Indigo (Shade of a golden heart) season 1, 2 & 3.

Indigo (Shade of a golden heart) season 1, 2 & 3.

By marcus in 18 Nov 2018 | 08:45
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Season 1 episode 1

Indigo Hassan peered out of the window of the massive kitchen, the morning time was her favorite. Indigo stared at the racoons jumping from one coconut tree to the other, they also fought for nuts. She stared at the colorful birds that swamped the beach palms that fenced the Shola residence.
‘Hmm, so beautiful.’ She purred dreamily while admiring the blueness of the skies and the fairness of the weather.
The light sun rays penetrated the window and fell on her caramel brown skin, her eyes took in their golden rays and substituted them for her deep brown color Her face was a map of smiles as she caught one of the racoons staring at her, it was so beautiful and she couldn’t keep herself from waving.
‘Hello there! You’re so pretty.’ She smiled and wished she had a good phone so she could take a picture of the animal and share it with her Facebook friends.
‘You should be working on breakfast, you know how mean Moremi can get especially when she is hungry.’
The sharp voice and the terseness with which the words were spoken interrupted Indigo’s precious morning fellowship with the works of nature.
‘Huh?’ She snapped out of her communication with the racoon and turned to face Anabel.
‘Well, the potatoes are still on fire, she likes them really soft. I’m still boiling.’ She quickly explained.
‘And the tea? You know she likes it before breakfast?’ Anabel asked.
‘Water on fire too.’ Indigo clasped her hands together and bowed her head, a mocking gesture that always cracked Anabel up, but when Anabel ignored her, she knew something was wrong.Indigo took a deep breath and marched towards the pot where she had boiled the sweet Potatoes, she fetched a fork from the cutlery basket and cut into the potatoes, to see if they were well done.
‘Almost ready, ten minutes tops.’ She announced confidently, but Anabel seemed uninterested.
She was working on the spinach leaves that were meant for the sauce, while humming a song quietly.
Indigo decided she was in a bad mood and needed some space.
Indigo and Anna had been friends for six months since Indigo started working for the family of Chief Martins Shola, who was the Chief Judge of the High Court for the State of Jos.
She had bonded with Anabel easily as she had no friend and sibling, she never knew her parents and had grown up with her grandfather, whom she fondly called, “Papa.”

Anabel was taller than she was, she had a milky white skin, reddish lips and light brown eyes, hence the sobriquet, “Mamiwata,” which Indigo fondly used whenever she was teasing her.
Indigo ignored her friend too and pondered on her own problems, she was not the type to carry her problems on her sleeves or allow her moods to affect her relationship with the people around her.
No, Indigo was far from that. Papa had thought her to treat people the way she would love to be treated; and she hated it when others made her feel uncomfortable just because they were having a bad day, just like Anabel was doing.

They were both College Students at the College of Building and Architecture, Jos, but they were schooled part-timely, due to financial constraints.
Indigo was a student of Contemporary Architectural designs, a course she had always wanted to read. She had fallen in love with buildings since when she was a kid and her grandfather noticed this. He didn’t have much money to cater for her needs, but he sold his personal belongings to help her pursue her dreams.Papa…’ tears welled up in her eyes as she thought of her grandfather’s love for her. He loved her more than anything in the world and he could give up his own life so that she would live.
He had been a Security man for the Forest Reserve, but due to his health condition, he had retired early and without pension, so she had started fending for herself from the age of fifteen.
Indigo had worked five places before the Shola Residence and they had always sacked her for one reason.
‘Indigo!’ She shuddered as Moremi’s loud scream pierced her heart.
When she realized, what was going on, she noticed something was burning. The kitchen was stuffy and an acrid smell of burnt potato filled the air.
‘Oh no, no no…’ her heart was beating fast, she quickly turned to Anabel to ask for some help, but she noticed she was all alone in the kitchen. Anabel must have left while she was still thinking about her grandfather.

She turned off the cylinder and scooped a generous amount of water from the water drum into the pot. When she looked in, she grimaced. Everything was completely burnt! The potatoes had been burnt brown and this was her fault.
Moremi Shola was her boss’ daughter and she was a no nonsense type of lady. She was authoritative, had a cruel tongue and had no respect for the domestic staff.
How would she explain to her that her breakfast was burnt?
‘What am I going to do?’ Indigo could hear light footsteps approaching the kitchen. She poured in more water to repel the odor of burnt potatoes.

‘Indigo!’ Moremi reached the kitchen, she stood at the entrance hands akimbo.
‘Madam, Good morning.’ Indigo smiled sheepishly.
‘I don’t care about the morning, I am hungry and what’s that smell in here?’ Moremi sniffed the air.
Indigo’s mouth was parched, she was terribly nervous just from the icy stare she got from Moremi’s large brown eyes.
‘Are you deaf?’ Moremi raised a brow.
‘Yes, um, no.’ Indigo shook her head.

‘I need my breakfast in five minutes, otherwise consider yourself fired!’ Moremi hissed angrily and stormed out of the kitchen. She never liked Indigo from day one. There was something about her dancing brown eyes and the way she blabbed whenever she was talking.

‘No!’ A tear trickled down Indigo’s cheek as she stared at the pot, she couldn’t get fired another time because of her clumsiness. It had taken her six months to get this job and it was a good one.
To be continued
18 Nov 2018 | 08:45
I don come
18 Nov 2018 | 12:11
18 Nov 2018 | 12:12
Nice start
18 Nov 2018 | 13:25
18 Nov 2018 | 19:23
19 Nov 2018 | 03:03
Episode 2 What is it? And why is the kitchen so stuffy?’ Anabel returned with more leaves, she had a smile on her face now. Indigo couldn’t reply, her tears had taken the place of words, she slumped to the tiled floor and began to weep. It didn’t take Anabel long to understand what trouble her friend was in, that explained why the kitchen reeked of burning substance. ‘Does Moremi know?’ Anabel asked gently. ‘She wants it in five minutes else I am getting fired. I don’t know what to do.’ Indigo wept as she remembered how worried her grandfather was, anytime she lost a job. He had sold everything personal to him and there was no more to sell. ‘You know what? Just make her a cup of coffee and tell her I went to get more leaves from the garden for the sauce.’ Anabel thought up an idea. But Indigo was not convinced it would work out, ‘That doesn’t solve the problem, she wants her potatoes!’ ‘Just make her the coffee, I’ll take it from there and be really sweet and submissive when talking to her, you know how much she likes that.’ Anabel walked towards her best friend and gave her a hug, ‘I am sorry I was so cold earlier, Seun broke up with me, but now I’ve thought about it, he was doing me a favor. Just give Moremi her coffee, everything would be fine. We have a lot to talk about.’ Indigo felt better after talking to her best friend, she had faith that she was not going to lose her job that day. She mustered up courage and strength and moved to make the coffee. She added no cream but a little honey, Moremi loved her coffee black and she was not about to get the lady of the house upset. She served it in a tray and trotted out of the kitchen in shivering legs, not knowing what awaited her in the dining room. She overheard Moremi making a phone call, from what Indigo observed, Moremi was a very busy person as she was mostly on the phone giving out orders. Though she didn’t know a thing about Moremi’s line of work, she admired her hard-working nature and her serious mindedness. She was a step away from reaching Moremi whose back was to her when her phone rang. She had wanted to ignore it at first, but she remembered she was having a lecture earlier today, maybe the Professor in charge had given a test or something. She decided it was necessary to check things out for herself. She gently transferred the tray into her left palm and placed the phone hurriedly against her ears. ‘Hello…’ ‘Indi is that you?’ ‘Yes?’ the voice sounded familiar and serious. ‘It’s me, Sonia, you need to come to Bethsaida immediately.’ Indigo’s brows came together as she pondered on the woman’s weird request, Bethsaida was one of the biggest hospitals in Jos and it was close to the Low-Cost Estate where she lived with her grandfather. ‘I don’t understand, what’s happening there?’ Indigo asked. ‘It’s your grandfather, he vomited blood and slumped. He needs you urgently. Hurry before it’s too late.’ ‘No’ Her heart stopped as she imagined the old man in pain, the unexpected news jolted her heart and unsettled her at once, her hands gave way and the tray and its contents crashed into pieces before her. Just in time, Moremi finished her call and moved her head to see where the sound was coming from. Her eyes flashed angrily as she stared at one of the oldest coffee pots in the house being smashed into unrecognizable pieces. ‘You are fired!’
19 Nov 2018 | 05:46
19 Nov 2018 | 06:07
Nice start...... Move on
19 Nov 2018 | 10:37
What is her problem anyway
19 Nov 2018 | 12:05
Indigo season 1 Episode 3 Chalya didn’t like the arrogant tone with which her brother addressed their father, ‘That’s enough now Phillip, I am sure father knows what’s best for him.’ She was wary of their constant fights and arguments. ‘I like your brother’s idea…let him finish.’ The older man poured himself a glass of water. ‘The lawyer I hired is an old friend, Moremi Martins, She is an estate lawyer and she knows a great deal of what I am about to do. I will also need the services of Uncle Usman…’ Phillip was about to say more when his father interrupted him from completing his sentence. ‘You cannot work with Usman, I do not like him.’ Alex hated that his son would have anything to do with his younger brother. ‘But father, he is your brother…he is family and if anyone is to be given this great responsibility, it should be someone close, someone that understands the vision.’ Phillip carefully explained. But the old man wouldn’t have none of it, ‘I don’t care about Usman, find someone else. I offered him contact worth several millions and he carted away with the money, what makes you think that he is a changed person now?’ Phillip was well aware of this family history, but he didn’t care. Uncle Usman had sufficient knowledge about buildings and their architectural designs, and that knowledge was what he was after, it would prove useful in his expedition. ‘Father, I understand that you do not like what I am about to do, but I have already told Uncle Usman about this, I cannot pull him out now, it is too late.’ With that, Phillip gulped a generous quantity of juice and rose to his feet, he took his business appointments easily and breakfast had already eaten into that time. Home DD Fiction DD Fiction Davina Diaries Fiction: Indigo Ep3 By Rose Akpabio -August 17, 20182,940 views5 Share this on WhatsApp Chalya didn’t like the arrogant tone with which her brother addressed their father, ‘That’s enough now Phillip, I am sure father knows what’s best for him.’ She was wary of their constant fights and arguments. ‘I like your brother’s idea…let him finish.’ The older man poured himself a glass of water. ‘The lawyer I hired is an old friend, Moremi Martins, She is an estate lawyer and she knows a great deal of what I am about to do. I will also need the services of Uncle Usman…’ Phillip was about to say more when his father interrupted him from completing his sentence. ‘You cannot work with Usman, I do not like him.’ Alex hated that his son would have anything to do with his younger brother. ‘But father, he is your brother…he is family and if anyone is to be given this great responsibility, it should be someone close, someone that understands the vision.’ Phillip carefully explained. But the old man wouldn’t have none of it, ‘I don’t care about Usman, find someone else. I offered him contact worth several millions and he carted away with the money, what makes you think that he is a changed person now?’ Phillip was well aware of this family history, but he didn’t care. Uncle Usman had sufficient knowledge about buildings and their architectural designs, and that knowledge was what he was after, it would prove useful in his expedition. ‘Father, I understand that you do not like what I am about to do, but I have already told Uncle Usman about this, I cannot pull him out now, it is too late.’ With that, Phillip gulped a generous quantity of juice and rose to his feet, he took his business appointments easily and breakfast had already eaten into that time. Reach 1.5m People On The Davina Diaries Marketplace. Advertise For Just N5000 ‘So soon?’ Chalya, who was on Industrial Training at his company and at the same time working temporarily as his Personal assistant rose to her feet and joined him, knowing how much her brother hated to run late. ‘Yes, goodbye father, I shall give you feedback on all my meetings today.’ Phillip flashed his father a fake smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes and stormed out without collecting the old man’s response. Chalya felt really bad that Phillip would portray this level of arrogance to their father, ‘Dad, I’m sorry we have to leave you …just be good. I’ll learn how to play Handel Messiah properly when I am back.’ She leaned forward and pecked her dad on his cheek. ‘Thanks honey, just make sure you always watch your brother’s back.’ The man smiled, he loved the way Chalya was built. She was not as hardened as her brother, who had totally changed after their mother’s death. She was just like him, sympathetic and kind. ‘I always will.’ She rinsed her mouth with a glass of water, then rushed out to meet her brother who had already started the car. Phillip was annoyed that his father couldn’t utter a word of appreciation for what he was about to do for the dilapidated remains of his company. Instead, he was making a fuss about Uncle Usman’s appointment to work on the renovating team. ‘Were you planning to leave me?’ Chalya hopped into the car. ‘Maybe.’ He grumbled. ‘Okay Phillip stop the car, what’s wrong with you? Stop this car!’ She snapped at him, she had enough of his arrogance. He knew he was losing it, he knew what was really eating him up inside but he was not ready to deal with it. ‘I hate him, I hate the way he runs things. I am even doing him a favor but he feels he has this entitlement mentality. It’s so annoying.’ He pulled the key out of the ignition and buried his face in his palms. Chalya’s eyes clouded with tears, she knew he was talking about their father. ‘Why do you hate him so much Phillip? Is there something you’re not telling me?’ He took a deep breath, then nodded, ‘I was there when our mother was attacked by that man in the forest reserve where we’d gone for a visit, dad was equally there, but the minute he saw that man coming with a gun, he scurried off like a weakling…’ He wished he could shut is mind from presenting the tragedy of his mother’s untimely death. Phillip had become embittered that his father could not do anything to save her, instead he had run away leaving his family at the mercy of an assassin who later shot his mother. ‘He is weak! And if you continue to follow his footsteps, you’ll end up like him at sixty-five.’ Tears dripped uncontrollably from Chalya’s eyes, she had never heard this version of the story, ‘Is this why you hate him so much?’ She sobbed. ‘I don’t hate him, I just hate that he is weak.’ Phillip replied, then decided he had dwelt enough on the weakness of his father. ‘We have to go now, I have a lot of meetings, do you mind running through them again?’ He asked Chalya, this time as his personal assistant. She quickly opened the zip of her bag and pulled out a notebook where she recorded all of her brother’s meeting. ‘You have ten meetings this week…’ she started. ‘Three today with the heads of department of PIE; You have one with the spoke person of the Low Cost neighborhood; one with Moremi; one with Uncle Usman…’ He raised a hand to stop her, ‘I think the spoke person of the low cost neighborhood is where I should begin…what’s his name again?’ Phillip asked. ‘Um, Mai Hassan, are you sure it’s a good idea considering we are about to break bad news to them?’ Chalya was concerned about his safety, but Phillip shrugged it off, ‘It’s only a bad idea to those who cannot afford this. I’ll meet later tomorrow with Barf, the chief supplier of all that we would need for this project, make sure you contact him. It’s not a serious meeting, just for discussion sake.’
19 Nov 2018 | 13:24
Episode 4 Chalya scribbled down some details on her notebook, ‘Um, would you like the venue to be at a very private place or?’ She left her question open so she could get his suggestion. Phillip rubbed his chin for some seconds, ‘Coffee shop would be fine, just fix us at any available coffee shop, close to PIE building; then you can fix another date with Moremi on that same day.’ Chalya scoffed at the mention of Moremi, unknown to her, Phillip had caught her expression. ‘Come on Chalya, we only slept together once and we were drunk at a party, that doesn’t count.’ Phillip averted his sister’s accusing gaze, ‘Okay, twice, the second time was a mistake.’ He admitted. ‘Uhuh?’ Chalya pinned her round and seducing light brown eyes on him. ‘Okay, we slept together four times, she was really good in bed but she wanted something I was not and I am not ready to give.’ He offered her his final confession. ‘Talk about mixing business with pleasure.’ She used his own words against him. ‘Darling, this is not pleasure, I am not sleeping with Moremi Martin again, would you like to bet?’ Phillip grinned. Chalya shook her head immediately, ‘No, because I know you’ll sleep with her again. Whenever she is around, you become her toy.’ Her response made him reel with laughter, ‘You can’t blame a man when the honeypot is good.’ He winked and started the car. By the time she had arrived Bethsaida Hospital, her grandfather’s condition had stabilized, so she was allowed to see him. Indigo’s heart was ripped apart as she saw the frail figure on the hospital bed fighting hard to breathe, to live, now her grandfather. She was terrified of a life without him. She had not met her parents, he had raised her alone and had thought her to depend on him. ‘Papa!’ she rushed into the room. She didn’t care about the drip on his arm, she cared that he was still alive and could recognize her. ‘Papa, I am so sorry.’ She wept on his chest. The old man knew she was afraid of losing him, he knew how much his granddaughter loved him. He knew how she was dependent on him. He cursed this strange sickness, he cursed this infirmity. ‘Don’t cry Indi, have faith child, I will not die.’ He caressed her corn rowed hair gently. Hearing this, Indigo lifted her head up, ‘How can you tell me not to cry Papa? Don’t you know that you mean the whole world to me? You are my sun, my moon and my star. If anything happens to you Papa, I will be plunged into utter darkness.’ The man beamed with a smile, she looked so beautiful just like her mother was before her untimely death. ‘I promise you my angel, I will carry your children before leaving the earth.’ He stretched his hand, while she drew nearer so he could have a touch. While they were still conversing about his health, the doctor walked into the room with a file that contained the results from her grandfather’s test. ‘Good day Dr. Arongwa,’ Indigo quickly jumped off bed, she was expectant of positive news. ‘Welcome Miss Hassan, I would love to have a word privately with you in my office.’ The man said. She didn’t like the sound of his voice, she stole one glance at her grandfather, who by the nod of his head encouraged her to go with the doctor. ‘I will be back, be good.’ She rushed swiftly and kissed his face. Five minutes later, she was already seated in the doctor’s office waiting for him to tell her just what exactly was wrong with her grandfather. ‘We ran different tests on your grandfather, and from what we discovered, he is suffering from Emphysema…’ he opened the filed he had carried and pulled out a sheet containing the results and placed it in front of her. Her hands felt moist, sweat rippled on her bare skin as she read the contents of the sheet. ‘Doctor, please I don’t understand any of this.’ She dropped the paper on the table and pushed it towards him. ‘I know this is hard for you Miss Hassan, but you need to be strong for your grandfather. We have already started treatment already, but you must pay some money for it to be continued.’ ‘I don’t still understand.’ She held her breath, knowing what could come out from his lips could be the worst. ‘Emphysema is a long term, progressive disease of the lungs that primarily causes shortness of breath due to over inflation of the air sacs of the lungs which in turn leads to shortness of breath, incessant coughing and wheezing. If not treated, could lead to death…’ No, this wasn’t happening. Her day had started out fine, but from what she saw, it would be the worst day of her twenty six years on earth. First she had lost a job at the Shola residence, now she was about losing her grandfather, but she was not going to let that happen! ‘What is the way forward?’ she licked her mouth nervously. ‘We have inhalers for the first stage of the infection, which relates to your grandfather’s condition. He would need an albuterol inhaler to help him breathe fine. Concerning, the blood he gushed out earlier, we have already given him some antibiotics and cleaned his system, he would be fine in two days.’ She liked what she heard, this was better than she expected. ‘How much will this cost?’ ‘One albuterol inhaler is about a hundred thousand Naira…’ ‘What?’ Her eyes grew wide, maybe she had not heard the doctor well or maybe she was starting to have hearing problems as her ex-boss Moremi had insinuated. ‘It is not expensive Miss Hassan, it’s even cheaper here.’ The man replied. Her heart sank a she thought about the money she had in her account, it was no way near a hundred thousand.
19 Nov 2018 | 13:33
Bring it on
19 Nov 2018 | 16:09
She didnt even ask for explanations and just fired her like that
19 Nov 2018 | 16:33
19 Nov 2018 | 16:40
19 Nov 2018 | 16:40
20 Nov 2018 | 02:48
100,000 that is huge
20 Nov 2018 | 06:01
Ride on
20 Nov 2018 | 11:53
carry go
20 Nov 2018 | 12:12
.Owk now. Carry on
20 Nov 2018 | 13:16
I have posted episode 5 and 6 Awaiting moderation
21 Nov 2018 | 01:25
hope it's really good news
21 Nov 2018 | 03:11
Let your grandfather know his health ? status
21 Nov 2018 | 10:34
Maybe you've been reinstated
21 Nov 2018 | 11:10
Ride on
21 Nov 2018 | 18:17
I hope the good news from Annabel is that you got your job back or got another bigger one
21 Nov 2018 | 18:30
That good news is exactly what you need right now
21 Nov 2018 | 19:07
23 Nov 2018 | 01:31
hope the incident doesn't have nothing to do with indigo
23 Nov 2018 | 02:53
I think there is a connection between the monster that kill Phillip's mom and Indigo
23 Nov 2018 | 13:12
Episode 9 Her excitement had waned after she realized she would have to leave her sick grandfather at home, she had some fears of him needing help and having someone to take care of him, but the old man had sensed this and asked her to go to her workplace that he could take care of himself or ask one of the neighbors for help. She flagged down a taxi and the man asked, ‘Where to?’ ‘Davina’s Coffee Shop.’ She replied curtly. She had found it difficult to sleep at night as she thought of her new job and the people that she would meet today. She had wondered how they would treat her. Would they be formal? Would they be nice? Would the customers like her? ‘A drop is five hundred naira.’ He replied. ‘Just go, whatever.’ Indigo grabbed the door handle and pushed it hard, then hopped in. She was almost late for the interview and she needed to catch up. Papa had always thought her that first impressions mattered a lot. Indigo smiled as she spotted some pigeons plying through the streets of the Low-Cost Housing on foot but flying anytime a vehicle came near. She was a morning persona and she always took her time to admire the little gifts of nature every morning. The sun was yet to drop her golden rays on the earth, she was yet to show her face as the clouds refused to part way for her. The sky was gloomy and dark, while thunder rumbled underneath.It was a blessed day! She had the money for her grandfather’s inhaler and she would stop at the Hospital after work, where she would place an order. If everything worked out well, she was going to lead a normal life again, once everything with work settled. Anabel had promised to introduce her to her uncle whom she could work with for more money, that had given her some hope and wiped away her worries. Thirty minutes past and she was still sinking in her early morning euphoria. She grimaced as the car came to a halt before a glassy building, whose billboard were splashed the words in bright color, “Davina’s Coffee.” ‘We’re here.’ The taxi man arrived. ‘Okay.’ She opened her bag and took out a paper note and offered it to him. ‘Thank you!’ she jumped out of the car excitedly and marched towards the building. The streets were scanty, she guessed it was because of the gloomy weather. She could see the coffee shop from outside, it was neat and classy. There was a large white counter and a showcase, full of assorted snacks and small chops. She noticed waiters where dressed in a peculiar style. ‘Awesome.’ Indigo drew in a deep breath and marched towards the door where a huge man stood, he was the security man. She flashed him a smile while he opened the door for her, ‘Welcome.’ The fat man returned her smile, which made her feel welcome and somehow safe. There were ten tables in all, and only three had been filled. She released the breath she held, and quickly pulled out the paper AD she had carried with her towards the counter. ‘Good morning, please, where can I find the manager?’ She asked the lady with round glasses, who was busy adding up figures on the calculator. ‘Morning, why do you need to see the manager please?’ She dropped the calculator and ran her eyes over Indigo. ‘Um…’ Indigo swallowed and dropped the Paper Ad before her, ‘I need a job.’ The lady nodded and pointed at a door adjacent to the counter, ‘Just knock twice and go in. I hope you’re taken, I really like that tattoo on your neck and your incredibly long hair.’ The lady’s eyes softened as she stared at the new girl. Indigo’s smile widened, she was already loved and accepted from the moment she walked in, ‘I hope so too, my name is Indigo Hassan, what’s yours?’ ‘Why don’t you see the manager first? I think we have a lot to talk about.’ The lady winked. Indigo chuckled and rushed towards the door. She was almost there when it opened and a tall man with beady brown eyes stepped out of the office. ‘Good morning Sir…’ she was a bit confused, was he the manager or another visitor? ‘Morning pretty one, looking for someone?’ ‘Yes, the manager.’ She nodded. ‘I am he that you seek.’ He replied. He really seemed nice, and this made her feel relaxed. The man saw the Paper Ad in her hand and knew she had come for the job. ‘You’re in. But, if you must work here at Davina’s for a long time, you must abide by our strict policies.’ He snapped his fingers and a guy who was cleaning the windows rushed towards them. ‘Get her a Uniform.’ He instructed. ‘Yes Sir.’ The guy bowed his head and scurried off to do his master’s bidding. Indigo couldn’t believe her ears, ‘I have the job?’ ‘Yes Pretty, but I have very strict rules. You come early; you look neat and you turn in tips you get from people and we don’t have a problem. How does that sound?’ Indigo frowned a little when she heard the last part, but she said to herself, what the heck? She needed a job badly. You’ve seen your salary from that Ad, so I guess we don’t have a problem. Just do your job perfectly and remember the customer is always right.’ He patted her on the shoulder and retreated into his office. She was blown out of her mind, she just couldn’t believe what had happened. The door to the manager’s office opened and the guy that had been sent by him to get her uniform showed up with a black bag. ‘Everything you need is all in there. When you’re done, you meet me later so could complete your bio and include your account details.’ Indigo was so excited that she nodded to each word that came out of his mouth. ‘Good, good. I’ll do as you have said.’ She collected the bag and rushed towards the changing room he had showed her. This was a blessed day!
24 Nov 2018 | 03:51
Episode 10 He was slightly irritated that Barf was yet to show up for the meeting which he had fixed for 9am. Phillip dropped his phone as he stared into the eyes of the most angelic creature he had ever set his eyes on. He was stunned that someone could look so simple yet totally adorable. She was a brown skinned lady, who didn’t struggle to be noticed because her beauty was not hidden, she was like the sun, whose rays touched the faces of many. She had a pair of aristocratic brows, bushy and well defined, her eyes were gentle, clear and brimming of peace and love; he loved her plump lips which were lightly tainted with lip gloss, bringing to life their fullness. ‘What would you like, sir?’ Indigo’s voice wavered as she looked deeper into the dark eyes that were boring holes in her. She was trapped in their obsidian nature, she was drawn in, the more she tried to look away, the more she was pulled into admiring his features. This man had the most alluring pair of eyes, with a sensuous look about them. She loved the side of his face, which was neither smooth nor rough, but had little beards sprouting like weeds would do in a valley. She looked so adorable in her pleated skirt and socks, like a teenage school girl and he almost complimented her, but held himself. She noticed his hesitance, ‘We have coffee, cold drinks, Ice cream and a variety of finger foods.’ She offered a line of options which seemed favourable. A smile played on his lips as he listened to her, she was totally blabbing, like she was nervous around him or something. ‘Relax…’ he murmured, was he that scary? Or was he affecting her the way her beauty affected him? He stole a glance at her well shaped legs, and knew for sure, that he would never forget this face in a long while. Indigo gritted her teeth, what the hell was happening to her? She had approached him with confidence, but that boldness seemed to evaporate into thin air. She had never experienced anything like it. She was almost frustrated by the time he asked her to relax. ‘Excuse me?’ She pretended not to hear him the first time, blood tweaking her cheeks as she bent her head to stare at the floor. ‘Relax…you’re kind of nervous.’ He smiled. ‘Thank you.’ She lifted her head and flashed her dimples, which made his heart beat the more. How could one person be this perfect? How could one person possess all the attributes of beauty? He liked her, he couldn’t lie to himself. She was a dessert rose and he knew this from the innocence in her eyes. He was drawn to her and wished to know more about her. ‘You know what? Just get me anything you feel it’s best…’ He tried to be friendly, but his request made Indigo uncomfortable. Before Phillip could say anything else, she was headed back to the counter where she found Halima and her boss glaring darkly at her. ‘What went on there, Pretty? If you spend that long on taking orders, how long would you spend on serving them?’ Her boss asked. She was about to explain to her boss about the confusion of the customer when Halima cut in, ‘I almost thought he was making a pass at you.’ Indigo froze where she stood, how could Halima even say something like that? ‘Sir, I would love to attend to another customer, the man needs just a cup of coffee and he wants it black.’ Indigo didn’t want to be around the handsome stranger again. He had a certain effect on her, she couldn’t put her finger round it, but she knew she would not get his cute face out of her mind. The boss was about to pressure her, but seeing that Indigo’s mind was already made up, he said, ‘Very well then, serve the customer at table seven a cup of hot coffee and some fish pie. Don’t mess this one up.’ He waved a finger across her face. She thanked him for the second chance and reassured him, that she wouldn’t do something to get him riled up. Indigo quickly refilled an empty jug with coffee, dropped a mug inside a tray while Halima dropped three rolls of fish pie for the customer. ‘All the men are ogling you, you’re such a beauty.’ Halima winked. ‘They aren’t ogling me but your fish pies.’ Indigo laughed and marched briskly towards the seventh table. Her hands were all jittery when she got there. She had a feeling the stranger was staring at her, she didn’t know why, but she felt his eyes on her back. ‘Good morning Sir.’ She whispered to the man she was about to serve, who was a straight face and had an angry and forlorn look in his eyes. ‘Morning, I hope it came with cream.’ His voice was gruff. ‘Yes.’ She decided to check the strange guy once more, before serving the customer before her. Swiftly, she turned her neck round and bam! She found his eyes on her. Her heart skipped as she realized he had been looking at her all this while. ‘Can you pour my coffee, I have other things to do.’ The man grumbled, displeased with her service. Indigo pulled her eyes away from the handsome man’s and settled them on the tray, ‘I am sorry sir, it’s just a very hectic day.’ She apologized for being absent minded. Though her hands were on the Coffee kettle, her mind was on the handsome man. She had come across good looking men, but not as hot as this one. She wished she could take a picture of his face, so she could share it with her best friend, who was a real sucker for beautiful faces. She lost focus as she imagined the guy kissing her and whispering sweet nothings into her ears, underneath the full glare of the moonlight. That had always been her fantasy and many more, as she was a diehard romantic. At once, the ceramic kettle slipped from her hands and the hot brown liquid splashed on the man’s wrist while the kettle shattered into pieces. ‘No,no!’ Indigo shrieked and shifted away from the table as the man began to scream, ‘Fuck you! You burned my fucking wrist!’ Tears drooled down her cheeks as she realized what she had just done, ‘I am so sorry sir, I didn’t mean to burn your wrist. It was a huge mistake, I promise. I can make you another cup…’ she stuttered, now thoroughly embarrassed as all eyes were on her. The sound of the crashing kettle had unsettled the peace and quiet of the coffee shop and everyone looked her way. ‘You stupid fuck! I knew you’d be no good, the moment you walked towards me smiling like a drunk bitch. How dare you?’ The man stormed towards her and launched her a resounding slap, that landed her on the floor. Her eyes were closed as she melted away in shame, how would she stand up to face the handsome stranger? To face her boss and everyone else in the shop?......
24 Nov 2018 | 03:55
Nawow for you Indigo! Why are u so sluggish?
24 Nov 2018 | 07:23
she is the architect of her own misfortune
25 Nov 2018 | 09:17
See this Indigo, how can u be so careless, us first day at work
25 Nov 2018 | 09:17
Hmm, pele fantasizing while working
25 Nov 2018 | 14:38
sorry for yourself
26 Nov 2018 | 02:29
Admin awaiting moderation do something since morning I posted new episode
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27 Nov 2018 | 01:58
u see a handsome guy and u started drooling
27 Nov 2018 | 06:21
Episode 13 Where would she go from here? Her grandfather had just a few days before the short breaths started. ‘I told you!’ Phillip couldn’t leave without her; he wanted to see what would come out of her entrance into the Shop. This time she didn’t hide her tears, she left them fall freely. She didn’t care if he were a stranger or not, she was choked. She was trapped in a river of tears and pain, she just needed someone to talk to. I am lost, I am finished.’ She cried. ‘Come here…’ his heart softened as he watched her cry. He couldn’t stand it anymore, so he held her hands, gently this time, then pulled her into his arms and led her head on his hard chest. Her tears soaked his shirt, but he didn’t mind. He realized this was the first time he was moved to tears, since his mother’s demise. ‘Tell me Indigo, why are you crying? If it’s about the job, I could get you another one.’ He whispered into her ears. She guessed he was just saying that to make her happy. Though she needed a new job, she was not willing to get her hopes high this time. ‘Is this about something else? Please talk to me, I may be able to help.’ He wanted her to open up to him. She decided it was time to end her tears, she raised her head from his chest and quickly wiped her face with a piece of tissue paper she’d fetched from her pocket. ‘I am sorry.’ She sniffed, ‘For this.’ she pointed at the portion of his shirt that was smeared by tears. Phillip smiled, he couldn’t believe what was happening. He had just hugged a stranger and allowed her to weep in his arms. ‘Are you ready to talk about it?’ He asked. ‘You can’t help. Even if you could, I don’t want to drag you into my life. I am a mess. I always ruin good things.’ She shrugged and forced a smile. Phillip didn’t smile back. He was terribly worried about her, knowing she still blamed herself for the loss of her job. ‘Can you just tell me what it is that is bothering you?’ He asked. She sighed, ‘I need about a hundred thousand, to get an Albutrol inhaler. Are you satisfied now?’ Phillip couldn’t believe she was worried sick because of that amount which meant nothing to him. He spent more than that in day. ‘Is that all?’ He almost laughed but held himself. ‘Yes’ Indigo noticed he was lightly amused, that was very weird. ‘Come.’ He marched towards his car. She had not wanted to go with him, but there was something about him that made her trust him. The sight of the black Bentley surprised her, she didn’t know much about cars, but this was expensive. Who was this man? Phillip had never done this before. He had never displayed this level of kindness to anyone except his sister Chalya. ‘You’re lucky.’ He noticed he had some money in his pigeon hole. He counted the notes swiftly, put them in an envelope and gave it to her. She was confused, she didn’t know how to react. ‘I don’t understand, you can’t just give me money like that. You just met me.’ He knew she would assume the worst of him, but he quickly calmed her fears, ‘Indigo, I think you should learn to be more appreciative. You are a very beautiful woman and I won’t lie, I got caught up in it. But at the same time, there are no strings attached to this money. I don’t need anything from you. Now do you want my help or not?’ She searched his dark eyes for the truth. She was touched by this level of kindness, so much that her heart bubbled with joy, and tears became a product of her happiness. She fell on her knees, ‘Thank you Mr. Phillip. Thank you.’ She wept, but he quickly pulled her up. ‘That’s not necessary, I have to go now, can I drop you off?’ Phillip checked his phone and noticed he had missed Moremi’s call seven times. She wasn’t thinking clearly now, ‘Um, if you like.’ ‘Where do you live?’ He ran his eyes over his screen. Moremi had just sent him a message, describing her current location and asking for his presence. Indigo felt instantly ashamed of her dwelling place, how could this sophisticated man know where she was living? How could he even see her grandfather in his deplorable state? ‘Never mind, I will be fine. Thank you.’ She smiled. ‘Okay then, have my card. Call me if you need anything.’ He offered her his complimentary card. ‘Thanks a lot Mr. Phillip.’ She sighed. ‘Call me Phillip, I must go now.’ He jumped into the car and pushed his key into the ignition. He drove away in a screech of tires, leaving her staring after him. ‘Thank you Jesus.’ Indigo was all smiles, she couldn’t believe her luck. She flagged down a taxi and hopped right in. She had to go straight to the hospital for the inhaler before something else happened to the money Phillip had given to her. Indigo was amazed by what had just taken place. She had heard stories of guardian angels, but she had not known, one would come to her. Moremi had asked the old man a lot of questions while waiting for Phillip’s arrival. He had confirmed the figures she had on paper. He had complained about the state of the building and how expensive the rent was. ‘You make me laugh Mr. Hassan, what do you think will happen when this building is finally brought down?’ Moremi asked. Papa was silent, he didn’t understand what the woman meant by that. ‘I do not understand you Ms Hajjo.’ He replied. ‘Well, I am not only Hajjo’s daughter I’m also a lawyer. I am done here.’ She sent Phillip a text to cancel his coming as she was tired of waiting for him. The old man was still not comfortable by what she had said earlier. ‘Ms Moremi…’ he started but she quickly corrected him. ‘Barrister Moremi…’ she grinned. ‘Yes, if there’s anything we need to know, don’t you think, it’s our right to know that?’ He asked. She rubbed her chin for some seconds, ‘Well, you need to prepare yourselves. This place will have a Midas touch. Everything will be worked on and the rent shall be increased.’ She explained. The old man’s face grew pale, ‘Increased?’ ‘Yes. We are talking half a million.’ She replied. He scoffed, she was probably joking, ‘That’s too much.’ ‘You think? Now that I have seen this building for myself, I think it’s worth more than half a million. After Phillip is done, it should be worth a million Naira, this building is not meant for paupers. People that cannot afford it can as well move out.’ She was by the door now, she cast the old man one disgusted look before noticing a picture on the wall. Anger shot through her as she spotted the face of the clumsy girl whom she had fired the day before. ‘You know that piece of wreckage?’ Moremi sneered. Papa followed her gaze and found out she was staring at Indigo’s eighteenth birthday picture, ‘Yes, she lives here with me. She is my granddaughter.’ His voice carried pride. Moremi couldn’t believe this, ‘I see why she was always clumsy.’ She shook her head and stormed out of the house before the smelly old man could ask her another stupid question.
27 Nov 2018 | 06:58
Episode 14 She couldn’t wait to get back home, so she could take a thorough bath with warm water and antiseptic. She was done with her research and she would advise Phillip accordingly. When she was settled in her car, she decided to check her phone, should Phillip have called. There was no sign of his call or text message, so she decided to drive straight home. She couldn’t wait to set eyes on him later. He had never felt this fulfilled and useful like now, Phillip couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful face. She was so excited about the money he had give to her, and this made him realize that there were a lot of people out there that needed help. ‘I don’t know what to say…’ Indigo’s voice was broken, she had heard stories of people being helped by total strangers, she never knew she would be a part of such blissful stories. Phillip was God sent, he was an angel and he had just showed up on time. Without him, her already tough life would have become more difficult. She was overwhelmed with joy, she could only express it in tears. ‘Hey, you don’t need to cry, it’s nothing. You deserve this’ He touched her face lightly, brushing off the droplets that had splashed on her cheeks. He didn’t understand, how could he? She had nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to, and he had just showed up from the blues and taken away her fears. ‘Thank you Phillip.’ She wept. Phillip was so touched by her emotional display, he realized that the things he took for granted were very important to other people. ‘I have to go now Indigo, you have my card, call me if you need anything.’ He let go of her face. He still had to see Mr. Barf, who had failed to show up at the coffee shop for the meeting. He also had a meeting with his lawyer, Moremi, that same day. So, if he was going to beat traffic, he had to move fast. A part of him didn’t want to leave Indigo, he liked her and enjoyed being around her which was unexplainable, as they had just met at the coffee shop. She wiped her face and peered at him, she liked being around Phillip. She was not scared of him, like she was, whenever other men came to her. She felt safe with him, and that was strange, as she had never met him before. ‘Thank you,’ she nodded. She couldn’t wait to tell Ana everything that had taken place. ‘I have to go now, will you call me?’ Phillip stared at her eyes intently, there was something about her, he just couldn’t put a finger on it, but he liked it. Indigo gave him a positive reply, ‘I will. Thank you very much.’ She waved at him as he burrowed into the car and drove away. ‘Yes!’ She jumped on her feet and flagged down the closest taxi. She was heading first to the hospital where she would procure the inhaler, and then she would get home later and call Ana. ‘Where to?’ The Taxi driver asked. ‘Bethsaida Hospital.’ She answered before hopping right in. Her day had started out perfectly, but horrible situations wanted to ruin it. Thank God for Phillip, he saved her day. ‘You need to make me understand, I know this building needs renovation, but why does it have to be that expensive?’ Papa asked Moremi, who had explained to him, what was destined to happen in some months. She had not come for questions, but since the old man showed interest, she decided to take him on. ‘The materials are going to be imported. This building would be fixed with the best of building materials, best of tiles, roofs, toilet seats and the rest. This should make you happy and not sad. It is for the best.’ She snorted, as she took another look at the poorly furnished living room. The old man observed that she was disgusted by their standard of living, but he ignored her. Since she was Mr. Hajjo’s daughter, she must have been spoilt from birth as she was raised with a silver spoon and definitely used to all the best standards of living. ‘It is not for the interest of those living here. This building was originally created by Mr Hajjo for low income earners. We can manage it the way it is, instead of paying exorbitant rates. It was never designed for the high class, as the head of all the tenants, we reject this sort of renovation.’ The man argued, he was uncomfortable with this new development. His facial expression made her laugh. The old man looked so serious and agitated, forgetting that the final decision would be taken by her as Phillip’s lawyer which he knew nothing about. ‘What makes you think that you have a say in this?’ Her voice bubbled with mockery. ‘It is our right as tenants to reject what does not sit well with us. We work very hard to pay our bills and rent, if renovation comes, how many can afford that?’ Papa raised a brow, it was clear that this woman didn’t understand the suffering of the people that lived there. She was far off in a planet made of gold. ‘I am sorry Mallam Hassan, but you do not have that right. You can spread the word about this renovation. Once the renovation has been worked out, you all should be ready with half a million or more, or you find your way out.’ She quickly gathered the files she had scattered on the table, it was time to leave. She had to tell Phillip her final thoughts on this matter. The old man was thunder struck as he heard those words, ‘I don’t understand you.’ He hoped he had not heard her well. ‘You heard me Mallam Hassan; it’s half a million or nothing, good day.’ She marched confidently towards the door, leaving no stone unturned. A trickle of excitement rushed in her veins as she thought of her darling Phillip, whom she couldn’t wait to set her eyes on. She was about touching the door handle before it was moved from the outside, propelling the door backwards. Her joy at her day’s accomplishment fled as she stood face to face with the last person she expected to see here. ‘You?’ Moremi scoffed, what was really happening? Indigo couldn’t move or say anything, she was troubled by Morem’s visit, what was she doing in her home? ‘Good afternoon Madam.’ Indigo managed. Moremi ignored her greeting, ‘Do you live here?’ ‘Yes, yes.’ Indigo answered speedily, so many thoughts ran through her mind. Had Moremi come to ask for her return to the Shola residence? That would make her day super perfect, she really considered this possibility. Moremi had never liked Indigo from the first day she resumed work at the Shola residence. She was not coordinated. She was talkative and rowdy and she never prepared meals on time. Worse off, she had a chicken brain which made her very clumsy. ‘I see why you are so foolish. Living in a dilapidated building can hardly do justice to one’s brain. Have a nice day Indigo and explain to the old man the meaning of “Renovation.” She hissed angrily and stormed out of the house, leaving Indigo and her grandfather stunned.
