Intoxicated Romance

Intoxicated Romance

By chimmy in 17 Sep 2018 | 07:15
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Steven Eight years ago "mom, wake up" i shake my
mother but she doesn't move. I
look to her bedside table and see the glass of
wine and her pill bottle. My
mother is schizophrenic. Its a mental
illness and sometimes she doesn't
know what she's doing. I am just
nineteen years old but i have
been taking care of her for as long as i can
remember. I even opted to study
in a polytechnic close to our house in
pti just so i could watch her. You are probably asking where my
father is, but like you, i don't
know. He has never been in the picture and
anytime i asked my mother she
goes emotional on me so i stopped
asking a long time ago. My mom
has been living on pills for years now to
suppress her imaginations and hallucinations which are caused
by her illness. Last night, i got stalled because of a tutorial class
and by the time i finished, it was already 9:28pm. There was a
government imposed curfew and
i wasn't able to go home. I slept at a
friend's in school. As soon as it
was safe enough to leave, i came
home. I knocked the door and when
there was no reply, i knew
something was wrong. I used my keys to open
the door and immediately went to
her room. I called an ambulance and
they are probably on their way
here by now. I try to wake her up but she
doesn't open her eyes. I place my fingers under her nose and feel
faint breathes on my hand. I sag
in relief. The ambulance comes and
my mother is taken to the
hospital. After checking her, the doctor
assures me that she is fine, she
is just very drunk. I thank the doctor then
walk out of her room for some
fresh air. Her room smells of antiseptic
and everything else that
permeates a hospital air. Outside her room
isn't any better but atleast it isn't suffocating. Being in there, seeing
her like that, almost brings me to my knees in misery. I cant help
her so i feel so helpless. I don't know what else to do. If my
useless father was here, maybe
she would be better. Anytime she, has one of
her 'episodes', she calls me Leonard. I think that's my father's
name. I raise my head up when i hear a door open and i see a girl
of about 16 or so. She's crying
and screaming for the nurses holding
her back to save her brother. I
look on as she is directed to a chair at a
corner to wait. She sits on the chair then cover her face with her
hands as she cries more. I should ignore her and think about my
own predicament, but my feet
starts moving towards her. I sit on the
chair beside her but she doesn't
even notice. "he will be fine" i say silently. She
looks up then throws her hands around me as she ramble about
everything being her fault. "i left him alone. I shouldnt have. I
just wanted to have some alone time. I didn't know that he would
walk into the pool. I am the worst sister ever" she says "its not your fault. God is in
control, don't worry, everything
would be fine" i say then rub her back.
She withdraws from me then look
up at my eyes and i smile at her. "thank you" she says, wiping her
tears "you are welcome sweets" she
smiles and my heart goes warm.
Her smile seems to light up the whole
emergency ward and wipe away
all my stress. Its like we are both in a
bubble with nothing but the both
of us. I continue to smile like an idiot
at her until my mom's doctor comes out and tell me to follow
him to his office. I stand to leave and her face falls. I want to stay
but i cant. I look at her for a second then remove the bracelet
on my wrist and hand it to her. "take this. Its my lucky charm" i
expect her to laugh in my face but she takes it and put in on her right
wrist. She gives me a wane smile and i sigh as i turn to follow the
doctor. I turn back and wave her goodbye. She waves me back and
smile. I notice she's crying
through her smile. There's nothing i can do
to help so i continue walking with the doctor. "your mom's schizophrenia is
getting worse Steven. We need to
confine her before she hurts someone or
even herself" he says as soon as i sit. "we don't have that kind of
money sir" "you need to figure something
out. I don't like her results" he
tells me. I nod my head and walk
dejected out of his office, towards
my mom's room. When i get there,
she isn't in her room. I rush out to
the nurse station and i am told that
she just walked out. What kind of nurses let their patient leave like
that?. They probably thought she was well as she looked healthy. I
run out of the hospital which is along the road and look around.
Suddenly, i hear someone shout. I
turn my head to see my mother in the
middle of the road and the girl i
just gave my bracelet too is trying to
drag her off the road. My mom is bulging though. They seen to be
struggling and a lorry is coming towards them. I run towards
them. My legs doesn't seem to run
fast enough as everything happen in
slow motion. Only the lorry seem
to be coming in fast motion. My mom is
pushed off the road by the girl before the lorry sweeps her(the
strange girl) off the road. "no!" i scream for the girl. There is
blood everywhere.
17 Sep 2018 | 07:15
17 Sep 2018 | 07:36
Seated witout I.V
17 Sep 2018 | 08:05
17 Sep 2018 | 09:42
New tori don land oo @senatordaniel @jummybabe @denciebabe @oneal32 @sabinto @jerrie @sheegokeys @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @fb-Ireoluwaemmanuel @mufutau @kingsbest @fb-joshua @rhoda @aaanuoluwapo @maccharly @fb-princelopez @ryder @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-nancyadeoye @freshgirl @delight @damexy
17 Sep 2018 | 09:49
shiit don't tell me she's dead...
17 Sep 2018 | 10:41
Oh no!, you confort the girl and she gave her life for your mum's sake. Thats a tragedy!
17 Sep 2018 | 12:07
nice start, aunty wah abt echoe of the heart?
17 Sep 2018 | 12:58
@fb-joshuajohn thanks for the invitation
17 Sep 2018 | 14:03
ride on
17 Sep 2018 | 14:04
Seated. Lets get going
17 Sep 2018 | 14:16
Ride on
17 Sep 2018 | 16:20
thanks for I.v
17 Sep 2018 | 16:52
17 Sep 2018 | 17:13
OK, following
18 Sep 2018 | 04:40
problem dey
18 Sep 2018 | 05:14
INTOXICATED ROMANCE EPISODE 2 Toni: "surprise!" i gasp in surprise as my eyes scan the room.They are about 25 people. I recognise a few as my colleagues. I work as a manager in this hotel and one of my superior had instructed me to bring some documents to the private suite. I was already on my way home but according to her, the occupant of the suite is important so they sent me. I just started working here last week and i didn't want to make a bad impression so i dropped my bag and took the documents. I was on my way with the document when Cynthia, my best friend and colleague called me to meet her in one of the private rooms underground. The hotel runs a night club downstairs and i have never been there due to my background. My father is a pastor while my mother is just as devoted as he is and they brought me up in a conservative way. No trousers, no short skirts, no secular music and the rest. I stand at the doorway and stare in confusion until Cynthia walks toward me. "thank God you made it. I thought you would stand me up because of your over the top spirituality. Anyways happy birthday!" Happy birthday?. Oh my God, Its April, ofcourse it my birthday. "I totally forgot. It must have slipped my mind. With the stress of a new job coupled with my planning for my wedding next month." I say and cynthia's face falls at the mention of my wedding plans. Kacy my fiance, is a close friend of hers when she was in the states studying and when they came back to Nigeria, kacy courted me. We were in courtship for two years before I agreed. I am about to ask her why she suddenly looks down but she quickly diverts my attention by dragging me to a table. They sing me a birthday song and i blow out the candles in a hurry as i still haven't taken the documents upstairs and it's getting late. After blowing the candles, i thank everyone then turn to leave. "you should atleast have one drink with us before you go" Cynthia says and everybody murmur their agreement. "come on cyn, you know i don't drink" she rolls her eyes at me then pour some orange juice in an empty glass for me then stretch it towards me with a smile. I collect the glass. I am about to drink it all in one gulp but she stops me. "what now?" i grumble "a toast, to many more years and a happy married life to our celebrant" she raises her glass and i clink mine with hers. Everybody in the room does the same and i notice that i am the only one drinking the orange juice. They are all having champagne. As soon as i down the whole glass of juice, i rush out, before Cynthia comes up with something else. Cynthia is a party girl but i am the total opposite. people who know us always wonder how we became friends but ever since she helped me when i fell off a see-saw in kindergarten and hurt my knee, we have been close. The only time we were apart since then was when i had an accident eight years ago and when she studied in the US. I notice she changed alot after she came back, but she's still my friend. I rush to the first floor and wait for the elevator to take me upstairs so i can deliver the documents. My mom would already be worried by now. As soon as the elevator opens, i rush in and a wave of dizziness assail me. I stand upright and shake my head to clear my foggy brain. What is wrong with me? Why am i dizzy all of a sudden? I must be tired. The stress of my wedding plans is probably getting to me. The elevator opens at the top floor and i get out slowly so i won't lose my balance. I hear my phone ring in my hand and i look at the screen. It's blurry but i can make out kacy's face on it. I go to answer the call but my hands are not steady and my phone falls to the hard floor and shatters everywhere. Stupid phone. I bend and pick all the parts i can find but i don't see my sim-card. I stand up, barely able to stop myself from falling face down to the floor. I take in steadying breathe then walk to the door of the suite and knock. My body feels so hot. My stomach keeps fluttering. I don't understand what's happening to me. I fan my self with my hands and wait until the door opens. A goodlooking young man is standing by the door looking at me with glazed eyes. My body heat increases and i start taking my blazer off, then start undoing my shirt buttons. The man's eyes bulge as he sees what i am doing. He goes to say something but i shut him with my mouth. He hesitates but just for a sec. He grabs my waist, then raises me up as i wrap my legs around his waist and he takes me to his bed. A little voice at the back of my mind reminds me of who i am but i cant stop. Kacy's face flashes through my mind but i cant stop. I cant stop! Is that my hand undoing his button? No! What am i doing.My brain says stop but my body doesn't follow the instruction. I wake up the next morning with an headache.I look around and see my clothes scattered on the ground.How did i get here?. A hand lands on my stomach and that's when i remember last night. I silently get off the bed, put on my scattered clothes and sneak out
18 Sep 2018 | 08:30
I have finished ECHOES OF THE HEART
18 Sep 2018 | 08:31
@fb-johnjoewe thanks for the iv
18 Sep 2018 | 11:02
eeeeiiii,,,, will d girl die? but its lorry not okada,,,, eeyah. take heart,,, tnx for d invite @fb-joshuajohn
18 Sep 2018 | 12:42
hmmmmm,,,, Ur frnd Cynthia sedated you
18 Sep 2018 | 12:47
nice start
18 Sep 2018 | 12:52
stupid friends
18 Sep 2018 | 13:02
Nice start
18 Sep 2018 | 13:14
Why change the story
18 Sep 2018 | 13:19
18 Sep 2018 | 15:51
beware of friends
18 Sep 2018 | 16:39
She added something to the drink
18 Sep 2018 | 17:34
Nawa for this your friend ooo
18 Sep 2018 | 17:34
Cynthia drugged you, what a bad friend
18 Sep 2018 | 18:28
Ride on
18 Sep 2018 | 18:29
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 3 Steven: "No!" i scream and sit up on the bed with a start. My head spins at the sudden movement and i clutch it. It feels like a metal band is having a concert in my skull. What a hangover!. 'I am never drinking again', i tell myself. I get off the bed and realise that i am naked. Strange. I look around the room and see my clothes scattered on the floor. Okay, that's certainly weird. I am almost obsessive about orderliness. It wasn't really my best idea to drown in so whisky after taking my pills. I had been so angry and sad yesterday, i couldn't sleep. The sleeping pills i usually took didn't do the job so i added whiskey to the mix. I stagger to the fridge and pour myself some cold water. I turn to get some pain relievers from the cabinet but stop myself. I have enough chemical in my body for now. I drink the glass of water then drink another and another but my mouth still feels like a gutter. My headache seems to be getting worse. I think the only solution for this hangover is to shoot my brain out of my head. I sway as i walk back to the bedroom and realise that i am still drunk. I need to sleep this off. I crawl into bed and that's when i notice the red stain on my sheets. I look more intently to inspect it and realise that its blood. My heartbeat shoots up in panic. I check myself for injuries but there's none. Then whose blood is this?. I think deeply on the happenings of yesterday. I remember being called up by my dad to his office. He had sounded angry on the phone so i dressed up and hurried to his office. He was livid about the land deal i wasn't able to close. I had lied to him that i already landed the deal so how did he find out?. Only one person could have told him. My brother. My step brother to be precise. Ever since my dad brought me into his house, there has been a form of rivalry between us.We both wanted our father's approval. My father has always loved the rivalry between us. He fueled it actually.My father is a hotelier and we have multiple hotels within and outside the country. La casa is the latest hotel of our company. My brother wanted to be in charge of that project but my father had given it to me. James(my step brother) has been trying to bring me down since then. I have been able to buy all the land we needed around the site for the project except one. A particular man wouldn't sell. I have even offered him more money to no avail. I was trying to placate him on the phone when James heard about it. He must be the snitch that told father. "i thought after taking you from your mother and brushing you up, you'll be more useful but i can see that you are as useless as your crazy mother" my father had said to me. That alone had set me off and as soon as i convinced my father to give me till the end of the month, i drove to James' house. His gate man had let me in and i barged into his house to receive a big shock.There my brother was, sitting majestically on his sofa with a bottle of Goldberg in one hand and my fiance's boobs in the other. Jane was sitting on his lap, naked from waist up while straddling him and her eyes were closed so she didn't see me at first. James saw me though, and he gave me a wide grin. The anger of the day flashed through me and i rushed to him and decked his face. Jane's eyes widened as she saw me and she tried to pull her top up to cover herself. My brother just smirked at me and sat back probably to watch a lover's quarrel but i didn't give him the satisfaction. I just walked out on the both of them. I remember Jane following me while begging for forgiveness. I didn't give her a passing glance though. I just drove like a crazy man to the suite i currently live in at one of the hotel branches i manage. I remember coming home and tossing and turning until i took my sleeping pills coupled with alcohol. I remember hearing a knock at my door and going to inspect it. There was a lady at the door. I don't remember her face. Its all blurry in my memory. Who was the lady?. It must have been Jane coming to beg me. Did something happen between us last night?. If something did happen, it still doesn't explain the blood on my sheets. Did she hurt herself?. Maybe she was in her period. I rub my head in frustration. Thinking isn't helping my hangover situation. I have to sleep this off. Maybe everything will come to me when i wake up. Plus, i still have to think of a way to cajole that pastor to sell me his land. The fact that he is a pastor is probably the reason why money couldn't convince him. I have to look for that pastor's Achilles heel. I remember my father's words about my mother and i clench my fist painfully. I just have three weeks to figure something out or risk losing to my brother. After what he has done, i just cant lose. I have to win this one no matter what. I lie on my bed and close my eyes as sleep claims me.
19 Sep 2018 | 06:14
I can't understand this story
19 Sep 2018 | 09:07
am confused here
19 Sep 2018 | 12:33
I think I understand Just calm down and u will understand
19 Sep 2018 | 13:55
Nyc start
19 Sep 2018 | 15:44
Steven has got a competition from his step brother...bleeping his fiance was part of his step bros game to beat him
19 Sep 2018 | 16:27
There's no meaning when jane was trying to cover her nice boobies and booties...steven and james have seen that before
19 Sep 2018 | 16:33
That beautiful girl he had sex with was that girl or maybe that girl...that girl that was trying to save his mother
19 Sep 2018 | 16:39
This same girl had an accident some time ago...this same girls was his friend in that hospital...some people don't like this same girl
19 Sep 2018 | 16:43
Cynthia must the number one suspect of those that don't like her...she was the one that gave her that drink...
19 Sep 2018 | 16:52
19 Sep 2018 | 17:16
I see. Let ride on
19 Sep 2018 | 18:39
Oh I get it now,so it's Steven who slept with Cynthia's friend n I presume she was a virgin as well... So Cynthia set her up abi? Ride on!!!
19 Sep 2018 | 19:42
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 4 Toni: its been more than a week since the incident and I still cant think about anything else. Only one night's event has ruined me. My family,my career and my impending marriage. How would i explain to kacy about how i lost my virginity. I have been avoiding him and i haven't retrieved my lost sim-card. That morning, i had sneaked into the house without my parent's notice and gone to work early the next day. When i got back, i only met my younger brother at home. Thankfully, my parents have gone on a two weeks prayer programme in owerri. They would be arriving tomorrow but i still haven't found a good cover story though. My parents won't be able to handle the truth of my circumstance. My mom would probably have a heart attack. I didn't see Cynthia for two days and when i asked about her from other colleagues, i was told that she was ill. I went to visit her yesterday and i found out that she was drugged, just like me. Who could have done this to us?. Was it just a prank?.I sigh and rest my head on the glass door of the hotel's pool house. I notice someone in the pool. Its too early in the morning for someone to be swimming and the pool is supposed to be locked by this time. I press my head to the glass and peer inside. I remain like this and admire the gait and agility of the swimmer. He really is good. My mind takes me to the time i loved swimming. Well, not anymore. Ever since my brother almost drowned, i have been scared of swimming. The swimmer starts coming out of the pool and my eyes trace his body from his feet upwards to his muscled legs and thigh. He must work out, i think out loud. My eyes continue their journey and i realise that he is just wearing a tiny swim short. I stare, as if hypnotized and lick my dry lips. I continue my perusal of his body till my eyes reach his face. I jerk backwards in shock and my heels slide on the tiled floor thereby causing me to lose my balance. I yelp loudly which draws his attention to me.I crouch on the floor and crawl away quickly. No no no! Its him! The guy i molested/raped. He didn't seem to protest that night though. It isn't rape when there is no protest right?. By the way, What kind of guy would just sleep with a woman he doesn't know? If he had turned me away, maybe i wouldn't be in the hot mess that i am right now. This is also his fault. I hope he doesn't recognise me. This is all so embarrassing. I thought he would have lodged out of the hotel by now. I haven't seen him since that morning when i sneaked out of his bed. "antonia, you have a visitor waiting for you at the reception hall" mercy says and this snaps me out of my thoughts. I thank her and move downstairs to meet my visitor. I have no idea who it could be. As soon as i get there i see kacy. His back is to me and i admire his lovely backside unconsciously. I never want to hurt him but right now its inevitable. He has been very good and patient with me. I cant imagine my future without him in it. I cant lie to him, that would be the ultimate betrayal. But how do i tell him?. "toni" he says my name and i cant hold back my tears. I burst out in tears and kacy rushes to me. "oh my God toni, what's wrong?. I have been trying to contact you for more than a week now. I was so worried. Please tell me you are okay?" his concern for me fuels my tears. He stands there awkwardly, while i cry like a child in the middle of the reception hall as people watch us. "what are you doing to the lady?"a voice booms from behind me and suddenly, i see a guy seizing kacy by his collar. Kacy starts to protest but he isn't given any chance as the guy's fist connects with his stunning face. "no!" i scream and run to kacy who is now on the floor. "are you okay?" i ask him as i bend to help him up. He shrugs me off and shoots me an angry look. "ofcourse, i am not okay. Didn't you see this lunatic punch me in the face?. I think the mother fucker broke my nose" he grumbles and hold his nose. "that should teach you to never make a lady cry again" the guy says. "what is your probl--" i turn to shout at him but my words hang as i see who it is. I turn away immediately. Why do i keep seeing him today?. Its the guy at the pool. He is clothed now though. "my problem? I was just trying to help you" he says. I cant see his face, but i know he looks puzzled. " shouldnt have done that, i didn't need your um help"i stammer still not looking at him. "you didn't?" i shake my head "but i thought-"he walks to my front and i turn the other way. "could you atleast look at me while you talk to me?"he says and moves in from of me again and i turn the other way. I see kacy stand up from the ground as he watches us.The guy keeps trying to look at my face and i keep turning the other way. "umm sorry for the disturbance and thanks for trying to help but um, i have to um, leave now"i stammer again and try to flee but he holds my shoulder and turns me to face him. Our eyes meet and i see the recognition and shock in his eyes before i flee.
20 Sep 2018 | 09:23
hmmmmmm,,,, kacy will leav u bcos I can't see a guy dat hav been preserving a girl for d big day and later heard she is defiled by anoda man...
20 Sep 2018 | 15:32
Kacy will definately leave
20 Sep 2018 | 15:57
Let's get to see Kceys reaction..... He'll definitely be mad
20 Sep 2018 | 16:52
the story is not on line with episode one and two
20 Sep 2018 | 17:23
Waiting to see what will happened...hmm
20 Sep 2018 | 17:37
You will have to explain things to Kacy to know how he can be of help
21 Sep 2018 | 03:17
21 Sep 2018 | 03:19
21 Sep 2018 | 05:09
21 Sep 2018 | 05:20
Hmm getting interesting
21 Sep 2018 | 07:56
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 5 Steven: i cant believe this! The lady i have been looking for is actually here. And by the looks of her clothes, she works here. My hangover lasted for two days and after then, my memories of that night came to me. I remember everything and i have been searching for this lady ever since. I need to confirm and now that i have the opportunity, i won't let her run away from me. I don't trust her. What was her reason for coming to my room and seducing me when i was drunk?. She's probably a gold digger who thinks sleeping with the boss would help her up the social ladder. I just hope that she doesn't claim to be pregnant because i have no plans of ever getting married after what Jane did to me. I really loved her(Jane) and she betrayed me with my brother. All women are the same. I jog behind her and catch up with her when she meets a dead end. "nowhere to go now" i say and stalk towards her. I reach where she is and tower above her. She looks so small before me. We stare at each other for a while and i feel the chemistry buzzing around us. An invisible magnet seems to be pulling me towards her and i find myself leaning in to kiss her. Her eyes flutter close. I am so close to kissing her but i stop myself and divert my lips to her ears. I won't let this gold digger affect me. I am not falling for another 'Jane'. Jane also worked here before i proposed to her. She was so nice to me when i first got here and i loved the innocence she portrayed. I never knew it was all a ploy to get to me. Thank God i found out her true colours before i married her. "you are not getting a kobo from me" i say and she open her eyes confused "what?" she asks me "sleeping with me wouldn't get you a promotion" "i don't know what you are talking about" she says and i laugh bitterly. "drop the innocent act. It won't work on me." i look at her from head to toe and observe the long length of her pencil skirt. "these church girl clothes don't fool me. You are a slut!" i say and she slaps me. Hard!. Stunned, i look directly into her eyes and i notice that they are shining with unshed tears. "oh, there's no need to cry, it won't work on me also. It just makes you look like a pathetic gold- digger" as soon as i say this, i see her hands go up to slap me and i hold her hand before it connects with my face. She struggles to get free but i hold her firmer. Her tears starts to fall and my heart sinks. What is wrong with me?. Her tears are probably fake so why am i affected? "who do you think you are, to insult me like this?" she asks me "oh,i am your boss but you already know that right?. That's why you sneaked into my room and seduced me" i notice her eyes bulge when i say that i am her boss. "my boss!. Oh no!" she tries to free herself again and i let her go this time. "stop the pretence. I don't want to ever see you again. As soon as you are done here, pack all your belongings and leave my hotel" "It would be my pleasure. Working for a jerk like you is so appalling. And for your information, i didn't know who you were that day and i was drunk so stop calling me a gold-digger because, i don't need anything from you" she says this and walk pass me with her head held high. Could what she said be true?. Was she really drunk?. Did i go too far? Well whatever, i don't care. Atleast now, i have gotten rid of her. Through-out the whole day, my mind drift to antonia. I asked about her from one of the staffs and got to know that her name is antonia and that she just started working here. Was she saying the truth about not knowing who i am?. No, it cant be. Everybody knows the akhigbes. We own almost all the hotels in this town and our names were always on the business part of the papers and news. I was even given most eligible bachelor in the state last month. I take my mind of antonia and concentrate on the documents in front of me. I contacted the pastor yesterday and he agreed to meet with me tomorrow. I hope he accepts my deal. I have only a week and some days left and my father just upped the stakes. Who ever can get him that land would be inheriting his legacy. I bring my best suit out of my closet and iron it to perfection. I am dressing to win tomorrow. Narrator Cynthia pace round her house in anticipation. She keeps looking at her phone like she's expecting a call. Her phone rings and she pick it up immediately. "you couldn't even do that simple task right" the caller says without any form of greeting. "I'm sorry, after she drank the o.j. We lost her. We couldn't find her." "you know i needed that plan to work, so i could have something to blackmail her with. So, is your cover blown?" "no, she's so stupid. It wasn't difficult to deceive her" "good. Stay close to her" "alright, i will. Oh, how i miss you baby. When are we going to stop hiding our relationship?" "i already told you, we need to finish this plan, then we will get married in any country of your choice" "oh i cant wait!. Ok, goodbye and i love y--" she says and the line goes dead. . .
21 Sep 2018 | 10:59
21 Sep 2018 | 11:10
21 Sep 2018 | 11:11
He might remember u
21 Sep 2018 | 11:18
Maybe some one set u guys up
21 Sep 2018 | 11:23
Gosh hm
21 Sep 2018 | 11:46
I don't think she knows you and you don't have to treat every lady that way because of Jane
21 Sep 2018 | 13:28
Like seriously, you went too far
21 Sep 2018 | 13:36
and who is that woman talking to
21 Sep 2018 | 13:43
Syn so u were d one who set ur friend up. What a life. Nemesis ll soon catch up with u.
