My Best Friend My Love   SEASON 3

My Best Friend My Love SEASON 3

By chimmy in 29 Aug 2018 | 09:13
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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in case you missed season 2 check link below

My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 1

I woke up at noon the next day with a headache and the others were still fast asleep. It was noon and I wondered why they weren’t awake; so I thought of waking them up but upon second thoughts, I didn’t. I went to shower and thereafter, I went back to the living room and quietly woke Jide up. I asked him to go with me to get food and so he also went to shower and then, we went to get the food. When we returned, they were all awake and were excited when they saw us with the food. I spent the rest of the day with Jide at the pool whereas the others were indoor doing their own thing.
And when it was 10:00pm, we went to bed. Early the next morning, we all left the house and went back to campus. There, Jide and Brian left for lectures; the girls went to their rooms and I went to mine. I watched movies the whole day and when it was evening, Stanley came knocking on my door. I honestly didn’t want to talk to him and when I saw him, I looked at him angrily and asked, ‘Stanley, why are you here? I thought I asked you to stay away from me.’ He looked so sorry and told me he came in peace and wanted us to talk about what happened that night when he slapped me. I didn’t care about what he had to say and even thought of sacking him; but he said, ‘I know you and Jide are already back together. I’m not here to ask you back if that’s what you are thinking. I just want to apologize for slapping you, so can I come in.’
I nodded and when he entered the room, I sat on my bed and listened to what he had to say. He told me how sorry he was for slapping me and added that he regretted it so much. Then he told me he knew he had an anger problem and was going to do all he could to control his temper and avoid getting violent. He sounded so sorry and added that though he wasn’t trying to justify what he did, he reacted that way because he wanted the best for me. Then he said,
‘Rabby really cares about you and I think she is the best person you need in your life right now and not those girls. I have a strong feeling they will lead you into doing things that you might regret later.’
And he added that, though people talk all the time and spread false stories about others, there’s always a little bit of truth behind every rumor and that though it might be there and the truth behind the rumors about my friends, might already be obvious to me, the good things about the friendship I have with them would cloud my judgment.
He sounded convincing but there was no way I was going to let him win, so I didn’t think it through. I just looked at him and couldn’t wait for him to stop talking. He told me not to get lost in the nice and fun things that the girls would have me doing and that it was so easy for anyone to get lost in such things; especially if the person was new to them. He advised me to take time and think about all that he was saying and my life and everything about my friendship with the girls. He asked me to do that and if I still thought the girls were a good influence I should forget about everything he had said about them but if I realized they were a bad influenced like he said, I should cut them off.

I looked at him with so much spite in my eyes. He had no idea how much I haated him. I hated him for slapping me and I didn’t pay attention to all that he was saying. He didn’t like my friends so it was normal for him to say things to make me not like them too; but there was no way I was going to take any of the things he said about them serious. And the fact that Rabby was a part of it made my blood hot. ‘After all we’ve done together? After all we’ve been through and the fact that it was even through me that she got to meet Prince, her boyfriend. God! That girl is ungrateful and she had the guts to go behind my back to tell Stanley nasty things about me. And after all that she still pretends that she cares. To hell with that! I don’t want to hear anything about her again. I don’t want to have anything doing with her again. Rabby isn’t the type of girl I’m supposed to be friends with. She is just childish, naïve and so archaic,’ I thought to myself.
I realized Stanley was still talking and wondered when he was going to stop as I couldn’t stand his presence any longer. After sometime, he stopped talking and sadly I didn’t hear the last thing he said. I just looked at him and asked,
‘are you done?’ He nodded and stood there saying nothing. Then I said, ‘okay, you can leave now. I heard everything you said. So please leave and never come back. Bye.’
He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something; it was obvious that wasn’t the response he wanted to hear but what could he do? I was so cold towards him and it appeared that I didn’t care about anything he said. He just shook his head and left the room. Right after, I heaved a sigh of relief, locked my door and sat back on my bed. I convinced myself that, what I did was the right thing to do and right after, I realized I had nothing doing. So I took my make-up bag, made my face up, dressed up and went to Brian’s room. I didn’t call him and had wanted to surprise him and pull him out of the room so that we would go out of campus together but then, instead of surprising him; I ended up being surprised instead.

29 Aug 2018 | 09:13
This story sef.... Thanks for d invitation
29 Aug 2018 | 17:26
I pity u bola
30 Aug 2018 | 12:13
This is not the way things are supposed to turn out 4 stanley and's this fun worth loosing stanley 4 2 2 bola?.No it's not
30 Aug 2018 | 14:59
They are just having fun without lectures...which is too bad...forgetting about their lectures is an error error error
30 Aug 2018 | 15:18
People are still talking about these gals...the way they have their fun and all that...they don't care about what people say
30 Aug 2018 | 15:25
Bola...i know what u wanna tell me right u have chosen your friends and all that no lecture sound of yours...wait,lemme finish
30 Aug 2018 | 15:39
It's not that i'm supporting that slap thing...the slap thing is error error error...but u not having lectures is another error error error
30 Aug 2018 | 15:51
U are not looking like u wanna forgive him 4 the slap...u are not looking like u wanna make amend that friendship and start having lectures
30 Aug 2018 | 15:58
Nontex u know i love my new friends...yeah i know u do,as u can see the shape of my mouth is not looking like i wanna kiss u right now;it's looking like telling u the truth
30 Aug 2018 | 16:08
0 Likes's a good that that u understood your errors...u are working on it...yeah,control that wrath...she's wrong but...ok u undertood
30 Aug 2018 | 16:20
That birthday party was fun...the hot gals,thelma,tia,mia,miley and bola had fun...Rabby is also having fun and having lectures too
30 Aug 2018 | 16:29
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 2 If you are not When I got to his room, I knocked once and entered to see him in the act with Myra. ‘Oh! Sorry,’ I said and I immediately walked out and closed the door. That wasn’t what I was expecting to meet when I thought of going to see him and no one asked me to go without calling too, so I deserved it. ‘But why didn’t they lock the door?’ I wondered. I just smiled to myself and left afterwards. I thought of where to go next and decided to go to Miley’s room. I went there to meet her in a video call with Perry. She introduced me to him and right after, I left. I was so bored and wanted to see someone; I had absolutely nothing doing; no assignments and no notes to study since I had stopped going for lectures. I didn’t want to call the other girls because I felt they might also be busy doing something so I went to the parking lot and decided to drive around campus. As I drove around campus, I stopped at the gym and I realized I hadn’t been there before so I went in and asked the gym instructor a few questions. I decided to sign up and go every evening to work on my abs as my tummy was bloated. Thereafter, I went to a restaurant outside campus and got fried rice and chicken. I ate there and when I was done, I got back to campus and slept after talking to Jide for an hour. Days went by and before I realized, it was a week to exams. I had spent all my time with the girls, Jide and Brian and never thought about academic. I just had fun and that day, I saw the exams timetable on the notice board and that was when it dawned on me that I had wasted my time and I wasn’t prepared. I had completely forgotten that I was in school and the fact that at the end of every semester, I was supposed to sit for the exams and they all counted towards my GPA. I stood in front of the notice board, so confused and not knowing what to do. And as I looked through to see my courses, Rabby called. I had been ignoring her calls for some time and had even blocked her on all my social media accounts, so she couldn’t send me messages. I hated her for so many reasons and though i hadn’t sat down to list the reasons; I just felt i have every right to not like her. I would have ignored the call, but the timetable I had seen and my confusion made me answer and when I did, she asked how I was doing and asked why I had been ignoring her calls. I told her I had no reason for doing that and she asked whether I had seen the timetable. I told her I was standing in front of the notice board and added that I wasn’t ready for the exams. I had to be honest with her and she told me she took most of the quizzes for me and signed the attendance for me anytime she went to class so I didn’t have to worry about lost marks. And added that, I could study with her as she had all the notes and understood almost every topic covered in all the six courses they were taking. Visit for more amazing stories All that Rabby said was so much; she was something else and I wondered why she was like that. She cared too much and so I told her how grateful I was and added that I would talk to her later before ending the call. I rushed to see Miley after as I had remembered what she told me about us paying for the grades. I wanted an easy way out and I wasn’t ready to study with Rabby. I wasn’t going to go back to being friends with them, ‘no! That will never happen,’ I said to myself. Miley had an easier way out and I didn’t see why I had to study that much if there was another way for me to get good grades. When I got to her room, she was busily talking to someone on phone. I sat by her and she said after ending the call, ‘Bola, we need to pay for the grades. You said you are taking six courses so you need to bring 8000. I already told you about it right?’ I nodded and asked her when we needed to get the money and she said before the week ended. Luckily, I had 10,000 in my savings account. I asked about the other two courses and Miley said we would have to see the lecturers since they didn’t allow for their grades to be bought. Right then, Miley called lecturers and scheduled to meet them the next day. I felt relieved after and went back to my room feeling so excited. In the evening, I went to the gym with Thelma and when we got back, we showered and joined the other girls in Tia’s room. We ate supper there and watched a movie together and right after, I went back to my room. I tried calling Jide and couldn’t reach him. That made me worried because I hadn’t heard from him the whole day, so I decided to go to his room to see if he was there. When I got there, he wasn’t and his roommate told me he left for lectures in the morning and wasn’t back. On my back to my room, I saw Stanley but I said nothing to him. I just passed by and ignored his stares. I called Brian and asked if he had heard from him but he said “no.” So, I grew more worried and I sent him a message, ‘Jide, call me when you see this message. Where are you and I’m worried.’ Jide replied my message the next morning and said that he had to go home as there was something he had to attend to. I had a feeling there was more to it, but I had a lot on my mind so I didn’t ask what exactly he had to attend to. He called me and we spoke for some time and we agreed to meet later in the day before the call ended. Right after, I showered and got ready to meet Miley in her room. TBC
30 Aug 2018 | 19:33
You met a lady with Jide
30 Aug 2018 | 20:01
bola stupidity is multiplying every blessed day
30 Aug 2018 | 21:25
This girl is something else
31 Aug 2018 | 00:14
No Be Small Tin
31 Aug 2018 | 06:51
When are you going to learn.... Huh!
