with his Chinese accent. “3 hours is too damn long. I’m giving you 2 hours to finish this on time and figure out what is truly inside the Drive” Uzza ordered and stands tiredly to leave before the door to the room opened and one of his men entered before the Chinese men could object. “Sir, we now have the guns in our possession” he announced. “Good. Was there any casualties?” “Not at all sir, the detectives made no wrong move” “Excellent. I knew they wouldn’t wanna compromise things. Anyways Gather the guns and ready the men, we have some brutal war ahead to fight” Uzza added and started walking out as he followed behind him. “And Did you keep close watch on Margot?” “Yes sir, we are watching her closely and would see any move she makes before anything” “Good” Uzza uttered and started walking away. ×××× “Viktor I thought I killed Margot that night at the party 12 years ago” “Yes You did shot her but she didn’t die, she survived and not long ago she had become powerful than anything else and she did compromised Albert and the rest of us, including your late brother into betraying you and made us disconnect business paths with you” Viktor answered and Lord Nathaniel nodded immediately after what he heard and made a chuckle, he walked round Viktor in anger and smiled. “And she’s here to take revenge on me right” he whispered. “I do not know what her mission is or what she planned to do but I do know she desperately wanted the Drive in your possession” Viktor answered him. “The Drive” “Yeah. I find out she made deals with Clay, these dead drug lord and some other unknown ones including your late brother” “Including you” “Nathaniel I never wished to betray you but Margot has her way of making anyone do things she wants” “Margot deserves to die another couple of times over and over again for betraying me in New York city Viktor, she turned my men against me, she took all I had and everything I’ve worked so hard to get, she took my money, she made an attempt to steal the Drive that almost cost my life to acquire, I shot her but she survived and now she has gotten stronger according to you” the drug lord said and stopped moving after making a smirk. “Now you gonna tell me the location of the duplicate Drive and how to retrieve it” he ordered and made another wicked chuckle. “The duplicate Drive Is at Metlife, New York city” “Metlife?” Lord Nathaniel rephrased after him. “Yes Nathaniel, the data you consolidated when you were working as their employee was also in the Metlife servers” “And how did you know it’s was? “I found out through my investigations” “What about the real Drive? Where is it?” Lord Nathaniel asked again. “The only person in the world right now that should have the Drive in possession is Margot” “Margot” “Yes Nathaniel, I can file out the list of the drug lords she made deals with recently and get you what you want” “I don’t think Margot has the drive in possession Viktor, if she is, she would have made her presence known and come to me because That Drive can never open without my finger prints” Lord Nathaniel said and walked back directly to face Viktor before the door opened and Sunny stepped into the room. “Have you found Steve?” he asked Sunny in anger after turning to face him. “Yes your lordship, the tracker I kept on his cloth is still working, we now have his location” Sunny answered. “Good, send Jenson and some men over to him. You and I need to check on a supposed powerful old witch first Sunny, have the men prepared, we move in 12 minutes and untie him, he’s coming along” Lord Nathaniel ordered and walked out from the room, referring to Viktor. ×××× “I still cannot reach him yet Vivian, what could have happened?” Mrs. Kruger complained worriedly the uptenth time and dropped the spoon she held along her phone. “Darling I think you need to calm down now, the cops already assured they’re gonna handle it” Mr. Kruger stopped eating with concern and tried to calm her nerves as Vivian and her aunt watched. They had to stop eating when the woman seemed reluctant and the shock of the incident was still vividly re-bouncing a strong effect on her. Vivian continued eating without minding the old woman as several thought ran through her mind, maybe Steve is dead, she thought. Maybe she could have told the cops exactly what really entails and maybe the police might be able to handle the whole situation like Charles suggested but she wouldn’t have it, her perplex mind and what she heard from the gun-men made the whole things looked indifferently and uncertain she wasn’t doing the right thing before she was distracted by her vibrating phone. She glance at her foster parent quickly immediately she sighted the unsaved contact and her aunt before moving away from the sets, certain they didn’t see her move. “Hello” She whispered into the phone in order not to gain their attention when she heard the caller’s voice. “Vivian” Steve called out her name. ×××× Uzza opened his lips sluggishly in enjoyment as he lean back on the big sofa, he slapped the butt of one of the ladies in the room and told her to go deeper into him before he heard a loud interrupting sound on the door repeatedly and the two ladies stopped what they were doing. “Who the hell is that?” he shouted in anger due to the interruption. “It’s Benjie your lordship” “And what the hell do you want?” Uzza shouted louder. “The two Chinese men demanded for your presence, seems they found something on the drive” Benjie announced behind the door. ___ 8 minutes later. “So gentlemen, what did you found out in the Drive?” he asked immediately he got into the control room with Benjie. “Nothing” “Nothing !!” “Yeah lord Nathaniel, it’s took us long to hack it to this state and now its required a fingerprint to unlock it finally” one of them said and turned to face the drug lord. “Fingerprints… fingerprints of who?” he asked. “We don’t know who, that is why we need the tablet device connected with this Drive. We can easily found out what’s left and whose fingerprints we need to have in order to open the Drive or if we can hack it directly without the fingerprints even though the chances are slim but either ways, neither can be done without the tablet device” “What is the Drive all about?” Uzza asked impatiently less concerned and saw them take a look at each other. “As far as we’ve seen, This Drive contains consolidated abnormal data of illegal financial transactions, kickbacks worth billions between Metlife and some secret organizations with details of some accounts offshore. This is a secret data that should not roam anywhere or be in the wrong hands, we need to have the tablet as soon as you can” one of the Chinese man explained. ×××× “You mean you’re a killer, a murderer all this while Steve? You mean you work for a Drug Lord who now wants something not in your possession? You mean you’ve killed lots and lots of people? Innocent and guilty?” Vivian cried out all in shock after Steve explanation and moved back quickly from him at the very sight of the tattoo on his body. “Vivian listen to me, listen to me… I have come this far in search of a normal life, a normal Job, dreamt of having a home, a family, all I wanted was to have a home and a family with you and nothing else Vivian, I had no family, I had no parents or relatives nor friends, I was just a child when lord Nathaniel brought me up, I had no one to tell me the difference between wrong and right. Do you know that I’ve worked very hard to get here? All I ever wanted was to live as a normal human, I didn’t choose a life of destruction myself Vivian, please listen to me” Steve pleaded and moved closer to her when she moved backwards. ×××× “Excuse me miss Mary” inspector Kelvin said and rushed out from the car he stayed inside quickly before she could entered her car. “I’m inspector Kelvin, special investigation team” he brought out his identity card and showed her. “I see you’re one of Steve Jones colleagues at the part company he works for” “Yes inspector” “Then you must have heard about the recent incident” “What incident?” Mary asked. “His home was attacked and he’s missing” “What” “Yeah miss” “I’m just here to ask you few questions” the inspector added and watch her make a face in confusion. ×××× Five men stood akimbo before Margot as they listened and watch her give instructions to them from the projector after one of them asked her a question. “The red dots are positions of the cameras and the blue are few places inside and outside the building where surveillance cameras isn’t, the green dots are lasers position and the activating point, the only way to get into Uzza’s residence is through one of the towers at the top of the building here and through the ceiling which is only capable of taking one man. The whole place is a five story building and the control room is on the third floor, the security system in the building can not be breached easily and impossible to hack from the outside without help from the inside and That is why one of you will have to go on through to help the others inside while Pooch will direct you from our control room here. The possibility of Uzza’s knowing about our move is extremely high, that is why we would be going with a different method and discreetly. Any further questions?” She asked but there were none from the men before she continued after 60 seconds. “Good. If there is none, The rest of our men will join you soonest, Get me the Drive and bring me Uzza’s head.. Now move” she ordered. ×××× Sunny stepped back into the vehicle immediately he saw three vehicles came out from the building after the gate opened along one of the boys with him. The first vehicle proceed forward and the second followed before the third, Lord Nathaniel adjusted his seating position immediately he sighted Margot at the back seat of the third vehicle. He felt a powerful surge through him the moment he sighted her but he managed to hold his stands. “Should we send our men after them?” Sunny asked startling him as the third vehicle moved. “No Sunny, send some men into the building now” He ordered. ×××× The atmosphere got darker in due time and covered the bright view of the day, the breeze went hastily signifying a sign the rain was gonna pour soon enough. Vivian stood by the window side of the room unable to hold her stands, she took in a breath and heaved a deep sigh after, her heartbeat began to raise suddenly and her lips dry and weave with the breeze coming through from the window. She had her back turned to Steve who had kept quiet as he bleed due to the effect of the knife Vivian had stabbed him with, the knife had dropped from her hands, along her weakling stands and she was unable to move when she stabbed his chest with the tip of the knife unknowing out of anger and walked directly towards the window. Thunder strikes almost immediately she turned back from the window and the rain began to pour heavily, she managed to move her legs and walk closer to Steve, she took a brief look at the wound on his chest and called him. “Steve” She called out his name. To be continued. Visit www. Kipwriting. Com to read more of this story. Please Endeavor to make comments.
