One Call Away {awesome romantic story}

One Call Away {awesome romantic story}

By Horluwa~p1 in 16 Apr 2020 | 16:18
Horluwa~p1 {•_•}

Horluwa~p1 {•_•}

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One Call Away {way to your heart}
••••••• written by horluwa~p1 •••••••
Episode 1

" It ain't happening again mom, I can't leave, no we can't leave " I protested vehemently as mom informed me that we've got to relocate from where we're leaving .

Life I will say hasn't been fair to me and mom after dad died leaving a huge debt hanging on mom's neck.
My dad was a contractor always having his nose functioning twofourseven to sniff out any contract up for grab, especially government and foreign own.
He's been in the game long enough to possess many connection in the government circuit to lay his hand on any contract he's able to sniff out.

I lived a lavish life having the golden spoon in my mouth from the moment I graced the earth with my appearance.
God didn't want me to feel insecure about my parent's love, so He shut the door against any kids trying to join me from heaven.

I didn't know the meaning of hunger during the time dad was alive and I was very popular in my school tho I didn't know I owe it to my dad's success and mom's philanthropist act at that moment. I was sure to utilize the popularity to misbehave, always rebelling against the school laid down protocols. My popularity wasn't limited among the students only, I was treated differently by the staffs of the school too.
I was attending a government owned secondary school because dad, even tho he's capable to send me to the most costliest school in the country, after my graduation from one of the most reputable primary school in Lagos State, he said I've got to be enrolled in a government owned school so that I won't grow up to be a spoilt brat and to prepare me for the future because I was the heir to his company, he insisted I must be brought up rigidly to prepare me for it. Mom was against it but her voice wasn't strong enough to change my dad's mind.
I was enrolled in one of the best government owned secondary school but mom played her way into the school with gifts, supporting the school projects and also handling of bulky envelopes to every staffs in the school at the end and beginning of every terms.
This act from mom brought my immunity in the school as I was treated differently from other kids and with the way I spend lavishly courtesy of my mom. I got many of my classmates flocking around me.
I was simply the prince of the school and I was enjoying every of my moment in the school rather than detest it. I didn't have to do well or study hard to get good grade in school even in exams I didn't place my pen on its answering sheet.
Dad was too engrossed with different kinda projects and contracts he's handling to keep a keen tab on me, we hardly see each other during the weeks except on Sundays.

Looks like y'all are curious to know my name but I'm not telling you now, call me rude but that's my personality and I don't hate it.

The string used to hold things in order started slacking when I got to Jss3.
Dad was murdered tho no evidence backed it up but mom wouldn't keep quiet about it. He was found dead in his car on the third mainland bridge and autopsy showed that he had an heart attack inside his car but it wasn't a proof enough to get mom forsake the idea that dad was murdered .
Like everything was been set up, one of the corporate banks in Nigeria appeared in our house to inform mom that all dad's property was going to be acclaimed by them if mom failed to pay the debt dad owe them which he used his properties as collateral.
I thought dad was rich enough to buy the whole of Nigeria but hearing that my dad too was borrowing money was something unexpected, maybe because of my age but it hit me more than his death.
Dad's reputation of completing his project by collecting ¼ of payment from his client no matter the amount needed to complete the project was how he's able to get many contracts been issued to him from different sectors.
Dad was able to obtain a contract worth millions of dollar from a foreign country who are trying to establish themselves in Nigeria.
Building a large company which was to occupy the total of ten hectares of land was sure to absorb a lot of cash which prompted dad to borrow the cash which made us lose all of his properties to the bank.
After we're sent packing from our house, mom had us relocated to Badagry, a place I detest at first because of the wierd culture of the indigene residing there.
Mom in no time set herself up there with the little cash which she possess and not inside her bank account, because all her bank account including dad's own were freezed immediately all his properties was claimed by the bank.

She took me down to check on the two most popular secondary schools there, Government College Ajara Badagry and Ajara grammar school to select the one which I would love to attend. But I forbore it at first in a bid to make her change her mind and let us leave the land which I didn't want to have anything to do with.
I was chided by her for the first time because I threatened not to go to any school unless we return to Lekki, maybe lease a house there since ours is already a lost course.
Her chide mixed with her tears which she shed when she was chiding me touched my heart and made me change mind.
I selected Government college and rejected Ajara grammar school because of their school uniforms.
The senior students of GCA used butter colored shirt and brown trouser/shirt while the junior student used ash and white. AGC was using a flashy uniform of stripe blue and blue for the senior and red for the junior. I detest flashy things and thinking about the thought wearing such combination for three years always make me want to puke.

Mom wanted to enroll me in Ss1 because during the interval at which all the incident happened, my classmates were all in Ss1 already.
We met with a disappointment on getting to the school as they insisted that I must write the promotional examination before I can be admitted into Ss1.
Mom wasn't happy about this because I was fourteen already and should be in Ss1 but she had no choice but to enroll me in jss3. I couldn't also complain because I didn't want my mom to be sad.
My first year in the school was kinda disastrous, especially my first term in jss3. I could be regarded as a critical blockhead. I was fluent in speaking English language with the correct diction with an handsome face to complement this feature, this made moSt of the teachers teaching in the school expecting me to be a genius but I roasted all their expectations with my academic performance.
Mom on seeing my first term report sheet knew I was gonna have to spend more years in jss3 if I continued in such way, so she became strict on me in the aspect of education and even hired a private tutor.
I couldn't help but try to buckle myself up because of mom. She wanted me to be successful. Even tho she only had a small container in front of our house which she sold menial stuffs in it, but not minding if the little business was going to bankrupt, she got me one of the best tutor in the vicinity.

Not been good academically didn't made me less a cocky bastard that one might think I was the principal's kid because of my behavior.
I was rude and I knew it but I couldn't change. Got into trouble with many teachers , some promising me to make sure that they make me exit the school for them but I sailed through .
I began to improve in my study after the introduction of the private tutor and my own zeal to finally learn.

I didn't have any close friend both in school and in my house because of my behavior, but I was already familiar and acquainted to the small town.
By the time I got to ss1, I was already approachable by my fellow classmates, tho I didn't have any close friend among them, same in my neighborhood at home and I made a lot of improvement concerning my studies.

Now I'm in ss2,second term, even close to the end of the term and mom is telling me that we're living. No! , it can't be right, not after I've developed interest in the place, their odd culture I take pleasure in trying to know it now, I even find myself trying to learn the Egun language from one of our neighbors which I was close with. I've erased all thought of living the place from my mind.
I've even gotten a girl which I was crushing on in school. Her name is Tope and if not for my cocky attitude, I would have humbled myself and ask her out because I've caught her many times stealing glances at me. I was sure she like me but she was waiting for me to make a move on her but I wasn't ready to do that.

" why won't you leave " mom asked me with a surprised expression.
She was wearing her nightie, sitting on the single chair inside our one room apartment while I lay on the bed reading a novel titled Angelz do weep by Horluwa~p1 before she had called my name to get my attention.
The 100 watt bulb inside the room did a great job in making sure the darkness imposed by the night has no way to dominate our room.

" look mom, we've settled down here, your small container has even turned to a bigger one, no one know about our history, we blended in with this society perfectly and I'll soon be through with my education too " I listed trying hard to get mom to change her mind.

" will you rather stay here than return back to our house and will you rather school in that government school than get enroll in Hibiscus valley which you craved to attend before your dad dumped you in that government school " mom asked staring at me and I looked dumbfounded for some seconds as I tried hard to process all she uttered.

" could I have heard it all wrong " I asked myself looking perplexed.

" I don't understand you mom " I finally uttered when I couldn't attach sense to what she said.

" Benjamin " she called out lovingly as she stood up from the chair she was sitting on to join me on the bed. She wrapped my hands with hers and stared longly into my eye like I was her long lost love which she just got back recently from a journey.

" we're going back to Lekki, back to our house which we were sent packing from " she said smiling with tears accompanying the smile.

" what's happening, how " I asked withdrawing my hands from hers.

" why are the bank releasing it, they should have sold it off to balance up for the debt or does this have to do with the three days journey you embarked on and returned yesterday " I asked still looking perplexed.
It wasn't like the bank seized the house from us, then leased it out and after the money derived from leasing it out is enough to cover for the debt, then they gave it back to us.

" you'll know when we get back home " mom said staring at me with a guilty filled eye. The tears dropping from her eye had stopped.

" what did you do mom " I asked her like a priest demanding for the confession of a sinner.

" you'll understand when we get back and know this my jewel " she said running her hand through my hair.

" all I do, it's all because of you " she added smiling, leaving me to ponder what it was she had done all because of me as she positioned herself to sleep on the bed.
I didn't know if I should be delighted or not.

" when are we leaving? " I asked her after few minutes of thinking.

" in two days time " she mumbled out drowsily.

