

By Mr in 12 Jan 2016 | 18:49
Mr wrong

Mr wrong

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Posts: 1232
Member since: 20 Sep 2015
A story written by BukkyDan
([email protected])
… I shifted uncomfortably in my
seat, took a quick
glance round the classroom-
everybody seems to
interested in what the teacher
was scribbling on the black board.
I summed Madame Diallo with a
look, I couldn’t
help smiling at her fat legs…
“Le langue Francaise… Repeat
after me.” madame Diallo began.
“Le langue francaise!” the whole
class throated.
I hissed quitely, do we have to
say this? We’re in
J.S.S.3 for crying out loud! Besides, why do we
have learn french this hot
afternoon? I am a
Nigerian! A Yoruba for that
“Il ya des ecole, eu du mangue.” the teacher said
“Who can tell us what that
means?” her cat eyes
searched the class.
Bisi stood up, I trust her now- over sabi-sabi. I
hissed again.
“it means, in front of the school,
there is a mango
tree.” bisi said smiling like a
donkey “Clap for her.”
I didn’t clap, i looked out of the
window instead.
“Madame et monsuier Akosua,
il habite poto-poto-
brazaville.” I heard her say. “who can translate that?”
I kept my eyes glued to the
“Teju can you help us out?”
I heard her definitely, me
translate french? Rubbish.
“Tejumola Benson!” she shrilled
I jumped up, pretending to be
“translate that!” she pointed her
cane at the black board.
“Which one of them?” I
scratched my cornrows.
“Teju!” she scowled.
“Errrm…madame…errn, it
means..erm,mr and mrs..Akosua, have
poto-poto and brazaville…” I
She stared at me in disbelief.
“Teju!” her eyes almost popped out
“You sitting for your Junior
NECO very soon, and
you can’t translate this?”
I looked away.
“I’m so disappointed!” she added.
That one is your headache, I
wonder if french is a
“Sit down, class lets continue.”
Rubbish! I hissed “Bring out you notebooks, and
copy these down.”
Madame Diallo ordered before
she started
scribbling some notes on the
board. I copied the note for copying
sake, i had no
intention of reading it. We
copied and copied
endlessly till a bell rang.
“End of period” Ayo- a fat chubby boy yelled from
outside. We all laughed. Ayo-
the time keeper, we
told each other.
“Lets call it a day, aurevoir”
madame Diallo packed her books.
“Au revoir” we all throated, my
voice at its peak.
The whole class became a
noise den, some of
them even played ten-ten. I watched them all, with
no intention of joining them. I’ve
not eaten since
last night, I don’t have the
strength to play…
“What’s the noise all about?” Eric the headboy
They didn’t even notice him.
He banged a table loudly.
They all came back to their
senses. “Good afternoon Senior”
“What’s good about the
afternoon? Ehn? Why were
you making such noise?” Eric’s
massive voice
thundered. Nobody replied him
“Who’s the class captain?” he
asked again,
I quickly adjusted my skirt,
tucking in my shirt properly.
“I said where’s the…”
“Sir?” I chirped cutting him
“i want the list of noisemakers
now” he ordered “List?” I wore a puzzled look
“oh so you just watched them
abi? Whats your job?”
he queried.
Na today? ThankGod say I no
join them sef, if not this building for fall- I hissed
within me.
“Are deaf or dumb?” He yelled
at me.
“None of the above.” I replied
with a frown. Some students began to giggle
“oh really? Okay, come out
here.” he ordered.
“go and kneel down under the
sun!” he declared my
punishment. Mo kpe! I thought quitely as I
knelt down. This hot
sun plus kneeling down plus
hunger again? I’m
I didn’t spend a minute kneeling down when I saw
David the assistant headboy
walking towards me.
I looked away, David was very
popular in the
school, he became the assistant headboy the very
day he stepped his foot into
S.S.S.2. Maybe cos
he’s brilliant or cos his father
was rich- very rich-a
senator. Maybe cos of his looks, he is too beautiful
to be called handsome, those
full eyelashes, the
“What are doing here?” David
asked “punishment.” I replied.
“Go back to your class, this sun
is too hot.” He
said quitely.
I stood up, murmurred a
thankyou, and walked quickly to my class, who said
my God isn’t
“stop there!” eric roared from
behind me.
“Who asked you to go back to your class?” he
“I did.” David sauntered
towards us. “Guy free the
girl, this sun is too hot.” David
patted Eric’s shoulder.
“Go to your class” he said to
Oh yea! I felt so fly as I hopped
to me class.
I trudged into our flat, as usual Maria-my step
mother was sitting; crosslegged
in the parlour.
“Ekun le oo” I said trying to
sound cheerful
“Maami good evening.” I greeted her again,
She did not reply, she glued her
eyes to the
That’s your problem, I
shrugged, and walked towards my room.
“Oshi!- Devil!” I heard her say, I
quickly turned to
look at her.
“Aje- witch!” she added again.
I became apprehensive, trouble in the air.
“go and tell your fellow witches
that my head is too
strong for them o” she clapped.
Is this woman okay? I asked
myself, I moved towards my room but stoped
again when something
struck my head from behind.
The sharp pain surged through
my body, I let out
an ear-deafening scream- thats my major talent.
She pulled me roughly, “let me
warn you, if you tell
your father anything, I’l kill you!”
I stood still, staring at her.
“Take your winchy eyes off me jare! Oya go and
fetch water for me.”
“okay, let me pull off my
I moved towards my room,
tears streaming down cheeks.
“which uniform? Go like that
jor!” she pushed me
I dashed to the kitchen, picked
a bucket and made for the bore-hole, to prevent
more beating and
The borehole was about 20
blocks from our flat, I
filled my bucket,and made towards home.
I wished my dad would just
come back, he’s gone
for his so-called ‘business
trips’. If he’d been
around, I wouldn’t fetch water, he made sure we
buy from water vendors.
“Tejumola Benson!” someone
called from behind
me. I turned sharply and saw
Bisi my classmate running towards me.
Here comes the over sabi-sabi,
I rolled my eyes.
“So you fetch water too?” she
asked. I didn’t reply.
“you should have changed from your uniform first
now.” she added.
Over sabi-sabi mind your
business now, I wanted
to tell her.
“Thanks for your concern” I replied with sarcasm
“Its alright” she gave me a
donkey smile. Eeewww!
“Let me help you, I’m going
down the road.” she
collectedd the bucket of water, balanced it on her
head and we walked home.
“Teju, you were funny during
french class, that day,
hmm.” she said.
I simply grunted. “You see this house?” she said
as we walked past
a huge mansion.
“shey you know David ko? The
assistant head boy, ehen, the house belongs to his
father, they all live
inside.” Bisi explained.
“Ehhn! Tell me something.” I
said in a gossip like
fashion. “Hmm, you mean you don’t
know? His father has
three wives now, David is the
only son, with about
15 sisters. My dear, each of
them have a well furnished room. You know their
father is a senator”
Bisi rattled on.
“Thanks for the info” I was
sarcastic again. Thank
God she didn’t notice “not atall, if you need any story,
just call me, I
know almost everything.” she
said dropping my
bucket of water right in front of
my house. “Thanks” I wore a plastic smile.
Amebo number 1, I wanted to
tell her
“Hmmn, bye”
I watched her leave before
taking my bucket of water into the house.
“How many hours did it take
you to fetch just a
bucket of water?” Maria
I turned the water into a drum and made to walk
past her.
She pushed me and I toppled
over, bashing my
head on the floor, I shrieked in
pain. “Idiot! I will make this house
miserable for you, so
far you and your witches won’t
let me give birth.”
“I didn’t hold your womb, go and
ask the doctor who helped you abort so many
babies when you
were a love peddler in town.” I
blurted out, I was
surprised at myself.
Wow! I’m now grown,not the little girl she used to
molest. 14 yrs no be beans, I’m
not called Tejumola
for nothing.
She stared at me surprised,
hate-pain and anger written all over her face.
“Who did you call a love-
peddler?” she marched
towards me.
I backed away slowly, too slow
enough for her to grab me.
She beat, scratched and pulled
my cornrows. I
begged and begged to no avail.
Sensing she might
kill me, i stopped begging. I held unto her tightly, brought
my mouth close to
her ear and screamed with all
my might.
She quickly released me cos
my scream could make her go deaf, it was
piercing and irritating.
I ran out of the kitchen, into my
room. I quickly
bolted it, locked it with keys.
She banged at my door. “Teju open the door, I’l kill you
today.” she yelled.
“Ashewo kobo kobo no market
today?” I screamed
back at her
she fell silent, I could hear her sob, winchy-wincho!
I hissed.
I examined my injuries, just
then I remembered i
was hungry.
There was no way maami is gonna feed me today,
I will wait till she is asleep, then
I’l steal some
packs of indomie.
