In the house of God season 8

In the house of God season 8

By delexzy01 in 29 Dec 2021 | 00:44
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In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8

The Redemption

Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe

Whatsapp Contact: +2348066418379

Episode 1

I dive inside the big river not minding my injured leg, Thank God I can swim very well, I swim to the deepest part searching for Edna, I search and search and search but still yet I didn’t see her, I will come out from the river to breath and then dive in again to look for her, I tried many times with no avail, I was frustrated, why did I launch the rocket? I started regretting, I didn’t see her nor Tina. I didnt want to go even though the police siren are close by, I saw their boat approaching still yet I dhve inside the water again looking for Edna, as I was swimming inside I started loosing myself, I was out of energy, I couldn’t move again.

I passed out inside the deep water, I felt someone grab my hand and started pulling me up, the person started giving me CPR, I coughed out water and when I open my eyes I saw myself in the police boat, the police men have saved me.

I was cold and shivering, they ask me questions when they saw that I wasn’t ready to answer any of them they kept quiet and took me out of the water, they put me inside ambulance and they speed of to Lagos state university teaching hospital.

They took me to one room and fix drip for me ontop one white bed, I was cold and still shrivering, I was thinking of Edna till I fell asleep.

It was all my fault, now I have lost my baby and Edna, what am I going to do now? All my plans have been shattered by that witch “Tina” what did I do to deserve all this?

I opened my eyes, its morning already, I slept for long, I remove the third drip from my body, I manage to stand up from the bed, I came out from the room they put me, there are so many people in the hospital, I walk to the visiting room where I saw everybody watching the plasma TV including one police man probably waiting for me to get my report, they were reporting the news of what happened in the bridge, I heard they rescued two females from the water, one pregnant, they were transporting her to the hospital when some ladies with gun attack them and took her and the other girl, the only link to the incident is one other guy which they also rescued from the water who is currently receiving treatment in LUTH, that’s when i regain my strenght automatically.

I ran out of the hospital as the police men started chasing me
29 Dec 2021 | 00:44
In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Whatsapp Contact: +2348066418379 Episode 2 Oh my God, I hope Edna is alright oh, with that incident I hope she and the baby is alright, I just can’t imagine what she will be going through now, now that she’s in the hand of the devil herself how will she cope? God save her for me, funny thing when I was doing evil I didn’t remember God oh. I escape the hospital as the police men continue chasing me with their hilux van blowing siren and disturbing the peace of Lagos, am not with any money I don’t know how I will cope, anytime I hear the siren I will hide in any store and allow the van to pass before coming out. I was stranded in Lagos, with no money, no gun, no cellphone, I guess I will have to make some calls and request for backup because I can’t do this alone, I don’t know If phonebooth even still exist. Lagos is a busy city, the most populous city in Africa, I was walking on the express road drawing my leg on the ground because I still feel the pain even though I was treated, I need sometime for the Injury to heal, but it seems I don’t have time for that, as I was walking I bump into one gentleman on suit, more like a banker and gently removed his phone from his pocket. “Am so sorry” I said and continue walking, I took the guy phone out, I wanted to make call but I can’t because the phone is password protected, thank God I know how to reset android phone, I went to one small shop and relax there, I was tasty I needed water but there’s no money to buy. It took five minutes for the phone to reset to default, I quickly do the welcome back settings before I was able to make call. I touch the phone icon and dial her number. “Hello” I heard from the other end. “Hi Tina, let’s meet” I said. “I know you will call Ozila” Tina said. “please don’t hurt her, its me you want not her, let the innocent girl go” I said. “Seriously? Are you fvcking kidding me? She’s all I want, she took you away from me and betrayed me, I have what I want and the time for negotiation has ended” she shouted. “Tina, I will give you anything you want please just don’t her or our baby” “From what I head they said the baby isn’t yours dear, they just deceived you to get you London, you have been protecting another mans kid” “It doesn’t matter Tina, I caused everything that’s happening to her so I will take responsibility” Edna said the baby isn’t mine so that I won’t feel attached to it but I believe the baby is mine from my calculation, I won’t believe it until the baby is born and we run DNA test, so as far as am concern now the baby is mine and am going to protect it like mine,. “Tell me what to do to release her please Tina, if you ever love me you won’t hurt her” I started crying. “You have forgotten about Annabel and your kid huh, you didn’t even ask about them, am curious to know why, is it that you don’t care about them or what?” “Tina, now that you own my life in your hands what are you going to do, what have I done to deserve all this?” “You haven’t seen anything yet, just wait and see what I will do, come to Edo state” “Where in Edo state?” “Where it all began” she concluded and hung up. I know exactly where they are, I dialed Edna’s dad, and ask him to send some money that things has gone sideways, he was happy to hear from me he thought we were even dead, he said he’s in Lagos because he heard the news about what happened on the bridge, he told me to find my way to eko hotel that he is waiting for me there. “What happened in London Ozila?” Edna’s dad ask as I sat on the comfortable chair in Eko hotel. “Things got complicated, Tina is stronger than I imagine, we will have to call the police for help because I can’t do this alone” I said. “We can’t, the government cannot find out, I have lost so many positions because of what happened in Portharcourt, now that am just starting to get my feet back I cannot let this pull me down again” he said. “Even if its your daughter?” “Yes, I will give you and support you with whatever you need but you must not involve me again, if you save her then take her to a place where she will be safe, don’t bring her to me, she has disgraced me enough” “Good, I will need guns, alot of them and money” “You will have them, there is a hilux waiting for you outside, you will find anything you need there, The driver John Is a soldier so you won’t have any trouble on the way”. “Thank you” I said and stood up. “Please try and save her, don’t let her die please” he said touching my shoulder. “I will do my possible best, I promise” I said and walk away from the room. “I know you will, I have contacted your friends you left in London, they will find you on your way to benin, am surprised only three of them survive, they must have hit you hard” he said. “They used rocket, they took us by surprise, am glad they survive” I walk down the hotel and as he said, I saw a white hilux van parked outside with one person inside. He opened the door for me and I sat with him in the front. “You must be the notorious Ozila” he said. “Yeah and you are John” “Yes, its a pleasure, so where are we going?” “let’s go to Benin city” I said. As we drive away from Lagos, we haven’t gone far when John told me that two power bikes are following us, I look back and saw them “dont worry, they are with us” I said to him. “So what’s our plan when we get to Benin” “I haven’t really think about that, I really don’t have a plan” I said “You do they are not just going to hand her to us right?” “Yeah, that’s why I think I will go in alone first” “Tina want both of you, if you go in alone its game over for us” he said. “I don’t have any other idea” “Okay, let’s do it my way” he said. “Okay, tell me your way”. If you live by gun you must surely die by gun, it might take time but it must surely happen, I didn’t beg Tina to teach me how to be bad, I was just a kid trying to explore other things that’s how she took advantage of me, she now thinks I belong to her and with that she decided not to let me have peace, she took everything away from me but am not going to let go, I must fight on till my last breath, I know am not going to survive this but I must do it anyway, after all nobody will miss me. Four hours later we arrive benin city, we didn’t actually go inside town we just divert to the road leading to Afuze direct, where it all began. We arrive Afuze in the night, I like it like that, we went to one hotel in hospital road to rest, I hugged taiye and kehinde, am really glad they are alright though taiye lost one eye, we drinks and have some fun before the final battle, we rest for 24 hours and then around 8 in the evening the next day, , I arrange my bag and decided to pay Tina a visit in her black gate, I was alone with some weapons on my backpack, I came out from the hospital road and then cross the main road, I walk to the street where Tina house is located, I saw some girls guarding the black gate. the moment I got to the gate I knock. The moment they saw me they opened the gate and surround me with their heavy guns, they pushed me inside the gate and lock, they collect my bag and then handcuff my hand, two girls walk me to the room while the others remain outside guarding the front gate, they opened the front door and there in the sitting room I saw Tina discussing with the D.P.O, what’s the divisional police officer doing in Tinas house by this time. “And the prodigal son returns” Tina said as she saw me, she walk the officer outside and then return back facing me with her red eye like a dragon.
