

By Donwalter in 3 May 2016 | 16:41
Donwalter Donwalter

Donwalter Donwalter

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Posts: 239
Member since: 9 Mar 2015
Donwalter is here again with another thriller, suspense, romance and mind blowing filled story to your doorstep titled "JUMIA"
Kindly watch out and stay tuned. Am sure you can't afford to miss it.
3 May 2016 | 16:41
Vooooom....Ave Landed With My Mclauren..Ride On
3 May 2016 | 16:46
Waithing @donwalter
3 May 2016 | 16:46
3 May 2016 | 16:55
3 May 2016 | 16:56
Episode 1 . . . . . . Mark Ademola looked through the window of the plane as it continued its descent. The atmosphere was clear, it was going to be an uneventful end to an uneventful flight, which was good. He was back to his world, the place where he belonged. Lagos was home; crazy and sometimes frustrating but home all the same. He craned his neck to see if he could spot his street or his house. It was a habit he had that was yet to yield any results. Though he saw several roads and several houses, he never saw his own. Leaning back in his seat, he wondered why he kept trying; it was never going to happen. A few minutes later the plane stopped and the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign went off. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos.” The Captain announced. “The time is 9:15am…” Mark ignored the mumbling Pilot and unfastened his seatbelt. It was crazy that he still needed to go to the office after the strenuous week he just had but that was his life. He stood from his seat and reached for the overhead cabinet. He opened it and removed his luggage. Chop! Chop! Let’s go. “Could you help me get my bag, please?” A rather compelling female voice called from behind him. He looked back to see who the voice belonged to. He stopped at the sight that faced him. She looked at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Standing just a few inches shorter than him, she had light skin and a face that invited you to know the owner. Who is this girl? Why wasn’t he ever lucky to get a seat beside someone like her? “My bag please?” She said again. He had been staring. Why on earth did he let himself get caught staring? “Whi…which of the…” He started to say. “The green one please.” She said. She was Hausa. Or was she British? Her accent was the loveliest he had ever heard. She had a veil covering her hair; she had to be Hausa. It was a flight from Kaduna, it made sense. Get the bag! He reached for the green bag and dragged it off the cabinet. He tried his best not to grunt under the weight of the bag, he had to make a strong first impression. He handed the bag to her. “Thank you.” She said. He nodded and turned back to face his seat. Oh Lord! He had to see the girl again. He turned around but she was gone. She couldn’t have disappeared into thin air. Maybe she had gone back to her seat. Maybe she is an angel. He looked down the aisle and saw the green bag a few rows behind him. There she was. Of course she wasn’t an angel. She was human just like him, just a higher version of human. He had to talk to her before they left the airport. He had to do it now. *** “You were paid what?” Baban looked up from the newspaper and stood from the chair. “15 million naira sir.” Dongo replied with a smug smile on his face. The two men behind him nodding with approval. If you wanted things done right, you do it yourself. He believed that but sometimes you could not do the things you wanted done. Sometimes you had to send some of your most trusted men. Sometimes you had to send men like Dongo. But sometimes they made you wish you did not send them. “15 million naira?” He asked, moving closer to Dongo. “Yes sir, that’s a lot more than…” “Naira?” He did not wait for a response. He swung his right hand and in one swift movement knocked Dongo to the ground. He rubbed his hands together and stepped back. The stunned Dongo scrambled to his feet. Baban rushed back at him and knocked him back to the ground before he could find his feet. He spit on him and returned to his seat. He looked at the two men who stood behind Dongo and he knew they wished they could come to the aid of their friend. But he knew and they knew that they could not dare it. Dongo struggled to his feet, this time slower than before. “They paid you in naira and you collected it?” Baban asked, his voice low and deep. He could see fury written clearly on Dongo’s swelling face; He did not mind his men showing their anger in their expressions, but that was as far as he could let them go. Anger was good, insubordination wasn’t. “Dongo, I’m asking you a question. You collected naira from them?” “I collected 15 million naira from them.” Ahmad stood and clapped his hands together. “You wanted an applause for collecting 15 million? There you have it.” Idiot. *** Movement ahead of him caught his attention; passengers were disembarking already. Mark grabbed his luggage and joined the line. He glanced behind, he did not see her. He would have to wait for her