My woman

My woman

By marcus in 27 May 2019 | 04:39
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Member since: 30 Mar 2016
Episode 1

Wealth, Class, Beauty, Fame… Name it, Brenda had it all.

She was from a wealthy and highly respected family. Her father happened to be one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country, with multiple business interests around the world.

Brenda never lacked anything, except friends. All the people around her were either opportunists or the few she could actually rely on were not comfortable in her company. This made her unhappy. She needed friends she could confide in. But her money couldn’t buy that. The only way she thought she could get what she wanted was to go back to school under a disguise.

She had already finished with her first degree in the UK yet she was willing to embark on this mission. Brenda applied and eventually gained admission into a local University. She was completely on her own though. She had to pay the fees and other bills from her personal savings, as the venture was a secret she was keeping from her father, who wasn’t even aware she was back in the country.

She had to go to school using public transport, leaving behind luxurious cars that she owned. She rented a room close to school and bought some dresses to look like a regular student.

Finally resumption day came… It was time for her very first lecture and all fresh students gathered at the lecture hall waiting for class to begin. The atmosphere was filled with tension, as they were all new to the tertiary system. They hardly knew themselves. Brenda had not arrived yet; she was running late on her first day on campus… She did that on purpose, because she wanted to be noticed as she entered the class.

Soon the lecturer arrived and the class began.

Brenda made her grand entry while lectures were ongoing. Indeed, all the students noticed her, as she looked very charming even in her simple and regular dress. She quickly spotted an empty chair and sat on it.

She was not the only late one though… Another new student Dave arrived in a rush right after Brenda got seated. He was sweaty all over, however he went straight ahead and sat beside her. Dave didn’t realize the beauty he was sitting beside until she gave him a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat.

The lecturer noticed what Brenda did and said: “Shame, how can a handsome guy like you go around with no handkerchief?”

Dave was embarrassed by the lecturer’s comment as it gave the whole class something to laugh about. Brenda felt bad for him and told the lecturer “Sir, the handkerchief belongs him, he actually lent it to me on our way here”