27 Nov 2018 | 07:02
Oh my God
27 Nov 2018 | 07:35
Owk..loving this story. You should av told him what you are going inside to do.....well i know that he will still find out
27 Nov 2018 | 08:02
Wow great story but i feel for indi
27 Nov 2018 | 11:37
Wow i pray for goodnews o
27 Nov 2018 | 11:59
This suffering is too much
27 Nov 2018 | 12:11
but on a serious note,,, why is she alws clumsy,,, she knows why she is working, so she suppose to put her mind in wat she is doing,,,, if she is in dos rich pple's shoe, she will also hate lawlessness
27 Nov 2018 | 15:04
see finishing
27 Nov 2018 | 16:46
Episode 15 She knew quite well that her grandfather had listened to her conversation with Moremi, he was going to need explanations. ‘I got you the inhaler.’ She pulled it out of her bag and walked towards him, hoping he wouldn’t ask her about Moremi. She was not ready to tell her grandfather the truth, that she had lost her job at the Shola residence. The old man ignored her, he could see through her antics. ‘How do you know Mr. Hajjo’s daughter?’ Papa asked. ‘Mr. Hajjo?’ Indigo raised a brow. Her grandfather had never told her about the man who owned the building, this was the time for it. ‘Mr. Hajjo owns the Low cost buildings, his daughter is the lady you were speaking with.’ Papa answered. Indigo was amused, it was obvious that Moremi had lied to her grandfather. She wished she could tell him the truth about her and who she truly was. But she couldn’t, if she revealed Moremi’s background, her secret would be let loose and she didn’t want that. ‘I met her in school once, can you focus on your inhaler?’ She rushed over her answer. ‘Why did you get me this? It looks expensive.’ He narrowed his brows. He had a strong feeling that Indigo was hiding something from him, but he was not ready to pursue that. Already, there was something of greater importance on ground, he had to handle that first. Papa, you ask too many questions, but if you must know, the doctor prescribed this for your short breaths. Anytime you have that problem, just use it.’ She sank into the chair, feeling exhausted after a long day. The old man accepted the inhaler and put it casually into his pocket. ‘Can you believe that she wants us all to leave this building in the name of renovation? She is so spoilt and inconsiderate, she is nothing like her boss who is a very good man.’ Papa complained. She had never heard her grandfather sound so bitter about someone. Well, she was not surprised, Moremi was a beast, and ripping people apart gave her joy. ‘I was about to ask why she had come here then.’ ‘Her father is renovating these buildings and we are to pay half a million naira as rent once the changes are made.’ The old man paused as his granddaughter dropped on the floor and rolled in laughter. ‘I thought she was joking as well, but she isn’t. She means every word that she had spoken. I feel I should tell the others about what has happened, we should all assemble and fight for our rights.’ Papa was ready to stand up for himself ad for the others this time around. His heart sank as he remembered how he had failed to stand up for himself when he had been relieved of his duties at the Forest Reserve and without a lasting reward. ‘I cannot let this happen another time, I have to do something.’ He thought. Indigo struggled to her feet, she didn’t believe a word that her grandfather had just spoken. ‘We barely pay this current rent at the designated time, how then would we pay half a million? I think Moremi is joking, she has to be.’ Indigo pushed the thoughts of the exorbitant rent out of her mind, she was determined to enjoy the rest of the day, and nothing would ruin it. ‘Call me Nora, let her gather the rest of the tenants. I must tell them what is going on.’ Papa had to prepare himself for the worst. Indigo was hesitant to do her granddad’s bidding. As far as she was concerned, Moremi was joking, there was no way they will be made to pay half a million Naira. ‘Don’t you think you’re going too far Papa? What if she was just messing with you? If I gather all the tenants and you tell them about this development, what happens should Moremi denounce her statement?’ The old man pondered on this line of thought for while. ‘They will make a fool of me.’ He murmured silently. ‘Of course they will. Look, I don’t know what you discussed with that woman, but from what you have told me, she is a very dishonest woman. You need your rest now.’ She moved up to him, grabbed his hands gently and led him towards his bedroom. The old man felt at ease, ‘You know, I always feel better after talking to you darling child. You remind me of your mother…’ his eyes held a sadness that could never be forgotten and she saw it. Indigo had never asked after her parents. Her grandfather had never shared anything with her, and she felt it rude to ask him. Maybe he was protecting her from something grave, but she was mature enough to handle anything now. ‘You always talk about my mother…’ she led him to the bed. ‘Yes.’ The old man agreed. Indigo’s mother had been his only child, he had loved her with all of his heart, but his love was obviously not enough, and she had found it in the arms of another man. ‘But you never talk about my dad.’ She knew she was treading on a dangerous path, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was the truth about her parents, especially her father whom her Papa rarely mentioned. He hated talking about that scum that had broken his daughter’s heart, a heart that had been ripped into a thousand pieces; a heart that never found peace and that led to her untimely death. ‘Your father isn’t a Nigerian, you know part. What else do you want to know?’ Papa asked. ‘Pictures, show me his pictures. I would love to have a glimpse at his face.’ She was eager to see this man whom she had never set her eyes on. Papa was ready to do anything for Indigo, even at the cost of his own life, but he was not ready to tell her about her father. ‘He was not a good man Indi, he never treated you like a daughter. It’s best you do not know about him.’ He knew this would hurt her, but he felt that she would understand. Her Papa’s words cut into her fiercely, how could he deny her this one thing that meant the whole world to her? ‘I am tired of being kept in the dark. I don’t care whether he was a devil or a saint! I just want to see him!’ Angrily, she marched towards the door. She was weary of being plunged into utter darkness, ‘Secrets would do you no good, you taught me that.’ She swirled and reminded her grandfather of his words. He knew that she was annoyed with him, but he was doing his best to shield her from the world and from herself. ‘You are not that innocent grandchild.’ He lowered his head unto the pillow. Her grandfather had a way with words. She knew when he was trying to send her a deep message in way no one else would understand. ‘What do you mean?’ She crossed her arms and waited for him to speak. He laughed, ‘I am not a fool Indigo. I carried you in my arms. I kissed and prayed for you every night. I know you even more than you know yourself and I know you have been lying to me.’ Her heart jumped. No, he couldn’t know about her job loss? She had tried her best to act like she knew nothing about Moremi.
28 Nov 2018 | 03:39
Episode 16 I overheard you and Anastasia last night. You have lied twice; first, about your job; secondly, about my health. Is that fair?’ Indigo couldn’t move where she stood. So he had know all these while that she had lost her job? He had also know about his health condition. ‘That is not what we are debating here. I want to know my parents, please. Is that too much for you to ask?’ She felt frustrated. He understood her agitation and her pain. He knew she was lost in wonder as to who her biological parents were, but he was never going to change his ground. ‘I have to sleep now Indigo. Thank your friend Ana for her help, but I don’t want you to be close to her anymore neither should you take cash gifts. I do not trust her.’ The old man advised. She was ready to launch another argument, but stopped when he closed his eyes and waved her out of the room. ‘Sleep well.’ She whispered sadly before walking out of his bedroom. She had spent her night checking out the buildings that her elder brother planned to renovate. They were substandard, and originally created for low income earners. Chalya was not comfortable with Phillip’s idea of hiking the rent, and this was what she had come to discuss with him after his return from the coffee shop. ‘You don’t look too good.’ She walked in and pulled a chair next to the table. ‘Barf didn’t show up. I’ve been trying to reach him, but his lines are off. He knows how important he is, to the realization of this dream, why would he treat me like that?’ Phillip hissed angrily. The only occurrence that prevented him for cursing the whole day for his bad luck, was his meeting with Indigo, the girls whose smile could halt an earthquake; whose tears could pacify the volcano. He had not known her all of his life, but he was convinced in his heart of hearts that she was a good person. ‘I am sorry about that. I assumed you guys met.’ She understood why he had a frown on his face. ‘I just hate it when people disappoint me.’ He tossed his phone carelessly on the table. ‘Maybe he is in some kind of fix. He would call you, just forget him for now and focus on other things.’ She prayed silently that her brother would listen to what she had to say about the renovation. He shrugged, and decided to keep Barf aside, he could still contact the man later. He didn’t need any spoilers today, he had met an amazing person, who touched his life in a special way. He would think about her instead. ‘You look beautiful, orange looks good on you.’ He admired his sister’s blazer. Thanks. You look good yourself, I guess you had some ladies neck at 360 at that coffee shop.’ She teased her bro, hoping to get a smile from him. Her words worked like magic on him, Phillip’s throaty chuckle filled the room. ‘I met someone.’ He confessed. ‘You did?’ She shifted in her seat, pulling herself and her chair closer to the table for more. ‘Yes, but we’ll talk about her later. She just has this, I don’t know. There’s something about her.’ He shook his head and waved thoughts of Indigo aside. ‘Okay, can you at least tell me her name?’ Chalya was excited for her brother. If meeting a new person would tear him away from that snaky Moremi, she was ready to stand by him. ‘Indigo. Can you imagine that? Everything about her is so different and unique.’ ‘That’s a cute name, I’ve never heard it before. I guess she is as unique as you make her to be.’ Chalya smiled. ‘Of course.’ He drummed his fingers on the table. He had given her his complimentary card, he hoped that she would call him. They both fell quiet for a few seconds. Chalya decided that this was the best time to talk to her brother. ‘Phillip, there’s something I need you to see.’ She flipped open the envelope she carried, then dropped the sheets she had been working with. His eyes were on the papers, he drew them close and lifted them till they met with his eyes. ‘You’ve collated data on the tenants…’ he observed. ‘Yes.’ She replied curtly. ‘Where did you get this from? This must be really old.’ He scanned the numbers and the data beside them. ‘Yes, it’s old. But there has been no record of leaving, only record of deaths. What does this tell you brother? Please don’t just stare at those numbers like a scientist would. I want you to think, please.’ She begged. He didn’t know where his sister was going and he had to be honest with her. ‘I am sorry Chalya, but all I see are numbers, names, occupation and the years of residence. What more do you want me to see?’ He dropped the sheets and fixed his eyes on her. She couldn’t believe her brother would toss her night’s labor to the table at first glance. But she didn’t mind, since he had refuse to understand, she was ready to tell him what she thought about his renovation.
28 Nov 2018 | 03:43
Nawow! Moremi easy ooo... Philip is not yet yours oo
28 Nov 2018 | 04:35
I knw indigo and Philip will come to be. And it will b fantastic to experience it
28 Nov 2018 | 04:42
Moremi..... Ki lo de
28 Nov 2018 | 08:31
Hhm from one problem to another
28 Nov 2018 | 10:12
Sorry indigo I just dislike moremi's behaviour
28 Nov 2018 | 12:54
Busy body dey this world
28 Nov 2018 | 13:29
28 Nov 2018 | 18:36
dat moremi still Hav indigo to contend with,,, den she will know wield d great weapon btw dem
29 Nov 2018 | 02:18
Episode 17 I know you’re going to call me weak like you always call dad, but I don’t care. No one will tell you the truth, no one would lead you to the path of light except I, your sister who loves you so much.’ He had never seen his baby sister like this. He could tell that something weighed heavily on her small shoulders and he couldn’t wait to hear it. ‘I won’t call you weak for having an opinion, just don’t sound like our father.’ He rolled his eyes. ‘I don’t like the way you’re going about this renovation. I know you mean well for dad’s legacy and for the people, but for a second stop and have a rethink.’ She had cried throughout the night, after discovering that the bulk of people occupying those buildings were extremely poor. Instead of destroying the place that had become home for them along the years, Phillip could renovate for free and even reduce their current rent. They had enough money that could last them a lifetime as PIE was doing extremely well. ‘Really? So how should I go about it?’ His sister’s advice irked him, she sounded exactly like their dad. ‘You can renovate for free and reduce their rent. Those people are very poor Phil, you need to pay that place a visit, so you understand their financial plight. Nobody living there presently can afford half a million as rent. You know this, but you are hardening your heart and trampling on the poor if you refuse to listen to me.’ Phillip hated mixing empathy with business, ‘Okay, enough! You know nothing about legacy. The Low cost housing is what is left of our father’s legacy and I am trying to polish that for both of us. You think this is about me? It’s more about you because I have PIE. I am terribly disappointed in you Chalya, I expected you to understand that I am doing this for your own good.’ He barked at her, he had a feeling his father had put her up to this. ‘You’re not doing this for me and we both know that.’ Tears poured on her cheeks, she knew exactly why Phillip was bent on punishing those people. ‘Okay tell me.’ He walked away from the table and moved towards the only window in the office. You are doing this because you hate father. You are intentionally spiting him because he does not have money like you do. Don’t be selfish Phillip. You can renovate that place for free and still remain a billionaire. If you go ahead with that plan of yours to oppress those poor people, I don’t think I ever want to be associated with you.’ She packed all of her papers and rushed out of the office before he could say one more word to her.Her last words touched him, how could Chalya say such hurtful words to him? ‘You’re still a child, you know nothing about legacy.’ He concluded before returning to his chair the moment he heard a knock. ‘The door is open.’ He called out. Hello Handsome.’ Her eyes twinkled as she spotted him in his executive chair. Phillip Hajjo was a god, he looked very simple in a shirt and denim, but the aura of a boss was all over him and she liked it. ‘Moremi…’ he welcomed her with a smile. ‘Well that’s my name.’ Her voice was barely a whisper, she was drawing him closer to her. Her actions were full of purpose and intent. Something weird was happening to him. Before, the sight of Moremi could turn him on, but he felt nothing as he stared at the brown beauty. Her seductive moves had no effect on him. His focus was on her findings and the next step for they were going to take. ‘Have a seat beautiful.’ He smiled. ‘Thanks love.’ She quickly settled in before crossing her long legs. ‘What can I offer you?’ Phillip inquired. ‘Nothing, I came here strictly for business.’ She opened her briefcase and fetched the files where she had recorded some important things. What now? Phillip thought. He hoped that Moremi had not come to tell him how devilish his plans were, just like Chalya had done. ‘I went to the Low Cost Housing today. I spoke with some tenants and told them about our plans. We just have one man who would be a stumbling block to this whole process.’ She clasped her hands together while waiting for him to give her feedback. He noticed that what she had collated was similar to Chalya’s work. The files had the names and occupation of the all the tenants. ‘This is good.’ He liked the neat work that she had delivered. ‘Yes.’ She smiled. ‘So who is this man that would want to stop our move?’ Phillip asked. She cleared her throat and readied herself for the next part. ‘His name is Mallam Hassan and he is the head of all tenants. He is an old man, but from what I observed, he is really influential. If he turns the people against us, you may not be able to achieve your dreams.’ She carefully explained. She made him understand that she had told the man everything that Phillip had planned out for their Housing which was for good and not evil. But the man would have none of it. ‘Nonsense! It is my father’s property and I have the right to do with it whatever I choose. I can’t believe you let that man intimidate you.’ Phillip scoffed. He couldn’t wait to set his eyes on this Mallam Hassan, whoever he was. ‘He can stop you if he wants you.’ Moremi retorted quietly. ‘What?’ He rubbed his temple in annoyance. ‘How can he do that?’ Phillip asked. ‘If he gathers the tenants together and they go on television protesting against you, it could be over, especially if you fail to get your dad’s full consent. If they don’t do that, they could get a very good lawyer who could sue you. This is my work Phillip, you need to trust me.’ ‘Sue me?’ That was laughable. She knew he found it hard to believe, ‘Hey, if you have somebody close who doesn’t buy this idea, the person could work with these peasants to make a mess of you.’ The only person he could think of was Chalya, but he knew she was not that courageous. She wouldn’t dare go up against him.
29 Nov 2018 | 02:54
Episode 18 ‘There is no person like that. Can I ask you a question?’ ‘Yes?’ She was ready to give him the answers that he needed. ‘Do you think what I am doing is wrong? I meant the rent. My sister thinks I should renovate for free.’ He had to share with Moremi, he wanted to know what she thought of his plan. Moremi smiled and leaned closer to the table so she could have a better view of his seductive eyes. ‘Honey, if you were on the wrong track, I wouldn’t be in your office. Half a million is too small for what you plan for that place. Those peasants are undeserving of those rooms. Don’t make anyone trouble you, I am your lawyer and you are on the right track.’ She smiled. ‘Thanks,’ he was slightly relieved. But that wasn’t all, he had to do something about the tenants uniting together against him. ‘How do we stop the tenants from doing something against this work?’ He asked. ‘You have no other option but to evict the old man I’ve just told you about. Mallam Hassan is the voice of the Low Cost Housing. I fired his clumsy granddaughter few days back, now I consider it, I did the right thing.’ Phillip was not comfortable with the idea of evicting the old man, but if this man was as powerful as Moremi made him out to be, then he was left with no other choice. ‘I will draft a quit notice and send it to him.’ This was a hard thing to do. But he quickly reminded himself that he was not a weakling like his father. ‘Call me once you have done that, I would deliver it in person to that silly old man.’ She offered. ‘Thanks.’ He was grateful for all her help. She was not finished with her work as his lawyer, ‘Were you able to meet with the supplier?’ Moremi asked. ‘No, Barf didn’t show up.’ Phillip was startled, how had Moremi known about his supplier Barf? He didn’t remember telling her about the German. ‘Who else would be working with us? I need to know everyone involved in this, so I could advice them accordingly.’ She asked. ‘Um, my younger sister, she is my personal assistant and my uncle, Usman Hajjo, whom I will offer a contract once we begin.’ Phillip realized he had not spoken to his uncle about his plans yet. He couldn’t blame himself; his father was a difficult man and hated Uncle Usman, his only brother for no reason. She was done with her work for the day. She loved that he always came to her for advice before taking any decision. ‘I must go now darling…’ she rose to her feet. ‘So soon?’ He arched a brow. ‘Yes. I have other matters to attend to.’ She moved to his side of the table. She smelt of vanilla and roses, but her sweet scent no longer yielded any effect on him. ‘You are a very handsome man Phil, I don’t know why we couldn’t keep it together.’ She touched his chin lightly. ‘Some of us are not meant for love.’ He let her play with his face. Moremi had always loved stroking his face and he always allowed her. ‘But we can work something out Phil. I was not ready because I had my whole life ahead of me and so did you. We had to work hard and make a name for ourselves. Love had no place back then, but now? We should consider it darling, we are a good match. No other woman would ever love you and suit you, the way I do and you know this.’ She dropped a kiss on his forehead. She couldn’t hold back her love for Phillip anymore. She had been greatly excited when he had called her two months back and asked if she was interested in working with him. She saw that as an opportunity to straighten things with him. I don’t know Moremi, I hate to mix business with pleasure. We could never keep our hands off each other, and I don’t want that for us now. We have a huge task ahead of us, maybe we should focus on that.’ He couldn’t deny the fact that Moremi was an incredibly sexual appealing woman. She was ambitious and full of dreams just as himself. But this was not the time for their flirtations. They had to crush the common enemies that would spring up from this project. Besides, she no longer affected him the way she used to. His mind was occupied by the angelic face he had seen at the Coffee shop. ‘Alright, I know you are a hardworking and honest man and I will respect that. But once this project is over, I would be back for us.’ She caressed his muscular chest before grabbing her briefcase. He didn’t promise her a thing, ‘Till then, take care of yourself.’ He walked towards her and dipped a hand into his pocket, ‘Wait.’ Was he going to kiss her? She wondered, but managed to keep a straight face. ‘Have this for the stress of going to the Low Cost Housing.’ He offered her some money. ‘Aw, you are a very generous man.’ She collected the notes from him and asked, ‘How do I show my gratitude?’ Her eyes travelled from the crown of his head, downwards to his chest and settled on his crotch. ‘Have a beautiful day.’ He ignored her squalid words. The minute Moremi had stepped out of his office, his phone rang, it was Mr. Barf, the German supplier.
29 Nov 2018 | 02:57
hmmm... na woow oohh... climber.
29 Nov 2018 | 06:45
Am sure wen he knows Mallam Hassan is Indigo’s grandpa he’ll think twice
29 Nov 2018 | 08:04
Still with you Continue
29 Nov 2018 | 10:59
hmmmmm,,,, if he gets to know dat his angelic face is living in dat house,,, I doubt he wil evict dem
29 Nov 2018 | 18:47
Episode 19 Her phone was ringing, and she couldn’t ignore it, she knew who was calling and how angry he could get whenever his call was not taken. She clasped to her briefcase tighter and placed her mobile phone against her ears. ‘Hello sir…’ she murmured. ‘Pretty woman, where are you?’ He asked. ‘At PIE’s establishment, why do you ask?’ ‘I am there myself, I came to see him.’ The man answered. ‘Okay, good. We must not be seen with each other, I don’t want to get us into trouble.’ She advised. The man laughed, ‘Trouble? I am trouble.’ ‘I was able to convince him to evict Mallam Hassan, the old man I told you about earlier. If he does that, he would be falling straight into your trap. You can deal with him then but leave me out of it as we agreed.’ ‘Fair. Thanks for your help Barrister Shola, I know it is not easy. But you know what this property means to me. I cannot let go of this opportunity to enrich myself.’ ‘Just remember to give me the other cut, once the deal is sealed.’ ‘No problem, come outside, let me see your beautiful face before I meet Phillip.’ ‘We’ll need to be brief.’ She warned. ‘All good.’ The man accepted. He had just gotten off the phone with Mr. Barf who told him something very sad. The German had been attacked by gunmen, on his way to the coffee shop which was assigned for their meeting. The men had beaten him to pulp, which had led to internal bleeding. They had carted away with his valuables and the list he had made for the project. Now he was in a hospital, left with nothing, but his international passport. ‘This is shit!’ Phillip slammed the table with his hands. If the supplier were ill, who would ship in all the materials they needed and at a very cheap rate? Why were things working against him now? ‘Are you okay?’ Chalya burst in without knocking. ‘This is not the time Chalya.’ He grunted. ‘I know, but there’s something I must tell you. I know I may sound delusional, but I have a strong feeling that you are being surrounded by dishonest people.’ ‘What now Chalya?’ He was tired of bad news. ‘I just returned from my lunch break. I found Moremi in the arms of our uncle.’ ‘Our uncle?’ Phillip raised a brow, he couldn’t think straight now. ‘Uncle Usman, and that hug was nothing innocent. Father was never comfortable with his brother, I don’t think it is right to be working with this man.’ Chalya advised. Phillip was tired of ignoring Chalya’s naivety, ‘Hey Chalya, you need to grow up. Maybe they know each other from somewhere. Your aversion for Moremi has blinded you to many things. I would no longer tolerate your assumptions, now leave…’ he pointed at the door. She had never seen her brother this upset with her, ‘Phillip, you need to listen to me, please.’ ‘I am done listening, I want to be alone now.’ ‘What’s that sore look on your face? Did something go wrong?’ Ana watched her friend. Indigo couldn’t disobey her grandfather, she had to end her friendship with Ana soon. Her Papa’s advice was invaluable and she couldn’t throw it to the dust. ‘I lost my job.’ She couldn’t like to Ana. She had fed her granddad with enough lies, there was no need of telling more. ‘What? You were doing just fine and that Uniform looked really good on you.’ She felt bad for her friend. ‘Yes.’ Indigo agreed with a nod. She wanted to tell Ana that she had lost the money too, but a kind stranger whose phone number she had had come to her rescue, but she decided to keep Phillip to herself. ‘Is this why you are sad?’ Ana laughed. ‘Yes…’ Indigo was surprised her friend found humor in this. ‘I still need to pay my fees, the rent and pay for the next inhaler. There’s a lot of things I have to handle, so it’s not funny.’ Ana could tell that her best friend was hurt by her laughter, ‘I am sorry I laughed, I wasn’t mocking you or anything. I can help…’ Indigo’s countenance brightened once this was said, ‘Really?’ ‘Yes, you know what? Dress up, let me take you to my uncle’s house. Do not be afraid, he has a wife and kids and he just returned from America.’ ‘The Uncle that gave you a hundred thousand?’ Indigo asked. Ana nodded, ‘Yes. I told him that I have a friend who is in need of cash, and he wants to meet with you.’ Indigo was not comfortable with this meeting, she knew that her grandfather would not be happy with her if she agreed. But she needed the money, she had bills to pay and her grandfather’s inhaler to purchase. She was quite sure that Papa was sleeping, all she needed to do was sneak out of the house with Ana. ‘What’s wrong? Look, if you don’t want to go with me, you may as well stay back. It is not by force.’ Ana hissed loudly. Indigo quickly apologized and made her understand that she couldn’t leave the house because of her grandfather’s health condition. ‘But you said he was strong. Besides, if anything should happen to him, he has the inhaler, he could use it.’ Ana replied, but Indigo was still not comfortable with this idea. Ana had to convince her somehow. ‘Come on Indi, look at your life and how horrible things are turning out. You got a job and lost it the same day. What makes you think you could get another one anytime soon? This is your chance, you need to take it. My uncle is a good man and wouldn’t do you any harm, just come with me.’ Ana was right. She needed to help herself out of this situation. Yes, Mr. Phillip had saved her today. He had cleared her debts and had not asked for anything in return, but for how long would he keep doing that? ‘I will go with you…’ she murmured silently and cursed herself for disobeying her Papa. But she knew he would understand as always. Their need for survival was paramount and he wouldn’t hate her for doing something that would be for the greater good. ‘Good girl, now you’re talking.’ Ana moved closer to her side of the bed and caressed her cheeks, ‘You should be taking decisions on your own Indigo, you’re a big girl now, and forget your Papa. He has lived his life, you should live yours.’ ‘On one condition,’ she chipped in, she couldn’t just sneak out of the house like that. ‘What is that?’ Ana released her cheeks. ‘I will only spend thirty minutes. I cannot leave my Papa for too long.’ Ana shrugged her approval, ‘If that’s what you want, I’ll tell my uncle to be very snappy with the meeting.’ ‘Thank you.’ Indigo sighed, she straightened her skirt and looked down on her toes, feeling ashamed of the way she had treated her grandfather recently. He had raised her to be an honest person, but here she was, doing things without his knowledge and against his will. She hoped Ana’s uncle could help her with a job as she desperately needed one.
30 Nov 2018 | 03:35
Episode 20 Dinner in the Hajjo’s residence wasn’t always this way; quiet and boring. Before Phillip fell out with his father, they would always do some violin lessons before eating and that made it fun for everyone. He had lost the taste in the violin, it was only Chalya that showed interest. She felt like she was in the middle of her dad and brother, they couldn’t stand each other and this was affecting her relationship with them both. Tired of the dinner of mashed potatoes and roast fish, she pushed away her plate and made to leave. ‘Darling, you haven’t eaten half of that food, what’s the problem?’ Her father asked. ‘Nothing dad, I’m fine.’ She replied curtly, her eyes avoiding Phillip who was glaring at her. ‘No dear, there’s something wrong. Don’t you like the food? I can make something else for you to eat.’ Her father pleaded with her, but Chalya insisted that she was fine. Phillip knew why she had rejected her food and that got him riled up. ‘You sure know how to debase yourself.’ He poured himself a glass of water. Their father was surprised at his use of words. The man had never heard Phillip speaking to his sister that way. ‘Phillip watch your language.’ The man called him to order. ‘No dad, let him run his mouth.’ Chalya snapped at her elder brother. ‘You’re so confused and stupid. Did you think I will listen to your lies about Moremi and Uncle Usman? That is the reason you have refused your meal. You need to grow up Chalya, the world does not revolve around you and your ideas.’ He yelled at her. ‘I don’t understand, what does Usman have to do with anything? I thought I warned you not to work with my brother.’ The man turned to his son, who was bent on defying his orders. Phillip looked away, he didn’t like the way his father was staring at him. ‘Look me in the eye and tell me that you had nothing to do with that traitor.’ The man insisted, but Phillip wouldn’t do as he had asked. Chalya’s eyes were reddish as tears touched her cheeks. She had tried her best to avoid this, but they always ended up fighting. ‘Dad, you don’t have any right to tell me what to do. I am an adult. You should be thanking me for doing this. You ruined your legacy with your own hands, but I would not let you do the same to me. I don’t care about your differences with Uncle Usman, he is a professional and I intend to work with him, with or without your approval.’ The older man was hurt and angry that his son had no respect for him. ‘My brother would use you and dump you. He will get you into trouble, why can’t you ever listen to me?’ Hearing the pleading voice got Phillip even more upset, it reminded him of the scene of his mother’s death. His father had never been the type to fight, he had simple abandoned himself and his mother. Phillip felt like calling him a weakling, but he bit his lip and decided to leave for his room. ‘Phillip, I saw Moremi and Usman, they are up to something. You have to believe me.’ Chalya cried. ‘This will be the first and the last time you will ever speak on this matter. If you try this again, I will relieve you of your duties.’ He waved a finger over her face and stormed to his room, leaving Chalya broken and shocked. Her knees sank to the ground and her shoulders trembled as she cried. ‘How could he do this to me? I am only trying to help.’ ‘Come on darling, don’t cry now. I don’t know what’s going on with your brother, but this is the time that he needs us the most. We have to be there for him.’ The man lowered himself and raised his daughter to her feet. ‘Don’t cry honey, we’ll have to work together to defeat Usman. He is an old snake. He bit me once, I wouldn’t let him bite your brother.’ The old man had not been sleeping, he had been listening to his grandchild’s conversation with her best friend, Anabel. He felt really and disappointed that she had failed to take his advice. Tears dropped on his wrinkled face as he stared at the old wall clock. He loved Indigo with all of his heart and he didn’t want anything to happen to her. ‘You should have listened to me, I don’t like that friend of yours.’ He walked up to her picture and caressed it. Indigo was a blessed child. She was full of hope and expectations, and this was the reason he gave her his all. It was the reason he loved her with his whole being. She came at the time when he had lost his daughter. He had sold everything that he had just to cater for her mother, whose lover had disappeared into thin air, but all to no avail. His heart had been shattered when her mother had died, but her presence made him feel whole. She gave him strength and the power to continue living. He silently offered a word of prayer for her, and hoped that she would be safe. He had trained her like he did his own daughter, he prayed that she would not make the same mistakes that her mother had made. The first, being her father. The old man was startled when he heard a sound on his door. It was a bit late and he had not expected anyone. ‘Who is there?’ He was reluctant to go open the door. There wasn’t any answer, this made it very suspicious as he was quite sure that he heard a sound. He pulled in a deep breath and moved to the door, he had never experienced this sort of thing, but he was not afraid. He needed to see this uninvited guest. ‘Who are you?’ he searched the strange faces of the young men that stood side by side with horrible tattoos splattered all over their face. ‘So you don’t remember me Mallam Hassan?’ A man in his forties came from behind and stopped in the middle of the fierce looking boys. The old man knew he had seen this face before, but he couldn’t place it. ‘Who are you?’ He repeated. ‘This is serious. He doesn’t remember me.’ The man in the middle threw his hands in the air and the young boys that accompanied him burst into laughter.
30 Nov 2018 | 03:55
ehhnn.. very serious ooohh...
30 Nov 2018 | 04:04
Indigo why did you disobey ur somethin terrible will happen and im sure you will regret ur decision that your evil friend ana
30 Nov 2018 | 06:03
who is the mysterious man?
30 Nov 2018 | 06:28
Trouble looms for Philip, Indigo and Malam Hassans' life with Philip's uncle, her lawyer Moremi and Indigo's friend Ann being the pepertrators
30 Nov 2018 | 09:09
Why can't you obey your grandfather
30 Nov 2018 | 10:47
hmmmmm,,,, dats usman I think
30 Nov 2018 | 15:36
hope Mr hassan is save
30 Nov 2018 | 16:10
Who are those people
1 Dec 2018 | 00:00
Episode 21 The old man watched with bewilderment as the face of the stranger became clearer. What was he doing here? ‘Nkosi, what are you doing here?’ Papa asked in an angry voice. ‘I see, you have not forgotten the tattoo then.’ Nkosi pointed at the image of a bull on his neck. He knew the old man must have used that to remember him. ‘Look, I don’t know what you want. But you are not welcome here.’ Papa quickly retreated back to the house. He tried shutting the door to Nkosi’s face but he wasn’t fast enough. The boys pushed the old man aside and widened the door to allow their leader come in. ‘Get out of my house you brute!’ Papa screamed, but his cries fell on deaf ears as Nkosi had already stepped in and had found his way to the photograph of a striking girl that hung on the wall. Nkosi was a tall and hefty man, so pulling the picture frame from the wall was not a problem. He had a light brown complexion and curly hair. He was a very handsome man. My God, she is a striking resemblance of her mother…’ his voice was husky with emotion as he stared at Indigo’s picture. Her eyes were shiny little pebbles and they reminded him of doves. Her nose was slightly flat but still fitted for her oval face. She had the sweetest smile. She was so innocent and pure. ‘What is her name? What did you call my beautiful baby girl?’ Nkosi turned to Papa whose eyes were filled with disdain. ‘You are not welcome in my house. I will not answer any of your questions.’ Papa was defiant, he stood his ground. His response got Nkosi furious but he controlled his emotions. ‘I am still her father. She would choose me anytime over you once she knows the real reason for my absence.’ Nkosi was confident that Indigo would love him and come to trust him once they got to know each other. His boldness and belief made Papa laugh, ‘What makes you think so?’ ‘Have you ever told her about me? Did you tell her how much I loved her mother? And the part you played in her death?’ Nkosi fired him with questions. ‘Look Nkosi, don’t change the narrative. We all know how irresponsible and reckless you were. You broke my daughter’s heart by sleeping with every Tina, Daniela and Harriet. There’s nothing you can ever do to redeem your image before my grandchild whom you will never see.’ Papa answered. ‘Did you lie to my child? Well, all these questions are not necessary. Where is she? I came to take her away.’ He announced. This made Papa’s heart to skip, he couldn’t survive a day without his Indigo. ‘You will do no such thing. She is my child now, she bears my name.’ Papa hit his chest proudly, but Nkosi wouldn’t have any of it, ‘You know deep down that she is not yours. She is an Nkosi and I have come to take her back to Kenya where she rightfully belongs.’ He barked. ‘Not while I am alive. I have shielded her from the things you did and even the worst…’ Papa shut his eyes as he remembered the dirty secrets about Nkosi piled up inside of him. ‘If you really love her, then you will stay away from her. I fought so hard to build her a new life. She is a good girl and your presence in her life would rub her of her innocence. Please stay far away from my grandchild or else I will tell the whole world the truth.’ Nkosi hated threats. He was in charge of his own life and no one could make him afraid. ‘I will be back for you old man , but I won’t be this nice. I guess my daughter is not home. She would have heard my voice and come out to welcome me.’ Nkosi scowled at the old man. Papa ignored his threats and reminded himself that Nkosi was a pompous pig. ‘Goodbye Nkosi, don’t ever return to this house.’ Papa moved to the door as the men strolled out. He was consumed with fear as he peered out the window. Nkosi had come with three cars- one was a truck and the others were small cars. He had come prepared, to take Indigo and all of her belongings. He couldn’t underestimate Nkosi, he was a very dangerous man and one that never gave up. ‘I have to do something, I have to protect Indigo even if it means shedding my blood for me.’ He placed a shaky hand against his chest. Anabel’s uncle was a very wealthy man from what her eyes could feed. He lived in a duplex surrounded by beach palms and a tall fence. Five cars were parked in the garage; a water fountain stood in the middle of the compound while a statue of a Muslim woman, covered in Hijab, stood at the entrance of the house. ‘Indigo, come on in, my uncle is waiting.’ Ana pressed her phone hurriedly, as they had run late for the appointment. But Indigo wasn’t paying any attention to her, she was more interested in the art and design of the house. ‘This architectural design is ancient, it reminds me of the byzantine era. It is so beautiful and sophisticated, almost unreal.’ She smiled. She was a lover of buildings and their technicalities. She couldn’t take her eyes off this one. ‘Miss Architect, can we go in? Remember your Papa at home, you said thirty minutes!’ Ana quickly reminded her. Indigo quickly snapped out of her admiration for the home where she found herself at the mention of her grandfather. ‘You never told me your Uncle was Muslim.’ Indigo eyed the statue at the entrance, she stopped her adoration of the artwork when she noticed her friend was answering a phone call. Indigo was not comfortable with the expression on Anabel’s face. So, the moment Anabel ended the call, she asked, ‘What was that?’ Ana’s brows knotted together, ‘Um, my uncle is in there but I have to go now. My brother just called me, my mother had an accident and was rushed to the hospital. I am needed urgently.’ Indigo almost screamed out her shock at the news, ‘Then this meeting with your uncle is cancelled. I should be with you and your mother. You were with me when my granddad fell ill.’ Anabel declined her offer, ‘Listen, I can take care of my mother. But you cannot take care of your bills. My uncle’s wife and kids are in there, so you have nothing to fear. I promise that I will call you once I get to the hospital, okay?’ Indigo knew her friend had the best intentions for her. She understood why Ana couldn’t be here with her as her mother’s life was more important. ‘Take care of yourself friend, I will try my best to win your Uncle’s favor.’ Indigo grinned. ‘Please do, I must run now.’ Ana blew her a kiss and hurried towards the gate. Indigo felt a bit nervous and alone, but one look at the Muslim woman gave her hope, ‘It’s just me and you now.’ She touched the sculpture lightly, then moved towards the entrance which was wide open. At first, she was hesitant to go in, but she trusted her heart and her friend.
1 Dec 2018 | 02:44
Episode 22. Last episode season 1 There was a large dining table with dishes and cutleries, but there was nobody on the table. This was contradictory to what Annabel had promised her. Her friend had mentioned that her uncle had a wife and kids, and that would have made her more comfortable. ‘Is anybody home?’ She marched gingerly towards the dining table.Her slender fingers brushed the shiny table surface briefly before she looked towards the stairs leading to the next storey, where she found a man staring at her.Her blood ran cold as her eyes met with this man’s. He was nothing friendly, he looked like a beast that was prepared to devour her.She quickly swirled round and faced the entrance but to her utter amazement and fright, the door had been closed! Jesus.’ She swallowed. ‘Young lady…’ the man descended from the stairs in a majestic manner.He was clothed in a heavily beaded purple Jalabir. His eyes were sharp like an eagle, piercing and unwelcoming. ‘Good evening sir.’ She managed a smile. ‘You must be Indigo right?’ The man asked. ‘Yes, I am Indigo, Ana’s friend.’ Her smile widened. Maybe this man had good intentions and her mind was desperately trying to ruin it. She decided to relax and enjoy herself. ‘Who is Ana?’ The man asked. ‘Annabel your niece, she is my best friend. She told you about me.’ Indigo smiled. The man scoffed, ‘I don’t know any Ana. I only know Ummi, she supplies me with virgins and I love to fuck them raw…’ he rubbed the bulk between his legs. This was not happening, maybe this man was mistaken. ‘Sir, I am Indigo. My friend gave me a hundred thousand the other day. She says you, her uncle, gave that money to her.’ Indigo began to move back as she realized the man was having a hard on. The man laughed, ‘Yes I gave her money that was your fee. Don’t you get it?’ ‘Please sir, I don’t understand.’ She was restless, she felt trapped in this building. ‘Well darling, after Usman handles you, you will understand.’ Without wasting more time, he moved towards her and scooped her into his arms. ‘Arh! Let go of me you dirty pervert!’ Indigo screamed and struggled in his arms, but her fighting and kicking wouldn’t deter the man. ‘I love it when virgins struggle! It makes it really hot. I’ll fuck you all through the night and in your ass too.’ The man laughed. ‘No! You’re so vile!’ Indigo screamed as loudly as she could. ‘Don’t worry, the ass fucking may hurt more, but I would give you some codeine. You won’t even feel a thing.’ He had taken some red wine to enable him sleep after the quarrel with his dad and Chalya. He had gone to bed with the thoughts of his mother on his mind. He missed that woman, he had loved her so much. But now she was gone, just like the wind, she was gone and there was nothing he could to bring her back. He had all the money in this world, but he didn’t have happiness, and that was what he truly yearned for. Phillip found himself in another world. He was trapped in the world of his nightmares that he failed to hear the cries of his alarm. He only opened his eyes when Chalya pushed the door open and rushed in to tell him something important. ‘No! Indigo, no…’ He cried and straightened on his bed. He had a dream about the girl he had helped earlier. This time he had gone to the Forest Reserve with her, instead of his mother. Like it always happened in his dream, the strange man fired a shot at them and the bullet had pierced into her. ‘Come on Phil, it’s only a dream.’ Chalya shook him gently, but he wouldn’t stop screaming her name. ‘Indigo!!!’
1 Dec 2018 | 02:48
gan gan.. waiting for season 2
1 Dec 2018 | 03:28
God please protect indigo
2 Dec 2018 | 01:36
indigo's hunch was right all along but her trust for Ana did not let her see d truth dat Ana is leading her into a trap
2 Dec 2018 | 04:38
Mmmm.a Bad friend. U c if u had heed to ur grandpa's advice u, wouldn't have fall a victim
2 Dec 2018 | 04:49
what a betrayal, indigo is a fool to believe anna
2 Dec 2018 | 06:01
Anna is a heartless human
2 Dec 2018 | 07:37
Waiting for the season 2
2 Dec 2018 | 09:39
Indigo see what ur disobedience caused u now. Waiting for season 2
2 Dec 2018 | 10:38
The first evil just played out... Anna or was it Ummi sold out her friend
2 Dec 2018 | 10:47
This story is just too interesting ...when is season 2 coming
2 Dec 2018 | 14:15
Episode 1 Did you hear me? Wake up Phillip, wake up!’ Chalya shook him more violently as he his screaming heightened. She felt disturbed about her brother’s behavior, never in her life had she seen him like this. He looked so helpless. He sounded so afraid. It was as if his greatest treasure had been taken away from him and he couldn’t do anything to save it. ‘Indigo!’ Phillip’s eyes fluttered and adjusted to the deep blue rays that filled the room. He couldn’t believe he had been dreaming, it had been so real. ‘Jesus…’ He straightened on the bed and held on to his sister’s hands. ‘It’s okay Phil, it is okay, it was just a dream.’ A tear rushed down Chalya’s face. Her brother had always been the one to protect her and not the other way round. She loved Phillip so much and she hated it whenever he was worried about something. Sweat trickled down the sides of his face; his head throbbed like he had been hit by something hard. ‘Would you like some water? Should I get you some water?’ Chalya asked, still holding on to his hands. Phillip drew in a deep breath, ‘No, I’ll be fine.’ He had a terrible dream about Indigo. It was the same dream he had about his mother, and the day they had visited the Forest Reserve. Only that this time, instead of his mother being shot by the strange man, Indigo had taken the bullet. ‘Please Phillip; tell me what it is that bothers you. Share your dream with me.’ Chalya cried. He had not wanted to tell her anything about his dream. He still felt horrible after the quarrel with their father, but he hated to see his sister cry. ‘Are you sure you want to hear this?’ A small smile played on his lips. ‘Yes, I want to know everything. Is this about mother?’ Chalya asked. He shook his head, ‘No, it’s about someone else.’ He sighed. Phillip had not planned to tell anyone about the girl he had met earlier, the one that had capture his mind, but he was left with no choice now. ‘Really? Do I know this person?’ Chalya quickly brushed away her tears. She couldn’t hold back her excitement. She knew whoever this person was, had a strong hold on her brother. But she wouldn’t rejoice just yet, she had to be sure it wasn’t Moremi. He didn’t know how to begin, because what had just happened didn’t make sense. He had only met her today! And here he was seeing her in his dreams. ‘Promise you wouldn’t laugh or judge me?’ He pulled Chalya towards the bed, so she could sit beside him. This made her laugh, why in heaven would she laugh or judge her only brother? ‘Come on bro, you know you can always tell me about anything, except of course if this is about Moremi, then I don’t want to hear about it.’ Phillip snorted, ‘Why do you hate her so much? Moremi is the nicest person if you get the chance to know her.’ Chalya was not interested in talking about her brother’s ex. As far as she was concerned, Moremi was a deadly serpent and if her brother was not careful, he could lose his life hanging around her. ‘Let’s stop the Moremi talk, tell me, who did you see in your dream?’ She waited eagerly for an answer. He pulled in a deep breath, closed his eyes and opened them again. ‘Indigo. Her name is Indigo Hassan.’ He smiled as he thought of her. She was so simple and delicate. She was full of life and innocent. He had never encountered such an attractive person in his thirty two years of living. ‘Indigo?’ Chalya had heard him screaming that, but wasn’t that a name of a color? ‘What sort of name is that?’ She scoffed; it was rare and almost superficial. He explained to her that he had also reacted that same way when she had first told him her name. ‘I think it suits her…’ he smiled. ‘Really?’ Chalya arched a brow; she could see that her brother was already smitten by this girl, Indigo. ‘Yes. I think you will like her, ‘Phillip didn’t know why he made this assumption, but it would be hard for anyone not to like Indigo. ‘Tell me more, because I have never seen you this fascinated about someone except…’ she paused. He knew whom she wanted to mention, ‘Except whom?’ She had not planned to ruin this beautiful moment, but she had no choice but to tell him what she truly thought. ‘Mother, whenever you talk about her, your eyes glow the same way they are glowing now.’ Her response made him laugh. Could a total stranger have such a powerful effect on him? ‘Whatever. But you can’t blame me, I was drawn to her at first sight. She is such a beautiful creature. Her eyes are clear pools of brown, innocent, enthralling and piercing even to the soul. She has a welcoming nature and one of the customers failed to appreciate that. I had to go rescue her.’ Chalya was a bit lost, she was not following her brother’s story. ‘I don’t understand, you met her where?’ ‘In a coffee shop, Davina’s coffee shop.’ He answered. He went on to explain how the brute had slapped the poor girl and how stupidly her boss had acted by firing her. ‘How stupid of him, that is why I hate the “customer is always right,” rule. She apologized!’ Chalya was pissed. ‘Oh yes she did, but he wouldn’t listen. It turned out that was her first day at the coffee shop. She was fired and I felt so bad for her. I didn’t want to talk about her at first, because I was pissed at Barf for not showing up. But I couldn’t take my eyes off her.’ He smiled as he recalled how she had addressed him as “Sir.”
