

By Captain in 2 Jan 2019 | 04:00
Captain Joseph

Captain Joseph

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Member since: 7 Jul 2017
We all make wishes not thinking how drastically it could change our lives if it happens to comes true. For as long as I can remember I have always wish my dad to be super rich, so I can eat the food I want, wear the latest cloth and have the latest phone. Luckily my wish came true so just earlier this year the government awarded my dad a multi billion contract, that really was a live changing contract for us, literally. My father made sure to send my elder brother outside the country, then bought the best kind of things for me. At first all was fine, I became the richest girl in the neighborhood. My mom kept saying we should pack out, my dad said no need since he is already building his house and we should wait till I finish my ss 2, so once we relocate I will start in a new school. I never bothered about the new school or the new environment I was too busy being the biggest girl in my poor neighborhood.
Sadly after my ss 2 we packed into our new home, and the environment was super rich. I have only seen this type of environment in magazines and TV,I never imagined I would one day live here.
"It feels so good, the air smells different... Pure" said my mom the day we packed it, I could see how happy she was when we packed in, she never loved our formal neighborhood, its filled with gossipers and nosy neighbours so she said.
Now I have been enrolled to a prestigious school, so spacious that I don't think I will ever get to cover the whole school tilI I finish. Its been a week since I enrolled and I still feel poor, unlike my formal neighborhood that I became the biggest, here I feel like am poor again.
My mom think attending this school gives me a better chance of being successful in life, she doesn't realise how inferior I feel. I just realise being rich doesn't only mean fat bank account, it also include the way you carry yourself,the designers you wear, your intonation, the way you stress your consonants and vowels. Now I know as I am new money, the students in this school are old money, they are all born with silver spoon, I feel like a sheep thrown to the wolves. Its been a week and I have only manage to make one friend Amina. She is dark very pretty I jealous her cute innocent face, but she talks a lot, am more of a quiet one.
"Today is going to be awesome" Amina said full of excitement, the whole student are gathered on the assembly ground.
"Why" I asked cause I can also see the excitement in every student face especially my classmates.
"Today, the delinquents will be joining us" she said. Delinquents? I thought to myself, if am right then it means trouble, what's there to be excited about it.
"Delinquents, that means they're technically bad" I said just to be sure.
"Yes, that makes it all the fun, its been boring, since everybody here plays by the book, nobody is sure how the delinquents will act so it gets everybody excited" she said panting stretching her neck to see the front. I love boring, boring means safe and I love safe.
"Won't they harm students, and how come the school authority allows it" I asked
The delinquents are all expelled from other schools, and no school wants them, so our principal believes he's giving them one more chance" she said, that's insane, I feel uneasy.
"Won't they deceive the students" I asked
"Probably, but before they are accepted, they first off all go to the military camp for a month for discipline, and while they are here, its the military that takes care of them, they go and come with the military" she said.
"How come you know all this" I asked, thought this is the first time
"Think Barbara, cause this isn't the first time" she took a breath and looked at me, it happens once every 3 years.
"So the school get this excited every time" I asked looking around
"Not nearly, there have been a rumor that principal did it cause of the money the delinquents parents pay him, cause they are always from rich family. So, he now decided to take in poor kids to dissolve the rumors, now since no student knows the rich from the poor we are all excited to figure it out and besides some of us don't know how poor people act" she said and returned to her exciting mode.
"I actually know" I muttered to myself.
I heard the murmur from the student as I watch a bus drive in, the bus filled with delinquents.
"Hi pretty" I heard someone call from behind me,I stiffed, the voice always do that to me.
"Hi Kevin" I replied with a stutter.

Chapter 2
My name is Barbara Omeh, I have always been a sucker for cute guys, now in my new school, a guy called Kevin is just a bag of cuteness, and the moment our eyes met the first day, it was magical, its been a week and all we do is steal glances at each other. He makes our school uniform looks like designers, he is tall, have Justin bieber kind of cuteness, I watch as girls fawn over him, but even in midst of all those girls he still looks at me and gives me a drop dead smile.
Since a weak now all we do is steal glance, but today he came right behind me and said hi, his voice sounded like peanut butter.
"What do you think of the delinquent" He asked
"What do you think" I asked back, since am afraid my thought might be different from his and he will hate that.
"Nothing really, it happens every 3 years, some more interesting than others" he said looking ahead as the bus came to a halt.
"Oh" I just said and started looking upfront. The first person to come out is a man in his mid forty wearing an army uniform.
"Get down" he shouted and it riveted the whole school, then one by one the delinquents came down. They're just nine, I thought they will be more
"So we now have nine new student" Kevin said stressing his first word.
I just gave a nod, the man moved forward and they followed him, it felt like the delinquents are nervous, they didn't look at the student, that's what I did the first day I came in.
The soldier shook hands with the principal, then the student lined up facing us, but still didn't look our face, some focused on the sky while others in their feet. There is a really cute girl with them,I wonder what made her a delinquent.
"Now everybody is thinking, who the poor ones are" Kevin said, I tried to judge from their appearance, but that didn't give me the answer since they all wore the same uniform like us.
"Does it matter" I asked
"Not really, but am sure the girls will avoid the person if they know" he said with a scoff.
"Introduce yourself to the students" The soldier ordered, then they passed them the mic, I never knew school use mic on the Assembly ground till I came here, it will also be impossible to address the whole student without mic, cause the student are many.
"My name is Richard Igwe" said the first boy, he have a petite body but he is not bad "am here cause my school expelled me, why? Cause I hacked into their server and got the exam sheet before the exam, you know I just couldn't resist the temptation" he said the last part proudly and the students cheered for him.
"What a good way to make an entry" Kevin said
"Amanda Charles" the really cute girl said, "am here cause no other school could take my bitchy attitude" she said and passed the mic,
"Don't worry we can" one of the boys screamed, we all laughed.
"Caleb Okafor, I fight a lot" The third person said, he really look macho.
"Kayode Akin" he took a deep breath "fell in with the bad crew and I got busted"
I won't lie, its interesting I now eager to hear them all.
"Obinna Agu, its just a huge misunderstanding, am innocent, I don't deserve to be here" he said, we all laughed cause he look guilty of whatever charges they laid on him. He handed over the mic to the sixth guy, they guy didn't say anything to gave the mic to the seventh guy who is also identical with him,
"Twins" Amina said.
"Am Gabriel Okeke, and this is my brother" he said patting his brother "he don't talk much, our crime is mainly of my doing, I pick fight always then my brother always comes to help me out, so making him my partner in crime. Our parents think the military camp will discipline us since we are heir to a construction company" he said with a shrug.
"Now that's my type of guys" Amina said smiling.
"Am Henry Anayo, am just a victim of circumstance, am so glad I have this opportunity" he said then passed the mic.
"That's a first" Kevin said
"Collins Onuh, just decided to be the scapegoat, am not regretting it" he said and looked at Amanda, awww I smell something.
"Where is he" the army man shouted, they pointed at the car, and said something, but it wasn't audible enough. He took the second mic.
"Get down here boy before I get you myself" he said looking at the bus. So there is a tenth guy now am excited that I can't keep calm. I find myself stretching my neck like Amina, am even standing on my toe.
"Cool it girl, he will get down" Kevin said with a scoff. I paid him no attention as I watch a figure get down from the bus. Everywhere went quiet, drop a pin and the sound will be heard, that's how quiet we all got. The reason for this is cause the boy that came down is wearing a mask. A mask with the design that makes it look like skull.
He walked confidently to the podium, his face was all covered so no way telling if he is nervous or not.
He took the mic to introduce himself, I strained my ear to hear him so I won't miss anything, no one got my interest like the boy on the mask.
"Am Eric" he said and gave the mic back to Collins, he gave no other explanation or introduction, not even a surname, just Eric.
2 Jan 2019 | 04:00
CHAPTER 3 & 4 Everybody kept talking about the boy in the mask, they think he's too ugly that's why he wear mask, and I believe it to be true cause of the soldier said "Don't worry about his mask or having him disturb, he's too ashamed of himself to crave attention" that's the exact words of the soldier. We are now in our first period which happens to be Biology, am a science student I aspire to be a doctor when I grow up. Some of the delinquents are with us. Richard, who said we should call him Richie, Amanda, Collins, the twins then Eric. Its annoying we can't see his face, I wonder how ugly he is. My mind was still trying to make up the monstrous face that will suit Eric when a piece of paper landed on me. I picked it, then looked around to see who threw it, I saw Kevin smiling at me, I quickly unfolded the paper. "Stop staring at Eric, else I will jealous" How cute, no need getting jealous over a monster face, haven't you hear am a sucker for cute guys and you happen to be very cute. I smiled and looked at him, that's a nice way to start wooing a girl. "Miss Omeh, tell me the parts involved in homeostasis" I heard our teacher called and all amusement left me, I slowly stood, didn't even look at Kevin, all eyes on me. "Kidney, skin, liver and hormones" I answered, I never said I was a dimwit, she gave me a hard stare and continued teaching, I then looked at Kevin and he mouthed sorry, I smiled and focused on the teacher since I might not be lucky next time. The lessons continued, Kevin occasionally throw notes my way both non of them landed us in trouble and I loved it, the moment I heard my stomach rumbled I heard the bell for lunch. "Thank God" I said and stood up, lots of students where already bursting out, my eyes caught on Eric, he was looking out through the window not bothered about going out . "Come on Amanda let's go am farmished" Richie said dragging Amanda with him, the twins and Collins followed they didn't bother with the Eric, I guess he is a loner. "Stop staring" Kevin whispered as he passed me, I smiled, I never knew am staring, maybe its because of his creepy mask. I followed behind Kevin. Maybe Amina will have something interesting to tell me about the delinquents in her class. School went on normal, Eric changed his mask, now we can see his lips, really pink lips, now am now doubting if really his a monster, but I really have not seen him speak ever since his introduction. Our homeroom teacher did some changes in our sitting position and he is now sitting directly behind me and it gives me the creep. "So disappointed" Amina said casting her shoulder down "What's wrong" I asked after I swallowed my food, we are in the canteen "I thought with the delinquents coming things would be exciting" she said, she's right things are still boring "Allow me gorgeous and I will give you the excitement you so desire" Richie said interfering, he's been on Amina since he came, it really annoy her cause she hate guys with petite body, Richie just don't care, he's determine on getting her. "Can't you just leave me alone" she said with closed teeth. "No, can't do" he said smiling, I smiled at the poor guys courage, it made me look around for Kevin, we have gotten really close since last week, he sometimes come to our table to eat with us, but today he is with his popular guys. I looked at him, he is just too handsome, I exhaled. I was drawned back to reality when I heard the sound of slap. "Now some excitement" Amina said, I turned and saw Amanda slapping Kelly, Kelly is like the guy we all avoid in our school, if you ask me he looks more delinquent than the delinquents. "You just didn't do that" He blared at her. "Stop me again and I will" Amanda said and walked away. "Now thats gut" Amina said. I just nodded "To sad the excitement is over" Amina said "Over? Its just getting started pretty" Richie said, we all gasped as Collins stormed in, everybody knew exactly with will happen. "Kelly should know better than touch Amanda" Richie smiled, Collins went straight to Kelly and gave him a mighty punch that knocked him down, he sat on him and delivered countless punch before Kelly's crew came and dragged him up. "Teach him a lesson" Kelly said with his bloody face "Lock the cafeteria so no teacher disturbs" he said as his guys held down Collins, he is about to trash Collins. "Do something" Amina said to Richie. "Why me, beside Gabriel will soon enter" he said and truth fully Gabriel came with a powerful punch that made the guy let go of Collins, Michael also entered. I now remembered Gabriel saying his the one that picks fight. In that moment, The once peaceful canteen became a ring for wrestlers, the only delinquents that didn't join the fight is Henry and Richie. "Where is Amanda, she caused this and she is no where to be found" I said, I searched the cafeteria with my eyes for her instead I found Kevin's cheering on the fight, boys will be boys. "Don't worry, she is trying to get help" Richie said, "You mean the teachers" I asked, Richie smiled, "We are delinquent, we break the rules, teachers can't stop this, we need the monster to stop it" he said and I can only think of one monster, Eric. As it dawn on me we all heard a loud bang on the canteen door, it was so loud it made the fight stop. The bang came again this time louder and I was petrified, what if its a teacher and they punish us all like they normally do in my formal school. The door bursted open on its forth bang, lo and behold the Eric, Amanda was standing behind him, he looked at the ones fighting, and walked towards them. Chapter 4 Everyone was anticipating what he will do, its frustrating I can't see his face to know his reaction, he reached out for his friends, whispered to them and help the fallen ones up. Everyone was watching his every step, he doesn't look strong to me, for the fact he always wears hold makes him look like he is sick and have never leaves the class. After helping his mates up, they walked away, nobody expected that, it left Kelly's lips open. "And where do you think you're going" Kelly finally said when he got hold of himself. "Wouldn't it be better if we all stop now before someone get hurt" Eric answered without looking back. "Oh, someone is already hurt, my ego" Kelly said and dashed towards him. I looked at Eric to see if he will run or plead he just turn towards Kelly. Kelly was thrown back with his punch, as he fell, Eric kicked his stomach, so hard that Kelly curled up and started coughing. "Who's next" he said looking at the petrified kellys group, though I can't see his face but I do know he is different from the sound of his voice. "Now the monster is out" Richie said with much excitement "and no stopping him" Eric moved towards the crew and they all dashed at him, I thought he was mad for how can he win against 10 boys, but I was left shocked when he started crushing. "A punch from Eric is like a hammer, you can hardly get up", he once trashed a junior soldier, we all avoid being punched by him. " can't they stop him" I asked, am already uneasy, I remember when he said to stop before someone get hurt. "Nop, Eric is like a monster truck with no breaks, you can only get hurt if you try to stop him" Richie said, I can't stand it anymore, soon it will go out off hand. I run toward them, don't really know what made me, maybe cause of the fact I have been staring at Eric since he came. I have no idea how to stop him or push him so I fell on top a guy he is about to trample on. "Stop you monster" I said and looked him straight in the eyes,it was pitch black, its as if he have stared hell straight in the eye, like worst is the only thing he have seen and will see, it made my eyes sting and tears flowed. He stood there looking at me, after a moment he stretched his hands towards me, I closed my eyes and flinched he must really be a monster for him to hit a woman. I heard a punch sound, I then opened my eyes, I saw Kevin's hand balled into a fist, he punched Eric, what have I caused, now this monster will crush my sweet Kevin. I am beyond petrified, but the unexpected happened he just left, the monster left. So the saying is true, true love conquers all, I looked up and saw Kevin shining like a star before me. He helped me up, and my admiration for him grew, I smiled at him and he return the gesture, he then moved to help Kelly crew stood up "Don't be too happy boy, it wasn't you punch that made him walk away" Collins said to Kevin then looked at me before walking away with Amanda and rest of the delinquents. "Now talk about excitement!" Amina screamed and I smiled, its what she's been waiting for, as everyone was about to get to class since its been over 10 minutes the bell rang. "Who is responsible for what happened here" we heard the principal voice resonates the hall, I nearly pissed my pants. "Eric" Kelly said with much hatred, and my heart hurts for him, but I hater myself more as my lips got sealed and I couldn't defend him, not that he didn't deserved whatever punishment, but he alone wasn't the cause, actually he was the victims, a strong victim. "Now everyone go back to class, fetch me Eric" he said the last part to the teacher beside him and Ieft, I can't imagine the punishment Eric will take. It took a while before all the student cleared the canteen, I was the last with Kevin since we took our time chatting, we kept walking like lovers, though not holding hands but our hands brush each other occasionally and it sends jolts of electricity. He kept telling me sweet words and its easy to see my blush since am fair, "The first time you came in, I was like wow, today I've seen an angel" he said and I smiled "I know this is a lame pick up line, but did it hurt when you fell from heaven" I laughed "Yea its lame, but with you its all romantic" I said and he gave me the cutest pout. I smiled and looked up, I froze as I saw Eric walking towards us with a teacher, even with his mask I can sense his face is devoid of any emotion. I stood still as he passed, not glancing our way like we are invisible, I don't know why that hurts. After passing Eric through the hallway, my day got worse, and he didn't return to class, I got more pissed. I kept looking around trying to find him but didn't, I went home being sad.
