

By chimmy in 4 May 2019 | 17:47
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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I hurriedly packed my big hand bag, a pair of jeans, two body tops and a black blouse. Adding a
container of my lotion, my perfume, roll on and my make up kit, well just in case I needed to do my
face, funerals for modern days, you can never tell. The make up kit might come in handy.
I placed my bag in the back seat of my car and walked back inside. I just forgot to park a pair of
shoes. All I needed was a pair of pumps and slippers.
” You are going for two days only Jennifer!” I scolded myself as l checked around if I left anything. I
sighed recalling I needed to carry something to cover myself with in the night. Knowing my aunty
would not have enough to give every relatives some beddings at the funeral, I couldn’t risk going
to get myself squeesed in someone’s covers lest it got cold.
” Well that’s it!” I murmered to myself looking at myself in the mirrow. I wore a black body top with
black leggings, knowing I will throw over my chitenge when I got to Kabwe. My hair was covered in
a gray headsock.
Locking the door to my house, I got in my car and started the engine almost immediately.
Probably wondering who this busy body is?, Well am Jennifer Makasa, a single woman aged 26,
working as a banker in Lusaka at NATSAVE bank.
I received a call that the brother to my aunty(Ex wife to my uncle, the young brother to my mother)
died the previous day. Having grown up close to my aunty, it mattered less that she and my uncle
were no longer together, I needed to be there for her and having a weekend ahead, I knew I could
use it to be there.
I knew the man who died, I saw him as I grew up though he never visited my aunty more often. His
wife was a good woman and good with hair plaiting, I knew cause I always went to have my hair
done before I completed my course.
As I joined Cairo road, driving from my home in Makeni Villa, I fastened the seat belt and raised
my head high to have a clear view of the road ahead. It was around 7 in the morning so being a
Saturday, the road was not conjested yet.
Increasing the speed as I passed Kabwe round about I let my mind wild off as the slow tracks I
was playing in the car got to my ears soothing the emptiness that I was feeling.
” lt’.s not what you think babe” came the voice of my ex boyfriend pushing through the serenity that
the songs were bringing to my heart.
My perfect boyfriend, who I thought was the man I would settle with even if I never loved him
much, broke my heart by getting intimate and making out in my own house with my best friend.
I had walked in announced one afternoon after getting a sick leave from work. Daniel had come to
visit me all the way from Choma where he was working from and he was going to stay for a week.
Which actually prompted me to fake an illness and sign for some days off.
I was rushing home to give my sweet boyfriend the news just to open the door and blessing my
eyes with a scene of my Daniel pushing himself into my friend Chola as they both moarned in
” What the hell!” I shouted dropping my hand bag and the sick note I was holding to show to
They both startled standing up as Daniel looked at me his face still filled with his unfinished business.
My friend just bow her head I wondered what she was feeling, definitely not shame, cause I had
assumed a person with a sense of shame wouldn’t bang her best friend’s man especially in her
own house.
” Jen, babe it’s not what you think ” Daniel stood before me trying to hold my hand.
” And what is it that you think, l am thinking?” I asked pushing his hand away from mine.
He stammered lost for words, I couldn’t make out anything from the whisper that came from his
large lips.
” Get out of my house both of you!” I snored angrily.
” Get out! ” I shouted further pushing back the tears that formed in my eyes, even though it was
too late as I felt their warmth run down my well made up face.
” Let’s talk about this babe, please. I was just ….”
” Dan!” I cut him short raising my hands.
” I swear to God if l come back here to find both of you still here, believe me I am willing to serve a
sentence whilst you rot in hell!” I snapped and pushed him aside making passage for myself as I
walked to my bedroom.
I heard Chola talk in a low voice tone and my heart pumped faster with the feel of her betrayal.
A few minutes later I heard Dan’s car engine revving and I quickly grabbed his small laptop bag
putting all his small things inside and rushed out before he could drive away.
” Take your cursed things you jerk! And never come back to my house again!” I shouted throwing
the bag at him and not minding the cracking of the laptop which was inside.
” As for you” I said pointing my finger at my best friend.” You will surely have a taste of what you
have done to me!” I told her off and didn’t wait to hear her response as I ran back inside locking
my door like I was scared they might come back.
“Peeeeeeep eeeeeeep!” Came the sound of a vehicle behind me bringing me back to my senses. I
didn’t realise the traffic lights had indicated green.
I sighed stepping away from the brakes as l drove on. ” They are not worthy my tears!” I whispered
to myself and wiped the tears from my face.
After all I had been a single woman for over 3 months and even though I missed being with both of
them, I had decided to move on without them.
The 2 hours drive to Kabwe came to an end and as I parked my car by the road side, outside the
funeral house, I saw a few faces turn my way.
I composed myself getting my Chitenge and wrapped it around my waist before stepping out.
The voice of my aunty calling out my name as I got to the entrance made me remember the
tradition of wailing as one visited a funeral house especially that I was considered family.
” Oh my God! Uncle mwayaaa!” I yelled out feeling off as I didn’t feel that much pain Inside myself.
The others welcomed me with their crying and after some minutes it was silent and I could hear
people’s voices talking and laughing.
” Well, I whispered in my head. Some funerals are funny huh, a minute ago people were wailing
and now they go on discussing some issues like they were in a market place.”
” How was your journey? ” aunty asked making me realise I had gone off again.
” lt was okey aunty, it’s sad uncle is gone I was devastated when I received your call yesterday” I
whispered sadly and she went on explaining what happened to him.
Later that night a group of people came and sung some funeral songs. They didn’t come from
church though, I was told they were a group of drunks who sung at every funeral in the compound
for a reward of Nshima.
I went to sit outside with my aunty and other women as we listened to the songs and people
laughing. Then something caught my attention.
A man clad in some covers with PF labels sat silently in the corner near the men’s fireplace.
A plate of Nshima on the ground as he ate slowly.
” Who is he?” I asked my aunty and she looked at the direction my finger was going to..
” Who? ” she giggled
” That man there?” I asked knowing she knew who I meant.
” Oh that man is not well, he is a mad man that goes round and settles wherever there is a funeral
and he never leaves unless after burial” she explained
” Oh sad” I sighed honestly feeling bad for him even if I couldn’t see his face.
” l wonder what happened to him to get like that” I said not to anyone in particular..
” never mind abalumendo banomba ifyakuchitachita ( young men of this era are fond of issues” my
aunty responded and I murmered casually.
“I think I need to sleep now, l feel tired” I announced and my aunty showed me a reserved space
for me.
As I closed my eyes to allow sleep take me over I couldn’t stop thinking of the blurred image of the
mad man outside. I started wondering how he was feeling being in his condition. ” Does he feel
cold, does he feel any kind of emotion?” I asked myself a series of questions until I felt sleep
drowning me as I allowed my body to rest amid the noise around.
To be continued
4 May 2019 | 17:47
4 May 2019 | 18:01
but what should I do, should i continue here or in the other thread. the person stops at episode five
4 May 2019 | 18:38
Wow! @chimmy is back... Welcome back, hope ur mom is fully okay?
4 May 2019 | 21:28
go on nice story even tho have read it b4 I really like it continue pls
5 May 2019 | 02:15
@confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com continue from here, I will close the other thread
5 May 2019 | 02:27
5 May 2019 | 05:31
Continue pls
5 May 2019 | 10:36
Ride on
5 May 2019 | 10:38
Following, continue please
5 May 2019 | 16:59
seated already
5 May 2019 | 17:41
fire on
5 May 2019 | 17:42
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 2 I kept my eyes on him. He was so quiet and peaceful it pricked my heart. ” how can a man so handsome, with a long light face and a pointed nose, be mad? ” I asked myself folding my hands as I sat directly facing him. He was slowly eating his morning Nshima and my eyes went down his hands. ” oh My,” the long clean and sharp nails on his fingers caught my attention. He slowly and gently rolled the lamp of Nshima in his palms. It was like he was some kind of perfectionist. One would tell from the skin tone that even in his madness he still bathed his body. If not for the additional clothes he had put on and the chitenge pieces wrapped around him, one would surely think the man was okey. ” Jennifer!” My cousin called me. ” I think we better start off now, the busses are here and people are boarding.” She informed me and I stood up sighing. ” of course. But I will use my car, let aunty and the other 3 elderly people come join me ” I responded adjusting my Chitenge as I walked to the car. Taking one more glance in my back to see the man again and walking fast to the vehicle. As they lowered the cascate in the grave, the reminder thoughts of my dead parents clicked and I shed tears. I had grown up from different homes after my parents passed on years back, and sometimes I missed them. Especially with the funeral I was attending, it was unavoidable to think of my parents. For a moment my thoughts were taken away from the man I left eating at home. ” The Lord had given, and now he has taken, we can not question him for he is God. Let us just pray that the soul of our beloved son, Brother and friend may be in the hands of the almighty God” the man who was helping with the prayers spoke up. I watched in silence as the people added some flowers on the grave and later on it was all over. I needed to go back to Lusaka, Monday was to be a working day. So when we got back home I put all my things in the car and waited for the conclusions of the funeral after lunch. I looked around for the mad man with my eyes. My heart skipped when I couldn’t see him anywhere. ” hey aunty. Has that man left?” I asked my aunty. She let a laugh and looked at me.” That man must have affected you so much” ” I know right” I shrugged casually. ” it’s just that I can’t help feel this deep concern about him. It’s like I knew him before he got like that ” I told her her with sincerity. ” he has moved, I think he is in the back” she finally told me and I felt myself relax a bit. ” so anyone knows who that man is?” I asked again this time causing the other woman who was nearby look up at me. ” rumor has it he was okey, like he went to the University and found a good Job here in Kabwe. I don’t really know if the rumor of him sleeping with a widow is true. People say he came from Lusaka.” ” I see” i nodded my head narrowing my eyes. ” what’s his name Aunty? ” I asked the lady ” They he is Ba Benja. But one can never tell for sure. A lot of people just refer to him as Ba bwali because of the Nshima quantity he’s able to consume in a meal” she responded with a chuckle. My mind started imagining what the man was like before, I thought of the possibility of him having a family but I still wondered why they let him wonder around instead of taking him to the hospital or something just to help him. Before saying my farewells, I walked to the back where the man was now seated quietly he was dozing off. I stood before him seeing no one was paying attention, except my cousin who stood with me. I looked at the man from his torn shoes up to his half covered face. The silkness of his black beards driving my desire to feel them in my hands. I analysed the curves of his mouth and eyes. ” he’s so perfect” I whispered not knowing I had said it loudly. ” what?” My cousin asked patting my hand. ” Ba Jen, what did you say?” She accused her eyes already displaying the laugher that was to come from her mouth. ” I said I pity him” i lied clearing my throat. ” what’s your name?” I asked the man not sure if he understood Bemba. I was taken by surptise when he lifted his white eyes at me. His lips curved into a smile and he answered with a laugh that was so low but audible… ” my name is Benjamin” he smiled amid his laugh making my inside turn with joy at the sound of his voice. He spoke what I thought was perfect english. Maybe the theory of the University had some truth to it, I wondered. I wanted to ask him more but the attention of people around now made me realise I was acting up. I felt some wetness in my eyes and I knew standing there any more minute, would make people think I was not so normal. I composed myself and walked to my car. After my cousin requested for some money which I couldn’t hear as to how much she was mentioning or the purpose of the money. I just nodded my head and smiled at her as I started the engine. ” will see what i can do my dear” i added and the car was now moving away slowly. The journey back was not so much as I had planned it to be. Instead of me thinking of what I would do the following day at work or looking forward to watching my favourite TV show, all I kept on thinking was the mad man Benjamin. ” what is wrong with you silly!” I scolded myself after I got home and now was standing in front of the mirrow in my bathroom. ” you are surely not well and this nonsense has to come to an end!” I whsipered loudly. It didn’t make sense to me that I was feeling so affected by a mad person, it’s not like it was the first time i heard or saw a mad person. I didn’t get myself and the feeling was so frustrating I failed to do anything reasonable that evening. I tried to organise my clothes for Monday, sitting in front of the TV but every chance my mind took off and the images of Benjamimn flipped through. ” oh my God what is wrong with me?” I screamed in the couch pillow. I guessed the loniless I was going through contributed so i called a friend from work. We weren’t that close but atleast he kept me company at lunch hours and sometimes weekends. ” hey Kegan!” I said trying to sound excited. ” Hey! Girly! ” he responded as he always did. ” you back? ” he asked before I could say another word. ” yeah. Was wondering if you have anything planned out for this evening, am bored to the core.” ” provided you settle the bills am all yours!” He laughed ” grow up man, you are a man and supposed to spent, you are shameless” I teased and I heard him go on his theories of women spending too on outings and how women always applied gender when things were in their favour. ” alright it’s fine the bill is on me. We meet at Makeni mall?” I inquired as I removed my clothes to take a shower. ” see you!” He cut the line and i threw the phone on the bed pulling my leg from the jeans. Within 30 minutes I was done preparing myslef. Wearing a s pair of faded jeans and a wood on top, I finished up with some canvas, my face plain with only some lip gloss on my lips. satisfied with my tomb boy looks, I walked out to the car speeding off. Upon seeing me park my car in the parking lot, Kegan walked towards me raising his hands and shouting on top of his voice. ” the buyer is here!” He screamed and I smiled at him as I locked the car door. “You are such a child, Kegan grow up you are 28 years old !” I laughed making him make some boy dance as his hands kept in the pockets. ” I can father a child and I have told you time and again, don’t judge a book by its cover ” he laughed wincing at me. ” mnmmm I pity the chicks you lay with” I shook my head as we walked to the mall. ” so how did the funeral go?” He asked as we waited for our pizza at Debonairs. ” good, quiet captivating if I may add” I said with a flirt smile which I didn’t notice until I saw kegan raise his eyes at me. ” tell me more!” He sat up with a silly smile on his lips. ” what!” I giggled. ” you are silly, you want to hear the details of a funeral are you nuts?” I looked at him. ” mmmhmhm no you my friend met a man and i can feel you” he teased mimicking my voice. ” the way that word ‘captivating’ came out, I know there’s a name to it. So drop the act and fill me in on this dude” he shrugged putting the bottle of coke aside as the waiter placed the pizza box on our table. I took my fruitrree and drunk half of it trying to swallow the shame that came with my thoughts. ” how can i be so stupid” I spoke to my mind. ” no there is no man Kegan. Come on, I just went for a day and you expect me to find that interesting man. Besides I told you am off dating for now. You men tend to be jerks most of the times and am not ready to spend another period of my life crying over some jerk.” I remarked and saw Kegan grinn. ” any way I will wait till the day you will spill it out. You can’t lie to me Jen, you know I know almost everything about you” he pointed out and grabbed a piece of pizza taking a bite. ” now this is life ” he smiled chewing on the pizza. I looked at him, ” if only you knew who is gotten me this crazy ” I smiled at the thought and pulled myself a piece shoving it in my mouth as though a big bite would clear all my unrational thoughts. To be continued…
5 May 2019 | 19:50
The mad man is gotten you crazy
6 May 2019 | 07:19
yes I remember this story, continue pls
6 May 2019 | 13:24
is good u refuse to cry for them , continue
6 May 2019 | 16:56
let's go from here bcos its been long we read it,,, start afresh to refresh our memories of it @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com,, how are u? its been a long time
6 May 2019 | 18:15
7 May 2019 | 02:34
i see you have fallen for a mad man
7 May 2019 | 04:00
no wonder you are "mad in love"
7 May 2019 | 04:01
7 May 2019 | 04:02
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 3 I paced around my sitting room, I couldn’t sit down. I just came up with a stupid idea and the very thought of it scared me, I could feel my heart pumping fast. I patted my thighs direct on my skin as I had worn a very short tight indoor black shirt. ” Come on!” I shook my head trying to get the idea out of my mind. It had been a month after l travelled to Kabwe but I never stopped thinking about Benjamin. How ironic, I even stopped referring to him as a mad man in my thoughts. I had created this fantasy of him being a normal man like any other hot guy I had seen before. Only that I felt so much drived by the thoughts of Benjamin. I had called my aunty the previous day and she told me as we chatted that her neighbour and friend passed on. Imagine I felt excited at the news. I knew going to the funeral for a person I didn’t even know in the name of my aunty was absurd. But then l recalled the voice of aunty.” He goes round settling wherever thére’s a funeral” An idea had popped up my head and I was so scared at it that I couldn’t calm down. Knowing what I wanted to do was going to be considered madness and probably other people would think I wanted to start rituals or something out of this world. Before I could talk myself out of it, I walked to the bed room and grabbed my hand bag. I was going to travel to Kabwe and there was no stopping myself. The entire month had been hectic making me lose control of what I was supposed to do at work. ” Well it’s better to act than live with the torment of these thoughts” I comforted myself as I pulled my Allion from the yard. ” Aunty, am on my way but will leave tonight. I just want to bring the money for Carol (my cousin) she has been pestering me but I couldn’t send it over. I have missed you too” I told my aunty on the phone as I pushed my fingers in my kink hair. I was supposed to have it braided but the sudden trip disturbed all my programs. ” You will find us Jen. Am just surprised you are visiting so soon. The way I know you, I was thinking of another 6 months before you showed up here” she went on. ” Well, guess I have heard all the cancel from elders huh ” I teased and pushed my leg to acceralate the car. By the time I was getting to Kabwe it was past 14 hours in the afternoon. I passed through shoprite and picked some groceries for them. Luck them then, I was loaded, I just got my salary the previous day, with the bonus I got , well, I could spare something on family. The welcome was great as usual and after a lot of chatting and catching up I asked my aunty if we could go and visit the funeral house. Definitely my inner intentions were to go and check on Benjamin, but I dared not to mention him. With the way I acted up, trying to talk about him again would cause people to think otherwise of me. So I pretended I didn’t recall anything about the man. We got to funeral house and I almost jumped with joy upon seeing Ba Benjamin seated on a stool in the corner. He was as always, quiet and covered in his load of clothes. I felt myself panick inside when the reason for my travel rushed through my mind. I looked around the place , a few people seated around. All the time as we sat in the funeral house all I could think of was my plan. At exactly 18 hours I said my good byes giving an excuse I had to go back to Lusaka. I drove away and reached town parking my car by Shoprite in Kabwe town. I asked the taxi driver I had booked to take me to the funeral house. ” What’s your name ?” I asked him breaking the silence in the car as he drove me. ” Mwiche” he answered obviously surprised I was asking his name. ” Listen I have something important I need you to do for me then I will pay you handsomely. ” l told him with a calm face. He turned to look at me, ” what do you want me to do?” He asked, evidently intrested in making some extra cash. ” I am not going to the funeral per say, I am going to get my brother who Is not well. Now am ashamed of reaching there cause I don’t even know the person who died. Am asking if you can help me get a man who is not mentally okey from that place for a reward of K200 I made my offer and now the man looked more puzzled. ” What?” He spoke loudly. ” A mad man?” He asked ” Hmmhm!” I murmered nodding my head. ” All I want is for you to go and find a way of getting him out of that place to this car then you will drive us back to town” I went on explaining. ” Well, I don’t know mam. Mad men are not easy to convince. How do I even get him to come with me?” He shrugged. ” K500!” I increased the offer and I saw his face light up. ” Seriously? ” He asked. ” Get me my brother and K500 plus whatever I owe you for booking will be all yours” I shook my shoulders smiling widely. I went through the details of what he was to say and do as we got closer. ” Don’t say anything about me, l can’t have people thinking of me as a sister to a mad man, you know how it is ” I shrugged again. ” Don’t worry sister, I got this” the taxi driver smiled as he got out of the car. I had him park a few meters away from the funeral house. I sat up anxiously as he walked away. After 10 minutes I was almost giving up on him succeeding. ” Oh my God let this work!” I said a little prayer running my hands in my Kink hair which was my habit whenever I was nervous or feeling stupid. Right at the moment I had no idea which of the two caused the habit to come out. I was lost in my struggle when I heard the taxi drivers voice. He was walking ahead, as Benjamin walked slowly behind him. Now I could see his full height. He had a good height I noticed and stayed down as the driver opened the back door for him. He closed it back and walked up front. ” Well, thank you” I looked at him. ” lt was really hard getting him out of there. You have no idea what I had to do” he responded ” Spare me the details,” l smiled at him as he put the keys in the ignition. I looked back at Benjamin and he was so quiet it scared me. ” Hey Benjamin!” I tried to smile at him but he raised his white round eyes at me then back at his finger nails. ” Am taking you to a nice place where you will get help” I told him not sure he even heard me. Upon reaching town. I had the driver help me take him to my car and after paying him off, I turned back at Benjamin who was now murmuring something and by the second he was getting louder. Well thanks to Google I got a seductive before I went to Kabwe. I knew it wouldn’t be easy carrying a mad man in the back of the car. Well, after giving him a dose of an injection I saw him calm down and I slowly helped him lay down in the back seat. Satisfied he looked comfortable I pulled out his chitenge covers and left him with a loose T-shirt inside. Wondering if I didn’t feel the scent from his clothes? Well, lets just say nothing else mattered at the moment but to take him with me. I threw the covers in the trunk and drove out of town. I didn’t know what I was really going to do with him yet, but I had a good feeling in my bones. Call me a mad woman or crazy, I felt I was doing just right.. To be continued…
7 May 2019 | 08:43
7 May 2019 | 14:43
People do say that they have fallen in love while some do say that they are mad in love. Loving a mad man with mental disorder is what people will call the real mad in love.
7 May 2019 | 15:45
Jenny is good and gorgeous girl who knew her feelings more than any other. Discovering benja the mental disorder guy with good intention wasn't a bad idea from jenny. Curing his madness is the most important before we could talk more about her fabulous feelings.
