my mother my demigod

my mother my demigod

By ademolar in 3 Apr 2016 | 04:50
ademolar ademolar

ademolar ademolar

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My mother my demigod
A story written by ademolar

Episode 1

My mother
When thou art feeble, old and grey,my healthy arm shall be thy stay and I will soothe thy pains away

Mothers are worthy of appreciation,please take care of them. and if anyone in the whole world is worthy of my appreciation, it's definitely my mum, Mrs bunmi davis. 

 my name is adeyemi Davis , 5 years ago,my mother was wrongly accused of a murder offence leading to her death,
I have a special condition called hyperthymesia which allows me to remember every day and everything that happened before me in perfect detail 
Whlist my mother on the other hand developed an alzheimer's disease making her to forget her memories 
With my ability I will make the evil ones pay for their crimes..

It all started when I lost my darling father including my elder brother to an automobile accident at the age of five ,
Then things began to change periodically as my only uncle is not as rich as the kinda person that will render us the help we needed, as time goes on my mum alone was left to handle the job two people should..

My education never stop as my mum will always try her best to make sure I pay my school fee and she always make sure I never beg for food even at her self risk 

I was in my SSS 3 when something bad happened, I had a tap on my lap as I struggled to open my eyes
Me : oh mum it's you
Mum : oya stand up you are getting late for school 
Me : oh! I jumped up and went to take my bath
After 15min I finish tidying up myself and my room as I went out for school and my mum on the other hand went for her cleaning job

After a long and stressful day at school, I headed home and my mum was not yet back so I decide to sit and complete my assignment was 8 pm in the midnight and my mum is not yet back, I was worried cus she don't stay out for long, then I received a call from my mum..
Me :mum where are you?
Mum : yemi! I don't know where I am, I just find myself in a big dark bush behind an hotel 

Now I remember what the doctor told me...
Doctor : when your mum gets to some certain stage, she will start loosing her memory
Me : memory as how
Doctor : your mother's alzheimer disease will start showing some symptoms like making her forget her way home, making her forget things that had happened in between some hours.
Me : so what's the solution doctor 
Doctor : it has no solution, but it can be controlled for some time
Me : like how long did my mum have before she will loose her whole sense 6month
That was when I realised that it's 6month already

***Back to the phone conversation ***
Me : mum just stay there please don't move, I will be there soon
Mum : ok please come fast this place is terrifying..

I hang off the call and rush out to my mum's working place looking all around for her by asking some set of people ,then I received another call from my mum
Mum : yemi! Please come faster, I just saw a lying body of a young girl beside me
Me : oh! Please just stay there I will be there ma...

Then finally I discovered my mum at the back of an hotel standing right next to a dead corpse  of a girl who I surely know to be my class mate..
Me : mum what happened 
Mum : yemi! I don't know, I just met myself here

(throwback to what really happened) 

At the hotel where the corpse was found, there was a party held by a very rich son of a wealthy man who owns the largest company in our state, chief arowolo son, jerry arowolo, jerry is his father's boy as his dad will always give him what he wants  be it good nor bad..
That very night the girl who's corpse was found went to the party as a runx girl who jerry arowolo forcefully raped and stabbed her 3 times with an knife, but luck was against my mum to have taken her to that certain spot..

Me : ok mum don't worry let's call the police and inform them about what happened..
I called the police not knowing that calling the police will bring nothing but evil to my family 
The police came to access the body and they took the corpse away 
I think the storm is over as we got home just to discover that the police inspector general is interested in the case,
But the evil commissioner of police never take time to investigate the case only for him to order for my mum arrest

Both the news and newspapers front page is made up of my mum's picture tagging her as a murderer..

