

By Xaar in 28 Mar 2019 | 11:30
Xaar Brown

Xaar Brown

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Posts: 533
Member since: 4 Feb 2019
.... [/PROLOGUE] ....

... He was her best friend's brother...
... She was his little sister's best friend...
... He was a player...
... She had a crush on him...
" Ariel has always liked her best friend's brother. She knew that he only thought about her as nothing more but his little sister's friend.... (well kind of disgusting in my own POV)
They had a great friendship regardless, and Ariel didn't want to ruin that by admitting her feelings to Adam, especially when she thought it would be pointless.
Every week a new girl and every week, a broken heart... (lol... sorry but that's the kind of person Adam is or maybe not... hhhmmm depends on how you view it to be... lol...)
Ariel decided she wanted a change and her best friend Libby was there to help her. From that day, all eyes were on her.
What will Adam do and what will happen between them? Will Ariel get over her crush for Adam or will she fall harder?"

...... coming soon tonight or may be lately tomorrow... and am sure you won't want to miss how Ariel go about her fillings towards her best friend's brother (Adam).... there is so much to this romance novel.... don't miss it!!! ....hahaha
......out soon!!!
28 Mar 2019 | 11:30
owkay,,, waiting
28 Mar 2019 | 12:22
We await your story
28 Mar 2019 | 13:45
28 Mar 2019 | 17:22
29 Mar 2019 | 03:50
sorry couldn't make it up with the update don't worry folks ...i won't let you fam's down today...almost done with the work already...thanks you all...
29 Mar 2019 | 04:12
warning :.... this first episode might be a little kind of boring to you or maybe not.... well it depends on how you view it to be...yeah!!... Because.... it just allows you to know more about the characters,... but don't worry... it will gets better and am sure you will love it along the line as you keep on reading....I Promise..... Yeah!! -------------------------- I woke up to the sound of ... 'Animals' music by "Maroon 5 ".... playing. I tried stretching my hand across to the table beside my head still with my face buried in my pillow. With many attempts and still failing to reach my alarm clock, I gave up and decided to get up. I should've known better than to put my favourite song as my alarm. I loved the song Animals by my favourite band Maroon 5, but now I just wish animals would come eat me.... (lol).. At least I won't have to go to the worst place on Earth anymore. Can you take a guess? Yup. "School."... kind of funny isn't it.... don't mind me jare... lol... But at least I will get to see Adam. I was torn out of my thoughts as someone came bursting through my door. "Ariel, get your non-existent ass up and get ready for school." My mom shouted as she came into my room with a laundry basket in her hand. "Gee mom! Thanks for the boost of confidence about my ass. " I said sarcastically. Before I knew it, a hand came flying behind my head. "Oww! What was that for?" I asked rubbing the back of my head in pain. "Language, young lady!" "But you said the same thing, Mom." I replied while throwing my hands in the air. "So if I hump a tree, will you hump a tree too?" I let out a fustrated sigh as I left my mom in my room looking for dirty clothes under my bed. "Morning, Dad!" I shouted while giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Pumpkin. You ready for school?" Is anyone really ready for school? "Yeah." I said ignoring my thoughts. "Breakfast is on the table." After eating breakfast, I took a shower and decided to wear a baggy jeans just above my knees and a black "T-SHIRT that had I ? PIZZA " on it. After scanning over myself and coming to the conclusion that I look like shit, I ran out of the door after saying goodbye to my parents and found my ride outside waiting or me. I got in the backseat of the BMW and the car drove off with a roar. "Ariel!" My best friend Libby shouted from the passenger seat. "Hey, guys." "Wassup cupcake." A deep voice from the driver's seat said. It was the one and only Haynes, Adam Haynes. He was so sexy, irresistible, stunning, beautiful, han-. Yeah he was handsome. Can you get on with the story please? Oops, sorry. "You know I hate that nickname." I pouted. "I know. That's why I keep calling you it." He replied in a 'duh' tone. Libby looked at both of us. She always wanted us to date but I would tell her that that will never happen. Reasons? 1) He's a player. 2) He doesn't like me that way. 3) He thinks of me as his sister. As much as I try to deny it, I've always liked Adam but of course I will never tell him that. Libby and Adam are 'rich kids'. I'm My father worked for their father a couple years back so that's how we met. Adam and I are 18 while Libby just turned 17. I hang out with Libby and some of her friends and also with Adam. His friends 'tolerate' me because he threatened them. Something about cutting their balls off. When we arrived at school, we walked side by side. As always, I earned murderous glares from girls. Aside from his sister, I was the only girl that Adam actually had a full conversation with. Obviously he talked to other girls but it went something like this. "Hey, wanna go and make a sandwich together? A hot dog sandwich that is, with extra mayo." Then the girl would start giggling like an idiot. Worst pickup line ever. Okay, he never said that but, you get the point. "Ignore them, cupcake." He whispered in my ear as he flung his hand around my shoulder. I gave him a small smile as I went to my locker. Adam followed me but Libby had to talk to one of her teachers. I closed my locker to find Adam staring at me attentively with his hand through his hair. Imagine my hand through his hair. "What?" "Nothing, just... looking." "That's creepy." I said jokingly. He smirked at me. Damn that smirk. I'm surprised a puddle isn't leaking from my underwear yet. "Coming to my party tonight?" "Wouldn't miss it." "Good, see you then." He smirked again before walking away. I wanted a change. I always go to Adam's parties and sadly, it ended the same way for me. With him sticking his tongue down a chicks throat. Libby and I decided we would get ready together. Well... actually I did. She was a little surprised since I'd usually just meet her there. She was even more surprised when I told her to bring a few of her dresses for me. It was 5:30 and Libby still wasn't at my house. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "You're late!" I shouted as soon as I opened the door. "I'm never late. Everyone is simply just early." Did she just..? "Whatever." I said shrugging it off. "You brought the stuff?" "Geez. Don't make it sound like a drug deal." Libby said. "So, um, who are you trying to impress?" She asked a big smile tugging at her lips. "Pshh, no one. I just want to look good tonight." I said half lying. "If you say so." "Yeah." I replied hoping she would drop the topic. Thankfully she did. "Oh my God. You do not know how long I've wanted my hand in this hair." Libby said over dramatically while running her fingers through my hair. "So, what now?" I asked since I know nothing about makeup and modern style. "Now, you try on these." She commanded while pulling 4 dresses from her bag. "Uh, Libby?" "Yeah?" "I asked you to bring me clothes not underwear." "No. You asked me to bring you dresses." "Same difference." I said frustrated. "Oh come on! They're not that bad." She whined. "Look how short it is!" I shouted putting it to my body. "Exactly!" "And look at the back of the dress." "What about it?" "Where's the rest of the dress?!" I shouted examining it. "My back will be exposed." "Look Ariel, do you want to look good or not?" "So what have I been doing all of this time? Looking bad?" She was right. I did want a change and whining isn't going to help me. "Ugh, okay!" I sighed eventually giving in. "Yayy!" She squealed. "Now hurry before I change my mind." She hurried up the stairs yanking my hand in the process. -------------------- After a hour and a half of makeup and clothing... "You're so pretty!" Libby squealed while holding the makeup brushes in her right hand. "You sure? I don't feel any different." "See for yourself." She smirked. I stood up from the make-up desk and went over to the full length mirror. When I looked at myself, my jaw dropped open. I turned my lower half into the mirror. Oh my God, my ass looks so firm and big. Ha! Take that Mom! "Thank you, Libby!" I shouted while hugging her tightly. I decided to go with a blue short dress with black 2 inch heels and a black handbag. The dress was about 3 inches above my knees. Yup. That short. Libby curled my hair into bold curls that lied just below my shoulders. "I. Can't. Breathe." Libby exaggerated. "Oops, sorry." Libby was already ready when we got here so we just have to wait. Just then, Libby's phone went off and she checked it. "Adam's here." She said with her face still buried in her phone. Why am I getting nervous? Only his name was mentioned and I'm a nervous wreck?! Damn, I'm pathetic. "Girl, chill. You look great." Libby said obviously noticing my nervousness. "Thanks." Was all I managed to get out. Libby went downstairs and I followed after. "Hey, are you ready? Where's cupcake?" "She's right there." Libby replied opening the door so he could see me. Adam's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw me. Yayy! It's working. "Ariel?" "Uh, hey." I said walking closer. "You look...different." "Different?" "Yeah... different." He said finally composing himself. "Oh... okay." I said walking to the car embarrassed. While walking, I heard Libby say, "Different? What the fuck, you prick." She said then smacked him behind his head. Well, at least that's what it sounded like. Seriously? Different? What the fuck does that even mean? The car ride to Adam's house was drowning in deafening silence. As always, I was in the backseat and Libby in the passenger seat. Libby then decided to break the awkward silence. "So, if you're here who's at the house? The party started like an hour ago." She asked her brother. "I uh, I have Bryce watching it for me." I just sat there in the car with a blank expression on my face. Every now and then, I would see Adam looking at me through the mirror but I would just pretend I didn't see him. ______ 10 minutes later, we arrived at the party. I got out of the car and followed Libby inside the house not even acknowledging Adam. I was still kind of embarrassed with the expression I got from him earlier. I thought I looked decent but I guess I was wrong. Libby headed over to Adam's friends and I just followed like a lost puppy. When we got to the group of friends, which consisted of Bryce, Landon, Josh and Nick, Libby said hey. The boys looked at Libby, nodded, then went back to their conversations before instantly flicking their head back to look at me almost in unison. "Who's your friend?" Landon asked easing closer to me with his hand in his hair. "Who? Her?"Libby said smirking knowing good enough that they were referring to me. "Yeah.... her." Josh said biting his bottom lip. "You guys know her." Libby said. "I think I would have remembered a face and a body like that." Landon added. Was that a pick up line? "It's uh, me, Ariel." I finally decided to speak up. Everyone just stood there awestruck. Nick's cup fell from his hand while Bryce's jaw just dropped. "I gotta admit, I always thought that you were cute but fuck!" Josh said now eyeing me up and down. I stood there awkwardly as the four boys just looked at me biting their lips. "Since you all aren't gonna stop eye fucking my best friend anytime soon, I think I'll just go and get a drink." Libby said before leaving. "I call dibs." Landon suddenly shouted. "Aw what?" The rest of the group mumbled. With that, Landon flung his hands around my shoulders and we walked away from the group. "So, want anything to drink?" "Uh, yeah sure." I was never one to drink but I figured changing my clothes and adding on makeup wasn't going to be enough. ------------ About an hour later, I was so fucking drunk. Hell, if my life story wasn't being written I wouldn't be able to recall what happened tonight. I stumbled my way away from Landon a couple minutes ago because he told me I 'had enough' to drink. While walking, I bumped into something hard... or someone hard. "Hey, theree!" I slurred. "What the fuck Ariel. How much did you drink?" A familiar voice asked while holding me up to prevent me from falling. "I don't know. Two, maybe six or seven." I said while giggling like an idiot. Adam had a fustrated look on his face. "Let's get you upstairs." He said while leading me to the stairs. "No! You're only helping me because I'm your sister's best friend." I slurred once again. "Now isn't the time Ariel." "Then when is the time?" Just then, my feet gave out and I fell to the ground. I felt someone lift me up bridal style and carry my upstairs. "Put me down!" I complained. The person who I assumed to be Adam, kicked opened a door before putting me to sit up on the bed. He took his phone angrily from his back pocket and started to type. He then placed the phone to his ear. After a few seconds he started shouting. "Where are you? How could you leave Ariel by herself?" He asked really pissed. He pauses for a minute before replying to who ever was on the phone with him. "Save your excuses Libby." He was shouting at Libby for me? I mean, ahem, I feel really bad for her. After a couple minutes of talking, he then pressed what I gathered to be the 'end call' button. "I'm boreeddd!" "Go to sleep, Ariel." He said emotionless. "Fine!" I ripped off my dress, leaving me in my lace bra and panty. "Fuck." Adam muttered under his breath. His eyes raked slowly over my body before landing on my chest. "Hey! My eyes are up here." I said using my left hand's index finger to point at my left eye and the same hand's middle finger to point at my right. "Jesus, put back on your dress Ariel." "That dress is really uncomfortable." I whined. Just as I was about to unclip my bra, he ran over to me, stopping me just in time. "No no no no no!" "What?" "Just lie down Ariel." He said while pinching his nose bridge. He was heading for the door before I shouted, "I'm not sleepy!" "Yes you are." I plopped down on the bed, knowing that it was no use arguing with him. "Goodnight pretty boy." I said sprawled across the bed, now feeling sleepy. "Goodnight pretty girl." Adam replied before leaving and shutting the door behind him. I quickly drifted off to sleep..... ..... the first episode is out.... please read, comment,..... and please don't be selfish by enjoying reading alone... lol.... please invite others as well.... thanks.... another episode coming up soon....
29 Mar 2019 | 08:54
I was now walking out of my bedroom, when Adam pushed me back in and instantly closed and locked the door behind him. He threw me down on the bed almost violently and immediately pulled down my shorts and underwear before planting his head between my thighs. Already? We haven't even reached first base. I moaned loudly, arching my back from off the bed. Ding! Ding! I jumped up out of my sleep realising that is was just a dream. I looked around unfamiliar with the sound of the alarm that woke me up and also unfamiliar with my surroundings. I then felt my head pounding to what I assumed was a hangover. I never had one before but i heard about what it feels like. The next thought was, where the hell am I? After a few minutes of contemplating my death, Libby came running into the room and jumping on the bed with an uneasy expression on her face. "Sorry for leaving you by yourself last night." Last night. The party. "Shit. Where am I?" I asked rubbing my head. "Suffering from memory loss, I see?" Libby asked. "What happened last night anyways?" "Well, to answer your first question, your at my house..." Her house? I've never been in this room before even though I came by Libby's house countless times. "And to answer your second question, you stripped naked in front of my brother last night." She said smirking. "What?!" "Don't listen to her, you weren't completely naked." A voice from across the room said. Adam. I quickly looked under the covers from the bed that I was still in and mentally praised God when I was wearing a shirt. A shirt 5 times too big for me. Then a thought popped in my head. "I-if I was half naked, how did I end up in the shirt. "I put it on. Don't worry, I didn't look." He said with a smirk. Jerk. "Well! I'm going to make breakfast." Libby said. "And I'll just follow." I said quickly jumping out of bed. I noticed Adam's eyes glued on me as he slowly bit his bottom lip. Damn! That's so fucking hot. Being ripped out of my thoughts, I saw what he was looking at. I had on his shirt. Only his shirt. And of course an underwear. Shit. I whisper shouted trying to cover my self with my hands. "Oh um. I should probably just go." "Yeah, maybe." I rushed out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. When I got there, Libby was in the kitchen, making eggs. "Kill me now, please." "What happened?" Libby giggled. "Don't worry about it. Where's my phone? I gotta call my parents." I asked sitting on one of the stools. "Oh. I took care of that already." "Yeah, thanks. Hey, you wanna come with my to the mall?" "Of course!" Libby squealed. --------- After getting home, I took a long shower and went to bed. The weekend flew by quite quickly until it was Monday again. Monday morning, I got up extra early because I wanted to do my makeup. I watched as Libby did mine for the party and mentally noted what she did. I applied mascara on my eyes and a little blush on my cheeks. I put on a little lip gloss not wanting to look like a clown. I then straightened my brown hair making it past my shoulders. I looked at myself in the mirror and was very pleased with my work. When Libby and I went shopping, I bought a few outfits that weren't really my style but Libby said it looked 'sexy' and brought out all of my 'curves.' I decided to wear a small grey shirt that showed a little of my stomach, a long close fitting jeans, my new pair of Adidas shoes and a flannel around my waist. Looking one last time at myself in the mirror, I was extremely satisfied. Just then, my phone started to beep, notifying that my ride was here. I ran downstairs, kissed my parents on the cheeks, but not before my mother stated, "Honey, I must say, those clothes you used to wear did you no justice. See, you even have a nice but." I laughed at my mother and ran out the door. When I got in the backseat and buckled my seatbelt, I looked up to see Libby and Adam staring at me. Libby having a big grin on her face and Adam almost instantly looked away from me. Honestly, I was really starting to get annoyed with Adam. He's been acting like a dick lately. He doesn't even call me cupcake anymore, as much as that name annoys me. From the beginning of the party, he just ignores me. I'm starting to get fed up. I need to come to the realization that Adam is never going to to like me and that this crush I have on him, had to go. The car ride was awkward with Adam. Libby and I talked like usual and he just ignored. When the car stopped, I got out not looking back at Adam. Libby and I went straight into the doors of school. Saying everyone was looking our direction would be an understatement. "Why is everyone looking at us?" I whispered to Libby. "Correction. Everyone's looking at you." Girls were glaring at me apparently but what's new? And boys were drooling. This time, girls weren't glaring at me because I was at Adam's side but because of something else and it actually made me feel.... good. Although I felt this way, I was beginning to feel self conscious. Were they staring because I looked bad? Obviously, Libby being able to read me all the time, reassured me. "Girl, chill. You look great." "You sure?" "Totally." ------------------ After Biology class, I went to put away my books in my locker before lunch. When I closed my locker, I saw dark brown eyes looking down at me. I jumped unaware that someone was standing there. I had seen this particular brown hair, brown eye boy around alot with cheerleaders but I never really paid much attention to him. He was tall, lean, but not very muscular compared to Adam. Ugh stop thinking about him. "Hey." He said tearing me away from my thoughts, that happened often recently. Me, thinking alot. "Oh, hey!" I said startled. "Yeah, Ariel right?" He asked pointing a questioning finger at me. "Yeah." I said now leaning against my locker trying to look flirty. "Sebastian. So, I was wondering if you would probably like to han-" He started but stopped when he looked over my head. "If I would like to?" I replied wanting him to continue. "I uh, I'll talk to you later." "But you were just-" With that, he left. What the fuck? Trying not to make much out of it, I just left to make my way to lunch with Libby. ------------ Walking in to lunch room, all eyes were on me. Ignoring everyone, I scanned the room looking for Libby. Then, I spotted her by Adam's table. Oh God. Kill me now. I walked unsurely to the table taking the only seat it had left next to Nick. Everyone at the table looking surprised and happy to see me. Except Adam of course. Josh, being the pervert that he is, eyed me up and down, Nick smirked at me and Landon being the confident one blurted out, "Hey, Ariel, you wanna come over by my place tonight?" Everyone just stopped there conversation and looked at me waiting for a reply. I looked at Adam out of the corner of my eye and saw him with his jaw clenched. He looked piss. Worst than at the party. So, I said what I never should have. "Cool. Sure what time." With that, Adam pushed the table so his chair slid back and left. "What the hell is wrong with him?" I commented. "Probably time for him to fuck, Elle." Bryce replied. "Right so, how about six, Ariel?" "I'm game." I said trying to sound cool. -------- After school, I decided that I would walk. I didn't feel like dealing with Adam. When I got home, I took a shower and got ready to go by Landon's house. I know I barely know him but, let's face it, I really need to go out more. I decided to wear grey shorts, a plain white shirt, a brown bag and brown sandals to match..... I put back on my makeup and made my way downstairs. When I got outside, Landon was already there. I got in the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt. "Wow." I heard Landon say while looking at me and licking his lips. Trying to hide my blush, I changed the subject. "So, what are we doing tonight?" I asked while Landon started back the engine. Landon was really hot. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked like a guy who worked out occasionally. "A movie maybe. I don't know, we'll decide when we get there." "Alright." The car ride was everything but awkward. Landon was really easy to talk to. We talked about music, school and even about the party. I apologised to him about what happened but he insisted that it was his fault. He said he shouldn't have let me had that much to drink. We arrived to his house and it was really big. But not as big as Libby's. We got out and headed to the door. He opened the door and inside was even better. He motioned for me to take a seat. After a few minutes, he came back from what I assumed was the kitchen because he had a lot of snacks and drinks in his hand. "So, what are we watching?" He asked while sitting down next for me. "Hmm? What are the options?" I asked pretending to think hard. "Anything but chick flicks." I laughed while he just turned the television on and clicked on some movie. Honestly, we weren't really focused on the move about 30 minutes in so Landon decided to turn it off. I turned to face him while resting my elbow on top of the couch and him doing the same. "Where are your parents?" I suddenly asked stuffing my face with popcorn. "Work. I don't really care. They're hardly ever home." He stated. "Oh, uh, sorry." I said feeling awkward about bringing it up. "Why'd you ask me out tonight?" "Who said I asked you out? I asked you to come over to my place." Feeling very embarrassed, I looked down at my lap. "Oh, uh ...." Suddenly, Landon just started laughing. Obviously seeing the confused look on my face, he composed himself a little. "You know you're cute when you're embarrassed. I was only joking Ariel." He then said. After a moment of silence, Landon unexpectedly leaned in slowly before kissing my lips. I was a little confused on what to do. Should I pull away or? I mean, I've kissed a few guys before but it was like a me-and-you-both-kissed-each-other kiss. This was a he-kissed-me kiss. After about 2 seconds, I decided to kiss him back. His hand slowly travelled up my thigh and his lips found their way to my neck. He bit my neck hungrily. I was sure that was going to leave a mark. An involuntarily moaned escaped my lips. I tilted my neck a little giving him more excess. "You know you look sexy tonight." He said against my neck. This time around, his hand eased further up my thigh until they were a little beneath my pants. "L- Landon?" I said stuttering. He still kept on kissing every inch of my neck. "We should, uh, probably stop." I said pushing him back a little. He looked taken aback for awhile. I was sure that it was at this point he would get angry. I've watched my fair share of movies before and I knew that when the girl stopped the boy he would get upset and usually say something like, " I was only using you anyway"... Or ..." How could you think I would like a virgin." Landon, being one of those boys, was going to be no exception, I thought. "I'm sorry. My bad." He then said. Say what now? Surprised by his words a little, I replied, "No, it's okay. It's just, I don't really know you." "Nah, I get it." He said moving back a little. I looked at my phone and it was getting a bit late so I decided it was time to go. "I should probably go." "Okay, let me grab my keys." We pulled up in front my door about 15 minutes after leaving Landon's house. During the drive, he apologized again several times. Honestly, he was so sweet. I got out the car and opened the door, but not before looking back and waving at Landon. I was so tired. I just climbed upstairs and collapsed on my bed before slowly drifting off to sleep....... —-–——————
29 Mar 2019 | 10:30
29 Mar 2019 | 10:32
29 Mar 2019 | 13:18
Adams is really inlove with you, but don't know hw to start
29 Mar 2019 | 13:36
ride on
29 Mar 2019 | 13:37
29 Mar 2019 | 15:10
nice story
29 Mar 2019 | 16:17
29 Mar 2019 | 16:18
30 Mar 2019 | 05:22
Adam's jealous,,, Good
30 Mar 2019 | 09:42
I woke up in the morning feeling like ass as always. Just lying back on my bed, thoughts from last night invaded my brain. I was seriously beginning to feel like I was getting over Adam. Not. It was so irritating. Since both my parents had to work tonight, late, I figured I would invite Landon over. Finally deciding to get up although I didn't feel like going to school today, I took a hot shower, staying in the bathroom a little longer than needed. I got out the bathroom, wrapped my towel around my body and started scanning through my drawer. I decided to wear a tight black crop top and a high waist skirt above my belly button. Deciding that I didn't feel like dealing with a curling or straightening iron, I put my hair in a messy bun. I then checked my phone which showed that I had about 20 minutes to spare. Libby texted me last night telling me that she wasn't going to school because she wasn't feeling well. I made up my mind that I would go and visit her after school. Moving on to more important matters, I'll be driving to school with Adam. Alone. I went downstairs, grabbed an apple and jumped down on the couch next to my father. "Morning, sweetie." My dad said with his head still buried in the newspaper. "Hey, dad." I said taking a swing of my apple. "You sure you gonna be okay tonight by yourself?" "Yeah, I'll be cool." Just then, I heard a beep outside. "Bye dad! Tell Mom I said bye." I said jumping from the couch. "Be careful, sweetie-" He shouted along with something else but I assumed he told me he loved me. I ran outside, got in the backseat and buckled my seatbelt. Taking out my phone to avoid looking up, I heard a voice, "What the fuck is that on your neck?" I looked up to see Adam staring at me through the mirror with a pissed expression on his face. I quickly went into camera on my phone to look at my neck. "Shit!" I whisper shouted. "Is that a hickey?" He suddenly shouted. "Dude, chill. Why do you care?" I asked challenging him into a staring contest. We stared at each other for about seven seconds before he broke the stare and drove off without another word. Arriving at school, I quickly got out of the car and walked away from it. "Was it Landon?" A voice which I knew was Adam's asked. I turned around to look at Adam who had his fist balled. "What if it was?" I stupidly asked. "Answer the fucking question Ariel!" He shouted while a few people now started to conjugate. Great. "Hey! I don't know who you think you're shouting at but I'm not one of your fuck buddies." I said a little louder than I should have. This only made Adam angrier and he just walked into the school. "Whatever." I muttered to myself. I then walked into school and more eyes were on me than usual. The outfit I guess? It was a little more revealing than what I'd usually wear. Trying to forget what happened with Adam a few minutes ago, I headed to class. Of course, I couldn't get him out of my mind and I thought to myself that, that was the first time that Adam and I ever fought. After my first two classes, I went to my locker but before I got there, I saw quite a lot of students conjugated around a particular area in the corner shouting. Wondering what the fuss was about, I walked over and bore through the children chanting. What I saw next, scared me more than it should have. There they were, fighting. Landon and Adam. They were exchanging deathly punches but by the looks of it, Adam was winning. I just stood there. Watching. That was until it sunk in that this was happening for real. Just as Adam was about to throw the next punch, I ran and stood in front of Landon with tears already running down my face. Why? I don't know. Obviously someone had to stop the fight because these bimbos that were watching weren't going to do anything and no teacher was in sight. "Ariel, Move!" He shouted breathing heavily still with his eyes locked on Landon who was now bleeding very badly. "Please. Stop." I said still crying. With hearing the tone of my voice, Adam finally looked at me still with tears blurring my vision. For a split second, his eyes softened and his whole demeanor changed. That quickly changed into a scowl. Adam was about to speak again but then our principal came pushing through the crowd. "What is going on here?!" Mr. Edwards, our principal shouted. Not allowing anyone to answer, he ordered everyone to get to class obviously with the exception of Landon and Adam. Just as I was leaving, "Not you either, Ms. Bradshaw." I looked back quickly. "M-Me?" I asked knowing the answer to that question. "I had nothing to do with this!" I pointed at both Landon and Adam. "It didn't look that way. My office. Now." Trying to avoid anymore trouble, I made my way to his office. ..... Principal Edwards wanted to give all of us detention. He suggested that I have one week while Adam and Landon have three weeks. Landon then quickly assured him that I had nothing to do with the fight. Adam being the dickhead that he was just sat there with a blank expression on his face. When the principal dismissed us, Adam quickly got up, grabbed his bag and exited the room without a word. I gave Landon a tight smile before hurriedly running after Adam. "Adam!" I shouted at his very very muscular back. He paused before turning around and looking at me. "What the hell was that about?" "What?" He asked innocently. "Why'd you have to fight Landon?" I asked placing my hand on my hip. His eyes scanned my body and then quickly found my eyes again. "'Why do you care?' You know, I gotta go." He said turning back around to walk away also mimicking my words this morning using air quotes. I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him and stood in front of him. "What is even your problem with me?" I asked getting fed up with his attitude. "Everything, Ariel. Nothing." He replied with an expression on his face I couldn't read. Like me, he looked confused at what he said himself because he looked around him slightly shaking his head looking at nothing in particular. Without saying another word, he pulled my arm. I let out a squeal surprised at the action but tried my best to keep up. When the pulling stopped, we ended up by his car. He gently pushed me against the car with his hand on my hips, looking deep into my eyes with a emotionless face. His face only a few inches away from mine, his hand still on my hip. My breathing was heavy and my knees were beginning to become weak. Before anything could happen, he looked down, sighed and turned away running his hand through his hair. "We should, we should probably go." He said when his gaze finally went back to me. I was pissed. Beyond pissed. He thought I was some sort of game to him. One of his Barbie dolls that he could play with and put back in the toy basket until he was ready again. Without another word, I stomped to the backseat and folded my arms. Adam got in the driver's seat a few seconds later, rubbing his hands over his face and sighing. "You know you could come into the passenger's seat." He said with a little sincerity in his voice. "No thanks." I vaguely replied. He sighed loudly and then decided to start the engine. After about 5 minutes into the ride, I finally decided to speak. "I'm going at your house to check on Libby." He quickly looked at me but my eyes were still on the road. He then slightly nodded. --------------- A few minutes, we arrived at the mansion. Without waiting for a second I got out. "Look, Ariel-" He started. "No, it's okay, I understand. Makeup and putting on a few new clothes weren't going to change anything." I said a tear escaping my eye. I don't know why I always cry over the pettiest things like my crush not liking me back. It was then that I just realised that I kinda sorta just admitted to Adam that I like him...... Not directly but, it was the closest I ever would admit it I guess. I quickly wiped the tear away for my eye that fell and made my way up the pathway leaving Adam there in his spot. I took out my key and made my way straight to Libby's room. Her parents were still at work and wouldn't be home until later. I gently knocked on the door and went in after she answered. "Ariel!" She squealed with her voice sounding a little hoarse. "You're hear earlier than I expected." "Yeah well, I was off the rest of the day, so why stick around school." I replied with the I-just-cried-voice." Libby, being the caring person that she is, picked up on something. I obviously didn't want to bombard her with my problems so I would just deny it. Especially when she was sick and I knew she would end up shouting at Adam, making her voice worse than it already was. "Ariel, what's wrong?" She asked, concern laced all over her voice. "Like what? I'm fine." I said forcing a smile. "I know you're not but we're talk about this later." She said pointing an accusatory finger at me. I slightly nodded my head. Libby and I decided to pop some popcorn and eat it while watching television. After what happened at school today, I decided not to ask Landon to come to my place but I did tell my parents I was staying at Libby's. Libby fell to sleep within an hour of the movie. After realizing that my bowl of popcorn was empty, I decided to change out of my school clothes and into my dad's big white T-SHIRT and underwear and go downstairs to pop some more. As I was exiting Libby's room, I came face to face with a messy looking Elle. Elle was the captain of the cheerleader team, cliché right? She looked like she just woke up from a week of lying down in bed by the way her hair looked and her clothes were falling off her body like if she just threw them on. "Oh, uh, hey." I said awkardly. "Whatever." She said with her heels in her hand as she made her way downstairs. "Okay then." I muttered to myself. Just as I was about to make my way to the kitchen, Adam came out his room with messy hair, a black jogger hanging dangerously low on his hips showing his V-line. Also, he was shirtless. When he saw me, his eyes grew wide and he place his hands in his pockets, his eyes taking in all of my body with the shirt hanging just below my ass. "Ariel. You're still here." He asked although it sounded more like a statement. "Yeah." I said ignoring him and making my way downstairs. "Wait. Can we talk?" He asked slowly. "There's nothing to talk about. Plus, I think that you're probably tired from... you know." I said still walking making my way to the kitchen, Adam following. "I took it you saw Elle." He said looking down a his feet once we reached the kitchen. "Yeah but no big deal. It's not like you need to justify your actions to me. It's not like were dating or anything." I nervously chuckled. "Well, goodnight." I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and started to make my way back up stairs. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my wrist and before I knew it, my lips were on Adam's. The bowl of popcorn quickly dropped. In a matter of seconds, he had me pushed against the counter, his hands tightly on my hips. I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was that this was what I always wanted, right? He continued kissing me as his tongue forced itself into my mouth. My hands made their way into his hair as I gently tugged at it, a groan escaped his lips. That was probably the sexiest noise I've ever heard. Adam slowly lowered his hands to my ass, firmly squeezing it and lowering his touch to my thighs as he swiftly lifted me up without breaking the kiss. His hands caressed my inner thigh while his lips moved from my lips to my jaw line and then to my neck. Fuck. If I was being perfectly honest, Landon had nothing on Adam. As Adam slowly sucked on my neck, I could feel the excitement in his pants. This only made the puddle in my underwear worse. I bit my lip trying to control the moan that was fighting to leave my lips but obviously the moan couldn't be stopped. This only made Adam kiss my neck harder. His lips found their way back to the mine, his hand now wandering up the shirt I was wearing, making his way up to my breast. Just then, I heard a car which I knew was his parents' car pull up outside "Adam." I moaned into the kiss. "Hmm?" He hummed making his way to my neck. "Your parents." I said while tilting my neck, tangling my hands in his hair. Knowing that his parents were about to come in soon, I pushed him slightly causing him to groan in fustration. He sighed and dropped his head to the floor with his hands still on both sides of me. He then stepped back and I jumped to the floor just in time for Mrs. and Mr. Haynes to come in. "Oh. Ariel, you're here." Lily, Adam's mom said, sending me a wide grin. "Yes, I came to check on Libby and then decided to stay." I said smiling at her. "Nice to see you again, Ariel." David stated while taking off his tie. I just nodded at him before looking at Adam who was leaning against the counter with folded arms. "Well, I'm rather tired so I'll just head to bed." Lily stated while yawning. "Okay. Goodnight." I said slightly waving. I quickly followed her upstairs after I was sure that David was just about to announce that he was heading in also. I didn't wanted to be left alone with Adam after that just happened. Omg what just happened. ---------------
30 Mar 2019 | 12:19
'What is wrong with me?' I asked myself while I lied on my back in my bed. It was last night that I first kissed Ariel. That fucking kiss was on my mind for the whole damn night, preventing me from sleeping. Her soft pink lips and curvaceous body was all I was thinking about last night. I didn't understand why I was thinking this way. It was just a kiss. Well, we were also basically dry humping but...yeah, just a kiss. When I fuck girls, I usually couldn't remember their names but now a fucking kiss had me going crazy. I don't know why I did what I did last night. I mean, her lips were right there and no one was around, so I guess it seemed like the right moment. Seeing her in that shirt that barely covered her ass had me going insane. She had no idea how effortlessly beautiful she was and that was what made it a turn on. Without another thought, I got up, took a bath and threw on a black T-shirt and a pair of ripped black jeans before heading downstairs for breaskfast. I arrived downstairs to find Ariel on the stove cooking something in a black dress that reached her mid thigh and it fit her in all the right places. She had her hair in loose curls and she had red lip gloss on her soft lips. She moved to the fridge, still unaware that I was standing there. She bent over looking for something in the fridge. I licked my lips, having a better view of her ass that felt so good on my hands last night. When she turned around and saw me, the juice from her hand dropped as she jumped. "Shit. You scared me you prick." She said trying to sound stern while picking up the juice box. I chuckled lightly and watched her as she turned back to the stove. I walked over the the counter and folded my arms. "What do you think would have happened if my parents were a little later last night?" I asked with a smirk on my face. She slowed down her movements, immediately picking up on what I meant. She turned off the stove and slowly turned around to face me with her hand on her hip. "Look-" She was cut off by a very loud and annoying Libby. "Good Morning!" She yelled while stretching her hands. "Hey, I made breakfast." Ariel said giving Libby a tight lip smile. "Good! I'm so hungry." She said clapping her hands excitedly. "Hey big brother." She said chirpy. "Hey, you going school today turd?" I asked while ruffling her hair and going and get a glass of water. "Nah, I'm feeling better but Mom and Dad don't know that. What they don't know won't kill them." She replied but more to Ariel. Libby took up a plate of the pancakes that Ariel made and went and took a seat at the table. Ariel took up her phone and checked the time. "I should probably get going." Ariel said as she dried her hand with the kitchen towel. "Why? It's still early." Libby said with her face stuffed with pancakes already. Ariel giggled and then turned to me. "I left some breakfast for you if you like." "Oh, thanks, I'll grab some on the way out." She gave me a small smile and then sat at the table with Libby. I'm guessing she didn't tell Libby what happened last night because I'm pretty sure she would have woken up screaming in joy. "I'm going to school early to get some studying done in the library." Ariel spoke finally replying to Libby's question. "Nerd." Libby muttered. "Hey! I heard that." Ariel laughed. "Anyways, I'll just text Landon and ask him to come and pick me up." My whole body tensed at the mention of his name. Ariel didn't know but Landon is an asshole. The real reason I beat him up was because of the hickey he gave Ariel. Call me jealous but seeing it made my blood boil. I smile mentally at my self remembering the hickey that I obviously had left last night. I didn't look at Ariel's neck but I knew a mark had to be present there. "No need for that, I can give you a ride." I blurted out. "No, it's okay." Ariel chuckled nervously "Nah, seriously, why bother Landon?" Libby said cutting into put conversation. I have to get her a gift for that later. Ariel gave Libby a wide eyed expression that said 'I hate you' and then agreed hesitantly. "Um, okay." "Cool let me get my bag." I said running upstairs. When I was going back down the stairs, I heard Libby and Ariel whispering. They quickly stopped talking when they saw me and smiled. "Ready?" I asked. "Yeah. Let's go." She replied nonchalantly. I slowly snaked my hand on the small of her waist and she tensed up. I took a glance back and Libby put both of her thumbs up while grinning widely................... Earlier this morning, I woke up about an hour earlier so that I could make breakfast for Libby and some for Adam also if he wanted. I made pancakes and eggs but since Lily and David were already late and rushing to leave the house, I decided to give them the eggs so that they wouldn't have to stop somewhere to eat, or waste time making breakfast at home. Somehow after they left, I found myself exchanging words with Adam and Libby which led me to where I am now. In a car with Adam. Alone. Again. Adam insisted that I take the front seat since Libby wasn't here. Despite the many times I tried reasoning with him that I was fine in the backseat he kept objecting. The reason that I didn't want to be in the front seat was some where between that I didn't want to be so close to him or that I just got accustomed to the backseat. I couldn't figure out which one it was. Maybe both? To avoid any conversation with Adam, I buried my face in my phone. Adam would always sneak glances at me and I don't even know why. Last night was..... unexpected to say the least. I couldn't stop dreaming about Adam which wasn't anything really new but this one was different. It was different because Adam and I actually kissed last night. I've wanted this for about 10 years and now it finally happened, I was avoiding him at all cost. As hard as it would be, I decided that I would forget last night ever happened and find a distraction today. Again, out of the corner of my eye, Adam looked at me and smirked. "Okay, why are you always looking at me?" I asked obviously annoyed. "I'm not looking at you." He chuckled then looked back at the road. "Yes, you are." I said in a duh tone. "I'm looking at your neck, not you." Adam replied. "Same diff-" I started but then stopped when I recapped his words in my head. My neck? I quickly set me phone on camera and gasped loudly when I saw, "You gave me a hickey?!" I shouted. "So what?" He asked, amusement evident in his voice. I mumbled curse words to him, making sure he didn't hear and pulled my makeup bag out. I applied some on my neck. All of a sudden, the car came to an immediate stop, jerking my head forward. "What the fuck? Do you wanna get us killed?" I yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked ignoring my question. "What does it look like?" His eyes turned dangerously black for a moment while a leaned closer to me. My breath hitched in my throat as he brought his hand slowly up to my neck, removing the makeup that I had already applied to my neck. "Leave it like that." He spoke softly, with much authority in his voice. "W-why?" I asked a little intimated by our closeness. "If I say don't cover it, don't." He said, his voice deep and husky. -------------- I was sitting in Biology class writing down notes when I felt someone throwing pieces of paper at me. I turned apund and found Landon grinning at me, still with a piece of paper in his hand, about to throw it. I smiled back at him at mouthed, "What do you want?" He threw the piece of paper that was in his hand and mouthed back, "Open it." I opened the paper that landed on my chair and read it. Meat meh behind the school after class. I smiled at what he wrote and the fact that he used the wrong 'meet' and gave him a small nod so he knew that I agreed. Landon still had a little bruisng from what happened with Adam. Under his left eye was blue-black and he had a couple cuts on his cheek. After class, I walked behind the school to meet Landon. As soon as I swung the corner, Landon was propping against the wall. "Hey." He said when he saw me. "Hey." I replied. "So, what did you want to see me about?" I asked, stressing on the word so. "How about you come over tonight again?" He asked walking towards me, stopping right in front of me. If this was Adam, I'm sure that my breathing would have picked up because of the closeness but with Landon I felt.... nothing. I didn't feel different. "I have a test I have to study for tonight so I don't think I can make it." I replied nonchalantly. "Come on, you can study another time." He said stepping closer to me. He tilted his head down softly kissing my neck but then suddenly stopped. "What is that?" He asked pointing to my neck. Shit. "What?" I asked stupidly knowing what he was referring to. "It's a hickey." He said sounding a little too possessive. "We were never together Landon." I blurted out. "I know but-" "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression." I cut him off. "Okay, okay. I get it. I'm sorry." After a moment of silence he spoke. "Can you still come over? We can still study together." He pleaded. I was about to turn him down when he quickly beat me too it. "Please." I let out a sigh and then agreed. With that, we turned around and walked back to the school together in silence.....
30 Mar 2019 | 12:26
Adam may be jock but he's a damn insecure dude.