31 Aug 2018 | 09:39
Bola is a certified idiot
31 Aug 2018 | 11:00
seated, thanks @jummybabe
31 Aug 2018 | 12:54
am just waiting for d repercussions of Ur actions
31 Aug 2018 | 12:55
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 3 If you are not I dressed up quickly and went to Miley’s room to see her wearing skinny Jeans and a crop top with her tummy exposed. Miley was tall and very curvy with butts and boobs. She looked too hot and sexy for a student going to her lecturers’ offices. She put on so much makeup and looked like she was going to seduce them for them to give her good grades. I had opted for skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I wanted to look decent as I didn’t want to attract the wrong attention, so I held my long hair up in a pony-tail and put on very little make up. She looked at me from head to toe and said, ‘you are not looking bad. Off we go!’ We got to the department at 9:00am and when we entered the first office, I saw a pot-bellied old man seated behind his desk. I recalled seeing him one or two times when I went for lectures and when he saw Miley, he smiled and said, ‘Miley! My girl, how are you?’ He got up and walked towards us. I was confused and hoped in my heart that he wasn’t coming close to me and luckily, he went to Miley and said, ‘as usual, you look hot. Exactly what I like!’ I turned to see Miley smiling and watched as the man hugged her. The hug was so tight and he gives her a peck before turning to me. When he did, my heart sunk. The man had a ring on his finger, meaning he was married, ‘O God! Please save me’ I prayed. So it was true, there was no doubt Miley was sleeping with the man. No wonder she made the good grades and that was exactly what Rabby said. I didn’t know what to do, I was scared but I pretended to be in control and faked a smile. He said, ‘and who do we have here? My pretty angel.’ He smiled looked into my eyes, winked and gave me a hand shake. ‘Dirty old man!’ I said in my head. Then he licked his lips, and looked back at Miley. Miley told him my name and said I was her cousin and I was a first year student and was taking his course. Then he went back to his seat and said, ‘and your name is, Bola? What’s your index number? And your full name?’ ‘Bola Asantewaa, and my index number is 10332532.’ ‘Okay, let me check the class list. Yeah your name is here. Interesting, it shows here that you’ve been coming to class.’ I smiled and nodded. Rabby didn’t lie after all; she always wrote my name on the attendance list. Then he said, ‘yeah, and your quiz scores are good too. So how come I’ve never seen you in any of my classes?’ I said nothing, and he continued, ‘okay, I know what you’ve been doing.’ He smiled and turned to Miley, and squeezed her hands. Miley then said, ‘that’s why we are here, Mr. Gyamfi.’ She smiled, got up, and went closer to him, put her arm around his neck, and bent down to kiss him. I looked away; I couldn’t stand to see that. When I looked up, she was sitting on his laps and he said, ‘Bola, so you want an A in my paper.’ And Miley responded, ‘That’s why we are here now. And I also want an A in mine.’ He looked at her and kissed her lips one more time and said, ‘yours is already assured. So what do I get in return for that?’ ‘Huh? What does he mean by that? God! I can’t sleep with this pot-bellied man, please save me.’ I prayed in my head. Miley said, ‘Don’t worry about that. Give her the A, and you will have more of me. I will do dirty things to you, the next time you are ready. Just give me a call.’ She kissed him again. It was so disgusting and I couldn’t let it show on my face so I just smiled. He tickled her after and she laughed. Then he said, ‘You know you have to take the exams. I don’t just give an A, Miley will tell you. You get the marking scheme and you keep it to yourself. If anyone gets hold of it, the person gets an F because I will know.’ ‘Thank you God.’ I said in my head. At least I didn’t have to sleep with him. I said, ‘thank you.’ And then we left the office. We walked in silence to the parking lot. I didn’t know what to say, I was still astonished and when we sat in the car, she said, ‘Bola, I didn’t tell you the truth in the beginning. I had to sleep with that man before he gave me the marking scheme and that’s how I got my A.’ I heard what she said, but I said nothing and she continued, ‘I know it doesn’t sound right, but I have sex. I love sex, so I just see it as sex, and nothing more. And if you get to understand how important it is to pass in every semester’s examinations, you won’t mind doing anything. And as for now, you have no problem, I will get you the grades, but next time, you might have to sleep with him.’ I nodded and said nothing. I couldn’t think straight and just listened to music playing on my phone. We waited in the parking lot till it was 11:00am before heading towards the next lecturer’s office. This one was younger than Mr. Gyamfi and the same thing happened. She had to kiss him and do the same things she did with Mr. Gyamfi before we got out of the office. As we walked out of the office, I saw Rabby and her friends. I looked away; I was too ashamed of what Miley had done and the fact that I was a part of it to even wave at her. It didn’t feel right and my conscience kept bugging me. We went back to the hostel after, and there, we went our separate ways. When I got there, I couldn’t take my mind off what happened in the lecturers offices. It kept playing in my head and my conscience wouldn’t let me be. I was scared, I was ashamed of myself and I tried taking my mind of it by watching a movie but it didn’t work out. I called Jide but I couldn’t reach him. I needed someone to help take my mind of it. I thought of going to Brian, but I remembered what happened the last time I did, so I didn’t. I got up after I remembered that alcohol worked well at making anyone forget something; so I went to a pub outside campus. I got tequila shots and after taking six, I was tipsy. TBC
31 Aug 2018 | 16:51
I know Bola will wanna give it a try
31 Aug 2018 | 21:45
which one is dis now??? dis is in season 2,,, we Hav read it
1 Sep 2018 | 09:29
This is repetition of episode
1 Sep 2018 | 12:04
this ain't season three episode three
1 Sep 2018 | 13:06
repeat episode
1 Sep 2018 | 14:48
Keep enjoying d life of ur head girl, I pity u.
1 Sep 2018 | 15:07
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 4 If you are not I felt so good. I sang along to the music playing and as I sat there, I spotted a guy from afar. He looked familiar and since I was alone, I wished I had someone to talk to so I got up and walked towards him. I was tipsy and as I walked towards him, I tried so hard to keep my grip so I wouldn’t fall. When I got closer, I realized it was Chuck; the guy I made out with when I blacked out the first time I went out with the girls. I smiled and he said, ‘hey Bola. How long has it been?’ He was looking so good, and I couldn’t help but admire him. His lips were pink too and his eyes were so cute. He had a broad chest and looked so masculine. ‘God! I’m not okay,’ I said to myself. He walked closer to me and held my hands. Then he asked how I was doing, I nodded and clenched my fist with my thumb stuck out to mean I was okay. We sat down, and he asked if I cared for any drink. I was already tipsy and didn’t have to take any more drinks but then he insisted so I asked for two more shots. After taking the shots, I was wasted. I couldn’t keep my hands off him. I left my phone in my car so no one could reach me. I was turned on and knowing perfectly what I was doing, I kissed him. I hadn’t blacked out yet, but then I wasn’t in complete control of what I was doing. I kissed him and the next thing I remember was us leaving the pub and me telling him that I brought my car. I had wanted to drive back to campus, but he said, “no” and took me to his car. That is the last thing I remember. I woke up the next morning to see him lying by me. He was asleep and I was naked. I had nothing on and when I got up to look for my clothes, he woke up and asked how I was doing, I said, ‘I’m okay. I just have a slight headache.’ Then he asked, ‘you don’t remember what happened last night. Do you?’ I shook my head; he said, ‘you were so energetic, and I had a great time.’ I smiled and asked, ‘where are my clothes?’ He told me they were smelling of alcohol and told me to wear one of his shirts. It was big enough; so I showered and he took me back to the pub, to my car and then he left. Thereafter, I checked my phone and I realized Jide called me several times the night before. The girls also called, they were wondering where I was and I missed a call from Rabby too. I called Jide and he asked, what happened and I told him I was feeling bored so I went to the pub to get a drink and went back home afterwards. He was cool with that, and said he would see me later. He didn’t get angry or anything. He was the coolest boyfriend ever, and I imagined what Stanley would have done, if it was him instead of Jide. He would freak out and think I was with some other guy in the pub. Jide didn’t even ask if I was with any guy and I smiled and thought to myself, ‘that shows that he trusts me.’ Thereafter, I called Miley and told her I went to the pub and she asked if anything interesting happened and I said, ‘yes, I’m coming to campus. I will tell you everything that happened.’ I went straight to Tia’s room after I got to campus to meet the four of them there. Seeing me in Chuck’s shirt, they screamed. Then Myra said, ‘that is definitely not Jide’s shirt. You weren’t with him last night because he came to Brian’s room and asked if we had heard from you. So tell us everything.’ Visit for more amazing stories I joined them on the bed and told them what happened at the pub; how I got tipsy and what happened with the guy. I didn’t mention Chuck’s name; I just said it’s a guy they knew who wasn’t on campus and I asked them to guess who it was. Miley mentioned Larry and I said “no,” then they asked for a hint so I pointed at Tia and then Myra screamed, ‘Chuck! It has to be Chuck.’ I smiled and covered my face with my two palms. The girls screamed, clapped and said, ‘go you!’ Then Tia said, ‘and you don’t remember the sex? Would have asked how it was’ ‘Yeah I blacked out. But he said I was so energetic; I’m sure it was good.’ They laughed and Miley said, ‘interesting. But what made you want to drink? Is it what happened with the lecturers?’ I nodded and Thelma said, ‘Aww! We’ve all been there. We know how it feels, but the same way you were able to sleep with Chuck for nothing, just take whatever happens with those men as nothing as far as you protect yourself okay. It’s no big deal.’ I tried convincing myself that they were right but my conscience wouldn’t let me; so I just thought about something else. Then, Miley said, ‘anyways, I have good news. The questions and marking schemes are in so you can study them now.’ ‘Really? That was quick. So, I only have to read the answers and when I got to the exams hall, I will answer the questions and get my A. Thanks so much Miley.’ She asked for my mail and sent them to me. Then, she asked if my money was ready and I nodded so we all agreed to go pay for the grades the next day. It felt so good that we didn’t have to work that hard and study all the time to get grades that could be bought easily. I hated learning so it was to my advantage; I felt good as I thought about it all. I left Tia’s room an hour after and when I got to my room, I called Rabby. She asked what I went to do in the lecturer’s office and I said, ‘nothing, I just went with Miley. She had to see him for something.’ Then she said, ‘okay, but when will you come for the notes, and would you want us to study together?’ ‘No, don’t worry about that. I will come for the notes at 6 today.’ ‘Okay, I will be looking forward to seeing you then. Take care.’ The call ended after. I went to see her that evening for the notes. It felt so weird when we met, as if we hadn’t been best friends before. After taking the notes, I met Brian at the parking lot and he asked that we go get food together. He got a pack for Myra, himself, Jide and me. TBC
1 Sep 2018 | 16:06
next o
2 Sep 2018 | 04:31
You gonna regret ur actions badly
2 Sep 2018 | 11:34
u havnt posted episode 3 oooo @chimmy
2 Sep 2018 | 17:13
The degree of your mumu ehn
3 Sep 2018 | 02:27
episode three is missing,dont know wat happen with the lecturers
3 Sep 2018 | 05:46
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 5 If you are not Then, we went back to his room and ate there. Jide and I left after eating and we went to my room afterwards. We spent the night together. The next day, he left to study and I also went with the girls to pay for the grades. Days after saw me spending more time with the girls. Jide was so busy studying for the exams, Rabby also kept checking up to make sure I was studying and Brian was also busy studying. I saw Stanley a few times, and anytime I did, I ignored him and went my way. The days went by so fast and before we knew it, the semester was ending. It was two days to my last paper and I couldn’t wait to write and be done with it. I had already paid for the grade so I had nothing to worry about. Jide and the others were done so I was the only one who had one more paper to write and we planned that after my paper, we would party hard. I read through the notes the night before the paper to have a fair idea of what every topic. So, I was able to answer a few questions to my satisfaction when the time was due and after, I met Rabby and asked how it went; she looked like she had killed it and I told her I did too. I said ‘bye’ to her and told her to enjoy her vacation as I knew that would be the last time I was seeing her until the next semester. We parted ways after and that evening, the girls and I went to Miley’s house. Jide came with us, as the girls had gotten so used to him being with us. There, Jide invited four friends over. We wanted to have fun and so we got drinks, chicken and pizza. And when Jide’s friends came, we played drinking games. We played, ‘never have I ever,’ and we all ended up drinking so much. After, we played ‘spin the bottle’ and Miley was the first to go, she chose ‘dare’ and was asked to kiss Jide for two minutes. ‘What?’ I asked. And they said, ‘it’s just a game,’ so I laughed and with the alcohol in my body, I couldn’t care more. They kissed and instead of me getting jealous at how sensual it was and how long they kept, I cheered them up. It was crazy and I was also dared to kiss all the others. We had a lot of fun that night and as we played the game, Tia’s phone rang. It was Josh and he said he was on his way to Miley’s apartment. He was coming to take her out so he asked her to get ready. That brought the game to an end and Jide’s friends left after. We helped Tia choose the perfect outfit and Myra, our make-up artiste made her up. Tia was tipsy and we asked her to drink water and an energy drink to make her feel better. Visit for more amazing stories In less than an hour, Josh was at our gate. We walked with her to meet him outside and then we bade them goodbye. When they left, we went back into the house and then, Thelma’s phone rang. Tom was coming over with Brad and she was so excited. Tom and Thelma were still together and Miley was excited at the thought of Brad coming over. The two guys came and took Thelma and Miley away. I was left alone with Jide and Myra after and not wanting Myra to feel alone, I called Brian and asked what he was doing. He had told me earlier that he was in a group meeting so he couldn’t join us. But it was midnight and I expected him to be done, so when I called I wasn’t surprised when he told me he was asleep. So, I asked him to dress up and gave him thirty minutes to be done. Then, I asked Jide to drive us to campus to get him. We went back to town after getting Brad and met Miley, Thelma, Brad and Tom in one of the clubs. We had so much fun there and when it was 4:00am, we left the club. Jide and I went back to Miley’s apartment and the others went their separate ways. The subsequent nights saw us going for parties and having lots of fun till the day we were required to move out of campus to our various homes. That day, the girls and I met in Tia’s room and thought about the vacation and agreed to stay in contact and still have fun like we always did. It was going to be difficult for me because of my mom but I knew that I would definitely find a way to be with them. I left campus that day and in the evening, at home, Jeff called my mom and asked us to come over to his house for dinner. We had no idea what to expect when we left to his house, and when we got there, we realized it was a big thing. So many people were in the house and there was music, Kobe and Brian were there. My mom’s work mates were there too. I knew then that, Jeff was going to propose to my mom that night. So when he saw us enter, he got the microphone and said, ‘so the woman we’ve all been waiting for is finally here.’ Everyone stood on their feet and clapped as my confused mom walked towards Jeff. He said, ‘I love you so much Vida. Will you marry me?’ He went down on his knees and proposed to my mom. It was so nice and romantic of him and my mom, happily said “yes” and he hugged her and they kissed. I was standing next to Brian and Kobe, and right after my mom said yes, we walked closer to the two of them and hugged them. My mom was finally marrying him; meaning we would be moving in with them. The thought of it made me so excited; I loved the mansion and couldn’t wait for the wedding. TBC
3 Sep 2018 | 05:53
3 Sep 2018 | 13:56
3 Sep 2018 | 18:10
Crazy being
4 Sep 2018 | 02:24
U I'll soon see how foolish u are all this while
4 Sep 2018 | 09:24
u I'll regret ur action one day
4 Sep 2018 | 09:25
Hmmmm good for u all
4 Sep 2018 | 09:25
4 Sep 2018 | 14:41
Still observing from afar!!!