To be continued  ‎
3 Apr 2016 | 04:50
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 2 I was really down in words, but am really sure my mum can't kill ordinary rat not to talk of human being, but the set of people who should say the truth were all bribed by chief arowolo just to keep mute. It was really hard on me as I was all alone on my own,no one believed in my mum,I was attacked several times by angry students who believe my mum killed the girl, the school management had to advise me to stop coming to school till everything is settled. I can hardly walk on the street as people were mocking me as a son of murderer, no one wants to help me out, I went to my poor uncle but there is nothing he could do as chief arowolo was successful in capturing all the top officials incharge of the case,even our landlord lord decide sent me out of his house, no one wants to make friend with me. 3 days time the trial date was announced, due to the fact that I can't get a good lawyer, the government helped me with a lawyer who don't even have the confident of facing the crowd, it was really bad on me.. I went to visit my mum in the prison yard,i find it hard to look at her eyes as she was crying so bad Me : mum!  I said while tears is dropping from my eyes continously  Mum : yemi, how are you doing, how is life treating you out there? Me : mum! It's really hard, everyone is rejecting me,no one wants to help me out,but the government has given us a lawyer to stand for you,he will visit you tomorrow  Mum : yemi!did I kill that girl? Cus everyone here is telling me that I killed someone and she is an innocent girl that's why am here She said #crying Me : mum! No you didn't kill anyone  Mum : ok, yemi am so sorry to have made you pass through dose pain.. Me : mum it's okay, I will do all my best to get you out of here Mum : thank you my son.. 3 minutes later the prison warden came  Warden : madam killer time is over  Me : why will you call her a killer when the court has not declare her the killer  Warden : are you blind? Who else would have killed her if not your mum? Mumu I left with anger The next day I and the lawyer went to visit my mum Layer : madam, tell me the truth now, why did you kill the girl Me : excuse me Mr lawyer, when you who is her lawyer didn't believe my mum,who else will? Lawyer : the truth is that,if your mum should confess to me now, I will help her to beg the judge to reduce her punishment  Me : Mr lawyer, my mum did not kill her! I said with anger Lawyer : ok I believe you Knowing inside of me that he didn't  Lawyer : madam tell me how everything happens  Mum :sorry sir, I can't remember anything  Lawyer : oh! I see, ok do you know tomorrow is the trial day?..pls just pray for forgiveness before the judge gives his final verdict  On hearing this I was really upset,but I have nothing to do order than to wait for the trial day That very night I have no where to go order than to sleep in an uncompleted building, all that I could feel is pain, like a deadly hurricane I know my life will never be the same, but where do you go when you are by yourself? Who come's along when you cry for help? I know I can't change the past but as time goes on, I will help my mother out of that bondage and make the real murderer suffer for her crime.. The next day was the trial day as the worst I never expected happened!  As the trial started, the prosecutor was firing my mum with a lot of questions she can't answer due to her health issue But our very lawyer, was just looking like a moron who don't know what to say.. When the judge finally called our lawyer to speak, to my greatest surprise, he was stammering like a cronic stammerer as everyone was just laughing in the court room To be continued  
3 Apr 2016 | 04:51
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 3 Before he could say a word, the prosecutor jumped in with yet another couple of questions which he was unable to answer. At the end of the trial, the judge adjourned the case to the next week As I was walking out of the court, then a man approached me. Man : hi young man,am barrister jude,i saw everything that happened in the court, if you need a good lawyer who can save your mother, call me He said handing his I'D card to me I looked at him furiously as he went out of my sight I think over it overnight then I finally decide to change the lawyer The next day I went to the lawyer, he agreed to take the case but I must pay him the sum of 100 thousand naira,i begged but he told me there is nothing he can do,so I went our with full confident that I will get the money either by Stealing or anyhow... The next day I was still planning on how to get the money when I overheard someone mentioning the code of his atm card, as you all know that I have the ability to recall everything as far as it happens before me..i followed him till I stole his purse and head straight to the nearest Atm machine spot,  I tried as much as possible to cover my face from the camera ,luckily for me the man have up to 1million naira in his account, I waste no time as I withdraw 150 thousand naira .. I head straight to the lawyer and gave him the money, he was very surprised but he didn't asked me how I get the money.  Two days before the trial, I can feel the change on my own cus the man has some secret recording of jerry arowolo  So we both went to visit my mum but so bad for me,my mum can't recognise me anymore  Mum : sorry Mr please I don't know you  Me : mum! It's me yemi your son and this is the new lawyer who will be handing the case The lawyer ask some couple of questions from my mother and we head straight to the court for the trial.. At the trial I can feel the change as our lawyer is leading, but when the judge ask our lawyer to give his final evidence  Judge : defence lawyer, please submit your final evidence   But my lawyer was standing mute as he replied  Lawyer : there is no evidence sir I shouted from where I was sitting  Me : Mr jude show the judge the video, my mum is not the killer it's jerry arowolo,we have the video  Judge : defence lawyer, what do you have to say to what he is saying?  Lawyer : nothing sir,he is just not feeling fine  Then I know something fishy is going on.. as I stand up to rebuke the lawyer Then the judge order the police to take me out of the court room In 15 minutes time, the judge gave his final verdict  Judge : having been found  guilty of murdering an innocent young school girl without any reason, this court hereby sentence Mrs Davis to death by hanging.. On hearing this I shout at the top of my voice but there is no one to help.. Then I saw them taking my mum away in a black Maria van I was screaming but no one to help me out, Then I saw the lawyer and jerry arowolo exchanging hand shake..  The next day I went straight to the lawyer's place cus I was really disappointed as I gave the lawyer a huge punch on his face. Me : Mr jude,why have you decided to treat me so bad after you have collected all my money ? Mr jude: yemi am sorry but I did that to save my life  Me : look Mr jude, I will be back and I will take the case from where you stop  I said as I walked out of him To be continued ‎
3 Apr 2016 | 04:53
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 4 On my way going, I was so carried away by my anger as I didn't notice am crossing a one way main road  Then I car ran into me,the next thing I will see is meeting myself in the hospital,  I opened my eyes and I saw a young fair lady sitting right beside me on the sick bed Lady : oh! You are awake, how are you doing now? Me : sorry! How did I get here? And who are you?  Lady : ok! Am lara, you ran into my car and you got crushed..thats why you are here.. Me : how is that possible?  Lara : I don't know, maybe you are thinking about something bad that's why you didn't hear me when I horn  3 mins time a nurse comes in Nurse : hello mr,how are you feeling now? Me : am fine  Nurse : ok the doctor will be here very soon Lara : thank you nurse  The nurse gave me an injection and she went out of the ward as the doctor came in Doctor : young man, how are you feeling now? Me : am fine thank you sir Doctor : ok,you will be discharged very soon as miss lara has taken care of your bills  I didn't care to say thank you to her cus she was the one who got me crushed, so saying thank you will be a waste of energy.. Doctor : miss lara,won't you go home?  Lara : I will soon be going after he is discharged  Doctor : ok, he is okay now so,he is free to go home,i will ask the nurse to discharge him as soon as I get to my office  After I was discharged lara asked if she could give me a toe to my place and I accept  Lara : so what's your name? Me : am yemi Lara : nice name‎ ,so where do you stay? Me : I don't have home Lara : be serious  Me : am serious I don't have home, I only stay in an uncompleted building down the road  Lara : that's terrible, so what were you thinking when you ran into my car Me : was thinking about my mum Lara : your mum? What happened to her Me : she was wrongfully accused of killing an innocent girl, but because we are not rich, she was sentence to death last week Lara : jezz! So what are your plans now.. Me : I want to study law and I will request for appeal  Lara : hmmmmm that's huge you know?  Me : yes I do Lara : ok, you know what? Let's go to my place, you will be staying with me for now Me : really?  Lara :yes Me : sorry I can't Lara : why? Me : sorry I can't, pls drop me here... She  gawping at me as I hop down from her range rover gep and wade out of her sight The next day I was really hungry and am planning on what to eat as I walk down the street, then I had a car Horning at me.. Who could that be? I said within me Oh! It's lara Lara : yemi how are you doing  Me : am fine  Lara : where are you heading to Me : no where, just wana chat some area here Lara : ok can I give you a ride  Me : no thanks,  I said and move ahead  She was still following me with her car, as I was getting really upset cus she is inconvenienting me Me : lara why don't you leave me alone?  