7 May 2019 | 15:52
Suite yourself
7 May 2019 | 18:08
This is crazy
8 May 2019 | 01:24
@fb#Ireoluwaemmanuel am very fine oo
8 May 2019 | 12:28
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 4 Benjamin! Hey!” I patted his hand. We had arrived at my house at half past 21, for some reason I was taking my time driving back home. Benjamin shifted slightly in the seat. ” come on inside” I spoke calmly pulling his hand up. He stared at me his eyes weak. I could bet the effect of the sedutive was still working. Pulling him up, he slowly stood and I pushed the door behind him not letting go of his hand. The first thing I did after leaving him seated in my couch was to cook some Nshima for him. I warned the left over chicken and vegetables from the refrigerator as well. As I placed the food in front of him, his facial expression changed. He smiled and muttered something, he wanted to start eating without washing his hands but l held his it.. ” From now on, you wash your hands before eating” I instructed like l was telling a small child. I watched him in silence as he ate, with him taking his time. I couldn’t help smile at his gentleness in eating. He chewed softly and steadily without making a slight mess of the plates he was eating from. After what seemed like forever, he finished the 6 lamps that had put for him. ” Come on now, you need to wash your hands” I smiled holding his hands in a basin. ” Who are you? ” he whispered his face close to mine as I was bending pouring water from a jar to his hands. I smiled at his soft voice. What marvelled me more was the fact that he spoke to me in English. ” My name is Jennifer!” I exclaimed happily. ” Am your friend Benjamin and I promise to take good care of you. I just feel something is great about you and that you can be more than who you have become” I said sadly rubbing his hands as I washed them. ” I will see how we both can find a way to get you better even if I have no idea what way for now” l added taking time to say the words and he kept his eyes on me like I was crazy. I was almost opening my mouth to say something, when he bursted out laughing. Startling, I sat up and placed the jag aside now staring at him for a while. For a moment I thought he was teasing me or something, but then I realised his condition and I sat back sadly. I felt some tears rush in my eyes and I let them drop freely. ” What was I thinking?” I asked myself sniffing. ” How am I going to live with this man in my house? He’s a total stranger and the worst thing is he is a mad man” I whispered to myself not minding him as he kept chuckling and smiling at nothing in particular. ” Well, Jennifer deal with It!” My inner voice screamed at me. ” I told you this was a crazy idea but here you are now. You wanted a mad man so this is it” the voice went on making me shed tears as l kept my eyes at the smiling Benjamin. ” I want water!” He shouted loudly. ” Yeah, of course” I shrugged wiping the tears and pouring him some water. He shook his head and pointed at the container.” Mmmn I see, a container it is” I let a laugh. He gulped the water rapidly and in an instant half of the water bottle was gone. He placed it down slowly and sat back rubbing his fingers. I turned on the TV in front of us and he kept looking at the screen but it was clear he wasn’t seeing nor understanding a thing. If he was, I couldn’t be certain. I was taken by the movie, coming to America and didn’t realise he had dozed off. I patted his leg gently to ask him to go to bed and I was shocked when he sat up abruptly pushing away my hand. His facial expression changed into that of an angry man. But he said no words. For a moment I shook with fear. I started imaging what would happen if he strangled me to death. I would have no one to blame but myself. I let him lay back down and I slowly switched off the TV and the lamp, after placing a thin blanket on him. I watched him in the dark for a couple of minutes. ” I pray God will help us both. I am not sure who is mad between the two of us. But am not going back. I started this and am gonna see it to the end” I talked to myself and stood straight up walking to my room. I made sure I locked the door, so stupid huh, now I was worried of what he might do to me in the night which I didn’t think of before going on a mad errand to go and kidnap a mad man. The following morning I woke up so early and found him still fast asleep. I took the chance and gave him another sedutive. Stripped him off his clothes and with all the energy in my body, pulled his sleepy form to the bath tab. I sat in the tab and opened some warm water, using the sprinkler tap I washed his head and went down his back and chest. I smiled swallowing hard when my eyes set on his manhood.” All my!” I let a small scream and like to shock me more I saw it raise up and some urine pushed out of him, turning it into a perfect shape. Instead of feeling disgusted, I placed my thighs tight together calming my woman down. Feeling guilty when his weak eyes looked up my silly face. ” Concentrate!” I scolded myself as I went back to scrubbing his body. Still marvelled at his smooth light skin. Now that the dirty was coming out, I could bet his skin was glowing under the water as it flowed down his body. I had no reservations, I had made it a mission to clean him up so I went for the scissors and started cutting his hair, which was always hidden in a sock and covers. After which I shaved his arm pits and private parts. By the time I was done shaving him, he looked different I felt proud of my work. I washed him once again and pulled him up making sure all the hair was washed out. Now he stood straight his naked body like that of a man in a soap advert. He muttered some words as I rubbed lotion on his body. ” I need to get you men’s lotion and washing liquid” I spoke loudly. After pulling my big Tshirt on him and my track bottom which only reached his middle leg I made him sit down in the couch and took a few photos of him like I did before I bathed him. I had to take some photos just in case one day, I would need to show them to him. Not that I was looking for any praise or something. I just needed the evidence I had taken him from somewhere impossible. After I was done saving him his favourite dish, I sat down feeling tired. I looked at the wall clock and it showed a few minutes past 10 am. I left him eating and took a bath myself, settling for a jumper and pamps. I shook my head when l walked out just to find, Benjamin sleeping on the couch his hands still covered in cramps. ” Well, I hope we will one day work on washing hands” I murmered to myself as I washed his hands. The ringing of my phone brought me up and I quickly picked it. ” Hey girly!” Responded Kegan immediately I picked the call. ” Yes man! What’s up?” I sighed placing the dishes in the sink. ” What time are you coming?” He asked ” Coming?” I inquired surprised. ” Yes coming, don’t tell me you have forgotten today is my birthday and am having a party this evening! ” He shouted obviously disappointed I had forgotten. ” I was just kidding silly, how can l forget ” I lied thrusting my finger in my hair. ” Am coming definitely” l added looking down at Benjamin and thinking of how I was going to be doing it. Leaving him alone in the house didn’t seem a good idea and now that I thought of it. It was like I was going to be my own prisoner. My movements would be affected. The thought of taking him to Chainama came, but then what was I going to tell them?. I hardly knew him and the fact that I just kidnapped him worsened the situation. ” Oh my God! ” I sighed sitting down after cutting Kegan’s call. I had to find a solution to that problem. ” Yes!” I exclaimed recalling I had an old friend working at Chainama hospital . I had to give it a short even if we were not in good terms, she was my only hope of helping my Benjamin. I looked at the watch once again, ” if I can go now, then pass through Manda Hill to get Kegan a gift, then I would make it back in time to prepare for the party” I talked to myself and started acting by walking to my room and grabbing my hand bag. I walked to the door and stopped recalling I had to make sure Benjamin was okey when he works up. I gave him another dose of sedutive, which I knew would take almost 3 hours to ware off. I placed the Nshima I left in the pot on the table besides him and walked out ensuring the door was locked. ” What a surprise!” Exclaimed Hellen upon seeing me. ” Yeah I know right? It’s been years my dear, how are You?” I acted up trying to pretend she was a good friend of mine. ” How is the man you grabbed from me?” She asked sarcastically. The main reason we were not in good pages. The girl couldn’t get over the fact that Daniel choose me over her years back. We were friends from high school but after Daniel flirt a bit with her he settled for me and she was mad. ” Well, you were saved the heart ach my friend, Daniel is a jerk I shouldn’t have agreed to his proposal years ago” I shrugged trying to act cool with her sarcasm. She laughed loudly making me loose my patience, but I needed her so I played a fool. ” Anyway, so what made you recall I still exist?” She made a face taking in my attire. I knew Hellen always hated my curves and my ability to blend some clothe colours, which was a challenge for her even after getting herself a rich husband, who showered her with cash. My simplicity, and uniqueness couldn’t match up her expensive but unmatched choices. ” Well, I missed you and I realise it has been long, besides why fight over that Daniel when we both have moved on right?” I giggled looking at her across the shining table between us. Thanks to her Doctor husband, she got herself a position of nurse in charge and she was practically boasting with her domination in that office. ” spit it out Jen, I know you” she smiled mockingly. ” Okey, you caught me.” I smiled sheepishly. ” I need your help and am willing to pay you.” ” Mmnmmm now it happens I am in need of money” she responded making a face of disgust. ” Oh no don’t get me wrong my dear. The thing is am desperate. My friend is not well. They are saying he’s developing a mental problem.” ” So ?” She cut me before I could finish my explanation. ” Bring him to the hospital and some doctors will diagnose him” she went on. ” That’s the problem. I can’t ” I sighed sadly. His family has refused to let him out of the house, so I can’t help him and am here to ask if you can help me with the medication for mental patients to give to him. I can be taking the drugs to him every day and am sure he can be fine” I explained trying to sound as genuine as possible. ” No am sorry, it doesn’t work like that, the doctors need to see him and then administer some medication for him. They all don’t get the same medicine. So please if you want to help that your boyfriend, then lower your ego and bring him to the right place ” she answered with a bit of harshness and I felt my temper raise. ” Please!,”l begged but she shook her head. ” Am sorry Jen and now if you don’t mind am leaving to go and check on the patients” she stood up. ” You b*th! I cursed inside looking at her poorly done extension. I felt like taking my anger out on her but I needed to stay calm. ” Well thank you for nothing!” I answered as we walked out. Without answering she walked away leaving her office door slightly open. I pretended to be walking away and when I looked both directions , I ran back to her office and pushed the door slowly entering. Straight away I went to the small cabinet with some drug packs. My hands trembling as I grabbed a hand full placing the medicines in my hand bag. I got 3 of every type not knowing which one l would need. Satisfied I had enough I ran out and peeped on both sides of the veranda before walking out and composing myself. ” Am sorry God, I had to” I whispered as I walked to the car park to get my car. Passing through Manda Hill, I got Kegan a gift and went on a quick shoping for Benjamin’s clothes and lotion. I got back home 2 hours later, and found him still sleeping making some soft sounds. I sat down and went on googling the names of the drugs I had and their use. I had to get to work on his healing and there was no way I was going to rest till I achieved that. “If it meant going to steal from Hellen, so be it” I shrugged as I waited for the results to load. To be continued…
8 May 2019 | 12:29
What you're doing is risky
8 May 2019 | 14:35
Owk ooo am hearing
8 May 2019 | 15:47
8 May 2019 | 15:47
u are helping him is not a bad thin,I pray he should be well an help u too
8 May 2019 | 19:15
Is like madness have catch u already
9 May 2019 | 08:43
This is risky
9 May 2019 | 14:16
This is indeed love in madness
9 May 2019 | 17:05
But sha i like ur courage huh don't give up it might take alot of time but God will see u though
9 May 2019 | 17:08
na wow! this one u are doing it risk ooo
9 May 2019 | 17:48
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 5 After searching and studying through the drugs, I finally settled for Antidepressants , the Buspar which I learnt was a unique drug and that it was non habit forming. It was used for treating generalised anxiety disorder. I also picked, some antipsychotics for psychotic disorder adding some valium too as I needed him sleeping most of the day as I went for work. Even when it was quite discouraging, when I read that, there was no cure for mental illness, I hopped for the better. If I could get Benjamin stable for a while as I try to figure out the solution to his problem, that would help things a lot. ” Happy birthday buddy!” I hugged Kegan, when I got to the party later that evening. ” What happened?” You are never late for anything ” he asked holding my shoulders. ” I was held up man, but not to worry am here now, right? ” I smiled looking beyond his shoulder to take in the group of guys and girls taking some wine and soft drinks as the loud music played from the stereo. Kegan’s small yard was clouded. I chatted with some work mates who were also invited and after some long hour which surprisingly bore me, I started looking for Kegan to say bye to him. The party was almost over and I decided to go back home. After all, I had a patient to take care of. I looked around the yard and the living room but there was no sign of him. ” Where could he be?” I asked his boyfriend who shook his head. ” I don’t know. I bet he must be inside ” he pointed out and I walked inside again this time going direct to his bedroom. Kegan rented a one bedroomed semi detached flat. ” Oh Jesus!” I shouted seeing Kegan making out with a blonde girl. He smiled at me and raised his left hand as he kept doing his thing. ” Give me 5 minutes!” He shouted in his drunken voice and I shook my head closing back the door. ” Tell Kegan I have headed out. I need to do something ASAP” I whispered to his friend and took off. I had no time to wait for him to finish doing a girl he probably met minutes past at his party. That was Kegan’s weakness, he never let a beautiful girl pass him and that made me get over my hidden admiration towards him. I had initially admired his handsome features the first day we met 2 years back at work. But now, l was content with just us being good friends and since I knew him too well, it never crossed my mind to have anything more with him. Even when he mostly used me to dump his girlfriends making us pose like a couple. I recalled how he foolishly made me kiss him at a mall, after seeing a girl that was so much into him and he was fade up of her. ” What was that?” I pushed him away and he laughed out. ” You will see that girl will never step a foot close to me again!” He shrugged and licked on the corn ice cream we were eating. I reached home some minutes later, just to find the living room dark and quiet. I felt sad I left the lights off, now Benjamin had to stay in the dark for the time I was away. Turning the switch on, I almost screamed out seeing him standing in the corner staring at nothing in particular. It was like he was afraid. ” Oh Benjamin! am so sorry I forgot to turn on the bulb” I told him trying to hold his hand. He shifted his face to me and looked down my hand holding him. ” lt’s so dark!” He shivered his scared eyes looking whiter than normal. ” lt’s okey, am here now” I sighed pulling him to the couch. I realised as days went by, that the drugs were working as he kept calm, he never moved from wherever I left him everytime I went for work. I always made sure I left food which I had come to learn he loved Chicken more than any relish. He would not touch anything else I would save him but Nshima and sometimes oranges. He always looked pleased seeing me back I could almost feel his crazy smiles meant well. A week had passed and I could bet he looked better each day, he was always clean and with the clothes I had gotten for him, he looked good. One wouldn’t tell if they came to find him seated and quiet. I always took photos of him and would watch them whenever at work. I had decided to make my spare bedroom his own and so I always left him locked there with his meals saved. I knew he would get some sleep during the the time l was away and I took him out to sit with me in the sitting room after knocking off. One day, I came back and found him looking out the window. ” Hey Benjamin!” I called out putting my hand bag on his bed, he turned to look at me and I saw his lips curve in a smile. ” How are you feeling?” I asked standing next to him. He shook his head, ” sad” he responded softly his deep sweet voice so calm. ” Oh, that’s bad” I told with genuine concern. ” But why? Are you hungry? ” I asked him. He shook his head but said nothing. I had come to learn that he spoke less. It was mostly one or two words. And sometimes he would murmer some words to himself and smile too. I stood closer to him and placed my head in his chest, ” I know, it must be hard being locked up, but what can I do? I can’t let you outside” I whispered rubbing my hand at his chest on top his stripped Gray t-shirt he had on. Tears fall off my eyes at the thought of how he was probably suffering being in his condition, worst still if he was feeling nothing at all, that would mean he was more like a dead person and it hurt me a lot. I was sobbing silently still leaning on him and he surprisingly, raised my head wiping the tears from my eyes. I cried the more seeing how he was becoming sensitive to my emotions. ” You can feel me?” I smiled between tears. He didn’t respond but his eyes looked deeply into mine and for a moment I felt he was telling me, ‘ all shall be well.’ ” I don’t know what to do Benjamimn, I can’t tell anyone about you, my family and friends would probably crucify me for what l have done. I have practically refused any visits to my home because I can’t risk people seeing you here” I spoke almost to myself as he kept staring at me. ” But I feel in here” l held his hand to my heart. ” What I feel here, gives me hope Benjamin and I know one day I will prove to the world that love is beyond any reason or boundaries” I sniffed in and wiped the tears from my cheek . He smiled again, but this time, it was his usual silly smiles. ” Come here now” I pulled his hand and walked him to the living room. I sat closer to him taking in the K350 Rasai perfume I got for him, I loved his scent. I smiled when he leaned his head on me even when he didn’t do it right. I moved back a bit and made him place his head on my laps. “What would I do without your smart mouth?Drawing me in, and you kicking me out. You’ve got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down What’s going on in that beautiful mind. I’m on your magical mystery ride And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright. My head’s under water. But I’m breathing fine. You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind ‘Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I’ll give my all to you You’re my end and my beginning Even when I lose I’m winning ‘Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you, oh oh!” Came the soft sounds of John Lengend’s ‘All of Me’ song from the home theatre as I rubbed his soft face gently closing my eyes. It felt like home being so close to him. He kept his eyes at the screen of the TV which had no sound as I turned it off so that the only sound in the room was from the song playing. I let the song play on repeat for hours and I slowly dozed off. By the time I woke up, it was close to 20 pm. Surprised Benjamin was still laying on my laps as he played with his fingers. ” You hungry mnmmm ?” I asked him. He nodded his head, ” Nshima” he opened his mouth and I sat up lifting him to sit on his own. ” I know, I dozed off and am sorry supper is late.” I sighed, standing on my bare feet as I had pushed my shoes off. To be continued
9 May 2019 | 18:01
God will help both of you
10 May 2019 | 05:56
oh u try ooo
10 May 2019 | 06:33
when his hope is gone even the hope of family and the villages u came and give him hope
10 May 2019 | 06:35
10 May 2019 | 09:00
Thing will get better but it might take longer all shall be well and u will be proud of ur self of what u have done, althrough what u are doing look crazy but my pray is may ur sufferness not be in vain
10 May 2019 | 14:12
I pray things should work out as u plan
10 May 2019 | 16:48
where is the comment naa
10 May 2019 | 19:10
okay oo
10 May 2019 | 19:11
murmuring something to himself. I sat next to him and he looked at me with lustful eyes I knew what happened the other day got him to think he could get intimate with me whenever. ” No Benjamin not today that was a mistake and we should never do that again, at least until you are healed, Okey?” I looked at his face. I couldn’t take the risk of him coming on me again especially after just confessing my sins, so I added valium to his food. He slept just after eating. ” Am not coming for work Kegan, tell the manager for me tommorow. Something came up and I can’t work. ” I asked Kegan for a favour. ” Whatever it is I hope soon it comes to an end cause you are always busy with whatever it is and am getting fade up of you standing all my efforts to have some time out.” He complained. ” I know my friend and am sorry. But I know one day I will tell you what has been going on. Only that I can’t at this point” ” Sure whatever you say Jen just take care of yourself ” he added before hanging up. As I slept I started having creepy dreams of some people wanting to murder Me and Benjamin. The sight of strange looking people in my dreams scared me. They were chasing us and I stood between them and Benjamin who was shaking scared. They scolded me for trying to stand in their way and I was certain they will chop me to pieces with a machete the woman who came on me had, but thank God I woke up before that happened. I looked at my phone panting and sweating. The dream scared me and I had no other thought but call the priest. I doubted he would answer at that hour, but to my surprise he picked the call almost immediately telling me I was having an attack even before I could explain to him what I had dreamt. ” How did you know Father? ” I asked ” Don’t worry my child. Just bring Benjamin tommorow, the enemy can not succeed. He knows he is lossing. Those are just the kicks of a dying horse” he encouraged and prayed for me. I felt calmer and went back to sleep after checking on Benjamin who was fast asleep. ” Let this be over my God” I whispered silently in my bed. To be continued…
10 May 2019 | 19:14
sorry guys this is a mistake but coolval will see to it
10 May 2019 | 19:16
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 6 ” What! No you cant!” I shouted, am sure if he was seeing my face he would read my displeasure. ” You can’t come here dear brother because am not going to be around this whole week. We have a workshop in Livingstone and I left this morning” I went on explaining to my elder brother who called to let me know he would be visiting me for some days. ” Just lodge at Aunty’s place in Matero brother, am not going to be home” I heard him sigh obviously disappointed. He just called to ask if he can lodge at my place as he would be working from Lusaka. I couldn’t allow it even when I knew he never liked going to spend days at our aunty’s where he mostly grew up from. Him unlike me had one home to live in. After our parents died leaving the three of us with my elder brother and young sister who unfortunately died in a road accident the year I was completing my studies at CBU. I never really had one place to stay. I always moved from one home to another. Thankfully our parents left enough money for our tertially education and so all we needed was a home to live in and our relatives took us in. My sister and me went to stay with our uncle in Kapiri. The more reason I visited my aunty in Kabwe more often. My brother went to stay with the young sister to mom in Matero and he did his studies at The University of Zambia, were he studied Economics. My kid sister was doing her grade 12 the year she died. She was travelling from Kapiri to go visit our aunty in Matero when she met her demise. Not like I am complaining, but our family had not always been that close. It was mostly one man for himself and people never really paid visits to one another except during funerals and other family gatherings. I had hopped I would get someone to stay with after I started working but it was difficult to have anyone stay with me. Most of my cousins and nieces preferred to stay closer to their parents and I finally decided to give up trying to have people live with me. Only my brother paid me visits most of the times, but this time around I was not ready to host him. Knowing how controlling he was I wasn’t ready for him to come over especially that the room he usually slept in was now for my Benjamin. What with the fact that I was living with a mad stranger, there was no way I would allow him to see him and end up taking away the source of my joy over a month. ” Am sorry Brother. I wish I knew you were coming I could have left the keys for you” I sighed making a sad tone. ” lt’s okey sis, take care of yourself. I bet I will just lodge at some hotel then” he concluded before cutting the line. Staying with Benjamin for over 4 weeks was actually getting better. At some point the drugs had finished and now that I knew the names of the drugs I needed not go and steal from Chinama like before. I just went to some pronounced Chemist and bought them even when it cost me half a thousand. My Benjamin surprisingly gained some weight and I couldn’t help admire him. “Sleeping?” I murmered to myself as l stood in his bedroom. He had not moved out of his room that day and I got worried. It was a weekend and he usually came out on his own. I drew the bed cover and slid in the blankets besides him. I felt him shift slightly his warm body touching mine. I saw him open his eyes and glance at me. ” Hey!” I smiled hoping he would answer like he did sometimes. But he was quite. I shifted sharply when I felt something hard rub my thigh. I had wore a skirt and a vest. ” Oh Benjamin! ” I laughed realising he didn’t have any clothes on which I had noticed was his way of sleeping. He turned and looked at me his lips smiling slightly. ” What?” I asked looking at his deep white eyes. ” Don’t tell me you can also be h*rny?” I laughed not taking away my eyes from his. I pushed my hand inside his thighs and I saw him wince slightly making me giggle as I felt him stand harder. I felt the urge to help myself with him but then I realise I couldn’t do that to him especially that he wouldn’t probably know about that later on. Well, my plan didn’t work as he surprised me, I withdrew my hand but now he was the one now rubbing his hand on me. ” Oh Jezz!” I moaned surprised. ” We have to stop Benjamin” I held his hand but it seemed I had provoked him enough. He pushed me back and leaped on top of me. ” Stop!” I shouted trying to push him away, but he didn’t , he pushed my legs apart roughly and quickly pushed himself inside making me scream, it was supposed to hurt cause he was really rough but No, I held on to him not wanting him to stop. Like a mad man he was, he went on thrusting harder and for a moment I was lost in pleasure. ” He screamed loudly and fall on me as he outdid himself leaving me so powerless my inside felt sore but good. ” Oh my God, Benjamin” I sighed my eyes shut as he lay motionless on top of me I could feel his heart racing. With my hands I pushed him down and he fall down fast asleep in an