Judgement In The House Of God

Judgement In The House Of God

By ChiChi in 28 May 2018 | 18:09
ChiChi ChiChi

ChiChi ChiChi

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Judgement In The House Of God
Written by Chichi Joyce
Episode 1

Location:The Ajah's Residence.
The door of the house flew opened and Mr. Ajah emerged from inside holding two big boxes in his hands.
From his facial expression and body movement, one could tell that he is filled with rage and can kill anything that comes his way at that moment.
He kept murmuring some inaudible words to himself as he threw the boxes across the floor not minding where it landed or what happened to it.
He angrily dashed into the house and within some seconds,he stormed out dragging a black short and chubby woman forcefully by her arm.
The crying woman,who could be in her mid forties and whose face was red and swollen as a result of heavy tears as well as physical assaults from her husband, struggled to be freed from his grip yet he paid no attention to her.He held her tightly by her arms continuously dragging her out like a puppy on a chain held by its owner refusing to go.
The poor woman shouted in anguish, pleading not be to disgraced by him but her voice fell on deaf ear.Her wrapper loosen falling from her waist dropping to the floor, revealing her black inner wear and a part of her thighs which are supposed to be covered from the eyes of the public yet he doesn't allow her to pick it up.
Mr.Ajah shouted in annoyance "You must leave this house today,as far as I am concerned,this godforsaken Marriage is over."
With an unimaginable force, he pushed her to the floor outside the house.
She landed straight on the hard dusted ground hitting her bumbum on it but she refused to let go.
She struggled to get up n rushed back at him who stood at the door to prevent her from entering into the house and he pushed her again making her to hit her face against the wall.She felt a sharp pains traveling across her head but careless about that.
Mrs Ajah raised her voice in tears pleading with her husband "please don't do this to me I beg you.Am ur wife,I have no where to go,"
"You are very stupid,you this useless woman."
He cursed her in annoyance
"This Marriage is over. As in O-V-E -R."
He screamed at her.
"Since I married you what have you given me except badluck? Look at me,I lost my job,I became a wretched beggar.I became a laughing stock. I can't boast of one Kobo
What can of a heartless witch are you?"
"Honey please don't do this to me"
She cried kneeling on the floor
"I am innocent of all this accusations.I have shown you nothing but love.I have been submitted as a wife to you.Despite all the illmannered treatments you gave me, I still love and adore you.I gave you two wonderful kids.
When you lost your job,I stand by you.I sold all my fine clothes and gave you the money.I have been responsible for the children's school fees
Please don't do this to me"
"You are a shameless useless witch.You think I don't know that you agreed with your marine spirit not to allow me to progress in life?"
Mrs Ajah opened her mouth in shock and screamed "Jesus Christ!!,How can you say that?"
"Shut up your mouth!!" He commanded her
"You think you can deceive me with this your holier than thou attitude.You are a witch and that's the undeniable fact and you know it. How can I lost everything immediately you entered my life?You are simply a badluck.I regret ever meeting you.And talking about selling your things,you think I don't know how useless of a wife you are.You think I don't know how you opened your legs to our neighbors for money?"
"God knows that I have never cheated on you before and I will never." She replied as the tears kept pouring out mixing with the slippery mucus from her nose.
"I have been a faithful wife to you.You know is not true.Why are you doing this to me?"
"I have been a faithful wife to you." He replied mimicking her voice
"Faithful indeed!! Faithful my ass!!!
Why am I even wasting my time talking to you?
This Marriage is over.Witch go ooo"
Mrs. Ajah got up and moved to him
"Pls don't do this to me"
"I swear I will kill you if you come anywhere closer to this door.Witch like you."
He was about locking the door when she rushed to him but he pushed her again fortunately she didn't fall again as she struggled to maintain balance.
He hissed and went inside locking his door.
She kept banging at the door crying on top of her voice.Many neighbors knew that she and her husband was at it again but feared to interfere because of the many abuses he has given to them.
"Ok, please allow me to see my children I beg you" She pleaded with him
"They don't want to see a witch like you,go ooo" he responded from inside the house.
Refusing to give up,she kept banging at the door that her furious husband came out holding a Cutlass.Upon seeing him,she ran out of the compound fearing for her life leaving her luggages behind.
Mr. Ajah angrily carried the boxes and dumped them by the road side going back into the house locking his door.
Mrs. Ajah stood at the other side of the road watching him.
Many people that were passing watched her as she stood weeping her anguish soul out.
Some mistook her for a mad woman seeing her only in her inner wear and a torn blouse with an unkempt hair.
While others who had little knowledge of what is happening to her shook their heads in pity as they walked on.
She ignored all of the eyes starring at her as she crossed to the side where her boxes were lying on the ground.
She sat on the floor by them and raised her voice to the heaven and cried heavily.
The Church office
Pastor Eric,a young man who is in his late 30 sat behind the desk in his office.
The office is well designed,painted in a brown and cream color. A big brown desk divided the office into two halves and is occupied with a big bible, a bottle of anointing oil,a bottle of water and other things.
The office is very cold and smelled nice due to the work of the air conditioner and air freshener situated above in the upper end of the office.
The protrait images of Jesus is hung on the wall to give it a beautiful site.
Three chairs placed opposite the desk serving as seats to visitors and other people.
Pastor Eric heard a knock at the door as he got through with his prayers.
"Yes come in please." He answered raising his head to see his guest.
The door opened and a beautiful fair Lady walked in. She is 26 years yet she looked so much younger than that,dressed in a long blue gown,on her head is a big black hat and she holds a Bible in her hands.Her face is makeup free except for a red lipstick on her lips and she looks adorable
"Good day Pastor" she greeted with a smile
"Good day sister Rose" he smiled back
"Please have a seat"
She thanked him as she rested her buttock on a seat opposite him.
"How are you doing?" He asked her
"Fine by grace and you sir?" She asked
"Oh, sister Rose, the Lord is good, please how can I help you?"
"Pastor,is about the revelation I discussed with you the last time, you told me that you will pray and get back to me and am yet to receive any positive response from you"
Pastor Eric sighed looking at her
"Sister Rose, it's true I told you that I will inquire from the Lord which I did and am yet to receive any answers,I don't think he has agreed to that"
"Are you trying to say I am lying?" She asked,her voice depicting a little anger.
"No sister Rose,I didn't say that, please let's wait on the Lord and allow his will to be done"
"Pastor Eric,I love you so much,I can't go a day without thinking about you. I just want to be your wife. You are not married,why don't you want to settle with me?" She asked him
"Please sister Rose,I appreciate your feelings but like I said,let God's will be done"
"No problem,I will be on my way then,have a nice day pastor" she said getting up.
"May God be with you sister Rose"he prayed.
She murmured an "Amen" and he watched as she walked out of the office.
He sighed, picked his bible, opened and began to read but his mind was still in what sister Rose has said to him.
Location:A Famous Bar in the city.
Chief Benson,an old man in his late 64 sat on one of the chairs in the bar. The vicinity is less crowded and soft blue music were been played
A bottle of wine and a glass facing him on the table.
His phones and brief case lying right besides him.He kept peeping at his golden wristwatch every second while slipping from his drink.
Few minutes later,he picked his phone to call.
As he was about calling,a young lady arrived and stood near him.
She was clothed in a black skirt suit, holding a blue handbag which matched with her blue high heels shoes.
Her long natural hair fell on her back,she had no makeup yet she looked extremely beautiful and she is in her Early 30s.
"Am sorry for keeping you waiting,got stucked in the traffic"she apologized sitting besides him.
"No problem, what would you like to drink?" He asked her smiling
"I won't take anything and I have to get going,I have a choir practice by 6pm and as you can see it is 5:44pm" she replied him looking at her time.
"But you just came here Angela, can't I have a little moment with you?" He asked
"Am sorry senator, please we will have time some other day,I just had to come here so you won't be angry,am a choir directress and I have to be there before other members"
"No problem, anyway,here is a cheque of 1 million naira" he said presenting it to her.
She gasped collecting it
"All this for me senator?"she asked
"More will come my dear, just stay and see,I am going to spoil you with money. Just agree to me and see" He boasted
"Thanks so much sir" she appreciated
"No need to thank me,I love you so much Angela and I will do anything for you"
"I have to get going now senator"she said standing up as she placed the cheque in her bag.
"No peck for me Angela?" he asked
"Some other time dear, this is public and you know,I will call you ok"
With that she hurriedly walked out.
Mr. Benson smiled as he continued drinking his wine.
28 May 2018 | 18:09
everybody come ooo, tory don land [hr] Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for episode 2 •Episode 3&4 Episode 5&6 Episode 7-9 Episode 10 Episode 11-12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Last Episode
28 May 2018 | 19:12
i was here
28 May 2018 | 19:14
29 May 2018 | 02:11
Keep going
29 May 2018 | 05:26
29 May 2018 | 07:32
Judgement IN The House Of God Written by Chichi Joyce Episode 2 Location: somewhere Along the road Brother James could be seen walking under the hot scorching sun. sweat dropped down his body and soaked his clothes as he walked on.He was dressed in a blue long sleeve tught in his long black trouser with a long black tie which was tied around his neck. He held a big Brown folder in his hand as he walked sluggishly feeling very tired due to the endless search he has been on since morning. At a point,he stopped to buy sachet of cold water,drank and asked for a chair to rest his tired legs. Another day of disappointment. He has left his house as early as five am in search of a job yet his journey was unsuccessful as the previous day. Everywhere he went,there was no vacancy or he wasn't qualified for the job. He bend his head resting on his legs as the tears dropped from his eyes. What exactly has he done to deserve this? How can he be unemployed for five good years now in spite of his devoted worship to God? He has been told countless times from scriptures and pastors that God doesn't abadoned his people,why is his own case different? How will he survived without a job? He poured the remaining water on his head and wiped with his handkerchief.His strength failed in aiding him to continue his journey since he hasn't eaten anything since morning.He dipped his hands into his pocket, brought out a squeeze fifty naira note,which he bought some doughnuts and ate. ******* Tired of crying,Mrs. Ajah picked up her boxes and rolled them as she walked along the road. She had no destination of wheresover she was heading to. Her parents had disowned her because of her decision to get married to a man outside of their tribe. They had wanted her to get married to one rich chief who was already married to five women already, making her the sixth wife. She refused and secretly eloped with her husband,who at that time was her boyfriend, thereafter,they got married in his church without paying her brideprice. Her husband has been a wonderful and caring soul till he lost his job and everything changed. He got annoyed at the simplest things. He suddenly developed hatred for her and hated seeing her even the ground she walked on.Her body became his punching bag. He abused, molested and humiliated her at every given opportunity. He accused her of being responsible for his problems in life. He even had the effontery to bring in different ladies into their house. She bore everything with the assumption that he was only affected by his job and was going to change in time. She took it as her responsibility to buy food and take care of the children from the small tomatoes she sold in the market. She has never asked him for money for anything, rather she has been the one giving him.She recalled selling her expensive wrappers and given him the money to start a business, but what did he do? He used the entire money to play gamble and lost everything. When she complained,he beat her till she couldn't recognized her face anymore. Her mind ran on her children,those two beautiful gifts. Who is going to take care of them? The elder one is six and the younger five. "Oh God!!! ,Why me!" She lamented as she moved on. "Hello young lady, excuse me" Mr. Raymond Said tapping her on her shoulder. Mrs. Ajah jerked returning back to reality. She had been so engrossed in her thought that she didn't notice him calling her since. She stood still looking at him,sure that she hasn't met him somewhere before. Taking a minute to look at him,one could tell that he is an elderly man probably around his fifties. He has a short stature with a pot belly but he looked very rich from the way he was dressed "Am sorry,I didn't hear you call" she apologized "Is ok,I was in my car making a call when you passed by with your luggages,I have been calling you since but is like your mind is somewhere else,Are you ok?" He asked her as he watched. "I am fine thanks" she replied him. This was a stranger and she couldn't just opened up to explain her predicament to him in a jiffy. "Where are you going?"" He asked her. Mrs. Ajah paused looking at him. She couldn't lie because she has no where to go and it was almost getting late. The tears poured down as she remembered what her husband has done to her. Mr. Raymond felt a little pity for her. He couldn't tell what was wrong but he was sure that it was something bad due to how she cried. "Is ok please come with me,let me take you to my car so we can talk" "No please,I am perfectly fine" she responded wiping her tears. "No please, you don't look ok, you are badly injured and you need to get treatment,I won't do anything to you I promise" Resigning to fate,she nodded her head as she watched him collected her two boxes from her and showed her the way to his car. She has no idea what is going to happen but she gave it all to God after all there's no bitter treatment than what she has endured in her husband's house. ********** After choir rehearsal, sister Angela was about leaving when she sighted pastor Eric at the other side of the church premises talking to a member. She waited till the member left and she moved closer to him. "God bless you sir" she greeted Pastor Eric who was about heading back to his office turned and smiled when he saw her. "God bless you too sister Angela, how are you doing?" He asked her. "Am fine sir thanks" she replied with a wide smile. "Are you guys done for the day?" He asked her "Yes sir and we can't wait for Sunday" "Oh, that's so good,God has promised that Sunday service is going to be an awesome time in his presence" "Amen sir, please I have to be on my way now" "Ok sister, please remember to pray always. May God be with you" "Amen and you too sir" He watched as she walked away. He smiled and continued his journey back to his office. TBC
