Growing up in the village, we all spoke our local dialect freely. No one thought himself more important than the other because he spoke better or faster.
Few more years, we were all 'dumped' into formal education. Just like every other language, we learnt English. This time, our freedom was fading.
Like every other language and as being human with different degree of intelligence, some learnt the syntax and usage faster than others. Instead of being just a language that it truly is, it became a measure of worth and intelligence!!
The society spoke highly of those who knew how to speak faster and with more sophisticated lexicon than the rest. We wanted to be like them in doing one thing- one foolish thing- to speak another man's language more than ours.
In living with the 'black man mentality' we were willing to absorb a foreign language at the expense of ours.
But have we grown? Whosai!!
Parents literally force their kids to learn foreign languages other than their own dialect.
Accessing the level of intelligence of your brother from the same tribe you are meting for the first time is to take the language of communication to English or French!
Many more examples... you know all.
I remember how I was literally coerced into using my English name as my first name by one of my teachers in sec school.
By the time I was able to understand the full implication of 'First name' almost all my official documents has it.
Having seen the success rate, China eburula bata 18. Now, the new trend is to have your friend communicate you in China, knowing fully well that you can't interpret the simplest word.
All these to show that he's got to a level higher than you.
My name is Anigbogu IFEDIRICHUKWu Stanislaus, and I would like to ask... is Stanislaus as a name and word better on its own than ifediri because one is Vanacula and the other foreign?
Africa wake up