instant. ” Jen, now this is madness to its core” I whispered as I pulled myself out on the bed pulling down my small skirt. I sat in the tab filled with water as I relived the moment. He surely had what I had termed a “perfect tool ” and if only he was normal, that would make him earn points in love making. I felt guilty in the end. Like I was taking advantage of his condition. I recalled when I was talking to some friend who told me when I asked if mad people had feelings. ” Yes they have” she had responded. ” Haven’t you heard of stories where mad people give birth to some babies. Meaning they too get horny and can have sex too. ” ” Well that’s hilarious” I sighed shaking my head. I had not thought Benjaimn would feel like doing it with me. I honestly never had that planned. All I knew was I loved him or maybe was so concerned about him, but it wasn’t my intention to use him for my personal gain. What I had experienced that morning, made me realise there was hope for Benjamin and I had to find a way of helping him. I finalised taking my long bath and changed my clothes, this time wearing a chitenge lest I entice my Benjamin again. I sat in front of the TV and I was almost changing from ZNBC to watch some other channel when something caught my attention. ” There will be 21 days of prayer and deliverance at Chelstone Parish. Come and experience a touch of God’s anointing with father Lumba” came the advert and I felt great. ” This is it! ” I whispered loudly. ” Yes Yes! God forgive me for my sins and please make this happen” I prayed loudly as I took down the line on the screen. Later that day, I called the priest and partly explained my situation to him. He asked me to go and see him the following day after mass at the Parish. ” Thank you so much Father” , I told him before hanging up. The following morning I dressed up in a long skirt and decent blouse and covered my kink hair in black silk material, liking the decent but beautiful look it gave me. After Mass which I enjoyed so much as it was about giving oneself to love others without condition like God loves us. ” So young lady, Tell me everything about this man you told me about yesterday” Father Lumba asked me with a smiling face. I was quiet for a second not knowing where to begin from. ” lt’s alright, you can tell me everything and remember only God will answer your prayers am only here to help guide you through” he smiled I told him everything from the funeral, to the kidnap and everything else in between. For a second I thought the man was thinking I was crazy. ” You are an exceptional woman, I don’t know how to describe you. I can’t seem to understand what really drives you to go this far for a man you hardly know” he sighed seriously. ” You have a big heart and for that I am certain God will see you through” he added ” Amen father” I responded. ” Now tell me, what happens if this man is prayed for and delivered then he remembers who he is and leaves you?” He asked a question I had never thought of before and it scared me. For a moment I thought maybe having him the way he was, paid off but I then thought how selfish I would be if I allowed such thoughts. ” All am concerned about is that he gets delivered and healed Father, if he will leave me then I guess it was meant to be that way” I sighed controlling the tears that threatened to spill. The priest prayed for me and I cried through the prayer. I felt relieved when he was done and he asked for me to bring Benjamin over the following day for prayers assuring me there is nothing impossible with God. He told me most of the mental sicknesses where spiritual and that God can change Benjamin’s story. I got home that afternoon feeling optimistic. After I unlocked the door, I found Benjamin seated murmuring something to himself. I sat next to him and he looked at me with lustful eyes I knew what happened the other day got him to think he could get intimate with me whenever. ” No Benjamin not today that was a mistake and we should never do that again, at least until you are healed, Okey?” I looked at his face. I couldn’t take the risk of him coming on me again especially after just confessing my sins, so I added valium to his food. He slept just after eating. ” Am not coming for work Kegan, tell the manager for me tommorow. Something came up and I can’t work. ” I asked Kegan for a favour. ” Whatever it is I hope soon it comes to an end cause you are always busy with whatever it is and am getting fade up of you standing all my efforts to have some time out.” He complained. ” I know my friend and am sorry. But I know one day I will tell you what has been going on. Only that I can’t at this point” ” Sure whatever you say Jen just take care of yourself ” he added before hanging up. As I slept I started having creepy dreams of some people wanting to murder Me and Benjamin. The sight of strange looking people in my dreams scared me. They were chasing us and I stood between them and Benjamin who was shaking scared. They scolded me for trying to stand in their way and I was certain they will chop me to pieces with a machete the woman who came on me had, but thank God I woke up before that happened. I looked at my phone panting and sweating. The dream scared me and I had no other thought but call the priest. I doubted he would answer at that hour, but to my surprise he picked the call almost immediately telling me I was having an attack even before I could explain to him what I had dreamt. ” How did you know Father? ” I asked ” Don’t worry my child. Just bring Benjamin tommorow, the enemy can not succeed. He knows he is lossing. Those are just the kicks of a dying horse” he encouraged and prayed for me. I felt calmer and went back to sleep after checking on Benjamin who was fast asleep. ” Let this be over my God” I whispered silently in my bed. To be continued…
10 May 2019 | 19:18
So you've started giving it to yourselves
11 May 2019 | 05:19
Wow u are really trying may GOD Help u
11 May 2019 | 07:04
I fell like something wil happen when he get well. Let us watch
11 May 2019 | 07:06
comments please
11 May 2019 | 16:16
u try may God help u more
11 May 2019 | 16:16
or should I stop
11 May 2019 | 16:16
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 7 I was standing my hands raised up high. It had been 7 days of attending prayer sessions with Benjamin, the priest had told me I had to continue taking him every afternoon and as I did, my faith grew. I was feeling myself becoming so spiritual, my prayers became more powerful. I even took the advice of fasting on behalf of Benjamin as he could not do it himself. The first days were tough, but with time I started feeling great. I would woke up in the night to pray as I continuously had bad dreams especially where the same women I didn’t know kept on haunting me and wanting to kill me. One man who was always present whenever the priest was praying for Benjamin, told me he had seen that Benjamin’s situation was caused by a certain woman but he was not sure of her relationship to him. ” Have faith my sister and all shall be well, by the end of this seven days, you shall testify to the goodness of God” he strengthened me. ” I know for sure he will be okey” I had responded feeling my faith. Friday came and I took time bathing Benjamin like I always did. I pulled a pair of brown soft jeans, a white vest and a black short sleeved shirt from the closet and asked him to dress up as I waited. I put some black casual shoes on his feet, satisfied he looked good, I sprayed him some perfume. I was trusting God that the seventh day was a day he was going to deliver Benjamin, so I needed him to woke up and see himself looking normal and good. ” Today you will be okey, I don’t know what will happen next after you regain your consciousness, but whatever will happen I will be able to live with myself knowing I played a great role in ensuring you got better.” I whispered to him. He was awkwardly quiet that day. He didn’t even do his usual murmuring and smiling . As I drove us to Chelstone, I let Ephraim’s song “Kafiwe fi Jericho!” play on repeat as l kept praying inside my heart. Something felt so right my spirit was so happy. Minutes later, Benjamin was placed in the middle, this time we were joined by another man and woman who I was told were prayer warriors from the Charismatic Renewal Movement. The priest asked us all to hold hands surrounding Benjamin, as we started singing praise and worship songs. The shouting and praying started and I joined in crying and praying to my God to hear us. Tongues and calling on the fire of God went on as the prayers got deeper. The priest was leading the prayer lines with all of us agreeing and praying violently I could feel the change in the atmosphere. ” Jennifer! ” the priest called my name. ” Do you believe in the Lord Almight!” ” Yes I believe ” I responded without doubt. ” Do you believe that God the father, the son and Holy spirit has the power to set this man you brought here free?” He asked again and I shouted with faith. ” Yes father, I believe!” Tears ran down my face as I answered. Not that I was feeling any pain but the power surrounding us felt so strong it made my heart ach with extreme joy. ” Come kneel besides Benjamin and lay your hands on him. Tell God what you want him to do to this man and it shall be according to your faith” the Priest told me. Slowly I knelt besides Benjamin, taking a closer look at his face as tears ran down my face. I opened my mouth to pray. ” My God, my father, hear me all my redeemer, I don’t know who this man really is and I don’t even know why you allowed that I took him in with me. I have not done the right things most of the times in my life but I know and am sure of one thing, you God are the only way and the only true salvation that I have. Whatever it is that Benjamin had done to get to this condition, whatever unfairness that might have been done to get him like this, today in the name of Jesus, I pray you set him free. I call out to your holy spirit to release your anointing power upon his body, soul and mind, that he may be set free.! Free him almighty God and let your name be exalted !” I went on shouting and crying as my hands trembled holding Benjamin. I can’t recall anything else that l said in my prayers. But as everyone shouted and prayed, Benjamin let go of my hand pushing me away violently like my hands were burning him. The priest came to my aid spraying some anointing oil on him and he fall down shaking viciously his mouth foaming with black liquids. ” Pray on people! ” the priest shouted ” lt is the the Lord’s time and his will shall prevail in the life of this young man today in Jesus’ name! ” He added continuously praying and casting out the demons as he went on spraying the oil on him . After some minutes Benjamin fall on his face silent. ” ls he okey?” I stepped forward trying to hold him up. ” lt is done my child” the priest smiled at me and I smiled widely raising my hand and praising God. ” Benjamin!” I called him shaking him. He sat up looking confused but normal. That dull look on his face was gone and he looked okey. We all watched him as he stood up straight looking around the room and taking his time staring at each of the people in the room. He moved his eyes towards me as I stood closer to him. ” Benjamin” I called him again trying to see if he could remember me. ” Who are you people? And where am I?” He responded and I jumped up shouting in joy. ” Oh my God you are okey!” I exclaimed hugging him close but I felt his hands push me away. ” Who are you?” He asked again this time he was directing his question on me. ” Am am…. um” I stammered not knowing what to say. ” She’s the woman God has used to bring healing to your life Benjamin” the priest answered coming to my aid. He asked everyone to leave and asked us to sit down as he let me explain what happened to Benjamin. ” What? You mean I was mad? Like a mad man picking food from the rubbish pits and walking around in dirty clothes?” He asked his face in pure shock. ” Something like that, though you mostly stayed in funeral homes in Kabwe” I responded. ” Do you remember who you are? Or anything that happened when you were in that state ?” The priest asked him. ” Yes father, my name is Benjamin Kamanga, am working as the CEO of BK motor and equipment suppliers, my family company in Kabwe. My family is in Lusaka I visit them every weekend. I went there last weekend. ” He explained clearly. ” Family?” I asked my heart panicking. ” Yes, l have a wife with a one year old son in Lusaka” he responded and I felt my knees go weak. Father, held my hand assuredly. ” it’s Okey” he whispered. ” Yeah” I pushed a smile. ” Do you know what year this is?” The priest asked him. ” Yes, this is Sunday 14th of March 2012 he answered confidently. We both looked at each other and the priest shook his head. ” The enemy had put you in bondage for over 2 years Benjamin, today is Saturday 31st of January 2015 ” What?” Benjamin now realising my story was true asked. ” Am sorry son, but this woman here is saying the truth, you were cast with a mental illness for 2 years and if not for her good deeds which were way out of normal, you could have still been mad.” I saw Benjamin bow his head. The priest went on counselling him and for more than 2 hours we were locked in the room. He encouraged me to take heart and let Benjamin decide his next step as everything that happened wasn’t his fault, of course he told me that in confidence after I let Benjamin in my car. We were quiet as I drove us back home, he kept his eyes on the road and I kept on stealing glances at him which he seemed not to notice. ” This is my house, you and I have stayed together here for almost 2 months now” I told him as he looked around the sitting room. This is where you were sleeping I led him to the spare bedroom and he entered looking around taking in every detail like he was trying to remember. He sighed sitting on the bed. ” So why did you bring me here? I mean I don’t understand, like you said I wasn’t myself and that was quite a risk. Why did you do it? You and me never knew each other before? ” he asked his calm voice steady. I cleared my throat not knowing what to tell him. I felt ashamed of myself for the first time. ” Honestly Benjamin I don’t know” I shrugged honestly. ” I saw you at the funeral all quiet looking like this” I said opening my phone and showing him the photos I got of him before I bathed him. He shook his head not believing he was seeing his image in the man in the pics. ” And I felt drawn to you” I told him the truth. I showed him the clothes and covers he used to wear and he sat down again this time shedding tears. ” I have lost 2 years plus of my life I don’t even know where to start from. I really don’t know how I will ever repay you for your kindness and even if I have no idea why you picked me. Am so grateful” he added looking at me, but this time I couldn’t see my crazy Benjamin anymore. He looked like a stranger all over again but my heart still felt the same for him. His stare had has lost that passion I used to see in them, the innocence and gentleness. He looked at me like I was some kind of freak and it hurt so much. After talking with him for a while he stood up asking if he could go to his house which he told me was in Foxdale. I felt my eyes get wet at the thought of him leaving me all alone. ” Of course, I will drive you there” l offered gaining courage and swallowing hard to make the tears go back. ” You have done enough, if you don’t mind, let me go alone” he suggested. ” No, am sorry I might sound possessive, but it is almost 22 hours in the night. If you can’t spend another minute in this house, allow me to take you so that I can make sure you are safe” I told him. Driving him to his home was the most painful drive ever. I had hopped he stayed in with me that night and may be try to get to know me and staff like that, but he insisted he had to go find his family. I hooted twice at the gate and a teenage boy came to open the gate. ” uncle Ben!” He shouted upon seeing Benjamin. He went out hugging the boy I could see they were close. We were ushered inside and a tall and slim woman came to see us standing shocked after seeing Benjamimn. ” Honey! ” He shouted walking towards her and hugging her as she stood without hugging him back. I could bet she didn’t look excited nor pleased to see him, instead I could sense some disappointment in her face. ” Where have you been?” She asked looking at me. ” lt’s a long story honey. Where is our boy? ” He asked . ” Excuse me I must leave now” I stood up not liking the awkwardness I was feeling. ” Am sorry” he sighed turning towards me. ” Honey meet Jennifer She’s the woman who saved my life” he turned his wife towards me. She looked at me from head to toe and I felt a big lamp on my throat. I couldn’t stay anymore so I said my goodbyes and Benjamin told me he would see me later. I don’t remember if I responded, l just drove away my face wet with tears. I closed the door to my house and shut my eyes allowing the tears to flow out freely. ” What was I thinking?” I sniffed. I knew I had to understand the fact that he had to get back to his old life but that didn’t stop it from hurting so much. Sinking in my couch l cried myself to sleep. To be continued…
11 May 2019 | 16:22
I feel your pain It is well
11 May 2019 | 16:50
I suspect his wife on all what has happen to ben because of her reaction when she saw him
11 May 2019 | 23:36
@Abdullah I'm thinking thesame thing the woman get some screat to revail
12 May 2019 | 08:48
Jenifer don't worry i, understand ur pain. GOD will reward u
12 May 2019 | 08:51
God will surely reward you
12 May 2019 | 11:46
My fear is dat hope jenifer will nt become preg.from dat single quikey they have o
12 May 2019 | 12:06
eyaaaa I feel ur pain, God we bless more for helping him
12 May 2019 | 16:08
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 8 Benjamin…. I saw her face drop when I asked to leave. But I had to, I couldn’t get used to the fact that l was insane for over 2 years. Seeing myself in long shaggy hair and beards was so unbelievable. After Jen explained everything, l was astonished at how a stranger would pick me up in the state I was before. She was a good looking woman for sure and from the neat house she told me was hers, I could tell she was a working class. Her motives for allowing herself go to the extreme of making sure I was Okey, wasn’t making sense. I knew she had a huge heart for sure. Her eyes looked passionate whenever she looked at me which I noticed all the time as she told me what happened, kept glancing at me. ” What happened to me?” I asked my wife Clara as we lay down in our bed the night after I went home. I had told her all about the prayers and how I was delivered the day Jennifer took me home. For some reason I couldn’t help feel she wasn’t happy to see me. She seemed tense and I thought maybe my condition had affected her too. She told me our son was with my mother, after trying to ask her why, she shrugged telling me we would talk about it late. ” I don’t know, why are you asking me Ben?” She responded unconcerned. ” Okey, honey honestly you are acting off, Jennifer is a total stranger to me but she was so excited seeing me okey. But I can’t help think you are not pleased with my presence” I sat up looking at her as she played some games on her smartphone. I noticed she looked different, something about her had changed and I wanted to find out why. ” You were God knows where for over 2 years Ben, you expect me to jump in excitement just because you showed up your face with a beautiful woman, giving the nonsense story of Whatever!” She said with ‘whatever’ stretched out. ” I am your husband and I expert you to feel happy seeing me back. I have not gotten to see the other family members yet and I know a lot of people will be happy to see me well” I told her but she didn’t dare turn her face to look at me. It was like I was still dirty and mad in her eyes. ” Tell me honey, did you know I was sick, I mean, that mental illness?” I asked this time grabbing the phone and throwing it on the pillow. ” Yes I knew, so what?” She answered with sarcasm in he voice. “Mmmmh Okey, so it had to take a stranger to rescue me from death, and my wife was busy doing…. games or the devil knows what” I yelled feeling emotional. ” Please Ben you just came in yesterday, I was getting used to live in peace and now am not ready to welcome some drama. So please stop yelling at me. ” She responded with a cold face. ” Wait now its all coming back” I sighed remembering some days back before everything became dark. Flash back…. ” Hey honey, am just from looking at the accounts records Mulenga sent from Lusaka. What is going on there? A lot of money is missing” I asked Clara on the phone as I sat in my office. ” What are insinuating Ben? Am your wife and the accountant in this your company. Why on earth are you accusing me of wasting money!” She screamed. ” You are wrong Clara, I just want to ask because Mulenga raised a genuine complaint of us failing to settle debts there. The business is going down just in the few months I have been away” I tried to reason with her but she went on shouting and accusing me of calling her a thief. My marriage to Clara was all rosy when we first got married. She was so sweet and I knew I found the woman of my dreams. But something about her changed drastically after she gave birth to our son Junior Benjamin.. She became moody and some people from the company told me some rumours of her having some affair but I was not the type to believe everything people said. My late father had taught me to always try solve problems of my home without violence and never to act on people’s rumours about my partner, as that would destroy us. That issue passed and a month later, Mulenga who was the assistant accountant called me again this time he told me the company was going into liquidation. I travelled all the way to Lusaka to talk to my wife about the money problems our company was facing. She had refused to shift to Kabwe saying it was a ghost town and so boring. Which made me travel back and forth on all weekends to see her and my son. She however just responded in a way that made me start thinking twice about what people were saying of her building a house and making some other business with her lover. That week we had a huge fight and I went back to Kabwe very upset. I stayed for a week without talking to her then I received a disturbing call, one Friday afternoon. ” Sir, your wife is right now lodging at some lodge here with a man. If you want to know the truth. Come over and see for yourself” the anonymous caller told me and cut the line before I could say a thing. I wad still looking at the caller number when my phone rung again. ” She’s at Cresta View Hotel” he spoke and again cut the line. I was so disturbed that afternoon and I left all my work and drove to Lusaka. My instincts told me to first go home and confirm in case the person was bluffing, but I found her nephew, the boy I had suggested we keep after her sister died, sitting home with Ben who was by then a year and 9 months old. ” Where is your aunty?” I asked the boy and he shook his head.” She left early in the morning before the maid came and she has not yet come back. The maid just received a call to spend a night with us. She is in the kitchen ” the boy told me . I couldn’t keep my peace. I rushed out and drove at a high speed to Cresta View. The cool wind blew in my face as I sat in my car waiting to see any signs of her as I didn’t find her car parked outside. I was almost giving up when I saw her Jeep drive in and they came out with a dark huge guy I couldn’t recognise. My blood boiled at the sight of them walking and laughing their hands locked together. I walked towards them and called her out, as they got into a room. I stepped in the door way before the man could close the door. ” What is the meaning of this Clara?” I asked ” Ben! What are you doing here?” She answered her eyes wide open. ” So people have been saying the truth about you all this while?” I shook my head and didn’t stay to hear her response as I walked back to my car outside. I was so mad I broke a few items in our bedroom. To make things worse, she came back after 2 hours and just stood watching me like I was a fool. ” l want you out of my house! I yelled angrily. You are ungrateful you slut and..” ” Hey !” She raised her hands up to Shut me. ” Don’t insult me Ben. If you so wish do all you want like I care” she shrugged and I pulled her close slapping her face. ” You are a coward and apparently not man enough for me!” She spat crying as she held her face. “You are right people told you and you are too naive to notice. Just like you forced yourself on me even when I told you I was in love with another man. Henry is the man for me and he has always been.” She shouted her voice infuriating me the more. ” I loved you and you promised to make us work. He dumped you for crying out loud and you are apparently cheap enough to go back to him. He’s using you to get my money you fool. I can’t stand you! ” I spat ” Am going back to Kabwe cause I can’t stand your sight of disgrace. You are a snake and I can assure you, the money you have been spending on that clown is all you will get from this marriage, it’s over! Leave my house and take my child to my mother because I can’t risk driving a small child this late. ” I screamed and left the house angrily. From that point, everything was blank. I couldn’t remember anything else until I woke up in a room with a priest and the woman I came to know as Jennifer my saviour. ……….. ” Oh my God!” I held my head looking at Clara. ” That’s it, how could I forget” l sighed looking at her now active glance. ” You witch! Don’t tell me this madness was your doing, cause l swear to God I will make you pay. The priest talked about some woman involved. Now it is making sense why you are acting up. ” I scoffed She stood up standing up to me, ” And who will believe you Ben? There is no proof to what you are saying. People just know you were involved in rituals to boost your business and something went wrong” she smiled wickedly. ” You devil!” I shouted trying to hit her but she held my hand. ” Don’t you dare! I am warning you. Am not that stupid woman you married years back. You don’t want to mess with me, or you will wish you remained in your madness!” She snapped and walked out on me leaving me shocked and lost of words. ” Clara?” I asked myself sitting on the side stool defeated. Her face had something strange to it. I however refused to give up. I wanted to know what happened to the rest of my family especially my son, mother and sisters and the companies too. I had no phone, no money and nothing I could use to get to anyone that night nor call anyone. I felt trapped in my own home and I walked to the living room which was down stairs. As I emmgered to have a view of the living room I saw Clara walking outside with her car keys in her hands. ” What happened here when l was away?” I asked the boy, her nephew. He looked at me and shook his head. ” aunty has been coming with different men. First it was that man she called Henry but he suddenly stopped coming and she started bringing different men. She told me everyone you went mad because of rituals and she took Ben to grandmother’s ” the boy explained. ” Oh my God what happened to that woman, how and when did she turn into this demon?” I asked myself laying my back in the couch and noticing our wedding photo which used to hang straight where I sat wasn’t there. Things had changed, it was so clear. I didn’t know how to start picking the pieces of my life back together. I looked for the company documents in the bedroom but there was nothing, according to the boy, Clara was now running my company in Lusaka though the boy wasn’t sure what happened to the Kabwe branch. I shed tears as I walked around my house which felt so strange. Everything had changed, my gym room was empty and filled with some boxes of old clothes, All my gym equipment gone. ” Oh my God help me” I whispered sitting outside on the veranda feeling my head cracking. Only a day after coming back from the dead, now I was shuttered to pieces. To be continued…
12 May 2019 | 19:28
This is serious, how can a woman be so selfish,stupid and ungrateful
13 May 2019 | 00:53
You better go to Jenny for help
13 May 2019 | 05:05
But when i, i said that u are not man what will u do or say ?