29 May 2018 | 09:10
29 May 2018 | 09:46
Ride on
29 May 2018 | 09:48
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 3 Mrs. Ajah explained her predicaments to Mr. Raymond and he consoled her. He offered her a place in his house and make sure that she didn't lack anything. Months later,they began living like man and wife though he didn't married her. She told him constantly to go see her people because she didn't want to make the mistake again but he pleaded for more time and as months went by,he was unable to go,as a result,they now lived as husband and wife and she became Mrs. Raymond bearing him two children though they not were married together. One-day, during pastor Eric period of evangelism,he met both of them and invited them to his church which is known as "The Perfect Church". They honoured his invitation and attended and decided to make a permanent stay in the church and became active members. Pastor Eric and the board of committee were discussing on how to honoured both of them as deacon and deaconess because they were so impressed by their behaviors and devoted dedication towards the things of God. Mr. Raymond contributed immensely especially in the financial aspects of the church. Mrs. Ajah on the other hand,was so committed to the service of God, that other men,both married and single,used her as a positive example to motherhood. They both were loved by everyone in the church and were popularly referred to as "Papa and Mama". ********** Mr. Benson parked his car outside of Angela compound. He off his engine and faced her as she was putting the money he just gave her into her bag. She raised her head and saw him smiling at her. She returned the smile because she already knew the reason behind such smile. She doesn't need a soothsayer to explain how much he loved her and is ready to spend on her like there's no tomorrow. He is the reason behind everything she has today. He is a famous Married politician but has interest in establishing a relationship with her. She has met him during her search for a job after her graduation from the university in mass communication. He proposed and she has accepted because she has no other alternatives. Not that she loved him but because he is the reason why she is employed today and is being paid a handsome salary. Her house and car and everything in her account is because of him. Though they are yet to get involve into any sexual acts but she feared that no sooner than later they will and that is her greatest fear because as a Christian,God greatly frowns against fornication and adultery especially with a married person. Aside that, being a journalist,she is the reason why senator Idris is getting alot of fans. She knew about his dirty hidden deeds especially with the country's money yet she makes sure that she paints him white as an angel in front of the people,not that she liked doing it but because she has no choice, senator is the reason why she is rich today. "Why are you smiling like that?" She asked starring straightly into his eyes. "I just can't helped it Angela,I wish you are in my heart to know how much I love you,I can't go a day without thinking about you" He replied her. "Really is that so?" She asked a question which she already knew the answer. "I swear by my life" He replied,"I so much love you, even when I am sleeping with my wife, your face is all see" "That's so sweet,I love you too senator" she responded, which of course is a lie because she doesn't bear any iota of love for this shameless man sitting in front of her. "You don't love me Angela, because if you do, you would have allowed me to enter the promise land. I love you so much and I have proven to you alot of Times, infact I even have an arrangement to take you to France on my next journey. You know money is no problem,I make sure that you are the highest paid worker in the house and aside your weekly allowance,I give you money everyday,what else will I do to prove myself? Why are you resisting me?" She shook her head in Fustration. For the past weeks,this issue has been their topic and she has become tired hearing it being repeated over and over. "Senator,am not resisting you,I only asked for time, please bear with me" she pleaded "What is the issue? Is it money? Do you want another car? Are you tired of staying in this vicinity? Tell me!" He asked "There's no problem darling" She answered him "Money is not the issue because you have given me enough,I don't want another car and I am comfortably satisfied with this house" "Then what is the problem?" He inquired almost with a shout. Truth be told,he was getting fed up with her attitudes. Not that,he is stingy to her,then why is she denying him access to her body? He longed for the day he would finally get to see what is under her dress. He imagine himself with her naked beautiful and tempting body in bed. He doesn't know why she is resisting him. He has done everything for her, things that not even his other side chicks has enjoyed. "Calm down senator,I just need time and I promise you will get pay for everything you are doing ok please" she assured him. He sighed in Fustration. He just have to be patient and play along. "No problem till then,let me get going,I will send you an alert once I get home" "Ok no problem thanks" she responded as she was about to open the door of his car "Haba,Angela,is that how you are going? No kiss or do you need time to kiss me too?" He asked sarcastically She paused as she looked at him. Her conscience pricking heavily as she thought on what to do. She looked at him and she could see him eagerly waiting for the kiss.She drew closer to him and slowly placed her lips on his own, thinking that it was all but to her amazement,he unexpectedly opened his mouth and forced his tongue into her oral cavity. His hands were about travelling to her breasts when she stopped and pushed him off,got out of the car,walked to her gate, opened and went in without looking back at him. Surprised at. her attitude,he watched her as he shook his head, after seconds,the senator turned on the ignition and drove out of the premises, still wondering why she reacted that way to a mere kiss.
29 May 2018 | 10:17
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 4 "You are welcome Brother Ken" James welcomed as he ushered his friend into his room. They had met in the same cab oneday on a Sunday on his way to church and they both became friends, though their friendship was six months old but Ken has been like a brother to him. He is ready to help him in the little way he can especially with finances during this crucial time of job hunting. He knew where ken stayed and pay him visits most often especially whenever he is feeling hungry because of this presence condition. He refused showing Ken his residence because he felt so ashamed of him but ken insisted and so they were finally here. Ken stood with disappointment as he inspected the place his friend has brought him to. It could be mistakenly for a pauper room. Gosh!!! There was nothing to entice the eyes with. No television,No Chair,No fan, nothing at all. There only thing there was a mattress which was laid on the bare floor since no rug was available. At the other end was a table which contained a Bible and other things,not even a single foodstuffs was in sight. Ken shook his head in surprise and pity. James bowed his head down in shame as the tears formed in his eyes. No doubt,life has been so unfair to him despite his services to God and society. "James,I don't want to believe this is where you staye" Ken said to him. "My brother,this is where I am managing oo" He answered with shame. "Gosh, what kind of living is this James, take a look at your room and your life,this is abject poverty" he cursed "What kind I do my brother? I am still keeping fingers crossed for a better job and life, I believe things will get better someday" he replied "Wait oo James, what is your church doing about this? I mean the church is supposed to help a member in this kind of problem" Ken asked with interest "My brother,they are really trying but I can't continue begging,My Pastor is really helping with prayers and the little he has,he never fails to encourage me not to give up" "Just listen to the nonsense you are saying,Did you say prayers,Have you forgotten faith without work is dead? You are a devoted believer and the church is supposed to collect money to help you out until you have a job" He fired James paused for a moment thinking about what Ken has just said. There seemed to be some sense in what he is saying. "That's remind me, you are the treasurer of the church right?" Ken asked him. "Yes I am" he replied "What kind of a fool you are James?" Ken asked in Anger "What do u mean,I don't understand" James asked in confusion "You are the treasurer of your church,which means you are in control of all the money of the church yet your life is like this" James opened his eyes in astonishment as the reality of what Ken was saying hit him. "Jesus Christ,Ken,I don't want to believe that you are advising me to steal the church money inorder to put my life in order" "Bingo!!!" Ken shouted "you are so smart,is not stealing,is called helping yourself, remember Heaven help those who help themselves. Take out some money,start a business,rent a nice apartment and once you start getting profit, you can put the money back" "Blood of Jesus,I rebuke you" James screamed in anger "Cool down guy,I am only telling you the truth and you have to open your eyes and be wise.God gave you a brain so he can rest. Don't think prayers is going to get you a job" "Please leave my house" James ordered "No need for that,I am already leaving and don't call this a house because this place stinks and also remember that I will no longer give you any money bye" Ken stormed out of the house. Ken sat on his bed as the tears poured down his eyes. He refused to fall into this temptation but what is Good doing about his situation. *********** Angela sat in her office as she pondered about the event of the previous day. Since she kissed senator,her conscience has known no rest. She regretted every thing she is doing yet she can't stop else everything will go down the drain including her job. Every one knew her most especially in the church where is she is popularly called "Angelic voice". The special gift of singing God has bestowed upon her has made her popular among people. Everyone including children could testify of her wonderful voice. The church has greatly increased because of the powerful ministration she does every Sunday. Most souls has been touched and has given their lives to Christ. Everyone loves and are proud of her and because of them,she was made the choir head. So what will it look like,if people heard that she has a skeleton as such in her cupboard. Dating a Married man, covering the evil deeds of a criminal under the disguise of a senator serving his people. She has became a partaker of the stolen funds of the nation and is dinning with the devil,all because of money and fame. "Oh God!!,I hope you will understand and forgive me" she cried ******* "Mr. Raymond sat on a chair in the garden outside his house slipping from a glass of cold orange juice while reading a newspaper. Mrs. Ajah walked up to him and stood looking at him. Aware of her presence,he closed the newspaper and looked at her. "Yes young woman, what is it this time?" He asked her "Why are you delaying in meeting my people?" She bluntly asked him "And why do I need to meet them?" He asked her. It was like they both were in a questions competition because they kept bombarding each other with questions Mrs. Ajah looked at him in Amazement. She doesn't want to believe that she heard him right. "I don't understand you" she replied him still shock. "What don't you understand you this foolish nagging Woman?" He asked "have you suddenly become deaf? I asked again,why do I need to meet your people?" "To finalise our marriage,I have been in this house for years living and behaving as a wife yet you have refused to see my people" she screamed at him "And I asked again,why do I need to meet your people,is like you are very stupid,you have been in my house and have bore me two children and has been doing all your wifely duties,so why should I meet your people when we are as good as Married.Get this loud and clear,I won't meet your family,if you like bring heaven down." with that,he hissed and walked out on her. Mrs. Ajah stood with unimaginable shocked and dumbness as she watched him walked out."what a foolish Woman she has been." TBC
29 May 2018 | 11:43
29 May 2018 | 12:34
Eheh mo fo ooo
29 May 2018 | 19:40
30 May 2018 | 01:56
30 May 2018 | 03:45
eh..trouble everywhere
30 May 2018 | 04:58
30 May 2018 | 05:10
hmmmmmm, troubles,,,, but church cannot bestow upon dem d title of deacon and deaconess if dey are not legally married now
30 May 2018 | 05:47
chichi my girl has come again!!!! wow,,,, I love Ur coming back dear,,,, @chichi
30 May 2018 | 05:48
30 May 2018 | 07:01
30 May 2018 | 07:32
The woman sef fu(k up
30 May 2018 | 07:34
Nawa oooo
30 May 2018 | 12:32
Every corner is jumbled with lies and deceit
30 May 2018 | 12:36
Angela u have to look for a way an escape but rather i would say it is too late
30 May 2018 | 19:06