Lara : yemi I just want to help you and your mother, please let me assist you  Me : thanks for the generosity but sorry I don't need your help  Lara : why? Me : I don't want you parent or your husband to think something silly about me,so it better I stay the way I am Lara : you are funny, my parents stays abroad, and am still single, I stay alone in a duplex so if you join me, it will be cool you know.. Me : it's okay then, but I have to visit my mum tonight Lara : let's go together then Me : lara thanks for believing my mum, you are the first person to believe in us...thank you  Lara : it's nothing jorh, am hungry where can we get something to eat here? Me : there is a restaurant down the street  Lara : ok shall we? Me : sure That evening we went to visit my mum in the prison yard, she was looking sick  Me : mum how are you feeling?  Mum : sorry sir,i can't remember your face, pls who are you?  Me : mum it's me yemi,your son Mum : oh! Yemi sorry I have a bad memory  Me : it's nothing mum, I understand   She turned facing lara,  Mum : yemi! Who is she? Me : mum she is lara  Mum : lara thanks for staying with my son, I know he is very stubborn, please don't mind him, sometimes you can use cane on him   We all laughed as tears roll down from my eyes, av missed her company av missed everything about her, her food, her jokes, the way she beats me when am wrong, the way she hold me when am feeling cold in the night...shai! Mum : yemi my son, please be nice to lara, am sorry to have leave you all alone in this world to suffer  Me : mum it's okay  Mum : lara please take good care of my son Lara : I surely will ma Mum : yemi mi, they said I was sentenced to death, did I really kill the girl?  Me : no mum you didn't , you were wrongfully accused  Lara : Mrs Davis don't worry nothing will happen to you, the case is still under serious investigation , so no one can harm you for now Me : mum, am going to study law and I will make sure I get the you out of here Mum : how will you raise the found for that Me : mum, you know I have a good memory..i will help myself with that. To be continued ‎
3 Apr 2016 | 04:55
My mother my demigod   A story written by ademolar Episode 5 The next day lara went out for work and I was left alone at home as I had nothing to do, then I had a knock on the door  Who could this be? I thought as I opened the door, I saw five huge and tall guys standing behind a young slim guy on suit, they must be his bodyguard, with the indication on their cars plate number I know it's jerry arowolo Jerry : hello young man Me : jerry what do you want from me? Jerry : awww that's somehow harsh you know  Me : what do you want you bloody murderer? On saying this, his guards make a move to crush me,but he halt them by raising his left hand to caution them Jerry : I heard you are planning to re appeal your mother's murder case Me : yes, any problem with that? Jerry : yemi or what's your name, I have an advice for you.. Me : I don't need your advice  Jerry : see why don't you just admit that your mother is the killer and let her suffer for being poor and wretched?  Me :jerry let's wait and see if your money can supercede the law Jerry : hahahahaha! See young brat, there is no law, I am the law and I do what I want of which no one can stop me not even your so call law Me : jerry I don't have much to say, but just watch your back, am coming for you Jerry : hahahaha! You punk, you don't have to blame me,blame yourself for being poor Me : jerry you are nothing but a spoiled fool.. Jerry got angry and tried to hit me, but he look around and calm his self, jerry have a hot temper issue,he can kill anyone at any point when he is angry  Jerry : listen you fool, the case can never be re appealed  Me : okay then. Jerry is a very harsh and wicked dude he never admit his crimes yet he keeps committing different set of crime and he successfully scot free   Jerry left with his guard and I went inside, when lara came I explained everything to her and she was really upset.. Two weeks later I started going out for debate competitions and wining quiz competition, searching for scholarship  Finally in 3 months time I was giving free education scholarship to study the discipline of my choice abroad "you already know what am gonna opt for"   so I went to my mum to inform her about my scholarship award and she was very happy  Mum : yemi don't you think England is way too far from home? It might be somehow boring and you won't have anyone to call on Me : mum I know! But all I need is your prayer, please keep praying that I made it successfully.. Mum : my son am sorry to have made you suffer this much, please be careful Me : ok mum The next day all I was thinking about is my mum, even when I was in the plane, I still can't stop thinking about her ******IT'S 4 YEARS GONE ******* I completed my law program in England and it's time to go home, I became the youngest lawyer at the age of 22 and everyone wants to meet me, the day I arrived lara came to pick me from the airport, I knew she had missed me a lot she gave me some couple of information about my mum case that it's still the same as chief arowolo is trying his possible best to hide the truth from everyone  Some months later I was successful in creating my own law firm and I have my workers, I have won every case that come my way.. I went to visit my mum,and I told her everything  Mum: thank you sir but I don't think I know you  Me : am your lawyer ma Mum : ok Mr lawyer, please do I have a son?  Me : yes! Mum : he must have been passing through a very difficult time all alone, please tell him as sorry not to have been around him as his mother  I started crying as my mum could not recognise me anymore, it's really painful  Me : mum am your son yemi Mum : really! Yemi my son,thank God you are now a lawyer, please help me out of here, I get sick every night and no medication is been offered by the prison doctor  Me : mum don't worry all will be alright  Then I went to visit the prison doctor asking for my mother's medical report  Me : doctor according to this medical report, it shows that my mum always have stomach pain every night, what have you done about this?  Doctor : I normally gave her enough medication and she is alright  Me : doctor according to this report, it shows that she only take drugs once in a while, but now you are telling me that she is fine, see doctor if anything happens to my mum,consider yourself in doom, the patient your released claiming that his health is too seviear, do u know that I have the record of the amount he sent to your account? Just be careful  I left the doctors office with much anger, the next day I went straight to high court and I submitted my request for the re appeal of my mum's case ‎,the info gets to jerry arowolo and his father Mr arowolo  To be continued
3 Apr 2016 | 04:55
3 Apr 2016 | 04:57
Ha see nyc story here na confam guy u be for the heavy update u just drop
3 Apr 2016 | 05:11
This gonna be interesting!
3 Apr 2016 | 07:57
Thanks guyz! Thanks for the inspirational backup...una too much
3 Apr 2016 | 07:59
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 6 Thinking about the memories we share together, I remember my 16 year birthday, my mum took me to the biggest eatery at my place, bought me expensive clothes and a lot of goodies, those are the memories I will never forget  The next day, the high court reject my reappeal request, due to the fact that there is not enough  proof regarding the case,so I have to flashback to those witness who claimed they saw my mum when she stabbed the girl 3 times    I have to look for The weakest of them all,miss badmus, If she could confess the truth either by writing or through video message, then the court will grant my reappeal request  3 days later I met Mrs badmus at a shopping mall ,luckily for me her daughter is there with her.. Me : hello Mrs badmus  Mrs badmus : sorry who are you?  Me : am yemi Davis the son of Mrs bunmi Davis, 4 years ago, you gave a false witness claiming you saw my mum when she stabbed the girl 3 times,that statement has really destroy my family, please confess the truth  Mrs badmus : young man I don't know what you are talking about She walked out on me, and I went to meet her daughter Me : hello miss, please when you mother is ready to say the truth, please contact me, I gave her my number and walked out on her The next week, Jerry invited me to his office and asked me to join his company lawyers but I refused, telling him I already have my own law firm Jerry : yemi stop being stubborn, okay I will give you enough time to think about it, see you next time.. Me : there will be no next time, the next time I will be seeing you will probably be in the court.. I went out of his office immediately Two weeks later I received a call from an unknown number, asking me to meet her at Mrs badmus place, I rushed down there, but all I could see is Mrs badmus dead body lying in pool of blood  Before I could call the police, the room was flooded by police, the same commissioner of police lead the arrest, Com : oh! You have killed her abi, officer arrest him I know vividly that if they arrest me,they are going to probe me with what I didn't do, so I jumped down from the 3 story building and ran as fast as I can.. That very night I went to logged in an hotel, I changed my look to avoid the police. The next day my pictures is everywhere, branding me as the state topmost wanted criminal. This is serious, how can I get myself out of this mess? Then I decide to expose Mr arowolo's company secret, I went to a TV station announcing that I will announce arowolo's organisation slush fund list the next day I was about to broadcast the arowolo organisation slush fund on air as everything is set, I heard they are looking around for me but everything is well planned by me as I was in my  hotel room... then some set of guyz broke in!! It's the commissional of police the lawyer who betrayed me and some police men.. Mr jude : yemi! Why are you hurting yourself?  Com : arrest him! They took me away to an uncompleted building, They collect my phone, remove my sim and dispose my phone in a dustbin   Then jerry arowolo came in jerry : hey rat how are you doing?   I was just looking at him like a wingless bird cus I was tied to a chair  Jerry : the last time we met you said you will meet me in the court..oh! Is this the court you are talking about?  