Man pikin dey suffer! I told
myself after gulping down three cups of water. To Be Continued…
12 Jan 2016 | 18:49
Av read diz stowie b4...........interesting
12 Jan 2016 | 19:07
12 Jan 2016 | 19:58
Ride on
13 Jan 2016 | 00:13
13 Jan 2016 | 00:25
I stoped about a 100 metres from the school gate to examine myself. I wiped off some sweats, cleaned my shoes and so on. I took a quick glance @ my wristwatch before resuming my cleaning exercise. 8am? Yikes! I don over late. I quickened my pace and in no time, the school gate was just a few steps away. Eric was standing there, alongside David and some other prefects. Some ‘late- comers’ too were kneeling down. “Good morning senior” I flexed my knees, already I was working out some excuses… “bad morning to you! Join them!” Eric snarled gesturing towards the other students. “Let her go in now, you know they’re writing J.S.C.E exams…they would start by nine.” David was pleading with Eric. “No, she must be punished!” Eric said with a note of finality. “what’s even your business with this girl? Ehn?” he added. “kneel down there!” he ordered me. “You don’t have the authority!” David retorted at him. “who has? You?” Eric sneered “Get inside!” David told me. I stood up sharply, dusted my bag, and walked past Eric. “come back here!” Eric pulled me back. I shrieked feigning pain, pretending to loose my balance. David quickly held me to steady my balance. “You don’t dare rough handle her!” He growled at Eric. “Why? Cos she’s your girlfriend? See this small boy o!” Eric sneered. Quick as a flash, I saw David raise his hand and his palm landed on Eric’s cheek. “How dare you?” Eric darted towards him. They engaged in a scuffle, David beating up Eric. I didn’t stand to watch the show, I ran quickly towards the classroom, I needed to revise my notes. Who separated the fight? I didn’t care. Ayo rang the bell. “School closed” He yelled. Every student excitedly picked up their bags, lunch boxes and what have you- they all hurried out of school. For some reasons, I remained seated in my position. “Teju, won’t you go home?” Bisi asked me strapping her bag. I bit my lower lip, they send this girl to me ni?! “Teejumoolaaa…” she cooed “Biiissiii” I replied. “won’t you go home?” “When did you become my guardian? Ehn?” I queried “Noo, I was just trying to..” she tried to explain. “Shut up! Over sabi-sabi! Did we come to school together this morning?” I cut her short. “Okay, sorry o.” she walked away, leaving me alone in the now- empty class. Good riddance! I rather remained in school than go back home to see Maami’s ugly face. The school became quite, only for some low voices from the staff room. I played around the class, mimicked some teachers, practiced some dance steps, I even practiced some kung fu, Imagining Maami as my opponent, just to while away time. I glanced at my wristwatch; 4:30pm. Good! Atleast with 30mins trekking, I’ll get home by 5pm. I quickly rehearsed my plans. Firstly, I go to the kitchen, fill my bag with bread and 5 packs indomie. Secondly, greet maami before hiding in my room. That woman can’t kill me! I got to the school gate and saw a boy in uniform standing there. Maybe he is waiting for their family driver to pick him up, spoilt rich man’s children. “Hey!” David said, standing up “Good afternoon senior.” I replied. “what are you still doing in school?” He asked. See question, you too what are doing here, Ode! “Errm, I stayed back to revise some notes.” I said instead “Oh really? That’s nice” he shook his head like an agama lizard “I’ve been waiting for my driver, the guy doesn’t wanna show up” he added with a weary look. Did I ask you? Can’t you trek? “Eeyaah, sorry senior.” I said wearing a pitying face. “your driver is here to pick you?” he asked Driver ke! “Noo, me I’m trekking o” “Wow, that could be fun!” his eyes glinted, his dimples showing. Fun! Indeed! I smiled. “Can I join you?, I mean, lets trek together?” he was smiling too,and those dimples… Oh! I was a sucker for dimples. “okay, no problem.” I sounded like someone important. He picked his books, and we trekked home together. That was how we became friends. We always trekked home together, no more driver coming to pick him up. We’d stay back in school after closing for hours doing nothing in particular. He always bought me snacks and carbonated drinks during breaktime, well as an ojukokoro, I always collected them with ‘thanks’. No prefect dares to punish me anymore, I became more stubborn and efficient in my trouble making. To Be Continued…
13 Jan 2016 | 03:21
I came back home late in the evening as usual, I tip-toed to the kitchen to begin my daily routine of indomie and bread theft. I walked gently into the sitting room after accomplishing my mission, I found my father sitting there. Suprised, I gaped at him, when did he come back? “Baami,” I shrieked before jumping into his arms. “Hey, my little princess, omo mi atata.” He patted my head. “welcome Baami, I missed you ooo, when did you come back?” “This morning” He smiled, my father is too handsome. “why are you just coming back from school by this time?” he queried. I racked my brain hard “Errm, Baami, you know the distance from school, its too far, I have to trek, and besides we are having extra lessons in school” I explained. “Liar!” maria said “aah! Maami, you know I won’t lie now.” I quickly said, whats wrong with this winchy sef. “other children in this area came back home since 2pm..” she began “I was singled out now, you know, errm, we…errm, we’ll be going for a competition very soon.” I scratched my head. “Its alright, just make sure you come home early, okay?” My father patted my head. “You’ve become so lean Teju, what happened?” he looked me all over. I looked at Maria, she looked visibly scared, I might give her away. “No..Baami, I’m missing you that’s why.” I laughed. “Come and sit on my laps, omo mi atata.” he pulled me towards him. I sat down on his laps with a wide grin. “Tejumola omo baba re” I glanced at maria, she looked jealous. “Maami, why are you looking at me like that?” “Don’t mind your mother, she’s jealous.” My father said before leading me to my room. *********** Things went on well, both in school and at home, no more qualms. David was writting his S.S.C.E examination, we’re still the best of friends. One day after his afternoon paper, we were sitted in an empty class room, discussing nothing important when he suddenly said “Teju, very soon, I’d be leaving school, I would further my education abroad…” he hesistated. “That means, I won’t get to see you everyday anymore.” he added with a pained expression. “hmmm” “hmmm? Is that all you’d say? Yuo won’t miss me I guess.” he said placing an arm round my shoulder. I laughed. He sounded funny, miss who? “have I ever told you, how beautiful you look when you laugh?” He brought his face closer to mine. I blushed furiously, though I’m dark in complexion so it wasn’t visible. “I love you Teju.” he whispered. One thing led to another and we kissed… We all stood in straight lines on the assembly ground. Being one of the tallest girls in my class, I stood at the far back end. “Sing the National athem after count of three…1… 2..3″ the assembly prefect instructed. The whole school sang except me. I wasn’t feeling so well that morning, I vomited thrice before coming to school, couldn’t eat breakfast cos I didn’t have appetite to.. “The pledge!” the prefect said again “I pledge to Nigeria my country..” I managed to mutter before everything around me began to spin. I felt dizzy, I tried to steady my self, my palms became sweaty. I rubbed my eyes, opened them, the whole school was spinning faster, I quickly shut my eyes, my head was spinning too…I passed out. ::::::::::* I opened my eyes again, only to find myself on the hospital bed. My father was staring at me, disappointment written all-over his face. “Kpele- sorry” he said when I tried to sit up. What was going on? I rubbed my forehead to ease the pain. “Teju..” My father began “You know I love you, and will do anything to make you happy..” I became tensed, something was wrong somewhere. “I want you to tell me the truth…” he continued. Truth of what? I asked myself “tell me, Who did this to you?” his voice became shaky “Who is reponsible for this pregnancy?” he said gently. I frozed at the spot. Preg..what? Who? Me? Tejumola? Is this a dream? I pressed my stomach firmly. How can I be pregnant? “Teju…” my father placed his hands on my back. “Talk to me.” I held his gaze for a moment, before looking away. I could feel the whole world crashing at my feet. Fat tears rolled down my cheeks. What would I tell my father? “Don’t cry.” my father held my hands in his. “If you don’t want to tell me, no problem.” I turned to look at him, he was crying too. “Its all my fault..” he lamented “I should have spent more time with you..” I could feel my heart splitting, should I tell him or not? David was far away in London…I’m finished. My father hugged me ” my daughter, I’m sorry, forgive me.” he whispered. “I’m sorry Baami, I’m sorrrry” I wailed “It’s alright, don’t cry anymore, I’m here for you, I’d take good care of you.” he patted my back soothingly. My thoughts were far far away. My loud sobs echoed through the walls. To Be Continued…
13 Jan 2016 | 03:26
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13 Jan 2016 | 03:28
Beutiful story
13 Jan 2016 | 03:51
Waow...what a very good story!
13 Jan 2016 | 05:03
13 Jan 2016 | 05:18
Oga leggo there
13 Jan 2016 | 05:21
Lovin it already Ride on @Mubarak
13 Jan 2016 | 07:00
Eyeeh....i don fall for dis story o..
13 Jan 2016 | 07:22
Chai!! Father n daughter's luv, i envy u Teju. But wait o wat is d work of dat marie sef in dat house, is she nt d 1 who suppose 2 b dere 4 u? I bliv is bcos of u dat ur dad married her just 2 take care of u as her daughter instead she is doing d opposit side.