4 Sep 2018 | 22:07
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 5 If you are not Then, we went back to his room and ate there. Jide and I left after eating and we went to my room afterwards. We spent the night together. The next day, he left to study and I also went with the girls to pay for the grades. Days after saw me spending more time with the girls. Jide was so busy studying for the exams, Rabby also kept checking up to make sure I was studying and Brian was also busy studying. I saw Stanley a few times, and anytime I did, I ignored him and went my way. The days went by so fast and before we knew it, the semester was ending. It was two days to my last paper and I couldn’t wait to write and be done with it. I had already paid for the grade so I had nothing to worry about. Jide and the others were done so I was the only one who had one more paper to write and we planned that after my paper, we would party hard. I read through the notes the night before the paper to have a fair idea of what every topic. So, I was able to answer a few questions to my satisfaction when the time was due and after, I met Rabby and asked how it went; she looked like she had killed it and I told her I did too. I said ‘bye’ to her and told her to enjoy her vacation as I knew that would be the last time I was seeing her until the next semester. We parted ways after and that evening, the girls and I went to Miley’s house. Jide came with us, as the girls had gotten so used to him being with us. There, Jide invited four friends over. We wanted to have fun and so we got drinks, chicken and pizza. And when Jide’s friends came, we played drinking games. We played, ‘never have I ever,’ and we all ended up drinking so much. After, we played ‘spin the bottle’ and Miley was the first to go, she chose ‘dare’ and was asked to kiss Jide for two minutes. ‘What?’ I asked. And they said, ‘it’s just a game,’ so I laughed and with the alcohol in my body, I couldn’t care more. They kissed and instead of me getting jealous at how sensual it was and how long they kept, I cheered them up. It was crazy and I was also dared to kiss all the others. We had a lot of fun that night and as we played the game, Tia’s phone rang. It was Josh and he said he was on his way to Miley’s apartment. He was coming to take her out so he asked her to get ready. That brought the game to an end and Jide’s friends left after. We helped Tia choose the perfect outfit and Myra, our make-up artiste made her up. Tia was tipsy and we asked her to drink water and an energy drink to make her feel better. In less than an hour, Josh was at our gate. We walked with her to meet him outside and then we bade them goodbye. When they left, we went back into the house and then, Thelma’s phone rang. Tom was coming over with Brad and she was so excited. Tom and Thelma were still together and Miley was excited at the thought of Brad coming over. The two guys came and took Thelma and Miley away. I was left alone with Jide and Myra after and not wanting Myra to feel alone, I called Brian and asked what he was doing. He had told me earlier that he was in a group meeting so he couldn’t join us. But it was midnight and I expected him to be done, so when I called I wasn’t surprised when he told me he was asleep. So, I asked him to dress up and gave him thirty minutes to be done. Then, I asked Jide to drive us to campus to get him. We went back to town after getting Brad and met Miley, Thelma, Brad and Tom in one of the clubs. We had so much fun there and when it was 4:00am, we left the club. Jide and I went back to Miley’s apartment and the others went their separate ways. The subsequent nights saw us going for parties and having lots of fun till the day we were required to move out of campus to our various homes. That day, the girls and I met in Tia’s room and thought about the vacation and agreed to stay in contact and still have fun like we always did. It was going to be difficult for me because of my mom but I knew that I would definitely find a way to be with them. I left campus that day and in the evening, at home, Jeff called my mom and asked us to come over to his house for dinner. We had no idea what to expect when we left to his house, and when we got there, we realized it was a big thing. So many people were in the house and there was music, Kobe and Brian were there. My mom’s work mates were there too. I knew then that, Jeff was going to propose to my mom that night. So when he saw us enter, he got the microphone and said, ‘so the woman we’ve all been waiting for is finally here.’ Everyone stood on their feet and clapped as my confused mom walked towards Jeff. He said, ‘I love you so much Vida. Will you marry me?’ He went down on his knees and proposed to my mom. It was so nice and romantic of him and my mom, happily said “yes” and he hugged her and they kissed. I was standing next to Brian and Kobe, and right after my mom said yes, we walked closer to the two of them and hugged them. My mom was finally marrying him; meaning we would be moving in with them. The thought of it made me so excited; I loved the mansion and couldn’t wait for the wedding. TBC
7 Sep 2018 | 08:36
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 6 If you are not Days after the proposal, we startef planning for the wedding which was scheduled to take place in two weeks. That was on Christmas eve; so we sent out invitations. I invited the girls and that Sunday, it was announced in church. Stanley was in church that day and his mom congratulated my mom. I tried avoiding contact with her, but this time I couldn’t hide. She smiled at me and asked if I was good and I said, ‘yes.’ She said nothing to me after and Stanley said nothing too and they left together. I was glad she didn’t ask about our break up and I didn’t care whether he spoke to me or not so he saying nothing was exactly what I wanted. The next day, after my mom had left for work, Jide came over to my house and as we watched a series together, ‘devious maids,’ he asked what I thought about us having an open relationship. I smiled when he did because I recalled asking Stanley and he not been cool with it. So I told him, it was something I was so curious about and he asked if we should give it a try and that, we can both go out with other guys once awhile but he would be my main boyfriend and I would still be his main girlfriend. I wasn’t really thinking straight, and when he said that, all I could think of was Miley and I remembered everything she said about her and Perry’s relationship and though they loved each other so much, they were both allowed to see other people. Then I said to Jide, ‘do you know Miley is in one?’ He nodded and said, ‘of course I know; she told me some time ago.’ Then I smiled and said, ‘so we are now in an open relationship. I hope no one gets jealous and if that happens, we need to end it okay.’ He nodded and we spent the rest of the day together till evening. He left before my mom returned from work and when she did; we met Jeff, Brian and Kobe for dinner. Thereafter, we went back home and I spoke to the girls on phone and we agreed to meet at Miley’s apartment the next day. She was supposed to leave the country the next week so we decided to spend the rest of the days together till she finally left. Before my mom left for work, she woke me up and I showered and left to Miley’s apartment right after she left. When I got there, all the girls were already there. They were eating and had music playing so loud. They all seemed so happy so I joined in and then, they lowered the volume of the speakers and asked how I was doing. I told them I was good and said, ‘Miley, guess what?’ I didn’t expect her to get it right and she didn’t, she said, ‘you still like Stanley.’ I screamed ‘no!’ She tried guessing again but arrived at nothing so I gave up and said, ‘I’m in an open relationship.’ ‘Really?’ Tia asked. And I screamed, ‘yes!’ Then, Miley started jumping around and laughing. She said, ‘wow. Who suggested it and how does it feel?’ ‘It’s not in any way different from what we already had. After all I hooked up with Chuck some time ago and that could have counted as cheating. So the open relationship is perfect for me’ I said. Myra laughed and said, ‘that’s interesting and anyway, if you and Jide are going to end up together, then it isn’t so bad. Besides you are young; you need to have all the fun you can have now.’ I nodded and smiled and then Tia asked, ‘are you sure he isn’t using that as an excuse to cheat on you? Or maybe he has eyes for some other girl and by accepting to be in an open relationship, you’ve given him the permission to date the other girl and even when you find out, you won’t have the right to get angry.’That made perfect sense and as I thought it through, Miley said, ‘madam, men cheat all the time. You should be lucky he was upfront about it. Don’t mind Tia; at least you won’t get disappointed and have your heart broken. And you also get to see others and when you two meet, you can talk about it all.’ ‘Okay. Then how about we go out with Brad and his friends tomorrow? It’s Prince’s birthday tomorrow so they want to have a get-together. So you girls should make us go,’ Tia said. Thelma added, ‘yeah, Tom told me about it and I’m going. Tia is also going and Miley will definitely go because of Brad. So Bola, will you go with us?’ With my mom at home, I wouldn’t be allowed to go out that late for a party so I shook my head and said, ‘I’m not sure I can make it. But I will let you know if anything comes up.’ Miley asked, ‘Aren’t you grown enough? You should cook up an excuse and have your mom let you leave the house?’ ‘My mom is too smart for that. She will know I’m lying, so unless Jeff asks us to meet him for dinner, there will be no way I will be allowed to come for the party. If Brad were to be going, I would have just gone with him; but me alone, I doubt. So let’s hope that happens, then I can tell my mom I’m not so well so she will let me stay at home and then I can come.’ They all said, ‘great!’ ‘I pray that happens because it will be great to have you there and Chuck says he has missed you,’ Tia said. As Tia spoke, Miley’s phone rang and she left the room to answer and when she returned, she didn’t look happy. She was angry and when we asked what happened, she said, ‘that was Perry. He’s been acting up lately and anytime I ask for a video call, he gives me an excuse and tells me he can’t. I told him I know something was up and asked him to tell me.’ ‘Did he say it?’ Thelma asked . ‘I had to force it out of him. As we spoke, I heard a girl’s talking in the background and I asked whether she was the reason why he was behaving that way and he said yes. Can you imagine?’ ‘Oh God,’ Tia said. ‘After all these years of us being together; and even with an open relationship, Perry could tell me that he is liking some other girl and when I asked what he wanted us to do, he told me he doesn’t know. I was so angry and I’m still angry. How could he do that to me?’ ‘So what are you going to do now?’ I asked ‘I have no idea; but before the call ended, I asked him to let me speak to the girl. He asked why and I told him, if he doesn’t let me speak to her, I will get on the plane next week and go to his apartment and he will see what I will do to him when I get there. So, he said he will call me back later.’ It was so obvious Miley was hurt and she was trying so hard to hide it. She didn’t want to seem weak and is the type that always wants to be in control of anything going on in her life. I felt so sad for her and we all sat there, thinking about what Perry had done. TBC
7 Sep 2018 | 08:41
bola I really pity u
7 Sep 2018 | 15:10
Is this one life or foolishness
7 Sep 2018 | 15:37
7 Sep 2018 | 19:06
Ur own will soon come bola
8 Sep 2018 | 03:28