To be continue...
16 Apr 2020 | 16:18
Following up, sipping my coke and popcorn
16 Apr 2020 | 18:02
First seat always @henrymary have get you a sit here and don't call @fb-danieledem cuz i can't shift for anybody.........
16 Apr 2020 | 19:41
Nice one my person, i wana kn wat ur Mum z up to.
17 Apr 2020 | 05:29
I'm here already but this my brain is thinking something funny about the woman.
17 Apr 2020 | 06:20
@emmy01 make we dey observe shaa
17 Apr 2020 | 06:50
17 Apr 2020 | 08:00
17 Apr 2020 | 09:05
fink have read diz story sumwhere....continue bro
17 Apr 2020 | 11:33
17 Apr 2020 | 12:18
Am here
17 Apr 2020 | 12:45
17 Apr 2020 | 13:40
Shift for me small @Maths
17 Apr 2020 | 13:59
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 2 ************* All my life, I thought some incidents are only deemed to happen only in movies or novels. I thought it's practically impossible for these events to happen in real life but I learnt that such isn't the case in an unpleasant manner. First was going from grace to grass in the period of three months only and now having a whole new family which I wasn't ready to accept. Why will my mom do that to me, how could she even thought of hurting me in such manner. I was already acquainted to the life of the poor, I now find solace in every menial things and I don't make any complain to what I was given to eat nor for lack of pocket money when I wasn't able to receive it. I will rather embrace the life of the wretched to my bosom than dine with the new life my mom introduced me to. " I need to get my stuffs in order, wash my clothes, dry them and even bid my friends goodbye, I don't think we will be able to leave tomorrow " I informed my mom as I stopped sweeping the floor. She was dressing up after she'd finished taking her bath that morning. I had already told her this in the night the other day but she wasn't able to give me any reply because she's already asleep after she was only able to reply that we'll be leaving in the next two days. I pondered on all she said throughout the night and had to slept late which was the reason for me waking up late to get ready for school. Mom could have woken me up when she woke up but she know better not to wake me when I'm yet to wake up in the morning. I didn't know if it's because of over pamper or my body system but I had kinda develop an allergy to been woken up by another person in the morning. My eyeball will become bloodily red while the flesh beneath and above it will swell up throughout that day. I was already used to the situation and that has warranted me always sleeping early so that I will be able to wake up by myself early in the morning but because of the issue throbbing my heart caused by my mom, I slept late. " which friends are you talking about " mom asked smiling. " we both know you don't have any friend to bid farewell " she replied her question by herself still smiling. " and concerning your clothes, you don't have to wash anything because you're not taking anyone so case solved " she added as she continued dressing. " then what will I be wearing when we return home " I asked her. " you don't have to worry about that " she replied smiling. " and you don't need to go to school today, you can use today to get your stuffs in order but it should be things that are important to you because you're not taking any scraps with you back to the house " she added as she applied make-up on her face. " I'm going to school and where are you even going " I asked noticing for the first time that she's dressing contrary to the way she always dress up for her shop {container} " I've to get some things and also see some people " mom replied. I didn't ask her anything again and rounded up my sweeping as I took my towel, toothbrush and sponge case as I head outside to the bathroom meant for all the six tenants living inside the house. Someone was already inside the bathroom so I had to drop the bucket of water in my hand down, took a bowl of water and head to the gutter to brush my teeth. " Benjamin, Benjamin " I heard someone called my name as I was brushing my teeth. I knew it was mummy Sesede even without turning my head to check on the person. She's the only one inside the compound that is fond of calling my name twice when calling me. I spitted out the foamy content in my mouth from the toothpaste so as to reply her. " ekaro ma " I greeted her in Yoruba dialect. " good morning Ben Ben " she said smiling and I knew at once something was odd. Her smiling was off limit like someone who just won a large amount of money from golden chance lotto. " you are not go to school " she asked me murdering English language. If I had been the type that laugh freely, I would have bursted into laughter. She's not really good in speaking English language and that's why I always try to communicate with her in Yoruba even tho I always sound like someone from the Igbo tribe when trying to converse in Yoruba language. " I'm going to school just a bit late " I replied her drifting back to English language. " okay oo " she replied smiling.. " sha help me thank Iya Ben Ben oo " she added referring to my mom. " she give me her container wey they outside even pelu her market that's they inside " she added in an appreciative tone, and that cleared the reason why she has been smiling awkwardly. " ohh, alright ma " I replied trying to sound less surprised to what she said. I haven't even thought about the fate of the container when we leave but it was good gifting it to mummy Sesede. She's nice and also a full housewife with nothing to do. I saw brother Solomon exiting the bathroom and I swiftly rounded up the brushing of my teeth before someone else get inside the bathroom before me. By the time I was through with bathing, mom had already left for wherever it was she was going. She left five thousand naira notes on the table with a note beside it informing me that I own everything. I was left to ponder on what could be happening again. The highest pocket money I've taken to school since we started living in Ajara Badagry was three hundred naira and that's when I'm unable to eat breakfast before leaving home. I dropped the note and started dressing up for school. My clothes which was neatly ironed with our stove iron was hanging from the hanger which was hung on a nail nailed to the wall beside the bed. I was known for my neatness in the school and that's a reputation I've been upholding since Jss3. After dressing up, I brought out my cloth box and brought out my diary. I swiftly wrote about all that transpired between mom and me inside it conveying with the perfect emotion of how I felt. I boarded a bike to school because I was already late and I've got cash with me. I decided to give change a chance because it was my last day in school. The assembly was already on by the time I got to school. I swiftly located the ss2C line as I got to the assembly ground. " good morning " I greeted Habeeb who was the last person on the line before I took his position, smiling brightly. It was an awkward moment as he tilted his head backward to look at me . His expression could well qualify a person who had seen a dinosaur in this 21st century. We've been in the same class since ss1 and I've not for once talk to him not to talk of smiling at him. The last time he tried to ensue in a conversation with me, I snubbed him. " mor, morning " he stuttered with a confused countenance. " good morning everyone " I said raising my voice as we all got to class before I made my way to my seat. They all looked surprised to see me in such mood and only few responded to my greeting. I rarely smile in class, even the conversation between me and my sitting partners was always brief. It's always like I'm been charged for the number of words eluding my lip. " it's going to rain today " I heard Rebecca telling her sitting partners and they all bursted into laughter stealing a glance at me. I was different throughout, related with my sitting partners well and even laughed out loudly when they say something funny. I never knew I had it in me. I was well known for staying behind most time in class during breaktime, I only go outside if I didn't take breakfast before going to school and that happens on rare occasion because my mom always make sure I eat before leaving home. When the bell for breaktime was jingled, I left with my sitting partners to the tuck shop to get snacks which we bought in large amount and I solely paid for it. I also saw Tope and her friends trying to buy some snacks, and for the first time, I greeted her and even gave her five hundred naira to buy whatever it was they wanted to buy. She was flabbergasted and appreciative of what I did. I also made to sure to buy a white board marker before we returned to class. I asked every students who didn't leave for breaktime to pick outta all the snacks we bought. I got to know that I've been the one hindering my happiness in the school by been a self acclaimed commando. It was really fun having people to laugh and play with. It was only painful that I discover this in the die minute, but I was sure I was going to apply it in my new school. After the bell for closing time was jingled, I brought out one of my book and started reading. I was always the first to leave my class everyday but I decided to stay behind. After everyone has left, I stood up and took the marker I bought to the white board. I took the duster and clean the board. Then I wrote my farewell message on the board in a poetic manner. I forgot to tell you that I was an art student and I love poetry very much. I've even got a book which I wrote different type of poem in it. I rounded up the message with a Thank you. I discovered that their was a tear drop on my cheek after I was through and wiped it off with the back of my palm. I placed the marker on my desk, took my bagpack and left the school. By the time I got home, mom wasn't around, so I had to use my spare key to get in. I met another surprise on getting in. The room was sort of empty, all the furnitures except the bed was missing and many things was also missing apart from my things. I also saw some new clothes on the bed and I didn't need anyone to tell me that I was the owner. I dropped my bag and checked it all out. They all looked costly and I knew everything was worth more than fifty thousand naira. I tried it all out and they all fitted me well and they all looked nice. After I've finished trying all the clothes out, I started getting my stuffs in order because I was sure mom was gonna get angry with me if I fail to do that because she's made her intention known that the next day ain't changing for our departure. She didn't return before I fell asleep but I woke up the next day to find her sleeping beside me. I stood up from the bed and found out that she had brought some things . " Ben " she called out as I was about to head outside. " good morning mom " I greeted her on turning back. " how was your night my jewel " she asked as she rose up from the bed. " it was fine " I replied her. " come over here " she motioned to me as she sat on the bed. I yawned, stretching my hands as I moved closer to her. She tapped the bed lightly motioning to me to sit beside her which I did. " oko mi " she said as she placed her hand on my head, massaging it lightly. " do you know after your father's death, you've been my only source of joy and happiness " she said emotionally. " all I want is the best for you and just for your future to be brighter " she added as she placed her nose on my head and sniffed my hair in a loving manner. " I hope you're going to support me for the decision I made because you're one of the main reason I did it " she added as she withdrew her hand from my head staring deep into my eye. " what did you do " I asked her. " you'll find out soon " she replied me. " go and take your bath we'll be leaving soon " she said to discard the conversation and I knew it but I didn't want to pester her to know it. Little suspense ain't lethal to one's health. Before ten AM in the morning, we're already set for the journey and exactly fifteen minutes past ten, mom's phone rang. After brief conversation with the caller, mom went outside and returned with a man which I was sure is a driver because of his dressing. He helped us to load our little loads inside a beautiful G wagon that was parked outside. Mom bid some of the neighbors farewell before we left. The air-conditioning inside the car was so cool that it rocked me to sleep. I slept for almost all the journey. I woke up when we're stuck inside the traffic and continued with my sleep when we're out of it. " we're here " mom said as she woke me up. I rubbed my palm on my eye as I woke up. The gate was opened after driver honked twice. I was amazed to see the magnificent structure in front of me as I alighted from the car. It was different from the picture of our home which I've got in my head. The house has been renovated and it looked more beautiful. " this bank people really tried " I said to myself as I fed myself the beauty of the house. " welcome to your new family " mom said shocking life out of me as she stretched her hand towards a man and two children that came out of the building. To be continue...
17 Apr 2020 | 15:50
@Daniel Edem,I know u ve always got ma back sha,thx for de invite boss... What has dis woman done DAT she's unable to tell her son na? I hope it's nothing disastrous oo!!!
17 Apr 2020 | 16:26
17 Apr 2020 | 20:57
Okay i arrived safely U kw d way ur classmates would react after they have seen ur farewell letter would be sad.. And ur mum,i would say didn't do well..She would have at least told u b4 hand of d new family Bt now d family iz here and u re now changed, i just hope things go smoothly And u dnt go "BEN WILD"
17 Apr 2020 | 21:02
Next please
17 Apr 2020 | 23:42
Oh Ben, ur Mum remarried without letting u kn, that's bad, anyway handle it with care, i blive ur step-father's children will b girls, pls hold ursef, u kn wat i mean, Nxt.
18 Apr 2020 | 04:04
Thanks for the call @fb-danieledem
18 Apr 2020 | 04:27
@horluwap1,so you no wan lehme know say you don get another tori. But, I sha don find way join
18 Apr 2020 | 04:29
Ben you've to embrace your new family with both hand.....
18 Apr 2020 | 05:47
Hmm. This is getting interesting. Next
18 Apr 2020 | 07:06
@fb-danieledem,wait she did not give you? @ladyg!Come here and explain yourself
18 Apr 2020 | 07:23
i feel like crying
18 Apr 2020 | 10:54
@LadyG na two children dem tell us oh..e fit mean say dem neva mature or them be boys @Maths e no fit easy to accept easily na Things re nt don dat way..Mbanu!!
18 Apr 2020 | 12:10
It's well
18 Apr 2020 | 12:48
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 3 ************* " welcome to your new family " the words became total stranger to me at once. I long for its meaning in my brain but couldn't get any apart from the real meaning. I glanced behind to see if there was cameras lurking behind me, maybe we're acting a movie and I wasn't informed. When I couldn't find any cameraman, I started staring at the sky maybe a drone was been used for the recording but none was also visible. " what's happening " I asked almost in a murmur as I suddenly felt the strength in my voice skip away. " we're back home and you've gotten a new dad " mom said placing her hands on both side of my shoulder but I shrugged it off. " which dad " I asked looking confused. " the one coming over here " she said and I noticed the man with the two children were coming over to where we're standing beside the car. I saw his face and he looked familiar, I tried hard to recollect how and where I knew him from. " hello Ben " the man said smiling heartily as he got closer to where I was standing with my mom and that triggered the memory of where I knew him from in my head at once. He was Mr Tokunbo, one of dad's closest friend. I've seen him many times with my dad, maybe he was helping us and got our house back for us and since he's doing this, mom is already referring as my dad because he's taking up his role. " hello Ben " the man greeted me again as I seemed to be lost in my thought and couldn't utter response to his first greeting. " good afternoon sir " I greeted him snapping back into reality. " how was the journey " he asked me. " it was pleasant " I replied him. " do you remember him " mom asked as she wrapped her right hand around the man's neck and placed the left on his chest which was covered by the polo he was wearing. I felt like puking on seeing this. " yeah, he's one of dad's friend " I replied with a stern face. " good " the man said smiling. " let's skip the introduction for now and go inside " Mr Tokunbo said smiling. Beside him was a girl who seemed to be my agemate and a boy who looked like he's four or five younger than the girl. Mom was smiling with a guilty filled expression, I wasn't ready to believe anything yet but her facial expression show that it's all true. I got a new family without been told, mom remarried without bothering to inform me and she's also taken the bold step to initiate me into the family without my own knowledge. My brain was at standstill as I stood transfixed to the spot I was standing as I watched them going inside. Mr Tokunbo's hand was on mom's waist and she didn't do anything about it. I pinched myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming and disappointedly, I felt the pain. It would have been a lot better if I didn't feel it and woke from the nightmare " are you not going inside " the driver asked me after he's return from taking some of our baggages inside. " since when have you been working here? " I asked him. " going to three years now" he replied as he unloaded the last batch of our loads inside the vehicle. " what about the madam of the house " I asked him. " since I've been working here, it's only my boss and the kids, no madam " he replied me upgrading my woe. " so it's true " I murmured to myself. " what did you say " he asked me. " nothing " I replied him and he went on doing what he's doing. The reality finally dawn on me, mom was going to be the madam of the house or she's already madam of the house. How can she be so callous to do that to me. My brain was trying to process millions of reason in second about the reason she could have done it. It was sure Mr Tokunbo had told his kids about mum because they didn't look surprised like I was and it seems like they've even met. Even tho I knew I wasn't going to support her in the decision but it's proper for her to tell me about it first. To even ask about my opinion on it. It's a decision that got to do with my own life too and I shouldn't be left handicapped in making choice that affect my life. Tho she Is still young, just clocked thirty nine of recent and the travail we find ourselves in the last three years hasn't gotten a way to knock out her beauty but I'll still prefer her staying single for the rest of her life. " are you not going inside " the driver asked me as he returned . " I don't know if I'll be going in " I replied him. " why " he asked as he suddenly seemed to be interested in my case. " you can't understand " I replied him as I felt water filling my eye. That was the worse form of betrayal I've ever felt and coming from my mom made it extremely heartbreaking. I regret not pestering her, I didn't know that some suspense can be hazardous to health. I was feeling different kinda ailment. I felt like running away but my leg wasn't complying with my brain as it glued to the spot I was. The driver got into the car and drove the car away from that vicinity. " Ben " I heard my mom's voice and tears started dripping down from my face at once. I raised my head up to look at her and I could tell that she was surprised to see me crying. She moved closer to me and tried to hug me but I pushed her away. " why did you do it " I asked her as I clean the tears on my face with my palm. " it's all because of you " she replied. Her voice was low and weightless. She sounded like a criminal who was caught red handed and been interrogated by the law enforcement agencies. " don't feed me that shit mom, none of this is for me " I lashed out angrily releasing all the anger building up inside me. " you remarried without my consent and even to one of dad's friend at that, where's that done, no mom, how could you even thought of doing that, only a slut will " I wasn't able to complete the statement before I felt her palm swipe across my face and it stung me deeply. I placed my hand on my cheek as more tears dropped down from my eye. That was the first time she slapped me. " you slapped me mom " I said as I looked dumbfounded. " I'm sorry Ben " she said remorsefully as she tried to place her hand on my cheek but I shrugged it off as I turned my back and ran outside through the small gate which I swiftly open before the gateman could stop me. I could hear mom screaming to the gate man to chase after me and bring me back so I increased my pace and ran through the lone tiled road situated inbetween the beautiful houses in the estate . All the houses possessed big fences and gates. When I was sure the gateman wasn't behind me again, I stopped running. I was sweating profusely and tired due to the run. I rested my back on the fence of the house I stopped in front of it as I gasped for breath. I didn't know which way to go as the road looked endless and I was asleep throughout the journey to the house. " what are you doing there " the gateman of the house asked me as he came outside to check on me with a club in his hand. " I'm sorry, was just relaxing " I replied him. " get away from that place now or I call the police for you " he threatened me. " okay " I said and was about to leave when I saw the Gwagon that had conveyed mom and I to the house from a long distance. I knew they're trying to trail me and there was nowhere to hide. The gateman was about to close the gate and I swiftly ran and pushed the gate open and enter and swiftly close the gate behind me. " what are you doing? " the gateman asked me raising his voice. " please I'm thirsty, give me some water " I pleaded with him as I tried to buy time so that the vehicle will pass by. " you must be mad, get out of here now before I go violent on you " he threatened pointing the club in his hand at me. " please Sir, help me " I pleaded with him. " what's happening over there? " I heard a feminine voice asked. It was a young beautiful girl, she looked like my age mate, she was putting on an ash color bumshot and a pink top, her hair was neatly braided, she had a phone in her hand with an headset which was placed in her ear attached to the phone. I guessed she's the daughter of the owner of the house. " nothing for you to worry about Ma, I'll get this riffraff out" the gateman replied without turning back to check who it was " I'm Ben " I said as I eluded the gateman and hurried over to where the girl was standing. " my throat is dry and I need " I couldn't complete what I wanted to say before I felt an object hit my head. I glued to the spot I was as my hand find its way to the back of my head. " blood " I muttered out weakly on checking the substance my hand was smeared with from the back of my head before I passed out. To be continue...
18 Apr 2020 | 12:53
@emmyteks hope u don sanitize ur hand.
18 Apr 2020 | 17:28
Hmmm it going to be really hard for ben to take in at still wondering d reason it has to be her husband close friend..
18 Apr 2020 | 18:07
Okay i also think a new journey starts for him in diz house dat dey have break his head Maybe he would become boyboy with a new identity
18 Apr 2020 | 18:10
@LadyG @fb-danieledem @fb-ayotundeayodabo @Paddy2x @kelly-kelvin @Harzaroboy New episode here...Enjoy!
18 Apr 2020 | 18:14
I hope you don't go back to the house so she'll know how pained you are
18 Apr 2020 | 22:33
So u finaly find a girlfriend
19 Apr 2020 | 01:05
Bt what that woman did was wrong. Am even suspecting she know something about her husbands death
19 Apr 2020 | 01:09
@henrymary tnkz 4 d i.v
19 Apr 2020 | 03:32
@maths i tot alike
19 Apr 2020 | 03:34
19 Apr 2020 | 07:48
Hmmmm Ben, is nt easy at all, dnt mind ur mum, Ben am doing ds bcos of u, tell dat 2 d birds, @henrymary thx.
19 Apr 2020 | 13:50
Ur mum is getting married to a rich man
19 Apr 2020 | 14:37
Absolute betrayal... Ur husband's best friend??? I think de man's death needs to be thoroughly investigated cuz I smell something fishy!!!
20 Apr 2020 | 00:35
@Maths I don sanitize am ooo... Shey you go drink kunu make i bring your own join... @henrymary say him no dey drink even @LadyG...
20 Apr 2020 | 08:07
Finally back. Thanks man @Daniel Edem
20 Apr 2020 | 08:36
Nwannaa @emreks, why u dey lie dey put 4 my head naa, na 4 dream i tell u so? Abeg bring my own kunu sharply biko.
20 Apr 2020 | 13:07
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 4 ************* I opened my eye blurrily, my head was laden as I felt it aching me. I placed my palm on my head as I sat down in the bed. My view was now clearer and I could see everywhere clearly. I was inside a room which was beautifully decorated. I buried my face inside my palms as the incident that happened earlier in the day graced my memory. I wished I had woken up inside our one room apartment than in the fancy room I woke up to find myself. Everything could have easily qualify for a dream like that. An idea suddenly struck my mind, I was sure I was in one of the room inside the house which the gateman had hit me something on my head which I was certained was the club in his hand. If I could beg them to allow me stay with them, maybe work as a house boy, and save all my salary till it's enough to sponsor my education. I was still thinking about my plan when the door suddenly opened, I raised my head towards the doorway to check who it was. We locked eye and both stared at ourselves for some seconds.. "He's awake " she suddenly said exitedly before she swiftly exited the room. The girl looked familiar and I swiftly consulted with my last memory drive to remember where it was I had seen her. she wasn't the lady I was about to introduce myself to before I was hit with a club in my head, I was certained of that because of her stature. " feck " I cursed under my breath as I remembered who she was. " how is this possible " I asked myself as I looked petrified. " how could I disappear back to the house, no this wasn't right, am I dreaming " different thought battled with themselves in my head as I couldn't get any perfect explanation for the incident. " Ben " mum called out as she ran into the room. She looked unkempt, like someone who's passed through a lot in few days. Behind her was Mr Tokunbo, his daughter who had earlier checked on me and his son. The three of them stood at the doorway while only mom came closer to me and sat beside me on the bed. I frowned my face instantly amd rested my back on the bed as I shut my eye. " how are you feeling " Mr Tokunbo asked from the doorway but I acted deaf to it without opening my eye. " please leave us for now " mom said, probably referring to Mr Tokunbo and his family. " Ben " she called my name passionately as she held my hand. " I'm sorry for hurting you " she said as she fondled my hand. " you're not sorry mom " I said opening my eye as I withdrew my hand from hers. " you knew I wouldn't accept such decision and that's why you decided to keep me in the dark about it " I said trying hard not to cry as I sat down on the bed. " you're right " she said staring into my eye. " I knew you wouldn't comply with me and probably run away like you did if I had informed you in Badagry if I try to force you to accept " she added as tears now found its way down from her eye freely. " why did you have to remarry, why must it be one of dad's friend " I said trying hard not to look like I was affected by her tears, tho I was affected and felt like reaching ny hand to her face to clean it " don't call my name because I'm sure it's for your selfish interest not mine " I added indifferently. " Ben " she called out as she grabbed my hand again. " there's nothing I've ever done ever since I've given birth to you that you ain't its top priority, I know why you're angry and I know you're more than right to be angry but please hear me out first " she said with pitiable look as more tears drooled down from her eye. I knew mom love me so much and willing to do anything to satisfy me but her getting remarried doesn't have anything to do with me because I wasn't complaining of the live we're living. " okay, what's the reason you did it " I asked her. " I was lonely son, I know you're been supportive by been a filial son and that's why I decided not to seek for another partner to support me like your dad did but when Tokunbo made contact with me some weeks ago I lost the will to continue. Before I met your dad, Tokunbo was my first love, we started dating when we're still younger but he traveled out of the country and we somehow lost contact with ourselves. Tho your dad was his friend before he traveled but we all thought he had jifted me and your dad was always there to console me because I was extremely heartbroken. Your dad later informed me about his feeling for me but I told him that I love his friend not him. I told him I still have some hope that he'll come back for me but after a year to that time, Tokunbo wasn't back yet so I had to respect your dad's feeling and we later got married. Tokunbo returned to Nigeria three weeks after I got married to your dad. But it was too late, tho I love him more than I love your dad but I've accepted your dad as my soulmate. He couldn't blame us for doing what we did because he was wholly at fault tho he had a good reason for the reason the communication was off. He accepted his fate and also had to look for another lady to marry and what happened didn't stop him from been your dad's friend but I always make sure to avoid him because I always feel kinda guilty when I see him. A week before your dad died, his wife lost her life due to cancer in United State of America. He and his family had all traveled there to stay with her until her last breath. I received a call last month and it was from him, when he returned from America, he heard the news and brought the house back from the bank , he's been searching for me and you ever since then before he was able to get my mobile phone number . After he called me and we met, he asked that we both get together since we're both widow and widower. He's got children that need maternal care and I've also got a child that need paternal care, so it was more like mutual agreement involving trade and batter. I didn't give him reply tho I wished to accept at once, but I wanted to consult with you first before I make a decision, but I couldn't bring myself to ask you because I was sure you'll decline even tho it was the best thing for you. I told him after two weeks that I couldn't bring myself to tell you and he gave the idea that I should bring you over and together, we can both inform you " she stopped talking as she cleian the tears on her face. " that's why I even told him to let us skip the legal procedures for now in case you blatantly reject it, I was ready to sacrifice anything for you , and my Jewel" she said placing both her hands on my shoulder as we both stared at ourselves, more tears streamed down her face and I couldn't help it as I felt liquid escaping my eye. " I'm ready to go any length to make you happy and if this is not going to make you happy, I've already asked that our loads be returned to the car that brought us here, we can leave now since you're already conscious. I was short of words, my voice speech suddenly went on strike and my lips became heavy that they wouldn't separate from themselves. Apart from all mom said about the circumstances all enveloping around my future, I knew it was also about her happiness. It was a final chance to reunite with her first love. Nature in a painful paved way for the two of them to be together and I seemed to be the only obstruction to it. I wanted my mom to be happy but that's gonna be at the expenses of my own happiness. I was not ready to share my mother's love and care with anyone, call me greedy but I've been used to getting all the attention. She's done many things for me and I felt at that moment to also do something for her. Sure I wasn't going to be happy been in the house but sacrificing my own happiness for her shouldn't be hinder by my own greed. I might as well grant her some moment of happiness in three years and after she had enjoyed it for some time, then sort for another way to bring separation among the two of them. " how did I get here, what did that mad gateman hit on my head self " I asked smiling amidst tears to lift the mood. " he's really a mad man " mom said also smiling. " I saw a figure that looked like you from afar as you ran into that house, we decided to confirm if it was you and that was how we find you, thank God the injury he inflicted on your head wasn't severe " she added still smiling. I knew she was happy because she knew I was ready to accept the family. " thank you for your support since all this while, you're the greatest mom ever " I said hugging her. " and you're the best son ever, in my next life, even if I've got to climb hundred of mountains to get you as my son again, I wouldn't mind doing it " she said and I snorted loudly. " do you think you'll be happy here " I asked her as I disengaged the horse " I think and I know that we're both going to be happy " she said smiling as she pecked me on my forehead. " where are my new family " I asked her also smiling. " I love you so much " she said as she suddenly embraced me tightly. " you're the best " she said as she sprang from the bed happily and exited the room. She was very happy and I felt kinda hurt again seeing how happy she was to summon my new family members. I wasn't sure I really wanted her to be that happy. It wasn't up to a minute before she returned with Mr Tokunbo and his children. " hello champ " Mr Tokunbo said, placing his hand behind my neck and slightly tickled it. I let out a forced smile staring at him . " I'm really delighted to have a boy as my first born now, now, one certain young lady can't shoulder pat again as the first lady of the house " Mr Tokunbo added smiling. " dad " his daughter called out in a protesting manner as she sulked. " I'm sorry former first lady " Mr Tokunbo said mockingly and everyone inside the room including my mom laughed, except me. The boy was beside him while the girl stayed behind him as if she's hiding from me. " Ben " Mr Tokunbo called out as he turned around and dragged his daughter out. " here's your sister, Happy " he said introducing the girl to me " hi " she greeted me shyly as she swiftly averted her face from mine. " and here's your brother Chris " he said pulling his son closer to him. " I'm Benjamin " I said almost in a whisper. " welcome to the family Ben " Mr Tokunbo said patting my shoulder. " no, it's welcome to hell " I said in my mind. To be continue...
20 Apr 2020 | 15:52
Ndo ooo... Just manage ooo, we shall conquer...
20 Apr 2020 | 19:47
It wnt be easy to get acquinted to them easily.. Ben ur step sister av fall for u oh.. And for d hell u re talking about..hmmmm
21 Apr 2020 | 03:38
[quote]"Hello Champ" Mr. Tokunbo said[/quote] Sounds like Mr. Oladele???
21 Apr 2020 | 04:02
dix won't be easy for ben. bt ben shuld gve it a trial and see how it will turn out!!
21 Apr 2020 | 05:17
@henrymary sha i talk am say Ben go show say e amu don... u kn naa, as dat baby girl champ dey dere, Ben go show working soon, abi hw u see am ?
21 Apr 2020 | 11:25
Wow.. this is getting interesting
21 Apr 2020 | 13:15
So sorry for the pain
21 Apr 2020 | 15:32
@LadyG she will be his consolation sori dat came out wrng..i mean her p*?sy would be his consolation
21 Apr 2020 | 16:45
21 Apr 2020 | 16:45
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 5 ************* " I've got a request to make " I uttered gaining everyone's attention after the introduction was fully done. " what's that " mom asked staring at me. I knew her heart would have skipped a beat when I uttered the statement . " I want to retain my dad's name " I said also staring back at mom. Mom shifted her gaze to Mr Tokunbo expecting him to give reply to what I said. " it's alright son, you're free to do that " Mr Tokunbo replied smiling. " thank you " I appreciated. " anything for my boy " he said smiling. " since everyone is happy, let's celebrate this new union over dinner " mom said also smiling. " dinner " I murmured quite loudly. " what's the time " I asked. " the time is six thirty two" Mr Tokunbo replied as he checked the time from the wristwatch in his hand. " for how long was I unconscious " I asked looking surprised. " I don't know for how long but you slept for a long time " my mom replied. " I think you'll all have to celebrate without me, I'm very tired now " I said to discard joining them to celebrate over my woe. " are you feeling any pain " my mom asked moving closer to me as she placed her palm on my forehead to check my temperature. " I'm feeling slight pain " I said touching the spot where I was hit. I felt a plaster on it. " but mom said it was just a slight injury, why apply plaster " I asked myself inwardly. " maybe you should rest, we'll celebrate it when you're fully okay " mom said as she withdrew her hand from my forehead. " that's a nice suggestion " I said as I laid my back on the bed. " what are you going to eat " mom asked me. " you should be hungry " she added. " anything is alright mom " I said in a low tone. " okay, I'll get something for you soon " she said as she pecked my forehead before they all exited the room. After they're all out, I stood up from the bed to check out the room. It was designed to my taste. A forty inches flat screen TV hung on the wall with a dstv and ps4 game console plus its controller on the mini glass shelf beneath the TV . On the left side near the bed was a decorated door knobs protruding from the wall. I wondered what the door knobs was doing there as I moved over to check it. I grabbed it and pulled it towards me and a door opened. It was shelf but it was built in such a way that it blend in totally with the wall except if it's opened. The clothes mom got for me and some other clothes were neatly arranged inside it " thought she said all our loads has been returned into the car " I said to myself shaking my head. Below it was a shoe rack which contained some dope sneakers, and some other types of fine shoes and boot. I noticed a school uniform among the clothes which I was sure was Hibiscus Valley group of school own. . " not bad" I said to myself as I shut the door of the wardrobe. I saw another door different from the exit door at the other side of the bed, I was sure it was the bathroom and suddenly felt the urge to urinate. My assumption was right as I opened the door. It was the bathroom and the toilet built together. It was beautiful even tho it was two in one. The bathtub inside it was neat and beautiful, I would have mistaken it for a Jacuzzi if I didn't know different between the two. The water cistern was secluded at an angle inside the bathroom. I moved closer to it, brought out my penis and urinated inside it. Instead of an handle, it was a button that was fixed to it which I pressed and water got released from it to flush away the urine. I heard a knock on the door from the room and I exited the bathroom. " come in " I said as the knock was repeated on the door and sat down on the bed. The door opened revealing a strange young lady. She looked more older than me and in her hand was a trolley which I was sure contained my food. A tablecloth covered the content on the trolley. She pushed it in smiling awkwardly at me. " I'm Susan, the housekeeper for this house " she introduced herself to me as she got closer to me. " madam said I should bring your food to you " she said uncovering the contents on the trolley revealing two covered dishes. " please can you take your leg " she asked politely making me to wonder why she wanted me to move my leg but I raised my legs up. She placed her hand beneath the bed and dragged out a cushion, she placed her hand on another side and pulled out another one. She placed the two beside themselves and dropped the two covered dishes on it. A cold bottled water and a glass cup plus full set of cutlery accompanied it. " please summon me when you're through " she said before she pushed the trolley out. I uncovered one of the dishes and saw my favorite food in it. Rice and beans but it was missing fried plantain. I opened the second dish and there it was,but it wasn't only fried plantain, their was four grilled drumsticks and they all looked mouth watering. On seeing the meal, the anger boiling inside my stomach melt away at once to create space for the meal. I picked the spoon as I started devouring the food like a hungry lion. I didn't take up to twenty minutes to finish everything inside the two dishes which hit me as a surprise. After I was through with the meal, I didn't know how to summon the housekeeper to come for the plates. After waiting for more than ten minutes without seeing her, I decided to clear the plates myself. I arranged the four dishes on each other and placed the cutlery and cup on it. I opened the door and got introduced into a large passage with another door opposite mine. I wondered who could be staying inside but my curiosity was swiftly quenched as the door opened, and Happy came out of the room, she also had dishes in her hand. She was shocked to see me and almost dropped the plates in her hand if not for quickly getting hold of herself. " hi " she said shyly without getting a reply from me. " are you taking that to the kitchen " she said pointing to the plates in my hand. " yes " I replied without emotion. " let me help you take that " she said offering to take the plates from me but I declined. " lead the way , I'll follow behind you " I said after declining her help to take the plates to the kitchen. " okay, I'm Happiness " she said now staring at me and I started feeling uncomfortable with her. " your dad did the introduction earlier " I said trying to be rude to make her know I'm not in to ensue in a conversation with her. " it look like you don't recognize and probably forgotten and that's okay by me " she said as she started heading towards the exit. I found her words perplexing bUt didn't bother asking her what she meant as I followed behind her. The structure of the house was strange after we made entrance into the large living room. From start the house was a modern bungalow because mom has phobia for high places, so the house was built as a storey building with a single unit. But when I alighted from the car earlier in the day, the house was more larger than it was when dad was still alive, it looked like a three storey building from the exterior while the interior was just a floor. " Mr Tokunbo must really be well acquainted with mom to know that she's terrified of height " I thought within myself as I followed behind Happy to the kitchen. Getting my brain to think about how the house was built and where every one's room is situated might make me develop brain tumor because everything looked complicated, so I erased the thought of thinking about it from my head. " thought I told you to summon me when you're through " Susan said as she saw me behind Happy. She was separating green beans from its husk " I didn't see the magic kettle " I said trying to be sarcastic. I thought it will be cool to have someone to relate with in a no man's land and I found the person in Susan. " you're funny " Susan commended laughing. I saw Happy also smiling as she dropped her plates and exited the kitchen. " I don't hear that frequently " I replied her as I dropped the dishes in my hand at the same spot Happy dropped hers. " the magic kettle is beside your bed in the form of a land phone, just that my own genie grant more than three wishes " she said smiling. " I didn't notice it " I said as I got closer to where she was sitting down separating the beans and sat down beside her. " and I don't need you clearing my dish after eating, I can do that myself " I added as I also picked one of the green beans husk and tried doing it. " you're just like Happy " she said staring at me. " she doesn't like eating anywhere apart from her room and wouldn't allow me clear her plate too " she said smiling as she returned her gaze back to the beans she was doing. I didn't make any statement regarding what she said because I didn't feel like knowing anything about anyone related to the family. I would prefer been a lone wolf, the pack can hunt on their own while I do mine alone, maybe in the company of Susan. An idea suddenly struck my mind again, if I try to make Susan fall for me and date her openly, my mom might get a little portion out of the pain she inflicted on me. Susan, tho she's older , she's pretty with a nice shape and a small physique which was exactly my type of girl. " so since when have you been working here " I asked her smiling awkwardly as the payback plan kept repeating in my head. To be continue...
21 Apr 2020 | 16:48
Greedy Ben
21 Apr 2020 | 17:15
This ur plan mad o
21 Apr 2020 | 17:32
wat if ur mum accept her nko??
22 Apr 2020 | 05:07
Guy u chew better canda ni ? Ride on.
22 Apr 2020 | 07:59
22 Apr 2020 | 07:59
22 Apr 2020 | 08:49
Am with you
22 Apr 2020 | 13:22
I don't have a hand in this ooo?
22 Apr 2020 | 13:28
Just negodi, this boy want to joke with his mother... Okwa ina afu...
22 Apr 2020 | 15:02
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 6 ************* I woke up the next day to the opening of the door of my room. " mom " I grunted as I stretched my hands and yawned lazily. " good morning my jewel " she greeted me smiling with a cup which was emitting steam from its top in her hand. " good morning mom " I greeted back as I rose up from the bed and sat down. " how was the night " she asked me as she pulled out a cushion from under the bed and placed the cup which contained tea on it. " I was yet to wake up, you disrupted my sleep " I said as I felt my eye itching me. " oh my dear " she gasped " I totally forgot and I even thought you should have woken up by this time " she added remorsefully. " only a day mom and you've forgotten about my allergy, what more are you going to forget mom as we spend more days here " I asked her as I got my hand on my eye to ease the itchiness. " I'm sorry, I just want you to use your drugs early as it was prescribed to be used " she said with a sad countenance. " it was a joke mom, why take it serious " I said smiling to brighten her. Tho I wasn't joking when I made the statement and I meant it, I just don't want her to feel bad. " that's good to hear, you almost made me feel bad " she said smiling as she handed me some drugs which she popped out of their sachets. She handed me the tea and I sipped little quantity before putting the drugs into my mouth then sailed them down my throat with the assistant of the tea. " I hope it's not itching you much" she asked referring to my eye. " it's not critical, I should be over it and I don't think the effect will be severe because I was already closer to waking up " I replied her. " I'm sorry " she said making me to wonder if she was sorry again for marrying dad's friend without informing me or for triggering my allergy. " I promise not to do that again " she added staring at me. " why will you remarry again " I said feigning a confused expression. " Ben " she called out almost screaming my name. " I was talking about triggering your allergy " she added with a serious face. " I know " I said laughing. " I was just pulling your leg " I added still laughing in a mocking manner. " you're not serious, such a naughty boy " she said smiling, feebly hitting my leg. Even tho I hardly smile when I'm in school or with my neighbors but I was a different being when I'm with my mom.. I made a comment earlier about not having a best friend, that was a mistake because my mom was my closest friend. I shared everything with her, even about my crush on Tope in GSCAB, she knew about her and always advice me to try to ask her out. We pull each other's leg and my best moments in badagry all revolved around her. I could fervently remember the first of April last year, I woke up early in the morning and got some waste, took it to the front of her container and set them ablaze. When the fumes erupting from it had gotten thicker, I ran inside and woke her up to tell her that her container was on fire, she was lucky to have her nightie on or else she would have ran outside naked. Mom had already broken into tears when she got to the compound and saw the smoke erupting from the waste I was burning in the front of her container. Her movement suddenly metamorphosed into slow motion as she head to the rusted gate of our house and opened it. " april fool " I screamed behind her as she got outside and saw the burning refuse. It was a funny event I would live to remember for the rest of my life as she got the look of a businesswoman who was just scammed of all her fortune. If she had gun with her, she would have shot me before she remember that I was her son. I smile a lot around her and it was fun between us when we're in Badagry and I would really love to go back to those moment rather than the one she just introduced me to. What the one room did to us and we're oblivious of it was the connection it created. We shared everything, talked about everything and we tend to be more closer to ourselves than we are when dad was alive. " so how is your head, hope it's not paining you again " she asked me. " the pain has subsided, I have even forgotten that I was hit with something there " I replied her smiling. " you won't change " she said smiling. " I checked on you yesterday before I went to sleep but you're not in tho I later saw you inside the kitchen with Susan and you seemed to be having a nice time together, that's why I decided not to spoil the mood and left to sleep " she said to me staring at me like a jealous housewife. " why do you look llike someone who saw her husband with another woman " I asked her smiling. " because I'm jealous, I've never seen you laugh freely with anyone apart from me, the way you're laughing with her, it was like you two have known each other for a long period of time before now " she replied me smiling. " she's nice and we kinda have some hidden connection between the two of us " I said to her. " it's good seeing you getting along with someone else apart from me , it will also help foster your relationship with the other kids in the house " she said collecting the cup in my hand which I refused to drop ever since I've finished the content in it. " I'm even thinking of dating her " I dropped the bomb and mom's eyeballs almost popped out of their socket. " you said " she asked looking at me weirdly. " stop been dramatic mom, you heard me right " I retorted changing my expression. " tho Susan is a nice girl and also pretty but you're just barely sixteen and she's twenty one,, the age difference is much for the two of you to be together " mom protested. " but love is blind " I said sounding innocent. " and you're still small to see around the blindness " she retorted getting serious. " why getting serious mom " I said as I suddenly bursted into laughter. " are you pulling my leg again " she asked staring at me in awe and I laughed more that tears escaped my eye " God will deliver me from you and won't let you give me high blood pressure " mom added feebly hitting me on my chest. I really enjoyed my chat with Susan, she was the first person that I conversed with for such a long time apart from my mom. We spoke over three hours and she's very lively. We even talked about how I'm feeling about what my mom did. I decided not to add her in my payback plan again because she's too pure and innocent to be used. She's even in an healthy relationship with a guy which she only see on Sunday which she claimed was her off day from the house. " you can't even ask about your siblings " she said and my expression suddenly changed but I didn't give any comment about it " they've gone to school, I mean your future school " mom said smiling as she noticed the change in my mood. " when am I starting school " I asked her. " that should be on Monday " mom replied me. " and do you know the exciting scenario about it " she asked me smiling. " what's it " I asked sounding indifferently. " you're going to be in the same class with Happy " she replied amd seemed excited about it. " why " I asked looking surprised. " and why are you even excited about it, I'm practically going to be in the same class with my junior sister and you're excited about this " I said as my expression suddenly turned sour. " answering your first question, she's also attending Hibiscus Valley, she's in ss2 and also an Art student , and who told you that you're older than her " she asked staring at me. " if she's in ss2, that means she's fifteen years of age or closer to fifteen and I heard it clearly when Mr Tokunbo said I'm older than her yesterday " I replied her. " Ben " mom called out dramatically " calling him dad instead of Mr Tokunbo won't pull out all your front teeth " she added staring at me. " yeah I know but I also need time to process all this " I said to her. " you're right " she said as she swiftly run her hand through my hair. " and you're almost the same age with Happy, just a month and half difference between your age and she's in ss2 because she missed a whole session when they all traveled abroad to take care of their mom, so the two of you case is very similar to each other " mom explicated. " okay mom, enough of the talk, I need to use the rest room " I said to her as I got down from the bed. " you're stylishly chasing me away abi " she said with a sulking expression. " anything you like you term it to, me I'm sha going to the bathroom abi you'll follow me inside " I asked her smiling. " come and pull me inside na, un serious fellow " she said smiling as she made for the doorway and I head for the bathroom . " I'll get you yeast for your eye when you're through " I heard her scream before she exited my room. Happy's P.O.V I couldn't get a good night sleep because of him. I was the most excited on hearing that dad was planning to get remarried to Mrs Salako, Ben's mom. Marrying her means that I'll get to see Ben everyday. Say that I'm childish but he's been my only crush since I was twelve years old when his dad brought him over to spend the holiday with us. It's a story for another day but I always remember what he said that he love me. It was awkward as it was the first time someone apart from my dad or mom will tell me that he love me . It might be a childish statement which was made without any weight attached to it by him but I wasn't able to get the statement out of my head but I've been the only one who seemed to remember about everything. He didn't even remember my face not to talk of the love profess. Some part of me like it that he's forgotten about me and I felt like leaving it like that but my heart wouldn't let me be. I couldn't even concentrate in class, I was absent minded all through and I can boastfully boast of gaining nothing in school. His mom and dad might be married but my heart doesn't seem to care about it, all I know was that I've loved him since I was younger and I wasn't ready to stop now even if it was now complicated. To be continue...
22 Apr 2020 | 15:57
What pain
22 Apr 2020 | 16:17
Wahala is coking oh. Happy is in love with ben o. Egbami!
22 Apr 2020 | 17:54
How does it feel when the one you seem to love doesn't love you back?
23 Apr 2020 | 03:06
Next please
23 Apr 2020 | 03:19
23 Apr 2020 | 04:42
@hormortiyor na gobe b dat naa, Happy biko hold ursef o.
23 Apr 2020 | 09:57
@hormortiyor kasala go burst!! happy abeg dey ur dey ni
23 Apr 2020 | 11:12
go on
23 Apr 2020 | 16:06
I don't understand the way your brain works
23 Apr 2020 | 16:45
Okay na
23 Apr 2020 | 17:32
@ladyg,I tell you
23 Apr 2020 | 23:20
@hormortiyor kasala go burst!! happy abeg dey ur dey ni
23 Apr 2020 | 23:22
My person @hormortiyor u no dey see say love na mumu smtin wey no dey see well .
24 Apr 2020 | 05:07
