

By Viciyoung in 20 Apr 2017 | 05:34
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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Member since: 5 Jun 2016
Written By Angelinastto

Last update modified.
After the family dinner***
Nancy wrote her post Jamb weeks later and gained admission to study her dream course "Journalism" with the help of khole's dad.
The story still has a long way to go and my work is becoming more and more time demanding. For this reason am thinking of skipping the whole part concerning nancy's years in school to the day she got her NYSC calls up letter. See the story so far as the "Season one"
Love as happened,so as betrayal and survival. Love will happen again, but with who?. There will then be light to reveal what is IN THE DARK. Who was left in the dark? What is the darkness all about? This are questions to be answered in this season two..

Note; I will always post the next Episode.. Depending on the comments..

Link to season 1
20 Apr 2017 | 05:34
Episode 1 . . Continues.. The man incharge of my department NYSC call up letter was an elderly man, he adjusted his glasses every five minutes and this made the process slow and exhausting. While waiting for my name to be called i looked back at my past experience in life. From my dad's death, to my sixteenth birthday, my mom's death, then the unforgettable act of betrayal i witnessed which led to me loosing kelvin till date and lastly the suffering i went through with my uncle and his wife before mi mom and mi dad took me in. All i could say was "life is full of ups and down but what cant kill you,will only make you stronger". Out of all my trials, I came out better,happier and stronger. I felt proud of myself and greatful to those that stood by me during my days of trial. The love and happiness i had during the past five years made me forget my suffering. I was proudly a twenty one years graduate of Journalism and a owner of a beautiful beautiful ride. (courtesy of mi dad), He gave me the ride as a gift during my 18th birthday. Mi mom and mi dad are so proud of me and i know Wherever my parents are,they are also proud of me! ********************** 'Williams Nancy' The man incharge called my name and i walked toward him as i collected my files from my bag. I presented the files to him and he slowly went through it one after the other. Mi dad had already assured me that i would be posted to a federal television station in Ilorin because he did not want me out of sight, but i was still anxious to know my place of service. The old man sluggishness increased my anxiety. "Sign here" he finally said as he gave me my call up letter. I hurriedly signed and left the place for the next person in line. I rushed to my car and opened the letter. Just as dad said i was posted to 'Kwara state'. I was of mixed feelings, a part of me was happy dad's wish was fulfilled but a part of me was sad because secretly, i hoped to move out of ilorin. I had spent twenty one good years of my life in Ilorin. All in all i was happy to be a graduate and serving my father land was a dream come through. I started the engine and left for home. ********************** Khole now works in a bank and she does'nt stay with us anymore. She comes over whenever there is an important meeting or celebration. Happily she is still with josh and they are planning on getting married soonest. Immediately i got home, i rushed at mi dad and mi mom who were in the living room, watching the afternoon news update. Dad asked me to sit beside him and he said "My angel, am waiting for the news, share it while its hot!" I frowned and i told dad i was posted to kano. Dad asked if i was joking and i told him no, he then stood from his sit and angrily said "How can that be? I called the man incharge myself. What rubbish? My own daughter going to kano? You are not going there, they should eat there service if you can't serve here in ilorin, dont worry dear" Mi dad turned back and myself and mi mom burst into laughter. I already messaged mi mom about my place of service before so we decided to play a fast one on mi dad. "The soldier dad! Dont give yourself hypertension oo" Mi mom playfully said to mi dad. Mi dad hit mi mom and i playfully before breathing a sigh of relief. Words could not express how happy i was, having a family that treated me like their child. Mi dad instructed mi mom to call khole and Josh over for dinner.(Khole already introduced Josh to the family) He also invited few friends over to celebrate my success before i would leave for camp. I left for my room as the old couples were bussy making phone calls. I called some of the friends i made during my days in school to know if any of them was posted to kwara. They all replied no and i invited them over for dinner. I did not really have a close or favourite friend over the years so, i was not really sad none of my casual friends was serving in kwara.I took my bath and tossed on my bed till i slept off. ********************** "So the celebrant is still sleeping. Wake up sleepy head" Khole said as pushed me to the other side of the bed in a bid to wake me up. I slowly opened my eyes and checked the time 7:00PM. I could hear voices outside so i hurriedly peeped from my window. There were cars everywhere and lots of guests. "OMG mi dad told me it will be a small dinner with friends, who invited all this people" i said as i rushed to the bathroom nude. I could hear khole's laughter as i closed the door. I wore a sexy dinner gown after taking my bath and left for the living room with khole. Most of the guest called me and prayed for me as i greeted them, they all wished me the best in life and a good job. I felt happy been celebrated but" I would'nt have worth been celebrated without the lovly family that took me in" The party ended by 9:00PM and i retired to my room to make preparation for camp after seeing Josh and khole off. I prepared all i thought i would be needing for the camp and retired to my bed after the party, i was not feeling slipy so i called khole. Khole told me alot of interesting things about the NYSC camp and my anxiety increased, all in all i could not wait to wear the NYSC uniform, it will be a dream come through. I ended the call after a long talk with khole and i laid on my bed with my face up. Ever since my parents died, i never dreamt of them. I really wished they could appear to me just like i watch in movies, or they could even come to me in dreams but they never did. I know they are happy with the way my life turned out anywhere they are but, i really wanted them to show me a sign that i was doing well. I was greatful to mi mom and mi dad for all they had done for me but my late parents are irreplaceable (blood is thicker than water). I was lost in thought about my late parent throughout the night, but slowly and unconsciously i fell into the beautiful hands of sleep. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I woke up happy the following morning, i said my prayer and had my bath before going to mi mom and mi dad's room. I met dad bussy with his phone on bed while mom was reading from her bible. I greeted the dual and sat between them and waited for mi mom to finishup with her prayer. When mi mom was done, I thanked them for the party and mi mom pulled mi into her arms and said "Jadesola mi, you don't have to thank us, we performed our parental duty and we are proud of you dear" I gushed at mi mom calling me by my yoruba name, only my dad calls me by that name, but ever since he died, i almost forgot i still bear a yoruba name. Dad pulled me closer to his arms and he patted me on the back. He smelt like my dad and that made me wanted to remain in his arm forever. " Young lady why are you inhaling my saint like that?" dad said and that was when i realised i was making my like for his saint obvious. I gently pulled away from mi dad and i smilled. Mi mom told me we would be going for shopping to get the things i would be needing in camp and i told her i had everything already but she insisted and i agreed. Dad said he would deposit into my account in case i would be out of cash. At that moment i had more than five hundred thousand naira in my account and he was still talking about me going brooke. I gave mi dad and mi mom a quick peck in appreciation and i left for my room. Later in the day i shopped excessively with mi mom and i packed more than enough for the camp. I wanted to arrive camp on time for early and easier registration so i left the following day with mi dad. He personally wanted to drop me off. I wished this beautiful love i received will never die. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ", am home" i shouted immediately i entered the house. Its been three week without this guys but it felt like ten year. Over the years it been everyday with them but i had to stay without them for three weeks cos of camp. "Oh my angel, look at you............ You look lean, you did not feed well? Look at your skin, did mosquitoes bite you?" mi mom welcomed me with questions as she turned me around as if she was looking for a pin on me, i only smilled and told her i was fine. Mi dad hugged me and said "Dont mind her, she takes you for a baby" we all laughed and mi mom said i was her baby. I argued against been a baby and paraded my self as a full grown lady. We all laughed and i excused myself to my room. "Come for lunch on time dear, i made your favourite for lunch, there is enough to feed the whole nation" mi mom said has i was about climbing the stairs. I laughed and said ok. I entered my room and it was like it been a year i last used the room. I walked round the room to notice if there was any changes but there was none. "Its so good to be home" i said to myself as i undressed to take my bath. Mom made a delicious meal of coconut rice and turkey for lunch. She also baked a welcome cake for me. I had the best lunch ever with family. After lunch i called khole to inform her of my arrival, she told me she would come over and i ended the call. I missed my sleep due to the camp stress so i had a long nap. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The following morning, dad took me to the television station i was posted personally and he handed me over to the managing director before taking his leave. He was scheduled to go on a bussiness trip that day so he had to run along. I was required to work as a journalist under the supervision of my department head. I was assigned the duty of collecting tangible and confirmed news to be broadcasted. This requires travelling to the point of incident and it sure will be time demanding but i was ready to work tirelessly. This had been my passion ever since i was a child. Immediately i resumed work i was assigned an official duty. I was assigned with a group of journalist to collect and submit report based on an overhead bridge been constructed along the post office road in Ilorin, the state capital. We gathered the compulsory materials we would be needing and took off in an official car. Under the scorching sun, we tour the area of construction over and over again, to get tangible informations. We video recorded the site and interviewed workers and passerby concerning the work at hand. After the whole interviewing and necessary jottings, we took pictures of the site before leaving for the office. My group members were not really hardworking and their reaction to the supervisor whenever he urge them to work harder was rude most especially a guy called Dtobs. Lunch was provided by the company but i did not have lunch. Interviewing people, gathering information and doing my work was really overwhelming for me. Minutes later, We got to the office and tendered our report for the news crew. Every member of our group was free to retire for the day since we already performed the duty assigned to us. I was packing my bag when the supervisor a middle age man with an average height came into the space given to me and said "Hello" i turned back and respond to his greetings, he then adjusted his glasses and said "I can see you will become a hardworking journalist, be careful cos there is more to this work than passion, and if you continue to work hard like you have started, you might be assigned to some important assignment before your service year will come to an end" i smilled and thanked him for his advice and compliments. "By the way, i am Larry and i love hard working girls like you" the supervisor said and walked out. I stopped to pack my bag and sat on my table, i tried to think about his words and figure out the meaning for it. I was still thinking about larry's words when my phone started to ring. The caller I.D was mi mom, i accepted the call and she sounded happy from the other end. Mi mom told me she would be travelling to Dubai to retrieve some long expected goods, she told me i could stay with khole if i would feel lonely at home since Mi dad was absent and she promised to come back on time. Sadly i ended the call and packed my bag, i got ready to leave for my empty house. I got out of the building, saying hello to people here and there, i was almost at my car when i heard someone say "Nancy" i was new at the television station and most of the people were yet to know my name but that particular voice sounded familiar. Could it be kelvin? I thought as i continued to walk slowly, waiting for the person to call me again. "Nancy, its me" the person said again and this time around instead of walking away slowly i turned and saw the shock of my life. Standing infront of me was Jordan, could this be a dream or my imagination? I asked myself as i stood fix looking at him. "Hi" he said with a smile and waved into my face. This must be a joke or something i said. "No its no joke i am for real" he said again with the same charming smile he had five years ago. I was lost at what to do a part of me wanted to slap him or spite into his face or probably push him to the floor so hard that he will land on his bare ass but a part of me wanted to be mature as well, i did not want to cause a scene on my first day at work but Jordan made me want to go crazy. "This was the same guy i fell for and gave my heart and love to. This was the same guy that stood by me during my mom's burial but this was also the same guy that betrayed me and cheated on me with a friend i could call a sister. All in all this was the same guy that left without saying sorry five years ago and he has the guts to appear in my face with a smille, pretending to be a friend" as all this thought was going on in my head, my anger increased. I did not want to create a scene or cause a drama, i decided to walk away. I hurried my step to my ride and Jordan followed closely behind saying "Please give me the chance to explain Nancy, just give me a minute" i paid no attention to his words and got into my car. I started my engine and zoomed off, creating enough dust to make him turn brown. On my way home, i noticed a car was following me, at first i was not bothered but when the vehicle took the same turn i took, i become worried. I horned when i got to my gate and the gate was opened, that was when the driver of the car parked and alighted. It was Jordan, he was following me, i got into my compound, thinking he was gone but when i alighted i saw him right behind me. I transfered my aggression on the gate man and i told him to throw Jordan out of the house but Before the man could react, jordan waved him to stop and said"No matter what you do Nancy, am clearing myself today and i wont leave until i do that".I rushed into the house in shock and he followed me... . To be continued after comments..
20 Apr 2017 | 05:36
let just make it a movie
20 Apr 2017 | 05:43
Nancy just allow him to say the trash he wants to say
20 Apr 2017 | 06:09
20 Apr 2017 | 06:15
Don't listen to him jare
20 Apr 2017 | 07:08
Nancy dnt b fool ok let him take his explainations to Nelly.
20 Apr 2017 | 07:11
May be Nelly is Dead, and that's why Jordan is coming after you... You know Nelly is a Sickler... I just wish kelvin will just show up from where ever he is now.
20 Apr 2017 | 07:54
sometimes people do make a sense out of nonsense so just hear him out
20 Apr 2017 | 08:08
that's how guys behave .. I'm a guy so I know
20 Apr 2017 | 08:19
Jordan, you better go back to where you are coming from as you can see, Nancy is living well without you
20 Apr 2017 | 09:05
Episode 2 Continues.. I rushed into the house with shock, how can a guilty person be this bold? I asked myself. What does he have to say apart from apologizing for screwing Nelly, once a cheat is always a cheat. I thought as i walked faster into the house. I entered the living room and Jordan came with me, i was hoping he would wait in the living room but to my surprise he followed my step as i climbed the stairs. Now i know this guy is possessed, is he planning on following me to my room? I asked myself. I wished my foster parents were home, he would'nt have been able to terrorize me in my own house. I could remember Jordan doing the same thing five years ago at my sixteenth birthday party. He eventually followed me into my room years ago but i did not want him to succeed in following me into my room so i hurried my step. I was almost at the door of my room and Jordan was still following closely from behind. I decided to stop walking and pretend as if i was interested in whatever he had to say, in order for him to stop following me as well. I stopped infront of my room and i turned to him and said "what do you really want? Do you plan on troubling me after all you have done?" i asked in a loud voice. I could see the pain in his eyes and i could tell he was anxious about something. I could not place the reason for the pain but probably he was anxious to clear himself just like he said before. A part of me wanted to give him a second chance to clear himself but another part of me remembered the sinful act of betrayal i withnessed years ago. I decided to play a fast one on jordan. I did as if i was interested in what he had to say and i slowly rested on the door of my room and fold my arms. Jordan looked at his feet and did as if he was trying to compose himself for what he wanted to say. Since he was staring at his feet, i decided to make use of that opportunity to escape. Before he could raise his head up, i hurriedly opened the door and rushed into my room. He hurriedly reach for the door handle, but i was faster, i locked the door from behind in a sec. I rested on the door and breathe a sign of relief in my room. "Nancy, dont do this! I need to clear myself, you need to know the truth! Open up please!" Jordan said from the door. I was not ready to listen to him, so i decided to remain in my room hoping he would leave when he gets tired of waiting. I undressed and went to the bathroom to shower. After taking my bath, i decided to rest but the worms in my stomach would'nt let me. Jordan has been quiet or probably he had left i thought since i could not hear any sound from outside, but Just when i wanted to unlock the door and get something to eat, thinking Jordan as left, i heard a bang on my door. "Nancy i just wanna let you know that i am not leaving! i am so not leaving this place until you listen to me" jordan shouted and i froze. I tip toed back to my bed and sat down. I rested my back on my pillow as i thought of what to do. I was alone with Jordan in the whole house and i could not get rid of him. A part of me wanted to listen to him but i could not bring myself to agree with the thought. Jordan has nothing to say, a cheat is also a liar, i concluded and i decided to sleep. ********************** I woke up with an empty stomach the following day. I checked my phone and saw many missed calls from khole, mi mom and mi dad. I decided to take my bath and prepare for work before calling them back. I was super hungry but i would run late for work if i should make something to eat before preparing work. I decided to prepare for work and grab breakfast from a resturant on my way to work. Jordan should be gone by now, i thought as i took my bath. I got ready for work and looked round my room to confirm i was not leaving anything behind, satisfied with myself, i unlocked my door to leave. WTF!! What is he still doing here? I asked myself. Jordan was laying on the tiled floor infront of my room, he was asleep, i did not know what to think, how can he be so determined and disturbing? I asked myself, he has decided to be a torn in my flesh, i thought. Since he was asleep, i gently removed my heels and tip toed down stairs. I quickly told the gate man to open the gate and i hurriedly left in my car, leaving Jordan behind. Though he was a cheat i trust he could not steal from the house... ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I could not stop to get breakfast on my way to work, i was running late so i had to run along. I also could not take my mind off Jordan, i thought about how he would have felt sleeping on the bare floor and how he would feel to find out i was gone this morning. A part of me had pity on him but i console myself thinking he was paying for his sin. I called Mi mom immediately i got to work, she told me how worried she was when she could not reach me on phone. I told her i slept off due to stress and she asked me other regular question about my well been. I told her i was alright and we talked for a while before ending the call. I also called Mi dad as well and he also asked some parental questions like mi mom. During work i decided to go to khole's residence in case jordan was still in the house, i called khole and she told me she would be coming over instead, at first i wanted to kick against her suggestion because of Jordan but when she told me she was coming with Josh i was rest assured there wont be any drama. I remained in my chair,lost in thought. "Hi Nan, you care for lunch?" that was Mr.larry my group supervisor. I smilled shyly and greeted him. On hearing of food i remembered i was yet to eat since last night, so i decided to welcome Mr.larry's invite. I followed Mr.larry to the cafeteria and i had fried rice and chicken for lunch. Bills on larry. Work was not really demanding, we only get bussy when we have a special assignment to cover. So i decided to get bussy with my phone, i was still playing games on my android phone when i saw Khole's incoming call. Probably she has seen Jordan at home, i said as i accepted the call. "Nancy where are you, you have to come to my house right now! There is an emergency" Khole shouted into the phone with fear in her voice. I asked khole what the emergency was but she did not state the problem, she only wanted me to come to her place immediately. I was scared, hoping nothing bad had happened. Khole and her family were my last hope and if anything unpleasant should happen to any member of my family, i could be lost forever without finding a way out. I remembered that mi mom and mi dad were out of the country, "Could anyone of them be involved in a plane crash?" i asked myself and My legs became weak and too heavy for me to carry. I wanted to stand up and run to khole's house but immediately i stood up i fell back into my chairs. "Easy dear, are you ok?" That was Mr.larry just in time just to prevent me from falling into the plastic chair on my bare ass. Mr.larry sat me down and touched my forehead, i was sweating profusely. He asked if i was okay and i told him there was an emergency at home. He continued to ask different question trying to be all caring. The eyes watching me from every corner of the room made me uncomfortable and i could not respond accurately to his questions. I gathered my last strength and stood upright, Mr.larry supported me again thinking i would fall. I released myself from Mr.larry's grip and composed myself to ask asked for the permission to leave. Mr.larry granted my request and i left my department hearing whispering from different angle. I wonder what my co workers were thinking about myself and larry but little did they know that i have shut my heart against love five good years ago. That was least of my problem then. I walked as fast as i could to my car and drove to khole's house with shaky legs and hands. I tried calling khole on my way but she did not answer my call, i became worried as i cursed the heavy traffic on my way. I got to Khole's house thirty minutes later, i got to the front of her gate and i quickly parked as soon as i could. I rushed into the house and shouted Khole's name but i got no one answered, i became alarmed. "what could have happened? Was there an accident or a plane crash?" i asked myself as i ran up and down in the living room shouting khole's name. When i could not get a response from inside i ran to the gate man post and asked him of khole's where about. He told me khole left with her boyfriend some minutes ago. I further asked about the mood they were when they left, probably they were in a hurry or they might be sick or moody? I asked the gate man. He smilled and told me they were in a happy mood and they were playing together before they left. I became confused, how would khole call me without an emergency? I asked myself as i walked slowly into the main house. I was almost opening the door to the house when i got a message alert, it was from khole "Go to my room, there is a surprise" that was the content of the message. I called khole back but she rejected my call. I hurriedly went inside and rushed to khole's room. The sight that welcomed me was shocking! "Am i dreaming!?" i asked myself as i slowly closed the door behind me. Could my eyes be deceiving me? I asked myself again, probably its just the back view. "How have you been Twinny, i missed you" she said with a smille. I opened my mouth to talk but i found myself closing it without a word. How can i be speechless? She should be the guilty one not me. I thought. How can khole collide with an enemy? A betrayal? A cheat? I asked myself. I would have love to bounce on her and show her alittle of the devil in me but her look will not let me. Nelly looked lean and unkept, probably she was sick, i could not tell. "I know you hate me right now and you take me for a betrayal, no problem because i am just what you think i am. I am not here to clear myself but an innocent guy that has been suffering in my place." Nelly said and i did not know what to think anymore. Is Jordan really innocent? I asked myself. Nelly looked at me and continued "I tried his line throughout yesterday without reaching him, he called back this morning and told me he wanted to clear the misunderstanding between the two of you today, else, he will not leave your house. I did not know what to do, i know Jordan is a man of his word, just the way he ment it when he told you, he would stand by you, he was determined to clear things up with you today. Thinking you might get him arrested or hurt him if you should come back and meet him in your house, i rushed down to your apartment, after getting the address from Jordan. I tried all i could to convince him to leave your apartment but he declined. Since he was bent on been sturbon, i also decided not to leave him. We were still in your apartment when khole came, i did not really know her but Jordan recognized her, at first she was burning with anger but the young man that followed her, whom i gussed is her fiance, calmed her down and made her listen to us. I did the talking while everybody listened as i told them all that happened five years ago. Everybody believed me and saw my reason, that is why khole said she would help us get to you. She also said you are good hearted and you will not hear my story and be bent on not forgiving. This is the reason for this set up. Just as khole said, i hope you will give me the chance to explain myself and clear Jordan, if not for anything for the friendship we once shared." Nelly ended her speech and i was shocked. If her story could change khole's mind, will it change my mindset as well? What i saw five years ago could it be a lie and what she is about telling me is the truth? I asked myself as i settled in a couch, waiting for her to put light to the darkness i had been carrying along for a whole five years of my life. I looked at Nelly and told her "Continue"................ . To be continued After comments..
20 Apr 2017 | 09:14
correct. wat else does he have to say if not sorry. and pleas don't fall for him Nancy I beg u.
20 Apr 2017 | 09:24
Na by force
20 Apr 2017 | 11:36
dnt just listen to the fool
20 Apr 2017 | 12:57
Nancy don't listen to that fool
20 Apr 2017 | 12:58
y wait for five whole yrs b4 trying 2 clear things?
20 Apr 2017 | 15:20
Who cares about his fucking explanation
20 Apr 2017 | 15:25
Episode 3 Continues.. Nelly sat on khole's bed and looked down at her feet, i did not know if i was doing the right thing listening to her but i wanted to clear things ones and for all. Nelly cleared her throat and said "Am sure you that my genotype is SS,my parent told your late mom the day we had dinner with your family.They also told her that i inherit it from my dad and i was going through some serious treatment.Yes i was going through treatment then but the treatment did little or nothing to help my health condition.The fact is that I am a chronic sickler and this has lead to a lungs injury, which is called "Chronic acute injury".The chronic lungs injury causes a fibrotic lungs which causes the right side of the heart giving out from pumping against the higher pressure. (cor pulmonale). Due to my lungs injury, i was also diagnosed with asthma as well, which is also a disease of the lungs caused by the swelling and production of mucus by the bronchioles and tiny airways. Five years ago i was diagonised with this two diseases and my world crashed.I am an only child and the thought of leaving my parent behind made me want to cry myself to death.I was a walking corpse but you would'nt know that" nelly said with a teary voice. I felt for her and the fact that she was crying almost made me cry.I knew she had more to say since all she said had no connection with the reason why she had to cheat with Jordan but she was silent for awhile, probably trying to get a hold of herself. "sorry about the silence, that how i react whenever i am talking about my health condition" Nelly said with a sad smile and i noded in return, she adjusted herself and continued. "When i found out about my health condition, at first thought that was the end of the world for me but after a period of time i decided to fulfil all my desire with the little time i had left instead of going around like a walking dead. You might remember i once told you i was into a forced relationship without love? The major desire of mine then was falling inlove and making love. I really wanted to feel love, i looked forward to finding love and the day you introduced Jordan to me, i felt like my world was complete" At this point i felt like slapping nelly but instead i walked to a corner of the room and faced the wall, backing her in the process to suppress my anger. "I know you are beginning to get angry but please you have to listen to the end" Nelly said and i nodded without turning back. "After introducing Jordan to me at the gym, i also met him in a super market the following week. Knowing i was your friend, he was friendly with me and that was when i was able to have his contact. At first i took Jordan's friendliness for love but after days without him getting serious with me, i became desperate. I asked him out and confessed my love for him, hoping he would'nt turn me down. Unfortunately he did and that made my condition worse. He told me i might have the same physical feature with you but i could never be you,that really brooke my heart.I could'nt imagine making love with any other guy apart from him and the thought of him not wanting me made me sick. The following day, you told me in school about Jordan asking you out and kissing you at his party, if you noticed i was not happy and that only made me more desperate. I decided to stay calm for a while and make my advances later. Not long after then your mom died and jordan had little or no time for me,he was bussy taking care of you. The care and love he showered you made me seek for love the more. Since Jordan did not tell you about my advances toward him, i concluded he was a good guy and he could fulfil my desire out of pity. I came strong on him that fateful sunday afternoon with my medical report and told him my story in tears. He felt bad for me and in a bid to console me he hugged me. I held him tight and told him about my heart desire, i pleaded with him to help make my dream come through and with much pleading he fell for my tears and he made love to me out of pity.Unfortunately, you caught us and that made me realise my mistakes, the fact that i implicated Jordan made me regret all my actions. He was too scared to come for you knowing how betrayed you would feel but he never stopped loving you, a feeling he never had for me. After that incident i felt seriously ill and he stood by me.On one of his visit he held my hand and said 'Stop blaming yourself for what happened and concentrate on your health, its not entirely your fault and i hope you believe in fate.I hope you know that i can never be with you,but if my fate is to make you happy throughout the time you have left,i promise to stay with you' his words made me feel love and we agreed to be friends.That was why you saw us together at the supermarket. Jordan is innocence and All the blame is on me. Am just a sick girl trying to get the best out of life before i wil say my final goodbyes" Nelly ended her story in tears. The anger that was boiling in me knew no bound. I rushed at her to give her a hot slap and she shut her eyes, i stopped my raised hand half way when i remembered her last statement "Am just a sick girl trying to get the best out of life before i will say my final goodbyes" that last statement she made, subdued my anger. Beating her might lead to her fainting or her condition might get worsened and i was not ready to let a murder case tie me down half of achieving my goal in life. Nelly opened her eyes and i was sure she was shocked at me not hitting her but her next statement shocked me. "Go ahead and hit me! You think you are the only one been hurt? How do you think i feel carrying this guilt with me for the past five years? How do you think it feels loving someone that can never love me back just because he loves you? How do you think Jordan feels? You tagging him guilty all this while? He never had a relationship for the past five years just because he believed you are the only one that can occupy the space in his heart? It took him five years! Five good years Nancy to gather his act together and come searching for you. If not for the love you shared, for the sacrifices he made, for the friendship we once had which was approved by your late mom, for me to finally die peacefully whenever death comes knocking, please forgive Nancy, I am begging of you" Nelly ended her speech and went on her kneels. I was close to her but i could not help her up, there was alot going on in my head and i could not place what to do. She brought my late mom into the whole of this and now i can't go back disrespecting my mom. When she was alive, i never for ones disrespect her or go against her wish when she was alive. I would not start to disrespec her because she was six feets below the ground. I decided to let go and allow peace to rein. Wherever my mom was, i knew she would be proud of the baby she raised. I helped nelly up and wiped her tears. I could see the surprise in her eyes as i took her into my arms. She wept like a baby and i was able to treat her like a baby since she was smaller now. I released her from my grip and said to her "Everything is over, welcome back twinny" Nelly could not utter a word, she only hugged me tight again. I finally released myself from the hug and i told her we should go meet others and we left for our house in my car. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ During the drive home, myself and nelly chatted alot, she did most of the talking and it was as if she had nobody to share her thought with for the past five years. In the middle of the talk i asked nelly why she could not travel abroad for treatment since they have better equipment over there, she gave a sad smille and said "only God gives health twinny, i have been to abroad for treatment more than ten times for the past five years, but the last treatment i went for made me stop going. The doctor personally told me they have tried there possible best and the best i could do was move closer to God because only a miracle can save me" nelly was in tears when she finishes talking, i was in tears too and i could not help but thank the lord. Although i went through rough times as well but nothing can be compared to having it all but health. I placed a hand on Nelly's lap and the other on the wheel while i faced the road and said some comforting statements to her. ********************** Thirty minutes later, we got to home. We met khole, Josh and Jordan in the living room. They were all staring at us and waiting for my next reaction, i knew khole would be expecting me to lash her with words for setting me up but reverse was the case. Myself and nelly burst into laughter and hugged eachother, i could see everyone of them smilling most especially Khole. I released Nelly and hugged khole, she held my cheek and said "I knew you won't let me down daughter" i hit her playfully and moved to josh. Josh hugged me and said "You made the right decision" i smilled and said thank you. I moved to Jordan and stood infront of him, he held my hands and said "I am deeply sorry angel" i nodded and told him its okay before hugging him. Nelly and khole joined the hug while josh was clapping and screaming "Woah". ********************** "Its time to party!!" Khole shouted and ended the hug before turning the music player on. I got a bottle of red wine with five glasses and we all pop the wine open after spelling the word "Unity". "You are coming to my house tomorrow" Nelly whispered into my ears and i was happy to have my friends back............. I wished Kelvin will appear in front of me just the way Jordan did. Its been more than five years! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The excitement in the house was more than anything i have witnessed before, everybody was bussy chatting and there was laughter everywhere, its was a beautiful night. Myself, khole and nelly were sitted together while Jordan sat with Josh. We were still having our girls chit-chat when Josh cleared his throat loudly. We all turned our gaze on him, Jordan was also looking suspicious as if they had something up their sleeve. Since we knew nothing about their plan, we await the guys to open up. Josh cleared his throat for the second time and he stood up from the couch. He deep his hand into his pocket and did as if he was trying to find a pin. "OMG is it what am thinking?" i murmured. Josh came close to khole and held her hand. "My life can never be complete without you, you are my reason of existence. You came into my world and made it colourful. Words alone cannot express how much you mean to me. I have always loved you, i still love you now and i will always love you till eternity. Forever is just a start baby, there will be no end to this love. I want you to stay with me Khole, from now till eternity........... Will you please........... Ehmmm... I want you to please.......ehmmm.... I mean please marry me...." Josh said with a naughty wink and brought out a ring case from his pocket before going on one kneel. Though i was not khole but the excitement i felt was beyond this world. Josh words are just so perfect and the proposal was just every girl's dream. Nelly and Jordan were video recording the event while i stood rooted to a point full of excitement. Khole covered her mouth with her hands and i could tell she was crying, everything was too good to be real. Josh was on one kneel for more than ten minutes before khole got over her emotions, it was alittle bit funny but it was romantic. "Dont keep a gentle man waiting, he has been on his kneel for the past ten minutes" Nelly shouted. Khole smilled and streched out her hand. Josh fixed a beautiful diamond ring on her finger and hugged her. I never knew khole was this emotionally, probably it was because this was too good to be truth. Josh held khole hand and led her outside the house while we all followed the newly proposed couple out. "Oh my God! Josh this is too much" khole shouted. "Woah! This is super beautiful" Nelly said "You are the man Josh" Jordan said. Me? I could not say a thing out of surprise. Standing infront of us was a beautifully decorated red Rangeover sport with the inscription "Marry me khole". This was the most romantic moment of my life, though it was not my moment but i was happy for my sister. Khole jumped over Josh and the dual kissed for some minutes before the proposed bride jump in and out of her new ride screaming "Yes!!!" We took turn to congratulate the couple and we eventually went into the house. Khole was too excited and she could not wait to share the good news with her parent. We decided to talk to mom and dad on skype. We talked to mom first and she could not hide her excitement when khole show her diamond ring to her. Who would'nt be happy to see her only child getting an engagement ring from a man of her dream. It is every mother dream. Mom showered josh and khole prayers from the other end and she promised to throw a party when she arrives. We talked to dad after mom and he did alittle of shakiti bobo dance to show how excited he was. Dad told us the wedding would commence in three months time. We kept the range part away from mom and dad and intended to make it a surprise pack for the dual. We had a beautiful girls night together later while Josh slept in the guests room with Jordan. There was alot to be done in three months, i knew i was the unchallenged maid of honour. I was so happy for khole. ********************** The following day was exciting as well, we had breakfast together and later in the day, i went to visit Nelly's parent. Mr and Mrs Stanley accepted with open arms and they questioned me about my whereabout for the past five years. I told them i changed my location ever since mom died and they sympathized with me again. I still felt my mom's absent but with everybody around me, they made me strong. I had a lovely time with nelly, i missed the old days we had together. I did not remember work until late in the day, all that was on my mind was khole's wedding. I wonder how she would feel walking down the altar with the man of her dream. Love is a beautiful thing! Work can wait. . To be continued after comments..
20 Apr 2017 | 15:36
Wish you can tell his brother or Vivian and her husband... Who is Jemimah.
20 Apr 2017 | 22:10
Next plz
21 Apr 2017 | 04:25
21 Apr 2017 | 08:57
congrat to you guys. i'm so happy for the reunion. Kelvin what is keeping you so long naaaa
21 Apr 2017 | 08:58
Episode 4 Continues.. Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Dad and mom arrived the following day, i knew they were not done with whatever bussiness they went for but they could not wait to celebrate Khole's proposal. Myself and khole picked mom up from the airport while a driver picked dad up later. When mom saw khole's proposal ride she thought we had a visitor, she asked who the visitor was and we told her the ride was khole's. At first mom thought we were joking, she playfully told us she won't be fooled. "Mom he proposed with this ride!" khole excitedly told mom and jumped into the ride. Mom screamed out of surprise as she also jumped into the range, i also did the same. Mom came out of the car and did some local dance before asking khole to kneel down for prayers. "This is a good thing girls, i can trully say with my whole mouth that I am a proud Mother, God bless your union baby" mom said and we all had a group hug. We were just putting the hug to an end when the driver drove dad in. Dad came out of the car full of smile and he started a local dance with a song. Mom joined in the singing while myself and khole watched the old couple. Dad suddenly stopped the dance and asked who was with us. He thought Josh was around and he did not want to show his dance step in the public till during the wedding. We all laughed at dad and khole proudly held the car keys out to dad. Dad was like 'I do not get you?' "Its my proposal ride!" Khole shouted. Dad covered his mouth with his hand and murmured "Oh my baby" khole jumped into dad's arm and they both did a short slow dance before finally bursting into another round of laughter. Dad walked up and down and paraded himself has a proud father. He blessed khole again and thanked her for making him proud. Dad patted me on the back on our way inside and said "You are the next sunshine" i was sort of shocked but i faked a smille. 'I do not even have a relationship yet'. I thought. ********************** The following day, dad followed me to work, dad wanted to take a three months permission because of khole's wedding. There was alot of travelling to be done for the event. The permission was granted since the request was made by dad. I was free from work for three months, money and power rule the world i must say. As soon as i got back from work, mom forced me into the car. She had to shop for the proposal celebration that was scheduled for the following day. Before hand i already promised khole i would be going with her to get a dinner gown for the event but mom overruled all my plans. Going for shopping with mom was really exhusting, we got back home 4:00pm. I had little or no time to rest. "If a wedding proposal preparation can be this exhusting, how will the wedding preparation be?" i thought in my head as i laid on my bed exhusted. I did not know when sleep took me away. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The ringing of my phone woke me up minutes later, the caller I.D was nelly, reluctantly i accepted the call and whispered hello. "Hi twinny, come and join myself and Jordan. We are waiting for you in my house, we wanna hang out, please come over Asap" nelly said and ended the call without waiting for me to respond. This girl sure knows how to make an unrejectable offer. I somehow found it difficult to trust the dual again, but i did not want my doubt known so I stood up lazily and dressed for the outing. I wore a simple armless polo shirt and a flowing gown. I had little makeup on and a matching foot wear. I picked up my purse and left for the outing. I met khole and Josh outside of the house on my way out, according to khole josh came to to visit mom and dad and they were on their way out. Khole asked where i was heading to and i told her i was going to hangout with nelly and jordan. Khole decided we should all hangout and we left in khole's new ride. The ride was beautiful and lively. Nelly's mom welcomed us warmly when we arrived, she offered us drinks but we rejected the offer claiming we were full. Soon after, we all headed to bourvina in our separate ride. Myself, josh and khole were in khole's ride while Nelly and jordan followed us in Jordan's ride. We decided to go to bourvina before leaving the house. The night started on a light mood, we occupied a table and ordered drinks with assorted meat, we discussed about different kind of things and of course the discussion was majorly based on the upcoming wedding. I was still battling with my meat when Jordan came close to me and whispered "i want to see you privately" at first i looked left and right to confirm if he was talking to me and in the process my eyes met nelly's. She noded and urged me to go with Jordan. I reluctantly stood up and followed Jordan to a secluded area. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I settled in an empty chair while Jordan sat beside me.I waited for him to start a speech for more than ten minutes but he remained silent.When i could not take the silence anymore i asked him if he had something to say, else he should excuse me.Jordan held my hand and said "Have got nothing to say but i can talk from now till eternity. I just want to be alone with you in a quiet place like this and inhale your saint. That is the one thing i miss the most about you" i could not help but laugh at what jordan said "How can you call me out here just to inhale my saint?" i asked him. He did not give a response, he only smilled and placed his head on my shoulder. "Feels like home" he said with a smille. I looked at him and folded my arms.I could not help but remember the love we once shared, even if it was for awhile, the memories was still fresh.I felt like my place was with Jordan, but I still comtemplated on what was right to do, giving Jordan another chance or shutting my doors to his love, he might end up cheating out of pity again.I looked at Jordan again and decided everybody deserves a second chance. He was my first love and no matter how betrayed i felt, first love they say never dies. I promised myself there and then to give him a second chance when the time comes."Did you miss me?" Jordan brought me back to reality with his question.The fact was that i missed him over the years, but the hatred i had for him never made me admit to the fact.I could not give a response so i only sighed. Jordan removed his head from my shoulder and asked if i missed him again, now with full seriousness. The look on his face was like his life depend on my response. I smilled and said yes, i did. Jordan breathe a sigh of relief and looked into my eyes. He held my cheek and said " A second chance is all i can ask for right now because you hold the key to my life. Finding love was more difficult than bringing down the highest mountain for the past five years but immediately i set my eyes on you again, i felt love. I just want to let you know that There is no love without you Nancy and if only i can get another chance to be with you, i will be the happiest man on earth. I promise never to bleep up sunshine" I could see the love in Jordan's eyes and i could feel the emotions in his words. At that particular moment, my head was screaming yes, if only he could read thoughts. "So you abandon your only sister to be with a guy? There is God o. Pick up your tiny ass and lets go home asap" Khole voice interupted, stopping me from giving Jordan a response. I pushed khole playfully and left with Jordan holding hands. Jordan left with nelly, while i left with Josh and Khole. ********************** I woke up feeling lazy the following morning, i felt as if the whole of Nigeria problem was on my head. Khole wanted me to come with her that morning while mom wanted me to go shop for drinks with her after which i would join the interior decorator to decorate the house and join the maids to cook. I rushed out of my bed and said my prayers before rushing to take my bath. I dressed in a simple blouse and jean trouser and i rushed to mi mom and mi dad's room to say my morning greetings. Khole was waiting for me in the car already when i quickly had my breakfast and dashed to the car. Nelly joined us at "Head to toe ladies boutique" minutes later and we all went in to shop. After khole's several rejection of selected dresses, she finally settled for a peach dinner gown. The short peach dress was body hug and it fitted khole perfectly. The dress did close to nothing to hide khole's sexy curve and it made her look like a beauty queen. " I hope Josh won't go gaga tonight" i joked as khole checked herself out in the mirror. We all laughed as we went to the shoes section. After much persuasion and rejection, khole finally picked a blue heels and a matching blue jewelry. Khole looked drop dead gorgeous when she wore her choosen dress, even nelly could not hide her surprise. "Am sure alot of guys will commit tonight" Nelly said as khole paid for her purchase. We all laughed and bid nelly goodbye as i left for home with Khole. ********************** Immediately we got home, mom asked to see khole's dress, at first we refused, but with much persuasion khole gave in. "Woah! Am ordering the same dress right away" mom said when she saw khole's dress, we both laughed at mom and made her know she was old and out of fashion. Mi Mom took it as a challenge and she walked round the living room swinging her hips to show that she was still energetic.I was still having fun watching mom do her catwalk when Jordan called and i excused myself to my room. "I just want to know what you will be wearing, it wont be bad to look like a couple" I could not help but laugh at Jordan request. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Jordan's request made me realise i was yet to pick a dress for the event, all i was bussy with was mom's plan. I jokingly told Jordan that i would be wearing cloth and he exclaimed "What?!" from the other end. I repeated myself and he said "Oh really, i thought you will be wearing leaves. Its good to know, you will be wearing cloth" we both laughed at his joke and he asked for the colour i would be wearing at the event. Since i was yet to pick a dress,i rushed to my wardrobe to make a sexy pick while i teased Jordan in order to keep him bussy. The first dress that caught my eyes was a beautiful short black dinner gown. The black gown looks extraordinarilly gorgeous on me because of my very fair skin.I matched the gown with a red heels and a set of diamond jewelry. Satisfied i had frustrated him enough,i told him i would be wearing black on red. Jordan said he would be wearing a matching colour and just when i was about to hangup he said "Nancy, i just want to let you know that you are always in my heart, i need a yes soonest" Jordan ended the call and i kept on smilling at the phone. He was not ready to take a step at a time, neither did he want to give me time to make up my mind, all he wanted was a relationship."I gusse he wanted to make up for old time, i feel the same too cos now i realise i have been living a boring life" i said to myself. "Nancy!" mi mom's loud scream brought me back to reality and i rushed to downstairs to meet her. She told me the interior decorator were around and i had to supervise them. Supervising the workers was not an easy work, it took the decorators more than two hours to decorate the large living room.Just when i thought my work was over, the catering service incharge of food arrived.Mi mom ordered me to supervise them as well and see that everything works as planned. "If planning a proposal celebration is this stressful, i think i will run away before the wedding".I thought. ********************** Time checked 6:30pm and the guest were arriving already.I was yet to dress up for the party because of the supervising work i had to do. While supervising, khole requested for me to see her and i had to rush to her room. While rushing to khole's room,i ran into someone and he looked familiar.He was in the catering service uniform and he wore a face cap. He composed himself quickly, apologised and left as he hide his face with the face cap.I would have stopped him for questioning,but time was not on my side."There is still time to find out who he is later" i thought as i ran to khole's room.Khole looked charmingly beautiful and the make up enhanced her beauty the more, i almost thought 'it is almost a sin to have her kind of beauty'.She wanted to know the colour of lipstick that would fit her dress perfectly.I told the makeup artist to wear a baby pink lipstick on her and i left. I rushed back to the kitchen to finish up the cooking with the caterers and finally,all the food needed for the event was in place, both local and intercontinental dishes.I dodged been recognized by the guests as i rushed to my room in my dirty clothes. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I took my time in the bathroom because my body was smelling of smoke already.I had to scrub properly to remove the smell and look fresh.After taking my bath, i dressed up and applied alittle make up on my face. Satisfied with myself in the mirror, i wore my hair down and picked my red clutch to match my heels I left my room with the ring mom gave to me five years ago, hoping to say yes to Jordan that night and seal our new found love with the ring.I wanted to give him something special, to make him feel special. Immediately i got to the living room, mom ordered me to supervise the waiters and see to the comfort of our guest.I thought my work was over but it was just starting.I was still supervising the waiters when nelly called and said "We are here, where are you?". "we? Who are the we?" i asked."Myself and Jordan, where are you?" i felt jealousy run through my vein."Do they have to be together always?" i asked myself as i told nelly i would join them in a bit. I rushed to the livingroom and saw Jordan and nelly chatting happily hand in hand.I walked up to them and they stood to face me. The jealousy i felt before was nothing compared to the one i felt at that moment. Jordan was wearing a black suit and a red bow tie while nelly was wearing a black long dinner gown and a red set of jewelry.Anybody would think they were a couple and i was the third party."Jordan made a fool of me" i thought as i greeted them briefly and excused myself, trying so hard not to make my anger known.I excused myself from the duo and rushed upstairs as i tried to avoid the guests.While rushing,i ran into someone, causing an accident.I almost fell,he helped me up and apologised.I looked at him closely and i recognized him immediately. How can i ever forget him? . To be continued after comments..
21 Apr 2017 | 09:40
Hmmm Kelvin i kn nd Nancy pls dnt b a fool to fall at Jordon's pranks o i beg of u.
21 Apr 2017 | 12:06
21 Apr 2017 | 12:08
21 Apr 2017 | 13:40
Finally Kelvin is around... This story is getting more interesting. Don't even fall for jordan's prank, why he need you is because anytime Nelly is dead he won't loose you and loose nelly you better make the wise decision, you're no more a kid.
21 Apr 2017 | 13:49
21 Apr 2017 | 15:08
21 Apr 2017 | 15:12
Kelvin is finally back
21 Apr 2017 | 15:57
21 Apr 2017 | 16:52
It surely must be Kelvin
21 Apr 2017 | 16:57
That's Kelvin
21 Apr 2017 | 19:04
Abeg go for Kelvin and leave Jordan jare
21 Apr 2017 | 19:24
Episode 5 Continues ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I recognized who he was immediately, but i still had to clear my doubt. " is he the one? How can he be looking so different? Are my eyes deceiving me?" i asked myself all this questions within five sec. I looked at him closely again and said "I think i know you from somewhere". He tried to cover his face and he said "No, i dont think so". With his voice, i recognized him immediately!. " Yes i know you! Oh my God! Mr. Joe!, what happened? What are you doing here in this uniform?". I asked rather too loudly and he bow his head in shame, (i must have embarrassed him). My voice must have been too loud for nelly to hear what i said from where she was sitted. She came to the scene immediately and she was as shocked as i was when she also saw Mr. Joe, she was able to recognize him immediately, since he was her teacher. Mr. Joe was the chemistry teacher at the jamb coaching center i attended with Nelly. I met him the first day i met nelly as well and i could remember Miss.esther taking me to chemistry class to clear her doubt that day when i denied been in chemistry class. Mr. Joe looked rather frustrated and unkept compared to how he used to look. He was a healthy and lively man but i gusse he was going through the sour side of life and Whatever happened to him got a better part of him. I told Mr. Joe to come with me to my room while Nelly followed us closely from behind. ********************** Immediately we got to my room, i settled in my bed and asked Mr. Joe to sit on the couch. I knew it would be difficult to make Mr. Joe open up to me because he would think we were once his student, but i was determined to get to know what happened to him and help him out of his present situation. "Sorry for the embarrassment back there sir. I was just too surprise. Without wasting much of our time, Can you please tell me what happened to you?" I gently asked Mr. Joe but He did not reply, he only bow his head. "You have to help yourself by telling us what happened to you if you want us to help you" Nelly said rather in a harsh tone. Mr. Joe raised his head and i could see his red eyes, he cleared his throat and said "Its nice to meet you girls again. Look at the both of you, looking rich and healthy but here i am looking wretched and unkept. Its not my fault, its my wife. She has been struggling with cancer for the past two years. I was sacked at the coaching center when i could not keep up with time due to my wife's disease, ever since then, i have not been able to get a job. I do any menial Job that comes my way." Mr. Joe ended his speech and i could feel his pain. If i should help him personally i might not be able to provide enough, so i decided to tell my foster parent of his predicament and get them to help him. I collected Mr. Joe's contact and i told him i would get back at him. "I will give you a cheque of two hundred thousand naira before i leave" Nelly said boastfully and i could not help but shake my head. Mr. Joe thanked Nelly and went back to continue his work while i walked down to the living room with Nelly, who was bussy blabing about how good Mr. Joe was back in the day. ********************** I got back to the livingroom and instead of sitting with Jordan and Nelly, i made myself bussy by serving the guests and snapping with some of them. I was having a selfie with Josh and Khole when Jordan and Nelly came to us. My mood changed immediately and i wanted to take my leave. I told khole i wanted to use the restroom and made to leave when Jordan held my hand. I wanted to avoid his gaze so i looked down on my shoes and said "What is it?". "I want to be with you privately" he said. "Not now", i said and i walked away releasing my hand from his grip. I was still mad at Jordan and Nelly and the fact that i could not express why i was angry made me more angry. I opened the door of my room and made to close it behind me when somebody held the door and said "Wait". "What are you doing here? I did not hear you follow me" i said out of shock. "Maybe because you were not paying attention" Jordan said as he fully entered my room. " I did not ask you to come in" i said and Jordan smilled. I settled in my bed and i faced the wall. I felt Jordan's hand on me from behind, he pulled me to himself and made him face him. I could not look at him in the eyes so i looked down at his chest. "What did i do sunshine? You are angry with me" Jordan said but i could not reply i only noded. "Common tell me my offence and i can say sorry in kind" Jordan said and drew me closer to himself. I could feel my body touch his, i could feel his heart beat and i could smell his saint. For a moment, i forgot i was mad at this dude!. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ I was so close to Jordan that i could feel his breathe on my face. His arms felt like paradise and i felt the love i felt 5years ago. I could remember having my first and last kiss with him, i could remember the taste of his lips and i could remember the love i felt. I suddenly wanted to feel everything over again, i wanted to know if his lips still taste the same like before. I had the urge to kiss Jordan but i fought it back, not wanting to portray myself as a cheap girl. "Hello? You are yet to tell me my offence" Jordan's voice brought me back to reality. I blinked my eyes consecutively and stammered "Ehm... I was not really angry... You...the thing is...ehm...what am saying is..." i said with my eyes down fixed on his chest. Jordan held my jaw and pulled it up, making me look up to him. He rubbed my jaw gently and said "you don't have to hide it baby, just tell me anything. I promise never to repeat it again, but without you telling me, how will i know what i did?" I tried to keep my eyes down again but he pulled my jaw up. I swallow hard and composed myself to say the truth. I closed my eyes and said "Why did you call to know what i will be wearing just for you to tell nelly to wear the same thing?If the two of you wanted to appear like a couple then you do not have to involve me!" I ended my speech with an angry tone and i was expecting to see Jordan upset when i opened my eyes but reverse was the case.Jordan smilled at first, then he started to laugh, he laughed so hard tears was coming out of his eyes. I did not know what got him laughing so i asked him what was funny and he laughed the more. I hit him playfully on his chest and in a bid to safe himself from my punch, he rolled on his back. I followed him and continued to hit him. Not until he stopped to laugh did i realise i was on top of him. I wanted to jump off him but he held my waist and pulled me closer to himself. I looked at him in the eyes, he smilled and said "I love this position, can i apologize now?" i did not respond, i only smilled. Jordan released his hand from my waist and held my face. He slightly rub a finger on my lips and said "It was all a coincidence sun shine, i was surprised when i saw nelly's out fit as well. I will never make a fool of you". I did not hear Jordan's words properly as my attention was focused on his moving lips. I noded at his explanation and he asked if he was forgiven. I said yes and he murmured thank you with a charming smile (his smile makes me shiver). Jordan looked into my eyes and said "I missed you" i told him i missed him too and he asked me to show him how much i had missed him. I did not know where the shyness came from but i became unreasonably shy at that moment. "Am i making you shy? Am sorry my love but right now i feel like eating you up" jordan said and i shyly smilled. I do not know what he had in mind but i was willing to give him my all, the whole of me. As if Jordan was reading my thought, he slowly moved his finger across my lips again and he kissed me. I was not ready to pretend as if i did not want the kiss, so i wrapped my hand around his neck and kissed him back. The kiss got passionate and i could hear myself moan into his mouth. I will gently run my hand across his head and whine my waist in the process. Jordan gently laid me down on my back and patted my legs as he made a place for himself between my legs. I held Jordan's head to myself as he kissed my ear lobe, then my lips and he finally made his way to my neck, kissing me gently and paying special attention to every region. I adjusted myself to give jordan more access and my short gown did nothing to cover my red pant as it formed a heap around my waist already. Jordan unzipped my zipper and cool breeze blew across my boobs, "oh i am in paradise" i thought. Jordan stopped in the middle of this and i had to open my eyes to see what he was up to. Jordan came up to me and looked into my eyes, I saw passion and love in his eyes. Jordan gently touched my lips with his and said "I love you Nancy, i really do" i told him i loved him too, and if only he could see through my heart, he would know that i ment every word i said. The kiss got passionate and i lost myself to the heavenly feeling i had. Jordan kissed every part of me and eventually settled on my soft boobs. He set my boobs free from my bra cup and he sucked on each Tip gently. I was so aroused, Jordan was just too perfect. He would tease me alittle and resume work on my boobs, i continued to jerk my body in excitement. I was still lost in my world, our world, mine and Jordan's world and From a distance i heard music, at first i did not care about the music but later it strucked me that its my phone ring tone. Jordan stopped in the process and it took me a minute to put myself together.I walked to the table with my under garment. Shockingly I saw a missed call from nelly. I hoped she not close! ********************** I hurriedly called Nelly back, she picked my call immediately and said "Twinny, where are you? I cant find Jordan too, are you two together?" I cleared my throat and looked Jordan, his clothes were still intact. I asked Nelly where she was and she said down stairs with Khole. Since i could quickly wear my dress and apply alittle makeup before Nelly would get to my room. I told nelly i was in my room with Jordan and i ended the call. "Why did you tell her i am here? One person or the other always come in between us whenever we are having a special time alone like this. Its becoming heart breaking". Jordan said and held his chest as if he was having an attack. I could not help but laugh as i wore my dress. I applied alittle makeup and put finishing touches to my hair before asking Jordan to zip the zipper for me. Jordan was still helping me with my zip when we heard a knock on the door. "Right on time" i said as i walked briskly to the door. I unlocked the door and Nelly entered the room, talking about how stressed she was. She threw a playful punch at Jordan which he dodged and complained of him leaving her because of me. Jordan smilled and walked up to me. He held my waist from behind and said "Dont tell me you are jealous of this love. Common you should be my number one supporter". "I knew it! I knew you guys were up to something!" Nelly shouted. "no its not what you think" i protested. Nelly gave a loud laugh and said "Sure its not what i think but it is what i know. Look at yourself twinny, do you need a mirror to know you are blushing right now? Am happy to see you guys happy together, jordan has waited for this for five years and seeing him happy makes me glad". I felt happy nelly was in support of my relationship with Jordan and i blamed myself for taking her as a threat. I moved closer to Nelly and hugged her tightly. "It is time to let go of the past completely and give this guys my trust" i thought. "Time up girls, since am not receiving any hug here, i think we should leave" Jordan said and i ended the hug with nelly as we both laughed at Jordan. We all left my room and went to join others in the living room. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The party was toward the ending when we got to the livingroom. Jordan and nelly informed the proposed couple of their departure and Nelly dropped a cheque for Mr.joe before leaving. Since mi mom and dad were bussy, i could not tell them about Mr. Joe, so i told Nelly i would give my contribution to him later while i walked nelly and jordan off to the car. We were almost at the car when i remembered the ring i wated to give to Jordan. I shouted OMG and excused myself, telling them to wait for me. I rushed into the livingroom and searched for my clutch. I could not find it in the livingroom so i hurried to my room. It was laying on my bed, i must have placed it there when i returned with Jordan. I quickly grabbed my clutch and searched through the content. I found the ring in a corner of the clutch and ran back to the car. Nelly was sitting in the car already when i got back to them while Jordan was where i left him. I grabbed his hands and led him to the car. He just smilled and followed my lead without asking me what i went to get. Just when he was about to enter into the car, i held his hand and slipped the ring into it. I then smilled and said to Jordan " Do not open until you are out of here. Its a yes!". Jordan said "yes ma" and gave me a quick peck before leaving. I walked back into the house, happy and fulfiled. Falling inlove with Jordan again was one of the happiest things that ever happened to me. Love is beautiful when you are with the right person! . To be continued after comments..
