

By chaarls in 18 Jul 2019 | 05:53
chaarls chaarls

chaarls chaarls

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"Isn't she is pregnant and I was pregnant when her mother did this to me,"before I process what she was saying. I saw my life flash into my eyes. She pushed me down the stairs.Everything goes blank. That is how I died.
Read to find out more and this book is not a dissapointment,you will surely enjoy it. :)

Are you guys ready.....
18 Jul 2019 | 05:53
ready like never before
18 Jul 2019 | 07:09
so bring it on
18 Jul 2019 | 07:09
ride on
18 Jul 2019 | 12:57
Am more than ready
18 Jul 2019 | 14:10
LOVELY BETRAYAL EPISODE 1 Disturbia by riri girl woke me up,thats a sign for me to wake and get ready for school.I really hate it when I get to wake up with that annoying sound but hey that life. "CASSY",Screaming from downstairs of course knowing that sound its coming from my mum.My family is crazy they never talk softly they always got to scream.But thats life .i really love my family even though most of the times they embarrass me,but what is a family without some embarrassing stories. "Cassidy if i come there and you are not awake,i will pour water on you",my mum threatened.most her Threats comes real though.with that threat i woke up so fast as if my bed was Electrocuted."Im Awake mum",i told her. 'So here is another day of torture' i told my self **** DING DONG "Cassy please get the door it might be Jay",Mummy told me.Jay is my best friend.we've been friends since i was 4,he has been always around in the way that my mum takes him as her own son."Cassy, what is wrong with you,i said get the door",mummy scolded. "Sorry mum,i will get the door just now". Of course the person behind the door is my best friend Jay.He is wearing his favourite black n white shirt that i bought for him few weeks back because he won a bet,With his black skinny Jean with his black shoes.To me this is the most handsome guy in the world.I always admire is beauty.He is like a God send Angel. "Stop gawking at me Cassy,im not a chocolate cake",he tried to joke.To me it was an insult because i was thinking of him as a chocolate cake."Earth to Cassy",he said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yea ,what did you say?",I asked totally lost. "I said are you ready to leave for school?" ,He asked. "Dewwwhhh,Let's go,Byee mum",I screamed while pulling him to his Audi.Rich kids i thought ----------------------- That was chapter 1 guys hope yourl liked it.
19 Jul 2019 | 05:04
LOVELY BETRAYAL EPISODE 2 "C,do you have plans for Friday?",Jay asked."Please stop chatting,im talking to you,this is serious".for the first time through this drive to school,he sounds really serious.When he is serious like this,its always a problem at home."Cassidy,im speaking to you n you are just staring at me,Are you okay? Or you got a brain freeze again?".He mocks me.He will never let this brain freeze story go. "Yes J,I got another brain freeze," i said faking to be serious. "Im kidding Cas,anyways about Friday?" He asked and im lost again because i dont know what he is talking about."I asked whether you got any plans",he repeated himself. "NO ,i dont why?" "My parents are hosting a party for my Grandfather's 78th birthday and i need a partner,so I wanted you to be my partner",He said sounding so shy.This is a first,he is never shy around me.This guy he is so open that he once took a piss with the door open while i was there. "J, I wish i could come with you but all my clothes are old,i will just embarrass you,plus you know your mother doesnt like me". "Cas you the only girl im open to,there's nobody else,if its not you then im not going,you are my best friend,if mummy doesnt like you then i dont care.Dont worry about the clothes i will get you,Please just say yes".he said .im really trying hard nit to turn red like a tomato right now. "Oh Jay,I will come with you,i will also get my own dress with my money,you alwayz do everything for me,this time i want to do this on my own". I told him accepting his invite . "Thank you,i will get you that bar-one cake that you love."he said doing that one side cute smile of his. "I see we bribing each other now,huh corrupted Jay."i joked. "And thats coming from you,this is shocking."he laughed,that cocky,Deep laugh that also get me laughing. This is the reason why he is my best friend. We listened to music for the rest of the ride to school.Our school is a 30min drive.So we usually leave earlier so we can have a talk,because in school we dont see each other cause of his soccer things.So this is the only time we get to talk and during the weekends. **** We reached school earlier than i thought,i really didnt want to go to school.This month is the month i lost my father,i really hate March,it always reminds me of the day my father was shot dead right in front of me 7 years ago.They want to call it a robbery,but it was no robbery if they just shot him in front of his 11 year old daughter and didnt take anything. "Are you okay,you seem really down?,is everything good at home?.Jay Asked.Jay doesnt know about my father,I've tried telling him it just doesn't come out of my mouth.I dont want to be pitted,one thing about Jay is that he likes pitting me and I really dont like it."Cas,I asked you whether you are okay?,you've been like this since morning,tell me is everything Okay?,is it because i asked you to be my partner...??" "No no no Jay,its not that.Its just that i forgot to do my maths homework and you know how Mr Curtis can be." "Don't worry,with my Wallet,nothing will happen."he said smiling Like seriously what is wrong with this guy,yes he is my best friend but he can really be annoying when he thinks money can fix everything.Before i knew it i snapped at him."Jay if you got nothing to say,just keep quiet,you always think that money can solve every problem,can money bring back people from the dead,can money make people forget things they dont want to remember,If its possible please tell me"?,i asked.I think i might have been cruel a bit . "Hey,calm down i was just joking,i just wanted to take your head out of that bubble that you are trapped in since morning,why you speaking of the dead,Are you sure you good,ive known you all my life and I know when you aren't good.I really cant help you if you dont want me to help."He said sounding really concern.He is always a worrisome. "Im fine,i got to go Connie is waiting for me,so is your friends.Will see you after school if you arent too busy,but let me know if i got to ride with Connie." "OKAY,Cas laters," with that he left. How did my morning become so dramatic,'oh i know why because of the day your dad was murdered is approaching and oh yea its the same day people will be celebrating their Grandfather's birthday,while its your 7 year death anniversary of your father'.That annoying voice reminded me.I Really hate that annoying voice,I think it was created to torture me,but everything it says its always true. Yes its was 12 March that my dad was murdered and its also the same day im going to that party with Jay. "Wow,girl you look like you havent slept in years."Connie said.Connie is really outspoken sometimes it really annoys me but honestly i love this girl.She is slightly taller than me.A Blonde,but not part of the stereotype of blonde people being dumb,she isnt dumb at all she is really smart.She got sea blue eyes and really beautiful."Wow,ive lost you again,please find my best friend,"she said sarcastically. "You first call me ugly now you are saying im lost,couldn't you get any evil?" I asked pretending to be offended. "Maybe i love seing you measurable it makes me feel good",she said sounding really evil like the villain in power rangers. I laughed"you are really happy,why you so happy?" "So you like seeing me sad? Well if i must tell you ,My crush spoke to me".Crush,this girl got too many crushes I dont even know who she is talking about right now. "Who?"i asked. "Jay dweehhhhh,who else?? I only got one crush."she said Blushing.this is news to me i really didnt know about this.They would make a good couple though,but there's this feeling i dont like and before you think otherwise,im not jealous."Earth to Cas "she said rolling her eyes.They even say the same things. I was saved by the bell "I have Chemistry now,gotta go babe,see you at breakfast break." "I will be with Jay,but you can join are our best friend remember,"she said with a Grin.What..they spending breaks together.He doesnt have that time for me. "Nah your'll need privacy,i will be doing my maths in the library,i forgot to do it,you enjoy with Jay",I said.Im hurt because Jay is always busy to spend time with me at school,but he is spending time with her. "Okay boo byeee,by the way i know you did your maths you just want me and Jay to be alone,Thank you."she gives me a huge hug and leaves. I seriously cant believe it,today its so full of drama. I make my way to class with so much of thoughts in my head.Picturing my two best friends together.Amazing i must say . ------------------------ Hope yourl enjoyed chapter 2♡♡
19 Jul 2019 | 05:10
LOVELY BETRAYAL EPISODE 3 Have you ever had so much of thoughts that you cant even focus on what the teacher is saying.Well thats me right now.I really cant believe Jay,im not being a jealousy friend but that guy never makes time for me in school.'But he certainly do have time for connie' that annoying stupid voice said.'Shut up',i told the stupid sarcastic voice. "Miss Louis,may you please tell the class who you saying shut up to",my teacher said.Oh my word did i say shut up loud.Now what am i gonna say to this 'lovely man'.Mr John is one of the strictest teacher i have ever met.He is so short but his strictness is taller than him."you say shut up to me and then you also ignore me but its fine,will see you at detention,allow me to continue with my lessons." I cant believe i got detention after school.Like seriously,when i thought this day couldnt get any better and then i get detention wow.This day is just amazing i must say. ****** Ding ☆Jay- i need to talk to you about something very important can you wait for me after school. Im in English class reading this text from Jay.Maybe he want to talk about his relationship with Connie. Im happy that he asked me to be his partner not her.This is the only positive news i got the whole day.He always manage to make my day.This day hasn't been good but because he asked me to be his partner, im happy. Me:hey Jay,i got detention i wont be able to see after school ,its for 2 hours. I sent him back a text,he will surely laugh at me for getting detention on a monday Ding ☆Jay-you got detention lol i can't believe an Angel like you can get detention.Im utterly dissapointed in are a bad influence ;) :) He is calling me a bad influence yet he once told me its good to look at a boy's bum while walking,He claims its sexy thats why he looks at a girl's bum cause its sexy.Jay will be the death of me i swear. Me:lol me bad influence and thats coming from you wow Ding ☆Jay-Like seriously Cas i need to talk to you,i will wait for you till your detention is over Bye,laters ;) Whats so important he want to talk to me about now.Maybe he wanna talk about our dress code for friday. "Miss Louis ,you are not suppose to be using your phone in class,pass it here you will get it end of the week",thats coming from the witch that is my English teacher. I dropped my phone into the phone collection basket as she calls it.Why so much of bad luck is happening to me. Is it Friday the 13th and i didnt know about it because this is too much.Too much of bad luck for one day. The bell rang,its time to spend my break in the library while my friends are having fun.I am such a good friend. "Cassidy,Wait up!" Only one idiot screams my name like a maniac and of course it's that idiot ,Luke.Luke is what we call handsome but yet dumb.Luke is Jay's friend, I wont say best friend because i am his best friend.Luke is attractive,he get every girl he wants.He is a 6-7 foot tall boy,With his neatly cut hair do,with an amazing fashion style.If i didn't know how dumb and how much of a player he is,i was gonna maybe like him. "Where are you going? I saw connie heading to the cafeteria".he said.Did i forget to mention that he is a bit of a gossiper."You know im a very discreet and i hate gossiping but i saw Connie and Jay talking together in the morning,they really looked happy talking to each other .Is there something going on between them that i didnt know?" He ask3d me.People say girls gossip but this guy ,i give up on him and he says he is discreet. "I dont know whether theres anything going on between them and im going to the library to do my maths homework that I forgot to do at home. Arent you suppose to be with your owner Jay?"I said continuing with destination. "How many times must i tell you,im not a dog and Jay isn't my owner?" "Till the day you die",i said smiling at him "I dont even know why i talk to you sometimes." "And i always ask myself the same thing." "Wow Cassidy,you are so mean." "Its not new,anyways what do you want from me ?" "Well ,im giving our friends Privacy so i was going to spend my break in the library just like you."he said with the fakest smile i have ever seen. "Oh come on then we can spend the break together,"I told him.Why doesnt he look happy about Jay and Connie spending the break together without us i wonder. We made our way to the library.We argued on where to sit until i won Rock,paper, scissors game .We sat on the furthest corner were we could see who enters the library and who leaves.We ate our lunch secretly so we wont get to clean the library.Most of the time was spent of him talking about the next girl on the list. I listened part of it but most of the time I thought of how my mum is feeling at home.My mum always get depressed during this time.She usually does crazy things.Last year she slit her wrist .My mum tried to leave me in this cruel world alone.She wanted to die and follow my father and leave me alone. "Why are you crying?"Luke said.Thats when i felt the wet cheeks.i didnt even know that i was crying.I cant believe ive turned into such a weak girl.How can i cry in front of the gossiper."Hey cassy are you okay,did i say something you didnt like?"He asked really concerned this is my first time seeing him this concern. "Im fine,its just that i was touched when you said you saved the dog from getting choked,"i lied. "Oh yea...well the dog meant the world to me............."with that he continued with his story and i listened and tried not to think of my mother's attempt of suicide. ---------------------------- hope yourl liked chapter 3
19 Jul 2019 | 05:13
Ride on
19 Jul 2019 | 13:18
19 Jul 2019 | 19:09
LOVELY BETRAYAL Episode 4 Being in detention is like striving,you dont talk,you dont look around you just focus on mr Kripboard.He is a fat teacher and very lazy .He claims to be strict but yet children can pass him because he loves sleeping.During this time i manage to finish my homework and made a decision to take 800 from my savings to buy a dress for Friday.When detention was over i ran out so i can not make Jay wait. I still dont know what he wants to talk to me about,for him to wait for me for the whole 2 hours it must be something important.I just hope its something good,maybe he want to discuss about the party or his relationship with my best friend. Ive been waiting for him for about 5 minutes now,he is never late cause he knows my patience is smaller than a cell. "I can see you are tired of waiting for me,ive been watching you for about 4 mins getting irritated,"somebody said behind me.The voice sounds familiar.As I turned a new face appear in front of me.This guy he is tall,masculine,nice body and he is really handsome,he has nice Green eyes with really neat shaped eyebrows and im so jealous my eyebrows are ugly.He is smiling at me,his smile is perfect wait maybe im speaking to a god because this guy he is just perfect.'i wouldn't mind worshiping you',i thought to myself. "Am i that handsome that you'd worship me id like to be worshiped by a pretty girl like you",he said with a smirk.I cant believe i said that loud.I really need to practice how to not say things out loud because its now becoming an embarrassing habit."are you mute?"he asked with his one perfect eyebrow raise. "Uhm no,im not mute,plus i was not waiting for you ,Who are you?"i asked.he looks shocked to my question. "You dont know who i am?" "If i knew who you were was I gonna ask?" "Well i will introduce myself,I am Tyrol. I am the soccerteam captain,I used to be in this school then i left now im back.I was sitting right next to you in detention thats where i saw you from,Cassy." "You were the guy that slept for the whole 2 hours,How you knoe my name" "Yes that was me and FYI,I was not sleeping,anyways do you need a lift or what,What are you waiting for its late now there's no one here,you need to go home and i know your name because its written on the book that you are holding" "Who died and gave you the permission to tell me what to do?"okay that was dumb,i forgot about the book. "I was just tryna help you,im not tryna boss you." "Well im fine thank you for your help." "Cassy,I cant leave you here alone,so i will wait with you till that person comes." This guy who does he think he is,I dont even know now he thinks he has some duty to be caring about me. "Thank you but no thank you Tyrol,I am fine." Ding ☆JAY-hey sorry i couldnt wait,Connie's car broke down n i had to take her home and her mother asked me to have lunch with them so i will just come later and we will have that talk. Im sorry ♡Jay This is the first time Jay has ever let me down like this,I've been waiting for him speaking to this good for nothing guy for him to just let me down.I wont lie,Im really angry and we will have to talk about it. School finished 2 hours and 20 mins ago and he only gets to tell me now.I waited 20 mins for nothing.Now im starting to get really pissed. "Bad News i see,Your face looks like its gonna Explore,thats not good for a girl."he said "Learn to mind your own business it will do you good in life, trust me." "You get so feisty when you angry,I see,I must say its a good view,"he smirked. "If you are bored, i wont entertain you.Go and find somebody to entertain you and leave me alone",I turned and started walking to the exit but i couldnt because Tyrol got hold of my arm."What are you doing,Let me go,what is your problem?"I asked him pulling my hand away. "Relax,I wont hurt you,just wanted to know whether you want a lift and i wont take no for an answer because its for your own good safety plus its hot,"he said. "For my own safety,I dont even know you and you expect me to ride with you."i told him "Come on,What could i possibly do and trust me Cas you know me,your mind isnt straight right now but you know me." "Dont call me Cas,only one person calls me Cas for you it's Cassy, plus when i say i don't know you,i dont know you,you cant force me to know you." "Wow,you are still stubborn,Can we go and stop having unnecessary argument,im not a rapist/killer i wont do you anything." Im really considering his offer.Yes,I don't know him but he doesnt look like he'd hurt a fly,plus im too tired to walk."Okay fine lets go" "Finally i can kill you ,"He joked This guys is so awesome.I dont have a lot of friend,lemme just say i only got 2 friends Jay and Connie but this guy seems amazing.It seems like ive known him all my life and his voice does sound familier but his name and face are strange ,I have never seen his face before. He got the new BMW,im not good with cars but it looks good.That tells me one thing .He is wealthy.What else does he need in life.He is hot,good personallity and also wealthy and im also 80% sure he has both his parents some people are just blessed The ride home is quiet,he doesn't talk too much and he stops the car and i looked at him to ask why he stopped the car when i recognised the familier place.Thats my house how does he know where i stay? "How did you know....?" "As i said Cassy you know me and i also know you.Have a good day,See you in school tomorrow .Goodnight".With that he left. "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE,"I screamed . I really dont know him. I dont know who Tyrol is ---------------------------------- Chapter 4 guys♡
20 Jul 2019 | 05:27
