My Best Friend My Love

My Best Friend My Love

By chimmy in 4 Jul 2018 | 13:46
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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*My Best friend My Love Episode 1*

“But I loved him Stanley, I really did. How could he do that to me? How?” I told Stanley and kept crying. I felt so miserable. It had been months and I thought I was finally over Jide but I woke up that day and heard a song play that reminded me of our love story. It was exactly like ours and the song made me cry and cry that, the previous days I had lived, believing that I was done and through with my love for him seem to have been a lie. I was deceiving myself and it hurt badly in my chest.
I had been in bed since morning and my mom seeing how miserable I looked and how hurt I was felt so sorry that she wished to stay by my side and comfort me but couldn’t because she had already done that a few days before and couldn’t risk losing her job because of my broken heart.
Those few days were the subsequent days after Jide sent me the heart breaking message which keeps playing in my head all the time and I just couldn’t get it off my head:
“Thank you for your love and care, I will forever be grateful, let’s hold God tightly. I’m sorry Bisi I’m out.”
It kept playing in my head and I screamed, ‘why Jide? Why did you have to do that to me? After all we went through.’ I wailed and kept crying. I couldn’t help it.
Stanley rushed to my house after my mom called and asked him to come over. I kept crying and asking him why it had to happen to me. My life was a mess because of him and my mom blamed me not gaining admission to the university on him. Yeah! I blame him too.
I was so in love with him, I thought about him everytime and instead of studying I was always texting him, thinking about him, watching movies and fantasizing about him, singing songs and having thoughts of him in my head and writing love poems and songs all about him. How was I supposed to pass the final exams by doing that? I kept crying and all he could do was look at me and feel sad for me. He said,
‘Pearl, you are a mess. What happened to you today?’ He was surprised I was still thinking about Jide when a few days before I had told him I was over him and even told him I liked him but he brushed it off and said I should stop joking. I kept crying and he hugged me, he told me to stop crying but how? How did he expect me to do that?
He hugged me and I kept telling him how unfair life was and why I hated Jide for breaking my heart. I kept talking and talking, and then he said, ‘Pearl, you can’t be wasting your time and days crying over some guy who obviously took you for granted. He left you after gaining admission to the university and after all that you did for him for his own reasons. You need to man up, or in your case woman up and move on with your life. You need to retake the papers that you failed and reapply to that same university and make him regret leaving you.’
Stanley had brought that up some weeks before but I didn’t take it seriously. I hated studying and I still do. I couldn’t imagine studying for all four of my electives again. I hated reading and the thought of it made me frown, but I had to do it. I had to make Jide regret letting me go. I had to do that.
I wiped all my tears and left to take my shower. I got back to my room after to see my previously messed up room looking so clean and orderly, all thanks to Stanley. He had been doing that those few weeks after I got Jide’s message, when I got brokenhearted and couldn’t do anything.
I dressed up and after, I saw him bring out a number of books. He said,
‘Madam, it’s time to study.’ I frowned and though I didn’t want to study, I had to. He knew how much I hated studying that but he didn’t care. He gained admission to the same university as Jide and that wasn’t a surprise to me. As a bookworm, if he hadn’t had gained admission I would have blamed it on the ‘witches and wizards’ in his family as Ghanaians always do anytime people face disappointments and misfortunes. I smiled at the thought of that and sat behind my study desk and Stanley helped me solve a number of questions.

The exams were in two months and the subsequent days he saw me studying every day and he came around every other day in the evenings to see me through. Since that day, I completely forgot about what happened with Jide and instead, I thought about Stanley all the time. I dreamt about him every single night and I wrote about him every morning in my diary. I knew he wouldn’t want to date me but the thought of dating him always on my mind and I ended up fantasizing about him every single time I was free and had nothing doing.
This kept going on and on until one day. He had closed from lectures and asked me to meet him on campus. He wanted to show me something. I asked what, but he refused to tell me what it was so I quickly dressed up, picked a cab and went to meet him in like 30 minutes. I hugged him when I saw him and then he said,
‘I need you to be strong, because whatever I’m going to show you, is going to be heartbreaking.’
“So, it was about Jide, why? Is he seeing someone else?” I asked, but he didn’t answer.
I almost cried but I had to keep the tears in. I had to. He asked me to follow him and we walked to the cafeteria, we got there and I saw him. He was with a girl. They were laughing and talking about something and it was so obvious they were dating. I was dumbstruck when I saw them, and I just stood there and cried. The tears kept coming, and Stanley asked us to leave. We left and got a cab back home, and all that while I said nothing. My mind was blank and I felt like being alone. We got to my house and something happened. Whatever happened was wonderful and embarrassing at the same time and is something that I can never forget.
To be continued……
4 Jul 2018 | 13:46
4 Jul 2018 | 14:05
continue pls
4 Jul 2018 | 16:13
Ride on
4 Jul 2018 | 17:35
ride on @chimmy
4 Jul 2018 | 18:23
can imagine
5 Jul 2018 | 02:43
Right on time
5 Jul 2018 | 10:55
Ride on
5 Jul 2018 | 11:17
5 Jul 2018 | 11:32
continue pls ayam here with my coco crunchies
5 Jul 2018 | 13:34
oooooh......what pls
5 Jul 2018 | 14:38
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 2* When we got to my house, all I could do was hug Stanley. I kept crying and then I asked how long he had known about it and he said it had been awhile. He said he had been seeing Jide and the girl so many times on campus but he didn’t want to conclude that there was something going on between them until that day. The girl was his course mate and he overheard her talking to her friends about Jide and how much she loved him. He saying that made me cry the more. “So he left me because of her.” I said, and I kept crying. We sat on the sofa in my hall as we spoke and Stanley held my chin up, looked into my eyes and said, ‘Pearl that girl has nothing you don’t have, you are prettier than she is. He was stupid enough to let you go so stop crying.’ His words melted my heart and I couldn’t fight the urge to kiss him. We kissed and it felt better than the ones I had with Jide. He kissed back and we stopped after a few minutes. But I wanted more and before I could say jack, he kissed me again and this time, we stopped when he suggested we went to my room. There, we kept kissing and then we ended up doing something wonderful. We had sex. He broke my virginity and though it was painful at first, I enjoyed it. And after, we both lay on the bed and said nothing to each other. I had broken my vow to stay chaste until my wedding night and I didn’t regret it. At least it was with Stan so I hoped in my heart that God would understand. But how was I going to face him? I thought to myself. I wasn’t ready to date. We just laid there and I kept thinking all those thoughts until my instincts beckoned me to check my door to see if it was locked and before I could get up to check, my mom opened the door and walked in on us lying naked on my bed. She screamed and said, ‘Bola! Stanley! What is going on here?’ We both got up and covered ourselves with the bedspread, to hide our shame. She looked so shocked and left the room after. “O God! I’ve messed up.” I said, and put my clothes back on. My bedspread was stained with blood so I took it off the bed and kept wondering how I was going to face my mom. Stanley also looked so confused which was unlike him. He didn’t know what to do and all he could do was sit on the bed after dressing up and stir into space and I also did same. We were waiting for the ground to open and swallow us up; or better still we were waiting for the trumpets to sound to signal the end of the world. So that we would both be thrown into hell to pay for our sin. We sat there for like ten minutes before Stanley managed to utter a word; He said, ‘Pearl, we need to go and face your mom and thereafter we can talk about what just happened.’ I nodded and then we got up and went to see my mom in the hall together. It felt so awkward; I had never imagined that happening to me or anyone. It wasn’t something nice and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemy. As we stood in front of her, I couldn’t even look at her. She was so disappointed and also looked confused. She’d always being the lenient mom and not so strict because she was just too soft and I loved her for that. So standing there, I realized, we had put her in a tight spot and she would be questioning herself whether she was a good parent or not. I prayed to God in my head and asked him to not make her hate me because of what had happen. I don’t know why I thought that but the anxiety that overtook my being was that strong that I could think my mom who had lost her husband and had only one child (me), would stop loving me because she found out I was having sex. As these thoughts run through my head, I heard her speak and I looked at her. She asked, ‘How long has this being going on?’ Then I said, ‘Mom, that was the first time.’ She shook her head and asked if we were sure that was the first time and we both nodded. Then she asked, ‘so are you dating now?’ Then we said nothing, we hadn’t defined our relationship and before what had happened had happened we were best friends who had a thing for each other but were scared to let it surface because we both weren’t ready to date. Then she said, ‘okay, so you are still best friends? Or is that what you’ve been doing all this while and anytime I asked if there was something going on, you both would laugh and say you are like siblings? But siblings don’t sleep together, that’s incest. I’m really disappointed in you Bola and in you too Stanley. I really trusted that you had no bad intentions but now I think I have to stop you from coming here.’ Her words hurt and I cried. I couldn’t help it. ‘Mom, this is the first time anything like that has ever happened, I told you I was going to wait till my wedding night to break my virginity and remember you said I should wait till I’m ready. So what if I was ready this time? What if? You can’t stop me from seeing Stanley; I have no friends, mom. I have no one to talk to when you are not home. You just can’t do this to me. I have exams coming up in a few weeks mom, and you know he’s the one prepping me for it. You can’t do this to me.’ I kept crying and I knew how much my mom couldn’t stand my tears. It just made her feel bad. She got up and hugged me, ‘I want the best for you Bola, I just do, and I don’t think having sex now is right for you. It will jeopardize what you both have. You are supposed to be best friends but now with sex in the picture, you need to redefine your relationship. And though I can’t stop you from seeing each other, you have to do it the right way okay.’ I felt better when she said that. Stanley stood there watching us with the confused look in his eyes. Then my mom sat back down and asked Stanley, ‘did you protect yourself?’ Then he shook his head. She said, ‘you both should know better, so you think you can just be having sex like that when you are both students and have a whole future ahead of you. Madam, you can get pregnant. An egg could be fertilized right now and in some few days you could test positive for pregnancy. Don’t make that mistake again. Get condoms Stanley, and you need to get a contraceptive tomorrow. Stanley, you can leave and return tomorrow morning and you both will go to the pharmacy and buy “postinor 2.” I won’t give you money for that, and you both should make sure to talk about what happened. If you are going to date, you date. If you won’t, then I’m sorry you will have to stay away from each other, else your friendship will just be about sex and I don’t want that. So Stanley, you can leave now.’ To be continued…….
5 Jul 2018 | 15:06
Nice one.
5 Jul 2018 | 17:44
Nice start
5 Jul 2018 | 19:34
Sometimes I try to understand girls and how they handle their feelings but I always end up being confused the more... This will be an interesting story
6 Jul 2018 | 02:18
6 Jul 2018 | 03:49
Fire down
6 Jul 2018 | 05:17
let see how u guys solve the problem
6 Jul 2018 | 08:35
What a good advice from a mother
6 Jul 2018 | 08:51
9ce 1, i like ur mother's advice
6 Jul 2018 | 11:01
I haven't seen this kind of woman in my life... I really like d way she handled the situation
6 Jul 2018 | 11:12
Hmmmn....Still observing
6 Jul 2018 | 11:52
hmmmmmm,,, d mother is right though
6 Jul 2018 | 13:52
i just hope u will agree to b just frnds.....that will b soo cool to say that vut deep inside u yawn for each other......nice story keep it up
6 Jul 2018 | 13:56
Dats de mark of a wonderful n great mother,,,,,Chimmy is at it again oo,,,,go gal,bring it on!!!
