

By williams in 24 Dec 2015 | 17:49
williams boi

williams boi

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Sorry for the late post of today's story Christmas perps on point hope u enjoy this please vote @romancelord

Don't waste it

Vote reformation vote transparency vote @romancelord for Mr coolval 2015

As promised 1 single story every night as a thank you note for ur support the first story in a moment….

Don’t waste it vote @romancelord

Mr Coolval 2015 [/i][/b]
24 Dec 2015 | 17:49
@Coolval222-2 @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Johnsky @Johnysky @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @ele1 @dgreat @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele1 @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @pizzaro @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C-Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @christiana @Aarti @ebube @eminem @gracedkyenny @abednego-precious-7 @chyamaka @desire @pweetyfizzy @PEmamezi @hohluwaseyi @kreepyink @elibabanoni -2 @hoyenikky @tholartee @humblelion @adegunle3gmail- com @shugarlips @iksqueency @hayanfeoluwa @paula4eva @uncleba426 @greg-billz @geeadore @natasha9976 @anorexia @elibabanoni @sanctus4real @hoyenikky @originalannchilexde @sirmike @imperialsluv @geeadore @cassiewells @rosey @cizzle @emmanuel @sparkling-2 @elibabanoni -2 @dehleh everybody come o
24 Dec 2015 | 17:52
[b][i]“Jude, do you believe that Nephilims exist? Sandra suddenly changed the topic of our flowing conversation.I brooded over the question for some seconds and gave an undecided nod, “i..err….not really”She laughed. “But you wrote about them in “The World within” story on your blog, you are even advertising it everywhere on social media”“Lol.…i didn’t write that story, a friend did. I just need the page views”She gave a sigh of exasperation, “Look at what you told me when you sent me the link of the story last week”Sandra handed over her phone to me. I peered at the screen, it was a facebook chat thread between both of us. I was unravelling the characteristics of Nephilims to her and directing her to read an interesting story about a nephilim”I gave a nervous laugh. “I just wanted to get your attention sha” I said.Sandra has a strong personality. Anytime I meet my female facebook friends offline, I always direct and control the pace of the conversation steering it to whatever direction I want. But Sandra is different, from the moment she walked into the eatery and said ‘hello’, she took the driving seat and got me on the back seat looking up to her.A tall, light complexioned, slender body, pretty face with azure hue eyes, Sandra is a social media influencer. She is very opinionated and there’s always a lot of traffic on her wall. Even if Sandra updates a dot as her status, she would have tons of likes and comments. A classy and trendy young lady studying In Paris, France she was in Nigeria for a quick family visit and had requested for a hangout with me.“What if I tell you that I am a Nephilim, would you run away?” She asked in an unserious tone.“Run away for where? If you are a Nephilim, then I will want to marry a nephilim!” I said switching over from Mr calm & cool character to mr flirt character that I adopted whenever the occasion called for it.We both laughed out loud.“But seriously, I love that story and I really want to believe that Nephilims exist. Maybe I have watched too many science fiction movies” She said and leaned back on the chair.“Listen to me Sandra, the subject of Nephilims has been shrouded in mystery.” I began speaking, I wanted to tell her what I knew about the subject.“Sandra as a Christian if you believe in the fact that there are ministering angels referred to as the Cherubim and seraphim, then it is only logicalto also believe that Nephilims exists. I engaged a friend on this subject sometimes ago on bbm and he gave me some insights which I crosschecked with facts online.“I am all ears” Sandra was leaning over to me.“The bible in Genesis chapter 6 verse 1-4 tells us that in the days of Noah before the great flood, angels came down to earth and fell in love with the beautiful women they saw. They took these women away and married them. They slept with them. These women gave birth to gigantic offsprings known as Nephilims. You might ask; Were these angels fallen angels aka demons? Or were they just spirits beings? I don’t really know but I believe that they were some sort of extra-terrestial creatures.God was very angry at the high level of sin in the world and decided to wipe off all the inhabitants of the world. The bible says that God regretted creating man. But one man stood out; Noah! Noah was a righteous man who refused to join his fellow humans in sinning. God told righteous old man Noah to build an ark for himself, his family and a pairs of animals of opposite sex in order to preserve the human race. When the ark was completed and Noah went in with his family and the animals, the great flood came upon the earth and basically everyone who weren’t inside the ark died in the flood that lasted one hundred and fifty days. No body on earth survived.