

By Victor in 24 Sep 2018 | 05:34
Victor Victor

Victor Victor

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Posts: 472
Member since: 7 Sep 2018

Episode 1

Inside the classroom, a suppose corper dressed in red gown and beautiful red heels, before the students who are all on white and blue uniform.

"Victor, bring the scripts. to my desk" she ordered.
"Am not your class prefect" he shrug.
"Ooh...sorry" she apologise.
"Ma'am, am bringing my beautiful self with the scripts"
"Angela, who told you, that you are beautiful? "
"Hahaha" the class roared with lauugter.
"Your mother? " he continued.
The class went frenzy with laughter.

Under a mango tree, three girls settle under the shade to avoid the rays of the sunlight while chatting happily with each other.

"What does he feel like?" Benita asked.
"A governor, minister, demigod" Angela cut in mockingly.
"I really hate that boy"
"Joy, you say!?" Benita & Angela chorused.
"You heard me" she rolled her eyes.


The wall painted with yellow and shelves attached with the wall which carry files, a table that carries pile of files, two men settled on the chairs while two is left empty.

"Sir, one of my student has grown wings" Peter complained.
"And who is that?" Looking surprised.
"Is the Senior prefect" he continued.
"You mean Victor" finding a reason to doubt his instincts.
"No other person" he breath.
"That boy again" he hit the table with his fist which made a thud sound.
"I need to report him to his father" he picked up his phone and click his phonebook then scroll to a contact saved with Papa Victor
"Hello" he said into the line.


"Ugly wait for me!" He shouted while walking hastly to meet her.
"My name is not Ugly" she sighed.
"Wait joor! I am too tired. " ignoring her last statement.
"Victor, am not waiting for you, period" she rolled her eyes.
"Am not begging you" he slowed his footsteps whistling.
"Walk na, am waiting for you" she plead.
"I think say you wan form" he said then quicken his footsteps, they both step out of the school compound through the black giant gate, with City School boldly written on it.

24 Sep 2018 | 05:34
Episode 2 The door of a cleanly arranged flat knob turned while a man step in, at 40s he looks strong and admirable, smartly dressed with European office attires, black Italian suite. "Mama Victor ooh..." he shouted from the sitting room. "What has he done this time?" A voice called out from the kitchen that is some metres away from the sitting room. "Ever since, your son took after you..." cut off. "Our son" she cut in. "Woman your son" he glare at her. "My phone has known no peace" he complained. "Where is that son of yours?" he Charged towards the hallway that seperate three rooms, one by the and two at the left. "He is not back from school" she shouted after him, Madam Esther left the sitting room to the kitchen, to continue what she was doing. *** A cleanly and perfect decorated sitting room, stinking of wealth. "Mom, I don't like that slum's school" resting her head on her mother's lap. "Ada, you are in SSS3 already" caressing her hair. "Your dad registered you in that school" she breath. "For your WAEC sake" she concluded with enthusiasm. "But...." cut off. "No but young lady" froggy's voice cut in. *** Chief Emeka's room 2:48pm, he busy himself with daily newspaper and a glass of juice by the side of the chair, the door opened presenting a student with blue trouser and a white long sleeves. "Noon, dad" he greeted. "Victor, come back here" he ordered. "You are back early, today" he grumble. "What do you expect? " "You should be at work" *** Abigail resting on the bed using her phone to chat, a face pop in looking directly to her bedroom through the window. "Pssst! Ugly" with low tone. "Vic, you again" she groan. "Bail me out" "Were you caught having sex?" He shake his head. "Is she pregnant?" "The oldman again" he sighed. "Am not helping you this time" she chuckled. "You will" "I will not" "Am coming inside" "No, no, no, am coming" he left the window, she jerk off from the bed heading to the door. TBC....
24 Sep 2018 | 05:38
ok seated#*# ------------------------ LINK to Available Episodes •Episode 3-6 Episode 7 Episode 8-9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12-13 Episode 14-15 Episode 16-17
24 Sep 2018 | 06:02
24 Sep 2018 | 07:41
Hmm lot of stories in
24 Sep 2018 | 08:54
24 Sep 2018 | 12:25
24 Sep 2018 | 12:43
go on
24 Sep 2018 | 12:45
24 Sep 2018 | 13:00
Nawa for this Victor. Na trouble maker
24 Sep 2018 | 13:39
Ride on
24 Sep 2018 | 13:40
24 Sep 2018 | 15:19
24 Sep 2018 | 16:27
ok continue
24 Sep 2018 | 17:50
*steps down from my powerbike* nawa o, see as everiwia d0n full... @itzprince abeq shift, awon sit with my bae @dencygirl.. oga @sabinto ah neva see your face o... ah dey loyal boss.. @victor nyc one, more ink to ur dic, i mean bic.. bring it on
25 Sep 2018 | 15:31
25 Sep 2018 | 17:08
Nice start
25 Sep 2018 | 17:48
I'm here now....... Thanks for the i'v
25 Sep 2018 | 19:08
Episode 3 Chief Ade descend from the staircase with his agbada. "You will go to" he settle on the vacant sofa. "City School" tone of finality. "Ummmh. ." Ada grumble. "Where are you going?" Ada climb the stairs hastly. "But hone...." cut off. "Don't honey me" "Alright, am leaving for shopping" Mrs. Ade peak her husband and left the sitting room. *** Abigail and VIctor are both sitting on the seat, Mr. Emeka joined both of them in the sitting room. "I want to speak with just Abigail" he demanded. "Dad, I should leave?" "Disappear from here, my fiend!" He barked. "So Abigail" "Yes sir" "How do my son behave in school" "As a senior prefect" "Are you sure?" "Definitely" "How are your parents?" *** A little boy watching the TV that is showing his favorite cartoon Ben 10, the door opened while a woman joined him in the sitting room. "Steven!" "Yes, mommy" "Where is your sister?" "At her boyfriend's house" he replied nonchalantly. "Which boyfriend?" "Ooh.. Victor" "C'mon off that TV and go to your room" he switch off the TV and head to his room. *** A slender beautiful girl wearing a white shirt and blue skirt, holding a little boy whose right hand has a food carriage that contains water, the morning sun radiate her beauty, the compound is well fenced and it habours two big flats that face each other, a black gate at the centre which serve as an exit for both flats. "Sister!" "Yes, Steven" "Why are we going to your boyfriend's house" "Shutup your mouth!" A knock landed on his head. "We have to wake that lazy boy" she drag her crying little brother along to the closer flat protector. TBC...
26 Sep 2018 | 04:19
Episode 4 Back at Abigail's house, Mrs. Yemi help her husband out with knotting of tie, both standing at the porch of the dinning arch. "Is that not Steven's voice?" "Umhum.. so" with unconcerned tone. "Dale, you don't care about your children" "Meet me in the dinning" he left his undecive wife. *** Tarred road which vehicles are rarely found passing through, not rated as one of the busy roads in Port-Harcourt 7:40am, Abigail ahead of Victor who is less concerned about the time. "Ugly, who is after you?" He sighed. "We are late again!" "We are always late" he chipped in. "If you don't wait for me" he chuckled. "Not again" she breath out. "I'll allow Anita to scatter your bumbum" he smirked. "Fine, am waiting" *** At the devotion ground 8:30, Mr. Harry the principal stood before the students on the podium which serves as standing ovation. "Good morning, students" "Morning, sir" "We are lucky to have a Senator's daughter in our midst" all heads turned to see who it is especially the male folks. "I won't mention her name for her good" "And where is the senior prefect?" Murmurs from angles overtook the air. *** At the gate few students are kneeling those who are late to school, Anita, Cynthia, Gabriel, use the whip on them to stop them from being late to school next time, the little passage at the gate open presenting Victor holding Abigail's hand. "Will you kneel down, Abigail! " she ordered. "I see Anita, no wonder..." cut off. "No wonder what?" She cut in rolling her eyes. "Your dad impregnated your househelp" he smirk. "Probably you are the daughter of your driver" Victor continued, while Anita look dumbfounded by all she is hearing. "He is lying" Cynthia comforted her friend. "no wonder you now open your legs for her dad pestle also" he said mockingly. "Cynthia!" Anita get hold of her collar. "Make we dey go" Victor said and grab Abigail by the arm dragging her with him. "Hahaha" Gabriel only contributed laughter, then continue his work as male punctuality prefect on duty mindless of the on going fight betwixt his colleagues. TBC....
