Inseparable Love (continuation of Unbreakable Love)

Inseparable Love (continuation of Unbreakable Love)

By chimmy in 22 Nov 2018 | 19:24
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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*True love doesn't mean being inseparable. It means being separated and nothing changes*
Have you even been deeply in love with someone? Have you heard your heart beat for someone? When he hold you close every night, waking up to you each morning. Walking with you in the sunshine and cuddling with you in the cold. When she takes good care of you when you are ill. Sometimes you can't sleep thinking about him/her. Everytime you hear his voice, it runs through your mind every second. Ever felt like it's just you and him in the planet or world because of the way you feel about him/her.Love is what you feel inside of your heart.
There are things you would love to hear that you will never hear from the person who you would like hear them from but don't be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from their heart. Once you lose an opportunity you will never get one..just saying.
Inseparable love- a love which cannot be separated. A love which people try and try but could not separate it. Stevie was looking out at the sea, dressed in a dark suit, as she approched the balcony. When he turned and his gaze met hers her breath caught in her throat. It wasn't right that a man could be so sexy. The cloth of his suit had been cut with precision, emphasising his broad shoulders and strong thighs to perfection. She swallowed hard, desperate to calm her racing heartbeat. Acting as if she is seeing him for the first time. Her attraction to him was stronger more than he could ever imagine.
"You look beautiful," he said, his voice deep, with a husky edge to it. "Exactly what I had in mind."
"I am glad it meets with your approval," she said and walked past him to the table, selecting a drink from those prepared. In a bid to rein in her rising and very mixed emotions she all but downed her drink in one go.
"Steady, babe." He smiled. A mocking smile, as if he knew her turmoil. "That drink is pretty potent."
She looked at the almost empty glass. The remains of the liquid looked more like a soft drink, but it's effect on her head was already clear. Whatever was she trying to do to herself? She put the glass down and turned to look at him, holding her artificial hair back as the sea breeze toyed with it just as he was toying with her.
"When are we going back to the country?"
Already she thinking about going back, he thought as he looked at her pretty face.
"Whats there to rush? We are in Spain at our honeymoon. Ashley is with her grandmother. I was thinking..maybe next year."
"What?!" she raised her voice and looked aside not wanting to show her anger at him. "Ashley is still young to be raised by someone else. She is just two years old."
"Someone else, really? We talking about my mother here. I know you don't like or trust her but she has changed. She must have treated you badly but please bury the hatchet. She is trying her best to be a good grandmother to our daughter. If you ready shall we go?"
He didn't wait for her to answer, but placed his hand in the small of her back, it's heat scorching through the silk of her dress, and all but propelled her towards the door. Outside, a sleek gleaming sports car waited, fiery red. Exactly what she had imagined him driving.
"Suits you," she said in a cavalier tone and dropped down into the low seat as he stood by the open door. He raised his brows and smiled at her.
When Stevie climbed in beside her she became all too aware of just how close she was to him.
"Is it far?"
"No, it's close by. "
The car growled into small harbour town and Adela couldn't help but take it all in. Car as sleek and powerful as Stevie's lined the narrow streets, parked outside global designer shops. Yatchs that looked more like floating palaces we moored alll around the harbour, many with lights glinting and parties in full swing on board. This was most definitely a playground for wealthy. Stevie parkec the car, expertly manouvering it into a space in front of one of the bigger yatchs. He switched off the engine and silence seemed to cloak them. The leather seat crunched as he turned to face her.
"You look absolutely stunning tonight," he reached up and pushed her hair back from het face and she trembled.
She didn't say anything.
"I am still wondering why you chose Spain. We could have gone to Victoria Falls," she finally spoke.
"I have always wanted to come to Spain. It's a beautiful country. Let's just enjoy our days here."
"So it's not a year," she said with a laugh.
"No, I was joking. Your daughter needs you right now. You were right she is still young to be away from her mother. Shall we?"
He got off the car and opened the car door for her. They walked hand in hand to the restaurant.
This is a sequel for Unbreakable love, meaning I am continuing with the story. It's just the title that I had to change. I hope we are or will be on the same page. Any questions feel free to ask. Amy is here. She will help. Enjoy reading
22 Nov 2018 | 19:24
first to comment . Bring it come dear we are enjoying it. May God bless ur effort [hr] •[color =green]SEASON 1[/color] [hr] •Episode 1&2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Final episode
23 Nov 2018 | 03:15
Bring it on
23 Nov 2018 | 04:02
Holalal fire on....we da your back
23 Nov 2018 | 04:57
Continue Am following steadily
23 Nov 2018 | 09:05
23 Nov 2018 | 10:01
owkay,,,, bring it on!!!
23 Nov 2018 | 10:03
go on
23 Nov 2018 | 13:02
23 Nov 2018 | 13:31
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 1 *Freedom and love are inseparable, but there is no love without bounds* The private plane touched down on the runaway at exactly twelve thirty in the afternoon. A car was parked outside. As soon as they got out, the driver took the bags and put them in the trunk, opening the car door for the lady. She couldn't stop smiling after having the most wonderful greatlicious night with her man. They sat at the back holding her hand. The driver started the car. The gentleman couldn't keep his eyes off her. It was as if though they had just met. Have you have experienced love at first sight? You don't need time to think if you want to be with him or not. You don't need to be afraid because you perfectly know that you fell in love with him/her the first time you set eyes. Love can make you do so many crazy things at times. Thinking about a person you sitting next to. Always putting on a smile, even when you in the toilet, let it be the saloon where some ladies are gossiping and you busy smiling by yourself. They got out of the car after the driver parked the car at the garage. "Thank you very much, Donald!" "You welcome, sir," he responded. "Will I be driving you to your mother's house?" "No! I will go with my wife. You can go and take some rest." "Thank you, sir!" Donald had been their driver since they got married. They went inside the house. "I can't believe we are home," he said hands wrapped around her waist. "You know what I want us to do right now?" "What?" "Well, let's go take a bath and then you what married couple do," he smiled. "I don't want another baby," she pinched him. "I miss Ashley. Can we just go and ta..." "Don't say any more," he whispered, putting fingers on her lips He kissed her and before she knew how she was in his arms, her body pressed close to his. Fire tore through her as she kissed him. He deepened the kiss, his arms pressing her close against him. The phone rang. "Coooome on! Wrong timing," he said loudly. "Lets ignore it." "No no it could be your mother. Answer it." "Okay, my baby. I will be with you shortly." She headed to the bathroom while he answered his phone call. He followed her late and they took a bath. "It's time to get out of the shower. We need to go and see Ashley," she said. He lifted her up. Pausing briefly to grab a towel, he made his way to the bed. As if she were the most precious thing in the world he let her down to stand in front of him and then wrapped the white towel around her, heedless of his own wet body. Then he bent and kissed her lips so tenderly she thought she might actually cry. "You are still wet," she whispered. He stepped back from her and started rubbing his hands over the towel to dry her. Her breath shuddered as he pulled the towel from her and dried himself off. And all the while his gaze held hers, the passion and desire still flowing between them evident in the depth of his eyes. He picked her dressing gown off the bed. "It's late now, we will go tomorrow to take Ashley," he took fresh clothes from the wardrobe and hastily got dressed. "I just want to spend the night with you. I talked to mum and told her we coming tomorrow." She pulled on the dressing gown, no longer wanting him to see her naked now he was clothed, as if it somehow weakened her. "Stupid!" The word rushed from her lips, provoking him. Instantly he whirled round and fixed her with a fierce glare, his face hardened and angry mask. "Don't use that word on me." "I wanted to see my daughter today. She is not your mother's daughter but mine. You could have asked me first if I wanted her to sleep over today since I am back. Isn't it we agreed that we were going to see her today? Now you making the decisions. She is my daughter to," she yelled. "I am sorry," he strode back across the room, but she stood her ground. She didn't say any word but clicked her tongue. He walked out of the room and went to the sitting room not wanting to fight with her. He switched on the television and what was being said changed his mood. Surprised, confused and scared. "Babe!" she called out and he quickly switched off the television. "Which prison burnt?" she asked sitting on the sofa beside him. He wasn't supposed to tell her anything, afraid that she will get stressed. "Nothing," he lied. "You are lying to me. Something is going on. What is it?" "Okay. Promise me that you won't get mad." "I promise," she paid attention to him. "It's the prison where Bianca was being held. They are saying it caught fire and twelve women died, thirty six were injured." "What?!" she exclaimed. "You said you didn't know where she was. How did you know she was at the prison? Are you still in love with her? Do you care about her?" "No! My lawyer told me. I am sorry I lied. I didn't want you to worry." "Good!" she sat up. "Where are you going?" "Out!" She grabbed the car keys and walked out of the house.