13 May 2019 | 06:43
First u cannot handle ur house and company is it love that is doing or the charm that ur wife is using on they work
13 May 2019 | 06:54
y am I having dis feelings dat his wife made him mad
13 May 2019 | 07:51
hmmm so she was the one who made u mad abi
13 May 2019 | 09:48
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 9 Days had passed without hearing from Benjamin. I kept walking to his room hoping to see him seated in the bed. The scent of his perfume from the bedings and clothes made me miss him more. I couldn’t couldn’t get myself to forget him and I felt hurt he didn’t show up for days. I had wished for him to atleast come back. The urge to go and see him was strong but every time remembered the look on his wife’s face I felt terrified. There was something dark about her and her gaze scared me. I had decided to see the priest and told him how I was feeling. He smiled holding my hand. ” You are not crazy, you love him genuinely and it’s just normal that you miss him after staying with him for all the period. But I wouldn’t want you hurt. I know how you feel but it’s best you let go because he cannot leave his wife. Remember marriage is blessed and ordained by God and no man should come between such a sacred union” he explained ” I know father, but I can’t stop wishing he was mine. I loved him in his madness and I still love him now, it hurts to see him walk away after everything” I complained and he held my hand comforting me. ” Take heart my child, God has a way and purpose for everything. Just continue putting Benjamimn in your prayers. I still feel in my spirit his life is in danger. Stand in the gap for him. Remember when you help someone once, they become your responsibility” he told me.I trusted his words and even though it was hard to ignore my feelings, I tried to keep away. ” Hey!” Kegan calls out as he pushed the door open. He had called earlier to tell me he was coming and this time I agreed which made him sound surprised. ” Hey!” I sighed hugging him. ” What’s going on Jen? You have been crying ?” He asked sitting me down. I couldn’t control myself now that he asked. He hugged me and let me cry on him. ” Tell me what happened my girl, am your friend and I don’t like seeing you sad. I went on explaining the details to him and he stood looking at me like I was crazy. ” Are you nuts!, you telling me you have been hosting a mad man in this house all these weeks?” He scolded me ” I know it’s crazy and no one would probably understand me. But I fall in love with him and now that I had to go through all that to make sure he’s okey, it turns out he’s a married man” I said sadly. Kegan went on telling me how I was so crazy. ” No wonder you were behaving off the past days. Here I was thinking you are upset with me for seeing me with the girl at the party. Little did I know something huge was taking place in your house here.” He shook his head. I told him everything and how l was feeling. ” You can’t blame him. He’s a man and now he’s back with his wife. You used yourself for nothing he spat ” Stop it now Kegan I won’t take this from you any longer. I told you I fall in love and call me mad I dont care. Now that I have thought about it, I have to go and see him” I told him standing up. ” Oh no you won’t, let that man if he’s a grateful man come over here and talk to you himself” he pushed me back. ” No I can’t. Something is up with him and I can’t sit here crying myself when he is in some kind of trouble. He needs me” l added ” Listen to your self Jen, he needs you? He’s a married man for God’s sake he no longer needs you now that he’s fine” Kegan insisted. We argued for almost an hour and I convinced him I needed to see Benjamin. ” Be careful Jen. This won’t end well ” he warned and left as I told him to. I went in my bed room and changed into a pencil skirt and sleeves top covering it with a small Jacket. I wore some heels and headed out making sure my hair was looking good in its kink state. As I drove closer to Benjamin’s address I kept hearing Kegan’ s voice.” He’s a married man and doesn’t need you!” ” No, I feel it in me, he needs me” I sighed increasing the speed. ” ls Benjamin home?” I asked the same boy who opened the gate last time I took Benjamin. He was still answering my question when I saw him emerging from the stairs. ” Jennifer!” He called out looking glad that he was seeing me. More like he had been waiting for me to go see him. ” Benjamimn! How are you?” I walked to him ” Am glad you came. I have been wanting to see you since the last time you dropped me here.” He spoke as he pulled my hand outside the house. I looked at his face, something was totally not right. ” Let’s get out of here please!” He begged holding my two hands together. ” Okey” I sighed opening the door to the car. I sat down in the driver’s seat and my eyes went back at the house. His wife stood by the window high up looking down on us. Her facial expression still displaying the same kind of weirdness. ” Let’s leave now” Benjamin whispered looking at me as I glanced at his wife. ” Yeah sure” l started the car engine and drove on. ” Where do you want to go?” I asked realising he was silent. ” To your house if you don’t mind” he responded almost in a whisper. I kept my eyes on the road, this time I could feel his eyes on me. He kept looking at me and when I tuned to face him he smiled. ” Thank you” he said ” For what? Taking you out of your house which I realised you were so eager to leave?” I asked still looking at him when the road ahead cleared and straightened up after a curve. ” For everything!” He smiled again. ” You are welcome Benjamin. I felt you needed me, so after the past days of you not showing up to let me know you were alright I was prompted to come over. I hope there’s no problem at all” I told him as a matter of fact. He sighed and this time he looked sad. ” Let’s get home and talk over this there” he responded and I smiled at the way he was calling my house, ‘home’. ” Give me some water please” he spoke when we entered the house. He made himself comfortable on the couch. ” Sure” I walked to the kitchen and brought him some water. ” So, how was I like?” He swallowed hard still holding a glass cup in his hands after drinking some of the water. ” I mean when I was ….” ” I know” I cut him short. ” Well, you were never violent, unless provoked out of your sleep you became a bit agitated . You were mostly quiet and spoke less, Ate lots of Nshima and oranges too. I had to bath you everyday, you loved water but didn’t just know how to get a bath rightly” I chuckled looking at his face. He let a small laugh, ” I must have been lots of work huh?” ” Not really I enjoyed your company and I had so much hope of your recovery. Like l said last time I was getting you some drugs so that helped too especially when I was out for work before taking you to a priest.” I told him and l saw him hold his hands to his face crying softly. I knew for a man to cry like that something big was going on. ” Oh no don’t please” I moved closer to him patting his back. ” I have the reasons to believe my wife was behind my illness Jennifer. How can she be so evil, she took away my companies. My house has been a playing ground for her and her numerous lovers. I tried to find my mother but all her lines are off. I can’t get to Mean Wood where I last left her at our family house because I have no money, my wife won’t leave even a coin in the house. My whole life is shuttered to pieces and I don’t know how I will survive this… I….. l….. l.” he cried burping as his chest lifted up and down. He leaned his head on me and I held him closer to my chest letting him cry his pain out. ” lt’s okey, God wouldn’t let you die in that condition because he has a whole life planned for you. Take heart and be strong all shall be well” I whispered rubbing his back ” I am not surprised about your wife, the priest mentioned something and I have had a bad a feeling about her since I first met her. But not to worry God is in control” I wiped my own tears as he kept crying on me. ” Can I stay here today?” He asked sitting up. ” I can’t can’t go back to that house. I can’t get myself to sleep at night and she’s always throwing insults at me. She wishes I was gone and forgotten, am afraid she might do something to me” he begged his tearly eyes set on mine. ” Of course, you can stay here as long as you want and today we must go and find your family and baby together ” l added assuring him as I held on to his soft long hands. ” You are heaven sent Jen, can I call you Jen?” He asked with a slight smile. ” Definitely, my friends call me Jen” l smiled. ” Let me just cook something we eat then we can go and see your family” I told him and he nodded his head. ” Nshima with Chicken?” I asked standing up and looking down at him, he wore a pair of black shorts displaying his hairy legs and a dark blue T-shirt, some moccasins on his feet I guessed they were his old clothes. ” I love chicken” he smiled ” I know!” I smiled back and walked to the kitchen. After serving us, I watched him eating and I smiled at the way he was taking time to mold the lamp of Nshima in his palm. Guessing it was his usual way of eating slow. ” I love the way you eat” I smiled biting a piece of chicken. I saw his chest life up and down as he smiled. ” Yeah, my mother always said I eat like a woman” he smiled. I couldn’t help but look forward to know the true Benjamin and as we ate, I couldn’t stop thinking about him even when he was there with me. Getting to his family house as he directed me, we found the place, but unfortunately with different owners. ” Where could they be?” He asked sadly sitting back in the car seat. ” What did the woman say?” I asked him. ” She doesn’t know, she said my mother sold the house last year and all she knows is that she moved to Chainda. I can’t believe my mother would sell the house. Now I have no idea where to start looking for them in chainda” he complained. ” Am sure she sold it because she had no option Benjamin, don’t worry we will find them one day. You have to be patient” I encouraged him. He was quiet all the way back home and I let him be. He was suffering inside and I was feeling myself drawn in his sadiness. ” Can I lay down and sleep for a while, I feel tired” he asked when we got home. ” Of course you can. The room there is still yours” I answered and walked him there. ” Am sorry, I got use to putting you to bed, so…” I shrugged when I realised he sat down looking at me as l stood in the door way. ” lt’s okey,” he smiled. ” lt’s evident you know me a whole lot. I mean you bathed me so what’s there to hide” he chuckled and I felt shy. ” l will leave you to sleep now” I turned to walk away. ” Jen!” He stopped me. ” mmmmhm” I murmered in response. ” Mind if you stay with me here. I have been scared of sleeping for days, just maybe I can rest well if you were close by” ” Oh, sure” I walked to him and lay besides him. ” Thank you again” he smiled looking at my face.” And you are so beautiful you know that?” He added. ” Thank you” was all I could say and I saw him close his eyes slowly falling asleep. I watched him as he slept breathing slowly, he looked peaceful. ” God take away his pain” I whispered a prayer and decided to sleep too. To be continued…
13 May 2019 | 18:31
Chai u are rearly going through pain
14 May 2019 | 03:33
14 May 2019 | 03:35
hmmmmmm,,, its so sad wen men in love are going tru difficult time bcos dey are in love,,, hardly u wil see any man been in true love
14 May 2019 | 04:48
God will see you through
14 May 2019 | 05:21
FINALLY! i am back on track
14 May 2019 | 15:38
cant believe your own wife did this to you
14 May 2019 | 15:39
but its all for the best
14 May 2019 | 15:42
Benjamin,how does it feel like to be sane again?
14 May 2019 | 15:45
lets see what happens next
14 May 2019 | 15:45
hmmm God we see u through Benji
14 May 2019 | 16:48
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 10 Clara……. I couldn’t understand why he kept on insisting on marrying me. I had initially told him I was not interested in marrying him but he insisted. Benjamin was just a man I agreed to date because I was hurting, I just had a big fight with the man I loved months before we met. We met at his friend’s come together party were l follwed Mercy my friend who was invited and he approached me. ” Hey I like you can I have your numher please” he had asked. ” Am sorry but am in no mood to exchange numbers” I told him sincerely. ” Well, it’s not like am asking you out or anything I just want us to be friends” he insisted I liked his looks, I actually thought he was handsome. Giving him my number, I didn’t even expect him to call me. But to my surprise he called me that evening. He sounded calm and composed I liked his maturity. Days later, he kept in touch and I didn’t pay attention to him. ” Do you know who that guy is?” My friend Mercy asked me one day when I told him about Ben. ” Okey I really don’t care who the guy is. Am not intrested in him. Am still in love with my Henry” I answered her. We were talking from the salon shop where we both worked as hair dressers. Getting the hair dryer and blowing the customers hair. I shrugged unconcerned.” Who is He?” ” He’s the son to the owner of BK motor and equipment suppliers! Dummy” she shouted on top of the noise from the dryer. ” Don’t tell he is….” I turned off the dryer now paying attention. ” Yes silly!” She shouted laughing. ” he’s so heir of the famous BK companies, those people are loaded dear and if you ask me that’s your ticket to a good life” she added. ” I could use some cash!” I shouted going back to blowing my customer. From that day, I decided to cut some cash by accepting Ben’s proposal. Definitely for his money and fame and not anything else. I was still waiting on my Henry who had started dating another girl, but I still had hope he would come for me one day and realise how much I loved him. I was surprised when Ben proposed to Marry me at his birthday party. He stood in front of everyone that was present then and asked for the music to be turned down. ” I have a special announcement” he started as everyone looked at him some people holding glasses of wine, others chewing on some snacks that were served. ” I want to take this opportunity and ask the woman that my heart has chosen, she’s the reason for my smiles the past 3 months and I think I have found what I have been looking for. ” he paused and everyone shouted for him to continue with excitement. I on the other hand didn’t like where it was going. I had never even for a moment dreamed of marrying Ben. Of course I couldn’t tell him I wanted him for his money. I played a nice and sweet girlfriend he wanted me to be. Trying to find faults in him so that I could have the reason to damp him failed. As he was always faithful and a gentle man, too gentle for my liking though. ” Clara Mwanza! Will you marry me?” He asked and I looked up realising I had wild off and didn’t hear the rest of what he said. ” What?” I popped my eyes open, not that I was surprised, but somehow like saying “are you Mad!” ” Make me a happy man by accepting to be my wife” he knelt before me and people shouted ” Say yes! Say yes!” I was caught in the web of indecision, I honestly wanted to say no but with the cheering and the look of happiness on Ben’s face I couldn’t get the courage to. ” yes I will marry you” I responded as everyone cheered. Ben pushed a beautiful gold engagement ring on my fingers and kissed me passionately. ” I love you” he whispered holding me closer. If it were my Henry I would have been crying with tears of joy. But no, what I felt made me mad at myself for accepting a man I didn’t have passion for to Marry me. ” I love you too” I faked a smile and l saw him beam with excitement. Everyone was happy with me accepting to Marry Ben, especially my family who said I had made a right choice and that Ben was a good man. ” maybe he will help you continue with your CIMA courses as well since I have no money to see your through” my father had encouraged me. I had done two levels of CIMA and I couldn’t get a job, I needed money to go further in my studies but my father’s illness which led to him losing his job made it impossible, causing me to find a stupid job at a salon getting K800 salary per month. My wedding day was the worst, I kept on thinking about Henry and what he would do if he found out I married someone else. ” Ate you crying honey?” Ben asked at the night of the wedding. I had stood in front of the mirrow looking at myself. I felt I was in a wrong place. ” No Honey, they are tears of joy, I can’t believe am married to you, you are such a good and generous man” I smiled at him. ” You my love, is going to have a happy life with me cause am gonna make it my mission to make you happy” he kissed my lips. Making love to him that night was like sleeping with an enemy. He was so excited about everything and I was beginning to get irritated he couldn’t notice how miserable I had become. Given his kind of man, he payed for my courses and in 3 years I was done. The unfortunate happened when I got pregnant. It was a total accident. I had forgotten to take my family planning pill that night. Well, to cut the long story short. Ben with the joy of me giving him a child. Made me the accountant of his father’s company in Lusaka after his father died. I was not to let the opportunity to make myself some money and get liberty from the prison of marriage l was in. So I took lots of money and started building some estates for myself. My dream came true when Henry and I made up. We started making plans together and he advised me to get more money so that we could build ourselves our own business. He promised when we had established something worth while we would start our lives together. Things were easy especially that Ben moved to work at the Kabwe company making it easier for me. Him discovering I was stealing and later of my relationship with Henry, made things unpleasant for me. ” We are not yet where we want to be babe” Henry told me the same night Ben caught us together. He had insisted we finished our business before I could get back home. ” But babe, now that he knows with the rumours around, I know he would want to divorce me. Not that I don’t want that but we still need his money” I told him as I lay on his broad chest. ” What do we do? We can’t afford having me thrown out at this point” I asked Henry.. He sighed and sat up smiling. “I think I know what we will do. Kill him!” He said without hesitation. ” What, oh no Henry we are not killers and..oh no please something else but murder. I don’t want any blood on my hands babe” I shook my head standing from the bed. He came and hugged me from behind rubbing his nude body on mine. ” We have no choice, at least we know whatever he has will be yours and that your b****** son when he’s no more. Saving us all the trouble ” he whispered close to my ears. “I said no” I shouted walking away from him. ” Okey! Fine. Tell me what we are going to do then?” He shrugged angrily. We were both quiet for some time and then I tuned towards him.” Yes that’s it!” I shouted smiling and going to sit on him. ” What?” Henry asked looking unpleased. ” We should make him go mad” I suggested my face beaming at the idea. ” Mad?” He chuckled looking at me as his hand went round holding my back. ” Yes babe, think of it, he’s going to be all crazy taking away all his sense of reason and anything else sensible. But still alive, saving us the stains of blood on our hands” I told him cheerfully ” You are a genius babe” Henry kissed me passionately. Well, our plan worked, after a fight with Ben, who stormed out mad at me for telling the truth to his face. Early the following morning Henry and I went to see a man we preferred to call as herbalist, he gave me some charm and I chanted some words cursing Ben to his madness. It was wonderful how fast it worked. As we left the man’s place I received a call from some manager at the company in Kabwe that Ben was acting weired. ” He’s probably tired don’t worry he will be fine soon” I responded smiling as I looked at Henry besides me in the car. ” No don’t” I quickly responded when he asked if they could bring him back home. 2 weeks later his mother came with some drama of how I had caused her son to go mad. ” Well, rumor had it that your son was apparently doing some rituals for his business, so we both know that mostly doesn’t end well” I shrugged taking a bite at the Apple I was eating before she bugged into my living room. ” Am sure one day the tables will turn and just then we will see who the devil really is” she shouted. ” Leave my house and carry your grandson with you, who knows maybe that your son has already initiated him too” I responded pointing at Junior. She looked at me from head to toe and cursed me quoting some scriptures which I didn’t even pay attention to. My life was okey with me taking full control of the companies. I was legally the owner of the business given Benjamin’s condition. unfortunately Henry crossed me again by cheating on me with another woman months later, which I didn’t take lightly. I hired some gang to kill him. Even though it left me lonely I felt better about the betrayal, after everything I had done for him, he deserved it. I was free taking on whichever man interested me, what with the money I had to myself, there was no having a dull moment to even think of either the mad Ben or the dead Henry. I was caught by surprise seeing him walk back to the house with a flashy looking woman. I couldn’t act happy cause I wasn’t feeling it. In fact I thought for a moment Ben came to fish me out and I hated the fact that his madness was gone. I realised he had somehow forgotten what happened and tried to fake a good wife the day he arrived. I couldn’t take it any more especially when he told me the story of how that crazy woman picked him up from some funeral and took him for some prayers. ” Well now that he recalled what happened a day after, I just had to stand my ground and let him know who was in charge. The days with him around were so frustrating I felt like pouring a pot of hot water on him. I threw insults at him and even came with one of my lovers home but the idiot was too broke to leave. He had no idea were his mother and son were and I couldn’t give him the pleasure of what l did to make them loose the famous family mansion. It was all in my name now and I put someone to rent it. ” Oh here we go again” I sighed seeing the so-called saviour coming home again. I almost burst out laughing at her. I mean, who picks mad men anyway, she was surely nuts I pitted her. She looked young and so full of life, she was beautiful too I thought she could have done better. ” as long as you don’t cross me lady, then we are good. You can have that mad man for all I care” I spoke to myself as I watched them get in the car. ” Good lucky crazies! ” I spat and walked back to the dressing mirrow loving the way the black silky dress was perfectly fitting my body. I had a meeting with some share holders that afternoon and it just excited me to learn that loaded drug dealers were willing to use my company trucks to smuggle drugs and cash across borders at good cash payments. ” lt’s a good day…!!!!” I screamed on top of my voice as I walked down the stairs. Feeling like a queen I was. To be continued…
14 May 2019 | 17:19
Clara u won't get away with this i promise u personally
14 May 2019 | 18:16
Gold digger
15 May 2019 | 04:12
They enjoy it is all the matter of time. And u will face ur judgment
15 May 2019 | 05:25
u wont last long with this evil
15 May 2019 | 08:16
Kudos to you.. A fan of coolval from ??
15 May 2019 | 13:53
it ur time enjoy it while it last
15 May 2019 | 19:37
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 12 Jennifer……. Seeing him leave whilst I was getting so aquinted with his closeness made me want to pull him back. I knew I shouldn’t feel so much close to him as I had to avoid the temptation of making love to him. The priest was clear that we had to stay away from each other as much as possible. ” lt’s just that you have no place to go for now” he told us looking at Benjamin. ” But remember you are a married man and you two cannot have an intimate relationship outside marriage” he went on making us both bow our heads. ” But Father you know my wife has declared me dead and by law she and me are not married anymore” I heard Benjamin defend himself and I almost laughed at how he was beginning to show feelings for me. ” Of course, but remember you got married in church and the church doesn’t allow you to engage with another woman as long as she’s still alive” The argument continued at home when he refused to be still attached to Clara. ” She’s not my wife now and God has to come through for me in that. Am going to get back my life and God forbid that woman continues being my wife” he said loudly like we were fighting. ” Calm down dear, let God lead the way and all I want is for you to know that am your good friend and will always be here for you ” I smiled. His facial expression still displayed disagreement but I didn’t want to prolong the talk so I changed the subject. After talking to him about papers so that he can get some work somewhere, that afternoon, his surprise act of kissing me after saying he loved me caught me off guard. I should agreed however, that he tasted so good I wanted more forgeting I was about to fall into sin yet again. ” How do I control myself when he’s so damn hot and sweet'” I murmered to myself watching him drive away. I wished all went well for him at his house. The fear of his wife seeing him made me so weak I kept pacing around. Over the months, I had told my brother I was staying with Ben but l didn’t give him the actual details yet. He had promised to come over later on. What amazed me the most was the time my aunty from Kabwe passed through my home one weekend. She had come to buy some things which she usually sold in Kabwe. I was so scared she would recognise Benjamin. When I told Ben he asked if he could hide so that she couldn’t get to see him ” No Ben, you are my guest here and she won’t tell me who to host in my house. And don’t worry yourself though, she’s a good woman you will like her.” I convinced him. ” Aunty! You are welcome” I greeted her when she walked in. Ben was seated in the couch and he stood to greet her. I kept my eyes at her and was pleased when she smiled at me widely. ” He’s so handsome” she whispered when she followed me to the kitchen. ” He’s not my boyfriend aunty” I blushed with a smile. ” Don’t lie to me Jen, I saw the way that man was looking at you and the way you kept looking at him. Besides what is he doing here if you are not together?” She challenged me and I almost burst out laughing at the thought of how she referred to Benjamin as a mad man who was crazy due to some issues time back. But I pushed back the laughter and smiled. lt’s complicated aunty you won’t understand” I told her and she shrugged giving up. ” Mmmmmhmh anyway, one day we will hear it” she laughed as she handed me the serving plate for me to put in some rice soup I had prepared for her. ” See , I told you she wouldn’t recognise you” I patted Benjamin’s hand. ” Oh you have no idea how l was almost hiding inside this couch he laughed. I discovered living with Benjamin was so exciting I always looked forward to coming back home from work to be with him. I was brought back to the present almost 2 hours later. I was just coming from taking a bath when I heard the car driving in. Knowing it was Benjamin who was back I decided to quickly dress up so that I could hear how he moved. ” Jen!” I heard him shouting as he got inside. ” Am here! Give me a moment!” I shouted back but he rushed and held the the door open before l could tell him I was dressing up. ” Oh my God!” He shouted seeing me standing naked my hands now trying to hide both my down parts and exposed breasts. ” Am sorry I was about to tell you I was dressing up” I stammered grabbing the bathing towel and covering myself quickly. ” Am am hmmmm, will wait outside ‘ he raised his finger and pointed out. ” Sure” I nodded. I took my time dressing up avoiding going to see him. I couldn’t believe he was making me feel so nervous all of a sudden. It was different when he was still sick. I wasn’t so shy of him, now that he was okey, he kept on giving me goose bumps. I pulled out a pair of loose jeans and a t-shirt before walking out to the living room. ” So how did it go?” I asked avoiding his eyes. ” Jen!” He called my name instead ” look at me” he ordered and I smiled pretending I was okey. I raised my eyes and looked at him. ” Why are you avoiding my eyes?” He asked calmly and drawing closer. I felt sharp tickles rush through me even before his skin could touch mine. ” Ben please I….l….” ” Am getting you” he raised my head upwards. ” Tell me am just your friend and you don’t want me this close to you” he whispered. Okey now I was loosing my mind. The unfortunate part of sin is that the more you allow it, the harder it gets to avoid falling. Now that I had allowed him that close, I felt my strength run out, he was making it impossible to even breath. ” I got the papers and found this too” he spoke now moving away like to purnish me again. Showing me the certificates and the money but I wasn’t interested anymore, all l could feel was my mind’s confusion, what with his smile. Without warning I grabbed them and placed them on the table getting on his laps. ” What are you….” he tried to speak but I placed my lips on him and felt him relax as he smiled holding my back closer. ” What took you long?” He breathed heavily between kisses and spread my legs on either side of his thighs and leaned back to allow me access to his face as he smiled invitingly. ” You are a temptation that am failing to fight” I whispered as I leaned on him and kissed him harder , feeling his man raise I felt my knees go weak. Slowly he pushed his hands under my t-shirt And I flinched as sharp tickles rushed in my blood. I don’t remember how he did it but I found myself completely nude and he took charge getting me back on top of him. For a moment I thought I was going to loose my senses as he kept carresing my sensitive parts and not breaking from the kisses. I held on to his head and neck wanting him to award me by getting inside for my veins felt like they would burst out with so much pleasure. Slowly and gently he pushed himself inside me and I let a scream, making him smile as he pulled me closer with moves so steady and hard I couldn’t believe he was even human. How possible was it that a mare human being would make me so mad and lost in my thoughts I wanted to live in that moment for ever. ” I want more and more of you. You are my sanity” he whispered in my ears as he increased the verocity of his movements turning me down and taking the top position as he placed me flat on the couch. Just when I thought I won’t survive the pleasure he was giving me as he moaned softly, I felt myself burst out and my whole body went weak as he too fall forward on me landing his lips on mine. ” Are you even possible” was all I managed to speak after almost 5 minutes of silence. I allowed him lay on me as we breathed slowly our ribs rubbing each other. He let a small laugh and shook his head.” I was almost asking you the same question. ” He responded and we both fall back laughing. ” Honestly that was beyond this world!” He let a scream making me smile. ” Now what was that about the papers?” I asked him and he sat up holding them up to me and explaining how he managed to get them after he remembered his secret vault from the basement. ” So what now?” I asked trying to ignore his hand that kept rubbing my thigh as we sat without getting back into our clothes. ” I don’t know yet. But I have to figure out a way to start over. This money can get me something started. But for now it’s difficult to think with a woman so beautiful seated nude next to me.” He giggled looking at me. ” You are crazy!” I smiled and he nodded his head. ” You have a short memory do you? You are the one that picked a mad man” he teased pulling me closer to him. ” I won’t survive another episode Ben” I winced as he rubbed his lips on mine. ” Well, since we have money now, people can buy us both coffins if we die in each other’s arms” he shrugged displaying his silly smile. To be continued…
16 May 2019 | 02:42
16 May 2019 | 05:04
Humm next pls
16 May 2019 | 05:26
Hmmm ok nw
16 May 2019 | 06:21
16 May 2019 | 07:51
Nice one
16 May 2019 | 17:25
Love this particular episode... Next please
16 May 2019 | 17:51
am i missing anything?