26 Sep 2018 | 04:21
Episode 5 ☆☆☆ Mr. Harry the principal heading to his office with Peter along, the spacious compound fenced round, Admission building block is situated at the end of the four edged fence with staff rooms. "My Dsp!" "Yes, sir" Peter replied. "You should look after her" "I'll do so" "One more thing" "What is it, sir" "Inform the Sp, I'd like to see him" "Let me get him right away" "Thank you, Peter" *** Abigail and Victor at the foot of the two storey building that harbours Ss3 classes and Ss2 classes, science and Arts, ss2 classes upstairs whereas ss3 classes downstairs, Abigail hand over Victor's school bag to him. "Ehem, how do you know?" Victor abruptly stop from walking to his class. "What do you mean?" He raise his brow. "What you said at the gate?" "Is all lies ooh" he chuckled. "Vic, you are wicked" she smack his shoulder blade. "Don't buy biscuits again ooh" Victor reminded Abigail who is climbing the staircase that leads to the top. "I'll" "I will break your bones" he threatened. *** Peter chatting with his seat mate when he sight the presence of Victor in the classroom, he followed him to his seat. "The principal wants to see you" "That old man again! " peter chuckled at his complain. "He is in his office" "I have heard" Victor breath out. "Peter" Victor open his locker but to his surprise. "What the hell!" He shouted. "What is it?" peter asked with concerned voice. "If you know, you dropped letter here" Victor warned. "Before I'll be back, remove it!" Peter and Victor leff the class together for the principal's office, everyone's eyes directed to the last role back seat. *** Ada carrying her school bag with a teacher who is doing the custom of a new student introduction to his new classmates, both walk into the classroom together, at the door post there is notice that is written science which literally means the classroom is for those who desire to be scientists. "Good morning, sir" everyone in the class greeted while they are on their feet. "Morning, you can have your seats" "Here is our new student" he pointed at Ada. "You are welcome" the students chorused. "You can have any seat, Ada" he left the classroom while Ada walk directly to the last role to pick a seat. TBC.....
26 Sep 2018 | 10:36
Episode 6 ★★★ Peter and Victor stood before the principal who has been busy writing on his desk with his medicated glass, he pull down his glass and cleared his throat after writing for 5minutes. "Sir, you sent for me" Victor ending the looming silence in the room. "Yes, I did" "Why were you not in devotion ground?" Mr. Harry asked. "Traffick" Victor said unconcerned. "Are you aware?" Mr. Harry raise his brow. "Of what?" Victor looking confused. "Peter, you didn't inform him?" Mr. Harry flash peter a look. "Yes, sir" "You both are to watch over the Senator's daughter" "Are you turning us to guard?" With annoyed voice. "Victor, if you see it so" "Her father should take her somewhere else" Victor suggested. "My fiend! Leave my office!" The principal bark at him hitting his fist on his table. *** Back at the classroom 4 girls have been to Victor's locker to withdrawl their love letters to avoid further embarrassment, Joy left her seat to pick her letter also trying as hard she could to avoid her friends from seeing her, but before she could open and get her letter out Benita and Angela are already in the classroom. "Joy!" Benita called out. "Pamela why" Angela & Joy said mockingly. "I hate him" Benita mimicked Joy's voice. "What of you heard me nkor?" Angela chipped in. "You guys should stop naa" Joy begged. Benita and Angela burst out laughing. *** Chief Emeka relax on his office chair waiting patiently to receive the August visit that the memo sent to him lay so much emphasy on, a knock landed at his office door. "Come in" "Oooh.. Thank you" Chief Emeka said. "You are welcome my senat" he stand up from his seat to have a hand shake. "The pleasure is mine" "Chief, have a seat" Chief Ade cleared his throat. "Am here to award you the contract of Ikwerre road construction" "Thank you Chief" Chief Emeka got up from his seat thanking him for his good guesture. "I have to been on my way" Chief Ade said. "Just now" Chief Ade look surprised. "Yes, I have a meeting" "Thanks, for dropping by" Chief Emeka walk Chief Ade out of his office. *** Ada keep on staring at Victor due to his handsome look, she have only seen such handsome men on TV. She felt herself thinking about him ever since he step into the classrooom. She thought of something then she turned back to the seat begind her. "Your lady, what is it?" Victor asked taking her aback. "I want your note" she demanded. "I don't give beggars alms" Victor shrug. "What! Am the Senator's daughter! " Ada screamed at him which made all heads turned to their direction. "So?" Victor folded his hands. "I command some respects" she concluded. "Go to your senatorial destrict la" Victor chuckled. "and command some respects Ashawo!" Victor concluded, which made the students inside the classrooom to laugh at her, Ada felt so embarrassed that she rest her head on the desk then cry out her tears. TBC.....
26 Sep 2018 | 10:37
This Victor is a case... Please continue
26 Sep 2018 | 14:42
DAT victor na korect guy
26 Sep 2018 | 15:02
Victor is this life
26 Sep 2018 | 18:04
following jejely
26 Sep 2018 | 20:22
27 Sep 2018 | 02:25
27 Sep 2018 | 07:57
Why is victor always being disrespectful?
27 Sep 2018 | 11:48
This Victor is something else ooo
27 Sep 2018 | 14:27
Chai, see as senator's daughter is crying!....
27 Sep 2018 | 16:08
arogance n being urespectfl go kil u one day
27 Sep 2018 | 16:53
27 Sep 2018 | 17:32
27 Sep 2018 | 17:41
next ooo
27 Sep 2018 | 18:40
28 Sep 2018 | 05:31
☆☆☆☆ Episode 7 Adamu rush to the gate due to incessant horning of the owner of the car, Mr. Emeka drove in after Adamu have seperated the twin, he pulled over at the parking lot, he step out of the car sharply, Adamu have never seen him happy as this before his broad smile made his physique look unusual. "Welkome, sar" he greeted bowing in courtesy. "How are you?" "Am pine, sar" Mr. Emeka rolled his keys as he march towards his flat, singing praises to God Almighty for his gift of love. Back at Victor's house 8pm, his mother and him are both on the dinning table having dinner for the night, a voice from the sitting room keep on singing praises to God as he approach the dinning table. "Dad, you are welcome" "Honey, welcome" "Guess what happened today in the office?" "Mom and dad!" His parents sharply turn to Victor. "I think I should continue eating in my room" he carried his plates and left. "Are you sure he is my son?" Dumbfounded by the act. "What is the good news, honey" feigning ignorance. "I had a million contract award" he sighed. "Praisssee thou liviiing God" his wife shouted on top her voice. "Darling, what do we have for dinner? " "........." *** At Mr. Dale flat verandah, the spacious passage is illuminated by torch due to power outage, Abigail brought out a chair to the verandah where his mother and younger brother are at the verandah, she lifted the chair up to be taken outside to the parking lot where she and Victor stay at night everyday to gist. "Sis, should I come with you?" "Steven, fat noo...." She walk few metres towards the car lot, on seeing Abigail Victor left his chair and hide behind the parked car. "Where is this boy?" Abigail sadly dropped the chair and sit on it. Victor pulled out his pan, hold it on his right hand, lift it up to his shoulder level walking stealthily to where Abigail's chair is, place it on her head. "Sssshh! Don't move" with hush tone. ", do..n't k..ill m..e" Abigail begged with fright. "Hahaha" he dropped on the tiled ground with bricks laughing. "Vic! Jesus, you nearly killed me" she eyed him. She lifted her chair to her shoulder blade and made to return back to her flat, but she was blocked by Kneeling Victor who joined his both palms together in a pleading manner. "Am sorry naa!" She rolled her eyes, which made Victor chuckled. He raise his left foot up, supporting it with his right foot on the tiled ground, brought out a circled rubber. "Abigail. ... 'll you marry . . Me? *** Ada is deeply in her thoughts, Madam Agnes walk into her room unnoticed, she tap her twice at the shoulder which made her jump off from her thought. "Mom!" She breath out. "What is the problem?" She raise her eyebrows. "I don't know mom" She clinged to her mom, Chief Ade climb the stairs with his phone on his right ear as he ascend the stairs, he got to the hallway that his daugter's room is situated at the left, he heard his daughter sniffle. "Let me call you later" with low tone. He move closer to the door, peep throgh the key hole to see his wife and daughter together, out of curiosity he painstakingly bend to hear everything. "Mom, he is trouble" "But you said you like him" Mrs. Agness chuckled. "Yeah, I do" Ada frown. "What is his name?" Ada couldn't pinpoint why her mom is finding her predicament amusing, Mrs. Agness couldn't hide her excitement from her daughter, how thou mighty fallen she thought. "Is Emeka Victor" Mrs. Agness thought for a while to think if she has find such associate in politics but shake her head, Chief Ade could not help to be happy, is better than her daughter to mastermind world war III everyday in her former school among the male folks. "E..meka Vi.ct..or" He thought for a while, he recalled while walking with Chief Emeka he had a call from certain principal, the man was unable to his frustration when he muttered Victor again, no doubts is his son that his daughter is in love with, he turned the door knob then step into the room. "Dad!" Ada surprisely called out. Mrs. Agness disengaged from the hug to meet his husband, she peaked him but the mischievous smile on his face did not fade away. "He will be here on your birthday" "Darling, am famished" he rub his stomach. Ada didn't realised what her dad was insinuating until both couple left her room. "No.. noo.." "That devil" She slept off thinking what her fate will be if he eventually comes, she couldn't help but have mixed feelings of sadness and happiness. *** Chief Dale emerge from the sitting room to the verandah, he look towards the direction of Steven and then turn sharply to scan the environment but couldn't find his only daughter. "Ummmh. . Uhuhum. ." He cleared his throat. "Where is your sister?" Directing the question to Steven who is looking outside, he relax on the vacant chair beside his lovely wife Yemi whose eyes have not left her phone screen, there is no doubt Abby takes after her mother, he sighed. "Dad, she is with her .. Victor" he scratches his head. "Call her for me" he glared at him. "Okay!" Steven exclaimed joyously. Finally he is outside the house, he ran off from the eyes resting on his little body frame, Abigail covered her mouth with both palms she couldn't believe what her eyes are showing her, she couldn't hold the laugher anymore she started laughing uncontrollably. "You .. do..n't propose condo.." she couldn't complete her words due to laughter. Victor on realising that he isn't holding the toy ring he sneak from his mom room but a condom, he joined her in laughing. "What are you doing with a condom?" She asked him. "I wanted............" "Sister, daddy is looking for you" Steven disrupt his statement. Abby couldn't hide her frustration, she wave at Steven to go ahead but he blatantly refused. "V, tomorrow naa" "I'll not come to school" Victor breath out. "But..." "Sister, dad is calling you ooh" he chuckled with his effort so far from putting the conversation to an end. "Lets go joor!" Abby sighed. "Uncle V" Steven hailed. "Team S men" Victor hailed back which made him giggle. "My sister husband" he smirked. He took to his heels when he notice Abby is surging towards him, Abigail on hearing what her younger brother said she ran after him, Victor shake his head and carried both chairs. TBC.....