He said mockingly... Me : fool,kill me the way you kill the innocent school girl.. He was frustrated and he gave me some punches as I feel down from the chair.. The next thing I had was a splash of water on my head  Jerry : hahahaha! Lazy pig, I thought you are strong...commissional ,barrister you guyz know what to do... Jerry went out of the building, Mr jude untied me and asked me to go.. I stood up and I was walking out of the building when the commissional asked me to stop,pointing his gun at me Com : where do you think you are going ? Nobody dares us and go scot free.. He was about to pull the trigger when Mr jude hold his hand asking him to stop.. Mr jude : are you out of your senses?  Com : what do you mean? Mr jude : why can't you act like a commissional of police for once? What kind of father are you going to be to your children? Com : hey! Shut up, am following Mr arowolo's order and so as you, what are you  going to tell Mr arowolo about this?  Mr jude : yemi! Run!! Run if you want to live.. As I was running out of the building ,then I had a gun shot!! On hearing this I quickly  rushed out of the building ‎..i went straight home then I met lara driving out of her house,   Lara : yemi,where have you been? Me : it's a long story, we have to clear my name just to gain my  freedom back Lara : how? Me : the real killer must be found  Lara : and how do you intend to do that? Me : let make some research  We both went in to search for any file regarding a murder case with the same style of killing, then we found someone, I could recall vividly that I saw someone like that when I was at miss badmus street.. So i went trailing him not knowing that Lara and Mr jude also has been trailing him, but unluckily Lara ran into him and he kidnap lara,as he was trying to use his famous killing technique on lara, Mr jude and I broke in at once then he was caught redhanded. To be continued     
3 Apr 2016 | 08:00
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 7  finally my name is clear, and I have gained my freedom back.. The next day I received a call from Mrs badmus daughter (nike), requesting me to meet her in an eatery.. On getting there she was wearing a yellow gown  sitting all alone  and busy operating her phone.. Me : hi,miss Nike : just call me Nike, I don't have much time to spend here,but I have a gift for mum asked me to give you this before he was murdered  She handover a dvd disc to me containing her mother's confession about the false statement she gave four years ago.. Me : ok thank you alot..  She stood up and gave me a straight look  Nike ; sorry for what my mum did Me : thank you Nike, sorry for your mum Nike : thanks, when ever you need my help, feel free to call me.. Me : ok,can I give you a ride home?  Nike : sure I dropped Nike home and I received a call from lara Lara : yemi, where are you  Me : am on my way home  Lara : ok please get me some stuff o Me : ok no problem, I have an information for you Lara : what's that? Me : I met Nike badmus today and she gave me a dvd disc of her mother's confession  Lara : that's a good news Me : yes am going to the court tomorrow  The next day I went to submit the video to the chief judge and he approved my appeal request,I went to visit my mum and she still ask same question as usual  Mum : sorry young man are you my lawyer?  Me : yes Mum : how many time have we met Me : 10 times since av become your lawyer  Mum : am sorry, I have a bad memory  Me : it's nothing ma, I have a good news for you  Mum : oh! What's that? Me : the high court has approved our appeal request  Mum : thank you Mr lawyer but why don't you just let me die for my sin? Me : mum! What are you talking about?  Mum : a young man came to visit me and he told me I truly killed the girl  Me : no mum,you didn't, that young man is the real murderer.. I said holding her hands, I brought you a delicious food.. My mum's favourite food is black soup, she love it like mad Mum : hmmm! That's nice of you Mr lawyer..thank you a lot ...hmmm this is my favourite food, how do you know my favourite food? I laughed, but I didn't utter a word.. Mum : ok, are you not yemi my son? Me : yes! Am your son Mum : naughty boy..she laughed  It's been long av seen her laughed in such happy mood Come let's eat together, it's been long she said, I quickly join her as she was still trying to feed me as usual  Me : mum! Common am a grown up She gave me a knock  mum : silly boy, you are still a kid Me : me! Am not a kid jorh Mum : ok, I will admit that if only you can answer this riddle  Me : ok!  Mum : what always go up with two legs and come down with four legs Me : no idea ma Mum : you see! You are still a kid Me : ok mum accepted.. Mum: yea that's my boy ***Two week later ***  It's the trial day, I faced the whole jury with much anticipation of bringing justice to stand,but yet am still unable to clear my mum's name Me : my lord, I will like to call a witnesses to stand the daughter of Mrs badmus Judge : proceed I called Nike to stand, and I asked her some couple of questions, of which she answered with immediate effect.. Procecutor : objection my lord! We can't really on that video cus due to frequency investigation, it shows that mrs badmus was under pressure when she was recording that video..maybe she did that under durex Nike : mrs badmus was not under any form of pressure  Judge : how are you sure about this?  Nike : cus I filmed it myself.. I looked at Nike as tears rolled down from my eyes to my cheek.. Me : my lord! That's all for now  Judge : I hereby postpone this case to 27th of July which is next week friday..i rise.. The court was dissolved and everyone went to their different places of abode.. Lara : yemi! Let's go home  Me : ok I walked 3 step ahead of Lara as she was starring at me in a suprised manner.. Lara : yemi where are you going  Me : home! Lara : that's not the way home, what's wrong with you?  Me : oh! Maybe am carried away by my thoughts..lets go I hold her hand and we went along ‎ To be continued
3 Apr 2016 | 08:03
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 8 The next day I went to visit my doctor, to my greatest surprise, am also having an alzheimer.. Me : hi doctor, I don't know what's wrong with me lately, as I do forget some obvious stuff Doc : ok! Let's run a test on your body system.. After some few test..the doctor finally come out with the test result Doc : yemi! You have alzheimer disease and it's really affecting your brain, in no long time,all your memories will wipe off,and you won't be able to remember anything  Me : doctor how long do I have,before all my memory will be totally gone Doc : 6 months.. Me : ok thank you sir I vow not to let lara know about this,cus I don't want to hurt her,then my phone rings..oh it's lara Lara : yemi where are you?  Me : am on my way home  Lara : ok, don't forget we are going out tomorrow o Me : no problem my lady Lara : ok! Bye I went to visit our old house, I cried a lot as the memory I intended to keep for both I and my mum will be gone in six months time, and I promised myself that I must make jerry and his father suffer before all my memory will be gone.. The next day, I received a call from jerry  Jerry : hello yemi Me : what do you want? Jerry : let's talk in my office  Me : for what? Jerry : cus I have some information regarding your dad and your elder brother's death. Me : ok am coming.. I got to Jerry's office in 15min time.. Jerry : you are here Me : please go straight to the point  Jerry : ok! About your father's death, do you know it was barrister jude's father's car that crushed your father's car the day you lost your father?..i hope he had told you that? Me : why are you telling me this? Jerry : cus I think you might need it Me : and why do you think I will believe you?  Jerry : cus I have the accident detail right here in this book He said pointing to a newspaper , I picked it up and is true, so jude's dad murder my father in cold blood...I cried out loud and went out of Jerry's office.. Before I could come back to my senses, I met myself sitting outside my old house gate..then my phone rings  Lara : yemi where are you?  Me : am at home Lara : what home?  Me : my home, am waiting for mum to come back, she's yet to come home  Lara : oh my God! Yemi please stay there am coming.. In 10min time lara rushed in Lara : yemi what are you doing here? Me : am waiting for my mum,she has been out since morning and she is yet to come back.. Lara looked at me with eyes full of tears,she gave me a tight hug and took me home, I slept off and woke up around 5am in the morning ****The trial proceed**   Still battling with the case as I called out another witness, I quarried some set of stuff from him and he responded accordingly.. Judge : Mr yemi! Give your final verdict  Me : my lord! It is a pity that in the country which we have law, the innocent still suffer for what they av not done,while the rich one's breaks the law and scot-free*****  Then I feel and fainted,when I opened my eyes I met myself in the hospital,  Me : lara! Is the trial over? Lara : yemi please  relax a bit  Me : there is no time, I rushed out of the ward and went back to the court Judge : Mr yemi! Am sorry I have to adjourn this case till next week,please go and take care of your health..i rise.. The court got dismissed ,i feel very sad cus I still can't prove my mum's innocent with all my effort, so bad for me..on my way home I met barr jude.. Jude : yemi,what happened to you?  Me : nothing  Jude : are you sure you are okay?  Me : am you think you can gain my trust after all your family have done to mine? Jude : I understand, but I regret my action now and am ready to help you yemi! Me : stop pretending as if you don't know that,it was your dad's car that crushed my dad and my brother to death  He stood silent for a while  Me : what have we done to deserve all this? Tell me.. I said in a thundering voice  Jude : yemi! The truth is that, it was chief arowolo that caused everything, he was the one who sent hired assassin to kill my father, but unfortunately your father's car ran into his car and both of them end up loosing their sorry  Me : chief arowolo! One day I will make you pay for all your crimes I said and left, the next morning I met myself inside the uncompleted building where I used to live before lara found me..‎I felt very sad,cus I knew it's the symptom of  alzheimer.. To be continued