24 Nov 2018 | 00:23
good one
24 Nov 2018 | 04:10
24 Nov 2018 | 05:32
this is why some men hate marriages,,,, this is not pregnancy hormone talking, why is she snapping and nagging
24 Nov 2018 | 08:49
Why the sudden mood swing from lovey dovey to rude and insulting
24 Nov 2018 | 10:52
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 2 Love and pain are not the same. But sometimes it feels like they should be love is put to test everyday, pain is not. Yet the two of them are inseparable because true love cannot bear separation. Not regretting what she had done. Adela drove the car to town. She was mad at him for what he had done. It was not the first time when he did something without telling her first. She parked the car in front of Rainbow Hotel and got out of the car. She closed the car door and walked to the door. She bumped into someone at the entrance. "Kune matata at home?" He asked with a smile. "I am sorry," she said with a hint of confusion in her voice. "Do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar and hakuna matata." "You are lying. Something is bothering you. You owe me an apology. You made me drop my phone and it's still on the ground." "I am sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention." "It's okay. I understand. What are you doing here at this time of the hour? Aren't you supposed to be in bed with your husband? Where are my manners? My name is James Moffat," he said extending his hand. "I am a detective at Sauerstown Police Station. Have we met before?" She laughed. "I even asked you the same question. I had Detective James on my friend's lists. Not a friend but someone who saved my life after my husband's ex lover kidnapped me. I think it was 2 years ago." "I guess that was me. I remember interrogating your mother-in law." "Exactly!" "Wow! What a small world. Well we still standing outside. Can we go and have a drink. I was bored. I am working on a case, currently staying in this hotel," he turned around to look at it. "We can take my car. Is that okay with you? I know you married so I won't do anything stupid." "That's not what I had in mind," she giggled. "We can go now." He led the way to his car while Adela followed behind him. He opened the car door for her. He drove the car to a restaurant nearby. They got out of the car and went inside the restaurant. "Soooo," he said his eyes on the menu. Did you have a fight with your husband?" She didn't respond. "I am sorry I didn't mean to.." "No!" She cut him short. "Well I did had a fight with him. He is just trying to control my life. I have no saying in everything he does. He decides things or stuff without letting me know first. I think I will have the chicken soup first for starters." "So you walked away?" "I did. I am a coward right?" He smiled. "Hmmm walking away from a fight doesn't make you a coward or weak. It proves that you have integrity and you are in control of your emotions," he went on. "If you are in the middle of a fight with someone, whether it's a spouse, friend or parents. It might be a good idea to take yourself out of the situation. By staying calm and knowing how to make your exit, you will walk away feeling good. But that doesn't mean you should disrespect your husband. Think about what you will to say. If you feel the urge to insult or attack them. Take deep breaths from your diaphragm or slowly count to ten. The goal is to let your anger fade away so you can think rationally," he paused. "You getting me?" "Yes, I am. Thank you." "You should go back home and talk to your husband. Lets order now. I am hungry." They finished eating and he drove around town. They talked and laughed until the clock stroke ten. "I think it's time for you to go back home. Your husband might be worried," he said. "Guess you right. Thank you very much Detective." "To you it's James, not detective. I don't need so much respect from you." "Haha really. If you say so, James. I should get going now," she kissed him on the cheek and walked to her car. He watched her getting inside tha car until she drove off. In few minutes she had arrived home and the lights were on, meaning Stevie was still awake. So she opened the door and walked slowly in the house, thinking the hulk was sleeping. BOOM! He was sitting on the sofa drinking champagne, the bottle was almost empty. "Where have you been?" he asked his eyes on the water glass pouring some more champagne. "You left the house around eight and now it's to eleven. I was worried and sick about you. I couldn't sleep and you switched off your phone." The lady was standing and shaking like a leaf. His voice was deep and scary. She had never seen him so angry before. It was as if though he had two personalities at that moment. He took it all in one go and rose up to face her as she stood in front of him. Have you ever felt nervous before? More than the definition of the word. The feeling of feeling like you cheating. She wasn't cheating but it's not so unusual for a married woman to go out at night and meet a new hulk or guy with a cute face and beautiful smile that sends shivers down and up your spine. "Where have you been? Dammit! Answer me?!" He shouted throwing the glass on the wall making her drop the handbag on the floor. "I love you Adela so very much. Why are you doing this?" He dropped tear.
24 Nov 2018 | 16:07
wat is wrong wit adela
25 Nov 2018 | 05:06
Adela is misbehaving and I hope this ur current behaviour will not cause problem for ur marriage
25 Nov 2018 | 08:17
what is happening
25 Nov 2018 | 09:14
25 Nov 2018 | 10:37
nice start, what's up with her attitude sef
25 Nov 2018 | 11:30
Hmm..... Ride on
25 Nov 2018 | 12:38
Adela is very wrong,,, is it now she knows dat Stevie is controlling? did she not see dat b4 dey got married??? or she is a pretender herself?
25 Nov 2018 | 12:40
What is wrong with you guys na?
25 Nov 2018 | 17:48
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 3 When you look upon another human being and feel great love toward them, or when you contemplate beauty in nature and something within you responds deeply to it, close your eyes for a moment and feel the essence of that love or that beauty within you, inseparable from who you are, your true nature. The outer form is a temporary reflection of what you are within in your essence that is why love and beauty can never leave you although all outer terms will. He made a step close to her "You walked away in the middle of a conversation. You switched off your phone. This is a very dangerous city Adela. Very dangerous. Tell me, how many stories have you heard about women being raped and left half dead. Huh!" "I am sorry. I didn't mean to be that rude. I was angry at you and so I needed some time alone. It will never happen again. I am sorry," she said softly. "I am disappointed with you. I will sleep in the guest room. Furious by now, he walked out, leaving her standing there and white faced. He had never shouted at her before. He was really pissed off by her actions. She watched him as he walked upstairs and she followed behind. She stood at the door, took a deep breath. She wanted to apologise for disrespecting him. She was about to knock when she heard him speaking. STEVIE: I don't know mum, maybe I am being too hard on her. I love her very much. She being so distant. MOTHER: Maybe you should take her out tomorrow. Have fun. I will always take care of Ashley. STEVIE: Guess you right. Thank you mum. Ashley is very lucky to have you in her life. I will come and take her next week. I am sure Adela won't m.. He stopped at midsentence when Adela yanked the door open. "Goodnight mum. I love you," he hanged up his eyes on her. "Really? What is wrong with you Stevie?!" She shouted. "Hey hey hey. Don't raise your voice at me. Nothing is wrong with me," he got off the bed. "I don't think so." "Excuse me!" He turned to face her. "I thought we talked about this but it seems soneone is still doing the same thing. I should be the one deciding when it comes to Ashley because I am her mother. Why you always deciding on everything that concerns her. Now it's like I I don't exist, as if I am dead." "Ashley is not living with a stranger. Is she?" "Is it because I don't have a mother? Why you always run to your mother? You still a momma's body. Auntie Gloria is at her house. She can take care of Ashley not your mother. The thought of her being with my daughter alone in that house with her makes me sick. I don't trust her. She might just kill her." "Adela!" "What? She is not a saint. Sometimes I do believe that she is involved in Miley's death. She neved liked me before. She is going to take revenge on my child. There are some people who will never change and your mum is one of them." There comes a time were you can't hold the emotions. You feel like letting it all out. Your body starts to respond, your eyes turning red with anger. He clenched his fist. How he did it? Why he did it? She found herself lying on the floor after slapping her hard on the cheek. She fell on her stomach. "How could you say something like that about my mother?!" He began shouting at her while she lay on the floor hands on her stomach. "She apologised to you a long time ago. Can't you just bury the hatchet and m..," he stopped. "Adela, you bleeding." "It hurts. Help me," she said tears streaming down her cheeks "Oh my God! What have I done? I am sorry Adela," he lifted her up and walked out of the room. He put her on the sofa. "Hang on my love. I am going to call the driver." He ran outside to call the driver. Few minutes the driver, drove off the car to the hospital. "Drive faster please. I don't want to lose her." They sat at the back, her head on his lap. They reached at the hospital. Adela was taken by the nurses. He sat on the bench, hands on his head. Didn't even know what was wrong with his wife. No one came to attend him. Hours passed and it was around 4 in the morning when a nurse woke him up. He must have dozed off. He stood up. "How is my wife?" he asked. "She is okay now but unfortunately..." "What?!" "She had a miscarriage," said the nurse. "Miscarriage? Is this some kind of a joke." "Sir!" "She was pregnant?" "Yes. 8 weeks." "That can't be. She didn't tell me. No no no." "I am sorry sir but she was. I have to go back to work. She wants to see you. Follow me," she led the way. Room 8 is where she sat on the bed sniffing. She looked at him, the moment he walked in. "I was pregnant Stevie and I didn't know," she started crying. He walked to her and held her tightly in his arms, dropping a tear in the process. "I am sorry." "Let me go!" she slapped him. "You killed my baby. It was a boy and you killed him. I hate you!" "I didn't mean to slap you. I am s..." "Get out! I don't want to see you ever again. Out!" she shouted angrily ********************* Okay things are getting hard
26 Nov 2018 | 00:39
This is bad 4 d couple
26 Nov 2018 | 05:02
haaa I Will check back after four episodes am nt liking this anymore so heart breaking binca is still coming for them how then can they connect together to fight binca back? with this constant naggings
26 Nov 2018 | 05:58
The cause of her mood swing is even bcos she's pregnant. But let's be considerate, Adela have her point. How could he be deciding without her consent. You can call me a feminist, but Adela spoke out her mind due to frustration. Just continue, we're following
26 Nov 2018 | 06:16
Stevie is the one with the problem here. she is the mother and has every right to be with her child. what kind of decision is Steve making. it just sounds as if his mom can do a better job of training the child than Adela. I don't buy this nonsense
26 Nov 2018 | 09:10
Getting more complicated
26 Nov 2018 | 10:57
I don't even understand those two... They are behaving eratic
26 Nov 2018 | 11:44
26 Nov 2018 | 12:34
I don't get can a beautiful love like that just turn sour
26 Nov 2018 | 12:45
steve ooo
26 Nov 2018 | 17:18
stevie wat have u done
27 Nov 2018 | 00:44
Adela I hope you are not thinking of hurting Stevie
27 Nov 2018 | 08:26
adela will final have afaire with james. Becos of them are acting over emotional
27 Nov 2018 | 09:58
Getting twisted
27 Nov 2018 | 10:24
No Update For 2day
27 Nov 2018 | 13:38
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 4 Love means to have the worst argument with someone and realise you'd rather have that argument with them than not have them in your life. Argument may win the situation but lose the person, but patience may lose the situation but win the person. A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. I am just saying. Anyway so after she shouted telling him to get out of the room, he didn't. He was hurt also. Did he mean to hurt her? "Please my lady. Don't do this to me. I know what I did is wrong but honestly speaking I didn't mean to raise my hand. I didn't mean to hit you but but I I I don't know what got into me," he wiped the tears that had escaped. "I should have you arrested for killing my baby," she yelled. "You are a monster. Get out now before I call the police. Don't ever come back here." "Ade.." "Out!" She threw the pillow at him. He didn't have a choice but to walk out of the room. As he opened the door, 'Although we have come to the end of the road. Still I can't let go. It's unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you,'. He remembered BOYS II MEN-- END OF THE ROAD. Was it the end of the road for him. He didn't want to leave her or walk away. His hand on the door handle, he turned around to look at her. Seeing her in tears broke his heart. He opened the door and got outside. He closed it and headed to where he had parked his car. He hadn't called his parents yet. He got into his car and drove off. Experiencing a pregnancy loss means that you are probably feeling more sadness than you everthought possible. It can be very difficult. The emotional impact usually takes longer to heal than the physical recovery. Women may experience a roller coaster of emotions such as numbness, disbelief, anger, guilt, sadness, depression and difficulty concentrating. Even if the pregnancy ended very early, the sense of bonding between a mother and her baby can be strong. The pain she was feeling, it was unimaginable. She was heart broken. Began to have so many thoughts. "Can I bring you something to eat?" There was no response, her eyes on the floor. "Miss!" she shook her. "Huh!" "Anything to eat." "I didn't know losing a child could hurt this much. Not knowing you pregnant, to find out while you about to lose him. I will never get the chance to see him walk and talk. This is hurting me deeply inside. I could have felt him move inside me. Why did he have to take my baby away from me. I can't bear this pain anymore. It's hurting me." "Shhhhhh it's okay. Hush now, take heart. I know that it hurts but don't do this to yourself. I heard you have a daughter and she needs you right now. Don't torture yourself," she gave him a hug. The nurse talked to her and made her feel better. "I have to go back to work right now," she said. "Okay! Can I go outside and get some fresh air?" "Sure, you can. Just don't discharge yourself. They still need you here. You will be discharged tomorrow." "Thank you very much!" "Welcome!" She helped her get up and put her on the chair. She was pushing her. * "Please sign here sir," said the receptionist. "When will he be discharged?" "Tomorrow!" "Okay, here you are," he handed her back the book and the pen. "Have a nice day!" "Thank you detective." He was walking to the door when he looked aside and saw her on the wheelchair. Surprised to see her, he waited. "I knew it was you!" he exclaimed, happy to see her "Excuse me!" said the nurse. "The lady on the wheelchair." She looked at him. "Detective James!" "I will take it from here nurse," he said The nurse left the two . "Where to?" "Outside please." He pushed the wheelchair and stopped at the veranda. He lifted her up and walked with her at his car. "Hey! Where are you taking me?" "You will never find fresh air at the hospital. We going out." "I am not in my clothes." "Who cares?" She didn't need to fight with him. A friend is what she needed and she had found one. He drove the car to his house after stopping by the Chicken Inn. He opened the door and laid her on the sofa. He walked to the kitchen and put the kettle on. "You have a beautiful house," she said to him as he sat beside her, her legs on his lap. "Needing a massage?" "No! I am okay!" "Oops.. I am sorry." There was silence between them. "So," they said in unison. They both laughed. "Ladies first." "No, you go first." "What were you doing in the hospital? What happened to you? I was with you last night and you were healthy. What happened?" "I can't.. I don't want to talk about it. I should go back to the hospital," she tried getting up but felt pain on the stomach and sat back. "Let's change subject. As for me I had come to see my partner who was stabbed last night." "I am sorry." "It's okay. Let me go and prepare you something to eat. I will call the doctor who has been taking care of you." "Taking care of me? How do you know that it's him? Why you speaking as if you knew I was in there?"