at the arrival lounge. His phone rang, it was his boss. He answered. “Mark, are you here?” “Yes sir, we just landed. I will be out of the plane in ten minutes.” He said. “Okay, good. I was in Ikeja and I decided to stop by the airport to pick you instead of sending the driver. I am waiting for you outside.” “Okay sir.” He said and ended the call. No! No! No! This would have been great news some other time but not today. He wanted to talk to this beautiful angel from the north but he knew he dared not keep his boss waiting. What was he supposed to do now? “Thank you sir for flying with Nigeria Airways.” A flight attendant was saying to him. He nodded at the attendant and tried his best to smile. His attempt failed woefully and it earned a frown from the attendant. She was the least of his concerns however, he needed a plan. His phone rang again. He looked at his phone, it was his boss again. “Hello sir.” “I thought you said ten minutes.” “I’m out of the plane already, I’ll be with you very soon sir.” He ended the call and got out of the plane. He knew he could not stop or wait. His best bet was to walk as slowly as possible and hope the girl would catch up with him. It took an eternity of moon-walking, but soon he knew there was no point trying to delay anymore. It wasn’t meant to be. Since he was losing the girl, there was no point getting his boss angry too. He walked fast and soon was in the arrival lounge. He looked back one more time but she still wasn’t in sight. “Sorry boy, no angel for you today.” He whispered to himself. He headed for the exit. He knew where his boss usually parked and he still had to walk a few metres before he could get there. His boss had no patience for tardiness, it was a surprise he had not called the third time. Six minutes later, he arrived at the car. He looked inside and his boss was not there. “Mr Kazim.” He called. The driver who had dozed off woke up and scrambled to attention. “Where is oga?” “One of him friend meet us for here, they go see something for back there.” He said pointing backwards. “I just came from that direction.” “Una miss each other be that.” He felt like punching the car. His boss called and made him hurry when he was not ready himself? Maybe it was better to make use of the occasion instead of complaining. He opened the booth of the car and placed his luggage in it. “Mr Kazim.” “Yes oga?” “I will be right back, I need to check someone.” “Ah, Oga Mark, please…” He ran away before the driver could complete his protest. He smiled with excitement. This is so meant to be. He got to the arrival lounge before he stopped running. And there she was. She was with two other girls. If he hadn’t seen her first, he would have called them beautiful. Not anymore though, their beauty paled in comparison to hers. For the first time, he saw her smile. Her face was beautiful without the smile. With it, it was indescribable. Time wasn’t his friend, he had to make his approach now. What am I going to say? He froze. He had not considered that. He had been so excited he’d forgotten how terrible he was at meeting new people. Girls especially. Maybe that was before. He was a more exposed and matured guy now. He was the project manager of a huge Foundation. He was just returning from a meeting with the Wife of the president and three Ministers. How difficult could this be? He walked towards her and stood in front of the pretty trio. This is going to be easy. She noticed him standing there and looked at him. Their eyes locked and for a few moments the world froze. He wanted to say something but his mouth failed him woefully. It wasn’t his mouth at fault though, it was his brain. It had stopped working. “What do you want?” One of the friends asked. He looked at the friend for a second then back to the Hausa-British Angel; She was staring back at him and he could tell from her eyes that his period of grace was almost over. He had to say something. “What’s your name?” He asked and immediately wished he could take it back. ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’, that is good. ‘What’s your name?’ that is not good! He felt stupid but he had said it already. He decided it was better to wait for her reaction before trying to fix it- if he could. And for what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened. She stood and stared at him and he could not do anything else even if he wanted to. Finally, one of her friends recovered from whatever spell was causing the muteness. “Let’s go.” The friend said. The three of them pulled their bags and turned away from him. He stood there for a few seconds and wished for the world to end. He should have known better. He never should have approached her without a plan. This is what happens to silly boys who think they can just approach a classy girl in the airport. He turned around to go but a voice stopped in his tracks. For the second time that morning, he heard the angelic voice, she had stopped a few feet away from him. “My name is Jumai.” She said