16 Jul 2019 | 10:02
Vivian! Calm down and reason with Steve
17 Jul 2019 | 18:50
I Want A Home – Episode 10 ® 18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× “Steve” she called out his name and tried to touch his wounded chest as blood weave out but he made no movement. “I’m sorry” She pleaded and withdraw her hands with an absorbed feelings. “Its okay Viv, I wanted to tell you about my past but I was scared you’d not give the chance, all I wanted was a family and I dreamt of having one with you but you never wanted me, you’d turn me down even before my composed words, Viv I..” “Steve I wanted you” She interrupted. “I meant…. It’s was only a pretense on my part, your only flaws is that you have no flaws, you are too extra safe and I wish you were a little type of a man I desired but Steve its been truly 31 months we’ve been friends accordingly and you’ve done a lot for me whereas I did nothing to help you out in any situation and it always made me feel attached and have this strong sympathy and an unnecessary feelings for you even though we cannot be together… for goodness sake we can’t co-exist no matter how you and I feel towards ourselves” Vivian added louder and turned away from him almost instantly she felt a sharp headache and took in a breath after a surge through her heartbeat immediately they suddenly heard a rough loud bang on the door and someone shouted outside. “Steve there are some strange men outside, I think they are here” Joel shouted out behind the door, he could have barged inside instead but the door was locked. “Who is here?” She whispered as Steve immediately rushed towards the window, he drag one side of the curtain aside and beep through when he saw six gun-men came down from a black jeep and three from a van. He turned back quickly and rushed to open the door for Joel who also rushed inside and stretched out a gun for him to take. “I’ll not have Nathaniel’s men on my soil, none of these men will leave here alive I swear” Joel uttered in anger immediately Steve collected the gun from him, he walked also directly towards the window and saw the men already taking strategic positions and one of them holding a phone. “Vivian we have to leave now, lord Nathaniel’s men are here” Steve said hurriedly and grab her arm. “No wait” Joel said and turned back to them before they could rushed towards the door. “How did they locate you here Steve?” He asked. __ “He’s still inside the building, check everywhere and leave no one on sight alive” Jenson shouted and returned his phone into his pocket as the men have their way in differently despite the heavy rain. ___ “Vivian I’m sorry for getting you involved in this, these people can go to any extent and I don’t want you to get hurt” Steve said to Vivian and moved behind her towards the back route of the building. “Do you have to go back? Lets run together” She asked him worried and stopped moving. “I can’t keep on running forever Vivian, these men will not stop until they find me, I started this carelessly and I’m going to put an end to it once and for all” Steve said and withdraw his hands on her arms before Vivian jump on him instantly for few seconds and hold him so tight before she turned to leave through the back door after breaking from the quick hug. “Stay alive and maybe we could both figure this out” she added and rushed out when the first gunshots sounded. ×××× “Then who exactly is this drug lord?” Uzza stared and stood before the big screen as he listened and watch his men posed guns on one of Mishra’s men. “Uzza I swear you gonna regret this” The supposed Mishra’s man shouted in anger after a brief look at the five dead men laying on the floor in their control room. “I only asked you a simple question that demands a simple answer Arjun, I have nothing to gain by killing you so just answer my question now” Uzza said and smiled mockingly as he turned briefly from the screen. “Cut the crap, I have nothing to say to you for your act of betrayer, just kill me now and get over with” Arjun shouted and tried making a movement despite the heavy rope used on him. “Good. Kill him Benjie and get here as fast as you can” Uzza ordered and turned away from the live stream. “Sir !! he’s our only hope of finding the tablet and knowing the identity of the drug lord ” Benjie exclaimed in shock. “I said kill him and get here now. Do I need to repeat myself?” Uzza shouted and walked out from the control room almost immediately gunshot followed completely before the men standing in the control room had their various seats and the dead body of Arjun fell on the floor, everything showing on the big screen. ×××× Margot watched through the car window as two of her men took down three men in Uzza’s compound after disrupting the camera footages in the front entrance. She took in a breath and turned on her communication device after they successfully entered the building. “Pooch what’s your status? Two men already entered now” She called out through the mouthpiece but there was no response after she repeated the same words twice. “Pooch what’s your status?” She shouted louder before she heard Pooch panting echoes. “We are under attack your lordship, some unrecognized men attacked us and they’ve took most of our men down” Pooch voice came through in mumbling as he panted heavily. “what !! Bullshit” Margot cursed, taking aback with shock as she stared a look at the two men seated at the front seats in the vehicle. “Who are they?” she asked, forgetting he already said he doesn’t recognized them due to her phobia state. “I don’t know who they are your lordship, I don’t know who they..” he repeated twice but couldn’t end his words when gunshot sounded and the communication went off. “Pooch… pooch.. !!” she shouted but there wasn’t any response from him. ×××× Sunny fired twice into pooch legs and fired another bullet into his right arm before the gun he held dropped. He pushed the gun aside with his foot quickly and pointed the gun on his forehead immediately after one of Margot men ran into the control room. Sunny sent an heavy kick into his chest and sent him straight on the floor immediately he rushed inside through the door. He charged towards him when he sprang up and grabbed his arm, he sent an heavy attack with his elbow into his chest again and twisted his arm backwards, he rushed him towards the wall and smashed his face on it before he sent a bullet into his skull. “Control room clear” He said into his mouthpiece device instantly. “Back door clear” “Inner rooms clear, We’re clear” different voices came through the connected communication piece. “Good. Tell Lord Nathaniel its clear and he can come in” Sunny ordered and walked back to Pooch, he drag him up with his shirt and raised him on one of the tables before one of their men walked inside. “Take him out, he’s going to answer our questions” Sunny ordered him and release Pooch shirt. He brought out a flash drive from his pocket immediately Pooch was drag outside when he sighted the main computer on a desk in the room and he connected the drive with the system. He drag one of the plastic chair to himself and sat on it as there was a pop up from the screen before he began to input some commands through the keyboard. ×××× Steve landed a quick attack on the second intruder that bumped into him quicker than the first man after he made an attack on his knees and twisted his neck backwards. He fired a bullet into the second man’s chest and re-cocked the gun in anger almost in three minutes before moving out from the corridor to join Joel. Jenson shouted louder in pains as Joel broke his left arm forcefully even though he swiped quickly away from him because of the short sharp knife he brought out from his jacket. He swing it instantly with pains but Joel dodge it easily as he swing right and left but none of his attack was quicker to that of Joel who contrarily had upper hand than him. He moved back quickly and tried to use the door when Joel took up one of the guns on the floor but just immediately he could turn, Steve rushed blows into his face and smashed his head heavily on the door before he could regain himself and before turning his right hand backwards to collect the knife. Steve grabbed him instantly without letting him have a breathing pace with his shirt towards the door and pierced the knife into his chest straightforward before pushing him back inside. Jenson shouted again as blood rushed rapidly from his chest and all part of his body, he couldn’t believe he acted so stupid and over confidence for appraisal from lord Nathaniel really made him more stupid and he moved quickly rather in an irrational way. Their defeat was too quick and they had no chance at all especially from Joel who attacked them outside even before they could get any chance to do anything. “Please don’t kill me.. Please don’t kill me” He stammered and pleaded but Joel didn’t wait to listen as he pushed the knife deeper into his chest, he removed it almost immediately and stab him differently on his body as life dwindled from him. “We are just getting started, don’t get soft now Steve” Joel uttered and drop the knife as Jenson lifeless body fell with a thud. He knew Steve initial intention was to ask Jenson some questions but he doesn’t think they needed to before he walked towards one of the dead bodies on the floor and carried one of the long guns on one of the men. He rushed outside the door quickly when he heard more vehicles crazy speed inside the compound and heavy footsteps of more men trooping up the stairs. “I think Nathaniel really want you dead Steve, pick up a gun now if you don’t want to end up dead” He finally added before rushing out completely. ×××× “No. Proceed with the mission, let the rest of the men joined them” Margot announced contrary to what her men at the front seat thought. “Uh.. this is confusing, That’s an unwise decision your lordship, we cannot have our men proceed with the plan if we are under attack by men we don’t know their identity and if our men can’t be backup from our control at the base. Its too dangerous and..” “We are staying too long in this area Frederick, why talk as if we’ve never been attacked more multiple times than this?” She commended and asked. “That’s because we know who we are dealing with your lordship. We can’t proceed with a mission like this to get Uzza” “Yes of course but we could play our last two cards and finish this now. Remember who I was in this drug business Fredrick, Uzza should be no problem or concern for me” “And what’s our last card?” Fredrick asked thoughtfully as she brought out her phone. ×××× Uzza walked back inside the room with the two Chinese hackers as one of them continued his explanation after his question. “I have no idea, Abdul himself was too discreet and he hide a lot away from me and any of his men, Margot and I made a deal. She asked me to change a drive with another drive in possession of Abdul Rauf in exchange to make me the controller of all the drug business and all the money Abdul owned. I accepted the offer without asking her more questions on the content of the drive. So. That means only Margot has full information on the drive” He explained. “Okay. I think there is another way we can get all we need Alternatively if we could hack into Margot control servers and her personal phone” one of the Chinese was explaining when the door banged opened in distraction. “Boss, we have intruders in the building, we are under attack” ×××× Different gunshots suddenly came from different angles of the building as Detective Cougar and his partner joined the fierce shooting. Some part of the building was already in flames along one of lord Nathaniel’s drug vehicle and everything had totally turned mess as different police vehicles were already in front of the building. Detective Cougar charged forward immediately he sighted Steve as he fired a bullet into one of Lord Nathaniel’s men right arm and another into legs. “Place your hands on your head now” Detective Louis shouted too and fired a shot after running towards another direction of the building and took cover instantly before some police men joined the shootings. ×××× “What !!” Uzza exclaimed surprisingly immediately he walked into the control room. “Its Margot and her men boss. They’ve already penetrated from the back tower and killed all the men in position” one of his men uttered as he rushed inside. “Margot” He called out with a smirk as he sighted her on the surveillance footage and some of her men entering the building on some part of the places where surveillance cameras were still working. “How many are they?” he asked in anger. “I’ve calculated more than 17 men already before we start losing our signals boss. I think there are more of them in the building” “Good. Bravo. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for, Margot finally made the wrong move I’ve been expecting so lets show her the stuffs I’m made of and see who’s the smartest” Uzza added and smiled weirdly. “What do we do boss? We are losing our servers” one of his men in the same control room asked as he turned towards the two Chinese men who entered behind him. “Let me have the drive” he ordered them instead and pocketed it immediately its was handed over to him straight forward. “Get a call through to Benjie and Instruct our men to leave their respective places and positions right away for the underground passage, gather the rest of the ammunitions we acquired together and the necessary equipment we may need or the one’s we have left and turned on the explosives you already set in all part of the building. Let’s roast Margot and her men totally together in fire and we’ll leave the building through the underground passage” He instructed, emphasizing the word ‘Roast’ and walked out from the room as some of them quickly rushed out behind him. “What about the hostages? What do we do with them?” one of his men asked as they rushed behind him. “Let them burn along” he answered. To be continued. The rest of this story is posted on www. Kipwriting. Com, do visit the website to read.