22 Apr 2017 | 03:33
22 Apr 2017 | 05:49
Wow, Kelvin at last! Next plz!
22 Apr 2017 | 06:56
Hmmm continue....
22 Apr 2017 | 11:05
Indeed love is beautiful when you are with the right person
22 Apr 2017 | 11:06
Are you sure he is the right person
22 Apr 2017 | 11:10
frankly speaking I don't trust those two atal is like they are using your head
22 Apr 2017 | 11:31
Episode 6 Continues.. Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I went back to the house and assisted in packing the leftovers. I noticed that mi dad was sitting alone in a corner of the livingroom while mi mom was bussy saying farewell to the guests, i walked to mi dad and said "Hi dad". He smilled at me and said "Our baby, how are you, where did you disappear to?" i sat close to mi dad, placed my hand across his shoulder and said "have been around dad. I need to talk to you about something". Mi dad chuckled and said "I know its about money madam, we are listening". I smilled and told mi dad about Mr. Joe, emphasizing on how good he was then and how bad his condition is. I told dad about nelly's assistance and how much i would love dad to give him a permanent solution. Dad sighed and told me to call Mr. Joe. I looked at mi dad with a pleading eyes and he said "Just call him, we can't just employ him like that". At the hearing of employment i became happy and rushed to the kitchen to get Mr. Joe. I came back with Mr. Joe not long after and i sat with dad while Mr. Joe was on his feet answering dad's question. He was a degree holder so mi dad finally offered him an employment with an official house and car, a good pay and other working benefits. For his wife's treatment, mi dad gave him half a million in addition to Nelly's cash give. Mr. Joe prostrated and thanked my dad profusely before leaving. ********************** Time checked 9:00PM, all the guests were gone already and the house was put to order by the maids, Josh had left as well and i was alone with khole. Myself and khole went to bid my foster parent goodnight in there room, after which we returned to khole's room. Immediately we got to khole's room, i received a message alert. I settled on khole's bed and checked the message, it was from Jordan. "Words enough cannot express how happy i am right now. You made me the happiest man on earth and am going crazy out of excitement. The ring is so beautiful and precious, i know its special to you and i promise to keep it safe for the rest of my life with you. I could not hide my excitement, i had to show the ring to my parents. They can't wait to see you again as their daughter inlaw. Goodnight baby, i love you from the sky down to earth (heart my words)" that was the content of the message. I could not help but smile at my phone as i read the message over and over again. "Who is that?" khole's voice brought me back to reality. I smilled and told khole it was Jordan. "Jordan? Are you two up to something again? You both disappeared at the party". I moved closer to khole on the bed and told her everything that has happened, of course i skipped the romantic part. Khole let out a loud breathe, held my hand and said "Nancy am happy you found love again but are you sure it is with the right person? This is the same guy that cheated on you with you best friend five years ago.Fine! his excuses were good enough and that is the reason why we are giving them another chance in our lives, but i expect you to study him more and determine if he really worth this love you are showering him with. He is still super close with nelly you know? They looked like a couple today. Nancy i just do not want to see you go through emotional trauma again". Khole ended her speech and i felt love. I smilled and told khole, i felt Jordan deserve a second chance and i was inlove with him again. I told her i was still trying to build the trust but no matter what, i wanted to give the love a chance to blossom. Khole smilled again and said "If thats what you want, i support you girl. Just be careful don't be blinded by love and do not shut your heart to love as well. Do whats right and be a good girl my child" i hit khole playful and i thanked her for the care. We had a tight hug and i was so happy i had a family to share my feelings with. "Truly there is nothing like family" i thought in the middle of the hug. Khole ended the hug and we sat hand in hand on bed still in our party dress. "gist me about the preparation" i said breaking the silence. "Actually you and mom will be doing most of the preparation, i was given just a month break at the bank. You will go on a tour with mom for like the next two months while i will take care of things that will be done here. I have registered a month wedding counsel with Josh and i will travel with you for a week later.We will be getting the wedding gown and ladies dress together,we will return a week to the wedding" "Wow you have everything planned out" i said.Khole smilled and said "Am sorry babes, i cant just wait to get married to Josh, he is my everything". "Just the way Jordan is my world" i said and we both laughed. "come to think of it, there names start with the letter J. Am sure J is a super letter" Khole said. We laughed out loud and both head to the bathroom to change into our night dress. LOVE IS COLOURFUL ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The introduction was done the week after the celebration and mi mom had to go on a bussiness trip before embarking on the planned trip. I had two weeks break to myself before travelling with mom. I was alone with Mi dad at home but he always go out in the morning and returns at night. I spent most of my time with Jordan. We would go out for lunch, go for shopping, go to the zoo and any other place that interest us. Sometimes we stay in Jordan's house whenever we do not feel like hanging out. Jordan's parent accepted me into their family and in less than a week i became familiar with his family. Goodbyes are always difficult to say, especially to love ones. Mom returned from her trip and it was time for us to embark on a month Jorney together for the wedding. Jordan and nelly saw me off to the airport and i had an emotional hug with Jordan before finally departing. I had no other choice than to endure a distance relationship till the end of the khole's wedding. Leaving Jordan with nelly was a bit difficult for me, i was getting use to been with him always. Truthfully, i still had trust issues with the duo but i had no other choice than to give fate a chance. What is mine will always come back to me. I told myself. Mi mom questioned me about Jordan in the middle of the flight. From the emotions we shared before departing, she gussed we were lovers. At first she was angry with me for not trusting her enough to share my love life with her but she later forgive me and gave me a piece of relationship advice. I told mi mom everything about my relationship with Jordan, not skipping what happened, five years ago. Mi mom told me not to give up because of what he did in the past and i should never trust men completely as well. She also told me to work on my trust and do what is best for me. I was glad to share my emotions with mi mom and i felt relived sharing my emotions with an elder. We got the aso-ebi from dubai and the traditional dress we would be wearing for the engagement. Different clothes were picked for different set of people, ranging from the highly important guests,to the close family friends and the regular people that will be in attendance. Mi mom sent the clothes to Nigeria through a friend, who will be helping to distribute them before our arrival. From dubai we went to china where mi mom ordered for different kind of electronic machines for khole's personal use after the wedding.According to Mi mom China has the best electronic home appliance. From chain we went back to dubai again, where we got expensive jewelry for the wedding. We arrived Nigeria after Dubai and it was good to be home again. Throughoutmy absence, Jordan kept to his promise, he would call me in the morning and in the night before going to bed but nothing felt like been with him. All in all it was good to be home again, even though it was for a while. The following week after my arrival from the trip with mom, i traveled with khole to Canada to get the ladies wear and wedding gown from "House of diva collection". We were supposed to go with Nelly, but before the trip she had an attack. I witnessed how terrible an asthma attack could be that very day. She got everybody scared and worried. Not until she was healthy did i stop to worry about her. We decided she should rest at home instead of travelling with us. Jordan also travelled with Josh for the men suit and traditional dress. They had it booked with "Yomi casual" in Nigeria. It was fun to be alone with Khole, she was a happy bride. We finally got a wedding gown worth two million naira in nigeria currency. The bridal train comprised of ladies and kids from the wealthy class. It was not difficult to get a beautiful cream gown for the ladies while we got another design for the kids. Each dress cost two hundred thousand and the price of the shoe ranges from a hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand. According to the seize. Since the dress code was cream and red, we got red heels for everybody. We shopped for all the needed items including the makeups and finally we had everything needed. We arrived Nigeria in just a week to Khole's wedding. Jordan and Josh were back already but everybody was too bussy making plans for the wedding. The wedding plan was changed and the engagement was scheduled for Saturday at "Stella Obasanjo multi purpose hall" at 4:00pm. The registery marriage was to begin by 7:00am-8:00am. The church wedding was to commence by 10:00am-12:00pm and finally The reception was scheduled for 1:00pm till the party ends. We prayed, planned and made preparations for a successful wedding. This is one of the most important things to be done in Life, getting married is everybody's dream and most especially to the right partner. We had a bridal shower on Tuesday evening and we had a all night party with the female friends. ********************** ITS HER WEDDING DAY!!!! ********************** YOU LOOK SO LOVELY JUST STANDING THERE HE'S SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU AS A WIFE JUST COUNT YOUR BLESSING AND FEEL INLOVE MAY YOUR LOVE BE BLESSING FOREVER. COZ YOU LOOK SO LOVELY STANDING THERE HE'S SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU HAS A WIFE. ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY/3x BAYASHADA NAMHLANJE ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY- HALLALA NTOMBAZANE BAKU NNYALA KA JENNYU! (its your wedding day by: Brenda Fassie) ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ It was khole's wedding day! She looked so beautiful in her wedding gown and her diamond jewelry.Her flower bouquet was beauty and everything was just perfect.I was dressed in a red gown and a cream heels.Everybody was ready to walk with khole down the hill.There was video recorder everywhere to capture the whole event.The house was filled with guest and there was merriment everywhere.It was time for celebration. There was a brief time of emotion,when khole's parent were showering her with prayers just before we had the first picture of the day. After the picture we went to the registry with my foster parent and other close family members. Jordan was looking dazzling in his blue suit when we met him at the registry.He looked drop dead gorgeous. I felt proud to be his girl and if not for the crowd, i would'nt mind kissing him immediately.Josh also looked breathe taking in his suit and again it was difficult to tell who was more handsome between the duo. The bride and the groom were in the front, while myself and Jordan followed them from behind as the best man and the best lady.The bride and groom parents followed us as we went into the registry for a court wedding.Vows were exchanged and the legal marriage certificate was presented to the couple. Khole legally became Josh's wife, For better for worst. It was a really happy moment for everybody. After the court wedding the bride had a little makeup touch and we all head to the church for the white wedding. Myself, khole and nelly were in the beautifully decorated Limousine.The sexy divas followed closely from behind in a white Gwagon.The little braids and the cute bridal kids followed in the range Josh got for khole and finally, mom and dad were in a beautifully decorated Prado.It was a grand entry as the cars filed into the church compound. The groom and his followers arrived the church before us and the service commenced immediately we arrived. The congregation were asked to raise on their feets while the groom and the best man stood infront of the altar as the braid was led in by her father.It was a very emotional moment for khole and Mi dad, as he proudly led his daughter to the altar. Khole could not stop crying when she got to the altar, mi dad had to give her a long hug which was later ended by the reverend in charge of the wedding.I could see mi mom burry her face into her handkerchief as well, i could not help but let a tear roll down my cheek as well. Vows were made, rings were exchanged, kisses were exchanged, songs were presented and offerings rendered. I was sitting next to Jordan through out the whole time in church.Sometimes he would squeeze my hand and i would laugh and sometimes he would whisper something naught into my ears.He could not take his eyes off me throughout the church wedding. Finally Khole was religiously Josh's wife. To love and to cherish, for better for worst, till death bring them apart. It was a beautiful event. ********************** Khole was more lively after the church wedding. We drove together with Josh to the reception and they were all over each other during the ride. Jordan also kissed me and made some sweet promises as we cuddled. I was glad nelly was not with us, she had joined the other girls in the Gwagon. The reception took place at Romhics hall and before our arrival it was beautiful decorated in the dress code. We made a grand entry into the hall as 2face performed for the entry. Bridal train and the men in suit, followed by the newly weded couple. My favourite moments were when Gfresh performed "Awelewa" for the couple slow dance. It was a beautiful moment as they kissed passionately during the dance. The couple danced with each parent while Tiwa savage performed. Mi dad stole the spot light as he show off his shoki skill. It was also a beautiful moment when the couple fed themselves cake and wine, khole teased Josh by dancing round with the cake before feeding him with it. Gifts were presented and picture were taken by Josh Collage Photography according to arrangement. Finally it was time for the couple to leave.They were scheduled for a night flight to Jeju island for their honey moon.It got emotional when mi mom burst into tears as they were about to leave. I had to take her into my arms and assure her that Khole would be fine before she let go of her daughter. It was difficult to say goodbye to a best buddy! A sister!! And a friend! To be continued..
22 Apr 2017 | 12:05
Are you sure this love will last? Or it's just fantases.
22 Apr 2017 | 12:12
Nancy see dnt come crying cos personally i 'll deal wit u dnt say i didnt warn u oo.
22 Apr 2017 | 13:12
I thought it was Kelvin
22 Apr 2017 | 13:12
Episode 7 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ A week after the wedding the house was free from guest and close family friends. Throughout that week i remained indoor with my phone. I was so tired and exhausted from all the journey i made before the wedding and all the things i did during the wedding. Khole and Josh called immediately they got to their destination and it was so sweet to hear her voice again, tho it was over the phone. During my period of been indoor, Jordan would call, message and sometimes he would bring me food or snacks for lunch. He was no more a visitor in my house. Mi dad also welcomed him whenever he was around, i gussed mi mom told him about Jordan already. I had a week rest after the wedding and i had a week left before work. I decided to have fun with Jordan during the period of the remaining one week. We went shopping together on a Wednesday afternoon when we came across Nelly. Truth be told after the wedding, i did not ask after her. She blamed me for not having time for her and i apologised. I promised to spend the week Sunday with her and she became happy, a decision Jordan frown at. He wanted us to be together always after the long break. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ It was Sunday, time checked 11:00AM, i dressed up in a simple outfit and had alittle makeup on. I took permission from my foster parent and left for Nelly's house in my car. Nelly was happy to see me, so was her parent. They told me how lonely she was and pleaded with me to come more often. Nelly's mom personally told me to plead with Nelly to continue taking her drug, according to her, nelly was giving up on life. I promised to do my best in keeping intouch and i left with Nelly to her room.I had fun with Nelly, she offered lots of video games, movies, gist and other interesting things. Time checked 2:00pm, we were both hungry,since we were yet to have lunch. Instead of placing an order or buying food outside, we decided to make Jollof Rice ourselves, in order to have quality time together. Nelly informed her mom of our decision and after much mockery from her, she provided all the ingredient we would be need. Nelly was slicing the beaf while i was frying the pepper for the rice. The kitchen atmosphere got thick due to the pepper on fire, i myself had to cover my noise after sneezing for sometimes. I was still talking to nelly when she sneezed at first. I told her to take care and she replied with a nod.She sneezed again,and then she started to cough.At first i went to get her water, thinking all she needed was water.I returned with the water and Nelly was on the floor already, coughing consecutively, that was when i remembered her health status. Before i could put off the gaz and literally drag her out of the kitchen to get fresh air, she was struggling for breathe. I became too scared and lost on what to do.I rushed to call her parent and her mom practically ran down stairs. She told me to hurry to her room and get her inhaler.I rushed to the room and i ran back without the inhaler, i had no idea of where it was. According to her dad she had alot of it,her dad rushed to search for her inhaler as well while her mom held her to herself on the floor.Nelly's dad came back without the inhaler as well,he quickly bent beside Nelly and tried to make her tell him where the inhaler was.Nelly kept on pointing at her room,her eyes were blood red and her chest was going up and down as she made a wired sound, trying to struggle for breathe. I could not take to see her in her present condition anymore.I stood up and ran to her room upstair, determined to get the inhaler and put an end to her present predicament.I flung her wardrobe open, i scattered all the books on her reading shelf, i searched her shoe closet and scattered all the bags.Finally i found a pack of inhaler underneath her bed. I took one from the pack and ran downstairs.Nelly's mom was crying already,and tho she was in a bad situation then,i could see tears run down nelly's cheek as well. I hurriedly gave the inhaler to Mr. Stanley and he placed it in her mouth immediately. Nelly opened her mouth for the inhaler and shut her eyes permanently, she took a deep breathe and her hand fell from the inhaler in her mouth. The inhaler fell as well and she stopped to breathe for a while as she became unconscious. Just like a movie, i watched as her mom carried her to herself in tears as she screamed her name. Her dad shouted the names of the maids and driver and they all assemble to help carry Nelly to the hospital. I stood rooted to a point, lost on what to do and thinking of what might happen to her. 'If she dies i will never forgive myself' I said to myself, i should have cared more about her health, i should'nt have agreed to us cooking when she brought the suggestion, I should'nt have allowed her to stop using her drug,but i never knew she even stopped cos i cared less about her! I blamed it all on myself! I was never there for her! ********************** I hurriedly got into my car and followed Mr. Stanley's car to the hospital. Throughout the drive i was scared and i had a shaky hand. Immediately we got to the hospital which i gussed to be their family hospital, The workers accepted the Stanleys immediately and Nelly was rushed to the emergency room. We had to stay behind at the reception. Nelly's mom wouldn't stop to cry, i knew how she must have felt, i knew how loosing someone dear to you was, and loosing an only child would be the worst feeling ever. I moved close to her and said some peaceful words to her in a bid to console her but she held my hand and said "Nancy, where is Nelly, promise me she will come back to me, promise me she won't leave me like this, promise me you will make sure she takes her drugs when she gets better, promise me Nancy! She is your twinny right? You should know that she will be fine, she will be fine right?" Nelly's mom asked and i could not help but cry. I left her when i could not stop the tears running down my cheek. Since i could not console Nelly's mom, her dad composed himself and took his wife into his arms, as she continued to weep. I thought it was necessary to inform Jordan of the situation at hand, so i excused myself and went back into my car to place the call. Jordan picked my call at the first ring and from his voice i could tell he was happy. I knew i was about to ruin his mood but it was something i had to do. I took a deep breathe and said "babe Nelly had an attack, we are in the hospital". I could hear Jordan scream "What?" from the other end. I repeated myself and he asked for the name of the hospital. I gave him the hospital details and he promised to be there in a while. I went back to the reception and tried to console Nelly's mom again, i was scared on what might happen to her but i had to be strong just as my mom told me before her death. Jordan arrived shortly after my call, i rushed at him at sight and he took me into his arm. Jordan released me from the hug and asked how i was feeling before we both walked up to Nelly's parent. They were familiar with Jordan and Nelly' s mom did not hesitate to tell Jordan all that happened when he asked. Time checked 5:30pm the doctor incharge of nelly's operation, came out of the ER and we all rushed at him. Mr. Stanley immediately questioned him on his daughter's health. The doctor told everybody to be calm and he promised nelly would be fine. The doctor said she had been moved out of the ER and taken to the intensive care and her condition was not as critical as before. I was relieved and so was everybody else. The doctor asked to see her parent privately and they followed him to his office. I remained with Jordan at the reception. ********************** Nelly's parent did not tell us what the doctor told them but i could see worry and sadness on their face when they returned, I did not expect them to feel less, she was there only child. Time checked 6:45pm, mi mom called and asked of my whereabout, i told her i would be home shortly. I remembered i had to resume work the following Monday. I informed nelly's parent of my departure and they thanked me for my time. Jordan saw me off to my car, he was moody during the walk and he told me he would stay till Nelly would be discharged when i asked him when he would be leaving.I left the hospital for home with a scared body and a scared heart.I was scared of what would happen to nelly.I was scared of loosing her. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Immediately i got home, i told my foster parent about nelly when they asked about my outing, they wished her a quick recovery and i went into my room.I could not eat neither could i sleep. I kept on tossing on my bed, i would go on my kneels and pray, then i would walk to and fro and sing, sometimes i even lay on the floor to pray for Nelly.I kept on praying for her wellbeing till past 3:00am. That was when sleep took me away. I woke up 6:00am the following day.I called Jordan immediately i woke up but his line was not reachable. I took my bath and prepared for work after which i had breakfast.I informed my foster parent of my departure and left for work. Mom packed wedding gift in my car for my co workers before i left. It was good to resume work, my co workers asked for their wedding gifts immediately I resumed and i shared the prepared gift among them. My mind was still not at rest during work. I could still not reach Jordan, i took permission from Mr.larry and i rushed to the hospital. I prayed my greatest fear was yet to come to reality during the drive. The sight that graced me at the hospital was terrible ,from the gate i heard crying everywhere,i prayed it was not nelly people were weeping over, i really prayed. I looked around for Jordan but he was no where to be found, i tried his number over and over again but it did not go through.I summon courage and went into the hospital. What i saw was a rude shock! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ My step became slow, i saw two women trying to hold Nelly's mom, i saw the guy nelly was betrothed to and i saw nelly's dad sitted in a chair in the reception, two men were patting him on the shoulder. Without been told, i knew nelly was gone, far away from this world, far away from where i could see her again, far away from everybody that loved her. My mind went blank as tears started running down my cheek. I felt dizzy and I leaned on the wall of the reception, something struck my heart and i felt a great pain. I felt like a part of me had left me, i felt like i had lost something very important to me. I allowed the tears roll freely down my cheek as i remembered all about nelly. She came to me like a rushing wind and she left me like a burning fire. She burnt a part of me down and went with the ashes. I wept like a baby as the memories of Nelly flashed through my brain. It was a great loss, i did not want to cry but i ended up weeping. "Nelly!" i heard someone scream her name, i looked up and it saw Nelly mom. I could see the state of pain she was and i could feel her loss. Less than 48hours ago, she was a happy woman, but the woman that stood infront of me then was a sad mother. Nelly's mom rushed at me and gripped my arm, she looked up at me and said "Nelly, is this you? Is this you my baby? Are you back to me? I knew you will never leave me, the doctor said you were dead but i never believed him. I knew you will come back to me my child. Promise me you will never leave again, i need you to promise me you will never make me cry, promise me Nel, i need you to promise me" she shouted and brooke down in tears again. I was so confuse on what to do. "How will i console this mother that just lost her only fruit? How will her tell her i am not the daughter she lost when she choose to ignore the truth? How will I tell her that Nelly will never come back to her? How will i tell her that she should weep for her child and give her a final respect?" all this thought ran through my mind and i could not stop my tears. If only tears could wake the dead, nelly would have woken up. I knelt on the floor beside Nelly's mom and took her into my arms. I ran my hand over her hair and said "Mom, don't be sad. I am here for you" My words comforted her a bit and she stopped to weep. The other women around came to her and took her away. I stood up and went to Nelly's dad. He was stronger than his wife and he was quiet but lost in thought. I offered my condolence and he said "Thank you my daughter" i could feel he was trying to find a daughter in me. I moved closer to him and hugged him before going in search of Jordan. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I met Jordan in a corner of the hospital, the place was quiet and i could tell he was trying to avoid the public. I tapped him on he shoulder and he raised his head. His eyes were blood red and for the first time in my life, i saw Jordan cry. I took him into my arms and he wept like a child, calling nelly's name every five minutes in the middle of his tears. I consoled Jordan and told him to be strong, he only noded without uttering a word. We heard wailing in the hospital and we rushed inside. We met Nelly's mom weeping and screaming her child's name on top of her voice. Nelly's body was been discharged and was been taken to the burial ground for a final burial. I understood how Mrs. Stanley must have felt. She rushed to the front of the ambulance and stood there, stopping the driver from moving the car. All she kept shouting was "My child is not dead, give her to me!". Her reaction made me remember my mom's death and i could compare the pain she was feeling with the pain i felt when my mom died. Mrs. Stanley was practically dragged away from the ambulance and she was taken to her car. Jordan could not drive,so i did the drive to the burial ground. Nelly's mom was stopped from witnessing the burial of her child and Jordan was also too fragile to see Nelly been lowered to mother earth but i withnessed everything.I felt it was necessary to stand by Mr. Stanley like a daughter,i held his hand throughout the final right. Dust they say will always be dust.Nelly was lowered six feets below the ground and just like a bad dream, she was gone and never to come back.I hid my face in my face towel and wept for my belove friend.Tho we had our differences she was one in a million.Again i was happy i forgave her and i spent alittle time with her before she finally died. After the burial i could not witness all the weeping again, so i took Jordan home and went home as well. Immediately i got home, i went into Mi mom's arm and said "She is dead, my look alike is no more" she took me into her arms and allowed me to cry. I cried for a long time and when i had no strength to cry no more i went into my room. Dad and mom also went to offer their condolences to the stanleys. I called Khole and brooke the news to her. IT WAS A BAD DAY . To be continued after comments..
22 Apr 2017 | 14:41
R. I. P. Nelly, hop Jordan will not change after ha death
22 Apr 2017 | 16:22
I cry for you. GONE SO SOON. accept my condolences Mr/Mrs Stanley
22 Apr 2017 | 17:33
Be careful
22 Apr 2017 | 19:23
22 Apr 2017 | 19:52
Episode 8 Continues.. ********************** It was a week after Nelly's death but it still felt like yesterday. I had resumed work but i was not active. Daily from work, i would go to the stanleys to console nelly's mom. My presence always console her. She would ask me to sit on her lap and tell me things about nelly, sometimes she would cry and sometimes she would laugh, it all depend on her mood. I made myself available to the stanleys the more since that was the least i could do for them. After the stanley's residence, i would go and check on Jordan occasionally but whenever i leave the stanleys lately i would place a call through to Jordan. I tried to be strong, though i was weak inside. I wanted to be there for everybody. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Work was becoming more hectic. The overhead bridge my crew and i presented report on months ago was completed and the president was invited to commission the bridge. My crew and I were to cover the event for our television station in two days time. I had alot at hand, my work needed me, the stanleys needed me and Jordan needed me the most. I was bussy checking the materials we would be needing for the event when the my phone started to ring. The caller I.D was "Maami" that was what i saved Jordan's mom number with. I hurriedly excused myself and accepted the call. I answered the call and said "Hello". "My dear, where are you? I do not know what is wrong with Jordan, he has been drinking and playing sorrowful music indoor since day break. He is taking nelly's death too hard on himself and i have tried to talk to him but he would'nt listen. The thing is There is somewhere i have to be now, i do not know who else to call apart from you. Please my daughter,come over and look after him" Jordan's mom said. I was scared of what Jordan might do to himself. I told his mom i would be there in ten minutes and i rushed back to the office. I took permission from Mr.larry who was my department head and i rushed to Jordan's house. ********************** I met Jordan's mom fully dressed in the living room. She was happy to see me,she hugged me and told me how sad Jordan had been ever since nelly died, she pleaded with me to take care of her child and i promised her to do my best. Jordan's mom left and i head to his room. ------------------------------------- I WOULD TELL YOU THAT I LOVE YOU TONIGHT BUT I KNOW THAT I'VE GOT TIME ON MY SIDE WHERE ARE YOU GOING? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING SO SOON? IS THERE SOMEWHERE ELSE BETTER FOR YOU? WHAT IS LOVE, IF YOU ARE NOT HERE WITH ME? WHAT IS LOVE, IF IT'S NOT GUARANTEED? WHAT IS LOVE, IF IT'S JUST UPS AND LEAVES? WHAT IS LOVE IF YOU ARE NOT HERE NO MORE? WHAT IS LOVE, IF YOU ARE NOT REALLY SURE? WHAT IS LOVE? WHAT IS LOVE? (Veronica Bozeman - Empire) That was the song Jordan was playing loudly in his room.The lyrics of the song hit me and a tear rolled down my cheek as i remembered my lost as well.I cleaned my eyes and composed myself. "I have to be strong, to console Jordan" i said to myself. I opened the door and entered into his room.Jordan was sitted on the floor, backing the door and he had a bottle of alcoholic drink in his hand.I could not help but feel pity for Jordan, he must have been very close with Nelly for the past six years and now, she is gone. I tried to take the bottle from Jordan's hand from behind but he tightened his grip on the bottle and he said "Mom go away, i will be fine".I shook my head and said "Its me".Jordan turned back and looked at me, he released the bottle and stoodup. He laid on his bed and faced the wall.I paused the music player and i went to Jordan in bed.I touched him and said "Why are you doing this to yourself? You ought to be strong for her, you are breaking my heart this way. Please pull yourself together Jordan! Be strong for me! For nelly and even for the parent she left behind". He faced the ceiling, cleared his throat and said "TELL MYSELF I WOULD'NT CRY WHEN YOU ARE GONE BUT I KNOW ITS EASIER SAID THAN DONE. LOOKED AT ME, LOOK AT ME CHOKED UP NOW TRY TO TELL YOU BUT IT WON'T COME OUT. WHAT IS LOVE IF YOU ARE NOT HERE WITH ME? WHAT IS LOVE IF IT'S NOT GUARANTEED? WHAT IS LOVE IF IT'S JUST UPS AND LEAVES? WHAT IS LOVR IF YOU'RE NOT HERE NO MORE? WHAT IS LOVE IF YOU ARE NOT REALLY SURE? WHAT IS LOVE? WHAT IS LOVE??" Jordan sang again and cried.I was confused on what to do.I buried my face in my palms and cried. Jordan sat properly on bed and shouted "She was closer to me than anything! She was like a sister! A blood sister.Why are you all complaining because I am mourning my lost?Can't i just mourn her for a year? I would'nt mind mourning her for the rest of my life because she was there for me through thick and thin! I promised to make her happy but i could not fulfil my promise.I did nothing for her but she did everything for me. Everything!" i closed my eyes and cried, i was l loosing him to nelly, even in death. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I looked at Jordan with tears in my eyes and i said "So you want to mourn her forever? You want to leave everybody behind because of nelly? You want to ignore all people that love you? You want to put a stop to our love? The love it took us this long to nurture? Jordan tell me!. Look into my eyes and tell me you do not need me no more! Go on, tell me you want to mourn her till eternity. Tell me to leave instead of showing your weakness to me. Jordan just say it!" I shouted. I fixed my gaze on Jordan for a long time, waiting for an answer. He did not reply he only climbed down from the bed and sat on the couch. I was loosing it, i was at the point of giving up on love, i could not bare to loose Jordan because of nelly again. Words could not express how angry i was at Jordan, to avoid further mess i had to take my leave, not minding the fact that i was disobeying Jordan's mom. "I dO not give a Bleep about the mother and son". I said. I wiped my tears and picked up my bag. I grabbed my phone and made for the door. "Dont leave" i heard Jordan say just when i was about to open the door. I stood rooted to a point without turning back. Jordan walked up to me and held me from behind. He leaned his head on my shoulder and said "Am so confuse right now sun shine, i just need you to stay with me baby. Please don't leave me" Jordan words made alot of meaning to me, i realised he was just confused and walking away would have been a huge mistake. I turned back and faced Jordan with my back on the door. I held his face and said "I know your heart is saddened because of Nelly's death, but i need you to let me make you feel better. Tell me what is love if am not really sure of how you feel? I need to be sure baby, I just wanna be sure". Jordan sighed and looked into my eyes. He smilled weakly and said "You want to make me feel better, please do. This pain is becoming unbearable" I did not know how to make Jordan feel better, but i had to try my possible best. I wrapped my hand around his neck and said "How about this?" I placed my lips on Jordan's and kissed him. I could tell He was not expecting the kiss, he only hummed and responded to the kiss. Jordan placed his hands on my hips as we continued to kiss. I kissed Jordan passionately as if my life depend on him, i would kiss his lips and suck his tongue as i caressed his head slightly. Jordan placed his hand on my as* and squeezed gently, he then patted my legs for me to climb on him. I climbed on Jordan and continued to kiss him slowly as he carried me to his bed. He placed me on my back and he climbed on top of me. I found myself wanting more of Jordan, i never knew i could be so into him and different emotions i never knew existed came to live. Jordan stopped to kiss my lips, he moved to my earlobe and kissed me gently as he whispered sweet words into my ear. I felt love and romance at the same time. Jordan placed his hand on my boobs and gently unbutton my blouse. I felt so good as he worked on my boobs, he would squeez and suck each of them at interval, i moaned softly as he used his mouth on my boobs. While Jordan was still working on my boobs, i felt his hand on the zipper of my trouser. After he unzipped, he tried to remove my trouser and during the process, he would slightly brush is hand over my private. I felt really wet and saw the need to remove my trouser which was serving as a hindrance. I raised myself up gently to make it easier for Jordan to remove my trouser. Jordan sat on the bed in between my legs and gently removed my trouser and blouse, i was left with my underwear in bed. Jordan climbed down and removed his trousers, he was left with his boxers without a shirt. I could not help but trip for his chest muscle and six packs. Jordan went for my bra immediately he joined me in bed, he released my boobs from my bra cup and he hungrily fed on my boobs, i felt in paradise. He removed his mouth from my boobs and went down for my pant. He gently removed my pant and deep a finger into my private, i felt my body shiver as i whined my waist to his touch. Jordan replaced his hand with his mouth on my private and he sucked me gently. I could feel my wetness and i could not help but feel the urge to have sex. I raised Jordan' s head to meet my gaze and i said "Make love to me baby" I could see the shock in his eyes. I did not give him the time to respond as i immediately went for his boxer. Jordan held my hand and said "Are you sure about this? We do not have to go this far" I placed a finger on his lips and said "Shhhh Just Do It!" Jordan wanted to say something else but i stopped him with a kiss. I kissed him so passionately and moaned into his mouth. Jordan removed his d**k from his boxer and entered me. I gave him my virginity because i loved him. ********************** "Wake up baby" Jordan said and kissed my neck from behind. I slowly opened my eyes and I hummed, remembering what went down between myself and Jordan some hours back. "Any regrets?" Jordan asked, interrupting my thought. I replied no with a smile and turned to him. Jordan held me close to himself and kissed me fully on my lips. He removed the strand of hair in my eyes and said "Thanking you is not enough to appreciate you for loving me baby. You sacrificed something so important just to make me happy, right now i feel so worthless of this love. Sun shine, i just want you to know that I love you and i will always do. I promise to always be with you even in death. Wherever you go- I go, You love- I love, You hate- I hate, You fight- I fight, You cry- I cry, but if you leave- I will never leave you, because with you is where i belong honey. I Love you from the sky back to earth and much more" Jordan stopped to talk and he kissed me passionately. At that moment I felt nothing but love without regret for my action. The loud ringing of my phone,interupted my kiss with Jordan. I slowly picked my phone and checked the caller I.D, it was Mi mom. My heart skipped a bit as i accepted the call. Mi mom informed me that she would be coming home lately that night and dinner should be anything i felt like eating,she also said i should eat and sleep without waiting for her. I was relieved that My foster parents were not home. Elderly people they say do have their ways of detecting when you have sex. Jordan pulled me into his arms again and i had to fight the urge of making love with him again. I slowly stood up and made use of Jordan's bathroom to cleanup, during which i discovered my private was alittle sore and painful but i could still manage to walk. After dressing up Jordan combed and packed my hair for me in a bid to show his love for me, though he was not really good at it, it felt romantically good.I had a long kiss with Jordan before making for the door. Jordan would pull me back and kiss me at interval as we walked to my car.Though we had shared lots of kisses but we could not get enough of each other. ********************** I got home tired, the pain i felt in between my legs increased and i was lost on what to do.The only person i could confide in to get tips was khole,without minding the distance i place a call through to her. Without a long pleasantry,i told khole about what went down between Jordan and I and i informed her that i needed her help on what to use to relief the pain.Khole could not stop screaming "What?!!" when i told her, she asked me if i was sure i was doing the right thing a million times before telling me to check her wardrobe for some pills. I told khole not to worry about me and ended the call. I got the pills from khole's wardrobe immediately and took two of it with a cup of milk, after which i retired to my bed.The following day was the opening of the overhead bridge by the president, i had to sleep well, to wake up energetic for work. ################## "Holy crap!" I screamed immediately i opened my eyes. The time was 9:00am and i was suppose to be at work at 7:00am.I rushed to the bathroom to take my bath. The pain in between my legs had reduced thanks to khole. I hurriedly wore a jump suit on a flat shoe and left my room without makeup. I met my foster parent at the dinning room having breakfast. Mom urged me to have my breakfast but i declined and rushed into my car. ********************** "Nancy is this your 7:00am?" Mr.larry shouted immediately he sighted me. He was outside already with my crew. I quickly apologised to my boss and the crew, after which we left in an official bus."The president won't be coming, his son is representing him, you are to write an official report on the event" Mr.larry briefed me on our way. We got to the venue of the event lately.The program was scheduled for 10:00am Different broadcasting agents were scattered everywhere, waiting for the event to unfold. Shortly after, sound of siren filled the air and the arrival of big cars followed.Force men filled everywhere as they ushered the president son, Governors, commissioners and other important politicians in.All this while i was bussy writing report. The national anthem was presented by the police band, after which the president son was invited to give an opening speech.I did not bother to look at him at first but his voice sounded familiar.I raised my head in a bid to see the president son and i got the shock of my life. How can i ever forget him? How can i ever forget those beautiful dimples? How can i ever forget a lost buddy? I could not believe my eyes. I was in a state of shock and i had to cover my mouth with my hand in order not no scream out his name.As fate will have it, he looked at me and stopped his speech half way.He smiled at me and i felt my heart sinked. To be continued..
23 Apr 2017 | 03:25
I don't trust this Jordan and Nelly! They might still be having affair!
23 Apr 2017 | 03:30
23 Apr 2017 | 04:51
so sad. rip Nelly
23 Apr 2017 | 05:54
23 Apr 2017 | 06:18
RIP to Nelly.... At last, Kelvin
23 Apr 2017 | 07:00
Haaaaa, Too painful
23 Apr 2017 | 07:28
Rest in peace Nelly
23 Apr 2017 | 07:52
RIP to u nelly
23 Apr 2017 | 08:42
be careful of the choice of Love you make
23 Apr 2017 | 09:17
23 Apr 2017 | 09:23
Hohoohohohoh....Jordan used u again... I tink u r so blind 2 realoze dat Nelly could be lying
23 Apr 2017 | 10:58
Rip Nelly.
23 Apr 2017 | 11:57
Am very sure that something else is between Jordan and Nelly.
23 Apr 2017 | 13:22
Am sure that's Kevin
23 Apr 2017 | 14:01
23 Apr 2017 | 14:16
That's Kelvin
23 Apr 2017 | 16:08
Too bad foe Nelly! Next plz!
23 Apr 2017 | 16:49
0 Likes sad....
23 Apr 2017 | 19:12
So painful.... R. I. P. ?Nelly
23 Apr 2017 | 21:51
24 Apr 2017 | 03:42
24 Apr 2017 | 06:33
com and show body o. we waiting
24 Apr 2017 | 08:32
24 Apr 2017 | 21:56
ur relationship with Jordan hmmm I don't just feel d connection, I don't just know y. anyway, thank God Kelvin z back. next o
25 Apr 2017 | 03:31
It's Kelvin! He's back! Well, RIP Nelly. I don't know what you're doing with that Jordan guy but I seriously doubt his love for you. Can't you even be wise enough to read the handwriting on the wall? He's even singing what's love without Nelly and you also have the feeling of losing him to her even in her death! Haba! Girl, get sense.
25 Apr 2017 | 04:25
Episode 9 Continues.. "No! No!!, this must be a dream" I murmured, my body became weak and my leg could not carry me any longer. "Nancy, are you okay What's a dream?" that was dtobs voice bringing me back to reality. Not until he stretched out his hand, giving me back my report did i realise that the report book had fell off my hand. I quickly composed myself and collected the report from dtobs. He asked if i was ok again, i replied yes and told him i need fresh air. I could feel his eyes on me as i walked out of the event venue, escaping to the car. On my way to the car, i came in contact with Mr.larry, he questioned me on where o was heading and i told him i was weak and dizzy, he then collected the report from my hand and told me to rest in the bus. I could not take my mind off who i saw as i relaxed in the official bus. All my thoughts revolved around him. If he was really who i saw, then it must be a miracle. The feeling of inferiority creeped in at a point and i thought he would'nt want anything to do with me. Instead of getting mad at him, i believed he would have a story to tell because everybody sure has a story to tell over the years. Its been five good years. Jordan's call interupted my thought, i accepted the call and we talked for a while. Jordan was all loving and caring, he asked if i had eaten or if he could take me out for lunch, but i declined telling him i was bussy with work. I almost made a slip telling Jordan who i saw and the position he held but i controlled myself and kept everything to myself. Less than an hour later, the event came to an end and all the important personal that were in attendance filed out to their respective car. I wished he would come for me and hold me close to himself, i wished he would single me out of the crowd, i wished he would take of to a quiet place and narrate to me all that happened but he never did. With heavy security, i watched him pass me by and left in his car. All in all something so strong in me made me believe he would come back for me again, someday. The day ended on a boring note, i could not perform well at work and i carried a heavy heart home, with so much worries. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Two weeks later, i was yet to hear from him. I was at the verge of giving up but i consoled myself with the fact that he might be bussy. Its been a beautiful relationship with Jordan all the way, we would hang out and have fun together but we never had sex after he deflowered me. Jordan was always romantic and protective of me, i loved him and he loved me as well. I was at work on a friday afternoon when i received a call from Jordan. "Hi babe" he said. "Hi honey" I replied. "I want to take you out for dinner tonight. I wanna make you a queen and feel special. Don't say no,cos am not gonna take a no from you baby. I will come pick you up by 6:00pm." Jordan said. I chuckled and said no to his request. He jokingly told me to get ready to be kidnapped and ended the call. I could not help but smile at my phone, thanking God for love. ********************** I was still packing my bag and ready to go off work when a call came through from the office reception. I accepted the call and said hello. "Nancy, you have important guests,leave what so ever you are doing and go to your office, they are on their way up" the receptionist said. "What? Who is it? Am off work........... Hello? Are you there?" the receptionist ended the call and i shouted "Damit! I have a date!". I sat in my chair and continued to pack my bag, waiting for the so called important guests with an angry face. "Its been a while Buddy!" I heard somebody say from the door. I raised my head up from my bag and i could not help but scream out his name. Words could not express how surprised i was. "Kelvin!!" I shouted!. He smilled brightly at me, revealing his beautiful dimples and i flew from my chair into his arms. He held me close to himself and ran his hand over my hair. I got emotional and soaked his shirt with my tears. "Why did you leave me?" i managed to ask in between my tears. "I never left beautiful and i never will. Come with me, have missed you and we have alot to talk about" he said and lifted my head from his chest. He wiped the tears in my eyes and kissed me on my forehead before holding my hand and leading the way out. His security got my bag and drove my car to the unknown destination. We drove into a big mansion with security everywhere, saluting kelvin as we walked in. Kelvin took me to a room i gussed to be his bed room, everything in the house smelt money and power. Immediately we got in Kelvin sat me down on a couch and he sat close to me. He asked if i would love to have something to drink and i replied no. He then held my face and said "I miss you Nancy, i really do" I smilled and told him i missed him too before going into his arms. God finally answered my prayer. Kelvin released me from the hug and held my face. He looked deep into my eyes and said "how have you been Nancy?" I smilled and told him i was fine. He asked if i would eat before we would discuss and i told him i was not hungry, instead i wanted to know everything that happened to him over the past five years. I accused kelvin of running away and leaving me behind. He smilled and said "You know i would never do that, i was never a coward and i never will". "Then why did you leave?" i asked. "It is a long story Nancy and i do not want to bore you with it" kelvin said as he went to the fridge in the room. I scoffed and said "bore me with what? Are you kidding? You should know i can listen to you all day. Common i need to know why you left without goodbye". Kelvin opened a can of soft drink and said "Alright your majesty, anything you want i will do. Ehmm... Where do i start from?" "start from the buttom" i said, crossing my leg. Kelvin sat close to me and said "You are the first and last person i will be telling my story because i trust you and when i am done, you will tell me everything about you. No secret remember?" I smilled and noded. Kelvin stood up from the couch we both occupied and sat on his bed. He dropped the drink and said "This is my story ma'am. The darkness i carried for more than 20years of my life." ################## KELVIN My full name is Kelvin Smith. I am a native of kogi state or so i thought. I lived all my life with my mom, i never knew my dad. Ever since i was little, my mom avoids any question concerning my dad and i stopped to question her the day she burst into tears when i asked about my dad. My mom was a petty trader and her earning was not enough for our living. After my secondary school education, i decided to double my hustle in order to live a better life. I started with a dry cleaning work, i would wash and iron all sort of cloth for people, both the wealthy, the rich and the poor. Gradually, i began to save the little i earn. After the second year of my dry cleaning bussiness i had two hundred and fifty thousand naira in my bank account. I decided to write jamb and further my education. I could not gain admission into the university and eventually i was given admission by kwara state polythecnic. It was a happy day for my mom and I, the only woman i knew all my life. Life was not a bed of roses but with the help of God and my hard work, i finished my OND program with upper credit. Bussiness was no longer as good as it was after i finished my OND. I decided to quit school for a while and make more money, that was how i met your mom. One of my customers told me there was a vacancy in her friend's house for the post of an house help and she promised to help me get the work only if i promise to be of good behaviour which i did. Your mom accepted me and welcomed me into your family, she promised to sponsor my education and i was suppose to further my education in the next academic year. My joy knew no bound and so was my mom's. With full hope of a better future i moved into your house on the day, you had a fire accident. Unfortunately your mom died and my dream was shattered. Am sorry for our loss Nancy. It was a period of trial for me when your mom died but i pretended to be strong. I planned on a better way to have a better future and i decided to get any available work after your uncle sent us out. I planned on coming back for you when i make it in life, i planned on taking care of you my whole life, but i never planned to appear in front of you as i nobody. I started working with a bread factory, i would bake bread and distribute to the retailers. Life was not easy but i kept my hustle clean. My mom was worried about how we would survive,she often thinks and later had high blood pressure.She fell sick and i had to cater for her again. I went through alot trying to get a means of paying for my mom's drug, our house rent, food, shelter and saving for my education again. Sometimes i envy the rich and wealthy. I came back from work one day and i was bussy counting and calculating the little money i made when my mom came close to me.At first i did not pay attention to her but when i noticed she was crying, i left everything i was doing and focused my attention on her. I asked my mom why she was crying and she said "My child i am crying for you" i was surprised, i asked her what she ment and she said "This kind of life is not ment for you, you are suppose to be in wealth". At first i thought my mom said that because of our present situation and i told her not to worry about us, i promised to make her proud. My mom held my hand and said"You belong to the rich class, your father is stinkingly wealthy son".At the mention of my father i wanted to know more about my father and my life. I pleaded with my mom and she said "no secret can last for ever, its time you know about you! ********************** KELVIN I did not know what my mom was driving at but i knew she would tell me about my dad (a story i have always wanted to hear). Due to my mom's delay in telling me about my dad, i always had the thought that probably i am a rape product or the son of a drunk not worthy enough to call a father. I held my mom's hand and asked if she really wanted to open up to me. She smiled weakly and said "Kelvin, I have to do this in order not to carry the sadness to my grave. Everyday you increase in age and struggle to give me a better life and yourself a better future. I blame myself for all you are going through. I need to clear myself son, please forgive me, i did everything out of love" I could not utter a word, i just looked at my mom and waited for her to continue. My mom stood up from her sitting position and moved to the window side. She adjusted her glasses and started to tell the story of her life and my life. ################## Kelvin's Mom My name is Mary Adam and i am a native of kogi state. I came from a very poor family, we were as poor as a church rat. I had four younger sibling and i am the only daughter. My father was a farmer while my mother was a full house wife. An unfortunate event occurred when i was eighteen, the event that made me leave my father house with sorrow and tears. My immediate younger brother was very sick, the herbalist requested for things to cure my brother. My dad could not afford the things requested for and he had to meet a popular commissioner in our local government. Back in the day, he was the commissioner for finance. Nobody meets the commissioner without going through his wife, his wife was know for her wickedness and cruel character. My dad met with the commissioner wife and instead of her taking my dad to her husband, she lend the sum of ten thousand naira to my dad and he was suppose to return the money in four market days. My dad collected the money with the hope of returning it before the appointed time. My brother was treated but he never got better. Unfortunately for my family, the farm produce was not as good as expected and getting five thousand naira was a thug of war, talkless of ten thousand naira. My dad met with the commissioner wife and she gave him two options. It was either he would bring double of the previous amount with a week or he would sell his female daughter off. My dad was left with little choice agreed with the first option. Our family worked hard between the period of a week but we could not provide the required amount. On the Saturday of our week of grace, my brother died. I could remember how it all happened, it was just like yesterday. We were still mourning my brother's death when the commissioner's wife came to our house with two police men. She requested for her money but we could not provide it. We knelt down and pleaded with her for a grace of another week but she refused. Been the only female child, she forcefully took me away and told my parent to forget about the money." kelvin: I could not help but fold my fist in annoyance, i wished i could see the commissioner's wife and throw my hard earn salary into her face. My mom had tears in her eyes already, i moved close to her and wiped her tears. She smiled weakly and thanked me before continuing with her story. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ KELVIN'S MOM I wept out of my father house with the sorrow of my brother's death and the slavery i was about to start. I cursed poverty and promised my parents to come back rich and powerful ( a promise i could never fulfil till they passed on). I started to work with my new boss and her brutality was out of this world. Though we lived in the same locality, i could not visit my parent, it was a life i never wish for my enemy. The commissioner was absent when i was brought in but when he returned a week later he was suprised to see a new maid. He got furious when he found out i was forcefully taken from my parents just because of ten thousand naira. He had a loud exchange of words with his wife and he finally said i should be taken back to my family. I happily went into my room to pack my bags but i was stopped by one of the police men on my way. He asked why i was happy and after telling him, he sighed and said "young girl i am advising you because i take you as a daughter. I will advice you to tell the boss that you want to remain here because if you leave. Madam will find you and waste you" I frooze immediately, i did not want to get killed so i decided to stay.I went back to the commissioner and I told him i would stay and pay my family debt. He smiled at me and promised to treat me like the child he never had because of my bravery. That was how i started my slavery under a kindhearted commissioner and a wicked wife. Life was filled with ups and down" . To be continued after comments..
25 Apr 2017 | 04:59
First to comment! So sad a story. Next please!
25 Apr 2017 | 05:46
everybody with their own sad news. ride on. happy and smiling
25 Apr 2017 | 06:37
Waiting for the completion of Kevin's mum story
25 Apr 2017 | 06:41
next plz
25 Apr 2017 | 07:17
Wat a sad story Kevin bt look at ur position 2day, Nancy ngwanu over 2 u d choice is urs.
25 Apr 2017 | 07:30
everyone has a story to tell. next please
25 Apr 2017 | 07:36
Hmmmmm, continue
25 Apr 2017 | 07:55
so pathetic
25 Apr 2017 | 08:04
25 Apr 2017 | 08:05
Sad Story Everywhere,Kontynue Pls
25 Apr 2017 | 11:08
Hmmm continue o
25 Apr 2017 | 11:44
25 Apr 2017 | 12:08
Hmmm, ride on boss!