walked away. *** Baban walked over to Dongo and stopped a few inches from him. He stood almost a full foot above his henchman. The man put up a very strong front and he respected him for it but he could see the fear in his eyes and the slight tremble of his lips. “Do you know how much a dollar exchanges for in naira right now?” Baban asked. “I don’t care how much you get in naira. I want my money in dollars.” “Dollars?” Dongo asked through clenched teeth and broken lips. “Dollars, yes dollars.” “But they…” Dongo started to say but he silenced him with a cold stare. He really wasn’t particular about the dollars. It did not matter to him what currency his money came in. But when you need to transfer a large amount of money and don’t want a large volume of money, currency begins to matter. It also mattered that his men did exactly what they were told. He knew how dangerous his business was. “15 million naira,” Baban said. “How much did you send to the doctor?” Dongo hesitated then said. “We sent everything.” “Everything?” “You said that was the most important thing right now.” Baban nodded, he was right. Maybe his lash out at Dongo wasn’t totally called for. “And when did he say we will get the Kulunix?” “In two weeks.” “Two weeks?” Baban grabbed a cup and threw it against the wall. “He told me two weeks a month ago.” Dongo looked pleased he was no longer the subject of Baban’s anger. “He has delayed too long boss. Do you want me to take of it?” Baban shook his head. “No, I will do it myself.” He needed to do the big things himself and dealing with Doctor Coker was big. A lot of money had gone into the project, it was time to see results. Maybe the doctor needed a little motivation. “Dongo,” Baban called. “On a second thought, do you know where the good doctor’s family live?” “You want me to hold his wife till he delivers?” “Hold? No, shoot one his children.” “Sir?” Baban looked up at Dongo and smiled. “What? You have suddenly grown a heart?” “His children? The child didn’t…” “It’s business Dongo. If you can’t do it, I can ask someone else.” Dongo frowned, he didn’t seem to like the implication of his statement. “Okay then, the Doctor loses a child once every week till I get my Kulunix.” *** Jumai! Mark felt deep joy like he had won the lottery. Better still, like she had just agreed to marry him. All he had was a name. It probably won’t do him any good but at least he had something. “Mark!” He knew that voice, it was his boss. “Yes sir.” He looked in the direction the voice came from. “I thought I told you to meet me.” “Yes sir, I already got to the car but I was told…” “Yeah, I had to see somebody.” Mark looked in the direction Jumai walked in and saw her talking on the phone. If he knew he would have gotten a response maybe he would have asked for her phone number. “Is your phone with you?” His boss’ voice brought him back from his reverie. “Yes sir, it is.” “Do you have the list of benefactors I told you we had to thank for their partnerships?” “Yes sir.” “Okay, good. It’s time to start making calls.” Mark sighed. “I was planning to make the calls from the office sir.” “Are you busy now?” Mark wanted to respond but he was not sure what he would say would be smart. He brought out his phone and dialled the first number. His boss didn’t care much for laziness but he didn’t care much for tiredness either. “Hello Alhaji.” He said, with a huge smile, like his boss had taught him. “This is Mark Ademola from WAAP foundation…” He knew who he wished he was talking to, he could only hope that would ever happen. *** “Once we have the Kulunix we move it to Yobe immediately. The UNICEF has a group coming in in two weeks. If we are not in Yobe before then, everything we have done will be wasted.” The men nodded. They had heard this so many times. A lot of money was at stake, they needed to hear it a million times. A phone rang on his table. He waved his hand and Dongo and his boys left his office. He reached for the phone. “Hello.” He said. “This is Mark Ademola from WAAP foundation. I just want to say I am very glad to make your acquaintance and I look forward to relating with you more.” “Oh yeah, Mr Ademola, I believe we can do a lot of great things together.” “Thank you very much sir.” “Take care, I’ll talk to you very soon.” He ended the call and dropped the phone on the table. He rubbed his sore knuckles and smiled. It was great to have gullible people he could use to achieve his goals. Well, until he was done with them. When the time was right, they would all die. Dongo, Doctor Coker, this Mark Ademola, everyone one of them. #Jumai continues ...
3 May 2016 | 17:06
3 May 2016 | 17:13
Follow follow
3 May 2016 | 17:19
3 May 2016 | 17:58
Wow!!! Am feeling the story
3 May 2016 | 18:01
Nice one,go ahead.
3 May 2016 | 18:15
this would be an interesting story
3 May 2016 | 19:28
ride on
3 May 2016 | 19:28
Sounds interesting
4 May 2016 | 08:22
4 May 2016 | 09:05
Always like ur stories hope u wont dissapiont me wit diz one
4 May 2016 | 09:13
KONGA nko?