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 5-6 "Nice car,Cassy,but i dont recall hearing that Jay got a new car and that school finish 2hours after 14:30?"all of that sacarsm is coming from a woman i call 'mother' .This woman can be so sacarstic in the way that you wont know when she is being serious and when she is being sacarstic. "That was not Jay mum,that was Tyrol and i was in the library doing some research on chemistry,"I lied.I cant tell my mother the truth,i can't tell her i was in detention.She will literally make me sleep outside she says its parenting. "Ohk dear,are we visiting your dad this friday,"she asked.Looking at her you can see the sadness in her.Mentioning my father is like mentioning world war 2 to those that were effected.Its been 7 years since he died but she has not move on,I sometimes hear her cry before she sleeps ."Cassidy,I asked you a question,"she said irritated. "Yes mum,we gonna visit him and mum, Jay asked me to escort him to his grandfather's party this friday ,"i told her. "Thats really good,Im happy to hear that Cas.This will be a change Cas,you should have fun ,you too young to have so much of problems on your plate,"she said with a forced smile on her."I really wish this was all a dream,I still feel like he is going to come back someday,"She said with glassy eyes. "Mum you promised me that you are not going to cry." "Im not crying baby,I'm just wishing.Go clean up and and do your homework and come dowm for supper." "Okay mum,"I said and left after kissing her cheek.I know once I leave her sight she is going to start crying . My mum and Dad are like Jay and I.They grew up together, their life always revolved around each other.Its difficult for my mum to move on because she is so used to my father's presents.2 years after my father's death my mum became an alcoholic,she claimed that when she is drunk she sees my dad.As time went my mum changed .She didnt care about me.I was all by myself.Jay was shocked by her behavior but didnt ask any questions cause I told him to let it go. I dont know how it happened but my mum stopped drinking.She became the mum she was when my father was alive.She started going work,she started cooking helping me with my homework. I thank God for this. I thought everything was fine until the 5th death anniversary,she tried committing suicide.My life is really.... *knock "Cas,Jay is here to see you,should I let him ?"my mum said disturbing my train of thoughts.wait why does she sound like a secretary? "Let him in mum" "Okay sweet"she said I wonder why she is so happy but I love the vibe but this is not my first time seeing her this happy when days are approaching to the day i lost my father,the last time she was this happy during this days she tri..... "May I come in?",Jay asked yet he was already in.This guy's size of manners and size of my Patience is the same. "You are already in,"I rolled my eyes. "Your rudeness is what got you in detention in the first place,"he said smirking at me. If this idiot knew that i was detention cause of him n Connie.... "I wont take long,Cas,"He said with a serious face. "Yea,of course you wont take long,you dont have time for me." "Now where is that coming from?" "Just tell me what you came here for,"This guy is annoying me and I dont even know why.'yes ,you know why,because you dont like him not giving you the attention you like'I swear this voice will be the death of me. "Well,I came to tell you that I asked Connie to be my girlfriend and she accepted it,"He said.Thats great news but the only problem is . Honestly this 2 makes a great couple. "Jay,why didnt you tell me that you liked her,I thought we were best friends,"i told him. " Thats because i wasnt sure about my feelings,but now im sure,i really do like her a lot ,"he said smiling. He really does like her.This is my first time seeing him blush over a girl. "Omg Dude,you really like her,you blushing,"I said hitting his shoulder "I cant even deny it but thats not all i wanted to tell you." "Okay dude shoot." "When I was in the moment of romance,i kinda asked her to be my dance partner to the party and she accepted it.I cant turn her down Cas,she is my girlfriend.So is it fine if I take her?"He told me. WHAAAATTTTTT,this guy gotta be joking. Seriously.I wont even lie.Im really hurt,im on a verge of crying. I THOUGHT he was my best friend.Why is he letting me down like this.I was really happy about this.I was looking forward for this party. "Hey,Im really sorry plus you didnt want to go,so im sure it fine,"he said smiling. So he was using me,he didnt have any girlfriend to take and thought of taking me.I thought he wanted to go witg me,I didnt know he wanted to go with me because he didn't have a girlfriend.And He has the guts to laugh.Does he know how hurt I am.He lead me on to just let me down.I even told my mother about it and now i must go tell her that he turned me down,she will be so sad. "So you asked me to be your dance partner not because you wanted me to go with you but because you didnt have a girlfriend?"my anger is starting to boil. "It's not like that Cas,of course i wanted to come with me,but she is my girlfriend,i cant take another girl to be my partner,"he said as if it was the most realistic reason ever. "Jay,I am your best friend im not just a girl,if you knew you were feeling something for her why did you ask me,why didnt you just go straight and asked her?" "I know this could have been prevented if I asked her,I just didnt know how." "But somehow you did" "I need to go,I love you."He said. "Close the door on your way out,"I told him and after that he left. Now what...... ----------------- CHAPTER 5 GUYS♡ Chapter 6 "Cas,I don't want to pass there,I told you chocolate isnt good for your health,"my dad said. "Daddy please, I promise its my last time,"i pleaded "You've been saying that since you were 6,I can't wait for that day you will really stop,"he said. We going to fetch my mum from work and he doesn't want to buy me chocolate.We are currently by the robots and he just... *knocking by the window "Hello may i help you,"my daddy asked the guy. "Yes,sir you may help me by....," he takes out a gun."By dying!"he shoots him 8 times . I am there but i cant do anything i cant move,theres nothing i can do.Why doesnt I have control over my body. DADDY,I tried to scream but nothing is coming out.DADDY PLEASE WAKE UP.My voice,i got no voice. "CAS!" "Daddy please wake up,please dont do this to mummy and I",I told my father finally finding my voice. "CAS!"He shook me with more force "CAS,wake up"Somebody else said. I opened my eyes,to see my mother kneeling next to my bed crying.That was another nightmare.This nightmares always happen to me.My mum have tried everything to help me but it doesnt work.It stopped but always come back when Im upset. "CAS,Thank god you woke up,this was worst than ever,Cas are you okay?,why are you getting these nightmares again?,I thought they stopped,is there anything upsetting you and you arent telling me?"she spoke so fast as more tears fell."Cas please dont do this to me,dont keep any secret from me,"She pleaded. She is already upset ,I cant tell her that Jay doesn't want to take me to the dance anymore,this will really upset her even more.So I gave the most stupid reason to justify why my nightmares reappeared"mum,I am fine,its just that i read this book last night and it was similar to my life,so it reminded me of dad,I am so sorry mummy,"I told her. She first studied my face before saying anything "I just hope you are not lying to me Cassidy,I am your mother,if things are troubling you,you gotta tell me,"she asked,hugging me. This is all I have as a parent,My mum.Her hugs is what keeps me going.As long as she hugs me,I am fine.I cant really imagine my life without her ,cant even think about. "Yes mum,I will tell you,"Looking at the time,I am 20mins late for school.I didnt even hear my alarm "Mum,look at the time,I got to get ready for school,"I told her. "Ohk baby,dont forget if theres anything bothering you,come and we will have a talk about it,"she said. "Ohk mum," ******* What an eventful morning.I manage to finish everything in time.. ☆Jay-Hey,I know you are still upset with me and I'm really sorry but please let me drive you to school ♡Me-Im getting a lift from Tyrol,its fine Jay. ☆Jay-okay. He didnt even insisted on taking me .Now I will have to walk to the busy station to get a bus. "Mummy,Im leaving ,"i told her. "Where is Jay?"She asked "He is not feeling well,so he is not going to school,"i lied.I seriously don't know where I got these lying skills from.I should think of becoming a lawyer. Here's that facial expression I hate,she is pitting him."People get sick mum,you dont have to pity them,"I told her. "Go to school,you getting late,"She said smiling.She is fully aware that i hate 'pity'. "Bye,"I kissed her cheek and left. ******* Ive been walking for over 15 minutes now.I really hate going to the bus station because there's a big possibility that i may not even get a bus. *car hooting* Im not even walking on the road,why is the driver hooting at me.He has been doing that 5 mins since i started walking.I think he is following me.What if it's the same person that killed my father. After the death of my father,I have become a little paranoid.Maybe not a little but wouldn't you if you witnessed your father getting shot 8 times. So I did what i thought was right.I started running.I ran until the hooting stopped.I really am a good runner.I thought while running. "You dont have to run away from me,I am not going to hurt you,"A voice said and this voice sound really familiar.Okay,maybe i am not such a good runner but people doesn't have to know. I turned around and of course it's that idiot Tyrol. "YOU STUPID,you scared me damnit,you couldn't get out of the car so I could see your face,"I screamed at him. He laughed"What is wrong with you?Why you getting scared of small thing?"he asked.Thats because small things killed my father. "What do you want?" "Will I be greeted by that whenever I speak to you,I must say for a pretty girl you are a bit rude,you weren't like this before,What happened?" Where does this guy know me from.He speaks to me as if he knows everything about me.This is really annoying. "Anyways,wanted to know whether you wanted a lift?"He asked "Nope,I am fine,I am almost at my destination,"I told him. "Yes of course,with the 15 mins you have wasted running,talking to me and being paranoid,You have plenty time to go wait for a bus and also not find one and start walking to school,"He said sarcastically. He is so sacarstic he reminds me of my mother.Maybe he is my mother's son. I laughed to myself. "Why are you laughing?"he asked. "Something,anyways lets go only got 45mins before school starts ,"I said pulling him towards his car.This was not the car he had yesterday,thats why i didnt recognise it.Well this is perfect,now Jay can see that he can also be easily replaced.I smiled. "Crazzidy,Why are you laughing to yourself,"He asked.He called me Crazzidy .That name rings a bell but I don't know from where. "Crazzidy?,Why did you call me that,"I asked him. "Sorry,was caught in the moment,I promise to not call you that again,"he apologised. "Why did you call me that?"I asked. "Dont worry about it Cas,Let's go,we getting late,"he said. "But......" "Will you please let it go,"he seems angry.His mood swings wow. "Okay, lets go ,"I said. Our drive was really quiet,he looked like he was pondering about something that he didnt like to ponder about. I didnt push my luck because this guy's mood swing is craaazyyyyy. ----------------------- ♡
20 Jul 2019 | 05:34
Wow! Interesting
20 Jul 2019 | 11:09
It's really getting interesting!!!
20 Jul 2019 | 17:43
Humm interesting next episode pls
21 Jul 2019 | 04:46
LOVELY BETRAYED (Episode 7) We were at the school parking 10mins before the registration bell rings.Tyrol has been quiet since,he told me to "let it go"I really don't know what upset him. "Hey,are you okay?"I asked him. "Yes I am fine,Cas,"He said totally cutting me off.This guy,If he was a girl I was gonna say he is menstruating.He can be so moody.Theres something about him that makes me comfortable around him.I dont know what it is.Maybe he is right,maybe I know.I do have a poor memory but if he was important to me I'd remember him but why don't I.He said he was in this school before and he left now he is back but why dont I remember him. "Tyrol,Can i ask you something?"i asked him. "Yeah,sure" "How do you know me?"I asked him. He looked at me with his mouth parted.Did I mention how perfect his lips looks.This guy is perfect,how can somebody be so handsome. "Cas,when the time comes we will talk about this,this is not the right time to talk about this,"He said.Why doesnt he want to tell me? "When is the perfect time, Tyrol,you are being so nice to me and you dont want to tell me where you know me from. I need to know Tyrol.I know my memory is bad but I can never forget a person that was once in this school and was also close to me,"I told him. "Cas,stop being so impatient,things are only done according to time,this is not the right time,plus Jay is approaching my car and I really cant stand that guy,"He said looking at his windshield.I followed his gaze and approaching the car is Jay.Wonder where his girlfriend is. Tyrol and I got out of the car. "Cas,what are you doing with this waste of space?"Jay asked. "If it isnt mr perfect,"Tyrol said sarcastically. Oohhhhkkk.If I was a blonde I wasn't gonna know whats going on but im a brunette and it seems that this guys dont get alone. "Of course I'm perfect I dont try to be something I am not,"Jay said Tyrol laughed and he is still laughing. This guys hasn't stopped laughing. If he doesnt stop he might faint.Tears are even leaving his eyes. "What is so funny?"Jay asked. "Everything that comes out of your mouth is funny,just like your face,"he said and continued laughing. "Cas,Why are you even talking to this creep?"He turned his attention from Tyrol to me. "The creep himself calls me a creep,this day couldnt get any better,"Tyrol said."Cas,Im leaving you to talk to your friend Jay,See you after school.Please dont get detained,you look depressing.Later ,"With that he left.He says i looked depressing yet he is the one who slept instead of doing homework.This guy. I laughed. "You blushing,do you like him Cassidy?"he called me by my full name wow. "So what if I like him?"I asked him. "He is not a good guy,Cas,he is bad news,"he told me. "Oh yeah,and you are good news?"I asked him.This boy needs to know that what he did to me really hurts.He needs to get the gist.He can't just lead a person on like that and then turn them down.He is the reason my nightmares reappeared. "Cas,I know you mad at me for letting you down but that doesnt automatically gives you the right to be friends with Tyrol.When you said Tyrol I didnt know you were talking about this guy " he told me. "To you every guy I'm friends with is bad news,are you perfect?" "I know im not perfect but i will never hurt you,"he said. I laughed,he will never hurt me yet he just did .This guy should do comedy. "Where is Connie?" "Don't change the topic,this is serious and I dont know what you laughing at,"he said with a serious face. I laughed even more."I'm going to look for Connie,"I told him leaving him on the spot. "Cassidy,"he called and i heard him but I chose to ignore him.I know I shouldnt be this angry at him but this guy always does this.He likes choosing other people before me yet I have never done that.Now he has to have a taste of his own medicine and I went to look for Connie. There's the person I've been looking for.She is busy fidgeting with her locker.She looks so cute,she is wearing her leather jacket though its not that cold,with her black skinny jeans and boots.She looks really pretty. "So whats the occasion,why you look so beautiful,"I asked her. "So im usually ugly?"she asked pretending to be offended. "Thank you for understanding my point,I didnt even have to elaborate more,"I joked with her. "Shut up,devil,"she said smiling."Do I really look nice?"she asked. "Yes Co,you look beautiful,what's the occasion?" "Well girlfriend,I got a boyfriend,Jay and I are dating.So today we going to our first date,we going Ice skating.I tried calling you to tell you all of this but your phone was off,"She told me. "OH,I didnt give you my other number,that other phone,the teacher took it ,Im only getting it on friday.Yea Jay told me.Im really happy for you two.You'll make a good couple,"I told her,the honest truth. "Why were you using your phone in class?"she asked. "Was checking the time."I lied."So when are you two going ?" "Just now girlfriend,but I look good right?" "You look perfect,You two better make each other happy,"i told her. "Of course ,he is such a sweet guy,he asked me to escort him to his grandfather's party this friday,"she said with the biggest smile on her face.That smile,that smile made my anger dissolve.She is happy. I cant be angry at Jay for letting me down when she is so happy about it.I cant do that.I can't be that type of friend. "AWW,girl thats amazing,"I said ,smiling at her. "Well you gonna help with my make up and shopping,"she told me. "If I dont do that,Whats type of friend would I be,"I asked her. "You are the best,"She hugs me."I gotta go,im skipping school with Jay.Please get work for me from Tatiana,"she said.I can't believe,she is skipping school. "Why......" The bell rings "Aaaaahhhhhhhh byeeeeeeeeeee,"She said running toward the parking.So Jay didnt go there to talk to me .He went there to wait for her.Amazing. "Bye" ------------- ♡
21 Jul 2019 | 05:57
LOVELY BETRAYED (Episode 8) It is Friday and im in my second class.Finally I will get my phone today.This phone I'm using right now its just an excuse of a phone.I dont even have access to the internet.Only got 1 number and that Jay's.Who has stopped talking to me since our argument last Tuesday. Jay comes and speak to Connie and literally unsee me.I don't know for how long he will continue acting like this.This is really affecting me.I just need to talk to him.I am really down today is the day I lost my father 7 years ago.I just need his comfort even though he doesn't know about it but his presents helps.All this years this day was a bit better cause he will always be around. But My pride is just on the highest level right now,I will not talk to him.He can't always have his ways with me.I have to always listen and care about his feelings yet he turns me down every opportunity he gets. "Miss Louis,I asked you a question and you are ignoring me,"My teacher said making me lose my train of thoughts. "Sorry but I was a bit distracted,may you please repeat your question,"I said. "Of course I will repeat it in detention,"she said with the biggest fake smile I have ever seen. Like seriously detention,I have to be with my mother,I have to visit my father's grave.I can't really have detention.I can't and this woman will have to understand. I will speak to her after this . Just like that the bell rang ,I waited for everyone to leave."Are you okay?"That question is coming from the gossiper Luke. "Yes,I am fine Luke,may you please leave ,I have to talk to her." "Okay,"and he left. Should I go with the truth or lie,I debated with myself.As it is said 'Truth will set you free'so the truth it is. "Uhm mam,Can you please give me another day for detention,today I am too busy,I have to visit my father's grave and have to be with my mother. Any other day please,"I pleaded with her. Her eyes shows everything that I don't like.She is feeling sorry for me.This is the reason why I don't tell people about this. "Of course Cassidy,its fine you don't even have to go for detention,I was just upset that your focus wasnt in class now I know why,everything is going to be fine,"She said the exact words that people told me on his funeral.Why do people say that ,'everything is going to be fine'.Nothing is fine when you witness your dad die in front of you while holding your hand. "Everything is going to be fine was meant to be used when you lose a pen,when your money is missing,when you get robed,when you get dumped,when you get divorced not when somebody close dies.Everything changes,things are not fine so please mam spare me with that 'everything is going to be fine' thing,"I told her .Im really trying hard not to cry. "I am sorry,I just didnt know what to say,that was the first thing that popped in my mind.I am really sorry if I have offended you but if you don't mind me asking ,How did your father die?"I didn't find her as the inquisitive type but hey,my assumptions were wrong she is very inquisitive. "Yes mam,I do mind you asking me that question............" "WHAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT?"Somebody by the door screamed and that person screaming is no other then Jay himself.So this is how Jay finds out about my father's death.I didnt expect it."Cassidy,what does she mean by saying your father is dead,I thought you said your father was very far working hard to find money to provide your needs and to protect his family?"He said still shocked. "Oh,you talking to me now,"I tried changing the topic. "Cassy,how did he die?"he asked. "You children can stay and talk,I am going to be with the other teachers,"with that she left but i know she will be eavesdropping. "Cas,Will you answer me!"he demanded. "My father is working but not in this life,he is working in the beyond life,"I told him.That same face appeared. "Why didnt you to tell me,I thought we were best friends,"He hesitated to ask,he looks so sad but mostly pitting me. "Because of what you doing right now,i didnt want you to be seeing me as that girl that lost her father and everybody should feel sorry for her now,No i don't want that. Look at you,you are doing it,"Those tears i was holding are now falling . "But you were suppse to tell me,a best friend is a person that sticks to you in bad and in the good times,a best friend have to be accepted by their real actions.If not then that friendship is not true. Cas,it is not my fault that I am too emotional when it comes to news like this but that doesnt give you the rights to hide such news to me,"He said.Jay's face is readable and I can see how hurt he is by this. "I am really sorry that you had to find out about this like this,"I apologised. "When did he die?"he asked. "He died 12/03/2011,"I told him. I remember my father's death day like it was yesterday and everything before that is just blank. My life only began a week after my father's death.Everything before the 12th of March2011 is useless to me. Jay is looking at me but you can clearly see that his mind is not here."Jay,"I snapped my fingers in front of him to get him back to reality. "Oh,Thats why that ....."Jay started and stopped when he noticed he was saying things not for me to hear but this guy has already made my curiosity jump out of her comfort zone. "Thats why ,what?"I asked him. He sighed"nothing,dont worry about that,I got to go to class I am late and so are you"he said walking out. "JAY,"I screamed after him but he did what I did to him this morning.He ignored me. What did he want to say?,what does he know that I don't know?,What is Jay hiding?I need to find out.