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 5 Location: pastor Eric's office. Pastor Eric,who sat in his office,has just finished receiving a call from one of the members when he heard a knock at the door. He asked the person to come in and the door opened,as Rose walked in,smartly dressed in a knee level blue gown and blackk shoes,holding a black nylon and wearing a smile on her face. Pastor Eric returned the smile when he saw her and after usual pleasantries,he offered her a seat. "Good day sister Rose" he greeted "Good day pastor,I am sorry for coming at this time" she apologized "Is ok sister Rose, though I was about rounding up my activities before you came but is quite alright, so please what can I do for you?" He asked her "Well,I thought you might be hungry and tire after all the stress you go through rendering services to every individual that comes to you so I decided to bring you this wonderful meal that I prepared myself" she said bringing out a blue cooler from the nylon and placed it on his desk. "Oh dear sister, you shouldn't have bothered to go through all that,I am perfectly fine and I planned on preparing something once I get home" He replied her. "I know and that's why I decided to do it.I don't want you stressing yourself after all this work,and as for bothering myself,let me be the judge of that, please don't refuse it,I beg you,I really took my time to prepare this and there's no strings attach to it." "Oh sister Rose,I didn't mean it that way just that-" He paused looking at her and he could see that her countenance has changed and he added" Is ok,I really appreciate this kind gesture and I thank you so much for this,May the good God bless you and replenish your pocket" He said drawing the cooler to himself "Amen and thanks for accepting too"she replied with a wide smile of satisfaction. "So how is your work?" He asked her changing the topic "Work is fine,and how is the church? I don't even need to ask because I can see the handwork of God" she said "Oh yes,our GOD has been ever faithful"he replied "Dear pastor,i have to be on my way now"she said rising to her feet "Ok sister Rose and may God bless you again" he prayed "Amen" she replied him with a smile and walked out. He took the cooler and opened it. Amazed as the sweet aroma of fried rice and chicken hit his nose.He inhaled deeply,closed it and kept it. ********* Location: The Perfect Church The Gigantic building situated up on a little hill and members could be seen trooping in their numbers as they entered into the church.It was on a Sunday and people like always,are excited as they went in,eager to be in the awesome presence of God especially to hear the powerful sermon through the blessed man of God, pastor Eric and most especially the most ever wonderful and golden angelic voice of Angela. Inside the church,there seemed to be no space as everywhere was occupied with members both old and young,who were dressed in their beautiful attires of various designs and colors. Up at the altar area,the choir led by Angela were ministering a popular song" It is well with my soul" and the spirit of God seemed to be moving in diversities dimensions. Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Ajah,both wearing the marching outfit were sitting on the first row in the church, Brother James sat at the end of the third row holding his bible, though he was in church,his mind was very far away as he kept thinking of what his friend has said to him. Rose sat on the first row too, adjacent Mr. Raymond and she was starring directly into the face of pastor Eric, wondering why he has refused to love her the way she loves him. Not a single day without her thinking about the day she was going to finally say "I do" to the man of her dreams. After the choir ministration,there was minutes of silence as pastor Eric mounted the pulpit. He held a big black bible in his left hand and a microphone in the night. He was gorgeously dressed in a cream native attire with a pair of black shoes on his feet. His hair, neatly cut fully sold out his handsome face to the congregation. The members sat down as some were seeing bringing out their pens,books and bibles, preparing to listen to the word of God. "Praise the Lord somebody"He screamed "Hallelujah" the congregation chorused "Oh people of God, today is such a wonderful day in the presence of God and am so much happy today,give the Lord a clap offering" He said with a smile. The congregation jammed their hands together in clap "God is good" "All the time" "I said GOD is good" "All the time" "I am very happy today because I received a message from arch Bishop Michael of the soldiers for Christ ministry in South Africa,how many of us has heard of him?" He asked Few hands could be seen in the air among the congregation. "Well,the man of God has been doing wonders among the people through the help of the holy Spirit and to God be the glory,we are honored to have him in our church on the 15th of next month" The congregation clapped in shout and joy. "Oh yes, what a privilege, among all the church in this nation,he decided to pay us a visit, Praise the Lord somebody" "Hallelujah" "So we should all be prepared as we await his coming and i believe that it will be an awesome time in the presence of the almighty,come with all your families and friends, indeed it will be a day to remember" "Amen" "Please Sister Angela,you and your team should work and bring out your best on that day"he said turning to Angela, "well after that now,we come to the word of the Lord for the day"he said as he opened his bible ********* Location:along the road after service Lst woman: my sister,did you hear what pastor Eric told us today? 2nd woman: yes oo my sister, what a privilege for us,I am so happy 1st woman: you can say that again,do you know the arch bishop is a blessed and anointed man of God,I have heard so much about him,how he has been doing mighty things through the help of God,he even gave a widow 1000 dollars to start a business 2nd second:(in shock)you don't say? 1st woman: am telling you,and I thank God for bringing him to our church,I will make sure that I will be the first to come to church on that day,I don't want to miss anything,who knows I may even be lucky self to get money too 2nd woman: me too oo With that,they continued their journey. TbC
31 May 2018 | 10:34
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 6 Location:Mr. Raymond's residence Mr. Raymond hurried out of the house, fully dressed, holding his car keys and phones, heading for his car. He entered into the car and was about closing the door when Mrs. Ajah rushed out and ran to him. "Honey,wait please wait" she said holding the door of the car to stop him. "Oh not again" Mr. Raymond shouted in annoyance "You this woman, what do you want again?" "Honey please,where are you going? Today is Sunday." She replied "And so?" He asked her "Today is Sunday dear,you are supposed to be home with your wife and children, please where are you going?" "What kind of foolish talk is that? You this useless Woman,and who made you my wife or the owner of this house?" He asked in anger "Please honey,I beg you,our children need you,you are so busy that you don't have time for them, please stay at home today and show them fatherly love"she pleaded "I can see that you are very stupid,so because of those little witches,I should abandon my important project and go sit with them,will that bring money into this house?, please get out of my way" he yelled "My children are not witches" she protested "for Christ's sake,what is wrong with you? Why are you doing this to us? You are so busy from Monday to Monday,not even a single time with us,I begged you to go pay my downry,you refused,now am only begging you to sit at home on a Sunday just to be with us" "You must be very stupid, you useless witch,I can see that you are high, imagine someone that am managing standing here and talking rubbish,and if you must know,I didn't make you any judge over me, please leave my door"he commanded she hestitated for a moment,but when she saw the rage on his face,she left the door and he slammed it harder against her face. She stood with sadness and tears watching him as he drove off. She turned and slowly walked into the house. ******* Location: Angela's Office Angela sat behind her desk on a cool Monday morning. Her face fully focused on the computer in front of her as she is busy typing some documents in. Her phone rang and she paused her work to take a look,the name "Senator"displayed on her iPhone 6 screen. She hissed and continued her work as the phone rang endlessly. She stopped working and rested her back on the chair as distraction set in. "God,when will this ever end?" She asked her "how long will I be able to resist this temptation?, Why is this happening to me? What can of life am I living as a Christian? Is my lifestyle worth emulating?,I just wished I could do something about this senator but what can I do?" The phone beeped indicating a received text. She opened it and read "Meet me at the five star hotel 5pm, don't keep me waiting, senator" She hissed and let out a sigh of Fustration. ******** Pastor Eric could be seeing on a video call with archbishop Michael ."good day father". he greeted with a smile revealing his white set of 32 with a little gap at the front. "A blessed day my son, how are you?" The archbishop asked "We thank God for grace and how is the church?" Pastor Eric asked Oh, is always a great thing whenever we see the multitudes of people eager and curious about the knowledge and powerful of the almighty, many lives has been touched and are still touch and I am so grateful to God for using me as an instrument to do his work" The archbishop responded with a smile. "Oh yes sir,to God be the glory, I have conveyed the message of your arrival to the church and we are so happy,we just can't wait to see the spirit of the Lord moving among his people" pastor Eric said "Oh yes, what a great day it will on that day,with God as the owner of the church,we are convinced that alot of lives will be touched on that day and all the glory will be given to the almighty God" "Amen sir,amen" "So concerning my arrival,I will come on the 13 of next month awaiting the 15,which is on a Sunday. I only have four days to spend beginning from my day of arrival,I would have stayed longer but we can't dwell in a particular place forever, just like Abraham,we need to move to all part of the Earth to spread the gospel" "No problem sorry,we are very honored and we await you. I and other elders will be at the airport to pick you up on that day" "No problem,may our good God guide and protect you always" "Amen and you too sir" With that,the archbishop pressed the end button. ******** Brother James entered into his room sluggishly throwing the file which contained his documents on the bed. Another day of unfruitful search! Another day of disappointment! Another day of Fustration! Want kind of a life is This? Is it now a crime to serve God? He opened his bucket and brought out a nylon containing a little amount of dry Garri. He brought out a small jar and hissed as he noticed that his sugar was finished. He took 50 naira from his pocket and was about going out when his door opened and the landlord walked in with a serious frown on his face. James facial expression changed because he already knew why the man is here. House Rent Wahala!! TBC
31 May 2018 | 12:04
hmmmmmm,,,,, James should wait and not touch church money oooo,,,,,, who knows, the arch bishop myt help him
31 May 2018 | 14:15
and I hope pastor Eric did not eat Rose's food bcos dat will be d beginning of problems for him
31 May 2018 | 14:16
those that wait upon the lord shall not be disappointed, bro james the lord is your strength
31 May 2018 | 15:38
Life is so full of mystery... Everyone wit his own problem
31 May 2018 | 15:41
Life is so full of mystery… Everyone wit his own problem
Abi o Sister Rose with her own Bro James with his own Mrs Ajah with her own
31 May 2018 | 16:58
This one na tragedic matter ooo
31 May 2018 | 17:11
Hmmm,nawa ooo everyone has a inner battle and glowing outside so dat no one knw there problem. As for james still hold on to God he will see u through
31 May 2018 | 19:38
Problem here and there
31 May 2018 | 22:50
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 7 Location: The five stars hotel Angela's heartbeat increased as she slowly climbed the magnificent stairs of the five stars hotel leading to room 101. After work,she drove straight to the address senator had sent earlier on and when she parked,she called asking for his room number which he gave to her. Moments later,the receptionist called to informed him about her arrival and after approval,she found herself going to the room. As she arrived in front of the door,she took a deep breathe and slowly knocked on the door. As if the senator has been expecting her since,the door opened immediately and she walked him inhaling deeply as the cool air-conditioner welcomed her. She walked into the room and met senator lying on the bed, slipping from his glass of red wine and pressing his phone. She greeted him letting out a little smile and she sat on the available sofa near him. The room was quite an expensive and beautiful one ranging from the furniture to the designs but she didn't care to observe as her mind was somewhere else. He got out of the bed and moved closer to where she sat,his gaze focused on her. What an epitome of beauty she is! For few moments,a deep silence travelled across the room as he stared at her and she bend her head looking at the well tiled floor. "I am sorry for keeping you waiting"she apologized,not that she was that late,but she just wanted to kill the silence between them. "Is ok my princess,I can wait till eternity for you"he replied her "She chuckled a little. "Oh forgive my manners, what do I get you please?" "Is ok I am fine" she responded "No way Angela, you keep refusing my offer everytime,let me get you something " He said moving to the telephone to make a call. "No,is ok,I am fine, seriously am ok" she told him. He looked at her and reluctantly dropped the receiver back "Ok if you say so". He moved and sat near her taking her hands into his own. She felt quite uncomfortable but didn't complain. "So how is work? what is the latest development?" He asked her "Everything fine but the usual complaints of the people,but on a serious note, senator, you really need to stop this and come out clean with the nation. The kind of bad report we get every day are so disheartening,I think you have been able to acquire alot of money,is Time to stop embezzling funds and do what your people want from you" She spoke with all sincerity. He paused and looked at her, surprised at the guts she had to say such to his face. Maybe she has forgotten that she is also a partaker of the fraud. Angela looked at him with little fear in her eyes. She knew that what she has just said pained him to the bone marrow. She never believed or planned on saying such to him. What she just voiced out could get her into trouble. "I am sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to" She apologized to him. "Is ok dear, though you are right but I don't blame you because you don't understand politics" He replied her. "Anyway that's not why I called you here,I miss you so much and I want to be with you" He said changing the topic,he won't allow her to wake his conscience, after all,he isn't the only person involved in such dirty acts in the government. Angela kept quiet contemplating on what to say to him. Now the fear of the unknown is finally here. She watched as senator hurriedly removed his trouser and shirt throwing them to the floor, revealing his boxer and white singlet. He moved closer to her forcing himself to kiss her. "Please wait sir, please" she pleaded in fear "Oh oo, what is it again Angela? why do you keep resisting me Everytime?" He asked in Fustration "Please sir,I beg you am not ready please I need more time" "Nonsense" He fumed "what time? I have done everything for you Angela, everything you have today was given by me. Your house, your car, your work, your account, everything,why are you doing this to me,why?" Angela broke down in tears,crying her eyes out in front of him. The angry senator calmed down when he saw her crying. He moved closer to her,held her and asked why she is crying. "Please sir,I really appreciate everything you have done for me and I love you so much like you do too. My entire body belongs to you but I just need time. I have had a rape experience and it hurts me everytime I remembered it. please give me time" She explained in tears. "Oh my God!!" The senator exclaimed in shock "why didn't you tell me? You know I love you so much and I will never hurt you. I never knew you were raped,am sorry ok, infact I give you all the time you need after all you are mine but promise me you won't allow anyone else except me" "I promise sir,I promise" She quickly replied "Is ok,stop crying" he moved to his wallet, brought out a cheque and gave it to her. "You can cash this tomorrow ok" "Thank you sir" she replied collecting it. "Is ok,I don't want to see you crying,I love you so much even more than my wife" "Thank you sir" she repeated again as she stood up. "I have to be on my way" "Is ok, just take care of yourself" he said watching as she left. He hissed feeling disappointed again. "I will still get you Angela,no matter how you run away from me." ******* She sat behind the steering thinking about what happened minutes ago. She thanked God for providing a way of escape from that temptation. She had to quickly come up with a lie to save herself from committing sin. Though she just told a lie about being rape but it was a lesser evil than what would have happened. How long will she be able to do this? She knew the kind of person the senator is,he will never give up till he gets what he want. She silently prayed as she drove out of the park. ******* Location: Pastor Eric's office. "So Mr. Raymond, your wife has complained bitterly about you not having time for her and the kids, what is the problem?" Pastor Eric asked. Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Ajah sat opposite pastor Eric in his office. She had informed the pastor about his recent attitudes, leaving the part where he beat, abuse her and womanise with young girls out. She pleaded with the pastor to call him to order and he invited both of them to his office for counselling.. "Pastor I am so sorry,I know that I have been bad lately to her and the kids but is because of work,I love my family so much but the work in the office is really too much for me" He explained "I understand Mr. Raymond,but you know that your wife loves you so much,she is not a nagging person,she just wants your attention as a husband, please try to combine both and give her what she is asking for. Remember the scriptures, husband love your wife as Christ loves the church. Both of you are well respected people in this church,it won't be right seeing you coming here for counselling when you are the ones that are supposed to be counseling others. Everyone including myself admires your Marriage so much. Please try to listen to your wife" "No problem pastor and I am so sorry,I love my wife so much and I promise to change" Mr. Raymond replied as he turned to Mrs. Ajah and apologized to her. They both reconciled with a kiss. "Thank you so much pastor" Mrs. Ajah appreciated pastor Eric with a smile "Is ok,To God be the glory and may GOD bless the both of you.dont forget to pray always." He advised. "No problem pastor,we have to be on our way now" Mr. Raymond Said "No problem,May our good God in his infinite mercy guide you both" "Amen"they chorused together and walked out holding each other hands as pastor Eric watched with a delightful smile. TBC