29 Dec 2021 | 00:50
Wow thanks for posting
29 Dec 2021 | 07:42
Hmmmm this battle is strong o. I hope Edna will b fine o🥺?
29 Dec 2021 | 07:49
Can't wait to watch the final fight. Next please
29 Dec 2021 | 16:09
In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Whatsapp Contact: +2348066418379 Episode 3 “Leave us” she commanded her girls, they tie my hands together and then they push me to one of the chairs, “Are you sure you will be okay alone with him?” One of the girls ask. “I will be, there’s nothing he can do afterall am his lover too” she said to them and they all walk away. I was sitting in one of the sofa chairs with my hands tied to my back. “Where’s Edna?” I ask. “relax, she’s fine for now, you know the kind of love you have for Edna is the one I hoped you will have for me, seeing you here trying to save her makes me angry more and more, that’s why am going to kill her so that I will watch you suffer the way I did for so long”. “You were gone for so long, how do you expect me to know you were alive, after all I never loved you, you just took advantage of my fragile heart, I was young and stupid and you used that as an advantage” I said. “If I recall correctly I did save your live countless times, infact saving your life is what put me in that position, you never find out if I was really dead” “Tina look, am sorry for everything, I know I hurt you so for that am sorry, but you cannot kill Edna just to get back at me, it is not right” “Everything we have been doing from the beginning, does any of them feel right to you? Now that you are going to have a child now you are a change person, waoh interesting” she said with hands akimbo pouncing round the room. We continue our discussion, she took wine from the fridge and started drinking. She walk to where I was sitting, “you know I have missed you alot, your face, your touch and even your sex” she said as she sat close to me and started touching the hairs on my chest. “I know what you are trying to do it will not work?” I said. “Really? if i know you well your d!ckson never say no even the midst of war” she said and started robbing me. “Stop it” “Quiet, you are in no position to talk” she said and continue touching my chest, of course I know my d!ckson will not respect me this time, she put inside inside my trouser and smile. She got up and remove her dress completely, she remove my zip and bring my hard rock out, I just sat there watching her as she sat ontop me and started fvcking me, there’s nothing I can do anyway, my hands are tied to the back, even if I manage to defeat her in here I will face twenty more men in the front gate, so its better I play along.
29 Dec 2021 | 18:13
In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 4 After she finish having her fun, she excused herself and enter the bathroom to bath,. I wonder what’s going to happen now because in five minutes time the bomb in my bag will go off, that’s when the battle will start, I just need to know where she’s holding my Edna first. “You know maybe there’s something you can do for me after all, you do this for me I will leave you and Edna alone forever” she said coming out from her room with black trouser and black top, she was holding wine in her left hand and using the right hand to smoke. “What is it you want, I will do anything” I said, eager to know what she want me to do. “Kill rivers state governor” she said. “you are joking right?” “Am not, you know those politicians after using someone they will dump that person as if that person does not exist, I help him to become the governor thinking I will be his new wife but instead he dump me and continue with the wife he said he will divorce for me, I use my girls to help him get to the office now that he is there he doesn’t even want to see me again” she said smoking her pipe. “I can’t do that, I can’t even kill you how can I kill a governor that always have hundreds of police guarding him all the time?” I said.. “But you came close last time, all you have to do is to take another shot this time I won’t be there to protect him, you can take him out with ease” she said. “That’s a death wish, am already a wanted man in port Harcourt, I will be arrested the moment I step foot in Rivers, and even if I suicide how will I return when the whole military power will focus on me?”. “Well that’s your own problem, you have thirty minutes to make up your mind before I change my mind, they will focus on you meaning you won’t be my problem anymore, and also you hide yourself and they won’t find you, unlike me that know all your weakness and every move, so think about it” she said and stood up, she return to the room calling two of her girls to come take me out, “And by the way I found the bomb in your bag, so don’t expect any miracles,” she said and they took me to a quiet dark room in the back of the house, I was left alone to ponder about what she said.
29 Dec 2021 | 18:16
Okay nah yawa don gas b dat.