2 Jan 2019 | 04:06
Keep the ball rolling [hr] Links To Available Episodes. Episode 5-7. Episode 8-10. Episode 10-25. Episode 26-30(Finale).
2 Jan 2019 | 04:32
I know he would turn out to be your monster
2 Jan 2019 | 05:39
He is like a river turns calm and also turns wild
2 Jan 2019 | 05:42
This delinquents would really calm the bullies in this school
2 Jan 2019 | 05:44
Amina very soon u would like this guy
2 Jan 2019 | 05:46
Nice start..... Next update
2 Jan 2019 | 05:48
2 Jan 2019 | 06:02
Seems you are having a spot for the monster called Eric
2 Jan 2019 | 08:25
Eric the warrior
2 Jan 2019 | 11:23
Nice start
2 Jan 2019 | 12:12
go on
2 Jan 2019 | 15:18
2 Jan 2019 | 17:27
Go on
2 Jan 2019 | 18:58
2 Jan 2019 | 20:35
3 Jan 2019 | 10:24
3 Jan 2019 | 11:53
Cool start
3 Jan 2019 | 14:47
My Monster Chapter 5 I woke with a terrible headache, its because of the scary nightmare, I dreamt of Eric with his mask, he have fangs and was sucking my blood, I was so powerless. "You sure you don't want to stay home" my mom asked, she noticed my sickness, that's why you hardly hide things from mothers "Sure mom, its just headache, it will wear off" I answered, I would like to stay home, but I really want to see Eric and know what happened. "OK, if you say so, do tell the school authority if anything happens" she said I gave her a nod, "goodbye then" she said and I gave I waved her and entered the car, yea I have a very cute car, venza that drives me to school, being rich have its perks. Imagine my sadness when school dismissed but Eric didn't come, I just have to put up fake smile for Kevin and his flattery. The second day Eric still didn't come, the worse is the delinquents were all sad even playful Richie. "Girl Kevin is really into you" Amina said as she caught Kevin winked at me. I just dismissed her with a wave. "Why so gloomy" I asked Richie, Amina gave him a side glance, I guess she want to know too but pride won't let's her ask. "Its Eric" he said barely above a whisper. "Keep quiet Richie, its non of their business" Amanda said with a glare, before I could ask again she took Richie and walked to where others are sitting. I sense Collins and Amanda are dating, but she is always with Richie so am sort of confused. "I wonder why she is dragging Richie where'er she goes" Amina said with a hump, is that jealousy I sense. On normal situation I will tease her, but this is not the time I stood up to go after them as they left the canteen, I was stopped by Kevin. "Cool your horses pretty where you off to" he asked "Just the rest room, we be back in a jiffy" I said and rushed out, how did I allow Eric to mess with my head, I have not even have a conversation with him. "Richie please stop" I said and thankfully he did but Amanda cane in front of him "The only reason I have poked your eyes out is because he said no harm should come to you" Amanda said confusing me "Who said" I asked "Why bother, come Richie let's go" she said "I won't stop till you tell me what's wrong" I asked already feeling my throat tighten, am now breathing like I ran a bundle. "Ok" Amanda said not in a nice way "we all messed up, Eric took the blame, and now he is serving the punishment" she said, "I tried to stop the fight why then do you blame me" I asked, I serious don't see why she hate me "Cause if you did let him crush Kelly like he normally do, he won't have the lips to snitch, and if not for you your pretty boyfriend wouldn't walk free after punching him" she said. "Its clearly not my fault if he was intimidated by my Kevin, and he tried to hit me and Kevin saved me" I defended Kevin. "Eric might be seen as a monster, but he can never hit woman" she said and walked away leaving me in utter awe. Then why did he stretch out his arms toward me, I tried to do good but someone took the punishment. "In case your wondering the punishment" Amanda said getting my attention, she now few feet away from me "he have to clean the whole military camp, everyday and only eat when his done, and he always finishes mid night, that's when he eat. He have to do that for 3 days" she said and left. If they feel so guilty why not help him or say the truth about what happened, in truth I blame myself more than they blame me. Today is already Friday, so no seeing till Monday. I went home with heavy heart. We normally travel to village every Christmas period, so a day before we travel I will keep looking at the clock counting seconds cause I will be super excited. I never knew another thing can give me such excitement, cause I keep looking at the clock on Sunday counting seconds hoping Monday is already here. Funny Monday that I always hate is now what am waiting for. My mom was surprise when I dressed up early morning rushed my food and left, my dad will be surprised I left before him. Waiting for the delinquents to arrive was beyond word. "Wow girl, you came early" Amina said, I smiled at her, if only she knew "Just felt like" I said. "Well you're in luck, I have something to tell you, I wanted to tell you on Friday but you left and I don't have your number" she said, I never thought of taking her number. "What's that" I asked still looking ahead to see when they arrive. "Kevin, he is determine to confess to you today" she said, it took a second before what she said registered. "What!" I screamed "You heard me girl, so better perform well" she said with a wink. "Many girls wants him, so consider yourself lucky" she said, I looked up and saw Kevin coming with his friends, he stopped when he saw me and smile. My eyes widened, I turned and walked away, very fast, he called and I quickened my pace, no guy have ever confessed to me before, now am afraid of how to behave. I went to a place I discovered the second day I came into this school, its quiet excluded, serene with the trees, I do come here when I want to study I love it more than library. I have never seen anyone since I started coming so I took it as my fortress, the only reason I don't come always is because its a bit far from the main building, so I only come when I have free period. "How am I going to answer Kevin" I said panting around, I decided to play it out in my mind, I took a princess stand and flipped my hair. "Oh Kevin, what took you so long" I said with a dreamy voice "no that looks too desperate. I took a mean stance "I will think about it" I said then grunt what if he takes it as rejection. Besides am I even ready to date. This is frustrating, I took a stone and threw it at the tree without looking. "Ouch, that hurt" I heard someone said, I froze, I looked up and saw a figure sitting on the tree branch.
6 Jan 2019 | 17:23
My Monster Chapter 6 & 7 "Who's there" I asked since the leaveshid his face, I took a step back ready to run, cause if he is a rapist or murderer he can easily do that to me and nobody will hear my scream since here is far. "Just an idle observer" he said, I recognised the voice, my eyes widened, perhaps his here to kill me cause of the incident. Eric, how come you're here" I said and took a step back, he then jumped down still wearing his hoodie sweater. "By nature I grave serenity, so imagine how easy it was to find here" he said looking around, he have his hand in his pocket, I looked at him, he seem fine, maybe the punishment was a lie. "Its impossible, you never leave the class, and I discovered it by wandering around" I said, I still feel he followed me "Look over there" he pointed behind me, it took me a while to look, I guess I don't trust him, he might jump me as I look "that window you see at the third floor is our class" he said then it made sense. No wonder he always look outside, so he was monitoring here. "I kept monitoring here" he said looking around "student never come here, only one student, I don't know who, since I can't make it her face from that distance" he said, he's really observant. "But I know she only come during break or free period" he said then looked at me and once again I saw his pitch black eyes and I felt drunk, I stepped back. "I noticed just like me she wants to be alone, so in other not to crash, I decided to use here in the morning while she takes the afternoon" how considerate. "But, once again my perfect day was ruin by you" he said. Not again, how can I save the situation. "Am the girl" I said, probably to make my claim or just "Figured" he said and I don't know his emotion cause of the mask. "Sorry I disturbed your day" I apologized looking down "I was just frustrated" I said "Believe me Barbie, you have no idea what's frustration is" he said and walked away. "Barbie?!" I said and he stopped, I walked towards him and stood in front of him, just a feet away "name is Barbara" I said, I never liked people calling me barbie, I made sure to warn anybody that tries to. "Don't sweat it Barbie, lesson is about to start" he said and walked away, he left me in awe, I watched him as he walked, he is gentle in feet, like he can't hurt an ant, he is tall. "I forgot to ask about the punishment" I said and walked back to class, when I got in lesson have already started, I looked and saw him sitting down still looking out the window, I then moved my eyes to Kevin and saw the worry on his face, I felt bad for making him worry. I apologized to the teacher and went to my sit, I kept thinking about this morning, not what Amina told me, but my conversations with Eric. I felt a rush while we talk like I don't want it to end. I willed myself not to look back to see him, when the bell for lunch ranged. I stood up and sluggishly arranged my book, I made sure everybody have left the class, I slowly walked to the door, making my every footstep loud, I don't know why but I was disappointed when I went out the door and he didn't call me. I sadly went to the canteen, I saw Amina sitting beside Richie who is now back to his jovia self, Amanda is with Collins today with other delinquents. "I thought you love being with Amanda" I heard Amina asked Richie as I got there "Yea she's pack of fun, but enjoy being with you more, and she always remind me she's older than me" Richie said "Wait you date older women" Amina asked in one breath. "Nop, Amanda is my cousin, wait are you jealous" Richie asked as his face lit up "How, why should I be" she said gathering her composure. "Wow, it feels like pay day" Richie said and I smiled. "Why did you ran off when you saw me" I heard Kevin asked, I swallowed and turned to him "Emergency, had an upset stomach" I said, he then relaxed "How are you now" he asked "Better" I said taking a sip from my juice. "Good, I have something to tell you after dismissal" he said with his cute smile, it made me swoon "Sure" I said like a lovestruck girl, he smiled and left. "Kevin is really lucky" Richie said, I turned to him "Why" Amina asked before me "He punched Eric, the monster and he walks free" he took a deep breath "I still don't know why" he finished "Why call him monster, have you seen his face" I asked. "Nop, he came to the camp before all of us, actually a 2years before us, he had his schooling there. They just decided last minute that he attend school with us" he said "So even when he's with you guys he never wear it off" I asked "Yes, he's hardly with us, he have his own side like he really committed something worst. Some of us believe he might really go to prison once he reach 18" he said with a shrug "Are you guys not bothered" I asked "Not really, at first we did, but with time we got use to it, besides when Gabriel tried to take it off, he beat both him and Michael, with Collins" he smiled like he remembered it "that's the day we came to respect him and took him as the boss. And the mask made him a puzzle" he said. I wanted to ask more, like his surname, is he always quiet, do people visit them, have he received any, but the bell ranged. I bolted to the class, I looked at him the moment I came in, he raised his head and looked at me. I felt happy, its as if he sees me, it lasted for a second, he just looked away like I was nothing, just a breeze that blew pass. I don't know what to expect, but this reaction pained me, its more frustrating that I don't know why. . . Chapter 7 I made sure to avoid Kevin after dismissal, I decided am not ready for date yet, I just have to tell him one way or the other. The conversation with Eric kept playing in my head. "Barbie?. Who does it think he is, that monster, I will make sure to give him a piece of my mind tomorrow" I said as I drift to sleep. "So tell me, how have school been" my dad asked as we eat our break fast. "Fine" I answered "Good, I will give your mother money to go buy you new gown, we have a party to attend on Friday. Since my dad success we always get invitation to parties, some he takes me and mom, others he takes only mom. " am grown up, soon I will 17, I can go get it myself" I looked at mom cause once she agrees dad will. "Sure, but I will send the picture to you phone, so you will know the one to buy" she said and smiled, am already planing on how to take Amina, I always read about it in the novels, its time to experience mine. I came late to school today, dad kept asking me series of question, luckily they don't flog or punish like my formal school. My dad just took the blame and everything was dropped. When I got to class, Eric was there, seeing him made me curled up my toes, I walked slowly to my chair praying I won't stumble. He is looking outside, always, I then stared at him as I walked, unfortunately my prayer was rejected, I stumbled disrupting the peace of the class, I shoot my eyes at him, he already have his on me. How embarrassing I then hurried to my chair. I made sure to avoid him through out the day, I wanted to confront him about calling me barbie but because other morning incident I avoided him like a plague. "You rushed home yesterday" Kevin said to me during dismissal, "Sorry, totally forgot you asked me to wait" I said giving him a puppy smile, he smiled too how cute, his kindness is part of the reason am crushing on him, don't forget his cute face. "Well, you're here now" he said as we walked closer to the gate, I saw the delinquents got on their bus and drove out, I didn't see him though. "I have been meaning to ask you, wouldyoudateme" Kevin said, but the last phrase was in one breath "What" I said not that I didn't hear him, am just giving him a chance to say it better or change his mind. "Would you date me" I guess he said it better. I stopped walking and turn to him, I looked at him like he have the answer to the question. Could it be lovely if I date him, or is it just a crush on a cute face. "I will think about it" I said, he smiled, he stretched out his arms to hold me but was stopped by my driver honking. He was startled, cute though o smiled. "See you later then" he said and we parted ways. I forget to tell Amina about the shopping. School proceeded with no drama, I avoided the monster, but I now go to the place I first had a conversation with him, I know he uses it in the morning and I in the afternoon, but I still go. Whenever am there I stretch my eyes to see him in the window, I do his figure but not a clear view for his far, I still stare though. The only good thing is am going to shopping on Friday, Amina asked first, she also want to shop for the same party, it turns out a lot of my classmate are coming to the party. "Yahoo" Richie screamed as we heard dismissal bell, he's been happy since morning. "Why so happy" I asked arranging my books. "Cause am going to be spending my weekend at home,so from here am going home, not camp" he said and took his bag and ran off. I looked at Eric he is still sitting, I wonder if he is going home too. "Let me get that for you" Kevin offered, he's been doing that, he's now super sweet since he asked me out, I still have not given him any reply. "No don't bother" I nicely decline like I have been doing, he now followed me out. When we got to the gate, I saw the delinquents entering inside their private cars, they're all happy, "Wear something good Amina, cause I will introduce you to my parents" Richie screamed and Amina was frozen as Richie drove away, I smiled. They all are super excited, my face frown as I saw the military bus drove in, thought they have a weekend off, why then did they come. I looked back and saw Eric coming, he is a alone. They say no man is an island, the person that said that have clearly not met Eric. I watched him went inside the bus alone and my heart bled for him. How painful it must be for him to spend the weekend in the camp while others go home and have fun.