1 Oct 2018 | 20:21
2 Oct 2018 | 03:12
hmmmm seriously am short of words
2 Oct 2018 | 15:46
Hahaha Steve knows wetin dey
3 Oct 2018 | 02:45
but chief Ade now want victor for His daughter Ada
3 Oct 2018 | 11:50
3 Oct 2018 | 14:52
☆☆☆ Episode 8 The protector prouduces knocking sounds which made madam Esther abruptly drop her breakfast to check on who it is. "Good morning, ma" Abby and Steven greeted. "Ah ah.. both of you should come inside" "Thank you, ma" To madam Esther Abby and Steven are like her children, they both went in, Steven jump on to the floor to watch Tv, madam Esther ask Abby to use the chair. "Ma'am, where is Victor?" "Wait, I 'll call him." Abby joined her palms together to wish he changes his mind about not coming to school today, she disappeared into the hallway that leads to her four rooms that are face-to-face, Victor covered the blanket very well maintaining a pale face and distress voice, a knock landed at the door. "Isn't locked" with low voice. "Are you not going today?" Immediately she step in. "....." Madam Esther rest her weight on the side of the bed, turned her neck downward to her son's face, she place her palm on his forehead. "You are burning up" "Yes" with distress voice. She drop some thousand notes on the table, walk to the door but stood sometime thinking of what she has forgotten to do. "Don't forget to buy medicine" "Okay, mommy" he answered nonchalantly. Immediately his mom left his room, he flog the blanket aside jump off from the bed, took the thousand notes on the table and began counting it. *** The students gather before the podium on the devotion ground, Mr. Harry escorted by the Dsp walk towards the podium. "Where is the Sp?" He said hastly. "No where near the school" he shrugged. Mr. Harry climb the podium as fast as his foot could take him cause he wouldn't like to encroach the school stipulated lesson time. "Good morning, students" they reciprocate his greetings. "Next week is mid-term break." Some of his students whistle, some clap their hands, Mr. Harry become amaze how much his students cherish break from school. "Abigail Dale!" He called out. "Yes, sir" She left her queue walk towards the front of the podium, confused on why she was called out while all heads turned to her. "Where is Victor?" Mr. Harry asked impatiently. "At home, he is ill" Although she knows he is just pretending to be ill, she will do everything to help him out as a friend, he wave her off to her queue, among the heads looking at her, Ada couldn't take her eyes off her. "No wonder" escape her lips. She thought looking at her, she looks beautiful without external help, a tap landed on her shoulder blade, she turned to see her new friend smiling broadly. "They live the same compound" Brendy whisper to her friend, Ada nodded, she will definitely make Abigail her friend to get to Victor, she waited till the devotion is over monitoring Abigail, after the dismissal Kennedy hover around Abby who is tired of his pestering. "Abigail!" She looked back to see SS3 girl, she definitely concluded this will be her bestie girlfriend due to her beauty and class, she walk to where she is. "I'll be coming with you to see Victor" Ada demanded. "No problem, closing hour, I have To go." She let her go, she thought how rude she is, there is no doubt. "Perfect match from heaven" she grinned. *** He step out of the protector, locked it and walk to the gate, Adamu stare at him getting more confused he doesn't look like someone who is ill. "Small oga..!" He hailed him from his window which serves as the gate post indoor view, he look around to see Adamu, he gave a cold stare and jam the gate behind him cross the less busy road, Precious on seeing Victor she thought of calling him but changed her decision, she place her arms akimbo stretching her neck to know where he is going to. "Precious oh!" She sighed and shake her body in unhappy manner, she look away from the road to the supermarket she work at, the voice called out again, she run/walk into the door. "I dey come, aunty" Victor walk into the chemist to get some medicines, on seeing the lady at her 20s he wonder if getting close to medicines makes a girl beautiful or all pretty girls want to be a nurse. "What do you want, sir?" "Condom, the one of 100naira, 5packs" She look at him once again and concluded he is a play boy, she deep her hand into the packet of condom brought out some packs gave it to him, she gave him 100naira for his change of 500naira, he left without hearing her last word. "Thank you, sir" Mr. Harry under the mango tree that is at the front-side of the admission block, resting his weight on the office chair, he thought of what Abigail told him, no doubt that the girl is Victor's associate, they are in same lane he brought out his phone dialed a number. "Hello" Mr. Emeka typing on his system was disrupt by his phone ringing tone, he didn't bother to check the caller ID, brought the phone to his ear, on hearing the familiar he removed it and check the caller ID no one else but his son's principal. "I haven't been home" "Yes, ask my wife" "Oh, I'll send her number" "Thank you, sir" He typed some minutes with his phone, dropped it but he felt his thought hasn't been satisfied he blacklist the phone number, heave a relief sigh and cleaned his sweat with his handkerchief, maybe is time he disturb his wife. *** Ada look around the school compound but see nothing that has Abigail's resemblance, she looked pissed that the girl has played him, her friend resting on her car called out. "I told you" she smirked. "You right!" Victor couldn't help but think of what he will do with his remaining cash, the door opened and closed hastly Abigail panting heavily like she is chased by something, he stare at her continue devouring his fried chicken and rice, she swallowed hard when she saw what he is eating, she head towards the kitchen. "Who dey pursue sef?" She knows is a delay tactics to make her waste the time to get a spoon, after some time they finish eating, on seeing the money Abigail tries to take the money on the table, he captured her hand, they struggle playfully tumbling each other on the sofa and floor. "80/20, Abby don't be stubborn." "Nooo, 50/50." "What is this?" He stare at her strangely. "What?" She raise her brow. "Who did this to you?" He pointed at the mark the cane she was floggef with created, she knows it will get worse if she tells her who did it, but anywhere he will still find out. "Corper Peter" He clinged his fists and unfixed it on hearing the name, he acted normal not to rise her suspicious or give her any hit on what he has installed for him. "So na who pursue u come house?" "Ada your girlfriend" He eyed her but eventually joined her in laughing cause he knows Abigail would've made that girl wait in school for nothing. TBC......