30 Nov 2018 | 18:03
hope detective James is not looking for sometin else or has he forgotten Adela is married?
1 Dec 2018 | 04:03
bia oga dectective uche gi dikwa ya ooo
2 Dec 2018 | 00:40
More please
2 Dec 2018 | 09:00
Adele and Detective James! This una friendship that has gotten to legs being placed on the laps should better not lead to another thing.
2 Dec 2018 | 10:33
Hmm detective
2 Dec 2018 | 13:22
I don't really know what is wrong with Adela She shouldn't use her hand to destroy her marriage
2 Dec 2018 | 23:25
Adela u
3 Dec 2018 | 07:21
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 5 We are highly evolved individuals for whom to love and to be loved is a very basic necessity. Hence being in a relationship is an option which we do choose, to ensure our. Happily ever after life. But with time only the relationship is left behind, with little or no happiness. This happens because we tend to forget what a relationship really means. Women want someone to understand them whereas men often want someone to connect to them through watching a football match or playing video games with them. Hence giving and getting time is one important aspect of being in a relationship. Anyways, it was round two in the afternoon when they sat in the sitting room watching a movie. It was a big house, very big. He kept quite for a while. "I asked you a question," she said. "Well since he is the one who helped my friend. I thought he is the only doctor at the hospital. That is why I said that." "I think I should get going now." "Are you sure? You can stay here as long as you want. Maybe move in with me," he smiled. "I am just joking," he pinched her. There was silence between them. She looked at him so closely. He kissed her, pulling her close against him, his hands smoothing over her back. She closed her eyes against the rising need for him, determined to play it cool. He must never know just how much she wanted him at this moment. The temptation became too much and she moved. He deepened the kiss, his arms pressing her close against him, leaving her in no doubt that she needed to stop things now. She pulled back from him, her heart racing and her breathing fast. "I can't James." "Can't what?" His voice hoarse and he tried to kiss her again. "This," she said moving back from him. "Take me home. Yes, I need to go home," she sat up. "Okay. Let me grab my car keys." So he drove the car to her house. Speaking? The drive to her house, it was quiet. He parked the car in front of her house, well she had to give directions after all. He got off and opened the car door for her. "Ouch!" she touched her stomach. "Let me carry you inside. You didn't even tell me why you were at the hospital." "I am fine and I think I will get inside on my own. My husband is inside. It won't be good if I he s...," she stopped at midsentence when he opened the gate, founding her outside with him. She quickly let go of his hand. "My parents are inside. If you have finished. Could you kindly come inside Ashley can't stop crying." Those were his only words before he went back inside and closed the gate. She followed behind, didn't even say goodbye to the detective. In the house sat his parents and as soon as she walked in Angela quickly got up and ran to her. "My poor child I am so sorry for your loss," she patted her back. "I am here for you." Adela ignored her and walked to her child. She lifted her and sat with her on the sofa. "Everyone has a time in life when they feel low. This is when being with your partner makes you stronger," said Angela, she went on. "When someone believes in you, when someone motivates you, inspire you, strengthens you, then you realise what being in a relationship really means. It means being strong together, living as a team. What I am trying to say is that. I know that you hurting right now. I can imagine the pain you going through. I am sorry f.." "Angela if I were you..," she paused. You don't know what I am going through. Your son deserves to be in jail. He killed my child and you here busy saying stupid things. We all know that you don't mean that. Maybe you bewitched your son, so that he can kill his own child," she spoke rudely. "What?! I would n.." "Never do such a thing? Huh. I would never believe that. You wanted me dead 2 years ago. You just pretending to love me." Angela wiped the tears and couldn't believe what her makoti was saying. "Adela, I won't let you talk to my mother like that," finally spolke Stevie. "What are you going to do? Slap me again." "What is wrong with you? What is going on?" "Eheeee so you still don't know what is going on, such a fool. This is what is going on, I am alone in this world. I have no parents and everytime we fight. You go to your parents. Your mother still helping you with your diapers kah. You still breastfeeding from her. No one takes my side but Stevie is always right. You should defending him. He is a grown up man. He is a good guy," she yelled. "My child don't do this. Being in relationship means being in love. Love means acceptance. Praise the good, accept the flaws and provide the inspiration to change. We love you and so does my son," said Stevie's father. "Sir, I respect you but clearly you don't know what you talking about. You may tell me as many quotes as you can but mothing can change the fact that he killed my child," said Adela angrily and loudly. *********************
3 Dec 2018 | 11:16
Adela I'm not understanding u now, but I'll not talk yet
3 Dec 2018 | 16:59
3 Dec 2018 | 17:39
That Adeala has a problem.... Her lashing at Stevie and his parents has gone overboard
4 Dec 2018 | 07:15
Adela!! how can you 4got all you passed through so soon
4 Dec 2018 | 07:16
Hmm.... Ride on
4 Dec 2018 | 11:03
ha i don't know what is wrong with her
4 Dec 2018 | 12:14
Hmmmm,,, I really don't like how Adela is taking this,,, for goodness sake she is taking dis too far
4 Dec 2018 | 13:36
hmmmmm tight....
4 Dec 2018 | 16:15
This love is not supposed to turn out like this like anger, pain and hitting. So many things went wrong but they still need to take it slow.
4 Dec 2018 | 17:48
It was a sweet love, unbeatable love without measure. Right now the measurement is shapeless. One two three better approach can make things better.
4 Dec 2018 | 17:54
The anger can be controlled. The bitterness can turn out to be sweetness. They should never let go of those great moments in their hearts.
4 Dec 2018 | 17:59
Where will the blame start from? where will it end? Where is the kiss that made adela to kiss deeper? Where is the sex that made stevie to feel like heaven on earth.
4 Dec 2018 | 18:05
@chimmy Just like when people were asking, where is chimmy? For some days she didn't post, me i don't know ooo. I was waiting 4 her return, so that i will ask her whether she was trying to do us longer throat with sweet stories(Lol)
4 Dec 2018 | 18:19
Adela and stevie has come a long way in this love. They can still find the kiss that made them to daydream. They can still find the sex that made penis to praise v@gina.
4 Dec 2018 | 18:27
The policeman known as james is a stranger in this love. He can't just come out from no where and be a competitor. This love should be between adela and stevie.
4 Dec 2018 | 18:33
Lovers are supposed to have their conversation and make their decision. When a mother/wife wanna meet her child don't even try to deny her that. When a father/husband got it wrong, take is easy and look 4 a way to compromise, maybe just 4 that night and tomorrow comes the promise to meet your child.