6 Jan 2019 | 17:24
So sorry for Eric
7 Jan 2019 | 03:43
7 Jan 2019 | 06:23
7 Jan 2019 | 07:21
Ride on
7 Jan 2019 | 07:43
Hmm am really feeling for this guy oh
7 Jan 2019 | 13:13
I think the monster did something bad that his family rejected him or his family are late
7 Jan 2019 | 13:15
Hmm are you also crushing on this your monster guy?
7 Jan 2019 | 13:17
Next update lets know whether she would accept to be his girlfriend or still keep his request pending
7 Jan 2019 | 13:19
Wow interesting
7 Jan 2019 | 14:39
oya @komolafejoseph come and post oo dont stay long
7 Jan 2019 | 14:39
7 Jan 2019 | 14:41
8 Jan 2019 | 17:19
nice one pls continue
10 Jan 2019 | 08:39
episode 8 & 9 The party is tonight, I bought a black gown, is either it or red, I choose black, courtesy of Eric black hoodie. I must be stupid, thinking of someone that don't even care about my existence "Come on ladies, we will be late" my dad screamed from downstairs, as if they put a timer for us, I came out the same time with mom. She is wearing red gown, thank God I choose black. "The two most beautiful ladies in my life" dad said as his eyes shine with administration. "Add important also" my mom always like praise, and my dad, love praising, they made a perfect match. "Important, I just added it" dad said with a grin, he kissed her wrist and led her away like a new bride, I followed, now am invisible. The party was already full when we got there, I found out from dad that its a birthday party, its been hosted by the most respected family. Probably the richest. "Barbara" I heard Amina called, I turned and wave at her, she then came to me, my parents turned at us. "Am Amina, Barbara's friend" she introduced herself, she really is a talker, they exchange pleasantries. "Go be with your friends dear" my mom said, way to go, she is bow acting so elegant, I looked at my dad and he smiled, already knowing what I mean. I smiled back and left with Amina. "Here come meet my parents" she said dragging me alonbow. "Mom, dad, here's the friend I told you about" she said as we stopped in front if two couple. "Wow" I said as I saw her mother, she is by far the prettiest woman here "How are you dear" she asked "Am fine ma, Goodeveing" I greeted. "Evening my dear, hope Amina is not much of a trouble" she asked and Amina grunt "No ma'am, she is nice and am glad I made friends with her" I said, I looked at the father he is talking with another man "Dad you don't want to say hi to my friend" Amina said, getting her father's attention "Sorry dear, what's your name again" he said, with a nervous look, I guess he wants best for her daughter and don't want to disappoint her "Barbara sir, Barbara Omeh" I said with a bow. "Mr Omeh's daughter" he asked, I nodded now feeling nervous, he turned to his wife. "He is the engineer in charge of the shopping mall am building" he said to her, her my dad now have a house construction company and business have been good. "Good man he is" he said to me and I felt proud. "Thanks" I said. "Go have fun" Amina's mom said, and I left with Amina. "I guess he's not coming" Amina muttered, so she is actually waiting for Richie, today at the boutique she tried nearly all cloth, but ended up buying the blue gown, which looks good on her. "Don't strain you eyes princess, for here I stand" we heard Richie voice and turned, his wearing a dark blue tux and damn he looked nice. "Wow Richie, you dressed up pretty good" I said, he smiled and bow. "I won't want to disappoint my lady" He said "come dear let the introduction commence" he said with a smile, Amina who have her lips open followed like a puppy and Richie led her away by the hand. Way to go friend, you just abandon me. "Now am alone with you" I heard Kevin said and I was glad, for all I see is couples drinking and talking, I turned to him with a smile. "You look nice" he's putting on a super dop with tux. "Not nearly as you" he said roaming his eyes all over me "come on let me take you to the teen section" he said and we both walked away, he walked ahead and I followed. No holding of hands, I guess he is respecting my personal boundaries, or am not free with him. After a while, we got there, its like a parlour, a big parlour, the one we left is a hall, I looked around and recognise some of the face, but really not acquainted with them. I saw Amanda sitting on Collins laps, the delinquents are here, except Henry and Eric, we discovered Henry is the poor guy, according to him, he had a quarrel with a rich kid and he took the blame, something that is clearly not his fault, but when his mother and father started laying petition, the rich kid father decide to send him to our school as a delinquent and also making up for his son mistake. I sat down close to Kevin, I didn't bother greeting anybody since am not that close with them, Amanda still gives me the stink eyes. "I thought he would be here" A girl said sadly "Its his birthday, I thought so too" another added. "Have you paid your respect to his grand parents" Amanda asked Collins "Yes, am surprised they recognized me, its been 7 years since they saw me" He said. I wonder who they re talking about, it made them all seem sad, one thing I could figure from their conversation is the party is the guy and he didn't show up. He is a moron if you ask me, its disrespectful not coming to your own party. "He use to be happy" Kevin said "Like you knew him?" Amanda said with disgust, and took Collins with him, why is she always the mean one. I feel so out of place here, I have nothing to say, Amina is not back, I decided to slowly slip away. Thank God Kevin didn't notice. I started wandering the house, my God is big, one can easily get lost, I came to a hallway and saw pictures on the wall. I saw two old couple, I recognized them, they are the ones that hosted this party, and everyone went to greet them like they do in movies. I saw another couples picture, they're young, the husband have a great resemblance with the old man, if not for the mole differences in the young man face, you will think he is actually the old man in his younger age. I looked at the woman, she is beautiful, more than Amina's mother. "Wow" some people clearly are definition of beauty, I took a sip of the juice I have then looked down and saw the boy started beside the woman smiling. He look like the woman in a more devilish way. I wonder when they took the picture and why I didn't see them here, well maybe they came. I looked at the boy again, he sure will be a lady killer when he grows, his eyes looked strangely familiar. After watching couple of other pictures, I left then came inside the kitchen, wow beautiful, I saw a cake on the counter, looks so yummy I couldn't resist the urge, I looked around and saw nobody. "Nobody will suspect, just a small taste" I said and went towards it, I then threw away the now empty can of juice, and moved to the cake. I sliced out small, but got greedy after the first taste. It was heaven, the way it melts in your mouth, the warm taste, I closed my eyes to savour it. "Barbie have been bad girl" I heard someone said I stumbled, and fell, I looked and saw Eric come out from the dark part of the kitchen where the center light hardly touch. He is holding my empty can, no wonder I never heard it hit the ground, I threw it to him and he caught it, I was too drawn by the cake to notice. "We ought to stop meeting like this" he said and switched on the whole light. He is still with his holding and mask. Now he's going to tell everyone one how I stole a cake, what an embarrassment, he walked closer to me slowly, still no emotions, I want to rip out that mask. He stopped just a foot away and took a slice of cake, he moan as he chew slowly, "I don't blame you barbie for wanting another, its heaven" he said, I watched as his lips move as he chew and I was dazed "Thought, you would be at the camp" I stuttered "I snuck out" he said and took another bite. "Then why come here" "Well barbie, I heard about a rich folks party in town, I decide to drop by and see if I can see any valuable" he said and I gasped "You came to steal?" "At least I wasnt caught in the act like you" he said and I looked at the cake, I hate to admit his right. "Don't mind me, continue eat, cause I might finish it alone" he said. I looked at the cake, its just too irresistible, I continued. We ate in silent, he was looking upfront and I was looking at him. "Haven't your mother reached you starring is wrong" he said and I felt embarrassed "What kind I say, its not every day you see someone wearing a mask" I said and he scoffed, I looked and saw his lips curve, did he just smile. It lasted only a second but I clearly saw it, it made my heart beat faster it was ethereal, I felt proud for making him smile. "If I don't have the mask, I will give you a nightmare" he said, is he that ugly, from the small part am seeing he doesn't look ugly. "Is it a scar" I asked, above a whisper and he turned to me, "Yes, very deep and ugly one" he said, I felt pity for him, I wish I can tell him I don't mind, I wish, but it will mean nothing coming from someone like me. He went silent again, I want to make him smile again. "You called me Barbie, but I guess you never know I can dance ballerina like her" I said and he looked at me. "I doubt that" he said in a bored tone "Then prepare to be amazed, monster" did I just call him that, way to go, it will make him feel bad "Sure barbie" he said with a smile and it was heaven, I thought the cake was heaven, I was wrong cause clearly its Eric's smile Now I have to figure out what to do, cause I have no idea how to dance it, I took off my sandals, I took my step, I slowly raise myself, standing on my toes, the tried to spin myself around, I failed, worse I landed on my butt, the impart was painful I yelped. The pain was numbed when I heard Eric laughed, full blow out laugh, I watch as he threw his head back laughing. "That Barbie, was a poor demonstration of ballerina" he said as his laugh died down, he is now wearing a smile. How beautiful. "I slipped" I said defending myself, he came and stretched out his arms to help me up "Am sure you did" he said and I took his hands, it was warm, maybe is because he always have it tucked inside his pocket, but how do I explain the milky taste in my mouth or the goosebumps, or why my heart was beating so loud I fear it will fall out. How do I explain why every sound was tuned out, every image fell away, and am standing alone with him, with his eyes guilding me to his heart. "This is my first time seeing a Barbie with a Zero skills for ballerina" he whispered and his vanilla scent hits me, mixed with the cake. "Also my first, seeing a beautiful monster" I whispered back. . . Chapter 9 The moment was surreal, but it was abruptly crashed from the vibration of my phone. He let go of my hand and walked closer to the counter the cake is on I checked my phone, its a text from my mom, they're about to leave, why now I muttered. "So, seems I will be going" I said, I don't want this moment to end, but we don't always have what we want. He just gave me a nod and turned, how sadly he have return to his normal self. I have to make him happy at least before I leave, and I fear that when we see on Monday we won't have the opportunity, cause he will be back to his monster self. "Its remaining one piece" I said coming closer, "let's throw a lot and know who gets it" I said, he then look at me. "What do you suppose" he said, I really need to think before I say something. I looked around and saw a book and a pen on another counter, I took it, wrote out some number and tore it apart,one number on one piece, I then folded them up. I have written down numbers in them, 1,2,3,6,7 and 0, we have to take turns in picking, after picking, we then add our numbers, whoever that scores the highest wins and also the winner of the so heavenly cake. "Not bad" he smiled good my plan worked, "ladies first" he said, I took, first and we took turns, "here are mine" he said unfolding his papers, he got 7,3,1 three lucky numbers. I gasped, he must have high insane amount of luck. I got 6,2,0 so clearly his the winner, I felt sad, I wanted the cake, its really taste. "Wow, normally am an unlucky bastard" he said and I felt the surprise in his voice, "Turns out am the unlucky one, have the cake then" I said staring sadly at the cake, he chuckled. He picked it, and stared at it "here" he said handing it over to me, its surprised me, cause if I had won I won't think twice about eating it. "Thanks" I said and ate it before he change his mind, and I tell you it taste sweeter. "I have to go" I said sadly, he smiled, I smiled too. At least I accomplished leaving him with a smile. I waved and slowly moved to the door. "You are now in my debt" he said and turned "How" I asked "Didn't your mama ever teach, not to take something from a monster, especially sweet things" he said with a devilish grin. My eyes widened "But you gave it willingly" I said. "And willingly I must collect Barbie" he said "run along" he said before I could object, so I decided to leave. Now I owe the monster, that means I now have something that ties both off us, I smiled at the thought, I wonder what he will collect. Wonder why I feel I will be willing to give whatever he asked of me. I went home feeling happy, the only sadness is Monday now seem like light years always, waiting is harsh. It was Sunday evening that I got a call from Kevin saying he took my number from Amina who got it from my mom. I spoke with Amina on Saturday, she already told me she got it from mom when she couldn't find me, but she didn't mention she gave it to Kevin. Kevin felt wrong I left without telling him, to keep him from lamenting I promised to make it up to him . I got to school very early and went straight to the spot, Ikept muttering one thing, please be there. But unfortunately he wasn't there, what was I thinking, its too early and just because I had a blast with him doesn't mean he takes it that way. "Seem someone missed me" I heard him say from behind me, I smiled before turning. "I did not" I denied, but am sure the smile plastered on my face gave me away. "Sure, you didn't barbie" he said and walked pass me, he sat leaning on the tree and brought out a novel. "What's the name" I asked, "Godfather" he said, I heard about the movie, clearly the guys in my formal neighborhood adored the godfather, I never knew it also have a novel. "Nice" I said and came and sat beside him, I never took him for a novel type. After like 5 minutes of silent, I know cause I kept checking my time, but it felt longer, I came here by, 7:15 am now its 7:20am. Can't he just keep the book and notice me. "I don't think I can read anymore" he said and put the book away, I felt alive. "Why" I asked, not that I care "Cause you keep fidgeting, plus I have read it before" he said and turned his attention on me. "Sorry about that" I said with a sheepish smile, he scoffs, "at the party, I was surprise about something" I said trying to start up conversation, soon we will start the first lesson. "And what's that barbie" he asked "I thought, the students here never knew you guys, as in the delinquents, no offence" I said "Non taken" he said with a shrug "But at the party, they talked like they knew each other" I said, yea since they all spoke of a boy. "The fact is some of them knew each other, but not friends, the school brought them together" he folded his arms and thought for a bit "like Richie and Amina always steal glances at each other whenever they come to party, but never spoke till Richie came here" he said and it all made sense. "They kept talking about a boy they all seem to know" I said remembering the party, he just nodded. Making sure no silent moment I decide to tell him about my promise to Kevin. "Kevin called last night" I said "Oh, your pretty boyfriend" he said nonchalantly. "He's not my boyfriend" I said with a frown, he giggled. "I bet he thought different when he gave me a punch" he said and I remembered the day and felt bad "Sorry" I said since its the only thing I have to say "Don't sweat it Barbie" he said and leaned closer "its why I made you owe me" he said, with his close proximity, his warm breath hits my face, smells like vanilla my heart starts beating louder. With the fact we're alone here far from public my mind drifted to something lovers call magical fantasy.