25 Apr 2017 | 15:28
Feel like crying
25 Apr 2017 | 15:40
25 Apr 2017 | 16:44
So painful Next
25 Apr 2017 | 22:16
Episode 10 Continues.. MARY ADAM My life at the commissioner's house was of mixed occurance. Whenever the commissioner was home, i and other girls do not go through much trouble but during his absence, his wife treats us just the way she wants. She never seize to make us realise that we were just slaves. With time i got use to the double life and gradually, i stopped to weep for my home. I stayed with my boss for five good years and during the second year, i got to know that my boss wife once had a child. I found out that she was once kindheart some years back but she became cruel and heartless when she lost her only child. According to Hannah, the other girl that told me her story, she blamed the whole world for her loss and she vowed never to show mercy to any human because no matter how good you are to human, they will cause you pain at the end. At a point, i felt sorry for my boss wife but later i found out she was just pathetic, blaming others for her misfortune. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ On the Christmas eve of my fifth year with the commissioner, i was on my way to the kitchen when i met the commissioner lost in thought in his library. Due to the love he showered on me, i felt the urge to go and find out what was troubling him. I went to him and called out the commissioner's name but he did not respond, i had to tap him on the shoulder before he realised someone was with him. I apologized for meddling in his affairs and asked him what his problem was. As if the commissioner was waiting to share his trouble with someone, he sighed and asked me to have my sit. The commissioner then closed the door to the library and turnoff the light before taking a sit. He cleared his throat and said " am greatful for your concern mary, surly you are my daughter because you behave like one. Am sure you've heard my story before but i will love to tell you myself. I once had a child, a son. I lost him to the cold hands of death after he finished college. He had a plane crash on his way home from abroad. My wife blamed the world for her miss fortune by so doing she shut everybody out of her life, including myself. I could not maltreat her because i love my wife. We tried to have another child but we failed on different occasions and this is the reason for my trouble. Since my wife could no longer give birth, she appointed herself as my guard. She sends spys to know what i am up to and if i am cheating on her, all of this makes my life complicated. After many years of fruitfulless attempt, i gave up on having a child with my wife and decided to have a mistress. To cut the long story short, my mistress is pregnant and about to give birth but ever since she got pregnant, i live my everyday life in fear. I know my wife will soon find out and go after mistress and her child but i want to do everything i can to protect them. My mistress always plead with me to protect her but i am lost on what to do" The commissioner ended his speech and i felt sorry for him. I thought for a while and i came up with the idea of taking care of his child in a far away land immediately, the baby is born. I made a promise to my boss never to betray him and i made him believe i will carter for his child just like mine own. The commissioner believed in me and he agreed with my suggestion. On the first of January, the child was born and i was informed, i rejoiced with the commissioner and his mistress (Ada). The secret was kept from the public and i was made the intermediary between the commissioner and his mistress. After the third month of the birth of my boss's illegitimate son, an incidence occurred. My boss sent me to give some items to his mistress, i was on my way to her apartment when i noticed i was been followed. As the sharp girl i was i tried to hide but i was caught. The spy was a professional. Fortunately for me,he was the same police man that helped me some years back. He took me to a quiet corner and told me how he had been following me for a while, he told me he was appointed by our boss wife but he lost the courage to hurt my boss and i. He told me to inform my boss and we should act fast because my boss wife will soon get tired of his excuses and she might send someone else after us. I thanked him profusely and ran the errand i was asked to. Immediately i got back, I informed my boss of my encounter and we decided it was time for me to escape with the child for safety. Miss. Ada painfully let go of her child but it was a necessary sacrifice for security. She made me promise with my late brother soul that i would treat her child like mine and i did. A week later my boss told me an accommodation was ready for me in another part of Kogi state and i flew with his child that night with the help of a trusted police officer. That was how i left my hometown for another neighbourhood for the safety of my boss's child." MARY ADAMS I moved to Idoma in Ofu LGA of kogi state. My boss already got a two bed room apartment for me. Apart from myself and my boss, miss Ada and the police man knew about my destination. Though i wished our plan was still a secret but deep within me, i knew it was an open secret. A secret is something only one person knows about, once two to three people are involved, it is as good as the whole world knowing about the so called secret. I kept to myself throughout the first week, my boss already made provision for me and the baby. It was not easy to train a baby especially an infant. The baby would cry all night for food, whenever i offer the provided food, the baby would refuse, until i forcefully feed the baby. I got so close to this child that sometimes i would start to cry whenever the child cries. I some how had the taste of motherhood. On the last day of my first week of arriving Idoma, i suddenly heard a knock on my door one sunday afternoon. Since i had no friend, i knew it was either my boss or his messenger. I slowly wrapped the baby and opened the door. It was the commissioner himself. He entered the house and we exchanged pleasantries before i asked if he would love to have anything to eat or drink. He coldly rejected my offer and that was when i noticed his sad mood. I moved closer to my boss and asked what the problem was, he only told me to hand him the baby. After giving the baby to him, he looked at me and said "Mary, i cannot thank you enough for your sacrifice for this little one. My thought was that when i have a child again, i will be the happiest man on earth but i was totally wrong. I now sleep and wakeup everyday with the guilt of causing the death of an innocent woman who committed no crime, apart from giving me a child" At the mention of death, i had to interupt my boss. "Who died" i shouted. He shook his head slowly and said "Ada, Mary, Ada is dead. The night you escaped, she was killed cold blooded in her apartment. If only you did not leave with the child, i know the baby will also be dead by now" I stood up from the chair and sat on the bare floor, i could not stop the tears flowing down my cheek. Miss. Ada was nice and kindhearted. "If only i could die in her place and leave her to take care of her child" i thought. I slowly walked to my bag and brought out the chain gift she gave to me. I gave it to my boss in tears and he said "This belong to you, keep it with you till we will meet again, never let go of it" he wore the chain round my neck and i treasured it like my life. That night my boss informed me that i would have to leave my current destination because it was not safe enough. He told me he already arranged an apartment for me in Igala and i should be more secured there. I agreed with my boss's plan and started to pack my bag that afternoon . My boss left late in the evening and i left the following morning. It was a world of no safety for me but i was determined to do anything for Ada's child and my boss. ********************** I spent a month in Igala, i already made friends and i portrayed myself as a single mother. I communicated regularly with my boss through the mobile phone he got me. My baby was getting use to me and i was beginning to enjoy my life. All of this changed on a sunday afternoon. I got a phone call from my boss "Mary, i can't really talk now, do not ask me questions just listen to me. My wife want to ruin my political carrier with that child. One way or the other she linked your disappearance with the child and a search team has been sent after you. I got this information from one of her trusted officers. Mary you need to fly, do not run! Fly away from Kogi, you need to fly for your life and the baby's. Go as far as possible, to a far away land. Keep this phone, i will keep intouch" my boss said. Before i could say a word, the line went dead. I quickly started to pack. I was still packing when i got a new message. "I will be selfish if i say you should run with the baby cos i know you cannot make it out of this alive with the child. Put the baby in an orphanage home or anywhere you can. If fate allow we shall see him again.(A worthless father)" that was the content of the message from my boss. I read over again before deciding to pack our bags. I got the needful and left for the car pack. I had fifty thousand naira with me, i thought of a place i could get a living with that amount and the first place that came to my mind was "Ilorin" I took the bus going to kwara state with my baby. Immediately the bus kicked off, i brought out my phone and read the message my boss sent again before removing my sim card. I brooke the card into pieces and threw it through the window. "Keeping in contact with my boss will only complicate things. I can and I will make it out alive with my baby" I thought. MARY ADAMS Alot of thought ran through my mind during the ride. At a point i thought i should just give up the child and return to my parent, but when i looked at the baby sleeping peacefully in my arm, i waved the thought away. I knew life was not going to be easy, i knew catering for my needs and the child's would be just too much for me but i was determined never to give up. I consoled myself with the thought that "one day, this child will become great". Since i knew little about ilorin, i decided to ask the passangers for help. A middle age man was sitting close to me. I greeted him and asked about Ilorin from him. He was jovial and he told me alot about the town. According to him he reside in an area call "Ipata". I confided in the man and told him i had nobody in ilorin and i would be greatful if he could help me secure an apartment. The man, whose name was "Yemi" told me he could get me an accommodation and if i do not have enough at hand, he said i could stay with him for awhile. According to Yemi, he was living alone. At first i hesitated, due to the fact that he was a stranger but when i thought about how lost i would be in a town i do not have relatives or friends, i decided to take the risk and stay with yemi. Yemi was friendly throughout the ride, he would carry the baby and ask me to rest for awhile. I was greatful to God for sending a helper to me. We got to Ilorin at 7:00pm, Yemi stopped a taxi and we left for his apartment. It was dark when we got there and there was no power, i could not properly check out his residence. The following day i noticed Yemi's house was close to a popular market and the area was a ghetto. With a baby in my hand, i could not bare to live in a ghetto but i had to manage for a period of time in order to get familiar with the town. ********************** Yemi gradually changed during my second week with him, i noticed he was not who he claimed to be. He drinks heavily, smokes and relate with dangerous gangs. I decided it was time to leave and search for a better place. I got close to some people around the area and i got to know places where i could get affordable houses. With the help of a neighbour, i got a room for twenty five thousand naira per year at Gaa-Akanbi. With my little belongings, i moved out of yemi's apartment after spending a month with him. ################## Life as a single mother without a means of livelihood was so difficult. I faced alot of challenges, from men and from the world generally. I had an empty apartment without a chair to boast for. I took up different kinds of job, labourer, plate washing, fetching of water, sweeping, cleaning and many others. At a point I almost turn back but whenever i look at the child in my hand, i got encouraged. I was hardworking and was known for it in my area. Through a merciful woman, i got employed as a cleaner in an hospital, that was how i became a salary earner and i started to have a source of living. I had lots of advances from men but i never had a relationship because i believed, nobody could treat my child like his and one day, i would have to choose between my biological child and miss. Ada's child. I gave up the dream of getting married and having children for my boss's son. Till date i have no regret because that child is everything i ever wanted. I only hope this child will not be mad at me for keeping this important secret for twenty years, i did it all for him and i do not want him to feel like a nobody. This is my story son. ********************** KELVIN I moved closer to my mom and hugged her before saying "Where is this child mom?". My mom smiled and said "You are that child son. You are the child i escaped with". At the revelation of the truth I felt my world becoming dark, i felt like a leftover, i felt like a bastard, i wished i could see the worthless man that abandoned his son for twenty year, i wished i could spit into his face. Lots of feelings ran through my vein but i never felt anger toward the beautiful woman that went through a whole lot for me. I moved close to my mom and enveloped her in a hug. I thanked my mom profusely and promised her a better life. My mom prayed for me and gave me the chain my biological mom gave to her years back. She wore it around my neck but i removed it and gave it back. "You are the only one i need" I said to my mom as i returned the chain, she collected it from me and prayed for me in tears. There and then, i decided i won't stop at nothing to make it in life and give my mom the luxury she deserve. ********************** NANCY Kelvin stopped to talk and i could not help but feel sorry for the pains he must have went through with his mom. I knew kelvin was not done yet so i cleared my throat to get his attention and said "you are yet to tell me how you met your dad". He smiled and said "I know you won't give up Miss Journalist" To be continued..
26 Apr 2017 | 02:43
Mary really went through a lot of them Waiting to read the conclusion of Kevin's story
26 Apr 2017 | 09:29
26 Apr 2017 | 09:59
What a wonderful woman
26 Apr 2017 | 10:31
26 Apr 2017 | 12:33
hmmmm...women & der wickedness
26 Apr 2017 | 12:53
26 Apr 2017 | 13:09
of kux
26 Apr 2017 | 13:21
Mary really suffered a lot
26 Apr 2017 | 13:31
Everybody has a story to tell in life either good or bad
26 Apr 2017 | 13:47
Lol dis love too bad you lost ur virginity to Jordan
26 Apr 2017 | 14:31
Episode 11 Continues.. ************************* KELVIN That very day my mom told me my father's name, he was a popular politician. According to research he was once a commissioner before he became a governor for eight years, after which he became a senator and he was campaigning for the presidential sit. I looked at his internet picture and i could not argue the resemblance. I grew hatred for him and I was determined never to forgive him. I continued to hustle hard until one fateful day. ################## My mom called me at work early that Monday morning. She told me to come home immediately. I became worried thinking she was sick again. I quickly took an excuse from work and went home. I was surprised to see my mom healthy when i got home. Immediately i got in, she turned me around and asked if i was fine. I told her i was completely fine and she breathe a sigh of relief. I then asked her what the problem was, with a worried face she said "I think he is after us" I did not understand what she ment, so i asked her who?. "Your father, my boss. I think he has been spying on us". At first it was all like a movie to me because it was difficult to believe. "How can someone lost track on us for the past twenty years and he comes out from nowhere now?" I asked my mom. She did not reply, she only paced up and down our small livingroom. "I noticed a man following since last week, he is always on black and whenever i am not looking at him, he makes phone call. My instinct is telling me he is a spy from your father. Has anybody been following you too?" my mom said, breaking the silence. I told her no and she held my hand. My mom pleaded with me to leave Ilorin with her in order to be safe. I was not ready to play hide and seek game and with the amount in my account and our total life savings, i knew it would be difficult to start up a new life anywhere in the country. I strongly refused my mom suggestion and told her i was ready for the worst. My mom's further pleading made me agree with her but on the condition that we would leave after the month end because i needed to finish the month work for my salary. My mom agreed and told me to be safe. I returned back to work and we started living our everyday life with the fear of been spy on. A week later i also noticed a huge guy on black shade following me on my way to work. At first i thought it was just a coincidence but when he took every route i took, i knew he was after me. I doubled my step and rushed into my working place. Thinking he would not hurt me in the mist of people. After work, i noticed the same guy was following me. I increased my pace and he did the same, before i knew it i was practically running to my house. I locked the door behind me immediately and informed my mom of what happened. She immediately became scared and she decided we should leave the town the following morning. I could not object to her suggestion so i started to pack our bags and was ready to leave the town i lived all my life. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ At exactly 5:00am the following morning, we moved out of our house with the little things we could carry. Our plan was to move to another village in kwara state, where we could come back and sell off our remaining property. We stopped the first cab that appeared in front of us and told the driver we were heading to the nearest garage. Not until we entered the cab did i notice that two passangers were in apart from the driver,I greeted the guy beside me and got bussy with my phone. Thirty minutes later we were yet to get to our destination which was not suppose to be. An hour later, we were still on the road, i became suspicious. "Mom are we not suppose to be there by now?" i whispered into my mom's ear. She replied with a nod and said "Driver why is it taking this long, did you miss your way?" my mom asked the driver. The second guy infront laughed loudly and said "How can we be there yet? We are on our way to abuja. Abii Abuja from here nah one hour journey?". My eyes widened and i asked the guy what he ment. I told him we were on our way to the garage. The guy sitted beside me chuckled and said "We know, but our boss need you first, after the meeting you are a free bird, you can go to the garage for all i care". At that particular moment it dawned on me that we were been kidnapped, i opened my mouth to say something but my mouth went dry. I decided to talk less and think fast. My mom started to beg the guys but they told my mom to pocket her plea. I would have joined in the begging but i knew it would'nt work. I decided to keep mute, fighting any of them would be a waste of energy, they were way too big for me and they might have dangerous weapon with them. I held my mom tight and said in a whisper "If he is behind this, they cannot harm us". My mom noded and held me so tight........... We continued the journey to the unknown with me holding my mom close to myself. I could tell she was crying through her continuous sniffing. I brought out my phone and typed something to console her. She read my message and smiled. We continued to communicate through exchanging of phone until the guy sitted beside me snatched the phone from my hand and disconnected it. I just watched him with anger but i could not do a thing to stop him. Three hours later, we were still on the road, i had never been to Abuja before, but i knew it would take nothing lesser than eleven hours to get to Abuja from Ilorin, i wrapped my hand around my mom and thought about what would happen to us when we get to our final destination. "what if all this people are not sent by my father?" i asked myself. There could be no other person after us,i concluded. "Am sleepy son" my mom whispered. I knew she would soon get tired of crying before, so i lowered my shoulder for her to rest on. My mom slept off faster than i expected and i was alone to look after her and myself in between three hefty guys. I got myself bussy by looking at the passerby and bushes. The guy in the front, whom i gussed to be the leader constantly communicated with someone over the phone. He would inform the person of our present location and hangup. I conclude that the person on the other end was there leader. The driver parked at a point, infront of a fast food restaurant, the man in front alighted from the car and went into the restaurant. He came back with packs of food and drinks, after giving a pack each to his friends, he handed two packs over to me with drinks. I placed the packs of food beside my feet and waited for my mom to wake. Less than ten minutes later, my mom woke up, she asked of our current location and i told her i was lost. My mom was silent for awhile before complaining of been hungry. I told her we had been given food and she asked if it was safe. I reassured her and we ate together. Nothing special happened throughout The rest of journey. ************************* At exactly 5:00pm, we arrived Abuja. I told my mom we had gotten to Abuja and she noded. They drived for more than thirty minutes before we arrived a huge gate. The gate was opened and the driver drove in. We were welcomed into the house by a middle age woman. She led us to a room and told us to freshen up before leaving. My mom and i prayed immediately we were alone and with faith we had our bath and sat close to eachother in bed. The same woman that welcomed us came to offer us food but we rejected and she left after much persuasion. Not until my mom woke me up did i realised that i was asleep. As soon as i opened my eyes i saw a man in the room with us. I asked my mom if she knew the man through eye contact and she replied no. The man then sat on the table in the room and said "Am sure none of you know me and am happy to say i do not know you either. I am just an errand boy, delivering a message. The boss will be here by tomorrow, before then please eat and feel at home. We come in peace Ma'am and sir". The man said and left. We did not have dinner that night, we slept on an empty stomach. ################## I was the first to wake up the next morning. I looked at the wall clock and the time displayed 9:15am. I tapped my mom lightly and she woke up. We prayed and cleaned up before the woman from the previous day came in with a tray. She urged us to eat and left. The meal served was tea, bread and egg. Mom prayed over the meal and we ate. At exactly 11:00AM, we heard a knock on the door. I quickly sat up just before the door was opened. A man walked in. My mouth went dry when i saw him. He was an older version of me,he had dimples just like me and he even smiled like me. I could not help but murmure "Waoh". The man closed the door behind him and said "Oh mary! Where have you been" immediately he saw my mom. My mom went into his arm and they hugged for some minutes. At that particular moment, i realised my mom was in no way angry with my biological father. I stood rooted to a point and watched the elders do their reunion. My biological father came closer to me and said "Is this the boy?" my mom noded and he moved closer to embrace me. I moved away from him and stood in a corner. He shook is head slowly and said "I know you are mad at me. I owe the both of you an apology and a long explanation. I will do that now and make up for the lost time. Please listen to my side of the story". My mom bestowed on me to sit on the bed and i did. My biological father sat beside my mom and said "Its been more than twenty years........... ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ PRESIDENT SMITH Mary, son. Am so sorry about what the both of you might have went through over the years, please do forgive me but i want you to know that i also tried my best to find the both of you. After sending you that text, my mind told me you would never give up the child and knowing fully well that taking care of the child might cost you your life, i decided to come over to your apartment and put up the child for adoption myself. I got to your apartment but i met your absence, i noticed some of your belongings were gone as well so i opted to calling you. I tried your line from that afternoon till late at night but it was not reachable, i had no other choice than to go back home. I went back home dejected and came back the following morning, hoping you would be back. I could not bare the guilt of putting your life at risk and incapability of taking care of my own son. I continued to visit your apartment everyday, until the house was rented by a new occupant. I became a shadow of myself drastically, i could not function well at home and at work. I was always lost in thought, at home, at work, even at any gathering. It got to the point that people started to ask me if i was sick but i could not open up to any of them. I became a dead man living. My wife somehow blamed herself for my predicament and this made her confess her sins. She also asked for my forgiveness. I forgave her and she asked if i could bring back the child and mary. I told her i lost track on you and she took it upon herself to search for you. My wife sent search teams to the whole of Kogi but they all came back negative. We had to start searching states out of kogi. It never for ones cross my mind that you could be in kwara state, talkless of Ilorin. With the help of my wife i gradually gained my life back. When she brought the suggestion of me going fully into politics in order for you to locate me if i could not locate you i accepted because i was so desperate to find the both of you. I as well love politics and power. Gradually i became important in my political party. I contested for the governorship election and i eventually won. I held that sit for eight year. Every night before i sleep, i ask for forgiveness from Ada's spirit and i pray you will come back to me in good health. When my tenure expired, my party nominated me for the senatorial post. With the help of my party members and my wife i got elected. Along the line my wife adopted a female child (10years) and i gradually forgot about having a child. After spending eight years in the house of representative, i won the primary election for the presidential sit. My life was going smoothly, my adopted daughter was already a teen, i felt like a worthless father, having an adopted child under my roof and a biological child somewhere far away. Few months after winning the general presidential election, my wife was down with cancer. She traveled all over the world to get a cure but all was in vain. She died of cancer on the day i celebrated my one year in power. It was a terrible event for me. Before she died her last word was for me to locate my child no matter what, she said i was fortunate to have a child of my own when she doesn't. I promised her to do as she said that very day. I went through some time of trial after my wife's death before i finally licked my wound and got back on my feet. I came back with full determination to find you. I shared your picture all over the thirty six states security services and i told them to notify me if they find any young man around the age of 20-25 that shares a physical resemblance with me. It took them a year to locate my son and i was notified,they furtherly got pictures of you and i immediately recognized you from the past. I had you followed for the past six months without suspicion and finally i decided it was time to meet again. This is all that have happened. I know the pain I went through is nothing compared with yours but a sorry father is hear begging for forgiveness. Mary, Son am so sorry for all the pains i caused you. ************************ KELVIN I realised my dad was not totally wrong and i decided it was time to quite the hustle and live a better life with family. With my determination and the urge from my mom, i accepted my father back and ever since then we have been together as a family. Immediately after the reconciliation i traveled out of the country with my mom. I searched for you before leaving and when i returned but i was unlucky to find you, am sorry pretty. So, My mom is now legally married to my biological father and we have been together with my sister( adopted daughter) for the past five years. This is my story Ma'am. From grass to grace. I hope you can make a beautiful article with it. ################## Kelvin said teasingly and i hitted his playfully. . To be continued after comments..
26 Apr 2017 | 17:13
Really touching
26 Apr 2017 | 17:18
So touchy
26 Apr 2017 | 22:05
Mary really sacrifice for you... Gave up the world and family for your well being
26 Apr 2017 | 22:07
wow..from grass to grace
27 Apr 2017 | 03:39
Grass to grace indeed
27 Apr 2017 | 03:56
Congratulations Kelvin
27 Apr 2017 | 03:59
wow. the President son.
27 Apr 2017 | 04:01
Kevin i must confess that's Grace of God at work enjoy ur life president son.
27 Apr 2017 | 04:29
What a sad story
27 Apr 2017 | 05:00
sooo touching
27 Apr 2017 | 05:13
Am happy 4 Kelvin
27 Apr 2017 | 05:23
next please!
27 Apr 2017 | 05:40
wow... God at work.
27 Apr 2017 | 06:19
Hmmmm Mary really sacrificed a lot for ur safety
27 Apr 2017 | 06:41
Wow, frm nobody to somebody
27 Apr 2017 | 06:58
oya presido pikin
27 Apr 2017 | 07:06
So touched
27 Apr 2017 | 07:25
27 Apr 2017 | 11:50
Mary really tried 4 u kelvin am hapi 4 u
27 Apr 2017 | 12:11
Episode 12 Continues.. Kelvin urged me to have a meal with him, i hesitated for awhile but i later agreed. We had a meal of fried rice and plantain with assorted meat. Kelvin was naughty throughout the meal. He kept on putting alot of meat into my plate claiming that it been long he had seen me eat and i should eat all the meal i had missed with him. I would put the meat back into his plate and he would return it, this was how we behaved like a child till we ended the meal. After the meal, we went back to Kelvin's room with our drinks. Kelvin requested me to tell him all that had happened to me over the years and i did but i skipped every part that included Jordan. I could not tell him about Jordan without including the part where he betrayed me, so i kept everything about him from kelvin. I was still telling kelvin about my past when my phone started to ring. Before i could reach for the phone, it stopped to ring. I unlocked the phone and saw more than twenty missed calls from Jordan. I saw new messages from him as well. Not until i read the messages did i remember that we were suppose to be on a date that evening. I murmured "OMG" and dialed his number. The line went through but he did not accept my call. I became worried, i sent a message but did not get a reply. I became worried, hoping Jordan was not mad at me. I was lost on what to do as stared at the screen of my phone. "Any problem?" kelvin's question brought me back to reality. I sighed and said "I was suppose to be on a date". "with me?" kelvin asked with a smile. I hissed playfully and told him no. "Are you in a relationship?" kelvin asked. I thought for a second and said "No". Kelvin hummed and said "I want you to meet my mom, she is in the next building". I agreed and we left. We got to a bigger apartment behind kelvin's and kelvin ushered me in. We met his mom in the dinning room, having her desert. She replied casually to my greetings at first before kelvin whispered something into her ears. She then stood from where she was sitted and hugged me warmly. She held me close to herself and said "You are welcome my wife. Am sorry about your lost, am sure you are stronger now. Please feel at home and see me as your mother". I blushed at the mention of wife and looked at kelvin, he winked at me playfully and looked away. Kelvin's mom made me join her on the table and she continued to ask me questions, i felt relax with her during the chat. The ringing of my phone interupted my conversation with kelvin's mom. The caller I.D was mi mom's. She asked why i was late and informed me that Jordan came looking for me. At the mention of Jordan, i realised i was yet to get to him. I told kelvin and his mom that i would love to take my leave and they both saw me off to the car. Kelvin wanted to drive me home while a driver would drive my car but i objected with the excuse that i would be going to see a friend before heading home. I drove out of the compound with both mother and son waving at me. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I tried Jordan's line continuously until i got to his house with luck, the line went through but he did not answer my call. I rushed into his house immediately i parked. I met his mom in the livingroom,she turned to face me immediately she noticed me and said "My dear, what are you doing here? Jordan said you have a date" I greeted her and told her i could not meet up with the date and Jordan had not been picking his call. Jordan's mom called Jordan with her line but he did not answer his call as well. I sat with his mom, waiting for his arrival with worries. Time checked 8:00pm, Jordan's dad arrived from work. He was as well surprised to see me,he asked why i was looking worried and Jordan's mom told him all that happened. Jordan's dad laughed and told us not to worry about a grown up man. He told me to go home and wait for his call and i left for home reluctantly. Throughout the ride home, i tried Jordan's line without luck. Mi mom welcomed me with question immediately i arrived home, and i took my time to narrate all that happened to my foster parent. They were happy about my reunion with kelvin and mi dad saw kelvin's position as a plus to our family. I told Mi mom i was yet to reach Jordan and she consoled me with the probability of him been bussy. I could not have dinner that night, i went to bed with worries about Jordan's where about. I also called Khole and narrated the whole event of the day to her before i slept, she was also happy about kelvin. ################## The ringing of my phone work me up the following morning, i slowly opened my eyes and got my phone from my table. Before i could unlock my phone, it started to ring again, the caller I.D was "Maami"( Jordan's mom). I quickly accepted the call and said hello. "Nancy you need to come over immediately, its Jordan". She said hurriedly and ended the call. I froze............ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I froze immediately, i could not make out on what to do. I quickly tried Jordan's mom line again, it went through but she did not answer my call. I could not even take my bath, i rushed out of my room bare footed. I was in tears already, i could not bare to lose someone i love again. I rushed to my foster parent's room and quickly told them that Jordan was in danger. Not until Mi mom told me to change my cloth, did i realise that i was still in my night gown. I quickly rushed to my room and wore the first top and pant i laid my hands on. I could hear my foster parent calling out on me to take things easy as i ran out of the house. Not until i made to open my car door did i realise that i was not with the key. I ran into the house and ran back with the keys before i zoomed off. I could not wait for the gate man to open the gate when i got to Jordan's house. I quickly parked outside and rushed into the house, ignoring the security man greetings. I was so astonished when i met Jordan's dad reading from the daily newspaper in the livingroom. I greeted him briefly and asked him of Jordan's whereabout. He smiled and told me he was fine before asking me to take i sit. I impatiently took a sit opposit him. Jordan's dad cleared his throat and said "Nancy, he is fine, believe me" i smiled nervously and noded. He then continue and said "I dont want you to see this discussion as a way of poke nosing into your private life please. I believe you know that my son is madly inlove with you? He love you to the extent that he can hurt himself if you fail him. Take for instance, just because you could not make the dinner arranged yesterday, for reason best known to you. Jordan went ahead and got himself drunk, he got involved in an accident on his way home. Thank God it was just a minor accident but what if it was a serious one? Who will be blamed? Will you be blamed for disappointing him and making him feel dejected? Or will he be blamed for loving you and acting foolishly out of the fear of been rejected? Please whatever he might have done to hurt you do forgive him, and do not allow another incidence like this occur again, please my dear. Am not in the position to advice you relationship wise but please accept my advise. He is my only child and i want the best for the both of you. I hope you understand?" I breathe a sigh of relief and told Jordan's dad that i understood him perfectly well. He smiled and told me to give him a hug, i did and he patted me lightly on the back. I felt sorry for making a father worried over his only child. I asked for the address of the hospital Jordan was been admitted and he told me. I hurried out and head to the hospital with the determination to be a better girlfriend to Jordan. "I never knew he love me this much" I thought with a smile. ################## I hurried out of my car immediately i got to the hospital. I went to the reception and asked for the ward an accident victim was brought into. The nurse on duty helped me in getting to Jordan's ward. I met Jordan's mom sitting in a chair beside him, immediately I greeted her, she raised her head from the bed and responded. "How is he?" i asked as i moved toward the bed. "He is fine, he only obtained a slight injury on his leg" she replied. I breathe a sigh of relief and touched Jordan on the forehead to feel his temperature. I thought of how bad i would feel if anything serious had happened to him and i could not help but shake my head. "Sorry for alarming you my dear, i was also informed this morning, and thinking that it was serious, i called you while rushing here. As if his father knew that it was nothing serious, he felt relaxed even after telling him. I wonder why men have the heart of stone" Jordan's mom said and we both laughed. I told her it was no problem and she seek to be excused, claiming there were other things she would love to request from the doctor. I agreed to stay with Jordan and she left. I replaced Jordan's mom on the chair and stared at Jordan. He was sleeping peacefully in bed. I saw the part he obtained the injury and i lightly touched it. "Ouch! That hurts" Jordan said and i was startled. "were you even sleeping at all?" I said composing myself. "of course but i can't just resist that angelic touch" i hit Jordan playfully and he shouted, pretending it hurts. "you should'nt be hitting a sick man, you know?" Jordan said. "Oh yea?" i replied as i continue to hit him. This went on for a while. "Oh so you have been pretending to be asleep" Jordan's mom interupted us from the door. Myself and Jordan laughed and welcomed her. I stood up from the chair for her and she sat down beaming with smile. "Am happy to see you two together happily" She said and we all laughed. Jordan's mom did not say much before leaving me to take care of Jordan. I also called Mr.larry to inform him i would not be present at work. I called my foster parent to inform them that i would be staying with Jordan as well. Mi mom spoke with Jordan on the phone as well, to confirm he was better before i ended the call. After the phone call, i decided to make use of the bathroom to clean up, since i was yet to take my bath, when i was done i went to get food for myself and Jordan. I met the doctor in the ward with Jordan when i returned, i greeted the doctor and asked about Jordan's health. "He is getting better, thanks to God he did not sustain any serious injury. He should be discharged latest by tomorrow morning"the doctor said. I breathe a sign of relief and thanked the doctor before he left. I sat beside Jordan and told him have gotten him breakfast, He hissed. He looked at me and said "I do not want food, am not hungry for food". I held his hand and asked him what he was hungry for. He smiled and said "You, am hungry for you" I hitted Jordan playfully and released my hand . I unwrapped the take away pack i got and placed it on the bed before handing a spoon over to Jordan. "Lets eat Mister" I said. Jordan frowned abit and said "The accident took my hand. I need someone to feed me" I smiled and said "Thats okay let me call your mom" as i made to get my phone. Jordan held my hand and said "No, i want you". I just smiled and agreed to feed him. I would sometimes dance and play with the food before finally feeding Jordan with it while he would frown and beg for me to feed him. He was not able to finish the meal, but he ate a better part of it. After eating, i disposed the food pack before giving Jordan his drugs. ################## We talked about alot of things with me intensionally skipping the one question i wanted to ask him. "Lets take a selfie" Jordan said. I frowned at first and ask how we could take a selfie with him on the hospital bed. He insisted and i agreed to it. I got my phone and i took pictures of us. Jordan requested to see the picture and i bent over to him to show the picture to him. I noticed Jordan was bussy staring at my boobs instead of the picture, i raised my head up and asked Jordan if he wanted to see my boobs or he picture. He winked and said "I prefer the first option" I smiled and made to leave but Jordan pulled me to himself and i fell on his chest. I could feel his heart beat has he looked into my eyes. He held my face and said "I love you Nancy". I smiled and told him i love him too. Jordan ran his hand across my hair and said "promise me you won't leave me bby, if you leave i will die. Hun? Promise me." I told Jordan i would never leave him and before i could say JERK my lips was on his. The kiss felt beautiful and real, it was as if we were renewing our love with the kiss. I felt every part of his mouth. Lips in lips, tongue in tongue, mouth in mouth as we continued to kiss. We were interupted with the ringing of my phone. Not until my phone started to ring did i realise, we were in the hospital, we were so lost in our world. I ended the kiss and got my phone from my pocket. The caller I.D was kelvin's. I contemplated on what to do for awhile before i mute my phone and dropped it in my pocket. "Your mom?" Jordan asked and i replied no. "from work?" Jordan asked again and i replied no. "Then who is it?" Jordan asked and i told him it was a friend. "A friend i do not know?" Jordan asked again and i noded. I sat close to Jordan in bed and kissed him lightly before i asked him what happened to him the day before. "Hmmm nothing really" Jordan said. I rested my head on his shoulder and said "baby, i just need to know. What happened to you yesterday? You need to tell me". I slowly massaged Jordan's chest as i asked. Jordan cleared his throat and said "ehm i was just depressed. I planned something big for yesterday but all my effort went to waste. I was worried, i even went to your house and your working place but you were not there. I thought maybe you are chilling with another nigga" i smiled and told Jordan to shut up and he asked for my where about, the day before. I told him i was with a friend. "who is this your new friend miss? I should know all your friends you know?" Jordan said forming angry. I raised my head from his shoulder and held his face. I kissed Jordan on his nose and said "Where i was yesterday is in the past. What matter now is that we are together here bby. I just wanna let you know that i love you so very much and i will never leave. Heart that honey" Jordan smiled and buried his face in my chest. To be continued
27 Apr 2017 | 12:34
Jordan might want to propose
27 Apr 2017 | 14:17
This is gonna end bad for one of them
27 Apr 2017 | 14:49
I don't like Jordan.. I want u for Kelvin
27 Apr 2017 | 15:12
Enjoying this ride
27 Apr 2017 | 15:53
I foresee love triangle
27 Apr 2017 | 16:40
Ok oh... Let's be watching.
27 Apr 2017 | 17:14
just be careful with this your Jordan
27 Apr 2017 | 17:34
this one that you can't tell Kelvin about Jordan and you can't tell Jordan about Kelvin mmmmm
27 Apr 2017 | 17:35
Better tink well a guy wuh can go that far is a jealous lover
27 Apr 2017 | 18:37
I would want her to end up with Kelvin
27 Apr 2017 | 18:51
0 Likes sad. Bt de commisioner was nt man enough. Hw woul u allow a woman 2b controlling u? U shld av manned up
27 Apr 2017 | 19:40
So, well, it landed well. Bt who will u choose nw Nancy?
27 Apr 2017 | 20:09
Nancy u better kn wat u ar doin wit dat river Jordan cos i dnt wnt 2 hear d story dat touches d heart.
27 Apr 2017 | 20:11
@tinagabe I'm also wondering the same thing o! Nancy! Nancy!! Nancy!!! How many times did I call you? You better mind yourself o. You're playing with fire by not telling. You won't tell Kelvin you're in a relationship and he's introducing you to his mother as a wife and you won't tell the big head, Jordan that you met your old friend who turns out to be the President's son! Are you crazy or something? better be wise o!
27 Apr 2017 | 20:12
I just don't like that Jordan guy for anything. Once bitten, twice shy. But Nancy your own is, once bitten twice stupid. And I ask again, can't you see the handwriting on the wall, let alone reading it?
27 Apr 2017 | 20:17
Episode 13 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I stayed with Jordan utill late in the evening when his mother arrived.She would be staying with him till the next day, so i was free to leave. Jordan's mom thanked me profusely for staying with her son before i made to leave.I kissed Jordan lightly and left. I met my foster parent having dinner when i got home, i greeted them and joined them on the table since i was also hungry.Mi dad asked about Jordan's health and i told him he was fine.We were still in the middle of the meal when mi mom told me that the Stanleys came over during lunch, according to mi mom, they came purposely to see me but they met my absence.I decided to call Mr. Stanley later in the night or go over to there apartment later in the week.After the meal, i retired to my room.I went to the bathroom first to have a better clean up. After taking my bath, i dressed up for the night and bounced on my bed. I got my phone and unlocked it, to my surprise, i had more than twenty missed calls from kelvin.That was when i remembered that i activated the silent profile when i was with Jordan.For a moment, i asked myself a reason for my action. "Why am i hiding Kelvin's reappearance from Jordan so much? Why am i hiding anything pertaining to Jordan from kelvin as well?" i asked myself.The only reason i could give for hiding kelvin from Jordan was because i do not want Jordan to see kelvin as a threat and my reason for hiding Jordan from kelvin was because i knew kelvin would never approve of my relationship with Jordan if i should tell him about the act of betrayal i caught Jordan and nelly in, years back.I took a deep breathe, hoping my reasons were good enough. The beaming light from my phone brought me out of my thought.I looked at the screen and i saw an incoming call from kelvin.I breathe in and out before accepting the call as i searched for the excuse i would give to him. "hey! Where have you been all day?" kelvin said almost screaming into my ear."have been around the world.You missed me? I replied.gKelvin laughed for awhile and said "I know you've been around all the four walls of your room. Have been trying to reach you since dawn.At a point i thought you gave me a wrong number yesterday. What happened to you?" i hummed and told kelvin that i was in the hospital with a sick friend.He asked after my friend's health and i told him he was fine. Unlike Jordan, kelvin did not insist on knowing who the friend was.For the first time, i compared the duo. Myself and kelvin talked about alot of things before i finally decided, we call it a day. Kelvin agreed and he said "Goodnight Love" before blowing me a kiss.At first i wanted to ask what he ment by "love" but i kicked against the idea.I told him to rest well and i ended the call. I then called Jordan to ask after his health.To my surprise he asked for who i was on the line with for the past one hour.I frown and asked him "why?". "Been trying your line for an hour now and the reply has been, number bussy.Who were you talking with?" Jordan said.I told Jordan it was a friend and he insisted on knowing who the friend was.I told him he does'nt know that particular friend and he said "Ok, goodnight" before rudely hanging up on me.I stared at my phone for sometimes, trying to make out what was wrong with him. I decided to wait till the following day instead of calling him back. I layed on my bed to sleep with Kelvin's last word echoing in my head. ################## At exactly 6:00Am, I woke up. I slowly came out of bed and said my prayer.I took my bath and i dressed for work afterwards.I packed all i would be needing and i went out of my room.I had a quick breakfast before going to greet my foster parent.I bid them goodbye and left in my car afterwards. Immediately i got to work i called Jordan's mom to know if he had been discharged. She informed me that the doctor was yet to arrive,she also said she would be leaving him soon because she had an appointment to meet.I told Jordan's mom i would get him whenever he would be discharged and she thanked me with prayers before ending the call. There was little work to do at my department and at exactly 12:00pm i was through with the work on my table.I signed out and left for the hospital. ********************** Jordan was sitted in bed with his earphone when i got to the hospital, i gave him a peck and unplugged the earphone."I thought you would'nt come for me" he said with a smile."You know you are always on my mind no matter how naughty you are" i replied."am sorry about yesternight mom, i just wanted to hear your voice so badly" Jordan said.I hitted him playfully and told him he was forgiven.Jordan told me he had been discharged long ago and i started to pack his things.I picked up his suit to fold and i noticed a small case in it breast pocket.I removed and opened the case. "what?!!" i screamed staring at me was a shinning DIAMOND RING! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The ring was so beautiful and classy, almost like the one i gave to Jordan. I removed the ring from the case and said "Jordan? What is this?". I could see the discomfort in his eyes when he saw the ring, he frown childishly and said "OMG i did not plan for you to see that, how did it get to your hand? You are such an obstacle to my surprise package". The word surprise ring a bell in my ear. I remembered how khole's proposal came as a surprise, i could not help but think about Jordan's surprise as a proposal. "wait.... Did you just say surprise? Don't tell me you want to propose right now" I said. Jordan walked up to me with a smile and said "what if i want to propose right now princess?". I sniffed unconsciously and said "you can't propose to me right now. Are you planning on proposing to some other girl?" Jordan laughed for a while before he said "some other girl? No because you are the only girl i know and you are all i ever wanted. So tell me what is wrong with proposing right now?" I fixed my gaze on him for a minute trying to find out if he was serious or not. I could see the seriousness in his eyes, so i quickly searched my head for an excuse to reject his proposal without hurting him because i was so not ready to get engaged at that particular moment. "Ehm, you can't propose now, we still have a long way to go. You know am still serving, i need to get a Job and settle down before thinking about marriage" I said. Jordan hummed and said "you and I know that you can't come across any difficulty in getting a job. But if you feel that you are not ready, its fine" Jordan's expression made me feel as if i had hurt him, so i moved closer to him and apologized. He smiled weakly and said "Honestly, its fine baby. I wanted to propose in the middle of dinner that night, that is why i felt so rejected when you did not show up. But thank God you did not, this is how I would have been rejected. Its all good, i will give you all the time you need". I smiled and held Jordan so close to myself, deep inside of me, i felt as if i had hurt someone that loved me. "Time to leave miss. Stop squeezing the live out of me" Jordan said and i hit him playfully, releasing him from the hug. I carefully put back the ring and packed other things before we finally left the hospital. The drive home was quiet, Jordan did not utter a word throughout. Not until i offload his belongings and i told him i was about to leave did he open his mouth. "why do you have to leave now? Thought you will stay with me". Jordan said. I kissed him lightly on the lips and told him, i had somewhere to go. He insisted on knowing the place and i told him, i was going to see the Stanleys. He said "Ohh, please send my regard to them" I noded and gave Jordan a quick peck before leaving. I was just about to leave Jordan's street when my phone started to ring, the caller I.D was kelvin so i connected my earphone and accepted the call. "Hey dear, where are you? You are not at work" kelvin said. I smiled and said "looks like someone has been monitoring me. I went to see a friend, am on my way back tho". " you wish. Just send me your house address, i need to take you somewhere" kelvin said. "But am heading somewhere, maybe next time you can take me there" i said. Kelvin bluntly refused and after much persuasion i agreed to go with him and i sent my house adress. I turned the car around and went home. ********************** I had a quick shower and wore a simple dress (a flowing short gown). I applied light makeup and wore a matching shoe and bag. I packed my hair and satisfied with myself, i settled in a couch waiting for kelvin. Less than five minutes later, i heard a loud horn at the gate. I hurriedly informed my foster parent that kelvin had arrived and i went out to welcome him. Kelvin looked dapper in a simple round neck and a jean trouser, his dimple made him look so cute. He greeted my foster parents politely and we both left in his car with security men following us in another car. Kelvin took me to a five star shopping complex. Everything at the complex carried a high tag. Kelvin shopped alot of thing for me, even though i told him i would not be needing most of them. He would pull me and put different dresses on me to know if they are my seize while i would try to free myself, telling him i do not like the dress. He would then tell me that he likes it on me and wink before placing it in the shopping basket. After shopping, we got big bowls of ice cream hand in hand and we settled in a chair to lick. Kelvin will sometimes act naughty and stain his lips with the ice cream while cleaning up for him, he would stain my face with it as well. I had lots of fun with kelvin. Adults behaving like a child. We were still licking from the ice cream bowl when i heard someone scream "Nancy!" from behind.I turned back and the spoon fell off my hand! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I opened my mouth but it went dry, as i could not utter a word. "what the hell are you doing here?" he asked me. I immediately stood up as if the chair just developed heat suddenly. "ehm.....ehm... He is a friend" i stammered at last. He shook his head and walked toward me aggressively. I took few steps backward and i could see kelvin raise to his feet as well. He came close to me and said "Is this the stanleys? We are suppose to be together for christ sake! Nancy... Am so disappointed in you". I blinked consecutively and said "Jordan, its not what you think" trying to explain the situation to him. I made to touch him and he flung my hand away as he matched out angrily. I had never seen him angry before and this made me so lost on what to do. I made to pick my bag and kelvin held my hand. I raised my head to look at him and he said "Dont worry about the bag, i will take care of it. Just go after him" I wiped the tears that had form in my eyes and i grabbed my phone before i ran after Jordan. I ran as fast my legs could carry me. Fortunately for me, i met up with him almost at the complex exit. He turned back and looked at me for awhile and i froze, not knowing what to do. I was just hoping he would not create a scene and make me look like a cheating lover. Jordan grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the complex. He opened the door to his car and he made me sit in the front sit, after which he used the sit belt on me. Jordan then entered from the other side and zoomed off. I felt as if my world was going upside down throughout the drive. The whole car was quiet except for Jordan's occasional loud breathe. I thought of how to explain things to Jordan in order for him to understand but nothing came to my head apart from telling the truth. I thought about the reason i had for hiding the whole kelvin reappearance issue from him and i realised i had been wrong all through. ********************** Jordan packed in front of his apartment and he hurried out in a flash, closing the door aggressively behind. I helped myself out of the car as well and slowly followed him. I entered his room and closed the door before taking my sit on a couch, waiting for what would happen next. "so you lied to me?" Jordan shouted,bringing me out of my thought. "No its not what do you think" I said with a pleading eyes. "So how is it? How do you explain the fact that you left me some minutes ago not minding that i am sick, claiming that you were going to the stanley's. Just for me to go out shopping and catch you there with another man. Wait, is that not kelvin? I thought you said he left?" Jordan thundered. "Yes, he came back and the meating is just a coincidence" i said with a shaky voice. Jordan scoffed and said "what coincidence? You do not know that he was back?" "no i knew he was back" i said. "for how long now?" Jordan asked. "for like a week" i said and Jordan exclaimed "what?! A whole week and you could not even inform me? If i had not went to that shopping complex to exchange the ring, thinking that you rejected my proposal because you did not like the ring. I would not have find out that kelvin is back and you guys have been hanging out? Hun?" "No its not like that, i just felt as if its not important to tell you. You know i can never cheat on you" i said slowly in tears. I felt as if i did Jordan wrong but i did not know the wrong i did. This made me cry the more. "Dont tell me you can never cheat on me because i caught you red handed, you lied to me nancy! You can never deny that" Jordan shouted. I looked down at my feet and slowly said " I know it looks like i lied to you, or probably i should say i lied to you. But i only lied about kelvin, you did not even ask me about him so i do not know if you can say i lied. And about me saying i was going to the stanleys, its the truth. They came to check on me the day i was with you at the hospital, so i thought i should pay them a visit today. I was on my way there when Kelvin called me and he insisted so much that i could not turn him down. Thats how we ended up together." Jordan paced up and down and turned to me sharply. I froze, he came close to me and said " you know what? I do not even trust you one bit!" i moved backward and said "jordan...please.." in a low voice. " Just leave! Before i will do something i will later regret!". Jordan shouted and i looked into his eyes, they were blood red. He was visibly shaking from anger. I thought of what to do and i realised the best i could do was to take my leave. I slowly wiped my tears and left. ################## Not until i got out of Jordan's house did i realise that i was out of cash and i was not with my car either. The only thing with me was my phone. I thought of who to call and only Kelvin came to my mind. I took my phone and dialed his number. "Hello... Kelvin... Can you please pick me up.. Am stranded...." . To be continued after comments..
28 Apr 2017 | 13:12
Jordan was looking for a single mistake to break up with you. after all he has gotten what he was looking for.
28 Apr 2017 | 15:33
Jordan, take it easy
28 Apr 2017 | 17:22
Hmmm..I dnt tink u guys wil stay 2geda Nancy
28 Apr 2017 | 19:31
that's it... one sided relationship.
28 Apr 2017 | 21:09
He said out... "I don't I think I trust you" which means you been dancing on your own since he came back
28 Apr 2017 | 21:11
nice .......keep up
29 Apr 2017 | 03:09
did I just hear Jordan say "I don't think I can truth you" when you betrayed her trust sometime ago. you better mind yourself ooo. she is even better with Kelvin sef
29 Apr 2017 | 03:22
de scores naw atleast na 1-1 even do na jordan goal bad paxx
29 Apr 2017 | 04:01
see pot wey dey calk the kettle sey him nyash don black..
29 Apr 2017 | 05:09
I have this feeling that you nd Jordan won't end up together
29 Apr 2017 | 05:41
I dnt think tinx will work out between Jordan and Nancy anymore
29 Apr 2017 | 06:45
I don't like dat Jordan at all and I have a feeling dat U and Jordan will still seperate
29 Apr 2017 | 06:46
Mr man take it easy
29 Apr 2017 | 07:09
Jordan Dont deserve u he treat you like shit for once and wait I'm thinking Nelly is not dead is all a frame up too get too you nancy be careful
29 Apr 2017 | 07:37
Kelvin is the right guy for you, be wise babe!
29 Apr 2017 | 09:09
Nancy i don't see you end up with Jordan
29 Apr 2017 | 09:30
Why won't he be forming when u have dash him ur virginity. Mtcheeeew
29 Apr 2017 | 13:36
Hmmmm Nancy, Nancy, Nancy how many times did i called u?
29 Apr 2017 | 16:25
hmmmmm jordan no dey try oooo
29 Apr 2017 | 17:02
He hasn't paid ur bride price nd he is already acting as if u r his property
29 Apr 2017 | 18:02
Who between the two of you should be having the feeling of insecurity? You don't trust her one bit, right? So what did she do to make you not to trust her? Nancy should be the one who doesn't trust you, fool! Not the other way round! You should be trying hard to win back her trust instead, you're there opening your mouth to utter nonsense. Well, two things are involved! It's either you've been following her since she left your house to satisfy your curiosity and find out if she's cheating on you, or you're still cheating on her with some girl who you bought that ring for, and since Nancy saw the ring, you went to return it so she doesn't find out your schemes! That's why you were happy she didn't accept your unproposal(that's what it is, if there's any word like that)because to me o, you didn't propose to her. Nancy be wise and make your foster parents happy!
29 Apr 2017 | 18:31
Hmmmm...maybe its wat he was looking for
29 Apr 2017 | 19:54
I just love Kelvin
30 Apr 2017 | 05:41
Episode 14 Continues.. "Hello...kelvin... Can you please pick me up, am stranded" i said admist tears immediately kelvin answered my call. "where are you? Where did he take you to?" kelvin asked and i could sense anger in his voice. I called out Jordan's residential address to him and he said "am coming right away, just stay put and be safe". I ended the call and walked toward the fence for support. I bent my head down and leaned on the fence. I thought about the whole scenario and tried to figure out what i did wrong. I realised, the only wrong i did was trying to keep Jordan's feeling secure. Knowing fully well that he was the jealous type and he would feel insecure if he should know about kelvin's arrival. "He even called me a liar" I thought as tears rushed down my cheek. I tried to stop my tears but i could not, i wished i had someone to talk to at that moment. *** Thirty minutes later, kelvin was yet to arrive. My legs had started to hurt due to me standing at a point for awhile, so I decided to walk down the street, thinking it would be easier to locate kelvin. I was about moving on when i heard Jordan's gate been loudly opened. At first i payed less attention to whoever it was, thinking it was the gate man. "come in, let me take you home" i heard Jordan's voice from behind. I slowly turned to him and told him not to worry about me. He smirked and said "this is not me worrying about you, its me doing the right thing. I brought you here so i should be responsible for taking you back. Dont waste my time" If been hurt is what i felt before, i felt heart brooken after Jordan's statement. A part of me wanted to go in with him, since kelvin was taking so long to arrive but another part of me wanted to tell him to go to hell. I stood rooted at a point for some minutes, thinking of what to do. Later i decided to go with him. But as i slowly took a step to follow Jordan in, i heard a loud horn behind me. I turned back and so did Jordan. Kelvin came down from a Gwagon and waved at me to hop in. I looked at Jordan and i could see him burning with jealousy. "since one good turn deserve another, a bad one deserve a return as well" i thought and i took few steps toward kelvin. i could see Jordan fold his fist as i ran into Kelvin's ride. Kelvin gently closed the door after me and got into the car as well. I could feel Jordan's eyes on me as kelvin zoomed off. *** "Did he hurt you?" kelvin asked, breaking the silence. I replied no with a nod. "then why are you crying?" kelvin asked again and i brooke into fresh tears. Kelvin slowly parked the car before asking me to look at him. He slowly raised my face and said "do you still love him?" I replied yes with a nod. "Do you still want him?" kelvin asked again and it dawned on me that i could not answer his question. I loved Jordan but wanting him is something i was not sure of. I was not sure if i could cope with his jealousy, over protectiveness and aggressiveness. "He did not even give me a chance to explain myself" I thought. "Nancy?" Kelvin's voice brought me out of my thought. I let out and loud breathe and whispered "I don't know" before bursting into tears again. Kelvin took me into his arms and pat my back gently. I would not have believe i could cry so much for a guy, until i found myself weeping for Jordan. I thought about how i gave Jordan a second chance even after i caught him in the act but he was not even ready to give me a listening ear. "why am i always unlucky with love?" i asked myself and i cried the more. In the middle of my tears something occurred to me. "i lied to Kelvin as well, i told him i was not in a relationship and i never said anything about Jordan. Why is he still here with me?" i asked myself without getting an answer. "Its okay Ma'am, this shirt is super expensive FYI. Do not stain it with your tears" kelvin said as he realised me from his grip. I smiled weakly and looked down at my shoe. "will you be fine Nancy? If you need anything, just know am here" kelvin said with a smile. I looked at him and said "you are not mad at me?" kelvin frown and said "for what?". I stared at him and said "for lieing to you about my relationship?" kelvin held my hand and said "I know you have your reasons, which you will explain later. Am not going to judge you with that." I smiled, feeling lucky to have Kelvin. I thanked Kelvin and he said "Dont thank me yet, just be fine. After which you will face your query ma'am". I hitted kelvin playfully and we both laughed. "Take me home" i finally said. "Are you sure you won't start your crying session if you are alone?" kelvin said. I fold my fist and show it to kelvin before saying " Ama strong girl, i can't cry". Kelvin hummed and said "Says the lover girl that stained my shirt with tears". I hit kelvin again and we both laughed. I could not help but take note of his beautiful dimple as he started the engine. {A friend in need) *** Even in the presence of kelvin, i could not help but think about Jordan. I was lost on what to do about him. All the memories we made together came into my head afresh and all i could wish for was to have him with me, even if we would not be in a relationship together, i wished we were still in good terms. *** "And we are here" kelvin's voice brought me out of my thought as he parked in front of my compound. Kelvin released my sit belt and i smiled weakly with my hand on the door. "you sure you will be fine?" Kelvin asked again and i noded with a smile. I alighted from the car and waved at kelvin before he zoomed off. After kelvin left i felt completely empty and lost, not having Jordan and not having kelvin's shoulder to lean on. Again i could not stop the tears forming in my eyes as i slowly walked into the house. *** I met mi mom in the livingroom when i arrived, i greeted her briefly and rushed to my room in a bid to avoid her seeing me cry. I quickly undressed and went into the bathroom immediately i got into my room, the only thing that could help reduce the pain i felt in my head was a cold shower. I slowly came out of shower and sat on my bed with my towel. Everything within me felt empty, i never realised i had given a huge part of me to Jordan, until i was at the verge of loosing him. All the memories we had in the past came calling again and i could not help but cry for my youthful love.(my first love) I tried to sleep, hoping it would make me forget Jordan but i could not, his picture continued to appear before me. I stood up and unlocked my phone to get bussy with social media but the first picture that appeared on my screen was his (my wallpaper) I dropped my phone and sat up, staring at a point like a lost soul. The ringing of my phone brought me out of my aimless thought. The caller I.D was khole, i was happy to finally have someone to talk to. I quickly accepted the call and whispered "hello". " hey girl we are back in Nigeria" khole shouted from the other end. My face brightened up as i asked if she was in kwara state already. "No, we are in Abuja, we should be in kwara in two days time" Khole replied. I happily told khole to bring enough goodies for me and send my regard to Josh. I was about ending the call when khole said "sis are you okay?" i told her i was perfectly fine, trying to hide my problem from her. She concluded to fish out what ever my problem was when she get back and ended the call with her usual wicked laugh. I could not help but wish i was lucky with love just like Khole. I dropped my phone and laid on my bed. I did not have the strength to change into a dress, so i covered myself with my blanket. In less than a minute, i found myself thinking about Jordan again, at a point i wanted to call or text him and apologies though i was not wrong but i kicked against the idea, with the conclusion that he might not give me a listening ear. I slowly turned to the wall and begged for sleep to take me away. *** " Baby are you okay?" i heard mi mom's voice from the door. I quickly wiped the tears in my eyes and turned to her. She slowly walked to me and sat on my bed. "You are not wearing anything? Are you sick? Have you been crying? Did anything happened?" Mi mom asked as she touched me all over to feel my temperature. With the care and concern she showered me, i could not help but feel loved. I burst into tears and went into Mi mom's arm, she took me in and slowly patted my back. She allowed me to cry into her arms and released me when i was no longer crying. She lifed my face up and said "What is it my baby?". I took my time to explain everything that happened to mi mom, she gave me a listening ear and took in every word. When i stopped to talk, mi mom sighed and said " I see why you've been crying but i want you to know he does'nt worth your tears baby. No man does, not to talk of someone that has cheated on you before and treated you like you never existed. I know you love him but do not let the love blindfold you. From what you said kelvin has been there for you. Am not taking sides here but Nancy, I need you to open your eyes and do not let Jordan's love blindfold you. There is a difference between a soul mate and a partner. Don't make the mistake of making a switch. No matter how much you try, if you do not belong with your soul mate, yout will never end up with him. Think about it baby, i know you are smart". I thought about mi Mom's statement for a while but i could not phantom what she ment. "who is my soul mate and who is my partner" I asked myself without getting an answer. The ringing of my phone interupted my chat with mi mom. I check the caller I.D and it was kelvin. My mom asked who it was and i told her it was kelvin. She told me to answer his call as she excused herself. "Hello... You forgot your bag with me, you wanna come get it in my room...?" *********** "Hello miss... You forgot your bag with me, you wanna come get it in my room?" Kelvin said from the other end. I could not help but laugh at his silly question, " and what is happening in your room?" i asked with little interest. " ehm lets just say something that will wipe your tears" kelvin said. I hummed and said "Not good enough reason for me to come cos have not been crying" "Seriously?!" kelvin shouted and i told him yes. "what if i have a better reason?" kelvin asked and i told him its not because of his reason, it just because i wanted to be alone. Kelvin respected my wish of wanting to be alone and told me to take care of myself before ending the call. I switched my phone off and sluggishly got a dress from my wardrobe before i went to see Mi mom in her room. We talked for awhile about alot of things excluding relationships, i gussed mi mom was purposefully skipping that part. After a lot of gisting, i had dinner with mi mom, though i had little appetite, her company lifted my spirit. After dinner, i told mi mom i would retire to my room. "Sure you will be fine?" mi mom asked and i noded. "I don't think so, probably you sure come stay with me" Mi mom said and i agreed, with the conclusion that been alone will only help in making me think of Jordan the more. I had my shower and changed into my night wear in my room before i went to join Mi mom in bed. Mi mom was super fun to be with, if not for her,i would have cry myself to sleep. *** "Hey baby, wake up you are late for work". I heard some whisper into my ear from afar. I slowly opened my eyes and i saw mi mom. "Get up honey, you are late for work" Mi mom said again and the event that brought me to her room occurred to me. I looked outside the window and saw how bright it was already, i quickly pulled the blanket away from my body and rushed to my room. Thinking of how harsh Mr.larry would scold me for my lateness. I had a quick bath and quickly got a dress before i applied little make up. Satisfied with my look i rushed out of my room and said a quick bye to mi mom before dashing out to my car. Fortunately for me, I met mr.larry's absence at work. I quickly settled in my spaced and got bussy with the files on my table, though the files were not due for submission anytime soon, but i needed something to be bussy with in order to free my mind. I was still bussy with work when i heard a knock on my door. I told the person at the door to come in and a delivery boy walked in. "Are you miss Nancy" he asked and i noded. "please sign here" he said as he put a note in front of me. I signed and received the package with surprise. I quickly opened the package immediately the boy was out of sight. "Waoh!" I murmured immediately i saw the content of the package. In the package was a very beautiful red rose and a colourful greeting card. I smelt the rose as i read the message in the greeting card. It was a beautiful Goodmorning message and i could not help but smile as i read. Inside the card was a small written note. "miss your phone has been off. I quickly got my phone from my bag and switched it on as i read the content of the note over and over again, trying to figure out whose hand writing it was. My only hope was for it to be from Jordan, in a bid to apologies for his wrong. "I will surly forgive him again" i said as i fold the note and got back to work. **** At exactly 4:00pm, i got off work. I decided it was time to leave when i had nothing else to do. I packed my bag and left for my car. "hey miss!". I heard someone say behind me, i turned and saw kelvin full of smile. I walked up to him and hugged him before i asked what he was doing at my walking place. "ehm lets just say am waiting for an angel and i found her already" kelvin said with a smile and i hitted him playfully. "Get in" kelvin said and i asked "to where?". "no questions" he said as he opened the door for me. Kelvin was behaving all romantic and this made me doubt if the delivery was from Jordan. "wait... Did you send the delivery boy?" I asked with a questioning look. "Lets say i did" kelvin said with a charming smile and we both got into the car. I handed my car key to one of kelvin's security before we zoomed off to the unknown destination. **** I ended up in a cinema with Kelvin. We saw a movie together and i loved every moment of it. In the middle of the movie kelvin tapped me and touched his shoulder. I knew he was trying to tell me to place my head on his shoulder but, i pretended i was lost. He tapped me again and touched his head before touching his shoulder , i could not help but burst into laughter. With him realising that i was pretending not to get his sign, he pulled my head and placed it on his shoulder with a little force. I would have fought him to free myself but the laughter made me weak. I let my head rest on his shoulder and concentrated on inhaling his scent over the movie. To be continued..