19 Jul 2019 | 05:59
Let's see how the battle is going to end
19 Jul 2019 | 10:35
I Want A Home – Episode 11 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× “How can we blow up a complete 5 story building just like that? I think I agreed with Target, we should not allow Uzza continue leading us this way else we are on a path of doom” The two men left in the control room continued their discussion as they turned on the connected bombs placed in every corner of the whole building from the control room automatically through the computers. “What we need to do now is convince more men to our sides, especially those who know the full techniques of the drug business but remember, Neither of us know how its been organized or know any of the links evolved, not even Target himself” “Yeah. That is exactly why I suggest we tell him to convince Benjie who is more closer to Uzza” “Oops bro.. Don’t even go there. Benjie will have our heads, We can’t tell him if we want to succeed with the overthrown. Everyone here is scared and loyal to Uzza, they are ready to die for him and that is why we need to be very discreet about it and who we tell” “I agreed with you, Benjie is such a bastard son of a fish and I think we need to take him out first. He might be there to disrupt our plans” the second man added as his fingers worked swiftly on the keyboard and he stopped suddenly when the system screen turned green and the bomb count down began. “I think I have a better idea of what we should do” he stood straight and turned to his partner who made a brief glance at him. “What do we do?” he asked. “Let’s warn Margot to leave the building and how about we make a deal with her” “A deal.. What deal?” the first man exclaimed and finally turned to him with a serious look. “We could help her with what she also wants in exchange for Uzza’s life. Believe me, that’s the best plan” “Uh.. That isn’t a plan, that’s an act of betrayer Tom, we cannot make a deal with that old witch whatsoever.. She always brings nothing but trouble. My goodness wait for me Tom, where are you going?” he asked immediately Tom made to leave without listening to him. “I’m going to warn Margot before the bomb explode and to safely help some of the hostages who can help themselves by running out of this damn building before its all in fire” Tom answered him and ran out from the room hurriedly. ×××× FLASHBACK; Some Minutes ago. “I do not appreciate a distraction during a secret business activities Margot, even though I owe you one, You should quite understand I have a lot to do and I expect you handle any trouble you might have found yourself. I am a busy man for goodness sake” Vladimir said without greetings as different gunmen rushed out behind him from the van and the big jeep he came out from immediately. “Wie ist es dir gegangen old friend?” ( how have you been? ) Margot greeted him immediately in German language. “Ich habe meine Flügel auf der ganzen Welt ausgebreitet Margot ” ( I’ve been spreading my wings across the world ) he replied her back with German and accept her shake. “Oh.. I can see You’ve grown older Vladimir, thanks for respecting my call” Margot added and smiled. The short part memories she had with Vladimir suddenly flashed through her heart, following a dully side of regrets that surge through her head immediately she sighted the wrinkles on his face. She remembered many years ago when she was deeply in love with him and their short term experience together before they departed due to a profound uncontrollable drug business that almost took their life, she remembered she had loved him wholeheartedly before business came in it forms and led her silly emotions into meeting Nathaniel who betrayed her trust. Even though they’ve met more than once after each of them became a drug lord, she still sometimes feel attached to Vladimir but she never let her emotions leads her into making stupid mistakes when she knows anyone could turned an enemy anytime and an enemy into a friend or business associates. She smiled again before Vladimir distract her thought. “I owe you one Margot, so let’s get over this quickly” Vladimir said and released her handshake, bringing her back from the world of her life thoughts. “Here are my men and the professional hackers you requested. So what’s the plan? “There’s no other plans Vladimir than to attack the building upfront and bring me the head of Uzza” “We can’t just attack a building we know nothing about Margot, and who the hell is this Uzza?” Vladimir asked impatiently. “The goddamn bastard is their drug lord and he has something that belongs to me Vladimir. Fredrick will brief your men about the building while your professional hackers will help and direct their movements from here” “Good. Let’s get over this quickly” Vladimir said and brought out his gun. ×××× “No. We are taking the back route out of here” Joel repeated and the next punch he sent went directly on the last of the five men he just defeated singlehandedly, he smashed his fist harder on him until he made sure the upper part of his body would not be useful ever for him again. He dropped his body on the floor and followed the direction he told Steve to take after relaying some messages to him. “Your hands on your heads, place your hands on your head now” four policemen shouted and surrounded three of Lord Nathaniel’s men who raised their hands nonchalantly after a bullet was fired into the belly of one of them. “I think I just lost him, he was behind this pillar a minute ago” Detective Louis shouted out from his position, referring to Steve Jones. “He must have taken the other route, let’s check” Detective Cougar said and moved forward tactically even though the gunshot in the building had reduced and dead bodies were everywhere, he walked carefully and alert to shoot anytime. ×××× Present; “Something is not right your lordship, I’ll say we move our men out now” Fredrick announced through his mouthpiece immediately he and some men got to the third floor hurriedly without a sight of Uzza’s men or anyone, the place was dead silent and nothing was in place. “Yeah I supposed. This whole building is goddamn deserted” Vladimir added. “Stone what is your Status? What is happening?” Vladimir also asked one of his men through his communication piece as he stood beside Margot. “Boss I can’t access any connection from here, its either the building has no signal or its totally secured” “Fredrick what is going on?” Margot also asked her man as she stopped walking. “There is no sign of anyone here boss, all the rooms are empty” “Empty? What do you mean its empty? Which of the floors are you?” she asked repeatedly. “I’m at the 3rd floor trying to locate the control room, I sent some men already to the 4th and 5th. I think there is no one in here” Margot heard him and everyone of them stopped. “Our positions are clear. Boss the entire building is empty” Vladimir also heard his men before they suddenly heard heavy screams of people behind them. “Tom the bomb will explode in 124 seconds, Uzza and the rest of the men are almost out from the underground passage. Where the hell are you?” “I just helped the hostages out, I’m at the second floor already and I have to help Margot out before the bomb explode” ×××× Joel followed hurriedly behind Steve as they tried to get out from the building through the back exit Vivian took earlier, they were almost at the exit when they heard a cracking sound behind them. “Stop right there? Stop now or I’ll shoot” Inspector Kelvin shouted and fired a shot at the small gate that leads outside the building directly before Steve could ran outside, they yield and stopped immediately one more shot followed. “Drop your guns and place your hands on your head” the inspector added. Joel dropped his gun following the way he shouted before Steve dropped he’s too and both of them turned after he shouted but the inspector didn’t see it coming when Joel threw the fire extinguisher placed at one corner of passage up his face immediately he turned and charged towards the inspector who unfortunately didn’t expect it. ×××× 08:42 am Mr. Kruger heaved a deep sigh as he brought down the last of the luggage into the sitting room where his wife and Vivian were seated, a small traveling box and a small bag he held. He took a brief look at his wrist-watch, its just few minutes to 9:00am and they had less than an hour to go or miss their flight back to South Africa. Their vacation was somewhat unpleasant and now its time to go back home, he thought. “I think we have to go now, we can’t miss our flight” He announced and started buttoning up his sleeve but neither Vivian nor Mrs. Kruger responded or even heard him. He repeated himself and looked at their faces when there were still no response from them before he realized their attention was fixed on the Tv. “There were a lot of casualties and 26 people lost their lives as a result of the explosion. The police and some security agencies are already making their findings to know what caused the explosion of the five story building right in the middle of the street. However the minister for Defense has assured all citizens to be calm and cooperate with the security agencies incase any relation members of theirs are…the building which belongs to the BP laboratory” the news on the tv continues before Mr. Kruger distracted their attention. “We have to leave now darling” He uttered after Vivian and his wife finally turned to him. “Is Rhoda here?” Mrs. Kruger asked him. “She isn’t yet, we can’t be waiting for her anymore, we have limited time or we’ll miss our flight” “She ought to take us to the airport, I’m sure she’ll be here soon. Let’s wait” Mrs. Kruger countered and turned back to the Tv. ×××× “Its impossible to take the drive even for a minute without him knowing” “Yes but We can still copy the data into our laptop from the program you created and maybe we could retrieve the whole thing even without the tablet” “Cheng don’t you think this is too dangerous? Uzza will have us killed if he found out about this, remember his eyes are all on us and we are the only ones that knows much about the drive. Its too dangerous” the other Chinese man countered. “Yes but I think we still have some other easy options and Uzza wouldn’t know about it” “And what would that be?” “We can easily access Metlife servers” “What !! Their server?” “Yeah. we are talking of billions here man, we can’t miss it too” Cheng answered him and took a glance backwards to check if they were been watched. ×××× “We can help you capture him if you’d accept and help us” Tom finally explained himself better after a bit perambulation. Margot widened her eyebrow immediately and made a smirk, “I lost a lot of men in that explosion, so why should I help you? Aren’t you just another version of that bastard?” She asked. “We saved your life from burning in that explosion your lordship, that should better convince you this is not a trap” “Hmm. Really? Are you saying you want to betray your boss for her? Vladimir asked them. “We are only setting things right, we also want Uzza’s death as much as she does” Tom added. “Then tell me where he is and how to easily capture him” Margot told them and stands. ×××× “Boss, one of our men confirmed it. Margot was truly attacked yesterday” Benjie walked into the room Uzza was seated and announced without minding what he was doing. “They saw her been attacked but they didn’t see her move to attack us. That’s absolutely thrilling” Uzza said and closed the laptop after nodding twice. “And who attacked her?” he finally asked after a brief silence. “It’s a drug lord that controls the western part.. He’s called lord Nathaniel” “Nathaniel !! What a fetish name” Uzza called out and smiled. “And what was the attack for?” he asked again before standing up. “I don’t know boss” “You don’t know? How many times have I told you not to give me incomplete irrational information again Benjie? Check properly if Margot burnt in that explosion and relay full information to me when you have them but right now I need you to arrange a flight for us to New York city. I think we need to visit Metlife” Uzza instructed. ×××× Lord Nathaniel made a chuckle and walked out from the bar immediately Sunny walked inside with Steve and Joel, he dropped his drinks and nodded twice to excuse the men standing behind Sunny. “Hmm. Who do we have here? Steve Jones and the mighty Joel Gray, what are you doing in my territory Joel? Both of you just walked directly yourself into my den. Why are you?” He asked and smiled before he raised a gun on Steve. To be continued… Visit www. Kipwriting. Com to read more.
20 Jul 2019 | 14:38
21 Jul 2019 | 06:21
Next episode fast fast
21 Jul 2019 | 14:22
Nathaniel ur days are numbered.
22 Jul 2019 | 10:27
What happened???
