

By Duru in 23 Aug 2020 | 08:33
Duru Jessica

Duru Jessica

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Posts: 333
Member since: 28 May 2020

a mystery born to bring happiness,
and to some,
a saddened and a broken heart,
shattered into pieces,
and feared never to be repaired
Never to be healed!

a bittersweet ride born into the world,
destined to impregnate the whole of mankind,
and thus bring joy to the earth
But it is as I feared;
the heart of man is far blinded,
poisoned from the reality in front!

My fears are awoken,
my eyes soaked with tears,
my heart bleeding from the throbbing pain,
anguish and fear eating me up from the inside out!
O' how shall I live?
How shall I breathe?!
O' my one true love
My beloved Ayana!
When shall I see you again?
When shall I feel your warmth on my pure beating heart?!
Once again my heart is aching;
aching from the loneliness and emptiness you left behind
O' my poor heart
So wounded and hurt,are you?

Now the clock goes ticking,
and with every second,
comes life drifting out of me,
my breath getting thinner;
reminding me of my time left on earth
And though several years may have passed,
and my body gone all frail and weakened with senility,
I never will let go,
until my creator comes calling me home....

23 Aug 2020 | 08:33
For you my love, I shall sing in delight, and with the sweet wonders of my voice; Will capture your heart As you lay lost in my charms For you my love, I shall waltz out in the open And side by side we shall dance With the candle-light burning aglow, and the moonlight gleaming in our path For you my love, I shall trample on every scorpions and snakes, and climb every mountains Just so I can be with you For you my love, I'll sail across the seven seas And seek every corners of the earth No matter how much it'll cost For you my love, I'll conquer demons, and shall slay dragons at your feet So no danger can lurk in your way And for you my love, I'll do anything Anything just to be your side, and remain yours... For the rest of eternity                                              -Ciara 
23 Aug 2020 | 09:02
When I'm with you, I feel happier than I ever felt When you're not here, I feel all sad and down, and tearful and sore I know... I know I promised That I was never letting a tear Roll down my face But I just couldn't hold on to that Could I?! You said you were... That you were never going to leave But you did! And let go of everything... Everything we ever shared! Now my heart is saddened... Saddened from the damage you caused! And all that is left are memories; Memories I vowed never to forget Memories that keep me going Even though it hurts That I'm never going to see you again But I'm certain... I'm certain that I'll heal From the aching that make my heart throb And though summer may pass, and all the seasons as well Still,my love for you won't Just like I'd promised Hate me! Ignore me! And push me all away....! But that will never get the best of me For my strength has grown over the years, and I'm stronger... Stronger than the ferocious lion That roams the wild! And firmer... Firmer than the tallest tree That stands on the forest grounds Not even the mighty wind can blow me down No! Not even that! You may let go of every memory... Every memory we once shared, and every feeling... Every feeling we once had for each other, But mine will always be there For as long as I shall remain on this earth With the breath of life still in me, I'll never forget you, My dearest Aurora.... -Ciara 
23 Aug 2020 | 09:03
With lips wine red; and face white-skinned, and bosom perfectly fitted, alongside curvy graced hips And a lavender scent to match... Her beauty doth glows Like that of a new born Brought into the world So innocent and meek But yet ravishing In the most sweetest way I'd ever seen For even in the shadows, Her beauty is never concealed And even when darkness prevails, it overcomes every bits Like the roses blooming in the meadow, and the sun shining from whence it's placed; So shall my love for you be Never ending, and forever eternal For as long as I've always got you with me, I wouldn't ask for anything else, My sweet sweet Amor.                                              -Ciara
23 Aug 2020 | 09:06
Her smile, that smile Her beauty that yonder shines, and her love which doth strengthens me Like the wind blowing unceasingly Across the White Eastern sea Shall it forever be? Oh,I wish... If only wishes do come true I feel the longing pile up With each day that goes by, Shall it ever pass? Oh,I doubt Love is really hard like they say Everything seems so broken Even from afar, One could still see Can it ever be fixed? Oh,I know not... Nor the royal empress herself For the rust will forever go on...                                                -Ciara For those who have been following up with my story over here,"MY CAMPUS LIFE"  The poem,"BROKEN" was made for it...???
23 Aug 2020 | 09:08