4 May 2016 | 09:26
Whoa..fantastic intro
4 May 2016 | 10:03
i dey follow
4 May 2016 | 11:09
This will be interesting i guess
4 May 2016 | 12:04
nxt ep pls
4 May 2016 | 12:04
wow nice start loving it already donwalter u are wlc back.....
4 May 2016 | 12:23
Following.... Babban is evil...see his stretched mark face like just kidding.
4 May 2016 | 12:35
This gonna be interesting
4 May 2016 | 13:09
Ride On
4 May 2016 | 19:28
great story
4 May 2016 | 21:17
5 May 2016 | 00:38
5 May 2016 | 02:27
Nyc Start
5 May 2016 | 02:54
intresting....ride on
5 May 2016 | 04:53
I don land
5 May 2016 | 05:22
dis one na suicide mission oo
5 May 2016 | 05:29
Wow!!! I'm already feeling this piece. Please ride on boss.
5 May 2016 | 08:50
5 May 2016 | 10:03
Lets qo there...
5 May 2016 | 21:40
Episode 2 . . . . . . . Mark hurried up the stairs of the WAAP building. He hated being late for meetings, especially because he would get an earful from his boss. He looked at his reflection in the mirrored stairway, he liked what he saw. Lateness wasn’t tolerated at WAAP, neither was raggedness. He straightened his tie and smiled; he looked good. He shook his head; he was admiring himself when his boss was probably typing his termination letter in his office. He got to conference room door and stopped, took a deep breath and opened the door. His eyes widened in surprise; the room was empty. Was the meeting over? He checked his phone; he was just ten minutes late. He saw the ‘new mail’ icon blinking and he clicked on it. The mail was from his boss; the meeting had been postponed by two hours. He sighed. At least now he could go over his presentation again before the meeting. He turned around and headed for his office. As he approached his office, he saw someone standing in at his door. He could not tell who it was. Was she lost? “Excuse me?” Mark said. She turned around. Jumai! He looked behind him, he was still inside WAAP. What was she doing here? Was it really her? “I’m here to see Doctor Aderoju.” She said. “The receptionist didn’t show you?” “I didn’t see anybody at the reception.” He was not sure why the girl had not been fired already. “Well, Doctor Aderoju is my boss.” He said with a smile. “Okay…” She said. He waited for her to say something else. “He’s your boss?” “Yeah.” Mark replied, his smile still steady. “So will you show me to his office?” Crap! He was staring again “Oh sure, please come with me.” He said. He wanted to walk with her, maybe talk with her but she was busy doing something on her phone. What was she doing in his office? Was this fate or what? “It’s crazy that we meet again, don’t you think?” Mark said. She looked up from her phone. “What?” “I said, isn’t it…?” Doctor Aderoju’s door opened and he stepped out of it. He saw Jumai and beamed his ‘you are special’ smile. “Doctor Jumai.” Doctor Aderoju said. Doctor? She was a doctor? Mark smiled; her worth just rose by a thousand points. “Did you get my mail about the postponement?” Doctor Aderoju asked. She was here for the meeting he was attending, wonderful! “Yes sir, I did.” Jumai said. “I hope you don’t mind that I came so early.” “Are you kidding me? I love people who come early.” They were ignoring him, he didn’t like it. “Sir…” Mark started to say. “Oh, pardon me. Doctor Jumai, meet our Project Manager; Mark Ademola.” “We already met sir.” Mark said with a smile. If only he could tell his boss the airport story. “Yes,” Jumai said. “He was actually bringing me to your office. At least now, he knows my name and I know his.” Mark frowned. He knew her name way before he met her today. “I really have to do some things before the meeting.” Doctor Aderoju said. Finally! “It’s no problem.” “Mark, please show her to the conference room.” Doctor Aderoju said to him. He turned to Jumai and added. “I hope you don’t mind staying alone while we wait for the meeting.” “Not at all.” Jumai said. Mark bit back a chuckle. Like he was going to let her be by herself. Some sort of fate had brought him across her again, he was ready to take over and make things happen now. “Okay.” Doctor Aderoju said and walked away. “This way please.” Mark said. He was about to talk when he saw her attention was once again locked on her phone. Damn ‘em phone addicts. “So Jumai,” He started. “I was saying that it’s kind of crazy that we meet again. Right?” She looks up at him and smiles. “Again? We’ve met before?” His heart sank. She didn’t remember him! “You don’t remember?” “I’m so sorry. This happens a lot. Did we meet in Kaduna?” “No we met here in Lagos.” “I’ve only been in Lagos for…” “We met at the