3 Dec 2018 | 02:09
Episode 2 I guess she is very cute.’ Chalya couldn’t help but chuckle. If she didn’t know well, she would say her brother was in love with this girl. ‘I saw sadness in her eyes. You know this deep sorrow and pain that someone has carried for so long? I figured out that the emotion that her eyes carried was not really about the job, it was about something else.’ He explained to Chalya about Indigo’s missing money and how he helped her with some cash. When he finished the story, she was so touched. She never knew her brother still had his humanity intact. She hardly believed Phillip would look twice a beggar’s way. What changed in him? What was so special about Indigo? When can I meet the woman who touched my brother in a soft spot?’ She was eager to see this angel that had changed her brother’s way of doing things. Maybe she would be able to convince Indigo to talk Phillip out of renovating the buildings and overcharging the low income earning tenants. ‘I didn’t get her contact,’ He paused, seeing his sister frown, he quickly added, ‘I gave her mine. So I am hoping she calls me.’ Phillip was eagerly waiting for Indigo’s call. Whenever he considered the possibility of her not calling, his heart sank. ‘That’s a wrong move bro, you should know better. What if that babe doesn’t call you?’ Chalya was not comfortable with this. ‘I couldn’t have asked for her number. I didn’t want her to feel I needed it because I gave her some money. I want to be friends with her; I want Indigo to trust me. Giving her my card, means trusting her. I hope she returns the favor.’ ‘I hope so too…’ Chalya sighed. Now she had something to distract herself with for a while. She needed to find this Indigo girl and convince her to talk to Phillip before he made any stupid move. She was a hundred percent sure that Moremi and uncle Usman were plotting something, but her brother wouldn’t listen to her. He had told her that her hate for Moremi had blinded her to more important things, but he was the one being blinded by her smooth talking and her charms. ‘I don’t know Chalya, but there’s a way I feel whenever I look into her eyes. She is so special…I feel something in her drawing me close. I don’t know if you have ever felt his way before. It is indescribable.’ He pressed a hand against his chest. Phillip felt like a school boy having his first crust, he felt like a boy falling in love all over again. What was happening to him? ‘You only feel that way when you have a crush bro. So it is official! Phillip Hajjo has a crush on Indigo Hassan.’ Chalya clapped her hands. She was happy that Moremi would soon find her place. ‘Shut up you!’ He grinned, before they both burst out with laughter. Chalya had come to her brother’s room for something important and she wouldn’t leave without accomplishing that. ‘Father wanted to see us. He said there’s something important he would like to share with us.’ His joy, fled the moment Chalya mentioned the man he resented. Why? I don’t want anything to do with him. He has already done enough damage this night. I think I should take a bath then work on some files.’ He rose to his feet and moved towards the bathroom. ‘Hey Phillip, what if it is something very important? What if dad is dying? Wouldn’t you want to hear his final words?’ His sister’s words troubled him, was his father dying? He had his reservations about the man, but he loved his father. He was not ready to lose him yet. ‘Is he dying ?’ Phillip swirled round and faced Chalya. Her shoulders sagged the moment her brother’s eyes bored into hers, ‘I don’t know. I was just saying.’ ‘Whatever let us go see him then.’ Philip grabbed his phone from the head of his bed and walked towards the door with Chalya behind him. ‘How does Indigo weds Phillip sound?’ She teased. He knew his sister would have a filled night with this, ‘You should get yourself a man soon.’ ‘Hell no.’ She declined his offer. As they neared the sitting room where the meeting was to take place, Phillip’s phone beeped, he had just received a message from Mr. Barf, his building materials supplier. I was attacked by some gunmen. They kept warning me to stay away from you and PIE or they would have me dead next time. I don’t know what to do Mr. Hajjo. I do not think I want to work under threats. Maybe we should call it quits. He found his father on the sofa, gently stringing the violin whose gentle cries evoked a melancholic feeling in the atmosphere. ‘I don’t like that tune, it’s depressing.’ Phillip rolled his eyes and settled in a chair next to his father. He had decided to keep Barf’s message to himself for now, as he didn’t want his sister to panic. Once he was done with this meeting, he would contact the German and find out more. ‘It’s “Maid with the Flaxen Hair,” it’s not supposed to be enthralling.’ Chalya whispered. They both fell silent and watched their father play.
3 Dec 2018 | 02:12
No good thing can come from your uncle and Moremi
3 Dec 2018 | 14:11
Philip! I hope you see thru Moremi's schemes and save yrself frm the impending doom
3 Dec 2018 | 15:02
Take heed
3 Dec 2018 | 15:19
Hmmmm,,,, I think usman and moremi are involved in barf's attack
4 Dec 2018 | 01:19
Episode 3 The older man’s eyes were closed. He was so deep into the melody of his violin. He felt the song deep inside his soul, there was nothing like good music. Music did many things to people. It could redeem you and give you hope. It could make you feel worse after listening. It had the power to heal, by stirring up memories and straightening them out with hopeful crescendos.He released the stick he stroked the violin with and faced his children, who stared at him with awkward faces. ‘What? Don’t you like the music?’ He asked. ‘I do like it.’ Chalya blurted out, but he knew she was lying. Chalya was his sweetheart, and would do anything to make him happy. ‘I don’t like it, songs like that remind me of Adele. They have a similar effect on my mind.’ Phillip confessed. ‘And what is that?’ The man asked. Phillip was not ready to offer his father an answer, ‘Can we go straight to the point? I believe we did not come here to discuss our love or hate for depressing music.’ Chalya winced inwardly at her brother’s sharp reply. Why couldn’t Phillip pretend for once? When would he realize that he was hurting their father? ‘Music is everything son. It makes you question a lot of things and it provides the same answers that you seek.’ The man ignored Phillip’s behavior. From his father’s tone, he knew he was stuck in this meeting for an hour or more. He hated himself for listening to his mischievous sister. He wanted to say more, but he allowed the old man to continue. ‘Children, have you ever wondered who created this master piece?’ He was referring to the tune he had just played, “Maid with the Flaxen Hair.” Chalya shook her head, Phillip ignored him. ‘It was originally a poem written by Leconte de Lisles in French, before it was adopted as a melody by the French composer, Claude Debussy. The piece is known for its musical simplicity, a divergence from Debussy’s style at the time. It was completed in January, 1910.’ He loved telling his children stories, and this moment reminded him of when they were very little…when that traitor was still alive. Phillip couldn’t take it anymore, ‘Come on dad, what business is ours with history? It wouldn’t kill you if you go straight to the point!’ Once again, his father ignored him and continued rambling about the history of Debussy’s piece. ‘The piece represents innocent and naivety and I was once like that. You are like that son, naïve and innocent.’ He dropped the violin and rose to his feet. Phillip felt insulted that his father would use such words on him. ‘Don’t tell me it is about insults now?’ ‘Not at all, Phillip, you know I would never do a thing like that.’ ‘Can you just stop and listen to dad?’ Chalya whispered to him, afraid that Phillip’s rudeness would cause another fight between them. The man turned back and faced his son, ‘I have shielded you from a lot of things Phillip Hajjo, and it appears to me, that I made a great mistake by keeping the truth about your mother’s devilish nature away from you.’ The man was sad that his goodness had turned to something unexpected. He had carried a heavy secret all these years, hoping that his son would grow to love him, but all to no avail. Instead of love, Phillip abhorred his very presence. Both kids were stunned at their father’s use of words. ‘Dad, are you alright?’ Chalya knew her father took alcohol once in a while. She stared at the bottle of Hennessy on the lowly table which was accompanied with a copy of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” Phillip’s blood began to boil as he stared at the old man. ‘I will not sit here and listen to this. You don’t have respect for the dead, why should I respect you?’ His heart was beating quite fast, how dare his father speak ill of his angel? The woman that had brought him life that had sacrificed her life so he could be live. The man ignored his kids and went on, ‘I made a mistake by not telling you that everything that had happened that day at the forest reserve was your mother’s fault. I thought I could win you over to my side, but everything backfired on me.’ Chalya didn’t like where this was leading. She quickly moved out of her chair and walked towards her father. Dad, you don’t have to do this. Even if Phillip is not on your side, I am on your side. I was not there and I don’t know what happened to our mother. But I forgive you; I know you had your reasons for running. I knew you’d wanted to get some help, you don’t need to do this…’ she didn’t like that her father was about telling lies about their mom, just to get on Phillip’s good side. ‘Open that book Phillip to where it’s earmarked. You’ll see a brown envelope, open it and fetch the letter.’ Chalya’s heart was pounding fast; she didn’t like the look on her father’s face nor the tone in his voice. He seemed angry, embittered and pain. She could see the hurt spread all over his face. ‘Dad…’ tears welled up in her eyes. ‘No, you both need to know the truth. You are mature enough!’ He raised a hand into the air. Phillip knew his father’s gimmicks. He knew the man wanted to paint his mother black before him, but that was not going to work. ‘If you think I’ll get angry and walk away from you, then you are in for a surprise. I will take that paper our and read, don’t forget that I remember by mother’s handwriting.’ He leaned close to the table and pulled out a brown envelope from the old and dusty paperback. ‘Open it…’ his father commanded. ‘Dad, what is in that envelope?’ Chalya asked her father. ‘Tell us Phillip, you can read that letter loud. I want everyone to know the truth.’ A puckish smile split his face into two as he began to read…
5 Dec 2018 | 02:35
Episode 4 Dear Usman, I do not know where to begin, but it has been so long. I miss you Dan Allah. Our son is fine, he is doing well. Your brother is taking very good care of him, Gaskia. I can’t wait for you to be back in Nigeria, I can’t wait for us to be one with each other again… ‘I don’t understand this…’ Phillip knew the paper he held was more than twenty years older than he was and the handwriting upon it, was his mother’s. He hoped he wasn’t dreaming. ‘Continue reading.’ The man insisted. The puckish smile had disappeared from Phillip’s face once he was done reading the letter. ‘Can you explain this gibberish?!’ He yelled atop his voice. His limbs trembled as he regarded the man he had known as father all of these years. ‘Dad, you cannot do this, Phillip is your son! This letter is a lie.’ Chalya cried. But the truth glared them in the face. Phillip sank into the cushion chair and held his face in between his large palms. ‘How could she keep such a secret?’ He suddenly felt very guilty about the way he had treated his father all these years, he had blamed the man for his mother’s death, without considering the pain the man had been going through. ‘Your mother was a promiscuous woman. I knew she was attracted to Usman, my younger brother when I first introduced them. But I ignored it. I thought it was a crush, because Usman was more handsome than I was. Little did I know, that they had started sleeping together weeks after that meeting. Your mother pressured me to marry her soon after, ignorantly I did. Six months after our marriage, Usman had admission to study Architectural Design in the United States, leaving you, his son behind. They continued this affair even after his return. I started noticing changes in her. I knew she was no longer in love with me. Luckily for me, I had loyal body guards whom I had sent to spy on your mother. They reported back to me and told me of her plans to take my life, and abscond with Usman who was still unmarried at the time. I knew you would never understand why I left you both at the Forest Reserve, but I had to protect myself from the assassin Usman and your mother had sent after me.’ Phillip was stunned, he had not heard this part of the story before. ‘I can’t believe my mother would do something so callous.’ He still found it hard to take it in and the old man understood. ‘Look, I am not telling you this to make you feel guilty for hating me and blaming me for her death. I just want you to know the truth. Now you have heard this story, you’ll understand my reasons for running and why I hate your uncle Usman with everything in me. He betrayed me once, and will do it again, if given the opportunity.’ Phillip felt ashamed. He was unsettled by the sudden realization that he was not Hajjo’s biological son. How could his mother have plotted something so evil and inconsiderate? She had wanted this innocent man to die, but her plans had backfired. Without hesitation, all the angelic images he held of her in his mind were instantly deleted. They were replaced with pictures of a devilish and self centered woman. ‘She didn’t even think of us, she cared more about Uncle Usman…’ tears hurried down Chalya’s cheeks. She was so touched and hurt, that her father had carried this pain within him all these years, without sharing with anyone. ‘Honey, your mother may loved you both, Usman confused her.’ ‘Oh come off it! That bitch never loved anyone but herself. I hate her so much!’ Phillip grabbed the letter and stormed the stairs, towards his bedroom. It had taken just one night, for his world to be turned upside down. ‘Phillip! Please come back, don’t do anything stupid’ Chalya rushed after him but her father was quick to stop her, ‘Leave him, he needs his time alone.’ She buried her face on her father’s chest and dropped her tears. Chalya concluded that some secrets were better left as secrets. However, her father felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He had kept it hidden from his children for years now. He was liberated. He was fulfilled. Now, Phillip would see him in new light, as the loving and caring father that he had always been. ‘Don’t cry baby, daddy has got you.’ He pressed his lips softly into Chalya’s hair as she cried.
5 Dec 2018 | 02:42
Please leave your comments below Buy your popcorn and ice-cream Take a chill pill The ride just started hope are all ready?
5 Dec 2018 | 02:44
Is better you ask your father for forgiveness
5 Dec 2018 | 03:27
Ride on
5 Dec 2018 | 06:18
Popcorn, chimchim, zubo all present...then I'm ready....ride on
5 Dec 2018 | 09:13
I nod head.
5 Dec 2018 | 10:35
Hmmmm,,, some women are just devil incarnate,,,, or should I say dey are devil himself
5 Dec 2018 | 11:25
Already on my seat... Ride on
5 Dec 2018 | 11:33
5 Dec 2018 | 12:02
Episode 5 ‘Get your hands off me…’Indigo fought with the heavily bearded man who tried to molest her. She was filled with anger and shock that her friend Annabelle could actually betray her in this manner. Annabel had preyed on her innocence and had lured her into the devil’s tent. ‘I love it when you fight, it turns me on.’ Usman’s mischievous laughter filled the air. Indigo had never found herself in this kind of situation. She had read and heard stories of girls being mauled at midnight; she never believed she would be a victim. She wept silently as she remembered her grandfather’s words to her. If only she had listened to the old man and cut ties with Annabel, she wouldn’t have found herself here. The man had thrown her on the bed and had peeled off his shirt, revealing a protruding belly and flabby nipples. It was an eyesore. ‘Come on baby, this wouldn’t hurt, I promise.’ She froze on the bed, glaring at the man, wondering what sort of monster dwelled in men that took joy in raping women. She was a virgin. Her grandfather had raised her well; she couldn’t lose what was most precious to her now. ‘Please sir…’ Her lips shook. She hoped her tears would soften the man and make him change his mind. ‘Baby…you don’t need to cry, I am not a monster.’ Usman moved towards the bed, he sat by the edge and caressed her beautiful feet. Indigo blinked the tears away, she had a feeling in her heart that he was determined to have her. Annabel had sold her pride and her honor for just a hundred thousand. She took a deep breath and thought about the next line of action. She couldn’t just let her virginity go without a fight. She had to play smart. It was better to die trying, than not make any effort at all. Usman continued to caress her smooth and creamy legs, she had a very rare complexion. She was neither light not dark. She was brown, and flawless. Everything about her was perfect, and he couldn’t wait to have her again and again. ‘Can I use the rest room? I feel like urinating.’ She lied. She had to find someplace of escape, she needed to think fast before it was too late. As if reading her thoughts, ‘Don’t try anything funny pretty one, you know there is only one door into this room. It is locked.’ He grinned, and pulled out a bunch of keys from his pocket. Her hopes were dashed. Her countenance fell as she realized the man knew her tricks and her plan to escape. ‘I just want to ease myself. I am really pressed.’ She ignored him. ‘Okay then, there is the bathroom. Take all the time you need baby. And you could even shower too, we have a long night ahead.’ His eyes twinkled with lust as he pointed a finger showing her where the bathroom was. Indigo was appalled by his last sentence. She would kill herself if this vile thing laid a finger on her. She murmured, ‘Thank you,’ and moved straight to the rest room. Her eyes went straight to the mirror, her face was swollen and sad. Her day had started out bad, but Phillip Hajjo had showed up and rescued her. She had gotten herself into this mess, this was her own mess and she needed to clean it by herself. Her heart skipped as she thought of the handsome man that had helped her out with some money. She thought him an angel, and she wished he would come and save her from this monstrous man. ‘I am so sorry Papa.’ She licked her lips, her eyes still on her reflection. All her problems began when she had started lying to her grandfather. She had kept so many secrets about her dealings with Ana from him. But who could blame her? Annabel had tricked her into surrendering her trust. She portrayed herself as an Angel of light. She had bought her way into Indigo’s heart and now she was paying for letting down her guards. She had failed her grandfather, she had not listened to all of his warnings and teachings. She knew her Papa would never forgive her if she lost her virginity this night. He had thought her of the sacredness of virginity, not just for the woman, but for the man also. He encouraged her to keep herself till she met the right man who would make her his’. He wanted her marriage bed to be built on purity, innocence and sincerity. ‘He would be so disappointed in me.’ She covered her face in shame. ‘Baby! You are taking too long, is it the big ones?’ Usman called to her from the room. She released her face immediately she heard his voice. ‘Um, yes, it’s the big ones.’ She replied. ‘Okay, take your time, I’ll be waiting.’ ‘Lord, help me out of this situation.’ She bowed her head in prayer. If she escaped this trap unhurt, she would never despise her grandfather’s words. She was ready to tell him all of her secrets. The phone she carried was useless to her, there was no one she could call at this hour that could come to her rescue. Indigo decided that there was only one way out of this madness. She would rather die than allow Usman have a piece of her flesh. She licked her lips and scanned the rest room for something solid, a weapon that she would use to protect herself. ‘Yuck.’ She snorted as she stared at the toilet brush. There was no way she could use that. Her eyes quickly moved to the array of cosmetic products on the edge of the bathtub, maybe there was something she could use. She went on her knees and picked the products one after the other, carefully reading their properties and side effects. They were mostly liquid soaps, antiseptics and shaving cream. She almost gave up when she found a plastic bottle with green designs and the labeling, “Peppy, for bumps and cuts.” She opened it and inhaled it, she flinched at the smell of the liquid which had a burning sensation on her nostrils. Whatever it was would hurt Usman if she succeeded in pouring it into his eyes. At this point, she didn’t care if she blinded him; she just wanted to escape with her virginity intact. She pushed the bottle close to her and rose to her feet, she could do this. All she needed was to act swiftly. Indigo pulled off her clothes, so she would be left in her bra and her pants. This would make it believable that she was actually using the rest room. She threw herself on the cold tiles and began screaming, ‘Please I need you here! Come at once, I need you!’ It didn’t take Usman a second before he pushed open the bathroom door and rushed to see her sprawled on the floor. ‘What is wrong pretty one? What the hell is this?’ He knelt beside her. ‘I don’t know, I just felt a sharp pain on my knee, can you get me some heat rub?’ He was hesitant at first, but when she burst into tears, he knew she was not pretending. ‘Let me check my dressing table.’ He hurried out of the bathroom. This was her chance, determinedly; Indigo rose to her feet and grabbed the bottle, ready to take action against her attacker. Usman returned with the returned with a tube of heat rub, which he would apply on her knee. From the look of it, she was having a muscle pull. ‘I am back pretty one, I am back…’ he stuttered, a bit surprised that she could stand on her feet. ‘You are welcome!’ She moved closer to him, then started to spray the thick black liquid into his eyes. ‘Arh! No! What is that?’ Usman staggered and fell to the ground. She didn’t release him; she continued to spray more of the liquid till he was completely exhausted and too tired to struggle with her. ‘Don’t blind me please!’ He begged. ‘I don’t plan to,’ She tossed the empty bottle on the floor, burrowed into her dress and rushed to his side to search for the keys. Usman had never felt this sort of pain. His eyes hurt like they were being pricked by a very sharp object. Moisture gushed from them, even his vision had become blurred. By Allah, this girl had been sent by Satan and she had come to blind him. Joy filled her when she found the keys. They were all identical, so she guessed any of them could open the door. ‘You will not go scot free! Nobody humiliates Usman and remains the same.’ He rained curses on her. Indigo smiled, she was now the victor. ‘I am happy you know how frustrating and sad humiliation can be. Fuck you idiot.’ She grabbed the toilet brush and ran it across his face. ‘Arh!!!’ Usman began to scream again. ‘Goodbye now.’ She gave his ass a kick before leaving the bathroom, but not before shutting the door tightly after her. To be continued……..
8 Dec 2018 | 04:43
Episode 6 She hurried towards the door, and inserted one of the keys. Luckily for her, it opened and she found her way out of the devil’s tent, where her disobedience and naivety had landed her. ‘Thank you lord.’ She sighed with relief. Now, she needed to do two things; confront Annabelle; tell her grandfather everything she had been keeping from him. The old man couldn’t sleep. Indigo’s outing had taken too long and he had started to worry. This was the first time Indigo would be leaving the house to go outing with her friend; maybe that was why he was anxious. Papa’s mind was troubled. He carried a burden that was greater than him. All her life, she had believed that her father was dead, how then would he explain Nkosi’s sudden reappearance after such a long period of time. He had a good reason for keeping Indigo away from him. He was the most irresponsible father any child could have. And his recklessness had led to the death of his only child, for which he would never forgive. A tear trickled down his wrinkled face as he wept silently while staring at Indigo’s picture. She was a carbon copy of her mother. As the days passed, so was her beauty increased. ‘I love you child, much more than you can ever imagine.’ His lips moved silently as he stared at her. He remembered holding her when she was a baby, she had been so fragile and that had scared him at first. But Papa had trained himself for this bundle of joy, he had been the one to follow his daughter to the hospital while Nkosi was busy philandering with other women. He had been the one to pay the hospital bills, and upon her birth certificate was his name and signature. ‘No.’ Papa shook his head. He had toiled all night. He had gone through the narrow way with his grandchild, he would be a fool and a weakling to allow Nkosi, take her away from him. He had plans for Indigo. She was very smart and intelligent. She had eyes for good buildings and he had wanted to send her outside the country to study, but his untimely retirement without benefits ruined all of his plans. He rubbed his chin gently, on a second thought; he could only allow Nkosi near his daughter if he was willing to put Indigo through school. But seeing Nkosi in a company which was all too familiar dissuaded him. Nkosi had not changed one bit, not even time could help him mend his broken paths. The old man concluded in his heart that Indigo was his’ and there was no argument about that. He hoped that Nkosi wouldn’t show up again. He knew the implication his presence would have on his relationship with Indigo. The girl trusted him with everything. How would Indigo feel if she found out that the man that brought her to this world was still alive? Fear gripped Papa as he imagined the scenarios that played in his mind. Indigo could either accept his forgiveness or reject his explanation. He knew how badly she reacted whenever she was angered, and those moments were rare. He felt guilty that he was the one to bring her this sort of anguish, but he consoled himself, he thought he was doing what was best at the time. ‘Papa! Papa!’ Indigo rapped on the door with the strength she had left. ‘Indi?’ The old man quickly wiped his face, he didn’t want her to see him in tears. He rushed towards the door to welcome her, when he pulled the door apart, he noticed the look on her face and that was enough to tell him that she had just escaped something horrible. ‘Indi? What is wrong? Why are your eyes swollen and reddish? Have you been crying?’ She had wanted to act tough. She thought she could ignore what had just happened to her, but she realized she had no strength in her. She was so delicate and trusting, Ana had preyed on that. ‘Indigo? Where is your friend? What happened?’ The first thing that dropped on the old man’s mind was an accident. He had a feeling the girls had an accident as Ana had not returned with Indigo. She found it difficult to tell her grandfather about what had taken place. She was greatly ashamed of herself. She wished she had listened to him, that humiliation would have passed over her. ‘Can you please talk to me? Your tears do not have words.’ The old man cut in impatiently. She had to tell him the truth, somehow, she just had to try. ‘Papa…’ she fell on her knees. ‘Haba Indigo, what is wrong with you? Talk to me.’ Papa’s felt a sharp cut in his heart the moment she dropped on her knees. ‘I am so sorry Papa. I have not been very honest with you. I kept a lot of secrets from you and I swear Papa, I will make up for my mistakes. I should have listened to you.’ He liked that she had stopped crying now, but he was still lost. ‘I don’t understand you.’ He said. She sighed and drew a breath, ‘It’s Annabel, She is a traitor as you saw. I never knew you meant well for me when you asked me to stop being friends with her. She almost ruined my life, she almost took away my treasure.’ Her voice cracked as the scene of the attack replayed in her mind. The pain from the betrayal was fresh. It was stinging, it was numbing and she had no power against it. ‘Ana? What happened?’ The man held his breath, hoping that Indigo had not made a mistake that would cost her entire life. ‘She gave me a Hundred Thousand Naira, it was meant for your inhaler Papa. I didn’t want to tell you so you wouldn’t be worried. She told me that her uncle gave her the money, so she was giving me to solve a problem. After some days she showed up tonight and requested for my presence in her uncle’s house. She reassured me that he was a married man with kids and he wanted nothing from me, but to help me.’ She ran a tongue over her lips and continued. ‘So we left for his home tonight. But on getting there, she came up with a story about her mother being involved in a motor accident. I was so foolish, Annabelle had lured me into a trap and I had been too blind to see it. The man in question is not her uncle, he is an unrepentant rapist.’ ‘Indigo! Did he?” The man couldn’t believe his ears. ‘No Papa, I swear to you, he didn’t succeed but he almost did. I promised God that if he rescued me from the hands of that vile man, that I would tell you all the secrets I have kept from you.’ Papa was blown out of his mind with secrets, ‘My child, what did you need a hundred thousand for? I thought you were still working.’ She felt so ashamed of herself. She blamed herself for tonight’s misfortune. She had accepted that money from Annabel out of desperation because if she were still working with Moremi, maybe she could have asked for a raise or a loan. ‘You are not saying anything about your job, talk to me Indigo.’ Her refusal to offer an explanation troubled the man. He could swear that he knew his granddaughter well, but he couldn’t vouch for her right now.‘I lost the job.’ She murmured.
8 Dec 2018 | 04:49
God save you indigo. Now you will learn to trade with caution. Ride on
8 Dec 2018 | 06:49
God save you
8 Dec 2018 | 08:23
Episode 7 Sleep had eluded his eyes, only a heart made of iron would rest after such mind bugging revelations. Phillip was the first to wake in the house; he was sipping some coffee and stroking the violin. He couldn’t believe how big of a fool he made himself all these years, hating on the man who truly loved and cared about him. A woman that planned to elope with her lover was not worthy to be called his mother, and that was the reason he was going to the graveyard where she was buried later that day. He felt sad and sorry for himself and for his father. He had been so cold and unloving towards the old man. He blamed the man for all the misfortunes that had befallen the Hajjo Estates; little did he know that Uncle Usman, the man who was actually his father had worked hand in hand with his late mother to crash the financial foundation of the Hajjo Estates. ‘Phillip, good morning.’ Chalya sauntered into the sitting room with a worried look on her face. She had also found it difficult to sleep after the revelation about their mother’s affair with Uncle Usman. She had not known her mother quite well, but her father had never spoken ill of her until last night. ‘How are you holding up?’ She pulled a chair and sat next to him. ‘I don’t know, it’s still like a dream.’ He dropped the violin and picked the glass next to him, it was filled with liquor. Chalya knew how hard it was for Phil to overcome grief. She knew he would start drinking and smoking, and making stupid decisions. Ten years back when his best friend, Ugo had died in a ghastly motor accident. It took a lot of emotional support from her and her father to help him back on his feet. But now she was not going to offer him a shoulder to cry on, she had to give him some tough love as they had a lot of things to do. ‘Look Phillip, I know you are hurt about what mom did to dad, but you need to get over it.’ She crossed her arms against her chest, hoping this would work. Reach 1.5m People On The Davina Diaries Marketplace. Advertise For Just N5000 He scoffed and stared at the contents of his plastic cup, ‘Get over it? You don’t understand how I feel Chalya. This is more than just hate and bitterness for mother and Uncle Usman. I hate myself too…’ he confessed. ‘Please don’t say that Phillip, whatever happened between them was not your fault. Dad understands this and he loves you. He wants the best for you.’ She knew it will come to this. ‘I hated him. I blamed him for that woman’s death, when in actuality, the bullet had been meant for dad. If he did not run, the assassin would have killed him, but instead, he killed mom. I wondered why he left us, I never understood. Do you know how hard it must have been for him to keep this from me? I feel like a devil.’ Phillip swallowed the drink and dropped the glass. He just couldn’t focus on anything else for now. ‘Son…’ Mr. Hajjo walked in with a tray of Samosas and chicken sauce. He knew Phillip would have a tough time absorbing the secrets of last night, but he was here to help him pull through. ‘Good morning…’ Phillip wanted to call him “Dad,” but he felt ashamed. ‘I am your father.’ The man dropped the tray on the centre table and walked nearer to where Phillip sat. ‘Dad…’ Phillip fell on his knees and grabbed his feet. ‘I am so sorry for everything I did to you. Now that I consider my arrogance and my pride, I feel so stupid and ungrateful. You chose to raise me as your own. You gave me a life and a destiny but I was not thankful. I blamed you for everything.’ He sobbed, his tears dropped on the marble floor. Chalya quickly looked away, she couldn’t stand the sight of her brother crying. He was so broken and touched and this affected her in a way she had not expected. ‘Phillip, I will always love you as my son. I knew you were an innocent child and whatever transpired between your mother and my brother was never your fault. I knew if I gave you to Usman, that he would have ruined your life. You need to forgive yourself, because I have forgiven you, Usman and your late mother a long time ago. Just get up and try your best to forget the past. I guess you still have to work on the buildings, you don’t have much time before the rains.’ He dropped a kiss on Phillip’s head. He was touched that his father loved him so much. He knew it would be difficult to come in terms with such great love, but he was willing to try. He raised his head and looked his father in the eye, ‘Thank you. I promise to be a good son to you…’ he turned to Chalya who was eating some of the Samosas to make herself feel better, ‘and a good brother to Chalya.’ She smiled when she heard this, helping Phillip overcome his grief was easier than she had thought it would be. ‘I made you guys something, I know you would love it Phil, you always had a spicy mouth since you were little.’ He pointed at the tray filled with goodness. A smile radiated in his eyes, ‘Yummy,’ he fetched one and bit into it. ‘So what is the latest on the renovation? I guess you will no longer be working with Usman.’ His father said. ‘Hell no. Do you think I should confront him?’ Phillip turned to his father. ‘You are a grown man son, whatever you choose to do, go ahead. I will always support you.’ His father patted him on the arm. ‘You should fire Moremi too, I saw both of them talking. I don’t like that woman.’ Chalya chipped in but as expected, Phillip insisted there was no Lawyer in the whole country as good as Moremi. ‘Whatever.’ Chalya rolled her eyes angrily. She had plans for the day, but she wouldn’t let her brother in on them yet. She hoped that Phillip would slash the rent for the tenants occupying their father’s buildings. He was ready to work now. He would confront Uncle Usman and his mother’s dead body later. For now, he had to distract himself in a lot of work, this was one of his numerous healing mechanisms. ‘Hurry Chalya, get dressed, we are going to the office.’ She almost dropped a chunk of Samosa when she heard this, ‘Phil, I’ve got plans.’ ‘What plans?’ He raised a brow. The man watched his two children adoringly, he was happy to have them in his life and he wouldn’t have asked God for more or less. ‘I can’t talk about it. It is personal.’ She lied. ‘Then you don’t have plans. I need to investigate something.’ Phillip guessed it was time to tell his family about Mr. Barf’s attack. ‘Investigate what son?’ His father asked. ‘Mr. Barf didn’t show up at the meeting as expected, he later texted me with a different number. He was attacked by someone who doesn’t want us to work on the buildings.’ To be continued……..
9 Dec 2018 | 02:25
Episode 8 Usman!’ Moremi barged into the bedroom without knocking. She had waited outside for more than an hour, yet no one had paid attention to her. She knew how important this deal was with Usman, she felt they were being lax with the way they went about it. Her eyes spotted the disarray of clothes on the bed, she rolled her eyes and ignored it. Where the hell was this man? ‘Usman? Where are you?’ She tried calling his phone again, maybe he had forgotten it somewhere, he was really testing her patience. Moremi knew it was risky coming over to Usman’s house like this, but they had an important business, one that would make them both very rich. This was her reason for paying him a visit, since he wouldn’t take his calls. Tired, she dropped her bag on the bed and sat next to it. This business with Phillip was a big deal to her. She knew how much Phillip was ready to invest into the renovation of the Hajjo buildings and she couldn’t miss her opportunity to tap from this source. Moremi closed her eyes and imagined herself in a position where she would never have to think about money. ‘Glorious…all my life I had always made the right choices.’ She laughed. Yes, she never slept with men who had no potentials for a great destiny. The first time she set her eyes on Phillip back in school, she had known he would be a successful man later in life. She had stuck with him all those years and she was still ready to lure him into her bed, she wanted Phillip eating out of her palms. ‘I should call him.’ She rubbed her chin, she had not spoken to Phillip today, she needed to know they were on the same page concerning the project. She immediately dialed his number. It rang once, before he rejected her call. She shrugged and dropped it, knowing he was in an important meeting. ‘What is that?’ Moremi jumped to her feet as she heard the sound of groaning, though muffled, coming from the bathroom. She quickly grabbed her bag and tip toed towards the bathroom, as the groaning seemed to increase. ‘Lord,’ she pressed her lips together in anxiety, then pushed the door open. The sight before her was horrible, who had done this to Usman? ‘What the hell?’ She threw her bag to the bathroom floor and rushed towards Usman who looked so weak and hurt. ‘Help me, please…’ Usman cried. ‘Of course I am going to help you, what happened to your eyes?’ She observed his reddish and painfully swollen lips. ‘No time for explanation, just get me some aspirin and I will be fine.’ Usman scowled, still infuriated that the little bitch Ummi had brought to him could do such a despicable thing. He couldn’t wait to set his eyes on her again, he would skin her alive. ‘That wouldn’t be a problem, that could be arranged.’ Moremi replied. ‘Why did you come here? You know the risk involved.’ Usman glared darkly at her. ‘Well, this isn’t time for questions. It’s time to get up. I need you cleaned up and ready, it is time to start strategizing.’ She didn’t wait for his permission, she lowered herself, grabbed his hands and helped him to his feet. An hour later after he was well rested and a little bit relieved from the pain he felt in his eyes, he pulled out a file from his drawer and called Moremi’s attention to it. ‘Here…this is my plan.’ He presented it to her. She knew Usman was a smart man, but she had not come for paperwork. She wanted them to discuss concrete and realistic plans. She wanted to be wealthy, she hoped Usman wanted this too. ‘Look, I know it took you time to write that, but we don’t need to read this.’ She pushed the file aside and came closer to him. She had met Usman Hajjo six months back at a dinner Lunching, he was drawn to her beauty and she was drawn to his wits. She had noticed how Usman was able to mingle with all the classy people in the hall, this impressed her. They got talking and he found out she was Moremi Shola, one of the best estate lawyers in Nigeria while he introduced himself as a close relative of Phillip Hajjo, that had made her feel very relaxed with him. She had been eyeing Phillip’s work for some time. The man was excellent when it came to erecting buildings and structures, but she couldn’t go close to him because they had not spoken for a long time. It was Usman that told her about his plans to renovate the Hajjo buildings which had stood the test of time, but he was yet to tell her about his plans, till two months after when they both had learned to trust each other. ‘You know Moremi, we cannot mess things up. Building our trust didn’t come easy. I took a risk with you, betraying my own…’ Usman paused, ‘my own nephew like this, I need to know what we are doing would be worth it, because I prefer my idea.’ He said to her. ‘Trust me, mine is better, why not listen first?’ She unzipped her bag and pulled out an envelope. Usman had always wanted his brother’s buildings for himself. So when Phillip had come with the idea of renovating it and making him one of the people to supervise the project, it made him very happy. Moremi’s job was to seduce Phillip, since she was already familiar with him. There were some documents that he wanted to Phillip to sign, which would turn him into the rightful owner of those buildings, as the land belonged to him not his brother. ‘I know how important that land is to you Usman, but how much would we get from it? Those people occupying the buildings are miserable and pathetic, they are useless to us!’ She complained. ‘And you know this how?’ He raised a brow. ‘I went there, and I spoke to one of the tenants. There’s no need fighting your brother or Phillip for this land, can’t you see? There’s nothing for us there.’ Moremi tried to make him see things. Usman shook his head and replied, ‘There is something for us Moremi. Remember that Phillip will be tricked to sign those papers only after the renovation is done. We could send out all the tenants and bring in wealthy people, who will be able to part with half a million or more just to occupy the buildings.’ Moremi knew he was trying to be optimistic, but she was a realist. ‘Don’t forget that most of those houses have only two bedrooms, how many rich people will pay half a million for that? I have a better plan, just hear me out.’ She threw her hands in the air. ‘What plan is that?’ He waited patiently to hear what she had in store. ‘An Australian based company just established a Nigerian branch, and I received a contract to find the workers a good place to live. I have been given a year and six months, by then, I am sure Phillip will be done with the renovation and I will trick him to sign these papers…’ she pointed at Usman’s file. ‘After which the Australian and Nigerian workers can take over the buildings. We are looking at over five hundred men and their families. Trust me, this is a very big deal. If we can get the company to pay us hundred million annually for rent, we split it in half, what else do we need Usman? This is perfect!’ She rubbed her hands together and held her breath, hoping he would buy her idea. To be continued……..
9 Dec 2018 | 02:28
Mmm, the devil is a liar....your plans will never work....
9 Dec 2018 | 06:05
social armed robbery.
9 Dec 2018 | 07:24
And these are the two devils that Philip earlier had as confidants... Life!
9 Dec 2018 | 08:08
Your plans will never work
9 Dec 2018 | 10:31
Moremi is so confident of herself. But I tell you that your confidence will lead you nowhere so far the Hajjos is concerned
9 Dec 2018 | 13:04
Very greedy set of people. God will punish you
9 Dec 2018 | 13:05
Your plans will fail
9 Dec 2018 | 15:08
Thank God for saving you
9 Dec 2018 | 17:52
Look at this devils
10 Dec 2018 | 01:48
Episode 9 Usman liked her idea but he had a problem with it. ‘Moremi, do you think Phillip would just let you take his land and all his hard work like that? I know him, he never gives up without a fight. It would be very embarrassing for you when the company realizes the land belonged to Phillip. You could even go to jail, that’s why I think my idea is better.I could easily tell the court, which I am a hundred percent sure that Phillip would sue, that the land belonged to me and I have been fighting for it over the years.’ Moremi laughed, Usman did really underestimate her. ‘Come on Usman, I am not a child. This is my profession, I know how things work. I know I stand the risk of going to jail, but I am willing to take that risk. What makes you think that Phillip would take me to court after I trick him to sign the papers?’ She winked. ‘Put yourself in his shoes, you’d do the same thing.’ He said to her. Moremi shrugged, he had a point. ‘Well, I could only sue the person in question, if I were still alive.’ ‘What are you saying?’ Usman understood where she was going, but he just wanted her to say it more clearly. She rose to her feet and decided that this meeting was over, ‘What I am saying is that, I am willing to take down anyone that stands in the way of my success.’ ‘I know I want this land badly, but I will not kill Phillip if that is what you are suggesting.’ Usman snapped at her. ‘He is just a nephew Usman, I am sure you have other nephews.’ She patted him on the shoulder and strolled towards the door. ‘Moremi!’ He called her sharply. ‘Yes?’ She turned with a sweet smile on her face. He wanted to warn her sternly against doing anything harmful to Phillip, she didn’t know one of his deepest secrets, Phillip was more than a nephew to him and he was everything he had left in this world. ‘Nothing, just be careful.’ ‘Good, I am happy we are on the same page.’ She shut the door gently behind her. He moved back to the bed and grabbed the envelope she had dropped, he pulled out the letter that came with it and scanned the document. Moremi was telling the truth, “Arnold Mack,” was one of the biggest construction companies in Australia, he couldn’t believe they were coming over to Africa. ‘I guess she has a point.’ He dropped the letter on his lap and reasoned this out. He decided he would let Moremi go on with her plans, because should it fail, she would be the one to pay for her sins. The pain that had been ebbing away slowly, returned in full measure and he groaned out loud. ‘Fuck that bitch! Fuck her.’ He screamed and covered his eyes with his palms, hoping the burning sensation could go away. His blood was boiling, he was greatly enraged. He couldn’t wait to regain his strength, he would find her and make her life miserable. Just when he thought he could have some rest, he heard a loud pounding on his door. He had not been expecting anyone, he peeled himself from the bed and rushed towards the door. When he got there, he was surprised to see Moremi. ‘You’re not gone?’ He asked. ‘No, I saw some rough looking guys, that reminds me, did you send your thugs after the German Supplier who was working with Phillip, Mr. Barf, because Phillip just sent me a text?’ Usman had wanted to lie, but one look at Moremi’s face told him otherwise. ‘Well, I wanted the job to delay a bit. I wanted us to come to a conclusion with our strategy.’ He explained why he had sent thugs after the German. ‘That’s not a good idea! You should’ve told me that and I would have handled it my way. Phillip is so upset; he is threatening to bring in the Police. The German is really afraid and may not work with your nephew anymore.’ She was not pleased with this turnout of events. ‘I am sorry Moremi, I will consult you in future before taking any decision.’ He crossed his heart his hands. ‘Whatever, you even took his phones and money…I guess those men outside your gate are the thugs? I need them to give me everything that belongs to the German. I need to find a way and fix this.’ She complained. Usman thought she was kidding, ‘that’s not going to be possible, my thugs work in Ghana, and I don’t know the men outside the gate.’ He explained to her. Just as they were talking, a tall and light skinned man walked into the compound in the company of two sturdy men. ‘So who are they?’ Moremi asked. ‘Um…’Usman froze as his eyes met with the man in the middle of the sturdy men. ‘I have to go, Phillip wants to see me now, see you later.’ She rushed past the men towards her car. Usman couldn’t believe his eyes. It seemed like he was in a bad dream, trying so hard to wake up, but yet still, he was trapped. ‘Hello there old friend.’ The man smiled puckishly at Usman. ‘What are you doing here Nkosi?’ Usman scowled. ‘Well, I just came visiting, I thought I should see you.’ Nkosi replied. ‘Get out of my house and don’t ever come back!’ Usman yelled and pointed at the gate. Nkosi exchanged glances with the men, and they all burst out with laughter, which confused Usman greatly. ‘I am not joking.’ ‘Of course, you never knew how to crack jokes. That was the reason you told me to shoot your brother’s wife instead of your brother, before I finally got the joke, she was already dead and you hated me for it.’ Phillip had never been this stressed for a long time. He had to battle with the different emotions that ran through him. He had just discovered that Uncle Usman, the man he had chosen to oversee the renovation project was his father. Barf’s attack didn’t make it any easier for him. ‘I told you stop thinking about Barf Phil, we are lucky the German escaped unhurt. The Police should get here right now. I have a feeling someone who knows about this project is seriously fighting against its actualization.’ Chalya said to her brother. They’d been going over his schedule for the week when she noticed that forlorn and sad look in his eyes. ‘The Police are not coming,’ Phillip sighed. ‘Why?’ She was surprised, as they had already discussed what was best for this situation. ‘I told Moremi about the case, and she assured me that she would handle it once she gets here. I don’t know what she is planning, but I feel I should listen to her. Remember, that she is my lawyer.’ Phillip replied. Chalya scoffed, and dropped her pen; she couldn’t believe what her brother had just said. ‘Your partner was almost killed by some thugs for working with you and all you can do is wait for Moremi…is she waving a charm over your head, because I am starting to doubt if you are really yourself.’ Chalya was angry with her brother, she had expected more from him. Phillip knew his sister never got along with Moremi, he understood why she reacted that way. To be continued……..