4 Dec 2018 | 18:46
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 6 There are four very important words in life love, honesty, truth and RESPECT. Without these in your life you have nothing. Respect is as important as love in a relationship.If you don't respect him, you obviously don't deserve him. "I am moving out from the house. I am taking my baby with me." "What?! You can't do that Adela," said Stevie. "She is my daughter and I have already decided." "Maybe it's best we leave you two. Angela, let's go," said his father. "Dad, I am so sorry." "No, it's okay son." They got out of the house. We are all different and if someone can't value your differences and respect your values and believes then they don't deserve a front row seat in your life. "You disrespected me and my parents. I don't know how we got here. I don't know what I did to make you so angry. You losing it and I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose you but it's clear to me that you have already moved on. Bringing a man at my house Adela. You still married to me but acting like you single. You have hurt me more than I ever imagined," he sniffed. "Hurt you? You the one who have hurt me Stevie. You killed my child. I am taking Ashley with me and if you dare try to fight with me. I am sending you straight to prison," she walked away. She went upstairs and started packing her clothes while Ashley lay on the bed, eyes closed. He stood at the door, hands on his chest, staring at her. He wasn't ready to let her go not now or ever. Was he going to be able to stop her? He moved close to her and got hold of her hand. He knelt down on the floor in front of her. "I don't want you to go Adela. I am sorry for what I did. Let's work things out. How am I going to survive without you? I will die. Ple..." "I am sorry Stevie but I am going. I can't be with a man who can't even solve his own problems without the help of hisparent. You will always be a momma's boy. I am better off without you. I will take care of my daughter alone." "Dammit Adela!" he shouted getting up. "What changed? Your feelings for me. I regret what I did, Yes I do. I can't take this madness anymore. All I know is I tried so hard to keep our love alive. If you don't know me at this point then I highly doubt you ever will. We stumbled and fell together. I thought you were going to fight for our love. You can't just throw what we had in a wastebasket like it was nothing. Like it was all rubbish. I know I have wronged but how many mistakes have you done in your life and I forgave. Why? Because I loved you," he stopped. "I will be going now," she said pushing him aside. "I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings," she stopped walking, he went on. "Even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good people too. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others. You can only choose to accept them or walk away. If you walk out on that door. Don't ever come back in my house or in my life. I will see you in court. I will never let my daughter be raised by another man, not when I am still alive. You chose to go your way and I won't stop you. It's going to hurt but I will erase the memory of you. I will pretend that I never knew you. It hurts right now after all I have done for you. You choose to leave me like I am nothing to you. I am sorry Adela. I am very sorry for loving you and giving you my heart. Trusting you. I...," he made a step close to her. "Goodbye my princess," she kissed Ashley on the cheek. "I will help you with the bags." "Tada!" she smiled at her daddy "Oh my princess," he put the bags down. "Did you just say daddy?" He looked into Ashley's tiny impish face and let out a ragged little laugh. "She has my mother's dimples." Adela felt a flash of shock. She hadn't noticed it that Ashley looked like her grandmother. "And her smile. Perhaps she will have her dark curls, " gently Stevie fingered Ashley's wispy, dark hair. He looked at her, his eyes shining with tears. He swallowed past the tightness in his throat "I am sorry for saying that." Stevie blinked hard but it was too late. The tears came anyway. She felt Ashley's comforting tiny hand on his cheek, closed his eyes the rush of pain and tried to will the tears back. Stevie took her and in his arms, Ashley gave his father a big, drooly smile. "You are a clever girl. Daddy loves you very much. Take good care of your mother." "Mama!" "Yes, my princess, mama." She kissed her father on the cheek. He gave her back the baby and they walked out of the house. "I can drive you. Where are you going?" "At Auntie Gloria's house. Don't trouble yourself. I will drive." "But it's late and with the b.." "I said I will drive," she cut him short. Got inside the car and drove off. ********************* Hmm I don't know what to write or say. But one thing for sure. I feel like killing Adela. Mind you, I wrote this on behalf of my friend who is reading this
6 Dec 2018 | 03:04
I also feel like killing adela
6 Dec 2018 | 11:34
She is can she forget so soon
7 Dec 2018 | 09:26
that's the issue with most women, they easily forget
7 Dec 2018 | 15:40
Adela has become a she devil
7 Dec 2018 | 15:48
imposible is coming to be posible
8 Dec 2018 | 03:11
Adela I am highly disappointed in u
8 Dec 2018 | 07:01
What can I say
9 Dec 2018 | 10:22
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 7 The air was very clear and the long morning shadows distinct. She sat on the chair watching the news. "Flip!" She sucked her teeth. "Madam Bianca! Did you say something?" "This idiot. How many times have I told you not to call me with that name? Where did my brother steal you from? The orphanage. Huh!" "I am sorry," she apologised. "You should be. Next time you use the letter B. I am going to cut your head off. Did my brother tell you what I do for a living?" She winked. "I kill people. Now get out of my face." She was very keen to talk to his brother. Following a public appeal, a witness had come forward to claim she saw her with some man getting inside a black car, wearing a blue hoodie. A cigar in her mouth, she strode to the door after a knock. She opened the door and their eyes met. "Jackie!" "Jasmine!" They hugged. "I am happy to see you again. You are the only person who call me Jackie. I have always loved the name since I was a kid. I hope my brother took good care of you as I asked him to come and fetch you at your apartment. Come let's go take a seat. J, close the door." They sat down. "I missed you Jackie. Thank you very much for taking me in." "You don't need to thank me. We like blood sisters. We escaped from prison together and here we are having fun. I will never go back to that place. And J I want that maid gone. Make her disappear," she said. "Bianca! You already making decisions. She is not going anywhere," said J. "I told you not to use..well never mind. What do you have for me? How is my love, Stevie? I miss him." "I don't know how he is," answered J. "Another thing. The reason why that woman recognised you. It's because there was CC footage taken from a bridal shop which shows you in a blue hood coming from the toilet. Some 40 seconds after you were seen, you came back into view accompanied by some man. You paused outside the shop for a while. Can you kindly explain to me what you were doing at a bridal shop. When I made it clear to you not to go outside. You the most wanted person in the country. They know you started that fire. You beautiful face is all over, post of you." "Okay okay I get it. I wanted a gun and some clothes. I should have killed that woman.," she got up. "Champagne?" "No, I am fine." "I wasn't asking you J. I need Adela dead sooner than later," she poured some wine. "A toast to my sister Jasmine. Welcome to the game.. I mean family. Gosh I am so nervous to have you here with me. I shall murder with impunity, for you are prepared. Let's begin my journey into darkness. We want to create a perfect murder. Do you know the defination Jas?" She put the water glass on the table and sat down. "Now," she cleared her throat. "The definition of the perfect murder is the killing of one or more people without being caught, fined or sent to prison. Because I am not going back to prison. Always remember to wear gloves before attempting murder." "And some of the world's best known serial killers have a frightening ability to manipulate those around them, pressing the right buttons in order to present themselves in a false light," jumped in Jasmine. "You see, I told you she is good. I know her from prison. The reason I chose you to come along with me, this it. Beautiful and intelligent. Right J?" her eyes on him and he ignored her. "Whatever! Tell me more Jasmine. I am listening." "Serial killers are also often able to manipulate a situation in order to pass the blame for their actions, using hotbutton issues of the day or media pyschological research to try to explain their actions. I will stop here. I need to take a bath," she said smilingly. Bianca showed her the bathroom. She came back and sat beside his brother. "What's wrong bro? You have been quiet. Is it Jasmine? You don't like her?. What's going on?" she asked concerned. "I am worried about you. I don't want you to go back to prison. I told you to lay low but you not listening to me. You have no idea what I went through to get you out of that prison. But because you my sister I couldn't let you rot in jail." "But it's not my fault. You know how much I love Stevie. I couldn't stop thinking about him. This was part of our deal before I was thrown in jail, that I would come back and finish what I started. Just one more to go bro. I need her dead this time. I can't even stand it right now that they have got a baby together. I won't spare that little bastard as well. I want her dead," she said angrily. "I am starting tomorrow." J looked at her sister. She had turned into a monster. He was not going to forgive himself if anything bad were to happen to her. He cared about her a lot and was afraid to lose her. "I have to go back to work. I will see you later this everning." He got up and walked out of the room. "I love you bro!" ********************* Bianca is back. If you don't know Bianca, she was in unbreakable love. If you still don't know her, raise your hand and I will help you.
12 Dec 2018 | 07:05
@chimmy dix ur story is taking tym ooo
12 Dec 2018 | 11:21
You won't be able to come out of prison this time around
12 Dec 2018 | 14:14
You think you can put asunder to what God has joined together?
12 Dec 2018 | 14:17
next pls
12 Dec 2018 | 15:57
hmmmmmm,,,, and Adela is not even helping matter sef with her crazy behavior
13 Dec 2018 | 06:24
I pray you rot in jail
13 Dec 2018 | 13:40
At times, I wonder how girls think. Imagine hurting someone and making it looks like that someone is d one hurting you
14 Dec 2018 | 06:39
Inseparable LOVE * * CHAPTER 8 "Wow!" "What!?" "He is so cute. So..delicious." She glared at her. "He is mine. Don't forget why you here. Let me tell you something Jas. We may be sisters but when it comes to Stevie we will never share. He is mine and mine alone. Am I making myself clear?" "Sure!"She rolled her eyes. "I didn't hear that." "Can I go inside now?" The two ladies had parked their car opposite Stevie's company. He had entered the building when Jasmine spotted him. Since she had seen his picture sin Bianca's phone. "I don't know if I am able to trust you, after your compliments. I want to know something." "And that is?" "You will never betray me. Am I right?" "Of ofcause, I will never do that,"she faked a smile. "Good! The rewego and goodluck." "Thanks!"she said getting out of the car. Bianca watched her as she crossed the road heading the direction to Stevie's Company. Jasmine turned around and saw Bianca staring at her. She waved her hand and kept her eyes focused on the road. "Who does she think she is?My boss," she said loudly to herself." What are you look ingat? Have you never seen a person talking to herself," she said to some lady who stared at her as she stop ped fixing her hair, getting it all messy. Dressed in old clothes and torned shoes. She walked inside the office. "Goodm..,"she gestured her to sit. "What can I do for you?You smelling bad." If it wasn't for the pretence, she could have knocked her down on the floor. She clenched her fist and let herself to calm down by taking a deep breath. "I am looking for a job." "Dressed like that?Even my boss will kick you out.There is no vacancy. You can get out now." She knelt down on the floor. "PleaseIne.." "Do you want me to call security?" "You bas..,"she stopped."Now let me see your boss,"her voice sounding hoarse."Tell him that I want to see him if you want to live another day. Now!" she banged her fist on the table. "Okkkk," she stammered and immediately called Stevie. She put the phone down." You caaa can go." "Thank you sweetheart and if you dare tell your boss what just happened,"she showed her the knife."The heart. Are we together?" "Yes!" She went to Stevie's office and knocked on the door. "Comein!"he responded. She opened the door and BOOM their eyes met. She walked slowly to his desk, here yes on him. For a moment her nerves almost got the better of her. He was handsome. She had to remain as calm and detached as possible. So much was riding on her pretending to be someone that she is not. "Hie!"He smiled. As mile that sent shivers down her spine. She had done a research on him but never thought that he will appear so handsome. Now he understood why Bianca was obsessed with him. "Hello, sir. I am," she paused, almost wanting to give up as she looked at him, his dark eyes as bleak as a starless night. "Are you okay?" He had to ask because she couldn't look aside but him. Must have been love at first sight for her. "Stevie is mine and mine alone," her words ran through her mind. She could see her face. Remembering what Bianca had said to her. She had to do it. "I am looking for a job," she said with a low voice. She knelt down on the floor "Please sir. Help me. My mother is dying in the hospital. We don't have money for the operation. Help me,"crocodile tears. Stevie rose from his chair, strodea cross the thick carpet until he stood at her side. He helped her to sit up and gave her a handkerchief. "You are beautiful. It doesn't suit you to cry," he said softly. He moved back to his desk and gestured her to sit, the muscles of his arippling beneath his white shirts nagging her attention. She sat down. Getting distracted by his goodlooks would not help her through this. And hadn't she promised Bianca never to fall in love with Stevie. He sat behind his desk, his dark eyes watching her. "I am looking for a job," she tried to keep her voice steady and devoid of emotion. "I heard that and I am sorry about your mother. I can imagine what you are going through but unfortunately we have nothing here." "What?!" she exclaimed." I can clean the offices, please. I have been walking.. and you look like a good person. Help me, please." Why was he being so cold? She had to carry on with the act before she lost all confidence in her plan. For Bianca she had to do it. "I have no wish for myself but my mother to get better. He laced his long fingers together in front of him on the desk in a relaxed fashion. She took a deep breath and looked directly in to his eyes. She musn't show any nerves, any fear. "Like I said it before lady. No job here. How much do you need?I just need you to get out of my office.I have so many things to worry about right now. I feel pity for you. I will pay for the operation,"he gave her the money."Now get out." "But sir I don't need them.." "Get out! Dammit!"he shouted. She quickly got up and ran out of his office. "What's wrong with him?" she said to her self confused.
