More Than This By GorgeousTragedy12

More Than This By GorgeousTragedy12

By Jonzy4u in 23 Jan 2019 | 00:19
Jonzy4u Jonzy4u

Jonzy4u Jonzy4u

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Posts: 3164
Member since: 31 Dec 2017
Nevaeh Johnson was your average teenage
girl. Well, other then the fact that she was a
werewolf. Yep that's right. And to make her
even more unique she is the highest
ranked fighter in her pack, and the only
female fighter. And of course with that
being, she is sometimes low ranked and
put down for doing that. From the elders in
the pack, and ever her own parents. With
that being said she likes to keep a low
profile. Be with herself and herself only.
Now friends just her.
Xander Love was the alpha of the Red
Knight pack. The strongest, and long going
pack to ever was the faces of the earth.
With this being, with that comes his cocky,
ruthless, ignorance, obnoxious, whorish-
well you get the point.
What happens when her Alpha Brother
decides that it would be best for her to
move in with another pack?
With these two being mates slash
enemies what will happen when these two
face a journey filled with laughter,
heartbreak, and a ruthless intention.
This story contains sexual, violent, and
strong language content. Please be advised.
23 Jan 2019 | 00:19
"Okay you guys. That's it for the day." I yelled over the tired looking pack members as they all waked out of the arena. I sat down at a bench drinking my Gatorade. "You do know you can be a less hard on the pack members right? Just look at them." I heard the pack Luna, Camilla replied as I cleared my throat and looked at her. I rolled my eyes at her and stood up. "With all due respect, 'your' pack members need this. You've been her for a year, I've been here my whole entire life and I know what's best for them." I replied back to her and grabbed my Adidas gym bag and looked her. "God forbid the day that this does happen, but if this pack would ever have to go to war with rouge boundaries, you'll be thankful for me to even touch bases with these lazy asses." I replied back to her walking away as I heard her sigh. "This is about your parents isn't it. Just because your mother and father died in honor and respect. And I'm pretty sure that an attack will never happen again." She told me as I turned around and looked at her. "One thing don't bring up my parents in this Camilla." I growled at her as her eyes suddenly turned pitiful. "Nevaeh I-" "Just don't!" I roared out as everybody started at us in shock. She sighed and looked at me with that same look. "What's going on here?" I heard as I turned around and saw my Alpha slash brother Sebastian walked up towards us as I sighed. "It's really not nothing Sebastian." I replied walking away but he grabbed my hand and looked at me. "I want you to meet me in my office in an hour. And don't bring an attitude neither." He told me as I snatched my hand away from him. I rolled my eyes walking up to my room and slamming my door. This is basically my life if you want to consider it. My brother is the Alpha of the pack that my parents used to own until their passing a couple of months ago. It was a rouge attack, and ever since then with me being the top fighter I took it upon myself to at least try to save this pack. This pack wasn't this low when my parents were in rule. My brother kept held of it until Camilla came into the picture. Don't get me wrong though. Every single thing that happened between us it's still there and he is my brother. But him being this nonchalant and not caring about anybody else but her is putting this pack in danger. I rolled my eyes as I laid down on my bed plugging in my earphones. After about an hour later I decided to take a bath and get dressed. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to my brothers office to see him starring at me in complete anger. "Didn't I tell you to meet me here over an hour ago!?" He exclaimed at me using his Alpha voice. "Calm down." I replied to him as he shook his head. "Calm down? Nevaeh you are not taking this job serious, and if you don't I'm gonna have to replace you." He replied to me as I rolled my eyes.
23 Jan 2019 | 00:26
"Whatever." I mumbled grabbing my carry on as he grabbed my suitcase. I sighed as we both walked down the steps as I saw Camilla waiting at the bottom. "I'm sorry that this happened like this Nevaeh." She told me sincerely as I gave her a small smile. "It's nothing." I mumbled as I saw two boys waiting in front of me. They looked ask if they were twins. "My name is Cameron and this is my brother Kendall." The first boy replied as I both nodded. They looked as if they were 16 years old, but they were very tall. They both had a sharp jaw line, but one had honey brown eyes and the other had green eyes. They both were curly black and a tan color skin tone. They were pretty cute if you say so to me. "Hello I'm Sebastian, and this is my little sister Nevaeh." I heard Sebastian say as they all shook hands. "Well we should get going. Our brother, Xander don't want us waiting." He replied as they both nodded. I grabbed my luggage but then Sebastian grabbed me and turned me around. "You might not see it now kid, but this is the best for you. This is until you can get your mind straight." He replied pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. "Well that's cool and all." I mumbled as he shook his head chuckling. "Love ya kid." He replied looking me in the eyes as I couldn't help it anymore. "Love ya too big bro." I mumbled. I turned around and the twins grabbed my luggage for me and took me to their red Range Rover. "I call shotgun." I replied as they both looked at me then looked at each other. "I'm driving!" They both yelled as they glared at each other. "Since I'm the oldest here, I should drive." Cameron replied as Kendall scoffed at him. "And your point is? Just because you were two minutes ahead of me doesn't mean your all great and mighty. I'm driving the damn car." Kendall replied to him as Cam shook his head. "How about rock, paper, scissors, shoot?" I replied as they both nodded, Eventually, Kendall ended up winning fair and square so Cam ended up sitting in the back. As we were riding to their pack house, which by the way was a two hour drive, these dudes were pretty funny and chill. We pulled up to a huge sub division, that in the back middle was a huge ass mansion. "Here's a little more information about our wonderful pack. Each pack member and their family lives in a house. But the royals which our my brother, my mom and dad, us and my grandmother live in this big ole mansion right here. Every third Sunday we all meet up and have one huge dinner, by the way is next week. Umm yeah. That's basically it." Ken said as I nodded. "If you have any more questions about our packs past, our grandmother which is one of the elders in the pack will happily give you each and every little detail about it." Cam replied as I nodded. I was about to say something but then something hit me. And it was strong. It smelted good to be honest. Way too good. "Why are you sniffing the air like a dog." Ken replied as we both looked at him with a really face. "Oh yeah... haha." He trailed off as I shook my head. "Do you guys not smell that?" I asked them as Ken hit Cam in the arm as he rubbed it. "Ow! What was that for!?" He exclaimed. "I told you not to eat that ice cream. It gives you really bad gas and you know it!" Ken exclaimed at him as Cam shook his head. "I didn't pass-" then he froze and looked down. "Well now I did." He mumbled as I stepped out the car and so did the twins. "What does it smell like?" Ken replied as I smelt it again. "It smells like Cinnamon, vanilla, and pine cones. But the smell good ones." I replied. That's when Heaven started to stir but she was all happy and excited. 'You good their Girly.' I replied to her as she started to purr. "Well come inside and meet the fam!" Cam exclaimed. They both grabbed my luggage for me as we made it to the door. They unlocked it to see a very beautiful interior design. "It's very beautiful..." I trailed off in awe as they both nodded. "Well, wait till you see your room." Ken replied as I looked at him confused. "I'm staying in here?" I asked them as they both nodded. "Since you have royalty, you stay in the mansion." Cam replied as I nodded taking everything in. All of a sudden that smell came again, but this time it was stronger and it was making me weaker to the point I was dizzy. "Are you okay?" Ken asked holding my up as I shook my head. "That smell. I just-" that's when it hit me harder then before as I looked up to see the one and only Xander. And his eyes was pure black. "Mate!"
23 Jan 2019 | 00:41
Move on
23 Jan 2019 | 03:11
Sounds interesting...
23 Jan 2019 | 03:46
23 Jan 2019 | 07:54
23 Jan 2019 | 08:00
23 Jan 2019 | 14:36
"Well let the young lady sit Nathalia. She is our guest after all." His father replied as we both took a seat. Two maids came and handed us our plate. After awhile of talking and some sort, I couldn't help but feel someone looking at me. I looked up and saw his grandmother starring at me with a smile. I smiled back at her as she looked back down at her food. "Grandma Lily, mom, dad I have to tell you something." He looked around the table as the twins started to smirk. "You found your mate huh?" His grandmother said as I looked at her in shock, as so did everyone else. "H-How do you know?" Xander looked at her speechless as she waved her little old finger. "Now no need to get suspicious. Usually when your a higher ranked wolf, the elderly of the one that found that mate can feel it too. Basically, if your a grandparent of the Alpha, you can feel it. But I wouldn't call it-" she froze and looked at the sky. "What do you kids call it these days. Hormonal, overprotective, feeling love and lust. It's more of a fresh air of happiness. Peace. Purity. And as soon as little Ms. Lady walked in I could tell if I where to laid down tonight and the Gods took my soul for the heavens, she will put this pack in order. And in right order." She coughed as she looked at my grandson. "Now what I want YOU to do, is call that girl you so call consider a girlfriend and tell her it's over." His grandmother said as he tried to talk. "G-Grandmother I-" "Why'd I say! Don't talk back! Do you wanna get knocked out senseless in front of your mate?" She yelled pointing a finger at him making me giggle. He sighed, as I could tell her was mind linking her to come. A couple of minutes later, a tall brunette came in to the room. She had long hair, with tan skin, and her makeup "Maddison, I-" but she cut him off. "Oh baby, I didn't know we were having dinner. I was too busy shopping with my girlfriends I didn't even notice." She looked around the room and her eyes landed on me. "Why did you let in omega have dinner with you guys? Did you guys forget that this was for royalty only?" She looked at me and smiled. "I have a basket of dirty clothes in his room that need to be washed. I-" but his grandma cut her off. "Listen here girl. Now you know I don't like you. And I keep telling yo ass every single time I look at you. Now she is royalty. Her parents are the Late great Beatrice and Eric Johnson. I come to inform you that you will no longer be seeing my grandson because he has found his mate. Not his play play mate. His real mate." She told her as she gasped and looked around the room. "Who is it then!?" She exclaimed. "It's her fool!" His grandma replied pointing at me as she gasped again. "Babe, your just going to let this old lady talk to me like that! Im her Luna! I'm you real mate and you know it!" She yelled at him. "Listen here tootsie roll. I wouldn't call you Luna if the moon goddess her self came down and told me too. I rather just lay down and die. This old lady here is his grandmama. If her ever think he gonna disrespect me over yo tree shaped ass you have another thing coming. I will knock his ass out, then I will knock you out. I might be 99 years old, but I do got some hands on me. Now I don't want you talking to him, thinking of him, don't even think to think about him do you understand?" She replied as the girl shook her head as I chuckled. The girl looked at me, and rolled her eyes then left. "Now if you excuse me, I'm bout to go up stairs and watch me some Steve Harvey." She stood up and slowly walked away mumbling, "I wish the bitch would try and correct me or her." I on the other hand was in complete shock. That twins just sat their laughing in their seats as Xander froze in shock. "Well Nevaeh, it's nice to know my son have found a very beautiful and smart mate." His father replied then continued. "I apologize for the way my mother was acting. She kinda has a southern soul if you know what I mean." He replied as I nodded. "It's fine. To be honest she's entertaining to be around." I replied chuckling as they chuckled also. "Ohh I'm so glad my baby found his mate. I can't wait for you guys to get married and have so many babies! Oh Giovanni, do you think if the grandkids found their mate we would feel it like Mama Lily did!?" She exclaimed as I heard Xander groans. "Mama please, your scarring her." He groaned as she looked at me and smiled as tears were in her eyes. "Oh Nevaeh! You don't know how I'm excited I am! Know what, forget the third Sunday dinner. We are going to have a celebration. I want you to tell everyone about the celebration Giovanni!" She exclaimed and stepped towards me. "Next week, we are going shopping for this after training." She replied as I nodded still in a little bit of shock. "C'mon Giovanni, come upstairs and help me plan." She yelled already half upstairs. Giovanni groaned and stood up readjusting his suit. "C"mon boys. I ain't in this one by myself." He grabbed the two boys and dragged them upstairs as I looked at Xander already starring at me. He walked towards me and stood in front rubbing his thumb on my cheek, causing electricity to run around my veins. "I'm so sorry about tonight beautiful. I didn't mean for this to happen." He told me as I bit my lip looking at him. "Oh it's fine. But that girl Maddison-" but he cut me off. "I have a lot of explaining to do don't I." He responded as I nodded looking at her. "You think?"
24 Jan 2019 | 02:11
Hmm... ride bro.
24 Jan 2019 | 09:03
this story want to confuse me but i get to read a sentence or paragraph over again if I dont get it. please u have to be more open when writing.
24 Jan 2019 | 09:40
next oo
24 Jan 2019 | 09:41
go on
24 Jan 2019 | 11:28
25 Jan 2019 | 15:57
"And if you loose, I will gladly swoop in and save you like super man. And on top of that you have to give me a full body message." He told me as I gave him a weird look. "What? My shoulders and lower back has been very tense lately." He replied as I rolled my eyes at him chuckling. "We have a deal." I told him as he nodded. I put my hands out for him to shake but he looked at them as if it was a disease. "What?" "Oh tesoro, did you forget we are mates. We don't shake hands and seal the deal." He replied smirking at me as I looked at him confused. "We do kisses around here." He replied to me as I raised my eyebrows looking at him. "And why would I ever agree on doing that?" "Because of what I'm about to do." He replied as I looked at him confused. "What in the world you talk-" I was cut off by him grabbing my face and kissing me. Oh god his lips were so soft and plump. I dropped my gym bag and wrapped one arm around his neck and the other going straight for his hair lightly pulling it. He wrapped both of his hands around my waist pulling me closer, as shocks and sparks went through out my body. Me being the dominant person I am, I pulled away and bit his lip making him look at me in shock and lust. "Well god damn." He whispered as he looked at me. "I don't think that this deal was seal enough. Maybe I should kiss you again, but this time let me use a lot more tongue." He replied going back in for some more action as he tried to go in for it some more as I back away shaking my head smirking at him. "Nope but later on, I might just let you get a little more action." I replied smirking at him as he shook his head. "Fuck your such a tease." He replied pulling away grabbing his gym bag as I grabbed mine. "Oh yeah by the way-" I told him turning around as I caught him starring at my butt. "Maybe next time I might just use a little more tongue." I winked at him making him groan. I laughed pecking him on his lips and walking out. _____________________________________ After awhile, we all headed back to the fighting Arena. We ran a good 10 miles, did some basic exercises, and for the fighting squad they went to the arena. As Xander and I were sitting on a bench drinking Gatorades, a boy walked up to us smiling. "What's up Xander!" The boy replied as they did their bro hand shake. "Babe, this is my Beta or bestfriend Edwin. We've been bestfriend as since forever. Edwin this is Nevaeh." "Oh so this is the lovely mate of yours. Also the one that challenges me." He replied smirking at me as I smirked back at him. "Nice to meet you." I replied as he smiled at me. "Well let's just get this one over with. Both of you guys head out to the main stage." He replied as we both followed his command. I took off my wind breaker, and gave it to Xander who just smirked at me. I climbed on the stage as so did Edwin as we both shook hands with each other. "So, our fellow wolf here decides that she would like to challenge our Beta in a fight. We made a deal with each other, that if she won she will be able to fight in the squad!" Xander yelled as everyone starred at us in shock. "But she's a girl!" "Edwin is going to ruin that poor girl." "She has a fat ass!" I heard Xander growled as the person as they bowed their head. "I wish the best for you both, and go!" He yelled as Edwin smirked at me. He came towards me attempting to punch me, but I ducked grabbing his arm twisting it and flipping him over. I heard someone oohed as Edwin stood back up and looked at me in shock but shook it off. He came towards me again, but this time my reflexes were slow as he knocked me on the ground making me wince. I lifted up my legs, twisting his body as he fell also as I sprung back up. He did also, but since I like to stunt once in a while I did a back flip over him catching his neck in the process and flipping him over with me as I landed on my feet. He got up and sneak punches me in the face as I winced and pushed me to the cage as I groaned out. Somehow my hand got loose, and I punched him in his jaw making his grip loosen. I kicked him in the stomach making him fall to the ground.
26 Jan 2019 | 00:42
'Fuck it up Nevaeh!' I heard Heaven yell making me giggle at her. That's when I looked at Edwin to see him forming. You gotta be kidding me! I looked at Xander to see him smirking then winked at me. I turned back around to be attached by a huge ass cream color wolf. He was pretty big, but we were bigger. 'Lemme take over. Let me take this nigga down!' Heaven said as I smirked. I grabbed him by his snout and threw him across to the other side of the stage. 'Go for it girly.' Heaven P.O.V I transformed into our grey with white and yellow highlights. I let out a huge howl and looked at Lightning. (Edwin's wolf.) I pounded on him as he tried to get free but we were to big for him to handle. I grabbed the back of his neck and threw him to the other side. I looked over at Xander and Zeus (Xander wolf) and let out another howl. I could tell Zeus was trying to get ahold of Xander but he held on. I was about to attack again, but Lightning put his paws up making me pout. And I was having so much fun. Xander walked on the stage as he saw me and shook his head chuckling. "Okay you guys. That's it for the day. Go to the dining hall and have lunch with the rest of the pack." Xander yelled as everyone escaped the building. Lightning was lying on the ground panting as Xander kept looking at me. "Close your eyes." He told me as I covered my eyes with my paw. "Put your clothes on Edwin." I heard laughing then a door shut. I uncovered my eyes as I looked at Xander panting. "So you must be Heaven.." he told me as I shook my head up and down. I tackled him and started to lick his face as he started to laugh. "Okay, so your a goofy wolf. I dig it." He chuckled and stood up. "If you can, may I have my neonota back. I miss her. And I need to talk." He replied back as I looked at him confused whining. "That's means baby girl in Italian. Can I have her back?" And with that I let Nevaeh took over. Nevaeh POV I transformed into my human self as Xander took his shirt off and handed it to me. I slipped it on as I looked around the stage for my underwear. "Looking for these?" He asked holding up my black boy shorts as I groaned looking at him. "Give them here.." I whined as he threw them at me as I put them on. I smirked at him as he looked at me. "Who won that bet?" I asked him walking towards him as he rolled his eyes at me playfully. "You did." He mumbled as I raised my eyebrow at him. "I can't here you, who was that?" I asked again as he chuckled. "Fine you get to be on the fighting squad. But now I'm gonna be 30 more times protective." He replied as I smiled at him and pecked his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked me back. "Thanks but I think I got this." I told him as he shook his head. "Haha your funny. But if you think your going to be little Miss Independent that don't need no man, you gotta another think coming sweet cheeks." He replied giving my butt a squeeze and running away. "Oh and by the way. My mom told me to tell you to be ready in a hour. And to dress a little casual and fancy." He replied to me as I nodded. I followed him inside as we were interrupted by Madison. "Xander I need to speak to you in private." She replied then looked at me and smirked. "Still with this hoe." She replied as I started back at her. "I ain't a hoe, bitch. Unlike you I have a real mate while your sitting her wishing." I replied to her as she chuckled. "Oh please don't think he'll be with you for long. He loves and wants me and not you." She replied to me then looked at Xander.