airport. Just two days ago actually.” “At the airport…” “You were with two friends… I made a fool of myself…” “Oh yeah. You’re Joey Tribbiani.” She said with a huge smile. “What?” “I’m sorry, one of my friends said you reminded her of… Never mind.” She said with a wave of her hand. “Mark, right?” “Yeah, Mark.” “At least now, I know your real name.” She said and returned to her phone. Mark could not believe what just happened. He had kept this girl in his mind for about forty eight hours without a break and she did not even remember him? Joey Tribbiani? Wasn’t he the dumb actor guy in ‘Friends’? So much for fate bringing her to him. “Here’s the conference room.” He opened the door and she entered. “If you need anything, I will be inside my office.” “I don’t know where your office is.” He heard her say as he closed the door. He walked away from the door. She could call Joey Tribbiani if she needed something. *** Baban adjusted his tie as Dongo opened the door for him. He loved wearing a three piece suit and a tie. It was strange for people in his line of work to but he wasn’t like most people in his line of work. He was the next generation, he was the future. The future was here though; it was time to make things happen. Making things happen depended a lot on one man – Doctor Coker. Baban paused in the reception and looked around. The building looked like any other chemical research lab he had ever seen. It wasn’t anything to pay attention to. What would come out of the building on the other hand would get everyone’s attention. All things being equal. But making and keeping all things equal was easier said than done. “Sir, Doctor Coker has been informed of your arrival. He is waiting in the laboratory.” “We mustn’t keep the good doctor waiting.” Baban said. He followed Dongo into the elevator and waited for him to punch the appropriate buttons. “Did you do what I asked you to?” Baban asked. “Yes sir. Everything has been arranged.” Baban nodded. The elevator door opened and he stepped into the long corridor. On either side of the corridor, chemists and whoever else Doctor Coker had hired were working. It was good they could not see through the glass on their end. They got to the end of the corridor and Dongo pushed a button by the door. Two seconds later, the door opened. Doctor Coker stood behind it, smiling like he had just seen an old friend. “Welcome Professor…” Baban raised his right hand and Coker stopped. “I’ve told you to call me Baban until this project is over.” “Sorry Baban. You are welcome. I’m glad to have you here sir.” “Hmhmm.” Baban said. “Dongo here told me he sent 15 million naira to you.” “Yes sir, he did,” “Are you happy with the money Doctor?” Baban asked. “Yes sir, I am.” He moved closer to Coker. “So why aren’t you making me happy Doctor?” “Sir, I promise we are doing our best. You just need to be a little patient sir.” “Patience…” Baban said and stepped away Coker. Dongo and his other men knew he hated to hear the word ‘patience’, apparently the doctor didn’t. “Follow me sir.” Coker said. Baban turned to face to Dongo and nodded. Dongo turned and left the room. “Where are you taking me doctor?” Baban asked. “To my office sir.” Coker said. “Why Doctor? Do you have the finalised Kulunix in your office? “No sir.” Coker said. “I just want to show you the last test we did.” “Really? Tell me about it.” “We tested on one of our research monkeys. I could show you the video sir.” “How about we run the test again? What do you say Doctor?” “I wish we could sir but we don’t have any test monkeys here sir. The previous ones died during the test. The new batch we bought will arrive in three days.” “Do we need to use a monkey?” Baban asked with a smile. “No sir. Absolutely not. We just need another mammal. We just figured a monkey will be better because it’s closer to the human.” “How about we use a human?” Baban asked. Coker’s eyes widened. “What?” “A human. You know, like you and me.” “Sir, I would not recommend…” “Follow me Doctor.” Baban said. Baban smiled as the doctor stumbled after him. He wanted to protest but what would he say? Even the doctor knew there was a limit to which you could challenge Baban. He led the doctor to one of the test facilities. He had been running these experiments with other scientists but none of them had ever come close. It was a wonderful day when he stumbled on Doctor Coker’s thesis. He had offered to sponsor his research and like a true fund-starved researcher he had jumped at the opportunity. One year later, the doctor was close to the ultimate prize. He just needed a little