Her cries echoed aloud in the still of the night A cry of pain A cry that will never cease to flow For as long as her heart is wounded, and bitterness still lingers inside, it will always remain a part of her If only she knew what laid in wait If only she knew... But like they say; One can't really tell what's going to happen next Even if he tries No one could have guessed... No one! If only she could turn back the hands of time, and make everything right again... Evil like they say Never reveals itself It's always concealed, and rather lurks in the shadows Like some petty coward! Once the sun goes down, and the moon takes its peak, it slowly crawls out, hence begetting the dark, and impregnating the silent tranquil scene thus There,evil lurks Out on the streets, trudging footsteps can be heard, and masked figures seen, hovering on every corners, lying in wait for their prey To wander out in the dark,cold night Alas,she walks, With body badly bruised, and face swollen in a puff, The tattered skinny figure walks down Trolton lane Arms crossed, and sadness imprinted in her almond sunken eyes, She plods; With her haggard looks shimmering in the light, and the tears in her eyes glistening Yet,they didn't care Their deep gray eyes shone with lust, and they readied themselves, encircling her Each brutally taking turns, stripping her off the one thing she cherished most Her pride, Her innocence, Her comfort! All gone in the twinkle of an eye She had nothing left Nothing at all! Oh,what a selfish and wicked world we live in! How shall the heartless pay? How? How?! I doubt this evil that has befallen the world will ever pass I doubt it will... Now it's time I joined my creator, and rest perfectly in his bosom This she said, breathing her last                                               -Ciara
23 Aug 2020 | 09:39
When The Innocent Cry! Thunder rumbled at a distance, and lightning crashed loudly in the dark gray clouds above, striking everything in its path, and thus shaking the earth, with everything on its surface trembling with fear The biting north wind came, blowing everything in its way, and swaying the trees as they bowed at its command Out on the lonely streets, hooded creatures trudged, with faces like that of demons... Demons out to destroy! In thousands, they marched, barging into every homes, and feeding on innocent,pure blood as the cries of their mothers echoed bitterly in the dead of the night Amidst the chaos, laid a woman, so weary and weak, and breath almost drifting away In her arms, a little lad laid, so tender and young, but yet beautiful and pure In his eyes, she saw hope... A hope she'd forever cherish, and hold on to, never letting go! And thence came the demons of the night In tens, they marched through the door, awakening her fears as their figures silhouetted in the dark Her hopes, her dreams... All gone in a heart beat!                                      -Ciara
23 Aug 2020 | 09:41
Good day, guys. This new update is all about poems. That's not the lot.I'm still going about with the compilations and all, so when I'm done,I'll bring them altogether and post them here. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO PLACE YOUR COMMENT ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THEM. GRACIAS...???
23 Aug 2020 | 09:46
With my eyes, I look up to the clouds, my heart seeking for redemption, wondering if it will ever be for me I gaze endlessly at the heavens, searching for God's salvation; raising my voice so he would hear me, and save me from the hands of devourers out to destroy! To him I go crying, my voice ringing bitterly as I call out to him, with my knees kissing the bare ground! From his heavenly throne, He looks down to me, watching every step I take, and hearing every word that eludes my lips; My heart is searched, and buried within, lies an ocean of sin But yet true remorse is found, and I be purged with hyssop, and made a new creation ~Ciara
23 Aug 2020 | 15:37
23 Aug 2020 | 15:58
The poems are great our noble poetess, its like your heart have been broken by someone in the past o.. I particularly love "FOR YOU MY LOVE"
23 Aug 2020 | 16:01
I gaze endlessly at the stars, my legs rooted to the ground, my mind trapped in a deep ocean of thoughts; wondering and dreaming when that day would come; the day my victory would be announced, and my name heard on every lips; the four corners of the earth calling out to me, and the warm breeze carrying their wild cheers, as I go dancing all gay and bright, celebrating my new found victory If only it would be... ~Ciara
24 Aug 2020 | 15:35
@Ele1 Heh...Once but it's a thing of the past...These poems I just write them to kill time.
24 Aug 2020 | 16:53
You are doing great @ciarajessy
25 Aug 2020 | 08:03
I act like I'm okay but deep down, I want to be a poet àbí what do they call poem writers ??
26 Aug 2020 | 18:43