11 Jan 2019 | 15:38
Chapter 10 Why do I have this fantasy of him, we're not even considered friend, his eyes keeps sucking me in, each time. "So Barbie, I must collect" he said and withdrew, I touched my face, its hot, I must be blushing like red tomato. "What's the call about" he said facing front, I hope he didn't notice the blush, I stuttered "He's angry I sneaked away, so I promised to make it up to him" I said, honestly am more interested in talking with Eric than making it up to Kevin. "Instead of making assumption, ask first what he wants, it will reduce your worry" he said, "Yea that's true, I will ask him, lets meet during break then I will tell you his response" I said. "Wow Barbie, what an authoritative way of asking a guy on a date" he said "What" I said "You just asked me on a date Barbie" he said with a smile, my eyes widened, I just did. "That's...I mean..." I starting stuttering. He smiled and took my hand that I was busy waving in the air like sign language. "I wouldn't mind" he said and once again the milky taste come, the undescribable pool of emotions. "You won't" I said, mainly as a statement to myself. With that I heard the bell for the first lesson. "Time for class" I said standing up "Run along, I will spend my first period here" he said and laid down, he covered his face with his Godfather. I guess he wants to be alone, I then left but occasionally look back, I nearly went back to suggest we both spend our first period here. When I came inside the class it was a mess, student were sitting in circles talking, even some art students are here, that only happens when a teacher request we combine class. I looked and saw Amina, she is sitting close to Richie, I also went to my seat which is close, looking at me you will think am among the clique. "Did you see the picture" Gabriella asked, she is also an art student "Of course, if handsomeness had a face, am sure it will be him" Amina said "Normally I will act or jealous and say am more handsome, but I rather not insult myself" Richie said giving Amina a stink eyes. "Who are they talking about" I whispered to Amina, basically she's my main friend. "Its junior, the grandson of Mr Stephenson" he said "its actually his birthday that Friday, instead of coming he posted his picture on the networks webpage" she said with a hint of sadness. "Wait you mean Stephenson, the CEO to the largest African network company" I asked, shocked, she just nodded, I never knew it was their house on Friday, no wonder everybody was paying respect to them. "At least the rumor is now cleared" Another girl said, I don't know her name. "What rumor" Richie asked. "The company board of directors suspected he died with his mother since nobody ever saw him since then" she took a breath "even as it was reported that he's the one that gave them the social data plan and how to maximize income from it. Some believe it was Mr Stephenson doing just to mislead people thinking he's dead" she said and I listened, it doesn't concern me but its intriguing, the guy must really be awesome. "Now with his picture out, the rumor is dead, I guess all the directors with daughter will want their daughter to be the lucky girl" she said with a wicked grin. "I don't mind being called the lucky girl, Junior is handsome" Gabriella squeeled "You know I wanted him to come back, but seeing how handsome he is am glad he didn't show up" Obinna said, clearly he is jealous. "Do you also want to be the lucky girl" Richie asked Amina, she turned to him and smiled "Am already lucky" He said, the group smiled at the lovely couple. "Why is there no teacher in the class" I asked. "Went for meeting" Kevin answered me coming to my desk, he sat down on it like doctors do when talking to patients. "So what do you have for me" he asked I know he's here cause of what I promised "Do tell, what do you want" I smiled and he returned the gesture, his once cute smile I considered angelic is now plain and simple to me. "How about a date" he said, "Kevin" I said slowly, I wonder if he think I will accept him. I thought he will know by now that its a peaceful rejection. "Its not a date date kind of date, just two classmate, friends hanging out on a Friday evening" he said and I smiled. I guess that's good "OK. A date it is" I said, then remembered I have a date also with Eric, I looked around and everybody is engaged with something. Even Kevin left to be with his friends, I then stood up to go have an early date since the teachers are on a meeting. I stopped as I stood up to leave, for my suppose date is walking inside the class, everybody watched as he went to sit behind me. Immediately he sat down a teacher entered, I sat down too and the art students left. My back felt warm as the teaching goes on, like am standing in front of a warm sun. I relaxed and decided to bask in it. to be cont
11 Jan 2019 | 15:40
Bros post frequently na
12 Jan 2019 | 03:34
I guess Eric is junior
12 Jan 2019 | 07:41
Interesting. Pls post 2 episodes daily.
12 Jan 2019 | 08:16
nice continue am loving it
12 Jan 2019 | 10:36
post sharp sharp guy
12 Jan 2019 | 10:37
Hmm now falling for this dude right
12 Jan 2019 | 18:01
Hmm am very sure this monster guy is the undercover Junior
12 Jan 2019 | 18:02
Hmm this Kelvin of a guy should stop pestering you cause you know who you heart beats for
12 Jan 2019 | 18:07
Next update
12 Jan 2019 | 18:08
13 Jan 2019 | 05:08
I guess Eric is d Junior dey are all talking abt
13 Jan 2019 | 10:19
Loving it
13 Jan 2019 | 11:39
EPISODE 10 - 14 Chapter 10 Why do I have this fantasy of him, we're not even considered friend, his eyes keeps sucking me in, each time. "So Barbie, I must collect" he said and withdrew, I touched my face, its hot, I must be blushing like red tomato. "What's the call about" he said facing front, I hope he didn't notice the blush, I stuttered "He's angry I sneaked away, so I promised to make it up to him" I said, honestly am more interested in talking with Eric than making it up to Kevin. "Instead of making assumption, ask first what he wants, it will reduce your worry" he said, "Yea that's true, I will ask him, lets meet during break then I will tell you his response" I said. "Wow Barbie, what an authoritative way of asking a guy on a date" he said "What" I said "You just asked me on a date Barbie" he said with a smile, my eyes widened, I just did. "That's...I mean..." I starting stuttering. He smiled and took my hand that I was busy waving in the air like sign language. "I wouldn't mind" he said and once again the milky taste come, the undescribable pool of emotions. "You won't" I said, mainly as a statement to myself. With that I heard the bell for the first lesson. "Time for class" I said standing up "Run along, I will spend my first period here" he said and laid down, he covered his face with his Godfather. I guess he wants to be alone, I then left but occasionally look back, I nearly went back to suggest we both spend our first period here. When I came inside the class it was a mess, student were sitting in circles talking, even some art students are here, that only happens when a teacher request we combine class. I looked and saw Amina, she is sitting close to Richie, I also went to my seat which is close, looking at me you will think am among the clique. "Did you see the picture" Gabriella asked, she is also an art student "Of course, if handsomeness had a face, am sure it will be him" Amina said "Normally I will act or jealous and say am more handsome, but I rather not insult myself" Richie said giving Amina a stink eyes. "Who are they talking about" I whispered to Amina, basically she's my main friend. "Its junior, the grandson of Mr Stephenson" he said "its actually his birthday that Friday, instead of coming he posted his picture on the networks webpage" she said with a hint of sadness. "Wait you mean Stephenson, the CEO to the largest African network company" I asked, shocked, she just nodded, I never knew it was their house on Friday, no wonder everybody was paying respect to them. "At least the rumor is now cleared" Another girl said, I don't know her name. "What rumor" Richie asked. "The company board of directors suspected he died with his mother since nobody ever saw him since then" she took a breath "even as it was reported that he's the one that gave them the social data plan and how to maximize income from it. Some believe it was Mr Stephenson doing just to mislead people thinking he's dead" she said and I listened, it doesn't concern me but its intriguing, the guy must really be awesome. "Now with his picture out, the rumor is dead, I guess all the directors with daughter will want their daughter to be the lucky girl" she said with a wicked grin. "I don't mind being called the lucky girl, Junior is handsome" Gabriella squeeled "You know I wanted him to come back, but seeing how handsome he is am glad he didn't show up" Obinna said, clearly he is jealous. "Do you also want to be the lucky girl" Richie asked Amina, she turned to him and smiled "Am already lucky" He said, the group smiled at the lovely couple. "Why is there no teacher in the class" I asked. "Went for meeting" Kevin answered me coming to my desk, he sat down on it like doctors do when talking to patients. "So what do you have for me" he asked I know he's here cause of what I promised "Do tell, what do you want" I smiled and he returned the gesture, his once cute smile I considered angelic is now plain and simple to me. "How about a date" he said, "Kevin" I said slowly, I wonder if he think I will accept him. I thought he will know by now that its a peaceful rejection. "Its not a date date kind of date, just two classmate, friends hanging out on a Friday evening" he said and I smiled. I guess that's good "OK. A date it is" I said, then remembered I have a date also with Eric, I looked around and everybody is engaged with something. Even Kevin left to be with his friends, I then stood up to go have an early date since the teachers are on a meeting. I stopped as I stood up to leave, for my suppose date is walking inside the class, everybody watched as he went to sit behind me. Immediately he sat down a teacher entered, I sat down too and the art students left. My back felt warm as the teaching goes on, like am standing in front of a warm sun. I relaxed and decided to bask in it. Chapter 11 I was overjoy when I heard the bell for break, it means I get to spend time with him, he never leaves the class during break I hope he remembers the date. I walked towards the door, on reaching I turned at him he already have his eyes on me, that made me gay, I smiled and so did he. He just gave me the answer am looking for, I went to our spot to wait for him, our spot, sounds nice. I didn't wait long he came almost immediately, I smiled as I saw him coming, his gentle walk always amaze me, how can such monster have a gentle walk. "Looks like somebody miss me" I said giggling like a fool, he scoffed "Barely, I was just taught never to keep a lady waiting" he said and sat beside me, close enough that our shoulders were touching, now I hate the cloth that serves as a barrier. I need to figure out my feelings "So what did he say" he said handing a juice and a minced pie, I guess I was too focus on him I didn't see the bag he carried. I took it and thanked him, he also brought out his. "He asked me out on a date, like a friend hangout" I said munching down my pie "And you say you two aren't an item" he said mocking "No we aren't" I defended he just smile "So when is the date" he asked, how foolish I never asked Kevin. "Friday" I said "Alright, I wish you fun" he said as he took his last bite, he chew so elegantly. I feel there is more to Eric than meets the eyes. "I love the meaning of your name" I said, I actually searched about it yesterday. "Really" he said turning to me "So what does it mean" he asked "Eternal ruler or everlasting ruler" I said and he nods "Good" he looked down "was given to me by my Mom" he said with a sad smile. "Then she choose the best" I said, I don't know why he suddenly became sad but I never want that. "Yea, and also beautiful, for long I never knew I could ever see someone more beautiful than her" he said and crane his neck to the right. "Wow, its not every day a guy admits someone is more beautiful than his mom" I said, already feeling jealous of whoever he's talking about. "Yea it was unbelievable, but the person am talking about can easily take the role of Miss world with no contest or competition. Shes like the upgrade version of my mom" he said smiling. "Wow, then she most really be beautiful" I said sadly, why do I hurt, I found it hard to swallow, I kept drinking the juice. "You alright" he asked feeling concern, I just gave him a nod. "I guess I will find something to wear for my date and also call Amina to make me up, I have zero idea about make up" I said, why did I make it sound like am taking the date serious. "That's not the only thing you have zero skills on" he said chuckling, I shoved him and he laughed, it was melody to my whole being. "No need putting on make up, no need going extra miles or putting on work" He cares over my cheeks and goosebumbs assaulted me, "you're God perfect design for your simplicity is the sweetest" he said locking eyes with me, what's the pool off emotion I keep floating on whenever am with him, why can't I look away, am drawn to him like magnets. I was jolts out of my