31 Mar 2019 | 04:54
Adam may be in love with u, but don't know how to tell u,why follow the other guy to complicate things later
31 Mar 2019 | 14:31
31 Mar 2019 | 14:32
I think Adam is also crushing back
1 Apr 2019 | 03:21
"You what?!" Libby shouted. "Sshh! Keep it down, he's right next door!" I whispered. Libby and I are currently at her house when I sprung it on her that Adam and I kissed. Tonight, I agreed to study at Landon's. I don't really feel like it but I did promise him. "What kind of kiss was it? How long did it last? Who made the first move? Answer me!" Libby hurriedly said without taking a breath, also not giving me time to answer. "A rough one, about a minute because your parents came home and he did." I said replying to every one of her questions. "Dude! He totally likes you!" Libby blurted out stressing on 'totally' and shaking my shoulders. "Come on, you know your brother, he's probably.... horny." I said sounding unsure. ".....Horny?" Libby repeated although it sounded like a statement. "Yeah, can we drop it and get on the real reason I came here?" Libby scoffs at this and gives me a disappointed look. " You know I don't like Landon. He's just a fuckboy. She says while stuffing her face with the bag of chips on her bed. "Yeah, like your brother's any better." I murmur quietly. "Let's just find something for you to wear. What did you bring?" Libby asks. "Nothing, I wanted to borrow your clothes." "Well in the case, just wear the dress I bought when we went to the mall together." She stated while opening her closet. "Isn't that a little too short?" I asked now standing. Libby just shrugs it off and pulls the dress from her wadrobe. "Here. Try it on." She said gesturing for me to do so. A few minutes later after Libby zips me up, I take a look in her ful length mirror. "Looks good enough, now go. You're already late." "Bye. Love you!" I shout while she lays back on her bed. "Love you too bitch." She shouts back. I arrive downstairs to find Adam in the kitchen. Shit. He looks at me and does a double take not trying to hide the fact that he's obviously checking me out. "Uh, hey." I say standing there awakardly as his eyes burn through me. His eyes snap back up to mine as he hears my voice. "Where are you going?" He asks leaning back on the counter with his palms on either side of him. "Landon's house to study." I reply truthfully..... His jaw clenched noticably and he stands up straight again. "Why?" He asks, his voice full of disgust. "I just said to study. Not that it concerns you." I hit back with annoyance. Adam chuckles darkly and adds, "Landon doesn't 'study.'" "Whatever. I'm leaving." I say while walking to the front door. A hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "I'll drive you there." "No, I'm perfectly capable of getting there by yourself." I say trying to get out of his grip. "Why are you always so fucking stubborn?!" He shouts, his grip getting tighter. "Let go of me. You're hurting me." Adam's eyes softens when he hears me say this and he let's go of my hand. I analyze my hand and a red hand print is starting to form from Adam's hold. "Shit. I'm-" He starts but I cut him off. "Go and fuck Elle or something and stay out of my life." I say, my voice getting angrier by the second as I turn and walk out the door with Adam not trying to stop me this time. ---------- After taking a taxi to Landon's house, I got out and went to his front door. I knocked twice and when I don't hear an answer for a few minutes, I raise my hand and fold my fist again to knock. Suddenly to door swings open to reveal Landon on the other side of the door. "Oh, hey." I say smiling sweetly. "Yeah sorry I took so long, I was on the phone with my mother." He says once we enter the house. "It's no problem. So where do we study?" I asks looking around. Landon looks at me like I've grown three heads. "Oh right! Studying." He says but more to himself. "We could go to my room." Before I could object to it, he was already walking to what I assumed to be his bedroom. As we arrive in his room, Landon sits on his bed and I awkwardly do the same. "Biology, right?" "Yeah." I reply. ----------- For the next couple of hours, I try explaining to same thing to Landon. "What's so hard about that Landon? I asked frustratedly. "There are two types of respiration. Anaerobic and Aerobic. Now explain them both to me." I added. He gives me the same look that he gave me for the past hour which tells me that again, he doesn't know the answer. I sigh fustratedly while shaking my head. "You know, I don't feel like studying anymore." Landon states while closing our books. "Okay, then what-" I stop myself when I see Landon leaning in. "Whoa. Hold up." I say while resting my hand on his chest and turning my face to the side. Landon looks at me with a confused face. "What? Don't you like me? Find me attractive?" "I never said that I didn't but if I go around kissing everyone I find attractive, I would probably have herpes by now." I say before chuckling nervously. Obviously ignoring what I said, he leaned in again. "Dude! Stop!" "Why?" He asks, his confused face now turning to anger. I moved back away from him slightly not liking where this conversation is going. "I'm not going to sleep with you." "So what? You were just leading me on?" "I wasn't leading you on. I thought I made it clear that-" "-that we weren't together. I know but still." "Still what?" I ask. "Look, I'm tired, nevermind, I'm going home." I say waving my hand dismissively. "Yeah, whatever. You know the door." He replies. I get up, grab my books and leave the house. As I open the front door, the cold breeze immediately hits me, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. I cross my arms, rubbing my skin to get some kind of warmth. I pull out my phone and call a taxi service so that I can go home. I place the phone to my ear and looking around, looking at nothing in particular. As I let my eyes wander, they fall on a familiar BMV. "Hello? Is anyone on the line." I put my attention back to my phone as I remember I was on the line with the taxi service. "Yeah, uh, I'll call back." I end the call and put my phone back between my books. I walk to the car to find Adam sitting in the driver's seat with his head on the back of the seat and his left hand on the staring wheel. His thumb taps the wheel to no beat in particular while he hums to the same beat. "Adam?".............
1 Apr 2019 | 07:43
"Adam?" His head swiftly turns to my direction and he sits up straighter in the driver's seat and the rhythm that he was doing with his thumb stops. "What are you doing here?" I asks since I realise he isn't going to speak. "I was just...." He trails off looking like he's thinking of something to say. " the neighborhood?" He says but it sounds like a question. "Oh, well, have fun in the....neighbourhood." I state beginning to walk away. "Wait, uh Ariel." He says getting out of his car. I stop in my tracks and turn on my heel so I'm facing him again. "Yeah?" I ask looking up at him. "So, you heading home?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck making his muscles flex. "Well, actually, I'm sleeping by your house tonight." I say looking around trying not to make eye contact. We stand there in awkward silence looking everywhere avoiding eye contact with each other. Adam places his hands in his front pockets, rocking back and forth on his heel until I break the silence. "Well, it was nice talking to you. Bye." I state turning to walk away once again but he stops me again but this time grabbing the arm he hurt earlier. I flinch and quickly pull away from his touch. I lower my head to look at my hand and then examine it. I look back up at Adam while rubbing my hand and he runs his hand through his hair with a saddened expression on his face. "Ariel, I'm really sorry about that. We should really put something on that." "No, it's okay. I should really get going, I told Libby I'd be home by 11:00." I say giving him a tight lipped smile. "I can give you a ride. I was just heading home." "A ride?" Silence. "Oh! In the car!" I quickly added walking to the car swiftly before Adam gets another word in. I opened the passenger's car door, got in and buckled up. Adam entered a few seconds later with a smug expression on his face. I mentally face palmed myself at the thought of him not meaning giving me a ride in his car. To prevent myself from thinking any further, I started a conversation. "I hope I didn't interrupt whatever you were doing back there. You know, the neighbourhood." I stated smiling internally at myself because I knew that being 'around the neighborhood' was obviously a lie. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Adam waiting for me outside Landon's house. "What?" Adam asked confused. "Oh! Yeah, uh, nothing important." I smiled and looked out the window so that he couldn't see. --------- We arrived at the house a couple minutes later. When we pulled up and Adam parked in the garage, there was a girl pacing back and forth on their step with her phone to her ear. She looked really pissed off. I glanced at Adam and his face had the same confused look that I had. His face immediately turned to one of realization. I got out the car with Adam in front. As we approached, I realised the girl was ....Elle. "Finally! Where were you? Your sister wouldn't even let me in." She scoffed still not noticing me behind Adam. "I was busy." Adam replied vaguely. "Okay, well, let's go-" she stops abruptly when she notices me. "Why is she always here!?" She asks annoyed. "Are you fucking her?" "She's my sister's best friend. Of course she's always here." He says chuckling humorlessly. "Doesn't she have a house?" She asked eyeing me up and down. I stood there awkwardly as she insulted me. "Elle, just go in the fucking house." Adam states through gritted teeth. Her eyes go to Adam and she smiles sweetly. "Of course baby. I'm so glad you called me ." She says coldly looking at me. Tears filled my eyes and I quickly blinked them away so she couldn't see me cry. She didn't deserve my tears. Neither of them did. Adam looked back at me with regret present in his eyes. Elle looked at with a raised eyebrow which said 'I won ' before she pecked Adam's lips and walked inside swaying her non existent hips dramatically. I felt like trash. No, shit. I felt like shit. He called Elle. I shouldn't feel this, I did tell him to fuck her but that was just my anger speaking. "Go fuck Elle or something and stay out of my life." I knew he was about to listen to the first part but why not the latter. Adam stood in his same position, his back facing me and his breathing heavier. He seemed deep in thought about whether he should look at me or not. I didn't give him the time to decide though because if he had looked back, he would've seen a face full of tears so I quickly went inside. Thankfully, Adam didn't follow me................................. I ran upstairs and pulled open my bedroom door. "What the fuck is your problem?" I growled slamming my bedroom door. Elle was propped up against my head board, half naked. "I know baby, she makes me mad too. But I can give you some relief." She said sending a sickly sweet smile. She tried crawling seductively towards me but that was something I told her was not her thing. She looked simply ridiculous. When she finally reached me, she rested her filthy hand which is only good for a hand job on my tattooed bicep. "How about you lose some of these clothes." She starts unzipping my jeans and I let her. I let her because I know what's to come when she pulls in down. She puts her manicured nails on the band of my boxers and pull down slowly, watching me. My smirk grows wider with each second that pasts. When my shaft is out in the open, I nearly bursts out laughing when I behold her facial expression. "Sorry babe, you're just not doing it for me anymore." "Wh-" She breathes surprised. "What's that suppose it mean." She sits up on the bed. "It means..." I state pulling up my pants. "You don't turn me on." I walk around my room finding little things to do not acknowledging that Elle is still in the room. "B-but, I'm hot!" She shouts. "Obviously not if you can't get me up anymore." I respond nonchalantly putting my phone on the charger. "Now get the fuck out my house." She scoffs and gathers her clothing throwing them on. "You'll call me by tommorow." She smirks. "Don't hold your breath." She scoffs once again and I follow her as she leaves my bedroom. I lean against the door frame until she's out of sight. As I'm about to turn away, one of the bathroom doors swing open to reveal Ariel in a towel wrapped around her torso. Her hair is in a messy bun above her head. Strands full in front her beau-. Strands full in front of her.....face and water drips from them. Her skin is full of water droplets implying that she just took a bath. I swore, I just turned hard. She stares at me with an expression on her face that I can't exactly read. I stare back at her trying my best to keep my eyes on hers. She looks calm and collected. Not at all what I expected her to be. I expected her to be at least blushing or flustered that I'm seeing her in this state. Looking closer, around her eyes are slightly puffy, indicating that she was.... crying? What felt like ten minutes of me staring at her was only 2 seconds. Unexpectedly, just as fast as she looks at me, she looks off. Like if I wasn't even there, she walks to Libby's bedroom door. She opens the door, walks inside and slams it shut. I deserved that. ----- -------------------- Peeling my eyes open, I lie in bed a little longer before jumping up. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and took a bath while throwing on the first set of clothing I laid my eyes on. I made my way downstairs where my parents were along with Libby..... "Morning, mom." I said while kissing her cheek. "Hey, dad" I stated while pouring a cup of coffee for myself. "Morning, honey." My mother replied whereas my father simply nodded. "Sup, turd." I said ruffling Libby's hair. "Hey! I just straightened that." She responded fustratedly. I looked around the kitchen once more and realised that Ariel was no where in sight. I checked my Rolex watch around my wrist and it read 7:57. She should be down here already. "Hey Libby, where's Ariel?" I asked trying not to sound too interested. "She woke me up and said she's heading home early this morning." She said taking a bite from the cookie in her hand. "She was acting weird." She then added. "Yeah, she passed your father and I on the couch watching television." My mother chimed in. "She didn't say much, she just left." She continued, going to the fridge. I couldn't help but feel curious. To avoid the topic any further, I started a new conversation. "Don't you two have to work today?" I asked leaning against the counter. "No, I'm off today but your father has to go in later today." Mom replied. My parents own their own company. Actually, my father inherited my grandfather's company when he passed away. My mom was complaining that she was being bored at home alone when we went to school. She tried persuading my father to let her get a job but he wouldn't budge. Eventually, he gave in but he didn't feel comfortable with her working anywhere else except for in his company. Hence why now today, they work together with my dad being the CEO and my mom the financial advisor. "Okay. We should probably get to school. Let's go Libby." "But I haven't even eaten yet." She pouted. "I'll buy you something on the way." I said while giving my mother one last kiss on the cheek. I picked up my bag, flung it over my shoulder and was on my way heading to my car. ---------------- "Ariel just texted and said to don't come and collect her." Libby stated while looking down at her phone with her eyebrows furrowed worriedly. "Why?" I say looking at her for a quick second before averting my gaze back to the road. "I don't know." She stated glancing at me. After about five minutes of silence, Libby spoke up. "Adam? Can I ask you a question?" She asked still focusing on the road ahead of her. "Yeah, sure." I replied nonchalantly. "Do you like Ariel?" She asked casually. I snapped my head in her direction clearly not ready for that question. "Why do you ask? I asked slowly. As much as Libby has been shipping Ariel and I's relationship for years, she never came completely out and asked me a question like that. "Don't reply to my question with a question." Libby responded now looking at me. "Well, I've known her for a long time and uh..." I trail off not knowing exactly what to say. After a few seconds, I parked in the school's parking lot. I turned off the engine and nervously looked at Libby. I instantly regretted it. She had a wide toothy grin directed at me. "I knew it! This is so cool..." She opened the door and stepped out. " ship is finally sailing." She walked off talking to herself about getting the two of us together and something else but I couldn't hear because if the distance. I laughed silently to myself and headed inside the school. I walked by my locker and leaned against it texting away on my phone when I felt a presence next to me. I looked up and saw Leah staring up at me with a wide smile. "Adam! Its been so long!" She squealed while resting her hand on my bicep. I shoved her off while staring blankly at her. Leah is one of my old fuck buddies. She was Caucasian and had black hair. She was pretty, at least with all the makeup she wore. I stopped fucking with her because she didn't do it for me anymore. She started babbling about how we should go by her house because her parents weren't home tonight and something else. I stopped listening to her when I looked up and saw Ariel talking to that Sebastian kid that I specifically told him to stay away from Ariel. I marched off to that direction not even caring about what the hell Leah was talking about....... ----------------...... please don't forget to like and comment..... thanks....
1 Apr 2019 | 07:48
Landon I suppose
1 Apr 2019 | 14:53
why leading London or Landon on,, wen u feel connected to Adam
1 Apr 2019 | 14:59
HAHAHA same old story of love
2 Apr 2019 | 07:19
3 Apr 2019 | 02:57
I cried that night. I cried about everything. Landon probably never even liking me but using me for one thing. I cried about Adam. Nothing about him in particular but just the name brought tears to my eyes. I cried about not being pretty enough or not having the perfect body. I sat on the floor that night in Libby's room and just...cried. Thank God Libby was both a heavy and early sleeper. I didn't think I would've been able to hold in my tears and I also wouldn't feel like giving her my sob story. I didn't feel like dealing with anyone today. Not Libby and especially not Adam. Yes, I'm a horrible best friend for not telling her what it is that is bothering me but I don't want to burden her with all of my problems on her. This morning, I was feeling a little more casual. I applied absolutely no makeup because I didn't feel like it. I threw on a sweater and some ripped jeans before walking to school. That morning, Sebastian, the same brown haired, brown eye boy that approached me the Monday after Adam's party came to my locker again but this time, he didn't leave suspiciously like last time. My morning was instantly brightened. It turns out he was really funny, and cute but that was just a bonus. It was still a mystery to why he left so suddenly without an explanation but at least he seems more relaxed now. I laughed so much and hard that I hadn't realised that Adam was angrily approaching us. I swore, smoke was fuming from his ears. I looked at Sebastian confused. He had the exact same expression he did when he left that morning without a reason. Before I could ask what was wrong, Adam already had Sebastian pinned against my locker, children beginning to conjugate already. "Didn't I give you along with everyone a warning? Why can't you follow instructions?" Adam's says through gritted teeth. "I just thought because s-she was with L-Landon that the deal was off." Sebastian replied looking extremely terrified. Warning? "Adam! What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you always annoying me?" I shout forcing my 5'5 foot self between a 6'3 foot Adam and a trembling Sebastian. Adam doesn't even make eye contact with me, instead he's still killing Sebastian with his eyes. "Last warning." He says softly but his words hold so much authority, it's almost frightening. He turns away his body, his eyes lurking a little longer than required to before his head meets up with his body. I turn my attention back to Sebastian, his back still pressed against the locker. His face reflects one of relief. I stay for a couple of seconds waiting for some sort of explanation. I look back at the students now separating themselves murmuring disappointed nothings to each other since there was no fight. High school students are jackasses. Once I realize that I was the first one who would have to break the silence between Sebastian and I, I speak up. "Care to share what that was about?" I ask tilting my head to the side once I realize that the hallway was fairly clear. Sebastian looks around, scanning the hallways for something or someone before grabbing my hand and pulling me to God knows where. Once we arrive to the Janitor's closet because of the various brooms and mops inside, he shuts the door and looks at me. "I'm sorry about...that." He says jabbing his thumb in the direction of the closed door. "Well I would like to know what ...'that' was." I reply making air quotes on 'that'. He sighs, running his hands through his hair before he finally begins to speak. "Adam made all the guys on the football team swear to keep away from you since you started looking -" He pauses looking for the right choice of words. "-different. He says 'You'd wish you were never born if you go near her.'" He says quoting Adam's words. It all made sense now. The conversation a few minutes ago, why Sebastian left that morning and why boys avoided me that day. I was fuming with anger. I could've been dating someone right now, or better, I could've had a boyfriend! Adam. Adam. The only person that my anger is directed to is Adam. I barged out of the room with Sebastian trying to stop me but I forcefully pull out of his grip. I stomped my way over to Adam's locker. He was standing there boredly talking to some girl. I think her name was Leah? I marched up to him and yanked Leah back from him. I was too angry to care or think about the look she was giving me. Adam looked slightly taken back by my sudden action but he recovered quickly after. I stood there glaring at him with a scowl on my face. "Are you going to say something?" He asks with a blank expression on his gorgeous face. As I'm about to open my mouth, Leah spoke up. "Don't you see I was talking to him, bitch?" She asked glaring at me. Adam straightens up and his face morphs into anger. "Look-" I cut him off before he can continue. "I don't care. Now move along, desperation doesn't look good on you." I said snapping at her. I realised that I seem to develop a boost of confidence whenever I'm really angry. As I'm about to speak again, Mrs. Desperation cuts me off. "Excuse me?" She gasped. "You're excused and get rid of some of the makeup while you're at it." She scoffs at this and then walks off. I look at Adam and see him smirking at me. That stupid arrogant smirk. "As I was about to say before I was rudely interrupted by one of toys..." I say while sending daggers at him. "Why are you always fishing about in my life?" I ask moving my hands about for effect. This only makes Adam's smirk go wider as he kicks his foot back against the lockers. "What do you mean?" He finally speaks sounding innocent. "I know what you did." I say getting more fustrated. My pain just adds to Adam's enjoyment as he chuckles. He remains silent which gives me more time to speak again. "Since you stop guys from speaking to me at this school, I'll just go outside the school" I say. Adam's scowl returned as his jaw clenched. It was now my turn to smirk at his reaction before turning around which makes my hair fly in his face before walking away in victory........... It was two weeks since that day of which I found out that Adam was the reason to every male species avoiding me. Maybe I'm acting a little too dramatic but I was really pissed off. During the last two weeks, nothing really happened if you don't include Landon confronting me. We talked that morning before school and he explained to me he actually did like me but not as much as he led on. Although I forgave him, I still didn't fully trust him. I still agreed it was best if we stayed friends to which he fully agreed to. As for Adam, we hadn't spoken a word to each other if you exclude the greetings of 'morning' and 'bye' when I entered and left the house to visit Libby. I told Libby about everything. Everything from Landon to Elle and Adam and to what Sebastian told me. I felt really bad for keeping it from her when in returned she told me everything that happened in her life. My life has been really hectic this past month. Everything from Adam, Landon and Elle, it was only fair that I deserved a break. Tonight was the big football game to which Adam would be playing in along with Nick, one of Adam's friend. I also got pretty close with all of Adam's friend actually. Nick, Bryce and Josh were big sweethearts that had a bad boy exterior but if you really got to know them, anyone could tell they had really big hearts. Nick is a big baby and I'm the closest to him out of all of them. As for what Nick told me, Landon and Adam still haven't spoken since the fight and I can't help but think that it's my fault. I'm currently getting ready at my house with Libby for the game later. I didn't really feel like speaking to Adam anytime soon. Nick and Adam don't practice at school. Instead, they practice privately with the coach on weekends since their the best players' on the team. At least that's what Libby told me. "Ugh, I have nothing to wear." Libby whined while looking through the drawer of clothes in my bedroom. Yup, Libby and I have been to each other's houses so many times that we have a whole closet and shoes dedicated to each other. "Just throw this on." I say while shrugging and showing her a outfit. She gives it a once over and agrees that it should do. She does her makeup and finishes her hair before turning to me. "Your turn." She states while coming to me with a sinister smile on her face. "I have me outfit already. See." I respond while showing her what I'm going to wear. I pick out a baggy khaki pants and a large T-SHIRT. Libby looks at me like I've grown two heads and then took the outfit from me and threw it on the bed. "You've got to be kidding me." After rummaging through my closet for what felt like hours, she finally found the outfit. She throws it at me and I put it on. I look at myself in the mirror and see that I actually look really good in it although it shows a little too much stomach and the skirt is really short. "Time for your makeup!" Libby squeals. She pushes me down in front of the makeup desk and began doing my makeup. -------------------- "Oh my God! You look sooo cute!" Libby yells. After looking over our outfits once again, we run downstairs to be met with my parents.....
3 Apr 2019 | 07:24
"Oh! Hey Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw." Libby says in a sweet voice. "Hey sweetie." My mom replies while returning the smile. "Be back early." Is all my father said in a sing song voice still looking at his newspaper. "Okay Dad." I say playfully rolling my eyes. "Bye!" Libby and I both shout while running out of the house. We jump into her car and we were off. ------------------------- "Ariel!" Nick shouted in a baby voice while running to me and engulfing me in a tight hug lifting me from the ground. "Hey! What about me?" Libby pouted. Nick turned to her and hugged her in which she smiled widely in return. Nick was already in is football uniform with the number 8 on his jersey. "Hey, Nick." I said giving him a quick hug and he gratefully returned. "Looking good." I say admiring him in his outfit. He smiled brightly and then looked down at me and his smile disappeared. Before he could say anything, Libby spoke. "I'm going to find us some seats okay?" She asked shouting over the numerous voices of students. "Yeah, cool." She runs off in the crowd and I turn my attention back to Nick. He's still looking at my outfit and pouting. He grabs my shirt and pulls it down. His frown grows larger when he realizes that more of my cleavage is now showing. He moves his attention to my skirt and tugs it down which only reveals more of my stomach. He groans in fustration then makes eye contact with me again. "This is gonna be a problem." He mumbles under his breath. "What is?" I ask tilting my head to the side. "Nothing." He says forcing a smile pulling me in for one last hug while kissing my hair. Yup, he's a hugger. "Why don't you go find Libby and find a seat until the game starts." "Okay!" I say chirpy. Before going back to the stands, I go to grab a drink for Libby and I in case we get thirsty. While looking down at the bottle in my hand and playing with them absentmindedly, I bumped into someone which makes my drink drop and a helmet. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry." I say embarrassed while bending down to pick up the stuff in which I dropped. I pick up the helmet and was about to hand it to.. him. "There you go." I say handing it to the boy in front of me. He was wearing a football outfit which was blue which meant he was the opposing school. His hair was jet black and he was really built with height of about 6'1. He had a smile on his face that quickly drops when he sees me. He looks at me weirdly and I suddenly feel self conscious. "What?" I ask shyly not making eye contact and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. When I speak it seems to break him out of whatever kind of trance he was in because he shakes his head as if to get rid of thoughts. "Sorry for staring. You're just.... really pretty." He says still not taking his eyes off of me. I look away while blushing and murmur a quick thanks. I stand there awkwardly before breaking the tension. "Well, my friend's waiting for me. I should probably go." I say quickly turning away. "Uh, wait!" He shouts. I come to a abrupt stop and pivot back in his direction. I raise an eyebrow urging him to continue. "You wanna maybe... grab pizza later?" He asks not looking at me and scratching the back of his neck nervously. Awe, so cute. "Um, sure yeah." I say. He grins widely then speaks again. "I know this might sound weird since I just sorta asked you out but what's your name?" I laugh genuinely before answering. "Ariel." "Liam." He states. "See you later then, Liam." I respond confidently sparing him one last glance.........
3 Apr 2019 | 07:28
... Adam's POV.... It's been a couple of weeks since I last spoke to Ariel. I can't seem to get her out of my mind no matter how much I try. I'm currently at the game talking to Josh, Nick and Bryce before the match starts. I still haven't spoken to that prick Landon since out fight. He knew Ariel was off limits. He understood the term's and conditions of my orders and he still went against me, against my orders. I've seen him and Ariel talk a bit around school but not much but I still don't like it. "Have you guys seen my sister?" I ask looking around while interrupting their conversation. "Are you looking for your sister or the person she's coming with?" Bryce smirked. "Shut the fuck up man." I say while shoving him on the arm playfully while Josh and Nick chant 'oohh' "When are you planning to tell her man?" Josh asks taking a sip of his drink. "There's nothing to tell." I say casually not making eye contact. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the three boys looking at me like I've grown another head. "Seriously dude? You haven't got laid in weeks and we're not stupid, we know the reason. " Bryce states putting the emphasis on weeks. "He's right man. You --" Josh was cut off when the suprisingly silent Nick ran off into the crowd somewhere but I didn't pay much into it. I chat with my friends a little bit more before Nick comes back while Josh and Bryce says that they're gonna find seats. "Found your sister." Nick replies nonchalantly whilst looking in the direction of the crowd. I look to where he's looking and don't see anyone familiar. "Where?" "Uh uh. I'm not looking at your sister. I'm looking at Ariel." I search the crowd more frantically with Nick looking at me as if to see my reaction when I find her. My eyes widen when I spot Ariel walking to the stands with two drinks in her hands. I can see her hips swaying from the distance without her even trying. Her dark brown hair blows with the wind as her curvy figure walked to the stands. "Yup." Is all Nick says once he sees my eyes pop out of their socket. "Shit." I murmur. "And, look at the dude that just walked up to her...." He starts while I see her talking to a guy of the opposite team. "...I tried fixing her outfit man. Where ever I adjust just shows more of her ass, stomach or boobs." He finishes. "What is my sister wearing?" I ask still looking at Ariel and Mr. Quicky. Libby is way worse than Ariel. If Ariel's wearing such an outfit, I can't imagine what my sister's wearing. "She's cool. Her outfit actually covers her body. Its like Ariel picked out Libby's outfit and Libby picked out Ariel's." He informs me. "Hmm." Is my only reply. Nick looked at me and smirked. "That was my reaction too." He says looking in the direction of where I'm looking. All of a sudden Ariel walks off into crowd after looking back at the guy she was talking to. When she turns away from him, he fist pumps in the air and I can see his smile from here. "Prick." I mumble while Nick laughs. "Wonder what they were talking about." "Why don't you go ask her." I respond seriously. I look at Nick at see him already staring at me. "What? You too get along great so go find out." "Why would you care?" He asks with the devilish smirk. "Well, she is my sister's best friend. Libby would kill me if --" I finally regain eye contact with Nick again and mentally groan when I see his amused face urging me to continue my lie. "Stop looking at me like that and go and fucking ask her." I shove him while he just laughs. "Alright dude." He says walking off. "Hey!" I say shouting to get his attention once again. "No touching." I continue knowing that Nick and Ariel are always hugging. Although I know its only friendly, at least I'd like to think it is, I still hate it. Nick responds by just flipping me off still walking away. --------------- The crowd chants West Side Eagles from our side of the stands as I finalize our win. Yelling profanties which I can't completely understand, I run about the field feeling estactic that we won. My team members pick me up, chanting my name as they carry me for a lap around the field before placing me on my feet again congratulating me once again. I walk into the stands looking for my sister and a certain someone when Elle comes up to me screaming and throwing herself on me. She throws her arms around me as she's still in her cheerleading outfit. "Baby! We won!" She says. The first thought that came to my mind was we? Bitch please. I shove her off of me looking at her dumbfounded. Ignoring the look I gave her, she smiles seductively, placing her hands on my chest. "We could go to my place... to celebrate." She inquires. I actually thoght about it for a while. I mean, this was what I needed right? A distraction. Something to take my mind off of ....her. With that being thought, I came to my conclusion...... ------------
3 Apr 2019 | 07:33
.... Ariel's POV cont'd... "Are you serious?" I laughed holding my stomach from laughing so hard. After our win, I hadn't stayed around long after. Libby was too caught up talking to some guy to even notice that I left. I sent her a quick text after to assure her that I was okay. I didn't waste anytime to go out with Liam afterwards. Now, here I am laughing my ass off with Liam. In the short space of time, I learned that his parents divorced when he was five and he lived with his mother and would occasionally visit his faster. He had one sibling and that he was 18 years old. "No, I'm serious. He threw up on me." Liam said in between laughter. Liam was a really cute guy with a nice personality. Although he was appealing, I doubt I would ever be able to be in a serious relationship with him. "Oh shit, it's getting late." I say looking at my phone. "I'm sorry. I lost track of time." He says genuinely. "It's okay. Time flies fast when you're having a great time." I say while smiling. He smiles back and he gathers his keys and we head at through the cafe door. "Address?" He asks focusing on the road. I decided to give him Libby's address, not being able to deal with my parents right now. When we arrived, he walked me to the door. "Thanks. I had a great time tonight." I say once we reach the door. "Yeah, me too." He replied. He stood there contemplating something, starting sentences but then cutting himself off. He started to lean in, making it hardly noticeable but then pulled himself back shaking his head slightly. Laughing lightly, I leaned in and put a lingering kiss on his cheek. I pulled back and found him with a shocked expression on his face but it quickly changed to content making him smile brightly. "Goodnight, Liam." "Bye, Ariel." I watched him walk to his car and drove off. Noticing my surroundings before entering the house, I saw Adam looking in my direction with his hand on the car door as if he now got out. Because of the distance, I was unable to make out his expression. We stared at each other for seconds until he opened back his car door, got in, slammed it shut and drove off. I couldn't take this anymore honestly. This feud between him and I. It had to stop but I couldn't worry about that right now. I went upstairs and of course, Libby's ass was already asleep. I stripped and walked across the hall in my towel to the the closest bathroom. I took a shower for about 15 minutes and exited the bathroom after brushing my teeth. I put on my pajamas and lied beside Libby. As I'm about to close my eyes and sleep, my phone vibrated indicating that I had a message. I groaned before taking up my phone at looked at it. Unknown: hey you asleep? What the... Unknown: its liam btw. I made an "O" shape with my phone although I knew no one was around. I forgot that I gave Liam my number today. Me: No I'm not :) What's up? Liam: bored. Me: Well sleep, that takes the boredom away. Liam: nah.. who uses punctuations anymore? how are you typing so proper? I laugh to myself lightly before replying. Me: I cringe when I don't see proper English. Liam: Is this better? ;) Me: Much better. We chat for a little longer about nothing in particular before he tells me to get some rest. I couldn't stop thinking about how easy it was to talk to him. No confusion. Before my thoughts could get any further, I fell asleep. ------------------- "Wake up!" Someone shouts as I feel a weight on top of me. I groan loudly as I open my eyes, instantly regretting in as the bright light shines through the window. It takes me about a minute to adjust to the light before sitting up as the weight is finally off of me. "Oww!" The feminine voice yells as she hits the ground. "Libby? Why are you waking me up early when today isn't school?" I yelled lying back down covering my face with a pillow. "Grumpy..." She mutters under her breath. "I heard that!" "Anyways!" She continues. You agreed we'd go to the mall!" She pouts while shaking me. "Okay, okay! I'm up." I internally groan. "Yayy!" She shouts like little child. "Bitch." I mumble. "I heard that. " "Love you!" I say while she exits her room. I laugh softly to myself...... ----------------- thanks you all for reading..... please comment and like..... and let me know how far you have been enjoying it.....
3 Apr 2019 | 07:37
Areil is leading Laim on, when she herself knows that she can't be in a serious relationship
3 Apr 2019 | 15:01
hmmmmmm,,, den Adam should come out and talk to her
3 Apr 2019 | 15:02
I don't know about you guys but i certainly don't like Adam, he plays around with girls but don't want someone to go near Ariel
3 Apr 2019 | 15:03
but wat is wrong wit dis Ariel self,,, she's behaving bitchy, must she give all guys attention bcos d one she is crushing on is not showing her love?
3 Apr 2019 | 17:18
"Ouuu! Let's try in there!" Libby shouts pointing to a store and dragging me there. We're currently in the mall as I promised Libby today because we haven't hung out much, thanks to the drama that has been happening in my life. Without looking at the name of the store, I unwillingly follow her into the store. When I enter, I instantly see mannequins with lingerie on them. I look around me and see everywhere is either bra or panties. "You took me to Victoria Secrets?" I whisper shouted at her. "Yeah, so what?" "There's no reason for us to be on here. Well, at least not me." I say, not really sure where Libby stands in her love life. "What are you talking about? There's always need for lingerie." "There's no one I have to show it too." I said in a duh tone. "Pleaseeee." She pleaded. "I said no, Libby." "Noob." She mutters. "What?" "Nothing." She replies quickly. -------------------- After the mall, Libby dropped me off at my house. "Mom, Dad! I'm home." I shout while closing the front door. My mother walks out slowly. When she sees me, she plants a forced smile on her face. "Oh, honey, you're home." "Yeah.." I say slowly. "Where's dad." "He had to work today." She replies. "Is there something wrong, Mom?" As you can probably guess already, my mom's a bubbly person. If something's bothering her, it isn't hard to realise because her whole demeanor changes. "Honey, it's your grandmother." She slowly says. I love my grandmother very much. She would always look after me when my parents weren't home or were on a long trip. I could talk to her about anything. I haven't seen her in a while though. Three and a half years to be exact. Nonetheless, I still love her with all my heart which makes it harder if anything happened to her. "Wh-what about her?" I say feeling the tears starting to prick my eyes. "She's... very sick and your father and I are gonna visit her tomorrow." I feel a tad more relaxed. "Okay. I'm going to pack." I say, on my way to run upstairs. "Ariel, wait.... she doesn't want you to come." I turn back around to face my mother with a confused face. "Your grandmother loves you very, very much. That's why she doesn't want you to see her like this. You've known her as the mobile and bubbly type, just like me, so she doesn't want your aspect of her to change." My mother finishes. "What? Th-that's ridiculous-" She cuts me off. "I know sweetheart. Just abide by her wishes and when she's better, you can visit, okay?" She states pulling in my now crying form in a hug. "Okay." "I talked to Lily and David, they're gonna let you stay until we get back. Is that okay?" Nooo "It's okay." I tell her finally pulling away from her and wiping under my eye. I don't feel like dealing with Adam but I don't want to put the stress on my mother to find another place to say, especially in a time like this. "We leave tomorrow." ------------------------------- "I'm sorry about your grandmother." Libby whispers after engulfing me in a hug when I arrive at her place. My parents left this morning and I can't help but feel sad that my grandmother doesn't want me to come although I partially understand her reasoning. "It's okay." I said giving her a light smile. "What do you wanna do?" "I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm just going to take a nap." "Of course. You're not going to school are you?" She asked with a worried expression. "There's no reason to stay home but maybe I'll just stay today." "Okay, I gotta go. Love you." She says while kissing my cheek. "Wait isn't Adam taking you to school?" "No.... Heisntgoingtoschooltoday." She rushes out, not making eye contact. "What?" She sighs before continuing, "He isn't going to school today." "What, why?" "Bye!" She shouts before leaving. The whole day with just Adam and I? This should be fun. Note the sarcasm. I look around the mansion and mentally praised the Lord that he is no where to be found. I sit down and relax in front of the television eating popcorn and scrolling through Netflix. Ding Liam: Hey. Me: Hello ;) Liam: Wanna maybe, have lunch later? Me: Not today, maybe another time... family issues :( Liam: Sure no problem best friend ? I couldn't help but smile at that comment. I'm glad that Liam knows his boundaries and isn't rushing anything between us, although there will probably be nothing between us. I doubt he even has feelings with me. Me: When did this happen? Liam: Aw come on, I've never had a best friend before. ? Me: Alright but only because you begged. Liam: No I didn't ? Me: Did too. Liam: Did not. Me: Did too. Liam: Did not. Me: Bye Liam. Liam: Byeee! I laugh lightly to myself before turning off my phone at turning my attention back to the television. About fifteen minutes later, the front door swings open to reveal Adam. I swiftly fix myself before he can recognise my presence. When he sees me, he glances my way before making his way upstairs. "Adam." I say before I can stop myself.... "Adam..... " He stops abruptly on the first step as if not expecting me to speak. Me myself, wasn't expecting to speak either. He walks backwards, turns himself around and then looks at me as if urging me to continue. "Can we talk?" I say fiddling with my fingers on my lap. "Alright. Talk." He says rather rudely. He begins walking to the kitchen with me trying to keep up with him. "Well, let's talk about what has..." He pours himself water. "...been going on these.." He drinks it. "...past couple of days...." He begins walking away. I can continue ranting about nothing important, beating around the bush while trying to keep up with him until I can't take it anymore. "Stop!" I shout louder than expected which causes him to stop with his back still facing me. "Now I don't know who you think you're giving this attitude to but when I'm talking, you stop, wait and listen to me!" I shout once again pointing my index finger to his back. He pauses for a moment before looking at the side and slowly turning my way. "Now." I continue. "This needs to stop." "What?" "This..." I say pointing between us. "This feud. I want it to stop. I don't know how it started but I want us to end it." "Ariel, I don't know what you want me to do." He says looking fustrated. "I want you back!" I say feeling upset. "I-I want you to call me cupcake again. I want us to stay up and watch movies like we used to and joke around!" I say not even realising that tears were coming down my face. I glance up at Adam momentarily and see his expression soften. "I just want things to go back to the way they were. I want my friend back. Please." I say the last part softly. Before I know it, I break into a full blown sob that I hadn't even realised that Adam was fastly approaching me. He engulfs me in a tight hug while I cry in his chest. I don't know why I was crying but put yourself in my shoes. I've known Adam for a very long time and we have never fought. So for us to fight over something so petty that I can't even remember what it is, is pretty emotional and upsetting. "Shh. Don't cry, you know I hate to see you unhappy." He coos in my hair. "I missed you." I say but it's muffled by his chest. He lets out that deep chuckle that I've missed which shoots vibrations through my body. "You have no idea how much I've missed you too." He replies more seriously. We stand there for what feels like hours. I inhale his scent that I've missed dearly and smile in content. After another minute, he pulls away and looks down at me and uses the pad of his thumb to wipe away the remaining tears. "Wanna watch a movie cupcake?" I smile brightly at the nickname. "Yeah." "Come on." ----------------- For the rest of the day, we binged watch shows on Netflix while watching television with my feet draped over Adam. During the shows, I would see Adam sneak peeks at me and just smile but I wouldn't say anything about it. The door suddenly opened and Libby came in. "How was school?" I asked with a face full of popcorn. She jumped slightly and then turned to face me. "It was-" She stopped herself when she saw Adam sitting there and our current position. Libby squealed loudly and jumped on me, pulling Adam in for a hug. "Finally you guys are together! Oh my-" "Whoa, hold up Libby." I laughed. "We're not together. It's just the way it used to be." Libby looked between us and scoffed before walking away stomping. But not before sending a disapproving look at Adam in which in return Adam just shrugged. "I'm gonna see what's her problem." I told Adam while laughing. "Sure." He murmured not looking at me. I shrug at his response and get up and walk to the stairs. I push open the door and Libby's on the bed doing what looks like homework. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Nothing." She mumbles. "You know, you're taking this way more serious than it is. If anything, you should be happy that Adam and I made up." "I am.." She whines. "You made up , now it's time to make out." She shoos me away. "Libby, you and I both know that Adam doesn't feel that way about me, and I've learned to accept that and if it means him just being my friend, then so be it, as long as things are the way they were." I ramble on. Libby sighs and smiles at me brightly. "Okay!" She replies. That was easier than I thought. Too easy. "Well I gotta call me mother." I say ignoring my thoughts and walking out the room. "You can stay here!" She says quickly. "I have to... do something out there anyways." She smiles innocently. "Okay?" I say unsure by her sudden change in attitude. She quickly jumps off her bed and runs out the room shutting the door. 'Weirdo '. I think to myself. I lie on the bed and dial my mom's number before hearing her answer........