3 Apr 2016 | 08:03
Following seriously
3 Apr 2016 | 08:11
Your mother was forced to give a fake report or you'd go missing! when you grow up turns out you're a lawyer to save your mum but she died in jail?
3 Apr 2016 | 09:53
proceed pls
3 Apr 2016 | 10:03
i dey gbadun dis story
3 Apr 2016 | 10:20
nice story and nice update
3 Apr 2016 | 11:31
3 Apr 2016 | 11:41
This Alzheimer is quite dangerous oooh.... may God help u Yemi. Nice story.
3 Apr 2016 | 12:07
3 Apr 2016 | 12:24
nyc wrk bro kip it up nxt plz
3 Apr 2016 | 13:42
hmmmm nyc update.....i pray for u
3 Apr 2016 | 13:44
wow!!!!..... Thats how to make a story----- but,in as much as i hate suspence,i hate when its going TOO quick
3 Apr 2016 | 13:48
Am late
3 Apr 2016 | 16:07
Thumbs up broe... keep the gud work
3 Apr 2016 | 19:17
Hmmm pathetic
4 Apr 2016 | 03:54
4 Apr 2016 | 05:43
Following ...
4 Apr 2016 | 06:03
Waooo enjoying this oya go on
4 Apr 2016 | 06:51
So sad!!!! Cont plzzz
4 Apr 2016 | 06:53
Intresting so far
4 Apr 2016 | 07:35
the movie is 'remember: war of the son' a very tragic movie
4 Apr 2016 | 08:12
guy cum conti diz story naw abeg
4 Apr 2016 | 15:05
nice story pls cont.
4 Apr 2016 | 15:11
where u dey
4 Apr 2016 | 21:06
Next please
4 Apr 2016 | 22:11
Has it finished????
5 Apr 2016 | 02:02
Observing frm oda side.
5 Apr 2016 | 05:25
Dz una sickness sef. NA God go hlp una. Nyc story though.
5 Apr 2016 | 05:26
make una go find this guy come nah abi wetin sef.:-),, just joking, we are patiently waiting.......
5 Apr 2016 | 06:22
Suspense is to much ooo
5 Apr 2016 | 07:43
My mother my demigod A story written by ademolar Episode 9 On my way home, I met a young guy crying besides the main road.. Me : hey! Young man,why are you crying?  Young dude : nothing  Me : feel free to tell me your problem, I can be of help  Young dude : am gift Me : ok gift what's the problem with you Gift :the government has seized my dad's company Me : why? Gift: cus arowolo organisation charged us for producing bad stuff Me : arowolo again!!..ok  I gave him my id card  If you need a helping hand, look for me..i said and walk away.. On getting home I met lara sitting outside, she was looking worried  Me : lara what's wrong?  Lara : where have you been? Me : hmmm! I went to visit someone  Lara : who yemi? Me : it's nothing...ahh am hungry, wetin you cook nah? Lara : rice  Me : ok, let me shower  I went in and freshened up, after eating I left for my office. Was busy working on my mother case files as I had a knock on my office door.. Me : who is that? I heard a tiny soft voice, it's Cynthia...she sound!!Cynthia is my personal assistant who had been working with me since av become a lawyer.. coming I sounded.. She walked in  Cynthia : sir, you have a visitor  Me : who is that? Cynthia : a young skinny guy and one old man like that.. Me : ok let them in  The two visitors came in,it's gift and one old man, that should be his father  Me : good afternoon sir Gift : Mr yemi,this is my father Mr adelabu He indicate his father by tapping his left lap Me : oh! Good afternoon sir.. Mr adelabu : good afternoon my son Gift : sir, I told my dad about you and he agreed to follow me here.. Me : ok,so what do you want me to do for your father? "Mr adelabu broke in" Mr  adelabu : see my son,this company was established 30 years ago, it was given to me by my grandfather, but now it had been scrapped by the government due to a false accusation by arowolo organisation..pls help us Gift : please Mr yemi,help my father.. Me : ok I will help you guys but you must provide me every information regarding this case.. Mr adelabu : no problem my son.. Me : so what can I offer you guys?  Mr adelabu : don't bother yourself my son..we are leaving already  Me : ok no problem, am also having a trial to handle today  Mr adelabu : go in peace my son, God will see you through    They stood up and left,then I received a call from the prison yard informing me that my mum is very sick and they had took her to the state general hospital, I rushed out of my office and head straight to the state general hospital.. Me : hello nurse ,please am here to visit Mrs bunmi davis Nurse : ok let me check  After some second  Nurse : she is in ward five Me : how do I get there? Nurse : my colleague will take you there, titi please take him to ward 5 Titi stood up and ask me to follow her, she was giving me some kinda strange look wondering what could be the reason behind my anxious move.. Titi : oga hope no problem sha Me : no,am just here to check my mum Titi : ok, wetin do her Getting tired of her mind-numbing questions  Me : nurse can you please walk faster?  Titi : ok oga We got to a room with ward five banner..i did not wait for Titi to tell me it's ward 5 before I rushed in, I saw my mum laying on the bed and I went straight to her.. Me : mum!!! *crying * She opened her eyes and give me a cool smile Mum : my son Me : what happened?  Mum : it's nothing, am getting better now. Me : ok, I will bring you some stuff tomorrow, you don't have to come for the trial, please stay fit.. I said this out of hope,not knowing it would be the last time I will talk to my mum I spent some time with her and I later told her am leaving, she gave me a cheerful look and said to me,my son,be careful out there I miss you a lot, and am sorry to have put you in such a hard condition, I love you yemi Me : I love you mum! I looked at her and kiss her left hand before I walked out of the ward. To be continued
5 Apr 2016 | 18:50
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 10 With the mindset of gaining freedom for my mum, I stepped into the court as the trail began,I sat on my chair looked at my mum seat  with so much pity,telling myself am gona get my mum out of the trash and make the real culprit suffer for his sins.. The judge asked the prosecutor to proceed with his statement ,i received a text from my assistant Cynthia  Cynthia : yemi the worst has happened o,your mum is dead... When I saw this text I shout as if fire should come out of my mouth  Judge : Mr yemi! What's the problem?  Me : my lord! My mum is dead..please permit me to leave the court room Judge : barr yemi, you can go...I adjourned this case till next two week.. I rushed to the hospital, without no time wasting I got to ward 5 and I saw my mum covered with white cloth on the bed  , I got in and hold her arms.. I cried out loud Me : mum! Please wake up,mum please don't die,mum it's me yemi, now wake up mum..please wake up...mum don't leave me like this...I cried a lot that I sat on the floor like a hungry baby whose food is been taken by someone else Mum look at me,please, mum plSsssss.. The next day is my mum's funeral, I felt so bad for her and myself cus all the memories av promised to keep for her will be gone in 4 month time,and my mum as well is also gone, I don't have anything left am just on my own, no parents no family am left alone on this hopeless word full of evil.. Only few people came for the funeral, lara, jude and Cynthia, I was so happy to see them,but I still miss my mum.. After the funeral I was starring at my mums picture all day long, without uttering a word,I could felt my mum's presence around me  Me : mum! I know you can hear me,and I know you are here with me, am sorry to have let you suffer in such a cruel manner, am sorry I let you down, upon all my promises and vow, I still fail you.but I promise you all the evil people behind this cruel act shall face their punishment, none of them shall go unpunish.. ‎ Lara : #cough... hmm hmmm I turned around and she gave me a tight hug... Lara : yemi! Am sorry for your mum, I promise I will help you get dose evil people.. Me : #crying..lara I let my mum die for the crime she did not comitted, I failed her lara...I miss my mum... Lara : yemi! It's not your fault, it's chief arowol and Jerry's fault  Me : lara! I miss my mum.. The next day I went to visit my mum's grave, I brought some flowers along, Me : mum I bought you flowers, I know you like flowers, so I decide to get the best for you ,mum it's so sad you never carry my baby according to your promise, I miss you mum you are the best mum ever..  Jerry arowolo and his guards were standing miles away from where I was.. Jerry : yemi,how far Me : jerry what do you want? Jerry : nice drama! I fink you should have become an actor instead  I stood mute Jerry :well! Sorry for your mum, at least dying is the best way to hide from the truth Me : is that why you visit me? Jerry : sorry less I forget, how is your health..i heard you slump and fell in the court hall,hahahaha.. don't you think you stress your memory so much?...maybe the man up there really want you to have some rest...look at me well and clear, very soon you will forget about me, so you loose I win...hahahaha Me : you see jerry, I think it is you that need to work on your anger problem, don't you think you have killed and suffer enough innocent soul?...listen and listen clear jerry..before I lost my memory, I will make sure you and your father suffer for your don't be happy for now, you might have won the battle but you will surely loose the war... Jerry : you brat! I can kill you and go Scott free, I guess you know that? Me : let's see you do that jerry good day I walked out on him   To be continued
5 Apr 2016 | 18:51