30 Apr 2017 | 05:53
lol i just like this kelvin mehn! The guy is just too Good, and he doesn't bother the way jordan do... Just a simple guy in nature.
30 Apr 2017 | 08:50
As in eh, Nancy u don't need a jealous lover like Jordan
30 Apr 2017 | 09:21
i jst lyk this kelvin of a guy
30 Apr 2017 | 09:44
Kelvin is a lovely guy.. Nancy open your eyes Kelvin is your soul mate not Jordan
30 Apr 2017 | 09:49
I smell love
30 Apr 2017 | 09:51
Kelvin z ur soulmate
30 Apr 2017 | 10:05
nancy deserves a good guy
30 Apr 2017 | 10:26
Wow i love dis story
30 Apr 2017 | 11:34
Episode 15 Continues.. **** On kelvin's shoulder, all the memories we've had together came afresh as i inhaled his scent.This was the same guy that helped me out of a mess the first day we met.Though the mess i created was super annoying, he never got mad at me neither did he disclose a thing to my mom.After the whole messy meeting, he took me like a sister and started a cooking lesson with me.I could remember consulting him whenever i had a problem, i could remember running to him like a guardian and i could remembering him taking my problems in and solving it like his own.I looked back at all the things kelvin did for me when my mom died.I could remember how he stood by me and held my hand so i would'nt fall.I could remember his timely advice and his financial assistance even though he was in need as well.All this going on in my head got me emotional.I wiped the tears in my eyes and held kelvin close to myself.I wished to have him this close forever because every moment with him makes me feel like the only girl in the world. "Is somebody trying to seduce me?" kelvin's voice brought me out of my thought.I released my tight grip on him and smiled shyly. "why are you crying? The movie is not tragic" kelvin asked in a whisper and i just noded in response to his question. "Okay ma'am, lets leave" he said and i said "i am fine with the movie". Kelvin chuckled and said "and who said you are not fine with it. We are leaving because the movie has ended.Sure you did not even notice because you are so obsessed with me". I raised my head and looked around the cinema. Most of the people we saw the movie together were on their way out. I struggled my shoulder and said "Oh, i never knew". Kelvin laughed at me and said "how will you know? When you are bussy holding me as if i would run away" i hit kelvin and told him to go if he want to. He rose to his feet and bent down toward me before saying "Just say you want me to stay with you and i will never leave".I smiled and told him to disappear for all i care. Kelvin pinched me on my cheek and held my hand as we left the cinema. **** kelvin took me to a five star restaurant after seeing the movie.The restaurant was beautiful but had little people in it when we arrived, probably because of the expenses. We settled in an empty chair and a waiter walked up to us for our order. Kelvin asked for what i would love to have as we went through the menu.I told him i would settle for a plate of coconut rice and chicken but kelvin ended up ordering most of the food on the menu. In less than twenty minutes, our table was filled with varieties of food.Though i wanted to keep my eye on my coconut rice, kelvin forced me to take alittle from all the meals on the table.We had a glass of red wine each before we decided it was time to leave.Myself and kelvin went hand in hand over to the cashier to settle our bill. "Woah what a perfect couple. Please invite me over to your wedding, i get excited when i see true love" the cashier a middle age woman said.I smiled shyly as i thanked the woman in a bid to hide the fact that myself and kelvin were just friends."You need to pay me to be the groom at your wedding miss" kelvin whispered on our way out and i hit him on his shoulder.We both laughed as we left the restaurant, holding hands like love birds. I was happy even though i ended up with a sudden pot belly, due to the meals kelvin forced me to take. **** Time checked 8:00pm. Kelvin parked infront of my gate.I could not help but feel lucky to have kelvin with me.He was there for me whenever i needed him and this made me feel the need to express my gratitude.I cleared my throat loudly and said "Ehm...I just want to say a big thank you for been a support whenever i need you.Thanks for been there kelvin". Kelvin smiled and said "you are welcome Angel.I just want to let you know that i will always be there for you no matter what,till you will realise that with me is where you belong" Kelvin's statement came to me as a surprise and this made me look up at him.I caught him staring at me as well and we remained in a point, staring at each other for a while.I could see the fire burning in kelvin's eyes but i could not decide if it was mere likeness or love.Kelvin slowly bent over to my side and i unconsciously closed my eyes.I felt his lips on my cheek before he burst into laughter."It just an innocent goodnight peck miss".Kelvin said and i opened my eyes. Instead of feeling embarrassed, i joined in the laughter as i hit him continuously.When i was satisfied, i came down from the car and told him never to come looking for me as i walked toward my gate. He laughed and pleaded but i rushed into my compound and closed the gate loudly.(forming angry). I was yet to step foot into the house when i got a new message,i unlocked my phone to read the message "Am sorry for all the pains i caused you.Please give me another chance to set things right I miss you! (Jordan)" I could not believe my eyes as i read the message over again."If only Jordan had sent the message a day ago, i would have been the happiest girl in the world but he saw the need to apologies when i was getting attracted to kelvin" i thought. The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thought. The caller I.D was Jordan, i decided i was not in the mood to talk to him and rejected the call. " and my baby is here!" I heard mi dad's loud voice immediately i entered the livingroom. "Daddy!" i shouted as i rushed at him for a hug.He held me tight and asked after my well being before mi mom interupted by clearing her throat loudly.I hugged mi mom as well in order to balance the equation before i left for my room. *** Immediately i got to my room, i undressed and went into the bathroom in a bid to wash off the stress i went through. I could not stay long enough in shower due to the continuous ringing of my phone.I got out of shower and got my phone from my bag.To my surprise, there was more than ten missed calls from Jordan.With my phone in my hand, settled in my bed and thought on what to do. Again i compared my up and down relationship with Jordan with my relationship with kelvin.I realised that kelvin had always been there for me even though he never confessed his love for me but Jordan on the other hand had always confess his love for me even though he never seemed to be there whenever i needed him and due to the fact that i had always forgiven Jordan, his eyes were blind to the fact that there is always a limit to what a lady can take. There and then i decided it was time to give Jordan a piece of my mind. I continued to wallow in my thought until the ringing of my phone interupted.It was an incoming call from Jordan so i accepted the call and murmured "hello". "Thank God you finally accepted my call" Jordan said from the other end.I only hummed as a response. "Baby i know you are still mad at me but am sorry" Jordan said and i asked "for what exactly?" Jordan cleared his throat and said "For everything baby, all that i did to make you cry.I just wanna let you know that i deeply regret my actions and life is worthless without you. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me baby.Am so sorry honey and its real i cannot live without you. Please don't say no to me". Jordan ended his speech and just like magic my anger flew away. I told Jordan i had forgiven him and he screamed out of excitement. We talked for more than a hour before finally calling it a day after i accepted Jordan's request to have a date with him the next day. The joy i felt within me after making up with Jordan made me realise how much i had missed him. I went to bed with my face filled with smile. **** "Wakie! Wakie sleepy head!" I heard someone scream into my ear the next morning. I slowly opened my eyes and the sight that welcomed me was a shocker. "Khole!" i shouted as i hurried out of bed and jumped on her. Khole was looking really ravishing in a simple wear and more beautiful than ever. "easy sis, don't squeeze the life out of me". Khole said and i released her from my grip. "when did you get here?" i asked. "this morning" khole replied. "where is Josh?" i asked. "He went back on a bussiness trip" khole replied. "woah and you will be staying here with us?" i asked and khole noded with a smile.I rushed at her for a hug and i ended up pushing her on the bed.Myself and khole talked about everything, yet we could not get enough of eachother. Khole had alot to tell me about her honeymoon and i could not help but envy her as she narrated her experience. Later in the day myself and khole went to the new apartment Josh got for them.It was a big mansion built in the secluded area of the state. After touring the house to my satisfaction, khole decided it was time to leave. Jordan called on my way back home with khole in a bid to remind me of our date, i told him i would be there and i could feel the excitement in his voice before i ended the call. *** Time checked 4:00pm. I was simply dressed in a red flowing gown with a silver sandal and a matching clutch. I bid my foster parent and khole goodbye before i left in my car. I called Jordan i was on my way and he told me to come over to five star restaurant not far from his house. I saw Jordan immediately i parked in front of the restaurant, he ushered me in and we settle in an empty table. Jordan made an order and held my hand, making romantic promises as we waited on our order. "enjoy your order ma'am" the waiter said as he placed a covered plate in front of me and another infront of Jordan. Jordan opened his plate of fried rice and i opened mine. "What?!!" i screamed in shock. What was in my plate was not rice but a Shinning Golden ring. Jordan got on one kneels with smile and loudly said "WILL YOU MARRY ME NANCY?" . To be continued after comments..
30 Apr 2017 | 12:16
Hmmm....Nancy be very careful o! I don't even know if this Jordan guy knows your worth and is just trying to bundle you into marriage! Maybe your parents will that your future husband should be the owner of all they owned. I just don't understand this o!
30 Apr 2017 | 12:39
Kelvin is a cool guy, go for him Nancy!
30 Apr 2017 | 13:15
Episode 15 Continues.. **** On kelvin’s shoulder, all the memories we’ve had together came afresh as i inhaled his scent.This was the same guy that helped me out of a mess the first day we met.Though the mess i created was super annoying, he never got mad at me neither did he disclose a thing to my mom.After the whole messy meeting, he took me like a sister and started a cooking lesson with me.I could remember consulting him whenever i had a problem, i could remember running to him like a guardian and i could remembering him taking my problems in and solving it like his own.I looked back at all the things kelvin did for me when my mom died.I could remember how he stood by me and held my hand so i would’nt fall.I could remember his timely advice and his financial assistance even though he was in need as well.All this going on in my head got me emotional.I wiped the tears in my eyes and held kelvin close to myself.I wished to have him this close forever because every moment with him makes me feel like the only girl in the world. “Is somebody trying to seduce me?” kelvin’s voice brought me out of my thought.I released my tight grip on him and smiled shyly. “why are you crying? The movie is not tragic” kelvin asked in a whisper and i just noded in response to his question. “Okay ma’am, lets leave” he said and i said “i am fine with the movie”. Kelvin chuckled and said “and who said you are not fine with it. We are leaving because the movie has ended.Sure you did not even notice because you are so obsessed with me”. I raised my head and looked around the cinema. Most of the people we saw the movie together were on their way out. I struggled my shoulder and said “Oh, i never knew”. Kelvin laughed at me and said “how will you know? When you are bussy holding me as if i would run away” i hit kelvin and told him to go if he want to. He rose to his feet and bent down toward me before saying “Just say you want me to stay with you and i will never leave”.I smiled and told him to disappear for all i care. Kelvin pinched me on my cheek and held my hand as we left the cinema. **** kelvin took me to a five star restaurant after seeing the movie.The restaurant was beautiful but had little people in it when we arrived, probably because of the expenses. We settled in an empty chair and a waiter walked up to us for our order. Kelvin asked for what i would love to have as we went through the menu.I told him i would settle for a plate of coconut rice and chicken but kelvin ended up ordering most of the food on the menu. In less than twenty minutes, our table was filled with varieties of food.Though i wanted to keep my eye on my coconut rice, kelvin forced me to take alittle from all the meals on the table.We had a glass of red wine each before we decided it was time to leave.Myself and kelvin went hand in hand over to the cashier to settle our bill. “Woah what a perfect couple. Please invite me over to your wedding, i get excited when i see true love” the cashier a middle age woman said.I smiled shyly as i thanked the woman in a bid to hide the fact that myself and kelvin were just friends.”You need to pay me to be the groom at your wedding miss” kelvin whispered on our way out and i hit him on his shoulder.We both laughed as we left the restaurant, holding hands like love birds. I was happy even though i ended up with a sudden pot belly, due to the meals kelvin forced me to take. **** Time checked 8:00pm. Kelvin parked infront of my gate.I could not help but feel lucky to have kelvin with me.He was there for me whenever i needed him and this made me feel the need to express my gratitude.I cleared my throat loudly and said “Ehm…I just want to say a big thank you for been a support whenever i need you.Thanks for been there kelvin”. Kelvin smiled and said “you are welcome Angel.I just want to let you know that i will always be there for you no matter what,till you will realise that with me is where you belong” Kelvin’s statement came to me as a surprise and this made me look up at him.I caught him staring at me as well and we remained in a point, staring at each other for a while.I could see the fire burning in kelvin’s eyes but i could not decide if it was mere likeness or love.Kelvin slowly bent over to my side and i unconsciously closed my eyes.I felt his lips on my cheek before he burst into laughter.”It just an innocent goodnight peck miss”.Kelvin said and i opened my eyes. Instead of feeling embarrassed, i joined in the laughter as i hit him continuously.When i was satisfied, i came down from the car and told him never to come looking for me as i walked toward my gate. He laughed and pleaded but i rushed into my compound and closed the gate loudly.(forming angry). I was yet to step foot into the house when i got a new message,i unlocked my phone to read the message “Am sorry for all the pains i caused you.Please give me another chance to set things right I miss you! (Jordan)” I could not believe my eyes as i read the message over again.”If only Jordan had sent the message a day ago, i would have been the happiest girl in the world but he saw the need to apologies when i was getting attracted to kelvin” i thought. The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thought. The caller I.D was Jordan, i decided i was not in the mood to talk to him and rejected the call. ” and my baby is here!” I heard mi dad’s loud voice immediately i entered the livingroom. “Daddy!” i shouted as i rushed at him for a hug.He held me tight and asked after my well being before mi mom interupted by clearing her throat loudly.I hugged mi mom as well in order to balance the equation before i left for my room. *** Immediately i got to my room, i undressed and went into the bathroom in a bid to wash off the stress i went through. I could not stay long enough in shower due to the continuous ringing of my phone.I got out of shower and got my phone from my bag.To my surprise, there was more than ten missed calls from Jordan.With my phone in my hand, settled in my bed and thought on what to do. Again i compared my up and down relationship with Jordan with my relationship with kelvin.I realised that kelvin had always been there for me even though he never confessed his love for me but Jordan on the other hand had always confess his love for me even though he never seemed to be there whenever i needed him and due to the fact that i had always forgiven Jordan, his eyes were blind to the fact that there is always a limit to what a lady can take. There and then i decided it was time to give Jordan a piece of my mind. I continued to wallow in my thought until the ringing of my phone interupted.It was an incoming call from Jordan so i accepted the call and murmured “hello”. “Thank God you finally accepted my call” Jordan said from the other end.I only hummed as a response. “Baby i know you are still mad at me but am sorry” Jordan said and i asked “for what exactly?” Jordan cleared his throat and said “For everything baby, all that i did to make you cry.I just wanna let you know that i deeply regret my actions and life is worthless without you. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me baby.Am so sorry honey and its real i cannot live without you. Please don’t say no to me”. Jordan ended his speech and just like magic my anger flew away. I told Jordan i had forgiven him and he screamed out of excitement. We talked for more than a hour before finally calling it a day after i accepted Jordan’s request to have a date with him the next day. The joy i felt within me after making up with Jordan made me realise how much i had missed him. I went to bed with my face filled with smile. **** “Wakie! Wakie sleepy head!” I heard someone scream into my ear the next morning. I slowly opened my eyes and the sight that welcomed me was a shocker. “Khole!” i shouted as i hurried out of bed and jumped on her. Khole was looking really ravishing in a simple wear and more beautiful than ever. “easy sis, don’t squeeze the life out of me”. Khole said and i released her from my grip. “when did you get here?” i asked. “this morning” khole replied. “where is Josh?” i asked. “He went back on a bussiness trip” khole replied. “woah and you will be staying here with us?” i asked and khole noded with a smile.I rushed at her for a hug and i ended up pushing her on the bed.Myself and khole talked about everything, yet we could not get enough of eachother. Khole had alot to tell me about her honeymoon and i could not help but envy her as she narrated her experience. Later in the day myself and khole went to the new apartment Josh got for them.It was a big mansion built in the secluded area of the state. After touring the house to my satisfaction, khole decided it was time to leave. Jordan called on my way back home with khole in a bid to remind me of our date, i told him i would be there and i could feel the excitement in his voice before i ended the call. *** Time checked 4:00pm. I was simply dressed in a red flowing gown with a silver sandal and a matching clutch. I bid my foster parent and khole goodbye before i left in my car. I called Jordan i was on my way and he told me to come over to five star restaurant not far from his house. I saw Jordan immediately i parked in front of the restaurant, he ushered me in and we settle in an empty table. Jordan made an order and held my hand, making romantic promises as we waited on our order. “enjoy your order ma’am” the waiter said as he placed a covered plate in front of me and another infront of Jordan. Jordan opened his plate of fried rice and i opened mine. “What?!!” i screamed in shock. What was in my plate was not rice but a Shinning Golden ring. Jordan got on one kneels with smile and loudly said “WILL YOU MARRY ME NANCY?” . To be continued after comments..
30 Apr 2017 | 14:01
Guess Kevin is your soulmate nd Jordan your partner
30 Apr 2017 | 15:18
Why is Jordan so desperate to marry you?
30 Apr 2017 | 15:25
don't accept o tell to give you some time to think about it or else Jordan will tie you down which you will regret at last
30 Apr 2017 | 15:45
I pity U Nancy, Kelvin is ur soulmate forget dat Jordan of a guy
30 Apr 2017 | 16:30
30 Apr 2017 | 19:31
I don't even see ur wedding happening with Jordan. Dia z no connection between u two. open ur eyes Nancy.Kelvin z d man
30 Apr 2017 | 20:16
Nancy think twice or better tell him to give you time, marriage is not bed of rose
30 Apr 2017 | 20:19
He is afraid, Kelvin might take that is he want to tie the knot
30 Apr 2017 | 20:33
Nancy pls u need some thinking to do,because love is notall u need in marriage bt der re so many things to it oooooo.and as 4 dat jordan of a guy,I think der is something his nt telling u.come to think of it ooo ur mum never question ur movement wit him while she was I think his parent ment have an ideal abt ur parent will,which is making him to act all loving bt nt as if u re d best 4 him.any nancy jst b careful ok.
30 Apr 2017 | 21:16
I wonder y his mom keeps calling u whenever something bad happens to him,all re they nt his parent so y should they b giving u workload nt minding dat u also have to take care of ur own self and need as. well.
30 Apr 2017 | 21:30
i prefer kelvin tho
1 May 2017 | 02:22
Episode 16 Continues.. Jordan got the ring from the plate and went on a kneel before saying "Will you marry me Nancy?" To say i was shocked is an understatement, because the proposal came as nothing but a rude shock. Getting proposed to is every girl's dream and screaming "YES!" as an answer is like the simplest thing on earth but answering the question gets tedious when the love is no longer burning. In my case the question was difficult to answer because i was not sure if i could put up with Jordan's behaviour for the rest of my life if we were at all bounded by marriage and on the other hand i could not vouch if accepting Jordan's proposal and refusing to get married to him would not create a messy suituation. "Common sunshine, am waiting, we are waiting" Jordan's voice brought me out of my thought. "We?" i asked as i looked around our table. There was a crowd of people already with their smart phones up, ready to capture the event. I murmured " oh my God" as i slowly stood to my feet and faced Jordan. I looked at Jordan, he was happily on a kneel with a ring in his hand. I could not bare to reject him publicly because i could not imagine the embarrassment it would cause and knowing Jordan to be soft hearted, i knew he could end up hurting himself if i should reject him. I wished my family was with me as i slowly walked to Jordan.My family were the only people i trusted with making a life time decision for me.I was infront of Jordan with my hand stretched out already when i thought of what my mom decision would be. "Never sacrifice your happiness for nobody" I remembered my mom's words and i realised i was ready to accept Jordan's proposal just because i did not want him to be embarrassed. "My happiness should come first! No matter what". I heard a voice scream in my head and i took a quick step backward, away from Jordan causing the ring to fall off. "What is wrong baby?" Jordan asked, but instead of giving him a response, i grabbed my phone from the table and sprinted out. Without minding the crowd or the out come of my action, i ran to the exist as fast as my legs could carry me. "Nancy! Nancy!" I could hear Jordan's voice behind but his screaming did nothing to stop me. Not until i got out of the restaurant did i realise that i left my car key and my bag behind. Going back was an impossible idea. I was still thinking on what to do when i heard Jordan scream my name from behind. I could not wait because i could not face him and i could not bare to see the disappointment in his eyes. "Bike!" I shouted immediately i saw an empty commercial bike coming my way. I mounted on the bike and told the driver to fly away. He zoomed off and the sadness i felt within me after leaving Jordan behind knew no bound. "I thought i would be happy that i made the right decision" i thought with tears in my eyes. **** I rushed off the bike immediately the driver parked in front of my gate, forgetting to settle the bike man, all i wanted was to be in comfort of my room. " Madam wey my money?" the bike driver's voice stopped me at the gate, i told the gate man to pay him and ran inside. I met Mi mom and Khole in the livingroom, i could not even bring myself to greet the duo as i ran into my room. "Nancy! What is wrong with you? Open up" i heard mi mom and khole's voice from outside. I slowly walked to the door and let them in. "Nancy what is it? Where is your car? Were you robbed?" mi mom asked immediately she got in. I replied no as I slowly walked to my bed. " Then what happened?" khole asked. I cleaned the tears forming in my eyes and said "He proposed" Mi mom moved closer to me and asked "who proposed?" i told her Jordan and she asked if i accepted him. I could no longer talk inbetween my tears so i only noded. Mi mom took mi into her arms and said "you did the right thing". After a long time of continuous weeping, i told khole and mi mom that i wanted to be alone and they obeyed my wish. I was about to lay on my bed when i got a message alert. "Thanks for the public disgrace, i thought you love me but i never knew it was all for show.You car is with me and do not dare to send someone to get it for you.Get your ass down here cos i need answers! (Jordan)." That was the message content.I read the message over again with shaky hands before i quickly disconnected my phone and dump it under my bed.I wrapped myself up like a child, expecting war from Jordan. *** "You have a guest" khole said as she woke me up the next morning.I slowly came out of bed and went to the livingroom. To my surprise it was kelvin. "Nancy what happened to you?" kelvin asked with worries as he hugged me.I gently settled in a chair and narrated all that happened to kelvin. "What rubbish! Who does he think he is? Am getting your things right away!".Kelvin shouted and stormed out of the house.All my effort to get him back proved abortive. Knowing what Jordan could do, i was scared for kelvin. I wished he listened to me!. I pleaded with kelvin not to go after Jordan, i even showed him the text message Jordan sent but he refused my plea and stormed out of the house. Kelvin angrily walked to his car and i followed him. He opened the door to his car and was ready to close it when i held to the door and pleaded with him not to go again. Kelvin sighed and came out of the car. He slowly removed my hand from the door and said "Nancy, i know you don't want me to do this but i have to. All this has to stop once and for all, okay? Trust me, i will be back before you know it, I promise" I only looked down at my feet and noded. Kelvin briefly kissed me on my forehead and zoomed off. Since i could not stop him, all i could do was to stare at his car till it went out of sight. I ran back into my room and went on my kneels. I prayed for peace with the whole of my heart though i knew my request was next to impossible. I had never seen kelvin angry before ever since we met and I knew Jordan would be fuming as well, i thought of what to do to stop their meeting. Calling Jordan was a no go area so i decided to call and tell kelvin that Mi dad would get my things for me, instead of him getting into trouble with Jordan. I tried his number consecutively, it went through but he did not accept my call. This was all the answer i needed to know that nothing good would come out of Kelvin and Jordan's meeting. I paced up and down in my room, thinking of what to do. I could not bare to see either of them been hurt. I loved Jordan and kelvin was like my everything. *** "Nancy, is kelvin with you? His phone has been ringing" khole said at the door. I collected the phone from Khole's hand and saw more than 20 missed call from me, i hissed and slowly walked to my bed. "What is it sis? Where is he?" I turned to khole and told her everything that happened. "OMG and you did not call me? I was on the phone with Josh. I wish i was there, i would have gladly go with Kelvin to teach that toddler a lesson!". Khole said angrily. "its not time to fight sis, i just want peace with everybody. Jordan has his reasons you know? I just wish i can have a peaceful breakup and still have that friendship i use to have with Jordan but everything just got messy because of me. Am damn tired of all this!". I said as tears ran down my cheek. Khole took me into her arms and assured me that everything would be fine, she gave me hope and i held unto her words. After an hour without a trace of kelvin, khole called in sick for me at work and i was given the day off. I was determined not to step out without seeing Kelvin. **** Time checked 12:00pm and kelvin was yet to return. I could not bare the worry any longer, khole's comforting words were no longer doing a thing on me. All i wanted was to know what was happening between Jordan and kelvin. I rushed to the livingroom and opened all the window in order to get a better view of kelvin if he should get back. " Nancy, what is wrong?" i heard mi mom's voice from behind. I ran into her arms and cried my eyes out. I did not know where the emotions came from but i felt like pouring out my heart to mi mom would be relieving. Mi mom allowed me to cry in her arm before leading me to a chair. I composed myself and narrated all that happened to mi mom. She took a deep breathe and said "even if you had woken me up, i would'nt have stopped him. Let the whole situation get messier and leave them to settle like a man. As for kelvin's safety, lets give him thirty more minutes before i will inform the police, though i know there will be no need for that. I do not know why but i trust kelvin and i trust his decisions" "I agree with mom" khole said from the dining room. I agreed with Khole's and Mi mom's decision. I waited with little hope. **** At exactly 12:30m I heard a loud horn from the gate and i rushed out of the house. Words could not express how happy i was when i saw kelvin drive my car into the compound. I rushed at him like a little girl immediately he alighted from the car and he took me into his arm. I got emotional and cried in his arm, there and then, i realised how much kelvin ment to me. After a long hug, i released myself from his arm and examined him. He had no sign of injury, he only had a small cut on his lips. I gussed he exchanged few punch with Jordan. Kelvin smiled and said "see? Am back with just a little cut" I smiled back and walked Kelvin to mi mom and khole. They were standing at the door, watching our little drama. Kelvin made a slow bow and greeted mi mom. She patted him on the back and said "welcome my son". Kelvin hugged khole as well before we went inside. "how did it go?" I asked kelvin immediately we settled in a chair. "Lets just say, we sort everything out like men" kelvin said and we all laughed. In the middle of it all, my heart went to Jordan. To be continued..
1 May 2017 | 14:17
Nancy did you know what you want?
1 May 2017 | 14:58
u and dis ur Jordan self z getting me sick. can't u see d handwriting on d wall?? for God sake. mtcheeew
1 May 2017 | 15:28
Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! The only thing you know how to do is cry and cry, you get sense at all? You can't even make a simple good decision. Ok o, let your heart keep going out to River Jordan. I just pray you don't become wise when it's already too late for you. Because as it is, you still haven't learnt anything except cry and cry like you're a baby.
1 May 2017 | 16:52
Nancy i think you have to see a doctor for medical checkup in emotional and confusion state
1 May 2017 | 17:12
you and dx your Jordan sef you get to be strong
2 May 2017 | 01:02
nawa ooo.
2 May 2017 | 05:09
wow dats y I love dis Kelvin .jst give a peace of ur mind
2 May 2017 | 06:40
Nancy u dnt need anybody 2 tell u dat kelvin is ur husband 2 b, see u make a choice nd d choice u make makes u, is up 2 u dear.
2 May 2017 | 06:43
Nancy just forget everything about Jordan
2 May 2017 | 06:58
This Nancy self don't u knw what is good for u, U don't even knw what u want at all
2 May 2017 | 07:53
i like kelvin
2 May 2017 | 08:28
i love kelvin lyfstyle
2 May 2017 | 08:38
Dis jordan sef. I dnt trust him at all
2 May 2017 | 09:23
2 May 2017 | 09:43
Use your head and don't follow your heart
2 May 2017 | 10:12
Kelvin is d right guy!
2 May 2017 | 14:13
Waoh........dis X definitely one of d best story I av read so far on coolval its going to make a great movie
2 May 2017 | 14:38
Kelvin is d man 4 u
2 May 2017 | 15:13
Jordan is jst a cry baby
2 May 2017 | 15:22
@viciyoung where are you and In The Dark eh! Please update nah.
2 May 2017 | 15:27
Just let Jordan be for once
2 May 2017 | 16:41
Nancy you don't know what you want
2 May 2017 | 17:01
u no get sense
2 May 2017 | 17:40
Episode 17 Continues.. Continues. In the middle of it all, my heart went out to Jordan.A part of me wanted to know how he was faring and i would'nt mind to have him as friend also but i knew reaching out to him might send the wrong signal. "kelvin, are you sure your lips will be fine? Looks like its still bleeding" Mi mom said. Kelvin touched his lips and told mi mom it was just a small cut.Khole asked further questions about his lips but he refused to disclose any details."I gusse Jordan won the fight" Khole said and we all laughed. I could not help but feel special, i had a family who loved me and i had a friend who would stand by me, even to the extent of receiving few punch for me.I felt the need to appreciate the people around me. I cleared my throat and said "Mom,Khole,kelvin.I want to specially thank you all.I just want to let you know that my life is worthless without you all.You all go extra miles just to wipe my tears, you sacrifice alot just to make me happy and you would'nt mind spending your precious time with me just to lift my sad spirit.Mom their their is no one like you.Khole you are the best and Kelvin you are so irreplaceable!".I said with smile in a teary voice. "Awwn thanks baby" mi mom said. "You will always be the sister i never have buddy" khole said "let me just say you are welcome princess.Taking care of you is the promise i made" kelvin said and i went over to each of them for a hug. "Today is a happy day for me, i think we should pop a bottle of wine open!" I shouted excitedly,running out of my chair. "I agree girl and so is tomorrow a special day for you" Khole said and i stopped half way."Whats happening tomorrow sis?" I asked."dont tell me you have forgotten girl? Tomorrow is 7th your birthday!".Khole shouted. I ran to my phone and checked the calendar, truly, it would be my birthday the next day."How can i forget my day?" i screamed excitedly."Its my birthday guys!" I shouted as i rushed to get a bottle of wine from the bar.Kelvin opened the wine and khole got a glass each for everybody.We all had a loud chat filled with happiness and laughter. It felt as if we were all family.It was also a memorable afternoon for me. At exactly 2:00pm kelvin left with the excuse of having something urgent to attend to. I spent the rest of the day watching movies, cooking, shopping, gisting and playing with khole. **** "Happy birthday princess!" I heard Mi dad's voice in my sleep.I did not know maybe it a dream or not but i slowly opened my eyes to be sure "Daddy!" I shouted immediately i saw Mi dad standing in front of me with a big cake in his hand.I hurriedly got out of bed and gave him a quick peck as i bit a portion of the icing sugar. "Easy lady, dont destroy it" mi dad said as he placed the cake on the table."when did you get back?" I asked as i went into his arms. "at exactly 5:00am" Mi dad said. "I wish you a very happy birthday Nancy, may you continue to grow in health and wealth" Mi dad said and i shouted AMEN. "is someone trying to compete with me? I usually wish her first" mi mom said as she walked in with a jewelry box."awwwn thanks mom" i said and hugged mi mom.She said a long prayer before handing me the jewelry box.I was super excited."where is khole?" i asked, looking around the room."Oh dear, she had an urgent call this morning. She said she will be back in the evening and i should wish you for her" mi mom said. "Khole left without me?" i asked with a frown and promised to deal with her. The day was going toward the boring angle until kelvin called.At first i was mad at him for taking time to call but i ended up accepting his apology with the excuse that he had a urgent work.Kelvin told me to get ready for an outing by evening before ending the call. **** At exactly 6:00pm i was fully dressed in a Donna Karan gown over a christian louboutin heels.With a Cleopatra clutch i was set for my outing with kelvin. Kelvin arrived thirty minutes later and we left after he greeted my foster parent. *** "what are we doing here?" i asked immediately kelvin opened the door for me to get down."There will soon be a live football match and i want to see it with you" kelvin said with a smile."i wonder what kind of a guy brings a lady to the stadium on her birthday" i said."Only guys like me".Kelvin said with a smile as he led me into the stadium. After thirty minutes of getting no sign of anybody in the stadium i told kelvin we should leave since it looked like we were at the wrong place."I thought there is suppose to be a football match. Lets see the middle of the field" kelvin sad and i lazily followed him. PINK! BLUE! GREEN! Just like a magic all the lights in the stadium went on immediately we got to the middle of the stadium. I looked around me, with my mouth opened, staring at the beautiful light. "Nancy!" i heard kelvin say behind. "Yes" i said as i turned to him. "WTF is happening?" i screamed. I was so surprised to see him on one kneel! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ "WTF is going on here?" i screamed when i saw kelvin on a kneel. He smiled and said "lets say am about to take a bold step and express my feelings like men do". "OMG don't tell me you are about to propose" I said as i slowly shook my head. I did not know what or how to feel. I knew kelvin had feelings for me and i was beginning to fall inlove with him as well but the least i expected for a birthday surprise was a proposal from a best friend. "Okay, am ready" Kelvin said, bringing me out of my thought. "If there is any other feeling greater than love, that is what i felt and i am still feeling for you. Though we departed for a long time but fate brought us together again. Falling inlove with you is something i never planned for but it happened and this feelings blow my mind. Regret will be my watch word if i close up my feelings in a bid to avoid been rejected because loving you is the promise i made. Nancy.... Please i just want you to be mine for ever and i promise to take care of you even with my last breathe. WILL YOU MARRY ME is the question i will never ask instead am saying I WANT YOU TO MARRY ME". kelvin said and he reached for his pocket. He brought out a ring box and stretched it out to me. I could not make out the ring product but saying it is beautiful is an understatement. I loved kelvin and i wanted to be with him. With him i felt happy and safe. He is the type of guy any girl will wish for but heaven knows i wish he would have asked me out on a date rather than a marriage proposal. Notwithstanding, with kelvin i found peace and rest of mind but i could not bring myself to accept kelvin's ring when i remembered Jordan. I still loved Jordan but i wanted to be with kelvin. One thing i was sure of was that Jordan would be hurt beyond reasonable doubt if he should find out that i accepted Kelvin's proposal over his. I did not know what went down between them the day before but i knew Jordan could not give up on me so easily. I was lost on what to do as i stood in front of kelvin with my hands on my mouth. Many voices in my head but i was lost on which to follow. "Say something Nancy, its just you and me. Do you love me like i do love you?" Kelvin said. I slowly walked close to him and said "I love you more than you ever think and i really want to be with you, but..." "But what?" kelvin said cutting me short. "I cannot do this right now kelvin, Jordan will never forgive me". I said with tears as i slowly walked away with my back. Kelvin rose to his feet and looked at me without uttering a word. I could see his eyes but i could not make out the feelings in them. He was the only true friend left and i could not bare to see him been hurt but i knew Jordan would attempt suicide if he should find out am engaged to kelvin. Just when i thought everything was going to be alright, my complicated love life came calling. "my life is such a mess" i said as i kept on walking with my back, creating a distance between myself and kelvin. I kept on walking with my back none stop until my back hitted something, or was it someone. I turned to face my front and what or who i saw shocked me. I saw the last person i ever expected to see. "and its a bad day!" I murmured as i looked back at kelvin. He only smiled back at me..... . To be continued after comments..
2 May 2017 | 18:35
Hmmm, u de funny most times eh! Its really obvious. @cheta my dear, u r right, de girl jst de taya me sef
2 May 2017 | 18:48
@nanizzyfbaby wetin I go do kwanu? Don't mind that Nancy girl. I just pity her.
2 May 2017 | 19:55
Dx girl just dey behave as secondary school girl that has a complicated love life.. Better grow up or else
2 May 2017 | 19:58
Use your head and don't follow your heart
3 May 2017 | 02:16
it might be Jordan. you better follow your heart
3 May 2017 | 03:23
Who did she see? There is nothing to be confused here, just accep kelvin. All she feels for jordan is pity
3 May 2017 | 04:09
This Nancy's behavior is so irritating.
3 May 2017 | 04:15
Nancy think
3 May 2017 | 04:47
Nancy if u ar confuse ask google 4 help ok.
3 May 2017 | 04:54
She de make everything tire me. She don't know wat she wants mitcheeeew
3 May 2017 | 06:18
Dis Nancy mumu get grade oo
3 May 2017 | 06:28
your behavior in this story is something else
3 May 2017 | 06:44
Nancy beta grow up.... Jst to cry,cry, cry dat all u knw
3 May 2017 | 07:53
Jordan I guess
3 May 2017 | 08:32
who is de person
3 May 2017 | 09:05
Episode 18 Continues.. Continues.. "And its a bad day" i murmured as i faced kelvin. He only smiled back at me, getting me more confused. Standing infront of Jordan Guilt came over, i felt like a betrayal, ready to be lashed. Instead of showing my fear, i braced up and with my eyes on my shoe, i said "Ehm.....ehm... What are you doing here Jordan?" He came close to me and said "Am here to wish you a happy birthday sunshine" his words came as a shock. The Jordan i used to know, never had this level of maturity. His smile and the calm way he talked made me doubt if he was forreal. The first thing that came to my mind was that he came for revenge and he was just pretending. I looked at Jordan and said "Am so sorry for what i did to you, for all the pains i caused you, it was never intensional. I just want to let you know that have always loved you and all i wanted was peace of mind" "And you find that with him?" Jordan asked. I was lost on the answer to give. Truthfully, my mind is always at peace with kelvin but knowing fully well of Jordan's hot temper, I could not bring myself to think of what would happen if i should admit to my feelings for kelvin, before Jordan. I looked back at kelvin and i saw the love i could not deny. I knew the answer to Jordan's question but i could not voice it out, since i was not sure of Jordan's point exactly. "Dont be scared to admit to the feelings you have for him Nancy. Do you find happiness with him?" Jordan asked again, with all seriousness. I held my clutch close to my chest and swallow hard as i slowly noded. "Say it Nancy! Voice it out" Jordan shouted and i found myself screaming "Yes!". Not considering Jordan's feelings, i pointed at kelvin and shouted "Yes! With him, i find happiness and peace of mind. Something i never had with you" I did not know where the bravery came from but i found myself panting heavily after screaming my reply. Jordan moved closer to me and held me with my shoulder. I did not know what he was up to but i knew with kelvin around, i was safe. *** "You are all have ever wanted but when i had you, i misused my chances.Your love, your care and to be with you is my everyday desire but love is not suppose to be a burden.I love you so much that i am now an addict and when you walked out on me that very day, my world crumbled Nancy.I thought it was the end for me but i was determined to make you pass through hell with your new lover.I thought the right thing to do is to pay you back for the heart break you caused me.This made me attack kelvin when he came for your car.I threw a fist at him but he did not retaliate. Instead he told me he came in peace and this gave me the urge to listen to him with a determined heart. To cut the long story short, after kelvin's lengthy statement, i realised my mistakes, i realised i am not worthy of this love i wanted so much.I vowed never to give up on you but he made me realise that This is suppose to be LOVE not WAR. If you derive no happiness in the love we share then why not let go peacefully if i truly love you like I claim.This is difficult to admit but Nancy, Kelvin is a real man but if he should ever make you cry, i will surely treat his fuckup. Today let the earth and sky be my witness baby.Am not letting go because of Kelvin's words but am letting go because i love you and i will always do.Nancy, please accept this friend request from Jordan" Jordan said and stretched his hand out to me.I could not believe my ears and the words i heard.I looked at Jordan and i saw tears forming in his eyes.The love i felt was out of this world. I was his first love and he was mine as well.I knew how difficult it was for him but him letting go of me peacefully because of the love he had for me got me emotional. I jumped into Jordan's arm and cried for the love we shared.Jordan patted my back and told me everything would be fine but i could tell he was trying to hold back his tears as he sniffed continuously. *** "Dont keep a gentle man waiting" Jordan said as he released me from his arm. That was when i remembered that kelvin's proposal was still hanging.I took off my heels and sprinted to kelvin like a child.He took me into his arms and lifted me off my feet.I was the happiest girl in the world at that moment. Kelvin put me down and said "I knew you would always deny your feelings because of Jordan, now miss I Want You To Marry Me".Kelvin got on one kneel and brought out the ring.I excitedly stretched out my hand and jumped happily as he put the ring on me.Kelvin came for my lips immediately he wore the ring on me.At first i was shy because of Jordan's presence but i eventually got lost in our world.In between the kiss i wished my family was here to watch the whole drama.Kelvin released my lips and said "have got a surprise for you".He shouted "SURPRISE!" and I could not help but scream "OMG!" when i saw my family. "Did they just see us kiss?" ¤¤¤ From a not so far angle, khole and Mi mom ran toward me with Khole shouting my name all the way.My mom enveloped me in a tight hug immediately she got to me, i could not help but appreciate her for always been there and not making me miss a mother love."I never knew you are a good lips sucker little sis" Khole said, interrupting my hug with mi mom.Mi mom released me from the hug and hitted khole playfully while i shyly covered my eyes with my hands."Yea, shes a great kisser" Kelvin said teasingly and we all laughed. "Congratulations to both of you" Mi mom said as she took turn to hugged kelvin and I. "So you all tricked me?" I asked and khole said "This is just the beginning" with her wicked laughter. "And I am part of the surprise as well" someone said from behind. I quickly turned back and i saw Mi dad walking toward me with a beautiful bounquet. "Woah!" I screamed as he came closer to me."To my princess. Congratulations baby" Mi dad said as he handed the bouquet over to me.I happily collected the gift from Mi dad and hugged him. "Congratulations and happy birthday sister inlaw" I heard another voice behind me and i released myself from Mi dad's arm. "You too?" I screamed as i saw Josh.He smiled and handed me a pretty rose flower.I hugged Josh and thanked him. Just when I thought have had enough surprise for the day i heard a not so familiar voice shout "And to the most beautiful daughter inlaw in the world! I say a big congratulation and happy birthday". I turned to the direction the voice came from and suprisingly saw Kelvin's mom doing some local dance from afar."what?!! Even your mom is here?" I asked kelvin, but he only smiled as a response. As a sign of respect, i walked toward kelvin's mom and met her half way.She hugged me so tightly and shower prayers on me.I felt nothing but love from her.Kelvin's mom stretched out alittle box and said "For you dear, open it". I looked at kelvin to see if he would give me a clue of what could be in the box but he only looked else where.I gently opened the box and only saw a key in the box.I looked up at kelvin and his mom with confusion but none of them gave me a clue. They all screamed "Surprise" and before i could say jack, i saw a brand new blue ROLL ROYCE speeding toward my direction.That was my dream car and i could identify it from miles away any day. "OMG tell me this is a joke" I said as tears ran down my cheek."Its is not my dear, this is a little gift from me". Kelvin's mom said and she enveloped me in a hug. Immediately the car was parked, i ran to it and jumped in excitement.I opened the door and surprisingly saw Jordan in my car.He smiled at me and said "And i am suppose to be the last surprise of the day". " OMG Jordan, I thought you were gone?" i asked. Jordan came down from the car and handed me a big teddy bear with the inscription "Jordan Cares". I hugged Jordan and thanked him before rushing into my car.While checking my car, my only wish was for my mom to be present and see her little girl been showered with love.I came down from the car and composed myself to present a thank you speech but all i could do was cry.Kelvin came to me and took me into his arm. "Seal it with a kiss!!" khole said and others joined in. Kelvin bent to kiss me but i shyly looked away. Everybody continued to request for a kiss and i eventually gave in when kelvin covered me with his hand. Music was played and the night ended on a happy mood.I went back home with the status of a wife to be, a happy girl and a brand new car! **** The following day was sunday, i saw the need to thank God so i went to church early.I was on my way from church after service when Mi mom called to inform me that kelvin was waiting for me and I hurried back home. I met kelvin and Mi dad chatting when i got back, i apologized for keeping kelvin waiting and took him to my room. "Virgin Mary, you planned on sleeping in church?" kelvin said immediately i closed the door.I told him yes and we both laughed.His words were ment to be a joke but the word Virgin caught my attention."Maybe he thinks am a virgin" i thought and i felt the urge to tell kelvin about my sex life with Jordan. "Kelvin, Theres something i have to tell you" I said. Kelvin focused his gaze on me and said "go on princess" I was alittle uncomfortable but i had to tell him."Ehm i think its time you know that i am not the virgin girl you use to know" I found myself rushing the words out. "What?!!" kelvin exclaimed. "was it Jordan?" he asked and i noded.I knew the news was a sad one but i was not expecting him to take it too harsh.I looked at kelvin and all i saw was anger as sweat gathered on his forehead. "You cannot do more than a dead fly!" we heard Mi mom shout from the livingroom, interrupting us. This followed by a loud word battle. We both rushed to the livingroom and i got the shock of my life.This was the last person i expected to see. IT BEEN EIGHT GOOD LONG YEARS! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Myself and kelvin rushed to the livingroom and i got the shock of my life. It been eight good years. "Uncle mike...?" I murmured not sure if my eyes were deceiving me. He turned back to face me and that was when i confirmed what i saw. My uncle rushed at me angrily and pointed a finger into my face as he said "Look at you, look at yourself Nancy. You let this woman here control you. For more than eight good years now, you left your father house. Your home Nancy! And you feel comfortable living else where. Can't you see that you are nothing but a bastard? You think you parent will be proud of you wherever they are? Am sure my sister will be weeping over you. What do you think will...." "Oh shutup Mike, you and i know you practically made her leave. You don't have to make the innocent girl feel bad because of your greed. Am sure you are here for something, only heaven knows what. Probably you and your stupid wife has spent all the money my brother and his wife worked hard for and you are here just to save your hungry stomach. God punish the lunatic that let you into my house in the first place" Mi mom shouted, interupting uncle Mike. "Dont you ever refer to my wife has stupid" Uncle mike shouted back, as he rushed at Mi mom. "And if i do? Call a spade a spade mike. Everybody knows that your wife is stupid" Mi mom shouted back and uncle mike almost attacked her. Mi dad and kelvin rushed at him and held him back but i did not move an inch. "Please mike, lets settle this amicably" Mi dad said has he held my uncle and led him to a chair. After everybody had took their sit, i slowly settled in a chair. "Now mike, tell me what do you want?" Mi dad said. Uncle mike cleared his throat and said "Thank you for been a sensible man. To save our time i will go straight to the point. The point is that we all know that Nancy is my late sister's only child and Nancy here is ripe for marriage. I am not here because of myself but because of the family. The family sent me here so that i will inform and warn your wife not to think that she can take all the money and items that will be paid on Nancy as bride price because according to custom and tradition, its belongs to the family of the child, i mean the two family, not one person." "I knew it! I knew you are here just for your selfish interest" Mi mom shouted and mi dad signaled to her to be calm. Mi dad faced my uncle and said "Well Mike, have heard all that you have said and i want you to know that we do not intend to take a penny from Nancy's bride price as well. Just maybe you do not know, i have enough to feed a nation. If you look closely, you will notice a young man in our mist. Am happy to inform you that he is Nancy's husband to be and once a he is ready, we will come to the family house for the wedding rites" Uncle mike fixed his gaze on kelvin and he said in a loud voice " I think i know you.. Yes! Are you not the house boy that worked for us back in the day? Osanubua! Heavens save me from disgrace! Nancy, after all this years, after all the good and classy upbringing, you are ending up with a slave boy! A slave boy! How will he be able to afford the long list? Tell me how?" I did not utter a word, i wanted to face my uncle and tell him that the slave boy of yesterday is the president son but i decided to shock him with the news later. "I have heard enough from you! Am sure people like you know nothing about love, anything you do is just because of your greed. Now leave my house before i loose my temper" Mi mom shouted and uncle mike rose to his feet. Uncle mike promised thunder and brimstone as He left the the house. He did not stop to shout until he entered the Hilux he brought and zoomed off. I recognized the car as one of my mom's favourite. *** We returned to the livingroom immediately Uncle Mike left. Mi mom apologized to Kelvin and promised to handle the situation while mi dad told me not to worry about a thing. I could not help but feel lucky to have a family. Kelvin thanked my foster parents and took his leave few minutes later. *** I was not able to talk to kelvin about my virginity status because of uncle Mike's interference so i decided to call him later in the night for better explanation. I called Kelvin's line repeatedly, the line went through but he did not accept my call. At first i thought he might be bussy but when i sent him an Sms and he did not reply, i concluded that he might be asleep. I said my prayer and was about to sleep when my phone started to ring. I rushed at my phone thinking it was kelvin but it ended up to be a call from Jordan. I accepted the call and said "Hello". "Did you tell kelvin that i took your Virginity with force?" Jordan said immediately i accepted his call without responding to my greetings. "Oh My God" I murmured as i remembered how mad kelvin was when i told him. I really never expected him to take it that far. To be continued..
3 May 2017 | 10:09
so u want to sacrifice it soul mate for someone dat dose not love he is only playing with ur feelings
3 May 2017 | 10:35
What happened
3 May 2017 | 13:16
unbelievable I no knw y but I de luk for DAT kind of uncle mike
3 May 2017 | 13:35
Uncle Mike greedines is beyond limit
3 May 2017 | 13:45
Ihmmm Kelvin I know how it hurt to burst one's bubble but you have to take it easy
3 May 2017 | 13:59
Hmmm, continue
3 May 2017 | 15:30
Let's c were it leads
3 May 2017 | 15:49
kelvin should calm down, virginity is not the ultimate to a happy home.. It's just shows the commitment towards one's self esteem.
3 May 2017 | 17:12
yuo re in hot soup nancy
3 May 2017 | 18:10
Kelvin abeg easy ooo
3 May 2017 | 18:20
Don't just know what to say
3 May 2017 | 18:23
Hmmmm...well, lets see
3 May 2017 | 19:03
Oh goodness kelvin pls no vex like dat naa ok.