“This means that the nephilims died too” Sandra cut in.Yes, but there is a theory that says that although the Nephilims died physically, their spirits didn’t die but lived on. Their spirits remained on the earth. The Nephilims can’t return to God because they have no place in heaven. Their primal fathers aka “the watchers” are bound in hell. These nephilims residing on the earth are called evil spirits. To manifest, they need to inhabit the body of a creation that is not created by God, something like a human-animal hybrid.We now have laboratories in the western world creating these creatures that we regard as myths, creatures like centaurs, cerberus, minotaurs, satyrs etc.“These are Greek mythical creatures, you mean scientists are working on creating new life forms? How are they gonna make them come alive?” Sandra queried, I could see that her interest on the topic was greatly aroused.“Yes dear. Nephilims can be channeled through these life forms.”“How?”“You see, channeling a spirit is like…err….bringingan existing spirit to life, it requires a portal but only occultists can do it”“Jesus Christ! Sandra exclaimed, “This is some deep supernatural stuff”“Yea, this is why I laugh at atheists and agnosticswho say that the supernatural realm does not exist” I said.Jude tell me, have you encountered a nephilim before? You seem to know so much about them”“The internet is an open resource dear and a voracious reader knows many things. I can only say that I had a strange supernatural encounter one night during my youth service”“Tell me about it” She asked eagerly.“I don’t wanna scare you tonight Sandra. I saw things with my eyes that made me re-examine my faith and beliefs. I had an encounter with an evil spirit…you can call it a Nephilim but thank God for his word and protection. I saw the truth inJoshua 1 : 8,“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success” We should be studying the word of God daily so as to be armed for any eventuality. The word of God is truly the sword of the spirit.“How did you overcome this nephilim/evil spirit?”“I simply used a counter spirit from God. I put my angels to work using Psalms 91 verse 11”“So you really don’t wanna share details?” Sandrawas sulking, I could see that her anticipation wasquite high.“Forget it dear, by the way what is the name of this your fine hairstyle?” I deftly changed the topic. Her wavy hair was parted in two places and held together by a shiny hair ribbon.“There is no specific name for it, it is just an Afro American hairstyle”“So how are you enjoying your stay in Nigeria?” I probed further.“Do I have a choice?” She replied with a shrug, “I have to like it here, this is my country….erm, Jude,tell me, are the fallen angels the same thing as Nephilims?” Sandra asked.I sighed, here am I trying in vain to weave my charms around this lovely girl while she is all fixated on this nephilim issue…“Sandra, fallen angels reminds me of a song of the same title by Chris brown. You know there was a viral video on youtube that analyzed the song, linking the song to the illuminati sect and implying that Chris Brown is a devil worshipper”“Jude all that is bladderdash, I don’t think the illuminati sect exists” Sandra said with a tone of finality and continued, “in America, folks on the street will laugh at you and call a looney/bible thumper if you voice out your belief in the illuminati”“So are you saying that Beyonce, Jay z, Kanye west, Lil Wayne etc are not members of the illuminati?”“I don’t know, but heck! Celebrities do anything to attract attention. Some of them even sponsor these conspiracy write-ups in the media just to remain controversial and get people talking about them while they sell their music and stuff” She replied.“Well, going back to your question Sandra, if you check the bible, you will see that Lucifer was an archangel in heaven. He was the leader of the praise team. But Lucifer apparently became so impressed with his own beauty, intelligence, power, and position that he began to desire for himself the honor and glory that belonged to God alone. He became proud and plotted to overthrowGod.“Yes, and God kicked his pompous ass out of heaven”“Yes, revelation 12:7 tells us that there was war in heaven, Lucifer and the angels that he had corrupted fought against the angels loyal to God which were led by Angel Michael. They were defeated and Lucifer now known as Satan was thrown out of heaven with his angels into the earth. These angels are the fallen angels, the demons. They are satan’s minions and walk handin hand with him to perpetrate evil on earth.“This is all very interesting. Your friend should write a story on this”“You mean Kelly?”