13 Jan 2016 | 09:11
Y Didnt U Finished Enslaved Secretary
13 Jan 2016 | 13:02
I've read this before it's just that it was given another title
13 Jan 2016 | 13:07
My father actually kept to his words, he took very good care of me,he no longer travelled. Even maami became suddenly soo nice. She made sure I ate well, she even helped me with exercises and massages. The day I had the baby was a great day. The joy on my father’s face was beyond description. “omo dada- good baby” he whispered into the baby’s ears. He sat on my bedside. “Sorry, mummy” he teased me. I smiled for the first time since past months i was pregnant. “She looks just like you, very beautiful and hairy!” he patted its hair. “What name would you call her?” he asked I looked away, name ke! How old am I that I should know how to name babies?! Unless if they would name her Tejumola after me. “I was thinking of naming her Eniola or Ayobola, but more preferrably Eniola.” he continued, he was used to me refusing to talk. I simply nodded. “Welcome to the world Eniola.” he said before whispering some prayers into its ears. And that was how Eniola came into our family, the identity of her father still remained a mystery to everybody except. No one dared asked me unless they wanna see me cry. ************** on Eniola’s fourth birthday, things went sour for me. I was alone in the house, my father has taken Eniola with Maami to the Amusement park. I refused to go with them despite Eniola’s pleas. There was a knock on the door. “Who’s there?” I queried before opening the door. I saw a fat man with a pot-belly enclosed inside a brocade Agbada smiling at me. “Good afternoon sir” i flexed my knees, he should be in his early fifties. “Ba wo ni- how are you?” he smiled again. “Fine” I replied with a frown. “Is Mr Benson-your father around?” he asked. “No, He went out.” “Okay, if he comes back, tell him Chief OlaBadmus came to look for him o” he said before turning to leave. I slammed the door. Who is this one again? Of course I know Chief OlaBadmus, he is David’s father, what does he want? Where did Baami get this new friend? Hmmn. I lay gently on the rug, and sleep stole me away. “Mummy…mummy!” Eniola shook me out of my beauty sleep. “Lil’ cutie, you’re back?” I sat up. “Welcome.” I greeted them. My father handed me an envelope “The post-man said its for Tejumola Benson.” I gave him a quizzed look, opened the envelope, a beautiful flower encrusted card fell out: it read I MISS YOU MY DARLING. I looked up at my dad, he saw it too, his face expressionless. I brought out the letter, and commenced reading it. It was from David, he said he’s sorry for not keeping in touch,that he would be coming back next week, that he missed me,that he loved me e.t.c. I hissed aloud, tore the letter, picked the card and envelope, and into the thrash can I threw them. I walked into my room in anger. Rubbish! I muttered under my breathe. After ruining my career…he missed me and so what? I guess he wanted to continue from where he stoped I hissed aloud again. “Teju?” I turned to see my father holding the torn letter. “Is he Eniola’s father?” He asked. I kept mute. He sighed. “Teju sit down, lets talk.” he began “you have to tell me, you see… you’re getting married next week…” I jumped up, my right hand clutching my chest. “Married? To who? Baami to who?” my voice was close to a whisper . “I’ve already made arrangements, you can’t sit at home like this..” he hesitated. “You see…errm, that man that came looking for me, he is your husband to-be” he concluded. “Baami? Chief OlaBadmus? That’s a joke right? ” my lips quiverred. “No joke Teju, you’re getting married.” He rose to leave. “Baami, please don’t do this to me, it hurts, Baami it hurts.” I was on my knees. “It hurts? Hmn,when you dragged my name in the mud, threw sand of shame at my face, did think how hurt I was? When you disgraced me, did you stop to think how I felt?” he shot back at me before leaving my room. I let out a heart rending sob. This can’t be happening to me, my father can’t do this to me “Mummy sorry.” Eniola circled her tiny arms round me. I hugged her tightly, and we wept together. To Be Continued…
13 Jan 2016 | 16:00
I was kneeling before Maria, I need her to talk to my father. “Maami, please, help me talk to Baami” I told her. She shook her head gently. “I’l try my best okay? Now stand up.” she helped me to my feet. “where’s Eniola?” she asked “sleeping.” I replied, resting my head on her shoulders. We actually became close friends ever since I became pregnant with Eniola. She blamed herself a thousand times for the pregnancy. “Maami, lemme stroll out.” I told her before going out of the house. I needed to rest my head, a long walk will do. My ‘wedding’ is just 48hrs away, Maami need to do something fast. I got to the end of the road, stood there for a while, before heading back home. A range rover sports car pulled up beside me, almost knocking me down. I jumped! Which kind mad driver is this? I hissed. “Hey, baby!” My heart missed a beat. David walked to where I was. “I was about coming to your house, and..errm, here you are..” he was all smiles. I looked away. “you haven’t changed, still your beautiful self.” ” so how’s everything?” he tried to take my hands, but i pulled away. “Baby, anything wrong?” he asked sensing my discomfort. Which kind bad breeze blow this idiot come here na! “Why did you come back?” I snapped. “I…I’m sorry..fro..for..” “Why did you come back?” I snapped more angrily this time “I..I..came cos of you..” he looked confused I rolled my eyes “you came for your father’s wedding.” I laughed mockingly “I…yes! You heard of the wedding too? I heard he is getting married to some pretty girl” he laughed. “And do you know who that girl is?” I grimaced “Errm no, thats not my problem, what matters now is you and I.” “You and who?” I asked “Come o, are you mad? Se ori re buru ni? Do I look like a thrash or a scrap that you can use and dump?” my temper rose furiously “I…I..I” he began to say “Shut up! Idiot! Ori gbeku gbeku! Comot ma see road jor” I pushed him away, walking away as fast as I could Different plans flooded my mind, the best plan was to run away! I got home, woke up Eniola, picked my purse and sneaked out of the house with her tugging at my skirt “Mummy, where are we going?” eniola asked as we got into a taxi. I didn’t reply. The taxi dropped us off at the car park. I bought a ticket to Lagos, and thank God they needed just one more passenger. In less than thirty minutes, we said Bye to Ibadan. I felt joy surging through my veins. But my joy was shortlived. Boom! The two back tyres of the bus we’re in bursted “Mummy!” Eniola screamed. I held her tightly as the vehicle somersaulted thrice, it fell into a ditch, and everything just blacked out. I opened my eyes gently only to shut them back almost immediately due to the piercing pain on my eyelids. Arrrrgh! I winced. I opened them again on impulse only to see Eniola sobbing gently. I looked around me, there was comotion everywhere. Only then did I recall we just had an accident. I quickly sat up when I heard a siren, an ambulance was heading towards us. “ye! Haaaa! Mi ole ku ooo” one old women screamed as the nurses helped her to her feet. I managed to stand up, dragged the sobbing Eniola away from the chaos. “mummy, let’s go home” she whimped. Some blood trickled down her cheek, she’d a cut on her temple. “Sorry baby” I wiped the blood off with my skirt. “Young lady, get into the ambulance!” a nurse said to me. Me? Go back to Ibadan? God forbid. “No don’t worry, we’d be fine.” I replied. “But you can’t remain here!” she protested. “I said I’m not coming with you!” I yelled at her and she left me alone. Soon the whole scene was deserted, it was getting dark. I sat Eniola down on stone, she looked tired, I felt so sorry for her. I saw a station wagon approaching, I quickly flagged it down; luckily it stopped. “Errm, please, we’re going to Lagos.” I told the driver, surveying the passengers with my eyes. “five thousand naira” “No problem.” I shoved Eniola into the vehicle, though I knew the price was over expensive. ************* It was already dark when we arrived Lagos. “We’re in Lagos.” I told Eniola excitedly. She smiled at me and continued to munch her Gala, I wondered if she understood me. “where do we go? Maybe we should get a hotel room?” I told her again. “I don’t know” she replied innocently. “We have enough money girlie..” I was cut short by the rumbling of thunder. Oh yikes! This rain should hold on, atleast not now. “mummy!” Eniola squealed rushing to hug my thigh, she pointed at something behind me. I turned swiftly only to find two Agberos glaring at me. “Wetin you carry?” One of them asked. “Nothing.” I was trying to calm my self. The other one dragged my purse off my grip, and they both ran off. “Oh no! Thief! Thief ooo, help!” I called for help but none came, the whole place was deserted. I looked at Eniola, she placed her hand on her face and sobbed silently. “I’m sorry..” Was all I could whisper. She nodded. “We are stranded!” I hoped she’d understand. “Lets go home” she sniffed. “Noo honey! We can’t! We’ve no money…” the thunder rumbled again. “Oh no!” I gasped the rain began with a shower, later it came down in torrents. I hugged my daughter tightly, we both wept and shivered under the rain. “Mummy…cold… mummy..cold…” Eniola kept whimpering. “I’m sorry my Lil’ princess…” was all I could offer. I regretted my actions. If and only if I didn’t run away. I cursed David, his family and all. Suddenly light flashed around us, it was a car coming towards our direction. Kidnapper! Ritualists! My heart was pounding dangerously. We’re doomed. “What are you doing here?” A woman in mid-forties question from the car. I turned to look at her, she was alone, I just felt I could trust her. “Please can you take my daughter with you?” I wasn’t sure of what I said. “How’s that possible? Why?” “Please madam, she’s cold, we came into town late, we were robbed…we don’t know where to go..” my lips quivered. She shook her head gently. “Come in” She opened the back seat. I didn’t hesitate, we got onto the car and she drove us to her house. To Be Continued…
13 Jan 2016 | 16:10
The next morning after breakfast, I told the woman my story. She intoduced herself as Lina, she was touched by my story. She offered me a job as her househelp which I readily accepted. Lina was a wonderful woman in her early thirties. She lived alone in her mansion, though I wondered why. Shetreated us as a family, enrolled Eniola into school and all. ****** Life went on sweetly for us, we’ve spent almost 8 months with Lina. I was in my room one day counting my savings, Lina paid me really well and I also make some money out of the money for house upkeeps. “One..two..three…” I counted the naira notes loudly. I summed it up. “One hundred and fifty thousand?” I gasped I shook my head disbelievingly and recounted the money again. “Wonderful!” I exclaimed. “So Tejumola Benson can have this huge money?” I asked myself again. I did some dance steps happily. I heard someone giggling, I turned to see Eniola, she must have been watching for long now. “You, why are laughing like that.?” I feigned a frown. “Nothing.” she laughed some more. “come here” I beckoned to her, and walked towards me. I held her gently, looking at her all over, my baby was growing fast. “Mummy, why are you looking at me like that?” she was smiling, her dimples showing. I shook my head gently, she looked just like David, her eyes, the lashes, the thick hair, those lips… “Mummy!” she pouted. “Sorry” I said absent mindedly, tucking my savings under my pillow, I’d take it to the bank tomorrow. “Sorry!” Eniola mimicked me. She reminded me of my past trouble making. “hey! Don’t be like mummy!” I chided her. She laughed again. “here lil’ princess” I placed her on my laps. She froze momentarily. “Mummy? Am I a princess?” she asked looking confused. “Yea baby.” “My daddy is a King?” she asked innocently. “Yes.” I laughed. “Wow!” she jumped off my laps. “mummy why don’t I see him? He doesn’t like me?” she asked again. “Your daddy loves you” I wasn’t sure I said that. “I’ve never seen him before, has he seen me before?” her voice was low. “Now, baby, that’s enough.” I tried to hold her. “Mummy, I wish I can see my daddy, my friend in school have a daddy, he buys her icecream…and…” her voice trailed off in despair. I was shocked, Eniola has never spoken that way before. I was short of words.. “Eniola, go and play!” I told her, atleast to end this discussion. “No mummy, I can’t play.” her eyes glinted, I saw the pains in there. “Baby..whats going on..?” I whispered, “Mummy, I want to tell you something…” she searched my eyes. “Talk, mummy is listening.” she hesitated. “C’mon sweerie..” I urged her. “Mummy…Its Akpan..” she started. Akpan? Akpan was Lina’s gateman. I sensed trouble. “Mummy?” “I’m listening, baby talk to mummy.” I assured her. “he use to catch me if I’m playing.” she flipped. “Catch you? As how?” i was confused. “He use to hold me and tell me to come and play with him, he use to rub my head and….”she hesitated. “Baby, go on,” I was losing my patience. She didn’t speak again, she had fear written all over her face. “baby mi, tell mummy” I said soothingly. “I…I…today in the morning..he catch me again…he now put his hand inside my pants…it pain me very well…I now started crying…he now say I should not tell my mother” she concluded. I could’nt believe what I heard…the whole world came to a stand still… I looked at Eniola, her face full of sorrow and pain, that look was to much for a five year old. “Mummy sorry..” she sniffed I never noticed she was crying. Akpan dared took advantage of my daughter’s innocence. Na curse?!! “Akpan!” I yelled as I stamped out of my room. “Akpan o…where are you Murderer!” “Mummy!” Eniola tugged at my skirt. I didn’t look at her, I would show Akpan he tampered with my Jewel….I’ll castrate him To Be Continued…
13 Jan 2016 | 16:17
13 Jan 2016 | 17:17
This is serious,errm akpan u are in trouble.@mubarak ple update more
13 Jan 2016 | 18:17
This is serious,errm akpan u are in trouble.@mubarak please update more
13 Jan 2016 | 18:17
hahaha....tear the yeye Akpan into this Eniola,she's kinda smart... " * * " x nicest story so far....