30 Dec 2021 | 08:49
Tina is a wicked witch thanks
30 Dec 2021 | 09:31
This Tina is smarter than you , you better think of a way out fast. Next please
30 Dec 2021 | 19:18
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 5 The stage is set fight her and die or kill the governor and live with fear for the rest of my life, that’s if I succeed in killing the governor, it is an impossible task because am a wanted man in rivers, it will be difficult to enter there without being seen, so which one should I go for? I will rather kill the governor because I know it will be difficult to defeat Tina, the best is to negotiate with her after all Ednas dad have money, we can just relocate to another country and enjoy our life if I succeed, it will be my biggest task ever, killing the governor is not my problem, escaping is the problem, so I need a plan. “I will do it” I said to Tina after he command them to bring me after thirty minutes,. “Of course I know you will, do it for me and you and your girl will be free from me” she said. “How do I know you will keep to your word?” I ask. “Because I still love you, seeing you get hurt pains me, all I wanted is to kill Edna for betraying me, but if you succeed I can make exception” she said. “Okay, but I will need weapons and safe passage to Port” I said. “No no, you use your weapons, I know you came here with your friends, they can help you with the mission, you know I have eyes everywhere, even though rivers governor dump me doesn’t mean I dont have other politicians backing me, safe journey.” She said. They let me go after assuring them that I will kill the governor, my friends were disappointed in me for agreeing to her deals, but I really don’t have a better choice because we are never going to defeat her anyway, have tried that many times so the best thing now is to just kill the governor after all he has always been on my blacklist after what I endured in Rivers state. “So what? we just go to Port and assassinate the number one citizen in that state? how do we get out?” Taiye ask. “Well I haven’t thought about that yet, I was hoping we can forge a plan ahead” I said. “You know we are not the one with ideas you are” kehinde said. “We are wanted in PH going back there is a suicide, I suggest we attack Tina and kill her, she won’t see it coming.” Taiye suggested. “We can’t, she’s still holding Edna hostage, and shes my priority here, I thought she’s the reason we are all here” John said.
30 Dec 2021 | 19:25
In The House Of God (16 +) - Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 6 “Yeah, you are right, she’s our priority, we can’t strike Tina now until she give us Edna, we just have to play by her rules, we can not let anything happen to Edna” I said. “Rest tomorrow morning we are going to rivers state, the garden city of Nigeria, we are not going with any car, we will enter commercial bus because we don’t want eyes on us, we are already on their blacklist so let’s not play into their hands” I said. “If I may” John said. “Yes John” I replied. “Since they don’t know me and I have a valid Driver license, I suggest you guys should go on commercial bus while I drive the Lexus jeep, it can come in handy” he said. “Okay, that’s a nice idea, its just the governor, that’s a small job, we will do it in quiet mood” I said. If its another governor, I wouldn’t do it, but since its rivers state governor, I will do it because of the suffer I suffered in Port Harcourt, habouring Tina and giving her advantage to kill me, let’s see who will protect her now that Tina is not there to save her. Me and the twins entered a bus from Auchi, we entered RTC to Portharcourt direct, we left John behind, he will come and meet us in due time. we traveled on sunday because we heard that the governor want to visit Rumoula and Garrison on monday to commission projects, we stopped at water lines around four in the evening, Police didn’t disturb us on our way because we used commercial bus, we took our backpack containing heavy guns and walk out of waterlines park, we started our mission that same day, Taiye will be in rumoula to know which vehicle the governor will enter, while kehinde will be at presidential park giving me information, I will be waiting at G.R.A park with my sniper gun waiting for the governor, it is a well placed plan and there’s no how the governor will escape this. We slept in presidential hotel waiting for the next day,.
30 Dec 2021 | 19:28
Hmmmm easy said than done, . If it's my Governor, Omo that task no b here o.
31 Dec 2021 | 05:07
31 Dec 2021 | 08:38
This your mission is a big risk of life and am not too sure Tina would realease Edna. She only wants to use you for his own advantage and then kill you both
31 Dec 2021 | 09:16
For ur mind, u tink say u go succeed? If killing d governor was easy, why didn't Tina n her girls do d job?
1 Jan 2022 | 04:04
Wishing you all the best in killing my governor. Next please
1 Jan 2022 | 05:50
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 7 “Yeah, you are right, she’s our priority, we can’t strike Tina now until she give us Edna, we just have to play by her rules, we can not let anything happen to Edna” I said. “Rest tomorrow morning we are going to rivers state, the garden city of Nigeria, we are not going with any car, we will enter commercial bus because we don’t want eyes on us, we are already on their blacklist so let’s not play into their hands” I said. “If I may” John said. “Yes John” I replied. “Since they don’t know me and I have a valid Driver license, I suggest you guys should go on commercial bus while I drive the Lexus jeep, it can come in handy” he said. “Okay, that’s a nice idea, its just the governor, that’s a small job, we will do it in quiet mood” I said. If its another governor, I wouldn’t do it, but since its rivers state governor, I will do it because of the suffer I suffered in Port Harcourt, habouring Tina and giving her advantage to kill me, let’s see who will protect her now that Tina is not there to save her. Me and the twins entered a bus from Auchi, we entered RTC to Portharcourt direct, we left John behind, he will come and meet us in due time. we traveled on sunday because we heard that the governor want to visit Rumoula and Garrison on monday to commission projects, we stopped at water lines around four in the evening, Police didn’t disturb us on our way because we used commercial bus, we took our backpack containing heavy guns and walk out of waterlines park, we started our mission that same day, Taiye will be in rumoula to know which vehicle the governor will enter, while kehinde will be at presidential park giving me information, I will be waiting at G.R.A park with my sniper gun waiting for the governor, it is a well placed plan and there’s no how the governor will escape this. We slept in presidential hotel waiting for the next day,.
2 Jan 2022 | 01:30
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 8 I woke up around six in the morning, the twins are still sleeping, I woke them up and told them that “it is time” we took our tools, we will be communicating through wireless ear phone, nobody will suspect us, Taiye went to romoula because the governor will be coming by eight, kehinde position at presidential park while I wait at G.R.A, pedestrial bridge. The bridge was covered with glasses, you can easily see people outside but it will take time for the people outside to see you inside, I close both ends of the pedestrial bridge so that nobody will walk in, I settled at the center of the bridge and removed one glass, I gently remove my sniper gun from the big bag and positioned it, I can see very far with it,. “Hello boss, they are here now at rumoula” taiye said. “No problem, am in position” I replied her. “I think there’s a problem” “What is it taiye?” I replied. “The governor is in a hummer jeep, the sniper won’t penetrate” she said. “Am a fool I didn’t think of that, change of plans I will be waiting for him in garrison where he will commission the new court building” I said. “Okay, go there and look for a good spot, they will soon round off here” taiye said. I opened both end of the bridge and entered a taxi to garrison, the court is close to the express road so I believe it will be easy because there are many tall buildings where I can position myself to him, I spotted a tall complex house, it has ten blocks and they sell phones and other phone accesories, and the building is position opposite the court building, I smiled and walk inside the complex, I went to the tallest room, and to make it easy for me there’s a stair to the top of the building since the top was built with concrete, I position at the top end and immediately Kehinde called. “They are on their way” she said. “Alright, am waiting for them” I said. I waited for ten minutes before I sighted their siren. “He’s in the eleventh Jeep, with a Nigeria flag positioned in front of the Jeep” taiye said. I balance at the roof top viewing through my sniper, they have even arrange a red carpet for him and people are anxiously waiting for him, I will make sure his blood spilled on the red carpert, they stopped at the front of the court complex with so many police men, they are just there for nothing because they have no strategy, only to hold guns and threatened innocents. This will be interesting, the governor came out from the hummer jeep and started greeting the top politicians, after greeting everybody, he took scissors from one fat lady and walk through the red carpet to the place where they place the rope and ribbons, he started saying some things I couldn’t decipher and then the moment he wanted to cut the rope I release the trigger and then blood splash onhis white lace, nobody know what happened until he started falling, I release another bullet which went straight to his head, and then pandemonium and brouhaha everywhere.