15 Dec 2018 | 16:28
Hmmm Welcome Back
16 Dec 2018 | 02:28
Continue please
16 Dec 2018 | 08:10
continue,,,, loving it
16 Dec 2018 | 10:14
16 Dec 2018 | 14:52
Good for you
17 Dec 2018 | 07:37
His journey with love has been so tough 4 him. When he thought that he has found love, the unexpected came with a surprise.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:00
Having his mind filled with love that was made with trust. Twice it came to stevie again with immediate effect. Heart breaks came to him again.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:07
Adela was the medicine of his past broken heart. The pain of his latest is not like the past. It's obvious that the love is still there.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:14
This is a mere issue that can be settled immediately. It has not gotten to this, after everything they have being through.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:24
Who knows how long it will take 4 them to reconsider and reconstruct their relationship. One of them was ready but the other wasn't.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:30
Their love opponent is back with more terrible plan to harm them. Bianca is back with her partners, jasmine and jackie to terrify.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:35
Stevie is not in the mood 4 jasmine's pretense. They are on a dangerous mission 4 mischievous things in their minds.
17 Dec 2018 | 14:40
Stevie went too far by not listening to her but tried to reconcile with her. Adela went too far with her mouth and actions but refused to reconcile with him. Stevie didn't know that she was pregnant and that mistake. Adela didn't know that if stevie knew what will upset her, he won't try it. Ashley is smiling at them.
17 Dec 2018 | 15:01
Inseparable LOVE * * CHAPTER9 "You such a fool!" she glared at her." How can you be so dull?I thought you were clever but I was wrong about you." "You insulting me now.You should have seen his look when he threw me out of his office. That man is b..,"she paused," I am not going back to that office. I may end up killing him, noone disrespects me like that," hand son her waist. "Where are you going?" "Out!"she responded walking to the door. "We haven't finished tal...," she stopped in mid sentence when she slammed the door in her face. "She is ruining everything for me. I have to come up with planB." Jasmine drove the car to his apartment. She parked the car out side his house andwent straight to the door.It was opened and she got in side. "J!" she called out. He came out with a gun. "I could have shot you.Don'tyou know how to knock?" "I did knock." "Liar! Remember there is a camera out side on the verandah. I missed you my babe,"he grabbed her by the waist."You have no idea what I am feeling right now. How is that psycho Bianca?" She laughed. "She is your sister." "Not myvblood sister. She is a nuisance. I always feel like cutting her mouth. You look worried. What is it my love?" She moved away from him and went to sit on the sofa. "You know that I love you right?" "Yes, I do." "Why are you keeping us a secret? Your sister thinks I am someone you knew from her but actually doesn't know that I went to jail to save your ass. She must know the truth and may be she might start respecting me. I have had enough of herattitude towards me. Always bossing me around. Don't you think that I also deserve some respect.We have been dating for 6years now and I have faith in whatIsee. Ij.." "Babe! I love you Jasmine with all of my heart.You went to prison all because of me. I am forever grateful for that but we musn't show Bianca that we know each other. I know you don't want us to be a secret. I promise you one thing. I will never let Bianca disrespect you again. I love you, my queen," he hugged her. "I love you too James!" "It's been long since you called me with my name.The last time I checked it was J," he smiled. "Now cheer up my beautiful lady. Wewi...,"he stopped at mid sentence, a knock at the door drew his attention. "Expecting someone?" "No! Go in my room.I will be there shortly." "Okay! Don't take long." "I won't." He strode over to open it. She stood at the door in a blackmini dress. "Adela!" "James!" "Whwh what are you doing here? "Are you not going to let me in?" "Ohh sure.Come in,"she walked inside and he closed the door."What is she doing here?"he said silently. He looked at her and faked a smile. Nervous that Jasmine might come down stairs. She looked at him for a moment, her brown eyes cool. "You looking beautiful," he said as he lifted her hand to his lips. Her stomach did as trange flutter as those lips brushed sensuously over the back of her hand. Stunned in to silence, she was mesmerized by his dark hair as he lowered his head.The barely controlled waves of shiny black hair looked so inviting she wondered what it would feel like to rum her fingers through it. Then he straightened, towering over her once more,his gaze locking with hers. "Don't go there," she warned herself,and tried to pull back her hand, but his fingers tightened on hers. A sexy smile spread across his lips and she dragged in a ragged breath, thenbswallowed hard. What was she doing, allowing this man together? "The pleasure is mine."His words were deep and uneven. He didn't let her hand go, instead forcing her to stay, so that she could do nothing ot her than sit there. She looked in to the ever darkening depths of his eyes and felt a sizzle of awareness slide over her. "Something is amusing you?"His fingers traced as low, teasing circle on the palm of her hand, making tingles race along her arm.She wanred tooullaway, wanted to break the contact, yet couldn't. Somewhere deep inside her something stirred ane motionlong since locked away. "I was merely admiring your charm," she smiled up at him." I am sure women just drop at your feet." He laughed. As of trumble that made her tremble. Instinctively she tried to pull her hand free. Again his fingers tightened and his eyes darkened and for a moment her eyes locked with his. She drew in a quick breath as she saw the sparks of desire with in those dark depths. Her body responded to the primary call of his as he adyheat thundered around her. He smiled at her, letting herhand go. "Champagne?" "Champagne wouldbbelovely," she purred, being as flirtatious as she possibly could.May be a little champagne was just what she needed to boost her confidence. She couldn'tquite believe how this handsome man was able to make her feel so special, so freshband alive. His charm offensive was potent, making her feel unique and worse than that, desired. Because right now she was on top of the world and she liked it how she felt about him.
17 Dec 2018 | 21:45
Adela you are diking yr own will never know wat hit you later on. Next
18 Dec 2018 | 06:00
the same epi?
18 Dec 2018 | 09:16
wait!! is Adela thinking at all???? she is in a web of death
18 Dec 2018 | 09:53
18 Dec 2018 | 12:08
sorry for the delay
18 Dec 2018 | 23:59
new episode
19 Dec 2018 | 00:00
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 10. "I was thinking maybe we can go out. Grab something to eat at the restaurant. What do you say?" "Well let me just take my car keys." "So where are your parents?" He kept quiet for a while and took the car keys. "James!" "I don't like talking about my past. If you don't mind let's talk about something else. Let's go," he led the way. They got outside the house and got in the car. "Do you have siblings?" From the look on his face, the frown that furrowed his brow, she knew she had scored a direct hit. He stopped the car and with one final look at her he got out of the car, almost instantly appearing at her door. He held out his hand for her, but the look on his face suggested he was far from happy. For a moment she was worried. "If you have nothing to say to me other than asking me questions. You can go home," Hi voice was rough. "But just remember it was your idea to come here." "I am sorry I just want to get to know you. Something wrong with that." He stopped walking. "Listen, I don't know why you here and what you doing but let me make myself clear. I will not talk about my past with you because it's none of your business," the words rushed out on an unsteady breath as he finally moved away from her. "Let's go eat," he got inside the restaurant as she trailed behind. They sat down and his eyes on his phone. "Expecting a call?" "You love asking. Don't you?" "I am sorry," She took a deep breath and forced herself to stop talking. He was putting his phone back in the pocket when he saw her walking towards where they sat. He couldn't get up. "Really J?!" she threw her bag on the table. "What are you doing here?" he asked with a hint of panick in his voice. "You left me in your house and..," her eyes on Adela. "Who the hell is this?" He looked at both the ladies and looked aside and BOOM! He appeared from nowhere, with a serious look on his face came to join the party. "Adela! What are you doing here? With him again. Where the hell is my daughter?" "Stevie!" she exclaimed. "Wait a minute. Aren't you the detective? What the hell are you doing here with my wife?" He was like an angry lion. He looked aside at her, waiting for her reply. He glared at her. "Stand up!" he snapped. "We are going to Auntie Gloria's house. You are giving me my daughter back. I let you go with her thinking that you would be a responsible mother but you are here having fun with this imbecile." Stevie's mood was as dark as the storm. He had thought Adela was different, thought she could respect herself. He had thought he'd met his match, a woman who could share his passion without the need for anything more. But he had been wrong, damn it, very wrong. Unable to keep the frustration from reverberating in his voice, he grabbed her hand by force. "You hurting me Stevie. Stop it! I am not a child anymore and neither am I still your wife. Can't you just leave me alone in peace." "You mean that?" "Yes, I do." "You heard her man," stood up James. "Stay out of this. She is my wife and I can do what ever I want with her." "You defending her now?" she spoke aloud forgetting that she had met him before. "Are you not the girl who came to my office begging for a job?" asked Stevie. "What?! I don't know what you talking about." "Let's go!" J grabbed her hand not wanting to be discovered, trying to hide the truth. "Wait wait detective. I am still talking to the lady. Haven't I been asking her some questions?" He smiled, a smile that pissed J off. Was he trying to provoke him? "Do you want to fight?" "No detective. I am a smart man. I don't solve issue by fighting, that's just for teenage boys, I want answers What a coincidence! The lady came to my office begging for a job," he made a step close to him. "Then the detective is after my wife. Did you send the girl to distract me? Perhaps maybe you wanted to set me up with her. Have I just become a detective? I told you I am smart," he winked at the lady. "What are you insinuating?" "Detective is scared. Are you hiding something?" "Stevie! You don't know what you saying. Get out!" said Adela. "Shut up Adela! This between me and him," he sat down. "Sit down detective." "I am not sitting down. You don't know me and what I will do to you," he curled his lip. "Uuu I am scared. I never liked you the first time I saw you. I knew there was something fishy about you. I am going to find out what it is. And the lady, you not an actress. You put on a show in my office. Those crocodile tears. I am watching you both. I will be going now and detective expect my visit at your office. Well there is someone who is after my wife. I mean who wants to take her away from me. I don't trust the guy and I don't want to put my daughter's life in danger. I will see you detective. It was nice meeting you," he extended his hand. "No hand shaking," he said with a laugh. Have nice day you all," he got up and walked out.