trance when I heard the bell, I lost my cool and started scrapping about, I have never been like this, from the day this guy came out from the bus I knew he was different. I stood up quickly and left before I embarrass myself even more. "Barbie" he called and I stopped "am glad am the one that had the first date" he said and my lips curled up into a warm smile "Me too" I muttered before leaving. Chapter 12 & 13 I keep hanging out with Eric and we getting close, he laughs more with me, Amina keep asking where I spend my break, I gave him the excuse of reading since we will take our waec next term. Its not entirely a lie I also Read with Eric. "So you guys will have your date today" he asked, if not for him occasionally reminding me, I would've forgotten it. "Yea" I said and am annoyed by it, he smiled "Have fun" he said, I wanted to tear out his lips, he's not even jealous, why would he be, am nothing to him, at most am just a friend. I looked at him, his reading his chemistry, if am just a friend to him, then what is he to me, I still don't know After school dismissed he left, Richie was sad cause they have to spend this weekend at the camp, not only him but all the delinquent. "Mom am heading out" I said, she just turned from the TV to look at me "Where" she asked, "Meeting up with a friend to study" she took a closer look at me, am wearing a pink top and black trouser with my purse, no make up, someone said I should keep it simple. "Where is your book then" she asked. "Will take from my friend" I said, she gave me a nod, normally she will question more, but she's having a visitor over, the house wives made it a habit to visit each other. Mainly to gossip and talk about cooking recipe or cloth. "Come back on time" she said and I waved and left. Kevin already tested me the location, he wanted to come pick me but I refused, my mother wouldn't allow that. I didn't take my car, the driver is out for the weekend, so I took a taxi, I got there by 4 pm, I stood outside admiring Tue dance restaurant, being rich is awesome. I walked in and gave the boy that opened the door for me, I heard Kevin calling me over, I smiled and went over to him. "Wasn't hard to find right" he said and gave him a nod, should I tell him hear looks expensive. "Fancy restaurant" I said and he smiled "The best for you dear" he said and motioned me to pick the menu, as I go through the menu I discovered that I don't even know the food on this list, are they even African. "I will go for fried rice" I said, he nods and puts down his menu, he hits a button at the center of thetable not long after, the waiter appeared and took our order. "So how have school been to you" he asked, only one face came to mind at the mention of school. "Good" I said, "You seem dull" he said, oh its noticeable, I willed myself to be here, am dull cause I rather be somewhere else with a particular someone. "Maybe cause am still weak from school" I said half the truth. "Sorry, should've chosen another day" he said looking guilty. "Never mind" I said, our food arrived and I was thankful, at least no more talking. He tried to bring up small tal as we eat and always give him straight and simple answer. Talk about boredom, I now know how awkward it is to go on date with someone you feel nothing for. "Hope you enjoyed the food" he asked and I nod, since I came I don't think I have said up to 10 word. "Barbara, I asked you so we could talk about my proposal, lately I have no idea where you spend your time" he said, I looked down, he still have hopes. "I admired you, truthfully I did, you are cute, but it was nothing more than a teenage crush, you know the types girls have on celebrity" I said, I compared him with celebrity, just to make him feel better "So it means you were never in love with me" he asked, I never meant to give him that idea. "Nop, am sorry you misunderstood" I said sadly. "Misunderstood?" He said quietly. "You took me for a ride bitch!" He said raising his voice, my head snapped up looking around I saw people looking our way. "I know you sad, but please calm down" I pleaded, I hate attention, especially one of embarrassment. "You used me" he said, when? I asked myself, "you're dating another guy right, its who you spend your time with" he said his eyes already turning red, Kevin now looks like a stranger. "Wait till I find out who, I will make him and I will show you how wrong your choice was" he said and stormed out, I wish I could just disappear, should I be afraid, am just a friend to Eric, if Kevin finds out I spend time with Eric will he hurt Eric. Slowly tears flow down my cheek, am such a wuss, as if that wasn't enough the waiter brought the bill and its a whole lots of zeros, I gasped as I saw it, so he didn't pay, I searched my purse but couldn't find my ATM, the money am with is not even up to half, besides its my transport fare. What am I going to do, now the waiter will embarrass me the more, I laid my head on the table and hope the customers will stop their pitiful stare. After a while, I heard a tap on my table, I raised up my head and saw him, sitting in front of me, not my imagination, his real, I touched his warm hands and he smiled. "What" I said barely above a whisper, he then leaned forward. "Every Barbie deserves a fairytale, am here to give you one" he said smiling, I smiled back. Just like that all my affliction was wiped away, the monster became my hero. . . Chapter 13 We left the restaurant, he paid, everybody now turned their attention to the boy on the mask, he took me by the hand and led me away. People kept looking at him, its as if he took my embarrassment and made it his. "So how can I pay you back" I asked once we are outside, I don't know if he's rich like others, so I just have to pay him back. "Don't worry, you don't have to" he said. "I have to, I won't be at peace if I don't" I said as more tears float I wiped it with the back of my hand. He came closer, "if you must, then how about paying with a hug" he said and wrapped his arms over me, he is warm, I hugged back, I sniffed him, he smells like vanilla, I hugged tighter, he sooth my back. I cried more, its true what they say, a hug is the best gift for it wraps you all. "Let it all out" he said, I cry not because Kevin disgraced me. I cry not because everyone have their eyes on us and as someone that hate attention, that is difficult to bear, I actually don't mind today. I cry because, I love being her in his arms so much the feeling was overwhelming that tears flowed. When my sobbing died down he pulled apart, and wiped my tears, "With a hug Barbie you paid your debt" he said smiling, I smiled back, it was contagious. "Does that also include the cake debt" I asked with a puppy look "Don't push your luck Barbie" he said squashing my hopes. I looked at the time, it almost 5pm "I have to go" I said. "Not yet you don't" he said and took me by the hand, "I promised you fairytale" he said and I smiled. After like 10 minutes we arrived at a basket ball court, nobody is here, I looked around, he brought the ball over, its heavier than a football. "Normally, Barbie's have other things to do than play basket ball, but since am not prince charming but a monster, and you're not exactly a normal Barbie, I suppose we play" he said, I have not really played basket ball, am not good in any sport. "Am not good at it" I said with a frown. 'What then are you good at Barbie, don't be a chicken and burn out some fat" he said, that's it, I threw the ball, like players do, I aimed for the goal, surprisely in entered. How hard could it be I said to myself, I went and took of my sanders, I don't want it to tear, and kept my purse. He gazed at my feet, I felt embarrassed, is it ugly, did I do something wrong. "You know, must girls will complain, saying the ground is hard or hot, but not you Barbie, and for that you just earned a point" what point, I pondered I just smile He went aside and removed his hoodie, I thought he would stop at that but he removed his shirt, I clearly saw the muscle line on his back, he is well built. He turned to me, so this is what he's been hiding under that hoodie, my throat went dry my face heats up, and am glad he always wear hoodie to school for I won't stand it if girls looks at him like am doing now. "Close your lips barbie, flies my enter" he said smiling, I shook my head getting a hold of myself. "Here,be Tue first" he said giving me the ball. "Game on" I said, we started playing, its hard, way harder than I thought, I keep messing up even when he gives me a free shot. The game is now 20-0 obviously he's 20, am already panting and he have hardly break a sweat. "OK, last time, throw the shot and if you get then you win" he said giving me the ball, I smiled, I took it and position. I closed my eyes, remembered his Lucas scot (one tree hill) always make the shot, I opened my eyes and threw, I watched as the fall soar up, at its peak it came down like a king fisher heading to take its prey. While the kingfishers prey is fish, mine is the net, the ball came down and hits the ground magnificently but missing its target, I slumped down and I heard him laugh, his rich throaty laugh. He came to me and ben down, you lost, he said, I looked at him, though it was exhausting playing with him, but the fun was unparalled, the 30 minutes with him is a million time better than a day with Kevin.I gazed at him, he's directly in front of me, all it requires is just a little push and our lips will lock, I looked down at his lips and my heart beat increased, I felt myself propelled forward. Chapter 14 "Its getting late, time to leave before they noticed I snuck out" he said bringing me out of my trance, I swallowed before speaking for my throat felt dry. "Yea, my mom will soon call" I said and stood up, I went and wore my sandals slowly, he dressed up before I finished bucklin my sandals "Let's be going" he said and I followed. "Why did you snuck out" I asked, he shrugged. "I had a date" he said and I gasped "not that type of date Barbie" he said, should I really be bothered, I stopped as I watched him walked ahead. I thought Bella was stupid for falling for a beast, even though the beast was prince charming, I hated Fiona for falling for shrek even turning to an Ogre just to be with shrek. But right now am starting to see the reason for their action, Love is beyond human reasoning its really blind. For here I stand falling for the boy in the mask, even when he is considered a monster by others. "Are not coming" he said turning at me, its already getting dark, but the light from the stores illuminates his face, even with the mask, I could see his beautiful soul. No matter how much I deny it or act oblivious, the truth is, I have fallen for this monster, I fell the day he came out of that bus. "Let's stop a cap" I said, my house is far, I don't want to walk home with him when all I want is to grab him down and kiss him. "Alright" he said and stopped the taxi coming our way, he opened the door for me as I entered, I raise my head to say my goodbyes but he entered too. "What kind of man would I be if I don't get you home" he said and I smiled, I gave the driver my address and he drove off, he kept looking at Eric through the rear mirror, its normal when a mask man enters your car. "I love the fact you're simple, its really sweet" he said, "I took your advice" I said, remembering how I wished for him to see me when I left the house to see how simple I was. Guess my wishes came true. "Want to play a game" he said, I nodded "we have to be very fast, its game of questions" he said "we count then ask questions, we answer fastly, and ask fastly" he explained, I understands what he meant so we started "1 2 3, what's your father's name" he asked fastly "Franklin" I answered "1 2 3, ever dated before" I asked, "No, 1 2 3, what will you do with a million dollars" he asked "Be a philanthropist" I answered, the speed in which we question and answer makes it impossible to think, so we asked and answered by instinct. It was fun we kept at it as the car drives. "Ever fallen in love" I asked "No" he answered "Say the first name that comes to your mind" he asked "Eric" I answer, my eyes widened at the name I just called, we both stopped asking question and we arrived in front of my house the same moment. He paid the driver, I quickly came down, he followed and drew me back. "Why the rush" he asked, I just keep embarrassing myself in front of him, I couldn't look at him so I kept my face down. "Wasn't the fairytale what you expected" he asked, I looked at him and once again am drawn by his eyes. "Everything and more" I answered and he smiled, he answered he have never falling in love, so to him am nothing more than a classmate. With that I walked towards our gate and he watch me leave, tears flowed immediately as I turned, my feet getting heavier at each step. I look at my watch its 7:00 pm, I willed myself to keep walking, my heart was heavy. I need a saviour "Barbie" he called, with a voice so different from before, with him calling I melted away, and every defence I had came crumbling down, my determination was resolved, I got stuck half way to the gate, I couldn't move forward. The only thing I did was turn at him, "Barbie" he called again like a warrior that is exhausted. I bolted towards him as all human reasoning left me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toe then locked lips with him.