1 Jun 2018 | 09:28
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 8 Location: James' room James sat on the floor,his legs spread across and his hands folded together. His head resting against the wall and his eyes swollen with uncontrollable tears. The landlord has come in demanding for his house rent which has expired since four months ago and he is yet to pay. He explained his present situation to the Landlord and pleaded for more time but his pleads fell on deaf ears as the Landlord won't heed to him. He had left in anger threatening to throw him out if he fails to pay at the end of the week. Today is Monday,where would he get such huge amount of money to pay within six days when he is yet to find a job and even if he does,no company will pay till the end of the month. His food stuffs are finished and the worms in his belly cry for food but where is the money to buy food? His friend or former friend Ken has been helping him but Since he told him to leave his house after giving such devilish advice, Ken has cut him off completely and has stopped rendering helps to him. What kind of a hell called life is this?" This has gone beyond testing of his faith and patience. He cried deeply as he prayed to God for help. ***** Location: Outside the church premises Mrs. Ajah opened the door of the car and entered,she turned to see Mr. Raymond face full with Anger. "What kind of a nonsense talk was that back in pastor Eric's office?" He shouted at her "I don't understand what is the problem?" She asked with fear. Immediately,she saw his right hand flew across her face. She screamed and held her cheek in pains. He has just slapped her!!!! "You are very stupid, I asked you a question and you asked me a question back, you this useless whore of a woman!" He yelled. She couldn't say any word as the pains travelled through her head letting the tears flowed freely down her face. "So you have the guts to report me to that stupid pastor,ehh you this fool? You have the effontery to paint me black infornt of a man who is not yet marry but advices married couples, what am I even saying self? Did I marry you? Hell no,so what gives you the right to carry our private affairs to him? He called me to advice me, a whole me, Chief Raymond, you are out of your mind in fact get out of my car this moment" He commanded. "Please don't do this to me" Mrs. Ajah begged "I said get out before I give you another slap" he shouted She quickly opened the door and rushed out of the car and stood watching him. "Fool, stupid whore, you will meet me at home" He insulted and drove out leaving her standing there. Mrs. Ajah stood standing not knowing what to do. She had no money on her to go home and she feared of going back to the pastor to explained what just happened. She quickly wiped her tears as she saw Angela walking towards her direction. "Good day mama" Angela greeted "Good day my dear, how are you?" She asked trying to control herself from crying. "Fine thanks,is that not daddy I saw driving out?" Angela asked "Oh yes you are right,we came to see the pastor and we were leaving before you came" "Oh but why didn't he carry you along or is there an issue?" Angela asked "No problem dear,he received an urgent call from work and has to hurry, while I am going to the market so I told him to just hurry instead of carrying me. You know my husband is such a rough driver when he is in a hurry" she explained with a fake smile. "Oh ok" Angela replied "What about you? What are you doing here?" She asked "Oh am here to see Pastor Eric concerning the coming of the arch bishop" "Ok, please are you going along the express way? Mind if I ride along" Mrs. Ajah asked "No problem ma,let me quickly rushed and meet him,I will be back" Angela replied "Ok I will wait for you outside" "No problem ma" Angela said walking away ******* One week later Location: The church premises James drove a black Toyota Corolla straight into the church premises. Pastor Eric who was about locking his office to go out,paused and watched in amazement as he saw James came out of the car with smiles all over his face. "Good day sir" James greeted with a wide smile "Bless you son, how are you?" Pastor Eric asked still looking at the car. "I am fine, thanks sir" James replied "Brother James, please who owns that beautiful car over there?" Pastor Eric asked. James let out a wide smile "Sir,God has been so faithful,I got a job at the MRS petroleum company as the assistant manager and I was given me a house and this car" "Oh Sweet Jesus" pastor Eric screamed in joy "oh the Lord is so good to his people" "Oh yes he is"James nodded "Oh come here son" Pastor Eric said hugging him "Congratulations,I am so happy for you, you see I told you that God is ever faithful and will never fail, for those that wait upon the Lord shall not wait in vain,oh congratulations, congratulations my son" He said shaking his hands. "Thanks so much sir,I really appreciate everything you did for me especially for keeping me in your prayers and for encouraging me through my testing times" James said "Is ok ,to God be all the glory, infact I was on my way out but now that you are here, let's go in so I can pray for you" pastor Eric said leading the way to his office while James followed behind him wearing a big smile. ******* Some days later Location:the church's auditorium Pastor Eric and some elders including James and Mr. Raymond sat down as they discussed about the arrival of the arch bishop. "So as I was saying,as we all know,the long awaited day of what we have been planning for is finally here. Our father in the Lord, Archbishop Michael will be live with us tomorrow morning. He called to inform me this morning that he will be at the airport tonight,so we should all try to put in our best, not for the eyes services of men but unto the glory of God" "Oh yes pastor,I totally agree with you" Mr. Raymond added "it is a great joy to have such wonderful man of God in our midst and we as the church should give him all the necessary requirements to make his stay a memorable one, infact I take totally responsibilities of his hotel,I will make sure that he received the best accommodation ever in this country and the bills are on me" The other elders clapped their hands together upon hearing that. "Oh God bless you so much Mr. Raymond" pastor Eric said "And to add to what father has said,I will make myself and my car available to carry the man of God to and fro wherever he wants to go to. I will be available whenever he calls" James added "But brother James, won't that be a problem with your work?" Pastor Eric asked "Not at all sir,it is God who has given me the work and everything I have,so I have to use it to carry his servant, infact it is an honored to have him ridden inside my car" The elders nodded in agreement "Very well then,I have already told sister Angela and the other choir members and I prayed that God sees us through and bless us all for our efforts towards the growth of his kingdom" pastor Eric concluded "Amen" they all chorused together TBC
1 Jun 2018 | 10:45
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 9 Location:The Choir's Rehearsal room. The room which contained over fifty plus choir members, consisting of young adults,both male and female, sat in a circle with their pens and books as they listened and learned a new song their choir directress Angela is teaching them awaiting Sunday service. The instrumentalists behind the piano, guitar and drums,all set and listening to her. "So please sing carefully to the words and let's try to get the tune correctly. This is a very simple song which consists of three stanzas,are we ready?" Angela asked "Yes" They responded together "Ok,the first stanza goes like this" she said clearing her throat to sing "singing slowly,You are welcome to the perfect church,the perfect church where the perfect God is,we non dey lose ooo,we non dey fail oo,oh Bishop Michael, you are welcome,to the perfect church" The members roared in joy as they clapped their hands together, cheering Angela for such a wonderful song accompanied by a melodious voice. Angela smiled, overwhelmed with joy by such amount of love and clapped shown by her darling friends. "Is ok,is ok" she said trying to calm them down. "We are here to learn and practice,so let's get down to business" A silence followed and everyone focused on her. "So I will sing it again and then we sing it together slowly twice, after that,we will sing it one by one, Nobody is leaving anytime sooner from here, remember we have a big day ahead of us ok,so are we ready?" She asked again. "Yes" They chorused even louder than before. "Ok so this is it again" Angela replied and they listened as she sang the previous song over. This time,they didn't clap or shout but listened,the few fast learners,who has already learned from the first time,sang along in low tunes while others hummed along. Some members,especially those who don't have a retentive memory, quickly brought out their books and pens, writing down the lyrics to practice at home or work during their lesser times. Within few minutes,everyone has already learned the first stanza and were singing together in wonderful voices,the guys weren't left out as they sang in baritones and the instrumentalists joined adding sounds and flavors to the song. Pastor Eric walked in and stood at the door as he watched them singing. He smiled brightly at them,so much enjoying every moment and he hummed along with them. He moved closer to them and noticing his presence, they paused to greet him. "Good day pastor Eric" They greeted together "Good day children of God" he replied with a wide smile."oh, you guys have such wonderful voices,I am truly impressed,I felt the presence of God in this place as I walked in. Oh! There is indeed fullest of joy in the presence of God" "Yes oo" they replied "Sister Angela" pastor Eric called turning to her "Yes sir" she replied "You know that I am always impress with your services in this church,and I believed that God is indeed impressed as well. We all are witnesses to the good work God has been using you to do in this church,Oh you are such a rare gem and may God bless and continue to use you always" "Amen ooo" The members shouted "Thank you sir" Angela replied with smiles over her face. "I like that song very much, what is it about?" Pastor Eric asked "Sir,it is a song dedicated to the servant of God, archbishop Michael,we will sing it to welcome him on that day" A member spoke from among them. "Oh wow! That's so interesting,is really a nice song, infact I want to learn it too" pastor Eric said drawing a chair to himself as he sat down "Wow,wow,wow" the members screamed in joy. "Ok so we have a new member here now" Angela joked "we now have to be serious since Daddy is now in our midst,so we are going to start from the first stanza again so we can learn and also teach daddy,are we ready?" "Ready ooo" the members along with pastor Eric shouted in joy. ******** Location:Mr. Raymond's house In the night Mrs. Ajah,wearing a white transparent night gown sat in front of the mirror in their bedroom ,using the makeup wipe to remove makeup from her face.The door of the bathroom opened and Mr. Raymond walked into the bedroom wearing a black boxers and a white towel hung around his neck. He moved to his bed and sat on it and looked at Mrs. Ajah who is fully focused on what she is doing. "Hey you this woman" Mr. Raymond rudely called Mrs. Ajah dropped the wipe and turned around to look at him. She is already used to what he calls her when no one is around and she is tired of complaining because every complain ends with beating. "So you can't even say yes sir" He asked "Am sorry,yes sir" she replied coldly He hissed and continued with what he is saying "I am sure that your lover of a pastor must have told you about the arrival of the archbishop tomorrow" He paused to look at her whether she is going to say something but she didn't. Mrs. Ajah who already knew that he is in for another trouble this night,kept quiet and listened to him. Since the day she begged the pastor to help her talk to him,he concluded that they are having a relationship, that's why pastor Eric is unmarried. It wasn't his fault at all,is her legally married husband didn't throw her out of the house,she won't be in this type of bondage called relationship or Marriage whatsoever. "Are you hearing me you stupid woman?" Mr. Raymond asked bringing her out of her thoughts. Oh I am sorry" she apologized with fear,she prayed he doesn't beat her tonight. "You see what I am saying,I am wasting my time talking and you are there thinking about your useless lover,why do you like to provoke me every time?" he asked in annoyance "I am sorry" she apologized "Just shut up your trap when I am talking,I don't blame you at all and that's why I will continue to regret the day I met you, anyway as I was saying,the bishop will be coming tomorrow for the program on Sunday," Mrs. Ajah wondered why he was telling her when the announcement has been made in the church already. As if reading her thought, ...he replied "I am telling you because I know you very well, you are a foolish woman and I will not condone any insolence from you. You better respect yourself and play along,I don't care if you fake it or not. Just respect yourself and don't ever make the mistake of exposing me or our secrets to him or anyone,if you do, just ask God for somewhere to rest in hell,am I understood?" He asked "Yes sir"she answered "Don't say I didn't warn you, goodnight" he said as he removed the towel from his neck and laid on the bed. The tears dropped down Mrs. Ajah's eyes What did she do to deserve this? TBC
1 Jun 2018 | 12:44
He is gonna regret soon
1 Jun 2018 | 14:34
1 Jun 2018 | 15:52
Mr Raymond you are most stupid man on this planet
1 Jun 2018 | 17:29
is it not better to remain unmarried or living alone dan to be married to dis type of man? she should leave him jorr, is she waiting for d day he will finally kill her???