4 Apr 2019 | 07:24
4 Apr 2019 | 07:27
I feel relieved that Ariel and I are back friends again. It feels good that I'll be able to be close to her again and smell her sweet vanilla scent. I also feel an emotion that I have no name for but I push the feeling back. Although I'm happy that we talked out out issues, I feel.... less manly that she was the one who had to relieve the tension between us. I shouldn't, but I do. I guess it's a guy thing. Knock Knock. I'm brutally ripped from my thoughts by a knock at my door. "Enter." I speak. "You asshole!" Libby shouts while entering my room. "Nice to see you too sis." I say sarcastically while playing a game on my phone. "What's going on between you and Ariel? And why hasn't my ship left the port yet?" She ask angrily. "You heard her, we're just friends. Everything's back to the way it was. " I say quoting part of her words. I couldn't help the distasteful way the words felt on my tongue. "That's just something girls say." She says aggravated. "Look, Libby, can't you just drop it?" "No. I can't 'just drop it'. She states sourly. "I don't see what's wrong." I say not looking at her. "What's wrong? It's the fact that you both like each other and are in denial." "Aren't you supposed to to be in your room with Ariel painting your nails or something?" "No she's on the phone with her mother." Libby says now taking a seat on my bed. "Hm." After about three minutes, she speaks. "You know, I haven't seen you brought someone in this room for a very very long time." She says smirking and rubbing her index finger over my bedside table. "Your point?" "No point." She says sending me an evil smile. "Are you done?" "For now." She says and walks through the door. -------------------------- "This is the only thing I didn't miss." Ariel chuckles as we walk into school and girls send her glares. "Hey Ariel! Wait up." I scowl as Landon runs towards Ariel and smile while she smiles back. "Hey." She says sweetly and tilts her head sending an even more beautiful smile. "So, I was wondering if I could-" "No." I cut him off. Libby looks at Landon distastefully and I internally smile at her. Ariel gives me a confused look while Landon rolls his eyes. "I was just going to ask for her Biology notes asshole." I'm getting ready to jump at him when Ariel stops me. "Heyyy..... just cool down." She whispers. I draw back sending daggers at Landon. A flash of fear goes through his eyes but he quickly covers it with a smirk. "Here you go Landon."She reaches on her bag and hands him a notebook. "Thanks, I'll see you later." He turns around and leaves............. "I seriously don't like him." Libby mumbles. "That makes both of us." I say still staring in the direction he went. "Oh come on guys. He's just-" The bell interrupts Ariel. "I'll see you guys later." I say kissing both of them on the cheek. I take in note that Ariel blushed. I was walking when Elle stopped in front of me. I roll my eyes and look at her emotionless. "Why haven't you called me?" "I never call you." I reply blankly. "Well, you should." "Why should I?" "Because baby... that's what boyfriends do." She touches my arm. "All the reason why I shouldn't do it." I throw her hand off of me. She scoffs. "Look, I know you've been tense lately...." She traces my abs through my shirt. " know I can fix that." I throw her hand off of me again and walk away leaving her there. ------------------ "Mr. Haynes, stop texting in my class." The teacher states sternly. "Yeah, just hold that thought." I say not being able to stop the smile of the picture Ariel sent me of herself in her classroom. She has her hand propped up at the left side of her face with her eyes looking off into the distance. Her soft lips protruding out as the shows a bored face. We've been talking in class for about ten minutes now talking about random stuff since her teachers sleeping in class. "Detention!" Shit. I forgot he was even here. "Not today. Maybe tomorrow?" The teachers sighs ignoring my comment and goes back to teaching the class. I roll my eyes and go back to texting Ariel. Me: What class are you in? Ariel: Math ? Me: Wanna ditch next? Ariel: I'm not a 'rebel' like you Mr. Haynes. I never skip. Me: Boring ? Ariel: ? I laugh at her and go back to doing nothing in class. The bell rings 10 minutes later and I head to the cafeteria where I see Libby. "Hey what's up." She says as I sit down. "Where's Ariel." I ignore her previous question. "I still don't see how you guys aren't together. You want to know everything about her. Where she is, how she dresses, all of her class, when she-" she starts, counting her on her fingers as she goes down her non existent list before I cut her off. "Okay Libby. I get it. Although none of that is true." "Whatever..." She takes a bite of her crispy fry. "She's in the library, with some boy she's tutoring." "Oh." Is all I say ignoring my emotions. "You're jealous." "Why would I be?" "Because you have feelings for Ariel. Always have." "Okay, Libby. Whatever floats your boat." "Actually. It's my ship... and the passengers are slowly boarding it but I'm not gonna rush 'em. Just let them take their time before it sails off." She says smirking while slurping her drink. "I'm going home I'll pick you up later." I murmur while standing up. "Don't you have classes?" "Yeah, I do." I say walking off........ --------------------
4 Apr 2019 | 07:31
4 Apr 2019 | 07:34
4 Apr 2019 | 10:38
4 Apr 2019 | 18:03
u Hav class but u are ditching d class
4 Apr 2019 | 18:09
5 Apr 2019 | 07:41
class *ditcher* lol, just go cool off, jealousy is taking the best part of you
5 Apr 2019 | 08:37
For about 5 days now, Adam's been acting distant again. He's still talking to me but he isn't making conversation unless spoken to. He still kisses my cheek before he goes to class and the usual stuff though. He doesn't seem angry at me but it looks like he's caught up in his emotions. Eh, I don't know. Him, Libby and I are on their couch watching television as we eat junk food. Liam and I decided to go out to lunch later since I cancelled on him the other day. Since I still have no car, I have to ask Adam for a ride in which I haven't done yet. When I say he's been acting different, I mean so different that he avoids Elle and other girls at all costs. He's looking at me every time he has the chance but then he'll just shake his head slightly and go back to watching television. "Oh! Um, Ariel could you come here for a sec?" Libby said suddenly. "What, now?" "Yeah." I sigh taking my feet from off of Adam from which he just pouts. I laugh lightly and follow Libby. Once we reach her bedroom she turns to me. "So what's up?" I ask sticking my hands in my pockets. "Have you asked him yet?" I immediately know what she's talking about. "No..." I rub my nose bridge. "..I haven't." "What, why not?" "Because you know over these past few days how Adam have been acting whenever I mention Liam's name a-" I stop abruptly. "Wait. Why do you care?" Why would Libby care if I go out to lunch with Liam. She should but she would want me to go with Adam right? She seems taken back by my question but answer backs nonetheless. "W-Well I-" She stutters. "You want to make him jealous don't you?" She sighs and starts making up a lie again. "Libby! You need to stop." I chuckle fakely. "Adam doesn't like me okay?" I shout but not loud enough for Adam to here me from all the way downstairs because the house is big. "He's never liked me nor will he ever. And I doubt Liam could ever make him jealous, so please just drop it." I say sadly. Ugh, now I'm overreacting. Without waiting for her to speak I leave the room and go back downstairs and sit next to Adam. As if sensing my sadness, he turns off the television and turns to me. For the first time in a couple of days, he actually makes conversation with me. "You okay?" I turn to him and smile lightly. "Can I ask you a favour?" I ask ignoring his question. "Yeah, sure anything." He turns all of his body to me. "Can you drop me to that diner down the road?" I ask without telling him a reason. He nods and we both turn back to the television with it still off in silence. "Can I ask why?" He suddenly asks. "Um, I'm just going to lunch." I answer half truthfully. "I'm sure you're not going alone." He replies emotionless. I sigh knowing it's no reason to lie. After all it isn't even a date and Adam doesn't own me. "I'm not. With Liam." I reply confidently.... He doesn't reply and I not dare look at him. "We leave in ten." He replies shortly with little to no emotion. I feel him getting up and I leave shortly after him to dress. -------------------- I get downstairs to see Adam already waiting patiently. I'm glad that he didn't take this to a whole new level and we got in another fight now that we just made up. He notices me and looks over my outfit choice as all of his actions stop. He looks at me for what seems like hours before shaking his head slightly, quickly getting up and walking rather weirdly to the door. I follow after him to his car after grabbing my purse. He opens the door for me suprising me. Not that he isn't a gentleman, I guess because whenever we encounter, he's usually already inside the car so it would be pointless him getting off of it to open it for me. I murmur a quiet thank you while getting in. We drive in silence for the whole ride but momentarily, I see Adam grip the steering wheel tightly. "Call me when you're leaving." Adam says once we park in the parking lot. "Don't worry, I can ask Liam." I state giving him a small smile exiting the car. He grabs my wrist before I can get far. "Call. Me." He says slowly me firmly. I nod slowly, not in the mood to answer as I exit the car and into the diner after Adam left. "Hey." I greet with a smile once I see Liam. He greets me back with the same smile and I take a seat. It may come off as a surprise but I told Liam everything about Adam and I. I just feel like I can trust him and he listened intently to me. We have a great relationship and I consider him a second best friend. "He didn't react at all?" He asks, drinking his coffee. "No." I sigh. "He was actually cool about it." Liam shrugs his shoulders in response and I take this time to ask him about his life since we always talk about me. "So, you found any special girl yet?" I ask in a teasing manner, smiling. He rolls his eyes playfully but still replies nonetheless. "Yeah but.." He trails off. I frown at this. "But what?" I ask more seriously. He puts his head down and plays with his fork so I take this time to speak again. "She doesn't like you? Or is she with someone else." I press a little further. "Both." He answers shortly. Before I can answer he speaks again. "We should probably go." He looks at his watch. I check the time and realise that we've been talking for about 4 hours. I nod, accepting the fact that he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. As always, I get up, outstretch my hands to hug him as he does the same. I wrap my arms around his waist and he puts his on the small of my back bidding our goodbyes. Before I can pull away properly, I'm yanked off of him by who I now see is.... Adam. "We're leaving." He practically growls. "Wh-" I don't get to continue as I'm yanked out of the diner and towards his car before I can say bye to Liam properly. He opens the door for me, fuming with anger. The car ride is in silence. I keep quiet, thinking the smallest thing I say would send him off the edge. He opens up my door once we've arrived at his house and he pulls me firmly to the door. "Sometimes I think you forget that you're Libby's brother and not mine!" I shout pulling my hand from his grip once we arrive inside. "Oh trust me. I don't forget." He tells me standing right in front of me. "You can't embarrass me like that!" I shout, my breath fanning his face. As if possible, he gets angrier than before. "How can you be so oblivious!" He yells running a hand through his hair fustratedly. "What the hell are you talking about!?" I yelled back genuinely confused. He doesn't say anything but instead, pulls me into an aggressive kiss. I freeze in my spot, not knowing what to do. Adam grips my waist tightly, urging me to kiss him back. Making up my mind. I kiss him back hesitantly. The kiss turns into a full out makeout session as he pushes me against the door. He swipes his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for permission. I grant him and he sticks his tongue inside my mouth. He let's go one hand off of my waist and puts it behind my head pushing me further against him. I rub my self up on him, making him moan into the kiss, pushing me by my hip back against the door. I pull away slowly, from what is no doubt, the best kiss of my life, not wanting this to end but I'm out of breath. Adam rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. He brings his hand up to caress my cheek. "I have feelings for you, Ariel." He whispers....... ---------------------- oooppssss......this kind of a crappy episode ?..... but this is not how I really... wanted him to admit his feelings but I've tortured you guys enough....... that is why I just have to drop this.... hope you guys really like it..... don't you worry more episode coming up.... com......!!! hhmmm sorry.... but you all know what to do already now.... lol...
5 Apr 2019 | 11:43
I'm speechless. No, speechless isn't the word. My breath gets hitched in my throat when I heard those words leave his mouth. "I have feelings for you Ariel." "Y-You what?" I stutter. Adam is still pressed up against me, with my back to the door. I'm breathing heavily because of our current situation and position. He stands inches away from my lips, watching me intently as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I have so, so many feelings for you. I've tried to avoid them for so long. God knows I've tried." He whispers, looking up at the ceiling of the big mansion momentarily for the last part. "Why?" I asked curiously, still out of breath. He seems taken back by my question but answers back. "I'm afraid of how you make me feel." He admits so soft, I almost don't hear it. "Every day. Every hour. Every fucking second of the day, I can't stop thinking about you. And it fucking scares me." He continues. I gape at him with a shocked expression. Adam Haynes likes me? I feel my knees become weak at his words. His choice of words spiral something so deep withing me that a puddle begins to form in my underwear. "Uh, um-" I mumble not knowing what to say but Adam stops me from embarrassing myself. "Do you like me, Ariel?" He asks twirling my hair around his finger. "Yes." I reply shortly but honestly, breathless. With that, he kisses me, but this time, more passionately. My knees begin to feel weak again. Adam holds my hips tightly, practically holding my weight. The kiss is soft, slow. He nibbles on my bottom lips causing me to moan. I expected a smirk or something but nothing. Adam seems so caught up and focused on this kiss and I'm loving every second of it. He kisses me harder but still slow. I wrapped arms around his neck, tiptoeing to kiss him better. He groans as I lightly rub myself against him. He pulls away quickly, muttering something under his breath, backing me. He adjusts his pants and turns back to me. He looks at me and smiles awkwardly in which I send back one the same way. How are we suppose to act in a situation like this? "So.." I say breaking the silence. "Yeah..." He says shuffling on his feet. After a couple more of seconds I speak. "I-I'll just go and call my mother." I say nervously on the verge of leaving. "Ariel." He warns. I turn around and sigh, knowing that we have to talk about this. I take a seat on the couch and Adam sits down afterwards. None of us know what to say about the situation at hand. I mean, we just admitted our feelings for each other. "Where's Libby?" I ask not looking at him. "Project." He says shortly. I didn't reply after that. I just sit there awkwardly, him doing the same. "Ariel." He sighs. I turn to look at him. "Look, I like you, a lot. So let's just start with me taking you on a date. Maybe?" He asks nervously making me “ aww” internally. "I'd like that." I smile at him. He visibly sighs in relief and I fully turn to him. "Should we tell Libby?" I laugh. "She'll find out eventually, it's better it's from us." He chuckles. He looks at me and smile and I do the same. His face slowly drops seriously when he looks at my lips. He leans in slowly, about to kiss me when the door flies open. Adam and I jump apart in record time. "Oh, hey kids." Lily, Adam's mom, beams." "Hey." We both say distracted. "Why are you home so early?" Adam asks. "I finished work early today." She locks the door. "Don't mind me, I'm just gonna take a nap." She heads for the stairs. "Okay." We say, anticipating her leave. She stops then turns around sadly looking at me. "Have you heard anything about your grandmother?" She ask softly. I begin to feel sad. "No, not really." I sigh. "My mother's been busy with her most if the time." I state. "I'm sorry honey. I'm sure she's getting better." He smiles sadly. "I hope so." She gives me a sad look but goes upstairs nonetheless. "You good?" Adam asked. I jumped slightly, startled, forgetting that he's still here. "Yeah, yeah. I know she's strong." I smile remembering a memory of my grandmother. "I'm going and take a bath." I say getting up from the chair. "Don't I get a kiss first?" He ask with a smirk. I thought about it. I mean, just because he said he liked me, doesn't mean that we're a couple right? And it still doesn't mean that he can't see other people, although I haven't really seen him talking to any girls in the last couple of days. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into this. "Uhm..." I say. Then I sprint upstairs. ----------------------------- "Don't fuck with me right now, Bradshaw." Libby growls as we sit on her bed. I just told her about Adam and I's confession to each other but of course, she doesn't believe me. I can't blame her though. So many times, has Libby jumped with joy thinking that Adam and I were together but got her joy crushed when we corrected her. It's only natural now that she probably gave up. "I'm not. He even asked me on a date." I say with a smile, remembering the situation. Libby looks at me, to see if she found any sort of lie. Once she doesn't find anything, she squeals louder than I've ever heard and wraps her arms around me. "When is the date?! What do you wear?! Where are you going?" She shouts shaking me. Sigh. I love her. =_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_= "Now you have something to go in here for!" Libby shouts as she points at Victoria Secrets. "No no, Libby." I pull back from her grasp. "We're just going on a date, not our honeymoon." I state. Libby rolls her eyes playfully as she speaks, "You're such a bore. Come on, let's try some place else." She pulls me along. All I said was that Adam and I have a date, and she takes it overboard with shopping. As cliche as it sounds, Adam says, “it's a surprise,” but says to dress casual nonetheless. I just wanted to wear a jeans and a t-shirt but Libby being Libby, says that we must go shopping. We continue walking by stores, when a particular dress caught me eye. It's absolutely beautiful although it gives off more of a casual vibe, which would be perfect for this date. Libby notices me looking at it and drags me inside the store. "It's perfect. Let's get it!" She says. Without waiting for an answer from me, she goes to one of the store assistants and asks them about the dress, I assume. While I wait for Libby, I spot Liam standing outside talking to a girl that looks about our age. She's average looking, with her black hair that falls to the mid back and thin figure. A smile makes it's way upon my face as I walk over to them. "Liam!" I shout as I near them. He notices me and smiles instantly. The girl turns around to face me. "Hey." I say once I arrived. "Hey, Ariel." He says giving me a quick hug in which I gladly return. I turn to the girl and she looks even prettier up close. I give Liam an expectant look and he replies. "Oh! Ariel, this is Miranda. My sister." He says. "I didn't know you had a sister." I smile at both of them. "Twins actually." She corrects laughing lightly. I give both of them a look since they really have no common features. "Fraternal." She quickly says resulting in me making an 'O' shape with my mouth. "So, uh, Ariel. What are you doing here?" Liam asks. "Libby and I are here shopping for something for my date tonight." I say. "He asked you out?" Liam asked surprised. "Oh yeah! I didn't tell you! He did!" I lightly squeal. "Wow, Ariel that's great!" He smiles at me and hugs me again. "I'm so lost here." Miranda says smiling. "Well-" I begin explaining. "Ariel! I got it and only at half pr-" Libby starts but stops when she sees Liam. They both look at each other as if they're the only people in the room. Miranda and I give each other confused faces but as if we have the both brain, we smile evilly. "Hello?! We're still here." Miranda shouts amusingly. Both if them snap out if their trance at the same time and look at us. "Right, uh, I got the dress." Libby tells me, side glancing at Liam. "Nice. Look, Miranda and I feel the need to... bond. Liam would you have a problem taking Libby home?" "Uh, no, not at all." Liam says. "Good!" I reply. "Come on, let's go, Miranda." I continue. We walk off and look back at Liam and Libby to find them awkardly standing there. "They're in love." Miranda laughs as we walk. I chuckle and look at her. "What about you? Got a boyfriend?" I tease. "Who me?" I nod. "Nah, every guy I use to bring about was scared off by Liam so I came to the conclusion that I'm gay." She says surprising me. "Oh.." "Yeah.. men are trash anyways." She smiles. "Eh." I say in return. ---------------------- I made it to Libby's place safely after driving her car careful not to crash it. I unlock the door and crash myself on the couch. I hate shopping. Just then, my phone rings. "Hello." "Hey honey, how's everything going." "Mom? How's Grandma?" I ignore her question. "Well, I have excellent news. She's doing a lot better." "That's great! When can I see her?" I say sitting up straighter. "Hold your horses there.." My mother laughs. "...we'll be home in a couple of days." After speaking to my mother, I couldn't help but smile. I'm going to see my grandmother again! I thank the Lord that she's okay. "What's got you showing that beautiful smile?" I hear a voice say. I turn in the direction and see Adam there in all of his glory. He takes a seat next to me on the couch. "It's about my grandmother." "Is she doing alright?" He asks worriedly. "Yeah." I say, small tears in my eyes. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to her. "Shh. It's okay. She's doing alright." He kisses the tears on my cheeks as he hugs me. I inhale his scent, knowing that he's right. Everything is just right. =_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_= don't forget!! ..... you know now...... lol..... Thanks!!!
5 Apr 2019 | 11:55
where are you update is here...check it out and comment...!!!
5 Apr 2019 | 12:49
Cnt blieve i was missing such a thrilling stowi bt thanks goodness i'm here Adam and Ariel just keep killing urselves inwardly v v soon fate will take over and then we'll just be watching as everything turns jolly jolly!
5 Apr 2019 | 14:59
Right on it, Adam you better stay off ur path of "playboy" and focus
6 Apr 2019 | 12:53
the circle is now complete let me sit back and laugh at our young lovers
6 Apr 2019 | 19:38
6 Apr 2019 | 19:39
6 Apr 2019 | 19:40
Everything is so wrong. My hair wouldn't comply with my orders as it is dangled in knots, I keep messing up my makeup and I can't find my shoes anywhere. To make it much worse, my date is in two hours. "Ugh!" I yell, once my hand slips and makes me mess up my mascara. "Hey! Guess who got piz-" Libby comes bursting through the door but stops once she sees me viciously wiping the makeup off of my face once again. "Help me!" I plead when she places the freshly made pizza on the bed. "Ariel, you're too stressed. Just relax and you'll get it done." She reasons with me. "Here, let me." She finishes taking the makeup brushes from me. "Thanks." I whisper as she does my eye shadow. "Libby?" "Yeah?" "Do you like Liam?" She stops for a second, stunned at my question. "I do actually. I know I just met him, but he's really sweet and cute." Yes! "Well you wanna know what?" I ask. "What?" She ask, now doing my lip gloss. "I ship it." We both laugh at this as Libby continues doing my makeup. ---------------------------- Libby finished doing my makeup, finding my shoes and looking for the correct jewelry to match the dress just in time. I looked over myself in the mirror, as I flatten the dress lightly, tilting my head to the side. "Ariel, you look so beautiful." She gushes. "Thanks." I murmur. "Adam's donwstairs already. Now shoo." She pushes me towards the door. I start feeling nervous. "Are you sure I look okay?" I question. "You look fine!" She pushes me through out the door and slams it. I bump into a chest and look up to see Adam standing there. He wears a grey tank top and some loose fitting jeans. His left hand is in a fist and risen as if he was just about to knock on the door. His lips slightly parted as his eyes travel up and down my body. He slowly puts his hand back to his side as he speaks. "You look... beautiful." He says, making my heart flutter. "You sure she doesn't look different?!" Libby shouts through the door, referring to the time he said that I looked different..... "Thanks." I mumble ignoring Libby, with my head down. Adam lefts my chin with his index finger and talks, "We should leave before it gets too late." He says looking into my eyes. I nodded and he puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me downstairs and through the door. ----------------------------- "Just tell me!" I whine whereas Adam just chuckles. "No, sweetheart." He laughs lightly, unaware that my ovaries just exploded when he called me that name. Why wouldn't he just tell me where we're going?! The car starts to slow down and I see Adam inhale and exhale loudly as if he's nervous. "We're here." He says as he looks at me. I look around to see that we're not far from the city, as I can see tall buildings there. There are a few trees surrounding us but nothing to eat, making me pout. I haven't even realised that Adam had came around to open the door for me until it opened. I smile at him, telling him a small thank you as I exit. "Where are we?" I ask curiously as I follow him to wherever he's leading me. He doesn't answer but instead, leads me down a pathway. He stops and smiles at me nervously. I look forward and see that we're in front of a lot of leaves, blocking my view from seeing anything. Nevertheless, I still see small specks of light peeking through the small spaces of the leaves. I push away the leaves and a gasp leaves from my lips when I behold the sight in front of me. There, is a small glass-like gazebo, with a table and dinner. Lit candles sit on the table in such a beautiful manner as trees surround the sight. I try so hard not to cry but it's so beautiful that I just have to let a tear escape. Adam just have put so much thought and effort in this in such a short space of time. I turn to face him to see him sweating furiously, rubbing his hands together. Once he sees the tear on my cheek, he goes into overdrive panic. "Fuck. I knew that I should've done something better..." He starts. "Adam." "...I just couldn't follow my damn mind..." "Adam!" "Maybe dinner in a real restaurant would surfice but I just had to be a jackass thinking that you would-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. He hesitantly kisses me back, resting his hands on my waist. I pull away slowly after a few seconds. "I love it." I whisper, smiling. "You do?" He asks hopefully. "Of course I do. It's breathtaking." He smiles brightly in return, leading me inside, pulling out my chair for me in which I thank him. He takes his seat and takes the covers off of our foods. The smell of spaghetti hits me in my face. "Spaghetti and meatballs." I laugh lightly at him. "Yup." He says. I wrap some strands of the noodles around my fork and literally moan at the taste, making Adam stop abruptly what he's doing. "This tastes fantastic." I smile at him. He clears his clear but then replies, "Do you know where we are?" I take another bite of my food, "No, I've never been here before." I reply honestly. "You have actually." He stops eating and looks at me intently, making me stop also. "Oh?" I urge him to continue. "This is um, where we met." He says making me literally choke on my own saliva. "What?" I ask recovering from my little heart attack. He speaks nervously, and boy is it a sight to see. I've seen Adam nervous these last couple of days than I've seen in a whole lifetime. "I came here and found you here. You told me that your father sent you off to play.." He laughs as if recalling the memory leaving me stunned. "B-But, that was like more than 10 years ago, a-and our parents said we met a-" I stutter trying to find my words but was cut off by Adam. "-at one of their meetings. No, that was the first time you met Libby though, not me. I was speechless. How could he remember something so long ago, and be so descriptive about it? "H-How do you remember?" He chuckles softly. "How could I forget? I met my first crush then." He explains making my breath hitch in my throat. "I did the little things, trying to get you to notice me, but you never really did. You just went with Libby. But that's okay, because now I know by the end of this night, that you'll be mine." He concludes. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes. To think, I thought Adam was the one who was always ignoring me and I was the one who was seeking the attention, when in truth, he liked me, I was just too blind to see it. Ugh, now I'm crying. I'm such a drama queen. Adam gets up from his seat and quickly kneels by me, wiping my tears. "I'm sorry." I smile through the tears, wiping the remaining tears with my napkin. "I shouldn't be crying." "It's okay." He whispers. "You still hungry?" He asks. "Not really. I'm sorry I wasted your meal." I say genuinely. "Don't sweat it." He smiles. "Come on, let's go." He grabs my hand, leading me back to the car. =_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_==_= I hope you all are liking the story so far.... please comment after reading the second chapter... Thanks!!!
6 Apr 2019 | 20:02
Adam had led me back to the car. He brought me to a beautiful beach where we laid in the sand, with my head on his chest and his hand draped around me. I was still a little flabbergasted with the whole situation on how we met and so forth so I couldn't help but question it a little more. He had stated that he thought he stopped liking me around the age of thirteen or so, that was around the age that he started his rebel ways and his phase. "Did you have a good time tonight?" He asked softly after the 10 minutes of silence we had just lying under the moonlit sky. "Yeah, I did. Thank you." I whispered. Adam kissed my forehead in return and I smile in satisfaction. I take out my phone after a few seconds and see that it's 11:34. "Adam, we should probably go, it's getting late." I murmur still looking at my phone to see if I have any messages on my phone from Libby. "Adam?" I say once I realized that he didn't respond. "Ad-" I say as I lift my head to look at him but is cut off by his voice. "Would you be my girlfriend, Ariel?" He says quickly, still not looking at me. I'm taken back slightly by the question. "Um, I-I, w-we..." I suck in a deep breath to stop myself from being a stuttering mess. "I-I would love to.." I reply. Adam let's out a sigh of relief and smiles sheepishly at me. I smile back and rest my head on his chest and inhale his scent. Adam Haynes is my boyfriend. --------------------- After we left the beach about 20 minutes later, we decided to call it a night and go home. We walked up to his front door and I turned around to face him. "Are you sure you had a good time?" He asked me for about the 20th time tonight. "Yes, Adam.." I laugh. " stop asking." I finish. We stand there awkwardly for about a few seconds until Adam finally breaks the silence. "I guess we both go inside now and not just you." He chuckles, making me also laugh. I open the door that was already unlocked since Libby said she left it open for us, for whatever reason. I guess I thought she would run down the stairs and bombard us with questions. As soon as I open the door, Adam steps in, slams it shut and pushes me on it roughly. Not enough to hurt, just enough to... arouse me in unexplainable ways. He slams his lips to mine, and I moan from the contact as he holds my face in both of his hands, pulling me closer to him. His lips move expertly with mine, almost perfect for each other. He slides his hand to the back of my neck, bringing his body flushed against me as if that was even possible. I pull back slowly, unsurely, not wanting this to go any further. As a result, he rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily, as I am. he slowly brings his thumb up, tugging at my bottom lip and then letting go, resulting in it popping back in its place. "Sorry, I just had to do that." He whispers. "Um.." I say out of breath. "That's cool. Yeah... " I conclude awkwardly. Adam smiles at me, separating our bodies from each other. "I'm going to take a shower. " I smile at him lazily still not recovered from the situation...... He nods in return, pecking my lips in the process which makes my heart melts. I turn and make my way up the stairs. ------------------------------ I step out of the shower in my towel and prepare for myself to go into Libby's bedroom and maybe die, since I haven't spoken to her since I've returned. I just cooled off for a bit and went straight into the bath since I felt sticky and sweaty. I open the bedroom door and gasp at the sight in front of me. "Liam?!" I say once I see Libby and Liam sucking each others faces on her bed. They quickly tear apart and makes eye contact with me. Libby smiles sheepishly at me and then starts to talk, "I-I can ex-" She starts but I cut her off. "Nah, it's cool, just... use protection and change the sheets once you're done." I tease, stepping out of the room without waiting for a reply. I chuckle to myself and can't help but feel accomplished. Libby hasn't had a boyfriend in over a year and for her to now be with Liam says something. That explains why she wasn't bombarding me with questions when I entered the house, I thought. However, those thoughts don't last too long as I'm now thinking about where I'm going to sleep tonight. I could take the couch or... I could go to Adam's room. Eh, I prefer the latter. I make my way cautiously to Adam's bedroom and push open the door a little further since it was already opened. He's lying there with a weird smile on his face as he looks at his ceiling with his hands behind his head which in result, makes his muscles flex. "Adam?" I say softly, peeking my head further inside the room. His smile quickly disappears and he looks at me. He clears his throat and sits up from his bed. "Can I sleep here tonight? Libby's room is um... occupied." I half lie, not wanting him to know of the real reason why I can't sleep there. He doesn't question it and just motions for me to come over by patting the side of his bed while smiling weirdly again. I fully enter the room and Adam's eyes scan my body, before his Adam's apple bobs up and down. Ha! I made a joke. Adam's Adam's apple. Funny. He quickly looks away, scratching the back of his neck. I quickly remember that I'm only in a towel. I gasp lightly and run to the bathroom since the towel is a little shorter than usual "Oh... here." Adam pushes clothes in front of my face not looking at me through the door. I gladly take them and change inside of the bathroom connected to his bedroom. I return in his sweatpants and a t-shirt that is a little too big for me. Adam's already laying on the bed and I lie down on his arm. He pulls me more into him, wrapping his arm around me in which I wrap one of my arms around of his waist. He kisses my forehead and I sigh in content. Probably for anyone else, this would be weird for a couple that now got together but this is something Adam and I were doing before we were even a couple. My thoughts don't last long as I drift off to sleep in Adam's arms. ____________________
6 Apr 2019 | 20:06
6 Apr 2019 | 20:10
two lovers in the same building it seems like you guys have turned your house into a haven for young lovers
7 Apr 2019 | 18:59
i never cease to wonder why women are too emotional,shedding tears at the slightest occurence
7 Apr 2019 | 19:02
i hope u guys last
7 Apr 2019 | 19:02
I flutter my eyes open and wince as the bright light shines through the window. I try getting up but then realized that Adam's position since last night, changed. His head is currently buried right between my breasts as his hand is around my waist. He looks so peaceful sleeping that I have to fight the urge to just pinch his cheek. "Adam?" I whisper softly not wanting to abruptly jump him out of his sleep. He snuggles more into my chest as he pulls me closer to him, humming in content. "Adam." I say more firmly in which he groans like a little child. "Whaaat?" He drags out huskily in a sleepy voice making me swoon at the sound. "What time is it?" I ask softly. He pauses for a second but then reaches for the clock on his bedside table and then regains his position. "Ten o'clock." He states making me jump up almost instantly. "Shit! We're late!" I scream at him while walking up and down around his bedroom. He sits up on the bed, seeming unworried as he rubs his hand over his face sleepily. His hair is messy making him look even more attractive if possible. He stretches his arm which in result, makes his muscles flex. I get lost for a second looking at them as he moves his arms but quickly snap out of it when I see the smirk on his lips. I throw a pillow at him while laughing and he catches it with ease making me pout and making him chuckle. "They're big aren't they?" He flexes them even more and I'm sure I have drool at the corner of my mouth. "Now isn't the time!" I shout at him and he laughs at my panicked state. "I've never been late before..." I say to myself. "...why is today any different?" I conclude still speaking to myself. "That tends to happen when you sleep next to me." Adam chimes in, making me glare at him. He was nice for just one day, now he's back to being a cocky bastard. "What are we going to do?" I groan sitting down next to him on the bed. "Look," He starts while placing his hand around my shoulders. "I know you've missed school before. If you don't go, you can't be late, just absent." He concludes while I give him a thoughtful look. "We can call in sick and then it won't be much of a blemish on your record." He smiles charmingly at me. "I suppose..." I trail off. "You know, you're a really bad influence on me." I point an accusing finger at him. He chuckles but not long enough as he begins leaning in to kiss me. Inches away from my lips, I carry my lips to his ear, "Morning breath." I whisper. I run off quickly before he can grab me and lock the bathroom door after entering. --------------------- "What are we suppose to do all day?" I ask him while we eat breakfast that Adam made. Libby went to school already and Adam's parents went to work so we have the house to ourselves. "We could make out the whole day." He says nonchalantly while placing some food on his fork. I blush a deep red which makes him laugh. "I'm kidding, Ariel." He grins. "Oh..." I sigh in relief. "Unless you don't want me to be." He mutters under his breath which earns him a slap across the head from me. "I'm serious." I giggle. "Just watch movies, I guess." He replies in which I shrug. "A little boring but I guess.." I say and Adam laughs lightly looking at me. Every now and then I would see Adam look at me through his eyelashes with that same weird smile he had last night before I entered his room but I just ignored it. "Fuck." Adam suddenly mutters under his breath while placing down his fork. "What's wrong?" I look at him. "I forgot I had practice this evening for football." He runs his hand over his face while sighing heavily. "We can always go a little earlier so that I can get to Libby's last class, you can go to football practice and then drop us all here afterward since your parents are to the ones who drove Libby to school and she doesn't have a ride." I try reasoning with him. "I guess that'll do but I really didn't feel like doing anything today." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "So lazy." I laugh and get up to give him a kiss on the cheek before going and take a bath. "Not so fast." He grins at me. "Right here." He says puckering out his lips cutely and pointing to them. I smile and kiss him on them slowly, tasting the syrup on his lips from the pancakes he made. I pull away after a while making Adam frown. "I have to take a bath." I giggle, turning away and heading for the stairs. He slaps my butt as I walk making me yelp and turn around glaring at him. He just continues eating his breakfast as if he's innocent but I can still see the small smirk present on his lips. I huff in annoyance and make my way upstairs...... _________________
7 Apr 2019 | 19:14
"So you remember the plan?" Ariel asks me for the fourth time in the car. "Yes." I chuckle adjusting my hand on the staring wheel. "You keep telling me." I concluded while laughing again at the glare she gives me. "Okay, I'm just making sure I don't want..." She continues speaking but I don't hear a thing she says as I admire her while looking back at the road from time to time. She's beautiful. Absolutely and utterly beautiful, I think to myself. As much as I wouldn't want to brag about, words can not describe how I feel about Ariel. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen with her long brown hair and green eyes. She looks at her phone bopping discreetly to the radio that's currently playing in my car. I couldn't help the smile that comes on my face every time I look at her as in the one last night and at breakfast. She looks across at me momentarily but then trains her eyes on me when she sees the smile that probably looks fake since I'm grinning so hard. She sighs frustratedly and then speaks, "Okay you're doing it again." "Doing what?" I chuckle and played dumb as I'm aware of what she's talking about. "That- the smile you keep looking at me with." She concludes. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say innocently. She huffs in response since I'm already putting the car in park. Once the car is parked, we exit and she reaches for the backseat. "Here's your helmet, your clothes and... oh! Your water and breakfast since you didn't finish eating this morning." She says as she organizes the things in my hand making me smile at her. She tilts her head slightly to the side smiling brightly at me and I can't help but draw my eyes to her lips. I place the items on top of the car, inching closer to her. She looks around frantically as if searching for anyone. "Adam, there's a few people watching us!" She whisper-shouts as I'm only a few inches away from her. "Let's give them a show then." I say, not giving her enough time to answer as I bring down my lips to kiss her. I kiss her slowly, taking in every taste, every feeling of her soft lips moving against mine. I almost immediately forget about the bystanders around us that should be in class as I focus on the beauty in front of me. I go to slowly pull away but Ariel suddenly brings her hand to the back of my head, pulling me closer to her and tangling her hands in my hair which catches me by surprise, to say the least. I smirk against her lips, kissing her harder than before and resting my hand on her cheek, caressing it softly enjoying the feeling of her soft skin on my hand. After a few more seconds we pull away out of breath and I smile wearily down at Ariel as she does the same. However, this doesn't last long as we hear whispering around us. I look around seeing a few delinquents whispering to each other. That's just fucking sick, watching people make out. I send them all a hard glare in which they quickly scatter. I look back at Ariel and see her with her head in her hands from embarrassment. "Oh. My. God. That was so embarrassing. All of those people just saw us- now the whole school is gonna know and-" I cut off her rambling. "What's wrong with the whole school knowing that we're a couple?" I ask while frowning. She nervously laughs as I still caress her cheek absentmindedly. "Well... you don't really have the best reputation with girls and-" I cut her off again. "But you know that you're not one of them." I firmly tell her feeling a little hurt that she would think that I'm just using her. "Not everyone would think that..." She mumbles probably thinking that I didn't hear what she just said. "Who cares about what they think, Ariel?" I ask her stepping back a little. "Anyways! I gotta go. See you later!" She says as if we just didn't have an intense conversation just now. "We'll talk about this later!" I shout back at her as she runs in the direction of Libby's last class. ------------------------------ I close my locker as I'm currently in my football uniform. "Aye! There's my boy!" I hear a voice that annoys me constantly from the other side of the room. Bryce, Josh, and Nick come towards me with big ignorant smiles on their faces. "I missed you today buddy. Where've ya been?" Bryce speaks again. "Probably making out with cupcake," Nick mumbles earning a slap across the head from Josh. I give them a confused look. "Dude. She told us not to tell." Josh warns Nick. I look at them even more confused than ever and Bryce just sighs. "Libby." Is all he says making me laugh slightly and walk away from the group of assholes I call my friends. "You mean you're not mad that she told us that you're together with Ariel?" Bryce asks me with the same shocked expression on his face as the rest of the guys. "Why would I be? You were going to find out sometime." I chuckle. The guys look at each other and then back at me as we were now on the field with Nick and I in our uniform. "Okay, what has Ariel done to you?" Josh jokes and I send him a small glare. "Shut up." I snap at him and soon smile afterward at the thought of Ariel.. __________________________
7 Apr 2019 | 19:17
"I knew it would happen!" Libby screams. "Didn't I tell you?" She shouts which makes me cringe because of the loud noise. "Jeez, stop shouting and yes you did tell me." I laugh at Libby's childish ways. I just told her about Adam and I being together but of course, she already knew. She claimed that she saw us early this morning inside of Adam's room all "snuggled up and cute." At least that's what she said. She was supposed to wake up Adam but said she didn't have the heart to do it. So after taking millions of pictures and jumping around and squealing quietly, she left. Of course, she told the boys. Thankfully, she said that's the only people she told. "I can die in peace now." She says as she lies back dreamily on the tree that's behind her head. Adam's practice doesn't finish until a little later so we're just chilling underneath an oak tree at the end of our school. I laugh at her comment. Then I suddenly remembered. "You kissed Liam!"I shouted. Libby abruptly sits up and snaps her head to me. "Oh... that..." She laughs nervously. "Yeah, that!" I mock her. "Now what's going on between you two?" She hesitates for a while before answering. "Well, we both like each other so we're gonna see where it goes..." She trails off. "You guys only met days ago." I joke. "Well, unlike you and Adam, when I have feelings for someone, I don't wait ten years to tell them." She shoots back with a little hint of amusement and seriousness in her voice. "Touche." I nod knowing that she's right. We sit watching the various children scatter about the school to God knows where in silence. After a couple minutes, Ariel speaks, "Won't it be weird though?" She says as she looks off into the distance. "What?" I question. "Didn't you and Liam use to... date?"She hesitates leaving me astonishment. "No! God, no. I mean, we went on one date if you would even call it that and honestly, I don't think we had that sort of interest in each other..." I partially conclude. "So, yeah, I think you two would be perfect." I fully conclude. She smiles at me and I smile in return. "Hey, you wanna go watch Adam play?" "Yeah." I smile because I just love the way Adam's muscles flex when he's playing. -------------------------- We walk onto the field and take a seat in the stands and let our eyes roam as I search for Nick and Adam. I find Nick and already see him vigorously waving his hand in my direction. I, along with Libby, laugh when we see the ball hit the side of his head because he wasn't paying attention. I continue looking for Adam and become curious when I don't see him anywhere on the field. I look over at Libby to see a scoff present on her face. I look in the direction that she's looking in and my eyes widen when I see him talking to Elle in the corner underneath the stands. Alone. "First fucking day." Is what Libby mumbles under her breath and begins to start stomping in the direction of them but I grip her hand. "Leave them." I say shortly but sadly. Libby looks at me as if I'm crazy but replies nonetheless. "You're kidding right?" "We just got together Libby... what would it look like if I send you to march up there making me look like a jealous girlfriend." I conclude. I had hoped I had gotten the point through to Libby but she's looking at me as if I need to be in a mental hospital. "Hello?! We're talking about Elle here. She's up to no good. You have the right to be a jealous girlfriend. I- look the ship is finally on board with all its passengers and I'll be damned if I let the school's slut spoil it so get your big ass up and follow me." Libby shouts while already heading in the direction of Elle and Adam. However this time, I'm not fast enough to hold her back again. I try to catch up to her as she marches in their direction but she's just too quick. "Libby no!" I whisper shout as I don't want them to hear us as we're nearing. Just then, Adam looks up above Elle's head and spots us and his eyes widen in panic. He quickly pushes Elle out of the way when she was still talking making her stumble and walks quickly over to me and a flaring Libby. "Is this what you call football practice? Huh? Because I would love to know when the definition changed." Libby rushes out once Adam reaches us. He ignores Libby and goes to grab me when Libby pulls me back. "No. You don't get to touch her until you explain whatever this is.." She motions between Elle, who I realise is now smirking, and Adam. "I don't care if you're my brother or not, I will literally chop off your dick if you hurt her." She continues. "Look, Lib-" I start but Libby still continues to talk. "You're now together and you start this shit already." "So they're together? Adam you never told me that." Elle finally speaks and all eyes go on her. She has a sly smile plastered on her face. "I swear to God..." Libby begins taking out her earrings and jumping at Elle but Adam and I stop her. Elle noticeably flinches back looking scared but she quickly stands straight. "You should get your anger problems checked, Blondie." She shoots at Libby which really doesn't make sense since both of them are blonde. "Elle, shut the fuck up and leave." Adam glares at her with so much hatred as he shoots daggers at her. She scoffs before leaving but not before telling Adam to give her a call and flicks her hair in our faces. Adam turns back to us but his eyes focus me. "Ariel. I know it looks bad but-" Adam starts. "Save your excuses Adam be-" I, this time, am the one to cut Libby short. "No, it's okay." I give her a small smile. She looks at me skeptically but leaves nevertheless. I then turn my attention back to Adam. <><><><><><><><><><><><>.....