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 7 ************* Monday seemed like waiting for the second coming of Jesus. I was in utmost anticipation of joining my new school. I wanted to get out of the house. Apart from Susan I had no one to talk to and it was getting boring. Don't ask about mom because after our chat in the morning of the second day we got there, she's been very scarced and our conversation was at the lowest term. I didn't know if she's following Mr Tokunbo to his working place because after her good morning, which always comes in every morning, her goodnight which always come in the night was the next. I only got myself busy with the ps4 and TV series aired from the dusty explora inside my room and swimming at the swimming pool which was constructed behind the building and it was one of my way of relieving boredom. I was good in swimming, I learnt it in Badagry. I didn't know which job Mr Tokunbo was doing because he was not always around and I was cool with it. Apart from my encounter with Happy on my first night in the house, I didn't see her again. Weird right? , when she's back from school, I always make sure to stay in my room either playing game or reading one of my novels. I wasn't ready for any bro sis or bro bro relationship with anyone . Sunday catwalk in and every member of the family was home. Susan like she told me left the house even before I woke up, but she already bid me farewell on Saturday and I was left to think how my Sunday was gonna be without her to chit chat with. " have you woken up " I heard mom's voice asked in a low tone. " yes mom " I replied from inside. Her timing was perfect because it was the same minute I woke she got to my door to ask the question. She opened the door and the slight creek of the door disrupted the silent that was bossing the atmosphere. " good morning my jewel " she said moving closer to the bed to peck me on my head. " good morning mom, how was your night " I asked her. " it was lovely " she replied smiling. " what about yours " she asked. " I don't really know how it was, I just slept throughout " I replied her humorously. " naughty boy " she retorted smiling. " you'll be starting school tomorrow " she said still smiling. " that's a good news " I replied her. I felt the urge to ask her where she's been going since the last two days but I fought the urge and kept mute about it. She should be the one telling without me asking her. " did you see your school uniform inside your wardrobe " she asked me as she shifted her gaze to the invincible wardrobe. " yeah I did but why is it just one " I asked her. " because you'll get the two remaining uniform with your Friday wears and cardigan tomorrow " she replied me. " alright mom " I said staring at her expecting her to voice out what it was she's been up to recently. " why are you staring at me like that, do you already know that I'm here to ask you for a favor " she asked smiling. " favor " I murmured. " what's it " I asked her. " we're all going on a picnic and I'll love it for you to join us " she said and I could tell that she was tensed. " I'm not interested " I replied her. " Ben, please, I know you are not yet used to this but for my sake, have interest in it " she pleaded with me with a pitiful look. " mom, I don't want to go, I don't want to mess everything up for you mom " I said to her. " you're not going to mess anything up Ben, everyone already agreed with it, only your consent is remaining to kickstart the picnic " she said looking more pitiable. " okay I'll go " I said to stop her from begging me. I knew no matter what I do, she's still gonna find a way to make sure I tag along. " thank you my jewel, that's why mommy love you " she said smiling. " where and when are we going " I asked her. " we'll be leaving in the next one hour and we're going to sultan beach in Badagry." She said excitedly. " okay, I'll try to be ready before then " I said concealing my happiness. I've only been to sultan beach only once with my mom and ever since then, I've been longing to go there again with her to have fun. The only place I only frequent is Marina. I always tag along with brother Solomon on some Sundays and that was how I learnt to swim. " I also got you some nice clothes yesterday, I'll bring them to you to select one out of it to wear and I also have a surprise for you but that will be later " she said before she exited my room. I stood up from the bed and head to the bathroom to defecate, brush my teeth then bath. After I was through and got back to my room, I saw some clothes on my bed and the surprise she was talking about was also there. I almost screamed for joy as I saw it. Samsung galaxy s10. I couldn't be more than happy. After we relocated to Badagry, mom's phone got spoilt and I had to gave her mine, tho I'm able to use it once in a while but it's good as saying it was mom's phone I walked gently to my bed and picked its packet. I opened it gently and brought it out. It was sparkling neat, black color. I also saw a sim card inside it which I inserted into it before I switched it on. It took longer to load and after it finished loading, some settings like language, date etc popped up and I filled everything and their goes my lovely new phone. The phone would have been enough to forgive my mom for all she did but I'm not that easy to buy off. Only few apps was on the phone so I didn't have a lot to operate except logging in my Facebook account and also setting up the WhatsApp with the number of the sim which was inscripted on its pack. I also took some selfie pictures with its rear camera before I finally dressed up for the picnic and took some selfie pictures again . I checked the time and I still had more than fifteen minutes left. I picked the phone up again and logged in to Facebook, I started adding my classmates in GSCAB that I remembered their name and surname and Facebook did the rest by displaying all the ones I didn't know in the people you may know list. It was like campaigning after election but I just felt like adding all of them, something I should have done when we're still classmate. Some had even send me friend request during that time but I bought a bed for them to sleep in the friend request list. All those ones too I accepted them, even those that are not in my class, I did justice to all. Been on Facebook with your own phone can make the time fly at the pace of a rocket. It was magical when mom came to summon me that it was already time and I checked my phone to confirm it and she was right. I appreciated her for the phone and she joked about when she told me that she's gonna return my phone back to me in ten fold. I would have love to go into its funny details but I still have a lot to tell you. I got outside and everyone was already waiting for me. That was the first time I noticed that my stepsister was pretty and funnily, she fell in the range of my type of girl but I only smirked as I walked over to where they're all standing. " good morning Sir " I greeted Mr Tokunbo who was dressing in a casual but fancy cloth. Chris only wore a black trouser, blue T-shirt and a blue sneaker commemorate the blue T-shirt he was wearing. Happy was wearing red tight fitted gown which displayed all her curves. " good morning champ, how was your night " he asked me. " it was fine sir " I replied him. " good morning brother Ben " Chris greeted me as he held my hand. " morning junior bro " I replied him smiling at him as I didn't know the right expression to qualify him. I noticed Happy staring at me and I made "hi" gesture at her but she swiftly averted her face and feigned ignorance. " are we trekking " I didn't know when the question escaped my lip when I didn't see any vehicle closer to them. Everyone except Happy all bursted into laughter. She looked like she's got something against me with the way she's looking at me but I cared less about her to be worried about why she's acting in such way. " you're funny " Mr Tokunbo said still laughing. " Susan told me that your sense of humor is good and I think she's not bluffing " he added still laughing. I couldn't believe what he said, another form of betrayal, I thought within myself. So she's been telling him all we've been discussing together. " I already told him many times to apply for standup comedy " mom chipped in smiling. " Adamu is bringing the " Mr Tokunbo wasn't able to complete his sentence before the garrage door opened and an ash color Sienna was drove out and parked beside us. The driver whose name is Adamu which Mr Tokunbo was referring to came out of the Siena mini bus. " we're not trekking " Mr Tokunbo said smiling as Adamu slid open the passenger door of the vehicle and the three of us ( me, Happy and Chris ) entered. I sat with Chris on the second to the last seat because the last seat and the boot was filled with items we're going to use for the picnic while Happy sat on the seat next to the one we're sitting on. Mom sat in the front seat beside Mr Tokunbo who took his place at the driver side. " are you all happy kids " Mr Tokunbo asked from the front excitedly. " yes " Chris screamed excitedly, I kept mute while Happy surprised us with her reply which was "no". Silent suddenly enveloped the vehicle as all eye centered on Happy. " why are you not happy Miss Happy " Mr Tokunbo asked her. " because I've got a confession to make " she replied him. To be continue...
24 Apr 2020 | 17:09
Confession by dis time??? Madam u better take it easy oo!!!
24 Apr 2020 | 17:57
no spoil d mood ooo
24 Apr 2020 | 20:36
kip ur confession to urself
25 Apr 2020 | 03:13
25 Apr 2020 | 04:21
My don de ground i wan hear the confession
25 Apr 2020 | 05:14
@fb-danieledem dat confession "ll b tight o.
25 Apr 2020 | 05:17
Hmm, confession time! Next please
25 Apr 2020 | 08:41
Confession OK, we are waiting
25 Apr 2020 | 09:30
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 8 ************* Happy's p.o.v Going on picnic was a regular routine for we the Tokunbos. We always fix it on Sunday when everyone is at home, tho not all Sundays but out of the fifty two Sundays in a year, we're sure to use twenty six Sundays for picnic. Dad seemed to have been very busy ever since our new family moved in, I could barely see his face. He's not even taking us to school again, brother Adamu has been doing that. I even thought the picnic which was supposed to happen on Sunday wasn't going to hold again because dad didn't inform anyone about where we'll be going to and I thought maybe he wanted us to get used to the new family first. In the beginning of every year, everyone would sit down and we'll all pick the Sundays which was going to be for picnic and when mom died, dad didn't because of that stop the picnic. I was kinda happy that the Sunday picnic was on the verge of getting canceled because I was sure everyone including Ben will be going. After our encounter on the first night he and his mom arrived, we've not seen each other, it was like he was avoiding me and I was trying to get my shit together, by lying to myself that I was moving on, something I don't think is possible. Dad's feeble knock on my door woke me up that Sunday. He came in to ask me to prepare for the picnic which he said was going to take place in sultan beach in Badagry. In as much as I would have loved to go to Badagry, I turned it down. We've only been to Badagry once, we went to Gberefu island at the point of no return. The sea which according to dad was used to convey our forefathers to Europe where they served as slave. " why don't you want to go my first lady " dad asked looking surprised because he knew how much I preferred going to picnic than to church. If y'all make your calculation earlier, you'll all know that we split all the Sundays in a year into two. When we're not on picnic, we're in church praising God. I prefer going on picnic to church and everyone knows that. " you already relieved me of that position dad " I replied him humorously. " I know you'll say that " dad said smiling. " okay, he's the president while you're his first lady " dad said and I find myself blushing at the statement. " don't say that dad, I'm already moving on from this guy and you're trying to ignite the spark again " I said to my dad but in my thought. He's got to be able to read mind if he wanna hear it. " first lady or no first lady, let's all just stay home today and let's all of us get used to ourselves first before we start going to any picnic " I said to him. " like you've been doing since the last three days " dad said smiling staring at me like I was guilty of some crimes which I didn't know. " Susan told me that no one's getting closer to other because you both always stay in your respective room and I think this is the best way to kickstart a relationship between all of you " dad said to me. " okay dad, I'll start preparing now " I replied him when I know it's already a lost battle. Unless feigning been sick, there's no other means of escaping dad and if he had told me about the picnic on Saturday, I would have woken up with a severe fever that morning . " alright my first lady " he said smiling as he pecked me on my cheek. I got up and started preparing for the picnic, after I was through, I checked the time and it was eight o'clock on the dot. We always leave home when going for picnic at eight thirty which means I had thirty more minutes to myself before we leave. I took my phone and logged in my Instagram account which was the best way to whirl away time . When it was twenty five minutes past eight I exited my room to join the family in the living room. Chris habitual was already there with dad and Mrs Salako but Ben wasn't there. " maybe he's against it " I said to myself happily as I joined them. I couldn't express my displeasure when it was thirty minutes past eight as we all stood up to leave and Mrs Salako said she's going to get Ben. I went out with dad and Chris while she went to get my doom. Few minutes later when we're still waiting for Adamu to bring out the vehicle which we always use for picnic, which I know they're loading it with our stuffs because there's a door leading to the kitchen from the garage , she came out with Ben and to be honest, he was super handsome. I couldn't help but stared at him till they got to where we're standing. I wished he would grabbed me that moment, stare into my eye smiling and tell me that he remembered me and what he said to me four years ago. He greeted dad and Chris, he noticed me staring at him and I swiftly averted my gaze elsewhere. " I don't like him, I'm only been sentimental, I hate him, this is mere infatuation, he's not even that fine, he's too tall for my type, he's not fair enough to qualify for the type of guy I like, he's this, he's that " I occupied my mind with different reasons to hate him and shed off the one sided love sticking to my heart like a reptile skin. I didn't know or hear anything happening again around my surrounding but I saw everyone laughing and couldn't fathom why. Finally, Adamu brought the car and we all entered it, Ben and Chris sat on the second seat before the last while I sat in front of them. My mind was still preoccupied with different thoughts when dad suddenly asked if we're happy. I didn't realize how my thought managed to find my lip without my permission and my lip rebelled against my brain as it opened by itself and "no" escaped out of it. It was as if a terrorist had gone to church with congregations in it to declare who he was. All eye was on me and it took me some seconds to process what really happened . " why are you not happy miss Happy " dad asked using my name as pun. " I've got a confession to make " I said as I was lost of reply and worsen the situation more. " what's the confession " dad asked me like a priest demanding the confession of a member. " I hate him " I said negating the real reply on my mind and everywhere suddenly became silent as I pointed at Ben . " well the feeling is mutual " Ben said putting an end to the silent as he completely shattered my heart and fed it to the dogs. It was an unexpected reply. I turned my head slowly to his in terror and he had this look which shattered my liver after there was no heart to shatter again. " looks like we've got two standup comedian with us " dad said to quench the fire of the situation and Mrs Salako bursted into laughter, Chris was also smiling but Ben has this kinda stern expression that will make you wonder what's really going through his mind. The rest of the journey was terrific for me. It was still fun denying it myself but seeing how he denied me without blinking an eye about it threw me into the abyss of darkness. I brought out my phone, fixed my earphone to it and started playing music on it but I couldn't understand or hear anything. He was conversing with Chris and he even got a new phone with him. They seemed to be transferring files from Chris phone to his. Even tho the journey was just two hours plus drive but to me it seemed like an eternity. Dad was preoccupied with his wife and Chris with his new brother. I was left all alone. It was like the earth was against me and I was left alone to fend for myself in a no man's land. Finally we got to our destination, dad was issued a ticket before we're allowed entrance. Dad drove to the spot where vehicles are been parked. We all got down and I must commend, the sun was scorching hot. I felt my skin burning and I imagined how we're gonna cope under the sun for the next hours which we're going to use there. Dad asked all of us to take off our shoes which we did. He opened the trunk and brought out five pairs of boots. We all picked according to our size and wore it. Dad asked us to go and get a spot first where we're gonna set off all what we brought. The sand was sharp and plenty, the sight of the sea was awesome and seeing people playing in it cooled my heart. We walked for a long time before dad got the perfect spot. He asked me and Mrs Salako to stay there while him the boys unload the stuffs inside the trunk. My heart began racing fast when they left the two of us, she was looking at me like she got a lot on her mind to ask me. I swiftly buried my gaze on the sea and the people playing inside it. I smiled on seeing some ladies running away from the roaring sea trying to get them. " why do you hate Ben " Mrs Salako finally dropped the bomb. " ma " I replied feigning not to hear the question. " I thought you're happy about the coming together of me and your dad and I can vividly remember how you used to like Ben when the two of you were still small, always following him around, clinging onto him like you two are twin " she said staring deep into my eye. My leg quake and I felt strength slipping away from it. My body was becoming heavy for it to carry and noise coming from different angles slowly faded away. Her question sounded like a torture to me and I prayed someone save me from her soon before I utter what I was gonna regret later on. " My Happiness " she said as she suddenly grabbed my hands tenderly. " I love your dad so much but don't think I'm here to take over your mom's place in his heart " she added staring at me in a loving manner. " we're together to fill the void which our late partners put in our heart and also to supply the three of you cares which you're missing, I love you and Chris just as much as I love Ben and it will be great if the three of you can work things together " she added still staring at me. " I love him " I suddenly said surprising myself. " you love who " I heard dad's voice asked me from behind. I turned and everyone was there all looking at me weirdly. " did I just succeed in ruining three days relationship of my dad " I asked myself as the guilt feeling weighed my heart down. To be continue... Tomorrow is sunday, see y'all on Monday. Tankiu
25 Apr 2020 | 16:15
Wat will u say happen now?... Dat it was a slip of teeth instead
25 Apr 2020 | 19:52
Abeg no use sand sand spoil my boy garri ooo
25 Apr 2020 | 21:03
dnt b stupid
26 Apr 2020 | 03:53
You don't know what you want
26 Apr 2020 | 04:43
You don't know what you want. You hate him in the first place and now you said you love him.
26 Apr 2020 | 04:44
Waiting patiently for Monday..... what's gonna happen between the two? Can somebody guess?
26 Apr 2020 | 08:56
You said..........
26 Apr 2020 | 09:46
As you tell who you hate, also tell them who you love
26 Apr 2020 | 10:15
Oh Happy, wat ar u nt sayin ?
26 Apr 2020 | 15:08
one sided love in d air
26 Apr 2020 | 18:38
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 9 ************* Continued from last scene " I love him " I suddenly said surprising myself. " you love who " I heard dad's voice asked me from behind. I turned and everyone was there all looking at me weirdly. " did I just succeed in ruining three days relationship of my dad " I asked myself as the guilt feeling weighed my heart down. No, that mustn't happen, ruining the relationship with such utterance means that I won't be able to be with Ben again. My slim chance will turn zero. Tho I wasn't good at lying, but I've got to be best at it in order not to lose everything. " I love my dad and I always want him to be happy because that's what first lady do for their head of state " I said smiling as I walked over to dad and placed my head on his chest. " so I'll try to like that dickhead in order to foster peace in our small family " I added humorously smiling, staring at Ben. " that's my first lady " dad said also smiling as he dropped the umbrella in his hand and put me into tight embrace. He raised his head and motioned to the rest to join us. Mrs Salako was the first to join us smiling. " thank you my love " she whispered into my ear. Ben dropped the big cooler in his hand while Chris dropped the mats in his hand and they both joined us as we all smiled heartily like a one big family. Ben was closer to me and I could smell his fragrance. It was nice and cool. I felt like pulling him away from them and embrace him and inhale the whole fragrance. " now soldiers, let go get the remaining stuffs while the ladies deal with the ones here " dad said after we've disengaged the hug. Ben's p.o.v The family was hell bent on initiating me fully into the family. What could I do? I was helpless and in order not to be the black sheep, I was going according to the flow. We unloaded all the stuffs inside the trunk and in the back seat meant for the picnic while mom and Happy arranged everything. I was surprised at the size of the umbrella which we brought, it was almost the size of a one room apartment roof. The mats which looked kinda puffy ,was placed on the sandy soil in a circular shape under the big shade created by the umbrella. Large volume of space was left in the middle which all food items were placed. After everything was set, Mr Tokunbo opened a big bag which we had brought from the mini van. He brought out swimming trunks and handed it over to all of us. I was surprised how prepared he's for the picnic. I knew mom must have gotten mine because it looked like a perfect size for me. I peeped at Happy and saw that it was a swimsuit that she was given but mom was given a female swim trunk and a skimpy top which looked mature. " let the ladies find their way to change while the boys also find theirs " Mr Tokunbo said as he motioned to Chris and me to follow him amd we started heading towards the direction the Siena was parked. " and where are the boys going to change oo " my mom asked as she saw the direction we're heading to. " to the car of course " Mr Tokunbo turned to reply her. " and you call that finding " mom protested loudly . " at least we found it before you, so go and find yours too " Mr Tokunbo replied laughing in a mocking manner. " okay, but I've to tell you something first " mom said as she started coming closer to where we're standing. She suddenly stopped and told Happy to also come closer. When Happy got to where she was standing, she whispered something into her ear before they finally came to join us. " Mr Tokunbo the smart guy " mom said smiling mischievously as she got closer to him. " let me tell you something " she said wrapping her hand around his shoulder. " okay I'm hearing you " Mr Tokunbo said smiling. " we're going to make it a competition, the first person to get to the van decide who use it first " mom said smiling and I could notice she's trying to block his view somehow. " okay I accept " Mr Tokunbo accepted. " now " mom suddenly scream. That was when we all noticed that Happy had already left all of us. " run my soldiers, win the battle for me " Mr Tokunbo said on seeing how we're scammed by his wife and daughter. Happy was already good distance away from us and started running. Chris and I started running at once but the boot was an hindrance for me, not for me only but for Chris and Happy too. I was a good runner but because of my introvert complexity , I refused to run in school. When I was in ss1,we had an inter house sport competition in GSCAB. I was grouped into red house. During training, I was asked to run with some other boys and the said best runner of the school an ss3 student was also in red house and among the boys I was asked to run with. I didn't know I had the speed but I didn't want to be disgraced by taking the last position outta the five boys I was competiting with, so I decided to put in my all to avert the disaster. But it was surprising when we started running and I found out that I didn't see anyone beside me tho I was hearing their sound and footsteps behind me. I added more speed and by the time I got to the finishing line, it took the best runner almost ten seconds before he got to the finishing line and took the second position. Our coach was awed by my performance and everyone in my house. They said I ran at the speed of lightening and there's no way anyone would beat my time in the school. I knew people are starting to develop interest in me especially our house master . The next time I was asked to run, I knowingly reduced my speed not minding the disgrace and I proudly took the last position. The coach asked us to rerun the race and I valiantly took the same position again. " are you feeling unwell " the coach asked me. " no Sir " I replied him. " then where's that speed you displayed the other day " he asked me. " it's the same speed I'm displaying now Sir. " I replied him. I thought one of my classmates went to go and meet the man and told him that I knowingly reduced my speed because I'm an introvert, because the man later challenged me and told me that I'm not serious and lack discipline for not wanting to give my house what I've got to offer. Ever since then, we've been stacked enemy. I saw Happy taking off her boot so that she could run well and I also did the same thing. I invoked my speed from the god of flash and not minding how hot the sand was, I ran like my life depend on it. Few meter to the Siena, I left Happy behind and got to the mini van first. " no no no " she cried as she also got to the van and started gasping for breath. There was a small portion of grass near the van and we both stood on it to avoid the brutality of the hot sand. Chris also got to the van jogging. " wow, wow, wow " Mr Tokunbo exclaimed as he also got to the van. In mom's hand was Happy's boot while Mr Tokunbo got mine. " I've got an Usain Bolt for a son " he added tapping my shoulder proudly. " you should be representing Nigeria in Olympic " he added still smiling as handed me my boot and I wore them because the heat was still emanating from the grass " that was extraordinary, this is a talent that must be given utmost attention " he continued praising me. " so Mrs, it's time for the winner to select who use the van first " he said with a mocking countenance to mom. " Ben, you wouldn't want to do that to your mom " mom said looking at me with pitiful look. " my champ, don't look at those eye, ladies has been using those eye to influence our decision since the Adamic days " Mr Tokunbo said staring at me as I seemed confused. " my lovely boy, you know I love you " mom started teasing me. " sir, you know we're boys and we can wait " I said trying to avert my face from Mr Tokunbo's gaze. " no, don't do that " Mr Tokunbo screamed in an humorous manner. " let them use it first " I finally drop the bomb. " no " Mr Tokunbo screamed while mom and Happy jumped happily, mocking him. We all laughed as mom and Happy entered the van to change while we waited outside. " Ben " Mr Tokunbo called my name as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " in this life, you've got to be careful with ladies " he said with a serious countenance. " I love what you did today, that was the best thing to do, but female always try to influence our decision, I'm not talking about a situation like this but in critical situation when you've got to be careful in making decision, some female around you might try to influence your decision but you have to be extra careful and vigilant " he advised me and to be honest, I didn't take the advice seriously at that time because I didn't know a situation will come in the future which I was gonna need to make use of it. I appreciated his advise all the same. Few minutes later, mom and Happy exited the van smiling. I couldn't help but stare at Happy with the swimsuit she's wearing. She looked fucking hot but I had to swiftly avert my face so that anyone will not notice me and think I'm into incestuous act. " Mr soldier " Mom called Mr Tokunbo mockingly. " you and your lieutenants can go in now " she added with a mocking tone. " I won't say anything " Mr Tokunbo said shaking his head as the three of us entered the van. We didn't take long because we only have to wear our trunk which looked like a boxer. I saw Mr Tokunbo chest for the first time and he looked like someone who's been working out with his macho chest. We all returned to the spot where we dropped our stuffs. We all sat down and food was first dished for all of us. After eating, we drank a cold juice and also had different snacks as we all joked around. Mr Tokunbo sense of humor was at the peak. I couldn't help but laughed at some of his words which was very funny. After an hour plus of eating, drinking, talking and all, I stood up and told them that I'm going to swim. " do you know how to swim " Mr Tokunbo asked me. " yes " I replied smiling.. " you're a real sportsman " he said smiling. " I want to join him " Happy said standing up. " you that you don't know how to swim " Mr Tokunbo teased. " and he'll teach me " she said sulking. " are you cool with that Ben " Mr Tokunbo asked me " I don't have any problem with it " I replied him. " bye " Happy said as she walked closer to me. The sun was very hot and the sand was extremely hot. We're not wearing out boots because you don't wear boots to swim. I felt kinda happy and proud as some boys were staring at me and Happy. I knew she's the center of attraction and I was merely tapping from it because they thought I was her boyfriend. When she noticed the stare, she suddenly locked arm with mine surprising me. I stare at her in shock but she's just smiling. " what's wrong with this one " I said in my mind but smile back at her. The more we get closer to the sea, the more the sand got lenient with its brutality. " why do you hate me " she suddenly asked me. " you said it first " I retorted. " I was just joking " she said almost screaming. " and I was also joking too " I replied her " no, you're not joking, your expression said it all " she protested. " and why are you getting angry " I asked her looking surprised. " I'm not " she couldn't complete her statement when the rushing wave of the sea hit us. We're so engrossed in our discussion that we didn't notice that we're already closer to the sea wbichbhad dragged itself back to add more strength to the wave it was sending to the shore. She shrieked loudly in fear and lost balance. She's about to fall inside the sea and I had to swiftly grab her and pulled her closer to me as wrapped my hand around her waist tightly . I held my ground so that the roaring wave won't pull or push us away. Her heart was beating faster and I couldn't tell if it was because of fear. When the wave had pulled away and we're finally on the wet soil, I brought my head down to look at her as she's still in my embrace. She also brought her head up and we both locked eyes. Her head was suddenly coming up to meet mine. " what's she doing " I asked myself as my heart began to race faster. To be continue...
27 Apr 2020 | 16:28
Oooo they must kiss oh i refuse to agree..dnt tell me dat someone interrupted them or they came back to their sense.. i no go gree BENAPI 2020 all d way
27 Apr 2020 | 16:42
They are both not serious . so you guys are going to do it abi
27 Apr 2020 | 19:15
Oooo they must kiss oh i refuse to agree..dnt tell me dat someone interrupted them or they came back to their sense.. i no go gree BENAPI 2020 all d way
See as you dey give them Pre-wedding shoot
28 Apr 2020 | 01:13
This wan is stronggg...
28 Apr 2020 | 14:09
One Call Away {way to your heart} *************************************** ••••••• written by Horluwa~p1 ••••••• *************************************** ************* Episode 10 ************* " what are you doing " I asked her as I swiftly regulate the tempo at which my heart was breathing. Her lip was just few inches away from mine and her eye was shut. " it's not that " she said looking disappointed as she opened her eye, and stopped moving her head closer to mine. " it's not what " I asked her looking at her with a confused expression. " I thought maybe you've fallen for me, that's why you hate me so that you won't hurt the family but it seems it's not that " she replied. " fall for who " I asked as I freed my hold on her waist. " me na " she replied placing her hand on her waist smiling. " never, you're not even my type " I retorted also smiling.. " I know that's a lie, this is the kinda shape all guys love, do you even know how the guys in my school always stare at me, wishing they have me all to themselves " she said smiling. " I'm not all guys, I'm Ben and it might surprise you that I'm not always on the majority queue " I said with a smirk, displaying my upper teeth only. " and concerning the guys in your school, I will advice they visit an optician, they really need it " I teased her smiling. " what the heck " she muttered opening her mouth widely. " you're dead " she said as she started chasing after me and I ran. She suddenly stop, her hands on her kneecap as she seemed to be battling for breath. " is she asthmatic " I asked rhetorically as I ran back to where she was. " what's wrong with you " I asked bowing my head so that I could see her face. " got you " she said laughing as she swiftly wrapped her hand around my neck. " that's cheating " I protested as I feebly tried to set my set free. " your definition of cheating please " she asked laughing. " see " I pointed my hand at the oncoming wave. The wave was whirling like a tornado , roaring like a lioness whose cub was nowhere to be found. " Jesus " she exclaimed in an humorous manner and swiftly freed me as she tried to run away but I was fast enough to grab her from behind and started heading to meet the wave. She tried to free herself, screaming loudly but I was too strong for her. " Ben " she screamed as the wave hit us furiously. I dropped her in the water when I was sure it's plenty enough for her not to hit sand and she swiftly grabbed my leg. The wave was now retreating with her in it but she held tight onto my leg as she struggled not to get drawn away by the wave. When the water was no where closer and we're on the wet sand again. She freed my leg as she coughed vigorously, spitting out the little amount of water that got into her mouth. I stood beside her laughing. " you're not good " she said smiling when she's relaxed. " that's how star do " I said mockingly as I laughed loudly. " then star should also have a taste of the earth " she said as she suddenly pulled my leg and I fell down. She swiftly got on top of me and took an handful of wet sand and splashed it on my hair, the remnant on her hand, she used it to smear my cheek. " and now, I present you the sandman from the star nation " she said smiling when she's through with her deed. " and I present to you the aquawoman " I said smiling as I held her tightly to myself as I saw the wave coming again. She turned her head and also saw it, she tried to free herself and I swiftly flipped her gently and I was on top of her. " please Ben, let me go, I promise you that I won't trouble you again " she pleaded as she continued struggling to get herself freed. " no no no " I said laughing . " you have to get your own title too " I added laughing hysterically. " nooooo " she screamed loudly not closing her mouth before the water buried us inside it. I saw that she's taking large amount of water into her mouth and water was still entering her mouth as she seemed unconscious . I swiftly locked lip with her so as to stop her from taking in water, I placed my left hand on her waist as I tried to swim out of the water with my right hand. She opened her eye but shut it back and I continued with saving us. By the time our heads was out of the water, I find out that we're far away from the shore. She opened her eye and coughed out water. She suddenly took notice of her surrounding. " mummy " she screamed childishly and she swiftly held on to my neck. " and the aqualady is scared of water, what an irony " I teased her laughing. " I'll kill you when we get out of here " she threatened me. " and living we shall continue to live here " I retorted smiling. " awn, okay I won't do anything to you, just get me out of here " she said with a pleading tone. " Ben see " she screamed looking terrified as she pointed at the wave which was rushing to us like an anaconda. To be honest, I was also scared, I always swim in ocean most and when I was swimming in sea, I hadn't gone deep in like I was with Happy inside it. The wave looked more big and it rose to an high lenght, looking down at us like we're some prodigal that need chiding. It was like watching an HD movie. " I can't breath under water " Happy said looking terrified. I knew she's been honest because she'd proven it to me. And the frustrating thing was that the idiots on the shore were busy playing with themselves, some chit chatting with their partner to notice us. I knew the wave was going to come down any time soon and I was really scared for Happy because of her short knowledge about water. Tho it was weird because there's a swimming tool in the house. " hold onto me tight " I ordered her and she obeyed. " kiss me and don't let go of me " I said as I thought of that as the only solution for her to be able breath inside the water. " what " she exclaimed with a shocked countenance.. " do it now " I screamed in a low tone at her. She stared at me for almost three seconds before she locked lip with mine and shut her eye and I also shut mine. The wave dropped on us at once as if waiting for us to be through. I held her tightly to myself as the wave took over, turning us rigidly inside the water and I tried to apply some pressure with my right hand to control the direction it lead us to. Its rigidity finally subsided and I felt myself on a hard surface and I could hear the rumbling of people. I peeped open one eye and saw that we're on the soil. Happy's eye was still shut as our lips was still locked and I could feel her tongue moving against mine. I tapped her lightly and she opened her releasing her lip from mine. " we're back on the shore " she screamed happily as she got off from my body. People closer all shifted their gaze to her but she didn't care as she was so excited. I stood up from the ground and my body had already been smeared by sand. " there they are " I heard my mom's voice. " dad " Happy screamed happily as she ran to hug him " looks like you really enjoy your swimming training " Mr Tokunbo said smiling. " yes dad " Happy replied laughing. " it was fun, intense and cool, I so much love it " she added smiling heartily. " I'll love to try it again " she said. " looks like you're good trainer " Mr Tokunbo said referring to me. I smiled as I dust off the sand on my body. " I've wanted to teach her how to swim inside the pool at home but she's always scared of the water and wouldn't enter without a floating tube " Mr Tokunbo added smiling. " hope you guys had fun " my mom asked. " yeah, we did " Happy replied her first and she was still excited. She didn't show any reaction that we had kissed throughout our escapade inside the sea which was wierd, I thought things was gonna become awkward between the two of us but she seemed damn excited about the whole thing. " dad " Chris called pointing at the oncoming wave and we all ran away from its reach laughing. Mr Tokunbo brought out a small camera and we all snapped picture from different posture. He also begged a stranger to snap all of us. He had earlier told us to drop our phones inside a safe in the vehicle, claiming that salt water was going to spoil it if it come in contact with it. Apart from what we brought, we also brought some things from different joints, like barbecue chicken and fish, suya, palm wine but we're only allowed to take small quantity from it and also different things and they all tasted nice. During the moment we spend on the beach, I got to taste what I've been lacking for the past three years. One happy family. Tho I was happy with mom but it wasn't complete without the real fun aspect which we only have once or twice in a year. My introvert complexity started because I hated the situation I found myself in but with an elevation, I find myself wanting to relate more with people. Like when mom gave me five thousand naira on my last day in school, I transformed into my real self who's always fun to be with. Mom was right, going into the family was the right thing for her to do for me. I thought I was now ready to get myself initiated into the family fully. The picnic was really the best to get everyone together like mom claimed. I've developed brother sister intimacy with Happy who I thought I was not going to have anything to do with and Mr Tokunbo was not bad too. He's great to be honest. When we're on our way home, mom sat with Happy, helping her to lose her braided hair because of the sand and water that romanced it when we're in the sea. I sat with Chris at the spot we sat in the morning . " mom, dad " I suddenly called and I could tell everyone was shocked, especially mom. That was the first time I called Mr Tokunbo dad. She knows me to know that I was not suppose to start calling him dad anytime soon. " yes son " Mr Tokunbo replied and I could detect from his voice that he was happy. " I've decided that I'm ready to change my surname now to yours " I said heaving a heavy sigh. " what " Happy exclaimed looking surprised. To be continue...
28 Apr 2020 | 15:19
Noooooooo. You have got no reason to do that.
28 Apr 2020 | 19:17
Best episode so far... i love d way ben is trying to be free with everybody especiall his girlfriend to be,sister and crush i expect more kissing and more hmmm frm both of u
29 Apr 2020 | 02:27
@Hormortiyor leave my ben 4 me oh let him do wat he think is best for him and everyone else
29 Apr 2020 | 02:29
best espisode so far kudos
29 Apr 2020 | 04:05
What is she trying to do, why can't you ask google......
29 Apr 2020 | 04:18
Wahoooo, what a great step up you take.... I really enjoy this episode a lot...
29 Apr 2020 | 05:01
Nice one Ben but i think u changing ur surname 2 that of ur step-father did nt make any sense at all.
29 Apr 2020 | 07:39
Sweetest episode...
29 Apr 2020 | 07:51
I don't think you changing your surname is the best idea......
29 Apr 2020 | 08:40
Behind u
29 Apr 2020 | 14:35
Nice one Ben but i think u changing ur surname 2 that of ur step-father did nt make any sense at all.
At all. E no make sense. Ben is doing in the rubbish. @Henrymary,you think so
29 Apr 2020 | 20:15
@Hormortiyor na ben business be dat..let him do wat he think is best
30 Apr 2020 | 06:52
30 Apr 2020 | 09:19
??One Call Away {way to your heart} ?? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 11? ?Happy's p.o.v? Who said wish is just a mere word offered in mind to stay inside the mind only, because it doesn't get granted? The person I will say is freaking wrong. I made a wish and it was granted within forty eight hours. Hug him, have him closer to myself as we smooched. I did it all even tho my life was on the line for it to come to pass but I wouldn't think for a second if asked to go through such risk again in order to be able to experience what I experienced. Apart from my wish coming through, I'm not the type who love undergoing risk, same reason I'd been declining my dads proposal to teach me how to swim but with Ben been in the sea with me while we battle the wave, it was l freaking fun. We had fun time together with the family before we exited the beach. We decided to leave early because of traffic jam which is the common definition of Lagos. Mrs Salako sat with me so that she can help me lose my braided hair which the beach sand was prominent in it. We've gone a long distance as we gist about different things we saw on the beach and it was fun before Ben called for attention and dropped another heart shattering words. I became uncomfortable when he called my dad "dad". " I've decided to change my surname to yours " he said shocking life outta me. " what " I exclaimed looking surprised but no one seemed to care about my reaction. Dad didn't say anything nor Mrs Salako as everywhere suddenly became quiet. " you see Ben " dad said breaking the silence that had engulfed the van, while his hands still work the steering. " I'm very happy right now " he added smiling. " your mom had already told me that it might take you a very long period of time before you accept this family but what you said means that you've finally accepted the family and I'm happy and contended with that only " dad said and I could see him smiling through the glass attached to the upper part of the van's windscreen. " you don't need to change your dad's name so as to feel a sense of belonging with this family and I'll want you to also keep it so that his legacy through you can continue to live on " he said and I couldn't help but smile as he took it onto himself to save his only daughter's desire. " okay dad, thank you " Ben appreciated. And that's how the danger was averted. I was happy throughout the journey home. I couldn't imagine been close to what I've been desiring for a long time, then a wrong speech negating it, I would have been in so much pain. Y'all can't imagine how happy I was when Ben said that he ain't claiming my surname. I know it's gonna be hard getting him to have more than stepbrother stepsister love for me because he's ready to acknowledge me as his family but it was still better than not having any chance because I will never claim him as my blood family. Nope, not with the amount of love I got for him running in my vein. Ben's p.o.v We got home few minutes past five. Dad asked us all to get a shower before returning for dinner at six thirty pm. I joked with Happy till I got to my room. " you better don't even try to be a minute late from six thirty or I'll come in and drag you out " I joked as I got to the door guarding my room's privacy. " I'll really love that " she said smiling as she opened the door to her room and entered. I dropped on my bed lazily, smiling as all the events that occured on the beach started replaying itself in my head. " was she really smooching me " I asked myself rhetorically when I got to the part when the wave dumped us on the shore. I had not felt her tongue swirling against mine when we're fighting for our life inside the sea but I felt it when we got dump on the shore. Her eye was tightly shut, her hands clung tightly to my neck and her tongue was exploring my mouth. " maybe she didn't know that an ordinary lip lock is enough for the deal " I concluded in my mind smiling. I picked my phone and opened the gallery inbuilt app on it. I've not seen any camera like the one with dad before. On our journey back home, he gave it to Chris and asked him to transfer all the pictures we took to our phones and this was done through xender which shocked me most. I didn't know that a camera could possess xender. I scrolled through all the pictures smiling. I selected two out of the ones which was just a single shot featuring me only. I switched on my data, I used one out of the two as my WhatsApp display picture and login to Facebook to update the second as my profile picture on it. The uploading wasn't yet complete when the messenger chat head suddenly pop-up on my phone screen. I got the messenger app from Chris and some other apps from him in the morning on our way to the beach. I clicked on the chat head and the message was from Tope, my former school crush. She's part of the people I sent friend request in the morning. I concluded she must have accepted it, that's why I was able to receive her message which had the content. " hello dear ". I strained my eyeball on seeing it and a soft smile eluded my lip. " I'm fine babe " I replied the message. Her head appeared below the message at once meaning she read it as it got deposited. Three dot started blinking on the screen of my phone on the left side meaning she's already typing. " why did you leave the school in such manner, you should have told me that day rather than making me see it on the board and make me cry " she texted. " wow " I exclaimed on seeing the message " you cried " I asked rhetorically " we ain't close and why did you cry " I asked tho I knew it's because she had feeling for me and I kinda made my intention shown that I was gonna ask her out by giving her five hundred naira to get snack at the tuck shop on the day I was dropping out of the school . " the way you wrote the message was so emotional " she texted. " I wasn't the only one who cried, even tho you didn't relate well with everyone but you made sure everyone like you on the day of your departure " she sent another message before I could reply the one she sent first. " I'm sorry, but I wasn't close with you guys to deliver a speech that I'll be dropping out of school and are you sure it's because of the way I wrote the message that made you cry ? " I replied her text. " you can't really say that it was because of the message only " she replied. " so what's the other reason " I asked her. " because I like you and I thought you also do " she replied. " ugh, why didn't you tell me" I asked her. " will you even approach yourself to tell yourself anything with the way you always act in school " she asked and I smiled. She's right. " funny fact, you're kinda right and I also like you but it's just gonna remain as like forever now " I replied her. " why " she asked. " because I'm not attending government college anymore and I'm also not in Badagry again, so a relationship can't work out again " I replied her. " where are you now " she asked. " I'm now living in Lekki " I replied her. " wow ? " she texted with the wow emoji attached to it. " but I saw the display picture you updated now and it looks like it was taken from sultan beach " she texted. " yeah, you're right " I replied her. " my family and I was there for picnic today and right now, I'm back home " I sent to her before she replied the first one as the three dot was already blinking. " alright but don't you believe in long distance relationship since we're both still in the reach of Lagos " she texted. " I've never try it before, I've not even dated any girl " I replied her. " that's totally believable ? " she texted while I was still typing the concluding part of the message I got for her. " if we've been dating before I left there, I would have love to give it a try but now, I don't think I wanna settle for any long distance relationship " I concluded my message. " ????? " I smiled on seeing her message. If she had open up her feeling to me when I was still in Badagry , things would have worked out differently. " but we can still be good friends " I texted her. " I don't wanna settle for friend only " she texted. " what do you now want to settle for " I asked rhetorically. "" can I be your bestie " she asked . " with benefit ?? " I asked " yeah ✌ " she replied My gaze suddenly move to the upper part of my phone screen and my eye made contact with the time. " thirteen minutes past 6 " I exclaimed on seeing the time. Time do really fly when you're on Facebook. " chat ya later, gat to go now " I texted her before I switched my data off and quit the app. I hurriedly took off my clothes and rushed into the bathroom. I hung the shower pipe up so that the water could pour directly on my head and wash off any remnant of sand still lurking in my hair. I didn't took long before I got out of the bathtub, took my towel from where it was hung to dry the water on my body. I wrapped it on my naked butt and exit the bathroom. " feck " I exclaimed on seeing Happy on my bed. She's sitting down and my phone was in her hand. She's wearing a navy green bumshot and a pink armless top which looked like a singlet. I could easily tell that she wasn't wearing bra beneath the top. Her hair was neatly bonded into a ponytail and it was sparkling. " why do you look like you saw a mermaid " she asked smiling. " what are you doing here " I asked her as I stood transfixed to the spot I was. " I came here for you " she said as she stood up from the bed, dropped my phone and her phone on the bed and started moving closer to me. To be continue...
1 May 2020 | 03:26
1 May 2020 | 03:28
(in psquares voice) This nah temptation...
1 May 2020 | 05:06
Children children time 2 eat, dnt b silly biko.
1 May 2020 | 06:15
@henrymary shey you dey see wetin i dey see........
1 May 2020 | 09:46
@ LadyG, is it not food they want to start eating inside the room. Food na food o, be it physical or spiritual
1 May 2020 | 11:57
This is getting heated n I'm loving it
1 May 2020 | 12:04
I reserved my comment
1 May 2020 | 12:59
@Harzaroboy i no sure say wetin u dey see na im me i dey see wat am seeing is dat d tym shud be 6.29 wich means both of dem shud be getting ready to eat
1 May 2020 | 15:42
@emreks na real temptation @ladyg that the next call they will receive. @harzaroboy what are you seeing that @henrymary should see and @fb-danieledem what are you thinking
2 May 2020 | 00:32
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 12? Continued from last scene " what are you doing here " I asked her as I stood transfixed to the spot I was. " I came here for you " she said as she stood up from the bed, dropped my phone and her phone on the bed and started moving closer to me. " you deserve this " she said giving me a subtle knock on my head " what's that for " I protested with a smirk. " you threatened to drag me out if I was a minute late and here you are, you aren't even dress up yet " she replied smiling. " I didn't take notice of the time, I was engrossed in what I was doing " I said to her smiling. " with your bestie with benefit abi " she said stressing the last word. " this is a private property " I said as I picked up my phone from the bed held it to her face. " I wasn't the one who asked you not to put a lock on it, and since their was no lock on it, I thought it was for public use " she said smiling mischievously. " ya mad " I said humorously. "I'll make sure I setup my lock now " I said dropping the phone on the bed. " good for you " she said smiling as she picked her phone and head for the door. " call me when you're through " she said as she opened the door. " and " she said stopping at the doorway "alright my sweet bestie, chat you later, that's what your lovely bestie replied the last message you sent her " she said smiling before she exited my room and shut the door. " crazy girl " I said smiling as I head to the wardrobe to select the cloth I was going to wear. I put on a simple dress of a short and white polo. " hello aqualady " I said as I subtly knock on Happy's door. " hello sandman " she replied from inside before opening the door. " you don't look bad " she said accessing me as she came out of her room. " I've never looked bad " I said proudly. " cocky bastard " she said smiling. " why are you going for the dinner, thought you always eat inside " I asked her as we walked on the passage creating boundary between our room. " you've also been eating inside, why are you going for the dinner today " she reciprocated my question with her own question. " because today seemed like a special day " I replied her. " then replicate your answer for mine too " she said smiling. " I shake head for you " I said smiling as we exited our block. By the time we got to the dining room, everyone and the table was already set. " thought you're both skipping it " dad said smiling as he saw us. " might miss the rest but we're in for this " Happy said as we sat on the two closest chairs to us. " we " mom said smiling. " I knew they're gonna be best of friend " dad said smiling. The dinner went well and I ate to my fill. We chitchated for some minute before Happy and I excused ourselves from the room. " how is my new school " I asked Happy as we returned to our rooms. " yOu mean Hibiscus valley " she asked stupidly. " no, I'm talking about Rose kingdom " I replied her in a mocking tone. " you're not serious " she said subtly hitting me on arm. " when you're asking me stupid question " I replied as I held her hand. " I'm the one asking stupid question abi, you'll get your answer when you get to the school " she said in a sulking mood as she head to her door but I swiftly dragged her back to me. " oya I'm sorry " I said smiling. " apology accepted " she said smiling. " let's go to your room so that you can gist me about it " I said as I placed my hand on her doorknob. " no " she screamed as she swiftly took my hand off the doorknob making me to wonder the reason for her reaction. " alright, let's go to my room " I said as I changed my direction and we both head to my room. She gisted me about things that I didn't even ask her. About every students in her class but I noticed she focused more on a girl she called Gina and I think she's her major competition in the school. She was cut short when mom knocked on my door and enter. " brother and sister gisting " she said teasingly as she entered and saw the two of us sitting on the bed talking. " I think you're gonna need chairs here self " she said as she glanced through the surrounding. " yes and some other things which I'll give you the list later " I said to her. " okay, since my two kids are already here together let me wish the two of you goodnight together " she said as she came closer to peck the two of us and exited the room. " and make sure you both sleep early because you're going to school tomorrow " she said as she made a stop on the doorway before she exited the room. I checked the time when she's out and it was already some minutes past eight. " so we've talked close to an hour here " I said on seeing the time. " time always fly by when you're with your soulmate " she said jokingly. " it's not only soulmate, it's damatol " I joked. " I think it's time we call it a night " I said to her. " why " she asked in a protesting tone. " I'm allergy to been woken up from sleep " I replied her " Which kind of allergy is that " she asked looking surprised. " I don't also know, but I react irritably to it and that's why I must sleep early in order to be able to wake up early by myself and prepare for school " I said to her and she showed sign of displeasure. " I'm really enjoying my time with you but there's nothing I can do about it " she said frowning her face as she stood up from the bed. " goodnight " I said to her but she didn't reply as she exited my room. I smiled as I took my phone and placed it on vibration before I dusted my bed because I could see sand on it. I slept peacefully and woke up as early as six fifty seven AM . I login my fb account to check the amount of reactions and comments I got on my profile picture which I uploaded. I had over two hundred reactions and fifty three comments. I didn't go through the comment as I drifted to my wall because of time. I could see that I had over ten messages but I didn't bother checking them before I'll close my eye and open it and find out that we're already in the afternoon. I dropped my phone as I head to the bathroom to take my bath. By the time mom came to my room, I was already done dressing up. I wore a black timberland boots which I find inside my wardrobe and it was very beautiful . " I can see that you're already set " mom said as got inside. " yeah " I replied her. " okay, let's go, your siblings are already in the car " she said shocking me. " in the car " I asked looking surprised. " what if I've not woken up or not yet done " I asked her. " then you'll join them in school since you're just a new comer " she replied me. " you're right " I said. " what about my school bag and books " I asked her. " that's not necessary " she replied me. " not necessary " I repeated after her. " yeah, you'll find out when you get to school " she said as she started leaving and I followed behind her. " so you're already awake dickhead " Happy said as I got inside the car. " good morning sir " I greeted dad who was behind the wheel, ignoring Happy's teasing. I also noticed that none of them have their school bag with them. " morning son " he replied me smiling. " hope you're set for your new school " he asked me. " yes dad " I replied him smiling. " goodbye my jewels " mom waved at us as dad ignited the car and drove us out of the compound. To be continue...
2 May 2020 | 05:09
Happy is confessing her feelings small smal Burh.. Wich type of sch be diz wey dem no dey carry bag
2 May 2020 | 06:59
@atermarial @fb-milesoz @fb-akintundeoluwatobiloba-ayomikun @stonez Join us here
2 May 2020 | 07:01
Thanks @fb-danieledem... Na ajebota school nah @henrymary...
2 May 2020 | 07:28
@Emreks there is a great feeling that accompanies carrying sch bag
2 May 2020 | 07:32
Hmm. .... comment reserved
2 May 2020 | 07:39
Why i no go this can school sef @henrymary when i dey sec.sch.....
2 May 2020 | 08:37
Enjoy your first day it school, make it memorable.
2 May 2020 | 08:43
Like a play like a play my people they forget to call me. Even my own @emreks and @henrymary. If @harzaroboy the quarrel with me and @fb-danieledem they feel say i wan collect @ladyg from am @itzprince and @hormortiyor no they gree call person and my guy @kelly-kelvin, @oneal32, @haykay i no they here from una again o.