My mother my demigod  A story writing by ademolar Episode 11 My phone rings, it's gift calling,  I picked the call .. Gift : Mr yemi, please come over, my dad is about to commit suicide  Me : where are you guyz? Gift : my dad's company Me : ok am on my way... I dashed out of my office and get into my car as I head straight to their company..on getting there I saw some thugs who had surround the whole building, preventing anyone from entering the vicinity... Me : excuse me can I have my way in? A rude looking dude step forward  Dude : no, this company had been seized by the government, so you can't go in Me : where is your letter of approval?  Dude : Mr man respect yourself now,else I will ask my boys to carry you out of here Me : do you know what you are doing? It's transgression of domicile, without any letter of approval or warrant, you have no power to close this place except if it comes from the court of law, in 5 minutes time the police will be here, so get out of my way now  they all gave me a free spade to pass and they went out of the vicinity... I got in and I saw gift begin his dad not to jump down from the roof top of the building  Me : sir! Please don't jump Mr adelabu : no let me jump, av lost everything, what's the essence of living, the company my grandfather gave me 50 years ago is gone, I have no reason to live cus no one believed in me.. Me : Mr adelabu, what are you saying, think about you son gift,do you want to leave him in this world as a orphan?..2 weeks ago I lost my mum due to the crime she did not committed,even if am a lawyer I still can't save her,i am now alone suffering in this worthless world..pls if anyone dose not believe in you, consider your son.. I fink that worked on him, because he turned and fell immediately, we rushed him into my car and we took him to the nearest hospital... After spending  some several minutes  with them I left them and went home..   Now av lost everything, I have nothing to protect, it's my time to fight back, I discovered that if I should decide to fight the arowolos and his group at ones, am definitely running at lost,so I list them according to their level.. The first on my list is the prison doctor, I search thoroughly his account transaction details and I make sure I copy and save anyone relating with prisoners he had declared unfit and had released with his wrong declaration..  I picked my phone and dialled his number  Me : hello doctor  Doc : who is this? Me : yemi davis Doc : yemi, what do you want this time? Me : I know you have hand in my mother's death,cus according to the medical report, it shows that she had not been taking proper medications, it's all your fault, you killed my mum Doc : Mr man shut up and get off my phone.. Me : ok no problem, in 20 minutes time your place will be flood with police, cus I have already sent all the data of your evill deed to the magistrate court..byeeee  Doc : hello! Hello!  I hanged off the call..‎I sent those information to the magistrate court and they order for his immediate arrest, he was sentenced to 30years imprisonment.. As they were taking him into the blackmaria he saw me and started shouting.. Doc : you! You will pay for this, I promise you Me : doc, for every evil you do, there must surely be a pay back...what you sow is what you reap!!!...have a nice day.. I watched from distance as they took him away...and I said to myself one down four to go, the commissioner of police, jerry, Mr arowolo and their thug leader... The next day was gift father company judgment day, I tried all my best and I won them back their company's right, now my next target is the thug leader oosa by name, I know it's not gonna be easy,but I do know oosa love girls a lot so I set him up with lara ‎ To be continued 
5 Apr 2016 | 18:52
My mother my demigod A story written by ademolar Episode 12 The next day I and lara start with our plan,we decide to visit his second home which is a bear parlour  around at ojota, I know lara is the only girl who can help me get him.. I set a mini camera in-between lara's cleavage... Lara : yemi! Ha!  Me : what nah? Lara : just give me, I will do it myself  Me : ok no problem  She collect the mini camera from me and placed it neatly in his cleavage area... Then we set off for oosa‎ ,I and lara drove down to ojota, luckily for us oosa was there with his gangs dude..lara hooped down from my car and head straight to the bear parlour, I was watching everything in my car from my laptop, lara is indeed a good actress, she killed the show and finally oosa falled for her trap,  Oosa : hi lady Lara : am fine Oosa : why are you sitting all alone  Lara : nothing Oosa : or you are waiting for someone  Lara : no o, am just here to relax  Oosa : ok,can I sit with you?  Lara : feel free  Oosa : ok thank you, my name is oosa, am one of the biggest guys around, so if you don't mind I want to related with you  Lara : how? Oosa : immediately whey I see you, I swear I don fall for you  Lara : thanks.. Oosa : okay what can I offer you?  Lara : I will take origin  Oosa : hahahaha! That one na woman drink sha Oosa called the bar man and order him to bring one bottle of origin and 4 bottle of star.. I was watching the full drama from afar That continues for 2 hours and lara secretly add some dosage of drug into oosa drink,They both walked away from others as they head straight to a room, lara wait for another 30 minutes as the drug had begin to manifest.. Lara started quarrying some top secret stuff from oosa, thanks to the smidgen of drug lara added to oosa's drink,he confess accordingly... we were able to record some confession story from oosa, story enough to lure him to jail... The next day I sent the video to jerry with the harsh tag #nice play by oosa,I wait for a while and then I gave him a call... Me : hello jerry?  Jerry : you idiot! Me : calm down,i never start you don de shout Jerry : I swear I will kill you..i promise you that Me : ok na, hope you like the video I sent to you, first thing tomorrow morning,I will send it to the   magistrate court loose.. I hanged off the call The next morning I sent the video to the magistrate court and they order for immediate arrest of oosa, finally oosa was sentenced to 35 years imprisonment..i was really happy but at the same time I still felt sorry for my poor old mum who died in cold blood .. Now oosa is gone! The commissioner is next,then something happened, I received an information from unknown source informing me that Jerry's guys were had kidnapped the commissioner and they were about to murder him, I was really surprised at the same time am happy because if I could save the commissioner from Jerry's thug, then he will be able to stand against jerry in the court of law, So I rushed into my car with some guyz, as we got there, they were about to kill him as we tried our best to rescue him,we took him away and he agreed to help me in the court.. The next day,my mum trial is still on...I request for an order to call a witness who is the commissioner to stand, the judge node's in Acceptance.. Me : Mr commissioner can you please tell this court your name and what happened 5 years ago?  Com : my name is lukman bode, nothing happened 5 years ago.. Me : commissioner, did you forced my client Mrs bunmi Davis to write a false statement?  Com : no I didn't  I was really surprised, as I looked into his eyes and he was smiling, I knew av falling into Jerry's trap once again.  The court got dismissed, yet am still unable to clear my mum's name.. It's my turn to fight back, trailed commissioner to his hotel room and I gave one of the hotel worker a teddy bear fully installed with video recorder.. she went in and placed it opposite com lukman bode and she came back to gave me the testimony,  I went back into my car to watch the drama on my laptop, it's shows clearly that com bode was discussing something with a well known terrorist called asa(eagle) Asa : bode, how far na,see as you de fresh What's the secret? Com bode : hahaha, i just fall into one stinking rich father and son deal ni, those guyz are spending a lot on me, and av been covering their ass for long  Asa : that's my guy,now you are talking, dose days you go de form one loyal servant  Com bode : I don upgrade now o, government money no fit do am jorh.. I quickly saved the video clip, I wait for a while and I got the teddy bear back To be continued ‎ ‎
5 Apr 2016 | 18:55
My mother my demigod A story written by ademolar Episode 13 The next day was a security submit day, commissioner bode will be delivering some information before the inspector general and some top country police officers, that's my opportunities to attack him with the video,.. The submit starts at 12 am, commissioner bode will be delivering his speech at 1pm, I set off to ikeja where the submit will be take place, I got there around 1:05pm wana rush enter but the security won't just let me in, then I brake out of the with full speed as I got into the hall And commissioner bode was already delivering the arm submit speech Me : afternoon sirs The securities were trying to drag me out, but I struggled to outta another statement  Com bode : take him out of here!! Me : sir I have some tangible information to deliver IG : free him Me : afternoon sirs, my name is barr yemi Davis, I have a short video to show you  IG : is that information relevant to what we are doing here?  Me : yes sir Commissioner body breaks in, sir this young man is distracting everyone's attention, please order for his arrest  IG : NO!   AIG : let him drop the info let's see if we are going to arrest him or not Me : ok! I drop a flash usb drive and the projector collect it from me,he played it and it was fully displayed  on the project screen, a video of commissioner bode and asa discussion  IG : bode what's this am seeing!  AiG : this is terrible  IG : I need thorough investigation on this as soon as possible  They all stood up and went out of the building, I can see anger and evil in commissioner bode's face , I smiled and walked out, the next day I heard body is now a traffic control officer, so I went to his control point.. Me : hello commissioner! Bode : what do you want?  Me : don't you think arowolo organisation will dump you now?the better way to survive much punishment is to say the truth..that suit looks good on you..hahahaha I drove out.. As I was sitting inside my office thinking about what next to do just to clear my mum's name from murderer list, I heard a knock on my door Me : who is that? I thick voice answered from outside, my name is James, let me in I have something to show you , ok come In I ordered.. It was a tall skinny guy who I normally see with jerry arowolo, I fink he is Jerry's P.A Me : sorry what is that you want to show me? He brought out his wallet and showed me a nylon with a knife stained with blood in it.. Me : sorry whats this all about?  