Must Read: 15 things you should not do in the Airplane. (Photos)

Must Read: 15 things you should not do in the Airplane. (Photos)

By Etz in 4 Sep 2016 | 17:05
Etz Froshberry

Etz Froshberry

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[b][color=brown]Everyone has their annoying habits, but some let them show
way more when flying than others do. Even when you try to
be the perfect airplane passenger, you still can’t seem to
satisfy everyone. And the poor flight attendants have to
deal with some of the most obnoxious people, yet still seem
to be condescending to the passengers at times.

Aside from simple annoying ticks to avoid on the airplane,
there’s also certain things people should avoid doing on the
airplane for their own health. Airplanes are close quarters,
and can be very dangerous to pass germs and other bacteria
from passenger to passenger. It’s also not the safest thing
for our bodies to be lunged so high off the ground and
flown so quickly through the air. Changing time zones can
seriously mess with our sleep cycles and our mental health.
In order to have the best possible flying experience, here
are 15 things you should definitely not do when flying on an

15. Try To Cut The Line.
We get it, you’re the most important person in the world
and have to be at the most important place at the most
important time. But we all are. No matter if you’re going to
be late for a meeting or miss a connecting flight, it’s never
cool to cut in line. Everyone paid a lot of money to get to a
specific location, so being that guy who has to get there
before everyone else is totally lame. Whether it’s cutting
through security, or being in the back of the plane and
trying to exit first, cutting people off only makes things
hectic. There’s a certain flow to the art of flying, and any
misstep in that process can really delay things for everyone.
Being a few minutes behind never hurt anyone, but cutting
a bunch of grumpy people off certainly has.

14. Drink Carbonated Beverages
Certain airplanes offer up complimentary beverages. Who
doesn’t love free stuff especially when they put out a huge
chunk of change to get a spot on the plane? But you might
want to think twice before having some soda on the plane.
Extra pressure means your body is already having a little
trouble functioning normally in altitudes you’re not used
to. Drinking carbonated beverages might make that worse. In
fact, when our bodies fly, the gas inside is already
expanding by 25 percent. If you’ve ever found yourself
wondering why your stomach hurts so bad on a plane when
you didn’t even eat or drink anything, this is why. You
might not feel the effects right away on the plane, but
you’ll definitely feel the bloat at some point, and you don’t
want anything preventing a great time on your vacation.

13. Pass Gas
Like going to pee, some things can’t be stopped, like
passing gas. But not only will you have to sit on the plane
in your own gaseous cloud of fart smell, but those around
you have to as well. Holding in your farts can actually cause
damage, especially as we discussed your bloating will already
be increased. But being mindful of this before your flight
will definitely help. Avoid anything that might normally
make you a little extra gassy, like beans and vegetables. It
also never hurts to carry along different medicines that
might help relieve stomach gas, and it would also make you
feel better as well! If you still find yourself being unable
to hold in your flatulence, it never hurts to let loose in the
bathroom. You might still stink up the place and cause
annoyance to your neighbors, but they’ll still appreciate the

12. Play Your Music Loud
Music can be the most relaxing tool a person can use to
ease their anxieties. Planes and the process of traveling can
be very anxiety-inducing, so it makes total sense for a
person to want to listen to music while flying. But doing
that on the loudest volume possible is very annoying. Other
people could be trying to sleep, read, or listen to their own
headphones and loud music could be interfering. It’s also
important to have music a little low, in case the flight
attendants or pilots have to make an announcement.
Airplanes are loud enough as it is with all of the high
pressure and crying children, so keeping any extra noise
silent is definitely ideal.

11. Let Your Kids Go Wild
Kids are just little adults, so flying for them sucks, too.
Sometimes flying is the only option, so parents have to
bring their kids on the plane even though they know it
might be hard to control their screaming and yelling. It’s
totally understandable that your kid is going to cry on a
plane and there’s not much you can do about it. But there
are plenty of parents who still choose to ignore their
screaming or wild kids who are kicking the back of your
chair. Even though you can’t always control and predict
what kids are going to do, it’s still important to do your
best and at least pretend you’re trying to keep your kid
cool. Also, it never hurts to spoil them just for a couple
hours for the sake of the passengers. Extra snacks and toys are much more desired than yelling kids the entire time.