14 Jan 2016 | 18:19
“Akpanu oooo, where are you?” I yelled as I sauntered towards his room at the gate. “Akpan bo si ta ooo, I say come out here!” The unsuspecting Akpan rushed out holding his shorts loosely. “Wetin happen na?” he frowned. I didn’t reply, instead I drag his shorts down leaving him unclad except for the singlet he was wearing. He stood rooted to the spot, too astonished to speak. “Oshi! Omo olori buruku! Shameless Idiot! How dare you prey on my daughter?” I screamed and clapped my hands. “Rubbish!” he replied pulling his shorts up. “What did you just say?” “I say rubbish! Carry your bastard pikin comot ma see road jare!” he retorted. I landed him threw slaps in quick successions. “You called my daughter a bastard abi? You must show me you weren’t born a bastard too! Agbero!” I said as I rushed towards his guard room I emerged with a stick and kpo! The stick landed on his head. He screamed and fell down. “Oshi!” I charged at him a car’s horn blasted at the gate. I knew too well it was Lina. Akpan crawled to open the gate, holding his head. I pounced on him again after he opened the gate. Lina rushed out of her car towards us. I was sitting on Akpan, feeding his face with slaps and fists. “Stop that!” Lina shouted. I didn’t oblige, instead I took hold of Akpan’s balls. He screamed loudly. I didn’t let go, he started speaking in tongues. “What’s wrong with you?”Lina pulled me off him. I didn’t reply, I was breathing heavily. “the both of you should meet me inside.” she instructed before walking into the main building. ********** I explained everything to Lina, but Akpan denied it all. He told her I attacked him after he refused to succumb to my seductions. I gaped at him, bruises and swells all over his face, his forehead was bleeding. He would never forget Tejumola all through his life! “Tejumola, I’m suprised at you.” Lina began “How could you come so low?” “Ma, you believed him?” my lips quivered “of course i do!” she snapped. My eyes almost popped out. “I’ve been living with Akpan for ten years now, i don’t think Akpan can do such. He is well- brought up…” she began I swallowed hard and exhaled. “Its in my interest to protect my gate-man, you nearly killed him!” she emphasised the ‘kill’ “In that case, I’m gonna pay you off.” she said carelessly. I bit my tongue, I stopped myself from apologising. Tejumola isn’t that cheap. “here’s fifty thousand naira, you have to leave now, you can go elsewhere, where they can gulp down your attitude”. She concluded opening her handbag. I collected the money, murmured a thank you, and made to go out with Eniola on my shoulder, I stoped at the exit on impulse “Ma, I really want to appreciate you for what you’ve done so far, you’ve tried…” I sighed. “Its just that, Tejumola won’t sit back and watch some slum prey on her daughter…” I shook my head. “May God bless you, for all you’ve done, may he reward you abundantly.” I concluded with tears streaming down my cheeks. Lina’s lips moved but no words came out, she was full of pity and regrets. I didn’t wait to hear what she’d say, I walked out. “Mummy sorry” Eniola sniffed as I packed our few belongings together. “Eniola, can you do mummy a favour?” I asked without looking up. “Uhm!” she whimpered. “Mummy wants you to stop crying, okay? Please my one!” I pleaded with her. “But you’re crying too..” she said amidst tears. “Okay, mummy won’t cry again.” I turned to her wiping my tears. “Now do the same.” I forced a smile wiping her tears. “I won’t cry again.” she smiled reassuringly. I shook my head gently. “I love you mum” she said throwing her arms round me. “I love you my one and only.” I patted her head. “We need to leave now.” I rose from my squatting position. I’ve already made my plans. I’ve made few friends, so I’d go to them now, I’d get an apartment before the week runs out, I’d get a shop and start selling provisions. Atleast two hundred thousand naira would do, I assured myself as I and Eniola walked towards Bola’s place. I and Bola have become so close within those few months. Bola welcomed us, she was homely in her one room self contained apartment. She promised to help us get an apartment within a few days time. I glanced at Eniola, she looked calm. For once I never regretted my actions, I would do even more than that to protect my child. That’s why my name is Tejumola now. I smiled inspite of myself. Eniola smiled too, she was watching me. I hugged her, our bond was too strong. To Be Continued…
15 Jan 2016 | 08:02
we got a one room self-contained within four days, not up to four streets from Bola’s place. I also got a shop in the market, I started selling provisions and soup ingredients. Eniola enrolled in a school close to the market, so she could come to me after closing from school. Business went on fine, atleast we didn’t lack anything. ************** Eniola was trekking back from school with her schoolmates. They walked in groups,-in three’s and in four’s. “Eniola hold my hand lets cross the road.” A neighbours daughter called Tola,told her. She was older than Eniola, I had begged her to help my baby cross the road always. “No” Eniola said defiantly. “C’mon give me your hand.” tola said again. “Nooooo” Eniola said again. “Eniola, your mummy will beat you o” Tola warned her. “I am a princess, my mummy won’t beat me.” Eniola said laughingly. “I’l beat you o” Tola was getting worked up. “Ehn? Me? Don’t o! My father is a king!” Eniola was enjoying the whole game. “Stubborn geh!” Tola snapped. “Yes o!” Eniola replied before running into the road. “Eniola!” Tola tried to hold her but she was far gone. An on-coming car screeched loudly before coming to a halt, almost banging into her. She fell down due to fear. It’s occupant ran out. “Are alright?” David asked picking her up. “Did you hit me?” she asked “No, I don’t think so, I almost did… Errm, sorry.” “I’m fine” Eniola laughed, Tola ran to where they are. “Sorry Eni..” she held Eniola. “Next time you should hold her hands” David cautioned Tola. “She refused” Tola explained. “I want to learn how to cross the road” Eniola said pouting. David smiled. “not now baby !” “you should go home now.” he dipped his hands into his pocket and produced some naira notes “here take this” he gave Eniola “No thanks.” she smiled before running off. “Mummy Eniola, good afternoon” Tola flexed her knees as they got to my shop. “Tola, bawo? Hows school today?” I replied hugging them both. I placed a flask before them both “Tola eat before going home.” I instructed “Mummy Eniola, one car hit your pikin today” Tola informed me gulping down some water. “ofofo Tola” Eniola giggled. “Sharrap!” I chided her “Tell me my dear.” I told Tola. “The driver even dash us money, but we didn’t collect.” she said with a mouth full of food “I wan hold her hand before o, but she refused o” Tola shrugged “Eniola? Is that true?” I asked she giggled softly “is that a laughing matter?” I glared at her She bent her head in remorse “sorry but I was learning how cross the road” her voice was low. Stubborn girl! I thought. Well I’m not suprised, she took well after me. She was a real Tejumola offspring, I was tempted to laugh but kept a straight face. “Never try that again” I said sternly “Sorry mummy”. “Eat your food” I told her, before rising to attend to a customer. To Be Continued…
15 Jan 2016 | 08:08
as stubborn as the mum....
15 Jan 2016 | 11:06
Beautiful story . . . . Just like unfulfilled promises
15 Jan 2016 | 13:25
15 Jan 2016 | 15:31
Hope All Will End Well
15 Jan 2016 | 16:00
I love dis story. Next plss
15 Jan 2016 | 16:01
Nice story,
15 Jan 2016 | 17:57
@sunshine u re on point....wel i knw david will marry tejumola @ last...ride on i dey ur back.