21 Jul 2019 | 06:03
LOVELY BETRAYED (Episode 9) "Cassidy,Are you okay?"Claudia asked.I was in my on world I didnt even see her sitting on the opposite side.I really feel bad.Jay has always been there for me,I should have told him.He looked really hurt and dissapointed in me.At the same time there was something in his eyes I really couldn't tell."Earth to Cas,What is wrong with you?"She asked.When will she give up. "To you its Cassidy not Cas and what do you want Claudia,"Claudia is the school biggest witch*.We used to be good friends until she took my test paper and copied all my work and told the headmaster that I copied her. Copying in this school is taken really serious,if you are caught copying there's a big consequence for your actions.So you can guess why I am still mad at her.I was suspended for 2 weeks and also I cleaned the toilets for a month after i came back. "Don't get all nasty on me Cassidy,"She said while rolling her eyes."I just came to ask whether you are okay?You seem really down and lonely,"She said. "Why do you care ?don't bother to answer cause its none of your business,"I cut her off wen she was about to speak and I walked away. I am not being rude but Claudia always brings the worst in me .'That's because you still love her'.That annoying voice said,does it always have to be truthful? ****** Going to science class is like a torture, I really hate that class.Its so boring. "Cas!"Somebody screams after me n i turn around and to my disbelief its Jay.He want to speak to me. Atleast we get to solve this dilemma I created because of my stupidity. "Hey,"he said. "Hi,"I hesitated to reply.Why am I so.nervous? "So about earlier on,I am really sorry for how I acted.I am a grown person now I can't still be walking out of a conversation like that.I am really sorry,"he said and he is being sincere about it and I am really shocked because this kid never apologise no matter what."Don't look at me like that, theres a first for everything.You better accept my apology before I take it back,"He joked. "I forgive You Jay but you deserved to be upset with me.What I did was really wrong.You are my best friend, I should have told you about my father,you deserved to know,"I told him. "Well......."he was disturbed by a phone ringing.why doesnt he want to answer his phone."Cassidy ,when a phone rings you slide your finger on the screen to the green side to answer it,if you didnt know. What is he talking took me a second to realise that the phone ringing belongs to me.I really need to get my phone back from that teacher. "Hello,"I answered without looking at the caller. "Hey baby,I miss you,I just wanted to speak you,"My mum said.Why does she sound like that, is she drunk? "Mummy did you take some Whiskey?"I asked her. She laughed "I took just a little bit ,"she said still laughing. "What are you doing in my house?"she yelled to somebody who entered the house. "Mummy,Are you okay? Who entered the house?"I asked her.Her screaming and yelling is scaring me. "get out of my house,you bustard or have you come to kill me like you killed my husband?"She asked the person,this is really scaring me.Is she hallucinating again.There was a time where my mum thought she could see those people that killed my dad when she is drunk,I hope this is one of the cases."Hey baby call the police right now and stay away from......"she was interrupted by sounds of gunshots. Wait what just happened,did I hear my mum being shot over the phone or those are fireworks .Is this really happening again,she couldn't even finish her sentence,who does she want me to stay away from.I didn't even realise that my phone fell to the grounds. "Hey Cassidy,why do you look like you've seem a ghost,Are you okay?"He asked really concerned. "I.dont...know... gun ... mum...police now,"I tried to speak but I couldnt make a sentence . "What?"he asked "Police,call the police send them to my house something is happening there.I heard my mum speaking and yelling at somebody and the i heard gun shots. PLEASE CALL THEM TAKE ME HOME!"I demanded When my voice came back to me.He did as I said. ********* We have finally reached my neighbourhood.Anxiety is killing me ,I hope my mum is fine.She is all I have,I dont have any relatives.Lord please save my mother.I am praying for my mum to be safe.I need her. We finally reach my house gate,I jumped out of the car while it was still moving and rushed towards the house where I can see the police and paramedics outside already.This is reminding me of this same day 7 years ago when my father was killed but the only different is -I know my mother is alive. "Cas,wait for me,"Jay screams after me,my mind is too occupied to even apply to what he is saying.He is running after me. "I need to go inside,this is my house,where is my mother?"I screamed at the guy who was not allowing me to go inside. "Sorry miss,but you are not able to go inside,"he told me.This guy doesnt know me.I spat on his face and stepped on top of his shoe and ran inside when he was still attending his foot and the spit on his face. Lying on the floor with full ocean size of Red fluid is my mother.My mother,that can't be my mum."Is she okay?"I asked the guy who was checking her pulse. "You are not suppose to be in here,"he told me. "Thats my mother,Can you please just tell me if she is going to survive this,"I pleaded with him. "Miss this will affect my job but if you really want to know,No miss your mum is gone.She has lost a lot of ........" My mother dead,No this woman will get up and shout at me for not cleaning my room.She can't be dead, no she is not.Looking at her she looks like she is just sleeping.I Know she will wake up. "Your mother is dead!"Somebody told me.Still in shock.I blanked out and everything around me went to the shed of black.
21 Jul 2019 | 06:07
Awwn, wat a pity
21 Jul 2019 | 06:55
This Jay of a guy is something else
21 Jul 2019 | 09:25
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode ? Jay's POV I've been in the hospital for 2 hours she is still not awake. The doctors are not saying anything,they are just passing me as if I'm not even here. They have been going in and out of Cas's room .I just hope she is fine. If not,I am going to kill somebody. I need to call n find out,I seriously do,because we had a deal,this is just too much and I wont allow it but before that I have to speak to my mother. Taking my car keys and informing the nurse that I'm coming back,I left.Entering my house is like entering a funeral home,where everybody is quiet and nobody is talking and all wearing sad faces.This people are so boring . "Hello sweetie,You back home early,Missed mum?"my mother said that,of course she is being sacarstic.My mother and I's relationship is of cat n dog,there's no relationship at all.I dont even think this woman is mother. "Very sweet mother,anyways I came to tell you that Cassidy will be staying with us henceforth,"I went straight to the point,I hate beating around the bush. "Cassidy Louis in my house.Never!"she said.Does she really think she has a choice? "Oh mother,I didnt ask you for your permission,she lost her parents,she has no where to stay so she is going to stay here no matter what.The least we can do is accommodate her.What kind of 'best friend'would I be if I dont help her in such crisis?"I asked her. "Whatever but so you know your father won't like this at all,"she told me. "Maybe you'll be the one not to make him not like this news,anyways she will be here when she comes from the hospital,"I told her. "She is in the hospital?"She asked "Nah mother,She is in the hospital,"I said smirking at her. "Asshole,"she said. "And you are my mother so what does that make you?"I asked her. "You son......." She got disturbed by my ringing tone,its the hospital. "Hello,"I said to the caller. "Hello mr Jones,Miss Louis is awake and responding to treatment,she'll be discharged after all tests are done on her and that will take about an hour or 2,"he told me.I see he also gets straight to the point,wonder how he tells people that their friend or family has died,it must be harsh. "Okay,will be there,"told him. *********************************** Cassidy's POV Its been 2 months since my mother's death and I've been staying with Jay since then.I am not comfortable in this house. The mother's eyes scares me,she doesn't even pretend to like me but Jay and Mr Jones have been great. I haven't been in school since the day I lost my mother.Connie haven't spoken to me since then,I really need to speak to her and find out what's her problem. I got my phone back, Jay got it back for me and she knows I got my phone and she hasn't even tried to call me.I really need to know what is her problem. "Why are you so quiet,scared of school or what?"Jay asked while driving to school. "Nah,I am just thinking,why your girlfriend isn't talking to me?"I've been asking him this question,almost everyday since I've started staying with him. "Cassidy,I told I don't know,why you forcing me to know?"he asked me. "Why do you always reply a question with a question?"I asked him . "You just did the same thing,I see you've become an hypocrite,"he said with a smirk. "You can be so annoying,asshole,"I told him. "Yet you love me,"he said. "No,I dont,"I replied too fast. "Yes you do,anyways theres Connie waiting for me,I will give you two time to kiss and make up,"He told me pointing to his windshield and I follow his finger and there stands Connie.I missed her so much her.She looks different but just can't point it out.Oh I see its the colours in hair.She has Pink stripes and some Red .That's a big change. "What have she done to her beautiful hair?"I asked Jay. "Remember I said,I'll give you two time to talk, You can ask her,"I forgot he isn't a gossiper,he can be so boring sometimes. I laughed"Okay Jason,"I teased him. "My name is Jay not Jay, Casanova,"he said while jumping out of is car and running.He knows how much,I hate that name. I jumped off and ran towards him,"Jay if I catch you,I'm going to kill you,"I ran after him ,the student are looking at us as if we are mad,well I don't care.He ran towards his girlfriend and so did I. "Save me babe,the mad woman wanna hit him,"he said hiding behind Connie,who looks like she has ate something sour at the present of me. "I see you can't leave my boyfriend alone can you?"she asked with a sour face,Okayyyy that hurt a little.Where did that come from? "What a way of greeting a friend you haven't seen in 2 months,"that comment came from Jay,he is also shocked by this. She laughs,its that laugh that doesn't reach her eyes,I've been her friend for a while and I know she is faking that laugh but Jay doesn't know because he smiles at her and kisses her on her cheek and says he will leave us to talk.I keep on forgetting that Jay likes going straight to the point. "So what do you want from me?"she asked,all that fake smile gone. "What's your problem?"I asked her. "My problem is you,"she replied with no care in her words. "What have I done?"I asked her.I am really shocked by this ,I don't have words. "You killed your mother,so you can stay with my boyfriend,I have always known that you wanted Jay but I didn't know you'd go to a point of killing your mother,"she said.What the hell.No ,she can say anything she wants to me but not bring my mother into this.Before I knew it ,I gave a her a big slap across her pale face which have turned red because of my slap. "You can slap me however you want,the truth hurts.Listen here witch* you better stay away from Jay,I don't want you to kill him just like you killed your parents and I dare you to slap me again,"all of those rubbish came out of that person I used to call my best friend's mouth. I slapped her again this time 2 times and she knows im not a back chatter,my hands does the she dared me to slap her again so I did. "Slap me back you coward,I cant believe you,I can't believe you've gone so low because of a guy and idiot,listen here,Jay has been my friend before he even came to a two left legs like you,so no matter what you say ,Jay has always been mine and I am not gonna leave him for an idiot like you and listen here never bring my mother in a conversation again,then you will be pushing me into doing something worst than a slap and you know,I don't make empty threats,"I pushed her out of my way and as I was leaving Claudia and her chipmunk were going towards her. I should have known by the hairstyles that she has Joined the chipmunk crew. She can go to hell,I dont care.She can't say I killed my parents and expect me to do nothing.I must be crazy.I am so angry right now,I need to calm down before I do something crazy.
21 Jul 2019 | 10:41
Serve her right
22 Jul 2019 | 02:47
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 11 Having chemistry is so boring and Mr John isn't making it any better and I can't focus cause of the useless drama that happened earlier on between me and somebody I called best friend for so many years. I can't believe Connie,I can't believe she can turn her back on me when I need her the most,couldn't she wait and just give it some time.She calls me a killer,she says I killed my parents.Who on earth would kill their own parents,the people that gave them life and she said all of this just because of a guy. I am so stupid because I entertained her,I acted like a psychopath now people will think I was fighting over Jay.One thing my mum taught me is to never fight over a guy no matter how much I love the guy, I should never fight over him not that I love Jay,well I do love him he is my best friend but not that intimate kinda love.Okay I am so angry right now I am confusing myself.Maybe I should drink some water.Lemme try my luck with the sweetest teacher in the school.Hence the sacarsm. "Sir,may I use the ladies room?"I asked him with the sweetest voice but because of the anger I have it came out like I was sick or something. "Of course you may excuse yourself,there's no different,you were not listening and didn't realise that the bell rang,"he said with the most evil smile ever.I looked around and to my surprise I am the only one left in the class.My mind is really not in place I must say. I looked at him and packed my things and left. Its my break time so I can go wash my face. This place is so quiet,I must say,where are the girls that always surround the mirror as they powder their faces or have they realise that make up isn't helping. I did my business and as I was about to exist the door was locked.Somebody locked me inside.This door is never closed so I can never blame the janitor. "You gonna stay were you belong you stinking witch*,we are tired of your stink now that you are there,there will be no difference,"Somebody said outside. That person sounds a lot like one of Claudia's chipmunk,Janet. "Talking about stinking,you are outside there yet I can still get your stinking breath,wait are you out of toothbrushes at home,should get you one?"I asked her.I really hate saying I hate somebody but I really do hate these girls.I truly do they always bring the worst in me and I won't allow them walk all over me,never. "You are such a witch*,just like your mother no wonder your father chose dying than staying with you two,"now that there came out of the person I called best friend,yes,that came from Connie I see my slaps wasn't good enough for her. "Girls what is going on here?"a male voice asked. "Oh hey Tyrol,we got a cigarette smell so we locked the door so the culprit won't come out,Janet went to call the headmaster,"I think that was Claudia,she sounds so innocent,jealous down this girl is good at acting. "Tyrol,its me Cassidy please let me out,"I pleaded with him. "Cassy,you were the one smoking?"Tyrol asked really shocked. "Just open the door,will you,"I told him and he did open the door for me. Just in time as the headmaster comes."This will not be good,"I said under my breath.This man really hate smokers. "Cassidy Louis,You were smoking on my school,"he said really angry.First of all this is not his school,what nonsense is he saying,this school belongs to the government and lastly he is not suppose to be angry,I was, I am the one being blamed for something I didn't do. "No sir,I was not smoking,I don't smoke,I am not a smoker,"I said calmly because right now all I wanna do is punch Connie's face after what she said about my family and I.My fist is itching to be on that face. "Sir we got the smell and it was coming from here,maybe she was using one of those cigarette without smell,"Claudia said.Wow that was so stupid and I couldn't help it but laugh. "Is something funny, miss Louis,"the headmaster asked.Is he really dumb or he is acting to be dumb. "Sir you heard her,she said she got the smell and it was coming from here and in the same line she says I was maybe using one of those cigarettes without smell,are you kidding me so you can't see that they lying?"I asked him and Tyrol couldn't help it but laugh. Connie being the smart one looks at her chipmunk with a dissapointed face. "Girls for wasting my time with pure nonsense,you are going to clean the bathroom for the next 2 weeks,"the headmaster said and walked away.That went well I must say. "Girls next time practice your lies very well,"that remark didn't come from me like expected, it came from Tyrol. He put his hand around my neck and made our way to have some food. "What was that about?I thought Connie was your friend,"He said.He is even shocked by her actions. "She was my best friend 2 months ago,since I was gone for 2 months,she made new friends and doesn't want old friends like me in her life,"I said.I am starting to get the pain of loosing her and my mother at the same time It hurts,I am really trying hard to act strong but it won't be long,I know I will breakdown but I know it won't be in front of anybody. "Well she is missing out on having an amazing friend like you,she will finally miss you and come back to you,"He said trying to console me. "I hope she doesn't,she has said a lot to me that I won't be able to forgive,"I told him honestly.Honestly I don't think I ever want Connie near me.I don't. "It takes time Cassy,just give it time,anyways how is your mother and father?"doesn't he know or is he testing me or am I being pranked.The death of my father was revealed the day my mother was killed,the story was everywhere in the newspaper and every other media, how doesn't he know. Maybe he is pranking me but it's not funny at all. "Tyrol,are you trying to be funny or what?"I asked,I am really tying hard not to cry right now,how can he joke like this. "Cas,what are you talking about and why do you look like you want to cry,did I say something wrong?"is he being for real?I really need to know.I can't handle this,call me weak or whatever you wanna say but this is just too much. "My parents are dead Tyrol,didnt you know?"I asked,his lips parted is, mouth is open wide and his eyes are wide oped and if I am not mistaken a tear fell from his eyes.What is wrong with him,why is he being so emotional,he didnt know my parents. "Mr and Mrs Louis are dead?"he asked,I will never curse again but fuck this guy.I left him and went to look for Jay he has to take me home.I really can't deal with so much of drama in one day and this is my first time coming back to school after my mom's death. I finally find Jay by the soccer grounds,does this guy ever eat or is soccer his food,I wondered. "JAY,"i screamed.He heard me within a second my voice must be loud.He came to where I was standing so fast like lightning. "Hey Cas,are you okay,are you being mistreated,is everything fine?Show me who hurt you ,right now ,come on,"he said pulling my hand, all of that so fast I didn't hear all the other things he said. I smiled at him,I really love this guy,he is the only person I have right now and if Connie thinks I will leave him,she must be smoking that smell less cigarette .This is my best friend and he will always be mine. "Calm down ,Mother,please take me home like right now,I just want to go home,I am not feeling well,I am menstruating,"I lied. "Eww you didn't have to tell me that,Casanova,"I slapped him."you know your slaps hurt like a witch *,"he said . "Just take me home will you?"I demanded him. "Let's go,"He said taking my hand and going to the parking place. I pretend to sleep so he doesn't talk to me but I ended up sleeping for real.I didn't even realise,how tired I was.