21 Sep 2018 | 13:54
Antonia finace is the one that set her so that he will be with his friend
21 Sep 2018 | 14:05
Antonia finace is the one that set her so that he will be with his friend
21 Sep 2018 | 14:05
Who was Cynthia talking to on de line DAT wants to blackmail Antonia? Ma guy,u went too far oo by calling her a slut n gold digger after u ve finished enjoying n breaking her virginity as well!!!
21 Sep 2018 | 14:07
You went 3 far
21 Sep 2018 | 14:17
Tight situation here
21 Sep 2018 | 14:47
Getting along
21 Sep 2018 | 15:29
oh my God,,,,, kacy is dating Cynthia,,, so kacy wants to get rid of Antonia,,, Dats y dey drugged her juice,,,,, but did Steven not know he actually deflowered Antonia?
21 Sep 2018 | 15:36
Still following...... The story has not connected well though
21 Sep 2018 | 17:04
Hey that so rash of you, and you went too far,
21 Sep 2018 | 18:21
Still observing..
21 Sep 2018 | 18:22
am confuse
21 Sep 2018 | 18:36
Who is Cynthia talking to
22 Sep 2018 | 19:00
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 6 Toni: i cant believe this. Now, i am jobless. That's yet another thing i have to explain to my parents when they come back about an hour from now. What do i tell them. Hey dad, i raped my jerk of a boss and it got me fired. No way!. What do i do?. I pace up and down our sitting room which isn't exactly big. "come on sis, your pacing is giving me an headache. What's wrong" "what?. Nothing." i squeak "toni, i always know when something is wrong with you so stop pretending and tell me" "its nothing" "you sure?" "um yea" "okay whatever" my kid brother says and plug in his earphones probably to make the fact that he is ignoring me, obvious. I sigh then continue my pacing. I am always truthful, so coming up with a good cover story is so hard for me. I jump in nervousness as i hear a knock at our door. They are early. I look to my brother but he pretty much ignores me. I have to go out and let them in. I clean my sweaty palms on my long flowing skirt and walk to the door. "welcome home d--" my eyes widen to unbelievable proportion once i see who's at my door. He also looks stun. I come out of the house and lock the door. "are you following me?!" he asks and i laugh. "why would i follow you to my own house?. It seems to me that i am the one being followed" "your house?. Isn't this pastor Solomon's house?" "how do you know my dad?" "your dad?!" his eyes goes so wide and i fear that it may pop out of their sockets. "antonia" i hear my mom's voice and i jump in fright. As i jump, i clash into my boss and he holds my hips from behind to steady me. I freeze and look to my dad who's watching the both of us. His hands start to caress my hip and i sag against me. He feels comfortable which is weird as i barely know him. I have never felt this kind of connection with kacy. I look behind me and my eyes lock with his for a moment. "what is the meaning of this?!" my father bellows and snaps me out of my daze. I step away from my boss. "um, dad" i say and nothing else comes out "who is this young man and why does he have his hands all over my daughter?" "he is no one" i say but my boss steps in front of me "i am her boss" he says and stretches his hand to my dad for an handshake. My dad just looks at his outstretched hand dubiously. My mother takes the hand though. "wow. You are really young to be a boss already. That's how young men should be." my mom turns to me."Antonia why didn't you take him into the house? Where are your manners?. Come in my son. I am sure antonia has something prepared" i watch with my mouth open as my mom hook her hands in his arm and they walk majestically towards the house. I look towards my dad and he just shrugs and walks behind them. Am i the only one who finds this situation awkward?. When they get to the door, my boss unhooks his hand and open the door for my mom while grinning at her. "your majesty" he says and spreads his hand towards the door. I see my mom blush as she walks pass and pat him on the shoulder. The door is still held open as my dad walks through. The jerk has my parents fooled. They must think he is a perfect gentleman. I expect him to lock the door on my face but he holds the door till i enter before he closes it. I feel him beside me but i don't pay him any attention. "we have to talk" "about what?. Didn't you say you didn't want to see me again?" "am sorry about yesterday. I realise that i was too harsh. Could you just please hear me out?" "i don't want to" i say and walk away from him. The next half hour is just plain weird. My mom fuss around him during break-fast. It's fun to watch him interact with my 16 years old brother though. They talk sports and game. My brother is just so impressed by him. I can tell by the way he hangs unto every word that comes out of my boss' mouth. He even makes my dad laugh when he talks about his 11 months old little niece who during a sermon, shouted the pastor's name. I ignore him throughout the meal and concentrated on my foot which i was just picking at. The sight of him interacting comfortably with my family was not good for my appetite. If only they knew who he was and what the both of them had done. After everybody was done with their food, i stand up and start clearing the table. "that was delicious" he says as i pack his plate. I don't answer him but my mom does. "antonia is a very good cook. She is always experimenting in the kitchen. She'll make a great wife don't you think?" she says to him and i know what she's trying to do already. "yes, she will" he affirms "too bad, her talents would go to waste on that no-good fiance of hers" "mother!" i scream "i told you, i don't like him" "well i am an adult and i can make decisions on my own" "do you even know what he does for a living?" "he said he's an importer" "of what exactly?. I don't trust him. He always has this calculating look in his eyes"i go to say something but my boss clears his throat and i remember that he's still here. My dad and brother just look everywhere except at us ****************** Thanks for the comments reading them give me joy. More comments please and also don't forget to click on the like button
23 Sep 2018 | 06:46
like seriously u go to far
23 Sep 2018 | 13:32
Definitely seeing u with that guy now
23 Sep 2018 | 13:34
kacy is the one who planned. the drugged. incident to get ride of u
23 Sep 2018 | 13:35
Hit us
23 Sep 2018 | 13:46
I know you will end up in your boss hand
23 Sep 2018 | 14:29
Hmmm u guys meet again abi, maybe it I'll be for good this time
23 Sep 2018 | 15:20
Still following...
23 Sep 2018 | 17:04
Love knocking on u both
23 Sep 2018 | 17:34
23 Sep 2018 | 19:04
Cynthia and ur Kasey have been fooling u Tonia
24 Sep 2018 | 06:24
Antonia is that girl that was his friend in that hospital...their meetings so far has been an unexpected meeting or the other
24 Sep 2018 | 07:36
They have got something 4 each other...but their complicated meetings made it look like another thing
24 Sep 2018 | 07:40
Toni wasn't the type of girl that anyone should just come and remember something and insult anyhow with his problems
24 Sep 2018 | 07:45
Steven went too far with his thought and attitude about that sext scene...maybe his family things were pulling him
24 Sep 2018 | 07:49
Steve has come to recognise his errors...there was his apology to her...Tonia has come to know something about this guy
24 Sep 2018 | 07:56
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 7 Steven: okay, this is totally weird. I cant believe this cute little gold digger is actually pastor solomon's daughter. Well, it has always been said that the pastor's children are usually the worst. Her family is so nice. Having breakfast together and chatting amicably is not something that happens in my family. We hardly eat together and when we do, its a business dinner or something. I interact with them and i cant help but feel welcome, which is the complete opposite of what i feel when i am with my family. Ever since i was given to my father after the accident eight years ago when my mother was locked up in a psychiatric hospital, i have never felt at home, anywhere. I have never felt loved by My father who is a tough man who doesn't show affection. His wife hates me, probably because i am the product of her husband's first marriage and so does her son, James. I am on speaking terms with her two daughters but they are both married now so that sums up my family. Sitting here with Antonia's mother fussing around me almost brings tears to my eyes. I miss having a mother. I wonder what hospital, my dad is hiding my mother. No matter the fondness i feel for antonia's family, i still need their land. That land automatically makes me lord over my dad's empire, giving me the power to free my mother and i have gotten the perfect plan to get it. From the conversation i am hearing, antonia's mother doesn't like her fiance. He's probably the guy i punched yesterday. I cant believe he walked away even when he saw his fiance running away and another pursuing her. Well, this gives me the opportunity to engage my plan. Thankfully, pastor Solomon has never seen me. He has never agreed to meet with me and now, it will play to my advantage. Antonia and her mother's argument gets heated and i clear my throat to interrupt them. "excuse me ma'am but i have a meeting in an hour and i have to talk to antonia before i leave. Do you mind if we go out to the eatery across the street to talk?" i ask "yes!" "no" antonia and her mother answer at the same time. "you can take her, my son" Mrs Solomon says then give her daughter a hard look. "stop being rude to your boss and hear him out. Its about work right?" her dad says "ofcourse dad. What else could it be about?"antonia asks defensively. Her reactions is going to make them suspect something is up. I am sure they don't know about their daughter's immorality. "i just need her to say yes to an important request of mine" i say "oh, she'll say yes" Mrs Solomon puts in and i laugh. Antonia just narrow her eyes at me. "let's go?" i say and stretch my hand toward her for her to take but she just drop the plates she was carrying and walk ahead of me. "make sure you say yes darling!" her mother calls from behind us. I smirk to myself. She may be joking but what she doesn't know is that her joke isn't far from the truth. Antonia and i walk in silence until we reach the eatery where we sit at a table at the back. I watch antonia for a while thinking of a way to go about this. I hear the eatery's door open and close, then i notice antonia's eyes go wide. I turn towards the door and see a guy and a very pregnant lady walk to a table. The guy is very attentive to the lady as he helps her sit and kiss her cheeks lovingly. Why is antonia so fixated on them, i wonder. The guy walks around to the chair opposite his pregnant wife or girlfriend and now that he is sitting, i see his face fully. This is the same guy that was with antonia yesterday. Oh no. If he is her fiance then this is bad. The guy and his pregnant companion doesn't notice us due to where we are seated. I turn to look back at antonia and notice her eyes are shiny with unshed tears. As soon as she sees me looking at her, she sniff back her tears and smile at me but i am not fooled because antonia wouldn't normally smile at me. She is just trying to mask her pain from me. I go to say something, i don't even know what but i stop when the waiter brings us two glasses of water and the menu. Antonia thank the waiter and pick her glass of water. "What do you want from me?" she asks as she tip the glass to her mouth. Well, if she doesn't want to beat around the bush, i wouldn't either. I look straight into her beautiful eyes. Okay, stop. Where did that come from?. I just need her for her land and she probably needs me for money so no more thinking of how beautiful her eyes are. I shake my head to clear my jumbled thought. "i want you to marry me" i drop the bomb and watch as antonia spit out the water she was drinking all over my face.
24 Sep 2018 | 10:53
Tonia has got love already in her heart...she doesn't want this to happen this way...seeing that fiancé like that makes him the number one suspect
24 Sep 2018 | 12:59
There's this thing about this fiancé of her...his attitude is kinda careless about this love...i heard him saying something to the other girl
24 Sep 2018 | 13:05
Tonia's mom really like this guy...he looks like the type that can be a nice in-law...he came and then became family friend like boss
24 Sep 2018 | 13:11
Steven is saying something different from what he's supposed to will much better if there's pepper in that water
24 Sep 2018 | 13:15
Just a little pepper like that of soup...just a 30 seconds pain of pepper to clear his eyes a little...who does that?...huh...even huh can't do this
24 Sep 2018 | 13:20
What???? Has it gotten to DAT? Marry??? What is guy up to,I hope he doesn't later fall in luv with her oo!!!
24 Sep 2018 | 18:40
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 8 Toni: "wh--at?!. You're kidding right?. Am i on candid camera?. Is this a prank?" i sputter out as soon as i wipe the water that landed on my chin. There's water on my boss' face but i ignore the funny sight. I am still reeling from the fact that my fiance is sitting just few feets from me with a pregnant woman. I have been trying to convince myself that there is a perfect explanation for it. She may possibly be his sister but i don't remember kacy, mentioning any sister. My head is just about to explode with these conflicting thoughts and now my boss' has dropped a bigger bomb. I would have walked out of this place but i don't want kacy to see me. Confronting him in public is too embarrassing. I look around for a way of escape. "you don't have to be too happy about it. Just say yes so we can start the preparation" my boss says and i stop my searching and look straight at him. "are you serious? Like serious, serious?" "i am dead serious. I have been looking for a wife and now i choose you" i cant help it and i laugh. A full belly laugh. Who is this clown? "for your information, Mr--" "Steven" he says and i laugh "don't you see the absurdity of your words?. Are you sure you are not drunk or something. I didn't even know your name and you expect me to say yes?." "isn't this what you want?. Money and fame?. I'll give you al that. Just say yes"what is he saying? "let's say i believe you. So why me?. Why did you choose me?. You don't expect me to believe that you magically fell in love with me within the few minutes it took us to get here." "ofcourse i am not in love with you. This will be purely business. We stay married for a year or two then we divorce and i compensate you with the sum of 10million naira."he says this grinning, probably thinking that the money would persuade me. Not in this life!. I see kacy leave with the pregnant woman and i sigh in relief. Now, i can leave this clown. I stand up from my chair and smirk at him. "For your information, even if you're the last man on this earth, I'll just become a nun." i say and i hear him scoff as i walk out on him. As soon as i open the eatery's door, cameras flash on my face. I raise my hand to shield my eyes. What's going on?. "someone just tipped us that our most eligible bachelor is here with his fiance. Are you the one?" one reporter shout at me. "how long have you guys been dating?" another says "when is the wedding and where?" "we just saw you guys having an intimate breakfast. Give us something. We have been looking for his mystery woman." i just stand dumbfounded. The cameras keep flashing and i think i am going blind with the light. I want to move away from them but it seems my legs are rooted to the ground. My eyes prick with tears and i wonder what i am crying for. There's just too much happening to me right now. I've lost my virginity and my job in just few weeks. The man i am going to be marrying few weeks from now may have another woman. A pregnant one for that matter. I didn't cry after losing my virginity and my job and it must be catching up with me now. This is a nightmare. I am going to fall apart in front of the media. I grab my head in frustration and scream. One of the reporters shakes me and i feel myself falling to the ground but i don't fall. I feel strong hands around me, holding me up. I don't open my eyes to see who it is. I know its Steven. I wrap my legs around his hips and bury my head in his neck. I can hear the cameras flashing and the reporters excited mumu but i don't let him go. His scent settles me. "take me out of here" i whisper into his neck and he starts moving, with me wrapped around him. "get away from her" i hear him yell as he starts moving faster. I hear him hail a cab. "you have to let go of me so we can get into the cab" he whispers to me. I hang unto him for a while before i stand on my feet. My legs feel like jelly and he helps me into the cab. About fifteen minutes later, i put myself together. "stop the cab" i say and the car slows to a stop. I open the door and wipe my eyes. "am sorry, antonia" Steven says and holds my hand. "get your hands off me" i say and remove my hand from his. "i hope this is the last time we meet" i say as soon as i am out of the car. I close the door. I hear the car roar away and my heart sinks which is ridiculous. He is nothing but trouble. Just few encounters with him and i feel my heart getting involved. Falling in love with him wouldn't end well. My parents must be worried about me. Thank God i retrieved my sim-card yesterday after i got fired. I bring my phone out to call them and i notice a message from an unknown number. 'stay away from kacy. he is my husband. This is for your own good." oh no! bile rise in my throat and I run into the bush and vomit violently.
25 Sep 2018 | 13:39
26 Sep 2018 | 06:00
26 Sep 2018 | 06:25
26 Sep 2018 | 07:21
26 Sep 2018 | 08:17
Multiple complications
26 Sep 2018 | 11:56
Pregnancy on d way
26 Sep 2018 | 14:24
26 Sep 2018 | 14:31
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 9 Okay guys, some of you are confused about the characters. Toni is antonia, the heroine of the story. Kacy is her fiance and Steven is the hero of this story. Narrator: angelica tap her feet nervously on the ground. She look around the eatery where she told antonia to meet her. No one seems to be watching her. She pick the glass of water on the table and the water splashes on her hand due to the tremor of her hands. If she gets caught talking to antonia, she'll definitely be in trouble. She look down at the phone in her hand. Its 11:31, thirty minutes past the time antonia was supposed to be here. What could be keeping her?. Angelica thought out loud. Ten minutes later, antonia is still absent and angelica's nerves are closer to snapping point. She notice a man in black clothing observing her from across the eatery and that's when she knew she had to leave. She bring her phone out and type a message for antonia. Antonia, you have to be careful and beware of your friend, Cynthia. I cant say much now but you should know that my husband was hired to marry you so he could get your--' she doesn't finish her message as she's grabbed from behind and dragged out of the desolate eatery. She screams but There's no one around except the creepy waiter who has already been paid off. Angelica's phone fall of her hand and her half finish message gets saved as draft. Toni: After contemplating for an hour on if i should meet with kacy's wife, i decide to go. I board a taxi which takes me to the secluded eatery is told me to meet her. I am about an hour late but i hope she's still inside. The taxi drop me off in front of the eatery and i am about to go in when a state of nausea hits me. I hurry to the nearest corner and puke my guts out. I thought these vomiting was because i have the flu but its been two weeks and it hasn't stop. Infact, it has gotten worse. I was supposed to get my period last week but its still in nowhere land. The possibility of me being pregnant is becoming more of a reality. I need to buy some pregnancy tests, just to put my mind at ease. Ok, note to self; buy some pregnancy test kits on your way back home. I wipe my sweaty brow and my mouth then turn around when i hear a car. I see a pregnant woman being carried into the car. The pregnant woman seem to be sleeping. Isn't that the woman with kacy at the eatery the other day?. I start walking towards them to know what's up but then another wave of nausea hits me and i rush back to the corner to vomit. I see the car drive away in my peripheral vision. After wiping my mouth again, i decide to check inside the eatery to make sure kacy's wife is really gone. The eatery is completely empty when i walk in, except for a waiter. I wonder why she was carried out of here. Well i don't want anything to do with kacy anymore. Our wedding is supposed to be two weeks from now but i still haven't told my parents that he is a married man. I just don't know where to start. I turn to leave the eatery and i Clash with the waiter. My bag falls off my shoulder and all its contents scatter everywhere. The waiter doesn't even apologize. He just walks away. Jerk! I mutter under my breathe. I bend down and pack everything from the floor without looking at what i am packing. My attention is just on the jerk of a waiter who just stare at me. This place is starting to give me the chills so i pick up my bag and hurry out. I don't find a taxi around here so i walk for a little distance before i start seeing cars. I wonder why kacy's wife suggested that we meet here. I haven't even heard of this eatery before now. If not for her good description, i probably wouldnt have been able to find it. I quickly board a taxi. On my way home, i stop at a chemist and purchase six different brands of pregnancy tests just to make sure there's no mistake. As soon as i get home, i lock my self in the toilet, then pee on the sticks. During minute i wait, i pray silently that it should be negative. I cannot be a single mother. I don't even have a job right now and my parent's name would be dragged to the mud. Nothing good can come out of my being pregnant. Oh lord pls, don't let me be pregnant. I have gone through alot this month, i don't want more tribulation. Its been more than a minute but i cant bring myself to check. Ok be brave toni, you are probably not pregnant. I steel myself and check the tests. All six of them indicate that i am pregnant. Oh no! I sit on the floor and sob. After about an hour of crying on the toilet floor, i walk numbly to my room. I have to think of a way to resolve this. Having an abortion is not an option. The only option is to marry the father. I just hope that ridiculous deal of his still stands. During our one year of a sham marriage, i will make sure he falls in love with me and our baby. I won't let him know about my pregnancy yet. He probably won't believe me. I'll tell him after we get married and when i am sure that he wants us. Yes, that what I'll do. I place my hand on my still flat tummy. "don't worry sweedy, mommy would make sure your daddy accepts you" i search my bag for my phone then take it out. My boss' number is probably in the hotel card. I search in my bag for the card and i find it,I also touch something like a phone and when i bring it out, its not mine. Its broken. I must have picked it up from the eatery's floor. The phone doesn't even turn on. The owner must have thrown it away. I take the phone to the kitchen to dispose of it but my brother takes it from me. He probably wants to use it for his many experiments. My brother is kindof crazy about stuffs like this. As soon as my brother leave the kitchen, i dial Steven's number. "hello" his deep voice says "will you marry me?" i ask and the line goes silent. . . Gbagam!! What do u think would be her reply? Drop ur comment now
26 Sep 2018 | 23:09
27 Sep 2018 | 00:35
His reply will be whatever his heart proposed
27 Sep 2018 | 00:38
27 Sep 2018 | 00:39
That's the reason she made the call so the answer is yes
27 Sep 2018 | 11:34
Hmm, let see
27 Sep 2018 | 13:22
Na wow ,but he wanted it b4 na
27 Sep 2018 | 14:19
Hmmm ,next plss
27 Sep 2018 | 14:20
next pls
27 Sep 2018 | 17:09
I hope your brother repairs that phone o because it has useful info
27 Sep 2018 | 18:35
27 Sep 2018 | 19:33
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 10 Toni: "are you still there?" i ask when the line is silent for too long "umm yea, you took me by surprise that's all. Lets meet at the address I'll send you, to discuss the details." "okay" i say and the line goes dead. Ok, this is it. My baby isn't really the only reason why i am agreeing to marrying Steven. I feel the chemistry between us and i want to explore it. If my plans to capture his heart doesn't go well, the 10million I'll get at the end will help me start a new life. I might open my dream restaurant. I close my eyes for a while and pray for the best. "so what made you change your mind?" Stevens asks. We are in a small cozy restaurant at the end of my street. The place is dimly lit and our table has two pink candles casting a romantic feel to our table. I wonder why he chose this restaurant. Anyone looking at us would think we are too lovers, hopelessly in love with each other. They wouldn't be able to fathom the kind of situation we are in right now. "marrying you would be an adventure i cant miss" i say nonchalantly and shrug my shoulders. "an adventure" he muses. I have to be more convincing. I cant let him think i have an ulterior motive. He will surely doubt me if i come straight out and tell him i am pregnant for him. He already thinks i am a gold-digger. "10million naira is alot of money" i say as a way of explanation. His face falls for a sec then he smiles. "then its a deal?. Marry me for a year and walk away with 10million naira?" "i have some rules I'll like to enforce during our sham marriage" i say and steven's brow rise. "go on" "before our marriage, you buy a house and i get the house after our marriage" he raises his brows at me then gesture for me to continue. "during our one year of marriage, there would be no sex between us" i continue "i have no problem with that" "no infidelity" "i can do that" "if anything happens, say you find out something you don't like and it breaks the marriage before the completion of the year, i still get my money" "what could that be?" "just promise" "okay i promise. I have my rules too." "i am listening" "k, we have to behave like we are in love in public and in front of my family."he says and i nod at him. I can do that "and by pretend, i mean holding hands, smiling at each other and kissing if necessary" okay, that could work in my advantage. "what else?" i ask "we have to sleep in the same bed" "but i said no se-"i say and he cuts me off "its just for appearance. The maids could leak somethings to the press" "then we live alone. No maids" "even if there are no maids, we could have a surprise visitor" "okay fine!" i say and pout at him and he laughs "you were not against the idea of sex with me when you sneaked into my room last month" he mumurs but i ignore him. "so, are you ready?" he asks as he goes down on one knee then bring out a ring from his pocket. Its beautiful. "antonia, love of my life, do me the honour and marry me. I promise to love you till i die" he says. This may be ake but my heart is beating ten to the dozen. My hands are even shaking in nervousness. "yes baby, I'll marry you" i say and stretch my left hand towards him and he puts the ring on finger then kisses it. This does ridiculous things to my heart. I don't remember feeling this way when Kacy proposed. The lying cheat. His stupid ring is lying at the bottom of my wardrobe. I cant believe i fell for him. I was so naive that i didn't see any signs that he was married. I push thoughts of kacy out of my mind as Steven stands upright and hold my waist. He stares into my eyes with a strange expression on his face. His head starts moving towards me and i realise that he is going to kiss me. His scent saturates my senses and my eyes flutter close. As soon as his lips brush mine in a light caress, it feels like electricity is passing from his lips to mine. I feel Steven stiffen and his hand on my waist goes tighter like he felt the same. His kiss intensifies but then he stops suddenly. I groan my disappointment then open my eyes when i hear flashes. The press are here and they are taking pictures. He must have alerted them. No wonder he chose this restaurant with a romantic setting. I had thought the kiss was real. He was probably acting for the camera. Steven pulls me to his side and kiss my temple then whisper in my ears. "that was amazing" and i blush "i should have known that you are a great actress. I think we have them fooled"he says and my heart sinks.I smile on the outside as our pictures get taken. An hour later, i am at home. I sit on the sofa and ponder how i am going to break the news of kacy's betrayal and my new engagement to my family.My brother is beside me surfing through the tv. I see kacy's picture on a new channel and ask him to stop. "he was found hanging from his ceiling fan few hours after his pregnant wife was found dead." the reporter says. "Jesus!"i shout and my mom and dad come out of their room to inspect the noise. I hear my brother tell them about the news. "i knew something was up with that young man. Thank God you haven't married him."my mom says to me but i just think about kacy's wife.She was probably getting kidnapped when i saw her. "what is the meaning of this?!"my dad yells and point to the tv.I look at the tv and behold its me and Steven with his hands around my waist. The headline reads: most eligible bachelor getting married. Oh no. "surprise" i say and grimace. "you are getting married?. To your boss? How? when?" "i love him dad" i half-lie "when did you meet him that you are already in love with him?! I would not be a party to this. This was how you rushed into courtship with kacy and now see what it turned into." "dad, i am old enough to know what i want. I am marrying Steven and that's final" "toni! Listen to your father!" "mom, i thought you like him" "i do, but this is too sudden" "i am marrying Steven next month so dad, mom, you better accept it or you'll lose a daughter" i say and walk to my room.