5 Aug 2019 | 14:11
Wetin come happen
6 Aug 2019 | 01:42
Steve nice decision
6 Aug 2019 | 14:46
I Want A Home – Episode 13 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××× The first vehicle ahead the Dartz black car Uzza was seated turned to the right route and the vehicle itself turned the same route before the third followed contrary to what Tom who continued inputting more commands on the system but none of it was working out, all his final attempt to hack the cars was a total failure. He tried the more but still result to failure as the traffic light turned green and the vehicles moved along all the cars in the route. “Damn it” he cursed loud and pick up his phone immediately. “I’m unable to hack the cars, I think the security sensor is not responding to any of my commands” He announced the moment his call was answered by Margot. “Yeah. I told you Tom, Uzza is just a complete tyrant bastard who is always trying to be careful. I told you hacking the cars might not work out” Margot told him. “Goddammit, What do we do? They are already very much far away from my position” “Don’t bother Tom, I get different plans to handle it. That’s why I’m on the private plane, if plan A isn’t working, Plan B will, and if B isn’t working, we got the third plan that will surely work” She answered him confidently. And yes of course it’s the truth, the Uzza Tom knew two years ago wasn’t the same Uzza again. Tom thought after the brief silence between them and then remembered something. “Wait, I think there’s another way to cause some distraction and separate the three cars” Tom announced before Margot could end the call. “Okay Tom. How? What way?” She sound as if she wasn’t interested and finally zipped up one of the pilot shirt she had taken off on one of the dead body. “They are still few meters away, I can cause some distractions before they reach the end of the lane near that bank” “Anyways Tom, do as you want” Margot interrupted and end the call without listening to him anymore. She navigated to her phone dialer immediately and dialed a call. “Hey Margot” Vladimir called out her name from the phone. “I hope you checked this properly Vladimir, this could be a trap for me and the rest of my men” “Do not worry Margot, I have this handled absolutely, believe me you’ll get what you want this time around, and perhaps wasn’t it supposed to be believed that you died in that explosion?” Vladimir asked her and increased the speed of the truck he was driving. ___ Tom dropped the phone after another call he made and began to reload the last process which was still failing. “Malik what the hell is happening over there? I don’t even have access to our database anymore” Tom shouted into the phone but there wasn’t any response from his supposed partner who was ought to help him from the control room on the ongoing call. “Malik what is going on?” he shouted again but there wasn’t any response until he repeated the words and checked his phonel briefly if he had dialed the right contact before he began to hear Malik panting voice on the phone. “What did you say Tom?” “What is going on? I can’t hack the cars, its stopped” “Tom, I’m sorry. I had problems with Arjun” “Arjun !!” “Yeah.. I think he caught me” Malik apologize, stammering and panting heavily. “I lost control of the cars and the signals totally” “Yes I know Tom and I think its better I handle it from here now” Malik added still catching his breath and turned towards the main control system immediately, he placed his palm on the desk after dropping the phone he already put on speaker as he breathe heavily before he discovered one of the cables connected to the left part of the control system was destroyed and before he remembered Arjun pulled the whole thing out when they fought. He was lucky to have taken him down with the help of the knife in his jacket, if not, Arjun could have choke life out of him. “One of the control cables has been destroyed, I think that’s why the connection stopped” He announced with a clear voice this time. “The cables !!” Tom rephrased. “Yeah. And to bring the connection back, we have to regenerate the real power source into another control system. Goddamn it” “What’s the problem again?” Tom asked following his raised alarm but no response came through until after 30 seconds of another silence. Arjun stopped trying to connect the destroyed power cable immediately he sighted the surveillance footage on the big monitoring screen on the wall. “what is it Arjun? Talk to me” Tom voice came through the loud speaker of the phone. “There are intruders in the building and they are attacking us, Tom I think it’s the cops” Arjun answered him. ×××× “Yes James, I have the drive with me but I don’t have the tablet” Uzza continued speaking comfortably with his back fully rested at the back seat of the black vehicle moving on slowly. Necessarily none of them expected an attack but they were ready and alert with their eyes clearly everywhere for anything amiss or contrary on their way. The three cars continued moving at a normal speed and all was fine as Uzza finally finished his call. Soon, they were getting close to another traffic point and they stopped, including the vehicles following the route. The route of the road they took were separated into four and each sides has traffic lights that direct the coming cars on when to stop and when to move. Vladimir stared at the street light inside the truck he was seated, expecting the light in the route he was driving to go off, he took a brief look at his digital wristwatch and tried to reduce his speed thereafter giving his men some time but he hadn’t reduced it much when the light turned off and he speed crazily towards the first car ahead Uzza, horning loudly to get the attention of all the cars waiting in the route like it was a brake failure. The first car he hit caused a bigger accident as the targeted vehicle itself moved to another direction. “What the hell just happened?” Uzza cursed loud as there were noise everywhere already coming from pedestrian and some other people who quickly stopped their cars when the truck smashed two heavy cars so badly out from the road. Uzza saw everyone ran to the accident scene as the truck driver himself rolled out from the half destroyed truck. Vladimir made sure the first car he hit badly and the strange car that moves ahead him was struck and none of it will have the chance to let the people in it out on time. He made a signal through his fingers to pass a message to some of his men who were watching some distance away as he came out slightly injured too to let everybody see him, especially Uzza and his men who didn’t came out from the car. The accident was so real and none think its was ever planned, even to Uzza who saw the clear accident. The men behind his vehicle all came down to check what has happened, each with their guns under their suit and jacket. Benjie who was seated at the front seat wanted to unlock the car and come down too but Uzza who took a look at his wristwatch stopped him. “Let the men attend to it, lets proceed without them” he ordered. “But aren’t we supposed to take precautions sir?” Benjie asked him from the driver side. “This is just an accident, Coming down in the middle of an accident is not taking proper precautions Benjie, just continue driving. I have a plane to catch idiot” Uzza shouted on him and stared a look at the accident scene. ×××× Location- Uzza new Base Detective Cougar fired a shot into the arm of the last standing man in the hall, he made a breathe in relief and walked towards the criminal he shot after he tossed the gun away from his reach and fired another bullet into his right knee when the supposed criminal hesitated to stand. Louis walked up to him instantly with two cops rushing behind him and nodded twice to him before Cougar drag the criminal he shot, he raised him up with his sleeve immediately and smashed his back against the wall. “Where is your drug lord?” Detective Cougar shouted on him. ×××× “Boss. We can’t enter the building anymore” one of Vladimir men said into the phone. “And why is that? Uzza just left with only two guards in the car, I think he’s taking precautions and only been careful even though I believed the accident looks real definitely to him” Vladimir asked him and coughed in pretense. “The cops are already in there boss” “The cops !!” “Yes boss. They just attacked the building” “Attacked !!” “Yes boss, I saw Detective Louis entering the building with some cops following the heavy gunshots” “Huh. Okay. Fall back but don’t take your eyes off the building and find out what’s happening” Vladimir ordered quickly and hung up immediately without more word as two police officers walked up behind him among the gathered crowd round the accident. “Excuse me sir, I think you need to come with us” one of the cops said to him. “Officers, I already told you I..” “Please just follow us” they interrupted him. “Please go back, move back please” some of the cops around the two stumbled vehicles urged as ambulance already came to rescue three of the pedestrian who got hurt during the accident and a tape crossed around the area already to block the main road. ×××× “Your lordship, Uzza’s vehicle is fast approaching the plane now” Margot heard one of her men through the earpiece attached on her cloth. “Good. what about the other vehicles with him?” she asked. “None of the two cars are in position, I think there was some kind of accident on the way” he answered her. “Uh.. Vladimir did a good job, anyways stick to the plan and stay in position” She ordered and smiled immediately she sighted the black car already coming towards the plane. ___ “what’s the status over there?” Benjie said into the phone he held with his left hand and held the wheel with the right. “Oz is wounded but the rest of the men are okay” “Good. Did you found out the identity of the truck driver?” “No… the cops came almost instantly and just took him away” “Uh.. Send some men to the police division and find out who he is, we must not give a chance whatsoever” Benjie ordered him and brought the car to a halt few meters away from the plane. He parked and they all came down immediately. Uzza unzipped the button on his suit and glanced a look at his wristwatch again before he began to walk towards the already start plane. The three of them entered the plane and Uzza made to sit down before the entrance to the plane closed. “I want a fast flight straight to New York city now” Uzza announced in an order and sit down before Benjie walked to the pilot stands and the guard with them dropped the briefcase containing the money Uzza told him to arrange when they were leaving earlier. Margot turned to the man they were both disguised as the pilot at the second stands when she heard footsteps behind them. She dropped the control headphone on her head quickly and stands immediately. The first bullet she fired went directly into Benjie forehead and another went his belly as she hold unto his body, firing more bullet on his belly till she let go of his body. she adjusted the silencer on the gun without wasting more time and walked out from the stands, she fired three shots into the belly of the only guard immediately she rushed out and fired a quick shot into Uzza’s left shoulder before she took off her glasses hurriedly. “Where is my drive Uzza” she called in anger While Uzza stared in shock. It took him more than 34 seconds before he realized what just happened as he winced in pains from the bullets. ×××× The day was getting gradually dark and everyone at the company already left work for their respective places except few members from the audition team Vivian supervised. The rest of the full day wasn’t pleasant at all and was an hectic day for her. She finally decided to stop what she was doing after three hours of working to check out the phone that won’t just stop ringing, she inhale and exhale as she picked it up to check the caller. There were more than 15 missed calls displayed on her phone and all was from the same caller. She adjusted her sitting position immediately she saw the contact and sprang on her feet. She quickly redialed it. ×××× Uzza wasn’t ready to take it lightly or easy with Margot despite the pain from his shoulder when he attempted to take the gun from her. He grab Margot’s hand unexpectedly and easily immediately she shot and smashed his forehead on her face as the gun fell from her. “So this is it old woman huh? You didn’t die in that explosion?” he shouted ridiculously in anger and sent a kick into her belly without letting her have any breathing pace. He rushed at her instantly before she could try take the gun and sent several punches into her belly. “You.. are.. damn.. old.. witch” he cursed slowly as he sent more punches into her belly and face following each word. Margot tried as much as possible to attack him back but he seemed more agile and had more upper hand than her. She felt stupid enough to have allowed him grab the gun tactically and easily like that from her hand as the plane moved. She tried to resist him from pinning her head on the side of the window but he had more strength, he sent more punches on her face and every part of her body and finally smashed her head on the window before two loud sound of gunshots followed. To be continued. **** Episode 14 Uzza staggered when the first bullet went into his body and the second went into his chest before he could hit Margot with his elbow after pinning her throat against the small glass. He finally fell down when the third bullet went directly into his chest again by Margot’s man who dropped the gun instantly and rushed forward to help Margot who was trying to catch her breath and stands with her hands on her throat. He wanted to help her stand on her feet but she tossed him away and moved hurriedly towards Uzza who had fallen lifeless, making a thud. She began to search his body immediately and found the drive in the right jacket of his suit, she took it out and managed to stand up in relief but her expression changed from an happy mode to a confused one when she saw what just happened to the hard drive. She cursed and managed to close her eyes briefly in anger. ×××× Steve adjusted the sets of books and some of the document he was asked to work on properly on his desk. He also arranged some of the old files he had worked on successfully in the past after checking out little of the content he needed to know by reviewing them in order to close the next deal the company sought-after successfully like he has always done without failing. He took a minute to check all the content on the desk one after the other and adjust/changed the position of the architecture modeling appropriately on his desk. He carried the model and placed them behind the old files he just checked after staring at it for a long time. The deeper image of owning a safe home with a woman he loves and having children ran through his mind. He stared intensely at the model for quite some minutes and returned back from his thoughts after Charles touched him. The whole office was noisy and busy as usual with its workers but literally based on work and work alone. Over 20 minutes ago when Steve entered the building, he had received countless stares from most of the workers and especially Mr. Rodriguez, the cab driver who helped him some days ago. He had to eventually make a brief discussion with the man and he was able to get from him truthfully that he told two other employees about the incident he saw some days ago despite the promise not to tell anyone about it. “I just had to say few but I skipped most of it.