“Do you two know each other already?” asked the lecturer

27 May 2019 | 04:39
Episode 2 Do you two know each other already?” asked the lecturer Brenda was quiet; she didn’t know what answer to give. “Lady, I asked you a question” said the lecturer It was obvious that Dave had to come up with something “Yes sir, she was a good friend of mine…way back in High school” he responded. One lie lead to the other… The lecturer ignored them and continued with the class. It was amazing how Brenda and Dave clicked from that very first time. The chemistry between them was heavy. You could tell from the look on both their faces that they wanted the class to end so they could talk to each other. Brenda couldn’t hold herself, she took a sheet of paper and wrote “Thank you”. She then passed it to Dave who quickly replied. For close to 20 minutes, Brenda and Dave were just exchanging notes and messages, oblivious to their surroundings. They were getting along pretty well. The smiles on their faces was a sign that they were enjoying every bit of the conversation. On that first day, they hardly paid attention to anything the lecturer said, their attention was on each other. Unfortunately the class had to end and the lecturer dismissed them. Before Dave could ask for Brenda’s name in his final note, the Lecturer asked her to see him. She walked out of the class to see the lecturer who was already in his vehicle. He made her sit in the car and drove her out of sight. Brenda curiously asked the lecturer “Sir, where are we going? I have to go home” “Don’t worry, I’m just driving you away from these students, they talk too much and by the way, you can call me Mr. Edward, I’m not comfortable with you calling me sir” The lecturer answered. “Ok Sir, sorry Mr. Edward, may I know what I have done wrong? Brenda asked “Why do you think you have done something wrong? I called you here to make your acquaintance. As a lecturer, one of my roles is to look out for my students. I won’t waste your time, take my card and call me tonight” Brenda took the card and alighted from his car. She actually wanted to see Dave before going home so she rushed back to the lecture hall but he was gone. Dave had waited a long while and finally left when he was convinced Brenda had gone home. [hr] LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7-8 Episode 9 Episode 10-11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14-16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Last Episode.
27 May 2019 | 04:41
Nice story story
27 May 2019 | 05:12
This gona be hot. Very hot. And going enjoy it like that
27 May 2019 | 05:13
Hottie hottie Fire on
27 May 2019 | 09:25
Fire on
27 May 2019 | 18:04
Push it,already seated...
27 May 2019 | 19:28
Nice start
28 May 2019 | 04:28
Ride on
28 May 2019 | 04:29
Episode 3 Brenda went home after she got back to the lecture hall to find Dave gone. Indeed the night was long… she stayed up all night remembering her encounter with this new acquaintance. She didn’t even know his name. She kept replaying the entire scenario; so much so, she forgot to call Mr. Edwards. Brenda tossed and turned in her bed as Dave’s face kept appearing in her mind. “Am I in love?” She asked herself. “No, it can’t be, I don’t love like that. Probably I’m just crushing on him. Yeah, that’s the word -Crush! I’m definitely crushing on him… Let’s see what tomorrow has in store,” She told herself. It wasn’t different for Dave… He was also at home thinking of this mystery girl he had met in class when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was his ex-girlfriend Amelia. Dave had been trying to get back with her for a while now. Prior to the day, he hadn’t seen her for almost 8 weeks. All his messages and text were either not answered or answered with short curt one-liners suggesting she was too busy to care. Amelia was success-obsessed and an amateur actress. She was always on the move with Celebrities and movie directors all over the country. She hardly had time for Dave and their relationship; and that had caused their break up. He was pleasantly surprised to see her on his doorstep. “Wow what brings you here? Let’s go in,” he requested. “Sorry I can’t, I’m with someone, he’s waiting for me across the street. I just came here for one thing,” she said “Hmm, what is it?” Dave asked. She opened her purse and took out a ring. It was a promise ring that he had given her when they were dating. “Here is your cheap ring Dave, please stop calling me. Things are opening up for me, I have a real man in my life not a silly student and I don’t need any setbacks.” Amelia said and threw the ring at him. You can imagine the look on Dave’s face at this point. He was too hurt to utter a word. After throwing the ring at him, Amelia turned around and walked away without so much as a backward glance. Dave was left with mixed emotions. Here he was hurt by Amelia’s callous treatment of him, but somehow, thoughts of Brenda were still strong in his mind. He sat up all night and relayed the scenes of the day through his mind. As the pictures ran through his mind like a movie, he realized that he was too enamored by the thought of this new girl that Amelia seemed more and more like a bad dream that he had bumped into. He couldn’t believe that he had been struck by the love bug – he counted himself too much a realist for such things to happen to him. The more he thought about it though; he knew something had happened to him. Wow! He thought to himself, such things happen only in movies or novels. He decided to go to campus early the next morning with the hope that he’d get to interact with her before classes began. The night passed and Dave was on the move very early the next morning. His first lecture for the day was for 9:30 am, and by 7:55 he was just 5 minutes away from the school. He got to campus and headed straight to the lecture hall. His heart leapt with joy when he spied Brenda sitting all alone somewhere about the middle of the hall. He tried desperately to contain his excitement and not show off his eagerness. At that moment however he realized how much he had fallen for this stranger. Time and space seemed to hold their breath and he didn’t quite know how he breached the distance because in a short while, there he was not far from her. Their eyes met and for a while they just kept staring at each other. She stood up and went towards him. When she got in front of him, she looked straight into his eyes and asked, “What’s your name?” “Dave” He answered conscious of nothing but her; “Brenda” she continued without waiting for him to even ask. They stood there staring at each other. Their words were few if any. They had no recollection of having said any words, their eyes did all the talking and before you knew it, they were in each other’s arms. The kiss was so real that they could feel each other’s breath as they rubbed against each other. They got wrapped up in the intensity of the kiss. It was like everything else seemed to disappear; they seemed to be the only ones in the universe, this seemed just right, like only them mattered. Everything stood still; it felt like eternity, his soul reaching out to her soul in a deep embrace. She didn’t know what she was doing; all she knew was that it felt like she was home. She felt powerless yet complete like this was what she had been waiting for all her life. She closed her eyes much more, wrapped her hands around his neck slowly feeling the coarse hair at the back of his neck and settled down to enjoy the moment. “What do you think you are doing?” The voice sounded so angry and enraged, it tore into their reminiscing, jerking them back to reality. They tore away from each other with brutal force to face the stranger that had interrupted their special moment. Brenda’s eyes first widened and then narrowed as she looked and saw Mr. Edwards the lecturer, hands on his sides, eyes blazing red and brows set in a dark cloud looking the picture of hell about to explode…
28 May 2019 | 05:20
nice start
28 May 2019 | 10:51
Mr Edward you're free to explode
28 May 2019 | 11:51
Nice one
28 May 2019 | 12:29
next pls
28 May 2019 | 18:34
But this is some how only 1 day and have dax and u people have already started kissing
29 May 2019 | 04:06
Episode 4 Sorry Sir, we were just……” Dave tried explaining. “Would you shut up there! Are you aware this is an institution?! I will personally see to it that you suffer for your actions.” “Sir please” Brenda pleaded Mr Edwards turned on her “And as for you, you amaze me” then he continued, “Both of you should follow me to my office right now” The lecturer was already seething over the fact that Brenda had refused to call him the previous night as agreed. To now see her kissing some other guy got him more furious. He however figured this could be the perfect opportunity to get what he wanted from Brenda. He had lusted for her the moment he had seen her – Brenda had a body and face that made men become imaginative. Mr Edwards was a well known womanizer who would chase anything in skirts; He had a way of manipulating students into his bed and that was the same intention he had for Brenda. As they got to his office, he instructed Dave to wait outside, leaving him and Brenda alone in his office. “Brenda, you’ve really disappointed me, I have the mind to refer this matter to the school authorities” Mr. Edward said. The school had strict regulations concerning PDA (Public Display of Affection) on campus… Students were required to keep their romance outside of the premises, for the sake of good ol’ sanity. “Sir please, it won’t happen again, I beg of you.” Brenda pleaded. “Hmmmmn. Very well… I am going to spare you this once, because i like you, but its going to be on one condition” Mr. Edward said. “What condition? asked Brenda “Its very simple” Mr. Edwards said. “Just give me a call tonight, we will meet somewhere and talk about it and if you don’t call, you have yourself to blame” He warned her. Brenda at this point wondered at what Mr Edwards had in store for her and felt unsafe. He then dismissed her. She narrated what transpired at the office to Dave. He also didn’t feel comfortable hearing the details. “Dave, I need your help with this… just be there for me tonight. ” Brenda asked. “Don’t worry dear, I’ll always be there for you but how do I do that tonight? Edwards gave you strict instructions about leaving me out of this equation” said Dave “Just be available. I will call you to come over when I find out where he wants us to meet” Brenda suggested. They discussed what Mr. Edwards would probably want to do and came up with a plan. They exchanged contacts and went towards their lecture hall. Before they entered the hall, Dave held Brenda by hand, looked into her eyes and said “I love you” Brenda smiled sweetly, her face brightening with a wide smile on her lips. She was happy to hear these words from Dave but wasn’t ready to voice the same sentiment just yet. “I will reply when this is all is over” She said. Dave didn’t expect to get that answer from her especially with all the things they had going on. Later that night, Mr. Edwards got dressed and sat in his living room, waiting for Brenda’s call. His wife knew that he was up to something as his behavior was suspicious. Already, she had heard the rumours about her husband being involved with campus girls. There had been several quarrels between them for this reason but since Mrs. Edwards had no proof of her allegation, her husband always got the upper hand. She was just looking for the perfect opportunity to unmask her cheating husband. Suddenly, his phone rang… It was an unknown number. When Mr. Edwards answered the call, he left the room to talk to the caller, away from his wife’s prying eyes. It was Brenda and it was obvious to Mrs Edwards that it was a lady calling. She tried listening to the conversation but couldn’t make out her husband’s words. Meanwhile Mr. Edward was giving Brenda location and time to