26 Jan 2019 | 00:58
"If I ever catch you with my damn mate I promise you I'll make your death look like an accident bitch." I told her as she looked at me and smirked. "That's not what your mate said about a week ago when I was riding it like a horse. You should've heard the way he was saying my name." She smirked at me as I smirked back. "Good, you had him saying it. Me on the other hand will have him screaming it and chanting it like my name is the answer to his prayer." I let her go and grabbed him by his hand. "Now if you excuse me, I'm about to show you how a real bitch pleases her man." And with that I walked away with him hot on my trail. We walked in his office, as he looked at me and smirked. "What?" I asked him as he chuckled. "You know what you said back their turned me on right?" He replied in my face as I backed up. "Hold up, if you even think about kissing me don't." I told him as he groaned then stomped his feet. "What why!? You said you were gonna have me moaning your name. How bout we do that and switch the roles. You'll be yelling my name like your life depended on it." He replied as I shook my head. "Maybe after you brush your teeth and take a bath I'll give you some loving before I leave." I told him as he sighed. I opened the door and walked out to my room. After taking a bath and getting dressed. I made my way to his office to see him dressed and on his laptop. He had on a black T-shirt, some khaki shorts, and some Sperrys on. He had on his glasses and he was look concentrated on something. I'm not gonna lie. He was look good as hell, but I won't let him know that. "Hey baby." I replied putting my purse on his desk as he looked at me and smirked. "Hey Bellissimo, you looking mighty fine." He replied as I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you very much." I told him pecking his lips. He shut his laptop and looked at me through his glasses. "About that action I was promised earlier..." he trailed off as I shook my head. I decided I wanted to be a tease. "Oh I was just kidding." I replied nonchalantly as he starred at me in shock. I was about to grab my things but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around so that I was standing in from of him as he sat in his chair. "Oh no you ain't. You bout to sit here and give me some love." He replied and smashed his lips into mine. I moaned out as he stood up still lips connected as he pushed me to sit on his desk. He started to suck and kiss on my neck as I moaned. "Fuck." He mumbled in a raspy voice making me melt. I pulled away and started to kiss and suck under his neck more likely on his chest because he was so tall and I'm so short. "Nevaeh..." he moaned out loudly. Just then there was a knock on the door as he slammed his hands on the table. "Damn it!" He exclaimed in frustration. "Who is it!?" He yelled out. "It's me! I'm ready for Nevaeh to come now!" I heard his mother say as I giggled as he looked at me. "This shit ain't funny. Every time I try to get some action with you someone ruins it. She better be lucky that she is my momma or so help us God because she would have just have to hear you." He replied as I giggled at his neck. "I gave you some uh.." I trailed off as he smirked at me. "I gave them to you too." He replied as I rolled my eyes at him chuckling. I hopped off the desk adjusting myself and helped his fixing his hair. I walked over to the door and opened it and saw Nathalia sitting there smirking at us. "So if I wasn't your mama, I was gonna hear what?" She asked as we both stood their frozen. "W-well we were just playing a game ma. Nothing to worrying about." He said as she shook her head. "Mhm, that's explains the hickies on the both of you guys as big as your ego. Let's go Nevaeh, I have reservations for us both." She replied as I turned around and looked at Xander as he smiled and winked at me. Oh lord...
26 Jan 2019 | 01:11
26 Jan 2019 | 07:37
I am loving this
26 Jan 2019 | 15:54
Please help me correct the episode arrangement because i have not posted episode 4 and 5 the other side is Still the continuation for episode 3 and help me call the roll call @Itzprince
26 Jan 2019 | 16:48
"Skip to the point." I responded back as he sighed. "While you two were gone, I had some of my men bring your stuff into my room." He replied as I shrugged and nodded. "Okay that's cool, anything else?" I asked him as he looked at me in shock. "Your not going to argue back with me. Cuss at me? Put me in my place?" He asked me as I looked at him and laughed. "Well do you want me to put you in your place?" I asked him smirking as he shrugged. "So your fine with sleeping in my room for now on." He said as I nodded. "Where is it by the way I wanna, lay down. I'm really tired." I told him as he nodded. He stood up putting his food in the bag and walking up the stairs. He led me to a room with big oak doors. He grabbed a key and unlocked the doors. It opened up to a beautiful all white room, with black decorations. He had black, grey, and white pillows. He an apple computer with an apple laptop sitting on the black computer desk. He had about 4 different, dressers, and two night stands. "So this is our bedroom." He replied as I looked around. "Don't worry. I'll add some more things to it to make it a little more comfortable to you." He replied as I chuckled. He led me to an empty walk in closet. "I had two closets so this one will be yours, because out of the both of us. We have too many shoes and clothes for just one." He told me as I looked at him confused. "I don't have a lot of clothes." I responded back as he smirked at me. "...yet." He led me to another door and opened it and saw a bathroom, a little more bigger then mine. A bath tub, two sinks, a shower, a toilet. Just a regular bathtub. "Thanks for the tour babe, but I'm pretty tired so where my suitcase at?" I asked him as he pointed to his closet. "I'll be back in an hour. I have some things to finish up in the office." He told me as I nodded. He stepped out as I grabbed me a silk PJ set. I wrapped my hair in a scarf and laid down in bed, slowly drifting to sleep. _____________________________________ I woke up around three o'clock am to find an empty bed room. I sighed as I stood up and walked to his office. I opened the door to see him typing up something. "Babe, why are you up so late?" I asked walking over to him as he pulled away from the desk so I could sit on his lap. "Well, I have these deals with other packs that I don't even know how to fit them all in." He sighed rubbing his hands over his face. I pouted seeing his in stress. I'm gonna be a Luna so I might as well start acting like it. I turned on his other lamp as so I looked at the papers. "What are you doing?" He asked me as I continued look at the papers. "Shh little one. I'm helping you here." I told him as he chuckled. "Well these three are asking with help with training. So maybe you get split them three, and our pack in a half. Like teens and young adults then older people and separate them, then you can take one group to the east field and Edwin can take the other half. And I can play with the pups." I responded back to him as he sat and thought about it. "That's not bad." He responded back. "Thank you. I'll let them know in the morning, when your sleeping in." I told him as he looked at me. "Babe, I have too many things to do tomorrow. I need to pick my suit up, I have to-" but I cut him off. "And I'll handle it myself babe. You've been working yourself half to death." I told him as he was about to say something but I cut him off. "And it'll me really happy for you to relax." He sighed as he looked at me. "Babe I'm the alpha and I need to get things done." He told me as I sighed. "And I understand that. But me being future Luna, I believe that I should help out in your weak spots. And I want this for you, so please baby." I pouted at him as he sighed. "Okay fine." He replied as I smiled at him. I gave him a kiss and stood up, "C'mon. We need to get some rest." I told him standing up as he stood up to. "Thank you baby girl." He replied as I nodded smiling. "No need for that. I'm your mate for a reason." I told him. He gave me a kiss but it wasn't like our last previous kisses. It was slow and passionate. I pulled away smiling at me as he smirked. "You know, we can have a little fun." He replied tugging at my shirt as I smacked his hands away making him pout. "You are very perverted you know that?" I chuckled walking away as he walked behind me. He smacked me on the ass as I turned around and gasped. "Only for you love." ____________________________________ The next day was reckless. I ran to different pack houses, stores, banks. So you could say when I got back to the house I was tired. I threw my purse on the table and fell down on the couch. "Babe!?" I heard him yell as I groaned. "What!" I yelled out as he came in. "Babe, I had the best day ever. I went out to eat with my pops and the twins. Played video games with the twins. I ran a couple of miles in wolf form. It was a eventful day." He replied sitting next to me and rubbing my back as I moaned. "I know your day was pretty stressful wasn't it." He replied to me as I nodded groaning and sat up. "Yes. It was. But at least you got a day off." I replied kissing his cheek as he nodded. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked me as I nodded. "Little nervous. Can't wait to see my brother." I told him as he nodded. "Did you have any dinner?" He asked as I shook my head. "Well I'll order you some Chinese food for you." He replied as I nodded and stood up. I made my way up the stairs, to his room and falling asleep on the bed.
27 Jan 2019 | 02:24
The following day was a crazy day. It was filled with hair appointments, nails, and waxing. A lot of waxing. And this was just because an introduction of the mate. I sat in Mrs. Love dressing room as I sat in front of a mirror, while two girls were doing my makeup. "Okay Ms.Johnson, we're all done here. Now we have to put the dress on." She told me as I nodded. I stood up with the black Victoria secret gown Xander gave me, and walked over to the closet where she held the dress. They took it down as I took off the gown, and put the dress on. If I say so myself, this dressed fitted me so perfectly. Curves in all the right places, the red complimented my skin tone, and it was just beautiful. "Are your ready Ms. Johnson?" The other girl asked me as I nodded. I stepped out the door and walked over to the staircase and saw everybody standing their. I started to walk down the stairs as everybody stared at me. "Awe, she looks absolutely precious." Grandma Lily replied as I saw Mrs. Love smile at me. "You look absolutely gorgeous!" She exclaimed as I smiled. I was about to say something but I caught Xander stare on me as he licked his lips then he walked over towards me. "You look absolutely amazing, beautiful." He replied kissing me on the forehead as I smiled. "Thank you so much handsome." I told him pecking his lips as he chuckled. "You looking mighty fine with that tuxedo on babe." I replied winking at him as he smirked at me. He was about to say something, but we heard a camera flash. "This is just adorable. I'm starting a new scrap book just for you guys." She replied as she put the camera in her purse. "Okay you guys. Hurry up now. Everyone's here!" She exclaimed as we went to the ball area. Everybody stood up and cheered as they saw us walked in as we took our seats on stage. He pushed out my chair for me as they all awed. I sat down as he sat down by me. "Good Evening everybody!" Mr. Love replied as the whole entire room applauded. "If you all know, this isn't like our regular 3rd Sunday dinner, we come to inform you that our Alpha Xander Zackary Love has found his mate." He replied as the whole entire room filled out with cheer. "I would like you to meet Nevaeh Lynn Johnson!" I stood up as so did Xander as he walked me up to the front. Everyone started to cheer as I walked up to the microphone. "Hello everybody. I am excited to be a new edition to this pack. I am also excited to get to know each and everyone of you." I replied as the clapped again. After everyone ate I stepped off the stage to say hey to my brother. "Hey Sebastian!" I exclaimed giving him a hug as he hugged me back. "Hey there kid. You look beautiful." He replied to me as I thanked him. "Where is Camilla?" I asked him. "She's at home, she's going through heat." I replied as I nodded. 'Babe, come here... like now.' Xander mind linked as I excused myself. I walked over to the back entrance to see him arguing with some girl standing next to a boy.
28 Jan 2019 | 03:02
"Let me talk to him!" The girl yelled as I walked over. "What's going on here?" I asked as she looked at me. "Do you by any chance know a man name Giovanni Love. This dick head don't want to tell me where MY father is." I looked at Xander as his fist were bawled and he clenched his jaw. He looked as if he was about to attack the poor girl. "Um sweetie, this is his son." I told her as she looked at him in shock. "So are you Xander?" She asked him as he nodded. "I'm your twin sister, Xandria." She took her hand out to shake as he looked at her in shock as so did I. "Twin sister!?!?" He yelled with his voice screaming all over the place making it go quite. "Listen jack ass, don't speak to my girlfriend like that or you will get fucked up." He replied stepping in front of Xander making Xander step forward looking down at him. "Do you want to get yo ass beat up in front of your girlfriend?" Xander growled at him as I grabbed Xander. Mr and Mrs Love walked up. "Xander!" Mrs.Love replied grabbed him as Mr. Love looked at her in shock. "Daddy!" She yelled throwing his hands over him, still in shock. "Okay can somebody tell me why in the hell is this bitch called my dad daddy?" Xander asked as Mr. and Mrs. Love looked at each other and Xandria smirked. "Oh so he doesn't know..." she trailed off. "Family drama." "I think we should go inside the house and talk about this." His mom said as I nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go back and talk with the pack. This seems more like a family issue." I replied back about to turn around but Xander grabbed me. "No, your coming with us. Whatever they have to say in front of me, they can say it to you too." He replied as I looked at both of them and they nodded. I grabbed his hands as we made it to the house and went into the living room. He sat down on a chair as I sat next to him. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Xandria and her boyfriend sat across from us. She sat their smirking as her boyfriend sat there mean mugging us. "Xandria, where is Gianna at?" Mr. Love asked her as she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But she did leave me a note saying that if we needed money and a place to stay we could come here. So here we are dad." She replied as I heard him scoff. "So you came here to use my mom and dad. Bitch-" "Who in the hell are you calling a bitch?" Her boyfriend replied as Mr. Love looked at him. "Son, who in the hell are you?" As the boy stood up. "My name is Luke sir, Luke Dickerson. I am your future son in law." He replied as I heard Xander groaned. "Can someone tell me please why is this girl saying she is my twin. Last time I checked I came out of you all by myself." He replied looking at my mom as she looked down. "It looks like they haven't told you the truth so let me. That's not your real mother. Your real mom name is Gianna Kingsley, and she lives in New Hampshire." She replied smirking as I looked at her shock. "And since my dad here was Alpha, does that make my boyfriend and I Luna since I'm older?" She asked flipping her hair.
28 Jan 2019 | 03:20
"Mom what in the hell is she talking about?" He asked her standing up as she looked up in tears. "Baby I'm sorry okay?" She replied crying as he shook his head. "I don't want your apologies! I want the freaking truth!" He yelled out as I heard Xandria scoffed. "Your being so dramatic. Our mom was a crackhead. She didn't want you. And before your dad- I mean our daddy-" she replied batting her eyes at Mr.Love. "-decided to get married to his wife aka your 'mom' he decided that he wasn't going to wait for his mate. So he did the Willy nilly with a rouge.. aka our mom. And she got knocked up, found his mate, and since she didn't want you, our dad and your mom took you in. Now it's quite obvious that my mom doesn't want me anymore, so can you take me in?" She asked as I looked at Xander to see him crying. "Babe?" I stood up and just then he made a B line for the stairs. "Xander come back here and talk." Mr. Love replied grabbing his arm as he snatched it. "Talk? About what? That this random ass bitch and her dick head of a mate comes here to use you for your money? That you and mom- wait I mean Nathalia since she is my step mom fucking lied to me about who my real momma is? If so I don't want to talk about it. And quite frankly I don't want to talk to no body here except Nevaeh." He exclaimed. "Dude, I don't know who the fuck your talking to. But keep us out of your damn mouth." Luke replied pushing him as I heard him growled. He grabbed Luke and threw him across the room making him hit the wall. "Luke baby!!" The girl screamed running towards him. "Xander go up to the room." I told him as he shook his head. "Nevaeh, no I-" but I cut him off. "Now!" I exclaimed as he looked at his mom one last time and turned around. I looked over at Luke and Xandria as she stood up and walked towards me. "Listen I don't know who you think you are but I'm Alpha blood okay? Tell your boyfriend to calm the fuck down and if he touches me or my mate again I'm gonna-" "Your gonna what. Listen here, if you think this shit is entertaining it's not. So I suggest if you want to stay here I'll shut the hell up and make it less known that I'm here. And I have to kick you out with me being Luna now do you understand?" I told her as she rolled her eyes. "You don't scare me, bitch." I got into her face as she backed up obviously looking scarred. "You better not hit me again, or I'll have my boyfriend beat you up." "What do you mean hit you again? I didn't hit you...yet. And I promise you if he touches me I'll beat him inside out." I replied. I turned around as Mr and Mrs Love stood their ashamed. "I'm gonna try and talk with him." I was about to head up but grandma Lily bursts through the door. "Bitch I can just smell the drama in this room. Somebody tell me everything." She replied as I chuckled. I walked up the stairs to our room and opened the door to see him laying in bed with his back facing the door. I heard him sniffling as I walked up to him. I sat down next to him as I started to rub and play in his hair because he likes it. "I don't wanna talk about it babe." He mumbled. "I didn't say you have to." I responded back. A couple of minutes later he looked up at me with his face all red, and his cheeks all wet. "Awe babe come here." I replied to him as he pulled me into his lap and put his face in my neck and cried. I'm not saying one of those silent cries, he was letting all out. I let out a couple of tears seeing that my baby was in so much pain. I ran my hand down his back and in his hair. "Why couldn't they just tell me! Like I put all my trust in the world for them and they beat it out like that!?" He yelled out as I sighed. "Baby, listen and listen to me good. Just because she didn't lay down and had you, you just can't lash out on her and say that you she isn't your mom. She IS your mom and you ARE her son." I told her as he shook his head. "But she didn't have me so-" but I cut him. "Sorry if this comes off wrong, but so fucking what? She gave you clothes on your back, shoes on your feet, a place to lay your head, love when you needed it. Laying down and pushing a human out of your Punnani does not make you a mother. Love does." I told him as he sighed. "I was a real dick to her wasn't I?" He chuckled at himself as I nodded. "You need to apologize.." I said looking at him as he nodded. He wrapped his hands around my body and pulled me closer as we looked outside. "I'm so lucky to be mated with you." He mumbled to himself as I giggled. "Same here my love."
28 Jan 2019 | 03:27
The following morning, was a gloomy and annoying event. It was raining so everyone was stuck inside, with nothing to do. Xander was in our room, sleeping in. I went downstairs and decided that I was going to make breakfast for everybody. Hopefully, it would cheer them. I walked downstairs, to see that it was empty and quite. I decided to go all out today, because the situation we were all in, it seems like this is called for. In the middle of cooking Cam came down stairs with just some boxers on, and his tiger slippers on. "Good morning Cam." I told him as he smiled as he sat down. "I heard what happened last night." He mumbled as I turned around and looked at him. "Are you good?" I asked him as he nodded. "I'm fine, just weird to know that you have an older sister that you didn't know nothing about until now." He replied as I nodded. "Do me a favor and try not to mention it in front of nobody. Especially Xander. He took it pretty hard last night." I told him as he nodded. After cooking everything, and most of them up and out of the bed we decided to eat. We had red velvet pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, French toast, and oatmeal. Xandria and Luke came down and sat down in a random seat. "Where is Xander at?" Ken asked as I sighed. "He's up in the room. I'll go get him." I got up and walked up to the room to see him peacefully sleep. He looked like a god to be honest. He had on some grey sweatpants the hung low so I could see his V-Line, he lips poured, cheeks flushed, hair all over the place. He was so...ugh! "Baby, wake up. Breakfast is ready." I whispered in his ear as he turned the other way. "Xander wake up." I said in his hear as he still laid their asleep. Finally, an idea popped in my head. I turned him over until he was on his back and straddled him. I leaned down and started to kiss his chest, then I started to kiss and suck on his neck. He groaned opening his eyes and looked at me. I kissed him on the lips as he tried to deepen it but I pulled away. "Good morning to you too..." he trailed off as I giggled. "C'mon sleepy head. Come and eat breakfast. Everybody waiting on you." I told him standing up as he groaned. He sat up and sat on the edge of the bed. "I don't want to." He pouted as I shook my head at him. "Nope get up. And eat something." He smirked at me and pulled me into him. "Or I can eat you.." he trailed of I punched his arms as he winced. "Fine." I grabbed his hand as he stood up and walked behind me. We made it downstairs and sat down. I'm gonna be honest, it was awkward. Nobody said nothing until Xander spoke up. "Mama?" He mumbled as Mrs. Love looked up, hope in her eyes. "Yes baby?" He sighed and looked at her. "I um, am sorry for the way I acted towards you last night. I was just upset to know that your not my biological mother, but I know that you will always be my mother in my eyes." He told her as she smiled at him. "You know I love you, and I'll do anything in the world for you. And I'm sorry for not telling you this any time sooner." She told him as he nodded. She smiled at him and continued to eat. After that everything went sailing. Every body was talking and having a good time. Here and there Xandria or Luke would complain about something, but we just ignored it. After breakfast, and having one of the maids clean up, Xander and I walked up to his office and started to do some work. "Neonata?" I looked up at him. "Yes?" "I have a question.." he trailed off and looked at me.