3 May 2017 | 19:33
Hmmm, u pple are taking it lightly with dis Mike...I would deal with him eh! After all, its my right
3 May 2017 | 20:49
Jordan didn't take your virginity by force but I don't know why Kevin will think that
3 May 2017 | 22:06
Dx nigga wanna kill on top your matter
4 May 2017 | 02:17
Is Kelvin angry because of the day's events: Nancy not being a virgin and uncle Mike's sudden appearance.. Well let me watch and see
4 May 2017 | 03:58
Episode 19 Continues.. *** I knew kelvin was angry because of my virginity but i never expected him to take it that far."You say what?" i asked Jordan again. "Honestly i do not know the problem with you guys but is he suppose to accuse me of taking your virginity with force?Letting go of you in the first place is tearing my world apart,he doesn't have to rub salt on my injury.Just so he knows,am regretting the fact that i let go already and am not starting a love battle yet because i do not want to go back on my words.Let nobody take my gentility for stupidity or else i won't think twice about bringing up the old me".Jordan said and i could feel how hurt he must have felt.I had nothing else to do than to apologies to Jordan.I gently picked my words and apologized on behalf of kelvin.Without much argument,Jordan accepted my apology and we got talking again.We talked for awhile, before i finally suggested we call it a day. After ending Jordan's call, i called kelvin,his line went through but he did not accept my call.I opted to sleeping instead of getting worried about him,since it was obvious that his actions were intensional.I went to bed with my engagement ring close to my heart and a heavy heart. *** At exactly 6:00am,the sound of my alarm woke me up. After saying my prayer, i dressed for work and had breakfast with my foster parent before leaving. I got to work at exactly 7:30am.While working down to my department,i noticed some of my co workers were looking at me in a strange manner but i did'nt care,i only greeted them and left. I did not leave my office until lunch time, when i saw the need to refill my stomach.I tried kelvin's line without success before leaving for the cafeteria. "Congratulations Nancy" I heard a voice behind just when i was about to place my order.I turned and saw Dtobs ( a co worker)."For what?" I asked."Is that not an engagement ring on your finger?" He said and i just replied with a nod."The ring must have cost the dude his life savings, he must really be inlove with you " dtobs said as he examined the ring and i smiled in response."This worth celebrating, my bills are on you for lunch" He said and i agreed.That was when i realised everybody must have been looking at me strangely because of the ring. I had my lunch and left after paying for myself and dtobs. Time checked 3:00PM.My table was free from work, so i decided to sign out and go over to kelvin's apartment. **** I was welcomed by the security men at kelvin's residence and Through them i got to know that kelvin was home all day.I went into the house after giving them tips. There was no sign of kelvin in the living room so i went to his bed room but he was'nt there as well.I dialed his number and eventually traced him to the kitchen with his phone ringing tone. "There you are" i said when i saw kelvin in the kitchen. "Hi" kelvin said without facing me.I walked up to him and hugged him from behind but he did not respond to my greetings.I released myself and said "like seriously? You still mad at me and thats why you've not been accepting my call? You even called Jordan?Tell me whats the problem?All this show for virginity?" Kelvin faced me and said "You call this a show? Do you know how painful it is that am not going to have you first? Its like a shame and it makes me question if all the steps have been taking is right. Its better to go back before its too late". I felt my eyes darken when Kelvin ended his statement. "Are you kidding me?" I asked with little force.Kelvin gave no reply to my question and i decided to leave because one thing i can never be is a lady without pride.I grabbed my bag and matched out.I was almost at the kitchen door when kelvin gripped my hand from behind.He made me face him and said "Am so sorry sunshine.Its just that have always had the fantasy of deflowing my future wife first and when you told me you are no longer a virgin, my dream was shattered.Just now i realise that you mean more to me than the so called Virginity and my dream. Please forgive this once" I only looked else where with a frown on my face. Kelvin held my face and said "Am waiting honey,am sorry". I noded and he said "Are you sure am forgiven? I can kiss you now, cos thats what have been dreaming about?" I noded again and kelvin brought his lips on mine. At first i did not respond to the kiss but with time, i could no longer fight the passion. If Jordan was a good kisser, kelvin was the best.At a point my legs could no longer carry me due to the sweet sensation running through my vein.Kelvin lifed me off my feet and i climbed on him. He gently placed me on the long table in the kitchen and lifted my blouse.Kelvin slowly kissed me on my belly botton and gently moved up to my boobs not leaving any part untouched.I could not help but moan out his name as he worked on my bra."You have to apologies to Jordan" I managed to say. "Anything for the queen of my heart" he said as he gave my boobs freedom from my bra cup. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Kelvin gently licked around my boobs before he settled on my Tips. He would tease me abit and suck me hard. With my fingers buried in his hair, i would kiss his hair and moan out his name. Everything felt like never before, kelvin was just so perfect. Just when i thought i was at the peak of it all, kelvin spur me around and slowly got rid of my dress and i was left with just my underwear. Kelvin brought his head up at me and made his lips meet mine. He looked deep into my eyes and said "I love you Nancy..." Without been told, i knew he was been sincere. I kissed him back and told him i love him just as much as he do. We tongue kissed as kelvin worked his way into my p**sy. Before i could say jerk, kelvin's head was buried between my legs. I felt so aroused as he used his tongue on me, if Jordan's mouth action could heal the sick then kelvin's could wake the dead, he was just so good at it. With kelvin's head in between my legs, i could not help but feel the urge to feel him inside of me. I held his head and made him look up at me. I slowly kissed kelvin on his cheek and said "I need you inside of me". I could see a smile spread on kelvin's face, as if he had been waiting to get a go ahead from me but i was proved wrong when kelvin pulled me up and took him into his arm. "Am not in this with you because of sex, i just want to proof to you that nobody can love you like i do. Every touch and every kiss is an expression of my love baby. Have said this before and am saying it again, I LOVE YOU nancy. Heaven knows i really do" Kelvin said and he squeezed me in his arm, holding me so tight. I was dumbfounded for a moment, i could not help but feel true and genuine love. If only Jordan was like kelvin, my moment of weakness would'nt have result into me loosing my virginity. Though i thought i would not regret my past actions but with the way kelvin treated me, i could not hide the fact that i realised my mistake a bit too late. "Lets go to my room Miss" Kelvin said, bringing me out of my thought. Kelvin kissed me on my forehead and carried me like a new bride. He had his lips on my nose as he took me to his room. I watched as kelvin gently placed me on his bed and laid beside me. He covered us with the blanket and held me from behind. I could not help but feel loved as i felt his warmth. With the love the showered on me, i felt like the only girl in the world. Saying am lucky will be an understatement. Everything i felt was just so priceless. *** "Babe, open your eyes. its getting late" i heard kelvin's voice from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and that was when i realised i must have been out for awhile. Kelvin embraced me from behind and slowly kissed my ear lobe. The event that went down between us appeared in my head and I could not help but smile as i fully turned to kelvin. "How do you feel?" kelvin asked as he kissed my neck. I chuckled and told him i felt good. Though it was an understatement but i had learnt not to let out too much of my feelings. "I can make you scream my name again just the way you love to" kelvin said with a smile, revealing his charming dimple in the process. I playfully pushed him to the bed and went to the bathroom, giving him the middle finger. I heard kelvin's loud laughter has i ran a cold shower. Kelvin got my dress and helped to put them on me when i came out of shower. It was late already so i did not bother to a apply makeup. I stopped at kelvin's mom apartment before i left, i showed my gratitude for the ride she got me and i promised to stop by more often. Kelvin's mom welcomed me warmly and told me to treat her like my mom. She made me had dinner with her before i left and once again, i felt so lucky and was grateful for the people around me. I left kelvin's apartment some minutes past eight. Kelvin took me home in his car and one of his guard drove my car. **** Time checked 8:50pm. Kelvin parked in front of my house. I was about to alight from his car when he held my hand and looked into my eyes. Kelvin ran his hand over the ring on my finger and said "Am changing this ring soon miss. Get ready to bear my last name. Mrs. Kelvin Nancy...." I could not help but burst into laughter. Kelvin kissed me on my forehead and got out of the car. He opened the door for me and i came down from the car, feeling like a princess. Kelvin followed me into the house and greeted my foster parent before he left. Though we were together all day, i was a bit sad when he left. I rushed to my room and bounced on my bed immediately kelvin's car was out of sight. I brought my engagement ring to my face and i could not help but smile at the thought of walking down the aisle with Kelvin. Everything felt so real and unique. I wished i could make time fly. ********************** My alarm woke me up the next day, time checked 6:00am. I lazily opened my eyes and went on my kneels after which i said my morning prayer. I took my bath and dressed up for work afterwards. I could not figure out why but i had an exciting feeling running through my veins that morning. I carefully selected a blue jump suit and a pink wedge. I used a simple but classy black jewelry and packed my things in a black bag. I applied a not so heavy makeup and wore a generous amount of smart collection perfume. Satisfied with my look in the mirror, i took a last glance at my room and left. I met my foster parents on the dining table, having breakfast already. I took turn to hug the duo and settled to have breakfast with them. "You look exceptionally beautiful" Mi dad said as he passed me the sugar box. I smiled and thanked Mi dad with a peck. "So am not beautiful abii?" mi mom said with a jealous face. "Mom you know i got my beauty from you?" I told Mi mom as i gave her a quick peck. We all laughed and continued our meal. Time checked 7:15am, i gave my foster parent a quick peck each and left for work. *** I got to work quarter to eight and i could not help but notice how most people forgot there eyes on me. Especially the opposite sex, this made me feel fly and i carried myself graciously to my work space with my hair flying. *** Immediately i got to my department, i learnt that my co-workers were preparing for an important outing. My name was not on the list of assigned workers and that was why i was not informed early. I did'nt know how important the event was, but i wanted to be there. Since staying back at work would earn me nothing but an uneventful day. I made to Mr.larry's office in a bid to plead with him so that, i could be on team. "Morning sir" i said, as soon as i got to Mr.larry's office. "Nancy, how are you?" He responded and i told him " Am just fine". Myself and Mr.larry talked for awhile before i informed him that i would love to go with the selected team to the event they were preparing for. "Oh Nancy i would have love to help, but there was a strict order that i shouldn't involve you. Maybe next time" Mr.larry said and i wondered who gave the order. I knew it would be pointless to ask him about the giver of the order, so i thanked him and made to leave. I was almost at the door when Mr.larry called my name. I turned back and he said "You look drop dead gorgeous Nancy". I faked a smile and left his office, causing him beneath my breathe. Time checked 12:00pm. Since my department was empty and boring, i decided to call khole and inform her that i would be coming over to her house. I was about to place a call through to khole when i saw an incoming call from Kelvin. I accepted his call and said "Hello handsome" kelvin laughed and said "Hi ugly" I scoffed and threatened to end the call if he doesn't take back his statement. "Taken honey" kelvin said and i asked why he was calling in a harsh tone (preatending to be angry). "Common, queen of my heart, don't get mad at me. If you do i will just die for love" kelvin said and we both laughed. Kelvin cleared his throat and said "Am almost at your working place. Am coming to pick you up" "For what?" i asked. "Hmm... Lets just say, its a surprise" Kelvin said. I could not figure out the kind of surprise i would be getting so i pleaded with kelvin to give me a hint. "Just get down here ma'am. You will get to know when you see it" kelvin said in response and ended the call. I quickly packed my bag in anxiety and rushed out of my office, not having the slightest idea of what Kelvin's wanted to surprise me with. I saw a black tinted Prado packed in front of my work place. Without been told, i knew it was kelvin's. I graciously walked toward the car and the door was opened for me by one of kelvin's security. "Hi love" I said to kelvin has i sat close to him, occupying the back sit. Instead of responding, kelvin held my face and took full claim of my lips. The kiss came has a beautiful surprise. i eventually released my lips and said "is this the surprise?". Kelvin spanked me playfully and said "you look breathe taking. I just could not fight the urge to kiss you". I smiled and murmured "thank you" as the driver started the engine and we left for the unknown destination. *** The car stopped at a point, after abour thirty minutes drive. I could not make a gusse of our location since the car glasses were tinted. I was about asking kelvin of our location when i noticed he was on the phone. "yes... We have arrived..She is here with me...Okay.. See you soon" kelvin said and ended the call. "who was that?" I asked kelvin immediately he dropped the phone. "ehm, lets just say somebody you don't know." kelvin said with a smile and alighted.He opened the car door for me to alight. "What the hell is happening here?" was the first statement i made as soon as i alighted. I was lost for a moment. . To be continued after comments..
4 May 2017 | 11:22
maybe u'll meet his father or the assignment ur coworkers went for Kelvin will address them with you by his side. (the President's son came along with his fiancée.)
4 May 2017 | 12:43
nna dis suspense is killing o
4 May 2017 | 16:06
Maybe his dad
4 May 2017 | 17:00
Too much suspense
4 May 2017 | 17:27
chaiii men u for continue naw
4 May 2017 | 19:17
it might be his dad that you are about to meet
5 May 2017 | 03:00
Continue... Too much suspense ooo
5 May 2017 | 03:35
Continue abeg
5 May 2017 | 05:02
Maybe the president
5 May 2017 | 05:17
maybe his dad
5 May 2017 | 05:48
Let's wait and c
5 May 2017 | 06:41
him wan carry u go do charm for one baba hauz hehe
5 May 2017 | 06:49
Continue Abeg
5 May 2017 | 07:01
Maybe his father i guess
5 May 2017 | 08:38
Episode 20 Continues.. **** "What the hell is happening here?" was the first statement i made as i alighted. I was lost for a moment. Kelvin held my hand and said "You are about to find out" as he pulled me along playfully. Though i knew where we were but i could not wrap my head on what we were doing there. We were at the airport and i could not help but wonder if kelvin was going to take me on an unplanned trip. "Kelvin, i cant travel without informing my parent" I managed to say as i followed him. "And who said you are traveling miss?" Kelvin said as he grinned widely. "So what are we doing here?" i asked confused. "You are about to find out" Kelvin said and he squeezed my hand. At that moment i wished i could look into kelvin's head. I looked at the distance we had covered behind me and i could not help but wonder what the surprise could be. I still had my eyes fixed at my back when i heard a loud shout. I looked before me and i was surprise to see a crowd of people. They were mostly press. They carried the identification of different mass media and they got to work immediately myself and kelvin came to the spotlight. Kelvin's security men performed their duty and we were secured from the crowd. I knew getting involve with kelvin would make me a public figure but i never expected it so soon. I was for once grateful for the way i was dressed. "Kelvin! What is going on?" I unconsciously screamed out, not minding the crowd. Kelvin bent over to me a bit and said "We are here to receive...." kelvin was interupted by the loud scream from the crowd. I followed kelvin'a gaze and i got the shock of my life. "OMG! forreal?" I murmured. Coming toward us was the President himself and a pretty lady, heavily surrounded by force men. Saying i was surprised was an understatement, i did not even realise when i covered my mouth with my hands. I knew kelvin could go to any length to surprise me but the shock i got was just overwhelming. "Dont do that in public" Kelvin said has he removed my hand from my mouth and held my hand. We walked toward the president together, with me following kelvin's lead from behind. I stood at a point feeling inferior as i watched kelvin hug the president and the lady with him one after the other. Though i also belonged to the rich class, i did'nt have political power attached to my family status. This made me feel alittle inferior. I was still lost in my thought when kelvin tapped me on my shoulder. That was when i realised the lady with the president was right in front of me. "Have heard alot about you" she said with a smile. She came forward to hug me and i hugged her with the "Who is she expression" on my face. She later released me from the hug and said "I am Loretta, kelvin's baby sister" "Ohh" i exclaimed and hugged her again.She only smiled and hugged me back. "I see you two are getting to know eachother" kelvin said, interupting myself and Loretta."Yes and will love to spend more time together at home, once dad is done" Loretta said as she released herself from the hug. We all laughed and i looked around for the president.I ended up seeing him addressing the press.Kelvin also excused himself to greet some of the top politicians present. Thirty minutes later, the president was done with the press and he was escorted to his car with loretta. Myself and kelvin was also guarded to his car. I was almost at the car with kelvin when someone called my name from behind. Surprisingly, i saw Mr.larry. He was coming toward me but was stopped by a security man. Kelvin signalled to the man to allow him and he came forward. "I never knew we are going to end up at the same event" i told Mr.larry. He smiled and exchange pleasantries with kelvin before requesting to have a picture with us.I agreed and we did.He had a bright smile on his face has he left.I gussed he wanted act familiar.Who wouldn't? **** We arrived the president house and was ushered in by the security. It was in the same compound with kelvin's apartment but it was a different and bigger building. All the people present went back at the door and only the family members were left. "You are welcome" kelvin's mom said with a smile immediately she came out of the house. She hugged the president and asked after his well being before moving to loretta. She hugged me next and then kelvin.We all settled in the livingroom with me sitting next to kelvin after receiving a warm welcome from kelvin's mom. The room was silent for awhile before kelvin cleared his throat and said "Dad,meet my Fiance. Nancy Williams" "Oh! Come over here dear" the president said and i could not help but feel shy as i walked over to him.I bent alittle and he hugged me, patting my back lightly. " I must confess am not disappointed at my son's choice.I hope you are ready to walk down the aisle with him in few months.I will love to meet your parents too" The president said with a smile and my heart skipped abit at the mention of marriage.. ¤¤¤ My heart skipped a bit at the mention of wedding.I looked at kelvin for reply but he only winked and looked else where. "I hope your parent wouldn't mind having dinner with me on sunday.Am really eager to know my inlaws" the president said, interupting my thought.I smiled and told the president that i would inform my parent. "No my dear, let kelvin do that. Boy am sure you are man enough" the president said and kelvin noded. I returned to my sit beside kelvin with lots of thought running through my mind. Everything felt too good with kelvin but i could'nt put out the fact that I was rushing my relationship with kelvin.I could remember how sweet Jordan was when we started but along the line i found out how aggressive he could be. Though i trusted kelvin completely but he was just too good to be true, and this made me honour the thought that just maybe,he could be lacking in some areas as well.Since i was yet to figure out the areas where kelvin was lacking, i felt as if i needed to slow down a bit with kelvin but the president was talking about marriage already.I silently prayed never to regret my actions. "Nancy, why are you so quiet? Are you shy?" kelvin mom's voice brought me out of my thought.I smile and told her i was fine before she ushered us to the dining room.We all had a nice meal of pounded yam and melon soup. According to kelvin's mom,she personally made the meal.We all showered her with compliments, in a bid to appreciate her cooking skill. After the meal, the president went upstairs with kelvin's mom and i was left with Kelvin and Loretta.Loretta was fun to be with, she took me to her room and told me alot of things about herself, we also had fun arranging her wardrobe. Time checked 5:30pm, i announced my departure and though the siblings did'nt want me to leave,they saw me off to the door after informing their parent. I said my goodbyes to kelvin's parent before i left with kelvin, in his car.The drive home was quiet, just has i had alot on my mind, i gussed kelvin's mind was heavy as well. **** Kelvin alighted first and opened the door for me immediately we arrived my compound.We both walked hand in hand into the house. We met my foster parent in the livingroom and we took turn to hug the both of them. "Get a drink for kelvin" Mi dad said immediately we settled and i rose to get the drink. Kelvin stopped me half way with the excuse that he was full. "Sir am actually here to seek a favour" Kelvin said, facing Mi dad.Mi dad fixed his gaze on Kelvin and said "Go on my son". Kelvin composed himself and said "Sir, Ma'am, my dad is here in Ilorin and he would love to meet the both of you. If your schedule will allow you sir, my dad wants you and your family to come over for dinner on sunday." I could see the shock in my foster parent's eyes.They both exchanged a glance and mi mom winked at me.I could not help but smile, wondering what was going on in the adults mind. "Of course, anything for my princess.Am suppose to travel on Saturday but am staying back now" Mi dad said with a smile. Kelvin showed gratitude to my foster parent before he took his leave. After kelvin's departure, My foster parent put me on the spotlight and made me narrate the day's event to them before i finally escaped to my room after a long talk with them. I called khole and informed her of all that happened before i got ready to sleep. I went to bed with mixed feelings, i was happy my parent would be meeting kelvin's and i was worried about making the right decision or not. Throughout the week, i anxiously waited for sunday to come. **** Time checked 6:00pm, on sunday evening.I wore a blue flowing gown and a pair of wedge sandal.I had my hair neatly packed and with little makeup,i was ready for the dinner at kelvin's. I was surprised to see Mi mom look drop dead gorgeous in a matching native attire with Mi dad, when i got to the livingroom. She also had a set of expensive jewelry on.I teased her about planning to seduce the president and all both laughed. Kelvin arrived some minutes later and i left with him, in his car while my foster parents followed from behind in theirs. *** We were warmly welcomed when we got to Kelvin's residence.Mi dad and the president talked and laughed out loud as if they were long time friends while mi mom chatted with kelvin's mother like sister.I also had fun playing games with kelvin and loretta after the meal, giving the adults time to talk. At exactly 8:05pm, Mi mom informed me it was time to leave with a phone call. Though i felt at home already, i could not stay behind.I said my goodbyes and left with my parent in their car. I could not hide my anxiety in knowing the outcome of the adults meeting." Mom, Dad, whatsup?" I said immediately we settled in the livingroom. My foster parent exchanged a glance before Mi dad said "Be ready to get married in a month baby!" "WTF" was the only statement i could make, as my jaw dropped. To be continued..
5 May 2017 | 09:10
mehn this kind suspense, kuku give us glimpse of it na.
5 May 2017 | 12:21
Nancy what decision are you talking about... You don't expect everybody to be perfect 100percent right, we all have our flaws, all u just have to do is love him despite his imperfection, let your love cover his imperfection, and for the record... ''Remember no man is perfect but give credit to the one that tries to be perfect with you and whenever you're around him.''
5 May 2017 | 12:37
hmmmmm dats grt, dont wori u will nt regret it, I guess ur parents are already happy of been inlaws to d president, relax girl and enjoy ur home
5 May 2017 | 12:45
dis Nancy Z something else entirely. u r a very lucky girl things r just moving smoothly for u. no one z perfect Dear neither u nor Kelvin so stop being scared. Get ur ass up and walk down d aisle with ur man baby.
5 May 2017 | 14:09
All would b well Nancy
5 May 2017 | 14:54
Nancy Kelvin is the right guy Stop feeling insecure
5 May 2017 | 15:55
They are rushing this marriage I like Kevin but I don't want him for Nancy
5 May 2017 | 16:40
Nancy, y u v find d right man
5 May 2017 | 17:12
no need to fear
5 May 2017 | 17:27
Nancy, am sure you won't regret this marriage.. Kelvin is your husband
5 May 2017 | 17:34
wish dx end well
5 May 2017 | 22:12
Episode 21 Continues.. "WTF" Was the only statement i could make has my jaw dropped. I was lost for a moment. I already had thoughts my relationship with kelvin was in a rush and to make things more complicated, my foster parent were talking about getting married in a month time just after their first meeting with the president. I knew my foster parent loved me as much as they could love their child but again, i could not help but wish that my parent were alive. Seeking their opinion and having the go ahead from them would have been nothing but the perfect thing to do. "Baby, what is wrong? Are you not happy?" Mi mom's voice interupted my thought. I only looked at her without a response. "I thought you are inlove with kelvin.You should be happy you are going to be his bride" Mi dad added and he asked me to sit beside him.I slowly walked up to him with my eyes fixed on my toes. "did you have a misunderstanding with kelvin? If you do not love him enough to marry him, let me know. I can never support anything you do not like because am doing everything just for your happiness" Mi dad said has he lightly caressed my hair. I felt love from my foster parent after Mi dad's statement and i saw the need to confide in them and let them know my fear.I took my time to express my feelings to them and They gave me a listening ear.When i was done, I felt a sudden relief. Mi mom came closer to me after taking a deep breathe, she touched me lightly and said " I know your fear baby but i do not want you to be scared of anything, just go with your heart.I want you to know that their is nothing like Mr.right and their is no human that is perfect, only God is.It's fine for you to think you are rushing things because everything came alittle faster than expected, but i want you to know that even if you date a man for ten years, court for five years and get married after fifteen years of a good relationship, it doesn't guarantee a happy marriage.Moreover, we are all destined with different luck. It took Josh more than five years to propose to khole but it took kelvin less than a week.That does not mean that khole will have a more happy home than you just because of the long relationship before marriage. though i wish the both of you a happy home.Am advising you like a mother Nancy, its not how long the courtship lasted but how productive the relationship is.Once you are sure you love him enough,we are solidly behind you and if you think you need more time,we will always consider your opinion dear.Just don't keep me waiting, i need babies" Everything Mi mom said was the truth and i digested all her words.I thanked my foster parent and promised to get back to them.I left for my room after hugging the duo. I called khole immediately i got to my room.I took my time to make her see my fear and i told her about my foster parent opinion.Just has i expected Khole adviced me to go on with kelvin.According to her she saw kelvin in a completely different view from Jordan and she believed that kelvin loved me enough not to hurt me.Khole's words came has a relief and i felt i was on the right track.Putting khole's, my foster parent opinion and the fact that kelvin was there for me even in need, into consideration.I looked forward to walking down the aisle with kelvin. I took my bath and said my prayer, after receiving a goodnight text from kelvin. **** Time checked 6:00am.I lazily got out of bed and did the necessaries before having breakfast with my foster parent after which i left for work. I was addressed strangely at work and lots of my co workers were nicer to me.I gussed the event of the previous week was still fresh in their minds.I settled in my office and got occupied. I was on my way to get lunch at about 1:00pm,when i received an incoming call from kelvin.I accepted his call and said "Hello". "Hi miss, kindly bring your gorgeous self down for lunch"was kelvin's response. At first i disagreed but i eventually got my bag and left with him after much persuasion. Kelvin already had the V.I.P section reserved at a nearby restaurant and i was woahed by his arrangement. Kelvin ordered a bowl of ice cream while we waited on the main course,immediately we arrived the restaurant. I was about to take a spoon of ice cream when kelvin said "Is a month okay for you?" i feigned ignorance and said "What?" kelvin held my hand and said "The thing is that my family love you and dad can't wait to have grand children.If possible, am ready to marry you right now but i do not know if a month is fine by you.I just want you to live your dream, have things done your way and be happy. I promise to love you with all i have and be the best husband if you will let me Nancy.... I do mean it" I looked into kelvin's eyes and i saw nothing but passion and love.I did not have the right words to express my love for kelvin that moment.I only pulled him to myself and kissed him fully on his lips, as a sign of my love for him. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Words could not express my love for kelvin. At that moment, all i could do was to to pull him to myself and give him a full kiss on his lips. With my lips on kelvin's and my eyes closed, i was so lost in our world. All i could do was to inhale his saint and enjoy the moment with the only guy that made my heart beat increase. "Hmmm... Enjoy your meal sir and ma" The waiter's voice interupted my moment with Kelvin. I opened my eyes and saw that our table was full already, the waiter was also walking back to the kitchen with an empty tray but he had a funny look on. I looked at the table, then looked at kelvin and we both started to laugh. "We had our lips locked together for like how many minutes? I managed to ask in between my laughter. Kelvin stopped to laugh and said "Actually i don't know but am sure i loved every bit of it. Why is the waiter pained though? You really need to flaunt this ring everywhere we go". I only hummed and kelvin kissed the ring on my finger. We had our meal with lots of joy in our hearts. We made lots of sweet promises and kissed at interval as well. Just like every other outing with kelvin, i had fun. Kelvin took me back to the office after lunch and i left for home after spending an extra hour to complete my day's work. At exactly 4:00pm, i cleared my table and signed out. **** "Mom! Dad! Am back" i shouted immediately i got home. "Over here honey, we are in the study" I heard Mi mom's voice from within. I rushed into the study and hugged the duo on sight. "What happened? Why are you so excited? Mi dad asked as he held my hand. I released my hand and walked round the room in a funny way. I then faced my foster parent and said "Mom, Dad am getting married to Kelvin!" I could see the excitement in their faces as Mi mom kept on muttering "Woah" and mi dad jammed his hands together in excitement. "Tell me, what happened? What changed your mind?" Mi dad asked as he hugged me tightly. "Did you think it over?" Mi mom also asked before I settled in a chair and narrated what prompted my decision to them. "Actually, i had lunch with kelvin today and contrary to my fear and doubts, i saw the truth and i felt the love. I love kelvin no doubt but i just confirmed i love him enough to give the rest of my life to him. Mom, Dad, i can't really thank you enough, because of you I am who I am today. I owe everything to you both and now i realise there is nothing more important than family. I love you both so much" I said and i took turn to hug my foster parent. They both took me into their arms one after the other and showered me with blessing. " Now let the wedding plans begin! I want the whole world to be present" Mi dad shouted and we all laughed. I took a sit close to mi mom and we all discussed about the introduction arrangement. According to plan, the introduction would take place in a week to the wedding and the family members of my late parents were to be present. Since Mi mom was the only family left from my paternal family, the only family members that could cause trouble was my mom's. To avoid disagreement, Mi dad took it on himself to inform my late mom's family of my wedding arrangement and they would be allowed to make most of the family decisions since Mi mom could be addressed as a weaker sex, been a woman. Mi mom agreed to Mi dad's decision for the sake of peace and we all agreed on Mi dad visiting uncle mike the next day. I excused myself to my room and placed a call through to khole. I felt how excited she was when i informed her of our plans and she also promised to come around the next day. I layed on my bed after ending my call with khole. I faced the wall and refreshed my memory on all that had happened in my life. I realised everybody can move on and let that unforgettable past havs little effect on them. When i lost my parent, especially my mom, i thought it was the end for me, but with God, faith and the people around me, i was able to walk past that dark part of my life. I also believed there was no limit to chasing my dream, do you?. **** The ringing of my phone woke me up and i realised I slept off while thinking about my past. I slowly opened my eyes and reached for my phone. I accepted the call without checking the caller I.D and murmured "hello". "When were you planning on telling me?" The caller from the other end said. I checked my phone to confirm the caller and i saw it was Jordan. My heart skipped a bit as i said "Tell you what?". "You are getting married to him, right?" Jordan asked and my mouth went dry. I was able to slowly erase Jordan from my heart, but i was never able to get rid of the guilt of betraying his love whenever we talk. . To be continued after comments..
6 May 2017 | 02:49
make Jordan gerrara here
6 May 2017 | 07:36
Abi wat dos e want
6 May 2017 | 08:20
Jordan hug transformer joor, must she tell u
6 May 2017 | 08:23
lol @somadina she's suppose to tell him na, as a friend, but his authoritative tone won't let him be, he's always authoritative, that's not the best way to win a woman's heart, you just have to be meek and playful with her.
6 May 2017 | 09:05
wat was he expecting? huh after d engagement he want you to back out? hell no Jordan.
6 May 2017 | 09:22
Hmmmm dat's my Nancy, Jordan comot ur eye, ur ear 4 Nancy body naa.
6 May 2017 | 09:40
Abeg go on with the wedding plans am solely behind you
6 May 2017 | 09:57
why won't she get married to him when he proposed in front of you. come Jordan, don't make me give you a back hand slap now
6 May 2017 | 12:15
Yes of course she did what is your problem with that
6 May 2017 | 14:17
Abeg make jordan park well
6 May 2017 | 14:51
You are suppose to tell him since he is still your friend
6 May 2017 | 17:21
U gav him sex too fast
6 May 2017 | 18:19
Where is episode 20?
6 May 2017 | 19:04
Hy Jordan what again.. here to cause pain and regret
7 May 2017 | 02:14
7 May 2017 | 10:02
Move On Cry Cry Baby
7 May 2017 | 13:33
Episode 22 Continues ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ My heart skipped a bit and my mouth went dry, i did not know the reply to give Jordan. Though we were no longer in a relationship, i could not bare to hurt him with my words. "Answer me Nancy! You guys are seriously getting married?" Jordan asked, raising his voice. I blinked consecutively and all i could manage to say was "Who told you?". "Is that a reply to my question?" Jordan asked in return. I took a deep breathe and decided it was time to call a spade a spade. "Jordan, you were there when kelvin proposed to me and you did not show any sign of been hurt. What's next after a proposal? Is it not suppose to be marriage?. Am sorry we did not end up together but that won't stop me from getting married to the man of my dream" I said without considering Jordan's feelings. I was expecting to hear Jordan raise his voice at me or get angry but i was surprised to hear laughter from the other end. "Jordan? What's funny?" I asked when the the laughter increased. Jordan did not reply and i decided it was time to hang up on him. I was about to end the call when someone said "Hey babe" from the other end. "Are you kidding me?" was the only question i could ask when i recognized the voice. "No, actually am adulting you. Get down here babe, we're outside" Kelvin said from the other end and i rushed out of my bed. I looked through my window and saw no sign of him. I quickly forced a jean over my butt and wore a loose top. "Hey, are you there?" I heard kelvin's voice from my phone again. I got a slippers and said "I will so deal with you kelvin" as i rushed out of my room. Kelvin only laughed into the phone without a reply. I hurriedly informed my foster parent of my emergency outing before i hurried out of the gate. I saw a Range Rover parked outside the gate. Without been told i knew that would be kelvin's. I knocked on the side glass and the back door was opened. Kelvin pulled me in and engulfed me in a hug immediately i got in. I tried to pull myself away from him but he held me tight and kissed me on my forehead. "Am so proud of you baby" Kelvin said with his charming smile and kissed me on my lips. I could not resist the urge to kiss him so i only kissed him back. "hey guys that's enough. Lets get going" A voice i recognized to be Jordan's interupted from the driver's sit. "What!" I exclaimed as i break from the kiss. "So you are still here? You naughty boy" I said as i hit Jordan playfully on his shoulder. "I told them not to prank you sister inlaw" I heard another voice from the front sit. "Loretta!" i screamed when i recognized her voice. "Sorry sis, kelvin dragged me into this" loretta said and I put on a angry look. "You know what sis. Let me clean myself. Kelvin told me your romantic story and he was scared you might not be able to tell Jordan about your wedding plans. My Cute brother was also scared of Jordan pulling funny stunts at the wedding. So i advised him to inform Jordan himself and he did. Jordan on the other hand agreed on the condition that he will question you on it. If you were able to tell him yourself, he would give up and if you were unable to, he would come back hard. So thats why we are all here and the loser will clear the bill for tonight. See? Have done nothing wrong" Loretta said and i could not help but laugh. "So now that you've painted me black, can we get out of here already?" Kelvin said and Jordan started the engine after laughing out loud. I could not help but appreciate kelvin looking out for me. "Is the story forreal?" I asked as i held kelvin close to myself. "Yes it is" kelvin said and i placed my lips on his as i murmured "Thank you". **** Jordan drove into a five star Joint and we all alighted after he parked. We found a empty table and we settled in the chairs with me sitting close to kelvin and Loretta sitting close to Jordan. Myself and Loretta ordered for Asun and fruit wine while Jordan and Kelvin ordered a bottle of red wine. We had fun eating, drinking and chatting. Loretta was able to blend well and i could not help but notice how cute herself and Jordan looked together. They seemed to understand eachother and at interval Loretta would hit Jordan playfully on the shoulder whenever she find his words funny. At exactly 10:00pm,Jordan cleared the bill and we left the joint. We were all in high spirits as we left for home. I was taken to my house first after which kelvin said they would go to Jordan's house before he would head home with loretta. **** My foster parent were fast asleep when i got home. I gently went to my room and had my shower. I wore my night wear and settled in my bed. I thought about the outing of the day and I could not help but smile. "Since Jordan is out of the way, the only problem left is uncle Mike" I thought but i was sure Mi dad would handle him well and his greed would make him and his family member agree to our terms. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I woke up the following morning at exactly 6:30am. I said my prayer and got ready for work. After dressing up, i had breakfast with my foster parent during which we discussed. In the middle of breakfast, Mi dad made it known to us that he would meet with uncle Mike and the rest of the family during lunch. I also informed my foster parent that I would visit the Stanleys and Kelvin's parent, after work. Mi mom also informed us that she would shop for all the traditional attire to used. As her area of concentration, she took it upon herself to get all the Aso- ebi and other traditional materials needed. After breakfast we all wished each other luck and after pecking the duo quickly, i dashed out. **** Work was not really fun, since much work was not assigned to me. Probably because of my new found status. At exactly 12:00pm, i signed out of work and left for the stanleys. Since i wanted to make my visit a surprise, i did not bother to inform them. I got to the stanleys residence after about thirty minutes of driving. I could not help to remember memories of Nelly as i walked into the livingroom. Her picture was the first thing that caught my eyes when i got to the livingroom. If her death could still hurt me that much after years, i could not help but wonder how her parent would feel anytime they see her picture. For a moment, i said a silent prayer in loving memory of her. "It's a lie! When did you get in my child?" Mrs stanley's voice interupted me from the dining room. With a napkin in her hand, i realised she had been in the kitchen. I rushed to Nelly's mom and hugged her tightly. She held me close to herself and gently rubbed my back. I released myself after a long embrace and asked after her health. I also asked after Mr. Stanley and she informed me he was home. I waited in the livingroom has she went to call her husband inside the house. I knelt to greet Mr. Stanley on sight but he held me half way and engulfed me in a hug. Nelly's dad turned me around as he appreciated my outfit. I could not help but wish i could bring Nelly back to the lovly couple. Few minutes later, we were all on the dining table, having a lovly lunch of garri and vegetable soup. The whole room was filled with laughter as we chatted and talked, bringing back old memory. During lunch, i got to know that the couple adopted a ten years old daughter, who was in school when i visited. For once, i saw the need to have a child. After lunch, i informed the couple of the reason for my visitation. They were happy i would be getting married but the atmosphere changed to a sad one when Mrs. Stanley brought back memories of Nelly. I took my time to wipe her tears and promised to be there for her, before i left. **** After leaving the stanley's, I went to Kelvin's apartment. I was warmly welcomed by his parent and Loretta was a sweetheart as well.The president could not hide his excitement and just like Mi dad, he also promised to invite the whole world to my wedding with kelvin. I did not spend up to thirty minutes at kelvin's when khole called and informed me that she was waiting for me at home.Though leaving kelvin's residence was a bit difficult with his mom asking me to stay and gist with her for awhile, i left later on, after spending twenty more minutes. **** "Hey buddy" I said immediately i got home. "Over here" khole said from the dining room.I met my foster parent with her as well. I hugged the duo and pulled khole's hair. "You better handle me with care" Khole said and i hitted her playfully. "Dad, whatsup?" i asked as I settled in a chair. Mi dad adjusted his sit and said " Good news princess. Immediately they heard who our inlaws is, they all agreed. Some of them even said we should fast forward the wedding plans.Right now Mike's wife is in charge of Aso-ebi from their side" I was so excited at Mi dad's news.I rushed to hug him and said "You are the best dad in the universe". "Mtchew, useless people. Baby, your dad transferred two million naira into my account. With that i will get the trad honey" Mi mom said and i hugged her too after thanking dad. Khole coughed to get attention and said "Okay everybody,Now its my turn to break a news" We all looked at eachother in surprise and waited for her to go on. Khole continued "Mom, Dad, Sis...In nine months time,am going to have a baby!!!" "What?!!" We all screamed out like school children. My foster parent could not hide their excitement has they danced around the house.I jumped on khole not minding her plea not to hurt her baby.I was super excited for her. "What more can i ask for God? First you doubled my joy by giving me another daughter and now, one is getting married while the other one is carrying my first grand child.I will serve you forever father" Mi dad said with his hands raised up in to the roof. We all danced to "Morire" by "Mike abdul" for God's blessing. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ We thanked God and celebrated all the happenings of the past years as much as we could. At the end of it all, we all held our glasses of wine up (except khole who had Juice) and made a toast to more blessings. After the merriment, we settled in the livingroom to discuss my wedding arrangement properly. Khole disclosed that she would not be able to travel with me because of her early stage of pregnancy and she would be going to Abuja with Josh after completing her resignation process in less than three days. According to her, Josh wanted her to get all the rest she deserved. Though i was happy for khole, i was a bit sad because she would not be there with me to make choices while shopping for my wedding. I was left with Mi mom to shop with, though i didn't love the idea,i had no choice left. "I had always wanted to have a all girls shopping instead of a mother/daughter shopping" i said to myself. After all the arrangements were made, I gave my foster parent a quick peck, before myself and khole excused ourselves to my room. I was so amazed at the news of khole been pregnant that i looked at her every minutes to find changes. This made khole ask if she had turn a celebrity. I hitted her playfully and we both laugh. She was glowing so much that i could not help but think of how carrying Kelvin's seed would feel like. After placing a call through to Josh, in a bid to congratulate him, Myself and khole made a comprehensive list of all we would be needing for my wedding. I decided to shop at the places khole got her wedding materials as well, in order to have a quality wedding. At exactly 6:00pm, Khole left and i retired to my room. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The ringing of my phone woke me up, Time checked 7:30pm. The caller I.D was kelvin, so i accepted the call and said "Hello". "Hey babe! You've been sleeping?" Kelvin said and i replied yes. "Sorry for disturbing you, i wanted to ask if it will be fine by you for Loretta to join you guys for shopping. We will be having our pre-wedding pictures in two days" kelvin said and my mouth was left open. "Pre- wedding what? In two days? Why are you just informing me?" I questioned. "Actually dad made the appointment before he left. I was informed few minutes ago. He was suppose to leave for the Aso rock a week ago, but he's been here claiming he hasn't been feeling fine. Instead of taking care of his health, he has been making different plans for our wedding. You will be amazed to hear all the plans he has made behind our backs. He left few hours ago, leaving us all in awe with his bundle of surprise. I gusse i take after him when it comes to that" kelvin said and we both laughed. It was alittle difficult to believe a whole president would abandon the country's work for his son's wedding but that explained the amount of love he had for his son. I agreed to meet with Loretta the next day and get ready for the pre-wedding pictures the day that follows. After ending the call with kelvin, i left for the dining room, where i joined my foster parent for dinner. In the middle of the meal, i informed my foster parent of my arrangement with kelvin and Mi dad promised to debit my account the following day. I expressed my gratitude with words, after which i pleaded with Mi dad to take few months break from work on my behalf. Mi dad agreed to have a chat with the chairman and if things went well, i might not be completing my service year. I left the dining room excitedly after dinner and had a long chat with kelvin in my room before i finally hugged my pillow. **** I woke up 7:15am the next day. Since i had no intension of going to work, i stayed back in my room after saying my prayer. I decided to see a movie in my room. About an hour later, i was lost in the movie when i received a new message alert. I sluggishly got my phone and checked the message content. My eyes widened as I glanced through the content. Without reading the whole message, i jumped to my foster parent's room happily. I rushed at Mi dad immediately i saw him and i hugged him as tight as i could. "Thanks dad" I said has i released him from the hug. "For what princess?" he replied in a low tone. "I just received the alert" I said and Mi dad frowned. "Alert? Am yet to make the transfer, " Mi dad said and i was left confused. I rushed to Mi mom and asked if Mi dad was fooling me but she also testified to the fact that Mi dad was just waking. At first i thought the duo were joking, but when they maintained a straight face, i realised they were not playing pranks on me. "But dad this is the message" I said as i brought out my phone. Mi mom collected my phone from me and read out the message content. "Acct: ******231 Amt: NGN 5, 000 000:00cr Desc: Cash deposit-KELVIN SMIT. Avail balance: NGN 6, 000 000:00." "OH MY GOD" was all i could say when i found out that the deposition was made by kelvin. To be continued..
7 May 2017 | 13:56
wooow!! dis Kelvin z just too gooood. u r very lucky Nancy. happy marriage life in advance. so happy for u. Jordan and Loretta will be d next couple.(chakam)
7 May 2017 | 17:03
mehn the nigga get cash ☺
7 May 2017 | 21:05
I just hope Jordan nd Loretta will be a couple too
7 May 2017 | 21:33
wow. so happy for Nancy. Loretta and Jordan, you guys will make a good couple
8 May 2017 | 03:34
Nancy am happy for u baby,enjoy ur marriage girl.
8 May 2017 | 04:17
Hmmm Nancy, U are so lucky to have Kelvin as ur boo, enjoy ur marriage girl
8 May 2017 | 04:42
Kelvin is just a gentle man that knows the heart of his girlfriend... That guy is just so good.
8 May 2017 | 04:58
wow.... kelvin is a real gem. so sweet and romantic
8 May 2017 | 04:59
Am so happy for you
8 May 2017 | 05:16
Waooooo this is so sweet, i pray this story is really, Kelvin is truly every woman's dream man, very caring and loving full of surprises God pls giv me a man lik this.#winkz
8 May 2017 | 06:47
8 May 2017 | 07:18
In addy to you dear
8 May 2017 | 07:33
Episode 23 Continues.. "why will he do this?" I asked rather too loudly. "Maybe he just want to contribute" Mi mom said as a response to my rhetoric question. "But i did not ask him for a thing. I mean i can take care of myself" I said, talking to no one in particular. Mi dad came close to me and said "Probably you should give him a call honey. He is in the position to answer all this question." Mi mom handed my phone back to me and i dialed kelvin's number. "What is the cash deposition for?" I asked immediately kelvin accepted my call. "Chill honey. First things first. Good morning and how was your night beautiful?" Kelvin said, not realising my mood. "Just give me an answer already kelvin" I said not responding to his greetings. Kelvin cleared his throat loudly and said "Okay iron lady. Actually am not kind enough to deposit such amount into your account and before you will start feeling like a celebrity that i need to beg with money, i did not make the deposition. Dad did, and he used one of the accounts he opened in my name, that's why my name appeared as the depositor. Hope am safe now?" After kelvin's explanation, i could not help but feel lucky for the kind of family i was going to have has inlaw. I told kelvin to forward the president's contact to me and i also asked him to inform Loretta that we would be meeting by 12:00pm. "Can i come along? You have enough to shop for me and i don't have any boxer again" Kelvin said and i told him to get lost before i ended the call. I narrated all that kelvin said to my foster parent and they were excited. Mi dad joked about me lending him money before he placed a call through to the president. We all took turn to express our gratitude and the president been the humble man he was, told us were worth more than the money. I remembered Mi dad of the chat he was suppose to have with the chairman of my office before i left for my room. We had breakfast lately that morning, after which i got ready for the shopping with Loretta. At exactly 11:40am, i was on my way to Kelvin's. **** I was surprise to meet Jordan at kelvin's, according to him, kelvin invited him for shopping. I found out that Loretta and Jordan were getting closer and even a blind man would see that they were fond of eachother. After alittle chat with kelvin's mom, i left with Loretta, leaving the men behind. The driver assigned to take us around the town drove us to different beautiful Ladies shopping complex and we were able to get all the things we needed. Loretta was fun to shop with and with her fashion taste, she made the best choices. After shopping with Loretta, i decided to plead with her to come shop with me for my wedding instead of going with Mi mom. After little persuasion, loretta agreed and i told her all the places we got khole's wedding materials for. She also made new suggestions and i found myself happily looking forward to having fun with Loretta. Loretta also promised to invite some of her friends who would love to be a member of the bridal train. When we were done shopping around the town, i went home excitedly and tired after getting my ride from kelvin's. **** I told Mi mon about my new plan of travelling with Loretta instead of her, thinking she would be a bit angry of my new decision. Instead Mi mon was happy she would have enough time to make all the arrangements needed in Nigeria. She was also happy about my new found friendship with my sister inlaw. After discussing with Mi mom, i called khole and invited her over for my pre-wedding pictures before i had lunch. The rest of the day went uneventful apart from getting freed from work as a result of Mi dad's meeting with the chairman. **** I woke up super excited the next day, though it was just pre-wedding picture i was going to take, it made me realise my wedding was near. At exactly 11:00AM, Myself and khole left for the suit we would be making use of. Kelvin also came with Loretta and Jordan. Makeup artist and hair stylist were made available as well. I was stunned when i saw my new look in the mirror after been worked on by the specialist.The invited designer helped with the dresses i shopped with Loretta.Without been told, i knew i look gorgeous after dressing up. I could not help but thank my stars for my choice of husband when i saw kelvin as well,we were what most people would call "The perfect Couple" "Josh Collage photography" got to work immediately we were set.All in all, we had different beautiful pictures from three different dresses. At the end of it all,I smiled home with fullness of Joy. *** Few weeks later the pre-wedding pictures were out and without much effort, it went Viral on social media. Over the night,i became a public figure. **** Bags were packed, goodbyes were said and two weeks to my wedding i was on a private jet with my bridal train. (Loretta and friends) "Let the shopping begin!" I shouted immediately the jet took off. "Let the shopping begin!" I shouted immediately the jet took off. If any sooth sayer had reveal to me that i would be going to shop for my wedding in a private jet, few months from then, i would have told the person to get lost. Thanks to my father inlaw (the president), i got more than i had always wish for. The flight from lagos to Los Angeles was interesting. I had lots of fun with the ladies. With their sense of fashion and their class, i was rest assured getting the best would not be a problem. Through the ladies, i was able make a new choice of my shopping location. Since dad loaded my account with enough money after the deposition from kelvin, i had nothing to worry about in terms of money. All i needed was quality. **** We found our way to Beverly, hills where a reservation was made for us after the long flight from Nigeria. In less than an hour, i found myself feeling at home already. I placed a call through to my foster parent, the president, khole and then kelvin who was also on a trip to get his wears. We all had our dinner in our hotel room after which we had a long chat before we decided to call it a day. The next day was ment to be the beginning of my wedding shopping, since we had just a week to round everything off. **** The ringing of my phone woke me up the next morning. Everything changed since we were in a foreign land but my love for kelvin never changed. He called me early that morning and said lots of beautiful things that made me feel butterfly in my tommy. The long talk with kelvin woke some of the ladies up and they got jealous to the extent that they could not hide it. This made some of the girls narrate their experience with love and again, we started the day with a long gist. After chatting for awhile, we went to the hotel restaurant to got breakfast and before preparing to hit the city. At exactly 10:00AM, we left our hotel for Flagship Boutique, owned by Monique Lhuillier. Her boutique was one of the best in B.H and we settled for flagship because it had everything we were looking for. Flagship boutique was more exceptional than i thought it would be, the whole of Monique Lhuillier collection caught my eyes but the one that took my breathe away was the "2015 Bridal landing" the wedding gown was super gorgeous and when I tried it on, even without looking into a mirror, i knew it looked best on me. I also got a red and cream colour dinner gown, for the wedding reception and my bridal train got a beautiful long cream dinner gown for the event. We all went home happy and fulfiled that very day. I was the happiest girl in the world. Throughout the week all we did was shopping.At the very end, i found the shoes of my dream in "Signature Bridal" by Monique Lhuillier and charming set of jewelry from "Fine Jewelry" also by Monique Lhuillier. We shopped for the little braids and all that were absent but would be participating on my wedding.Mi mom got most of her wealthy friends daughters to fit in all the roles before i left Nigeria. After the whole shopping,i was more than fulfilled at all the things i got.Though, a huge amount of money was spent, i got all that i had ever wanted for my wedding.It was a huge success. **** At exactly 4:00pm, our plane landed in Lagos Nigeria. Cars were already waiting to take us home and around 7:00pm,i was at my door step in Ilorin while the ladies went to their various house as well. I was happy to be with my family again and i was most happy it was a week to my introduction.All the arrangement Mi mom successfully made also made me love her the more.We had a long mother/daughter chat before i finally retired for the day. **** Before the blink of an eye, it was my introduction day. Stylist, makeup artist, khole and all that i would be needing was made available. Though it was suppose to be a low key family introduction, the sight that welcomed me made me doubt if it was just an introduction or the wedding proper.There were heavy securitys in the whole arena as well. Since Yoruba culture was showcased, i was dressed in "iro and buba" while kelvin wore Agbada. Groom's family were welcomed, each family member was introduced and other necessary things were done.The introduction was nothing but a huge success as well. **** The event had an impact in me. Afterwards, I isolated myself in my room and thought about all that happened. Even those that never spent a kobo on me were introduced but the lives that brought me into this world were missing. I let tears fall freely from my cheek at my sudden realisation that i was an orphan.Due to the love i received from my foster parent, i almost forgot i was alone without a family. I rose to my feet and looked through the window. I let the thought of the past wander in my head and after a long time of letting go of the past.Memories of my parent's death came calling. Before i could say jack, i lost control over my body.It was all like a nightmare. I lost myself to the past and all the memories i had long forgotten re-surfaced.The events of my parents death came calling and before i could say jack, i lost control over my body.It was all like a night mare as all that happened during my parents death came in a flash. It all felt like it was in the present though it was the past i had always tried to forget. Just like a movie,everything came right before me.From the death of my dad,to the last words of my mom and the moment my mother was given back to mother earth. I unconsciously fell to the ground as different thought came to my mind.At first my it was only the tears falling down my cheek but has i got deeper in my thought, i started to weep. The deeper my thought got, the more it took over me and from weeping, i started to wail not minding the number of guest in my house. I wailed and shouted with the whole of my strength, as if my living depend on it.I cried for all the years i have lost track on the past that was my root. Few minutes later, i felt i was losing my strength, i tried to stop myself from wailing but i could not.Getting up became a difficult task for me. If my parent were to be alive, they had always known when i was in discomfort but with them gone far away from this world, i was left with no comforter at that moment.I was sure everybody in the house would be bussy with their problem.Though i had people i called my family, they could never be compared with the father that brought me to this world and the mother that carried me in her womb for nine months.I was still in my state of dilemma when Mi mom showed up like a guardian Angel. All my thoughts were proved wrong. "Nancy! What is wrong with you?" mi mom shouted immediately she entered my room.I could not say a word, i only looked up at her with my swollen eyes as she knelt down beside me.Mi mom held me to herself for a long period of time.She released me when i had stop wailing and gently carried me up. Instead of questioning me, mi mom slowly led me on the bed and made me lay on my back.She covered my body and placed a hand on my stomach.She gently tapped my stomach in a relieving way until i forgot both the past and present. I enventually fell into the hands of sleep. **** I woke up to the sound of foot step in my room.I knew i had company but i could not place who it was.My head felt heavy and weak.I slowly opened my eyes and saw my foster parent sitting close to me in bed.Mi dad held my hand immediately i moved my body. "Baby, are you okay?" He calmly asked and i nodded.Mi mom gently sat me up and placed a tray in front of me.It contained a simple dinner of rice and fish stew.I had my dinner in bed with the help of foster parent that day.With the care i got from my foster parent, I felt ashamed of thinking i had nobody when i had the whole world.After eating my foster parent cleared my bed and put me to sleep before they left.I gussed they knew the reason of my sudden breakdown and they decided not to question me. Since i was not sleepy after my foster parent departure, i placed a call through to kelvin and we had a long talk before i finally ended the call.I stayed up thinking about nothing all night. **** Days rolled into nights and nights to weeks. I had my bridal shower at khole's residence three days to my wedding day.I could not use my foster parent home because of the guests and it felt more alive at khole's.I had fun with the ladies, including Loretta and with the help of "Josh collage photography" All the beautiful moments were captured. After the event, i went home thinking about the following day.It would be friday and it was scheduled for my engagement.Throughout the day, i looked forward to becoming kelvin's braid traditionally. **** At exactly 3:00pm on friday afternoon, i was fully dressed in my traditional attire.I wore an expensive set of jewelry and local bead.Some minutes to 4pm, i matched out of the house to "Stela Obansanjo multipurpose hall" where the event was to take place.I was in company of myladies dressed in the same attire.My foster parent,khole and Josh also had the same attire on.In all different colours of aso-ebi could be seen,ranging from class and colour. Music could be heard from a mile to the hall.Their were fleets of cars everywhere and i could not help but marvel at the turn up. An unexpected event occurred when i danced into the hall with khole and other ladies behind me.The smile on my way disappeared when i saw uncle mike sitting close to my mom as the bride's father.I decided to speak for myself and take a bold step.I knew the man that was there for me when i became father less and somebody else representing him while he was still alive was something i could not take. Instead of going to the sit provided for me after the dance, i walked up to uncle mike and said "Is either you get up from this chair now or i will have you dragged out of this place" the smile on his face faded immediately. . To be continued after comments..
8 May 2017 | 11:40
Hmmm uncle Mike again
8 May 2017 | 14:22
uncle mike want to occupy that seat. He better think again
8 May 2017 | 15:23
What is wrong with you Uncle Mike
8 May 2017 | 15:50
Uncle Mike, wat z ur problem, u want to take d honour dat doesn't belong to u
8 May 2017 | 17:15
He must be crazy for that
8 May 2017 | 17:19
Shameless human being want to reap what he didn't show. God go punish you uncle mike. Dragg him to where he belong jare, foolish man
8 May 2017 | 18:10
He's a jerk, Nancy u kn after wedding comes marriage o.