2 May 2020 | 11:32
Happy small small oh.
2 May 2020 | 11:33
Ben real dickhead. So u mean anything can b food @paddy2x ? I hear u. @maths what i do again?
2 May 2020 | 12:18
@Maths welcome
2 May 2020 | 16:13
@henrymary i dey tells you.... School sweet with school bag...
2 May 2020 | 18:23
@Maths e don they i dey find you ask @henrymary and @LadyG nah...
2 May 2020 | 18:25
@Emreks hw u go find am?? shey im lost ni
2 May 2020 | 23:43
Hahaha ok guy thank 4 the love
3 May 2020 | 08:04
Bestie indeed
3 May 2020 | 08:49
@henrymary him bin dey miss ni ooo...
3 May 2020 | 09:57
@maths, na true @emreks dey talk o, sotey i come tell am 2 ask @kelly-kevin cos una dey stay 4 same street.
3 May 2020 | 12:56
Ok o @ladyg as for @kelly-kelvin hmm dey isolation centre since last week....... dere he de work nw. Abi watin ur mind think say i wan talk
3 May 2020 | 13:44
Kikikiki my guy @maths u no dey think better 4 dis ur paddy man @kelly-kelvin, anyway my mind dey tell me u wan talk say e don catch d convi-2020, abi no b wetin u b wan talk?
3 May 2020 | 17:21
Eiii I jealous dis brother-sister relationship oo!!!
4 May 2020 | 16:03
Shey you will not comhan continue bayi?
5 May 2020 | 13:18
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 13? & ?Episode 14? & ?Episode 15? The school was really a sight to behold, the structure was magnificent. Dad drove to the car park and parked the car. " we're here kids " he said smiling as he unbuckled the seatbelt which held him to the car seat. We all alighted from the car and I could see two eighty leaves higher education writing note in Happy's hand while Chris got his phone with him. I was left to wonder why Chris had his phone with him because back in my former school, bringing of phone to school was against the law. The school's car park was filled with different exotic cars while some were just parking during the time we're still there. " you two go to your class " dad said to Chris and Happy as we got to the front of a building which had a large inscription " Staff room " on it. I imagined how the building could be for the staff alone " okay dad " they said in unison smiling as they took another route leading to other buildings inside the school. " let's go in son " dad said smiling as we enter the building with dad pulling the glass which had the inscription "pulled to open" on it. The atmosphere changed at once as we entered. Everywhere was chill as the air-condition machines inside it were hell bent on working towards the money used in purchasing them. " good morning sir " a security personnel greeted dad as he moved closer to us. I was mesmerized at the arrangement of the floor. There was a receptionist stand which had four people, two ladies and two guys, all dressed corporately in white shirts and black bow tie. I couldn't see the color of what they had beneath but I was certain it was black too. They all had a computer each in front of them and a land phones was beside the computers . Their was some steel chairs arranged in a corner and I presumed it was meant for parents or guardians who's there to see the principal. " morning " dad reciprocated his greeting and head to the receptionist stand and I followed behind him. " hello lovely " he greeted the female receptionist he made a stop in front of her. " good morning sir, how can I help you " she asked professionally. " I'm here to see the proprietor " dad replied her. " do you have an appointment with him " she asked. " yeah, I do " dad replied her. " you're Mr Tokunbo right " she asked as she suddenly got her fingers running on the keyboard attached to the computer in front of her. " yes, I'm Mr Bello Tokunbo " dad replied proudly. " yes you are " the lady said smiling and I knew she had checked his picture on the computer. " I'll take you to him, give me a second sir " the lady said as she made attempt to got down from the chair she's sitting on. " your one second is up " dad said smiling. " sir " the lady said looking confused. " you asked for a second and it's already up " dad replied her. " I'm sorry Sir " she pleaded. " I'm just joking with you, sit down back, I know my way around here " dad said as he started heading to one of the two staircases inside the room. I swiftly peeped at the color of her skirt and it was a jackpot for me. It was a black skirt. " his office is on the third floor " dad said as we started walking on the staircase. " it's like he's your close friend " I said smiling. " you're kinda right but we aren't close to how you're evaluating it in your mind, he was more closer to your dad than he's to me even tho we're all childhood friends but my time outside of the country did it portion in making me the second seater " he replied smiling. I knew that dad was closer to the owner of Hibiscus valley, I even heard mom saying that dad was the contractor who commissioned the building of the school. " he's not always available in school but he decided to br here this morning so that he can see you " dad said as we got off from the staircase connecting the first floor and second floor On getting to the second floor, I saw something that mesmerized me. It was like seeing houses inside a house. Every teachers each had their offices, it was looking like a big cubicle facing themselves. The structure it was all built looked complicated and I might make a hole in my brain if I try to explain it. But it was all built with tampered transparent glass which made it easy to see what every teacher is up to in his or her office. Most of the offices were empty depicating that their owner are yet to get to the school. " Ben " dad called my name when I had got carried away with what I was looking. " sir " I replied snatching back to earth. " this way " he said smiling and I followed behind him. We finally got to the third floor and everything in view was screaming that only the owner of the school own the third floor. Instead of a visible view like the other floor, there's a door with two security men standing in front of it. " good morning sir " they greeted as they saw dad and one of them opened the door. " good morning " dad greeted them as we entered. The office looked like a living room, if not for the absence of some furnitures it would have easily qualify for a living room. Three chairs and desks without anyone was their. A big lcd TV displaying nat geo wild clung on the wall in an angle which allow for the three people who's got their position behind the chairs and desk an easy access to watch it. I saw three shut doors inside the room and of them had the inscription " the owner " boldly written on it. Dad head towards the door and I followed behind him. Dad subtly knock on the door and " come in " says a voice from inside. Dad opened the door and we got introduced to another large office and a young man who was clearly dad's agemate or a little above or below him sat comfortably on one of the two sofas inside the office. The two sofas faced each other with a beautiful glass table creating boundary between the two. A cup which I presumed contained coffee or tea was on the table emitting steam. A bouquet of flower also sat comfortably on the table. Behind the table and sofa was a medium size desk which had only a laptop, few files, a name tag and a land phone on it . And a vacant executive chair sat valiantly behind the desk and sitting comfortably in an angle was a mini shelf which was beautifully designed by whoever made it. The young man was dressed casually in a white tunic. He had a hearty smile on his lip as he stood up when he saw dad. He looked familiar and I was sure I had seen his face somewhere but I couldn't remember where. " Tokunbo " he said smiling as he came to meet dad midway to where he was sitting and they hugged. " Ben " he called out stretching his hand at me requesting an handshake and I shook hand with him. " you're now a big boy " he said smiling, staring at me. " you're barely ten years old the last time I saw you " he added as he ushered us to sit on the empty sofa which was opposite the one he's sitting on with a glass table in their middle. " when I came over to your place to fight with your dad when I learnt that he enrolled in a government school for the continuation of your education after you're through with primary, tho I asked him to enroll in my school for free because he's done a lot of things for me, he's really a nice nan " the man which I presumed his name to be Popoola Olamilekan from the name tag on his desk said as he took His handkerchief and clean his face. I could see that he was getting emotional as he started talking about dad. " but he said he wanted you to learn things about life in different perspective and told me he's gonna enroll you here when you get to ss1 but death only made that a mere talk and I didn't know anything about the bank taking over all his properties and by the time I find out, you and your mom were gone without a trace " he said and he finally stopped talking. " I would have come to see you and your mom since you both return but I was in Singapore and I had to cancel my plans and return back to the country yesterday so that I can personally register you into the school instead of any of my principals. " he said and I felt like an important personality at once. " thank you sir " I muttered. " stop embarrassing me " he said smiling. " don't thank me for anything, I've not done anything for you compare to all what your dad did for me so if you ever need anything, don't feel shy or pullback to ask me " he added still smiling. " why are all the desk outside empty " dad asked speaking for the first time since we entered. " na so I see am oo " Mr Popoola said in pidgin English smiling. " those fools because I rarely come to the school and since they know I'm out of the country , always come to the school anytime they want but I'll show them pepper when they get here " Mr Popoola added still smiling. " just warn them for now, and keep your pepper in your pocket " dad said smiling. " have you eaten " Mr Popoola asked me probably to get dad off the topic of saving his employees. " no sir " I replied politely. " the breakfast period always end at nine where the kids that didn't take breakfast from home get to eat in the school cafeteria but you're my guest for today so I'll be ordering your food for you up here to eat " he said as he stood up and head to his desk, took the phone on the land phone, click some digit on its keyboard then placed the phone on his ear. He ordered for his special delicacy on the phone and asked that it should be brought into his office before the lapse of five minute. " o ga oo " dad said in Yoruba as Mr returned to the position where he was sitting before he went to place the order. " ki lo ga " Mr Popoola asked smiling as he took a sip from his tea. " you can't even ask me if I'm going eat or if I've eaten from home " dad said trying hard to look serious. " the food in my school is for my students not for their parents and you've got a wife and I'm sure she's already package your breakfast for you " Mr Popoola said smiling. " you can never change " dad retorted also smiling. " I've got somewhere to be right now, so it's all you and your guest now " dad said as he stood up. " bye bye " Mr Popoola said nonchalantly. " be a good boy son, you're gonna love it here " dad said to me patting my shoulder before he finally exited the office. " so how have you been fairing " Mr Popoola asked me. " very fine Sir " I replied him feeling kinda timid. I suddenly felt like an unwanted person in a no man's land and felt insecure. " I'm talking about the coming together of your mom and Tokunbo, are you cool with it " he asked me and I felt more uncomfortable. Even tho I was cool with everything but I wasn't ready to start discussing it especially with someone who seemed like a stranger but I don't think I got any choice than to reply except if dad return to save me from metaphorical hotseat I suddenly find myself. " I'm cool with it Sir " I replied briefly. " I know you can't be cool with it just like that " he said with a short pause,left out a crooked smile before he got his tea off the table, took a sip before he return it to the table. " I know how you must be feeling but it's great to accept it soon because it's fate playing a tricky game " he continued as he gaze was fixed on me. A soft knock suddenly sounded on the door. I heaved a sigh of relief. I was sure it was my savior. " that should be your order " he said smiling. " come in " he said aloud. The one who had knocked the door came in. She was wearing a corporate black skirt and white shirt, a pink apron and pink head wear. On her hand was a covered fancy tray which I knew was harboring my meal. " good morning sir " she greeted Mr Popoola as she dropped the tray on the table and uncover it, revealing two covered plates, spoon, fork and knife and to grace it all was a chivita juice. She placed everything on the table and head to the shelf at one angle inside the office, opened it and brought out a glass cup, she opened a door I didn't took note of inside the office, revealing a dark room which got lit as she entered. She came out few seconds and the cup was wet. She placed the cup on the table before she exited the office. He didn't ask me any question about how I felt again as I ate the delicious meal I was served. We only talked about some of his histories with dad and when I was through with my meal, he made a call again and the plates was accounted for by the lady that brought them. " I don't want you to go now because the students are still observing their breakfast period right now, hope you won't mind keeping me company " he asked after the lady took the plates out. " I don't mind sir " I replied him. Hearing how he was talking about my biological dad made me feel free with him as we both discussed like we've been closed before. " time tend to fly fast when you got a great company " he said as he checked the time on the wristwatch which was clinging to his wrist. " it's nine already " I asked him. I was already comfortable talking with him and forgotten about my main purpose in the school. It was like I had come to visit a friend and return home. " yes kiddo " he replied smiling as he stood up. He went over to his desk to make use of the land phone again. He called three recipients and ask them to meet him in front of the staff room. After he's through making all the calls, " it's time to start your journey here " he said smiling. " let's go " he motioned to me as we exited his office When we got to the second office, the three empty chairs and desks were already occupied by their owner. They all rapidly stood up as they saw him and greeted him. He didn't say anything nor reply their greeting as we exited the office. Till we got to the last floor, it was like a guard of honor for us as every teachers who saw us even from their offices all stood up to greet us. " good morning sir " the three people he called which consisted of two male and a female greeted in unison . One of the two males looked like he's in his late sixties and the other male looked younger, maybe in his late thirties and the female was the youngest. Depicting from my point of view I could say she's yet to clock twenty five. " good morning " Mr Popoola reciprocated their greeting. " Ben " he said staring at me. " meet my principals " he said introducing me to the principals which I found kinda weird considering their age which I had already deduced in my mind. Only the older male looked like a principal. " Mr Samad, Mr Adeniran and Miss Tife " he said mentioning their names. Mr Popoola calling the lady 'miss' mean that I was right about her. " this is my kid I told y'all about on the phone, his name is Salako Benjamin and he's going to be in ss2 c and I want you to take care of him for me " he said to them and it sounded like an order. " okay Sir " they all replied in unison. " Ben " he said placing his hand on my shoulder. " we've got a complaint box in the school where students can drop any complain they've got against any teacher or anyone in the school but I don't want you to make use of it, just call me directly anytime anyone discomfort you in the school and I'll make sure to do justice to the person " he said to me and I was sure it was a threat to the principals standing there . " okay Sir " I replied him. " welcome to Hibiscus valley " he said smiling " they'll show you to your class and you might not see me around again because I'll be returning to Singapore tomorrow, I've got unfinished business there but I'll keep in touch with you " he said handing me over to the principals. " I'll see you before I leave the school today " he said before he returned back into the staff room. " good morning Sir, Ma " I greeted them. " good morning " they reciprocated my greeting. " please don't listen to my uncle " I couldn't believe I called him uncle but it didn't seemed bad as it sounded. " treat me like you treat other students, no special treatment please, I don't want to look like an alien among my colleagues " I said pleading to them. " good boy " Mr Adeniran, the oldest among the principals said smiling. " this one has home training " Mr Samad the second male principal said. " such a cute and humble boy " Miss Tife said placing her hand on my cheek. " leave him to me, I'll take care of him "miss Tife said to the two principals and they looked pleased with it as they left me with her. " I'm Tife, the sauce of this school " she said smiling. " let's take you to your class and if you'll allow me, I wish to be your school mom but it's gonna be a secret between the two of us " she said smiling. Miss Tife was very pretty and young to be a secondary school teacher not to talk of been a principal. I deduced in my mind that she must have gotten to that position by the usage of connection or her beauty. " I don't mind " I replied smiling as we started heading to the classroom. " I've got a question " I said remembering I didn't bring any book to school. " I'm all ear " she replied me. " I noticed that none of the students had their school bag with them, do the school help them to keep their books " I asked her and she suddenly bursted into laughter. " we don't keep book for any students because they all have their locker and one will be assigned to you too before I take you to your class " she replied still laughing tho I didn't see anything funny about the question I asked. " just like in foreign school " I said. " yeah, you're right, this school is trying to imitate the foreign schools and we're almost there, what's remaining is for us to stop the usage of school uniform and I think that will be enforce soon in few weeks " she said to me as we climb the stair case leading to the second floor which my classroom is situated. " and that's a secret, you mustn't tell anyone " she said smiling. " about what " I asked feigning ignorance. " smart boy " she commended smiling. " oops" she exclaimed as she suddenly halted her movement on the staircase. " what's it " I asked as I also stopped moving. " I'm sorry, the ss2 c locker room is on the first floor and we've passed it " she said looking sorry. " it's okay, we can go back " I said changing my direction. " good boy " she said as she also started descending the staircase. Their was many shut doors with inscriptions on all of it. She stopped in front of the one that had the inscription ' SS2 C LOCKER ROOM " " here " she said as she opened the door. Their was only twelve lockers inside the room which gat me wondering if their was just only twelve students inside the class. " a boy from ss2 c just left the school last week because his parents relocated him to America to further his education there and you'll be replacing him because the class is already lacking a boy to complete the equation " she said smiling. " here's his locker " she said pointing at the locker which had number 10 boldly inscripted on it. A small monitor with keypad consisting of numbers labelled from one to zero on it. " the code for your locker is 1234 but that's the default code and you can change it any time you want " she said to me. " okay " I said as I inserted the one two three four on the password monitor and a click sound was heard. I pulled the small door and it opened. Books were neatly arranged inside the locker with calculator, mathematical set and textbooks " here's your timetable " she said pointing at it. It was pasted on the inner side of the door. " you'll be having only three subjects everyday, two in morning before your breaktime and one in the afternoon so when you get to school in the morning, you come here first, check your timetable and get the books and textbooks for the two subjects you'll be having " she gently explicated to me. " okay ma " I replied her. " alright check the subject you're having this morning " she said to me and I checked the timetable. " it's Literature In English and Government " I replied her. " Okay, check those books, we've already have the books readied for you, search for the two among them " she said to me. " bingo " I said smiling as I took the two books out of the arranged books there. " now select the textbooks for the subjects and also remember that you've got to pick the story books which you're gonna need for literature " she said to me. " okay ma " I said as I picked it all. I also took the mathset before I shut the locker. " change your password " she said to me and I did. By the time we got to the classroom, teaching was already on. Miss Tife grunted to get the teacher's attention. " good morning ma'am " the teacher greeted her tho he looked more older than her. " good morning Mr Dandy " she reciprocated his greeting. None of the students stood up to greet her and that kinda got me perplexed. All of them were staring at me like I was an alien but Happy was smiling at me. She was sitted at the front row. The sitting arrangement was three by four. Three for breadth while four stood for length. " hello students " miss Tife greeted them and only few responded and Happy was among the few. " you've got new boy to make sure the boys ain't at the receiving end again, now it's complete " she said smiling. " his name is Benjamin Salako, I hope you all get along well " she said introducing me to the class. The sitting arrangement was made up of a guy and a girl on a chair and desk and everyone seem to have their sitting partners. " Ben, join Gina at the second row, third line " she said to me and I swiftly located the point with my eye and I saw the only single person inside the class. " you can continue with your teaching " she said to the teacher and she exited the class. " good morning " I greeted the girl as I sat beside her. " morning " she said smiling. " you " I exclaimed on seeing her face. " how is your head " she asked smiling. To be continue... It will be 2 episodes per day now to make up for the time I was gone
6 May 2020 | 16:11
Nice one, kontiune.
7 May 2020 | 06:42
Hope dis gina wnt be an obstruction to u nd happy iove life?
7 May 2020 | 09:51
Keep the episodes rolling
7 May 2020 | 09:52
Oh that the girl at the house u where hit by d gate man
7 May 2020 | 09:52
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 16? Continued from last scene " good morning " I greeted the girl as I sat beside her. " morning " she said smiling. " you " I exclaimed on seeing her face. " how is your head " she asked smiling. " well, I can't even remember that I was hit " I replied her as I dropped the stuffs in my hand on the desk. " that's good " she said smiling. " it's nice to finally meet you, wanted to apologize to you for the gateman's act " she said and it looked like she mean it. " it's okay and you ain't the one who hit me with a club on my head and I was also kinda wrong so everything's all settled " I said to her. " I'm David Gina " she said introducing hereslf. " and I'm Benjamin Salako but you can call me Ben " I said to her smiling. " I'll have a hell of note to copy " I said as I picked the literature in English notebook and opened it. " wow " I exclaimed as I flipped the pages. Someone had helped me updated the note and according to the date on the last topic, the person updated to last week Thursday and I was sure that's gonna be the last class they had for literature before the one that's currently going on. " it's the duty of the school to update the notes of new students to the last topic, it will be frigging hard and impossible to start writing the notes by yourself " she said when she noticed how surprised I was on seeing the updated note. " looking at it from another point of view, one can say Othello is more of an action man than intellectual man " I heard Mr Dandy say and I knew they're treating Othello. I smiled as I checked through the literature texts I got from the locker and took out Othello written by William Shakespeare from it. Tho I was already through with all the literature texts from my previous school but revision ain't a bad thing. And he's right, Othello is only capable of using his strength and not his brain. " and we've come to the end of today teaching " Mr Dandy said exactly at the dot of ten. Two wall clocks was present inside the classroom and I noticed Mr Dandy gazing at one of the two wall clocks every seconds before he stopped the class. It looked like there's a policy that curb going beyond the stipulated time for one's period. Unlike my school in Badagry where some teachers can go to the extreme of using some of the time stipulated for breaktime and we students have nothing to do about this than curse inwardly for the teacher then curse him or her aloud when he or she leave. I don't normally go out for breaktime but I love been free inside the class during the time for break instead of one teacher using his or her veto power to steal out of the time meant for my own rest. " how was the class " Gina asked me smiling.. " it wasn't boring and it's cool " I replied her. " if you don't find it wierd and not boring then you're wierd " Gina said smiling. " I'm the weirdest creature you've come across on the planet " I said to her smiling " I know, because a normal person won't run away from house because of a trivial matter and run into my apartment to get his head hit by a club " she said laughing. " you're not serious " I said smiling. " hello guys " a guy's voice suddenly interrupted us. I raised my head up to see who it was. " hello " I said on seeing the guy. " I'm Philip, the emir of this class " he said smiling. " and I'm Ben, one of your subject " I retorted humorously. " you two seem to know yourselves before " Philip said referring to Gina and me. " yeah " Gina was swift to reply him " he's one of the guys crushing on me " she added smiling " really " Philip asked smiling. " yes na, he even had the gut to run into my house to confess his feeling for me " Gina replied. I was short of words as I stared at the two of them like they're speaking in a different language which I don't understand. " is that true " Philip asked me. " she's just joking " I replied him. " awn, and you're even denying it " Gina said smiling. " ask him if he didn't ran into my compound " she said to Philip. " did you run into her house truly " Philip asked me smiling. " yes I did but it was for another purpose not the one she's claiming " I protested. " hello guys " Philip said raising his voice and all eye turned towards our direction. I was surprised to how he was able to get their attentions, something Mr Dandy and miss Tife wasn't able to do. He's really the class emir, I concluded in my mind . " let us welcome another Gina's crush to our midst " he said aloud smiling and everyone except Happy and Gina started laughing . Gina was smiling while Happy was looking at me with a wierd expression. I couldn't be less embarrassed as I brought my head down. Tho Gina was beautiful but I wasn't crushing on her and having such influence on my first day ain't good for my personality. Some of the guys stood up and started making loud whistling sound with their mouth. " please " I said aloud standing up and magically, everyone kept quiet as they all stared at me. " firstly I'm Ben, and I'm also fun to be with " I said smiling. " and lastly, Gina is my friend in a complicated manner but I'm sure not crushing on her, her level is below the level of girls I date " I had said it before my brain informed me that I had just savaged her. " whooooooo " the class all chorus in unison, some placing their hands on their head. I could see Happy smiling. Gina suddenly pulled me down and stood up. " a self defense from him when I didn't give him my number after several trials from him " she said smiling. " dry " one of the guys said aloud and everyone bursted into laughter. " and the winner of the savagery is Ben the crusher " Philip said in a humorous manner and everyone bursted into laughter. " you're dead " Gina said wrapping her arm around my neck. My notion about private school with rich pampered kids was proved wrong by my classmates. I always thought them to be innocent and stupid unlike we the students of public school that got madness running through our vein, don't know about other private schools or classes in the school, but my classmates seemed to be rich young thugs. " I didn't mean to do that " I said smiling.. " If you want me to release you, tell the class that I'm your crush " she said applying force to her arm. " alright, I'll do that " I said feigning to be in severe pain from her act. " good boy " she said smiling as she released her arm. " I was lying earlier " I said standing up again. " she seemed a bit qualified for the girls I date but please help me to beg her to stop threatening me to date her, I'm a priest for Christ sake " I added smiling and the class was filled with another torrents of laughter. " knockout " Philip said in a humorous manner. " you're hereby evicted from my seat with immediate effect " Gina said placing her legs on the chair so that I won't be able to sit down. " and as the emir of this class " I revoke the order with immediate effect " Philip said with a serious countenance. " I'm not under your jurisdiction " Gina said smiling. " take your legs or we use you as our next barbecue discussion " Philip said smiling and I could see the boys of the class grinning too. " you can't do that to me, I've gotten an alliance with the chef na " Gina said frustratingly. " that one doesn't concern me oo " Philip said stressing the 'o' " barbecue is delicious " one of the boys in the class said licking his tongue. With Gina's reaction towards the barbecue discussion, I concluded in my mind that the barbecue is nit something cool. " we'll soon impeach you " Gina said as she took her legs away from the seat " I'm here to stay love " Philip said smiling. " fool " Gina said blinking her eyelash. " who's willing to switch position with me " Gina asked standing up. " me " Happy said as she also stood up. " me " another pretty girl said standing up. Every girls in the class was pretty and same goes to boys too, they all looked handsome and I would have asked for a change of class even if I was a bit ugly. " forget it " she said sitting down back. " you're yet to be admitted into this class, you still have the initiation process left " Philip moved closer and whispered into my ear. " initiation " I muttered looking confused. " don't look like that big boy, it's not a big matter, if you ain't endorsed to be in this class, we'll just send you out and you'll be admitted into ss2 D or E which is also for Art students but trust me, none of those classes can be half fun as here " he replied confusing me more. " but why is no teacher coming in " I asked myself inwardly looking confused. To be continue.... Episode 17 coming soon.
7 May 2020 | 11:54
???????? Funny episode. You first day at school don cause division for girls. But wait oo, you don get school mother sharp sharp. Yeye dey smell
7 May 2020 | 15:08
New episodes yaff land oo. @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @fb- itzonome @youngben @bouqui1st @bouqui1st @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @fb-danieledem @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-aguamimu @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @fb- etimaumoren @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @vikkychidi94 @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-meritjohnson @mikelrado7 @fb-joshuajohn @fb-surevincopet @fb-nontexdick @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com @jehliohn @jessyjenny @jimmartin @mrchiller @fb-roseaweyo @kingsbest @judith08 @dijose10 @pizzaro @fb-emiolablessing @fb-ajanimoses @fb-ayindeadebayoabayomi @merjos @kuzzybhankz @wilson555 @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @sexy2017 @mickybrown @prosperyeboahgmail-com @fb-chancedegreatboy @fb-milesoz @fb-giddi-igoyaitz @fb-johnblack @fb-itzreindy @horlarmy @truthabeexs34 @danielj14 @fb-ahkeh @fb-etzslimv @fawzee @ladyg @henrymary @sommite @maths @kelly-kelvin @princejace Eat to your fill [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
7 May 2020 | 15:14
@hormortiyor thank u bt am afraid , make kpakpa grammar sch no better pass dis sch. o, 4rm d way is going.
7 May 2020 | 15:49
7 May 2020 | 16:07
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 17? Happy's p.o.v I couldn't eat normally inside the cafeteria as my mind was somewhere else. Taking my breakfast in school every monday had became a tradition which must be observed by Chris and I. Susan was granted off day every Sundays and she doesn't return before we're off to school on Monday. Tho Mrs Salako prepared breakfast for us but I didn't know she's gonna prepare it and I woke up late like I always do every Monday. Only Chris had his breakfast that morning. " what's wrong with you " Oluchi my eating partner and also my best friend asked me when she noticed how I was shaming the noodles and egg I had in front of me with the fork in my hand . " nothing " I replied her but I was waiting for Ben. I was expectant to see him inside the cafeteria because I was certain that he didn't eat breakfast too before we set for school but it's already forty minutes past eight and he's nowhere to be found. could it be that he's return home with dad or he's not offered admission in the school but I don't think that it's possible because dad's a close friend with our proprietor and I'm sure all the strings would have been pulled. He might not even write any entrance exam. The alarm bell jingled from the speaker inside the cafeteria to depict the end of the breakfast period amd I was yet too be through with my meal. " why is your face pale " Oluchi asked me as we return to class. " nothing, I'm alright " I replied her trying hard to feign a smile " you're not alright, are you sick " she asked me. " No, I'm hundred percent alright " I replied her. " what's wrong with my first lady " Philip joked as he saw me entered the class. I swiftly glanced around the class to see if he's already in the class but my heart sank more as he's no where to be found. " nothing " I shrugged as I sat down. " what's wrong with her " I heard Philip asked Oluchi his sitting partner and their chair and desk was directly behind mine. Philip is the glory of the ss2 class, tall, handsome, has a great sense of humor, best footballer, swimmer and runner in the school, and he's also brilliant to crown all the abilities. He's every girl's crush except me because I already had someone who can't be replaced in my heart. It was sure that he's the next senior prefect of the school because no one come close to him, even among the science students in the school. Philip already informed me about his feelings for me but I declined it in a manner which I was sure wouldn't break his heart and tamper with our friendship . " I don't know, she's been moody since we've been in the cafeteria and I've asked her more than a hundred time what's wrong with her but her reply to the hundred times was that nothing is wrong with her " Oluchi replied her. " Happy, Happy " Samuel, my sitting partner teased as he entered the class. I saw him in the cafeteria with some of his friends from another class. " hi " I greeted him absent mindedly. " who drank her tea " Samuel turned to ask Oluchi and Philip. " it seems she woke up on the wrong side of the bed " Philip replied smiling. " maybe her husband don divorce her " Oluchi said laughing. " the husband you married her to abi " Philip retorted with a hiss. " good morning class " Mr Dandy our literature in English teacher said loudly to announce his presence as he entered the class. My eye was stationed on the doorway throughout the teaching. I knew I was embarking on the same journey I embarked on, on Friday which made me gain nothing throughout all the classes I heaved a sigh of relief as a smile graced my lip as Miss Tife, our youngest hot principal and my prince in shining armor, standing behind her entered the class. The introduction was short and Ben was finally in my class. My mood changed at once and my face received its lost color. " so how are you doing " I asked Samuel. " looks like one knot have gotten off from your brain this morning " Samuel said staring at me weirdly. But my happiness was cut short when I glanced at Ben and saw that he's engaged himself in discussion with Gina. Gina used to be my bestfriend since I started the school in jss1. We do things together, even go home together because our house was closer to each other. But things suddenly change when we got to ss1 because I did better than her in the qualifying examination. Our ability was the same and our percentage in every exam is always the same or just a bit different, but in the qualifying examination, dad promised to take me and Chris on a tour to any European country of our choice if I do beyond extraordinary in the qualifying examination and I've been wanting to go to Israel for a long time but dad wouldn't let me. So I saw that as a chance to finally make my dream come through. I studied hard, even had to sacrifice some of my night and my hard work yield when the result was out. I had A1 all rounder while she had just five A's, three B and one C. She started backbiting me, even revealing some of the secrets I had with her and our friendship finally got fully murdered when we had an hair pulling fight inside the class. Philip was always with the highest percentage in class and the second highest percentage has always been a war to fight for between Gina and I, and to be honest, it was a battle of the same power because we always end up with the same percentage no matter how hard I try. Seeing the one who had captured my whole heart been frenzy with my stack enemy made me angry. They talked as if they've known themselves before. When I knew Ben would be coming to my school, I knew there's higher percentage that he'll be in my class because of the fresh exit of Azeez, Gina's sitting partner. I tried to pull some string so that Samuel will start sitting with her but Samuel was unwilling to change his seat and Gina was also not ready for any sitting partner " could it be " I said aloud on remembering that Ben's head was injured in her house. Dad told me when Ben was returned to the house that he was found in Mr David's house. " could it be what " Samuel asked staring at me ridiculously. " nothing " I replied him. " hmmm " Samuel sighed shaking his head. " but she's supposed to be in school on that day " I said to myself. " was Gina in school the day I was absent from school " I asked Samuel. " are you asking me " he asked staring at me weirdly. " no, I'm asking your twin brother behind you " I said with a stern face. " I can't really remember but I think she's not in school because we're all teasing that day that maybe the two of you had gone to WWE to settle the beef between the two of you inside the ring " he replied smiling. " idiot " I muttered softly. Philip must have noticed how I was staring at Ben because Mr Dandy was barely out of the class before he's with him and Gina . Ben's p.o.v " why is no teacher coming in " I asked Philip. " because we're resting and getting our brain ready for the next subject whose teacher will be here at ten thirty " he replied me. " wow " I exclaimed. " so you mean, you rest for thirty minutes after every teacher leave your class " I asked him. " no " he replied. " we only rest in the morning because that's the only time we've got two subjects, just a subject in the afternoon and we're done " he added like it was something normal. " this is strange " I said not hiding the fact that I was surprised at weird teaching technique the school is using. I wondered how easy it will be for them to complete their syllabus because in my former school where we treat at least five subjects a day, some teachers always find it hard to complete their syllabus. " what's strange about it " he asked staring at me. " nothing " I said smiling before I embarrass myself. " alright, your initiation will come soon, gat to go now, and if you need anything, either a buddy to hangout with or wanna ask about something confusing you about the school, you're free to call on your emir " he said smiling. " Gina the new wife " he said teasing Gina " better leave me now " Gina said frowning her face. " you know I can't leave you na, I was created to create troubles for you " Philip said smiling. " and I was created to end you " Gina said smiling. " I don't have your time now " Philip said before he left us. " Gina " I called her name smiling but she didn't respond . " are you angry with me " I asked her pulling her arm. " stop disturbing me, I can't borrow you twenty naira, I don't go around carrying such useless currency with me " she said loudly and everyone suddenly had their gaze fixed on us. " mad oo " I heard Philip murmured before everyone bursted into laughter and I buried my head down in shame . " welcome to the craziest class in Valley " she whispered to me smiling. To be continue...
7 May 2020 | 16:43
@hormortiyor thank u bt am afraid , make kpakpa grammar sch no better pass dis sch. o, 4rm d way is going.
You see that Kpakpa school ehn, no be for here. This one no fit get the kind mind wey kpakpa people get
7 May 2020 | 17:18
Kai. See as she do you strong thing
7 May 2020 | 17:29
Well frm wat i kw whr ever there is ben,..gina is always present
7 May 2020 | 20:32
Bt why do ben need 20naira?..afta all d food dat he chop in proprietor's office
7 May 2020 | 20:34
make i laff dey go!!!
8 May 2020 | 04:03
8 May 2020 | 06:49
@hormortiyor i hear u. Nxt pls.
8 May 2020 | 08:08
@henrymary I thought I was the only to observes that, the only different is they are not in world war5 here.
8 May 2020 | 10:23
@fb-danieledem, rhe babe sef no dull things at all. But sha, na wetin go tighten their bond be that. Which favour be that?
8 May 2020 | 10:41
@henrymary I thought I was the only to observes that, the only different is they are not in world war5 here.
I recommend you read his other stories too sha The Chosen one Angels do weep Game of death
8 May 2020 | 10:44
Hmm... I can sense a war brewing btw Happy nd Gina again... Nd this time, it's gonna be over Ben.
8 May 2020 | 14:04
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 18? Continued form last scene I smiled as I stared at her. " we're good now since you've taken your revenge " I said still smiling. " yeah but that doesn't mean I won't smoke you in the future again " she said smiling. " and as the emir of this class, I pronounce you two husband and wife " I heard someone say, I was sure the voice was that of Philip but I didn't not know who he was referring to because I was staring at Gina when he said so. The class suddenly started clapping as I raised my head up and saw that he's pointing at the two of us. " what " I asked looking perplexed but Gina only placed her head on the desk and shut her eye. " Bengin 2021 " one of the guy said aloud to contradict the issue. " I love that " Philip said smiling. " place your head on the desk or else you'll keep giving them inspiration to keep talking " Gina whispered to me opening her eye. I smiled as I placed my head on the desk. " Is that the reason you placed your head on the desk " I asked her in a whisper. " yeah, if you had placed your head on the desk when I placed mine on it, that idiot wouldn't have thought of Bengin 2021 " she replied me also in a whisper . " you're really funny in this class " I whispered. " is every days always like this " I asked her. " you can say that, but class was more interesting than this when Azeez was still in school " she replied me. " oh, Azeez is the name of the guy I'm replacing in this class? " I asked her. " yeah and he's my ex, we broke up few days before he dropped out of school and now there's no chance of us getting back because it's late " she said I knew she's emotional about it because of the change in her tone. " sorry " I said when I couldn't find the right word to comfort her. " you're funny " she said smiling. " are you the one behind our breakup " she asked still smiling. " I'm not " I replied like a nerdy guy " but don't worry, now that I'm here, you won't miss him again " I said confidently. " is that a proposal " she asked raising her head up from the desk. " no, no, I, I didn't mean it that way " I stuttered as I also took my head off the desk. " then how do you mean it " she asked and I began to feel nervous. " I was just joking " she said smiling when she noticed my reaction. " good " I muttered and heaved a sigh of relief. " are you not a guy, why are you feeling nervous over such a trivial joke " she asked me. " I don't want to look like a pervert on my first day in school " I replied her. " you're right, first impression matters a lot to me " she said smiling. I suddenly noticed the class was awkwardly silent unlike when we first raised our heads up. In a slow motion manner, I turned my head to look at everyone and I was surprised to see everyone staring at Gina and I. " this guys " I said smiling. " Look at the cute young couples, I go love o " Philip sitting partner said smiling. " what's cute about them " Happy suddenly tilted her head backward to ask the girl. " don't mind them my love " Philip said to her smiling. Happy only blinked her eye rapidly at the girl before she sat properly. " hello class " a young lady said as she entered the class with a textbook and a higher education note in her hand. " good morning ma " I greeted standing up and all the class suddenly turned their gaze towards me, that was when I noticed that I was the only one that replied her greeting and to downgrade myself more, I stood up. I knew the lady was also shocked as she stood transfixed to the position she was standing. Shamefully, I sat down back. " we don't do that here " Gina said smiling. " are you a new student " the teacher asked as she dropped the stuffs in her hand on the large desk in front of the class. " yes " I replied her. " are you the student with the proprietor this morning " she asked me. " yes " I replied her. " what's your name " she asked me. " I'm Benjamin Salako " I replied her. " I'm Mrs Adegoke Adenike, your government teacher " she introduced herself to me " and please make sure to always inform me when you don't understand whatever I teach you and if I in anyway mistakenly discomfort you, please don't hesitate to tell me so that I can rectify my mistake " she said to me and I knew Mr Popoola must have said something, or she might have overhead his discussion with the principals earlier in front of the staff office . " okay " I replied her. " alright " she said as she started flipping the pages of the notebook she brought. She took one of the board markers on the desk and wrote Government on the upper section of the white board. " our topic for today is public administration and under it, we'll be taking Civil service " she was talking and writing on the board at once. " not bad " I whispered. " what's that " Gina asked me. " nothing " I replied smiling. The reason I whispered " not bad " was because I thought with the way they're teaching sessions was awkward, they should also be lagging behind in their syllabus but they're still on point with their syllabus. We treated Civil service under Public administration on my last day in my school and according to our government teacher there and the syllabus he gave us at the beginning of the term, we're supposed to continue with public administration on Friday which I wasn't chanced to continue with them because I dropped out of the school and here I am in another school to have the revision of what I did on Wednesday before proceeding to the continuation segment. I flipped open the government note and it was the same as the literature note. I still find it hard to believe even tho I had the visual concept in front of me. I remembered when I joined my former school in jss3, I was asked to complete the note for the term I missed, if not for my mom's help, my fingers might have been paralyzed by those wicked people. The teaching wasn't bad and it was lively. Maybe all government class are cursed to be lively not minding the teacher or school it's been taught. Exactly eleven thirty, the teacher brought the class to an end. No bell was rung to dissolve the class like it was in my former school. Some teachers might even be aware that they're way above the time stipulated for their period for teaching but without the jingling of the bell, they'll keep on teaching till Jesus touch their heart and plead on our behalf, especially our mathematics teacher, Mr Adisa. That man doesn't mind using four periods at a go. " I'm coming " Gina said to me as she stood up and exited the class. I focused my gaze on Happy expecting her to turn her head backward to look at me but she didn't. " wad up bro " one of the guy in the class said and sat at Gina's portion of the seat without asking for my permission. " I'm good, you " I asked him. " same here " he replied him. " I'm Oscar " he said offering an handshake. "I'm Ben " I said receiving the handshake. " I know " he said kinda rudely as he seemed to be observant of his area. He suddenly moved closer to me amd deepened his hand into his pocket and brought out a phone and placed it inside my desk. " what's that " I asked as I placed my hand inside the desk to bring the phone out but he suddenly held my hand. " don't bring it out " he said in a whisper. " why " I asked looking petrified. " because it's Philip phone, I stole it to teach him a lesson, let it be with you till closing time, no one will suspect that you've got it with you, and trust me, I'll give you your share when I sell it " he said amd I could tell that he was anxious and scared as he kept glancing around his surrounding every time. " no, I don't want in on this act, take it away and I'll forget ever hearing you say what you just said " I said in a whisper " please help me bro, this is my only chance of payback for what Philip did to me " he said in a pleading tone. " please, I don't want to know whatever it is that transpired between the two of you but please count me out of this " I said as I took the phone out and discreetly return it into his pocket. " okay, but please promise me that you won't tell anyone about this " he said staring at me. " I promise you " I said and he stood up and went outside. Gina took long before she return and during the time she's out, I took my Othello book and started rereading it. She came in few minutes to twelve. I didn't notice that a speaker was inside the class until an alarm tone blared out from it and after the tone, a voice said " lunch period " before the speaker went silent. " it's time to eat "Gina said smiling.. " attention please " Philip said as he walked to the front of the class. " I just noticed now that my phone has been stolen or someone without my permission had helped me to keep it and I'm sure the person is inside this class, so if y'all don't mind, I'm going to check everyone's desk and every guy's pocket and no one is permitted to leave the class until I'm through. No one protested against his decision. I swiftly located the guy that performed the deed with my eye and I saw that he was inside the class, sweating, even tho the class temperature was been regulated by the air condition inside it. He checked every desk, even mine and didn't find it. " since it's not inside the desk, I'm sure y'all know that we've got to make a brief stop in our locker room before anyone will be allowed to go to the cafeteria " he said after he's futile with his effort of locating it inside the desk and our pocket. Like a cattle been ushered by a fulani, we all marched down to our locker room. He started calling everyone from number one to open their locker. I was surprised when the guy that stole the phone opened his locker and the phone wasn't there. When he got to number ten which was my locker, he didn't bother to call me as he jumped to number eleven and twelve. " looks like the person is very smart, he or she didn't hide it here " he said disappointedly when he couldn't find the phone. " but I promise the person that unless he or she doesn't use the phone, that's how I'm not gonna catch him or her, but if you dare use it, then you're gone " he said with a threaten remark in his tone . " why did you leave out the new comer's locker, he could be the thief " one of the girl said accusingly and I I felt like slapping her. " keep you stinking mouth shut, Ben isn't a thief " Gina lambasted the girl in my defense. " okay, okay " Philip said to settle the uprising dispute. " I know Ben can't or didn't steal my phone but to kill off any agent of doubt growing in anyone's stomach, I'll also check his locker " he said staring at me. " Ben, come here and insert your pin " he said to me and I did as he said. " 4,3,2,1 " I inserted my pin on the small monitor on my locker and open it. And magically, a phone which I was sure I didn't put there was on my book having a nice time there . " fuck " I muttered loudly. To be continue...
8 May 2020 | 16:51
I don't think that there is different those two schools but the only difference is the packaging and location.
8 May 2020 | 17:16
This is super story. This is just the beginning, I can't wait to know what happened next
8 May 2020 | 17:33
@ladyg oya hit me......
8 May 2020 | 17:58
bad name on first day??aaahh dizwan no good at all
9 May 2020 | 04:14
@Emmy01 our spirit dey d xame page thanks @hormortiyor av read them
9 May 2020 | 04:33
dats d initiation i guess
9 May 2020 | 05:30
Hmm.. ghen ghen... Oscar has implicated u... Who is gonna bail u out now?
9 May 2020 | 06:46
1st impression chaii deal with it bro
9 May 2020 | 07:49
9 May 2020 | 16:37