19 Dec 2018 | 00:01
What is wrong with Adela
19 Dec 2018 | 01:41
Is like the screw in adela head is loose.......t d sudden change in attitude
19 Dec 2018 | 10:41
very soon u I'll be under the world
19 Dec 2018 | 11:31
Adela pls come here u need a resounding slao to reset ur destiny
19 Dec 2018 | 14:27
Adele wetin be your problem
19 Dec 2018 | 14:58
Adele wetin be your problem
19 Dec 2018 | 14:58
I think Adela is d imbecile here,,, odas know wat dey are coin but she doesn't know anytin
19 Dec 2018 | 17:30
what's wrong with Adela, while is she acting this way
19 Dec 2018 | 17:50
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 11 She grabbed her bag. "Where are you going?" "Home!" she responded with a serious look on her face. "Just like that." She ignored him and got out. He didn't try to stop her but had his gaze on her. "What?! Don't look at me like that. I didn't know it was her and I am tired. I am tired of being used by you and your sister. Count me out. I don't want to continue playing this game. I am not a puppet that you can control. Never would I allow you to use me again," she stormed out of the restaurant. "You playing with fire Stevie," he clenched his first. Days passed, Jasmine hadn't gone to see Bianca and James. They tried looking for her but couldn't find her. On the other side James tried by all means to make amends with Adela but she wasn't interested. He had to come out with a lie and told Adela that Jasmine was his ex girlfriend who couldn't accept that it was over between them. As he sat sipping his coffee after breakfast he glanced at her. "I found the paper. It's been 25 years now and yes it is the very James who is now a detective." "I heard you mention that he was a good boy. Could you tell me about him Sister Martha?" he placed the mug cup on the table. "Are you going to write this in the article as well?" "Yes, it should be added. It's a procedure that I have to follow." "Well I am 80 years old now but I still remember my little Garikai." "Garikai?" "Yes! His name was Garikai before he changed it to James. He was a good child and very quiet. Always told me that he wanted to be a Father," she said smilingly and went on. "Very intelligent at school. What I didn't understand was, he had no friends. He would come to church and sat reading his bible. He never played with the other kids. After few months little Garikai was adopted together with the naughty girl." "Naughty girl?" curiosity written all over his face. "Yes, Bianca." "What?!" "Bianca. She was trouble and very stubborn. Six months later they came back together after their step father was killed by robbers. I didn't believe the story, it was the fourth time that Bianca had been brought back to the orphanage. My little Garikai was always scared and played with Bianca. It's as if though she controlled him. Whenever I asked him what was wrong, he just stared at Bianca. He never left her sight. They became close after coming back from the Moyo house." "The surname of the couple that had adopted them?" "Yes. Garikai ran away from the orphanage with Bianca. I never saw him again until last year when he came back to see me. I was happy that he had become a detective." He listened intently. Hours passed. "Thank you so much, Sister Martha!" "You are welcome!" "So you said your name is?" "Stevie. I am Garikai's friend and would be writing an article about him." "Okay. God bless you my son." "Thank you Sister. Goodbye!" He got in the car and drove off. His eyes focused on the road. He couldn't stop smiling. In few minutes he parked his car outside the offices and walked in. He went to the receptionist. * He sat on his chair "Come in!" he responded after a knock. "Sir, there is someone who is here to see you." "Who is," he paused. "You again! You can close the door Carol. The gentleman is already in." He got inside, sat on the chair comfortable, legs crossed. "I didn't offer you one." "I have already made myself comfortable. It's hot. Can I have a glass of cold water?" "What do you want?" "I am here to report a matter." "Go outside. The police officer will help you," he snapped. "Don't be rude Garikai," he smiled. James raised a brow and looked at him nervously. "The name ring a bell to you. I wonder what the chief will say if he finds out that you got Bianca out of jail because she is your sister." "You don't know what you talking about!" he blinked slowly. He stroked his chin, his eyes on him. "Bianca killed her step father and you watched her do it. After that you got so scared of her that you...What word should I use, you were her puppet. You helped her to escape from prison. You are her accomplice and has been. The reason why you couldn't kill her when she took my wife? Is because she is your sister." "Get out! I have nothing to say to you." "Chill Garikai. Should I give you a chill pill? You helping Bianca so that she can come back to me. She is controlling you. When she says jump and you be like, ' How high. I have it alll figure out. It's just a matter of time, just a matter of time," he rose from the chair. "I am just being a friend and understanding. And that guy who is after my wife. I am having him investigated. Just found out that his name is Garikai. Adiues," he walked out of the office. Anger, it usually develops in response to the unwanted action of another person who is perceived to be disrespectful, demeaning and threatening. An increased heart race, muscle tension, feeling hot followed by a dry mouth. He was angry at him. He quickly got out of his voice. He needed space and he needed it now.
20 Dec 2018 | 19:00
hmmm move on following....
21 Dec 2018 | 08:59
very interesting
21 Dec 2018 | 09:02
Hmmmmmm Interesting
21 Dec 2018 | 14:37
am here
22 Dec 2018 | 16:12
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 12 "What do I have to do sir?" He stood firm, like a soldier on parade being inspected by a commanding officer. He walked slowly round behind him. "A very good question. I want him dead today. He knows too much and might ruin my chance of falling in love with his wife. I never thought I could feel this way about her," he looked at her, sitting on the chair, her hands tied and cloth in her mouth. He looked aside and sat down. "Many car accidents are caused as a result of defects with tyres. Make it look like the tyres were inflated too much or too little which caused the tyre-blow out." "Tyre blow-out?" "Yes, where your car tyre punctures and effectively explodes. It will cause his car to unbalance and swerve of course then BOOM! maybe explode," he laughed. "I will do it. What about the pretty lady?" his eyes on her. "This one. I will take care of her. No loose ends Tongai. You can go now." "Goodbye, sir!" He rose from the chair and walked to her. He removed the cloth from her mouth. "You must be thirsty." "You are the devil himself," she spat on the floor. "You disgust me." "Watch your mouth young lady. Remember I am holding you as hostage. You thought you could just leave without saying goodbye to daddy. Here you are, back to me. Back to square one." "What do you want from me James? Let me go, I just want to live a normal life. Away from all this, you and your sister are crazy people. You deserve each other and I don't want to be part of your craziness," she dropped a tear. "I went to prison for something I didn't do. Five years James. I wish I told them that you killed that man not I. I just want to go home and be with my parents. Go back to school and live a normal life. I am not a killer like you and Bianca." "Enough!" banged his fist on the table. "You are not going anywhere. I will release you when Adela decides to marry me and then you will be taking care of her daughter. Wouldn't that be awesome?" "You wish James. Stevie is coming for you. You will rot in jail." "Shut up! He is going to die today," he walked out of the room and locked the door. "He has to die." * He rose from his chair to stand in front of the floor to ceiling windows of his office. He surveyed the view of Bulawayo, recalling all he had discovered about the man who was after him and his wife. A situation that had thrown everything into turmoil. This man certainly had a reputation. "Sir!" behind him he heard her voice. He turned to face her. "Yes, Carol." "It's 6. I will be going home now." "Okay, Carol. I will see you tomorrow." "Are you okay?" "Yes, I am," he smiled. "I am just tired but I will be fine when I get home and have a shower." "Okay, bye." He watched her leave the building and after few minutes packed his things and locked the office. He was about to step outside when he noticed him standing by his car. He quickly opened the door. "Hey!" he shouted. He dropped his suitcase on the ground and started chasing him. He caught him and he had a knife. Stevie moved away from him. "A knife? Drop that and give me your fists." "Really?" "Yes, Come." He dropped the knife and made step close to Stevie. Stevie made the first move. He hit him in the stomach and pulled him to his feet, almost tearing the collar. "Who sent you? Answer me?" He slapped his right palm down on the man's face, shattering his nose. "Hai-ya," He knocked him with a good straight jab to the chin. He lifted and carried him to the car. He put him in the trunk and got in the car. "Shit!" he started the car and drove off. It was around ten at night when he dragged his body to to the bathroom. He tired him on the chair and poured water over his face. "Wake up!" he sat on the chair facing him. "You still remember me?" "Untie me." "You not going anywhere until you tell me the truth. What were you doing by my car?" "I am not going to say anything." "Okay!" He pulled the chair and put his head in a bathtub filled with water. Submerged his head in it for period of time. After that, he got him up and slammed his hand in between the door. "Who sent you?" he twisted his arms forcefully behind the back "Wait wait wait," he grimaced in pain. "I will tell you everything." "You better do. I am not resorting to torture yet. But I wilk take my power saw to cut off a few fingers. Start talking," he took out his phone. "5,4,3,2,1. Go." He sniffed. "I got paid by James." "The detective?" "Yes, he wants you dead. I wanted the money because my mum is in hospital. But before that he made me kidnap the pretty lady." "Whats her name?" "I heard him calling her, Jasmine. He is holding her as hostage. That's all I know. Release me, please." "I knew it was him. Well, thank you for telling me the truth," he knocked him under the chest and locked the door in the toilet leaving him inside. He grabbed his phone and dialled his number. "Dad, I need to see you." "It's past eleven son." "I am coming over to see you," he hanged up and walked out of the house.