15 Jan 2016 | 18:26
The customer z david
15 Jan 2016 | 19:46
Tejumola I think I admire your courage. I know that statement of yours will leave a strong message in Lola's heart. Watch yr daughter oooooo and curb her excesses on time before she spoils.[b]Remember that when you spare the rod, you will spoil the child[/b] Don't hesitate to admonis her in the right proportion whenever she erred
16 Jan 2016 | 01:32
wat a lovely story...hope am nt late cuz i wanna sit@d front seat
16 Jan 2016 | 03:26
episod 9“what other five lettered words do you know?” I asked Eniola. I was helping her with her homework. “Errrm..M-U-M-M-Y….” she scratched her head. I laughed “write it down.” “I don’t know anyone again..” she said looking up. “What about D-A-D-D-Y, DADDY?” “I don’t want to write that” she frowned “Why?” “I don’t have a daddy” she looked down “You do have a daddy” I corrected her. “I don’t, i can’t see him” she squealed. Just then a customer walked in. “Please I need a bottle of water” he said. “Okay, gerrit from the fridge!” I replied without looking up. “Good afternoon sir!” I heard Eniola say. “Hi pretty, what are you doing here?” he replied. “Mummy, look at the man that nearly hit me that day.” Eniola informed me. I looked up with a smile, but… I just froze. The whole place became tensed; I could hardly breathe, what does he want here? How did he know I’m here? “Teju?” David found his voice. He dropped the bottle of water he was holding. “I….errm..Teju…what are you doing here?…I mean..errm…how did you get here
16 Jan 2016 | 10:33
pleased. My tongue cleaved to the roof of my mouth. He hasn’t changed a bit..still the good-looking guy that ruined my life. I swallowed hard. “I…errrm…is she your daughter?” he persisted. I felt anger surged through my veins. “Yes o! She’s my mother” Eniola quipped, “Shut-up Eniola!” I screamed at her, was suprised at my outburst too. The startled Eniola walked gently back to her book. “And you!” I turned to face David. “You came to buy water abi? Now take your water and walk out.” my voice was rising. “Teju…” he began. “I’m sorry…I really am..” he moved towards me. “Sorry? What for?” My voice was suprisingly calm. “I never meant to hurt you…” my cruel laughter cut him short. “I’m sorry Teju, I don’t know why you hate me so…” A resounding slap stopped the gibberish talk. “now you know how much I hate you huh? Leave my shop” I told him with my hands akimbo. I expected him to hold his cheeks or make an expression, but he didn’t seem to care about the slap. “Teju please, we need to talk..” he tried to take my hands. “if you touch me ehn? I swear, I go wooza you!” i threatened. He smiled, turned to Eniola, squatting beside her he said. “Baby…what’s your name?” his voice was cool. “Eniola David.” she replied slowly with fear in her voice. He held her chin softly, he examined her face, his hands patted her eyebrow..he searched her eyes.. “Take your filthy hands off my daughter!” I retorted, pulling Eniola away from him. “She is mine right? She is my baby huh?” he was wearing a wierd look. “see thief o…” i clapped my hands. “you hate me so much, you claim to love my daughter…” he said in a lament. “she’s not your daughter!” I shrieked. “she is! Her name is Eniola David..which other David do you know apart from me?” he moved towards me “Isn’t it so clear? She has my face…” “leave at once!” i cut him short “I will, but I’d come back tomorrow to pick my child.” he said stressing the word ‘child’ I watched him as he left my shop. I turned to glance at Eniola, i knew i was in deep mess if he should sue me to court. I don’t think I can survive Eniola’s absence. “mummy don’t mind him you hear?” Eniola said hugging my waist. Tears streaked down my cheeks. Is this my destiny? Do I have to suffer? In what way did i go wrong? Do i deserve all these? Tomorrow! He said. I needed to act fast. He definitely can’t take my daughter away. I rested my head on the window pane, the events of the day flowed through my mind. David’s voice echoed loud and clear. My God! I gasped. Tejumola where did you go wrong? I asked myself I looked at the bright moon searchingly, maybe I might find a solution there; but the moon seems dumb. I turned my attention to the stars but they were dumb too. “What do I do?” I racked my brain. Of course running away isn’t an option. Bola said so when I told her about David few hrs ago. She had warned me sternly not to run away, unless I want to vacate the earth. Could she be right? Maybe I should just drown myself or I should drink poison? No! I shook my head, I can’t! If I do, what would become of Eniola, besides I love my life. “Tejumola Benson, think hard o” I told myself. Eniola stretched and turned in her sleep, murmured something throwing the covers away. I redressed the covers, covering her properly. “Leave me!” she protested “shhhhh, keep quite, its midnight!” I hushed her back to sleep. I lay beside her, trying my best to sleep but it eluded me. I gazed at the ceiling till day-break. ************* “Mallam Adamu sannu o” i greeted the hausa man who sold beef close to my shop, as I unlocked my shop. I came to shop late because I went to Eniola’s school to pay her school fees. David hasn’t showed up, its almost a week now. So Bola was actually right, he meant no harm. I sighed, as I dusted the provisions. Only God knows how my parents are for now. Maybe Baami has forgotten about me.. “Iya Eniola welldone o” Tola’s mother greeted me. “I came to buy some soup material o.” She announced sitting on a stool. “Ah Ahn! Mummy Tola, you should have just given me the money while I was coming to shop this morning now…” I said with concern. “No problem o!” she replied looking around. “Errrm, shey you know Iya sikira?” she asked when she had the surity no one would hear us. Mummy Tola the Amebo! I smiled to myself. “Ehn now.” “Toh! The woman is in trouble now o” she made a face. “trouble?” “Yes o! You know she’s having 15 children ba? Toh, the husband don impregnate that corper wey dey their compound o” she concluded. “Ehn? How did that happen?” I asked holding my chest. “How did that happen? Hehehehehe, na how e take dey happen, na im com happen” she laughed. “Wonders shall never end o” I clapped my hands in gossip fashion. “Errm, mummy, what do you wanna buy now?” I quicky said, in order to stop her from bringing up another topic. She look disappointed” I wanted to tell you how Iya Demola killed her husband’s son” she said with a frown “Ah Ahn, leave that one till I come back home in the evening” I laughed. “Are chasing me away ni?” she feigned annoyance. “Noooo, haba! My shop is your own too now..” that was how I got rid of back-biting that morning. That afternoon, I was sipping garri when I saw Tola running towards the shop, her feet was bare save the socks. “Mummy o, Mummy Eniola oooo” she wailed throwing herself on the cemented frontage of my shop. “Tola, ki lode? What happened?” I asked holding her. “It’s Eniola oo” she wailed the more. My heart skipped, my hands became shaky… “What happened to my baby?” my lips quiverred. “She ….she…she…was…she…is… yeeeeee!” Tola cried the more. Tears filled my eyes “Talk to me Tola please…where’s she?” “some people catch her o…they put her inside motor and drove away” she managed to explain “Yeeeee! Haaaaa! My daughter o!” my daughter has been kidnapped…I raved like mad. I threw myself on the flow, rolling from left to right and vice versa. “My God o! Eniola ooooo!Haaaaaa! Moti ku ooo! Baami ooo…E gba mi ooo” I screamed and wailed. A crowd gathered , with alot of Ohhs and ahhs! I jumped up, about to run to Eniola’s school, when someone gripped my hands… I turned sharply with tear stained eyes. “David..” I whispered I remembered his last words, maybe he abducted my daughter. “David where did you take my daughter to? Where is baby? ” I wailed shaking him vigorously. “Give back my Jewel” I shook Him some more. To Be Continued…
16 Jan 2016 | 11:06
Prince opened the door and behold,it was Ona.I made to come out from my hiding but i decided to stay where i was,to find out her mission. She was panting.”Dagger,there is problem.A girl who refused to play along with mady has escaped.Mady is on her way to this place to tell you to mobilise your boys and search for her.This is her photo…..” I Peeped and saw her bring out a picture.I knew i was the one in that photo.I saw prince stare at the picture .Shaking his head. “Please dont hurt her when you eventually find her.Rather save her life.The poor girl is just helpless and innocent.The baby under your care to be sold to the ritualists is hers. I gave her a number to reach me…”On hearing this,i came out from my hiding. “My daughter…”that was all i was saying.Ona was so shocked to find me there.Prince later told her what happened and added that i used to be a good friend of his back in school. Prince told me that he would help me on one condition,being that i must tell nobody about mady and the kind of business she does.I agreed and he made me swear.I wondered why he was trying to protect the evil woman.Perhaps they are all into the business together.The same doom awaited them. He arranged a room for me in a distant hotel for the mean time.He brought my daughter to me that very day.I was so grateful to him and Ona.Perhaps he decided to help me because of how good i used to be to him back in our school days.Even Ona.Another Godsent i dont know how to repay her but i know God will see her through someday. Prince gave me a huge sum of money to travel to another state and start life afresh.I owed him alot. * *I never got any information on what transpired after prince and ona saved me.I didnt also know anything about Nnamdi’s whereabout.Even mama joy and my parents.But i knew and believed that i would see them again someday.What gave me the greatest joy was my winnie,my daughter. :::::::. After some years” I struggled hard to further my education and train my daughter in school too.After everything,i graduated as a lawyer.I got enough money from my clients.My daughter was living a good life and doing well in school too.I bought a car and owned a house.God really blessed me after many years of hardship. An idea struck my mind to visit home with my daughter to know the situation of things. But i never knew what awaited me back home. Must Read: The Mistake Of My Life… Part 11
16 Jan 2016 | 11:12
