My regretted Heart

My regretted Heart

By Thecomely in 28 Sep 2020 | 03:33
Thecomely Thecomely

Thecomely Thecomely

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Member since: 12 May 2018
My regretted

Chapter 1


It’s a conflicting emotion. It sends even the most happy-go-lucky person into its deep pits of hell. Nobody ever seems to come out from its never ending hole. Only the lucky ones ever do. I guess I’m just one of those unlucky ones. Depression seemed to have its large muscular arm trapped around me, and it didn’t seem like it was letting go anytime soon.

“Ari, it’s time to go,” a soft voice spoke. Turning around, I spotted my older brother, hands in his pockets, looking at me. Ethan, my older brother, the one I loved so much before, the one I always pulled pranks on, was now just a name in my life, with a body to match. I felt bad for barely speaking to him. After all, he did help me whenever I was beaten senseless by my father. I guess you could say I’ve had a rough life. Who could blame you? Everyone noticed my depression, but none of them cared. I felt utterly and completely alone. Nobody knew the empty feeling inside of me that grew into a permanent scar nestled into my soul.

Ethan was holding my little brother, Sam’s, hand in his. I used to love them both so much. Don’t get me wrong, I still do. But with the death of my mother, my life has never felt so cold and emotionless. Happiness isn’t a feeling in my life anymore, much less love. I guess the same applies for my father. He lost his mate, his one true love. Losing his love for his wife meant losing his love for his children. Poor Sam doesn’t get a chance to see his mom and dad happy together. Unlike Ethan and me, Sam is only 6 years old. Ethan was a sophomore in college, and I, a senior in high school. We could handle growing up without parents, but Sam was still a child. I feared for his future constantly, hoping with mine and Ethan's love, he would grow up to be a bright man.

“Okay,” I mumbled, getting up off the grass in front of my mother’s grave. I looked back one last time before following my brothers.

Ethan climbed into the driver’s seat while I buckled Sam into the car seat in the back. Sighing, I sat down in the passenger seat. Ethan gave me a quick smile of reassurance, but I could tell it was forced. The smile didn’t reach up to his eyes. Mom’s death took a toll on all of us, but it seemed to affect me the most. Oh, and of course, my dad.

With my slightly wavy brown hair and striking grey-brown eyes, I looked too much like my mother. This brought out my dad’s anger. I never hated him though. It was the alcohol that affected him. When he’s sober-which is rarely-he seems to treat us like we really are his kids, but that never usually lasts too long. I guess our werewolf status does help me heal rather quickly, but I can’t remove the emotional scars that he’s been creating in my head. If only my mother hadn’t died...

But that was years ago.

My mom died when I was 14, but I never fully got over it. Neither did my father. I was 17 now, on to be 18 in a few weeks. It was the one thing I was looking forward too. I would finally get to meet my mate, to have someone hold me and care for me when I’m upset, someone to wipe my tears away and smile at me, someone who would hug and kiss me senseless till I was happy again.

A horn blared, waking me out of my daydream. Looking around, I realized we were home. Well, the pack house at least. The large front exterior of the three story mansion, with its intricate brick walls and large 5 car garage, a huge porch surrounded by acres of land looked quite massive, but it was my home. I shuffled out quickly, carrying a now sleeping Sammy with me in my arms. I smiled. It was one of these moments that I was glad to have my brothers. No matter how upset I got, either Sam or Ethan would be there to cheer me back up.

Ethan was well aware of the situation with my father, and he readily wanted to adopt me and Sam, but unfortunately, Dad wouldn’t give him custody. Besides him, our soon-to-be alpha, Drew Blake denied us exile out of the pack. As much as the pack hated me, they needed me to cook, clean, and do every little thing for them. Yes, you heard me right; I was the freaking maid of the place.

Maybe now it’s clear as to why I am so upset all the time. Why I’m almost near depression, not quite there, but close enough that people truly believed I was.

Walking into the house quickly yet quietly, I snuck by the loud group of teens in the den area. Exploding objects and gunshots filled the air.

‘Stupid boys and their obsession with videogames’ I thought sneaking past the loud noises quickly, hoping they wouldn’t wake up Sam.

I went over to Sam’s room and placed him gently on the bed. He shared the room with Ethan, considering it was his before he went off to college. He visits sometimes, like now. However, he usually lives in an apartment with his mate Olivia. She was such a sweet girl. I was glad he found her. They’d met on campus at his school, and were inseparable since. I sighed; at least my brother got his dream girl. Now, I was just waiting for my dream guy.

Tucking the covers up and giving Sam a small kiss on the cheek, I walked out of the room, only to bump into a hard chest.

“Oof,” I muttered, rubbing my forehead from the impact.

“Watch where you’re going, freak!” swirly dark blue and grey eyes darkened as they stared at me. Looking down from my alpha, Drew's, eyes, I mustered up enough courage to apologize. “S-sorry,” I mumbled pathetically before running away from him and up to my room.

Heartbeat thrumming in my ears, I blew out a deep breath. I quickly composed myself and speed walked all the way to my room. It wasn't the fact that Alpha Drew was that scary, in fact, I found him pretty handsome, but our differences were clearly visible, considering how he looked upon me. Nonetheless, I felt something different when I was around him.

I sighed, leaning against the door to my bedroom-well if you could call it a bedroom. Ever since my mom’s accident, everyone blamed me for making it out alive instead of my mother. You see, my family is the beta family of the pack. And everyone loved the betas, especially my mom. She was always homey and sweet, a mother to all the pack children. She was best friends with Drew’s mom, the Luna of the pack. I guess Drew thought of her as a second mom which is why he mostly treats me like shit. I guess I do deserve it. I should’ve been the one to die, not my mom. Nobody liked me, they never did.

Well, back to my boring old room. Long story short, everyone hates me, I get a crappy room and crappy things, all while having to do all the chores of the pack.

“Yay me,” I muttered sarcastically. I sighed for the umpteenth time today before getting out my homework.

‘Guess I’ll have to stay up all night finishing this’ I said quietly, allowing myself to get comfortable on my thick, hard mattress. I wish my life was easier.