28 Sep 2018 | 02:05
u guys love your self
28 Sep 2018 | 03:52
why can't u just tell Steven dat u are carrying his child... and Ur broda has not even checked d fone u gave him
28 Sep 2018 | 04:55
kacy hang himself hmmm something is behind it
28 Sep 2018 | 11:35
You guys can pretend all you can, the real love will surface before the end of the contract
28 Sep 2018 | 12:45
Why did Kacy hang himself na. And what experiment did your bro do with the Phone?
28 Sep 2018 | 12:47
To me ooo, telling him u are pregnant for him is not a bad idea
28 Sep 2018 | 14:14
You guys love each other
28 Sep 2018 | 14:32
Tonia has got no other option but to marry him...the proposal started like a movie and now in the news like a surprise
28 Sep 2018 | 15:09
Beside the one they started before in the hospital,they began this one with unexpected sex without protection...
28 Sep 2018 | 15:15
She's pregnant...things happening so fast in her life...the news about kacy's tragedy,maybe his evil things came upon him
28 Sep 2018 | 15:22
Kacy's wife has got an important information 4 antonia before that...there must be something like war going on somewhere that brought this tragedy
28 Sep 2018 | 15:29
It's gonna be a top's already a top proposal...there are few possibilities that they will totally fall in love during the deal
28 Sep 2018 | 15:38
Perfect. Ride on
28 Sep 2018 | 16:45
Perfect. Let Ride On
28 Sep 2018 | 16:49
Alright.... Feeling the love growing amongst you folks
29 Sep 2018 | 02:50
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 11 Steven: Today has been bizarre. I had woken up thinking about antonia just like every other day since the day i met her. I was pondering if maybe she wasn't a gold-digger like a thought. Maybe she was really drunk like me that night. I had dialed her number which i collected from her friend who worked here several times without calling her. What would i say to her?. The last time we met, she said she never wanted to see me again. I knew that She wouldn't be so happy about my call. I had forced myself to concentrate on work until my lawyer called me. I had asked him to check if antonia had any claim on the land my dad desperately wants. "what have you found out?"i had asked without any greetings. I was anxious to know "miss antonia's name is on the land's deed just like you thought" he said in his gravely voice. "so, give me legal advice. If i am to get married to antonia, how much claim would i have on the land?" "legally, you would have no claims at all sir because that land was hers before your marriage. It wouldn't be marital property" "so there's no way my marriage to her would get me her land?" "no, except she willingly gives it to you or you could make her sign away her rights to you without her knowledge" i know she wouldn't willingly give the land to me but would i be able to deceive her like that?. I was still thinking about my next course of action when my phone rang in my hands. As soon as i saw antonia's name, my heart leapt and i became as giddy as a teenage boy with a crush. That was when i knew that i couldn't deceive her like that and that this feelings i have for her was more than just attraction. I never expected her to accept my wedding proposal though. What could be her reason?. Now that i know that our marriage wouldn't get me her land, there's no need to get married right? But when i saw her waiting for me in the cozy restaurant i chose, looking so beautiful and innocent in her black maxi dress, i proposed. Not for her land or for my father. I just proposed. I didn't expect the restaurant to have a romantic feel but it was perfect with the candles making our dinner romantic. When she accepted, i couldn't help but kiss her. It started out like an innocent kiss but the chemistry between us ignited and i just wanted to taste her more. Our moment was spoiled when the media made their entrance though. Antonia had groaned like she Didnt want our kiss to end, making me wonder if she felt the same way i did. I wonder who called them. After the media left, antonia and i agreed to get married next month. She seems to be in a hurry to get married. She may have other agendas for this marriage but i intend to make her love me before our 1 year ends. I want to wake up every morning of my life to her sweet smiling face. I want to be a part of her family that makes me feel welcome. I just have to make sure she is not a gold-digger. I still cant fall for another Jane. When i get to my suite, i call my private investigator to find out Everything he can on antonia especially about her social life and the guys she have dated before now. After talking with my p.i, i turn on the news channel. Nothing interesting is on but then i see antonia's fiance on the news. I turn the volume up and i am shocked to hear that he is dead and that he had a pregnant wife. Weren't they supposed to get married this month?. I cant believe the bastard deceived my antonia. Or could it be that antonia knew he was married but just wanted money. No, she looked shocked when she saw him with the pregnant lady two weeks ago. The dead fiance doesn't seem rich either. Could this be the reason why antonia changed her mind?. I am still pondering this when my phone ring in my hands. Its antonia! "hello" i say trying to make my voice seem detached when all i want to cuddle her and console her. "Steven, my parents just saw our engagement on tv. Everything is in chaos right now. They say its too soon" she says "we could try to convince them. Maybe we should push the wedding back to two or three months from now" "no!. I want the wedding now!. I mean, i want it to be soon" why is she in a hurry? "why do you want it soon?" i ask because i need to know if this is about money. "umm. I want it now so that umm. So i wouldn't lose my nerve. Yes, so i won't change my mind" she says. She is definitely hiding something. "then what do we do? How can we change their mind?" "well, i don't know. Think of something" an idea hits me. This is the perfect opportunity to put my plans of making her love me, into action. "i am not sure, you would like my idea" i say nonchalantly "what is it?" "we have to elope. Lets leave the country. Get married in Paris, maybe. That should convince them?" i expect her to refuse or even back out of our marriage. "yes!. Why didn't i think of that?. When do we elope?" she asks and i am stunned. "umm tomorrow morning. But i want you to pack some necessities. I'll pick you at your house in an hour. Do you have a passport?" "no. I have never travelled out of the country" "that would delay us a bit but for now, you'll live with me before your passport is processed. Can you do this?" again i expect her to say a resounding no but she surprise me. "yes, i can. Make sure you park your car some distance from my house so you wouldn't alert my parents. Call me when you get here and I'll sneak out" "alright, take care" i say and the line goes dead. Looks like we are going to Paris! who is coming with us?
29 Sep 2018 | 03:23
Buying my ticket to Paris already
29 Sep 2018 | 11:22
Without the approval of your parents, is that one marriage
29 Sep 2018 | 11:33
okay road to Paris
29 Sep 2018 | 11:56
going to Paris is not a problem,,, I Hav my passport ready,,, just process my visa for me,,, I need to catch my friend that eloped to Paris wit my money
29 Sep 2018 | 12:34
Ayam coming
29 Sep 2018 | 14:15
Despiration... D truth will soon be out
29 Sep 2018 | 15:44
Let me see...
29 Sep 2018 | 16:17
On my way to the passport office now
29 Sep 2018 | 16:57
Are Dis guys aware of what dey r trying to do? I can see conflict of interests playing a major role,let's see if luv can win den!!!
29 Sep 2018 | 19:04
I would like to go to Paris with you guys... Hahahahahahaha who no like better thing;; lol
30 Sep 2018 | 02:17
The story is getting more interesting. You guys have the same thing in mind without knowing
30 Sep 2018 | 02:19
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 12 Toni: WOW,we are going to Paris!Okay, i never expected this turn of event but its perfect.Paris, the city of love is the perfect place to entice Steven and if we are already married, my parents would have no other choice but to trust me and accept the marriage. Waiting to convince my parents would have been the best option but how long would it take? I want this as soon as possible, before my pregnancy starts showing. Steven would be here soon so, i need to start packing. I bring my small suitcase down from the top of my wardrobe and something falls with it. I bend down and see that its a bracelet.The goodluck charm i was given eight years ago in the hospital when my brother was admitted.I remember this bracelet for years after that.The only time i didn't wear it was during my 2months coma. When i woke up, the only thing i remembered for a week was that boy and this bracelet. He was kind of my first love. I took this bracelet off three years ago when kacy and i started courtship. What a waste. Maybe that's the reason why such badluck has been following me. Right now, i need all the luck i can get so i put the bracelet on again then, i continue with my packing. An hour later, my phone starts ringing and when i see that its Steven, i double check that i have everything I'll need, then sneak out of the house. We are now at steven's suite. Thankfully, i was able to sneak out without my parents notice. I wrote a note telling them that i am eloping and left it on my bed for them to find tomorrow morning. I don't want to make them worry but i have to do this for my baby and for myself. Steven takes my suitcase inside to his room and that's when i realise that we will probably have to sleep in the same room tonight. I sit awkwardly on the sofa and wait for him. He comes out minute later with his jacket and tie gone and his sleeves rolled to his elbow, showcasing muscular fore arms. He looks so good i could eat him. Wait, where did that thought come from?. I shake my head at my thinking. He looks so casual right now and i don't think i have seen him in anything other than his suits except that night that brought us together. The suits fits him perfectly but kindof make him seem distant. Right now he looks comfortable and approachable. "i have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?"he says as soon as he sits on the same sofa that i am seated. His knees brush my legs and i gulp down air. He looks at me with raised eyebrows and i clear my suddenly parched throat. "sorry, wha-t were you saying?" i ask him and he smiles like he knows how much he affects me. "i said i have goodnews and badnews. Which do you want to hear first?" "oh, the badnews" "ok. I did some research and found out that we cant get married in Paris immediately. It would take too long because they have alot of legalities for foreigners" oh. I cant wait "oh,what's the goodnews?" "i have a better idea. We should still go to Paris and have a fake wedding. We will dress the part then take pictures and send to the media here in Nigeria. This way your parents would think we are married and when they give their consent, we would get married the proper way here in Nigeria"he says "why do you have to come up with all the good plans?. I should have thought of that" i say and he laughs. A full belly laugh with thinking eyes. His laugh is doing crazy thing to my heart. Right now, he doesn't look like a business tycoon that i cant reach. He looks so care-free and the fact that i had a hand in it makes me swell with pride. "i cant help it love, i am an evil genius"he says after he stops laughing and grin at me showcasing the dimple on his left cheek. I really wish i could lick that damn tempting dimple. I shake my head again at my x-rated thoughts. What is happening to me? 'Steven is happening to you'my inner mind says and i laugh. "what's funny now?" he asks me "oh nothing. When do we leave?" "three days from now. I just need some of your documents" "wow, that's fast. I thought it took weeks or even months" "with money, everything is possible, love" he says. Wow!. That's the second time he's calling me love. What's the reason for his warm attitude towards me?. Maybe he is just acting. But we are alone so who is he acting for?. Well, i don't care. I love how it makes me feel. Awkward silence descend upon us after awhile. I wonder what our sleeping arrangement would be tonight. Steven clears his throat then grab the remote and start channel surfing.He stops at mbc2 and my eyes bulge when i see the kiss scene they are on.AWKWARD!. Steven quickly change the channel and Nat geo wild comes on showing two monkeys mating. I start coughing and stand up as i run away from the sitting room. "am off to bed!"i say and i hear him stifling his laughter. I turn and toss in bed for an hour then i hear the door open,i close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I feel Steven get into bed with me. He drags me to him with my back to his chest and we fall asleep like this..
30 Sep 2018 | 02:41
let's go to Paris
30 Sep 2018 | 03:48
Okay oo
30 Sep 2018 | 10:28
The real chemistry is about yo occur
30 Sep 2018 | 14:35
But you guys are funny o
30 Sep 2018 | 14:40
funny episode
30 Sep 2018 | 15:13
OK,,, but I stil want to know sometin oooo,,, why is it dat Steven doesn't know dat he was d one dat deflowered dis Antonia now
30 Sep 2018 | 15:20
Paris all the way... Bam
30 Sep 2018 | 16:02
30 Sep 2018 | 16:46
loving it very, very well ,next plsss
30 Sep 2018 | 17:49
Paris,here we come!!!
30 Sep 2018 | 20:12
1 Oct 2018 | 12:55
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 13 Toni: i wake up the next morning still in steven's arms.His left hand is on my waist and my head is now on his firm chest. He's so warm. I press my cheek to his hard chest and sigh contentedly. Last night, i slept like a baby. Who knew someone so hard would be so comfortable. He looks so young and care-free as he seems. His features are relaxed making him look super handsome. I use this opportunity that he is asleep to admire his features. His chisel jaw, his small-ish nose, his eye lashes. Wow, his eyelashes are longer than mine. Its that kind that girl's would give for. My eyes move to his perfect lips. Lips that has been on me several times. Oh the man can kiss. I don't have many experience but i know a good kissed when i kiss one. 'He must have alot of experience with other ladies' my subconscious tells me and i shut down that thought. The thought of Steven with other women just makes me red with jealousy. Wow, now i am even being possessive. What is Steven doing to me?.I use my finger and trace his bottom lip. He mumbles in his sleep and i freeze. Okay, i have to get up and cook breakfast. Five more minutes won't hurt. Get up lazy bones you have to cook for your man, i chastise myself. I reluctantly drag my body out of bed. Steven groans in his sleep and his hand moves on the bed as if searching for me. I stand silently so he wouldn't wake up. Its still too early. Wait a minute, i look down at my self. Why am i in my nightie? I don't remember putting it on last night. No no no. Steven must have undressed me. I am normally a light sleeper. How come i didn't wake up?. I shake my head at my self then tip toe to the sitting room. I search the mini- fridge and i don't find anything i can cook with. He must survive only on the home's food. I go back into the room and throw some clothes on. I have to go to the market and purchase some things i'll need. I hurry through the mall beside the hotel and purchase everything i need. I have to hurry before Steven wakes up. I am rushing out of the elevator when i barge into a hard body. My purchases scatter everywhere. "am so sorry" i say and bend to gather my pack of groceries. The stranger bends too and helps me. "thank you" i say and stretch my hands to retrieve my things from him but he doesn't give them to me. "let me help you. The bag is torn so, you cant carry all this on your own and it seems i am going your way" he says and smiles at me and a cold shiver runs through my spine. I don't know why but the air just freeze over as soon as i look into his eyes. This guy just gives me the chills. Its not that he's ugly. No, actually he is very goodlooking but there's something cold about how he smiles. I wave my hand at him to indicate that i don't want to bother him and his eyes fix on engagement ring. I snap my hand down and his eyes narrow. "come on. Let's get your groceries off the floor" i just want to get this over and done with so i just nod and allow him help me. We pick the groceries we can savour then we walk towards steven's room. As soon as we get to the door, i stretch my hand to relieve him of my things but he shakes his head and motion for me to open the door. I am about to say something when the door bursts open and Steven comes out. "oh my God antonia, where have you been? You got me worried. I thought you changed your mind and left me" he says as he hugs me and the groceries i am holding. Wow, i never knew he cared this much. "i am sorry, i just rushed out to get some groceries. I would have been here sooner but my grocery bag tore up and i had to gather them from the floor.Thankfully this man helped me" i say, pointing to the stranger and that's when Steven notices him. The stranger grins crookedly at Steven and his breath hitch.Steven drags me behind him. "get inside toni"he grinds out. Okay, what's going on, i wonder. I am being shoved inside by Steven when the man speaks. "hey brother, you don't have to hide her from me"i hear him say and Steven stiffen and stop but doesn't look at him.Brother?. "is this Jane's replacement?. Wow brother you are fast. How long as it been since you broke up with your fiance?.Two weeks? Three?. I must say, this one is really stunning though but why did you have to give her jane's ring?" i gasp at this information and i start to slow walk away from Steven.what? He had a fiance?. A tear falls down my eye and Steven groans.Steven who has been silent snaps and rushes to his brother and seize his collar. His brother doesn't seem fazed by this . No, he is actually smiling. "go ahead brother, show her how violent you can be" he says. Steven raises his fist to punch him. "stop!"i scream.Steven who's seething in anger turns to me and i shake my head for him to stop. He seems to be calming down but his face goes pale as i slump on the ground.He leaves his brother and rushes to me. "baby are you okay?.Please let me explain"i cover my mouth with my hand as a wave of nausea hits me and i dash into the suite with steven behind me.. . . To be continued.
1 Oct 2018 | 17:57
2 Oct 2018 | 02:25
hmmm busted
2 Oct 2018 | 03:23
You'll have to explain well
2 Oct 2018 | 08:06
hmm kasala don burst
2 Oct 2018 | 09:45
Hmmm......i feel ur little is abt 2 bust open
2 Oct 2018 | 10:46
Alright... Go on
2 Oct 2018 | 13:50
why naa
2 Oct 2018 | 20:56
okay let's go there
2 Oct 2018 | 20:56
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 14 Steven: "antonia!" i yell and run inside my suite. I don't forget to slam the door on James' face before i continue my chase. I expect to find antonia in the room packing her belongings but i see her sitting on the toilet floor with her face in the toilet. I rush to her side and help her arrange her hair to her side to avoid its falling into the toilet. Her body shakes with violent heave and i pat her back. "go away" antonia says into the toilet as she tries to bat me away. "I'm sorry" i mumble and she turns to face me. "you should have tol--" her sentence is caught short as another violent heave rakes through her and she throw up on me. Gah!. "oh my G--" my own sentence is caught off as i dry heave. I shrug antonia off the toilet sit and puke my guts out. Why am i vomiting too? I never felt nausea even when my mother used to vomit and sometimes excrete on her body. This is bizarre. My stomach settles and i sag on the toilet seat. I feel antonia's head rest on my back and i stay still. " i am sorry, i should have told you about Jane. She's no longer important so i didn't think to mention her to you" i say without turning to face her. "its fine. I am just your pretend fiance. You don't need to explain yourself to me" "ofcourse i do. Because i --" i want to tell her i love her but the words hang in my throat. "because you what?" she asks and i quickly change the subject of discussion. "you must be hungry after all this" i say "am not" "well i am, let's get out of here" i say and stand up then look down at her when she makes no move to stand up. "well?" i say raising my eyebrows at her. "i cant feel my legs. Just go, I'll be out when my blood starts flowing normally" she says but i don't leave her. I bend and carry her up from the floor. "you don't have to carry me" she says but she stays perfectly still in my arms. "okay" i say and pretend to want to drop her. She yelps and hook her hands around my neck and bury her face in my neck. I laugh then carry her to my bedroom after flushing the toilet. When i get to the foot of the bed, i tap her to indicate for her to let go of my neck. She reluctantly lets go then i hear her sniff my neck. "did you just sniff me?" i ask incredulously. I expect her to deny it but she just grins at me and my heart beat accelerates. She's so beautiful. "you smell sooo good" she drawls and i look at her like she's grown horns. She just blushes and i have this intense need to kiss her but i stop myself. I don't want to go too fast. I still don't know her intentions. We look at each other for a while and when i see her eyes go to my lips, i clear my throat. She blushes again and i groan inwardly. She just radiates innocence. "you have to let me down now" she says and i drop her on the bed. "so what should i order for you from the kitchen downstairs" i ask her "i am not really hungry" she says then her stomach growls and i burst into laughter. "this is so mortifying" she says and i stop laughing to see her eyes brim with tears. "oh baby, what's up. Why the tears?" "you're laughing at me" she sobs, crying more. She's like a hormonal pregnant woman, switching moods in seconds. "sorry love. Hush now" i say as i sit on the bed beside her and rub her back. After a while, she wipes her tears with her hand then cup my right hand in her hands. I look at our entwined hands then look at her eyes. "i want garden eggs and groundnut" she says "you need to eat some substantial. You must be very hungry" "but i want garden eggs" she sobs out again. Chai, what kind of tantrums is this woman throwing?. Where do i find garden eggs in this neighborhood. Would the mall have some?. "okay, I'm going. Stop with the tears" "thanks" she says and hug me tightly. After squeezing the air out of me she finally release me and gives me a big smile. Okay, this smile is totally worth the troubles. I leave her lying on the bed after i dress up in readiness for my garden eggs hunt. An hour later, after searching for garden eggs without success, i walk dejected back to my suite with a bottle of groundnut clutch in my hand. I hope i can pacify her with this. I am almost at the hotel when i see a man walking towards me. He's carrying a polythene bag which looks like it contains garden eggs. I hope its garden egg. Maybe he would agree to sell to me or he may be able to direct me to where i can buy. I walk to him with my fingers crossed. "excuse me sir, is that garden egg you're carrying?" "yea, is there is a problem?" he asks "no sir but there will be if i don't get garden eggs for my fiance. She was even crying when i left her to buy some." "oh i understand. My wife was also the one who sent me. It seems your wife's pregnancy cravings is similar to my wife's" he says laughing. "it is?" "yea son. Don't worry I'll give you a few of the ones i bought for free. But make sure you stock up on garden eggs if you don't want her to wake you up in the middle of the night" he says and i don't bother to correct him about antonia not being pregnant. If he's going to solve my problem, i don't mind any misconceptions on his part. He gives me some garden egg and i thank him. I rush back to my suite to avoid more crying and everywhere is quiet. I call for antonia and when there's no reply, i panick. I drop my purchases on the glass table then dash to check the room and i see antonia sleeping peacefully. I check my watch and see that its just quarter to 10. I watch her for a while before i wake her up. When she wakes up, she says she already ate as she ordered food from the reception. I shake my head at her and she smiles at me. Apparently, she doesn't need the garden eggs anymore. What a day!
2 Oct 2018 | 20:57
They had a deal 4 marriage...they are beginning to have feelings 4 each other in the midst of love
2 Oct 2018 | 23:35
their love is growing
3 Oct 2018 | 03:09
thats it
3 Oct 2018 | 03:14
Their love has started long time ago...something else brought them together...they're back again
3 Oct 2018 | 04:38
They have to finish what they have started way back...Tonia has loved this steven...And steven did love her too, They're waiting...
3 Oct 2018 | 04:44
Pregnancy wahala no be small thing.
3 Oct 2018 | 05:06
They're waiting 4 that special day when....when steve will tell tonia,"I LOVE U"...And tonia will reply,I LOVE U TOO...someone has to say it first
3 Oct 2018 | 05:30
Dear Toni, you are busted. You too have some explanations to make
3 Oct 2018 | 05:30
They have come a long way mostly in a complicated scene...they are lovers in their mind...they have other things in mind to make this love work
3 Oct 2018 | 05:42
3 Oct 2018 | 05:56
Kkk ooo! Watching you guys in 3D
3 Oct 2018 | 11:12
now explain dat action too Toni,,,, waiting
3 Oct 2018 | 12:51
but Antonia should by now know dat Steven Hav feelings for her and she should trust him enof to tell d reason y she want to get married to him
3 Oct 2018 | 12:58
U I'll have to tell him that truth now
3 Oct 2018 | 13:58
Guy u have nothing to hide, just explain urself to her.