29 Jan 2019 | 02:43
"And I might have an answer." He sat me down on his lap and sighed. "Well, you know how a pack is suppose to rule. With an Alpha... and a Luna." He asked me as I nodded. "Well when are you officially going to take the Luna position? Because I'm pretty excited to be able to call you Luna." He told me as I sighed. "To be honest, babe. I don't even know the process of it..." I trailed off as he chuckled. "Well first you have the announcement of the mate. Like we just did. Then you have the official crowning. That is when we have this big ass ceremony where packs from all over the city come and join us. We do this little chant thing, then I have to taste your blood. Then you taste mine and-" but I cut him off. "Sucking blood? Ain't that more of a vampire thing?" I asked him. "Well vampires don't have mates. But the sucking off the blood indicates that we are one. Our bond for each other is stronger and tighter. We give off power for one another." He replied then smirked. "Then it's the mating process. And the pack don't have nothing to do with that. I mark you, you mark me. And then you go into heat, you get horny for me and-" but I cut him off. "Uh really? Did you really have to go there?" I asked him as he nodded. "Yep. Any who, you get all horny. I can tell when your in heat. And so can other unmated people. So that's why I'll kick everybody out the house so it's just you and I, I'll make love to you until you forget everybody names except mine." I gave him a 'really nigga' face as he laughed. "Then as soon as that happens, when the both of us is ready... we can have pups. Then it's a whole other process, if we have a boy he gets my Alpha grace, if it's a girl she gets your Luna grace." He told me as I nodded. "In a matter of fact, I think I have pictures of when my momma gave me her Luna grace..." I trailed off as he nodded. "So... when do you think you'll be able to do it?" He asked me as I sighed. "Well I mean I'm not sure. But I'll let you know when I'm ready." I told him as he nodded. "That's fine Bellissimo.." he replied kissing my cheek. "What does that mean?" I asked him as he chuckled. "It means beautiful in Italian... neonata means baby girl, and Tesoro means darling." He told me as I nodded. "Ohhh... you speak Italian fluently?" I asked him as he nodded. "I've been talking it since I could talk. English and Italian." He told me as I nodded. "Say something in Italian then." "Ti amo con tutto il cuore splendido." He said as I nodded. "I love you with all my heart beautiful." He replied as I blushed looking down. "Well Mwen renmen ou twò ak tout kè m bèl." I whispered in his ear as he looked at me in shock. "My dad was Haitian, and he taught it to me. I only know certain words.." I told him as he licked his lips then smiled. He was about to come for a kiss, but someone opened the doors to his office and lord behold was Xandria. "Who in the hell gave you permission to walk up in here like that?" He exclaimed at her as she shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the chair in front. "I have that privilege to do so. Remember I'm you long lost sis-" "Okay I get it. What do you want?" He replied irritated as she sighed.
29 Jan 2019 | 02:45
"I wanna have some quality time with my brother... is that so much to ask for?" She pouted at him as I chuckled standing up. "Well babe. I'm gonna leave you two to bond with one another. I'm gonna go do some stuff." I replied, pecking his lips and leaving. I heard him grown out in annoyance as I laughed to myself. I headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab me something to drink. "You know what you did last night wasn't really appropriate, right?" Someone said as I turned around and saw Luke standing there in front of me. He was too close for my comfort so I took a step back. "Ummm okay?" I trailed off about to walk away but he grabbed my hand making me wince in pain. "Back in my home town, little girls like you were punished for the way you were acting. Maybe I should punish you." He replied as I looked at him in shock. "Nigga if you don't move your bob the builder head ass out my way I'm gonna give you an ass kicking of a life time." I replied back to him about to walk away but he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall making me wince. He pulled out something and I saw it was a silver knife. He unbuttoned my jeans and put his hand in there rubbing my lady part. I have never in my life felt more disgusted. "So, your gonna be a good little girl and listen to me. Don't try and mind link Xander either. Your gonna please me, in every way I want. And your gonna leave Xander." 'Xander come here, I-' but he stabbed me in the arm making Heaven and I cry out in pain. He cut me across the stomach as I saw blood rushing out making me fall. He then cut across my neck. "Nevaeh I-" I heard one of the twins say, then a big thud on the ground. I tried looking up but all I saw was Cam on top of Luke as my vision started to blur. "Nevaeh!" Was the last thing I heard before blacking out. *XanderPOV* "I don't think your honoring our ancestors like that Xander. Everyone here is Italian. Which means you should have Italian babies. Not no half Italian half monkey." Xandria replied flipping her hair. All of a sudden it felt like I was about to throw up. I held it back and started to talk. "Listen and listen to me good. I will have your ass tortured and killed just because you are talking about my mate and my kids. So-" "You can't hurt me for talking about some kids your not going to have. And plus she's not gonna be Luna for long. You need someone else, more powerful." She replied then act as if she was thinking. "Like that one girl..Maddison I think. She's Italian, she's strong, and-" "A hoe. Listen get the hell out of my office. I don't want you here, not even in my house. So bitch before you make-" All of a sudden a pain went through my body and I winced. 'Xander come here, I-' but the connection was caught off, and a pain went through my arm. Then went through my stomach. It felted like a silver knife being jabbed in... then it hit me. I got up and walked through the door. "Wait Xander, I have more questions!" I ignored her and ran downstairs to see Nevaeh on the floor unconscious, and Cam on top of Luke. "Nevaeh!!!" I yelled out as I ran into the kitchen. I grabbed Cam from off of him as I picked him up and slammed him in the glass cabinet making everything break. "Cam take Nevaeh to the pack nurse." I told him as he nodded. He picked her up bridal style and ran out the door. 'Come in the kitchen, now!' I yelled at the guards as I looked at Luke. "Why in the hell were you touching my fucking mate!!!" I yelled at him as he winced. I grabbed the silver knife and I slashed his chest as he screamed out in pain. "Alpha Xander!" My guards pulled me back as they caught Luke. "Take him to the west side chamber. I'll deal with him later." That's when Xandria came downstairs crying. "What are you doing!" "Did you know Luke was going to do this!?" I exclaimed as she looked at me. "Don't fucking lie either!" I replied as she nodded. "Yes, but Maddison helped too. She wanted to get rid of Nevaeh so you could be mated with her." The four guards I had left looked at me. "Find Maddison and take her to the East chamber. Take Xandria to the North." I replied walking away as Xandria gasped. "Wait, what!! You can't do this I'm your blood!" She yelled. "Shut the hell up! My mate could've died because of you, dumb ass! I don't want you here! How hard is that to comprehend!?" I yelled at her. The guards took her away as I ran to the nurse station. I opened the doors and went to the desk. "Where is Nevaeh at?" I asked her. "She is in room B-4." And I made my way to the room. I opened the door to see Cam sitting on the chair, and Doctor. Vanessa looked up at me. "Alpha I have some bad and good news." She replied as I nodded. "The good news is, is that she is going to survive. The bad news is that she lost a lot of blood. The cuts were so deep that I'm surprised she even survived. She is going to be weak.To make the process of healing a little more faster she needs some of your blood. But the outcome of her drinking your blood will make her even more weak." She told me as I nodded. "I'm not drinking his blood." I heard her mumble as I rolled my eyes. "Nevaeh, your gonna do it." I replied. I bit into my hand as I put it to her mouth. "Drink it." "No." "Nevaeh drink the damn blood now!" I raised my Alpha voice as I heard her whimper. I felt bad but it was best for her. She grabbed my hand and started to drink it. "Okay that's enough." The doctor replied. She handed me a bandaid as the doctor looked at her. "You can take her home tonight, but I suggest you keep it easy on her. No stress, no hyper activity, bed rest." The doctor replied as I nodded. "Thank you Cam. For coming in at the right time." I told him as he nodded. "She is like a sister I never had...well you get the point." He told me as I chuckled. He stepped out of the room as I looked at her as she started into space. "He touched me." She mumbled as I looked at her. "He...what?" I could tell my wold was raising from the surface and I was getting angrier by the second. "He put his hand in my-" but I cut her off. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go handle some business and then I'm gonna come pick you up." I replied walking out the door with one thing on my mind. Killing his ass....
29 Jan 2019 | 02:48
ROLL CALL @coolval222-2 @jummybabe @hormortiyor @frankkay @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb- princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @ele1 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz-chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb- mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @maths @anachrist @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com @fb-itz-wizdoever @lonewolf05 @ @fb-faridaojochenemi-usman another AND OTHERS NEW STORY OUT….
29 Jan 2019 | 02:52
Luke u are son of a bitch
29 Jan 2019 | 05:53
*NevaehPOV* The amount of pain that I was feeling at the most was unspeakable. All I was doing was just laying in this one spot because if I moved, pain went all through out my body. A couple of minutes later, the door opened and closed. I could tell it was Xander because of the way he smelt. "Where did you go?" I asked him in a hush tone as he sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you. I went to the chambers where Luke was held at and to make a long story short I killed him." He sighed sitting on the bed next to me as I looked at him in shock. "W-What about Xandria? That is her mate you know.." I told him as he rolled his eyes. "It turned out that she had something to do with this and so was Maddison. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with them two." He replied as he put my PINK duffle bag on end of my bed. "You ready to leave baby girl." He told me as I nodded. He helped me up as I winced in pain. "Don't look at me." I told him as he nodded. I took of the gown to only show myself in some underwear. He handed me a Nike sports bra and I slipped it on. He helped me put on my grey sweatpants, white T-Shirt, and Nike slides. He helped me stood up as I winced. "You okay baby?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just that my stomach, neck, and arm hurt like hell." I told him as he sighed. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you babe." He apologized as I shook his head. "No need to. You didn't know what was up, so there's no one to blame but the people who were involved." I told him as he sighed. He kissed me on the forehead as he helped me outside. We got into his car as I looked at him. "The house is less then two minutes away and we are driving." I told him as he nodded. "I'm going out my way to protect you." He told me as I rolled my eyes then chuckled. "Okay, but seriously... the house is right there." I told him as he shook his head. He drove the car to the house as he stepped out and helped me. We walked up to the house and opened the door to see that no one was home. "Where is everybody at?" I asked him. "I told them to get out because you need peace and quite." He told me as I started at him in shock. "Why would you do that!" I exclaimed as he shrugged. "Don't worry about it." He told me as I shook my head. He helped me up the stairs and into our room. I sat down on the bed and winced a little. "Do you need more blood?" He asked me as I shook my head. "No. Even if I did need it I'm not gonna do it." I told him as he looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "If it makes you heal faster, your going to drink it." He told me as I scoffed at him. "I'm so glad you know so." I responded to him as he looked at me. "You know I'm being serious right?" He told me as I stared back. "I'm being serious too." I told him as shook his head. "Okay your not the one drinking the blood here, so you have no say so in this. I'm not drinking your blood." I chuckled at him as he shook his head again. "I don't know what you've been told but I'm telling you if your healing ain't up to date, your drinking my blood." "Like hell I am..." I responded back as he shook his head. "I'm not drinking your blood and that's final. You can beg, whine, plead, I'm not going to drink your blood." "Nevaeh if you need it, then your going to drink it." "Don't you think that a werewolf can get healed by drinking mates blood is weird? Like where in the hell did you hear that from." I replied back as he rolled his eyes. "I'll do it the old fashion way, heal by nature and call it a day." I replied lying down as he scoffed. "Are you serious?" "As fuck." ____________________________________ The next day was a lot of tension between us, and honestly it's stupid. I sat in bed, debating on getting up or not. I decided that it would be best, so I slipped on my ugg house shoes and limped down the stairs. "You know that Xander is going to get on you for getting out of bed." I heard Nathalia say as I chuckled. "I don't think he really cares what I do at the moment." I replied sitting on the couch. "I care enough to want to know why your happy self is out of bed when you know your supposed to be in bed." I looked up and saw Xander with his hands crossed leaning against the door frame. "I told you..." Nathalia sung as I shrugged. "Because I felt like it." I replied back as he sighed. "Are you guys having an argument?" "No." "Yes." I started at him and rolled my eyes as she stood up. "There is a lot of tension so I'm just gonna go in the kitchen and not listen to your argument." Nathalia said walking out as I grabbed the remote but he snatched it out of my hands making me growl. "Can you give me the remote sir. I wasn't bothering a soul." I told him as he shook his head. "Go upstairs. Now." He told me as I rolled my eyes at him. "Last time I check I'm 22 years old. As in I'm a grown women. So don't sit here and try to send me upstairs like your my parent or some shit." I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V on as he growled. "You're pissing me off Nevaeh." "The feeling is mutual babe." "Nevaeh go upstairs to our room now!" His Alpha tone took over as I looked at him in shock. I stood up and walked passed him walking up the stairs as I heard him huffed. Want me to go in my room, I'll go in there. I slammed the door shut and locked it, then laid in bed. Night came, and we still haven't talked yet and I wasn't planning on it. A couple of times he has tried to get in the room, but it stayed locked. "Nevaeh open up this damn door!" "Fuck off Xander!" "I swear to God if I have to unlock this door my own damn self I promise you it's going to be me and you." "Ooh I'm so scared. I'm shaking." Then there was silence. And not the peaceful one. A couple of seconds later the door slammed opened and I looked at him with my eyes squinted. "Now you just being extra..." I trailed off as he scoffed at me. "What in the hell is wrong with you!?" He exclaimed at me as I rolled my eyes. "Nothing is wrong with me, your the one barging in here like you done lost your damn mind." I replied back, simply just going under the covers. "No, you're going to sit here and talk this out instead of acting like a childish brat." He told me as I looked at him. "No I'm-" but he cut me off. "Nevaeh listen to me. I don't know what your problem is but you are acting like a bitch right now. All I want to do is freaking talk to you but you want to act like a fucking child, I have to much on my plate right now to fooled up with you're bull shit. Until then, I'll be in my office if you want to have a real conversation." And with that he slammed the door shut leaving me there in complete shock.
30 Jan 2019 | 18:33
"I'm sorry." I told him as he shook his head at me and shrugged. "Don't be. No one really liked him in the first place. For one he wasn't my real grand dad, grandma Lily just married him, and he was a mean sad old man that really didn't have nothing to live for." he replied as I chuckled and shook his head. He sighed and stood up as so did I. "Well, I'm about to go see why this dude wants to talk to us." he replied slipping on his sweatshirt as I nodded. "Can I come.. he does want to see me too." he replied as I shook my head. He shook his head no. "No Nevaeh, this man is dangerous." "Awe come on Xander. I-" but he cut me off. "No Nevaeh. I'm not going to tell you this again. So if I where you, I'll go upstairs to the room. I'll be there in less then an hour." he replied as I sighed and nodded. "Okay, well be careful." I told him as he sighed at me. He pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear. "I'm only doing this to protect you. That's my job..." he told me as I sighed and nodded at what he said. "I understand." I responded as he smiled at me. "I'll be there in a little bit okay?" he told me pecking my lips as I nodded. "Okay, I love you." I told him. "I love you too." and with that we went our separate ways. I got into bed, and started to watch some reruns of Dr. Who, while my mind wondered off to Xandria and Maddison. I don't think they deserve to die, but then again, they did try to get me raped by Luke. I was in deep thought, that I didn't even notice that Xander walked in. "You good, love?" he asked me as I nodded. "Oh yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking about things. Nothing to worry about." I told him as he looked at me weirdly but then brushed it off. He took off his clothes, slipping on some sweatpants and getting into bed. He laid down next to me, as I rested my head against his chest as he started to play with my hair, and I started to trace my fingers along his chest. "So what did he want to talk about?" I asked him as he sighed. "Surprisingly, he wanted to talk about you and our future child." he told me as I nodded. "About..." "I don't know. He didn't want to talk until he saw you so..." he trailed off as I starred at him. "Does that mean that I have to go see what he is talking about?" I asked him as he nodded. "Yep. But don't worry. That place is going to be filled with so many guards just in case he tries to pull something slick." he told me. "Still don't know what you are going to do with Maddison and Xandria?" I asked him as he sighed. "Well, I decided that I should let you decide. Your pretty wise, and I'm pretty sure you'll make the right decision." he told me as I smiled. "Thank you baby." I responded giving him a kiss as he smiled. Eventually, we ended up falling asleep in to each others arm, letting the night drift away.
1 Feb 2019 | 20:06
The next day, we found ourselves making our way to the dungeons where they held the man. I was a little bit nervous, because for one this man could possibly be giving my child and mine future. But then again, I don't know if this man is accurate. "Make sure that you have all of the entrances blocked. I don't want no one going in or out." he told the guard as he nodded "Yes Alpha Xander." he replied and scurried away. "Are you sure about this Nevaeh. I mean, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I-" but I cut him off. "I want to do this. No harm done in being prepared for the future, right?" I responded as he sighed then nodded. We walked down the long dimed hallway as I saw guard by guard following us, making it to the cell. "Aundrias , you can come and speak now." Xander replied. A couple of seconds, an old man appeared. He was black, with a grey beard, and some pretty green eyes. He was short, and bald, and some of his teeth it seemed were missing. "Ah, so you must be the beautiful Nevaeh Johnson. Your even beautiful then what I imagine in my dreams..." he smirked at me as I took a step back and I heard Xander growl. "Oh shut it ya damn dog. I was just yanking a tail. So don't get your balls in a twist." he scoffed at him as I giggled and Xander starred at me as I cleared my throat. "Why did you want to see me?" I asked him as he smiled at me. "Straight to the point. I like it." he nodded at Xander. "Let me see your hand, Luna." he responded as Xander pushed me behind him. "You are not touching her." he growled as Aundrias rolled his eyes. "Okay hot stuff. I won't be able to tell the future without some physical contact. Now, get your cereal box shaped body out the way so I can do what I do best and tell the future." he told him as Xander growled again. "Xander please. Just calm down." I told him as he looked at me then back at Aundrias. "Come on Alpha. I have places to be." he responded sarcastically as Xander and sighed. He moved out of my way and I stepped forward just enough for him to touch me. "Now, when I tell you to close your eyes, you will see everything that I see, okay?" he told me as I nodded. "Close your eyes." and with that I closed my eyes. I sat in a nude color room, that had two cribs. A blue and a pink one. I walked over to the cribs and saw a girl and a boy, with beautiful green eyes, thick curly hair, and puffy cheeks. The door opened and I saw Xander and Me? "I can't believe my babies are finally one year old today!" I exclaimed picking up the baby boy and bounced him up in the air as he giggled. "You mean our babies? And I can't believe it either. It seems like yesterday that Cam and Ken was trying to rush you to the hospital giving birth to them." he responded as I giggled. "How is Nathan doing? It's been a week sense he got of the flu." Xander replied picking up the little girl, that was still asleep. "He's doing fine. I didn't want Xaria to catch what he had so good thing I sent them with my brother." I told him as he nodded. He was about to say something but a big bang sounded out from downstairs, then we heard screams. "Dammit!" I heard Xander yelled as he handed me the girl. "Go in the closet and whatever you do, don't. come. out." he told me as I nodded and went to the closet. That was when a pale looking dude barged in and showed his vangs. "Now, where are the precious little twins." he responded. Since I couldn't be seen, I started to look around frantically. I looked at the clocked. 9:21 I tried looking for a piece of paper with a year or a date on it, and I saw it. 2019. So that means we are having kids a year from now? I opened my eyes as I started to breathe for air and I looked at Xander holding me. "What did you do!?" he yelled at Aundrias as he smirked at him. "I just saved your children life." with that being said Xander took me from the cells, and back to the pack house. He took me to our room and sat me on the bed. "What did you see?" "Xander I don't think-" "Nevaeh tell me." "A year from now, we are going to have twins." I started as he nodded. "Their names are going to be Nathaniel and Xaria." "Oh god." he started as I looked up to him. "What?" I asked him as he bit his lip. "I always wanted to name my kids something that matches our name." he told me as I looked at him confused. "Xaria. I always wanted to name my first daughter Xaria. Xaria and Xander...Nathaniel and Nevaeh." he told me then sighed. "If that's true, whatever you saw else is true then." he told me as I closed my eyes. "Oh my god." "What?" "A week before their first birthday Nathaniel catches a cold. So I sent Xaria to my brothers so she wouldn't catch it. A week later on their first birthday, we are sitting in their Nursery, talking and the pack is under attack." "By rouges?" "Vamps." "Well did you see anything that can help us plan?" he asked me as I nodded. "The attack is at 9:21 am. The year is 2019." I told him as he nodded. "Anything else?" I bit my lip and sighed. "They wanted the twins." I told him as he looked at me confused. "Why?" he asked me. "I don't know." I responded and tears started to brim up in my eyes. "Xander I don't want anything to happen to my children." I told him crying as he shook his head and pulled me into his chest. "And nothing is going to happen. I'll kill them before they even think about killing them."