‘Well, who ever said life was fair?’
28 Sep 2020 | 03:33
Chapter 2 The chirping of birds awoke me from my peaceful slumber. I didn’t need an alarm clock when the sheer terror of being unprotected from my other pack members allowed me to become such a light sleeper. Who knows what they would do to me when I was sleeping and unarmed? ‘Nice thoughts in the morning, Arianna’ I grumbled to myself. Dashing into the bathroom, I took a quick shower before throwing on a pair of grey sweats and a purple sweatshirt. I combed my fingers through my hair and grabbed my bag. Walking downstairs as quietly as I could in a packhouse full of wolves, I retreated to the kitchen to make them breakfast. I set the huge platter of pancakes, syrup, waffles, bacon, sausage, toast, cereal, and morning smoothies-for the anorexic sluts, of course-and orange juice onto the dining table. In my opinion, they were more pig-like than wolf with all the food they ate. But I was truly envious. All I ate for breakfast was a piece of fruit and a glass of water. I was washing my hands in the sink when I heard the all-too familiar sound of heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen. Shutting the water off, I tip toed quietly towards the corner and stood there. ‘The kitchen is clean, food is cooked, and everyone’s things are all ready to go in the front foyer’ I said to myself, imaginarily checking off each one on my mental to do list. Soon, my father came into view, and it took all my willpower not to cringe at him as a reflex. Just his presence set my wolf on edge. He grabbed an aspirin from the medicine cabinet and a glass of water before retreating back the way he came. I sighed inwardly; he didn’t notice me this time. I didn’t want to be the first one he saw after waking up from a hangover. Glancing at the stairs one more time, I went back towards the kitchen counter, cleaning up the mess he made. Suddenly, the loud voices of my fellow pack mates floated to my ears. Scurrying back towards the corner once more, I stood still, eyes to the floor and hands clasped behind my back. I could feel their presence as they sat in the dining room, feeding off the breakfast I made them. “Eww! What the HELL is this crap!?” Dana, the main pack slut-and alpha Drew’s girlfriend-screeched. ‘Uh oh,’ I gulped, ‘what did I do wrong? Oh god, I’m so dead,’ All too soon, I felt a large hand swipe across my face, throwing it towards the right. I looked down, biting my lip and holding back tears that were threatening to spill out. “What the fuck is this crap?!? I want breakfast for my girlfriend, not garbage! Now go make her something else you useless bitch!” Drew screamed, causing my wolf to whimper in pain. ‘Huh, why would my wolf be so upset? It’s not like this hasn’t happened before,’ I nodded mutely at him. My cheek burned from the impact, probably leaving a bruise there. At least my werewolf healing would help with it. I quickly made a substitute fat free smoothie for Dana before heading out the door after the pack. They all got into their expensive cars, leaving me to walk to school. Of course they would. They couldn’t be burdened with having me flaw their perfect reputation. I was the freak at school, the loner. I was always like this, even before mom’s death. People thought it was weird that I barely talked, so they avoided me. To be honest, I was just a shy kid, but people were always quick to judge. Then, following the death of my mom gave them another reason to justify their stereotype of me. I almost never talked anymore. I just went through class like a mindless zombie. The leaves stirred, flowing with the cool breeze. It was a cloudy morning, but not the kind that said it would rain any second. More like the calm clouds that were covering the sky while the breeze whipped around. I loved this kind of weather, it was calming. The clouds were just slightly grey, the breeze slightly cool, and the temperature slightly warm. It was a comforting autumn day. I breathed in the smell. The musk scent of woods, leaves, fresh dew, and human civilization floated up my nose. Before I knew it, the school came into view. I’d almost lost myself in the breathtaking scenery. Shaking my head, I entered the school hallways. The school was quiet nice for a high school. The hallways weren’t too murky and bland. Looking down the hallway, I could already see the popular group sitting by the main stairs. They mostly consisted of my pack, and some humans. In the center of it stood Drew, with his arm draped around Dana, while she sat in his lap. She was wearing his varsity jacket. ‘At least it covered her scantily clad clothing,’ I thought, dropping my gaze and walking towards my locker. Grabbing my books, I walked off towards my calculus class. Fortunately, Dana or her so called “friends” weren’t in this class. Partly the reason why I took advanced classes, no Dana in any of my classes. Unfortunately, that meant all star quarterback, straight A student, Drew Blake had to be in all of my classes. I was the first one in class. I walked towards the window, seating myself furthest away from the desks where Drew and his group sat. Mr. Gregory was busy writing on the board, barely acknowledging me as I walked in. Not that it mattered, this was my usual routine: get into class before the others to avoid any bullying they would do to me. Well, either way they were gonna bully me, but at least it wasn’t early in the morning. Glancing at the clock, it read 7:25. 5 more minutes till class started. Sighing, I got out my calculus book and started reading the chapter. Yes, I know, how nerdy to be reading the chapter before it’s even taught. But that’s me. I want to escape this hell hole I call my life, and if I was going to do that, I’d need to be smart enough to get into a top tier university. Then I could move thousands of miles away from this place. I’d take Sammy with me, and I’d visit Ethan and Olivia at their apartment every month. Just the thought of those ideas put a smile on my face. But just as quickly as it got there, it wiped off. The sounds of laughter and gossip grew louder as students filled their way into the classroom. Turning back towards my book, I waited for the class to fill in. Mr. Gregory began his lesson, talking about formulas and graphs. I mindlessly took notes, trying to pay attention as my mind was having an internal battle with itself. The rational side wanted me to pay attention, but this other side-my teenage girl side?-was daydreaming about Drew. What the hell? Since when did I care about that jerk player? I took in a deep breath, trying to channel all my energy into paying attention to class. I looked back up to the board and began taking notes again. Today just didn’t seem to be my day. ********* Finally, the last bell rang for school to end. I waited till everyone ran out of class before gently picking up my belongings. My sides still hurt from getting kicked in the ribs a couple days ago. Thanks to my in-famous father dearest. Wincing slightly at the pain, I grabbed my things and shuffled out of class. I always stayed behind for 10 or so minutes. I didn’t want to arrive at the same time as the others in the pack. Making sure the coast was clear; I walked out towards the main doors. I turned a corner, only to bump into a wall-a human wall to be exact. I braced myself to hit the ground, but it never came. Instead, warm arms encircled my petite waist. I looked up to my savior. His aqua blue eyes shone with amusement, yet they felt warm and inviting. His beautiful face was angular and masculine. His luscious black hair was gelled up in a messy style. The large arms encircling me felt strong, and muscular. It was then, that I realized how we probably looked. I blushed, stepping away from his grasp. He frowned, something that didn’t look right on his perfect face, before smiling sheepishly. “I-I’m sorry,” I whispered, averting my eyes to the tiled floor beneath me. I hugged my books tightly to my chest, almost like a shield. I half expected this stranger to look at me disgustingly; to hurt me, but nothing came. I looked back up to his face. His eyes held curiosity and a little bit of-confusion? “It’s alright. I’m Jake, Jake Donovan. And what might a pretty lady like you be doing after school this late?” his strong, masculine voice replied. Wait, did he say late? I thought it was only 3? He must have noticed my shocked expression because he chuckled. “Yeah, it’s almost 4,” he laughed. My eyes widened in disbelief. Oh no! I know I get home later than the others, but not this late! They’re going to flip! I’m going to be their entertainment tonight, as their freaking human punching bag! Yet again, he noticed my agitated state. This guy was like some mind reader! “I’m guessing you’re not supposed to be here too late. I can drop you off if you’d like? But for that, I would like to know your name...?” he chuckled. “Um, yeah sorry. I’m Arianna Mitchell. And if you don’t mind...” I trailed off. “Of course not! It’s not every day that you get to drop off such a beautiful looking girl. I’m sure all the guys would be jealous,” he grinned at me, guiding us towards the parking lot. He was quite the character. Smart, funny, charming. But why would he be talking to me? Oh, he must be new. No wonder I don’t recognize him. Too bad I don’t have any classes with him. “So, are you new?” I said, politely making small talk. “Yeah, I’m starting tomorrow. I just registered. What about you? What grade you in? “I’m a senior,” “Wow, me too! Maybe I’ll have a few classes together with you! But I don’t know, I don’t want to distract you from class, with a sexy hunk like me sitting there,” he smirked, waggling his eyebrows at me suggestively. I laughed. Wow, how long has it been since I’ve actually laughed. Today has seriously been a strange day. “So, I was wondering, if you could take me to your alpha. I’m a new werewolf here, and I need to join the pack. So if you don’t mind...?” he questioned me. Oh, I’m so stupid! How could I not smell his werewolf scent!? I smiled back, before replying. “Sure. I live in the pack house. I’ll take you to him,” “Great!” he replied. And that’s how the ride went. Him and I talking easily back and forth, chit chatting about nothing. It was nice to talk to someone who didn’t judge me, or look at me with pity. Sooner than I wanted, we arrived at the pack house. I led him through the house, glad that nobody noticed that I was missing. ‘Why would they?’ I snorted. ‘I know, they’re just a bunch of stuck up losers. Don’t worry, we’re better than that!’ replied my wolf. She was such a sweetheart to talk to. She helped me through my pain and suffering, yet still remained strong. Must be the beta blood, I always told myself. We finally reached the large French doors of Drew’s room. I hesitated, before knocking the door. I could feel Jake behind me. He was standing awfully close, that it brought a slight tinge to my cheeks. The doors opened, revealing a sexy looking Drew. Woah, sexy!? What the hell is going on with me! Since when did alpha Drew look sexy to me? I mean, yeah he was attractive, but nothing more. ‘It’s probably my teenage hormones. And the fact that I’m a werewolf enhances them,’ I told myself mentally. “What?!” Alpha Drew spit out, teeth clenched. “A-alpha D-Drew, this man w-wants to j-join our pack. H-he wants to talk to you,” Drew’s eyes softened as he noticed Jake behind me. Jake’s eyes, however, seemed to harden. “Thanks Arianna,” Jake smiled at me before walking into the room behind Drew. Drew shot me a look once more, before slamming the door in my face. Tears pooled in my eyes, but I held them back. I was used to this lack of respect, but why was it affecting me now? Sighing heavily, I retreated up to my room. At least here I was safe. After changing out of my clothes into a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt, I headed over to Sammy’s room. Sam was playing with some of the other kids of the pack. They were all gathered around on the floor, playing with toy cars. I chuckled. “Hey little guy, what’s up?” “Ari!” Sam cried, before jumping up and wrapping his tiny arms around me. His head hit my stomach, while I rubbed his back. Bending down to his level, I chuckled before kissing him on his forehead. “Glad to see you to buddy,” I smiled at him. “Ari, can you play cars with me, Todd, and Chase! Please, please Ari??” my brother begged with his puppy dog eyes. Darn, I could never say no to those eyes. “Alright Sammy, but only for a bit, okay? Ari needs to make dinner for you after,” I stated, tickling his tummy. He squirmed and giggled before grabbing my hand and leading me towards his friends.
28 Sep 2020 | 03:37
Links To Available Chapters [color =purple] Scroll Down For Chapters 3-4 [/color] ?????? Chapter 5-6 Chapter 7-8
28 Sep 2020 | 06:37
28 Sep 2020 | 13:06
28 Sep 2020 | 13:45
I guess this is gonna be interesting
29 Sep 2020 | 16:52
Chapter 3 I flopped down onto my hard mattress. I was unbelievably exhausted. After playing with Sam for an hour, I had to cook and clean before doing my homework. I was hoping to let sleep overtake me, but I guess I was wrong. Someone knocked on my door, making me jump up into position. I walked towards the door cautiously. When I opened it, Ethan was standing there smiling. I arched an eyebrow at him, confused. Why was he all happy? “Ari, I know how tired you are right now but I need to tell you something important,” “Sure Ethan, what’s up?” I sat down on my bed, patting the side next to me for him to sit on. “Okay,” he stated, settling down next to me, “so you know how I was gone all day?” I nodded my head, lying down on the bed, my feet still hanging off the side. Ethan mirrored my move. “Well, I went to check on Olivia, and guess what, she’s pregnant!” I shot upright, looking at Ethan for any sign that admitted he was joking. His face was serious and his grin stretched to either side of his face. “Ethan I’m so happy for you guys! I can’t believe I’m gonna be an aunt!” I smiled at him. He stood up, grabbing my hands and circling them around his waist. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my forehead. This was one of the reasons why I was glad my brother didn’t treat me badly like the rest of my pack. Sam and Ethan were all I had left. I hugged him back, inhaling his masculine smell with a mix of light cologne and Olivia’s perfume. “Hey you two,” a soft feminine voice interrupted us. I looked towards the door. There stood Olivia with her arms outstretched. I ran towards her, greedily accepting the hug. “Congratulations, Olivia. I’m so happy for you two,” I told her. She smiled back at me and kissed my forehead. “Thanks Ari. You look tired. Ethan and I are just going to head up to our apartment. Goodnight sweetie,” she said kissing my forehead lightly and hugging me. “Night,” I whispered as they headed out the door. Walking back towards my bed, I snuggled into the thin sheets. I just lay there, thinking about life. How could Ethan and I be remotely related? Here he was, total jock, handsome, smart, caring, funny, protective and most of all, he had a mate that he loved. They were going to be a family soon and live happily ever after. Me, well...I guess fate has never sided with me. I began to drift off to sleep when I heard the door open a crack. A blonde head of hair stuck in. “Ari,” Sam’s blubbery voice said. I rushed over to the door and held him. I let him cry on my shoulder, wetting the t-shirt I was wearing. “Shhh, it’s okay Sammy. I’m right here. Shhh, it’s alright. Do you wanna sleep here tonight?” I murmured into his ear. He nodded, gripping his teddy bear tightly. I picked him up and carried him over to my bed. Laying him down softly, I planted a kiss on his cheek before snuggling in myself. Wrapping a protective arm around him, I snuggled him closer to me. I knew it was one of Sammy’s bad dreams about mom and dad. He always had them. I’m surprised he still remembers the death all these years, considering he was only 2 when mom died. I drew in a breath, inhaling Sam’s scent. It immediately calmed me, helping me fall into a dreamless sleep.
30 Sep 2020 | 09:47
Chapter 4 Walking aimlessly to my locker, I was side tackled by none other than, Melanie. Melanie was my only friend. We both had been social outcasts. However, I could never understand why Melanie was one. She had light blonde hair that fit her perfectly shaped face. Beautiful blue eyes and a toned slim figure were striking aspects about her. If Melanie had grown up normally, she probably would have been quite popular. The thought saddened me. I’m glad she was the way she was. I felt kind of guilty for being glad that Melanie was a shy orphan, but without her, I don’t know how long I could have survived my depression. “So guess what?!” she giggled in my ear. “What?” I smiled at her. Leave it to Melanie to make my usual depressing day into a bright one. “Well, since it’s my birthday on Friday, I thought we could go to our favorite spot and hang out?” she asked, biting her lip. “Of course Mel! It’s your birthday. We’ll go, I promise,” Her face morphed from nervous to happy. Soon I was smiling; her smile was too contagious. She squealed before linking arms with me and pulling me to class. I sighed. Best friends, can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. ********* The day was going endlessly slow. I was walking over to English when I saw Mel. She smiled at me and stepped beside me. Walking in sync with each other, we chatted about nothing before reaching our class. Melanie seemed slightly agitated, which confused me. We got in and sat at our usual seats, but Melanie kept glancing around, trying to spot something. I looked at her confused, until I saw Jake walk into the doorway. He was looking handsome as ever, with a grey long sleeve shirt- highlighting his abs I must add-and some casual black skinny jeans. This hair was messy like before, but it looked sexy on him, not as sexy as Drew though-wait woah? Drew again? What is wrong with me?!? Melanie must have noticed me looking up, because when she did, she just stared at Jake. He was looking right at her with the same look on his face. Both of them seemed to be in some trance. I was about to tap Mel when the teacher walked in, silencing the class. The girls began giggling flirtatiously at Jake, which seemed to anger Mel. I had an idea about what was going on, but I wasn’t exactly sure. I’m guessing they were... “Mate” both Jake and Mel said, when Jake