7 Apr 2019 | 19:35
Adam's POV...... After my confrontation with my friends, Nick and I stayed on the field to practice while Bryce and Josh went home. I'm sitting taking a sip of water and wondering where Ariel and Libby were since school finished 30 minutes ago. As I close my bottle to begin my search for them since I have 2 more minutes of break left, I feel a presence next to me. The strong smell of that familiar perfume hits my nose and I ease away a little since it was a little too strong. However, it is no use since Elle scoots even closer to me. "What do you want Elle?" I ask with annoyance clear in my voice. "I miss you, baby..." She whines while trailing her manicured nails up my muscled bicep. I quickly jump away and look around to make sure Ariel or Libby are nowhere in sight. The things Libby would do to me if she saw us, I thought. "Don't touch me," I say and begin walking away but she runs after me in her 4-inch heels. "Have you lost my number because I can give it back to you..." She begins rummaging through her Prada purse. "...That should be the only reason why you haven't called me right?" She raises a questioning eyebrow at me as both of us stop underneath the stands. I turn to face her, "Look, Elle. I never liked you. Never have, never will and I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but I thought I explained that to you." I say slowly at first to ensure that it gets through the tonne of makeup that seems to have covered her brain. Her face is angry at first but then she suddenly smiles sickeningly sweetly which churns something in my stomach. "Is there someone else? Because I don't really like competition." She wickedly smiles as she gets closer and rests her hand on my chest. "Jeez woman, are you sick?" I say grabbing her hand. I should've really watched who I fucked with. I refrained from telling her about Ariel and I together since she seemed to not have adjusted to it yet. She ignored my last comment and begins talking about the things she could make me feel if I came home with her after practice. My attention span, however, didn't last long when I saw an angry Libby making her way over here and Ariel trying to hold her back. I shove Elle out of the way quickly not meaning to make her nearly fall. I just hope Ariel doesn't get the wrong impression about this. I mean, she trusts me, right? Libby starts scolding me but I partially ignore her as I study Ariel's expression to see if I find any evidence of emotion on her face. Then Elle chooses to make a stupid remark which results in Libby trying to attack her. I angrily send her away and I turn my attention back to Ariel. After some convincing on Ariel's side, she finally gets Libby to leave hesitantly. Ariel turns back her attention to me, "So..." she laughs awkwardly. "You know I don't have feelings for Elle, right?" Is the first question I ask her just to make sure that there isn't any second guessing. "Or anyone other than you for that matter." I say quickly after. "I know..." She trails off uncertainly without making eye contact. I slowly move towards her, cupping her face in my hands, "You don't sound too sure." I look intently into her eyes...... She places both of her small hands on mine, which are connected to her face. "I know." She says more strongly now. I pull her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her small body and resting my chin on her head, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent. "I don't believe you." I whisper. I feel her hands tense around me along with her body at this. "But it's okay. I'll make sure I show you just how much you mean to me." I continue telling her as I gently sway us. I gently pull away from her after a while since my break was over a while ago and I know better than to piss off coach. I hold her shoulders and look intently into her eyes. "We'll talk about this later, okay?" I assure her. She gives me a small smile as I rest my hand gently on her cheek with her moving into my touch. I quickly peck her lips and run off in the direction of the field. --------------------------- "So they're coming home tomorrow?" I frown. As much as I'm happy that Ariel's grandmother is fine, I can't help but feel sad that she'll be leaving tomorrow although I know she'll come over as she always does. "Yeah..." She says as she brutally dusts any thing that she can find. When we arrived back to my place after football practice, I'd tried to talk to Ariel about the whole Elle situation but she just ignored the topic or kept switching it. That's how we got to talking about her grandmother. "That- That's good." I say while I sit on my bed. "We still need to talk, Ariel." "I'm hungry. Are you hungry?" She quickly says as she sweeps the room swiftly. "Ariel." I warn as I'm now walking towards her. "There's no need to be nervous, I just want to give you an explanation." I calmly say as I slowly take the broom from her hands. "Nervous? Who said I was nervous?" She rushes out. "You're cleaning. You clean excessively when you're nervous." I say as I rest my hand on her cheek. She sighs and avoids eye contact with me so I take this time to continue. "She talked about us being together and about how she misses me..." I say as I play with her hair, making sure not to go in depth. "That's all. Nothing happened." I whispered. "I wouldn't do that to you." I finally conclude. We look at each other in silence. Her breathing becomes a little heavier as I take all of my attention to her lips. I lean down slowly, capturing her soft plump lips onto mine. My lips move slowly, passionately against hers as I don't want to rush things. I then bring my hand to the back of her head as the kiss intenses. I swipe my tongue over her bottom lip, asking for entrance in which she grants. I plunge my tongue inside of her mouth, loving the taste of her. I then rest my hands onto the curve of her waist, pulling her closer to me, liking the feeling of our close proximity. She wraps her hand around my neck and tiptoes to have better access to my lips. I absentmindedly lead us both to my bed, lying her down gently. I then start to feel the excitement down in my pants, poking through the fabric and begging to be freed from my briefs. This is now enough to snap me back to reality and I quickly pull away from Ariel and jump off of her as if she's fire which just burnt me. She quickly sits up on her elbows and looks at me confusedly. "We shouldn't..." I say is I run a hand through my hair. I don't fail to see the flash of disappointment and sadness in her eyes but she agrees nonetheless, "Right, yeah." She says as she smiles but I know it isn't a genuine one. "I should go." She quickly says as she rushes out of the room while rubbing her forehead from embarrassment. I slam my door shut from annoyance and sit on my bed, running my hand down my face in frustration. I just don't want Ariel to think that I only got together with her for sex or some shit. I had to stop myself, knowing that I couldn't if it got further. __________________
7 Apr 2019 | 19:38
7 Apr 2019 | 19:52
Nice one...... There love (Ariel and Adam) is damn real and genuine
8 Apr 2019 | 05:35
you are right Adam, i hope she doesnt misunderstand you
8 Apr 2019 | 05:49
and elle is just too desperate for attention, i hope that it doesnt turn into obsession
8 Apr 2019 | 05:52
Following....nice one
8 Apr 2019 | 17:09
Now this Adam sure is in Love
9 Apr 2019 | 09:24
I always thought that is was possible to be attracted to someone's personality or their looks but just not be attracted to them in a sexual way. I also believe that it's vice versa. That you can be attracted to someone sexually but just despise their attitude or hate their personality. Of course, it was possible for both. It was possible to like everything about that person. Their personality, looks, body, attitude. To like them sexually, physically and mentally. Now tonight... tonight showed me the type of attraction that Adam held for me. Maybe it was because of the time. The time that we spent together. Or maybe it was because of some stereotype of dating your little sister's best friend. Only God knows what it is. Back to tonight... tonight showed me that maybe it was the first one. That maybe, Adam found me "funny" or "cute" and decided that 'yup, I'm just going to date her' and that was it. There wasn't any sexual attraction. Admittedly, I'm not ready to lost my virginity but I wanted to make that choice. The choice to say that I'm not ready yet or to just stop us. It may sound stupid and weird but maybe there was this bone inside of me that wanted Adam to get carried away so much that I would've had to stop him. Overall, I'm just going to be that cliche girl and literally jump to conclusions. I'm going to jump from step to step and enjoy swimming into the ocean of conclusions and assumptions. The only difference is, I want to be right. I want to actually be able to say 'Ha Brain! I told that he didn't want me!' Then I would laugh it off and accept it. I guess that me developing these feelings for Adam for over 10 years and assuming that his are not as strong as mine is driving me crazy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a sick bitch that literally can't live without him or is obsessed with him or to put it in a shorter version... I'm not Elle. I don't need a man to be happy and I'm not horny every minute of my life especially since I never even experienced my first orgasm yet but that's beside the point. In conclusion, there are different types of attraction, in my opinion. After that little encounter tonight, I fell asleep in Libby's room with a busy mind. ---------------------- "Good Morning!" A way to happy Libby shouted. She goes to sleep early and rises early. Too early. She's also always way too happy on a morning. "Go to sleep!" I groaned in annoyance while pulling the covers further above my head. "No!" She pulls the cover back as she jumps on her bed. "It's weekend again and I'm bored..." She whines and she rocks back and forth causing the bed to shake. "Besides... Adam's waiting on you." She murmurs the last part. I immediately jump up. "What?" "Well, I know he won't admit it but by the way he's acting, it's clear to see that he's bummed that you didn't sleep in his bed last night, especially since you're leaving today." She explains. I couldn't help but feel bad. I guess with all of the thinking, I just fell asleep in Libby's room. I jump up from the bed and I hear Libby laugh as she quickly runs out of the room. I take this opportunity to rush into the bathroom and take a bath. I scrub every part of my body that was visible to make sure that I'm squeaky clean. When I exit the shower, I brush my teeth and afterward I brush my now wet hair and leave it to dry by itself. For clothes, I wear a white flowery lace top, a short jeans pants and a flannel tied tightly around my waist. After I came to the conclusion that I looked somewhat decent, I slowly made my way downstairs. I turn the corner into the kitchen and see a very sexy shirtless Adam standing there. His full and clearly evident six-pack is on display along with his angel sculpted muscles. He's also wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and I swear, those are my weakness. It hangs dangerously low below his V-Line and leaves not much for the naked eye to wonder what he's packing down there. I carry my eyes to his face and realize that he looks kinda distressed. He still doesn't realize that I'm here as he's leaning on the counter with both of his hands at the edge and his head is hung low. He looks troubled and continues to sigh continuously. I take this time to meekly speak up, "Hey." I say breathlessly. That one word makes him put all of his attention on me with a slightly parted mouth. He stands straight and clears his throat. "Morning." He replies. We look at each other for a short period of time before I nod and make my way around the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I try ignoring his presence to the best of my ability but I can literally smell his cologne as he draws closer to me. I continue to make a cup of coffee, adding the necessary ingredients while the hot water is boiling. I don't know why but I really don't like those coffee makers. I like to make it by myself. As I'm making the coffee, I feel Adam's close proximity as he's breathing on my neck lightly. My breath gets hitched in my throat when he snakes his hands around my tiny waist. I stiffen and place the spoon slowly back on the counter. He tightens his grip around my waist and places slow, open-mouthed kisses on my neck resulting in me falling my head back from tingles that run up my spine. "A-Adam." I moan slightly as he continues his torture against my skin. "Yes, baby?" He stops for a while to speak but goes directly back to placing kisses all over me. My shoulders, behind my ears and my neck. "Ah." I raise my voice a little while moaning when he lightly bit down on my neck causing him to smirk. "Libby's just- hmm... just upstairs." I shakingly get out. I rest my hand behind his neck as I bite my lip, pulling him closer to my neck because his lips feel so good against my skin. "You still want me to stop?" He teases as he whispers huskily into my ear. His teeth lightly graze the shell of my ear and he begins kissing behind it. "Do you, Ariel?" He continues once I don't respond to him. I just continue to ignore him as I don't trust my voice to speak now. Suddenly, he pulls away and turns me gently around which makes me internally whine. "Get ready sweetheart, I'm taking you out." He says and leaves me standing there in a mess. ____________________________
9 Apr 2019 | 11:08
We both come through the front door laughing our asses off at the joke that Adam just told. "No, I'm serious." He continues to laugh. "You know, it isn't right to tell a little kid to fuck off." I jokingly scold him as he locks the door. "He was 14 and he was rude and a brat." He explains. Adam took me on a picnic and it was beautiful. Don't let me get started on how delicious the food tasted. He claimed that it was just because it was my last night here. I mean, it isn't that much of a deal since I come here like, every day. "Hey what time is it?" I say once I finished laughing. He looks at his expensive watch and then back at me. " 6:03?" He says but it sounds more like a question. I look at him sadly, knowing that I have to get ready for once my parents come here. He morphs my expression and strides over to me. "Do you have to go?" He asks as he wraps his hands around my waist and looks all over of my face. "Adam..." I partially whine. "I haven't seen my parents in weeks and it wouldn't be right for me to stay here after they arrive," I explain. "I know.." He trails off. "I'm just being selfish." He chuckles lowly. "You're acting as if I'm going across the world for 6 months. I'm only ten minutes away." I laugh lightly at him as I wrap my arms around his neck and he sways us slightly. "I guess I'll just miss seeing your beautiful face every morning..." I'm having a heart attack. "...seeing that smile..." I'm dying. "...and kissing those soft lips." He whispers while raking the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. My ovaries just exploded. I'm sure that I'm blushing furiously right now as my breathing quickens. I try to avoid eye contact but it's almost impossible since he's inches away from me. "Oh..." I say but mentally facepalm when I hear myself. He lets out a deep vibrating chuckle which sends bolts of electricity all through my body. "You know, you're cute when you're flustered." He grips my waist a little tighter and starts to absentmindedly play with my hair. "I-I better go and get ready." I stutter foolishly. He hesitantly lets go of my waist and steps back a little. "Right.." He states awkwardly. He kisses me softly on my lips before turning and running up the stairs. I let out a breath that I was unaware of holding and then make my way up the stairs also. --------------------------- "Mom! Dad!" I say while running like a little child up to my parents. They open their arms and I jump in them. Childish I know, but I've never spent more than a week away from my parents and I missed them so much. After our little hug fest, my parents gratefully thank Adam's Mom for letting me stay although she insist that it wasn't a problem. Libby and I say bye like usual since nothing has changed and then rushes back up the stairs to talk on the phone with Liam. Adam, on the other hand is literally looking straight into my soul as our parents interact. I give him a little wave in which he returns one. "Okay Ariel, time to go." My mother announces as my father picks up my duffle bag. We say our last farewell and make our way towards the car. Once we settle in our seats, and we take off towards our house. "So, when were you planning to tell me that you and Adam are together?" My mother asks nonchalantly as if she's telling me about the weather. My eyes snap to the mirror of the front seat to look at her to find her eyes focused on the road as she's fighting back a smile. "What?!" My father shouts looking between us although I can tell that he's not angry. "Can't you tell, sweetie?" My mother ask him. "I-I was..." I trail off uncertainly. "Oh hush, darling." My mother states. "It was bounds to happen. Isn't that right Tony?" She asks my father. "I suppose." He responds. "If it's Adam I can't really complain, I know he'll take good care of you and I won't have to be using my rifle anytime soon." He says from the driver's seat as he adjusts his hands on the staring wheel. I keep silent as I know that it's no use denying it. That was easier than I thought. I think to myself. It was then that I knew that I couldn't wish for better parents. ---------------------- Incredibly short, I know, but expect a little more exciting drama in next episode ....... Thanks for the likes and comments.....!!!
9 Apr 2019 | 11:10
9 Apr 2019 | 11:13
Lolz...... Your mum is damn sharp oooo.... Like that kind of Mum though
9 Apr 2019 | 18:05
Adam's POV.... I sneakily open the window to Ariel's bedroom since it was left unlocked. I take a mental note that I have to start reminding her about that. She lies on her bed with the cover grazing her chin as she tightly holds onto it. Her frame is wrapped into a small ball that doesn't even consume half of the queen's size bed and her eyes are loosely closed with her kissable lips slightly parted. I admire her from afar for a few seconds but then decide to slowly approach her. I slowly lie on to the bed, wrapping my arms softly around her, seeking her warmth. Immediately, she jumps up in one swift move and already has a baseball bat that I'm almost certain wasn't next to her bed a minute ago, in her hand as she frantically looks around her bedroom until her eyes land on me and she visibly relaxes. The bedroom is still fairly dark, making it barely possible to see her now relaxed form. "Adam!" She whisper-shouts. "What are you doing here?" She asks as she lowers her hand with the bat in it. She doesn't give me time to answer as she already begins walking in the direction of the light switch. She flicks it on as she runs a hand through her hair exhaustedly. She then looks at me expectantly as she waits for an answer. My eyes roam over her shirtless form as it's now clear for me to see. Her blue shorts barely reach below her ass and her lace bra fits perfectly with her C cup breasts. Her toned stomach and long legs have me a mess as I'm unconsciously licking my lips. Ariel looks at me confusedly until she follows my gaze and her eyes widen. She lets her a small yelp and scurried across the room quickly to grab the comforter from her bed and swiftly wraps it around her figure. My eyes quickly snap to hers as I realize that probably makes her feel uncomfortable. "Do you always sleep like that?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. "No..." She barely murmurs while looking away. "It was hot so... " She partially concludes. I slowly rise from the bed as her eyes watch my every move. I make my way over to her drawer and pull out a T-shirt and sweatpants and hand it to her as she mumbles a small thanks of appreciation. After I finished turned away so that she can dress, I faced her and embraced her into a hug while burying my head into her neck and groaning. "What are you doing here?" She repeats while awkwardly rubbing my back. "I can't sleep..." I mumble against the crook of her neck. "So you came over here at two in the morning?" She retorts while giggling. "Hmm." I hum and then begin to place soft open mouthed kisses onto her delicate skin. "You smell so good," I mumble and then continue my unfinished task on her skin. "Hmm." She moans softly as her fingers tangle in my hair. Just then, we both hear footsteps getting gradually closer to her bedroom door and she quickly pulls away from me. "Quick, closet!" She whisper-shouts and she tries to push my body into the direction of her closet but fails miserably since I'm twice as big as her. "Go!" She tells me once she realized that she isn't making progress. I quickly scurry over to the two closed doors and force myself inside of it. Through the shutters, I see a small light from the direction of the door and hear muffled talking..... I take in my dark surroundings and then take out my phone and click on the flashlight and dim it very low, just enough to see. I look around the closet full of clothes and shoes which belonged to Ariel. I let my eyes roam through a few articles of clothing and my eyes land one particular very, very short dress. I lift it from among the sea of clothing and examine it closer. It's a red glittery dress that maybe doesn't even reach her mid-thigh. It's low cut and sleeveless with the back exposed. It's actually sexy and something that I would love to see Ariel in. Just not in front of anyone else. I crumple the small cloth that isn't large enough the be called a dress into my pocket to ensure that she isn't wearing that out anytime soon. As I poke around a little more around the closet, I find myself in the far back of the closet. My eyes widen when I see all of Ariel's old clothes stuffed behind there in a little corner. Everything from her old long baggy pants and oversized T-shirts to her white sneakers and flip-flops. Just as I'm about to reach out to pull one of the pieces out, the door flies open to reveal Ariel with a smile on her face. "Hey, everything good in-" She begins to ask me but her smile disappears when she sees me. "What are you doing all back there?" She asks confusedly. i quickly off my flashlight so that she's unable to see the content that I'm currently looking at. "I just... wanted to look for a better hiding space in case your parents came in here." I make up a quick lie while I smile at her. She hesitates for a while but I think she believes me. "Okay, well come on." She motions for me to exit with her hand. I let out a sigh of relief and exit but not before giving one last glance at the back of that mysterious corner and then shutting the door. "Everything okay?" I ask her to make sure that there aren't any problems. "Yeah, everything's cool." She states. "You staying here tonight?" She asks as she fluffs her pillow and dusts off her bed. "Yeah." I smile at her. She gives me a small nod and lies down on the far left side of her bed, leaving more than enough space for me. "I'll be back," I state as I head into the bathroom to the far right of the room. She gives me a hum in response with her eyes closed and I chuckle softly to myself. I step inside of the lightly aluminated room and rid myself of my shirt and jeans, leaving them neatly folded on top of the sink. I splash water on my face and take a look at myself in the mirror in only my briefs. 'Damn, I look good,' I think to myself before laughing lightly and heading back into Ariel's bedroom. I step slowly onto the bed, careful not to create too much movement. I rest my head onto the pillow next to her head and pull her swiftly against my chest, not really liking the distance that we previously had. She moves around a little, trying to get comfortable before using my hand as her pillow and snuggling closely to it. "Goodnight, baby," I whispered as I kiss her head. ----------------------- I keep my hand tightly situated around Ariel's waist as we walk through the school halls, much to her dismay. The immature and noisy students begin whispering rumors about us without even trying to hide it. I ignore their burning gaze and focus my attention on Ariel as we reach her locker. She presses her back against the cold metal and grips her books tightly against her chest as I prop my hand above her head. "Okay, remember that-" I begin as I point a finger at her but she cuts me off. "Yes, Adam. To call you if anyone troubles me." She rolls her eyes playfully. "And to-" I start off again. "Stay in front of my classroom at the beginning of lunch." She continues. I smile victoriously as she remembers what I told her this morning before she left. I mean, how could she forget? I drilled it into her memory every 2 minutes. She shakes her head at me and begins to shoo me off to the direction of class. I ignore her while leaning in give her a kiss, not giving two shits about the murmurs that are heard around us. However, that one annoying voice catches my attention which makes me reluctantly pull away from Ariel and step back. "Well, aren't you two the cutest." Elle screeches in an annoyingly high pitched voice as she, along with her friends, smile sarcastically. "Why must the Lord torture me this way?" I mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear as I run my hands down my face just around the time that Nick, Bryce and Josh round the corner. Ariel leans boringly against the locker as if she has absolutely no problem with the presence of Elle as if she isn't the most annoying creature on earth. "Awe, you miss me already?" Elle asks as she tilts her head to the side to probably create an innocent effect. Nick goes up to Ariel, wrapping his arms around her shoulders while glaring at Elle and her puppets and Bryce and Josh stand on either side of me. "What do you want, Elle?" Ariel asks tiredly as she opens her locker with Nick's arm still around her. "I want you to get your ugly ass from around my man!" She blurts out loudly and we all, except for Ariel, cover our ears from the screeching noise, even her friends. Ariel closes her locker unfazed, "I'm not in the mood right now, can you insult me later? Tomorrow maybe?" She asks as she runs a hand through her hair. Elle gasps and we all look at Ariel crazily. She seems so calm about the situation that it's almost scary. "Look, I gotta go." She states as she kisses Nick on the cheek and slides out of his arms. She gives Bryce and Josh both hugs and then saunters over to me and pecks me on the lips, ignoring Elle's presence and demanding words at her to come back but she justs sashays her way to class. ________________________.....
10 Apr 2019 | 08:45
please let me all know your on the story so far and how you are enjoying it.. By dropping a comments please.... it will only take some seconds.... yeah!!!
10 Apr 2019 | 08:47
though this is getting boring but I still find myself going back to reading dis
10 Apr 2019 | 15:09
@ireoluwa emmanuel ...thanks for following...i really appreciate...but u all should not worry ...the upcoming episodes are super exciting and am sure you all will love it...!!!
10 Apr 2019 | 19:39
Really elle do u have to go so low when u know dat adam does not love u, and was only using u but now he has found someone close to his heart which is ARIEL
10 Apr 2019 | 21:08
Kudos to the writer keep up, but please try and make the next episode more, intresting curse it bored
10 Apr 2019 | 21:14
@Abdullah Iyiola Muh ....yeah thanks actually working on that...on the next episode
11 Apr 2019 | 02:49
11 Apr 2019 | 06:00
i really dont know who loves the other more, is it Ariel or Adam?
11 Apr 2019 | 06:02
this two are like love birds
11 Apr 2019 | 06:03
the story isnt boring jare
11 Apr 2019 | 06:04
its 4 sure nice thanks though i tot it would have taken a lil longer b4 they started dating
11 Apr 2019 | 11:31
Ariel's POV contd.... "Libby!" I whisper shout as she rounds the corner. She looks around the empty halls and her eyes land on me before she looks at me weirdly and then slowly walks in my direction. "Why are you not in class? And I can't stay long because I got called to the principal's office for I don't know what." She rolls her eyes. "I called you." I whisper as I frantically look around. "Why would you- and why do you have half of your body hiding behind that wall?" She looks at me as if I'm crazy. I sigh but reply nonetheless, "I have a slight problem." I slowly say. "What kind of problem?" She asks. "A P.E problem..." I elaborate hoping that she catches on. She looks at me confusedly but then catches on, "Oh." She replies nonchalantly. "Oh..." She says once she fully understands. "You know Adam isn't going to like that." She warns. At this fuck up place that is supposed to be called a school, when a senior forgets her P.E outfit at home, she's forced to wear a little spaghetti strap tank top and a shorts that is right below your ass. Apparently our coach claims that it's a punishment but we all know what a perverted asshole he is so a few girls try hard not to forget their uniform at home while others purposely do it so that boys can see them parading around in little skimpy uniforms. Of course we have the choice to stay in our regular clothes and not participate but since I missed last Friday due to waking up late, if I miss today, that's a B- in Physical Education which is way too low for me. "I know he won't like it, that's why I want you to help me." I say growing aggravated by the second. "Okay, let me see it. I'm sure its not that bad." She gestures. I hesitantly come from behind the wall after searching the hallow halls. "Oh shit, that's bad." She curses to herself. "What am I going to do?" I yell. "The bad part about it is that you look good it in. Too good in it. Really good in it. Way too-" Libby starts rambling but I cut her off. "I get it, Libby! Now what are we gonna do about Adam." I ask. "Look, he hardly goes to his class. Luckily today, he'll just hang out with the guys behind the school." She assures me. "I guess..." I rub my forearm unsurely. "Good! Now go." She says as she slaps me on my ass. I cringe from the stinging pain while rubbing my ass cheek and sticking out my tongue at her as I walk away. Adam's POV I listen to the boring Math teacher that stands before me in all of his bald glory. He talks about equations or some shit as he points to the board with a metre ruler as the students try to rush down all the shit that's flowing from his mouth. I mentally roll my eyes and then carry my attention to the window as I gaze at the field full of students that await the beginning of their lesson. There are some who are socialising amongst themselves, but the other half of the field which is taken up my most of the students, is what caught my attention. There's a group of boys whispering to each other as they all lick and bite their lips. I roll my eyes at the thought of probably another whore purposely forgetting her uniform to receive the 'punishment' of wearing a smaller version. Usually, it doesn't get this much attention though, I think to myself for a quick second. In another corner is another group of girls, looking in the same direction with a disgusted, envious look on their face. This however, now catches my attention since no one really pays attention to these types of girls. I raise my head a little out of curiosity over the sea of horny teenagers and what my eyes see next nearly makes me fall out of my chair from shock and anger. There, was Ariel in one of those 'outfits' as she wraps both of her hands around her waist securely, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot as her light brown hair creates a wall to prevent anyone from seeing her face. The anger consumes me by the second and I quickly rise from my seat, much to Mr. Bald's dismay. At least that's what my name for him is. "Where are you going Mr. Haynes?" He shouts. I ignore his question and dodge through all of the tables before exiting the classroom with everyone's eyes on me. They know that she's mine, that even if we weren't together, she was always still off limits, yet they chose to look at my Ariel with lust filled eyes. I make my way onto the field and everyone cowards away discreetly, making more than enough space for me to pass through. I stomp into Ariel's direction with clenched fists and gritted teeth as I try my best to not let me anger control me. As soon as I reach her, I tear my jacket from off of my body and throw it over her shoulders as it was big enough to cover half of her body. I don't give her time to speak as I then practically run into the direction of the perverted assholes. They swiftly remove their attention from Ariel and then shift it to me with a "Oh, shit." look on their face. That was when they knew they fucked up. ---------------------------
12 Apr 2019 | 08:41
thanks you all for the comments..... it really shows how priceless you guys are following me on this story.... thanks really appreciate.....hope you all are enjoying it....!!!.... and I will love to see more comments please.... Yeah!!! ????
12 Apr 2019 | 08:49
12 Apr 2019 | 08:51
the guy(Adam) is jealously guarding Ariel
13 Apr 2019 | 00:46
Adam's POV.... Bones cracking and jaws breaking is basically all I hear as I pummeled my fist into three guy's jaw. All at once. I receive a few punches but this keeps me unaffected as I quickly dodge back and continue my unfinished work. A crowd is gathered around us by now, chanting and cheering for me to hit harder and faster. The teachers at this school obviously don't hear all of the ruckus. It's either that or they don't care. Either way, it gives me more than enough time to kill these motherfuckers. "How dare you look at her?!" I shout as I throw a punch into Blondie's stomach. One of the idiots already managed to run away, leaving his friends behind to suffer the consequences and receive his punishment also. All of a sudden, I see a petite figure appear in front of me. I pause my actions and look directly into her green orbs with my jacket still present around her tiny body. "He's not worth it." She whispers and she shields the semi-unconscious guy with her frame. I sigh and begin to stand up before I hear a loud booming voice. "Mr. Haynes!" The principal shouts. I roll my eyes and turn to face him as the crowd quickly disperses. "That's my name." I reply boredly as I look into his raging eyes. "Go to my office, now!" He shouts as he adjusts his glasses on his face. "And you too, Ms. Bradshaw." He shouts as boys drag away the guys that I nearly murdered. "Hey, hey." I step in as I hide her behind me. "She had nothing to do with this. If anything, she stopped the fight." I reason. He narrows his eyes at me as he clenches his jaw with smoke practically fuming from his ears. "Very well then. " He states. "Now come." He continues. I turn to look at Ariel to tell her that I'll see her later. "We'll talk about this later." She squints her eyes at me as she storms off with my jacket. "And put some damn clothes on!" I shout at her retreating figure. I don't care how mad at me she is, she better put on some damn clothes. ------------------------- Ariel harshly dabs the antiseptic on my bruised knuckles and cheek as I flinch away multiple times from the stinging pain. "Geez, woman." I mumble as I flinch back once again. "Don't 'Geez, woman' me. " She states with a lot of attitude. "Suspension? Really, Adam?" She scolds as I run my hand tiredly down my face. We're currently in my bathroom with Ariel cleaning my wounds. I got suspended for 4 days because of the fight and Ariel is really pissed off about it since she claimed that it was for a stupid reason. "I know, Ariel. I know." I say tiredly. "I hope you learn from your mistakes." She says as she clips back up the bag full of cotton. "You can't go hitting everyone that looks at me. It isn't a crime, Adam. It's a free world." she sassed with her hand on her hip. "Damn right I fucking can." I shoot back as she rolls her eyes and enters our bedroom with me following behind her. "Don't swear at me." She points an accusing finger at me as she looks menacingly at me. Fuck, she's hot. I quickly shake my head to rid myself of that thought. "What are you even gonna tell your parents?" She asks as she fixes my vanity. "I'm going to tell them exactly what happened." I shoot. "What- No! You can't tell them that, they'll hate me! They'll think it's all my fault." She turns to glare at me. "You know my parents can never hate you and that it isn't your fault." I assure her as I wrap my arms securely around her waist and kiss her shoulder blade. She sighs and rests her head back on my chest, leaning her head to the side as I trail my lips up to her neck. She then turns around slowly, so that we're now facing each other, with our faces inches apart. "I just don't want you getting into any unnecessary trouble. Especially because of me." She says softly as plays with the buttons on my shirt with only one hand wrapped around my neck. "I'm not." I assure her for the unth time today. "I just don't like anyone looking at you like that." I admit. She laughs lightly as her peppermint breath fans my face. "You don't see me slapping every girl that looks at you, do you?" She inquires. I sigh, knowing that she's 100% right. "That's different." I try to reason. "How is that different?" She looks at me confusedly. "I don't know, it just is." I mumble. "Oh, Adam." She says as she smiles and plays with my hair. "You need a haircut." She murmurs to herself as her eyebrows crease together. "And you need a kiss." I say as I place my lips on hers..... ???????
13 Apr 2019 | 03:14
@Itzprince ....
13 Apr 2019 | 03:17
guy take it easy
13 Apr 2019 | 19:44
its obvious that school isnt for you
13 Apr 2019 | 19:46
Love wantintin
14 Apr 2019 | 06:01
Ariel's POV.... I come home from school and plop down on the long grey couch and then let out a long, tired sigh. School is seriously killing me right now. Moments later, Adam walks casually down the stairs boredly but his face morphs into a smile when he sees me. "I didn't know you were coming here today." He states as he plops down next to me. "Parents aren't home," I reply shortly as I position myself to lie on his lap. "How was your first day of suspension?" I ask as I yawn lightly. "Would've been better if you were here." He replies as he moves the hair from my face. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. I then flinch as a pain shoots through my shoulders and I rotate them to relieve some of the pain as I groan slightly. "Are you okay?" Adam asks worriedly as he sits up straighter. "Yeah yeah. I'm just a little tense." I admit as I gaze upon his concerned features. "How about a massage?" He asks. "Oh my God, that would feel so good right now." I reply as I get up from his lap. "Good now get started." He says as he slouches and looks at me expectantly. I chuck one of the couch's pillows at him as he grabs and laughs at me while replying, "I'm kidding. Geez, woman." He stands up while still chuckling to himself and stands behind the couch and I relax when I feel his cold, rough hands on my shoulder. "Just like that?" Adam whispers as he continues to work his fingers expertly across my shoulders. "Yeah..." I say as I let out another sigh due to the relaxing feeling. I couldn't help but let a small moan come from my lips as I tilt my head to the side. I feel Adam's hands tense on my shoulders as his grip tightens slightly. I then instantly start to feel the absence of his fingers. "Adam?" I say when I don't hear him I stay quiet for a second after not hearing a reply until I decide to call out for him again. "Ad-" I start to say but stop when I feel his lips on the nape of my neck. My eyes slowly flutter close as his lips work on my neck at the same time as his hands start back to massage my shoulders. I bite my lip trying to hold in another moan that is trying to force its way out. I let my fingers tangle in his brown locks and I hear him inhale from behind me. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" He questions and not even a second later and his lips are on my neck again. "Hmm." Is my only reply. All of a sudden, I'm startled as I hear keys jingling on the outside of the door and I hear Adam curse to himself as he quickly sits on the couch while covering his boner with a pillow. "Oh, Ariel! What a pleasant surprise." Lily says with a grocery bag in her hand. "Hey, Mrs. Haynes." I respond trying to catch my breath. "Oh don't mind me. I just came to pick up some files once again and drop off some groceries." She claims. "Adam, I hope you've still been studying even though you're home?" She continues as she raises an eyebrow at him questioningly. He tries to get the lie, 'yes' from out of his mouth but it comes out hoarse due to his problem so he just nods eagerly. "I'm sorry about that again." I say apologetically while referring to the fact that Adam basically got sent home because of me. "Oh hush, dear. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting this. I mean, you're beautiful and Adam doesn't have the best temper so it's no secret that boys still find you attractive." She compliments while I blush saying a small thank you. "I hope Adam just knows to control it next time." She says as she glares at him with him rolling his eyes. I laugh at their relationship but even laugh louder when I hear his mother mumble, "I gave birth to clowns." "Love you too!" He shouts back as she grabs her files and leaves the house although his voice is slightly husky. I let my eyes linger on the closed door a little longer than necessary as I try to avoid the slightly awkward silence that we're in now. "I'll just... take a bath now." He says as he walks away but not before whispering, "I fucking hate cold showers." Which makes me smile to myself......
16 Apr 2019 | 07:04
"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad!" I begin to shout as I prepare to exit through the door. "Bye, honey! Tell Adam and Libby that I said hey!" My mother shouts from the kitchen while my father waves at me from the couch that he's currently sitting on watching the news. I shut the door as I run towards the familiar looking BMW. I open the door of the car which leads to the backseat to already find Libby there as she texts away on her phone. I groan as I wait for her to acknowledge me. After a few seconds and she doesn't even glance at me, I decide to speak up but she beats me to it. "Ariel, I've explained to you already that you'll be sitting in the front from now on." She states, not even breaking away her gaze from her phone as her fingers move frantically across the screen. I sigh but listen to her anyway. I make my way to the passenger's seat and buckle in, then bringing my gaze to Adam for the first time in the morning. "Hey," I say partially breathlessly. "Morning." He says and then leans over the center console and locks his lips with mine for a few seconds too long for Libby's liking. "Ewwww!" Libby screeches with a playful grin on her face. "I'd prefer if you keep the PDA on the low or I'll have to start catching a ride with Liam." She continues as Adam reluctantly pulls away while rolling his eyes and starting the car. "What's going on with you and this Liam kid?" Adam asks as we speed off to school. "I told you, we're just dating and I don't get why you don't like him, he's never done or said anything wrong to you." Libby shoots as she looks up from her phone with an annoyed look on her face. "Look, all I know is that he had a thing for Ariel and he's a teenage boy which means that he's horny and hormonal so I'd prefer if my sister would stay a virgin until marriage. You are still a virgin, right?" Adam inquires as he raises an eyebrow at Libby through the rear view mirror. "Yeah, sure." Libby murmurs cowardly with her head down. I snort which makes her look menacingly at me through the side mirror. We both know that she's no longer a virgin since her seventeenth birthday. She claimed she wanted to get it over with, in which she did at her party to some guy named Jerome. Adam would totally flip if he found out about this and I have absolutely no intention of telling him. It's still a little embarrassing that I'm still a virgin and my younger best friend isn't. "Oh! Before I forget, I have a peer project with a classmate so I won't need a ride home this evening." I say trying to change the subject. Also, I could really use the space away from Adam. Today Adam gets to go back to school and I'm happy but all he did while he was on suspension was cling to me even more. Not in an overbearing or creepy way or anything, it was just because I guess he had nothing better to do. For example, whenever I came to his house, he would just steal me away from everyone and kiss me like his life depended on it. Not that I minded because damn, he is a good kisser, it was just getting slightly annoying when I was even doing my homework, he would pepper me with neck kisses which he knew were my weakness and somehow my homework would be somewhere across the room. "Oh? Do I know her?" Adam asks with his eyes still on the road. I mentally curse myself for getting the attention away Libby since all of Adam's attention will now be on me. "No... I don't think so." Especially when it's a guy and not a girl, I state not saying the last part. "But wasn't you're partner that Cobia kid from you're Geography class?" Libby chimes in. I groan in frustration when Adam's eyes snap towards me which makes me glare at Libby from the backseat. "Oops." She says sheepishly..... "So let me get this straight. Correct me if I'm wrong Ariel, okay?" Adam says as he tries to control his anger, gripping the staring wheel tightly. I just nod my head cowardly, afraid of his reaction if I don't cooperate. "You're going alone to some little boy's house-" He begins but I foolishly cut him off. "Actually, he's 18 so he's not a little boy. " I murmur and hope that he doesn't hear me but as always, the universe is never on my side. " What? " He asks as he pulls up in our school. Libby quickly scurries out, not wanting to be part of the conversation. "No, Ariel, I don't know who he is but to me, he's a little boy. A boy who better doesn't make a wrong move or he'll have to deal with me." He seethes as he leans over the center console and grips my chin firmly, but not strong enough for it to hurt. "Do you understand, Ariel?" He asks as he lets go, looking me directly into my eyes. "Yes." I say smally. He sighs while leaning in to kiss me, slowly and sensually on my lips while his knuckles caress my cheek. After a few seconds, he pulls away, resting his forehead on mine. "I don't mean to scare you Ariel, I just..." He trails off. "Shh. It's okay. If it makes you feel better, we're meeting at the mall right across from school, you can come before we leave." I whisper. "Okay." He replies with a small smile gracing his lips. I smile back at him and place my lips on his while intertwining my fingers together behind his neck. He then takes this opportunity to deepen the kiss by putting his hand behind my head, pulling me closer. His tongue finds its way inside my mouth as he explores every corner. I hear him groan softly as he lifts me from my seat and places me on his lap so that I'm now straddling his waist. He begins to trail his lips down my jaw and then behind my ear. I breathe heavily as his lips go from behind my ear, down to my neck where he sucks harshly as I tilt my neck to give him better access while running my hand through his hair. "A-Adam." I stutter out while trying to gain his attention, yet I still don't want him to stop. "Hmm?" He hums against my skin as his hands grip my waist. "School." Is all I say as I push at his chest and gaze down at him. "Can't it wait?" He asks although he makes it a statement since he doesn't give me time to reply before leaning in to kiss me again. I push back his chest again, "Adam." I warn while he just groans like a little child. "It's your first day back from suspension. How will it look if you're late?" I ask while raising an eyebrow at him. He sighs, "I hate that you're always right." He murmurs as he places me back in my seat. I smile triumphantly as I kiss him on the cheek and quickly jump out of the car towards the school. ---------------------------------- School had just concluded and Adam and I were now heading to the mall where I was expected to meet Cobia. From there we were just supposed to go to his house where we would start our project. We arrived at the mall in less than 5 minutes since it wasn't that far from our school. Adam kills the engine and then turns to look at me. "Now remember, be civil and please Adam, I'm begging you, try to be nice." I conclude. Adam rolls his eyes at this. "I know, Ariel. I promise that I'll try and be nice." He says as he rolls his eyes again playfully. "Good," I say, but more to my self since he had already left to open my car door. Once he opened my door and after I said a small thank you, we made our way inside the mall. "Ariel! Over here!" Cobia says as he runs up to me with a big grin plastered on his face. Cobia was very good looking with his dirty blonde hair and slightly green eyes. He was quite tall and more on the scrawny side but yet, Adam was still a good 3 inches or so taller than him and also had more muscles. He also had black rimmed glasses that were too big for his small face and was probably on of the nicest guys I've ever met. Some may call him a nerd since he loves to read but I think it's cute. I send him back a smile but his soon disappears once he sees Adam. Adam stares at him with hardly any emotion except for his cold glare and squinted eyes, eyeing Cobia suspiciously. "Oh! Adam, this is Cobia, my Geography partner and Cobia, meet Adam, my-" I begin to introduce them but Adam cuts me off. "Her boyfriend. " He seethes, wrapping his hand around my waist. Cobia chuckles nervously, obviously intimidated by the man who is currently next to me. "Yeah... I know. N-Nice to meet you." He outstretches his hand politely for Adam to shake. I crane my neck to look up at Adam to see him boringly staring at Cobia's hand. I nudge him warningly in which he doesn't even flinch. "Aren't you going to say hello?" I gaze up at him. He sighs annoyingly and takes Cobia's still outstretched hand in a firm handshake in which he holds a second longer than needed and way too tighter than he should. I then decide to speak up to get Cobia out of this sticky situation. "Well, we better get started before late, right?" I ask as I wiggle out of Adam's grasp. "Yeah, we should." Cobia says as he smiles down at me. I turn to look at Adam, "Bye, Adam. I'll see you later." I say as I try to give him a hint that he can leave now. Yet again, he stares blankly at both of us and then the small distance between Cobia and I. He doesn't respond, he just pulls his phone from his back pocket and types a little before speaking. "What's your first name?" "Cobia." "Last name." "Mitchell." "Address." "Richard's street, 3rd Avenue." "License plate." "GA4578" Cobia replies lastly, not missing a beat to all of Adam's questions. Adam types away on his phone for a short while before responding, "Good. Have her back by 6 and I won't have to put this information to use." I mentally groan and my cheeks flush from embarrassment. I ready myself to say goodbye to him for the last time, eager to get away from this embarrassment and Adam's over possessiveness. However, before I can say anything, Adam pushes his phone in his pocket, grabs me and slams his lips against mine which causes all the air to be knocked out from my lungs. He pulls me flush against him and I can't help but give in, ignoring the fact that we're in the middle of the mall with Cobia right behind us. I feel Adam's hands getting gradually lower as each second passes. I peek open my eyes and find Adam already staring at something directly behind me as he kisses me deeper and I instantly know it was Cobia. I hear him clear his throat awkwardly from behind me and I then push away from Adam. I glare at him discreetly in which he just shrugs. I angrily stomp away from him while grabbing Cobia's hand and yanking him along with me. "6:00!" I hear Adam shout. ------------------------ sorry guys.. it really take me so long to update.... Now, ideally.... , I hadn't planned on this story to be this long. I only wanted this story to be at least 25 episodes but we all know that that isn't happening.... I don't want to rush it and end it too soon so this story still has quite a few episodes left.... I also hadn't expected the smut to take this long..... Thanks again guys.... really appreciate!!!