6 Jul 2018 | 22:02
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 3* Stanley said ‘okay,’ and turned to tell me he was leaving before walking out. He left me alone with my mom. I knew she wasn’t done talking so I just stood there and waited to hear her say something. Then she said, ‘Bola, tell me the truth. Did you ever sleep with Jide? I asked you already before and you said no. But now, knowing that you are having sex, I think you lied to me so tell me the truth.’ Then I said, ‘mom, I never lied to you. I’ve always been a virgin until today. I can even show you the blood stain on my bedspread mom.’ She smiled, and I knew she believed me. She then said, ‘so do you love him? I’ve always had my suspicions but all the time, you tell me you are just friends.’ I wanted to be honest with her so, I said, ‘I’ve liked him for a while now. Mom, Stanley is a great guy. He’s always been there for me and I couldn’t help but fall for him. I told him I loved him some weeks ago and he told me to stop joking. He always brushes it off anytime I brought it up and that’s because he was hurt by his previous girlfriend, just like Jide hurt me. And so he doesn’t want to date again until he is ready. And he also thinks that whatever I’m feeling for him is something normal. He thinks it’s because Jide left a void in my heart and because he’s the one who comforted me and helped me get over him, I fell for him as a means to fill that void. Mom, he just sees himself as a rebound, and that’s not true. I honestly don’t know what to expect tomorrow because we’ve not spoken about it yet. I don’t know what to expect, because what happened was unexpected. We both got lost in the moment and did it.’ My mom told me not to worry and said she completely understood. She asked me to go to bed and not worry about it that much and wait till Stanley called me so we could both be matured about it and talk about it. I said ‘goodnight mom. I love you and thank you for being the best.’ She said she loved me too and I left to my room. When I got there, I soaked my bedspread in soapy water and I left it there to wash it the next day. I used a new spread around my bed, brought out my laptop and played music. I played Justin Bieber’s “Fall.” It was a song about two best friends that were in love, but the girl had already had a broken heart. So it made her blind she could never believe that love would ever treat her right and that hurt the boy and he kept wondering what was going to make her fall in love with him. The story wasn’t exactly like ours but the fact that it was about best friends, made me cry. I waited patiently to get a text from him till I fell asleep. I was woken by a call. It was Stanley and when I picked up, he said, ‘Pearl, how are you? I’m sorry about what happened today.’ “Why is he sorry?” I said to myself. Then I said, ‘Stan, we both wanted it and we couldn’t resist the urge so we fell for it. So, please stop blaming yourself and like my mom said, we need to discuss what to do next. We need to define our relationship.’ He said, ‘yeah! You are right. But can we do that tomorrow? I don’t think it’s good to do it on phone. I have a lecture at 1:30, so I will be at your end at 9, so we can get the drug and talk about our relationship. Goodnight!’ I was secretly hoping to hear him say, “I love you” but he didn’t. But how did I expect him to even say that? He was confused and didn’t want to take any rush decisions. I just hoped in my heart that he will admit his love for me and ask me to be his girlfriend. I said a prayer to God after. This was my prayer: “Dear God, how are you? Please don’t be mad at me for breaking the vow I made to you to stay chaste till I got married. Please forgive me and forgive Stanley as well. We didn’t plan it, we were tempted and we fell for it. Please forgive us Lord. And now that the harm has already being done, please soften his heart and make him ready to date me tomorrow. Please speak to him in a dream. Tell him that I’m the girl for him and that he can’t run away from the love he has for me so he should man up and ask me to be his girlfriend. God, please do that for me and I will be forever grateful. Thank you so much for an answered prayer. Amen.” I believed in my heart that my prayer had been answered and in a few minutes I fell asleep. As usual, my mom woke me up the next day and reminded me to get the drug and also study for my upcoming exams. She left afterwards and I checked my phone to see if I had gotten any message and there was none. I got up, went to the bathroom and washed my stained bed spread, and then I showered and sat behind my study desk. I was busily studying when Stanley called that he was at my gate and so I stopped and went to meet him. He didn’t want to come in and I understood every reason why. So, we walked to our junction to get the drug from the pharmacy. As we walked, he asked how I was doing and how my mom was. I told him she was okay and asked him not to worry about her. We got to the junction and realized the sales girl at the pharmacy was someone we both knew and so we couldn’t go in to buy the drug. How were we going to stand in front of her and ask to buy an emergency contraceptive? That will make her know we had had sex and she would definitely tell other friends of hers who always assumed Stanley and I had something going on between us. So, we both agreed to go elsewhere to get the drug. We had to go to somewhere far from our neighborhood, where no one knew us. We picked a cab and asked the driver to take us to the mall. The mall wasn’t that far from our neighborhood so going there was the only option we had if we didn’t want to meet anyone we knew at the pharmacy. We got to the mall and we got the drug. I was too shy so Stanley got it himself and then we went to get ice cream. There, Stanley began to talk about what we were going to do next ‘Pearl, I don’t want us to rush into a relationship now. What we did was amazing but I want us to wait till we are sure we are both ready for a relationship before doing anything we might regret in the future. So let’s focus on your upcoming exams now and make sure you pass the papers. Thereafter, we can talk about us.’ What he said wasn’t what I wanted to hear. So I was disappointed but had to pretend; I had to be okay with it and so, I nodded and said, ‘fine.’ We took the ice cream and left after. We didn’t go home together from there, he had to leave for school and so I got a cab and he got his and when I got home, I cried. I cried because I thought God had disappointed me. I really loved him and wished he would kiss me again. I had missed him already. To be continued………
7 Jul 2018 | 02:51
u need to cool down
7 Jul 2018 | 09:34
0 Likes wantintin
7 Jul 2018 | 11:15
U really need to calm down
7 Jul 2018 | 12:35
Dats d right thing,, he did d right thing
7 Jul 2018 | 13:47
Stupid in love
7 Jul 2018 | 15:27
nonsense love
7 Jul 2018 | 16:33
new episode
7 Jul 2018 | 16:34
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 4* I went to my room afterwards and I got my diary and narrated everything that happened. I had to tell somebody and if it had happened with someone else, Stanley was the one I would have told, so I was left with no one but my dear diary. After writing everything, I went back to my books and studied. Days after saw us talking normally, though it wasn’t like we used to before “it” happened. I knew it was going to take time to get back to what we were before so, I didn’t worry much about it. I saw him regularly but we always met outside and anytime we went into my house, it would be because he had to help me understand something in relation to my upcoming exams. And all those times, I wished in my heart that something would happen. I wished in my heart that he would just lose guard and kiss me; but he never did. Stanley was way too strong for that. He said we should wait and so we had to wait. This went on for weeks until it was time to write the exams. I was so nervous and scared; I didn’t want to fail any of the papers and so, Stanley had to be with me almost the time and helped me solve questions and kept encouraging me. The days before my first paper i saw him staying at my end until late in the night before going home and one night, something happened. It rained and my mom asked him to stay over and leave the next day. He was asked to sleep in the guest room and when my mom went to bed, I went in to check up on him. I got to the room to meet the door open and he wasn’t in the room so I sat on the bed and waited for him. He was taking his shower and as I sat there, my mind rushed back to that day. The day we had sex and I fantasized about us doing it again. I missed him so much and wished that something would happen when he came to the room from the bathroom. My wish was fulfilled when he walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked so good and I just stared at him. I didn’t want to leave. I got up and went close to him and we kissed. We kissed and you know what happened next. But this time, we used a condom; I had one in my room and we used it. We woke up the next morning in his bed and luckily, we woke up before my mom did. So, I rushed out to my room and pretended to be asleep when my mom came around to wake me up. She left for work after and I smiled to myself. I felt so happy that it had happened again and this time, it was better than the first. It made me wonder how the next would be. I had to study because I was supposed to write my first paper the next day. Stanley knocked on my door after fully dressed and said he had a lecture so he was going to school. I went to see him off at his end to get his books. Upon getting there, his mom was excited to see me. She said, ‘our wife, how are you doing.’ She hugged me and I told her I was good and we spoke about my upcoming exams and how I was preparing towards it. She told me to kill it and said she was glad her son was prepping me for it. We left some time after and I went home after Stanley picked the cab. The subsequent days saw Stanley staying at my house and we lived like a couple without my mom’s knowledge. We had sex once awhile and still I was able to study and wrote the exams successfully. It was a wonderful time in my life and I will never forget it. Stanley was there for me through it all, and on the day of my final paper, we went to the beach to celebrate. That was the day we finally defined our relationship. Stanley told me how much he loved me and how he had been fighting it for so long but he couldn’t anymore. I was so happy when he said that, and I cried. I told him I loved him too and we kissed. It was my best kiss ever and I loved that it was with him. We went home that evening and delivered the news to my mom. She was happy for us and advised us on how to make it work. She told us to just love each other and trust each other and added that,things weren’t going to be good all the time. She said there would be fights and heart aches; but since we were already best friends she believed that we would overcome it all. This made me so happy and glad to have her as my mom. She hugged us and before going to bed, she said, ‘I already know that you’ve been having sex so the only advice I have for you is, don’t have too much sex. And make sure you always stay safe and don’t make your relationship just about sex.’ We watched a movie that night and we loved it. Then, we talked about me applying to his university when it was time to apply and we talked about me gaining admission and we both moving into the same hostel and having so much fun there. Then he brought Jide up and for the first time, talking about him didn’t hurt. I just told him how glad I was that it didn’t work out with him and that it rather brought him (Stanley) and me closer. We slept together that night, and surprisingly, we didn’t have sex. The next morning, my mom for the first time, knocked on my door before entering. She didn’t want to see us naked like she did the first time; and when I asked her to come in she looked like she had caught us in an act and she was smiling. I told her nothing happened and she nodded and said, ‘I believe you.’ She left for work after and that day, Stanley asked me to go with him to school. I went to the lecture hall with him and stayed for the lecture. Stanley was a computer science student and though I didn’t understand anything that was thought, I just loved being there with him. He introduced me to a number of his course mates as his girlfriend and they were all so nice to me. I had a wonderful time that day and it made me want to gain admission the more. We walked around the school and we visited a couple of my mates from high school who were all so happy to see me. It had been long and they asked where I was schooling but I told them I decided to take a gap year and that I would join them soon. I made so many friends that day and when we left, to go home, I told Stanley how grateful I was to him for suggesting that and for being a part of my life. We went to his house and met his mom who knew we were dating and said she had always known that we would date so she wasn’t surprised. She cooked our favorite meal, “banku” and “okro” stew with crabs, beef and “wele.” I was so full and felt lazy to walk back home. So, we took a walk around the neighborhood and got ice cream. We sat and talked about how fun the day was. I told him I was going to go with him to school every single day since I had nothing doing at home and he agreed. This went on for weeks and months until my results were out. We checked and I had passed. I made all “A’s” and my mom was so excited and proud of me. She promised to get me a car in a few months if I gained admission to the university and we both knew I was going to gain admission because of my excellent result. I applied to the university the next month, and enrolled in a driving school that same month. I couldn’t wait to get my car and start driving. I felt like I was living a dream. To be continued………
7 Jul 2018 | 16:34
Things are really working out perfectly, I wish it stays like DAT!!!
7 Jul 2018 | 18:53
Calm down girl
8 Jul 2018 | 03:35
8 Jul 2018 | 03:59
8 Jul 2018 | 04:51
8 Jul 2018 | 07:54
8 Jul 2018 | 11:26
Things is working out fine I hope it stays that way
8 Jul 2018 | 13:41
I hope Der won't b a break up in your relationship......and that Stanley is pure as he seems pls
8 Jul 2018 | 14:39
hmmmmm...babe just calm down oh
8 Jul 2018 | 17:18
This their relationship just dey like my own, though mine has been and is still getting complicated. Nice Story Thou'.