motivation. He would get it today. “Okay, let’s run another test.” Baban said. “Sir, how do…” “Shhh.” Baban said. “I need to see this.” Baban knocked on one of the test tanks and pulled up a seat. “Please sit Doctor.” Baban said. “I’ll stand.” Coker said, his eyes glued on the tank. “Suit yourself.” A door opened on the other side of the tank and Dongo entered his back to Baban and Coker. He was pulling something in front of him. “Are you sure you don’t wanna sit?” Baban asked Coker. Coker remained standing, fear clearly written on his face. Dongo stepped aside to reveal a young boy sitting on a chair. “James?” Coker shouted. “Our test subject today.” Baban announced. “That is my son!” Coker screamed and ran for the door. He got to the door and turned the handle, the door did not open. He rammed his body into the door. It was stupid. He more than anybody knew that the door was electronic. “What are you doing?!” Coker screamed. “That is my son!” “Will you calm down so I can explain?” Baban said, his voice calm and steady. Coker ran to the tank and banged on the glass. His son looked asleep or drugged. Or dead. “Doctor Coker, listen to me.” Coker turned around, his eyes red from anger and grief. “When this drug is done, you will have done something phenomenal. You will be wealthy, popular. You may even get a Nobel prize out of this.” “You are about to kill my son. The drug is not ready.” Coker said through clenched teeth. “Finally, we are on the same page.” Baban said and stood. “I’m about to kill your son because the drug is not ready. Wait a minute, I’m not killing your son. You are.” Baban knocked on the tank. Dongo returned into the tank. “Don’t do this.” Coker said. “Was that a plea or a threat?” “Don’t do this.” Baban gave Dongo a ‘thumbs up’. Coker looked at Dongo bring out a syringe and he charged at Baban. Baban sidestepped Coker and he crashed into a chair. He brought a small knife out of his pockey and picked Coker off the chair. Baban pinned his hand behind his back and pressed the knife against his neck. “You are going to watch this.” Baban said into Coker’s ear. “If in four days my Kulunix is not ready, I’ll bring in John. Four days after that, I will bring in Janet. You get the picture?” Dongo pushed the syringe into the boy’s neck and left the tank. Baban watched to see what would happen and for about ten seconds nothing happened. Then the boy stood to his feet and he ran and crashed into the tank wall. The impact felt like it would bring down the glass wall. He stepped back and tore off his shirt. He flexed his muscles and screamed. He grabbed the chair in the tank and pulled it apart. “Please.” Coker whispered. “Shhhh.” Baban said and pressed the knife harder into his neck. James Coker was doing things his natural strength could not do. It was amazing. He stopped and grabbed his neck. He began to sob and he sank to his knees. He looked up and for the first time saw his father. He stretched his hand forward. “Daddy?” Baban let Coker go. There was nothing he could do now. Baban headed for the door. He got to the door, stopped and looked back. “Give me my Kulunix or in four days John would be in that tank.”Baban said and walked out. Doctor Coker was paying him no attention though. His son was dead. *** Mark looked across the table at Jumai. She was totally engrossed in the presentation. Even in her official suit she looked great. It was a shame he had lost interest in her. She looked at him and caught his stare. He turned his gaze to the projector screen. Did she smile? He looked back at her; her eyes were back on the presentation. Had he lost interest? No way. “Mark, your turn.” His boss announced. Mark picked his files and walked to the front of the room. “Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Like Doctor Aderoju announced earlier, the UNICEF’s special task force we are working with will be arriving in Nigeria in two weeks. This is the first time we will be working with UNICEF so we have to make this perfect. Please look through the file in front of you. Everybody here except for Doctor Jumai…” He paused and looked at her. She smiled. He caught himself before he returned the smile. “…everybody knows how these things work. There is only one difference this time. And it will make all the difference in the world.” He clicked the pointer and two pictures came on the screen. “I’m sure we all know who they are. Professor Tanko and Professor Jibril. They are both on our team for the first time. Here are the roles they will be playing.” “Wait Mark.” Doctor Aderoju interrupted him. “Isn’t all these