16 May 2019 | 17:54
16 May 2019 | 17:55
okay ooh just be careful
16 May 2019 | 17:56
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 13 Benjamin……. 5 weeks later. I was rushing to her house, leaving the garage earlier after I received a call from Jen. She sounded so much in pain I couldn’t keep my heart steady as the taxi driver drove me. I had decided to start my own garrage. Working on vehicles was one of the things I loved doing most and I had thought through it. Trying to find a job with the languishing economy of our country, it was almost impossible to secure a good Job. Setting up a mechanic shop in town was the best idea as I realised I started having a number of customers so much that I had to hire another guy to help me. I had managed to rekindle my relationships with my old friend after a lot of encouragements from Jen. I was a bit reluctantly not knowing how my friends would react seeing me the way I was. Well, like they say, some friends will stay by you no matter what. Like Jacob, he was my best friend from secondary school and we did the same course at the university too. He was so happy to see me well and he even narrated how he tried to find me when he heard rumours of my illness but he never found me in Kabwe. I bet the fact that l used to settle in funeral homes made it hard to for me to be found. Jacob helped me get a building for rent in town and I paid in arrears for a period of 6 months. Buying all the equipment and machinery needed for my work. The 50 000 did me some justice as l got everything up and running within 2 weeks. Our dear priest came to anoint the garage before opening and he blessed me to find God’s favour and lead customers to the business. I knew the prayers were answered as I started having more customers than I had anticipated. The only burden was trying to find my mother and son. I had not yet started working on getting the company from Clara. I felt I needed more time to plan and have an effective defense prepared before I could launch it. One day I walked back from the garrage still in my overalls, I was surprised to come home to see Jen’s car parked outside. I looked at the time, it was a few minutes passed 16 I wondered what brought her home early. She usually knocked off past 17. “My love you home already?” I asked immediately I entered the house and I stopped in my steps seeing her friend Kegan seated on the couch holding her as she sobbed. ” What is wrong love? I asked rushing to her. She raised her head looking at me. ” Tell me please, what has gotten you like this?” I asked pulling her away from Kegan to myself as Kegan glared at me like I was the cause of whatever she was going through. ” lf you are man enough, you should have known how to put an end to the drama you have with your wife man. She’s so heartless she keeps on hurting Jen” he snapped I could see he was pissed. ” Kegan please drop it” Jen responded sniffing her nose. ” What is going on Jen, I don’t understand? ” I asked ignoring Kegan’s comment. ” What is wrong is that witch of your wife who has been coming to the bank embarrassing Jennifer.” Kegan spoke again and I sat up confused. ” Okey guys come on, spare me the heart ache and tell me what the hell you are talking about” I responded my heart racing. I had not involved Jeniffer in any of the plans to confront Clara and I had never even for a day thought the two ever met after the encounter at my house. ” Kegan leave us alone and thank you for driving me back” Jen told Kegan. I watched as Kegan walked outside and I returned my eyes to look at Jennifer. ” Am sorry I never wanted to tell you. The thing is Clara has been coming to my work place, today was the third time” she wiped her tears. ” What? What For?” I asked surprised . ” I don’t know how she knows about the garrage and I don’t really know what’s with her. She says I will continue moving in shame for going out with a mad man. Maybe she’s jealous or whatever her reasons are am not sure. All I know is that her consistency in coming to my work place and staging some act is really getting to me. Imagine today she stood in the centre and announced my full names saying I was wanted by the police for kidnapping a mad man who wasn’t my family. She announced to everyone I was so desperate and couldn’t find myself a man and I ended up kidnapping a mad one. ” ” No she didn’t. I know Clara was glad I left her house and the madness was her doing. Why is she doing that?” I frowned trying to make sense of the situation. ” I told you Ben, that woman somehow knows you are picking up your pieces and for people like her, it’s a threat for her enemies to do anything with their lives. She wanted you crazy and without anything, now that she knows you are picking up and am with you, she’s probably hurt and wants to make us both pay ” she cried and I stood up trying to calm myself. ” She’s so evil, I can’t believe this at all.” I scoffed. ” That’s not the worst part Ben. I was put on a forced leave by my manager so that l can sort my things out. According to her the behaviour of Clara is diminishing my name and in turn the Bank image. so here I am” she looked at me tears in her face. I was lost of words, all l did was get closer to her and embrace her. She needed me so much and I was the reason she was going through that. I closed my eyes and wished for her to feel better. ” We will find a way to give that witch what she deserves?” I whispered rubbing her back. ” I will not sit here and let that woman destroy your life like she did mine Jennifer. You are the reason I smile and have courage to face the world after that humiliating illness that witch cast on me. Now enough is enough. I promise I won’t let her hurt you” I told her standing up to go and confront Clara. ” Ben, no you can’t go to her now. Just let her be. It’s just a leave and I will be back for work soon. I don’t want any more trouble with that woman” she pulled me back. ” No Jen, let me go and put her in….” I couldn’t finish my sentence and she kissed my lips making me stop pulling away instantly. ” I said let go. The battle like the priest told us is not carnal but spiritual. We need to pray and wait for God to intervene” she spoke calmly pulling me back to the couch. ” So how was work, you smell oil” she let a smile easing up the moment. I looked at her and shook my head. How did she even do what she did, always staying calm when things were not okay? I thought to myself and let her slid herself on my laps closing her eyes as she played with my palms. I noticed one part of my body that amazed her was my fingers. For some reason she always found a way to caress them and I loved that too. ” lt was great I had a number of customers in the morning and got tired so I left Emma working there. There’s only one car with a minor fault I know he will be done soon enough so I decided to come home and surprise you by preparing you a meal before you come back from work. But I bet Clara made sure that was ruined too” I explained playing with her weave. ” Don’t worry yourself. We will get through this” she turned her face up at me. ” You are heaven sent and I love you, did I tell you that?” I smiled and she kissed my hand. ” A million times.” She smiled. ” Well it doesn’t just feel enough and l will keep on telling you until the day you will damp me” I teased, making her sit up and making an angry face. ” ls that your plan huh, to push me to leave you?” She winced and I pulled her back holding her close. ” You know I won’t survive that. I thought I loved Clara but now I understand it was more like an obsession with her. I just wanted to marry a perfect woman with beauty but now I know that beauty and perfection does not give love but the true beauty of a heart gives one a flow of joy and happiness that can’t be traded for neither money nor anything else for that matter. What l feel for you my love, is beyond what I can express and to know that you are always standing for me and you love me so much just gives me so much happiness I fear to wake up and find it is all a dream. I know we shouldn’t be making love as per Christian values but how can I deny myself the satisfaction that comes with being with you. It’s like every day that comes I fall in love with something about you and your body.” I let it out as I set my eyes on her so that she could see how sincere my words were. I couldn’t understand where the poetry was coming from but I just wanted her to have a glimpse of what my heart was feeling. I had never looked at another woman since I got with her. I saw a lot of women but none was comparable to Jen. She was just unique and there was this goodness that she brought out in me which amazed me. The beeping of my phone which I was holding in my hands forced me out of my thoughts and I sat up looking at the road ahead as the taxi driver took a turn joining the road that went to Jennifer’s house. Looking back and sliding my phone open, I saw a text from Jacob…” check out Mwebantu Media” it read. ” Okey” l quickly replied and put the phone back making a mental note to see whatever he was referring to earlier. I paid the taxi driver and stepped out of the car almost running to the door. The sound of her voice made me lose my patience. ” My love!” I called out, upon opening the door. She was standing by the window her phone in her hands. ” Hey!” I kissed her neck holding her from the back but she didn’t turn to look at me. Instead she handed me her phone. ” What now?” I asked absent minded. ” Your wife went to the social media, I don’t know how but she has my photos and yours when you were sick published as she gave her fake story. ” She said almost in a whisper I could feel her hurt. I scrolled and saw the photos with me in the covers and with long beards and all the details of how I used to be during the madness. Next to them was a picture of Jennifer. I felt my feet go numb as I read the story. Where Clara was reporting that Jennifer was trying to use juju to win over her husband and things went wrong driving him into madness. Now that he is gone mad and AWOL, her conscience is haunting her and she decided to kidnap him and keep him locked in her house. She gave the details of where Jennifer was working and mentioned her residential area. ” Oh my God!” I screamed sitting down. “She can’t possibly be doing this now!” I shouted my voice shaking with anger. The first comments I saw of people insulting Jennifer calling he names for snatching a husband and making him go mad with her juju. ” she’s a demon from the pit of hell”, ” she’s a witch and God will make her pay for the life of that poor man and what his family is going through” I couldn’t get to read any more. I stood up and held my Jennifer comforting her as her eyes leaked making her face wet. I had no words to tell her. All she had done was look out for me and her only crime was to rescue my life from the hell that Clara out me in. ” Why is she doing this? It’s not like she loves you or something like that” Jen cried on my chest. ” This is it my love. I’m not going to let that woman destroy us like this. She has had enough of her share of bad acts and it’s high time someone reminded her of where she belongs” I spoke trying to sound calm but I felt the anger boiling inside of me and there was no amount of evil charms that I was scared of at the moment. I helped Jennifer calm down making sure she fall asleep and I tucked her in the bed, given the weather was quite chilly that day. I grabbed the car keys and rushed out my feet almost lifting me up. I couldn’t wait to vent my anger on someone and that someone had a name ‘Clara’ attached to her. To be continued…
17 May 2019 | 02:13
This clara self what her problem have she not done enough damage
17 May 2019 | 03:09
What kind of woman is this?
17 May 2019 | 04:26
Be expecting the wrath of God
17 May 2019 | 05:21
this Clara is something else, she just want to tarnish their image
17 May 2019 | 05:43
dis Clara is d definition of mad woman,,, u don't want a man and u don't want anoda woman to have him
17 May 2019 | 13:10
make sure that u disembow her
17 May 2019 | 18:06
that woman is a modern day witch
17 May 2019 | 18:07
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 14 Clara…… ” He cannot be getting all happy with that mad woman. His portion was to suffer as long as he still lives. I would have waited to marry the man I loved if not for him.” I spat angrIly as I gulped the wine in my glass. I was talking to no one in particular as I had become a loner. Most of my friends never really wanted to hang out with me they seemed to be concentrating on their so-called marriages and I always laughed at the idea of them thinking I envied them. I was an independent woman. I made my own money and didn’t depened on a man to give me some left over money fo my makeup, manicure and other relevant staff a woman needed. Even though Henry turned out to be a womanizer which led to his death. I was still blaming Ben for everything. I just wanted to see him broken and finished. I had no idea how he did it, but when I heard my friend tell me she saw a new garage in town and the owner was Ben, it got me to start a plot to destroy them. ” That Jennifer has it coming for crossing my path!” I screamed pouring some more wine in the glass, it was beginning to make my head a bit fussy. ” Hey, do you have some free time this afternoon I have something for you. I called my right hand man, Chonga. ” No mam am on my way right now” he responded ” Good !” I cut the line and walked down stairs to the living room. My stupid nephew was sitting watching some movies like he always did. I hated seeing him around if not for the small errands I sent him out to do, I could have flushed him out of my house already. Unfortunately my father was late and my mother always talked too much I didn’t want to have an episode with her if I took back her favourite daughter’s son. I didn’t care l was close to my late sister. I just hated people who thought they were good and better than me. And the boy sometimes had guts. Imagine one day he told me to my face how I was being unfair to his uncle Ben. I couldn’t let him finish his insult by reminding me who took me to school and gave me whatever I needed. I slapped him hard he would never do that again. Now that cost his going to the University. His acceptance had come a few weeks after his stupid talk and I let him stay at home. I told him I wasn’t going to pay for his school anymore. ” Since you think you have matured enough by talking nonsense to me, you will surely find your own school fees” I giggled and watched him walk away his face cast down. ” That should teach you to respect me stupid boy” I scoffed and went on with my business. ” Mam am here” l heard Chonga call from the door as I waited for him in the living room. ” Oh come on Chonga” I raised my hand at him and he walked to sit on the couch across were I sat. ” I called you here for something very important. I want you to get me some photos from a woman’s phone” I told him straight up. ” What?” He asked surprised. ” ls that going to be a problem?” I asked him and I saw him still looking confused. ” Okey here is the thing, my ex husband’s lover took some photos of him when he was still mad you know what I mean,” I shrugged knowing Chonga was the person I always used for my dirty works and he knew most of my deeds. ” I see, so you want the pictures from her phone?” He asked in his hoarse voice. ” Correct, and that’s not all, I want you to get all the information you can about her. I will direct you to a garage and workshop were Ben is working you can start by following him and know where this girl is. Then am sure you won’t find it a problem to get the rest about her right?” I asked him and he nodded his head. ” Don’t worry mam consider it done!” He responded proudly. ” Good, I will wire you a deposit now and later when the deal is done, the remaining amount” l added and stood up as he walked to the door. I smiled at the thought of how Ben and Jennifer would be like when the social media blew their photos and the perfect story I had for them. ” You could have remained a crazy man, it was easier my dear ex husband. Now you will have to face me out here in the world of the normal” I let a laugh as I walked back to my room. ” Dalitso bring my food now!” I shouted to my nephew and heard him respond instantly. Just how I liked him, alert and responsive. I replayed the scenes I made at the Bank some days later as I lay in my bed. Chonga had told me where Jennifer was working and I took my special time to pay her a visit. I wanted someone to hear the story somehow so that when I finally got it to the social media, I would have witnesses to support my story. ” Well, that went on well” I sighed pulling up the pillow and sat in my bed now trying to contact Mwebantu Media, Knowing the way they loved such stories, it would go viral in an instant. I could bet the humiliation they would both have to go through when people saw that, the feel of it pleasing me. ” Okey thank you I will be ready for you” I responded to the journalist who I had called to come give the story. The following morning she was at our meeting place and I gave her the photos and the story. She promised me before lunch time the whole world would have read my story. ” Good ” I told her. ” I want that woman to pay for what she made me and my family go through after making my husband mad” I faked a sad face and she smiled. ” Don’t worry it will be done.” She said. At 1 o’clock I checked the media page and was glad the story was there with 1000 comments within 30 minutes I felt like celebrating. I decided to go home and grace myself with some cold wine and probably call on one of my toy of a man to come give me a round of sex. I took a long cold bath as I waited for my toy man to come and after 40 minutes of waiting I heard the gate open and I smiled to myself. ” Am here!” I called him when I heard John call my name from my bedroom. He opened the bathroom door and stopped in the door way licking his tongue with lust. ” Are you going to stand there and watch me or you will act like a real man and make me proud ” I flushed him a seductive smile and he went on tearing the clothes from his body I swallowed hard at his buldged muscles. ” mnmmmhmh, aren’t you a hottie!” I pulled him into the tab and he came on me his piece perfectly ready for me I felt myself get more wet. He was doing his thing giving me the reason why I liked calling him for sex when I heard the door to my bedroom bang open like someone just rushed in. I was still thinking of shouting out to whoever had gotten in my private room like that when I heard his voice cursing loudly as he called my name. ” Ben?” I asked surprised. ” Who is he?” My toy man asked still working on getting himself calm under the water were our bodies were still connected. I could tell he was at the worst time of being disturbed and he was reluctant to stop.. Before we knew it, the bathroom banged open and the furious Ben stood there looking down at me with a disgusting look. ” How dare you, bang in my house like that!” I screamed at him. ” Your home my foot! You witch!” He shouted back. ” This is my house I worked so hard for it in case you have forgotten. Now come out of there or I swear I will pull you both out!” He snapped angrily. ” You won’t dare!” I spat back pulling my toy man closer. ” Okey. Suit yourself he shouted and threw my dryer which was hanging on the side into the tab and he went to connect it to the socket. ” Out!” I screamed before Ben could switch it on rushing out the tab water dripping from our bodies. ” Are you mad!” I shouted at him as we stood naked in front of him. ” You are so disgusting!” He spat out and I could swear in my entire life I had never seen him that furious. ” What the hell is wrong with you Clara? What did I ever do to you for you to do such unspeakable things to me! ” he shouted this time pulling me out of the bathroom. I looked around for the coward of a man I was having sex with but he had suddenly disappeared on me. ” Let go of me Ben or you will regret this!” I yelled at him but he pushed me towards the wall with so much force I hurt my hand. ” Don’t even think of scarring me with your witchcraft cause right now am ready to cut your head off in an instant. You think you can just destroy people’s lives like you create them?” He asked panting in anger. ” Those photos and lies you published in the social media? What’s your plan huh? You want people to hate and think ill of an innocent woman who has done literally nothing to you. She’s a good person and she can not in a million ways be compared to you!” He hit the wall making me startle. I knew l had to gain my courage or he would intimidate me. What with the charm and the protection I had on my body in form of tattoos, no man could intimidate me as he was starting to. I laughed loudly moving away from the wall. ” Good woman indeed. Now listen to me you crazy, I will do with you whatever l please. Yes,” I paused holding his hand which I saw coming to hit my face. ” I cannot be intimidated. I made you go mad at some point and am ready to even kill that b**** if she comes in my way. I don’t care wether she’s an Angel sent from heaven or hell, if she messes with what is under my domain she will pay with her life!. If I say you suffer then it shall be as I want” I shouted now looking at Ben straight at his eyes. I saw him flinch a bit and I smiled the effect of my charms were working. I hated myself for allowing him to get that far insulting me. All I needed to do is look into his eyes and say whatever I wanted and it was done. ” Now,” I sighed rubbing my hand on his chest as I connected my eyes to his. ” You have disturbed me with the enjoyment I was having with my man. That will make you pay dearly. Remove your clothes and get ready to give me the sexual satisfaction I need” l smiled lustifuly pulling him towards the bed as he followed me like a Child. I undressed him and started playing with his man until it stood ready for me. ” Ben, make love to me like you did when we first got married” I smiled kissing his lips as he continued staring at me. ” I know you are good in bed, that’s the only thing I enjoyed from that filthy marriage to you anyway” I laughed and pulled him down making myself comfortable on top of him. ” You are not doing it like before Ben, something wrong? ” I whispered in his ears as I pushed myself on him. I saw him cover his ears like I was screaming in them. He continued struggling and started fighting to loose from me. ” Let me go you witch! ” he screamed and sat up. I knew something was wrong with him. ” I swear on my life, you will regret hurting the woman I love Clara and never lay your filthy fingers on my body again!” He shouted as he pulled up his trousers. I was just staring at him shocked. It was the first time a man was rejecting me and it hurt. The very fact he mentioned he loved her hurt even more. I watched him as he ran downstairs and out the door. ” We will see who will laugh last” I shook my head and went to dress myself. I was so pissed I needed to let my anger by hurting someone so much and I knew who exactly was going to feel the pain I was going through, his stupid mother. To be continued…
18 May 2019 | 02:21
Clara u just said it ur self we would see who will laugh last
18 May 2019 | 03:26
Good will always prevail over evil
18 May 2019 | 08:58
Mhen! this woman is evil
18 May 2019 | 11:24
She is really sick...her case is not far from the psychatric hospital
18 May 2019 | 11:30
18 May 2019 | 14:56
hmmm next
18 May 2019 | 18:06
what is wrong with this woman sef,why is she behaving like she love u b4 ? God we surely visit her one day
18 May 2019 | 18:07
Clara God we surely punish u, idiot
18 May 2019 | 18:08
hmmmmmm,,,, who will curb dis Clara's madness
18 May 2019 | 18:17