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 19? Continue from last scene " 4,3,2,1 " I inserted my pin on the small monitor on my locker and open it. And magically, a phone which I was sure I didn't put there was on my book having a nice time there . " fuck " I muttered loudly. " so you're a thief " Philip said as he took the phone from my locker and confirmed that it was the phone he was searching for. Everyone was looking at me like I was guilty, even Gina wasn't supporting me again and Happy had magically disappeared from there. " I didn't know how it got there " I said boldly. " it crawled into there right " Philip asked now raising his voice. Oscar was inside there but he was avoiding an eye to eye contact with me. I was sure he was the one who did it but the reason he choosed my locker was what I didn't know. " I don't know anything about any phone and if you think I'm the thief the y'all can fucking sooth yourselves. " I said now getting angry. " chill bro, you can't be a thief and still got pride and in this school, nicking things isn't taken with leniency, even if the school tryna cover it, I'll make sure they don't succeed " he threatened me. " do your worst " I said confidently as I made my way through the students and head for the door. I suddenly paused, turned back to look at Oscar and our eye met but he swiftly lowered his head, I knew he's guilty but I wasn't gonna reveal his secret tho I wasn't also going to ever forgive him because he had spoilt my reputation in the school. " do you have an accomplice that you want to blow his or her cover open or why are you staring at us like we're the guilty party " Philip asked. I shook my head as I continued with my journey outside. " look at the arrogant bastard, he can't even apologize for what he did " Philip said and I halted my movement again. " I only apologize when I'm wrong " I replied him without turning back. " then who's wrong here, are we the one " Philip asked raising his voice. " I didn't say that, but I'm sure whoever did it is among y'all and he or she already know that it's wrong to do that " I said raising my voice too. " you sound like you're been set up and you know who did it, maybe I might let this pass if you tell me the person " Philip said walking closer to meet me. " I don't know who did it but I'm certain I'm not the one " I said as I opened the door and exit the locker room. I returned to the class and sat on my seat. I placed my head on the desk as all the event started replaying in my head. I felt like going downstairs to pinpoint Oscar as the perpetrator of the act but I controlled myself. I'm not gonna go against my code no matter how tempting it is. Back in my former school, I was beaten mercilessly by a teacher because I refused to pinpoint my one of my sitting partners as the perpetrator of a deed, he said a vogue word when the teacher was teaching and the teacher pointed at me as the one who said it I only said I wasn't the one without mentioning my friend but the teacher said he was sure it came from our side and asked me to tell who the real offender was but I kept mute and received the reward for the act on my own. I knew I was gonna scape through with the kinda connection I've got in the school but I'm not sure about him, and I already made him a promise to him, tho hard to uphold but my mind wasn't in alliance of snitching on him. I heard someone coming closer to me but I didn't raise my head up to check who the person was. " Ben " I heard Gina's voice as she placed her hand on my back. " what " I asked raising my head up. " did you take the phone " she asked rather accusingly. " I don't have time to explain myself but I didn't take it and it's left to you either to believe it or not " I replied her. " I know you didn't take it because you don't look like a thief but I think you know who did it " she said staring at me. " I didn't take it and I don't know who did and since he already got his phone, why not shut the matter off " I said as I suddenly felt all my inside boiling. I was getting angry and my angry side is very ugly, so I placed my head back on the desk. " you don't know Philip, his dad is a powerful man and he might turn it into a bigger case using us as his witness and I also think Oscar stole the phone because I saw him rushing into the locker room earlier in an unstable state like someone guilty of a crime and I saw you staring at him inside the locker room and he's trying very hard to avoid your gaze, so will you mind telling me if he's the one so that I can help you " she said with a tone that depicted that she cared. " like I said before, I don't know who did it and no matter what you do, my answer is no " I said as I lifted my head off the desk. I took my books and stood up. " tell your emir or whoever he claimed to be that he should change his act first if he want people to famz with with him with loyalty and as for me, I'm outta this class " I said as I started heading out of the class. " Ben " Gina called but I didn't reply her. " and where do you think you're going " Philip and his crew intercepted me on the doorway. " none of your fucking business " I said angrily as I tried to make my way through them. " you apologize first " Philip said pushing me back into the class. " and if I don't " I asked angrily, dropping my books on the nearest desk to me. " you're gonna feel sorry for yourself, you fucking thief " he lashed at me furiously. " just let me get out of here before y'all regret what's gonna happen next " I said calming down a bit. " look at this thief with pride " Philip said laughing mischievously and the rest of the class joined him. " when I'm through with you, you'll know that I'm not someone who you can do rubbish with " he threatened me. " are you done " I asked him. " no, I'm not done until you apologize " he said to me. " then you're gonna turn to a Methusalah waiting " I said smiling as I took my books from the desk and made to get out but he intercepted me again. " get out of my way " I said getting angry. " apologize to him first and let peace reign " Oscar said and I went off at once. I dropped my books on the tiled floor, head straight to him and jacked him by his collar and landed a punch on his face. " no one should tell me to apologize to him again or meet the same fate " I said angrily as I returned to get my books and started heading outside. " stop there " Philip screamed as I got to the doorway. I didn't wanted to stop but everyone suddenly started clapping which got me wondering why and I had to stop to confirm what was happening. " are y'all entertained " Philip asked loudly as they all keep clapping. " yeah " they all chorused. " have y'all see anything like this " he asked. " nooo " they all chorused. " what's happening here " I asked looking confused. " you just passed your initiation trial " Philip said staring at me. " what initiation trial " I asked still looking confused. " darling " Gina said walking closer to me. " this is the only class in this school that many students want to be part of but we've got rules and standard which always drop them out but you just surprised everyone because you're the only one who have passed it successfully after Oscar did in Ss1 " Gina explicated to me. I was dumbfounded as I stared at all of them in awe. " you're great bro, my own test wasn't even as hard and tempting as your own but you scaled through " Oscar said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " but your punch has weight " he said smiling as he placed his hand on his cheek. " now you're officially welcome to ss2c, the only joy of this school " Philip said offering his hand to me for a handshake. " wait first " I said gaining everyone's attention. " so, what y'all are saying is that everything was planned and how did you even know the pin to my locker " I asked and Philip suddenly started laughing. " you didn't give us hard time to decipher it, 4321 " he said still laughing. " you must have inserted it there with the aim of changing it when next you go there because you can't swiftly think of a better pin to use " he added and he was right. I changed the pin to 4321 because miss Tife asked me to change it at once and I couldn't think of a better pin yet, so I was planning to change it on my next visit to the locker room. " you guys are mad " I said smiling as I exited the class. " Ben, wait for me " I heard Gina's voice behind me. " are you angry " she asked as she caught up with me. " no " I said smiling. " I actually find it fun, tho it was an expensive joke " I added smiling. " yeah I agree with you, but we can't allow a snitch or someone who isn't bold among us " she said also smiling. " I love the cooperation among you guys, I'm sure you're part of the whole thing " I said staring at her. " where are you going " she asked trying to shut down the discussion. " I'm going to the cafeteria, after everything y'all put me through, I deserve to eat to replenish my energy " I said smiling.. " do you know how to get there " she asked me. " no, I don't " i replied her. " so how did you plan on getting there " she asked. " by asking other students " I replied her. " and are you part of the whole charade " I asked her. " can't you just let it be " she asked frustratingly. " no oo, I must know if you're part of the planner " I replied her. " I was the one who unlocked your locker and placed the phone inside together with Oscar, happy now" she asked smiling. " you're a devil " I said making sure I sound less insulting. " thank you " she said smiling. " and we're here " she said as we entered a big hall. it had more digit at breadth than in length. " she's right " I said to myself remembering what miss Tife told me. The cafeteria was set up as a imitation of the united state school settings. I've watched many American films to know the setting of thei school cafeteria. " not bad " I said, sounding like someone who's been to a more advanced school cafeteria. " ss3 cafeteria is finer than this one " she said smiling. " you mean every class has their own different cafeteria " I asked her looking surprised. " yes of course " she replied sounding like it was something casual. " this cafeteria is meant for all ss2 students, other classes have their own, you can't expect a senior dining with a junior, that's an insult " she said irrigably. " you're right " I said to flow with her. If I'm able to keep it a secret that I was from a public school from one semi advanced town, then I will do so I saw Happy sitting with Phillip's partner as they eat, she looked unhappy and also like someone without appetite. But she didn't see me. " what are you going to eat " she asked me as we head to the section where students are getting their food. " I'm eating whatever it is you're eating " I replied her. " I'm drinking garri " she said smiling. " I'll also take garri " I replied her smiling. " you're not serious " she said as she feebly hit me. We ordered fried rice and chicken from the different sort of food we saw. Tho I wasn't okay with the food, the porridge there looked more sumptuous to me but I already told her I'm ordering whatever it is she order. We located an empty space but it was in front of Happy and her partner. " now tell me about yourself " Gina said as we settled down and started eating. " really " I said smiling. " Ben " I heard someone called my name and Happy let out a loud hiss. " Happy " I called out on seeing her standing beside me. " I need to talk to you but not here " she said to me staring at me.she wasn't the same Happy I knew before as she looked pale. She looked like she's sick. " okay " I said trying to get up from where I was sitting. " don't go anywhere Ben " Gina said swiftly grabbing my hand. " what's going on here " I asked with a surprised countenance. To be continue...
9 May 2020 | 16:42
Still following
9 May 2020 | 16:53
I detest this Gina of a girl biko. @harzaroboy my dear, i no fit hit u naa.
9 May 2020 | 18:17
Nah ehh the play dey expensive ooo. Anyway kudos to Ben for passing the trial and initiation
10 May 2020 | 06:31
Am so happy that you surprise them all and please stay away from Gina because I don't thrust that girl.... Ben be yourself...
10 May 2020 | 07:41
What an Expensive joke!!!
10 May 2020 | 10:48
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 20? Happy's p.o.v If I'm given a chance to change one of the decisions I've made in my life, it will be the decision of falling in love with Ben. Loving Ben had became an addiction to me, I've become a junkie of love and if I had known from the start, I wouldn't have started it. A one sided love really suck but I couldn't stop myself from getting over it. Even many years apart from him didn't stop me from loving him, his love in my heart keeps growing everyday and it would have really been a lovely thing of I'm able to get half of the love I've got for him from him. I forgot to mention about the initiation trial to him when I was telling about the school and my class. I had plans to tell him that morning if he'd come into the cafeteria. I changed my mind about telling him when I saw that Gina had become interested in him. I know who Gina is to know when she's got interest in a guy. She's always not that frenzy with a guy especially a guy that they ain't friends before but with Ben, she's different. Who wouldn't fall in love with him, he's got the perfect height and physique for a guy, a smooth fair, kinda babyish looking face with a cute pink lip. His smile is really intoxicating and I strangely always find some fulfilment in it. No doubt, he's the new most handsome guy in my class, Philip held that position before. I was sure he was gonna fail the test because I was sure Philip must have seen him as a threat because he's always fond of boasting himself as the most handsome guy in class and with Ben around, he won't be able to do that. Tho no guy in my class is less attractive but everyone got his level of attractiveness. During the time Azeez { Gina's former boyfriend} left the school, we've got three cute guys, more cute than Philip from other art classes that wanted to join us but they were all evicted by the initiation trial and the test they all had undergone was all Philip idea. I wanted Philip to have him evicted because of Gina. With him in another class, I won't have to keep having headache everyday over them. Ben wasn't smart enough to notice Philip discreetly passing a folded paper to Gina when they're discussing but I saw it because I happened to steal a glance at them at that moment. When the whole drama started, I was tempted to tell him it was all a prank because I felt like he was gonna hate me if he knew that he was evicted from the class because of a prank which I know about and failed to him. When we got to our locker room and I opened my locker for them to see that the phone wasn't inside, I exited the locker room at once with Oluchi and head to the cafeteria to think. I couldn't eat the food I got just like in the morning, my heart was beating faster as I expect the whole charade to have ended and Ben sent to ss3 E where they're yet to complete twelve inside their class. Oluchi wouldn't stop asking me what's wrong with me but I was afraid to tell her anything. Oluchi used to be my third choice when I was still friend with Gina but after the whole separation stuff with Gina, she became my bestfriend. I trust her but I was always careful with her because I didn't want another Gina on the loose. So I share less of my secret with her. " seems he passed the initiation test " Oluchi said to me, capturing me back to earth, as I was already long gone in spirit to another planet to distract myself. " who " I asked looking surprised. " the new guy of course " she said pointing at Ben and Gina and they're directly sitting opposite to us eating their food. " I'm coming " I said to Oluchi as I stood up to go meet them " Ben " I called out his name as I got closer to him and Happy let out a loud hiss staring at me but I didn't say anything . " Happy " he called out on seeing me standing beside her. " I need to talk to you but not here " I said to him staring at him. " okay " he said as he made to get up from where he was sitting. " don't go anywhere Ben " Gina said swiftly grabbing his hand. " what's going on here " Ben asked with a surprised expression passing a glance between Gina and I . " nothing " Gina was the first to reply. " it's a bad etiquette to leave your food for a chat, you can talk with her when you're through with your food " she added pulling Ben down to sit. " I understand what you mean Gina " Ben said smiling at her. " but Happy here is my " " I'm his close friend " I swiftly intercepted what he's about to talk which I was sure is " Happy here is my sister ". I wanted to keep it a secret that we're technically brother and sister in case I got a chance to finally start dating him. And since our surname is different, no one can know that we shared a little bond through his mom and my dad. " close friend " Ben muttered looking sort of perplexed but his expression suddenly change. " yeah, she's my close friend and I'm even staying in her place right now " Ben added smiling as he winked at me. " what " Gina exclaimed looking surprised and I sure loved the expression on her face. Now she know that the chance of anything happening between the two of them is tiny. " see you later dear " he said to her as he stood up, held my hand and went outside. " why didn't you tell me about the initiation trial " he asked me when we're out of the cafeteria. " I forgot about it and I would have told you this morning but you're busy having a nice time with your new girlfriend and I didn't want to disturb you " I said trying to sound less jealous but I knew I suck at it. " which girlfriend " he asked smiling at me. " I don't know oo " I replied also smiling. I knew at that moment that Ben would finally be the end of me. I would never believe that I'll be able to smile again throughout the day if someone had told me that. I've been moody since morning because of him and here I am smiling as if my day started on a perfect note. He's my everything and I wished he could see that. I felt like telling him about my feelings but I didn't want to ruin everything. I don't want him to see me as a weirdo because he looked like he's already accepted me as a sibling tho I wished I was wrong and everything was a camouflage to please his mom. That's the only way anything can work out between the two of us. " jealousy jealousy " he teased. " I know you have a bad blood between the two of you and you're jealous that I'm getting closer to your enemy " he added smiling. " how did you know, did she tell you that we are enemy " I asked him. " no " he replied. " from what you told me about your class yesterday, I already sensed that you two ain't on a good side and judging from what has been occurring since I got into the class, I confirmed my theory " he added staring into my eye like he was gonna placed his hands on my jaw and kissed me. " well you're right, we're not on good term " I said as I averted my eye from his before I do something silly. " and why did you claimed inside that we're friends and not siblings " he asked me. " and why did you flow along with me " I reciprocated his question with a question. " because I thought you don't want anyone to find out that we're siblings, so give me your answer " he replied me. " because to me, you're not a sibling, but a friend which I like so much " I replied stylishly informing him of my feelings. " seems the feeling is mutual " he said and I felt the world paused for a moment and the words kept replaying in my head. He just confirmed that he also didn't see me as his sister and I took that as a great improvement. I wanted jump up for joy but I held it in and let out a hearty smile staring at him. " but concerning Gina " he said and I lose the smile on my lip as I focused on his lip " I'll continue been friend with her, I wasn't here when you two had your share, and she's my sitting partner so better get used to it and stop been moody " he said surprising me. " who said I was moody because of the two of you " I asked trying to sound less astonished. " I know because you've not been yourself since I got into the class " he replied smiling. " you're not serious " I said feebly hitting his shoulder. " and the new guy is trying to steal the queen of the emir . " Philip said standing behind Ben with Oscar and James " that's Philip abi " Ben said smiling without turning to look at the person. " you're right " I replied him smiling. " and who's your queen " I asked smiling. " are you trying to deny your emir " Philip asked smiling. " idiot " I said smiling. Oscar and James left him and entered the cafeteria. " let me leave before you'll order my beheading " Ben said smiling as he also entered into the cafeteria. " do you know him before " Philip asked me. " yeah, he's my friend and we're living together " I replied him. " Jesus " Philip exclaimed. " living together, as in under the same roof" he asked with a funny expression. " yeah " I said smiling. " hope you still got vacant room in your place " he asked. " why are you asking " I asked staring at him. " so that I can also move in to protect my queen " he replied and I bursted into laughter. "It's not only move in, it's move out " I retorted smiling. " any Moving is allow, as long as it has to with your house " he said smiling.. " hope you didn't tell him about the initiation trial beforehand " he asked. Ben's p.o.v I returned into the cafeteria smiling, but met Gina not looking like Gina. Both our foods was at the level it was when I left with Happy. " what's wrong " I asked smiling as I sat down. " nothing " she replied standing up and made to leave . " you didn't eat your food " I said as I swiftly held her hand . " I don't have appetite again " she said as she pulled her hand from mine and head outside. I felt like following her but I was hungry and wasting food wasn't in my principle. " why won't she leave you when you left her to go flirt with her enemy " Oscar who was sitting with James at a seat closer to mine said laughing. " who said I was flirting with anyone " I said smiling as I continued eating my rice. Philip and Happy didn't enter the cafeteria again. After I was through with eating my meal,, I head to the locker room to check the subject I was having. It was Economics, I took its textbook and notebook and also changed my pin to a more complicated one. While I'm changing my pin, the door to the locker room suddenly open and a cute girl entered, she looked like Tope with her posture and some of her features if you know what I mean ? . I had seen her inside the classroom before. " hello " she said waving at me as she moved closer to me. " hi " I reciprocated her greeting. She started inserting her pin into the monitor on her locker which was the one next to mine. " what you did earlier was great " she said staring at me as we're just few inches away from ourselves. " thanks " I said smiling. " I'm Suleiman Azeezah " she said smiling at me and I felt my heart fluttered. To be continue...
10 May 2020 | 16:02
Dat ur mumu heart dat cnt stay one place
10 May 2020 | 17:08
I dnt kw wat to say concerning Gina,Ben & Happy's matter Bt i kw there will be problem.. Becos d more time ben spends with Happy will make Gina extremly jealous & Philip will see Ben as am obstruction to winning Gina's heart
10 May 2020 | 17:13
Anyhow sha... Lets see how things unfold @Horluwap1 Fire on
10 May 2020 | 17:15
Big problem is on is way....
11 May 2020 | 16:28
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 21? Continued from last scene " I'm Suleiman Azeezah " she said smiling at me and I felt my heart fluttered . " I'm Salako Benjamin " I replied her smiling. " I know your name already " she said smiling. " I know, just felt like telling you from my mouth " I replied her smiling. " why are you doing with the economic textbook " she enquired on seeing the notebook and textbook in my hand. " because we're having economic of course " I replied her. " don't bother yourself taking it, Mrs Bello doesn't make reference to textbook when she's teaching, in fact, she doesn't make use of textbook at all " she said to me. " ohh " I exclaimed as I opened my locker and returned the textbook. " thank you " I said to her smiling " for what " she asked looking at me with a perplexed expression. " for informing me about the textbook na " I replied her. " you can't be serious " she said smiling. " I don't even know when I'm also serious " I said to her smiling. " are you done here " she asked me. " yeah, why are you asking " I asked her " so that we can return to class" she replied me. " are you not going to eat " I asked her. " I already did " she replied me. " but I didn't see you inside the cafeteria " I said to her. " yes and that's because I don't like the meals prepared in the school, so my mom always make sure I don't come to school without my lunchbox or else I'm gonna starve myself throughout the day, so I always eat my mom's delicious meal inside the class without having to visit the cafeteria " she replied me. " omo mummy " I said teasing her. " it's sha my mummy " she retorted smiling. " but the cafeteria meal isn't bad " I muttered. " that's for you, let's return to class before someone comes in here and see only the two of us together and start spreading rumour that we're making out inside the locker room " she said as she started heading for the exit. " can someone really do that " I asked catching up with her. " you don't know anything about this asylum you're in yet " she said with a smirk. " asylum " I muttered mesmerised by her use of metaphor on the school. " this school is filled with madness, especially our class, it's where the real madness reside " she said smiling. " everyday is for drama here " she added as we thread on the staircase ascending towards our class. " I love madness " I said smiling. " then you're in the right place " she said also smiling. " what's your plan after school today " she asked me " I don't have any plan " I replied her. " can we hang out, bills on me " she said smiling as she stared into my eye. " you mean directly after school, in school uniform " I asked her trying hard not to stuttered because the question hit me unaware. " anyhow you want it, might be directly from school and if you want to go home to change, I don't mind as long as you give me your address " she replied me. " I think I'll go with the latter " I said smiling. " great and be careful around Gina, take that as an advice from a friend who like you " she said smiling as she suddenly hastened her movement and entered the class before me. " friend who liked me " I said to myself smiling. She's the second person to claim to be a friend that likes me that same day. The class was scanty when I got inside with Gina, Happy and Philip missing. Only three students were inside which included Azeezah, a guy and a girl. They're both sitting together and the girl was resting her head on the guy's chest as they eat from a big packet of crunchy biscuit on their desk. I directed my gaze towards where Azeezah was sitting at and she smiled at me. I wanted to go meet her but she made a disapproval sign. Not taking it to heart, I smiled back at her and head to my sit. I placed the notebook in my hand on my desk and started flipping it open and just like the other notes, it's also been updated to the last topic. It was the same as the last topic treated in my former school. I buried my head in the notebook as I revised on the topic . Few minutes later the bell was jingled from the speaker inside the class habitual , the class was already filled with students by this time but some were still missing and in that category was Gina, Happy and Philip. " hello class " a teacher who I presumed to be Mrs Bello greeted as she entered the class. No one responded and I also make sure my teeth clumped my lips together so that I wouldn't make the mistake I made in the morning. Not up to two minutes of teaching by Mrs Bello, Gina, Happy, Philip and two other students entered the class but Gina and Happy looked kinda roughened up. Gina looked angry as she sat down beside me, I knew at once that something was up and I was dying of curiosity to know what it was. Happy glanced back and I was kinda lucky to meet the glance. She smiled as our eyes met each other before she returned her gaze to Mrs Bello, this made me more curious. Gina wasn't talking or couldn't talk as her head was buried on the desk. Philip already seemed to be passing the rumour of What transpired between the two girls but the rumours didn't get to me. I didn't listen much to what was thought and at the dot of 1:30, Mrs Bello dropped the marker and called it a day with her teaching. " Gina " I said feebly tapping her on her back. " I'm tired, just let me be " she said not taking her head off the desk. " what's wrong, did Happy hurt you " I asked her. " why not ask her " she said still not taking her head off the desk and I could detect anger in her voice. " because she's not my sitting pal, you are and I don't think it's wrong to care about you " I said not sure if I was sincere with it. " really " she said as she took her head off the table. She stared deep into my eye and I couldn't help but think if she's psychic and trying to read my mind if I was been sincere with what I said. " yeah, did Happy hurt you " I asked her. " you can't actually say that, we just had to swiftly settle a matter at hand " she said as smile finally managed to grace her lip. " but why did you looked like a loser of a fight and she looked like the winner when you both entered. " hahahaha " she suddenly burst into laughter. " do you think she can handle me, impossicant " she said still laughing. " she just happened to point out to something and in as much as I want her to be wrong, she's awfully right " she said losing the laugh. " care to share what that is " I asked her. " don't want to share but I have a question for you " she replied. " what's that " I asked her hiding the fact that I was displeased with her not caring to share what it was but I was sure that I'll squeeze it out of Happy's mouth . " What's your relationship with her " she asked me. " my relationship with her " I repeated after her. " yeah " Gina affirmed. " I don't really know but she's a friend of mine which I kinda like " I replied her. " like or you love her " Gina asked me staring at me as if her life depend on the answer I give her. " you make me laugh " I said smiling. " but you're not laughing " she retorted smiling. " semi laugh " I countered her as I patted my lip a bit. " bad guy " she said smiling but I noticed she was staring towards another direction with a satisfactory look. I traced her gaze and it led to Happy's seat. Happy had returned to her moody self and that was when I got hold of what Gina was doing. She's getting her revenge for whatever it was that transpired between the two of them during the breaktime by using me. I feigned not to notice anything as I swiftly averted my gaze away from Happy's direction. " so what's your plan after school " Gina asked me. " none " I replied absent minded. " oops, my bad, got someone to hangout with " I swiftly said as my wit located me. " Happy " she asked staring at me. " hahahaha " I laughed hysterically. " it's not Happy " I said still laughing. " then who's the girl " she asked me. " why do you think it's a girl " I asked her smiling. " because you looked like the playboy type and many girls will be at your disposal to hang out with " she said aching her brow as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. " pssst " I muttered without trying to clear her wrong. " am I wrong " she asked now looking at me. " I don't know oo " I said stressing out the "oo" . " bad guy " she said smiling. We talked, talked and talked that I forgot about the existence of time until the loudspeaker inside the class blared out its god forsaken siren sound. " it's closing time " Gina said rudely bringing the gist about her last vacation which was in Switzerland to an end. " time to go home " I said smiling. " yeah " Gina said as she stood up looking all excited which made me wonder why she's so happy about going home when the school isn't different from home itself. " do you have something that important to do at home " I couldn't help but ask her. " I'm not going home " she said as she left class leaving me all perplexed about her incomplete sentence. " hmmm " I sighed as I took my economic notebook from the desk and stood up. " don't tell me you're leaving now Mr casanova " Philip said intercepting me from leaving from my seat. " as you can see, yeah " I said showing him my book. " and why are you calling you me casanova " I asked staring at him. " do you know how to play football " he asked me avoiding my question. " I think I can " I replied him. " we're having a friendly match with ss2 D and since you're in this class,you should also feature " he said to me. " I've got a ride to catch today maybe another day". I replied him. " okay, won't force you but next time you must be on the team and good job today, you surprised everyone especially me " he said smiling. " including myself too " I said smiling. " you're cool and make sure to take care of my queen till the time I'll move my palace down to your place " he said in an humorous manner and I got a glimpse of what's happening but not sure about it. " okay your lordship " I said smiling. " come on boys, let's show them that we're ready for them today " he said aloud clapping his hands to motivate the guys as he left me. It was like a magic occurred because no girl was inside the class again except the guys, even Happy was nowhere to be found. " we've got to show them that the three zero they trashed us last time was a mistake " I heard philip say as I was walking out of the class . I couldn't help but smirk on hearing it. I hastened my movement to the locker room as I didn't want to be the one delaying whoever it was that was going to take us home. On getting to my locker, I inserted my combination and opened it, I noticed a note on my books which I was sure wasn't there when I was there an hour and few minutes ago. I picked it and unfolded and the content in the note goes thus. " send your address to this phone number 070158*****, Azeezah " I had forgotten for a moment that I was hanging out with her and she asked me to give her my address. " how did she even know my pin " I asked aloud as I dropped my notebook inside the locker, changed my pin again before I exited the room. I head to the car park with a prayer point on my mind that I was not left behind tho I know such wouldn't happen. I had a smile on my lip as I saw all the students going to and fro. They all looked extravagant and walked with dignity , none was rushing unlike my former school, sometimes, when going home, I'm always forced to look behind me if a masquerade is chasing everyone. I got to the car park and I found myself in another problem. To be continued....
11 May 2020 | 17:25
Gina and Happy pt1, next please
11 May 2020 | 17:36
Don't come here and cause world war3 among the girls in this school oh. Next please
11 May 2020 | 17:55
Interesting times ahead sha... Fire on buddy!!!
13 May 2020 | 16:20
@horluwap1, hope all os well?
15 May 2020 | 18:15
@horluwap1, hope all os well?
15 May 2020 | 18:15
wonderful story -- keep the updates coming pls
18 May 2020 | 15:48
@henrymary@fb-danieledem and @ladyg wetin happen to this story nii?!! Is like @horluwap1 ain't feeling good abi he dey isolation center???
29 May 2020 | 12:56
Aaah @kelly-kelvin u neva hear say@horluwap1 dey 4 isolation home?
29 May 2020 | 16:23
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 21? Continued from last scene " I'm Suleiman Azeezah " she said smiling at me and I felt my heart fluttered . " I'm Salako Benjamin " I replied her smiling. " I know your name already " she said smiling. " I know, just felt like telling you from my mouth " I replied her smiling. " why are you doing with the economic textbook " she enquired on seeing the notebook and textbook in my hand. " because we're having economic of course " I replied her. " don't bother yourself taking it, Mrs Bello doesn't make reference to textbook when she's teaching, in fact, she doesn't make use of textbook at all " she said to me. " ohh " I exclaimed as I opened my locker and returned the textbook. " thank you " I said to her smiling " for what " she asked looking at me with a perplexed expression. " for informing me about the textbook na " I replied her. " you can't be serious " she said smiling. " I don't even know when I'm also serious " I said to her smiling. " are you done here " she asked me. " yeah, why are you asking " I asked her " so that we can return to class" she replied me. " are you not going to eat " I asked her. " I already did " she replied me. " but I didn't see you inside the cafeteria " I said to her. " yes and that's because I don't like the meals prepared in the school, so my mom always make sure I don't come to school without my lunchbox or else I'm gonna starve myself throughout the day, so I always eat my mom's delicious meal inside the class without having to visit the cafeteria " she replied me. " omo mummy " I said teasing her. " it's sha my mummy " she retorted smiling. " but the cafeteria meal isn't bad " I muttered. " that's for you, let's return to class before someone comes in here and see only the two of us together and start spreading rumour that we're making out inside the locker room " she said as she started heading for the exit. " can someone really do that " I asked catching up with her. " you don't know anything about this asylum you're in yet " she said with a smirk. " asylum " I muttered mesmerised by her use of metaphor on the school. " this school is filled with madness, especially our class, it's where the real madness reside " she said smiling. " everyday is for drama here " she added as we thread on the staircase ascending towards our class. " I love madness " I said smiling. " then you're in the right place " she said also smiling. " what's your plan after school today " she asked me " I don't have any plan " I replied her. " can we hang out, bills on me " she said smiling as she stared into my eye. " you mean directly after school, in school uniform " I asked her trying hard not to stuttered because the question hit me unaware. " anyhow you want it, might be directly from school and if you want to go home to change, I don't mind as long as you give me your address " she replied me. " I think I'll go with the latter " I said smiling. " great and be careful around Gina, take that as an advice from a friend who like you " she said smiling as she suddenly hastened her movement and entered the class before me. " friend who liked me " I said to myself smiling. She's the second person to claim to be a friend that likes me that same day. The class was scanty when I got inside with Gina, Happy and Philip missing. Only three students were inside which included Azeezah, a guy and a girl. They're both sitting together and the girl was resting her head on the guy's chest as they eat from a big packet of crunchy biscuit on their desk. I directed my gaze towards where Azeezah was sitting at and she smiled at me. I wanted to go meet her but she made a disapproval sign. Not taking it to heart, I smiled back at her and head to my sit. I placed the notebook in my hand on my desk and started flipping it open and just like the other notes, it's also been updated to the last topic. It was the same as the last topic treated in my former school. I buried my head in the notebook as I revised on the topic . Few minutes later the bell was jingled from the speaker inside the class habitual , the class was already filled with students by this time but some were still missing and in that category was Gina, Happy and Philip. " hello class " a teacher who I presumed to be Mrs Bello greeted as she entered the class. No one responded and I also make sure my teeth clumped my lips together so that I wouldn't make the mistake I made in the morning. Not up to two minutes of teaching by Mrs Bello, Gina, Happy, Philip and two other students entered the class but Gina and Happy looked kinda roughened up. Gina looked angry as she sat down beside me, I knew at once that something was up and I was dying of curiosity to know what it was. Happy glanced back and I was kinda lucky to meet the glance. She smiled as our eyes met each other before she returned her gaze to Mrs Bello, this made me more curious. Gina wasn't talking or couldn't talk as her head was buried on the desk. Philip already seemed to be passing the rumour of What transpired between the two girls but the rumours didn't get to me. I didn't listen much to what was thought and at the dot of 1:30, Mrs Bello dropped the marker and called it a day with her teaching. " Gina " I said feebly tapping her on her back. " I'm tired, just let me be " she said not taking her head off the desk. " what's wrong, did Happy hurt you " I asked her. " why not ask her " she said still not taking her head off the desk and I could detect anger in her voice. " because she's not my sitting pal, you are and I don't think it's wrong to care about you " I said not sure if I was sincere with it. " really " she said as she took her head off the table. She stared deep into my eye and I couldn't help but think if she's psychic and trying to read my mind if I was been sincere with what I said. " yeah, did Happy hurt you " I asked her. " you can't actually say that, we just had to swiftly settle a matter at hand " she said as smile finally managed to grace her lip. " but why did you looked like a loser of a fight and she looked like the winner when you both entered. " hahahaha " she suddenly burst into laughter. " do you think she can handle me, impossicant " she said still laughing. " she just happened to point out to something and in as much as I want her to be wrong, she's awfully right " she said losing the laugh. " care to share what that is " I asked her. " don't want to share but I have a question for you " she replied. " what's that " I asked her hiding the fact that I was displeased with her not caring to share what it was but I was sure that I'll squeeze it out of Happy's mouth . " What's your relationship with her " she asked me. " my relationship with her " I repeated after her. " yeah " Gina affirmed. " I don't really know but she's a friend of mine which I kinda like " I replied her. " like or you love her " Gina asked me staring at me as if her life depend on the answer I give her. " you make me laugh " I said smiling. " but you're not laughing " she retorted smiling. " semi laugh " I countered her as I patted my lip a bit. " bad guy " she said smiling but I noticed she was staring towards another direction with a satisfactory look. I traced her gaze and it led to Happy's seat. Happy had returned to her moody self and that was when I got hold of what Gina was doing. She's getting her revenge for whatever it was that transpired between the two of them during the breaktime by using me. I feigned not to notice anything as I swiftly averted my gaze away from Happy's direction. " so what's your plan after school " Gina asked me. " none " I replied absent minded. " oops, my bad, got someone to hangout with " I swiftly said as my wit located me. " Happy " she asked staring at me. " hahahaha " I laughed hysterically. " it's not Happy " I said still laughing. " then who's the girl " she asked me. " why do you think it's a girl " I asked her smiling. " because you looked like the playboy type and many girls will be at your disposal to hang out with " she said aching her brow as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. " pssst " I muttered without trying to clear her wrong. " am I wrong " she asked now looking at me. " I don't know oo " I said stressing out the "oo" . " bad guy " she said smiling. We talked, talked and talked that I forgot about the existence of time until the loudspeaker inside the class blared out its god forsaken siren sound. " it's closing time " Gina said rudely bringing the gist about her last vacation which was in Switzerland to an end. " time to go home " I said smiling. " yeah " Gina said as she stood up looking all excited which made me wonder why she's so happy about going home when the school isn't different from home itself. " do you have something that important to do at home " I couldn't help but ask her. " I'm not going home " she said as she left class leaving me all perplexed about her incomplete sentence. " hmmm " I sighed as I took my economic notebook from the desk and stood up. " don't tell me you're leaving now Mr casanova " Philip said intercepting me from leaving from my seat. " as you can see, yeah " I said showing him my book. " and why are you calling you me casanova " I asked staring at him. " do you know how to play football " he asked me avoiding my question. " I think I can " I replied him. " we're having a friendly match with ss2 D and since you're in this class,you should also feature " he said to me. " I've got a ride to catch today maybe another day". I replied him. " okay, won't force you but next time you must be on the team and good job today, you surprised everyone especially me " he said smiling. " including myself too " I said smiling. " you're cool and make sure to take care of my queen till the time I'll move my palace down to your place " he said in an humorous manner and I got a glimpse of what's happening but not sure about it. " okay your lordship " I said smiling. " come on boys, let's show them that we're ready for them today " he said aloud clapping his hands to motivate the guys as he left me. It was like a magic occurred because no girl was inside the class again except the guys, even Happy was nowhere to be found. " we've got to show them that the three zero they trashed us last time was a mistake " I heard philip say as I was walking out of the class . I couldn't help but smirk on hearing it. I hastened my movement to the locker room as I didn't want to be the one delaying whoever it was that was going to take us home. On getting to my locker, I inserted my combination and opened it, I noticed a note on my books which I was sure wasn't there when I was there an hour and few minutes ago. I picked it and unfolded and the content in the note goes thus. " send your address to this phone number 070158*****, Azeezah " I had forgotten for a moment that I was hanging out with her and she asked me to give her my address. " how did she even know my pin " I asked aloud as I dropped my notebook inside the locker, changed my pin again before I exited the room. I head to the car park with a prayer point on my mind that I was not left behind tho I know such wouldn't happen. I had a smile on my lip as I saw all the students going to and fro. They all looked extravagant and walked with dignity , none was rushing unlike my former school, sometimes, when going home, I'm always forced to look behind me if a masquerade is chasing everyone. I got to the car park and I found myself in another problem. To be continued....
10 Jun 2020 | 13:48
Woooooowwwwwwwwww, Nice to read from you again @Horluwa~p1 {•_•}, welcome back. happy has gone with the driver, Ben you must trek to the house today, Next time you'll know that Happy's Enemy MUST also be your Enemy.
11 Jun 2020 | 05:21
@LadyG @Ele1 @Henrymary @fb-Danieledem @Horluwa~p1 {•_•} is back muna show before these seats are taken
11 Jun 2020 | 05:23
P1 welcome back
11 Jun 2020 | 05:32
Almost forgotten this story, welcome back. Next please
11 Jun 2020 | 07:33
Things are getting better now...
11 Jun 2020 | 08:09
@horluwap1 so they finally release ehnn kwa ? Hmmm welcome o. My paddy man @emmy01 thanks dear 4 d iv.
11 Jun 2020 | 08:35
I have land.. Gina av cos problem for Ben and Happy,wen he get home they would settle for now baba u must trek home @emmy01 sighted
11 Jun 2020 | 10:12
@ladyg you don't even ask of me p1 welcome back........
11 Jun 2020 | 13:41
I dey ask o @harzaroboy bt someone tel me say dey hold u nd keep u somewhere o, so hw u dey naa?
11 Jun 2020 | 14:59
@ladyg hw you take knw i dey isolatn centre but you don't knw am the doctor with the only cure to that thing.........
11 Jun 2020 | 18:27
carry on guy x
12 Jun 2020 | 01:35
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 22 I met fleets of cars all parked inside the car park. I stood transfixed to the spot I was confused, staring at all the exotic cars parked there. Some were already leaving the park while some students walked passed me to get to their rides. I tried hard to see one of the cars which I knew belong to Mr Tokunbo but find none. " could they have left me behind " another thought crept into mind but it was kicked out by the honking of one of the cars inside the park. I traced the sound and located the direction it came from.I started walking towards the direction, the car blared it horn twice again and I was able to pinpointed the car outta the fleet of cars. I paused on my track on seeing it as I heaved a sigh of relief as I saw the Mr Adamu waving at me. " good afternoon sir " I greeted as I walked to where the car was parked. It was a different car from the Sienna and the Honda which dad used to convey us to school that morning. If not for Mr Adamu that waved at me to get my attention, I would not have know that it was the ride back to home. I felt like going to its rear and checked out the maker but I didn't want to look like a village a boy, so I comported myself and got into the car after Mr Adamu replied my greeting. Happy was sitting beside Mr Adamu while Chris was sitting at the back seat. " hello brother " I greeted Chris smiling. " brother Ben." he called out also smiling. " what took you so long " he asked me. " I'm sorry, was doing something " I replied him. " it's okay " he said as he brought out his phone. Happy had a book in her hand which she seemed to be engrossed in that she failed to noticed my presence or pretending not to have noticed it. Chris tapped me and handed me his phone. I looked kinda perplexed on collecting it from him because I wasn't sure why he was giving it to me but my curiosity was cleared when I checked the phone screen. He typed a message on it which goes thus. " what happened to aunty Happy? " " I don't know,why are you asking " I cleared the message he typed and input my reply and returned the phone to him. " thought you two got into a fight because she's been moody since she got into the car and I'm the one who like sitting at the front seat but I think she's sitting there because she's trying to avoid you " Chris handed me the phone to read what he typed. I smiled after I was done reading it. " I know what's happening, don't bother yourself " I replied Chris. " how was your first day at school " Chris asked returning back to the usage of words. " it was fun and cool " I replied him smiling. " I even have a question to ask you " I said to Chris. " ask it egbon " he replied and I couldn't help it but laugh with the way he pronounced the "egbon" like an Igbo guy that's just learning Yoruba and I heard a subtle snuffle from Happy which means that she's listening to our conversation, the book was just a camouflage " why are you laughing " Chris asked me. " nothing " I replied trying hard to suppress my laughter. " do you know our house address " I asked him. " why are you asking " he asked me. " because I don't know it " I replied him. " I've got a premonition that you're not saying the truth " he said smiling. " see the way you're calling me a liar in a coded form " I said laughing. " I didn't call you a liar oo " he said also laughing. " I know you did but your premonition is right, one of my classmates want us to hangout and she's going to pick me up after I text her the address " I said to him. " you've already gotten a crush in your first day at school, cool " he said smiling. " who told you she's crushing on me " I asked him feigning ignorance. " and why will she want to hang out with you after school if it's not so " he replied with another question. " I don't know, maybe she want to know me well since we're classmate " I replied him. " so do you know the address " I swiftly chipped in before he make another attempt on trying to find out more. He's smart and brilliant for a kid of thirteen. " I don't know yet but I'll be sure if I know it on one condition " he said smiling mischievously " what's the condition " I asked him. " if you'll allow me to tag along " he said still smiling. I was dumbfounded as I didn't know what to say as I stared at him. " Mr Adamu " I called out as another idea crept into my brain. " yes " Mr Adamu replied. " please do you know the house address " I asked him smiling. " yes " he replied. " noooooo " Chris screamed as I started laughing. " bribery and corruption isn't good " I said laughing as Chris sulked " please take me with you na " he said in a pleading tone. " hmmm, okay, we'll go together " I said after contemplating about it for few seconds. " yah " Chris burst out in excitement. " I'll text the address to your number " he added looking all excited. Throughout the journey back home, not a moment of silence passed between Chris and me. With my change of environment, I was detecting other sides of me. Never knew I could be a talkative. After getting home, Mr Adamu parked directly in front of the door of the house and the three of us exited the car before he drove it into the garage. Happy's p.o.v Ben coming to my school was a total bad idea, another girl was already on a mission to get him but who could that be. I blamed myself for trying to pull the kinda trick which Gina pulled. If I had sat down at my normal position, he would have told me who the girl was because I was sure it wasn't Gina. She's fully aware of where I'm staying and she knows that Ben is staying at my place so she doesn't need address. I had picked the Government note to revise inside the car since I was sure nothing out of what was thought made it way into my head and since I already took it to heart that I wasn't going to speak with Ben, I'll be able to read it. Same reason why I sat at the front seat, but it was a waste of time as I lost interest in the book and picked interest in the discussion of Ben and Chris. Mr Adamu parked the car in front of the door as he usually do when dropping us from school and wheeled into the garage. " Happy " Ben called my name as I was about opening the door and I froze. Chris opened the door and entered. " which book is that " he asked directing his gaze at the book in my hand. " this " I stupidly asked raising the book up " yeah " he replied with a soft smile gracing his lip revealing the upper part of his white teeth. " it's my government notebook, brought it home so I could revise what we're thought " I replied him. " wow, didn't know that we can bring our books home " he said looking kinda surprised. " we can bring it home tho a pdf of all the note we wrote today would have been sent to our phone but I love revising directly from my notebook not on my phone " I said and he was suddenly smiling which got me sort of perplexed as I swiftly went through all I said in my head checking if I made an error but none was found. " why are you smiling " I asked him but he just turned his back and went inside. I stood transfixed to the spot I was, watching him as I was left in a confused state. " what's wrong with him " I asked rhetorically before I followed behind him. He didn't stop and entered his room and I followed him. " Why were you smiling earlier " I asked as he sunk into his bed. " is smiling a crime " he asked as he sat up on his bed. " no, yes " I stuttered. " really " he asked smiling again. That kinda cute smile your crush will smile and you'll feel your heart and wit bidding you bye as a strong urge will overshadow you to kiss him or her. " if the smile is for no reason pertaining to the current situation " I managed to say after managing to get hold of my wit but my heart was long gone. " well the smile was for no reason " he uttered staring at me. " then why did you smile " I asked him. He suddenly stood up and closed the space between us, my head was directly below his chin and I could feel his breath brushing against my hair. Time froze as I suddenly felt my heart pounding hard against my chest, I feared for the vein connected to it, with the rate at which it was beating fast, some of it might get disconnected away from it. I held my notebook tightly to my chest as I shut my eye. I felt his hands wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to embraced him. I was a virgin but not a saint, the atmosphere in the room suddenly got too hot for me and I felt my nipple got erected, my first sign of been horny. An experience I always experience most during my menstruation period , when I'm reading articles that contains explicit xrated stuffs on the Internet and when I'm also watching movies that's extremely romantic on my phone or laptop. I've never been in such mood around any guy. With the fear that he could have felt my erected nipple since my breast was pushing against his chest because of the embrace, with the little strength I had left in my body I pushed him away from me. " what are you doing " I asked him gasping for breath. " nothing, I was also trying to see if you got feelings for me " he said staring directly into my eye. " what " I asked feigning to be surprised. " feelings for you " I asked feigning to look more surprised. " are you some sort of pervert that has just fallen off from the Pluto losing its abituary means of reasoning " I said now getting angry for a reason oblivious to me. " hey, chill " he said trying to calm me down. " why are you over reacting when you also tried the same thing " he said as his facial expression suddenly changed and I could tell that he was also getting angry. " was I over reacting " I asked myself inwardly as I tried to avert locking eye with him. He was getting angry and I couldn't help but blame myself for it. " I'm sorry " I mumbled almost in a whisper. " not just in my right frame of mind " I added with a somber expression. " are you like this just because I'm dining on the same table with your arch enemy " he asked me as he placed his index finger on my chin and raised my head up with it so that he could stared into my face. " no " I replied and I was sure he knew I was insincere with my answer. " if you say that but want you to help me with something " he said heading to his wardrobe. " what's that " l asked staring at him. " I'm hanging out with Azeezah and I want you to help me select the combo I should wear " he said staring at me. " Azeezah, that witch " I mumbled in my mind. " do I look like your wife " I said as I exited his room at once. THE FOLLOWING DAY Ben's p.o.v I was excited by the turn of event yesterday, I had a great time with Azeezah tho Chris wouldn't give me rest of mind until I threatened not to tag him along another day. My day was completed when dad handed me an ATM card belonging to Guarantee Trust Bank, he told me he helped me to open the account and has deposited the sum one million naira in it to cover for anything I want to buy. I was overjoyous and extremely excited. I slept and had a dream that Davido was my gateman while Dangote was my gardener. Happy and Chris ate mom's meal but because I woke up late , I wasn't chanced to eat. After we alighted from the car, we bid dad bye, Chris head to his block while Happy and me head to ours. Happy head to the locker room while I head to the cafeteria because I've not eaten yet. On getting to the cafeteria I knew something was off. Everyone who seemed to be my classmates inside the cafeteria all had a mischievous smile on their lips . I saw Philip and he mumbled out " Mr casanova " quietly. I read his lips to know that, that was what he said. I saw Gina without any partner, I waved at her as I went ahead to get a simple meal of fried egg and plantain. " good morning " I greeted her as I partnered with her. " morning Mr casanova " she replied smiling. " why are you calling me that " I asked her. " because you're casanova " she replied still smiling. " I don't understand you " I said with a confused countenance. " really " she said handing me her phone and on it was a picture of me kissing Azeezah. " what's this " I asked, shocked to my marrow. To be continued...
12 Jun 2020 | 07:38
Nice start @LadyG is not fair ooh u did not call me
12 Jun 2020 | 10:49
having a harth attack
12 Jun 2020 | 11:13
Real casanova, Ben dnt break some ppl liver o. @prosper sorry o, i wil neva 4get next time ok?
12 Jun 2020 | 11:52
Oh doc. @harzaroboy well done o.
12 Jun 2020 | 12:54