16 Apr 2019 | 07:10
@Itzprince ..... check this out!!!
16 Apr 2019 | 07:12
extend the story ooh! because i dont want it ending any time soon
16 Apr 2019 | 20:18
Cobia and I had finished our project about half an hour ago and we were currently now in front of Adam's house. To say that I'm hungry would be a complete understatement. Cobia had offered for us to go to a diner where we could eat but I kindly turned him down because of Adam. I don't know how he would react to Cobia taking me out, even if it was just for a bite and I also knew better than to arrive any later than six. Adam may be overbearing and overprotective but I knew damn well not to piss him off by arriving even a second late. I valued Cobia's life too much to let him have to deal with an angry Adam so I just decided it was best if we did our project and he took me straight to Adam's place. I checked the time on my phone and the screen lit up and read 5:58 P.M. I breathed a sigh of relief, happy that a life will be spared tonight. Cobia's life that is. As much as Adam can get angry, I know that he'll never even have to think twice about laying a finger on me. The most he'll do is yell and that's why I adore him so much. "Welp, we did it." I say as I smile up at Cobia. "Yup, I guess we did." He responds back, showing a dimple on his left cheek. "Thanks for driving me home and I apologise again for Adam." I apologize for the 50th time tonight. Cobia lets out a breathy laugh, "I told you it's cool, Ariel. He was just protective that's all. I would be too if I had a girlfriend as beautiful as you." He says as he scratches behind his neck nervously. Yup, that's my cue to leave. A tint of blush covers my cheek at his compliment. I know it's just harmless flirting but Adam wouldn't take so kindly to it, especially since we're right outside of his front door. "Well, goodnight Cobia." I say as I try to avoid standing here for any longer. "Good-" Cobia begins but suddenly the door swings opens. Oh cheese and crackers. "Thanks for bringing her home but she has to go now." Adam says as he grabs my forearm, pulls me inside and then slams the door shut before I can even get a proper 'goodbye' out. I ready myself to fly up at him, scowling him for embarrassing me once again for the unth time tonight. However, he doesn't give me a chance to be angry at him as he slams my back against the door, not enough for it to hurt but just enough for it to weirdly turn me on. He rests his left hand next to my head, standing dangerously close to me as I stare at him with slightly parted lips and heavy breathing. "Do you know what time it is, Ariel ?" He states, my name rolling off his tongue like venom. I take in his every feature on his beautifully carved face. His face is in a calm state but you can't miss the emotion behind it. It isn't anger but it's something else I can't put my finger on. His soft pink lips that I want so badly to kiss, to his muscled bicep with a sleeve of tattoos that add to the touch of attractiveness along with intimidation is all that I can look at as I try to keep my eyes focused on his. I shakingly turn my head to the side to look at the Rolex on his head. No, I'm not scared of him, that's the last word I would use to how I would describe my feelings towards Adam. He was scary as hell but not towards me. That doesn't change the fact that he's intimidating as fuck. 6:01 That was what the time read and I couldn't ignore the urge to just roll my eyes at Adam. "Oh you think this is a joke?" He asks as his peppermint breath fans my face. "Come on Adam, you're overreacting. We weren't even late, we came 3 minutes ago and just talked outside." I say as I try to make myself as comfortable as I can in the small space that I was provided. "You talked outside alone for 3 whole minutes?" He says as his voice rises slightly. I try my best not to laugh but I'm sure I'm red as a tomato from holding in my laughter so long. I couldn't help but to burst out laughing in his face as I throw my head back, laughing even harder. Anyone else in this situation would be scared but I find it funny as heck that I get under Adam's skin without even trying. His face morphs in confusion then anger once again. "This isn't funny, Ariel." He snaps as he pushes me further against the door if even possible. I try to calm myself off as I wipe the tear from under my eye. "I-I'm sorry, Adam." I smile. "Continue scolding me." I tell him as I contain my laughter. "Right, as I was saying-" He starts but I cut him off once again my laughing again. We go over the same cycle that we did last time once again and when I finally composed myself I spoke, "Okay, Adam. I'm sorry I'm late." I say as if I'm talking to a child as I pinch his cheeks with my index fingers and thumbs. I then lightly slap his cheeks and escape from his grasp. "I'm not finished with you yet!" He yells at me as I walk away, heading to the kitchen. I stop and turn around to look at him. I then grab his face and kiss him without warning. I instantly feel him relax which makes me begin to wrap my arms around his neck. However though, he pulls away and whines, "I'm supposed to be mad at you, Ariel." He frowns deeply. "You could be mad at me later?" I question as I trail my index finger along his neck and jaw, feeling him shiver slightly under my touch. "I hate what you do to me." He mumbles under his breath, absentmindedly drawing circles on the small of my back with his thumbs. "Can I get back to yelling at you now?" He inquires. "Sure." I mumble as I bring my lips to his neck. It just dawned to me that I've never given Adam a hickey although he has marked me with those many times. I suck just hard enough to leave a purple bruise on his sensitive skin, nibbling at it in the process. I feel Adam's grab on my waist get tighter as he tenses visibly. His hands clench and unclench on the small of my back. "Ariel." He warns and I bring my hand to tangle in his hair, purposely ignoring his warning. "Do you really want me to stop, Adam?" I tease while mumbling against his skin. His breathing becomes slightly uneven as he inhales and exhales deeply, refusing to answer my question. Deciding that I've tortured him enough, I quickly pull away from his skin and smile triumphantly at his surprised reaction, before turning and walking up the stairs. --------------------------- I don't know what to,.... drop a comment please..... I know its short but please bare with me.... still have tons of more episodes coming up soon... lol.....
17 Apr 2019 | 06:56
Adam's POV.... Ariel and I have been together for about a little over 3 months now and it's been going really great on my part. I mean, sure there's been more dick heads flirting with her and more of me trying to kill them but, what's new? Of course, Ariel stopped me by telling me some shit about I shouldn't go around hitting people for no reason. Pshh. As for as I'm concerned, there isn't a law that stops me from protecting what's mine so... Aside from that, we've been really good with only minimum little petty fights but what relationship doesn't have fights? All I can say is that the past few months has been the best months of my life, especially with Ariel in it. She's the sunshine to my day and the reason why I look forward to waking up everyday. The way she smiles, laughs, and even the way she talks, is what I look forward to seeing everyday. "Adam!" Someone shouts, ripping me out from my thoughts. I look to the side and see Ariel looking at me with a slightly concerned face. "You okay?" She asks as she presses the back of her hand on my forehead. "Yeah, yeah. Just thinking." I say while taking her hand from my forehead and placing a long, lingering kiss on her knuckles. Her eyes follow my action and she blushes a dark red colour. She clears her throat and swiftly pulls away her hand. "Um, so... this can be used as assonance, alliteration or even irony..." She explains as she tries to change the topic. I chuckle at her and try to understand what the fuck is flowing out of her mouth about English. While she's explaining, I can't help my focus my gaze on her lips as she pronounces every word. "This here is called..." She pauses as if she's thinking. She bites her bottom lip and taps her pen on her cheek. I absentmindedly find myself leaning in to capture her plump pink lips on mine. She catches on and quickly pulls back before I can kiss her. "No, uh uh." She shakes her index finger in front of my face as in "no". "We both know how that'll end if we start now." She warns and I pull back while sighing, knowing she's right. "Good." She smiles and continues to explain. Did I mention that Elle also doesn't pay us that much attention. The most she'll do when she sees us is scoff and move on about her business. Ariel's happy about it but I still find something rather off about it. I still don't trust her and I'll still keep my eye out on her. It's my fault though. I should have watched who were the crazy bitches I fucked with. I continue to listen to Ariel once again and try to concentrate. ------------------------- I tap my pen boringly on the table as I twirl a strand of Ariel's hair around my finger. This is the only class I have with her and all she does is read and write. I try to gain her attention most of the time but all she ever does is ignore. We don't really get to see each other that much at home because she rarely comes over. I know that it's because homework has been piling up like a bitch on her and it frustrates and annoys her but that still doesn't change the fact that I miss her a lot. I'm actually very worried for her because most mornings she runs to class, extremely late because of waking up late. She rarely gets sleep because of her projects and she even went as far as to ask me not to pick her up from school because she doesn't want to make me late. Of course, I've tried to reason with her but she didn't budge. However, if she does make it school on time, her hair is hardly ever combed, her eyes are baggy and she tries her hardest to stay awake in class. Since this is the only class we have together, I try to spend as much time outside her classroom, making sure that she's alright, also without her seeing me because God knows that she'll kill me if she knows I'm skipping, especially for her. "Adam, could you stop for a minute? I'm trying to concentrate." She whispers to me from behind her as she frowns. I feel the pout evident on my face as I let go of her hair and slouch back in my chair. She looks back at the teacher quickly and sighs before turning her attention back to me. "I'm sorry, Adam. I'll come over today, alright? I promise." She states as she smiles a tired smile at me. I try to send one back but I just can't, especially with how my heart breaks when I look at her exhausted form. Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic that she's willing to cancel a few hours of her homework for me but I still wouldn't want to be selfish and expect her to spend all of her time with me, as much as I want her to. "Okay." I smile back smally and she leans in and pecks my lips. -------------------------- We both head outside to one of my different cars since I was getting bored with the BMW. Libby decided to take a ride with that Liam kid to his house. She's also been worried about Ariel and she knows that we don't get to spend as much time together so she just decided that she'll crash at his house tonight to give us some alone time. So after a lot of lectures about teen pregnancy, I've decided that I'll let her go. I open the car for Ariel and she lets out a small thank you, along with a breath of relief that school's finally over. As soon as she enters the car, she pelts her bag in the backseat of the car and faces back the front, while resting her head on the window. I walk over to the driver's seat and once I've adjusted myself and hooked both of our seat belts on, I turn to face Ariel. "You know you don't have to come over right?" I question and she looks at me. "Don't be silly, Adam." she says while trying to stifle a small yawn. "I promised I'll come over and I will." She smiles tiredly at me. I send her back one and push the key into the ignition and reverse to head for home. The car ride was a little too silent for my liking, so I decided that I would speak up. "So, what are we doing when we get there?" I ask and wait for a reply. "Ariel?" I say when I don't get any. I momentarily look at her to see that she's sleeping. Her lips are slightly parted and her little snores fill the car. The bags are still present under her eyes and I don't know if to be a little sad that I won't be spending time with her anytime soon or be happy that she will get more than two hours of sleep. I decide on the latter. I lean over and kiss her forehead and adjusts my eyes to the road again, while stroking her hair. -------------------------------
18 Apr 2019 | 09:35
I see no comments on the last episode..... aren't you guy's liking the story and seeing it much fun again.... lol... or whats happening folks.... let me know... Yeah... Thanks!!!
18 Apr 2019 | 09:40
, @itzprince
18 Apr 2019 | 09:44
This adam is not is not a beast as i think, he is romantic, understanding, and to crown it all he LOVE her
18 Apr 2019 | 16:26
18 Apr 2019 | 19:41
but Adam is just too protective of her
18 Apr 2019 | 19:43
next please
19 Apr 2019 | 11:42
While I'd agree that Adam loves Ariel dearly,his being over protective of her is a thing of concern.
20 Apr 2019 | 04:10
Ariel's POV.... I snuggle deeply into the white fluffy pillow on the large King Sized bed that I'm currently lying on. Wait, King Sized Bed? I own a Queen. I quickly sit up and look around the bedroom with grey walls and I instantly realise that it is Adam's bedroom. I look down at my attire and recognise that I'm still in the outfit that I wore to school. Then the events from earlier today replayed in my mind. "Oh my God." I say as I physically face palm myself. I promised Adam that we'd hang out and I can't even remember falling asleep. I can't begin to imagine how Adam must feel right now. I've been so busy with school and assignments that I haven't had enough time for him. I look at the clock beside his bed and the time reads 7:09 PM. I groan before removing the comforter from across my body and jumping off the bed. I make my way downstairs to see if I can find Adam and apologize to him for what happened today. I turn the corner of the mansion and mentally think up apologies in my head, praying that Adam won't be too mad at me. When I enter the kitchen, I find Adam standing there in front of the counter, shirtless and wearing a sky blue sweatpants. Huh. What happened to the cliche grey? A bowl is present in front of him, along with its content. Flour and dough covers his face in patches and his handsome face is scrunched up as he stirs the mixture in front of him. To say the kitchen is a mess would be an understatement. Pots and pans are scattered everywhere and flour covers the majority of the floor. A burning smell overtakes my nose and Adam obviously smells it because he murmurs under his breath, "Shit." And quickly stops what he's doing and rushes over to the oven, still unaware of my presence. He quickly puts on a mitten, opens the handle and angrily pulls out the burned cookies and drops the tray on the counter frustratedly, along with the mitten. He annoyingly pushes the bowl away and rests his palms on the counter, hanging his head low and soon a frown overtakes his features. I decide that now is the time to make myself known, "Adam?" I walk further in the kitchen. His eyes snap towards me and he straightens up as I make my way towards him. "What's going on?" I ask as I'm now standing directly in front of him. His eyes scan around the disorganized kitchen and a pink coloured blush tints his cheeks. "I um, I thought you'd be hungry when you wake up since you didn't get to eat since you fell asleep..." He scratches the back of his neck embarrassedly as the shade on his cheeks grow darker. "I know, it's a mess." He says as he turns around and angrily throws the cookies in the trash. I couldn't help but smile at his back at the effort that he tried to put in but that quickly fades away when I remember my reason for coming down here. "Look, Adam..." I walk up to him and he turns around to look at me questionably. "I'm... sorry that I feel asleep. I know that I promised we'd hang out..." I ramble, trying to avoid eye contact with him. "I honestly can't remember when I fell asleep... but you should've woken me up-" I continue but was rudely interrupted when Adam's lips collide with mine in one swift movement. I'm stunned for a while but hesitantly kiss back anyways. The kiss isn't needy or rushed. It's slow, short and passionate. Adam pulls away after a while and gazes down at me with an emotionless face. His knuckles graze my flushed cheeks and his eyes burn holes through my face. "Shh. You were just tired, I understand." He whispers. I sigh in both relief and content. "So... we're eating out right?" I smile looking around the kitchen. He chuckles softly and does the same. "I guess we are." He replies. He plants a firm kiss on my forehead and then speaks, "Go and get ready, we're leaving in ten. "He smiles and makes his way upstairs. ----------------------- Adam opens the door to the relatively small diner. I enter first and he follows suit, directly behind me. I find a U shaped seat directly at the back and we both make our way to the back of the diner. Adam lets me slide in first and him after. After we've taken our seats, we then decide to look at the menu. "Have you decide what you're doing for you're birthday?" I decide to converse once I've figured out what to order. "Spend it with you, what else?" He replies nonchalantly, without drawing his eyes away from the menu. I scrunch up my face at the thought of Adam having such a boring 19th birthday. "But that's so boring." I voice my thoughts while retrieving the menu from his hands to gain his attention. He averts his eyes to mine and and chuckles lowly. "It's in a few months anyways, Ariel. I've got a long time to decide." He continues as I nod my head in understanding. I let my eyes roam over the small diner, just in time to see a woman, in about her early twenties, looking in our direction. Her eyes scan our table before she quickly pushes up her Double D breasts and pulls up her already short uniform, so that it reaches just below her ass. I then realised that she's our waitress and I mumble, "Oh, brother." Under my breath. This is suppose to be the part where she shamelessly flirts with Adam right in front of my face, ignoring the fact that I'm right in front of them. I'm not gonna lie, she's really pretty and thankfully not wearing a whole face full of makeup. Just a little, if any at all. She struts her way over here and instantly focuses her direction on... me? She leans over the table, giving me a clear view of her breasts, right in front of my face. "Welcome to Dunkens Diner. Is there anything I can get you?" She purrs, inching closer to me every word she pronounces. "Hello, her boyfriend over here?" Adam says, trying to gain her attention. She sighs frustratedly and looks over at Adam boredly. "May I help you?"She sasses at Adam, obviously not interested in him, maybe because of her sexuality. "Nah, I was just wondering when you were going to stop flirting with my girlfriend?" He seethes, obviously jealous. For what, I don't understand. I'm not even a lesbian. I glare at him for being so rude and then turn my attention back to her. "Could you give us a moment, please?" I ask her nicely. She winks at me while glaring at Adam and walks away. I then fully bring my gaze to Adam. ------------------ That's all for now. Bye!!! Comment how you're liking the story so far right here!!!
20 Apr 2019 | 10:41
"Must you always be so rude?" I glare at Adam once we leave the diner. "No, I just choose to be." He snaps back. After the lady left, I pleaded with Adam to be nice and that there was simply nothing to be jealous about. He complied, but he still gave a little attitude while ordering our food. It didn't help that the waitress left her number discreetly under my water glass while shooting me a wink. This didn't go unseen by Adam and he quickly paid to the bill and left, leaving her digits on the table untouched. "You're so unmannerly." I mumble while I dig into my purse for a pack of biscuits that I remembered putting in there. I didn't even get to eat properly since Adam practically yanked me out of the establishment. Once I've found it, I open it, taking out a cracker and taking a bite of it, in the process. I seriously can't remember Adam parking his car this far. "I don't know what you expect me to do, Ariel. It's bad enough that you attract so much boys, and now you attract girls too." He mumbles with a frown on his face. Before I can even get a chance to reply, we hear a small bark behind us and we both snap our heads behind us to see where it came from. There, is a cute little puppy with a collar around its neck. It spots me and it runs up behind me and sits on its hind legs. "Aww." I coo at it. I take out one of my biscuits and feed it to her and she takes it and runs away, wagging her little tail. "Great. Now you attract dogs." Adam murmurs sarcastically and I can't help but smile. "You're so miserable." I nudge him playfully before he opens the car door for me. I see him trying to fight a smile back as he rounds the car and enters. He makes himself comfortable and then we take off without another word. ------------------ After Adam and I came back and finished cleaning up the mess that Adam made in the kitchen, we decided to chill since I fell asleep earlier before we could. Knock Knock We both stare at the front door, wondering who could be here this late. "Did you invite anyone?" I ask him once I've removed my feet from his lap. "Nah. I doubt Libby would since she's dead asleep." He replies. I shrug my shoulders and make my way to the door. "Who is it?" I shout once I've neared the door. That oddly familiar voice rings through the door and my curiosity gets the best of me. I open the door and send a confused look at the boy on the other side. "Landon? What are you doing here?" I ask him and I can feel my eyebrows furrow. Not even a second later, I feel a presence behind me and I look up to see Adam there, standing tall. His arm snakes around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I see Landon roll his eyes at the gesture. "Sorry for coming here so late. I went by your house and your parents said that you were here." He explains while sending me a smile and also unfazed my Adam's burning gaze, looking through his soul. Although Landon's quite tall, well to me. Everyone's quite tall to me now to think of it, even Libby. Anyways, although he's quite tall, Adam still has about 3 inches on him, along with a more muscular built. I still look at him confusedly, wondering why he was looking for me in the first place. "Oh!" He says understanding my questioning gaze. "The book, I always forget to give it back to you, or I just couldn't find you." He explains once again. Realization must be clear on my face as I accept the book. I still wonder why he couldn't give it but tomorrow though, although I didn't even miss it. "I could've given it back tomorrow but I didn't want to forget again. Decided that I would give it back while it's fresh in my memory." He says, answering my thoughts. "Oh well, thanks, Landon. That was very nice of you." I smile at him. "Yes, it was." That deep voice from beside me speaks. "Not you can be on your way." Adam interjects rudely. I poke him in his side with my elbow, hoping he gets the memo to be nicer. "Look, you got a problem with me, man?" Landon boldly speaks up, his voice rising slightly. "I do in fact." Adam's says as his hand unravels from around me, his voice dripping with venom as he takes an intimidating step towards Landon. "Well I'm right here, do something about it, you prick." Landon seethes and not even a second later, Adam is already on the verge of jumping on him when I stand in front of him just in time. "Hey, hey!" I shout at him with my hand on his chest. "Calm. Down." I say looking up at him while he keeps his eyes menacingly trained on his opponent, Landon. Smoke is fuming from his nose as he takes heavy breaths, not backing down. I don't really pay Landon much attention, knowing that Adam is the one on the edge. I turn to face Landon once Adam have calmed down a bit, while making sure that my back is pressed firmly against his front, just in case he gets any ideas. "This is what's gonna happen." I speak. "We're all gonna go inside and sort this shit out." I look at both of them. "He is not stepping foot inside this fucking house." Adam tells me matter of factly. I turn my head to glare at Adam, then afterwards turning my whole body. I look up at him with squinted eyes, daring him to test me. He looks back down at me, clenching his jaw tightly and gritting his teeth. "I think that you mistook my statement for a question." I walk even closer to him so that my front is now directly upon his. "We all are gonna go inside. Isn't that right, Adam? " I say, looking him directly in his eyes. His hands ball in fist at his side, his knuckles digging in his palm as he towers over me. "Yes." He grits out through his teeth. "Good." I say as a small smirk makes its way on my face. I then walk inside, gesturing for them to follow me... --------------------
21 Apr 2019 | 07:43
Adam's POV Ariel motions for both of us to take a seat on the long white couch situated in the middle of the living room. I sit at one end, all while holding my glare at Landon and him doing the same. He makes sure to take the other end on the couch, leaving a reasonable amount of distance between us. "This is what's gonna happen." Ariel says as she stands in front of us, pacing back and forth a little. "I'll ask one of you a question and you answer it truthfully. Rules are that the other person can't speak while the next is talking." Ariel explains to both of us. We both just nod our heads, knowing that Ariel isn't the best person to be around when angry. Of course she's sweet and has a kind heart, but when she's mad, she's a whole different person and sometimes becomes intimidating, even to me. But fuck, she's hot when she's angry. I shake my head slightly, ridding my mind from the pointless and irrelevant thoughts at the moment. Now's not the time. "Now Landon, why don't you go first?" Ariel suggests and I can't help but not like the idea. "Hey, why does he get to go first?" My voice comes out in a whine, much to my dismay. Ariel can't help but to roll her eyes playfully at this and decides she'll let me go first to avoid any trouble, which makes me smile. "How do you feel about Landon?" Is the first question that she asks. "Simple. I hate his fucking guts." I shrug my shoulder nonchalantly. Ariel seems taken back by my blunt response for a second and I don't even care to look at Landon's expression. "Oh... Why? You guys use to be best friends" Is the next question that she chooses to ask. Yet, another simple question. "He knew how I felt about you and yet he still chose to make a move on you. Who does that to their best friend?" I reply, while not even giving Landon a glance. She nods her head understandably and turns her gaze to the boy next to me. "Is what Adam's saying, true?" She inquires, raising a questioning eyebrow. I finally turn my gaze to him, waiting for him to answer the question. "Yes and no." Landon replies. We both look at him, urging him to explain. "Well, I knew he had a thing for you but he never made any move, so then I thought it was a fling." He shrugs nonchalantly. "That's not-" I begin but the glare Ariel gives me makes me stop. "The rules, Adam." She warns. I sigh and wait for him to continue. "I wasn't trying to steal you away from him or anything, I just decided to ask you out." He concludes. "And how did you think that would make me feel?" I fully turn my body to him. Ariel doesn't stop me this time, she just watches and let us take the lead from here, especially since the conversation is becoming more intense. Landon pauses for a moment before he replies, almost as if he's thinking. Suddenly a sorrowful look appears on his face. "I-I don't think I ever thought about it or how it made you feel." He says as he runs his hand down his face. We all watch in silence as he's loss in his own thoughts. Suddenly, a humorless chuckle escapes from his lips. "That was a pretty shitty move for me to make, huh?" He looks at me while resting his elbows on his knees thoughtfully. I guess Landon never thought about the situation as a whole. He just proceeded with his actions, thinking that there wouldn't be any consequences to them. "Yeah, it was. A pretty fucked up move if you ask me." I can't help but smile and nudge him playfully. After all that happened, he's still my best friend and what kind of person would I be if I didn't forget him. Two wrongs never make one right. He smiles back at me and then Ariel speaks up. "So what do you think you both should do now?" Ariel says as she doesn't even bother to hide the big grin on her face. "Eat?" Landon suggests in a serious tone. Ariel rolls her eyes playfully but replies anyways, "No, Landon. Hug!" She squeals. We both awkwardly get up from the couch and smile at each other sheepishly until we decide to just do a bro hug. "So we cool now?" Landon asks once we separate. I think for a moment, "Yeah, man. We cool. Best bros again." I say and we do a handshake. "Yay!" Ariel squeals excitedly. She makes her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, and me wrapping one arm around her shoulder in a side-hug way. I lean down to kiss her forehead and we both turn our attention to Landon once again. "I should get going and let you two love birds have some time alone." He smirks at me. "Tomorrow?" I ask him, referring to school. "Yeah, tomorrow." He says before closing the door and also saying goodbye to Ariel. I couldn't help the small smile that was left on my lips. I then turn my whole body to face Ariel and she does the same. "You're the best, you know that?" I say as I wrap my hands securely around her waist, swaying us slightly. "Indeed. I do." She smiles back at me rather smugly as she wraps her hands around my neck, playing the the hairs at the back of my head. I roll my eyes at her cockiness and lean down my plant a few pecks on her lips. I feel her lips tug up in the smile during the kiss and I can't help but to smile back. I let my hands roam lower on her ass before cupping it, giving it a quick squeeze. I hear her let out a soft moan which sends chills throughout my body and straight to my dick. Trying to gain a little distance between us to prevent her from feeling my fucking erection pressed up against her isn't easy, especially when I don't want to stop kissing her just yet. "We should stop," I murmur breathlessly against her lips. "Hmm." She ignores my plead, kissing me deeper. I groan while pulling away, obviously not wanting us to stop just yet. "What's wrong?" She whispers breathlessly once I've fully pulled away. My eyes scan her flawless face. From her captivating green eyes to her slightly parted pink lips. I let my thumb rake over her bottom lip, tugging it down and letting it fall directly back in place. "Nothing." I say but more to myself. "Nothing's wrong."......... ------------------------- wow are you guys loving what's happening.... and moreover that is a nice job from may back there... lol..... or what do you all think..... drop your comments please and like..... thank you lovely people!!!! ???
21 Apr 2019 | 07:51
Adam's POV........ Ariel motions for both of us to take a seat on the long white couch situated in the middle of the living room. I sit at one end, all while holding my glare at Landon and him doing the same. He makes sure to take the other end on the couch, leaving a reasonable amount of distance between us. "This is what's gonna happen." Ariel says as she stands in front of us, pacing back and forth a little. "I'll ask one of you a question and you answer it truthfully. Rules are that the other person can't speak while the next is talking." Ariel explains to both of us. We both just nod our heads, knowing that Ariel isn't the best person to be around when angry. Of course she's sweet and has a kind heart, but when she's mad, she's a whole different person and sometimes becomes intimidating, even to me. But fuck, she's hot when she's angry. I shake my head slightly, ridding my mind from the pointless and irrelevant thoughts at the moment. Now's not the time. "Now Landon, why don't you go first?" Ariel suggests and I can't help but not like the idea. "Hey, why does he get to go first?" My voice comes out in a whine, much to my dismay. Ariel can't help but to roll her eyes playfully at this and decides she'll let me go first to avoid any trouble, which makes me smile. "How do you feel about Landon?" Is the first question that she asks. "Simple. I hate his fucking guts." I shrug my shoulder nonchalantly. Ariel seems taken back by my blunt response for a second and I don't even care to look at Landon's expression. "Oh... Why? You guys use to be best friends" Is the next question that she chooses to ask. Yet, another simple question. "He knew how I felt about you and yet he still chose to make a move on you. Who does that to their best friend?" I reply, while not even giving Landon a glance. She nods her head understandably and turns her gaze to the boy next to me. "Is what Adam's saying, true?" She inquires, raising a questioning eyebrow. I finally turn my gaze to him, waiting for him to answer the question. "Yes and no." Landon replies. We both look at him, urging him to explain. "Well, I knew he had a thing for you but he never made any move, so then I thought it was a fling." He shrugs nonchalantly. "That's not-" I begin but the glare Ariel gives me makes me stop. "The rules, Adam." She warns. I sigh and wait for him to continue. "I wasn't trying to steal you away from him or anything, I just decided to ask you out." He concludes. "And how did you think that would make me feel?" I fully turn my body to him. Ariel doesn't stop me this time, she just watches and let us take the lead from here, especially since the conversation is becoming more intense. Landon pauses for a moment before he replies, almost as if he's thinking. Suddenly a sorrowful look appears on his face. "I-I don't think I ever thought about it or how it made you feel." He says as he runs his hand down his face. We all watch in silence as he's loss in his own thoughts. Suddenly, a humorless chuckle escapes from his lips. "That was a pretty shitty move for me to make, huh?" He looks at me while resting his elbows on his knees thoughtfully. I guess Landon never thought about the situation as a whole. He just proceeded with his actions, thinking that there wouldn't be any consequences to them. "Yeah, it was. A pretty fucked up move if you ask me." I can't help but smile and nudge him playfully. After all that happened, he's still my best friend and what kind of person would I be if I didn't forget him. Two wrongs never make one right. He smiles back at me and then Ariel speaks up. "So what do you think you both should do now?" Ariel says as she doesn't even bother to hide the big grin on her face. "Eat?" Landon suggests in a serious tone. Ariel rolls her eyes playfully but replies anyways, "No, Landon. Hug!" She squeals. We both awkwardly get up from the couch and smile at each other sheepishly until we decide to just do a bro hug. "So we cool now?" Landon asks once we separate. I think for a moment, "Yeah, man. We cool. Best bros again." I say and we do a handshake. "Yay!" Ariel squeals excitedly. She makes her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, and me wrapping one arm around her shoulder in a side-hug way. I lean down to kiss her forehead and we both turn our attention to Landon once again. "I should get going and let you two love birds have some time alone." He smirks at me. "Tomorrow?" I ask him, referring to school. "Yeah, tomorrow." He says before closing the door and also saying goodbye to Ariel. I couldn't help the small smile that was left on my lips. I then turn my whole body to face Ariel and she does the same. "You're the best, you know that?" I say as I wrap my hands securely around her waist, swaying us slightly. "Indeed. I do." She smiles back at me rather smugly as she wraps her hands around my neck, playing the the hairs at the back of my head. I roll my eyes at her cockiness and lean down my plant a few pecks on her lips. I feel her lips tug up in the smile during the kiss and I can't help but to smile back. I let my hands roam lower on her ass before cupping it, giving it a quick squeeze. I hear her let out a soft moan which sends chills throughout my body and straight to my dick. Trying to gain a little distance between us to prevent her from feeling my fucking erection pressed up against her isn't easy, especially when I don't want to stop kissing her just yet. "We should stop," I murmur breathlessly against her lips. "Hmm." She ignores my plead, kissing me deeper. I groan while pulling away, obviously not wanting us to stop just yet. "What's wrong?" She whispers breathlessly once I've fully pulled away. My eyes scan her flawless face. From her captivating green eyes to her slightly parted pink lips. I let my thumb rake over her bottom lip, tugging it down and letting it fall directly back in place. "Nothing." I say but more to myself. "Nothing's wrong."......... ------------------------- wow are you guys loving what's happening.... and moreover that is a nice job from may back there... lol..... or what do you all think..... drop your comments please and like..... thank you lovely people!!!! ???
21 Apr 2019 | 07:51
21 Apr 2019 | 12:28
MAMA GEE! i am feeling u jare,look at the way u helped resolve a 'few' weeks old conflict in just a 'few' minutes
21 Apr 2019 | 12:37
21 Apr 2019 | 12:38
Ariel's POV...... "Hello! Your loving daughter is home!" I shout to no one in particular as I enter my first home, Adam's being my second. My mother comes out of the kitchen with a cloth on her hands, wiping her wet palms. She smiles when she sees me, dropping the cloth on the counter. "Well hello, stranger." She teases. "Thought for a moment that you moved out on us." She continues, with a playful glint in her bright green eyes. I roll my eyes playfully. "I've only been gone for two days, not two years." I retort as I plop down on the couch. Adam just dropped me off after I decided that I better go home. After our little thing with Landon, Adam's been happy about the situation, especially since he just got back a friend. My mom finds the seat next to me and she rests an elbow above the chair, positioning her body to face me. "Oh! I almost forgot." She remembers. "Lily forgot to invite you to one of her annual charity events that she's holding next Sunday. She called shortly after you left their house." She finishes. I raise a confused eyebrow. Adam's mother has never invited me to any of the events that she holds. I decide to voice my thoughts, "She's never invited me to one before." A sinister smile appears on her lips, "That was before Adam and you were an item." She states matter of factly. I'm even more confused now, if even possible. "What does that have to do with anything? Especially with me getting an invite to her previous ones." I question. My mother just rolls her eyes, "My sweet sweet foolish little girl." My mother coos as she pats my head. "Tell me." I whine as I remove her hand. "Isn't it obvious, Ariel?" She laughs. "They're lots of eligible young men who attend Lily's events. Handsome too, if I might add. Why would we risk inviting you when you were single? For our ship to sink like The Titanic? No thank you." She finishes, leaving my mouth agape. "You mean- she was-" I start and stop foolishly. "Yes, Ariel. Lily and I wanted you to get together for years!" She dramatically yells. "But both of you were just so stubborn and wouldn't admit your feelings for each other." She ends. I'm sure my mouth is open so wide that I'm catching flies. "Lemme get this straight." I start. "You both assumed that we would get together and you were right?" I ask. "I don't assume, Ariel. It'll just make an ass out of you and me." She says in all seriousness. "I just predicted the future." "So what did our fathers think?" I begin to become serious on that topic. "Well, they wanted it to happen but they never thought it would." She explains. "David just wanted Adam to get over his rebel ways and Tony, your father, just thought that Adam would treat you right." She concludes. "Us mothers knew though. Call it... mothers intuition." She says before getting up and exiting from the living room. --------------------- "So how's it between you and Liam?" I ask Libby as we walk towards the cafeteria. "It's great!" She says enthusiastically. "I mean, it's cool I guess." She plays it off, realising that she was a bit too chirpy. I laugh at this and she playfully nudges me. In all seriousness I ask, "Did you two... you know..." I trail off, asking the question that I've been wondering..... "No..." She sighs catching on to my question. We make a stop at her locker so that she can place her books there. "I assured him that I'm ready because I've never cared for anyone like him but... he tells me he doesn't want to rush or do anything that I'll regret later." She sighs again. I nod understandably as we make our way to the cafeteria once again. "You sure he's not a virgin?" I whisper the last word hesitantly. "No. I know he's not. He knows I'm not too..." She tells me. I just nod once again, knowing that she probably doesn't want to talk about it. Meanwhile, we just arrived in the cafeteria. We let our eyes roam over the many students as they chump down on the cafeteria's food. Unbelievably though, unlike other schools, our school was actually blessed with nice lunch ladies who actually make our food properly. My eyes land on our table, where the guys, along with Landon, are already there. Adam and I told everyone about our confrontation with Landon so that it wouldn't be weird seeing us hang out with him today. He fitted right back into our little group, almost as if he had never left. We make our way over to the table and situated ourselves right between them, with me next to Adam and Nick, and Libby right between Bryce and Josh. "Hey guys." Libby greets as she plops her backpack right next to her. Greetings and waves of hello's and hey's were said throughout the table. I simply wave my hand at them and they nod in response, of course with the exception of Adam and Nick. "Ariel!" Nick squeals as he throws his hand around my shoulders and places a kiss on the side of my head, which earns a glare from Adam. Nick just sticks out his tongue childishly at him and turns his attention back to his food, still with his arm around me. I don't even know why Adam bothers. Nick obviously just tries to get a reaction from out of him, in which he succeeds. We both know that Nick doesn't like me in that way. I roll my eyes at the both of them. "Hello, Adam." I greet him for he first time for the morning since my parents gave me a ride to school this morning. I lean over and peck his lips, him humming into the kiss. "Seriously guys? Right over my salad?" Bryce questions pushing away the tray full of fries that were in front of him, as if it was a salad. Adam rolls his eyes at him while the rest of us couldn't help but laugh. "We should do something tonight," Landon intervenes, a short while after conversation had started. "Like what?" Josh asks. "Something like a movie or pool party or something, just us. I have nothing else to do tonight and I know you boring motherfuckers don't either." He replies nonchalantly. "Huh." Josh grunts as if he's thinking. "The dummy's got a point." He says as he jabs a finger in Landon's direction. "Who you calling a dummy, you prick." Landon nudges Josh's shoulder. Josh nudges him back and the two just start pushing each other. "Would you two children cut it out?" Bryce intervenes in their little play date. "Would you two children cut it out?" Josh mocks Bryce in a high pitched girl's voice. Bryce sends Josh a glare and we all can't help but laugh at the three. "Anyways..." Libby speaks. "I think that's a good idea that we all get together tonight. Our place?" She points between her and Adam. Murmurs of yeah's and sure's were heard among the table. "That alright with you, Adam?" I ask him since Libby didn't exactly ask him if it was okay on his part. "If you're there, I don't see why not." He smiles at me...... "Whipped." Nick fake coughs. I roll my eyes and Adam just glares at him for the unth time today. "Wait, can Liam come?" Libby asks no one in particular. "Absolutely-" I began but was brutally cut off my Adam. "-Not." He says. "Oh come on, Adam. Let her bring her boy toy. I never met the kid." Nick says as he steals a fry from my tray that Adam had gotten for me before I came. "Yeah Adam, why can't he come?" I ask. He raises an eyebrow but then speaks nonetheless, "It was only suppose to be us, why-" "Come on, Adam! Let her bring him, at least you'll get to meet him and see who your sister has been dating all of this time." I try to reason with him. "Pleaseee." I beg as I latch onto his arm, creating puppy eyes for effect. He looks at me for a while and then gives up, "Ugh, fine, fine!" He says. "But one wrong move and he's out." He warns an excited Libby. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, big brother!" Libby says repeatedly in gratitude. "Aww! Aren't you sweet Adam. Yes you are, yes you are." Josh coos to him as he squeezes his cheek, moving it from left to right. Adam smacks his hand away, giving him a hard slap across the head. "Oww! Bad Adam." Josh scolds. "Landyy!" He calls Landon with a new nickname that he assigned to him. "He hit me!" Josh tattles on Adam. "Obviously not hard enough if you're still conscious." Landon replies nonchalantly as he takes a big bite of his burger. Josh lets out an exaggerated gasps as he holds his hand to his heart jokingly, "You monster." He cries. "To more important matters..." I say once I've died down from my laughing fit at Josh. "Liam can just invite his sister, Miranda while he's at it." I suggest. "Oh my God, that's a great idea!" Libby squeals. "I'm so excited, I'm gonna call them right now." She jumps with joy up from her seat and out the cafeteria doors. I love to see my best friend happy. "Another girl? Looks like I'm scoring tonight." Bryce says as he leans back in his seat, a smirk present on his face. "Relax. She's gay." I say, hoping to crush his feelings. "So? I hear they do it better." He replies. I scrunch up my face at the thought and continue to eat my food. ------------------------ "Aren't they here yet? They're taking forever." Libby complains. Adam went to collect a few of the guys while the others would just follow him back here in their own cars since of course everyone couldn't fit it Adam's car. "This pants is so itchy." I can't help but do a bit of complaining on my part. It's just that this pajama pants is new and it's really uncomfortable. "Jeez, Ariel. I told you to just do what I'm doing. Wear a pair of my comfortable PJ's now and change later when they arrive." She explains. I shrug my shoulders, complying to her suggestion. I rid her closet, looking for clothes to wear. "Why are your pajamas so short?" I question, but more to myself. "I'm usually only in my room when I wear them, plus they're comfortable." She shrugs. I sigh, pulling pit a pair that I deem the most decent, although it Isn't much different from the others. It was a pink outfit that had the words "Give me coffee" written on the spaghetti strapped tank top. The shorts were super short and I thank God that it's only Libby and I in the house for now. I put on the outfit in the bathroom and afterwards tell Libby that I'm heading downstairs for a drink. I head downstairs, wearily making my way to the kitchen for a cup of water. I grab a glass and let the liquid flow inside of it from the thingy that is connected to the fridge when allows water, along with ice, to be provided. I let the liquid glide down my esophagus, enjoying the cold feeling that ends up in my digestive system. After washing the cup and placing it back where it belonged, I decide to make my way back upstairs. Before I even reach the first step, I remember that I left my cellphone in the couch. I make my way to go and grab it in case Adam calls, needing help with the pizza or drinks that is being brought. As soon as I round the corner, I stop dead in my tracks when I see six pairs of eyes all staring back at me. The embarrassment is real, especially with me standing here in my pajamas. In a shorts. And a spaghetti strap. With no bra on. "Look man, I actually found one- What the fuck!" Adam comes in from down the basement holding a charger in his hand and looking at me. Oh shit............ ____________________________ oooopppsssss!!!! Ariel you look so hot..... lol..... another episode coming up soon don't worry.... am sure all of you will be so eager to know what (lover boy) Adam action will be....maybe he will freak out or not.... so just chill.... you will find out soon..... lol.... thanks!!! ???????????