8 May 2017 | 18:24
Episode 24 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ "Is either you get up from that chair right now or i will have you dragged out" I said to uncle mike and the smile on his face faded immediately. He only looked at me with a straight face. His facial expression was blank and this made me doubt if i had created enough fear in him or not. I did'nt want to cause a scene on my own engagement but i wouldn't mind causing one by dragging uncle mike out of the hall on my heels. At that particular moment the engager was doing her thing on stage and i was not needed on stage but i knew i would be call upon soon. I bent alittle closer to uncle mike with a fake smile and said "Am sure the least you want right now is to be embarrassed infront of all this camera. Remember what i did to your wife? That part of me is still so much alive. Now move it uncle" My last statement created enough fear in my uncle and he reluctantly stood up from the chair. He looked at me directly for like a minute and with my two inches heels, i was way taller than him. I looked down at him and told him to make himself feel comfortable in the crowd. Mi mom who had been carried away by the engager performance noticed the exist of uncle mike. She gave me a questionary expression and i replied with a smile, telling her to calm her nerves. I knew it was the family's arrangement for uncle mike to sit with Mi mom, but i did'nt give a poo about their arrangement. It was my day, everything was suppose to be about me and everything was suppose to go just the way i wanted. The engager called on the groom's men to prostrate before the bride's parent. This was the time everybody noticed the bride's father absence. Before it got suspicious, i walked graciously to where Mi dad was sitted and ushered him to the sit vacated by uncle Mike. He was not prepared for it but he accepted and acted normal. Uncle mike and the family could rot in hell for all i care. Bridal rites were paid, prayers were said, i sat on kelvin's parent laps for prayer and vice versa, everything was super fun. At exactly 6:00pm, the engagement came to a lovly end. Pictures were taken and many memories were captured. I could not help but notice the frown on my mom's family throughout the event but i cared less. I looked everywhere for Lizzy but she was no where to be found. I gussed i really bleeped up when i delt with her mom and she might probably be willing to take the grudges to her grave. **** I returned home with my family and i was happy to be traditionally kelvin's braid. He was my everything. My foster parent invited me to their room after i undressed. At first Mi dad was mad at me for going against the family but at the end, after expressing my feelings to the duo, they were both proud of me and mi dad agreed to give out my hand in the holy matrimony. I went back to my room and with the girls with me, the night was fun. Loud music, noise from every angle, laughter, delicious aroma and get together were all that filled my house because of the huge number of guest. I excused myself from the girls and looked through my window. The moon was shinning so bright and a broad smile spread across my face when i thought of where i would be at the same time, the next day. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a beautiful Saturday and it was the day i had always anticipated MY WEDDING DAY. I could not really sleep throughout the night because all my thought was based on my wedding. I thought about how everything would go down well and i found myself going on my kneels in the middle of the night. The night seemed unnecessarily longer and this made me eagerly open my eyes and watch the night has it slowly passed away.I slept around 4:00Am and woke up six. The noise from the ladies in my room woke me up. Khole jumped on me and gave me a peck. I could see the excitement on her face. I was practically dragged out of the bed by the ladies and the day started with us taking 'makeup free' selfies. After the whole thing with the girls, i rushed to my foster parent's room. Mi mom was up and doing already and so was mi dad. I went on my kneels and they showered me with prayers. The couple prayed whole heartedly and this got me emotional. I could not hold back my tears when Mi mom said "how i wish my brother is here. He was always proud of you baby". "common mom, don't make her cry" khole said from the door and took me into her arms. I got myself together and hugged my family before going back to my room. Me and my ladies dressed up and the whole ladies section was been filmed for rememberance. It was fun to have my makeup done while the girls made nasty comments and we all laughed happily. With my gorgeous wedding gown, My bridal shoe, My stunning jewelry and my pretty self, i was ready to head to the registry for my prince charming. I was about to exist my room when kelvin called. "Hey Wifey" he shouted. I only laughed into the phone. "Thanks for agreeing to marry a punk like me baby. I promise to build the world around you and only you honey" Kelvin said and i told him we would see about that. I was about to ask of kelvin's look when khole snatched the phone from my hand and said "Wait till you put the ring on her finger dude!" i could hear kelvin's loud laughter before he finally dropped the call. I left for the registry with my family and my beautiful bridal train at exactly 8:00Am. The order of the cars was a sight to behold, anytime, anyday and anywhere. **** Though there were restrictions, the registry was filled with mass media agents. I felt so proud of myself when i saw kelvin and the men in suit. Everybody looked breathe taking. The legal marriage was done and i became kelvin's legal wife. Next up was the church. The security cars were in front, followed with the president's roll royce, then kelvin's Range rover, followed by the men in suit G wagon and finally the army . After the groom's family departure, i also made a grand departure with my family. I was in a white Limousine with my bridal train, my foster parent followed in a brand new chervrolet camaro 2015 and fleets of cars followed behind. **** Nothing felt more precious than walking into the house of the lord, with your white pretty gown and father holding your hand. It was a day i would never forget. All eyes were on me and i felt like an angel among mortals. Mi dad was called upon to give my hand in marriage to kelvin and it was time to exchange vows. Vows were made and it got funny when kelvin could not wait for the instruction to kiss me before he tried to. My groom to be tried to kiss me thrice and the reverend kept pushing him back, before he was finally allowed to do so. I saw nothing but love in his eyes, even his lips tasted it. Everything went beautifully well without the family reacting to me making Mi dad the bride's father and according to plan, my white wedding was a huge success. There was order of photo and we had to stay behind to take a shot with all the important personnel included. It was so overwhelming to be the president's daughter inlaw. Everybody loved me. **** I was about to leave the church when Jordan stopped me and asked for a minutes. Anxious about what he had to say, i left my bridal train and followed him. Jordan held my hands when we got to a corner of the church, he looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back not knowing what he was upto. Jordan released my hand and brought out a small box, he handed it over to me and said "open up Nancy". I opened the box with my eyes fixed on Jordan. I was speechless when i saw the box content. It was the exact ring given to me by my parent and i gave it to Jordan some years back. "I wanted to hold unto this before but now i think it belong to kelvin. Nancy i love you and i always will. Am happy for you and i want you to be happy for me. Wish me luck with Loretta sis. She got my heart beating fast but i don't know if kelvin will let me.Nancy, i will still be here for you, I promise" Jordan said and kissed my hand.I felt a huge happiness in me as i went into his arms. My heart was filled with happiness as i went into Jordan's arms. The huge only lasted for awhile before we ended it. "So that's what i wanted to get down with. Let's go rock the reception" Jordan said and we both laughed. I held the ring box close to my heart as we walked back to the car. "Is someone trying to steal my bride?" Kelvin said from behind just when i was about to open the car door. "Been searching for my bride and my best man for hours now" Kelvin continued and i smiled at the realisation of what he was trying to insinuate. "Don't be scared, i won't take away your bride, am no longer the bad guy you use to know" Jordan said and we all laughed. "Common babe, we're leaving in our new ride" Kelvin said and i asked what he ment. Kelvin hurriedly informed me that the president shipped in a new ride for our wedding. I eagerly informed khole and the ladies of the change before i left with kelvin. Kelvin had my eyes covered as he led the way to the new ride "Do you guys realise that you don't have time for all this surprise game. You are late for your own reception for Christ" I heard Loretta's voice infront of us. Kelvin finally opened my eyes and all i could scream was "Woah" when i saw the ride. It was a beautifully decorated white Lamborghini Veneno.If not for my big wedding gown,i would have danced round the car before leaving in it. Myself, kelvin,Loretta and Jordan occupied the Lamborghini while others followed in the ride they came with. With fleets of classy ride,we made a grand exist from the church and a grand entry into the reception. **** I had a change of dress in an arranged hotel room which was in the same compound with the reception hall.I wore a red dinner gown and a golden heels.I also had makeup retouch and within thirty minutes i was good to go. MC Abbey handled the event and i danced into the hall with my groom and my beautiful bridal train. It was a beautiful entry as we danced to Tiwa Savage performance.Everything was beautifully made to the extent that i got emotional at the beginning of the event. The order of arrangement was followed and after lots of dancing, it was time for the bride to dance with the groom's father. "Now let's the honourable president come on stage and the beautiful bride. I hope you are here with your dancing shoe sir" MC Abbey said and he exist the stage. The president held my hand and walked me to the stage, i felt as if my heart was going to burst out with the amount of crowd and cameras. Everything felt so overwhelming. Myself and the president danced to Kcee performance. I would have been overwhelmed by the number of celebrities and important personalities on sit but with the number of surprises i had received,i wouldn't be surprise even if angels were in attendance. The president was a good dancer and even through his dance, his joy could be felt. We were sprayed with different currency during the dance.It got to a point that i had to ask myself if the wealthy think before they spend lavishly. We received a loud applaud from the crowd after the energetic dance with the president. Mi mom was called upon to dance with the groom as i exist the hall, to have a change of dress. When i returned,I met the bridal train dancing to kiss Daniel performance and they were lavishly sprayed as well. With my cream gown on and a red heels, i was called upon to have a slow dance with my groom later on. "African queen" was performed by the legendary 2face as i slowly danced with kelvin.Everything about the song was beautiful and the live performance made it more heart warming. I looked into kelvin's eyes and thought about the past, present and the future. Everything was a dream come through.All that happened was all i ever wished for, the only wish that was left out was impossible. I knew it could never happen but i still wished my parents were present to see their little girl get married infront of all the personalities on sit.Once again, i could not stop the tears that rolled down my face. "Beautiful brides don't cry" Kelvin said, bringing me out of my thought.He wiped my tears and said "I know you're scared of what i will do to you tonight, don't worry, it won't hurt" I smiled and pushed kelvin playfully.He held me close and kissed me on my lips. We remained like that till the performance ended. **** The programme was followed and the last of it all was cutting of the cake.We fed ourselves with cake and wine and in the middle of it all, our childish act came up. The programme came to a beautiful end, though the party was still on, myself and kelvin had a night flight to catch to the State for our honeymoon. It got emotional when i had to say goodbye to my family. Mi mom could not stop praying for a safe journey and Mi dad could not stop confessing how much he would miss me.I expressed my gratitude to my inlaws and i told khole to take care of her baby before we finally left. LET THE HONEY MOON BEGIN! . To be continued..
8 May 2017 | 18:25
Uncle mike had better vacate that sit before he is forcefully dragged out
8 May 2017 | 18:45
u for start wit slap b4 u giv am option
8 May 2017 | 18:52
Wow..., so interesting. I hope loretta and jordan starts dating soon. Let the honeymoon begin
8 May 2017 | 18:59
Wow! Dis is jst too good. I hope it wil go smoothly
8 May 2017 | 19:15
nancy i love your lyf
8 May 2017 | 19:22
uncle Mike dey craze
8 May 2017 | 19:41
Mike plz get up You have never been a father figure to her before
8 May 2017 | 20:00
Oh baby girl am happy for u o.
9 May 2017 | 04:03
wow. let the honeymoon begin
9 May 2017 | 04:44
Wow am happy for u
9 May 2017 | 05:03
Wow... Am happy for you Nancy
9 May 2017 | 06:02
Am happy for u Nancy, joy at last
9 May 2017 | 09:35
let the honeymoon begin
9 May 2017 | 09:58
Happy union
9 May 2017 | 10:21
Thumbs up Nancy you did the right thing
9 May 2017 | 10:37
waooooo, I love this, this is so sweet, Happy Married life Nancy
9 May 2017 | 11:42
I love ur courage
9 May 2017 | 12:01
9 May 2017 | 12:26
Wow! Missed a lot o! I'm glad everything is working out fine and I hope it continues. Of course, LET THE HONEYMOON BIGIN!!!
9 May 2017 | 12:55
Wow! I've missed a lot. I'm glad everything is working out well and I hope it continues that way. Of course, LET THE HONEYMOON BEGIN!!!
9 May 2017 | 12:59
Episode 25 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I felt as if my heart would burst out when i left my family behind. We rarely get seperated over the years, its either i was with one of them or with all of them. Later on I consoled myself with the thought of having the best honeymoon with kelvin. The president's private jet was made available for us and without wasting much time, we were good to go. Reality dawned on me when the Jet took off and i could not help but think about all that had happened. With the thought of the past on my mind, i became quiet and lost. I was so lost in my thought that i did not realise that Kelvin was staring at me. "Are you scared of me kidnapping you now?" Kelvin asked as he touched my chin. I smiled faintly and looked down at my feet. Kelvin made my gaze meet his and said "what's on your mind? Why are you quiet?" Though i had a whole lot on my mind, i knew sharing it with kelvin would only bring about an unwanted outburst of emotion. I only faked a smile and told Kelvin i had nothing on my mind instead. "Just know that you been moody won't make me go easy on you" Kelvin said with a charming smile and he pulled me close to himself. We had our eyes locked for awhile before we claimed eachother lips. Everything about kelvin felt so real even to the bone. "Lets keep the action for later" Kelvin said in between the kiss and i ended it with a smile. The kiss we shared was brief but passionate. I went into Kelvin's arms and we cuddled for awhile before i finally slept off. I slept for a long time and i was enventually woken by hunger. I met kelvin's eyes on me when i opened my eyes and this made me realise he had not blink his eyes. I felt loved with kelvin's eyes on me throughout my sleep. After feeding my stomach, i stayed awake with kelvin and we talked about a whole lot of things, most especially how we would build our family. We were bussy suggesting lots of things like Names for our kids, Names for our pets, me been a full house wife and other things. After a long conversion, i fell asleep in kelvin's arm again and i did'nt open my eyes till the Jet was about to land in new york. Kelvin woke me with a kiss and i was surprised at how much I had slept during a eleven hours plus Journey. We alighted from the jet after a safe landing and with a phone call, kelvin was able to locate the driver arranged for us. We found the G-wagon arranged for us and within a short period of time we were on our way to New Jersey. I did'nt know maybe it was because of the cool breeze or the beautiful city, i felt overwhelmed and this made me all over Kelvin. I could not recall how many times i kissed him during the three hours, fifteen minutes drive to new Jersey. We arrived "Econo Lodge" in New Jersey in the afternoon and even with my tiredness, i could not help but appreciate the beautiful environment. Our luggage was taken into our reservation and Within a short period of time, myself and kelvin were alone in the comfort of our room. **** "Will you love to have your first bath as Mrs. Smith?" Kelvin asked from the door and i only smiled. I focused my attention on my luggage as i was trying to unpack and see if i had forgotten anything. "Common, this is not the time for clothes" Kelvin said as he walked up to me. He gave me a light shoulder massage before he swept me off my feet. In his arm i felt like i was in paradise. Kelvin kissed me as he took me to the bathroom in my cream gown. We got involved with eachother's lips for a long time before kelvin gently place me on my feet. I gently turned my back at kelvin as he kissed my neck softly. Kelvin held me from behind for awhile before he slowly unzip my dress. I watched as my gown slowly formed a heap around my feet. Kelvin lifted me off my feet and we started to kiss again. With his well built body, it was not difficult for me to wrap my legs around his waist as we kissed passionately. Kelvin said lots of romantic things in between the long kiss and i could not hide the fact that i loved the man i married as well. Our hands got bussy on eachother in between the kissed. After a long kiss session, kelvin released the hook of my bra and my round boobs bounced freely as he fed on them. I buried my fingers in kelvin's hair as i moaned to the pleasure. Nothing felt more pleasurable than making love to the right man, at the right time and at the right place. Kelvin gently placed me in the bathing tomb and he gently removed my pant. He also got UnCloth before he joined me in the tomb. With the water running, my body felt more relaxed and refreshing. Kelvin took his time to make make my body clean and every part of the process made me feel nothing but love. After cleaning me up, Kelvin briefly cleaned himself before he came out of the tomb. He carried me out like a baby and took me to the room. He looked deeply into my eyes after placing me on the big bed, he then kissed my hand and said "Let's make the cutest baby in the world" Kelvin held my hand and said "Lets make the cutest baby in the world." I smiled and looked away shyly from kelvin. Though i had been with a man before, everything with kelvin felt different. His charming smile and beautiful words made me trip but i was stil scared of making babies. I knew Making love with kelvin would be a dream come through but i was not ready to make babies. According to my personal plan, i would love to have babies after a year or two of getting married but kelvin was talking about babies on the first day of our honey moon. "Hey! What are you thinking of again? You comtemplating on having a baby or not? Do i need to hire someone else to do the job?" kelvin said, bringing me out of my thought. I laughed and told him to go ahead. Kelvin then gave me his charming smile as he pulled me to himself, making me lay on my side. He gently touched my hair with one of his hand and creased my lips with the other hand. Kelvin slowly kissed me on my forehead and said "Babe, this is the moment have always been waiting for. I want to love you without holding back and i want you to do the same.Let's make this minutes the most memorable moment of our lives" I held kelvin's cheek and locked my eyes with his before i eventually placed my lips on his.We both kissed passionately without holding back.I let my hands work on his body as we sucked eachother lips and tongue. Kelvin slowly placed me on my back without breaking the kiss.He gently placed his hand on my boobs and teased my Tips.With my eyes closed,i felt overwhelmed with his teasing game. After awhile kelvin removed his lips from mine and he replaced his hands with his mouth on my boobs.I could not help but moan out his name as he sucked my boobs at interval,he was just so good at it. After awhile kelvin came up to me and claimed my lips again.We continued to kiss before i felt his hand on my pu**sy.Kelvin made his hand wander around my pu**sy with him deliberately avoiding my hole.At this point in time, i was dripping wet.I whined my waist and pushed myself to him but he ignored my advances.Kelvin continued to kiss me as he teased my pu**sy.Just when i was becoming tired of the teasing game,kelvin steadily and unexpectedly dipped a finger into me.I opened my mouth and shut my eyes tightly as i welcomed the new pleasure.At first kelvin fingered me at a slow pace but he enventually increased his pace as time went on.My breathe was heavy and I was so turned on,everything in me was yawning for sex. I was still moaning out kelvin's name when he unexpectedly stopped,he removed his finger and came up to me. "I love you baby" Kelvin said as he kissed my nose. I wrapped my hand around his neck and said "I love too". Kelvin smiled charmingly and kissed me on my forehead, then my eyes,then my nose and he eventually stopped on my lips.We kissed for awhile before kelvin moved to my neck,he then sucked my Tips for awhile before he moved down to my belly button.Kelvin kissed my tommy and then he moved to my pu**sy.He carefully kissed round my wet pu**sy without leaving a part untouched.I felt like i was in paradise when kelvin dipped his tongue into my hole and slowly sucked me up. I could no longer control myself as kelvin worked his magic.I whined my waist and held the bed spread so tight.It got to a point that i could that i could not take kelvin's teasing game.I held his head up and said "Lets make it now...the babies.. .let's do it now" Kelvin smiled and came up to me,he gently kissed me on my earlobe as he stroked his dick.Kelvin held my hand in the middle of the kiss.I parted my leg wider for him as i wait to feel him deep inside of me. Hand in hand,lips on lips, kelvin entered me.The pleasure i felt was immeasurable as i moan out his name loudly into kelvin's mouth.Kelvin removed his lips from mine and he kissed my neck as he slow Bleep me. We had a wild sex and it was as if i was in a wonder land.He took me to the height i never dreamt of reaching. **** "Wakie wakie"Kelvin said as he gave me a peck.I was awake before he came into the room but i was too weak to get up.The thought of the crazy sex we had made me shiver and I could remember kelvin cuming in me.Though i did'nt want a baby,all the crazy things we did felt so good. "I ordered breakfast.Come take your bath"Kelvin said as he tried to pull me out of bed. I stil felt pain all over my body and it was painful for me to get up.Kelvin carried me and took me to the bathroom."Where do you get your energy from?"I asked surprised at how energetic he was after the mad love making."You wanna know? From this boobs of yours" Kelvin said as he buried his face in my chest. **** Our honeymoon was filled with lots of love making, shopping and naughty play. We returned to Nigeria after a month and We went directly the Aso rock.It was good to be home with kelvin,his family and khole. MY LIFE WAS PERFECT True love is difficult to find but easy to loose. the above quote is very true and that is why i was willing to let nothing come in between myself and kelvin. Before we left the state, i sometimes had a nauseous feeling, i also threw up a couple of times but i was not willing to visit an hospital, thinking it was probably a result of the stress i went through during my wedding. With kelvin cuming in me severally and the way i was feeling, kelvin came to the conclusion that i was carrying his baby and according to him "The cutest baby in the world" In order not to disappoint him if it turned out that i was'nt pregnant, i decided not to take a pregnancy test until we are back in Nigeria. *** The president threw a welcome party for us when we returned. The party was attended by only family friends and my foster parent were also in attendance with khole and Josh. It was so beautiful to see my family again. We talked about lots of things and had lots of unforgettable moments. Khole's stomach was starting to shoot out and seeing her so happy and comfortable with her pregnancy made me wish for a baby as well. Khole and Mi mom kept on disturbing me to tell them the details of all that went down during my honeymoon and i was left with no choice but to tell them alittle of all the nasty things i did with kelvin. I also told them about the feelings i was having l and this made Mi mom happy. She was super excited at the thought of having two grandchildren at a time. Though i was'nt sure of my pregnancy status, i was happy she was happy. It took the help of khole to hold Mi mom down when she wanted to share the news of my pregnancy with the entire family. I couldn't blame her, every true mother will be over excited at the news as well. After a long time of begging Mi mom to let me take a pregnancy test before she would announce to everybody, she agreed to keep the secret. At exactly 3:00pm that day, my family left. My foster parent took an afternoon flight back to Kwara state while Khole returned to her residence in Abuja with her husband. Myself and Loretta promised to locate khole's house the next day. **** The following day which was Sunday, Myself and loretta went in search of khole's house after church. Khole's residence was easy to locate with the help of the driver that drove us there. Her apartment was a beautiful mansion and i could not help but give praise to the interior decorator when we stepped in. We had a lunch of jollof rice and chicken with khole before we settled to gist in the livingroom. We had a long all girls chat and this led loretta informing us that she had started a relationship with Jordan. We were all happy for her and we had a toast to a healthy relationship. After dropping our wine glasses, loretta came close to me and said "Please Nancy, i need you to talk to Kelvin, i don't think he will support my relationship with Jordan". I agreed to talk to kelvin on her behalf and myself and khole teased her on been inlove. We finally left Khole's residence some minutes to 5pm after waiting for Josh's arrival with no luck. **** Myself and loretta did some hanging out before we eventually went home. We met the president absence, so we had dinner with Kelvin and Mother inlaw when we returned. After dinner, i left for our room, hoping to talk to kelvin about Loretta and Jordan's relationship that night. "Hey babe" I said to kelvin immediately i entered the room. "So you remember me now? After spending the whole day with your sister" kelvin said with a childish frown. In reply to kelvin's accusation, I took off my top and bum short. I then walked seductively to him with my undis and said "What if i make up for lost time?" Kelvin smiled and signalled at me to come meet him in bed. I stopped half way and told him to come get me, he rushed at me and claimed my lips as he carried me to bed. Kelvin was about to unbuckle my bra when my phone started to ring. He groaned as i took my phone and accepted khole's call. " Nancy... Am about to die, please come immediately" Khole said and hung up.. I tried calling her again to no avail. I informed kelvin and we both rushed out with loretta. I got the shock of my life when we got to khole's residence. She was in a pool of blood. "Khole!!!" I screamed as I rushed at her. Kelvin and the driver carried her into the car and we rushed to the hospital. Khole was admitted immediately. I begin to cry in kelvin's arm as we awaited the doctor in the reception. The situation surrounding the accident was unknown but i could not afford to loose khole. She was the sister i never had. *** After waiting for an hour the doctor came out of the emergency ward. I rushed at him and asked "Hows my sister doctor" The doctor only shook his head and said "We are sorry ma'am...." I did not wait to hear his remaining statement before i held him by his neck and screamed "Khole!!!!!!" . To be continued after comments..
9 May 2017 | 14:49
let the honeymoon begin
9 May 2017 | 16:02
Wat happened
9 May 2017 | 16:11
ha khole should not die please oh... The story won't make sense again na.
9 May 2017 | 19:08
let it be a nightmare please. what could ve happen to her??
9 May 2017 | 19:37
Oh no khole there shall b no lost, Nancy pls b calm u kn ur condition, noting will happen 2 her, she may lose d baby bt she 'll okay.
9 May 2017 | 20:36
Lucky u, next
9 May 2017 | 23:16
Plz let nothing happen to Khole
9 May 2017 | 23:21
Plz let nothing happen to Khole
9 May 2017 | 23:22
maybe she lost her pregnancy. I hope nothing will happen to her
10 May 2017 | 03:09
we lost d baby.
10 May 2017 | 04:06
I pray nothing happen to Khole
10 May 2017 | 04:50
But Y now what actually happened to her ?
10 May 2017 | 04:57
Hope khole is not dead
10 May 2017 | 05:05
Honeymoon starts
10 May 2017 | 08:09
10 May 2017 | 08:39
What happen na
10 May 2017 | 09:28
Why Khole
10 May 2017 | 10:06
Nice one, next!
10 May 2017 | 10:45
What happen to khole
10 May 2017 | 15:38
Let it be a dream
10 May 2017 | 22:49
nothing will happen to khole
11 May 2017 | 02:37
@favour is right, if anything happens to Khole, the whole show don spoil be that nah! Well, I just pray nothing happens to her. Instead, let her lose the baby.
11 May 2017 | 02:48
Is this the new face of The background looks good and beautiful. Kudos to all the admin members who try their possible best to give us the best here. May God bless you guys.
11 May 2017 | 02:52
11 May 2017 | 07:14
Khole cant be dead. Maybe the doctor was trying to say she lost the baby
11 May 2017 | 10:40
what happened na!
11 May 2017 | 11:20
Next please
11 May 2017 | 12:06
Am still waiting o please don't keep me waiting.
11 May 2017 | 13:59
Episode 26 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Nothing really mattered to me at that particular moment, all i wanted was khole. I tighten my grip on the doctor's neck, as if Khole's life depend on his neck. "Common Babe! Let go of him!" Kelvin shouted as he tried to loosen my grip on the doctor's neck. It took the help of kelvin and Loretta for me to free the doctor after which i stood akimbo with a teary eye, waiting for the doctor to complete his speech. The doctor took his time to adjust his collar before he looked at me with displease and said "Ma'am if not for your position, i know what i could have done. Next time do not let your emotion get a better part of you." I looked at him and noded before he continued. "Well as i was saying before i was interupted, we tried our best but am sorry we were able to save only the lady, she lost her child" At the revelation of this, i had mixed feelings. I was happy khole was saved but i was sad knowing how sad she would be when she discover that she had lost her baby. I wiped my tears and said "can we see her now?" "No madam. She's on medication now. You all can go home and get some rest, come, check on her tomorrow and bring along the necessaries" The doctor said and left. I stood at a point, staring at my feet before loretta came close to me. "Let's go home" she said softly and i obeyed. **** The ride home was quiet and slow. I had alot on my mind. I tried to figure out what could have led to khole's accident and why Josh was not home with her, according to khole, he was suppose to be back that evening. I could not get a reasonable answer and i was left with finding out from khole. At first, i thought about informing my foster parent, but i knew they would be alarmed. I decided khole was in the right position to inform them when she gets better. "Hey! We are home" Kelvin said as he tapped me on the shoulder and that was when i realised the car had stop to move. I slowly got down from the car and went into the house. We met the president and mother inlaw in the livingroom when we returned, i greeted them briefly and went to my room, leaving kelvin and Loretta to inform them about what happened. I tried Josh's number when o settled, his line went through but he never answered my call. I gave up on him after several unsuccessful attempt and went to the bathroom, after which i retired to my bed. *** I did not know when kelvin joined me in bed but i found myself in his arm the next morning. I slowly uncovered myself and made to get out of bed before kelvin held me back. I turned to him and said "I thought you are still sleeping" "I was, then i noticed your movement. Are you okay? You slept without saying goodnight" Kelvin said as he kissed me lightly. I apologized to kelvin and told him how worried i was about khole. I also told kelvin about Josh's strange behaviour and the fact that he was suppose to be home with her during the night before. Kelvin consoled me and promised to talk to Josh later in the day. We bath together and got ready to visit khole before we joined others for breakfast. Due to the president absence, we were four on the dining table. Mother inlaw informed us that she would come to the hospital after getting khole some provision with Loretta. I thanked her and left for the hospital with kelvin. *** We met Josh at the hospital reception when we arrived. I questioned him on his whereabout the day before and he told me he traveled. Without going further, i went to khole's ward, leaving kelvin to talk to Josh. I was happy to see khole awake when i got to her ward, I excitedly hugged her and examined her briefly. Khole smiled weakly and thanked me. I let few minutes pass before I questioned khole on the cause of her accident and Josh's whereabout. Khole narrowed her eyes and said "Ehm, I slipped and fell when Josh went to get us dinner" "Josh? did he come back yesterday? And you made dinner before we left" I questioned khole, realising that something was wrong just as i suspected. Khole burst into tears and i moved close to console her . I did'nt know if she was crying because of her loss or the question i asked. After few minutes, I released khole and asked her what was wrong with concern. Khole wiped her tears and said "Nancy, the thing is that, Josh is....." Khole could not complete her statement as Josh,Kelvin, Loretta and mother inlaw walked in. I made a "Dont worry" Sign to Khole and rushed to welcome mother inlaw. I did'nt know what happened between khole and Josh but i noticed how tense Josh was when i walked pass him. I collected Mother inlaw's bag and i was about to return to my sit when i felt a strange urge to throwup.I hurriedly dropped the bag on the chair and covered my mouth with my hand as i rushed to the rest room. "Let's have the test now" Kelvin said after he helped me clean up. I wanted to reject his request because of Khole but i could not when i saw the plea in his eyes. ¤¤¤ I wanted to hesitate because of khole but i couldn't say "No" when i saw the plea in his eyes. I gave a positive nod and kelvin smiled. He gave me a peck before he held my hand and led me out of the restroom. "Are you okay dear?" Mother inlaw asked, immediately we joined them. I smiled and told her i was fine even though it was obvious i was'nt. "Mom, everybody, please excuse my wife and I" kelvin said as soon as i was done replying mother inlaw. I took my bag and we left the room, with me keeping my head down. Myself and kelvin went to the reception, where kelvin had a brief talk with one of the nurses. The nurse kelvin had a brief talk with, had a short telephone conversation before she led myself and kelvin to an office at the extreme end of the wards. A middle age woman welcomed us as soon as the door to the office was opened. She offered us a sit and she began to question us immediately we were sitted. "Welcome sir and ma. I was inform that you want a quick pregnancy test. Am happy to tell you that after getting a small amount of your urine which will be forward to the laboratory, you will have a confirmed pregnancy test result in less than a hour" The nurse said and we eagerly agreed. I followed her to a small room in the office where i provided my urine after which she took some necessary information before she got to work, leaving us with another nurse in her office. I was tensed while waiting for the pregnancy test result. I could tell kelvin was anxious as well, he would glance at his wrist watch every minute and shake his legs continuously in anticipation. Lots of thought went through my mind as we waited. I would be happy if i was confirmed pregnant, but apart from my personal dream of having a baby few years after marriage, the fact that khole lost her baby would lessen the joy. **** I was stil lost in thought when the nurse who was incharge of our test result walked in. She quickly apologized for the delay before she settled in her sit and handed over an envelope to kelvin. "The result in there is real and anything contrary is fake. We have the best machine in town and we carryout the best test over a short period of time. Mrs. Smith I'm happy to inform you that you are four weeks gone (pregnant). Congratulations to the both of you" The nurse said with a smile and i could not believe my ears. The excitement feeling of having a child growing inside of me was out of this world. Kelvin held my face and kissed me right in front of the nurses. He could not hide his excitement as he hugged all the nurses with a bright smile on his face. I never knew carrying his baby could bring him so much happiness but all in all i was happy to give my man a reason to be happy. The nurse cleared her throat and said "To the happy daddy to be, can i have a minute please" Kelvin settled beside me and she continued. "Mr and Mrs. Smith please make sure you register your anti-natal care with us and settle your bill at the reception. We wish you a safe delivery and a healthy baby" We left the room happily after taking the necessary advice from the nurse. We went back to khole's ward after settling our bill and registering Anti-natal care at the reception. It took a long lecture before kelvin agreed to hide his excitement and until dinner before we would break the happy news to his family. Loretta, mother inlaw and khole were bussy gisting when we got back, while Josh was bussy with his phone. We also joined in the conversation and i made sure khole had lunch before we all left. Though khole was moody, i had to leave after a fruitless effort of comforting her. **** Kelvin took me out for lunch after leaving the hospital, according to him, we had to celebrate.I was overwhelmed at the care and affection kelvin showered on me.He watched my every step and every movement, he even went to the extent of feeding me throughout lunch.We went back home after kelvin got a cake, for celebration. *** At exactly 7:00pm,dinner was set.The president returned some hours before dinner and he was also on the table with us. Due to the lunch i had with kelvin,my stomach was still filled and this made me play with my meal instead of eating. "Nancy you are toying with your food.Do you prefer another meal" The president asked, unknown to me that he was watching me.I told the president i was fine and i smiled at kelvin. Kelvin went into our room and brought the huge cake, he placed it on the table and said "Dad,Mom,Loretta,am happy to announce to you that my wife here is carrying my baby,your grandchild and our hero" Laughter and joy the air as we all exchanged hugs and peck. We gathered round the cake and was ready to cut when the president held my hands and said "You make me the happiest man on earth by carrying my grand child Nancy.This is a huge favour and i will like to express my gratitude.Name anything in this world and it will be at your disposal" (A week later) A week after my pregnancy result, Khole was discharged. I had managed to hide my pregnancy news from her in order not to hurt her feelings but i knew she would find out, this made me decide to share the news with her immediately she was out of the hospital but i never got the chance to. I had lost people dear to me in the past, but i had never lost a pregnancy and this made me respect khole. Khole drastically changed after losing her pregnancy. She became sad and moody. The once lively khole became absent minded and quiet. Even though i was going through a rough early pregnancy stage, i made time to visit khole daily and i tried to make her share her problems with me but she never did. After a week of khole keeping to herself, i decided to cut the chase and inform my foster parent of khole's present predicament. Since i could not talk to her, i believed her parent would be in the right position to talk her through. I knew Mi mom could break down if i inform her, so i decided to call Mi dad instead. I took my time to inform mi dad of khole's accident and i also expressed my suspicions to him. Though Mi dad was also sad at the news, he took it like a man. He decided that I should arrange for khole to go back to ilorin, because he believed nobody could take care of her like her parent. I agreed with Mi dad's decision and i also promised to come back with khole. I said nothing about my pregnancy since i felt sharing it on the phone was not good enough. I informed kelvin of my conclusion with Mi dad during the night. At first, he was against my decision to travel because of my condition but he ended up giving in after much plea. Kelvin agreed on the condition that he would be travelling with me and i wouldn't sleep over at my foster parent's house. Instead we would stay together at his apartment. I agreed since there was no other choice left. *** I went to khole's house during lunch, the next day. I let myself in after ringing the bell consecutively without a response. I met khole in bed,holding a teddy bear to her chest.I touched her and said "Hey sis,been ringing the bell for minutes now" She turned to me and smiled before saying "Sorry about that. I did'nt hear" I noticed the tears in her voice and how messy her room was.I moved close to her and said "Are you okay khole?" Khole let out a fake smile and told me she was fine.I held her hands and said " Khole,i do know you are going through alot but i need you to share your problem for you to get solutions and this has made me inform Mi dad Bottom line,we are going home during weekend, It's dad's instruction" Khole's eyes widened after breaking the news to her,she walked away from me and said "How could you Nancy? I wanted to inform them myself and Josh will not allow me to go,he will...." "So this is all about Josh?" I said interrupting Khole. "Khole we are sisters,it breaks my heart to see you like this yet you keep shutting me out. I want you to know that am doing this for you and i just need you to come with me. Don't worry about Josh, i will talk to him. All i want is for you to return to the girl i use to know" I said,almost in tears. I hugged khole and let her cry in my arms. After consoling her, i decided not to bother her about opening up to me, instead i made her forget what was troubling her.I made lunch with khole and we ate before i left. *** I was able to get Josh's permission to travel with khole through kelvin and at exactly 12:00pm on Saturday afternoon,we were on our way to Ilorin from Abuja.The flight was smooth and safe. *** We went to my foster parent house directly from the airport.It was good to be home and to be with my family. I knew mi dad must have informed Mi mom of khole's accident and this made her try best to make us happy. We had a full table for lunch and a family chat after lunch. I talked privately with Mi mom after the family hour, she took in my advice and promised to bring khole back. At exactly 6:00pm,myself and kelvin left for our home. **** "Home sweet Home" Kelvin said immediately we entered his apartment.I chuckled and repeated the statement. "How's my cutiee doing?" Kelvin asked as he drew closer. I smiled and rubbed my tommy slowly. "Let me do that for you" Kelvin said and he replace my hand with his on my tommy. "I think we should do this on the bed" Kelvin said with a seductive smile and I noded. He was about sweeping me off my feet when my phone started to ring.kelvin grumbled as i went for my bag.Though the caller I.D was unknown,i accepted the call and said "Hello" "Is this Mrs.Nancy Smith?" The caller said from the other end and i answered yes. The caller breathe a sign of relive and said "I am Mrs. Berry and I'm the late Mrs.William's private attorney.Am sorry to disturbe you but i have some news have been keeping for years. It's from your late mom" To be continued..
11 May 2017 | 19:12
Time to collect ur properties
12 May 2017 | 10:39
12 May 2017 | 10:44
Khole sorry 4 ur lost nd wat could b worng wit d lover boy now turning 2 sumtin else, mr nd mrs Smith congrants o, nancy d years dat d caterpillars nd d pemer worms has eaten frm u God will restore dem back.
12 May 2017 | 12:41
hope is not a bad news
12 May 2017 | 13:11
Wait hope she is not the president daughter or related too khole as in blood sisters
12 May 2017 | 13:32
I think something is wrong between Khole and Josh... Congrats to you Nancy
12 May 2017 | 13:45
12 May 2017 | 14:02
time to take back wad was taken from you
12 May 2017 | 14:24
it's shock that causes Khole this predicament
12 May 2017 | 14:37
inheritance tins. I wonder what the problem is between khole and josh
12 May 2017 | 18:33
12 May 2017 | 18:51
I think Josh is behind khole lost of pregnancy
12 May 2017 | 18:57
Things are getting complicated
12 May 2017 | 19:46
Time to get back what rightful belongs to you
12 May 2017 | 20:26
What could the news be?
12 May 2017 | 20:38
Next ooooooo
12 May 2017 | 21:18
Episode 27 Continues.. ¤¤¤ "My late mom?" I asked as my heart beat increased. I did'nt get a response to my question and the line went quiet for awhile. It was surprising and shocking to receive a call from an unknowing number, telling me she had some vital news from my mom. I did'nt know what the caller was up to but i was eager to hear the news. Anything from my late mom was important. "Hello? Please go on. What about my mom?" I asked all tensed and in anticipation. The caller from the other end cleared her throat loudly and said "Am sorry it's not to be disclosed this way. Not to worry, i have the whole plan laid out and this is just an introduction, so sorry am doing this over the phone. Take good care of yourself and the baby" The line went dead immediately the unknown Mrs. Berry ended her speech and I froze. For the first time, I was scared of the stranger i did'nt even know. For the unknown caller to know about my pregnancy, something even my family knew nothing about, I was more than scared. If my late mom's lifeless body was not buried right before my eyes, i would have doubt my mom's death. Thinking she would resurface just the way it do happen in movies, but the attorney saying she had been keeping the news for years got me overwhelmed with anxiety. "What news, could she be keeping for years?" I asked myself as i paced the livingroom. Kelvin must have noticed the worries on my face from the diningroom. He walked up to me and said "Are you okay?" I noded and settled in a chair. I narrated my conversation with the unknown Mrs. Berry to him and he suggested we call the line again. We tried the number consecutively without luck and we eventually gave up after lots of fruitfuless effort. Kelvin concluded that he would hand the number over to the state security service and track down whosoever it was if any problem should erupt. "With me no harm will come close to you and my cutest" Kelvin said as he gently kissed me on my forehead. I forced a smile and made kelvin believe i worried less, but deep down i was dieing to hear the 'Vital news'. Kelvin tried to make me forget about the call by making dinner and acting all romantic. He made me feel special and i was happy with him, even though the thought of my mom and the 'vital news' cropped in occasionally. We eventually retired into eachother's arm after a delicious meal of plantain and egg. (courtesy of kelvin). **** After breakfast the next day, kelvin dropped me off at my foster parent's before he left for a meeting. I was happy to see the lively khole when i arrived. I did'nt know the magic Mi mom performed but i was proud of her. Mi dad also took a week break from work, inorder to be with khole and this left us with a full house. Myself and khole had fun gisting and rearranging the house before we eventually fell asleep. At exactly 12:00am, Mi mom woke us up and she instructed us to join her in the kitchen, for lunch. With dull eyes, we lazily went to the kitchen. After the first five minutes of gisting and preparing the ingredients for the meal, the kitchen became lively and fun filled.It was a blessing to be together again,making a meal together. We laughed alot and had times we playfully hit eachother. Inbetween it all,I felt the joywould increase if i should open up about my pregnancy at that moment. I turned to Mi mom and khole before i said "Mom, Khole, Am pregnant!7". At first they thought i was joking,until they saw the seriousness in my eyes. "Oh My God! Seriously?" Mi mom asked and i noded. She rushed at me and took me into her arms.Khole also jump on me and decided to pay back for what i did to her when she first announced her pregnancy. Mi mom asked me questions based on the morning sickness before she eventually ran to the livingroom to inform Mi dad. Mi dad who was happy at the news, danced to the kitchen and he lifted me off my feet immediately, without minding my condition. It felt good to have people to share my joy with and most importantly 'Family'. With loud music and excitement,we made lunch and had the meal together as a happy family. My foster parents prayed for me after lunch and we spent time chatting,mostly about pregnancy symptoms. At exactly 5:00pm, A driver picked me up and i left with a free mind.I was happy because i was able to disclose the only secret i was keeping from my family. **** After the long ride, Iwas about to step out of the car when my phone started to ring.The caller I.D displayed Mi dad and i gussed he wanted to ask about my ride. I accepted the call and said "Hello" "Nancy,I just received a call from one Mrs.Berry who claimed to be your late mother's private Attorney. She said she have a vital news for the entire family and it's from your late mom.She even knew that you were here today.Baby,I think you are been followed" Mi dad said into the phone worriedly. "what?!" I asked in a high tone. "What?!" i asked in a high tone. "I just received the call few minutes ago. Though the caller did not seem harmful but the fact that you are been followed is dangerous. Do you know anybody by that name?" Mi dad asked. I became scared of the unknown caller and the fact that the unknown attorney and her mission was something i could not wrap my head around made me weak in the kneels. I told mi dad to give me some minutes and i walked into the house. I bestowed on kelvin to come closer immediately i entered the room I placed the call on loud speaker and said "Dad actually a female voice called me, claiming the same name yesterday" Mi dad let out a loud breathe and said "really? Tell me about your conversation with her". I explained all that happened the previous day to mi dad in details, without skipping the final conclusion myself and kelvin drew. "Okay,but that is not good enough. Is kelvin there with you?" Mi dad asked and i replied yes. Mi dad instructed me to hand over the phone to kelvin and kelvin said "Goodevening sir". "Evening son and accept my congratulations on your wife's condition. Concerning this strange phone call from the unknown Attorney,I want you to get Nancy secured.Probably a body guard or force agent. It's obvious shes been followed and we need to act fast until we find out what this is all about".Mi dad said. "I will do just that sir"Kelvin said. Myself and kelvin agreed to Mi dad's suggestions and decided to get security. Mi dad ended the call after we had a brief talk with Mi mom. Kelvin placed a call through to the DSS of Kwara state security service because He had preference for force angencies that has no uniform. Been the president's son, his request was granted and the DSS promised to send some of his boys the next day. At first we wanted to inform the president about the strange call but we eventually decided to wait for the unknown Attorney's next move. The day ended with me panicking about the unknown vital news and kelvin trying to make me feel safe. ¤¤¤¤ *A WEEK LATER* After a week of having security following me around, I grew tired of been secured. Even though we did not receive any call from the unknown Attorney,Mi dad and kelvin thought it was necessary to be secured in case of any funny move from the unknown caller. **** On Friday afternoon,i went to my foster parent's apartment in company of kelvin and our security agents. Josh was also present and we all decided to have lunch as one big family. The meal was made my Mi mom and after taking a long time to dish out the meal,we all gathered round the table. I was about taking my first spoon when I received a new message alert on my phone. I ignored the message and continued with my meal. I was about to take another spoon when mi dad's phone also vibrated,signifying a new message. "Father and daughter.You better get rid of your phones" Mi mom said jokingly as Mi dad picked his phone. "What?!"Mi dad screamed, after going through his phone and we all asked what the problem was. "I don't believe this,its from the attorney" Mi dad said and Mi mom quickly collected his phone from him. Mi mom was yet to read the message when her phone also started to vibrate. "What is going on?" Mi mom asked rhetorically after reading the message on Mi dad's phone and hers. The rest of us was left in the dark for for a moment and it strucked me that i also received a new message earlier. I took my phone and clicked on the new message. "OMG!" I murmured after reading the content of the message. "I'm ready to disclose the vital news. Let everybody gather at the late Mrs. William's residence on Sunday by 12:00pm. I will be there and you can come along with your security agents. (Attorney Berry)" I read out the content of the message. All the messages had the same content and from the same number. Everybody was lost on what was going on. "Who is this Attorney Berry?" was the question on everyone's lips. Kelvin held my hands and told me not to worry. I faked a smile and gazed into an empty space. We were still in a confused state when Mi dad's phone started to ring. The room went quiet and we all surrounded Mi dad, thinking the call was from the Attorney. "Its Mike" Mi dad said disappointedly after checking the caller's I.D. He accepted the call and placed the phone on speaker before he said "Hello". "Inlaw, there is a problem. I received a call from an unknown number few days ago claiming to be my late sister's Attorney. I ignored the call thinking it was all this 419 but now i received a message from the same unknown Attorney saying that the whole family should gather at my late sister's house, (which is now my house) on sunday. The line has not been going through and I'm a bit confused. Did you receive any message?" Uncle Mike said and Mi dad exclaimed "Haaaa!" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ "Haaa!" Mi dad screamed and so did everybody in the room. Uncle mike let out a loud breathe and said "I just want to know if you have received any message from the so called Attorney. I personally do not believe because my late sister told me nothing about having a private attorney. Moreover, i have been running her business and everything she left behind ever since she died. Where was the so called attorney all this while?. And please my inlaw please inform Nancy of this, you know her husband is the president's son. He will be able to track down this unknown Attorney with just one phone call, you know...." "Mike, this is oyinkan, can you just call other family members and find out if they've heard from this attorney Berry" Mi mom interupted my uncle rudely. My uncle greeted mi mom briefly and said "If you say so, i will do that after hiring enough body guard for myself and my wife. My life is at risk now and the attorney already talked about security in her text, I gusse that's what i need now" Mi dad told uncle mike to hurry up and he hung up. The room was silent for awhile before kelvin broke the silence. Kelvin took his phone and placed a call through to his dad. I could not make out the president's response after the phone call but i gussed he asked kelvin to forward the number to him. After forwarding the number with my phone, kelvin sat beside me and said " we all do not need to panick. I already informed my dad and he promised to forward the number to all the force agencies in this state. Security will be provided for everybody, including any family member you think is important. We just need to wait and hear from the investigation agencies before we will conclude on meeting with the attorney." We all agreed with kelvin's decision and the men in the house tried to make the ladies feel better. We ended up having our lunch with worries. Exactly an hour after lunch kelvin received phone calls from different force agencies. They all requested for the numbers of security we would be needing and the address. Two officers each from the Police force, Army, SSS and Mopol, arrived at my foster parent's apartment before myself and kelvin decided to leave. My foster parent thanked kelvin profusely and we eventually left at exactly 5:00pm. *** During the ride home, kelvin received a call from the state security service DSS. According to kelvin, the man made it known that the president had informed all the force agencies even at the capital city and the Attorney would be tracked down. The only problem was that they were finding it difficult to find out the Attorney's Identity and this had made himself and other informed force agencies decide that the whole family should be present at the venue on sunday. The whole building would be heavily surrounded and If the attorney should showup, she would be thoroughly searched before she would be allowed into the house. Probably if she was found with any harmful material she would be thrown behind bars but if she truly had a vital information, the meeting would proceed with heavy security. Messing with the president's inlaw would be the most foolish thing to be done by anybody. I placed a call through to my foster parent and informed them of the latest information. They agreed and also promised to call uncle mike in order for him to inform the family members. I had my shower and retired to bed immediately we arrived home. All i could think of was "Sunday Afternoon". *** The Saturday was filled with anxiety and high anticipation. The day went slowly and worriedly. Minutes rolled into hours and hours rolled into day. After a long wait it was sunday afternoon. I wore a casual dress and left with kelvin. There were hiluxs filled with force agents before and after us as we journeyed to my Lost home. *** I could not hide my emotions when i arrived my late parent's home. I looked behind me and I remembered all the event that went down on the day i left. I could not help but apprecite those who stood by me. After the arrival of my foster parent and khole,we proceed into the main house. Even the scent of the house was stil the same and the memories of the days i had with my parent showed before me.I could not help but let tears roll down my cheek. Kelvin offered me an handkerchief and held me closely as we walked into the large livingroom. We exchanged brief pleasantries with the present family members and we eventually settled in the chairs available. *** At exactly 1:30pm,kelvin was informed of the arrival of a woman.We both rushed out and we met a middle age woman who identified herself as an Attorney. She was thoroughly searched before she was led in by two hefty soldiers. She was probably in her early forty but with her glowing skin, her age could be mistaken for twenty. The attorney gracefully walked to the middle of the room and said. "I am Attorney Berry" . To be continued after comments..
13 May 2017 | 02:30
it might be to read your late mother's will
13 May 2017 | 04:03
I dnt think attorney Berry has evil intentions, so u pple shuld b calm nd hear her out, for knowin dat there ar securities nd still come, is 4 good.
