The general pulled out a pack of cigarette then opened the discussion,"young man,i am not the type to lavish people with praise,however in your case,i would make an exception"he paused lit one cigarette,took in a puffs then continued,
"you took a great risk and did a great job of shadowing OJ in prison"he stopped and looked into the man's eyes then continued,
"yes you did a good ob,owever,there is a little matter i need you to handle"
the general stood to his feet and walked over to the man's side,placed his hand on his shoulder and continued,
"you see,i am willing to pay you 7million naira to gain the trust of OJ and bring him back to me,two things you must not forget"he paused,come closer to the man,then continued,
"no harm must come to him and secondly you must get him to trust FRH completely"
the general spoke best with his action,he reached ubder his table and pulled out a briefcase.he placed it on the table,then opened it infront of the man,he then continued,