10 Dec 2018 | 06:28
Episode 10 ‘Chalya, Moremi is best for this job. She is a lawyer and she will never allow me take a decision that would harm this project, I need you to understand that.’ He tried to explain things to her, but Chalya wouldn’t have any of that. ‘It’s okay, do whatever you want, but just remember I warned you. You have two meetings with her this week.’ She quickly reminded Phillip about it. ‘I know, I am going to tell her about Uncle Usman and why I will not be working with him again. Is that cool?’ He sought his sister’s opinion As usual, Chalya was mad at him for always depending on Moremi for approval before taking a decision. ‘I don’t know bro, just do whatever suits you.’ She gathered her files, and decided it was time to go after her own plans. ‘Shouldn’t I tell her why I am firing one of the leading supervisors on this project? It would seem very weird to me if I were Moremi. She deserved an explanation and I have to give her one, considering that she is my lawyer.’ ‘Phillip, this is your call. I am done with my duties and I am leaving the office for two hours.’ She announced. This was unusual; Phillip knew Chalya was not being honest with him. She had refused to tell him or their father about where she planned to go later in the day. ‘Do you have a boyfriend? Are you going on a date?’ Phillip asked. ‘Hell no,’ Chalya rolled her eyes, why couldn’t he just mind his business. ‘You are my business, darling sister. So tell me…’ he walked towards her. ‘There’s nothing to tell, why don’t you focus on Moremi or Indigo?’Chalya scoffed. She just couldn’t get what her brother was doing. Just last night, he had been screaming a stranger’s name and right here, he found it difficult to make a sentence without Moremi. Her facial expression when she mentioned the two women made him laugh. ‘Come on baby, your brother is not player, I swear. I don’t have any feelings for Moremi. We have a platonic relationship, and we are careful not to let it affect our professional dealings.’ ‘What about Indigo?’ Chalya asked. ‘The truth is that I cannot get that girl out of my mind. Even while working through those files I kept seeing her angelic face. I just wished she could call me. Seeing her would make me forget everything that has happened…’ he was worried about her, he hoped she was okay. ‘Well, you can make a wish, because they come alive when you truly believe in it.’ Chalya’s word were encouraging, she truly cared about her brother and wished he could find this Indigo girl. His countenance brightened whenever he mentioned her name. ‘Thank you sis, so you are not going to tell me where you’re going?’ Phillip asked. ‘Hair Salon.’ She lied and walked out before he could bombard her with more questions. ‘Hmm, salon.’ He pulled out his phone and dialed his company’s driver, Rex. ‘Good afternoon Sir.’ Rex picked at first ring. ‘Yes Rex, how do you do?’ ‘Good Sir.’ ‘I want you to follow Chalya, give me a report when you reach her destination. I need to know that she is safe.’ ‘Yes Sir.’ The minutes he finished with the call, the door was pushed open from the outside and a very alluring Moremi walked into the office in a pair of tight jeans that highlighted her camel toe. ‘Sweetheart…’ she purred and trudged to where he stood. In the past, he would have gotten hard at the sight of her beautiful body, but as he stared at her, he was beginning to see the reason Chalya wanted him to get rid of her. ‘Why are you dressed like this Moremi?’ * Her grandfather had not spoken to her since her confession at midnight. She had found it difficult to sleep as she imagined all the harsh words that her grandfather was going to say to her. Indigo had seen her grandfather angry only once in her entire life, she had been twelve. Papa had left for the market to get some vegetables, he had asked her to stay indoors and wait for him, but on his return, Indigo had been outside playing with some kids, and that got him peeved. He yelled at her for disobeying his orders, and that made her feel very bad. Tears sprang up in her eyes as she stared out the kitchen window. She had woken up early, and tried keeping the house in order and making breakfast, maybe this would make the old man happy with her. Her eyes were fixed on a dove which strolled majestically on the branches of the Hibiscus right in front of their apartment. She knew deep down that he was greatly disappointed in her, she was really sorry about her lies. She wished everything would go back the way they were. Indigo dropped the little foam with which she wiped the window louvers, she moved to the pot to check her Yam Pottage, which was her grandfather’s favorite meal. ‘Do you remember when you were twelve?’ Papa walked into the kitchen. She couldn’t believe she’d heard this voice, he sounded kind of happy. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, but she knew what she heard. ‘Papa?’ She covered the pot and turned to take a look at him. ‘Yes, child…’ the old man smiled at her. He could tell from one look at her face that she was very unhappy with herself for all she had done. He was angry and hurt that Indigo would keep such important details of her life away from him, but when he had slept over it, he reminded himself that she was now an adult, and no longer the six year old girl he was always tongue lashing when she did something wrong. ‘I had gone to the market to get tomatoes, beef and Spinach. I had given you firm instructions to stay indoors, but you failed to listen. When I returned, I found you immersed in mud, playing with the other children…’ he smiled as the scenes replayed in his mind. Indigo waited patiently for him to continue, where was he going with this? ‘I was not mad that you played with the other kids. I was just afraid.’ He confessed. ‘Afraid?’ She raised a brow. She knew the difference between fear and anger, what she saw in Papa’s eyes was anger and not fear. ‘Fear can be mistaken as anger sometimes. When your mother died in my arms, I wept and couldn’t be consoled. But when I heard you crying, when your tiny voice called out to me for comfort, I was invigorated. I had a reason to live, something to hope for. I became very attached to you, I was afraid of losing you Indi. I love you so much, more than you can ever imagine.’ Her heart flapped as he poured out his love, she couldn’t believe she would hurt the same man that loved her this much. To be continued……..
10 Dec 2018 | 06:32
Philip! I just pray you start listening to your sister before everything turns sour
11 Dec 2018 | 11:18
Where you deg naw
15 Dec 2018 | 10:26
Episode 11 So you were afraid something would happen to me? I understand why you were so mad that I went out to play.’ He laughed, ‘Yes, I was too protective of you and I still am.’ ‘I am sorry Papa about the lies, from your health, the money and losing my job. I thought I was doing what was best by not telling you. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me, Please forgive me.’ She fell on her knees weeping for forgiveness. Papa felt horrible because he was not righteous. He knew Indigo would hate him if she ever found out about her father, but he had faith that Nkosi wouldn’t show up again. ‘Get up Indi. I am not mad at you. You are a big girl now and big girls make mistakes. They learn from them and continue living.’ He beckoned her to rise to her feet. Indigo had not envisioned this sort of blissful morning with her grandfather, she had expected him to yell at her and probably reject the food that she was preparing. ‘Why are you not mad at me? I lied about your health and my job, you’re supposed to be raving mad.’ She expressed her surprise. Her response amused him, ‘Don’t be silly girl, I knew from the beginning that I had a serious problem with one of my major organs, I didn’t know which one. You kept those things away from me because you cared more about my happiness. I don’t hold it against you. Nobody is perfect, if we all were, then we would all live in heaven. Any man bound to this earth is subject to imperfection and you have done nothing bad, you just proved that you are a human girl.’ She was relieved and happy that her Papa understood her reasons for keeping those things away. ‘But it still doesn’t justify it.’ She said. ‘Are you looking for some type of punishment?’ He grinned, it seemed Indigo was unsatisfied with his judgment. ‘No!’ She giggled. ‘Good. So promise me you will no longer keep secrets?’ He admonished her to stay truthful to him. She wanted to promise, but she quickly remembered her guardian angel, Mr. Phillip Hajjo. ‘I guess your silence means yes, now let us talk about Annabel and how we will refund her money.’ The old man felt a sharp slit of his heart, this was the hard part. Indigo could see the worried look in his eyes, she knew the old man was not happy with their current financial situation, but he was a man of honor and would do anything to protect his granddaughter. ‘We don’t need to talk about the money now Papa. I think you should take your breakfast first.’ She turned to the stove and lifted the pot from fire. ‘I know you are trying badly to escape this topic, but the inhaler you got me is very expensive. And the doctor made it clear that I need it to survive, where would we get that kind of money? Already, you owe Annabel and the beast she sold you off to, a hundred thousand. We need to discuss practical ways to solve this problem.’ He tried sounding hopeful, but his voice was as unsteady as the sound of splashing water on rocks. She had not wanted to tell her Papa about Phillip. But she knew better, she couldn’t let the old man worry about her now. ‘Papa, there is something I need to tell you.’ She wiped her wet hands against the apron she wore. ‘Yes?’ Indigo told her grandfather how she got a job at the coffee shop with Annabel’s help and how she lost it after two hours. She also told him of her stolen money and how badly the manager had treated her. ‘I don’t understand, where did you get the money to purchase the inhaler?’ His eyes dilated in surprise. Indigo was not comfortable talking about Phillip, because Papa had warned her about men and their tactics to seduce unknowing virgin girls. She had this conviction, that Phillip was different. She couldn’t give herself one reason for feeling that way, but she did. ‘I didn’t sleep with a man, trust me.’ She dispelled his fears. ‘I know you didn’t, I can read you like a book.’ The old man said. ‘Um, just know that I met someone that gave me the money. This person saw the unfair treatment that was given to me by the shop owner and decided to help me, after I explained what the money was for.’ She was quite nervous when her grandfather didn’t say anything. Did he believe her? Did he want more details? What was he thinking? ‘Papa, I swear I didn’t sleep with this man and he convinced me to trust him. He told me that he is not like other men. He just wanted to help.’ She rambled on and on. ‘I believe you Indi, but I do not feel comfortable taking money from strangers. You should never see that man again. Now I want us to think of something, we need to find a way to raise some money so we could repay Annabel, after which you will cut off every ties with her? Is that clear?’ Indigo wanted to tell her grandfather about Phillip Hajjo and how much she trusted him, but a brief flash of her struggling with Usman, reminded her of the importance of listening to the old man. ‘I should at least call him and thank him for the money. I should tell him that I got the inhaler.’ She suggested. ‘Of course you should, but that will be all. Do you promise never to speak to that man after that?’ Papa wanted the best for her, he didn’t want any man taking advantage of his granddaughter because of his inability to cater for her. ‘I promise.’ She nodded. ‘Good, now you can serve breakfast, let us eat.’ He smiled. Chalya stepped out of the car and looked round her new surroundings; she couldn’t believe that people actually lived in such despicable conditions. ‘Oh lord…’ she touched her chest with her hands; she was broken by the sight of the old buildings. She now understood why Phillip was so eager to renovate them, but she had a problem with the new rent he planned to impose on the tenants. She shut the car door gently, locked it and walked gingerly towards the buildings, not knowing what to expect. From the corner of her eyes, she sighted a deep gutter, adjacent to the first building; it reeked of decayed food and debris. She couldn’t stand the smell, she felt nauseous at once. ‘Damn.’ She pressed her nostrils together and walked as fast as her legs could carry her, towards one of the houses, where she had come to make some findings. She had overheard Moremi telling her brother the other of a certain Mallam Hassan who was strongly against the renovation and the new rent. Phillip was mad that someone would want to stand in his way, he had cooked up something form the man, he was yet to serve it because he was distracted at the moment. ‘Mallam Hassan,’ she searched her file manager for the document containing the bio-data of the tenants that occupied both buildings. ‘There.’ She found the man’s name pinned with his house number. She pushed the phone into the pocket of her denim and strolled towards the house number. Chalya was not comfortable with the living standards of these people. The pictures she had seen of this place online, was nothing compared to reality. It was a shithole. It was appalling. And this was the reason she was ready to do whatever it took to help these people out. To be continued……..
17 Dec 2018 | 01:19
Episode 12 She knew there would be no going back once she walked into this man’s house, she knew Phillip would not be too happy with her for turning against him, but she was doing what she thought was best. ‘Knock Knock.’ She tapped on the door. The only thing she considered beautiful in this place was the serenity that she enjoyed, she was a lover of quiet places. She pulled out her phone and decided to take a picture of the Hibiscus tree that blossomed out. It was such a heavenly sight-the red petals kissing each other and opening themselves up to the admiration of the morning sun. Chalya’s flowery admiration came to an end, when she heard a smooth voice that whispered: ‘Good morning.’ When she turned and met the owner of the voice, she was awed by the beautiful brown eyes and the clear chocolate skin. The girl was either her age or slightly older, she had beautiful long black hair too. ‘Um…my name is Lucinda.’ Chalya lied, she couldn’t reveal her true identity to anyone here. Indigo offered her a smile, a bit confused by this visitation. From the way the girl dressed, Indigo concluded that she was from a very rich home. ‘Who are you please and how may I help you?’ Indigo asked politely. ‘My name is Lucinda Paul, I…I am here to see one Mallam Hassan.’ Chalya replied. Indigo raised a brow, the other day, Moremi had showed up and offered her grandfather a false identity, who was this lady now? ‘Why do you want to see him?’ Indigo was being careful. She couldn’t just let anyone into their home; it was time for her to be protective of her grandfather. She ran her eyes over the girl once more. Lucinda looked responsible and kind of down to earth. She had a beautiful face, innocent eyes and a welcoming smile. ‘Indi, who is it?’ She heard Papa call to her. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, not knowing what to say in return. ‘Look, I know you have never seen or heard about someone like me, but you need to let me in. Trust me, this is for your own good. I need your co-operation to make this work.’ Chalya sighed, she had not envisaged this. Her words puzzled Indigo, ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘Well, you must have heard by now that the Hajjo buildings would be renovated and the new rent will be very high. Why don’t you open the door and let me in? Who knows, I may be your guardian angel.’ Chalya grinned, hoping the girl would budge. Indigo’s heart skipped at the mention of guardian angel. She couldn’t wait to call Phillip, the man that had saved her life and thank him for his help. She was not really happy with her grandfather’s advice concerning Phillip, but she had no choice but to obey. ‘Did you hear me?’ Chalya had to repeat herself. ‘Yes I heard you, but my grandfather is not in the mood to meet people like you.’ Indigo shut the door gently behind, and stepped out of the house. ‘Oh…’ Chalya’s shoulder’s sagged, she had not expected this. ‘What? Someone like you came in here the other day, making threats on throwing us out of the house if we failed to comply with the owner of this place.’ Indigo raised her hands, pointing at the buildings. Chalya already knew who it was; Moremi had come here and left her stench for her to inhale. ‘Look, I don’t care what anyone told you, but I am on your side. I don’t like the living standard here. It is not healthy. Work with me, let me see this Mallam Hassan, I hear he is very vocal. We can come up with something.’ Chalya was desperate to rescue them. Indigo was tired of listening to the young lady, she had other things to do inside and she still needed to confront her friend Annabelle for her treachery. ‘Why do you look so unbothered about this? You need to believe me, these buildings will be renovated soon and if care is not taken, no old tenant would have a place here. Why don’t you work with me so we save this place?’ Chalya felt frustrated and choked. Indigo was unsure of how to handle this. ‘Even if I let you speak to my Papa, what’s the guarantee that you will be able to save these buildings and the people in it?’ ‘Leave that to me, just help me. If you don’t want me to talk to Mallam Hassan, I can talk to you.’ Chalya pulled out her phone and touched the record button. Indigo was not interested in what she had to offer, but she decided to listen anyway. ‘What do you want to talk about?’ She asked Chalya. ‘You.’ Chalya smiled. ‘Me? I don’t understand.’ Indigo scoffed. Surely, this woman didn’t drive all the way from wherever she lived to ask her personal questions. ‘I am here to know more about the people living here. I want to gather information that would stop the people who are involved in the renovation process from progressing without concrete and considerate arrangements on the rent.’ Chalya explained briefly. Indigo’s heart flapped when she heard this, if this Lucinda woman could prevent the increase of the rent, then she didn’t have a problem with her. ‘Why do you want to know about me?’ Indigo asked. Chalya quickly explained that she wanted to get the details of all the tenants, especially what they did for a living, so as to convince those who wanted to increase the rent, to have a rethink. Indigo loved the idea, it made sense to her. ‘Well…’ she pushed open the door with her left foot, ‘You’re welcome Ms. Lucinda Paul.’ She flashed Chalya a smile. ‘Thank you Ms. Hassan’ Chalya assumed that the girl would be a relative of Mallam Hassan, the man who had control over the rest of the tenants. Indigo shrugged, she wanted to tell Lucinda her name, but she didn’t think it necessary. ‘Come meet my Papa before he takes his nap.’ She led Chalya into the small apartment. Moremi was startled by Phillip’s cold reception of her. His strange behavior had her thinking all sorts. She was quite sure that her business dealings with Usman, was hidden from him, there was no way he could have known. ‘Have I done something wrong?’ She dropped her bag on his table. Phillip peeled his eyes from the swell of her ample boobs, he guessed Chalya was right; Moremi still harbored romantic feelings for him. ‘No.’ He sensed that she was hurt by his harshness, he had not meant for it to be that way. He just wanted a very professional relationship with her, nothing else. ‘What then darling?’ She touched a side of his face with her warm hands. Phillip clenched his jaw and pushed her gently, ‘Moremi, we cannot do this. We are working together now and I don’t want anything to ruin that.’ To be continued……..
17 Dec 2018 | 01:22
17 Dec 2018 | 03:34
Still observing
17 Dec 2018 | 04:29
Fire on
17 Dec 2018 | 05:33
17 Dec 2018 | 09:56
This Moremi will be the end of you Phillip
17 Dec 2018 | 15:38
Episode 13 She clenched her fist and glared darkly at him, she was not used to rejection. Phillip Hajjo had always been putty in her hands, what had changed? Her heart skipped as she imagined another woman trying to snatch her man away from her. She didn’t love Phillip, but she couldn’t stand any other woman being around him. He was meant for her pleasure, he was her pet and she had to remind him about their history together. ‘Is there anything wrong with having a romantic relationship and still being able to work together?’ She asked in a pained voice. ‘You are a professional Moremi. We both know that doesn’t work. Mixing business with pleasure is highly unprofessional and it doesn’t turn out well most of the time. I thought you knew this…gosh Chalya was right.’ He sank into his swivel chair and spun round. Moremi’s eyes brightened as she learned this new thing, Chalya? Whatthe little fool have told her brother.. ‘What has your sister have to do with this? Did She advice you not to be with me?’ Moremi’s voice was shaky. ‘No!’ Phillip turned and faced her. ‘Look at us, we are supposed to be talking about Barf’s attackers. We are supposed to be talking about the next move in this project and who I am going to fire next and not about us having sex!’ He slammed his fist on the table. She was greatly startled by his emotional outburst. She had never seen Phillip like this. He was a man that knew how to bottle his feelings; you could hardly read predict Phillip’s next action. ‘Phillip?’ she moved steadily towards his chair. She had a feeling something weighed heavily on his mind. This was more than her asking them to be together, it was something personal. ‘Are you worried about Barf’s attack? I promised you that I will handle that. You don’t need to go to the Police, because if you do, their investigation could slow down this project. Leave everything to me.’ She positioned herself directly behind his back and began to knead his shoulders with her slender fingers. He sighed, releasing the tension that had soaked his whole being. ‘Are you sure that is the right thing to do? My sister think we should tell the Police.’ He relaxed, letting her fingers work through his terse muscles. Moremi rolled her eyes, she knew that little slut was up to no good. Chalya had never liked her from the beginning and the feeling was mutual. ‘Who would you rather listen to: Your lawyer who knows what’s best for the project or your little sister who isn’t up to twenty five?’Moremi inquired. Phillip knew Chalya was very protective of him and she wanted what was best, but he had come a long way with Moremi, he had to listen to her. ‘You.’ ‘Good, trust me Phillip. I swear on my life, that I will never do anything to hurt you.’ She gave his nape a gentle squeeze that sent a trail of sparkling delights down his spine. ‘I trust you.’ He murmured dreamily. He was comfortable with Moremi, he had to tell her about Uncle Usman and the reason he was firing the man. ‘I am letting go of my uncle, you may have met him once.’ He paused; he guessed their first meeting took place the day Chalya spotted them outside of the building. ‘Your Uncle?’ She shook her head. I don’t think I have met the man, but I have seen his name on the papers I’ve been working on.’ Phillip was surprised; he guessed Chalya must have fed him with lies. He shrugged and decided to let it; knowing that his sister could be very mischievous at times. ‘His name is Usman Hajjo and I will no longer need his services.’ Phillip was still unhappy about the secret his father had revealed to him. He thought he could work through it, but the new realization made things more complicated. Moremi felt immobilized on the spot. ‘Why would you want to do something like that?’ She held her breath, if he succeeded in firing Usman, then all their plans will be ruined, she couldn’t let him do that. Phillip wanted to spill the beans; he wanted to let Moremi into his family secrets. He wanted to tell her how irresponsible Uncle Usman was and how he had been sleeping with his mother. ‘He is not an honest man.’ He murmured. ‘Honest? I don’t still get you. But this man is your uncle; you wanted him on your team for a reason.’ Moremi stopped; she pulled her fingers away from him. Phillip had hired Usman because he was a professional architect and would help create new designs for the buildings, but he was starting to have a re-think now and nothing could make him change his mind. ‘He is good at his job, I went through his profile, Phil. Look, I don’t know what difference you have with your uncle, but if you really consider this project as important, you will settle it and move on.’ Moremi had to fix this. She knew Usman would never forgive her should he get fired. ‘Why are you on his side? You don’t even know what he did.’ Phillip scoffed. She moved from his back and pulled a chair close to him, so she could look him directly in the eye while conversing. ‘I don’t need to know that whatever you have against him is personal. You were the one that advised me to apply professionalism, why are you letting your sentiments get into the way of your job?’ Phillip agreed that he had made that statement. ‘But what if you are not strong enough to fight off the power of your emotions? What if you can’t help but let them get into the way of your job?’ She licked her lips and pressed her fingers on her laps, ‘Then you were never trained to be a professional.’ Phillip cursed under his breath, ‘Fuck that man.’ He moved to the corner of his office where the cellar was placed. Moremi watched him with keen eyes, then quickly pulled out her phone and texted Usman about his nephew’s strange behavior. If Usman had indeed done something to hurt Phillip, then she would never forgive him for getting into the way of her wealth acquisition. ‘I am not supposed to tell you this, but make sure you keep it to yourself.’ Phillip grabbed a bottle of Hennessy, shinked it into a glass before he returned to his seat. She swallowed and dropped the phone; she had to listen to what he had to say. If Usman was hiding something important from her, this was her opportunity to take the upper hand in the partnership they had. ‘You know you can trust me with anything. We have a come a long way Phil. I am your friend and your lawyer.’ He sipped slowly from his glass, the liquid made his tummy rumble from too much warmth. He needed this, he needed to be strong. ‘Usman is my father.’ He was tempted to have another round, but he decided against it. Drinking never made anyone feel better. ‘I don’t understand…’ Moremi rose to her feet in disbelief. ‘Yes, my father told me a lot of things last night. Usman had an affair with my mother before she got married to his brother. I am the product of their liaison. Usman is a heartless and wicked man who tried to kill my father, but failed. Instead of my father, the assassin killed my mother.
18 Dec 2018 | 01:07
Episode 14 I blamed the poor man for my mother’s death, oblivious of the fact that he was only doing me a favor by letting me claim his name. I hope you do understand why I cannot work with Usman.’ Phillip was quite sure Moremi would take his side after this. Being stunned was an underestimation of the shock that she felt. She couldn’t believe Usman would do something like that. He was such a hypocrite! He was full of cunning. When she had told him about her plans to take Phillip down, which ultimately meant his death should he stand in the way of her plans, he had expressed his disgust for murder. ‘Why are you not saying anything?’ Phillip was surprised at her quietness. ‘I am still trying to absorb the news.’ She replied. Usman was more dangerous than she had thought; she had to be careful with him. He was the type of man that would kill her and take all of the money for himself. He was a devil in blue dress. ‘That’s how I felt last night, Usman cannot work with me.’ Phillip said. ‘Are you sure that is best for this project?’ Moremi asked, minutes after she had recovered from her shock. She had to remind herself that Usman and herself had a deal, she had to protect his interests somehow. She still needed him to sign some of the documents as the land upon which the buildings were established was his. ‘Yes. I will hire someone else in his place.’ Phillip was sure he was making the right decision. ‘Okay, just be patient. I will do my groundwork and get back to you.’ She had to come up with a plan that would favor her, before telling Phillip what he should do next. He rose up and quickly grabbed her hand, ‘But we are done, what’s the hurry? You still haven’t told me how you plan to find Barf’s attackers.’ The touch of his manly hands made her skin tingle, if there was time, she would peel off his clothes and make passionate love with him right there in his office. ‘I have to go Phil, what you have told me about your uncle can drag us a hundred steps back. I need to see if we can find someone to fill his space before you eventually fire him.’ Phillip released her hand, ‘Okay, I give you twenty four hours to come up with something.’ ‘Thanks boss.’ She blew him a kiss and hurried out of the office. She couldn’t wait to face Usman, how could one man be devious and secretive? ‘What a combination!’ She scoffed and marched out of the building, leaving a lot of men dazed and confused as they watched her behind with flapped back and forth. He felt relieved after sharing his burden with Moremi. She was truly God’s sent to him. He felt lighter and better, knowing that someone was able to understand his pain. His eyes were now on the clock, Chalya was not yet back from her “Salon.” He knew she was up to something and he couldn’t wait to find that out. Ten minutes later, his phone beeped, Phillip grabbed it immediately. It was a message from the company’s driver whom he had sent after Chalya. ‘Smart girl huh?’ He wondered what she was doing at the project site. He felt like leaving all the work he had to handle for the Hajjo Low Income Estate, where his sister was. He had a lot of questions to ask. Phillip rose to his feet and grabbed his car keys, he was almost at the door when he recalled that he had a meeting with a very important client. ‘Shit, she beat me to it.’ He shrugged and decided to stay back. Papa was very pleased to hear better news from this woman, she was quite different from Mr. Hajjo’s daughter, the rude and arrogant brat that had walked in here, looking down on them all. ‘I like what you’re saying Miss Lucinda. I am surprised that people like you still exist.’ He said. Chalya laughed, she wondered what had triggered the old man to make such a statement. ‘Why do you say that sir? There are still people who have human sympathy. The world is made up of the good and bad.’ Indigo listened patiently to the conversation between the friendly lady and her grandfather. She liked Lucinda for many things. She didn’t look down on her or her Papa. She was really relaxed and comfortable in their little sitting room. ‘A lady came here days ago, she is Mr. Hajjo’s daughter…’ Papa wanted to say more, but he noticed a flicker of surprise in Lucinda’s eyes. Chalya couldn’t believe what she had heard, ‘Really?’ She raised a brow. ‘Yes.’ Papa nodded. Last time she checked, her father had only one daughter,her, so who could have come to this neighborhood and deceived these innocent people? ‘Is there a problem?’ Papa asked. ‘No Sir, please go on.’ She nodded. ‘She was really mean and harsh with her words. She told us to prepare ourselves for the new rent, and if we failed to get the money, we would all be thrown out of the building after renovation. Can you imagine that?’Papa scoffed, remembering it all over again was not pleasant. ‘Geez, that was really mean. Did she tell you she was representing her father?’ Chalya asked. She had a feeling Moremi had impersonated her, she just wanted to be sure. ‘Of course, she is Mr. Hajjo’s daughter. I thought he was a nice man, but from the way his daughter treated us, I now understand that he is not different from other rich people.’ Papa continued. Indigo bit her lip, she had not confessed to her Papa that the woman that had introduced herself as Mr. Hajjo’s daughter was actually Moremi Shola, the woman she had been working for. She couldn’t tell him that, some things were better left unsaid. ‘You cannot jump to that conclusion sir; you know how rich kids behave. Her father may not be well aware of what she intends to do with the buildings.’ Chalya tried to convince the man that her father was a good person. She knew something like this would happen, she wished Phillip had listened to her and slashed the half a million rent. It took years to build a reputation and just a minute to destroy it. The world never remembered good deeds like they remembered bad ones. ‘What makes you think so?’ Indigo chipped in. She had a feeling Miss Lucinda was trying to protect Moremi, were they friends or something? Was she as dishonest and tricky as Moremi? ‘I have met Mr. Hajjo before, he was very nice to me. He is a man with a compassionate heart. He may have his flaws, but he is not wicked. This is why I need you to work with me. If we can gather the tenants and talk to them, arrange a meeting, we could fight against this new rent.’ Chalya wished Mallam Hassan would do this for her. Indigo liked the sound of it, but what was in it for Lucinda?
18 Dec 2018 | 01:11
Please tell me what u feel about the story Don't 4get to check my other stories Her Christmas desire and spring of fire Thank u
18 Dec 2018 | 01:13
but dat Phillips is just a man ooo,, he is so stupid
18 Dec 2018 | 02:38
That Phil of a person is tooo dense...dump and maybe stupid in another way
18 Dec 2018 | 05:26
I don't know why Philip is behaving like toddler
18 Dec 2018 | 05:47
Oh Philip! Who did this to you; relaying all yr secrets and plans to the very enemy that is destroying you?
18 Dec 2018 | 08:02
I said it Moremi will be your end
18 Dec 2018 | 10:33
Phillip is too daft to head a company
18 Dec 2018 | 11:22
I just feel like bashing Philip's head. He's too dumb for my liking
18 Dec 2018 | 13:58
Interesting, Phillip shouldn't have told moremi about his biological father
19 Dec 2018 | 14:10
Episode 15 Look, I don’t mean to insult you but what is in it for you? Why are you so interested in helping us?’ Chalya chuckled, she saw Mallam Hassan’s daughter as a smart ass. ‘That shouldn’t be your problem. I don’t need anything from you, what do you have to offer me?’ Indigo shrugged, Lucinda was right, no one living in this estate had anything to offer her. Maybe Lucinda was a good person, just like her Papa had pointed out. ‘So, tell me a little about yourself.’ Chalya leaned forward, so she could reach the glass of water Mallam Hassan’s daughter had offered her. Indigo sighed, ‘I don’t have what to tell.’ She was not proud of her life and the way it turned out, why couldn’t this lady stop asking her personal questions? As if reading Indigo’s thoughts, Chalya wiped her lips carefully after drinking the water and turned to face her, ‘Look, I know I appear nosy, but it is for your own good. I have searched these papers and your name isn’t on it. It is only your father’s name…I just want to know you. That is the only way I will prove to those who want to increase the rent that the tenants living her cannot afford it.’ ‘My father?’ Indigo raised a brow, obviously the woman assumed Papa was her father. ‘She is actually my granddaughter.’ Papa quickly corrected Lucinda. ‘Oh…I will take that correction.’ Chalya smiled at both of them. ‘Well, there’s nothing much to tell about me. I don’t have a job right now and I am going to school. I just wished I could do something with my hands. I have to care for myself and my grandfather.’ Indigo closed her eyes, wishing all her troubles could end in that moment. Chalya liked the sound of her voice. She loved the fire in her eyes. This was a very determined woman who was willing to succeed at all odds. What surprised Chalya even more was that she was going to school, she was not just a dreamer, she was a realist. Chalya was deeply touched by this commitment to success. She wanted to do something to help this poor girl out but she couldn’t think of anything. ‘What are you studying?’ Chalya asked. ‘Architecture,’ Indigo paused, then chipped in, ‘this is my third year.’ ‘Wow, how do you combine working and schooling, is it part time?’ Chalya was getting more interested. ‘It’s full time. It’s really tough, I miss some tests at times, but I don’t let that weigh me down.’ Indigo replied. Chalya was full of admiration for her. This was a woman with limited resources who refused to give poverty a chance to define her destiny. ‘Um, have you done your Industrial Training yet?’ ‘Nope. We were supposed to start next month, but if I could see a place where I can make use of my skills and get paid for a while, I would really be glad.’ Indigo replied. She knew for sure that if she could find a place where she would apply all what she had learned in three years, she would be the happiest girl on earth. Buildings and anything that had to do with them was amazing. Indigo entertained the thoughts of this lady helping her out with her dreams, but she quickly pushed them out. After her experience with Usman, she had vowed not to put her faith in anybody. Annabelle had pretended to love her and everything that she cared about, but had turned round and stabbed her with a knife. Chalya knew much architecture because of her brother’s company and its affiliation with them. Whenever PIE had a contract to renovate or build a structure, architects were invited and they worked hand in hand with the engineers. She wanted to help this girl at all costs. She couldn’t just walk in here and leave without touching someone’s life. She was not wired that way. She loved to help people in her little capacity. ‘Um, what’s your field exactly, architecture is broad. Are you a residential architect, urban architect, green architect?’ Indigo was surprised that Lucinda knew something about her course. It made her feel more relaxed. ‘I am sorry Miss Lucinda but I am just an architect for now. What you just mentioned are areas of specialization and I plan to study in Paris once I am done with school here.’ She had to smooth things out. Chalya was hearing this for the first time, ‘So what can you do now as a third year architect?’ Indigo could do many things. She was drawn to her profession right from childhood, but she had not known what it truly meant to have an eye for buildings and the intricacies of their design. ‘I can draw a plan very well. I am good in interior design.’ Chalya did a mental check of the job slots that were open in PIE, sadly, there wasn’t any for an I.T student, but she wouldn’t back down. She would find a way to fix this girl in. ‘If you are offered job at an engineering Company, would you take it?’ Chalya decided that this meeting was over. She had gotten what she had come for. The warm reception and time provided by the old man and his granddaughter was invaluable. She made a vow to rescue the buildings and the wonderful people in it. ‘That would be amazing! You want to help me with a job?’ Indigo was careful not to let her excitement show. ‘Yes. I will try my best, this is a promise.’ Chalya nodded. ‘I don’t know what to say Miss Lucinda, you are an angel.’ Papa was all smiles as he stared at the lady. ‘Don’t worry Mallam Hassan, just work with me and I will save your lives. Spread the word to the tenants about this renovation and all the details surrounding it. I will give you my number and you will call me when you have set a date for my meeting with everyone who lives here.’ Chalya had something planned, she knew Phillip would be mad at her, but she didn’t care. ‘I will do everything that you have said.’ Papa rose to his feet and walked her towards the door. ‘Miss Lucinda…’ Indigo followed behind, she couldn’t believe what the lady had said to her. ‘Yes?’ Chalya turned. ‘If you help me get a job, I will make sure you get everything you want from the young people in this estate.’ ‘What if you give me your number first, so I contact you once the job is ready.’ Chalya asked. ‘Sure, anything for you Miss Lucinda.’ Indigo flashed her clean set of white teeth. ‘You are welcome.’ Chalya returned her smile.
22 Dec 2018 | 04:14
Episode 16 If someone had told him that a dreaded criminal like Nkosi would pay him a visit early this morning, he wouldn’t have believed it. Twenty six years had passed since he set his eyes on the thug, how had Nkosi traced him? How had the fool who had murdered his Halima found him? ‘I don’t remember telling you to shoot her. God knows what sort of demon possessed your mind Nkosi. You should be on your way out before I call the Police on the man that murdered Halima Hajjo years back at the Forest Reserve.’ Usman warned. But he totally forgot that the thug was not moved by threats, ‘You are joking right?’ Nkosi turned to his accomplices and they burst out with laughter. Usman was starting to get irritated by their unnecessary chuckling and giggling. He had no time to waste with these people. ‘Since you have nothing doing, I must go get some rest.’ Usman spun on his heel and moved towards the door. However, he halted almost immediately when he heard a firm, ‘stop,’ from Nkosi. His serious voice was unmistaken, Usman decided to listen to him and find out the real reason why he was here. ‘I am sorry I shot Halima Hajjo, your brother’s wife. I shouldn’t have, it was a mistake.’ Nkosi apologized. ‘A mistake, is that why you are here? Do you think apologizing after all these years would make me feel better? I loved that woman!’ Usman hissed. Nkosi scoffed, ‘You never loved her, you were just using her to get to your brother who took your land.’ Usman rolled his eyes, it amazed him how fast the thug could read his mind. It was no secret that his brother had taken the land that belonged to him and erected two tall buildings, which he would destroy soon. ‘It still doesn’t change the fact that you killed her Nkosi. You should be rotting in jail for all your crimes.’ Usman waved a finger over his face, but Nkosi didn’t waver. He stood his ground. Nkosi was being honest. He had not planned to shoot the woman, but something just happened and he pinned her to the ground, next to her son. ‘I had to flee to Nairobi to avoid being clipped by the Police. I lived there for fifteen years before I moved to Ghana. I decided to come back here for some reasons.’ He replied. He knew his Nigerian lover had a child for him, this was the reason he had returned. While searching for his child, he decided to reconcile with some old friends. ‘What reason could that be?’ Usman had a feeling that Nkosi was hiding something from him. ‘None of your business.’ Nkosi winked. ‘Whatever, I forgive you for shooting Halima; can you leave my house now?’ Usman pointed at the gate, but Nkosi wouldn’t budge. ‘No you don’t. If you had a gun, you’ll pull the trigger and send me to hell, where you think I rightly belong.’ He laughed. Usman ignored his dry laughter, he knew Nkosi was trouble, he wanted something from him. ‘What do you want from me Nkosi?’ ‘Nothing.’ The thug replied. ‘Nothing?’ Usman’s brows knotted together in doubt. ‘Okay, okay. I need a job to sustain me while I’m here in Nigeria. I know you have a lot of things to offer me, that’s why I came here.’ Nkosi was confident that his old friend and boss, Usman, would help him. What in hell would lead Nkosi into thinking that he, Usman Hajjo, would have anything to do with a thug? ‘I have a reputation to protect Nkosi. My family must never know the truth about Halima’s death, being around you could complicate issues.’ Usman swirled round and decided to get some sleep; he was done talking to the criminal. ‘I saw the lady that left your house. I can tell by the way you guys looked at each other that you have a deal. You both are planning something evil and I can help you achieve that. I know you are scared of me, but I promise not to fail you this time, I promise to be neat on my delivery.’ Nkosi was in dire need of a job. He couldn’t wait to set eyes on his sweet child; she had grown into a woman. He needed enough money to buy her all the goodies that she needed when they would finally meet. ‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’ Usman froze, was he that transparent? ‘Of course you do. Just let me help with the dirty jobs.’ Nkosi knew Usman didn’t trust him, but he couldn’t blame the man. Usman wanted to face him for the last time. He wanted to scare Nkosi off with threats of reporting him to the Police and other Security Organizations, but he knew he would only implicate himself by doing that. A quick thought dropped in his mind. His eyes were still burning from the liquid that crazy girl had splashed into his eyes. Maybe this would be the first job he will offer Nkosi. ‘I need you to trace two girls and bring them straight to me. The first is Ummi or you could call her Annabelle. She delivered a wrong product to me and has refused to refund. I shall give you her house address with which you will trace her friend who did this to my eyes.’ Usman turned around and faced Nkosi, pointing his fingers directly to his eyes. He couldn’t wait to smash both their heads into the wall, while fucking them from behind. ‘Very well then, we have a deal.’ Nkosi smiled, he was glad to have his old partner in crime back. While walking towards his room, Usman realized that Moremi had sent him a text. He couldn’t believe what he had just read, he had to find her! He needed an explanation. The Hajjos had taken their seats, while waiting for the housekeeper to serve them dinner. Mr. Hajjo was pleased that he and his kids were reunited with each other. He felt genuinely happy for a long time; he realized he had been hurting himself by keeping the burden from his children. ‘So how was your day?’ He asked them. Chalya flashed her father a grin. She had not spoken to her brother since her return from the estate neither had Phillip spoken to her, which she considered weird. He was always into her business and she couldn’t blame him, he was suffering from the big brother’s syndrome. ‘Fine.’ She answered. Was Phillip upset that she had spent more than two hours or she had left her work to do other things? ‘Tell me about it.’ Her father asked. Phillip ignored their conversation, he was checking out the order of matches for the week. He had not watched football for a long time, he needed time to relax. He couldn’t handle stress very well, so he had to release the tension within him by watching football. ‘I…I was at work then I left to do some stuff.’ She replied, hoping that her father wouldn’t ask for more. ‘What stuff?’ The man asked. It was at this point that Phillip turned off his phone and decided to be a part of the conversation.
22 Dec 2018 | 04:18
Am sorry 4 my late updates I have been very busy pls bear with me
22 Dec 2018 | 04:20
Next pls
22 Dec 2018 | 05:55
You did an excellent job in
22 Dec 2018 | 17:35
following,,,, but with all dey discussed togeda chalya didn't get indigo's name still
23 Dec 2018 | 12:04
Episode 17 In the past, he would have ignored his father without remorse, believing he was punishing the man for not saving his mother. But now, he knew better. This man was his messiah and deserved his respect and loyalty. ‘You spent more than two hours.’ He dropped the phone gently, beside the glass full of water that lay before him. His eyes were on Chalya’s hair, there was nothing new about the way that she wore her hair, which confirmed the text his driver had sent to him. ‘Well, I had many things to do. If I had told you, you wouldn’t have let me out of your sight.’ Chalya complained. ‘But you didn’t make your hair, you said you were going to the Salon.’ He didn’t want to confront his sister with the truth, he wanted to have her confession when she was ready. The man laughed, he didn’t want to interfere in a brother and sister brawl. ‘Well, that had to wait for other things.’ She avoided Phillip’s accusing glare. Did he know about her visit to the Estate? For her sake, she hoped not. Phillip shrugged and raised the glass to his lips, ‘It seems someone has a boyfriend.’ He rolled his eyes. Chalya blushed, feeling embarrassed that her dad and brother would be thinking all sorts now. ‘Phillip!’ She hit the table with her fist. He almost choked on the drink, ‘Hey girl, it’s not a bad thing if you do. Just tell him that I would smash his head into the wall if he ever hits you. Let him know that.’ Phillip laughed and his father joined him. ‘I can’t believe you’d take his side dad.’ Chalya felt betrayed. ‘Honey, your brother is right. You are no longer a minor. You are free to fall in love, get your heart broken, have beautiful sex but always use a condom.’ He advised. Chalya was thoroughly embarrassed and she blamed Phillip for this sex education class. ‘I will kill you.’ She pointed at him. ‘For?’ He winked, that served her right for lying to him. ‘It’s okay guys, let’s prepare ourselves for Madam Hawa’s special.’ The man announced the entrance of the Chef and housekeeper, who was all smiles as she waltzed in with a tray of Masa and tomato sauce. ‘Good evening Hawa.’ Chalya smiled at the woman. ‘Good evening Chalya,’ she bent the knee and offered the same gesture to Phillip who also greeted her. She dropped the large tray on the table and wished them a happy eating, before leaving the dining hall. ‘You should learn to cook like Hawa, men like good food.’ Phillip winked as he served himself. ‘If you don’t stop teasing me, I could spill all of your secrets to dad; you wouldn’t want that now, would you?’ Chalya knew how mean of a tease her elder bro could be. ‘I am sorry darling, no more teasing.’ He bowed his head in a mocking manner which evoked a bout of heavy laughter from everybody. They fell quiet for a few minutes before Phillip broke the silence. ‘So dad, tell us about your day.’ The question appeared strange to him and to everyone, because he didn’t remember the last time he had asked his father that question. This pleased the man greatly, he finally found the love he had always yearned for. He felt cared for and appreciated by his children, he couldn’t have asked for more. ‘Uneventful. I had an appointment with my doctor, he says I should sleep often because of the migraines.’ The man replied. Phillip was not happy about that, he wished there was something he could do to make his father feel better. ‘I am sorry about that dad.’ He whispered. ‘Thanks son. How was your own day?’ His father asked. Phillip was about telling his father about his decision to fire Usman Hajjo from the project team when Chalya cut in. ‘I am sorry for that rude interruption, but don’t you think our house and a lot of places in PIE need a touch of a professional fix?’ Chalya dropped her fork, and grabbed a glass of water. Both men exchanged glances, they didn’t know the path she was headed. ‘What are you talking about?’ Phillip lifted a brow. Since her return from the Estate, he noticed she was acting a little bit different. ‘Tell us Chalya, what is this about?’ The man was full, he pushed his plate forward and relaxed against his chair. She swallowed some more water and reminded herself that this was the only opportunity she could get a job for Mallam Hassan’s grandchild. She had done some digging at PIE when she returned from her visit, there was no slot for any inexperienced person. She couldn’t even bring up the issue to her brother, he would think her crazy and probably say something like, “I thought you knew better, we don’t hire babies here.” Hell, she knew that, but she was just trying to help a poor girl achieve her dreams. She saw Mallam Hassan’s granddaughter as a woman who knew what she wanted and would chase after it, if given the opportunity. ‘I can’t mess this up,’ she thought. ‘Chalya, cat cut your tongue?’ Phillip was listening. ‘First of all, I am tired of this house. It gets really boring at times and I feel changing some things in here would make it really fun and exciting.’ She gestured towards the walls and everything else in the house. ‘I still don’t get you.’ Phillip murmured. ‘Okay…’ she sighed, ‘We have been living in a house with white painted walls and a green roof for eighteen years. The blinds are old and the chairs need some fixing. I know they look alright because Madam Hawa cleans them every day, but changing things around here wouldn’t be such a bad idea.’ ‘Okay, I understand you now, but how does this relate to my company?’ Phillip wondered. Chalya knew she was taking a risk, but she had to go for it. ‘Hey, no one is going to tell you the truth but me. This is because I am your sister and I love you…’ she paused. ‘I know that.’ He nodded. ‘Your office is ugly!’ Chalya screamed. A snigger escaped his lips, he had not expected that from Chalya, was she seeing her period or something? ‘Hey, there’s nothing wrong with my office.’ Phillip dropped his fork and decided to retire for the night. Mr. Hajjo could read Chalya like a book. He knew when she was simply making suggestions and when she wanted something done for a particular purpose. His baby girl wouldn’t just wake up and start making complains about the decoration in the house and her brother’s office. ‘I think she is right Phillip. What if we consider redecorating?’ ‘Dad? You are on her side?’ Phillip rolled his eyes. Chalya quickly mouthed a ‘thank you,’ to the man when Phillip wasn’t looking. She couldn’t believe her father would come to her rescue like that. ‘I think we should try, I get bored looking at these white walls. We could hire an interior designer to lighten things up around here, don’t you think your office needs some redecorating?’ His father asked. He shrugged, ‘No, it’s fine by me.’ Phillip replied. ‘I know someone who is excellent at interior designing, there’s no need to be afraid, she is very good at this.’ Chalya had never seen any of Mallam Hassan’s grandchild’s works, but she was attesting for her. To be continued……..