13 May 2017 | 04:15
ok oooo.., We Ar Waitin
13 May 2017 | 04:49
Pls continue
13 May 2017 | 05:04
OK, waiting
13 May 2017 | 05:08
Getting more interesting
13 May 2017 | 05:49
Can't wait to know what the vital information is
13 May 2017 | 06:01
Let d show beginning
13 May 2017 | 06:23
Episode 28 Continues.. She walked gracefully to the center of the room and said "I'm Attorney Berry" There was murmuring and exchange of glances everywhere. Most of the family members had issues with the Attorney's appearance and they did nothing to hide it. I was not concerned with the attorney's look or appearance, all that mattered to me was the vital information she claimed was from my late mom. The attorney clapped her hands thrice and stood akinbo after getting everybody's attention. She left out a loud breathe and said "I know most of you do not know the reason for this meeting and i know most of you thinks i am here to harm this family. This must be the reason why most of you were scared after getting calls and text messages from me. I can see the tight security here but i want you all to know that i can't be foolish enough to mess with a family related to the president. You all do not have an idea of who i am and neither do i know you but i have to deliver the message i was been sent. The late Mrs. Lillian sent me this message before she passed on. Actually she was like a mother to me and she also confided in me with some of her inner most secrets, Something most of you do not know. Before the death of my benefactor, she gave me a strict instruction not to show up until her baby girl is grown up and married. After her death, i would have shown myself but her instructions kept me out. Back to who I am.... My name is Mrs.Berry Nkechi. I'm a native of Enugu and an orphan. You see, my parent died when i was just fifteen. Then i just graduated from secondary school. I was lost and abandoned. I met the late Mrs. Lillian when i was searching for the job of a sales girl. She got interested in my story and questioned me about my life. I narrated all that happened and she decided to help me without even knowing me. My benefactor made me stay with a friend of hers while i processed university admission. I got admitted to study law and she sponsored me throughout my years in school. It's not easy to come incontact with help in this world of hardship but Mrs. Lillian was my back bone. After seven years, I was called to bar and i started working with a law firm introduced to me by Mrs. Lillian. Throughout all this years, i had wanted to meet her family but she never allowed me to. The reason was best know to her. During my days of working with the law firm, Mrs. Lillian decided that i should forward my education abroad and this was how i met my husband (berry). I came back to Nigeria as a happily married woman. Before i bore you with my story, i will go into my reason for been here. I was in my office one hot afternoon when the late Mrs. Lillian came to me.She said something about having a bad feeling and she decided to write her will.I tried discouraging her but could not due to her determination. After putting down her will, Mrs.lillian made an important video.In it she revealed some of her deepest secrets and she made me know that nobody knows about her secret in her family.She also made me promise never to disclose or let go of the video record until her girl is married. I agreed with her and that is why I am here today people, but i won't say a thing until all the strangers here excuse us. I mean, i only want the family members that i sent a message here.Mrs. Lillian already told me the important ones and those are the people i messaged. Please if you got nothing from me, kindly exist this room.Including the securities,I can't harm a whole family alone and you already have my I.D.Please follow my instructions so we can proceed" There were side talks for awhile. Most of the uninvited family members did'nt want to exist the room but they eventually did after been addressed by the family head.The security officers also left with the instruction that we should alert them if things go bad. The attorney requested for my uncle's help in playing a disk which she got from her bag.My uncle carried out her request and she occupied an empty sit after getting the full control of the remote. She pressed the play button and the video appeared. A clear image of my mom was shown after the video counted 1-10. She sat infront of the camera and removed her eye glasses. My mom then looked into the camera and said "Hi,making this video is not something i am proud of because i would love to open this secret myself but death has no respect for human. For me not to die with my secret, i see the need to make this video incase the unexpected happen. To my girl and my husband, the both of you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Baby... Nancy... Mommy loves you so much but she has been keeping secrets from you. I do not plan on keeping it forever but i plan on telling you when you are all grown up, probably on your wedding eve. Angel, do you remember Nelly? The girl you both look like identical twin? Actually there is more to your resemblance than the story i made you believe" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ My mom paused and my heart beat increased. "Nelly?" I asked myself but i was audible enough to be heard. Kelvin squeezed my hand and told me to be quiet. I kept my calm and fixed my eyes on the big screen. After drinking from a bottle of water, My mom adjusted herself and continued "You might not notice my emotions the day you rushed to me and told me about Nelly. Though i tried to be strong, i was weak to the bones but all in all, i was able to hide the truth. I prayed to God to stop the Stanleys from visiting us the day they had dinner with us but my prayer was rejected. You remember me sending you to the room with nelly, after dinner? That was because there was lots to be discussed. It turned out that the two families had the same goal, which was keeping the secret safe. We concluded on telling the both of you that your resemblance was just a coincidence and that was exactly what the both of you believed. I was grateful none of you thought about investigating further, probably by having a blood test or something. The secret was kept so safe that none of my family knew about it, i only confided in your late dad but the truth can't be kept forever. I know "Who am I" will be the question on your mind right now. An Adopted child or a biological child. You will find out soon but first of all, Nelly is your twin sister. This is my story" **** {Lillian Williams} My name is Lillian and i am a native of Edo state. I was the favourite child of my parent and been the wealthy couple they were, spending on me was something they do without a second thought. My younger brother (Mike) was dull right from his nursery school and this made my parents focus more on my education. I graduated as an accounting student from a private university in Abuja back in the year 2000. Then i was just twenty years. My parents decided that i should put in for masters immediately, after which I was to acquire my Doctorate degree. I was the apple of my parent's eyes and i was the envy of my peer. In the year 2001, I traveled to Canada after all the preparation for my masters had been finalized. Though i was still young, my parent believed i would be just fine. I had an apartment to myself in Canada and i had a ride, my parent took care of it all. Life was good, all i had to do was to study hard and have fun. I did'nt make lots of friends but i made one who changed my life. He introduced himself as James, he was also in Canada to acquire his Masters. I met him in a shopping mall one afternoon. That very day, i went to shop for my perfume. He walked up to me and made a comment on how much he loved my scent,he enventually asked for the product I was into. We ended up buying two bottles of my perfume, which he paid for. From there we exchanged contact and we became friends. James was a likable person, he was homely and fun to be with. During our friendship, i found out that he was the son of a Minister back in Nigeria and he was from Delta state. I did'nt care about his position or his dad's status, all that mattered was the connection between us. We had lots of things in common and everything worked perfectly well, it was just like a magic. On 22nd of March 2001, James asked me out. Funny enough he did'nt ask me to be his girlfriend, instead he requested me to be his fiancee. Even before James asked me out, i already said "Yes!" a million times. James introduced me to his father on one of his visit to Canada and i also got to meet his sister. With james, i felt happy and safe. Oh! he was all i ever wanted. I spent lesser time in my apartment ever since my relationship with James kicked off. Though my parent had warned me about pre-marital sex,I allowed James have his way when he requested for it. To me, it did'nt matter if we had sex before or after marriage,all that mattered was me spending the rest of my life with James.He was my Prince charming. My relationship with James was beautiful and our sex life was awesome.It got to a point that we stopped using protection while making out. The hot love we had, made me forget all about taking precautions, to me, MY LIFE WAS PERFECT. After two months of been in a relationship with James, i started feeling funny. I got malaria pills and administered it but the feelings did'nt go away.As the educated youth that i was,I ran to goggle and searched for the illness my symptoms were related.All the result i got, pointed to pregnancy.I knew i had been having unprotected sex but i did'nt want to believe that i was pregnant. I hid all the symptoms from James and got a pregnancy test kit.Though I was scared,i decided to carry out the test myself. I rushed to my apartment and locked the door behind me after getting the kit. With the test kit on my table,i added two drops of my urine with shaky hands. Hot tears rushed down my cheek when two coloured bands (C&T) appeared on the kit. I WAS POSITIVE" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ "Hot tears rushed down my cheek when two coloured band (C&t) appeared on the kit. I WAS POSITIVE" My mom paused and wiped the tears in her eyes with the back of her hand. She then took a deep breathe and continued. "My world was shattered when i found out that i was pregnant. The first thought that crossed my mind was how disappointed my parent would be. The thought of hurting my parent's feelings made me extremely angry. I smashed the kit on the wall and screamed out James name. I even punched my stomach consecutively, hoping to have a miscarriage but nothing happened. I thought about my life and thought about my lifestyle, the only word i could describe myself with was "Disappointment" I was a disappointment to myself, my family and all those that thought highly of me. I looked at my stomach and the thought of it becoming swollen in months made me crazy. For once in my life, I caused the selfish love James claimed to have for me. Though i knew i was the architect of my misfortune, I put the blames on James. I could'nt call my parent to inform them and i could not run to James for help, i decided to shut everybody out. The first thing i did was to smash my phone on the floor, after which i locked the doors to my apartment and i threw the keys into the refuse- bin. I would strip myself Unclad and sit in the bath thub. I would then run the shower and cry my heart out while my body gets soaked. I would also listen to James shouting my name and banging my door, after which he would leave in frustration. Nothing really mattered to me, or probably let me say i was'nt thinking. The only thought that was on my mind was how embarrassing it would be to travel back to Nigeria with a heavy tommy instead of a masters certificate. Life was really worthless. At some point, i wondered how my once perfect life could become a difficult puzzle. A puzzle i could not fix. **** After a week of shutting the world out, i got tired of hiding under my under my blanket, hoping all that happened was a bad dream and it would soon go away. I licked my wound and decided to stay strong, i believed i was'nt the first to be faced with the challenges i was facing and i believed i could over come it all. I was so sure even though i did'nt have a way out. I had a long bath and fixed myself up, after which i fixed my apartment. I got the sim card from the broken phone and got the keys to my apartment from the refuse bin. I looked into the mirror and promised myself to be strong, if not for anything, for the child growing inside of me. I abandoned my car and took a cab to James apartment. Throughout the drive, i continued to rehearse what i would tell James. I met James absent when i arrived his apartment and i could not reach him since i did'nt have a phone. I leaned on the pole infront of his house and waited for him. Throughout my period of waiting, i continued to imagine James possible reaction after i inform him, all i could come up with was to wait for his arrival. After over a hour of waiting for James without him showing up, i decided to take my leave. I was almost out of his street when i heard someone scream my name. I could recognize his voice even from million miles, he was the only love of my life. I turned back and my eyes met James, like a little girl, i could remember running into his arms. He held me close to his heart and carried me in. All the anger i built against him disappeared as soon as i sighted him. James dropped me on a couch and knelt before me. With care in his eyes,he held my hand and asked for all that happened. I apologized to James and told him that i was going through some rough period of my life. At first James was mad at me for shutting him out just because i was down. Just like the real man he was, he instructed me to open up to him. I made my gaze meet James's and said "Swidy, I am pregnant". James froze and stepped away from me. I could remember him holding his head as if he had an attack. His reaction made wonder if he understood me or not. I moved closer to James and held his hand. I made him look at me and said "James say something, I said I'm pregnant, I'm carrying your child, your baby" James flung my hand and said "pregnant?? for who?" My heart sinked and my mouth went dry" To be continued..
13 May 2017 | 07:22
Next plz!
13 May 2017 | 08:04
Her late mothers will. And i believe kelvin will have a part in it
13 May 2017 | 08:43
Like serious
13 May 2017 | 08:52
pls next..
13 May 2017 | 08:52
nice one next play
13 May 2017 | 09:33
tym for uncle mike to submitt ur property
13 May 2017 | 12:05
Hmmm next!!!
13 May 2017 | 12:43
Read the will pls
13 May 2017 | 13:18
Episode 29 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ "James flung my hand away and said "Pregnant? For who?" My heart sinked and my mouth went dry. At that moment, i was confused on where James was driving at with his rhetoric question and my greatest fear was been denied by love. I waved a hand into james face and asked him what he ment by the question he asked. James repeated the question and i gave him a reflex slap. I was so mad at him. I shouted at him and questioned his love for me in the first place. I called him names and told him he was a coward. I even went to the extent of telling him he was just like every other guy. My heart was broken but i could not force James to take responsiblities, all i could do was to rant and speak out my mind. When i was contended with all that i have said, i decided to leave since James did'nt utter a word. I was about to pick up my bag when James called my name and said "Lilly, is it mine?" I would have landed another slap on James face for his question but when i looked at him, i realised he was just as confused as i was. I realised he was not questioning me because he did'nt want to take responsibilities but he was doing it because he wanted to be sure. I dropped my bag and told James he was responsible. He reached for my hand and slowly led me to the chair. James apologized for asking an unreasonable question and he confessed his love for me once more. James made me realise that he could not take responsibility for my pregnancy because of his family status and his carrier. James promised me heven and earth on the condition that i would get rid of the pregnancy. He told me we would get married soon, after which we could have kids. Though i did'nt take hid to my parent's advice against pre-marital sex, their advice against abortion was something i did'nt lost. I stood up to James and told him that i would never abort for no reason. Though i had no idea of how i would survive, i was sure i would never commit the sin of abortion. I spat into James face and told him to go to hell with his promises. I promised him that never to come back to him and I promised myself that I would survive no matter what. Though i tried to be strong, i was so weak deep down. **** After leaving James apartment, i was lost in my world for two weeks. I did'nt step out of my room, i forgot about school and i did'nt even bother to contact my parent. I allowed time heal my wound but the scar did'nt fade away. After two weeks of hiding from the truth, i decided it was time to move on and take responsibilities for myself. The first move i made was to gather all the material things James gave to me. I packed it all in a box and dumped it in front of his house. I got a new cell phone and i placed a call through to my parent. I told them i was fine and i lied that school was great. My parent were happy to hear from me and so was i. I also decided to go to a hospital and carryout an official pregnancy test. "St. Nicholas hospital" was the first hospital that came to my mind and that was where i ended up having the pregnancy test. Even though i knew i was pregnant, I found myself nervous when i was waiting for the test and after awhile of waiting i was handed the result. I burst into tears immediately and all the emotions i thought were hidden crawled out. I cried my pain out and i found my strength afterward. Right there i decided to bare my pain alone, without my family or the world. I pulled myself together and requested to register for Anti-natal treatment. I was directed to an office after settling my bill. I met with the youngest doctor in the hospital and ever since then my life took a new turn. *** He introduced himself has "Dr. Abiodun". He was gentle and homely even though i was harsh on him whenever his question get personal. The Dr. ended up jotting down my number after examining my condition properly. **** Three months later, i was beginning to have a protruding stomach and i was becoming uncomfortable with my body. I visited the hospital regularly and i made the young doctor my adviser. After the first three months, i was scheduled for scan. On that very day, i had mixed feelings. I was happy i would be meeting my unborn child and i was sad because i had no one to go with. All in all, i got ready to see my future. I was visibly shaking when i laid on my back infront of the scanning machine. I wanted to be happy to see my unborn child but i was scared he/she would end up blaming me for the mistakes i made. Dr. Abiodun reduced the pressure on me by making me tell him my desired sex and the name i would love to give to my child. I got carried away by the talk and shortly after the baby appeared on the scanner. I asked the doctor to interpret what was on the screen. He smiled and said "You are a beautiful mother of a set of twin" "Twin?!!!" I shouted as i fixed my gaze on the screen. LIFE WAS UNFAIR! ¤¤¤ I looked away from the screen and bowed my head in tears.The scan result was something that broke my heart."how am i suppose to raise a set of twins?" i asked myself. The young doctor held my hand, He smiled widely and said "though you did not ask for the sex of your kids, it's my duty to tell you. You are carrying two beautiful girls ma'am.I'm hoping,they will be as beautiful as you are" I did'nt give a response to the doctor's speech,i only thought about how everything turned out to be negative and it was as if God himself was mad at me. At first,i got pregnant out of wedlock.Secondly i was rejected by love and just when i was hoping for a boy, the scan result revealed that i was carrying two girls. Everything seemed imperfect for me and i doubted if my decision to keep the pregnancy was the right one. I decided to ask the doctor if i could have an abortion and go back to my previous life. I seek to meet with the young doctor privately after the scan test.He invited me to his office and i followed with my heart in my mouth.I was scared of him going against my decision to have an abortion and that was exactly what i got from him. I informed Dr. Abiodun of my decision to have an abortion immediately we settled in his office and he strongly went against my decision.He went on and on to tell me the implications of abortion and how beautiful it is to see one's first fruit. Though the doctor was a good counselor,i was still bent on having an abortion. My stubbornnes made the doctor seek for a tangible reason for my decision.At first, i did'nt want to respond to his question but i eventually did when i saw the concern in his eyes. Ever since i left James,i did'nt receive love or care from no one,it's been just me caring for myself. The doctor sat close to me and told me to confide in him. I got emotional and i unleashed all my hidden pain.I narrated my story without leaving a stone untouched.The young doctor gave me a listening ear and a open arm when my emotions got a better part of me.I felt relieved after sharing my mistakes with DR. Abiodun and i felt better when he offered me a piece of advice.The doctor's advice was timely and it renewed the hope i lost.All in all, the doctor promised to stay with me through my rough time, he promised to help patch my ugly past.My faith grew and i became a stronger fighter. **** Right after the meeting with the Dr,he insisted on following me home as a new found friend. I accepted after much persuasion and i waited in his office for an hour because he was yet to complete his shift. After the wait, the Dr. Signed out and we both left for my apartment. The doctor was fun to be with,he was jovial and lively. Over the short period of time we spent together,he made me stop calling him "Dr. Abiodun"and he instructed me to call him "Biodun" instead. Biodun decided that i should make a nursery for my girls and he also selected the room that i would use.Together we cleared the room and we went shopping for the nursery.Though i did'nt want the pay to be on him, he insisted that it was just a penny from him.We also shopped for maternity dresses before we enventually went to his apartment.With my experience with James,i was not suppose to trust men no longer but Biodun stayed with me irrespective of my condition.His beautiful promises and his act of loyalty made me trust him completely.Though we were just friends,his presence ment alot. **** Throughout the period of my pregnancy,i kept in contact with my parent.I did'nt reveal a thing to them and i did'nt give them a reason to doubt the fact that my education was going all fine. Throughout this period as well,my path never for ones cross with James's. Throughout this same period of time Biodun was the only family i had. **** During the 8th month of my pregnancy,I was about to turn off my light after a long day with Biodun when i felt a sharp pain in my stomach.I paced my room just as Biodun instructed me to whenever i had such pain. I felt a strange urge to ease myself suddenly and i made to the restroom.I was yet to pull off my pant when i felt an outburst in my pant. Before i could say "Jack!" water started flowing down my pant.I was sacred to the bone. I slowly got my phone and i dialed Biodun's line with a shaky hand.He accepted at the first ring and he promised to come around immediately i informed him of my present condition. Biodun came in just when the pain was getting immense. He hurriedly grab my maternity bag and he carried me into his car.My fear was out of this world when i realised that i was about to bring my babies into the world.I bit my lower lips and i looked at my stomach in fright. **** At exactly 12:00pm onthe 7th of March,i screamed with the whole of my strength and the cry of my babies filled the air at St. Nicholas hospital. I looked at my girls and i all i felt was the joy of motherhood. NOTHING CAN BE MORE FULFILLING" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I looked at my girls and all i felt was the joy of motherhood. Nothing can be more fulfilling. There was a striking resemblance between the girls right from birth. As a mother, i could not even point out a difference between the both of them, they were a set of identical twins. After been cleaned up, i was asked to feed my kids. I could remember, shedding tears of joy as the girls sucked from my dry boobs. Everything was like a dream come through for me and i saw the girls as the reward for all the hardship i went through. There and then promised myself that i wouldn't let go of my girls for anything in the whole world. I stayed back at the hospital for awhile after delivery. Biodun was the only one that stood by me throughout this period of time and he even scheduled his annual leave for that month. He would bring us breakfast in the morning, buy lunch in the afternoon and go home to make dinner at night. During this period of time the hospital practically became Biodun's home. He found pleasure in playing with the girls while i would sleep. He also stayed with me during sleepless nights when the girls are crying. We would carry the girls and dance round the ward the way Nigerian mothers does. Whenever the girls fall asleep, Biodun would sleep in a one armed chair while my babies and I would sleep on the comfortable bed. I did'nt know how i was going to repay him but i am eternally grateful for his support. After spending a week in the hospital, we were due for discharge. Before I was discharged, the birth certificates of my kids were issued to me and i was surprised to see Biodun's name on it as their father. I enquired for the reason why Biodun included his name and he made me understand that he did'nt include his name because he wanted to claim my children but he was lost on whose name to give when the babies father name was requested for. So he filled in his name for the main time. Biodun wanted to request for a change in name after explaining his reasons to me but i kicked against the idea. To me James was not worthy to be call the father of my children and even though Biodun was just a friend, he had done more than what a father could do. I left the hospital without changing the name on the birth certificate. Biodun drove us home afterwards and we were awesomely welcomed by a surprise party. **** The sight that welcomed me was pleasant when we arrived my apartment. Biodun had the whole interior decoration changed, he decorated the nursery and he even went to the extent of changing the furnitures. The whole apartment was sparkling. I did'nt know how biodun pulled the whole surprise off but he did it perfectly well. Some of Biodun's friends were present as well. I got gift from most of them and we had fun having a low key welcome party. Throughout the party, Biodun portrayed me as his girlfriend. He would whisper into my ears and touch me lightly on the cheek. Though i was happy to have him by my side, i was scared of falling for him as well. At exactly 6:00pm, our guest exist the apartment and we were left to clean up the used dishes. **** While washing the dishes, i to take a bold step by asking Biodun why he chose to stand by me. I selected my words carefully in order not to him or portray myself as an ungrateful soul. After a long speech, I was able to convey my message to Biodun and his response was something i never imagined. Though the message was clear, it was hard to believe. Biodun made me realise that he liked me the very day he set his eyes on me and the day i shared my story with him, he became more attracted to me. Though it was alittle crazy to be inlove with a lady who was carrying another man's child,he decided to stick around and let fate decide the future.He also included that all he did was for my girls. I agreed with Biodun's decision to allow fate play it's part and i also used the opportunity to thank him for all he had done. Myself and biodun shared a kiss that day and we were eventually interrupted by the cries of my babies. **** After two weeks of been discharged, my life started to take a new turn. Biodun added meaning to my life and existence. He represented the father i thought my kids would never have and he represented the family I left back home. We found pleasure in doing everything together. Everything! including changing my babies napkins and watching them grow. Having my girls, Biodun and my family, made my life beautiful. I had the happiness i thought i had lost until one day. **** I was about putting the girls to sleep when i heard a knock on my door. I gave the girls to Biodun and went for the door. Standing in front of my door was a man in suit. He delivered a letter to me and i signed the delivery book. I got the shock of my life when i read the content of the letter. It was a court notice. A notice that stated that i was sued by James. . To be continued after comments..
13 May 2017 | 21:58
Sued for what? Or is he loosing his mind after all?
14 May 2017 | 01:46
James is crazy... Enjoying this story
14 May 2017 | 06:35
finally! next please!
14 May 2017 | 08:19
This James is heartless and I hope James isn't Kelvin's father ( The president)
14 May 2017 | 08:22
This James is heartless o and I hope James isn't Kelvin's father (The president)
14 May 2017 | 08:26
In The Dark Indeed
14 May 2017 | 09:43
14 May 2017 | 09:59
next pls
14 May 2017 | 10:19
14 May 2017 | 10:20
Sued for wat
14 May 2017 | 10:23
James must b high with sumtin, abeg park well joor nd bro Biodun God bless u real good 4 taking care of Nancy's mum.
14 May 2017 | 10:26
heheh ego do u like magic
14 May 2017 | 10:36
am guessing the kids were separated
14 May 2017 | 10:56
Wait could mr Stanley b Nancy father
14 May 2017 | 11:09
Episode 30 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ It was a court notice. A notice which stated that i was been sued by James. **** I stood at a spot and read the letter over and over again. It was like a night mare to me and i was so confused on what could possibly make James decide to sue me. I could not even close the door as i read the heading of the letter over and over again. I was accused of violating the right of a father to meet his kids, something i never did. Ever since i got pregnant, i never crossed part with James, not even accidentally. Right there and then, i felt like seeing James and showing him the stuffs i was made of. For him to think that he could gain an access to my kids by suing me made me more determined to fight him with my last penny. James turned his back at me when i needed him the most and he realised he had kids with me just when i was getting my life back. If i could stand on my own and fight life itself , i believed i could fight for my kids. Nothing else mattered to me apart from winning the court battle created by James. Biodun had already put the girls to sleep and was about existing the nursery when i entered. He noticed the look on my face and he asked why i was sad. I gave the letter to Biodun and explained what James was driving at to him. The letter specified that the court hearing would be in three months time and i was to show up on the date given. I expressed my fears to Biodun and he promised to fight with/for me. I was happy to have him by my side but i was scared of losing it all. I saw My kids as the reward for the hardship i went through, i couldn't let go of either of them. Biodun concluded that he would invite his lawyer friend over the next day. Though i was scared, Biodun promised me that everything was going to be fine and i took in his words. **** The next day, Biodun's lawyer friend (David) came over and we had a long talk over the court notice and my relationship with James. He opened our eyes to things we did'nt know. At first, he made us realise that James suing me ment that he was ready to play it dirty with me and we must as well be prepared. He asked if i had any criminal record or if i had anything to do with hard drugs and alcohol and i replied negatively. The next important step he stated was my level of responsibility. According to him, James could win the case if he was able to prove that i was just a student who got pregnant in a foreign land without my parent knowledge. He could even make the court believe that i would not be capable of raising the kids in the right way. My heart was broken when the lawyer elaborated on the danger i could face and how slim my chance of gaining custody of my kids could be. I told the lawyer he could counter James if he also made the court realise that he was the irresponsible one. Since james neglected me throughout my pregnancy and child birth, he could be tagged as the irresponsible one. I went further to make it clear that it was Biodun that stood by me throughout my rough time and he is better off to call Biodun the father of my kids instead of James. The lawyer took in my points but he explained how less useful it could be. According to him, James could accuse me of shutting him out and hooking up with Biodun even when i was pregnant with his child. He could even play the victim and make the court believe that i chose Biodun over him. I was so lost and confused when i realised how things could turn out. The lawyer went on and on to tell us how James could paint me black and gain custody of his kids since he was their biological father. We were at a blocked edge when Biodun brought up the issue of the birth certificate. He reminded me of filling in his name as the kids father on the hospital record and he elaborated on how the hospital record and the birth certificate could be used against James. The lawyer's face brighten when he heard this and i was happy until he pointed out somethings. The lawyer made us realise that the certificate could be used against and in favour of us. According to him James could broaden how irresponsible i was by giving a total stranger the right to lawfully be the father of his kids and on the other hand it could be in my favour if i lawfully get married to Biodun. I can then then argue that i filled in Biodun's name because he was there for me when James could not take responsibilities and Biodun was ready to be my kids step dad. By so doing, i would be able to establish the fact that James was irresponsible and Biodun, been the responsible man he was took responsibility for him. We would as well be able to give the girls the best upbringing. Though the lawyer's advice was valuable, getting married to Biodun was something i was'nt sure was right. My kids were my first priorities and i went through alot without the knowledge of my parents but i could not imagine getting married without their consent. I was more than confus ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ My kids were my first priorities and i went through alot without the knowledge of my parent but i could not imagine getting married without their consent. I was more than confused. **** It was as if the whole world was revolving around me. I was lost on what to do. I was given a lead plan on how i could win over James but i was'nt sure if it was the right step to take. Biodun must have noticed my confused state as well. He told the lawyer that i would think about the whole plan and get back at him. Before The lawyer left, he made us realise that we should draw a conclusion in time because he would have to notify the registry beforehand. Biodun saw the lawyer off and we were soon left alone with the kids. I thought about the whole scenario but i was too confused to draw a conclusion. **** Though we took care of the babies together, myself and Biodun did'nt talk about the court case till later that night. I gussed he must have had lots to think about as well. Later that night, after putting the girls to sleep, Biodun held my hand and led me to the livingroom. Knowing that he was going to start a conversation about the lawyer's advice made me abit scared but i was ready to take in any response from him. Biodun made me sit close to him and he asked what my conclusion was. I told him i was yet to draw a conclusion and i was'nt sure if getting married to him just so that i could gain custody of kids was the right thing to do. I made Biodun realise that i wouldn't love to inconvenience him further neither would i love to complicate his future just for the sake of my kids. Biodun held my face and told me that he was inlove with the me and if having a complicated future is a necessity, he was more than ready for it. Biodun's words got to me and i could remember shedding tears. My tears made Biodun think that i did'nt want to get involve with him. Biodun stood up and told me to do it for my kids if i couldn't marry him because i loved him. He even suggested that we could get a divorce after a year or two. I was speechless on how much Biodun was willing to give just for the sake of me and my children. I could not help but wish he was my first love and the biological father of my kids. Right there and then, i confessed my love for Biodun and i also expressed my wish to get married with my parent's consent. I made Biodun see how complicated things would be if my parent decide to come over for my wedding. "How will i explain the kids presence to them?" was the question i asked biodun. Biodun told me not to worry about my parent, he told me to concentrate on doing the right thing and with time, we would have the courage to inform our parents. I agreed with Biodun and he asked if i was ready to be a fake bride or an original bride. I chose to be an original bride and Biodun ran into the house. I was confused on what could have happened to him until he came back with his hand hidden in his pocket. He knelt before me, pulled out a ring and popped in the question that left me blushing. Biodun said a short story about how he kept the ring he was proposing with ever since his fiancee left him hanging and took off with another man. According to him, his relationship was arranged by his family because of his parent's relationship with his ex-Fiancee's family. After the heart break, he promised himself that he was going to give the ring to any lady he fell inlove with. Without considering her class, background or past. Biodun recited a long romantic poem before he asked if i would marry him. Without a second thought i said "Yes!" and Biodun slipped the ring into my finger. We sealed the indoor proposal with a kiss and we ended up sleeping in eachother's arm.Biodun made me worry less about tomorrow or the next. According to him everything would be just fine. **** The next day, we called the lawyer and informed him to go ahead with the registry arrangement. He was also happy for us and he agreed to invite us whenever we would be needed. Since i was so desperate to inform my parent,Biodun decided that i should inform them over the phone and he could meet them through skype.I prayed inwardly that the whole plan would work out smoothly like Biodun suggested. My heart was in my mouth when i placed a call through to my Dad.He accepted my call immediately it went through and he happily informed me that himself and my mom were just talking about me. We exchanged pleasantry and my parent told me how much they missed me. I told them i couldn't wait to be back as well and they teased me about coming back with my fiance. I told my dad to place the phone on speaker before i revealed that i was calling to inform them that i was going to get married. There was a long pause from my parent before my dad broke the silence. "Come back home" he said and ended the call. **** I looked at Biodun and said "It's never going to work" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I looked at Biodun and said "Its never going to work" I knew my dad would be difficult to convince and him hanging up on me, signified how angry he was when i told him i was going to get married without them. My dad only run away from a conversation whenever he doesn't want to say something he would later regret. Biodun told me not to worry and he decided that we should give my parent alittle time and see if they would come around. I agreed with Biodun and we went on with the next plan (informing his family). Biodun already told me that his dad was late and he only had his sister and mother left. He also told me how supportive his sister was and this made him inform her first. Biodun placed the call on loud speaker as he explained to his sister that he would be getting married in less than two months. At first she was happy and then she started talking about the preparation for an elaborate wedding. Biodun's sister was disappointed when he told her that he would be getting married without his family and an elaborate wedding could wait until he was ready to come back home with his bride. His sister was more worried about the reason for the rush and why Biodun did'nt want his family to be present. Biodun told her he wanted it that way and pleaded for his sister's support. His sister enventually agreed and promised to help convince his mom prove difficult. I was happy with how supportive Biodun's sister was and this encouraged us to call Biodun's mom immediately. Biodun's mom was difficult to convince but she enventually agreed when Biodun told her he wouldn't give her a grandchild if she fail to support him in marrying the girl of his dream. Biodun's mom requested to chat with me on skype in order to know me better before she enventually gave her final approval. That very Night i met Biodun's mom and sister on skype. His mom was welcoming. She asked for the reason why we were in a rush to get married and i told her we were inlove. She also asked if i got my parent's support and i honestly told her that they were yet to give me a go ahead. She talked about how bride price was an important due in Nigeria and she ended up suggesting that we could arrange a meeting between the two families in Nigeria. Biodun's mom suggested that myself and Biodun could get married abroad while the two families could as well carryout a wedding ceremony on our behalf. The advice we got from Biodun's mom was timely and useful, i thanked her profusely before we ended the chat. I decided to call my parent the next day and chip in the new plan. With high hope and prayers, i watched the night pass by slowly. **** The next day, the lawyer invited us over to the registry where we provided some necessary information for the court wedding. The registration procedure was alittle longer than expected but a date was enventually fixed and the wedding was to take place in the afternoon. We left the court with excitement and happiness. It felt like the first time i would be taking the right decision in my life. **** Back home, after lunch, i placed a call through to my mom with Biodun close to me. After the third ring, I was about giving up when she accepted my call. My mom told me how upset my dad was and she asked for the reason why i chose to marry a stranger in a foreign land. My mom gave me a listening ear as i explained to her how much i loved the guy in question but she was not really confused that it was enough reason to get married without their presence. In a bid to get mom on my side, I told her that Biodun's family were ready to come over to our house and pay all the necessary dues, including performing all the traditional rites. After listening to me, my mom paused for awhile before she said "Lillian, tell me, are you pregnant?" I looked at Biodun for a response and he noded positively. I told my mom yes and she asked why i did'nt confide in her in the first place. I told her that i was scared and i thought she would be disappointed in me. My mom told me never to shut my family out no matter how messy the situation gets and she promised to talk my dad through. I was happy that i had my mom's support, i knew getting my dad's won't be difficult. **** Three days later, My dad called. At first he expressed his disappointment in me but after his long rant, he gave me his support as well and requested to meet with Biodun's family. My parent also met Biodun through skype and we made arrangement on how the two families would meet. The traditional marriage was also scheduled to take place on the same day we would have the court marriage. I was happy everything enventually worked out perfectly. I had my family support, I had Biodun and I had my kids. If things could work out fine after the dark tunnel, i believed I'm a conquerer and i would crush James no matter what. To be continued..
14 May 2017 | 12:59
I dislike this James Jhoor Your mom also pass through alot
14 May 2017 | 13:29
14 May 2017 | 14:21
his a fool
14 May 2017 | 14:39
14 May 2017 | 15:31
This is getting messy
14 May 2017 | 16:05
Sued for what?
14 May 2017 | 17:34
James get luck if na me i 4 dn send hire killer untop am.
14 May 2017 | 19:06
nawa for dis James
14 May 2017 | 19:07
14 May 2017 | 19:56
Next wat a story
14 May 2017 | 21:37
got the money to Sue her.. Never concern bout her well being during and after pregnancy. James darris God
14 May 2017 | 21:44
Everytin will b fine nd James will b crushed.
14 May 2017 | 21:55
Thank God its going well
15 May 2017 | 05:51
james is a coward
15 May 2017 | 11:42
Good thing your parents accepted your marriage
15 May 2017 | 17:12
Good thing your parents accepted your marriage
15 May 2017 | 17:12
Sued u? 4wat
15 May 2017 | 18:55
Episode 31 Continues.. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ After getting the approval of my parent and Biodun's family, the next thing was to prepare for the wedding properly. Biodun sent the required amount to his family with the instruction that everything on the bridal list should be provided and the event must be done according to the taste of my parent. The whole event was to be captured in a video record and the full video was to be sent to us after the event. We were to send the video footage of our court marriage to our families as well. All arrangement was made and everything seemed perfect. Myself and Biodun also spent time shopping for all we would be needing, ranging from our outfit to accessories and food for the few invited guest. Biodun was able to get some of his specialist friends to stand in as our parent and all other necessary post was filled in by his friends and work mates. In a month time to the wedding, we had everything ready. Biodun got a new apartment which we were to move into after the wedding and we spent must of our time furnishing the house to our taste. Biodun soon exhaust his annual leave and he had to resume work. Though it was a bit difficult to care for the kids alone, I was able to manage. **** On a monday morning, i was about bathing the kids after seeing Biodun off when i heard a knock on my door. At first i thought it was Biodun "probably he forgot something" I said to myself as i rushed to the door. How wrong could i be? The person standing at my door step was the last person i expected to see. My mouth went dry and i could not take a step backward or forward. All i did was to stare into the space until the cries of my kids brought me back. "Won't you get them?" James said to me and he pushed me out of his way. I staggered and let go of the door knob. I got my act together and rushed into the house. The first thing i did was to place a call through to Biodun. I informed Biodun of James presence in a whisper. I also pleaded with him to notify the police and come with them. Biodun told me to keep calm and take care of the kids. I was still on the phone with Biodun when i heard James's foot step approaching. I quickly hid my phone in my pocket and i carried my kids. James kicked the door open and bounced in. He looked around the room in displease as i took the girls into my arms. James asked if i had received the court notice and i kept mute. I was boiling with anger already and one thing i learnt from my day was to walk away from a conversation whenever i become furious. With the girls in my arm, i made to walk out on James but he stopped me half way. He told me he was willing to end the court case if i agree to come back to him with his kids. He tried to confuse me to move in with him by telling me that he was sure he was going to win the case because he had blood realationship with the kids and my apartment was nowhere to raise kids. I hissed and i went to the livingroom. James followed me closely without saying a word. He watched me as i laid the kids on the couch before he came close to me. James knelt before me and pleaded with me to come back with his kids. He said lots of things about just realising his mistakes, he even promised to make up for the rough times i went through. I only told James to go to hell and he stood up. His eyes were blood red and his lips started to shake in anger. He made lots of threats and said lots of heart breaking words. He told me he knew about my plans to marry Biodun and he promised to hinder the marriage at all cost. Though i was scared, i kept my cool and i decided to wait for Biodun's arrival. I sat close to my kids and was about to take one of the girls into my arm when James snatched her away. He took my baby and made to leave. I rushed at James in a bid to get back my child but i missed my step and fell. James turned the whole scenario to a hide and seek game. He made me run after him in the small livingroom while he dodged and kept the baby from me. My child started to cry and this got me angry. I got so furious that i could kill James at that moment. I was at the edge of considering murder when the door went ajar and Biodun rushed in with two uniformed police. The police took the baby from James and he was arrested for assault. Before he left, he told me he wouldn't stop at nothing to win the kids over. He told me he would take them away and make my effort to get my babies back fruitless. James was taken away but his words were stuck in my heart. Biodun told me not to take in his words and he promised to make sure that James would never cross our paths no more. Though i wished i could build my hope on Biodun's words and wave James's threat aside. All the things he said kept ringing a bell in my ears and i was more than scared. I was scared of losing my kids, i was scared for my upcoming marriage and i was scared for my future. Life would be worthless without my girls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ My life was worthless without my girls. It was necessary for Biodun to return to work because he was yet to complete his shift. Biodun stayed back for few minutes before he left with the promise that he would come back early and we would both visit James in police custody, in order to ensure that there won’t be further harassment by him. I pulled myself together after Biodun's departure, I took care of the kids and I also got myself cleaned up. I was still super disturbed by all James said. It got to a point that i looked at my babies and i burst into tears. I could not handle the thought of letting them go. i went on my knees and prayed to God. With tears in my eyes, i prayed for God's guidance and protection against any form of separation. i eventually put my trust in God and i also prepared my mind for the worst. At noon, Biodun returned from work with his lawyer friend. With the kids, we got into his ride and he zoomed off to the police station. We arrived the police station and we made a request to see James. The officer in charge of the case invited us over to his office and James was also made available. The lawyer got to work immediately and gave a lengthy explanation on the situation on ground. He told the officer about the court case and how we fear that James is a threat to me and my babies. We also told him about James's threat to interrupt our wedding which was to take place in a month time. The officer took in all of our compliant and he guaranteed our security. James was made to sign an agreement that he would never show up in our lives again else he would be locked up. James tried to be stubborn but he eventually signed the agreement with a devilish smile on his face. Even if i didn’t take in Biodun's words about ensuring that we would be free from James, the police assurance and the agreement went a long way to convince me that everything was going to be fine. I left the police station with an assurance that everything was going to be fine and the wicked smile on James’ face was nothing but a sign of defeat. I didn’t know for how long my victory was gping to last but I wished it lasted for ever. After lunch that very day, I and biodun decided that we should get a nanny to help in taking care of the kids since biodun would have to leave for work daily. Biodun contacted some of his married friends and they gave us a lead on how to get the best nanny for my kids. Before the week ran out, we were able to get a trusted middle age nanny and taking care of the house became an easier task. After getting a nanny, I spent most of my time taking care of our new house. Since we had less than a month before we would move in, I had to ensure that everything was intact. Days rolled into weeks and weeks rolled into months. Within a twinkle of an eye, it was a day to my court marriage. I was scared of things not going as planned but Biodun was there to chase my fear away. Biodun was the most supportive man I ever had. Satisfying I and my kids was all he cared about, becoming his lawfully wedded bride was one of my greatest achievement. We had a full house on the day of our wedding eve. Biodun invited most of his friends over and we had fun wining and dining. Waiting for a day was even more difficult than waiting for months. I couldn’t wait to get the wedding over with. On the 5th of May at exactly 12noon, I was ready to walk down the aisle with Biodun, I was ready to say “I do” and I was ready to lawfully take Biodun as my husband. This time around, it wasn’t for the sake of my kids only but also for the love that I had for Biodun. After my kids he was the best thing that ever happened to me. Earlier that morning, my parents called to pray for us and wish us well. They were also ready to get down with the traditional wedding that day and according to my mom, the house was filled with guest already. Biodun’s mom also had a long talk with us on Skype during the early hours of the night. She was a lovely woman and a prayer warrior, she gave us loads of marriage advice and she blessed our marriage. My joy knew no bound after getting parental blessings from my parent and Biodun’s mom. Nothing can be compared with been sure that my family got my back. With the help of the makeup artist and some of the female friends Biodun invited over, I looked dazzling after dressing up in my wedding attire. I wore a gorgeous cream gown and gold heels. The light makeup and my long wavy hair enhanced my beauty. My girls were also beautifully dressed in a red shinning gown and their hair was adorned with a cute cream ribbon. My best lady was also dressed in a red and gold. With myself, my best lady and my beautiful little bride, my bridal train was complete. Biodun also looked down to earth in a blue suit and a gold bowl tie. Everything was perfect that very day. We were tagged the perfect match when we finally left the house for the registry. Biodun’s car was beautifully decorated and his lawyer friend filled the post of our driver. The wedding was scheduled for 1:00pm. We were just in time when we arrived. All the needed individuals were also present to fill in there respected gap. We exchanged pleasantries before we eventually matched into the registry to fulfill our purpose for been there. Vows were taken, signatures were provided on the necessary documents and a wedding certificate was issued. In less than an hour, the court marriage came to a beautiful end. I became biodun’s lawfully wedded wife and he became my husband. We received lots of congratulations from friends and captured lots of beautiful moments. I felt fulfilled and I looked forward for a new beginning. A new phase of my life was about to unveil. A small reception was held in a nearby suite after the wedding. The event was not elaborate but it was a success. The guest stayed around till later in the evening and after their departure, we also moved into our new home. From the wedding, to the reception and then to our new home, everything was a huge success. After calling our parents and putting the kids to sleep, myself and Biodun retired to each other’s arm. We spent time talking about the event of the day and we laughed at the funny scenes. We talked till late in the night and during the chat we got romantic. At first Biodun hesitated in making love to me. He was more concerned about my condition been a nursing mother. I told him that I was strong enough and I lured him into the act. The act I never regretted. We made love in a special way, a way that was different with the crazy sex I had with James. With Biodun, everything was perfect. After exhausting our energy while making love, we slept off in each other’s arm. The next day, I was half awake in Biodun’s arm during the early hours of the morning when I heard the cry of my kid. I ran to the nursery and I met one of the girls crying while the other was asleep. My kid’s eyes were weak and her breathing was slow. I touched her forehead in a bid to feel her temperature and I got a rude shock. The next thing I did was to scream out Biodun’s name. She was boiling. ****************************** All I could do was to scream Biodun's name. My child was boiling. I was scared to the bone as we rushed her to the hospital, her breathing was pretty slow and are eyes were so dim. We got to the hospital and she was taken to the ER. I had to stay with the other girl while biodun's went with the doctor to take care of the sick girl. It took the doctors more than thirty minutes before they exsit the ER. As a mother, I rushed at them immediately and asked after my child. The doctor calmed me down and led us to his office. I was scared of whatever the case may be, I couldn't bare to see my kid sick or been hurt. The doctor asked of my blood group and my kids father's, I was able to provide mine but unfortunately, I didn't know James's blood group. After a long talk, the doctor revealed to me that my twin girl was a Sicklerville (SS). He told me how challenging her growing up could be and lot of things about sickle cell. I was sad about the way my life turned out, I loved so much that I did not even bother to know if I was compatible with the man I loved. All I cared about was love without considering my future or my child's. I concluded that my girls were both so but the doctor confused me that the girls might be twins but they. Night inherit different genotype. Though I wasn't convinced, I allowed him carryout a test on the other girl. My girl was placed on drip that very day and that was how we became regular patients in the hospital. I didn't even bother to ask for the result of my kid's genotype, I took the two girls as sicklers and I saw taking care of them as my cross. I had this believe until my second visit to the hospital. The doctor invited me to his office and he went on and on to tell me how possible it was to a set of twins to Share different genotype. I was beginning to get bored of his long talk when he handed me the result of my child's genotype. I was more that shocked when I saw 'AS'. My other girl was not a sickler and she had a good health condition. I was happy at the result and I promised to take care of my girls equally. I also prayed to God to bless the two girls with sound health. Biodun was helpful in taking care of my sick girl. Him been a medical doctor reduced our hospital bills and he was there to assure me that my girl could leave as long as she wanted as far as she gets the best medications. I never knew that James was 'SS' but I blamed myself for getting involve with just anybody when I knew that I was 'AS'. all in all, nothing could change a mother's love. ******************************* TIME FLIES. Just a month after the wedding and all the struggle to take care of my kids, the court meeting day cropped in. It was one of the days when my girl with the sickle cell fell sick over night. With the help of Biodun's she got the best treatment and she was getting better before we had to leave for the court. I wanted to go with my girls, I wanted to feel their presence while I would fight for them but Biodun kicked against the idea and I had to leave them in the care of their nanny. I could remember shedding tears when I was leaving that afternoon. I knew I would be fighting hard to keep my kids but I wasn't sure if my best would be enough to secure my kids. With a heavy heart, I left for the court after kissing my kids goodbye. The hearing was scheduled for 1:00pm but we arrived the court at 12:00pm. I was surprised to see James and his family present. I never knew his honorable father could be interested in getting the kids his son thought would be a shame to them. With the way he carried himself around and with the way he seemed so familiar with the court workers, I smelt fowl play. The lawyer and Biodun assured me that everything would go according to plan and I kept my cool but I was scared the worst could happen. . To be continued after comments..
15 May 2017 | 20:18
Hmmm,so Nelly was your twin sister
15 May 2017 | 21:17
Nelly i mean to say
15 May 2017 | 21:25
Okay o pls tell us how Nelly nd Nancy get separated biko.
16 May 2017 | 04:22
Nelly is Nancy twin sister
16 May 2017 | 04:25
its obvious the judge gave one to James and the other to her and biodun
16 May 2017 | 05:14
16 May 2017 | 05:36
Still following
16 May 2017 | 05:38
16 May 2017 | 06:56
Still following
16 May 2017 | 07:42
OK James took one nd u took one
16 May 2017 | 09:22
So Nelly was your twin sister
16 May 2017 | 10:11
Everything is gonna be alright
16 May 2017 | 14:40
Nelly is ur twin sister
16 May 2017 | 15:23
Episode 32 Continues.. *********************************** At exactly 1:00pm, we were called upon and we all filed into the court room. I was more scared when our lawyer recognized James's lawyer as one of the most outstanding white lawyer in town. He was said to have won all his cases without a single loss. The lawyer promised me that he would try his possible best in securing my kids before he left for his post. I took in his words with little faith. The judge assumed his sit and the court trial started. The case was introduced and the lawyers did their introductions as well. The battle began immediately and the air was filled with court terminologies. The air was filled with court terminologies and their were proofs provided. Just as planned, my lawyer pleaded not guilty of the allegation. Everything was going on smoothly until when James was called to testify. My heart was broken into a million pieces at the extent he was willing to go just to reap where he did not sow. James denied all the allegations of taking off when I was pregnant. Myself and Biodun were practically painted black before the court of law. Though all the planned strategies was put into use, it was not as effective as I thought it would be. It got to a point that I broke down in tears and pleaded to be left alone with my kids. I had to put myself together when the judge threatened to get me locked up. From every indications, we were looking. After an hour of words battle, the judge declared thirty minutes break, after which the final judgment would be given. ************************* The court room was as silent as a graveyard when it reopened. I heartbeat could be heard from a thousand mile when the judge mounted his sit and was ready to pass the final judgment. The acknowledged the two lawyers and said few things before he passed his final judgment. According to him, the lawyers arguments clearly showcased that myself and James were not an example of responsible parents and giving the kids proper upbringing was a responsibility he wasn't sure we could carryout. The court decided that both parent had the right to the kids but in order not to cause any sort of security bridge, the two kids were to be shared among the two parent. Any objection from the parent will lead to the girls been taken to the orphanage. A court order was issued and the court closed on the note that the court order should be carried out immediately. I suddenly went deaf and I could not phantom why the judgement could be so cruel. "How can a mother be separated from her child? How can a set of twins be separated? How can I move on without my girls? " These were the questions I asked myself as remained sitter. I didn't move an inch until biodun tapped me on the shoulder and told me James was heading to our house with the court officials. I rushed out of the court room in a bid to stop them. I saw James smiling as drove by right in front of me. I pleaded with Biodun to stop them but he couldn't do a thing. All he did was to promise me that everything would be all right. Though Biodun was trying to be strong, his eyes were blood red as he told me that we needed to hurry home before James would elope with the two girls. I ran into the car and Biodun zoomed off. All that happened was nothing but a tragedy. I hoped for a miracle but it never came. *********************** Biodun, his family and the court officials were right in front of our door when we arrived. Without waiting for the engine to be turned off, I rushed out of the car and ran to James. I pleaded with him not to separate a set of twins and their mother, I pleaded with him not to deny my girls the benefit of growing up together, I even promised to allow him visit them whenever he wanted to but he waved me aside and told me he was ready to strictly follow the court order. When the door to our apartment went ajar, my sick girl was sleeping beautifully while my other girl was playing. James rushed at the girls playing and grabbed her by her arm. She started to cry and so did my heart started to weep as well. I couldn't bare to see my child cry, I forcefully took her from James and rocked her in my arms. James went for the sleeping girl and took her away. I rushed at him again and pleased with him to spare her because she was innocent and sick. James gave me an option. It was either I let go of the crying kid or the sleeping one. I could not let go of my crying child because she was crying so much and I could not let go of my sick child because she would need me when she wakes but I had to make a choice. I could not make a choice but Biodun did. I could not make a choice but Biodun did. James and his dad were getting in patient. He’s dad even threatened to go with both kids. The word on everyone’s lips was “we don’t have the whole day young lady”. No one even cared about my emotions or what separation could cause to a mother and her child; it was as if the whole world was against me. My tears was flowing like river as I knelt and Pleaded with James and his dad but all my pleas went on a deaf ear. My child didn’t stop to cry as well, the more I cried, the more she increased the tempo of her voice. My sick child on the other hand was sleeping peacefully without having any idea of what was going on. I would have given her up easily, but the thought of her shedding more tears in my absence made it more difficult to give up on her. I was still pleading with James and his dad when Biodun grabbed me by my arm and told me to get my acts together, if not for anything, I should think of the harm crying could cause on my child. Even at that, I was not ready to strong up. I was thinking I was beginning to buy James emotion over when his dad collected my girl from his hand and was ready to bounce out. I knelt before him and pleaded profusely but he didn’t even spare me a glance. I ran to James since his dad was not ready to listen to me. I knelt before him and was about begging him when biodun carried me up. I can still remember his exact statement. He looked at me and said “don’t waste your tears begging a hardened soul”. Biodun took my crying baby from me and dragged me into the room. He gave my child to me and went out. He locked the door on us and left me with no other choice than to accept my fate. The conversation that took place between biodun and all of the people present was something I had no idea of. After few minutes, I noticed that the house was empty and I concluded that my child was gone. I cried my eyes out and the surprising thing was that the more I cry, the more my baby wept as well. As little as she was, she felt my pain and got emotional. I stopped to cry when I eventually lost the strength to. I comforted my baby and she ended up sleeping in my arms. I wanted to be strong for my remaining child but I could not bear to see my child disappear right in front of me. The pain I felt was more than the pain I felt when I got pregnant, it was even more than the one I felt when James turned his back on me, even the pain I felt during labor could not be compared the pain I felt when my child was taken away. I eventually fell asleep with the hope that I would fight for my child the next day. The cry of my baby woke me up the next morning. I didn’t have an idea of when she was taken away or when biodun joined me in be. I rushed out of bed and ran to the nursery. I was so surprise to see my child sleeping peacefully in a cradle. I was lost on where I heard the cry from. I decided that the cry might be from my other twin. Though I was crazy, I was so sure my child was crying wherever she was. The only place I knew she could be was James house, I quickly wake the nanny and told her to look after my child before I sneaked out of the house. Though the street was cold and empty, I didn’t care, all I wanted was to see my child. With a weak hand I knocked on James door after about an hour walk. The door was opened by James and I could tell he was not surprise to see me. I heard the cry of my girl immediately the door was opened. I became unrest, all I could think of was comforting my girl. Something made me believe that I could still win James over and this made me plead with him to allow me comfort my girl. James nodded and left the door open for me. I got inside and met my girl lying on a couch. I rushed at her and was about taking her into my arms when James’s dad came out of the house. He got furious at the sight of me and threatened to call on the cops if I fail to leave. James tried to convince him but he was boiling. I knew James dad was ready to carry out his threat but I was not ready to back off after the long distance I trekked just to see my child. I took the baby into my arms and started to rock her. James dad disappeared into the room and so did James. The next thing I heard was a loud argument between them. That was when I realized that, to an extent, James was been influenced by his dad and I believed he still had his good side. I was breast feeding my girl when I suddenly heard the loud sound of a siren. Without been told, I knew the cops were around. I didn’t move an inch, neither did I stop to feed my child. I was bent on waiting for the worst to happen. A tap on the door and James dad bounced out. He welcomed the cops and pointed at me as the intruder. James was grumbling and trying to stop his dad but he was too weak to stand for my child and i. James dad forcefully took the child from me and I was taken away with my hanging boobs. All I could do was to look at my child and cry. My motherly right was denied. I was locked up until biodun arrived. The cops made me sign an agreement that I would never see my child again else I would face the court. It was the most difficult agreement I had ever signed, but I eventually did. I agreed to give up my child before my bail as granted. That very day, I had a heart to heart talk with biodun. Biodun made me see the reason to move on for my girls. He made me realize that she was just out of our home but she wasn’t out of the world. He told me that fate would bring my girls together just the way it brought us together. I took in biodun’s words and believed in him but it was difficult to move on. Separating a mother from her child is the worst thing that can happen to any mother. ############### After a year of trying to move on and going back to my vomit. Biodun decided that we should change our environment. According to him, the pains the environment caused me can never be healed without me moving out of it. We finally decided that the best place to go was no other place than home [Nigeria]. With my family and all the beautiful memories I had back home, we believed it would help to bring me back to me. We packed our backs and sold off all our properties. With a heavy heart I said goodbye to Canada and everything therein. We arrived Nigeria with the hope of starting over again. 'We arrived Nigeria with the hope of starting all over again.' Nancy My mom paused and gazed at the floor as if she was lost in thought. At this point in time I could not hold back my tears, realizing all that my mom had been through and she still managed to be a happy woman during her time on earth. My mom raised her head and he saw stream of tears rolling down her cheek. I realized that no matter how long it might have been, the memory was still fresh in her and the wound would be forever fresh. I was lost in thought until when Kelvin held my hand and jerked me back to reality. I looked at Kelvin and faked a smile with my teary eyes before I focused on the big screen. My mom had already gotten rid of the tears in her eyes. She faked a smile and continued. "I was so happy to be back home, where I truly belonged. My parent came for us at the Airport. I must confess, seeing my family gave me lots of joy. A welcome party was organized for us and introductions were made. To everybody, Lillian was back with her husband and a beautiful daughter. Nobody knew I was back with a child that could be called a bastard. I met with Biodun's family as well and stayed with them for some period of time. We left when we secured our apartment. Biodun portrayed my daughter as his and nobody knew the whole truth. Since my girl looked exactly like me, everybody concluded that she took after her mom over her dad. We started a new family in Nigeria. Biodun started a business and after about five years of our return, my dad died. I took over most of our companies. My mom also died two years after my dad's death. Everything was willed to me and I was left to take care of my kid brother. I transferred most of the companies to my husband and we lived our lives as a happy family. Though I still missed my lost girl, I was contended with all that I had. I lived a life I wasn't proud of but I was able to learn from my mistake. Nancy, baby this is the reason why I will never let you out of my sight, because I know what excess freedom can do to young minds. It all because I love you. The only regret I have in life is me not been able to give Biodun a child. After my first issue, I could not conceive no more. He never made me feel bad about this, he only made me see reason why I should be grateful for not aborting my first and last issue. I never met James, until that day you brought him over for dinner. Yes, James, you brought him and his family over that very night. That was when I learnt that the lady he ended up with never had any issue for him. My girl was the only child he had. I let the sleeping dog lay and I did the whole forgiveness thing for my girls and for my late husband. I gusse by now you should know that James is Stanley James, Nelly's dad, your dad Nancy. Biodun is Abiodun Williams. My late husband and your foster father. You and Nelly are my twins girls. (Nancy and Nelly). This is my story baby, This is my life people. I'm sure any writer can make a beautiful piece with it but it's not something I am proud of. I'm sorry for lieing to you about Nelly, I didn't have the courage to tell me about my rough past. I hope you will meet with her and start a beautiful life as a proud set of twins after you see this video. Forgive James too, he regret his actions already. I'm not sure if I will be with you after you see this video but if I have the opportunity, I will see to the reunion. Baby, learn from my story and you will never fall in any pit. I pray you will find a man like Biodun before a wolf like James locates you. You have my blessings baby. I'm proud of you and your sister. This is all I have been keeping for years. I know you all have been in the dark" To be continued..
16 May 2017 | 20:43
I knew they were twins right from the start
16 May 2017 | 23:57
Bottom line Nelly and Nancy were twin
17 May 2017 | 02:10
in the dark indeed
17 May 2017 | 03:24
I know it. I have always suspected Nancy and Nelly being twins
17 May 2017 | 04:12
Hmmm so sad
17 May 2017 | 04:48
So sad
17 May 2017 | 05:02
Hmmmm speechles cos d whole tin full my bele.