4 Oct 2018 | 03:28
so u won fuck Abigail abi
4 Oct 2018 | 11:54
so because of Abigael you skip school pussycat will kill you
4 Oct 2018 | 15:03
u made u irresistible sef
4 Oct 2018 | 15:35
next plsss
5 Oct 2018 | 05:31
☆ ☆ ☆ Episode 9 Mr. Emeka continue reading the newspaper his both hands are holding it, his medicated glass below his eyes region, he raise his head to see the owner of the foot sounds, Victor on Manchester jersey. "Evening, dad" His dad cleared his throat, eyed him but he caredless of his gestures, he walk pass him few metres from the door. "Where do you think you are going?" Mr. Emeka called out. "To the field" He walk back to the former position before his father's seat, he removed his glass boiling with anger. "We are all going to church" "To do what?" Raising his shoulder up with his both palms stretched, his dad dropped tye newspaper on the table, move his left hand slowly to where he kept his glass of juice, on seeing his movement he race into his room. "Oh man, that man get bad mind ooh" He breath heavily, he has decided never to go to evening church anymore if not a chance to sneak into skirt not involved, he waited at the door patiently to hear his dad footsteps to have his bath, after the coast was cleared he step out finding nobody in the sitting room, he left the house through the sitting room door. 6:00pm Abby using her phone to chat on social media, got a notification she move her thumbs around the phone screen. "Make ona like this go 2k la" She grumble, Steven flash a look at his sister who has been smiling, laughing, complaining with her phone, he concluded she is not okay afterall, a knock landed at the door, he got up to check who it was later joined his sister back in the sitting room. "Your in laws are here" he winked at his sister who looks confused of what he is talking about, she decided if it is Victor she is going to beat him very well before her parents will be back, she went after the door. "Aunty!" She joyously called out. "Abby, how are u?" "Am fine, aunty." "is my son with you?." She shake her head side ways, the woman left afterward to join her waiting husband in the car, Abby rush in to descend on his brother, Steven sensing the unhappy mood of his sister when he said that left the sitting to his mom room to continue watching the cartoon on show, he didn't forget to lock the door very well. "Steven!" Abby shouted on top her voice when she couldn't find his brother at where he was, she rush to her parents door to find it locked she keep on knocking but no reply. Steven wonder why his sister is overreacting not like he hasn't seen both kissed. *** A little field which is closed to a remote road that isn't tarred but cars could ply the road but mostly bike pass through the road, five boys where on the field gathered together. Michael keep on counting the thousand notes on his hand his arms up shining his teeth. "I tell you" Obinna stretch his right hand demanding his share. "Board man fee" Michael hand over 300naira to him, he stare at him but said nothing nor like the happy Michael cares about the way he is looking at him, Ben turned to see someone coming ti where they are from the road. "Boss V!" Five of them look towards their friend, Dan couldn't help but smile. "Our prodigal son" he chuckled. Ben thought for a while that he can't let Michael enjoy his hard earned money. "Challenge dey oooh" He said to him, Victor wasn't surprised cause his friends love gambling each other especially Michael, Michael thought is time he makes more money. "You will present 10 thousand naira, me too." Victor nodded giving him the signal that he is interested, he become sure of his money. "In a week you'll have sex with my sister and tape it" he grinned. "Failure to do so, your money is mine." Bennedict never for once supported such bet, his only interest is the ball they normally play on the field locally known as monkey post, Victor laugh at them but changed his facial expression. "Who be the boardman?" Obinna raise his right hand, he agreed and zoom off from the field. He reach home to find it locked, he used his spare key to unlock the protector and pick his Atm card return back to lock the protector, Abby heard the sounds of the protector rush out to see Victor. "Where are you going?" She folded her arms looking at him suspiciously, on hearing her voice he fasten his footsteps to the gate and shaking his head. "I dey come" He said and disappeared through the gate, Abby sighed knowing too well he won't inform her of his whereabouts or what he is upto. *** Their are many people in the bank yard cause there is only two Atm paying, Victor dropped at first bank looking at the queue he knows too well that he won't withdrawl till it is dark, he sighted a girl behind three boys before the Atm machine, he changed his physique to someone that is dejected and depressed, he walk close to her and stand beside her. "Please help me" He begged the girl who stare at him admirably, she thought helping him will be of good cause he so cute. "Your pin" "...." Mr. Emeka and his wife returned from the church 7pm but find the house empty, they seem panick cause he has stayed out late as this before. "Honey, let me ask Abigail" Mrs. Esther suggest while her husband nod for an approval for she to go ahead, Mr. Emeka phone ringing tone interrupted their little drama. "Hello Tina" he said into the line. "Ooh.. thank you" "Darling, he left the bank some minutes ago" Mrs. Esther turned back to see her husband looking confused as she too, she sit closer to him on the bed. "What is he doing with money?" "Lets wait till comes back" After some time the door opened presenting Victor, his parents put on a happy look, he thought what is up with this couples. "Welcome mom and dad" "Have u eaten?" His mom asked. "No" "Dad, can I have my phone?" "Ofcourse, you can" He left his sitting position to bring out the phone, he hand it over to him, immediately he closed the door behind him. "He has changed! " Mrs. Esther exclaimed joyously hugging her husband. *** Michael with his sister inside his room well painted and a small flat screen television on the wall, the speakers in the room blasting music that is entertaining living and non-living things, he counted 4 thousand naira out of the money he won from the bet, gave it to his older sister who is on holiday from the university a year 1 student. "Ona bet on ground" "Sure, ready my 4k ooh" his sister warned. "That one sure" She already known what to do, throughout the week she won't talk to any stranger who stop her on the way. "His name is Victor" his added. She gave him a wicked smile and she received a thumb up from his brother. Victor switch on his phone with his sim card, he thought going physical to woo his contender sister will be a foolish thing to do, cause his brother would feed her about the bet, he left his room to meet Abby. "Help me and open FB" Abigail on her own look confused cause Victor hate chatting, the sudden change she will have to find out. "Why?" He sighed dropped the phone on her laps. "Don't use my name and location" He warned then turned and left to continue what he is doing for his mother inside, she is confused why he has been keep ing secrets from him lately but she surely knows what to do. 9am Saturday, the church is filled to it brim cause SDA church on that day have combined service, it a youth day, the youths in the church conducted everything from Sabbath school, announcement, divine service, Mrs. Emeka and his wife with his son lined in same seat, with his youth uniform he looks cute on his khaki trouser mostly as a handsome uniform man. "We invite Emeka Victor for his special song" He look confused on hearing his name cause he never did a solo in the church before, luckily one of his classical Italian instrumental that his late sister love some much is still in his dad phone. "This bitch want to revenge" He cursed under his breath, all heads look to his direction as he walk to the podium, Gladys smiled happily as his bait looks confused as fuck. TBC.....
5 Oct 2018 | 07:26
hmmmmm,,, I don't just understand dis story
5 Oct 2018 | 11:37
This story self no dey flow, it's confusing
5 Oct 2018 | 13:37
Ask wiatever is confusing in the story, and i will explain.
5 Oct 2018 | 15:20
I did not edit it before posting, pardon me for some mistakes.
5 Oct 2018 | 15:22
next pls
5 Oct 2018 | 15:31
Victor why do you just want to be useless in life?
5 Oct 2018 | 21:29
this story is confusing to me
5 Oct 2018 | 23:04
6 Oct 2018 | 03:14
wow, am back from my long time break guys. where are we
6 Oct 2018 | 06:16
Victor is a hard nut
6 Oct 2018 | 12:49
7 Oct 2018 | 05:56
☆ ☆ ☆ Episode 10 He handed the instrumental to the speaking system controller, took the mac with courage and mount the pulpit, the instrumental O Sole mio came up while he joined. "Ke be le. .." The memory of the last time he did it with his late twin sister flood his thoughts, he couldn't stop himself from crying, yet he did well that the whole church erupt with a loud. "Amen..." Gladys wasn't happy cause isn't what she expected, she wanted to disgrace him but still the fact of him being an Adventist speaks for him, she isn't aware of the psychological pains she has caused him. "We shall see" She said in a low tone and eyed him, on his own part she will taste the consequence of what she did, Mr. and Mrs. Emeka couldn't not stop talking about his performance today in the church they talked about it all the way home during the drive. ★ Abby downloaded the app. and did what he requested from her, a knock landed on her door. "Chill na, am coming" Her bumshort and white polo makes her look hot and beautiful, she unlocked the door to find Victor at the door. "What if na your papa knock? " He asked angrily, pissed by the way she welcomed him, she hissed and gave him his phone that she left on the bed, on noticing that she is mad at him for keeping secrets from her, he grab her arm when she try to walk away from the room. "Am sorry" He pleaded making a baby face, to Abby he isn't being funny but romantic, she wanted him to stop seeing her as just a friend, she want to live by this moment for life as both lips is closing in, the door opened making wiiiiii sounds that made both of them disengaged. "Sister!" *** Ada thought of friends from her school that she could invite to her birthday party upcoming weekend, but the name Victor makes her heart pound like she just killed someone. "Not like he'll come" She sighed, drown in her thoughts her mom entered without her knowledge. "Are you aware that his parents are coming?" She stare at her daughter who has been motionless since she joined her, she tap on her shoulder. "Ehnn.. ummh.." "Mom!" She surprisely said calming her fear, on her mother part she felt like her daughter is losing it. "Adaeze, what is the matter?" "Mom it him" She fall back on the bed and spread her hands on the bed stretching her tired bones, her mom stare at her who they thought love is mission impossible for her, now she has fallen head over kneel. "Your dad invited his dad" ★ Chief Ade is busy inspecting the decoration of the party house himself, he wouldn't like to see his only daughter birthday party to be handled by any other person.he thought for a minute, signal his P.A to come with his phone, he moves his finger on the phone screen then place it on his ear. "My engineer!" He hailed and waited for his response. "They are fine" "Oh.. nice" "Am inviting you to my daughter's birthday party" "Don't worry" "I will send the IV" After listening sometime he called off the call, he signaled his P.A to hold his phone, he couldn't wait to see the young man who has been tormenting his daughter, maybe he could make things work between them, he breath and continue his supervision. *** Steven wink at Victor, and chuckled when he sees how disappointed his sister is. "I don dey lose weight ooh" a line from 2baba song, both males laugh their ass out, Abby couldn't place her hand on what is funny, she sighed walk to the door. "Who sent for me?" She inquire from Steven who is taxing Victor already of his promise to him. "Mommy" he replied absent-minded focusing on the naira notes on his hand, given to him by Victor, she left afterward and Victor joined her in exiting the room. ★ Gladys stuck in watching the drama showing in the television instead of going to church with her mom and dad, siblings, her mom return from the car to remind her that she will trek to church if she won't join them. "Ah, ah, mama, am waiting for Emma" she stood her stance, her mom on Seeing she Won't change her mind hand over her transport fee to her. "Make sure you come" "Sure, thank you mummy" ★ She helped her mom out of the house, Victor pocket a pack of condom in his room and took some money, joined his parents who are waiting for the meal instead of being readily for church at the sitting room. "Dad and mom, lets go" He hold his bible tightly, his parents were surprised to see him being the iniator of going to evening service early, his father felt proud of him. "Lets go" His mom disappeared into the kitchen and emerge from the kitchen some minutes afterward. "Nwa lets go" Both parents are so proud of their son that they couldn't help but glance every minute and then to see him reading the scripture, immediately they got to the church he get down from the car, walk upto his parents. "Mom, let me call my friend" He requested from the couple that glued to each other as newly wedded couples. "We want to see our pastor" "It fine if you want to call Paul" They both said to him and left to see the pastor in his office since isn't sun dawn yet to close the Sabbath, he left the church afterward. *** A knock landed on the door to that of Gladys, she adjusted her gown but the knocking sounded impatient. "Emma, am coming" No response from the other end, she left to do a finishing touch to her face at the front of the mirror, she return to the door, she opened it. "What! You?" ★ Ada come to notice of what her mother just said, she look at her mom. "Wait, wait, wait mom" She swallowed. "You are not joking" Her mom shrugged, she jump off from the bed shouting. "Yes, yes, yes" She jumped into hug with her mom, peak and stare deep into her eyes. "I love you and dad" "We love u too" Mrs. Ade thought for a while that this is serious cause her love for him isn't slowing down a bit, she exited the room, leaving her happy child behind. "Oh my god!" She breath, she thought of her plan to put him under spell, no way out cause is her house and her den for him. ★ Mrs. Dale is putting her apron frying plantains when Abby joined her in the kitchen. "Mom, you sent for me" She couldn't put a finger to when she sent for her daughter. "I didn't" "But Steven said you did" Abby insist but her mom shrugged, she realised that Steven have played with her intelligence again, she angrily left the kitchen in hunt to get him. "Don't kill my son ooh" Her mom shouted after her. TBC...... Apologize for confusing my readers, I love you all and will reveal causes for the actions and purposes for writing this story, there is no much work on it, with time everything will come to limelight, your appraisals is needed cause am still writing it.