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry” he remembered the security man apologized repeatedly at the company main security entrance when he drove into the building. He had nodded without asking the security man further questions and walked away knowing fully most of the company workers gossip all around and must have all heard about it, likely the only reason they keep staring at him. He at first didn’t bother about the whole rise when he returned from the company director office until he saw Vivian entering her office just immediately he walked out and close the directors’ door. Although he seemed tensed seeing her around, he was still able to ignore some of the side stares from some workers. “Mr. Steve, is it true?” he also remembered one of the workers from the production team asking him on his way back from the directors’. “Huh.. What !! What’s true?” He asked back stammering as some of the workers sitting around the woman who asked the question immediately stopped staring and turned to their computers when Steve turned to their desks and made a glance at their faces. “I meant.. I mean about the gay thing” the woman stammered too after 20 seconds of silence when Steve asked what she meant. Instead of answering, Steve made a chuckle and turned away from their positions before walking away and thereby ignoring the woman and the whole full stares on him. “You see.. I told you he’s a gay didn’t I ? Pictures do not lie” one of the women seated beside the other gossip silently as Steve started walking away from them without an answer to the question. “No. I still do not believe its true, I thought he and Vivian had some affinity together” the third woman added too silently as they watch him leave. “What the hell are you even saying? Didn’t you hear the news?” the only man in their midst interrupted them as Steve finally walked away, none of them knew he heard everything they said as he walked on silently and didn’t stop to turn back. “What news?” the women chorused. “goddammit” he cursed silently and walked on as they gossip. “Yes Charles” he finally turned away from the computer and his thoughts was distrupted by Charles who called him again. “So are you saying you no longer have clash with the evil drug lords” Charles asked immediately he turned to answer him. “Oh common !! Should that got you laughing? Steve this is all about our safety and” “How many times are you gonna ask me this same question Charles? Oh common, stop been childish” Steve asked and stopped laughing immediately he saw his reaction. “I already told you all is settled Charles, I have nothing to do with the drug lord or any of them anymore” he added to support his explanation. “You know what Steve?” Charles asked when he stopped laughing. “I still find it difficult to believe your involvement in all this goddamn shit, you are such a prank Steve. I’d never imagined.. I mean all the ladies in this company are all vouching for an opportunity to get near you mehn. Everyone saw you differently for Christ sake” “Charles I already explained the whole thing and I kept nothing amiss, I already apologized” Steve uttered back. “Yeah.. Just exactly like I thought you could hardly kill a cockroach not to talk of a man” Charles defend with a face but lowered his voice more in order not to call the attention of the other colleagues close to their desk. Steve stared a look at his face immediately and exhale, he was already getting tired of explaining himself the more to Charles who was really faultless. He had looked like a saint to everyone of them and no one will ever believe he was totally otherwise. He finally made a sigh and raised his fingers like he was making an apology. “I’m sorry for getting you involved in this Charles, I’m totally sorry” “oh you don’t have to be sorry Steve, I think there’s more to what I already know. You’re really such a prank on hiding a lot about you” Charles countered him and turned back opposite direction to his main desk as Steve had to stop what he was about to say when his phone vibrated thrice, signifying a new incoming message. He unlocked the device to check the message after he made a brief look around. He read the content of the text silently to himself and stands up immediately. He adjusted his suit and walked out from the full connected desk without minding Charles who still gave him a look. He returned the phone back into his pocket and started walking towards the entrance to Vivian office without minding the fierce stares from him. He was about to knock the door when its opened startling him and met Margaret smiling face at the middle of the entrance. “Hi Steve” Margaret greeted him and moved backwards to let him enter the office. “Hey Margie” he smiled back and called her nickname. “Welcome back, we’ve missed you” “Missed !!” Steve phrased the exact word and walk fully into the office as Vivian stands from her desk and rushed into his arms. She hug and hold unto him until Margaret was getting tired of the long hug and went out of the office before closing the door behind her. ×××× “Yeah Vladimir. What a plan indeed” Margot said in anger as she walked impatiently into the room in annoyance without minding Vladimir comments. “The Hard Drive is totally destroyed your lordship, the bullet did a serious damage to the whole thing” one of the young girls in the room quickly announced immediately she and Vladimir walked inside. “goddammit” Margot cursed loud in anger and paced round the room for a moment. “You could have allowed my men handle the whole thing like I planned and let them do according to my Instructions Margot, this whole damn thing was your fault by stopping them to act accordingly to what I said” Vladimir told her. Margot closed her eyes briefly and opened it almost in seconds, she exhale a deep breath and walked towards the computer the young girl was seated on. She took off the Hard Drive beside the laptop and stared at the bullet hole on it. She hissed and disconnect the cables attached with the laptop immediately in more frustration. “And how exactly did you let the drive got hit by a bullet? Its was all part of your fault.. All of this are all your fault” Vladimir pointed out as the whole room went silent. “Oh common Vladimir, I lose almost all my men in that explosion and do you even know how its feels? I don’t think now is the right time to start pointing out the whole fault goddammit” Margot shouted at him as the girls and few of Vladimir men in the room remained mute. “Lucy I need you to come with me now” she ordered one of the girls named Lucy as Vladimir said nothing other than the smirk he made after she shouted. The young girl stood up and followed behind her as Margot rushed passed Vladimir towards the door. “Your lordship” One of Vladimir men entered the room and call out at the entrance before Margot could walk towards the door. “Yes Fade. Anything?” Vladimir also called his name and turned to him immediately he entered. “I’m afraid how this gonna sounds, Its Lord Nathaniel, we found out just as you instructed” he answered before Margot could get towards him. ×××× The new brand Corolla Camry speed up over-taking some of the ongoing cars as Vivian stared at Steve with disbelief after about 10 minutes of driving out from the company building. Its seemed like a longer day but quite short as she smiled often, taking a glance at Steve who barely could face the main road and concentrate on his driving. One thing had led to another from her office at the company and they were now heading home, probably to Vivian’s place. “But I had to make a deal with him. I made a deal to find the drive and hand it over to him at all cost” Steve explained better when she gave him unsatisfied looks. “Steve I can’t believe its been truly 31 months we’ve been friends and you hide all this away from me. I meant your identity” “I thought we already talked about this Vivian” “Yes we did but I still find it hard to believe a gentleman like you could.. I meant its ridiculous and..” She stammered and seemed to be out of words. “Vivian listen to me okay. We talked about this already and I’ve explained everything to you, I’m.. I’m sorry Viv” Steve also stammered as he suddenly felt tension between them. “That set aside, Steve can’t we just run away from all this?” “We !!” Steve rephrased after her and reduced the car speed to have a long look at her face. ×××× Margot foamed the more in anger at the mere mention of Nathaniel right at the exit of the room, she turned to Vladimir who kept mute and stared a stern look at her. Of course she knew Vladimir thought Nathaniel was dead some years ago whereas he was alive and he controls a big drug business from the west. Vladimir kept staring at her without taking off his eye contact or blink, his facial expression demanding for a vivid explanation. Of course Nathaniel attempted to eliminate her some years ago, the scars from the bullets and machete on her body is always a remembrance to the pain she felt that unfortunate day as her mind made a flashback. she almost died but she survived, she was on the path to the underworld but an old poor farmer from the Eastern part of the country helped her live back, she survived the cold blood Nathaniel and his men left her, she crawled with determination to survive, feeling the greatest betrayer, she felt the quest and the surge for revenge and her pulse reacted quickly to the farmer’s profound medicine, with inner strength and intensity, she survived few months after the poor farmer died and made contact with Vladimir who was once Nathaniel’s best friend. “Nathaniel was supposed to be dead Margot, how on earth is he alive?” Vladimir said with rage without taking off his sight off her. He stared at her eyeballs, studying them and awaiting her response. The fact that She choose Nathaniel over him some years ago wasn’t appealing and admist all circumstances, he wished for Nathaniel’s death as more than ever. He continued staring at Margot who still said no word or gave any response to his question as the whole room went silent. Fade, one of the best handyman to Vladimir felt what was coming between the two drug lords immediately. He made few gestures to their men in the room and began to walk out from the entrance before Lucy, who was also behind Margot followed after him along everyone in the room, excusing the two drug lords. To be continued. Follow my Facebook page Apologies for the late coming updates, Powers from Generators are majorly the 75% source of charging up my devices. I understand what delays in updates do cause but please bear with me as I want to be relevant in all stories coming from me. Absolute Thanks for understanding. Story so far : Steve Jones had all of a sudden refused helping Detective Cougar and Louis capture Lord Nathaniel who was the detectives main target, its seemed he’s now only concerned about his dream to have a home and he’s absolutely trying to avoid anything that will bridge the decision, mainly to the extent that he made another deal with Lord Nathaniel without considering what fate will bring him or what the future entails. Uzza, the former right man and the successor to the deceased ‘Abdul Rauf’ who was killed by Sunny at the beginning of the story had also died and Margot, whose identity is yet to be very much revealed in the story has finally retrieved the Hard Drive she had lived up for after succeeding in killing Uzza who was only lucky to have had upper move than her but the drive unfortunately got destroyed when one of her men shot Uzza at the chest, the same place Uzza kept the drive right under his suit. More from the past are coming to surface and more from the future revealed in this story. Steve jones is a lonely man who only wants nothing but a home, probably one with Vivian and the drive he promised to get for Lord Nathaniel in order to