24 Dec 2018 | 01:35
Episode 18 Phillip thought that his sister’s behavior was strange, why was she so bent on having everywhere redecorated? ‘She?’ He scoffed. ‘Well yea, it’s a she, and that is sexist!’ She returned. ‘Whatever, just do what you want but don’t let your interior designer touch my room.’ He yawned and rose to his feet. ‘Sleepy already?’ His father asked. ‘Yes, can we talk later dad? I have a lot to share.’ ‘Okay son, sleep well.’ Phillip knew he wouldn’t sleep well, he couldn’t stop thinking about Indigo, why had she refused to call him? He felt bad. He wished he could set eyes on her one last time. Chalya felt like a winner, she had beaten her brother to his own game, she couldn’t wait for the renovation project to kick off. ‘So dad, I really had a long day, I think it is time for me to sleep.’ She yawned and rose to her feet. She couldn’t wait to hug her pillow. ‘Not too fast Chalya, can you tell me what that was about?’ She knew too well what her father was asking but she pretended not to. ‘What dad?’ she lifted her brows. ‘Chalya?’ He widened his eyes on her. ‘Okay, this should be between us because if Phillip finds out that I went visit your tenants, he’ll be mad.’ She rushed to her father’s side so they could talk in whispers. ‘I don’t understand.’ The man was confused. ‘I went to pay your tenants a little visit and what I saw there…what I saw was appalling. Dad, I know you may not want to interfere in this project, you may not want to tell Phillip the truth but I will. Those tenants are suffering already, if I let my brother increase the rent, then I will consider myself an evil person.’ The man had not wanted to come in between Phillip and his job because he had his fears. He decided to stay out of it all. ‘Do whatever you want Chalya, Phillip is your brother, but don’t bring me in.’ he patted her gently on the back. This surprised her greatly, ‘But dad, you are supposed to be on my side. I want what is best for everyone.’ ‘I know darling, but sometimes, what is best is not what is perfect.’ He stood up and walked towards his room, leaving her in war with her own thoughts. Chalya had a feeling her father was keeping a secret from her, she would dig into his refusal to call Phillip to order, but for now, she was too concerned in helping Mallam Hassan’s granddaughter. In a rush, she made for her room, Chalya had to invite her to the house the next day. She cast the phone aside, tired of paying games and surfing the web. Where the hell was Usman Hajjo? She had been the one to set the time for the appointment, he was supposed to be here before her. Usman was really testing her patience, but she was willing and prepared for her. ‘Liar.’ She murmured and fetched her phone once again. She couldn’t let Phillip take Usman off the project and the only way she could do this was by giving him a believable story coupled with evidence about Barf’s attack. If Usman was taken off the project, their chances of getting the best out of Phillip would be destroyed. She had gone through her plans once more, she got everything under her control, not even Usman’s secretive nature would be a blockade to her. She had an upper hand in the game and she was going to use that against him. Usman was no fool, neither was she, if their plans failed to work, she had a plan B which she was seriously considering. ‘You will make a perfect husband.’ Her fingers touched the screen as she adored the picture of Phillip. He was such a handsome man, classy and rich, what else was she looking for? Phillip was the type of man fit for her. She wanted no one else but him should her current plan fail. Once she was able to convince him to marry her, Usman would become the enemy and she the saint. ‘It is going to be a perfect union, a match made in heaven.’ She smiled as she imagined herself all wrapped up in Phillip’s arms. She dropped the phone the moment her encounter with him earlier in the day, flashed through her mind. She felt slightly hurt and humiliated, why had Philip pushed her away? Why had he escaped her advances? Moremi considered herself the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and she knew everything about his love life. She couldn’t let another woman get to Phillip, as that would ruin her plans of getting a stronghold of him. She wanted him to submit completely to her will. She wanted her desires to be his desires. She wanted to enslave him with the glorious power that emanated from her laps. But she had a strong feeling that she was losing him to someone else. ‘No,’ she shook her head, Moremi guessed Phillip had been in a bad mood when she had visited him, considering the fact that he had just realized that Usman was his father. Who wouldn’t feel bad? He still had eyes for only her, she just needed to try harder. ‘I hope you are not thinking about a man.’ Usman found her table in the congested bar. He wondered why Moremi had wanted to meet him urgently. ‘You!’ She drummed the table impatiently with her fingers. She couldn’t believe he would come this late for a meeting. ‘Is this how you will continue working with Phillip? You are an hour late! Do you think I don’t have other things to do?’ She was pissed off by his nonchalant attitude. Usman ignored her and called to one of the serving girls. ‘Good evening Sir, what would you like to have?’ ‘A beer would be fine, you can give the lady red wine.’ He knew Moremi was easily angered, he saw the need to pacify her before the discussion kicked off. ‘Red wine will not stop me from yelling at you!’ She crossed her arms against her chest angrily. ‘So what will? Would you prefer Suya?’ His tone was mocking. ‘Look, don’t think this meeting is for my own good, are you aware that Phillip wants to fire you?’ She scoffed and dropped her hands on the table. Usman was quiet for a minute, he had not expected this. He had to take off the dark glasses that he wore, to hide his reddish eyes from the view of people. ‘I don’t understand you.’ ‘You better do. Is there something you’d like to tell me about yourself?’ She clasped her hands and propped herself forward. She was giving Usman a chance to come clean, not that she wanted to trust him, because that was the last thing she could ever do. Usman shifted restlessly in his seat. Why was Moremi asking him this sort of question? ‘Why would my own nephew want to do that? Did he say anything?’ She rolled her eyes, Usman was such a tricky bastard, ‘I asked you a question, you are supposed to answer me first before asking yours.’ He was shocked that Phillip would want to kick him off the project team. The boy had always loved him, he had preferred him to his own brother, why the sudden change of attitude? ‘I am a professional in Urban architecture, he knows I am perfect for this job. The only reason Phillip would fire me is if my brother, his father, told him to do so.’ Usman was sure of this. Phillip could never take such a decision all by himself. To be continued……..
24 Dec 2018 | 01:39
Your downfall is near
24 Dec 2018 | 10:40
Your doom is near
24 Dec 2018 | 15:23
Moremi d bitch. I hope ur plans work chalya
24 Dec 2018 | 16:37
your bloody asses would be kicked off in disgrace
24 Dec 2018 | 19:31
Philip! I pray you learn the true colour of yr trusted allies before they finish you
25 Dec 2018 | 04:55
25 Dec 2018 | 05:34
Episode 19 And why would your brother want you off the project?’ Moremi asked. Usman was no suckling; he knew when someone was trying to send him a message, only that he had no strength to beat around the bush. His eyes were still hurting, and the medication his doctor had prescribed made him feel lethargic and dizzy. ‘Moremi, if you have something to tell me, you can go ahead. But I swear to you, that I do not know the reason why Phillip would want me off.’ She laughed, she was seeing this side of Usman for the first time. His lies were so cheap and she felt sorry for him. She guessed he had believed her a fool, little wonder his eagerness to do business with her. She shrugged, ‘I don’t either, but he was really upset in his office.’ ‘So what did you say? You should have said something in my defense. If I get fired, our deal is as good as dead.’ Usman was shaken by this news. ‘In your defense? First, I don’t even know what you did wrong, so what was I supposed to say?’ She replied. He had exposed himself without knowing, he hated this position this news had left him. ‘If I am not in, you would never win.’ ‘Well, I have come up with this excellent idea, considering that it is I that will have to convince your nephew not to fire you. Would you like to hear it?’ Moremi paused as the waiter returned with their order. ‘Thank you.’ She murmured and grabbed the wine glass from the tray. ‘Come back later for the bill, we’ll be here for long.’ Usman waved the girl away. He had lost appetite for his beer, he hated being in the dark about plans. He hated it more, when people told him what to do and this was the reason that he never liked his brother. ‘Tell me…’ Moremi ignored his plea and sipped quietly from her glass. The wine slapped her cheeks with its sourness but she enjoyed it still, it made her more relaxed. ‘Whatever we earn, I will take eighty percent and give you twenty, considering the fact that the land and the buildings on it are your properties, though not on paper.’ She knew Usman wouldn’t like this idea, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was new ways to fatten her bank account. He pinned his icy eyes on her. ‘You’re joking right?’ ‘How, do I look like Monique?’ She rolled her eyes and continued sipping her wine. His reaction was perfectly normal and she didn’t have a problem with that. ‘No, I think you are Maraj, the YouTube comedian. You should see some of her videos.’ He hissed angrily. When she didn’t say anything in his response, he smacked the table with his palms. ‘And you expect me to accept that? You are not in a position to tell me what to do. This deal we have was my idea, so if anyone is getting anything less than forty percent, it should be you.’ He pointed a finger at her. Her eyes dilated in surprise, ‘Wait, so you were planning to give me forty percent after all my hard work?’ ‘Don’t put words in my mouth, you started this.’ He couldn’t play into her trap a second time. She emptied the wine into her mouth and stood up. ‘This meeting is over Usman, I am your boss. Do you think it would be an easy thing convincing Phillip to take you back? I have known him for a very long time, and he is a strong willed man.’ ‘Moremi! You cannot do this, I will beg him myself.’ He rose to meet her. ‘Oh really, would Phillip love to work with the man that killed his mother?’ She smiled, this was her game and she knew when and where to serve the cards. Usman’s heart jolted, how had she come by his deepest and darkest secret? ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ He said in an anxious voice. ‘Of course you don’t, we are all saints.’ She moved closer to him and dropped a peck on his cheek. ‘Goodbye now.’ Moremi strolled out of the bar, feeling victorious. Usman had a feeling he was in danger. He had underestimated her and now she was about to blow his cover. ‘No.’ He murmured, he would need to give Nkosi another assignment once he was done with Annabelle and her foolish friend, the one that almost blinded him. She felt like a devil for betraying Indigo like that, but she had no choice. She was only helping her achieve her dreams, by introducing her to a generous and powerful man as Usman Hajjo. Annabelle knew without being told that Indigo had never been with a man and such women were the type that Usman preferred. He had paid her doubly four her efforts. He had offered her two hundred thousand for Indigo. She had taken the first part of the money, while the second was meant for Indigo, who had no inkling where she had gotten it from. As she knelt before the strange men that had broken into her house, more memories of her good times with Indigo flooded her mind. Maybe God was punishing her for betraying her friend like that. ‘Where does your friend stay?’ Their leader walked towards her and launched a punch that hurled her across the room, because she refused to give them any information. Annabelle had left her door open while ironing her clothes. When she had heard someone knocking, he had welcomed the person, thinking it was a neighbor, but to her surprise, she had willingly invited thugs into her house. ‘You think you are tough huh?’ Nkosi scoffed. She was so annoying and obstinate, if not that Usman had given them stern instructions; he would have put a gun to her head and blown her brains out. ‘Why don’t you tell me who sent you to my house?’ Annabelle spat at him. The thugs behind Nkosi rushed forward to hit her, but Nkosi stopped them. He was saving his best punches for later. He was going to beat her to pulp, but right now, he was prepared to keep his hitting urges in check. ‘I am going to ask you one last time about your friend who almost blinded Alhaji Usman, if you fail to tell me, I will find her and rip her into pieces and you will have to live with that.’ Annabelle’s eyes darkened at once, so these men were from Usman? What had Indigo done to him? She wondered. She hated herself for leading Indigo into this mess. But she was prepared to die, than for these men for find Indi. ‘I’d rather die than tell you where she is.’ Annabelle replied in a defiant voice. Nkosi resisted the urge to give her another punch, the girl was deliberately pissing him off but he would ignore her till the end. ‘Why does Usman want her? His business is with me!’ Annabelle yelled. She was tired of being on her knees, but she knew that if she stood up, the thug would punch her again. ‘None of my business, I am only doing my job. Where can we find this friend of yours?’ Nkosi scanned the walls of her room for pictures, but he was not able to find any. To be continued……..
25 Dec 2018 | 08:18
Episode 20 Annabelle wished she could find a way to warn Indigo. Usman was a deadly man and she had an idea of the despicable things he did to women. She was nauseous of the thought of herself and Indigo being trapped in the same place with that degenerate. ‘Like I said, I wouldn’t tell you a thing.’ She stood her ground. ‘Well then, I have myself a whore for the night.’ Nkosi snapped his fingers and ordered the men to bind her with the ropes they’d come with. He would deliver her first to Usman, then find her friend without her help. He moved to the reading table where she kept her phone. From the way her house was arranged and the things his eyes came across, he knew she was a student. He hoped to find the other girl soon. He couldn’t wait to work with Usman again. She didn’t know what to expect after Miss Lucinda had left. She wanted to be excited and cast her hopes high, but she quickly reminded herself that human beings were not perfect and could fail. ‘What’s on your mind?’ Papa asked. He was done having his dinner and he decided to read an old newspaper while watching Indi go through her books. ‘Nothing.’ Indigo looked up. Though she was not placing her faith in Lucinda’s words, she still had to prepare herself should something come up. ‘You look troubled.’ Papa said. She sighed and pushed away her books. A lot of things got into her and made her feel depressed. ‘Talk to me, I know you want to…’ Papa wanted to hear her thoughts. He hated to see her worried. She licked her lips and fiddled with her fingers, maybe this was the right time to tell her grandfather the truth about Phillip Hajjo. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. Even while she was staring at her books, his face flashed a thousand times in her mind and she felt like she was deceiving herself. How could a stranger affect her so strongly? She guessed she was drawn to his kind heart and his looks. She reassured herself there was nothing more. ‘Um…I am just thinking of what Miss Lucinda said before she left. I am a bit worried Papa, even if I get the job, would the people hiring accept me?’ She ran her fingers through the mass of her black hair. There were rules in Interior designing. What she loved doing was different from interior decorating. It was a combination of colors, fabrics, calculations, the use of computer to erect structures and lots more. She performed excellently in her academics, but she had little or no experience with the outside world. Papa dropped the dusty paper and turned his full attention at her. ‘I see, you doubt yourself.’ ‘Of course Papa, I do not have what people like her would need. I have never done this before, but I am willing to try.’ She replied. ‘So you’re nervous then?’ Papa asked. ‘No, I am afraid.’ She answered, ‘I don’t have a professional portfolio. Those I would be working for may want to see my previous works. It’s just like going to a doctor for treatment; you must have heard wonders about this doctor before putting your life in his hands.’ She imagined a situation where she was given the job, and she ruined it. No one would be happy with an unappealing interior. ‘My job is to make places more aesthetic. I want to add color, spice and everything nice. I want this to be an opening for other contracts.’ Her eyes were dreamy as she pulled up an imaginary office in her mind that had a messy interior which she was able to design. Papa wanted to tell her how amazing she was. He knew that she had the gift to work on people’s buildings and this was the reason he gave her his full support when she opted for Architecture. ‘I don’t even have a good phone, maybe I could have downloaded one of those applications or made use of virtual design applications.’ She complained. ‘Indigo…’ Papa called her, then struggled to his feet and walked to the old cupboard where he kept some important things. ‘What are you doing?’ It had been a long time since they watched family pictures together, she guessed Papa was about fetching the family album. He didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled out an old drawing book, smiled to himself and approached her with it. ‘Have you forgotten this?’ He dropped before her. The light blue book looked really familiar; she held her breath and opened it. The first building she had ever drawn and colored was that of the house they lived in. It captured the beauty of the Estate; the Hibiscus tree; children playing in the neighborhood; the roofs and the balusters. ‘Papa…’ her voice cracked as she found another page, portraying another building. This time it was a Catholic Church, presented in its full glory and beauty. ‘Yes, you did this. With your tiny hands and innocent eyes, you were able to capture the world. You shouldn’t doubt yourself. I know my financial situation has limited you in many ways, but you can make do of what you have…; he paused. Tears was falling from her eyes now, her grandfather’s faith in her was more than she could ask for. ‘You have a keen eye Indi. You have hands to choose what is best for houses. Have you forgotten how upset I was one day after work? But that anger fled the moment I came home to a “new” sitting room? You had changed a lot of things, you gave them better positions. I want you to believe in yourself the way I do, because if you fail to believe in your abilities, then you are a failure.’ He wiped a strand of tear that rolled down her cheeks. She couldn’t stop herself from crying, he was right. She had totally forgotten the beauty of history. What mattered most in architecture was the eye, if you couldn’t see things the way your client wanted you to see them, then you were as good as useless. ‘I believe in myself now grandpa, I promise never to fail you.’ She grabbed his hand and put her lips to it. ‘I know you wouldn’t. Your name is Indigo, thought the clouds may gather, your radiance would always brighten the world.’ He lowered his lips and dropped it on her forehead. To be continued……..
25 Dec 2018 | 08:21
nkosi,,, if Ur daughter should see u doin dirty work like dis,, she wil not like u oooo
25 Dec 2018 | 13:39
I hope you get the job soon Indi b4 usman and his cohorts finds you
25 Dec 2018 | 14:46
nice grandpa indi has got here, god grant him more yearrs so that he continues to wipe indis' wories!
26 Dec 2018 | 00:14
She will surely make it... She will surely make grandpa proud. As for Usman and Moremi, you will parish
26 Dec 2018 | 02:14
Have faith in yourself
27 Dec 2018 | 02:56
I believe you can do it
27 Dec 2018 | 08:31
27 Dec 2018 | 22:01
Episode 21 She felt better after talking to her grandfather; she decided to tell him about Phillip. She knew he was not comfortable about her getting money from a stranger, but she had a strong feeling that Phillip was different. ‘Papa…’ her voice was shaky, she was unsure. ‘Yes Indi?’ He waited. ‘There’s something…’ she was about spilling her guts when a call came through her phone. She grabbed the phone and took it at once, even though the caller identity was strange. ‘Good evening, please am I speaking with Ms. Hassan?’ ‘Yes please. Who am I speaking with?’ ‘This Ms. Lucinda Paul and I have gotten you a contract. I believe and trust in you, don’t fail me. Take a taxi to the Hajjo Residential Area, don’t be late. If you pass the interview, you could start the job tomorrow.’ ‘Ms. Lucinda? You…you got me a job?’ Indigo gave a loud scream that almost shattered her caller’s eardrums. ‘Yes, see you tomorrow by 8.’ ‘Hello? Hello?’ Indigo realized Miss Lucinda had ended the call. She dropped the phone aside and jumped to her feet screaming, ‘I got a job! I got a job!’ Papa had heard everything; he was so excited for his grandchild. He prayed silently that this one worked out for her. ‘Papa, can you believe it?’ She paused and swung her arms round him. ‘Of course darling child, I believe it. I know you’ll get that job. You have to suspend studying and get a good sleep, so you could wake early.’ He hugged her. But she was a bit sad, ‘Who would make you breakfast now? We both know you are not an early riser.’ She grimaced. The old man laughed, he loved the way she doted over him at times. It made him feel like a baby again, but he was not a selfish man. He respected her and had her dreams in mind. ‘Preparing one meal won’t kill an old man.’ He released her, then pinched her cheeks. ‘Are you sure about that? What do you plan to cook?’ She teased. ‘I started cooking before you were born, always remember that I thought you how to prepare Jollof Rice before you tease me.’ He winked, and they both laughed after that. It was the laughter of two happy people. ‘Wake up Indi! Or you’ll be late.’ Papa’s voice interrupted the sweet dream that she was in. She had been in the coffee shop serving customers, then the door was opened and a handsome Phillip Hajjo walked in with a bright smile in his face. He was holding a bouquet of iris, and marched towards her with the lovely looking flowers. ‘Phillip!’ She had cried excitedly and rushed towards him. ‘Indigo…I have been looking everywhere for you. I know we’ve both got enemies and everyone is against us being together. But I believe we are meant for each other. I love you.’ His eyes were clouded with passion, his lips carried with them promise. She loved Phillip. She felt it strongly as her eyes mated with his. ‘I love you too Phillip, I wish the world would let us.’ A smile played on her lips. ‘You are so beautiful and perfect for me…’ he paused and lowered his face towards hers; he wanted to adore her with his mouth. He wanted to show her how much he cared. His breath was hot against her face. She wanted to love him; she wanted her desires to override her moral inhibitions. She wanted him to make her feel like a woman. ‘Kiss me…’ she murmured impatiently. It was at that point of meeting, that the door flew wide open and her grandfather began to shake her gently. ‘Wake up, wake up, this is seven thirty!’ ‘Jesus!’ Indigo’s dreamy eyes flew wide open and she quickly jumped out of bed. ‘No, no, I cannot miss this opportunity.’ Tears of frustration rushed down her cheeks. What was she thinking, sleeping like a log of wood and dreaming of a total stranger that she probably would never see again? She grabbed her toothbrush and rushed towards the bathroom, there was no time to take a wash, so she decided to smell funny than have bad breath. Papa felt helpless. He didn’t know what to do to make this situation any better. ‘Can I make you breakfast?’ He asked. ‘No! No time for that.’ She replied inaudibly, as her mouth was full of paste. Papa shrugged and rushed out of the room, so she could dress when she stepped out. She rinsed her mouth hurriedly, before splashing some water on her face. ‘God, just help me out of this one. I promise to be more serious with my life instead of dreaming of a stupid kiss.’ She murmured and rushed towards her wardrobe, which was full of old and unattractive clothes. She didn’t have time to think, she quickly grabbed a black dress that she had bought for a Thousand Naira, burrowed into it and matched it with a creamy cover shoe. She was almost at the door when she forgot to spray some perfume which she had gotten from the Hausa Vendors. There no time to comb her hair thoroughly but she was able to smoothen it with her fingers; she wore light lipstick and small earrings. But she was still comfortable and confident in her skin. She prayed there wouldn’t be traffic on her way. Miss Lucinda Paul had tried her best to get her this job and she couldn’t ruin it now. ‘Are you good to go?’ Papa stood by the door. ‘Yes.’ She nodded and smiled at him. ‘Here…have this, it is for good luck.’ He gave her the old drawing book. ‘Thank you for believing in me, I promise to get this done with.’ She winked. ‘I know you will, bye Indi!’ He waved as she rushed out of the house. ‘Bye Papa!’ She waved back
28 Dec 2018 | 01:53
Last episode Luckily for her, she found an empty Tricycle, she quickly explained to the guy that she was in a rush and that he had to drive as fast as he could. He assured her that he knew where she was headed and added that it belonged to one of the wealthiest men in Nigeria. But she was in no mood for details; Chalya kept staring at the clock during breakfast, it was almost eight and the girl wasn’t yet here. She was worried because her father and brother would have a bad impression about her. And she hated it when Phillip pointed out her mistakes. Had she made a mistake by hiring the Hassan girl? She looked like one that was in need of a job, why would she mess up now? ‘Why are you not eating your food Chalya?’ Her father noticed her plate of oats was far from empty. She had swallowed only one spoon. ‘Ask her dad, we have a very long day at the office and I don’t want her out of my sight.’ Phillip chipped in. She stroke him with a blinding glare before he pulled his eyes of her and focused on his plate. Phillip enjoyed getting on her nerves more than anything. ‘Are you worried about the person you hired for the interior designing of this house?’ Her father asked. She didn’t want to admit this in front of Phillip, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but as it stood, she had no option. ‘Yes. I told her to come early so you could all see her and access her by yourselves to see if she is perfect for the job. I thought she would come early.’ Chalya dropped her spoon and rose to her feet. She hated it when people disappointed her. She had placed all of her trusts in the girl’s hands and if she failed to show up, Phillip would never give her the respect that she craved for. She had told her brother to promote her at work and give her a more “serious” position, but he had refused, saying that she was not ready for more responsibilities. But what if she was? Tears sprang up in her eyes as she through the window, what was happening? Was she caught in traffic or had she lost her way? ‘I should call her…’ Chalya quickly wiped her face so they wouldn’t know that she was crying. She spun on her heel and was about to marching to her room when the door flew wide open and Mrs. Hawa came towards her. ‘Is there a problem?’ She noticed the sour look on the woman’s face. ‘Yes, there is a young lady by the gate. She says she is looking for Ms Lucinda Paul.’ Chalya couldn’t hold back her excitement; she rushed past Mrs. Hawa and straight to the gate. Blood crept to her cheeks as the driver hurled abusive names at her for refusing to pay him. ‘Fine girl with mumu brain, you feel say you go do APC on top my head? Na lie o, you must to pay me my money!’ He slammed his fist on the body of the vehicle. Indigo had forgotten her purse while rushing, she had tried explaining this to the driver but he had refused to listen. She was troubled as she had no money on her. ‘Oga…please, I didn’t mean to trick you. Please do not be angry with me, I promise to pay you if you can wait for me.’ She begged. ‘Please? Na please I go chop? Abeg o! Just give me my money if you sabi wetin good for you.’ He waved a finger at her face. Just in time, Chalya stepped outside the gate and walked into the scene. Without asking questions, she had a feeling the girl had not paid this man or maybe she had underpaid him. ‘How much is her fare?’ Chalya asked the driver. ‘Five Hundred Naira’ He snapped at Chalya. ‘Pay him off.’ Chalya turned to Miss Hawa, then grabbed Indigo’s hands and walked her inside the building. Indigo couldn’t believe what had just happened, the lines were falling for her in the right places and she was very thankful for it. ‘Thank you so much Ms. Lucinda, I am sorry I came late. I…I slept late and I.’ she was stuttering and she couldn’t help it. Chalya stopped her, she was more excited that the girl had showed up. Now, she could prove to Phillip that she was ready to take on more responsibilities. ‘Thank you for coming, I hope you will not fail me. When you walk in there, you’ll find my father and my brother. I want you to prove to them, that you can make our living room more appealing to the eyes, just maybe then, I could give you another contract. I know I promised to get you a slot at PIE, but that didn’t work out well. I want you to do this, like it is your last lifeline. Is that clear?’ Chalya spoke very gently to her. Indigo drew in a deep breath and nodded, she didn’t know where this place was. In fact, she didn’t have time to drink from the beauty of her new environment. She just wanted to walk in there and do her best. ‘I will not fail you Miss Lucinda Paul.’ Indigo nodded. ‘One more thing, my real name is Chalya…Let’s go in.’ Chalya grabbed her hand once again and led her in before she could ask more questions. * Indigo had never seen an interior so exquisite; it reminded her of all the photographs that she had seen in textbooks. It was too perfect to be real; she was dazed and slightly intimidated. The dark green walls had milky white stripes which matched with the golden curtains that hovered over the windows. A large Plasma screen was attached to the wall, just above it was a family photo trapping smiles, bright eyeballs and a familiar face. She blinked and quickly ignored it. The floors were etched in a mix of precious stones. She glared down and found her reflection staring right back at her. There was a spark of gold, of diamond, turquoise, onyx and Jasper. She knew this because she had seen them in a lab once. The brown cushion chairs were made out of pure leather, and they looked really new like they hadn’t been used before. She swallowed, and wondered why Ms. Lucinda or Chalya had invited her over. This place was perfect, no, it wasn’t perfect, it was beyond it. What else did it need? ‘I am sorry, it seems my dad and my brothers are done with breakfast, why don’t you take a seat while I go fetch my dad? My bro would be with you shortly.’ Chalya flashed her a smile then walked away. ‘Thank you.’ Indigo called after her. How could she sit in this Taj Mahal? Obviously, this house belonged to a very wealthy person and she felt out of place. She was not made to design or touch any fabric or furniture in this house. She raised her head and glared at the light blue Chandelier that watered down its beady petals towards her. ‘Wow!’ Indigo was nervous, this building could swallow her up. She closed her eyes and quickly reminded herself that she could do anything. This was a great test that she had to pass, to move on to the next level, one must have faith in self. ‘I can do this.’ Her lips moved. Her eyes cracked open in a jiffy when she heard some heavy footsteps. Whoever was coming behind her was male as musky scent travelled into her nostrils. ‘I guess you are the Interior Designer.’ Phillip bit his lips, his eyes ran over the lady’s perfect back. She had firm and lovely hips that rested on a pair of fine and shapely legs which fit the creamy cover shoe that she wore. She stirred a well of sweet memories. Indigo felt she was being mocked. It seemed this man, whoever he was, didn’t believe she was good enough to redesign this house. He had issued her a challenge and she was going to take it. By God, she would win and put him in his rightful place. ‘Yes? And do you have a problem with that?’ She turned around and faced the man that haunted her dreams. His eyes let go of his briefcase as he stood face to face with Indigo Hassan, the innocent beauty that had tormented his soul. ‘Indigo!’ He rushed toward her in the trail of excitement. He couldn’t believe that she was the one; he had lost hope of finding her. ‘Phillip!’ She threw her hands round him. She was bubbly with excitement; she was lost in the moment. She pulled his head down and planted her soft lips on his. She wanted to make her dream come true. She missed Phillip! She had to give herself what to remember. Philip had not expected this, but he decided to enjoy it while it lasted. ‘Hmm! Hmm!’ Mr. Hajjo walked into the room with Chalya beside him; both shocked at the passionate kiss that Phillip shared with the Interior Designer. The story continues….watch out for season three.
28 Dec 2018 | 02:02
wow!!!! wonderful,, at last.... pls we are waiting ooo for d next season oo
28 Dec 2018 | 04:08
28 Dec 2018 | 05:32
Waiting calmly for season 3
28 Dec 2018 | 05:44
Can't wait for season 3
28 Dec 2018 | 11:46
Wow. Kudos to you the writer....
28 Dec 2018 | 11:49
Episode 1 She pulled his head down and planted her soft lips on his. She wanted to make her dream come true. She missed Phillip! She had to give herself what to remember. Philip had not expected this, but he decided to enjoy it while it lasted. ‘Hmm! Hmm!’ Mr. Hajjo walked into the room with Chalya beside him; both shocked at the passionate kiss that Phillip shared with the Interior Designer. The flagrant manner with which she kissed him made his blood pump, he couldn’t believe someone as innocent looking as she, was capable of exploring the world of pleasure with such passion. Not that he was complaining, he was only surprised and he loved it. She was the last person he had expected to see. He had searched everywhere for her, but somehow, fate had brought them closer. Phillip wasn’t a believer in superstition or magic, but he felt strongly that there was a force that bound his mind and thoughts to the beautiful Indigo. He felt they were made for something, and maybe meant for each other. He threw caution to the wind, and pulled her slender body closer to his torso. He had expected her to resist, but she didn’t. She submitted fully and let him take control. Never in her life had she experienced something this maddening, and pleasuring. She blushed as she felt the hardness of his chest against the soft mounds on hers. She knew deep down that this was no innocent kiss; it was lustful, but seemed right. It was perfect, wild and satisfying and felt like it was what she needed most at the time. No man had ever swept her off her feet, the way Phillip did. She was surprised the way her body reacted to his; this had to be a sign… Mr. Hajjo and his daughter Chalya watched in shock, as the two couldn’t get enough of themselves. ‘Hello…’ Chalya cleared her throat, hoping to separate them. She was surprised that Mallam Hassan’s granddaughter knew her brother. ‘Such a small world,’ She muttered underneath her breath and rolled her eyes. Mr. Hajjo felt uncomfortable with the scene, so he quickly rushed back to his room, in order not to make Phillip embarrassed whenever his kissing spree with the interior decorator would come to an end. The sound of Chalya’s hissing broke them apart, and they found themselves back to the world they had left behind. ‘I…I am sorry.’ Indigo rubbed her lips and quickly stepped back from where Phillip stood, feeling slightly shy. She had not expected to jump on him like that. She felt worse when she noticed that Ms. Paul, the woman that had brought her here had seen them kissing. Indigo quickly turned and faced her, ‘I am sorry Ms. Paul; it’s not what you think it is.’ Phillip noticed the formal manner which Indigo addressed his sister, ‘Ms. Paul?’ He arched a brow, was there was something he didn’t know? Chalya cleared her throat and fought the blood that crept to her cheeks. ‘Can we go now Phillip? You may be late for your meeting.’ Chalya licked her lips nervously; she had almost spilled the truth about her relationship with Phillip to Mallam Hassan’s grandchild. But now she saw that she was one of Phillip’s unknown girlfriends, she would keep her identity away, till her plans were fully accomplished. ‘I don’t understand you…’ Phillip could see his sister eyes clearly for the first time that morning. Chalya was eager to keep something away from him, why was she in so much hurry to get rid of him? Indigo felt guilty for kissing Phillip like that, she had been so excited and she had lost control of herself. ‘Ms. Paul…I…’ she continued but stopped when Chalya pinned her down with a penetrating gaze that translated, “Can you shut the hell up?” ‘How do you two know each other?’ Phillip touched Indigo’s arm lightly, they had to be a sane explanation, because he would find it difficult to forgive Chalya if she had known Indigo’s location and had kept it away from him. Indigo swallowed, she didn’t know how to answer this question, considering the killer looks Chalya was sending her way. ‘Okay Phillip, you have outdone yourself, why don’t you leave?’ Chalya walked towards him with a forced smile on her face. She had to do everything possible to make him leave. Phillip declined, ‘I insist. How do you two know each other?’ Indigo closed her eyes and drew a deep breath, she didn’t want these two fighting because of her. ‘Um, Phillip…’ she licked her lips, and averted her eyes from Chalya’s. ‘Yes?’ His heart melted at the sound of her voice. Suddenly, the fading memories of this woman his heart had chosen were coming alive. She was no longer the smiling image that appeared in his dreams, she was real and she was before him. ‘I met her in a park. I was really down and I needed a job. She told me she would help me.’ Indigo had to say something. Chalya felt relieved that Indigo had not revealed the truth to her brother, but she was not comfortable with her lying. If Phillip ever discovered this, he would feel very hurt. ‘Hmm, sounds cool. You never told me about this meeting,’ Phillip thought it weird. Chalya always told him about everything. It was Chalya’s turn to be confused, ‘How about you?’ She asked. ‘Me?’ Phillip touched his chest with his left hand. ‘How do you know her?’ Indigo blushed as she remembered the first time they met. She had acted clumsily and spilled a hot pot of coffee on an angry customer. Phillip had saved her life that day and she owed him everything. ‘Seriously?’ Phillip moved closer to Indigo and looked deeply into her eyes. They were so clear and pure. He wanted to know if she really felt something for him, or if she had just kissed him impulsively. He was in need of her love; he just wanted to be sure there was something to hope for. ‘Her name is Indigo and I met her in a coffee shop.’ He replied, still staring at her. ‘What?’ Chalya almost choked on the words. She remembered the faceless girl her brother had helped weeks back, how could she turn out to be Mallam Hassan’s granddaughter? ‘Oh no, this would be a major disaster.’ She thought.
2 Jan 2019 | 02:03
Episode 2 ‘I expected you to be happy, considering what I told you about her.’ Phillip noticed a gloomy look on his sister’s face. Why wasn’t she smiling? Why wasn’t she happy with his choice? Indigo’s heart fluttered, she wondered what Phillip had told Ms. Paul about her. Nothing was making sense. Why would Phillip tell Ms. Paul things about her, what was his relationship with Ms. Lucinda Paul? As if reading her thoughts, ‘Didn’t she tell you?’ ‘Tell me what?’ Indigo smiled. ‘Chalya is my younger sister. She works with me at PIE as my personal assistant ‘Oh…’Indigo’s eyes dilated in surprise. It seemed Chalya had fed her with a lot of lies. Everything that had just taken place was starting to make sense. He was about to say more when he felt his phone beep. He pulled it out of his pocket and checked the screen for the message. ‘I have to go now, I’m late already.’ He dropped the android in his pocket. Indigo’s heart skipped a beat, she wished he didn’t have to go. She wished he could stay here with her all day long. ‘Okay…’ She flashed him a smile. ‘Will you be here when I am back? We have a lot of catching up to do.’ He asked. Phillip couldn’t wait for his return, he would take her out to a fancy place and have dinner with her. Once again, Indigo felt she was on the spotlight as two pairs of eyes bored into her. ‘I…I don’t know yet,’ She replied. ‘I guess that means a “Yes,”’ He blew her a kiss before spinning on his heel and moving for the door. She couldn’t help but stare after his back and how attractive it was. Phillip Hajjo was a very handsome man, one she had a feeling would never be hers. The Hajjo name re-echoed in her mind strangely, was it the same Hajjo that owned the building she lived in? She quickly pushed the disturbing thoughts out of her mind, and hoped he wasn’t. ‘So, you are Indigo, the girl my brother has been talking about?’ Chalya scoffed. ‘Yes, I am…’ Indigo noticed a change in the tone Chalya normally used while talking to her. Instead of this friendly and loving tone, she felt Chalya was deliberately being cold and she couldn’t understand why. Chalya was disappointed that the girl she had worked so hard to give a better life was Indigo. She had nothing against her, but seeing her lip locking with her brother Phillip was going to ruin all of her plans, and she couldn’t afford that. ‘Do you have a problem with that?’ Indigo blurted out, she couldn’t help but ask. Chalya sighed, she didn’t have a problem with Phillip being with Indigo but it wasn’t right. ‘I hope you know that my name is Chalya Hajjo and not Lucinda Paul. That was just a cover up, to get you and the other people living in those buildings to listen to me.’ She started. She had so much to tell Indigo, and when she was finished, she was confident that her relationship with Phillip would end. ‘I am surprised to hear that, you deceived us…’ Indigo shrugged. ‘I had to, that was the only way you’ll understand me.’ Chalya replied swiftly. ‘Phillip Hajjo is my elder brother and he owns the engineering company PIE, this company would renovate those buildings and under his command would also increase your rent. I hope you understand that…’ Indigo’s heart began to pound faster against her chest, it all made sense now. Mr. Hajjo’s children were Phillip and Chalya, and from the look of things, they were divided on the plan to renovate the buildings and increase the rent . ‘What is PIE?’ She couldn’t think of any other thing to ask. ‘Phillip Engineering.’ Chalya replied curtly. ‘Are you saying your brother is the one that wants to renovate the buildings?’ Tears welled up in her eyes, she couldn’t believe Phillip would be capable of such a thing. Chalya knew this would hurt her and this was a bigger reason they could never be together. ‘Yes, but I don’t want this.’ She moved closer and grabbed Indigo’s hands. ‘I want what is best for everyone. This world is already fucked up. I want to make it better, but Phillip insists that he wants to change things and leave a legacy for our family. Working with me and encouraging the other tenants to protest, is the only way out for you…’ She had to make Indigo see the greater picture, she couldn’t let her love or whatever she had for Phillip blind her. ‘I can’t…’ Indigo drew her hands away from Chalya and stepped backwards. ‘I don’t understand,’ Chalya hoped Indigo wasn’t about to turn on her. ‘I can’t believe Phillip would do such a thing. He saved me when I had no one. He gave me a hundred thousand to get an albutrol inhaler for my grandfather. Your brother is a good man, he would never do something like that.’ Indigo tried to sound confident. Chalya ran her fingers through her hair. One of the reasons she didn’t do much of love, was because it blinded people to the truth. ‘Look, you have to kill what it is you feel for Phillip. Would you rather be with a man that would chase you out of your home? Oh…you think you and your grandfather would be spared? Even if he gets you a better deal, what about the other tenants? Not everyone would afford half a million a Naira. And turning your back on your own people would haunt you for the rest of your life. I know you are a good person Indigo, just get over my brother and let us work against him.’ A tear rushed down her cheeks. Why was this happening to her? ‘What if I talk to him? He doesn’t know that I live there.’ Her lips were shaky. Her response made Chalya laugh, ‘Don’t think that because he kissed you for fifteen minutes, that you know him. You don’t know anything about my brother. He is a very strong willed person and not even the tears you are shedding now would change his mind.’ Indigo felt like running out of this house and never coming back. How could Phillip do something like that? ‘I can change his mind; I feel deeply in my heart that I can.’ She decided she would give it a try. Chalya had tried dissuading her brother a million times and that never turned out well. ‘No, don’t even try talking to him about this. My mind is made up Indigo. We are protesting in two weeks time before the renovation begins.’ Indigo was stunned by Chalya’s utterances, she seemed desperate for something but she couldn’t point out what it was exactly. ‘Why are you so bent on stopping me? It wouldn’t hurt if Phillip turns me down. I will only be propelled to your side and we will work together.’ ‘No! Don’t go against my orders. Phillip would never change his mind.’ Chalya felt confident. Indigo scoffed, ‘Why do I have a feeling that you don’t want me to talk to your brother because you are scared he would listen to me? It seems you are desperate to achieve something big for the first time in your life.’ Indigo felt disgusted as Chalya displayed the layers of her true colors. To be continued……..
2 Jan 2019 | 02:07
Welcome back, ride on
2 Jan 2019 | 06:29
Hmmm... Getting intresested
2 Jan 2019 | 11:44
Chalya, U are beginning to irritate me, it seems u have another motive for doing this, if not why are u discouraging Indigo from talking to ur brother
2 Jan 2019 | 11:48
Episode 3 Chalya felt insulted, ‘Why would I stand with my brother when he is wrong? The way I see it, you are an ingrate. I brought you into this house and you are eager to turn against me.’ Indigo laughed, ‘I would never do something like that. If you brought me to work here so I could stand by your side, even when there is an alternative way out, then you failed. I came here because I need a job and I have the skills to make this house look better.’ She ran her eyes over the dark green walls briefly. Chalya regretted inviting Indigo over. She hated it when people turned against her. ‘If you talk to my brother about the renovation, I will make your life a living hell. I have spent weeks on my computer, researching and making plans to stop this. I want us to protest on Television and every media outlet. You cannot stop me.’ ‘I think you are desperate to be seen by the public as a messiah of some sort. There is nothing wrong in if I talk to your brother just once…if I fail, then we will go ahead…’ Indigo replied. Chalya’s belly stirred with the truth from Indigo’s words. Blood burned her cheeks as she realized that she had always been an attention seeker deep down. ‘I think you are a good person too, you just need more of your brother’s love and respect. Give me this chance Chalya, I will not fail you.’ Chalya felt hurt that her brother hardly took her advice seriously, and this was the reason she had been so eager to work against him. ‘Okay, just one chance.’ She agreed. For the first time in her life, she finally found someone who truly understood her and her name was Indigo. ‘So, can I start working now?’ Indigo flashed a smile. ‘Yes, but I may have to leave for work soon. Don’t worry, our housekeeper, Mrs. Hawa will give you everything that you need.’ Chalya returned her smile, this time; it sprang from the depths of her heart. ‘Thank you.’ Indigo’s fears faded as she stood alone, facing the dull green paint that danced with the stripes of milky white. At first when she had walked in, she had not thought the place needed any refurnishing, but now she took a closer look at the place, she knew the right color that would suit the Hajjo residence. She quickly unzipped her purse to fetch a pencil and a jotter, so she could take notes. ‘Annabel, what does she want?’ Indigo noticed she had missed Ana’s call ten times. ‘I hope this is her number for your own good.’ One of the men watching her scowled. She had been kidnapped from her house and locked up in a strange building. The men had started asking her questions about the girl she had arranged for Mr. Usman Hajjo, her client. At first, she had wanted to protect Indigo’s identity, but they had threatened to rape her brutally, one after the other and they were three altogether. ‘Please…’ her lips quivered. She knew she couldn’t do anything to piss them off now. She had given them Indigo’s number, and had hoped that she would take the call. ‘You better tell us the truth, where is your friend?’ The tall one tossed the phone aside and marched towards the captive who was being tied to a chair. Annabel’s eyes were reddish and swollen from crying. She felt guilty for what she had done to Indigo, and she felt even more guilty for what she was about to do. Only God knew what had transpired between Usman and Indigo, but from the look of things, Usman was not pleased with Indigo’s service. ‘Do you think we are here to joke with you? Her number is not going through, so you need to provide us with her address.’ The shorter man joined in threatening the captive. Their boss, Nkosi, had left them with clear instructions to find Annabel’s friend at all cost. ‘Please, just be patient, she will take the call.’ Annabel insisted. ‘We don’t need her number anymore, where does she live?’ The tall man asked. Annabel licked her parched lips and glared at her feet, telling them where Indigo lived would be dangerous. She felt so worried and afraid, she didn’t know what these men would do to her, talk less of Indigo.,. ‘I can’t.’ She replied stubbornly. She decided to bear whatever punishment they would give to her, but she prayed deep down that it wouldn’t be the worst. ‘I think I know what we should do to her…’ a wicked smile danced at the corner of the short man’s mouth. ‘Please don’t hurt me… be patient.’ Annabel’s voice cracked as fear engulfed her. ‘Fetch the shocker.’ He instructed his partner, who responded with a wicked laugh that shook the foundation of the building where Annabel was being held. The two men were seated by the bar in Usman’s living room. Nkosi knew that Usman would be very disappointed in him, because he was yet to find the other girl that had almost blinded him, but he had come to reassure him that he was working really hard towards that. ‘What would you like to drink?’ Usman took off his glasses, he felt better after applying some drugs prescribed by his doctor. ‘I am not in the mood to drink, old friend.’ Nkosi replied. Before Usman had invited him over, he had been at home and in deep thoughts of how to convince Papa to introduce Indigo to him. He had not been a good father all these years, but he wanted to make things right. He wanted to meet with his daughter and show her how much that she loved him. His only wish was for the chance. ‘Then we are both in a bad mood.’ Usman scoffed, he also didn’t feel like drinking. He was yet to recover from the shocking realization that Moremi Shola held all of his secrets in her palms. How she had gotten to them, still baffled him. This also meant that he had become her perpetual slave and would always do whatever she asked. He was very unhappy about this development and he had to do something about it. The land which his brother had stolen from him was the only viable property that he owned; he had placed his hopes highly on that land and Moremi now wanted to give him a paltry twenty percent once their deal was sealed. Usman was prepared to fight her for what was his’. No one could blackmail him to submission, he was a fighter and he was ready to die fighting. ‘You don’t seem too happy, is this about the girl that hurt your eyes?’ Nkosi knew something bothered Usman, but he was not sure what. ‘Nah…’ He drawled and threw his hands into the air. ‘What then?’ Nkosi drummed his fingers against the table slab. Usman sighed and rose up to his feet. He had spent his night thinking of the best way to treat Moremi. The little fool thought she had everything settled, she thought he was her dog, but she was myopic. ‘I have another job for you once the second girl is found…’ he began to pace the room, staring at the pictures on the wall occasionally. Nkosi was delighted at the mention of this news. This meant another business opportunity for him and more money, which he needed to create a good first impression when he finally met with his daughter. ‘If you fail on this one, then we will both be exposed…’ Usman continued slowly. ‘I don’t understand, exposed for what?’ Nkosi turned his attention to Usman’s lanky figure. ‘Someone knows the truth about Halima’s death.’ Usman returned to the bar and fetched a bottle of brandy, which they would both need to continue this conversation. Nkosi was not shaken, he was just lost. ‘She was killed many years back, and no one but you knew about it.’ Usman fetched two glasses from the far end of the table and emptied the golden brown liquid into them-one for himself and one for Nkosi, who looked confused. To be continued…….