22 Jul 2019 | 04:42
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 12 I woke up,I am in my room thanks to Jay I didn't have to wake up and make my way to my room.That guy can be amazing.I am so hungry,I should go make something to eat.I made my way to the kitchen and I started hearing some voices.It sounds like Jay's parents.I am not gonna eavesdrop but I will just put my ear to the direction of their conversation and as you can see its not eavesdropping at all. "Do you think we doing the right thing?"Jay's father asked. "Of course it's the least we can do,plus this will be our cover up babe,just be calm,"the Mother says,I assumed this lady was evil and hearing it seems my assumption was right .I wonder who they talking about or what they talking about but whatever it is,it sound shady. "What are you doing Cassidy,"damn,I can't even eavesdrop without getting caught.I turned around and Jay is looking at me suspiciously. "Oh hey,your parents were having a calm conversation with no argument so I didn't want to disturb them because this is my first time seeing them talk so calmly to each other , I was actually about to turn around and go back to my room and let them continue talking,"I lied.Wait,where did I learn to lie so well? I repeat,I should become a lawyer.I think Jay bought it because he seemed convinced. "My parents are talking calmly to each other?"he bought it and even he is shocked by this. "Yes,look at them,"I told him and he did look and just as I expected,his eyes went wide open and his mouth is falling. "You right,let's leave them to kiss and make up,you wanna go get something to it?"I groaned in happiness."I can see that you are hungry,"just in time for my stomach to growl.Good timing stomach.He laughs and takes my hand in his hand and we made our way to MacDonald's.Well thats what Jay and I can afford,don't call us cheap. ****** "Cas,do you still talk to Tyrol?"Jay asked. "Yes,I was actually with him during break,why?"I asked him "Cassidy,I know it's not my place to tell you who to hang with and who to not but I am your best friend and I think I do have the right to warn you,Tyrol is bad news you shouldn't get too attached to him,"he told me,why does he always get like this when Tyrol is involved. "Jay,why do you always get like this when Tyrol is involved,What happened between the two of you?"I asked him.He tilt his head down like he is ashamed or something. "Cas,its not in my place to tell but one day you will know,"he said. "Like seriously Jay,just tell me,you start with something and you have to finish it,"I told him. "Why dont you remember?"He asked me but his eyes aren't looking at me they looking straight ahead of me as if he is holding onto a bad memory. "Excuse me Jay,but are you talking to me or is the somebody behind me?"I asked him because right now I am confused. He shook himself to bring him back to the present.What is wrong with Jay,why is he acting like this.This is really bothering me."nevermind Cas,it is fine,finish your burger,we have to go home,"He is changing the topic but knowing Jay,I won't push it because then I will have to pay for this burger that I'm eating and also find my way home.So I am not prepared for that right now. "Hayi hayi Captain,"I said finishing my burger but I won't stay away from Tyrol until I know what he did. ********** Its been a 8weeks (2 months) since I started going back to school,I must say things have been going well,there are no fights ,the chipmunks have currently stopped messing with me.Tyrol and I have gone very close.We are inseparable.I apologised about how I acted when he asked about my parents,he really didn't know about it. I have learnt a lot about Tyrol this past days,he stays with his parents,his brother died in an accident.I've realise that we are similar the difference between us is that he has a family I don't .He is also working after school as a bartender at a bar with a fake ID.I must say,Tyrol is amazing. Well thats the only positive part,since I became closer to Tyrol,Jay has been distant,we barely talk not even barely, we spent days without talking to each other.Usually we only greet each other.The father even asked me whether we fighting.I am sure if Mr Jones didn't buy me a car I'd be taking a bus in the morning to school,I've realise that he doesn't want to be in the same place with me.This hurts a little because I have Tyrol but its different Tyrol isn't Jay and Jay isnt Tyrol,I want them both.I need them. The relationship between Jay and Connie is still on.Without me in the picture they seem to be much more in love.I hate Connie but thas doesn't mean I am not happy for them.I am,I am truly happy for them because Jay's happiness is my happiness. "Why are you so quiet,are you like speaking to your ancestors,"Tyrol asked removing me from my thoughts with such a stupid remark,"because a person can not be in her thought for such a long time,"the way this child thinks he is smart "Well to your dismay,there is a person like that and thats me "I said sticking my tongue out at him. "Eww,so immature,"he groaned. I laughed but my laugh didn't last long because the chipmunks were passing by."ohh look at that,she finally got a boyfriend,let's hope she doesn't kill him,"Connie said and her chipmunks laughed. "I must say,this thing of me killing is kinda getting old,I think you should find something new boo and stop living in the passp,"I told her.Like seriously,everything she says has to do with me killing my parents,its really getting boring. "Whatever,"Claudia the chief chipmunk said and they walked away swinging their straight'like ruler bodies "I love the way you fight for yourself,its really sexy,"Tyrol commented with a wink. "I AM SEXY AREN'T I?"I couldn't help it but to enlarge my ego. We both laughed and at the corner of my eye,I saw Jay giving us the ugliest look ever but I chose to ignore his look and continued laughing.
22 Jul 2019 | 04:57
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 13 I thought I could survive not talking to Jay but I really can't,I miss him.We stay under the same roof and my room is like 2 doors away from him.I have to speak to him.I stood up from my bed and made my way to Jay's room.To my dismay Jay isn't there.Making my way downstairs but got distracted because I heard Jay's voice,he is speaking to his parents,maybe he is telling them about their everyday fights. "I really can't stand her,"the mother said.Wonder who she is talking about but what if she is talking about me because she really can't stand me and she doesn't even hide it."and Jay is right,it's time to go to the next level,"she continued. "But mother,this is a big deal ,we have to take time.Anything goes wrong our business will collapse,"Jay said.Okay maybe they aren't talking about me.I have nothing to do with their business."As long as she doesn't suspect us,then we are cool but she won't suspect us,she got too much going on in her life right now,"Jay said.This person they talking about seems so important. "Yoh she is so dumb,she doesn't even know how rich she is,"the mother said,why is the father so quiet though. "She is blinded by love,"Jay said with a lot of bitterness in his voice.This is not the Jay I know,he sounds so different.He sound like his mother.He sounds evil. I decided not to listen further,I went to the kitchen and made myself something to eat and Jay walked him.Guess their conversation finished quicker than expected.He looks at me as if I am stranger. "What is your problem?"I aske him,I couldnt help it but ask him.He heard me and I knlw he heard me because I wasn't speaking soft and I know he is not deaf but he ignored me.He ignored me,Jay ignored me."Jay,I am speaking to you and you ignoring me,what is your problem,why are you acting up ?"I asked him and I am starting to get angry. He walked out of the kitchen.I laughed but I didnt mean the laugh.Its one of those laughes that you do when you frustrated with somebody so much and you dont know what to do.Jay walked out of me . ******* I finished my homework and was about to get to bed when there was a knock on my door.I opened and to my surprise,the person is no other then Jay.What does he want ? "What do you want Jay?"I asked him. "I want to speak to you,"he said, entering the room.I know this is his house but he can't just enter without getting invited. "I didn't tell you to come in,"I told him,with so much of bitterness. "Well..."he sigh,"I came to borrow a pen,"he hesitated and because of his hesitation I know that's not what he wanted to say."So Cas,can you please lend me a pen,"he said.Is he serious. "That's not what you wanted to say,"I told him.I know this boy,he never beats around the bush. "Well I came to tell you I miss you,"he said walking out of the door but before he reached the door I ran and stood between him and the door.He will not get away with this easily. "So why have you been ignoring me?"I looked at him straight in the eyes and he is also looking at me.When he looks straight in my eyes I know he won't lie no matter how much he tries,I will know that he is lying. He sighed,"Well I stopped talking to you because I thought you didn't want to hang with me.You are always with Tyrol,you two are totally inseparable. I didn't want to be the one to destroy yours friendship so I decided to move back but its not easy.I miss you,"he said all of this looking directly at my eyes and I already know that its the truth. "Jay,why are you so stupid?"I asked him and he looked at me and shrugged."Jay,you are my best friend,you are all I have in life right now and you being distant from me wasn't easy.I need you in my life Jay,I have nobody apart from you but you are always busy and Tyrol was the only person who was willing to be my friend,"I took a breath and continued,"you don't like Tyrol for whatever reason you don't want to tell me but that doesn't mean I shouldn't like him and if you truly love me you have to respect my friendship with Tyrol,"I told him,its about time this guy remembers my existence in this friendship,he always thinks everything revolves around him. "Well, for you I will,"he said with a smile and hugged me so tight as if im dying tomorrow.After hugging me looked straight into my eyes and said "I love you Cassidy Louis,"I know he meant as a friend but my heart didn't take it like that.It can be so stupid.I looked up at him and he is looking down at me this is so intimitate and he isn't helping because he is leaning closer and closer and I think I am stuck,I can't move from him.I can't believe my best friend is about to kiss me right now.Okay,Cassidy you gotta relaxed. My heart is beating really fast,I hope he can't hear it and he is leaning in,I feel like a witch* right now because this guy has got a girlfried and here I am getting excited that he is going to kiss me but my thought was disturbed when I felt his wet tongue sucking my cheek. "Ewwwwwwwww,you are so disgusting,"I wiped his saliva from my cheek and took a pillow fron my bed and hit him with it. He is laughing,he can't stop laughing.I didn't know it was funny when you get hit by a pillow.So I continued hitting him a beat harder,"ouch,that hurts,"he said while taking my pillow and throwing it on the other side of the room."you should have seen your face when you thought I was going to kiss you,you looked like you had stroke,"he said and continue laughing. I want to swear hik badly but I promise the man up there that I won't swear. "You disgusting,"I told him. "Disgusting will be us kissing,like seriously you and I,it's a no no,"He said choking on his own spit.Its good that he is choking because what he said right now was really hurtful but I won't show him that. I pretended to laugh,"You are right hey,"and we both laughed meanwhile in side I am really hurt. Thats how I spent my night,with my best friend .I am so happy that we finally reconcile.This is great.
22 Jul 2019 | 05:04
22 Jul 2019 | 07:56
next pls
22 Jul 2019 | 07:57
wow cas u shouldn't have rejected Jay's offer to drive u to school.hope Troy is a nice guy
22 Jul 2019 | 10:05
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 14 Jay's POV She is sound asleep on my chest. She looks so cute,I can't stop looking at.Will it be wrong if I say I really wanted to kiss her,I was dying to kiss her. He lips was like calling me to kiss them and with her innocent eyes is what stopped me. She looked so innocent,I couldn't do it,I just can't . I know what I said was hurtful but I had to say,it was a need for me to say. I left her in her room sleeping and went to report to my parents.I knocked and entered after they gave me the invite.I do have manners after all. "So tell us,how did it go,"my father asked.I think they've been waiting for this. "It went better than I expected,we reconciled,"I told them and the biggest wide smile appeared on their faces. "I knew it she was dumb enough,"my mother said rolling her eyes. "She is not dumb mother,I am am all she has in the world,she needs me,"I said,I am really starting to feel guilty about all of this. "Well I don't care or I want is her out of our way of getting that money,"my father said,this coming out of him uts like it's coming out of my mothe.I see she got her claws on him."anyways did you kiss her?"my father asked "Yes,I did,"I had to lie. "So how she responded?"my mother asked. "Well she responded ver well,"I told her. "Good,now all you have to do is make her fall deeply in love with you,so our plan can go smoothly,"She said.As if she is saying the nicest thing ever. "Yes mother,"I replied."Can I go sleep now?"I asked them and they nod. "Oh and son,you have to break up with Connie,so this can work,"my father said. "WHAT,WE DIDN'T HAVE THAT AGREEMENT,"I told them. I am upset because they didn't tell me this so I could prepare.I like Connie a lot and her presence is amazing,I can't leave her. "You have no choice,you have to leave her and make Cas,stop spending time with that investigator's son,"My mother added. "Whatever,I forgot you don't care about anybody's happiness apart from yours,"I told them walking out of their room. "Atleast you understand,"My mother said. I really hate my parents but I am already into this too deep,I can't come out. I have to go with it. I really like Connie but I now have to end it .I don't even know how I will go about doing that.Tomorrow morning I will do that now I have to have a rest. ******* "Jay, see how high we can go,"I am on the swing with this boy next to me.I am not sure where I know him from but he looks really familiar. I remember this place,this is where Jay and I spent most of our childhood memories. "Cassidy, you are going to high becareful,"the boy said. "Shut up,you are such a coward,"I told him. "CASSIDY THAT'S NOT A WAY TO SPEAK TO SOMEBODY"a deep male voice said and that male is my father ,my father is here,he is alive.Let me go and hug him but I can't get out if this swings.What is going,I want to hug my father. "Cassidy,we are coming back just now,"the two boys said,Jay and the other boy. They've been gone for a long time and I'm bored ,I'm going to follow them .I followed their destination,I hear them talking. "What is that in your pocket?"I can't really tell which boy is talking. "My parents gave me,they said when you make a person drink it ,they forget everything. They told me to put in her drink," the other boy said.'her' who is her. "So did you put it?"the other asked. "YES I did," the other boy said. "That's so cool,"the other one said excitedly."Did she drink it?" "Yes she did,she drank it all,"they high fived each other.They speaking of that girl we were playing with,I have to tell her.I was making my way to go tell her when my father came. "Cassy,Let's go fetch your mother,"Daddy said.No daddy,you died you can't tell me to go pick up mumny,daddy you died."Cassidy mummy is waiting for us let's go,"okay maybe all of this was a dream maybe this is real maybe my dad and mum are still alive.I can't miss a chance of seeing my mother. Walking to the parking place,there's an elderly guy in front of my father's car but my father didn't see but I saw him,I saw that guy.I think he did something to my father's car because when he saw us he ran.Who is that guy? "Daddy,"I screamed at him but he is fading away. "DADDY,COME SEE THIS GUY,"I continue screaming at him. "Cassidy,"he called back at me but I can't reply back to him. "Cassy,"the voice was becoming louder and louder and somebody is shaking me.No Daddy you gotta see him ,I tried to say. "CASSIDY WAKE UP,"I flutter my eyes open . It was just a dream but it felt so real.I don't think that was just a dream,that dream meant something and I am going to find out. " Cas,Thank God you are awake,Cas you've been crying and screaming,what's wrong?did you have a nightmare?"Jay asked.I can't believe I woke him up. "Kinda,I am sorry for waking you up,"I apologised."You slept here or you went back to your room,"I asked him,I am really trying hard to change the topic.That dream wasn't just a dream it was a memory.It was part of the things I do not remember after my father's accident. "I slept in my room but your screaming woke me up,"Jay told me,"Do you wanna speak about the dream because it really sounds serious?"Jay asked. "No,It's still early to speak about,I am still in shock,"I said and looking at the time its 2am. "Okay,Goodnight Cas,"he kissed my cheek and was about to leave when I stopped him,I really can't believe I am going to ask him this but I am desperate,"What's wrong Cassidy?"he asked.He is calling me Cassidy a lot nowadays. "Jay,please sleep here with me,"I asked him" but its fine if you dont want." "No Cas,Its fine.I will sleep here with you,"He said.I hugged him and thanked him. I tried sleeping but it was really hard. That dream,I really don't understand it.The only person I knew in that dream was Jay but he was too young but that other boy looked a little older.I know you think it's Tyrol but I have seen baby pictures of him and he doesn't look like that boy.Who is he ?With so much of thoughts in my head,I dont even know the exact time I slept.