have what he wants peacefully has finally been destroyed. I hope you do remember the two Chinese hackers working for Uzza likewise? Do you Remember they aren’t dead and they wanted the drive too? Do you remember the two Detectives majorly trying to arrest Lord Nathaniel wanted that Hard Drive too to make it possible for them to arrest the drug lord and dig into more top secrets? **** Episode 15 “I still don’t believe all his properties are not acquired from those criminal acts Vivian, are you really sure its all from the income at the company?” Margaret pointed out to her friend immediately she dropped the drinks Vivian offered her. She was dressed elegantly in an unofficial cloth, its was always one of the weekends when they spend most of the whole day together, gossiping about colleagues at work or neighborhood and discussing crucial or important issues and at times chill out together except recently when Margaret turned against the idea of clubbing. “I’m sorry Vivian, that’s not gonna happen” she will always turned her down whenever she said they should chill out in club, dully knowing Vivian will mess up totally if she takes in too much alcoholic which can result to the unexpected. Few minutes ago when she entered Vivian’s compound, she felt thriving, she felt the change and the live echoes of the whole house, she felt the total difference of happiness that had deduce from her friend few weeks ago, Vivian was dressed perfectly in an African attire that match out her beauty, an elegant south African cloth and most importantly the air in the house smells good, especially the aroma coming from the kitchen. They changed from one discussion to another and moved from one side of the house to another, they talked about work, the terrible news announced on the TV some hours ago, they talked about politics, about the economy and until finally Margaret was able to force her into discussing about Steve, the only discussion she felt Vivian was trying to avoid or prevent them from discussing. “Margaret, I thought I already told you not to talk about this again. This is not a conversation I wanna have with anyone, you should have noticed I was trying to avoid it” Vivian finally answered her after re-checking what she was cooking. “Vivian I don’t want you to forget that aside being your colleague at work, I’m also your best trusted friend and I cannot mislead you especially on this issue or any matter” “There you go again with your chip chap talk this afternoon Margie, I think its of the best interest if we could just stop and not talk about this” “I’m sorry Viv, I know.. I just.. Has your aunt know about this?” Margaret stammered and faced her. ×××× Steve stared at the mirror the up tenth time as he adjust the tie in his inner suit. He was looking manly and extremely handsome with his hair curled backwards and his huge muscles reflecting on the suit. He concentrated on making himself look good as he took another look at himself before the mirror again. “You are looking good man” Charles finally commented after a long moments of silence between them. “Huh” Steve said and turned back to face him as if he didn’t hear what he said. “I said you are looking good, Vivian will surely be impressed” “Oh !! Are you sure about that? Are you sure she’s gonna be?” Steve asked him repeatedly, surprised Charles was finally making a conversation with him after the twist of words that led to a long silence between them. “Yeah, I’m sure she will cos you are looking good” Charles added and stands from the edge of the bed he sat, he walked towards the same mirror and stands beside Steve. He adjusted his own casual shirt and placed his waist belt appropriately as he took a look at himself. “Thank you for doing this for me Charles, I really appreciate it” Steve said and turned to walk away from the standing mirror whereas Charles maintained his stands without replying him. “Lets start going then, I think the day is far spent already” Steve said and started buttoning up his suit after a brief look at his wristwatch. “So are you finally proposing to her again?” Charles asked silently. ×××× “Oh common Vivian, it isn’t like Steve is coming to propose to you” Margaret said and laughed as she apply some little makeup on her face. They were already at Vivian’s main bedroom after a long discussion at the kitchen and both were seated at one side of the bed, directly facing the mirror as they apply makeup. “This has nothing to do with Steve or anyone Margie, I’m just dressing up.. I meant” She stammered and turned to Margaret who suddenly burst into laughter. “Don’t tell me you forgot he once made an attempt which you turned down” “Steve never did Margie, I already asked him about the whole thing at the restaurant and he said No, he wasn’t” “Hmm he wasn’t” “Yeah. But who knows if he’s gonna propose this time?” Vivian asked rhetorically and smiled. “And you did believe him when he said No” “of course I didn’t.. But its was so weird you know” Vivian answered her and dropped one of the makeup kits. “Hmm. You seemed happy about this Vivian, I can see you’re in a hurry to see him come in, and I can see your ears vividly alert to hear the bell at the door isn’t it?” Margaret laughed and teased her. ×××× Few minutes later. Steve and Charles were seated opposite sides to Vivian and Margaret at the dinning sets. The whole four of them were looking astonishing in beauty and their lips were the only thing moving as their teeth chew the food served by Vivian few minutes when they came in after a brief neutral discussion between them. “How’s the food Charles?” Margaret asked loud, breaking the long silence when the four of them were almost done. She was seated opposite Charles and Vivian was seated opposite Steve as they dropped the cutleries. “The food is good” Charles answered her and faked a smile. “Just good !!” Margaret rephrased. “I meant its delicious” Charles said and smiled as he took a look at Vivian who just finished up a glass of wine all at once. “What about you Steve? How’s the food?” Margaret inquired after 15 seconds. “The food is delicious, I enjoyed it” Steve answered too and smiled. ×××× Vladimir emptied the full cup of the alcoholic wine at once and poured more into it. He raised the full cup and turned to face Margot who was standing few distance behind him, he managed to control his fury and threw off the remnant of the cigarettes he smoked from the main roof of the building down into the air. “So you betrayed me twice Margot, you betrayed me for him despite all I’ve done for you” he said loudly after 10 minutes silence that seems like an hour between them. “Nathaniel was supposed to be dead but you lied to me. You deceived me and you choose him over me the second time” He shouted louder and turned to face Margot who put on a strong face but didn’t look into his furious eyes. She knew exactly how he must have felt, she betrayed him even more than twice. Truthfully Nathaniel was supposed to be dead and she was the one to have eliminate him years ago but she didn’t know how exactly she couldn’t kill him when Vladimir gave her the chance. Years ago, the three of them are members of a powerful drug groups headed by a Russian lord named Fedor, meaning Powerful ruler of the people. The three of them were his handy man and they handle most of Fedor’s most dangerous deal all around the world, especially Nathaniel, Fedor’s most trusted man which Margot fell in love with. Vladimir developed hatred, anger, jealousy, an unusual feelings and urge to kill Nathaniel whom he saw as an enemy that took all that belongs to him. Margot heaved a sigh as she remembered the first time they just met but her thought was disrupted when she heard Vladimir broke the glass cup he was holding. He began to move towards her immediately and she got to quickly look into his face. ×××× Steve took another weird look at Charles who pretended like he didn’t see him as they all walked to have a seat after the meal. “What’s it with my attire Steve? Its one of the African attires my mother brought for me from South Africa” Vivian joked back as they all walk to seat and burst into Laughter after Steve joked about her dressing. “Its obviously good, you look pretty in it honestly” Charles smiled too and commended after taking a glance at Vivian and back to Margaret, deliberately avoiding making eye contact with Steve who looked awkward and tensed from his position. Charles smiled again and took his seat beside Margaret who was the first to have her seat before Vivian took hers. “Really !!” Vivian smiled cheaply after what Charles said. “Yeah. You’re beautiful and perfect in it Viv, that was barely a joke” Steve answered her before Charles could respond. He finally took a look at him but Steve avoid it too and took out a ring box from his inner pocket immediately with courage. He made a faint sigh as Vivian turned to him, wondering why he wasn’t seated yet when they already did. Lo and behold, without much words or camouflage, without having to make or present a blossom acts of surprise, Steve went on his knees before Vivian and repeated himself twice. “Vivian, will you marry me?” he finally took courage and asked feeling tensed as he opened the ring box. ***** Episode 16 “We are doing this with or without him, the only thing is to make our investigation clear” Detective Louis pointed out. “Yes Louis, we have to eradicate this entire drug business completely from this country” Detective Cougar also joined as they await one of the officers coming with Max. The two of them stopped talking for awhile immediately they sighted max and the officer coming towards them. “Uncle, you necessarily don’t have to do this, I can just return back on my own” “Shut your mouth now Max and listen to me” Detective Louis shouted loud and ignored the whole stares on him as he moved closer to Max. ×××× The cool and bright atmosphere had changed quickly almost in few minutes the two cars were packed opposite sides. Viktor was seated beside Lord Nathaniel at the back seat of the vehicle, thanks to him, the drug lord had uncovered most and top secret that were kept away from him, along some hidden identity of some drug lords he’d never heard of. The rain began to pour just immediately Lord Nathaniel came down from the jeep and he was quickly accompanied with an umbrella by Sunny who also came out from the driver side of the jeep. Three of the drug lords’ men quickly positioned themselves at each sides of the jeep and at the back with their guns alert to fire anytime. The large size of the umbrella Sunny brought out was big enough to cover both him and the drug lord as the rain suddenly began to pour heavily with each step they take forward but he stayed out and cover lord Nathaniel fully before they finally reached the car behind the jeep. The back seat door was opened immediately by one of the guards also surrounding the second car and Lord Nathaniel stepped inside before Sunny covered himself with the umbrella. He took few step backwards behind the car and brought out a pistol just as the men surrounding the car also brought out theirs, anticipated and wondered why Lord Nathaniel’s men surrounded most of the tactical points with guns. “I do not appreciate you crossing my path Nathaniel, you are over-stepping your boundary by doing this” An old African tall dark man said immediately Lord Nathaniel stepped into the car. “I haven’t done anything my lord, I am only carrying out some investigation and annihilating all of my past mistakes. Is there any offense to that?” Lord Nathaniel turned to him and smiled after a glimpse at the old man’s face. Reminding him of the occasional occurrence between him and the drug lord he met in the drug business, his wrinkled face do tell a lot and describe much about the old man who had become physically weak and his thoughts was distracted when the old man spoke. “And you tamed on doing that by interfering in my business isn’t it Nathaniel?” “of course not Lord Tyrus, the interference was only coincidental. No one dared interfere in your business but I huh noticed recently that after Fedor’s death few years ago. There were things left undone and Fedor himself made some grievous mistakes back then which he didn’t correct before he died and I huh believe I should correct them before another future clash would occur” lord Nathaniel answered him and made a weird face. “Lord Fedor’s past mistakes as nothing to do with you Nathaniel and you are not the right person to correct it even if he did” The old man pointed out in a clear and stern voice confidently, unsure of what was coming. “Lord Tyrus, with due respect I want to commend you for your efforts and all that you’d done all this years, especially for me and the rest of the gang, following Lord Fedor before he died. I must say you did magnificently well in staying beside him and raising his drug business more higher than it should but don’t you think its high time you stepped down for our units?” Lord Nathaniel said louder even though there were no distance between them at all. “And why should I do that Nathaniel?” The old man gathered his brow together and asked, making a strange look as different thoughts suddenly ran through him. “Are you saying you’d…” He added and made a chuckle and a smile that soon catch up and disappeared almost immediately he stopped talking. “Yes Lord Tyrus, you must have noticed countless numbers of strange deaths recently and I’m sure you ignore their deaths without proper attention because you believe and see most of the victims as likely enemies, especially some of the politicians involved. So if you don’t want to end up like most of them, I suggest you step down now easily or I’ll have you dead like I killed many of your kinds few