1 Feb 2019 | 20:09
ROLL CALL @coolval222-2 @jummybabe @hormortiyor @frankkay @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb- princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @ele1 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz-chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb- mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @maths @anachrist @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com @fb-itz-wizdoever @lonewolf05 @ @fb-faridaojochenemi-usman
1 Feb 2019 | 20:15
Very low comments on this story for a while now just wondering whether i should stop posting it......
2 Feb 2019 | 19:27
Pls guys let comment on the story
3 Feb 2019 | 09:42
"Who are you?" I asked the girl as she whimpered out loud as she mumbled, "I'm Katie..." she mumbled as I nodded and looked up at the guards to let her go. "I'm Nevaeh, why did you cross?" she asked me as shrugged. "I didn't know where I was going, I was trying to get away from my pack." she replied as I nodded. "Why?" "They are abusive.." she trailed off as I nodded. "Your pack name?" "Dark knights." she told me as I nodded. I was about to say something, but then I heard Xander voice come behind me and walked up. "Take her to the open house on the east. I'll talk to her later." he told the guards as they nodded, and leaded her to the house. I looked over at Xander looking at me. "I could've handled that you know..." I trailed off as he shook his head. "Yeah, well it seem like you didn't know how to handle it, so you welcome.." I was about to say something but then nothing came up. "Exactly..." he trailed off as I rolled my eyes. "I want to take you out on a date tonight. It never really hit me that I took you on an actual date." I thought about it which was actually true. "Okay, sounds fun.." I trailed off as he smiled. "How about tonight. Dress fancy, but not too fancy." He told me as I nodded. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "It's a surprise." "But I hate surprises." I pouted as he shrugged. "This surprise is something that you are going to love." he replied as I rolled my eyes. "Fine..." With that we all went our separate ways. I went up to my room, and decided that I should start getting ready, with it being around 6:40. I took a quick shower freshening up. I heard the door open, but really didn't take no mind in it. I continued to wash up and turned the shower off. I peeked my head outside the shower door and saw Xander shaving in front of the mirror. "Hey babe, can you hand me a towel?" I asked him as he turned around and handed it to me. I wrapped it around my body and stepped out. I turned to look at him starring at me, while licking his lips. "Don't walk in until I tell you too..." I turned to look at him as pouted. "Why not?" "Because I don't need you walking in on me at the wrong time and get all frustrated. So stay in here." I told him as looked back at the mirror and smirked. "Okay..." he trailed off as I shook my head at him. I walked into our room, shutting the bathroom shut as I looked at the outfit that I had picked out. I put on my new set of underwear and bra and started to lotion up. That's when I heard a deep, (but frustrated) growl come from the bathroom door. I looked up and saw Xander standing their, and his normal green eyes were deep blue. "Xander!" I yelled at him grabbing the towel wrapping up and standing up as he smirked at me. He walked towards me smirking, as I stepped back holding on to the towel with dear life. I took a whiff of the air and starred at Xander body and took notice that Zeus had complete control of his body. Xander lifted me up by the waist and pushed me against the wall suck and biting on my neck making me moan. "Z-Zeus can I-I please have Xander ba- ohh..." I moaned out as Xander/Zeus started to grind his manhood against my lady area. "Fuck!" I heard Xander groan and I could tell that he was trying to fight with his wolf.
4 Feb 2019 | 02:57
'Leave him alone...' I heard Heaven growl at me as I cut off our mind link. "Zeus, let me have Xander back. Please..." I told him as he growled. I looked in his eyes, and the pooled back to his normal pretty forest eyes. He looked down at me, then to his man hood and groaned. "Goddammit. Now I need a cold shower." he growled as I rolled my eyes. "One, put me down please." I said as he placed me back on my feet as I thumped him on his forehead as he winced. "What was that for!?" he exclaimed rubbing his head as he winced. "I told you not to come in here, didn't I?" I told him as he chuckled. "I'm sorry I just cant help it. You were all dripping, and shining and ugh!" he exclaimed. "Well I suggest you go get the cold shower babe, because your not getting nothing here." I told him patting his chest as he groaned turning around back to the bathroom, and slamming the door shut. I laughed at him as I continued to get dressed. I was putting the last minute details on my makeup and hair when Xander walked out. He was wearing some black slacks, a white button up T-Shirt and a black tie with some shiny blank shoes and his hair was in a quiff hairstyle. "Baby, you look good." I told him standing up and walking over to where he was standing and pecked his lips as he smirked at me. "I look good? You look like a piece of candy, babe." he told me as I smiled. He gave me a kiss, as I kissed him back. His hands traveled from my waist to my butt grabbing it making me gasp. He pulled away smirking at me. "Mmm nice and firm." he slapped it as I pulled away from him. "What's got into you tonight?" I asked him as he looked at me confused. "What I'm just showing the women I love some love." I replied as I rolled my eyes at him smiling. "Mhm sure..." I turned around grabbing my purse as he grabbed my hand. We walked downstairs to the parking garage. We went to his white Range Rover and stepped in. I put my purse on my lap. As we were driving, we were talking about little things until we pulled up to a glass house. I was about to grab my door to open it but he stopped me. "No. Let me be a gentlemen." he told me as I laughed. "Okay.." he stepped out and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. We walked into the house, and went straight to the back, and saw that it was decorated with pretty white lights, and a table set with food on it. Their was soft music, and you can see the river floating in the back as I smiled at him. "It's beautiful Xander." I told him pecking his lips as he smiled. "I know. I wanted to do this to show you how much I appreciate yo, I adore you, I love you." he replied as I giggled. All through out the dinner, Xander and I were just talking about different things. I was standing at the edge looking at the moon when I turned around and saw Jesse standing their with a box as I looked at him confused. "What's that?" I asked him as he walked towards me with a nervous smile. He opened it and showed me a beautiful diamond ring. "Xander?" I starred at him in shock as he walked towards me. "Before you say something, let me just say this okay." he grabbed my hand and looked at me in the eye. "Since the day I met you, I couldn't help but adore at every little thing that you did. The way that you are tough but have a soft spot on your heart. You are strong, independent, and gorgeous in the soul. Basically what I'm saying is-" he got down on one knee. "I, Alpha Xander Love, propose you Nevaeh Johnson for Pack Luna?"
4 Feb 2019 | 03:00
I am loving this
4 Feb 2019 | 12:52
Hmmm So sweet
4 Feb 2019 | 17:48
He kissed me on the lips roughly, but again passionly as I ran my hands through his hair. Somehow he ended up getting my shirt off, and his too within seconds, but the only things that were covering my breasts where the red lace bra from V.S. He starred down at them long, and hard which felt like eternity, until his lips latched on to my left breast, attacking it with love bites and bruises. "Xander..." I moaned out as I heard him let out a deep, possessive growl. He did the right one with the same treatment as I moaned out. We both stood up, somehow not breaking eye contact as he unbotton his shirt, giving me view of his nice, sunkissed toned body as I bit my lip. "Wait, Xander hold up. I-I don't want to have sex... now." I told him as he smirked at me. "Princess I don't have to have sex with you to show you the love I have for you. For anything I can make love to your emotions." he replied, whispering the last part in my ear making me weak in the knees. "Is.That.Okay?" he replied, every word he said, leaving a light kiss down my jaw.
5 Feb 2019 | 04:06
The next morning, we woke up pretty early. We were just sitting in bed, playing around. "What time are the other packs coming?" I asked him. "In about an hour." he told me as I nodded. "Shouldn't we be getting ready? They can be here any moment." I replied to him as he shook his head. "Or we could just stay in, and cuddle. Or replay the events from last night..." he trailed smirking at me, as I covered my face. "Xander stop it..." I replied an obvious blush creeping on my face as he chuckled at me. "Awe you can't be embarrass. Especially the way you were moaning.." he replied to me as I starred at him then rolled my eyes at him with a smile, as he busted out laughing. "Fine, c'mon princess and get up." He replied. We both got out of bed and the both of us went into the bathroom, and saw our appearance in the mirror as we winced at the same time. "Damn.." he replied as he rubbed against his neck as I looked at mine too. "I don't know how you going to covers yours up... but I'm gonna cover mine up." I replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want to cover mine up, I want people to know who did this to me." he replied biting sucking under my ear as I bit my lip. "Don't even start Xander. If you start your not going to be able to stop yourself." I told him pushing his back lightly as he chuckled at me. "It's not my fault that I can't resist you. It's your fault." he told me as I chuckled at him. "You are a straight up mess." I chuckled as I pecked him on the lips. "But forreal though, get dressed." I replied to him as he pouted making me chuckle. After putting on my outfit, and doing my hair I went downstairs since Xamder was taking a long ass time. I went into the kitchen to see everybody eating breakfast. "Goodmorning everyone..." I told them as I grabed a plate. "I heard of the news... congradulations Nevaeh, I will be looking forward to you being luna of this pack." Giovanni said, as I smiled at him. "Thank you.." I smiled at him as the twins smiled at me. "Yeah congradulations, even though we weren't the firs one informed." Ken said as his mom slapped him in the back of his head, as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ahh mom, that actually hurts!" he yelled as Cam started to laugh. "Well obviously, I'm the mother so I'm going to be the first one to know." Nathalia replied as I shook my head laughing. Finally, Xander came in as I smiled at him. "Goodmoring everybody." he told everybody as everyone started to congratulated him. After every one was talking, the guards mind linked us, telling that everybody was here. Xander and I stood up and started to walk to outside to the fields. The whole entire field was filled with different pack members, and other packs as Xander stood on the side as I stood aside of the stage with Edwin, (Xander 2nd In Command). "Okay everybody, I am Alpha Xander, that's my 2nd in command Edwin Martinez." he pointed at him as he waved everybody. "We are going to be in charge of your guys training session. The teens and younger are going to go with Edwin, as everybody between 19-45 runs with me for the run. And after then, we will be have the cage fighting. We will have lunch, then you guys will be finish here for today.." he spoke in his alpha tone. After getting everybody sorted out we made our way to the forest. "Okay the forest trail is about a good 10 mile, and you have 15 minutes to run it all." he replied as a couple of people groaned but we ignored it. After 10 minutes, Xander and I were finish with the 10 miles. A couple of more minutes a whole bunch of people started come, and soon enough everybody was here. We took a couple of minutes to get rested, and settle in. Xander and I were taking about stuff when a boy came up to us. He looked as if she was in his early 20's. He was a tall built blonde, and was handsome. But not as handsome as Xander. "Hey, I couldn't help but see how beautiful you are..." he replied walking up towards me as I backed up. Xander growled as the boy rolled his eyes and looked back at me. "I was wondering, after this session, how about the both of us go somewhere and I'll show you some things." he replied grabbing my arm as Xander pushed him. "Don't fucking touch her..." he growled as the boy smirked at him. "Awe damn. You slept with the Alpha, your a slut huh? Trust me, I can please her more then you ever will, she probably wants me more than-." but Xander cut him off. "That's my fucking mate you dumb ass!" he yelled as everyone in the courtyard got quite as the boy shivered in fear. "I-I didn't know.." he trailed off as he nodded. "Good, well now you know. Get the fuck out of our face." he growled at the boy as the boy scurried away. I turned around to see his eyes, pitch black indicating that him and Zeus were angry. "Hey baby... calm down. I don't want nothing to do with him baby...okay?" I asked him holding his face in my hands as he black eyes, pooled back to the beautiful green eyes I was used to. "I know that, I just wanted to make sure that he knew that..."
5 Feb 2019 | 04:10
Jealous bf
5 Feb 2019 | 12:00
The boy get liver o Hahaha!
5 Feb 2019 | 16:04
Two hours has passed, and the Quincent is still typing away on my laptop. Finally he stood up and took of his glasses. "Well Alpha, and Luna. I have some bad and good news." he replied as Xander nodded. "The bad news is, is that I can exactly track who this person is. I have tried every method known to man to see if I could get any type of signal from anywhere but just my luck he snapped it." he replied as I could sense the anger rubbing off of him. "But the good news is, since he snapped the signal he has to get his connection from somewhere. The way he got his is that wherever the laptop is, that's where he picks it up. So basically, where she has been in the last couple of months is the place where he picked it off. "Well, where have your laptop been in the last couple of months.." he asked me as I thought about it. "No where really. The only place it has been is our territory, and my brother's on.." I told him as Xander looked at Quincent. "So what you are telling me is whoever this person is, is either in our pack or her brother's pack?" Xander asked him, as he nodded. "Yes Alpha..." he told him as he nodded. "Okay then it settled. I'm setting up a pack meeting with your brother and his leaders tomorrow." he replied as I nodded standing up. I don't think this is going to end very well... ____________________________________ The next morning, Xander woke up bright and early. He had extra guards last night around the territory, and off territory. His exact words were 'Just to be more conscious.' Right now, I was doing the last minute touches on my outfit as I saw Jesse walk in the room. He left the house around 5 o'clock this morning to let me have some extra hours of sleep, which I obviously thanked him for. I observed his outfit to see that he on some black jeans, and a white V-Neck shirt, with some White Nike Air Max's. "Your brother is waiting for us in the meeting hall." he told me as I nodded. I stood up and was walking to the door when he stopped me. "I can see the fear in your eyes Nevaeh.." he told me as I looked down and bit my lip. He grabbed my face, and made me look at him. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you baby girl. I promise you. If I have to protect with my heart and soul I will..." he told me kissing the top of my head and smiled. "Thank you baby.." I smiled at him. We made our way to the meeting room, as I opened the door and saw a lot of familiar faces, and a lot of unknown faces. "Sebastian!" I exclaimed as he turned around and saw me smiling. "Hey Nevaeh.." he stood up giving me a hug making me laugh as I saw his mate, Camilla. I gave her a hug, as I saw Caleb, Sebastian 2nd in command. I waved at him as he gave me a small wave back. I sat down in one of the big comfortable chairs as Xander sat down next to me. "Okay, to make a complicated story short, Nevaeh received a message from an unknown person, saying that he is going to come find her and get her. This person is so close that he took pictures of her while in bed, from our balcony.. I took her laptop to our techs and he says that the only way he can contact her is because of the connection line he has with the laptop. Basically saying that whoever this person is, gets the connection from where her laptop has been." He told them. "So your saying is whoever the person is could somewhat be from our pack.." Sebastian relied trailing his sentence off. "Or he is in our pack... we're not for sure yet. I have my tech team figuring our his cell phone signal." Xander replied as he nodded. "Well we will have our guards on extra duty in the area that is not owned." Sebastian replied as Xander nodded. "If you mind, we would like to talk in private about Nevaeh's safety." Xander told the guards. Everyone left the room one by one, until it was just Xander, me, Sebastian and Camilla. "Well I think that it would be safe if Nevaeh would come home to us..." Camilla as I starred at her. "How does that even solve our problem?" I asked her as she scoffed. "Well the person that is trying to 'kidnap' you could be in this pack." she replied as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah and that person could be in your pack.." I replied back as she rolled her eyes. "Okay well your being a dumb ass and don't want to be on the safe side." "Okay well I'm being dumb because the person that is trying to fucking get me could be in your pack, so hey let me just put myself on the line away from my mate... the only stupid ass here is the one that made that stupid ass claim." I replied back as she stood up. "Bitch! We are trying to help you!" she yelled as I rolled my eyes. Sebastian grabbed her trying to hold her back. "Okay now this bitch is being extra..." I trailed off as I looked at Sebastian. "Please get your girlfriend because I'm about this close on whooping her ass." I replied as Xander looked at me. "Don't do anything you'll regret Nevaeh." he replied looking at me. "I'm not even doing anything, she called me a dumb ass because I wanted to stay with you." I replied as Sebastian spoke up. "Camilla, go outside now." he told her pointing at the door as she scoffed. "Why should I-" but he cuts her off again. "Now, Camilla!" he yelled in his Alpha tone as she rolled her eyes and got up, then looked at me. "I hope to god that person kidnaps-" but I cut her off. "And I hope to god you don't finish that damn sentence. I don't give a fuck if you are my brother's mate, I will still beat your ass like it's nothing." I told her as Xander looked at me. "Don't." he pointed a finger at me as I rolled my eyes crossing my arms. She did what was best for her, and she walked out slamming the door. "Really Nevaeh..." Sebastian replied at me as I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't do nothing do nothing to her. She made a stupid ass statement, and when I told her no, she got mad and started to go off on me." I replied back as he sighed shaking his head. "Anyways I think it is safe if we would just have a guard with her at all times, if necessary two." Sebastian said as Xander nodded. "And for finding who ever this person is, we will have our top investagators on the deal. " he finished and Xander nodded. They both stood up and did a little bro hug. I stood up and walked over to Sebastian and gave him a hug as he hugged me back. "Be safe alright.." he told me as I smiled and nodded. "And I'm sorry for Camilla, she just got off of heat." she replied as I rolled my eyes but I nodded. "It's fine." I replied. After everyone had left, Xander and I went to to the kitchen to be met with his mom crying.
5 Feb 2019 | 19:20
What happened to her
6 Feb 2019 | 10:58
I was sitting on the bed, buckling my shoe when I looked up and saw Xander standing against the frame. "I'm almost finish, don't worry." I told him standing up and fixing my outfit as he sighed. I grabbed his hands and squeezed it as he looked at me. "I don't think I can do this..." he trailed off. I placed my hand on his right cheeked. "Listen baby, everyone here is going through it... okay? You have to be strong, just not only you... but for everyone here okay." I kissed him on his cheek, as we made our way to living room.
7 Feb 2019 | 02:11
"Okay, well tell me when you guys are about to leave, so I can send some guards with you." he told me as I sighed, but nodded. I gave him a kiss on the lips before making my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, then washed my hair. I stepped out drying myself, then putting on my underwear and bra, then put on my PINK rope that Xander bought be the other day. I left my hair wet, and walked out and saw the Xander was still on his laptop. He looked up and was about to say something, but then he saw me and smirked. "Are you trying not to go shopping today?" he asked me as I grabbed my lotion sitting down on the bed and looked him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked him as he got up and stood in front of me. "I'm trying my best not to take your sexy ass before we mate, but you are making it harder and harder by the day." he leaned in kissing and sucking my neck. "Stop Xander, I have to get ready to go..." I trailed off as he chuckled. He pulled away and kissed me on the lips as he sat back down on the bed leaving me a little hot and bothered. I sighed, and continued to put the lotion on my legs and body. I stood up and walked over to the closet picking out an outfit. I went to the bathroom, and got dressed. I put on my deodorant and put on some perfume then walked out. I put on some socks, and my converses, then grabbed my purse and phone. I expected my outfit in the mirror, and after approving I gave Xander a kiss on the forehead. "Are you leaving right now?" he asked me as I nodded. "Yeah." I replied. I guess he mind linked some of the guards. "Okay, I'll see you later. I love you." "I love you too." I walked out of the room, and downstairs to see Natalia pacing around the living room, on the phone. "And make sure that you have the flowers in. I don't want them to come in too early, but I don't want them to come in too late neither, ya know?" she said as she looked up at me and smiled. "I'll call you back to see where the order of Flowers are at. Just make sure you answer when I call." and with that she hung up. As you can see, she is more excited for this ceremony then Xander and I are combined. And we are pretty excited to the point where we are up all night talking about it. I guess because she never had a girl to do these things with, I fall right into it. And it's nice to have that motherly figure that she is showing me, since my mother wont be here to help me pick out a dress and things like that. "Are your ready?" she asked as I nodded. We both walked out, and saw one of the guards holding the door for us, to the black Bentley as we both sat down in it. We drove downtown to a 'special' gown shop, in which Natalia said it was. We stepped out and walked in to see different types of gown, that were all too beautiful to describe. "Hi Natalia, how are you!?" an Asian lady walked towards us and gave her a hug as she hugged back. "I'm good! Thank you for letting us come in on such a short time notice!" Natalia exclaimed as she rolled her eyes at us smiling.