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 7 If you are not As we sat there, Thelma said to me, ‘Bola, this should make you rethink your decision to be in an open relationship with Jide.’ Tia interrupted, ‘she is already in it.’ ‘Okay fine. But you should think about it; if you really love Jide and you don’t want to lose him, tell him you changed your mind. I wouldn’t want what’s going on with Perry and Miley happen with you two. Miley and Perry had something that I thought would last forever and I hope this doesn’t cause them to break up.’ Miley screamed, ‘break up? Are you serious? We are not breaking up; that’s why I’m going to speak to the girl, so don’t worry about us breaking up.’ I didn’t know what to do and what to say in response to what Thelma had said, so I just sat there and stared at the wall in silence. I wanted to give it a try and upon second thoughts, I decided to wait till after a month and if it didn’t work out, I will suggest we end it. We all agreed to stay till Miley spoke to the girl before leaving to our various homes and luckily, two hours later, Perry called. It was a video call; so we left her alone in the room and listened from outside the room. Perry: ‘Miley, this is Lisa.’ Miley: ‘Hi Lisa, I’m his girlfriend and we’ve been together for three good years. And from what I’m hearing, you both are sleeping together and he thinks he likes you.’ Perry: ‘Miley!’ Miley: ‘Excuse me, you are not allowed to say anything. I asked to speak to her, not you. Okay so Lisa, he thinks he likes you and it’s understandable. I really don’t have a problem with you two sleeping together but know that he has a girlfriend.’ Perry: ‘She already knows.’ Miley: ‘Interesting! So she knows our relationship is open; so why do you let her come between us? Lisa, you and him can do whatever you want, but you are not coming between us. He calls me every day, and now that I’ve spoken to you, I hope he doesn’t give me any excuse as to why he can’t call.’ I’m guessing you are his course mate and a Ghanaian as well.’ Perry: ‘Yeah she is.’ Miley: ‘Nice! Just know that, I’m not going to allow you come between us. I’m not there with him so do whatever you want with him but always remember that there is no way I will leave him for you. And sweetheart, I will come there in two weeks so I hope you let me meet her. We could spend some time together.’ Perry: ‘Okay.’ Miley: ‘I’m glad I spoke to you Lisa. You are a nice person, unlike what I expected; so I hope you understand.’ Lisa: ‘Yeah I do.’ Miley: ‘I love you and will always do. Bye Perry. Let’s talk later.’ Perry: ‘Okay, bye.’ We went back into the room to meet Miley smiling. She said, ‘You girls heard everything right? There is no way Perry will leave me for that thing.’ ‘What does she look like?’ I asked ‘She isn’t bad-looking. She is dark-skinned with braids and she has very beautiful eyes. No wonder Perry likes her. But it’s obvious he is confused. I know Perry too well and he will get over her soon. I can’t wait for that.’ I felt so happy for her and after chatting for some time, I decided to leave as I didn’t want my mom getting home and not finding me there. As expected, I got home before my mom did and when she did, we talked about her wedding that was just a week away. The next day, I stayed at home the whole day, watching movies and browsing the internet, looking for a dress to wear to my mom’s wedding. I wanted a very simple and pretty dress but I didn’t find what I liked. That evening, my mom called and asked me to meet her at Jeff’s house for dinner. That was exactly what I was hoping for and like I planned to do, I faked a sick voice and told her I had a bad headache and wanted to sleep. She asked if I had taken a pain killer and I said ‘yes’ and added that I ate before taking it so I would see her the next morning. She believed me and right after the call ended, I called the girls and told them I was going for the party. I told them I couldn’t go with my car because I lied that I was going to be indoors sleeping; so, Miley decided to come for me so we go together. The party was supposed to start at 10:00pm but Miley got to my house at 11 and when we got to Prince’s house, the house was full. We found the other girls and as usual, Brad was with Miley and Tom was with Thelma. And there was Chuck; he was excited to see me so he ran to me and hugged me. The party was fun and some hours after, I was with Miley when we spotted a very tall good-looking guy. Miley kept staring at him and talked about how handsome he was and decided to go talk to him. She asked how she was looking and I said she was good to go so she walked to him, looking all flirty. When she got to him, I saw her take his phone and then I knew she was giving him her number. Right then, Brad came there and he stood by me. He saw her give the guy her number and I could tell he was jealous so I said, ‘Brad, I hope you are not jealous.’ He shook his head and I knew he was lying. I watched how Miley laughed at something the guy said and they danced together. It was obvious she liked him and as usual, the guy also seemed to like her. I turned to look at Brad and I said, ‘Brad, do you by any chance, have feelings for Miley?’ He said nothing, and then I said, ‘if you do, please tell her.’ He said nothing; but got up and walked towards Miley and the guy. He spoke to them both and then, left with Miley. I wanted to know what exactly was going to happen so I chased after them and stood a distance away from them and listened to them. TBC
8 Sep 2018 | 05:37
I guess you'll suffer the same fate with Milley someday since you've just accepted to tow her line. Tia is damn right about Jide's intention for opting for an open relationship.... he've probably had another girl he's likely cheating on you with and just found a way to make it look legal. Bola I just pity you cos you're making a lot of mistakes that you'll regret big time later in Life. You'll see that you lost a golden fish in the person of Stanley.
8 Sep 2018 | 07:30
Shameless girl, all u think with that ur empty skull is how to party and organise parties. U don't deserve a guy like Stanley
8 Sep 2018 | 16:24
I don't know wen ur brain wil be fixed oooo bola
8 Sep 2018 | 19:22
Hmmmmmm these gals???
8 Sep 2018 | 22:48
I pity your mom
9 Sep 2018 | 05:17
I'm just so sure that things will turn the way she hadn't expected
9 Sep 2018 | 10:01
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 8 If you are not Brad: ‘Miley, what was that?’ Miley: ‘What was what?’ She laughed after she said that. Miley: ‘Or do I sense jealousy?’ Brad: ‘I’m not jealous; and how do you even expect me to react to that?’ Miley: ‘Mister, you and I are not dating. We are just friends with benefits; don’t forget that. So I’m allowed to do anything I want.’ Brad: ‘What if I don’t like you talking to other guys?’ Miley: ‘Then I will say, you have feelings for me’ Brad: ‘Yeah, what about that?’ Miley: ‘You can’t fall for me, Brad. I have a boyfriend and you know that. And you and I are just supposed to have fun. Please get over whatever you think you feel for me.’ Brad: ‘I’m sorry I can’t. I like you and I’ve always liked you.’ Miley: ‘I can’t do this. I’m leaving.’ Miley tried walking away but Brad held her hands and begged her to stay but she refused and she went away. She walked past me and didn’t even realize I was there. She was angry and I understood why. Brad couldn’t just get up and say he liked her. He was just making things complicated for Miley after all that were going on with Perry, she didn’t need that. Brad on the other hand, stood there and just watched as Miley left. When he saw me, he just looked down and walked away. Miley called my phone afterwards and said she was leaving and asked that I come so she drops me off at home; so I did. The drive back home was a quiet one as Miley was still angry and didn’t seem like she was in the mood to talk so since she said nothing, I also did same. When I got there, I was lucky enough that the gate wasn’t locked. ‘How?’ I wondered. I had forgotten that my mom always locked the gate before sleeping so meaning, she wasn’t asleep yet. I took off my shoes and entered the house quietly. I went through the back door, but when I got to my room, the room wasn’t locked. That was weird, so I hesitated before opening the door and when I did, I was met with the shock of my life. My mom was sitting on my bed, and she said nothing when she saw me. She just watched as I stood there confused looking at her. I didn’t know what to do; I knew she was mad but at least she had to say something. ‘How did she even know I was out? Why did she open my door with her spare key? Did she get a hunch that I was lying when I said I was sick?’ I wondered. Realizing she wasn’t going to talk unless I said something, I put my shoes and bag down on my study table and walked towards her. Then I went down on my knees and said, ‘mommy, I’m sorry I lied.’ I looked so sorry and that got her, she asked, ‘where did you go to?’ ‘I went for a party with Jide and I thought if I had told you, you would have asked me to stay at home.’ I responded ‘Of course, which responsible parent will allow her daughter go for a party and come back after midnight. Bola you are still in your teens. Don’t ever do this again! You never did anything like this when you were with Stanley.’ I said, ‘okay mommy. I’m so sorry.’ ‘And were you drinking? You smell of alcohol. Bola, I didn’t raise you to be an alcoholic. Be careful! Else, I will have to ask you to break up with that boy. He was never a good influence in the beginning, so don’t give me a good reason to do that.’ ‘Okay mommy. I’m sorry.’ ‘Fine! Make sure you shower and brush your teeth before going to bed. Goodnight.’ ‘Goodnight mom. Thank you!’ She left my room right after and when she did, I realized I didn’t ask how she got to know I wasn’t at home. How could I have asked her? She was way too angry and disappointed in me for that and I couldn’t even tell her I went with the girls. I didn’t want someone else telling me that they weren’t good friends and were a bad influence on me. I was tired of hearing all the people that meant a lot to me say that about them, so I told her it was Jide I went out with. I went to shower right after, brushed my teeth and when I got back to the room, I heard my phone ringing. I picked up and it was Brian. He responded, ‘Bola, where did you girls go to?’ ‘A house party! Didn’t your girlfriend tell you?’ I answered Brian: ‘No, she told me you girls were going out and that was when your mom was here. I’m sorry I blew your cover; she said you told her you weren’t feeling so well so you were sleeping. I didn’t know that so when Myra told me, I said aloud, “so Bola, is going out tonight” and she heard it.’ Me: ‘Oh! So it was you. I will kill you Brian and I kept wondering how she got to know I lied. Why would you do that?’ Brian: ‘Sorry, I thought you told your mom everything; looking at how close you seem all the time. I’m really sorry.’ Me: ‘Fine! Apology accepted, but you owe me one. The next time there is a party like this, you would have to go out with your friends and I will use you for cover up. Understand?’ Brian: ‘Fine! How about me come with you rather? Or Myra wouldn’t want that?’ Me: ‘Yeah, come to think of it; what’s going on between you two. And how come she didn’t tell you we were going for a party?’ Brian: ‘I have no idea; she’s been M.I.A for some time and it got me wondering whether she is seeing someone else. She doesn’t call or text me first these days and anytime I do, she sounds uninterested. I’m losing interest too so she shouldn’t worry; I can be serious about a girl when I’m not a priority to her.’ Me: ‘Oh! I will talk to her; so don’t worry. You both looked so good together.’ Brian: ‘No! Forget about that and she is always lying to me. Bola, I don’t trust her and I know she’s been sleeping around too. Don’t be surprised if we broke up anytime soon. And if you speak to her, you can let her know that I know it all. So she can feel free and ask for a break up.’ Me: ‘Is it that serious? Oh God! What’s going on? Fine! I will talk to her.’ Brian: ‘I hope the others are not like that. I wish you won’t have to remain friends to her even. I don’t think she is a good influence and if you’ll remain friends, please be smart and don’t learn her bad habits. I love you.’ Me: ‘Okay. I love you too bro. Goodnight.’ I ended the call right after and then, I called Jide and told him how I had to lie to my mom that I went partying with him. He wasn’t so surprised and he told me he also went out and had fun. While talking to him, my battery died so my phone went off. I put it on charge and then I went to bed. TBC
9 Sep 2018 | 16:34
9 Sep 2018 | 16:36
Abeg ooo, after reading try to comment ooo
9 Sep 2018 | 16:37
I don't know when this girl we come back to her senses
9 Sep 2018 | 17:04
So lecturers are bleeping these gals and they bleep around too...and whenever a lecturer bleep them,they get good grade
9 Sep 2018 | 17:11
People are saying a lot of things about these gals...including sexting lecturers as part of what they were saying about them
9 Sep 2018 | 17:15
Some of those lecturers are grandpa's...some of those lecturers are married...some of those lecturers are not smiling
9 Sep 2018 | 17:22
Ok i understand...u gals were having fun without lectures...there is a limit to having fun...having fun without lectures is risky
9 Sep 2018 | 17:36
Ur case has no solution for now, whn u get hurt at the end I'll tell u sorry, ur brother is advising u now can u listen to him
9 Sep 2018 | 17:38
Bola has chosen these team of having fun without lectures...has chosen open relationship too...has chose to ignore stanley three
9 Sep 2018 | 17:43
Rabby never wanna give left on having fun and having lectures...Rabby is a good gal who cares 4 those close to her
9 Sep 2018 | 17:47
Miley...myra...thelma...tia...bola.....they are the hottest gals in about having fun,they are into it...the last time i talked with them it was fun.