2 Jan 2022 | 01:33
Time will tell
2 Jan 2022 | 03:00
I'm thinking the person you just kill is the wrong governor because killing him was too easy....
2 Jan 2022 | 05:15
Let's see if your mission will be successful or not. Next please
2 Jan 2022 | 11:17
Oh my God, Ozila welldone o, but your boss dey await you. Tina
2 Jan 2022 | 12:41
2 Jan 2022 | 13:49
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 9 I didn’t wait to see what happened since am sure he’s dead, I left the sniper there since I wore handglove they can’t trace the gun back to me, I walk down from the stairs and join the many people asking what’s wrong I even run to the scene joining the gathering, police has barricaded everywhere and the governor have been removed from the scene, police started looking for suspect and started searching everybody, so people started running including me, I didn’t take any bag again, just my pistle in my small bag so they definitely cannot suspect me, they were arresting people with bag and people that dress rugged, I simple run to waterlines park and called John, he pick me up there and when I entered the jeep I saw taiye and kehinde already sitted. “Nice job, are you sure he’s dead?” John ask. “100%, I hit him twice, one on the chest and the other on his head bursting his skull, even wolvering cannot survive that” I said. “Okay good, I hope Tina will release Edna now” “She will, If she don’t I will bomb her to pieces she knows….” I haven’t finished talking when a straight RPG bomb hit our jeep bursting us up in flames, I was on the back sit with no seat belt, so the bomb pounce me from the jeep bursting me through the wide screen, and landed me on the express road heavily, I was badly hurt while the rest on the jeep burn to flames with nothing to recognize them with, the end of taiye and Kehinde, I manage to look up and saw some men with heavy army trucks coming from our front, I manage to roll on the ground and fall inside a gutter covered with waters, I didn’t know what happened afterward.
2 Jan 2022 | 23:50
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 10 The stage is set fight her and die or kill the governor and live with fear for the rest of my life, that’s if I succeed in killing the governor, it is an impossible task because am a wanted man in rivers, it will be difficult to enter there without being seen, so which one should I go for? I will rather kill the governor because I know it will be difficult to defeat Tina, the best is to negotiate with her after all Ednas dad have money, we can just relocate to another country and enjoy our life if I succeed, it will be my biggest task ever, killing the governor is not my problem, escaping is the problem, so I need a plan. “I will do it” I said to Tina after he command them to bring me after thirty minutes,. “Of course I know you will, do it for me and you and your girl will be free from me” she said. “How do I know you will keep to your word?” I ask. “Because I still love you, seeing you get hurt pains me, all I wanted is to kill Edna for betraying me, but if you succeed I can make exception” she said. “Okay, but I will need weapons and safe passage to Port” I said. “No no, you use your weapons, I know you came here with your friends, they can help you with the mission, you know I have eyes everywhere, even though rivers governor dump me doesn’t mean I dont have other politicians backing me, safe journey.” She said. They let me go after assuring them that I will kill the governor, my friends were disappointed in me for agreeing to her deals, but I really don’t have a better choice because we are never going to defeat her anyway, have tried that many times so the best thing now is to just kill the governor after all he has always been on my blacklist after what I endured in Rivers state. “So what? we just go to Port and assassinate the number one citizen in that state? how do we get out?” Taiye ask. “Well I haven’t thought about that yet, I was hoping we can forge a plan ahead” I said. “You know we are not the one with ideas you are” kehinde said. “We are wanted in PH going back there is a suicide, I suggest we attack Tina and kill her, she won’t see it coming.” Taiye suggested. “We can’t, she’s still holding Edna hostage, and shes my priority here, I thought she’s the reason we are all here” John said.
2 Jan 2022 | 23:53
What is happening?
3 Jan 2022 | 05:15
Are you sure that Tina didn't betray you guys. Next please
3 Jan 2022 | 07:21
What will be your fate now
3 Jan 2022 | 16:21
I believe Tina at work. Next .
3 Jan 2022 | 18:36
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 11 “Yeah, you are right, she’s our priority, we can’t strike Tina now until she give us Edna, we just have to play by her rules, we can not let anything happen to Edna” I said. “Rest tomorrow morning we are going to rivers state, the garden city of Nigeria, we are not going with any car, we will enter commercial bus because we don’t want eyes on us, we are already on their blacklist so let’s not play into their hands” I said. “If I may” John said. “Yes John” I replied. “Since they don’t know me and I have a valid Driver license, I suggest you guys should go on commercial bus while I drive the Lexus jeep, it can come in handy” he said. “Okay, that’s a nice idea, its just the governor, that’s a small job, we will do it in quiet mood” I said. If its another governor, I wouldn’t do it, but since its rivers state governor, I will do it because of the suffer I suffered in Port Harcourt, habouring Tina and giving her advantage to kill me, let’s see who will protect her now that Tina is not there to save her. Me and the twins entered a bus from Auchi, we entered RTC to Portharcourt direct, we left John behind, he will come and meet us in due time. we traveled on sunday because we heard that the governor want to visit Rumoula and Garrison on monday to commission projects, we stopped at water lines around four in the evening, Police didn’t disturb us on our way because we used commercial bus, we took our backpack containing heavy guns and walk out of waterlines park, we started our mission that same day, Taiye will be in rumoula to know which vehicle the governor will enter, while kehinde will be at presidential park giving me information, I will be waiting at G.R.A park with my sniper gun waiting for the governor, it is a well placed plan and there’s no how the governor will escape this. We slept in presidential hotel waiting for the next day,.