There is no greater pain than the loss of a child An innocent being brought into the world; Conceived for a purpose, and born to bring light, to shine aglow, and to bring joy to every mortal that walks the earth A child born to bloom; Like a flamboyant standing in the meadow And the red roses standing in the sun But soon taken away from the world, and snatched from the nest of its mother, A mother so longed to be blessed, and her prayers be heard from the heavens Her heart is broken Her tears worsened from the pain, as they go wetting the ground like a flowing river, and a running stream bound to flow And shall it continue to be Or her heart be healed from her aching loss..... ~Ciara
27 Aug 2020 | 19:44
@Henrymary Thanks, hun
27 Aug 2020 | 19:45
@sheegokey Lol...You got that ryt...Thanks so much, dear.
27 Aug 2020 | 19:47
@sheegokeys Lol...You got that ryt...Thanks so much, dear.
27 Aug 2020 | 19:47
Motherhood; Such a blessed ride, full of hopes and dreams, longed to be fulfilled, longed to be real! Motherhood; A joy-conceiving memory, full of expectations, having newborns conceived, and brought into the world; A world so big and bright, but yet so new.... One so strange and demon-filled, and creatures cursed to slay; bound to feed! The cry of their mothers wetting the earth, as their pains go burning fiercely at death's matching feast. ~Ciara
27 Aug 2020 | 20:55
1-BROKEN A Forever Rust The poem centers on a man who loves his treasure so dear; A woman born with a fine, white skin like that of a newborn, and an exotic beauty which the beholder never seems to overlook. But then, the tragic wind came blowing in their path, separating them, and leaving the poet personae broken and void. He fears he'll never be healed of the damage caused and doubts there will ever be an end to his aching pain..... 2-FOREVER WITH YOU Love's True Beauty The poem centers more on the beauty love has to offer. The poet personae in this part of my poem, compares the beauty of his lover to that of love, which is sweet and magnificent in every way. Here, he goes deeper into confessing his undying love for her and how he'll never stop loving her, no matter what happens.... 3-MEMORIES My Dearest Aurora A trip down memory lane can be really hurting sometimes, and in a way, pretty joyful and ecstatic. Making memories with friends and loved ones matter a lot. One thing life has taught us, is that nothing that comes, lasts forever. There's a whole lot of people in this world who have come and gone. Some dead, some a million miles away, and one-tenth with no idea of where you're at. But still, the memories you have of them still remain a part of you, just like the ones the man in our poem made vivid description of. He remembers those days when he and his partner we'd go about creating memories; memories they vowed never to forget. And despite their separation, he still never let go of his promises. And so hoped that one day, their love story will be renewed again.... 4-PAINED Can You Really Tell When Demons Walk Amongst Us? The evil that has befallen the world has conceived a far bigger problem than any human has ever imagined. The poem "PAINED", centers more on the evil that has eaten deep into the society at large. Now, the girl child is posed with a threat; a threat that has brought greater concern , not only to them but to everyone around them, Even children are not spared: And this demonic operation is yet to be stopped and our fears are increased with each passing day, just as depicted in this poem. The poet personae here, a victim of circumstance if I should say, was brutally assaulted by devils that call themselves beings, Even in her awkward state, they showed no concern nor any iota of pity towards her. Her pride and comfort were all stripped away in just a day. If only she could tell what would become of her..... - RAPE IS EVIL 5-BLEEDING SOUL When Danger Lurks Can you tell when danger lurks in our midst? NO! This poem portrays the demons of the night. They come matching in, with the aim of killing every newborn in their path; "pure blood", as they call them, They posed a big threat to them and so needed to be eliminated at once, else they grew stronger. They left the night filled with their blood, and the tears of their mother, dripping at their loss - It was one dreadful night, to remember! 6-FOR YOU MY LOVE To My Love In this 6th poem of mine, the poet personae strongly believes he's capable of doing anything just to prove his undying love for that precious woman that makes his heart beat. And he goes forward into saying he'll do anything just to please her, no matter what it takes.... 7-I WILL NEVER LET GO Loving Ayana Love like they say, conquers all. A gift given to us by God, for he gave his only son to us. But in this aspect, we'll be looking at another kind of love. A burning love, possessed by the poet personae himself, who loved his wife so dear. But as a result of the unfolding scene, he lost her to another man as we assumed, leaving him in pains. Despite all that, he still longed to see her, and hoped she'd come back to him, even at the brink of death- Some love so hard to find! 8-VICTORY Envision There is no greater joy than the hearing of ones name on every lips. A name always to be remembered and never to be forgotten. A name to be carried on from generation to generation. The poet personae, pictures this in his mind and wished so much it would become a reality, so some day he'd be heard, and celebrated by everyone.... 