James : the night jerry stabbed the innocent school girl, he ordered me to dispose this, but I kept it just to maintain my innocence,  Me : innocence as how? James : jerry is a weird person, who knows? He might claimed am the killer so I have no choice than to keep this Me : so why do you want me to believe you?  James : I don't need you to believe me,am doing this for the sake of your innocent mother who died in a cold blood  Me : why do you choose to help me and opt to betray your boss? James : jerry is my childhood friend,but because of my family background, I applied for job from his father, with Jerry's help I got the job,but since then, jerry has been treating me like his slave, most times he beat me,sometimes he flogged me just to calm his anger, av suffered a lot from him..but when ever I think of your mum, I felt as if I have innocent blood on my hands, that's why am trying to help you.. Me : ok thank you  He gave me the nylon James : but,please promise me you will keep this between you and i, Me : I promised, but you will have to stand as the witness in the court James : sorry I can't.. He said and left, I starred at the knife for a while and I gave it to my P.A for DNA test and it shows clearly that jerry is the killer.. The next day I got an information from an unknown person that the commissioner of police had been kidnapped by jerry and he is planning to murder him, at first I did not believe, but it was James that called, I have to pull my luck, na once person de die jare.. I called some of my street guyz and we head to the destination James gave me,when we got there we saw commissioner bode tied to the pole and we attacked the thugs, finally we saved him once again  To be continued ‎
5 Apr 2016 | 18:56
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 14 I took bode to my place and he vowed to help me anytime, even if it's in the court of law, he will stand as an evidence against jerry, few minutes later the IG ordered for his arrest due to his relationship with asa and he was sentenced to 15 years imprisoned ..though I have some kinda pity for him but I can't help him.. ‎ As I was driving along the street, someone stopping my car,its a fair young girl around the age of 19 or 20 Lady : hello sir, are you barrister yemi? Me : yes hope no problem?  Lady : I have some vital information to give you, I fink it might help you in your quest to get jerry arowolo. Me : ok,hoop me let's dialogue  She entered my car and we start the discussion  Lady : 3 days ago I was drugged by jerry Arowolo and his men, they took me into his office and I was raped Me : jezz! That's weird.  Lady : I was unable to charge him to court cus he is very influential, but I fink I saw something that might help you Me : ok but will you be able to stand and testify against him in the court? Lady : No Me : why? Lady : cus, am scared! What if we loose the case as usual?  Me : don't worry nothing is gonna happen  Lady : ok She asked me to drop her at her place, now I have some evidence to bring jerry to court... Jerry later discover that his personal assistant James had a relationship with me, so jerry kidnapped him and took him to a forest, for almost a week there were no food nor water for James to survive  The next day,someone rushed to my office! Man :Sorry am here to lay a complain, Me : sorry here is not a police station  Man : I understand, but I believe it's only you that can help me Me : ok what's that? Man : James, Jerry's PA is gone missing, and the last time I saw him,he made mention of unveiling some information to you about the school girl murder case, he told me his life was in danger cus jerry will come for him anytime from now and he said he will travel to Ghana in order to save his life from Jerry's hand. Since then av not heard anything from him  Me : did you know maybe he had travel to Ghana?  Man : no he didn't, if he did he would have called me. Me : so who do you suspect Man : I fink it's Jerry's handwork.. Me : sorry who are you?  Man : am emeka, barrister jude's driver  Me : did jude know about this  Man : yes, he is already on his way to look for james Me : ok no problem, you can go now He thank me and went out, am so eager to help james cus I know if I can win his stand in the court, jerry will face his punishment.. Jerry and james conversation in the forest Jerry : james, do you think you can backbite me and go scot-free?‎ James : am sorry please give me water Jerry :   betrayer like you deserve no water  James : jerry please am your friend  Jerry : fuck friend, you think you can stand against me in the court of law? James : no I won't, please let me go As they were conversing, barrister jude and some street guyz caught them and jerry escaped from the vicinity,  The next day Mr jude hand over james to me as a payback for what he did to me four years ago  Jude : yemi, am really sorry for what happened four years ago! James here and others are ready to stand against jerry in the court, come next week Me : Mr jude,can I have a word with you privately?  Jude : sure We both walked out ,standing outside in the cold night  Me : Mr jude, four years ago I entrusted my mother's life to you but you failed me,now am going to give something more tangible , see in 1 month time all my memory will be gone finally, next two weeks after the court had decide on Jerry's case I will quit from being a lawyer, I want you to help me handle my law firm, I want you to help the needies who are being oppressed by the rich people like chief arowolo, please promise me you won't let me down  Jude : yemi, don't worry, I will help you take your law firm to the next level  Me : ok thanks, please take good care of lara  I said and walked into my room, all through the night I was compiling the evidence to arrest jerry and take him to stand.. Jerry discovered that he has no other choice as all his friends are now ready to stand against him in the court,so his next plan is to fake an information claiming he is dead and he will fly out to Ghana .. To be continued   ‎
5 Apr 2016 | 18:58
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 15 The next day I submit all my evidence to the high court, and they ordered for Jerry's arrest, the court sent some police officers to Jerry's place but he was no where to be found, then I received a call on my way that jerry had already ordered for the company's private helicopter to fly down to Ghana, I turned immediately and head straight to arowolo organisation helicopter port, on getting there jerry was already walking down to the helicopter.. Me : hey! Jerry where do you think you are going?  Jerry : this brat is here again  me : do you think you can escape your punishment?  Jerry : oh! OK watch me then He was heading towards the entrance of the helicopter, but the helicopter took off before he get to the entrance jerry was really upset  Jerry : hey!!!! Where do you think you are going? I ordered for the helicopter, come back!! Hey! Fool come back and get me.. He shouted at the top of his voice but the helicopter never returned, within 30 seconds the helicopter port was filled with police, jerry turned back an smiled Jerry : you fool,do you think you can get me like that? Me :jerry! Now let's see who is the winner.. The police officer took him away, and I head straight to the court for my mum final court decision.. I entered the court and I find out everyone was waiting for me... Me : my lord am sorry for coming late, please accept my apologies  Judge : apologies granted... do you have any witness to call before I give my final judgement?  Me : my lord! Allow me to call the commissioner of police who witnessed the statement given by the accused!  Judge : go on! Me : Mr bode please step forward He responded immediately ,after he had swear on oath to say the truth Me : Mr body please can you tell this court what and where you took the accused on the day of arrest  ? Mr bode : we took her to an uncompleted building  Me : to do what? Mr bode : to make her write a false statement at a gun point Prosecutor: objection my lord, Mr bode and barrister yemi are friends, they could possibly try to lure themselves out of this by giving false statement  Judge : objection overruled, go on barrister yemi Me : Mr bode, how did you made her write the statement even at the gunpoint?  Me bode : we threatened her that we will kill her son if she refuse to write what we want her to write   Me : my lord! At any point in time, you will agree with me that anyone would easily do anything to save his or her life mostly when their one and only son life is in danger? That's all my lord Judge : prosecutor, do you have any final statement to give  Prosecutor : no Judge : defendant! Any final statement?  Me : yes my lord... the accused we are talking about was killed in cold blood for the crime she never committed, she suffered four years in prison for what she have no idea of, my lord please clear her name from being a murderer at least let her spirit rest in peace..thank you sir Judge : now I give my judgement! This court hereby discharge and acquitted  Mrs bunmi Davis  as an innocent, even though the deed has been done, we are sorry for the lost. I rise I cried bitterly cus even when the court had discharged and acquitted my mum, she had already loose her life for what she never did. Finally, av been able to clear my mum's name and real culprit has been caught, my job is done.  The next day I went to my mum's graveyard with some bunch of flowers Me : mum,dad,dele I miss you guys, how are you guys doing over there? It's been really hard on me down here.... #crying Thank God the evil ones will face their judgment next week, now your name had been cleared  To be continued ‎
5 Apr 2016 | 19:00
5 Apr 2016 | 19:15
Awwwwnnnnnn *sobs*
5 Apr 2016 | 20:04
Hmmmm... Loving every bit of it
5 Apr 2016 | 20:12
This story get as e be oooo
5 Apr 2016 | 20:28
6 Apr 2016 | 07:50
hmm, u must surely reap wat u sow
6 Apr 2016 | 07:52
I Love this story!
6 Apr 2016 | 07:57
6 Apr 2016 | 07:58
i've fallen for this story. Guy you sabi no be small.
6 Apr 2016 | 08:25
Nice story so far
6 Apr 2016 | 08:44
Let's wait for the judgement
6 Apr 2016 | 08:56
You tried....
6 Apr 2016 | 09:10
6 Apr 2016 | 10:30