10. Move Other People’s Things
There’s only so much space on an airplane, which is why
you’re limited to what you can bring on board. Sometimes
maybe your suitcase won’t fit unless you push someone
else’s suitcase to the side and shove yours next to it.
That’s understandable, and sometimes it happens, but
taking the liberty to just move it around is not the ideal
way to handle the situation. Instead, try and find a better
spot, or better yet, ask the owner of the bag to possibly
move their bag or rearrange it so you both can fit your bags
comfortably in the overhead bin. If the person is a total
jerk and doesn’t do anything, then maybe it’s ok to just
shove it aside and put your bag where it needs to be. You
tried at least! And if you do everything you can to make
your bag fit and it still doesn’t, maybe rethink bringing
that bag next time you fly.

9. Not Shower Before
It’s important to be as comfortable as possible to fly. The
perfect attire includes wearing your comfiest clothes and
keeping totally relaxed. But being too relaxed might not be
ideal. Keeping it casual is expected, but it’s still a nice
courtesy to shower before flying. Not only will it help those
around you be more comfortable so they don’t have to smell
you, but it’s better for you in the long run as well. Flying
can cause people to be extra uncomfortable, which might
include a little extra sweat, so no need to add to the dirty.
Also, flying so closely to others can make you very
susceptible to other bacteria floating around, so being sure
to be as clean as possible helps to ensure there aren’t any
extra germs floating around.

8. Drink Too Much Alcohol
Having an alcoholic beverage before flying can help relax and
ease nerves. The stress and pressure of traveling can be too
much sometimes, so having a little drink can help smooth
out the process. But too many alcoholic drinks can lead to a
disaster. Drinking at an airport is extremely expensive; it
can be hard to get a beer for less than $10. Feeling too
happy while drinking might lead to more and more beverages,
and before you know it, you could’ve bought a second round
trip with the amount of your bar bill. Also, no one wants to
deal with a drunk person on a plane. It might make them
more talkative or harder to control, causing a terrible time
for everyone on the flight. Also, drinking too much causes
the bladder to be overactive, which is never ideal for an
airplane with a tiny bathroom.

7. Taking On And Off Your Seatbelt
Airplane seat belts are one of the most uncomfortable
parts. They never seem to be the right size, and you either
have too much extra slack or not enough. Sometimes you
even have to dig out the other part from the person sitting
next to you, leading to an uncomfortable exchange. Even on
the bumpiest of flights, it can seem like a seatbelt is
useless. But they’re still very important. It’s a pilot and
flight attendant’s job to ensure that you’re safely strapped
in, so being uncooperative is only adding extra difficulty to
those around you. It can be a nuisance to the person
sitting next to you, and even though it seems silly, could be
potentially harmful to your safety. Also, airplanes aren’t
the cleanest of places, and seat belts can be the dirtiest
part. Touching them too much, too, adds extra risk of
passing around bacteria, and we all know you don’t need any
more of that on an airplane.

6. Holding Your Bladder
When your seat partner is constantly getting up to use the
bathroom, it can be extremely annoying to those around
them. Especially if they are in the window seat of a three-
row airplane. Being that annoying person is never fun! Even
on the longest flights I try and hold my bladder so as to
not disturb those around me. But this is something that
you should definitely NOT DO. Holding in urine at any time is
never a good idea, especially on an airplane. Overflowing
your bladder could cause long term damage, even if it’s just
one time. On an airplane, there’s a much greater amount of
pressure, meaning that there’s extra pressure pushing down
on your tiny organ. If you still have a lot of time left in
the flight and you find yourself having to use the
bathroom, it’s better to just go, no matter how scared you
are of being annoying.