meet him up. They were to meet at a hotel a bit isolated from the city where no one would see them. Having secured the appointment, Brenda quickly called Dave to meet her up at the Hotel before Mr. Edwards showed up. The plan was ultimately for him to rescue her if Mr. Edwards tried to go funny with her. When Brenda and Dave met up at the venue, they agreed on a strategy and each took their positions. Brenda sat at the reception while Dave sat at the hotel restaurant which was faraway from sight. Mr. Edwards was setting off from his house when his wife accosted him. Mrs Edwards: Where are you going at this time of the night? Mr. Edwards: I have a meeting with my colleagues, it might take a while so don’t expect me home anytime soon. Mrs. Edwards: At this time of the night?? Mr. Edwards: Yes! The hard look on his face prevented her from asking any further questions, but she knew just what to do! She intended to secretly follow her husband wherever he was going so as soon as he drove off, she also boarded a cab and followed him. Mr. Edwards arrived the hotel and saw Brenda seated at the reception. She was simply dressed in blue skinny jeans and a white top. Her long pony tail projected her face… She was absolutely gorgeous and pretty… her beautiful skin glowed in the night light and her pouty full lips looked extremely ravishing and tempting under the lip gloss that highlighted their features. Brenda was indeed beautiful with big glowing child like white eyes, she had the confident charisma of a woman yet the innocence of a child – qualities enough to make any man go weak at the knees. On seeing her, Mr Edwards barely restrained himself, he wanted to jump on her that selfsame moment as he felt himself tingling all over. He congratulated himself on his finding and made up his mind that this was going to be one loooooooong night. Opportunities like this don’t come everyday and he was going to make the best of it. his mind quickly flashed through how the night was going to be and he wished he had come with a camera to enjoy the scenes well after. He took one more look at Brenda as he got to her, savouring the way her slim waist accentuated her wide hips, he got a whiff of her nicely shaped and sculptured behind “this girl sure has everything together” he thought to himself. Having previously called to book his favourite room, he walked to the counter to confirm it, motioned to her to follow him and walked away briskly with a bounce and unusual swagger to his steps. Brenda took out her phone and quickly sent an SMS to Dave. She sent him the room number and let him know that she had followed him. She asked him to be quick in coming over, having seen the way Mr Edwards’s eyes had moved ravishingly over her, she could imagine what it would be like to be found alone with him. She was sure that a goat would have had it easier with a starving lion. Just as they entered the room, Mrs. Edwards’ cab pulled up in front of the hotel. To be continued…
30 May 2019 | 06:19
This one nah war
30 May 2019 | 10:52
Well, thank God that there's a plan to foil Mr. Edwards evil plot
30 May 2019 | 12:42
I'm enjoying this game
30 May 2019 | 20:58
let's see how it goes
31 May 2019 | 04:48
31 May 2019 | 05:37
Episode 5 Just as at when they entered the room, Mrs. Edwards arrived at the hotel with the cab. Driving into the car park, she saw her husband’s car parked neatly to one corner. She intended to run out of the car to go into the reception “I will catch this useless man today” she said to herself as she burst out of the taxi, several thoughts running through her mind. “Madam, my money please” the words from the cab driver tore into her thoughts jarring her into the present. She reached into her bag only to discover that in her hurry to come after her husband, she had left her purse at home. Rummaging through the bag, she saw some loose coins just short of the fare. She turned to explain to the driver, gave him the coins and started to explain but that wasn’t going well. The guy was having none of her stories… Meanwhile, Dave was still at the hotel restaurant, waiting for a signal from Brenda. He was getting worried. Mr Edwards eased himself and Brenda into the room. As he was shutting the door, he thought to lock it but remembered that he had also ordered a bottle of cold beer to be brought to him in about 30 mins so he left the door unlocked. Brenda : “Sir, I am not comfortable with this” Mr.Edwards: “Don’t give me that excuse, you were comfortable kissing that boy this morning. Like I said earlier, you better comply or I will make sure you and that guy are expelled from the school.” Having said this, he started taking off his clothes. Brenda wondering where Dave was, looked at her phone and noticed that the text hadn’t gone through. She quickly resent it and got a satisfying response showing the message had been delivered. Mr. Edwards had undressed himself leaving his “boxer shots”. He turned and noticed that Brenda hadn’t made any move to undress. He got impatient and said “I believe you are not going to do this in your jeans”. Then he smiled, “you like it rough right” “I am sure you knew this is what we came to do, if not, why did you follow me?” Brenda: “Sir, I can’t do this please” Mr. Edwards: “girl, I don’t have time for games, we have a whole night ahead of us and I intend to enjoy every moment of it” At this point, he couldn’t control himself any longer. He took off his shorts, pounced on her, pushed her on the bed, tore her top and began to pull off her jeans. Brenda was having a tough time fighting him. Edwards was a tall man who while he wouldn’t win any beauty contest, was okay looking. He had a flabby physique and a potbelly formed from too many bottles of beer and a loose life. He could have been more attractive if he had been taking better care of himself. Meanwhile Dave was finding it difficult to locate the room even though he knew the number… When he eventually found it, he turned the doorknob gently and was pleasantly surprised to find the it unlocked. He opened the door gently to find Mr. Edwards forcing himself on Brenda and trying to undress her. They both didn’t notice when Dave entered. As he took in the scene, he was furious… He wanted to just push Mr. Edwards aside and rescue Brenda immediately, but he needed to go by the plan if they were to get a lasting resolution. He took out the digital camera he had in his pocket and started taking shots of the scene. Brenda saw him and quickly kicked Mr. Edwards in his groin to free herself. She ran and stood by Dave who was busy taking pictures. While Mr. Edwards was still writhing in pain, he noticed that Brenda and Dave had outsmarted him. Mr. Edwards: “you will live to regret this, both of you” Dave: “Don’t even think about doing anything funny Mr. I already have evidence, it’s your word against the pictures we have taken” Mr Edwards eyes narrowed at the words, he looked closely and noticed the camera in Dave’s hand. Immediately, he realized what had happened. Mr. Edwards’ first instinct was to rush at Dave but a good look at the well built young man convinced him that he would be the worse off in the encounter. His face dropped and he began to beg. Dave realized that Brenda was in tears and was not comfortable in that room. He took her by the hand and left Edwards who was still begging. They bumped into Mrs Edwards on their way. Mrs. Edwards had finally succeeded in getting the cab driver to calm down, though that took almost forever. She entered the reception thereafter and the lady at the desk gave her Mr. Edwards room number after she convinced her he was expecting her. While trying to locate the room, she ran into Dave and Brenda, and was quite concerned to see Brenda disheveled and in tears. Mrs. Edwards: “Young Man, what’s wrong with her?” She asked. He didn’t know what answer to give her, but thankfully, Brenda intervened. He didn’t know what answer to give her but thankfully, Brenda intervened. Brenda: “I’m having a stomach ache and we are on our way to the hospital” Mrs. Edwards: “Sorry my dear but can you please help me locate room 202? Brenda and Dave were surprised as the room in question was the same room Mr. Edwards had booked for his rendezvous with Brenda. Brenda : ” Room 202? Mrs. Edwards: “Yes, room 202, I’m meeting my husband here” Dave: Husband? Mr…….
31 May 2019 | 06:46
Shameful man
31 May 2019 | 07:40
hahaha so much plan for u Mr Edward u are in hot pepper soup tonight
31 May 2019 | 09:04
Waiting for edwards humiliation
31 May 2019 | 17:03
This is sweet
31 May 2019 | 18:42
hahahaha let the game begin
31 May 2019 | 19:03
Smart move, now he'll be forced to stay away from the duo of Brenda and Dave
1 Jun 2019 | 03:08
stupid man,, dey wil Hav dia wife at home and will still be going after everything in skirt
1 Jun 2019 | 03:24
1 Jun 2019 | 09:30
Episode 6 Dave: Husband? Mr…… Before he could finish speaking, Brenda shouted “Dave, my tummy!” Mrs. Edward: Young man, I think you should rush her to the hospital now, let me not waste your time. Dave: Thank you madam. Having said this, they left. Dave knew then that Brenda did that on purpose, to prevent him from exposing Mr. Edward. Dave: You did that on purpose right? Brenda: This is not the right time for him to go down. Now that we know he’s married, we have the upper hand. Dave, just take me home, I don’t want to be here. They quickly boarded a cab and set off to Brenda’s place. As soon as Dave and Brenda walked out of the room, Mr Edwards had locked the door just in case they came back. He then quickly wore his shorts and lay on the bed contemplating his fate. “those kids have gotten one on me. I must revenge” What am I going to do now?” he thought to himself. Several thoughts ran through his mind and he played back stories of people who had found themselves in this situation… Meanwhile, Mrs Edwards had found her way to the room. She knocked on the door and quickly turned the handle with the hope of bursting into her husband. To her disappointment, the door was locked. Her sharp knocks on the door brought her husband back to reality. He jerked up thinking Dave and Brenda were back Mr Edwards: “who is it” Mrs Edwards: “Room service” Mr Edwards thought to himself “that must be my cold drink, let me drink this out” On getting to the door, he was shocked to see his wife in all her glory filling the door. She pushed past him into the room, took one look at the bed, went into the bathroom and closet and was disappointed not to see any one. “What are you doing here? I told you I was going for a meeting. hold on, were you following me?” he asked. Mrs Edward nodded. “You think I’m a cheating husband right? Apparently the meeting couldn’t happen… I was feeling drowsy so I booked this room just to relax since I couldn’t drive in my current condition” He lied. His story sounded true to wifey. She was the “easy to be convinced” type. Mrs. Edwards: “I’m so sorry my husband, please forgive me” Mr. Edward: “Hmmm, all this while, you didn’t trust me? How could you…” Mrs. Edwards: “I’m sorry, let me make it up to you tonight… Besides, it’s been a while since we made love as couples do” It sounded like a good plan to Mr. Edwards and since he hadn’t succeeded with Brenda, he could at least satisfy his lustful desire with his wife who was available at that moment and deal with Brenda and Dave later. So they went on and spent the night together. Meanwhile, Brenda and Dave had reached Brenda’s apartment. She was scared to be alone after her ordeal with Mr. Edwards back at the hotel. Brenda: “Dave, please don’t leave me here alone tonight, I’m too scared to stay on my own. Dave: “Brenda, don’t worry, I’m here” Brenda then went to take a shower while Dave sat on the sofa. He saw her album and started going through her pictures. He realized that Brenda had taken photos with top popular billionaires in the country and one of them kept appearing in almost every picture… That was Brenda’s Dad. “Hmm, seems this lady is really connected” He said to himself. Just then, she came out of the shower with just a white towel wrapped around her body and her fresh fragrance distracted him. Dave looked up at her as she smeared lotion on her arms and legs. She looked splendid. He wanted to grab her and kiss her there and then; but he kept it cool as he didn’t know how she would take it. The feeling was mutual; the weird silence in the room gave rise to many lustful thoughts. Suddenly she came close to him on the sofa, stood right in front of him and said “I have an answer for you now, but I will tell you mid-way through” Dave: “mid-way through what? You sure are very mysterious” Brenda: “Just shush ok. I hate men who talk a lot.” She said that jovially. “Dave” She called, and sat on him… Now they were facing each other. She looked straight into his eyes and held his head. She slowly landed a passionate kiss on his lips. Dave held her curvy waist, as the kiss grew intense. Both their breathing got heavier… In no time, his hand had found its way under her towel and he had begun to explore. Brenda was aroused… She didn’t know when she took off the towel leaving just her pants on. She then went on to take off his shirt while still sitting on him. They were now skin to skin…