3 Jan 2019 | 05:19
Episode 4 ‘I never told anyone, the secret about Halima’s death was between us. But someone knows now, and I don’t know how.’ Usman gulped the liquor. Nkosi rubbed his chin thoughtfully, he was a hundred percent sure that he had not told anyone about his hand in Halima Hajjo’s death twenty six years back. ‘You must have shared this secret with someone. I do not believe in the existence or potency of magic. You told someone, somehow…’ Nkosi dragged his glass to his lips, still deep in thoughts. Usman didn’t remember sharing such vital information with anyone. ‘The question of how this secret got out is not important now. We just have to clip the person who knows about it.’ ‘Who?’ Nkosi winced as the liquid burned his throat. Usman ran a tongue over his lips, ‘I won’t tell you yet, but I will tell you what she did to me.’ ‘Do you remember the little boy that was with Halima the day you shot her?’ ‘Yes, your brother’s son.’ Nkosi nodded. ‘No, he is my son. Phillip is my son and the person tracking me knows that.’ Usman replied. He quickly explained to Nkosi about the affair he had with Halima, shortly before he left the country to study. On his return, she had married his brother and there was nothing he could do about it. ‘My brother stole my land and erected two enormous buildings on it. There is someone I am working with, and I wanted her to help me steal the original documents stating my ownership or anything related to that land, but she has turned on me.’ Nkosi scoffed, ‘You should have prepared yourself for betrayal.’ ‘You are right, but I never expected hers to come this soon. Phillip wants to renovate the houses on the estate, and also increase the rent. She came up with an idea of giving the rooms to Austrian and Nigerian engineers who work for the Mack Engineering firm. At first we were equal partners, but she came up with some crap about Phillip wanting to fire me and how she would take eighty percent and give me twenty. I have no choice but to kill her.’ He grumbled. He was so bitter and angry that Moremi had prepared herself to cheat him out of his inheritance. ‘He knows.’ Nkosi drummed his fingers steadily on the slab. ‘Excuse me?’ Usman raised a brow. ‘Phillip knows that you are his father. He must have told this person you are working with. Why else would he want to fire you? Think.’ For the first time, Usman was starting to see this matter very differently and from another angle. ‘I think you are right, do you think he knows I killed his mother?’ Usman’s voice was shaky. ‘Not sure, what if you go and see him? Try to read his eyes, that way you’ll know how much of your secret is with him.’ Nkosi suggested. Usman liked the idea of going to see Phillip himself. ‘Just go, don’t act like you have heard anything.’ Nkosi repeated. ‘Good advice. When do you plan to bring me the other girl?’ Usman rubbed his temple, his head throbbed painfully. Nkosi didn’t answer; he carefully emptied the remaining drink into his mouth before dropping the glass with a slam. ‘Give me two days, I have something else to handle.’ Nkosi rose to his feet. He needed to find his daughter before it was too late. He had to return to Papa’s house and wait for his child Her body was drenched in rose petals and a bubble bath that had a strong lavender scent. She played with the petals using her toes, while her head rested on the edge of the tub. Moremi couldn’t think of a better life than this and this was the reason she was determined not to fail. She had spent the night thinking on the best approach to take concerning the deal she had with Usman and this was it: she had to win. A smile crossed her face as she thought of what being in bed with Phillip would feel like after a few years apart. She couldn’t wait to seduce him, to lure him back into her arms again. This was the only way out for her plans to work. Men always gave away what they cherished most when they were on mountain’s pleasure. She could only get Phillip to surrender those papers to her, by getting him into her bed and she was determined to make that a reality. A deep laugh flew from her lips as she thought of Usman Hajjo, his just revealed father. ‘Bastard,’ she sneered as she recalled the expression on Usman’s features when she had stated that eighty percent of what they would get from the deal with the Austrian firm would be hers while he would take twenty. She had a backup plan because she didn’t hold an iota of trust for Usman. She was ready to dig her hands in the dirt and work, but if she was unable to fetch the papers, then she would find a way to marry Phillip. All she wanted was financial security, owning to the recent financial crisis that rocked the Shola family, which was yet to be a public knowledge. She imagined what his dick would feel like between her legs. She missed him dearly, his passionate kisses and his gift surprises. ‘Fuck…’ her eyes flew wide open as she heard her phone ring. Moremi got out of the tub immediately and rushed towards her bedroom. She hated missing her morning calls as they were always important. She grabbed a towel and wiped her hands on it, before taking the phone. Her heart spiraled in excitement as she saw the caller identity. ‘Good morning darling…’ she drawled sweetly, hoping to get the attention that she needed. ‘Moremi, you are not anywhere around my office, but you assured me you would show up early.’ Phillip ignored her sweet tongue and moved straight to the point. He needed to get things done quickly around the office, so he could return home and spend some time with his dear Indigo. ‘Honey, there’s no need to be worried. I was just taking a bath…you know what that feels like…’ she bit her lip. Phillip went quiet, he didn’t know how to respond to that. ‘Are you there Love?’ She asked sweetly. ‘Look, we have a lot to discuss. I would appreciate your punctuality on future meetings.’ Before she could say something in return, she realized that the line was dead. Moremi felt hurt and humiliated, no man had ever treated her this way. The last person she would have expected this from was Phillip. ‘Something is wrong.’ She pressed a shaky hand against her chest. What if Usman had told him something about her? ‘No. He wouldn’t dare.’ She was very sure about this. ‘There’s a woman in his life.’ Her voice spoke of jealousy and a great rage. To be continued……….
3 Jan 2019 | 05:22
Hmmmm,,,, war is looming,,,, continue please!!!!
3 Jan 2019 | 06:30
And so! What will u do Moremi
3 Jan 2019 | 18:04
Ride on
3 Jan 2019 | 21:20
Wow interesting. Nkosi u better don't harm ur own daughter. Chalya u need deliverance
4 Jan 2019 | 11:00
Prepare for war
4 Jan 2019 | 13:47
Episode 5 hillip was a bit upset that Moremi had not prepared herself for the meeting, yet she had sent him a text clearly stating that she was in the office waiting. He had a feeling that Moremi didn’t truly understand that whatever they shared many years back was over. He was a new man now, and they had a project to plan. He dropped his briefcase on the table, before settling in his swivel chair. Today was going to be a great day; he could feel it strongly in his bones. The first sign of this conviction was the miraculous appearance of Indigo at the Hajjo residence. She had been the last person he had expected to see, but there she was; standing at the middle of the room, looking beautiful. ‘Come on in, the door is open.’ Phillip shook the thoughts away and quickly reminded himself that he had to fully concentrate on the day’s meetings. Chalya walked into her brother’s office, not knowing what to expect. She had prepared herself for his numerous questions as she was quite sure that he would want to hear how she got to know Indigo. ‘Hello brother…’ she smiled. ‘Sister.’ Phillip returned her smile, he knew his sister had not gone to the Salon. In fact, she had gone to the Low Cost Housing, and he was curious to find out why. Chalya pulled a chair and settled in, ‘I know you are wondering how I got to know Indigo…’ ‘She already told me you guys met somewhere, why are you trying to say something else?’ He arched a brow. Chalya knew it was proscribed for her to disclose the truth. She couldn’t let Phillip in, on what she was planning. ‘Okay, so you believe us then?’ She pressed on. For her plans to work, she needed to know if Phillip was really oblivious of her strategies. Phillip reassured his sister that he believed Indigo’s story, but that had still not explained her presence at the Low cost neighborhood. He wouldn’t ask her any questions about it, he wanted his sister to come to him when it was time. ‘I guess we are good.’ She sighed, and quickly pulled out the jotter which she recorded all of Phillip’s day-to-day activities. She scanned a page and began to announce a list of meetings he had and the various times allocated for each appointment. ‘I never knew I was meeting with Mr. Barf today.’ Phillip heaved a sigh. His German supplier had been robbed and still there were no traces of the things he had lost. He closed his eyes and wondered what Moremi was doing about it, she had promised to handle this matter. He had wanted to go to the police but she had dissuaded him from doing so. ‘You’re worried about the man.’ Chalya observed. ‘Worried is an understatement. If this man cannot recover those things he lost, do you think he would be able to work with me? He could never trust me again.’ His eyes flew open. ‘Hey Phil, what happened to Mr. Barf wasn’t your fault. It is an unfortunate thing and could have happened to anybody, so don’t put that on yourself.’ Chalya tried to lift his spirits, she could see that her brother was very worried about the German. Phillip waved her words aside, ‘You don’t understand. He said the men warned him not to work with me, and maybe they will succeed. I thought Moremi could handle this, but she is being very slow.’ At the mention of her name, Chalya’s eyes clouded with unseen anger. She had advised Phillip to report the matter to the Police, but he had preferred taking Moremi’s illegal advice. ‘Moremi would lead you astray brother, I think you should stop listening to her. If you must, let some of her words pass through your mental filter.’ Phillip knew Chalya was being protective, ‘Hey, she is still my lawyer remember?’ Chalya shrugged, ‘Whatever, I noticed something…’ She flipped the pages of her jotter. ‘What did you notice?’ Phillip asked. ‘You hardly meet with Uncle Usman, I thought he was supposed to be a big player in this project.’ Chalya regretted the words the moment they dropped out of her mouth. She felt horrible for mentioning her uncle’s name, knowing how badly it would affect her brother. ‘It is okay, I am not used to it but I should.’ Phillip sensed that Chalya was uncomfortable after mentioning his biological father’s name. He didn’t have a problem with that, he just hated the man for betraying his only brother by sleeping with his wife. Phillip had not wanted to share this information with Chalya but she deserved to know. She was the only sibling he had, and he couldn’t withhold important information from her. ‘I am firing him.’ He replied coolly. At first she felt she hadn’t heard him well. ‘I don’t understand…he is one of the best urban architects in the country. Where would you find another one? I know he hurt you. Hell, he hurt us both but we have to move on and keep our eyes on the prize. We need him to rebuild this estate, we need quality and perfection.’ Chalya tried to get him to change his mind. He had also shared this with Moremi, but she had asked him to wait a bit. He hoped his lawyer would come up with important reasons as to why he shouldn’t fire Usman Hajjo. ‘You don’t need to beg for him. He killed our mother Chalya, and would have succeeded in killing dad. What makes you think he wouldn’t plan the same for us, if given the same chance?’ Chalya could see where he was coming from, but she didn’t share the same thoughts. ‘Phil, if Uncle Usman wanted us dead, we would have died long time ago. I know people like him; they could be very dangerous especially when they realize their secret is no longer hidden.’ Phillip agreed with her, ‘And this is the reason I have to keep him far from both of us and from father.’ Chalya shrugged, ‘I must go now, I have other things to attend to. I will stand by you, no matter the decision you take…’ she gathered dropped her jotter in her bag and rose to her feet. Her thoughts were still on Indigo, and their plan to dissuade Phillip from increasing the rent after renovation. ‘Can I ask you a question?’ She paused as she reached the door. ‘Yes?’ Phillip pulled his phone closer to him as it began to vibrate against the table top. ‘Are you still bent on increasing the rent after renovation?’ Chalya asked. ‘Yes. We have discussed it many times Chalya and I have good reasons for this. You may think I am being insensitive or wicked, but in the long run, you’ll thank me for taking this decision.’ Phillip ran his eyes over the text, Moremi was around.
5 Jan 2019 | 03:16
Episode 6 He knew his sister was not comfortable with his plans, but he didn’t care. She always attached sentiments to everything, and people who always did that never made it in life. ‘Okay then…’ Chalya bit her lip, wondering how Indigo would convince Phillip otherwise. She had offered Indigo just one chance, if she failed, Chalya planned to move forward, with or without her help. But she wasn’t going down without a fight. She slammed the door angrily, while marching out of her brother’s office. She was not surprise to meet face to face with the temptress, whose regalia were meant to swirl her brother’s senses. ‘Hello Chalya…’ Moremi grinned as she reached Phillip’s office. Chalya scoffed and ignored her mocking salute. Moremi was a snub and had never addressed her first whenever they met. Why was this time different? ‘You lack manners little girl. This is the reason Phillip would never listen to you or give you the power to make decisions for PIE. Instead, he chose me…’ she pressed a finger against her massive chest. Chalya felt like hurling a thousand insulting words at her, but she carefully reminded herself that she would have her time. ‘Did you not hear me?’ Moremi rolled her eyes. ‘I don’t know what it is you think you have with my brother, but if you eventually end up in his bed as always, just know that he is using you this time.’ Chalya decided to serve Moremi her own dish. Moremi had wanted to ignore this little bastard, but her words had cut in too deep. ‘Whom your brother sleeps with is none of your business nitwit.’ Moremi fired back at her. Her response evoked a snigger from Chalya who’d been waiting to provoke her. ‘Well, if that is what you choose to believe. My brother’s hearts belongs to another, you will always be the cheap hoe who throws himself at his feet. But deep down, Phillip knows what he wants, and that isn’t you.’ With this, she spun on her heel and kept walking, without giving Moremi a chance to fight back. Moremi was almost unsettled by Chalya’s mean words, but she quickly recollected herself and remembered that she had a lot of work to do once she got into Phillip’s office. ‘Hello?’ She rapped on the door gently, like her knuckles were made of glass. ‘Come in Moremi, I have been waiting all day.’ The sound of his voice sent tingles down her spine and she felt like making love to him, right there and then. In the past, he would have thought her drop dead gorgeous, but right now she appeared like a woman who was desperate to pull down a man by any means necessary. The knee length black dress she wore, was really tight and brought forth all of her curves and revealed her cleavage. The black dress complemented her silky ebony skin; her lips were reddish and plump, very inviting too. Phillip was not comfortable with the way Moremi was dressed but he couldn’t express his disapproval. ‘You don’t look too good.’ She carefully locked the door behind, and slipped the key into her bag, before moving to where he sat. ‘I’m good.’ He shrugged. He was tired of whining about all of his family problems to her. He couldn’t wait for her verdict concerning Usman Hajjo, whom he was desperate to get rid of. Moremi carefully ran her eyes over his handsome face, she could read Phillip like a book, so she knew exactly what the problem was. ‘I think you should keep him.’ She pulled a chair and sat on it. ‘Why?’ He snapped at her. ‘Well, there are a lot of reasons…’ she pulled her bag closer to her and fetched a file. ‘Please don’t give me the excuse that he is the best urban architect for this job because we could always find another.’ Phillip was getting exasperated with this constant talk of his Uncle being the best. Moremi had to do this carefully. She had a deal with Usman and this was her end of the deal. She had to uphold it. ‘Phil…he is your relative, so the cost of using his services wouldn’t be that high. If you hire a total stranger for this project, you’ll pay through your nose. We both know you wouldn’t want that.’ Phillip scoffed, he knew what he wanted. He wished Usman could go far away from him, he was only listening to Moremi because she was his lawyer. ‘What do you propose?’ He chewed his lip. ‘Keep him, but you could monitor him closely.’ Moremi replied swiftly. ‘I have a better idea, I want to work with people I can trust. I wouldn’t fire Usman, but he is going to be an assistant.’ Phillip replied. Moremi didn’t get that right, ‘An assistant?’ She arched a brow. ‘Yes. That is the only way Usman would stay on this project. I will still hire another architect to oversee this project; he would lead, Usman would follow. That way, everybody is happy including me.’ He pushed his chair backwards and jumped out of it. Shit! Moremi cursed underneath her breath. She couldn’t let Phillip have this one, Usman would think she was conspiring against him. ‘Phillip…you cannot do this. He is very important if you want this project to continue. Besides, where would you find another architect on such a short notice?’ She wondered. ‘Leave that to me, I think we are done with this conversation. There is no legality binding Usman to PIE.’ He grabbed a bottle of Chardonnay, picked two glasses and returned to his seat. Moremi was tongue –tied because she didn’t know what to say next. From the look of things, Phillip had won and she couldn’t push him further. Although she was his lawyer, her job was to guide him to take the best decisions, but the power to take a decision was in his hands. She licked her lip nervously, and watched as he poured the wine. Usman was not going to like this, and this would shake the agreement they had. Moremi thought about the papers that she was to get from Phillip; as his lawyer she had never asked to see the deed of the land where the buildings were established. He noticed she was unusually quiet, ‘You don’t look happy with my decision. If I didn’t know you well, I’d say you are on his side.’ He pushed a glass towards her. Her heart raced as his words dropped in her mind, she had to play her cards well. Phillip musn’t suspect a thing was going on between herself and Usman. ‘Hmm, nothing,’ she grabbed the glass and led it to her lips. ‘How about what you promised?’ Phillip took a sip and dropped the glass. He needed to get those things as promised, because he had promised Mr. Barf that all would be well. TO BE CONTINUED……..
5 Jan 2019 | 03:19
You will learn in a hard way
5 Jan 2019 | 08:21
Phillip, let your sister have says in this project naw since you both own the property
5 Jan 2019 | 12:04
Philip u are not being observant at all.
5 Jan 2019 | 16:57
Hmmmm,,,, I wish Phillips can just see d real character of d pple he is working with
7 Jan 2019 | 03:58
Episode 7 Moremi almost choked on her drink. She had totally forgotten her promise to help Phillip get back the stolen items from Mr. Barf. ‘No…’ she licked the wine that had spilled on her lips. ‘No?’ Phillip arched a brow. ‘I haven’t forgotten. It is not as simple as I thought. Can you give me two weeks tops?’ She had to find Usman and put pressure on him. Phillip scoffed and quickly dropped his glass, ‘I don’t have two weeks Moremi. Why can’t I report this matter to the Police? What are you so afraid of?’ She knew Usman had sent those men to attack the German, she couldn’t let Phillip bring in the Police. If the men were traced to Usman, ultimately, her name would be smeared in the scandal. ‘I told you before, if you bring in the Police, you bring in the media. They will hinder this project and that is not good. The Police carry with them negative attention, and that is the last thing we need for this project.’ She smiled, hoping she had finally dissuaded him. Phillip relaxed, he would ask Mr. Barf to be more patient with him. ‘When are you starting work on the site?’ Moremi asked. ‘I don’t know, it depends on when Mr. Barf’s belongings are found and returned.’ Phillip replied. ‘How about the rent we discussed?’ She asked. ‘It still holds, half a million and nothing more,’ he replied, he had made up his mind. She liked that, he was eating right out of her palms and that gave her the assurance that all what she had planned with Usman was going to work out. ‘But, some people are not comfortable with it.’ Phillip knew Chalya was not happy about the new rent. ‘Like?’ Moremi waited for names. ‘Chalya, and I guess my dad. Remember you also mentioned a tenant that was quite stubborn…’ he caressed his jaw. ‘Yes, one Mallam Hassan. A lot of tenants respect him, and if he turns against us, this project may be affected. Concerning your younger sister and your dad, I think you should ignore them. These people do not understand that you need to be ruthless as a business man. You need to take tough decisions without looking at the faces of people, how do they think large companies expand?’ Phillip was really pleased with her words, Moremi was a smart lady and they shared similar thoughts. ‘Finally, I get someone who understands where I am coming from.’ He smiled. ‘Yes, these tenants have lived in those buildings for year, maybe it is time for them to move out.’ A mischievous smile played on her lips, it was time for her to try her luck with Phillip. ‘You know what I am thinking?’ He had an idea that would make things better for the tenants after their eviction. ‘What?’ She pulled her leg out of the yellow pumps that she wore, letting the shoes drop on the ground. ‘We could compensate them with a little sum of money, to help them find new houses.’ Phillip suggested. ‘No.’ Moremi quickly shook her head. He had not expected her to disagree with him, but since she was hi lawyer, she knew best. ‘If you do that, they will think you are guilty for sending them out. You just go there, do your thing and come back home.’ She winked. He nodded, ‘What do we do about the old man who could turn the other tenants against us?’ Phillip asked. She rolled her eyes and leaned against the table, in a way that her boobs almost popped out of her dress. ‘Too much work makes Phil a dull boy, why don’t we talk some other time?’ She pouted her lips seductively. Phillip knew exactly what he saw in Moremi’s eyes, it was unbridled lust. ‘I don’t like this Moremi, I already told you the nature of your relationship besides…’ he bit his lip, he wanted to tell her about Indigo, the woman he had fallen in love with. But that would be too soon. ‘Besides what…’ Her heart skipped, it seemed Chalya had been telling the truth. Moremi quickly rose to her feet and moved closer to him. ‘Do you have a girlfriend Phillip? If you do, you could tell me, I won’t be mad.’ He drew in a deep breath, ‘I don’t.’ Indigo had not yet accepted him, so it would be wrong to call her his girlfriend. She felt relieved on hearing that, ‘So why then don’t you want to be with me?’ Moremi ran her soft hands against a side of his face, running through the strands of little hairs that sprouted there. ‘I can’t do this…’ he pushed his hand away, but she quickly returned it. ‘Yes, you can. I assure you that our work relationship would not be affected.’ She ran her free hand over his chest, before allowing it to travel downwards to the place where she felt his staff. She was thrilled to feel his hardness, she was excited to know that she could still affect him that way. ‘Stop…’ Phillip felt guilty and ashamed. It was as if he was betraying his Indigo and he couldn’t let that happen. Moremi released him at once, and watched as he walked towards the door. ‘You have to leave…’ he grabbed the door knob. ‘No, I am not leaving.’ She stood arms akimbo. When he took a closer look at the door, he realized that she had locked it. Phillip felt trapped and helpless. His body was reacting in a way he couldn’t control, but his mind was elsewhere. ‘There’s something I want to tell you.’ Moremi unzipped her black dress and let it slip from her shoulders, revealing her large boobs which were clasped by a lacy yellow bra. ‘What?’ His voice was husky and low. ‘I am not wearing panties.’ She replied. After taking her notes, she had met with an old man who shared a resemblance with Phillip, so she guessed that was his father. Indigo had carefully explained to the man that the only thing that needed changing in the house was the wall paint. ‘What makes you think so?’ Mr. Hajjo asked the young lady, whom Chalya had recommended. ‘Well, it makes the house dull and it doesn’t allow the beauty of the precious stones to glow outwards. It is a dimming color.’ Indigo gestured with her hands as she explained. She was very excited about this job, she wanted to make the house look more beautiful. She wanted Phillip to like it, and see her in a different light. She didn’t want him to carry the image of her as a clumsy waiter for the rest of his life. Mr. Hajjo loved the way in which she expressed herself. She sounded very confident and skilled in her job and he was willing to let her try. She looked very down to earth and beautiful too. This made him wonder how she had bought Phillip’s attraction. He wanted to ask her how she met his son, but she didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. ‘What is your name?’ He smiled. ‘Indigo sir,’ she answered with a nod. ‘Indigo?’ He had never heard that before. ‘Indigo Hassan,’ she guessed he was asking after her surname. ‘You have a nice name dear. So what do you need to kick start your project?’ He asked with concern. Indigo had already written a list of what she would need. So she carefully, pulled the piece of paper from her bag and offered it to him. ‘If all this is provided, I can start work today.’ She said. The man ran his eyes over the list more than twice, her bill wasn’t too heavy. ‘Is this how you charge people?’ Mr. Hajjo chuckled. ‘Is it too expensive?’ Indigo was afraid to lose this job. ‘Nah, relax. I will send one of my boys to get all that you have asked for, but you must eat something first. Now come on.’ Indigo had never felt this loved and welcomed by anyone. She was surprised that Mr. Hajjo, the man who owned the building which she lived could be this nice to her, a total stranger. Why then was Phillip trying to ruin everything? She swallowed as she remembered her deal with Chalya. By now, she had admitted she liked Phillip and wanted the best for him. She would try her best and dissuade him, but if that failed, she had no other option but to stand with Chalya. ‘You are thinking about something, do you mind sharing?’ Mr. Hajjo noticed the fire in her eyes, once they had settled for brunch. ‘No, I am good.’ She replied. ‘Hmm, are you sure?’ He insisted. ‘Yes.’ She flashed a smile, but deep down she was worried about the decision Phillip had taken. To be continued……
7 Jan 2019 | 04:21
Episode 8 He couldn’t keep his hands away from her soft boobs, he gave them a light squeeze and pulled her closer to him. Perspiration had gathered on his forehead, it dripped on her chest as he lowered his lips to her tits. ‘Aw…’ Moremi groaned as his wet tongue flicked over a boob bud. She missed this, she missed his touch. She caressed his head, and pulled him closer to her chest. She couldn’t wait to have all of him. She couldn’t wait to feel him deep inside her body. She wanted to become one with him, right there and then. He had lost control of his emotions. He had crossed the boundary and there was no turning back now. Her hands ran wildly to his abdomen, and found his belt, which she quickly pulled away. ‘You’re so hot…’ she smiled and slipped her hand into his pants. Phillip was consumed by an arduous inferno that could not be quenched. He licked her boobs and chewed her nipples gently. Tired of playing with them, he grabbed her by the butt and carried her to the table, but not before pushing all the files to the floor. ‘I like your spirit, strong and fiery…’ she chuckled. She couldn’t wait to see his large cock; she just wanted his rod inside of her. She wanted him to take her to the places she had been before, he was the only person that held the key that could unlock her heart. Phillip said nothing. He was driven my mad lust. He carefully peeled the black dress downwards, and tossed it on the floor, leaving her naked on his table. He released his cock from and guarded it closely to the pink tunnel of her sacred core. ‘Ar…’ Moremi groaned as wetness welcomed hardness. He parted her legs wider, so he could fit perfectly. Moremi welcomed him without struggle, she surrendered herself fully to this passionate leadership. Phillip allowed the fire that drove him to guide him. He groaned as his rod passed through the layers of her pink flesh, deeper into the tunnel that brought so much pleasure. ‘Fuck…’ Moremi twirled and arched her hip forward for more. She missed this; she missed the times she spent with Phillip. He knew everything about her body; he knew the right buttons to touch. He increased his pace, riding her madly till they both reached the climax. Phillip knew she would scream once she came, so he quickly covered her mouth with his’ knowing they were in his office. Phillip released her lips, only when she had quieted down. A strong wave of guilt covered him and he quickly got off the table and moved straight to the door. ‘What is it darling?’ Moremi noticed he had been quiet throughout their lovemaking. ‘We shouldn’t have done that, you should leave.’ Phillip murmured. ‘Are you walking me out of your office after what we just shared?’ She scoffed and burrowed into her dress. She had felt so safe in his arms, being with him had brought back so many memories from the time they had been together. Phillip clenched his jaw tightly, ‘Please…just leave.’ ‘Phillip, what is it? Why are you so upset? We just shared something very beautiful and we should still be in each other’s arms. I don’t understand where this anger is coming from.’ She leaned against the door, trying to see if she could get anything out of him. If Chalya was right about him being in love with someone else, her next assignment was to find the woman in question. She couldn’t lose at both ends. Phillip Hajjo was her plan B and she couldn’t let him slip through his fingers. ‘I don’t have time for this…’ Phillip felt pestered. He grabbed his briefcase and hurried out of the office, while ignoring her pleas for his return. Moremi had never felt this rejected by any one. Most men would do anything to spend a night with her, and here he was making her regret her decision all over again. ‘Phillip, you cannot walk out on me…’ she tried to chase after him, but he was already far away. Her heart began to race as scenes of Phillip making love with another woman played through her mind. ‘No.’ she grabbed her bag and hurried out of the office, she needed to do some digging. He drove wildly and absent mindedly past the streets just after PIE. He was shaken by the gravity of the mistake he had just made. How could he have not seen this coming? Moremi had laid a trap for his feet and presented herself as bait; he had willingly taken it. Phillip was deeply broken on the inside; he was greatly ashamed of what he had just done. ‘I ruined everything.’ He kissed his teeth and increased his speed level. He felt used and betrayed by Moremi. She had known that he had strongly desired to have only a professional relationship with her, but she had deliberately crossed that line. She had broken the boundary and ruined everything. He thought of Indigo’s innocent face, and how he had hurt her today. He felt like a traitor for lying with another woman, while Indigo was home waiting for him as she had promised. Nothing pleased him anymore. Usually, when he drove through the streets, he was easily drawn to the laughter of little children or young men who played ball on school fields. He felt nothing this time, only emptiness and hollowness. He had a strong feeling that what he had done in his office today would come back to haunt him. He couldn’t tell why, he just felt that way. Phillip realized he had been driving over thirty minutes to an unknown destination since he had sex with Moremi. He regretted his actions fully and he didn’t know how to fix it. His phone was buzzing inside his pocket, but he ignored it. He needed to be alone right now. He needed to clear his head and think about his life. What did he want for himself? He loved Indigo, he was certain of his emotions, but was he man enough to be with her if she accepted him? Would he break her fragile heart? “If you continue that way, you’ll end up in hell with a cracked skull!” A taxi driver yelled at him. The harshness in the man’s voice propelled Phillip back to reality, and he quickly realized he had been going above a hundred and sixty, which was way too much for him on a normal day. Phillip decided to chill by a bar, sort out his feelings and take a decision before returning home. Luckily for him, there was an open bar where he could hangout for a short while before returning home. He slowed down, and branched into the narrow road that led to the bar; after which he reversed backwards into the parking lot. To continued………
7 Jan 2019 | 04:26
hmmmmmm,,,, wat he suppose to do now is to sack moremi too from d project
7 Jan 2019 | 14:31
This Phil must be a fool.. He don't know wat he is doin
7 Jan 2019 | 17:31
Chicken ? brain Phillip
8 Jan 2019 | 10:13
8 Jan 2019 | 22:33
Episode 9 A wave of fresh air hit him as he stepped down from the car. This was part of nature’s benevolence, but he couldn’t enjoy it as a guilty man. He had been with Moremi before; he knew how manipulative and ambitious she could be. That was one of the reasons their relationship had not worked out well. ‘Welcome to Canaan City Bar Sir,’ a security man flashed a smile, followed by a quick bow of the head. Phillip acknowledged the greeting with a nod and strode straight to the counter where orders where being taken. ‘Rum and lime,’ he murmured after running his eyes over the large menu that was pasted on the wall. ‘A glass is two thousand,’ the bartender bellowed. ‘Not a problem, make it six glasses.’ He replied, and walked dejectedly towards an empty table in the bar. He loosened his tie and settled into a comfortable leather chair, before pulling out his phone to see who had been calling his line. ‘Chalya,’ He murmured. He had missed her calls six times and that wasn’t a good sign. He guessed she wanted to remind him of his other appointments for the day, but he was no longer interested in working. He just wanted to cool off, and think about the next step he would take concerning Moremi and the project which she was a huge part of. ‘Thank you.’ Phillip muttered and grabbed one of the glasses filled with deep red rum, with a little tinge of lime. It had been long he had a drink. Phillip wasn’t much of a drinker, but he knew he had to try and drown himself in the rain of alcohol. Greedily, he emptied the first glass into his mouth and swallowed the burning drink. A peppery sensation filled his tummy after, but he was determined to finish all six glasses. He drank the second, the third and the fourth. His hands had begun shaking at the fifth glass; he quickly dropped the glass on the table as he noticed a man in a blue hat glaring directly at him. For some reason, the cold expression in the man’s eyes resurrected a childhood fear he didn’t know existed within him. He took a deep breath and tried to tell himself that he was seeing wrong because he had taken four glasses of liquor, but deep down, he knew he was lying. The man in the blue hat, sitting two tables away from him with two other men looked strangely familiar. Phillip’s feet became jittery as the last moments of his mother’s life replayed in his mind. He had been a very happy and normal child, but the death of his mother had ruined his childhood and he had only person to blame… ‘No.’ Phillip quickly swallowed the fifth drink, hoping this would take the image his mind had mustered up away. Slowly, he gulped down the sour drink, wondering why the man at the other end of the bar had such cold looking eyes. They were hollow and empty. Looking into the man’s eyes was like staring death in the face. Phillip had focused his eyes on the round table before him, he didn’t have the strength or the courage to look upwards, afraid to meet the strange man’s obsidian stare but the buzzing of his phone propelled him to raise his head upwards. And when he finally looked up, he found the man walking towards his direction. “Run!!!” his instincts pealed, his heart raced as adrenalin soaked his mind. There was something dangerous about this man, he looked so strange yet familiar. Phillip quickly pulled the sixth glass closer to himself, while cursing underneath his breath the impotency of all the previous glasses he had taken. He had come to this bar to unwind. He had come to cleanse himself of the guilt that clouded his mind. Somehow, the cocktail he had ordered had no effect on his mind and memory. He just wished he could go back in time and change what had happened with Moremi, because he really hated himself for sleeping with her. The tall man was dressed in black. He wore a black shirt, black trousers, black shoes and a black hat. He was the demon of the night and he wasn’t afraid to locate Phillip Hajjo. From where he sat, he had observed the young man who had walked into the bar with a troubled expression. At first, the man in black had wanted to ignore the young man, but a closer look at him revealed something. It was something he couldn’t ignore, and when his eyes had met with that of Phillip, it felt like they had known each other for a thousand eons. ‘Hello there…’ Nkosi dropped by Phillip’s table, patting his shoulder lightly. Phillip had been staring at the phone, trying to recognize the number that was calling him, as it came without a caller identity. His heart jumped as the stranger touched his shoulder. ‘Who are you?’ Phillip blurted out and quickly rose to his feet. Nkosi was stricken by this aggressive behavior, a closer look revealed the young man was afraid of him, and he found it funny. ‘I caught you staring at me, it’s like we have met somewhere.’ Nkosi stepped away, knowing he had made Phillip uncomfortable. Phillip swallowed and clamped down the rising anxiety in his bones. He recognized this man! He recognized the scent of his perfume. But no, it couldn’t be. Phillip pushed out the disturbing thoughts. ‘I am not gay, I was just looking around the bar when I found your eyes.’ Phillip warned, he had a feeling the man wasn’t straight. How many heterosexual men responded to stares from their fellow men? Nkosi couldn’t control it again. His lips cracked from a heavy bout of laughter. ‘You my friend is funny.’ ‘Really?’ Phillip frowned. ‘Can we sit? I have a feeling we have met before.’ Nkosi chewed his lip and pushed back the plastic chair at the other side of the table. Phillip quickly grabbed his briefcase and his phone, he didn’t have the habit of talking to strangers. ‘I don’t talk to strangers.’ He moved away from the table, but Nkosi wouldn’t back down. He had a feeling that Phillip had recognized him from somewhere, and he had to find out where. Knowing the nature of his job, Nkosi was always looking over his shoulders to avoid being caught off guard. He had come back to Nigeria to find his daughter, and he needed some money to take good care of her. Now that Usman had started giving him jobs, he couldn’t mess up things now. ‘Same here, but I have a feeling we know each other.’ Nkosi quickly pulled him back. Phillip dragged in the scent of the stranger; it was tobacco and an aroma of rosewood. This scent stirred more memories in his brain; Phillip realized he had come face to face with the man that had killed his mother. Nkosi couldn’t explain why Phillip’s eyes held so much fear. They looked really familiar too, he had knew him from somewhere. To be continued……….
9 Jan 2019 | 01:39
Episode 10 Home DD Fiction DD Fiction Davina Diaries Fiction: Indigo Part 3 Episode 10 By Rose Akpabio -October 29, 20181,897 views4 Share this on WhatsApp His heart raced as he searched his cesspool of memories, had he killed someone for Phillip before? Did Phillip know he was a professional hit man? If he knew, how did he come by that information? Nkosi drew a deep breath, hoping Phillip would spare him some minutes. He just couldn’t let him walk out that door without getting the truth out of him. ‘Get your fucking hands off me.’ Phillip’s blood thumped. This man was dangerous, and he had to find a way out. Nkosi ignored his foul language, ‘I don’t want to hurt you. You seem so afraid of me and I would love to know the reason for that.’ Nkosi replied. Phillip pushed his hands away and walked as fast as his legs could carry him. He hoped he hadn’t forgotten anything in the bar, as that was the last time he was coming to Canaan. Nkosi stifled the urge to go after the stranger, he was a believer in coincidence. He guessed he would bump into Phillip one more time, before he left Nigeria after finding his daughter. ‘Is there a problem sir?’ He heard one of the waiters whispering behind. He quickly turned and flashed the young woman a very polite smile as an idea came to him. ‘I would love to get the details of the man who just walked out of the bar.’ ‘I am sorry I don’t understand you sir.’ The lady moved back. ‘Oh yes you do.’ Nkosi chuckled and dipped a hand in his pocket. He had seen Phillip paying with the POS machine, and that means they had his details. He handed the lady a wrap of five hundred naira notes. At first she had wanted to remain modest, but he told her there was more if she complied. ‘Okay, just wait here. Give me ten minutes.’ She quickly took the money from him and rushed towards the counter where all customers made their order. Phillip couldn’t wait to see the receipt of payment, at least it would have the name of the man on it. That was the only way to know who he truly was. He couldn’t wait for this revelation. Once he got what he needed, he was moving straight to Mallam Hassan’s house, he couldn’t wait to see his daughter. He wasn’t leaving without a fight. Fifteen minutes after, the waiter returned with a piece of white paper. ‘Sorry for taking your time, there it is.’ She replied curtly. ‘Thank you.’ He collected the paper and stared at it. At the sight of the name, his heart jolted. ‘Phillip Hajjo.’ A flood of memories almost ripped his brain apart as he remembered the little boy that was with Halima, when he had fired the shot at the Forest Reserve. ‘Fuck,’ he squeezed the paper into his pocket, things were getting more complicated. The Hajjo mansion’s interior had taken on a whole new look. The dull green paint, accompanied with the milky white stripes was replaced by a warm color mix which Indigo thought was perfect for the house. Chalya had returned home and found her still on the painting, she realized that Indigo had a great passion for her job, and was already giving it her best. Pride welled up in Chalya as she watched Indigo paint the remaining portion of the living room, but something bothered her, whenever she heard the clock tick. ‘When is Phillip coming back?’ Indigo paused and stared at Chalya who had been watching her this whole time. Sadly, Chalya didn’t have an idea about her brother’s whereabouts. Phillip had never ignored her calls like he was doing now. She had called him more than ten times but he was yet to pick up. She was worried about her brother, but she was also glad that her father wasn’t home. He had left the house to visit an old friend, so he was spared this anxiety, because she hated it when her father was stressed up. Indigo watched Chalya’s face closely, why was it taking her a century to answer the simple question. It was 8p.m. She was supposed to stop the work at 4, but she prolonged it because she wanted to see Phillip before leaving. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake now, as her grandfather was all alone in the house and was probably worried. ‘Is something wrong?’ Indigo dropped the long brush she used on a lineup of paint buckets. Chalya shook her head, ‘No, it’s just…’ she bit her lip. ‘Just what?’ Indigo raised a brow. ‘Phillip has never stayed out this late. Work at PIE ends at 4 and he comes home by 6. He isn’t even taking my calls, I am worried.’ She confided in Indigo. Indigo could see very clearly now that Chalya loved her brother, even though she was willing to go up against him concerning the renovation and rent increment. ‘Don’t worry Chalya, just take a seat and relax. Your brother is a responsible man and maybe something came up. He could be in a meeting with a client where taking calls would be considered rude.’ Indigo tried to lift her spirits. Phillip didn’t look like the type of guy that came home late. He had presented himself as a responsible man at the coffee shop, and that was the reasons she had accepted his help. Chalya felt lighter on hearing Indigo’s words. ‘I hope he is okay wherever he is.’ She decided to take Indigo’s advice. ‘He is, don’t worry.’ Indigo picked up her brush and returned to her work. Painting was one aspect of Interior architecture that she enjoyed. She had scored an A in the course, back in school. She had slipped on a black overall which served the purpose of sparing her beautiful black dress from the merciless droplets of deep yellow and creamy pink paints. Her hair was also shielded with a black scarf that she had gotten at the mall. She was ready for her business, and she was almost done with it. ‘You’re amazing,’ Chalya had been watching her for an hour now, looking for the right words to describe the magnificence in Indigo’s work. The house was transformed. Before now, dull green and milky colors overtook the walls, adding dullness to the residence, but Chalya felt something had changed while watching the walls absorbing new life. Indigo hadn’t heard that, she was busy humming a tune and focusing on the tiny part left to paint. ‘I said you are amazing!’ Chalya screamed the compliment. ‘Geez, you scared me.’ Indigo laughed and turned around a second time. ‘It is really beautiful Indigo. Where did you learn to do this and what made you choose these colors?’ Chalya was glad for two reasons. First, the house seemed brighter and full of life. Being in a place like this, could affect the state of one’s mind. Secondly, her brother and her dad were going to be proud of her, and their respect was something she had always yearned for. She wanted them to trust her with greater responsibilities. She wanted them to know that she was reliable and old enough to take powerful decisions. Chalya couldn’t wait for Phillip to return home. He had been the one to object to her hiring of an Interior designer, she guessed he hadn’t thought her capable of doing anything commendable. But she had proved him wrong. The house was lit!
9 Jan 2019 | 01:43
Hope Philip is save
9 Jan 2019 | 11:40
I hope nkosi won't try to kill Phillip
9 Jan 2019 | 13:11
This Nkosi is another problem o, I hope He will not try to harm or kill Phillip
9 Jan 2019 | 13:58
is Phillips a man or woman? how can he be showing out fear like dis?