22 Jul 2019 | 14:15
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 15 Sitting in the cafeteria with Tyrol but yet I can't focus on him so far I don't even know what he is talking about.My mind keeps on going back to that dream even though I don't think its a dream but so far I will classify it as a dream until I am truly sure.That boy ,who was he? why was I so comfortable around him?That guy on my father's car, who is he and why did he run? "So then,my father caught him and arrested him?"Tyrol praised his father,I didn't even know half of the story but you can tell that this guy really admire his father.That's really good I must say because boys his age usually have problems with their father but he seems really close to his father. "So you telling me that your father is a detective?"I asked him.He looked at me. "Cassidy,I repeated that line so many times and you asking me again,Are you okay? You seem like you are in your own world,"he asked me .I don't know whether I should tell him .If I tell him,he wilk surely think I am crazy and weird but I think I should tell him. "No Tyrol,I am not okay,"I started,"I had a dream ,it was more like my past memory.....,"I told him the whole dream and he listened to me without interruption.This is why I prefer talking to him than Jay.Jay was going to interrupt me countable times. "So you telling me,this boy you saw,you don't know him?"He asked. "Yes,Tyrol,I don't know him.I have never seen him in my life and at first I thought it was you cause you claim to know me but it wasn't you because I have seen your baby pictures,"I told him. "Well Cassy,we can not jump into conclusion and think that guy on your father's car killed him,we gonna wait and see whether you gonna get another memory that correspond to this,"he took a breath and continued,"You must not tell anybody because there might be a person that really wanted to hurt your parents and with this discovery,they might also hurt you,"He told me.I thought about what he is telling me right now and he is right. I trust him and I really wanted to share this with somebody and I think he is the right guy for this,I just trust him so much,I even trust him with my life. "Thank you Tyrol and I will take your advice,I will not tell a soul and only you and I know about this,I didn't tell Jay,"I told him. "Good,so my mum want to meet you,so I was thinking of introducing you to her this Saturday,is it fine with you?"He asked.He wants to introduce me to his mother and I'm really trying hard not to blush right now. "Yeah,Saturday is fine with me,"I told him and I changed my blush into a smile and he smiled back and we continue with our lunch and spoke about other things even though the dream or memory was bothering me it was better now cause I shared it with somebody else. ******* Jay's POV I'm by the ice cream shop waiting for Connie,I don't even know how I am going to start this.I really hate those people that claims to be my parents.How can they ask me to break up with the only girl I really like,only girl I love spending time with apart from Cassidy. At the same time they don't want me to be too close to Cassidy because I might get attached.They're so annoying and now that I found a girl that I really like they want me to leave her.How could they be this mean,I am their blood for God sake.At lease they should pretend to care about me but they don't even pretend to. "Hey babe,"I was disturbed by that amazing voice,that voice that keeps me going,that voice that makes me weak,that voice that I am going to lose and miss a lot.She comes close and pecks me on my lips .Her on mine feels so perfect,her lips are so soft,they are the best lips I have ever kissed,these lips..."Babe,are you okay?,you are just staring at me,"she asked me.I shifted my eyes to her eyes,those sea blue eyes of hers,her eyes reminds me of the sea,when I look at those eyes,I feel calm and safe. No,I can't do thisI can't leave her,I've just realised that I love her,I love this girl. I Love Constance Cohen and I won't leave her my parents can go to hell and I will tell them this. I looked at the girl I am in love with and kissed her at first she was shocked cause she never expected it but she responded the only way she knows how to and it feels so amazing,she kisses me with love,I can feel how much she loves me bybthe way she kisses me.The kiss was so passionate.This is why I love this girl,she knows how to exactly make me feel good even by just kissing me.I really do love her.Everything thet has to do with her is perfect. "Sorry but you can't be kissing here,"somebody disturbed us and we stopped our kiss and look at the disturbance and its the waiter who looks really irritated,"there are a lot of children in here and you can't be displaying yours affectioning in front of them,"he said really irritated,I see he has no love life and he is jealous. "Sorry man,"I apologised,"and we won't do it again,"I told him and I kissed Connie again and looked at him,"I won't do it again,"I smirked at him,he looks at me as if he is going to kill me or something. "Come on man,I am serious "with that he left. "What was that about ?"Connie asked,she was still shocked on how I kissed her. "I just missed you ,beautiful,"I lied to her.Well I have no other choice,I have to lie to her . "Aw babe,I missed you too,you sounded really urgent on the phone,is everything okay?"There,I knew she would ask that question,now what am I going to say?I wish I had Cassy 's lying skills cause that girl's lies just pop out of no where and really sound good. "Oh well,I wanted to ask you to be my prom partner?"Well I am after all her friend so I did learn some lying skills from her.By the way Connie is smiling right now ,she bought it. The smile brighten when the waiter brought her favourite ice cream that I ordered when she was around.What a perfect timing. "Aw babe,Of course I'd lovee to be your partner you didn't have to be so corny and make the waiter bring the Ice cream after you asked me to be your partner ,"she said still smiling more like blushing,if she only knew the coincidence in all of this that smile was gonna be out of her mouth .Well guess this is my luck day. "Well I had to make it romantic,you deserve the best babe and I know I should have been better but I'm taking romantic baby steps,"I continue telling my version of the 'truth'. "Thank you babe and I love you,"she said it,she said she loves me . I looked at her straight in the eyes and told her what I was thinking about 30 mins ago "I love you too Constance Cohen,"I told her and she blushed.She is so beautiful.
22 Jul 2019 | 14:22
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 16 "Jay,it hurts,its sore,I am going to cry "I whined and he is laughing at me,he can't stop laughing at me.This idiot is still laughing at me,"Jay if you continue laughing at me,I am going to wipe that ugly laugh out of your face,"I warned him and its as if I told him to laugh even more.Even tears are coming out of his eyes,like seriously this asshole. "I'd like to see that but Cassidy what were you doing?"oh he finally asked.This guy just caught me in the downfall moment and didn't bother to ask what happened and its his fault. "Remember how you won that bet that made me do your chores,well one of your chores today was to wipe the windows and as you can see I am not so tall so I used the chair so I could reach and it broke and I fell on my butt now its sore,I can't move,"I told him and its true,I get get up from here. He laughed even more,he thinks I'm joking."Cassidy,that chair was always broken,why did you use it?"he asked. "Screw you,if I knew it was broken was I gonna use it,you idiot,"It hurts and he is irritating and this guy will not be serious and help me if I don't do something.So I did something that makes him weak.I forced myself to cry. Its working that smile is fading,he rushed to me within a second."Cas,are you okay?,I thought you were joking.Oh my God I am so sorry.I will carry you,try and get up,"If only he could see the smile my hear has right now, I knew that my tears we going to work.So I did as he said I tried to get up. The pain,Oh my God the pain.No I think I am really hurt and I cried out loud and this time its real I am not faking it,"Jay,Jay it hurts.I can't move,"I cried in pain. "Cas,I think I should take you to the hos........,"Jay was interrupted by a scream and we turned and there stands my ex best friend. "Jay,what are you doing?"Connie asked. Wait can't she see that I am in pain. "Oh hey babe,I am helping Cassy.She fell down and I think she need to see a doctor,"He told her.The hetrade in Connie's eyes its scary. "I'm sure she is faking it,"She said with so much of bitterness in her voice.She can't even fake her hate for me. "Jay,you can leave me,it's fine.I will take myself to the doctors,"I said.I don't know how I am going to do that but I will try.I just don't have time for this excuse of a girl. "You heard,Jay. Let's go,"She comes closer to take Jay. "I'm sorry Connie but I am not letting her go to the doctors alone.She is in pain and might be really hurt ,what kind of person would I be if I let go on her own?"he asked her,"plus she is your friend,you have to show some sympathy,"you guessed right Jay doesn't know about Connie and I's separation. I do keep a lot away from Jay.I need to stop. He is my best friend and I have to tell him everything.Including the dream. "She is not my friend,"Connie clarified what I was about to clarify. "What?"Jay asked shockingly. Okay I am not running away from this conversation but I am in pain. I need to see a doctor,I can't deal with this right now. "Jay,I am dying,I am in pain please solve yours thing after taking me to the hospital,"I told him with gritted teeth.Jay sighed and started making his way to his car.Idiots doesn't even have car keys. "Wait,I am going to take my car keys,"He said putting me again his car amd running inside.I can feel somebody's eyes on me. I turned around to a slap.Okay,mummy said I shouldn't swear but right now I cant help it.Like what the fuck,what was that all about. "Did you just slap me?" "Oh wait,are you so dumb to no even realise that I've just slapped you and listen here ,if you don't leave Jay alone that won't be the last time I am going to slap,"she threatened. "I am not afraid of you,Connie and I am tell you right now and read my lips.I AM NOT GOING TO LEAVE JAY,"I told her. Who does she think she is?Jay has been my fried before we even knew about her existence. "You little sk.....,"She was interrupted by Jay's question. "Connie were you going to slap Cassy?"he asked "Oh,of course not,"she did that nervous laugh,"I was trying to remove the mosquito on her face,"she lied.What a stupid lie or excuse. I feel so weak cause I feel like Jay is fighting for me right now.If the pain was bearable,I swear I was going to murder somebody's child. A strong pain hit my left leg,"Jay....."I couldn't even finish the sentence,I couldn't find my voice.I can see everything around me but I cant move, can't talk I can't do anything.Is it because of that fall. "CASSIDY,"I can hear him screaming and shaking me but I can't reply.My mind is blank and everything goes black. Am I dead? Wait would I hear myself thinking if I was dead?Does that even make sense but why is it hard for me to open my eyes. "She is faking it ,"I hear another voice a female voice,who is that?I can't remember who was around.What is happening to me? "If you got nothing to say just shut up,"an angry voice said,that person must be very angry.Why can't I open my eyes? The pain,the pain,the pain I can't bare it.
22 Jul 2019 | 14:26
Jay and his parents are somehow connected to your parents death
22 Jul 2019 | 20:04
interesting, jay and his parents are not innocent with regards to cassidy's parents murder. next pls
23 Jul 2019 | 05:29
Dat slap may bring back ur memory.
23 Jul 2019 | 05:31
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 17 "You gotta wake up Cassidy,I need you.I can't start imagining my life without you right now,my friendship with you is all I have. You make me feel loved,nobody cares about me since the tragic death of my brother and you can't leave me,It's not your time yet for you to go plus you owe my mother dinner. I know you can hear me.I know how much you hate it when I try to be creative but I had to do this,I wrote a little something for you. It's just my way of showing how much I need you,It will sound creepy and Corny but I just had to,"Somebody said and I can't make out the voice,I try to open my eyes but its not opening.I am getting used to this I am able to hear voices but I can't identify the speaker.I feel like I got superglue in my eyelids and am not able to open my eyes.I need to open my eyes.I want to see,it's a need for me to see. He clears his throat,I guess he is getting ready for that little something he created for me. " Every morning when I get up,I get up excitedly because I know its another day to see your beautiful face. You've been around even when i pushed you away,you still stood by my side. When i decided to give up on life you came into my life making me to immediately give life another chance. You look down on yourself,you think you worthless,you think you will never find love,you think you not are beautiful,smart,strong but to me,you are better than everything listed above. You are amazing Cassidy and I really need you in my life and you gotta wake up." he stopped and sniffed and he continued."i used small letter 'I' in this little something because right now you are the most important thing to me.i am lowering myself for you Cassidy. Your parents won't be happy if you leave earth without fulfilling your dreams,you gotta come back and make your parents proud,I miss you and I need you ," he finished. I really need to see who is this and because of his awkward speech I am motivated to open my eyes just like that my eyes flutter oped and I close them again because of the light.How long have been asleep?the light is just too,it is blinding my eyes and to my surprise the person sitting beside my bed is Tyrol ,he was the one saying all of those things.I must have been asleep for a while because opening my eyes and seeing him here made my heart flatter and would it be weird if I say he looks really hot? But above all I should have known that it was him because this guy and creativity just don't go together but that was really sweet.I stopped gawking at him and took a glance of my surrounding and I'm in a strange place with a beeping sound. I am in the hospital,I hate this place and whoever that brought me here will get a hearing from me."hey,"I tried to speak but it came out as a cough,my throat is dry ,like seriously,How long was I asleep?Cause even my throat is sore because of dryness. "Oh,hey you are awake,"he said with the biggest smile on the face.He looks like her hasn't slept in years,"you look horrible ,"we both said at the same time though mine was weak but he knew what I said and that we said it at the same,"Jinks you owe me a solid,"we said together.We looked at each other and laughed.We laughed even though it was painful to laugh but around Tyrol everything is possible.He is so amazing. My leg doesn't hurt anymore but then why was I here?Where is Jay? "Tyrol, where is Jay?"I asked him,He looked at me as if I cursed his mother there is so much of pain in his eyes and if I am not wrong I think I saw a tear drop."Tyrol,What is wrong?did something happened to Jay?"I am panicking and I won't even lie right now I feel like everything is spinning around me,I hope nothing bad happened to Jay."Tyrol can you speak man,Did something happen to Jay?"I repeated my question.He is scaring me. "Cas,I don't know whether I should tell you this?Maybe I should speak to your doctor,"With so much of worrisome and hesitancy he left my room to go call the doctor.I am hyperventilating,I hope he is Okay. Dear Lord,I don't know what wrong I have done to you but please forgive me.Please Lord don't take him away from me he is all I have. You took my parents and now I'm left with Jay only.Please keep him for me.Please Lord. I said a silent prayer as the doctor comes inside my room."Miss Louis,we are happy see you awake and responding to your medication,We didnt expect to be this fast due to your inner injuries and abdominal blood loss,"The doctor said with a serious face. I am shocked by this,all of this because of falling down a ladder plus my it was just my leg,"But doctor,I only fell down the ladder and only my leg was hurt nothing else,"I told him "When Mr Jones brought you here,you were injured,inside out but you are fine and youve been in a coma over 3 weeks and Mr Hatcher and the Jones family have been here for you and Mr Jay has shared his blood with you because you didnt have enough for the operation.You will be dismissed tomorrow but right now you going to have to rest and don't engage in too serious conversations it won't be good for you,"He held back a little and continued,"Have a nice day miss Louis,"With that he left. I know Connie hates me for whatever reason but atleast she should have come to see me.Why does she hate me this much?What have I done to deserve such bitterness from her.If it's Jay,I don't have any business in who he is dating.How can she hate me this much that she couldn't even bother to see how I was doing . The doctor said my injuries were really bad but how is it possible because I only got hurt on my leg.If maybe he said I had a broken leg,I was gonna understand but the doctor said something totally different.I don't understand this. I've been waiting for Tyrol to come back but he isn't coming back,I slept for almost 5 hours but he wasn't around. During my sleep I felt a present,a weird present ,it gave my body chills. I was too tired to open my eyes and see who was around but this present I felt was strange. Could it be the presence of my parents.I know ,I am being delusional but I am just looking at the alternatives.Plus I am really bored. "You look ugly,"that annoying voice that I wanted to hear so badly is finally around. I can't even hide the happiness in me,"Don't smile at me like that,its creepy,"He said with a smirk before I knew it I jumped out of the bed and gave him a huge hug and a kisses all over his face apart from the lips,"Eww Cassidy thats disgusting,"He said wiping his face. "I missed you ,"With that I gave him another hug."Where have you been?"He put me down and his mood shifted.He gave me that same look Tyrol gave me just that his there is genuine pain.I take a look at his surrounding.He is wearing a black formal trouser with black tie and black shirt.The last time he used so formal it was at my ...... "Jay,did somebody die?"I asked him.He didn't look at me,he looked down and tears fell,his tears Jay is crying,"Jay are your parents okay?"I asked him and he looked at me and shook his head .His eyes are bloodshot. He looks like he hasn't slept for a long time. "Jay speak to me,"I told him. "Cassidy,Constance is gone,"he said it.Omg they broke up .This is a big heartbreak especially seeing him cry over her.He really does love her. "Why did you two break up your'll were so perfect,"I told him abd he shook his head aggressively and looked at me with his bloodshot eyes. "No Cas,I mean she is dead,"...
23 Jul 2019 | 05:40
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 18 "Life is too short,we gotta have to make the best out if it because you don't know when you leaving this world.Death isn't something to be scared of,its going to happen whether you like it or not it's going to come and death can not be escaped. I know I was suppse to come here and talk about Connie but every memorial service is like that,I wanted to do something different but I still have to talk a little about Connie,"Mentioning her name,it hurts my heart is sore,I know she wronged me but I'd never wish death upon a person. "Constance Cohen was my best friend,I can not say we were childhood friends because we were not but in the way we blended in it's as if we were.The time I've been her friend,I've got to know the real her.She was outspoken,caring and beautiful,"I felt warm liquid spilling fron my eyes to my cheek then the paper I was reading,I am crying."Even though her last few days was not with me because ...of some situations but my love for her never changed. I have learnt,no matter how many times a person ...have wronged you,you shouldnt be like them,You should be ....the better example and I am being that better..."I couldn't finish the sentence,I can't even talk. I've been acting strong,acting as if her sudden tragic death didnt affect me.I've been trying to be strong for both Jay and I but I can't anymore.Connie's accident has left me heart broken.Right now its clear because,I can't even finish a simple speech,I can't talk.I have just broke down in front of friends,family and strangers. -------- JAY' POV I knew it,I knew she was hurting but her guard wall is too strong for me to believe my assumptions this girl doesnt want to be seen at her weakest point. I've heard her cry in her room so many times but her acting is good.I actually believed that she was not affected by the death of Connie because of their regular fights that has been happening. But seeing her on the stage crying,it was something that I didn't expect,she is not even halfway of the speech cause I read it and she had some good pointS but she can't finish it and I know she won't. She told me,how much Connie meant to her,she even told me about the fight over me, which I didn't know about and it affected her but despite all of that,she never stopped loving her.When she was telling me these,I could see how hard she held herself from crying. I can't see her cry anymore and before I knew it,I stood up and went to fetch her. It's as if I told her to cry more,right now I don't think she is going to stop."Shhhhhh its going to be fine,"I reached out to her and she gave in and with her in my arms we went and sat down.She still couldn't stop. I swear girls have more tears than the water in the sea. ********* She has been quite,she barely talks. When she talks its barely a sentence and I've been hearing her having nightmares but she doesn't want me to stay with her or even talk about it .Its been 6 months since Connie died and now we were suppose to be getting ready for college something she has always dreamed of even though it won't be any different cause our school is also a college .I am worried about her,she is now even scared to sleep,I've seen her consume so much of caffeine so that she won't sleep. My father have suggested psychological help but that didn't work and there's nothing else I can do but speak to him. I hope this doesn't add unto his ego,I really hope so .As I make it to the bar,I see him sitting by the bar speaking to Janet,I keep on forgetting this is her part time job. "I see you enjoying,"I made a remark.He looked at me and groaned and made a disgusting face. "What are you doing here,I thought I was meeting Cas?"he raised is one eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity,"and you seriously thought Cas would have told you to meet at a bar?"I asked him.I thought he was smart but I guess I was wrong.He looked at me and open and closed his mouth.Guess I got him good. "What do you want,"He asked. "Tyrol,I need you to help me out with Cas,she has completely lost herself in her own world since Connie's death.She rarely eats,she doesn't sleep and she is having nightmares and doesn't want to talk.I have tried everything but its not working.I don't know what to do ,I need your help,"I pleaded with him.I never thought I'd find myself in this situation but I love Cassidy and I miss her. "So what do you want me to do,Me and her haven't spoken since thanks giving and that was December,"that is true but he cant lose hope he is my last hope. "Please,just take her to that dinner by your house,"I suggested. He looks up,I've realise that,this is the way he thinks by looking up."That's not so bad,I will try," "Thank you,I'm gonna leave you to your Janet,"I told him. "You leaving already,without even having a drink with me,"he asked me,I can see that he is faking that offer. "Very funny,"I said and left. Atleast that went well,he might change her mood a little.