1 Jun 2018 | 20:18
Why can't Mrs Ajah help herself by eloping with Mr Raymond money... She will do something good with it, I already believe she's just unlucky with men or so
1 Jun 2018 | 21:52
2 Jun 2018 | 00:24
2 Jun 2018 | 03:15
Nawa ooooo
2 Jun 2018 | 07:09
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 10 Location: Love Tv, a popular Television station in the country. Announcer: Good day ladies and gentlemen watching us across the country on television and a pleasant day also to those watching us via the Internet. You are all welcome to another wonderful time in studio. This is your favorite television station Love TV, where our main focus is on building and expanding the church. My name is Miss. Rita Vincent and today,we have live in studio,Mr. Or should I say Pastor Eric of "The Perfect Church Ministry" located on the main island. You know,many of us have heard alot about the perfect church, especially about their charitable impact in society and is really a privilege to have the man of God himself,so pastor Eric,tell us a little about yourself and your ministry. Pastor Eric: Good day everyone, just as you have heard,am pastor Eric resident pastor of "The perfect Church" and is a great joy to be in studio today. Announcer: so tell us about your ministry,the name "Perfect Church"is quite strange,how did you come about that when it's so obvious that there's no perfect person on Earth? Pastor Eric: well the perfect church is not about the members but about God,the all perfect creator that makes no mistake. Announcer: oh I see, anyway so what brings you in studio today? Pastor Eric: I am here to specially invite you and all people from every corner of the country and the world to our special service this coming Sunday,it is a great joy to have God's servant, archbishop Michael from South Africa and he will be live this Sunday at the perfect church. Announcer: like seriously,the Archbishop will be coming to the perfect church, that's cool,I have heard so much about him and I can't wait to meet him,I will be there live but I don't understand,do you know him from somewhere,why did he choose your church? Pastor Eric: he is actually my mentor and I have met him twice during a leadership summit in South Africa,so is indeed a delight to have him visit my church Announcer: ok so what's the time and date cos I must be there Pastor Eric: like I said earlier, the Time is 7:00am prompt and the date is the 15 which is this coming Sunday and I am inviting everyone to be there to experience the miraculous power of God. Announcer: alright,so viewers you have heard it all for yourself,I advice that you be there cos I must surely be there, don't forget this Sunday 7:00. And so that's how we come to the end of this show,do join us in the evening for a repeated broadcast and next week for another edition, remember to keep tune and do have a nice day. ********** Location:Pastor Eric's Office "So that's why I am here,to be honest with you,I really feel hurt that you don't have the kind of feelings that I have for you,but no problem,I have tried to understand that I cannot force you to be with me,I believed everything will be fine oneday,I am so sorry for my recent attitudes,I was just hurt" Rose explained as little tears dropped down her eyes. Pastor Eric sighed heavily as he looked at her, he's moved with compassion and he finally spoke. "Sister Rose,if there's anything that I greatly admired in you,is your boldness,I love the kind of spirit you have, going for what you want and I like you, frankly speaking,I do but I am not just ready for what you want. I am pursuing after my mission as a servant of God,many souls are dying and I want to be the instrument used to bring them back in to the kingdom of God. Please I don't mean to hurt you but we need to commit everything into the hands of God, let's seek the face of God fervently on this issue and I believe that God's will be done" "I understand and that's why I am here,I may have been seriously disturbing you and I want to apologize on that. I guess I let my emotions controlled my reasoning. I promise to forget this entire issues and focus mainly on the growth of the church supporting with what I have. I have decided to put this relationship talk behind me and move ahead. I believe that the man that loves me will come someday." She spoke "I quite understand and I wish you all the best and I am most grateful for your understanding and passion to join me in moving, establishing and expanding the growth of the church to all part of the earth. You are a beautiful, responsible and well adored lady of class and I sincerely believe and pray that you will get the man of your dreams someday. A man send by God to make you a complete person unto the glory of our Lord. Please I advice that you bear patience and give God time to select the best for you. Hope you heard of brother James' testimony in our mid week service? When all hopes were gone,God finally stepped in and gave him a turnaround. Yours might not be a job problem because you are already a working class but the God who knows everything will surely see you through and make you smile at the appointed time" Pastor Eric replied. "Amen, thanks so much pastor,I am sorry I won't be able to follow you to the airport to receive the archbishop due to some urgent situations I have to handle but I will sure come by later to give my own of welcome" Rose replied "No problem dear sister,it is highly appreciated and do take care of yourself, Don't forget to pray always, standing firm in the Lord and may all your heart desires be granted" "Amen, thanks sir,I have to get going now" she said standing up. "Ok,let me escort you to your car" pastor Eric replied standing too as he followed Rose outside to her car *********** Location: The Murtala Mohammed's Airport Pastor Eric along with the elders,board of committee,few members among which included Mr. Raymond and James are standing with smiles over their faces as they watched Archbishop Michael walked closer to them wearing a smile on his face too. He is dressed in a black native designed attire with a red small cap on his head which symbolized his position as an arch Bishop. He is a man in his late 60s but looked quite young, handsome, strong and energetic. Pastor Eric rushed to him and embraced him in a tight hug "You are most welcome sir" pastor Eric spoke releasing himself from the embrace. "Thanks so much my son,it feels so good to be in Nigeria,wow, everywhere is so nice" the archbishop replied in a foreign accent. "How was your journey sir and the family?" Pastor Eric asked "Oh the journey was quite wonderful, thanks to God for journey mercies. The family is fine especially my wife and she send her regards and how are you doing? I guess these are members of the church?" He asked pointing to the people who stood behind him. "Oh yes they are" pastor Eric replied leading them to him as he introduced them one after the other. "I am so happy to be here and I pray that God takes absolute control over everything" the archbishop spoke after the introduction made by pastor Eric. "Amen,I guess you must be very tired, Brother James and I will take you to your lodge while the other members will go home and come back in the evening" Pastor Eric said "Oh thank you so much my son,I am very grateful" "No need for that sir,is a great honored,so shall we?" Pastor Eric asked leading the way "Yes sure" the arch Bishop replied as they all walked towards the park. ******** Location: The archbishop's Lodge Saturday night The archbishop could be seen reading his bible. After a while he got up to his feet and engaged himself in a serious prayer, casting and binding, praying for God to take control over the service tomorrow, for the mighty waves of God to drive through,for the lives of the people to be changed and impacted as well as other. After he concluded his prayers with thanksgivings,he walked in the bathroom to have his shower, getting ready to sleep for tomorrow's encounter. TBC
2 Jun 2018 | 08:35
mrs ajah, why not leave that man since nobody marry you to him
2 Jun 2018 | 08:49
2 Jun 2018 | 13:42
2 Jun 2018 | 15:55
OK,,,, still in dat lane
2 Jun 2018 | 16:17
Hmmmmm! next
3 Jun 2018 | 05:11
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 11 Location:Mr. Raymond's residence It was on a Sunday morning,and Mr. Raymond and his family could be seen preparing to attend church service. He is dressed in a gorgeously designed white agbada with matching shoes and cap, quite a young and handsome man compared to his age. He stood by his car holding his keys as he awaits Mrs. Ajah and the kids. He gazed at his watch,wondering why she is wasting his time,tempted to go in and drag her out of the house but he held himself together as he patiently wait for her. Today is Sunday,a wonderful day at that and he must tried not to get annoyed though she is seriously pushing him to. Moments later,Mrs. Ajah hurriedly walked out of the house holding two little kids of about two years precisely a boy and a girl. She is dressed in a blue gown but not extremely beautiful as a woman ought to be due to the stress she was passing through. Mr. Raymond upon hearing her footsteps,turned his head towards her direction and looked at her as anger began to swell in him. "What is the meaning of this nonsense you are wearing?" He shouted at her not minding the presence of the kids. Mrs. Ajah bent to look at herself after he asked that question. Though she doesn't have anything new to wear,she had intentionally decided to dress like this because there's no essence of dressing very well to fake it when she is obviously not happy. "Am I not talking to you?" Mr. Raymond asked again but Mrs. Ajah kept quiet "I said what is the meaning of this nonsense you are wearing? Are you trying to tell me that you don't have any clothes to wear or you purposely want to disgrace me? Have you forgotten today is a big day and we have alot of personalities to meet? Are you so stupid that you don't understand when, where and how to dress or do you think you are going to the nearby market?" Mrs. Ajah kept quiet as he bombarded her with questions. The kids didn't say anything as they watched their father shouting at their mother. Maybe they understand but didn't want to say anything or they were oblivious of what's happening. "My friend,will you get yourself inside and changed into something better" He commanded "I know you want to annoy me but it won't work for you" Mrs. Ajah slowly let go of the kids hands as she turned heading into the house to change.Since he started his behavior,she has decided never to engage with him in a talk which always resulted to beating, rather she always keep quiet and listened to me. "If you like,go and sleep inside there,let me come and meet you in there" He shouted after her. Minutes later,both partners and kids were in the car heading for church. ******* Words were unable to describe the beautiful and handsome gorgeously dressed multitudes which were seen trooping into "The Perfect Church". News of the arrival of the archbishop into the country has circulated around the entire place and people were rushing in their numbers to see him live. Both young and old,males and females, medium and large,fat and slim, everyone even those who were handicapped or physically disables found their way into the building. It was a day that no one could afford to miss in the nation. The decorations committee had done a good job the previous day as the building was beautiful decorated with Fancy colours and designs. Sanitation unit were not left out as the church,chairs and surrounding looked sparkly cleaned and beautiful. Everyone has one way or the another contributed immensely to making the day a huge success. Inside the auditorium, all seats were occupied and the choir led by Angela were engaged in serious praises and worship as they led the congregation in a dance. As usual,Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Ajah sat on the first role, along with Rose. The archbishop was sitted in the medium between pastor Eric and James at the altar.He was seen murmuring inaudible words to himself, perhaps he was praying. After the praises and worship,James mounted the altar to lead the opening and Thanksgiving prayers, followed by collection of offering and then the choir ministration led by Angela. Next, pastor Eric mounted to give welcome remarks and a brief biography about the archbishop after which the floor was given to the archbishop. Claps and thunders of roars followed as the archbishop stood with a wide smile to face the congregation. Angela and her team slowly sang the welcome song at the background as the archbishop mounted the pulpit. He raised his hands up to the people calling for Total silence. After which he prayed and began to preach as the congregation listened attentively. "Praise the Lord" He screamed Hallelujah" the congregation roared "Children of the most high, praise the Lord" "Hallelujah" "Oh people of God,I am happy to be here today with such a wonderful family, my family and our other brothers and sisters from South Africa sent their regards and I thank you all so much for the wonderful love and care you shown to me since I arrived, please clap for yourselves" He spoke The congregation joined their hands together in a mighty clap. "God is good" "All the time" "I said,God is good" "All the time" "Amen, you know I am so much touched by that selection made by the choir about The Perfect Church,i so much love that name" The Archbishop spoke The congregation joined their hands together again in a clap and smiles over their faces. "Yes,I love that name so much,"The Perfect Church" a nice name,a beautiful building full of awesome people like you" He praised The congregation again clapped their hands together. "The Perfect Church,nice but is there really a prefect church?" He asked as he looked through the congregation and heavy silence travelled through the crowd. TBC
3 Jun 2018 | 14:52
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 12 Location:The Church Auditorium Continuation from the last scene The Archbishop searched his eyes through the silent congregation after he asked the one billion dollars question. Few people murmured among themselves while others placed their hands to the cheeks thinking. Pastor Eric and other elder sat looking at the archbishop attentively. "I will leave that to the church to answer, meanwhile,may we all bow our head and say a prayer to the most high asking for his presence as we are about to hear and receive his word, let's pray for the holy spirit to open our understanding and let the will of God be done in our lives today" The congregation quickly bowed their heads as they prayed silently, some eyes closed while others were opened but still praying. "In Jesus name we have prayed" he concluded "Amen" the congregation chorused "So brethrens in the Lord,I gladly welcome you to this important moment with the king of Kings and I pray that our understanding be enlighten and our lives transformed unto the glory of God" "Amen" "Today,I will be preaching on the topic: Dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty and I want you to do away with every forms of distractions as you listen keenly to the word of God, I say it again, dwelling under the shadow of the-" The curious congregation raised their heads and eyes to know why the Archbishop suddenly paused in his statement. The archbishop turned to the altar moving slowly. After a few seconds,he turned back to the congregation and began to smile. "Praise the Lord somebody!" He screamed "Hallelujah!" the suspicious congregation replied "Children of God,praise the Lord!!" "Hallelujah" "Oh the Lord is so good! Indeed he is good!, I was about to preach on the topic I called earlier but like a flash,the holy spirit just ministered to me that some of his children sitting here have gone astrayed. They dressed beautifully,they are always in church,they contributed immensely to the things of God, People see and admire them as a true believer,but they know that all those are fake. They know within themselves that they are not living according to the gospel. They know that they have a skeleton in the cupboard, they know that they have longed ago forgotten about the ways of God. They have forsaken the things of God. Now is the time, just like the prodigal son,God is saying,come back home,he loves you. Though you may have forsaken him due to the circumstances of life but he never did, please come back home" The words of the archbishop touched the inner beings of the congregation and a heavy silence fell upon them. Some could be seen sharing tears while others closed their eyes. The Archbishop searched through the crowd as he continued to speak. "Please come back home,I don't know you but God does. You can never hide anything from him. He sees what you are doing in secret and he knows everything. That's not the lifestyle he chose for you. My brother,my sister,my son,my daughter,come back home, today is the day of salvation, the day of redemption. Please come to the altar let me pray for you. Remember the scripture says, let's come boldly to the throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy. No matter who you are,no matter what your secret may be, God's love is ever standing. His Mercy is ever sure,every faithful" At the side facing the pulpit, pastor Eric bowed his head and a little tears dropped from his eyes which he quickly wiped to avoid suspicion. " God please not today,I am a pastor, people are looking up to me as a leader,as an example. I can't go and stand at the altar in front of the entire church. What will people say about me? Please let's settle this in secret" "Oh God, should I go and stand at the altar facing the entire congregation? What will people say about me? Angela the golden angelic voice,I can't bear the shame, please forgive me, I promised not to have anything to do with senator ever again" "Oh God! My conscience has been feeling guilty since I did that act. I have known no peace despite everything I have now. Please forgive me,if you want me to go at the altar,let the bishop repeat himself again" "Is this a life I planned to live? Even though my husband threw me out of the house,he never divorced me and by the law of God and man,I am legally married and still his wife, My children are still with him. why then am I staying and committing adultery with another man? A man that has never paid my downry. A man that I don't know anything about. A man that I have been performing a wifely roles for when all he does is beat, abuse and humiliate me everyday. A man that is more concerned about what people think than even me. A man that has no respect for me. Is this what I really want to become? Is this the plan God has for me? Do I really enjoy this so called Marriage? All the pretense, All the eye services, making everything looks fine and perfect in front of people when I am dying deep inside. No i have had enough. I am going back to God" Back at the pulpit,the archbishop continued to say "Please come at the altar,let me pray for you,God still loves you and his arms are wide opened to help.Stop being indecisive. That voice telling you to stay is not of God. Don't mind what people will say, heavenly race is a personal one, please come" James slowly got up from his seat and walked to the altar with his head bowed in shame and embarrassment. He reached at the altar and knelt down crying his eyes out "God bless you my child" the archbishop spoke at him "please don't hesitate to join him,I know you are there, please come" Five more individuals joined James at the altar. "I think the bishop is talking to us" Mrs. Ajah quietly said to Mr. Raymond "Will you shut your trap and sit down there?" He fired at her "I will not sit" She fired back at him "you think this is what I planned for myself? No!" She made to stand but Mr. Raymond forcefully pushed her back to sit "Do you realize you want to disgrace me woman?" He asked in annoyance "I don't care, Enough is Enough!!" She shouted and with that she stood up and walked to the altar. Mr. Raymond angrily got up from his seat and stormed out of the church. Upon reaching,she quickly fell at the feet of the archbishop crying uncontrollably. "It is well my daughter,it is well" He comforted."All of you,go to the altar and begin to pray, asking for mercy from God. The grace not to go back to your old ways. Please pray" He spoke. The few members at the altar including Mrs. Ajah and James fell at the altar and began to pray and cry. "I know you are still there" the archbishop turned to the congregation. "Please come and join them, Tomorrow might be too late for you. Please join them.God is calling you" Angela got up from her seat, thinking she wanted to join them but she collected the microphone from the stand and slowly began to sing "I surrender all". The congregation rose to their feet and joined in the worship, some singing while others crying while the archbishop continued to speak Angela held the mic and sang with passion as tears flowed down her eyes. Indeed it was the hour of revival. TBC
3 Jun 2018 | 16:54
3 Jun 2018 | 18:34
In the presence of God is the fullness of Joy. So Pastor Eric also had a skeleton in the cupboard?