days ago” Lord Nathaniel threatened and faced him without blinking as Lord Tyrus looked around the vicinity briefly following a thunder strike as the rain pour heavily and the rain poured the more. “Nathaniel you are just about to start a war by doing this, I’d advice you to stop now when there’s still a chance for you” The drug lord said and faced him directly. “A war !!” Lord Nathaniel chuckled and exclaimed. “The war has already begun Lord Tyrus and its wasn’t start by me. This inevitable war was started by the members of the Six wings you belong over some years ago” “What is it you want Nathaniel? Starting a war isn’t the solution to whatever the problem is, you surely cannot handle the consequences” the old man interrupted him and stared at his face. “Starting this war gives me the right answers Lord Tyrus and that is exactly why you kept quiet despite that I had already killed two of the members of the six wings and you never made any move to counter it” lord Nathaniel flared but said slowly as he brought out his phone and dialed Sunny’s phone who was still standing behind the car with an umbrella as cover from the rain with his eyes fixed on the drug lord. In less than 2 minutes, gunshots sounded sporadically outside the two cars almost immediately lord Nathaniel raised the phone up. Lord Tyrus became terrified at once and took a quick glance around, only to see his five bodyguard surrounding the car already dead. He froze and stared a look at Nathaniel who returned his stern look with a smirk. “What do you want from me Nathaniel?” he froze and stared a look at his main eyeballs, his words were slow and the confident he felt before disappeared the moment Nathaniel brought out a gun. “Good. All I want from you is the list of the men I told you earlier before this meeting was arranged. Give me this list and I’ll let you be” Lord Nathaniel ordered and dropped the phone down as he cocked the pistol he brought out and pointed it directly on the old man’s skull. ×××× “Yes aunty, I told him Yes” Vivian shouted the second time and jumped with excitement as she showcase the ring on her finger to her aunt. “Wow !! Steve finally propose?” Her aunt exclaimed and asked as if she didn’t hear Vivian correctly again. “Yes aunty.. He did” Vivian replied her with excitement as her aunt watch with bewilderment. “I thought you didn’t like him Viv, what’s this all about?” asked her aunt. “I think things changed aunty, and some things are beyond our control sometimes, I didn’t before but I love him now and I want to marry him” “Holy Mary…!! When suddenly has Steve became a man you decide to marry and when exactly did he become one of your type or belongs to your class?” she asked as she watched her move round happily. “Aunty I.. I.. !!” “Its okay Vivian, its right you are better coming to see how good Steve is and any woman would grabbed their chance if they’re given a slight chance before you atleast” her aunt added when she stammered. “But I’ve been wanting to ask you Viv, what is going on with Steve? I think I might have heard some inappropriate things about him” Her aunt asked. ×××× Vladimir opened the door to the big hall and entered almost immediately the men in the hall quickly went on their feet with respect when they saw him walk inside. He brought out a cigarette instantly and light it as they all paid attention to him, wondering what he’d come to do at the hall, leaving the rowdy place silenced. “Your lordship, I think it’s time we leave here, there is a report upfront from our base and they seemed to be encountering some problems they can’t handle without you” Stone broke the 2 minutes silence Vladimir took to finally light the cigarette. “What problems are they encountering Stone?” Vladimir asked him after one more minute. “Its seemed to be some issues you need to attend to boss” Stone answered him. “Gather yourself, all of you. We are going to attack one of our enemies” Vladimir announced and began to walk around the hall, ignoring what Stone said as he began to give them further instructions. ×××× Steve walked out from the police headquarters as Inspector Kelvin followed him out. He had a smile on, one which could vividly describe or tell that he was happy and for the first time in his life, he felt peace and felt contended, he felt propitious and tranquility satisfied with a feeling of comfort within him. He turned back and nodded to answer the inspector who had already bade him well before he noticed his phone vibrated, he heaved a big sigh in relief and smiled as he began to take one step after another down the staircase of the building. He couldn’t believe despite every circumstances that Vivian will say yes to his proposal the day before after several deliberation with Charles who one at a point almost discouraged him from making a move to propose the second time. A move he thought Vivian wouldn’t take but reject. He smiled to himself the fourth time almost forgotten he wanted to answer his ringing phone by the time he got near his car. He took a look at the phone screen instantly as it was still ringing and saw Vivian’s number displayed. “Hi Viv” he uttered elevated immediately he answered the call and felt nervous with her response. “Hi Darling Steve” Vivian’s response came through. “Dar.. Darling !!” he stammered after her as he opened the car door. “Yes hi darling, aren’t lovers supposed to call themselves that?” he heard her asked. “Oh !! Of course. I love that, that’s the right.. I mean what lovers should call themselves” Steve stammered after her. “Yes I huh.. Where are you?” Vivian asked again after she smiled and waited 10 seconds before she did, noticing the anxiousness on the phone between them. “I just came out from the police headquarters and I’ve talked with the inspector” Steve replied her and move his legs playfully with the car door slightly opened, feeling nervous and anxious as well. “So” Vivian said. “So I told him what’s necessary about the whole thing and I cleared the restrictions on the house” Steve answered her and stepped into the car but only with his left leg placed inside, his right leg was still outside the car as he sits with anxiousness. “oh !! I’m happy you did Steve, at least my aunt can now stop asking me several unnecessary questions and Margaret atleast will stop disturbing me” “And What questions is your aunt asking Viv?” “Oh.. And is it necessary for you to know?” “Of course I need to Viv, is it all about me? I need to know everything” Steve asked and finally closed the car after stepping inside fully. “oh.. Are we already talking as lovers now Steve?” Vivian teased him as their conversation continued. ___ Steve speed over and halt after 20 minutes of driving from the police headquarters as his phone continued ringing, following the long discussion between him and Vivian. He finally decided to park the car as he saw the caller displayed on the phone. He’s feelings changed immediately and his smiling face soon disappeared and turned a frown immediately he parked well and change the car gears. “Lord Nathaniel” He called out immediately he answered it. To be continued.. A Story written by Ireti Adedipe
17 Oct 2019 | 13:19
Episode 17 Detective Cougar swallowed in and stretched his right hand at the edge of the sofa he was seated, he took his eyes off Louis cousin for a moment, trying to reason if there was any false in all he had told them. Max was Detective Louis cousin, a young man at his early twenties and a very cunny one who one way and the other had involved himself into illegal contraband business few weeks ago but circumstances changed during the cause of the business and he suddenly found himself unexpectedly in Uzza’s den. Things went wrong out of his incompetence and unprofessionally enough with the other party he did the illicit contraband business with, and his cunny act was easily discovered by some unidentified Uzza’s men who were involved in the same business. The Detective hissed in frustration remembering how the whole thing disrupt their whole plans and what both him and Louis had to face from their chief when they allowed Uzza have the weaponry they planned to use as bait. He made a faint sigh silently and made a brief look at his partner who he knew wouldn’t expect that Max will Scape through the offence even if he’s a family member. He took off his gaze at Louis who wasn’t looking like he’s gonna take a look at him after a minute of silence in the office. He picked up the tablet on the desk and took a look at it before adjusting himself properly on the sofa. “And Did you confirmed it yourself Louis?” he finally spoke to get his attention. “Yes Cougar, his dead body was found later but the Hard Drive wasn’t on him like we were told” Louis stopped pacing round the office and stopped to answer him. “By the way, what is this hard drive all about? I might know something and maybe help out and free myself from detention right” Max interrupted them and shrugged on the sofa he was seated, speaking as if they are joking in the office. “Do you think this is a joke? Our plans was disrupted all because of your involvement and do you know how that feels?” Detective Cougar shouted at Max but managed to low his voice appropriately after taking his hand off the sofa. He stood up and rushed towards Max at once in annoyance when Max took him unserious and was still smiling when Cougar sent a hard punch on his face before he stopped mumbling and shouted loud when Cougar attempted to raised another blow. “I seriously can help you out Detectives… I’m sorry, I’m not..” “Start telling us all you know right now” Cougar interrupted him when he apologized twice and released his already hardened fist after seeing him terrified before moving backwards to let him speak. “Her name is Margot but I don’t know the name of the man standing beside her, according to my findings, I was told she made a deal with Uzza and..” He stopped speaking when the door opened and an officer walked into the office without knocking. Both Detectives looked back to see who entered and returned their face back at Max who had started talking. “And what?” Detective Cougar asked him as the officer who entered walked closer. ×××× Vivian noticed Steve sudden un-neutral change of mood following the call he made when he requested to use the restroom while they were discussing with her aunt few hours ago after Steve finally came longer than what she expected. She couldn’t believe herself finally coming to accept Steve Jones all the rounds without a lot of deliberation. She had totally love him and there was no doubt for fear or veneration coming from her like she assumed. She likewise remembered how its felt when Steve proposed for marriage, she couldn’t get the very moment off her head and the memories of her response kept ringing on her head like a continuous rolling bell. “I thought you said Steve was never your dream man” she also remembered her aunt words, reminding her of what she said about Steve Jones, the man that has now captured her heart. She took another look at Steve who had not been cheerful all through the few minutes journey even though he added more to the conversation all through the journey back to his place. She concluded that he probably was beginning to get shy and more anxious around her like Margaret assumed and finally opened the car door before he could come over to help her like she saw him make an attempt. He tried to fake a smile by the time Vivian got out from the halted car herself but it could tell vividly on his face how hard he tried. He moved back immediately she got out from the car and closed the door but couldn’t look at Vivian whose gaze was on him. Getting Vivian smiling, she ignored and chuckled as she took a look at the big compound with her back rested against the car and thereby concluded that he was still anxious around her. “Can we atleast go in?” she asked after a minute of absurd silence and Steve nodded after they spoke few more minutes before they began to walk into the main compound. “We shouldn’t have been lovers you know” Vivian said with dissatisfaction as they walk on and Steve stopped, confused and doesn’t understand what she meant. “What’d.. mean?” he stammered and stared a look at her face. Vivian looked at his serious face and moved closer to him, she made her fist and sent a punch into his chest playfully. She sent more punches into his chest until he realized she was obviously joking and stopped. ___ Few minutes later. Steve watched intensely as Vivian look around the rooms and the whole repaired properties in it before he had to walk into the main room feeling disturbed. Even though he tried to calm himself as he sat on one of the chair with a laptop placed on the desk, he didn’t felt peaceful, following lord Nathaniel’s new job to him which was to assassinate one renowned drug lord called Margot. He refresh his email as he continued working on the laptop before he saw another mail labelled from Sunny and the contents all about the details of the target, several pictures and all the drug territory she owned. That was when he knew that the bond between him and the drug lord was one beyond the phase of dispatch. The deal they made was to find the Hard drive but now he was told to eliminate a drug lord and be done finally with the drug lord. Probably he will never be done with lord Nathaniel, he thought. He made a quick flashback of his disturbed serenity that wasn’t looking like he will ever have what he wants eventually. He could recall several times he had disturbing dreams of his past, his conscience hunting him with the souls of people he had killed, those he had ripped of their job, the families he had killed, the children he had allowed Sunny pierced and plucked out