22 Dec 2018 | 16:14
22 Dec 2018 | 16:37
22 Dec 2018 | 16:41
wow,I love the way Stevie is acting now
23 Dec 2018 | 05:51
Oga o
23 Dec 2018 | 09:48
23 Dec 2018 | 12:40
23 Dec 2018 | 18:28
INSEPARABLE LOVE * * CHAPTER 13 "I need your help dad," he said getting inside the house. He placed his laptop on the table and sat down. "Adela is in trouble." "What are you talking about?" "You still remember the detective who investigated the murder of Miley?" "Yes. Detective James." "I am glad you still remember his name. He is hmmm," he scratched his head. "Dating my wife, I think." "What?!" exclaimed with a surprise look on his face. "It's complicated dad but to cut the story short. He tried to kill me tonight and he is related with Bianca." He told his father everything. "Oh my goodness!" hands on his head after his son had finished narrating the story. "Yes, dad. Adela moved out from the house and went to stay with Auntie Gloria." "Let's go to the cops." "No!" he stood up. "A very wrong move, dad. I don't trust those people anymore. We are going to do things my way. He thinks I am dead and I am going to make him think that I am dead. I have his man at my house. Locked him in the toilet. Where is mum?" "She went to see her Auntie." "Perfect! Call Auntie Gloria and tell her to bring Ashley here." "It's late Stevie. She is probably sleeping and what about Adela." "You are right. I don't want to lose them dad. Not this time around. I will see you early in the morning. Bye, dad," he hugged him and walked out of the house. He drove his car back to his house in high speed. Worried that something bad might happen to his wife and kid. He entered the house and headed to the bathroom. He opened the door and found him sitting. "You still alive?" "Come here!" he got him up. They walked to the sitting room and he made him sit on the sofa. "I am not a bad guy," he said untying him. "Neither am I a killer. I want to make things right with you and let you go. Do you have his number?" "Yes!" he responded in fear. "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you and I am sorry about that. We are going to make a phone call. I want you to tell him that I am dead. Tell him I am dead... " "What if he asks me for a picture?" "You say no picture because the car exploded. I will protect you. I have got friends outside the country. Do as I say and tomorrow morning. You and your mother will be on a plane to UK." "Okay. Let's make the phone call." Stevie gave him his phone. He dialled his number and put it on loudspeaker. HIM: Boss JAMES: Tongai. I hope you have got some good news for me. HIM: He is dead. The car exploded. JAMES: Good job. No loose ends. Right? HIM: No! JAMES: Alright. I will deposit the money into your account. He hanged up the call. "That was easy right?" "It wasn't sir. You still have to fake your own death. If the detective wanted you dead. He is going to send someone at your house to check if the funeral is being held. He could have asked for the pictures but he didn't." "Damn! I hadn't thought about that. I will fake my own death. Tell my parents the whole thing. You will sleep in the in the guest room. I will drive you to the airport tomorrow." He went to show him to his room. Early in the morning Stevie drove Tongai and his mother at the airport. "Thank you so much man!" said Tongai. "I should be thanking you for telling the truth. Take care of mum. Stay out of trouble." "I will do so." "Mum, take care of son," he smiled. "I will. God bless you." He went back to his car and drove to his parents's house. ******* "What?!" shouted Angela. "You want to fake your own death. Have you gone crazy?" "Son, your mother is right. You can't fake your own death." "Dad! I have to do it. I will have to blow my own car and there is going to be a funeral here. You going to cry. That's the only way I can save Adela from that man. If I don't do that, he will kill her," said Stevie. A knock at the door drew his attention. "That must be Gloria," said Angela. She went to open the door. "Mr Stevie. I came as fast as I could," she hugged him. "I am glad you here Auntie. Where is Adela?" "She went to work early in the morning," she answered biting her nails. "You looking nervous." "Okay, don't freak out but I heard Adela this morning accepting to go on a trip with that black man, the huge one." "Where?" "He mentioned something like Dubai. They left together this morning and I was eavedropping. They are going tomorrow. I don't trust him and the last time he came. Ashley couldn't stop crying." "I knew it! I have to do it mum. Fake my own death. In that way Adela won't be able to travel with him. Come on mum and dad," he looked at them. "I still think is a bad idea but..." "Do it son but this time around we involving the cops. I will talk to one of my friends in Fairbridge camp who is a Chief at a police station." "I have to go now." "Where?" "To blow my car dad. Start crying mum," he said walking to the door. "Be careful. I love you," said Angela loudly. "I love you too mum. Take care of Ashley," he got out of thehous ********************* Ine I don't know kuti Stevie. Is he going insane or Is he insane. Anyways....let's wait and see.
29 Dec 2018 | 16:21
this turning to another thing. But adela cost all the problem.
30 Dec 2018 | 07:04
I am following jejeli
30 Dec 2018 | 13:36
30 Dec 2018 | 14:42
Adela if u hurt Stevie with ur stupid act I'll not forgive u
30 Dec 2018 | 19:40
hmmmmmm,,,, this is serious
31 Dec 2018 | 21:21
Honestly, men like Stevie are rare. Man with beautiful heart and awesome brain
2 Jan 2019 | 12:39
I finally caught up with you guys, but this story is taking too long
1 Feb 2019 | 03:48
Where were you @Chimmy
1 Feb 2019 | 03:48
INSEPARABLELOVE * * CHAPTER 14 "Where are you taking me?" she asked when he turned left. "Home!" "What do you mean by that?" "I am taking you home my love. You and I are going to Dubai tomorrow and together," he smiled his eyes on the road. "What about my child? I can't go leaving my child," her phone range "Put that away!" he ordered. "I can't it's Gloria." He glared at her. HER: Gloria. GLORIA: Adela. I have some bad news. HER: What is it? GLORIA: Stevie was involved in a car accident last night. He didn't make it. I am sorry. Where are you? We need you here. She heard the news that no one ever wants toes, words so horrible that she couldn't event process them. Her heart started pounding really fast and she was trying so very hard to fight back the tears. She switched off the phone and was trembling. "Is everything okay?" She nodded. "Don't you knowhow to talk?" She remained quiet and he parked the car. "We are home. She got out of the car and stood by the car door. He walked to her and grabbed her hand by force leading her into the house. Jasmine was sitting on the chair, still tied. "I brought you a friend my love," said James." Only one left, she will be here soon. Adela, my love, make yourself at home." Never assume you know better when you don't really know anything. There are two types of pain you will probably go through in life. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weigh sources while regret weigh stons. The worst words you can say are,' I just wish I had. Seeing the kind of person he was, she wished she had done things differently. "Why you having her tied on the chair?" "I am just following procedure." "What procedure?" "You will never understand but you will.There is nothing you don't know about me Adela."She opened the door and their eyes met once again."Ohh here comes our Queen. I present to you all Queen B." "What the hell is going on here?What is she doing here?this wasn't part of the plans J,"she said loudly. "I changed the plans. I have decided to make her my wife," she grabbed her waist."Right Adela?" She nodded, tears streaming down on her cheeks. "There is no way I am having this slut by my side," she removed the gun from her pocket. "What are you going to do? Kill her?Adela,tell her what happened to Stevie." "He is dead," she said in between sobs." Stevie is dead." "What?!" exclaimed bianca."That can't be. It was you," her eyes on James. "What what do you mean it was him?"asked Adela with a hint of confusion in her voice. While they were busy talking, Jasmine was busy untying herself. "I killed Stevie,my love. He was a nuisance. I wanted you to be mine and mine alone. He had to die because he knew too much. He was about to ruin my plans." At that moment she prayed that she would fall down a manhole and the King of the sewer rats make her, his butler. "You piece of shit!"she pointed the gun at him."How could you do that?how many times did i tell you that I loved him?I am going to kill you today." He sat down on the chair, legs crossed. "You want to kill me?go ahead and kill me bianca." "He is my brother Adela. Did you know that?He is the one who got me out of prison. He came in your life to destroy your relationship with Stevie. He is not who you think he is. He is a murderer and a rapier." She was about to pull the trigger."Whawhat. No bullets." James laughed out loudly. "You should have checked it when I gave it to you. Did you really think I would give you a gun that easily with bullets,"he shot her on the right arm. "What did you do that for?" "You getting tests of your own medicine. I have been wanting to kill you Bianca. I had had enough of you, trying to control me. I was supposed to be the Boss not you. I know you had my back at the orphanage and have always been my pillar of strenght,"he knelt down where she lay. "I am sorry sis but some things happen that are just out of ourbcontrol. I didn't want things to end like this but you have to go. As they say life is too short" "You can't do this little Garikai,"she murmured. "Yes, I can. I have to and I am sorry,"his hands on her neck."You have a soft skin,"he strangled her to death with such force that he lifted her off the ground and watched her die from suffocation." No pulse. She is dead. I just killed my sister. May her soul rest in peace. Now..," he said turning around and she had the gun in her hand. "Adela,put the gun down and let's talk about this," he said softly. "Jasmine go!" "What about you?" "Just go and get help. Run away and don't look back. Don't move James or I will shoot you," said Adela "You think she will get back on time. We will begone by then." Jasmine ran out of the room and as Adela was looking aside. James grabbed her wrist with his left arm hand and held her gun hand against her chest. "You can shoot us both. He pushed her and she fell on the sofa. You and I are going on a trip," he hit her on the head using the gun and she fell unconcious.