3 Oct 2018 | 16:36
Love always conquer
3 Oct 2018 | 17:13
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 15 Toni: I cant believe i cried just because Steven was laughing at me and again, because of food. What must he think of me now. My mission is supposed to be to get him to love me but i think i almost chased him away. When he left for a long time to get me garden egg, i though he's left me. Thank God he came back. While he was gone, there was a text from his brother. Steven had left his phone on the bedside table and when it kept ringing, i checked to see 'James'. Not knowing who James was, i left it but when i heard a message alert i checked again and it was James. When i saw the highlight of the message, i couldn't stop myself. I opened it. Wow brother, you'll go to great lengths to win me. Btw, Does she know about your plans or should i tell her? That message was on my mind for a while until my dad started calling. I paced the room thinking of if i should answer the call or not. He calls for about 6 times before he sends a message. Come home sweedy. Lets talk this out. As a daddy's girl, i already miss my father but i have to Steel myself for this. After waiting for Steven for awhile, i order food from the reception then fall asleep after eating. I am woken up by Steven who's bought the garden eggs i was craving hours ago. Well, i don't want it anymore. I check the wall clock and i see that's it almost ten and i know Steven hasn't eaten. I need to redeem myself after all i have taken him through today. "am sorry for taking you through so much today, Steven. I was just craving garden eggs so much, i couldn't help it" "craving?" he asks and look at me thoughtfully. "yea. Anyways let me cook for you" "don't bother your self, I'll just order from downstairs" "its past breakfast time. There may not be any food left and i want to cook for you. So just let me.okay?"i ask and pout my lips at him "alright. I agree before you start crying like a pregnant woman" he says and his eyes go to my stomach for a second. I place my hand on my still flat tummy. "i am not pregnant!" "i didn't say you are. I only said you cry like a pregnant woman" "ok, whatever. I'm off to the kitchen" i say and dash off. This talks of pregnancy isn't good for my nerves. He is not supposed to know yet. I still don't know what his reaction would be if he finds out. I think he is beginning to warm up to me though. I enter the kitchen which is like every chef's dream with all the machines and stuff and prep everything I'll need for a fast brunch. I lift my head from my task when i see Steven walk in. "need help?" he asks and props himself on the high stool by the counter. "how good are you at cutting?" i ask with a smirk. I expect him to say 'no good' but he gets off the stool and goes to the cupboard to retrieve a knife. He flips the knife in the air and catches it with a flair then walk to my side. "I'm super good. What should i cut?" he asks me. After picking my jaws from the ground, i assign him to tomatoes and pepper slicing duties. I'm making fried plantain and eggsauce.As i fry the plantain, i watch Steven dice the tomatoes and pepper with a chef's precision. "wow, where did you learn that? It took me a year to be that good"l ask him. "i developed a crush on cooking while taking care of my mom when i was younger"he says grinning at me. "you cooked for your mother? Wow, that's so sweet" "well she was sick so i had to" he says and i see sadness in his eyes. "was?. Is she okay now?. I'll love to meet her" i say. "well, you cant" he says and my face falls "i understand. Who would want his fake fiance to meet his mother"i say "that's not what i meant. I mean-" he says, rubbing his forehead and i cut him off. "oh, the plantain needs my attention now" i say with fake cheerfulness and hurry to the frying pan. I flip the plantains as i close my eyes to hold my tears at bay. "ow!" i scream as the hot groundnut spray on me. Steven is by my side in seconds and he drags me to the sink immediately. He turns on the tap and places my hand under. He lifts my hand up again and brings it to his lips as he blows on my fingers. "i am okay" i say and try to retrieve my hand but he doesn't let go. I look at him and see that his eyes are fixed on my bracelet. Does he think its weird?. I know it looks a bit old. I use my other hand to cover the bracelet and his eyes goes to mine. "what's this?" he asks, pointing to my wrist. "its my lucky charm"i say and i feel him stiffen. "i know its old and weird but it was kindof a gift"i say and retrieve my hand. "a gift from who?" he asks. I don't want to tell him, i got it from a strange boy eight years ago. That would make me seem weird. "a guy i met somewhere" i say "by the way, your brother kept calling. You should go call him back. I'll take care of the rest cooking" i continue just to change the subject. "I don't need to call him back. And he's not my brother, he's just my father's son" he says and i crease my forehead. Well, atleast i diverted his attention from my bracelet. We don't talk for the rest of the time we cook. After cooking, i set the table for two. "i thought you said you've eaten?"he asks "well, i am a little hungry now"i say and move to the fridge to get water. As i open it, the smell of the meat i bought this morning hits my nose and i feel my belly turn. Not again. "um excuse me" i say and dash to the toilet to gag. I come back to see Steven has finished setting the table for me. "you should go for a check-up"he says "i don't need a check-up, i am fine" i say "then what's with the vomiting?" "um. Its the flu. I'll be fine" i say and sit on a chair. "i love eggs" i mumble as i shove a spoonful in my mouth. This food needs more seasoning but i stay put. "wow, this is delicious" Steven says as he swallows down the whole meal and i blush. The rest of the day is taken up by packing as we are leaving for Paris tomorrow. We ordered pizza which we eat as we pack. By the time we are done, its already 10pm and we crawl to bed together and without thinking, we spoon. . . Continues after 300 likes and 100 comments.. Happy weekend friends..
3 Oct 2018 | 18:22
Steve, what if tell you that she's pregnant?
4 Oct 2018 | 00:59
loving the story like kilode
4 Oct 2018 | 03:51
They have been doing a good job with themselves...creating the atmosphere 4 love to come in and make them
4 Oct 2018 | 04:16
This is what they wanna be...this is what they wanna love a chance to take the place of somethings
4 Oct 2018 | 04:20
Steve has to join Tonia in the kitchen of chef kitchen to do one or two things to help in any way he can and that's getting closer 4 love
4 Oct 2018 | 04:24
Their past has to speak a lot in their has been a while with these two...something in their presence just reminded somepeople
4 Oct 2018 | 04:39
Her dad is calling 4 them to make amend...his brother is calling to give him more trouble...steve and tonia has got a lot in their mind
4 Oct 2018 | 04:49
Hmmm next pls
4 Oct 2018 | 06:02
300 likes and 100 comments? Who does that?
4 Oct 2018 | 06:04
time will tell
4 Oct 2018 | 08:00
4 Oct 2018 | 08:37
which one is we spoon?
4 Oct 2018 | 11:02
Hmm,, I dey still observe
4 Oct 2018 | 15:47
Interesting. Steve already knew she's pregnant, he's just waiting for her to talk
4 Oct 2018 | 16:14
Love's building between this two
4 Oct 2018 | 16:38
Tonia... He gave u the bracelet
4 Oct 2018 | 16:44
Which kind of spoon be DAT na???
4 Oct 2018 | 19:40
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 16 Narrator: Cynthia groans as her ringing phone wakes her up. She stretch her hands to the night stand and hit ignore. The phone stops ringing and she sigh contentedly as she burrow into her pillow. The phone starts ringing again and she reluctantly sit up, cursing whoever is on the other end of the line. "hello" she grumble. "why are you so useless?. You cant even answer your phone." all thought of sleep fly out of cynthia's head as soon as she hears the cold voice. "i was sleeping. Isn't it too early to be awake" "why didn't you tell me about your friend's new engagement" the voice asks "what new engagement? "you see your stupidity. Isn't she supposed to be your best friend?" "yes but i don't feel right about all this Amy more. Why cant we just get married. I don't need money, i need you" "well, i need money and i cant get it until i get that land from antonia so if you don't want to end up like your friend kacy, you will pack your bags and be at the airport in 20minutes" "but where are we going?" "we are going to Paris, baby" he says and the line goes dead. *********************** Steven: The sun coming through the blinds wakes me up and i raise my hand to shield my eyes. Antonia moans beside me and move closer to me. Being here with her is like heaven to me but we have to get ready for our flight to lagos where we take another flight to Paris. This would be fun. I already have our five-days trip planned and by the end, i would propose to her for real. I can feel that she wants me too. After seeing my bracelet on her hand yesterday, i called my private investigator and asked him to get hospital records of antonia for me. I need to know if she's the one. My soulmate. I have thought of that teenage girl who risked her life for my mother. And if it turns out that antonia is her, i would be so happy. The bracelet is just too identical for it to be a coincidence. Its even tied at the same place i tied it eight years ago when it broke. If it turns out she isn't the girl i have been looking for, it still wouldn't matter. I love her and that's what matters. My private investigator also informed me of the fact that apart from kacy, the dead fiance, antonia hasn't dated any other guy. According to him, she's a conservative girl who doesn't even attend parties. This news elated my heart. It means antonia isn't a gold-digger. I just wonder why she got drunk if she really is conservative. Okay enough reminiscing. I have to wake antonia. "hey" i whisper and tap her shoulders but she just mumbled something sleepily. "wake up love" i whisper in her ears but she still doesn't wake up. I drag away my arm that's under her head and she follows the hand. This is hilarious. She is such a deep sleeper. Antonia is currently lying on her back with her legs slayed wide. I bring my face closer to her and i hear her sigh my name. This makes my heart leap. She must be dreaming about me and by the expression on her face, its definitely a good dream. She sighs my name And her lips poker up as if in a kiss. Wait a minute, is she dreaming about me, kissing, her?. Her pokered lips moves as if searching for my lips. I look at her face to make sure she's still asleep then i bring my lips closer to hers. I am about to kiss her when my phone starts screaming 'its time to wake up, the time is 6:30am". The noise wakes antonia and her eyes pop open with me still above her, our lips almost touching. She jumps off the bed too fast and our head collide. "ouch! What's in that head of yours? It feels like a big hammer just hit my head" i say and pout playfully. "That's good. I hope it hurts more. What were you trying to do you pervert?" she screeche at me. "oh so i am the pervert? Atleast i wasn't the one dreaming about kissing an innocent victim" i huff and place my hands on my waist. "what? You wish! That's preposterous. Thinking about kissing you is just disgusting. I have endured it once and i don't want a repeat even in the dream" she fire at me. Ok, ouch! That hurt my ego. "oh really?" i stalk towards her and she stands her ground. Brave girl. As soon as i get to her, i snake my hand around her waist and pull her tightly to me. "so, you think this is disgusting?" i ask and she nod her pretty head slowly while looking at my lips. Disgusting my foot!. I look at her lips and she suck her bottom lip into her mouth. I wish i could do that for her. I use my finger to pull her bottom lip out then i caress it. Antonia gasp then she step on my foot hard. "ow!" "that's what you get for thinking of doing disgusting things"she says and she flicks at little tongue at me. I run after her and we run around the house until antonia slumps on the floor breathing real hard. I laugh at her and tickle her feet till she almost pee her pants. An hour later and we are already at osubi airport. We board after about ten minutes of waiting.we sit side by side with me by the window. "i am so nervous" antonia says beside me and i look at her to see her sweating. "are you okay?" "what if we crash?" "calm down. We won't" "how are you sure?" "well, i don't know". The plane starts moving and antonia shreaks. "why don't you have alcohol to calm your nerves" "i don't drink" "so you have never had alcohol in your life?" "no" "but i thought you said you were drunk that night w-e, we did that" "umm i think someone spiked my drink" "what? How? Have the person be caught? Where did it happen?" "at the hotel. It was my birthday and no, he hasn't be caught" "did you report this?" "no" "why the hell not!"i scream. Why would someone want to drug her. Something worse could have happened to her. I have to find the bastard who did this. "what's done is done Steven. I don't want people to know about it. "don't worry. I'll take care of it" "what would you do?" "your pretty mind wouldn't want to know" i say and antonia goes quiet. The rest of the flight was uneventful except during landing when i had to sing for antonia to get her to stop screaming. She was too surprised at my singing. I do have a nice voice. It always calmed my mom when I sing and it does the same to Antonia. As soon as we get to Lagos, we board another plane to Paris and again, I sing during take off and landing. After we alight from the plane, we are greeted by the people I hired to take us to a bridal shop. We have to purchase Antonia's gown and my tuxedo
4 Oct 2018 | 22:40
I sent 17 before 16
4 Oct 2018 | 22:42
I know u guys are going to fall for each other
5 Oct 2018 | 03:53
17 u said u sent is personal taste not intoxicated romance oooooo @chimmy
5 Oct 2018 | 04:31
5 Oct 2018 | 05:38
U guys should be careful
5 Oct 2018 | 05:41
0 Likes here u come
5 Oct 2018 | 06:21
there's still going 2 be a battle 4 antonia 2 fight
5 Oct 2018 | 06:23
Bt wait o where is 17
5 Oct 2018 | 07:02
the seventeen you sent is not this one
5 Oct 2018 | 08:59
It's looking and coming out very pretty
5 Oct 2018 | 09:28
Hmmm I hope it goes down well. Your rivals are coming there too
5 Oct 2018 | 10:33
loving this story more, I'm on my way to get a dress
5 Oct 2018 | 11:17
Wow romantic. Ride on
5 Oct 2018 | 12:01
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 17 Toni: Oh my God. We are finally in Paris. I thought the 15 hours flight was never going to end. The only plus side of our flight was listening to Steven sing. It was just amazing. As soon as we land, i see a group of nigerian people with a card saying 'steven and company" on it. Steven takes my hand and we walk to them. "welcome sir, madam" one of them says and shake our hands. "is everything ready?" Steven asks. "yes sir, your hotel room has been booked and you have an appointment with the bridal shop's manager by 4pm." "okay good. We'll just head to the hotel for a nap."Steven says as we walk out of the airport. The welcome party leaves us after showing us the car they hired for us. Steven opens my door and i slip in while grinning. "what's the big smile for?" he inquires "i can see the city of love is already affecting you" i tease him and he laughs. "you should be grateful. Do you know how many people want to be in your shoes right now?" he teases me back "oh. Really?. Then forgive me for being an ingrate" "you are forgiven madamoiselle" he says then lift my hands and brush my knuckles with his lips. I gasp like a fish on land and he raises his head and wink at me. I blush and cover my face with my head. I hear steven's laughter before he moves to his side of the car and start the engine. We drive for about 20 minutes during which my eyes are glued to the car window as i watched the beautiful scenery pass with open-mouthed awe. Steven just remain silent beside me. He has been like this ever since the call from his father some minutes ago. "how can you not be fascinated by this?" i ask him as he comes to open my door. "i am fascinated" "well it doesn't show. You have been quiet ever since you talked to your father on the way here. Is everything okay?" "yea, come on lets go in. I am famished"he says and give me a small smile. "okay" i alight the car and we walk into the hotel(which is just too beautiful to describe). Steven guides me with his hands on the small of my back, to the reception to get our key card. His pinkie finger caress the top swell of my ass and i look up to see his eyes twinkling with mischief. I don't stop him though, i just place my hand on the small of his back. He raises his eye brow at me and i smile sweetly as i move my hand slowly to his left ass cheek and squeeze. His eyes bulge and he gets into a coughing fit while i giggle. A beautiful black woman walks to us in concern. "are you okay monsieur?" she has a French accent. "oh, I'm fine. Thank you" Steven lifts his head up and smile at her and i hear her gasp. Why does my man has that effect on women?. I watch as the woman's face light up as she extends her hand to Steven. "I'm Beatrice, by the way"she says not even paying me any attention. Since when did i become miss invincible?. Steven is about to shake her but i extend my hand instead. "hi, Beatrice, i am the wife" i say and shake her hand firmly while smiling at her. I hear Steven laugh behind me and i elbow hisib "we have an honey moon to get to so, run along now, bitch" i say the 'bitch' silently but Steven hears me. Beatrice slip her hand into purse and hand Steven her card. "call me when you want someone classy" she says and walk away with her voluptuous ass swinging like no man's business. "did she just imply that i am classless?" i start going after her but Steven grabs my waist. "we just got here so please don't get us thrown in prison, love" i remain still then pout. "wow!" Steven says laughing "what?" "she's the bridal shop manager we're supposed to meet by 4" he answers "well, I'm not going" i huff and walk away. Steven collects our key card and runs after me. He opens the door and i storm to the first room i see and slump on the bed. I hear steven's footsteps approaching but then i hear his phone ring. My eyes goes heavy as i doze off. I open my eyes when i feel someone kiss my hair. Steven is lying behind me with his hand on my stomach. I rest my head on his shoulder and relax into him.. "good morning" he says into my ear and i jump off the bed. "good morning?!. I slept for a full day?. Why did you wake me?" i cry. "calm down baby. I am just kidding. Its just 2:30pm. You were sleeping like a log while snoring pigfully" he says and i raise my eye brows at him. "pigfully?"i ask and he laughs and i shake my head at him. My stomach growls and we both laugh. "even after the food you consumed on the plane, you are hungry again. Its like you're eating for someone else too"he tease and i laugh at the truth of his words. "well go take a shower so we can go find something to eat before we go to the bridal shop. We need to get ready for the wedding tomorrow" "alright" some minutes later, we're on the street of Paris, holding hands while we purchase street food from vendors. Steven looks awkward in these little stores but he seems to be enduring for me. "come on, taste it" i whine at him. I have been trying to get him to eat a delicious treat on the street but he won't bulge. "it could be infected with germs" he says and i laugh at him. "whatever, your loss."i say and stick my tongue out at him. "Votre femme est belle(your wife is beautiful)" the vendor says. "oui, elle est la plus belle femme Que je connaisse. Et je Jaime tellement" Steven replies and smile at me. "okay, what did you just tell her?"i ask him "she said you have a big appetite and i said she has no idea seeing as you cried just because of food the previous day" he laughs and i glare at him. "you told her that?!" he continues laughing and i storm off angrily. My anger increases when we get to the bridal shop and i see miss Beatrice. She fawns around Steven but when Steven sees my expression he shuts her down. "can you please do your job and get my bride a gown as beautiful as she is?" he says and i smile. We spend two hours there before i find a perfect gown. Its simple and beautiful. The gown is packaged for me and i hide it from Steven. Steven pouts but let it go. as soon as we get home, we crawl into bed together too tired. . . Pls like and comment.. Good night guys.. I wont dream of u guys. Lolz
5 Oct 2018 | 17:39
Continue to bring it on
6 Oct 2018 | 04:24
6 Oct 2018 | 04:50
6 Oct 2018 | 06:03
and I guess d one Cynthia is working for is Steven's broda
6 Oct 2018 | 06:34
getting interesting
6 Oct 2018 | 06:35
Hmmmmm well don oh i come show for here now let go there
6 Oct 2018 | 08:31
Why will she drug her is she not her friend ok let me wait to get d full gist
6 Oct 2018 | 08:41
U are just an idiot
6 Oct 2018 | 08:57
I dont even knw who is who again oh
6 Oct 2018 | 09:05
Hmmmm why dont she just call her boss and talk to him about what happened maybe they might decide to get married u chim
6 Oct 2018 | 09:17
Loving this
6 Oct 2018 | 09:21
Oboy that is a good work there is better u say it like joke then take it serious when it's like to be thank u sist chim
6 Oct 2018 | 09:27
God don do am for u just marry ur boss
6 Oct 2018 | 09:34
Chai see thid babe so u dont knw how to run the matter ok dont worry he is urs
6 Oct 2018 | 09:47
okay o next
6 Oct 2018 | 11:09
Wow am here now thanks
6 Oct 2018 | 11:17
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 18 Steven: This is it! I am getting married today. Ok not really getting married but today's very important to me. Today, i profess my love to antonia. I'll also tell her about my previous scheme to own her land. I want to remove all the fake between us and make everything real. I can feel it in my guts that she feels something for me but i am so damn nervous about how she'll feel if she know about my scheme. I am afraid, she'll leave me but i cant continue lying to her. I'll fight for her till my last breathe. I also suspect that she's pregnant. After last night's fiasco, i cant continue denying it. Antonia woke me by 1:00am this morning crying for ice-cream. I tried to persuade her to wait till the sun rose but she just cried more. I had to drag my jet-lagged body off the bed and take her out to look for ice-cream. It had turned into a date. After buying ice-cream from 24-hours mall, we walked hand in hand to the eifel tower and boarded the elevator which took us to the top floor. The view up there was so breathtaking. I saw antonia's eyes twinkling in wonder and i was so damn proud to have been the one that made her that happy. I still remember how she felt resting on my chest with my arms caressing her stomach. I hope my suspicions are correct and antonia married me because she is pregnant with our child. This would make me so happy. I can already imagine how handsome or pretty our child would be. I hope He/she takes after their mother. We're supposed to be at the church i rented for the afternoon in about three hours. Antonia is still sleeping and i don't wake her up. My phone pings and i sigh. I know it's surely my father. He has been Congratulating me for supposedly doing the right thing by marrying antonia so i can get the land for him. He sent me five texts yesterday, all of them commending me for being like him. He has no idea that i intend to protect the land from him. The phone pings again and i reluctantly pick it up. Just like i thought, there's a text from my dad but there's also a text from my private investigator. I click on the message. According to my research, Eight years ago antonia was in a coma for months after she was hit by a truck while trying to save a woman of about 40 years. I have emailed the records to you. My heart leap as i read the message over and over again. I knew it! Yes! Yes! Yes!. I am so excited right now. I don't think i can wait till this afternoon for the wedding, to profess my feelings. I feel like my heart is going to burst out with excess excitement and love for antonia. I have to do it now!.I jump into the bathroom for a shower and i even whistle while showering. After i finish getting ready, i tap antonia and thankfully, she wakes up. "why are you dressed so early?" she asks then yawn and i grin at her. "i have to show you something. Come on, go get ready" "what about the wedding?" "we will be back in an hour max."i say and when she takes alot of time to stand up, i pick her off the bed and carry her on my shoulders carefully to avoid hurting our baby. Just incase. She squeals out of surprise and her hands land on my ass. "what do you think you're doing?" i ask her as i start walking to the bathroom. "I'm holding on to you, so i won't fall"she answers giggling. "you just love my ass, don't you?" "i cant help it" she punctuates this with a squeeze of my ass and i laugh so hard. I so want this for the rest of my life. ************************ Toni: "where are we going?" i ask Steven for the seventh time since we left the hotel. We have been driving for awhile. "be patient, we will be there soon" he says then take my hand in his and place it on his lap as he drives. These past few days have been the best days of my life. I think Steven cares about me now and i hope he accepts our baby when i tell him about it today. I snap out of my thoughts when i feel Steven kiss my knuckles. He seems so excited. I wonder why. I hope its because of our wedding and i hope that my suspicion is right that he has fallen for me. I hope today goes well,for me and my child's sake. My hand goes to my stomach at this thought and i caress it. "antonia" Steven says and i turn to face him. "are you okay? Or is there something you have to tell me?"he says and his eyes momentarily goes to my stomach. My eyes bulge. Does he know? Well, this is my opportunity. I have to tell him now. I clear my throat and turn my body to face him. "Steven, i am um" "you're what?" "um I'm--" my phone rings in my hand, interrupting me. "hello" i say as i answer. "you can't get married to Steven." the voice says and the line goes dead. I frown at my phone. The voice was muffled like something, probably a cloth was used to disguise the voice but it seems like a woman's voice. "are you okay?" Steven asks "yes, i am" "good, because we are here" he says and jumps out of the car excitedly to open the door for me. I slip out of the car and my eyes crinkle at the sight before me. "what's this?" i ask as i walk towards the wall in front of me, covered with writings in different languages. "this is the wall of love. You see this writings, they all mean i love you in different languages" he says and i swallow forcefully. Where is he going with this?. Steven moves closer to me until his chest is pressed to my back, his hands on my stomach. "there was this girl i met eight years ago at a hospital, we bonded for just the few minutes we talked. I even gave her my bracelet for luck and for years i couldn't stop thinking about this girl. Few weeks ago, i met this girl and she makes my heart leap. She makes me smiles and i want her to be mine forever. You see these red dots scattered across this wall, it signifies my broken heart and i hope you can put them back together" my eyes cloud with tears as he speaks. Could this be true?. Is he the little boy i have been crushing on for years?. Wow! I cant believe, i am in love with the adult version of my teenage crush. I look at him and whisper his name. "Steven"He smiles at me and I on his knees. "I love you so much antonia. And i'll say it in as much languages that I can. Te amo,saranghae, to amo, se agapo,mahal kita, and since we are in Paris,je t'aime" I start crying and he kisses my stomach. "I love our baby too" he says and I gasp. "You knew?" "I suspected and you just confirmed it love." I drag him to his feet and kiss his breathe away. Is this their happily ever after?
6 Oct 2018 | 19:32
Don't be too excited because Cynthia is coming;;; but this Beatrice of a lady got guts o
7 Oct 2018 | 03:13
nice one
7 Oct 2018 | 05:12
wow I pray it turns out well for them
7 Oct 2018 | 07:23
It isn't their happy ending but I know they'll summount whatever hitch that may arise
7 Oct 2018 | 09:00
It is not over yet....get ready 2 fight 4 ur love
7 Oct 2018 | 09:47
Tonia is that same girl, i was around when everything happened...the last time i had a conversation with her, she told me
7 Oct 2018 | 12:14
Steven is that same boy, he has been looking 4 this same girl who paid such a price to save his mama, after that lucky gift
7 Oct 2018 | 12:20
These same lovers that started in a complicated way but their first start was in a teens lovers way, in the hospital
7 Oct 2018 | 12:25
And now talking about love in different languages...And now giving some explanations about times seven
7 Oct 2018 | 12:31
There's always this joy of pregnancy that sparks in the heart of every real fianceé or real husband...some will even call their friends, drink more and he will pay
7 Oct 2018 | 12:45
One of their opponents has chosen death and he of their opponents is at risk of getting killed by the leading opponent
7 Oct 2018 | 12:54
Wow, interesting
7 Oct 2018 | 13:08
U see this love that started like this...No opponent can stop this love...they have started something like they did way back...THIS IS LOVE.