3 Jun 2019 | 05:02
Kkkkkk nah
3 Jun 2019 | 12:02
hmmm guys did well
4 Jun 2019 | 06:02
hmmm u guys did well
4 Jun 2019 | 06:03
4 Jun 2019 | 06:59
Nice one
4 Jun 2019 | 07:13
Episode 7 They were now skin to skin… …and in no time they were making love…. It was an enjoyable night for them both; a moment not to be forgotten in a hurry, they were consumed both with lust, love and a need for each other after the events of the night. For Dave and Brenda, it felt like this was the first time. While it wasn’t the first time of sex for both of them, they both felt so aware of each other. At first they were shy, then as they got more intense, they lost all shyness and got enveloped with one another. Time became a blur and suddenly everything seemed like a huge rush as they were exploring each other. They had no recollection of time – it was just one huge sensuous activity and everything came to a blissful end. Brenda laid her head on Dave’s chest and tried to get to grips with what had just happened. She couldn’t believe she had barely known Dave for just about a week. No man had ever made her feel like this. This was what she had wanted all her life. She turned slowly and raised her head to his lips and kissed him gently yet passionately then she turned and looked into his eyes… “I love you, It seems like I have waited for you all my life and it was worth it” Dave turned to her looked into her eyes and went “I love you too” From that moment, they couldn’t tell how the night ended. They slept some, talked some, made more love… looked like they were trying to catch up an eternity of being apart. Brenda was the first to wake up… She thought of telling Dave all about her life, who she really was, her secret and all, but she waved it aside. “It is too soon” her practical side said to her. “What if…” She brushed aside the many “what if” thoughts that came to her and woke her brand new boyfriend with a kiss and they both went to shower together. Soon after, they set out quickly for lectures. Mr. Edwards had arrived on campus very early that morning, hoping to get an audience with Brenda and Dave before they decided to circulate the pictures. He impatiently waited for them at his office. Brenda and Dave got to campus and to their surprise; there were a large number of students in their class. It looked like all new students had finally reported to school. While they were looking around for seats, a lady called out to Dave from behind in an excited voice that sounded shocked yet happy to see him. Brenda and Dave both turned to see who it was… It was Amelia. Apparently, she was one of the new students who had reported late. Dave was surprised to see her in his class. Brenda: “who is she, Dave? Dave: “Let me go see to her and get back to you” Without answering her question, he went towards Amelia. This made Brenda both suspicious and jealous, but she decided to curb her feelings until Dave returned. Dave: “What are you doing here Amelia? Amelia: ” I should be asking you that. I’m a student here and this happens to be my first lecture. What are you doing here? Dave’s face dropped when he heard her response. “Are you saying you are a student here?” he asked. Amelia: “Yeah and from what I can see, I’m in the same class as you” Dave: “Yes, good to have you here” Amelia: “Oh, no need for that, you don’t even mean it. Remember I know you more than anyone else here. By the way, who’s that lady you were walking with? Dave: “ That’s Brenda, my girlfriend, you should meet her” He promptly called Brenda to come so that he could introduce her. Amelia found it very hard to control her jealousy and got upset. She gave Brenda an angry look. Their eyes met and you could feel the tension between them as she approached. Dave: “Amelia, meet Brenda my girlfriend. To Brenda, he said “Baby this is Amelia a friend.” Dave wanted to hide his past life with Amelia, as he felt that it wasn’t the right time to tell Brenda about his ex. As a matter of fact, they hadn’t really made time to talk about each other. From the introduction, Amelia figured that Dave was hiding things from Brenda. Amelia: “Nice to meet you Brenda, I really wish you luck in your relationship with Dave. He is a good guy but my little advice, before you buy a land, make sure the land has not been sold to more than one person” Having said that, she gave a fake smile turned and left to find a seat. Brenda: “What was all that about Dave? Is there something I should know? The question came too sudden. Dave planned to tell Brenda about Amelia, but this was neither the appropriate time nor place. Before he could open his mouth Mr. Edwards came to class. He wasn’t coming to teach, he came to summon Brenda and Dave to his office. He apparently couldn’t wait any longer knowing the scandal they could create if he didn’t negotiate a deal with them concerning the photos. Brenda left with Dave to Mr. Edwards’ office. She had left her handbag on her chair to secure the seat. While they were away, Amelia noticed Brenda’s handbag; she quickly wrote a note and placed it within sight for Brenda to see once she opened her bag. On getting to the office, Dave and Brenda showed Mr. Edwards copies of the photos they had. Their deal was that he would stay away from Brenda forever and if he failed to do so, they would make the photos available to his wife and the school authorities. It sounded like a fair deal so without wasting any time, Mr. Edwards agreed and they returned to their class. There was a lecturer already in the class when they got back. This lecturer came to pass some information about a resource person he was inviting to give a talk on “entrepreneurship”. The class was excited about this news since it sounded very educative. When Brenda and Dave got to their seats, Brenda immediately noticed that her handbag had been tampered with. She opened to find out if any of her things have been taken. Everything was intact; the only difference was the note from Amelia. She took the note and read it. “Brenda, meet me after class. You might want to know about the land you are farming on, Amelia.” Brenda was interested in hearing what she had to tell her. Right after class, she managed to convince Dave to go home alone so she could meet up with Amelia. Dave didn’t know about their meeting. He thought that Brenda probably wanted to be alone for a while. He respected her decision and went home alone. Brenda looked around campus in search of Amelia. After a few minutes, she found her waiting at an isolated part of the campus, alone. Amelia: “I knew you would find me here, looks like we think alike” Brenda : “Can you please tell me why you needed to see me, I’m in a hurry” Amelia: “Oh don’t worry, I won’t be long. I just want us to talk like women” Brenda: “I’m listening” Amelia: “I think we have something in common here” Brenda: “Really, what is it? Amelia smiled and answered “Dave” ……. to be continued
5 Jun 2019 | 05:07
Wat Happened In Your Relationship Before Amelia?
5 Jun 2019 | 15:05
Who is ur woman now
5 Jun 2019 | 15:26
Amelia must be crazy bcos u left dave in d first place
5 Jun 2019 | 17:30
you're is ex and that's final
5 Jun 2019 | 22:33
Episode 8 Amelia: “I think we have something in common here” Brenda: “Really, what is it? Amelia smiled and answered “Dave” Brenda: “I don’t understand you” Amelia: “Don’t be so dumb girl, we are in love with the same guy here and one of us must back out!” Brenda: “interesting” Amelia: “Dave and I have been dating for over 2 years now; I left because I needed some space but now I’m back and you must be on your way out” Brenda laughed… Much as it was a serious issue on ground, she found the conversation funny. Amelia: “And what’s funny about what I just said? Brenda: “Look lady, was this why you called me here?? Now, listen and listen carefully. I know Dave and not you. I don’t know what went on with you two and honestly, I don’t want to know. Dave and I have something good going and as far as I am concerned, he already made his choice. He’s the one you should be talking to, not me. If you will excuse me now, I have something important to do.” Brenda walked out on her and went straight home. That didn’t go down well with Amelia… In fact, it sparked up her dark side. “Seriously! Did she just give me that attitude? She must be joking. This is just the beginning. I will get my man back. I certainly will!” Amelia told herself as she left the scene. She was going to back up, study things and strike again from the weakest point. On getting to Dave’s place, Brenda thought about talking over the whole drama episode with him. She however decided to let it be “let him be the one to tell me about it when he feels comfortable enough” she thought to herself. “I too have secrets, when the time comes and we are both okay with it, then we can talk”. Days passed by, Brenda and Dave were getting along very well with no interruption from Mr. Edwards or Amelia. Their love grew stronger as the days went by. They did everything together; came to school together, ate together, studied together and generally spent time together. Everybody knew they were dating because they could barely hide their obsession with each other. This further enhanced the trust and transparency in their relationship. Amelia made allies on campus; she monitored the couple’s every movement. She was waiting for just the right time to strike. Soon it was time for the long awaited seminar that the students had been preparing for; the one on entrepreneurship with the mystery guest lecturer. All students arrived early that morning including Brenda, Dave and Amelia. They were all neatly dressed in corporate outfits. Their course lecturer also arrived on time and he had invited other lecturers to be present as well. Before the resource person arrived, Mr. Edwards remembered he had left his briefcase at his office. Randomly, he called Amelia to go fetch it for him. Amelia got to his office, saw the briefcase and picked it up but she didn’t leave immediately… her curiosity got the better of her. She decided to explore the office looking for nothing in particular. She noticed a particular brown envelope, which had been isolated from the other office stuff. She quickly reached for it and realized that the envelope was unsealed. Opening it, she found the photos of Brenda with Mr. Edwards… Copies of the original photos Dave had taken on that fateful night. Amelia was taken aback when she saw the photos but she smiled at them. Mischievous thoughts were already running through her mind. She realized what she could do with the pictures. Back at the lecture theatre, a black tinted Range Rover Vogue HSE had just pulled in and parked. The car was the latest model and looked every bit as expensive as one of the most expensive SUV’s in the world should be. The car definitely was a symbol of success. An aide jumped out of the car to quickly open the back door for the occupant. A tall, handsome looking elderly man slowly alighted from the back seat. He wore success like a cloak and looked quite powerful. He sure looked like a man of style. He wore a pinstriped double-breasted pale blue suit, a pink shirt with matching necktie and brown cowhide shoes. This was apparently the surprise resource person. He was one of the county’s topmost industrialists and had charted repeatedly as one of the top ten wealthiest men in the country for the past 10 years. The course lecturer recognized him and went out to usher him into the class. The class was agog as students closer to the windows spotted him and passed the word back as to whom he was. There was now palpable excitement in the air and everyone was anxious to see him. As they entered through the door, the class stood up to welcome him. Brenda who was sitting with Dave as usual, turned to catch a glimpse of the man. She got caught up with the excitement and pushed herself on her toes to see beyond the students who were standing. On sighting the man, her blood almost froze, she gasped for breath and almost fainted. “This can’t be real,” She said to herself. It was Her Dad.