10 Jan 2019 | 01:36
Episode 11 ‘Thank you,’ Indigo’s heart fluttered as she absorbed the compliment. Truthfully, she had been a bit bothered when Chalya had walked in without saying anything about the painting. She wanted her first work to be the best, it meant it could open doors to better things. Now she felt better knowing, that Chalya loved the way she had transformed their walls. Her joy would be complete once Mr. Hajjo and Phillip would return and compliment positively too. ‘Where did you learn to paint like this?’ Chalya pulled back her chair and moved closer to the wall. The shades of yellow and creamy pink looked really appetizing, almost edible. The colors made love to each other, beginning where one ended; matching together though different. They were just perfect for each other. ‘School,’ Indigo shrugged. She had learned so much from school and she wanted to continue, but the only thing stopping her was money. ‘Wow that is super cool!’ Chalya had seen that sad look in Indigo’s eyes when she had mentioned school. She wondered if Indigo could afford it, now that grandfather was ill. ‘How is school?’ Chalya asked, crossing her arms against her chest. Indigo wasn’t ready to talk about her personal problems right now. She just wanted to finished this painting and return home to Papa. ‘Fine,’ she flashed Chalya a smile and resumed painting. But Chalya had already seen the dishonesty in her eyes, for the fire they possessed had grown dim, and in their place grew a darkness that wasn’t evil, but gloom. ‘Okay, let me get you something to eat. You could sleep over here if you want, because it is already late.’ Chalya liked Indigo already; the girl was a simple person. She guessed Phillip had seen this goodness in her, and was immediately drawn to it. She didn’t have a problem with them loving each other, she preferred Indigo a thousand times to that repugnant bitch, Moremi. ‘I don’t think I would have time for that, maybe some other time.’ She shrugged. ‘Oh?’ Chalya wasn’t comfortable with her response. ‘I insist. You could take it home.’ She quickly moved to the kitchen to meet their housekeeper and chef, Mrs. Hawa. Indigo couldn’t hold back the smile that played on her lips. A while ago, she had addressed Chalya as Ms. Lucinda Paul, now she was Chalya Hajjo. But these two names belonged to an amazing person. She liked Chalya too, and considered her a hospitable person with a beautiful heart. She sighed as she thought about Phillip’s plan to renovate the estate and increase the rent, why was he so different from his sister? Indigo still found it difficult to believe that the same man that had saved her grandfather’s life, was the same person that wanted to render not just her family but hundred others homeless. ‘I have to talk to him.’ She mumbled and prayed silently that he listened. Papa had fallen asleep on the wooden chair while waiting for the return of Indigo. There wasn’t any electricity, so he had bought a few candles, which he kept in strategic places to add a little luster to the room. He had prepared a dinner of rice and Fish stew, in a bid to make his granddaughter happy whenever she returned from her first day at work. He loved her dearly, and he had always dreamed of making her happy. He wished he had all the money in the world, so he could support her dreams, but life hadn’t been fair to him. A loud thump on the door awakened Papa and he quickly jumped to his feet. He was a hundred percent sure that Indigo had returned. ‘Indi? What kept you so late?’ He marched swiftly to the door, opening it without second thoughts. His expectations and happiness were like a mirage at the sight of the man in black, who was the last person he had expected to see. Papa’s brows narrowed angrily, ‘I told you not to come back, what do you want here?’ The old man was very angry with Nkosi’s visit. Nkosi knew he had wronged the old man in the past. He had wronged his daughter by abandoning her all these years, but he couldn’t forsake his own blood. He had returned to amend his ways and to do the right thing, which was coming for his daughter Indigo. ‘Good evening,’ Nkosi greeted. ‘I told you never to show up. What makes you think I will ever welcome you into my house?’ Papa snapped at him. ‘Please, just let me in. I know I haven’t been the trophy father, but I have come back. It is not too late for I and my daughter to make up. I want her in my life and you shouldn’t stop that.’ Nkosi knew the old man hadn’t forgiven him for what he had done in the past, but he had to find a way to persuade him. Papa noticed a change in Nkosi. He seemed more relaxed and polite this evening. He wasn’t with the two hefty men that had come along to intimidate him on the first night of his visit. ‘You left my daughter in the hospital to rot while you went about with your other mistresses! How many times will I explain to you that Indigo is a better person without you? You will bring nothing but pain into her life, so why don’t you walk away now?’ Nkosi’s mind was greatly troubled by guilt, but he was going to be persistent. He found it difficult to push the picture of Indigo that he had seen on the wall of out of his mind. He thought about her every day. He wanted to see her, to know her. He wanted to be a part of her life. ‘I am sorry, and you know that. I feel very bad for the way I behaved in the past, why can’t you give me a second chance? If I fail this time, then you have every right to banish me from your lives.’ Nkosi begged. All he wanted was an opportunity to build a relationship and he wanted to do this the easy way. ‘A second chance? Do you think it is as easy at is sounds?’ Papa scoffed. If he opened up to Indigo about her father, she may never forgive him because he had lied to her. She had grown up believing that the man that brought her to this world was dead. ‘Yes it is. Just tell her the truth; if she doesn’t want me in her life, then I will leave.’ He was being honest her. Papa weighed the possible outcomes, should he let Nkosi come into Indigo’s life. She would hate him and would hardly trust him again, or she could understand that he lied to protect her from the knowledge of having an irresponsible father. ‘I can’t. You have to leave.’ There was something holding the old man back. Nkosi had seen a glint of willingness earlier, but he couldn’t go around the barrier of hard heartedness that had returned ‘Why can’t you let me see my daughter? Do you think she would ever forgive you if she finds out that I came looking for her and you pushed me away? What are you so afraid of?’ Nkosi
12 Jan 2019 | 02:49
Episode 12 Aside from the fact that he had lied, Papa knew Nkosi’s ways weren’t straight. He wasn’t comfortable with Indigo hanging around a former tout. ‘You are not good enough for you daughter Nkosi, and if you had a any love for her, you’ll spun on your heel and go your way.’ Papa fought hard for control, he couldn’t give in to Nkosi’s wishes. Nkosi wasn’t ready to leave this night. He had come fully prepared to meet with his daughter. ‘Tell me Papa, do you believe in God?’ Nkosi asked. Of course Papa believed in the existence of a supreme being, only that he didn’t understand Nkosi’s reason for asking. ‘I do.’ ‘Have you ever done something really bad to someone or against his commandments and you asked him to forgive you? Have you ever been in a situation where you saw death face to face, but you somehow got out of it because he sent an angel to save you?’ Nkosi asked. He was ready to take any angle, just to break Papa’s strong will.Tears welled up in the old man’s eyes as he thought about the day he had slumped. If it wasn’t for God, who sent a beautiful child like Indigo to him, he would have died by now. God had also sent an angel in human form to help her with some money for the albutrol inhaler, but was these enough reasons to forgive Nkosi? ‘You broke her heart and abandoned her to die…’ Papa’s lips trembled as he remembered his only daughter, who had sacrificed her life for this miserable man. Guilt washed over Nkosi as Papa took him down memory lane. He had loved Indigo’s mother genuinely, only that he wasn’t ready to be a father, so he had chickened out of the birthing process. But he had grown over the years. He hated himself for taking such a foolish step, this was the reason he had returned to Nigeria. ‘I know…’ Nkosi suppressed his male ego and fell on his knees, begging for forgiveness. This was another action that took Papa by surprise. ‘What if you walk out of Indigo’s life high and dry? How do I know you would stay this time?’ Papa’s lips trembled, as he reconsidered forgiving Nkosi. Nkosi knew there was nothing he could do to make Papa trust him again. ‘You just have to take my word for it. I promise not to hurt my daughter; I would do anything for her. I love too much already. I can’t let her go.’ Nkosi replied. He didn’t know if he was walking into a trap. He didn’t know if this was the best decision he would take in his lifetime, but he was willing to take the risk. ‘Get up.’ Papa ordered in a calm voice. He had made a silent decision. He would give Nkosi just one chance to prove himself. ‘I will let you see her, but if you hurt her, I will make sure she doesn’t ever forgive you.’ Phillip hurried out of the car towards the house. He had seen his mother’s killer! He couldn’t wait to share this horrifying news to his dad and sister. Perhaps, his guilt had led him to finding the man whom Usman had sent to kill his dad, but who’d failed and taken his mother’s life instead. Phillip was slightly tipsy as he sauntered into the house. The first thing he planned to take was a glass of water, no one had to know that he’d gone on a drinking spree, simply because he had made one stupid mistake. His father would be so disappointed in him, and Chalya would lose all respect she had for him. His heart almost jumped out of his chest at the sight of Indigo’s beautiful back. She was an angelic sight to behold, even the overall and the covering she had on her head, while painting didn’t stop her from glowing. Her round backside protruded from the overall, and he found it difficult to take his eyes off. Indigo sensed someone was watching her, and the person couldn’t be Chalya, because she had heard the front door open. She decided to ignore the intruder and continue with her work. She had to return home as quickly as she could, so that Papa wouldn’t worry too much. A smile lit up her face, and illuminated her features when she rolled the brush dipped in creamy pink over the last spot she had left to paint. She was through with her first job now, all she needed was the approval of her clients. She felt proud of what she had accomplished as she stepped back to take a better look at the walls. From where he stood, he knew she adored her production and creativity. Phillip couldn’t help but admire it too, who wouldn’t think this was beautiful? She had good eyes for colors as the Yellow and Pink complimented the luxury chairs and the precious stones. Everything was glazing. The atmosphere was saturated with this aura of beauty, tranquility and joy. It was the click sound of a camera that made her turn. When she did, her eyes dilated excitedly at the sight of the man whom she had feelings for. ‘Phillip?’ The brush almost fell off her hands, but she tightened the grip. Why did he have this powerful effect on her? He couldn’t hold his adulation for her work any longer, so he decided to take a snapshot and share it with the whole world. ‘You have done a great job, this is perfect.’ He moved closer to the wall. Indigo grinned from ear to ear. First, Chalya had told her it was beautiful, but hearing it from Phillip was different. Her heart danced to the tune of his words. She was glad the job was a success. ‘Look who we have here, Mr. and Mrs.’ Chalya breezed in with a tray of baked chicken and French fries, which was accompanied with fruit salad. Phillip and Indigo turned to her direction with questioning stares. ‘Okay! I was joking, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea if you two get married.’ Chalya couldn’t contain the excitement of seeing her brother, but she was careful not to let it show because Phillip was quick to assume that she was weak whenever she displayed her emotions. Indigo felt shy at the mention of marriage, she wasn’t even expecting Phillip to marry her. Though she considered it, she didn’t think herself good enough for him. ‘Chalya is right you know, we are good for each other.’ Phillip gently pulled out the brush from her hands and dropped it on the lineup of paint buckets. He missed her greatly. Her innocent eyes had dimmed the enormous guilt that had possessed him. He would deal with his mistake later. He would talk to his father about the stranger later. For now, all that mattered was Indigo. Being closer to his face made her inhale his breath, and from the look in his eye, Indigo could tell that he had been drinking. ‘Phillip?’ She licked her lips and pulled away. His breath carried with it a strong scent of rum and something else. Was Phillip addicted to alcohol? Was this the reason he had stayed out so late? ‘Yes darling,’ he smiled dreamily while holding on to her hands. She wanted to ask why he had taken alcohol. She didn’t see drinking as a bad thing, but Phillip wasn’t himself from the way he smiled. A closer look at the white shirt underneath his black jacket revealed a red lipstick. Indigo pulled her hands away immediately. This was a red flag! What more did she need to know that Phillip wasn’t the man she thought he was? To be continued……………..
12 Jan 2019 | 02:51
Women and hasty conclusion! So just cos you saw a red lipstick on his shirt is enough reason to term him a whore?
12 Jan 2019 | 10:26
Philip is all you need now... What you should know is that Philip is the ladies' man and every lady would want to be with him
12 Jan 2019 | 11:18
Philip is all you need now... What you should know is that Philip is the ladies' man and every lady would want to be with him
12 Jan 2019 | 11:23
Don't jump into conclusion just like that
13 Jan 2019 | 02:11
Why am I not so surprise abt her decision
13 Jan 2019 | 05:26
don't be hasty in making conclusions,,, for everyone has reasons for doing things
13 Jan 2019 | 11:15
Indi indi bo semi nko
13 Jan 2019 | 16:27
Episode 13 ‘Indi, what is wrong? Come and kiss me.’ Phillip’s drunken laughter filled the air. Chalya noticed her brother wasn’t composed, he was acting out of character and it disturbed her. ‘Get away from me!’ Indigo quickly rushed from where she stood towards Chalya, who was willing to shield her from her brother. Indigo was shocked and disappointed that he could behave this way. He didn’t have an iota of respect for her or anyone. If he did, he wouldn’t have left home, keeping everyone on their toes. ‘I have to go now. I just can’t stand this.’ Indigo dashed towards the door, she had as quickly as her legs could carry her. Phillip staggered towards his sister, ‘Where is she? Why did you let her leave?’ Tears stung Chalya’s eyes as she watched Phillip. It was obvious that her brother was troubled. She had a feeling he had been depressed since the recent revelation that their mother had cheated and he was Uncle Usman’s son. ‘You’re drunk Phillip, come with me. You need some sleep.’ Chalya took hold of his arm, praying that he wouldn’t become violent. Luckily for her, he wasn’t because his mind had gone far away and he considered the person holding his hands his mother. ‘I am sorry mummy; I just had to drink it away.’ He smiled and leaned on his sister’s slim frame. ‘Drink what away?’ Chalya’s brows furrowed together. ‘Moremi,’ he answered. She quickly paid the taxi man off, and hurried towards the house, feeling downcast that the man she had held in high esteem was not as responsible as he had seemed at first. Maybe her grandfather was right. Maybe she shouldn’t have accepted money from Phillip, what if he asked her for something in return? Something she wasn’t willing to give? She took a glance at her surroundings, wondering why Phillip was bent on making things difficult for the tenants. She was starting to see a different side of Phillip Hajjo, maybe they weren’t meant to be after all. She tapped the front door of their apartment firmly. She couldn’t wait to get out of her clothes and take a quick shower. Tonight, she would bury her tears in her pillow because she really felt hurt by Phillip’s drunken display. ‘Papa?’ She called out to her grandfather, wondering what was taking him so long to open the door for her. Her best guess was that he had fallen asleep, because he was an early sleeper. ‘Indi! I am coming.’ She heard his footsteps approach. Indigo could swear that her grandfather had been speaking to someone else. Maybe she was hallucinating, because Mallam had no friends or any living relative. He had been a loner since the death of her mother and his wife. ‘There you are dear, come on in.’ Papa pulled open the door and welcomed her with a very bright smile. Indigo could tell this was excitement, but it looked like his smile had nothing to do with her return. She tilted her head to one side and asked, ‘Is everything alright?’ She smiled, wondering what her grandfather was up to. He nodded. ‘Everything is fine, come inside.’ She shrugged and strolled into the house, dropping her purse on the available stool before slumping into the only couch in the sitting room. She was fatigued! ‘You look so tired Indi, how was your day?’ Papa asked. He had told Nkosi to wait in the kitchen, so he would have more time to prepare Indigo for this meeting which was very significant for them all. She sighed. Yes, she was very tired, but her day wasn’t bad. Phillip had only disappointed her, and that really hurt, but aside his drunken display, she was good. ‘A lot of things happened.’ She had to tell her grandfather the truth about Ms. Lucinda Paul and her true identity. She couldn’t wait to share the hospitality she had received in the Hajjo residence. Theirs’ was a home of love, peace and beauty. Papa could see that his grandchild was genuinely happy about her outing. ‘I guess they loved your work then,’ he waited for a response. ‘Yes, the Hajjos are very nice people. They are very wealthy too.’ She smiled, and straightened on the chair. It was time to pour out her heart on everything, but she wouldn’t tell Papa about Phillip yet. He would say the words she hated to hear most, “I told you so.” ‘Papa, do you know that Ms. Lucinda Paul is Mr. Hajjo’s daughter?’ Indigo said as she spotted the shock in Papa’s eyes. ‘Lucinda Paul? The lady that offered you the job?’ Papa couldn’t believe it. He knew Mr. Hajjo; he had seen the man once. He owned the building they inhabited. Indigo nodded, ‘the very same. She just altered her name and identity so we will be more open with her. Her name is Chalya Hajjo and her brother is Phillip Hajjo, the man that gave me a hundred thousand naira for your albutrol inhaler.’ She explained, the coincidence not only shocked her granddad, it blew him out of his mind. Papa had only thought this sort of coincidence took place in movies. ‘I can’t it believe it, so you worked on the house of Mr. Hajjo? Does he know you live in his house?’ Papa asked. ‘No.’ she shook her head. She had planned to tell Phillip all about herself while trying to dissuade him from rent increment, but she wasn’t doing that anymore. Phillip could go ahead and do whatever he wanted, but she was ready to stand with Chalya and fight against his plans. Papa lowered himself to the couch and pulled her in for a hug. ‘You’ve made me very proud today. I love you so much.’ He kissed her hair gently. Indigo felt like crying, she couldn’t describe the joy that bubbled in her veins as her grandfather spoke these words to her. ‘I love you too grandpa and I will continue to make you proud.’ She smiled and wiped the tears that were dribbling down the old man’s cheeks. If only Phillip hadn’t walked in drunk, her day would have been complete. ‘This is just the beginning. I am glad you could make your first day count. I have a feeling other people would call you to redesign or design their homes and offices.’ Mallam Hassan smiled. Indigo accepted his blessing. ‘I pray so Papa.’ She decided to push the thoughts of Phillip out of her mind. She had to focus on other things tonight. ‘I am sorry I came home late, I had to finish the painting.’ She rose to her feet, ready to take a bath. Papa quickly told her that he wasn’t offended. He was only worried and anxious, but her presence had chased away every negative feeling. ‘I prepared your favorite. Why don’t you eat first before leaving for the bathroom?’ He suggested in a stutter. Papa didn’t know the right time to tell Indigo about her father. They had just shared a very beautiful moment and he was afraid to ruin it for her. Indigo was highly sensitive. She had lived with this man all her life, so she knew when he was himself and when he wasn’t. There was a flicker of fear, apprehension and sadness, mixed together in his dark brown eyes. That was worry. ‘What is wrong Papa?’ His feelings were more important to her, everything else could wait. To be continued…….
14 Jan 2019 | 04:05
Episode 14 Papa wanted to tell her he was fine. But the memory of Nkosi begging on his knees wouldn’t let him. The man’s remorseful attitude pricked his conscience and he had no other option but to tell Indigo the truth. ‘Do you love me with all of your heart?’ Papa moved closer to Indigo and collected her hands. She didn’t like the tone of his voice. Was her grandfather dying? ‘Papa, what is it?’ She took a deep breath, while waiting for his response. ‘Do you love me?’ Papa’s voice shook. ‘Yes.’ She affirmed with a nod, hoping whatever he was about to tell her wouldn’t break her heart. The time for the revelation had come, and once this door was opened, there wouldn’t be any going back. ‘I lied to you…’ Papa started, ‘I know shouldn’t have, but I thought it was for the best. I thought I would be protecting you from getting hurt and feeling rejected, but I wasn’t being honest with myself.’ Now that Nkosi had showed up, Papa knew he was the guilty one. He should have told his granddaughter about her father, instead of making her believe that he was dead. ‘I don’t understand,’ Indigo’s brows came together, what lies had her grandfather told her? ‘Your father is alive. He has been alive all these years, he is back now.’ Indigo laughed, ‘Are you joking?’ Papa never really talked about her father, why was he bringing the matter up now? She had never seen any pictures of the man, and she had grown up believing that he had died along her mother too. When she saw that her grandfather wasn’t smiling, she knew he was serious. At once, Indigo let go of his hand and sank into the chair closest to her. Her heart was beating fast; her feelings spiraled on the waves of anxiety. ‘My father is alive? And you lied to me about it?’ The way she said it, showed that she was felt betrayed and this stung Papa in the veins, more than anything else. ‘I am sorry. I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me, please.’ Papa wept silently. She rose to her feet at once, not having any word in return. She had always seen her father as a pious man. A man who could never trade his dignity for gold and his words were always words of wisdom. How could he lie to her? Nkosi had been listening to their conversation from the kitchen. His heart swelled with guilt as he heard Indigo’s voice. Mallam Hassan had given him access to her childhood photographs, and her drawing book, which made him so proud. She had the same voice like her mother. She was so beautiful, and he felt like a devil for abandoning her all these years. This wasn’t Papa’s fault, and he couldn’t let the old man take the blame for his actions. ‘Indigo…’ he walked gingerly from the kitchen towards the living room. Her gaze left her granddad to the stranger who’d just come out of the kitchen. He was tall and slender, with a fine milky complexion. He had a straight nose and thin lips. His hair was curly and raven. ‘Who are you?’ She asked and quickly moved away from him. Nkosi fell on his knees and crawled towards her, ‘I am so sorry angel. I have been a very bad man, but you are my redemption. Your grandfather is not to be blamed, he had no choice. I was an irresponsible lover and father, and he didn’t want you to have a taste of that.’ He swallowed. Indigo looked at her grandfather who was weeping bitterly, but she wasn’t touched by his tears. How could he lie to her for more than twenty years? ‘That doesn’t answer my question.’ She replied Nkosi. He was greatly embarrassed. How could he just show up after many years and expect her to accept him into her life as her father? Nkosi realized he had been myopic and naïve. These things had rules, and he had to abide by them. ‘I was in love with your mother, but…but when she told me she was having my baby, I just couldn’t fathom that. I was so scared of being a father. I felt trapped and inadequate, so I took off. I ran back to my home country, to avoid being with her while she had the baby.’ A tear slipped from his eyes. Indigo’s eyes widened at this revelation, so this man was her father? And her home country was Kenya? ‘Wait…I don’t get you.’ She ran her fingers through her hair. ‘You abandoned my mother to raise me on her own…’ suddenly something dawned on her. What if her mother hadn’t died naturally as her grandfather had told her? What if she had died from being heartbroken by the man she thought she loved? Slowly, she understood why Papa had shielded her from this devil on his knees. Truly, her grandfather wasn’t the person she should be angry with. ‘I am sorry Indigo. People make mistakes and I have come to realize mine.’ Nkosi begged. Indigo had enough of his lies! ‘Get up!’ Her voice was cold and unwelcoming. Nkosi knew just what she wanted to do, but he wouldn’t let her. ‘Please, don’t send me away. Just give me a chance to know you…’ He rose to his feet. ‘A chance? You had twenty years plus to come back to me, but you didn’t. This shows that I am not important to you, so why pretend to love me now? Tell me father, what changed?’ She mocked. Tears rushed from her eyes, her lips trembled as her wounds bled. All these years, Papa had raised her alone. All these years, she had worked so hard to pay their bills and put some food on the table. If she hadn’t been raised well to be decent and contented, she would have become a wayward lady, which was the predominant way to survive in this part of the world. ‘I cried myself to sleep whenever Papa couldn’t afford what I needed. I struggled, I fought, and you weren’t there. What makes you think I need you now?’ She laughed, she was quite sure she didn’t need this Kenyan in her life. He was filled with compunction as he stared as his beautiful daughter. All that she had said was the truth. He didn’t deserve her. ‘Indigo…I am not saying that I was right. I am sorry for the past, just forgive me, let us start from there.’ He pleaded. Forgive? He had the nerve! She rolled her eyes. ‘I don’t want you in my life. I am okay with my grandfather, now get the hell out before I raise an alarm.’ She spat. Nkosi could see raw fire raging in her eyes. She was hurt, broken and felt forsaken. He knew he had to give her space, but he wouldn’t go. He would wait till she forgave him. He thought about other things that he had to handle to raise money for her. He still needed to find the other girl that had almost blinded Usman, and he needed to ask Usman a few questions about the man he had seen at Canaan bar, Phillip Hajjo. To be continued……..
14 Jan 2019 | 04:06
16 Jan 2019 | 08:09
You have to forgive him because he'll be the one to save you from Usman
16 Jan 2019 | 09:49
Episode 15 Moremi was still not over the shock of Phillip’s rejection. His little bitch of a sister had been right that he had another woman in his life. She had been too careless and confident, and now she would ruin everything. She had found it difficult to sleep, as thoughts of her lovemaking with Phillip kept replaying in her mind. She had offered herself to him, but he had rejected and shamed her. She had tried reaching his line, but whenever she called, he declined her calls. ‘Fuck him,’ she rose out of bed and rushed for her phone. No man could use her and make her feel inferior. She wasn’t the type to cling too much to a man, but she would to this one. Once she was able to steal the deeds of the land and hand them over to Usman, who would wipe his brother’s name off and replace it with his’, he job would be complete. And she would have no need for Phillip. She had set up a meeting by 9pm with Usman, who had suggested his home. She couldn’t wait to meet up with Usman and tell him everything Phillip had said. Once she had the upper hand in this game, Phillip would come crawling to her bed and she would do to him whatever she wished. She had already promised the Austrian company, Mack Engineering that the place where their workers would stay would be ready soon. She had to work hard, and the only way to do that was to trick Phillip and pressure him to start the renovation. She grabbed a dark green T- shirt from her wardrobe and slipped it on, she had to tell Usman everything that was happening, so he would prepare himself. A frown settled upon Usman’s face as she stared at Phillip’s latest addition to his mobile uploads on Facebook. He recognized his brother’s house anytime, the dark green wall paint which was usually accompanied by milky white stripes had been replaced by a beautiful mix of yellow and pink. As an architect, he could recognize the work of an interior designer whenever he saw one. This work was perfect, and it was done by one Indigo Hassan, as indicated in the photo caption. ‘Indigo Hassan,’ Usman was tempted to Google the name. He surprised that his brother had not said anything about redesigning the Hajjo residence, as he usually awarded that contract to him. Something was wrong, Moremi was right about Phillip wanting to fire him and he couldn’t wait for her arrival. They had a lot of things to discuss. His brother had taken the land away, he had mounted two giant structures and wasn’t ready to forfeit them. Usman realized that he had another enemy, his brother was the one that would pay for his sins. It didn’t take long before Moremi drove into his compound. She stepped out of the car and rushed towards the veranda where Usman was sitting, wearing a frown that made his face very unattractive. ‘Hello there,’ She climbed the three steps that elevated the veranda, holding on tightly to the balusters. Usman didn’t look up, his eyes were still on the picture. ‘What did he say about my job? He needed to know where he stood with Phillip. Moremi had not expected he would welcome her with questions, ‘Um, Can we go inside?’ She asked. ‘Nope, we talk here or we are done.’ Usman rose to his feet. ‘I tried to talk to him, he wanted to fire you but I was able to make a deal.’ She played with her fingers, hoping Usman would understand that she didn’t have much of a choice. Usman was slightly relieved, but he wondered, ‘What condition?’ She blinked and looked away, ‘He wants to hire someone as supervisor, while you play the assistant under strict monitoring.’ A dry laugh escaped his lips, this was a very good joke. ‘Comic relief,’ Usman couldn’t believe his ears. ‘I am serious! I tried my best to convince him otherwise, but he wouldn’t listen. I think it is time you speak to him. He knows you are his biological father, so what are you waiting for?’ Moremi suggested, but Usman wasn’t having any of it. They had agreed that she would do everything possible to keep him on that project, why had she failed in fulfilling her part of the deal? ‘Who is Indigo Hassan?’ He offered her his phone, so he could see the photo that Phillip had just uploaded. A chill ran down Moremi’s spine as she stared at the sophisticated and beautifully painted walls of the Hajjo Residence. Only an architect could do this, an interior designer to be specific. She had to wonder if Phillip gone ahead to hire someone without her knowledge. ‘I don’t think…’she was going to tell Usman that she had no idea who bore that name when something clicked in her brain. Suddenly, she recalled that her once clumsy maid, Indigo Hassan was a third year architecture student. Could she still be the same person to repaint the walls? ‘No.’ Moremi quickly shook her head. Indigo was clumsy and useless, there wasn’t any was she could pull this one off. It had to be a coincidence. Usman who’d been watching her face closely for answers noticed she was fighting an inner battle. ‘Do you know this Indigo Hassan?’ He bit his lip. Moremi shook her head, ‘I don’t think I do, but not to worry. I have to convince Phillip to keep you as the supervisor.’ She wondered how she would accomplish this mission. Usman scoffed, ‘Are you sure you still have a grip over Phillip?’ He could see fear and uncertainty in her eyes, and he was beginning to doubt if Moremi still had his son curled round her little finger. Moremi averted his eyes, feeling embarrassed that her seduction of Phillip hadn’t turned out well. She had expected him to fall in love with her all over again, like he always did in the past. Instead, she had been faced with a behavior she had not envisaged. Moremi couldn’t let Usman know what had transpired between her and Phillip, she still had her plans to get Phillip underneath her feet. ‘Of course I do, we both know he is a very strong willed person.’ She flashed a confident smile. Usman shrugged, ‘How about the deeds of the land? When are you planning to get that from him?’ Moremi cringed inwardly at the thought of failing. There were so many things she had to do, yet Phillip wasn’t available to her. How would she achieve all of their plans? ‘Be patient Usman, I know what I am doing. Once I get those deeds, I will pressure him to start the renovation process. I am still in charge.’ She wouldn’t let Usman undermine her authority. He was irked by her arrogance, but one thing was for sure: ‘If you fail to convince my son to keep me as the supervisor of this project, whatever we make from this deal, I am having 70%.’ Moremi chuckled, maybe she hadn’t heard him well. They had already agreed that she was taking a greater chunk of the profit. ‘I guess you’re joking Usman Hajjo.’ She drawled his name mockingly. ‘Do I look like I am joking? The land in question belongs to me. My brother stole it when I travelled outside the country. I should be giving you the crumbs from the table considering that the plot which these buildings were raised belongs to me.’ He had to go back in history, so she could understand he was in charge. She ignored his lengthy explanation. ‘I am the one on Phillip’s side. I am the one who will bring the Mack Engineering firm and all of the workers to the buildings. Who do you think is at greater risk should something happen?’ She saw Usman for who he truly was, a greedy bastard. ‘One more thing,’ she waved a finger over his face. She quickly explained to Usman, the need to provide the items which his men had stolen from Mr. Barf, before it was too late. To this, Usman had nothing to offer in return, he simply stared at her face. To be continued………
16 Jan 2019 | 14:12
Episode 16 Moremi decided that the meeting was over. She had come to share what was important and it was time to leave. ‘Don’t ever think of yourself as the boss in this deal. You’re getting 20%.’ With a vociferous hiss, she spun on her heels and retreated to her car, leaving Usman staring after her with a rising hatred and resentment. What a nerve! He thought, he just needed to be more patient so he could deal with her. Moremi was a greedy bitch, who’d come to reap where she didn’t plant. And he wouldn’t allow that. Usman had a plan. Once she surrendered the deeds of the land to him, he would hand over her details to Nkosi. Moremi deserved to die. As she drove out of the compound, she had a feeling Usman wasn’t happy working with her anymore, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was some money to live a lavish life. ‘I will get you Phillip Hajjo.’ She swore. Moremi didn’t care if he was in love with another woman. She would find the woman and destroy her completely, leaving no traces. The morning was bleak, the sun refused to show her face and the clouds had gathered. It was going to rain. A gentle breeze played with the curtains in his bedroom, and his eyes fluttered to watch their movement. The scent of earth and droplets of rain wafted into his bedroom, signaling that a brand new day was here. Phillip’s eyes fluttered to the dimly lit room. He noticed he was wearing only boxers, which was unusual as he mostly wore his pajamas to bed. His mouth tasted bitter, and his head throbbed. His whole body ached, as if he was sitting on nails. ‘What the fuck?’ He groaned and straightened on the bed. He ran his whitish tongue over his dry lips, feeling weighed down and fatigued. He closed his eyes and tried to come up with a reason for his tiredness, but he couldn’t seem to remember anything. It was as if his memories were angry with him, so they had chosen to abandon him. ‘My head fucking hurts.’ She pushed the duvet off his legs and got out of bed. He moved straight to the bathroom, so he could wash his face and take some aspirin to help with the numbing pain in his head. Phillip stood before the mirror and gazed at his reflection. He really needed to rest. ‘I’m in the bathroom!’ He heard a loud tap on his door, and he guessed the knocker was none other than his younger sister, Chalya. It started slowly. His head began to spin like a wheel. It seemed he was immersed in a cavern of dizziness. One after the other, the pieces of the night before came together, and a large box full of memories was presented to him by his mind. A loud groan escaped his lips as he realized what had taken place the night before. ‘No!’ He grunted and stared harder at his reflection. He remembered the stranger who had walked up to him at Canaan’s bar. The man’s serpentine eyes flashed back, and he felt a cold chill run down his spine. His face paled as he recalled the drunken manner in which he had spoken to Indigo. No, he fought the tears that welled up in his eyes as he realized all of his mistakes. If he had listened to Chalya and stayed away from Moremi, he would never have fallen into her trap. His guilt had chased him into the arms of alcohol, and he had ruined his personality before Indigo and his family. What were they going to think of him? Phillips was greatly ashamed of his actions. He knew he was wrong, and he was going to apologize to all the people he had hurt. He had to find Indigo, he had to tell her everything that had happened to him, and including the affair he had with Moremi. Even though they weren’t bound together, he felt obligated to tell her the truth, because he had feelings for her, and he could no longer hide it. In a swift manner, Phillip grabbed his tooth brush and turned on the tap. He had to clean up, and present himself first to his family, and then to Indigo. Chalya returned to the dining room dejectedly, wondering if her brother was deliberately avoiding her. She genuinely felt sorry for him. Before she finally put him to bed, she had taken off his clothes. From his drunken expressions, she realized that Phillip was still in deep pain and hurt, that their mother had betrayed her father. He felt horrible knowing the truth about his biological father, whom he wasn’t proud of. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she realized she had not been there for her brother enough. She had been carried away by the desire to do something worthwhile that would propel her to limelight, than to the secret battles that her brother was fighting. Chalya was more concerned with opposing him in the house renovation and rent increment, than making their relationship tighter and better. Deep down, she knew her brother was capable of taking good decisions, but his affiliation with a snake like Moremi, wouldn’t allow him the freedom of positive choice. She had a feeling that Phillip knew what was right. He knew that increasing the rent of the low cost housing to half a million was irrational and inconsiderate. Now that her brother was experiencing an emotional meltdown, she had forgotten totally about opposing him. Chalya vowed that once he recovered, she would let him have his way. Whatever choice Phillip took would only be his’ to account for in the end. For now, she was more interested in building a relationship with him, and helping him through whatever he was struggling with. She couldn’t forget the tears that she spotted in Indigo’s eyes as she fled the house. How would Phillip feel when he realized he had chased the woman he loved away, because of his drunken display? What scared her more, was that she had been ignorant of this issue. She had never seen Phillip this way, she feared if it would become a pattern. Luckily for Phillip, their father who had gone out quite early, had returned to the house very late as he had been caught in traffic. So he was spared the agony of watching his son in such an embarrassing situation. On hearing her father’s unmistakable footsteps, Chalya quickly wiped her tears away. She couldn’t let him see her crying. He was a wise man and would quickly connect the dots. To be continued…….
16 Jan 2019 | 14:18
I just wish Indigo will let Philip explain things to her and that she will also forgive her father because he will surely save her from Usman and Moremi
17 Jan 2019 | 02:55
Hmm! Short of word
17 Jan 2019 | 04:06
Hmm! Observing
17 Jan 2019 | 04:07
Interesting, Phillip d earlier u stay away from moremi d better
17 Jan 2019 | 08:23
indigo shouldn't Hav concluded like dat jorr
17 Jan 2019 | 17:38
Episode 17 You did a splendid job by bringing that girl here.’ Mr. Hajjo sauntered into the room, with his eyes fixed to the wall. The light showers had ceased and a warm sunshine had spread across the sky. At first, when Indigo had told him that the only thing that needed changing in the sitting room was the walls, he wasn’t sure about it. He had expected her to change the chairs. But the brightness of the colors added a new look and feeling to the whole house. He was really pleased with Indigo’s work, and he had Chalya to thank. ‘Good morning dad.’ She greeted and waited for him to take a seat. Mr. Hajjo had been a bit worried about the secret he was keeping from his children, this was part of the reason he had stayed out late. He had gone to meet with a priest, whom he always confided in whenever something was bothering him. He had met Father Duncan, when he had found out that the woman he had married was cheating on him with his brother. The priest had advised him to forgive her, and continue the marriage because God didn’t allow divorce. Many years back, he still believed in Father Duncan’s counsel. He knew his secret would be revealed soon enough, but he wanted to tell his children first, before they heard it from someone else. He had just started a new life with Phillip, a son that always hated him without cause. He couldn’t destroy their new relationship by lying to him. Mr. Hajjo had made up his mind, he would do his confession this morning before they had breakfast. ‘Baby, where is your brother?’ He watched her face, noting a change in her mood. Chalya wasn’t happy. He could tell from the large dark patches underneath her eyes, which showed that she hadn’t slept much last night. ‘Are you okay?’ He leaned closer to the table and grabbed her hands. Chalya almost pulled back. She wasn’t strong enough to resist her father’s penetrating gaze, and she knew she would break down before him any minute from now. ‘I’m fine.’ She stuttered. Her words sounded unsure. Her lips said one thing, but her eyes conveyed another. Mr. Hajjo didn’t need a soothsayer to tell him that something had happened in his home while he had gone to see the priest. ‘Look, this isn’t the time for us to keep secrets from each other. Tell me, did something happen to Phillip?’ He let go of her hand and rose to his feet. Just then, Phillip appeared in the dining hall. His heart was greatly troubled when he looked at his sister’s face. Chalya had been crying and it was his fault. ‘You’re here,’ Mr. Hajjo ran his eyes over Phillip to be sure everything was okay with him. Phillip nodded and pulled a chair backwards, ‘Good morning father.’ He avoided Chalya’s inquisitive gaze, feeling ashamed of his actions. ‘From the look you two are giving each other, something happened in my absence. I would love to know what.’ Mr. Hajjo thought they had a fight. Chalya didn’t want her father to know about Phillip’s drunken display. She wanted to shield the older man from the pain of knowing what Phillip was passing through. ‘Nothing,’ she said through clenched teeth. Phillip tilted his head towards her side, and gave her a look which read: “It is okay, you don’t have to cover up for me,” which she readily understood. Phillip was ready to pour out everything to his family, he wasn’t holding anything back now. He had carefully reflected on the decisions he had taken and those ones he planned to execute. He just realized that he had been treading on the wrong path. ‘I slept with Moremi.’ He drummed his fingers on the table. Chalya’s eyes blazed, ‘What?’ She scoffed, not believing that her brother would have anything to do with that vermin. ‘I know she had it all planned, because she had been making passes at me but I wasn’t careful. Like most men, I thought I was powerful enough to resist her seduction, but I fell into her arms helplessly and I am deeply ashamed.’ He confessed. Chalya could feel the qualm that possessed his voice. It was starting to make sense now. Phillip probably felt guilty because he had finally found Indigo, the girl he had been searching for all these weeks. Just when he converged with her, he fell into the arms of a strange woman. ‘Is that why you drank yourself to stupor?’ Chalya asked, to Mr. Hajjo’s utter shock. He had not seen Phillip drinking before. ‘Yes. I was deeply ashamed. I felt worse knowing that Indigo would be waiting for me. And I finally ruined everything, how am I supposed to face her again?’ Phillip winced as his head began to throb again. Obviously, this ache had defied the potency of the aspirin he had swallowed. Phillip wasn’t done. He had a lot of things to say. Chalya felt sorry for her brother, ‘I always warned you, but you will never listen to me. I told you I found that snake standing with Usman, maybe they are up to something.’ She rubbed her chin. Phillip regretted not listening to his younger sister. ‘Forgive me for not listening to you, I have made up my mind about Moremi and Usman. I no longer want to work with them.’ Chalya sighed with relief, finally her brother had seen the light. ‘Good decision.’ Phillip turned to his dad, it was time to clarify things. ‘Dad, you told me that the man that killed my mother was friends with uncle Usman and he was a foreigner? Can you recognize him if you see him?’ Phillip held his breath, hoping he was wrong. Maybe the alcohol had some effect on his mind and had painted a picture of a man he had seen many years back. Mr. Hajjo was stunned at this sudden inquiry. He wanted to ask Phillip why he was so curious but he refrained from doing so. His son was an adult, and had good reasons for asking. He was going to be honest with Phillip, he would tell him everything. ‘Yes. I don’t really remember his name but from the little findings of the police back then, he wasn’t Nigerian. I think I have an old picture of Usman with this man, give me a minute.’ The older man rose to his feet and trudged towards the shelf where he kept old family albums. Phillip and Chalya exchanged glares while their father left for the search. ‘I am so proud of you brother. This shows that you really care about Indigo. I would do anything to convince her to come back to you.’ Chalya’s heart bubbled excitedly. To be continued………
18 Jan 2019 | 11:22
Episode 18 Phillip simply smiled; he didn’t have anything to say for now. Ten minutes later, Mr. Hajjo walked back to the table with an old photograph of his brother Usman, standing next to his ally at a popular park back then. ‘Here, that is the man. But the Police weren’t really sure, before they could gather more evidence, he had fled town.’ Mr. Hajjo sighed. The icy stare was unmistakable! This was the man that had killed his mother and he was the man at the bar. ‘I saw him last night at the bar. He came towards me and expressed that I looked familiar. I think this man is back in town.’ Phillip scoffed, he had not been hallucinating. The murderer was back. ‘Are you really sure?’ Mr. Hajjo swallowed. ‘Yes.’ Phillip nodded vehemently. ‘I think my brother Usman wants me dead. He had sent this man after me many years back, but he had failed. Usman is unrepentant.’ Mr. Hajjo murmured. Chalya was confused, ‘Why would he want you dead father?’ Unknown to her, this question had just provoked another round of confession. ‘There is something I need to tell you guys, but you both must promise to forgive me.’ **** Indigo had cried in her grandfather’s arms till sleep took over, and he helped her get to bed. She had woken up earlier than she did thinking and crying some more. How could Nkosi abandon her for many years and suddenly show up? What did he want with her? Her belly rumbled as the aroma of Tomato sauce caressed her nostrils. ‘Papa,’ a smile played at the corner of her lips. He had woken up to make her breakfast, and this was the norm whenever she was unhappy. Papa loved her more than her father did. He cared for her specially and rebuked her whenever she was wrong. He was the reason for her happiness and she wouldn’t trade him for anything. Indigo yawned and sat on the bed staring outside her window. She had gotten over Phillip’s behavior the previous night. But one thing was certain; she could never be relaxed around him again, except he had a good explanation for his drunken outburst. She fell on her knees, clasped her palms together and did something she had never done in many years. She prayed. Tears dropped from the canopy of her black lashes, her lips shook as the words trembled from them. Her life was like a maze right now. She didn’t know where to go or what she wanted. She was very confused, and Papa had taught her to pray whenever she felt this way. ‘Please Lord, make everything right today. Let your light continue to shine on my path and Papa’s,’ she paused, then added, ‘On Phillip Hajjo and his family.’ She quickly rose to her feet and hurried towards the kitchen when she was finally done with her prayers. ‘Papa?’ Indigo called out in a happy voice. One beautiful thing about Indigo Hassan was the fact that she didn’t keep grudges. She wasn’t easily offended, and she wasn’t quick to revenge. She had forgiven someone like Annabel who had betrayed her. Briefly, she recalled that Annabel had tried calling her. Indigo resolved to return the call once she had settled everything that was going on in her life. Papa stirred the egg and tomato sauce one last time. He was about taking the pan off the fire when he heard Indigo’s voice. The old man couldn’t hold back his happiness, she was back to normal. ‘Indi, come and taste for salt before I take it down.’ He called in a sweet voice. She rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the spoon from her grandfather. ‘Good morning Papa.’ She smiled. Her mouth watered as she stared at the reddish sauce with whitish flaps of egg white and pink strands of onions. She wiped the spoon on her clean palm and licked it. ‘I think this is perfect.’ She dropped the spoon and pulled her grandfather closer to her for a hug. She felt so relaxed in his arms, all the pain she had carried with her was gone and she was now reborn. ‘I forgive you Papa, I knew you have a good reason for telling me he was dead.’ She sighed, and released him. Papa had not thought Indigo would forgive this easily, she was such an angel but life had been so unfair to her. ‘Thank you.’ Papa replied with a sigh. She moved to the plastic basket where plates were kept and fetched two ceramic plates for them to use. ‘So what are your plans?’ Papa asked. She almost dropped the plates as she remembered the face of the devil, ‘What plans Papa?’ She feigned ignorance. Papa could read her like a book. He had a feeling she wasn’t ready to talk about their father, so he let the matter die. Once they were fully settled at the table, Mallam Hassan called upon her to say a short prayer before they devoured what was before them. She hadn’t finished praying when she heard a loud pounding on the front door. Instinctively, her eyes flew open as two hefty looking men marched into the living room, uninvited. She had not seen these men before, but one thing was for sure. They had not come to play nice. They looked vicious and dangerous. What were they doing here? Papa recognized the men at once, they had been the one who accompanied Nkosi the other day, what were they doing in his house uninvited? ‘What are doing here?’ Mallam Hassan rose to his feet. Indigo was surprised that her grandfather knew these men, ‘You know these people?’ The tall ruffian whispered to the shorter one and they burst out with laughter. ‘Do you know Annabel?’ The shorter one directed the question to Indigo. ‘I don’t talk to strangers.’ She replied defiantly. Just when she thought she’d seen everything, her father strolled into the living room with a sleepy face. Indigo noticed he was still wearing the clothes from last night. The sleepy expression vanished from his eyes when he spotted the boys that worked under him? ‘What are you two doing here?’ Nkosi didn’t remember asking for them. The thugs were very shocked to see Nkosi here. It was all making sense now, as the taller one had whispered to the shorter thug, that they had been to this house before. ‘Boss? The girl we captured told us we would find her friend here.’ The short thug announced, and all hell was let lose when Nkosi realized they had come to kidnap his daughter. To be continued………
18 Jan 2019 | 11:24
Gangan... Let me sit down and watch what next
18 Jan 2019 | 16:29
Hmm, gobe
19 Jan 2019 | 08:03
Nice one
19 Jan 2019 | 12:38
Hm m continue
19 Jan 2019 | 12:50
Omo see gobe
19 Jan 2019 | 12:54
Yawa don bourse
19 Jan 2019 | 16:16
Ghen ghen. This is getting more serious.