9 Sep 2018 | 17:55
I pity u Bola. U are heading to ur doom
10 Sep 2018 | 05:04
Lemme reserve my comment till.........
10 Sep 2018 | 09:11
Bola uhmmmmm, I was told a word is enough for the wise but ur case is not so, well let's see wot ur end become and ur gals, next episode pls
10 Sep 2018 | 10:54
I just want to see de end of Dis gal,fingers crossed n keenly observing!!!
10 Sep 2018 | 19:34
@ Prosper Xame here waiting anxiously, wanna knw d end of BOla,Jide and Stanley. My instinct is telling my sumtins am nt clear or abt BOla and Stanley
10 Sep 2018 | 23:11
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 9 If you are not The next morning, my mom checked on me before going to work. She told me to go to Brian’s house if I wanted to go anywhere and not lie to her again.I called Myra that day and asked about her relationship with Brian. She told me point blank that she had lost interest in the relationship and added, ‘Bola, I’m not going to lie to you because he is your brother. Remember when we first met, I told you I was seeing someone and we were just having fun? Yeah, I didn’t end things with him and I like him more. Sorry if I hurt him.’ ‘Wow!’ I said. ‘So you couldn’t tell me that and you had him believing in a lie. Myra, you agreed to be in relationship with him when you knew so well he loved you. You hurt him and you kept leading him on. I’m really disappointed in you. You could have at least considered the fact that you and I were friends.’ Myra sounded like she didn’t care about what I had said, ‘I’m sorry but I’m not ready to talk about what I have with your brother. Whatever we had or have is between the two of us.’ ‘Really? Is that what you are saying? Wow! Interesting! He is my brother and whatever he has with you matters to me because you and I are supposed to be best friends.’ ‘Bola, I have to go. We can talk about it some other time.’ She said and ended the call. That was the last thing I expected from Myra and when I thought it through, I realized that apart from our fun lives in school, I knew absolutely nothing about her. I was so disappointed in her and realized she didn’t even care about our friendship, unlike me. ‘I cared so much about our friendship enough to have lied to my mom and that’s what I get for doing that. Interesting!’ I said to myself. I called Brian and asked if he was home. He said, ‘yes’ so I decided to go see him and talk to him about Myra. I got there at noon, and when I did, he was with friends; the ones I had met earlier in his room weeks back and they were playing games. We spoke about Myra and it appeared they knew about her and said they weren’t surprised and added that, that was what people said about the girls. I said nothing to that and told Brian to just break up with her and that, she was never serious about him in the first place. Brian was hurt when I said that and he asked, ‘so those are the kind of girls you call best friends.’ And I said, ‘the others are not like that. I will have to talk to them about what she did and I know they will not be okay with it.’ I spent the rest of the day with him and went back in the evening after dinner. When I got home, my mom asked me to start packing and said we were going to move into Jeff’s house right after the wedding so I should get ready. That was exactly what I was expecting and so, the next day, I brought out all the things I had in the store room and as I went through my books, pictures and clothes, I remembered my childhood days. Growing up, I spent so much time with Stanley and so, all my childhood memories revolved around him. The memories made me smile and I realized I missed what we had. Stanley was so protective of me; he cared that much and loved to spend all his time with him. He wasn’t like Jide. Jide let me do anything I wanted and though he said he loved me, he wasn’t like Stanley. Stanley and Jide was too different and Stanley made sure I did things right all the time. Though I hated what he did after he spoke to Rabby, as I thought it through, I realized he wasn’t wrong. He had my best interests at heart and didn’t want any bad thing to happen to me. He loved to know everything going on in my life and he was so jealous too. That was something I found so cute and anytime he acted that way, I used to smile and tease him. There was no denying that what I had with Jide was nothing compared with what I had with Stanley. On a scale of ten, I would give Jide five and Stanley ten. I was completely lost in thought and when I finally came back to myself, I realized I had to shake the thoughts off. I had let Stanley go and there was no way he was ever going to come back chasing after me. I had to focus on what I had with Jide and I had to make it work. Then I remembered what Thelma and Tia said about my open relationship with Jide. I had to end it; I didn’t want what was going on with Miley and Perry happen to us and I wasn’t going to see any other guy again. I had already slept with Chuck and the previous night too, I made out with him. That wasn’t right and as I thought about it all, I realized I was letting Miley get to me too much and I had to check it. I realized I was doing things that I had never thought I would be able to do. I had to do things right and I wasn’t going to let people blame the girls for anything I did wrong. I was grown enough to know the right and wrong so I had to make sure I opted for the right all the time. So, I decided to go to Jide’s house and not leave until I managed to talk him out of the open relationship. TBC
11 Sep 2018 | 06:02
hmmmmm,,,, dis bola will kill herself one day
11 Sep 2018 | 06:26
Still waiting for ur end, continue pls.......
11 Sep 2018 | 08:23
11 Sep 2018 | 10:08
at last ur sense is back
11 Sep 2018 | 12:54
Dis suspense dey kill person abeg.....
11 Sep 2018 | 14:08
This is the time for you to change
11 Sep 2018 | 14:34
It seems your sense is coming back like it's now undergoing factory reset. Hope you start changing for real and resolve not to be influenced negatively by the girls (though I wonder what's good to learn from them). I fear you'll meet Jide in a compromising position and with one of the girls self
11 Sep 2018 | 14:41
This suspense is killing sumone ooo, pls let's knw wot apend to Bola, Jide, Bola's mum and Stanley
12 Sep 2018 | 12:22
OK...Jide will definitely be wt one of those his chicks.
12 Sep 2018 | 15:58
Is good that ur small sense is coming back
13 Sep 2018 | 15:22
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 10 If you are not I hadn’t been to his house since school vacated and so, I decided to not tell him I was going to his end. I walked towards his house and when I got to his street, I saw a car that looked exactly like Miley’s drive past me. I didn’t take note of the plate number and though it was a lady driving, I told myself there was no way Miley would be in my neighborhood if it wasn’t to see me. And even if she was, for some other reason, she would at least call me and maybe pass by. I got to Jide’s house to meet him outside with his brother. He was surprised to see me and I told him that was my aim. I told him about my decision to close our relationship and he asked why so I told him I didn’t think it was healthy for us. He didn’t seem okay with my decision so I asked, ‘Jide, are you sure you are not seeing some other girl? Or do you like someone else and just want to use that as an excuse to pursue her?’ He shook his head and said, ‘no, I just thought it would be fun. But don’t worry; if you don’t want it, I’m cool.’ I left his house some hours after and when I went back at home, I continued packing. Two days after, the girls visited me at home and that’s when we talked about the way Myra spoke to me when I asked about her relationship with Brian and her reaction that day was indifferent. Myra didn’t really care and when I complained the other girls told me that was just how she was, so I shouldn’t mind her. Like really? I didn’t know what to do, and I wished I didn’t have to remain friends with her, but I couldn’t just stop being friends with the girls because of what Myra had done so I just let it go. I decided to keep a distance from her and even if we went out together, I would avoid talking to her because I was still mad at her and she didn’t see anything wrong with what she had done. That day, while they were still at my house, Brian called that he was in the neighborhood. He had gone to visit Jide so he wanted to pass by and when he did, he was mad that I didn’t tell him the girls were around. I met him outside and told him that was the perfect chance for him to end things with Myra and then he nodded. So, I went back to the living room with him, and then he told Myra they had to talk. They went to my room and thirty minutes after, Brian walked out looking so pissed. Visit for more amazing stories He told me he was going home and would talk to me later and I wondered what exactly had gone on between them. ‘That girl!’ I said to myself. She walked into the living room looking as though nothing had happened between them. She was such a pretender and she could even pass for a good actress. I wished I could just sack her out of my house and tell her not to come back again. I wished I could tell her to stay away from me and stop being friends with her forever. She joined us in the room and didn’t mention anything about what had happened and no one dared to ask her. Like me, they knew the response they would have gotten and none of them was going to be okay with that. So as we were there, watching music videos on the television, Tia said to Miley, ‘Miley, why did you have to do that to Brad? He told you he liked you and you didn’t even care about what he did. And you sacked him out of your house the next day. Why would you do that?’ That was the first time I was seeing Tia that angry. She loved her brother that much and there was no way she was going to be cool with anyone if they ever treated him bad. Miley looked at her and said, ‘what did you expect me to do Tia? Your brother knew that I was just in for fun, and yet, he chose to catch feelings. I did nothing wrong please.’ Tia shook her head and asked, ‘you knew that he had caught feelings again and yet you chose to sleep with him when he came to your house to talk, knowing perfectly well that he would think that you were also into him. You just led him on and when after everything you did, he told you he loved you, you got mad and asked him to leave your house. Who does that?’ ‘Oh Miley! That was too bad.’ I said. I was really surprised at what she did. Why would she do that to him after what happened at Prince’s party? I thought she was even going to avoid him and make it clear to him that what he felt wasn’t mutual but she didn’t, she did otherwise. Miley said nothing, and Tia added, ‘I don’t know what’s going on with you and what’s with you and sex? You seem to be having sex with guys like every day of the week. What is that? I hope it’s not addiction and if it is, you need help please. I hope my brother gets over you and I wonder what you do to the guys that make them keep coming back to you. You need help and I hope when you go back home you get the help you need.’ “Addiction?” I asked. Was that it? Miley loved sex and we all knew that but instead of addiction, what if she was doing all that because of what was going on with Perry. I didn’t mention that but Thelma did. ‘Miley can’t be addicted to sex. That will be too much and what if she’s just doing that because of Perry. Miley! We know you are hurt and all, but please take time. Don’t go sleeping around like that because of him.’ Miley said nothing; she just got up and told us she had to leave. Then, she left and all that while Myra also said nothing. There was no way she could have said anything because her contribution wasn’t needed. She also left afterwards and Tia and Thelma followed suit. TBC
13 Sep 2018 | 18:47
13 Sep 2018 | 23:12
Nah una problem be dat... Contine being friends with them and keep destroying yr self
14 Sep 2018 | 03:35
14 Sep 2018 | 04:46
The fun group are not...they are having little misunderstanding with the issue of sex...their last meeting wasn't fun
14 Sep 2018 | 05:51
Some of them are testing some guys with some sexting...And when they are through with the bleeping...they are not with u anymore
14 Sep 2018 | 05:58
Some of them being tia,thelma and bola were saying no to this type of sex...some of them that were doing it being myra and miley said yes
14 Sep 2018 | 06:05
Some guys has been doing that sext and dump...some gals has to join them too...just what their penis did,their v@gina did too
14 Sep 2018 | 06:13
The sex and dump thing is wrong in a promised relationship...if they agreed to have fun and the other is catching feelings...