9-A MOTHER'S TEARS A Mother's Loss The first part of this poem narrates how a mother loses her child. A child she had longed hoped for, only for him to end up at death's horrific embrace. The second part, titled "Death Eater", describes how little children were taken away so soon from their mothers' grip, as they wept and mourned in pains.... 10-A PENITENT'S VOICE A Cry For Mercy Dear Lord, I look up to you, and with thine heart, seek your salvation; praying that you'd hear my voice, and the voice of your children from whence you're seated On your heavenly throne Holy Lord, we assemble in your presence, our knees kissing your holy grounds, crying and calling out to you; so we may be purged, and washed wholly with hyssop, So our hearts be cleansed, and our mind put at ease.... The poet personae here is no different from sinners. He goes pleading for mercy, praying that he gets another chance and be cleansed from every iniquity he has committed. We can make reference to our biblical, David, who'd committed a thousand sin to count but was yet forgiven and made pure again....
28 Aug 2020 | 14:13
I'm a shooting star Shinning above all stars In the sky I'm like a blazing sun Burning aglow And lighting all path We walk the earth We rule the streets The sun and the stars Shinning up above And as we go The warm breeze blows Kissing our faces As we smile All day and night; All day and night Making memories that will last forever.... ~Ciara
30 Aug 2020 | 11:57
I'm a shooting star Shining above all stars In the sky I'm like a blazing sun Burning aglow And lighting all path We walk the earth We rule the streets The sun and the stars Shining up above And as we go The warm breeze blows Kissing our faces As we smile All day and night; All day and night Making memories that will last forever.... ~Ciara
30 Aug 2020 | 22:07
Blazing This poem is centered more on this sad little girl who gets override by her emotions, and in a bid to make herself happy again, compares herself to the sky's blazing sun and stars, hoping she'd wear such a pleasant smile on her face, just like everyoneelse, and bring forth amazing memories that'll never be forgotten....
30 Aug 2020 | 22:11
My heart is heavy With despair My head spinning Like a roaring wave Seeking to swallow all thoughts As they go crowding up Like swarming bees That have no place Heaviness and hurt Piling up inside Eager to put an end to my kind Thus awakening my fear In a land so dark And without an end! The air I breathe Trapping me In my tragic past; Making me a wanderer In a world That has long rejected me From its warming embrace Now I am without a place Having no one To put my fiery mind At ease! But I know someday All this would pass And then shall I be at rest And have eternal peace At my creator's bosom... ~Ciara
1 Sep 2020 | 17:50
My heart is heavy With despair My head spinning Like a roaring wave Seeking to swallow all thoughts As they go crowding up Like swarming bees That have no place Heaviness and hurt Piling up inside Eager to put an end to my kind Thus awakening my fear In a land so dark And without an end! The air I breathe Trapping me In my tragic past; Making me a wanderer In a world That has long rejected me From its warmly embrace Now I am without a place Having no one To put my fiery mind At ease! But I know someday All this would pass And then shall I be at rest And have eternal peace In my creator's bosom... ~Ciara
1 Sep 2020 | 19:20
?Life: A Huge Circle Itself? Climbing up the Appalachians Is no different from Taking a trip down Life's rocky path; A path harbouring All things caused To beget sad Or ever glowing memories Conceived from the adventures And never ending journeys Carved out in a circle Having no escape route Nor an easy path To a quest Man must undertake Lest he remains trapped With no gain Or freedom In a land Now filled with oppressors And battles Only he can overcome So his sounding cheers Would be heard At victory's joyful embrace ~Ciara
6 Sep 2020 | 11:07
Could years pass And the air still reek of my haunted past? Could rivers flow And still come to an abrupt end? Could cherry trees blossom And their bloom still fade? Could mountains, hills and valleys stand And the earth still holds them firm? These questions I ask My mind trapping them without an answer, And with no one to reassure me That I can be free from my bondage to fear; A burden forced on me By the harshly gust of nature enveloping my past! One I am forced to bear Its malodor hovering like a smoke At what cost in life would be so enormous To have the one thing I seek? A thing much precious than all the riches in the embrace of the world; One to overcome my fear, And bring an end to shackles only I can see Emeralds and pearls, I desire not But the matching keys to my longing release And if ever again I'll be able to walk, I shall travel far and wide, Proclaiming my return... ~Ciara
28 Sep 2020 | 07:03


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