3 Jan 2022 | 18:44
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 12 I woke up around six in the morning, the twins are still sleeping, I woke them up and told them that “it is time” we took our tools, we will be communicating through wireless ear phone, nobody will suspect us, Taiye went to romoula because the governor will be coming by eight, kehinde position at presidential park while I wait at G.R.A, pedestrial bridge. The bridge was covered with glasses, you can easily see people outside but it will take time for the people outside to see you inside, I close both ends of the pedestrial bridge so that nobody will walk in, I settled at the center of the bridge and removed one glass, I gently remove my sniper gun from the big bag and positioned it, I can see very far with it,. “Hello boss, they are here now at rumoula” taiye said. “No problem, am in position” I replied her. “I think there’s a problem” “What is it taiye?” I replied. “The governor is in a hummer jeep, the sniper won’t penetrate” she said. “Am a fool I didn’t think of that, change of plans I will be waiting for him in garrison where he will commission the new court building” I said. “Okay, go there and look for a good spot, they will soon round off here” taiye said. I opened both end of the bridge and entered a taxi to garrison, the court is close to the express road so I believe it will be easy because there are many tall buildings where I can position myself to him, I spotted a tall complex house, it has ten blocks and they sell phones and other phone accesories, and the building is position opposite the court building, I smiled and walk inside the complex, I went to the tallest room, and to make it easy for me there’s a stair to the top of the building since the top was built with concrete, I position at the top end and immediately Kehinde called. “They are on their way” she said. “Alright, am waiting for them” I said. I waited for ten minutes before I sighted their siren. “He’s in the eleventh Jeep, with a Nigeria flag positioned in front of the Jeep” taiye said. I balance at the roof top viewing through my sniper, they have even arrange a red carpet for him and people are anxiously waiting for him, I will make sure his blood spilled on the red carpert, they stopped at the front of the court complex with so many police men, they are just there for nothing because they have no strategy, only to hold guns and threatened innocents. This will be interesting, the governor came out from the hummer jeep and started greeting the top politicians, after greeting everybody, he took scissors from one fat lady and walk through the red carpet to the place where they place the rope and ribbons, he started saying some things I couldn’t decipher and then the moment he wanted to cut the rope I release the trigger and then blood splash onhis white lace, nobody know what happened until he started falling, I release another bullet which went straight to his head, and then pandemonium and brouhaha everywhere.
3 Jan 2022 | 18:46
Link to Season 7?
4 Jan 2022 | 03:02
Congratulations to you.
4 Jan 2022 | 04:15
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 13 I didn’t wait to see what happened since am sure he’s dead, I left the sniper there since I wore handglove they can’t trace the gun back to me, I walk down from the stairs and join the many people asking what’s wrong I even run to the scene joining the gathering, police has barricaded everywhere and the governor have been removed from the scene, police started looking for suspect and started searching everybody, so people started running including me, I didn’t take any bag again, just my pistle in my small bag so they definitely cannot suspect me, they were arresting people with bag and people that dress rugged, I simple run to waterlines park and called John, he pick me up there and when I entered the jeep I saw taiye and kehinde already sitted. “Nice job, are you sure he’s dead?” John ask. “100%, I hit him twice, one on the chest and the other on his head bursting his skull, even wolvering cannot survive that” I said. “Okay good, I hope Tina will release Edna now” “She will, If she don’t I will bomb her to pieces she knows….” I haven’t finished talking when a straight RPG bomb hit our jeep bursting us up in flames, I was on the back sit with no seat belt, so the bomb pounce me from the jeep bursting me through the wide screen, and landed me on the express road heavily, I was badly hurt while the rest on the jeep burn to flames with nothing to recognize them with, the end of taiye and Kehinde, I manage to look up and saw some men with heavy army trucks coming from our front, I manage to roll on the ground and fall inside a gutter covered with waters, I didn’t know what happened afterward.
5 Jan 2022 | 01:37
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 14 I came out from the dirty gutter breathing heavily like a wounded lion, I look at the scene of incident and saw people, they gathered around the jeep still burning, no one notice me as I gently got up from the gutter and enter the road, I started walking towards the other end pushing my wounded leg along, my head is filled with blood, I hit my head on the front glass and its making me see double, as I keep on walking in the hot sun people started starring at me, if I continue like this someone might probably call the police or the military, so I saw a small pharmacy store on my left hand in G.R.A bus stop, I walk there, I saw two ladies inside and when they saw they where scared. “I need treatment” I said to no one in particular. “You need a hospital” the elderly one said. “I can’t go there, are you treating me or not or should I go and come back and tear this place apart” I threatened. The elder one stood up quickly and ushered me inside to sit down, she brought a box and started treating me, she used cotton wool and spirit to clean me up before putting iodine, she did a great job she must be a doctor. When she finish I thank her and continue my journey to nowhere in particular, I don’t have any phone with me, no money and no ATM card, I do know I have some money in my bank, but how can I get it, I guess I should look for my bank and withdraw some money, after then I will know what to do. Even though am bandaged people still look at me as I walk, I stroll till I got to one firstbank, I enter and collect withdrawal slip, It took time like almost 2 hours, but I later withdraw money and then I look for one phone dealer, I saw tecno house beisde the bank, I enter there and buy a phone and a sim card, so what’s my next step now? I will think about it when I enter bus going to edo state, I took taxi to RTC and book a bus going to Edo state, auchi precisely, I know Tina is responsible for the death of my friends, but am gonna visit her politely and ask for Edna before I make any move, she must surely pay for it.