22 Apr 2019 | 08:33
22 Apr 2019 | 13:43
22 Apr 2019 | 13:44
cant wait to find out about Adams reaction
22 Apr 2019 | 13:45
Josh, Landon, Liam, Miranda and Nick quickly avert their eyes from the scene in front of them as they see Adam enter the room. Bryce, however, decided that he would take a risk and keep his eyes trained on me. "Damnnnn, Adam. Your girl's got a nice--" He drags out but receives slaps across the head by Josh, Landon, Nick, Liam and even Miranda, cutting him off from the end of his sentence. "Ow! What was that for?" He whines. "Now's not the time, dicktwad." Landon scolds him. I take slow steps back, hoping to leave before anyone brings their attention back to me. Except Adam at least, because he hasn't broken eye contact with me yet, or more so my body. Left foot back... Right foot back... Left foot back... I keep repeating these words in my head as my brain corresponds to the actions that I keep repeating in my head. Of course, I'm the clumsiest person alive and my hand knocks a glass vase full of flowers. All seven pairs of eyes, Adam's already on mine, looked over at me, stopping their little dispute. "Hey..." I wave awkwardly. "Hey, sup, nice clothes." Were the replies that were heard, the last reply being Josh. Adam seems to have had enough and comes storming over, yanking my wrist in the process into the kitchen. "What was that- what is this?" He whispers loudly, pinning me against the wall while making sure not to let the others hear since they are just in the living room. "Look, I didn't know they were down here!" I whisper back, just as loudly. He sighs frustratedly, running his hand down his face. "Look, I don't see why it's a big problem, they're our friends, it's not like they're strangers." I see, pointing my hand in their direction. His eyes snap towards me, "That's not the point, Ariel." He argues. "It doesn't matter who it is." He rests his hand on the wall next to me, completely trapping me against the wall. I huff, knowing he's right and also glad that he hasn't taken this to an extreme level by going overboard with the protectiveness. "Okay, I'll change." I mumble to him. "Thank you." He breathes out. I stand there awkwardly, waiting for him to step aside so that I could abide by what I said about going and change. But he doesn't move. Instead, his body draws back a bit, enough to let his eyes rake over my attire. They scan every clothed part of me, along with my exposed legs. His lips then begin to tug up ever so slightly into a small smirk. "Where did you get these clothes from, Ariel?" He asks. Not in a playful nor angry manner, but instead in a manner in which it seems as if he's in a daze, unaware of the words flowing from his perfect lips. His fingers that are connected to his left hand absentmindedly play with the bottom of my shirt, or more so, Libby's shirt, while his right hand is still rested right beside my head. "L-Libby," I stutter, all of a sudden becoming nervous. Why? I don't know. He hums in satisfaction. "You should ask her to keep it. It fits you and I wouldn't mind seeing you in it again. With only me present, that is." He whispers. I look away, not making eye contact, also not sure how I'm supposed to answer to that. Suddenly, as if an angel sent from heaven, Landon enters the kitchen. Adam doesn't waste a second in quickly assuming his position in front of me, hiding me from Landon...... I contain the urge to roll my eyes. "Oh. There you guys are." He says. "The pizzas getting cold and we're all waiting, so stop getting all freaky in the kitchen and come out. And by the way, where did you put the charger I asked for?" Landon rambles, and I can actually hear Adam roll his eyes. While Landon continues talking, Adam cranes his neck to look at me from behind him and whispers, "You go change and come back, okay?" He smiles a little. I nod my head and slip right past Landon while he's looking at his phone, making my way upstairs. ---------------------------- "So, what are we doing?" Liam asks with Libby on his lap. I got downstairs a few minutes ago and we're now deciding on what to do for the duration of their stay here. Of course with Libby and Liam's current position, Adam's been sending glares their way, especially at Liam. Liam has been trying to talk to Adam, just so it wouldn't be as awkward since he and Libby are in a relationship. Adam even told me himself that he's a nice kid but that still doesn't change the fact the he's looking out for his little sister, so I can't stop him from being protective. "Truth or dare?" Nick suggests, earning a groan from Josh. "Ugh, can you be any more cliche?" He glares at Nick. "What about 20 questions?" Nick decides to ask. "Seriously? Are you like five? Look, go in the corner, you're in timeout for being such an ass." Josh scolds Nick. "But-" Nick starts. "Corner. Now!" Josh cuts him off. Nick stands up sadly with his head hanging low as he walks slowly to the corner of the room, facing the wall and folding his arms like a toddler. Poor Nick. After making sure that Nick does as he's told, Josh turns back to the group, "Good, enough with this bullshit, it's time to pull the big ones out." Josh smirks. Landon snorts, "We all know that it ain't coming from your pants then." He mumbles which has all of us snickering. "Hey! I heard that! If you must know, they consider this a choking hazard." He points to the crotch of his pants and another sly smirk makes its way on his lips. "You mean that sign that they put on small objects?" Adam asks and everyone bursts out laughing, especially with the light pink blush that found its way to Josh's cheeks. "Anyways!" I say, trying to get the attention away from Josh and his embarrassment. "What were you suggesting we do?" "Oh yeah right. Here." He hands me something shaped as a cuboid that he just pulled out from within his bag. "What is it?" Bryce asks curiously. "A lie detector test." Josh shrugs. "Oh! Can I come?" Nick asks from across the room, craning his neck to face us momentarily. "Eyes back on the wall!" Landon shouts and Nick's head snaps back into place. "Ariel! Help me!" Nick pleads childishly, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, probably tired of standing up. I look at Josh, "Can he come back? Pleasee." I beg. "Look at the cute little face," I say motioning to Nick as he juts out his bottom lip for more effect. Josh sighs, "Sure whatever." "Yayyy!" Nick screams and runs over to me, resting his head on my lap. Adam just rolls his eyes and proceeds to pull me even closer to his side. For the rest of the night, we just set up the lie detector test and asks each other stupid questions. If answered wrong, it shocks you momentarily. I look at Liam and Libby, all snuggled up together and to the boys that are laughing their asses off, even Miranda, and think to myself that I couldn't be happier, especially with the boy next to me. I look at him and he has a big genuine smile on his face, laughing at Bryce, who was just shocked because he lied on a question. His dimple on his right cheek is very visible and his shiny white teeth are shown. He looks over at me and our eyes lock. I don't even think to look away. His smile falters and he asks, "You okay?" He asks with just a hint of concern in his voice. I don't say anything, instead, I just look at him a little longer before nodding and resting my head on his shoulder. Not long after, I feel his lips collide with my forehead and his hand on my waist while resting his head on top of mine..... --------------------------------- ????✌✌✌✌
23 Apr 2019 | 11:20
Ride on with it
23 Apr 2019 | 15:22
My eyes flutter open and the first thing that I see is the glistening light from through my windows. I sit up on my bed and stretch while letting out a long yawn. Unlike most days, I actually don't feel like shit today, maybe because it's the day of Lily's charity event. Libby and I went out yesterday and bought dresses for it, along with something a little extra. She totally freaked out when she found out that I was going since every year she would always complain that it was always boring, especially in the same room as snobby rich people. I lift my feet to let then drop limply on the ground. I then pick up my phone to check and see if I've received any messages. 8:49 AM Adam: Morning, Beautiful ; ) A small smile creeps its way upon my lips as I read the message that Adam sent. I check the time and it reads 9:16 AM, which meant that it wasn't too long ago that this message was sent. 9:16 AM Me: Good Morning : ) Adam: Can't wait to see your gorgeous face today... He thinks he's slick, doesn't he? Me: How long did it take you to come up with that line, huh? Adam: About 2 minutes, I was looking for the right adjective to use ;) I can't help but let a little laugh escape from my lips when I read his message. I decide against replying since I was going to head over there now anyway. I stretch for one last time and push my lazy ass up off of the bed and head to the bathroom to let out my liquids, brush my teeth and take a shower. Once I've finished, I step out of the shower and wrap the blue towel around my body and exit the bathroom. I look around my closet, looking for something to wear. I don't feel like dressing up too much, especially since the charity event is only hours away and I'll have to change out of them anyways. Looking around my closet, the clothes that are clearly visible aren't really as comfortable as I'd want them to. Searching a little further, I come across one of my old T-shirts and then soon after, my old pants and sneakers. I pick out an outfit that was at the back of my closet and my face morphs into disgust. Looking at the outfit, I can't believe that I actually use to wear clothes this revolting. No wonder Adam never gave me a second glance. I push the outfit back where I took it from and then I continue to look. "Knock knock." I hear a deep voice say from my doorway. I crane my neck to look in the direction of the voice and my eyes land on a smiling Adam who decided it would be a good idea to let himself in anyway. He's wearing a simple black shirt that hugs his muscles and black jeans that hangs low on his hips. His hair is still messy as if he just woke up and ran his hand through it and left it that way. "Adam? What are you doing here? I thought you knew I'd be coming over later." I say as continue to raid my closet, not even bothering that I'm in a towel since it's pretty big and doesn't really reveal much, if anything at all. "Yeah, I did." He heads to my bed and lies down making himself comfortable. "I just thought you were taking too long and decided I'll just give you a ride to prevent your parents from doing it." He shrugs as he rests his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling....... "I only finished talking to you 30 minutes ago." I look at him incredulously. "Still too long." He hums. "Anyways, what are you looking for that's taking so long?" He sits up. "Something to wear..." I sigh frustratedly. I didn't even realize he had made his way over until I felt his breath fanning my neck. He pulls out a boring plain beige sweater and a pair of the same baggy pants that I took out earlier, along with some out of season sneakers. "What about this?" He questions. "Ew. No thanks, I'll keep looking." I take the clothes from him and throw it on the bed. "I don't see what's wrong with it." He says. "It's ugly and hideous, that's what. How could you even think about letting me wear that?" A humorless chuckle escapes my lips. "It's comfortable, Ariel... and you always use to like them." He tries to reason. I search my closet more frantically, growing more agitated with the conversation as each second passes. I turn to look at him annoyed, "What? You want me to wear them now so you can have a reason to ignore me again?" I blurt out before I can stop myself, also making sure not to let the towel drop. I slam my closet doors and make my way to my bed. Adam looks surprised at my outburst but he quickly recovers and his face morphs into anger. "You're seriously saying something like that?" He gets up into my face and I've never seen him so angry at me before. "It's not a lie, right? Because obviously, you like your girls with tight skirts and tops, huh? Just like Elle. That's the only time you would have a proper conversation with me." I argue. His hands ball into fists at his side and his knuckles turn white from squeezing them so hard. "My feelings for you had nothing to do with the way you dressed and don't you dare bring Elle into this." He spits out. My anger boils so high that I have no control over what flows out of my mouth. "Okay, Adam. Let's not talk about her then. Let's talk about Leah or Jessica or even Rebecca." I shout at him, just adding fuel to the fire that I started by listing the names of the girls that he used to sleep with. He closes his eyes tightly and takes deep steady breaths. "Can't take the truth huh, Adam? The only time you even acknowledged me was when I started dressing more like your little whores and now you want me to put on this- this disgrace of an outfit." I say as I point distastefully at the outfit there lying on the bed. He's silent but I can still see the anger swarming in his eyes. He closes them once again and a few seconds reopens them and his whole expression changed. His features show instant regret as he stares back at me. "I didn't know I made you feel that way..." He whispers. "Well, you did." I say just as softly and sit on my bed. He hesitantly sits next to me and runs his hands tiredly down his face. "It's not true, you know." He says after a while. I want to believe him, I do, but I just can't. I just decide to nod my head as I fiddle with my fingers doubtfully. All of a sudden, I feel Adam grip my chin tightly and forces my eyes to meet his, "Please believe me, Ariel." He begs. "I guess I just waited too long to admit my feelings and at the wrong time, so I don't blame you for thinking that." He says looking directly into my eyes...... I can't help but believe him now, especially when he hasn't done anything at all to prove to me that he doesn't care for me. I just let my insecurities get in the way and it doesn't help that he has dealt with girls that are even more attractive than me, with the perfect body and I'm just me. The girl with the boring green eyes and dark brown hair. But if I let that stop me, this relationship will go nowhere and I'll just be drowning in a sea with my insecurities for the rest of my life, holding back Adam in the process. I just have to trust him and believe that he likes me for me and not because of what I wear. "We should get going..." I slowly pull away from his grip, not knowing how to reply to the information that I was just provided with. He sighs and we both rise from my bed with him still looking at me. I train my eyes on the outfit that he had chosen on the bed, biting my lip nervously with my brain spiraling with questions on if to wear it or not. In the end, I pick up the outfit and hesitantly decide that I'll put it on. I look up and give Adam a small smile in which he returns with the biggest grin I've ever seen on his face as he pulls me in for a hug. I quickly tighten the towel around me and afterward wrap my arms around his waist, sighing in content. ---------------------------------- This is it. Tonight finally came. The night of the banquet. It's three hours away which means that if I start getting ready now, I'll be ready just in time. Libby and I had originally decided to get ready together but decided against it, especially since Liam was invited also. So now it's just Adam and I in the house alone as per usual and Libby getting ready at Liam's place. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes are already there at the destination, ensuring that everything is just perfect for tonight. Adam and I are in his room getting ready at this very moment. Adam wanted me to get ready at his house but I told him that it wouldn't be possible since all of my makeup and everything is at home and I still wasn't sure what shoes I would wear yet and of course I couldn't bring all to his house. He suggested that I just use Libby's items but I reminded him that of course, she had to take them with her. No matter what I said, he wouldn't take no for an answer, insisting that I stay. So he put on that 'fuck it' attitude and just bought a whole makeup table with the most makeup I've ever seen in my life, along 8 new pairs of shoes for me to pick from. Sometimes I forget that he's filthy fucking rich. Now here we are, getting ready in absolute silence until I speak up, "Which colour shoes do you think I should wear." I say as I do my lipstick. "Depends, what colour is the dress?" he asks as he puts a little gel in his hair, giving it a sorta bed head look but nonetheless, it makes him look even 10 times more attractive. "It's red," I tell him. I didn't even realize that he was already standing behind me until I feel his hand on my shoulders and his breath on the nape of my neck making me stop all action. "Hmm... my favourite colour, I can't wait to see you in it." He whispers and plants small kisses all over my neck while his hand works expertly on my shoulders. He stops his work for a while on my neck but his hands still keep working, "You're tense, Ariel. Are you worried about something?" He continues his assault on me soon after he finishes talking. Indeed I was actually, I was really terrified of what people might think of me, especially as Adam's girlfriend. Not to mention what I knew I was planning after we get home........ "No, not at all..." I lie right through my teeth. He ignores my comment as his fingers slow down immensely. "Silver. It'll compliment the red well." He whispers in my ear before heading to the bathroom. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and afterward give my cheeks a light slap to get rid of my flustered state as I continue my makeup. Several minutes later, Adam exits the bathroom in a tuxedo and boy was it an incredible sight. He stands in front on his full-length mirror and secures the cufflinks on the sleeves of his dress shirt. Although his suit isn't extremely tight, it doesn't help that his muscles are still clearly evident through the material. I can't help but stare as he adjusts his suit on his shoulders and buttons up the buttons that were undone, totally unaware of the effect that he had on me. He wears a monotone expression while doing this and I think to myself that I shouldn't be reacting this way just because he's wearing a tux right? I've never seen him in one before and I never really thought that him wearing one would have affected me to this extent. My throat is as dry as the Sahara Dessert and my eyes follow him as he sits on his bed and puts on his shiny black dress shoes. "Shouldn't you put on your dress, Ariel?" He says snapping me out of my fantasy. I look at his face and see the little smirk that he is trying so hard to suppress. The slick bastard knows what he's doing to me. I roll my eyes with a huff and head to his bathroom. I take the dress that I bought out of the bag and admire every detail of it. While pulling it out, the other article of clothing drops on the ground and I can't help but blush deeply and push it back into the bag. The dress that I bought looks rather simple and it's an off the shoulder dress. It outlines my body to the curve of my waist and from there it flows down directly to my ankle in pleats, probably touching the ground if it not for the five-inch silver heels that I'll be wearing. I had already taken a shower earlier, did my makeup and my hair which meant all I had to do was put on the dress. I pulled it up on my body and it fitted perfectly, just like in the store. The only thing Libby had to help me with was the zip at the back which meant that Adam would have to help me. I unlocked the door, making sure that the dress was secured on my body until it was properly zipped up, before exiting. "Adam? Can help me please?" I asked politely to his back since he was not facing me. "Sure, with wh-" He started but paused when he saw me, his eyes raking over every inch of my body. I could have sworn I saw his tongue swipe over his bottom lip swiftly but maybe it was just my imagination. "With the zip. I can't reach it." I say and afterward, I turn to back him as I lift my hair, making sure not to get it caught in the zip. I did my hair in a nice updo but with some left open in the back...... I didn't feel anything being done for a while but shortly after, I feel Adam's cold hand grip the zipper, also sending a shiver down my back, and slowly pull it up. "Thank you," I whisper once he's finished. I fix the front of my dress so that it properly fits me before turning around to find my shoes but to my surprise, Adam was still standing in the same position, making me bump into his chest and losing balance a little. He grabs a hold on my waist and I hold his shoulders just to make sure that I don't fall. Once I've regained balance, I look up at him, waiting for him to let go of me, but he doesn't. Instead, he looks at me with a look that I've never seen in his eyes, his eyes twinkling with an emotion that I can't quite make out. "You're so beautiful." He whispers suddenly. I mentally curse myself since I don't have any hair to hide behind since I did it up already. I mutter a small thanks, not really sure what else to say. I then try to escape his grasp again but to no avail. "Absolutely gorgeous..." He compliments me once again but this time, he speaks to himself as if he's unaware of what he just said. I try not to make eye contact since I'm a flustered mess right now. As I look down, I can't help but realize that his tie wasn't tied yet. I lift my hands to around his neck before I can stop myself, and bring them slowly around his neck and lift his collar up to properly adjust the tie around his neck before I begin to tie it with his eyes still on me. "Perfect..." I say but more to myself as I admire my work. Adam leans down slowly to kiss me but we're interrupted by the phone ringing, causing me to quickly jump out of Adam's hold as if I've been caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar. I quickly grab the phone that was lying on the bed, "Hello," I answer breathlessly. "Hey, babe! I hope you and Adam are ready, the limo will be there in 5." Libby chirps through the other end of the phone. "Yeah, yeah. We'll be down in a minute." I say trying to force a smile although I know she can't see it. "Coolio." She says and then hangs up. I release a breath and then I go and sit on my bed, ready to put on my shoes. Just as I'm about to slip on the shoe, Adam takes it from me and puts it on my foot himself. His touch alone sends chills down my leg as he hooks the shoes around my ankles, "That good?" He whispers once he tightened the shoes. "Yeah, it's good," I say just as softly. He rises to his full length and puts his hand out for me to take. "Shall we?" He asks with a playful glint in his eyes. I couldn't help but smile and grab his hand as he leads me out of the house and outside to wait for the limousine. --------------------------------- "Oh my God. This place is huge." I say once I get a glimpse of our destination. It was enormous and people dressed up very elegantly were already entering the ball room with their dates. The driver opens both of the doors and Liam and Adam both get out first before taking our hands and helping us get out. Libby looked stunning as usual and Liam cleaned up nice as he's wearing a suit just like Adam. "Extremely," Liam says as he looks at the place with the same admiration as I. Libby and Liam walk ahead, hand in hand, and soon my nervousness begins to get the best of me. I would absolutely hate to embarrass myself or more even, Adam. I'm sure that there are a lot of people here from his father's company and also their friends. What would it look like if I make a bad impression? They'll think that I don't deserve Adam. "Is my dress okay?" I begin to dust off imaginary dirt from off of it..... "Ariel, relax. you look stunning." He chuckles lowly and wraps his hands around my waist. "You sure?" I couldn't help but ask again as I fix the pleats on my dress. Adam's smile suddenly turns to a frown, "You really don't know that you're beautiful, do you?" I look down embarrassed and he grabs my chin in a firm hold, "You love lovely, okay?" He reassures me. I smile brightly at him and he slightly extends his elbow in which I take, keeping close to his body. We entire and my eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. The inside is absolutely divine. Tables and chairs are set up perfectly and I'm almost sure that their distance apart was measured to ensure accuracy. A large glass chandelier illuminates the ballroom, giving it a bright yellow lighting. Guests walk around, holding champagne glasses in their hand and interacting with their colleagues. It's quite a sight to see, to say the least. I'm ripped from my frame of mind when Lily comes rushing over to us. She's wearing an elegant white dress that is about the same length as mine, along with white heels to match. Her hair is done perfectly in a nice bun on top of her head and a few braids. "Adam Darling, you made it!" She gushes as she kisses him on both cheeks. She then turns her attention to me, "Ariel! Oh my! You're just stunning!" She hugs me tightly and then clasps her hands together admiring the two of us. "Well, don't just stand there! Come, come." She pushes us along. "You have to meet someone!" I can't help but smile at her niceness. She leads us over to a group of people that Adam's father is talking to, "David, look who's here!" Lily gushes once again to her husband as she goes my his side which earns her a kiss on the cheek from him. "Ah, Adam my boy." David comes and gives his son a small hug. "Nice to see you father, seems like forever." Adam teases since he doesn't get to see his parents as much anymore due to work. David smiles sheepishly at him and then gives me a wide grin in which I return one to him. Mr. Haynes isn't a man of much words so when he talks, you should immediately listen, "Gentleman, please meet my son Adam." He introduces Adam to the two men standing in front of us. Adam lets go of my waist momentarily to shake hands with the two men standing in front of us and soon after places it directly where it was before. One seems to be in his late fifties and the other looks to be around in his early twenties. "Adam, this is Paul and Dexter Hamington," David says. "Paul is my college best friend and this is his son." Mr. Haynes clarifies. They all exchange a firm nod and then Adam looks down at me at and smiles, "This is-" He starts but was soon cut off by Dexter, "And who is this lovely lady?" Dexter compliments. I'd be lying if I said that he wasn't attractive but I only had eyes for Adam. I don't miss how his arm immediately tenses around me. I smile politely at him and step forward to outstretch my hand to him. "Hey, I'm Ariel Bradshaw," I say trying to sound confident. He takes my outstretched hand and turns it, placing a kiss at the back of it, all while keeping eye contact. He keeps his lips there for a second too long and I pull back my hand and send him a kind smile. It was currently only the four men and I since somewhere in the middle of the conversation Lily said that she had to go and entertain the guests. Adam pulls me tightly to his waist and I don't dare look up at him, "Ah, now if I were you, I'd watch what I was saying in front of Adam, Dexter." David chuckles. "He does not like sharing, especially when it comes to his Ariel. Isn't that right, son?" David questions Adam but doesn't get a reply since Adam's literally sending daggers through Dexter's head..... This just makes both Paul and David laugh and then afterward they leave saying that they have some catching up to do. Dexter grabs a glass of champagne from a tray that was passing and turns his attention back to us, "Is that so? I've heard quite a few things about you Adam and you don't sound like one to pin a girl down." He takes a sip. "Well I suggest you not listen to all the shit that comes out of people's mouth." He says somewhat nonchalantly. Dexter's face changes incredibly to anger and I try to come up with something so that we wouldn't create a scene, "Um, Adam, can we go and get a drink?" I look up at him while cutting off what Dexter was going to say at the same time. He doesn't move so I tighten my grip around my arm, "Please." I beg which makes him look down at me. I'm hoping that he can see the desperation in my eyes. He gives me a small smile, "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Hamington." I say. "As to you, Ms. Bradshaw." He raises his glass in the air slightly. "I'm sorry." Adam says once we've walked away. "It's okay, I'm just glad that you didn't lose your temper." I smile up at him. He grins happily and then leans down but then slightly jumps back when we hear Libby's voice. "Hey guys! Can I borrow her for a minute? Thanks!" She says and then drags me along, leaving both Adam and a slightly heavier breathing Liam since he probably had to follow her about the entire night. "What's up?"I ask once we've distanced ourselves. "I'm getting nervous." She whisper yells. "It's almost time for us to leave. I mean what if I do something wrong?" She starts freaking out. I rest my hands on her shoulders, "Hey, breathe. Look, you bought blue- he loves blue. Plus you're gorgeous. Trust me, he'll love it." I try to reassure her but I myself, am terrified for tonight. "You bet your ass he better love it, that shit was expensive." She steals a glass of champagne and downs it in one whole swallow. "What about you?" I sigh and then turn my attention to Adam and Liam where they are talking, "I don't know..." I trail off. "I'll be so- so new to this and I just want everything to be perfect." I couldn't help but send a sad smile in Adam's direction even though he isn't looking at me. "All I can tell you is that Adam really cares for you, maybe even loves you." She tells me making my eyes snap to her. "What? No..." I try to play it off. She shrugs in reply, chowing down a piece of cake, that wasn't even there before, as if it were her drug. "I'm serious girl. It wouldn't be a surprise to me." She responds with a mouth full of cake. Adam loves me? No... He couldn't. I mean, of course I know that he cares for me but I wouldn't go to the extent of saying that he loves me. Although the real question is... Do I love him? "Ladies." Liam comes up to us. "May I have this dance?" He extends a hand out for Libby to take. Libby looks like she's on Cloud 9 and opens her mouth to speak but instead crumbs fall out from the cake that her mouth is full with. How attractive. She swallows it quickly and squeaks out, "Yes." And takes his hand. Liam gives me a smile and then leads Libby away. She looks back at me and rests one of her hands on her chest, over her heart and the other fanning her face. I laugh at her and soon find myself looking around at the many people slow dancing on the dance floor for a while. I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and find a smiling Adam, "May I?" He asks gesturing to the dance floor. "You may." I smile and take his hand. "You didn't tell me you could dance." I ask him shocked once he rests a hand on the small of my back and grabs my hand with the other. "You never asked." He shoots back with a small smirk gracing his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we start to sway to the music. "Has anyone told you that you're the most beautiful girl at this event?" He asks after a while. "In fact, no." I smile up at him. "Well, you are." He grins. I'm about to reply but soon the music comes to a slow end and Lily comes up to us, "Aren't you two the cutest?" She gushes once we break apart. "Anyways, Adam, I just came to let you know that your father and I won't be coning home tonight. We're spending the night at an hotel." She tells him. "Why- Oh." He says which earns Lily to smile at him shyly. They haven't been able to spend much time together lately because of work and they thought they would 'catch up' together at a hotel, alone. "Okay well, it's getting late already and I'm sure that Ariel is getting tired so would you say goodnight to father for us?" He asks his mother. "Of course darling." She smiles even brighter when Adam places a kiss on her cheeks. "It was nice seeing you again, Ariel sweetie." She hugs me. "You too, Mrs. Ha- Lily." I correct myself when she sends me a disapproving look. After saying our goodbyes to everyone, we all, including Libby and Liam, got in the limousine and drove back home for the night....... -------------------------- ooopppsss!!!...... Oh. My. God. I've been working on this episode for 2 days straight,.... ugh!!! This is the longest episode I've ever written..... hope you guys really enjoy it..... --------------- thanks!!! and don't forget to like and comment.... yeah!!!! ✌?✌?
24 Apr 2019 | 10:59
@itzprince :
24 Apr 2019 | 11:17
keep it rolling
24 Apr 2019 | 12:32
Adam held open the door for me, allowing me to enter first and him after. I'm exhausted, to say the least. The whole ride back I slept, just to ensure that when we got back to Adam's place, I wouldn't be tired in the slightest. This was probably the only night that we'll get alone in a very long time and I'll be damned if I let it be ruined. "God damn, I'm tired." Adam groans out as he collapses down on the couch while taking off his suit jacket and making himself comfortable on the couch. "I'll go and take a shower and you come up when you're ready, okay?" I say trying to sound casual but I'm dying inside. "Mkay." He hums. I walk at a right pace until I'm sure that I'm completely out of sight then I practically bolt of the stairs, tripping on my dress in the process. I grab the bag that I hid beneath Adam's bed and dart into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door. I untie the bag and a blush covers my cheeks once again when I pull out the piece of clothing. It was a short lingerie type of dress that was black and sorta nude. It barely ended below my butt, if that far, which made me blush even more at the thought. If you haven't guessed already, I'm planning on... losing my virginity to Adam tonight. Of course, he doesn't know and I just want everything to go perfectly. I quickly grab the black heels over the cabinet and rest them all on the bathroom counter as I hurriedly jump in the shower and scrub down my body well. I had already shaved and washed up nice this morning, I only showered right now to get the sweat from off of my body. Unlike most girls, I don't grow hair on my feet. If I do, it's hardly visible. I don't know the science behind it, maybe I just don't have pores on my legs or something. I hop out of the shower and quickly dry my skin and put on some perfume. Afterward, I slip on the lingerie and the high heels and take a look at myself in the mirror. I untie my hair from the updo that it was in, leaving it to fall naturally at my sides. I place on a little lip gloss, along with some concealer and eyeliner. Not much, just enough for it to look nice. I fully look at myself in the mirror, tilting my head to the side and smoothing down the material. In my opinion, I don't look half bad. The built-in bra hugs my breast nicely, making them look bigger than they already are. The heels make my legs look longer and I really think that the colour compliments my skin tone. After giving myself one final glance, I take a deep breath before unlocking the bathroom door, poking my head through the crack just to see if Adam is already inside of the room. I let out a breath when I realize that he was nowhere in sight. With that thought in mind, I fully exit the bathroom. I begin to pace around the room nervously. I mean, should I just stand here? No that'd be weird. Should I lie on the bed? God no, it'd look too desperate. I could just sit on the dresser. No, it'd look too sexy and God knows that I'm everything but that. I couldn't help but let my mind drift off to Libby. I hope she's having a better time than me and isn't a nervous wreck like I am. I continue to pace around the room, rubbing my palms together in order to take some of the nervousness away........... Just relax, I keep telling myself. Just re- I'm ripped from my thoughts when I hear something slightly hit the ground. I look up and my breath gets caught in my throat when I realize that Adam's standing at the door and it was his suit jacket that fell from his hands. My feet come to a halt on the floor beneath us. I turn my body to face Adam and the blood rushes to my cheeks at the intense look in his eyes. I've never seen his eyes darken this way before and his breathing becomes heavier. "Hey..." I both smile and wave awkwardly. I wrap my arms around my stomach as a way to ignore how lustfully Adam is looking at me right now but yet, he stays planted in his position. Be confident! I internally shout at myself. This sentence is easier said than done. He doesn't respond, instead, he momentarily clenches his fist and I can see his jaw lock tightly. I avoid eye contact the best that I can as I continue to speak, "T-They didn't have it in red..." I laugh nervously. "I mean- since it's you're favourite colour and all." I awkwardly continue. I start to shift uncomfortably when still, he doesn't reply. "I-I also have my pajamas i-in the bathroom..." I stutter. "Maybe I-I should just put them on. Yeah, I should do that." I look down in embarrassment. I begin to walk away, obviously embarrassed. I hold my forehead as I shake my head at the thought of even thinking for a second that I could pull this outfit off. Gosh, I've never felt this embarrassed in my life. I don't- Once again, I'm interrupted when in one swift second, Adam is already across the room, pinning my hands against the wall. I stare at him shocked, slightly aroused at the way his knee is pressed up upon my sex. He looks at me with that same expression from earlier tonight but this time, it's missed with lust. His eyes travel all over my face as if he's studying me. I'm his book and he's the reader who is reading every word, every detail of it to ensure that he doesn't miss a thing. I try to retract my hands from his hold, needing some type of contact with him on my part. Instead of letting me go, he tightens his grip but not enough for it to hurt. His nose slowly goes down to the crook of my neck, tickling my flesh, where I hear him inhale and afterward let on a sigh of satisfaction. "You smell so fucking good." He speaks for the first time. His voice is deeper, huskier and it sends a jolt off pleasure up my spine and through my veins. He takes his time and places small kisses up my jaw, stopping his trail when he reaches back to my lips. I wait impatiently and with heavy breathing as his lips hover over mine, our faces not even an inch apart and our bodies completely pressed up against each other. After what seems like years, he finally crashes his lips against mine and I melt into it. The kiss starts out slow and soft, but well into it, his pace increases and it progresses into a faster, more aggressive one. He kisses me with such passion, such emotion but yet still rough. Adam's never kissed me this way before... kissed me with such dominance and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love every second of it. He groans into the kiss and lets go of my wrists, which were pinned to the wall, and wraps his large arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to him if possible. He positions his hands at the dip of my back, clenching and unclenching his knuckles whenever a moan escapes my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck and entangle my fingers into his knots, tugging lightly every once and a while. His lips move almost perfectly against mine and I can't seem to find it in me to pull away from this electrifying kiss, probably the best kiss of my life. His hands begin to travel slowly down south, where he cups my ass, emitting a gasp to leave my lips....... He uses this opportunity to dip his tongue into my mouth while still keeping a firm grip on my ass, momentarily massaging it. After a while, the kiss has become too much and I hesitantly bring myself to pull away to catch my breath. Adam however, doesn't seem to like the idea of the loss of contact and doesn't make an effort to stop. His hands roam lower onto my thighs and I naturally jump, wrapping my legs around his waist. I thought he would lead us to the bed but instead, he sits me upon the dresser nearby. His lips almost immediately go to my neck, where he flavors every inch of my skin in open-mouthed kisses. He travels lower onto my bare shoulders and his hands massage my bare thighs. His fingers tease their way up under the silky material, that has ridden its way up, and stops at the end of my lace panties. "A-Adam," I beg as my hand grips the end of the wooden material of the dresser. I don't know what I was begging for. All I know is that the ache between my legs has grown immensely to the point where it's almost painful. I hurriedly let my hands go down, trying to unbutton his tuxedo pants as he continues his torture on my neck. The stupid button is giving me so much trouble to undo and it's driving me insane. My hands accidentally brush against the very visible boner in his pants, growing harder each time as each minute passes. He quickly pulls away from my neck and grabs my wrists almost instantly, hissing at the contact of my hand against his member. "Not yet..." He says as he caresses the side of my face. I look away as I bite my lip, and a blush covers my cheeks due to embarrassment. He probably thinks I'm some horny girl right now. Haven't I embarrassed myself enough tonight already? As if ready my thoughts, he grips my chin in a firm hold, "Just... Just let me take care of you, okay?" He whispers. I hesitantly nod, trying my best to ignore the puddle that's forming down south. He picks me up, all while maintaining eye contact, and lays me gently down on the bed. So gently as if I'm so fragile that one wrong move, could break me into a thousand pieces. Button by button, he unbuttons his dress shirt and takes it off slowly, throwing it to one side of the room. During this time, he doesn't even think to break eye contact with me for a second. He picks up both of my palms, which were lying limply at the side of the bed, and rests them flatly down on his toned stomach and lets them go, leaving them there to feel every inch of his muscles. Unable to stop myself, I let them roam freely, all of his shoulders, his back muscles and his abs. "You feel that, sweetheart? It's all yours. I'm all yours." He huskily speaks. He has the body of a fricken God, and I'm not afraid to admit that. He's toned in all the right places, and it feels fucking amazing to have his body pressed up against mine. He leans down slowly, tracing the tip of his fingertips over my neck, my shoulder and all the way down past my waist. I squirm under his touch, clenching my thighs in the process and hoping to create some type friction, hoping to get some type of relief. "Adam." I moan out. This time, I knew what I was begging for. I wanted- no, I needed some type of relief. God knows I do. "Please..." I try to plead as he attacks my neck again while playing with the strap of my clothing. He pulls back to look me directly into my eyes, silently asking me if it was okay to proceed. I bite my lip and hesitantly nod as a response. I was 100% sure that I wanted to go through with this. I trusted Adam and I knew that he would take care of me like he said, so that was out of the question...... I was nervous about him seeing me. Nervous about being naked before him. It was obvious that he's seen many girls before and I was the sun flower out of the many roses that he could choose from. Who would pick a boring sunflower out of a whole field of roses? He dips back down and plants kisses all over the swell of my breast, sucking harshly at the delicate skin. He then proceeds to slowly pull down both straps so that the material is now resting on my stomach. He leans back to look at my bare chest before him. My first thought was to instantly cover up in front of him but that thought vanished from my mind when I saw the way that Adam was looking at me. Looking at me as if I were beyond gorgeous. As if I were a piece of art. "So beautiful." He whispers and then almost immediately bends down and latches on to my right breast, erupting a soft moan to past my lips. He expertly kneads and weighs the other one in his hands, wanting to give both some type of attention. My hands instantly flies up to his hair, not sure exactly what to do with myself. He moves to suck harshly on my other nipple, swirling his tongue around the tiny bud. My breath hitches in my throat again when his other hand trails down my body, past my stomach and lingering right above my soaking folds. He then pecks every inch of my legs as he goes further, slipping off both of the heels on my feet. Adam comes back up and leaves a trail of kisses on my stomach, all while getting closer to the most intimate part of my body. He moves his hand under the fabric of my lace panties and moves his fingers up and down in a slow motion, groaning when his hands come in contact with my sex. "Oh God." I whimper. "You're dripping, Ariel." He says before he captures my lips in his, immediately shoving his tongue in my mouth. His fingers play with my clit and afterward he slowly pushes a finger inside of me. It slightly pinches at first but afterward it feels so pleasurable. I moan loudly at the new feeling. He pumps his finger in and out of me, curling it at some points. I bite my lip, surely drawing blood, to avoid any more sounds from coming out so that I don't sound like a whimpering mess beneath him. "Don't you dare. I want to hear your sweet moans, screaming my name." He groans warningly as he latches his self back on my breasts. I let out a moan at the toe curling pleasure. Is this what I've been missing out on for the past 18 years? Suddenly, he slows down his fingers, just when I can feel a build-up in my stomach. "Adam. I-I..." I try to get out. "That's it, baby. Tell me what you need..." He kisses my neck. "I-I need you. Please..." I beg. I've never begged so much in my life but I didn't care one bit. The feeling that I was experiencing right now felt so good that it almost hurt. "Are you completely sure?" He peppers my jaw in kisses. I nod eagerly. This was all he needed for him to withdraw his finger from within me and reach across to grab a condom from his table next to the bed. I sit up, quickly and completely pulling off the clothing from my body as Adam unbuckles his pants and afterward removes his briefs. My eyes slightly widen as I take in Adam's size. Of course I knew he was big, why else would all the girls freak out to have sex with him. But still, I didn't know that he was this big. His member stands proud in the air and I can feel the nervousness surfacing once again as he tears the packet with his teeth and rolls it on his throbbing member. He notices my hesitation so he hovers above me and whispers, "I'll be gentle, I promise. But it'll still hurt at first, alright?" He warns as he positions himself at my entrance. I nod as I try to make myself comfortable beneath him. "Words, angel." He tells me. "Yes..." I breathe out. He slowly but surely eases into me as he places his head in the crook of my neck. He sure was right, it hurts like a bitch, especially with him now fully inside of me. It also doesn't help that he's so fucking big. It feels as if someone's ripping my insides out, tearing me apart. My fingers unconsciously dig into his back and I'm sure that I'm creating blood, however, Adam doesn't seem to mind this. He draws back a little to look at my face, concern lacing his features. He obviously notices the discomfort on my face. Beads of sweat is dripping on his forehead and also down his chest. He moves one hand from my waist and slowly massages my clit, obviously trying to make me feel better. "Hmm..." I moan at the feeling, starting to feel a bit better. He takes this as a sign to begin moving, in which he does and the pain slowly subsides, opening a whole different feeling of indescribable pleasure. He grabs my hips as he begins to thrust slowly at first but his speed soon picks up, creating an even pleasurable sensation. He mumbles incoherent sentences in my neck as I moan beneath him. "So tight, baby." He grunts out. His voice sounds strained, almost as if he's in pain. I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling a bit more confident as I thrust my hips up a bit, meeting his movements. He begins to massage my breast in his free hand as he kisses me roughly, swallowing all of my moans as he nibbles and pulls at my bottom lip. I quickly pull away from his mouth and let out the loudest moan I ever made. I didn't even know that that noise was capable of coming out of my mouth. I moan once again when Adam hits a spot somewhere deep inside of me which keeps pushes me closer and closer to my release. He repeatedly hits this spot, leaving me a moaning mess at his mercy as he captures all of my moans in his mouth. He grabs my hips and thrusts harder than before as I scream beneath him in ecstasy as I reach my release. After a few more thrusts, Adam comes undone as he groans out my name, thrusting a bit more so that he rides out his high. He collapses on the bed beside me, running his hands down his face and I still not recovering from the first and best orgasm of my life. Seconds later, he gets up and disappears in the bathroom. I can barely keep my eyes open at this point and my breathing is still slightly heavy. I hear Adam reenter the room and soon after, I feel a warm feeling between my legs. I sit up quickly to see Adam softly wiping a warm towel between my legs and up my thighs which my juices currently leaked. I plop back down on the bed exhausted, too exhausted to even feel embarrassed right now that Adam is cleaning me up. Afterward, he lies down in bed and pulls me to his chest, "Was that okay?" I ask him softly as I lie on his chest, eyes drooping shut. "That was great, baby. Perfect. Get some rest, okay?" He whispers and I nod against his chest feeling satisfied. He whispers something under his breath but I don't hear because I'm already in dreamland. ------------------------ .hhhhmmmm..... i know have never written a scene like this before in this story... so incase some of you don't like it... am really dearly sorry foe that.... but please still let me know of what you all think about the episode.... thanks and don't forget to hit that love to like ?... lol.... thanks!!!