7 Oct 2018 | 13:09
Wow interesting
7 Oct 2018 | 13:10
wow!!! I pray u guys have a successful marriage
7 Oct 2018 | 15:31
no,,,, dey wil definitely fight,,, with Cynthia and steven,'s broda in d picture,,, but am happy dat its only one secret dat Is now btw dem
7 Oct 2018 | 16:29
Synthia’s fight wont last cos there will be happy ending for them
7 Oct 2018 | 18:23
7 Oct 2018 | 18:37
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 19 Narrator: Cynthia sits beside James in the car and ponder her situation. Her mind goes back to how she met James. She had just finished her exams that fateful afternoon when a thief snatched her bag. She yelled for help and thats when she saw him for the first time. James saved her bag that day and she fell in love with him instantly. Now that she think about it, everything concerning that day they met could be staged. For the many years that they have been dating, James only wanted two things from her: sex and information. She has been so blinded by her infatuation that she betrayed her friends. Kacy and his wife even died because of this. She was the one who got kacy involved in James plan and now his death is on her conscience. Now, James is going after her bestfriend's life. She is the only one who can stop him and she is determined to. They arrived in Paris the previous morning and had booked a room at the same hotel as antonia and Steven. They have been following them since this morning. Cynthia knew what would happen if antonia marries Steven so she called her this morning, when James was in the bathroom. She was not able to say much before he came back out. Seeing as antonia was still with Steven, it shows that they didn't take her warning seriously. Cynthia brings her phone out and secretly dial the police. "so, you are going to kill her at the wall of love?"she asks James trying to alert the police of their whereabouts without his knowledge. She disconnect the call, praying that the police understood her message then she turned on her phone recorder. "so James how do you intend to get her land if you kill her?" Cynthia asks "i won't kill her until she Signs off her land to me." "do you think killing kacy and his pregnant wife was necessary?" "yes!. The bitch was going to tell antonia about my plans so i killed her and kacy"James says and Cynthia press send. ************************ Toni: We kiss for what feels like hours. I am so overwhelmed with joy, i am shaking. "i love you so much Steven" "i know you do"he says then grin at me and i laugh. "you look so beautiful when you laugh" Steven says then peck my lips and i sigh contentedly. "i know. Am so beautiful, you cant resist me" "wow, arrogant much?" "its not arrogance. Its the obvious truth" i grin at Steven. "okay, miss beautiful, are you ready to get married to me?" "i thought you'll never ask. Come on let go. Our wedding awaits"i grab steven's hand and we walk to the car. My phone pings in my hand and i see another text from the number that sent me a text earlier. I enter into the car then click on the message. I warned you. What are these messages about? Is this a prank? I look to Steven. He is currently grinning while driving. I need to tell him about this. "Stev--"my voice is cut off when the car jerks forward and i almost fall off my seat. "who the hell is that?"Steven says and we look behind. A car is currently bumper to bumper with us. Steven drives to the corner and give way for the car to pass but it moves with us to the right and we are bumper to bumper again. Steven motions with his hand for the car to pass but it just hit us again and this time is harder than the last and i scream. Steven steady the steering wheel then look at me with concerned eyes "are you okay?" he asks and i nod. "Steven, i think we are in danger. A number has been sending me warning message to not get married to you" i say and start crying. "what?!. Why didn't you tell about it?" "i thought it was just a pr--"i am cut off again as the car is launched forward. This time the steering goes out of control. The car divert off the road and speeds towards a broken car at the side of the road. Steven step on the brake and thankfully, our car barely hits the broken car. As soon as the car stops, Steven jumps down and lets me out. I hear siren and i turn to see about three police cars chasing the car that hit us. "are you okay?"steven asks and i nod. "you are bleeding!" i scream and Steven touch his forehead and see blood. "i'm okay. It doesn't hurt much"Steven assures me. An ambulance arrives and i motion for them to help Steven. Steven is taken to the back of the ambulance where a band-aid is applied to his wound. Thankfully, it isn't a serious injury so no stitch was required. Some uniformed police men asks us for our statement. Steven is currently explaining our ordeal and i stand in front of him lost in thoughts of how we just escaped death. I feel steven's eyes on me so i look up to him. His eyes are glued to my legs. "baby, you are hurt" he says and walks to me. "no, i am fine" i assure him. "no, baby there's blood on your legs. You must have hurt your thighs. Did you hit it on anything?" he asks "no, i don't feel any pain" i raise my gown upwards a bit to inspect the source of the blood but i see nothing. I keep raising my gown up and my heart stops as i realise the blood is coming from my crotch. "the baby!"Steven and i yell at the same time. Steven scoops me up and carries me into the ambulance. The ambulance starts moving immediately i am put on the stretcher. Steven holds my hands through out our journey to the hospital. He keeps mumbling that our baby would be alright while crying. I don't cry though, my tears just won't fall. This is a disaster. I silently pray to the heavens that my baby be safe. When we get to the hospital, i am quickly transferred to a room. Steven is with me holding my hands all the way. The doctor and nurses carry out various tests on me and we are asked to wait for the test results. Steven paces around the room with his phone in his ear. Who is he trying to call?. His pacing is making me dizzy though "Steven calm down" "i cant seem to calm down love, our baby--. No, i cant lose another family member"he says and continue pacing. I have to distract him from his worrying. "i'm thirsty. Please go buy me some water."Steven drops his phone with me and goes without arguing. A message comes in and i click it. Weldone son, now that you have deceived this naive girl into marriage, I expect her land to be in my name in three days. Oh no! I can't believe I fell for another Kacy. Well never again
7 Oct 2018 | 18:38
Not yet their happily ever after because that bitch that called Tonia will sure fight back
8 Oct 2018 | 02:02
I can't bear to see them go through some turmoil after this moment
8 Oct 2018 | 02:09
hmm mm mm serious stuff
8 Oct 2018 | 03:17
Hmmmm na wa oh so love without something attached to it in either ways
8 Oct 2018 | 04:25
8 Oct 2018 | 06:46
double wahala
8 Oct 2018 | 06:47
eeyah,,,, dis is wahala,,, Steven should Hav told her abt d land
8 Oct 2018 | 07:31
I was even thinking that Cynthia is enemy
8 Oct 2018 | 07:44
I never knew she was trying to help, well its good that she informed the police
8 Oct 2018 | 07:48
Now that Tonia have seen the plan now what is she going to do? Steve should have told her the truth before now
8 Oct 2018 | 08:03
if she forgave him once, she'll forgive him again. he'll tell her the truth of everything except he has no feelings for her.
8 Oct 2018 | 09:56
next update please
8 Oct 2018 | 09:57
The real fight just commenced
8 Oct 2018 | 10:39
I will tell you everything ...don't worry
8 Oct 2018 | 10:50
don't judge your husband to be just ear his side
8 Oct 2018 | 12:47
Oh my God don't leave him
8 Oct 2018 | 12:55
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 20 Toni: I cant believe this. No wonder he was in an hurry to get married. Or was i the one in a hurry?. Stupid, stupid me!. My body shakes with a violent sob. I really am naive. I could i have trusted someone i met few weeks ago when Steven whom i dated for years was able to betray me. I cant believe a day so amazing could turn out like this. Thoughts of our time together flash through my mind and i wail in agony. Letting go of Steven is like peeling off my flesh. He is forever stuck on me. The thought of leaving him makes my breathe seize but i know i have to. Being with him would just cause me more pain and i don't want my baby to be with a callous man that would use a woman for selfish reasons. I have to get out of here before Steven comes back. I cant face him right now. I stand up frantic and a wave of nausea hits me and i dash to the toilet and empty my stomach. I lie on the toilet floor and cry my heart out. I have to stop crying and get going before Steven comes back. I wipe my tears then rush back to my room. I pick my bag and flee the hospital. I have to get to the airport. Twenty minutes later, i am at the airport. After moving my flight to the next flight, i sit down and think about a way forward. What am i going to do?. Steven will surely try to convince me that he loves me but i cant believe him because anything he says now would just sound like a scheme to get my land. Tears start falling off my eyes and i do nothing to stop them. My hand goes to my stomach and i sigh. I am not even sure if i am still pregnant. Its less than 10minutes for my flight to start boarding and i still cant move. Its like my body wants to go back to Steven and beg him to convince me to stay. Another wave of nausea hits me and i run to the airport toilet. ************************ Steven: I rush into antonia room after purchasing the bottled water from a mall, outside the hospital. There was an accident on the road which caused slow traffic movement. As soon as i got to the hospital, i parked my car and rushed in. I don't want to leave antonia alone. I can only wonder the kind of pain she is in right now. I just found out about our baby but it still hurts so much. When i open the door, i don't see antonia on the bed. I knock on the toilet door and when there is no answer, i panic. I open the door and find it empty. Ok, now i am worried. Where could she have gone in her condition?. I hope she isn't trying to do something to herself. I stand in the middle of the room thinking of where to start searching for antonia when i notice my phone on the bed. I pick it up and when i click it on, i see my father's text open. Oh no! No no no no! Antonia must have seen the text. What do i do now?. Damn my father. Why did he have to insult her onto of everything. My mind is not processing all this well. I breathe in and out slowly to calm my nerve so i can think of my next course of action. Okay, where would should be?. The hotel? No she'll probably be trying to run away from me. That means the airport!. Yes, the airport. I should be able to catch up with her if i hurry. I jump in my car and zoom off to the airport. As soon as i get there, i park my car haphazardly probably blocking other people from leaving but i don't care. I rush into the airport and look around. How do i find her now?. Charles de Gaulle is the second most busiest airport in the world. Its so full with people. Where should i start? She would probably be at the boarding area for people going to Nigeria. I rush there and i look around. No antonia. I walk around the area bumping into people without even apologizing. I am getting desperate. "antonia!" i scream attracting people's attention. They probably think i am a crazy black man but i don't care. I know calling out her name wouldn't help but i am getting frustrated. I sit on the airport floor and cry. We have only just started and i cant believe she's leaving me. An airport security walks to me. "sir, are you okay?. Do you need help?"i get off the floor. "did you by chance see a beautiful black woman in a blue summer dress with flowers on it?. If no then you cant help me" i say and start to walk away but then i stop when he touches my shoulder. "isn't that the lady you are talking about?" he says pointing towards the airport restroom. I look and behold its antonia. She looks so pale. She's walking towards the line of people waiting to board the plane. She doesn't see me as her back is turned towards me. I rush to her and grab her waist from behind. She stops and burst out crying. She must have perceived my presence. We are so in tune with each other, we know when we are close. "antonia" i say and breathe out a sigh of relief. She rest on my chest for a second before she tries to free herself from my hold. "get off me!" she screams "antonia listen to me. You have to let me explain" i say holding her tighter. "did you plan to take my land from me?" she asks without turning to look at me. "yes, but--" "that's all i want to know" she says and finally free herself from my grasp. I grab her hand and swirl her to face me then grab her hips. Her eyes moves from my eyes to my lips and i cant stop myself. I kiss her right in front of everybody. She relax her body and wrap her hands around my neck. Maybe there's still hope. I move my hands from her hips to her face and she freezes. She pushes me away from her and slap me. "goodbye Steven" she says and starts walking away. "no! Baby please don't leave me" i cry and try to follow her but i am stopped at the gate. "you cant go in there without your pass-port and ticket sir" "please, I-" "sir please leave before i call security". I stand there and watch antonia walk away. ************************ Narrator: James stops his car after checking his rear view mirror to make sure he had out-ran the police. "you bitch!. What have you done" he screams and points a gun at cynthia's temple. "you have to stop now James." "i cant" he says and fires the gun. . . Who dreamt of me here? . . 100 shares to unlock the next episode.. Happy new week friends
8 Oct 2018 | 16:13
Antonia pls dont leave Steve
8 Oct 2018 | 16:38
James is it bcos of land u are doing all these? Nemesis will soon catch up with u.
8 Oct 2018 | 16:40
Chai! ... Herrr
8 Oct 2018 | 17:16
So James was behind all these? He's killed Cynthia, he's very desperate tho... Steven I'm very sorry but u ve go a lot of convincing n explanations to do!!!
8 Oct 2018 | 17:26
this is getting serious
8 Oct 2018 | 18:27
wow wow
8 Oct 2018 | 21:47
I really love what am seeing
8 Oct 2018 | 21:47
new episode
8 Oct 2018 | 21:48
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 21 Toni: I hold myself from running back into steven's arms and walk away on unsteady legs. I finally locate my seat and as soon as I'm sitting, i cover my face with my hands and cry. I don't even remember to be nervous during take-off. I just cry. "are you okay, miss?" i hear a voice beside me and i turn to see a French man sitting beside me looking uncomfortable. "I'm fine sir" i say and the smell of something great hits my nostrils. I sniff the air to find the source of the smell. "what's that smell?" i ask the Frenchman and notice the plate he's carrying. "its lasagna. You want some?" "umm no thanks." i shake my head and my stomach growls as if to call me out for my lies. The Frenchman smiles then calls a stewardess to get me a plate of the lasagna. Few minutes later, I'm stuffing myself with the lasagna. "oh my God, its so good. What's it made of?" i ask the Frenchman. He goes to answer but i raise my hand for him to stop. "wait don't tell me. Hmm. I taste noodles, parsley, nut-meg and maybe cheese?" "wow, you knew that just from eating it?" "i have a sixth sense when it comes to food and i love cooking" i say smiling "well, you are good. You should harness this talent." he brings a pamphlet from his suit pocket and hand it to me. "I'm actually going to lagos to recruit chefs for the catering programme I'm organising. It'll take a year and half, then you'll become a professional chef. Its in Paris." wow. Is this the new beginning i need?. I have always wanted to be a chef. This is a big opportunity. And I'll be far away from Steven if i take the offer. I take the pamphlet. "I'll think about it sir. Thanks for the offer." "alright sugar. Just make sure to get in touch with me before the end of two weeks. My number is on that pamphlet" he says and i nod. The rest of the flight is quiet as the French man makes multiple video calls and i doze off with thoughts of my parents. Would they receive me if i go home?. I send a silent prayer to God that everything would be alright. ************************ i get to warri the next morning and i drag my jet-lagged body out of the plane. I probably look like a walking zombie right now, with my swollen eyes but i don't care. I don't have any luggage so i walk straight and board a taxi home. Its fairly early so i don't see anybody in my compound after i am dropped off. I knock on our gate and wait with bated breathe. Thankfully, my brother is the one who comes to open the gate. "sister toni!" he screams and i wince. He cant just be quiet for once. I enter into the house and see my parents rushing out of their room. My mom gets to me first. "oh lord thank you for bringing her back, safely" she says looking me all over. "where have you been? You got us all worried" my dad asks immediately my mom is done fawning over me. "toni, why do you look like you've been crying?"my brother chips in. I look at their worried face and my lips tremble. I burst out in tears and my mother hugs me "oh my baby" she pats my baby"i- i'm pregnant mom" i sputter out and i feel my Mom's body stiffen. "what?!" my father yells and i wince again. All this shouting is giving me an headache. "is that why you wanted to get married quickly?. Who's the father? Please tell me its not kacy" my mother rambles. "am sorry mom. Am sorry for leaving. Am sorry for not listening to you and jumping into another engagement. Everything is just so complicated right now and worst of all, am not sure if I'm still pregnant" "i don't understand. What do you mean by 'you're not sure if you're still pregnant'?" my mom moves back and look at my stomach. "i had an accident in Paris and there was blood coming from my crotch. I don't really know anything for sure" "an accident? Oh my God. What were you doing in Paris?"my brother asks "we were supposed to get married there". "was?"my dad inquires "not anymore. Dad, mom, I'll explain everything to you later but right now, what i need is sleep" "yes yes. Go and sleep my child. But once you wake up, we'll go to the hospital for an ultra sound" my mom says and walk me to my room. I look back at my father and he looks so worried. My brother just stare blankly. ************************ At the hospital My mom holds my hand as the doctor raises my shirt and apply some cool liquid on it. He places the weird looking device on my stomach and a blurry image fill the monitor screen beside me. The doctor smiles and touches something on the monitor and a weird noise fill the room. My heart beat speeds up as i hear the sound. "that's your babies' heart beat" the doctor says smiling down at me. "so, everything is okay?" i ask "yes, they seem to be doing well" my mom squeezes my hand and gives me a big smile. "wait! Babies?. They?" "yes, you're having twins" "wow" my mom exclaims "are you sure doctor?" i ask. My brain is having a hard time processing this. How did i go from having one baby to none then to two?! "I'm sure. By the looks of it, you're about 6 weeks gone and i can see two heartbeats." the doctor explains. I lie there as tears of happiness falls down my cheeks. I hear my mom thank the doctor and he leaves. "are you ok?" my mom asks me and i give her the biggest smile ever. "i am more than okay mom. I am so happy" i squeal. "i am too. Twins! Wow." my mom squeezes my hand again and smile at me. "we'll help you through this baby girl". I know they will. Before coming to the hospital, i told my parents everything. From the day i was drugged to this morning. They were outraged that i kept them in the dark all this while but they consoled me. I am so lucky to have such a supportive family. We leave the hospital after collecting the ultra sound pictures and i cant wipe the grin off my face. We board a taxi and my smile is wiped off my face as soon as i alight. Steven is standing in front of me looking like he hasn't slept for days. I brace myself and walk straight pass him. He tries to block my path but i bypass him but my bag clash with him and its content spill everywhere. I abandon my bag and flee into the house. Steven goes to follow me but I hear my mom stop him. Thank goodness.
8 Oct 2018 | 21:49
Thank u but i did not see episode20 to read oh
9 Oct 2018 | 05:41
What will be will be so they should just handle the issue with wisdom and understanding
9 Oct 2018 | 05:42
Try and hear steven out, its nt his fault
9 Oct 2018 | 08:54
9 Oct 2018 | 08:57
why running
9 Oct 2018 | 10:33
I pray u two should get back together
9 Oct 2018 | 10:57
Toni forgive Steven oooo,,, let him explain
9 Oct 2018 | 11:18
Pls listen to him
9 Oct 2018 | 16:26
Let see ... Move on
9 Oct 2018 | 16:34
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 22 Steven: "come on antonia. Listen to me!. Please!" i yell as she walks inside her house leaving her things scattered on the floor. Something among her things gets my attention and i pick it up. Its a pamphlet on a chef internship programme in Paris. Wait a minute! According to antonia's mother, antonia had always wanted to be a chef and this would be a great breakthrough for her. Oh no! If she goes to Paris, we will not be able to be together. What do i do?. This is a big opportunity for her but i cant let go. What about our baby?. I have to talk to her. I make to follow antonia inside the house but her mother block my path. "young man, you need to lea--" her mother says but i cut her off. "i cant leave ma. Cant you see i am going crazy because of your daughter? I just need a chance to explain myself. Can you please beg her to meet me?. She cant go to France." i plead. "why would i do that after what you did to her?. I cant believe i welcomed you into our home just for you to hurt my daughter." "am sorry ma. Please tell her i am sorry and i love her and our baby"i sob and antonia's mother rub my shoulders awkwardly. "come on, lets talk somewhere else so you can explain yourself to me. Maybe i can help you. You look hungry so let's talk at a restaurant so you can eat" i nod my head then walk behind her. I really am hungry. I cant even remember the last time i ate something. After antonia left me at the airport yesterday, i rushed back to the hotel to retrieve our things. In twenty minutes, i was done and back at the airport where i waited frustrated for hours. I didn't eat anything on the plane and as soon as my plane touched down, i boarded a taxi to antonia's house. She wasn't here when i got here but her brother and father were present. Antonia's brother who seemed animated with me the last time we met was furious when he saw me. He even punched me and for a teenager, he packs a mean punch. I had begged him to tell me where i could find antonia but he wouldn't bulge. I had to stand by the corridor screaming for antonia to talk to me before antonia's father told me she went to the hospital. My mind had immediately gone to our baby. I prayed that they were both alright. That was how antonia came to find me there. We get to the restaurant and even though i tell antonia's mother that i wasn't hungry, she ordered alot of food. I look at all the food on the table and my eyes water. I blink my eyes rapidly to stop the tears. Why am i so close to tears nowadays? Antonia is the pregnant one but it seems i have caught her emotional sickness. I look at all the food before me and wonder what why a woman would still offer food to someone who hurt her daughter. No wonder antonia is so nice. Her mother is amazing. I devour all the food on the table in minutes then i explain myself to antonia's mother. I tell her about everything. my previous plan of stealing their land and my change of heart when i got to know antonia better and fall in love with her. "beliway. me ma'am, if i knew who antonia really is, i wouldn't have planned it.I love her and our child"antonia's mother places her hand on mine and squeeze it. "i believe you.You shouldnt have plotted something like that in the first place.Nobody deserve to be deceived and duped no matter how they live their lives.I'll prefer if you give her space to think but if you insist, I'll find a way to get her to meet you. I hope you can convince her because i can see that you really love my girl.I have to go now." she says and stand up. I stand up with her. "one more thing. If you hurt my baby again, I'll cut off your egg- rolls" she blushes at her words and for a second she remind me of antonia. My sweet antonia. Antonia's mom hugs me then we bid each other goodbye. Talking with her has lifted my spirit a bit. I feel that there is still hope for me. I just have to prove to antonia that i love her. I need to prepare for our next meeting. That may be my only chance to explain to her. I board a taxi to my suite to catch some sleep before i face my father. I have to make everything right. Once i get to my suite, i plug my phone to charge it. It has been off for a day now. I switch it on to check for any messages and that's when i see a video message from an unknown number. I click on it and my brother's face appear on my screen. I watch the video and listen to my brother talk about killing kacy and his pregnant wife. He also threatens to kill antonia after he gets her land. I cant believe it! Kacy must be antonia's dead fiance. So my brother is responsible for all this. I have to stop him before he hurts antonia. This video would serve as evidence against him in court. Who could have sent me the video?. I dial the police and inform the of my brother's involvement in the death of two people. I am asked to come to the police station for my statement. I abandon all thoughts of sleep and head out to the police station. At the police station, i give my statement and they assure me that they would find my brother. I hope they do. ************************ narrator: The voices in James' head was getting louder. 'we are going to get caught by the police' 'daddy would be so disappointed at us' 'we couldn't even beat your bastard brother' the voices keep repeating. The doctors promised James that if he took his pills religiously, the voices would all go away, so why are they back? He wondered. James walk to the bottle of whiskey on the table and grab it. He tosses the cover on the floor and drains the bottle into his throat. Some of the contents fall on the floor but he doesn't even notice.His eyes meet his reflection in the mirror and he throws his bottle at it. "stop following me!.I wouldn't get caught.I have to win Steven." his hands start shaking and he brings a paper containing a white substance from his pocket. He lines some on the back of his palm and inhale it.His eyes go foggy and he slumps on the bed with thoughts of making his father pay for making him this way
9 Oct 2018 | 17:26
Ladies sef wit their shallow brains.....y don't u hear him out 1st
9 Oct 2018 | 17:46
9 Oct 2018 | 18:11
I pray James is caught n made to face de law... Steven, make sure u take ur chances well Dis time round,ders still hope na!!!