6 Jun 2019 | 08:58
6 Jun 2019 | 10:12
6 Jun 2019 | 13:39
Hmmmm Waiting for Amelia's plan
6 Jun 2019 | 13:57
6 Jun 2019 | 15:58
Ur what??? Oh no dis isn't gud... Dis Amelia gal kroaa what be her own set???
6 Jun 2019 | 18:03
7 Jun 2019 | 00:49
Episode 9 This can’t be real” She said to herself. It was her Dad. She quickly remembered that she hadn’t yet told her dad that she was in the country. She had gone to elaborate lengths to make it look like she was still in the UK; she didn’t want him to find this out like this. Having spotted him, Brenda quickly sat down to avoid being seen. She was in luck… The class was full so it was easy for her to hide her face. Meanwhile, Amelia had brought Mr. Edwards briefcase to him and went back to her seat. She appeared very cheerful as she sat down. The Course Lecturer introduced the Resource Person who came up stage and promptly began the seminar. Brenda kept her head down so that her Dad wouldn’t see her. She kept on bopping her head from side to side to avoid him directly looking at her. Even though the crowd was much and could hide her, she didn’t want to take chances. Dave noticed this and asked, “Is everything alright dear?” Brenda: “Yeah I’m ok, don’t worry” From where she was seated, Amelia noticed Brenda’s strange attitude and wondered what was going on. Before Brenda’s father began with the seminar, he connected his laptop to the class projector as he had put his notes on PowerPoint Slides. The laptop booted on and threw up his desktop wallpaper, which was a picture he and Brenda had taken by the beach the previous summer. In the picture, both of them were looking up smiling at the camera. Brenda had on brown beach shorts, a white shirt folded around the waist and a straw hat thrown to the back. She had her hands around his waist. He meanwhile had on a black pair of trousers folded to the ankle, a colored shirt and had an arm on her shoulders. They both looked happy and intimate. The image appeared on for a little while before booting to the powerpoint slides. As the students saw and recognized Brenda in the picture, there was some murmuring with faces turning to her direction with a knowing look. Some students immediately started snickering at Dave. “My Ideal Woman Is Someone Who Is Deaf And Dumb” Jesse Jags In her bid to be incognito, Brenda had registered in school with her mother’s maiden name. She also didn’t show any of the trappings of wealth such as a car. Even though she always turned up classy and exquisite looking, there was no way anyone could connect her as being the only daughter of one of the wealthiest industrialist in the country. The only assumption had to be that she had dated or was dating the resource person. The students couldn’t wait for the lecture to end so as to start gossiping. Amelia was so happy with everything that was going on. “This is the best day of my entire life” she said to herself. Dave didn’t react but you could see the disappointment on his face. His heart was broken entirely. Brenda who still kept her head down saw the look on Dave’s face, she gently placed her hand on his thigh beneath the desk and said “Baby I know how you must be feeling, I can explain” Dave was so hurt that he threw Brenda’s hand off his thigh. Time flew very fast and soon the presentation came to an end. There was no room for questions as the resource person had used up all the time allotted for the seminar. He however left his email address and personal phone number for the class to contact him in case of further inquiries. Amelia quickly wrote the number down, not for academic purpose but for her own personal scheme against Brenda and Dave. Soon as Brenda’s father left, the class was dismissed. All heads looked in Dave and Brenda’s direction. The whole class had found something juicy to talk about. Dave realizing this didn’t want to make it obvious that he was hurt, he quickly took Brenda by the hand and they went out of the class together. Amelia as usual monitored and followed them from a distance. When they were far away from campus, Dave asked, “Brenda, are you going to explain what happened in there?” Brenda: “Dave calm down, we can’t talk about this here. Lets get to my place first, please” Dave: “I can’t hold on for that long, its either now or never, I can’t believe this, are you into sugar daddies too? That man is old enough to be your father for Christ’s sake!” Brenda: “And what if he is?
7 Jun 2019 | 05:57
Wow next pls
7 Jun 2019 | 06:45
Ok coNtinue
7 Jun 2019 | 11:18
Abi na
7 Jun 2019 | 18:22
8 Jun 2019 | 06:02
Amelia u want to start case abi
9 Jun 2019 | 18:22
ur dad ,rich man pinkin
9 Jun 2019 | 18:23
Dave don't jump into conclusion first
9 Jun 2019 | 18:24
Dave,u have to exercise patience oo before u will later on be de one to be apologizing!!!
9 Jun 2019 | 20:42
Episode 10 Brenda: And what if he is? Dave: Then I will lose the trust I have in you cos I won’t know what to believe anymore Brenda: Dave, there is more to it than you think, that man is actually my Father. “What?!” Dave wasn’t buying her story “Look Brenda, I can’t handle this right now, I need some time alone…at least until you are ready to tell me the truth” He said that and walked out on her. Amelia was still watching from distance… She was having a ball seeing them fight. ”Awwww what a pity! Their so-called relationship is tearing apart now” Amelia mocked and said to herself “This is the best time to set in!” She then secretly followed Dave to see where he was going. The ‘pain of betrayal’ was too much and unbearable for Dave. He had found happiness in Brenda. He felt very comfortable around her and loved her to the maximum but with what was happening, he felt love was being unfair to him. He had also been so much in love with Amelia, who broke up with him for no reason, and now Brenda. All he could think of to squelch the pain he felt was Alcohol. He headed straight for a wayside pub, intending to drink enough to clear his mind. After a few shots of hard liquor, he decided to leave. Just then, Amelia who had been following him all evening decided to join his table. Amelia: “Dave, what are you doing here, drinking all this alcohol. This is not you Dave, what’s wrong ? Dave who was a bit tipsy responded with a question of his own “What are you also doing here, was this not what you wanted?” Amelia: “Dave, you must be out of your mind. You really have gotten yourself drunk. Wait. Are you doing this to get over Brenda?” Dave: ” She is all I have Amelia, I love her so much” Amelia noticed that Dave was over-reacting and was tipsy because of the excessive intake of alcohol. She quickly came up with a plan which required her to pretend to be caring and concerned. “Dave, whatever is going on with you and Brenda, I think you should talk it over. Take your phone and give her a call, let her come over to your place now so you guys can talk” she said. Dave: Are you sure about this? Amelia: Why not! I want to see you happy Dave. Dave thought it was a great idea; he quickly reached into his pocket and took out his phone to call Brenda. Brenda who was at home wondering what she was would do to convince Dave was amazed when she saw him calling her phone. She quickly answered the call “Dave, my love” Dave: “Yeah, can you meet me at my place now? Let’s talk about this once and for all.” Brenda: “Really? I’m coming over right away!” She quickly hung up and dressed up. Meanwhile, at the pub, Amelia ordered another drink for Dave before he left but he declined. She insisted and finally succeeded in convincing him to take the drink. After downing that one, Dave was completely drunk. It was even hard to get on his feet. Amelia quickly stepped in: “Let me take it your place. You can’t go in this condition and if you don’t hurry, Brenda will get to yours and meet your absence” Dave tried to resist the offer but to no avail. She helped him up and took him to his apartment immediately. Brenda had not gotten there yet. Dave was too drowsy to be aware of his surroundings. It was the perfect moment for Amelia to execute her plan. She quickly took off Dave’s shirt and helped him to his bed. He promptly fell asleep. She also removed her top leaving on just her bra with her boobs exposed. She went on top Dave who was now fast asleep and cuddled him. She had left the front door unlocked and now she waited patiently for Brenda to come and find them in that state. In no time, she heard footsteps approaching the door from outside. “That must be Brenda.” She told herself. Amelia was right, it was Brenda. She knocked several times but got no answer, so she went ahead and opened the door. Brenda walked into the room and froze at the sight of Dave and Amelia in bed together.
13 Jun 2019 | 05:48
Episode 11 Amelia was right, it was Brenda. She knocked several times but got no answer, so she went ahead and opened the door. Brenda walked into the room and froze at the sight of Dave and Amelia in bed together. Her immediate response was to create a scene but much as she felt pained seeing them in bed together, she hesitated in drawing her conclusions. Amelia pretended to be fast asleep beside Dave. Brenda drew closer to the bed to wake Dave up, completely ignoring her. Amelia hadn’t seen that coming. This wasn’t the reaction she envisaged when she put the scheme together in her head. Her plan was failing. She got up in anger and said “Lady, don’t you have any respect?! How can u badge into someone’s room like that!” Brenda giggled and said “I’m so sorry woman, but you are not the one I’m looking for so just shush and stay where you are” Dave got up immediately. He had heard the voices in his room from his sleep. He didn’t notice Amelia was even beside him. His eyes went straight to Brenda. Amidst all that had transpired between them, it still felt good to see her again. That instant, he wanted to just jump off the bed and hug her… That was when he noticed he wasn’t alone in the bed. He turned and saw Amelia who was half naked beside him. “And what are you also doing here dressed like this?” he asked her. As soon as he spoke, Brenda smelled Alcohol on him and began thinking outside the box. She remained cool. “Oh Dave, you must be tired… Come on, go back to bed.” Amelia responded. “Look, I may be a bit drunk but my mind and memory still serves me well. I remember everything, so get up, take up your clothes and get out of here now!” he yelled. Amelia by now was feeling quite embarrassed. She decided try some emotional blackmail… She bust into crocodile tears. “Dave” She called. “I said get out, before i lose my temper!” Dave commanded her. She had no option now… She packed her things, wore her clothes and got ready to leave. Before going out the door she turned to Brenda who was standing close to the entrance… “You may have won this time but you haven’t seen the last of me” With that, she stormed out. The hatred and anger in her more intense. She detested Brenda all the more and told herself she would any length to bring her down and win back Dave’s love – even if it’d cost her life. Brenda on the other hand just wanted her relationship to get back on track and she was willing to tell Dave everything about her life. She was not concerned about the drama that just ended. “Dave, I’m sorry for whatever happened today. I have a lot of things to tell u…” She said. “Baby, we can do that in the morning. I think I messed up too. For now, just come beside me and let’s sleep it off.” Sounded like a good idea to her. She quickly dropped her things and joined him in bed. Dave placed his hands around her and cuddled her from behind. They really missed each other. Dave whispered in her ears “I love you” Brenda turned to face him and smiled, then she responded in that sweet soft voice he absolutely adored… “I know you do baby, I love you too”