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 15 Jennifer…… I woke up with a slight headach. I just had a very bad dream and I hated having such during the day. Something told me to woke up and pray. So I knelt down besides my bed and started praying as the spirit led me. I heard myself praying for Ben. I prayed for his protection and that God rescue him from the snare of evil. By the time I was done I felt relieved and my heart at peace. Even though a few minutes later, thoughts of the humiliation I was going through because of Clara rushed back to my mind. My family had been calling to ask what was going on others shouting at how l was humiliating myself. I had switched off my phone after I kept on receiving calls of people mocking me and asking what was going on. Well, the damage was already done and I couldn’t manage to tell the whole world what was published on the social media was a lie. I had to let the rumours die on their own. I knew the hard part would be going back for work the following week. I was sure my boss being the internet kind of person she was, already saw the news and I had no idea what awaited me. I prayed for God to help me though that difficult moment. I had not realised that there was no sign of Ben in the house as I kept thinking. Deciding to check his room in case he was sleeping, I found it empty. ” Where could he be?” I whispered to myself and then it clicked. ” Oh no. He went to confront his wife! ” I panicked turning on my phone to find out where he was. The phone rung and cut for the third time and I started worrying. ” Oh God save his life from that woman” I prayed loudly walking around the house. I was still pacing around and it was almost getting dark outside when I heard car outside. I rushed out to meet him and his facial expression as he locked the car door, expalined how bad he was feeling. ” Ben, what happened to you?” I asked steeping forward to receive him. He held me in an embrace and cried. ” Oh God what did she do now?” I panicked squeezing him harder. ” She almost made me sleep with her she kept staring at me and I could feel my inside warn me to stay away from her but my outside obeyed her orders…. I swear I tried to fight her away but I failed. I don’t know how but I felt someone waking me up as she sat on me and that’s when I quickly left” he spoke his voice shaking. A combination of fear and pain written all over his face. ” I know how much you are hurt but trust God to guide us through. I had a bad dream and I felt the urge to pray, thats how I started praying for you.” I told him as I sat him down. We talked at length and in the end called the priest who asked us to go and see him the following day. I noticed he was still down that evening as as we watched some movie. He talked less and would nod or murmer answers whenever I asked him. ” Do you want to sleep you seem tired” I ask him and he looked at me like he didn’t understand me. ” Ben are you okey?” I shook him and he startled looking at me. ” Sorry love, did you say something?” He responded ” Go to bed Ben, you seem tired” I rubbed his back. ” Am scared of sleeping alone. I can’t stop the images of Clara from my mind and it’s really disturbing” he said almost in a whisper. ” Okey fine. I will move in your bedroom tonight if that will ease your fear. But remember what the priest said about being prayerful and not to be afraid. We are going to be okey” I comforted him and we both stood to go to his bedroom. I needed to change from my clothes into a night gown so I left him laying down and went to my room. I just had my pyjamas on when I heard a loud crushing noise from my back. I jumped in fear and turned to look at what it was just to find Clara standing behind me covered in dark clothes her face looking exactly like I had seen her before in my night mares. I screamed aloud calling for Ben. ” Clara is in my room I shivered holding on to Ben who came rushing and held me close. “Where is she?” He asked looking back inside my room. ” She was standing there!” I pointed my shaky fingers but there was no one. Ben looked at me and back at the empty space. ” Are you sure you are not imagining things?” He asked concerned. I thought my mind was playing games with me so I tried to fight back the fear. That night we slept cuddled with Ben in his room after saying some prayers and I woke up early to go relieve myself from the bathroom. I stood there frozen looking at the image of Clara staring at me, I wiped my eyes to make sure I wasn’t imagining things but when she spoke audibly, I knew it wasnt my imaginations but she was somehow there with me. ” I wanted Ben to suffer and probably die in his madness, but you just had to play a good girl and change my plans. You will pay for this Jen!” She shouted extending her covered hands towards me. For a moment I felt powerless and defeated. I was almost loosing myself but my inner spirit spoke loudly. ” No weapon formed against you shall proposer. You are annoited by the blood of Jesus Christ, he is your redemer and rescuer”. I can’t remember where the strength came from but I started shouting back the words I was hearing inside myself, binding the power of evil forces as the priest had told us before. I saw her struggle to stand as she panted and panicked uncomfortably. She screamed one more time and disappeared just before Ben came rushing to the bathroom to fetch me. “Love are you okey?” He asked looking around as I kept panting and muttering some words. ” Am fine now” I sighed. ” she was standing right here I saw her clearly” Ben looked around and he shook his head. ” This is too much, we need to make sure that woman is not a threat to us anymore. I just thought of something, we need to go to the priest and today I want to ask him to come with us so that he can help pray for my house.” ” What? You mean go back to Clara again?” I asked him. ” Yes love, waiting for this to go on and on will lead us into more trouble and Clara will start thinking she is winning.” He spoke calmly. He was right, the danger with letting things sort themselves out will lead to more damage. The priest was not reluctant to do as Ben asked him. We all took off with the other members of the Chrastmatic Renewal movement to go and pray at his house. He had told the priest the house was still in his name as he had seen it the papers inside the secret vault. The more reason why she didn’t find it easy to change ownership of the house since she had no papers. The time we arrived at the house Clara was not there. Without waiting, the prayers started and we moved from one room to another. The environment in Clara’s room felt so intense I felt goose bumps growing on my skin. But like the priest had encouraged us before. I had to fight the fear and have more trust in God. A small thing with a combination of deep green and black fall off the floor we all didn’t see where it came from. The priest sprinkled his anointing oil on it and as we kept on praying with Ben holding my hand, he told us that was the charm she was using for all her evil doings. ” lt is done children of God. This house is free and I will burn this outside,” he mentioned showing us the charm as he lifted it with a piece of cloth. After everything was done, the rooms prayed for and annointed with oil and the outside yard too, the charm was burnt. We now sat down in his living room waiting for Clara to show up. But she didnt. One of the people we went with said, ” I know she will not come. This is the end of her in this house and she can’t return here for the Lord God has anointed this place.” We looked at each other with Ben as his phone rung. ” Answer it” I whispered to him and he grabbed the phone sliding it open to answer. ” Hello!” He answered looking at me and I saw his face change. ” Clara ” he announced and put the phone on loud speaker. ” What have you done to my house Ben!” We all heard her shout loudly ” God is almight and he has helped me take back what belongs to me Clara this is over for you.” She was silent for a couple of seconds and then her loud voice came. ” Oh you are mistaken if you think destroying that charm will save you. Remember I have your mother and know where your son and sisters are. ” she said I could hear her laugh softly like she was mocking him ” Where is my family you evil woman!” He shouted and I looked around seeing the men we went with praying as well as the priest. ” I only have one request, I can’t come to that house any more, give me my things and I will tell you” she responded ” I know you are with that Jennifer there, tell her you people have not won anything yet. As long as am still alive, you both will never know peace. So give me my things today or forget about your family!” She shouted before cutting the line. ” Oh God,” I sighed holding my face. ” What now Father?” I asked the priest. ” The battle is already won, do not fear. Just make sure you continue praying and God will lead you to your family Benjamin he told us his eyes set on the now quiet Ben. Even with the challenge of finding his family, we still felt comforted. Ben talked to Clara’s nephew asking him to look after the house as he wanted to go back after all things were back to normal. He warned the boy not to give Clara anything if at all she would go and ask him. ” She cannot enter this house, so just make sure you don’t go out to see her or anything” he cautioned him and called the maid through the boys number not to go for work for some days. The following evening Clara called, this time she put Benjamin’s mother on the line. He seemed tense as the line cut. ” My mother said she’s being held captive by Clara and that she has threatened to kill her if she doesn’t get her things this night. She wants everything that belongs to her from the house and has directed me to some address. ” He explained throwing himself down in the bed next to where I sat. ” Fine let’s go and give her what she wants Ben. She’s crazy we can’t possibly think She’s bluffing. Finding your mother is the key to discovering where your son and sisters are.” I tried to convince him and so we agreed to get going. Clara’s cargo was too much to fit into my car. We had all her clothes, shoes and everything belonging to her packed in the large bags. We decided to book a small van to transport the luggage to the point she told Ben but that was before I called the police on her. We just finished unloading the bags in the lodge we were directed to and the policeman stood some distance waiting to see any signs of Clara to arrest her but she didn’t show up. The unfortunate part was, we only were accompanied by one officer as the policemen had not considered her harmful physically, claiming she was just playing jealousy wife. ” Where is that policeman?” I asked Ben as we kept waiting for Clara to show up. ” He was just standing there! But it seems he has disappeared” Ben responded looking at where the officer was. Several minutes later, Clara called and told Ben to take me and walk away or she will be forced to tell her people to kill me. ” We can’t leave if she has not told us where your mother is Ben” I told him not wanting to leave him alone as he insisted I left instead. A tall dark man walked towards us later on and he threatened us with a gun making us run back to the car. ” Oh God I hope my mother is still alive” Ben sighed sadly us he drove us away. We had nothing else to do. Thinking Clara had paid off the police to play us, we were left with no option but retreat back. The only comforting thing was the fact that she would not come near us nor Ben’s house again. It was like she was scared of meeting us in person and all we needed now was to trust God to keep Ben’s family safe. I asked Ben on the way home If there were other relatives still alive for him to call or ask about his family. ” Father’s family is in Tanzania and the last time we saw them was years ago I don’t think any of them is aware. My mother on the other hand is the only surviving of her family. Am not so sure about the extended family as well.” He shook his head. ” lt’s only me for now and I know wherever they are, they need me ” he added sadly. I kept my eyes on the road as we moved. My thoughts clouded and my body feeling tired. It was past midnight. We had not had the time to sit down. The only good thing about everything was that I was feeling more optimistic things will turn out well. Even with people still spreading the pictures on the social media, I couldn’t afford to have some more things to think about so I let it be. We were driving in my yard when we both saw a person standing besides the door to my house. It was dark we couldn’t see clearly. ” Who is there?” I whispered to Ben who shook his head as he steadly packed the car. “I don’t know but let’s find out” he sighed pulling the keys from the ignition. To be continued…
19 May 2019 | 02:48
The Clara is evil God is in control
19 May 2019 | 06:14
The Clara is evil God is in control nothing will happen to you
19 May 2019 | 06:15
Oga ooooo
19 May 2019 | 13:43
who are the people?? an what up with them
19 May 2019 | 19:15
It wasn't really that easy to pick up a mad man, cure his madness to review his true identity. Benjamin has being through a lot but having jennifer the genius lover who rescued him was the key to moving forward.
19 May 2019 | 20:03
Jen and ben has come a long way that's strong enough to make them fall in love. Now, having clara the evil woman as their opponent who has committed more evil is one battle they must win. Having the Priest of The Most High God by their side makes it easier for them to win.
19 May 2019 | 20:12
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 16 Benjamin…. The liberating feeling I was feeling inside was enough for me to trust God that all things shall turn out well for us. Even when Clara was hiding my family, something just kept on telling me all shall be well. As we drove back home I had talked less. My mind wild back to years back when my father was still alive. They were so good together with my mother they both inspired me to look forward to my marriage. I had thought marriage was to be enjoyed but now I was sure my current story said otherwise. ” Ben my son come over here” my mother called me one evening as she sat in her favourite sofa. ” I want you to know and understand so that one day, you will not get lost with the issues of life.” She sighed looking at me her tender loving face looking at me. Her head wrapper moving to the side as the air blowing from the fun blew in our faces. I always wondered why my mother prefered having a fun on instead of an air con. I recall one day she told me she wanted the cool air closer that it was with the aircon. Her defence didn’t make sense but I let it go. ” Soon you will grow up and you will realise that it’s not every person that smiles at you who truly loves you. Believe it or not, this world is full of evil. It’s hard to believe if things are normal and okey. I just want you to grow up in the way of the Lord so that no matter what evil you are going to face in future you will have a firm standing in the word of God and it will give you strength to carry on. There is evil yes, but the power of God surpasses it all. Remember evil is not just in witchcraft or Satanism, but also in the acts of the people that choose the path of hate and jealousy. Be ware Benjamin. This I have learnt over the years I have lived and I want you to learn from me too” she spoke with so much calmness. At that particular time I had wondered why my mother would preach to me about the things that l thought I knew already. But like she said, now I had a clear understanding. Over the years I had experienced evil especially with Clara who was supposed to be my wife. I had realise how I had grown in prayer with the help of Jennifer and the priest who kept helping us with prayer in the weeks after my recovery. Thinking of how my house felt so heavy the time we got there, I had felt for a moment it won’t work. But like to show me how might he was, God revealed everything and the charm was burnt. I was still clouded with thoughts of what was going on when Jen’s voice spoke making me regain my attention. ” Who is that?” She asked I looked out to see the person standing by the door but the image was blurred I couldn’t see who it was. ” I walked in front tying to protect Jen in case some one was out to hurt us. ” Mother?” I asked as the image of my mother came clear. ” Benjamin!” She exclaimed trying to walk towards me but I notice she was staggering. “Mom!” I screamed running to her before she fall down as she seemed dizzy. Jennifer who was now shocked looking at us, quickly opened the door and turned on the outside lamp that lit the entire yard immediately displaying the blood that was coming out from her hand. ” Mom what happened?” I asked trying to make her stand so I take her inside. She was gasping failing to talk. ” Mom please say something I screamed scared with the sight on her face. ” help me get her inside My love.” I called to Jennifer and she held her on one arm I on the other as we took her in. ” Your wife came to my house yesterday. She she…..”my mother stammered trying to tell me what happened. She removed her blouse and I gasped at the sight of the deep cut in her stomach. ” she stabbed me and left me here a few minutes ago I have no ide..aa why. She was keeping me for hours till today and now….” she struggled to speak. ” Oh my God!” Jen screamed as mom gasped trying to speak some more. “Come on mother let’s take you to the hospital” I panicked trying to make her stay awake as her eyes looked weak and pale. ” Am happy to see you again my….. my son!” She gasped trying to hold my face and before I could say anything more. She collapsed and fall dead in my hands. She had lost a lot of blood seeing how much was on the ground we found her standing and the trail into the house which was made as we pulled her in. We had no idea how long she had been left to bleed to death there. ” Mother!” I screamed in tears trying to make her wake up but she was cold. Jen held me up and we lay her body flat on the floor as we both cried out. 30 minutes later the house was clouded with police officers and neighbours who came to witness what was going on. I was so damp folded I couldn’t say or do anything. I kept my eyes staring in one place my thoughts had stopped. With blood on my clothes and hands I watched as the police talked to Jennifer who was shaken but at least she was managing to say something. ” Benjamin!” One of the cops called me shaking my shoulder. We found this knife which was used to stab this woman we are told is your mother to death, do you know who It belongs to?” He asked me and I looked at him seeing the very knife which I always saw in Jen’s house. It was her favourite as she always said it was sharp and was good for cutting things. ” Yes, it’s Jen’s knife we use it in the house” I responded before realising where the cops was leading to with the question. ” Do you realise that you two people who stay in this house are the possible suspects of this murder?” He asked me and I stood up holding his uniform and shaking him angrily. ” Are you mad you idiot! How dare you accuse us of killing my own mother. Haven’t you heard the story Jennifer is telling you about how we found her wounded when we came back” I shouted and Jennifer pulled me back stopping me from hitting an officer of the law. ” Calm down Ben, am sure someone had stagged this and wants us to take a fall for all this. Imagine the police are saying there was no force entry into the house. They are saying we must have killed her and then called the police” she cried as she held on to my hand. ” That is just ridiculous! You and l know that we were just from looking for her. She appears back here stabbed and these unprofessional people can accuse us of killing my own mother!” I shouted angry. I couldn’t take it. Instead of helping solve the issue, it seemed the police came to find faults in us. That night we were dragged to the station, the cops saying we had to give our statements and be released later on. I felt so furious and disapointed with the way they were handling things. We were driven to the station leaving some police officers searching the house and wrapping my mother’s body. After they recorded our statements at the police, we were told to go home but not to leave the house since everything was under investigation. ” What are we going to do now?” Jen asked as we sat in bed. It was now morning and we had not slept one bit. I kept thinking of how Clara would do such a thing to me. The pain of losing my mother was too much I was failing to trust God’s intervention at the moment. ” I don’t know my love and am scared for my sister’s and my son. God knows where that woman is keeping them or what she’s doing to them. I swear I feel like am going crazy with all this my mind can’t seem to process a thing” I scoffed shaking my head as tears fall freely from my face. We were still talking when I received a call. Noticing it was a strange number, I quickly picked it up. The voice of Clara laughing hysterically came through the ear piece.” Now you will know better than mess with me. As it is you two with that Jennifer of yours have murdered your mother and you will be jailed for life!” She spoke happily I felt my inside come up my gullet, I wanted to throw up. ” You have gone too far Clara and soon you will pay for this ” I shouted back and she laughed again. ” No one will believe that I killed her. I don’t even know where you stay and later on seen your mother in years. I might not have my charm but remember I have all the money I need to pay whoever I want and you will surely serve your sentences” she added sounding cheerful I heard her sigh like she was sipping on something, which I guessed was wine knowing how she loved drinking. ” You won’t get away with this Clara” I screamed in the phone and she cut the line. Hours passed and we remained home waiting for the police like they told us to. We saw their car drive in and we rushed to the door to hear what they had to say. ” We have run all the necessary tests and the forensics results shows Jennifer’s finger prints on the knife. This proves that she was the last person to touch it and probably the murderer. Besides we ruled you out sir, ” he looked at me. “Because we realise you had no motive to kill your own mother. ” He explained ” What? you must be joking, you tell me you are suspecting Jennifer just because she owns the knife and she has definitely used it a hundredth time since its hers you surely aware of that. Don’t you realise that’s what the murderer wants to make it look? ” I snapped pulling Jennifer who was silently sobbing without saying a word. ” That’s not all sir. We realise she had some history of using Juju and given the spread of the news of her doings on the social media, the assumption is that your mother came to comfront her and she killed her. She had the motive” he sighed like whatever he was saying was actually true. ” Do I look like someone who is not well to you officer like someone who is being held against their will?” I asked now really pissed. ” Just the way you wanted to beat up an officer in the early hours of the day shows something off” he responded and thank God for Jennifer and the priest who pulled me back. I was almost going for his face with my fist. ” You people are joking right?” Jen asked them speaking for the first time. ” No it’s serious young lady” the police officer responded. ” ” And am sorry we are here to arrest you as the co suspect in the murder of Mrs Margaret Kamanga. You are to remain silent as anything you say will be held against you in the courts of law” he spoke as they hand cuffed Jennifer’s hands she cried out to me. ” This is a mistake officer please listen to me. I was with her the whole time she is not the murderer!” I shouted running towards the police vehicle they were taking her in. ” Am right behind you my love!” I shouted running back to her car as the police drove away. ” Trust in God” the priest who we called earlier patted my back as I sat in the driver’s seat but I couldn’t seem to hear him. All I could think of was the innocent woman they were driving hand cuffed like a criminal. To be continued…
19 May 2019 | 23:51
Humm this issue is getting more complicating
20 May 2019 | 02:37
20 May 2019 | 09:05
The story don't need to name mad in love. What z happening here is more than mad in love
20 May 2019 | 16:05