7 Oct 2018 | 15:49
ropes on you
8 Oct 2018 | 04:09
8 Oct 2018 | 06:50
KkKk waiting
8 Oct 2018 | 07:01
See Victor claiming born again
8 Oct 2018 | 12:22
Condom in pocket, bible in hand, who are you deceiving?
8 Oct 2018 | 12:35
Ada is here falling head over heels in love with the player
8 Oct 2018 | 12:40
☆☆☆☆ Episode 11 "Leave here" "Are you deaf?" She try to slam the door close, he push the door open cause he is stronger, cover her lips nudge her mouth to open she give in wrap her hand around his neck, she missed him so much cause the last they had sex was years back when she has the thought giving him sex will bond both of them, he grab her breast. "Ooh" She moaned with her head throw backward. * She rush into her room, look around the room, open her wardrobe find nothing, she check her bathroom find nothing. "Where is this boy?" She turned around in a circle, she left her room to that of her brother's, she look beneath the bed to see him. She drag him out. "Sister, am sorry" Making a crying face, pleading he won't do it again. "I won't beat you but..." "Please..." "You won't poke nose" He shake his head that he won't do such nonsense anymore, Abby left him alone, he breath cause it was so close. "Steven!" A voice called from the kitchen. "Yes, mommy" * Bra on the floor, with shirts scatter on the floor, his trouser and boxer down to his kneel, her legs wrap around his waist and her hands wrap around his neck, his thick dick going in and out of her pussy with quick thrusts, their slamming naked body making kpa! Kpa! sounds as both of them come in contact, her ass on the chair, her face on his shoulder eyes shut, he keep moving in harder, her mouth agape as he thrusts away. "Ooh" "ah, ah, ah" Her teeth clenched, let loose as his thrust power hit her harder, her mouth open she moaned. "Whaa...aaat..!" Someone standing at the door screamed. ♥♥ "You are welcome Mr. And Mrs. Emeka" "Thank you, pastor" "You can have your seats" After handshakes everyone in the room sits. "How is your son? " "Oh.. pastor he is coming" "I have a bad dream of him" * Her eyes flee opened, she push him off her body which made her somersault to the other side of the chair, he pulled his boxer up then followed his trouser looking undisturbed, his eyes red with anger his teeth shaking in their own accord, his fists fold, he surges towards him landing a punch at his face. "Aaah!" He grab his jaw stagger backward looking at his attacker, he smiled ready his fist. "You want to fight, huh, loser?" He smiled at the intend of giving a new shape and disguise to his face, he charges forward with arms raise with fist. "Ooh.. bruises" He aimed his first shot at his face but Victor slap it off, he got angrier rushes to get closer, he smiled knowing what he wanted to do. "1..2..3" He step backward which made him stagger cause of his dive, he hit him with his elbow he stagger forward hitting his head on the table. "Aaah!" He let out sharp cry. "Oh.. m..y God" Clothed Gladys exclaimed covering her mouth, tears drop. "Your lose" He blow her kiss and disappear through the door. "You are a devil Victor!" She shouted after him. "Ooh.. mmm..y" He groan holding his head, she help him up to a chair. ♡♡ "Pastor, what do you dream?" With a sad face, he isn't pleased about what he is hearing about his only surviving child. "He is in danger" He breath, lean on his chair looking up to the dome. "Lets pray for his safety" Six hands come together, praying as instructed by the pastor. * He drops to the bed, undress himself left the room to the bathroom, took quick shower, did some necessary. "Damn! I have to wash this" He glared at his trouser and shirt he just pulled out from his body, he put water and detergent popularly known as klin and his shirt. * looking impatient cause service is about to begin, he look towards the door to see his wife talking with some women, he left his chair to meet her. "Excuse" She meet up with her husband. "Where is your daughter?" "Is she not in the church? " He gnash his teeth, he would have reset her brain with slap if it isn't church for giving her daughter so much excesses. "She isn't, I want to see her right away" He oozes his anger with breath, turned and left her behind, she searches her hand bag brings her phone, dials. "Hello" * "Mom" "I will be there" "Emma just had a minor injury: "No.. mom" "Please" The line went dead. Gladys pulled down the phone from her ear. * "Where is Victor?" "Am right here" ♡♡ He slum into the chair, his mother stare at him, his father looking surprised. "What took you so long?" He closes his eyes prayed for forgiveness before he can commit the sin. "I stained my shirt" His mother eyes got widen cause his son avoid dirt like crime, looking at her surprised face. "A car flash water on me, while I was walking" "Ooh.. is that why you changed your clothe" His dad chirp in, he nods. * Emma slap her hand from his head angrily, she stare at him closely. "Please naa.." He mute. "What do you want?" He smiled, lick his lips. "You" "Your condom" She stretch her hand palm wide opened, he flash her a surprise look, shake his head. "Skin to skin" "No" "I will tell your mom" "No evidence" He smirked, he point to his phone. "There is, and your face is visible" She try to get up and make for the phone on the floor, he pulled her back, pin her roughly on the floor sneak his hand down to her pant after the skirt band, push two fingers in, her eyes widen. TBC..... Haven't been well to write, I apologise.
12 Oct 2018 | 22:48
Kkkk following
13 Oct 2018 | 06:15
am confused here
13 Oct 2018 | 15:53
still following
13 Oct 2018 | 17:04
Confuse again?
13 Oct 2018 | 20:10
abeg oooo,, am confused,, I don't even know d speaker of most of dos sentences,,,, u are not giving names,, who is Emma,, who is beating who? haba
15 Oct 2018 | 05:04
☆☆☆☆ Episode 12 As time get on he won his victim's heart online with disguise, all thanks to Abigail whose help in making him get all necessary Facebook knowledge, and fame, he called her since is Wednesday the day they planned to meet. He prepared himself ready to go out but find his parents ready to visit his granny. "Are you coming with us?" "No" He gave him a straight answer, his dad has resigned to the fate that he will never get anything to do with his granny, he still blamed her for his twin sister death. *** "So you don't want to come my home anymore?" She raise her eyebrows, no doubt Precious is beautiful, but he has decided not to have anything beyond friend but she insist to have more. "How is James?" He feign ignorance of her question and decided to inquire of his friend her brother, she shake her head. "But you are yet to answer me" "Anyways, his fine" "I think I should go?" He declared after awkward silence, flag down a taxi and zoom off, she stare at the moving vehicle shaking her head probably her love for him is pushing him away, maybe it time to give up on him. ♡ He waited at the bar glancing at his time waiting patiently, according to her description online she will be coming with red gown and black heels, he didn't bother to worry about her comolexion since he has been staring Alicia's picture for sometimes now, he smiled when he saw a likely face like that of the picture, he frown. "Why will she come with her friend?" He knows definitely his plan of bringing her home won't work, they had a friendly time, Alicia Mathew sister and Brendy her friend. "Ben, when can we see again?" He lied about his name also, he won't take chances in allowing Mathew to be aware of this. "I don't know, I will be returning to Lagos soon" She frown, she won't let anybody take away this fine boy from her, after the show off, she promise to meet up with him before he travel, they hug and she left with her friend. "Yessssss!" He exclaimed happily, there is noway she will reject the proposal of visiting him at his suppose uncle's home. *** "How is the progress?" Emeka and his wife explained the relationship between his son and Abigail, the old woman isn't impressed a bit. "They are suppose to marry not some sort of blood bond" The couple realised they have to do more for the friendship not to end up as friendship instead marriage, silence reign in the room but it supremacy was short lived by Granny Kate. "You know what it means?" She help herself up from the sofa with the help of her third leg, definitely greed has taken their first daughter but they won't give up to the course, Granny felt no remorse at all always referring her as a stubborn child. ♡ He anticipated for 3pm, as he has tidy the whole house it have been long he did that, he brought out his phone position it in a perfect place to capture the act. "Do Ben live here?" That is a familiar voice and is no other person than Alicia, he hurried off to get her in before she discover beforehand "No" He paused on his track to see who said that but it is no other person than Abigail. "Baby!" He exclaimed happily which made her jump into his arm for embrace, Abigail raise her eye brow with a questionable look when did Victor turn Ben. "Victor?" She called softly, he gave her a sign not to mention his name, she pulled out of his embrace on hearing her calling Ben Victor. "Who is Victor?" She ask making a frown, why won't he mention it to her. "Not him, am looking for my younger brother" Abby defended, she didn't sense she is lying, he have to do something or he will loose the bet. "Meet my bestie Abby" He beam with smile, she gave her a stay off look. "Abby, meet the love of my life Alicia" He grinned and wink at her, she blush beaming with smile, Abby wasn't happy, she was thinking they both are about to start something but he has kept his distance now he brought his girlfriend home. *** She dropped to bed thinking where she hasn't gotten it right, she has always given him green light maybe it time she give up on him, she has to give Kennedy a chance maybe he will get over him, she put a call to him. "Hello" Abby said into the line. *** "What do I offer you?" He demanded from her, she smile. "Anything" He grinned, lets get down to business Victor said to himself. Tbc..... Thanks for reading and comments, I will always alter my style to suit my readers, please more critics.