A story written by BukkyDan ([email protected])… If you missed Part Nine, read it HERE!!! “I want my baby…give her back!” I wailed. “I…calm down Teju, please.” david said soothingly “What happiness do you derive in wrecking my life? You’re always intrested in stealing my joy” I lamented letting him go. “I didn’t take her!” he wore a painful look. I searched his eyes, somehow I believed him, but I wasn’t too sure. “But you…” I started to say. “Come.” he pulled me into the shop. The crowd began to disperse. “Baby, you have to stop crying, calm down please.” he tried to make me sit down. “Stop telling me to calm down!” I yelled. “okay..” he sighed. “Can we go to the police now…to report the issue?” he said patiently. He helped me lock the shop, before leading me to his car, Tola was with us too. At the station, David gave the statement’s and all. “What’s your relationship with the girl?” a police inspector asked. “She is my daughter.” David replied stressing the word ‘my’ He stole a glance at me, maybe he was expecting me to shout him down again, but I was too tired to do that. David drove me home, I wept all the way. Bola was waiting at my door, she hugged me and we wept together. ::::::::::::****** That night was a terrible one, full of lament and tears. David had to leave cos I won’t let him spend the night at my place. He beged Bola to stay with me, promising to come back the next morning. “Bola? Do you think I was born to suffer?” I tapped Bola who was dozing off. “stop talking like that, ehn, please.” Bola looked worried and tired. I sighed, and walked towards Eniola’s picture that was hanging on the wall. She was all smiles. “My lil’ princess…” I began. “where ever you are, remember mummy loves you..and I’m missing you’re precious to me..” I ran my hand over the picture “Please Eniola, come back to mummy” I whispered gently, wiping a tear. “Teju…whats this now? Stop crying, she’d be fine.” Bola pulled me away from the picture. My phone rang., I squinted at the strange number. “Hello?” “Hello Tejumola” a male voice replied from the other end. “Yea, who am I speaking with?” I asked quitely. The caller laughed cruelly “Teju- Teju…you mean say you no recognise my voice?” he laughed again. “No, please, who are you?” I asked in faint voice. “ah ahn! Okay na Akpan dey talk. Madam Lina gateman..remember” he replied. I was shocked, how did he get my phone number? What was he calling me for? “Hello..Akpan…” my voice trailed off. “I just call make I inform you say your pikin dey with me…you dey hear ko?” Akpan said with ease. I clutched my stomach. “your pikin dey for my hand o, anything me like, me fit do am, remeber wetin you do me ko?” he chuckled wickedly. “Akpan..please…I..I’m…”I gave up trying to speak. He laughed some more, before cutting th call. “Hello? Hellloo?” no response. I slumped to the floor..I’m doomed “Teju..what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Bola held me “Akpan has my child.” was I could whisper before every thing blacked out. To Be Continued…
16 Jan 2016 | 11:21
HERE!!! ::::::::::*** I felt something squeeze my palms gently, I woke up thinking I was asleep. I heard people talking in low whispers, I peeked from my left eye and saw David and Bola conversing.. David looked worried. “You said she just slumped?” “Yes, after recieving a call.” Bola explained. “Uhm” a man in white coat, came in, maybe a doctor. “Thanks for coming Doctor Raymond” David shook his hands. The doc. Examined me for a while before looking up. “Her heart beat is close to normal, she’d be fine, she’s just stressed out. You know, her brain needs rest.” he explained. “Thank you Doctor.” David replied glancing at my direction. How did they get here? Maybe Bola called him. Maybe Something happened.. “is she your sister?” I heard Doctor Raymond say. “No, she’s my wife.” David replied peering at me, as though I might jump up and attack him. This guy ko gbadu o…wife ke! No Baby Mama noni o, I smiled to myself. The door squeaked and The doctor left. “Were you able to identify the caller?” David asked Bola. “No, but she mentioned a name that sounds like Okon or something.” Bola replied scratching her head. Just then I remembered what happened earlier. Akpan rang into my brain. “Akpan has my child.” I said, startling them both. “Wow, thank God, You’ve woken up.” David looked pleased. “Akpan, Lina’s gateman,” I said to no one in particular. David seems to understand what I want, he quickly put a call across to the police. In less than an hour we were driving to Lina’s house that dead night. :::::::::::********* “Seriously, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lina said sitting on a chair at the police station. “Where’s Akpan?” a policeman asked her for the fifteenth time. “He…he..travelled.” she stammered. “Okay, maybe a night in the cell will reveal where he is.” Ade an inspector told her. She cringed at the mention of a cell, she muttered something under her breathe. “You want to say something?” Inspector Ade asked “Errrm, I don’t want to go to the cell.” she pleaded. “Good, then tell us the info we need, and we’d let you go.” his voice was coarse. “I…know where he is, I can take you there now, but please dont send me to prison.” she looked frightened. “Good take us there!” Inspector Ade smiled triumphantly. I and Bola stayed behind at the station, while they left with David. After two hours which seemed like eternity to me, they came back. It was almost Day break. I rushed out to the van. They’ve Arrested Akpan and two other men, but Eniola isn’t there. “Where’s she?” I tugged at David “they said she’s missing again” he looked tired. “Inspector?” I held inspector Ade’s hand, tears streaming down my face. “She’s not there. I think this case entails more than we’ve imagined. But after a thorough Interrogation, they’l open up.” he replied gently as Lina, Akpan and the other men were led into a cell. “No, it can’t be.” I whispered to myself. “We’ll find her soon.” David held me gently as I wept on his shoulders. To Be Continued…
16 Jan 2016 | 11:25
wait for episod 12
16 Jan 2016 | 11:29
Eniola fidgeted as she watched Lois untie her gags. “Now..” Lois began, shoving her into a waiting car. “behave yourself when we get to the airport okay?” Eniola nodded. “Good, and remember, I’m your mother.” Lois added. Eniola gave her a sweet smile that made her wonder if she’s alright. “Where is the aeroplane taking us to? Heaven?” Eniola asked as they both sat down at the airport, waiting for boarding announcement. “We’re going to Italy, its a fine place, you’ll meet fine kids too.” Lois patted her. “Uhm, so you’ll be my mummy?” Eniola asked again. “Yea baby.” Eniola fell silent, she studied almost everything around her, her palms, fingers and toes, the ceiling, the passers-by and all. She tugged at Lois wig… “Hey stop that!” Lois pushed her hands roughly. “Your hair is ugly o” Eniola said laughing. Just then, the boarding announcement was made. Lois picked her handbag, she was already at the tarmac when she realised Eniola isn’t with her. She searched round and found her playing with some flowers. “Come here naughty girl.” she pulled Eniola’s cheek. “I’m not naughty! My mummy said I’m a princess.” Eniola pouted. Lois sensed trouble. “Now come baby, lets go, I’ve got some chocolates here for you.” she said gently. “Awww! My mummy said chocolates will make my teeth rotten.” Eniola replied “Okay, can we go?” Lois was impatient. “No! Take me back to my mummy!” Eniola yelled, drawing some attention from people around. “Shhh! Now girl, don’t act funny, okay? Lets go.” Lois told her in a hush tone. “I don’t want your Italy! I want my mummy! You called me naughty! I won’t follow you again!” Eniola screamed at her. Lois looked around, they were creating a scene, a little crowd had gathered. She quickly made a face at Eniola. “Stop doing that face for me jor! Its not even fine!” Eniola pouted again. “hey! What’s going on here?” a huge man walked up to them. “my daughter is just acting funny, and we have to board the plane now” Lois explained looking nervous. “C’mon pretty, your momma is running late.” The man told Eniola. “She’s not my momma! I don’t know her.” Eniola snapped, The man glanced at Lois then back at Eniola. Lois quickly pinched Eniola’s arm “Stop pinching me!” Eniola shrieked angrily. “Take me back to my mother!” she placed her tiny palms on her eyes and began to cry. “Don’t mind her o, it’s child’s talk.” Lois laughed nervously. “Please sir..” Eniola moved closer to the man. “My name is Eniola David,my mother’s name is Tejumola Benson, I don’t know this woman! I don’t like her!” she whimped. Lois knew her game was up. “Errm, actually, I’m taking her overseas for treatment, she has mental disorder” she explained. “Really? Well, you have to forego this flight.” the man said sternly. “I’m Richard Roy. A security officer. I need to confirm some things.” he showed her his ID card. “What’s your name?” he asked Lois “Tejumola Benson.” she replied quickly. “Liar!” Eniola shrieked “Her name is Lois o!” Richard looked at Eniola searchingly, the girl looked lost. “Sir, she brought me here o! I don’t know my way home, I could have gone since. They tied my hands and legs with ropes, they even put something in my mouth!” Eniola rattled like a magpie “really?” Richard squatted to view her more closely. “Yes o! My mother has a shop in the market. The name of my school is Blessed Stars primary school.” Eniola explained again. “Please sir take me home, I want my mummy, I don’t want Italy!” she resumed crying again. Richard spoke into a reciever, some security men moved to where they were. “Arrest this woman.” he told them. “Detain her, till you get further orders from me.” he instructed. “get me a car and some men, we’re going to Blessed stars primary school.” he ordered “I’m innocent o” Lois squeaked as she was led away. “yes you are! Everyone in Italy is innocent!” Richard chuckled. He picked up Eniola and walked towards a waiting car. “I don’t think I can survive my daughter’s absence.” I whispered to David. “I’d become lonely without her…” I wiped a tear. “I’ve gat no one than her, she’s my father,mother, husband, daughter and friend, she’s all I’ve got, the only fountain my joy springs from.” “C’mon, stop talking that way, she’d be fine, besides I’m her for you.” David wiped my tears with a handkerchief. I looked away. “I’m trying to believe that she’s fine, its just that, I think she’s in danger.” I told him, hugging Eniola’s picture. Just then, his phone rang. “Hello?” David said. He listened for a while. “Okay, Inspector, I’d be on my way now. Yes, say 15 mins I’d be there.” “my attention is needed at the police station.” he explained to me. “You don’t need to come along, just rest okay?” he peered at me I nodded quickly. He searched my eyes for a while. “please don’t do anything funny while I’m away, okay? Or would you come along?” he suspected something “Oh no, I’l be fine, don’t worry.” I wore a plastic smile. “just take care.” he hesitated. “Bye! Go now!” I shoved him to the door of my room. “Good riddance!” I whispered after he’s gone. I quickly wrote a note to life, read my Bible, prayed to God for forgiveness before launching my target. I sneaked out of the compound to avoid Mummy Tola’s interrogations. I walked swiftly, looking around at intervals as though someone might see me. The pond was few matres away, thank God I wasn’t a good swimmer, I’d just drown quitely, and then find myself in Heaven or hell after a few moments. To Be Continued…
16 Jan 2016 | 11:53