13 Jun 2019 | 05:56
Sorry for the late update.. School is taking much of my time.. Pls bear with me
13 Jun 2019 | 05:58
Apology accepted Ride on
13 Jun 2019 | 12:51
I love Brenda's maturity here
13 Jun 2019 | 13:14
Apollogy acepted
13 Jun 2019 | 14:40
Episode 12 They cuddled each other so hard that they could feel each other’s breath and heartbeat. It felt nice just lying there together… They started exchanging soft kisses and in no time the passion between them had built up full force. They had certainly missed each other. Brenda held Dave’s hand, squeezed gently and put it in her mouth. She began kissing and licking his fingers… Dave enjoyed that thoroughly… “You are so naughty! How do you know to do all this?” he asked. Brenda laughed out loud, she was amused by his question… Dave found it funny as well and soon, they were both laughing out loud. “Well my dear, I just go with the flow” Brenda answered. Dave tickled her waist, cracking her up even more. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and fun. They were both happy together… Their love for each other was pure and sincere. They continued exploring their passion and eventually went to sleep in each other’s arms. The night passed quickly and soon it was the beginning of a new day. Brenda and Dave stayed in bed. They decided to skip lectures that day. Meanwhile, on campus, students had begun making up stories around the photo of Brenda they had seen with the resource person. Rumors about the alleged high-powered affair had spread all over campus and those who didn’t know Brenda were eager to meet her. Lectures began promptly at 8am. One would have thought that Amelia wouldn’t be present but she was right there on campus for the first class of the day, like nothing had happened the night before. It was Mr. Edwards class that morning. He organized an impromptu class quiz once he noticed that Dave and Brenda were absent. It was his way of getting back at them. Pretty much the entire class struggled with the quiz as they weren’t prepared for it. It was going to be difficult for any of the students to reach the pass mark. Amelia knew there was no way she could pass. She just glossed over the questions, fabricated answers and patiently waited for the test to be over. Only a handful of students appeared to be writing anything and finding the quiz easy. Back at home, Dave had prepared and served Brenda breakfast in bed. Soon as she finished eating, Brenda called Dave to her side to tell him who she really was. “Dave, I’m not sure how you’ll take this but I can’t hide it forever. I have to be honest with you.” She said. She stood up from the bed and began her story “My Name is Brenda Emerald Wilson, the only daughter of Mr. Andrew Wilson. My mum died at my birth so I was brought up by my dad. I went to the UK for my first degree and only returned to Nigeria after my program. Money, house, cars… Name it, I have them all. What I lacked, however, was a listening ear. What I lacked was someone who could make me laugh. What I lacked was a true friend. That’s why I came back to Nigeria, and back to school. I wanted to start all over again without my father’s knowledge or his clout. But I got here and found something else. Something beyond what I sought. I found a friend that was all I wanted and more. Love, affection, kindness and everything a lady could ever ask for. I came to meet my Dave, who is sitting in front of me right now and staring me in the eye. I came to meet love. Dave, this is who I am, Brenda Emerald Wilson. I’m sorry for keeping this from you. The man you saw yesterday, Mr. Andrew Wilson, is truly my father” Dave looked at her and was completely silent for a moment. He then drew closer and standing in front of her, held her hands and said: “You are still my Brenda. The girl I’m in class with. My woman; the girl that has brought out the best in me. I love you and I don’t care about what you have or what you are. I simply love you” They gave each other a long hug and spent the rest of the day together. The impromptu class quiz was over. Mr. Edwards took the papers and went to his office. Amelia followed closely and went into the office after with him. “How may I help you lady?” Mr. Edwards asked. Amelia: “Sir, I couldn’t answer the questions in the test you conducted. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make up… A resit or anything at all.” Mr. Edwards knew what Amelia was attempting to offer. But he needed to play smart, especially after his most recent experience with Brenda and Dave. “Lady, there is no resit with my quizzes. What you can do is study and make up with the main examination” he answered Amelia giggled as Mr. Edwards tried to be difficult. She decided to call a spade a spade. She looked around and saw the brown envelope which contained the photos of him with Brenda at the hotel. “Sir, or better still, Mr Edwards… You know, it’s funny that you are trying to prove difficult. You see, you have had your way with Brenda and I already have copies of what that envelope contains. So cut out the drama. We can settle this matter right here and now, or we can up meet somewhere later, it’s your choice.” Amelia said, hitting the nail on the head. Mr Edwards face fell… He was shocked. But he could also see he had no option; besides, he figured he could use Amelia to get what he wanted from Brenda…
14 Jun 2019 | 04:15
14 Jun 2019 | 05:36
Another war looming
14 Jun 2019 | 13:15
BRENDA anoda test
14 Jun 2019 | 14:32
this is real love, some fake love would've start fighting
14 Jun 2019 | 19:25
problem everywhere, Amelia , Brenda might not be in need of that cause so if u like no learn
14 Jun 2019 | 19:25
Episode 13 Mr. Edwards’ face fell… He was shocked. But he could also see he had no option; besides, he figured he could use Amelia to get what he wanted from Brenda… “Give me a call tonight, I’ll tell you where to meet me. I think you and I can strike a good deal” said Mr. Edwards. Amelia smiled and left the office. She went straight home. On her way she received a call from an unknown number. It turned out to be one of her high school secret admirers. She didn’t recognize the caller even after he mentioned his name – Sam. He, however, sounded quiet romantic on phone… He had a deep voice any lady would fall for. It was quite a long conversation, they spent time catching up and talking about life in general. In the end, they scheduled a date so they could meet. Meanwhile, Brenda and Dave were still at the house spending time together. They enjoyed each other’s company thoroughly but something kept bothering Dave. Brenda noticed it and asked him. “It’s not anything in particular, my woman… I was just wondering how you’d break the news to your Dad.” Dave answered Brenda: “I intend to inform him that I am in Nigeria but that I will be back in the UK next month.We can then take it from there. For now, all I want is to be with you” Dave was really not convinced things were that simple but he decided not spoil the moment. Suddenly, Brenda felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She ignored it initially but it persisted. Then, she started feeling nauseated; she needed to throw up. She quickly left Dave and ran off to washroom to vomit. This wasn’t the first time this was happening. She had been feeling this way for a couple of days now. She was pretty sure what what was happening, she had just chosen to ignore it and hope it would disappear. Dave on the other hand, had no idea what was going on… He didn’t understand why Brenda started feeling sick all of a sudden. He was extremely worried After a few minutes, she came out looking down and announced softly “Dave, I am pregnant” Dave was stunned! On the other end of town, Amelia had called Mr. Edwards to confirm their appointment and get the address of their rendezvous point. It was the same hotel where Brenda had met him. As usual, Mr. Edwards gave her a room number after booking the place. She got to the hotel and went straight to the room. He was already there waiting for her. They made small talk before discussing the matter at hand. Mr. Edwards proposed what Amelia thought was a good deal. He explained how the pictures in the brown envelope came about and how Brenda and Dave had set him up. He was looking for payback. Amelia liked the idea of getting back at those two. They both arrived at a plan, a plan to get Brenda back in bed with Mr. Edwards while Amelia got back with Dave. They were happy about their plan and decided to drink to it. They drunk a lot of alcohol that night, followed by sessions of rough sex. Once they were done, Amelia got to work. She immediately started execution of the plan by texting Dave. Text message: “I have lost you; and you have Brenda now. But you will crawl back begging me to come back to you.”
15 Jun 2019 | 17:29
Amelia u re joking with fire even when it might look like u re winning not knowing u re digging a trap for self
16 Jun 2019 | 03:34
What is sam role on this now
16 Jun 2019 | 06:36
fool I pray u we not succeed,most it be Dave ?
16 Jun 2019 | 09:00
Awaiting Sam's role
16 Jun 2019 | 12:48
Let me see How It 'll go.
16 Jun 2019 | 15:53
Episode 14 Text message: “I have lost you; and you have Brenda now. But you will crawl back begging me to come back to you.” Meanwhile, back at Dave’s apartment… Even though the news of Brenda’s pregnancy news had taken him by surprise, he was very delighted and happy. He jumped off the bed where he had been lying down and hugged Brenda, who was feeling very relieved. She hadn’t known what to expect. She had in fact dreaded breaking the news to him. Yes, they had a good thing going but they had not exactly discussed the future. She didn’t know whether or not a baby was a welcome development. Seeing him excited now, allayed all her fears. She was at least assured they were both in this together. Their happy moment was, however, rudely interrupted by a phone call. It was Amelia again… she was calling Brenda’s phone. “Its Amelia” Brenda told Dave, wondering to herself how she had gotten hold of her number. Dave: “What in the world does that girl want from you?! She sent me text message saying some rubbish. Don’t answer it.” Brenda: “Baby, you know that’s not my thing. Let me listen to what she has to say” Having said that, she answered the call. Brenda: Hello Amelia, how can I help you? Amelia: Help me? (She laughed out loud) By the time we are done talking, you will be the one needing my help. Anyway, there is a saying that nothing can be hidden under this sun. I know what you and Dave did to Mr. Edwards. I have the pictures with me and I intend to share it if you don’t comply with my conditions. Brenda: “And what’s your conditions if I may ask” Amelia: “Meet me up tomorrow evening at Tarvan pub, 7:00pm. Come alone and don’t try to play smart” She said that and hung up. Brenda told Dave what Amelia said. Dave: “Babe, you are not going anywhere. Let her do her worst.” Brenda: “I understand you my love. Only you and I know what exactly happened at the hotel, the world doesn’t. If those photos are leaked, they could very well be misinterpreted. It’s better I go meet with her. Then, we can come to a compromise so she doesn’t do anything unexpected” Dave finally agreed for Brenda to go see Amelia. Amelia on the other hand, was not done with her phone calls. She had one more person to call – the Resource Person who unknown to her, was Brenda’s Father. She pretended to be the course representative for their class and called his office to schedule a meeting. She told his secretary she needed to get clarification on some course-related issues. She was asked to come over the next day. The following morning, Amelia went to Brenda’s father’s office as scheduled. She was warmly recieved and was given something to drink while she waited for Mr. Wilson who was at a meeting when she arrived. Mr. Wilson came from his meeting after a few minutes to meet Amelia at the reception. He greeted her warmly and quickly ushered her into his main office.