walked towards them and sat in the seat next to Mel. I smiled, happy for them. Jake grinned, ear to ear, while looking at Mel lovingly. I couldn’t help but giggle quietly at the two lovebirds. “Erhm,” I said, clearing my throat, “Mel, this is Jake, Jake, this is Melanie, my best friend,” “You two know each other?” Mel asked me. “Yeah, I kinda bumped into him yesterday-literally,” I laughed. “Melanie, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he said to Mel, making heat rise quickly to her cheeks. I smiled at them before looking away at their intimate moment. I longed for that so much. Just as I looked up, I met the familiar eyes of Drew, standing at the doorway. Oh shit, I just looked him in the eyes! I was never supposed to do that! He’s probably going to beat me after school! I shivered at the thought, but somehow didn’t feel scared that he would hurt me. I looked back up to see him still standing there, staring at me with a loving look in his eyes. Wait, loving!? No that can’t possibly be it. Just as soon as it was there, it was gone, the familiar grey blue eyes staring at me with disgust. I looked away, tears brimming at my eyes. Why was he making me feel so heartbroken? I’d never acted this way before, why now? “Hey Ari, you okay?” Mel said quietly, her hand on my arm as she looked at me with concern. “I'm fine,” I whispered, knowing clear and well that she heard me. We were werewolves after all. She nodded hesitantly, yet giving me a knowing look that meant ‘we’ll talk later’. I nodded back before staring at the teacher, trying to drown myself in class and avoid the unnecessary thoughts that plagued my mind. ********* English had gone by extremely long and uncomfortable. I could feel Drew watching me the entire time, but I never looked his way. It was nerve wrecking. Trudging my way to lunch, I spotted Drew leaning against Dana in the hall. They were doing some x-rated kissing. Normally, I would’ve looked disgusted and walked away, but today, I stood there watching them. My anger was boiling and all I could do was stare. Before they noticed, I shook my head and walked into the cafeteria, ignoring the tugging pull at my heart for leaving Drew behind with that skank. I spotted Mel sitting on Jake’s lap. They were eating and Mel was blushing, while Jake smirked at her. I stifled a laugh. They were too cute of a couple. Jake noticed me first and waved. I waved back before walking towards them and sitting across from them. Mel noticed me and grinned mischievously. My eyes widened. Mel was planning something, and it wasn’t going to be good. Before she could say anything though, I was roughly pushed into the table, the edge digging into my already hurt ribs. I bit my lip, holding in a scream. Jake seemed to reach out towards me, while Mel growled lowly at the guy that pushed me. I gave them a small smile, although it was hard to considering I was still biting my lip, but I managed to show them that I was alright. Jake and Mel were still a bit skeptical, so I just shrugged at them. “It’s okay guys, not like it hasn’t happened before. I’m just gonna go to the bathroom okay?” I stated, getting up to go check on my bruises. “I’ll come with you!” Mel said, abruptly standing up. She wobbled a bit, before Jake grabbed her waist, steadying her. “N-no, it’s fine. I’ll be back in a bit,” I said in a rush. I walked towards the cafeteria doors and stepped into the hallway. Letting a breath out, I closed my eyes, steadying myself before walking to the bathroom. The mirror greeted me to a small girl, whose eyes were glistening with tears. I shook my head at my reflection. Sighing, I pulled my shirt up a bit, checking on the bruises. I was glad nobody else was in the bathroom. Evidently, I spoke too soon. Slam! The door banged. I turned around trying to spot who it was. Before I could, I was slammed against the wall, a muscled body pressed right up against me. Tingles and sparks lit my skin like a lick of fire. I was mesmerized, until I remembered the compromising position I was in with some stranger. I looked up, gasping in shock at who it was.
30 Sep 2020 | 09:48
.. @ladyg @fb-danieledem @ele1 @timson7373 @hormortiyor @fb-leemass1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @ciarajessy @henrymary @itzprince @youngben @frankkay @internet @individual @jaylogo @enoch012 @fb-samuelajayi @paddy2x @harzaroboy @fb-ayotundeayodabo @senatordaniel @sheegokeys @royalgold @blinq @lawman-2 @akhenabor @olumlam @coolval222-2 @emmrots @buloukeme @sisangood1 @olamibobo …
30 Sep 2020 | 09:49
Hmmmm who could it be then ? Nice story guy.
30 Sep 2020 | 11:25
Chapter 5 Drew’s eyes bore into mine, making me shiver and look down. I finally realized we were against the bathroom wall. The door was closed again, and by the looks of it, seemed locked. Damn, my escape plans just went down the toilet. I laughed inwardly at how ironic that thought was, after all, we were in a bathroom. “W-what are y-you d-d-doing?” I stammered, mentally cursing myself. His gaze softened as he looked at me. Before I could comprehend, he had his face buried in my neck, inhaling my scent. I bit back a moan. But all too soon, it ended. He stepped back quickly, and I’m sure the look on my face easily showed that I was hurt. I looked back down, before shuffling towards the door. His arm grabbed mine, sending small tingles everywhere. I ignored them, focusing on him. “Look,’ he frustratedly ran a hand through his hair, “ don’t tell anyone we’re mates! I don’t want you. I never did, and I never will,” My heart leapt in my throat. I looked up at him surprised, he didn’t want me. Even if he didn’t say those words, his face wrote it like a book. I was crushed, no-beyond crushed, I was completely broken. Even the thought of my dad beating me senseless sounded less painful than this rejection. I wanted to cry, to scream at him, but I kept my expression blank. “Now tell me who caused those bruises!” He whispered harshly. I sighed before replying. “I-I tripped on t-the s-stairs,” I stuttered again, lying to him. “Don’t lie to me Arianna!” his voice bellowed, but all I could focus on was the way he said my name. Dirty thoughts instantly rushed into my head, making my face heat up. “M-my d-dad kicked me d-down t-the stairs. T-the p-pack also t-thought it was f-fun to h-hurt me s-so they did,” I whispered, not looking at him in the eyes. I heard a low grumble before I was backed up against the wall again, but not as hard as before. Drew was being gentle with me, which surprised me the most. “It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you,” he whispered softly, noticing how I shrunk away from him. I gaped at him. He was saying sorry, to me! Flipping me! This had to be unreal. He chuckled, probably noticing my expression. “What? Can’t a guy say sorry without looking like you’ve just seen an alien?” he smirked at me. I looked back down shyly. He lifted my chin, making me meet his gaze. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips before looking back up to my eyes once again. He seemed to be contemplating on what do to. Finally, he sighed, pulling us away from the wall. “We should probably head back to lunch,” Just as he said so, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. He looked back over at me and gave me a small smile before running out the door. I watched his figure retreat before replaying the whole scene in my head. It was completely unreal. Taking one last look at the bathroom, I followed his path out the door and towards my next class. Evidently, I was also sharing this class with him. Not even before I could take a step inside, Mel jumped at me. Startled, I stumbled back only to be caught by an amused looking Jake. I frowned at him before turning my attention to Mel. “That’s not really a nice way to greet someone ya know,” I mumbled. “Hehe, sorry Ari,” she smiled sheepishly before continuing, “what took you so long? I was about to come in there and find you!” “Oh, uh, I was feeling kinda sick so I stayed in the bathroom in case I threw up,” I lied, looking anywhere but her face. Sadly, I’m a terrible liar. But I’ve never been one to care for so it was easy to lie to the few people that cared to notice my limp or my sharp inhales of breath whenever I was in pain. Luckily for me, Mel didn’t push it, which I appreciated greatly. We walked inside the class, and I saw Drew look up at me. I avoided his eyes and sat down in the back by the window, far from where he was. He glanced over at me subtly. That’s how the entire class went, and the next, and the next: Drew staring at me while I paid attention in class. Soon, I was out the door, walking to the packhouse. The sky was greying and I knew it would rain soon. I pulled up my hood up, and listened to the soft sounds coming from the forest. I hadn’t shifted in a while, and my wolf was aching for a release. Before I could decipher what was going on, I was running into the forest, dropping my bag and stripping my clothes before transforming into my white wolf. I trotted over to my favorite place in the forest, the waterbed creek. It was such a beautiful sight. A slow, transparent crystal watered creek flowed from a small waterfall that emptied into a shallow pond underneath it. The weeping willows hung lazily around the field, sheltering it from the outside. The soft grass was bright green and lively. Purple, pink, orange wildflowers danced with the wind. Cool crisp air as fresh as the crystal water from the creek flowed around, wrapping me in a light cool embrace. It traveled lightly through my fur, soothing my skin. Unaware of my surroundings, I heard a rustle of leaves. My ears perked, pointing towards the sound. A large black wolf came out into the clearing, its familiar grey-blue eyes staring at me. My heart leapt into my throat. Drew. I never really got to see Drew as a wolf, mostly because I was left out of the pack runs we had occasionally. He was a gorgeous midnight color, with a single white streak along his side, disappearing under his belly. 