9 Oct 2018 | 19:17
Well thank God you did not loose the baby from the accident, sorry i mean babies
9 Oct 2018 | 19:40
Now you need to get your asss together and listen to Steven, he loves you genuinely now
9 Oct 2018 | 19:52
this story is now making sense
10 Oct 2018 | 05:03
Thank God the babies are save
10 Oct 2018 | 06:44
This guy is heartless ( James )
10 Oct 2018 | 06:44
what kind of father do dey Hav sef
10 Oct 2018 | 07:35
Tonia wy you come dey form now
10 Oct 2018 | 11:02
James you will l surely get caught
10 Oct 2018 | 13:20
Antonia please mellow down
10 Oct 2018 | 13:32
10 Oct 2018 | 14:59
Toni don't worry she would accept u back
10 Oct 2018 | 18:37
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 23 This episode is dedicated to all of you who don't fail to comment especially my bestie #NMASINACHI_STONE . I love you guys. So Much! Narrator: Jane stand in front of the door contemplating whether she should go in or not. The police had come to her house to inquire about James. She had told them that she knew nothing of his whereabout. Few minutes after that, James had called her to meet him here. She wondered why he wanted to meet her here which wasn't his house and why the police were looking for him. She didn't want to come here but she thought she should atleast tell him goodbye in person. She took in a deep breathe then knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she decided to just go home. As she turn in her heel to leave, the door click open. "Jane, thank God you made it. I have missed you" James says. Jane and James had been a couple for many years until James' infatuation of winning his brother overcame his reasoning. James had planted Jane in the hotel to gain steven's love and trust so that he would knscream ut steven's every move. Jane had started to fall in love with Steven but she was so scared of James, she couldn't stop going back to him. "come in, baby" James says and open the door wider. All of jane's danger alarms were blaring for her not to go in but she knew that now she was already here, leaving would only make James angry and when James gets angry, he hurts himself and people. She takes in a deep breathe then walk into the house. As soon as she enters the house, she gasps. Scattered everywhere on the floor were needles, empty bottles of whiskey and cigarettes. She looks to James and that's when she notice his glazed eyes. James walks towards her and it takes everything in her not to run away. "I've missed you Jane, have you missed me?" he asks while caressing her face. When she doesn't reply, his eyes blazes with anger and his hands go to her neck. "i asked you a question!" he scream in her face and wrap his hand around her neck. Jane knew that she had to leave now. "i h--ave t-o go James." she stammers and James' face twist in anger. His hand on her neck tightens and Jane start to choke. "say you miss me" James instructs "i-mish kwou" she chokes out. James' eyes bulge and he releases her neck. Jane falls to the floor coughing. "oh my God baby, are you ok? That wasn't me, it was them." he says and kneels beside her. Jane flinches when he raises his hand to touch her cheek. She drag her oxygen depleted body away from him and James' hands fall. James points at his reflection in the mirror. "its his fault Jane. You know I'll never hurt you" Jane look to the mirror and then at James and he burst out in tears. Why haven't she ever noticed this madness in James? She wondered. James hears her cry and he kneels beside her. "don't cry baby, I'll make everything go away" he grabs the nearest bottle and smashes it on the floor. Jane moves back. "no baby, its not for you. It for him" he says and starts using the broken pieces to cut himself. "don't worry, I'll get rid of him so you can love me again" he mumbles. "stop!" Jane scream"what has gotten into you?" she sobs. James looks at her with unfocused eyes. He looks at his body arms and throws the broken bottle away. "i don't know. I don't know. I cant stop Jane. I cant."he sobs then stop. "this is their fault"he says "their you James" Jane reasons. "no, i meant Steven and my dad. They made me this way. My dad pushed me to it. He must pay" he says and stands up. He picks his long sleeve shirt from the arm of the only chair in the room and put it on without flinching in pain. "where are you going?" "i just have to speak with my father." he says and hurry out of the house. Jane's rushes after him to see him enter her car and drive off. Jane goes back inside the house to pick her bag. She sees her car keys inside and wonders how he's driving it. Her body is shaking violently and her bag falls off her hand. She sit on the floor and search her bag for her phone. She finally finds it. She dials steven's number but he doesn't pick up. She keep on calling and when he still doesn't answer, she text him. James is going crazy. He is headed to your father's office. You have to stop him. P.S. This is not for attention. Its true. ************************ Toni: I feel numb. Its been almost a week and i still cant stop thinking about Steven. Everything reminds me of him. Even my morning sickness reminds of our time at his suite before we went to Paris. Yesterday, my mom had sent me to the market to get me out of the house. I had agreed to go and i was fine until a young boy hawking garden egg asked me if i wanted to buy some. I just burst out in tears right in the middle of the market. The poor boy almost got beaten before i explained to people that he didn't hurt me. Pregnancy hormones makes it worse. "antonia, why don't you meet him once?. You should hear from him first before you judge"my mother says beside me. She has been trying to get me to meet Steven for a week now. "i cant see him mom, it still hurts" "antonia, just meet him. It would give you closure. Also, if you don't meet him atleast once, you may look back later in life and wonder what would have happened if you met him. You say you love him but isn't love trust?" "he betrayed that trust mom" "yes, i know but i still think you should meet him and listen to his reasons. You have to take a leap and trust him for your babies and for yourself" my mom does have a point but i don't trust myself with him. If i meet him, i know i won't be able to walk away again. He could still be using me. Nevertheless, i have to meet him to see if i can savour our relationship so my children wouldn't live without a father. "okay, mom. I'll do it. Atleast for my children" "good girl" my mom says and smile at me. I dial steven's number and i can hear the happiness in his voice when i agree to meet him. Fifty minutes later, i am still at the restaurant we are supposed to meet and Steven is no where to be seen. . . Who will i dream of? . . Please drop ur comment base on this episode.. Goodnight guys
10 Oct 2018 | 20:20
I can see that u guys will definitely going to settle
11 Oct 2018 | 00:16
I smell trouble
11 Oct 2018 | 04:49
11 Oct 2018 | 08:59
Steven has gone to rescue his half sibling James
11 Oct 2018 | 11:30
11 Oct 2018 | 12:33
nawa oo
11 Oct 2018 | 14:31
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 24 James: i have to meet my father and end this. I have to know how proud he is of me now. I killed for him. Surely, i would get a compliment from him today. I concentrate my foggy eyes on the road. The voices are wrong. I wouldn't be caught. My father would be proud and Steven would lose. I shake my head and take a bend in the direction of my dad's office location. Dad has never been proud of me except that fateful day when i was just eight years old. I can still remember how it happened. Flashback: "daddy loves me. Daddy loves me not, daddy loves me, daddy loves me not" i recite while plucking the leaves off a small stem and when it ends at 'daddy loves me not' i fling the empty stem in annoyance. "stupid stem. You don't know anything" i scream as i step on the stem furiously. "James!" i hear Diana, our house maid yell my name and i hide behind the sofa. "where is that little demon" she says and i cant help but laugh. She hears my laugh then match behind the sofa and drag me out with my shirt collar. "why did you do it?" she sneer at me "do what?" i ask innocently. "you know, you little shit!. Why did you shred my son's result?!"she yells. Diana's son and i attend the same school. We collected our results yesterday and i came out second as always. Diana's son always comes out first and no matter how i read, pray and cheat, i always come out second. Last term, my dad had beaten me with a mop stick and locked me up for a day without food. He imbibed in me that i must be a winner no matter the means i use to get it. So, this term i read hard, prayed harder and cheated but still i came out first. My dad wasn't home yesterday and hasn't seen the result so i sneaked into the servant's quarters and destroyed the evidence. I shrug my shoulders and feign ignorance. "i know you'll deny it. You always do. The last time, you broke your father's vase, you said it wasn't you either." "that wasn't me either, it was the boy in the mirror. I saw him" i say "what boy in the mirror?.You are just 8 years old but you are already a menace. I am going to teach you a lesson before your parents get back" she raises her hand to hit me and i smile, ready for the pain. I am so used to it now. Infact i crave it. "what do you think you are doing?!" my mom march toward us with my father behind her. "i- I'm sor--ry ma. Your son tore my s-o-n's res-ult. I was just reprimanding him" Diana stammer out. My mom land two slaps on her cheeks and i smile. She's not so smug now. My dad sees my smile and nods his head. "how dare you lay your poverty infested hands on my child?. Infact you are fired! I'll make sure i fire your whole family from their various jobs anywhere. Now, get out!" my mother rants. I look to my dad but he is just nodding his head. "you guys better get this child help. He isn't normal. His level of menace is bordering on madness" she says and that's the only time i see emotion on my father's face. His face distort in anger. "no child of mine is going to be Admitted in a mental hospital!. My son is perfectly normal. So you better leave before i calls the guards to teach you a lesson!" he scream then turn to me. "come with me" i walk behind him, thinking of the kind of beating i am surely going to receive. I am both scared and happy. We enter my dad's study and as soon as i close the door, my father beams at me. This is the first time i've seen him smile. "come closer, son. I am so proud of you. You did the right thing by not admitting the truth. That would have been worse than coming second. I assume that's the reason why you tore his result. Am i right?" "ye-s dad" "good. Now, I'll only give you 12 strokes of the cane but you will be rewarded for today." my dad brings out the cane he keeps under his desk and he flows me 12 times on my back. I don't even flinch. "and what are you supposed to say?"he asks me after he is done "thank you sir" "you know i am doing this because i love you. I am preparing for the business world where it is eat or be eaten. You must become like me. I do anything and i mean anything to be at the top. Do you understand what i am saying" i nod "okay you can leave. Your mom would take you shopping tomorrow. You can buy whatever you want" i never went on that shopping expenditure because that night, i couldn't bear the yearning for pain, i wasn't feeling anything especially pain so i sneaked to the kitchen, collected a small knife and cut myself once. I loved the feeling and i did it numerous times. Our gardener who came to the kitchen for some milk saw me bleeding out in the kitchen and i was rushed to the hospital. My parents lied to the doctor that i had an accident but the doctor suspected something was wrong with me. He suggested that i be checked into a mental hospital for help before it got worse but my father who didn't want the scandal refused. Present day: my hands start shaking on the steering wheel. I pull over beside the road and walk the remaining distance to my father's office. I get some strange look as people stare at my bloody clothes. I finally stagger into my dad's office. His secretary tries to stop me but i push pass her and barge into my dad's office. "what the hell! James, why are you bleeding all over my office" he asks as soon as he sees me. I came here to confront him but again i am reduced to that little boy who wants his father's compliment "d-ad, i'll get the land for you by tomorrow. I-i-killed them for you" my ears starts ringing and i clutch them. "d-ad you are proud right? I am just like you. Right dad?"i ask and he sneers at me. "ofcourse not! That's like saying am crazy. Just like you. I don't need you, Steven has already gotten the land. Now leave my office. You are staining the expensive tiles"he says and continue reading some papers on his desk. "he is not proud, i told you, Steven won. You are still below"the voices chant. I stare at my father and my blood boils. After everything he still isn't satisfied. I am no longer his puppet. "After all these years, you still obey him. You are too weak" "I am not weak!" I scream. My father looks up at me then shake his head. He reaches for his phone,probably to call the police but before he types the number, I grab the phone from him and bash it against his head. He screams but I continue hitting his head with the landline phone. The sound of his brain crushing, thrills me and even after he slumps on his desk, I continue hitting him. "Who is on top now?"I sneer at his lifeless body. "Your worthy next" . . Continues after 300 likes and 100 comments..
11 Oct 2018 | 14:32
Let move on
11 Oct 2018 | 14:33
Hmm, I just hope is not what I am thinking
11 Oct 2018 | 14:41
I believe u guys I'll get back together,, ,,,,,@chimmy dream of me na
11 Oct 2018 | 14:52
Oh, boy!
11 Oct 2018 | 15:20
I just pray pray James doesn't get to stephen
11 Oct 2018 | 16:07
James stop blaming everybody for you misdeeds. You are too greedy
11 Oct 2018 | 16:24
If James killed hi father then its a welcome development. He would get caught before he harms another
11 Oct 2018 | 17:02
the father is not wise at all
11 Oct 2018 | 17:57
11 Oct 2018 | 18:50
Dream of me o.......abeg make dem hold james o b4 he do worst
11 Oct 2018 | 20:08
I guess Dis is de last time we will be seeing James coz he's gonna rot in jail!!!
11 Oct 2018 | 20:14
Simply fantastic
12 Oct 2018 | 02:37
Hmmmm good for the father
12 Oct 2018 | 04:37
this James is really sick
12 Oct 2018 | 07:15
12 Oct 2018 | 07:33
O! Boy hmm
12 Oct 2018 | 14:47
I said it james needs don't go and injure antonia nd her babies o
12 Oct 2018 | 16:15
Somebody call 911 o james has nt it....or who has chain here
12 Oct 2018 | 16:17
James the mad guy
12 Oct 2018 | 17:45
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 25 Toni: its been almost two hours and there's no sign of Steven. Numerous times, i have stood up to leave but couldn't really do it. I am really getting angry now and the only reason i am still waiting is to give Steven a piece of my mind for making me wait like this. Another reason i am still here is i want to see him. I miss him too much. A waiter walks towards me just like before. "ma'am are you sure you don't want anything?" "yea, thank you" "okay ma" he says and gives me a fake smile. I'm sure he wants me out so a patronizing customer and take my seat. My phone starts ringing in my bag and i retrieve it fast thinking that it must be Steven. I look at my screen and see that its my brother. I sigh in disappointment and connect the call. "hello, brother of mine"i say "toni, i did it!" he says excitedly. "i am so giddy right now, it wasn't easy and i have been trying for almost a month , but then i said i should try another method and bam! It worked" my brother ramble o and i have no idea of what he's rambling about. "slow down, what worked?" "i repaired the phone i collected from you last month or so. The one you wanted to throw away. Oh by the way, there's a message for you in the phone and its important"he says solemnly. "there is?" why would they be?. Wait a minute! That phone could be angelica's. Am about to ask my brother about the message but i am interrupted by the same waiter. I roll my eyes. "ma'am are you sur--" "i'm sure okay? When i need you, I'll call for you. So go wait on someone else. My companion isn't here yet" i snap. "okay ma" he says but i don't get a smile this time. Atleast he won't be coming back anytime soon. "so what's the important message?" i ask but there's no reply on the other side of the line. "hello" i say and look at my phone screen. The call has been disconnected. Oh well, I'll just ask him about it when i get home. What could be the important message though?. I check my watch and see that i have already been waiting for almost three hours. Ok, i cant do this anymore. Atleast i made an effort. I stand to leave and my phone pings in my hand, signifying an incoming message. I sit back down and click on the message. Its from Cynthia. Please i need your help right now. Come to my house. Please. What could she need help for?. I have to go see her. I'll deal with Steven later. But for now, a friend is in need. Cynthia and i haven't been in contact since the day i visited her. Wow, i never even thought about her. Now that i think about it, Steven has taken up all my time this past weeks. I pick my bag and rush out of the restaurant. I board a taxi and give him cynthia's address. Twenty minutes later, i am at her doorstep and i knock. The door opens on it own and my danger alert rings. Why would Cynthia leave her door unlocked. Could she be in trouble now?. I rush into her sitting room to find a guy sitting on the couch. "excuse me, who are you?" i ask which makes him turn to face me fully and i gasp. Its Steven's brother. He smiles at me and i shudder. "what are you doing here? Where is Cynthia?" i ask him while moving back slowly. Something isn't right and i need to get out of here. "oh Cynthia is probably in hell right now" he answers then stand up and start walking towards me. My heart is already beating so fast. I can feel my legs shaking. I keep walking back as he walks towards me slowly. "what do you mean, she's in hell?" i keep talking "i killed her"he says and i gasp. My legs almost give out under me but i hold myself up. I cant fall now, i need to escape. "honey, you should thank me. She's a lying friend. Did you know that?"he stop walking and studies me. "she is?"i ask, still walking backwards. "yea, just because of a guy, she drugged her friend. That friend being you. By the way, you are one lucky girl. But i think luck cant save you today" "please, just let me go. I won't tell the police about Cynthia." "ofcourse you won't, cause you would be too dead to talk"i feel the door at my back and use my right hand to find the handle without making it obvious. "why are you doing this?" "nothing much, i just need your land" that stupid land again?. Wait a minute! Is Steven a part of this plan?. Was that why he didn't show up today?. No, i don't think so. Even though i haven't known Steven for long, i am sure, he cant plot such a thing. I hope I'm right. "you can have my land. I don't need it. Just let me go" "i cant sweedy. I also need your fiance and you are going to be the bait" my hand touches the handle and i immediately twist it. The door flies open and i dash out. I run with all the strength in my body. I can hear the thud of his feet behind me but i don't look back. I keep running in hope of finding a taxi. I don't see any taxi and i can tell he's already gaining on me by the close sound of his feet. I see an uncompleted building by a bend and i run in to hide. My breathing is out of control and i can feel a panic attack coming. Please, God help me. I pray silently. I hear footsteps close by and i close my mouth to keep from screaming in fear. "come out, come out little one" i hear him say. He must be close. "i think i like this game of hide and seek. Do you know, i never played it when i was a kid?. My dad thinks, no thought its a game for weak people. Well he isn't here now to reprimand me, because i killed him. Just this afternoon" he says. This time his voice is closer. My check heave up and down. He's going to catch me if i remain here. I look around but there's no way of out except the way i came which is impossible because he would see me. I have to defend myself. I pick a plank beside me and hold behind me "you know i can see your feet right?" he says and i drag my feet backwards.He doesn't know, i am armed so I have an advantage of surprise. He walks in front of me and grins. I raise the plank quickly and hit the side of his head. Blood gush out but he doesn't seem fazed. "sorry babe, but pain is just for the weak"he says then punch my stomach twice and I lose consciousness.
12 Oct 2018 | 19:00
12 Oct 2018 | 19:08
Hmmm. What a son!
12 Oct 2018 | 20:41
hoooo no
13 Oct 2018 | 04:40
13 Oct 2018 | 06:22
Hmmm i feel for the two twins in there hope u have nt lost them
13 Oct 2018 | 07:31
13 Oct 2018 | 09:38
Hmm, ntww
13 Oct 2018 | 09:52
Oh no Dis isn't gud,what de hell has come over James na? Steven's life is in danger den!!!
13 Oct 2018 | 12:25
U are just so stupid girl!
13 Oct 2018 | 15:25
ur dad cause it now
13 Oct 2018 | 15:50
It hasn't been a just a was a tough battle...someone started this many things are happening.
13 Oct 2018 | 15:51
13 Oct 2018 | 15:52
Tonia has been through a lot lately...even when it seems as if she was loosing her baby...a miracle did happened 4 her and now this
13 Oct 2018 | 15:57
At the same period, she found out about the wonder upon love...battle upon battle...she can still make it.
13 Oct 2018 | 16:02
James if anything should happen to those kids then you will face my wrath
13 Oct 2018 | 16:08
Steve on his own side has always wanted to make amend with his errors that led to that confused moment of open secret
13 Oct 2018 | 16:08
He wanted to bring that secret out to her but complicated things happened through his father who was pushing this war
13 Oct 2018 | 16:13
James has been a lunatic from childhood...his parents also contributed to his madness...he's a dangerous crazy man
13 Oct 2018 | 16:21
Tonia's survival is in that expectation...cynthia really wanna make amend before that news from that lunatic
13 Oct 2018 | 16:27
Tonia's survival with twins is very important right now...the kinda police he informed was the slow type, not the faster
13 Oct 2018 | 16:35
13 Oct 2018 | 16:58
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 26 Steven: i was so excited this afternoon when antonia called me to meet her. I thought of it as my chance to mend things with her. I had rehearsed what i intend to say before my mirror several times. I was both nervous and excited. Nervous that i may not say the right things and excited about seeing her again. I was already on my way when i got jane's message. She had tried calling me but i ignored the calls until i saw the message. I was quick to doubt her but something in me seemed so uneasy so i diverted to my dad's office just to check on him. When i got to the office, it was complete chaos. There were police cars scattered in the premises and an ambulance and that's when i knew something was awfully wrong and Jane was telling the truth. The sight of my father on a stretcher with his head crushed is ingrained in my memory. I still cant stop thinking that i would have been able to save him if i had answered have's call sooner. My father was never loving or affectionate but he's still the man that gave birth to me and i cant let his death go unpunished. I have to stop James before he harms someone else that i love. I cant even bear to think about antonia and our baby hurt. I give the police my statement and I'm asked to follow them to the station for my written statement. Antonia must be angry at me by now. I need to call her. I dial her number but her line's busy. She must be on another call. The detective comes to tell me that they are leaving and i abandon the call to get this over with. I have to finish this police business so i can get to antonia. I have to keep her safe. At the police station, i write my statement and hurry out. I enter my car and dial antonia's number. She doesn't pick up. I call her again and it rings for awhile before she picks up. "hello, antonia. Are you okay?.you got me worried" "hello brother" my brother speaks through the phone. Shocked, i lose control of the steering wheel and step on the break. The car stops suddenly and i am launched forward. My head hits the steering but i don't care. "what are you doing with antonia's phone, you son of a bitch! You better not hurt even a hair on her head or I'll kill you" i say and i hear the bastard laugh. "calm down. I can assure you, i didn't harm her hair, i just punched her a few times." "you are going to pay for this James. Just wait till i find you. I'll make sure you rot in prison!"i scream into the phone. "now listen you motherfucker. Enough of these empty threats. I'll give you half an hour to meet me at the address i will send you.Come with that incriminating video and Make sure you come alone or else I'll break her pretty neck"he says and the line goes dead. No no no no no! I scream and punch the steering wheel multiple times. My knuckles hurt but it doesn't compare to the pain m heart is feeling right now. I wipe my tear stained face and reverse my car towards jane's house. I'll do anything to make sure antonia and my baby come out of this safe. As soon as i get to the address, i park my car and jump down. I see jane's car also parked at the front of the house. I pound on the door as soon as i get to it. The door flies open and i see James. He is wearing only a trousers with his belt unbuckled. My eyes flares and i grab his neck. "what have you done?!" i scream in his face and he laughs. He pulls a gun out of his pocket and point it at my temple. "get your hands off me" he grinds out and i do. "good. Now, move to that corner" he says pointing to the dining section. I move slowly with my hands out. I search the whole room with my eyes and i see a girl of about 19 lying by the corner, weeping. Her clothes are torn. I move to stand close to her. "kneel!" James commands and i comply. "let the little girl go, James. This is between the both of us. Where is antonia? Please let them go" James studies me for a while then nod. "alright, I'll let her go" he says then points the gun at her. "no James. Don't do it" i beg but he releases the trigger. blood splatters on the wall and the girl's convulses till the last breathe leave her. I turn my eyes away. "oops. That was a slip of the fingers" he says and starts laughing like a mad man. "okay now, to more important business. Where is the video?"he asks "where's antonia" "she is just unconscious behind that wall so i suggest you give me the video before i put a hole in her head" "here, take it" i stretch my phone towards him and he snatches it from my hands. I give him my password and he successfully deletes the video. "i have fulfilled my end of the bargain so let us leave. I won't tell the police about this. Please" i beg "i still need something from your fiance" he says and goes behind the wall. He comes back with antonia. He's dragging her by her hair. Antonia sobs beside him. He pushes her toward me and i catch her. She sobs on my shoulder and i pat her back. James brings some documents from the table and pushes it towards antonia. "sign it" antonia pulls away from me and collect the papers and a pen. She goes to sign it but stops "i will sign this only if you let Steven go". James squats beside antonia and pull her hair backwards. I try to move his hand away but he points the gun at her. "sorry baby, but Steven isn't leaving here alive, so you better sign that before i decide to kill you too" "i'm not signing" antonia grinds out. "well then you give me no choice" "stop! She'll sign it" i tell James, then turn to antonia. "you have to sign this. For me. I won't be able to live with myself if you and the baby die because of me"i say and antonia shakes her head fervently as she sobs "i cant lose you Steven" she sobs out then She hug me tight. "wow wow wow. So very touching. But this is a waste of time. Now sign it"James says. I watch as antonia signs all the documents with shaky hands. "now, you die Steven"James points the gun at me and i close my eyes. I hear gunshots but i don't feel any pain. I open my eyes to see James holding tessy. Police swarm the place. "come any closer and I'll blow her brains out"James says and points the gun at antonia's temple. His right hand is bloody. "hold your fire!"one of the gunned policemen orders. "good, now, i am going to walk out of this place and you won't fire. Got it?" the police men nod and James grab antonia, using her as a body shield and he walks out of the room. I run after them but a police man hold me down. "stay still."he whispers. I hear a car engine purr outside. We wait for some seconds before the police man beside me yells. "go go go! Get the cars.Don't let him get away" i rush outside with them. Antonia isn't outside which means, he tot her with him. The bastard! I follow one of the police men into his car and we zoom off after them. I can see jane's car in front of us and it isn't moving in a straight path. Its just moving haphazardly. I watch in horror as a tricycle suddenly drives in front of them and the car loses control. It goes off the road with immense speed and runs through a fence by the side of the road then stops. We park our car and i run towards the wrecked car. "antonia!" i yell. I get to the car and try to open the passenger door but its jammed. I look inside to see antonia's head bleeding. I keep hitting the door as if it would magically open. I am pried away from the car by some police men. I push them off me. I am so mad right now. James better be dead or he will die by my hands. The driver's door suddenly open and James comes out. He is bloody. "Steven, i am sorry. it wasn't me. It was them. The voices. They did it. Don't worry I'll get rid of them" he rants like a mad man. "you are crazy! I am going to kill you today" i shout and rush at him. But before i get to where he is, he shoots himself. I get to him in time to catch his body. "the voices a gone,now I can rest "he says while coughing out blood and goes limp in my hands. His eyes wide open.
13 Oct 2018 | 17:44
hmmmmmm,,,, so sad!!! how can a father taught his son a do or die method???