Dats gud job done @Yemi...
6 Apr 2016 | 11:13
This story is really interesting
6 Apr 2016 | 11:28
Interesting... U did a brave job @yemi
6 Apr 2016 | 13:20
nyc one bro
6 Apr 2016 | 14:57
Making brains
6 Apr 2016 | 15:00
My mother my demigod  A story written by ademolar Episode 16 I turned around and barrister jude was standing next to his parents grave  Me : hello Mr, its seems we lost our parents the same day right?  Mr jude : yes! Me : have we met before?  Mr jude : no *sobbing  Me : ok,its seems we are camaraderie, bye for now  I walked away, but barrister jude was standing behind me with eyes full of tear knowing that my memory is already wiping  Chief arowolo and his lawyer went to visit jerry in police custody  Chief arowolo :my son how are you doing here Jerry : dad please just get me out of here,its not good for my health  Lawyer : don't worry I and your dad had already get everything under control. Chief arowolo : yes! The judge is my friend, am sure he won't let me down, at least you will be out of here after tomorrow trial  Jerry : thanks dad The next morning is Jerry's trial, I went into the hall watching from the audience zone as the prosecutor request the judge to give her the permission to call a witness against jerry,but Jerry's defendant objected claiming the witness she was trying to invite to the stand had a misunderstanding with jerry, the judge accepted and cancelled the request  Someone out of frustration shout out loud from the audience  Man : Mr judge be sincere with your judgement, why are you aiding that murderer?  The judge ordered for his immediate arrest and he was taking away by the police, at this point the judge is showing sign of being bribed by chief arowolo. Jerry turned and give me a wicked smile based on our agreement  *Flashback to our agreement * That very day I went to visit jerry in the police custody  Me : jerry how are you doing here? Jerry :hey fool,am gonna leave here soon Me : I bet you can't  Jerry : if I leave this place, I will surely kill you like the school girl Me : murderer! Do you think you can kill everyone like your father did? Jerry : you fool, how dare you talk to my father?  Me : mumu! Am saying the obvious truth.  I stood up and went out Jerry : heyyy! I will be back for you, just concider yourself dead  I smiled and keep walking    *Back to the court* Everyone was scared of saying anything, cus the judge had already shown his bitter side by ordering for someone's arrest and rejecting series of evidence by the state prosecutor  After 30 minutes of hot logomachy  ,the judge call for 30 minute closed door meeting with both the defendant and prosecutor, then I seized the opportunity to talk with the judge.. After his meeting with the defendant and prosecutor I went ahead to excuse him for a private conversation  Me : excuse me, justice kennedy  Justice : hello, how may I help you?  Me : can I have some word with you sir? Justice : no am busy Me : I fink unveiling your conversation with Mr arowolo will be okay rather... I said pretending am walking away Justice : ok, let's talk  Me : nice one sir, I have a video to show you  Then I played his conversation with chief arowolo to him on my phone... Me : if you don't want the world to know your secret deal with chief arowolo, you better be truthful with your judgement.. I walked into the court room, then things changed as the chief judge began to accept all the witness request, jerry and his defendant began to wonder what really happened.. Finally the state prosecutor request for her final witness as she announced my name.. Defendant : objection!  Judge : objection overruled, prosecutor proceed with your request... I stood up and walk to the stand, after taking the oath,the prosecutor asked Prosecutor : Mr yemi, please can you tell us the type of crime Mr jerry arowolo had committed?  Me : Mr jerry arowolo is indEed a wicked and cruel person, he deals with bad people, he takes hard drugs, he committed murder, he drug rape and oppress the less privileged with his money, after committing those crimes he never changed, yet he claimed he is the law and he is above the law.. Jerry : hey! Fool, I will kill you, how dare you lie against me, idiot.. He was shouting and trying to attack me, but the police stopped him, then finally the judge gave his final judgement  Judge : after hearing from both lawyers, it's is clear that Mr jerry arowolo is guilty of all sort of crimes most expecially, murdering an innocent school girl, with all this I hereby sentence Mr jerry arowolo to death by hanging..i rise Jerry : hey judge! Are you crazy? How dare you sentenced me to death, you will surely pay for this, and as for you yemi,I will kill you  He was heading towards my seat before the police stopped him and they took him away To be continued   ‎ ‎
6 Apr 2016 | 15:12
My mother my demigod  A story written ademolar Grand finally Episode 17 The next day, I took lara to my mum grave, we share some kinda convenient, though I knew it's gonna be our last contact... Me : lara, am planning to quit from being a lawyer  Lara : why? Me : cus, the main reason why I become a lawyer is to clear my mum's name and put the main criminal to jail, I fink av done my job Lara : yemi I understand how you feel, but who is going to handle your law firm?  Me : don't worry barrister jude will do that Lara : hmmm Me : you see, there is no more time to think nor decide, it's 3 days left for me to loose my whole memory, so av decide and make my final decision, I could remember vividly how we meet and how harsh I treated you...thanks for being there when ever I need someone to call on *smile Lara : *smile * yemi it's nothing... Me : lara av also decide to leave the city  Lara : why? Me : don't worry, even if I loose my whole memory, I will never forget you.. That very night,I picked my diary and I separate the memory I don't wanna forget comprising everything about lara,my parents, how I spent my life, where my parents were buried and who I was , the same thing applicable to the ones I want to forget comprising of jerry, chief arowolo, who killed my parents, how I lived as an orphan and so on, I burned the one's I want to forget and keep the one's I wana cherished That very night I wrote a letter to everyone in my team which includes lara, Cynthia, barrister jude, James and others...                         *LETTER * Dear everyone      I wrote this letter to apologise to everyone in my team for not being able to fulfil and stand With you guyz till the end, most expecially lara,am sorry for leaving you guyz without informing you, I don't just want to involve you all in my predicaments, at least you guyz have tried really enough and you have given me the kind of support my parents would have given me.. Barrister jude, please take good care of everyone, always try to fight and stand for the needy ones,help them from people like jerry arowolo and his colleagues, please handle the law firm with all your heart, it's now under your control I do know after I finished writing this letter, in no time my memory will all be gone, although I might forget how you all look and what you guys looks like, but I will never forget your names , your kindness and your good work... Thanks.                                  Yours faithfully                                                          Yemi Davis After writing the letter I dropped it on my desk and went out to a place no one could find me... The next morning barrister jude and others read the letter,they felt very bad for me,but there is nothing the could do to help me from my misfortune... Mr arowolo went to visit jerry in the prison, and finally he disowned jerry which lead to Jerry's death.. Jerry went about to hang himself and he died,chief arowolo on the other hand was arrested and he also died in the prison *2 years later * I went to visit my parents grave, on my way going, I saw someone starring at me.. Me : sorry!Do you know me? Lara : no  Me : ok, am sorry I have a bad memory  Lara : #crying.. ok I looked at her and I walked away, she went to check the flowers I dropped at my parents grave, she saw a letter I wrote there  #mum, dad please even if my memory is gone, I will never forget about you guys and the girl I always love, lara... When she saw this she was very happy, but before she could notice, yemi had already gone... The END‎
6 Apr 2016 | 15:15
wow nyc story gud 1 bro
6 Apr 2016 | 15:43
Watin sti remain again
6 Apr 2016 | 15:49
Hmmmmmmm! Well, all is well that ends well
6 Apr 2016 | 16:58
nice story, u really tried guy.
6 Apr 2016 | 17:10
Hmmmm short and touching
6 Apr 2016 | 18:25
nice story.expecting more stories from you
6 Apr 2016 | 18:31
Thankx guyz.wish I could start mentioning your names, but how many names I go fit list ..really appreciate your you guyz!una too much
7 Apr 2016 | 04:05
wow...wat a nice story
7 Apr 2016 | 06:59
Dis is one of d best i hve ever read, short nd intresting........... Kip it up.................
7 Apr 2016 | 07:38
hmm #my mother
7 Apr 2016 | 07:58
wow, its interesting
7 Apr 2016 | 08:18
7 Apr 2016 | 08:46
Welldone @ademolar
7 Apr 2016 | 08:51
7 Apr 2016 | 09:23
Is dia any disease lyk dat 4 real?
7 Apr 2016 | 09:25
So captivating,yes there is @Hartuny,i pray we and our loved ones will not fall victim of it,@ademolar a job well done.
7 Apr 2016 | 09:34
So touching ... Thanks bro
7 Apr 2016 | 10:07
Is alright.
7 Apr 2016 | 10:18
7 Apr 2016 | 11:44
More abeg
7 Apr 2016 | 14:20
nyc one bro xceptin more from u
7 Apr 2016 | 14:35
Hmmm nyc story
7 Apr 2016 | 15:04
Nyc and touching story
7 Apr 2016 | 16:27
Touchy.... Nice work broe
7 Apr 2016 | 20:43
Nice story bro Hard works pays
8 Apr 2016 | 05:20
Great Work. Weldone Guy
8 Apr 2016 | 05:24
Nice ending
8 Apr 2016 | 11:26
What an interesting story!
15 Apr 2016 | 00:38
@Ademolar, d story is so touching and interesting. All I regret is dt ur mum wasn't alive when she was declared innocent. Nice story.
17 Apr 2016 | 03:27
That was deep bro. Your imaginative capability is superb. Your story is a true masterpiece. Gud work bro.
26 Apr 2016 | 11:01
Thanks y'all... appreciate
29 Apr 2016 | 18:08
u try
2 Jun 2016 | 04:34


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