8 Jul 2018 | 17:41
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 5* In a few months, the admission list was out and my name was part. That day is still one of the happiest days of my life because it was a dream come true. Stanley was so happy for me and my mom got me a car the next week. Weeks after saw me preparing to go to school. I got new clothes, bags, shoes, cosmetics and a whole lot of things to make my stay on campus a comfortable one. All that while, Stanley was with me and we planned that the day I arrived in school I would throw a party and luckily that day was my birthday. Stanley informed all his friends and I also did same. We got rooms in the same hostel and when the D-day arrived, my mom went with me to school. She took some of my luggage and I took the rest in my car. I got to school early enough and with the help of my mom and Stanley, I was able to decorate my room and pack my luggage in the room nicely. It was a big room and I was the only one going to be in it, and so there was so much space to accommodate people for a party. We had drinks; ordered for chicken, pizza and pastries. And then when it was evening, my mom left and class mates from high school came around. They helped us get ready and in thirty minutes, we were set. I didn’t know what to expect and though I had been to the school a couple of times before with Stanley, it still felt new to me. I had my own room and I was throwing a party that same day. I hoped in my heart that people would come and the party would be fun. Unknown to me, my party was already being discussed by members of the hostel and several other people. They were wondering who I was and Stanley said people were already talking about the car I drove to campus and how I looked and that everyone was curious to know what was going to happen at my party. I got nervous; that was supposed to get me excited but it didn’t. I went to the washroom; took a shower and wore a red crop top and jeans shorts. I combed my 24inches hair out and made my face up. I had to look good and with my acrylic nails fixed perfectly well; my fake lashes fixed and my face made up, I couldn’t help but admire myself in the mirror. I didn’t realize how long I had kept in the mirror till Stanley walked in on me and told me the party should begin already. I went out and saw so many guys and ladies I knew and some I didn’t know. I said, ‘hi’ to them all and I could tell most all of the guys were checking me out. It made me feel so good and the party began. People kept coming in, and there was so much to eat and drink and people were dancing. Everyone seemed to be having fun and then at some point. They lowered the volume of the music and Stanley; my “M.C” called on everybody and told them the reason why the party was organized. As he spoke, people kept coming in and then I saw Jide’s new girlfriend come in. I was surprised and checked out her dressing. She looked just normal and I said to myself, ‘This girl is nothing compared to me.’ I was way prettier than she was, and I smiled to myself and turned to look at my man talk about me in front of everyone. He said, ‘it’s the birthday of someone very special to me, she is in the person of Bola Asantewaa, but i prefere to call her Pearl, my Pearl. She’s more like a priceless gem to me and I love her so much. She just moved in and she is a very nice person.’ I blushed as he spoke and everyone was looking at me. I was standing right by him, behind my enormous birthday cake. I felt like a queen and I watched as everyone stared and admired me; it was then that I saw Jide come in. “Why was he here?” I asked myself. My mood just switched that moment but I had to stay calm and pretend everything was okay. Then Stanley continued talking. He said, ‘I know you guys might see her and think she’s unapproachable and pompous because of her appearance, but she isn’t. So feel free to talk to her and say HI when you see her around campus. And feel free to invite her to your parties and make sure to have no bad intentions in mind because I will always be by her side.’ The ladies found what he said so romantic and they said, “awww!” I couldn’t help but fall in love with him all over again. I wanted to just hug him and kiss him in front of everyone but I had to wait. He wasn’t done talking. He then said, ‘please help me sing a happy birthday song to her.’ And they did; they sang to me and when it was time to cut the cake, he held my hands and we cut it and then he took a slice and made me have a bite. Thereafter, I said, ‘thank you, thank you. I’m so grateful to you all and to you Stanley for being the best I’ve ever had. I love you.’ He hugged me after I said that and we kissed in front of everyone. They clapped, and then the party resumed. The music started playing so loud and I pulled Stanley to the dance floor. We danced intimately and as we danced, I saw Jide leaning against the wall. He was staring at us. He looked jealous and confused at the same time, and I signaled Stanley to look at him. He laughed and said, ‘you don’t know what you have until you lose it.’ We looked away and kept dancing like he wasn’t there. I was over him and didn’t care about what he was thinking. His girlfriend was at the party and they were supposed to be enjoying themselves, but I saw her dancing with a girlfriend. The party went on for hours and after some time, Stanley and I stopped dancing. I had to go to the washroom and I got out and saw Jide standing at the door. “Where was Stanley and how did Jide manage to get there without Stanley stopping him?” I asked myself. I said “hi” and tried walking past him, but he held my arm and said, ‘Bisi, I need to talk to you.’ I looked at him and smiled. Whatever was happening was just too funny for me. So I said, ‘really? Let’s go to my balcony.’ We got there to meet a number of people but I asked them to excuse us. Then I told him to talk, and he said I was looking good and tried to flirt with me. That almost pissed me off so I said, ‘Mr. is that what you wanted to talk about? If it is, then I’m leaving. My boyfriend should be wondering where I am now.’What I said automatically changed his mood and I knew him so well to know that he didn’t like what I said and what he was going to say wasn’t going to be pleasant. He said, ‘seeing your pictures and posts on facebook; does it mean you and Stanley were dating when we were still together? Oh yeah, I knew you were. I always suspected it but I said nothing.’ That got me really mad, like what the hell? I smiled and shook my head but said nothing to him. Then he said, ‘tell me the truth, you were with him when we were together right?’ I said ‘yeah, I was. And who even invited you to my party anyway? Oh! Was it your girlfriend? Fine, you should leave right now. I don’t want to see you here in five minutes. Ciao!’ To be continued…..
9 Jul 2018 | 02:25
so far, my best character in dis story is the mother... she is really attentive and behaves just as my girlfriend's mum does
9 Jul 2018 | 02:47
it working out
9 Jul 2018 | 03:14
ur mum is a gud nd understanding 1
9 Jul 2018 | 03:33
Well i just wish u the best
9 Jul 2018 | 04:35
the way u are seems to me that u still have feelings for him.....u are so good to cover it.....
9 Jul 2018 | 11:29
keep it rolling
9 Jul 2018 | 12:25
now jide will cry for loosing you,,, good for him
9 Jul 2018 | 15:12
so far, my best character in dis story is the mother… she is really attentive and behaves just as my girlfriend’s mum does
9 Jul 2018 | 15:27
can u take things easy
9 Jul 2018 | 16:46
Wow congrts ,next pls
9 Jul 2018 | 16:48
hmm ,continue
9 Jul 2018 | 16:50
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 6* I left the balcony and saw Stanley. He looked like he had been searching for me and asked where I had been. I said nothing and hugged him. I kissed him after and it lasted for a while and I noticed Jide pass by me, looking so jealous. After the kiss, I took in so much alcohol and I got intoxicated. I wanted to dance and not stop. Stanley upon realizing how drunk I was, just held me close to him and we danced till the party was over; everyone had left. My room was a mess and I could imagine sleeping in that mess and I was way too intoxicated to clean it up. So, I left with Stanley to his room which was on the third floor. He had his own room, with no roommates, just like me and we showered together and slept afterwards. We did nothing that night and I woke up that morning with a hangover. My head was aching badly, but I had to go to my room and clean it. The thought of it made me whine; I was way too weak for that. So Stanley suggested we get a cleaner to do the cleaning for me. When we got out of the room, I saw Jide come out of a room, not so far from Stanley’s and he also turned and saw us. I ignored him and Stanley locked his door and we left to my room afterwards. It was when we got to my room that I asked Stanley why he chose to be in a room close Jide’s. He looked at me surprised and said he never knew; he just moved to the room that semester and didn’t know Jide was there too, and he didn’t really care about him so he told me not to bother. I nodded and then told him about what happened the night before in my balcony. Stanley didn’t act up; he just shook his head and asked me not to mind him. He said he was just jealous and was obviously realizing how stupid he had been for letting me go. We laughed and then, he got a cleaner to clean my room. After the cleaner left, my room was clean and looking good enough. We got food and ate together in my room and then he left to do something. It was a Saturday and there was nothing to do. I was new in school and lectures hadn’t begun so I had nothing to read and no assignments. So, I watched a series when he left. I slept off while watching the series and was woken by a knock on my door. “Who is that?” I asked myself. It couldn’t be Stanley, ‘or could it be that someone had left something here last night and came back to take it?’ I wondered. I walked to the door and peeped through my pin hole to see who it was and lo and behold, it was Jide. I opened the door and asked, ‘Jide, what are you doing here?’ My hair was a mess and I looked so sleepy with no makeup on; but I wasn’t really bothered. Jide was the last person I cared about in the world and I didn’t care about my impression on him. I wanted him to just leave and stay away from me. I asked him to come in and gave him a seat. He commented on how nice my room decorations were and I said nothing. I just asked him to go ahead with what he had to say and he said, ‘Bisi, what you said yesterday and what I saw this morning got me thinking. Bisi, you told me you wanted to wait till your wedding night before having sex and I believed you. I even agreed to it and encouraged you. But I know you’ve been having sex with Stanley. You did last night, and I want to know one thing. Did you do it all that while that you were dating the both of us? Did you?’ His question got me wondering what was wrong with him. So I said, ‘Jide, leave me the hell alone! I don’t care about you and your questions and you know what, believe what you want. Please leave my room and never come back. Your girlfriend must be waiting for you.’ After saying that, he sat there and refused to get up and so I screamed and that worked. He left in no time and I called Stanley afterwards. I told him Jide was in my room and was really pissing me off and upon narrating what happened to him, Stanley got so mad and said I shouldn’t worry. He told me he was going to deal with him and warn him not to try contacting me again. I said, “Okay” and went back to watching my Series. After a few hours, I was bored and tired of being indoors all day; so I called Stanley and asked where he was and he said he wasn’t in the hostel and was with his male friends in another hostel. I didn’t know what to do and so I got up, dressed up and went out of my room to the parking lot. And there, I met Jide again. This time, he was with his girlfriend and it seemed they were going somewhere. I pretended I hadn’t seen him, walked to my car and drove out of campus. Where was I even going? I didn’t know. Then, it occurred to me that I could just go to the mall and get some foodstuffs. I hadn’t bought a lot of them and having nothing to do that day, I just shopped for them. As I shopped, I met a guy. He seemed to be following me everywhere I went and I didn’t like it. He didn’t look dangerous; and was rather good looking tall, and very masculine. He looked like a Black-American model and I had a thing for guys like that. That made me so uncomfortable; I kept hoping he would stop following me. I quickened my pace at some point and then decided to just leave so I wouldn’t have to deal with him a few distances from me all the time I was going to be there. I paid for my foodstuff and when I walked out of the mall, I realized he was still following me. I smiled and thought, ‘is it that he wants to talk to me but he doesn’t know how to?’ I shook the thought off and got to the car. There,as I put the things in the backseat, he approached me and said ‘hi, I’m Larry,’ I smiled and said ‘hello,’ and then he said he was sorry he’d been following me around the mall and he had been wanting to talk to me but was too shy to approach me. “Oh!really?” I thought to myself, ‘so a guy as good looking and so manly like you could be that shy to talk to a girl?’ I said that to myself and then said, ‘okay, so I’m listening. What do you want to talk about?’He told me he liked me and wondered if we could talk some other time since I was in a hurry to leave. I didn’t say yes, I just told him I wasn’t going to give him my number and said I would see him around later. Then I sat in my car and drove off. I was so proud of myself for not letting his looks getting to me and for not entertaining him any longer than I did. To be continued………
9 Jul 2018 | 18:31
Gbam for your mom
10 Jul 2018 | 04:38
Still observing..
10 Jul 2018 | 09:47
This one that u are in the same hostel with jide and Stanley, i hope it doesn't give you problems
10 Jul 2018 | 11:49
Hmmmm, following
10 Jul 2018 | 12:38
dont leave stanley, he usually understand u
10 Jul 2018 | 13:58
When I was very much younger, my mum would say: You do not put fire on your bed and sleep on it at night.. She would ask us not to 'carry petroleum put for nylon, come dey smoke'... I guess that is what you are doing at this instant... Soon Jide will find the good part of your heart... Or better still Stan will go wrong... Would you still be able to compose yourself?