7 Feb 2019 | 19:12
"Stop it with the nonsense. You know I would do anything for you." she looked at me and smiled. "And you must be the new Luna in town. You are absolutely beautiful." she replied shaking my hand as I smiled at her. "Thank you, I am Nevaeh.." I told her as she smirked at me. "I know who you are, I'm Yvonne. It's nice meeting you." she looked at the both of us, and saw the guards behind us and sighed. "Let me guess... Xander has them following you now?" she asked me as I nodded. "That damn boy." she mumbled making me chuckle. She clapped her hand once, and smiled at us. "Okay that's enough chatting, let's get to finding some dresses." she lead the both of us (and the guards) to the back of the store and turned around. "Okay, these right here and the vintage dresses. You know, kind of old modern. But I don't think you want to wear those types of dresses at the ceremony. I was thinking something like a ball gown, since it's going to be like a ball... but bigger and better." she pulled out a rack of dresses and sighed. "These are the ones that I just ordered and they came in just this morning. Some are big and puffy, some are tight and fit the curves, and some are average. Natalia told me that you wanted something black and nude, so these are what I have. You can start looking through them, I'm about to go to the back and grab some shoes. " she walked to the back as we started to look through out the long rail of dresses. "These are a lot of dresses." I replied looking through them in awe as she nodded. "Her mom helped me grab my dress when I was about to get crowned Luna to Giovanni. They are good people." she replied as I nodded. She came back with a rack of shoes. After an hour of looking, and trying on dresses I was gonna give up. I was looking over the dresses until one caught my eye, but the puffs at the bottom were making it heavy to take off. "Hey you guys, I think I see the dress I want.." I replied as they walked over to where I was. They pulled it out and I saw a black laced dress, with a nude slip under it. It was tight around the chest, and upper stomach but puffed outward down. "Neveah it's beautiful.." Natalia trailed off expecting the dress. "Ooh, the shoes to go to that dress is right here.." she pulled out a pair of black and gold stilettos as I expected the shoes and smiled. "Okay, go try it on before we make a decision." Natalia replied pushing my towards the dressing room. I took my clothes off, and slipped on the gown expecting myself a little. Even though the dress didn't have stapes, and my cleavage was showing a little, it wasn't too point where you could see nothing but my boobs. I walked back out, and looked at my Natalia and Yvonne as they nodded. "I believe that's the dress." they both said at the same time making me smile. I tried on the shoes with it, which made me a little more taller, but I'm pretty sure they still made me shorter then Xander because he was so tall. I looked at it in the mirror, examining it as I sighed. "How much is it?" I asked looking at her, as she looked at the tag on the dress. "It is $12,214." she said as I closed my eyes and turned around. "I'll buy it." I told her as Natalia looked at me. "No need to. I was going to buy it anyways and-" but I cut her off. "No, I'll buy it. I'm going to be wearing the dress so I might as well buy it." I told her still examining it as Yvonne shrugged. "Here, I'll help you out of the dress." after helping me out of the dress she went to go scan it. I put my clothes on and walked out to where they were and paid for the dress and shoes. We walked back out to the car as she smiled. "Now we are going to Victoria Secret." she told me as I looked at her in shock, as she starred at me. "For what?" I asked as she started to laugh. "What do you mean for what? You guys are going to be mated together... as in he is going to mark you. It's going to be a little intimate so you have to make sure you look good and sexy. And plus, I want a grandchild." she responded as I shook my head laughing. I was a little nervous, especially going shopping with Natalia, especially because I consider her as my mom. We pulled up to the Victoria Secret outlet and stepped out. We walked inside, and immediately one of the workers came up towards us. "Hello, welcome to Victoria Secret, how can I help you?" she asked us with a plastered smile on her face. "We need to get her measured for some lingerie, panties, and some bras." Natalia replied pointing at me as she nodded. "Right this away." we went to a private dressing room, as she measured me. After awhile, we started to shop, and we ended up with a whole bunch of underwear, and lingerie. Eventually, we ended back home with my hiding my stuff in her room as I made my way to the our room to see Xander knocked out. I took off my shirt, pants, shoes and socks, slipping on one of his long T-Shirts on. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth letting my hair down and went to the bed and cuddled against him. The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was, "Goodnight beautiful, I love you."
7 Feb 2019 | 19:26
Chapter 14 *   Two Weeks Later * 6:32 am I woke up to someone opening the curtains, and shining the lights in my face. I groaned and rolled over into Xander body as I heard him growl at the person. Boy stop all that damn growling. Do you remember what today is? I could tell it was Natalia's voice, but I chose to ignore it considering it was too early in the damn morning for anything. Yes mom, can my mate and I have some alone time with out someone barging in? he groaned rubbing his eyes with one hand, and his other arm occupied because of him holding me. I'm your mother. That's what I'm suppose to do. Come downstairs and eat you guys, because it's the only time you guys are going to be together until tonight. she replied walking out of the room, and shutting the door as I groaned. I'm so sorry beautiful that she woke you up out of your sleep. he kissed my forehead as I smiled. It's okay.. I yawned. I sat up rubbing my eyes as he sat there looking at me. What? Nothing. Just lucky to wake up next to this beautiful creation. he replied kissing me on the lips as I kissed him back. As much as I would love to sit here and kiss you, I think we should start getting ready. Mom is going to be pretty pissed if she finds out we ain't up and out the bed yet. he told me as I nodded. I stood up stretching and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I washed my face, and stepped out and picked out an outfit for today since we will be getting ready in the mansion. After he got out of the shower, I took one, then slipped into some tights and one of his big hoodies. I slipped on my black Puma slippers and walked out and saw him sitting at the foot of our bed, sitting on the chest looking at me and smiled. He had on some black ripped shorts on, with some white converses and a white T-Shirt. He had on a Vans snap back with his gold chain as I smiled at him. Comparing me and you, I think you look the best out of both of us. I replied kissing his lips as he chuckled. Nah I don't think so. You beat me by a long shot. he replied smirking as I smiled. We walked hand and hand down the stairs as we walked into the kitchen, and saw a whole breakfast buffet. We decided that since this will be you last day together as just mates... not Luna and Alpha... you guys should at least leave each other in a bang. Kendall replied looking at us as we smiled at them. Thank you so much, it smells so good. I replied looking at all the food. It had all of our favorites. Red velvet pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, French toast. We all sat around and ate, talking about the ceremony. Finally, the boys had to leave to get Xander ready. They all left so it was now Natalia, me, and the people that were going to do my hair. 2:30 Xander: Baby!! Me: What? Xander: Nothing. I just missed you. Xander: What are you doing? Me: Right now, I'm getting my hair done. You? Xander: On my way to pick up my tuxedo. Xander: Send me a picture. I starred at the phone shaking my head, but did it anyways.. Me: (Picture) Xander: Damn baby girl!!! You look fine as fuck! Me: Shut up.. I look like a hot mess..   Xander: No you shut up. You look like a goddess. Xander: My goddess. Me: Lmao Xander: Gosh I can't wait for tonight. I have a huge surprise for you... Me: Ooh tell me. Xander: It's called a surprise for a reason baby. Sorry. Me: Your no fun... Me: Give me a hint. Xander: I love pizza... you love pizza...we all love pizza.. Xander: That's your hint. I have to go but I love you beautiful. Me: Ugh... I love you too! I turned my phone off and placed it right be side me as the girl got done with the little piece of strand that was left. "Okay Nevaeh. I am all finish here. Ready for you eyebrows?" she asked me as I nodded. She kicked the seat back a little and started to do my eyebrows as I heard the door open. "Awe I love your hair!" I heard someone yell, but it wasn't someone familiar. I looked up and saw a girl looking at me smiling as I immediately went into panic attack. "Awe don't worry baby doll! My name is Whitney. I'm Xander cousin. You must be the lovely Nevaeh. You are way more beautiful then what Auntie Natalia explained." she sat down next to me as she looked at the girl. "Well don't stop prettying her up. Get to it!" she exclaimed as the girl continued to do my eyebrows. "Wait who let you in?" I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders. "Well it was open so I walked in. And besides... we are about to be family in less the six hours so your casa es mi casa." she explained as I gave her a weak smile. Natalia walked in and looked at her and groaned. "Who let you in?" she exclaimed as the girl Whitney groaned. "Oh my god... I'm not in the mood to... tell you the whole entire story. But my mama told me to come see if y'all need help with anything." she replied as Natalia shook her head. "Nope, everything is under control. Why are you guys here so early, and dressed?" Natalia asked her putting the V.S bag on the table. "Well we got in early because we thought it was going to be a little earlier, like most Luna proposals are but I guess not." Whitney looked at the V.S bag and her eyes went wide. "Ooh what's in there!?" she exclaimed and was about to go look through it but Natalia stopped her. "Whitney, go tell your mother that the Chef has some breakfast in there. You guys go into the main hall and relax there for a bit." Natalia told her as she nodded. She left the room as I starred at her confused, "That is my sisters daughter. " she replied as I shook my head. "I didn't know you had a sister.." I replied sitting back, as she started on my nails. "Her name is Nicole. She has this... jealousy spirit that I can't stand for nothing in the world. She always had to be better then me, but look where it ended her at. Still haven't found her mate, has a child with someone else mate, and on top of that, is jealous of me because I have my life straight." she shook her head. "All she does is sit around and complain about things all day long. Oh it's too cold, why is it so dark in here, why are y'all breathing up my air. And her daughter is ever more worse. She snoops around and everyones business, and can't stay in her own business." she replied as I chuckled shaking my head. "Wow... I don't even know what to say about that.." I trailed off as she sighed. 5:23 I sat on the bed, after getting waxed. It was painful... very painful. But I am less then three hours away off seeing my mate again, and I can't be anything but excited. I could see the lake from my bedroom door, as they were getting it set up and it was starting to look beautiful. I was in nothing but my robe until I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and saw Camilla holding a box in her hand as she smiled at me. I smelted the air, but something was different...
8 Feb 2019 | 16:34
"I'm gonna go take my seat. Giovanni will come and get you, okay?" she told me as I nodded. I sat in the car fidgeting with my nails I saw him walk up to the car and open the door for me as I stepped out. "You look gorgeous Nevaeh." he whispered as I smiled at him. "May everyone please stand for the presenting of Nevaeh Johnson." Everyone stood up as I walked to the end of the aisle where I saw Xander as he was smiling at me, with tears in his eyes. I couldn't help but cry a little wiping his tears as he did mine. "Stop crying.." I whispered to him smiling as he smiled back. "Shut up Nevaeh, it's not my fault your so damn beautiful." he whispered back making me blush. "Today, November 5th, 2017 will go down in our packs history. Our Alpha.. Xander Love will be mated with his one and true love... Nevaeh Johnson. Before we start the blood blond, these two will have a moment for their vows.. Nevaeh.." I took a deep breath, as I starred at him. "I wouldn't consider you, just as my lover. You are my bestfriend. You are the other half off of me, and you are probably the only person in this whole entire world to keep me sane but drive me insane at the same time. From all of the bs we went through, and how everything turns out in our life, I will always love you. When I look into your eyes, I see the universe, and it gives me so much hope that everything between us will be okay no matter how it looks to us right now. Your voice gives me so much prosperity that I can't help but to fall in love with it day by day. And your words gives me so much strength that I feel like I can move mountains. What I am trying to say is that you are the person that gives me faith in this world and I love you so much because of it. You are the center of my universe and I will do anything in my will and power to show you how much I love you." I told him as he smiled down at me. "First of all, I just want to take notice on how fine you look right now." he started making everyone in the crowd laugh and I chuckled. "The other day, I was starring at you while you were sleeping. Your hair was all over your face, slight snores escaping your lips, and I couldn't help but to think that for the rest of my life I will be waking up to that every single day. And hopefully one day, there will be our children laying all over our bed fast asleep too. You are my queen and I will do anything to protect you from anyone even if it takes my last breath. You are worth more then the stars in the universe, you are worth more then every single piece of gold and diamond on this earth and plus more. Your beauty from inside out, your smart mouth, and your sassiness is something that I wake up and can't wait to hear. I know sometimes I get on your nerves, and mess with you sometimes but I do it all out of love. I love you." He told me as I smiled at him. "Okay, we will now have the bonding of the mates..." the priest said as he grabbed the blade and two cups. "You guys will cut each other, and bleed into the cup. After you repeat this chant, you guys will drink each others blood, symbolizing love, peace, strength, and unity." he handed me the knife as Jesse gave me his hand. "Are you ready?" I asked him as he nodded. I slid the knife down his hand as he groaned out in pain wincing at me. He flexed his hand squeezing a good amout of blood into the cup and handed it to the priest. I gave him the knife, and held out my hand for him. He looked at me for approval as I nodded. He sliced the knife across my hand making me wince out in pain as he looked at me. I squeezed my blood into the cup, a good amount and he handed it to the preacher. He gave us each others cup and recited this, "Repeat after me, I....., take this toast of my mates bond, as a tribute that I will be Luna/Alpha of this pack. I will have my Luna/Alpha right by my side when making decisions, and I will love them till death do us part. I drink this blood out of respect, honor, and love. "I, Nevaeh Johnson, take this toast of my mates bond, as a tribute that I will be Luna of this pack. I will have my Alpha right by my side when making decisions, and I will love him till death do us part. I drink this blood out of respect, honor, and love." "I, Xander Love, take this toast of my mates bond, as a tribute that I will be Alpha of this pack. I will have my Luna right by my side when making decisions, and I will love her till death do us part. I drink this blood out of respect, honor, and love." "You may drink the blood." we drunk the blood as it ran down my throat. It was sweet and nectary like. Somehow I sudden boost of strength and happiness ran through my body as I looked up and smiled. "Not complaining about drinking my blood now, are you?" he teased as I rolled my eyes. "I now, pronounce Nevaeh Johnson, as Nevaeh Love... and Luna of the Red Knight Pack!" he exclaimed as the whole entire crowd started to cheer. He grabbed me by my waste and pulled me in for a kiss, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, depending the kiss. Finally... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Xander and I was in the back seat of a SUV, on our way to the airport. He still hasen't told me where we were going, and it was starting to get on my nerve. "Baby, can you please just tell me where we are going." I asked him pouting as he shook his head laughing at me. "Baby girl be patient. We are almost at the airport." he told me as I sighed. He grabbed my hand as I looked at him and smiled. Finally we made our way to the different jets as we stopped in front of one. We stepped out and as he grabbed my hand and we walked up the steps. We entered the jet, and everything was absolutely beautiful. The lights were dimmed only a couple of candles here and there, rose pedals everywhere, and there was soft music playing in the back ground. I looked over at Xander to see him smirking at me. "Is this my surprise? It's beautiful..." I trailed off as he playfully winced. "Not exactly, this is part one of you surprise." He led me to the back as I saw a bottle of champagne, and two wine glasses. I sat down as he looked at me and smiled. "I didn't know you had a private jet..." I told him as he shrugged. "Well in technical terms... we have a private jet." He told me as I shook my head chuckling. "Are you going to tell me where I'm going?" I asked him as he shook his head. "I'll tell you once we get there." he told me as I sighed. I looked at him and kissed him on his lips as he kissed me back. "Ugh, you don't know how glad I am to finally have you as my Luna.." he trailed off as I smiled at him. "I know baby, the feeling is meutral." I told him as he smiled at me. "I love you.." "I love you too.."
8 Feb 2019 | 16:39
Wow! I love this episode
9 Feb 2019 | 06:13
9 Feb 2019 | 13:48
wow love in the air
9 Feb 2019 | 16:35
"I know it's a little old.." he trailed off as I rolled my eyes. "I love it, it's beautiful." I told him as he smiled at me. "You should go take a shower, and put on something comfortable so we can eat." he told me as I nodded. "Where is my clothes at?" I asked him as he pointed on the other side of the bed. I grabbed an outfit, and one of the new underwear sets that we got from Victoria Secret. I walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I put my hair into a ponytail and stripped from my clothing, putting my dirty clothes into a basket. I stepped in washing up, and washing my face. I turned the shower off and grabbed, stepped out and dried off. I put some lotion on and some perfume. I walked out and saw Xander laying on the bed, with just sweatpants on, with his hair still wet. I guess he took a shower in the bathroom from the hall. He sat up and looked at me, with a raised eyebrow. "What's this?" he asked me smirking as I looked up at him confused. "What's what? This?" I asked point towards my outfit as he nodded his head. "What, I can go put on some sweatpants if you want me to." I told him as he shook his head walking over to me. |Somewhat Sexual Content| "No, your fine. I like this.. a lot." he replied. He kissed me on the lips, as I dipped my tongue in catching him off guard. I could tell Heaven was starting to stir, and so was Zeus. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. His hands travels down to my bottom, as he gave it a nice squeeze making me gasp. He picked me up, with my legs wrapped around his as we walked over the bed. He placed me down on the bed, getting top of me, never breaking the kiss. His hands slipped under my shirt, sending shivers through out my body. His hands caressed my sides. He started to leave light kisses down my neck, slowly lifting my shirt up to my chest, my breast on full display. I bit my lip, looking at the ceiling as his other hand found the way to their way towards the waste band tugging at it. He looked at me for approval as I nodded as he smiled at me. His hand slipped inside of my pants, lightly rubbing my lady hood. I gasped as he latched on to my right nipple, as he groaned sending vibrations all through out my body. "Xander.." I moaned out as I heard him hmm in response. "Does it feel good baby?" he groaned, leaning up towards my ear as I threw my head back and pleasure. I moaned in response, but I guess that wasn't good enough. "When I ask you a question il mio amore, I want an answer. Tell me, does it feel good?" he growled in my ear, rubbing it at a faster pace making me go a little insane from the intense pleasure. "Fuck.. yes!" I exclaimed, maybe a little too loud as he looked down smirking at me. He pulled his fingers from out of my pants, pushing them directly into his mouth moaning, as I looked at him in shock. "Don't worry Tesoro, I'm going to get a full taste of it later on." he whispered in my ear, making me groan. |End of Sexual Content| He helped me off from the bed, as I straightened my shirt out a little. I fixed my hair that was in a ponytail again I saw him smirking at me, making me blush. "Can you stop doing that please?" I asked him as he chuckled at me. "What am I doing? I'm just waiting for you so we can go and eat." he told me as I rolled my eyes chuckling. "Whatever.." I trailed off as he shook his head at me. After I was done, we made our way to the kitchen to say that our plates were already made, and hot. We sat down at the table, saying grace over the food, before we started to eat. "Tomorrow, I want to take you out to breakfast and a tour of the city." he told me as I nodded. "That sounds exciting..." I told him as he nodded.. We continue to talk about random things before putting our food in the kitchen sink, and going outside on the patio. He grabbed a bottle of wine, two wine glasses, and a blanket. He poured the cups, and sat down as he placed his foot on the foot rest as I cuddled under his arm enjoying the sunset and each others company. | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | The following morning, he woke me up around 10:30. (Still not use to the time zone yet.) I got up and went to the bathroom, to brush my teeth. After I brushed my teeth, and washing my face I stepped outside to grab an outfit. I grabbed one of the lingerie and placed it behind the couch, and slid the suitcase under the bed. I decided that today, will be the day that I let Xander mark me. I know it's been like, two days after we got married but I'm pretty excited for it... also nervous. Any who, I washed up and put my outfit on, and my shoes. I sprayed some slight perfume on my body, and ruffled my hair a little then stepped out of the bathroom. I saw Xander talking on the phone with someone, so I didn't want to interrupted. I grabbed my phone and sat on the bed looking at him as he was all into the phone call. I took notice what he had on which consisted of some black jeans, a white-T shirt the hugged his muscles not too tightly, and a pair of White Vans. He looked at me and smiled as I smiled back at him. "Listen, I'll call you later. I'm about to take Nevaeh out. I'll talk to you later." he hung up the phone and looked at me. "I saw you over there checking me out." he told me as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Boy.. please." I replied as he shook his head chuckling. I got off the bed grabbing my phone and purse as we made our way downstairs. He opened up a door, that led into a garage of cars. He opened a safe, the held a whole bunch of keys as he opened it and grabbed a set. As we were walking, I felt him grab my ass I turned around and shot him a glare. "Really Xander?" I replied chuckling as he smirked at me. "What? It's mine anyways." He replied groping as I smacked his hands away. "Okay, you complain now." he replied as I shook my head laughing.