5 Jan 2022 | 01:39
@brainyadex,,,,,this is the link
5 Jan 2022 | 01:44
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 15 The only way the army got involve in this is because of Tina because she’s the only one that can tip them off, they cannot just know our vehicle, its not possible, it is time I kill Tina, even though last time wasn’t so successful, this time I will be very well equip, if gun cannot penetrate her, let’s see if she can withstand bomb too, its a pity Taiye and Kehinde are gone, I will really miss them Especially taiye, they have been with me since the beginning, how am I gonna survive now without them? RIP to John too, his time with me ws short but he did very well. We enter Auchi late in the night, just like how I wanted it, everywhere was dark, I do know some guys here in Auchi, the guys that were trying to kill me and Edna then, they hate the white angels, they are in another cult group called Black Axe (BA), If I can convince them to help me end Tina after all they hate her more than I do, so no harm in me trying even though I know it won’t be easy. I don’t know where I can find them but I do know they normally hang out at one bar along poly road everyday to drink and discuss. It was around 10 in the night, I stop in front of Guinness bar along poly road, the street is still up and alive, I enter the bar, there are so many people in the bar, the ones smoking, drinking and the ones having fun with their lover, I don’t know them facially but with their look I can know them, I only know the name of the leader here in auchi, I walk to one round table where some guys are smoking and pressing phone, I stood beside them and stop, they all stop what they are doing and focus on me. “Am looking for scorpion” I said. They all stood up and surround me, I wasn’t scared, one of them face me and blow his cigarette on my face. “Who are you and why are you looking for scorpion?” He said. “I have a business for him, a business that can fetch him money” I said. They look at each others for a moment before someone hit me on the back of my head, I passed out.
7 Jan 2022 | 02:20
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 16 I woke up feeling headache, I was in a secluded room, dark with no windows, just a dying bulb, I look front I saw someone sitting on a chair, more like a throne, the room is scattered with dangerous weapons like cutlass, dagger, saw e.t.c. I stand up and observe the room with no windows properly, I look at the person on the throne chair, she is tall with long hair and strong face, there’s a pipe on her mouth. “Where are I?” I ask. “They said, you are looking for scorpion” she said. “Are you scorpion, you are the black axe gang leader? I thought he’s a man” I said. “Not many people live to see me and survive the next day, you must have a strong story if you want to live” she said. “I want to make a deal with you, I know you hate the white angels? I know where their leader is hiding, I just need like five of your men and weapons to take her down” I said. “Why should I help you, if I remember correctly, you are part of the cult too, the more reason for me to kill you” she said. “Yeah, you are right am her friend but she need to be stopped or else she will take over your men because she grows stronger everyday even now that she has the governors backing, she took something that belongs to me that’s why I need your help to stop her” I said. “You are too late my firend, if you come to me two years ago with this offer I will accept, but now I can’t tamper with her because shes too strong now, last time we fought you guys maybe you don’t know but she later look for us and kill my man, our leader “scorpion” , I can’t risk my men for your war, am afraid you came for nothing” she said. “So you are afraid of her, If you won’t join me then at least help me with some bad weapons, bombs and guns let me try and stop her on my own” I said. “That I can arrange but it will cost you, I know it will be easy for you to pay if the rumous I heard is true” “Tell me how much you want, I will pay” I said. She escort me out of her creep, she showed me her small Audi car “everything you need is inside the car, I hope you survive, I will wish you goodluck but I know you don’t need it” He said. I enter the Audi car, I saw everything I ask for inside, I start the car and enter warrake road all the way to Afuze, let’s end this.
7 Jan 2022 | 02:23
I hope you succeed against the she-devil. Next please
8 Jan 2022 | 17:20
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) Episode 17 Around 4pm in the evening on friday, I was in the front gate of st James grammar school Eteye emai, a village close to Afuze Emai in the same local government area, I have been waiting here for the past two hours waiting for somebody, they close around 4 so I keep my eyes open looking for her, so many people. I came down from the car and stop one girl. “Hello, am looking for Bose, she’s in J.S.S 3” I said to the little girl of 15. “I don’t know her, ask her classmates, I heard jss3 are holding lectures till 6 in the evening” she said. “Okay, thank you” I entered the school compound, there are many buildings in the school, I ask around where Jss3 building is, they direct me to the building, when I got there I saw them inside class receiving lectures, school has close it seems they are the only ones receiving lectures, maybe to prepare them for their junior examination. I waited till six when they close, I ask the first person about Bose, she point me to her as she’s coming out from class, I thank the girl and started following Bose, instead of her to take the main road she followed back of the school coming out from emai primary school in Eteye, then she start trekking home, I know she’s going to Ogute so I walk back to my car and started trailing her from the back without her knowing. When I saw her looking back, i guess she’s suspecting that someone is following her, I speed up and caught up with her, I guess she knows we are in town nothing can happen to her. “Hello, is this place ogute?” I ask her. “No, ogute is in front, when you get to flymo filing station follow the road on your left and when you see anybody ask which place is ogute” she replied. “Okay, thank you, where are you headed?” I ask. “To ogute” she replied. “Come on, I will drop you and you will show me the way” I said. “No, I will walk, thank you” she replied. “Come on, am from ogute am trying to locate someone” I said. She’s like thirteen or fourteen, she hesitated for a while before she join me in the front sit. “So why are you walking alone? That place is far right?” I ask. “Yes, I normally walk with my friends but since we started lectures I walk alone now” she said. I drive slowly and when we are close to the junction she talk about, I put on a wet handkerchief on my nose and release a teargashas inside the car, she passed out, i opened the windows and allow the gas put of the car, I reverse the car and return back to Afuze. Who’s the girl?
10 Jan 2022 | 02:09
I kn come understand again, who's the girl biko 🙄 ?