13 Oct 2018 | 20:04
so james is dead
14 Oct 2018 | 01:58
Hmm hope toni is fine
14 Oct 2018 | 07:19
The parent are to be blamed for James predicament cause if they had swallowed their parent and help him this would have happened at all...anyways....maybe its fate or destiny
14 Oct 2018 | 08:46
14 Oct 2018 | 11:50
James rot in hell
14 Oct 2018 | 14:28
James rot in hell
14 Oct 2018 | 14:28
James rot in hell
14 Oct 2018 | 14:28
14 Oct 2018 | 15:06
Steve, leave that miscreantband go check on Antonia if she's ok. Nothing us happen to those babies o
14 Oct 2018 | 15:55
Chai.....i said it o
14 Oct 2018 | 15:57
Somebody help toni o, she must nt die
14 Oct 2018 | 15:58
14 Oct 2018 | 16:38
Hmm, James paaa
14 Oct 2018 | 17:04
14 Oct 2018 | 18:23
The idiot thought sucide would be a faster escape route
14 Oct 2018 | 19:28
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 27 Steven: Even though i had threatened to kill James numerous times, his death still shakes me. I use my palm and cover his eyes close. Few minutes later, an ambulance comes to carry his body away. Some tools were also brought with which antonia was cut out of the car. Antonia's still body is carried in another ambulance and thankfully, she's alive. I hold her hands all through the journey to the hospital while whispering that i love her and our baby. She cant hear me though as she is still unconscious. We arrive at the hospital fast and antonia is carried quickly into the hospital. I run beside them still holding her hands like its an assurance that she won't let go and leave me. Antonia is carried into the operation room and i am stopped by the door. "please let me go in with you. She needs me. I have to be there for her and our baby" i protest. "sir, you cant help her in here and what you are doing right now is delaying the surgery. Now, go and fill out the necessary form. Your wife will be out in no time. Also get her family here."a nurse tells me and i nod my head. The nurse gives me a re-assuring smile and rushes into the O.R. After i finish filing all the necessary documents, i inform antonia's parents about her accident. I didn't have any of their contacts except Mr Solomon and he was so mad at me on the phone for putting his daughter in harm's way. It doesn't take long before i see him rush into the hospital with his wife and son in tow. "Mr Solomo-"i get punched in the face before i get the name out of my mouth. I grab my nose which feels broken and look to pastor solomon's who is grabbing his sore knuckles. His wife and son look stun. "am so sorry sir, this is all my fault"i say "you've hurt my daughter too much. I don't want you to see her ever again. Now leave!" he says "Mr Solomon, please. I need to be here, i have to know if she and our baby is ok" i plead. "babies" antonia's mother whisper beside her husband. I look at her with wide eyes and she nods to confirm my suspicion. Antonia is having twins. I am going to be a father of two in no distant future. This is a mind-fuck. I cant believe three people i love so much are currently between life and death right now. God please save them. I have lost too much already. "please sir let me stay here" i plead but he shakes his head. "cant you see we are having a hard time, now stop making it worse and leave." i look to antonia's mom and she just sighs. Antonia's brother doesn't even spare me a glance. I shake my head solemnly and walk to the farthest wall of the waiting room from them. Mr Solomon still eyes me but i cant leave antonia and our babies right now. I pace around trying to calm my nerves. Its been hours since she was taken in and we haven't gotten any news. The nurse who came out of the O.R some minutes ago didn't give us any information. Its Another thirty minutes before i see the doctor walk out. I rush over to him together with antonia's family. "doctor how are they?" Mr Solomon asks. "the babies are fine but the mother suffered a trauma to the head. We were able to stop the internal bleeding but she entered into a coma some minutes ago. We cant do anything now but pray and wait. The rest depends on her will to live."the doctor says. "can we see her doctor?"i ask "you cant for now but when she is transferred to the ICU, you can see her but not too many people at a time" he says then walk away. Its an hour later before we are allowed to see antonia. I don't want to anger Mr Solomon so i let them go in alone. When i see them leave, i go in. Antonia is lying there hooked to so many machines and the sight nearly cripples me. I walk to her side and hold her hand. "i am so sorry for putting you through this, love. Please come back to us. Your family is really devastated and i cant seem to breathe without your presence. I love you so much, it hurts" i sob into her hand. I hold her hand for hours until a nurse tells me that i have to leave. I kiss antonia's fore head and her tummy before i leave. The next morning, i am back at the hospital before 5am. Antonia's parents come back by 8am and thankfully Mrs Solomon helped me persuade her husband to let me sit by antonia's side. Its been almost two months and antonia is still comatose. Alot has happened though. I was able to find my mother. I was able to get her location from my father's documents. She didn't recognise me and her sickness had gotten worse. I admitted her into a better institution and she has gotten better. I took over my father's company and i have been working from the hospital. I was always here. Reading antonia and our babies stories. Cleaning her and talking to her. I was able to get forgiveness from antonia's family. Antonia's brother and are buddies now. "so, antonia you have to wake up. We all miss you" i say while massaging her hands. "our babies need you" i place my hands on her tummy which has gotten bigger and i feel movement. "oh my God antonia. Our babies just moved!. Did you feel that?"i cry out. Antonia's finger moves a little as if to say yes i do and my heart soar. Her eyes blink open and she calls my name. My name! Antonia has been transferred out of the ICU. She's out of her coma now and her parents are here but she's currently sleeping. She hasn't regain complete control of all her body parts but i am so happy that she is alive and back to me. When she opened her eyes earlier, she didn't talk to me. She just ignored me. I stand by her bed with a big grin on my face. Antonia stirs awake. "antonia, can you hear me?" i ask while clutching her hand in mine. "ofcourse i can, i am not deaf" she says and retrieve her hands from mine. Antonia gives me the silent treatment for the one week she stays in the hospital. She's going to be discharged today and she's going home with me. The doctor put her on two more weeks of bed rest and i am the only available one to monitor her as her parents are going on a compulsory missionary trip. I am going to make her love me again in the two weeks that she is going to live with me. . . Continues after 300 likes and 100 comments.. Good night guys
14 Oct 2018 | 20:02
Wow..I love this story,am very sure things will fall in place
14 Oct 2018 | 23:19
hope she will love u again Mk
15 Oct 2018 | 03:02
Good news that u survived with the babies
15 Oct 2018 | 04:52
Wow lovely thank ur stars mr Steven,that's love ❤ for u
15 Oct 2018 | 05:18
don't worry Ur Toni is back to u permanently
15 Oct 2018 | 06:58
Hmm so James is dad? while would ur father allow u to be that way?
15 Oct 2018 | 09:00
She loved you before and she's gonna love you again
15 Oct 2018 | 09:38
I hope she will forgive u an love u again
15 Oct 2018 | 11:44
Antonia don't form for my guy o
15 Oct 2018 | 12:13
They are going to be one happy family together with Steven's mother.
15 Oct 2018 | 14:01
It would take time..
15 Oct 2018 | 16:35
Wlc back, Antonia
15 Oct 2018 | 16:45
I pray she forgives you and love you again
15 Oct 2018 | 17:31
INTOXICATEE ROMANCE. Episode 28 Toni: Waking up from my coma has opened my eyes to how naive i have been before now. So naive that i fell in love with two people who just wanted to use me. So naive that my best friend for many years was lying to my face and i didn't suspect a thing. Well, no more. I would take this new chance at life to make myself stronger. Steven probably thinks he can fool me again, well he is sorely mistaken. I don't want to live with him during my two weeks bed rest but my conniving mother decided to drag my poor father to a missionary travel which they never planned to attend before. I know my mother wants us to get married but i am determined to make it on my own. I will look for work or maybe i will take up the French man's offer and go to Paris for that chef internship programme. I want to be able to provide for my babies when they are due. I already cleared it with the French man and he has agreed to let me on the programme with my pregnancy. According to him, i have alot of potential and he would take me on the programme with or without child. The only reason i agreed to live with him is because i didn't want to disobey my mom. He will be under my mercy for the next two weeks and i would frustrate him with many pregnancy tantrums that he'll beg me to leave. This is going to be so much fun. I hear my hospital room door open and i feign sleep. I am supposed to be discharged today and its probably Steven coming to take me home. Well, plan activated. I hear footsteps walking towards me and i brace myself for what i have in mind. Steven taps my shoulder to wake me and i groan as if asleep and push my legs back to hurt him. "ow!"someone screams and that person is definitely not Steven. This voice is deeper. I turn slowly and see that i just kicked my doctor's balls. Oops. I see Steven with his hands to his mouth and i know he's holding back his laugh. "i am sorry, doctor"i bend my head in shame and the doctor who is a middle aged man groans something which i don't catch as he walks hurriedly away from the room. "do you want to kill the oldman?"Steven tease and i just hiss at him. "someone is grumpy this early morning. Just chill, i am here to take you home. Home being my house. Are you ready?" "i don't think i have the strength to pack my things. Can you help me pack my bags. Please"i ask and give him my most innocent face. "sure, anything for you" he says and he walks to the table beside my bed. He arranges and puts every of my belongings in a bag my mom brought me yesterday before she left with my dad. I smile at the image of Steven folding and arranging my clothes. My smile falls when he raises a piece of clothing up. Its my panties. Steven turns to me and raises his eyebrows at me teasingly. I jump off the bed and try to retrieve it from him. He's taller than me so i cant reach it as he raises it higher. I stretch on my toes trying to get it from him and i lose my balance. I almost fall backwards but Steven catches me with one hand firmly around my hip and the other on my left breast. I look from his hand grabbing my breast and his face. He's grinning at me. "they've grown bigger"he says and i gasp. I push him away from me and lose my balance again. And Steven catches me yet again. This time, he secures me firmly to him with my breast pressed to his chest. I look into his eyes and i have an insane urge to kiss him. His head starts coming closer and i know he's going to kiss me but i don't move. My brain is shouting at me to stop him but my body wants it desperately. Our face is so close now and he diverts to my neck and kiss it. "you smell so good"he says and his hot breathe on my neck causes a shudder to run through me. Steven cups my face in his hands and caress it. He's about to kiss me on the lips this time when the door flies open and jump away from Steven. "be careful, baby"Steven chastise me. "don't call me that" i say and walk out of the room. I hear the nurse who just walked in on us, telling Steven to go to the doctor's office before we leave. Twenty minutes later, we are on our way to steven's hotel. I have to remember that i shouldnt fall for steven's lies and seduction again. 'Who was seducing who a while ago' my inner voice asks me and i just shut her down.
15 Oct 2018 | 18:36
let's go
16 Oct 2018 | 04:20
16 Oct 2018 | 04:49
okay o
16 Oct 2018 | 05:37
Gud luck wit dat buddy
16 Oct 2018 | 07:29
Thank God
16 Oct 2018 | 11:37
don't worry,,, Steven owns u and u own him
16 Oct 2018 | 11:47
Let go on
16 Oct 2018 | 12:25
Hmm Nice Episode
16 Oct 2018 | 13:00
Thank God for her life
16 Oct 2018 | 14:50
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 29 Steven: With antonia sitting beside me, i have the biggest grin on my face. I feel like holding her hands while i drive like we did before in Paris but i know I'll certainly be rebuked. Antonia probably thinks i am trying to deceive her again. I must get her to trust me before these two weeks are over. Speating of my plan, i already have a welcome back brunch ready at my house. Chris, antonia's brother who is in cohort with me called me at the hospital to inform me that everything is set. I drive into the hotel then park my car carefully. I rush out of the car and open the door for antonia but she just sit there frowning, making no move to exit the car. "what's wrong?" i ask her. "i think i sprained my ankle in the hospital awhile ago. I don't think i can walk on it"she pout at me. "okay, that's fine. I'll just carry you" "you don't have to, but i won't stop you"she says and i pick her up from the car. Wow, she has added weight since the last time i carried her. I walk faster so i can get to the elevator quickly. I breathe a sigh of relief when i get to the elevator. I am about to go in when antonia taps my shoulder. "what are you doing?" she asks "taking you upstairs" i answer. Isn't it obvious? "you cant use the elevator?" "and why is that?" "i read on the net that it isn't good for a pregnant woman to go on elevators. It affects the babies' lungs"she says and smile innocently at me. "so, you are saying i should take the stairs?" she nods "to the seventh floor?"she nods again "carrying you?" "yes Steven. Or you could just take the elevator and I'll walk up the stairs myself, with my injured ankle, which hurts"she says but she makes no move to get down. Ok Steven, you can do this. She doesn't weigh that much. "no. I was just asking to be sure. I can even carry you up 10 floors. Its no problem" i say and head to the stairwell. I endure and carry antonia up to my suite on the seventh floor. She doesn't even come down when i reach the door so i have to maneuver my key card out of my pocket while trying not to drop her. I manage to get the door open. I hear antonia gasp and that when i remember my surprise brunch. "surprise"i whisper then carry her to the couch and place her on it gently. Our faces are so close with her hands around my neck. I know kissing her would attract a slap so i just slip her hands off my neck and stand up straight. "so what do you want to start with?. There are some toast, eggs, apples, stra-" "I'm not hungry" antonia says cutting me off and my face falls. "oh, i was going to say strawberry ice-cream but since you are not hungry, I'll just throw it away" i say and i see her eyes light up. She stand up from the couch and smile at me. "on second thoughts, its a sin to waste food so I'll just help you un-waste the ice-cream. Where is it?" she starts walking to the table Chris set in the middle of the sitting room and i stare at her back. Isn't she supposed to be limping?. Antonia must feel my eyes on her because she turns back "Steven, come on. Where is the ice- cream?"she sees my eyes on her leg and she blushes. "antonia, how is your ankle?" i ask "umm. It still hurts a bit but i can manage" "the thought of ice-cream must have magically healed it huh?" "yes. Umm so where is the ice- cream" she says trying to change the topic and i chuckle. The little devil must have deceived me so i would carry her. Anyways, thankfully, the brunch wouldn't be wasted. I knew she wouldn't be able to resist the ice-cream seeing as she had woken me up to buy it for her when we were in Paris. I bring the big bowl of ice-cream i told Chris to buy and set it on the table. Without wasting time, Antonia opens the bowl and dip her index finger inside. She puts her ice-cream covered finger into her mouth and suck on it. I watch as her eyes close in pure pleasure as she moans. "its delicious, Steven. Try some" she says, her finger back in the bowl and before i know it, she's shoving her finger in my mouth. I suck on her hand and close my eyes just like she did. "hmm"i murmur "delicious right?" she asks and i nod still swirling my tongue around her finger in my mouth. She removes her finger slowly out of my mouth while staring at it. "your finger tastes delicious. I want more" i say rubbing my stomach and wink at her. She burst out laughing and my heart leap. This is the first time i have heard her laugh since the accident. We smile at each other for awhile but the spell is broken by a knock on the door. Antonia divert her eyes everywhere but at me. I sigh. Who could be knocking on my door?. I am not expecting anybody. I walk to the door then open it to see Jane. My smile falls instantly. "don't get mad at me please. I am just here to apologise" "you cant be here." i say glancing behind me to make sure antonia is not there. "i have been trying to work up the nerves to ask for your forgiveness for awhile now. Don't send me back, just hear me out" she pleads. "maybe sometime else, now is not a good time" i whisper. "why is this not a good time?" i hear antonia say behind me and i stiffen. Shit! "Jane, you have to leave now" i say "Jane?"antonia asks. I turn to her but she runs back into the room. What was i thinking, saying jane's name. Ofcourse she knows i have a fiance named Jane. "Steven, who's th--" Jane tries to ask but i shut the door in her face and run inside in search of antonia. I am surprise by what i see when i see antonia. She is just sitting on the couch in front of my plasma stuffing her face with ice-cream while laughing hysterically at whatever Mr ibu is saying on the tv set. She notice my presence and turn to me "where's Jane?. Isn't she joining us for brunch?"she asks while looking behind me in search of Jane. I walk to the couch sit beside her. "she left"i tell her then pick the little spoon on the table and scoop some ice-cream into my mouth. "oh that's a shame. I would have loved to have a little chat with the love of your life"she says without looking at me. I am about to tell her she is a only of my life but she shuts me up with her hand. "Stop talking. I can't hear the movie"she says and I sigh.
16 Oct 2018 | 16:04
Hmmm..I smell jealousy oo
16 Oct 2018 | 18:46
u done enter
16 Oct 2018 | 18:49
Lol! Women and their manipulations. Just see she made you carry her up to the 7th floor... Such a deceit!
17 Oct 2018 | 04:15
hahahaha,, u don enter am,,, big time
17 Oct 2018 | 05:08
Why would Jane show up now?
17 Oct 2018 | 05:08
This toni ur disturbance is becoming too much
17 Oct 2018 | 05:58
u are in 4 a long thing
17 Oct 2018 | 06:08
Antonia is jealous. I'm smiling here o.??????
17 Oct 2018 | 07:30
is Antonia okay?
17 Oct 2018 | 08:57
17 Oct 2018 | 09:44
I love it like that Antonia serve you right Steven
17 Oct 2018 | 10:20
hmmm is she jealous?
17 Oct 2018 | 11:25
I see another threat to antonia in jane
17 Oct 2018 | 12:31
Hmm, let move on
17 Oct 2018 | 16:53
U're in 4 it.....keep tryin
17 Oct 2018 | 18:47
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 30 Toni: "shut up, i cant hear the movie" i say to shut Steven up. I don't want to hear him talk about his ex fiance. He probably loved her sincerely. Maybe he still loves her. Unlike me, who he wants just for selfish reasons. I am trying to hide my jealousy and if he talks about Jane right now, i know I'll burst out in tears. His closeness is already playing tricks with my senses. We watch the movie in silence for almost an hour before Steven breaks it. "so how's your ankle?"he asks and i turn to him. "its fine. No need to worry" but before i finish my statement, i find my legs on Stevens lap. "we should massage it to prevent it from getting swollen" he says. "don't!"i scream because my feet are really ticklish. My shout turns into giggles as soon as he places his hands on my right foot. "sto-p i-t. It tic-kles"i laugh out and Steven grins. "hmm, so you are ticklish on your feet. Where else are you ticklish. Wait, let me find out myself"he says then starts tickling my sides. I laugh so hard i almost pee my pants and memories of this same thing happening just few weeks ago bombard me. Alot has happened ever since. I missed this and i want it again but not at the expense of a broken heart. I don't think i can take it this time. Steven keeps tickling me and i laugh crazily. His hand moves upward on his way to tickle my armpits and it brushes my breast. He freezes and look into my eyes. Our eyes lock but i break the speed as i look away. 'You cant get sucked into his life. He is a liar' i repeat continuously to remind myself. "antonia, please-"Steven says but i stand up quickly from the couch and run into the room. 'don't get sucked into his life. He is a liar" i murmur to myself as i throw myself on his bed. The bed smells like him and i take comfort in one of his pillows. I remain like this, with my face pressed to the Steven- scented pillow for a long while before i hear Steven walk in. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. "antonia, are you awake?" he asks cautiously. "i just wanted to tell you the food is in the kitchen if you get hungry. I have to go out. I'll be back soon." he continues but i don't stir. I remain silent. His footsteps starts getting closer and i feel his weight on the bed. It takes everything in me to not open my eyes to see what he's doing. I don't wonder for long as i feel one of his hand caress my cheek. "you look so peaceful right now. I am sorry for all the stress and pain you had to go through because of me. If i could take all your pains i would. Am so sorry and i love you. I love you with every breathe in me. I need you and our babies. Please open your heart to me" he says then chuckles. "i should be saying this when you're awake." i hear him sigh after saying this then feel his lips on my forehead. Something wet falls on my face. Is he crying?. "now i am crying like a girl."he says then stand. I want to kiss him, hug him and console him but i also don't want to. I am so confused right now. Is this acting or real?. Steven walks out of the room and i let my tears fall.I sob into the pillow. I am so confuse right now.I don't want to make the wrong decision because i know I'll regret it for life. What do i choose now? A career in Paris or a family in Nigeria. Well, i cant make a decision right now. My head hurts and i am so hungry. Steven did say the food was in the kitchen. "let's go get some food" i say while rubbing my round tummy. I walk to the kitchen/dining and find food lined on the table. I quickly sit on one of the chair and rub my hands together. The thought of food has cheered me up considerably. "i bless this food and sanctify it in Jesus name."i pray then grin at the food. A paper under one of the plates catches my eyes and i pick it up. Its a message addressed to me. Going out for a while. Will be back before you know it. I know you couldn't resist the food.*winks* i smile at the paper. He actually wrote *winks*. How old is he?. I roll my eyes at the paper then place it carefully on the table before i dig into the meal. After eating, i move to the sitting room and watch 'blank panther' on mbc2. The delicious smell of stew permeates the air and i open my eyes. Everywhere has gotten dark. I must have fallen asleep during the movie. I sit up and notice a small blanket covering my legs. It wasn't here before i dozed off. The smell of stew meets my nose again and i stand up and follow the aroma to the kitchen. I see Steven filtering spaghetti. He doesn't see me as am behind him so i just watch him as he moves around the kitchen with ease. "like what you see?"he asks then turn to face me. "ho-w did you know?" "oh, i can feel you. Whenever you are close, my blood just fizz in excitement"he says and i blush. "hope you guys are hungry, because daddy just finished cooking spaghetti"he says while looking at my baby bump. I smile at him and he looks stun. "did you just smile at me?. Halleluyah. Its a miracle"he says and i laugh.Steven serves some spaghetti and stew on a small plate and pass it to me. "appetizer"he says and wink.I laugh as he turns back and put finishing touches to the meal.Once in a while, he'll turn back and open his mouth for me to feed him.I was hesitant the first time but its too fun, i continue.A knock at the door stops us and i get up to go check since Steven is a bit pre-occupied.I open the door to see a very beautiful woman.She's carrying a baby in her arms.I look from the woman to the sleeping baby. "you must be steven's fiance.He told me so much about you when we talked after our dad's funeral. Wow, its true, you are beautiful.I hope you are using your pregnancy to get whatever you want from him"she says and i frown. "no sweetheart.I meant, pregnancy is an opportunity for us women to control our man"she says and i laugh. "oh forgive my manners, come in"i say and direct her in. Steven is already walking towards us. "sis. Nelly, what are you doing here?" "just wanted to see my sister-in- law or cant i?"she winks at me and i smile.Steven looks at me but i just shrug. . . Goodnight guys
17 Oct 2018 | 19:00
wow Steven is getting u
17 Oct 2018 | 19:19
Hmmmm..Tonia will soon open her heart to u once again
17 Oct 2018 | 19:30
Toni will come around. But Steven's dad is such a devil sha
17 Oct 2018 | 19:43
Antonia,I hope u r sure of de game u r playing, pls don't start anything,u will find it very difficult to end sha!!!
17 Oct 2018 | 20:29
you don't need to be worry antonia
18 Oct 2018 | 03:57
Toni better stop the pretence and give him a second chance
18 Oct 2018 | 05:38
18 Oct 2018 | 06:01
18 Oct 2018 | 06:14
Antonia just tell yourself the truth and stop deceiving yourself. This is no longer the Steven who wanted to use you in order to get what he wants.