'Shift' His voice echoed into my head through mind link. I looked at him with wide eyes. I was naked! How could I shift?! But I can’t defy my alpha! He seemed to notice my hesitation and ran behind a tree, coming out shirtless with only a pair of low slung shorts on. I stared at his gorgeous abs flexing. An eight pack. That was hot. His too low shorts showed the v line towards his-stop! Ari what the hell are you thinking!? I mentally shook my head and looked back at his face. He was holding his shirt in his hands, and tossed it over to me. I grabbed it in my jaws and ran behind a tree before shifting and putting it on. His warm scent of the woods mixed with the soft sweet of cologne embraced me. I walked out behind the tree shyly, afraid to look at Drew again. He was shirtless and obviously, with my reaction before, I could hardly trust myself with not throwing myself at him like some desperate slut. I jumped a little when I heard him growl, although it sounded more like a growl of approval. I looked up to see him standing there, eyes filled with lust and love as he raked his eyes over my body. I shivered involuntarily and watched as he inched closer, his eyes hungrily looking at my body that was covered with his shirt. Unfortunately-well for me, I’m not so sure about Drew-it only reached mid-thigh. He flung us into a tree, my back pressing up against the rough bark. He loomed over me again before snuggling his head into my neck, laying soft kisses all over it. I was captivated by his touch, his skin tingling with fire against mine. But that’s when I remembered who he was, what he’s done. I pushed him back away from me, turning away and crossing my arms. He growled lowly. I looked up again to see pain, hurt, and anger flash in his eyes. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just, I-I can’t trust you just yet,” I whispered. He walked away, leaving me upset and hurt. I followed after him, grabbing my things before walking back towards the house.
1 Oct 2020 | 07:15
Chapter 6 Arriving back to the packhouse, in my clothes of course, I headed straight towards the kitchen to make dinner. Once done, I trudged upstairs to my room to finish all my homework. “Hey you,” a voice called out. Turning my head, I looked to see Olivia standing there with a smile on her face. “Liv,” I smiled at her using my nickname for her. “Whatcha doin?” “Homework,” I mumbled quietly. She patted my head and giggled while I rolled my eyes at her. “Arianna!” a voice bellowed out from downstairs, obviously picked up by my werewolf hearing. I jumped, while Olivia looked at me with sympathy. She knew the treatment they gave me here, but she couldn’t do anything about it, mainly because I wouldn’t let her, and secondly because she would get hurt if she did. I gave her a reassuring smile before running downstairs to see what the problem was. I found Drew standing there with arms crossed with Dana beside him smirking at me. Uh-oh, this was bad. “W-what’s wrong A-alpha Drew?” I questioned meekly. “The guys decided to throw a party tomorrow and you need to get everything for it, and you have to clean up afterwards. That’s all, you’re dismissed,” I nodded before heading back up the stairs. I heard the sounds of Drew and Dana making out downstairs as I left them, feeling my heart shatter in a million pieces. My fragile heart, which was already covered in cuts and bruises, barely held together with small bandages, was breaking. Stupid mate bond! Why did I have to be stuck with a selfish, arrogant, player like Drew? By now, small tears were spilling out of my eyes. I hugged myself with my arms, going up the agonizing stairs with my already worn out feet. Smack! “Stop crying you worthless slut! You’re nothing but a useless whore! Now get out of my sight!” My father said evilly from where he was standing on the stairs. He was holding a bottle of vodka in his hand and had a look of disgust covering his face. I cringed, barely noticing the burning sensation coming from the cheek were he smacked me. I picked myself up from the floor where I’d fallen from his slap and stumbled back towards my room. “Ari?” a soft voice spoke. I was surrounded by warm arms that engulfed me into a hug. I immediately recognized my brother’s scent. I snuggled into him before letting my sobs out. They wracked my body, making it heave. Finally, after my long waterworks, I pulled away and looked up at Ethan. “Who did this to you?” his voice eerily low as his eyes focused on my already bruising cheek. It didn’t take a genius to know that he already knew it was our dad that hurt me. I gave him a small smile, telling him it was alright. But Ethan, being the stubborn one he is, stormed out of my room. I sighed, before walking towards my bed when another voice spoke out, sending chills down my spine. “Well that bruise doesn’t look very good on your pretty face, now does it?” I froze, not wanting to acknowledge that Drew, of all people, was in my room. I turned hesitantly towards him. He was standing by the door, leaning on the frame with his arms crossed over his broad chest. His eyes showed amusement but a flicker of hurt and anger passed. I blinked, almost like I didn’t believe he could care. I lowered my head and stared at the ground before speaking up. “I don’t have a pretty face, alpha,” Before I could process what was going on, I was forcefully slammed into the wall with a very pissed looking Drew pressed against me. Our sudden position reminded me of this morning at school and I blushed involuntarily. “Don’t ever say that,” his voice hissed, cutting through the air like a knife. “B-but you said-“I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine. The sparks that ignited were breathtaking. Little bursts of flames that burned between us as our lips collided. My stomach was doing summersaults inside at the close proximity, yet I felt so complete, so whole, so loved, that I forgot everything around me and delved myself further into the kiss. That was, until I finally came back to my senses. I broke the kiss first, pushing myself away from him. “A-alpha!?” I whispered. He growled lowly before attacking me with his lips once more. He bit my bottom lip, making me gasp and pushed his tongue further, prodding around my mouth. He tasted like sweet honey and vanilla making me ache for more. All too soon, the kiss ended. “Don’t call me alpha! I’m your mate!” he growled grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. I gulped before looking back at his eyes, which were a darker blue-grey and staring at me with lust and love. I was completely confused with his bipolar emotions. On one side he treated me like shit; on the other, he loved me like a true mate would. “S-sorry, D-drew,” I whispered again, looking back down and away from his hypnotizing eyes. He lifted my chin up and planted a soft kiss on my lips. It wasn’t like the other one, hungry and possessive. This one was sweet and inviting, like a normal boyfriend would give to his girlfriend. “I’m sleeping in your room tonight. Everyone from the pack is gone tonight. I sent them all away,” he ordered. “W-what about Sam?” I asked. “All the kids are with the older wolves, I told them it was important that they stayed there tonight,” he answered nonchalantly, like it was the most normal thing to do. I sighed, knowing there was no way I could defy the alpha. “A-are you sure you want to s-sleep h-here? M-my b-bed is kinda s-small and u-uncomfortable,” I knew I had to tell him the truth about my bed, and I was kinda hoping he wouldn’t want to stay. Yet the last part did send a pang through my heart. I repeat, stupid mate bond. He smirked before grabbing my hips and pressing me closer to him. “This isn’t some way of getting rid of me, now is it?” I was seriously tempted to wipe that smirk off his face. He grabbed me, pulling me over his shoulder and walked over to my bed. Dropping me to the bed, he climbed on top of me and leant down, kissing my lips yet again. He pulled back, his infamous smirk plastered onto his handsome face as he rolled over to the side and propped himself up with an elbow. I got up and turned off the lights, knowing that he was watching my every move the entire time. I got into my bed, and pulled up the covers. I gasped when an arm shot out and wrapped around my waist, pulling me to a muscled chest-a naked muscled chest at that! I tried squirming away but he just pulled me back and blew hot breath in my ear. “Now, now, kitten, I don’t think you should do that,” he smirked against my neck. I shivered at the touch. Damn him and his effect on me! Sighing, I gave up the fight and let sleep succumb to me. ******** I woke up to the sound of rustling. Turning my head slightly, I realized I was alone in my room yet again. I sighed, content, yet somehow felt upset that he left me. Looking at the clock, I realized it was 5 am. Just my luck. I got out of bed, fully awake now and ventured into the bathroom. I opened the door to find a wet looking Drew with a towel wrapped dangerously low around his hips and wet beads of water trickling down his sculpted body. I found myself staring until I heard a chuckle. I blushed crimson before turning around and running the hell outta there. He walked out again, still wrapped only in a towel and smirked at me. “Like what you see, babe?” I scoffed at him, but soon realized what I did and prepared for a slap, but nothing came. I opened my eyes, one at a time, to find Drew looking at me with sadness and guilt. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. “Did you think I was gonna hurt you?” he asked so softly that I almost doubted myself for hearing it. “N-no,” I said quietly, looking away to the ground. Again, my lack of lying skills was so evident that I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t believe me. “Ari, stop lying, you were scared that I would hit you. I’m so sorry for whatever I’ve done. Please forgive me. I feel like a jerk for what I’ve done to you. Please, please forgive me baby,” he whispered, coming closer and eventually wrapping me in his arms. I forgot the fact that he was half naked, but instead, enjoyed the warmth of his body on my arms, how I molded into his body perfectly. I was enjoying his embrace until he pressed us closer together. I fought the urge to scream as he pressed tightly against my bruises on my stomach and ribs. Sadly, I still let out a muffled yelp, which Drew had heard. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry!” he rushed out, inspecting me for any signs of hurt. I just shook my head no, but I was already too late. He pulled up my shirt and stood staring at my bruises. His face contorted to one of rage and he dropped my shirt before charging out of the room. I stood there confused at his actions yet again. This boy was clearly deranged. ************ School was yet again, boring. I listened animatedly to Melanie go on and on about how her date with Jake was absolutely wonderful. I felt like the worst friend at the moment, but my thoughts were too preoccupied with Drew. Why on earth would he outright make fun of me and hurt me like usual, then act like nothing happened and we were the loving mates that everyone admired? What was his deal? I tried to avoid him like the plague. Hallways, class, even the lunchroom were spent finding escape routes so he wouldn’t see or hear me. I was walking out the school doors, preparing myself for a walk home when Drew’s sleek Lamborghini Gallardo ran by me. The window slid down, revealing a smirking Drew and an evil looking Dana. I sighed, rolling my eyes, before continuing my walk quietly on the sidewalk. “Hey freak! Make sure you walk a little extra today! You could lose the extra weight!” Dana shrieked at me, laughing along with Drew. The thought of him laughing at me sent my heart reeling in pain, but I said nothing. If I did, I’d probably get beaten yet again. Drew leaned over on Dana’s side and looked at me with an amused expression. “Oh and don’t get wet!” he laughed, before speeding off his Lamborghini, effectively getting me wet by the water that splashed off his tires. I grimaced at my wet clothes, and decided a little shifting wouldn’t hurt. I snuck into the woods, stripped off my nasty, wet clothes and shifted. The open feeling felt wonderful on my caged in wolf. Before I knew it, the time had flown by, and I was facing the packhouse yet again. I let out a long, exasperated sigh before walking in. Sadly, I wished I didn’t.
1 Oct 2020 | 07:16
What kind of mate deliberately hurts their other half?
1 Oct 2020 | 10:20
This story is interesting but I honestly don't understand this Drew
1 Oct 2020 | 14:38
Huhmmm ??? Just carry on, am still observing
1 Oct 2020 | 15:30
Thanks bro @thecomely
1 Oct 2020 | 15:32
Chapter 7 There, sprawled out on the lavishing couch was a heavenly sight. Drew was hovering over Dana, spreading kisses on her neck, while she moaned and rubbed herself all over Drew’s lower body. I grimaced, before tears pooled my eyes and I wished they would retract. I wouldn’t let Drew see me so weak. He’d enjoy making me suffer. The damn bipolar jerk. His behavior wasn’t even close to what was appropriate of an alpha, but I guess it was reasonable. He was a guy, a werewolf guy nonetheless. Of course they were going to be horny dogs. But the fact that here he was, screwing over the slut of the pack, when he’d already found a mate, made my wolf howl in agony. I just walked away from them-barely acknowledging the dry humping they were doing-and headed off towards the kitchen. After making a quick snack for the others, I retreated to Sammy’s room to check on him. He was, as expected, playing with his toys. “Aribear!” he yelled, throwing his arms around me. “Hey little man,” I chuckled, running my hand through his soft honey colored locks. “Aribear why you crying?” he whispered, pointing at my face that was still drenched in tears. “Oh nothing sweetheart. Now tell me, what did you do at school today?” His eyes gleamed with happiness. “Ari, today a girl was being picked on, and I helped her and told everyone to leave her alone!” he huffed proudly. I ruffled his hair again before smiling at him. “That’s my little hero,” I laughed. The sound of deep chuckling flooded my ears as I shot up straight. I turned around, finding Drew standing there. I stood in front of Sam protectively, shielding him from any abuse he might see. Drew looked pained and hurt for a moment before he covered it off with his usual smirk. I frowned, backing up slowly, while making Sammy follow closely behind me. We walked backwards, bit by bit, till I made sure he was a safe distance from Drew. “Hey Sam, I bought you a cool new bike! Want me to show it to you?” Drew crouched down, outstretching his hand. I gripped Sam’s arm firmly yet soft. I didn’t trust my voice at the moment to say no, so I just went with holding Sam back. Drew studied me a moment before sighing. “Your sister can come too,” he smiled at Sammy. “Come on, Ari can we go, pretty please?” Sam whined, making me smile. “Okay, but you have to finish your homework too buddy!” I playfully scolded him. He nodded before running past Drew. I looked at Drew again, almost getting caught up in his icy blue grey eyes. I shook my head of those thoughts and followed after Sam. We walked towards the garage, with Sammy running in front of me, while I took quick and quiet steps behind him. I felt Drew’s presence right behind me. So close, in fact, that I could feel his body heat sparking with my own, making me shiver. I scowled, clenching my fists at my side. I didn’t like his effect on me. I didn’t want this. Any of this. It was all a mistake by the Gods! Why on earth would I be compatible with this walking, talking human devil? My wolf growled softly, probably upset that I insulted our mate. But too bad, he didn’t deserve any of my kind words. Arriving to the garage, I opened it up to find a brand new bike. It was a shiny blue with silver and grey streaks spiraling around the body. Sam’s eyes lit up at the sight of it. He ran over to the bike, completely engrossed by it. “Y-you didn’t have to buy this,” I mumbled to Drew. “Of course I did,” he faced me, smiling a smile that made my stomach flutter. I looked away from him, crossing my arms over my chest. “Sam, let’s go upstairs,” I said curtly. The sooner I got out of the 5 foot radius around Drew, the better I would be. Sam whined about, but finally gave in, letting me drag him to his room. I sighed, collapsing onto his bed while Sammy sat beside me with his homework, as I went through my usual routine of helping him. Soon, I got myself lost in the alphabet jumble that was Sam’s so called homework. ********** The night sky shone brightly. The stars were dim, illuminating a soft glow around the forest. It almost beckoned me, luring me into its grasp. Oh how I wanted to let my wolf out and relax. Just 5 minutes, I thought to myself. I jumped off the windowsill, and ran downstairs as quietly as I could. Once reaching downstairs, I bolted for the forest Laying my clothes in a nearby tree stump, I beckoned my wolf. Soon, the familiar feeling of paws on the soft dirt floor encompassed me. I trotted lazily over to the small pond in the forest. The moon’s reflection was clear as day in the shimmering water. I studied my reflection: soft white/gray fur matching with my brownish-gray eyes. My ears lazily flat against my head, and my posture relaxed and comfy. The sound of rustling interrupted me from my reverie. I looked back to see the huge wolf of Zane, a close friend of Alpha Drew’s. He wasn’t as bad as the others. Never had he physically or mentally hurt me, however, he didn’t ever stand up for me, which was why I avoided them all. “W-what