10 Jul 2018 | 14:07
Observing you
10 Jul 2018 | 16:40
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 7* It was past 6:00pm and I got to campus only to realize that this guy had been following me again. He was driving right behind me and I was surprised. I got to the parking lot, and got out to see him also get out of his car and then he approached me again and said I didn’t give him my number or a way to contact me, he wasn’t going to leave. I made a big mistake at that point, I should have just given him the number and left but I didn’t. I walked past him and refused to look back, and hoped in my heart that he wouldn’t follow me but he did. I got to my door and turned to see him right behind me. Then I asked, ‘so why? Why won’t you leave me alone?’ He said, ‘can I get your number and I’m sorry to tell you this, I like you and there’s no way I will leave here without your number.’ I didn’t want him banging on my door and I didn’t want him to come into my room so, I gave him my number. I found what happened so interesting and it just made me laugh after he left. I thought about telling Stanley when he came back but I shook the thought off with the notion that, he is a guy and that could make him insecure and jealous. And I didn’t want any insecurities in my relationship, and besides I loved Stanley so much and wasn’t going to jeopardize what we had by entertaining other guys, no matter how drop-dead gorgeous they were. So, with the foodstuffs I had bought, I decided to cook. And when I began, there was a knock on my door. “Who is it this time?” I asked. I just hoped in my heart that it wasn’t Jide and luckily, it wasn’t. It was Larry; he smiled when I opened the door. This is what he said, ‘sorry, but I forgot to ask for your name.’ I shook my head and said, ‘Bola. You can leave now.’ Then, I banged the door and went back to cooking my meal. Stanley came back, sometime later and helped with the meal. We ate when it was all done and then, we left to see some friends of his. They were playing “FIFA” and I just watched them and supported my “boo.” We had a great time there, and as we left the room, Stanley remembered what he said about confronting Jide, so he asked that we went to his room and deal with him. I smiled at the way he said it and we got to the third floor to meet him at his door. “Great, at least we didn’t have to enter his room to face his roommates, if only he has some” I told Stanley. He nodded and we walked straight up to him. Stanley called him, ‘Jide, I’m sure you are good. I came here to ask you as a gentleman to stay away from my girlfriend. She doesn’t like you going to her room and asking her questions. You are not friends.’ I watched as he said that and was taken aback about what Jide said in return, ‘so you expect me to stay away from her because you are saying so? Wow! Interesting! You both fooled me, and I won’t be surprised if she fools you too. I just realized it’s her habit. Or are you in an open relationship or something? You keep your relationship and she still goes around dating other guys? I’m sure the guy I saw her with today isn’t the only one after me. And I’m not done with her yet, so forgot about me staying away from her.’ After saying that, he opened his door, entered the room and locked it. Stanley looked shocked, and asked who I was with earlier today. I held his hand and told him to let us go to his room and talk. We got there and I told him all about my day and how bored I was. He believed me and though I felt he wasn’t really okay with guys coming after me, he couldn’t help it. I’m not so unattractive, and I made it clear to him that no matter what, guys were going to come after me and try to win me. I told him to just trust me and that he was the only one I loved and no one could take me away from him. I hugged him and we made out after. The next day saw us going to church at home with my mom and his family. They were all so excited to see us and my mom asked all about my two days on campus. After church, we went home and I filled my mom in on everything that happened. I mentioned Jide and all that he said and what my mom said was, ‘you should expect more from him. Bola, you keep growing prettier and there is no way he can stop regretting leaving you. All he can do now is to get jealous and later try winning you back. But let him believe what he wants; don’t let him get any closer to you. He was your first love so keep distance, or else you will crawl back into his arms and lose Stanley. And you don’t want that to happen.’ What she said made so much sense and I wanted to deny what she said about me crawling back into Jide’s arms if I made him get any closer to me. I thought I was over him, but I decided to just heed to my mom’s advice. I stayed at home for a couple of hours and in the evening, Stanley came over from his parent’s and we left to campus together. He didn’t have a car like I did and so I made him drive anytime we went anywhere together; I just liked to keep him in charge. That evening on campus, he left to his room to study and I stayed in my room and watched a movie. Larry called me that evening, and though I was reluctant to pick up, my subconscious self said, ‘just pick up girl. You have no one to talk to now. Your boyfriend is studying and not available, it won’t hurt to make a new friend.’ So, I picked up and he sounded excited. He told me he wasn’t expecting me to pick up and that if I hadn’t, he would have kept calling till I gave up and I laughed. He was just too stubborn and seems to be the type to always chase after what he wanted until he got it. I found that attractive and I told him. We spoke for not so long and I got to know he was a professional model and a blogger. I found what he did interesting and he told me how fun his job was and he was so nice to talk to, that I didn’t want the call to end. But it did, when he said he had to pick another call. Larry was a nice guy and I couldn’t deny but I had a boyfriend and I forgot to tell him that when we spoke. I didn’t know what I was doing, I felt confused. I didn’t want to make any mistakes, but I wanted new friends and felt Stanley might not be there all the time and needed my own life too. When did I start wanting to be independent from my own bestfriend? I wondered. I watched the movie and woke up the next morning not knowing what time I actually slept off. I had to go to my department that morning to get my timetable and so I quickly showered, dressed up, called Stanley and then I left to my department. I met a girl at the department and she looked like a fresher and looked so confused. I approached her and said ‘hi, I’m Bola and I’m a fresher. I came to get the timetable.’ She replied and said her name was “Rabby” and she was also fresher and we walked to the notice board together. She seemed like a nice person and I felt glad; I had made a new friend. She seemed fashionable as well, and it made me happy. To be continued………
10 Jul 2018 | 18:13
My dear Bola,I think de path u ve chosen to tread is very dangerous so pls take caution,a word to a wise......
10 Jul 2018 | 19:34
bola I think u are making a mistake
11 Jul 2018 | 06:24
bola I think u are making a mistake
11 Jul 2018 | 06:26
For me, you are so confused right now... Come back when you know what you want... Mbok...
11 Jul 2018 | 08:39
bola jst b careful with dis larry nd jide of a guy
11 Jul 2018 | 14:58
Bola...u got to be careful with that larry of a guy...u got to stop him on time or u make a mistake
11 Jul 2018 | 15:34
0 Likes all started like best friends....u were so lucky even when your name is not lucky dube
11 Jul 2018 | 15:38
Jide...shut the fu<k up with your childish complain...some times u need to apply understanding...shut the fu<k up with your childish complain
11 Jul 2018 | 15:43
Larry...u really liked u don't wanna give up...if she told u that she has got a boyfriend,all u need to do is understand
11 Jul 2018 | 15:48
Bola...when your heart was broken...when he was your best friend...and he's now your boyfriend
11 Jul 2018 | 15:51
Bola be very careful
11 Jul 2018 | 17:49
must u keep a guy for a friend? he wants u and dia is no how he is goin to stay as a frnd
11 Jul 2018 | 18:38
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 8* Rabby and I walked to the notice board together. There, we found out we had no class on Mondays. That meant “Monday” was our free day. Rabby said, ‘wow!So meaning we have an extended weekend, that’s great!’ I smiled and told her how much I hated Mondays in the past, as it signaled the end of the weekend. We took a picture of the timetable with our phones and then, I asked for her hostel and whether she had something doing when she goes back. I didn’t want to go back to my room that morning as I had nothing doing and no one to visit. So, I asked to go to her hostel with her, as it was at the other end of the campus. We got to my car afterwards and I got a call from Stanley; he asked how my day was going and I told him it was good and boring as well as I had nothing doing. I told him about Rabby and said I was going to be with her till evening; when he was going to be done with class. On our way back to her hotel, I told her all I could tell her about myself: which high school I went to; where I stayed; my hobbies and the fact that I had a boyfriend. She did same, but though we did things in common and she lived not so far from my neighborhood, she mentioned that she was still single and had no boyfriend. When we got to her hostel, Larry called and strangely, I was excited to see that he was the one calling when my phone rang. I picked up and he asked if I had lectures and whether I wouldn’t mind joining him at the mall. I asked if he was alone and he said he was with a friend. So I asked Rabby if she would be cool with us going to the mall to meet some friends and maybe get food since we both hadn’t eaten since morning. She nodded and said, ‘okay’ I drove out of her parking lot and then we got to the mall in like 30 minutes. We met Larry and his friend in front of the mall and I would be lying if I didn’t mention that he was looking good and better than he did the previous day. I smiled and admired him as we walked to meet them, and his friend was also good-looking; I could tell he was checking Rabby out. When we met them, Larry hugged me and said to his friend, ‘Prince, you see I didn’t lie? This is the girl I was talking about.’ He smiled and said, ‘oh yeah! You sure weren’t.’ Larry Then introduced him to us as his co-worker and best friend. Then, I introduced Rabby to them as my new found best friend and course mate. Larry seemed so surprised when I mentioned that I had just met Rabby this morning, and he said it was too good to be true. I laughed and said, ‘it’s nothing impossible, we met and we clicked. So we are now friends.’ I mentioned to them that we hadn’t eaten and wanted to get food, so we went to a restaurant and ordered vegetable rice and grilled chicken for each one of us. There, I sat next to Larry and he was all over me. He was so funny and made me laugh. Rabby was sitting right opposite us, next to Prince and as we ate, I realized Rabby was so nervous and Prince was all over her too. “Wow! They like each other,” I said to Larry and he giggled. We talked that day about our few days in school and what we were expecting and then I found out, Rabby was an open-minded person and was looking forward to enjoy her independence and life away from home and her strict parents. What she said was, ‘I’ve always prayed for this day, when I would finally live the house and live somewhere else, without my mom checking on my every move and not making me go out to parties in the evenings and even going for sleep-overs.’ We all laughed at that; and they talked about their lives in the university; how much fun they had and why they would always miss their stay on campus. We had a great time at the mall, and after eating, we walked around and then, went to the photo studio to take pictures. It was so fun and when it was past 2, we decided to leave. We had a wonderful time with the guys and when we told them it was time to go, they didn’t want to let us leave, but we had to. So, I hugged Larry and there, I saw Prince take Rabby’s number. He hugged her afterwards and we left. On our way back, I asked Rabby, ‘tell me the truth, you like Prince right?’ She nodded and said he was a very interesting and nice guy, and she wouldn’t mind being friends with him or even getting into a relationship with him. I said, ‘nice, but does it mean you’ve never being in a relationship before?’ She nodded and I smiled at her and said, ‘wow! I’m happy you’ve finally met someone you like.’ She also asked a question that I’ve been trying so hard not to ask myself, ‘Bola do you have a thing for Larry. I know you have a boyfriend but it’s so obvious he likes you and anyone who doesn’t know you are dating will think you two have something going on.’ What she said was true but I didn’t want to answer the question; I didn’t want to have to question my feelings and maybe start thinking I was falling out of love for Stanley. So I just said, ‘we are just friends and don’t worry, I love Stanley and will always do. I’m not going to jeopardize what I have with him.’ She smiled and I said nothing afterwards. I was trying to make myself believe what I had said to her, but somewhere inside my heart, I felt like something bad was going to happen. I felt that I might mess up and it scared me. We got to her hostel in less than an hour; and I went with her to her room to get the movies and music videos. We watched a horror movie together and we screamed out of fear the whole time we watched; but in the end, it was nice watching the movie. And when it was evening, I got a call from Stanley. He asked whether I was still with Rabby and I said, ‘yes’ and then he said he was done with lectures and was coming to Rabby’s hostel so we leave together. He came in no time, and I walked down to meet him. Rabby came along and I introduced her to Stanley. He seemed so happy to have met her and he said, ‘thanks so much for keeping her company for me, and I hope you two remain friends for a long time.’ We left afterwards and I made him drive. On our way back, he asked about my day and I told him about the movie. I didn’t mention us going to the mall and meeting Larry; I honestly didn’t feel the need to tell him and though it wasn’t right I just didn’t. When we got to the hostel, we met Jide and his girlfriend in the parking lot and it seemed they were having an argument. We ignored them, but he stopped talking and stared at us, as we walked into the hostel. I wondered what they were arguing about and hoped in my heart that it wasn’t about me. To be continued……..