information in the files?” “Yes sir. I was just…” “This meeting has been on for too long.” He turned to address the room. “Like Mark said, you all know Professors Tanko and Jibril. You can read all about it in your files. Our next meeting is in a few days, we will send you a mail to that effect.” Like that, Doctor Aderoju ended the meeting. Embarrassed, Mark packed his files and returned to his seat. That was hours of preparation down the drain. “That was great.” Mark looked up and saw Jumai standing by his side. “Great? Do you know the meaning of the word?” She laughed. “Okay, it wasn’t great. I’m just trying to compensate for not remembering you.” “Oh, I see. How do you plan to compensate for calling me Joey Tribbiani?” “Maybe I’ll read your file.” “Really? I will be so grateful to you.” She arched her eyebrow. “Sarcasm?” “You think?” Mark stood and headed for the door. He opened the door and Jumai stepped out of the room. “Doctor Aderoju didn’t say why you were in this meeting.” “I’m representing my father.” “Your father?” His eyes widened. “Are you the daughter of..?” “Yes, I am.” “I should be kissing your feet. Your father is our biggest donor.” “Did you know my feet have not been kissed in a long time? Maybe I’ll let you kiss it one of these days.” They got to the front of his office and he stopped. “Why did you stop?” Jumai asked. “This is my office.” “Oh, can I see?” Mark peeked inside and shook his head. “Sorry, not today.” “Too rough huh?” “Rough? What? Nah.” Mark said and swallowed. “There’s a naked girl inside.” She frowned. “I see.” Mark looked at her face, she believed him? “That was a joke. The office is too rough, that’s why… you know?” They stood and endured a few seconds of awkward silence. “About the compensation for calling me Joey Tribbiani, you still haven’t named your offer.” Mark said. “How about I let you walk me to the car?” “Hmm, it doesn’t quite make up but I’ll take what I can get.” They made small talk as they walked out of the building. She wasn’t as snobbish as he thought she was but she wasn’t an open book either. It looked like she was genuinely trying to pay back for forgetting him. He walked her to her Mercedes and watched her drive away. Was it meant to be? He wasn’t so sure anymore but at least he would have another chance to find out in a few days. He returned into the building and met Doctor Aderoju at the door. “Where is Jumai?” He asked. “She just left sir.” Mark replied. “Aargh. I wanted to wish her a safe flight before she left.” Mark smiled. “She didn’t fly sir, she drove.” His boss looked at him and shook his head. “I didn’t mean now. She is flying back to Kaduna today. That’s where she practices.” Mark spun around and watched Jumai’s car driving off in the far distance. “Is she coming for the next meeting?” Mark asked. “No. Why? Did she steal your lunch?” Doctor Aderoju said and walked away laughing at his own lame joke. Was it meant to be? She had just walked away – driven away from him again. Well, he had his answer. . . #Jumai continues
6 May 2016 | 07:58
eyah, u r nt bold enuf
6 May 2016 | 13:36
first to comment sha
6 May 2016 | 13:38
6 May 2016 | 14:15
6 May 2016 | 14:31
6 May 2016 | 14:31
Wow, viz story is interestinq, gotta follow till the end....the episode got the longest write up, kudos to the writer... :)
6 May 2016 | 14:41
u shuld av collect her number
6 May 2016 | 14:58
hmmmmmm u should have requested for her number nah ... well I believe it will work ...
6 May 2016 | 15:00
ride on
6 May 2016 | 15:09
6 May 2016 | 15:21
Whao... Next episode
6 May 2016 | 16:47
M in....enjoyinq it
6 May 2016 | 18:46
Wow! Lovin diz
6 May 2016 | 18:56
Really interesting
6 May 2016 | 19:49
The story is somehow funny
7 May 2016 | 01:16
Baban just showed Dr. Coker he is serious about his...,,... Dr. Coker dont play hard or else member of ur family die inside dat tank..... 4dayz interval
7 May 2016 | 05:11
7 May 2016 | 05:51
Interesting...Ride on
7 May 2016 | 07:52
Don't worry u guys will meet again.
7 May 2016 | 14:26
8 May 2016 | 13:13
go on
8 May 2016 | 13:14
Was it meant to be? Who knows, only time shall tell
10 May 2016 | 20:27
Omg!!! No update till now??
16 May 2016 | 09:38
What's up @Donwalter
18 May 2016 | 08:09
@DONWALTER.... What happen??
26 May 2016 | 16:22
I am very sorry for the break in transmission. It was due to some unforseen circumstance. Gonna update pretty soon.
20 Jun 2016 | 10:01
wow waiting
20 Jun 2016 | 12:37
Ok @donwalter
21 Jun 2016 | 08:33
U shld hv collect her number @mark..... Next
23 Jun 2016 | 03:27


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