9 Feb 2019 | 19:26
"I love you too baby." He stood up and looked at my body on the bed as he hit his lip. He ran his finger from between my breast, trailing down to my lady part. I groaned in response I heard him talking to me. "Baby girl, did I make you this wet?" He asked me as I nodded. "Yes baby..." I trailed off as I could sense him smirking at me. He pushed me farther on the bed as he got in between my legs, moving the thin piece of fabric to expose me bare pearl. He looked at it as if it was the first one he saw, licking his lips and looking at me. He smirked at me, catching me off guard as he lips latched on to my clit making me groan out. "Fuck... Xander. Don't stop..." I groaned out as my hands found my way to his hair running it through. His tongue dipped inside, as I screamed out in pleasure as he started to rub my clit. "Holy shit, why do you taste so sweet?" He replied, as I heard his lips sloppily devour me, (while thanking the heavens again for eating a fruit salad) as my legs shook. His heads reached up to my breast. And lightly squeezed my nipple, playing with the sensitive bud as I threw my head back in pleasure. "Fuck Xander.. I think I'm gonna cum!" I exclaimed out as he licked and ate it faster. "C'mon baby girl. Let me see how you taste." He moaned out. His words bringing me to the edge as I released all over his tongue. He continued to eat me out, making me sensitive as hell. He licked me clean as he helped me out of the set. He threw it on the floor with his shirt, looking at my body with just and love. I went for the belt buckle, as I undid it, and zipped down his zipper. His pants fell to the grown, leaving him in his CK Boxers. He slowly but teasingly, pulled them down as he smirked at me. His man hood poked out as I stared at it. It was long and thick, more tanish then the rest of his body with a vein here and there. Just looking at it made me want him even more. He got on top of me, and started to kiss me passionately. I moaned out as I felt his man hood slide against me, making him grown out. "Are you ready baby?" He asked me as I nodded. He placed it at my entrance and slid it in, making me wince at the sudden pain. "Shh baby girl.. it'll be over soon.." he told me as I groaned out. He stopped mid stroke and looked at me as I nodded. "Keep going..." I moaned out as he sighed. He kept stroking, and a couple of minutes the pain turned into complete pleasure, as I moaned. "Fuck... so tight.." he thrusted into me at a steady space, but it was killing me. "Uh.. go faster!" I moaned out, loudly as he smirked at me. "As you wish baby girl.." he replied as he thrusts became faster and rougher. He pulled out pulling me to the edge of the bed. He lifted my right leg over his shoulder and slammed himself right into me, making me scream. All through out the night, was endless love making. |End Of Sexual Content| The next morning, we woke up around 11 o'clock. It was around two now and all we did was watch movies, and have breakfast in bed due to the fact that I couldn't feel nothing from my waste down.
11 Feb 2019 | 02:55
Half way through the movie, Xander started to get all touchy as I slapped his hands away as he pouted. "What.." he groaned out as I rolled my eyes. "No we aren't have sex right now.. I'm sore all over." I told him as he smirked at me. "Hey that's not my fault. You kept on telling me not to stop, so I gladly granted your wish baby.." he replied grabbing my ass as I groaned. "You do know eventually we will have to get up right? Our plane leaves in four hours." He told me as I groaned flopping my head in the pillows. "I wanna stay here, it's so beautiful and peaceful.." I pouted as he sighed. "I know, I want to stay here but we have a pack back at home to take care of." He told me as I sighed. "Your right.." We decided that it was time to get up and get dressed. Usually it wouldn't be a struggle, but the pain in my inner yes were finally starting to kick in. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, attempting to tie my Roshe's, when Xander walked. He saw how the simple task, was frustrating me as he helped me out as I groaned. "I never knew that the aftermath of having sex will end up in me not able to do something as simple as tying my shoes." I mumbled as he chuckled. "Trust me baby doll, I can do a lot more damage." he smirked at me as I rolled my eyes. I stood wincing as he looked at me concerned. "Mi amore , Are you hurting that bad?" he asked me as I shrugged it off. "It's nothing I can't handle. I just need you to carry my bag probably...and while you at it you might need to carry me. But no big deal.." I told him as he nodded. He lifted me up bridal style as I winced again, as he walked me downstairs. "I'm going to get you settled in the car as the men help me pack our stuff up, okay?" he told me as I nodded. He walked out the door, as he walked over to the car, opening it and placing me in there. He buckled my seatbelt, shutting and slamming the door shut. He told the man something as he went back in the house. A couple of minutes later, he came back out and got into the backseat with me. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Right now, it's around 2 o'clock in the morning and we just arrived back at the packs territory. I stepped out as so did Xander. "Have one of the Omegas bring our things in the house.." Xander told me as the man nodded. We walked inside as we walked up the stairs to our room, to see the whole entire house peace and quite. We opened the door and I swear to God, our whole entire mood was change upside down. Our room, was trashed. Every picture we had was on the floor, it was spray paint everywhere, and the t.v, laptop, computers, everything was smash. "What in the fuck!!" He yelled as he walked into the room. "What the hell..." I mumbled looking everywhere. I saw the picture of my mom and dad on it smashed and cut up as tears started to roll in my eyes. "What is-" I looked up and saw Giovanni and Natalia looking at us in shock. "What happened?" she replied looking at us as Xander slammed his hands on the desk. "I don't know! But what I do know, I want every single damn guard in here right now. I don't give a fuck if they are asleep." he replied walking out as I picked up the picture. "Who in the fuck would do this?" Giovanni replied as I sighed and sat down on the bed asking myself the same exact question. | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | The following morning, around 11 o'clock he had a couple of the lead guards in the conference room, and things were getting intense in there. Meanwhile, I have been uneasy all morning. "How in the fuck did you guys let someone on territory again damn it! What if Nevaeh was in here and they saw her!" he yelled at the as the top guard stood up. "Alpha, we apologize for putting our Luna in jeopardy. We assure you that we are working around the clock to find out the person who did this." he told him as Xander nodded. "Okay, well with that being said, I don't want no one of off territory lines. You have to pee, go in the bushes because at this point-" I cut him off by running to the bathroom, and throwing up. I heard the door open and I saw Natalia there smirking at me handing me a rag. "Did you guys have sex..." she trailed off as I groaned. "Why?" I asked her as she shrugged. "I mean, for us werewolves, having unprotected sex.. there is a 98% chance of pregnancy. And considering because of the way you were walking this morning, the lost of appetite, and the sudden throwing up... I'm not stupid.." She smirked as she sat on the sink as I groaned. "Xander said he pulled out though.." I replied as she shook her head "That's what Giovanni said, and I ended up with twins." She replied as I groaned again, feeling a little slight headed. "How about this, in a little bit we will leave to go to the pack doctor, for her to take some tests." She told me as I nodded. She helped me up, then we walked out to see the room cleared out and him going through a couple of papers. He looked up and immeditaly ran towards me as he looked at me. "Baby are you okay?" he asked me grabbing my face, and checking it as I nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. I was just a little slight headed, I'm gonna go out with your mom for a little bit in a while, okay?" he asked me as I looked at me, unsure as he nodded. "Okay, well I'm about to head out to the territories, and talk to Maddison and Xandria." he told me as I starred at him. "Yeah, they are. I still haven't decided on what to do. I can't kill them, then I can't let them go. The only option that I have at this point, is to leave them in there..." he trailed off as I nodded. "Okay Nevaeh... you need to hurry up and get ready.. I'll meet you downstairs." she told me as I nodded. We headed out, as I went to my room and got dressed. I walked downstairs to see her standing at the door. "Let's go." she replied as we started to walk to the doctor. We walked in, and saw doctor Savanna, already helping a patient out. She looked up and smiled at us. "Natalia, Luna." she replied as the person looked at us, and her eyes went wide. "Oh I'm sorry Luna! You can come." she replied about to get up as I shook my head. "No sweetheart. Let her finish, I can wait.." I told her as she smiled at me. The girl only took anoth 20 minutes, after that she left. We walked to the back to a room as I sat down in the bed, and as Savanna sat across from me an smiled. "Okay Nevaeh... what seems to be the problem?" she asked me as I sighed. "Well, Xander and I went on the honey moon. And of course we had sex, and now I've been throwing up." I told her as she raised an eyebrow at me smiling. "Basically what she is saying, that she is about to give me my first grandchild..." Natalia said as Savanna nodded. "Okay, wow." she laughed. "Well, I'm going to run a couple of blod tests. And if it ends up that you are carrying pups, I'll do an ultrasound..." she trailed off as I nodded. She drawed some blood from me, and sent it to the labs. A couple of minutes past and she walked in and smiled at me. "Congradulations... you are pregnant."
11 Feb 2019 | 03:00
12 Feb 2019 | 01:24
Friends where are you all. Your encouragement is needed here
12 Feb 2019 | 01:27
"Well, isn't it Alpha Xander and Luna Nevaeh.." the man said as we sniffed the air. I never smelted anything like this before. It smelted like.. death. "Who in the hell are you!?" Xander demanded in his Alpha tone. The man laughed at him. I heard him wince as I saw him smile, and his obvious fangs. "Okay, let's just cut the part where you threaten me, and I threaten you. I'm just going to cut to the chase. My Alpha wants Nevaeh.. it's quite obvious. My people need the twins that she carries with her now." he replied then shrugged. "Then we might just give her back to you." he smirked. "Okay you blood sucking son of a bitch, if you think that your going to lay a hand on my fucking mate!" Xander growled as the vampire dude rolled his eyes. "Hold up mut, don't get your tail in a twist." he replied and looked at me before smiling. "My brother and sisters are falling one by one. And the only thing that I need is the twins of the Luna and Alpha. I sacrifice the hearts of them, and then we will be able to live." "Your people caused our people to suffer for generations and you think because you are in trouble you are going to come and ruin this for us now!" he exclaimed as the man laughed. "Fuck yeah you will, because a little birdy told me that you guys already have seen a glimpse of the future, and-well you already know what is going to happen.." he replied walking around the room as we heard banging on the floor. "Alpha! Luna!" they yelled as the man looked at us. "Alpha decided that he was going to give you a couple of months to think about the deal. If your guards try to chase me and my people down just know that we outnumbered you guys, and we will turn this place up side down, and the death of your pack members will be all on you." he smirked at us. He looked at me and licked his lips. "And for you baby girl, I can't wait to get my hands on you." he looked at Xander and smirked. "Oh, and by the way. Do you honestly think your grandma died because she was 'sick'? Honestly, my hitman did a better job then what I expected." he replied smirking as I saw a flash of black crossed Xander eyes, as he tackled him to the ground, as they fell off the balcony. I ran to the door, as the guards looked at me. "Luna Nevaeh, where is Xander?" he asked me as I pointed outside. "He is downstairs at the balcony." As soon as I said that they were already running downstairs. I tried to follow them but Giovanni stopped me. "Nevaeh, you need to stay inside." he replied as I shook my head. "But Xander is-" but he cut me off. "No Nevaeh. Xander is a man, he can fight this himself. But what I need you to do, is to stay inside. Lord know's what might happen if those vamps get their hand on you. And you are pregnant so going outside isn't really an option. Now follow Natalia to the secret hide in the dungeon with the rest of the elders, women, and kids." he replied as I sighed. I ran to the end of the hallway where Natalia was, as she pulled a book on the shelf as a door opened. We walked in the passage way, and shut the door as she pulled out the flashlight on her phone. We walked down the hall way, as it started to get narrow and we went to a bunker and saw that it only had a whole bunch of pack members in there. I turned towards Natalia as she sat down on the chair. "I'm so confused, how did those vamps get on to the territory. We have all those guards, and plus more and this still happens?" I asked her as she shook her head. "I honestly is just as clueless as you are.. I was wondering the same thing." she told me as I sighed. "Well, how do we know when to come back up.." I trailed off as she sighed. "They'll come back and get us..." It has been two hours and they still haven't came to pick us up. I walked around the room, pacing and playing with my fingernails as Natalia looked at me. "Nevaeh, sweetie maybe you should sit down. This is really bad for the baby..." she told me as I sat down on the seat as one of the pack members looked up. "Luna, the rumors are true? You're pregnant.." one of the teenagers said as I sighed. I was about to say something but then the door opened. I stood up, as I saw Xander walked in as I walked over to where he was and pulled him in. "Oh my god Xander, your bleeding everywhere.." I told him looking at his chest. He looked down at me and sighed. "I want everyone to go up to your houses. We will have a pack meeting tomorrow evening. We will be discussing a couple of things, but for now I want you guys to get some rest.. It has been an eventful morning.." everyone walked out of the rooms. I took him to our bathroom as we walked straight to the bathroom. I immediately started to aid him. I was putting some peroxide on one of his cuts that were on his stomach as he flinched a little and groaned. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled as he sighed. "Baby, we need to talk." he told me grabbing the things out of my hand, as I looked at him. "What's wrong?" I told him as he sighed as he pulled me in between his legs as he placed his hands on my waist. "The past couple of weeks, things haven't been easy between the two of us. And with you pregnant, you don't need this stress because of it. I talked to my aunt, back in Italy and we decided that-" he took a deep breath. "-That you should stay with her for a while, while I stayed back here, and take are of things here and find the person that is doing this." he replied as I stood their shocked. I didn't say anything as he sighed and placed his hand on my face. "Baby please say something." He told me as I bit my lip. "I know this is hard for you, because this is hard for me. But you have to understand that this is for you and our kids safety." He told me as I looked down. "But that's different. I would understand if I was an hour away, but I'm across the world from you. I want you to be with me during this pregnancy and for their birth." I told him as he shook his head. "There is no way in hell I am going to miss the birth of my first children. But at this rate, I have to take all cautions to make sure you guys are safe. You guys will come home when the twins are about a month old, and there is no signs of an attack. I will FaceTime you everyday, call you, anything to make sure you are happy neonata ." He told me as I laid my head in his chest.
12 Feb 2019 | 19:59
The rest of the early morning, I couldn't go back to sleep and neither could Xander. Every five minutes he would ask me if I was okay, and I told him that I was fine. It's around 10 o'clock and I was in the bathroom, getting dressed. I had on a pair of black jeans, and a white blouse where sleeves hung off my shoulders. I had on a pair of brown sandals as I pulled my hair into a bun and laid down my edges. I was brushing my teeth when Xander came in the bathroom and looked at me. "How do you feel about this Nevaeh... honestly." He asked me as I sighed. I turned and looked at him as I wiped my mouth and placed my toothbrush in the holder. "Honestly, I don't want to do this. But at the end of the day it's doesn't matter about what I want, it's a need." I told him as he sighed. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the forehead. "I know this is hard for you because it's hard for me. I just got mated to you and now you have to leave me because of some blood sucking mother-" I pulled away hitting him as he winced rubbing his arm. "Watch your mouth.." "Hey I'm trying. And way to ruin the moment.." he mumbled as I chuckled. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the lips. "I love you.." he whispered in my ear. "I love you too.." _____________________ We were in the meeting hall, a lot of chatter going around about the events that happened last night. Of course there was a couple of people saying that it was my fault, but the loyal pack members stood up for me in which I am grateful for. "As you all know, the events from last night were pretty traumatizing and alarming. As your Alpha leader, I have no reason to lie to you, and to tell you the truth for your own safety. We were attack by Vampires." He said as the whole entire place shifted into chaos. I looked up and saw him looking at me as he sighed. "Enough!!" He yelled in his Alpha tone as everyone chatter went silent. "The Alpha of the vampire family decided that they would come and attack us to get ahold of your luna." He finished as someone stood up. "Alpha, with all due respect but their is a slight rumor that Luna Nevaeh is pregnant. As a pack, we have the rights to know if she is or isn't pregnant.." a lady stood up as another man stood up. "Yes! If they are coming after her because she is pregnant then maybe there is something we can do to protect her. We do-"but Xander cut him off. "You guys do have the rights to know because just as much she is my mate, she is your female leader. Luna Nevaeh is pregnant with twins." He announced as everyone started to cheer and clap. "The vampire population is going down, and we all know in order for them to survive, they need to sacrifice the hearts of the twins of the Luna and Alpha of a werewolf pack, which is us." He replied as they gasped. "So with that being said your Luna will be staying in Italy, with my aunt. And for you guys their will be a set of new rules, If the pups wants to go outside, a guard and a adult needs to be outside with them. Teens, if you guys are inviting anyone on that isn't in this pack, make sure you come into contact with one of the body guards, so that they know." he told them. One of the pack members stood up. "When will Luna Nevaeh be leaving." he told them as I sighed. "Within a week. I want to make sure everything is fine, before she leaves. Including the twins.." he told them as they nodded. The pack meeting continued on, until around four o'clock. Everyone went their separate ways, as I sat in Xander and I's room. I was watching one of the maids pack my bags as I sat their starring at the wall, as Xander walked in. "Thank you Gloria. Can Nevaeh and I talk alone for a moment, I'll pack the rest of her bags..." he told her as she nodded. "Yes Alpha." she replied and stepped out. I sat against the headboard, with the coverers wrapped around my body. "Baby?" I looked at him as he sighed and laid down next to me. "Well I decided that you'll leave next Saturday. The doctor is coming over in a little bit." he replied as I nodded. "You haven't spoken to me since the meeting. I know there is something on your mind.." he told me as I sighed. "I really don't want to go to Italy and leave you hear. What happens if they get ahold of you? I don't get it. Why would they want to harm our babies.. and how did they know that that we were going to have twins? They started harassing me way before we got officially bonded together." I told him as he sighed. "Baby, I don't want you worrying about this." He told me as I rolled my eyes. "How can I not worry about this Xander? It's one thing if they were coming for me, but they are coming for my future babies.." I told him as he shook his head. "Nevaeh, don't think like that okay? I made a promise to you when I bonded to you that I was going to keep you safe. And I'm sure as hell going to keep my children safe. This is why I am doing this. I don't want you to doubt that I'm going to fail at keeping you safe." he told me. I looked down, as I started to cry. "I'm sorry, I just. I'm scared. " I mumbled as he sighed. He pulled me into his lap as I laid my head on his shoulder. "I know you are, and you have every right to be. But you need to have trust in me, and yourself. You are their mother, just as much as I'm their father you have to keep them safe, and if moving to Italy is going to keep them safe, then you and I both know what we have to do... right?" he told me as I nodded. "I love you.." I looked at him and smiled. "I love you too." he replied back, kissing me as I smiled. I kissed him back as he turned me around to face him, to the point where I was straddling him. His hands slipping up my shirt, slightly rubbing it. I moaned a little, as I heard him growl. We heard the door opened as we both opened our eyes as groaned. He placed me back on the bed as he went to open the door, as Savanna stood their smiling. "Hello Alpha Xander, Luna Nevaeh.." she replied as I smiled at her. "Hi Savanna." she replied walking over to us, with two man behind her with a monitor. "You guys can plug it over there." Xander pointed at the door as they nodded. "Okay Nevaeh, we will be taking some pictures of the babies, and I'm going to set you up with some new Vitamins." she told me as I nodded. "Can you lay down?" she asked me. I laid down, as she looked at the boys. "You guys can go wait outside.. I'll call you in when she's ready.." she replied as the walked out the door. She lifted up my blouse, and placed some cold jelly stuff on my stomach. "Right now, they are barely growing their legs and arms, but since you are both Alpha blood type, they will grow and develop faster. So I say around six months you will give birth." she replied as I looked at the screen, and saw two small fetuses swimming around as I smiled. I looked up and saw Xander looking at the screen smiling with tears as I smiled at him.