18 Jun 2019 | 05:05
Episode 15 Mr. Wilson came from his meeting after a few minutes to meet Amelia at the reception. He greeted her warmly and quickly ushered her into his main office. After discussing school work for a while, Amelia quickly changed the subject. Amelia: Sir, my apologies… It’s not like I’m trying to be nosy, I’m just a little curious… Who’s the lady on your wallpaper? She is really pretty. Mr. Wilson: You mean my daughter? Amelia: Daughter? Who is your daughter? I mean, the lady in that photo on your desktop background. The one the whole class saw the other day you were at our school for the seminar on entrepreneurship. Mr. Wilson: Yes, I know the one you are referring to. The girl in the photo is my daughter. She is in the UK now Amelia was stunned. “You mean Brenda is your daughter for real?!” Mr.Wilson: Yes, that’s her name. Do you two know each other? How do you know her name? Amelia hated Brenda even more but she quickly seized the moment. “Your daughter is not in the UK sir, she is in my school. I get it now, that’s why she was hiding away from you!” Mr.Wilson: Hold on lady, you must be mistaking someone for my daughter. My daughter had been abroad for the past 8 years, I’m sure this is a mistake. Amelia: I’m sorry sir. I know your daughter very well. Her attitude on campus has made her very famous. Mr. Wilson: You seem so sure it’s the same person we are talking about here. What attitude are you talking about by the way? Amelia quickly reached out into her handbag and brought out the photos of Brenda with Mr Edwards… both of them looking very intimate. She showed them to Brenda’s father. Mr. Wilson was shocked when he saw the pictures. Mr. Wilson: This can’t be! What?! Brenda has been lying to me all this while? This was turning out better than Amelia had hoped… She was enjoying herself thoroughly. She continued: “Your daughter has been in our school for the past four weeks and she has been going out with some of the lecturers. She also has a guy who she is dating on campus. I’m even meeting her this evening to talk to her about her attitude, as a good friend.” Mr. Wilson: Do you know where she is now? Take me to her place right away! Amelia: No sir, I don’t. But like I said, she will be meeting me later this evening. Maybe you can come along then?” Mr.Wilson: That’s a good idea. Call me when it’s time. I will be there. Amelia left the office in a hurry so she could prepare for tonight’s meeting. She hadn’t seen all these coming, but it worked for her. Things only just got better. Soon it was time for the meeting… Mr. Wilson and Amelia got to the venue an hour earlier. Brenda and Dave, on the other hand, were preparing to set off. Dave wanted to go with her but she insisted on going alone. She wanted a girl to girl talk with Amelia. Eventually, Dave agreed and Brenda left. But Dave couldn’t trust Amelia alone with Brenda so he followed her without letting her know. Brenda called Amelia on the phone when she arrived the entrance of the proposed meeting point. She came to pick her and ushered her to a table. She got to the table and came face to face with her father. Mr. Wilson: “Brenda” Brenda:”Daddy” She couldn’t handle it. Nothing had prepared her for this moment. This was certainly not how she planned to meet her father. Without thinking, Brenda ran out of the pub and headed for the road side. Dave saw her from a distance and tried calling but it was too late. A vehicle came out of nowhere, took a sharp turn and crashed into her. Brenda fell down with a thud… To be continued…
18 Jun 2019 | 05:08
What happen next
18 Jun 2019 | 10:54
Oh God
18 Jun 2019 | 11:31
Kk nah
18 Jun 2019 | 13:08
18 Jun 2019 | 17:49
Episode 16 Dave saw her from a distance and tried calling but it was too late. A vehicle came out of nowhere, took a sharp turn and crashed into her. Brenda fell down with a thud… She laid there motionless while the driver who hit her fled the scene. Mr. Wilson and Amelia came out at that moment. They had followed her when she ran out of the pub. Dave got to the spot where Brenda laid and cried out her name, but she remained lifeless. Mr. Wilson quickly brought his car around and together with Dave and Amelia, rushed her to the hospital. At the hospital, nurses rushed Brenda to the emergency ward and got a Doctor to attend to her. Mr. Wilson, Amelia and Dave waited at the Out-Patient section of the hospital. That was when Dave realized that it was Brenda’s Father who had driven them to the hospital. Before he could think any further, Mr. Wilson was standing in front of him with Amelia. “Young man, how do you know my daughter?” asked Mr. Wilson. “Sir, we are in the same School” Dave answered. Mr. Wilson: “Ok. Thank you very much for your efforts; I appreciate it. What’s your name?” “Dave, sir” he answered. Amelia didn’t like that Mr. Wilson was being too nice with Dave. She needed to do something quickly to destroy the bond they were establishing. Just then, the Doctor came out. He turned out to be Amelia’s secret admirer from high school… The same Sam guy that recently made contact with her again. He and Amelia had already scheduled a date. “What a coincidence Amelia! Are you with the lady that was just brought in? Dr. Sam asked. She recognized him instantly and answered the question “Yes”. Nodding at Mr. Wilson, she added “and that’s her father” Mr. Wilson: “Doctor, please how is my daughter?” Dr. Sam: “She is responding to treatment. We are yet to see the extent of the damage done but for now, she is doing well” Mr. Wilson: “Thank you, Doctor. May I see her now?” Dr. Sam: “Unfortunately no. You can only see her in the next two hours. For now, she needs rest.” Mr Wilson: “Thank you so much, Doctor, thank you. We will wait for her.” Dr. Sam: “Very well sir. Who is Dave?” Dave: “I’m the one” He said to him “Kindly follow me to my office.” He then turned to Amelia and said “I will call you soon” Dave followed him to his office. Mr. Wilson was a little surprised when the Doctor asked for Dave but he trusted that he knew what he was doing. He turned to Amelia “I see you know the Doctor” he said. Amelia:” Yes, we were together in high school. He was a couple of years my senior, though” Meanwhile, back at the Doctor’s office, Sam was talking to Dave: “It appears my patient is eager to see you. Your name was on her lips when she woke up. I’m giving you the opportunity to see her but only for a few minutes. It could help her get well faster” Dave was both relieved and happy. He had wondered if something was wrong, when the Doctor had asked to see him. He thanked him profusely now. Sam then called a nurse to take Dave to Brenda’s ward. Right after Dave left, the doctor called Amelia to come to his office. She arrived in no time. “Good to see you earlier than planned” Sam said. “Yeah. I must admit you have grown very handsome. You definitely look a lot better than you did way back in school. I actually couldn’t make out your face when you called the other time.” Amelia responded. Dr. Sam: “I know, right?! I was pretty much the timid type back in school… hardly noticeable. I just admired you from a distance” Amelia smiled sweetly “I notice you now Sam” She was well aware of Sam’s interest in her. She planned to use that as an advantage in getting back at Brenda. The office was filled with awkward silence… Sam wasn’t sure how to proceed. He didn’t have to worry, Amelia was in charge. She came close to Sam where he stood at the edge of his office desk and without warning, landed a deep kiss on his lips. The Doctor was amazed but he, however, enjoyed it while it lasted. They kissed for a couple of minutes and when they were done, he asked “wow, what was that for? I sure was not expecting it.” Amelia who by then had gone back to her seat answered: “There is more where that came from. I actually like you too” The Doctor felt like he had finally found the wife of his dreams… Until Amelia’s next request. Amelia: “Sam, I want you to do something for me”
19 Jun 2019 | 06:33
This girl is a bitch
19 Jun 2019 | 09:31
Cunning Amelia
19 Jun 2019 | 14:20
wat z it
19 Jun 2019 | 17:08
oh no oo
21 Jun 2019 | 03:46
what is wrong with this Amelia,u we only make that doctor to know who u are ,I pray ur plans shouldn't work
21 Jun 2019 | 03:46
Episode 17 The Doctor felt like he had finally found the wife of his dreams… Until Amelia’s next request. Amelia: “Sam, I want you to do something for me” Dr Sam: “Ok… What it is you want me to do?” Amelia: “Well, it’s a bit complicated. Give me your word first” Dr. Sam: “Hmmmn, you have my word” Amelia: “Good. It’s about that girl we brought here… your patient, Brenda. I want you to paralyse her!” Sam was taken aback… Amelia was asking him to deliberately hurt someone. He was curious as to why but first, he needed to get over the shock of her request. Dr Sam: “Seriously?! Amelia, that is totally against the ethics of my profession. Sorry, I can’t do it” Amelia: “Sam, you gave me your word” Dr. Sam: “Yes, because never in my wildest dreams would have imagined you’d ask something like this of me” Meanwhile, Dave was led to Brenda’s ward. She was lying down when he got there. He could see that the accident had a great impact on her. He went closer to her bed and took her hand. Brenda opened her eyes to look at him. She smiled and told him she missed him. Dave advised her not to talk too much so she could conserve her energy. She, however, continued Brenda:”I saw my Father and Amelia. I stood there, right in front of them” Dave: “Brenda, there is a way out of this. Just please get well first baby” Brenda: “I know my love. Initially, I was very disturbed about this thing with my dad. But now I realize that it doesn’t matter what Amelia has told my Dad. I know him better than her. I know how he trusts me… I will simply tell him everything” Dave: “Get well first my love. He is your father, he will understand you” Brenda was feeling sleepy, Dave stayed with her until she fell asleep. He decided to man up and confront her father with the whole story right away. Dave thought that by doing that, he could save Brenda the stress so she could concentrate on recuperating. Back at the Doctors office… Sam had decided to oblige Amelia her ridiculous request… He had secretly admired this girl from a distance for a very long time. Now he had a chance to actually be with her, he wasn’t going to blow it. He was going to find a way to accommodate her insane request. Dr. Sam: “Ok. I will do it Amelia. Only because I want to be with you” Amelia:”Thank you Sam, I have something for you. How about me coming to your place tonight?” Dr. Sam: “That will be a great idea, I will