14 Sep 2018 | 06:19
When the other is catching feelings...they should just continue as will much better 4 them to continue as friends intead of dumping.
14 Sep 2018 | 06:24
Seeing that the other couldn't reciprocate those feelings...agreement is agreement...and now broken agreement
14 Sep 2018 | 06:33
They should just keep on having their fun as friends as agreed...or they should just continue as friends and no sex
14 Sep 2018 | 06:36
Maybe you will use your sense next decade
14 Sep 2018 | 08:30
Do you have to befriend them they are all bad news
14 Sep 2018 | 09:44
I can see confusion looming, Dis is just de beginning!!!
14 Sep 2018 | 20:57
On Your Own
15 Sep 2018 | 04:49
Hence u don't want to leave them, that's what u get
15 Sep 2018 | 08:16
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 11 If you are not didn’t like what was going on and I feared it would cause for our friendship to end. If that ever happened, Stanley would win and Rabby would also win and I didn’t want that to happen. After they left, I called Brian but he didn’t answer. So, I dressed up and drove to his house to see him. I wanted to know exactly what happened between him and Myra. I got there to meet him washing his car and he was surprised to see me. He asked whether the girls had left and I nodded. Then, I said, ‘B. you know why I’m here. Did you finally break up with her?’ ‘Bola, I regret ever knowing her. She had the guts to tell me that, she wouldn’t have approached me if not for the dare, and that, she wasn’t the type to even date school guys. All she said didn’t make sense to me and she told me, she agreed to date me because of you. And that, it was because she knew I liked her and the fact that you are my sister made her do it just for your friendship’s sake.’ ‘God! That girl! I hate her already’ I said. ‘That was after I told her our relationship was over and added that she could delete my number and pretend nothing ever happened between us. How do you even manage to be friends with her? How? And I have something to tell you.’ He said. ‘We’re still friends because of the other girls and they all know that’s how she is. You have something to tell me? I’m curious’ I responded ‘I don’t trust any of your friends and Myra isn’t the only reason why.’ He said ‘What is it?’ I asked ‘Is Jide acting strangely lately?’ Brian asked ‘Not at all!’ I responded ‘Do you think he is seeing someone else or he is cheating on you?’ He asked ‘No! Brian, Jide will never do that.’ I said ‘Fine, let’s say I’m just making things up. I will give you time to find things out yourself. There is something fishy going on with that guy. But I won’t tell you. Let me know when you suspect anything okay.’ He said Then I said, ‘okay.’ I left Brian’s house before evening and when I went home, I spoke to Jide and asked him to be honest with me. I told him, I felt something was going on with him and he should let me know. I promised to not get mad and he told me there was nothing and asked me not to worry. That evening, Rabby called me and we spoke for some time. She had missed me and she was bored at home. So, she asked to visit me anytime I was free and had nothing doing. Rabby still considered me a friend and still cared that much about me, unlike me. I had taken her off my friend list but because of what was going on with the girls, I decided to just give up and be nice to her. My mom liked her and getting back what we had wouldn’t be bad at all; so, I told her about my mom’s upcoming wedding and she was so surprised. She asked why I didn’t tell her and I told her it was because we were no longer that close. So, I told her she could come around anytime as I was always home alone doing nothing. The next day, Rabby came over to my house and when she did, she helped me get rid of old clothes, books and other things I no longer needed. We packed aside some, and she suggested we donate them to the orphanage. That wasn’t a bad idea and so, we put them all in the store room and I thought that after my mom’s wedding, we would add more things to it and then, we would take it to one orphanage in town. Rabby asked about my four girlfriends and I told her they were good and added, ‘how come you are asking about them when you don’t like them and we almost stopped being friends because of them?’ And she said, ‘I realized nothing I did or said was going to make you stay away from them and when I told my mom about it, she told me the best I can do is to remain close to you until you realize all that I told you about them. And one thing is; I’ve been warned to stay away from girls like that, so you need to understand my reaction when you told me you were now friends with them.’ ‘Okay I get you’ I said and smiled. I didn’t want to tell her anything about what was going on with the girls so I changed the topic of our conversation to Prince, her boyfriend. She told me they were still together and said they had a few issues but luckily, they settled it all. I was so happy for her and I felt she was lucky. Days after, saw us talking more and though I spent time with Jide and the girls, I spend some time with Rabby too. And we even sent her mom an invitation to my mom’s wedding. The days went by and finally, the day of the wedding arrived and it went on smoothly. Rabby came with her mom and they sat not so far from me. I sat next to Brian and Kobe and other family members. The girls came and they all looked so good. The person I couldn’t stop staring at, was Stanley. He came with a girl and it appeared he was dating her. I don’t know whether to call it jealousy but I couldn’t keep my eyes of her. She was short, not so skinny and had a very nice dress on. There was no denying that they looked good together and because of that, I found me going through my gallery to compare pictures of Stanley and me together with how they looked. And it hurt when I realized they made a better match than we did. TBC
15 Sep 2018 | 11:37
Jide is definitely cheating on u
15 Sep 2018 | 14:14
I pity you Bola
15 Sep 2018 | 15:38
Things has not been moving well 4 the fun friends...but they are still friends,it's not a huge one but a problem one
15 Sep 2018 | 16:32
Miley is so hot right now...maybe jide is bleeping her too...i saw her somewhere with one guy,i will not say that guys name
15 Sep 2018 | 16:40
Continue jejely
15 Sep 2018 | 16:48
Ok,lemme say his name...i saw miley with jide...the next day i met miley and asked her if jide is bleeping her...she said,sex is sweet
15 Sep 2018 | 16:50
Rabi is a friend that a lot of people did like...she has being a fabulous friend...the last time i had a conversation with her was fabulous fun
15 Sep 2018 | 16:56
I think Miley and Jide are dating. Bola still have feelings for Stanley.
15 Sep 2018 | 16:57
Stanley has got a new babe to console him after his error and bola's error...bola is still looking like she still wanna love...myra don't want brian fu<k anymore
15 Sep 2018 | 17:14
You are still defending that cheating Jide.... wait till you find out that he's been strafing one of the girls, only then you would know how foolish you were. Congrats to your Mum and her hubby
16 Sep 2018 | 02:58
Next please
16 Sep 2018 | 07:32
Dis Bola of a gal, dont knw wotbto compare you with, maybe u can jst stand up and go to meet him. Idiot u are shameless....., ride on writer
16 Sep 2018 | 08:51
I hope u ve not started regretting oo cos Dis even just de beginning,just wait for it!!!
16 Sep 2018 | 11:33
Good,,,, i pray it won't take long b4 u realize wat u Hav lost,,,, its already too late sef
16 Sep 2018 | 15:30
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 12 If you are not Stanley said nothing to me that day, he just ignored me and just walked past me and it hurt so much. I was supposed to have moved on and I wondered why I was feeling that way, and though I had Jide by my side, I realized I still missed what I had with Stanley and it would have been nicer to have Stanley by my side. Rabby caught me staring at Stanley and surprisingly, after the wedding, I saw the two of them chatting and laughing over something. They were still friends and I couldn’t even join in on their conversation so I looked away and walked to meet the other girls. There was still so much tension amongst them as Tia and Miley weren’t talking to each other and I wasn’t also talking to Myra. It didn’t feel so great being with them, and when I got the chance to leave them, I did without hesitation. Rabby called me and said, her mom wanted to see me so I went. She asked how I was doing and told me she had heard a lot about me and we talked about school and how the wedding went. Right after, she left Rabby and I alone. Then I asked, ‘is that Stanley’s girlfriend?’ She laughed when I asked and she nodded and said, ‘yeah, can’t you see they look good together? Bola, I know you miss him. I caught you staring at them. You will never get what you had with Stanley with any other guy.’ I said nothing and felt so disappointed. I was hoping to find out they were just friends but then, since they were more than that, I had to forget about him and focus on Jide, who I could see with Miley. I don’t know what they were talking about, but it seemed like they were getting closer as days went by and though Rabby felt it was too much, I told her there was no need to worry. I felt he was like that with the rest of the girls so it made no difference. We took so many pictures that day and after the reception, we went to Jeff’s house and they announced they were leaving to Dubai the next day for their honeymoon. They were going to be away for two weeks and that meant we had the whole house to ourselves. We had the freedom to do anything we wanted and Brian and I were so happy. My mom asked me to move into Jeff’s house and we agreed that, when they returned, we would all move into the mansion. That was what I couldn’t wait for, so the next day, they left. Days after saw me spending more time with Jide. He slept over a couple of times and we lived like a married couple. Brian didn’t have a problem with him sleeping over so that made it easier. We played games together and had so much fun. Jide and I slept together all the time and hardly used a condom anytime we did. I took the morning-after pills a couple of times to avoid pregnancies so I felt I had nothing to worry about until the two weeks of the honeymoon was over. The day after my parents returned, we moved into the mansion and there, I realized I had missed my period. It was three days late and that was so unusual so I didn’t know what to do. I was scared I might be pregnant, and instead of going out to get the pregnancy test kit, I didn’t. I was depressed and kept thinking about what would happen if I got pregnant, how my mom would react and how Jide would also react. I didn’t know what to do, and so I spent the days alone in my room. I didn’t want to talk to anyone and when my mom asked what was wrong, I told her, it was just mood swings. She got worried and asked if everything was okay between Jide and I and I told her I didn’t want to talk about it. Brian didn’t buy that so he managed to force it out of me. I told him about it and he immediately went to the pharmacy and got the test kit. And right after adding the drops of my urine, within a few seconds, it came out positive. I screamed when I saw it. I didn’t know what to do; I went out of the washroom and showed the kit to Brian. And I sat on my bed and cried. I wasn’t going to keep it; there was no way I was going to keep it and I was scared to abort too. Brian asked if I wanted to keep it and I screamed, ‘no.’ He told me to think it through and let him know when I finally decided what to do. And he added that I had to tell Jide and though he was sure he would freak out, I should still tell him. I didn’t know what to do Jide called me that day, but I didn’t answer. I tried avoiding everyone that day and stayed indoors the whole day. That got my mom worried the more so she went to my room and kept asking me to tell her what was going on with me but I said nothing. I just told her I was having issues with Jide and she left without saying anything. Two days after, I felt better and decided that I would tell Jide the next day. I would call him and ask him to come over. Then, I would tell him and show him the test kit. I told Brian about my decision and asked him to help me get the abortion pills. Luckily he knew a guy that sold some on campus so he agreed to get it the next day so that right after telling Jide, I would take the pills and get rid of the pregnancy. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, but I was ready. I wasn’t ready for a baby and that wasn’t how I planned for my future to turn out so I felt I had no other option than to abort it. TBC
16 Sep 2018 | 18:25
Is too late to cry over split milk...