I hesitated when I got to the string of wires surrounding the pond, I wasn’t really sure I wanted to die. The thought of hell was scary. I knew it was a sin to commit suicide. I took a quick glance around, the whole place was empty except a Fulani man sipping his tea. I wondered how he enjoyed the tea, since the afternoon was hot. The fulani man was staring at me, he got to his feet and sauntered towards me. I felt the urge to act fast, but each time I try, some unseen forces pulled me back. I started to wonder if the mammy waters don’t like me. “Ke! Wetin I dey do for diya?” the fulani man asked. I didn’t reply, I moved closer to the pond. “Kai! I wan kill mysef koh?” he placed his palm on his mouth. I was already squeezing through the wire when he pulled me back roughly. “Leave me alone!” I glared at him. “Wallahi I dey craze, I don’t have hankali ne?” he gesticulated angrily. I got to the wires again, he pulled me this time before I could squeeze through. I put up a struggle but he threw me down. “Ke! Stop flaying fa!” he warned. I sized his tiny framed figure, I thought I could break him into two parts. “wallahi, zan beating you fa?”. Beat who? Me? He should try stopping me again if I don’t pull him into the pond with me. He took hold of my hands and pulled me away cursing loudly. I struggled with all my might to free my self, but I couldn’t overpower him. A police van screeched to a halt beside us as we got to the end of the street. David got out giving us a questioning look “This girl I want to kill herself o” the fulani man told David. “She wan pall inside zat water o” David’s eyes grew larger “Water? You wanted to drown yourself?” I looked down, tears blurring my vision. “Mummy!” I definitely heard that, but I thought It was my imagination “Mummy mi” Eniola said again I turned swiftly and saw her standing beside the van. Was I dreaming? “Baby? Are you the one?” my voice was low. “Uhm” Eniola nodded before running to give me a hug. I held her tightly like it was my last. “Mummy don’t cry you hear.” I wept whilst examining my daughter, I missed her so much. “I love you my princess” “I love you too mummy” Eniola replied tears streaking down her cheeks. What if I had drowned, I wouldn’t be sharing this joy. “It’s alright, thank God we found her, and thank God you didn’t hurt yourself.” David hugged us both. :::::::****** “Will the nurse give me injections?” Eniola asked. David was driving us to the hospital, he had insisted we took her for a check-up. “Maybe.” David smiled at her. She was sitting on his laps as he drove. I became a spectator. “No! I don’t like injections” she wanted to cry “Please, you hear? Its painful o, please uncle” Eniola pleaded. “I’m not your uncle.” “uhm?” Eniola blinked. “I’m your father.” David stole a glance at me “You are my daddy?” Eniola’s jaw dropped “Yea sweet heart.”David replied stopping the car at the parkinglot. I got out quitely, this guy is really looking for my trouble. “Wow!” Eniola squealed hugging David. “So I now have a daddy? My daddy has a car, my daddy likes me and my daddy looks fine.” she was very excited. I watched them both as they rejoiced. “Can we go in now?” I sounded impatient. “sure” David gave me a winning smile. Doctor Raymond examined her for a while. “Was she sexually abused?” he directed his question at David, but Eniola answered first. “Ehn now! They abuse me very well o, Akpan called me an Idiot, Lois called me naughty, You see?” Eniola quipped. I rolled my eyes, this girl is a talkative. “Baby, he meant, did they touch you?” David was looking for the best way to explain to her. I smiled to myself, I knew she’d give a funny answer again. “Yes o! All of them touch me o! Even madam Lina sef, she touch me too. All of them touch me plenty times sef!” she explained excitedly. Doctor Raymond couldn’t help laughing. “This your daughter is a case on its own.” He told David. “Yea, a big one!” David laughed “Why are you laughing na? Didn’t I answer the question?” Eniola frowned. “Come baby.” I pulled her gently to my side. “Did anyone of them do what Akpan tried to do that day?” I whispered into her ears. “Oooh!” she giggled “No, they did not! Maybe Akpan is still scared of your beatings o” she joined in the laughter. “Well, Mr David..” Raymond tried to control his laughter. “I think there’s nothing wrong with your daughter, no damages at all” “Thank you Doctor, God bless you for the injection o” Eniola squealed at him before we left. ” let’s go to my place” David said casually as we drove from the hospital. This guy is damn crazy! He thinks I’m that cheap. “No, take me and my daughter back to my place!” I replied. He didn’t miss the heat in my voice, he shook his head gently. “No harm intended, it’s just that I feel its more safe to be at my place, since Akpan and the rest are not yet tried in court.” he tried to explain. He’s trying his best to sound so nice. “No!” was my firm reply. “Your place? You mean your house?” Eniola chirped. He nodded. “Ehn now! Let us go na! Then I’l know my daddy’s house, then I’ll be coming to visit you abi?” she said flippantly. “Eniola shut up!” I glared at her “How many times I have warned you not dip your tongue into Adult issues?” I was actually venting my annoyance at her. “Don’t talk to my daughter that way!” David told me in a harsh voice still looking at the road. I turned to look at his face, he wore a frown. See father! I thought to myself. Wonders shall never end! I started to laugh. David and Eniola turned to look at me, like- am I alright. “okay, you’ll take your Daughter with you, drop me at my place first, but please bring her back in the evening.” I said, my voice lighter. “No, I can’t Eniola without you.” he placed his right hand on my lap, but I pushed it away. “There’s something I’d want to show you… errrm…I want you to meet some people there…” he turned to look at me. “Some people? Who are they?” “Wait till you see them.” he smiled. “Am I safe?” I creased my eyebrows “Yea, very safe.” he said brushing his hand against my laps, feigning an attempt to change the gear. I glared at him. In less than twenty minutes, we were in front a large gate. The gate man opened the gate, murmured some greetings. I got out, and observed the house. Truly the house was big, more of a mansion. The interlocked compound gracefully designed with flowers. Well I didn’t expect less, David’s got a taste for big things. I was jolted from my thoughts by Eniola’s giggle. “Is this your house? You live her daddy?” Eniola asked looking around. “Yea baby,” David replied sweeping her off her feet. “Hmm, no wonder my mummy said I’m a princess, so my father has a beautiful palace:” she said meditatively. “Lets go in.” david laughed. “Your wife and your children? They are in?” I asked on impulse. For the first time it struck me that the “Some people” David was talking about could be his wife and children. He turned to look at me, in some kind of amused way. “Lets get in first.” he led the way. I followed at a slow pace, I’m not ready for any drama o. What if his wife poured hot water on me? Or she trys to fight me? “Here we are!” David placed an excited Eniola on a sofa. I stood by the door, waiting for what will happen next. “Anybody home?” David called out. “David ekabo! Welcome.” I heard a female voice coming from the kitchen direction. I turned swiftly, to see who she is. She was standing there staring at me, my jaw dropped as I couldn’t decide what to do or say next. To Be Continued…
16 Jan 2016 | 12:06
who is dat
16 Jan 2016 | 13:54
16 Jan 2016 | 14:50
Who cud dat be?
16 Jan 2016 | 16:09
16 Jan 2016 | 18:17
who could dat be
16 Jan 2016 | 19:59
Abeg don't kil me out of curiosity. Nxt oo
16 Jan 2016 | 22:07
I think they re teju's parents
17 Jan 2016 | 12:29
Update o
21 Jan 2016 | 06:23
t. I swallowed hard. I saw the softness in her eyes, the motherly love printed all over her face. I wondered if she actually was my step-mother. “I never knew I would ever see you again.” she whispered looking me all over admiringly. I tried to speak, but my tongue cleaved to the roof of my mouth. I was so overwhelmed by the love she was bestowing on me. So I really mean something to her? Maybe she never hated me, I was just been naughty while I was younger. “Thank God you’re alive.” she said softly, hugging me. “I’m sorry for what we did to you, please…” “No..don’t” I stopped her “Please forgive us.” she persisted. “I didn’t hold any grudges against you, you didn’t wrong me.” I wiped her tears. “I love you my daughter, I really do.” she hugged me for the tenth time. “me too.” I forced a wry smile. “what about Baami? Where’s he?” I asked looking around. Maria’s face dropped, she looked away. “Maami?” I peered at her she didn’t reply, she just shook her head painfully. I turned to look at David who was watching us all this while, he looked sad. “What’s happening?” I whispered to myself. Why were they all looking sad? I racked my brain. David took my hands gently squeezing them. “You have to take heart.” his voice was low “What heart should I take?” I was trying my best to believe all was well. “Your…I’m..sorry Teju, he… he..passed away…few months after you disappeared.” He stammered. “Just like that?” I heard myself say “He suffered a stroke the day you left, and was bedridden till he passed on two month’s after.” David explained slowly, tightening his grip. I sighed slowly, I wanted to scream, but couldn’t. How could he die just like that? Without a word? “So I’m responsible for his death!” Tears blurred my vision. “Teju, don’t talk like that.” Maria said soothingly. “He left without a word. Maybe he never forgave me. Maybe he left full of pains and hatred for me.” I reeled towards Maria. She held me tight. I felt sweat trickling down my face. I felt a pang of pain in my head, I knew it came from my brain. My eyes shut gently despite my efforts to keep them open. Everything was wrong with my body. I screamed, my body shook convulsively. I heard Eniola’s cry, David said something, but their voices was distant, I was far-gone To Be Continued… Share this: 3 Like ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tosin Silver Dam, a mass communication graduate/BSc Holder, actor, ex publisher, publicist, writer and I rock things a lot #majah Email: [email protected], whatsapp: 08080664675, BBM: 5C350257 RELATED POSTS 1 COMMENT Must Read: My Life… Part 15 | Its Tosin Silverdam's Blog Baby! Nov 23, 2015 at 12:57 pm […] A story written by BukkyDan ([email protected])… If you missed Part Fourteen, read it HERE!!! […] Leave a Reply Name * Email * Website Post Comment Notify me of new posts by email. DOWNLOAD TOSIN SILVERDAM BLOG ANDROID APP HIRE COMEDIAN BISHOP FOR YOUR EVENTS… SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAIL Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 327 other subscribers Subscribe CHECK OLDER STORIES HERE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER LIKE ON FACEBOOK YOU CAN NOW ADVERTISE YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ON MY BLOG NOW FREE!!! DOWNLOAD MY FIRST EBOOK: ‘A BOY LIKE ME’… TRUE LIFE STORY OF NIGERIAN GAY BOY (FREE DOWNLOAD) Nov 23, 2015 1 ► The Story of My Life ► Life Quotes ► Love My Life Image I
22 Jan 2016 | 06:07