5. Be Rude To The Flight Attendants

Like any customer service worker, you should never be rude
to your flight attendant. Sometimes you can’t get what you
want on a flight, and sometimes it may seem like the flight
attendant’s fault, but trust me, it’s not. The flight
attendant’s job is to make sure you stay happy the entire
time. If you’re not, they have to deal with you, so, of
course, they’re not doing anything to make you upset. In
turn, you might have to deal with them later, so making
them dislike you at any point will not be to the benefit of
you at all. In fact, it’s recommended to make friends with
the flight attendant! Don’t overly go out of your way to
make conversation, as they still have a job to do and like
their quiet time as well. But it never hurts to ask how
their day is and go out of your way to say thank you for
what they’re doing. It’ll only help in the long run!
4. Take Your Shoes Off
This one should be self-explanatory for certain reasons.
Traveling for hours at a time while being stressed can cause
you to sweat twice as much. Extra sweat and already stinky
feet can lead to extra funk. No matter how uncomfortable
it may be, it’s best to just keep your shoes on the whole
time while flying. Besides just making a whole bunch of
stink for those around you, there’s another reason why you
should keep your shoes on. You guessed it: bacteria. Just
like a hotel, the floor can be one of the dirtiest surfaces
on an airplane. Carpet cleaning is expensive, and you can
bet the carpet on the airplanes aren’t getting cleaned
between their ten flights in a day. That means all of those
people walking up and down the aisle with their shoes on,
shoes that they stepped in dog poop in, are tracking
bacteria and germs all over that plane. Putting your bare
feet on the filth isn’t worth the risk.
3 . Drink Coffee
Coffee is a necessity for some, but before flying, it may be
best to avoid that cup of joe. Or plan ahead to have time
for it to pass through your body before hopping on board.
Coffee can cause you to have to urinate or defecate sooner,
something that you definitely want to avoid before boarding
a plane. All the caffeine will also make you extra jittery.
Having all the extra energy might cause you to be even more
anxious while traveling. Even worse, too much coffee might
cause you to have a shaky leg, something that’s been
ruining flights since the airplane was invented. No one
appreciates your leg bouncing up and down, whether they’re
in front of you or next to you. Coffee is usually available
on board but should also be avoided if possible. Coffee is
made with plane tap water, which could contain, guess
what, bacteria! If you must have some sort of caffeine, it’s
probably best to try and take it well before the flight takes
2. Eat Fast Food
Airports are full of fast food joints and other restaurants.
Eating can be a great way to pass the time, especially on
the flight. However, you might want to think twice before
getting a huge greasy burger to take on board. The small
cabins cause smells to travel around more frequently. If you
bring on a big stinky fish sandwich and eat in the back,
even those in the front might be able to smell the stench
of the fish. Sometimes being in a rush you won’t have the
chance to eat, and sitting through a flight hungry might
make you extra miserable. But be sure to keep others on
the flight in mind when ordering off the menu. Avoid fish,
or anything with garlic and onions. And all the biggest fast
food joints can have the smelliest of foods. Plus if you’re
going to indulge in a big meal, why not just wait until
you’re off the plane so you can fully enjoy it
1 . Have Sex
Joining the mile-high club is something only a select few
can say they’re a part of, but many still desire to join the
club. It’s best to try and avoid the idea altogether,
however, as it’s not as easy as it sounds. Airplane
bathrooms are cramped and small, so there’s not much room
to even think about doing it. Even if you and your partner
are tiny, you still don’t have enough time to even think
about enjoying it. All of the pressure of being quick might
just result in disappointment. Even though it’s an idea we’ll
never let go of, it’s best to just wait until you’re rich
enough to have your own private jet so you can enjoy all the
risky intimacy you can get. Just like your tasty meal, why
not at least wait until you’ve landed so you can fully enjoy
the experience?
4 Sep 2016 | 17:05
Tnx,my Last Flight I Ate Pack Of Crackers And Fruit Juice And I Hate D Seat Belt Thing,its Annoying Nd Always Luks Slack On A Slim Body,sum1 Ve 2 Call D Flight Attendant To Cum Adjust It
4 Sep 2016 | 17:25
Good to know
4 Sep 2016 | 17:39
u are right especially the seatbelt part I hate it more than anything
4 Sep 2016 | 17:47
4 Sep 2016 | 18:08
I don't get scared inside plane except when it's about to fly. I eat and drink.
4 Sep 2016 | 18:20
4 Sep 2016 | 23:54
5 Sep 2016 | 02:55
*crying* I never travelled by air before.... Anyway i don digest am till dat day i go travel...*crying*
5 Sep 2016 | 04:09
5 Sep 2016 | 04:44
yagaaa :g
5 Sep 2016 | 05:59
Noted. Atleast I Don Learn Something If I Want To Board A Plane
5 Sep 2016 | 11:24
Nice one
5 Sep 2016 | 12:38
I never enter plane oooo but I dey only see plane when dem dey pass for sky or when I go drop my bro for airport
6 Sep 2016 | 09:56


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