14 Feb 2019 | 15:15
I pray you have the baby in peace
15 Feb 2019 | 14:17
The following week, went by fast and I was highly upset due to the fact that I wont be seeing my mate until my children are born. And talking about the babies, my baby bump has come a little noticeable. Also, we have heard the babies heartbeat for the first time yesterday I was in the room, packing a couple of last minute things when Xander walked into my room. He was walking up and down the stairs with my stuff in my hands. He came up to me, and turned me around. "Baby, are you okay?" he asked me as I nodded. "Yes love, I'm fine." I told him, giving him a weak smiled as he sighed. "I tried to hide this from you, but seeing you like this got me feeling some kind of way and I hate it. In a couple of weeks, I don't know when yet... I'm going to be coming to visit you for a couple of days." he told me as I smiled at him. "Really!?" I exclaimed as he nodded. "Yes, I would've thought that you would know me better, and know that I would never leave you for that much time." He told me as I couldn't stop smiling as he chuckled. "Damn, I have never seen you cheese that much ever since we seen the babies." he replied as I rolled my eyes. "I just want you to know that I will find this bastard who is doing this to you and my kids. Okay?" "Okay." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We were in the car, riding to the private airport, as I laid down in his lap as he played with my hair. "The house that you will be living in is pretty big. My cousin, her name is Amara and she will be there to help you with everything. She has a son, and his name is Victor so you can somewhat practice on him since he is a year old." he told me as I nodded. "The twins and my mom agreed with me for around the last couple of days before your the birth, they will come by and stay with you since they will be out of school." he told me as I nodded. "Baby, are you sure your okay?" he asked me as I nodded. I sat up facing him as I sighed. "I mean, I'm going to be in the dump because you wont be here, but this is to protect my babies and I wont hesitate to do my job to protect them." I told him as he smiled at me. He placed a kiss on my lips and pulled back smiling. I on the hand kissed him again, catching him off guard as he kissed me back harder. His hands made there way to the my bottom as he gave it a nice hard squeeze making me moan. "Listen, I am trying my best not to take you right here for our children sake, so don't make this as hard as it needs to be." he growled in my ear. Over the past couple of weeks Xander and I have been getting.. busy and the doctor told us not to because it causes my hormones to get unbalanced. I bit my lip at him as he raised an eyebrow at my, and smacked my ass making me scrunch. "Biting you lips is making it harder for me Nevaeh." he mumbled as I shook my head. Finally we pulled up to a white jet, as he stepped out. "Hold up, don't get out yet." he told me as I nodded. He walked over to a group of people, in all black suites and started to talk to them. He came back and opened the door, as I saw people in the back taking my luggage in the car. We walked into the plane, as it like the one from our honey moon, but way smaller. And more home like. It had a bed, a couch, a T.V. Basically it was a house on a plane. He sat me down, and buckled me up as I pouted. "Now, they are going to take you to my airport in Italy. My aunt and cousin will be there waiting for you, with three personal body guards. Their name is Adrivon, Demetrio, and Nicole. They will stay at home, and report to me every night before you go to bed." he told me as I nodded. "Alpha Xander, the piolet told me to tell you that he needs to hurry up to make it on time." he replied as he nodded. He looked down at me, and got on his knees and looked at me. At this point I was already crying. "Baby, don't cry okay." he told me wiping my tears away. "What did you tell me when I was at the house?" he asked me. "I'm not gonna be a lil bitch and cry when you leave." I mumbled as he nodded. "Your to beautiful to be crying over me. Just think of this like a blessing, Our kids will be born in Italy, I'll be there to watch you guys, then when I find this bastard, I will take you guys home with me... okay?" he asked me as I nodded. "I love you baby girl." "I love you too.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was around 19 hours later, and I was waiting on the plane for them to escort me off. I was packing my things in my backpack, when a girl came on the bus with dyed blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and a very tall figure with a black pant suit on. "Luna Nevaeh, It's very nice to finally meet you, My name is Nicole but call me Nicki. I am your main body guard." she replied with a thick Italian accent, shaking my hand as I smiled at her. "Let me carry your belonging Luna." he replied as I smiled at her. "I am find Nicki. I can carry my things. You already our my body guards, not my personal butler." I told her putting my book bag on my back as she sighed. "Alpha Xander instructed us that you will not be carrying anything unless it is necessary." she told me as I sighed. "With all due respect, I appreciate you offering me the help but I surely can carry my own book bag Nicki." I told her as she nodded. "I understand Luna." she told me as I nodded. We walked out of the plane, to see two dudes, that looked identically the same. "Hello Luna." They said in unison, making me a little creeped out. "Luna, this is Adrivon and Demetrio. They are identical twins. They are also your body guards." he replied as I nodded. We went to an black SUV, with the twins sitting in the front, and Nicki and I in the back. "So how long do have to go?" Adrivon asked me. "I have four months to go." I replied as he nodded. For werewolves, the development of a baby isn't 9-10 months. It's 5 - 6 months, and considering I am alpha blood, it goes a lot quicker. "Hmm, well isn't that exciting." Nicki replied as I nodded. "Yeah, I just want to see them already and hold them." I replied rubbing my belly as she chuckled. "Savor those moments you have with them at a young age. I have a 21 year old, and a 15 year old and boy oh boy ain't they trouble?" she replied making me laugh. We pulled up to a two story house, that had an old fashion feel to it, which I instently fell in love with. It was white, with beautiful red roses on the edges of the red brick pathway. It had a porch, wiith two chair swings. I had stepped out as the twins grabbed my luggage in walked to the porch. The door opened, and two women opened the door. One had a baby on her hips, and long beautiful curly brown hair that went to her waist. The other women was way more older, and had the same curly hair expect a perfect color grey. I walked up to the porch, as the older women gave me a hug. "Hello Nipote , you are so beautiful. I am Aunit Isabelle." she replied as the other women came up to me. "My name is Amara, and this is Victor..." she replied as I nodded. "Well come in, we don't want you waiting in the hot heat." she replied as we stepped in. It was even beautiful from the inside also. Their was antics everywhere, with beautiful white and gold furniture." she sat me down in the kitchen. "Your bedroom if finish. I just want you to eat something, because I don't want those pups and you hungry." she replied giving me a sandwhich, some chips and some lemonade. "Thank you. I very much appreciate it. " I told her as she nodded smiling at me. "So-" Amara started as she placed Victor in a play pen, as he started to put his fingers in his mouth. "-Do you know when the others are going to get here?" she asked me as I shook my head. "A couple of days before I am due to give birth." I told her as she nodded. "That's good." she told me. After eating, and talking for a while, I went up to my room and laid down on the bed watching Netflix until I fell asleep.
15 Feb 2019 | 16:19
I woke up to my IPad ringing, as I looked at it and saw that it was Xander calling me. I looked at the time and saw that it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I'm guessing the time difference caught me off guard, but I quickly answered it. "Hi baby." I mumbled yawning, as he looked at me. "Hey beautiful. Did I wake you up?" He asked me as I nodded. "Ah I'm sorry. Do you want me to call you back?" he asked me as I shook my head. "No it's alright. I need to take my vitamins anyways. I'm behind schedule." I replied sititng up. I saw that my suitcase was empty on the floor, and saw different things of my belongings scattered through out the room. "You didn't take your pills?" he asked me as I shook my head. I grabbed the IPad, and walked to the bathroom to see my pills assorted. I'm surprised I didn't wake up to them coming in my bedroom. "Well, the jetleg kind of ruined my scedhule so don't get mad at me." I told him as he chuckled. Ever since the doctor gave me instructions, he has been on my ass about me taking my medicines and taking care of my self, and he'd be quick to start fussing if I didn't. "You need to get use to Italy time to take your vitamins baby girl." he told me as I rolled my eyes. "I didn't know that." I replied. I grabbed the vitamins, placing them in my hands and getting some water out of the faucet. "Don't get smart with me little girl. You might be across the country, but I will still put your sexy ass in place." he replied smirking at me as I rolled my eyes. "Did you eat already?" he asked me as I shook my head. "I don't know why, but after the flight I have been feeling a little sick." I told him walking downstairs to see that the house was completely empty. I saw a plate on the counter, as I looked at it and saw there was a note on it. 'We went to the store to get a couple of things for you... we'll be back.' It said. I put the plate in the microwave, and looked back at the microwave. "So, did you get anything yet?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Nope, not yet. But, I'm so confused on the fact about him picking up your signal from a pack member, but he is a vampire." he replied rubbing his hands across his face as I pouted. I could feel the frustration coming off of him, as I sighed. "Baby don't stress it okay? I know your going to catch him.. okay?" I told him as he sighed. "The only reason I'm stressing it is because I want you home with me. I want to rub your feet at night, kiss you, pleasure you." he whispered the last part as I froze then starred at him. "I'm forreal. Do you know how freaking frustrating it is not to have you here next to me. And to cuddle." "In my defense, it's hard for me also. I'm pregnant, but we both have to remember why we both are in this situation." I told him as he nodded. "Is there anyone with you right now?" he asked me as I shook my head. "No, the guards are outside." I told him as he looked at me. "Why isn't no one inside with you?" he asked me as I shrugged. "I don't know. I was upstairs sleep." I told him as he shook his head. "Hm, well we gonna have a little talk about that.." he mumbled as I sighed. "It's not that big of a deal. Honestly.." I mumbled as he shook his head. "It is still unacceptable. You need someone to be looking after you at all times. Especially when I don't know who this person is after us, and what their next move is."
16 Feb 2019 | 15:09
*5 Months Later* Over the past months, I have got used to the country, and my surroundings. And I have slowly learned the language too. I have even learned a couple of it's famous dishes. And for my pregnancy. My time is almost due, in about two weeks. So basically any moment, I could give birth, considering that werewolf pregnancy's are shorter terms. More quicker because both twins have alpha blood. "Oh my god! Can you shut the hell up!" I heard the wonderful voice of Ken yelled at Cam. "Stop being a little bitch and just stick the damn nail in the hole!" Cam yelled back. I waddled to where they were and saw them trying to build the car seats for the twins. "Okay you guys, I think you need a break." I walked.. or waddled into the room as they both stood up. "Yes that's a good idea for us to go on break, before I end up breaking something on him." Ken replied as Cam pushed Ken. "You all talk. Let's see you put them words to action little pus-" but I cut him off. "Okay, go head. I made you guys some lunch downstairs." I replied as they ran out of the room. I placed my phone on the dresser as I picked up both car seats and placed them on the bed. I heard my IPad ringing as I looked up and saw Xander calling me. I pushed the green button and placed it on the bed. "Why am I starring at the ceiling?" was the first things I heard as I rolled my eyes. I placed the IPad against the bed post as he smiled at me as I smiled back. "Ooh baby. You look good." he replied as I smiled at him. "Thank you. You look extra delicious." I winked at him as he started to blush. "Thanks. I have some good news baby." he replied as I looked at him. "Well, we caught the person that was looking at afar at us." he replied as I smiled at him. "You did!" I yelled, excitement taken over my body. "Yes baby girl. He told us that his boss is dead, but we are lookin furture into that." He replied as I smiled at him. "So does that mean I can come home?" I asked as he nodded. "Yes but remember-" but I cut him off. "Yeah I know.. You want the Xaria and Nathanial to be born in here." I replied as he smiled at me. "Anyways, I was planning- what are you doing?" he asked me as I looked at him. "Trying to get these car seats built." I told him as he sighed. "Where are the other set of twins at?" he asked me. "Downstairs. I told them to go eat something, because they were arguing." I replied as I finished with one and started the other. "Anyways, in another week. I'm coming." he replied as I froze and smiled at him. "Are you serious?" I asked him as he nodded. "I told you I was going to be there for the twins. I would be there a little sooner but I'm to stay here and help my investigators out." he replied as I nodded. "Gosh, you don't know how happy you just made me." I replied as I placed the car seats on the ground next to the already made baby bags. I sat down on the bed, as we continued to talk for a while until I slipped into a long needed nap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Seven Hours Before Xander Arrival* I was in the kitchen, starting the dinner for when Xander gets here. Ken and Cam was sitting at the counter looking the bowls of the cakes I just mixed and put in the oven. "It's going to be lit having another set of twins around. I'll be able to boss them around." Cam responded as Ken nodded. "It would be like have two little servants to do my dirty work." Ken nodded as I rolled my eyes. "You will not be using my babies as your own personal slaves." I replied cutting off the top of the stove and wiping down the counters. "And when your finish with that put it in the sink." I told them as they nodded. Ken was about to say something but his face went from shock, to fear, then to disgust. "Uh, I'm not the type of person to judge or anything because accidents happens. But did you just pee on yourself?" he asked me as I looked down to see a water dripping down my leg and onto the floor. "Are you dumb or stupid? Her water broke." Cam replied, then his face went to shock. "Nevaeh! Your in labor!" he yelled as the twins stood up. Shockingly, I didn't feel any contractions or any pain at all. "Where is Auntie Isabelle and Amara?" Cam asked me. "They went downtown. They texted me a couple of minutes ago and said there was a bad accident so they won't be home until about a good 3 hours." I told them as they rolled their eyes. "What are we suppose to do?" Ken asked me as I sighed. "Go upstairs and grab my phone, the baby bags, and my purse." I told them as they nodded and ran upstairs. I leaned against the counter as they ran back downstairs with everything. "Okay, go get the keys to the Cadillac and bring it up. I'll stay here with her." Cam told Ken as he nodded. He ran to the garage, as Cam placed the stuff on the counter. "Are you feeling contraction?" he asked as I shook my head. "No not-" but lord beholds there was this strong pulling feeling in my abdomen that made me scream out. "Hm.. that answers my question." he responded. The front door opened as Ken walked in. They grabbed the stuff and helped me out to the car. I got into the backseat and buckled my seatbelt as Ken got in the back with me as Cam drove. "Where is the nearest pack doctor at?" Cam asked. "Um go to the Violet Moon Pack. They are about 10 minutes away." he told them as Cam nodded. About 10 minutes, we pulled up to some gates. "Dove si trova Alpha Vincent?" Cam asked the guards. (Where is Alpha Vincent?) "Buongiorno Ken, Cam e Luna Nevaeh. Quello di cui hai bisogno è per Alpha?" The guard asked. (Good Afternoon Ken, Cam and Luna Nevaeh. And why would you be needing our Alpha for?) "Nevaeh sta dando la nascita, e questa è la casa più vicina a cui siamo vicini. Se vuoi puoi chiamare Alpha Xander." Cam responded. (Nevaeh is giving birth, and this is the nearest pack house we were close to. If you want you can call Alpha Xander. ) "Non c'è bisogno di questo, io chiamerò Alpha e lui ti accompagnerà all'ospedale." (No need for that. I'll just call the Alpha and he will escort you to the packs hospital.) We waited, but because I was in so much pain it felt as if it was forever. I looked up and saw a white SUV and saw Alpha Vincent stepped out, as he walked to the back of the car. "I'm sorry Luna for making you wait. Me and my guards will escort you but before anything does Alpha Xander know you are here?" he asked me as I shook my head. "No. I can't call him because he is on the plane, and he just got over a cold so his mind link is being kind of wacky." I told him as he nodded. "It's fine. I'm sure he won't raise hell about me coming onto your pack territory because of this. If anything he would thank you." I responded back as he sighed. "Fair enough. You guys follow me, and I'll have the nurses meet you out front." he told them as Cam nodded. He went back into the SUV, and drove off as we followed the car to the hospital. *Xander POV* *An Hour Later* I sat down in the chair, typing up some last minute things before I go see Nevaeh. I was minding my own business when one of the guards came in. "Shouldn't you be with the pilots?" I asked him as he nodded. "Yes Alpha. But your brother Ken just mind linked us and told us that Luna Nevaeh is giving birth. And she is refusing to give birth because she wants you to be there." he told me as my expression went from annoyed to shocked. "Well why haven't no one mind linked-" but I cut myself off considering that I had a cold the last week. "Okay, well is there any way I can get to her fast enough? I don't want her to do anything she'll regret because she is being stubborn and hard headed." I asked him as he shook his head. "I'm sorry to tell you this but no sir." he responded as I sighed. "Tell Ken to tell Nevaeh to give birth to those twins." he replied as he shook his head. "I can't. Nevaeh told him to turn off his mind link right after he told me." he told me as I groaned. I swear if this girl wasn't in labor, her ass would be mine.