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 23 Flashback After she exited my room, I swiftly picked up my phone and powered it to life. A message from an unknown number appeared on it at once. Seeing the content of the message I knew it was Chris. I pulled out Azeezah's note from my pocket and forwarded the address to her number indicating that it was from me. I saved Chris number plus Azeezah's own on my phone before I head to the wardrobe to get a perfect outfit for the hangout. I was still contemplating on which cloth to wear when my phone suddenly beeped. I picked it up and saw that it was a message from Azeezah. She said she'll be there in few minutes. I dialled Chris number at once and told him to get ready as I also selected a cloth to wear. After the selection of cloth, I took off my school uniform and took a quick shower before I finally wore the cloth. I picked a matching sneakers to go along with the cloth and when I was done dressing up. I head to Happy's room. I knocked repeatedly on her door but she failed to open it. I wanted to leave her alone but I wanted her to check me out first. I placed my hand on the doorknob and pulled it down gently. I opened the door slowly and allowed my head in first to check if it was safe for me to enter, and it was as she was lying down on her bed with an headset on her ear, the reason she didn't hear me knock on the door. In her hand was her notebook which she looked engrossed in. I introduced other part of my body inside. She startling stood up when she saw me and took the headset off. " hi " I said smiling, staring at her. " why can't you knock before coming in " she asked me looking kinda irritated. " did that many times but seems the headset on your ear didn't allow you to hear " I said in my defence. " alright, why are you here " she asked me. " how is my outfit " I asked posing in front of her. " wait " she said looking kinda surprised . " so you came in to ask me how your dressing is. " she said with a disbelieving expression. " yeah " I said smiling. " you look horrible " she said as she picked her headset and returned it to her ear, picked her notebook and feigned to be reading it. I moved closer to her and removed the headset from her ear. " ohh, what again " she protested staring at me. " just want to tell you that I think you're lying and I'm looking dope more than any of your boyfriends" I said smiling, pecked her on her cheek before bidding her bye. My phone rang the moment I stepped foot out of her room, a call from Azeezah. I picked it and she told me she's outside of the gate waiting. I dropped the call and called Chris informing him to meet me in the sitting room. On getting to the sitting room, he was already there. " are you sure you're hanging out with this your crushee or you're going on a date " Chris asked as he saw me. " why did you ask " I asked him smiling. " because you killed the dress " he said raising a thumbs-up. " and are you sure you're just tagging along or you're with a plan of obtaining the girl for yourself " I asked him. " why did you asked " he asked with a perplexed expression. " because you're dressing more than me that's tagging you along " I replied smiling. " let's go " he said heading outside and I couldn't help but smile. When we got outside, we saw a Toyota camry's product mostly regarded as 'Big daddy' with tinted glass parked in front of our gate. Thinking it might be our ride, I walked over to the car and knocked on the glass. The glass was whined down revealing a man at the driver side. " ohh I'm sorry " I swiftly apologised after knowing I was mistaken. " Ben " I heard Azeezah's voice from the back seat. I smiled as I took three steps backward and she opened the door for me. " aunty Azeezah " Chris exclaimed on seeing her. " what are you doing here Chris " Azeezah asked looking surprised. " bro Ben is my brother and I pleaded to him to tag me along tho I promise not to disturb the two of you " Chris replied. Azeezah looked confused but she asked us to get in without asking any more question. Chris sat beside the driver at the front while I sat beside her. She informed me that we're going to Ventura mall, tho I've never heard of it but I played along like it was somewhere I've been to many times. I also got to know that the car was hers which I found amusing because I thought she had ordered a Uber. " you look good " I complemented her as a gentleman. " you're also looking great " she reciprocated the complement. When we got to the mall, I was amused by it, it was more than a mall, there's a segment for shopping on different kind of items ranging from clothes to foodstuffs to electronic gadgets, phones and different kinda things. Another segment was for meal and fast food and the most amazing segment is the games section. Ranging from different kind of video games to snooker, table tennis even to a mini rollercoaster. We first head to the dining section where we ordered for a fast meal of Shawama, meatpie and pet drinks. I blamed myself for joining them to order the Shawama, in order not to embarrass myself, I was swallowing it rather than chew it because it looked kinda disgusting and I had to consume two pet drinks because of it. I swallow and drink to flush it down. By the time I was done with the Shawama, there was no space left in my stomach for the meatpie. But the two of them were eating it like it was normal meal and they seemed to be enjoying it. The worst part was that the two of them found themselves on the right path of conversation as I was too busy dealing with the wicked stuff they placed in front of me to join them on the path. I didn't know what Chris was saying that was making her laugh all the time. I didn't know who's tagging along between the two of us I couldn't follow up on the conversation because I already got my hands filled. When I was done with the Shawama, I brought out my phone and texted Chris informing him that he's already gotten the whole attention of Azeezah and I won't bring him along when next I'm hanging out with anyone. He smiled on seeing the message and minimised his words so that I could tag in. After he's through eating, he excused himself with the excuse of having other missions in the mall. " why did you declined me coming to sit with you during the breaktime " I asked her. " nothing, I just felt like sitting alone " she replied. " I don't think that's an honest answer " I said to her staring directly into her pupils. " yeah, you're right " she said as she let out a subtle smile from her lip. " in ss2a, there's a boy named Mohammed, my dad and his have been best of friends even before the two of us were given birth to and by the time we're given birth to, they made a pact that in order to even strengthen their friendship, they'll get their children to marry themselves, which means Mohammed and I have already been betrothed to each other. I was naive and stupid about this when I was young that I was proud of it. We've been attending the same school right from daycare and everyone always seem to find out that we're already married, only the ceremony remain. So in the whole school, everyone know that Mohammed is my boyfriend and if anyone see me with another guy, he always know about it and somehow my father will also know about it and that always get me in trouble . I don't want the relationship again but no one is willing to hear me out " she explicated with a somber countenance. I knew she's fighting hard to hold her tears. I moved my seat closer to hers, placed her head on my chest as I patted her shoulder. " why can't you tell your dad about it or better your mom, she should be able to understand you since she's a female " I told her after she's calmed down. " mom's helpless when it comes to my dad, she knew that I'm uncomfortable with the relationship but their's nothing she can do about it " she replied me taking her head off my chest. " you don't have to feel sad, maybe one day, Mohammed might also get tired of everything and rebel against the decision and you'll finally be " " have you met Mohammed " she interrupted me. " he's head over heel for me, he wouldn't even give me breathing space " she added getting tensed up. " no one will see a beauty like you and wouldn't get head over heel for you " I said smiling and I noticed her cheek turned red. " stop trying to make me feel better, I know I'm ugly " she said facing down. " no, I'm not trying to make you feel better " I said raising her head up so that I could stared into her lovely eye. " my heart has never fluttered for a girl at first sight except you, same reason I think Mohammed doesn't want to let you go " I added still staring into her eye. " did you really mean that " she asked as her tone suddenly seemed to lose its strength. " yeah, Mohammed is trying not to lose you because he's not sure he will be able to come in contact with a beauty like you again in his lifetime " I replied her feigning not to know what she's saying. " no, I'm not talking about Mohammed and can you please lay low about mentioning Mohammed " she said almost in a pleading tone. " alright, I'll refrain from using the M word and what are you talking about " I said still feigning ignorance. " about your heart fluttering for me at first sight or this is you trying to add to your list" she said with a serious countenance. " Azeezah " I called her name passionately with my head few inches from hers. " many peeps thought with my facial look and features, I'm a playboy who's cool with manipulating girl's heart with my words and look but everyone is always wrong about me, I've got a great mother who thought me more about the value of every female child, that they're not meant as a plaything, I've never for once been a playboy and I'm not thinking of starting to be that right now with you, I've never dated a girl ever in my life because I've not seen the ideal type of girl for me not until I met you in the locker room today and my heart has been doing me somehow , I knew you're the ideal girl for me just that it's a pity that I'm plying on an already sailed boat " I said getting a little bit emotional. " and who told you that you're after an already sailed boat" she asked me with a smile gracing her lip. " you did, M has already spoilt everything for me until he's got a change of mind which I don't think is possible because if I'm M, I also wouldn't want to lose you for anyone " I replied her. " what if I told you that I'm ready to drop M for you no matter what it requires " she said shocking me. " I don't understand " I said looking confused. " then this might help to clear that "she said as she suddenly kissed me. I didn't know for how long because I lose the count of time, but by the time we disengaged our lips, I felt like the most complete guy on earth. " what's that " l asked staring at her in awe . " to tell you that my heart already fluttered for you the moment you stepped your foot inside the class " she said smiling. Present Day I saw Gina without any partner, I waved at her as I went ahead to get a simple meal of fried egg and plantain. " good morning " I greeted her as I partnered with her. " morning Mr casanova " she replied smiling. " why are you calling me that " I asked her. " because you're casanova " she replied still smiling. " I don't understand you " I said with a confused countenance. " really " she said handing me her phone and on it was a picture of me kissing Azeezah. " what's this " I asked, shocked to my marrow. " it's a picture of you kissing Azeezah the one and only wife of Mohammed " she replied smiling. It was the truth that I kissed Azeezah but not in that position. I kissed her when we're still in the dining room but the picture showed that I kissed her beside the snooker board . I only made attempt to kiss her there after I finished pocketing all my balls before hers but she averted it and ran away. But in the picture it showed that I kissed her, so it's either the picture was edited or the angle the picture was taken made it seemed like that. " This picture was edited " I said loudly and every eye inside the cafeteria turned to look at me. " and I promise to fish out whoever did it " I threatened since I already got everyone's attention. To be continued...
12 Jun 2020 | 14:34
This student will not kill me @ladyg will you follow me next time ........
12 Jun 2020 | 15:08
Next pls
12 Jun 2020 | 17:12
You Don enter am...
12 Jun 2020 | 17:36
You picture? that means someone is following you
13 Jun 2020 | 02:17
Why would ben kiss her? Dat means the whole class is fking aware..could it be also part of their plan?
13 Jun 2020 | 06:10
Ben trade carefully nd dnt break Happy heart oh
13 Jun 2020 | 06:10
@kelly-kelvin na 2day u lost? U don lost tey tey o. My boo @fb-danieledem na @harzaroboy.
13 Jun 2020 | 14:19
Looks like u r gradually accepting de name Casanova oo,ur action says it all oga... Make I watch u with one eye sha!!!
13 Jun 2020 | 17:11
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 23 Flashback After she exited my room, I swiftly picked up my phone and powered it to life. A message from an unknown number appeared on it at once. Seeing the content of the message I knew it was Chris. I pulled out Azeezah's note from my pocket and forwarded the address to her number indicating that it was from me. I saved Chris number plus Azeezah's own on my phone before I head to the wardrobe to get a perfect outfit for the hangout. I was still contemplating on which cloth to wear when my phone suddenly beeped. I picked it up and saw that it was a message from Azeezah. She said she'll be there in few minutes. I dialled Chris number at once and told him to get ready as I also selected a cloth to wear. After the selection of cloth, I took off my school uniform and took a quick shower before I finally wore the cloth. I picked a matching sneakers to go along with the cloth and when I was done dressing up. I head to Happy's room. I knocked repeatedly on her door but she failed to open it. I wanted to leave her alone but I wanted her to check me out first. I placed my hand on the doorknob and pulled it down gently. I opened the door slowly and allowed my head in first to check if it was safe for me to enter, and it was as she was lying down on her bed with an headset on her ear, the reason she didn't hear me knock on the door. In her hand was her notebook which she looked engrossed in. I introduced other part of my body inside. She startling stood up when she saw me and took the headset off. " hi " I said smiling, staring at her. " why can't you knock before coming in " she asked me looking kinda irritated. " did that many times but seems the headset on your ear didn't allow you to hear " I said in my defence. " alright, why are you here " she asked me. " how is my outfit " I asked posing in front of her. " wait " she said looking kinda surprised . " so you came in to ask me how your dressing is. " she said with a disbelieving expression. " yeah " I said smiling. " you look horrible " she said as she picked her headset and returned it to her ear, picked her notebook and feigned to be reading it. I moved closer to her and removed the headset from her ear. " ohh, what again " she protested staring at me. " just want to tell you that I think you're lying and I'm looking dope more than any of your boyfriends" I said smiling, pecked her on her cheek before bidding her bye. My phone rang the moment I stepped foot out of her room, a call from Azeezah. I picked it and she told me she's outside of the gate waiting. I dropped the call and called Chris informing him to meet me in the sitting room. On getting to the sitting room, he was already there. " are you sure you're hanging out with this your crushee or you're going on a date " Chris asked as he saw me. " why did you ask " I asked him smiling. " because you killed the dress " he said raising a thumbs-up. " and are you sure you're just tagging along or you're with a plan of obtaining the girl for yourself " I asked him. " why did you asked " he asked with a perplexed expression. " because you're dressing more than me that's tagging you along " I replied smiling. " let's go " he said heading outside and I couldn't help but smile. When we got outside, we saw a Toyota camry's product mostly regarded as 'Big daddy' with tinted glass parked in front of our gate. Thinking it might be our ride, I walked over to the car and knocked on the glass. The glass was whined down revealing a man at the driver side. " ohh I'm sorry " I swiftly apologised after knowing I was mistaken. " Ben " I heard Azeezah's voice from the back seat. I smiled as I took three steps backward and she opened the door for me. " aunty Azeezah " Chris exclaimed on seeing her. " what are you doing here Chris " Azeezah asked looking surprised. " bro Ben is my brother and I pleaded to him to tag me along tho I promise not to disturb the two of you " Chris replied. Azeezah looked confused but she asked us to get in without asking any more question. Chris sat beside the driver at the front while I sat beside her. She informed me that we're going to Ventura mall, tho I've never heard of it but I played along like it was somewhere I've been to many times. I also got to know that the car was hers which I found amusing because I thought she had ordered a Uber. " you look good " I complemented her as a gentleman. " you're also looking great " she reciprocated the complement. When we got to the mall, I was amused by it, it was more than a mall, there's a segment for shopping on different kind of items ranging from clothes to foodstuffs to electronic gadgets, phones and different kinda things. Another segment was for meal and fast food and the most amazing segment is the games section. Ranging from different kind of video games to snooker, table tennis even to a mini rollercoaster. We first head to the dining section where we ordered for a fast meal of Shawama, meatpie and pet drinks. I blamed myself for joining them to order the Shawama, in order not to embarrass myself, I was swallowing it rather than chew it because it looked kinda disgusting and I had to consume two pet drinks because of it. I swallow and drink to flush it down. By the time I was done with the Shawama, there was no space left in my stomach for the meatpie. But the two of them were eating it like it was normal meal and they seemed to be enjoying it. The worst part was that the two of them found themselves on the right path of conversation as I was too busy dealing with the wicked stuff they placed in front of me to join them on the path. I didn't know what Chris was saying that was making her laugh all the time. I didn't know who's tagging along between the two of us I couldn't follow up on the conversation because I already got my hands filled. When I was done with the Shawama, I brought out my phone and texted Chris informing him that he's already gotten the whole attention of Azeezah and I won't bring him along when next I'm hanging out with anyone. He smiled on seeing the message and minimised his words so that I could tag in. After he's through eating, he excused himself with the excuse of having other missions in the mall. " why did you declined me coming to sit with you during the breaktime " I asked her. " nothing, I just felt like sitting alone " she replied. " I don't think that's an honest answer " I said to her staring directly into her pupils. " yeah, you're right " she said as she let out a subtle smile from her lip. " in ss2a, there's a boy named Mohammed, my dad and his have been best of friends even before the two of us were given birth to and by the time we're given birth to, they made a pact that in order to even strengthen their friendship, they'll get their children to marry themselves, which means Mohammed and I have already been betrothed to each other. I was naive and stupid about this when I was young that I was proud of it. We've been attending the same school right from daycare and everyone always seem to find out that we're already married, only the ceremony remain. So in the whole school, everyone know that Mohammed is my boyfriend and if anyone see me with another guy, he always know about it and somehow my father will also know about it and that always get me in trouble . I don't want the relationship again but no one is willing to hear me out " she explicated with a somber countenance. I knew she's fighting hard to hold her tears. I moved my seat closer to hers, placed her head on my chest as I patted her shoulder. " why can't you tell your dad about it or better your mom, she should be able to understand you since she's a female " I told her after she's calmed down. " mom's helpless when it comes to my dad, she knew that I'm uncomfortable with the relationship but their's nothing she can do about it " she replied me taking her head off my chest. " you don't have to feel sad, maybe one day, Mohammed might also get tired of everything and rebel against the decision and you'll finally be " " have you met Mohammed " she interrupted me. " he's head over heel for me, he wouldn't even give me breathing space " she added getting tensed up. " no one will see a beauty like you and wouldn't get head over heel for you " I said smiling and I noticed her cheek turned red. " stop trying to make me feel better, I know I'm ugly " she said facing down. " no, I'm not trying to make you feel better " I said raising her head up so that I could stared into her lovely eye. " my heart has never fluttered for a girl at first sight except you, same reason I think Mohammed doesn't want to let you go " I added still staring into her eye. " did you really mean that " she asked as her tone suddenly seemed to lose its strength. " yeah, Mohammed is trying not to lose you because he's not sure he will be able to come in contact with a beauty like you again in his lifetime " I replied her feigning not to know what she's saying. " no, I'm not talking about Mohammed and can you please lay low about mentioning Mohammed " she said almost in a pleading tone. " alright, I'll refrain from using the M word and what are you talking about " I said still feigning ignorance. " about your heart fluttering for me at first sight or this is you trying to add to your list" she said with a serious countenance. " Azeezah " I called her name passionately with my head few inches from hers. " many peeps thought with my facial look and features, I'm a playboy who's cool with manipulating girl's heart with my words and look but everyone is always wrong about me, I've got a great mother who thought me more about the value of every female child, that they're not meant as a plaything, I've never for once been a playboy and I'm not thinking of starting to be that right now with you, I've never dated a girl ever in my life because I've not seen the ideal type of girl for me not until I met you in the locker room today and my heart has been doing me somehow , I knew you're the ideal girl for me just that it's a pity that I'm plying on an already sailed boat " I said getting a little bit emotional. " and who told you that you're after an already sailed boat" she asked me with a smile gracing her lip. " you did, M has already spoilt everything for me until he's got a change of mind which I don't think is possible because if I'm M, I also wouldn't want to lose you for anyone " I replied her. " what if I told you that I'm ready to drop M for you no matter what it requires " she said shocking me. " I don't understand " I said looking confused. " then this might help to clear that "she said as she suddenly kissed me. I didn't know for how long because I lose the count of time, but by the time we disengaged our lips, I felt like the most complete guy on earth. " what's that " l asked staring at her in awe . " to tell you that my heart already fluttered for you the moment you stepped your foot inside the class " she said smiling. Present Day I saw Gina without any partner, I waved at her as I went ahead to get a simple meal of fried egg and plantain. " good morning " I greeted her as I partnered with her. " morning Mr casanova " she replied smiling. " why are you calling me that " I asked her. " because you're casanova " she replied still smiling. " I don't understand you " I said with a confused countenance. " really " she said handing me her phone and on it was a picture of me kissing Azeezah. " what's this " I asked, shocked to my marrow. " it's a picture of you kissing Azeezah the one and only wife of Mohammed " she replied smiling. It was the truth that I kissed Azeezah but not in that position. I kissed her when we're still in the dining room but the picture showed that I kissed her beside the snooker board . I only made attempt to kiss her there after I finished pocketing all my balls before hers but she averted it and ran away. But in the picture it showed that I kissed her, so it's either the picture was edited or the angle the picture was taken made it seemed like that. " This picture was edited " I said loudly and every eye inside the cafeteria turned to look at me. " and I promise to fish out whoever did it " I threatened since I already got everyone's attention. To be continued...
15 Jun 2020 | 07:39
Dat means Mohammed has spies on Azeezah
15 Jun 2020 | 14:34
15 Jun 2020 | 16:19
Hmmmm odikwa egwu o. My boo @fb-danieledem i didnt get u.
15 Jun 2020 | 18:01
Please continue...
15 Jun 2020 | 18:08
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 24 I lost my appetite and couldn't take anything out of the sumptuous meal in front of me. Gina should have had mercy on me and allowed me to finish eating my food before she show me the picture . I stood up angrily and left the cafeteria and head straight to the locker room to check the subjects for the morning and also to get the stuffs for it. On getting to the locker room I met Azeezah there but she was facing the wall and probably absent minded to know that someone entered. I moved to where she was standing and gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She startling turned to see who it was. Her face looked all puffy like she's been crying for a long time. She embraced me at once as she suddenly started sobbing. " it's alright " I said patting her shoulder. " it's not going to be alright " she said still sobbing. " the picture got to my dad's phone yesterday even before I got home " she said as she stopped sobbing. " what " I exclaimed as I wanted to disengage the embrace so I can look her in the eye and know if she's joking or been serious but she didn't release her hold on me. " how did this happen " I asked her. " I don't know, only you and me know about this and I don't think Chris would ever do something like that " she replied. " Chris " I muttered. " but he could have taken the picture right " I said trying to think the probability of him doing it and probably gave it to his sister who could have edited it and send it to everyone including Azeezah's dad. " I don't know, I don't know what to know, all I know is that right now I want to be with you because it might probably be my last time " she said getting me all confused. I unwrapped her hand from my waist not minding her not letting go. Her beautiful face has been smeared with her tears. I used my hand to clean the tears from her face " why did you say that " I asked her after getting the tears off. " because dad said he's withdrawing me from this school and going to enrol me in a Muslimat boarding school which comprises of girls only " she replied me as a tear escaped her eyelid. The door to the locker room opened but I didn't bother myself about who it might be and the person respected him or herself by getting what it is he or she came for and left. " did he really have to do that " I asked her. " he said it's something he should have done since my entrance into js1 but because he wanted Mohammed and I to be together, that's why he allowed to get admitted to this school " she replied " what about your mom " I asked her still trying hard to assimilate the whole incident. How the hell in the twenty first century could literate parents still be behaving like that or could they be from the North. Because that's the only place family still offer eachother their kids and the kid won't have a choice about it. " already told you that she's helpless when it comes to my dad " she replied. " are you from the North " I couldn't help but ask. " by birth I'm a Lagos citizen but my parents including Mohammed's parents are from Kano state but relocated to Lagos in search of greener pasture which they both discover together by doing business together " she replied me. " it's really painful Ben, I've always wanted to rebel against this union for a long time but I didn't have a tangible reason to but when I finally got one which is you, I wasn't given a chance to fight for it " she added as tears were strolling down her face uncontrollable. I pulled her into my embrace. I don't like it when female cry around me. The door of the locker room suddenly barge opened with force. " well well well, so it was true "I heard a voice said behind me. Azeezah startling pushed me away from her. I turned to look at who it was that could have made her do that as the first thought that came to my mind was that it was her dad. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that it was just three guys that was standing in front of me. " how may I help you " I asked boldly. " you don't have to worry yourself about them, just leave " Azeezah said holding my hand. " maybe you should take the slut advice and leave so that you won't get hurt " the guy in the middle whom I presumed to be the Mohammed Azeezah has been telling me about said with a wicked grin clustered to his lip. I pulled my hand away from Azeezah's and made to leave and they passed beside me to meet Azeezah. I shut the door which they fail to do when they came in like thugs. I knew they're oblivious of my present inside the locker room as they all descended on the innocent girl like a pack of wolves. " after everything I did for you, you decided making out with a new guy is all I deserve as a reward " the guy in the middle whom I presumed to be Mohammed screamed at Azeezah " did I asked you to or haven't I tell you many times that I don't want you nor do I love you " Azeezah screamed back at him to confirm that he's really Mohammed. " can you hear this insolent wretched slut " Mohammed said to his cohorts who stood behind him like bouncers. " I'll make you regret ever trying to let go of me " he said raising his hand up to hit her but I was swift to get hold of it in the air before it landed on her. " why not pick on someone of your size or didn't your momma told you that it's lame to hit a girl especially the one you want her love " I said smiling mischievously. " you must have a death sentence hanging around you " he said trying to get his hand from my hold. " you should have seen the undertakers dancing with your casket firmly placed on their shoulders the moment you stepped in here " I said as I swiftly lifted him up and smashed him on the tiled floor. Not waiting for a further invitation, I was already atop him landing heavy blow to his face. His cohorts was trying to lift me away from him but I didn't stop, when they see that pulling me wasn't working, they started hitting me but I made sure that I was reciprocating their hits on the scapegoat in my hold. I could hear Azeezah's voice asking everyone to stop as she was crying but none of us listened to her until she ran outside and asked for help. Few minutes later, we're inside the principal's office, precisely inside miss Tife,s office but Mr Samad and Mr Adeniran are there also to judge our case after going through the evidences they had. Mohammed whose face looked all battered courtesy of my beating looked more like the guilty partners. What I didn't know about the school was that their was cctv recorder in every nook and crannies of the school tho I found it weird because cctv recorders should be visible to eye but I saw none and there is a law in the school that claimed that under no circumstances should a guy hit a girl except when the girl goes beyond her boundary. According to the interpretation of the footage of the cctv by the principals, they claimed that I was only petting Azeezah because she's emotionally down and if not for my swift interception, Mohammed and his gangs would have beaten her up as that seemed as their main motive of coming into a locker room which wasn't assigned to them. He was asked to tell Azeezah he was sorry and I was also asked to tell him sorry after which he was asked to go to the sick bay in order to get himself treated. I really did a wonderful job on him and I was proud of it. But I was surprised at the way the case was settled, I was sure if it was in my former school, two weeks suspension and a week of bush cutting would have been our portion, only Azeezah would have scrape through unscathed. After everyone was excused, Miss Tife asked me to stay behind. " what really happened " she asked me after offering me a seat to sit down. " it's like we told you and what the cctv recorded " I replied her. " are you lying to your school mom who had to manipulate the decision so that it will be in your favour, and Azeezah's dad called this morning that he's withdrawing her from this school and following today's incident, I think it's revolving around you " she said looking like a detective who's gotten a criminal on a thin rope which he can't escape from. I smiled as I stared at her thinking of a perfect way to avoid her question. " was I at fault with what I did " I asked her. " you're partially at fault because of the way you beat him up, you could not have been at fault if you had let him hit her even if it's once, but you did that to him before he could commit the crime he could be hold accountable for but don't worry, the child of a mother who is among the server in a party doesn't go hungry in such party " she said and I found her proverb kinda funny. " so before you divert all attention from the main question, now answer me " she said foiling my plan. " ughh" I grunted and she smiled. I explained everything to her including the kiss and the faked one that's been circulated. " who do you think did it " she asked me when I was through with my narration. " I don't know yet but I think it was an inside job " I replied her. " an inside job " she muttered. " you mean it was someone close to you " she asked. " yeah but I don't have any evidence to prove it yet " I replied her. " I hope you do but after this incident, I think you should lay low for a while, not all new students get tangled up in a scandal upon their resumption so the matter might keep making wave for some time and also be careful concerning Mohammed, he's popular for his violent conduct " she advised me. " alright ma, thank you " I appreciated her smiling. " are you sure you're not a playboy " she suddenly asked me . " why is everyone always assuming I'm a playboy " I said loudly. " maybe everyone is assuming you are because everyone here possessing your kinda facial features are all playboys but the reason I'm asking you is because I've known Azeezah for quite some time and I've never seen her with a guy not even the ones that they've gotten acquainted with themselves for a long time but here you are out of the blue and she's already fallen head over heel for you to even kiss you on your first date which occurred on the first day which she met you " she said staring at me. " it wasn't a date " I retorted. " then it's a hangout " she said smiling. " yes " I replied also smiling. " please don't break the heart of our girls because I don't trust you oo " she said smiling. " trust your son mom, I'm not a playboy neither a heartbreaker, just happened to find myself unlucky with someone I love " I said to her as I stood up. " try visiting the sick bay on your way back to class " she said to me. " no need, it's just a few bruises, I'll be okay " I retorted as I made my way out of her office. I head to the locker room to check the subjects for the morning and also get my notebooks and textbooks. " not this " I grunted as I saw that it was mathematics that's for the first subject and civic education followed next. I'm not on great term with mathematics, if not for mom's effort, I won't be able to boast of my usual c5 in it. I took all I need and shut my locker. I wasn't out of the locker room when I heard the alert for the beginning of the first period. With my head up I head to my class. The teacher was already in, a man who should be in his late fifties and his dressing is kinda weird, everything he was wearing is oversized including his shoes which looked like the measurement was taken from goliath's foot. I didn't bother to greet the teacher upon my entry, something I wouldn't dare to do in my former school. They wanted a bad boy, they've successfully gotten themselves one. To be continued...
17 Jun 2020 | 08:07
Loving dis
17 Jun 2020 | 09:21
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 25 I took a swift glance at Happy and before I could read her facial expression my eye was already off her as I head to my seat. " hmhm " Gina grunted as I sat down with smile on her lips. " why are you looking at me like that " I asked her. " how am I looking at you" she asked me. " I don't know, like you've got something to tell me " I replied her. " no, this is my face " she said smiling. " okay " I said as I took my maths notebook and flipped it open to the last page which got inks on it. On the board was the page number for the textbook, so it was easy for me to get along. " I thought you're only a casanova never knew you're also a wrestler " Gina murmured smiling but I didn't respond as I focused my attention on the board. The teacher might looked weird with his way of dressing but he was sure good with his way of teaching mathematics unlike my former maths teacher. The topic he thought was the one been thought last week in my former school and I was still trying to wrap my head around it. But with an re explanation from Mr weird dressing, I was flowing with the topic with ease. I was always the type that always begging the angel in charge of time to fastforward time during maths period which is always double period, each period consisting of forty-five minutes which makes it one and half hours for it and even after the period is over and the next teacher isn't around to take over, teaching continues, only God knows the kinda energy booster maths teachers always take before coming to class to teach us because they're always ready to go any length in teaching. But I was surprised when Mr weird dressing dropped the marker and called it a day, that was when I remembered that teacher doesn't use over their stipulated time and oddly, I was already one with the teaching like I always was during English language and literature in English teaching . And the most funniest thing about the teaching was that their was no classwork. Even if time is against a maths teacher in my former school , he will still have a way to tell you to attempt questions under 12F in exercise 19. The most stupid thing you could do is thinking that because he said 'attempt' and not 'classwork' you didn't take it important and didn't do it. The next thing you'll see on the next day you're having the subject is some books in his hand and two slim canes, and verily verily I say onto you, maths teacher are always thought how to beat when they're learning how to teach maths. " why is he not giving us classwork or assignment " I asked Gina. " so I'm now visible " she said smiling. " who said you're not visible before " I asked her. " then why didn't you give a response to what I said before " she asked me. " what's that " l asked feigning not to know it. " when you know what it is, then you can come back with your question " she said as she stood up, took her books and head out of the class. It was kinda perplexing to me, why take her books with her when she's going outside and their's a subject to go. I turned to look at everyone inside the class to see their reaction but it looked like no one got my time. My eye and Happy locked with eachother but I swiftly averted mine from hers as I picked my civic education notebook to go through what was thought, to see if I'm also a topic over what they've been thought or we're in the same shoe. " Ben " I heard a sweet voice called my name. Slowly I raised my head up to see who it was and it was none other than Azeezah. " Azeezah " I called her name with a surprised expression. " can I sit down " she asked me. " ye, yeah " I stuttered as I shifted to Gina's portion. She sat gracefully beside me and without raising my head up I could tell that all eye was on us. " why are you sitting down with me " I asked her. " don't you want me sitting with you " she replied me with a question instead of an answer. Well, that's Nigerian way of life and I've gotten used to it. " nope, I'm just surprised because Gina looked like the Jezebel of this class and I don't want you in trouble with her " I replied her. " you don't have to worry yourself about her, already told you I'm spending my last minutes in this school with you and why did you think Gina took her books with her " she asked me. " she's going to another class? " I asked with a surprised countenance. " no, idiot " she said smiling. " she's going to sit with my partner when she come in " she added still smiling. " Gina did that " I asked with surprised countenance. " yeah, I was also surprised that she concurred when I asked her for it " she replied me. " she's really unpredictable " I said smiling. " yeah, she is " she muttered. " and I even have something to ask you yesterday but I forgot " I told her. " what's that " she asked me. " how did you slip your note into my locker yesterday " I asked her. " so you really don't have an idea " she said smiling. " I wouldn't be asking if I do " I said trying to sound casual before she think I'm angry because of the stress in the sentence. " I'll tell you on one condition " she said grinning. " what's that condition of yours my queen " I asked her. " a peck on the cheek in exchange for your answer " she said smiling. " peck " I exclaimed. " yeah or are you afraid that no girl will fall for you again in this class if you do it " she asked me still smiling. " no, why will I " I asked her as my gaze was on the ceiling as I tried to check for the spots where the cctv cameras were placed but I couldn't find any. " so you're afraid of been recorded on the camera " she said smiling when she noticed my expression. " me " I asked. " no I'm not " I said waving my hand to affirm negative to her suspicion. " I can see through you and I know you're lying but don't be scared of the camera, this school is trying to be a replica of foreign schools, so stuffs like that, even kissing and making out inside a secluded area in the school isn't taken as a crime " she whispered into my ear " really " I exclaimed. " yeah " she replied nodding her head. " if that's right, then I think I'll go beyond that " I said as I pulled her closer and before she knew what was coming, I locked lip with her for few seconds. " wow " I heard the class exclaimed. Her eye were still shut even after I released her lips. She opened one of her eyes first, I smiled staring at her. " what was that " she asked as she opened the second. " that was to show you that I don't care how anyone see me after you leave " I replied and her cheek suddenly turned red as a smile graced her lip. " but you didn't do what I asked you to do, so I'm not telling you until you do that " she said smiling. " are you serious " I asked staring at her. " yes, I asked for a peck not a kiss " she replied smiling. " you must be the type of girl that will ask someone to send you two hundred naira so that you can complete the four thousand eight hundred naira to five thousand and withdraw it, but the person send five thousand naira and you'll still call the person to tell him that he forgot to send the two hundred so that you'll be able to withdraw ten thousand naira " I said smiling. " well, I don't understand what you're saying because I've never had anything below hundred thousand naira in my account before " she said with a bragging tone. " and the money I'm also having in my account is enough to employ Davido and Bill Gate as my gardener and gateman " I retorted. " Jesus " she exclaimed shocking me. " please are you a Muslim or Christian? " I asked her. " Muslim na but your lie can make anobi Mohammed (S.A.W) to change his religion " she said smiling. " but I'm not lying na " I said feigning sulking expression. " hmmm, so how much are you having in your account " she asked me. " I have one million naira in my account " I replied proudly. " just kee me "she said as she suddenly bursted into laughter gaining others attention. She's still laughing when I got up to stand in front of the class. " I know I don't need to introduce myself since I'm the most trending topic in the whole school now " I said as the introductory aspect and I saw Philip smiling as he winked at me. " I'm the Mr casanova of the school but let me tell ya'll, I'm not going to be intimidated by any other names you deemed fit to call me nor will I let you treat me like kissing Azeezah was a crime, yeah I kissed her but whoever it was that took the picture missed that awesome moment and had to settle for a cheap editing and I want the person who did this " I said meeting Happy's gaze, paused for a while before I continued. " that you might have succeeded in separating Azeezah and I because her dad is withdrawing her from this school because the person had the gut to send the picture to her dad " I said and everyone suddenly exclaimed, I could tell they're all shocked by what I said but Happy seemed indifferent about it. " and I won't ever forgive you for that because if you want someone to take down, then it should be me not her because her only sin is falling for a fool like me and she's been with you people for a long period of time to deserve such treatment " I finished my speech and was already ready to return to my seat when philip suddenly called my name and stood up to meet me. " this guy never cease to surprise me " he said standing beside me. " he's a loyal person who wouldn't snitch on someone he just meet and also a great lover, I'm sure if it's another person that was involved with such scandal, he would have left the girl to take all the shit by herself but here he is defending her and I also heard the he broke some jaws of Mohammed and his pals when they're trying to harass Azeezah, another points scored for us ss2c, where else will you see a guy like that and which class do you really think deserve him if not the gallant ss2c, we may not be gallant in football " he said and almost all the girls in the class bursted into laughter. " we're trashed yesterday another three zero by those goat when we're supposed to be taking vengeance for the last three zero they trashed us but who knows if he join our football team, we might become gallant in football too, but not to drift apart from what I'm saying, with just his two days presence in the school, as the emir of the class, I'm already thinking of bestowing to him the best student of ss2c for this term but I won't be impatient. And to the person who leaked the picture to Azeezah's dad, I'm telling you that I promise to catch you and we'll evict you from this class because we prank ourselves among ourselves not among our parents. " Azeezah " he said facing Azeezah. " I'm sorry that you're been withdrawn from our midst because of this and if we had known such had happened, we wouldn't have turn it to a trending matter, but you're the gentle dove of this class and no one has been able to trend your matter except when we knew you're betrothed to Mohammed when we're still in js2, that's why we wanted to trend it when we're able to, but know that we all will always remember you till we get out of this school and that's why we won't also relent until we get the doer. " " and you Mr casanova " he said facing me. " you think I'll stop calling you that, tai, forget am, na lie, I won't stop calling you that but you're cool bro, thanks for choosing this class " he said as he embraced me and everyone started clapping, some of the guys making whistling sound. After Philip was through with his speech, I returned to sit with Azeezah . " second time you'll be standing up for me today, I think I'm really lucky to have your love even if it's just for a limited time " she said smiling. " I think I'm the one who's lucky to have your love " I said as I pecked her. " now, I've done what you asked, so how did you get to put the note in my locker " I asked her. " must you know " she whined. " yeah, I must so that such won't happen in the future " I replied her. " alright I'll tell you, I saw you inserting your combo when I told you that you don't need the economic textbook and you wanted to return it " she said smiling. " ya a thief " I said laughing. " that's why I was able to steal your heart " she said as she kissed me. I heard eruption of clap behind and I pulled Azeezah more closer to me as I turned it into French kiss. To be continued... Going to try to post another episode before the end of the day.
17 Jun 2020 | 10:37
Twahale for BEN I really like your courage
17 Jun 2020 | 12:29
Ben na good dude...i will miss Azeezah
17 Jun 2020 | 17:26
I wonder who cause this scandal.. Is it Gina,Chris or Happy?
17 Jun 2020 | 17:27
Emotional Episode
17 Jun 2020 | 19:39
You are great....
17 Jun 2020 | 20:55
I think it is happy that cause the scandal
18 Jun 2020 | 01:14
Next w
18 Jun 2020 | 01:55
Next plt w
18 Jun 2020 | 01:57
@coolval @horluwap1 abeg make una come arrange this story for easy access. I mean adding episodes link?
18 Jun 2020 | 03:29
@coolval22 @coolval @horluwap1 this story use to have episodes link b4 but I didn't see again. Wetin come happen kwanu??
18 Jun 2020 | 03:30
@coolval22 @coolval @horluwap1 this story use to have episodes link b4 but I didn’t see again. Wetin come happen kwanu??
it has been fixed. Thanks for notifying me
18 Jun 2020 | 03:36
@ladyg finally I don catch up with the story. @henrymary @ele1 @fb-danieledem make una dey remember me for mentions laa??
18 Jun 2020 | 04:13
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 26&27 Our lovey dovey continued as we settled down for the next class which was civic education, we held hands as we listened to what the lady was teaching. It wasn't a topic that we've treated in my former school so I listened attentively. Gina was sitting at Azeezah's seat, sometimes when I locked eye with hers, she will just winked and smiled at me. After the civic education teacher was through with her teaching and left, Azeezah and I drifted back into our conversation. " did you brought food to school today " I asked her. " nah, I was too heartbroken to even have my breakfast in the morning " she replied me. " that makes us two, I couldn't take my breakfast after I saw the picture in the cafeteria, I stumbled out of the cafeteria angrily and that's when I saw you inside the locker room " I said to her. " should I be proud of you or chide you for inflicting hunger on yourself because of me " she asked feigning a confused look. " you should be petting me " I said humorously. " you're not serious " she said laughing. " since you didn't take anything, can you do me the pleasure of taking you to the cafeteria at breaktime " I asked her like a gentleman. " since you're insisting, it will be heartless of me to decline you " she replied smiling. " when did I insist " I asked looking surprised. " since you're not insisting, I'm not eating that awful meal prepared in that cafeteria " she said with a sulking expression. " when did I say I didn't insist " I asked smiling. " but you're yet to reveal your main intention of the breaktime and without you revealing it, it's a no " she said smiling " alright, will you go on a date with me " I asked stretching my hand at her with my head gently bowed. " yes, I'll be your date " she replied smiling " thank you my queen " I said smiling " we would have been the perfect couple if not for my dad " she said laughing tho I knew the laugh wasn't an inch close to her heart. " you don't have to worry, you don't know what the future have to offer, maybe this separation is even a good thing , because I once come across a fact that said mostly all teenager's relationship doesn't end in marriage at that moment but there's high probability that it might lead to marriage in future " I said to make her feel better. " I hate anything that's based on probability, it's better to view it as zero chance, so you don't need to make me feel better, especially at basing it on probability. " she said feigning a smile. " or can you proudly say to me that you won't go for another girl when I'm gone " she asked me staring into my eye. " let's just based it on zero chance because I don't make promise which I'm not sure I'm gonna fulfil it " I replied her. " thank you for been honest with me but who knows, I might wait for you if I'm not able to see a guy that meet my expectations like you do " she said smiling. Happy's p.o.v I know if anyone get to read my story, some might be feeling sorry for me but on a honest note, I didn't feel sorry for myself. I was sort of shocked when I saw the picture when I get into the class mostly because the one Chris showed me wasn't featuring any aspect where the two of them kissed , I felt sorry for Ben because he doesn't know that ss2c is a wickedness in disguise, especially when it comes to Azeezah whom everyone has been wishing to cast which means either the person knowingly edited the picture to make the two look like they're kissing, but Ben was claiming that they kissed leaving me in daze on who to believe . But I was more shocked when I heard he got into a fight with Mohammed, the supposed Azeezah's betrothed. I got sent to the uppermost level of shock when I saw him kissed her inside the class without feeling ashamed about it. But after I brought the matter down to a cool headed level of reasoning, I found out he's the ideal type of guy I love, a guy who won't be ashamed of me no matter the inconvenience, a guy who would fight and stand up for me in any situation, a guy who is the perfect definition of a gentleman. A guy who won't be dumb nor will he be too razz. A guy who won't because of what the situation hold break up with me irrationally but deal with it in a mature manner that even I, won't be able to clear him out of my memory. Ben possessed all this things, like when he was been set up by Oscar, he behaved like a gentleman and put on with his loyal term but I heard he landed a blow on Oscar before excusing himself from the locker room. That's the kinda guy I want, tho painful that Azeezah had to leave the school because of the incident but I also saw it as an opportunity for me to have Ben to myself again. Since he might get lonely after Azeezah leave because he seemed like the one who's overshadowed by love, so without waiting for a permission, I'll try to increase our bond but the only problem was that he was looking at me with a kinda eye that was sending me an unpleasant message which I was yet to decipher. But all the same, whatever it is that is hiding behind his heart will be known to me before we get home. Ben's p.o.v The alert for breaktime finally strolled in like the first attempt of snow in the winter. I held her by her hand and stood up . " let's go my queen " I said and she stood up magnificently. Like they do in Korea, I made sure our steps was rhyming all the way down to the cafeteria. I swiftly located an empty seat and took her there. It wasn't hard to see one because we're the first students to get there. " what will you like to eat " I asked without bothering to sit down. " I'm okay with anything you get for me " she replied. " alright, I'll be back soon " I said as I head to the segment for meal ordering to get our food. I would have settled for beans partnering with either plantain or rice but I knew most females ain't a fan of beans, so I deviated from ordering it because I don't want to ruin everything. " get me two plates of porridge and fried turkey " I made my order based on she's the type who love eating her mom's meal and since she's the local delicacy type, porridge should be among what she love eating tho I still had a silent prayer in my mind that I'm right with my presumption. " thank you " I said as I collected the tray containing the meal. This time, the cafeteria was already getting filled with students. " here my queen " I said as I placed her meal in front of her first before I sat down with mine. I love the setting of the cafeteria, every tables always have four sealed bottled water on it before the arrival of student, to prevent going back and forth of students ordering two meals like me. I didn't noticed this before because I've not been to the cafeteria first. " how did you know that " porridge is my best food " she asked looking excited. " just a guess work " I replied smiling. " wow, you must be great at guessing " she said smiling " I just got lucky, nothing to be excited about it " I said as I remembered I couldn't guess that mom was going to remarry even with a lot of clue in front of me. But I was sure I would have guessed it on a normal day if it wasn't my mom because like she mentioned, I'm great in guess work but I was mainly hiding from the truth. My mood changed when I remembered all the advantages I've gotten from the relationship. " but for you, I'll increase my knowledge about guessing " I swiftly chipped in so that she won't ask why mood suddenly turned sour and like the power supply we used in Badagry, it came up unexpectedly again. " but that's already late " she said as she suddenly had a mood swing like I did. " but I'll be sure to enjoy and appreciate the little moment I have left with you " she said swinging the mood again like I did. " now, can we eat " she asked me as she picked up the fork and spoon in her tray, jilting the knife which was meant for the white meat gracing our meal. " your rival is in " she said smiling, I tilted my head towards the entrance direction and saw Mohammed and his friends coming in. That's the first time I even know that everywhere was almost filled with students. I was so much engrossed in my meal with Azeezah that I failed to notice when all the space were filled. " this guy no get shame " I said smiling. His face was already back to been recognisable but he's got stitches on his face. " why did you say that " she asked me. " if I was the one, I won't be here to eat for a week " I said smiling. " that's you oo" Azeezah said smiling. He grunted with a threat portraying in the grunt as he walked passed me to go get his food with his friends. " what's his deal self " I asked Azeezah as he was walking like he's the one who's paying the school fees of every students inside the cafeteria. " you can say he's the second most brilliant student in the whole of ss2 and that got into his head and he started misbehaving " she replied me. " who's the brightest student in ss2 " I asked her. " that's Philip, he might look playful but he's extremely brilliant, while Mohammed is scooping in award for the science segment in most of the competition we're invited for , Philip with either Happy or Gina are also scooping in award for the Art segment, tho many think Happy or Gina should be the second most brightest student but I think the teachers doesn't want to make the science look shabby by having top three most brilliant students from Art class but we all know they're smarter than Mohammed " she replied me. " but how can Art students be brilliant than Science students, three at that " I asked looking perplexed. " have you met those three geniuses at all, they haven't gotten less than hundred percent in maths before, Philip hasn't gotten less than ninety five percent after accumulation of All score at the end of term while Gina and Happy are always on the radar of ninety and ninety two " she said pausing as she took a spoonful of porridge, chewed it finish before she continued. " we're sure that Philip was trying to be his usual self, that's why he's in Art class but I can't tell the reason for Happy and Gina but they've been stack enemy and competitors since we've been in ss1 that before anyone out of them will be called alongside Philip to participate in any competition, another separate exams must be set for them so that it won't be called partiality for anyone that's been called up to join Philip " she said finally rounding up her long narrative. " but how can you judge students by reviewing their marks especially when they're in different departments " I asked her. I saw her gaze suddenly moved up and trailed someone, I had to check who it was and saw that it was Mohammed with his tray in his hand. " Azeezah " I called her name in order to get her attention. " I'm sorry " she said smiling. " it's alright, just that I want your whole attention like I gave you mine " I said trying to sound casual. " I'm sorry love " she apologised. " it's alright " I said smiling. " what was your question again " she asked me. " don't bother yourself about it again, let's change topic, it's already getting boring " I said to her with a smile on my face. " I heard you, just wanted to tease you " she said smiling. " since we've been in junior class, Philip has been the one leading every class with hundred percent, when Gina and Happy joined us in js3, Mohammed was always taking the fourth position after the three of them, even in our js3 entrance examination, it was accordingly with him coming fourth again after grading, so it's been like that since and we're sure if they're all science students, his normal fourth position would have been stagnant with him " she said showing how much she spite the partiality in her tone, maybe it was her hatred for him that aggravated it. The reason I wanted to keep mute on the conversation was because I didn't want her to start asking me question about my own percentage, everyone knows I'm always defending my eighty-five, eight-four and eight-three at then end of each term, I've never gone beyond that before but I was still seen as the third most brilliantly kid in my class and our overall class teacher had told me more than thrice that if I became more sociable and took maths the way I took other subject especially my literature in English, then I would even be nominated for a post of senior prefect when it's time for us to be nominated. Been senior prefect with my personality isn't something that would meet on a parallel line and I'm very sure I've gone against many of the teachers in the board of selection, so it's better to hold on to my attitude and they should hold onto their prefect post. But how will I explain to her that I was below ninety percent because I was a failure in mathematics when she's telling me that some people are taking maths like it's a crumb of bread. Same reason I didn't ask her about hers too, don't throw stone when you're living in a glasshouse. But my had hell of brilliant students especially in science class. I was a fast eater but I had to stoop low to her level so that I won't finish eating before she does since we're on a date. We finally finished our meal fifteen minutes to the end of breaktime, I knew this through the two wall clock that was inside the cafeteria. Even some of the students that met us in the cafeteria left us. I was the first to stood up when we're through, the same way I held her hand when we're leaving the class, was the same way I held her hand when we're leaving. I saw Philip with his cohorts and Happy among them , already through with their meal but not ready to leave as they seemed to be having a conversation . All of them winked at me while Happy had a smile on her lips . I wasn't ready to smile nor talk with her until she's been acquitted that she's not the snitch and I was ready to do that in order to swiftly acquaint her and get back to our normal life tho I've a great premonition she's the one but I don't want her to be. I only feigned a smile as I walked passed them as we head outside. " do you know js3 block " I asked her as we we got out from the cafeteria. " why are you asking " she asked using her usual way of reciprocating question with question. " because I want to confirm something " I replied her. " about the leaked edited picture " she asked. " yeah " I replied her. " just let it go, we don't need all that again " she said as she looked sort of tired. " are you tired " I asked her. " sort of, I ate beyond my limit today " she said smiling. I thought I was the only one sacrificing things for her but I was only conscious of my mind not hers. " alright, point towards the block to me, I will come back to it after I've successfully escorted you back to the class " I said to her leading the way back to class. " no, you don't have to do that, go, I know my way back inside " she said pulling me back. " that's not in my vocabulary of one million ways to treat a beautiful queen, so it's either I carry you in or you comply " I said to her smiling. " any other options left " she asked smiling. " that should be the one of me kissing you till you agree " I said smiling as I was already trying to cover the space between us. " naughty boy " she said pushing me back. " let's go since you're sure not to budge until I give in to you " she said smiling as she pointed at the direction the building is located. " you should have just agreed with the third option " I said grudgingly as I held her hand. " I'm not agreeing, don't use kiss to end my life abruptly " she said smiling. " you're funny " I said smiling as we head back to our class. " I'm not and I feel like also ending your life with kiss " she said as she suddenly made a stop on the staircase leading to our class and before I could say jack , her lip has already located mine and we're already kissing. I was sure the person monitoring the cctv will be having a hell of a day. I didn't know how long it lasted for but we disengaged it when we heard footsteps of students coming towards our direction. We both smiled as we continued with our journey, I got her to my seat, pecked her on the lip before I continued with my journey. When I got to the building that's consisting of the js3 classes, it was the same structure with our own and I saw a tag on the upper part of the building which indicated that it was for js3. " did our own building also have that " I asked rhetorically because I've not for once seen the label on the building. Since we got the same structure and pattern for the building, I head to where I felt the cafeteria should be located. Luckily for me, I saw some students coming out of the cafeteria , I swiftly accustomed one of them and asked him if he know any student that goes by the name " Tokunbo Chris ". " I don't think I know anyone with such name " he replied me. " or are you talking about Bello Chris " the boy asked and I was kinda perplexed about it until I remembered when dad was introducing himself to the receptionist upon my arrival at the school yesterday, he said he was ' Bello Tokunbo '. I should have thought about it because when mom was telling me about the past, he was mentioning Tokunbo like it was his normal name, same as Mr Popoola the school proprietor. " yes, he's the one " I replied him. " then follow me, we're both in the same class " he said as he led the way and I followed behind him. When we got to his class, Chris was the first to sight me even before the boy could call him for me. " brother Ben " he screamed as he looked overjoyous on seeing me. I waved at him and he came outside to meet me. " did you come to check out my class " he asked smiling. " yeah and I also came to ask you something " maybe you should ask what you wanted to ask because the time is already gone, maybe you should come for knowing my class tomorrow and I'll be able to introduce you to my classmates so that they can know you're my brother " he said smiling. He seemed to be the most happiest person in the family about me joining them. " okay, did you took any picture of Azeezah and I kissing, during the time we're in the mall " I asked him. " did you kissed her " he asked looking surprised. " yeah, I did but did you take any picture " I asked him. " yes I did but I don't remember seeing you kissing her, but brother Ben , you said it was only an hangout with a friend but you ended up kissing that friend " he said laughing. " it's a tale for another day but did you show Happy the pictures " I asked him. " did she snap at you " he asked me. " no " I replied him. " good because I made her promise that she shouldn't over react when she asked me to show her the pictures especially the part where the two of you seemed to be closed to each other near the snooker board " he said and I felt my head kinda explode. " did you show it to any other person or did she send it to herself " I asked him trying hard to calm myself . " I didn't show it to any other person except her and she sent it to her phone and told me she's gonna use it to tease you later in the future " he replied me. " is everything alright " he asked me when he noticed my expression. " nothing, you can return to your class , I'll check on you tomorrow " I replied feigning a fake smile. " it's already time for the break to be over, see you at closing time " he said before he happily returned to his class. I was been suspicious of the truth but having the real truth with me seemed like a time bomb, I don't know if to diffuse it or not. I was sure if Philip should hear about it then he won't be able to do anything than do what he promised and the whole class would probably hate her, but she really deserve it. But funilly , part of my heart wasn't ready to expose her but most of it wanted to and I think it's good following the majority. The alert informing the class about the breakover suddenly sounded and I head to my class, probably wait for the teacher who would have already been in the class to be through with his or her teaching before we use the remaining thirty minutes to settle her matter. To be continued....