“Yes, I would like to meet him! That his story can be turned into a great Hollywood flick, he just hasto meet a producer!”“You want to meet him? So you are crushing on him? I am jealous” I sulked.Sandra hit me playfully on the arm, “Come on buddy, you have your own fair share of crushes, you are the undisputed love story writer”“Isn’t that what you ladies want? I get tons of requests for love stories, so i try to satisfy you people”There was something surreal about Sandra. The way she listened with keen interest to this supernatural stuff, was she planning something, Ijust couldn’t lay my fingers on it.We ate the snacks and drank our various drinks. The bill was on Sandra, she had insisted on paying for everything. I was over-joyed, this was one of the benefits of hanging out with a senator’s daughter. I couldn’t remember the last time a girl offered to pay the bills on a date.The evening dragged on and we discussed several other issues. I was able to divert the flow of conservation away from supernatural topics. Itwas about 7:15 pm when we decided to leave therestaurant.“Jude please come with me to my hotel room, there is something I want to show you!” Sandra said in a soft pleading tone.My heart skipped a beat. What could be so important that she has to show it to me in the privacy of her hotel room?“Sandra, are you are staying in a hotel room? I thought you are in your dad’s mansion” I inquired.“I needed somewhere quiet to read and relax so I booked the hotel room for a period of two weeks. There is no privacy in that goddamn house. Dad is always in one political meeting or the other. Mum is always entertaining her friends who always demand to see me. I don’t spend the nightin the hotel tho, I stay there during the daytime and go home at night. So are you coming with me?”Most guys would have jumped at the offer if they were in my shoes. C’mon, Sandra is a beautiful girl with a curvy body shape and great hips. The kind that will make you go oh gawd I am falling! when she walks past you. And she is rich, I mean very rich! Sandra inviting me to her room could only mean one thing; she wants to take things a little further, she wants a roll in the haystack. Most guys will give an arm and a leg to be in my present position.I wasn’t in a relationship and was as free as a bird.“Jude please come….” She pleaded and I could see an amorous glint in her eyes.I turned to her to tell her.“if I give in, what will you take me for? No, girlie I am not that cheap, I am not going to jump into bed with you because you are Senator Abang’s daughter and you live in a posh apartment in United states funded by our petrodollars and you drive a fancy car. No i am not interested in your dollars, besides I have just finished quoting somescriptures in our convo, if I sleep with you tonight,it shows that i am not a good Christian. This is the Nigeria not the states, look girl we’ve got Christian morals”But instead I heard myself saying.“Alright, let’s go dear.”We walked towards her car which was parked in the restaurant’s car park; A 2014 model Hyundai Santa Fe. We got in and drove off.***************************Most rich kids are spoilt brats because they live in an alternate world from the rest of us and so they believe that everything comes easy, they have a sense of entitlement. Sandra’s cozy car had all the trappings of luxury. I was so relaxed inside the vehicle and and I leaned back on the plush seat and enjoyed the ride. Melodious r&b tunes were playing on the car stereo. We didn’t talk much as she drove, she occasionally glanced at me with a charming smile that was meant to set the stage for the hotel room action. Imelted like butter each time she smiled at me.I let out an inaudible sigh as we drove into the hotel. The hotel was Bennies Lounge, one of the most luxurious and most expensive hotels in the city. The cheapest room went for N120,000 per night. I knew this because I had done a survey of hotel room prices in the city some months back. We walked in and stopped by the front desk to pick up her room key. The female attendants on duty stared at me with a knowing look in their eyes. One of them wiggled her nose at her as I returned her stare.We briskly walked pass the lobby and bar and took the elevator to her room. It was room 32. The sheer magnificence of the interior of the room left me breathless. Stylishly decorated with ornate furnishing, it had the semblance of Eldorado.“Jude make yourself comfortable, what do you wanna drink?” Sandra sweetly asked.“Nothing, I am okay” I responded and sat at the edge of the bed.“Not even a little alcohol?” Sandra inquired in a patronizing tone. She jumped onto the bed and moved close to me.“You know that I don’t drink or smoke”“This world is a lonely place Jude” Sandra whispered softly in my ears.Look guys, I was far gone. Here was i in a hotel room with one of the hottest and most sought after ladies on facebook. Mehn who wouldn’t succumb? “God forgive me” I said a silent prayer.