15 Oct 2018 | 20:16
16 Oct 2018 | 05:22
this story is complex for my liking all the same kudos to you
16 Oct 2018 | 05:28
16 Oct 2018 | 12:09
Episode 13 ☆☆☆ He entertained amicably with edible and soda, switch on television to make her feel comfortable, he look at the time it is 4pm already, he wouldn't like to miss this opportunity, he joined her in same seat, sitting very close to her, she face her and stare deeply into her eyes. "I love you Alicia" She giggle, both lips collided intense kissing which led to cloths flying, they are left with just undies as he lift her up to his room, he unclad her and himself, suck on her beautiful shaved pussy which made her moan and scream when the pleasure is too much for her, she return the kind guesture by sucking his hard member, they had wonderful sex which took their breath away. "Baby, you are so sweet" She kiss his lips as she find herself falling deeply in love with him, on his part this is just a bet and after now it is over, they had bath together and she left afterward. "Ooh.. harder.. yes! Baby" Her voice coming from the phone he is playing the video. "How do you feel when you lost?" He asked a rhetorical question and roared into laugter. ***** Kennedy pace around his room, he wouldn't want to disappoint his father, he really wanted to do his dad wish, how to do it is confusing cause he have tried all he could to make Abby fall in love with him but it didn't work, and today she just gave him green light, he grinned pick up his phone and put a call to her. "Hi, dear" "Ken, hmm.. this one you remembered me?" They had a brief chat, he has decided to make her his date for the Senator's daughter party. "Please, can you be my date on that day?" "Yes" She didn't realise she said that, but the deed is already done, she was just angry that is why she is doing all these without thinking or making use of her sanity properly, Kennedy felt he has defeated his counterpart nor like he is wooing her but he won't take any chances, his mission must be completed. ♡ 5:40pm Thursday, Mathew couldn't wait anymore to take his money cause he has no doubt that he won the bet, cause his sister never notify him about anybody asking her to be his girlfriend. "Give me this money, the loser won't come, jooor!" "Chill now" Obinna protested, they waited some few minutes for his arrival, Victor joined them in the pitch, Mathew demanded and teasing of just accepting defeat without trial, he welcomed all his blabbing with all smiles. "You no dey my sister level aah" There is no perfect time than to shut him up now. "Your sister wey I fuck like whore, oboy relax ooh" "Is a lie joor" They demanded for prove, he provided the video on his phone, he took the money which left all of them surprised especially Mathew, he deleted the video to avoid any story that touches, Mathew was enraged as they taunt him. "You dey mad!" He yelled at him as he attack him with direct punch to his face, he stagger backward folding his fist for a good fight, 4 of them present serve as spectators singing the popular. "Tow fighters (fanta) no opener" Mathew surge forward to attack again without thinking of siege for surprise attack, his swinging right arm left his ribs vulnerable, he didn't think twice as flog his leg heavily at his expose libs, he struggle to reclaim his composure which give Victor more chance to dealt with him very well. They separated both of them when the fun is turning into something else, Victor stroll out of the field, Mathew storm out of the field angrily. **** Abigail all ready to go out for the party, her parents are also invited since his father is well known among the politicians, she picked a flwless white gown with white heels, her mom walk in on her. "So who is your date? " "Kennedy" She answered nonchalantly which made her mom raise her eyebrows. "What mom?" Her mom shake her head side ways and left her room, she was expecting it to be Victor, Abby fall into deep thought. "I wish he loves me" She sorrowfully said. ♡ Mr. and Mrs. have already return from the trip to see granny Kate due to the party emergence of the senator's daughter birthday. "Honey, have you given him money for his outfit" "I almost forgot, lemme do so" Mr. Emeka called out to Victor in the sitting room. "Take this money, make sure you get a nice suite" He rub his temple, he wanted to know why he is doing this, if it gonna be granny birthday party hell no he won't attend. "Why dad?" His father explained the essence of the party and whose party it is, the senator's daughter party, he re turned the phone he took and left for shopping, his father stare at the packaged phone on the table as forbidden charm. "Not again!" **** Ada has just left the saloon for home, after taken skin treat and new hair style, it only remains make up which will be done on the appointed day, her mom joined her in her room to see her pretty daughter making sure she look more prettier by staring at the mirror continually, she dropped the defiling bomb after taking her seat. "So who is your date?" Ada hasn't thought of this, she couldn't come up with an answer cause she was only preparing to win his heart, that question is a bomb to her. *** Victor returned fron his shopping looking tired and stressed, his parents welcomed him in the sitting while he greeted both of them. "Son, who is going to be your date?" He frowned, he wasn't expecting that question, so who is he going to make his date, he left his curious parenta without an answer. TBC.....
16 Oct 2018 | 22:44
Make it more clearer poster.... I only grabbed that Abbey loves Victor but it seems Victor sees her as just a friend while Ada is on the other side, infatuating of winning Victor's heart
17 Oct 2018 | 04:07
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'll be doing so subsequent episodes.
17 Oct 2018 | 04:38
I just don't get this story but you try a lot just make it more clear thanks
17 Oct 2018 | 10:33
17 Oct 2018 | 18:23
Am sorry, I won't be updating due to my phone touch just got spoilt, am deeply sorry
18 Oct 2018 | 03:45
☆☆☆ Episode 14 Alicia spending her time with her phone suddenly Mathew walk pass her fuming with anger, without greeting his sister he walk into the room. "Mathew? " She went after him, why won't he give me the share of the money, no no we won and I expect my share, she storm into his room, seeing him undress himself. "Where is my share? " She demanded stretching her palm wide open, he hissed. "When you are moaning and demanding for more, you didn't ask for your share" Alicia is taken aback by his statement, she try talking him out of his stance not to divulge anymore information to her. But it futile, she left to reason where she failed her mission. "Jesus! Ben!" Her eyes in realisation widen, she pick up her phone and called. "This number you are calling is currently switched off" She hissed, I must meet him on Sunday. ***** Granny Kate walk around her spacious bedroom oozing wealth due to the design and how it is kept, I must not fail to unite this family, no no, I gave my word to my parents if they let me marry whom I love I will make sure my son marry Williams family, she dropped her third leg and sit on her king size bed, I must achieve my aim, and surely I will make sure my family become the richest in Africa. "Macbeth!" "Ma" A heavily built man walk in handling her phone to her, she dismissed him by waving her hand. "Hello Emeka" "Make sure they will be together" "Just do it!" The line called off. How wish stupid Victoria never rejected the offer to marry Chief Balogun's son, what led to her death, definitely her stupid twin brother blamed her for everything. She groan. ♡ He walk to where she is smiling at her phone like demented human being, he cleared his throat loudly after waiting for sometimes for her to acknowledge his presence but she didn't he got jealous, Abby acted harder to make him jealous. "What Victor?" "Ugly the phone addict" He hissed and sit beside her, she ignored and concentrated more on the phone, she knows how he hate phone. "So, who is your date?" Abby laughed, he raise his eyebrows wondering what is funny. "Ummh.. Kennedy" He felt pained and jealous, he tried saying something but he couldn't, he left without saying a word to her. "Victor, where are you going?" He remained silent until he disappeared into the room, she shrugged. ***** Dale and his wife are busy preparing for the party, his wife help him out with confirming his look even the mirror could attest to it, but he always want his wife judgment. "When are we telling her the truth?" He breath look directly at the door if there is anyone close to it. "Not yet, please" He insist, she shrug and get herself ready too. **** Emeka dropped the phone call from Granny Kate insisting that Victor should attend the party with Abigail as his date, he give a sigh of frustration. "What is she saying?" His wife demanded after watching her husband displeasure after the call. "Same old story" ♡ Kennedy drove into the compound smiling broadly as he approach the door knocking, Mr. Emeka froze on seeing him, what is his cousin son doing here, is he planning to get his son to to marry Abigail so he will eventually become the owner of the company, he left the window view to make a call to Granny Kate. Granny Kate was busy on her study desk when Macbeth emerge. "Ma'am you have a call from your son?" She wondered why Emeka is calling her suddenly, she took the phone and swipe to answer the call. She listen keenly. "What!" She exclaimed, fuming with anger. "Ugochukwu is daring me" She slam her fist on the table, and groan in pain, messaging her weak hand. ***** Abby joined Kennedy in sitting room, who couldn't help but stare at her mouth agape, he lost compsure cause her beauty dazzled him, he acted all gentle manly as he opened the door for her till she got into the car with him. "Go ahead baby, we will drive in our car" They zoom off leaving the couple behind with Steven who have been akwardly quiet. ***** Mr. And Mrs. Emeka are both about to leave the house, they are both wondering why their son is not out of his room till now. "Honey, let me check on him" "Okay" She peck him and left. ***** Victor has been on bed that evening after spending quality time with his video game. "Ko! Ko! Ko!" He didn't make any move to open the door. "Are you not coming, dear?" He couldn't ignore his mom voice. "Go ahead mom" "What is wrong with you?" She notice how he has been acting strange from yesterday evening till now, he didn't even know what is wrong with him, how on Earth did he get jealous when she said that to him, for God sake she is his sister from another mother, he frown, he always sees Abby as Vicky, when she tries all she could do to pacify him but she couldn't, she left with her husband leaving him behind. TBC.....