are you doing here?” I said through mindlink, submitting towards him with my head down. “I have a proposition for you,” he smirked at me-well, as much as a smirk would look like on a wolf. Running behind a tree, he shifted and emerged fully clothed. I mirrored him, and we both moved towards the edge of the lake, overlooking the horizon. I decided to speak up again. “What d-do you mean?” I stuttered confused. “I know that you and Drew are mates, but him being the dick he is, won’t let go of his player ways so...” he trailed off, looking at me expectantly. I gasped, looking shocked that he’d known. He gave me an understanding smile back, which assured me somewhat. “So...?” I questioned back, utterly confused. “So, we both have a fake relationship. It’s simple: you and I act all lovey dovey. Some hugs and kisses here and there, and he’ll be putty in your hands,” he grinned. “But why? I mean, why would you help me?” I stated, looking down at my hands in shame. “Because I’m tired of everyone treating you badly, and I’m tired of Drew’s selfish player ways. Unlike him, I’m waiting for my mate like a gentlemen, while he’s off screwing girls left and right. Now I know you might be surprised on why I hang out with a guy like him, but it’s not that complicated. On other terms, we’re like brothers, but when it comes to girls, I have decency, while Drew, catch my drift,” he shrugged. “B-but...” “No buts Arianna. Please! If not for yourself, do it for all the girls Drew hurts by having one night stands! One of those girls could be a loving mate, tricked by Drew’s selfish ways. Sometimes I’m afraid that it might be my mate one day. I would not hesitate to kick his ass if that ever happened. And besides, I’ve always looked at you like a sister, with Ethan and I being close as kids. He was my mentor on how to be popular, until I met Drew, and he took me under his wing. But it was your brother that taught me to be a good guy, and not a horny wolf. That’s why I feel like it’s my job to help you get Drew on track. So please, Ari, do this for me?” he was using the ultimate weakness: puppy dog eyes. “Alright!” I huffed, giving into his cute little face. He grinned like a maniac at my giving in. We walked back together, and I found myself strangely at peace with the strange boy next to me. Sadly, my life just didn’t always work that way.
2 Oct 2020 | 02:05
Chapter 8 I had to admit, Zane’s idea did make me curious. Would it actually work? Could Drew accept me? But this was reality. Yeah, maybe it would work for a normal girl with a loving family, and best friends, but it was me here. I had no parents, a brother who wasn’t always around, and another to take care of. Plus the fact that I was the pack’s little mutt pet. There was no possibility that me and Zane could go out, not even hypothetically. Even if Zane wasn’t as popular as Drew, he was still part of their ‘it’ group. Besides, Zane was pretty hot, and then there’s me. “Boo!” Zane popped up from behind the breakfast bar, scaring the crap out of me. “Zane, go now,” I muttered, keeping my eyes fixated on the bowl of eggs I was whipping for breakfast. I couldn’t let him, a well-liked pack member, hanging out with the “girl in rags”. Honestly, Cinderella and I could’ve been best friends. He sighed, before tipping my chin up. I was met with his beautiful brown eyes, concern and sadness filling them. “Zane, please, I-I just don’t want you getting hurt because of me. I’ve caused a lot of pain to a lot of people, and I don’t want to add you to the list,” I whispered, tears blurring my vision. He stood there, dumbfounded, before the spark of determination lit up in his eyes. ‘Uh-oh,’ I gulped. ‘Male wolves and their stupid sense of pride,’ “Hey! I heard that!” Zane pouted, crossing his arms. Oops, I guess I forgot to put up my mental wall. He must’ve overheard my thoughts. Stupid mindlink. I just shook my head at him, grinning. He looked like a quiet one, but he was a talkative and good natured guy. Almost like a lost puppy, he would trail after me everywhere, whining and begging at me for attention. The thought of him actually getting up on his knees and begging me like the dog he was made me laugh inwardly. “Zane, just go to the dining room and eat. We’ll talk later.” Scolding him, I grabbed the food and walked into the dining area. Zane trailed behind me, yet again, and stuffed his face instantly. I smiled, he reminded me so much of Sam. With his playful banter and puppy dog eyes, they were like mirror images, except that Zane was a tall, muscled, 18 year old boy. Who knew one of Drew’s guys would be so caring yet mischievous? I was brought out of my assessment by the heavy thud of footsteps. My throat gulped nervously. Dad. Instinct made me cower in the corner like always, but I guess today just wasn’t his day. “Hey bitch, where are you?! Get out here right now!” He whisper/yelled at me. I gulped once again, and scrambled out to meet his ferocious green eyes blazing right at me. Mentally, I tried to recall anything that I might have made him upset for, but I came up blank. I’d already made him (and the others) breakfast, did his laundry, made his bed, cleaned his room, everything. So why was he mad? “Why the fuck did I hear you laughing this morning? Stupid piece of shit, you don’t deserve to be happy!” His voice laced with venom directed towards me. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from crying. Why, oh why does my life have to suck? Before I could comprehend, I was lifted from the ground. His burly hand wrapped around my slender neck and pushed me against the wall. “Now you listen here bitch, if I hear so much as a whisper come from your mouth, I will personally rip you to shreds,” he spat, dropping me to the ground and kicking me repeatedly. His kicks targeted my already bruised stomach and ribs. He gripped my arms so hard I was sure purple splotches would be showing up soon, and threw me against the wall. My head throbbed with aching pain, as my lungs scrambled for any last breaths of air. Air was all around me, yet unfortunately, my windpipe couldn’t exactly reach it all. I gasped again as pain shot from my abdomen; where I glanced down to see my father throw one last kick at me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how I must’ve looked at that moment. My usual messy bun was rattled into different directions, hair slipping out. The old ratty t-shirt I wore was crumpled around me, seeping blood through. I tried to sigh, but it only hurt my stomach even more. Grudgingly against my body, I hoisted myself off the floor and cleaned up any mess of blood that I may have left behind. The walk up the stairs was just as eventful as walking to my room. Every little body part screamed for release, to just collapse on the bed and sleep away my life. Honestly, I don’t know why I hadn’t ended my life yet, but I already knew the reason: Mom. Because of mom. I promised her, when we were near death in that accident. That stupid accident sealed my fate, as well as my mom’s. If that accident hadn’t happened, I would be hugging my dad, instead of protecting myself against him. Ethan, and I would be making disgusted faces as my parents kissed each other affectionately, while Sam would be hoisted onto dad’s shoulders, laughing. The picture perfect family. Ruined because of me. Just before dying, my mom promised me, that if she were gone, I would take care of the family. Flashback “Mom, oh god, mom please say something!” I screamed frantically, shaking my mom. Her lips parted, as a low groan emitted from her mouth. I stopped my frantic screaming and helped my mom. We were upside down in the car, and my mom’s head was slouched over on my seat. Blood poured from the long gash on her forehead, where she hit the steering wheel. Glass shards were littered all over my arms, but at that moment, I didn’t care. All I cared about was saving my mom. “Mom, please, please, wake up! We have to get out of here!” I patted her cheek softly. She lifted her eyes open a fraction, and whispered lowly. “Sweety, if I don’t make it out, I want you to run out of here. I want you to promise me, you’ll take over my position and be the mom of the family. Please sweetheart, just listen. I don’t have much time, just get out of here and take care of your family.” Tears scrambled out of my eyes, making her image become fuzzy. I tried to say something, anything, but I couldn’t. I wanted to protest, I wanted to beg, to plead, for her to stop talking and try getting out of the car, but I couldn’t. Her lips curved into a small smile, as her eyes trailed over my face, taking in every feature. I couldn’t let her do this. I wouldn’t let her do this. “Mom, no, everything’s going to be fine, you’ll be fine. Come on mom, Ethan, Sam, and dad are waiting for us at home! Everything’s going to be just fine, I-“ she cut me off, planting a kiss on my knuckles, before she lay limp in my arms. Her eyes glazed over, no raw emotion in them, just blank. Time stopped. I couldn’t acknowledge the sounds of distant sirens, the screeching of car tires. I couldn’t see the trees around us, the forest ground, the dirt hill we had rolled down a few seconds ago. Nothing was seen. It was like a soft focus photograph. Everything