Good afternoon peeps today on relationship talk, we'll be talking about the concept :making a perfect spouse. For a moment forget about perfect because no one is perfect, what will can all achieve is something close to perfect. what are the factors that work together to make you a perfect couple
1. [color =red]Love [/color]
2.[color =yellow]Tolerance[/color]
3.[color blue]Contentment[/color]
4.[color =green]And good communication[/color]
[color =red]Love[/color]
What is Love?
Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges
from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of
a strong attraction and personal attachment.
Love is a force of nature. However much we may want to, we can not
command, demand, or take away love, any more than we can
command the moon and the stars and the wind and the rain to come
and go according to our whims.
Why love is important for sustainable relationship and marriage?
Some important thoughts on the subject of love in relationship and
marriage to make it work
Hello, for this week for your learning , we are going to look at love as
one of the fundamental principle for sustainable relationship and
Here are some principles that shows that love is very important in
order to make any relationship to succeed.
Love is a concept, that means different things to different people
Love is the important thing in life and God expect us to love all,
Love is more than your feeling
love is deeper and stronger than feeling.
Love is always centre on the other person .
Love gives advantage to the other person.
Loving someone is about bettering the lot of the other person.
Love is a deliberate choice.
Real love ,the kind that sustains marriage is a deliberate choice.
Love is something that you decide to do. Your mind is involve and it
is something that you have decided to do .
The fact that you are in love does not mean that you are not thinking.
love does not disengage your ability to think.
Love is action and it demonstrates love.
Love is reaching out to the other people person no matter what you
real .
love is all about commitment-doing what you promise to do even
when the feelings has gone.
love is a constant, the feeling may be gone. If i love this person ,what
will i have done.
love is the fuel that runs our home or life.
seek for the love in the right way
You have to Marry someone that you say that you truly love and care
about that person
A lover is a winner any day
love is takes hard work to build.
[color =yellow]Tolerance[/color]
What is tolerance?
Tolerance is being patient, understanding and accepting of
anything different.
capacity to endure pain or hardship :
endurance, fortitude, stamina.
How to become more tolerant in a relationship
and stop being judgmental?
You must recognize the individuality of your partner and try to be
less controlling. You may not agree with their opinions but you can
have wonderful debates with them. This would make you
understand their perspective. You can empathize with them, put
yourself in their shoes. You may be able to explain their behavior.
Are you judgmental of your partner?
You judge other people based on their actions. We all do. We all
have a first impression of people we meet. The problem arises when
we act on our judgment. Sometimes it is helpful but most of the
times we hurt the other person. There is more to a person than the
clothes he wears, the makeup she puts on, the novel he reads, the
boy-band she likes, etc. You may have some bad qualities. Some
people may judge you based on that and only that. It would feel
bad, wouldn't it.
To stop being judgmental, try to know more about the person. Don't
criticize them based on a single action but understand their
situation and act accordingly.
[color =blue]Submission[/color]
What is submission?
Submission is the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will
or authority of another person.
the action of presenting a proposal, application, or other
document for consideration or judgement.
What Does It Mean for a Wife to Submit to Her Husband??
Some believe that being submissive means to simply obey and to
deny personal feelings, desires, expectations, and dreams. They
think a wife is not submissive if she shares her opinions with her
Worse, countless women have been sent back to their homes and
told to submit to abusive husbands — in some cases without
anyone ever speaking to him about how he treats her. Some even
believe that wives who are abused cause the abuse by their lack of
This false concept of submission is often used to manipulate and
control women. It advocates quiet obedience and subservience, and
denies a woman’s irreplaceable value in her marital relationship. It
also ignores the potential for a man to be heavy-handed and
unloving in his attempt to be the “ruler” of his home. To illustrate, a team player must submit to the guidance of his
coach. A good coach guides the team in strategy and utilizes the
strengths of the players for the success of the team. A gifted player
may debate a point with his coach, but there comes a point when, if
they continue to disagree, the player must submit to his coach.
Likewise, the wife, at times, must put aside her disagreements and
follow the lead of her husband, whom God has placed in her life as
the head. (Sometimes, it is not in the best interest of either the wife
or the husband to submit, as in the case of abuse.)
Marriage, according to God’s design, is a relationship that returns
love for love, service for service. Husbands and wives love and
sacrifice for one another differently. Husbands love their wives by
protecting, cherishing, and serving them. Wives submit to their
husbands out of respect and love. Both the husband and the wife
are given vast opportunities to show Christ’s love to one another. It
is not always easy, but marriages can best reflect God’s redemptive
work in our lives by following the principles of Christlike love and
[color =green]Communication[/color]
What is communication?
Communication is the act or an instance of communicating; the imparting or
exchange of information, ideas, or feelings.
something communicated, such as a message, letter, or
telephone call.
The effects of lack of communication in a relationship.
1. Unresolved conflict
Conflict exists in all relationships, and when
communication is difficult or impossible, conflict often goes
unresolved. Negative communication patterns, such as
inconsistencies with tone or body language and different
communication styles, can even lead to conflict escalation in
some cases. By adopting an effective communication pattern
with your partner, you will be more equipped to settle
disagreements and resolve conflict without negative
consequences to your relationship. This includes using “I”
statements, focusing on the problem instead of the person,
listening and providing feedback, and avoiding interrupting
or blaming.
2. Misunderstanding
The way that you or your spouse presents a topic for
discussion or the body language that accompanies this topic
can lead to confusion or misunderstandings. For example,
after a stressful day at work, your partner may seem
uninterested or angry while communicating with you about
other subjects. While this and similar types of interactions
might seem personally targeted toward you or the
relationship, they could actually be the result of ineffective
communication skills. Tips for reducing misunderstandings
include considering the other person, staying positive and
being open and clear about feelings or concerns the other
person may have.
3. Communication patterns
A lack of communication can lead to consistent negativity in interactions. Ineffective communication attempts tend to distress those involved, which can result in reciprocated negative exchanges and, eventually, This can make it difficult to move towards
a more effective communication style. It is also important to remember that communication patterns also involve nonverbal exchanges, such as eye contact, tone of voice and other cues.
4. Deterioration
Communication problems and the conflict that often results
have been known to contribute to reduced relationship
satisfaction and eventual breakup. Not being able to
communicate effectively can make you feel incompatible
with your partner or frustrated with the relationship in
general. Findings from a study reported in Journal of Family
Issues listed poor communication as influential in the
decision to divorce for both men and women. This suggests
that adopting good patterns of communication can help you
and your spouse to maintain a successful relationship.