give you call as soon as I get home.” Amelia gave him another intense kiss before she left. As soon as she left the hospital, she called Mr. Edwards to meet her up at the hotel were they usually meet so she can give him the news. Mrs. Edwards overhead the conversation… She was so sure her husband was talking to a lady. She also overheard them scheduling a meeting. Again, she decided to secretly follow him when the time was due. Dave came out of Brenda’s ward to see her Father. “Mr Wilson, I have something I need to discuss with you about Brenda.” Dave said Mr Wilson : “Ok young man, go ahead. I’m all ears” Dave: “I am close friends with your daughter. I’m aware that you didn’t know about her stay in Ghana. That can be explained sir. Your daughter is a very good person with a pure heart, not all you have heard or seen may be true. All I ask is that you listen to her side of the story. She’ll try to explain everything as soon as gets back on her feet. She really loves you as her father and would not do anything to disappoint you” Mr Wilson was very attentive as he Dave poured out his heart for Brenda. He knew the guy was in love with his daughter. Mr Wilson: I appreciate your courage in talking to me. I have singlehandedly raised my daughter to be very responsible and I trust her. Even with all I have heard, I remain objective until I hear her own side of the story. Once again, I appreciate your effort” With that out of the way, the two men got comfortable with each other as they waited patiently to see Brenda. Amelia and Mr. Edwards had already gotten to the hotel and were getting comfortable. Amelia told him what she had discovered about Brenda’s real identity and her relationship with Mr Wilson. She, however, left out the part about the accident and how she intended to have Brenda paralyzed. They both had a good laugh… Mr Edwards was quite impressed. He offered to give Amelia a good massage for a job well done and within the shortest possible time. Just as she stripped down to her underwear and Mr Edwards began massaging her back, Mrs Edwards badged into the hotel room.
21 Jun 2019 | 04:49
Ok. Like sirouse. Amelia is evil
21 Jun 2019 | 07:39
Dis Gal z wicked
21 Jun 2019 | 13:35
Episode 18 Mr Edwards was quite impressed. He offered to give Amelia a good massage for a job well done and for getting it done within the shortest possible time. She stripped down to her underwear and Mr Edwards began massaging her back… Her heart was racing and every stroke of his hand pleasured her. She was in her seventh heaven when Mrs Edwards suddenly barged into the hotel room. Amelia quickly wriggled out of the bed and hurriedly dressed up but Mrs Edwards’ attention was not even on her… She was focused on her husband. She had finally caught him red-handed, confirming she hadn’t been paranoid all the while she’d been suspicious. Mrs Edwards was very hurt. She was the one practically taking care of the family… even the house they lived in belonged to her late Father. “My dear wife, I’m really sorry, it’s the devil… Please forgive me” Mr. Edwards begged Mrs Edwards: “I clothed you; put you under my roof because as old as you are you can’t even afford a house of your own. All you do is spend your money on this little thing (pointing her hand at Amelia who was hastily dressing up).” Amelia: “Woman deal with your husband and not me, abeg”. Having said that, she chuckled and quickly left the hotel to avoid any public drama/embarrassment. Mrs Edwards on the other hand warned her husband to never step foot in her house again. She told him to go look for shelter with someone else. She further assured him that she was going to seek for divorce. She took off her wedding rings and threw them at his face. Next, she took Mr. Edwards’ car keys; his wallet, containing his ATM card and some money. Finally, she yanked his shirt and trousers, leaving him with only the boxer short he had on. She left the hotel room and only God knows what happened to Mr. Edwards. As soon as Amelia got to her apartment, Sam called her to come to his place. She quickly set off and in no time was at his house. They spent the night together and she did things that made Dr Sam fall in love with her even more. She, however, kept stressing that she could only date him if he executed the plans against Brenda. Dr. Sam: ” If I may ask, why do you want to do such a thing to an innocent looking girl?” “You call that one an innocent girl?! Trust me, that girl is capable of anything you can think of. She actually was my best friend but she was always very jealous and vengeful. I mean, the girl went as far as attempting to poison me because of a guy! Thank God I’m still alive today.” Amelia told a blatant lie against Brenda. Dr. Sam had fallen deeply in love with Amelia so her story only made him more protective of her. He decided to execute the plan as soon as he got back to the hospital. The following day, Dave and Mr Wilson who had both spent the night at the hospital finally got the chance to see Brenda. It was early that morning, as soon as Dr. Sam arrived. Brenda was feeling much better and apologized to her father for her relocating to Ghana without his knowledge. Mr. Wilson insisted that Brenda should concentrate on her wellbeing first and that they could talk about everything after her discharge. After a long chat with Brenda and Dave at her ward, Mr Wilson asked to be taken to the Doctor’s Office. He had a few things on his mind he wanted to discuss. The Nurse led him to the office. The Nurse led him to the office. They innocently walked in on Dr. Sam who was in an awkward position with Amelia. She had arrived shortly before Mr. Wilson asked to be shown to Sam’s office. Amelia who was seated on Sam’s legs sprang up when Mr. Wilson entered with the nurse. She didn’t like the idea of Brenda’s father seeing them together. She felt that their plans had been exposed. Little did she know that Mr. Wilson wasn’t even bothered about what relationship existed between her and the Doctor. All he wanted was for his daughter to be alright. Amelia’s conscience had adjudged her guilty. She left the office hurriedly and upon reaching the exit point of the OPD, she slipped and fell badly. Her head hit the hard surface of the tiled floor and she immediately started bleeding from her nostrils. The nurses around ran to her side immediately… She was unconscious. They quickly got a stretcher and wheeled her into the very same ward where Brenda was admitted.
21 Jun 2019 | 16:19
Gibelistic gobe
21 Jun 2019 | 19:41
Serve you right Amelia
21 Jun 2019 | 19:46
hope she wont loose some or even all her memory from the impact
21 Jun 2019 | 19:53
The handwork of God! This is what the Holy book said about keeping your peace while God fights your battles
22 Jun 2019 | 02:21
@damilola did u just such act bad. This beyond bad . But wicked evil
22 Jun 2019 | 03:50
I pray Sam will end up injecting Amelia instead of Brenda
22 Jun 2019 | 05:20
This girl don't know that she is setting trap for self which she would regret later when she lose everything
22 Jun 2019 | 15:33
den d doctor wil nw inject her n make her paralyze....God always fight's 4 d innocent
22 Jun 2019 | 17:49
hmmmmm I like this part , general beating
23 Jun 2019 | 13:09
Last episode The nurses around quickly ran to Amelia’s side… She was unconscious. They quickly got a stretcher and wheeled her into the very same ward where Brenda was admitted. She was placed on a bed next to Brenda. Of course, Dave and Brenda saw her. One would think they would have gloated and torn her apart but they didn’t. Despite the fact that Amelia was never good to them, they appeared to be very concerned about whatever had happened to her. Dave was asked to wait outside as they attended to Amelia. The impact of the fall on Amelia was worse than the doctors had imagined. She began to convulse and someone sent for Dr. Sam. He rushed into the intensive care unit where Amelia was. The flexible metal spoon that had been shoved in between her teeth by the nurses was giving way as the medical team shuffled around to attend to her. They didn’t notice when she breathed her last. They tried to revive her but Amelia was dead. Dr. Sam’s head spun. How was it that within the space of one hour the lady who kissed him and promised him an eventful night fell slightly and died? He was shocked. Meanwhile in Brenda’s ward, the nurse had administered her follow-up dosage of injection ordered by Dr. sam before he found himself in the ICU attending to Amelia whose body was now ice cold. Brenda too was in trouble. one of the injections already administered to her was the dosage meant to paralyze her. Dave got into the ward and saw a version of Brenda he had never imagined. She couldn’t move a limb. Dave screamed for help and the nurses responded hurriedly. They couldn’t explain what had happened to Brenda. She had to be transferred to the ICU as well, where she later went into a coma. Dave was informed by the attending doctor that Brenda had shockingly gone from being traumatized to being brain dead. Brenda’s father fell down and wept profusely upon hearing the news. What sort of ill luck had befallen them? That day was indeed a very dramatic one at that hospital. But time flies and maybe heals some hurts. It’s been six months now. Brenda’s pregnancy had to be terminated due to her state but she eventually pulled through the coma after four months. It was a miracle! No one ever came forward to claim Amelia’s body. She was finally buried alongside other unclaimed corpses rotting away in the government morgue where she was deposited by her never-to-be boyfriend Sam. Mr. Edwards, on the other hand, was now living from hand to mouth. He had tried to win back the heart of his wife but was not successful. For a while, he lived with friends who kicked him out once they had had enough of him being a burden. Of course, he had no job. His wife had blackmailed him and the University authorities wasted no time in dismissing him. When he could no longer cope with life in the city, he decided to go back to his hometown to start all over again. He is now a small-scale farmer in the midst of a drought. Dr. Sam went to prison. He fled the hospital after realizing that his evil had been uncovered. The hospital had traced the injection order which put Brenda in a coma back to him… He was hunted down and arrested. He bagged himself a 4-year jail term after prosecution. His medical license was siezed so he also will never be able to practice medicine again. Mr. Wilson eventually blessed Brenda’s relationship with Dave. He’ll also be sending the lovebirds to the UK to complete their university education. They hope to get married someday. And me? I have decided to start minding my business. THE END.
24 Jun 2019 | 04:35
Thanks for the wonderful story
24 Jun 2019 | 08:09
Really so ameila died just like that humm such is life
24 Jun 2019 | 08:16
Me too let me mind business just like u too
24 Jun 2019 | 08:19
24 Jun 2019 | 13:36
Kudos for this wonderful story
24 Jun 2019 | 13:49
24 Jun 2019 | 15:09
good for you
24 Jun 2019 | 17:59
The wicked will never go unpurnished.
24 Jun 2019 | 18:05
And I mind my own business too, wow!! such a wonderful ending
25 Jun 2019 | 08:13
ride on
30 Jul 2019 | 18:42
Wow me 2 will start minding my business now thanks
25 Aug 2019 | 20:07
Woooow! What a sweet are a real writter
16 Jul 2020 | 07:52
What a Wonderful story.
8 Apr 2021 | 06:48
Oh, what a story reading from beginning to end. So sad for the victims of Amelia's deceit and her end. Good pays no matter how hard it might sound to be!
8 Apr 2021 | 08:51
Another one copied....
9 Apr 2021 | 08:28
Let the drama unfold.!
8 Aug 2021 | 21:41
What a wonderful story.
9 Aug 2021 | 10:44
Anyway me self will start minding my business. More ink to your pen
9 Aug 2021 | 10:47
This is a wonderful story. The evil that men do lives with them.
9 Dec 2021 | 15:27


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