4 Jun 2018 | 02:42
Guilty conscience
4 Jun 2018 | 04:48
pastor Eric what have you done? ANGELA, stop the pretense and allow GOD to deliver you
4 Jun 2018 | 05:23
4 Jun 2018 | 05:38
bold step u Hav taken dia Mrs Ajah but can she go back to her husband? James I know Ur sudden wealth is not all true, pastor Eric wat exactly did u do? the hypocrite Angela aka angels voice,,,, allow God to perfect his work of salvation in Ur life.
4 Jun 2018 | 05:49
@chichi Darlene,, tnx but biko give us two more episodes today now,,,,
4 Jun 2018 | 05:50
4 Jun 2018 | 07:23
4 Jun 2018 | 13:51
4 Jun 2018 | 13:51
I thought as much James,ur riches were too sudden for ma likening n pastor Eric, wat r u also doing in de dark???
4 Jun 2018 | 19:22
Next pls, really enjoying dis
4 Jun 2018 | 20:54
Judgment In The House Of God Episode 13 The service ended and everyone has gone home except for the Archbishop, pastor Eric, Angela,James and a few workers. The service has been more than wonderful. The presence and spirit of God came down and was felt by everyone,both young and old. Most people had come with intentions of getting financial help or seeing signs and wonders and though those things were done, the most important one which is the reconnection back to God was the highest of them all. Everyone surrendered themselves in total worship to God.People cried their eyes and hearts out to God until they couldn't cry anymore. God through the mouth of the archbishop was present to heal and deliver his people and most importantly bring them back to him. The sermon and ministration touched everyone present in the church.Indeed it was an awesome and unforgettable time in Church. ****** After service,the archbishop spoked with all those that had surrendered and reconciliated back to God. He prayed and advised them not to go back to their sinful ways anymore. They thanked him and left including Mrs. Ajah but James had to stay back because he is the person to drive the archbishop back to his hotel and to the airport tomorrow as he leaves to catch his early morning flight. The archbishop and pastor Eric entered his office feeling so exhausted from the day's work. The Archbishop sat on a chair in the office resting under the cooling Air Conditioner while he prayed thanking God for the glorious encounter with his people. Pastor Eric watched as he prayed. He then opened his refrigerator, brought out a bottle of cold water and a glass and placed them on the table near him. After the archbishop got through praying,he served himself some water and drank. He observed that pastor Eric was looking a little bit moody and he asked "Is everything alright son?" Pastor Eric raised his head to look at him. "Sure sir, just that I am surprised" "And what could that be?" The archbishop asked as he slipped from his glass. "About what happened back then in church,I am yet to get over the shock. I mean who could believe that Brother James,the church treasurer could do such a thing? I know that he had some challenges with unemployment which I consistently prayed and helped with the little I could. I mean who could ever believed that he stole the money the church entrusted him where was his Faith in God? He started a business, bought a house and a car and boldly lied to me that he got a job at MRS oil company." The archbishop shook his head in pity. "And Mr. Raymond and Mrs Ajah" pastor Eric continued " The favorite couple,who are loved and respected by everyone in the church, used as a good example to singles and married,are not married. Geez..They are not married but fearlessly commit fornication and adultery and even have kids. Not knowing Mrs. Ajah is a married woman staying with another man.Who could imagine that all the smiles,the matching outfits,were all pretense and fake. Jesus Christ!! I can't just seem to get over it. To say that I am shocked is an understatement sir..I am shocked beyond words" The archbishop smiled and sighed deeply. "Well, that's life for you my sometimes human are pushed to do the unthinkable because of circumstances of life. We as humans, our hearts are like a battle ground. A serious warfare is going on between the flesh and the spirit. That's why apostle Paul advised us to put the whole armour of God and be strongly prepare for the battle.Remember we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. That's why we should not give in to the flesh which gives birth to canal things but we should feed the spirit daily. We cannot hate nor ignore them but to continuously show them love, encouraging and praying for them. We thank God for reconnecting his people back to him" "You are right sir just that I am so surprised but we gave the glory to God" pastor Eric said sighing deeply. "Is there something else you want to talk about?" The archbishop asked again starring deeply into his eyes "No sir, that's all,I am perfectly fine" pastor Eric replied "Ok,so mind telling me why you are not yet married" The archbishop bluntly asked Pastor Eric paused for a moment looking at the archbishop. He wasn't expecting that question and was surprised "Nothing sir, just that I am not yet ready. I want to fully focus on what God has called me to do. I don't want any distractions" "Distractions? Wives are not distractions, infact they are the people that help to support and encourage you on the work of God provided you find a good one who will stand by you and join you in expanding the growth of the kingdom". Archbishop Michael advised "Yes,I think you are right,I will do the needful with time" "Ok,that's reminds me,the young beautiful lady that sang today in service, what's her name please?" He asked "Her name is Angela but I don't want to marry her" pastor Eric retorted "I didn't say you want to marry her, she sang so beautifully and I was touched. I like to pray for her before leaving, could you please call her for me?" "Ok sure,I think she is still outside. Let me call her" "Ok thanks" the archbishop replied Pastor Eric walked out of the office to call Angela ******* The yellow taxi parked in front of the big black gate and Mrs. Ajah got out. She brought out some notes from her bag and paid the driver. He thanked her and zoomed off leaving her standing. She stood watching the gate, contemplating whether to go in or not. She doesn't need a soothsayer to tell her how annoyed Mr. Raymond is with her because of what she did at the church. Fear came upon her but she quickly discharged the feelings and summoned courage. She is ready for whatever that comes her way. She has had enough from him,after all she is not his wife. She pushed the gate opened and slowly walked into the compound. She didn't see him outside but knew he was in because of his Jeep parked outside. She moved closer to the door and knocked harder on the door. Few seconds later, the door opened revealing Mr. Raymond. Words were unable to express the rage on his face. "Yes what are you doing here you fool?" He screamed at her. "Didn't I warned you never to come back here!" "I am not here for you. I am here to take my children and my belongings" she fired at him. "You must be mad! You are very stupid,will you get out of here before I will do something that you will regret!" he ordered "I am not moving an inch till I take my children and my belongings out of this hell. you can do your worst." She screamed back at him. "Oh really? Ok wait for me,I am coming" he said shutting the door and walking away. Mrs. Ajah rested her head against the wall as the tears swelled up in her eyes. She is no longer moved by his threat. She has had enough and is time to set things right. The door opened and Mr. Raymond appeared holding a big pestle in his hand and before she could say "jack", the pestle landed on her head and she shouted and fainted falling to the floor. TBC Happy birthday to me. No gifts no more episode?? Thanks guys for the wishes
5 Jun 2018 | 14:16
this one is emotional
5 Jun 2018 | 15:58
bia @spancy u better come here nd update more episode before I call d anger of gods on u..... lol hbd once more
5 Jun 2018 | 17:52
Happy birthday to the writer!!! Following
6 Jun 2018 | 03:40
6 Jun 2018 | 04:38
happy birthday writer, nice story next episode pls
6 Jun 2018 | 05:12
Happy birthday to you, but you suppose bribe us more with plenty episodes now
6 Jun 2018 | 05:43
happy birthday
6 Jun 2018 | 07:17
6 Jun 2018 | 07:48
hmmmmmm,,,, dis Raymond must be suffering from anger,,,,, wat are dey calling it, medical students in d house? haba he is so wicked.