10 Jan 2022 | 04:20
Abi she be Tina daughter or what. Next please
10 Jan 2022 | 08:48
Let's wait and see
10 Jan 2022 | 12:39
11 Jan 2022 | 16:00
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe (ozila) chapter 20-22 I know they are taking me to Abuja, so they followed Auchi road, the moment we enter Auchi close to Ap filing station as we wanted to enter the other lane, a heavy big truck hit us and throw us away from the road, and then gunshot follow, girls from different angles started shooting at us, they killed so many police men, people started running helter scatter, vehicle owners leave their car and run with their leg, there’s pandemonium and brouhaha everywhere, I used my leg to open our car bursting the glass, the police men guarding me are dead, I took one of their gun and run out from the car, I saw a parked bike with the key still on it, I took it and drive out from the scene, getting close to poly road I saw three vehicles chasing me with full speed, I thought they wouldn’t shoot because of the open space, for where, they started shooting at me, killing civilians in the process, it was bloody, a heavy tragedy. All doors are getting shut, all offices are getting closed, it was a disaster to not remember, Auchi people will never forget this day, Getting to gtbank the one close to Auchi poly, seeing that they cannot get me with their bullet, they brought out a rocket and fire at me, the bomb blast in front of my bike and then when I match break at once the matchine throw me away and into the main road, I landed heavily on the ground, I didn’t let my guard down as I quickly collect my gun, I target the first car and shut the driver, I burst his head and then the motor went to carry one building, destroying the building, there are three other van coming, I started running towards auchi poly with gun in my hand in the open day, even the market close to school have close, when I got to the school they have locked the gate and the security are nowhere to be seen, if I go inside the school the girls don’t mind bombing the whole school just to get me, so I turn to my left and started running towards the main market that is closed already, I wanted to come out from Auchi/Benin road where I can get a car and run away, the girls are chasing me on foot now, they are many, I cannot defeat all of them I need help or maybe I should just run away since my Edna is dead, I can run away and stay in the shadows for now, when she least expect I will come out and end her. The whole auchi poly have shut down, nobody on the street or on the road, no cars moving and no bike, even the police are scared of coming out, Tina girls killed almost twenty senior police men at Ap Junction so I don’t blame the auchi police if they are refusing to come out without proper support. Chapter twenty one When I got to Benin road and as expected there are no vehicular movement, everywhere is quiet like a dead community, how am I going to see a car now that i will use to escape? I remember the RTC bus are closeby in Jattu junction, I started running towards that place, as I was running I saw two cars coming from my back, they haven’t even get close when they brought their guns out and started shooting, I run towards the NNPC station in Benin road there, the people have close but they left their tank running, I removed one of the pump and let it flow on the ground, I jump off from the station and position at one store close to the station, the cars enter the station and started looking for me, the moment they came out from the car I target the floor with my gun and shoot the fuel, everywhere exploded destroying the filling station and the girls inside, its a government station so no pity, and the only casualty are the girls, I cannot walk on the main road again because they can see me easily, I have to be following street road now, I started walking from street to street until I got close to Jattu Junction, I saw only one bus in RTC park, the others have disappeared, now for me to cross the road and enter the bus, as I wanted to come out from the street I heard from above, a helicopter hovering around, not just one but two, the military are involve now. Chapter twenty two Tina POV “Your daughter is my end game” ozila said. The moment ozila said that my mind skipled almost from my heart to my mouth, how did he know about my daughter, I have done everything in my power to hide my daughter from the world because of the dangerous life I live, touching my daughter is like touching the tail of a tiger, but what am afraid of is ozila, the only person am scared of because he’s unpredictable, today he’s soft tomorrow he’s hard, this is bad for me, I need to act quickly. I quickly called my mum in the village to confirm if my daughter has return home from school, that’s when my heart shattered when she told me that she has not return home, all her classmates have return but she’s yet to come back, and she even went to school she didn’t see her, she has alerted the police that she’s missing. There’s nothing the police can do, ozila has done his worse, he just touch my forbidden fruit, time to give him hell. “This time its different, search for my daughter everywhere, take heavy guns and bombs, bring ozila to me alive, kill anybody that stand on our way, don’t let ozila leave this state, attack him and bring him to me alive, he’s the only one that can give me my daughter”, I said to my girls, they took three hilux van and two Camry, I enter my Lexus jeep and head to Auchi, I called my girls in auchi to stop them there, I dont want them to pass that town. Three girls join me in my jeep, when we got to auchi in AP filling station we saw all the dead police men, so many people dead, even civilians. I put a call to Mabel.
14 Jan 2022 | 01:47
Sorry pals,I can't find the next chapter that's why I post another chapter
14 Jan 2022 | 01:49
Hmmmmm this una stupidity is getting out of hand ✋ o. More.
14 Jan 2022 | 07:50
Still following
14 Jan 2022 | 12:57
Getting bloody with each passing day. Next please
14 Jan 2022 | 17:35
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe Chapter 23 -24 “Mabel what’s up have you caught him?”. “No, he’s running on foot now, we will soon catch up with him, the police are disturbing us” she said. “I said kill anybody that stand on your way” I said and cut the call,. I entered the jeep and told the girls to take me to the Utako (king) of auchi, We saw so many people there reporting about the gunshots and killings on the town, police men where there taking instructions from the chief, we walk through the crowd and enter the palace, the moment the king saw us he excuse everybody, telling them to leave the palace even the police men,. “I guess you are the notorious cultist releasing hell on my town” the king said “And I guess we don’t need any introduction” I replied. “You have turned my town into a war zone, I have contacted the governor, and he’s about to bring in the mllitary” he said. “I don’t care, I live here but the military wil come and go, and I will still remain, am looking for this man” I said showing him ozila’s picture. “He’s a cultist and he kidnap my daughter after killing the governor of Rivers state, I will soak this town with blood and I will close Auchi poly If I dont see him, because I know the school is the only thing keeping this town alive, this is a threat and I will make it happen, I will give you and your millitary 24 hours to get him for me, after that whatever you see you take it like that, and since you know me too well you should know am not joking because as we speak now your town is on lockdown already, people are running away, what if I bring 200 more cultist here because as it is now only 20 cultist are causing this little havoc” I said to him, he was scared. I can see it in his eyes how scared he is, I left him like that and then we walk out of the palace,. “Should I call them off” bitch my colleague said to me. “No leave them let them continue the havoc until I see him” I replied her. Inside our car I put a call to the inspector general of police. “Hello sir, am Tina I bet you know who I am” I said. “Yes I do how can I help you?” He ask. “The gang leader that killed the governor of Rivers state, he is in Auchi, Edo state now, I can help you catch him” I said. “What do you need to make it happen? I need a fighter helicopter” I said. Chapter 24 Ozila POV It is a good thing that the millitary is involve now, the bad thing is that I don’t know which side they are on, sure I know they are not on my side but I don’t know if Tina is controlling them, I don’t need to know am a lone wolf and I will act as one. After the helicopter pass I ran and cross the road, I burst the glass of the hummer bus and open the door, since there’s no key I start the bus by touching two wires together, I enter warrake road going straight to Afuze, it is time I use her daughter as my cover, because I cannot leave the town now the helicopter will just bomb me to pieces. I haven’t gone far when I saw a truck chasing me with two ladies on the back, they are started shooting at me from distance, they shattered the glass of the bus but didn’t stop me from driving, seconds later one helicopter is on my tail again, the truck shooting me from the ground and the copter shooting me from the air, the truck fire RPG I dogde it and move to the other lane, they fired twice but couldn’t get me, they speed up and caught up with me, we started ramming each others with full speed, seeing that I can’t match the weight of the truck I took my shotgun and shoot the driver, I miss her head but I shot her hand, she was in pain and then I push their truck and they went to hit one big tree, I reverse back and saw them scattered in different places, I kill all of them without pity and collect the RPG, I enter the shattered bus and as I start the bus a bomb came from above and blow the bus to pieces, I was thrown afar into the bush, I was hurt, the helicopter went to land on the road, I saw Tina and three girls come down from the helicopter, they started searching for me.