11 Jul 2018 | 20:58
Am just watching you Bola
12 Jul 2018 | 03:19
bola I think u are falling for Larry
12 Jul 2018 | 05:57
Now how do u expect Stanley to trust u when he finds out from another source that u were hanging out with another guy in the mall and even laughing and hugging.... When he gets angry and leave u, u will say all men are the same when u are openly flirting
12 Jul 2018 | 06:15
*My Bestfriend My Love?~Episode 9* I cooked dinner for Stanley and me when we got to my room and it was “Jollof”. I already had fried chicken in my fridge, so I microwaved it and then we ate the meal together. We watched a series,“The big bang theory” while eating and laughed throughout the episodes. Later that evening, we made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms in my room. The next day saw us both waking up early to prepare for class. Stanley left to his room and told me he was going to be back earlier than he did the day before, and then he left. After dressing up, I drove to Rabby’s hostel to pick her up and on our way to the department; she told me she had a date with Prince in the evening. Hearing that made me so excited and she asked if I had heard from Larry the night before. I didn’t remember, I had put my phone on silent mode and so I checked and realized I missed two calls from him. And as if he knew we were talking about him, he called when we got to the department and asked how I was doing. He told me how much he had missed me and I told him I missed him too. I told him I had a lecture that morning and ended the call after wishing him good luck at work that day. When the call ended, Rabby asked if Larry knew I had a boyfriend and then it occurred to me that I hadn’t told him yet. So, I told her I would the next time I spoke to him. We had a two-hour lecture that morning at 9:30am, and it was an interesting lecture. The lecturer got me to answer a question and though I was shy I got it right and I realized he was so impressed. We had two other lectures that day; and after the last ended, Rabby and I were so tired and sadly, we had been given an assignment that we had to turn in the next day. Rabby whined and said, “Is this how our days are going to be here? I’m already tired.” I told her not to worry and suggested we went to the library to do the assignment before going back to our hostels. In two hours, we were done. We went back to her hostel, and hurriedly went to her room to get her ready for her first date. She showered quickly and I made her face up for her. She looked so gorgeous when I was done, and then Prince called that he was in front of the hostel. The call made her nervous and she started saying how she wished I would go with her so she wouldn’t mess up or disgrace herself. I smiled at that and asked her to cheer up and just be herself. We walked down to meet him together, and he told her how pretty she was when we met him. Then, I said, ‘bye’ to them and asked them to have a good time and I asked Prince to drive safely. I got a text from Larry on my way back, and he was checking up on me. He said he wished to see me but I told him I had things doing and so some other time. I felt something holding me back from telling him I had a boyfriend. I felt telling him that would push him away from me or make him stop talking to me and I didn’t want that to happen. I didn’t want to lose our friendship and I wanted to see him and talk to him more. I knew in my heart it wasn’t the right thing to do, but then I was willing to take that chance and said a silent prayer to God to not make Stanley leave me because of that. And when I got to the parking lot that evening, I met Jide again in the parking lot. This time, he was alone and he walked towards me when he saw me get out of the car. He looked so apologetic and I didn’t want to hear him say “sorry” or anything about what he did to me the past year. I didn’t want him to take my mind back to how it felt when I read his heartbreaking message and how I felt when I saw him with his girlfriend at the cafeteria. So I didn’t make him talk; I just told him I was too busy to talk and I walked past him. I went straight to Stanley’s room and upon seeing him, I hugged him, kissed him and told him I loved him and never wanted to lose him. He knew something had happened and so he asked if it was Jide, I nodded and he got mad. He wanted to confront him again but I asked him not to. I narrated what happened to him and how sorry he looked. Stanley then asked me not to ever give him a chance to explain things to me and asked me not to make that mistake of thinking he didn’t mean to hurt me or anything. I sensed that he was scared when he said that. Yeah, maybe he felt that I still had a thing for him and so by giving him a chance to explain things to me, I might give him another chance. I told him not to worry and that, he stood no chance with me and I would be stupid if I gave him another chance. We ordered for pizza that evening and we watched “The Big Bang theory.” At midnight, Rabby called and said she was back and she sounded so happy. I asked how it went and she said, it was great and would tell me everything that happened the next day. So, the call ended after she asked to say ‘hi’ to Stanley. We fell asleep watching the series. And the next morning, I left to my room. On my way, I met Jide and he called me and asked me to wait so he talks to me. I didn’t mind him and rather walked past him. He followed me and kept mentioning my name, but I quickened my pace and didn’t even look back. I wanted him to stop trying to reach out and as I thought about that, Larry called and asked that I go to the beach with him. He mentioned that Prince and Rabby were going that evening and Prince had asked him to convince me to go with them. I thought about it and concluded that it wouldn’t be bad and so I said ‘yes.’ After the call, I showered, dressed up and went to pick Rabby up from her hostel. And on our way to the department, I asked her why she didn’t tell me about the beach. She told me she had planned to tell me that morning and even thought Larry would tell me the night before, so I said ‘okay’ and told her I was going to go with them. That made her happy, then she went ahead to tell me everything. To be continued……….
12 Jul 2018 | 06:26
12 Jul 2018 | 06:30
Bola you are going Astray
12 Jul 2018 | 07:51
Bola,hanging out with Dis Larry guy will spell ur doom oo,don't say I didn't warn u oo,yoo!!!
12 Jul 2018 | 07:55
bola u suppose 2 tell jide dat u went 2 d mall
12 Jul 2018 | 07:58
12 Jul 2018 | 08:05
Hmm bola I hope is not jide that sent that guy ooo, u better be careful with him
12 Jul 2018 | 10:12
hmmmmmm,,,, bola, u know sometin bad will happen but u are still rooting for it
12 Jul 2018 | 11:14
She's really going astray
12 Jul 2018 | 14:06
you are playing with ? girl
12 Jul 2018 | 15:47
hmmm,Bola u need to be very careful
12 Jul 2018 | 17:11
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 10* She told me they went to watch a romantic comedy, “Perfect match” at the cinema and how nice it was. Then she asked me to guess what happened after. I thought and asked if he kissed her and she screamed ‘yes.’ I also screamed and asked, ‘was that your first kiss?’ She nodded and I said, ‘wow! how was it?’ Then, she told me it felt so good and she didn’t want it to end. I was so happy for her and I realized she really loved Prince and though it had only been two days, there was no denying that. We had three lectures that day, and the last ended at 4:30. After, we went to her hostel to get ready for the beach. I had taken my clothes and make-up bag along that morning, so we showered, and dressed up. After, I called Larry and asked if we should set off and he said yes, so we did. We met them at the beach in less than two hours and there, though it was past 6, Rabby made us swim. She mentioned that she loved the sea and loved swimming. We had a great time and after swimming, I took a walk with Larry. When we reached the far end of the beach, we stopped to look at the waves and it was so cold then, so I stood in front of him and he wrapped his arms around me. It felt so good standing there with him in silence, with the cold breeze. I forgot about everything else and was lost in that moment. I didn’t want us to leave, I just wanted us to stand there like that, and never leave each other. Sometime after, Larry took his arms off me and beckoned me to turn and face him. I did that and he kissed me. He kissed me so passionately, his lips were so soft and the kiss was so nice. I loved it and I kissed back. I don’t know whether it was the beach setting or the cold breeze that made it feel the way it did, and I didn’t want it to stop. I melted in his arms and we kissed for so long. It was when we parted lips finally that I realized what I had done. I had cheated on Stanley and I felt so guilty so, I told Larry we had to go meet Rabby and Prince so we leave. He realized the change in my mood and asked what was wrong. I told him nothing and I needed to be left alone and so he obeyed and said nothing to me till we met the other two. We left after meeting them and on our way back, Rabby noticed there was something wrong, so she asked and I told her about the kiss. She told me she knew from the beginning that I had a thing for him and then she asked what I was going to do and I told her I didn’t know. I was so confused and I knew I couldn’t tell Stanley and I didn’t want to lose him either. So, Rabby suggested I told Larry that I had a boyfriend and what happened was a mistake and she asked that I stayed away from him. I nodded because that was exactly what I was going to do. After dropping Rabby off at her hostel, I drove back to mine and went back to my room. Stanley called and I told him I wasn’t well and wanted to be left alone. He realized there was something wrong and when he came around, I said nothing to him. I couldn’t face him and I couldn’t lie to him so I asked him to just leave me alone. He wasn’t okay with that and he felt I was shutting him out. That was the first time something like that was happening so he obviously didn’t know what to do but he left reluctantly. Days after, saw me drawing farther away from him; I just couldn’t pretend that everything was good with us and I stopped picking Larry’s calls after sending him a text that what happened was a mistake and I didn’t want to jeopardize what I had with my boyfriend because of him. So, I asked him to stay away from me but he kept calling. I knew he wanted me and wasn’t going to give up but he had to. I had to figure out a way to save my relationship because as the days went by, it felt like what we had was coming to an end. I kept shutting Stanley out and I couldn’t stay with him for long. I couldn’t even kiss him for long, not to talk of making love with him. He kept wondering and asking what was wrong but I said nothing. I just didn’t know how to deal with it; so days after, I called my mom and narrated everything to her. She was disappointed in me but she told me she understood and that, things like that happen all the time. She asked me to sit down with Stanley and tell him everything that happened and tell him I didn’t want to lose what we had so I was sorry and was willing to work things out. Then she advised me to not entertain other guys again as what happened could happen again. So, I sent him a text and asked him to come to my room right after class so we talk, and I added that I loved him and will always do. He replied that he definitely would and he couldn’t wait for us to get back to the way we used to be. Later that day, I had fallen asleep but was awaken by a knock on my door. I almost thought it was Stanley, but then upon second thoughts, I realized it couldn’t be him. He wouldn’t knock like if it were him, so I went to the door only to realize that it was Larry. He was the last person I was expecting to see. I wanted him to stay away but he was way too stubborn to do that. So I made him come in; my heart raced when he walked in and I suddenly became nervous. I tried to appear strong and bold so I made him sit and got him a drink. Then he asked why I wasn’t picking up his calls. I told him I sent him a text and that what happened was a mistake and I didn’t want it to happen again. Then I told him it had affected my relationship and I could only work things out if I stayed away from him. It was so obvious I had a thing for him but I wanted to let him know that, no matter what, I wasn’t going to leave my boyfriend for him. I had forgotten then that I had asked Stanley to come over and I lost track of time. As I spoke to Larry, he got up and walked closer to me; then he held my chin and looked into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat; I asked myself what he was doing. I tried so hard to seem so strong but suddenly, I felt too weak to even ask him to stop. I couldn’t stop him from kissing me; and once again, I kissed back and melted in his arms as he kissed me. We kissed for some time and it felt great like it did at the beach and suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. Before I could say jack, Stanley walked in and screamed, “Pearl, what is going on here?” He said that on top of his voice and we stopped kissing and I stood there speechless. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there and cried. I couldn’t stop the tears, I just cried. To be continued……..
