Purpose Precedes Marriage
"In you I find more than what I seek for in a
woman. I wish to have a sister like you close tome for the rest of my life. You are godly and also Godfearing, beautiful and wonderful. I will only be a liar and a pretender if I look away from you.
Will you please be my wife?" He finally landed.
The garden was very peaceful and colourful that afternoon, as Michael and Oluchi took a walk round the flowers. Her heart melted when those words landed on her ears, and of course she could not say a word at that moment. When she finally spoke, "I will think and pray about it," was her reply.
She got home that day, knelt down and she
prayed. "Lord, is he the one? Is this your will for my life? Lord please open my ears to hear you, give me your word as usual. Speak to me in the language i will understand, Lord." This she continued day and night. Her heart was drawing closer to him, yes he was handsome, committed and spiritual, but those does not take lead when it comes to knowing the will of God. One has to seek God's face in the place of prayer and in the study of His word, to know His mind.
"Lord, what is your mind?" She continued asking daily. The more she prayed, the more it appeared as if God is saying yes, but God has not yet spoken. One night she laid on her bed to catch some sleep, and then she had this dream of herself and the brother walking down to the altar, this was not from God, it was only a thought inspired dream. When she woke up, she gave no attention to the dream, she already knew that her heart desired him, and that dreams could come
from one's desire, thought or imagination. This made her to pray the more, and then God gave His reply. As she was meditating one evening on the word of God, she slept off, but quietly, the Holy Spirit woke her up by dropping a scripture in her mind. When she opened and read the scripture, she was cold. "Not everyone who say to
me 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 7:21.
She didn't need any other interpretation, she
already understood what God was saying to her concerning him from that scripture. But as a wise sister, she met a matured Christian sister who was overseeing her life and explained everything to her, when this other sister prayed, she heard God speak to her about the brother in question having
no vision. This was a confirmation from God that the brother was out of His will for her.
Hmm! so lack of vision could make someone not to be approved by God for marriage. This brother was spiritual and committed, yet God saw an empty future in him. Probably he has been so occupied with religious activities, but never care about what heaven is saying concerning his life.
Excuse bro! Are you like him? Many of our
brothers in their early or late 30s, even 40s, are praying down fire for life partner, but they have no vision in life. Are you one of them? Please what is your purpose for living? Where are you heading to in life? You desire a sister like Oluchi, but do you even pray like her to get instructions from God for your life? What will be your position in that marriage if God should give you such a sister? Won't you quench her fire and passion for God? Think about it, and don't expect a wife from
God if you will not discover your purpose in life. Listen! You may be clustered with spiritual activities like brother Micheal, and committed in so many things in your church, but yet, God is seeing a man scattered inside of you.
And to you my dear sisters, how do you go about this issue of choosing a life partner? Is it just his spirituality you are looking at? The way he leads worship and prays? The way he handles Sunday school, preaches or plays instruments? Perhaps, his fat salary, type of car and the way he dresses?
Don't be tempted by looking at those things. Yes, they are nice and wonderful, but what is God saying concerning him? What future are you seeing in his life? What purpose of God is he fulfilling that you will have to be a help to him?
Think about it, and don't think God is in support when you have not been able to settle these questions.
Are you already making a mistake, why not
retrace your step and seek His face. A broken
courtship, even at the point of walking down the aisle, is far better than a broken marriage. Think again, check again! Do you even have a prayer life? Have you been studying the word of God? Do you even know how to hear from God? Who are you listening to? Who is overseeing your life? No! your friends have deceived you, they said it
doesn't matter, that things will work out well
when you get married, but how true is that?
Ponder again, read again. May God help us
understand this matter that has been treated so lightly even in the church, and by many so called relationship experts, who in themselves, have no proper marriage foundation. God please show us
your mercy, and expose more of your infallible truth. #copied