“What makes it a lonely place?” I inquired as I pulled her into my arms and began tracing the outline of her beautiful face with my left forefinger.“It is…because I am a Nephilim and I am all alonehere” she replied.This was very amusing. I laughed out loud. Sandra has a wacked sense of humour, did she bring me to her hotel room to tell me that she was a nephilim?“Not bad, I am a nephilim too. When two nephilims meet in a hotel room, what do they do?”“They have fun” She replied with enthusiasm and pushed me onto the bed. I fell like a pack of cards and lay flat on the bed. Sandra was up upon me, she had started loosening my shirt buttons…She brought her lips close to mine and was aboutto…..“Hey….Jude, I hope I can trust you” She said.“Trust me? Is this about trust? Come on sweetpie,of course you can trust me!” I was at the point where I would have gladly signed away all my life’s possessions just to have the time of my life.“I said I am a nephilim, I have got something to show you….”“What’s this obsession with Nephilims all about?”I cut in, in an irritated tone. She quickly got up from me and the next thing I heard was…“Odega taniis jerea inbilis scrotom”I suddenly sat up in shock, it wasn’t Sandra sitting on the bed anymore, it was a creature witha round face and a beaklike mouth standing in front of me. Its legs were long, hairy and thin and had a structure at the base that resembled that of a human foot with multiple toes. It began speaking. It was Sandra’s voice.“Jude I am Sandra, I have just cast a listening spell on you. This is me manifesting in my true form. I am a Nephilim, the fifth generation of the remnants who survived the great flood during thetime of Noah. I have the Obrogola scar on my right shoulder. We Nephilims are accursed creatures. The maker placed a curse on our fathers; the Watchers and so we are destined to roam and wander up and down the earth for eternity. We don’t have a resting place. I came into this world in human form 24 years ago and I choose to be born into the family of Senator James Abang. He and his wife were childless for six years. They had gone to meet a spiritualist who conducted rituals on them on a stormy nightin a village in the interior part of Congo. That night i was just passing by when I saw what was going on and I decided to enter the woman’s womb as a female daughter. Of course they weredelighted when I was delivered after 9 months astheir first offspring. I have lived a life of luxury and splendour throughout my years on earth as the only child of the couple.I told you that the world is a lonely place becauseI miss the company of my fellow nephilims. They are mad at me because I made the decision to adopt a human form on the spur of the moment without informing them. My nephilim father, brothers and sisters shunned me anytime I tried to reach out to them, it is only Maguratatwathagamy mother that communicates with me. She had recently told me that they plan to excommunicateme from the nephilim world, they are going to kill me using the Rosta spell. This will render me useless, a slave for eternity in the dungeons of hell. The only way I can avert this is to return to them. I confess I miss them.So I am returning soon to them. Senator James Abang and his wife will lose their daughter in a plane crash in a few months time. I have been stalking your facebook page ever since we became friends. Believe you me, I have read all your posts and in the course of our interactions I have found out that you are someone with an open mind. I decided to come to Nigeria to meet you. All the questions I asked you in the restaurant were to test your level of interest in the spiritual realm and I have seen that it is very high. You believe in the existence of the supernatural, you believe in the existence of Nephilims. This is why I brought you here to this hotel room to give you this book about nephilims..I spent three years in Miami documenting and detailing everything about Nephilims, you are to spread the message in your writings. I am quite amazed at the level of ignorance about things of the spirit among your human race, they think thateverything ends in this physical realm. The world has to know that we exist!”As the nephilim spoke, I found my mouth closed by a strange force. I couldn’t utter a word but I could hear everything she was saying loud and clear. The hairs on my body were up straight, goose pimples were all over my body. I couldn’t move my body, it was as if ten bags of cement were lying on top of me. I sat rooted to the spot.An unearthly light shone from the two circular organs that were on either side of the Nephilim’s head. It then moved closer to me and I heard it say……“Urakula exossibe idlega scruotom rassifier juguli!”It suddenly changed its form and I saw Sandra standing in front of me. My mouth was wide agape and the load on my body was gradually being lifted. I felt blood flowing once more in my blood vessels.