13 Jul 2018 | 03:32
Hmm u might leave Stanley to that Larry one day ooo if u continue see him
13 Jul 2018 | 03:59
I love the way her mum handled the situation. nice advisor
13 Jul 2018 | 09:26
objections from Jide are underway
13 Jul 2018 | 10:14
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 11* I cried; Larry held my hand, and I asked him to leave me alone. I walked closer to Stanley and he looked so angry. He asked if he was the guy Jide spoke about the day he confronted him and I nodded. He looked disappointed and he was so mad. I kept crying and I didn’t know what to say. I just looked back at Larry and asked him to leave, and he did. I didn’t want Stanley to hurt him, because he looked like he could kill someone. Larry left and I told Stanley I was sorry and that was what I wanted to talk about. I told him it was a mistake and that, I wasn’t thinking right so he should forgive me. He just looked at me and said, ‘so this has been going on for that long and you couldn’t tell me about it. Pearl, what happened to you? I’ve always been there for you, have I ever done anything wrong to you? Have I ever hurt you in anyway? Don’t I make you feel good enough? So why, why would you do that to me?’ I just stood there and cried; I had nothing to say to justify what I had done. I was really sorry. I wanted to tell him that I had spoken to my mom earlier and she asked me to just stay away from Larry and I had already decided to do that but he came and kissed me, but how was I going to do that. He caught me kissing him; he caught me melting in his arms and there was no denying that I loved it too. Stanley just left after realizing I had nothing to say to justify what I had done, and when he did I just sat on the floor and wept. “Oh God! Why? I’ve messed up, I’ve been stupid. I’ve hurt my own best friend, the one who’s always being there for me; the one who would never hurt me.” I kept talking to myself and I kept weeping. I felt so helpless, I didn’t want to do anything else but weep. I didn’t go for lectures that day and Rabby was worried, so she kept calling but I couldn’t pick up. I couldn’t talk to anyone; I just couldn’t, my life was a mess and I didn’t know what to do about it. Rabby came to my room an hour after and saw me lying on the floor weeping. My hair was messed up and I looked like a mess. She felt so sorry for me and held me up. I told her everything that happened and she hugged me and told me to stop crying and rather figure out how to save my relationship. I told her how angry Stanley was and how scared I was that he was going to leave me. “Rabby, I don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to. I can’t live without him. He’s the only one I have apart from my mom, and yet I hurt him. Oh God!” I cried. Rabby looked confused too, so she called Larry and begged him to move on and that there was no way I was going to leave Stanley for him. She found a way to convince him and he said he understood and will just stay away. I was so glad she did that. Then, she told me to go and shower and that she was coming. I didn’t know where she went to; I just went to my washroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t even stand to look at my own face in the mirror. I couldn’t stand my face because I hated myself for what I had done. I kept crying and stood under the shower for so long, with my mind blank. I just stood there and cried till Rabby came back. She walked in on me and screamed at me to hurry up. I did and got out of the shower. I had a feeling she went to see Stanley and she confirmed it. She told me how hurt he was and that he was crying when she went to his room. That got to me, I had made Stanley cry, I had hurt him and I couldn’t hurt but cry too. I wrapped my arms around my body and wept. Rabby got up and screamed at me to stop it; she told me she went to talk to him about everything that happened and that I was really sorry and didn’t mean for things to happen that way. Then she said, he needed time to think about it and asked her to leave. I asked, ‘how long did he say he was going to think about it?’ Then she said she didn’t know, and I wept again. Rabby realized if she didn’t get me out of my room, I wasn’t going to stop so she asked me to get up and took a couple of clothes, books and my makeup bag and then she asked me to follow her. She locked the door and then we went out to get a cab. I didn’t take my car key and she knew I wasn’t in the right state to drive. We got the cab and when we went to her room, she tried so hard to make me laugh. She made us watch a movie and though I tried so hard to fake a smile, I couldn’t help but think about Stanley. I got a call from my mom while we were watching the movie and when I picked up, I told her everything that happened and I cried as I told her. She didn’t know what to say so she told me she was going to pass by campus to see me after work and then she asked where I was. I told her I was with Rabby and she asked to speak to her. Thereafter, she ended the call and Rabby told me my mom asked her to make me stop crying and said she would pass by later. We watched a couple of movies after, till my mom called that she was in. Rabby and I went out to meet her and immediately she saw me, she hugged me and told me how miserable I looked. She asked us to sit so we get food outside campus and we went to a Chinese restaurant. There, she told me not to get too worked up over what had happened. She told me what happened was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes and so I should just wait on Stanley and give him a reason to forgive me. I told her what he said to Rabby that he need time to think and so she said I should give him space and try calling him the next day to see if he would be ready to talk to me and if he wasn’t, I should just understand and let him have the space he wanted until I was ready to talk to him. I nodded and then she teased me; ‘see when we tell you girls that you are too young to start getting involved in relationships, you don’t listen. You think we just want to restrict you from doing what you want to do. Love isn’t for kids, it’s for grown-ups, and now see you. Just this small thing is making you feel like your world is ending, oh Bola!’ Then she laughed, Rabby and I couldn’t help but laugh. We left after eating, and my mom made jokes and told Rabby about my childhood and how I would always cry when anyone teased me. She made us laugh, and I hugged her and told her she was the best mom ever. Then after, she drove us back to campus. To be continued……
13 Jul 2018 | 17:42
Love is meant only for the matured mind.... Sometimes you will feel happy, get hurt most time, get mad at each other at times buh always together after everything
14 Jul 2018 | 06:03
love is not a bed of rose
14 Jul 2018 | 09:08
love is not a bed of rose
14 Jul 2018 | 09:18
More please......
14 Jul 2018 | 11:15
Seriously I don't feel sorry for u at all @pearl
14 Jul 2018 | 13:16
Hmmmm,,,, I really don't know wat to say to u bcos u saw d danger ahead but u speed into it
14 Jul 2018 | 18:22
wow.feed me more
14 Jul 2018 | 18:38
ur mum is so understanding nd caring
14 Jul 2018 | 18:38
*My Bestfriend My Love?~Episode 12* When we got to campus, my mom dropped us off at Rabby’s hostel and told us she was going to be back as she wanted to go see Stanley to talk to him. I knew very well in my heart that she would help make things work out and I thanked God for giving me her. When we got to Rabby’sroom, she told me how cool my mom was and how she wished hers was like that. She said hers was too strict and that she could never tell her she was in a relationship unless she asked her herself. I laughed and told her if she needed an advice on anything, she could call my mom and she would give her all the advice she needed. My mom called sometime after when we were watching a movie and said she was coming to Rabby’s hostel so we should come out and meet her. We met her and what she said was that, Stanley was hurt and what I did reminded him of what his first girlfriend did. She also cheated on him and left him for some other guy and that broke his heart. I remembered how hurt he was and that made me sad. I knew there was no way he would be able to forgive me because he vowed not to trust any girl again after that happened and I got him to open up and date him. So there was no way he was going to be able to look at me and feel the same way he did when we started dating again. My mom told me he said he needed space and that he said we should just stay away from each other for some time. That was an indirect way of asking for a breakup and it hurt when my mom said it and I cried. My mom hugged me and told me she knew how hurt I was and that I should learn a lesson from it. I had lost my childhood best friend and my boyfriend because of one mistake. I kept crying and my mom asked Rabby to get my things for me so she takes me home. I went home with her that night and wept all night. I slept by mom that night and she comforted me. She told me to stay away from guys for the mean time and just make friends, focus on my books and enjoy the rest of my stay in the school with no more guy problems. I stayed at home that weekend, and Larry kept reaching out to me but I ignored his calls and didn’t reply his messages. Even though Stanley and I were over, I still couldn’t entertain him. All he reminded me of was the pain I had caused Stanley and so I decided to just shut him out and stay away from him forever. Rabby kept seeing Prince though and her love life was going so well for her while mine had hit the rock bottom. I envied her and wished I could exchange my life for hers. I left home for campus the week after. When I got to my hostel, I saw Stanley driving and I was surprised. He didn’t have a car and now because we were over, he couldn’t share the big news with me. If I were indoors, I would have cried; I just stood there and watched him pack and waited to see if he would talk to me when he walked out of the car but he didn’t. He just looked at me, bowed down his head and walked past me. It broke my heart when he did that, and I almost cried so I just rush to my room and wept bitterly. I had to be strong; I had to move on with my life and make new friends. I really had to, so I called Rabby and asked if she could come around so we go to the pool side. She came in less than an hour and we went to the pool side on campus. We swam and had a great time and at some point I got out of the pool to get a drink and when I got to the bar, I met Jide. He was sitting there alone and sipping on some juice. I pretended I didn’t see him and ordered a drink but he mentioned my name and I looked back and he asked me to sit next to him. I was in my bikini and wasn’t so comfortable with him but I still sat by him. Then he asked if I was good and said he knew Stanley and I had ended things. It was obvious because I had stopped going to his room and he stopped coming to mine. It was just too obvious and so I nodded and told him I didn’t want to talk about it. So, I asked how he was doing and said, ‘you’ve decided you won’t let me be. Why?’ Then he nodded and said, he wanted to talk about what happened last year and he knew he hurt me. When he started, I just told him not to go there and that I didn’t want to remember what he put me through. I said, ‘you broke my heart but I got over it, so please don’t take me back to that dark place. I’m in a good mood I don’t want you to mess it up for me.’ Then he said okay and I told him I lied about dating Stanley when we were together and that I wanted him to believe whatever he wanted to. After saying that, I got my drinks and told him I had to go back to the pool as Rabby was still there waiting for me. So I left, and Rabby asked why I kept that long so I told her and she said, ‘Bola, you are not to entertain any more guys’ and I said, “yeah I know. Don’t worry.” After drinking, we went back into the pool and swam till we were tired. We left in the evening and went to KFC to get French fries and chicken nuggets. There, I asked Rabby how Prince was doing and she told me he was good and was so sorry about what happened with Stanley and me. She mentioned that Larry was trying to move on and she had met him with a lady once when they went out. As we ate the food, a guy approached our table and tried talking to us, but I ignored him and kept tapping on my phone. I didn’t want to say a word to him. He asked Rabby if we cared if he and his friend joined us and she said we were good and didn’t want company. The way she sounded made him just know she was serious so he left and they sat not so far from us. They kept stealing glances at us though, but we didn’t mind them and when we got up to leave, they also did. “Boys will always be boys,” I said to Rabby. We ignored them and walked out to the parking lot and there the guys came closer to us and asked Rabby where we were going and that they wouldn’t mind taking us back. I shook my head, walked to my car sat in the driver’s seat and called Rabby to hurry so we go. They looked shocked when I did that and stood staring at us, as I drove off. To be continued……..
14 Jul 2018 | 19:00
i know it will come to this
15 Jul 2018 | 05:27
oh u really hurt stanley
15 Jul 2018 | 09:46
God is your strenght
15 Jul 2018 | 11:50
Dont worry Stanley would come around.