23 Jul 2019 | 05:45
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 19 She is tormenting me,she can't leave me alone.Connie has been appearing in my dreams since the day she was buried.I don't know what she wants from me.I haven't slept in months.Everytime I try to close my eyes she is always the day. The Jones family have tried to help and I had agreed to everything but its not working. The mother thinks I'm going mad,she want me to leave the house but Jay threatened to leave with me. Since then she hasn't brought up that me leaving story. There's a knock on my door.I haven't received any visitors apart from Jay who sneaks in at night to check up on me.He thinks I don't know but I know cause I don't sleep. There's a knock again. "Come in,"I screamed for the other person to hear.Standing in front of me is a God on his own,looking so handsome is Tyrol."I guess high school wasn't your thing cause you look hot,"I know I said I am sad and all but if you could see what I was looking at right now,even if you were on your dying bed,You'd stand up to just see give him a better eye. Tyrol had his hair combed backwards,he is wearing formal clothes well only a blazer and got black skinny Jean with his cavelas and of course he is wearing a white shirt with a navy blue tie to match his blazer.He looks so tasty.If he was something to eat,I was going to eat him.He looks at me and smiled. The dimples oh my God the dimples. "Can you stop looking at me as if I was some God,"he said with a smirk.I hate smirks but he just made me love it,well only his."You look ugly,"He said,making a disgusting face.If only he knew what was going on. "Just because you decided to bath today ,you now think you have some rights to judge other people,"I shoot back. He isn't going to call me ugly and get away with it. "Well atleast I upgraded,when are you thinking of doing the same? It could do you good. "He shoot back,ohk I must admit that was good. I threw a tissue that has my tears on him. "Oops I guess I mistaken you to a bin,"he looked at me amused and before he could open his mouth I stopped him "what do you want?"I asked the question that has been in my head since he walked in. "You remember you promised my mum and I dinner so I came to pick you up,"he let it all out.I actually forgot about that.I don't think I am even ready for a dinner."plus you need to get out of the house a little,you've been inside too much now,"he told me. Just a day out won't kill me,plus seeing him here has made me very happy something that even Jay couldn't do. I know Jay and I are suppose to be inseparable etcetera but Tyrol gets me.He understands me and he is really funny. "Okay, lemme go get ready ,"I told him. "Uhm,Cas?"he called after me. "Yes?"I answered him. "Please don't forget to bath,"he smirked more like laughed. And I showed him the forbidden finger. ***** I can't believe I am really doing this,I am so scared. I don't know how Tyrol's family is,what if they won't like me. Looking around my surroundings beauty is all I am seeing.This place is like a place where only celebrities can stay.The houses here are huge,their gardens are clean everything is in order. We pull through one of the biggest houses,the yard the size of a football ground.How do they even keep it this clean I wonder. "This is where you stay?"I asked him.My curiosity couldn't help but unleash. "Uhm,Yes it is .Why?"he said it as if it was just an ordinary house. "Wow this house is huge,you like the only child,why do you'll need such a big house?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled "Well when my brother was still alive,the house was not that big ,"he said looking out of space. "I am really sorry about your brother,"I told him,I remember him saying that awkward speech for me at the hospital and spoke about his brother but I didn't focus on that. He looked at me "it's fine,this is something I have learn to live with,"he moved his gaze to the garage,where there are about 5 latest cars.This people are loaded.Apart from that,I could see the sadness in him.I am sure his brother's death has left a big scar on him.I can relate. "Jump off girl,we are here,"He said jumping off. "You can't even open the door for a lady,"I told him. "When I see one,I will,"He laughed and I can't help it but laugh too. Trip,trip,trip, I said in my mind and he did trip.That made my day cause I was still laughing even after we entered the heaven. This house is exactly how I picture heaven.Right now I am even scared to sit down. "Cassy,you can stop gawking at the house and sit down,you look silly"Tyrol said,making himself feel at home.Oh yea this is his home.I swear this place looks impossible.This is the most beautiful house ever. "Hello son," a beautiful lady in her mid 40's walks in. "So this should be the girl you haven't stopped talking about,"she gestured at me.This just got me blushing more like grinning from ear to ear.So Tyrol talks about me. "Yes mum,this is Cassidy and thank you for embarrassing me,"He said.She looks at him and smiles and gives him the biggest kiss on his cheek.This reminded me of my mum and I . The pain of loosing her,appeared.The tears ,the tears omg I am about to cry in front of a total stranger. "Uhm Tyrol,Can you please show me the bathroom?"I asked him.He assesses my face and I think it triggered him ,he shifted away from his mother and gave me the most sympathetic smile ever.He showed me the way. I did my business and went back where everybody was. "Come on Cas,dinner is ready," She told me. "Okay,thank you,"and we made our way to dinner. ****** Tyrol and I are sitting him his room talking about random things.I feel way better right now.I look around the house amd I spot a picture of a boy who looks really familiar. Tyrol follows my gaze,"oh,Cassy,Meet my brother Tyron may he rest in peace,"He told me.This is Tyrol's brother but he looks really familiar,where do I know him from. "But I feel like I know him,"I told him."his face looks really familiar,"I continued. "Maybe,you know him,maybe you were friends,"He told me. "Yes probably". **** The picture is still bothering me.I know him but I know he was never my friend,I dont think he was.I know my memory has been bad since the death if my father but I'd remember him.Who is he? Tyrol stops and I take a look around and we have reached Jay's house. "goodnight Cas,Sleep tight,"I can't sleep tight if Connie and Tyron keeps.... Omg Tyron,Tyron is the boy I've been seeing in my dreams with Jay. Tyron has been trying to tell me something in my dreams.Tyron ,the boy in my dream is Tyron,Jay's brother. "Why are you looking at me like that,I just said goodnight or you want me to kiss you and be clichè like in the movies,"The idiot dropping me home said.He doesn't even know that I've discovered something bigger than Watson discovering DNA. "Shut up,Goodnight ,"I told him and jumped off and I think I heard him calling me weirdo.
23 Jul 2019 | 05:49
interesting, next pls
23 Jul 2019 | 07:35
Bad things always happen to you Cas
23 Jul 2019 | 10:20
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 20 "Cassy,I am not here to hurt you,I just need you to becareful,"the boy said.I looked around,I am in a dark place.It's really scary.Theres nothing around just me and this boy."I brought you here because I don't want any disturbance but I need you to listen to me,"He pleaded with me.I can't talk,it's like somebody removed my voicebox. I tried screaming but nothing worked.I looked at him in fear nothing but fear.I am terrified,I just need to talk to him but why can't I talk,I realise it was not just fear it was frustration. "I reduce the volume of your voice because I dont want any disturbance.I just need you to listen to me.You need to becareful,your life is in danger,the people that killed your parents,Connie and I are plotting to kill you,I can't tell you who they are but......." "Cassidy,Cassy,Cassidy,"The voice became louder with somebody shaking me.I flutter my eyes open and in front of me is Jay.This idiot,Tyron didn't even get to finish is sentence."wake up we are late for collage classes start at 11 and now its 10:00 you got barely 30mins ,start getting ready,"he told me. "You are an idiot,couldn't you wait and let me finish my dream .I am not in the mood of classes so I'm not coming plus I got plans,"I told him. It's true I got plans,I need to talk to Tyrol . Jay looked at me and raised is one eyebrow "since when are you not in the mood for education?" "Jay,You are now the one wasting time,I am not coming ,"I repeated.Doesn't he understand English. This guy. "Ok,I tried ,byee,"he gives me a kiss on the cheek and smirked,he knows that I hate that before existing he looks back I gave him a questioning look "You beautiful and I love you ,"he said and with that he left. What was that all about,Jay has never told me that before, I mean like that,he has told me that he loves me but only when he wants a favour but this time it was different.Maybe I am overreacting. I was so caught up in Jay's words that I forgot to write in my journal what I dreamt about. So far I've got almost the same thing on 30 pages,it always stops when Tyron is about to tell me something. Usually is Connie who disturbs us but today it was Jay.Why can't they allow him to tell me what he wants to tell me. *disturbia* disturbs my thought,I looked for my phone and answered without looking at the caller "hello"I said to the other person on the line. "I've been texting you but you ignoring me,"Tyrol said with and irritated voice. "I was talking to...."Jay and Tyrol hate each other "the gardener,I lost my one shoe,"I lied.I thank satan for creating lies. "What can I help you with,"I asked him. "It's my grandma Cassy,she is sick and she wants to go and see her, please come with me just for the weekend.There's no-one there,I don't want to be alone,"He pleaded.He really sounds desperate but I don't think Mr and Mrs Jones will let me.Plus Jay hates Tyrol. "Tyrol,I don't think they will allow me to come and where does your Granny live?"I asked him. "Settlewent,"he said. "That's 3 hours from here,"I told him. "Yea,I forgot how many hours it was thank you for telling me smartie,"the sacarsm in his voice,it's so annoying. "Don't forget you need my help here?"I threatened. "Sorry,but please talk to the Jones,I need you," the way the word 'need' sound with his deep voice it makes my knees weak and my stomach do funny things.I can't believe I am really blushing because of just 3 words and the words not even being 'I love you 'I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I am going to start my periods. "You can carry pads,I will even buy for you. Please come don't let periods stop you,"he said. Wait did I say that loud .My stupid mouth it doesn't know when to shut up. "I will let you know,"I told him and I am really embarrassed. "Okay,thank you and bye,"he cut the call. He said 'He need me' and I will leave it there but I kinda like Tyrol. I wrote on my journal and reading it again,it's like a repetition of the same scene in different places.I really want him to finish is lines.I want Tyron to finish is line.Who should I be becareful of and the people that killed my parents want to kill me.I want him to tell me these people. It was also shocking hearing that Connie was killed. How could they do that to a young girl? Why did they kill her? Those questions will remain unknown till the day the truth comes out and I will make the person that killed my parents and Connie pay. I stood from my bed,hid my journal and did my bed and went to bath. ****** I wore my body fitting black dress that reaches slightly above my knees and has lace right above my navel to to the neck.I put a black sport bra inside making it look even better and work black heels. I put little bit of make up added some pink matte lipstick looked in the mirror and I am happy with my work. There's a knock on the door .Always impatient.I rolled my eyes."I am coming,"I screamed for the other person to hear me.I looked at myself once again and I am pleased with the appearance. I step out and Vanessa the helper is standing by my door. "You look beautiful Miss Louis,"she said grinning at me. "Thank you Vanessa and I told don't call me miss my name is Cassidy,"I told her with a smile. "Ok Cas,he is waiting for you outside,"I smiled at her. I said my goodbyes to the Jones family and opened the door that leads me to him. Standing with his back to me,in his silver suit thats shining .His hair combed back and I already got the feeling that he is looking hot.I cleared my throat and he turned around.Wow is all thay could come in my mind. He is wearing a white shirt with gray tie.He looks so handsome,words can't describe how good he looks right now. I looked straight into his hazel brown eyes,they staring right into mine. He breathtakingly smiled at me.I just couldn't help it but blush.I blushed in the way my cheeks started burning.He held out his hand and I took it. "You look beautiful Miss Louis,"just five words made my stomach explode,it was like a bomb.Now I know how Anna felt when Christian was around. "You don't look bad yourself,"I told him. "I really tried to impress my lady," he smirked. "That was so clichè,"we laughed as he opened the car door for me.
23 Jul 2019 | 14:16
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 21 Throw back I'm done bathing and I am still thinking about the whole settlewent trip and I am really considering it.I need a break from staying in this house and I've always wanted to go there just that I never had a chance to.This is my only chance. Plus Tyrol really need me what kind of friend would I be if I am not around when he needs me. Tyrol has been around even when I didn't want him to be.He has done a lot of things that Jay has never done for me.I am very comfortable when he is around me I feel safe infact I feel safe when I'm around this 2 guys.I really do wish they could be friends just for me but I can't force them to like each other when they can't stand each other. Anyways I am making my way to ask the Jones for permission to go to Settlewent with Tyrol.Fingers cross I hope they allow me.Today is Wednesday and I am leaving on Friday so I need to know what they will say so that I can let Tyrol know. I find them all watching tv ,they look so perfect. The husband and wife are sitting together on the sofa,you can see the love between them. Mr Jones got his arm around his wife and she leaned closer to him,this is so beautiful. Jay is on the Sofa opposite them his eyes focused on the tv.This is such a perfect family. It reminded me of those days when both my parents were alive. "Are you gonna stand there like a ghost,or you gonna sit down nd watch tv like a normal person would do,"that snarl comment came from Jay's mother .You may think that she likes me cause I've been staying in this house for so long but nope,she still despise me.I really don't know what I have done to her to deserve such hatred from her."are you deaf," she snapped her fingers. "Sweetie, come on,there's no need for that,"the husband said. "No it's fine,I wanted to talk to you all about something," I said.Finally Jay pays attention to me. "What's wrong Cas? are you okay?"Jay asked .Pulling me so I can sit next to him. "Yes, I am fine.One of my friends invited me to Settlewent, and I'd really love to go.So I came to ask for permission," I said. "Friend?"Mr Jones asked. "Tyrol,he is my classmate,we are really close,"Jay shift away from me as I finished that sentence.I looked at him and the tension on his face tells me his angry.He glits his jaws and that vain that pops on his forehead when he is angry just popped. What's his problem?the fact that Tyrol and I are close or the fact that I am going to spend my weekend with him? Only he know.He stands from the sofa and leaves.He is either going to the gyming room or his bedroom.My eyes just followed him and settled back on mr and mrs Jones. "I don't think he likes that," mrs Jones said and I ignored her. "If you'd like to go,you can go.It will do you well to experience new things. so you can go to Settlewent for the weekend,"Mr Jones said.I smiled more like grinning. "Thank you very much,Thank you so much,"I told them. "I will transfer some money in your account in case you need it,"Mrs Jones said.I am shocked by this .Maybe she is just happy that she wont see me in her house this weekend. "Thank you very much,but theres no need for that," I told her. "I insist,you a girl,you can do shopping with the money,"she said smiling. I have never seen her smiling,I must say she looks beautiful she reminded me of my mother.Mrs Jones smile was really warm.This is a first and I see tears in her eyes. Is she bipolar? "Excuse me,"she said and she left.I saw her husband,also surprised by all of this. "I sometimes think she is bipolar,"he said and I laughed cause I thought of the same thing,"you should go look for Jay because he really looks messed up"Jay's father said.I nodded and left to look for Jay. I was right,he was in the gyming room punching the bag.He has no shirt on can I say hallelujah .As he flexes his hand to hit the bag and the sweat drops from his hair all the way to his back it looks so hot. When he flexes his muscles,this guy is blessed. I know I have seen him shirtless so many times but its different,because this view is better. I cleared my voice and he turned around,my eyes couldn't help it but to roam around his whole upper body ,he has that sexy v and the packs in the right places. Wait, am I allowed to have such thoughts about my own best friend.Anyways I don't care,looks dont kill. "Do you like what you see?"That cocky attitude helped me to focus. "What's there to like?" I asked him He shrugged"I don't know,your eyes looks like they like what they see,"he smirked. "You seeing things,did you take your tablets?" "Very funny,Cassidy.What do you want? Shouldn't you be packing for Settlewent?" He finally threw the bomb.He is really upset about this. "Jay,you are my best friend.You are the most important thing in my life.You are like the brother I never had. If you don't want me to go,it's fine I won't go,I will stay right here with you.I can't go to a place where I know you don't want me to go,that will make me feel bad.If you want me to stay,I will stay.I will tell Tyrol that I wasn't given permission to go with him.I will stay with you," everything I said it's true. If Jay want me to stay I will stay.Without him I wasn't going to have a shelter and I really can't let him down. He looked at me for a quick second and took few steps towards me.We stared at each other and he smiled,"Even though,I'd like to see Tyrol dissapointed and all sad,I wouldn't do that to you.I want you to have fun.I want you to go to Settlewent with Tyrol and have fun.All I want is the best for you and I love you so much to not allow you to go. You need to leave the house and enjoy life a little,"he said looking straight into my eyes and smiled. "Thank you very much Jay,I owe you one," I said hugging him.He hugs me back and pulls away. "I know how you can pay me back," he grinned and I already know whatever idea it is its gonna be stupid. "How?" I asked him. "You and I will go on a romantic date,"he said shyly. I laughed and raised my eyebrows "what?" I asked. "I said you and I should go on a romantic date tomorrow,"he laughed and I helped him laugh.This is really funny .Jay and I romantic date. "As friends?" I asked. "As whatever you want it to be," he said with a smirk and gave me kiss on the cheek.I couldn't help it but blush. "Okay,"I said. "You must dress up cause we going to go to a fancy restaurant,"he informed me while picking up some weights "oh and Cas," "Yea," I answered. "I know you were checking me out,"he winked at me. "Jackass," I said and he laughed out loud.I left him laughing. So Jay and I are going on a date ***** Present "Jay this restaurant is amazing," I told him. We have reached at this restaurant and its really beautiful. The inside has expensive written all over it,the chandeliers are shinning.The musicians are so classy.Everything is so classy. "I chose it,because its beautiful like the lady on my right hand ," he said referring to me. I slightly hit him with my elbow as the beautiful waitress showed our place to sit. We sat on the middle row.This people are so inquisitive cause as we entered all of their eyes was on us. Guess they are used of seeing older people not young like us. We ordered and we ate and enjoyed every conversation that came about.We laughed out loud people's head turned. I really did enjoy my day with Jay it was really great. After eating we went to ice skating we looked crazy,our clothes and the active was not corresponding but we didn't care as long as we had fun.We reached home at around 11 pm everybody was asleep. He walked me to my room.
