BOWEN UNIVERSITY N650,000 per semester, COVENANT UNIVERSITY N640,000 per semester, BENSON IDAHOSA N500,000 per semester, BABCOCK UNIVERSITY N450,000 per semester, REDEEMERS UNIVERSITY N450,000 per semester, AJAYI CROWTHER UNIVERSITY N350,000 per semester, MADONNA UNIVERSITY 350,000 per semester. ALL OF THESE UNIVERSITIES WERE BUILT FROM TITHES AND OFFERINGS OF THE COMMON PEOPLE WHO NOW CAN'T AFFORD TO SEND THEIR CHILDREN THERE! where is the morals of the church going? These schools were all built with the sweats of their church members who kept sowing seeds; special offering seeds, first fruit seed, redemption seed, thanksgiving seed, harvest seed, tithes, pastor's birthday seed, church building seed, evangelism seed, father's day seed, mother's day seed, children' day seed, Pastor's cake seed, olive oil seed, etc. these schls are nw elite schools, only for the rich politician children. the gainers then use the profits to buy private planes $ jets to fly up high in luxury while their members sleep hungry $ d next Sunday, they will read Malachi 3:6-12. If you think this is unfair, like me, please comment on dz msg because this is reality $ we should start the change now