16 Sep 2018 | 19:35
see your life u can not eat your cake and have it back
17 Sep 2018 | 03:32
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 13 If you are not That morning, Rabby asked me to go with her to the mall to help her get a gift for her mom. She didn’t know about the pregnancy and I wanted it to remain that way, so I took Brian’s car and pick her up at her house. We went to the mall together, and there, we saw Jide’s car at the parking lot. I wasn’t ready to face him and so when Rabby suggested I call him and ask what he was doing there, I said “no” and said we should just go and get the gift. As we walked into the mall, we saw him. He was getting ice cream and he wasn’t alone. What I saw broke my heart and I couldn’t help but cry. He was with Miley and when they got the ice cream, he made her taste some of his and they laughed. I couldn’t stand it anymore and when I tried walking towards them, Rabby pulled me back and made us go back to the parking lot. Jide and Miley were having an affair behind my back and I didn’t know about it. I was hurt and I couldn’t stop crying. Rabby tried comforting me and I told her, ‘Rabby, why would he do that to me? This is the second time he is breaking my heart. God! How can I be pregnant for a cheat like him?’ ‘What?’ Rabby was surprised, ‘Bola, are you really pregnant? Oh God! What are you going to do now?’ I said, ‘I don’t know. After what I just saw? My baby doesn’t deserve to have a father like him. God! I hate myself right now; and to think that I broke up with Stanley for Miley and the others and in the end she could do that to me. I should have known better.’ I kept crying and didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t drive us back home and neither could we get Rabby’s mom’s gift for her. She told me not to worry about it and said she would get it later. Then, she took my phone and called Brian. She told him what happened and he got there in no time with a cab. He took us back home right after and what he said was, ‘I’m going to teach that bastard a lesson. I suspected it; remember I told you I don’t trust the girls? Miley was the reason because I once saw them out together and when I confronted them, they acted as though there was nothing going on between them. They even lied that you knew they were out together and that they were getting something for you. How dumb I was to have believed them. Don’t worry I will teach them a lesson.’ I kept crying and remembered when I saw Miley’s car in Jide’s neighborhood and thought it was someone else. ‘God! I feel so stupid. So what do I do now?’ Rabby just looked at me and said, ‘are you going to keep the baby?’ I shook my head and said, ‘Brian is getting me the drug tomorrow. It’s just a month old so there shouldn’t be any complications. I will take it tomorrow and then I will forget about Jide and Miley and the other girls. God! I should have listened to you and Stanley. I hate myself now’ Rabby looked scared but she said, ‘okay, if that’s what you want, fine. I will be here with you tomorrow. I wish I could stay here with you; you don’t need to be alone now.’ I forced a smile and asked her not to worry since I had Brian. She left after and that evening when my mom returned from work, she didn’t see me. I couldn’t face her, I was scared she would know I was pregnant so Brian agreed to tell her that I was asleep in my room. The next morning, Rabby came over and Brian got the pills early that morning. There were three pills in all and I was required to take one pill every eight hours. So, I took the first at 10:00am and a few hours after taking it, I started bleeding. That freaked me out and Rabby went on the internet to read more about it and she concluded that the abortion had begun she urged me to be calm and not worry that much. I sat on the loo and the bleeding didn’t stop. The bleeding worsened after I took the next dose and it was accompanied with cramps. I couldn’t take it anymore and Brian was so scared that he didn’t know what to do. Rabby also couldn’t leave for home so she called her mom and told her I was home alone and was sick so she wanted to sleep over. I don’t know how she managed to convince her to agree to that. The cramps and the bleeding worsened as time went by and they got me sanitary towels to use and pretend I was menstruating if my mom returned from work and when I did, I kept changing it every thirty minutes. It was so frustrating and the pains were severe. I almost gave up and said I wasn’t going to take the last dose, but then Rabby told me if I didn’t the abortion wouldn’t be complete so I left it on my bed in my room. And when my mom returned from work, they told her I was in pain and that it was normal period cramps and this time it was severe. She rushed to my room and when she saw the state I was in, she realized something was wrong. So, she asked me to get up and said she was taking me to the hospital right away. That scared the hell out of me and I tried convincing her that it was something that had happened before way back in school but she said “no.” She told me she knew something was wrong and I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I had taken abortion pills. Rabby and Brian also said nothing; they were both so scared and kept mute and stared as my mom pushed me out of the bed. Tbc
17 Sep 2018 | 07:20
The reward of yr stupidty is now playing out.... Take heart and enjoy it while it last
17 Sep 2018 | 07:58
See ur foolish life.....i pity u bola
17 Sep 2018 | 08:29
Too late to weep
17 Sep 2018 | 10:36
This girl have problem
17 Sep 2018 | 12:23
u see where your foolishness led u
17 Sep 2018 | 15:10
See your life na...... Idiot
17 Sep 2018 | 16:22
See ur life?
17 Sep 2018 | 16:53
I like de new development,Dis girl's woes have just begun like DAT!!!
17 Sep 2018 | 20:23
See what u have brought upon urself
18 Sep 2018 | 06:58
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 14 If you are not I kept bleeding and my bed spread was stained with blood. It was so much and I couldn’t blame my mom for being that worried. Jeff and Kobe were both home then and they all were restless. They were in support of my mom rushing me to the hospital. I changed my sanitary towel once again, and wore new clothes. I went out of the house with Rabby and Brian and waited for my mom. I looked at how scared they were and realized that no matter what we did, the truth was going to be out before the next day and I didn’t know what to say to them. I had dragged them into my mess and my mom was going to be mad at them both. I just looked at them and said, ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry for dragging you both into this. Please forgive me.’Brian smiled and said, ‘don’t worry. You are the one we should be worried about. Mommy might be mad but she will get over it and we can take care of ourselves so let’s pray and hope for the best.’ Rabby nodded and smiled too and minutes after, Kobe came out of the house and told us my mom found abortion pills in my room and asked us to tell him the truth. We had no other option than to do that, and before he could say anything, my mom walked out of the house with Jeff looking so angry.She held the last pills in her hands and showed it to me and said, ‘so this is it Bola. God! Why didn’t I realize it? You were pregnant and you couldn’t tell me.’ I didn’t know what to do, and I started crying. She sat in the driver’s seat of her car and asked the three of us to sit down. Then she drove us to the hospital; Kobe and Jeff also followed us in another car. When we got to the hospital, we were lucky enough to meet Stanley’s dad. He was a doctor so he attended to us quickly and my mom told him what had happened. She showed him the pills and when my mom added that I keep bleeding and I was in pain, he told her, that was the side effect of the pills. He gave me a drug to numb the pains and after sometime I felt better; but the bleeding didn’t stop. We left the hospital an hour after he prescribed a list of drugs and foods I should take after the abortion was done, to replace the lost blood in my body. We went back home in silence and the next morning at dawn, I took the last pill. My mom said nothing about the abortion next day. She only asked if I had taken the pill and how I felt and I told her I was okay. She didn’t speak to Brian and Rabby either. That was scary and I wondered whether she was going to do that forever. The bleeding continued the next day, and the subsequent days saw it becoming less. And the next week, I bled normally like I did during my period. That ended it all, and when I tested again, the results came out negative. That was when my mom called Rabby, Brian and I into her room and then she asked when I found out I was pregnant. I told her everything that happened and she was so disappointed in Brian for not telling her. She told him she was mad at him and didn’t blame him that much and told him to promise to tell him there was anything going on with me that I didn’t tell her. Then she told her that she trusted me with him and that, if anything went wrong with me, she expected me to tell her. She told Rabby the same thing and though she was mad at her too, she told her she was glad she was with me through it all. Right after, she asked for Jide’s number and when she did, I burst out crying. And she asked, ‘what did he do this time?’ All that while, I had been avoiding the girls and didn’t want anything doing with them. So when my mom asked, I wished I didn’t have to tell her the truth because I knew she would want to meet them all and give them her piece of mind. So, I didn’t answer her question. She turned to Rabby and Brian and got them to tell her everything that happened. That made her so angry and Rabby also added that she and Stanley were against my friendship with the girls in the beginning. That made her direct her anger towards me, she said, ‘so that’s what caused him to slap you? Oh Bola! I expected better from you and I should have known Stanley would never do anything like that unless you pushed him to.’ ‘Now give me your phone.’ I gave it to her and watched her call Jide and the girls. She told them she was having a surprise party in the house for me and asked them to come over the next day. They believed it and agreed to come. Right after, she left the house and said she would be back. I had no idea where she was going to and my instincts told me she might be going to see Stanley to apologize for not listening to his side of the story when I told her he had slapped me. I told Rabby how sorry I was for not believing her and then I told her most of the things she said about the girls were true and that were though, I didn’t want to accept it, I wasn’t completely okay with certain things they did. She didn’t seem surprised when I said that, and all she said was, ‘I told you so.’ TBC
18 Sep 2018 | 08:47
thank God u are regretting it now
18 Sep 2018 | 09:33
Good for u
18 Sep 2018 | 11:50
Rabby is a great person I like her
18 Sep 2018 | 17:08
After ur friendship wit d girls na......wetin u gain?
18 Sep 2018 | 18:23
One thing I'm happy about is u ve lost Stanley cos u didn't deserve him in de first place,I'm just praying he's truly dating so u don't get de opportunity to ask for a second chance!!!
18 Sep 2018 | 22:20
Isn't it too late? People av know u with the girls, you've wasted a whole semester learning nothing, you've slept with random guys & lecturers, you've aborted a child (only God knows if yr womb wasn't affected) & you've lost a real dude in the person of Stanley who now have a sweetheart.