23 Jul 2019 | 14:22
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 22 "I really enjoyed my time with you,"he said smiling. "I also enjoyed my time with you,it was amazing and fun,"I told him"especially that time we threw that paper on th......"I didn't complete my sentence because his lips were on mine. I didn't expect it,I am in shock ,I have never kissed a guy before how do I respond should I even respond. Is this the right thing to do but his lips feels so good. If a hot guy like Jay is kissing you,wouldn't you respond? So I did what I thought was right,I closed my eyes and move according to his sync.He has his hands around my waist,oh damn I love to be held like this. He pulls me closer to him and I moved closer we kissed and kissed.Kissing Jay feels so good and so bad at the same time. I have lived 19 years of my life and never kissed a person. Let me enjoy. He deepens the kiss,I curl my hands in his hair and he groans.That groan made my legs weak.Made me weak,I swear if you could ask me what's my name right now,I wouldn't know.He unzip my dress so fast as if its his talent,I am left in my bra and panty.Wait,am I allowing Jay to take my virginity,I don't even have the power to stop him.He lays me on the bed while still kissing .Right now its as if my body has a mind on its on because before I knew it,I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands are removing his Shirt. He groans and this time,his groan made me moan.I think my moaning drove him crazy because he did everything so fast like a lightning.He had his shirt and pants off and also had removed my bra. "Stop,Jay stop,plz stop,"I begged him to stop. I can't believe this. Tyrol,Tyrol came into my mind.I started thinking about Tyrol. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"he asked me. "No you didn't hurt me,it's just that I....."I couldn't finish. "We don't have to do this if you dont want ," "I appreciate that Jay,Please leave ,I'd like to sleep." "Goodnight,"He pecked me and took his shirt and pants and left.Why did Tyrol pop into my mind.Jay was going to make me a woman. Why did I even think of Tyrol unless I like Tyrol.Do I like him? I really don't but I felt like I was betraying him at the same time I wanted Jay as much as he wanted me but my question is do I like Jay. This is just too much,I really don't know I am confused all I want to do now is cry but I really don't know why I am crying.I feel so stupid. Being with Jay felt so amazing and that feeling was good,I was enjoying myself.It's as if my body was meant for his and only his.I think that I am in love with Jay.You know what ...... "Come in,"He said.I enter his room and he is playing a game on his phone.I know this because he didn't remove his eyes from the phone to see who it is and I know this guy like the palm of my hand and I know that he is playing. "Don't you like what you see?"I asked him knowing that he will look up.He looked at me with lust in his eyes,so much of lust that made his eyes darker than usual.I love the way they look .His eyes are doing things to me.No,I am not naked before you think I am naked.I am wearing a lace bra and panty.He stood from his bed and within a second,I was in his arms ********* I woke up on something hard. I opened my eyes to look for my pillow that when I saw him .Jay,looking so peaceful in his sleep,his lips are slightly apart and the memories of last night came.It was amazing,he was so gentle and sweet.I pecked his lips and he woke up with a smile.I smiled back. "I thought it was a dream,"he said "I also thought it was a dream,Goodmorning,"I pecked him again just that this time he didn't let me go he kissed me. Reminding me of the forbidden night were he devoured me .I feel like a new person . "I have to go to my room,"I told him. "You don't wanna stay with me,"I smiled at that.That was so sweet.At so me I really thought he would wake up not wanting me but I guess that was an immature thought." Can I tell you something? "He asked and I nodded. "I love you Cassidy and I've always loved you,all of those days, I tried and I really tried to get over you but it is and was impossible.I fell in love with Connie but everyday I asked myself who would I choose between the 2 of you ,my answer was always you." "Everything about you its so perfect,you are tge strongest girl I have ever met.You've lost your mother and father on the same day and by the same kinda of death and some girls were going to give up but it was like they were making you stronger and thats a girl I need in my life.A girl that will still be strong even when I am weak,a girl who will stood by me when I am down.Please be with me Cassidy ,please don't go with Tyrol,stay with me. I really dont want you to go but at the same time I give yiu my permission to go.As you go ,don't forget my love for you," he dropped a tear and I wiped it and I really don't know how to reply but kiss him and we had an active morning. ****** I packed my things for Settlewent,but the problem is,do I want to go? Jay keeps on telling me to go if I want to but I can see that he doesn't want me to go.I can't let Tyrol down like this.His granny is sick and all he needs is a friend.I have to be there for him. "Jay," I called him across the room. "Babe?"he replied.I am still not used to all of this but guess I will get used to hit. "I am going to go,he is alone all he needs is a friend.His granny is sick and all he need is somebody to be there for him,"I told him. "You really got a kind he,"he told me "Well thank you,so you cool? "Yea I am fine,he shouldn't try funny things so," "He won't,he is just and will remain a friend," "I remember I was that just yesterday," "What is that suppose to mean?" "Just a joke babe,loosen up," I threw whatever was that at him"eww babe these are panties you threw at me,"he whined. "Sexy" I said *dusturbia* "Hello," I said. "Hey,how are you?" Tyrol said. "I am good and you?" "I am good, anyways are you ready?" He asked him. I looked at my boyfriend who looks really sad by all of this but he will have to be strong. "Yes I am ready,"I told him. Jay looks down and up at me and I did a nervous smile. "Okay,we leaving in 30mins time,"he told me."You can say bye to your fam,"He teases. "Very funny,bye" I told him. And he cuts the call. "We leaving in 30mins time,"I told him. His smile told me he is up to something stupid but yet I will love it. "You wanna do something fun?" He asked. "Of course.," Just like that another active 15mins. ***** "Take care of her,"Jay told Tyrol. "I will,"Tyrol said giving me a questioning look.He is actually shocked by Jay's sudden concerns over my safety. "Bye,love you," told Jay. "Love you too,"Jay told me and with that we drove off. "What was that all about?"Tyrol asked. "Well Jay and I we kinda dating,".........
23 Jul 2019 | 14:30
Best friend turns boyfriend
23 Jul 2019 | 20:10
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 23 We have reached Settlewent and Tyrol's grandma's house is like how I expected it to be. It's more like a mansion than a house.It's really beautiful and I am not really good with descriptions but this house is what they call breathtakingly beautiful. "This place is really fancy,"He looked up at me and smiled.His smile and those dimples ,he is so cute.Wait,it's allowed to compliment another guy mentally while you got a boyfriend? Because I am really new at this so I really don't know. But Tyrol he is so handsome its hard to ignore. "Did you hear what I said,"he snapped me from my stupidity and I was so stuck up in my stupid arguments that I didn't hear what he said.In situations like this ,I just reply to what I think its right. "Yea sure no problem,"I replied.His eyes widen in a surprise way,why is he so surprised. "So you are really fine with us two staying in the house alone while my granny is in the hospital?"He repeated. "Oh whatttt???"I asked. "Are you dumb or you playing dumb?"he sarcastically asked. "Both,"I stuck my tongue out in a childish manner. "That's so immature,"he rolled his eyes and I repeated my act he looked at me annoyed and laughed. He did that deep beautiful laugh ,"you are really beautiful, Cassidy," that caught me off guard the seriousness in his voice. "It's like you declaring your love for me,"I joked with him but he seems to have taken offense cause he ignored me and just entered the mansion.Inside it's so classy.I don't know why I always think of heaven when I see places classy and beautiful like this. But this place it is like heaven. "Close your mouth a bug might enter,"Jay told me. I didn't even realise that my mouth was open. "This place is beautiful and really classy,"I told him. "Yea,it's not that bad,"he seems really uncomfortable.Maybe that's the reason why he asked me to come,he doesn't like this place."The cook is not here,she will come tomorrow,so I thought we should go out to eat,"he suggested. But I got a better idea "how about we go out on sunday and allow me to cook tonight,"I suggested .He looked at me and smiled and the smile was becoming wider and before I knew it,he was laughing,laughing at me.Like seriously why is he even laughing at me,did I say something funny? And he is like really laughing in the way that tears are falling out of his eyes and he is annoying me." What's so funny?"I asked him really annoyed . "Cassidy,the last time you tried to cook you burnt the kitchen curtain,cause you thought by magic that the kitchen curtain would put out fire and let's not forget how you broke my mum's wedding Chinas that you weren't even using and I really don't how it is possible but you made it possible "with that he continued laughing. It was an honest accident.The egg was burning and the curtain was the nearest thing and the chinas ,I think the was an earthquake cause I really am not sure how it happened"Cassidy, my mum doesnt even want you in her kitchen,"he finally told me the truth why his mother always chases us out of the kitchen and I couldn't help it but help him to laugh cause it's really funny when I think of it now. "But I've learnt to cook now,Vanessa taught me some few dishes.Please let me cook for you,please,"I begged him like a desperate wife. He looked up and I've realise that he does that when he is trying to think about something . "Okay,but if you gonna burn the kitchen please put me in the fire cause my grandma is going to kill me,"If only you'll could see how serious he was when he said that. "Stop exaggerating,I got this. I am going to make us Macaroni and cheese. You just have to help me find the utensil and ingredients and everything else that I might need,"I told him and he nodded. He showed me the room I will be sleeping in and he is in the room next to mine.My room it's no different to the one I have at Jay's.Speaking about Jay,I need to tell him that I have arrived alive cause in his mind he thought the road will swallow us.I grabbed my phone and dialled his numbers after unpacking. He answered at the second ring. "Hello babe,I miss you already,"He complained. I laughed,"Stop complaining,I only left this morning. But I won't lie I miss you too,"I told him. "You gotta miss me,I am Jay Jones,"I knew it by saying that I was gonna boost his ego. "Shut up,"I told him and I hear his cocky laugh,it's so sexy. "How is it there?"he asked. "It's really beautiful and very fancy. I love it here ,"I told him. "Don't get too comfortable,you gotta come back to me,"he told me. "I can't get too comfortable knowing you aren't with me,"I told him. "That's why you are my woman,I love you ,JayCee" he said and I couldn't help it but laugh. That pet name. It sounds more appropriate for a guy but he whined to be Ceejay cause he always wanted Ceejay to be his name. "I love you too ,CeeJay,I have to go now.Bye,"I told him. "Where you goin?" "I am going to cook.There's no cook so Imma cook,"I told him and before I knew it there was silence over the phone,"Hello?"I call out,still silence and out of no way a loud laughter came from his end . "Babe ,you going to cook.Poor Tyrol. Good luck,"with that he cut the call and I heard him laughing before cutting . I am going to prove everybody wrong.I made my way downstairs and Tyrol showed me the way to the kitchen and I began. ***** "So after cooking from 3 to 7 this was what you were making?it doesn't even look like Mac and Cheese,Cassidy are you trying to kill me ?"That stupid question came from Tyrol. "Shut up and let's eat cause I am really tired and sleepy and also,I am never cooking again,"I told him and its true,I am never. "Yea,Let's pray so we can maybe end up in heaven after this meal"he joked.I gave him the most fake smile ever."and I saw that,"He pointed out at my fake smile.We sat by the couches and eat."It's actually tasty,"he praised my food. "I am also surprised by this too,Cooking is in my blood.I should tell Jay,"those words came out of my mouth without thinking. I looked at Tyrol and he is choking,I shouldn't have said that.I ran to the kitchen and got Tyrol some water and he took 2 gulps and he was done. "I am so sorry,I know we spoke about this....."I told him. He stopped ,"It's fine Cas,he is your boyfriend and you can mention his name and even talk to me about him. I am your friend and I am going to listen to everything you say,"he told me with a smile on his lips. I put my plate down and gave him the biggest hug I have ever given him. "But please don't you ever ask me to be friends with him,"he warns. Still hugging him ,I gave him a kiss on the cheek "your support and love is all I need from you,"I told him and looked at me and we locked eyes. "My love and support is all yours," he gave me a kiss on the cheek too and I couldn't help it but blush .Then silence fell on us thats when I realise I was still hugging him. "Sorry," I laughed and he chuckled. "It's fine,by the way the food is really nice but not good to look at"he told me as I sat on the couch. I gave him a huge smile and he smiled back .I stuck my tongue out and he returned the gesture. That's how our evening went and we both went to sleep at the same time. ******* "You made a big mistake Cassidy,why did you even do that? You are digging your own grave," Tyron said. "You finally got what you wanted ,to sleep with my man,"Connie said. She is so annoying. "Shut up Connie,"Tyron told her."Cassidy,you gotta stop it before it's too late." "Stop what? And what do you mean I am digging my own grave? "I asked him. "Tyron?"He is ignoring me,"TYRON!" No reply ."Tyrol what are you talking about?" "Cassidy" " Cassidy,"somebody is shaking my body.I quickly opened my eyes and standing before was a sleepy Tyrol,he looks really cute."Cassidy,why were you screaming my brother's name?" how do I even answer him.
24 Jul 2019 | 04:51
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 24 He repeated the question and I am still playing dumb."maybe we should talk about this tomorrow,"I suggested. "Okay but please tomorrow don't avoid this conversation,"He tells me. "I won't,"I told him and I really don't know whether it was the fear of having Tyron and Connie in my dream that made me do this or the devil is testing my loyalty "Would you please sleep here with me,"I begged him and I realise its not fear,it's the devil testing my loyalty and so far he is winning. He gave me a questioning look,"Will that be appropriate cause after all you got a boyfriend,"he threw the fact that I have a boyfriend on my face. I can also be rude like him,"I didn't say have sex with me,I only said 'please sleep here with me' in my mind I don't find anything wrong with that and I don't know why you being melodramatic about it," I told him. He chuckles "I am just joking,you are so feisty sometimes,"He climbed on the bed. "Whatever,goodnight ,"I told him and turn the other way and try to get back to my dream,I have to talk to Tyron and he never came. ***** "Cassidy what is this,"I opened my eyes so fast because that voice sounds like Jay's and it is Jay. Oh my God and I am in my bra and Tyrol is shirtless. "What are you doing here,"I asked him. Warning language may be too explicit "What the fuck Cassidy? it only took you a fucking day to cheat on me," his face is full of anger and he is really scaring me. "What are you talking about? I didn't cheat on you.This is not what you think it is,"I pointed between Tyrol and I. "Yeah,that's why he is shirtless and you are in your bra. I don't even want to know what you have under that cover,"he said. "That's a bit extreme,don't you think?" I asked him and I am also getting angry. "Tyrol,why am I topless?" I asked him cause I am really confused because I know that I slept covered. "Don't even put an act for me Cassidy,I know you my entire life and I know you are really good at lying," he scoffed. This is really fucked up and Tyrol is confused like me. "Jay,how did you come by this house ?" Tyrol asked him. "Don't even speak to me you asshole," he told Jay. I have had it. "You know what Jay,you are fucked up,you are really fucked and very insecure. I am fucking telling you that I never sleep or cheat on you with Tyrol but because you are an idiot who drives 4 hours to just see whether his girlfriend is cheating on him, you got to see what you wanted. If you don't want to believe me that's fine with me,it shows that you never loved me in the first place because if you did you were going to trust me and you weren't gonna drive all night to just see who I slept with . Love is build on trust and you not trusting me shows you never really loved me like you claimed and all you think I am is a bitch. I want beg you to be with me, I can not stoop that low but you have to make the decision to either trust me or not," the tears that spill out of my eyes after this speech were unimaginable.I got out of the bed and to my surprise I am in my panties.I looked at Jay he has the most dissapointed face ever and my tears couldn't stop. Now which guy would even believe that I didn't cheat. "I really thought you were telling the truth there. You are right, I am fucked up, I was the only one in love and my love for you was too deep that I ended up thinking you loved me too but that was wrong because look at you, you sleeping naked with another guy," with that he walked away. I ran after him. "Jay, please stop," he stoped and looked at me, how do I remove that dissapointed face?" Jay , I swear on my mother I never cheat on you,"I told him and I am still crying ," I really don't know what happened, but I swear I slept with ny clothes on. What happened was I had my usual nightmares and I asked him to sleep with me,but nothing happened," I told him the whole truth. "Yeah, same nightmare that you used to make me sleep with you but I was unfortunate cause you never sleep naked," he snapped that hurt a lot. "That's like really fucked up Jay, I asked you to sleep with me because you were my best friend and I was afraid of sleeping alone," I clarified. I really can't believe how he is acting right now.He is being so unreasonable. "Whatever Cassidy,I just can't put up with your lies right now," he walked off and I have just become homeless." And uhmmm don't worry, just because we are no longer togetehr , it doesn't mean you should move out. That is still your home but all I want from you is to stay away from me and to never speak to me again until you are ready to tell the truth," with that he left. I am so angry,sad, upset, heartbroken and dissapointed,it's not even legal for one person to be having so much of emotions. I stomp back into the room and found Tyrol pacing up and down. I walked towards him and gave him a big slap ,"What's your fucking problem ,you pervert? How could you remove my clothes on the middle of the night? " I asked him and he is surprise at my ourburst. He is an idiot to be so surprised, so what? He wanted to smile about this. "Ca....,"he started but right now I don't even want to hear his voice. " oh, just shut your mouth,pervert and stay the fuck away from me and I really thought we were friends,"I told him.I feel so betrayed. I really love Tyrol as a friend but what he did really disgusted me.I hate him. He walked out of the room and I packed my things and it was so good of him to call a cab for me.I cried all the way back home. I reached home and Mrs Jones is watching tv and she sees me.I pray she doesn't talk to me because I am really not in the mood of her snarl comments but things aren't going my way today because she spoke to me. "You look like a train wreck.Do you want to talk about,"She pulled my hand till I sat by the couch next to her and she gave me one of the best hugs ever.This just reminded me of my mother and I let go,I cried in her arms ,"shhhhh everything is going to be okay,speak to me about it,"she told me and I did. "You are certain that you didn't sleep naked?"She asked me. "I am certain and I swear on my mother,I never cheat on him,"I told her. "Shhhh,everything is going to be fine,"She told me. This woman is bipolar the way she hates me and now she is consoling me or maybe she doesnt hate me as much as I thought she did. ---------------- Please keep reading and voting ♡I love you' ll and I hope you're enjoying the book♡
24 Jul 2019 | 04:58
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 25 I am totally invisible when it come to Jay. He acts like I don't exist anymore. We sit in the same room but not once have I ever see him look at me. I don't blame him I was in a compromising situation even I wasn't gonna believe myself if I was in his shoes . It's been a month since I haven't been in college so today I decided to go to submit my assignments and to attend my job interviews . I really need to get a job and a place to stay, I can't stay here knowing the person who brought me here will most probably never speak to me again.This is what happens when your parents didn't introduce you to any of their family members,you become homeless. "What are you doing?" Somebody startled. I turned around and to my surprise that 'somebody' is Jay. "Uhm,are you blind? I am going to school,"I clarified because he seems to be blind and yes I am giving him a cold shoulder just like he has been giving me one. "Aren't you gonna ask your boyfriend to come fetch you cause the last time I checked that is my car,"he is looking straight at me and I really don't know what to say ,I was really not expecting this. "So it has gotten to the point where you asking for your things back?"that was all that could come out. I am still speechless ,this is not the Jay I know or maybe I didn't know him at all. He looked at me and laughed "are you dumb? Yes,Cassidy ,If you were able to cheat on me with my enemy ,I am sure you will be able to get a new car too. May I have the keys," he put forward his hand for the keys. "You are a spoilt brat Jay,you want the keys. There take your keys,"I took the keys and threw it at him and it landed on his lip" and let me not forget,"I took my phone out of my bag and threw it at him and it landed on his forehead,I am really good at aiming."You can have all your shits Jay and I will give you the rest when I come from school, I can live and survive without them,I don't need them.I don't need anything that came from you and you're right I will be able to get new ones. Have a good day,"I left him standing outside the garage. I had to get away because I was very close from breaking down and I don't want him to see that. Driving to school is 10min so I am sure walking is 30 mins,I can manage that. Thank God I was a bit early today.I started walking to school and thought about my life and how it became like this.If maybe I hadn't gone to that date with Jay,him and I were still gonna be friends.If maybe I hadn't gone to settlewent with Tyrol none of this was going to happen. If maybe my mum was still alive,if maybe they didn't kill her everything was going to be fine.I was going to be fine.Before I knew it my top was wet from the tears that was pouring down from my eyes, everything is blur until I wiped my eyes and realise I was at the school gates. I sorted myself before entering the premises nobody has to know about my life and how hard I am living now. "Hello Cassy,"that is the voice I don't ever want to hear. "Tyrol,I told you multiple times,I don't ever wanna see you or talk to you. Just stay away from me,"I made my point and started walking towards my geometry class. "Listen here,I didn't do that.I am not a pervert. I didn't remove your clothes while you were sleeping,I am not like that,I am not that type of person.You should believe me," he looks broken,he looks like he hasn't slept in days ,he looks restless but I don't care about that.We are standing on the way for other children to pass so we are now attracting attention from students. I scoffed,"You didn't remove my clothes,he said he didn't removed my clothes,"I laughed,"Are you seriously telling me that. I slept in my pyjamas but I woke up completely naked next to you and you expect me to believe that?"I asked him. "You are being a really unfair ,here you are blaming me for something I didn't do and don't want to forgive me and Jay accused you of cheating and don't want to forgive you.It hurts right?I feel the same way.I tried to make you see clearer but you are too stubborn. Have a goodlife,"he turned around before leaving "If I were you I was going to be becareful of your new family,"he walked off. What does he mean by that? I am too angry to even speak to him and ask him.