21 Oct 2018 | 14:04
Rich people always arranging marriage for their children for their selfish interest
22 Oct 2018 | 09:40
selfish interest mode already activated I can see war
22 Oct 2018 | 13:06
☆☆☆☆ Episode 15 On a lone tarred road, a car drove speedily overtaken a car before it, Granny Kate step down as Jack open the car door, the other occupant of the car blocked step down too. "Hi Granny" He said sarcastically. "Ugochukwu! You know, you can never get to be CEO of my company" Granny Kate throw back with venom. "My bad, the last I check is family company, don't you think your old brain is having some problems? " She clap her hand mockingly, while he grinned. "You will remain a bastard, am not here for discourse, but to warn you to stay off from your dubious plan" He boiled in anger, he smiled mischievously. "You know soon the Angels will blow the trumpet of my victory, you should go through the pact once again old woman with favored son, there is still room to be on my side, ooh.. or remain where you are and be sap out of the board" He chuckled, thinking of how sweet it will be to teach her some lesson that will quicken her death. "You will not like to dare the devil" Granny Kate warned and signal Jack to open the car door for her, who has been standing as statue. "What do you expect from the son of Devil" He smiled, then frown, it time to take drastic measure before he is kick mercilessly. **** Abby was all smile dancing with Kennedy, she look around several times to see if Victor is there already but to her disappointment, she scold herself for being in love with someone who doesn't care about her. "Ooh.. my he is so handsome" "Cute" Many commended his out-look as he walk to his parents, they inform him of how proud they are to see him here. "Can I have a dance?" He look back and his mouth dropped. ♡ "Jack, did he accept to work with us?" "Yes, ma" Granny Kate dismiss him, money can make people sell their trust, she wave her head. ***** Ada and Victor are both dancing likewise Kennedy and Abigail, they keep stealing glances at each other, Abby left her dance partner and walk to where Victor is dancing with Ada. "Can I have a dance?" He couldn't keep his eyes off her body, he didn't like the way his body reacting to the sexy before him. "Sure" Ada groan in annoyance, storm out. "I thought you won't come" She said after some minutes. "I know you will get hurt if I don't, I don't like the way we are fighting regularly" He sughed, moving to the fast beat with her. "I love you, V" Everything around him froze, Abby is the last person he want to hurt, she hold special memories. "I love you too, but am scared am not the right guy for you" She try holding her tears but it refuse to stay back, he wanted to hold her close to himself but she back off. "I just want you not right or whoever, do you see me as your sister?" Sadly he nodded, she whimper, she storm out of the place runing as fast she could in the mansion. ♡ Kennedy hold a glass of drink walking to Ada, she is busy drinking and shattering glass screaming at anything she could get hold on. "We can separate them" She heard those words and turned, staring at him suspiciously. "We both need of them, are you in?" She need not to think cause all her body yelled for is him, she accepted the deal. "So what's is the plan?" After composing herself, she listen as he unfold the plot. ".................................." **** He chase after her but lose track of her, he breath heavily, he wonder how she could be able to run that far, maybe she is close by. "Ugly.. where are you?" He screamed and start walking North tiredlessly, what he hate so much is running. **** She look at him but couldn't call out to him, she hate the feelings he has for her and refused to accepted, the blocks she is hiding shield him from seeing her, after spending some minutes she got tired and wanted to leave the dark place, a hand force her back. "Aaaaah!" Her pierced into the dark peaceful night. **** He hasn't gotten that far when he heard that scream from familiar voice. "Damn it! Is Abby" He race back with speed. TBC.... Your comments are highly appreciated, please contribute.
23 Oct 2018 | 20:30
your Granny is something else
24 Oct 2018 | 10:00
Kennedy you are playing with fire and it will burn you
24 Oct 2018 | 10:32
24 Oct 2018 | 11:07
Ride no
24 Oct 2018 | 16:51
☆☆☆☆☆ Episode 16 He smelled of drink, his hormones races at the sight of the beauty, she back away from him in fright, he staggered forward sharply to grip her, without second thought she tend to run as fast she could but stumble to thr ground. "Please, don't hurt me" She begged looking totally sncared, he didn't bother much as he unbuckle his belt. He force his weight on her but she pushes him away. "Shut up! You will enjoy it" He barked at her angrily, as his drunken mind register tear her gown, he did sharply which gave a cry. " don't" She weep, he didn't bother about her tears which he categorised as crocodile tears. ***** Steven didn't find the birthday party fun since he has been reading the heart wreck diary, he flip through pages, he is fascinated with the old diary. "Stee, where is your sister?" He quickly tug the diary inside his pocket quickly, Mrs. Dale stare at him suspiciously but let her instincts go. "I do..nt" He stuttered scratching his head, his mom will get pretty angry with him if the diary is find with him. ♡ He couldn't believe his eyes as he find a man struggling to have his way wit Abigail, he yanked him off her body. "You bastard! Dirty old fool" He cursed, gave him a hard kick at the head, he rushes to Abigail helping her with her gown, no denial she is beauty to the eyes. "Ugly, am sorry" She allow the tears flow freely, she felt peace in his arms. They forgot about the third party who is up already, he lifted a block slamming it to Victor's head, he winced in pain and fainted, while blood gush out from his head. "Ooohh.. God, please wake!" She cried and scream. He realised that he has committed murder, he took to his heels. *** Chief Ugochukwu enjoying the serene his mansion bring to him under a tree, the gate to his house open to present cars that has to be someone familiar but not a friend. "I know you will leave that loser and come to me" He boast, dragging his agbada to himself. "If anything happen to him, you and your family won't live to tell the story" She warned with murderous look. "Is that a warning, Granny... tada! Soon the wedding card will be available, don't worry you will get one" She scoff, shaking her head side ways wondering what kind of vision he is seeing, maybe is time she refer a psychiatrist to him. ♡ The doctor promise of his well being, cslming all nerves, giving them the option of rest since his patient is in capable hands, everyone left but Abby stay back, sitting beside his bed. "I just wish you can call me Ugly, than sleeping there without moving" He hold his hand with her botu palms. "I know you won't hear me but please come back to us, you have been sleeping for too long already" She lower head fighting back tears that are uncontrollable. **** "Jack, is this the fool?" "Yes, ma" She ordered that he should be tied very well to the chair, she switch on a recorder. The man shiver at the sight of gun, the old woman is holding. "So what's your name? " "Ol..I..ver" he stammered. "Do you want to die or live?" She lit her cigaratte and puff thick smoke in the air after dropping the gun on the table, her third leg doing the needful. "I.. wan.t to live ma" He shiver. "So who sent you?" He was confused about the question, cause he was drunk and more also no one sent him, he sighed. "Nob...ody" Bullets pierce his head and forehead. Tbc.....