5 May 2019 | 19:44
Now Adela has show that she s just weak. You should have blown his brain
6 May 2019 | 09:26
Adela you fuck up jhoor
6 May 2019 | 17:57
Adela hav dissapoint me wisdom
6 May 2019 | 20:42
gushiii Adele u should have kill him fast,I believe by now u know ur stupid acting where it lead u
7 May 2019 | 05:42
okay oo
7 May 2019 | 10:08
one more episode remaining
7 May 2019 | 10:09
CHAPTER15 "now I have to set my car on fire because of that imbecile,"he said loudly to himself after he parked his car."I would have killed him, myself," he got out of the car." Trying to take my wife away from me. My favourite car,"he opened the trunk and took out the diesel." What if...,"he looked aside. From a distance, he saw a woman running towards him. "What is she doing at such a dangerous place?"he looked at her. She ran as fast as she could when she saw a car parked from a distance. She got close to him. "Wait! is that not jasmine? Jasmine!" He ran towards her.He got to her and held her hand. "Getaway from me. I know Ihave wronged you but stop haunting me.You just a ghost. Please leave me alone,"she begged in fear. "No no,Jasmine you might have heard but I am not dead. Open your eyes sweetheart. Look at me, touch me." She stepped back. "Okay okay I faked my own death so that I can save Adela from that detective. And I know he has been holding you as hostage. I am not dead but still alive and kicking. You see," he took his hand and put it on his chest."My heart is even beating right now,"he smiled. She threw herself into his arms and cried hysterically. Hegaveherwatersoshecouldcalm down. After few minutes they sat in the car and she wiped the tears. "I am scared,"she sniffed. "What are you scared off. What happened to your cheek? Did someone beat you up?" "Yes! It's him." "Him? Who?" "James. He killed Bianca and when Adela held him at gun point, I managed to escape. I wanted to come with her but she refused. I am scared on what he will do to her." "That sick bastard has got mywife?!You could have told me. Do you know where they are?" "Yes, I do. "Dammit!" he started the car. Jasmine gave him direction to the house. Few minutes they parked the car few distance away. "I am going there and you call my dad. Explain to him..I mean tell him everything. He should call the police." He was about to open the car door when she held his hand. "Be careful. He is armed." "I will." He got out of the car. He headed to the house and took a deep breath. He was about to open the door, when James opened it. "We meet again." "Bastard!What are you doing here?" "Stevie!" cried out Adela as she stood beside James. "My lady. I am here for you. Let my wife go James. This is between me and you," said Stevie getting inside the house as James took a step back holding Adela. "I thought you were dead." "You thought wrong. I am always a survivor. Do you think you were going to get rid of me that easily. Come on. I told you I am smarter than you. The cops are coming there is no way to run James. You better put that gun down and fight me like a man. You have always wanted this to fight me." "step aside Adela!" ordered James. She didn't listen to him but tried to fight him. Unfortunately he pushed her with so much force that she stumbled and hit her head on the floor. "Adela!" shouted Stevie running to her. "stop right there or I will shoot you,"said James. "You are a coward. You can't fight me like a man. I am not surprised, Bianca has been the boss in this game. She controlled you. If it wasn't for her you wouldn't be here. Now you see how you couldn't do anything by yourself. You are nothing but a child born out of wedlock. No one but a killer." "You don't know what you saying man." "Oh yes, I do. Fight me like a man. Coome! James got close to Stevie and attacked him first. He punched on the nose and Stevie started bleeding. Stevie clenched his fist with anger and when James was about to throw another fist. Stevie whacked him in the jaw. He chopped him in the neck and knocked him out cold, his head hitting the floor after being knocked out. He lay unconscious on the floor. Thinking that he is dead, Syevie turned and went to his wife. "My love!" he held her tightly in his arms. He helped her to get up. "I am so sorry Stevie. I should have listened to you." "No no it's okay. I am glad that you okay." "Stevie!"she shouted pushing him aside when he saw him pointing the gun at him, and was about to pull the trigger. While his hand gripped the butt of his gun tighter. He pulled the trigger and he felt her warm hand grip him. Suddenly he heard the crack of the gun shot twice as loud as thunder. It was terry fying, the the world became silent. He stared at her in horror. They say a bullet travel sat speed that is a thousand times faster than the faster human but some how Adela managed to turn around acting as his shield, just in time to stop the bullet from hitting Stevie. "What have you done?!" shouted Stevie. James was about to fire again when he realise he was out of bullets. With so much anger he walked to him and lifted him up to his feet. "I wanted to kill you not her,"said James. He punched him,banging his head on the wall and the floor. He punched him again and again until jasmine walked in and stopped him. "He is dead Stevie. The police are here. Adela is bleeding."
7 May 2019 | 10:10
Adela must not die o
7 May 2019 | 16:41
7 May 2019 | 16:42
I know he wil not die that is why it is inspareble
7 May 2019 | 20:45
Money can not buy true love
7 May 2019 | 20:46
hmmmmm too bad
8 May 2019 | 19:16
okay we are there
9 May 2019 | 19:25
INSEPARABLELOVE * * CHAPTER16(#finale) He held her hand tightly as he sat in the ambulance with her. "Don't die my love. Ashley and I needs you," he sniffed" Can you drive faster?" James died on the spot and Jasmine was taken to the police station to make a statement. Stevie had already called his parents to let them know Adela had been shot. They reached at the hospital and Adela was taken to operation room. He couldn't sit but kept pacing up and down. He remembered all the good times they shared together. "Stevie!" she called out running to him and gaving him a hug."What happened son?" "She saved my life mum. Everything happened so fast and then she was down on the floor bleeding. I was supposed to be the one to save her. I have failed her mum. Dad, Am I supposed to be called a man?I was supposed to be her hero." "No, son. Don't blame yourself, she is going to be alright," said his dad. They all sat on the bench. The nurses kept running up and down. "Can someone tell me if my wife is okay?!" shouted Stevie. His parents helped him to calmdown, stay strong and think positive. At one stage Stevie could not take much more sitting in the room. It was a nervous wait. Seconds passed, minutes passed and hours. The doctor came out side the operating room. "I am sorry for making you all wait. We have managed to remove the two bullets but unfortunately she fell into a comma. When she wakes up, she won't be able to walk or bears children," he explained. "What?!" hands on his head, he sat down on the floor and cried loudly. His parents tried to console him but it didn't work. They went back home with him but when he saw Ashley, she reminded him of his wife. "She doesn't know anything Auntie Gloria. We don't even know if she is going to make it," he wiped the tears. "Be strong Stevie. Adela is a survivor." Days turned into weeks, Stevie visited his wife everyday and even slept at the hospital to make sure she was safe. The third week,the doctor called saying Adela had woken up. They all went to see her. She lay on the bed still on machines. In the room there was Stevie, his parents and Auntie Gloria with Ashley. "Hey!" she murmured." I missed you." "I missed you too my lady," responded Stevie. "I am happy to see all of you. I am sorry Stevie for all the hurt I have caused you. I regret the things I have done,"she paused and coughed. "Shhhhh sorry." "I feel bad right now cause I tore your world apart and now all I can think about is how I broke your heart. Our love was never inseparable. I will always love you Stevie. You and I are inseparable. Mum and dad, I am sorry for disrespecting you like and Auntie Gloria, take good care of Ashley." "Love brought us together, and it shall keep us forever. Through laughter and tears,joy and fears. There is no reason why we should be apart. We were meant for one another from the start. In your palm my heart you hold I can't entirely explain why I feel the way I do. But I know I will never find anyone else like you. If we shall ever part you would take along a piece of my heart. You are mold of art that God created, for you my whole life I have won through good and bad determined we have stood even when others thought we never would. I never took a second with you for granted. I have learned from you and you from me. By your side is where forever I want to be. For this is INSEPARABLE LOVE. I love you Adeal,"he kissed her hand. "I love you too Stevie and will always." Everyone was in tears as Stevie held his wife tightly in his arms. She layed her back on the bed. "Take good care of our daughter." "Don't say that my lady. We..,"he stopped at mid sentence when Adela closed her eyes." Adela! Wake up!You can't leave me." The doctor came running in the room. He checked her pulse and looked at Stevie. "What?!" "I am sorry but she is dead." "No!"shouted Angela falling down on the floor." Not my daughter in law,she can't leave me like this. It can't be." "But I I I," stammered Stevie."I was talking to her." Adela was laid to rest and still they couldn't believe that she was gone. Jasmine attended the funeral. Angela couldn't stop crying and Auntie Gloria. Stevie had to act strong for the for the sake of his daughter. "You will always be mine," he said placing the flowers on the casket. TEN YEARS LATER "Daddy, I am late for school," said Ashley. "I am still talking to your mum. She wants to talk to you." She walked to the sitting room and found her dad, holding her mother's picture. "Hie, mum. It's my birthday today and I wish that you were here. We miss you mum, a lot. "Yes, we do. We will always love you." "Can we go now my pumpkin?" said Ashley. "Yes, my carrot," he pinched her. "I love you daddy. You my hero." "I love you too my princess." They walked out of the house hand in hand. He lived happily ever after with only his daughter, parents and auntie Gloria. THE END ****************** Thank you for reading
9 May 2019 | 19:26
thanks for reading
9 May 2019 | 19:27
Thanks for the story @chimmy
10 May 2019 | 09:36
hmm it ok
10 May 2019 | 10:41
thank you for posting @chimmy
10 May 2019 | 13:50
nice ending
10 May 2019 | 13:50
@chimmy thank u for the nice story i, always enjoy ur story
10 May 2019 | 14:16
See what adela cost to herself stay with your husband u say no and here is were u end ur life
10 May 2019 | 14:17
Angela take heart may her soul rip
10 May 2019 | 14:18
Ashily hope you will be a good girl like ur mother
10 May 2019 | 14:19
hbd birth to you ashily more good story to us
10 May 2019 | 14:20
I love this story somuch only that we lost interrest on it
10 May 2019 | 14:21
Thank u once again @chimmy
10 May 2019 | 14:21
Adela caused her own death and it pained me that she had to die at last. Thanks @chimmy for the story.
10 May 2019 | 17:47
Adela and stevie has fought a lot of battles and overcame all their battles. Their love was unconditional, super love and inseparable until death do them part on earth. Love between couples continues on earth but their loved lost ones can't be forgotten.
11 May 2019 | 06:40
Adela, ashley, angela, stevie, stevie's dad, gloria, jasmine and more are the real lovers. Bianca, james and more are dead nonsense. Even though bianca wanted to make sense, it was too late for love that wasn't hers...LOVE CONTINUES FOR REAL LOVERS.
11 May 2019 | 06:51
11 May 2019 | 06:52


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