their eyes necessary out of fear and before their parents, the young and old women he had made lives unworthy for. Right that moment, his ten fingers began to vibrate and painful for him to lift. He felt pains inwardly and felt sweat ran up his entire body at once and his gullet responded to the pain exactly like how he always felt each and every time he had the disturbing dream of people, young and old, crying bitterly and stretching their hands to him for help. He finally cough and with all the strength he could gather to fight the severe pain he suddenly felt after 3 minutes of trying to fight the pain and tried multiple times to breathe as he tried to call for help. ___ Vivian looked at him the third time as she proceed towards the door, her face vividly inclined to what he said and its was full of worry. She stared at him with shock without going out despite that she had opened the door. “Are you sure you are okay?” she asked him the same question the 50th time. In fact Steve had lost counting of each response he gave her. “What exactly happened to you Steve? Don’t you think you need to see a doctor?” She asked him again before he could answer her first question. “I don’t need a doctor Vivian, I’m fine now as you can see. All I need is a glass of water like I requested and nothing more” he answered her but clearly saw the disbelief right on her face. “Steve I really think you need to get checked by a medical doctor right now and not drink a glass of water” Vivian argued stubbornly and closed the door to get her phone with more shock. The state she met him few minutes ago was totally unexplainable to her. ×××× Sunny kept his gaze away from the television as he began to load the guns with bullets. The news had just reported the killing of two old rich men that was killed by them 5 hours ago. He made a chuckle when he heard exactly the same report they tamed the newsmen to have after assassinating the men, its was reported that the two men they assassinated was both stabbed to death by one of the two men sons who was caught and arrested at the crime scene with two sets of knives. Sunny made another chuckle with excitement when he heard more of the news reports from the caster, he smiled to himself confidently when the pictures of the men were shown and the alleged son handcuffed and led away by the cops. Of course lately, he had killed more people in just few weeks than he had ever did in years. Thanks to lord Nathaniel who gave him the chance. One uncontrollable fact about him was the sore happiness he felt from killing humans and that was one major act of conflict between him and Steve Jones whom lord Nathaniel believed and has so much faith in. He felt contented this days he now handle all of the Drug lord orders and most of his illicit business deals. Most of the drug lords men now greatly feared him even more than Lord Nathaniel himself, there were at times when he wished he could be the drug lord himself and control everything and the business of Lord Nathaniel without interception, without anyone to hold him back from killing anyone or any members referred as his enemies. He had greatly created more fear and respect for himself when he strangled some of the men who reported his killing act to Lord Nathaniel right in front of the drug lord few days ago. He had moved closer to the men after one of the business dealings he handled successfully. He caught them telling lord Nathaniel about his anger in killing most of their business partners after each and every deals handled by him. He had rushed to them and strangled one of the five of them to death before killing the four left right in front of the drug lord who said nothing against it. He dropped the first gun he loaded and took up another gun to start loading it with bullets when one of the men walked into the room and disrupt him. “Boss. Lord Nathaniel gave new orders” He said and took a look at Sunny who didn’t stop what he was doing but knew he will still blow up after telling him eventually. “What orders has he given?” Sunny asked after a minute of not answering him. “He said Steve should lead the attack and we must listen and obey everything he says, including complying to his techniques and every other thing he says” The words came out almost in a whisper to Sunny who dropped the gun he was yet to load. “Steve !!” Sunny re-phrased with so much hatred and anger, he felt his hands moved and his fist tightened at the mere mention of Steve’s name almost at the same time. “Where is he?” He asked in anger, getting the whole attention of the boys in the room. **** Episode 18 Steve watched as Vivian stubbornly picked up her phone and made a call directly to her medical doctor despite his disagreement to it. He saw her walked towards the door and get out from the room after taking another look at him, with full confusion on her face and Immediately she walked out, he heaved a deep sigh and closed his eyes for a moment. Probably to think of what to do. He felt tired and drained but he knew getting checked by a doctor wouldn’t help his situation, or perhaps wasn’t what he needed. Especially when he knew he was suffering from emotional trauma and guilty conscience over the years. He reopened his eyes and made another deep breath before his phone began to ring out beside the desk in front of him. He shifted his seating position properly and picked up the phone to answer it nonchalantly after noting the caller. “Hey Joel” he called out immediately he heard Joel’s greetings and tried to rub his face with his palm after yawning. “If I were you Steve, I will make sure that bed you are seating on is moved higher about 30.48 centimeters away from its position and I’ll adjust the window properly from where it is, infact, I’ll change the whole room settings entirely and adjust it properly, especially the shade adjacent to the position of that Japanese mug about few meters away from where you are” “Joel what the hell are you saying?” Steve asked and jump up instantly, he stands up almost immediately and rushed towards the window. Just as he opened the window curtains, he saw a red pointed light on his forehead instantly even just as he slide it close and open again. “Your window glass will break even before my bullet penetrates it Steve, the wall in reality isn’t exceptional likewise. Why have you totally become weak unlike I expected?” He heard Joel asked instantly with a chuckle as he tried to trace the red light pointed on him directly from the window. “Hmm. Don’t try to look up here Steve. Death is lurking around you here and there and the only thing you could do to help yourself is to become weak. You are such a prank young man” “Where the hell are you Joel” Steve gnarled and opened the window totally as the red sniper’s light still cleared on his forehead despite the reflection from the side window without noting a sound on the door. Vivian stepped inside with more confusion as she called his name the second time without his response or making an attempt to turn back from the window. “Steve !!!” She said louder as she walked towards him and stopped when he finally turned back to her with a phone placed on his left ear. “What are you doing over there? The doctor will soon be here, I just called him” She asked him as she tried to dropped the tray she held with both hands in an attempt to move closer to him. ×××× “Uzza is dead. I think Margot now has the hard drive with her” Cheng, one of the two Chinese hackers announced as he throw off the empty packed popcorn on the garbage box. He cleaned his hands with a towel and sat beside Weng whose fingers was moving faster on the keyboard. “Yes Cheng, I know Margot has the drive in possession now and I’ve finally discovered the last thing we need to do on the drive” Weng said and clicked more buttons on the keyboard before Cheng moved closer to one of the two systems in the small secret room they had acquired. ×××× This is a mistake, this is wrong. Vivian thought louder within herself as she tried to stop pacing round the room but she couldn’t. She finally managed to stop as Steve walked sides along her with his hands raised to support his trying to persuade and talk her out of fear but Vivian wouldn’t have it as she stared at the door for a minute in more confusion and state of worry, hearing Joel humming from the back door. “Vivian I’m sorry..” “Don’t be sorry Steve. I’m tired of you saying you’re sorry here and there each and every time this is happening” Vivian landed immediately before he could say more and more before he could added more. The whole lots of tension between the two of them was just unexplainable, few hours ago its was fine and gorgeous but now its just unexplainable. Vivian thoughts. She disregarded his point and all his arguments as she touched her forehead, already feeling a bigger headache. “Can’t we just leave the country totally Steve? Why can’t this people leave you alone?” She shouted the more and continued asking him each and every time Steve speaks nonchalantly before the door to the room suddenly opened in distraction and Joel peeped inside. He took a look at the two of them and smiled, he opened the door wide and stepped into the room before Vivian suddenly rushed towards the door and out of the room as Steve followed her towards the door immediately, calling her name. He was almost at the door way, trying to call her back when Joel stepped in between the door and stopped him from going after Vivian. “That lady is the reason you have become weak Steve, you have clearly shown she’s your weakness. You are weak around her and your heart has soften more than its should be” Joel shouted and crossed his hands to prevent him from still going out. “leave the damn door now Joel” Steve flared and finally face him after Vivian was totally out of sight behind the corridor that leads to the room. “Hey calm down boy, you have to be strong if you wish to protect her and have the home you’ve always wanted. Do you think Nathaniel will ever leave you alone even if you do what he wants? You are such a fool, have you never come to think of why he always have you do everything he wants? You are such a bastard that you are no longer concentrate with lot of things that matters. And if you want her safety and that of her family and friends, then you should know how to protect yourself before you can protect them. Nathaniel wants a war and a war we’ll give” Joel shouted on him without allowing him give a response, and pushed him back into the room. ×××× GMT 08:59 pm Sunny nodded twice and returned his phone into his jacket, following the call he just received. He could see Lord Nathaniel at the garden he was heading to, with few men standing beside the drug lord. He marched forward hastily but orderly enough to not allow the drug lord see his pacing especially when he had see him coming. Right that moment, he wished he could just shoot the drug lord in his chest and use the opportunity to acquire what he now secretly wanted, and immediately his mind made a scene of pulling the trigger on Lord Nathaniel’s head but his fingers adjusted contrary with the level of the breeze in the garden. He began to move forward and bowed to greet the drug lord who was already having a seat and trying to sip a drink he just poured by the time he got before him. He tried as much as possible to change his angry expression as the drug lord took a look at him. “You look disturbed” the drug lord expressed and began to light the tobacco he held. ___ Stone taped the space bar on the keyboard as he made a sigh. Vladimir was seated beside him at the back seat of the jeep before two more jeep halted with a rush behind the jeep Vladimir and two of his men was seated. Vladimir stopped what he was about to say when he saw Margot stepped down from one of the two jeeps. He opened the car door instantly and get down as he rushed towards her instantly in annoyance. “You can’t stop me from doing this Vladimir, this is what I wanted before..” Margot uttered hurriedly and stepped back quickly against the car when Vladimir grabbed her neck and pushed her forcefully backwards with anger. “Are you here to stop me again? Nathaniel must die today either you want it or not” ___ “Yes, that is exactly what I want Sunny” Lord Nathaniel repeated himself clearly after Sunny asked him about the perspective of Steve leading them. He felt disappointed hearing the drug lord response again and he felt a strange surge of anger within him. Yes, he was more closer to the drug lord but he see himself incompetent whenever he gives Steve what its seemed to be his appraisal. He made a silent chuckle, staring a look at the drug lord who had already returned his gaze at the laptop one of his men was showing him without minding that Sunny still has more to say. Sunny turned backwards in anger immediately, he made another silent chuckle and took a brief look around. A thought ran through his mind almost that seconds, he touched his bushy beard and his face turned a frown. He looked carefully around the garden and the few men standing around the drug lord and their position, he moved backwards and walked out from the garden immediately. He went directly towards one of his handy man and made strange signals to him and some of the men he had already spoke to, against bringing down Lord Nathaniel even though some of them never agreed to his plans. The first man he walked to, whispered and made a signal to him, appropriately saying No but Sunny wouldn’t have it or listen, he suddenly became furious and he totally lost it. He couldn’t control himself and brought out a revolver instantly, he rushed back to the garden immediately and fired.
17 Oct 2019 | 13:26


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