24 Oct 2018 | 19:52
hmmm next
25 Oct 2018 | 03:59
Ride on
25 Oct 2018 | 10:14
Bastard, so he wanted to rape Abigail
25 Oct 2018 | 10:30
Episode 17 ☆☆☆☆☆ "Jack, Untie him, feed him to the fishes" Granny Kate instructed. "Yes, boss" She proceeded to the door, slamming the door hard when she cross to the other side. "Both of you, join me" Jack wear his gloves follow by the old men, they both lift the lifeless body out of the room. **** She have been spending time with him regardless of the plea from her parents to see to her study too, she admire his good looks even with the bandage. "I love you so much, I just wish you can hear me" She always enjoy helping him, but seeing him lying here without a word to her break her heart. **** He is so engrossed with the diary in his hands that he was able to hear when he is been called. "Here you are, am calling you but you were not anwering!" He is in shock, cause the last person he expected to see him with the diary is his sister, he tries to hide it but it only added to her suspicion, she shove him aside picking the diary up. "Mom, called for you" He stiff on the mention of mom, he cursed himself for being so reckless. ♡ Mr. Emeka isn't in his best of mood, even if the boy is his major headache he will not love to see him lie there like some kind of wood it have been some weeks now and he isn't up, maybe he still hate everyone for taken the only one he is fond of, his phone ringing tone bring him back from land of thought. "Hello" "......." "Thank God, I will be on my way" **** Abby remove her uniform cladded with just panties, she look at the mirror inspecting her shape, she smile at the thought of something but frown suddenly. "So so so stressed out" She jolted from her bed proceeded to her study desk, she have not been a able to read the diary she took from his brother, she live most of her days in hospital and school. "Nice start" She keep on flipping pages as she read, tears gather in her eyes and they fall innocently. "I can't believe this" She put on something storming out of her room. **** Mrs. Dale is in the kitchen preparing lunch when her daughter walk in, she is surpriss to see her crying cause she has been happy these days due to her whatever recovery. "Mom, is this true?" She raise the diary up showing her, she was shocked wasn't expecting her to see that diary till she and Victor be a couple. "Lets talk later" She calmly suggested, Abby storm out not satisfied with her excuse, she isn't ready to act bad daughter any time soon. ♡ Mr. And Mrs. Emeka stare at their son suggestively, scanning him properly, he has refused to talk to the medical team upsetting everyone of them with his foul mouth. "Can you remember us?" They were told by the doctor that he may have temporal amnesia, he is just pretending not to remember anybody to make them less touchy. "Mom and dad" He sighed, rolling his eyes, his head ache he gave a soft groan, the bandage on his is still there. "Wooow! He can remember us" His dad breath out happily, he wouldn't like the situation that his only son will be acting strange around. "So is there pain here?" His mom literally asked him many questions which he didn't bother to answer, he pretended to me aslewp to gain some peace. **** "When do we get?" The man ask the body lying on his back at the bed, he seem not to give a quick answer but someone who is delibrating on the best answer to give him. "We should wait til he is out of hospital, I want him yo experience pains." He walk to the small table, pour himself a drink, gulp down the wgole content in the cup. "Get yourself ready and your boys too" "Yes, sir" He left him after the instructions. **** Everyone is sitted in the sitting room that is very quiet, any lin drop the sound will be here, Abby do not cherish the silence, she have all right to demand if what she read is true. "Mom, dad" She called softly closinh her eyes to suck back those tears threatening. Boty couple raise their eyesbrow at a go, they were expecting to let her know but is yet her 18th birthday. "So who are my parents?" She dropped the bomb, that evryone in the door seem not have an answer for that. TBC......
25 Oct 2018 | 21:23
What are those people planning for Victor?
26 Oct 2018 | 06:03
26 Oct 2018 | 07:46
I said it before more war is nearer Victor watch your back
26 Oct 2018 | 18:45
Episode 18 ☆☆☆☆☆ Mrs. Dale try to comfort her, to entice her to drop the question cause she will get hurt, but being a woman of her stance she doesn't want to have any of it. "Mom, please tell me isn't true?" She sniffle, she doubted the diary but her parents action thus far shows how true the diary is. "Baby, we are sorry, we wanted to tell you but we also don't want you to get hurt." Both couples plead taking steps to go closer to their daughter, she may not be one of their own but they always sees her as their daughter. "Ooh... God" She storm out of the kitchen crying profusely, her parents have hidden so many things and one of them is her safety dwells in a marriage of her and Victor. "Mom, dad, am sorry" Steven bow his head not wanting to see his parents red eyes that scream of beat him beat him. *** Victor has been discharged from the hospital, resuming school after spending a week at home, she never fails to visit him to check how he is doing, WAEC registration had been done by all the SSS3 students which Victor belong, he has been noticing certain change of his bestie attitude towards him, she have start doing justice of her dressing wowing him in the process, being lovely always unlike the former Abigail who always try to wrestle him out of his will. "Miss Ugly, you have been a whole lot of change, hope say u nodey welcome me from land of death" She didn't know what to say, the sun is as hot as hell, she is yet to know why he likes walking from home to school vice versa. "Cause am in love with you" She said cheerfully, he swallowed, she grab his hand swinging it happily as both walk. "So why do you enjoy walking home?" He frowned, she giggle. "Lover girl don't ask me that, joor" ♡ "These are the thugs that will do the job perfectly" Ada seems unconvinced by the five men before her and Kennedy whose hands have been in the pocket. "They are very good, they can get him anyday, if you can pay them" Her eyes brighen, she can't wait to have him for herself, she is deeply in love with him, doing this will bring her love to his notice. "So who is the leader?" One among the five step forward, looking scary and strong than the others. Ada inspect him with her eyes, hoping the one that step forwad can grab him easily to the car. "So how much do you need to do the job?" "Madam, just 200 thousand naira" She nodded, a perfect day is tomorrow, her cunt is dying to have a taste of his rod. "I will send you the money, make sure you don't hurt him" Kennedy frown, after the meeting they all left but Kennedy didn't, he lied that he has forgotten something inside his dad incomplete building. **** He played the record on his phone, after listening sometime, he seem satisfied but he had to edit the side of dont hurt him. "Stupid girl" He laugh. "Why do you kill my cousin? You bitch! No, no, leave me alone lemme show her what am made of" He laugh mockingly. "That is a nice drama" He walk out of the old gate, enter his car, nobody will know he is the one, he feels clean like Jesus, and he will never make call to order his death instead face to face. ♡ "Brendy, you need to help him again" A beautiful lady stood before Granny Kate with black t shirt and bum short, with black cap. "Our informat informed us of his certain kidnapped, you will have to find where he will kept and then release him, I count on you Brendy" She didn't say word till Granny Kate concluded, only person that talks when she is talking is Victor, his loveward, her heart soften his heart in a mention. Definitely this is another opportunity for that brat to make her feel bad. She have tried as much to kill the feelings for him but the more she try, the better it becomes of it. **** A car park by the road side, with three people inside, and a girl and a boy stand by the road side waiting for passer by who will direct them to their destination. Victor is so anxious to get home, I can't wait to play the ps3 my dad bought for me, a woman and a man walk to him to ask for direction but he ignored both of them. "Victor!" Abby come running and calling his name, he pause to wait for her, the two strangers brought a gun pointing at him. "Abby, run....." She heard his voice but cannot see the reason to run, suddenly two guys are carrying him inside a car. "Heyyy... leave him alone" She run towards them like never before, but the car in already on his way. "Viccccctooorrrr!" She drop to the ground, crying. **** He was tied both hands and legs, covered with hood, the leader unmask him, he hover his eyes around the room that has nothing inside apart from two people standing before him, he adjust his sight. "Youuu!" "Yeah, baby!"
28 Oct 2018 | 10:20
29 Oct 2018 | 02:41
Ada is nothing but a bitch and bitches like her will always end up losing
29 Oct 2018 | 05:42
This story self...
29 Oct 2018 | 15:42
Episode 19 My subconscious mind, Give away to conscious Mind. My heart beat took an acquaited but a sudden new rythmn, a faint Sound of a machine. "Ti ti ti!" I open my heavy eyelids, my eyes took it offensive by momentarily, blindness. I tilted my head towards the wall the paint register to my head. the door opened presenting a lady on white uniform. Dammit! what am I doing in a Hospital. Nurse: doctor, he is a wake. she disappeared from my probing sight. that only explains the non-friendly aura! I hate hospitals. so all was just a dream, it really a zigzag thought. the doctor came in with another nurse, with the other one who left. I was removed from life support and taken to ward. my parents were contacted, noontide they envade my ward. My mom; aaahhh! Thank you Jesus, for bringing my son back to life. My Dad: doctor Ben, thank you so much for your help, you are really a good doctor. Doc. Ben: you are welcome Chief, I need to see to other patients. They both shook hand, doctor Be left afterward, am not seeing Chichi here. Me: what really happened to me? My Dad: you have been in a coma for several Months. my eyes widen, it means I have... Oh God.. Me; where is my wife? My mom: which wife? The one that almost killed you, eehhhnn.. she is in cell. No, no, she doesn't deserve being in jail am the one that suppose to be there. Me; mom, dad, you have to release her right away, do it as a favor on my side. My dad: on one condition. Me: which is? My dad: you will divorce her, I cannot let my only son marry a criminal as wife. I nodded, I really needed my freedom more than anything, my dad shifted metres from us to make a call. My mom: what really happened that day you were shot? Me: I returned from work, only to hear a scream from the kitchen, on reaching there I find someone trying to rape my wife, we struggle to get hold of the gun in his possession but none of us could, we settled for fists but I was over-powered that left my wife no choice but to use the gun to set me free, but she misfired. My mom: hmmm... but Chidimma didn't narrate so, and your wife didn't also say what you are saying. Fools! hope those fools didn't expose me. I know am actually lying what really happened that day. Flashback . . TBC...
31 Oct 2018 | 23:27
1 Nov 2018 | 12:20
Oya nah tell us what happened
1 Nov 2018 | 15:14
what happened
1 Nov 2018 | 16:12


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