15 Jul 2018 | 18:12
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 13* I felt so proud of myself for doing that and we laughed at how stunned they looked. Rabby laughed and couldn’t stop till we got to her hostel and she had to leave. I told her I wished we were in the same hostel and she said same; so I suggested she transferred the next year to my hostel so she move in to one room. she nodded and left. I went back to my hostel and met Jide in the parking lot once again. This time, when he walked towards me, I waited and spoke to him. We walked into the hostel together and he asked if I had watched a series, “Secrets and Lies” and I said no. He told me how nice it was and I told him I wanted it; so he left and told me he would be back in my room in no time. I went to shower after and when I straightened up my bed, he knocked and I asked him to come in. I gave him my pen drive and he pulled the two seasons of the series for me We watched the first two episodes and I loved it, and after he asked if I minded if we took a walk around campus. I said “yes” I hadn’t done that before since I got to school. I was always driving around and I felt it would be fun, so I got my purse and put on some makeup and then we went out together. As we walked out, I remembered how he asked me out and how our relationship began. We were in the same neighborhood and had been crushing on him for so many years. He was every girl’s definition of a dream guy and I secretly wished that one day he would notice me and tell me he liked me. My wish came true one day. I was taking a walk in the neighborhood that day, when his little brother run towards me and told me his brother said he wanted my number. I felt I was dreaming when he said that and I pinched myself to wake up from the dream if it really was a dream. But I still stood there with him looking up at me with his hands stretched out. He handed me a paper and a pen and I wrote down my number. And immediately I gave it to him, he ran off. I hurriedly walked home after, as I couldn’t wait to scream and jump around. I was so happy that my lifelong dream was finally coming through. I waited patiently for his call that day but he didn’t, and that dampened my mood. I felt like he was just kidding with me, or just asked for every girl’s number for fun. And that he only called those that mattered to him. I don’t know if those thoughts made sense but they kept running through my head. But early the next morning, he surprised me with a call. My phone rang and when I saw the number I knew so well in my heart that he was the one. I missed the first call because I was nervous and my heart raced but he called again and I picked up. He asked what I was doing and I said nothing and he asked if I was going to be free in the evening and I said yes and asked why. My heart was pounding in my chest as we spoke. He had everything I wanted in a guy and so when he said he wanted us to go watch a movie and he had something to say to me, my heart skipped a beat. I was numb out of excitement and when I came back to my senses, I screamed and said “yes.” That night is one I can never forget. I dressed up in my favorite red dress, made my face up and combed my long weave out. I wanted to look as beautiful as I could and I waited patiently for him. I was so anxious and I didn’t know what to do. I liked him and he was the nicest guy in the neighborhood and had all the girls crushing on him and wanting to go out with him. “So why did he choose me?” I kept thinking all these thoughts and I didn’t realize he had been calling my phone; until I heard the bell ring. I knew it was Jide, and when I checked my phone to see if he had called, I saw five missed calls. So, I called back and told him I was ready and that I was sorry for missing his calls. I looked into my mirror one last time and then headed to the gate. My mom wasn’t home so I called earlier to tell her I wouldn’t be home until midnight and though she wasn’t so cool about it, I managed to convince her to let me go. I walked to the gate and when I opened it, I saw stars. Jide was looking so good and his smiles did nothing but take all my words out of my mouth and rendered me speechless. I stood there and just smiled and looked so lost and when he said I was looking good, I could only smile and bow my head. He held my hand and walked me to a cab that seemed to have been waiting for a while. In the cab, Jide must have realized how nervous I was and he tried to make me comfortable by initiating a conversation. He said something funny that got me laughing and it made me feel more comfortable and I told him about myself and what I loved doing and he did same. We realized we had so many things in common and in no time, we got to the mall and then, we walked out of the car into the mall. As we walked to the cinema, Jide kept making jokes and funny comments about people and I laughed like never before. He had a very good sense of humor and that made me like him more. When we got to the cinema, we got popcorn and coke and then we got the ticket to watch a romantic movie, “the faults in our stars.” The movie was sad and about two teenagers that fell in love and they both had cancer; the boy died in the end and I couldn’t help but cry. I cried and tried hiding my face so Jide wouldn’t see me cry but he caught me and he held my chin and smiled at me and wiped the tears of with his fingers. I couldn’t stop crying and I hated myself for doing that. “Why am I crying, I’m not supposed to do that in front of a guy as cool as he Jide. He will think I’m too dramatic and too soft.” The thoughts made me cry the more, and I didn’t realize when he brought his lips close to mine. Jide kissed me. His lips were so soft and the kiss was my first and like nothing I had ever imagined. I had heard people talk about their first kiss and I thought they were exaggerating when they stated how nice it felt. But that night, I realized the truth; my first kiss with Jide was everything. I kissed him back, and it lasted for sometime before we stopped and he smiled at me. I was so shy. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to run out of the cinema and go home and hide under my blanket. But there I was, in the cinema with him, and so far from home. I couldn’t escape so I had to face him, I smiled and he said ‘I loved the kiss, and I want to do it again.’ And he replied and i said, “me too.” He hugged me and then held my hand as we walked out to get pizza. To be continued…….
16 Jul 2018 | 02:17
With the way you and Jide began, Jide is good at d his game
16 Jul 2018 | 10:36
More episode is all we need
16 Jul 2018 | 13:03
Now u learnt ur lesson
16 Jul 2018 | 13:16
You ve started giving Jide ur attention once again,u don't learn from ur mistakes abi,how do u expect Stanley to believe u DAT u were sorry,looking at wat u ve started doing??? Think oo ma sister!!!
16 Jul 2018 | 13:51
0 Likes u handled this situation was not good at all...right now u don't even need any guy but there u are again
16 Jul 2018 | 15:44
He was the same guy that broke your heart...i told u about this and your mom did the same but your emotions couldn't let u
16 Jul 2018 | 15:47
Stanley...u are taking things too far...that was a u need time to think about a chance 4 another
16 Jul 2018 | 16:00
Intead of taking what belongs to u when your opponent was gone and u...u need to man up,think like a man...they didn't even have S£X
16 Jul 2018 | 16:05
Jide and larry has got few things in the same time they don't have so many things in common
16 Jul 2018 | 16:14
0 Likes are u...i'm fine...u have got a first u love him?...yeah with all my heart...u have been doing a good job with your friend bola...i do try my gorgeous girl ,good handsome boy,good night.
16 Jul 2018 | 16:25
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 14* Everything that happened that night didn’t feel real to me, it felt like a movie or a dream. It was just too good to be true and when we ordered the pizza, we sat facing each other. That was when it happened; he put his hands on the table and asked for mine. He held it and looked into my eyes. I found myself drifting out of this world when he looked into my eyes and then he said, ‘Bola, I like you. I like you so much and that is why I asked you to come here with me.’ That wasn’t all that he said, he told me I was beautiful and different from all the other girls he knew and he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I tried so hard to keep the tears in, I didn’t want to cry again but I was too weak for that. His words just triggered the tears and I cried. I liked him and had been fantasizing about him for so long. I couldn’t believe that it was finally happening and he was finally asking me to be his girlfriend. It was a perfect setting and when I looked again at him, I realized he was waiting for an answer. Of course he was. I told him I like him too and said ‘I fell for you a long time ago, I love you Jide and this is so perfect.’ He smiled when I said that, and he squeezed my hand and said ‘I love you too.’ I was so happy, I finally had a boyfriend and I wished I could scream and let the whole world know that I had a boyfriend. The waiter brought our pizza sometime after and as we ate, I told him our kiss was my first. He was surprised and seemed so excited. I told him how much I loved it and then he went ahead to tell me about his first. He said it was way back in primary school with a girl that everyone had been teasing him with. And he said it wasn’t that good, and they were just playing around and none of the subsequent kisses he had, had felt us great as ours.What he said, sounded like music to my ears, I was too happy. I was so in love and I wished that what we had would last forever. We left the mall around 10:00pm, got a cab and when we got to my house, I didn’t want to go in. I wished we would be together and not have to leave to go to our homes. And as we stood by my gate, my phone rang. It was my mom calling to ask if I was coming home. I told her I was almost home and Jide hugged me and kissed me again. The kiss was better than the first, and thereafter, he watched me enter my house and he left afterwards. I went into the house, met my mom and we talked about her day and I didn’t tell her about Jide. I lied to her that I was with Stanley and then I went to my room and wrote every single thing that happened that evening down in my diary. Jide called sometime after, we spoke till I fell asleep. And the next morning, we spoke for like an hour too. And then, I ran to Stanley’s house to deliver the good news. We were still walking while I remembered all that and the memory of me going to Stanley and telling him about Jide made me sad. Then I looked at Jide and smiled. I told him I just remembered our first date and he said he could never forget that day. We got ice cream as we took the walk and he told me a joke and I laughed. Jide hadn’t changed, he seemed like the same guy I fell for and the thought of it made my heart bleed. That was the same guy that broke up with me on Facebook after he gained admission to the university. Suddenly, it all came rushing back, I felt the pain in my chest and I wanted to cry. I hated that pain and it hurt that the person that caused it was walking right by my side and was acting as though nothing had happened. I couldn’t pretend anymore so I told him I had to go back to my room. I couldn’t stand to be with him any while longer. He asked what was wrong but I didn’t mind him; I just quickened my pace but walked faster and caught up with me. Then, he held my hand and asked what was wrong with me. I just looked at him and said, ‘you broke my heart Jide, you broke my heart on facebook and you are here acting as though nothing like that happened.How can you even pretend. You sent me the message and I assumed you were taking Christianity more seriously and felt I was drawing you away from him but then I saw you with that girl, you call your girlfriend and I don’t know is she’s your ex now, at the cafeteria. You hurt me and I don’t know why I’m even entertaining you.’ I asked him to leave me alone and then I walked off. I got to my room and cried again. My heart was aching and it dawned on me that, that was the same pain I might have caused Stanley and it made me cry the more. “I shouldn’t be left alone, I shouldn’t. God, I can’t go on like this. I can’t do this anymore. I hate myself. I hurt someone and I can’t even stand the person who hurt me before. How do I even expect Stanley to forgive me?” I wept and kept talking to myself until I heard a knock on my door. I hoped in my heart that it would be Stanley. I hoped that he was finally ready to forgive and had realized he couldn’t live without me; but then when I got to the door, it wasn’t him. It was Jide and I asked him to come in. He told me he was sorry and had not been able to forgive himself for doing that. He told me when he gained admission and moved on campus, he was hit by peer pressure and he partied all the time and was always going somewhere to have fun and so he stopped checking up on me. He lost himself at some point and just did what everyone else did and so though he cared about me, he couldn’t even get time to talk to me. Then, he said one Friday night, he went for a drink-up with his friends and got so drunk that he blacked out and he woke up the next morning to realize he was in a girl’s bed. He said he realized later on that they had had sex and he regretted it deeply. And so right after that, he thought about me and felt so guilty. He said he didn’t know how to face me and didn’t want to keep leading me on when he wasn’t even sure of himself. He didn’t know what he even wanted anymore, and felt so lost. So, he thought of what to tell me and that was how he came up with the message: “Thank you for your love and care, I will forever be grateful, let’s hold God tightly. I’m sorry Bisi I’m out.” My heart went out to him when he said that, and I felt sorry for him. I realized the same thing had happened to me and that was how come I kissed Larry, but mine didn’t go that far like Jide’s, so I told him not to worry and that I had forgiven him. Then I hugged him and he kissed me. To be continued…….
17 Jul 2018 | 03:00
the problem with first love.what if Stanley just saw the two of you? you are getting more confused
17 Jul 2018 | 07:48
0 Likes pls
17 Jul 2018 | 09:50
bola u are confusing yourself
17 Jul 2018 | 10:26
You are confuse Bola
17 Jul 2018 | 12:37
Kissed you again?
17 Jul 2018 | 17:53
the most confused and stupid girl hav ever seen is dis bisi
17 Jul 2018 | 19:25
the most confused and stupid girl Hav Eva seen is dis bisi,,,, how can u be moving in a circle within 3guys,, if Larry should come And say sweet things to u, he wil be able to kiss u again,,,,,
17 Jul 2018 | 19:29
Now you have three fire, all with possible smoke... Jide, Stanley and Larry... The fight for who takes the golden but confused Bola's heart home...
17 Jul 2018 | 19:40
Kissed u??? Ah! Ah!,wat at all is wrong with u n kissing na,u disgust me!!!