6 Jun 2018 | 08:07
pastor Eric,, is dat wat dey call u to be sayin? are human being perfect? u should be concern abt wat u did in d secret dat u can't boldly tell someone instead of been shocked abt pple's confession
6 Jun 2018 | 08:11
mr raymond, are you really mad or what? you want to kill her? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
6 Jun 2018 | 08:12
and if u can't even come out to answer alter call,,,, u need to confide in arch Bishop b4 he leaves for SA
6 Jun 2018 | 08:13
happy birthday to u @chichi
6 Jun 2018 | 08:15
Happy birthday to you
6 Jun 2018 | 13:15
happy birthday to you
6 Jun 2018 | 15:51
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 14 Few minutes later,the door opened and Angela majestically walked in. The Bishop lifted his head to looked at her and she replied with a wide smile. "Good day sir," She greeted "Good day my dear,how are you?" The Archbishop asked "I am fine sir, you send for me?" She said "Yes I did. I am feeling so inspired by your ministration today in church. Wow!! A round of applause for you" He responded clapping his hands together. Angela widely smiled feeling so honoured. "Thank you sir" "Oh yes,it was such an awesome time today. Your melodious voice greatly helped in the awesome presence of God. I was so touched and I felt the presence of God revolving the entire place. My child, you will go places higher than you can ever imagined" He prayed "Amen sir,Amen, thanks so much,I appreciate and I bless God for the gift bestowed upon me. I will continuously use it to glorify his name" she responded "Awesome! Wonderful! That is the right spirit of a true believer. You are mightly blessed my daughter. Please give me your hands, let me pray for you before leaving" He spoke. Angela stretched both hands as the archbishop stretched out his too. He took her hands in his and began to pray. " Father I thank you for your child. I thank you-" He stopped as he heard Angela crying loudly in the office. He opened his eyes to see the tears rolling down her face as she cried. "What is the problem my child?" He asked with concern written over his face. "Nothing sir,I am fine" she responded wiping her tears. "Are you sure you are living your life according to the gospel my dear?" He asked her "Yes sir" she replied "Are you sure that your light is shining brightly in the darkness of men?" He asked again She paused for seconds before answering "Yes sir" "Are you sure that your heavenly father can proudly look at you and say this is my child in whom I am well please?" He asked for the third time "Yes sir" she replied "Ok then, let's pray" He concluded taking her hands again and began to pray. ******* After He prayed and Angela left,the door opened again. He raised his head thinking it was pastor Eric but he was surprised to see a beautiful young lady walked in. "Good day sir, please I am sorry for coming in without telling you,I just want to see you quickly because I may not have the chance to do so again before you leave" Rose spoke. The archbishop smiled and told her to sit down. She thanked him and humbly sat on the chair next to him. "Thank you sir for granting me audience. I know you must be very tired due to the service we had earlier today. I am so sorry for disturbing you. I just want to ask from a favour from you please" "Go ahead am listening" He told her. "First,I want to thank you for the wonderful visit you decided to pay to our church but please father, i am a woman of a broken spirit. Though I tried not to show it but I am greatly hurt inside please I want you-" The archbishop interrupted her and said "My daughter,there is one thing I want you to do for me first" Rose was a little annoyed that he didn't allow her to complete her statement nevertheless she answered her "What is it sir?" "I want to you to wait on the Lord. I want you to tell him that you trust in him and his will should be done in your life" "I don't understand sir" she said looking confused The archbishop sighed deeply and look into her eyes. "My daughter,I cannot understand what you are going through but your heavenly father does. And I want you to know that he is preparing the best for you. What you are desperately seeking for is totally different from what he has for you. You may not understand his plans but believe me,he knows exactly what you need and will provide it for you. Please be patient". The words of the man of God sank deeply into her heart. Though she didn't tell him her reason of coming but she was shocked at the advice he gave her. Exactly what she needed. She thanked him and left the office in deep thoughts. ********* The next morning finally came and the archbishop was about heading to the airport to catch his flight. Pastor Eric and James were standing by the car with his luggages as they awaited him. Moments later,he came out fully and smartly dressed and ready to leave. He walked up to them and smiled. "I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I had to give God all the glory before leaving" "Is ok sir,no need for apologies" pastor Eric replied "I really do appreciate all the wonderful gestures shown to me by you and members of the church since my arrival. I can't thank you enough but almighty God will reward you abundantly" The archbishop prayed "Amen and I thank you ever so much for the visit paid and for the wonderful experience we had with you. Thanks for such honor and we look forward to meeting you again" pastor Eric replied "To God be the glory my son" He replied "Brother James, please come" The archbishop called turning to James. James moved closer to him. "I want to congratulate you for the bold step you took in reconnecting back to God. I know it may not be easy but I pray for grace not to be weary and I want to assure you that you will surely reap the fruit of your good and hard work in time. Here you can have this to start with for the mean time" he said as he stretched a small white paper to him. James collected the paper and opened it. His mouth opened wide in astonishment as he saw what was in his hands. He used his hands to rub his eyes so that he can clearly see what is written on it because it seemed like he was dreaming. In his hands was a live cheque of five millions naira starring at him. He became dumbfounded instantly and stood like a robot. The archbishop smiled and gently patted him on his shoulder. "No,this can't be true sir. I must be dreaming" James shouted kneeling in front of the man of God. "Please get up. I am not God" James stood up and he didn't know when he hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much sir,Thank you so much. Pastor Eric, please help me to thank him o" He spoke as the tears rushed down his eyes. "Thanks so much sir,God bless you" pastor Eric said with smiles. "Is ok, All the glory to God. Please use it wisely.I am sure it will take you a long way till you get a job. And I will make preparation for you to join me in South Africa when I get back. Please don't go back to your vomit again" Archbishop Michael advised "Oh my God!!" James screamed in excitement. "Thank you sir,oh father in heaven,I bless your name. Thank you so much!" "I have to hurry now so I don't miss my flight" the archbishop said walking to the car. James quickly opened the back door and the archbishop sat in while James opened the front and sat behind the wheel. "Thanks so much for everything again sir,it was really a nice time having you here. I would have loved to escort you to the airport but you insisted on me staying back" pastor Eric said to him. "Oh please don't bother, you have alot of things to take care of. I will be prefectly fine and I will give you a call before boarding. Thank you once again for everything and please extend my regards to the wonderful Christian family. I thank them so much for everything" "Ok sir.Do have a safe flight back home" "Thanks,and I almost forgot! Son!" He called pastor Eric "Yes sir" "I left a piece of note in your bible. Just open to the book of Romans. I placed it there. Please read it thoroughly and digest it" "No problem sir,I will do just that. Thank you again" James started the car and zoomed off with pastor Eric waving to the archbishop before they finally were out of sight. The pastor smiled brightly as he walked to his car and drove off to the church eager to see what the archbishop has left in the Bible. TBC Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I so much appreciate and I love you all.
6 Jun 2018 | 18:28
Following!!!! U wlc lady.
6 Jun 2018 | 18:57
hmmmmmm,,,,, Angela should Hav opened up and James, happy for u, u can work to return God's money dat u stole now. good job chichi
7 Jun 2018 | 03:22
can we get more today @chichi, am eager to know wat d arch bishop left for pastor Eric oooo,,,, am anxious now
7 Jun 2018 | 03:23
7 Jun 2018 | 05:37
next oh, waiting for the next episode
7 Jun 2018 | 08:55
Am enjoying this Happy belated birthday bro pls fmm
7 Jun 2018 | 09:50
pastor Eric, what are you hiding? you know nothing is hidden from the Lord
7 Jun 2018 | 17:19
What is pastor Eric hidding
7 Jun 2018 | 20:33
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 15 Location: The Church Compound Pastor Eric gently drove into the compound and parked between the church auditorium and a little distance from his office. He got out and greeted the old volunteering Gardener doing his job. He made some enquires about what happened doing his absence. After receiving replies,he walked to his office, brought out bunch of keys and selected the right one, inserting into the padlock. He opened and walked in, located a seat and sat praying thanking God for another day. His mind quickly ran to what the Archbishop had said and he brought out his bible. He drew the big black bible near and opened to the book of Romans. He saw a piece of white paper gently folded into between some chapters. He took and opened it and read "The pleasure of sin is for a moment. The wages of sin is death". His heart froze upon seeing such statement. What does the Archbishop mean by these words? His conscience began active and pricked him deeply as tears swelled in his eyes. Just then his phone rang. He dipped his hands into his pocket and brought it out. A strange number was what he saw. He answered and a female voice came alive. "Please is this pastor Eric,a woman name Mrs. Ajah was rushed to our hospital, please come quickly" What!!!! Pastor Eric rose to his feet in shocked "Please which hospital?" "Lady of hope, general hospital" He ended the call, grabbed his car keys and hurriedly dashed out of the office into his car,. not minding locking the door. He already knew the location of the hospital. ******* Angela sat on the sofa opposite the senator in her apartment. He had come to pay her a visit and know the reason why she has been avoiding him and his calls. Just like the decision she took on Sunday,she has completely cut him off from her life and she knew that sooner or later,he will come to her house to seek answers and she has been long prepared for him. "Mr. Senator,I appreciate everything you did for me but I am sorry I have to cut it off with you. Since I started doing this dirty work and engaged in this illegal affair,I have known no rest. I know you have done alot for me which I appreciate but I am done with you now." The shocked senator looked at her,not wanting to believe what she just spitted out of her oral cavity. "What are you talking about Angela?" He asked calmly trying to surpress his anger. "What I am talking about is,I am cutting it off with you. I am no more interested in anything that has to do with you. Stay out of my life. You can take your job back if u want. I am done with you." She fired at him. "You can't be serious Angela, you cant. Do you know who you are messing with? Let me remind you that I own everything you have and will ever make. You think after eating my money, you will go Scott free. You must be joking!" Senator shouted. "Mr. Senator,let me state this clear to you" Angela said standing up."you don't and will never own everything I have. For your information,I didn't force you to get me whatever you think you did for me. Secondly, I am the reason why you are not yet stripped off your so called Senator title. I am the one working my ass out 24/7 to paint you white out to the public, putting lies together just to make sure that you are still a senator. I don't need to remind you of all your dirty deeds and within one second,I can make you loose everything including the fans you have" "Are you threatening me Angela?" Senator asked in shock. "Call it whatever you want to. I just want you to stay out of my life senator. Aren't you ashamed that you have a beautiful wife at home yet you are chasing behind me? Go get a conscience and stay away from me!" "You are joking and just know that this is not over. You are playing with fire and you will get burn eventually. Angela, you will regret ever knowing me." Senator threatened "Whatever, so long senator!" Angela scoffed "So long Angela,so long!" ****** Days Later Location: Pastor Eric's office Pastor Eric was reading his bible when a young fair, handsome and average height guy walked into his office. He was in his late 25s. The guy was dressed in a dark jeans and a blue polo. Pastor Eric raised his face and was shocked to see the guy. "What are you doing here Steve?" pastor Eric asked not allowing the guy to sit. "Can't you at least offer me a seat? Steve asked. Pastor Eric looked at him not knowing what to say. Steve quickly located a seat opposite the pastor and did the needful. "What are you doing here Steve?" Pastor Eric asked again,then he added after few seconds. "I warned you to never come to my office. That's why you have my phone number!" "That's the problem, you are not picking your calls. You are not replying my messages. You are ignoring me. What is going on Eric?" Steve asked "Your brain should have told you that I was busy. You should have waited rather than coming here" pastor Eric spoke "Well,I couldn't wait anymore. I decided to come see you in your office to know why you are ignoring me." Steve said popping a chewing gum into his mouth. "What if someone sees you in here Steve? What is your problem?" Pastor Eric asked with all seriousness. "I don't give a damn Eric. I missed you so much and that's what I am concern about" Steve spoke smiling seductively "God, whatever did I see in this guy?" Pastor Eric asked himself as he stared at Steve with complete hatred. TBC
8 Jun 2018 | 13:43
Chinekeh!!!,so pastor Eric,u r a gay??? Ahhh!!! how cud u? I least expected dis,my gudnezz!!!
8 Jun 2018 | 19:38
wow!!!! dis revelation is heart wrenching,,,, pastor Eric!!??? how can a man of God be a gay!!!!! oh my God. wat am I even saying,,,, dis is a story but we Hav so many men of God doing dis for real too,,,, men!!! I never expected dis
9 Jun 2018 | 03:53
Speechless!!! But not surprise... Following
9 Jun 2018 | 04:07
Wonder Shall Never End So Pastor Eric Is A Gay, Bt No Wahala Am Waitening More Episod
9 Jun 2018 | 04:56
Look at this man o
9 Jun 2018 | 05:53
I'm not so surprise ...Pastor Gay
9 Jun 2018 | 05:57
Oh my goodness,this unbelievable
9 Jun 2018 | 07:26
I knw say dat pastor get big skeleton for cupboard..HOMO GAY!