15 Jan 2022 | 02:42
Wow ozila meant business
15 Jan 2022 | 07:18
Bring more
15 Jan 2022 | 09:36
This is getting more serious. I pray Ozila wins at the end. Next please
15 Jan 2022 | 13:29
This is really serious o Ozila , may you win.
15 Jan 2022 | 17:41
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe Chapter 25-26 I manage to stand up, I saw one of the girls coming to my direction, I hide beside one big tree, as she get closer I hit her on her head with a big log of wood, she didn’t pass out so I rap my arms on her neck until she pass out, I took her Ak47 gun and hide in the bush, I saw the other girl searching the other lane, there’s no how I can go there without crossing the road with Tina sitting close to the helicopter like thanos waiting for the avengers, I took my gun and target Tina on the head, I release the trigger the bullet throw her off her seat but didn’t penetrate her, I came out from hiding and started shooting with full force, the bullet wasn’t penetration, she took her own and as she wanted to shoot me I quickly target the tank of the copter and then it explode, throwing Tina inside the bush, the other two girls fired at me and injured my left hand, I hide beside the burnt bus, they keep firing without stopping, I don’t know what to do, I look front and saw the RPG close to the bush, I shoot at them randomely to distract them, and then I ran to the RPG bomb, when they saw that I have collect the RPG inside the bush, they chased me with full force, as they where about to enter the bush I fired the rpg at them, one of them bend down and dodge it and the bomb hit the other girl destroying her to pieces, the one they called the “bitch was angry, she ran back to the place the helicopter is to take something, even though the copter have been shattered to pieces, she was taking something from the ground, as I came out of the bush to blow her to pieces a bullet came out from nowhere and hit my leg, I was hurt and then the girl turn and shoot me on my stomach, she wanted to shoot me on the head before Tina stop her. “Don’t kill him” she said. “Am sorry Tina, he killed my sister I can’t let him live ” he said. As she wanted to pull the trigger Tina blow her head to pieces,. Tina came closer to me and ask. “Where’s my daughter?” Chapter 26 She was standing in front of me, with a live gun on her right hand, I was on the ground spilling blood, I know she’s angry if not for her daughter I would have been dead already, “Where’s my Edna” I ask. “I told you she’s gone” she said. “I don’t believe you, you know I won’t tell you where your daughter is until I see Edna” I said. “And you should know you are playing with fire” she said and shoot me on my other leg, she missed my bone though. “You have ten seconds to tell me where she is or else I kill you now” she said and started counting down, the moment she got to four I manage to use my bloody leg to kick her leg, she fell on my body and then I quickly grab her neck and rap my arms around it, this time she will die for good, she was dying and when she saw that she has lost and about to die she said “Ed…… na is a……live” she stammered. I paused and lose focus, she elbow me on my dickson and then rolled on the floor to get her gun, I saw the RPG bomb on my left, I rolled on the floor too and target her, we target each other, who will pull the trigger first, we can’t because I have her destiny in my hands and she have my own too, I can’t kill her because of Edna and she can’t kill me because of her daughter.
16 Jan 2022 | 02:17
Let you people settle it then
16 Jan 2022 | 04:29
Okay nah , let's see how it will end.. More.
16 Jan 2022 | 12:26
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe Chapter 27 As we face each others, a helicopter started hovering around, millitary vans gather around us and usher us to drop our weapons, the helicopter landed on the main road and a white man and two white ladies came down with full armour,. “This is the international police (interpol) both of you are under arrest for the crime you commited in London leading to the death of many people, drop your gun now or we will open fire” he said Me and Tina look at each other, and then I target the biggest van and then she hit the fuel tank of the helicopter, everywhere go up in flame, I started running and then they start chasing me, Tina run to a different location, they were chasing me with heavy guns, they hit me on my stomach and then I fell on the ground, I got up again and continue running, I saw a helicopter above me, the helicopter release a heavy bomb at me, as the bomb explode it throw me off the bush and into the river close to Auchi, I didn’t know what happened next.
17 Jan 2022 | 02:25
Wow this is getting too bloody and hot
17 Jan 2022 | 04:00
So, Interpol is now involved. Next please
17 Jan 2022 | 05:09
As e dey hot
17 Jan 2022 | 05:33
Odikwa very very risky o 🙄.
17 Jan 2022 | 15:38
In The House Of God (16 +) – Season 8 The Redemption Written By=> Akhigbe Oziegbe Chapter 28 Tina POV This is beyond me, I do know if they are the Nigeria Army I can buy my way out but this is the international police, this is worse than I thought. I continue running inside the bush as they chase me with helicopter and military bike, they keep shooting at me from different angles, am immmune to bullet but not to bomb, one of the bikers got closer to me, I hide beside one bush and as he got closer I jump up and kick him out of the bike, I took his gun and shoot the other two bikers following him, I took the bike and started running, the helicopter launch a rocket at me, I dodge the first one but the second got me, I fall heavily on the ground, I started rolling on the ground and then I hit my head on a big stone and pass out, When I woke up it was dark, I saw some people using touch to search for me, I manage to stand up and hide, I sneak up on one and hit the person with a stick, I took the person gun and as I wanted to shoot I saw that the person is one of my girl. Ozila POV I saw myself being dragged on the ground, the person wore a black bumshot, a small handless shirt with a tattered hair, the person hold a gun on her other hand, with a tattooed scorpion on her hand, she’s a white lady probably from London, I have never seen this person before, she saw that I have opened my eyes, she stop and drop me. “Hi, how are you” she ask. “Who are you and where am i?” I ask. “You are still in Auchi, and am Catherina, MI6”. MI6 is British secret service intelligence The End I didn’t know how MI6 got mixed up in this, but I do know its because of what happened in London, let’s see what happened in the next chapter of brouhaha now that MI6 has taken me into custody, thanks for reading, we will end this story in season ten. Watch out for Brouhaha 9: Final Chapter
17 Jan 2022 | 17:53
No small joke
18 Jan 2022 | 03:08
Will you survive this
18 Jan 2022 | 03:09
Ozila you will use your mouth to testify. Next chapter biko.
18 Jan 2022 | 03:58


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