15 Jan 2019 | 13:04
EPISODE 15-20 Chapter 15 I locked lips with him and everything stopped, I heard nothing else just the sound of my heart, I felt nothing else just my lips on his, at 7:00 Friday day night, I had my first kiss, with my monster. I broke off the kiss, not waiting for a second I ran to the gate and went inside, he didn't call back, I must have made a fool out of myself. I went to bed immediately, not that am tired, I just need to be alone, I touched my lips as I lay down, he taste like vanilla, I still feel his lips cause mine kept throbbing. "How will I face him on Monday" I said, how frustrating, I screamed into my pillow, I feel like exploding, I remember clearly when he said he never fallen in love. "Am hopeless" I said, I smiled as I remembered the basket ball, I went on a date with Kevin but actually had fun with Eric. When I told him Kevin called it wasn't because I need help, I just want to keep talking to him. He really gave me a fairytale. I remembered his well chiseled abs and my face heats up, am so having not so innocent thought, I giggled and rolled around on my bed. "Seem from Monday I will avoid you, at least let me bask in this memory" I said and touched my lips, am so not brushing till Monday. When I woke up on Monday, I felt lazy to go school, am so embarrassed to see him, at the same time I want to see him so much like a pressed person needs restroom. "Are you not going to school" my mom said to me as she saw me reluctantly walked out from my room. "Feeling a bit under the weather" I lied, am just in a delimma, "If its that bad you can sit home and I will get the doctor over" she said and that just helped me make up my mind. "Its not that bad, I can survive" I said and went back to prepare, I hate doctors, anything related to hospital. "OK go dress up, I will fix breakfast" she said, over the weekend I kept creating scenario where I meet Eric. And all the scenario I made ends up with me embarrassing myself the more After my breakfast I left for school, I already made up my mind to avoid going to our spot, I will avoid him as much as I can, and I will make sure not to have eye contact with him. I took a deep breath and went inside school, I made sure not to look sideways, I don't want to accidentally see him, looking at me now, am like a terminator walking to kill her target. "Cool it girl with your robotic walk" Amina said coming beside me, so it was that noticeable. "Sorry, was lost in thought" I said, she just shrugged. "They're here" she said, I regretted looking cause that moment I saw Eric coming down from the bus, our eyes met and I gasped. I turn and ran, literally I ran. Everybody kept looking my way, how embarrassing, I held myself from breathing for I fear I might cry if I breath, I rushed to the girls room. I finally breath, what to do, I won't mind spending the rest of my day here, why didn't I hold myself, why did I kiss me. Its not my fault, he called me with that romantic voice, what did he expect. I left the rest room cause I heard some noise outside, it was the same with the day in the canteen. I slowly came outside, the crowd have gathered, I shoved at them to see what's happening. I first saw Kevin on the ground with bloody face, and Eric was towering over him. "What" I screamed and Eric's snapped his neck towards me, "He attacked him for no reason" Kelly said, am confused, what would've happened. "Since Friday, when Eric came back he have been a foul mood" Richie said, does he hate the fact I kissed him that much, what have I done. "Eric" I muttered, I felt my feet moved forward, I should apologize for making him so angry. Before I could take a step closer the soldiers took down Eric, they cuffed him and dragged him away. Now out of my own selfishness I became the architecture to his punishment yet again. "Where are they taking him to" I asked "Camp" Richie said sadly and walked away with Amina, I watch as they took him away, slowly the student dispersed, I stood rooted to the ground with broken heart. I never knew I would have my first heart break two days after my first kiss. Slowly the field was empty and am alone weeping, I feel so guilty, I should've think twice before laying one on him. I went to class and all that was taught that day was a waste cause I heard nothing, worse I really became sick. Chapter 16 "Never have you ever cried because of illness" my mom said baffled, dad is away on a business trip, I kept crying when I got home, my body so hot. She is right I've never cried because of an illness, but today I cried cause its emotional illness. "Don't worry the doctor is on the way" she said and left me in my room, I need to see him that's the only way I can be cured. The doctor came and administered some drugs, my mom wanted drip, but he said not yet, that if by tomorrow that am not getting better thenhe will give me the drip. I slept off since I was so tired, I woke up later at night, I brought out my phone to surf the internet but my data have exhausted, I don't know to recharge through the bank I just dropped it and put on the TV. To my greatest surprise, they were showing barbie, fairytopia, I smiled as I watched it. I slept off again after the movie. When I woke up it already 9am. I rushed to the kitchen. "Mom why didn't you wake me for school" I said "I decided to leave you, besides you needed the sleep" she said cutting the carrots. "What of school" I said, I need to go, what if he is in school. "I already called them" she said "But mom" "No but, go freshen up, breakfast will soon be done" she said and shooed me away. I went to my room very angry, now I wish am a rebellious daughter. After breakfast I went to my room with pretence of feeling sleepy, I just don't feel chatty, I got better today but hate the fact I didn't go to school. I sent a text to Amina to call me once she get back, so I kept looking at my phone, my entire day was the spent watching barbie. After what felt like eternity I got a call, from Amina "Hello girl" she said as I picked up "Hi" I said "Didn't see you in school today" "Yea, sick day" I said "Well unfortunately for you, cause you missed a whole lot" she said and I sat upright "What happened" I asked with fear that Eric caused another trouble. "The reason why Eric hit Kevin was because he heard that you were just a bet to him" she said and I was confused "Bet to him as in who" I asked "Bet to Kevin, he had a bet with Kelly to date you when you came newly" she said, I heard some noise, like she is bringing out something from a bag. "So to him I was just a bet" I asked weakly. "Yea, it was a junior student that heard it, according to the boy, he saw Kevin and Kelly talking about it in the boys rest room" "And" am very anxious "Basically, Eric heard it while the boy was telling his friends about it, he confronted Kevin about it" she took a breath "I don't know much about it, since it might be rumour, Kevin said its a lie, that Eric attacked him with no provocation" "Then how come you know of this" I asked, I always know nothing goes past her. "It Richie, he said Eric told him, and we then asked the boy, basically Eric was able to describe the boy, the boy said its true that he heard them discussing about a girl named Barbara and the bet" she said "So Eric, wasn't in school" I asked, non of the thing she said matter but Eric. "No, still on his punishment" she said and I felt weak, "Funny, Richie kept asking of you, even Amanda asked of you, I think you're in trouble" she said "You think so" I said, I guess he must have told them about the kiss. "Well get well and come to school, you're now miss popular" she said chuckling, I scoffed and we said our goodbye. If he's mad at me why then did he hit Kevin, or is it for another reason or is the boy wrong, all this am prepared to find out, am definitely not missing school tomorrow. All eyes was on me immediately I came down from the car, seem am miss popular truthfully, well non of it matters am just here to see my monster. I should stop referring him as mine. I just walked straight to where Amina is and we both head to class, thank God this school don't have morning assemble like my former school, they only gather for announcement. Chapter 17. I watched as the bus arrived and everybody came down except Eric. So my coming was a waste, we all went to class, some of the teachers asked about my health, I was really surprise this school is sure different. "I don't know what you heard about me" Eric said sitting behind me, that's Eric seat, no one have any right to seat there. I stood up and turn to him, I want to eat him up. "Get up from there" I said I don't care if I was a bet to him, am angry he cause trouble for Eric and here he is on his seat. "What" he asked not believing the intonation I used. "I said get up from that seat" I shouted, I heard gasped from the student, Kevin looked at me in awe, he left the sit back to his own, I stood there gazing at the seat as tears flows, I started sobbing, I miss him, his smile, his dark eyes warm hands I miss him all. I ran of the class to the restroom, I shouldn't have come today. I was rinsing my face when Amanda entered, we both stare at each other. "Please how can I see Eric" I asked in rapsy voice, she looked at me with pity, I never knew she could be this soft. "You are in luck" we get visitors twice in a week, Wednesdays and Fridays, except it's the Friday we go home. "Wednesday" I said, thats today' "Yea today, so why not go home you don't look fine, then you can visit around 4 pm, I will take you to him" she said. I couldn't believe my ear, is this really Amanda being nice. I went forward and hugged her. "Thank you" I said, I felt her shrug but didn't hug me back, it felt awkward for me "You know I won't hug you back, so you can now unwrap your hand" she said, I freed her with a sheepish smile, I think I understands Amanda's personality, even with all her strong behavior, she's really warm and soft inside "So go home, the school will pardon you since you don't seem fine" she said, if I go home mom will take the illness serious I won't even make it to the camp, so I rather endure it. "Don't worry, I will manage" am already feeling better with the thought of see him, I left the rest room "Do you love him" she asked when am nearly at the door, I turned to him. "With all my heart" I answered, she smiled, and motioned me to go, I left feeling happy. Yet again all that was thought today never entered cause I was busy starring at my watch, I spent our break in our spot, to feel closer to him. I was so happy when I heard the bell for dismissal. I rushed to Amanda to let her know am coming so she will tell Eric. "So you're now in close relationship with Amanda" Amina asked and just nodded "nice" one thing about Amina is she is just a beautiful happy girl. "Did you hear what happened" she asked "What" nothing goes past her, "Mr Stephenson had a heart attack" she said, I felt bad but I don't know who he is "so they're saying his grandson will soon be back, to take over, some say he will leave it for his step son" she said, I have no idea what she's talking about. "Oh" I said, am waiting for my driver to come, earlier I get home earlier I can come out, I wonder why he's not yet here. "Have you see Junior's picture before" she asked, I shook my head, "Gaberiella" she called and she came "Show us juniors pics" she said, Gabriella brought out her phone, I thought its prohibited, I guess some people are just rebellious. She scrolled through her pictures and clicked on the pics. She passed it to Amina who passed it to me, I wondered why she's showing me, I took the phone and gazed at the pics. By far he is the most handsome guy I have ever seen. He was leaning on a pillar wearing a blue shirt and a white polo, he seems to be from heaven cause there is no way a mere human can be this handsome. I stared at his eyes and it looked familiar, it gave me that warmth am so use to, its the same eyes with the boy at Stephenson's mansion, its also the same with Eric. I froze as the epiphany hits me, I looked at his lips its the same, I used my finger to cover his face and its the same. "Its Eric" I muttered. Chapter 18 "Its Eric" I muttered "What did you say" Amina asked not hearing what I said, I looked at her, should I tell her or just keep quiet. "Nothing" I said, IRS not position to say, and I need to be sure "Give me the phone, my driver is here" Gabriella said and left, Amina left too after her goodbyes and that's when my driver arrived, he apologized, which I didn't need, he is old enough to be my father. I got home and took out my phone, I browsed up the pics, I typed in Mr Stephenson's grandson and his picture appeared, there are a lot of rumours about him but I ignored them and stare only at the picture, I have a lot to uncover. I took my bath and prepared. "You are all fine today" my mom asked surprised at my recovery, she have no idea how healthy I am now. "Yea, seems the medicine was magic" I said already heading outside. "Mom, I have to visit a friend, mind if I go" I asked, she looked at me briefly "Come back on time" she said. I hardly go out so when I do she never stops me, she always say I should get back on time. "Thanks mom" I said, I came out and gave my driver the address of where the camp is, Amanda gave me Tue address, all the while, my heart kept beating am so afraid of what will happen. After a while we arrived, a lot of cars are already packed, I saw Richie with his parents, I waved at him, he waved back but I could see the confusion on his face, I searched around with my eyes and saw Amanda. I rushed over to her, she is with her parents, they seem like a fine couple "Mom, dad this is Barbara, my friend" she said, still not smiling "Wow, you finally have a female friend" her father said smiling, I greeted them both "Do take care of our daughter, don't mind her mean nature, she actually soft on the inside" her mother said, I giggled "I figured it out" I said looking at Amanda, who scoffed "Come let me go show you the way" she said and we excused ourselves, "It warm my heart you see me as a friend" I said really happy "Don't push your luck" she said and stopped after we reached at the back of the house, here seem quiet, just a place my monster will like "Just keep going straight, you will see him" she said point at the road, I nodded and walked down not even wasting a second. What felt like a minute I saw a figure leaning on a tree, I smiled. "Eric" I called and I saw him tensed up, he turned and saw me, he is wearing the same mask he wore the day he came into our school. "You came" he said, he used the same voice the day I kissed him, that exhausted voice, I dashed towards him and hugged him. The motion made him drop the book his read and hugged me back "You silly monster, why did you have to fight and get punished" I muttered to him. "I couldn't stand the fact my Barbie, was a game to someone else" he said and jerked out of the embrace. "Your Barbie" I asked, he scratched being his head. Is he shy I wish I can see his face. "I know who you are" I said and he crane his head "Excuse me" he asked "What's your fathers name" I asked, he took a breath "Eric" he answered "That makes you Eric junior" I asked and he nodded, I remember people referring to the guy in the picture as junior. "You're Eric Stephenson" I said and he scoffed. "The day on the cap, when we were doing question and answer, I thought you will ask me my full name, but never did" he said, I wonder if he is mad about it. "It was fast so it skipped my mind" I said, now that I know can't he remove the mask I so want to see his face. "Its funny, even my friends I grew up with didn't recognise me but you did, how?" He asked "I saw your birthday picture, and I recognized you from your eyes" I said, he looked down, we are still standing. "What about my eyes" he asked, I came closer to have a clearer view. "Nothing draw me more than your eyes, so I can always recognize it" I said, and he chuckled, "Now that I know you, can I see your face" I asked and he froze. Chapter 19 He slowly removed his mask, and by God the photo did him no justice, he is more handsome, looking at him up close "My beautiful monster" the word left my lips as I caresses over his face, he leaned to my touch, his perfect smooth face, his pink lips well carved nose, all my life I've been a sucker for cute guys but the person standing before me can easily be herald as handsomeness reincarnation. The unexpected happened, he leaned forward and place his lips on mine, suddenly a wave of emotion swept me off my feet and I had to grap on to him in other not to fall. He nibbled on my lips and I moaned he used the opportunity to deepened the kiss. I know there is no school that teaches, how to kiss, but Eric is a perfect kisser, like he learnt it from the best school. I held on, as the kiss made goosebumps assault me, I felt my lower stomach explode with fireworks, I squeezed him tighter, he left