“What the hell!” were the words from my astonished being.“Jude, that was a summary of everything” she said and began sobbing, “this world is a such lonely place…”I stood up and quickly dashed to the door to run out but I found out that try as much as I could, I simply couldn’t walk out of the room. The spell was obviously a binding spell restraining my movement.“Sandra release me let me go!” I screamed.“Take this with you”, she tossed a leather bound book at me. It had a black cover with a weird shape on the front. I stared at it, it had only one word printed in white embossed letters….NEPHILIMS.“Read it and spread the message.” I heard her say again.Jude one more thing before you go, can I at least complete that kiss with you? I have never kissed a human being in my entire sojourn on this physical realm. I want to know how a kiss feels like. I have never fallen in love with a human being because of my nephilim aura cannot match with your human aura. A lot of men both online and offline have chased me in vain, some erroneously say that I am a hardline feminist, some say that I am a lesbian. I want to experience what you folks experience in kissing.“This nephilim is crazy! Me kissing a spirit? Hell no! How do I get the hell out of this room!?I opened the door again. I still couldn’t run out of the door, it was still locked by the invisible force.“Ogrania jessoche oppalino kerpotonia!!”A strong wind swept me out of the room and I saw myself sailing through the sky at breakneck speed flying over skyscrapers, high rise buildings, roofs, trees and electric poles. I was anexhilarating as well as a frightening experience.“What in the name of the good lord is happening to me?” I wondered as I flew weightlessly and tumbled over in the air.The force began bringing me close to the ground level. I flew through an open window and landed with a loud thud on a bed in a room and immediately looked around. I saw that it was a familiar place, it was my room. The time piece onthe wall showed that it was 9:15 pm.What the heck is this black thing lying beside me? I touched it and my hands gripped a book, I drew it close and examined it. It was a black book with the titleNEPHILIMS.**********************“Omg Jude you are a crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy fellow!” You mean you wrote all this for me?” Sandra’s body shook as she laughed out loud with her melodious voice.She had just finished reading the microsoft word document on my tablet. I had titled it NEPHILIMS.Sandra and I were seated in a restaurant in the heart of the city. I was chilling out with her. Sandra is a close female facebook friend living inAustralia. I was glad to meet her after three previous failed attempts. She is in Nigeria for a vacation.“I told you I was going to write something for you and here it is.”“So your little fantasy is to kiss me eh?” She asked me with a mischievous smile on her face.“According to the story, you are the one who wants do so!”“Alright sweetheart, I will smother you with kissestonight, let me go and book the hotel room. What is the nephilim spell for booking a hotel room again?, oh I remember,“jajajajajajaja gagagagagaga nowonowonownowo”We both laughed out loud, some envious heads in the restaurant turned towards our direction. THE END.[/i][/b]
24 Dec 2015 | 18:00
[b][i] Vote the @romancelord Vote reformation Vote the right choice Vote @romancelord [/i][/b]
24 Dec 2015 | 18:03
Your head dey there @Romancelord.... I just dey feel am..
24 Dec 2015 | 18:39
wow wonderful nice one @romacelord
24 Dec 2015 | 18:46
Nice one @romancelord
24 Dec 2015 | 18:51
[b][color =red]wonderful story no doubt.....As you read do not forget to make greg-billz a happy man this xmas greg-billz for Mr coolval 2015 for a better you all people[/color][/b]
24 Dec 2015 | 18:57
Dx not my first time readinq about dx Nephilims but am confused now dont know what 2 blive..... The first time I read it the writer wrote dat dx nephilims exist durinq enoch's time and here u wrote they exist b4 d flood(noah's time) bu t I want to knw weda dx Nephilims really exist in dx planet earth..?
24 Dec 2015 | 19:00
Oyi.... i can't stop laughing... Vote @Frankkay
24 Dec 2015 | 19:09
Do they really exist
24 Dec 2015 | 19:29
Wow nice story
24 Dec 2015 | 20:59
This is awesome, weldone @romancelord
24 Dec 2015 | 23:12
ah jez dey feel am :)
25 Dec 2015 | 03:57
Nice one
25 Dec 2015 | 04:23
Wow! Nice One bro. That was excellently written. Thumbz up.
25 Dec 2015 | 09:41
So cool
25 Dec 2015 | 10:18
nice 1 nd thank @romancelord
25 Dec 2015 | 12:19
Dat Was Awesome And Talking Of Nephilims I Hv Heard Of Dem But Dont Believe In Dem
26 Dec 2015 | 08:24


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