25 Apr 2019 | 08:25
I think Adam will start giving Ariel attitudes now Nice write up
25 Apr 2019 | 17:27
25 Apr 2019 | 18:17
Adam's POV...... "I love you." I love her. That's it. I love this girl so fucking much that it hurts. No, it isn't some messed up shit that I only love her because we had sex together. I've always had a belief that I loved Ariel. I was just afraid to admit it. This whole feeling was just so new to me that I was afraid of how she made me feel. I always felt different when I was around her but it just seems like more now, it was like whenever she was in the room, fucking butterflies would erupt in my stomach without me even knowing that she was in the room. I don't know when these feelings started or even how but all I do know is that I'm not scared to accept them anymore. When I had come upstairs earlier tonight and saw Ariel pacing around the room in that lace outfit, it was like I was a whole different person. She was beautiful, gorgeous really, and even sexy without even trying. If I'm being completely honest with myself, it took every bone in my body to just not flip her over and thrust deeply into her. But I didn't. Her comfort came before anything and I just wanted to make sure that she was relaxed as possible. Sex with Ariel is like... wow. The best feeling I'd ever experienced. I don't know if it had anything to do with me sleeping with the girl I love or what. Her sweet moans filled the air as she withered beneath me. Having her sweet pussy wrapped around my throbbing dick as I thrusted slowly into her was enough to push me to the edge in seconds. God, just the thought of it was giving me another boner. I focused my attention on the beauty lying on my chest as I now realise that I was unconsciously playing with her hair. Her hair falls in front of her face as she lays fast asleep. Her lips slightly parted and her little snores fill the quiet room. Her leg is draped around my waist as my hand is wrapped around her body, securing her tightly against my body. Still slightly swollen from the heavy kissing that was taking place less than an hour ago, her red lips are nearly the same colour as her flustered cheeks. I've been up for a while now just letting my thoughts run wild with many unanswered questions. How was I suppose to act now that I just fully accepted that I was balls deep in love with Ariel? Does she even feel the same about me? I run my unoccupied hand down my face as I repeat these questions in my head, giving myself a headache. In the end, I decide that I'll just worry about all of this in the morning. I look back down to Ariel and move the fallen strands of hair from in front of her face and slowly lean forward to kiss her lips, making sure not to create much movement of my lips to wake her. I pull back and Ariel stirs a little in her sleep and soon after a small smile graces her lips. If not looking close enough, one wouldn't be able to see it. I grin knowing that my kiss has this sort of effect on her, even in her sleep. I kiss her forehead one last time before drifting off to a deep sleep. ----------------------- Ariel's POV........... A smile absentmindedly makes its way upon my lips as I feel kisses against my neck, slightly tickling me in the process..... A giggle escapes past my lips as the tickling starts to become too much. I flutter my eyes open, for the first time not actually hating the light that blinds me from the window. "Morning, baby." Adam whispers huskily over me. His hair is slightly disheveled due to me pulling on it so much last night. His chest is still shirtless in front of me and he grins down at me largely showing his pearly whites. A blush creeps up on my cheeks as the memories of last night reenter my brain. "M-Morning..." I stutter, all of a sudden feeling nervous so close to him. He realises this and lets out at deep chuckle at my reaction. I playfully push him off of me as he lands on his back beside me. I begin to sit up and stretch my bones, ensuring to keep the comforter secure around my naked body. "Did you-" I begin as I look back at Adam but quickly slap my hands over my eyes when I realise that I mistakingly pulled the cover from over his still very nude body. I hear him laugh loudly at this and afterward a lot of shuffling until he speaks, "You can look now." He says and I can hear the amusement in his voice. I peak through my fingers to see that he pulled back on his boxer briefs. I then fully remove my hands, "It's nit like you haven't seen it before." He teases. I roll my eyes and stand up to make my way to the bathroom to take a nice shower but immediately drop back down on the bed from the soreness between my legs, hissing at the sudden movement. Adam immediately rolls over to my side of the bed with concern etching his features, "Shit, Are you okay?" He frantically tucks my hair behind my ear looking for any signs of discomfort on my face. I laugh slightly, "Yeah, it just really hurts." I say trying to sound okay as I force a smile. "Fuck, I-I'm so sorry, Ariel. I thought that I was gentle enough. I-I swear, I never meant to-" He rambles but I stop him. "Hey, it's okay. I know that you didn't do it on purpose. I'm fine, really." I try to reassure him as hold his face between my hands. He nods but I can still see the concern and worry all over his face, so I lean in and kiss him softly, hoping to at least comfort him. He hesitantly kisses back and somehow, we end up on the bed lying down in a heavy makeout section. He pulls away from the kiss first and stares down at me, just looks down at me. "What?" i ask him as my fingers loosely interlock around his neck. He takes a shaky breath first and then speaks, "Ariel, I-" He's interrupted by the annoying ring of the phone. I groan and slightly push him off of me as I wrap the covers completely around my body. "Hello?" I answer. "Ariel! Oh. My. God!" Libby screams in the phone which makes me slightly pull it back from my ear and laugh a little. "I'm guessing every thing went fine?" I laugh. "Fine?! It was Ah. May. Zing! Dude, he's huge!" She whisper yells the last part. "I told you you'd be fine." I smile for my best friend. "What about you? Did you get the dick?" She asks nonchalantly as I hear her chewing on something. I look back at Adam to see him sitting at the end of the bed, deep in thought. I begin to play with the cord if the phone a little bit before muttering a quiet, "Yes..." As I try to keep it subtle so that Adam doesn't catch on. "Aye! My best friend got dicked down!" She shouts. "Shhh." I shush her quickly. "You're being too loud, he's still in the room." "Oops, sorry. Not Liam though, he's making us breakfast while I lie my ass comfortably in this bed sucking on this popsicle." She says and I laugh at her bluntness. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" I whisper. "Eh, sure. I'm gonna have sex again now anyways." She responds. "Bye, Libby." I laugh at her playfulness. "Bye, babe." She replies. I hang up the phone and look at Adam who is already standing behind me. I jump, obviously startled. "Gosh, you scared me. Anyways, what were you saying?" He looks down at me as he rests his hand on my cheek. He forces a smile and replies, "Nothing, it wasn't important." And he leaves through the door after pecking my cheek. Hmm, that was weird........ ------------------
26 Apr 2019 | 01:39
% @itzprince
26 Apr 2019 | 03:38
Fuck everywhere
26 Apr 2019 | 08:40
I was off on this story, continue
26 Apr 2019 | 14:07
Adam's POV....... "Adam, do you think I should cut my hair?" Ariel asks as she stands in front of the full length mirror, fisting a handful of her hair in the process. I wrap my hands around her from behind and rest my chin on her shoulder, "No, I like your hair..." I remove some from around her neck to plant soft kisses there. "I know, me too but..." She trails off, leaning into my chest and running her hands up mine which are around her waist. "It's just so much work, and it's so time consuming." She sighs. "Well, if you want to cut it a bit, you can. I mean, if that's what you want. Plus I won't love you any less." I say leaving out the last sentence. I'm way to chicken to admit that I love Ariel still. It's been another day and yet, whenever I try to tell her, I would end up chickening out and changing the subject. Gosh, when did I become such a pussy? "I mean, I don't want to cut it all off, just a little above my shoulders." She says as she measures it. "Hmm." I hum as I inhale her scent. "Adam, are you even listening to me?" She asks as I continue planting small open-mouthed kisses on the nape of her neck. "Yeah, sure." I reply. She rolls her eyes and walks away from me, heading for the door leaving me standing there, "Get ready for school!" She shouts at me. A chuckle escapes past my lips and I head for the bathroom. -------------------------- "Bye! See you later!" Ariel kisses me and gets out the car before I can answer. She runs to Libby who was just dropped off by that Liam kid. They talk and laugh with each other before quickly walking inside of the tall building still gossiping about something. I step out of my car, shutting the door and locking it afterward. "Adam, my man." Bryce comes and pats me on the back followed by Landon, Nick and Josh. "Sup man." I say and we do a bro hug. We begin walking into school and then Josh decided to speak, "We're going to Chester's party tonight, you wanna come? I hear it's going to be lit." Josh informs me and the rest of the guys nod in agreement. I don't even for my hesitate for my answer, "Nah, I'm cool." I shrug. Bryce looks at me suspiciously, "Since when do you turn down a party?" "Yeah man, it isn't like you." Nick agrees. "You got it worse than I thought." Landon snickers and I glare at him. "I'd just rather be at home with Ariel." I pull out my phone and smile at the thought of Ariel. From the corner of my eye, I see Landon look at me weirdly until his mouth opens wide and eyes the size of saucers and he suddenly stops along with all of us, "Aye! You got the pussay!" He shouts loudly in the middle of the hall making everyone look at us and purposely pronouncing the last word wrong. The rest of the guys eyes widen and Josh shouts, "You lucky bastard!" He shouts just as loudly and I shush them up. "I mean- was it good?" He says the last part softly and all the guys lean in at the same time to hear the answer. "Fuck you mean if it was good?" I shove him from out of my face. Any other girl I would've spilled the beans but that would just be a simple fuck. But I have more respect for Ariel and I doubt she would want everyone to know too much information, although sex with her was absolutely mind blowing. "I'll take that as a great since you're smiling." Nick laughs. "Whatever." I say just as we reach Libby's locker where both of them are. Libby's back is facing me and Ariel is facing my direction. Her eyes widen when she sees us coming and she quickly nudges Libby shutting her up. "What's up?" Bryce asks once we reach them while I just lean down placing a kiss on Libby's forehead. "Hey, big bro. Guys." She acknowledges us. They nod in greeting and I turn my attention to Ariel, "What were you guys talking about before we came?" I ask and Ariel's face suddenly turns red. "I have an idea about what." Landon snorts to the rest of the guys and they snicker. I roll my eyes at their stupidity just as the first bell rings. "Oh! And um, I'm not going straight home this evening, I'll be hanging out with Libby..." She says. A frown takes over my face as I grab onto her hips, "I was hoping we spend some time together." She tucks a strand of her behind her hair, "I won't be long, I promise." She smiles that dazzling smile at me once again. "Okay..." I sigh as the second bell rings and Libby speaks, "Ariel, come on, we gotta go." She reminds Ariel. She quickly pecks my lips then talks, "Promise me you'll not skip class?" She points an accusing finger at me. I groan but agree with her nonetheless, "Whipped." Nick coughs and I ignore him. Libby and Ariel quickly says bye to the guys and scurries off to class. "So... we going behind the school now or what?" Josh asks. "Didn't you clowns hear what Ariel just said." I glare at them. "Nuh uh. She told you not us." He sticks out his tongue at me and the others just nod. "You're coming to class, end of discussion." I say with finality in my voice. Nick and the rest of the guys just groan and sluggishly follow behind me. Before I know it, lunch comes and it is over and afterward, it's already home time. I don't waste anytime to just say goodbye to the guys and once I saw Ariel and Libby leave school safely, I head home. The ride home was silent of course, with only the music from the radio playing softly. Once I reach home to realise that no one is here, it reminds me of how it use to be before Ariel and I were together. I never felt lonely at home by myself, especially when Libby would go out with Ariel. But now, I've gotten so use to Ariel's company and presence that now I'm craving her to be right here with me. I drop my bag on the couch and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Afterward, I head to the couch and switch on the television for me to watch a movie or something to occupy my time. A few minutes before the movie comes to an end, I hear to door open and shut softly. I crane my neck to look in the direction of the door and my eyes widen slightly when I see Ariel standing there. Still unaware of my presence. With a haircut. "You actually cut it..."I stand up from the couch. Ariel jumps a little, obviously startled since she didn't know that I was in the room. "Yeah, um do you like it? You don't think it makes me look too different, right?" She fiddles with her fingers. "No no, I think you still look beautiful. I like it." I whisper honestly as I run my hand through it lightly. She smiles and hugs me, "Thank you." She says softly. I love you. I think. If only I could get it past my lips. --------------------------- hmmmm....kind of weird way to end an episode, don't ya think?..... lol.... see you soon.... ❤?❤??
27 Apr 2019 | 15:48
In Africa,guys will see a girl by the way,then wil just go to her and say "i love you" bt "white people" eh they will start dating 4 months or even years b4 sayx "i'm falling inlove with you" heh! Africans!!!
28 Apr 2019 | 10:57
lets see how the story unfolds
28 Apr 2019 | 12:13
28 Apr 2019 | 12:15
Continued from last episode...... ---------------------------------- Ariel's POV........ "So, what do you wanna do?" I ask as I unravel my hands from around him. "You could... help me with my homework." He says as he follows me upstairs. I shrug my shoulders as a response since I don't have any better ideas and because I also have homework to finish up. I swing open his bedroom door and head over to the table, getting my books from my bag while Adam gets his. Afterward, we both sit on his bed and go through some equations together. Halfway through our homework and me explaining something to Adam he speaks, "You look really pretty today..." He says randomly. I pause and look up at him weirdly while putting down my pen, "So I don't look pretty everyday?" I tease trying to keep a straight face. His eyes widen and the slightest tint of pink appears on his cheeks, "No! I mean yes! I just meant that wasn't what I was trying to say! I mean- of course you-" He rambles trying to explain. I laugh loudly at his expression, "Adam, relax. I was just kidding." I push his shoulder playfully. "Oh." He lets out a breath. "What's going on with you lately?" I position myself right in front of him as I close both of our books. He's been acting really... shy-ish every since we had... you know. "I don't know what you're talking about." He pulls out his phone. He seems to do that a lot whenever he tries to avoid confrontation now. "Adam." I warn pulling the phone from his hand. He sighs, "I'm just worried with graduation coming up and all." He tells me and I don't believe him for a second. "You sure?" I question, hoping he isn't lying to me. He nods and I smile at him, leaning in to kiss him. After a while, he goes to pull away but instead, I pull him even closer to me, deepening the kiss and surprising us both. He moves his hand further up my neck and gently lays me down on the bed with him on top of me. I loosely wrap my arms around his neck and he swipes his tongue on my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter in which I whole-heartedly oblige. His tongue enters my mouth and I moan at the contact. His hand plays with the hem of my shirt and after eases its way underneath, rubbing circles on my bare skin. He slowly lifts my shirt up and I become a little impatient. I try kissing him harder, letting him know that it was okay but that didn't change anything. I roll us over so that I'm now the one on top as I straddle his waist. I sit up and lift my arms up to take off my shirt, leaving me in my bra and afterward toss the shirt on the other side of the room. Without waiting for his reaction, I dip back down to suck on the skin of his neck. He lets out a groan, "Ariel." He clenches his hand around my waist, holding it tightly. God, when did I become so horny? One taste, one touch from Adam and now I'm always craving his fingers across my body. He's still wearing his red flannel from school except that he isn't wearing the white shirt that he was wearing beneath it. I start to unbutton his shirt while still laying hickeys all over his neck and his hands stay firmly planted on my bare waist as his breathing increases beneath me. "A-Ariel, are you sure? I mean- are you still- Fuckk," He begins to speak as he holds up to look at me but quickly falls his head down on pillow once I start kissing down his chest. "Yes Adam, I want this. I'm sure." I stop momentarily but continue after I've finished talking. I begin to play with the buckle of his belt and afterward, snatch the belt from his pants. Just as I'm about to take off my bra, I hear the door downstairs open. I look at Adam with wide eyes but his face just morphs slight disappointment as he gets off the bed and buttons his shirt back and I throw mine over my head. We both head downstairs and we see David and Lily come through the door, "Oh, hey kids!" Libby chirps and I get a weird sense if deja vu remembering the first time Adam and I kissed. "Hey." Adam mutters as he discreetly fixes the bulge showing through his jeans. "You guys just have perfect timing, don't ya?" Adam mumbles under his breath. David obviously hears and looks at his son confused. "Nothing. Never mind." He covers it up. "Well, I should probably get going." I smile at both of them. "Oh dear, I hope we weren't disturbing anything." Lily says. "Well actually--" Adam begins but I quickly nudge him. "No, not at all, we were just finishing up some homework. We'll continue later okay, Adam?" I say politely, hoping that he gets the hidden message. "Oh-- Oh!" he says loudly and both of his parents look at him weirdly. I smile at both of them one last time before waving and making my way to the door with Adam following behind me. He opens the door for me and I step outside as he leans against the door frame, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'll see you later, okay?" I send him a small smile. He returns the gesture before leaning down to my height and placing a lingering kiss on my lips........ ---------------------------- Short and boring episode.... or what do you all think.... but you all shouldn't worry much because you can as well bet your ass (lol ?)... that next episode will be longer and contain some drama so I suggest that you all should get seated and get your juice and popcorn and be ready to do some sipping and crunching for the next update..... lol..... thanks!!!.... ✌??❤
28 Apr 2019 | 20:05
Wrong timing ouch
29 Apr 2019 | 04:36
Lol, who spoiled ariel?
29 Apr 2019 | 10:13
Bad Children i wonder why your parents aren't suspecting u guys
29 Apr 2019 | 16:04
this children don't spoil finish
29 Apr 2019 | 17:42
"I'll see you in a while, okay?" Adam says as he gives me a kiss. Adam insisted that I just catch a ride home with Libby and Liam but I told him that I insisted that I stay and afterward, get a ride home with him. Libby then offered to keep me company for the duration of Adam's football practice since she didn't have anything to do anyway. Of course, much to Liam's dismay, but he understood and told her he'd pick her up when she's ready to leave. I nod my head at Adam's statement and he soon runs off to join his teammates. As soon as I turn to head over to Libby, I hear my name being called out, "Ariel, wait up!" I soon recognize the voice to be Adam's. I look back at him confusingly as he stops right in front of me. He grabs my hand in his and draws small circles with his thumb as he maintains eye contact with his movements. "I wanna talk to you when we get home..." He still doesn't look at me. "Oh? About what?" I ask. "Nothing that you should worry about, love. " He responds as he looks at me slightly through his eyelashes. I push down the feeling that I get in the pit of my stomach at what he calls me and then nod my head absentmindedly. "Good." He says with a sly grin, although I can see a hint of something else behind his eyes, maybe nervousness? He gives me a last kiss on the cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts, and once again, runs onto the field. I stand in the middle of the parking lot for a while but then shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and head inside of the now semi-empty school to find Libby. I'm sure if it was something bad, he would tell me right away, right? I reach Libby leaning against the school doors and we make our way inside of the empty school. This school is much more appealing when they aren't children walking around and talking about the latest gossips. I was so busy conversing with Libby through the hollow hallways that I hadn't realized that another presence was among us. I trip over a foot and nearly fall face flat on the floor if it weren't for my hands stopping the fall midway. I internally thank the heavens that it was after school and there was no one important to see me fall and cause me embarrassment. Libby comes to my side and glares in the direction of the source that nearly rearranged my face. There, stands Elle. A victorious smirk is plastered on her face as she shuts her locker. She's in her little cheerleading outfit which suggests that she is supposed to be at practice. Libby, obviously unable to contain herself anymore, stomps over in the direction of Elle. However, she doesn't get far since I place my hand in front of her, resting it on her stomach and bringing her to a halt. "Seriously, Ariel?!" Libby shouts and her voice echoes through the hallway. "Again? You're just gonna let her get away with this? Please let me get at this bitch!" She glares at Elle who just flutters her eyelashes at her innocently. "No. Just wait." I calmly maintain eye contact with Elle. I take a step forward but we're still a good distance apart. "Why do you hate me? I've never done anything to you." I ask her. The smirk on her face quickly fades at my question and turns into an angry scowl. I don't think I've ever seen so much hatred in a person's eyes before......... "Everything's about you isn't it?" She takes a threatening step forward but I stand my ground. I hear Libby make a movement behind me but I quickly put a finger up, ensuring her that I'll be fine. "Not everything is about the all-so-great Ariel." She seethes through her teeth. "Other people are more important than you too!" Her voice raises and just then, Adam comes through the door, slightly panting as if he ran all the way here. Libby was the one who held him back since she had received the message that I wanted no interruption. Elle's eyes snap towards Adam and her eyes grow even angrier, "And you..." She points to Adam behind me although I can't see him and his facial expression. "Are you here to save your "precious little girlfriend" ?" She makes air quotes and chuckles darkly. "You never cared about me, did you?" She asks although I knew that she didn't need an answer. Adam just continues to remain quiet behind me. "Yeah, of course you didn't. You've always cared about that- that thing in front of you!" She yells getting angrier and angrier as the seconds go by. I could have left. I could have thrown back all of the insults that she hurled at me, but I didn't. She needed to get this out, get out all of these thoughts that were bottled up inside of her brain. If she did, maybe, just maybe, I would get some peace in my relationship. "What? You don't have anything smart to say?" She laughs like a mad person. "No." I breathe out. "That's a first isn't it?" She replies. Elle takes her attention to behind me once again, toward Adam. "You think I didn't know, did you?" She asks. "Know what?" I hear Adam's voice for the first time. He sounds as if he's trying very hard to control his temper. She laughs humorlessly at this, "Know what?" She mocks him. "Her." She jabs her finger at me. "It's always been her!" She yells once again. "You've always loved her and the funny thing about it is that you didn't even know!" She screeches out. My heart drops at this. I begin to let my thoughts roam with various questions and answers but not for long since she speaks once again. "Yeah, of course I noticed. I noticed how whenever we would kiss by the lockers you would always focus your attention on her and not me." She begins. "I noticed how you would always come up with an excuse to go with your sister just to be with her. " Elle continues. "Even when we were fucking and you got a fucking text from this bitch you would stop and answer it." She grits out through her teeth. "I noticed how you would just smile at that text..." She smiles sickly, almost mentally. "You never smiled like that at me before..." She pulls at her hair madly. So much that it falls out of her tight ponytail. "And yet, a fucking text from her had you smiling brightly." I'm sure all of our mouths are slightly hanging open. "You know, I also remember what the text would read..." She scratches her skin, nearly drawing blood. "Do you wanna know, Ariel? Do ya?" She asks as if daring me to say no. I hesitantly nod at this and she smiles somewhat sweetly at this, "It would say... 'Okay.' " She laughs historically as if she just told the funniest joke in the world. "You hear that? All you did was say 'Okay.'" She continues laughing madly that I'm now slightly scared of her. After she cools down a bit, she speaks once again, "I mean, am I not pretty enough? Don't I wear enough makeup? I mean- both of you hardly wear any and you're both still beautiful. How do you manage that?" She's still laughing as she gestures to Libby and I, continuing to scratch her skin. She frantically begins to wipe off all of her makeup, "Am I pretty like Ariel now Adam?" She asks in all seriousness. Once she doesn't receive a reply from Adam, she takes a step closer to me. Adam instantly begins to pull me back, obviously weirded out about how delusional Elle is acting. I, however, stay planted in my position, resisting his attempts. "Am I pretty now, Ariel?" She shyly asks. "You were always pretty," I answer in a whisper my instant, honest reply. "Bullshit!" She shouts. I jump a little at her tone. "Do you know what I want? I just want someone to love me." She wraps her arms around herself. "I mean- my own parents don't even love me, they think I'm shit and you obviously love her so... what's wrong me?" She whispers the last part. "Am I too tall? Too short? Too blonde? What is wrong with me?!" She breaks down as the tears fall free, pouring out of her eyes like a waterfall. I still don't make an attempt to move as her cries fill the hallway. "Is that too much to ask for?" She sobs. "For someone to love me? Santa didn't grant my wish..." She whispers lastly as she cries so hard that her knees grow weak and she curls herself in a ball on the floor. I shakingly take slow steps forward and in no time, I'm by Elle's side. I hesitantly wrap my arms around her shaking form and she screams for me to let her go, "No! Let me go!" She sobs but instead, I hold her tighter. She continues to yell at me not to touch her but still, she's holding a firm grip on my shirt, begging me to stay in her own way. Her loud cries are muffled as she tears down in my shirt as I rock us gently, humming a soft tune to her and smoothing my hand over her blonde hair. She hesitantly looks up at me with her big blue eyes while still clutching on to my shirt. I've never seen Elle without makeup and sure, she was quite pretty with it but without it, she was quite a sight to see. She was beautiful. She had small freckles lining across her cheeks and over her nose. She also had naturally red lips and I could also see a little pimple on her forehead that wasn't evident to see because of the makeup. "Am I pretty?" She whispers so softly that I almost didn't hear it. "Beautiful." Is my only reply as I pull her back to my chest. I take this time to slowly look over at Adam and Libby. They had looks of disbelief clouding their features and also pity. They felt sad for her. I mean, who wouldn't in her current situation. Putting all of the pieces together, Elle never loved Adam, she probably barely liked him, she just wanted to be loved. She wanted to wake up each morning knowing that someone was out there who loved her. God, her parents obviously didn't show her any attention and she relived all of those moments just now. This was never just about Adam and I, it was about love. It was about kissing her parents Goodnight each night and kissing them Goodmorning each day as she awakes. Instead of a happy, normal girl waking up on Christmas day and asking Santa for a Barbie doll or the newest clothes that she saw at the mall, she asked him for her parents' love. That someday, they'll wake up and engulf her in their arms and whisper sweet nothings into her ear when she cries. She wasn't to blame for her actions. Sure, anyone could have treated the situation differently but she, she could have found a homeless man on the street who loved her and she would be satisfied. It makes you think about how good life is to some of us and what vast emotions we hide behind our smiles, laughs or even makeup. At the end of the day, we're all human, and all of us should be treated that way. ------------------------- Comment your thoughts folks!!!...and let me know how you all are viewing the current situation at hand... lol.... thanks!!! ✌??❤???
29 Apr 2019 | 18:22
so touching...i hope they become best of friends
30 Apr 2019 | 04:18
That explains her actions
30 Apr 2019 | 15:19
Adam and I sat in silence as he drove us back to his place. With Elle in the backseat fiddling with her fingers. We had absolutely no idea what to say in order to slice a knife through the tension so we just sat quietly. It wasn't classified as an awkward silence, but it also wasn't very comfortable. Somewhere in between, I guess. After Elle's little panic attack, I decided that maybe it wasn't best for her to attend cheerleading because of obvious reasons, and also because she was already late anyway. It was cancelled as a whole since she was the captain. We just made up a lie and told her to say that she was sick. Adam and I also came to a small agreement that she shouldn't go home at the moment, especially in her state. Many words weren't said since we were still a little shaken by the whole situation but we still came to an understanding. I didn't exactly know how I felt about the entire thing, to be honest... I wish I could say that I understood Elle and what she was going through but I can't because then I would be lying. The only way for me to truly understand is if I had undergone the same experience but that also wasn't the case. I do however feel that she's a bit easier to read and I do understand a little more of her actions and words. I'm not stupid and I don't fully trust her, if at all. I don't hate her anymore than I already did of course. But I also don't like her anymore either. As said before, I just understand her a bit better, not her situation. Adam pulls up in his driveway and we all exit the vehicle. Elle stands there idly as she rocks back and forth on her heel. Adam and I exchange a few glances before we lead her into the house with her behind us. Libby would have to be the most shocked one out of all of us. After all, she always had a bitter taste in her mouth for Elle and understandably, she told me straight up, "I still don't like her but... I do feel sorry for her, no one deserves that." Her words exact. She called back Liam and caught a ride here. She should be here any minute though, if not already. She couldn't come back with us, at least she said that she wouldn't. Libby didn't know how she would have reacted in the same air space as Elle, much less they would be sharing the same seat. When we had opened the door, we saw Liam and Miranda sitting there with Libby in the kitchen. Without another word, Adam simply nodded to them and wearily left to go to his room, leaving a very shy Elle still standing at the door. "Um, hey guys. This is Elle. Elle meet Liam, Libby's boyfriend and Miranda, his sister." I introduced them awkwardly. Elle simply gave a tight-lipped smile with a little wave before focusing her eyes back to the floor. "Wait, Elle? Isn't the girl-" Liam begins confused before Miranda nudges his side painfully and sends a wide smile at Elle in the process, looking her up and down. Liam winces and sends a glare at his sister and afterward, acknowledging Elle. I gesture for her to sit and she slowly settles her self beside Miranda. I then proceed to head off into the kitchen to speak to Libby, "I didn't know they were going to be here." I whisper. "Well, I'm sorry! Liam had already picked up his sister from band practice, it wouldn't have made sense to drive her all the way home!" She whisper yells. "Could you at least carry them back to your room?" I ask. "Sure, of course." She agrees. "Oh and Ariel?" She says. I look at her by the kitchen entrance. "Be careful." She warns me. I send her a nod with a small smile, appreciating her concern for me..... I follow Libby into the living room. "Uh, you guys can come up to my room." Libby gestures between Liam and Miranda. "Yes!" Liam jumps up almost instantly from the couch and we all look at him weirdly. "I mean, sure yeah, whatever." He shrugs. "Miranda?" Libby raises a questioning eyebrow. "Nah, I think I'll stay here with Elle." She eases closer to her as she sends a small smirk in her direction. Elle hides her blush behind her long blonde hair as Miranda shamelessly flirts with her. Liam shivers and pulls Libby along with him. I awkwardly decide to slowly back out of their little conversation as I head upstairs to look for Adam. I round the corner to Adam's room and hesitantly knock on the door. After 3 firm knocks and I don't get a reply, I push open the door to his room to see Adam sitting on his bed. His elbows rest on his knees as he holds over, and his hands cover half of his face. Adam's eyes are bloodshot red as he stares across the room blankly at nothing in particular. Adam just sits there, not moving an inch. And that's when I see it. The single tear resting on his cheek. I hurriedly lock the door and rush over to his bed and take a seat beside him, resting a hand on his back as I try to comfort him, not even knowing what I was to comfort him about. I had never seen Adam cry before so I was quite helpless in this situation. He flinches as my hand makes contact on his back and his eyes snap to mine, the reddest I've ever seen them. but this time, not with anger but with sadness. It's like he was unaware that I had entered the room, caught up in his own thoughts. His body visibly relaxes slightly when he realizes it was me but as if possible, his eyes grow sadder. "Adam... are you-- are you okay?" I question and a second later I mentally scold myself. Of course he wasn't 'okay'. He was fucking crying Ariel. He simply shakes his head no as he continues to look straight across in front of him. I leave the conversation there, not sure what else I could do or say to make him feel better since I'm not exactly sure why he was upset. Several minutes past and they felt like hours. Suddenly, he speaks, "It's... true, you know." He whispers as he stays planted in his same position. My eyes snap up to meet his face, elated that he was beginning to speak. That, however, didn't last long as my curiosity spiked interest in what he was talking about. He seems to catch my confusion and continues. "About what Elle said." He still doesn't look at me. "Adam, you know that's--" I was cut off by him. "No, please. Just let me finish." He pleads and I snap my mouth shut. "I-I love you..." His voice grows even quieter. "I guess I never really realized it at first but... that was what I wanted to talk to you about when we got back." He explains while I try to calm down my beating heart, thumping hard against my rib cage. He loves me. Adam Haynes loves me. "I had it all planned out." He lets out a short, humorless chuckle. "I was suppose to take you out to dinner, a few other spots that I thought you meet love... and then if I wasn't gonna back out again, I would tell the most beautiful girl in the in the world that I love her." He says as if living out the thought in his head. "It wasn't suppose to be like this..." He says, almost inaudible. "It wasn't fucking suppose to be like this!" He shouts loudly and I visibly flinch when he angrily pushes everything from off of his bedside table, some glass breaking in the process..... He stands and fustratedly pulls at his hair, pacing swiftly around the room. "You couldn't do a-anything about it..." I say lowly, trying to convince not only him, but myself. "That's where you're wrong Ariel. I could have done everything about it." He seethes. "You see that girl down there? I feel like she's the way she is because of me. " He points a finger at his chest. I stand from the bed, taking slow steps toward him. "I know I wasn't the start of it, that was all her fucked up parents' fault, but I'm no better. God knows, that I'm no better." He runs his hands down his face as his shoulders slump. "You don't deserve this, Ariel." He whispers. "You deserve someone that has a normal life and someone who you can have a normal relationship with, without having to worry about which old fuck buddy is gonna show up next!" He shouts and I jump slightly at the tone of his voice. "I love you so fucking much and I don't know what I would do without but..." His voice cracks slightly. "Adam, it's--" I'm cut off by him. "No, Ariel! Everything is not 'okay'. Gosh, why don't you see that!" His voice grows even louder, if possible. I'm sure that everyone downstairs can hear him, along with Libby and Liam. "I just wanna be able to go to school and not have to put up with shit from anyone, come home and relax with my girl, and then fucking go to sleep with her! That's not too much, is it?" I'm sure by this time he isn't talking to me, he's talking to himself and momentarily looking up. I stand directly in front of him and gently hold his face between my hands, allowing me to see the various tears that slipped down his cheeks. I slowly wipe them away with the pad of by thumb and afterward, send him a sad smile as a tear slips out of my eye also. I don't know exactly why I was crying, I do know though that seeing Adam cry, the man that I... the man that I love, cry... is enough to make me shed a few tears myself. He doesn't return my smile, instead he just sobs harder as he places his head in the crook of my neck and rests his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around him, gently stroking his back as I hear him sniffle into my neck. I feel his tears soak my skin, "I love you, Ariel." His voice is muffled into my neck. I lead us over to the bed, lying down first and him afterward as he buries his head into my chest. "Shh, I know. I know you do." I whisper to him as I stroke his hair with my hand. "And I love you too." I continue. I feel him tense at my side at my words but soon after, relaxes his muscles. He looks up at me and I remove a strand of damp hair that was stuck to his forehead. He then comes up and places a soft kiss on my lips and I respond instantly to his soft lips on mine. He tightens his hand on my waist as he holds up further to deepen the kiss, now hovering over me, resting his weight on one of his elbows and brings the other hand up to softly caress my cheek. He lets out a soft groan when our tongues connect and afterward he nibbles and tugs at my bottom lip. He attacks my lips for a little while longer before carrying his own down past my jaw and onto my neck, where he inhales my scent and plants little pecks on the sensitive skin before sucking harshly on my neck, surely leaving a hickey. Soft moans escape from my mouth as he makes his way further, planting kisses all of my flat stomach as he rides up my shirt higher up. He makes his way back up and once again captures his lips in mine and I moan at the contact as my hands make their way under his shirt, trying to ease it off. He suddenly pulls away at that. "Shit, um, they're still downstairs, we shouldn't--" He begins but I cut him off when he's about to move off from me, by tangling my feet around his waist. I look at him with pleading eyes, "Please. I need this." I whisper as he gazes down at me. I don't care that I'm practically begging. Only God knows how much I need this man right now. He looks down at me intently. And with that, he takes off his shirt...... ----------------------------- How do you guys feel about Elle?.... Did Adam overreact?....... you all should track me with your thoughts and let me know what up.... thanks and don't forget to like..... ??✌??
30 Apr 2019 | 17:56
30 Apr 2019 | 18:27
this is serious
30 Apr 2019 | 19:22
look at this spoilt children ooh,you are 'busy' upstairs when someone downstairs is waiting for u guys
30 Apr 2019 | 19:32
I Think Elle is genuine and sincere
30 Apr 2019 | 19:35
Maybe she has something up her sleeves
1 May 2019 | 05:15
1 May 2019 | 05:34
1 May 2019 | 17:38
I feel elle,it isn't easy
2 May 2019 | 17:54
------------------- Hello guys!!!.... This story officially will have no more than 5 episodes left,or maybe less....... ? .... I feel like am taking forever on it.... so am planning on rounding it up soon.... don't worry I will make the remaining episode more enticing and much more interesting..... so don't miss it... lol.... ------------------- Adam's POV....... I take off my shirt and throw it somewhere across the room as I dip back down almost instantly to kiss Ariel. Her nails lightly graze against the bare skin of my back as she pulls me even closer to her, letting out a sweet moan in the process. Words wouldn't begin to describe how badly I've missed Ariel's body against mine. I didn't want to pressure Ariel into doing anything further, knowing that a girl losing their virginity can, of course, be painful. With that said, I decided to think with my brain for once and not with my dick. All I needed was a taste of Ariel, a touch, and she had me begging at her mercy and yet, she still doesn't know it. I place fast open mouthed kisses on her lips as she matches my speed with anticipation. She swipes her tongue over my bottom lip, much to my surprise at her boldness. Without waiting for another second to pass, I part my lips and her tongue moulds against mine and I let out a groan at the feeling. Once we both have to pull away from the kiss to catch our breath, I make my way down to her neck as I plant kisses all over her skin and she tangles her fingers in my hair, pulling slightly and letting out soft moans. She harshly bites her bottom lip, trying to suppress a moan as I make my way further, the flimsy shirt being the only thing in the way. I suck even harder on her delicate skin, not exactly liking the fact that she's trying to hold in her moans. The sound of her moaning and whimpering my name at the pleasure that I'm able to give her is sweet music to my ears. I grow very frustrated when I try pulling down her shirt to excess more of her to me. The urge and need to have my lips over every inch of her body is stronger than ever. Not to mention the fucking erection that is poking its way through my jeans, hoping to get some type of release. After seconds being wasted, I grow even more aggravated and just rip the shirt directly off of her body with a little effort, flinging the torn piece of clothing in the same direction where my own shirt currently lies. Ariel gasps at the sudden action but that soon turns into a moan when I connect my lips to her nipple while playing with the button of her jeans, undoing and unzipping it. Her back slightly arches up off of the mattress as I swirl my tongue around both of her nipples, weighing her plump breasts in my hand. Once I've fully disposed of her jeans, I quickly remove my own, along with my briefs. "This might still hurt a little okay, baby?" I warn her and she just nods her head eagerly. I reach over to the table to grab a condom but she quickly holds me back, "It's okay. I'm on the pill." She assures me with a small smile. After hearing that, I waste no time in positioning the tip of my erect member at Ariel's entrance. Sex with Ariel before for the first time was absolutely amazing while wearing a condom but this wasn't just about sex if it ever was. I love this woman and there was nothing between us, only skin to skin contact. I ease into her slowly. still a little upset that she was still quite sore from the first time in the morning. I immediately groan at the contact of being inside of her. Once I was fully inside of her, I ask, "You okay?" I manage to get out. She nods her head and pulls me down to kiss her. I then take this as an okay to keep going. I slowly pull out of her until only the head of my member is left inside. I then begin to increase my speed and pull away from her lips, planting my head in the crook of her neck as the impeccable pleasure overtakes me. Still moving at a steady pace, I go rougher while looking at Ariel to ensure that there aren't any signs of pain or discomfort in her features. She screams out in ecstasy as I hit her g-spot, time after time. Her eyes flutter close as her back fully arches from off of the bed as she throws her head back, "Open your eyes, Ariel. I want you to look at me." I tell her and her eyes slowly open up, lips slightly parted. My thrusts grow stronger as I look her directly into her eyes, as she's looking into mine. "So beautiful..." I manage to get out as I place slow kisses all over her neck. Her back arches and she lets out a scream of pleasure when her orgasm hits her. I soon after let out a string of curses at the intense feeling that washes over me. After a few more sloppy thrusts, I groan and roll over on my back beside her, running my hands down my face. We both let out heavy breaths, trying to come down from our highs. After about 10 minutes, our breathing has escalated back to normal. Ariel throws the duvet from over herself as it lands on me, as she stands up on wobbly legs and heads to the bathroom. Seconds later, she emerges from within the bathroom and starts to put back on her clothes. I sit up on my elbows, the comforter covering my lower half. "Where are you going?" I ask as she buttons back her pants. "Downstairs," She laughs. "There's still people down there, remember?" She asks with a playful glint in her eyes. "Do you have to go now?" I ask. "Yes, now get up and get dress, we have something to deal with." She reminds me and I internally curse at the memory. "I'll be down in a second." I mumble.... ----------------------- Sorry for the late and short update.... more coming up soon.... stay with me.... and do the usual thing... lol.... ? ?