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 17 Jennifer….. ” Jen come on, make me understand this, you mean you went all the way to Kabwe, kidnapped a mad man, who you have no idea who he is and where he comes from, keeps him in your house and and later on took him for prayers” my brother scolded me as he sat opposite me in the prison visiting room. I was detained for 3 weeks then as I waited my final trial. life in prison was so disheartening I felt my mind losing it. Sleeping on some itch blanket and a thin mattress was really so hard than one would ever imagine. I had never at any moment in my life thought of ever getting in prison. Here I was now, paying for the crime for falling in love with a man, the craziest of it all was, l had to pick him myself without anyone forcing me. The circumstances I was surrounded by were so meaningless to the people out there. I heard a lot of talk on social media even radio stations where people discussed my life like I was some kind of a freak. Here I was facing my eldest brother , the only family member that had shown concern about my well-being and at least he came visiting me. I heard others never wanted anything to do with me. With some people claiming I was a psycho who needed to be taken to the hospital and not prison. ” Stop crying dammit! Crying will not take you out of prison” my brother yelled at me as I kept crying in front of him. ” What do you want me to tell you brother? I fall in love, call me crazy I don’t care. I had no idea this will happen to me all l did was follow my heart and Ben is a wonderful person l don’t regret falling for him. He makes me happy and that matters to me more than the rumours people are spreading about me” I defended myself and my brother pulled my hand gripping it so hard I felt pain. ” Will you stop with this nonsense Jen! I lost a sister and am not ready to lose another one soon. You can’t be saying all that when all that man has brought in your life is trouble. Look at you, you are in prison for crying out loud and where is he huh?” He paused scoffing ” He’s out there doing God knows what. You just had to pick a mad man with a crazy wife who won’t stop at anything until you go down.” He added now letting my hand go and I winced in pain. I knew my brother was hurting and I couldn’t blame him. I just lost my entire life because of falling in love with a man. I had less hope for the coming day. I knew so well Ben was fighting hard to see me out of Prison. He was suffering as much as I was and I knew God willing I wouldn’t get a life sentence like a lot of people were anticipating. I was defenceless, with Clara taking advantage of my situation publishing a lot of fake stories in the social media making my life the topic of the month. ” I will try and find a good lawyer for you my sister. I know you can never hurt anyone and you are innocent. It’s unfortunately our legal system is too corrupt I have no idea how to but I promise to try get you out” my brother said softly this time I could bet he felt pity with the way I was shedding tears. ” Be strong baby sister and know that I will fight with everything I got to get you out of here” he gently caressed my fingers. ” Thank you brother. Am sorry for putting you through this. I swear it wasn’t what I had in mind when I went on the mission to save Benjamin” I sniffed and he kept shaking his head. ” Now listen to me sister,when you are out of here. I don’t want to hear a thing about that man. It is over do you get that? Forget that man, you are still young and beautiful you derseve a good man by your side and you will fall in love again” he said whilst standing to leave. I just nodded my head knowing I wasn’t going to stop loving Ben. I was more into him now I wasn’t going to let him go. But ofcourse I wouldn’t upset my sweet brother further by telling him that, so I faked a smile as he gave me a quick hug and left me. I was taken back to the prison cells by a female warder, as soon as my brother turned his back to leave. “Crazy woman!” Some other inmates shouted as I passed along the corridors to my cell. The shocking and hurting part was that even in prison people talked about me like l was crazy. Every time the news on radio was about my case, Everyone looked at me with so much hate and disgust. It was like l was not one of them, I felt I never belonged anywhere. The outside world was crucifying me labbeling me a psychopath , a witch, a husband snatcher and murderer. Now the people I expected to understand me given the fact that some of them where wrongly accused and jailed too, but no, as it was I had the worst story of all. I lay on my back in the bed that had now become my home. In 3 weeks I stayed inside I had lost so much weight, all my curves were gone. My shaggy hair which was unkept now looked more like that of a mad person for sure. I felt my self slip away and the only comfort I had was the love of Benjamin and my brother. They were the two people that I was so sure would stand by me till the end. If I had not embraced the word of God I could have committed suicide, but every time I did think of it, I felt the spirit giving me all the reasons I had to stay alive. For my family and for Ben, for the long life that I had ahead of me and for letting the world know that weeping can last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.. I recall the priest who always visited me too and brought books of the gospel for me to be reading through everyday, told me in his encouraging manner.. ” My child, when it is the darkest hour of the day, then we know that morning is close. Your morning sunshine is pulling up the sky and when it arises no man nor spirit will be able to quench the brightening sun of your life” he smiled at me. ” Thank you Father am always glad to see you here” I told him honestly. The following day I was just from cleaning the toilets and took a bath cladding myself in the prison uniform. sat outside watching some women who were doing different activities. My eyes were set on a certain woman who l learnt killed her husband because he was unfaithful. She was so beautiful one could see even after spending 5 years in prison her looks were intact. I wondered what went wrong with her obviously sweet marriage before the odeal happened. I shook my head as I watched her wash her Uniform in the little washing paste I figured she received from the well wishers. I went on looking at other women. A heavily pregnant prisoner sat on the floor dozing I wondered how some men could be so heartless as to sleep with a woman who was in prison when they had wives and other woman out there. “Some prison warders can be cruel” I murmered in my head. I was still taking my time analysing the women when the prisoner warder called my name. ” Jennifer! Come out. There’s some one here to see you” she announced and I quickly stood up following her. ” My love!” Ben exclaimed as I walked towards him. ” Hey !” I sighed as he held my hand greeting as the warder on duty that day wouldn’t allow touching and hugging of prisoners. ” I missed you, he tried to smile but it only lasted a second. ” Yeah you have no idea how much I think about you in here. You are the only thought that keeps me sane” I shook my head as I felt my eyes filing up again. ” I know babe and am so sorry you are going through all this. You have no idea how much each day and night I wish I could take your place.” He sighed wiping his own tears. ” Am not going to rest until that woman pays for her deeds. Don’t worry I sold the house and am putting all the money in ensuring you get out of this place.” He smiled comforting me. ” You did what!” I asked him surprised. ” That house was the only tangible thing you had Ben, did you have to sell it?” I asked him. ” lf l had to sell my own life to see you out of here, believe me I would. The house means nothing more than your life and freedom does my love” he added seriously. I knew his love for me was as priceless as mine was for him. He told me how he hired some secret investigator to help find his sister’s and son. He told me how his friend was helping him find something to corner Clara with and that before the trial he was optimistic something good would have come up. ” She will make a mistake my love don’t worry. Let her get all excited and do all the worst she wants but l can assure you her days are numbered.” He giggled. ” All I want is for you to remain strong and believe in me and in God more. I will get you out of here.” ” I know Ben, am so proud of you and I don’t care what people are saying. If only they knew how happy you make me” I smiled wiping a tear from the corner of my eye. ” I love you so much always know that” he squeezed my hand. “I sleep with a bunch of your clothes in my bed every night just to feel you close to me” he laughed softly displaying his honest passion. ” And I love you” I smiled back squeezing his hands too. ” The lawyer said the prosecuting officers have no strong evidence against you. If only we can get the killer before the trial, then you will be out of here soon enough my love. Just promise you won’t be crying and will eat. I will always bring you food I don’t want to hold a borny woman in a few weeks time.” He teased making a lustful face at me. ” Look at you, am a woman clad in this pathetic uniform and all you can think of is making love to me” I let a small laugh and he nodded his head. ” ln fact I think you are the hottest prisoner I have ever seen. That uniform looks so mmmmmmmm on you” he laughed making me laugh with him too. ” Time up people!” The voice of the warder shouted cutting short our laughter. ” Mmmm it’s 30 minutes already” he looked at his watch. ” I can’t wait to have you so close to myself the whole day my love. For now am going to work on having your realease ” he smiled now standing. ” Thank you for coming” I whispered to him. ” I love you Jennifer, stay strong okey?” He responded and walked out his front still facing me as he walked backwards bumping into the grill door making me smile. To be continued…
21 May 2019 | 02:42
It's well JEN
21 May 2019 | 07:04
Clara, be prepared
21 May 2019 | 11:53
This story getting confussing me
21 May 2019 | 15:41
Oh clara u won't get away with this, u know they say who laugh last laugh most
22 May 2019 | 02:27
new episode loading
22 May 2019 | 02:42
let's go there
22 May 2019 | 02:42
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 18 Benjamimn. I flipped through the papers, checking every single detail in the small file my investigator had handed me. ” This is good man, am so happy you managed to get all this in a week” I sighed looking up at his face. ” They have been around all this while. Unfortunately because of the condition they are in, they probably are not aquinted with what is going on otherwise they could have shown up already” Mailoni informed me as he sat across the table in my garrage. I had decided to meet up with him that day not wanting anyone to see me anyhow as now it seemed whatever was happening, all eyes where on me. I was one day even approached by some journalist from some media house over what was going on and I just told them one truth. ” My woman is innocent and in due time all this will be over” was all l said not wanting to waste my time talking to people who had contributed to my down fall. “So what next? ” Mailoni asked bringing me out of my thoughts. ” I think its best I go and check this place my dear. If they are there then I will find them” I responded. ” Sure, be careful that man I told you about seems dangerous and he’s the one working with Clara. ” He cautioned. Without wasting any time I placed the papers in the car outside and drove away. I had to go to the address in the papers where Mailoni told me he saw my family. He told me a man he saw with Clara days before go to the address, it was like he used to go to observe the activities of the small house there. He later on took time observing him and after following the man three times. He knew there was some one who Clara wanted to spy on or she was hiding something in Chainda compound. According to his explanation, Mailoini mentioned seeing a girl of about 18 years old who seemed to be one of the residents of the house. The description of the girl matched that of my young sister the last born in our family. Even though he didn’t get to get more information as I rushed to check the address myself. The wind blew in my face as I drove at a great speed in great east road. The panic and nervousness of seeing my sister’s and son again giving me the the motive to accelerate. I recalled the confrontation I had with Jennifer’s brother. He had come to Jen’s house scolding me for causing so much harm to his sister. ” I understand you are hurt cause your sister is in trouble. But you have to understand none of us planned this to happen.” I tried to reason with him. He sighed looking at me clear anger on his face. I just had to understand he was just being concerned about his own sister too. ” lf you came to know how evil your wife is, you should have left her alone so that no harm comes to her. She helped save your life now she has wasted her entire life” he shouted on top of his voice. I went on trying to explain what made me return to Jen and the fact that that I fall in love with Jen. ” Pray so hard my sister comes out of that place my dear Ben, otherwise I will not let you get away with this!” He scoffed and left me without any further words. Now l had to prove to him that I was man enough and capable of protecting his sister. All I needed was to get Clara trapped in her evil plans and now I was getting close to achieving that. Thankfully I had two people helping me. Clara’s nephew, the boy who l asked to go back to his grand mother’s after selling the house and assistant accountant, Mulenga who was aware of Clara’s drug trafficking deals and a brief of other things too. ” Am going to have my family back and rescue the woman that I love” I whispered to myself as I waited for the traffic lights at Manda Hill to indicate a go light. 20 minutes later I was parking the vehicle across the road deep inside Chainda. I kept watch of the house for some minutes and when I was almost getting myself to go and knock at the door, I saw her. My sister Serah carrying a bucket of water. She was heading towards a two roomed house that matched the description Mailoni had given me. ” Serah!” I whispered to myself slowly opening the door. She looked so different, the last time I saw her she was looking so young and neat in her jeans and crop top. Now she looked like a poor beggar I felt tears in my eyes as I approached her. ” Serah?” I shouted loudly and she turned to me. ” Ben! Oh Ben! Is that you brother?” She shouted throwing away the bucket and coming to hug me her face filled with happiness. I held her so close as she cried. ” Clara told us you were dead” she cried softly looking at my face. ” No sweetheart am alive and am here now, where is everyone?” I asked her wiping her tears away. ” Mother left us some weeks ago, she went with aunty Clara but she has never returned. We have not seen both of them since” she sniffed her nose. ” What about Memory and Ben?” I asked her now standing up straight looking at her avoiding to break the news of mom’s death to her. ” You don’t know?” She asked looking really sad. ” know what Serah?” I started panicking now wanting to hear anything worse. ” Let’s go in the house Ben, Memory is there” she sighed sadly and led me into the small house. My other sister, the second born in our family, who came after me, Memory was laying on a mat sleeping and her breathing told me she wasn’t well. ” Memory, Memory wake up! It’s brother Ben” Serah shook her softly and she slowly opened her eyes. ” Ben?” She said in a whisper as her eyes kept on me. ” Memory what happened to you? I went close to her holding her face and I felt the heat in her skin reaching mine. ” She’s been sick since mother went away but we have no money to take her to the clinic. The vegetables mom was selling finished but so did the money to order some more. I have been going out to work some small jobs in the market to get us something to eat” Serah sobbed as she explained the conditions of their lives. .I couldn’t hold it anymore. I held my sister’s and cried with them. Telling them all shall be well. Later on after a moment of embracing each other I told them to come with me and drove them to Jen’s house. I had continued paying for rentals from the time I started the garage business even before Jen went to Prison. I knew Clara wouldn’t mind me taking my sister’s there. They told me how Clara had gone to get my son a year after I was gone. Lying to my mother she wanted to raise her own son and since then, they never saw him again. ” Mom said she wouldn’t hurt her own son” Serah explained. ” so she let her take him and asked her to be bringing him to visit us. But she never did. The only time we saw Clara was when she came with some signed documents showing that our house, the one in meanwood is her’s as granted by the courts. How she managed to change the papers we all don’t know. She asked mom to start paying her for rentals but mom had no money. With the little money mom had left, she tried to hire lawyers to claim back the house but it all failed. Causing us to move to Chainda and Memory stopped the course she was pursuing at the university. I too stopped when I passed to grade 10 due to lack of finances. Clara stopped giving us our share from the company so we had nothing . Mom promised she would find a way to make Clara pay and somehow get hold of the companies and everything we had lost. Unfortunately we don’t know where she has taken her. she usually came here to insult my mother telling her she was paying for treating her like a lazy woman and never accepted her as a daughter in law. ” My sister told me the story and l was not surprised at all. At that point I knew what Clara was capable of and that wasn’t a surprising. I felt glad my sisters were okey and l prayed in my heart my son would be fine too wherever she had taken him was also well. I took my sister to the hospital and the following day before going to Prison to visit Jen, I called and told the lawyer about my sister’s. He told me they both would help testifying in court their story indicating that Clara took away my mother. He offered to keep them at his house for fear of Clara plotting an attack to prevent them from testifying. But I objected and told him I would take them to the priest at church. That was the only safe place I could think of. We were still talking with the lawyer when my phone rung.” Hello Mulenga!” I responded seeing the assistant accountant’s caller ID. ” You have to come over to the company now, I want you to see something that will help you out” he spoke and it seemed he was in a rush as the call was cut immediately. ” I have to go now, thank you so much for helping. And will see you soon. ” I thanked him as I shook his hand. I drove to drop my sister’s at church and later on rushed to the company. Upon getting to the company I wore a company cap for drivers and walked to the back. ” Am here, in the back” I called Mulenga who cut the line without answering. I waited for almost 5 minutes and I saw him rushing to me. ” Clara is planing something against you. I have no idea what, but I overhead her telling that her macho man that he should strike before the trial. ” Mulenga whispered. ” But that’s not what l called you for. See those trucks there?” He asked pointing three container trucks in the parking spot. ” There are tones of drugs, illegal drugs hidden in the containers. They won’t be unloaded til tonight so I don’t know what you can do with that but make sure am not stated in all this” he cautioned and quickly ran back but that was before he whispered into my ears, “Clara is in her office right this minute, be careful” I wanted to leave but an idea popped up my mind, l got my phone, scrolled to the voice recorder and headed direct to her office, which used to be my father’s before he died. I had to find a way of saving Jennifer and I had to try be brave and face her again. ” What are you doing here Ben?” Clara stood upon seeing me enter without knocking. The man I had come to know as her right hand man from Mailoni’s investigation, sat in front from of her. He looked down upon seeing me. I realise he knew me so well. ” What ? aren’t you happy to see me?, I thought you put Jen in Prison so that we can get back together!” I teased with a laugh pressing my hand on my forehead. ” Leave my company you crazy! In your dreams will I ever have you in my life! ” She shouted not looking straight at me. ” Well to start with, I know how you Planned on my mother’s death. You want an innocent woman to pay for your crimes” I spoke loudly provoking her. I felt myself smile inside as she went on throwing it in my face how she wanted us both to suffer. ” Okey, you think you are clever dear Clara but l only came here to let you know that your time is up. Soon enough your walls will fall and like you said, we will see who will laugh last” I smiled leaving her as she shouted for me to leave her office.
22 May 2019 | 02:47
i wish u two the best,may God help u guys
22 May 2019 | 04:48
You and Jen will laugh last
22 May 2019 | 06:08
interesting i pray that ur plans should work
22 May 2019 | 12:41
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 19 Clara….. I felt my chest bulg with anger.” How can I be so stupid?” I screamed in anger as I hit the table. Seeing Ben walk in my office should have warned me he was after something. I just realised after he left that the words I uttered could implicate me. I was so pissed I forgot the possibility of him recording the conversation. ” Maybe he just came to upset you mam” Manga responded casually. “Are you serious right now?” I barked at him. ” You are so dull you know that! You think Ben can just come here to talk with me. Why didn’t he do that all these weeks but today? Am telling you Ben was recording that conversation and thanks to my big mouth, I just looted myself out. Confessing of all my crimes like an idiot, oh dammit I feel like a stupid fool right now”I paced around angrily. ” What now? do you want me to eliminate him?” Manga asked me in his deep voice irritating me at how calm he seemed when I was panicking. ” No, killing him will point straight to me especially that the trial is in 2 days” I frowned standing by the window trying to think through things. ” I wish my charm was still here. It could have solved all my problems but now that stupid witch Doctor refused to give me another one. I just have to handle things physically” I spat scornfully. ” I want you to go and find a way to snatch that recording from him tonight. We can’t afford to have him play it to someone else” I told Manga and he immediateky stood up pulling down his jean trousers. I sat back down turning in my chair. I just had a good deal with one of the drug loads and I was going to have a good evening when finally the money was paid, but Ben spoiled my mood I felt like having a strong wine. I couldn’t leave the premises as l had to wait for the owners of the drugs to come pick them up so I had to stay in the office hating the feeling I was having. Something seemed so wrong and I needed to cool off my head. ” Hey John! Can you come over to my office?” I called my toy man wanting to have some quick sex in the office to calm me down. I didn’t want to get drunk so that was all I needed then. I looked outside and saw the workers walking out the entrance. ” Good it’s time these idiots left these premises” I murmered to myself. I knew only the gaurd would remain and it was not a problem paying him for his silence. I was standing on my heals, the black office dress reaching the middle of my thighs and a white jacket on top. Feeling good about the expensive dress and I knew it looked great with the cream white heels on my feet. ” I love those legs” l heard John whisper as he got to the door. That’s one thing I loved about John, the guy was a sex maniac and I knew anytime I called on him he was ready to hit provided I had the cash ready for him. was beginning to hate the fact that I felt a bit attached to him and I had used him for more than I had hoped for. It was not easy to ignore his sexual skills and every time I was assured of maximum satisfaction. “Mmmmmmh you like it huh?” I whispered pulling him closer after he locked the door and drew the curtains to the office. ” You have a mind blowing body woman and it’s hard to resist such beauty” John kissed my neck his hands rubbing my back as he pulled down the zip. ” I needed you badly, I have had some punk disturb my day and now that I can’t drink today, I called on you to give me that full service” I stammered as I felt his hands push in the dress reaching the straps of my bra. ” Good choice. You know I can give you all of me, just call on me!” He said in a singing voice. ” Oh yeah” I moaned as he pushed the dress up sliding his fingers in my thighs and kissing my lips gently. He worked all round me and I cried for him to complete his mission. With a wide smile he lifted me to the table and pushed himself in me from the back. After almost 20 minutes of reaching me some crazy orgasm, he pulled up his trousers and zipped it. I walked back to the table and pulled some notes handing him. ” Are you sure that’s all. You don’t want some more?” He asked coming to my back and kissing my still naked back. ” Just pull up my zip John and leave already!” I snapped now feeling irritated. ” Your loss! ” he shrugged and blew me a kiss hitting the cash on his palm and walking away. I had to prepare myself for the arrival of the drug Lord so I quickly cleaned myself in the private room and did some quick make over on my face. Satisfied I looked okey, I went back to sit in my chair leaving the office door slightly open. At exactly 19 pm l heard the sound of car engines outside and I sat up ready to receive my expected visitor. ” Hey beautiful!” A dark man with a potberry, called me out with a smile as he entered the office. ” Hey DK!” I called his initials as he was referred to by his people. ” Am honoured to have you here” I smiled looking at the briefcase one of his men was holding in his hand knowing my K100 000 cash was intact inside there. ” The honour is mine to be found in the presence of such a beauty!” He kissed my cheek as I greeted him. We talked for a while and then he asked for his items. .” Come with me love” I flirted standing up and walking down with him and his three boys to the trucks where his things were. I asked his boys to open the containers and they offloaded the packets heaping all the items together. They just finished offloading the last bunch when we heard the sirens of police cars. Before any of us could act, we were surrounded by some armed men with police jackets written DEC. ” You b****! “DK yelled at me as he raised his hands up as instructed by the officers. ” You sold us out and you will pay for this” he spat angrily. ” No I didn’t do that I swear we had an agreement and I can not bail you out to the cops you know that” I shivered trying to reason and make him understand I had no idea what was going on. ” You are under arrest for being found in possession of dangerous drugs!” The DEC officer read the charge as they put hand cuffs on our hands. ” Am innocent I didn’t do anything” I scaremed trying to loose my hands but they were tied. As they lead the whole group to the back of a police vehicle, I saw Ben who come towards me smiling. ” Now you are on your route to making payment for all your evil deeds you evil witch!” He chuckled and showing off the phone of which I presumed was the recoding. ” Don’t even try to snatch this away. I already sent copies to some people. You are going down witch!” He smiled proudly. “Ben so this was your doing!” I shouted at him. ” No Clara dear, this is your own work. Remember you reap what you sow. And am sure apart from the many years you will get for smuggling drugs, the addition of a murder charge will put you in forever” he smiled getting me so pissed, I felt I could tear him apart with my eyes. ” I will be back you idiot and you will pay for this!” I screamed at him. ” Where is my son Clara?” He asked walking besides me as they took me to others in the back of a closed van. ” ln hell!” I spat angrily and moved forward struggling to keep balance with my heels and hand cuffs. Some cameras flashed at us and I knew l was in deep s*** with the whole media giving the news that night. ” You will pay for this I swear!”I kept cursing as they pushed me inside the van next to the angry DK who kept shouting shot looked at me I felt my knees shiver. To be continued.......
23 May 2019 | 02:22
The mosquitor that is bitten jenifer is my problem
23 May 2019 | 03:24
He who laugh last......