my lips and kissed my neck just below my ear, the feeling was just heaven. I melted to his every touch, he stopped and looked at me. Am surprised, I thought kissing him made him mad. "I thought you were mad I kissed you" I asked still feeling dizzy "Where did you get that from" he asked with confusion "Richie said you were angry when you came home that Friday" I said looking down, he made me sat down and him beside me "Barbie, I was angry true, but it wasn't because you kissed me, you kissing me was the consolation in my dark days" he said and my lips curled up "So what made you angry" I asked and his face darkened. "The reason why I hid my face is because my life is in danger" he said and I have no idea what to think "My father was assassinated, we left the country for security reasons, they still tracked us down, in other to save me my mom paid with her life" he said and hits his chest showing it hurts "I was barely eleven Barbie" he said looking at me, the hurt I saw in his eyes made me cry. "My grandfather have to smuggle me back to the country, nobody knew about it, not even grandma, only my grandfather and the army general his old friend" he said "That means you have been here for six years" I asked bewildered "Yes, I told Richie its just 2 years, I have been here alone away from the public just for my own safety, and non of my friends could recognize me cause I left as a kid so everything about me changed" he looked at me "but you did, my very own Barbie" he said smiling, I smiled too "The day you had your date with Kevin" he said and I flinched "The day you gave me a fairytale" I corrected for that's how I choose to remember that day, he chuckled "Right, I got a call that grandfather had a heart attack, so I snuck out to go see him, but the general stopped me on the way, saying it's not safe for me yet, since they haven't figured who is trying to kill me" he said and exhaled "I was going back home when I saw Kevin leaving the restaurant, I then remembered its your date today, I peeked in and saw you weeping, I wanted to go beat Kevin up, but rescuing you was more important" he said and smile looking at me. "So you enjoyed every moment with me" I asked "Yes, so much that I never wanted it to end" he said "But wasn't enough to make you forget your grandfathers situation" I said, I want to make him forget all pain "After you kissed and ran" he said in a mocking tone, I shoved him "I left, the cap I took had the radio on, they were talking about the heart attack, people were calling saying how wicked I was, for I haven't even called or visited, my grand mother told them it seem I don't care, I don't blame her, she have no idea whats happening" he said, I see that's enough to surface his wound. "They don't get, for six years I have trained to become stronger, the general report my activities to grandfather I don't know why he think am still weak" he said with frustration. I understand his grandfather wants to protect him, I will do the same, but at times the best thing to do is let him spread his wings, he need to be free and face his demons. "Then show him you're strong" I said, I have no idea how to do that. "You're right, his awake, I will go visit him now" he said I gasped I never meant this early. "Will you be by my side Barbie" he asked, how can I refuse this offer, I nodded, he stretch out his hand and I took it, he dragged me up with him. "Time to show the world" he said and stepped out without his mask, I hate attention but for him I don't mind, immediately he stepped out everybody snapped their head towards us, I looked at him and he have no fear in his eyes. My monster is out of his cage. Chapter 20 I don't have to look at peoples face to see how surprise they are, soon reporters will hear about this, I wonder what he's planing. "Barbie, now am out to the world, how do you suppose I go visit my grandfather" he whispered to me, I smiled I felt so important for he relied on me, "We can take my car" I said, and I saw his eyes lit up "this way" I said leading the way still holding him, am not planning on leaving this sweet sensation. We entered my car and drove off, he told the driver the address. "Before we get there, the reporters might be there, you can go after dropping me" he said, but I can feel his reluctance. "Shhh, am in it till the end" I said and he smiled "Would I be considered hormonal teenager boy if I kiss you" he asked whispering, I giggled, I kissed him instead, I planned to make it a quick one so my driver won't see it, but he held me and deepened the kiss, and I being a wuss couldn't resist the vanilla taste. "Naughty Monster" I said, hiding my face in the chest, I can't face my driver anymore. He chuckled "Don't worry Barbie, I got you" he said and wrapped his arm around me. After a while we arrived, truthfully the reporter have flooded the hospital gate. "You ready" I asked, he nodded, then opened the door, on seeing him they all rushed to us, he shield me from them, it seem impossible to leave here. "When did you return" "Have been here all along" "Who is the girl you're with" They kept with their questions, damn reporters, "Make space" I heard a muscular voice, I looked up and saw five muscular guys shoving the reporters. "Let's go Barbie" Eric said and led me with him, I could flashes of camera, the time is around 5:30 pm, I wonder what mother will say when she hears of this. We climbed up to the hospital, we got to the private world, he asked the first nurse which room his grandfather was, she was too dazed to answer. Subconsciously I wrapped my hand around his arm, the nurse looked at me and gave him the stink eyes, back off. "He is in the 3 room to your right" she finally said after our eyes battle, I won, she blinked first. "Jealous much" he asked as we walked to the room. "Am not the typical Barbie they know" I said, he smiled, truthfully there is still no label to us but I still think what we have is the perfect special kind. He slowly opened the door, I saw a figure standing looking out the mirror, he is on hospital cloth, I take it his the grandfather. Thought he had attack how come he's standing. "Grandfather" he called "I see you disobeyed me" he said not turning back, his deep voice made me week on the knees, I looked at Eric and he squeezed my hand. "Am ready" Eric said. "Is the girl beside you the reason for that" he said still not turning, Eric moved me behind him in a protective position, I have no problem with that. "What does it matter to you who made me come out" Eric said and I can feel the Alpha male in him, the grandfather scoffed. "Your action boy just put the young girl in trouble" he said, Eric looked at me, he seem like epiphany hits him "Your life is in danger, you're like a time bomb to people around you, and you have just dragged her to your war" he said, I saw Eric eyes turned glassy, he agreed to what this old geezer said. He might be fearful, but nothing is keeping me away from Eric. "We live everyday having no idea which will be our last" I said already crying "everyday with you might be dangerous, I get that, but its more dangerous being without for I will turn suicidal." I took a deep breath to calm myself "let me have this moment with you even if tomorrow might be our last, am in it till the end, remember?" I said and he smiled. "Son, you just found yourself the perfect woman" we heard the grandfather said, we turned to him, he's already looking at us with tears in his eyes. "My boy" he said and Eric rushed to him and fell in his warm embrace, I watch as the man I thought hardened cry on the shoulders of his grandson. "What took you so long" He said and I smiled, this what he have always wanted.
15 Jan 2019 | 13:08
EPISODE 21-25 Chapter 21 "So now you out in the open are you prepared to shoulder everything" Mr Stephenson said to him. "Am ready for all that" he answered looking at me, Mr Stephenson walked towards him and held my hand "I don't know what you did to him, but whatever it is, am eternally grateful" he said, I felt so high, Mr Stephenson, among the top ten richest in the country is grateful towards me "Am honoured sir" I said and he smiled. "Papa, from the monthly company file you send me, I found out there is a loop in the company's account, someone is stealing from the company and he or she knows how to hide his track" He said I looked at Eric, right now he doesn't like the same teenage boy I walked the stairs with, he is the heir of a mobile network company. "Oh, what to do" papa said, but not phased. "Give out the call to have every member surveyed" he said, I feel so inferior, he is in full business mode, papa walked closer to him, and handed a ring over to him. "This is the seal to the company, whoever wears it have the company, its yours" he said and I gasped, that just turned him to a billionaire. "No papa, give it to me when I've found out who is loathing the company, and my parents murderer" he said with a bow "Good one boy" papa said wearing the ring back, the door opened at that moment and an older woman walked in. "Eric" she called, call me superstition, but my spirit gave me bad vibe about this woman. "Granny" Eric said and she moved and hugged him, no need to be afraid she is his grandmother. They exchanged pleasantries, a lot of people came also, and to everyone of them, Eric introduced me and I just have to keep a smiling face, being a public figure is a lot of work. "Thank you for today barbie" Eric said as we drive home, we were in my car, but have four others cars with us, they're Eric security. "That's the least I can do" I said shyly. "You cheeks get pink, you eye lid cast down, you fiddle with your fingers, how do you expect me to think straight, when you're being so cute" he said, I raise my head to talk and he laid one on me, knocking my breath off me, when he stopped I held on my head to gather myself. "You were saying" he asked, I have forgotten what it was I wanted to say. "Vanilla" I muttered "What" he asked since he couldn't hear me, I smacked me. "Stop stealing kiss, it makes my heart beats so fast I fear it might explode" I said. I pray the driver didn't see it. "You started it" he said chuckling, he opened the door when we reached our house, he acted supernice and escorted me inside. Its already dark, but I still want to stay with him, I know from now he will be super busy. "You're back" I heard my mom said, I wonder what to tell her, dad is not yet back, Eric moved towards her. "Good evening ma'am, allow me to pay my respect to the woman they gave birth to the most beautiful girl I know" he said and bowed "What a good boy" she said, trust my mother to always be nice to a rich person, I bet she have heard the news. "Can you come in have dinner with us" she offered "I will be honoured, but let's do it another night" he replied, and my mom smiled "Say your goodbyes then" she said and walked back inside. Eric walked back to me and took my hands. "You were all over me the first day you stopped me from trashing Kelly" he said and I smiled. "I apologize in advance, for I won't be coming to school for a while, I have to take care of things before this year runs out" he said, I get what he's driving he at, we will sit our waec next year so I guess he wants no distraction then. Only thing am thinking of is how to help him out, and it struck me "Don't worry about your friends I will explain everything to them and make them see reasons" I said and his face lit up. It gave me great joy I made him smile. "You will do that" he asked and I nodded, one don't need a prophet to know that his friends will be sad and feel betrayed, but I will make them see reasons. "I guess its time to let you go inside" he said looking at my house door, I can feel he also don't want to let go of me and its thrilling. "Am not 17 and still have a long way to go, but am sure of one thing, that is my love for you, I love you Eric" I said and he gazed at me, was it too soon, does he not feel the same, I keep messing up. Chapter 22 I looked at him, I don't know I was expecting him to say but I know whatever he say will make a difference and it got my heart pounding. "Barbie barbie, its too early in the day to think of dinner" he said. We are already at night what is he talking about, its just his way of saying he don't feel the same way. "I will be going inside" I said feeling broken "I will hold my end of Tue bargain and went inside, I listen for him to call but he didn't. I went inside with mixed feelings, I don't know if I should be happy he's out or I should be sad I didn't get I love you too. I went to school, in the morning all eyes on me, I have only one motive to convince his friends the reason why he did what he did. I ignored the stare and waited for the delinquent to arrive cause I know they are the one that need explanation. "And just like that, you became the most popular girl" Amina said coming beside me, I smiled "How are you" I asked trying to ignore the popular girl talk. "Am fine, just kept telling my parents I had no idea about Eric" she said with a sigh "how stupid we are, we never reason the fact his name is Eric and he never said his surname" she said bewildered and the delinquents arrived. "Help me and convince the delinquents the reason why Eric did what he did" I pleaded Amina "Truthfully, I don't know why he did it" she said. I forget she also need convincing, I sighed, I guess she is the first, she will then help me to convince the delinquents during break. So I started telling her the whole story "So you mean his life might still be in danger since they haven't catch the culprit" she asked and I nodded "Wow, he have guts, cause I will still be hiding if am him" she said, I have told her everything, just not the personal part and the fact am the one that prompt him. At least now she will help me convince the delinquents. "So help me convince the delinquents" I said and she nodded, we departed when she got to her class, I went inside mine and Amanda eyes was on me, well I will convince them during break time. "So that's what he had to shoulder alone" Richie said feeling pity for Eric after am done telling them everything, its break time but non have the appetite to eat. "One question, how come you recognised him, when even me couldn't" Collins asked, he was Eric bestfriend before he left "Love recognises the heart, thats how she recognized him" Amanda said, thank God she did cause I have nothing to say. "What do you mean by that" Richie asked "You know for a guy with high IQ you're dumb" Amina said to the oblivious Richie, and the started they're chitchat. We just smiled and started our normal chatting, am happy its all been resolved, I can't wait to tell him all about it. "You knew its Eric Junior all along so you left me for him" I heard Kevin saying, he looks mad, I feel pity for him. "Does it matter anything to you" Amanda said barring her fangs, she never hasitate to bare her teeth "Leave since you are not welcome" Collins said standing up, I looked and saw Kelly and his crew advancing, I remembered how it ended d the first time, since the monster is not here it might get more severe, I then decided to end it. "Leave Kevin, I never knew he was Junior, and I was never with you" I said, he gave me a death glare and walked away. Collins and the rest only stand down when they saw Kevin and Kelly gang have settle down. "I appreciate you guys standing up for me" I said gratefully. "You're Eric's woman, that makes you the Luna of this crew since Eric is considered the Alpha" Richie said and we all laughed, I feel so honoured. I didn't see Eric the whole day, except seeing him in the TV, he kept answering questions on where he's been, he told them everything but never mentioned me. Even when they asked her about the girl he was with, he said 'she just my classmate' it kept ringing in my head, every other thing he said to me suddenly became a sweet word with no volume. I have been played.
15 Jan 2019 | 13:19
Wow! I guess so before
16 Jan 2019 | 06:27
Wow dear poster kudos. Barbie should understand that Eric was only trying to protect her by referring to her as a classmate. Pls update like this always cos it's interesting
16 Jan 2019 | 09:22
16 Jan 2019 | 12:10
wow,,,, I love dis updates,,, kudos,,,, and more strength,,,,
17 Jan 2019 | 16:59
Mehn writer thumbs up you did very well posting all this episode at once
18 Jan 2019 | 04:42
Hmm Eric jnr that went into hiding is now out in the open because of love
18 Jan 2019 | 04:44
Barbie the lucky girl..... I just hope your life does not get endangered because of him
18 Jan 2019 | 04:46
You saying she left you for Eric because of his fame makes no sense because she never knew he was rich or popular and she did not love you
18 Jan 2019 | 04:49
continue this story please ??
6 Feb 2019 | 19:12
this is so sweet ,pls help us post the next episode, we have been waiting
4 Mar 2019 | 01:36
so sweet
4 Mar 2019 | 01:37
@komolafejoseph, what has happened to this story?