19 Jan 2019 | 17:12
Episode 19 Nkosi grabbed both men by their hands and pushed them outside, he couldn’t let Indigo know the type of jobs that he did. ‘What the fuck are you two doing here? Why didn’t you call me?’ Nkosi barked at his men. ‘Boss, we tried your line but we couldn’t reach you. After shocking the girl for about two hours, she finally opened up about her friend whom she addressed as Indigo Hassan. According to her, Indigo had been in need of some money and Usman was willing to offer a hundred thousand. Indigo had refused to sleep with Usman, and instead had almost destroyed his eyes. We got the girl boss, we should take her now before she leaves. Remember, that this is the last chance we have to redeem our image before Usman Hajjo.’ The short thug explained, hoping the boss would see reasons with him. Anger welled inside of him as he realized these fools would have hurt his daughter without knowing it. So, Usman had wanted to ravage his Indigo. Nkosi was disgusted by this, knowing the perverted mindset and ungodly fetishes that Usman Hajjo had. He felt bad that Indigo would be put in such a dangerous situation all because she needed money. ‘Release Annabel immediately and if you touch that girl or harm her in any way, I will kill you both and feed your heads to wolves.’ Nkosi snapped angrily. The thugs saw that their boss wasn’t pleased with their work, and they wondered why. They had spent days looking for this girl in question, why was he protecting her now? ‘I hope you both heard me! Release Annabel and go into hiding. I will handle Usman myself.’ Those were Nkosi’s words before he strolled back to the house to explain everything to Indigo and her grandfather. Indigo had suddenly lost her appetite as she peeped through the window. Who were those rough looking men and what business did they have with Nkosi? Swiftly, she peeled herself from the window as he neared the house. She had a feeling that her father had not gone home. Her heart raced as she wondered if he slept in the neighborhood. Somehow she felt guilty, imagining him out in the cold. Shivering and fighting for warmth without a blanket or a sweater. ‘I am sorry for ruining your breakfast.’ Nkosi’s lips were filled with apologies as he stepped into the house. Papa wasn’t a fool. He quickly demanded an explanation at such an unsolicited visit by Nkosi’s thugs. ‘What did those men want with my granddaughter and how did they get to know about her former friend, Annabel?’ Papa’s voice was very stern. He hoped he had not made a mistake by allowing Nkosi back into their lives. ‘I can explain everything…’ Nkosi felt ashamed, knowing after this, Indigo would never want to have anything to do with him. But he wasn’t upset with her. He was glad that he had set eyes on his daughter after many years, even if she failed to receive him back to her life, he wouldn’t hold it against her because he had hurt her first. ‘I came back to Nigeria with a purpose. I have very big dreams for Indigo, but I don’t have the money for it. I bumped into an old friend who promised to give me some money, if I track down a certain girl whose name he didn’t know, but was introduced to him by her friend Annabel or Ummi. According to this friend of mine, the girl he was looking for had tried to kill him. That was the reason my thugs came in here. We were able to track Annabel, but she refused to give us anything about you until the torture was too much.’ Nkosi explained. Indigo didn’t know how to respond to this. She knew exactly whom the man in question was, Annabel’s Sugar daddy who had tried to rape her. ‘Is she okay?’ She asked after her friend. ‘Yes, nothing untoward was done to her. I have asked the men to release her at once.’ Nkosi hoped this would please Indigo. Papa felt disgusted that Nkosi had not changed. ‘Why did you lie to me Nkosi? You came to be with false humility. From what I see, you are still the same person. You only grew older.’ Nkosi couldn’t trade words with the old man. He knew he was wrong. ‘I am sorry Papa, I just wanted the best for my daughter.’ ‘The best for Indigo is you leaving. We cannot be equally yoked with a criminal like you. God knows how many crimes you have committed already.’ Papa snorted in disgust. He hated himself for allowing Nkosi into Indigo’s life, now this would complicate everything. Indigo was too stunned to say anything. First, she had just discovered her father was alive. Now, she had found out he was nothing but a thug. Of what use was such a man to her? Her mind told her to reflect on what had just taken place. From the look of things, Nkosi really loved and adored her, he just didn’t have the means to express that love and she understood. Indigo hadn’t realized Usman Hajjo was a vindictive man. Her encounter with him had been many weeks back, yet he still harbored hatred and acrimony towards her. God had sent her father to save her, because if Usman had employed the services of other thugs, they would have found a way to hurt her. So she had him to thank. ‘I want you to leave this house and never come back!’ Papa slammed his fists on the table. He was done with Nkosi’s drama; he was over with being deceived. Nkosi pulled in a deep breath and stared at Indigo in the eye. He was a fulfilled man now; he just wished he could kiss her goodbye. ‘No, wait.’ Indigo stammered. Yes, this man had abandoned her for many years and denied her the love of a father, but right here, in this moment he had gained all of it back by defending and protecting him from that pervert. ‘Indigo?’ Papa rushed to stop her from going close to the criminal. ‘I am sorry for disobeying you this once Papa, but I think I want to give him a chance.’ She walked towards her father. Nkosi was full of strength and vigor, but he found it difficult to hold his emotions down as his daughter walked closer and closer to him. Papa could see that there was nothing he could do to stop Indigo from accepting Nkosi into her life. ‘I am so sorry Angel. I promise to desist from all my bad ways from now henceforth.’ Nkosi opened his arms and welcomed her. He was ready to turn a new leaf because of Indigo. She was that important to him. She accepted his welcoming arms and buried her head in his broad chest, this was the place she found safety. ‘I love you so much Indi.’ Nkosi kissed her hair and pressed her tightly against his body. Papa realized the bond of a father and a daughter was stronger than that of a child with a grandparent. His only prayer was for Indigo’s safety and eternal happiness. Whatever choice she had made, he would stand by her. It was a new dawn for them all. To be continued……..
20 Jan 2019 | 03:24
Episode 20 Mr. Hajjo explained to his children that he had been very hurt and bitter after discovering Halima had been sleeping with his brother. He had not fully learned the act of forgiveness then. ‘So I broke into his house when he’d travelled overseas to study. I stole the deeds to the land that our father had given to him. Without waste of time, I erected the buildings that are now the Low Cost Buildings. I thought I would feel better by doing this, but the pain of your mother’s betrayal only hit me harder.’ He shook his head in angst, as he remembered everything that had happened that year. When Usman had learned of the buildings, he had threatened hailstones ad brimstones, but Mr. Hajjo had not been disturbed by his threats. He never explained to Usman his reason for stealing the documents and changing it to his name. ‘I see why Uncle Usman wanted you dead so badly. He wanted your land and your wife. If this is the only sin you committed a sin, then you haven’t done anything unforgivable.’ Phillip felt that his father was being too hard on himself. He tried to imagine what would have happened, if he had married a cheating wife. No, he wouldn’t have survived living with such a despicable person. ‘Dad, you’re beating up yourself. Usman deserved it for betraying you like that. Remember that he also tried to kill you?’ Chalya rolled her eyes. She was also tempted to pour out her secrets, because this was the only opportunity that she had, and she needed to use it wisely. The man laughed heartily, Phillip and Chalya were still growing and they didn’t understand that being old, gave you the opportunity to reflect on a lot of things. ‘Yes, he betrayed me by sleeping with the woman I loved. But if we are looking for whom to blame here, I should have blamed your mother. She was the one who cheated on me, Usman didn’t rape her. But I chose to blame the weaker person, my brother. I had no right to take over Usman’s land. This has been the cause of bitter blood between us all these years, but I am willing to forgive him and hand over, what truly belongs to him.’ Phillip and Chalya couldn’t believe their ears, their eyeballs almost popped out of their eye sockets. ‘Dad, I hope you know that I have already ordered materials to work on the buildings? The land is now yours; it doesn’t belong to Usman anymore.’ Phillip couldn’t stand it. For the first time, Chalya stood against her father. ‘Dad, I think Phillip is right. He has already hired people and allocated them several positions for this project. You have to suspend whatever you are planning. It’s not as if Uncle Usman is a saint. He deserves the dish you are serving him.’ Chalya hissed angrily. Again, his kids missed the point. Maybe if he hadn’t taken the land forcefully, maybe Usman would have turned out a nice person. But the moment he realized his share of their father’s properties was gone, he became a very angry and hostile person. ‘The land has my name on it Phillip; I will do with it whatever I want. If your uncle agrees to renovate the place, then you can go ahead and work with him, but I will not be a part of that business.’ The man sighed. Phillip couldn’t believe his ears. He had planned this renovation for months now. He was a bit frustrated, but he decided not to let it weigh him down. He was still the C.E.O of Phillip’s Engineering and they had a lot of contracts to complete. ‘I guess Mr. Barf would have to go back to Germany empty handed then.’ He sighed. He no longer needed building materials, and he would relay this information as quickly as he could. ‘You are not arguing with dad, why is that?’ Chalya was surprised that Phillip wasn’t battling with his father to keep the land. Phillip shrugged, ‘I think dad is right. Whatever doesn’t belong to you, can never be yours.’ He smiled. He had profound respect for the older men, who had raised him up to be a man of integrity. ‘So what are you going to tell your darling lover lawyer?’ Chalya teased. ‘The truth, I no longer need her services.’ Phillip sighed. Chalya decided it was time to tell her brother what she had been planning behind his back and how she had approached Indigo to join her. ‘I also lied about Indigo Hassan. I lied about how we met…’ she closed her eyes and opened them, hoping that Phillip wouldn’t be mad at her. He wasn’t surprised, he had a feeling Chalya hadn’t been straight with him these past weeks. ‘Where did you meet her then?’ He asked. She glanced sideways, wondering how Indigo would feel that she had revealed her address to Phillip. ‘She is one Mallam Hassan’s granddaughter and she lives in one of the low-cost buildings. I went there under cover as Ms. Lucinda Paul.’ Chalya explained to her brother that she had not been pleased about the rent increment and she had prepared herself to fight him to the end. Phillip and his father laughed throughout her explanation. There were many things they didn’t know about Chalya. She was just like an onion, each day; a layer was being peeled and appreciated. ‘I like your Spirit. You remind me of Gandhi, always standing up for injustice.’ Her father was happy that she had something planned for Phillip. Chalya didn’t want to leave everything out. ‘I asked Indigo to join me, but she refused. I guessed it was because of the love she had for you. She is a very homely girl and I want you to be with her.’ Chalya concluded her confession, leaving everyone stunned. Phillip was shaken to his bones. He would have gone ahead to renovate the building and increase the rent, which would have sent poor Indigo and her sick grandfather out of the house. ‘It all makes sense now.’ He rubbed his chin as he remembered the day he had asked his driver to spy on Chalya. She must have paid Indigo a visit instead. ‘What are you talking about?’ Chalya’s brows knotted. ‘Never mind, I feel so horrible. I should talk to her.’ He rose to his feet. All along, he had wanted to reduce the rent, but Moremi kept insisting that he abide by the half million. Now the scales had fallen from his eyes, he hated her with a great passion because she almost ruined his life. ‘Not yet son, learn to give a woman the space that she needs.’ Mallam Hajjo pulled his son back, then dipped a hand into his pocket, producing a check of five hundred thousand Naira, which was meant for Indigo Hassan. Phillip sank into his chair; he couldn’t disobey his father though he missed her a lot. Mr. Hajjo pushed the check towards Chalya, ‘You’ll cash this out and pay her a visit. Tell her that your brother loves her and try to convince her to let go of what she had seen.’ Once he was done with Chalya, he turned to Phillip, ‘You and I will pay Usman a visit. It is time we all make up. We have to forgive each other and move on with our lives like nothing happened.’ Phillip wasn’t thinking about his biological father, Usman or Moremi at this point. His silent prayer was that Indigo should forgive him for wanting to destroy her home and for getting drunk. ‘I will always abide by your words father.’ He whispered.
20 Jan 2019 | 03:27
Still following
20 Jan 2019 | 09:14
Good decision from both families
20 Jan 2019 | 11:06
Mallam Hajjio is really a nice man and had trained Philip to become one but, I hate the fact that he is Usman's biological son
20 Jan 2019 | 11:56
Thank God Indigo forgave Nkosi
20 Jan 2019 | 11:57
Hmmm everything is getting twisted, I wanted to see how Usman and Moremi will react to this news
20 Jan 2019 | 11:58
Hm m
20 Jan 2019 | 17:44
Mr Hajjo is really a wise man
20 Jan 2019 | 17:45
Episode 21 WEEK LATER, Usman was delighted to receive Nkosi in his house, after getting the assurance that the girl who had almost blinded him has been found. He couldn’t wait to set his eyes on her again. He planned punish her in the meanest way possible for what she had done to his eyes, which were still hurting by the way. ‘Thank you.’ Nkosi muttered as Usman served him a glass of wine. It was flagrant that Usman was excited about his news of finding the girl. Little did he know that the girl in question was his biological daughter. ‘How did you find her? Tell me everything.’ Usman was eager to get the details of her capture. Nkosi pulled the glass closer to himself, before taking it to his mouth. Two things had brought him to Usman’s house. He had to tell Usman about Phillip Hajjo, the young man he had seen at the bar, and he also had to tell him the truth about Indigo. ‘I found her at home.’ He replied slowly, as the liquor pricked his intestines. ‘At home?’ Usman offered him a questioning gaze. ‘Do you remember Jacinta?’ Nkosi decided to go straight to the point, there was no need of beating around the bush in a matter like this. Usman remembered her vaguely, but he knew she had been one of Nkosi’s numerous girlfriends. ‘You dated her I guess.’ ‘Yes.’ Nkosi agreed. Usman didn’t see the relationship with his love life to this matter, had Nkosi suddenly become senile? ‘I am not crazy, I just want you to understand that I cannot kill the girl or let any harm come to her.’ Nkosi could see that Usman doubted his sanity, so he had to clarify things. Usman’s jaw dropped, but he quickly closed his mouth. Maybe he hadn’t heard well. ‘I don’t understand you Nkosi. You told me that you could get this job done, you can’t back out now. I want that girl!’ Usman slammed his fists on the table angrily. But Nkosi failed to understand the reason for his annoyance. ‘You never paid me for the job.’ ‘You can’t be serious. You know how these things work, I pay you once the service has been delivered.’ Usman couldn’t believe his ears. Nkosi pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. He had come to end every shady deal he had with Usman. He had come to amend his ways. He was ready to do right by his daughter. ‘I am no longer interested in your dirty jobs. Get someone else to do your dirty laundry.’ Nkosi’s voice was confident and bold. He knew what he wanted, and he was going back on his decision. Usman was completely astonished, if someone had told him that Nkosi would reject his offer he wouldn’t have believed it. ‘Is something wrong? Is the Police on your trail?’ Usman asked, this was out of Nkosi’s character. ‘No, I just reconciled with my daughter a week ago. Jacinta had given birth to a sweet baby girl, but I was too irresponsible and afraid to be a father. So I left her for my other lovers, and when the Police started an investigation into the death of Halima Hajjo, I had no choice but to flee town.’ Nkosi explained, hoping that Usman would understand. Usman’s face paled at the realization that the young girl he had wanted to harm was his old friend’s daughter. Blood tweaked his wrinkled cheeks in embarrassment. ‘I…I don’t know what to say.’ ‘Of course you didn’t expect me to kill my own daughter or harm her in any way. I love her so much Usman, and I will lay down my life for her. If you ever send any thug after my child, I will rip your heart into tiny pieces and feed them to the dogs.’ Nkosi spun on his heel and made ready to leave when he suddenly remembered Phillip Hajjo. Usman was not comfortable with the way they were parting ways. ‘Nkosi! Wait.’ He was really ashamed of himself and all of his perverted desires. He touched his old friend lightly on the shoulder, a way to appease him. ‘I am so sorry Nkosi. I…I didn’t know she was your daughter. If I knew…’ he was about saying more when Nkosi cut in. ‘You should be ashamed Usman and I too. We should be ashamed of our actions. I was ready to harm an innocent girl not knowing she would turn out to be my daughter. And you were ready to take her by force thinking she was just a stranger. This world is a very small world.’ Nkosi felt like a hypocrite for judging Usman’s perverted ways at first. But as he took a closer look at the matter, he realized that he was also wrong. ‘Will she ever forgive me?’ Usman’s lips trembled. ‘I don’t know, we will talk about that another day.’ Nkosi sighed. That day was one he dreaded. He quickly dipped a hand into his pocket and fetched the receipt he had gotten from the bar. ‘Take this.’ He stretched his hand towards Usman. Usman was hesitant at first, but seeing the calm in Nkosi’s eyes, he decided to take it. He ran his eyes over the tiny paper and read the words aloud. ‘Phillip Hajjo.’ ‘Isn’t that your brother’s son or should I say your son?’ Nkosi teased. The first thought that crossed Usman’s mind was that Nkosi wanted to harm Philip. ‘I won’t harm your son. I met him at a bar last week and I recognized him at once. I think he remembers me. He knows that I killed his mother, because he had been at the Forest Reserve that day.’ Nkosi explained. Usman found this hard to believe. If Phillip or anyone else had known about their crime, why hadn’t the police arrested them by now? ‘I doubt it; he was too young to remember. You were just afraid someone recognized you.’ Usman offered a counter explanation, but Nkosi wouldn’t have any of that. He felt the fear in Phillip that night. People didn’t fear what they were ignorant of. They feared what was known to them. ‘What is it?’ Nkosi watched as Usman’s thick brows furrowed together in confusion. ‘I think I have some visitors.’ Usman had heard a screechy sound. It was the sound of tires, and when he rushed towards his window, he found the two persons he had least expected to see. Phillip and his brother had come to see him. ‘I have a bad feeling about this visit.’ He turned to Nkosi who’d wanted to leave. ‘Do you want me to stay?’ Nkosi suggested. He wanted a chance with Phillip. He wanted to tell the young man how sorry he was for shooting his mother. Even though he risked life imprisonment, he didn’t mind. One could only fix a broken relationship by being honest with oneself. He had to wipe out every traces of darkness in his life. He wanted to be a new person for his daughter. And he hoped he was making the right decision
21 Jan 2019 | 00:54
Episode 22 Phillip had decided to do his father’s bidding. Though he had still not forgiven Usman for what he did, he chose to obey his father. ‘Are you prepared?’ Mr. Hajjo turned to him. ‘Do I have a choice here?’ Phillip rolled his eyes. Mr. Hajjo could see that Phillip was not happy about meeting with his biological father; the same man that had killed their mother. But he had no choice, no matter how long Phillip tried to avoid Usman, they were still going to meet someday. ‘I am sorry son, but you know I am doing what I think it’s best.’ Mr. Hajjo sighed and led Phillip towards the house. He trailed behind, leaving his thoughts focused on only Indigo. He missed her greatly. Seven days had passed, and those days had felt like eternity. Phillip had just learned that his life would be incomplete without love. In the absence of friendship and companionship, life would be empty and void of meaning. He wished he hadn’t slept with Moremi in the first place. He had been so confident in himself, but she had overpowered him with her whims of seduction. He hoped Chalya would put in a good word for him to Indigo. He couldn’t believe he had wanted to destroy the same place where she lived. She would never have forgiven him, he knew this. He was only glad that everything that had to be revealed, unfolded at the right time. ‘Are you sure you want to do this? We could turn back if you don’t.’ Mr. Hajjo wasn’t comfortable forcing Phillip to attend this reconciliatory meeting. Phillip’s mind was totally immersed in another world of thoughts, Indigo. It took an extra tap to bring him back to reality, ‘Are you okay with this?’ Mr. Hajjo asked. Phillip affirmed his readiness to reconcile with Usman Hajjo. ‘I am ready.’ Phillip was about ringing the door bell when the door flew wide open before their eyes, and he came face to face with the man whose eyes haunted his dreams all these years. ‘Nkosi,’ Phillip scowled as he stood face to face with his mother’s murderer. Nkosi had made ready to leave; he had not expected to see Phillip Hajjo here. His tiger confidence fled, being replaced with a heavy presence of compunction and sadness. They were all in his past, but he wished he hadn’t done those things in the first place. ‘You.’ Phillip bit his lip and stepped into the house. Usman was surprised to see both his brother and his son, what were they doing here uninvited, what did they want? ‘Phillip?’ Mr. Hajjo’s mouth fell apart as he realized Nkosi was back in town. Phillip had been right after all. Phillip knew his father would want to stop him from confronting the man, but he had no fears. ‘I can handle this, you go talk to your brother.’ He replied, and turned his full attention to the man that had killed his mother. Mr. Hajjo had wanted to argue, but one look at Usman’s angry face reminded him that he had come to make peace with his brother. ‘Usman, can we talk inside?’ Mr. Hajjo pointed upstairs. ‘If you wish,’ Usman shrugged, and advanced towards the staircase. Now they were alone, words fled out Nkosi’s mouth. He had imagined what this day would look like, and it was already happening. He had planned to apologize to Phillip for what he had done, but he didn’t have the courage to speak, seeing the hurt in the young man’s eyes. ‘Why did you do it? Why did you work with Usman to destroy my family?’ Phillip knew the truth, he just wanted to know why Nkosi chose to followed Usman’s leading. He also knew that the main target had been his father, Mr. Hajjo, but something happened and his mother had taken the fall. To Phillip’s question, Nkosi couldn’t think of any reasonable response. He couldn’t tell the young man that he did those dirty jobs in the past just to survive, because saying that would portray him as a very insensitive person and he didn’t want to be seen in that light. ‘Look, I hurt you Phillip and I hurt your family too, but I am sorry. I am not a good person but I am trying to be. I wish there was a way to bring back your mother, and make you forget that horrible experience that took place that day, I will…’ Nkosi pressed his left palm against his chest. He was really sorry about what he had done, he just wished Phillip and his family would forgive him too. Truthfully, Phillip no longer cared about his mother’s demise after his father revealed she had been having an affair with Uncle Usman and had planned to kill him as well. All the respect he had for the woman fled that day. He could see that the man was remorseful. The fierceness he had spotted in his eyes, same as the day his mother was killed was no longer there. The man was truly sorry for his crimes, and this amazed Phillip. Was it really from his heart, or was it just a show? As if reading Phillip’s thought, Nkosi dug a hand into his pocket and produced a photograph of Indigo when she was just a kid. He had stolen the picture the previous night when Papa had allowed him go through the photo album. ‘Here,’ he offered Phillip the picture. ‘I know you don’t trust me. I know you may not believe me. You probably think I am a psychopath with no conscience, but I do have conscience. I just made the wrong choices in life, but for her, I am willing to start over. Even if you want me to do time for killing Halima Hajjo, I wouldn’t mind. That girl has changed my whole perspective.’ He was pouring out his mind, he had never been this honest with anyone before. Phillip’s hands shook as he stared at the little girl in the picture. She had a striking resemblance with the woman his heart ached for. Her brown eyes were like fire stones. Her full lips parted into a delightful smile and she was standing next to an old man. ‘Who is this girl?’ Phillip swallowed his breath while waiting for an answer. With a proud look in his eyes, he answered, ‘That’s my daughter. Her name is Indigo Hassan and I came back to Nigeria after all these years, just to find her. I wasn’t the best of a father but she forgave me. She has given me another chance.’ Phillip couldn’t believe his ears. So this murderer was Indigo’s father? It was really a small world. ‘I know your daughter sir…’Phillip hesitated. If Indigo could forgive a man like this, he had no choice, but he had to be sure, he told her everything. ‘Does she know who you are?’ Phillip asked. Shame filled him at this question as he remembered how Indigo had chased him out of the house. ‘Yes.’ Nkosi nodded. He explained to Phillip that he had abandoned her mother when she had been born. He also explained to him that Indigo was aware of his thuggery lifestyle in the past, but he was a changed person now.
21 Jan 2019 | 00:57
Looks like everything is turning out well
21 Jan 2019 | 04:45
Everything is now making sense
21 Jan 2019 | 05:18
It's truly a small world
21 Jan 2019 | 12:27
22 Jan 2019 | 08:10
Episode 23 Chalya didn’t know what to say in return as she had lied to the old man, so she just grinned. ‘Lucinda is a very beautiful name.’ With this, Papa rose to his feet and strolled towards his bedroom, laughing silently as he spotted the horror on Chalya’s face. Once the old man was out of sight, Chalya quickly turned to Indigo who was enveloped in a giggling bout. She had told Papa all about Chalya. ‘I guess that answers my question.’ Chalya joined her. She felt Mallam Hassan was acting a bit weird by complimenting her name. Indigo must have told him about her cover up. ‘How much does he know?’ Chalya swiftly asked once they were done laughing. Indigo quickly wiped the grin off her face, ‘I just told him about you, but I never told him Phillip was the one behind the renovation plan and the rent increment.’ Indigo hadn’t told Papa about this part, because she didn’t want him to see Phillip as a bad person. She had tried so much to see him in that light, but something within her kept telling her that Phillip was a good person and that was what she chose to believe. ‘Good, I don’t want him to see my brother as a beast.’ Chalya sighed with relief. ‘But that’s the way other people will see him if he doesn’t stop with his rent increment plan.’ Indigo felt sad as she remembered that Phillip was the one behind the absurd plan to increase rent. Chalya knew this would hurt her badly, but she had come to set everything straight. ‘Indi…’ she moved closer to her, dropping a hand on her shoulder. ‘Phillip would no longer increase rent. He is working on something for now, and will renovate the house, but you are not leaving here anytime soon, except you really want to.’ Chalya smiled, hoping this would be a bonus for her brother. Indigo didn’t quite understand where this was coming from, wasn’t this the same person who had come to her with a proposal. They were to work together to thwart Phillip’s plan, but here she was, saying something else. ‘I don’t understand, I thought you were very sure that your brother was not not going to change his mind?’ Indigo also remembered that Chalya had been so confident that Phillip wouldn’t go back on his words, why the change of words now? It seems a change was going on, and she wasn’t even aware. ‘I know I said all those things, but my brother has woken up. Someone close to him had been trying so hard to manipulate him, but he is free from her hold now. His heart belongs to you, and as a man in love, he wouldn’t dream of doing anything to hurt his woman. I told Philip everything. I told him about my first visit to your home and how I lied about my name. My brother felt so guilty, I had never seen him that way before. He felt so horrible that he had almost ruined the house of his love, and others.’ Indigo was astonished; everything had been brought to light! It seems their lives were connected by some divine forces and no matter how far they got away from each other, they will never be totally free. She was living in a house that belonged to his dad. And he had preconceived thoughts and ideas on how to increase rent. He had been the same person to give her some money to take care of her grandfather, wasn’t that ironical? ‘Who was this person that manipulated him into something like that?’ She had always felt it profoundly, that Phillip was a very good man. This made it easier for her to believe, that he was being advised wrongly. Chalya couldn’t drag Moremi into this right now. She had succeeded in getting Chalya’s attention back on Phillip. If she knew another woman was in the picture, she could drift away and Phillip would never forgive her for ruining his chances. She had known from the beginning that Moremi had her eyes on her brother, and she had warned him about it, though he wouldn’t listen. ‘Let me just say that he trusted the wrong person, but his eyes are open now. Phillip was going through a lot that day, he felt so hurt and depressed.’ She bit her lip, as she remembered her family history. She knew she was not in the best position to tell Indigo everything, but she could still let her know about their mother. Indigo’s heart softened as she spotted the look of pain on Chalya’s face. ‘What is it, what he going through?’ Indigo asked. ‘Our mother is dead Indi, she died many years ago and Phillip was really close to her. Anytime her remembers the circumstances surrounding her death, he feels very hurt.’ Her response was laconic. Indigo’s heart almost ripped apart on hearing this. She felt horrible for judging him and considering him and irresponsible person. She knew what it meant to lose a mother. Though Papa had been good to her, she could still feel a huge void inside her heart. ‘I am so sorry,’ tears splashed on her eyelashes as she thought about the pain Phillip must have gone through that night. She now understood why he had almost drunk himself to death. ‘It’s okay, do not cry now. It happened a long time ago.’ Chalya smiled, seeing that Indigo was getting emotional about this. She quickly dipped a hand into her pocket and produced a check. ‘Here, this is for you. My dad loved your work and so did Phillip when he was sober. Are you aware that he put your work on Social Media and you’re getting a lot of positive reviews?’ Chalya offered her the check. Indigo’s heart fluttered, she had not expected Phillip to react to the design this way. ‘He did?’ She smiled and grabbed the check from Chalya. ‘Yes. He really believes in you. He loves you Indi, just give him one more chance.’ Chalya begged, hoping she would reconsider Phillip. Indigo said nothing. She shrugged and ran her eyes over the yellow slip she had been given. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the amount written on the check. To be continued…………………
22 Jan 2019 | 08:13
Episode 24 No, maybe she was seeing wrong. This could cover her school fees for two years; feeding for herself and Papa and could also afford his albutrol Inhaler. ‘I don’t understand, I just did some painting…’ she stuttered. ‘I know. What you did was more than painting Indi. You transformed a house into a home. You brought light and color, warmth and tranquility into our home and we have you to thank. You deserve this, you deserve more.’ Chalya smiled, she was happy to see Indigo thrilled about her paycheck. Impulsively, Indigo jumped to her feet and embraced Chalya, excitement crawling all over her veins, she couldn’t contain it any longer. ‘Thank you. Thank you very much.’ She cried on Chalya’s shoulders. If Chalya hadn’t come forward as Ms. Lucinda Paul, she wouldn’t have had the job, and she wouldn’t have met Phillip again. Chalya felt happy she had supplied a need. ‘It’s alright. I like you Indigo. You are a good person and you deserve to be happy.’ Indigo released her slowly, and quickly wiped the tears that had settled on her cheeks. She had suffered for a very long time but she had not given up on her dreams. She had lost and gained jobs. She had suffered humiliation and rejection, but everything was coming to an end. ‘Are you sure your brother loves me?’ Indigo licked her lips, she missed Phillip and she wanted to kiss him again. ‘Yes. He loves you more than you can imagine. Before you met him at the house, he slept with your name on his lips and he awoke with your name in his songs. Please, don’t break his heart.’ Chalya begged. Indigo sighed, she was sure of what she felt. She had fallen for Phillip right from the first day she had seen him. There was just an aura of perfection that attracted her to the man that had rescued her from the shrew that almost beat her up. Phillip Hajjo was her angel and she wouldn’t ever let him go. ‘I am asking because I am deeply in love with him. I have never loved anyone before. I hope I am not making a mistake or walking into a trap that would cause my feet to bleed.’ She smiled. She knew the answers to the questions that troubled her, but she had to pretend. ‘Phillip would never hurt you.’ Chalya returned her smile, she was about to say more when the door was being pushed open from the outside. The spark she saw in Indigo’s eyes made her turn. And when she looked backwards, she saw her brother walking into the room with her father, Uncle Usman and a man she had never seen before. Usman had walked in on Phillip and Nkosi talking about one Indigo Hassan, the name had struck a familiar chord in his mind. He had done a mental check into his memory bank till he remembered that the woman had been hired by his brother’s family to redesign their living room. At first, he didn’t understand why Phillip and Nkosi were talking about her, but a closer look at her picture revealed that she was Nkosi’s daughter and a woman whom Phillip was deeply in love with. Usman felt like a horrible father and role model to Phillip. He was very ashamed of his actions and confessed to the sinful act he almost committed with Indigo, but quickly stated her unwillingness to go along with him. Phillip wanted to explode on hearing this, but his father had begged him to forgive Usman and move on like he had done. Usman knew it would take a long time for his relationship with Phillip to be mended, but he was ready to take it slow. Phillip had told Usman that he could forgive him and give him a chance to be a father if he would ask Indigo to forgive him, and hand over the deeds of the land which Mr. Hajjo had given to him. At first, Phillip felt like he was exploiting Usman, but he wanted to be in possession of the land, so that no one could ever tamper with the buildings or the rent, like he had wanted to. Now that Moremi was out of the picture, he didn’t have any plans of torturing low income earners like that. Usman quickly agreed. He loved Phillip very much but he had relinquished the right to be his father, because to him, his elder brother was a better father to Phillip. He swore to protect their whole family and never to work against them again. When he had made that vow, Phillip had thrown a quick question at his feet, “Do you have anything to do with Moremi?” He had asked because Chalya had suspected them. Usman wasn’t comfortable with the question, he didn’t want to be like a snitch, but he preferred being one than to lose an opportunity to bond with Phillip. Briefly, he told Phillip that Moremi’s family was going through some financial crisis and she had come up with the idea to trick him into handing over the land deeds, so they could use it for their own purpose. Since Chalya had already revealed Moremi’s true nature, Phillip hadn’t felt too hurt, but he felt strongly betrayed by someone he hired as a lawyer. It became clearer to him, that Moremi had come to steal, to kill and to destroy his life and career. If she outsmarted him and took the deeds, she would have misappropriated it for her own selfish use. Phillip shrugged and let it slide, he had no business with Moremi and he would let her know in time. His greater focus was on the woman that he loved. With the support of her father, Uncle Usman and his dad, he hoped he would win her love back. So, before the trio left Usman’s residence, they decided to drink to their reconciliation, forgiveness and new found unity. A bottle of Chardonnay was emptied into three glasses, and they all drank! A new age had been born; a new relationship had been formed. Sometimes, it was better to forgive and move on. To be continued……………..
22 Jan 2019 | 08:18
wonderful story,,,, I love d turn if event here... but Moremi,,, Ur own don finish
22 Jan 2019 | 12:53
Wow! Happy reunion,
22 Jan 2019 | 17:10
Your cup is full
22 Jan 2019 | 17:12
Well, I don't think that Usman is as bad as we had portrayed him. He was only fighting for what belong to him, just that he was doing it the wrong way
23 Jan 2019 | 05:50
I really love the turn out of events
23 Jan 2019 | 06:21
When someone is remorseful next is to forgive though is not that easy.
23 Jan 2019 | 08:59
Repeated episode
24 Jan 2019 | 02:19
All tables are turning to everyone's favour except Moremi. Guess the axe's gonna fall on her strongly
24 Jan 2019 | 05:57
Episode 25 One, two, three minutes waved by before she realized Phillip was in the room. Indigo’s lips trembled as a crowd of memories flooded through her brain all at once. The vicious eyes; the arrogant lips; the goatee; she remembered him, she remembered everything. ‘Dad?’ She moved away as she spotted the man that had tried to molest her. Nkosi knew this wouldn’t be easy, so he quickly rushed forward and held her hands, ‘I know you don’t like him. I know you are afraid of him but you don’t have to be.’ She couldn’t hold back her tears as she remembered what she would have lost that night. ‘He…’ a river rushed down her cheeks without hesitation. ‘He tried to…’ she felt helpless as she remembered what had happened all over again. Usman knew he had to apologize now or never. He was genuinely sorry for his perverted ways and had promised Phillip and the others that he would change for the better. ‘You tried to rape me! You dirty bastard!’ She pushed her father away and rushed forward to attack him, but Phillip quickly stepped in and grabbed her fragile hands. The pain Indigo had carried from that day was still raw and fresh, and he could feel it within him. But there was nothing he could do now. Usman had apologized to him, and he was here to apologize to Indigo as well. ‘Please darling, please…’ he held her gently as she wept in his arms. He felt sorry that she had to pass through something that horrible. Usman quickly move to where they stood entwined in each other’s arms like serpents. He was so embarrassed by his actions. He fell on his knees and begged for her forgiveness. ‘Please Indigo, I wronged you. I do not deny that I wronged you. I plead for forgiveness.’ The sight of Usman kneeling close to her irritated her a great deal, so she pulled away from Phillip and ran towards her father who was farther from the vermin that had almost ruined her life. ‘Get away from me, swine!’ She roared at him. But Usman wasn’t deterred by her choice of words. As far as he was concerned, he deserved it, he deserved all of it. ‘Please…’ he crawled towards her. ‘Indi, please you have to forgive him. If you could forgive someone like me who abandoned you for many years, you can consider him.’ Nkosi pulled her close and whispered into her ears. Indigo hated Usman so much as she remembered how hard he had tried to penetrate her virgin body. ‘Your case is different. He almost violated me. He is not to be trusted.’ She cried. ‘I am not asking you to trust him. I don’t even want you to be close to him. I just want you to forgive him.’ Nkosi replied. Indigo wouldn’t listen to her father, no person could convince her to let go of the man that had almost ruined her life. ‘I want you out of my house! All of you!’ She yelled in a loud voice. Phillip was confused, he had thought this would be easy. What would be the way out now? It seemed Usman’s involvement in this had ruined his chances of every reconciling with Indigo. He just couldn’t leave without her. He had to do something. Phillip knew just one person that could give him the advice that he needed: his father, Mr. Hajjo. ‘What do I do?’ He shifted towards the man. ‘Get on your knees and beg. If she sees you in that position, her heart will be soft.’ Mr. Hajjo advised Indigo rushed towards the door and pulled it open, ‘Get out! All of you!’ With her lips quivering like leaves attacked by a violent wind, she asked them to leave a second time. Before she could bellow another command, Phillip dropped on his knees and faced her along with Usman. He had wanted to tell her that Usman was his biological father, but he had been advised not to tell her yet as that would make it more difficult for her to let go. ‘Please, just forgive him or you could even consider it.’ He begged. He understood the pain of being betrayed. He was almost stabbed in the back by Usman and Moremi, but he had forgiven them both. They had just taught him more life lessons, and he had learned excellently well. Her tears dried up the moment she found him on his knees. ‘No, please, stand up.’ She couldn’t stand him kneeling for her. He had done nothing wrong. ‘I am guilty too. I got drunk and made you uncomfortable around me. If you can forgive me, then you can forgive him.’ Phillip felt happy that he had gotten her attention, all he wanted was for her to release Usman. Indigo scoffed, ‘Don’t manipulate me. You were not there when he attacked me. If he had succeeded, he wouldn’t be here.’ She had a good heart, but she wouldn’t let it be trampled upon by people like Usman. Phillip sighed, completely exhausted and drained of the perfect way to get her to forgive Usman. ‘Indi, please, just give him a chance…’ Phillip pressed on and Chalya supported him, ‘If you really love my brother, you’d forgive Uncle Usman.’ Chalya’s words made her skin to tingle, she loved Phillip very much and she could see that he loved her too, but she would be a liar to tell him that she would forgive Usman so easily. ‘I don’t know if I can do that right now, I don’t know if I can forgive him here. What happened to me was traumatic and I am still trying to recover from the shock. If you really love me…you’d give me more time.’ She pinned her eyes on Phillip. It was clear to everyone that she was fair enough with Usman. No form of miracle could change Indigo’s mind now that it was made up. ‘Please…’ Usman was still on his knees. She drew in a deep breath, ‘You sent my father to kidnap me but I turned out to be the same person that you were looking for. I can’t just forget that easily, just give me time. I’ll need to work on myself.’ Indigo felt better now and she knew deep down that Usman was forgiven, but she still needed to get over the graphic memories. From the look of things, he had a chance to gain her forgiveness, and that was more than he had expected. Usman knew deep down, that he had done terrible things, he had hurt her and she had the right to be angry. ‘If you’ll truly consider it, tell me to stand.’ He returned. A smile played on her lips as she told both men on their knees to rise. ‘Stand up you two.’ The room was filled with applause by Chalya, Mr. Hajjo and Nkosi; because they all knew that Indigo was a girl with a golden heart. ‘Thank you.’ Phillip rose and walked straight to where she stood. ‘I love you.’ He pulled her into his arms, without consideration for the rest of the people in the room. Indigo blushed and struggled to break free, feeling conscious of her father, and the rest. What were they going to think? ‘Feel free you two!’ Mr. Hajjo chuckled, remembering how he had walked in on Indigo and Phillip kissing back home.
24 Jan 2019 | 14:40
Last episode Phillip didn’t need his father’s permission to continue what he had started. This was the sweetest moment of his life and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. ‘I am sorry for everything and the way I acted last night. I am sorry I got drunk, will you forgive me?’ He searched her eyes. Her heart raged like a wild sea, her eyes hunted his’ for answers. Her heart bubbled with joy by this new found love. It had been written from the beginning that Phillip was the man for her. ‘Chalya told me you were discouraged that night. She told me it was related to your mother. I am sorry about that.’ She smiled. Phillip’s heart skipped a bit. He loved Indigo and wanted to be honest with her, but it would take place some other day. For now, they had to celebrate the beginning of something that would bloom into a beautiful rose. ‘I forgive you.’ Indigo murmured, before running a tongue over her lips. ‘I love you.’ He whispered into her ears, without giving her time to declare her affection for him, Phillip lowered his face unto hers and brushed his lips past her plump lips. It was sealed. It was finished. This was love. ‘Wow, Facebook is going to love this!!!’ Chalya didn’t waste time pulling out her phone for some cool pictures. The three men watching their children display a lovely and innocent romance all broke into a snigger; quietly reminiscing their younger days when they had been in love too. ‘I want my son to marry your daughter, she is a very good girl.’ Mr. Hajjo whispered to Nkosi who watched the two with delight. He couldn’t agree less. He loved Phillip for Indigo. He was responsible and good enough for any woman. Besides, they had a little agreement. Phillip had asked to be shot, should he fail to keep to his promise of loving Indigo forever and he intended to keep to those words. ‘Same here,’ Nkosi replied with an impish smile on his face. All of a sudden, a sharp voice silenced the vociferous chatter in the room. ‘What is going on in my house?!’ Papa had been sleeping, but he had a dream of his Indigo getting married to a man. Lo and Behold! She was passionately clinging to a handsome looking man who was kissing her like his life depended on it. But the lovers were too engrossed in their beautiful romance to notice the old man had awoken. A rush of excitement, contentment and relief washed over Indigo as she surrendered herself completely in his arms. Being in love was a special kind of joy on its own, and she had found it. Philip had always felt empty since his mother died, but he found completion with Indigo in his life. They will always be together, and nothing in this world or the next would stand against their promise to each other. EPILOGUE SIX MONTHS LATER… Tears rolled from her eyes as she stared at the television screen. Her lips shook as she dragged the smoke from the cig. She had never felt this miserable in her entire life. Everyone had deserted her, and she was left alone to taste the sting of betrayal. ‘Fuckers,’ She quenched the fire in the cigarette and pulled a bottle of brandy closer. Moremi had lost everything. She felt so ashamed of herself and used by Usman, who had succeeded in painting her black before Phillip while redeeming his own self. Days after her encounter with Phillip, she had decided to pay Usman a visit so she could tell him new ways to get the Hajjo land for them, but she had met a shocker. From the entrance, she had known things weren’t right and she should have turned back, but she refused. Moremi wasn’t easily deterred when her mind was fixed on something, and this was the reason she had not let Phillip go, even after reading the signs that he was no longer interested in her. She had met Usman, Nkosi, Phillip, Mr., Hajjo, Indigo and her grandfather as well as Chalya all sitting around a huge table, laughing and drinking. She felt like an outcast when their eyes had turned on her, how had this union come to be? How had she been left out in the cold to rot? Her mouth had felt so dry and her limbs had become numb. It was obvious that the Hajjo family was one now, and she a total stranger. She was no fool, in that moment she knew Usman had betrayed her. ‘I will never forgive him.’ She pushed the bottle aside and focused on the TV screen. Today was Phillip’s big day, and he was getting married to Indigo Hassan, the housekeeper she had once fired. He wore a milky white Tuxedo on Italian shoes while his bride wore the finest wedding gown Moremi had ever seen. Indigo resembled a pristine creature, covered in a white sequin dress with beads dropping from the helm of the gown. Surely, the sky had parted and this pretty one had been sent down just for him. A tear rolled down Moremi’s face as she realized she was the one that lost Phillip. She had the chance to mend things with him in the past, but her pride and her stubbornness wouldn’t let her. Slowly, she dragged herself from the chair towards her bed, where she would have some rest. One thing was for sure, she had to relocate and start a new life someplace where no one knew her. But she would live this new life according to the rules she had set for herself; and these rules were guided by the lessons she had learned. “You may kiss the bride.” The honeyed voice of the female Pastor that presided over the wedding drifted past her ears. This was followed by a rumble of laughter and a thunder of claps. She fell asleep after, while the new couple relished their unending kiss. The end. Thank you all for staying with me through this journey I love u all
24 Jan 2019 | 14:46
What an interesting end, Thumb up
24 Jan 2019 | 16:55
Wonderful story... but i no gree for the female pastor.
25 Jan 2019 | 03:21
Nice one
25 Jan 2019 | 04:58
Thumbs up... That was a thrilling piece
25 Jan 2019 | 05:35
That was awesome
25 Jan 2019 | 06:02
more ink to your pen
25 Jan 2019 | 08:23
Moremi desreved what she got
25 Jan 2019 | 10:33
Wow I love this story die, why did u end it now
25 Jan 2019 | 14:53
Thank God it ended well
26 Jan 2019 | 03:55
what a wonderful story.... more knowledge to u dear
26 Jan 2019 | 05:22
Hmmm! What an interesting story;more ink 2 ur pen dear.
26 Jan 2019 | 13:12
I never knew this story is so interesting like this until I read it to the end....
27 Jan 2019 | 05:32
It's a great story, more grease to your elbow
27 Jan 2019 | 05:33
God bless u all
28 Jan 2019 | 03:38
24 Apr 2020 | 18:41
Nice story. Thumbs up writer
28 Apr 2020 | 00:49
Am coming back...
3 Jul 2020 | 11:54


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