23 May 2019 | 06:05
Laughs the best
23 May 2019 | 06:53
23 May 2019 | 18:16
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 20 Benjamin…. Seeing Clara in handcuffs being led away in a police van, I would agree gave me a good feel of peace. Although I had hoped she would tell me where my son was. I could see her facial expression as she screamed ” he’s in hell” wondering if she was just faking it or she really hated her own child. I sighed making a note in my mind to make it my priority to look for my son as soon as Jennifer was released from prison. Hours before, I went direct to the lawyer I hired for Jen and played the recording for him after having her spit out her plans. I sent him a copy and another one I forwarded to my friend just in case something happened to me. ” This will definitely have your wife set free without doubt” the lawyer smiled at me. ” Yeah, she’s not my wife yet but I intend to make her mine as soon as possible.” I smiled back at him. ” You must love her so much.” He nodded his head. ” I adore her, she taught me the meaning of true love and there is no one who has ever sacrificed so much for me like she has done man, and for that I will always be indebted to her” I said as a matter of fact. ” Let me get going now I have some other people I would want to see ” l stood sighing. ” I know the drug issue right?” The lawyer chuckled. ” Sure, I can’t just wait for that Clara to get in jail were she belongs. I don’t feel okey with her outside just a couple of days from the trial. You know how she is” I shrugged as the man saw me to the car. From his office I went straight to the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) to report the drugs Mulenga told me about. They seemed concerned about how I came to know of such but Couldn’t tell them who gave me the information. After some minutes I convinced them to give it a short and ambush the company premises that night to see if my report had some steak to it. I offered to join the squard, more like I wanted to be sure, she was there and apprehended. The outcome of which pleased me so much I felt relieved. I couldn’t wait for morning for me to rush to the Prison and tell the good news to Jennifer. As I murmered to a song driving back home I saw a man standing close to the house. My heart leaped a bit as I stared at his image. As l approached him he moved away pretending to be going forward. A thought told me I was being stalked and I couldn’t think of anyone else but Clara’s right hand man. I parked the car and rushed inside locking the door immediately. Switching on the living room lights I rushed out through the back door and called on the police as I ran to the house in the next yard. In less than 20 minutes a police car parked in my yard and I ran to tell them about the stalker. To confirm my report the police realised the front door was broken implying someone had attempted to break in. Unfortunately the sirens must have given him a warning and he ran off before the cops could get there. I had to sleep on the couch for fear of being caught unprepared , by the same thug that night. The following morning I quickly cleaned myself up and drove to the prison my heart rejoicing at the news I hard for Jennifer. I watched her as the warderess led her to the visiting room. My mouth grinning I couldn’t hold the happiness I was feeling in my heart. ” My love!” I exclaimed pulling her in an embrace as the warderess shoot me an eye of watch out.’ ” I missed you” she smiled looking at my face. ” lt seems some one is happy today” she sighed as she sat down. ” Guess what ?” I held her hand. ” Come on love, please don’t let the suspense kill me spit it out already. Am I free to go?” She responded impatience written all over her face. ” Soon enough my love. I wish it was today but unfortunately we have to wait for the trial for you to be released” I told her ” What happened? ” she asked seemingly not convinced with the news I was just telling her. went on explaining how the case was. Telling her I had recorded Clara’s conversation where she spoke of her plan of wanting us to pay. How she plotted the murder of my mother and all the things she had ranted out. ” The lawyer has just confirmed the case will be a walk over with a line of charges Clara has lined up against her. It’s all over soon and you are coming back home” I smiled. She was quiet for a minute and I saw her sobbing. Tears rolling down her face. ” What is it love?” I asked concerned. ” I can’t believe this day has come when l got to hear this news. I don’t even know what to say now, this place is horrible and all I have been thinking of is leaving, now that the good news is here, I can’t…” She raised her hands wiping the tears. ” Stop now babe, you are going to be out sooner than you thought, God is on our side. He has seen us through” I laughed comforting her. ” Yeah!” She sighed ” am so stupid right? Instead of being happy, here I am crying like a baby” she sniffed. ” No you are not. I understand you babe. You have been through hell. But now all this is over, you are coming back home with me ” I went on making her shake her head and smile between tears. ” Thank you so much” she sighed and I pulled her hand towards myself. ” lt was my mess to sort. You are here because of me and I couldn’t let a day pass without working on plans to get you out.” I whispered. I went on telling her about the drugs and my sisters. ” Oh my God that woman is really stained in her heart” she shook her head. ” How can she treat your entire family like that. It’s not like you people took something of hers. It’s just too much I think she’s sick in the head, a normal person cannot harbour so much hatred in her heart, it seems so impossible” she added. ” Now let’s talk about you” I changed the subject slowly rubbing her hands. ” How are you holding up and am sorry for not coming yesterday, I had a long day and I only got home late at night. Being faced with Clara’s macho man who wanted to get the recording from me. I thank God, I saw him earlier before he entered the yard and I was ready for him. I left the house through the back door and called on the cops who caught him searching the house. I bet he was foolish to think l would keep such information in the house after everything that went on” I told my story to Jen and she listened quitely. The following day was the trial day and the lawyer I hired presented his case before hand to the Judge emphasising the fact that Clara was the murderer. Clara was brought in looking so messed up, her hands in cuffs as compared to Jennifer who was allowed to walk freely given the conditions of her case. ” Court rise!” The court marshal called out as the Judge walked in. We were signalled to sit. I took a chair just behind Jennifer and the lawyer. The prosecutor presented his statement which accused Jennifer of murdering my mother, he asked her a few questions which she responded to, clearly and accurately, stating what happened between her and myself and the events after. He wanted to pin her on the fact that she had an intimate relationship with me which could be an act that would lead her to do certain things for example accuse Clara since she was my legal wife. Jennifer’s lawyer also argued that point staying the facts that l was picked when I was still ill and so she did favour me by taking me for prayers and giving me medication which my wife never did for me. Both my sisters were called to testify and Mulenga and Clara’s nephew too stated their testimonies to Clara’s doings. I saw her head down she couldn’t look up at anyone. Clara was present to give her account against Jennifer but all her allegations seemed to be failing. In the end the Judge ruled Jennifer innocent and set another trial to prosecute Clara for now being the main suspect in the murder. Staying she would be charged jointly with other charges of drug trafficking, forging of documents to obtain the Kamanga company and properties using fraudulent means. A lot of people that came for the hearing to hear the case of the famous story on social media now cheered loudly as the Judge pronounced Jennifer not guilty on all charges labelled on her. I couldn’t stop smiling as l waited for her to get changed into her clothes from the prison she was held. To be continued…
24 May 2019 | 02:50
Wow this is good news
24 May 2019 | 04:21
dix is good
24 May 2019 | 06:21
Victory atlast
24 May 2019 | 07:15
Waiting 4 last episode thank u 4 this nice story
24 May 2019 | 14:14
if tears lasted a night, surely joy will come in d morning. congrats to u guys,, Jenny and Benny
24 May 2019 | 18:01
comment after reading ooo
25 May 2019 | 02:35
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 21 Jennifer…… I said bye to the women who we usually chatted with as they genuinely showed how happy they were for me. My trial just came to an abrupt end and I was set free again. How funny it is that after staying in Prison for almost 5 weeks, the only thing I got back was my freedom. No compensation for my lost time, the humiliation I had to go through. I recall after walking out of the court room, some journalist approached me wanting me to give them the satisfaction of continuing my life story. I wondered how people can be so cruel as to just want to make a job out of someone even after the misery of that person. I was now free and every one came to somehow hear the truth about my life but unlike Clara, I was not a fan of social media. So my brother and Ben engulfed me as they led me to the car avoiding the cameras and some noisy journalists wanting me to say something. ” Oh God that was so much noise” l sighed as we sat in the car. ” Am happy you are out my sister” my brother smile hugging me as he sat next to me. Leaving the front seat without a person I felt bad Ben was looking back at me. ” Thanks brother but we will talk later at home. You mind if I sit with my man?” I smiled at him and I saw him look at Ben then back at me. ” No problem sister, I don’t mind” he shrugged and I was glad he was beginning to understand Ben meant so much to me. I love him as my brother, but Ben was the man after my heart and I couldn’t see him look out of place. ” Shall we?” I smiled at him and he held my hand. ” Sure babe” he responded with a wide smile, I felt proud of him. Back at home, the priest, Ben’s sisters who moved home from the court with the priest and my aunty who came from Matero welcomed us immediately we walked to the door. I was amazed at how the house was decorated with big letters wrotten ” WELL COME BACK HOME, LOVE OF MY LIFE” printed in red on a white material and hanging across the room. ” Thank you Love” I kissed Ben’s forehead and I heard the priest clear his throat. He asked us all to hold hands and pray thanking God for seeing us through.. ” The Lord almighty has fought your battle and I pray he does it for you all your lives” he shouted and we all agreed with an ‘Amen’. Some lunch which Ben’s sisters prepared was saved and after which we all sat round the living room. Present among the people mentioned earlier were Ben’s best friend, Mulenga the acountant and Clara’s nephew who joined us too. Everyone looked happy and relieved, I felt at home. My home had never had so many people like that before. I was lost in thoughts thinking about how glad I was to come back home to all the people that seemingly loved me and were happy to see me, that’s when my brother stood up asking for everyone’s attention, I was startled a bit. Bed held my hand as we both looked up at my brother who was now looking at us with a smile. ” I want to take this opportunity to ask my sister and Ben for the way I responded to your relationship. You have to believe how hard this was for me as well. We lost our kid sister and I was so scared of losing another sister” he paused and we all nodded our heads in agreement. ” Now that I have seen how much you are in love with each other, how much each of you is willing to go an extra mile for each other, I am at peace to say in case you two are going to make plans of settling together I have no objectionn at all. Thank you Ben for what you did for my little sister, l thought I could easily find a way out for her but I know your ways were more effective and am glad you succeeded. Let’s all continue thanking God for this day and always remember that the Lord will always guide our steps no matter what plans we have. I love you both and thank you all present for making my sister feel at home. Am proud of you little sister!” He ended with a smile and I wiped the tears from my eyes standing and hugging him. ” I love you so much my brother and thank you for your kind words” I whispered as he held me. Later in the evening when everyone left except Ben’s sisters who I insisted came back to stay with us instead of staying at the church. I went to take a warm long bath taking my time soaking myself as my mind relieved everything I went through in Prison. Some nights on some hard and itchy beds, some early hour’s we were forced to wake up and work. I recalled a lot of other struggles and my cheeks felt the warm tears as they fall down. ” Babe are you okey?” Came the voice of Ben as he stood watching me by the entrance to the bathroom. ” You have been in there for more than 30 minutes. Come out now” he whispered walking inside and squatting next to the tab his hands holding my shoulder. ” Please stop crying now it’s all over” he whispered washing away the tears in my face with the water. ” You are safe now and all that hell is behind us. Clara is going to be put away for a long time and I swear I will protect you and never let you go through all this again” he smiled making me look at him. ” Am glad to hear that Love, I don’t think I could have survived another day in that horrible place. People are suffering inside that Prison it breaks my heart to just think of what they are feeling right now Ben.” ” Come on now, lets go to bed. Do you want me to bath You?” He smiled. ” No, am done was just sitting in here anyway,” I shook my head . “wiping me dry can do” I teased him as he pulled me out of the water. He slowly wiped my body without taking his eyes from my face. ” I missed you so much” l held his hand as he finished wiping my feet and stood up. ” I missed you more my love. You have no idea how relieved I feel about all this and you being so close to me again” he sincerely responded I knew he meant every word. I pulled him to a kiss, he stepped back a bit and smiled. ” I waited for that from the day they locked you” he laughed pulling me back in his arms. ” Are you sure, you are okey with this?” He asked after another mind blowing kiss as we still stood in the bathroom. ” I feel tired Love, but I want you so bad too” I giggled pulling him out and leading him to bed. After l wrapped my towel around myself. ” Well, I need you too but I don’t want to put more pressure on you. Maybe it’s better you rest tonight and I promise tomorrow I will have my way” he rubbed my lips with his. ” Now you are making it so difficult to resist you Ben” I pulled him closer and our eyes met. For some good minutes we kept on staring at each other and could smile without saying anything. In our silence, they were thousands of words spoken and I knew there was no going back. The man before me was exactly, In fact more than what I had wished for. His love was unconditional. Unlike him, I loved him from the word go, but now seeing the dept of his warm eyes, the curve of his breath taking smile, I knew he loved me. I could feel it inside me and l wished I was a man to propose marrying him, being a woman I knew l had to wait for him but my mind was made up. Come what may I felt belonging to him. Unconsciously I felt my body rise and my desire for him grew intense, I couldn’t feel the tiredress anymore and I sighed softly moving closer to him. ” What?” He finally said something like he was reading my thoughts in his silence. ” I love you” l said honestly. ” I know!, your heart is pure there’s no doubt you love me. Sometimes I envy you so much” he laughed softly. ” Envy me?” I made a frown face at him.” I don’t understand,” I responded. ” Well, there are not a lot of people out there who could be like you are. You have so much courage and determination I still don’t understand how you would fall in love with me especially in the state I was in before. I have heard of ladies falling in love with a villager, a poor man, a Kaponya but never a mad man. How you did that still amazes me and I don’t know how to put it in words to thank you for saving my life.” He shook his head. ” You don’t have to say anything, you have told me enough my Love, and am getting bored with this talking” I teased him playing my hands on his chest. ” Oh no!, here I am saving your life and you are making funny of me” he laughed loudly. ” You know this won’t end well for you right?” He kissed my cheek drawing himself closer to me. ” Am stronger than you think” I mocked him placing my fingers and rubbing his man gently I laughed when he gasped. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you Jen, he murmered the words and moaned softly as he kissed me deeply. Immediately connecting ourselves his every move and touch adding to how crazy I was about him already. I woke up late the following morning but was feeling more rested than ever, I guess I needed him make love to me to remove my stress after all. I looked towards the door and saw it was closed. I wondered were Ben was. I went down the bed and wrapped myself in a night robe and went to the bathroom. Serah, Ben’s youngest sister was seated in the living room in front of the TV. ” Good morning” she greeted me cheerfully as I came out of the bathroom. ” Morning Serah, how was your night?” I smiled sitting opposite her in the couch. ” lt was great.” She smiled back her face reminding me of her mother who I only saw for a few minutes before she died. ” Where is your brother and Memory?” I asked seeing they where no where to be seen. ” Ben left a few minutes ago and he said I should give you some breakfast immediately you wake up. But since you have delayed I think I will have to remake it so that you can have some hot breakfast. And Memory has gone to get some application letters from campus, she was told to re apply for her to resume her course” she said with a smile. ” What time is this?” I asked, she pointed at the wall clock , ” 30 minutes passed 10 am” she chuckled. ” Oh God I have overslept!” I sighed rubbing my eyes. ” lt’s normal given the circumstances ” she smiled standing to make me breakfast her calm behaviour reminding me of my own sister. From her looks and speech one would tell she was a good person and I immediately related to her. After enjoying my warm breakfast I took a bath and wore a pair of leggings and a loose top that went up my hips. Sitting in the couch as l tried to find something to watch I went to Muvi TV channel, just to find some talk about marriages and it was based on my story. With the headline ” MAD IN LOVE” I watched smiling and shaking my head as I heard the views of different callers who now changed from saying bad words about me to praising me for being one in a million. Others said, I must have fallen in love with Ben even before he went mad and I just felt obliged to help him otherwise it wasn’t possible to fall for a mad man. Though others still called me names,I didn’t want to let some joy killers spoil my day. others spoke so ill of Clara calling her a demon, and other disgusting names which I knew she fairly earned. I shook my head and changed the channel , the program was somehow stressing me up. ” Hey my Love, sorry l left you in bed. I received a call and I had to rush out I didn’t want to disturb you” came Ben’s voice and he kissed me slightly sitting on the arm of the couch holding my shoulder. ” So what was the call about?” I turned to face him ” My son Ben” he paused ” it was some news about my son love” he rubbed my shoulder. ” Tell me what happened, where is he? Did you find him? Is he okey?” I asked one question after the other and he sighed sitting inside closer to me.. Watch out for the _FINALE_
25 May 2019 | 02:35
Kindly waiting for the last epi
25 May 2019 | 07:22
this is good news
25 May 2019 | 09:35
waiting patiently,Jen I'm glad you are out
25 May 2019 | 13:19
25 May 2019 | 13:37
Hmmmmm suspense
25 May 2019 | 19:59
one more episode to go
25 May 2019 | 22:01
here it come
25 May 2019 | 22:02
MAD IN LOVE EPISODE 22 (FINALE) Benjamin…. ” I received a call from Clara’s mother, I had called her the day Clara was put in custody , trying to find out where my son is. So she was returning the call and I thought it best l see her in person.” I explained as Jen nodded her head. ” Okey, so?” She sighed sitting up as she moved her feet on the couch folding herself, her knees touching my side. I knew she loved sitting that position. ” So, I went to talk to her and unfortunately she started giving me conditions for me to see my son again” ” What conditions now?” Jen asked surprised. ” She’s a joke my Love, that boy is your son, does she have any rights to keep a child away from the father? I can’t believe she’s behaving like her daughter, what in God’s name is wrong with these people?” She scoffed disappointed. ” I was wondering the same too babe, she asked me to drop the charges against her daughter or better still negotiate for her sentence to be reduced, just then will she tell me where my son is, can you imagine that?” Jen shook her head murmuring in disagreement. ” She’s nuts, are you in any position to negotiate her daughter’s sentence ? Someone must tell her how this works. Let’s say that was possible, does she expect you to just let that Clara go scourt free after everything she has done? ” She added still shaking her head. ” I know what to do my love don’t worry. As I drove back here I had an idea. Right now Clara will do anything to get out so I will use that to my advantage” l smiled assuring her. ” Not anything to do with getting close to that woman my love” she whispered concerned. ” Come here,” I pulled her close. ” She cannot do anything to me, I need to face her one more time if I have to see my child again. Don’t you trust me?” I teased her nose. ” I trust you Ben, but it’s that Clara am worried about. Even in her grave, I wouldn’t trust that woman one bit” she responded seriously. Later on after we discussed the issue at lengthy, she reluctantly agreed for me to go face Clara in prison before her final trial. Days Later, I prepared myself and in the afternoon I was standing outside the the detaintion centre where Clara was being held. I took a deep breath as I matched to the entrance. Asking to see her, I was ushered inside and I sat waiting. She was brought in later on her hands still in cuffs I guessed she was being considered a top crime criminal. She looked at me with so much distaste l could have died if only looks could kill. ” What do you want?” She snored angrily. ” Well, ofcourse not to pay you a courtesy visit if that’s what you think, and not really to see you for pleasure you know how much I would pay a good fortune to make sure I never see you again” I snapped back and she made a disgust face. ” I should have killed you when l had a chance!” She whispered hatred clearly portrayed in her words. ” Well, you never did, and am still alive. Any way am here to make you a deal,” I started and she looked up my face with a wide grinn. ” mnmmm my mother never told you where your son is huh?” She responded sarcastically. ” I want him Clara, he’s my son too and you and l we both know you hate him. So why are you hiding him from me?” I asked her. She leaned back in the chair and placed her cuffed hands on the table between us. ” Well, let’s just say I want to purnish you. I hate you Ben, I hated you when you proposed to marry me and I hated you whenever you played good husband with me, I hated you when people talked well about you like you were the most handsome and perfect man. I hate you now and will always hate you” she spat her mouth curved into a sign of hatred I could feel her deep hatred where I sat across. I shook my head honestly feeling pity for her. Jennifer was right, Clara was sick in the head and the kind of hatred she had was so intense it scared me. ” lf you hated me that much why did you agree to marry me? I mean, it could have been better if you simply told me the truth in the first place, we couldn’t have been here.” I shrugged. ” I want you to know Clara that when I married you I had loved you, with a pure heart even though I saw how you treated me bad, I had hope that one day you would come around, I wanted is us to have a home and I had chosen to grow old with You, because that’s me, I always am serious about the decisions I make. Am not pushed by people or money. Now I can’t even dispise you, cause unlike you, am not like that inside. I just hope one day you will realise how much you have hurt me for doing nothing but committe my life to loving you and wanting a better life with you.” I told her the truth and she kept looking at me blankly. ” I have learnt one thing from all this though, the heart and mind of a woman is a mystery. You may never know what lies behind their smiles and laugh. If not for the fact that I found a woman pure in Heart, the one who has a heart of Gold and would do anything crazy to see me happy and well, I could certainly have vowed to never love another woman in my entire life, You, dear Clara is a true definition of a woman with a dark heart. ” l added seriously telling her what I longed to tell her years back. ” You are so ungrateful, unreasonable and with nothing close to a beautiful woman because as l have come to learn, beauty is in the heart and seriously yours has none of that. Tell me where my son is and today we will both close this chapter in our lives. I don’t even need to come and testify at your trial if you do so. All I want is my son please” I begged and she was still silently looking at me. I saw her wipe a tear from her face and wondered what it meant, I had no idea whether it was the impact of my words or she just realised how pathetic she had been. But what she uttered next puzzled me and I was so shocked to the core I felt my heart skip a bit. ” Well, I knew this will happen the moment I saw you walk in my house, so I prepared myself. I killed that b****** because he was a constant reminder of you. If you want to see him go to the grave yard. You will find a grave marked Ben Kangwa(Jr) that’s where your son is. I bet that crazy slut who picked you can give you other kids. I wouldn’t live to see something that would remind me of you” she uttered her last words and stood up calling the warderess to come open the grill door for her. I was left numb I felt my feet go weak. ” Jesus!” I sighed wiping my tears as I felt something prick my heart. I had thought she was bluffing so I rushed to the grave yard she mentioned to check out the graves. I spent the rest of the afternoon searching amongst the fresh graves and finally to my disappointment, as I had wished her words were not true, I found the grave marked with my son’s names. I fall down there weeping like a Child. I called Jennifer who came over with a taxi as I had got her vehicle. She too was so shocked she weeped like she knew my baby. ” She killed him, she killed my son all because she hates me for nothing reasonable” I sobbed. ” Come on my Love, I know this is so hard but you have to put yourself together, let’s go home now it’s getting dark here” she whispered pulling me up and dusting my pants. We walked to the car and she drove me in silence as I replayed the conversation I had with Clara, ” is she a normal human being?” I kept asking myself. All the days that followed we mourned my son. My sister’s couldn’t believe she killed Ben. ” Maybe she dug an empty grave brother Ben, I don’t believe she can be that evil to kill her own son. She just wants you to feel the pain you are feeling right now” Memory told me. “I wish that were true sister, but I had the grave exhumed and my son’s body is burried in there.” I shook my head sadly. Jennifer….. Months later, Clara was given a life imprisonment and we heard the drug Lord that was apprehended together with her bailed himself out and paid off his case. He however sent his people to pull out Clara’s eyes as payment for her betrayal. I felt pity for her, now she was blind and would spend the rest of her miserable life in jail. Ben proposed marriage to me though he didn’t want anything big given his history of a bad marriage after having a very big and colourful wedding. He proposed something intimate with close relatives and friends. I had no objection. All that mattered was living the rest of our lives together. Kegan too supported us and we remained friends. Even though he always teased me of how he wanted to search for a crazy woman too, lest he found his true love. I never heard from my best friend and ex boyfriend. Rumour had it that he left her and married another woman from Choma. We had an outside wedding at Iriss Gardens with a few guests. Our dear priest Father Lamba blessed our union. He made us give our own vows and Ben looked at me with his soft white eyes and well shaved moustache,his black suit and white shirt making him look so smart and handsome I felt proud. I was in a simple but classy ball wedding dress with some 100 %hair extensions tied in a pony tail a small crown placed on top of my head. ” I have no words to express the happines that I have experienced in this short period I have lived with you.” Ben started his vows, ” Every time I think of how we met, my heart melts with joy. I want to live the rest of my life waking up to the smile of your beautiful face my Love., because I know there’s no one else in this world that will ever make me so happy and I would love more than I love you, will you stay with me in sickness and healthy, riches and poverty?” He paused wearing a smile ” That I wouldn’t want you to answer, because I already know the answers, you have shown me love through the most impossible times already. love you forever!” He smiled placing the ring on my finger. I smiled tears of joy in my eyes, his beauty making me want to say a million words but I had no idea how to express them. ” Ben, you are the love of my life. I have never felt so much at peace and in love with anyone before. Each new day you show me how much love you have for me and even if we have some differences sometimes, that just makes me love you even more because I realise in our imperfections, lies our strength and courage to forge ahead. I would go on telling you how much you mean to me but the day is not enough to me to do that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you so that I would have to tell you how much you mean to me each new day. I love you forever” I smiled and he wiped my tear and kissed me. We heard people cheering and the priest saying you may now kiss the bride and we smiled without breaking off the kiss. Our days were worthy the fight. Ben recovered his family mansion in meanwood where we all moved in. He recovered all his company assets. Within a year he managed to get the business back on the map in the country and his sister’s both went back to school. My brother and Ben become the very best of friends I sometimes felt jealous how much they spent time together whenever he came visiting. It was months before our second anniversary when I discovered I was pregnant. I have no way of expressing how happy and excited Ben was. He treated me like a baby, he almost stopped me from going for work. My story turned from a crazy passion for a mad man into a series of happines and pure love. I always go down my knees thanking God for everything…… …….The end……
25 May 2019 | 22:13
And finally a happy ending
26 May 2019 | 04:19
let's go all d way to d end
26 May 2019 | 10:07
happy 4 u guys. RIP Ben jnr
26 May 2019 | 12:06
Happy ending
26 May 2019 | 12:17
hapi ending
26 May 2019 | 16:48
Thumps up dear Happing ending
26 May 2019 | 17:49
What seems to be an unbelieveable love was for real. Very well then, this is a surprise made love with a lot of unpleasant circumstances from one opponent that was defeated at last.
26 May 2019 | 19:30
Jennifer and benjamin has a super love experience that has so much joy at last that can last with more joy and happiness and more kids. Father lamba, memory, serah, jen's brother, kegan and more family and friends were around to celebrate the true love between BEN&JEN and also recovering of their wealth. Nothing much is left for clara the killer the wicked, she's dying in jail.
26 May 2019 | 19:50
26 May 2019 | 19:52
wow!! this story is super, happy ending, Weldon @chimmy
27 May 2019 | 10:22
27 May 2019 | 17:55
Thanks @chimmy
29 May 2019 | 03:21
I just can't imagine sum1 as evil as Clara,I think I should be scared of the name Clara itself,am happy for u ben,God has really smile on u by providing a saviour inform of Jen to rescue u, because he know u are innocent,thanks admin,more ink to ur pen
30 May 2019 | 14:15
your love is like a whistle!,
6 Jun 2019 | 02:30
Honestly speaking, I had assume Jen is somehow crazy. But I realize that we do some crazy stuffs all in name of love... Nice story and I learnt much from it
17 Jun 2019 | 09:34
Have now read this story and to be frank its wow! Thumbs to you writer!
15 Oct 2019 | 15:05
Happiness at last. Ben jnr rest in perfect peace
23 Nov 2019 | 16:41


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