9 Jun 2018 | 07:59
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 16 Location: Pastor Eric's office Continuation from the last scene "God! Whatever did I see in this guy?" Pastor Eric asked himself as he stared at Steve with complete hatred. "I said I miss you but you didn't reply, rather you just keep starring at me like a dummy?" Steve said drawing pastor Eric mind back to reality. "What are you doing here Steve? I have warned you to never come to my office for any reason whatsoever" pastor Eric spoke harshly "I know but I had to. You aren't picking my calls. You don't respond to any of my messages and you no longer check on me. I miss you so badly baby" Steve responded crossing his legs. "Well as you can see I am perfectly fine and I have been extremely busy with loads of work. As for not answering your call,it is my phone and I have the right to choose whatever calls I wish to answer" pastor Eric retorted "What's with the attitudes Eric?" Steve yelled to the shock of pastor Eric."why are you talking to me as if I did wrong in coming to look for you? The last time I checked, you were the one calling me everytime to hook up. So why are you treating me like some sort of pest to you?" Pastor Eric shook his head in Fustration. Steve is definitely creating a scene and the last thing he ever wanted was someone coming in here to know what's going on moreover someone might even be eavesdropping on the conversation. "Steve please stop shouting, you are creating a scene here and I don't need to remind you that you are in my office and this is the church compound" pastor Eric spoke "And I don't give a hoot about wherever we are neither does it move my ass whosoever comes in here. I won't tolerate you talking to me anyhow no matter who you are!" Steve fired at him. Pastor Eric sighed deeply. Shouting won't solve the issue at all and if he don't try to stop Steve, the worst may happen. "Ok fine,I am so sorry please calm down" pastor Eric spoke quietly. He has gotten himself into a deep problem and must thread with caution. "I am sorry about what I said earlier.please calm down and don't get annoy" "That's better" Steve said calming down."you know I love you so much baby and it hurts when you treat me like this" "Ok so as you can see I am fine and am sorry for not calling you. Please go home,I promise to come see you" pastor Eric said. "Well apart from checking on you,I am also here for money. I need to go to the hospital for treatment." Steve told him. "Treatment? What is wrong with you?" Pastor Eric asked "Well,it seemed like I have some leakage below due to the rough love making we did last. Right now,I am even wearing diaper as we speak,so I need to go for treatment." "But I send you 100,000 last two weeks, what did you do with it Steve?" "I used it to sort out some projects in school and I also need to look good for you baby." Steve winked at him "So how much are we talking about here?" Pastor Eric asked "Five millions" Steve blunted out. "Jesus Christ!!" Pastor Eric jumped up from his seat." Are you high or what? What do you need such amount for and where do you expect me to get such money from?" "Clam down Eric. I just explained to you what I need the money for. I can't continue to wear diaper and as for where you will get the money from, sweetheart I don't give a damn. You can figure that out yourself after all you are a pastor" " Nonsense! you must be stupid. I don't have such money anywhere to give to you. Infact leave my house,this affair is over" Pastor Eric commanded "What did you just say?" Steve stood up in unbeilef. "I am sure you are not deaf" pastor Eric replied "I said this relationship is over. Leave and don't ever call or message me again" "You must be joking Eric" Steve yelled at him"you are joking! So this is your plan,to use, destroy and dump me. You are high on drugs!!" "Leave my office now Steve!" Pastor Eric commanded "No problem but just get this in mind. You must give me that money within two weeks,two weeks I say or else you and I will go down together" Steve threatened storming out of the office. Pastor Eric sat down in confusion and Fustration. This is much more bigger than he thought. He is definitely in for a difficult one! ******** Location: Along the express road. Evening was setting in as Angela drove from work to her house along the road. She nodded repeatedly and sang along to the rythm of the music playing in her car. She seemed so much excited as she drove. She had thought it would have been something difficult but to God be the glory,senator has never bothered her since he left her house in anger that day. Not even a call or message and she has never set eyes on him since then. The most exciting thing is her job was still intact. She thought he would have told the manager to issue her a sack letter but no! She has been working for weeks now. She is glad that she took such bold decision to completely cut off senator from her life. She is so happy that she has reconnected back to God thou she refused to tell anyone about what happened because of fear. Her eyes went to her view mirror and she saw a black Jeep trying to over take her on speed. She slowed down in order to allow the driver pass since the person is in a hurry but she was surprised that the driver drove pass her and blocked her car. She felt afraid but try to compose herself. A huge black guy emerged from the car and walked up to her. "Good day ma" the guy greeted her "Good day gentleman , what can I do for you?" She asked looking at him to see if she could recognized him from somewhere but she couldn't. "I was sent to deliver a message to you by senator"the guy said "Senator again? Why can't he let me be? What does he want again?" She asked him. "Well madam, senator said I should tell you that nothing is free in this world except Salvation and Jesus Christ!" He said bringing out a black pistol from his pocket. A bullet flew,located and hit Angela in her chest region. The guy hurriedly dashed into his car and speed off. Angela laid unconscious behind the wheel,her head rested on her seat, blood oozing out of her chest and her eyes popped wide open. ************* Location: Lady Of Hope Hospital Mrs. Ajah woke up with a slight headache. She looked around and saw that she is in a hospital, dressed in a blue hospital gown and a drip hanging connecting to her right hand. She wondered what she is doing in the hospital. She remembered being at home and seeing Mr. Raymond holding a pestle and the next thing she is at the hospital. What actually happened to her? The door opened and a female doctor walked in, wearing a smile accompanied by pastor Eric and of course the last person she ever thought on seeing. The person responsible for everything she has been through. Her long lost husband - Mr. Ajah. TBC
9 Jun 2018 | 10:19
a gay? no wonder you don't want to marry Pastor Eric
9 Jun 2018 | 11:24
9 Jun 2018 | 12:29
Oh my goodness This is very very bad
9 Jun 2018 | 12:35
Her husband
9 Jun 2018 | 12:44
Cup Is Ful Cotinu
9 Jun 2018 | 13:55
is Angela really dead? eeyah, she should Hav confess and let God save her fully
9 Jun 2018 | 15:10
the gay pastor and his congregation
9 Jun 2018 | 16:14
Hmm......Ride on
9 Jun 2018 | 16:24
mr ajah what do you want from her after everything you did to her
9 Jun 2018 | 16:43
9 Jun 2018 | 18:07
Don't tell me Angela is dead oo,she needs to survive Dis n confess as well,senator mustn't go scot free!!!
10 Jun 2018 | 13:02
I'm happy for Angela's life, at least she didn't die in sin. And also to pastor Eric, God will surely save him. The better he confess to the church by himself rather than the bastard Steve telling the world. Nice story indeed... Please continue
10 Jun 2018 | 14:49
Ha pastor! This is unbelievable
10 Jun 2018 | 16:10
Judgement In The House Of God Episode 17 finale Location; Lady Of Hope Hospital Continuation from the last scene Mrs. Ajah was shocked as her eyes fell on her long lost husband but she tried not to show it. She turned her gazed to the doctor and pastor Eric. "Good afternoon dear, you are finally awake,how are you doing?" The pretty fair doctor asked wearing a smile. "I am fine doctor" Mrs. Ajah replied coldly "Good," The doctor used her stethoscope to check her heart beat. "You are alright now, just need alot of rest, are you having any headache?" "Yes,a slight one" Mrs. Ajah responded "Ok,is nothing serious,I will ask the nurse to bring you some paracetamol ok, excuse me" The doctor said walking out on them. "How are you Mrs. Raymond, sorry Mrs. Ajah?" Pastor Eric asked drawing near to her while Mr. Ajah slowly moved to the other side of the bed. "I am fine pastor, please what happened to me? How did I come here?" Mrs. Ajah asked "Oh well,we gave God the glory. Mr. Raymond attempted to kill you and he thought you were dead,so he took you along the road to dump your body there,but as God could have it,he was caught and arrested by some police men. He is currently behind bars at the police station" Pastor Eric explained. "And where are my children? All of them?" She asked again "They are currently at your husband's house including the two kids you had for Mr. Raymond" pastor Eric spoke again "Thank you pastor but please I don't have any husband" Mrs. Ajah said Pastor Eric looked at her,then to Mr. Ajah and shook his head. "Honey, please forgive me" Mr. Ajah spoke for the first time since he entered the ward. He tried taking her hand but she screamed at him. "Take your filthy hands off me, you irresponsible unrepentant beast!" Pastor Eric was shocked but he refused to say any word. "Honey, please,I know that I have greatly sinned against God and you,and I am not worthy to be called your husband,but please find a place in your heart to forgive me. It was the work of the devil. Please,I am sorry for everything I did to you. Since you left,my life has never been the same, though I am now a rich man but is not the Same" "Of course,it can't be the Same. Have you forgotten that I am a witch? Have you forgotten that I was the one responsible for all your misfortunes? You see, since I left, you became a rich man." Mrs. Ajah replied sarcastically. "I am sorry honey" Mr. Ajah cried as the tears ran down his cheeks. "Though I am a rich man but I cannot find happiness. I can't find peace. I missed you so much. The children, your children, our children,we all missed you. We are not happy. Please forgive me" "Forgive you? Did you say Forgive you? Everything that I am going through today is because of you. Where did I go wrong? Samuel,what was my fault? Is it refusing to listen to my parents and running off with you? Is this selling all my wrappers and jewelries and giving you the money to play gamble? Is it bearing beautiful children for you? Is it choosing to love you and not giving my body to another man? Where exactly did I go wrong? Is because of you,I met that heartless beast! Samuel,is because of you,I am in this condition! Just go! I said leave me alone!" She cried "Honey please. I have never been a better and faithful husband to you but I promise to do everything I never did." Mr. Ajah said. "Oh really? Samuel, the only thing you never did was to kill me but you abused me, insulted, humiliated, disgraced,beat and trampled on. You should have just kill me" "Mrs. Ajah, please calm down" pastor Eric spoke. "I know how you feel but you can't continue to keep this inside you forever. We all have made mistakes and God is ever ready to forgive us,so we should also try to forgive others. Your husband might have done the worst deeds ever to you but he is sorry. Please forgive him as Christ did for you. We both were contacted since your incident,and for five days that you have been in comma,he has refused to leave your side. He cried and blamed himself for everything and sworn to take his life if anything happens to you. Please I beg you in God's name, forgive him, accept him back and start over with him" Mrs. Ajah raised her voice and wept louder as Mr. Ajah drew closer to her. They both engaged in a hug as they continuously cried on each other. ********* Location: The church's auditorium It was on Wednesday,the mid week service. The church was less crowded but still contain a medium amount of people. Brother James has travelled to South Africa in fulfillment of the archbishop promise to him. Angela is in the hospital fighting for her life. Mrs. Ajah is yet to be discharged from the hospital though she and her husband has reconnected. Rose sat on the first row facing the altar while others members were sitting too. Pastor Eric is on the pulpit preaching. He doesn't look happy but try not to show it as he preached the sermon though his mind was far away from the church. Something isn't just right but he can't placed his hands on it. Few minutes later,half through the service,a shadow appeared by the doorway leading into the church. The chairs were arranged in way that members backs were turned towards the door,which makes it impossible to see someone walks in. Pastor Eric head was bent on the Bible as he was focusing on the scriptures he was reading so he didn't see the person walked in. The shadow became clearer as the person drew near the altar and it turned out to be Steve. At that moment, pastor Eric raised his head from the Bible and upon seeing Steve in church,his heart skipped a beat. Steve gave him a mean stare and took a seat on the first row near Rose. "My God! What is he doing here?" Pastor Eric asked himself in fear. He tried to focus on what he was saying to avoid suspicious among the congregation but he couldn't as he kept repeating and stammering. The curious congregation began to throw questions among themselves asking what's the issue was. In an twinkling of an eye, Steve quickly got up, brought a few photos out from his pocket and began to share among the people beginning from Rose. "Jesus Christ!" "Holy Moses!!" "Blood of Jesus!!!" "Unbelievable!!!" People screamed,cried and got up in the unimaginable shock ever as the photos keep circulating from one person to another. This was the worst thing ever a human eyes could see. Steve angrily threw a photo at pastor Eric and it fell in front of his feet. He bent slowly and couldn't get back up as his eyes saw the unimaginable. There he was in boxers with Steve on the bed as they kissed deeply! His legs could no longer carried him as they trembled. He sat on the floor and bowed his head in shame. "Calm down people" Steve spoke "This man is gay as you can clearly see. I am a young student,I came to him for help in order to pay my school fees but he offered to have sex with me first and then take care of me. I agreed cos I was badly in need and then we started a relationship. He used and destroyed me and refused to treat me. So as you can see, there's no perfect man before God" "So you are gay!" Rose screamed at him as the words the archbishop told her continue to make sense now. The members screamed as they began to leave the church one after the one. "I told you Eric,is either you give me the money or we go down together" Steve said walking out on him. Pastor Eric shamefully got up and walked out of the church. As he stepped out,he met few members standing outside murmuring about the surprise they just saw. He shamefully walked pass them as they hissed, insulted and rained curses on him. Epilogue Pastor Eric committed suicide behind the church building, leaving an apology note behind for the church. The members brought down his body and buried him. They changed the name of the church to a "Place Of Grace" and appointed a new pastor over as the head. Angela was given a second chance by God. She quit her job and began an evangelist and a musician for Christ. She became famous and very rich as she was using her voice to bring souls for the kingdom. She later got married and gave birth to beautiful kids. Mrs. Ajah and her husband and children lived happily ever after. Senator was arrested and charged for attempted murder and embezzlement of the nation funds. He was taken to court, found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment and his properties seized by the government. Rose finally got married to the man of her dreams. James became an assistant pastor to the archbishop and also worked in the richest company ever. There's no one righteous Yes not even one in this world. This story wasn't written to mock any church or man of God but to create a heart of repentance in us. All those we see that behave like they are some Angels and when we see them,we condemned ourselves,do you know what they are hiding? Before you try to copy someone Ask yourself,is their life worth following. Be yourself and be the genuine you. You are a limited edition No one is like you. Thanks for reading friends. Chichi loves you always The END!!!
11 Jun 2018 | 15:02
nyc one @spancy.. finally the archbishop words to pastor Eric finally come to pass the wages of sin z death.... Happy for Rose, Angela and Mrs Ajah.
11 Jun 2018 | 18:03
wow!!!! @chichi,,,, u are bomb!!!! more knowledge to you dear in Jesus name,,, wateva we sow, we must reap,,, Dats just it,, everyone reaped according to wat dey plant and dey reaped full harvest,,, thanks dear
12 Jun 2018 | 03:35
u deserve some accolade baby @chichi
12 Jun 2018 | 04:02
despite your service pastor eric, that was how you end your life. @spancy, we appreciate your effort
12 Jun 2018 | 04:53
Great work @chichi...thumb up
12 Jun 2018 | 05:40
What a write up... God bless u sis, I also Hv similar experience especially with important figures in d church.. God should pleads in his infinite mercies forgive us
12 Jun 2018 | 07:49
Love you more @chichi
12 Jun 2018 | 08:34
Wow I Wish I Can ReRead It Again, More Grace To Us In Jesus Name
12 Jun 2018 | 08:47
i got a lot here
12 Jun 2018 | 15:52
Well, Pastor Eric failed to check back his step and he got what he deserved. Great story
13 Jun 2018 | 16:15
This awesome,May God refill ur gallon of knowledge dear Accolade to you @spancy
14 Jun 2018 | 02:12
Wow,what a Nice story. See how Pastor Eric end his life and ministry, the bible says in proverbs 28:13 that he that covereth his sins shall not prosper
7 Jul 2018 | 22:52
hmm WONDERFUL so dis were it end
7 Aug 2018 | 10:27
such is life
7 Aug 2018 | 10:29
28 Aug 2018 | 14:53
wow too touching
1 Nov 2018 | 09:28


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