17 Feb 2019 | 16:38
Those two are just too cute
17 Feb 2019 | 22:08
* Nevaeh POV* *Five Hours Later* I was sitting on the recliner, with my feet elevated. My head was in my hand as the pack doctors was trying to talk to me. "Luna Nevaeh. You need to give birth to them." He told me as I rolled my eyes. "Are my children going to die if I don't?" he shook his head. "Am I going to die if I don't?" he shook his head. "Are they going to be damaged if I don't?" He shook his head. "Okay, leave me alone until he get's here. I'm not about to give birth to my children if he isn't in here. You are dismissed." I replied as they sighed. "Luna Nevaeh, Alpha Xander is on the phone and he wants to speak with you." Alpha Vincent replied as he handed me the phone. "Hello?' "Nevaeh, how are you?" he asked me as I sighed. "I'm fine. Just waiting on you." I replied wincing at the pain "I'm on my way baby. I'll be there in about a 10 minutes, okay?" he asked me as I nodded. "Okay." and with that we hung up. I laid back in the chair, as Ken and Cam came back up from getting some food. "Did you talk to Xander yet?" Ken asked me as I nodded. "He'll be here in 10 minutes thank god." I replied standing up. Waddling over to my bed. About 15 minutes has passed, and the door opened to see a couple of guards and Xander walked in. "Why are you standing up?" he asked me walking in as I shook my head. "You haven't seen me in a couple of months and that's the first thing you say?" I told him as he looked at me and smiled. He gave me a hug, as I groaned feeling the sudden pain in my abdomen. "Mm, I miss you too but can you let me go. I'm in pain." I replied as he nodded kissing me on the forehead. "Now you can tell the doctors to come in." Xander told the nurse as she nodded. I sat down on the bed, then laid down as a couple of doctors came in, as they smiled at me. "Okay Luna Nevaeh, are you ready now?" he replied as I nodded. "And have you been timing your contractions apart?" he asked me as I nodded. "2 minutes and 18 seconds.. exact." I breathed as he nodded. "Now what we are going to do, is make sure both pups are head first, okay?" he replied as I nodded. "How are you going to do that?" Xander asked me. "Where with other werewolves we usually stick a finger or two, but since these are twins we doing it by touching on the belly." he replied as he nodded. He lifted up my gown as I felt Xander tense up as I squeezed his hand. "Seems like they are in perfect terms. Are you ready?" he asked me as I nodded. "Go get the floor nurses.. this might take a while." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Two Hours Later* "Baby, c'mon you can do this." he replied as I looked at him with the most meanest evil glare. "When you start pushing a baby out of your damn dick, then you tell me otherwise. Until then, don't tell me what the hell to do." I growled at him as he swallowed and nodded. I heard Natalia laugh (considering we were on face time) as he sighed. "Yes.. darling." he replied rubbing my forehead. "Okay just one more push." The doctor replied as I pushed again, then heard a cry as I smiled, then was in pain due to the other child. "It's a baby boy!" the doctor exclaimed as I smiled through the pain, tears rushing down my face. "Alpha, do you want to cut the umbilical cord ?" The doctor asked as he wiped his face, as I saw him crying. He cut the cord as the nurses wrapped him up. "Okay Luna. Let's do this again, but this time a little harder okay?" he replied as I nodded. I looked over and saw him holding Nathaniel as I leaned back. A couple of minutes passed of just pushing, then I heard the scream of the baby girl scream. Jesse handed me the boy to cut the cord as I looked down at him and smiled. He looked so much like Jesse it was unbelievable. He had his green forest eyes, his dimples, and a big ass forehead. "Oh my gosh, her eyes.." he trailed off as the doctors smiled. "That's common in most female pups that have both parents with Alpha blood." he replied standing up. "Ooh lemme see my babies!" I heard Natalia scream as Jesse picked up the phone and showed Nathaniel as she gushed. "Oh my gosh! He looks just like you two! Awe he has that big old forehead just like his granddaddy and daddy." he replied as I heard Giovanni scoffed. "Lemme see." he replied as he picked up the phone and saw the kid as he smiled. "Mm, I guess the good looking gene run quite well on this side of the family." he replied as Jesse laughed. "I wanna see her." I told Jesse as he nodded. He handed me the girl as I looked at her face in shock. This girl looked nothing like me, but more like my mom... even the eyes. Tears rushed down my face, as I looked at her. She had my mom eyes for sure, one eye was green and the other was brown. She had her lips, her nose, and even the small little birthmark on her eyebrow. "Baby, whats wrong?" he asked me as I looked up. "She looks nothing like me. She looks just like my mom." I responded as I looked down at her as she looked up at me then closed her eyes. "Awe baby." he replied still holding Nathaniel as I looked down at them and smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Two Days Later* I stood next to Xander as I was teaching him how to change the twins diapers. For this man to think he know everything, he sure as hell is struggling on just take it off. "Okay, since she is a girl you go front to back. Not back to front. Because then she'll get an infection from whatever was in the front okay?" I told him as he nodded. "Now for him, you wipe his little pee pee, get another wipe then wipe his bottom." I looked at him to see he was confused. "But why would you wipe his weaner. He's a boy." I replied as I sighed. "Because, if he peed in the diaper the pee got all on his upper skin so you need to wipe it so he won't get a rash." I handed him Nathaniel as I grabbed Xaria and rubbed her back. "Now you try it." he opened the diaper as Nathaniel made a noise, and I immediately knew what was about to happen. "Cover his-" but I was cut off with pee flying squirting everywhere as Xander moved out the way quickly. With one free hand I covered it back up so the pee wouldn't go everywhere as I laughed. "That's not funny. He almost peed on me." he replied as I winced. "Well, you know the love is real if he poops or pees on you." I replied as he gave me a disgusted face. "He already peed on me, and Xaria pooped on my hand so.." I shrugged as he continued to change the diaper. Xander put his outfit on, and his socks and placed him in his car seat. I handed him Xaria as he started to change her diaper. I strapped him in, then I grabbed the blanket the hospital gave him and covered his body since it was night time and it was cold. Then I grabbed the blanket that Ken and Cam bought and covered his car seat with it for the wind don't blow in his face. I did the same for Xaria, as I grabbed both baby bags as Xander grabbed the car seats as we walked out the door, with the guards on our trail. We went out to the SUV's as I got in the middle, as he placed Xaria on my right. He went to the other side, as I strapped her in as put Nathaniel on my left and strapped him in. "The doctors said that they were safe to go on the flight. So we are going to head out to the airport." he told me as I nodded. He closed the door and went to the back SUV, when I heard Xaria cry as I groaned. Here's to the parent life..
21 Feb 2019 | 17:45
That is parent life sweetheart
22 Feb 2019 | 16:25
We pulled up in front of the house, as we saw the front door swing opened. Giovanni walked out and so did Natalia, but she pushed him in the bushes and ran to the door opening it. "Oh my god Nevaeh you look absolutely gorgeous!!" she yelled as I smiled at her. "Thanks Natalia." I replied as she looked at the car seats and started to cry. "Oh my god, my grand babies are here!" she exclaimed as she pulled over the blanket to see a wide awake Nathaniel sucking on his pacifier. "Oh my god. It's like seeing Xander all over again when he was just born. Big ass forehead and all." she exclaimed as Giovanni opened the other and started to unstrap them. He uncovered the blanket and saw a sleeping Xaria with the pacifier hanging out of her mouth, as slight little snores was coming out of her mouth. "Awe honey. She is absolutely gorgeous. She looks just like Luna Beatrice." he replied playing with her hair as Natalia ran to the other side, pushing him again as she smiled. "Nevaeh, she has the thick curly hair of yours. And those big eyes. She definitely going to be breaking little boys hearts." she replied as Xander walked to the side where Nathaniel was on. "What boys? Ain't no boys coming up in that house." Xander replied as I chuckled. "This kid never goes to sleep. He is so nosy. We were on the plane and all he was doing was looking around and looking at people talk. He took like 10 minutes nap but then woke up when he heard the slightest noise. "Look who his father is." I mumbled as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Son, you do know you were like that too right?" Giovanni replied as Xander shook his head. "Okay get the kids out of the car. It's too cold to be out here talking." Natalia replied as Giovanni grabbed Xaria and Xander grabbed Nathaniel. I grabbed the baby bags, as I heard Xaria start crying because of the cool air. We walked into the house and immediately went up to a room, as I looked at Xander confused as he smirked at me. He opened the room, and I was in complete awe. It was the nursery, that I had in the vision a couple of months back. But instead half of it was pastel pink and the other was baby blue. It had pictures hanging up when they were in still in my tummy. It had a changing table by the window, and a baby monitor on each crib. They had a T.V, a book shelf with books on it. They had blankets, stuff animals, toys, and bibs on each side of their room with a basket with there name on it. "Awe it's beautiful.." I replied tearing up as Xander kissed me on the lips. "Well, I wanted to give my kids something since I didn't do as much as you did. Like Ion think I could carry a child in my stomach for 6 minutes. Never mind 6 months." hey replied as I chuckled. "Their closets is filled with clothes that me, Giovanni, the pack, and Xander bought. Like it's so many clothes ion think you have to worry about them wearing the same thing more then once." Natalia replied as I chuckled. After getting situated in the room Giovanni and Natalia left to help the other twins with something. I was trying to place Xaria in her crib but she wouldn't stop crying. "Shh baby, it's okay." I whispered in her ear, as I walked around the room with her as Xander played with Nathaniel. "Here lemme see her." he replied as I gave him the baby, as he pushed her to his chest and sat down on the recliner as he screaming and crying immediately stopped. He smirked at me then shrugged. "What can I say. She's gonna be a daddy girl." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was downstairs in the kitchen making some bottles for Xaria and Nathaniel for tonight when Natalia came in with a binder. I looked at her confused as she sat down at the island counter and opened it up. "So are you ready to start planning the Luna and Alpha grace ceremony?" she asked me as I looked at her in shock. "Um, aren't we suppose to do it at the age of two or three months. Isn't this a little early?" I asked her as she looked at me surprised. "Early!? We should have planning this when you were in Italy. This is something huge. If everything isn't perfect or in line something could go wrong. We have to Xaria's dress. We have to get Nate's (Nathaniel) suit. We have to your dress, and Xander suit. We have a lot of things to take care of in just an amount of months." she replied as I stood there in shock with the bottles in my hand. "Um, I don't think it's going to be that hard." I replied. She was about to say something, but I heard the cries of Nate as I placed the bottles in the fridge. "I'll be right back." I replied as I ran up to there nursery. I went to the room And saw Xaria fast asleep, and Nate wide awake crying. I picked him up, as his crying started to hush. "It's okay baby. Momma is here." I whispered in his ear as he crying started to hush but he wouldn't go back to sleep. I went downstairs with him to see Natalia already writing stuff down in her binder. I walked to the counter as she looked up at me and Nate. "Let me see him." She asked as I handed him to her. "Awe look at NaNa baby boy. Oh yes you so handsome!" She replied as he started to smile and gush. "Oh yeah! I was meaning to tell you. Jesse old bestfriend Peyton is coming to visit him and the twins." She told me as I raised an eyebrow. "I never heard of her.." I relied sitting on the counter stool as she started to rub his back. "Well about a good three years before you found out that you guys were mates, they sort of had this 'fling' going on ever since her mate died. But she ended up cheating on him, and ended up on bad terms. That was when he started to fool around wit Maddison. She wanted to tie ends together and see if they could be friends." She told me as I nodded. After talking about a couple of things, I walked upstairs with Nate in my arms and walked in the room to see Xander holding Xander. He looked up and smiled at me and placed her in the crib as I placed Nate in. He sat down in the rocking chair as I sat on his lip as he placed his head on my chest. "I have a question." I asked running my hands through his hair as he looked at me. "You never mentioned you had a girlfriend before Maddison." I told him as he started to tense up, but slowly started to relax. "It's nothing babe." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes. "It's something if she is coming to visit you and my kids." I replied as he sighed. "We were a couple. She was the girl I lost my virginity too, but she ended up cheating on me with her Alpha. I cut all ties with her and she ended up getting the news that I found my mate and had kids and now she wants to swim her way right back to me. I don't want her near me, you, or my children." He replied as I nodded. "Well you should forgive her. Even though what she did was ruthless, forgiveness will help you forget about it." I told him. "But that is the thing. I did forget about it, and moved on. I have my beautiful mate, I have a Luna, and I have two beautiful babies that I love dearly. I have not thought about her since I've been with you, and now it's making me nervous that she wants to do something." He told me. I couldn't help but feel a warm in the inside. "How long is she staying?" I asked him. "A week. She's coming this Thursday." He told me as I nodded. "All we have to do is just make the best of it and the week will go by fast." He replied as he smiled at me. He gave me a kiss on the lips as I kissed him back.
28 Feb 2019 | 18:13
I don't want her to visit at all
1 Mar 2019 | 09:25
*Thursday Morning* I woke up the following morning to hear the house quite. Everyone was sleep, the only thing interrupting the quietness was the twins soft noises in the baby monitor. I looked over to my side to see Xander knocked out with one arm rested over my waist and the other under his pillow. I slowly grabbed the arms resting on and placed it on the bed. I stepped out of bed and hit the cold wooden floor, and grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts and sweat shirt. I walked into the twins room to see both of them awake, looking at the ceiling. "Hi mama babies." I replied walking over to both cribs to only see them smiling at me. I checked their dampers, to see that they were wet. I walked to their closet and grabbed both of the their tubs but was catch off guard when a pair of arms wrapped around me. I dropped the tubs and turned around to see a wide awake Xander smiling at me. "Good morning baby." He replied kissing me on the lips as I kissed him back. "Hey, why are you up?" I asked him as he shrugged. "I heard you talking to the babies in the baby monitor. Are you giving them a bath?" He asked me as I nodded. "Yeah. Can you help me? Giving twins a bath is not as easy as you think it is." I asked as he nodded. "You don't even have to ask that question. I'm gonna do it regardless." He replied as I smiled at him. "Okay, grab that shampoo, lotion, baby powder and soap." I told him as he nodded. He grabbed it and placed it in the pink bath tub. He grabbed both of them carrying it under his arms. "Go set it up in our bathroom. Fill it up with water to this line right here, okay?" I told him pointing to a line in the tub as he nodded. He walked out of the nursery, as I grabbed the outfits and dampers. I walked out of the room to our room and placed the outfits and dampers on the bed next to the lotion and baby powder. I walked into the twins room, with Xander behind me as I picked up Xaria as he picked up Nate. We took of their nights clothes and dirty dampers putting them in the trash, and the clothes and their separate basket. We wrapped the towels around them and took them to the bathroom. We placed the towels on the tub as we placed the kids in the tubs. I put some soap on Xaria rag as I handed him the soap as he did the same. "Wash under his weewee too." I told him as he nodded. After I washed her up, I put shampoo in her head and started to scrub it as she slowly started to hum, from the pleasure. "What the hell Nevaeh!" He exclaimed grabbing my hand as I looked at him. "What?" I asked as his face had a surprised but angry look in his face. "Why the hell are you getting the soap in her eyes!?" He exclaimed at me as I rolled my eyes. "Its tear free." I replied pointing to the bottle. "It's not gonna burn their eyes." I replied snatching my hand away and continued doing what I was doing as his face turned back to normal with a sorry expression. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't know." He replied as I looked at him. "I know. I would've reacted the same way, if I didn't know." After getting the twins bathed, and wrapped up in their towels, we walked out into our room and placed them in the beds. They had fell asleep in the bath tub which made it a whole lot easier to get them dressed. After getting them dressed, we decided to let them sleep on our bed. After that we decided that it was our turn to take a shower and get dressed. I went downstairs to see Xander on his laptop typing something as he looked up at me and smirked. "Damn, baby dressed to impress." He replied licking his lips as I rolled my eyes smiling. "Did you eat yet?" I asked as he shook his head. "No I didn't have any time." He sighed as I nodded. I grabbed some eggs, bacon, and waffles as I started to cook them. "What time is she coming?" I asked him whipping the eggs. "She should actually be here any minute now. Her mom just texted my mom saying they landed about an hour ago." He replied as I nodded. After cooking food, I grabbed two bottles and ran upstairs to go feed the babies. After feeding both kids, I went downstairs and placed them in the baby swings buckling them in. I turned them on as I heard the doorbell ring. I walked into the living room , and opened the door to see three people standing there. "Oh you must be one of the Omegas." The older women responded as my face dropped. "She isn't the omega. This is our Luna." Natalia replied opening the door as the women, the man, and the younger lady face went into shock as I awkwardly just stood there. "Well why don't you come in. It's pretty chilly out there." I replied opening the door more as they stepped in. "The maids will come and bring your luggage to your rooms. They are on there breaks right about now." I said looking at my watch as the girl nodded. "That's quite weird. When Giovanni and Natalia was leaders they always had maids on duty." She said taking a look around the house as Natalia sighed. "Well a lot has changed since you've been gone." Natalia replied. "You must be Xander's mate Nevaeh. I am Paul , my wife Yvonne, and my daughter Peyton. We are the beta and female beta of the Initza Pack." He replied taking his hand out to shake it as I shook it. "Nice to meet you." I replied. "Baby, did you-" Xander started as he walked in and stopped. "Xander!" Peyton exclaimed as she went over and jumped in his arms as he stood there with a shock face, as he slowly patted her back and pushed her away. "Hi Peyton. Paul, Yvonne." He replied nodding his head at both of them, as they bowed their head. "Maybe we should sit down and talk over some snacks." Giovanni replied as we all agreed. I was helping Natalia bringing the snacks in, as we sat down. Giovanni held Nate as Xander held Xaria. "You guys have such beautiful babies." Paul replied as Yvonne nodded. "Imagine the babies that Peyton and Xander would've had. They would've been absolutely beautiful.. probably even more beautiful then-" but I cut her off. "Excuse me?" "What she meant was that you guys do have absolutely beautiful children." Peyton replied, in her thick British accent. I started at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah.. that's exactly what I meant." She trailed off. "Well how about the three of us go to a lounge." Peyton replied as I sighed looking up at Xander. "Yeah I'm good." he replied standing up as her mother butted in, "Why not! You guys can catch up on some things. Old flames can spark.." hee mother winked at him as he chuckled. "That is nice but I will spit all over that flames if it tried to spark. In a matter of fact, I would have my beautiful mate squirt on that shit before it sparks." he replied going into the kitchen as I stood their in shock. *Xander POV* I was cleaning up the kitchen, as Nevaeh put the babies up stairs to fall asleep. As I was placing the stuff in the refrigerator. I turned around, smelling an unknown scent which turned out to be Peyton. "Can I help you?" I asked her placing the plates on the counter as she sighed. "Don't be like that..." she replied stepping forward me as I stepped back. "Be like what?" I asked her as she sighed. "You know what I'm talking about. Your acting distant." she responded as I chuckled. "I don't know how you expect me to act. You literally left me , but I'm acting distant." I replied placing everything back in the fridge as she sighed. "Xander, can you just move on from that?" she asked me as I rolled my eyes. "I have moved on. I found my mate and I have two beautiful babies. That is what I call 'moving on.' I replied as she looked at me then shook her head. "Wow Xander. You wouldn't expect people to act like this towards the person who they lost their virginity too." she replied as I starred at her. "And honestly, I wish that I can take that night back, and save it for the women I love." I told her as she stared at me in disbelief. "Why are you even here. You made it pretty clear the day you left, that you don't want me anymore. I have my mate, and I'm happy. So why are you here Peyton?" I asked her as she sighed. "I just wanted to make sure that we were on good terms." she told me as I rolled my eyes. "We are on someone good.So why do you have to stay her for a week to see if we were on good terms." I asked her as she sighed. "I wanted to catch up. Reminsse on good terms." she replied as I shook my head. "No, we will not be reminissing on any memories. Those memories are dead. Buried somewhere in the casket. So please, don't come with me with that bullshit." I told her. She was about to say something, but Nevaeh walked in with a couple of baby bottles in her hand as she starred between the two of us. "Was I interrupting something or-" "No." "Yes." I looked at her, as she looked at me with a 'please' face as I shook my head. "Baby you didn't interrupt nothing. She was just about to go unpack in her room. Right Peyton?" I asked her as she shook her head. "No we were actually talking about something very important." She replied as Nevaeh crossed her arms. "And what was that?" she asked leaning against the fridge door as I mentally smirked. That's my baby.. "Well I prefer not to say it around you, considering that most of it is about you." Peyton replied back, obvious attitude in her voice as Nevaeh chuckled as I bit my lip. Does she not know how crazy my mate is.. "Listen, I am his mate. And his Luna. Whatever you have to say to him, you can say it to me too because when all money leaves the safe, he comes to me every night.. and well tell me everything you said. So continue.." She replied as Peyton looked at me. "Well as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted-" she looked at Nevaeh, as Nevaeh shrugged her shoulders and mouth 'Not one fuck do I give' "-I know what I did to you was horrible. And I can't stand myself, or look at myself in the mirror knowing that I hurt such a wonderful man, who treated me like his queen." "But you aren't his queen..." Nevaeh replied as I looked at her and mouthed. 'Be Kind' She rolled her eyes as she continued to listen. "I just want us to be close again. Go out, have fun, relive all of those memories we had." she replied as I shook my head. "And why not?" "Because if you have not noticed, those memories were when we were together. I have a mate, and kids. I'm not going to be filled up with some love triangle, because obviously you had a whole fucking love octagon." I replied back as I grabbed Nevaeh hand as we made our way up to our room.
3 Mar 2019 | 19:07


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