18 Oct 2018 | 09:46
Ride on dear
18 Oct 2018 | 09:47
Toni forgive Steve,, he loves u and d ejima
18 Oct 2018 | 13:32
Gud nite buddy......loved dis episode
18 Oct 2018 | 16:23
Wow life is sweet if u have what it takes to be sweet and love is a beautiful thing thanks next pls
18 Oct 2018 | 16:27
I see. Let go on
18 Oct 2018 | 16:46
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 31 Toni: "umm, ofcourse you can. its just that we were not expecting any company" Steven replies while rubbing his neck awkwardly. "but you said we should meet often to mend the rift our dad tore between us. I'll just leave then" nelly says and pout. I just keep quiet and watch their exchange. "its just i want-" Steven says and nelly cut him off. "yea, i totally understand. What was i thinking? You guys probably want me gone so you can continue that thing you were doing." she winks at us and i start coughing. "no, w-e were just cooking" I sputter out still coughing. Steven runs to my side and starts patting my back. "antonia, are you okay?" i raise my hand to signify that I'm okay. I turn to look at nelly who is making kissing gestures with her hands. My cough starts again and she giggles. Steven glare at his sister and she stops immediately then bring me a glass of water. Her baby starts crying and Steven takes her from nelly. "thank you" "no need to thank me. I caused it. You guys are just so adorable. I cant believe Steven actually blushed." she whispers. "you know i can hear you right?" Steven says while rocking the infant in his arms. Nelly grin at him while Steven shakes his head and leave. "i like this new Steven."she says which pique my curiosity. "what do you mean, new?" "he's normally so serious and distant. Can you believe, we lived in the same house for years but i can count the number of times he smiles with just one of my finger. That once being the last day he left the house". "really? So he wasn't close to his family?" i ask "yea. So i am happy that he has found someone he could love." "i don't think what he feels for me is love" "look girl. He has been grinning like an idiot ever since i walked in. That smile is for you. I can see that you're holding back on my brother. Please, let go and love him. This is going to be the first real family he'll have." "umm-"i say but she continues "our father had never let him get close to his family. He always set up things that would drive a wedge between us. The last competition killed my brother." she says and close her eyes at the painful thought. I pat her shoulder to console her even when i know that brother almost killed me and Steven. "am sorry for my outburst its just that i cant believe my brother died because of a stupid land and Steven almost got killed too. Thank God its over and that curse land isn't needed anymore" she says and my hand stop moving. "its not?" i ask "no, my dad was the one after that land so now that he is dead, its not needed. It was not even necessary. My dad knows the land owner won't sell so he used it as a challenge for his sons. God, i am so happy that i am not a boy."she says and wipe her tear eyes. She doesn't even notice my stun expression. How could a father be so cruel?. I really pity Steven. Growing up in that kind of a family wouldn't be easy. I look at where he is sitting on the couch and sigh in approval at the sight of Steven with nelly's baby on his chest. I imagine nelly's daughter as ours and the image is so perfect in my mind. If only he loves me sincerely, everything would be perfect. Wait a minute. Nelly just said Steven doesn't need the land. That means he wants me for me. Not for my land. Could this be real. Does Steven sincerely want me and our children?. I am so lost in thoughts that i forget nelly until she snaps her fingers in my face. "girl! Where's your mind?" "oh am sorry. Did you say Steven doesn't need that land anymore?" "yes. Why?" "nothing. So what were you saying?" i ask. I feel so excited right now. My hope is high. Steven might sincerely love me and the thought is making me giddy. Why did i even doubt him when he has been so sweet and caring to me?. Mom told me, he never left the hospital except for some minutes every day for the two months i was in a coma. She said he brought his work to the hospital. "the actual reason i am here is to invite you and Steven to Jessica's birthday party tomorrow. Here is your invite" she hands me an invitation card then sashay out of the kitchen and I walk behind her with a big grin on my face. She takes her baby from Steven who burst into wails. "shh. Jessica, its mommy" she coo to the baby and the baby falls back asleep "what did you give my daughter that she does not want to leave you" she scold steven playfully. "what can i say, i am a chick magnet" Steven says and smile at me. I cant help but smile back. "hey, love birds. Let me leave before you start giving each other love stares."she says then drag me with her. "antonia, walk me out. You Stay" she says to Steven and he pout. "antonia shouldnt be out of the house, she's supposed to be on bedrest" he yells after us but nelly ignore him. We take the elevator and we are out in the street in no time. "i just have one advice for you, let yourself fall in love with Steven he loves you. I know it"she says and i sigh. "I'll give you one expo. Serve your dinner in the same plate and if he leaves the last spoon of food for you, that's true love sweedy. Men don't joke about their food except the one they love. Goodbye antonia. See you at the party" she hug me then hop into a taxi which just stopped at our front. I stare at the taxi as it carry her away. I start walking back into the hotel when a drop of rain hit me. Before i take another step, it starts raining heavily. I shriek at the coldness of the rain then start walking faster. Before i reach the hotel gate, i see Steven running towards me with an umbrella and i smile.
18 Oct 2018 | 19:18
18 Oct 2018 | 19:58
No matter the complicated moments they have met before...there's always this love with bond that brings them back together again
19 Oct 2018 | 02:43
love in the air
19 Oct 2018 | 02:48
There's always one or two unpleasant circumstances that will like to separate them from being together when they need to
19 Oct 2018 | 02:51
The man who was the reason 4 those unpleasant circumstances is no more there to push them and his wrong child's training
19 Oct 2018 | 02:58
Humm love in de air
19 Oct 2018 | 04:02
James was in deep shit of that wrong child's training...he took a lot of lives...he even took the life of his father that taught him that shit
19 Oct 2018 | 04:39
Nothing is looking like to stop this love that steve and tonia has got...they have got twins coming...tonia getting to know him better
19 Oct 2018 | 04:49
There's every reason 4 tonia not to trust steve...there's also every reason 4 her to trust is their hearts.
19 Oct 2018 | 04:56
True love conquers all
19 Oct 2018 | 05:39
nawa o
19 Oct 2018 | 06:51
I Go Love Oo
19 Oct 2018 | 10:08
What other evidence do you need to know that Steven loves you sincerely?
19 Oct 2018 | 12:43
Hmmmmm so anyman that does not leave the last spoon of the food for his wife is not true love? Thanks
19 Oct 2018 | 15:56
Nice 1. "LOVE"
19 Oct 2018 | 16:27
I love this Nelly that expo said it all
19 Oct 2018 | 18:34
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. Episode 32 Steven: i was already waiting for antonia in the reception room when i saw the rain start.I had to bribe a security guard before he lent me his umbrella. I rush outside to save her from the rain. I see antonia walking fast toward me and i run to her. I get to where she is and she launches her self into my arms. I catch her and she hugs me tight. I open the umbrella and cover the both of us. The rain fall around us and we just hug for awhile. I hold antonia and rest my chin on her hair. She smells so good. After awhile i pull her away from me. "hey, what's with the hug?" i ask. "what?. You hugged me, not the other way around." she says and starts walking away. I run after her covering her with the umbrella. "stop walking away from me. you'll get sick." i say and she stops. "okay, i guess I'll just have to endure walking with you" she says then move to my side. I put my hands around her waist and tuck her closer to me. She lean on me and we walk into the hotel. When we get to the elevator, i stop and raise my eye brow at antonia. She roll her eyes then press the button for the elevator. It opens and she stroll in without meeting my eyes. I laugh then hop in too. The ride is silent as antonia tries to avoid my eyes. "you know, you never told me the name of the website where you learnt that elevators are not good for pregnant women" i say as soon as we get off. "shut up"she grinds out and i laugh. "you should have just told me you wanted to be carried. By me." "whatever" she says and walk faster to our suite. The smell of food reminds us of the dinner we were going to have before nelly's visit and i move to the kitchen to dish out our food but antonia stops me. "why don't you go in and change your clothes. You were mostly out of the umbrella our entire walk and i don't want you to catch a cold" she says smiling sweetly and i cant help but get suspicious. "umm alright. I'll just change my clothes. I'll be back in five to set the table for us" "don't worry. Leave the setting for me. Take a long as you want" she says. I shrug my shoulder and walk to the room to change. I make a quick work of changing and rush back to the living room to help antonia. I notice that she is serving only a plate of food and i help her retrieve another plate to serve mine. "no!. Stop!" she shouts at me. "what?. I just want to help" "don't help."she takes the plate from me and push me out of the kitchen. "watch a movie or something. I'll bring the food here when I'm done"she says "here? what's wrong with the dining?" "stop questioning me and do what i say!" she snap and i raise my hand in surrender. I obediently park my butt on the couch and surf through channels. I settle on a sport channel still wondering what antonia is up to. About five minutes later, antonia appears with a plate of spaghetti. No scratch that. A bowl of spaghetti. I rush and help her with it. "woah. Who's gonna eat this?" i ask after placing it on the table. "what? Its too much?" she asks. "well, yea.look at it""its not too much for four people" she says pointing to her stomach and i laugh. "oh sorry. I totally forgot we have company. Come on, sit. You must be hungry" i say and sit her beside me on the couch. "i don't normally eat much" she says in her defence and i give her a thumbs up. She prays on the meal and we commence eating. Its silent for awhile until antonia speaks. "nelly told me about the conflict between you and your brother. Am so sorry, my land made it worse and drove him insane"she says. "this isn't your fault sweets. You should never think that. I should be the one apologizing for getting you almost killed. I really hope you can forgive me"i say and she just gives me a sad smile. I don't want to push her. If she isn't ready to have this talk, i won't force it. "okay enough of the sad talk. Let finish this meal and get some rest" i say and take the last spoon of food. I see antonia staring at me and i stop with the food halfway to my mouth. "what?" i ask "umm you are going to eat that?" she asks "ofcourse. Is anything wrong with that?" "not really" she says. Why is she acting so strange over a spoon of food?. I shrug and am about to put the food in my mouth when antonia stomps off to the room. "hey, baby. What have i done again?." i ask as i run after her. "leave me alone" she slams the door and i hear the door click lock. "hey, come on. Open the door"i knock but she does not reply. After knocking for some minutes without any success, i relent and walk back to the living room. What could i have done wrong now?. Pregnancy hormones is so frustrating to live with oh. I rub my neck in frustration and lie on the couch. A sudden lightning lights the sky and a violent thunder strikes. I hear antonia scream and she comes running towards me. She jumps on the couch with me and hide her face in my neck. She presses her body to mine and mind you, i am not complaining. "babe, its just thunder" i say soothingly. "its scary" she says and i laugh. "are you laughing at me?" she raise her face and glare at me. I raise my hands up in surrender again. "no! Me? Godforbid. You know i will never do that na" she smile a bit and yawns. "you did! So as punishment, you have to sing me to sleep"she says and snuggle into me again. I sing her numerous songs and we lie on the couch snuggled together for almost an hour before she finally fall asleep and I carry her to our bed. . . Drop ur view about this story so far...
19 Oct 2018 | 19:22
nyc 1
20 Oct 2018 | 03:22
hmmm love
20 Oct 2018 | 04:44
20 Oct 2018 | 12:26
Loving it
20 Oct 2018 | 13:20
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. (Semi_Final) Episode 33 Toni: i wake up to an empty bed wondering how i got here. I remember getting angry at Steven, regretting it and using the thunder as an excuse to cuddle with him. I also remember Steven singing different lullaby for me but that's where i draw a blank. I must have fallen asleep and Steven must have carried me to bed. Did he sleep beside me last night?.Where is he then?. I get off the bed to look for him and that's when i notice a tray on the bed side table. The tray contains a cup of green tea, some biscuits and a written note. Make sure you drink this for your morning sickness. Both the tea and the biscuit are made of ginger. I hear it helps. P.S. Will be back in an hour. Don't miss me too much. *winks* i cant help it. I burst into laughter. Maybe he failed the food test but its so clear that he cares about me. I drink the tea and eat a few of the biscuits. My stomach seems settle as i perform my early morning routine. I order some bread from the kitchen downstairs and eat it with my ice-cream while waiting for Steven. Am almost done with breakfast when Steven works in. "Steven!" i yell excitedly and run to embrace him. "wow. Someone is happy to see me this morning"he says and i laugh. "well you deserve that hug for the biscuits and tea. I feel fine" "wow. That's good. I think you are also going to like what i have planned today"he says "really? What is it?" "okay, my sis texted me this morning about jessica's birthday and i know you don't have anything here to wear that is appropriate for the party. So--" "you bought me clothes?!" i ask excited "no"he says and my face falls. "what i was going to say before you interrupted is, i got you a private clothes stylist and she will be here soon". We hear a knock at the door and Steven smiles. "that must be her. Tell me you are excited because i am. I get to see you try different clothes till we find something perfect for tomorrow"he ramble on as he goes to the door to let the stylist in. I am excited just like him because duh, what girl wouldn't love to do dress up in front of her man?. Not this girl. I walk to the living room to see a guy day in a rack of dresses. A stunning lady dressed fully in designer everything walks in. "hi Mr Steven, I'm zoe. The stylist you hired"she says and smile longingly at Steven. I know that look because I always have that look. I walk in between them and smile brightly. "and am toni, his pregnant fiance" "toni, isn't that like a guy's name?"she whispers and i gasp. Why are all the stylist I've met so obnoxious. Steven must probably sense my boiling state because he drag me behind him. "zoe. Thanks for coming on such short notice. This is antonia, my babies' mama and i want you to find a dress she can wear to a child's birthday party. Some not too formal"he says "leave that to me. I know just the perfect dress for her" she says and move to the rack. Steven moves to sit on the couch as he watch zoe dress me. All the dresses i have tried so far are either too tight for tummy or have too much cleavage. Steven is obviously amused by this. He finally stands up and walk to the rack. He moves through hangers and brings a dress out. Its a red lacy trapeze dress with an asymmetric hem. The neckline is high so there won't be cleavage problem. "i love red, i love lace and i think you will look fabulous in this. Go try"he says and pushes me to the bathroom. I try it on and check my reflection on the mirror. Wow. It feels so soft. I walk out of the bathroom and Steven stands and walks to me. "you look amazing"he says and peck me lips. Yes! Take that zoe. Zoe clears her throat and Steven turns to her. "she'll have this dress. Get her shoes that will go with it and whatever else she'll need. Just no necklace. I got that"he says. It doesn't take long to find the perfect shoe. I choose silver peep-toe pumps with ankle straps. They are just gorgeous and not too high. I am already so excited about tomorrow. For accessories, zoe chooses ornami open twist fishhook sterling silver drop earrings. Who knew a earring could have a long name?. After about two hours, i have all I'll need for tomorrow's party and We bid zoe goodbye. We relax with the television set the rest of the day. We are currently sitting on the couch after having dinner. "someone is going to look gorgeous tomorrow."Steven says "well thank you"i stand up and curtsey. "i don't think nelly would like you stealing her spotlight"he says and we laugh. I stare longingly at the shoes. So beautiful. They look like they sparkle in the light. "oh no!"i say "what's wrong?" "i chose peep-toe shoes." "so?" "i have to have my nails done!" "i don't think we can find someone to do it for you now. Its already late. Cant you do it yourself?" "well i can. But i don't think my hands can reach my toes anymore"i say pointing to my protruding stomach. "oh. I think i can do it for you. Nothing a few tutorials on YouTube cant solve"he says and brings his phone out. We watch some nails tutorial videos online. Steven goes out for some minutes and comes back with red nail polish. I wonder where he got it. "so are you ready?"he asks and i nod. "good, now lie back and place your feet on my lap"he says and i do it obediently. "are you sure, you can do this?"i ask timidly "trust me"he says then left my left feet up. Its ticklish and i squirm. "babe, you have to stay still so i won't make a mistake." "but its ticklish"i giggle and he shake his head. We battle for almost an hour before Steven finish both my feet and it actually looks great. He volunteers to do my fingernails but i thank him. He's done so much already. I can handle my fingers on my own. "thank God. My neck is killing me. I have to sleep now. Don't stay up too late" he says and walks to the bedroom. Wow, he is presumptuous. What makes him think i want to sleep on the same bed with him?. I shake my head and paint my fingers. By the time, i am done, i am so sleepy. I drag myself to bed to see Steven sleeping and an idea hits me. I g the nail polis from the living room and paint all Steven toenails. He is going to flip when he sees this tomorrow. . . . Last episode loading.... Keep the comment coming..
20 Oct 2018 | 16:31
Wow that is so sweet infact that is love for u but u don fail for the food side oh hahahahaha thanks interesting
20 Oct 2018 | 16:48
you want to try Nelly expo hmm love love love
20 Oct 2018 | 17:00
I love the feeling
20 Oct 2018 | 17:15
its wonderful
20 Oct 2018 | 17:33
Awwwn..I love this connection btw dem
20 Oct 2018 | 17:33
food test indeed
21 Oct 2018 | 08:44
love in the air
21 Oct 2018 | 09:39
Intoxicated Love
21 Oct 2018 | 09:59
very very interesting
21 Oct 2018 | 10:44
Hahahahahahaha he would look funny when he wake up
21 Oct 2018 | 14:24
wow!!! interesting
21 Oct 2018 | 14:48
INTOXICATED ROMANCE. (Final_ Episode 34) Toni: "what the hell!"Steven scream and i jump off the bed with a start. I turn to him and frown. "what's going on?"i ask and he just keep mumbling while gesturing to his feet. My brain kicks awake at the sight of the red nail polish and i stiffle a laugh. "this isn't funny antonia!"he yells and i burst into fake tears. "a-m sorry. I thought maybe you'll like it."i sob out and his face softens. "awwn. Don't cry baby. Ofcourse i love it. Its beautiful. A work of art. Thanks."he says and i wipe my tears. "since you love it so much, why don't i paint your fingernails too?" "we are going to be late. Go get ready"Steven says to change the subject and i let him. Yea, nelly was right. Throwing pregnancy tantrums can used to one's advantage. I take myself to the bathroom where i laugh. In two hours, we are done preparing. I look at the mirror and nod my head in approval of my looks. I really do love my outfit. "wow antonia, you look amazing"Steven says and i twirl around laughing. Steven walks to me. "oh no. Something's missing."he says and caress my neck. "what's missing?" i ask and touch my neck. My hand touches a chain and Steven grin. I rush to the toilet mirror. Wow, its beautiful. I go back to Steven in the living room. "so, do you like it?"he asks "i love it. Especially the locket." i caress the silver bottle locket attached to the chain. "it represents our beginning seeing as i was drunk when i met you. I designed it and sent the picture to a jeweler in Paris to have it made."Steven says. "wow, that's so romantic"i laugh and Steven smiles. "okay, enough of the chit chat. Lets move it"Steven says and grab my hand, leading me downstairs to the car. He opens the passenger door for me and bows. "your highness"he says and i giggle. I hop into the car then pat his head. "thank you good and faithful palace guard"i say and Steven burst into laughter. He shakes his head at me and moves to his side of the car. We drive to the party in companionable silence. Throughout our drive, my hands are on my locket. Wow, i cant believe he made me a necklace. We arrive at the party before it starts and i help nelly who is ecstatic to see me again arrange things. By 11:00am the party kicks off and its the most fun I've had in a long time as i watch the kids dance and compete at different games. The parents' games are mostly hilarious. Nelly force Steven and i to participate in one of them. Its a game in which five couples dance around four chairs and when the music stop, we sit carrying our partner. The couple without a chair loses. Steven is really competitive and we make it to the last level with aother couple comprising of a fat woman and her skinny wife. The fat woman who has been carrying her husband each time they sit, is also o determine to win. "you are going down"she sneer at me and Steven sticks his tongue out to her. "not gonna happen"Steven says. "come on, Steven. Lets just let them win. Its just a game"i plead but Steven isn't listening. He's currently Participating in a stare off with the woman. I look to the woman's husband and he eyes me. Ok, lets do this. "Steven, permission to crush them"i say and he grins. The music starts and we dance around the only chair available. The music stops and Steven and i are directly in front of the chair. Steven goes to sit but stops when he sees the woman diving towards us. Oh no. She's gonna run into me and it would hurt. I want to move but shock is pinning me to the spot. I close my eyes waiting for the impact but i only feel hands drag me away. I open my eyes to see Steven behind me with his hand over my tummy in a protective manner. I look beside me to see the woman on the chair with her husband. "am sorry we lost the game because of me" i tell Steven as we walk to our seat "you mean more to me than a stupid game. Infact there is no comparison"he says and my heart swoons. Nelly comes to us to apologise and we just laugh it off. Nelly looks agitated. "hey, are you okay"i ask her "actually, today is kindof my anniversary. Its the day i met my husband and i hired a musician to surprise my husband with the song from our first movie date. But he's not here yet"she says biting her nails "oh, umm Steven can help you with that. He's a really good singer" i say and her face brightens. "would he agree to do it?" she asks. "I'll convince him" "thanks. You're a love saver"she giggles and i shake my head as she walks away. Turns out Steven is shy of crowd. But after much persuasion and some bribing, i finally got him to agree. Thankfully he knows the song. "so next up, my brother Steven singing 'till i met you'"nelly says and everybody applauds. Steven walks to the Mic and clears his throat. "so um this song is for my sis and her husband. Its actually their anniversary today so um hahaha, here's the song."i stiffle my laugh where i stand. He's so nervous. I never dream cause i always though that dreaming was for kids. Just a childish thing. And i could swear love is just a game that children play and no more than a game. Till i met you i never knew what love was Till i met you This feeling seems to grow more everyday I love you more each day Now i could swear love is not a game that children play So tell me that you stay you and i should be together cant you see cant you see Till i met you Till i met you The whole room erupts in applauds and i cant breathe. It was like that song was meant for me. I see Steven walking towards me and i rush to hug him. "you were amazing"i say and sniffle "hey baby, don't cry"he says and catches a tear with his thumb. "come on, lets get out of here"he says and drag me to the car. I feel so overwhelm. I cant keep my feelings inside anymore. I have to tell him, i still love him. I place my hand on his right hand and he smiles. I cant wait to get home so i could confess my feelings. Steven: i poured my heart into that song. It said everything that i want to tell antonia. She seemed to love the song. I feel her warm palm on my my hand and i entwine them together. She doesn't protest and my heart swells. We hold hands while i drive until antonia receives a call. I can only hear her side of the conversation but the mention of monseiur Charles is enough to scatter my hopes. She doesn't talk much. She keeps glancing while taking the call. She promises to call them later. I totally forgot about Paris. She going to leave me soon. The rest of the ride is silent. I open the door for her when we get to the hotel but do not follow when i get a call. My mom just committed suicide. As if the night couldn't get any worse. I walk nimbly to the elevator. As soon as i enter my suite, antonia walks to me. Her smile falls when she notices my expression. "are you okay, Steven"she asks and i just burst out in tears. She hugs me and pat my back. "my mom is dead"i sob out and she tells me everything would be okay but i know it wouldn't. She will be leaving soon. Suddenly, i am desperate. I start kissing her neck. She moans and my lips move all over her face then to her lips. She doesn't stop me and i keep kissing her. Soon, my shirt is off and i am pushing her backwards to our room without breaking our kiss. Still, she doesn't stop me. We fall into bed our hands everywhere. "Steven"she whisper my name and i freeze. What am i doing?. I cant do this just to lose her. I pull away from her and she moans her disapproval "stop"i say "what's wrong?" "i cant do this. It isn't right. I cant take that you will be leaving to Paris soon"she looks surprise "yes, i know about your chef internship programme in Paris. I won't stop you antonia. I want you to be happy and i know that has always been your dream. I don't want to get hurt when you leave so i cant bear to lose another person i love. I am sorry. You should leave tomorrow. I won't hold you back anymore." i say and walk out of the room. I grab my shirt from the floor and put it on. I lie on the couch for hours without falling asleep. The sun rises without sleep thing me. I wait some hours before walking into the room and antonia is all packed and ready. I cant seem to help the hurt i feel. 'You told her to leave and she's doing just that' i chastise myself. The drive to the airport is silent and so is our walk to boarding room. Turns out antonia already bought a ticket. I hold myself from breaking down as she walks away with my heart. As soon as she board the plane. I slump on the floor and let the tears fall. "hey, a grown man should be sitting on the floor"someone says and i raise my head to see antonia smiling down at me. "what?. The plane. You. Your dream. Paris"i mumble. "Steven, i could never leave you. You are my dream. I love you so so much. Which brings me to the question; will you marry us?"she says and goes down on one kneel. I rub my eyes to make sure i am not dreaming this. "I'm real baby and i need your answer so i can get off the floor"she laughs "ofcourse I'll marry you" i raise her up gently and kiss the air out of her. ************** Wow! Thanks so much for reading and also for the amazing comments it really encouraged me. Love you all.. Pls keep the comment coming.. . . An other interesting story loading......
21 Oct 2018 | 18:42
They are already into fiancee things...having babies coming...having fun with every little thing that comes their way
21 Oct 2018 | 18:46
Who could have thought that intoxicated romance can lead to marriage after a hot intoxicated sex that led to so many things
21 Oct 2018 | 19:09
Steve and tonia has met long time ago when they were younger...they love with bond in them started from young
21 Oct 2018 | 19:15
On their way to the top of this love they shared together, they have always thought about one another and loved each other
21 Oct 2018 | 19:22
Now that nothing is gonna separate them...Now that there's joy of love in their hearts...Now that they are gonna move from fiancee to marriage and have babies, IT'S LOVE, STEVE WEDS TONIA.
21 Oct 2018 | 19:34
21 Oct 2018 | 19:36
Wow..such an amazing story,bravo writer
21 Oct 2018 | 21:22
you nail it all thanks
22 Oct 2018 | 03:14
awwnn that's lovely kudos to our writer
22 Oct 2018 | 03:55
will u marry us? lol very funny. @last d end
22 Oct 2018 | 05:04
nice ending, i go love oh
22 Oct 2018 | 06:14
Wow finally you guys decided to be led by love
22 Oct 2018 | 06:51
Perfect . Interesting . Nyc 1 .... Kudos
22 Oct 2018 | 09:29
Wow happy endin.....thumbs up writer
22 Oct 2018 | 15:09
nice ending
22 Oct 2018 | 18:37
wow!!!! wat a wonderful ending
23 Oct 2018 | 03:38
wow, thank God u guys are back together
23 Oct 2018 | 09:02
23 Oct 2018 | 17:04
This Tonia is a witch... I really love her liveliness, no dulling around her at all. Nice story
30 Oct 2018 | 16:38
Good story line
5 Aug 2020 | 05:23
Not bad
5 Aug 2020 | 07:35


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