18 Jun 2020 | 04:58
Nice one.
18 Jun 2020 | 10:34
@coolval u re d best
@coolval22 @coolval @horluwap1 this story use to have episodes link b4 but I didn’t see again. Wetin come happen kwanu??
it has been fixed. Thanks for notifying me
18 Jun 2020 | 11:21
finally here. been a wonderful story all alone but what I dont get is the fact that Ben had to behave locally, when he fell from grace to grass for 3 months (if am not mistaken). I mean fine, he attended the best private primary school except secondary in which he was enrolled in a public school. so at least he should behave more like someone that is expose to wealthy living. [b]here is a point:[/b] the fact that a rich dude that had almost everything in life had to eat sharwama for the first time in 16 years, thats just too off. So bro @Horluwap1 your choice of words when writing is just too cool, I love it. You are doing well :g but ben is not suppose to be that Local na. its just a review from my own POV, nothing personal
18 Jun 2020 | 12:05
and finally @Ladyg and @fb-danieledem let's settle this matter before Ben does his in the next episode. Why is Daniel Edem Calling you bae? I taught say na @fridex be your boo. and u even replied him boo. let me Know, because I have come online for years now, then you (ladyg) want drop @Fridex ?, whats going on?
18 Jun 2020 | 12:10
I like the way you do handle things... Keep it up and for Azeezat, I feel so bad about what happened to you but if God says you two will be together. Am telling you nothing anyone can do even your father will have no any other options than to accept it like that...
18 Jun 2020 | 12:25
Kikikikiki @ryder pls o dnt cause kasala bw me nd @qeenvick o, @fridex is my personally person o no long thing or better still ask my broda man @ele1, Ryder u 4got so soon abt @peasman , he travelled out of d country nd has 4gotten abt me so i ve 2 forge ahead wit my boo @fb-danieledem.
18 Jun 2020 | 14:53
okay explanation accepted, @fb-danieledem, you have my full permission and blessing, but bring wine first for me. @ladyg can vouched that i deserve it. @peasman don fall my hand, we go settle him matter
18 Jun 2020 | 15:11
You deserve dear @ryder, my boo @fb-danieledem abeg u v 2 acknowledge him biko as of @pesman i go treat e bleep up. Ryder hope u ar bck ?
18 Jun 2020 | 15:25
@kelly-kelvin where ve u bn?
18 Jun 2020 | 15:37
Yes dear @ladyg, hopefully am back.
18 Jun 2020 | 15:55
Lol @fb-danieledem weytin u dey observe na? we are cool na, na COOLval we dey o. I think the ball is on your court, so play it by bringing my drink :g
18 Jun 2020 | 16:09
Milady @ladyg i don land, @ryder as milady have said @fridex is her godbrother and na @qeenvick na in @fridex de roll with .. @pesman na ladyg boo, but he don travel go abroad Benin Republic to be precise and married a Ghanian there, d new man in her life is @fb-danieledem and they already have 2 kids 2geda, @thecomely @timson7373 @iphemloid @emmy01 are my witnesses :b
18 Jun 2020 | 20:38
Love this story
19 Jun 2020 | 01:22
@ele1 no be small o the thing don far o
19 Jun 2020 | 04:47
Kikikiki @ele1 una no go fit kill me o.
19 Jun 2020 | 05:52
Make we dey follow
19 Jun 2020 | 06:48
finally here. been a wonderful story all alone but what I dont get is the fact that Ben had to behave locally, when he fell from grace to grass for 3 months (if am not mistaken). I mean fine, he attended the best private primary school except secondary in which he was enrolled in a public school. so at least he should behave more like someone that is expose to wealthy living. here is a point: the fact that a rich dude that had almost everything in life had to eat sharwama for the first time in 16 years, thats just too off. So bro @Horluwap1 your choice of words when writing is just too cool, I love it. You are doing well :g but ben is not suppose to be that Local na. it's just a review from my own POV, nothing personal
Remember Ben's father didn't want him to live a sophisticated life. His mother has been the one showering him with all those expensive living. His father had trained him to a simple life
19 Jun 2020 | 08:15
@ryder, @ele1, I just know say una no dey carry something for my back sha. @Ladyg! Go prepare wetin we go chop this weekend oow
19 Jun 2020 | 08:21
@Ele1 @Ryder KPAAAAAMMMMMM that's the whole truth my lord. She bare one child for @Pesman though they wish to have a female but @LadyG come born boy so they named him @Henrymary. my brother man @senatodaniel and co-witness @coolval abi na lie?
19 Jun 2020 | 08:24
Kikikiki ewoo @emmy01 u don finish the matter b dat o. @hormortiyor as u dey appear dey disappear so, where i wan find u come.
19 Jun 2020 | 09:39
Ben pls exercise patience kk cuz I don't think Happy is as culpable as u think... Ride on!!!
19 Jun 2020 | 11:11
@ladyg your mattter and @pesman matter don katapot to another level, this one na Supreme court go settle the the matter.
19 Jun 2020 | 14:25
@emmy01 thanks for the eye opener, so alot has been going on @ coolval, and as for @fb-danieledem no be drink you go bring again o, na cow because as e be @henrymary don strengthen the bond of @ladyg and pesman.
19 Jun 2020 | 14:30
@senatordaniel still dey come online so?
19 Jun 2020 | 14:40
@ryder which bond? shey na covalent bond ni
19 Jun 2020 | 17:27
@ladyg, I dey always dey na.
19 Jun 2020 | 18:39
nice story cont pls o i dey enjoy it here
19 Jun 2020 | 21:14
@ryder u done see am nah School no allow me to.login all this while but thank God am back I really miss our crew back then and my wife @jummybabe
20 Jun 2020 | 04:11
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 28? On my way back to class, I kept telling myself it's the right thing to do, she's cool and nice but been a snitch is something that shouldn't be overlooked. Revealing her might get me on her wrong side for a very long time, maybe that's really what I want. I had almost gotten to my classroom before I remembered that I've not checked and gotten the book that I needed, not even return the ones I took in the morning. I was already missing the moment when I'm always with my school bag and get any note I want as the bag is always hung on the protruding angle on my seat. I got to the locker room and found out we're having language classes but on the timetable Yoruba was ticked out of the three languages scribbled on the paper. I took the Yoruba notebook and some of the texts which I've already read alongside the textbook before I head to class. I was shocked on getting to class and saw who the Yoruba teacher was. It was Miss Olarewaju Awau, tho not sure if she's still a Miss or Mrs. She was dispatched to teach in my school as a NYSC member when I was in Ss1, she's one of the reason I love Yoruba tho my mom took great part in making sure I understand it. She's young, hot cool and most especially, she's really great in teaching Yoruba tho I later found out that her English could compete for a diction competition. I was sort of close to her then in my own way because I was one of the best student in Yoruba in my class, I've never for once gotten less than A1 in it since I got to Ss1 courtesy of the rigorous lecture of my mom, I could recite many numbers in Yoruba and when applying mark to depict how a tone should be pronounced, I'm a master in it, something almost all my former classmates couldn't do. I sometime wonder how my mom was good in Yoruba when she always converse with me in English before we fell from grace to grass. I was kinda crushing on Miss Awau then , not the harmful kind of crushing where you got all sort of dirty thought about different sex. I just appreciated her beauty, that's all and wished I meet someone like her during my own time to serve Nigeria. " good afternoon ma " I greeted her smiling as I entered the class. " ehn " she said in Yoruba as she saw me meaning "what " I understood what she meant at once. It's the common thing she always say when any students converse in English in her class. But in this case I wasn't sure if she's trying to remind me the policy or was shocked towards seeing me. "Emabinu ma, eka San " I said smiling as I head to my seat. I knew she's also smiling and probably shocked because she wouldn't have expected to see me attend such school. " don't be angry ma, good afternoon " Interpretation. PS :- most of the conversation that occurred in the Yoruba class is in Yoruba language but I'm sure I'm not having only Yorubas reading the story . Writing and interpreting is sure a long way to go, so I'll just write everything in English. My Yoruba peeps can do themselves the honour of translation. Thank you. The class was scanty, by using my eye to take a swift count, I discovered that it was only seven of us that was inside the class. I made sure no eye contact was made between Happy and I as I made my way to my seat. Azeezah smiled as I sat beside her, we held hands as the teaching continued. The topic was 'Ayan Ogbufo', the same topic we treated last in my former school. So I didn't give it much of a attention like I was giving Azeezah. " where's everyone " I asked her. " converse in Yoruba please " Miss Awau said in Yoruba to caution me. " where's everyone " I asked Awau again in the local dialect. " they've all gone to their language classes " she replied me. " so there's a different class for Igbo and Hausa " I asked her. " yeah " she replied. " then why are you in here " I asked her. " are you a racist " she asked me and was looking kinda serious about it. " no I'm not, why are you asking me such question " I asked her as the question seemed to get under my skin. " was just trying to pull your leg and by birth I don't think I belong to North and I've been a lover of Yoruba language since I was small because I get awed at people speaking it, so since my junior class , I've always been found in Yoruba class and why learn a language which is already my natural tongue " she rounded her reply with a question, typical Azeezah I'll say. But she sure know Yoruba much, she was speaking it like she's a natural, not mistakening a word for another and not sounding weird like when Chris spoke Yoruba. " I don't see why " I replied her smiling as I concentrated on Miss Awau. She's grown more pretty than she was then and all her asset are, hmm, don't let us go there for now. I see it as a crime employing people like her as teacher, the person who interviewed her didn't put the male students into consideration before giving her the job. " so did you got what you went for " Azeezah asked me. " class is on " I said feigning a smile as I kept concentrating on miss Awau, I mean on the topic been thought. " Ben, let me see you outside " miss Awau said as she called it a day. " what are you doing here " she asked as I escorted her downstairs. " I school here " I said smiling. " you're yet to be sociable, thought I heard you talking to your seating partner before " she said smiling . " no, Azeezah's my girlfriend " I retorted smiling. " wow, that means you've changed but when did you get here that you already got a girlfriend " she asked staring at me. " yesterday " I replied her. " wow " she exclaimed. " always know you ain't a product for that school, everything about you scream Honorable but I don't like prying into other people's lives, that's why I refrained myself from asking you what your story was and wouldn't start asking now too, but be a good boy because the comfort of this school might try to make you otherwise and I don't really think Azeezah is the best girl for you, she's doesn't have a stand to control her own life " she said and if not that I already know about the situation, I would be left to keep thinking what she mean by that . Miss Awau might be a damsel but she would have fitted well in the pre-colonial era because of the way she always turn simple sentence into a puzzle. " alright ma, thank you " I appreciated her before I returned to class and by this time, the class had retained its missing digits. " so enough of trying to avoid it, did you get what you aimed for " Azeezah attacked me at once with her question even before my butt made pact with the chair . She must have known I was avoiding it by using the teaching as excuse. " I think we should follow the idea you gave earlier and make peace with everything by leaving things as they are " I said with a sombre expression . " there's something wrong here, even your voice lost its strength so it's either your journey ended up in tears 'disappointment' or you really got a worse reply, maybe someone you didn't think would be the perpetrator was the one who did it " she said cracking up the whole puzzle. " did I got that right " she asked staring at me. I shook my head to affirm positive to her question. " which one was right, first or second " she asked again. " second " I muttered and she suddenly kept mute and I could see her passing around stare among all the students in the class. I knew a detective work is going on in her mind and I didn't bother her by saying anything. " did he say it was Happy " she asked me and I shook my head to affirm positive to her guess. She suddenly smiled and that got me kinda worried. " he's wrong " she said. " who's wrong " I asked her. " Chris of course " she said still smiling. " why will you say that " I asked her. " because I know Happy well to know what she's capable of and that, she's not capable of " she said boldly. " how can you be so sure " I asked her surprised at the level of her trust towards Happy. " I'm not sure, it's something I know, if you've been in this class with us since js3 , then you'll know that Happy is not the type that you can bring yourself to hate, she's too nice and sweet " she said smiling. " I still find it hard to think how Gina could be able to hate her, believe me when I say she's of pure soul, or do you think she's preparing herself to be a sister because she doesn't do guys too " she said and I couldn't help but think how deranged she is and probably other students inside the class. Have they not heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing before, a devil could be posing as an angel just to gain people's trust and lure them to hade. " just drop the whole detective stuff and let us return to our normal plan for today " she said as she held my hand. " okay " I replied smiling. " I love you " I said and she looked kinda shocked. " what's it " I asked noticing the change in her expression. She suddenly moved closer to me and kissed, it was a swift one but I liked it. " I thought I wasn't going to hear that from you before I fade away like the dew of a new dawn" she said looking fulfilled. " I love you too " she said and kissed me again. " I want you to do something for me " she said looking all tensed as she disengaged the kiss. " what's that " I asked her. " it's sort of hard and complicated but I don't know if you'll be willing to do it for me and I promised you it's going to be my last request " she said and I suddenly felt threatened by whatever it was she wanted to ask. " I'll try to do it if it's in my capacity " I replied her because she's making it look like the request is gonna be a big deal and it sure was. " I've been thinking of a way to have a little revenge against my dad " she started. " okay " I said to fuelled her. " and I think if with all his daddyish protection and all, my betrothed find my rose already withered. " " listen up everyone , it's your emir on the line " Philip said gaining everyone's attention as he stood on his desk. He knew how to control the class well more than any teacher I've seen teach in the class . " I've been thinking of a befitting way of sending Azeezah off and with the help and suggestion of my queen (Happy) , she helped me arrived at a decision that we throw her a party, normally we could have thrown her one here or in one of the school's mini hall but I want the party to be one hell of a freaky one, so it's going to be in my house and none of you is to miss it and you're also free to invite your friends who are not part of this royal class. Happy's p.o.v I wasn't planning on going to the cafeteria but Philip practically forced me down there. He said he wanted a gesture of goodwill towards Azeezah from the class but couldn't get a perfect idea. I had to promise that I'll join him before he let me off the hook and head to the cafeteria. When I got to the cafeteria, I saw Ben and Azeezah at a spot, eating and chatting happily . Even before I sat with the boys, an idea had already crept into my mind. As much as I'm not a fan of their union, I thought Azeezah deserve to be with Ben more, even if it's for few more hours. I sat down with them and heard everyone's suggestions thinking someone would have the same thing I had on my mind but none did. After much ado, I informed them of what I was thinking that we should organize a short party in the school for her and everyone seemed to like the idea but Philip been Philip only took the idea of the party leaving short and school behind as he reconstructed everything. Ben's p.o.v The class was more happy about the party than the person who was the main objective why the party was announced. " would you be able to make it " I asked her. " sure " she replied smiling. " cool, should I come pick you up " I asked smiling. " try to come with a bulletproof car if you're going to do that " she said smiling. " I was just joking " I said. " what about what you wanted to ask before Philip interrupted us " I asked her noticing the time for closing was running fast to catch up with us like a leopard closing in on its prey. " maybe I should tell you at the party " she suggested. " please tell me now and what do you mean by withered rose" I pleaded with her and threw the question at her so as to manipulate her to talk . I hate to be placed in suspense . " what I mean by that is losing my virginity " she said confusing me. " what do you mean by that " I asked looking perplexed. " what I'm saying is that if my dad found out that I wasn't a virgin if I probably marry Mohammed and he claimed not to be the one to do it because I always turn him down no matter how hard he tried to manipulate me then that I should have sex with him, then my dad will suffer a blow too " she said staring at me as I tried to give reason to what she's saying. " sooo " I said staring at her. " so I want you to disvirgin me " she uttered and the alert went off for closing. Was that closing alert or my sense of reasoning alert going off. To be continued...
20 Jun 2020 | 07:16
@ryder u done see am nah School no allow me to.login all this while but thank God am back I really miss our crew back then and my wife @jummybabe
See dem my people don dey show face. Abeg, where @frankkay
20 Jun 2020 | 09:10
Am short of words now....
20 Jun 2020 | 09:44
Take kini
20 Jun 2020 | 09:46
20 Jun 2020 | 19:29
Kudos bro. Ur doing a really great job
20 Jun 2020 | 19:54
Awesome write up
21 Jun 2020 | 03:37
na brain alert
21 Jun 2020 | 13:18
Ben to open the road, next please
21 Jun 2020 | 19:07
Nice biko
22 Jun 2020 | 01:50
@senatordaniel na wa o, See my Honourable, your tenor for Coolval Senate House never end? When u want run president?
22 Jun 2020 | 04:52
It’s weird but girls can be crazy. I had such experience.
22 Jun 2020 | 05:02
@ryder Next election am coming out for the presidential election Am contesting with @coolval22
22 Jun 2020 | 06:14
Disvirgin ke??? Chinekeh!!! has it gotten to DAT??? Lemme sit back n watch jhoor!!!
22 Jun 2020 | 17:02
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 29? " we'll see at the party " I said as I started placing my books on eachother. " are you not going to give me a reply " she asked staring at me as I get my books. I paused what I was doing and heaved a sigh . " Azeezah " I said as I changed my sitting position so that I could stare at her. " I seriously don't know what to say because I wasn't expecting it but we'll be able to talk about it later" I said to her then pecked her on her forehead, then slowly on her nose and lastly on her lip. " See you at the party " I said as I took the last book from under my locker, placed it on the ones on my desk then head outside to go drop them inside my locker . I met four students inside the locker room, we ain't on speaking term and since they didn't show any social vice towards me, I played blind as I head to my locker and dropped my books inside it making sure I was careful when inserting my pin. I head down to the car park and this time it was easy locating my ride because it was the same Honda car dad used to drop us yesterday that Mr Adamu brought to pick us up. Only Chris was already in the car, he was sitting beside Mr Adamu at the front seat. I greeted Mr Adamu before I pleaded with Chris to sit at the backseat so that I could take his position. He happily obliged as he got down and sat at the backseat. It wasn't up to a minute when I saw Happy coming towards us. She was in the company of one of the girl in the class and her seating partner. They're chit-chatting as they made their journey towards the car. They depart from her when she got to the car. She greeted Mr Adamu as she entered the car. " why are you sitting here " she asked Chris. " because brother Ben said he wished to sit at the front seat " Chris replied her. Mr Adamu mumbled few words which my ear couldn't swallow in order to digest what it was before he drove out of the car park and we're on the journey back home. My gaze was transfixed on the glass beside me as I watched the beauty of the school. My eye didn't bid bye to the glass even when we're out of the school, I was feasting on the magnificent structures of buildings in the neighbourhood where the school was situated, cars and other things that caught the attention of my eye. I could see everything and my memory was assimilating and appreciating it all but my mind was elsewhere, I couldn't disassociate what Azeezah said from it. I was thinking of what I could possibly do. I was already of age to have sex, many boys of my age are already cool with sex but I don't think I was ready for it yet. And if I'm ready to have sex, probably with her, it shouldn't be on the note of her trying to use me. She wanted the sex because she wanted to hurt her dad not because of the love we both shared and that reason is enough to object to it but I didn't want her to think I don't love her. It's probably might be the last time we both set eye on each other and I wished to satisfy all her wishes but her wish for sex was something I don't think I was going to give in to. " brother Ben " Chris called from behind but I was already lost in my own thought to hear. " brother Ben " he called again, this time more loudly . " yeah Chris " I said drifting away from my thought. The " it looked like you had a hell of a day in school " he said and I could hear him chuckled. " he did " I heard Happy mumbled. " how did you locate my class, I was very surprised to see you " he said smiling. " saw one of your classmates who showed me to your class " I replied him. " cool, don't forget to come tomorrow as you promised, my friends are already eager to meet you " he said. " okay " I replied him as I drifted back to my thought. Happy's p.o.v I knew something was off but I thought the answer to my intuition would be provided inside the car but I got none. Ben was sitting at Chris position, and looked like he got a lot on his mind. He wasn't the Ben inside the class that was happy around Azeezah any longer. He was sort of moody as his gaze was fixed on the road. Not talking to anyone and an attempt from to lock him on a conversation by Chris was not successful because he replied like he was been forced to reply and the conversation didn't last up to two minutes. But why did Ben go to Chris block, a question I was sure to ask Chris when we get down and hopeful it wasn't what I was thinking. We got back home and habitual, we dropped in front of the house while Mr Adamu wheeled the car into the garage. Ben was the first to get down and before Chris and I could alight, he was already inside the house. Chris was also heading inside and I swiftly pulled him back. " why are you pulling me " he said forcing his hand from mine. " did Ben come to your class today " I asked him. " yes " he replied. " what was his mission there " I asked him. " why do you want to know, it's men's business " he said placing his hand on his chin as he caressed his invincible beards. " who are the men " I asked as I snickered. " brother Ben and I " he said still caressing his chin. " did he asked you if you took pictures of him and Azeezah yesterday when they went to the mall " I asked him. " I don't know " he said not batting an eye, his emotion was stagnant so I couldn't read anything from it. " Chris na " I said slightly raising my voice as I was already getting frustrated at what he's doing. " why not ask him " he said smiling. " please na, you know you're my most cherished and handsome brother and I love you " I said smiling and winking at him. That's my way of getting things from him because he's the stubborn type but always become subtle when he's been praised. " yeah, he asked if I took pictures of him " he said smiling and I felt my heart beating faster than usual. " did he asked if you gave them to me " I comported myself and asked Chris. " yeah, he did and he seemed a bit off especially when I told him about the part where he was closer to Azeezah near the pool board " he replied me. " how could you tell him " I asked now raising my voice. " because he asked me " he replied with an innocent look. " that said it all " I muttered. " says what " Chris asked. " just go inside " I said to him. He was suspecting me from the start because we stayed together and I was the only one who knew about them hanging out and Chris confirmed his wrong suspicion to be right by telling him I knew and have the picture with me. That's why he seemed moody on the way back home and wouldn't sit beside me. I thought of what to do and resorted to confronting him and tell him that I knew nothing about the edited picture that circulated. I head to my room and without taking off my uniform, I took my phone which I powered to life and my laptop. I head to his room. I knocked on it and he asked who's there. I informed him I was the one and he told me he would like to be alone because he wanted to rest. I barged inside because I knew he said that because he doesn't want to see me. " why did you barge in " he asked with a tone connoting annoyance. " I'm sorry " I said moving closer to him. He was on his bed sitting down, still on his school uniform. His room was kinda different from how it was when I came in the other day. I knew what was different when I remembered that the chair inside it wasn't there before and a reading desk which had some novels on it. " what do you want " he asked as he laid his back on the bed. " I want to talk to you " I replied him. " about what " he asked. " about the picture " I replied. He lifted his body off the bed at once and returned to the sitting position he was when I first entered. " so what about it " he asked staring at me. " here's my phone and laptop " I said dropping the two on the bed. " check it and see if you'll see any editing application, even ordinary snapchat I don't have on my phone and I don't have any knowledge about editing picture " I explicated to him but he seemed indifferent to it as he had on a blank expression. " Chris told me you asked him about the pictures and the only reason you could have done that coupled with your behaviour towards me since morning it only means you're doubting me or probably nailed me in your mind that I was the perpetrator of the act " I continued talking since he's not. " Ben " I called out as I bent down, standing on my toes so that I could leveled with his head. " it was really painful thinking that you could thought I had anything to do with that picture because I thought even if we just met, we've created a kinda bond which I thought trust was in it. I cherished and like you to do anything that will tamper or hurt you " I didn't know why but I was already getting emotional as I felt a tear drop from my eye. " the only reason I even collected the pictures from Chris was to tease you and nothing else, I was surprised when I saw the picture this morning at school but I have nothing to do with it, what do I even stand to gain by editing and sharing the picture because I was hurt because I knew you're hurt by the picture. I swear on my mom's " I couldn't complete the sentence as he swiftly placed his index finger on my lip. He was staring at me and I suddenly felt me heart beating faster again. He cleaned the tears on my eye before he placed his hands on my shoulder and made me sat beside him on the bed. " you don't need to swear, I believe you didn't do it and I'm sorry for doubting you " he said and he looked sincere about it, but he doesn't look happy. " it's alright " I said as my heartbeat started beating normally. " but you don't look happy " I added staring him. " just have a lot on my mind "he replied. " is it because Azeezah is leaving " I asked him. " no " he snapped. " why will I be sombre because she's leaving " he asked staring at me. " I don't know oo, maybe you're already missing her " I said humorously. " you're funny, I'll be over her in no time, haven't gotten that attached to her to miss her that much when she leave " he said and it felt like he meant it. " so what's troubling the King's mind " I asked him. " the maid doesn't need to know " he said smiling mischievously. " what " I exclaimed. " who's the maid " I asked him. " if you aski me, na who I go ask " he replied laughing. " the king is in trouble " I said as I tried to get hold of his head but he swiftly laid flat on the bed, I was swift to get on top of him as I wrapped my hand around his neck. He was strong and fast as he turned me over and he was on top of me. " any last word before the king behead you " he said in an humorous manner as he imitate a knife with his hand and placed it on my neck. " king ko " I said as I pushed him off me with all the strength I had with me. Ben's p.o.v What bond do I have with her that made me forget about my sadness, anger and languish when I'm with her. When she arrived my room, I already had it in my mind that I wasn't going to listen to anything she's got to say but I couldn't help but forgive her even before she started talking and cleared herself of my misjudge. I forgot about the thought of what Azeezah asked of me, eating into my brain like cancer and started laughing like I've got nothing to worry about. I liked her, I just don't know to what extent. " aren't you going to have lunch " she asked me as she got down from the bed after she pushed me off from her body. " I will " I replied as I started unbuttoning my shirt. " alright " she said smiling as she took her laptop and phone before she exited my room. It was already an addiction for me to always bath after coming back from school because of the way I always sweat in my former school. I took off my clothes except my boxer and head to the bathroom to shower. After having the water caress my body for some minutes, I was out of the bathtub, took my white towel and dried the water from my body before I put on my boxer and head to my room. " we've got to stop meeting like this " I said smiling as I saw Happy inside my room, sitting on my bed smiling at me and looked like she's been waiting for me. She doesn't have her school uniform on her again . She was wearing a short blue jeans trouser and a white top. Looking at her closely, I knew she wasn't wearing bra because her nipples were pushing against the top. I swiftly averted my eye before she noticed and start calling me a pervert again. " not until you come out of the bathroom naked " she said smiling. " your wish won't come to pass " I said smiling . " what's that aroma " I asked her. " there " she said pointing at the reading table mom got me. All my novels that I placed on it was on the floor and two covered plates was visible on it. " wow " I said rubbing my hands together happily as I moved closer to the table and opened one of the plates. I was met with a disappointment when I opened it. It was a meatpie and a serviette that was there. " what's this " I asked looking disappointed. " our lunch " she said laughing. " I'm not on diet na " I said as I took a peek at the meatpie again. " you'll thank me later " she said as she stood up and took her own plate and head back to sit down on the bed. " why waste plate on this " I grumbled as I picked the meatpie and started munching on it with the hate I got for the surprise. " Philip texted me the time for the party and he said it's three thirty " she said as she continued munching on the meatpie excitedly . " Azeezah want me to have sex with her " I said staring at her. " what " she said as she coughed out the meatpie in her mouth. " she want me to have sex with her " I repeated it to her and she looked dumbfounded as she stared at me as if she doesn't know the meaning of what I said to her. To be continued...
23 Jun 2020 | 14:35
@ryder Next election am coming out for the presidential election Am contesting with @coolval22
24 Jun 2020 | 03:05
Good thing bend and happy feud is ending As for azeezah request..give her reasons why u shud nt av sex with her
24 Jun 2020 | 03:48
hummm Ben is behaving like ten
24 Jun 2020 | 03:54
u are truly a pervert ben
24 Jun 2020 | 04:12
@coolval222-2 you see that this senator @senatordaniel have ambitions, na EFCC go follow am up.
24 Jun 2020 | 04:47
Ben am disappointed in you for telling her....
24 Jun 2020 | 04:51
Bring it on observeion mode
24 Jun 2020 | 05:54
24 Jun 2020 | 07:44
I would have been disappointed at ben if the story was about people in the higher Institution, but for secondary school why the blame?
24 Jun 2020 | 13:01
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 30? Happy's expression towards the news was something to write home about, she looked like it was a lot to take in as she stared at me blankly . But did I do anything wrong by informing her tho I felt like it was the right thing to do. " why did she want that " she was finally able to locate her voice box. " because she wanted to get back at her dad and Mohammed by not been a virgin if they probably forced her to be with him at the end " I replied her. " so it's all about revenge " she asked staring at me. " I think so " I replied her. " if it's all about revenge, can't she look for another guy to do that " she asked slightly raising her voice. " I don't think apart from me she has ever love another guy and she doesn't look like the kinda girl that will allow a guy who she doesn't love to touch or do anything with her " I replied her with an ounce of certainty protruding from my voice. " she's certainly that kind of girl, was surprised when she made advances towards you because she's not the type " Happy said as her lips enveloped into a smirk. " she didn't make any advance towards me " I swiftly right her wrong. " so her asking you to hangout with her was what " she asked smiling. " was to know me " I replied her also smiling as I detected the foolishness in my logic. " I hear you " she said smiling. " and I see you " I retorted. " what was your reply when she said it " she asked me. " I told her we will talk more about it at the party, if I'll give in or not " I replied her. " hmmm" she sighed deeply. " what do you suggest I do? " I asked her. " I will suggest you go with whatever decision you've got in your mind " she replied me. " what if what I got in my mind is a bad idea " I asked her. She sighed again as she stood up from the bed and dropped the plate in her hand with her meatpie in it on the bed. She walked closer to me with a smile on her lip . She placed her hand on my bare chest precisely on the part my heart is beating from and it felt cold. " I trust this and whatever decision you make from it " she said staring at me. Time suddenly froze as we both stared at ourselves as her hand was still on my chest. A naughty thought suddenly crept into my mind and I shook my head to wade it off. I won't give her a chance to call me a pervert again. " alright " I finally broke the silence as I gently took her head off from my chest. " how are we going to get to the party " I asked her. " we go on my tricycle " she said as she returned to get the remnant of her meatpie and started munching on it. " tricycle " I exclaimed with a surprised countenance. " so you mean you have a keke napep " I asked her and she suddenly bursted into laughter like my question was funny. " it's not only keke napap, it's bicycle napep, do I look like a commercial worker to you "she asked still laughing. " when you said you got a tricycle, I couldn't help but think it's a keke napep " I replied her with a low tone. " it's a power bike dad got me last year but it got two tyres attached to the rear of it more like a ski as a safety precaution and that's why I like calling it a tricycle " she said clearing my ignorance. " oh " I muttered. " so who's driving " I asked her. " me of course except if you can ride a powerbike then you're welcome to ride it " she said smiling. " I know how to ride ordinary bike but not a powerbike, but I think both are ride in the same way and I'm confident I can ride it " I said to her confidently. " but do you know Philip house " she asked me. " no " I replied. " then you're welcome to sit behind me, maybe you'll get chance to have me sit behind you if you keep your eyes on the road and know the way back home " she said smiling mischievously. " okay, you won " I said giving up. " since you've accepted, I got some things to do before we leave, so see ya later " she said as she stood up and made for the exit. " what about your plate ?" I asked her pointing as her plate on my bed. " I brought it so it's fair if you return them " she said laughing before she exited my room. I scoffed as I ate the remaining meatpie. " she can't even bring a juice " I said after my throat got a little irritated by the meatpie. I took the two plates and head for the kitchen. I saw Susan inside the kitchen frying some fish. I dropped the plates and head to the fridge inside the kitchen, took a bottle water and drank half of the content inside it, dropped it back inside the fridge and made to leave before she called my name. " Ben " she called out. " yes " I replied stopping on my track . " why do I have the feelings that you've been avoiding me for quite some time now " she asked me. " because I have " I replied her. " wow " she exclaimed, maybe she didn't expect I was going to come clean about it like that. " if I may ask, why? " she asked staring at me. " because you betrayed me " I replied her. " betrayed " she muttered looking surprised. " how " she asked still looking surprised. " you told Mr Tokunbo the conversations we had when we're still on speaking term " I replied her. " no " she exclaimed. " I wouldn't do that, I've never shared with him anything you told me " she said with a surprised countenance . " that's a lie because on Sunday when you're off and we went on a picnic, he said I was funny just like you told him " I said to her staring at her as I wait for what she had to say in her defence. " oh, I remember but it was just a brief conversation, he asked me how you're doing because both of us has been the one at home and I told him that you're doing okay and you're a funny and lively guy, that's all, I didn't tell him more than that " she explained and I found reason to her explanation. Second time I misjudged a person. " oh, so that was what happened " I said as my vocal chord suddenly lost the strength it was wagering earlier. " yeah " she replied. " I'm sorry, thought you snitched on me and I don't like snitch " I said to her. " it's alright " she said smiling. " just happy that we could clear the differences soon " she added still smiling. " yeep " I said smiling. " care for fish " she asked me. " yeah " I said smiling as I moved closer to her. She gave me a big fish out of the ones she has already fried. " what are you doing now " she asked me. " have somewhere to go with Happy " I replied her. " alright, play safe oo " she said smiling. " alright " I said with my trophy of fish in my hand as I returned to my room. I made a stop at Happy's room as I munched on my fish. I knocked on her door and she asked me to enter. On her bed was different types of clothes smearing it, she looked like she was going through trouble on getting the cloth she was going to wear to the party. I stood at the doorway as I enjoyed my fish and also enjoy seeing her going through the stress of searching for the cloth. " why are you staring at me like that " she asked me as she got away from her wardrobe . " because it's fun watching you and eating this fish joined with it, it's yummy " I teased her smiling. " you're not serious " she said as she looked worn out. " why not pick a cloth and save yourself all this stress " I said to her. " there's this particular cloth I'm searching for but I can't find it and I must wear it" she said as she sat down frustratingly. " soothe yourself then" I said as I left her to my room. I checked the time and it was already twenty two minutes passed three. I made sure I ate the fish finish before I washed my hand and started making attempt to get dressed for the party . On opening my wardrobe, I found out that it has been filled with more clothes. I smiled as I made a selection of an ash colour Louis vouiton polo and a black pencilled jeans. I wore a black Nike shoe to match with the trouser, took a gold wristwatch mom gave me yesterday and wore it on it. I applied pomade on my hair then combed and brushed it. After I was through dressing up, I checked the time and it was already forty four minutes past three. On getting out of my room, Happy was also getting out of her room. She was wearing a blue jean which had few cut on its knee and thigh side. She wore a black top which had the inscription ' amma loyal BITCH' written on it, and a black purse was in her hand. Even as casual as the dressing was, she looked pretty in it. " so this was the special cloth you're looking for that made you tore apart your wardrobe " I teased her. " I'm wearing this because I couldn't locate the cloth " she replied as she started leaving. " you're pretty " I said aloud, she turned to look at me and I smirked. " you're not looking bad too " she said after accessing me. We got to the sitting room and instead of us to go outside, she head to another door and when she opened it, we're inside the garage. It was my first time entering the garage. I didn't know when I mumbled "wow" when I saw the fleets on exotic cars inside it. Some that I had not seen before. I made a swift count with my eye and the cars inside the garage totalled nine, except the Sienna, all the cars all looked beautiful, clean and shining. She head to where her tricycle was parked and I saw three powerbikes and four bicycles also parked there. She got on her tricycle and brought out a key from inside the purse in her hand and inserted it into the tricycle keyhole, she turned it and it roared to life. She took the helmet hung on its clutch and wore it " sit " she ordered me. " this is insulting you know " I said staring at her. She opened the transparent glass on the helmet to look at me. " what's insulting there " she asked. " me sitting behind a girl on a bike to a party, please give me a perfect definition of disgrace if not this " I replied her. " are you sure you can ride on of those " she asked me pointing at the bikes parked. They all looked gigantic but it's better to ride it even with less experience about it than sitting behind her. " yeah " I replied. " alright " she said taking her helmet off and exited the garage. She returned few minutes later with a key in her hand which she handed to me. " it's the key for this " she said pointing at one of the black bike there. " make sure nothing do it or else two of us are not sleeping inside this house tonight " she said smiling as I climbed the bike. I inserted the key, held unto its brake as I ignited it to life. " we're good to go " I said as I took the helmet attached to it off and wore it. She also got on her tricycle and ignited it, she revved it for some seconds before she started riding it out of the garage and I followed behind her. The gate was opened for us without any query and sooner than later, we're already on the road. I made sure I was following behind her, making sure she's in my view even tho I didn't want to risk going on high speed with the bike because of my lack of experience. She would some time increased her speed, I knew it was to tease me and all I could do was add little speed to mine and pray I caught up with her. The journey to Philip place was a fast one . We didn't use up to fifteen minutes on the road. His house isn't that far from ours. The gateman guarding the house asked us to identify ourselves before allowing us entrance into the house. Every where was already filled with different type of cars, some having drivers inside it while some doesn't have. I saw four bikes like mine parked, I also saw Azeezah's car with the same driver that drove us to the mall in it. Happy and I looked for a free space to park our rides. The house wasn't that big but it looked nice. " will his parents not complain " I asked Happy as we made our way in. " Philip live alone with his brother but his brother travelled out of the country last month to further his education, so he got the whole house to himself. " Happy replied me. I was marvelled at that but I suppressed it. It's really a miracle that someone with such freedom is still able to be the most brilliant student in the school. I was sure I would have gone rogue if I was the one. On opening the door to the house, a loud wave of music hit us which got me wondering if the music was just switched on or the house was soundproofed. I was sure the living room setting was changed to imitate a club. Everywhere was sort of dark because of the dimmed colour bulbs that was on but I could still recognised some of my classmates I was seeing. Only a single sofa was available with some small plastic chairs which doesn't have a brace to support one's back. I saw Oscar at a side with DJ,s instruments in front of him and a big headset was on his ear. His hand was working on the disk jockey in front of him and a laptop which he seemed to be playing his music from. Many students were inside the room gyrating to the toxical rhymes coming out of the two speakers placed in different angles. I saw three guys wearing a black polo, they looked like barman as they had an hanger in their hands containing different types of non alcoholic drinks and red cups as they paraded through the dancing students. " thought you're not going to make it " Philip danced towards the two of us with a red cup in his hand. " go look for your queen, got to take mine " he added as he held Happy's hand and took her away from me. Not wanting to be in the company of Azeezah soon, I mingled with the students dancing and started showing the poisonous move I got. I wasn't much of a dancer but I was graced with a flexible body that makes me look like world best dancer any time I'm dancing. One of the guys in black located me and handed me a red cup, he took one of the drinks inside the hanger in his hand and poured it into the cup for me. " thank you " I mumbled as I gulped down the drink at a go. It was sweet and tasted like an apple drink but I knew something was wrong with it but not wanting to lose the mood I was in, I swiftly tapped the guy and asked him to pour me another cup. He looked like me with a kinda expression that showed that he was surprised but poured the drink per my order. " an advice " he said placing his mouth beside my ear. " you sip it, not drink it " he said and disappeared into the crowd. " what does he mean " I asked rhetorically as I gulped down the drink again at a go. It was chilled and sweet, tho it tasted like an apple but it was sort of exceptional unlike anything I've tasted. I wanted to call one of the guy to give me more and that was when I knew that I had successfully done myself, as my eye started getting dizzy and I felt my legs losing its balance. To be continued...
24 Jun 2020 | 14:38
24 Jun 2020 | 16:17
Chaiii,chairman don booze oo,wahala dey!!!
24 Jun 2020 | 17:01
Another plan to get u laid... na to start to dey perform remain
25 Jun 2020 | 04:26
Am so sorry for you Mr man...
25 Jun 2020 | 05:54
That's good, next pls.
25 Jun 2020 | 08:23
This time around na Video recording they will and then share it with the NTA
25 Jun 2020 | 10:10
@ryder hope u go vote for me nah
25 Jun 2020 | 14:45
@senatordaniel this one wey @coolval222-2 put mouth, i no dey o
25 Jun 2020 | 15:18
Must you tell happy about the sex stuff. Can't you make decision on your own? Next please
25 Jun 2020 | 17:12
next o
25 Jun 2020 | 17:15
You disregards his advice, you will see the outcome now, next please
25 Jun 2020 | 23:17
The man don tell u but u no go listen
26 Jun 2020 | 12:35
Next episode biko
26 Jun 2020 | 19:11
olojukokoro omode
26 Jun 2020 | 20:09
gbam..............u don enter one chance
27 Jun 2020 | 05:40