17 May 2017 | 05:49
sorry nancy
17 May 2017 | 05:56
17 May 2017 | 06:44
Hmmm.. In the dark indeed
17 May 2017 | 08:11
Ooooops! dis is huge
17 May 2017 | 09:50
So said
17 May 2017 | 10:08
So sad
17 May 2017 | 10:09
So Nelly dad is your really Dad
17 May 2017 | 10:45
Episode 33 Continues.. *********************** "Now that I have revealed the bitter truth. I will like to move to the business of the day. My story was In the past, this is the present, Now let's face the future. I know how greed runs in my family, this is the reason why I'm making this will for my child. She might not belong to the Williams, she still belong to my family. All the properties I will mention should be handed over to my baby after she gets married. She might misuse the wealth if she get it while she's still young. Nancy, Dear family members, this are my properties. My guest house- A. J Palace, worth 75 million naira. My boutique - Queens and kings, worth 52 million naira. I have a restaurant - N&N, worth 25 million naira. I have a salon - Williams unisex salon, worth 24 million naira. Your dad owned a construction conpany- he named it BIN construction, worth 90 million Naira. We have an estate in Abuja- Williams estate, worth A billion naira. Lastly, I own a departmental store in dubai- worth a billion naira. I have 5 million naira in my account, your dad has 15 million naira in his. You are the only signatory to it, you are our next of kin. I just decleared my entire asset. This is the little I will be leaving behind. Work hard and leave more for my grandchildren. Now to my will. I'm willing 10 million naira to my brother (Mike). 15 million naira to the entire family. It should be shared equally among you all. I'm donating 5 million naira to any orphanage of my daughter's choice. I'm handing over A. J palace to Nelly, the remaining properties belong to my daughter (Nancy). Including our house. Since most of my assest are secret establishment, I have people in charge of it all but now that I have handed it all to my kids, all the people in charge should vacate position unless my daughters are ready to work with them. Any act of disobedient to my will should be dealt with by law. I'm sure Berry is capable, that's why she is in charge. To my daughters I love you both. Live a life you will be proud to tell your kids your story. This is all about Lillian Williams and her will. Have a good day people, thanks for your time" My mom ended her speech and the video was brought to an end. I was so lost and confused. I carried a fake identity all my life. I was looming in darkness. "so Nelly is my twin sister and her dad is my dad. I'm not an orphan after all but how can my biological dattd be so cruel? How can my dad love me so much? Even his family?" those were the questions I asked myself. Just the way I was confused, everybody was and most of them did nothing to hide their pain. I broke into tears right there and wished I never knew the truth. I was leaving just fine before the video but I knew it would change lot of things about me. I wasn't even blood related to Khloe and my foster parent. My family are not my family and the person I knew as a family friend was my real identity. With weak eyes I looked at Kelvin and said "Take me home" With weak eyes, I looked at kelvin and said “take me home” I didn’t even know what to think about who I was who I was going to become. My heart was so heavy and it got to a point that my mind went blank, just because I had too much on my plate. The man I thought was my biological father turned out to be just a foster dad, even the friend [Nelly] I thought I wasn’t related to turned out to be my biological twin sister and her dad turned out to be my biological dad as well. I bet she never knew my mom was her biological mom before she was laid to rest. “If only I can turn back the hand of time I wouldn’t have fought Nelly over Jordan for years”. The thought of having sex with the same guy as my sister made me almost throw up in my mouth. I wished Nelly was not dead, I wished my mom was also around, I wished my foster dad was also alive but all of this were just wishes that could never be brought to life. It was as if the all of this people died and left me behind to fix the puzzle they all created. “Baby, we’re home” kelvin said, bringing me out of my thought. I smiled and he helped me out of the car. I walked in slowly and went to our room. I didn’t even bother to eat, the only thing I needed was a long shower and a long sleep. Kelvin understood my mood perfectly and he helped me clear my mind by creasing my hair to sleep. I let my pain and worries flow away as I lost myself to the beautiful hands of sleep. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Three months later] After the reading of the will and the revealing of secrets, I didn’t step out for three months. I needed time to think about my life and learn how my legs would fit into the big shoe that was left for me by my mom. I know I was left with lots of riches but my mind was also opened to the fact that it meant more trouble as well. I didn’t know if I would be able to fit into the busy business woman life style with my condition and my status. This made me retain all the workers in all the company allocated to me. Attorney berry visited me more often over this period of time and we became familiar. She made sure everything went according to plan and with her help, I was able to manage the companies from home. I was able to meet with the important officials and I had a long business talk with them as well. My uncle and his family were also made to vacate my late parent’s house and the entire building was locked up under strict vigilance. Everything was under control. My foster parent and khole didn’t forsake me during this period of time and my in-laws were not left behind. I was showered with lots of care and affection. Everything was going on fine and all the people I needed in my life were present, except my biological dad [Stanley James]. Sometimes I tried to figure out the reason for his actions in the past and in the present, the only ting I came up with was that he was in human. For this reason I decided belive he never exist. Though, kelvin constantly reminded me of my mom’s wish to reconcile with my biological dad but the thought of him having the heart to shut me out even after he realized that I was his daughter made me decide to shut him out forever. If he had any fatherly love for me, he would have come for me when I lost my mom, he would have looked out for me and I would not have gone through all the rough periods I went through. I knew my time of hardship was a lesson for me and it made me stronger but I expected him to have reached out to me. I didn’t even feel connected to him in every way. Again I was thankful to those who stood by me even though we were not blood relations. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After the three months of my pregnancy, I was beginning to have a pump. Lots of things had changed and I spent my everyday life trying to get comfortable with my body. Carrying a child is one of the most challenging roles in life. Kelvin was of help over this period of time, he even went to the extent of putting a stop to his work just to be with me. I received pregnancy tips from my foster mom and my mother in-laws as well. Everybody treated me like an egg and this made me tremendously increase in weight. All in all, my husband didn’t complain. I was in my house one hot Friday afternoon, when one of the securities informed us that an unknown guest was at the door. According to him, the guest claimed to be a family member but he had never seen the person with us in the past. I made the security describe the guest and after spending minutes to relate who it could be without success, I instructed him to let the guest in. I was about settling in a couch after calling on kelvin when the security walked our guest in. I could not believe my eyes when I saw who the it was. I looked at her from head to toe with my mouth widely. All I could say was “is this you?” more than ten years had pass without a word from each other. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ She walked in looking astonished as well. I could see the surprise in her eyes as she walked up to me. Forgetting all that led to our separation, we rushed at each other and enveloped ourselves in a warm embrace. I was so happy and surprised. Memories that had been buried came to life as I held her so tight to myself. I got emotional and so did she. We did not release each other until kelvin came into the living room and cleared his throat. Though I had told kelvin about her in the past, he had never seen her live. I released myself and led her to a sit before sitting close to her. Everything about her was different but I knew her kind heart could never change. I looked at kelvin and said “baby…….she is my one in the world sister, remember I told you about her? Meet lizzy, uncle mike’s only child” Kelvin came forward and offered liz a handshake. They exchanged pleasantries and liz was entertained. We talked about this and that for a while before liz called my name and stated her reason for visiting me. According to her, she came in search of me after finding out about the video my mom left behind. At first I thought she was going to talk about her dad’s part of the will or her parent’s complaint. I didn’t understand her reason for visiting until she she explained all she had in mind to me to me. According to Liz, she left home two weeks after I was made to leave my parent’s house as well. According to her, she saw the need to run from her devilish parent before their evil deeds would come calling for her. Though her parent didn’t want her to leave, they had no choice but to let her go when she threatened to commit suicide if she was obstructed. Liz left home with the determination. She was determined never to come back until the death of her parent. She wanted them to realize their bad deeds by turning her back on them. During this period of time, she receives information about home from one of their family friend’s. Through her friend, she got to know that her parents were still looming in their selfish life. According to liz, she was informed when I was about to get married as well but she chose not to come home, thinking that she might not be welcomed. Just few months ago, her friend informed her about the will and the actions that followed instantly. Liz was happy when she heard that I got my properties back and her parents were been sent out of my parents’ house. She decided that it was time to return and mock her parent, after which she would make them beg for forgiveness from me. She also promised herself to locate me and ask for my forgiveness, to her, she betrayed me by leaving when she knew I would still be needing her.Liz made her parent realize that she would never step foot in Nigeria if they fail to carry out her wish and they should forget ever having a child, talk less of a grandchild. According to her she was married with a kid. Liz went on and on to ask for forgiveness for herself and her parents. I was so amazed at her level of humility and her great choices of words melt my heart. I found myself ready to forgive and forget all that happened in the past. I also asked her to forgive me for disrespecting her mother and she said she was sure I had no other choice. Her peaceful spirit made me see the need to be in peace with everybody. I decided to accept a simple sorry from all that had wronged me and allow bygone to be bygone. After narrating a little of all that happened during liz absent, we had a simple lunch filled with talks about the past. Though all that happened was not pleasant to the ear. It was easy to laugh over it since it was in the past. Everything was just like a story, a tragic one. During the talked, I seek to be excused and I asked kelvin to come with me to the room. Immediately we settled in bed, I told kelvin I felt the sudden urge to meet with all my offenders and forgave them whole heartedly just as my mom said in the video. Kelvin was surprised and happy at my new decision. He held me close to himself and said “nancy….. I’m so proud of you. I never knew you went through all liz talked about and you are still here. You came out strong and gallant. No offences but you are truly your mother’s child. My only wish is for you to give birth to a child as strong as you are and not a weakling like me” we both laughed at kelvin’s joke and I was grateful to him for standing my me. I and kelvin had a change of dress before we joined liz in the living room. I stood in front of liz, beaming with smile and said “take me to your parent Liz, I want to forgive them all”. Liz opened her mouth widely and murmured “it’s a lie” continuously before she stood up and hugged me. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes as she thanked me profusely. I only patted her back gently, as we all filled out of the house. What good will come out of life with so much hatred and bitterness? Liz taught me to live and love and forgive all my offenders. Forgiveness is not an easy task but it is a necessity in life. . To be continued after comments..
17 May 2017 | 14:04
Hmmm, so long a story!
17 May 2017 | 15:25
I Feel Ur Pains Jordan
17 May 2017 | 16:22
Uh-uh! Such a sad story. Though I knew from the start that you guys were twins. Nancy, I really feel for you.
17 May 2017 | 16:23
What a dark story
17 May 2017 | 18:03
17 May 2017 | 18:29
Hmmm So Emotional
17 May 2017 | 18:53
Hmmm really bein in d dark
17 May 2017 | 19:05
Fuck dat kind of 4giveness...James can go to hell
17 May 2017 | 20:11
interesting. continue
18 May 2017 | 07:08
Episode 34 Continues.. ********************************** "forgiveness is a very difficult task, but it is a necessity in life. By forgiving our offenders, the mountain of hatred in our hearts is been demolished" After about thirty minutes drive, Liz parked in front of a building. The securities and our driver also follow suit. I was about asking if she wanted to see someone before she would take us to my uncle's apartment when she smiled and said "welcome to my parents' abode" I could not even reply her, I only starred at K9elvin and gazed at the building speechlessly. The building was and average building with worn out door and faded paint. I could not help but wonder what uncle Mike did with the money allocated to him and all the money he embezzled when he was still running my mom's company. We walked to the door and Liz opened the door widely for us. I glanced at Kelvin with a confused expression before I slowly entered the house. The living room was small and untidy. For once in life, I pitied my uncle at the thought of how he would survive after years of living in a mansion. Few minutes after settling down, l Uncle Mike came out of a room I guessed was the kitchen. He tied a towel around his waist and he was shirtless. At sight, I knew he must have been sick. Again, I wondered how someone can change so much in just three months. Uncle Mike exchanged pleasantries with us before he took his sit. Liz also went into the house and returned with her mom, who was holding a cute little boy whom I guessed to be Liz son. Aunt Nike sat with her husband after greeting us briefly. The room went silent until Liz took the bull by its horn. Liz called her parents and said " I know you are both surprise to see Nancy here with me. That is to show you that she is not ready to pay you back with evil and she has a heart of pure gold. Without beating around the Bush, I want the both of you to apologize to Nancy for all the maltreatment you made her go through. Beg her in any way she will accept your apology. I want the bad blood in our family cleared today." I was more than shocked at how bold and straight Liz was. I was more shocked when my uncle and his wife went on their kneels. I was expecting them to be stubborn but they willingly went on their kneels right in front of me. I hurriedly stood up and carried the both of them up before I told them that I had forgiven them. Aunt Nike made me more speechless when she burst into tears. I wasn't sure if her tears were genieu or she was shedding fake tears but the way she bit her fingers as a sign of regret made me believe her tears were not for show. Uncle Mike and his wife took turn to thank Kelvin and I, after which I asked uncle Mike the cause of their predicament. He shook his head figorously and said " Nancy, I hope you believe in karma. Right now karma is dealing with me and it's as if all the bad deeds I carried out is coming back to me ten times hard. During my period in my sister's company, all I did was to lavish funds and the little I thought I have invested went straight into the hands of a hungry Lion. While buying all the shares, I did not have the time for signing of documents. I entrusted everything to somebody, little did I know that my friend was my enemy. It was after the reading of the will that I found out that I made friends with a wolf. This guy was actually buying all the shares in his name and all the things I invested in was in his name as well. I could not even fight him with the law because I had no proof against him. I had to give up without a legal fight. I also did not save money in my account. I was scared of been discovered, so I had a close friend whom I saved all my life earning with. To cut the long story short he eluded with my money. This two sudden discovery came as a rude shock, I ended up in the hospital after about two weeks of the will reading. I was consoled with the hope of having the ten millionaire my sister left for me and I had a secret apartment which we moved into as well. I decided that I was going to work hard and make the ten million grow into billions. It was as if I was under a spell, in fact, I'm sure I'm a spell was cast on me. After leaving the hospital, I met with a friend who introduced me to another friend of his. He was involved in oil business. He made me believe the business will only be profitable if I invest high amount. I decided to take a bank loan. In the process I used my apartment as a collateral. I got ten million from the bank and I had ten million as well. Everything I had was twenty million, I invested with the hope of making bountiful profit. My business partner eventually had a plane crash on his way out of the country. I also found out that he knew nothing about oil business but it was too late. He already perished with my money. I had no where and no one to run to. I did not help any of my family members while I was still in money, so none of them were willing to help me. Before the bank would send me packing in disgrace, I decided to swallow my pride and come back to my former house. This is where we use to live before my sister's death and this is the only building I own. I was given the chance to make people remember my name but I chose to make them remember me for bad. I stepped on so many people on my way up and now I'm been stepped on. The only lesson I learnt is never to trust nobody because trust is dead and buried." Uncle Mike ended his speech and buried his face in his hands. His eyes were red when he eventually raised his head and tears were in his eyes. Surely, karma is a bi**h. Aunt Nike went next after my uncle, she talked about all the odd she did and apologized. Without wasting much time, I hugged her and told her everything was fine. After the whole apologizing and forgiving drama, I cleared my throat and said "though you both left a scar in my heart, I'm willing to let go. Uncle, you will resume as the general manager of the construction company next week. I will personally take care of your allowance and official benefits. Aunt, the boutique will be under your control. This is my token" Uncle Mike and his wife went on their kneels immediately I ended my statement. Liz also hugged me tight with tears in their eyes. Kelvin helped my uncle up while I consoled Liz. Before we left, Kelvin signed my uncle a cheque of 5 million naira and he promised him a new ride. He was overwhelmed and he could not hide his regret. I was happy I made peace with my uncle and his family. Making peace with them felt as if I transferred my burden to them. The hatred and guilt were off my shoulder. We left uncle mike's house at exactly 3:00pm. Immediately we stepped out, I looked at Kelvin and said 'up next is the Stanley. I'm ready to battle words with the old man' Kelvin looked at me and said 'you are on the right path' Nothing Could be More encouraging. *********************************** kelvin looked at me and said "you are on the right path" Nothing could be more encouraging. We settled in the car and the driver zoomed off as I waved back at uncle Mike and his family. Seeing how happy I became after settling the bone of contention between myself and my uncle, I felt the thirst to be happy with my biological father as well, though I knew it might be more difficult to over look his mistakes. My heart skipped when we drove into the Stanley's street. Memories came calling in my head, I remembered the first time I visited the Stanley's residence, I remembered how Happy Nelly was, I remembered how her parent received me warmly and treated me like their own. That very day, I was happy meeting my look alike's parent, little did I know that she was not just my look alike and her dad was my dad as well. The well hidden bitter past made my life a little dramatic. The way my biological father and my late mom hid the secret and their emotion made me wonder if all I knew about myself was the real truth. If my biological parent could make an important truth of my life hidden for more than twenty five years, no hidden secret could come to me as a rude shock. I was still lost in thought when I noticed the car had stopped,i looked through the window and saw the Stanley's giant black gate. "OMG, we are here so fast? " I asked myself. The closer we got, the scared I became. I knew I was on my way to doing the right thing, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to do the right thing once I step foot into the Stanley's residence. I wasn't sure if I would be able to control my emotions and suppress my anger as well. At the last minute, I wanted to turn back,not because I scared of my biological father, but because I was scared of causing more trouble rather than putting an end to it. At the very last minutes I wanted to go back and allow fate play it's part. I looked at Kelvin and was about opening my mouth, when he held my hand and siad "you are about to take the bravest step of your life baby, something your father could not do. Only few people seek for reconciliation and you are one of the few I've met. Just do you honey, I know you can handle it". I smiled and gave Kelvin a warm hug, After which I instructed the driver to proceed. Hand in hand with Kelvin, I gazed at the main building briefly before I took a step in. The apartment was quiet and well kept. I looked round the big livingroom and the first thing that caught my eyes was the huge family picture hung on a side of the wall. I let go of kelvins hand and walked toward the picture like I was in a trance. In the picture Nelly was sitting in the middle of her parent, the three of them wore beautiful smiles and they all looked happy. I fixed my gaze on Nelly's image and I gently touched the picture. Her beautiful smile got me, she smiled just like me, just like my mom. The thought of not getting enough of her before she passed on made me weak. I felt like I was seeing her live as I stared at her lifeless picture. "do you even know that we are blood sisters? Do you even know that my mom is your mom and your dad is my dad? Do you even know that we do not just look alike, we are identical twins? Do you even know how it feels to find out the truth alittle too late? I guess you have no idea. Why? Because you are dead, yes! Just like everybody else you left me to find out about the truth and deal with it all my life. Just when I needed you most, you allowed death take you away and denied me the privilege to be happy having a twin sister. Just like everyone else, you betrayed me! Just like everyone else, you turned your back on me! And just like everyone else, you left me to deal with the heart break! You all left me because you never loved me! " I screamed at the picture with the whole of my strength. I stood at a point and waited for a respons before breaking down in tears. I never knew I was so heart broken until I found myself voicing out my emotions. I was lost in my world until I felt a tap on my back. I jerked back into reality and made a slow turn. I was expecting to see Kelvin behind me but my expectation was turned down when I saw Mr. Stanley. Without having the slightest idea of how angry I was, he smiled at me and said "everyone did not leave, I'm here for you" The anger that ran through my vein was unexplainable,as I looked into the old man's eyes. Heaven knows I would have flung his hand off me if not for the respect I had for his age. With tears in my eyes, I clinched my teeth and said "you are nothing but the architect of my mom's trouble and my heart break" ********************************************* *********** "You are nothing but the architect of my mom's trouble and my heart break" I said to Mr. Stanley In rage. I was expecting to see him flare up or get confused but instead he maintained a cold stare. He smiled and said "I Know you are mad at me but everything that happened was totally not my fault, your late mom also has her share of the blame" I looked at him, I was displeased. I did not know what he was driving at but his statement hurt my ear. Mr. Stanley made to pull me to himself but I dodged. I took few steps away from him and folded my hands below my boobs. I fixed my gaze on him and said "can you just listen to yourself? My late mom has her share of the blame? Oh she does? What's her blame? Tell me? She is to be blamed for loving you? Or for keeping the pregnancy when she should have had an abortion? Oh maybe she is to be blamed for not leaving the man that took her regardless of her shortcomings when you reappeared? I guess this is who you are right? You take to your heels at the slightest smell of trouble and you return when everything is fine. That's what you do! Why? Because you are nothing but a coward! You....." "Enough!!!......." I was yet to complete my statement when he interrupted me. I was boiling so much that I could not control myself. My tongue was ready to spill it all out, all my hidden emotions. I wanted to say it all without leaving a stone untouched. I knew Mr. Stanley was getting frustrated but I was not ready to stop because of how hurt he might be feeling. I wanted to accomplish the reason for my vist, which was telling it all. I unfold my hand and said "enough? Enough of what? Have I said anything untrue? You should only stop me when I say something untrue. You might have a reason for leaving my mom then, but you had no reason to leave me even after finding me. Were you scared? If you were, of what? Or you do not just have any love for me as a father. Even after my mom's death,do you know the hardship I went through? I was treated like a slave. I belived I was an orphan and I had nobody. I never knew I had the almighty Mr. Stanley and a twin sister. I was looked after by those who were not even my blood relation. All this yearS you were here, when Nelly died I was with you, when I got married you were still here but you never for once find the need to draw me closer to yourself and mare me feel like your own. I came, I saw and I conquered. Just when I thought it's time to relax and enjoy life, the whole truth was thrown to my face. Do you know how it feels to find out that my entire life was built on lies? After finding out about the truth, I lived my everyday life hoping for you to show up at my door step and seek for reconciliation but you never did! Not even a phone call, why? Because you do not care! Guess what, I do not give a bleep as well! I will just live my life like the orphan I've always thought I am. I will pretend you are dead and no more...." "Enough of this madness young lady! I won't have you insult me in my own house! Everybody makes mistakes but that doesn't mean I'm all bad. Even if I am, that won't change the fact that I'm still your father! You should talk to me with respect" Mr. Stanley interrupted me again but this time his words were shocking. The look on his face was also scaring and confusing. I had had enough myself. Though I was scared thing would turn out bad, I was satisfied with voicing out my pain. I looked at the angry Mr. Stanley firmly and said "yes... Right, I'm done talking to you! Dear Father..... " I went for my bag,looked at Kelvin and said "let's just leave". Kelvin hesitated before he stood up, he looked at me with surprise and I made a "don't worry" sign. I faked a smile at Mrs. Stanley as I made for the exit. I carried my face up and walked as fast as I could, I was tempted to look at Mr. Stanley but I fought the urge to. "Nancy... ...." I was about to open the exit door when Mr. Stanley called out my name. I paused my step and waited to hear him out. He sniffed and said "if you do not give a bleep, you won't come looking for me" I could not believe my ears. I scoffed and turned back "Are you for real? To be continued..
18 May 2017 | 16:37
Hmmmm., Don't Really No Wat To Say
18 May 2017 | 17:43
I just hope it goes well
19 May 2017 | 03:28
Hmmm infact I am speechless
19 May 2017 | 05:51
Hmmm.. I dont know what to say
19 May 2017 | 06:50
Enjoying dis
19 May 2017 | 07:18
To err is human, to forgive is divine
19 May 2017 | 07:29
What a sorry tale... That Uncle Mike does not deserve forgiveness and that stupid wife of his... This should be reproduced in video format I swear down, more epic that Nollywood films... I stand to be corrected
19 May 2017 | 07:46
Forgive and forget and move on with your life
19 May 2017 | 07:58
Nancy u said it all, let a bygone b a bygone, afterall all was in d past, forgive dear, move ahead nd leave d rest 2 God.
19 May 2017 | 09:19
wat a complicated story
19 May 2017 | 09:56
Episode 35 Continues.. ************************************** I could not believe my ears. I scoffed and turned back. "are you for real? " was the only statement I could make. Mr. Stanleylooked down at his feet as if he was searching for words, he cleared his throat consciously and said "yes, I'm for real. If you do not give a bleep like you claimed, you won't be here girl. You can curse me for all you want, you can disrespect me and bring down this roof for all I care, one thing I'm sure of is that, nobody will ever understand me. Yes, nobody will never see the whole story from my own point of view, you know why? Because none of you will ever give me a chance to make up for my mistakes. Even before Stanley opens his mouth, he has been judged already. He has been tagged the devil and he has been abandoned to wallow in his errors." Mr. Stanley paused in the middle of his statement, he took a deep breathe and shook his head continuously like he was deeply lost in regret. His words made me hate my actions, I took few steps towards him and stood right in front of him. I knew he still had lot to say, so I allowed him to do the talking. "You think I do not regret all the mistakes I made? Just because I you did not see me on my kneels begging your late mom? I tried my best, though it was not good enough, I tried my very best to reunite before Lillian said goodbye. I could remember she practically threatened to sue me with all the legal agreement we made back in the day. Back in the day when I was still stupid and weak, she continued to judge me with the wrong steps I took. After finding you and your mom through Nelly, I belived in fate. I met with Lillian and pleaded with her to allow you unite with your sister but she throw all my mistakes into my face and told me to go to hell. I continued to press and when I pressed a little harder, she threatened to sue me and write my story for the public to know who I am. I am a public figure, I could not allow her drag my name in the mud. That's the reason why I gave up and resolved into allowing fate play it's part. I belived the same fate that brought you and Nelly together would bring all us together. I did not just chicken out, she gave me no other choice. Believe me or not, this was what happened" Mr Stanley said his last stamens in almost a whisper and he made to take a sit. I dropped my bag on the floor and said "that was before my mom died, what happened after her death? Were you still scared of her sueing you from the grave? " "I wasn't scared of Lillian, I wasn't really scared of getting sued either, the reason why I chickened out was to avoid drama. If I had press harder and get sued, don't you think it will get messy. The love and respect have always craved for from my kids will never come my way. That is the main reason why I allowed peace. After your moms death, I would have come for you, like I wanted to, I almost did Nancy, but I was scared of rejection. What you did few minutes ago, was my greatest fear in life. I was scared of you calling me a coward and making me realize I do not even worth your love and respect. I did not want to hurt your feelings as well, even after I heard about the video Lillian left behind, I could not bring myself to appear in front of you and seek for reconciliation. I was waiting for a sign from you, a sign that will proof that you want me in your life and I didn't get any until today. My cup was filled to the brim when I learnt you were here, I was happy that finally, fate is bringing us together. I was happy that you are my real blood and you've decided to trace your root. To be sincere, I was not disappointed when you started to rant, neither I'm I mad at you. Only a bastard will keep cool and you just proof that you are not one. One thing I want you to know is that I love you so dearly and You and your sister Are the best thing that ever happened to me. No wonder heavens judge me by not giving me another seed aside from the two of you but guess what I'm always happy that I have a daughter who is making me proud. Now I can die in peace, now that I have found peace with you, My girl. Please forgive a useless father" Mr. Stanley said almost in tears. I moved close to him and hugged him real tight. He burst into tears and i Could not hold back my tears as well. We cried and comforted each other like a father and a long lost daughter. My joy knew no bound when Mr. Stanley looked at me and said "you are just like your mother" ************************************** My joy knew no bound when Mr. Stanley looked at me and said 'you are just like your mother". I smiled and asked why he said that. "she also had a heart of gold but I guess I pushed her to the wall" That was Mr. Stanley's response. He took me into his arms again and I freed all that I had had against him. "if I can forgive uncle Mike after all he did to me, when can't I forgive my biological father who is now sorry for all he had done" that was the question I asked myself. I released myself from Mr. Stanley and said "Dad, I want a picture of my sister" I could see the shock in his eyes as he opened his mouth widely. At first I thought I made him feel bad by requesting for Nelly's picture but I was proved wrong when mr. Stanley held my shoulder and said "did you just call me dad? Say it again baby, I want to hear you call me dad all my life" I smiled and said "dad! Dad!! Dad!!!" repeatedly, almost turning it into a song. Dad took me into his arm and I smiled sheepishly as he patted my back gently. I wished I could recover all the fatherly love I had lost years back, I wished my step dad could come back to life as well, I wished everybody I had lost were still alive, i wished all my wishes could come to reality. "okay, that's enough, father and daughter. If you won't acknowledge our presence, I will take it upon myself to remind you that you are not alone" Mrs. Stanley said, interrupting my thought and the moment I was having with my dad. I wiped the little tears that had form in my eyes and went into Mrs. Stanley's arm. She took me into her arms and said something about been proud of me, she also wanted me to see her as my biological mom. I smiled and agreed with all she had said before I walked up to Kelvin. He kissed me on my forehead and make a joke about wanting to be like me when he grow up. We all laughed and my dad decided that we should all have a meal together. I and my dad ate in the same plate, he was so fond of me and he almost went to the extent of feeding me. I could see the jealousy in kelvins eyes but he did nothing to stop him. We had a delicious meal of fried rice and chicken,after which we formed a circle round the reading table in my dad's library. He took his time to show me lot of things and he wouldn't stop until I complained of back pain. After spending minutes chatting and laughing as a family, I decided to repeat my earlier request. "Dad, mom, like I said earlier, I will love to have a picture of my twin sister and I also want to visit her tomb, can you please honour my request" I said as I fixed my gaze on my dad and his wife. Without giving a response, Mrs. Stanley excused herself and came back with a photo album. She dropped the album in front of me and said "this is Nelly's album. Most of her personal pictures are there, you are entitle to have it" I hurriedly picked up the photo album and opened it. I could remember the album vividly. It was the same photo album she gave to me the day I visited her. Tears ran down my cheek as looked at the beautiful images Nelly left behind. If only death was a respecter of beauty, Nelly would have been on the surface earth. Kelvin took the photo album from my hand and comforter me. He made me realize there was no need to cry over spoilt milk, I decided it was better to be happy with the people present with me, rather than cry over those that can never come back to me. Dad decided that he would personally take me to Nelly's tomb the next day because he was scared of me breaking down in his absence. I smiled and accepted his conditions before I decided it was time to go home. As difficult as it is to depart from one's first love, it was difficult for me to depart from my new found father. I consoled myself with the fact that we would be meeting the next day and I could still see him as often as I want to. I said my goodbyes and long, warm embrace. I left the Stanley's residence with a pure heart,filled with happiness and fulfilment. ****** We arrived home a little late but it was no issue. I had a warm bath with Kelvin and we retired to our bed. I laid on kelvins chest and allowed the day's event play right in front of me. I was happy with all I was able to accomplish, from settling all scores with uncle Mike, to reconciling with my biological father, everything was a great achievement. I was the happiest woman on the planet "earth". "Babe, I'm so proud of you and I'm grateful for letting me take all theses brave steps with you but there is something left" Kelvin said as he played with my fingers. I looked at him and asked what was left. Kelvin adjusted and made me sit in between his legs before he said "Since your dad has an adopted child now, why not give Nelly's share of the will to her? It's not as if you really need it and I know your dad will be glad as well" I never thought of handling Nelly's share of the will over to the Stanley's until Kelvin brought the idea. I saw nothing wrong with his suggestion so I took it in. For me it was not about the wealth, it was all about the bound that brought us all together. I playfully pushed Kelvin and said "see why they said two good heads are better than one? Now I know that your head ain't big for nothing" Kelvin smiled and held me from behind. He kissed my neck and said "come here, let me give you kids with big and useful heads like mine" I smiled and made to free myself but Kelvin was too strong for me. Before I could say "jerk! " he was on top of me. Nothing could free my mind from the day's stress apart from a slow and romantic sex. That was exactly what Kelvin gave to me, just like I wanted it.. ..... ************************************ I woke to the beautiful smell of a well brewed coffee. Though I was a bit I could not fight the urge to get out of bed and see the surprise Kelvin was cooking. I slowly opened my eyes and turned to the other side, Kelvin was standing right in front of me, with a tray in his hand. He smiled and said "a beautiful morning to my beautiful wife. Everyday marks the beginning of new things in my life just because you are here with me. Please get out of bed your highness and have a taste of this special cup of coffee, it's the little this guy here can make" Kelvin dropped the try on the table and offered a hand to help me out of bed. I could not help but burst into laughter. "why are you acting like we are still on honeymoon? It's really unlike you" I said, making funny faces at him. Kelvin kissed my forehead lightly and said "that's because I'm mad over you girl" "then when will your madness enter market? " I replied and made to run out of bed, for getting my condition. Kelvin went through no stress before catching up with me. He lifted me off my feet and took me to the bathroom. We cleaned our teeth and had a little water fight before we eventually went back to the room. I sat inbetween Kelvin's legs and sipped my coffee as he gently rubbed my stomach. "baby, you are due for scan. I wanna know the sex of my kid so I can set up the nursery" Kelvin said. I thought for a while and decided I would have my scan test that very day, after visiting Nelly's tomb. Kelvin happily volunteered to place a call through to the hospital on my behalf. I could not help but feel special, just because of all the people present in my life. I was about to leave for the kitchen when I received an incoming call from my dad. I happily accepted his call and said "hello". "my girl, how was your night? " my dad said and I replied I was fine. We talked about this and that before he eventually informed me that he would be coming over by 10:00am. I agreed with his time schedule and we ended the call, looking forward to seeing each other. I placed a call through to Attorney Berry and informed her of my intention to sign over Nelly's share of the will to my dad's adopted child. She agreed and promised to be at my place by 9:00am. Kelvin and I had our breakfast and cleaned up. We order for a bouquet of flower and got prepared for the day's event. I was happy I would be visiting Nelly's tomb, it was something I had always wanted to do but I was a bit scared of what the repercussions might be. I was fully dressed when Attorney Berry arrived. We had a little business chat before the arrival of my dad. He came over with his wife and their adopted daughter. I didn't plan for everybody to be there but the whole situation turned out to be perfect. After a long exchange of pleasantries, I cleared my throat and said "dad, this is Attorney Berry, my mom's private lawyer. According to the will, my mom handed one of her company over to Nelly. Kelvin and I have decided to hand this property over to your adopted child. It's the little I can do for her" My dads face lightened up and I could see the excitement in his wife's eyes too. The girl in question had little idea of what was going on but she also went on her kneels to appreciate the kind gesture. My dad was almost in tears when he was thanking me. He praised me about having a heart of gold and I transferred the whole praise to Kelvin. The property was signed over to the little girl and without wasting time, we left for Nelly's tomb. ************ The drive to the graveyard was smooth and quiet. Throughout the ride, I placed my head on Kelvin's chest and went through Nelly's photo album. I wasn't sure if I would be able to hide my emotion when we arrive her place of rest, but I was determined never to go back. My dad parked after about thirty minutes drive and we also follow suit. Kelvin helped me out of the car and we walked up to my dad. My dad decided that his wife and their little girl should stay behind while myself, Kelvin and him would visit Nelly's tomb. I took the flowers and followed my dad's step,as we walked into the cemetery. The cemetery belonged to the church my dad attended and he was well recognized by the workers. It got a little scary as we walked pass hundreds of tomb. I thought about life, how lots of people die daily and how the ground swallows their remnant without a difference. Even after the death of million souls, life goes on. For once, I was grateful for life. "Here we are..." my dad said, interrupting my thought. I looked right in front of me and I saw a tiled tomb with the bold inscription "Stanley Nelly". My legs were shaky already as I felt a strange coldness. I gently went down and placed the flower on her tomb. I traced the inscription with my hand and I could not help but remember who she was to me before she was laid six feet down. We loved, we fought and we loved again. All are signs of great friendship. Even after the big fight over Jordan, fate brought us together again. Just when I was beginning to feel safe around her, death snatched her away. With tears in my eyes,i looked at my dad, his eyes were blood red already. I did not want to open my mouth, cos I knew all that would come out of my mouth will bring about nothing but tears. I took a last glance at Nelly's tomb and walked out with a heart filled with regret. "if only I could bring back the hands of time" that was the only statement on my lips. I stared at the floor as I walked aimlessly. My dad and Kelvin finally caught up with me and helped me to the car. I could not even respond to Nelly's mom rhetoric question. I only got into the car and buried my head in my hands. I cried for the lost of my friend, my sister and my blood. Without been told, I knew my day was spoilt already. After a brief talk with my my dad, Kelvin joined me in the car. I felt his hand on my back and I sniffed, Kelvin gently rubbed my back and said "your scan test is scheduled for the next 30minutes" I shook my head and said "no". I wasn't ready for a scan test, the only thing I wanted to do was to lay on my bed and wallow in my sorrow. Kelvin gently brought my face to his and said "I know you are sad right now but I do not want to be the husband that will keep on rubbing your back and urging you not to cry while you will wallow in your sorry. I see nothing better to cheer you up with than to see the cute little thing growing in you with me holding your hands. Now will you Please quit acting the stubborn wife and let me have my way? " Seeing the care and concern in Kelvin's eyes made me force a smile. I nodded in agreement and Kelvin kissed my forehead, calling me a good girl. I smiled and placed my head on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat helped me focus on the present. I shut my eyes and allowed the cool breeze blow through my face as the driver drove out of the cemetery. ************ The softness of Kelvin's lips on mine woke me up. He kissed me lightly and said "we are at the hospital ma'am" I stretched my body and looked around to confirm our destination. Kelvin fixed my rough hair and placed a call through to the doctor incharge. We alighted from the car after Kelvin confirmed that the medical practitioners were ready for me. We were welcomed by the doctor in charge and we signed some documents before we changed our wears. The doctor and the nurses led us to a private ward. Kelvin helped me lay on the provider bed and I could not let go of his hand as the doctors prepared the machines for the test. "will you be happy with any sex? " I asked Kelvin in a low tone. Kelvin kissed my hand and said "all I need is a child like you, any sex is fine by me" I smiled and squeezed kelvins hand. The doctor incharged "DR. Frank" told me to ease up and he brought the scanner forward. Myself and Kelvin had our eyes fixed on the screen in front of us as the doctor went on with his work. Not long after, an unclear image appeared. I stared at the screen without understanding what was on it. I dimmed my eyes and looked harder before the doctor smiled and said "ma'am it's easy. I'm honoured to be the first to congratulate you on the sex of your kids. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Smith, you are carrying a set of twin boys. I wish you a happy delivery" The doctor's words came as a rude shock "twin boys? " I asked myself repeatedly. I could not believe my eyes as I stared at the screen harder. my mom had her set of twins out of wedlock but I was happy to have mine while married to my soul mate. Kelvin could not hid his excitement aswell, he kissed me deeply regardless of the people present. Meeting my bundle of joy made me feel on top of the world. Just like Kelvin would say "they were the cutest set of twins. Right from the womb! " . To be continued after comments..
19 May 2017 | 09:59
Wow,am happy for you
19 May 2017 | 12:00
so happy for you guys
19 May 2017 | 13:04
Wow! I wish you safe delivery
19 May 2017 | 13:19
Mama beji
19 May 2017 | 13:46
Congratulations mr nd mrs Smith,dats loveiy.
19 May 2017 | 13:46
I already knew I just thought ax much
19 May 2017 | 13:53
congrats mama ejima
19 May 2017 | 14:29
wow!!! so happy for u Nancy, a set of twin boys
19 May 2017 | 14:47
wow.. Am happy for you guys
19 May 2017 | 15:01
I just want to point out some common mistakes you keep repeating Bussy = busy Brooke = broke Wil = Will and some other grammatical errors, a side that you're really doing a great job, big ups
19 May 2017 | 15:11
Smilled = smile saint = scent
19 May 2017 | 16:56
Whatever comes your way in form of happiness and joy, you duly deserve them all...
19 May 2017 | 17:15
Hmmm, getting more interesting! Next plz!
19 May 2017 | 17:19
IN The DARK SEASON 2 Last Episode 36 . . Continues.. ****************************** just as Kelvin would say "they were the cutest set of twins" right from the womb. I only watched as the doctor's lips moved as he explained the images on the screen to us. I didn't even hear a word from all he said, all that was on my mind was the joy of carrying a set of boys twin. I could not wait to inform my family of the bundle of joy I was carrying . My excitement knew no bound when the doctor finally said we could take our leave, his long talk was beginning to bore me. Kelvin carried me to the car after we changed into our dresses,according to him, he didn't want me to stress myself. I saw the excitement in his eyes and I could not help but feel special for been the source of his happiness. Throughout the ride home, Kelvin placed his hand on my Tommy. He kept on rubbing it gently as he suggested different names for our babies. Before we arrived home, he had suggested more than twenty names, I could not help but laugh at his childishness. Finally we arrived home after about forty minutes drive, I was about hurrying out of the car when Kelvin held me back. I made faces at him and he said "ma'am, maybe you weren't informed before, I'm using this medium to inform you that you are not allowed to walk on your own, until after delivery" I laughed and said "so who/what will carry me around? What if I want to pop? " "Right here madam, I'm your new personal bodyguard" Kelvin said and took me into his arms. I laughed out loud as he carried me into the house. He eventually placed me on the bed and kissed my Tommy severally before he allowed me make the phone calls I wanted to make. The first person I called was Khole, she was super excited when I informed her of my scan result. She pleaded with me to come over to Abuja and I promised to see her first when I arrive. After talking to khole, I called my foster parent. They were both happy to hear the news. Mi dad almost blocked my ear when he started singing loudly with his cracked voice. My foster parent invited me over to their house and I promised to be with them for dinner. The third person I called was my dad. He almost broke down in tears when I told him I was carrying a set of twin boys. According to him, having a twin boys had always been his dream. He got emotional and remembered my mom and my late sister. Just like me, he wished they were both alive to share in my joy. I was still on the phone with my dad when Kelvin rushed into the room, he handed his phone over to me and informed me that his dad was on the line. I quickly hung up on my dad and accepted the president's call. "afternoon dad" I said into the phone. Just like Kelvin, the president did nothing to hide his excitement. He sang my praise on the phone and even went to the extent of singing (something I never expected) He told me he heard about all that happened and he was happy with the way I handled the whole situation. I never knew Kelvin was keeping his dad updated but I was happy he was proud of me. After the whole daughter and father advice, the president cleared his throat loudly and said "my dear, I already told Kelvin that the both of you should come back home tomorrow. I want to see you and feel my grandchildren. I also want to hold a small party and celebrate the goodness of God. The both of you will be taking the first flight to Abuja tomorrow morning by God's grace" I was surprised at the sudden travelling arrangement and wanted to give an excuse to stop the journey but the president gave no room for any excuse. Seeing the way the to be grandfather was excited looking forward to meet his grandchildren, I agreed to come with Kelvin the next day. The president was so happy when I agreed to come over the next day. I also spoke with Kelvin's mom and Loretta before we finally called it a day. I pretended to be mad at Kelvin for agreeing to the sudden journey without my knowledge. He apologized and explained that his dad was o in a hurry to see us. I accepted his apologies and he tried to bribe me by volunteering to pack my bag. I informed Attorney Berry and my foster parent of my urgent journey. My foster parent were happy for me and Attorney Berry promised to look after the company in my absence. Kelvin and I had a big diner and saw a movie before we eventually called it day. We slept early in order to make early journey that awaited us. ****************************** At exactly 9:00am the next morning, We were already on our way to Abuja. The flight was smooth and peaceful as I slept soundly throughout the flight. Kelvin allowed me rest and he did nothing to wake me until we arrived Abuja. He blew breeze into my ear and said "Sleeping Beauty, we are here" I slowly opened my eyes and discovered that we were in Abuja already. I threw a fist at Kelvin for not waking me up and he grabbed my hands. He playfully hit himself with my hand and told me to hit him as much as I wanted. We both laughed as we head out of the plane. Kelvin caused a scene at the airport, he swept me off my feet immediately we got down from the plane. I pleaded with him to put me down but He reminded me of his promise and payed no attention to my plea. Without considering the crowd filled with reporters and lots of people with cameras, Kelvin carried me to the tinted car provided to pick us up. I opened my mouth and stared at Kelvin as he settled beside me in the back sit. "I'm a stubborn husband, I know, you do not have to tell me" Kelvin said and we both burst into laughter. I wrapped my hand around his neck and said " thank you for loving me like this" before I claimed his lips. We kissed and made beautiful promises to each other through out the drive home. Kelvin was more of a best friend than a husband. ********************* The president welcomed us like a king. He invited my favourite band and they woahed us with their beautiful performance. He hugged me for a long time and later his hand on my Tommy before he started his prayer session. Kelvin was exactly like his father. The father and son did nothing to hide their joy as they pampered me and turned my Tommy into a mirror. My mother in-law also could not stop asking after my health. She practically wanted me to tell her all the food I had eaten ever since we left Abuja. She went on and on to give me the full list of all the nutritious food best for pregnant women. I was eventually saved from the long chat with my mother in-law by Loretta. She was all over me and wanted to be alone with me. I immediately knew that loads of gist was waiting for me. I excused myself and made to leave with Loretta when the president called me back. He walked up to us and said "Nancy my dear, I have decided to throw a welcome party for you. It's won't be an elaborate one but I will try my best to make it special. All you have to do is to go shopping and rest. At exactly 8:00pm, I want you fully ready for the event. I will personally walk you down to the party" I smiled and looked at Kelvin for a clue about the unannounced party, instead of giving me an answer, he only stared at the ceiling to avoid my gaze. I thanked the president for his kind gesture and went into the house with Loretta. Loretta Welcomed me with lots of gist. Everything she talked about revolved around Jordan. Without been told, I knew she was madly in love with him but I wasn't sure Jordan felt the same way for her. I shared in her joy and gave her candid advice before we decided to go shopping. The rest of the day was filled with nutritious talk with my mother in-law, relationship talk with Loretta and kids talk with Kelvin. The whole Smith family made my day exceptional fun. ********************************** At exactly 8:00pm, I was beautifully dressed in a cream dinner gown. Everyone had been busy with one thing and the other but I was left out of the whole surprise package. I sat in front of the mirror and admired myself as I await the president to walk me to the party as he had promised. My heart skipped a bit when I heard a soft knock on the door, I loudly said "come in" and Kelvin walked in. I did nothing to hide my disappointment. I frowned my face and looked into the mirror without sparing Kelvin a glance. "looks like someone is disappointed to see me. So it's my dad you want to see? I think someone has been cheating on me, I need to contact my lawyer" Kelvin said and made a funny face. I burst into laughter and told him to go ahead. Kelvin helped me up and made my eyes meet. He rubbed my hands gently and said "I promise to love you, no matter what baby" His beautiful promise made me blush and I ended up in his shoulder. I was still enjoying the sweet scent of his perfume when the president walked in. He cleared his throat loudly and said "son, I'm ready to take the mother of my grandchildren. Please make way" Kelvin smiled and said "dad, want to be alone with the mother of my children. Please stay away" I could not help but laugh at the father and son jokes. I kissed Kelvin lightly and walked up to the president. He offered me a hand and walked me out of the room while Kelvin followed closely from behind. ********* I was surprised to meet a dark room when we arrived the large livingroom. I could hear the underground sound of music but I could not see where the music was coming from. Funny enough, the president had left my side and I could not locate Kelvin in the dark. "Kelvin?. ....... Dad?. ....... Mom?.. ..... Loretta?......" I called out to everybody. I was about reaching for my phone when the whole place was light up. "WFT!!!!" was the only statement I could scream out as I saw a full house. "how did you pull this off? " I asked Kelvin as I stared at everyone in surprise. Everybody that mattered to me was present. My foster parent, Khloe,Josh, my dad, his wife,their daughter, uncle Mike, aunty Nike, Lizzy, her son and Jordan. I was lost on who to hug first, I wanted to hold all of them at a time. I rushed at my foster parent first and then my dad before I went into Liz arms and then Khloe and Jordan. Everyone was glowing and their presence made me feel like the happiest woman on earth. They all treated me like a queen and took turn to congratulate me. After the surprise prank, the president made a toast to safe delivery and we all held our glasses to the sky. We all talked and laughed like one big family. Theres no fun without family! I was hosting with Khloe and Josh when I felt a tape on my shoulder. I turned back and it was Jordan. He looked at me with surprise and I teased him by asking if he would love to take me back regardless of my condition. Jordan laughed and held my hand. I was lost on what he was up to but I allowed him have his way. Jordan stared at me for awhile before he suddenly went on his knees right In front of me. I looked down at him with a "what are you doing" look and he smiled. Jordan joined his hands together and said "Nancy, I want to use this medium to apologize to you for all the pains I caused you. I know you've forgiven me a long time ago but I still want to apologize properly. I heard about the video your mom left behind and I realized, I had caused you more pain than happiness. About coming in between you and Nelly, I'm so sorry. About trying trying to come in between you and Kelvin, I'm so sorry and about breaking your heart severally, please forgive me" Jordan said looked down at my feet. I was left in shock with his words. I could not help but feel lucky. I looked around and saw all eyes on us, though I was a bit shy, I took Jordan's hand and helped him up. I smiled and said "I have forgiven you a long time ago" He took me into his arms and said "thank you" repeatedly. Everyone clapped and praised Jordan for doing the right thing, I eventually released myself when I saw the look on Kelvin's face. Jordan hugged everybody in the house and stopped right in front of Loretta after the all round hug. He stared at her for awhile before he went on one knee and pulled out a shinning ring from his breast pocket. The whole room was silent as everybody looked at the love Birds with surprise. Jordan held the ring out and said "without minding the number of people here and without considering the fact that I might be rejected again. I want to use this medium to tell you that I love you from the bottom of my heart and my life is incomplete without you. Don't make me ask the popular question before you will scream yes baby! " Loretta scan the whole room before she brought her finger forward and said "yes" to Jordan. The whole room was filled with excitement as the love birds kissed. they were congratulated by everybody, and Jordan was welcomed into the family. I also walked up to Kelvin and gave him a quick kiss before we were interrupted by Josh. "looks like today is world surprise day" I said as Josh walked to the center of the room. He held his glass up and said "ehm.... I want to say I'm super grateful for the family I married into. I see the way you all come together and celebrate and I wish for nothing but a great family like this. Without a long speech, I want to use this medium to inform you all that my wife and I are expecting our bundle of joy as well" "yes oo" Khloe shouted in addition to Josh's speech as he walked up to him. They shared a hug and fed each other with drink. There was shout of excitement everywhere. The day was so perfect and fulfilling. We all hugged and celebrated each other as we danced and partied. Everybody was filled with excitement. Nothing could be more excited than have a family filled with laughter and joy. The party continued till late at night when everybody was sleepy. That very day was a day to remembered by the Smiths, the Stanleys and the Williams. ############################## (ten months later) During the tenth month of my pregnancy, I was in my delivery week. According to the doctor, it takes longer or shorter months to deliver a set of twins. In my own case, it was longer month. All the plans for my delivery had been made, the nursery was set and the materials needed were in place. I could not wait to hold my bundle of joy. I was about to take my bath one Sunday afternoon when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I held at the door and called our to Kelvin. Before Kelvin could join me in the bathroom, a river of water gushed down in between my legs. Kelvin held me from behind and asked what was wrong. I looked at him with panic and said "my water just broke" Kelvin jumped out of the bathroom and rushed back, he became restless as he helped me into a free dress before he rushed out to call his mom. Loretta and my mother in-laws rushed in with Kelvin after few minutes. Kelvin carried me into the car while others got the stuffs I would be needing. The pain was becoming unbearable as we drove down to the hospital. Kelvin held my hand and told me everything would be just fine. I held unto his words but the pain made me loose hope. We arrived the hospital and Kelvin carried me in. The nurses and doctors rushed at us immediately and I was rushed into a private ward. Kelvin was allowed to come with me while everybody else was shut outside. The room was filled with lots of doctors and nurses. It got to a point that I became so hot and I requested to take my bath. My request was denied by the doctor in charge. According to him, I was due for delivery in less than ten minutes. Those minutes were the most painful minutes of my life, the pain I felt was immeasurable. I held unto Kelvin and told him to pray for me as I pushed with the whole of my strength. Time checked 4:10pm, the loud scream of babies filled the room. Though I was weak, I stood up and stared at my babies, I was over excited. Kelvin kissed me all over as he held the babies tiny fingers. The babies were cleaned up and so was I before I was allowed to feed my kids with my dry boobs. I felt like jumping to the sky and telling God "thank you" when I watched my babies suck from me. I had the fullest idea of the joy of motherhood. Nothing could be compared with that Joy. After feeding my babies, I fell asleep due to the amount of energy I lost. "Mom? Dad? You are here? Come and see your grandchildren" I said to my parents as I tried to show my babies to them. I was so happy to see them after a long time. Though they were standing in a distance, I was so happy to see them. I showed my babies to them and urged them to move closer but they only stood fixed and waved at me. I was confused, I called out to them again and said "mom, dad, won't you say something? I miss You so much, do you miss me? Are you back to be with me finally? Please say something, your silence is killing" "we are proud of you" my mom said with her charming smile. "forget all about us and be happy baby" My dad said and they both turned their backs at me. "no, I can't! I can't live without you. Please come back. Please!! !!!!!" I screamed as I watched them leave. ***************** "Nancy... Are you okay" I heard Kelvin's voice from afar. "Mom... .. Dad.. .. Don't go, please come back" I repeated the same statement till I eventually opened my eyes and saw the present. It was just myself, kelvin and the babies. I was so shocked as I remembered my dream. Kelvin held me to himself and asked if I was fine. "this is the first time I will be seeing my parent in my dream" I said to him and he held me closer to himself. He told me not to worry and just be happy. I smiled to myself when I remembered my parent words. Nothing could be more encouraging. "Take a look at our product baby. They make me want to cry" Kelvin said and we both held our babies. Everything about them was cute, including their tiny little fingers. I kissed my babies and kissed their father before I looked at the ceiling and said "rest in peace mom and dad" Kelvin realized I was finally accepting the fact that my parent were no more. He kissed my fore head and took me into his arms. We were like that until the door was flung open. Everybody rushed in. My foster parent, my dad, Jordan and my in-laws. "my cute grandchildren" "My handsome god son" "My bundle of joy" "my future hope" "my future heart breaker" Those were the words coming out of my families mouth as they met my kids for the first time. The room was once again filled with happiness and laughter. I went on my knees and said "ITS BEEN YOU GOD! " . . THE END!
19 May 2017 | 17:20
Wow! This story was superb, I loved every but of it. Thank God for the way your life turned out Nancy. @viciyoung well done more grease to ur elbow.
19 May 2017 | 18:03
truly it been u lord
19 May 2017 | 22:06
wow so happy for you guys. next please!
20 May 2017 | 02:33
Beautiful story and awesome ending
20 May 2017 | 04:03
This story is superb, I love every bit of it
20 May 2017 | 05:15
Wow . Happy ending....
20 May 2017 | 05:46
safe delivery nd nice write up
20 May 2017 | 06:26
What a happy ending
20 May 2017 | 06:41
Why e end like dat na
20 May 2017 | 06:43
wow...... the end at last best story....
20 May 2017 | 06:57
You came, you fought and you conquered... it's really been God.
20 May 2017 | 07:41
So so interesting. I really enjoyed the story. Thumbs up @poster. You did a great job
20 May 2017 | 07:43
at last .to God be the glory
20 May 2017 | 07:54
Wow wow dear, thank goodness 4 recognising dat aii is God. Nice story i must confess.
20 May 2017 | 09:36
super story
20 May 2017 | 10:52
viciyoung, your stories are one in a million, nice stories bro, this story makes me feel emotional.
20 May 2017 | 10:53
viciyoung, your stories are one in a million, nice story bro, my best so far
20 May 2017 | 10:55
nice one
20 May 2017 | 13:41
This Is One Of My Best Stories
20 May 2017 | 15:17
Very interesting story
20 May 2017 | 15:18
This na bomb
20 May 2017 | 15:18
This one na bomb
20 May 2017 | 15:22
wow, wonderful.
20 May 2017 | 16:09
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! What a happy ending! It's been God for sure! I'm so in love with this story, was wishing it won't come to an end. But all the same, I really enjoyed it while it lasted. @vickiyoung you tried. More ink to your pen and more wisdom to your head.
20 May 2017 | 16:18
What a lovely story... Thumbs up
20 May 2017 | 16:31
My dear no doubt, its been God all these while. Thanks and God bless you for this wonderful piece
21 May 2017 | 02:17
So good to be here all thru! Thanks for this good art!
21 May 2017 | 02:41
wow! what a great story
21 May 2017 | 04:31
wow!wow!! wow!!! i really did enjoyed dis story. thanks @ VICIYOUNG
21 May 2017 | 17:30
Wow! Dis is jst so good...such a nice ending...everytin happen 4 a reason, I've learnt dat forgiveness is a neccesity in life
21 May 2017 | 18:04
Nice story with lovely ending
21 May 2017 | 18:22
woaw I can't help but wish my life z as Nancy's. so beautiful and a happy life.
27 May 2017 | 16:07


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