18 Jul 2018 | 00:39
*My Bestfriend My Love ~Episode 15* We kissed and the kiss brought all our wonderful memories back. Jide and I never had sex and so we could kiss and kiss and not end up naked in each other’s arms. The thought made me giggle and he asked what I was thinking and I said nothing. We watched a movie together and spent the rest of the evening together. He slept over that evening and though nothing happened, it felt weird when we woke up the next morning. It was Tuesday, and I had lectures so I told him and he left to his room. I couldn’t tell if I still had feelings for him or not, but he was my first love and it would be weird if I didn’t. I showered, dressed up quickly and went over to Rabby’s end. I got there and she was so excited to see me. She told me she had good news for me and I told her same. I wondered what hers was about so I tried guessing but I couldn’t. Then she told me she and Prince had had sex and it was her first time. “what? Rabby, really? I don’t know what to say. How was it?” She was so excited and she told me it felt good though it was painful at first. “Yeah, that’s normal and I’m so happy for you.” I said to her. Then, I went ahead to tell her about what happened with Jide the evening before. She was surprised and didn’t know what to say. She told me she thought I was supposed to stay away from guys and I nodded and said, it was Jide and he told me why he broke up with me and his reason made sense. I narrated to her that what he did to me was the same thing I did to Stanley, but he was man enough to end things with me to avoid hurting me as he wasn’t sure of what he wanted anymore. Then I mentioned that, I didn’t do same,. I rather made Stanley find out and that hurt the more so I needed to forgive Jide. Rabby listened intently as I said all that and she said, ‘Bola, you still like him. It’s so obvious. You never stopped loving him and it seems you’ve always wanted to know the reason why he left you and now that you know, you found a way to justify his actions by comparing it to yours. That makes sense you know, but I don’t want you getting hurt again and how about Stanley? What if he changes his mind and realizes he still wants you no matter what?’ That was a good question but knowing Stanley and the fact that he had been able to stay away from me that long made me think that he was really over what he had for me and I told Rabby that. She shook her head and said she just hopes I don’t do anything that I would later regret. We went for lectures afterwards and as usual, the day ended with us feeling so exhausted and we had another assignment to submit the next day. Rabby and I went to the library right after and did the assignment and then after, Prince called and asked where she was and she told him she was at the library with me. He got to the library in no time and left with Rabby. I went back to my hostel that evening and asked Jide to come over. He did and we talked and talked, and played music and sang our hearts out. Being with Jide reminded me of all the time we spent together and how much I loved them. He left my room before midnight and I fell asleep after. I had a weird dream that night; it was about Rabby and in the dream, she had missed her period and was scared she might be pregnant. She was too scared to check too, so I took it upon myself and bought her a pregnancy test strip from the pharmacy. She was in my room then so I took her to the washroom and when I asked her to pee on it, I woke up. I thought about the dream and then I realized I didn’t ask her the previous day whether he used a condom. I just hoped he did, so I decided to ask later when I saw her. I got to her hostel earlier than usual that morning, and went up to her room. There, I asked her the question and she said, “no.” She asked why, and I said “nothing.” I didn’t want to scare her with my dream so, I told her she shouldn’t worry and we will go to the pharmacy to get a “morning after pill” to cancel any chances of her getting pregnant. We went to the pharmacy after lectures that day and after getting “Postinor 2,” I watched her take one of the pills and told her to make sure to take the other one in twelve hours. I didn’t want her getting pregnant as she sure wasn’t ready for that yet so, I told her to make sure the next time they had sex, they used a condom. And after saying that, I went back to the pharmacy with her and got a pack for her. I asked her to keep it on her anytime they met so that if he gave any excuse that he didn’t have one, she would give it to him so he use it. Rabby kept wondering why I was keen on her being safe and she kept pestering me to tell her why, so I did and then she understood. That evening, I went back to my hall, feeling so proud about what I had done. I took out my diary and wrote about it and it felt great doing that.Jide came to my room that evening and brought pizza along as if he knew how hungry I was. We ate it and then, we watched a movie together and though the previous nights he had spent saw us kissing and not going any further, this time we both couldn’t help it. We kissed and ended up making love and it felt good. He was the first guy I was sleeping with after Stanley and though I hate to compare, I realized I missed Stanley. I really did, because there was no way anyone could make me feel like he did. After, we both just laid on my bed and Jide asked, ‘Bisi, so what next for us?’ I knew what that question meant and I didn’t know what answer to give. I was confused and I didn’t want to get into another relationship. I just wasn’t ready, but I told him to give me time to think about it and that I didn’t want to rush into another relationship. Well, it wasn’t going to be another relationship, it was just going to be me going back to my ex and the thought of it made my head ache so I just put my head on his chest, closed my eyes and slept. To be continued…….
18 Jul 2018 | 03:14
Bola is a certified fool,am beginning to dislike this Bola of a girl
18 Jul 2018 | 10:09
Bola what wrong with you Pls wake up from ur slumber,you have started treading the wrong path and jide is playing his game so perfect with no discrepancy while Stanley is there brooding over you.
18 Jul 2018 | 10:11
Bola ore ti su mi o
18 Jul 2018 | 10:12
am hating this bola she don't have a choice
18 Jul 2018 | 10:23
if u don't choose Jide and later go for Stanley,,,, am sure Jide will tell or boast to Stanley dat he has slept with you bcos he appears to be a guy wit a loose mouth
18 Jul 2018 | 11:09
but you stupid sha oooo,,, hope u know?
18 Jul 2018 | 11:10
hmmmm bola u jst dont get urslf
18 Jul 2018 | 12:29
girl, u are such a fool
18 Jul 2018 | 12:52
*My Bestfriend My Love ~ 15 Final Episode* I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing, and I picked up to find out it was my mom. She asked how I was doing and said she had good news for me. She sounded so excited so I asked what it was, and she asked me to guess. I couldn’t, so I begged her to tell me. She told me she ran into Stanley the night before and she asked how he was faring after our breakup and whether he was ready to forgive me. She told me, she added that, he would always mean a lot to me and I would never get a boyfriend and a best friend like him and so if he even didn’t want us to come back, he should at least be friends with me. Then she said he said he wasn’t over me and though what I did hurt, he had missed me. That was what I had been hoping and praying for, for some time but when my mom told me, I didn’t know whether to be excited or whether to cry. I had messed up again and my mom asked why I wasn’t happy but I lied and said I had a headache and would talk to her later. “Oh God! Why me? Why now? Did he have to wait this long and make me sleep with my ex before deciding to work things out with me?” I wept and sat on the floor in my washroom. “What am I going to do?” I asked myself. The situation was too messed up and I wished then for death. I wished for death because I didn’t want to go out into the room to face Jide, and I didn’t want to face Stanley either. I was scared and I kept weeping. I needed to talk to someone, so I called Rabby and she screamed when I told her what had happened. She said, ‘not again, Bola.’ Then she asked me to shower, dress up and come to her room so we talk. So I did that and I told Jide I had a lecture that morning and so he left. I got to Rabby’s room in less than 30 minutes and she asked if Stanley had called me and I said no, and she asked, ‘what are you going to do? And do you still want Stanley back or do you want to go back to Jide?’ I didn’t know what I wanted, so I just wept and told her how much I hated myself. I told her I couldn’t break Stanley’s heart again and I didn’t want to lose him. I told her what happened with Jide was just because I had no one else to keep me company and it was because of what we had in the past. I didn’t know what to do and obviously Jide wanted me back, so, what was I going to do? I had to tell him something. I had to figure out what to tell him before I met with Stanley. I had to. So Rabby suggested I called him and I did. I asked him if he was busy and told him my class was in two hours and added that there was something I needed to talk to him about, so he should meet me in front of Rabby’s hostel. He got there in no time and I went outside to meet him. I sat in the car and told him, I was sorry about what happened and I needed him to forgive me and do something for me. He looked at me confused and I told him I still loved Stanley, and though I wasn’t sure why we did what we did, I wished he would understand and let me go. I expected him to be angry and all but he wasn’t. He told me he realized it and completely understood, but he asked if we could at least remain friends and I smiled. “O God, thank you so much!” I said to myself and I told him, “why not?” I hugged him and thanked him. But before I got down from the car, I asked him to help me keep what happened the night before, a secret. He asked if I was sure that that was the right thing to do and I nodded and said I might tell him later but for that moment, it wouldn’t do me any good if I told him. He said okay and promised to not let anyone know about. He left after and I ran to Rabby’s room happily. I told her what happened when I met Jide and she was shocked. She said, ‘Bola, this is a miracle. You should give a testimony.’ We laughed at that and then I waited till she dressed up and we left for our department together. I was absentminded the whole day during all the lectures we had since I couldn’t keep Stanley off my mind. I couldn’t wait for his call; I missed him and wanted so much to see him. I called my mom after my last lecture and told her I was feeling better and she asked whether Stanley had called me and I said, “no.” She asked me to be patient and that he was definitely going to call. Talking to my mom made me feel better and after dropping Rabby off at her hostel, I sped off to my hostel. I wanted to make him his favorite meal, “banku” and “okro,” but before I could start, my phone rang and when I checked it was him. I picked up and the sound of his voice did nothing but made me feel at home. I had missed him so much and I cried. He asked if I was in my room, I said yes and he told me he was coming. He ended the call after and I just sat on my bed and cried the more. I really missed him and the fact that he had called made me so happy that I couldn’t help but cry. He didn’t knock on my door when he got there; he just opened the door and walked in. I got up when I saw him and immediately hugged him and I told him I had missed him so much and he said he also missed me. I smiled when he said that and then I looked into his eyes and told him I was so sorry and that he should forgive me. Stanley just looked at me and told me he had forgiven and that was why he had come to see me. I felt like screaming and hugging him; but I just stood there and he walked to me and hugged me again. And he said, ‘I really missed you Pearl, never do what you did again and promise not to hide anything from me again. Don’t hurt me the way you did again.’ I said nothing, and kept nodding and I thanked God in my heart for bringing him back to me. I finally had the love of my life back in my arms and I told myself I was going to do everything to make it work and never risk losing him again *THE END OF SEASON 1* Season 2 continues
18 Jul 2018 | 15:02
Bt As For Me Just Listing For Jide First
18 Jul 2018 | 15:53
Chai Bola I No Have A Word For U
18 Jul 2018 | 16:08
Love Is For Marchurd Not For Sml Pikin
18 Jul 2018 | 16:36
Pear Be Careful Focus On Ur Lecture
18 Jul 2018 | 16:57
bola again i pity
18 Jul 2018 | 18:58
hmmm u now have stanley back nice 1
18 Jul 2018 | 19:03
wen wil u start season 2 @chimmy
18 Jul 2018 | 19:05
And the best mumu of the year award goes to BISI
19 Jul 2018 | 02:57
Bola...beside all the things your emotions has been doing u...u have discovered who your true lover is...he's your bestfriend,he's your lover
19 Jul 2018 | 17:12
Everything that has ever happened between u and that your ex should be in u focus on your lover
19 Jul 2018 | 17:16
Rabby...your first kiss was something that made u feel good...your first sext was something that made u feel fabulous
19 Jul 2018 | 17:21
0 Likes's a good thing that u are back to where the love of your heart is...even though u have to wait 4 so long but u are back
19 Jul 2018 | 17:27
0 Likes u can see she's not yours...i really liked your understanding when u got the real news about her real lover
19 Jul 2018 | 17:34
19 Jul 2018 | 17:39
Bola,do u have any idea what ur stupidity is about to cause u??? N if u think Jide is going to keep wat happened between u guys a secret,den u r really deceiving yourself sha!!!
19 Jul 2018 | 21:45
waoo this is really making sense..cant wait to read the season 2
20 Jul 2018 | 01:12
U hurt him, he may still come around
20 Jul 2018 | 10:21
Hmm u are still meeting with jide?
20 Jul 2018 | 10:22
What if he saw the two of u again?
20 Jul 2018 | 10:22
What! which planet did u come from?
20 Jul 2018 | 10:23
Just like I want the story to end.... Happy ending
20 Jul 2018 | 16:07
I think u are more stupid
27 Jul 2018 | 16:36


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