19 Sep 2018 | 05:59
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 15 If you are not The next day in the evening, I watched as the girls came to the house and Jide came as well. When they did, they were surprised to see that there was no party and so they wondered what was going on. I didn’t make them see me; I just stayed with Brian in his room and watched them. I couldn’t even stand the sight of Jide and Miley. It hurt so bad to see them act as though nothing was going on between them. Thirty minutes after, my mom joined them in the living room and said, ‘how are you all? My guess is that, you girls know I lied about the party.’ They looked surprised and my mom continued, ‘Jide, I know what’s going on between you and Miley. And why would you betray someone you call your best friend like that. I have nothing to say to you girls and the fact that, my daughter broke up with her childhood best friend and boyfriend for you girls hurts me the more. Your parents put you through school to study and instead of doing that, you go from one party to the other. You don’t go for lectures and when it’s time for exams, you sleep with the lecturers for good grades. I’m so disappointed in Bola for choosing to be friends with girls like you. And you Jide, you had the guts to impregnate my daughter too and you went around sleeping with her friends. Make sure you stay away from her; if you ever call her phone again or try contacting her, I promise you, you will regret it. And the four of you, I hope you see this as a good reason to change your habits. If one of you could do that to Bola, then I wonder how you even manage to call yourselves best friends. I don’t care what you choose to do after this, but stay away from my daughter. I’m changing her hostel next semester so don’t worry, you won’t have to see her again. Now, leave my house!’ My mom was so angry and I watched them leave the house in shame. I cried as I watched them leave and Brian comforted me. He asked if all that my mom said was true and I nodded. I told him what happened when I went with Miley to see the lecturers and the fact that the others girls did same too for good grades. My mom heard me saying all that, and said she went to see Stanley and that’s when he told her all that. Then, she told me if I knew what was best for me; I would go to Stanley’s house right away and talk to him. I did just that, and when I got to his house, I met him outside the gate. He was with the girl and it broke my heart to see him happy with some other girl. She sat in a cab and he bade her goodbye before turning to me. I asked how he was doing and he said, ‘I’m okay. What can I do for you? ’ I said, ‘can we go inside at least?’ We walked into the house right after and when his mom saw me, she said nothing. I felt like a complete stranger in Stanley’s house for the first time and I wished the ground would open and swallow me up. It was all my fault and I wished so much for another chance to make things right. Stanley took me to the sitting room instead of his room for the first time. He was treating me like a normal visitor and I had no reason to complain. Then, I went down on my knees and moved closer to him with my hand placed on his thighs, ‘Stanley, please forgive me. I’m so sorry.’ I cried as I said those words. I had missed him and wished to have what we had in the past back. I even regretted gaining admission to the university and wished to go back in time and change everything. Stanley said nothing and I added, ‘I’m sorry for not listening to you; I’m sorry for choosing those girls over you; I’m sorry for not caring about what we had. Please forgive me Stanley. I regret it all. I hate how everything turned out. I hate that I’m now like a total stranger to you. I hate that you are no longer a part of my life and I’m no longer a part of yours. You used to be my best friend and my everything. Please forgive me. Please!’ Stanley looked away, and took off my hands. Then he said, ‘I have nothing against you. Bola, you chose to let things turn out this way. I don’t think we can get back what we’ve lost and don’t worry about forgiveness; because I’ve forgiven you. I know you were just naïve and got lost in the moment. But the fact that you took everything I told you as trash when I came to apologize to you, meant you took me for granted and that hurt. It still hurts when I think about it but don’t worry, I have nothing against you. And as you can see, I’ve moved on. I have a new girlfriend and though she is nothing like you, I like her and I want what we have to last. She trusts me and she is helping with my anger issues.’ I wanted to beg him to say he okay to us giving what we had another chance but then I realized it would amount to nothing. So I thanked him and asked if we could remain friends at least. He looked into my eyes and just shook his head. He told me there was no way he could be friends with me because our friendship used to be over the top and if he agreed to it, it would mean he was giving us another chance. That did nothing but hurt me the more, and though I told him I was leaving, I told myself I was going to do all I could to get what we had back. I wasn’t going to give up on Stanley and I was ready to do all I could to give him to have him come back to me. And before I left his house, I went to his mom and apologized to her as well. She told me she completely understood me and said she had forgiven me. Then she asked, ‘have you missed him? And do you want him back?’ Watch out for the last episode
19 Sep 2018 | 06:26
I lik dat Rabbi,,, she is a good girl but if I were d one, I would Hav left dat friendship tipe tipe
19 Sep 2018 | 07:33
hmmmmmm,,,,, thank God u realized on time,,,, not dat u are on d brim of death,,,, it seems Stanley's mum likes u a lot,,,,, I can see her getting Stanley back
19 Sep 2018 | 07:56
Bola did punish herself with her choice...the opportunity was given to her to make the right choice but she didn't
19 Sep 2018 | 08:14
She had chosen the fun friends without lectures...she did ignore stanley and rabby,rejecting their positivity.
19 Sep 2018 | 08:20
She has to learn the hard way...things torn apart like the pains she has to go through in the name of abortion...she has been forgiven
19 Sep 2018 | 08:26
Stanley is scared of getting close to her...because he has got something like love 4 her...she really wanna make amend
19 Sep 2018 | 08:36
Bola is chatting with his mama right now...things may turn out well 4 her...stanley will not be blamed if he decide to make the other love work
19 Sep 2018 | 08:47
Rabby has proven to be that kinda girl we are talking about...filled with positivity,having fun and having lectures and other qualities
19 Sep 2018 | 08:54
Myra...miley...tia...thelma has gotten a chance to make amend and start having fun with lectures...brian nice...jide fool
19 Sep 2018 | 09:08
What a good friend u have there
19 Sep 2018 | 17:41
I don't wish that you and Stanley comes back together. I want him to love the new girl and never look your way again cos you don't deserve him. I wish you'd leave Stanley alone as well
19 Sep 2018 | 18:12
"Have u missed him? And do you want him back???" Mama,what kind of question be Dis na? Is der something we need to know???
19 Sep 2018 | 18:21
My prayer for you is that it should be too late for u or stanleys mum to get him back to you, so you can feel the pains more, stanley dont dissapoint me oh cos ur mum would try bringing u both back but make her see reason y u shouldn't be plsss
20 Sep 2018 | 01:52
My BestFriend, My Love Season 3 Episode 16 FINAL If you are not I nodded and then she said, ‘I know; I always thought you and Stanley were meant for each other but now, I don’t know. I loved you two together and I pray he changes his mind and takes you back. Don’t worry; cheer up because you are still my daughter in-law.’ I smiled and left afterwards feeling better. At least his mom was on my side so I had hopes that we would come back together. When I got home that evening, I got a message from the girls. They were all mad and asked why I didn’t tell them about the pregnancy and why I didn’t tell them when I found out about Miley and Jide. I didn’t mind them. I just deleted the messages and blocked their numbers. They were the reason why things had gone so bad for me and I wasn’t going to entertain them anymore. Right after, I called Rabby and told her about Stanley and asked her to help me win him back since she was still friends with him. She told me she would do all she could and I thanked her for that. Jide tried calling me using a different number and when I answered the call and found out it was him, I cut the call. I had already blocked his number and blocked the new one too; he didn’t deserve another chance and I promised to have nothing to do with him ever again. The next day, before my mom left for work, she passed by my room and told me she hoped I had learnt a lesson from everything that had happened. Then, she told me to not entertain anyone like the girls and take my studies seriously the next semester. Then, she asked me to take a break from relationships and focus on my studies. And asked me to cherish my friendship with Rabby and the last thing she said was that, though she had every reason to lose her trust in me, she was giving me one last chance and that if I ever lied to her, she would never trust me again. I was grateful for the chance she was giving me and I promised to never let her down. She hugged me and left for work after. Later that day, I tried calling Stanley but couldn’t reach him. I waited for thirty minutes and I called him again. This time, it went through but it wasn’t him on the other line. It was a girl; and I asked to speak to him so she asked me to hold on and said he was in the wash room so he would call me back. That cut so deep in my heart and it hurt. The girl was already picking his calls and I couldn’t believe it. I almost gave up but after thinking it through I said “no.” I had to fight for my love and I wasn’t going to let something as little as that, stop me. Stanley called ten minutes later and I said, ‘Stan, how are you doing?’ ‘Bola, I’m good. You?’ ‘I’m great. But when did you stop calling me Pearl? I miss that.’ ‘Oh yeah! Okay, Pearl.’ ‘Nice, I’m guessing the girl I spoke to is your girlfriend.’ ‘Yeah she is. Did you want to tell me anything?’ ‘No, I was just checking up on a friend. You still mean a lot to me Stan. Have a nice day!’ ‘You too!’ When the call ended, I felt glad that he had spoken to me and I felt like there was a chance for us. I sat on my bed and I fantasized about what would cause us to come back together. I imagined me calling him all time and me visiting him often. And I imagined him spending less time with his girlfriend because of that and as a result she would think he still had feelings for me. She would keep nagging anytime they met and ask him to stop seeing me but he wouldn’t and in the end, she would ask for a break up. After they break up, I would spend more time with him, and just like how we started dating the previous year, he would realize he still has feelings for me and we would end up making out and the next thing we know we would be together. That was perfect and I was so excited as I thought that was exactly what was going to happen. That Sunday at church, I went early and I sat next to Stanley. I tried initiating a conversation right after church but he cut me off and told me he had to leave. That wasn’t what I had planned but then it didn’t stop me. The subsequent days saw me reaching out to Stanley. He was indifferent towards me and on one occasion, he told me point blank that he knew what I was doing and that wasn’t going to work. He asked me to stop stalking him on social media and asked me to stop calling him every single day. He said I was becoming a nuisance; that was supposed to make me stay away but it didn’t. I was determined to win him back and nothing was going to stop me. You can call me desperate; but I don’t care. Stanley was the love of my life and every single effort I made to win him back was absolutely worth it. I didn’t care how long it would take to win him back. And as I type I’m still waiting. Stanley is still with her and I keep praying to God to cause them to break up. I’m looking forward to the day they finally get tired of each other but until then, I’m going to keep reaching out to him. I love Stanley and will forever love him. He will always be my best friend and the love of my life. THE END Story by Mary Fafali Awudi
20 Sep 2018 | 09:24
Thank God he saw through yr plots.... You'll wait till the second coming of Jesus Christ
20 Sep 2018 | 12:03
You will Wait till christ come Nice story from you
20 Sep 2018 | 12:29
Nice one
20 Sep 2018 | 13:20
don't worry,,, just continue waiting,,, he wil break up and come back to u,,, bcos u God's 1st daughter... rubbish,,, u want to eat Ur cake and Hav Ur cake
20 Sep 2018 | 13:44
Too late ooo
20 Sep 2018 | 14:50
See how u turn ur life
20 Sep 2018 | 14:52
You will wait till they bring their wedding invitation to you
20 Sep 2018 | 15:48
She will wait until miracle happens...this one is not going to be natural 4 him to change his mind...only a love miracle
20 Sep 2018 | 16:27
Bola has got a long thing on her way...she will continue,trying to make this love work's not gonna be an easy one
20 Sep 2018 | 16:31
Stanley's mom is on her side...she's hoping 4 that last chance thing to be given to her...she's still that her daughter inlaw
20 Sep 2018 | 16:37
Her own mom has given her that last chance...she's still trying to make amend to get the main last chance from him
20 Sep 2018 | 16:41
Rabby will also be there to push harder in the making amendment of their love...there's still hope 4 her...he will always be her best friend and lover
20 Sep 2018 | 16:48
20 Sep 2018 | 16:51
Keep on waiting gal till rapture take over
20 Sep 2018 | 17:31
Have u seen DAT nemesis has caught up with u? Ma gal shine ur eye oo cos Stanley is a valuable asset n his gal is not gonna leave him,u had ur chance n decided to toy with it!!!
20 Sep 2018 | 18:42
Is now u want 2 fight what u both shared,i thought u said jide was beta
20 Sep 2018 | 18:46
Expectant lady, keep day dreaming.
20 Sep 2018 | 19:24
wait till infinity
21 Sep 2018 | 03:18
nice one
21 Sep 2018 | 03:21
I hope this will serve as a lesson to many girls who fancy partying to studying
21 Sep 2018 | 10:38
Thank God u realize ur mistake
22 Sep 2018 | 12:57
Is good u are back to ur normal senses
22 Sep 2018 | 12:58
Keep on waiting it's ur choice
22 Sep 2018 | 12:59
I like this story but I don't like the it ended I like happily ever after
23 Sep 2018 | 20:22
Yeye girl you want to ruin another person's joy. Very selfish! Move on and stop waiting forever...
19 Apr 2020 | 03:58
I enjoyed every part of the story
24 Jan 2021 | 17:03


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