3 May 2019 | 07:58
@itzprince far bro
4 May 2019 | 02:30
4 May 2019 | 13:12
i wonder how you are going to end the story,when i am still interested in it
4 May 2019 | 13:14
FIRE ON! when i say FIRE ON i mean FIRE ON
4 May 2019 | 13:17
I smooth down the little curls in my hair as I make my way downstairs. That's one of the things I like about having my hair cut. It's easier to maneuver, especially in situations like these. I round the corner to head to the kitchen and see Libby leaning against the counter, sipping a cup of tea. Without saying anything, I just lean against the counter with her as she pushes a mug of tea in my direction. I take it up and follow the direction in which her eyes were looking to realise that she's casually watching Elle and Miranda. Miranda continues to to ease closer to Elle with a smirk on her face as Elle lets out a little giggle at what she's saying. From the corner of my eye, I see Libby look up from her mug to look at me, or more so, my neck. "That's a nice hickey you got there." She rotates the hot substance in the mug in a stirring motion. "I could say the same about you." I look straight ahead as I refer to the one right above her collarbone. She pauses a while from drinking until I see her nod her head in acceptance, "Touché." We continue to sip our tea as we look at the couple ahead until Libby speaks, "You guys were pretty loud. Never heard my brother shout like that. Shit must've been good." She smirks, both of us still not making eye contact. "Now's not the time, Libby." I warn her. "It wasn't the time to fuck my brother either." She mutters as she takes a sip of her tea. I nod my head after a while, "Touché. I'll give you that one but I'm sure we both know that you and Liam aren't the quietest either." I conclude. She rolls her eyes and she takes the tea from me and rests both of them together on the counter. "When are you planning to deal with it?" She fully turns her attention to me. I sigh as I look at Elle once more as she plays with a strand of her hair. "I don't know... they seem to be having a great time as it is." I motion to Elle and Miranda. Just then, Liam and Adam emerge from upstairs, both chuckling at something the other said. They both catch our semi-serious faces as we're deep in conversation and make their way over to us. "What's the matter?" Liam asks as he looks at both of us with concern written all over his face. "Oh, nothing." Libby sighs. "Just wondering what to do about this whole situation." She finishes. "Who? Elle?" Adam chimes in. "No shit Sherlock. Maybe if you could've kept it in your pants, this wouldn't be a problem." Libby seethes at Adam. Adam's nostrils flare in anger but I can still see the pinch of guilt hidden in them, "How was--" Adam begins to reply to Libby's comment but I stop both of them. "Please-- you guys just quit it. I can't deal with this right now too." I look between both of them. Libby's face morphs into worry, "I'm sorry, Ariel. That wasn't my call. I can't imagine how much this must be stressing you out." She rests a comforting hand on my shoulder. I force a small smile in her direction, "No, it's okay." I rub my forehead. I don't miss the small glare that Adam sends Libby before he wraps his hand around me. "Here's what I think we should do..." Liam speaks. We all turn our attention to him as we eagerly wait for him to continue. "Miranda and her seem to be hitting it off..." He shudders at the thought. "I mean, she looks comfortable so... why not ask Miranda to come out with us, with the exception of Ariel and Elle of course, and that way, you two can talk privately with each other. We all stay silent, playing out Liam's suggestion. That is, until Adam speaks. "So, what you're basically saying is that we all leave and leave Ariel and Elle here. Alone?" His voice raises slightly. "Not gonna--" I cut him off. "No actually... that sounds like a good idea..." I speak my thoughts. Adam looks at me incredulously, "Are you sure?" "Yeah, totally. I doubt she would feel comfortable with all of you here." I remind them. They all nod in agreement and understanding. "We'll probably call me guys and end up at Nick's place. Call us when you're ready, kay?" Libby assures me and I nod. Liam places a kiss on my forehead before wrapping his arm around Libby and walking outside to wait for Adam. He always does that as a way to say goodbye or see you later. I've grown use to it, he's like the big brother I've never had. Adam continues to look at me with a worry expression etched to his features, "You'll call me if anything seems odd, right?" He whispers as he holds my face between his palms. I hold on to his hands and send him a small, reassuring smile, "I can take care of myself. Just trust me, okay?" I tell him as I slightly lean into his touch. He nods hesitantly and leans in and plants a slow kiss on my lips before pulling away and heading out to the front room. "Time to go quick stuff." Miranda rolls her eyes at the name that Adam calls her. She rises from the couch and before she leaves with Adam, she sends me wink at Elle in which she just shyly waves, looking a bit disappointed that she had to leave. Once they all left, Elle nervously cuddles with her fingers, both of us the only people in the entire house. "So, you hungry?" I converse in which she hesitantly nods. "A little... now that you asked..." She trails off. "Okay, come on." I send her a smile as I nudge my head in the direction of the kitchen. ------------------------- "So... how are you doing?" I try to make conversation as she stirs the batter very inexperienced. "Yeah, I'm fine." She gives me a tight-lipped smile. I nod my head, think of another question to ask her, "That's a... very nice shit." I compliment and with that, she abruptly stops. "Look..." She sighs. "I really don't feel like small talk is our best option right now..." She states. "I'd prefer if we just sit down and have a real conversation with no tension." She smiles at me and I wholeheartedly agree. Lord prepare me........... ------------------------ Hope you all enjoy this episode... Lots of love to you guys!!!..... Talk to me... I'm bored..... you know how now..... comments!!!..... lol....??❤
4 May 2019 | 15:29
@itzprince ?
4 May 2019 | 15:32
5 May 2019 | 09:22
Its gud u resolve this matter once and for all...sit and talk seems de best ideat
5 May 2019 | 10:42
Na now you don come
5 May 2019 | 15:21
Good idea
5 May 2019 | 16:01
she has spoken well
5 May 2019 | 17:50
u guys need to thrash out your problems once and for all
5 May 2019 | 17:51
next please
5 May 2019 | 17:52
I'm waiting for the out come of ur meetings
5 May 2019 | 18:37
@itzprince %
5 May 2019 | 19:15
Elle takes a small bite out of her cookie as she looks all around the house, everywhere but me. "You can start when you're ready," I assure her as I take a bite out of my own. She places the plate on the glass table in front of her as she lets out a sigh, "I... never exactly liked Adam..." She trails off unsurely. I send her a reassuring smile, gesturing for her to continue. "I mean... I thought I did, but I guess I never really did." She admits. "Of course he was hot and of course I felt a physical attraction toward him but... I guess that's all it ever was." She continues as I listen intently. "The sex was good, incredible actually. He was like a beast in bed and--" She quickly stops when she realizes what she said. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." She says quickly afterwards. "No... it's okay." I assure her as I raise my hand. Her cheeks visibly redden and she sends me a small nod. "I... as I said before, I always knew that he liked you because of the little things. I guess that I was hoping I would be the one to "tame the bad boy" and get him to at least like me but I guess you were that person." She says as she plays with her cookie. "My parents, they never showed me any affection, not even a "good job!" or "I love you, hunny." Nothing." She pauses. "They would abide by the same routine. Eat, sleep, work and go to bed. Their relationship was toxic. Is toxic." She explains. She stops speaking for a while, tears silently funny down her cheeks as she recalls the memory. I just sit there, letting her remember in her own space but I really just want to comfort her. I can't imagine how she must feel. "I'm sorry." She whispers after a while. I hesitantly speak, "About wh--" she cuts me off. "For everything." She sniffles as she wipes her nose, finally maintaining eye contact. "I don't deserve this..." She gestures to everything around her. "It's not something I'd like to admit but I was jealous of you, but who wouldn't?" She laughs slightly. We continue to sit there silently, both taking in this new found information, "I just... want to apologize to everyone and hope they can forgive me. I'm not asking you to be friends with me, I'm just asking for forgiveness." She pleads. I rest my hand over hers to assure her, "I'll ask Adam to bring everyone over. Is it okay or too soon?" I ask, worry in my voice. "No no. The sooner the better." She quickly says. After her statement, we once again sit in silence, but a comfortable one, the ceiling fan being the only noise. "Do you think they'll still hate me?" She says softly. She quickly shakes her head, "Of course they would, why wouldn't they?" She answers her own question. I shake my head at her, "Just relax, Elle. My friends aren't the type to hold a grudge." I try to convince her although I'm really just convincing myself. "Even if though..." I send her a sly smirk in which she returns a confused expression. "I'm sure Miranda will remain quite fond of you." I lean forward on my elbows. The colour of red that I've grown so accustomed to seeing on her cheeks appear, "Yeah?" She whispers. "Uhuh." I nod. She doesn't make eye contact for a while as she asks, "Do you... Do you think she likes me?" A small giddy smile appears on her lips. "I don't know." I lean back on the comfortable couch. "Do you like her? As in... like her?" I wiggle my eyebrows..... "Is it too soon to say... yes?" She answers embarrassingly. "It depends," I answer. "What do you like about her?" I ask, hoping that she actually likes Miranda and not just the attention she shows her. "Well..." She smiles, lost in her own little world. "She's very blunt and it's-- refreshing. She's also really pretty and isn't afraid to say what she feels. At least that's what I gathered from the time I spent with her. Oh! And she does this little thing with her lips when she--" She rambles with a large grin on her lips. She stops when she sees the creepy smile on my lips. "Oh, um. Maybe you should call the guys now." She mumbles. "If you say so..." I say in a sing-song voice as I arise from the couch. ----------------- "I don't expect you guys to forgive me or just randomly become my friends but... I'm hoping you'll try." Elle finishes her apology as all four of the guys look at her, along with Libby while Adam and I stay on the side. Landon looks at her sceptically with narrowed eyes, "You better not be fucking with us. I don't like snakes." He squints his eyes. Elle gulps as she shakes her head furiously. He looks at her for a while longer before leaning back, resting both of his hands behind the couch. "What'd you guys think?" He looks at his partners in crime. "She sounds legit." Bryce says which makes all the guys nod in agreement. "Alright. We'll tolerate you... for now." Landon replies. Elle smiles gratefully, excitedly getting up from the couch to hug the guys. "Hey, hey." Josh raises his hand to stop her. "None of that hansy pansy shit." He motions for her to sit back down. "Right, sorry." She sits back down quickly. "Yay! Let's go eat!" Nick squeals as he pulls along Josh's hand. It's kinda cute seeing a very built boy like Nick jumping around and squealing all about the place. "Wait." Elle stops them. "I'm not quite done yet..." Elle admits which makes Nick frown. I don't miss how Josh quietly puts his fingers on his own lips to quiet Nick as they both sneak into the kitchen. Elle turns her attention to Adam and I. "Ariel, I'm sorry for the way I've treated you for the past couple of years. No one deserves that, especially not you." She sighs. "I also want to apologise to Adam and Libby. I've also not been the nicest to you although I know nothing about you, except that you're Adam's sister and you hate me." She motions to Libby. "She doesn't hate you, Elle." I try to assure her. "Well---" Libby starts but Miranda elbows her in the rib which makes Libby hurl over. "Yup, definitely don't hate you," Libby says in a pained voice as she puts her thumbs up and bends over to in pain from Miranda's impact. "Anyways," Elle continues. "I hope you know that none of this is your fault. You did tell me when we first started... having sex that you had no feelings for me." She admits. "I truly am sorry." She finishes looking at all of us. There's silence in the room before Adam speaks, "I'm sorry too." He says. "No matter what I told you from the start, it wasn't right for me to do what I did, so sorry." He says which makes Elle bite back a smile. I know that she mostly wanted Adam's forgiveness out of all of us. "I... I should go." She gets up from the couch. "Already? You can stay if you want." I tell her. "No, it's okay." She sends me a small smile. "I've intruded enough. I'll just head home. I have to talk to my parents anyway." She reminds us which makes me nod. "I'll take you home." Miranda volunteers as she grabs her keys. Elle doesn't hesitate to accept the offer as they both head outside together. "Welp, I'll be joining the two assholes in the kitchen," Landon announces not even a moment later as he and Bryce head off into the direction. "Don't eat out all of our food!" Adam yells after them. "You can afford it!" Is Bryce's smart reply. Adam rolls his eyes, "I better see what those fools are doing, we'll talk later, okay?" He assures me with a kiss on the cheek in which I nod and he heads to the kitchen. I go to sit in the front room next to Libby. As soon as Adam disappears, she turns to me, "So, what did you get Adam for his birthday?" She says and I let out a loud gasp at the simple question. "Oh shit! Adam's birthday!" I push her shoulder absentmindedly making her topple over. "Today's just not my day, is it?" She groans. "I'm serious, Libby!" I whisper-yell. "I totally forgot about his birthday in 2 days!" I continue as I rub my head at my stupidity. "Ariel, relax. All Adam would want would be to spend the day with you, he doesn't want some fancy gift. Plus, it's understandable because of what you've been through these past couple of days." She reassures me. "Oh my God." I ignore her. "I'm the worst girlfriend ever. What girlfriend forgets about their boyfriend's birthday? And what do you give a boy that has everything?" I groan out. "Buy some lingerie and model for him. I'm sure he'll love that." She wiggles her eyebrows. "Shh! I'm thinking." I shush her up. She rolls her eyes, "You're such a party pooper." She deadpans as she retrieves her phone from her back pocket. My eyes widen and I snap them to her, "Libby! You're a genius!" I shake both of her shoulders and her phone drops from her hand. "I am? So you're going to buy to lingerie?" Her eyes widen at my sudden outburst. "No, silly. A party! Why didn't I think of that sooner?" I snap my fingers with a large smile on my face at the idea. "That's because you didn't think about it." She replies. "Damn, I'm smart." I compliment myself for thinking of such a perfect idea. "I'm the one who gave you the idea." She pouts. "I gotta tell the guys, they'll know his friends and the guys on the team." I start planning. Libby sighs as she drops back down in the chair, "I give up."............. ----------------------------- yeah guys!!! as promised..... Just letting you all know that this story was never pre-written, every episode, every word is thought of as I go along so if anything is confusing, comment here so that I can clear it up since I literally have no idea yet how the last few episodes will go.... lol.... but am still gonna ending well though....just kidding... but seriously drop your comments if you truly had something to say.... No hard feelings you know ??✌..... yeah thanks... see you next episode.... and happy birthday in advance to lover boy {Adam} all are invited ??? ❤??✌?
5 May 2019 | 19:15
That means Elle is bisexual? Lack of parental love could affect someone real bad. I pity Elle greatly and I hope the parents would see how much they've adversely affected their daughter a d try to right their wrongs. Happy birthday in advance to Adam, the lover boy
6 May 2019 | 00:37
Let see how the new friendship goes!
6 May 2019 | 05:23
At least everything is settled now
6 May 2019 | 13:00
"Just stall him a bit longer, okay Nick?" I motion for Landon and Bryce to also move the vase and put it into storage. "We're trying but today's his birthday and he's been complaining all practice about having to attend football practice today." He whispers to ensure that Adam doesn't hear. "Not to mention that he thinks he'll be spending the day with you afterwards, that only adds to his rush to get home." He continues as I hear shuffling in the background. "Yeah, well..." I sigh. "It's a party. Adam loves parties, I doubt he'll be disappointed that we threw him one instead of boringly hanging out with me." I roll my eyes although I know that he can't see me. "I don't know..." He sounds unsure. "He hasn't really been siked about anything like parties since he got together with you." He reasons. "Not to mention that I doubt Josh's bad singing of the song 'Happy Birthday' will hold him off any longer. He looks quite annoyed." He explains. I quickly rush around the house, giving the guys knowing looks to remind them that they should move a bit faster, all while balancing the phone between my shoulder and ear. "Uhm, just make up an excuse to get you to drive and don't forget to drive slowly," I say. "Entertain him with your weird ways, Josh is weird enough as it is, get him to do something. Anything." I speak into the phone as I adjust the knobs on the set to ensure that the music will be just right. "Roger that." He says like a cadet. "We'll see you when we get back. Bye sweetheart." He ends. "Okie, bye. Mwah." I say into the phone as I blow him a kiss and quickly end the call, throwing it into the chair. I dash into the kitchen to find Libby. I find her in the cabinets, taking out a few bottles of alcohol. Sure we shouldn't be drinking but we made sure that we stashed away all the other bottles tightly. A few bottles never hurt anyone and it would be easier because this way, no one can get drunk and cause problems on our watch. To be extra sure, Bryce'll be managing the alcohol and giving anyone that had more than two shots a wristband, which indicates that they shouldn't have anymore. That shit is hard to take off. Even if they do get it off, Bryce knows faces, at least that's what he said. "Everything good in here?" I rub my hands together nervously. "Perfect," Libby assures me. "Relax, Ariel. It'll be fine." She laughs at my flustered state. I roll my eyes as I exit the kitchen to look for Landon. I'm sure that he's walking about this big mansion doing something or the other. "Landon!" I shout when I spot him in the hallway. "Yeah, what's up?" He stops and turns his attention to me. "Are these all the names that'll be attending? Only Adam's friends?" I raise an eyebrow as I motion to the clipboard full of names that I had just recently taken from the table. "Only the people that he fucks with. Having friends and acquaintances aren't the same thing, muffin." He flicks my forehead. I roll my eyes at his bluntness. "Could you give me a more specific answer, please?" I deadpan as I rest my hand on my hip. "Do you always give Adam this sort of attitude?" He points his finger at me.....I stare at him blankly which makes him roll his eyes and answers my question. "The guys on the football team and the other names are guys that he talks to, along with their girlfriends. The last few are just wannabe people who wanted an invitation." He explains to me. "So that gives a total of...?" I begin to calculate. "Approximately 200 people." He shrugs. My eyes bulge out of their sockets and I stare at him with my mouth agape. "200?! Why so much?" I scream at him. "That's hardly half the people that Adam normally invites to his party, chill." He looks at me boredly which makes me glare at him. I rest my head in my hand as I shake my head. I see him shrug his shoulders and walk off, but not before ruffling my hair. Oh Gosh. This was supposed to be a small party, with at least 75 people. I didn't want so many people to come. I just want tonight to be special. He turned 19 today and we didn't even see each other for the day and we probably hardly will since he will be surrounded by all of his friends as he opens his presents. "Ugh!" I groan to myself. After my little hissy fit, I decided to check on Bryce's progress. I find him in front of the stereo, sliding a few buttons. "Hey Bryce, everything okay over here?" I smile at him. He looks up at me and smiles widely, "You got it, angel. The stereo is working perfectly. The whole fucking neighbourhood's gonna hear the music." He says. I look away unsurely, "That wasn't the plan... I don't want to cause a ruckus." "Hey, loosen up. We have a lot of land, we'd hardly create a problem. I'm sure Adam'll love it." He reassures me as he rubs my arm. "Well, I guess if Adam will love it." I smile thinking about him. "That's the spirit," He ruffles my already ruffled hair. What is the problem with people and messing up my hair today? "I'll see you later, kay?" I say as I bounce back the natural curls of my short hair. He gives me a nod as he goes on his phone. People should be arriving here any moment, if not already. I'm sure that Landon might've let them in since I'm on the second floor. I turn the corner, looking around the house to ensure that the bedrooms are locked. We wouldn't want people having sex in them. As I turn, I bump into Liam, "Oof." I say as we collide. "Whoa, hey." He chuckles as he puts his hands on my waist to steady me and I rest mine on his shoulders. "You good?" He asks with a teasing smile on his lips. "Yeah, you should really watch where you're going." I teasingly accuse him as we distance ourselves. He laughs lightly and playfully rolls his eyes. "If you're looking for Libby, she's in the kitchen." I motion in the direction of the kitchen, "No, uhm, I actually was looking for you." He scratches his neck nervously. "Oh?" I question, my face morphing confusion. "What for?" "Well..." He peeks around the corner and quickly pulls me into a bedroom once he saw it was clear. "I want to ask you something." He breathes out. "Sure, anything." I smile. He digs into his back pocket and takes out a small box before opening it. I gasp at the sight of the diamond designed ring..... It was beautiful. "I've been meaning to... give this to Libby for a while now, I just don't know how." He nervously says. "Oh my God. It's beautiful Liam. Libby'll love it so much." I reach out to touch it. "Yeah well..." He lets out a breathy chuckle. "I know Libby isn't the type of girl to like fancy dinners or this type of thing but..." He looks at me knowingly after he stops speaking. "You mean---?" I start as he gives me a small nod with a shrug of his shoulders. I jump up and squeal as I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down for a hug and he laughs. "You love Libby?!" I shout once I pull away, all while still squealing. He quickly shushes me by covering his hand with my mouth and looking behind him, shutting the door. "Oops, sorry. You love Libby?" I whisper-yell this time around. He nods his head sheepishly as the lightest shade of pink appears on his cheeks. "I really do love her, Ariel. So much. " He sighs as he tucks the small box back into his pocket. "Awww." I drag out in a low squeal. I think that Liam and Libby are perfect for each other. He treats her just right and never hurt her. I just want Libby to be happy, she hasn't had the best luck with past relationships, so I'm more than elated that she found someone as great as Liam. After my little moment, I decide to deal with the situation at hand. "Okay, umm," I tap my chin thoughtfully. "You're totally right about the restaurant thing, although she'll be grateful, it still wouldn't be her setting," I say as I throw that idea away. Liam nods in agreement. "Oh!" I shout as I remember something. "A picnic! Libby loves picnics. With a lot of food." I remind him. He thinks for a while before a smile overtakes his features, "That's a great idea, Ariel." He sighs out gratefully, sounding relieved. I grin widely at him, not being able to hold in my excitement so I grab onto him and pull him into an instant hug which startles him. He chuckles once again, wrapping his hands around my waist. I pull away after a while, the same smile gracing my lips, "What are you waiting for? Go and ask her!" I say. "Wait no, I'm sure you gotta think about what you're gonna ask without making it obvious, right?" I ask quickly after in which he nods. "I'll be downstairs if you need me," I say to him. "Okay, thanks for the help." He kisses my forehead and I smile at him. I head for the door, leaving him in the room to gather his thoughts together. As I rest my hand on the doorknob, I take a deep breath and turn around to face him once again, "Liam?" I call out for him. "Yeah?" He answers. "I know that you probably don't know but... Libby hasn't been the luckiest with relationships." I start off and a frown makes its way upon his face. " I have a list of names that I haven't quite dealt with, I'd hate to have to add you to that list too." I say in all seriousness. I don't miss the way that he gulps before nodding his head. "If you hurt my best friend, we'll be enemies, and you don't want to be my enemy." I say, my face contorting anything but playfulness.....Once again, he eagerly nods his head. I turn to head out the door but he calls my name. "Oh, Ariel?" He says. I turn back to look at him, urging for him to continue. "You really have nothing to worry about. I love Libby very much and would never do anything to hurt her. I promise." He assures me. "I hope that's a promise that you can keep. For Libby's sake. And most importantly, yours." I warn him. With that, I leave the room, shutting the door behind me. ---------------------- Ten minutes had pass and the party was now in full swing. Music blasting through your eardrums, red plastic cups all on the ground and most importantly, a room full of horny teenagers rubbing against each other. Great. I had changed my clothes and applied minimum make-up and added a few more curls into my hair. I decided to wear a burgundy dress that falls right down to my knees. "Okay everybody, settle down!" I hear Bryce's voice shout through the microphone from the DJ set as the music gradually becomes lower. "The birthday boy will be here any moment!" He shouts as a few cheers come from the crowd. "But before we all get into position, let's all thank the girlfriend of the birthday boy who made this party come to life!" He shouts. Hoots and cheers are heard from around the room as they turn their attention to me, some even patting me on the back and telling me that I threw a "killer" party. Suddenly, Landon's phone rang, filling up the whole house with the sound. "Shut the fuck up everyone!" He shouts casually and the room fills in utter silence. "Yeah Josh, what's up." He begins talking for a few seconds until he ends the call. "Josh says they're be here in about one minute! Get into your fucking positions quick, you dip shits." He shouts and everyone scrambles to hide behind something or stand very still. All the lights go off as I grow very nervous. The doors suddenly swings open slowly to reveal Adam, Nick and Josh. "Why the fuck is in here so dark?" Adam complains. The lights suddenly come on and everyone moves out of their hiding spaces and shouts loudly, wishing Adam a Happy Birthday. Everyone laughs at the surprised expression on his face as he curiously looks around the room. After while, he smiles widely, thanking everyone for coming as he gives out a few bro hugs in the process. Libby goes up to him, playfully pushing him and saying, "Happy Birthday, big brother." She shouts above all the music that just started to play again. "Thanks sis." He replies gratefully as he hugs her. I step a little closer, making my self known around the teenage-filled room. "Hey, stranger." I say as I send him a small smile. I hope he likes it. His smile slowly fades as he looks at me. His eyes discreetly trail over my body and he then says, "Hey." I make my way closer to him so that I'm now directly in front if him, "Happy Birthday, Adam." I whisper. He doesn't say anything, just smiles widely before wrapping his hands around my waist and tugs me in for a kiss...... Wolf whistles can be heard from the crowd as people raise the liquor in their hand, teasingly patting Adam on the back. I slowly pull away to look around as an embarrassed smile makes its way on my lips. "What are we waiting on? Let's party!" Nick shouts and everyone agrees as the middle of the room fills with the teenagers, all gyrating on each other. "Don't forget, if you haven't already, place your gift on the table in the corner over there if you brought one!" Bryce says into the microphone as he points to the table. Everyone continues to party loudly, momentarily giving Adam pats on the back and wishing him Happy Birthday as we walk by. "So you planned this, huh?" Adam says once we've dispersed from the crowd into the corner of the room. "Yup, do you like it?" I couldn't help but ask as I wrap my arms around his neck loosely. "I love anything that you do for me, Ariel." He reminds me. "Is that so?" A small smile graces itself upon my lips. "It is your party, shouldn't you be having fun?" He playfully rolls his eyes and plants a sweet kiss on my lips. I've kissed him so many times and it still manages to make my heart skip a beat. Once we pull away, I shoo him into the crowd in which he does. The guys surround him as they all get lost in the crowd. A sigh passes my lips. -------------------------- About an hour had passed and the party was still as lively as ever. I think that even more people came. "Listen up, guys!" Landon announces into the microphone. Some of the people stop to listen to him while others continue to party and drink. "I said to shut the hell up and listen to me you dumb fucks!" He says more urgently which makes multiple people laugh. The room grows quiet. "Now," His voice grows softer. "I just want to wish my best bud over here, a very happy birthday!" He shouts as everyone raises their plastic cup in gratitude toward Adam. "No matter that he nearly killed me one time because I asked Ariel out." He jokes referring the the time that he and Adam had fought. Everyone laughs at this. "Nah, nah. All jokes aside though, I hope you know that I appreciate you and... I love you, man." He admits as he raises his cup of liquor. A few people awe loudly at the bromance while others cheer loudly. "Enough with all that mushy shit. Let's go open the presents!" He says. Suddenly, Libby goes up and whispers something into his ear before a shocked expression takes over his face and afterward, a big, sly smirk. "Okay, never mind." He quickly says and a few confused murmurs erupt from the crowd. "The birthday boy's sister, though it would better if the girlfriend gave him his gift first." Landon announces. I grow confused as everyone looks at me until realisation dawns on my features. Shit. Earlier today, Libby had gave me a suggestion for what would be an even better gift for Adam. I'd prefer not to mention it as it would only make me more nervous. "I must say man, you are one lucky son of a bitch!" Landon continues as Libby sends me a knowing nod. I glare at her for making that decision for me since I wasn't sure on if to go through with it or not. "Let's get this party back on track!" Landon cranks back up the music to all as I grab Adam's hand and pull him away from the crowd and upstairs. Remember, be confident, I keep reminding myself. I drag him all the way upstairs and into his bedroom, pushing him inside and locking the door. Well, I didn't actually pull and push him since that would almost be impossible to do with my small stature and his big built. "Ariel, what--" He begins confused but I stop him by smashing my lips to his. As if on instinct, he rests his hands on my hips, stunned by the sudden action. I take in his intoxicated scent as I securely wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes to kiss him better. My hands make their way to his hair as I tug and pull his brown locks. He carries his hand to the back of my neck, pulling me even closer to him as his other hand tightens around my waist so that I'm now flushed against his body. I walk us towards his bed, our lips still not breaking apart. I roughly push him down on the bed and our lips then break apart and afterward, I straddle his waist with my legs as he looks up at me shockingly. I dip my head down to pepper small kisses all over as neck as he groans beneath me at the contact. His hand clenches an unclenches on my waist, almost as if he's trying to control himself. "Ariel," He groans as I make my way further down his body. I lift the black tee from his muscled stomach as I plant kisses all over his stomach, playing with his belt buckle in the process. He runs his hand through his hair repeatedly as I begin to take off his belt. "Ariel," He says again as I manage to throw his jeans on the floor. I pull down his boxers and subconsciously lick my lips when I behold his throbbing member, standing tall and erect. I slowly wrap my hand around his length and he loudly sucks in a breath as I slowly move my hand up and down. Precum is on the tip of his head and he shakingly manages to get out, "You know that-- Oh fuck." He says once I swirl my tongue around the precum on his tip. He lets out a string of loud curses as I lower my head fully onto his member, massaging the rest that I'm not able to reach with my hand. He grunts as I begin bobbing my head up and down in a steady motion, sure to not grate my teeth against him. I hold in the urge to gag as I feel him hit the back of my throat. "Oh shit." He groans as he wraps his fingers in my hair almost painfully. I take him out of my mouth with a 'pop' as begin to lick up and down the base of his shaft with my tongue, swirling my tongue around his head momentarily. "Ariel, I'm about to---" He doesn't get to finish because I once again lower my mouth on his shaft and with that, he lets go in my mouth. The warm, slightly salty taste fills my mouth and I swallow, not exactly knowing what else to do as I lick my lips clean. "Oh God." Adam runs his hands down his face. "Happy birthday, Adam." I say for the second time today as I get back on top of him to kiss him. He sends me a tired smile and replies, "Best gift ever."........... ------------------------------ hhmmm.... Long ass episode..... Once again, I've never written anything like this???..... Sorry if it was bad...... See you next time.?..... i hope you all love it.....and please like and drop your comments below.... enjoy!!! ?? and happy Ramadan Kareem to you all!!!... ❤❤??
6 May 2019 | 21:20
how I wish ur parent we come back to look after u the way parent take care of their children,let see how this new friendship we turn up
7 May 2019 | 05:45
Ariel has gone bad! The way these teenagers go about sex is terrible ooooo
7 May 2019 | 08:11
These teenagers are just spoilt
7 May 2019 | 08:31
happy birthday lover boy
7 May 2019 | 09:29
happy birthday
7 May 2019 | 10:23
dah kind birthday gift chai indomie generation,spoit generation
7 May 2019 | 13:17
hmmm...JUST observing from the spirit world
7 May 2019 | 19:59
bad children
7 May 2019 | 20:01
Yeah!!!..... like I said earlier in the beginning of "episode 42".....that this story will officially have no more than five episodes or less..... yeah I hold on to my word because I am a man of every bit of it {lol} ..... yeah I just want you know that we have finally come to the extreme of the story which will be out by evening or tomorrow latest..... I know some of you still want the story to be ongoing but you all should know well that nothing last forever and very beautiful things has an you all should stay with me.... because am bringing on the grand final and best episode ever of... "my best friend's brother".... to your view tonight or lately like I said earlier by tomorrow morning..... so please don't miss it.....!!! out for it!!!!..... lol..... THANKS!!! ✌❤?✌❤?.... @itzprince @jehliohn @sweet @kingsbest @marie nkeng @masta.p. @jummybabe @itz kwin ola @ireoluwa emmanuel @marcus Victoria ........ and the others.... I really appreciate you all.... and please stay with me till I drop the epilogue and final episode... ❤✌❤✌
8 May 2019 | 08:22
Waiting patiently for it
8 May 2019 | 08:36
We got your back
8 May 2019 | 10:20
Yay!!!..... and the final epic showdown is here.... I hope you all are seated with your chill coke and popcorn... lol.... thanks and enjoy!!!.... ------------------------ .......... FEW MONTHS LATER ............ ...????????????????........ .... Adam's POV........... "...Ariel Bradshaw who will be continuing her journey to Riverdale University and will be majoring in Accounting and Business Administration and Management." The principle announces. Cheers and roars of noise can be heard from our fellow classmates as they shout and scream loudly, showing their support. I rise from my seat as I shout at the top of my lungs, "Yes! Whoo! Congratulations, baby! That's my girl!" I continue to throw compliments at Ariel over the very loud teenagers. I nudge a random dude that was sitting next to me and say, "That's my girlfriend." I smile widely at him as I motion to Ariel on the stage. He sends me a sheepish smile as he takes a seat back down. Ariel goes up the stage and accepts her diploma with probably one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen in her face. I continue to shout loudly for her until the very moment she leaves the stage. I had already accepted my diploma and returned to my seat. Only Josh and Bryce were left out of all of us who had to collect theirs. These past few months had been very eventful and unexpected, to say the least. So many things had happened that it almost seemed unrealistic. It had all started a few weeks after my birthday and we realised that Nick had been very distant at the time. No one knew about his whereabouts after or before school. We all were quite worried because Nick was always a chirpy and outgoing person. A few days had past and we decided to once again stop by his house to see if he would answer this time. That was quite an emotional day for us. It was to our surprise that there, stood Nick and Josh.... Together..... Alone...... Kissing...... Everyone was awestruck. Of course we demanded answers and they both admitted that they had admitted their feelings for each other a few days after the party. Turns out that they both didn't know of their sexuality but the more time they spent together, the more time they just knew. Tears were shed because Nick was quite freaked out about what his parents would think. He cried on Ariel's lap for nearly the whole night. It was expected as his parents weren't the nicest people and they were really strict. For Josh, it was different because he had a gay uncle so when he dropped the bomb on his parents, it was quite shocking but his parents had already knew how to handle to situation since they had before. That same night, we had convinced Nick to tell his parents and he reluctantly agreed, not being able to hold the secret anymore or hide his relationship with Josh either. His parents were not pleased. In fact, a lot of yelling had happened but by all means, Nick was still their only child so they had to live with it. Not accept it, but live with it. Next was Elle. About two months ago, after always putting it of, she finally decided to speak to her parents. She told them about how she felt and the lack of attention that she received and after about 3 hours of deep, long conversing, multiple tears were shed and hugs were given out....... From that day, they had agreed that they would go family counselling because her mother wanted her family back and would do anything to see her little girl happy again. Everyday, Elle would come to us, beaming with joy about each one of their sessions and we would glad fully listen, thankful for her change in attitude and quite elated to see her smile. After the counselling, things were finally beginning to look her way. She would even go as far as saying, "I have the perfect family." Sadly though, tragedy hit her family not even three full days after, when her father died from a tumour. It had began to form for months but due to the fact that he hadn't been visiting the doctor and ignoring his headaches, when they found out, he merely had hours left of surviving. Elle was beyond devastated. Cried her heart out. In her time of need, Miranda was there every night to comfort her and to give her a shoulder to cry on in which she gratefully accepted. As time flew by, they created a blossoming relationship and everything was once again looking up for Elle, although she obviously was just crushed by her father's sudden death. As for Landon and Bryce, they've been... the same. I mentally roll my eyes just as the thought passes my mind and I see both of them checking out a girl's ass that just walked by as they playfully nudge each other and send wolf whistles her way. They haven't changed one bit. Still the same old players. I snapped out of my thoughts as I see Ariel rushing toward me, "Did you see, Adam?" She squeals. "I walked without falling in these long ass heels!" She screams excitedly as she lashes onto my neck. I instantly wrap my arms around her neck, "I saw you. You were great, baby!" I reassure as I pull back. She's about to say something as Libby comes up to her wearing a red dress that stops just about her knees with Liam following behind her. "There's my best friend!" She yells as she stops in front of Ariel and hugs her tightly. "You were so good! I'm so proud of you!" Libby says excited as she pushes Ariel back at arms length. "Thanks, Libby." She says appreciatively as she's unable to wipe the smile on her face. "Congratulations, Ariel." Liam compliments as he gives her a side hug and afterward giving me a bro hug. "Oh, my babies!" My mother gushes as she comes out of no where with tears in her eyes, my father and Ariel's parents behind her. She comes and gives both Ariel and I bone cracking hugs as my father passes her a tissue while comforting her. "My baby is all grown up!" Ariel's mother sobs into her husband's chest. "Going off to college in a few months." She wipes her tears. "Mom..." Ariel whines with unshed tears in her eyes. "Don't cry, then you'll make me cry." She reasons as she blinks away her tears. Tony, Ariel's father playfully rolls his eyes at their exchange. "Honey, the college is only an hour drive away, she'll come and visit at least once a month." He pats his wife's back. "Protect my baby for me, Adam." She ignores her husband's comforting words. I give her a reassuring nod, letting her that I would never let anything hurt Ariel. "I'm proud of you, son." My father pats my back......... "Thank you, dad." I give him a nod. Just then, Bryce, Josh and Landon arrive, all with diplomas in their hands. "Ah, we did it you son of a bit--" Landon stops midway when he sees our parents. He then clears his throat, "Nice you see you, misters and madams." He puts on a deep voice. My parents roll their eyes, already knowing that Landon is one hell of an ass, especially with hanging out so much around my house. Our parents take their leave after congratulating us again. They would see us later tonight where we planned to have dinner to celebrate. "Where's the rest of the guys?" Ariel's confused voice ask. "Nick is using the bathroom and Miranda and Elle are talking to their parents." Josh announces as his eyes light up at the mention of Nick. None of us get to reply because a photographer comes up to us. "Would you like a picture?" He asks politely. We all smile at each other as we nod eagerly and seconds after, the rest of the guys join us as we all pose together for a picture. This was it. The ending of a great journey. And yet, a beginning of a new one. I have the perfect girl and all goofy ass friends that I wouldn't even trade for the world if I had a choice. A lot of other classmates see and quickly come to join us, all wanting to be in the shot. We all throw up our hats in the air excitedly just as the picture snaps. I think to myself, I doubt my life could get any better. --------------------- Ariel sighs contentedly as I trace my fingers all over her arm. We had just returned home from the celebration dinner and we all were worn out. "What's on your mind? I can practically feel you thinking." I chuckle. She lightly runs her knuckles over my bare chest. "I don't know..." She breathes. "We've come such a long way that it almost seems... surreal. It's just so..." She admits. I hum in agreement. "What are you trying to say, baby?" I whisper as I rest my chin on her head. She thinks for a while before a small smile graces her lips and I smile at what she says next,........... "I guess I just never expected to fall for 'MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER'.".... ????????????????? --------------------------------- ???...... and there goes the perfect love songs as the light fade out from thestage..... ??? ?????A duet by Ed Sheeran & Beyonce Lyrics.... ....... {perfect remix}..... ????? ? ? ...... The End...... ? ? ---------------------------------- .... Ahhhhhhhhhhh! The End!!! at last I finish it lol...... ??? I can not believe that I just finish my first story or though I still have another story going on right now at the moment with name... ?{ ? CHOOSE: PURE DESIRE ? } .... which is currently in episode 51 ... and will officially be my second novel ?... but i still finish this one first lol ? !!!... ❤ ? V. O. T to you all ... ?❤ I'm literally squealing and happy right now... Thank you guys so much for making this happen..... For all of your comments and support... Special thanks extending to all of you although I'd personally like to thank " @itzprince " for always updating every episode of this story for me in each an everyday I uploaded... thanks so much bro?✌?... I really appreciate.... and to you lovely guys out there.????. THANK YOU!!! ❤awesome people!!! ?✌?...... and not forget to drop your final comment's on this story.... yeah... and make sure you click on the love ❤ icon as well... to indicate your finale like for the story.... thanks ✌✌??
10 May 2019 | 09:19
Hmmmmmmmm m! Nice one to all of you... Happy for you guys especially Ariel and Adam as well as Libby and Liam
10 May 2019 | 13:57
Wow the brain behind this story is overwhelming...nice ending,was one hell of a story,reali love it...will like to read ur second story,when are u posting it here? @xaar whaskyd brown
10 May 2019 | 16:48
actually @marie nkeng..... my second story is still going on at the moment.... "Choose:pure desire".... you can check it in updated story's for today... you will found it there.... thanks so much... I really appreciate all your efforts... and will be looking forward to see your comments in "choose"...... check it out now.... am currently in episode 51..... but I don't have a plan to end it yet... so you can still meet up... thanks dear.... ❤✌?
10 May 2019 | 17:08
wow!!!!!! Weldon @xaar whaskyd brown, nice story, nice ending
10 May 2019 | 18:38
10 May 2019 | 19:27
made sense from the beginning to the end
10 May 2019 | 19:28
on this story, the comments of Jehliohn has ended
10 May 2019 | 19:30
So interesting Thumbs up Moregrace
11 May 2019 | 16:00
Wow interesting story indeed, I loved it. Congrats Bro, Big thumbs
12 Jun 2019 | 02:29
have you read "CHOOSE: PURE DESIRE" ....check it out ...i have completed it's my second novel... @Arhbynah Rowdy Lerrie
6 Nov 2019 | 04:00
My best episode so far :b
23 Nov 2019 | 03:38
Nice one.
17 Feb 2020 | 06:54
Wow,that story of yours is superb,I have read it thinks this the 5th or 6th time I have read it Great work bro
7 Jul 2020 | 17:23
Am coming back for you...
13 Jul 2020 | 16:06


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