11 Apr 2019 | 06:49
Chapter 26 & 27 Chapter 26 (The monsters POV) Its been long she went to the rest room, should I be worried that she left or she is staying longer in the rest room cause she is shy, I smiled at the thought of that. I remembered when she stopped me from fighting, nothing have ever stopped when when am fighting, it takes 3 soldiers to stop me, but just by a mere look she did and from that moment I was wiped. I kept stealing glances at her and hate it whenever she speak with Kevin, he never deserve her, in truth I also don't cause she is clearly heavenly, am just of earth. I look at my watch, she is clearly wasting a lot of time, I remembered her professing, I so I want to tell her how much I love her, but its too early, my life is dangerous, she might withdrew what she said once she see the danger in my life. I looked up and saw my grandmother working up to papa, mom said I should be careful about her, that was actually her last word, so am always careful with her. I brought out my phone to reread my chat with Barbie, love makes you do such things. I saw a new message from her. Its audio message, I giggled like a fool and left the party for I don't want the noise to interfere with the audio, as I was heading out I saw Collins with Amanda "Nice party bro" Collins said, he's not with his mask neither is Amanda, they truly like to break the law. "Thanks" I said, am not much of a talker, I don't know how my Barbie convinced them to bear with me. "Have you seen Barbara" Amanda asked she was the first to know I have feelings for Barbie "She went to the rest room" I said not wanting to stay and chat, I have an audio to listen I excused myself, I head straight to the kitchen where I had cake with her. I brought my phone to listen to the audio. As I play it the smile on my face disappeared, the content of the audio had me frozen, my grandmother was the cause of all this I can easily recognise her voice. I fear for Barbie's safety I failed her number, it rang "Hello Barbie" I said immediately she picked up "Hello lover boy" someone said with a rapsy voice, so all my effort to hide her and keep her safe, I failed "Where is she" I asked, with hard heart "Oh, cool your horses she's with me, well not for long" he said, my heart already beating frantically, I remembered my grandfather's warning. "What do you want" I asked "Simple, your life for hers" he said "Gladly" I replied and he hung up, what I though he will then send me the address. I have to figure out what to do, showing the tape to papa now might make grandmother order her killing, I have to think fast. I went straight to the security and asked if anyone have left the mansion, in a suspicious way or so, they said negative. That means the fool is still in the mansion, but where, the mansion is so big that guest get lost always, so its difficult to find him, and being aided by grandmother he can hide well. Having prepared for this, I have installed CCTV, nobody knew about it, its not much I just hope the ones I did caught the culprit. Time to go look for the computer genuis, he helped me in the installation, I will confront grandmother once I have find my Barbie.I head out to look for Richie, I saw him with Amina, he told me of their game, and I was so proud I could also recognize my Barbie even with my mask, well its easy for her whole being calls out to me, she is the calm to my raging storm. "I will surely keep you safe Barbie" I said as I went in search of Richie. . . Chapter 27 The hoodlum had me tied to a seat, he have removed his mask, he is sure ugly, looking his mid 30, he answered my phone, its from Eric, I wonder if he have seen the tape. "Seems your boyfriend loves you" he said, I kept quiet I don't have to answer "Soon Anayo will come and we will steal you away" he said "Not possible, it will be awkward walking with you people will notice" I said, he scoffed "We won't leave through the front door, Missy. Beside you will drugged" he said and I gasped, "try to scream and I will really shoot, we are away from the party, and I muffle the sound with these pillows. We are in a room, a big one I thinking its the grandmothers room, am refusing to cry, this beast won't have the pleasure, he came closer and touched my cheek. " you're beautiful, before this ends I will have a taste of you" he said with a death smile and goosebumps washed over me, not in a love kind of way but in creepy kind of way. He want and sat down, he kept looking at his watch, after a while, we heard a knock at the door, he rose up "Well seem Anayo is here with the crew" he said and walked to the door, I suddenly felt pressed, is this it, I heard I will be exchanged for Eric, I will gladly die for him but this people never keeps their word, I have a feeling they will kill us both, even if Eric wants to exchange. But who on earth will literally walk into his death. I heard the sound of a punch and the hoodlum was thrown back, I looked up and saw Eric, he is standing the tallest, I melted at his mere look, beside him is Collins. "Take barbie away" he said and Collins came to untie me, Collins came to untie me, but the hoodlum pulled his gun "Stop or I will shoot her" he said wiping the blood off his face. "Make a move boy and I will blast your head to Jupiter" I looked and saw Eric with a gun too, I gasped I never picture him to have a gun. "How about we settle this the old fashion way, fist for fist" Eric said and the hoodlum laughed. "Don't be over your head pretty boy, am a gangstar I have been in numerous fight" he said Eric smirked "So I will be an easy win" he said, the hoodlum looked pussled for a while but finally dropped his gun, Eric dropped his and Collins untied me. I watched as Eric stood in a fighting position, am not scared for I know my monster will triumph. Am more scared of the crew coming. "Let's run" I whispered to Collins. "Glady, but this guy will shoot at us, he kept his gun close to him, so he shoot at us while we run, Eric might get shot cause he is closest" he whispered back I looked and saw the gun truly is close to the hoodlum how smart. "Eric have a gun too" I said, Collins looked at me and smiled "That's the you we play with as a kid" he said and I froze, so it was just and act, Eric really is fearless. "Another people are coming, so its dangerous to be here" I said, he smiled "Don't worry, Eric is always a head of people" he said and focused of the fight. Looking at them Eric seems like his teaching the guy how to fight, "Come on is that all you got" Eric said taunting the guy "all this big talk of being in numerous fight, you can't even if throw a punch" he said as he punched the guy right on the chest, making the guy crouch in pain he delivered another on his ear. Clear my monster is strong, I admired him the more, who can keep me safer than him "I trained all my life for this" he said as he delivered more blows, the hoodlum fall and he got on top him, dragged him up by the collar. "Tell me, did you murder my parents" he asked, the hoodlum was just whincing in pain he didn't, answer "Tell me did you kill them" he shouted punching him the more, I felt his pain I moved to stop him, I came in front of him. "Its a enough, you clearly won" I said, tears left my eyes, being kidnapped didn't make me cry, being at the risk of dying didn't. But seeing how broken Eric was made me cry. He brought his bloody hand and caresses over my face, he smiled like am the cure to all his affliction, I smiled back, he then stood up, Collins already took the guy gun. "I don't think he's the one that killed my parents" Eric said "Yea you're right, I am" we heard someone said and we snapped our neck to the door, standing at the entrance is five guys, hefty if I might add, instinctly I his behind Eric "Anayo" Eric said with cold voice.
19 Apr 2019 | 17:45
Chapter 28 & 29 Looking up close, I recognized him, he was there the day at the hospital, I felt Eric viberate, he is really angry "Why" Eric asked raising his voice, "Cause I want the company" he said with a smirk "Its not your birthright" Eric said "True, but still want it" he said Eric tried to lung at him but the four guys behind him pulled out a gun. "So you planned all these with your mother" Eric said "Yes, how did you know that" he asked a bit confused. I felt a happiness surge inside me, even in this dire moment am so happy I was of help to Eric. "What does it matter to you" Eric said, squeezing my hand. "Truthfully it doesn't, cause you all will die here, this wasn't our initial plan to kill you here, we want to steal the girl away, send you the address and kill you when you get there" he said and sigh, "But you have just delivered yourself" he said with a wicked smile. Eric turned to me. "Say it again" he said "What" I asked with confusion "This is what my life might always be, am in a position where I have to stand tall even as people want to bring me down, my life might constantly be in the danger. Even know all this will you still repeat what you told me that night at your house" he said and I immediately know what he meant. I caresses over his cheek, look deep into his eyes, "I told you, am in it till the end, I love you Eric" I said and he smiled "I love you more" he said, though this moment might be our last, but its a happy moment for having Eric say these words is euphoria. I smiled as butterflies erupts. "Enough of the love act, kill them all" He said.Eric hugged me as I pressed myself into him to bask in his warmth "Move and we shoot" I heard a stern voice said, my eyes flicked open and I saw the soldier man that normally bring them to school. He's here with 6 other soldiers, I visibly relaxed, Eric is truly ahead, the culprit surrendered. "Officers, am also a victim here" Anayo said with puppy looks, he's trying to deny everything, how bad. "Yes you are" Richie came out from behind the bed with a camera, when did he, am confused. "When did he" I asked, "The moment, I pushed this hoodlum back" Eric said pointing at the guy on the ground clearly passed out " Richie, crept in and took the position, you were clearly admiring me you fail to see him" he said with a wink and I shoved him. "Our main plan was to get the hoodlum confessed, I never knew I will get Anayo to" he said with bitterness. "The importance of being petite" Richie said showing his in love with his nature. "Come Barbie, your parents will be looking for you" he said, I took the phone where the hoodlum kept it. The girls were standing outside, Amanda and Amina, "Come let's go" they said to me as the boys stood with the Army, I looked at Eric and he smile "I love you" he mouth to me "I love you more" I mouthed back as the girls literally dragged me away. . . Chapter 29 The girl took me straight to my parents, they are not in the party hall, they're with Eric grandfather. We passed the party hall before getting here, am surprise the party was still on and people don't even know anything happened "Mom, dad" I said, they turned and hugged me, mom have tears in her eyes "Thank God you're fine" mom said sobbing, I hugged her back. "I told you to trust my grandson" papa said with pride. I get Eric told them everything and his plan. "So where is grandmother" I asked boldly, he shook his head in pain "She's away for now" he said. My dad tabs my back and ask to speak to me alone, I then shift to the corner with him. "Am glad you're safe" he said "Thanks" "But are you sure you can keep up with this family and their crisis, for even though the culprit was found this time around, they will always have people after them" he said, Eric said the same thing, and am not backing down. "Dad, we always have enemies, God is the one that fight for us, so do not be afraid" I said, beside Eric haven't proposed or anything, we went back to the people. "This is a party so let's get back to the party" grandfather said and we all laughed "What of the culprit" I asked "Taken care of" I heard my Eric said, coming beside me "tomorrow we will go visit them in the station" he said, hearing his voice made me moan. "Did my voice made you moan" he whispered to me, I gasped and looked around, I hope nobody noticed "Don't worry, you're secrets save with me" he said "excuse us" he said to everyone and took me to the party hall. "Here's your mask" he said handing the mask over to me, I wore it and he wore his. "Have this dance with me Barbie" he said, the music was slow and steady, people were just waltzing around "Sure monster" I said and he growled, making me giggle "We will make everything public tomorrow" he said as we waltz around "Won't it attract publicity" I asked "My live is all about publicity, and I have to, so others will learn not to mess with me" he said, I nodded "I know you don't like attention, so I won't involve you, the audio and video is enough evidence" he said and I smile, this moment nobody exist except Eric. I hear the music slowly play, and I dance around also listening to his heart beat. "Barbie" he whispered and I moan snuggling inside him the more. He kissed my forehead "Will you marry me" he said and I gasped, not in a million world did I expect he will propose. He pulled apart "I know my life is a mess and will always be under the public eyes, which you hate most, not to mention the dangers ahead" he said looking so desperate "I know we are young and still have a lot of years ahead of us to meet new people, I know all this but am here asking you to marry me" he said breathing heavily "Eric" I said "I know you will be conflicted, that you have hope of meeting new guys, and saying yes now will only cripple you, so how about you give me the answer, perhaps 9-10 years from now, when you have explore the whole world and met new people, I will still be here to hear your answer for you're the only one for me, be it now or a thousands years from now" he said, I fell deeper as I saw the sincere look on his face. My next answer will be the turning point of my life.
19 Apr 2019 | 17:48
Chapter 30 last episode "Yes" I said as tears flowed "be it now, tomorrow or a thousand years from now, my answer will be yes, because there is no one for me but you" I said and he breathing got louder. "Yes!" He screamed getting peoples attention, did he just forget how I hate attention. "Yes" he screamed again, I drew him down "Scream again and my answer will change" I said and he made a motion to zip his lips, I smiled at how cute he is. He took me straight to see my parents, I never imagine what they will think of this. "Like I promised, we won't be getting married or letting it known to the public till she finishes her education" Eric said to dad and I gasped, he already told my parents "What" I said "He asked for your hand before going to rescue you, so I told him as long as you say yes, we also accept but that before any marriage rite will be done you must be through with education" dad said, I look to see the smile on mom face. "So we are now in-law" said grandfather and we all laugh "so quickly finish your education, cause I would like to see my great grandchildren" he said and I blushed, I pictured what must transpire for me to reproduce. "Wipe that naughty thought off your head" Eric whispered to me and I shoved him, he giggled. And kissed me, just like always he knocked the breath off me, now I couldn't even look at my parents, I kicked his leg and left angrily. "My Barbie is a fiesty one' I heard him said before running after me, am so going to make him pay for this 8 years later. The wedding day. I met a boy 8 years ago, he changed my life, he became the best of me, and here I stand saying vows with him, we've had our obstacles, even from jealous friends that tried to break us apart, but out love prevailed in the end. His wicked grandmother and Anayo got what they deserved, The witch got a heart attack and died when the judge passed life sentence to Anayo. They we're willing to pardon her since she is old and didn't commit any of the killing herself, but God didn't pardon her. "Yes I do" Eric said, looking into my eyes and just like always his eyes still drew me in. I don't think my heart will ever stop leaping with joy anytime I see him. "Yes I do" I also replied the priest, I smiled as I look at the beautiful monster in front of me. "I now pronounced you MAN and WIFE, you may now kiss the bride" said the priest, breath prepare to be knocked away, for every time he kisses me my heart skip and my breath hitch, he drew me close and smile. "Barbie, you gave me a fairytale, in this world of horror" he said, and I place my finger on his lips to keep him quiet. "Just kiss me already" I said, and he giggled "How fiesty" he said, I tried to talk but he shut me up by sealing my lips with a kiss, it works every time, I heard the scream and howling of people. We broke apart after the kiss. I looked at my parents to see the happy face, grandfather is also happy, I wonder their happiness when I tell them about my pregnancy. I looked at the guy before me and smile, since I met him my life have been a fairytale, "Thank you for the fairytale" I said and he smiled "I told you Barbie, every Barbie deserves a fairytale, especially you" he said and kissed me again. This is how my monster became my prince charming The end.
19 Apr 2019 | 17:49
extremely interesting. Thanks
21 Apr 2019 | 03:12
This is Absolutely Entertaining.
21 Apr 2019 | 04:24
wow!! nice ending, welcome from ur long break
21 Apr 2019 | 20:28
this is so Wonderful,,,,, but u made me go back to previous post to remember Wats happening here ooooo bcos u posted last in January,,,,,
22 Apr 2019 | 03:29
Nice ending
22 Apr 2019 | 03:40
So lovely happy ending
20 Jan 2020 | 06:33


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