around was a blur, and the center, crisp and sharp, was me looking down at my mother in my arms. I cried silently. The tears flowed down to my chin, and dropped onto her face. I wiped them off of her and closed her eyes. I wept silently, as a police officer grabbed me out. I continued to weep, as the last image I saw was my mother sprawled on the ceiling of the flipped over car. Her arms outstretched, as if reaching for me, as if calling me back, but I couldn’t. I’d lost her forever, and it was my entire fault. Flashback End No, I could not fail my mom. She was my role model, my best friend, my protector. I missed the stories we used to tell each other, or how we would watch TV and my mother would point out all the hot guys, while I blushed. I loved how we used to bake cookies together every weekend, or how we used to take long walks down to the park. I missed her sparkling brown eyes, her beautiful brown hair flowing around her face. Her eyes lighten with amusement as she played a prank on us, or made a joke. She made our lives complete. Without her, I felt so empty, so heartbroken, and it was truly my fault for not saving her in time. I turned my head to the side, looking at the clock. It was way past time to leave for school. I would surely be late if I left now. But at that moment, I really didn’t care. Waking up the dormant thoughts of my mom left me so vulnerable right now, I just didn’t have the heart to face school. Grabbing a new t-shirt, a worn out black sweatshirt, and my backpack, I ran out the door. The cool morning air felt good against my aching body. I wish I had taken a shower after the beating, but sadly I couldn’t. I was still surprised that everyone ate and left without hearing my father beat me. But honestly, I doubt they would care. Shoving my hands into my sweatshirt, I took in the view. The October sky was lit with warm hues of orange and yellow, as the sun slowly crept its way onto the cloudless blue sky. The houses around me were surrounded by trees, as I got closer to the forest. The familiar dirt trail greeted me as I ventured inside the forest, taking in the scenery. The dirt was slightly moist and patches of grass were light with dew drops. Gnarly tree branches reached out towards the eminent sky, blocking the view. I was in serenity. All I needed was a few supplies, and I could seriously enjoy living out here. I chuckled at that quietly, but not before looking around frantically. I half expected my dad to jump out from behind the trees and beat the crap out of me again for laughing. I think he was just getting edgy because it was almost my eighteenth birthday. A week had flown by since I found out Drew was my mate, leaving my birthday only two days away. It was one of those rare moments when I wished my dad didn’t know what day my birthday was, because he treated me worse then. A tear slipped from my eyes and I wiped it away hastily. No need for crying when I can relax in the forest. I walked further in, until I stepped into a wide clearing. The giant trees gave enough shade, and the grass was not as damp. I sat down and pulled a sketchbook from my backpack. I sketched the scenery before me, adding detail and shading wherever needed. To be honest, I was a pretty good artist, not incredibly great, but slightly well nonetheless. For some reason, I felt like someone was watching me. I couldn’t smell or hear anything, but that may have been because my wolf was trying to mend my injuries. Suddenly, the scent of evergreens and musk cologne floated into my nose. I embraced the scent, feeling it swirl around me protectively. Only one person I knew had that scent. Drew’s ebony colored wolf stalked out of the trees, looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. I dropped my head down to my drawing. He barked menacingly and I jumped at the sudden noise. I scrambled to my feet, and stood awkwardly stiff. His wolf ran behind the trees, and he came back dressed in a V-neck and jeans. “Sorry for skipping alpha, I, uh, just didn’t feel too good,” I whispered quietly without eye contact. “Look at me when you speak! I’m your alpha!” he boomed back. I suddenly felt angry. If he was the damn alpha, why the hell wasn’t he acting like one? Screwing around with Dana when he knew he had a mate was freaking low. I clenched my hands into fists, creating nail marks in my skin. I shut my eyes, willing them not to turn dark brown-grey as I felt my wolf itching to take over. ‘Sweetie, just let me take over, this no good mate needs to learn a lesson,’ my wolf growled. ‘I know he does, but he’s our alpha too. I can’t let you hurt him, not because he doesn’t deserve it, but because he would win against us any day,’ I replied. I looked back towards him, my usual soft brown eyes almost black and glared. I was done with his shit, I was done with all the crap I was given, but mostly, I was done with my mate. “Why? Why in the HELL would I need to look at you? So I could see the mistake I’m stuck with? So I could see the betrayal I’m forced to live with? I’ve been through so much pain, that if I looked you in the eyes, you wouldn’t be able to take it. You just don’t understand do you? Everything is always handed to you, your alpha title, the girls, the popularity, the money, the fame, everything. But, for once, what if all those things in life were just objects that mocked you day by day? Try walking down a hallway, only to get shoved because your of so little importance that even the weakest kid thinks you’re weaker! Try being the only wolf that is hated in her pack, the place where everyone belongs! Try being the child of an abusive father!” I screamed at him. Shock and disbelief covered his face, as he judged my eyes for any signs of a lie. He obviously found none, because next thing I know, Drew’s back in his wolf form. He growled menacingly towards me, but it wasn’t directed at me. I stood there, dumbfounded, before I felt him take a step towards me. For some unknown reason-maybe, an anger high?-I shifted into my wolf and lunged back at him. A low growl emitted from him as we both stood guarded, hackles raised, ready for combat. He ran at me full speed, but I dodged just in time. He bucked his head against my body, sending me flying. I fell to the ground, but quickly stood up and charged at him. I did a fake, and maneuvered around him, but not before biting his hind leg. He let out a yelp and turned around, facing me. His eyes gleamed power, but still held pride in them. What, pride? I growled back at him, but in a quick second, I was underneath him, his wolf pinning mine down. This position clearly wasn’t good at all. ‘Hmm, actually, I quite like this position,’ Drew whispered huskily through mind link. If I were a human right now, I would’ve blushed 10 shades of red. We both shifted back, but not before I realized I was stark naked underneath my mate. This was not good! I desperately tried to cover myself, as Drew’s eyes raked up and down my body, but not before I heard a rumbling growl from him. The vibrations passed from his body onto mine, and it felt incredibly sexy. As much as I hated Drew’s alpha tone, his angry demeanor was really turning me on. I blushed at the dirty thoughts, but it didn’t seem Drew had caught it. He was too busy glaring at my stomach. I looked down, only to notice my bruises and bloody bandaging. “Your father did this?!” His voice all but shook the ground. “N-no, I’m just kind of a klutz,” I laughed humorously, but I could tell Drew wasn’t buying it. “Fucking prick! I will beat the shit out of him when I see his fucking ass! Damn idiot!” Drew raked a hand through his brown locks, some falling back into his eyes. “I will get that son of a bitch, and when I’m done with him, no one will hurt you Arianna, I promise,” I looked at him with awe, pride, and a bit of distrust. What if he just wound up hurting me again? I really couldn’t risk it, being hurt all over again. But as I gazed into his determined eyes, I felt like I could trust him this time, fully and with all my heart. “O-okay,” I whispered back. He leaned in ever so slightly, and kissed my lips hungrily. I slid my hands up his toned torso, taking in every sculpted plane and crevice. My arms eventually found his neck, where I tugged at his luscious hair. Our mouths connected with one another, each time I moved, he moved to fill up the empty space. It was like a jigsaw puzzle, and we were the two pieces that matched to finish the whole thing. We parted, and he continued kissing my face, down my jaw, and onto my neck. He kissed my collar bone and went lower, kissing my upper chest. “You’re mine, Arianna Mitchell. Every damn inch of you is mine, all mine, and I will promise to keep it that way,” he smiled at me before crashing his lips onto mine yet again. I felt like we were in a bubble, protected and loved. It felt as if I was travelling with the wind in this bubble, light as air, yet sturdy. Our relationship was indeed crazy, and I still couldn’t trust him much, but I could see it in his eyes, how much he regretted his actions. I just hoped he lived up to his promise.
2 Oct 2020 | 02:05
Let's go,loving it
2 Oct 2020 | 13:30
Continue Interesting
3 Oct 2020 | 18:41


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