24 Jul 2019 | 05:03
Really had to crack
24 Jul 2019 | 05:41
Getting crazier
24 Jul 2019 | 07:42
so intense right now, next pls
24 Jul 2019 | 10:47
LOVELY BETRAYED Episode 26 "You need to check with the doctor,maybe you are getting a cold or something ," Vanessa told me. I have not been feeling well, at first I thought it was something that I ate but it continued now I really don't know. "You're right ,I will book an appointment," she nodded and smiled at me. She is always too nice,how do you get such nice people on earth. She made her way to the kitchen. My first day at work was amazing, my first manuscript was on a book called 'After' that book was so good to the point where I couldn't stop reading it. To even think that the writer is a beginner it's hard to believe. I made really good comments on it and I am sure it will be published. I am very sure Mr Steel will enjoy reading that book and my points and comments on it. So far so good and I am happy that Tyrol didn't even look my way today at school. Jay snickered about how I got such a car at a publishing house and his mother shut him up and I was really grateful.Mr and Mrs Jones are proud of me and made me promise to not leave the house and I did promise.This mean I will have a lot of savings. I booked the appointment to see the doctor at the nearest hospital.I have to be there in the morning because in the afternoon I have to go to work.I lay on my bed and did my school work and I really don't know how I dozed off.I must have been very tired. **** "Congratulation Miss Louise,you are a month pregnant,"the very nice doctor with a nice smile told me and she is really annoying me in the way she is smiling at me as if this is the greatest news ever."Is there anything wrong? Why do you look so pale?"she asked me ,her smile turning into a frown. I have to pretend "oh,sorry was still adjusting to this news. Did I hear you correctly? Did you say that I am pregnant?"I asked as if I am dumb.Maybe I am dumb,I didn't even think of protection when I slept with Jay.I am an idiot. "Yes,you are pregnant and you have to be coming here every month for a check up and you need to be here for classes to learn more about motherhood and the process of giving birth," she informed me. "You need to eat good meals,don't miss a meal and more importantly don't eat like a pig,"she laughed at her own joke,"don't get too upset it will also upset the baby and that can lead to miscarriage. Don't get into fights and becareful because now you got another life growing in you,"she concluded. "Thank you very much,may I take my leave?" She nodded and handed me a letter that states that I'm pregnant.I take my leave with so much of thoughts. I am pregnant,I am only 19,I am so stupid. How could I let this happen? This completely changes everything. I really don't know whether Jay will want to take care of this baby but even if he won't take care of it ,I will do it on my own. Should I even tell him? I think I should,he deserve to know that I am expecting his baby,he has the rights to know. After parking my car at the publishing house,I made my way to my office,wait did I tell you that I got my own office? Well I did. I entered and found new sets of manuscripts and I made myself comfortable and started reading. What a coincidence this book talks about a girl pregnant at the age of 19 but the only difference is that she does have a family and a mother who is going to support her, this Grace girl is really lucky. This book is excellent. Theres a knock on the door. "Come in"I called out so the other person could hear. It's Mr steel. "Hello Cas," he greets. "Hello Mr Steel." "Oh,please call me Finn,I am not that old I am only 23,"I knew that he was young but I didn't know he was this young,how did he get so much at such a young age .Of course his parents." Anyways, I came to tell you that your comments and points on the book 'After' were really good and the book will be published next week Friday. There will be a conference and you are invited,you will also have the opportunity to meet this writer,"he told me. He is so excited,I think he wants to meet her more than I do. His smile fades as he realise that I was not smiling,"I thought you'd be happy,Are you okay?" I can sense the concern in his voice. I fake a smile,"oh yea of course I am happy,I will get to see her. She is a really good writer and she will be liked by many people,"I told him. He nod to show that he agrees with me "is there something bothering you,I am not asking as your boss but as a friend. Cassidy are you okay?" If this guy continue to ask me this questions,I will cry. "I am fine,I just got emotional because of this book I am reading now,"he doesn't buy it but he just nods. "Anyways,its 17:30. You were suppose to finish work at 17:00,"he informed me. I was so grossed in this book I didn't even know the time. I started parking and thanked Mr steel and left. Now I have to face the music,I have to talk to Jay. I am so not looking forward to this. The closer I get to home,the more nervous I get. I hope Jay isn't gonna be like Grace's boyfriend who denied her child. Jay has always wanted a kid so I am sure he will be happy. I made my way to his room and slightly knocked and there's no answer. I turned around and I hear the door unlocking. I turned back and faced a very sleepy Jay and he is shirtless. The hair on my body rise and there's that funny feeling in my stomach. I can't believe he still makes me feel this way. "I hope the house is on fire for you to come wake me up especially when I told you to stay away from me,"his voice is so deep, with so much of hate in his tone but I don't care,I need to tell him. "Just shut up and listen to me,"I ordered him ," I am pregnant,we gonna have a child,"I told him .His eyes widen and then he laughs. "That's very funny Cassidy. Did Tyrol tell you he doesn't want the baby?" What the hell? Is he for real ? Is this really happening ? "Don't be ridiculous,this baby is yours Jay. I didn't sleep with Tyrol, this is your child." "You silly little girl,you first cheat on me and now you come and claim that that thing you carrying is mine when we both know it's not. Go find the father of your child don't let your child become a bastard because you don't know the real father because of your hoeing ,"before I knew it ,I gave him a big slap across his face. He can't call my baby a thing,he has no rights. "Listen here Jay,I didn't come here to ask for child support .I came here to tell you that I am pregnant with your child and I thought you might want to know that but I guess I was wrong. My child is no bastard because I know his father and that he is a coward and an asshole . My baby and I don't need you,we will be fine.I got a good job,I will be able to take care of my child. But I am warning you Jay,don't you ever insult me or my child. Not even by mistake.DON'T or else you will regret it," I said all of this with so much of power,strength and confidence. I guess being pregnant is helping me to become more stronger. Jay just looked at me probably shocked that I have this side. "Have a good day,"I left him standing on his door rubbing his cheek and I made my way to my room and lay down. To all those ladies out there, you need to know that you are strong,You are the strongest creature on the planet. Men will make you feel weak because they are only physically strong. You as a woman,you are stronger than that.You are able to love even though you are rejected,you are able to stand by his side even when he doesn't want you. Most people take that as a weakness but nope it shows how strong you are and how far you can for something you love. That's a strong woman. You are able to raise a child on your own ,provide for them and obviously work harder to feed your child.That is something a man can't do and you are a strong woman. I want that,I want to be a strong woman for my child. I don't need a man to raise my baby.I will do just fine.I will do this.
24 Jul 2019 | 14:46
LOVELY BETRAYED Final Episode 27 I am 3 months pregnant and I am starting to see my baby bump and I am excited. I've been saving my salary so I can find an apartment when the baby is born.I haven't told the Jones yet,I will tell them after I tell my mother. I hope she isn't dissapointed in me wherever she is. Today is a holiday so I took this opportunity to drive out town to go see my mother. It's been a while and I miss talking to her. Everytime I go there,I do feel her presence and that makes me feel good. I really do love my mother and I am missing her so much. I parked my car by the flower store so it's closer to the grave yard. "Good afternoon mam,"I greeted the owner. "Hello Cas,you look well and seem to be gaining weight,"she smiled.I just laughed."How are you Cassidy? How are you coping?"I don't know why I am so comfortable when I chat with this lady. I just feel like I can trust her. "I am good,"I keep my reply at a simple level." May I please have the usual,"she nodded and handed me the yellowish Roses,my mom's favourite. "One Lady called Agnes,came to see your mum.She seems to have known her cause she knew her favourite flowers,"I am pulled back by this news.Agnes is Jay's mother and she came to see my mother. They didn't know each other. This is really confusing ,I will just speak to her when I get home. "Thank you for telling me,Agnes is my guardian,"I told her. "Oh,she is a good woman." "Thank you,I have to go now," She nodded and smiled and with that I dismissed myself and made my way to my mom's tombstone. I put the flowers on her head."hello mother,sorry I haven't been around. I've been very busy,I got a really good job,"I smiled. "I miss you mother,I wish you were here with me,"I can feel the tears in my eyes,maybe this is what I need,I need to cry."Mother I am really sorry,I know I broke your rule of not having sex before marriage,I am very sorry,please forgive me,"I sit down next to her tombstone and put my head on it and I hear the thunder but I won't stop I need mummy to forgive me."I did it because I thought he loved me like the way I loved him,I mean I thought I loved him but I misinterpreted my feelings of friendship and intimacy,I thought I loved him as a man not a friend but that's not it,mother,I am 3 months pregnant,"after that sentence,it started raining . This shows how upset my mum is,I know this is silly but I believe this silly myth. I won't go until the rain stop showing that my mum has forgiven me. "I am very sorry mum,please forgive me,I need your forgiveness ,I can't continue with my life knowing you are upset with me......"I continued to ask for her forgiveness until the was no rain anymore ,I looked up and realise that I was covered by an umbrella. "Hello,you gonna get sick,if you continue sleeping there,"the voice sounds really familiar.I stood up to get closer and I was not expecting to see him here,"Cassidy?"Finn said. "Hel.."I couldn't continue,my voice came out as a cough.I have cried for too long. He studied my face and looked down on my mum's tombstone, "Gail Crane Louis,"he read out loud "any relation?"he politely asked. "My mother,"his eyes widen and looked down as a show of respect or embarrassment,I am really not sure. "I'm sorry." "It's fine,no need for that. Who did you come visit,"I feel really blunt for asking him but I am trying to make a conversation. "My sister,"His face drop he looks like he is on a verge of crying. I guess his sister's death affected him badly."I think it's time for you to go home,you need to change your clothes and drink something warm or else you will get sick,"he said wiping away the tears and water on my face. With that caring gesture, I couldn't refuse and I need to be well for my baby. I nodded at him and gave my mum a kiss.He removed his jacket and put it on me.What a gentleman. "Thank you,"That's the only sentence that could come out. "You don't look like you can drive in the state you are in. I will drive you home and my driver will follow,"he has a driver. That conclude my idea of him being a spoilt brat.I guess he saw my reaction because he then says his parents forces him to take a driver when he is coming to see his sister because he once had an accident. "Sorry to hear that,"he just smiled and shrug it of. "Anyways where is your car,"he asked as we leave the gate of the grave yard. "I parked it by the flower store,"he nodded and we started making our way to the shop. "My car is also there,"he told me.I smiled at him he smiled back,"I just couldn't wait to see you smile again,"as creepy as that sound I couldn't help it but laugh and blush at the same time. "Are you blush-laughing Miss Louis,"he joked but my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I thought he was always serious like the way he is at work. Now I know he has two sides. He saw my car and asked for the keys,I handed to him and he opened the passenger door for me and went to inform his driver to follow. He was back within 3 seconds."So, where do you live,"I told him and he smiled, "I live a little bit far from there,"he has to live there. Only people like him live in those neighbourhood."Are you always quiet?"he asked but I am too rude to reply I reached home well we reached him ,"it's fine I can take it from here,thank you,"he nodded and got off the driver seat and opened the door for me.I thanked him again.He just shrugged it off. I gave him his jacket. "Have a good night Cassidy,will see you on Monday."he jumped into his car and I jumped into mine and went to park.I need to go speak to Mrs Jones about her visiting my mother.As I approach I hear voices and I was trying hard not to seem inquisitive but I heard my name so I listened. "I am tired of her here,she has to leave,"that came out of Jay's mouth and I am really shocked because I know they talking about me."mum,why haven't you made her sign the papers yet?"he asked his mother .What papers. "I am looking for a good opportunity. If I make her sign now she will want to read them,"Jay and his father both groaned."plus we just killed her mother...,"I gasped,I gasped too loud and they heard me. I tried to ran but my feet were stuck.Jay and his parents came out of the room and looked at me. The they looked at me differently from how they always look at me ,this time there's hate in their eyes. "Why are you snooping around,you idiot?"Jay asked. "You killed my mother?"That's all that could come out of my mouth. The Jones killed my mother,including Jay.My best friend Jay killed my mother. "Yes,Your mother,father,Connie and also Tyrol's brother,"I gasped and tears fell down my eyes.This are the wolves Tyron was trying to warn me about."Now,I am going to kill you,"he pointed a gun at me. Mr and Mrs Jones are just standing and smiling at their son."get into the room Cassidy,"he ordered and I am so scared I get into the room. Mrs Jones tied me to their bed. "Why are you doing this?"I asked. I have stopped crying because I have no more tears to cry.I feel so betrayed.Jay killed my parents and took me in to kill me. I hate him .Worst I am carrying his child in my womb. "I did this because your mother was a bitch,"she said with so much of bitterness and hate in her voice."Your mother was my sister,"I chocked,I am extremely shocked my mum didn't tell me she had a sister. "What?,you are lying,"I told her.Jay went into their cupboard and took some pictures. "See,that's your mother and I,"she showed and its true. It's my mum, her and my grandparents." I loved your mother so much,she was my sister but she didn't love me. She hated me for a reason I don't know. I was meant to hate her because she was beautiful,smart and kind but I couldn't,I loved her ,I could have given my life for her. One day in school she got into trouble,I fought for her and they beat me up but that was fine by me because I fought for my sister and I was happy." "But your mother betrayed me,she took my boyfriend. I was about to get married to him,to your father but your mum seduced him. She knew I was pregnant with his kid but your mother didn't care.She pushed me down the stairs and made me lose my baby.They took me to the hospital where I met Jay's grandfather,I begged him to tell them I died and give them a disguise corpse. He agreed. After that he took me in and thats where I met Jay and his father and from there I started planning my revenge,"Jay is not her son. I can't believe what I am hearing. I can't believe my mum did that. I am at lost of words. "When I heard they had you,I made sure that Jay and you are friends and you were very stupid you allowed it. He was friends with you and Tyron,this idiot told Tyron everything so he had to be taken out of the picture ,so we made me have an accident,"she smiled. She is crazy ,she is out of her mind. "And guess what,you saw everything,you even saw Jay's father killing your father. You saw everything but Jay gave you a drug when you were at the park that made you loose your memories,"the dreams,the dreams were showing everything that I had forgotten.The dreams. Tyrol was right I shouldn't have trusted them. "My parents gave your mother all of their empire because they thought I was dead. Your mother then named you as the next person to get that empire but I won't allow ,that empire belongs to me and not you. So if you want to live with that thing you have in your stomach you need to sign the papers I am going to give you,"she handed me the papers. I really dont want my child to die,I want it to see the world and with the 2 guns pointing at me,I signed the papers.She smiled and I feel really stupid.I shouldn't have signed until I knew I was safe with my child. "Why did you kill Connie?"I had to ask. "Well she knew too much,she saw me trying to kill you that day you fell down the ladder,"Jay said casually. "You were so stupid because the doctors told you,you had inner bleeding and you didn't wonder where they came from. I started hating you from there because you made me kill the only girl that I really loved ,"he said. This broke my heart because I though maybe he did somehow loved me. "I will give you something to drink that will make you loose your memory and you will forget everything that happened here,"Jay's father told me "And you will be able to live with that thing you carrying,"they untied me.We started making our way to the kitchen. "Isn't she is pregnant and I was pregnant when her mother did this to me,"before I process what she was saying. I saw my life flash into my eyes. She pushed me down the stairs.Everything goes blank. That is how I died. ----The End of book one---- The next book is all about revenge but who will avenge Cassidy's death? Would it be Tyrol or Finn? Don't miss out,read AFTER THE BETRAYAL
24 Jul 2019 | 14:54
u gv d enemy of ur family ur precious gift, u are a very big fool cas
24 Jul 2019 | 17:25
rest in peace Cas
24 Jul 2019 | 17:51
nice story with a great lesson, be mindful of those u trust. next season pls
25 Jul 2019 | 05:34
This is really bad
25 Jul 2019 | 06:55
this is serious. . may God help u cas
25 Jul 2019 | 18:18


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