In continuation of our broad topic: Realising your dream.
We are taking a subtopic which is broad as well: CULTIVATING YOUR DREAM.
Before any dream can be realised, it has to be cultivated, meaning it has to be worked out. Realising Your dream is a process of the mind, while cultivating it is an action of the body. You may dream of going out, that's your mind at work, but your body may want otherwise. To cultivate one's dream then requires the unification of the mind and body, they have to work in agreement, then procastination can easily be defeated. The agreement between body and mind will boost your time management, many student wont border to sign their course form on time, they just continously give their conscience excuses then plan against tomorrow, this also make some to fall behind the time wherever they go, to work they are late, to school, church, meetings and so on, they are always late. Our body always demand comfort, those who achieve proposed aim for the day are people who discipline their flesh or body. "success is a few discipline maintained for long" Socrates.
To be continued...
Now pray: Lord give me the enablement to overcome the the flesh and the spirit of weariness.
As you pray with faith, the Lord will strenghten you against all odds.
God bless you goodmorning.