Click Here... A story written by BukkyDan ([email protected])… If you missed Part Fourteen, read it HERE!!! I winced silently as I felt something pinch my wrist, I must have had a long night, I thought. “Yes Doctor, this is the fifteenth bag of drips.” I heard a female voice say. “hmn, her pulse? Still normal?” a familiar male voice asked her. “no, its a bit faster Doctor.” the female voice replied. “Lemme check her heart beat.” where the eff was I? Who did they give drip? Whose pulse was a bit faster? I felt something cold on my chest, I resisted all temptations to open my eyes, I was to lazy to do that. “Yikes! Her heart beat is too fast!” the male voice exclaimed. Just then my eyes flew open, I took a quick glance round me, I was on a hospital bed, doing what? How did I get here? A smallish woman was standing at my feet in a white uniform, maybe she’s a nurse. “Doctor?” she gasped pointing at me. She looked visibly scared. But why? Am i a ghost. “oh my God! ” a male voice exclaimed. I turned to the direction, Dr Raymond was standing there. “What happened to ‘your God’ ” I snapped. I was getting irritated by the way they were staring at me like they’ve seen a ghost. They didn’t reply, I made to sit up. “Ouch!” drip needle got pulled away. “What happened to…” “We need to conduct some checks on her quickly” Dr Raymond said trying to hold me. “Take your hands off me jor!” I pushed his hands away. “What am I doing here?” I shrieked at them. “Ask Mr David to come in.” Raymond told the nurse. “Oh Jeez!” David exclaimed as he marched towards me. “She’s awake? Oh my God!” he told the doctor before hugging me. “We thank God” he laughed looking me all over, like what I don’t know. “What happened?” I frowned at him. “Baby we need not talk about that now…” “I insist.” I snapped “You’ve been unconcious for 7 day now…” Dr Raymond began to explain. “uhm?” I was getting more confused. “You had a shock, convulsed, became unconscious and…” he shrugged. “I had a shock, convulsed, became unconscious and…” I mimicked him. “How?” David shook his head “Mummy!” Eniola squealed rushing towards me. “Lil’ cutie..” I hugged and kissed her. “Mummy, I thought you won’t come back again…I’ve been crying since o” she snuggled at me. “Mummy, don’t fall again you hear? Don’t sleep that kind of sleep again, you hear?” she rattled on. “Kpele- sorry” I heard Maria’s voice. How did she get here? Just then, different episodes began to dipslay before my mind’s eye. I remembered been told my father was dead, and…maybe that was how I got here. “Maami…” I whispered as I hugged her, she looked worn-out and lean. She shook as she wept on my shoulders. “I don’t think she’s strong enough to bear such emotions.” Dr Raymond cautioned Maria. “I’m sorry.” She pulled herself away from my grip. My head began to ache badly. So it’s true? Very true that my father was gone! I now a complete orphan. My only asset was gone. I ran my fingers through my cornrows. “Don’t cry.” David dabbed some tears of my face. I didn’t stand a chance to apologise to my father for all the wrongs I did. “young lady, due to your health condition, you are not supposed to be …” Dr Raymond began to say. “Hold your peace!” I raised a hand interrupting him. “Do you know what it means to lose someone dear to you?” I asked him slowly. “I’m the reason why he died. He couldn’t bear my absence. My Father loved me but I failed him, now here am I…all alone…” “Stop casting blames on yourself please.” Maami patted my back. “I wish.. I wish…” I sobbed as I hugged her. “You are not alone, I’m here, as your mother.” Maria told me slowly. So she forgave me, after all I did to her..,. “I’m here too..” David whispered “mummy, me too!” Eniola sniffed, she’d been crying too. I shook my head slowly, I wished my father would just appear and tell me he’s there for me too…only his presence counts more than anything… To Be Continue
22 Jan 2016 | 06:13
Click Here... A story written by BukkyDan ([email protected])… If you missed Part Fifteen, read it HERE!!! I sighed tiredly as I rested my head on maria’s laps, we just came back from Ibadan,- she’d taken me to see my Father’s people. “that’s how it happened o.” she concluded her half-heard story. “hmm” I closed my eyes. “If you want to sleep, lie down properly now.” she said adjusting my position. “Grandma, you’ll be staying with us koh?” Eniola asked. “Yes, for a while o, I’l be going back to Ibadan.” She explained. “No maami, I don’t want you to go, please stay with me.” I pleaded with her “Me too..” Eniola pouted. “see this children o.” Maria laughed “Okay I’ll stay small oo” “Yeeee!” Eniola hugged her. “Mummy, lemme go and play with Tola?” she asked me. I nodded. “Don’t injure yourself o” Maria cooed after her. “Teju omo mi, there’s something I want us to discuss, though I know, it might sound some how…” she hesitated. “Uhum?” I shut my eyes. “Teju, don’t sleep, let’s talk please.” she shook me. “Okay, tejumola is all ears.” I laughed sitting up. “My dear, you know, every mother wants something good for her child…” she began. “As a child progresses in life, there are different things he or she needs to do…” she hesitated. “hmm.” I wondered where all the sermon’s were coming from. “Teju, let me ask you, how old are you?” “24 na!” I chuckled. “Good, according to the societal law, you are supposed to be in your husbands house…” she paused to see my facial expression. I gave her a deep frown. “this style of you living alone, fending for your self is not just it, you need a man in your life Teju. A man who would take good care of you.” she explained. I mumbled some words. “Ehn? What did you say? Abi the men are not coming?” she searched my eyes. I looked away. Left for me, I would never marry. “Take David for example, I mean, Eniola’s father. The boy seems to be all over you, ehn? You don’t need a future teller to tell you he wants you…” she was beginning to sound excited. “hmmm Maami, you read meanings into things o, I and David are just close cos of Eniola, if not, I have no deal with him.” I began to say. “Heehn! You think I’m blind? The way he use to talk to you, the way he use to…” “Maami…ah!” I cut her short. “All I want from you is to consider him.” she said adamantly. “Ehn! I’ve heard, can I sleep now?” I rolled my eyes. “omo yi…hmn, Your still stubborn, when will you change?” she laughed lying down beside me. “Well that’s when my name changes from Tejumola.” I laughed with her. Soon Maria was fast asleep, but I remained awake. Different thoughts flooded my mind. She wanted me to get married, sure that’s right. But I don’t think I’m ready to take any poo from some Adam’s generation… Talking about David, he’s putting up some moves recently. Those unnecessary things he would buy, knowing too well I’d use them, The regular shoppings all in the name of shopping for Eniola. I know he’d give anything to have us together, but I just can’t bring myself to accept that. Tejumola isn’t that cheap! “Mummy! Daddy is here!” Eniola yelled from outside. “Daddy what did you buy for me? Ehn?” she asked loudly. ” Mummy see ooo” she bashed into the room. I jumped up swiftly, adjusted my dress. “Hy.” I greeted David as he walked in. “Hy hy Hy…that’s a nice dress.” he made to hug me. “Thanks.” I backed away. He shrugged “Mummy, see, my daddy bought me ice cream, chocolate, and…and…and…” she sounded happy. “And samosa.” David helped her out. “Samosa! What kind of name is that one?” Eniola laughed. “Grandma see!” Eniola told Maria who was exchanging pleasantries with David. “Oma se oooo, ah! Daddy Eniola thank you o.” Maria said to the amusement of Eniola. I shifted from one feet to another, I could feel David’s eyes boring into me. This man should stop looking at me na! I frowned. “Did I tell you I love that dress?” David asked not minding Maria was listening. I grimaced. “Actually, I came to see you…we’ve gat some talks to do.” he wore one of those seductive smiles. Don’t even waste your time o! I wanted to tell him. He walked gently to the door “I’d be waiting outside.” I nodded, waited for sometime, before following him. To Be Continued
22 Jan 2016 | 06:17
I got into the car beside him, waited for some minutes for him to say something. Each time I turned I met his probing gaze… “You didn’t call me here to stare at me right?” I said avoiding his eyes. “Yea and nay.” he chuckled. I don become this guy playmate shebi? I asked myself. ” Look,I’ve got something important to…” “That thing can wait!” he cut me short. “Teju…” he began softly. I felt my heart melt. “I want us come together as one, you know too well how much I’ve wanted you as my half…” “For Eniola’s sake right?” I heard my self say “C’mon that’s cold! Count Eniola out of this. We’ve been together before Eniola came….” he continued. ” we weren’t together, you left me when…” I began to say. “I didn’t leave you!” he cut me “I left for school, If I had known you were pregnant- I’d have stayed back.” he tried to explain. “Now, what do you want?” I folded my hands across my chest. “I want us to get married.” he replied in a husky voice. “Married?” I laughed. He nodded saying “Please…” “I don’t know.” I said quitely. “What don’t you know?” He teased “I…I…need some time to think.” I replied trying to get out of the car. “Teju..” he gripped my arm. “You and I know, you don’t need to think. We both know we love each other and would want to be together forever.” he said quitely. I open my mouth to speak but couldn’t. He was right, I love him. He was my dream man! I exhaled sharply. “Is that a yes?” he mumbled, his hands drawing imaginary shapes on my laps. I pushed his hands roughly away. “Thank you for accepting me Baby.” He said sweetly, swaying towards me. I shifted to the extreme end of the seat, pressing myself against the door. “Love you baby.” He pulled me towards him. “No, David don’t….” His kiss stoped the remaining words “We can’t do this.” I moaned catching my breathe. “Can’t do what?” he teased, nibbling at my ear lobes. I felt his hands sliding underneath my dress…I took a swift journey to heaven within a few seconds and came back. I could feel his hips pressing against mine…what more could I ask for? “David please…” I tried to break free. He let me go smilimg lazily. “When last did we…” I hurried out of the car before he could complete his sentence. I could hear him laugh, I wanted to laugh too. I needed to tell Maami everything, we’re getting married. She’d get ready to become a mother-in- law. My princess Eniola would have a family, probably with two or more brothers. All is well that ends well. Who says life isn’t sweet? It sure is very sweet, more than honey. Its MY LIFE, I’ve lived it in an advebturous way, now I’m gonna have a happy ending. * * * * * * ****THE END****
22 Jan 2016 | 06:23
Happy ending indeed
22 Jan 2016 | 06:53
Woah..such a nice story..Teju and Dave lived happily ever after wif cute Eniola...cinderella.
23 Jan 2016 | 06:15
Hmmmm.... Teju.... ur life story na one of a kind.... Happy ending after 3Ts.... Trials.... Temptation.... Troubles
24 Jan 2016 | 10:54
Nice story bro
2 Feb 2016 | 05:23
Nice story with good ending.
2 Jun 2016 | 09:38
Nice story
18 Jul 2016 | 07:50
Nice story
19 Jul 2016 | 13:41


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