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 31? When I was in Badagry, I don't associate with many people but my neighbours were out of the equation. Tho we all ain't on frequent speaking term but we still converse and outta my neighbours, their was a guy I got acquainted with, he's a bachelor in the house, should be between twenty five and twenty seven years of age. He was a plumber and tiler but you might even argue with him if you don't see him in action that he's a plumber when he tell you that that was what he was doing . A handsome and cute guy with a great sense of dressing. Always neat and clean every time. Tho apart from being a plumber and tiler, he's got a side hustle which always take most of his night (IYKWIM) but he doesn't allow this midnight job to tamper with his day job and his day job also serve as a perfect cover for his midnight job because no one can get suspicious of him except anyone he allowed to get a wiff of it like me. His name is Solomon but I usually refer to him as brother Solomon because he's older than me. He always gift me some of his clothes that are already rebelling against his size. I always follow him to a football pitch located in one of the government owned nursery and primary school in the area in some evening where we always bet on football and the winner win the money but most time we always play set where the loser have to withdraw from the game while another team replace them . The reason I got along well with brother Solomon was because of his age and he's nice, tho he tried many time to inculcate me into his night hustle but I always tell him that it wasn't the right time for me to join him, if I had stayed a year more in Badagry, I was sure to have join him because I've never for once see anything wrong in it and he's not the lazy type who based all his life on it. He even promised to get me a phone when I start. He also have Ps3 which I play in his room when nepa give us light and when he switch on his generator. Brother Solomon is someone who's got a knack for flexing, except if he's got a contract which he had to use his Sunday for, he's always nowhere to be found at home on Sunday. He's got many spots he always go but his favourite spot is Marina. He always tag me along most time. My mom liked him because he's the gentle type, respectful and never found in the company of the bad boys in the neighbourhood and most importantly, he's got a moderate job he's doing, so mom never find any reason not to allow me in his company. He was the one who thought me how to swim and forged me into a great swimmer. I didn't train how to swim inside a pool or small river, I did it inside an ocean and I was sure I could challenge even a veteran swimmer to a swimming competition because of the confidence I built from been inside the large ocean, tho I might lose when it come to the displaying of skills, brother Solomon didn't teach me that because he also forgot to learn it but I can still swim with my face facing the sky. When going to Marina, brother Solomon is always in the company of one of his three girlfriends and on many occasions, I've gotten drunk on the smirnoff or Snapp I always order if he didn't order wine but beer. And when this happen, brother Solomon would either make us trek from marina in Badagry to Ajara Topa where our house is situated and before we get home, my eye would already be cleared but we always do this when we leave the venue early in the evening but if it's already late, the next prescription from brother Solomon would be the ordering of a very pepperish pepper soup not minding how many I've already had when we got there and after taking the pepper soup, he would asked me to join the peeps dancing and since I'm already high, I always dance like it was a competition where the best dancer would win one million naira. Brother Solomon was sure to always record me on his phone and we would laugh about it when I'm sober. His two prescription always work and by the time I get home after licking tomtom, mom wouldn't be able to find out I took anything alcoholic. Brother Solomon always make sure I get home sober because he doesn't want to look like a bad influence and he liked my company because I'm a coded guy according to him. It pained that I couldn't bid him bye when I left Badagry because he was out of the state for one of his work during that time. I've been drunk many times to know when I'm off limit. But what was surprising was that I've built my immunity against alcoholic substance to a stage where two cups of whatever alcoholic drink was served should not have hit me at that velocity. I always consume more than seven bottles of smirnoff or Snapp and some time take from the gin brother Solomon brought before my eye always start turning on its own. I paused on my track as I tried to steady my gaze and get a hold of myself. I knew what I need was to sweat everything out but I need a pepperish substance to enhance the sweating. I decided to settle for dancing with the absence of a pepperish substance. It was at that same time that dj Oscar hit a hot party mixtape, I jumped up as I mingled more into the students and started dancing like someone who was set ablaze. I even felt a lady's ass on my dick, grinding me, I was too lost in the dance to do something about it and with the way the room was dark and my eye half shut, I didn't know who the girl was and I left her to do her thing since we're in the mood of party. After dancing for over fifteen minutes, the song's volume was reduced and we all stopped dancing, the girl disappeared at once and I couldn't see who she was but she was a great dancer and knew the real usage of her waist and ass. " hello guys " Philip started talking as the volume of the song was at an echo range. He was standing beside the dj as a spotlight suddenly shone on him. " as ya'll know that the party was organised because of Azeezah, one of our very own by I the emir of ss2 and my classmates in order to honour her time among us because today was her last day in school, if it had been glass cups in your hands, I would have asked us to clink to her but since we can't do that, I want an ovation for her as she drop her last speech " he said and everyone started clapping as Philip handed her the microphone in his hand. The spotlight was now on her and I could see her clearly. I could tell that I was already sober and any attempt at disgracing my village people was already off. She was wearing a fitted armless red gown, which was barely below her thigh, her hair had been remake , she was wearing a high heel shoe and she was damn hot and extremely beautiful. I missed out on almost all her speech as I was focused more on her body than what she's uttering. " I know I'm not the type of girl who's sociable with everyone but thank ya'll for been here to bid me bye and I'll miss ya'll especially my classmates and my reputable emir, and I also want to thank someone who made me know the real pleasure associated to love and also made me know what true love mean in just a day, he's stood up for me, fight for me and made me happy, I'm sure everyone already know who I'm talking about because I'm sure my picture trend beyond my class, he's been here since but wouldn't show his face but I'm sure he would be hearing me now, so Ben you can come out of your hiding now " she said smiling. " thank ya'll for this, hope we all meet in future in one piece " she rounded her speech on that note before handing the microphone back to Philip. " the party will come to an end on the dot of five and please make sure you don't leave condoms on the floor of the rooms you used or else I will be left with no option than to shut those six room's door, keep the booze going and once again, don't take over a cup and my sincerest apology for the lack of minced meat, I ordered it but I didn't know what went wrong, so let's just manage the drink like that and ss2c, don't be in rush to leave when it's five, dj Oscar, please hit that dial" he said and the music went back on. " hello pretty " I greeted Azeezah as I got to where she was standing. She wrapped her arm around my neck and kissed me deeply at once, I pulled her closer to me by her waist as I wrapped my arm around it as we continued kissing deeply. " wow " she exclaimed as we disengaged the kiss. " been anticipating for that since " she said smiling " you're beautiful " I complemented her. " I looked beautiful for you only " she said smiling. " thank you my love " I said also smiling. " so where have you been hiding since " she asked me staring into my eye. " I was dancing after I mistakenly got high on whatever was put inside those red cups shared " I replied her. " wait, you got high on just a sip of Philip's special " she said laughing. " I gulped down two cups at once " I retorted. " what " Azeezah exclaimed. " and you're not misbehaving now " she said looking surprised. " I've handled worse " I said smiling. " but what the hell is inside that drink " I asked her. " no one know except Philip, that's why it's called Philip's special and everyone knows well to sip it bit by bit till you're through with it " she replied me. " enough of the talking " she added as she held my hand. " let's go " she said as she led the way. We took the staircase to the first floor, we got to a room and she unlocked the room with a key I didn't know was in her hand. " this is Philip brother's room and he allowed us to use it" she said as we entered the room. The room looked more likely like mine except for the Fc Barcelona wallpaper and some musician's wallpaper pasted on the wall. She took off her shoe as we entered the room and she locked the door. " what are we doing here " I asked her feigning not to know the reason we're there. " shhh" she whispered as she placed her index finger on my lip. She withdrew her finger as she replaced it with her lip. She placed my hands on her butt as she kissed me more ferociously this time. I was trying to object but I got to know then that kissing was my weak point. The more she explored my mouth, lest I could find strength to resist her as her lifted her up and without disengaging the kiss, I took her to the king size bed inside the room and gently dropped her on it. I laid on her as we continued kissing and she wrapped her legs on back to pin me more to her. We disengaged the kiss and we both stared into each other's eye with lust written all over it for some seconds before she pulled my ash polo and I stretched my hands forward to make it easy taking it off and she did the same to my white singlet. I lowered my head down as I started kissing her neck, she started letting out a soft moan as she shut her eye. Her breath started becoming irregular, I traced ny hand to her back and slightly pulled down the zip on her clothes which made the cloth loose. I pulled it down a bit to reveal her bra, she was wearing a pink bra. Without taking it off, I kissed her cleavage before I returned back to kissing her neck. " do you really want this " I whispered into her ear. " yeah " she moaned out. " let's stop for a while " I said as I got down from her body and sat beside her. She opened her eye and saw her cloth loose, her first instinct swing into action as she swiftly got the clothes to cover her exposed bra. She's a virgin, probably not seen naked by any guy, what I presumed she would do if she find herself naked beside a guy for the first time was to first try to cover herself up and she did it. I knew it wasn't the solution to the problem, she loved me and I was sure it was just her first instinct that caused it but she love me, she's gonna get comfortable and wouldn't even mind me seeing below her pant. " you're not ready you see " I kickstarted the next part of the plan. " I am " she retorted. " then why did you cover yourself up when you opened your eye and saw that your clothes is off your body " I asked staring at her and she let the cloth drop from her hand so that her bra is visible again. " I did that because it was the first time I'm naked in front of a guy " she replied me as she placed her hand on my chest. " I know " I said as I scoffed. " but you're still not ready " I added. " why " she asked. " firstly, the main reason we're doing this is wrong, it's just because of your personal vendetta with your dad, don't get me wrong, I know you love me enough to allow me have sex with you if I ask you for it but the motive for it now is wrong and I'm sure a part of you is screaming at you that this is wrong and you shouldn't push through with it but you're suppressing that voice because you wanted to think what you are doing is right " I explicated and she was silent. " I love you so much to defy or take advantage of you because of what's happening to you and even in the future,you might be lucky not to marry Mohammed and find someone who you'll love more than you do to me and you'll happily have him take you without a voice screaming at you that it's wrong " I continued. " and then you'll remember today and will offer a silent prayer for me " I said smiling. " what if I later end up with Mohammed " she asked. " then you can come to me and I promise you, even if I'm married, I'll take you to bed and make love to you with all the love I've gotten for you in my heart " I said and at that moment, I meant what I said but a part of me was sure that she wasn't going to end up with Mohammed. " Azeezah " I called out as I held her two hands, tears was already strolling down from her face. " please stop crying " I said as I used my hand to clean her face. If she had been the type that use makeup, her face would have been messed up. " please promise me that you won't be coerced to make a decision against your will because of the way your dad is treating you " I said staring into her eye. " one, you're right about the voice but me wanting to have sex with you might have to do with my dad but a part of my heart still support it because I love you and want you to be the one taking my virginity but I'm promising you that I wouldn't make any negative decision because I want to get back at my dad again and I love you " she said as she kissed me. " I will be the most luckiest person on earth if I later end up with you, a guy like you is scarce, you're one in a million, I don't think any guy will see this kinda opportunity and miss it " she said smiling. " maybe I'm impotent " I said humorously. " then you must have a placed a big hard stick in your trouser " she retorted smiling. " you might be right " I said laughing I helped her to zip up her dress before we started cuddling and kissing again till it was few minutes past five before we finally exited the room. By the time we got down, the party was already down and almost all the students had gone. All the faces I was seeing was that of my classmates. The music was playing at a low volume and Oscar wasn't at his position again. Everyone was sitting down. " we've been waiting for the two of you since " Philip said as we got closer to them. " why " I asked with a confused countenance. " so that we can start our ritual " he said smiling mischievously. " ritual biti bawo " I didn't know when that escaped my lip in my local dialect. To be continued...
28 Jun 2020 | 04:29
Please continue is getting more interesting...
28 Jun 2020 | 06:25
Hmmm ben issa strange guy... i trust @Iphemloid @Thecomely and @Harzaroboy
28 Jun 2020 | 08:48
Me sef is wondering what the ritual is about
28 Jun 2020 | 08:49
@hernymary main man i no dea lose chance nitemi o. ask @ladyg nd my brothers @emmy01 @ele1 nd @timson7373
28 Jun 2020 | 12:15
@fb-danieledem make dey bend am naa sha e wan belong.
28 Jun 2020 | 15:30
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 32? The journey back home was a silent one. It was already late, few minutes to seven pm, we both parked our rides inside the garage and didn't utter a word to ourselves because of what happened at their stupid ritual. We're already on the way back to our room when dad and mom called us. They're sitting in the living room watching a program on the large TV which looked like it was built alongside the wall. " good evening mom and dad " I greeted the two of them likewise Happy. " how was the party " mom asked and I didn't know if to reply her that something unspeakable happened there or lie to her. " it was fine ma " Happy replied because I was mute. " did you two fight or darling am I the only one sensing that something is wrong " dad asked my mom. " the two of them looked unhappy " mom said staring at me. " nothing happened and I'm not eating dinner " Happy said as she exited the scene. " what happened Ben " dad asked me. " nothing, what's up to eat " I asked so that no question will fly around again and I was hungry, after going through what I went through in the party, I knew sleeping on empty stomach might be a direct passage to hade. " check the microwave and help yourself to anything you want " mom said to me. " so how's the supermarket today " I asked her as I head to the kitchen. " it was fine " she said but I was already inside the kitchen. Dad already got her a supermarket which I was yet to see because of school but I promised her that I would visit her on weekend. I took a plate and took a wrap of semo and peeled it into the plate, I opted for egusi soup outta the different type of soup inside it and took a big fish. I took a sealed bottled water from inside the fridge and head to my room. " so it's only your mom's work you're after abi, not your dad's own " dad teased as I got back to the sitting room. " I'm sorry sir but I'm sure your business is thriving well unlike my mom's own where she's a novice about the whole thing " I replied and dad bursted into laughter. " Oya go and return that food, I'm starving you this night " mom said humorously. " if she take the food from you, I'll drive you to a nice restaurant to have a delicious meal " dad retorted smiling. " the two of you will sleep outside if you try it " mom said. " thank God they're many hotels around " dad retorted. " must you always have a reply " mom said with a frustrated countenance. " I'm off " I said and made attempt to leave the two love birds. " Solomon called me today " she said and I paused on my track. " wow " I exclaimed. " give me his number " I said as I reversed my steps. " go and collect it from him in Badagry " she said as she focused her gaze on the TV. " I'll take you to Badagry tomorrow after school " dad said humorously. " e they the two of you body " mom said smiling as I head to my room. I couldn't get the event that happened at the ritual off my head. After I was through with my meal, I returned the plate and returned to my room to think about what happened again. When I found the thought trying to bore hole into my head, I decided to opt in for other means of distraction. I switched on my game and started playing pro evolution soccer (pes). It wasn't working as computer was trashing me anyhow and I was sure if I continued like that, I might be relegated in master league. I decided to opt in for chatting. I took my phone and login to Fb and the first post I saw on my timeline was a shared short story from one of my friends written by Horluwap1 . It was titled SHE WAS NAUGHTY. I decided to read it first before I go along with my main plan. The story was said to be a short story but it was sort of bulky but I got the message passed across from it and I enjoyed it, tho I feel for the guy but he kinda deserved what he got. After I was through with the story, I checked the list of my friends that's online and I found my bestie among those online. " hello my cute bestie " I chatted Tope up. As if she's already been waiting for my message she replied at once. " I'm fine my handsome " she replied. " how was school today " I asked her. " it was stressful as usual unlike you that you're in one that felt like you're at home " she replied. " I'm smelling jealousy in the air " I teased her . " I'm not jealous, just passing across what's in my mind " she replied. " so what about Azeezah, did you finally kickstarted something with her" she asked. I told her about the hangout when I got back from the mall on Monday. " yeah we did and we also put everything to an end today "I replied her. " I can't understand what you're saying " she texted. I explained everything that happened to her and she was also pained about it but I made sure I excluded the part of the ritual, it's not something I was proud of and to make it worse, I kinda enjoyed what happened. After I started chatting with her, I was able to get the matter off my mind for that moment. I was still chatting with her when I heard a knock on my door and mom came in. " brb " I texted Tope before I quit the application. " idunu mi " mom said as she came to sit beside me. She placed her hand on my head as she stared at me for some minutes before she pecked me on my forehead. " I'm proud of you son " she said as she held my hand. " the party was alright and nothing happened " I said to her because I knew what was coming next. Mom always try to play on the emotion key whenever she's trying to get something I wasn't ready to release from me. " I knew it, you're a bastard, the nurse must have mistakenly switch you during birth " she said humorously. " if not that I've come to love you more than anyone or anything in this world, I would have sued them and asked them to provide my real child " she added on the same note she ended the first. " I love you too " I said smiling. " but Ben why are you doing this to your mom, I know something happened in that party and I've been to Happy's room but she's claiming that nothing happened when it's glaring that something happened, tell me na, you know I don't like to be left curious " she said with a sulking expression. " mom " I called her. " I'm serious, nothing happened, we're just exhausted that's all " I added and made sure I sounded convincing. " hmmm" she sighed deeply. " alright, I'll trust you son " she said giving up. " your dad said I should give you this " she said putting the bike's key I rode to the party into my hand. " is this " I asked not completing my sentence. " yeah, it's the bike tho I'm against him gifting it to you because of your safety but he always do what he want " she said smiling. " don't worry mom, I'll be careful when riding it and help me to appreciate him "I said smiling. " and here " she said handing me a paper. " that's Solomon number, he said you should call him soon because he has already missed you " she said. " alright I'll do that " I said dropping the paper on the table. " okay, I should take my leave now so that you can sleep early, good night my treasure, I love you" she said before she exited my room. I was very happy on obtaining the bike for myself, I'll be able to train myself on how to ride it with full courage. I decided to call brother Solomon the next day because I was sure our conversation would make me sleep late and I wished to have breakfast at home because I don't want to go into the cafeteria for the time been. My plan worked when I woke up exactly six thirty AM. I swiftly took my bath, dressed up for school before I head to the sitting room. I met mom and susan inside the kitchen. " good morning mom " I greeted my mom and she looked surprised to see me waking up early. " morning my jewel " mom responded hiding her expression. I winked at susan and she smiled at me. " I'm having my breakfast at home " I said to her. " the dining table is set, your brother is already there " mom said to me. " susan please help me to put rice inside a plate or should I come and do it myself " I asked staring at my mom. " I'll still go and sacrifice you Ahmadioha one day" I heard mom mumbled and Susan scoffed. " hope that day come soon " I said smiling as she brought out a cooler. " jollof or white " mom asked me. " white " I replied her. She dished me white rice and fried stew which had different kind of small fishes and crayfish inside it apart from the egg I asked her to place on it instead of fish or meat. I sat inside the kitchen and ate my food. " once a village boy, always a village boy "mom teased me but I didn't reply her as I ate my food in peace. I had to join Happy and Chris inside the car because I was not quick enough with my food, especially with mom's present, their was no way I will be fast to finish it. That morning it was Mr Adamu behind the steering instead of dad. I greeted him as I got into the car and the journey commenced . I sat beside Happy but no word was exchanged between the two of us till we got to school. Chris made sure to remind me of my promise before he head to his block . I head to the locker room to get the books I needed for that morning but funnily, their was no subject, P.E was boldly written on the portion where the subjects should have been written. I picked up Native son story book and head to class where I met some students already inside and Gina was also inside the classroom, smiling as she watched me moved closer to her. " good morning " I grudgingly greeted her as I sat down. She had a smile on her lips as she gazed at me and I tried hard to pretend not to know she was staring at me. " you can't even appreciate me for that dance yesterday " she said to break the silence that was reigning between the two of us. " which dance " I asked with a confused countenance. She didn't reply but smiled mischievously at me. " you are that girl " I exclaimed as I remembered about the anonymous girl that grind me at the party when I was trying to sober up. " ya'll sick in this class " I said shaking my head. " then welcome to the psychiatric ward " she said smiling. " but how could ya'll do that to me " I asked staring at her. " do what " she asked feigning ignorance. " your stupid ritual " I replied her. " did we really do anything " she asked smiling mischievously. To be continued...
28 Jun 2020 | 15:33
Oga, which kind suspense be dis? What's the ritual all about?
28 Jun 2020 | 19:45
What happened at d ritual na?
28 Jun 2020 | 19:58
Caqry on
29 Jun 2020 | 01:00
@thecomely. Brovo guy w
29 Jun 2020 | 01:18
Hmmmm, may be they gang knack Happy
29 Jun 2020 | 09:36
Oga don't use ur supence kill me oo........
29 Jun 2020 | 11:34
What is the ritual all about....
29 Jun 2020 | 12:48
Haaa!!..Ritual! Ritual!! Ritual!! What happened in d ritual
29 Jun 2020 | 13:14
And ben so u gina was d mystery girl dat u rocked..hmmm i even wonder what cause ben and happy silence
29 Jun 2020 | 13:16
Next biko
29 Jun 2020 | 13:16
U want us to die in suspense what is the ritual all about
29 Jun 2020 | 13:20
bravo the suspense is killing here
29 Jun 2020 | 13:24
the ritual is a killer suspense
29 Jun 2020 | 13:27
What kind of naught ritual culd dat b dat nobody dares 2 talk abt huh ?
29 Jun 2020 | 13:53
This suspense bad oooo. Tell us sumtin abt the ritual!!!
29 Jun 2020 | 14:48
29 Jun 2020 | 17:01
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 33? " forget it " I said not wanting to drag the issue with her again. " why are we not having any subject this morning " I asked her. " because today is for sport " she replied me. " you mean we're going to use the whole day for sport instead of learning " I asked her with a perplexed expression. " yeah, only our ss3 and js3 won't be out for sport " she replied me. " fantabulous " I muttered, mesmerised by the length at which the school valued comfort. I picked the native son I brought and started reading it. That should be the fifth time I was rereading it since I've been a senior student. I really love the story not minding how bulky it was. Wright really did a great job in it, unveiling the phobia the white instilled into the black then, tho it's still happening like the case of a black man who was murdered last year by a policeman, without the guy doing anything, the white policeman choked him to death with his knee on his neck. Bit by bit, I got lost into the story that I lost track of things happening around me. I was already in page fifty six when I drafted back to earth and found out that the class was already filled with students, but Gina wasn't by my side again. I brought my face down as I wasn't ready to look anyone in the face after what happened at their so called ritual. I returned the book back to my face to continue reading but nothing was entering my head again. I tried hard to shut my ears against the chittering of the class but it wasn't working. Not knowing what to do again, I placed my head on the locker and shut my eye. Maybe it was because it was my first time partaking in it but all of them looked like all that happened yesterday was normal. I was saved from my plight when the speaker inside the class made an announcement that it was time for sport. " hello wife snatcher " Philip said smiling as he walked closer to me. " are you talking to me " I asked as I stood up from my seat. " who else is the wife snatcher in this class if not you " he asked me with an expression that depicted that he was just been typical Philip. " but guy which kind soap you they use " he asked me. " soap " I said with a perplexed expression. " I suppose pursue you comot from this class before you carry belle give all the girls right under my nose " he said in pidgin English. " where is the sport taking place " I asked to change the topic. " are you not going change before you go for sport or are you going to do sport in your school uniform " he asked me as my plan worked perfectly. " but I wasn't given a sportswear " I said to him. " have you been to the dressing room and not see your mini wardrobe there " he asked me. " wardrobe " I said with a perplexed countenance. " looks like ya lost, follow me " he said as we exited the class, the class was almost empty by this time. " so what sport are you going to register for " he asked me as we head to the dressing room . " which ones does the school have to offer " I asked him. " every sports " he replied smiling. " then I'll be opting in for swimming, running and football " I said to him. " wait " he said as he suddenly stopped. " you can play football " he asked me. " I think I've got some skills " I replied him smiling. " finally " he said excitedly as he threw his fist into the air. " our saviour is here " he added still looking excited. " if I were you, I won't get my hopes up " I said smiling as we continued with our journey. " your present in our class football team will still make a different because all of us are quack at it, only Azeez was good and always liberate us but since he has left, the way we're chopping cane back to back, our name should have been changed to canaan " he said smiling. " canaan " I repeated as it sounded funny to me. " but don't be jealous when I show you who's the boss in the other two sports you are opting for because I'm the best in the two " he said. " no one come close to me when it comes to running and swimming in this school and I've gotten many awards for the school " he said proudly. " well it will be an honor to learn from a pro like you " I said teasingly but he thought I was serious. If only he had seen me run or swim, he would be more cautious of his position. If I had not been an introvert type in my former school in Badagry , I would have won many awards for it. But I was keen to do things right now with the second chance I got. " here we are " he said as he opened a door which had the inscription male dressing room at its top. Guys were busy walking up and down only in boxer. The dressing room was for all ss2 guys. Few inches away from the entrance were many lockers arranged on a file but they're more bigger than the ones which our books are taking nap. Philip walked ahead without checking any of the lockers and stopped at a point . " what's your locker number " he asked me. " it's number ten" I replied him. " then that should be assigned to locker seventeen " he muttered and I wondered what he meant. " ss2c students locker's number start from thirteen and stopped on eighteen " he added when he noticed I was confused. I solved the puzzle at once, every student's locker was there and there are twelve students in every classes with six boys, ss2a own it from one to six, b from seven to twelve while my class which was ss2c falls on thirteen to eighteen portion. He opened the number thirteen locker and took out just a boxer from inside it, there was other clothes inside it but he only picked the boxer and shut the locker. " why did you take only that " I asked him. " because swimming trunk is suitable for swimming and running without a need to change " he replied me. " so it was a swimming trunk not a boxer " I said in my mind. " so I'll advice you to also go for this option " he added. " what about football " I asked him. " the school football team only train every Thursday at closing time so that students on the team can have chance to try out for other sports today " he replied me. We're in front of my locker and unlike the one for books, it has no password frame attached to it. I opened it and also picked the swimming trunk inside it. We moved farther from the locker and there was a demarcation for all classes with plywood more in a big cubicle form. It was just three and everyone had its inscription on it. Science, Art and Commercial. Philip opened the door and I saw all the guys in my class inside it with some strange faces. " emir " the guys started hailing Philip as he had swift shaking of hand with everyone inside the room. I only nodded my head and sat down on one of the benches inside it. Some were already through with changing and they left . It was kinda odd to me because I rarely change in front of anyone but I wade the odd feelings off as I started unbuttoning my shirt . After wearing the swimming trunk which clung tightly to my thigh, I felt like everyone was seeing my dick because it made a huge bump inside the trunk. " are you set " Philip asked me when he was through . " yeah " I replied as I stood up from the bench and used my hand to cover my down part . " you're funny " he said when he noticed I was covering my dick. " I feel like I'm kinda naked " I told him and everyone remaining inside the dressing room bursted into laughter. " you'll get use to it " Philip said also laughing. We returned our school uniform into our locker. We departed from our block and head to another block which had the inscription " SPORT COMPLEX " on it. We entered and it was unlike anything I've seen before. A table tennis court was visible at an angle, bowling court at another angle and different types of other sport courts was seen as we ascended different floors. The swimming pool was situated at the first floor. I've only seen such kind of swimming pool on NTA where they're always fond of showing recap of Olympic sports. The water was blue due to its background and was well segmented with thick ropes that had some marble looking stuffs attached to it in order for each swimmers to know their spots There was a man who was wearing joggers and a green polo and had a note in his hand talking to students that were standing in front of him. Both girls and boys, and with the different in size, it looked like both the junior and senior were all together. " good morning instructor " Philip greeted the man as we joined the students. " I'll select only the best to represent us at the state all sports competition that's coming soon, so try to give your all " the instructor rounded up his speech on that note before he dismissed everyone. " instructor " Philip called as he walked over to where the instructor was standing. " how are you Philip " the instructor said referring to Philip. " I'm fine sir " Philip replied smiling. " don't get too overconfident and give your all today, you know I'll be picking only two students to represent the senior category and it will be a loss for us if you aren't among the chosen " he said to Philip. " I know sir and I think I have the second person that's going to the competition with me " Philip said referring to me. " good morning sir " I greeted him. " good morning and who are you " the instructor asked me. " I'm Benjamin, a new student " I replied him. " good, do you have any experience about swimming or you've been to any competition? " he asked me. " I've not been to any competition but I know how to swim " I said and the man scoffed. " you see son " he said placing his hand on my shoulder. " swimming isn't about going to play inside a river with your peers or having fun inside a swimming pool , or have you gotten an instructor to tutor you before " he asked me. " no but " " I'm afraid you won't be able to participate in the competition, maybe next time after I've groomed you properly " he said interrupting me. " please give him a chance to prove himself sir" Philip said coming in for me. " are you sure Philip " he asked Philip. " yes sir " Philip replied. " he looked like someone who got potential " Philip said staring at me. " alright, but he's gonna compete with the seniors now without any grooming from me, if he's able to be among top two, then it's a go for me " the instructor said as he left us. " thank you " I appreciated Philip. " appreciate me by making sure you don't lose " Philip said smiling. " and you're my bro and I'll always come in for you anytime "he added smiling and I was sure that he won my heart at that moment. " let's go get our swimming glasses " he said as we head to a board which was hung on a wall and different type of eyeglasses was hung on it. " the senior boys should gather here " the instructor said standing beside the pool. All the senior boys gathered around him. Some jumping up, some stretching and there was me staring at everyone of them not knowing what to do. " Since you can't compete at once since our pool can't accommodate fourteen students at once, it will be seven at a time and only four students will qualify at a round and the last eight will compete for the final two spots " he instructed us before he grouped us into two. Philip was in another group different from mine and my group was asked to go first. I made sure my glasses was firmly placed on my eye as we all took our positions. " on your spot " the coach screamed and I had to copy what my opponents was doing in order not to make a mistake. " get set " he screamed and everyone stretched their hands forward and I also did the same. The whistle I didn't know was in his hand went off and everyone jumped into the water. I was the last to jump in as started swimming with all the speed I could muster. I was the first person to get to the latter end and stopped, thinking I had won but to my utmost surprise, when the rest got there, they made an amazing turn and used their legs to touch the end and started heading back to where we began. " fuck " I muttered as I returned to swimming but everyone was already in my front. I thought my arm was going to dislocate from my shoulder with the way I was slamming it in the water in order to increase my speed but it was a campaign after election because I took the fifth position. It was almost a tie between me and the student that took the fourth position but his hand got out first. I got out of the water with disappointment written all over my face. " you tried, but maybe your real talent is getting girls like you got the perfect girl at the ritual " Philip said teasingly and the event that occurred at the ritual filled my head again. I remembered Azeezah and the thought how she must be fairing after what I did at the ritual filled my head. " I wasn't proud of that " I screamed at Philip. To be continued...
29 Jun 2020 | 17:05
still suspense...............whats the ritual all about nah
29 Jun 2020 | 17:30
My boo @fb-danieledem abeg leave dem biko cos they ar talkin loblish.
30 Jun 2020 | 07:09
What is it now...
30 Jun 2020 | 09:11
30 Jun 2020 | 12:53
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 34? " chill bro, I'm just joking " he said placing his hand on my shoulder. " I'm sorry, I just kinda lost it " I apologised. " it's alright, I know how you're feeling but have you talked to Azeezah because I called her number but it wasn't reachable " he asked me. After what happened at the ritual that made her left the party, I couldn't bring myself to call her. " no, I haven't, I just spoilt her last day with us like that and I couldn't bring myself to call her " I replied him. " it's alright, I will find a way to get in touch with her but you should still try to talk to her no matter what, it wasn't your fault it happened tho you could have avoided it, but I didn't know why you didn't " he said to me. " I couldn't avoid it because if I had try to, then I would have made a mess of myself " I said to him. " both of you, are you here to chat " the instructor suddenly screamed at us. " go do your thing bro " I said to Philip as I left him and made for the exit as I took the eyeglasses off my face. " Benjamin " I heard a voice called my name like a retired military man, I paused and turned in a slow motion manner and saw the instructor glaring at me. " did I ask you to leave " he screamed at me. " no sir " I replied him. " then where are you going " he asked me. " to drink water because I'm thirsty " I lied. " then you have to keep on been thirsty until you finish competing " he said surprising me. " I don't understand sir, thought it was a one time stuff " I said with a perplexed expression . " I'm giving you a second chance to prove yourself, so get down here and take to the eight spot " he ordered me. " thank you sir " I said excitedly as I joined my opponents that were already at their position. I returned the eyeglasses to my face, ready to utilise the second chance I was given Philip stole a glance at me and smiled. " on your spot " the instructor ordered and everyone of us took to our spot with rapt attention. " get set " he screamed and few seconds later the whistle was blown and we all dived into the water. When I got to the other end, only Philip was there with me. I had seen the turning on NTA many times so I knew what to do tho not professional about it because I don't have any experience. I turned in the water and used my leg against the end to propel myself backward. Philip was already good at it and by the time my turning was completed, he was already few metres ahead of me. With all my strength, I started swimming and by the time I got to the finishing spot, it was a tie between Philip and me. I smiled as I got out of the water. I could see that the instructor was also satisfied with my performance. " that was great " Philip said as he came over to where I was standing as water was dripping down from our body. " thanks " I appreciated him smiling. " I knew you had the potential " he said smiling. " now I've got to up my game because a real challenge is finally here " he added still smiling and he was hundred percent serene about it. He didn't looked anyway bothered or angry that I might be the champion of the school. " looks like we'll be the one representing the school in the competition " I said to him. " yeah, it look like that but we still have to place top two in the final challenge first " he said. " try to make sure you display this kind of performance again and we'll be the winner, you've got to win because nothing else will make me happy than seeing the two of us going to represent the school, sharing the honour with no class " he said it more like a prep talk by a coach before an important football match. " I'll try not to disappoint you " I said and the instructor asked the nine of us to gather again for the final challenge. I fist bump with him before we all took to our position. After the usual call from the instructor, the whistle was blown and we all dived into the water. Philip and I like we did before got to end first and this time I made sure to be swift with my turning, almost at same speed with Philip but he was better than me. It was a tie between us again when we got to the finishing spot. We embraced eachother happily when we got out of the water. The instructor asked me to give him my full name and I did. He asked Philip and I to see him before going home. " let's go and clean up " Philip said to me as he led me to a room on the floor where many white towels were hung on an hanger . We both pick one each and dried our body. He showed me another hanger which was empty. " that's where we hang used towel so that another person won't use it " he said and we both hung the towel we used. He showed me to a board which looked like the one we got our eyeglasses from and he told me that it's the spot where they return used eyeglasses. We both dropped the eyeglasses on it before we exited the room. " you still need to be tutor in swimming, you're great with speed but you still need skills and polishing " he said to me as we started descending. " if you want, I can teach you " he offered. " I'll like that " I said to him. " maybe we can use the swimming pool at your place " he said and paused as I turned to look at him. " are you sure you're only coming for tutoring or you've got a hidden motive lurking behind your offer " I said glaring at him. " the main motive is grooming you and anything that follow is the grace of God " he said smiling mischievously as he left me and continued walking. " where's the school pitch located " I said catching up with him. " it's not that far " he replied. " I even got something to ask you " he said with a serious countenance. " what's that " l asked him. " what's Happy like at home " he asked. " I don't understand " I replied him. " what I mean is that is she the naughty type or the semi gentle girl she is at school " he explicated himself. " I don't know " I replied him. " why are you behaving like this na, help your bro in need " he said as he wrapped his arm around my neck. " thought she was your queen, why can't you ask her yourself " I asked him. " that girl is a witch " Philip said and for a few moment I forgot who Philip was and almost got angry for calling her a witch but when I remembered who he was, I was cool. " and why will you call your queen a witch " I asked him. " in this school, I've got many girls throwing themselves at me, some are even begging me to date them because they all love me but you see that girl that called herself Happiness, I've tried everything to get her as my girl but she won't budge " he replied me. " the only thing she always insist on is that we should just be friends or do you know if she has a boyfriend, maybe not staying in this country because with all my findings, I'm sure she's single " he added and I scoffed. " I don't think she's taken, maybe she also love you but doesn't want to display it " I said trying hard not to laugh because it was kinda funny to me. " and per your first question, she's the same at home as she is at school " I added offering reply to his first question. " or you can help me to get her since the two of you stay together " he said looking pitiable. " I can try but I'm not promising " I said to him. " hope you didn't start developing any form of attachment towards her after what happened yesterday " he asked me. " what " I exclaimed as the event that occurred at the ritual replayed in my head. " no, that's not possible " I said with spite portraying in my voice. " do you hate her " he asked staring at me with a surprised countenance. " no, why will I hate her but she's not my type " I said to cover my track as it's now a must to hide the fact that we're partially siblings after what happened between the two of us at the ritual. " a bonus for me " he said smiling. " but why are we barefooted " I asked him as I started feeling my feet getting heated up. " because I forgot to ask us get our boots inside the locker and I don't feel like going to go get it again " he replied me. " and we're here " he said pointing at the pitch. I couldn't help but think how rich Mr Popoola was to be able to build everything I was seeing inside the school. The pitch was a standard one with seats for spectators surrounding it, it even had cover to protect the spectators from sun or rain. It was a football pitch with green grass covering every aspect of it. Outside the rectangle for football was the lane for the athletes drawn. It was a permanent lane unlike my former school where we're always coerced into bringing sawdust or remnant of panel beaters white substance in order to be able to draw lane for running during inter-house sport competition. The pitch had the structure which made it seemed like a big pit was created and it was deposited inside it. The spectators stand was at the upper level and we had to descend through a staircase in order to get down into the pitch. " are you fast " he asked me as we walked down to join the rest of the students on the field. " I think so" I replied him. " please be fast, Mohammed is my only headache here because we have almost the same speed but if you can be fast enough to beat him, then it's a plus for our class as you'll be the school fastest runner " he said to me . Even if I'm not fast enough, I was ready to push my speed to the highest since I'll be going against Mohammed. " alright bro " I said. " but why is no one running " I asked him as every students on the pitch were either in group talking while some were warming up. " because we've got to wait for other sports to end so that all our athletes who are also involve in bi sport like us will be able to join us "he replied me " but don't worry, everyone should be through in the next twenty minutes " he added. " guess who's the best runner among the girls " he asked smiling. " Happy " I muttered. " you're right " he said smiling. " she's an hare among the girls, no one come close to her " he added. " is she here " I asked so that I'll know how to avoid her. " no, she's also a table tennis player and they're yet to be through " he replied me . " because of the upcoming competition, everyone is grooming their best players so as to prepare for the worst because as I heard, it's not going to be easy " he added. " is football also among the sport that's enlisted in the competition " I asked him. " yeah and you have to do everything to get into the school team and even try to oust Mohammed, he's the school best player " he replied. " but why do you hate Mohammed so much " I couldn't help but ask him because it looked like he hated him more than I do. " that piece of garbage always try to form like he's the son of Bill Gate, the idiot was even rated second best student in ss2 when everyone know that he doesn't come close to my Happy and Gina, and he's really a headache, that idiot used to be the second best to Azeez who was the school team number nine but with the departure of Azeez, the idiot was the team main striker and but if you can show to the team coach that you're good, you can kick him back to the second spot that he deserve. " he said and kicked the grass to show the level at which he's got Mohammed in his mind. But what Philip doesn't know was that I wasn't a striker, my style of play is like that of Messi, I'm a playmaker but also proficient in goal scoring and my speed also help me on the pitch and I was also a great dribbler but that should be enough to kick Mohammed aside just like Messi does without been a striker. " let's warm up because we're going to start running once the coach get here and today is the selection of runners that are going to represent the school in both senior and junior aspect " he said and I smiled. My timing was perfect, I could get the chance to participate in the competition both for swimming ,football and running which I was sure no one come close to me unlike swimming. We started doing different kind of activities to warm ourselves up while we discussed. Truth be told, Philip was an awesome guy, funny, humble and nice. My first impression about him was wrong. We're still warming up when I saw Happy coming towards our direction. " and here comes my queen " Philip said as he was the first to see her coming. " did you got selected as the school representative for table tennis " Philip asked her as she got to where we are. I continued warming up pretending as if I didn't see her. " yeah, Gina and I got selected for senior as usual " she replied him. " I trust you, just like your emir and Ben will also be representing the school in swimming competition "he said to her excitedly. " wow " she exclaimed. I knew it wasn't for Philip but me. " congratulations Ben " she said but I feigned to be engrossed in my warm up and couldn't hear what she said. " he's taking the warm up more serious than anyone " Philip said in an humorous manner. " can you spare us some minutes " she said to Philip. " yeah, but I got my eye on the two of you " Philip said before he left us. " hey " Happy said as she stood in front of me. " hi " I said as I didn't stop what I was doing. " it seems like you're avoiding me " she said. " I don't think so " I replied as I switched to press up. " I think you are " she said as she squatted so that she could continued talking to me. " I'm not " I said. " then let's talk about what happened yesterday " she said and I paused what I was doing and stood up. " what do we have to talk about it " I asked her. " everything " she said staring deep into my eye. To be continued... I kw ya'll are eager to settle the matter that happened at the ritual, buh all of una should chillax, Las Las, we wee get there, but when is what I didn't know.
30 Jun 2020 | 16:27
30 Jun 2020 | 16:29
Hmmmm Ben u beta dnt kill ur sef .. Just do what u know how to do best.. As for the ritual..av gat my fingers crossed,las las we go know wetin happen
30 Jun 2020 | 16:46
@Ele1 grandpa @ladyg bae/grandma @fb-danieledem boo/finest @thecomely amudike @iphemloid jungle boy @ciarajessy sweetheart @emmy01 @oneal32 @senatordaniel @paddy2x @fb-ayotundeayodabo @harzaroboy @maths @jehliohn @itzprince @jaylogo @timson7373 And others
30 Jun 2020 | 16:52
Ritual dat z taken a long time bayi wetin dea happen
30 Jun 2020 | 17:30
She/male @henrymary thanks 4 d cal. Ride on.
30 Jun 2020 | 17:43
@Henrymary 0 thanks for d call
30 Jun 2020 | 18:11
Won't you say what actually took place at the ritual rather than placing us on suspense. Next please
1 Jul 2020 | 03:19
Next please i don't care about what happened in the ritual anymore
1 Jul 2020 | 03:53
@fb-danieledem na my spirit tell me
1 Jul 2020 | 04:49
Now I kn what happened at the Ritual, No body was Killed kikikikikikiki. @Henrymary I'm just few seat behind you bro
1 Jul 2020 | 07:00
What happened now...
1 Jul 2020 | 07:32
We go like settle this matter ooo @henrymary how far!!
1 Jul 2020 | 14:35
@ladyg @thecomely @iphemloid kedu nuu?
1 Jul 2020 | 14:45
@kelly-kelvin ofua mma nnaa, kee ka emeri ?
1 Jul 2020 | 16:10
It should be in d next episode
1 Jul 2020 | 17:42
i be settler the matter na your matter it left 4 u to settle am
1 Jul 2020 | 22:16
Always knew it was something sexual between her and u
2 Jul 2020 | 04:17
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 35A? By the time we got down, the party was already down and almost all the students had gone. All the faces I was seeing was that of my classmates. The music was playing at a low volume and Oscar wasn't at his position again. Everyone was sitting down. " we've been waiting for the two of you since " Philip said as we got closer to them. " why " I asked with a confused countenance. " so that we can start our ritual " he said smiling mischievously. " ritual biti bawo " I didn't know when that escaped my lip in my local dialect. " don't be scared " Philip said as everyone bursted into laughter as if they all understand what I uttered in Yoruba. " it's just a game of truth and dare that we always do anytime we organise a party for our class in any one of us house and because of our consistency at it, it had become our ritual " he said clearing me out of the wrong. " oh " I said as I heaved a sigh of relief. Everyone was there, even Gina that I thought wasn't at the party because I didn't see her since I got to the party. " now both of you give me your phone " Philip said stretching his hand towards me. " why " I asked but Azeezah had already handed him her phone which means she wasn't new to it. " because things might get intense here and we're not taking risk of allowing anyone to record anything that happen here because this ain't a child play " he replied me. " okay " I said as I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. He left the scene with the phones in his hand. I locked eye with Happy and she smiled at me. I knew she must be pretending as her minding would be filled with curiosity if I had sex with Azeezah or not. Philip appeared some seconds later with plastic stool arranged into eachother in his hand. He dropped it and asked one of guys to arrange it in the usual manner as he disappeared again and appeared with a mp3 player in his hand and a basket which contained some drinks , a red cup and an empty bottle inside it. The stool was arranged in a circular form leaving space in the middle Philip dropped the basket inside the circle formed by the stools, and unloaded it. He switched the mp3 on and start playing music on it after reducing its sound. " now let's take our seat " Philip beckoned to us and we all moved to sit on the arranged stools. Azeezah and I sat beside ourselves tho there was still space between us. " because of Ben who's new to us, I want all of us to introduce ourselves by standing up and mentioning our name or nickname and I'll start " " I'm Philip, the smartest emir alive " he said raising his hand up. " I'm Gina, tha saucy queen " Gina said standing up with a perky smile. " I'm Oscar, tha spicy fingers " Oscar introduced himself. " I'm Azeezah, tha cute Alhaja " Azeezah introduced herself and I scoffed. Someone who I had not seen her use veil before is claiming Alhaja but she's cute sha, that one she got right. " or could she have been to Mecca before " I asked in my mind as I stole a glance at her. " I'm Oluchi, buh call me Oluchi " Philip sitting partner said smiling mischievously. And I always see her with Happy, maybe they're best pal. " I'm Happy, your hearty queen " Happy said smiling. " I'm Samuel, tha naughty pastor, god bless you all " Happy's sitting partner introduced himself as he stretched his hands at us. " I'm James, but I don't play basketball " the next guy introduced himself with a little sense of sarcasm and I smiled. " I'm Reuben but I wouldn't mind if you call me Atah " the next guy introduced himself. " I'm Toluwalope Ilesanmi, the only diva of ss2c " the next girl introduced herself. " I'm Geraldine but I've not been to Ireland yet nor do I know any Henry Howard " the last girl introduced herself. " that's good, so let's start our game but this time, their won't be bailing out by payment of money, almost everyone was paying the fifty thousand naira we used as penalty the last time, so this time it will only be on my special drink only but don't be scared, I've reduced its alcohol percentage by half but I won't advise you to still gulp down a cup at a go " Philip said smiling. " and as the emir, I'll be turning the bottle first. " Philip said as he placed his hand on the bottle and swirled it . The bottle turned with vigorous power and bit by bit, the power reduced and it finally stopped facing Oscar. Philip cracked his knuckles as he grinned wickedly. " truth or dare " he asked Oscar. " Truth " Oscar said without thinking about it. " alright, going the soft way " Philip muttered smiling. " mention the name of the last girl you gave a head and the last girl that gave you blowjob " Philip asked. " hmmm " Oscar asked as all eye turned on him, some were smiling awkwardly at him. " it's Sophia in ss3a that got my head and gave me blowjob " Oscar said smiling. " wow " Philip mumbled smiling as he returned to seat on the empty stool and Oscar stood up and moved closer to the bottle . He swirled the bottle and it stopped on Reuben. " Truth or Dare " Oscar asked grinning wildly. " Dare " Reuben picked. " uuummmmmphhh " Oscar inhaled with a wicked smile gracing his lip. " I dare you to take off your clothes excluding your boxer and start singing Nigeria national anthems and also recite the pledge " Reuben stood up and did as he was dared and after he was through, he wore his clothes back. Reuben also swirled the bottle and it stopped on Philip. "Truth or Dare " he asked Philip. " Dare " Philip was swift to reply. " I dare you to give Happy a head till she orgasm " Reuben dared Philip and I felt my heart stopped beating as I tried to process what Reuben uttered. Philip stood up smiling and walked to meet Happy " shall we " he said stretching his hands towards her. Happy grabbed his hand and stood up. " what's happening " I whispered almost loudly as I watched Happy stood up calmly. To be continued in part b Part b coming soon, don't sleep nd miss it
2 Jul 2020 | 14:41
2 Jul 2020 | 16:11
Dats a funny part
2 Jul 2020 | 16:45
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 35B? " what's happening " I whispered almost loudly as I watched Happy stood up calmly. " sorry my emir but I will be taking this " Happy said withdrawing her hand from Philip's hand and head to get the red cup, shut her eye and gulped it down at once. " thunder " Philip screamed humorously as he returned to the bottle . I heaved a sigh of relief as I placed my hand on my chest to feel if my heart was still beating. Azeezah noticed my reaction but I smiled at her and feigned as if I was only rubbing my hand on my chest. Philip filled the cup again before he spinned the bottle and it stopped on Toluwalope. " truth or dare " he asked her. " dare " she replied. " I dare you to smooch and romance Ben intensely for five minutes " he ordered her. Azeezah's expression changed at once as she started staring at me. My heart began beating faster than usual. Tolu stood up and looked utterly confused. She stared at me for some seconds before she started heading for the cup. She took the cup and almost placed it on her lip but suddenly changed her mind as she started coming towards my direction. I started thinking about what I could do, my mind was processing hundreds of thoughts in a second, when she was about to get to me, I swiftly stood up and head for the cup, picked it and gulped down all the content, even replaced it by myself. I prayed in my mind that no one will dare me or dare someone to do something silly with me again because I was sure I won't be able to take any drink again if I want to go home by myself, especially with the bike Happy already warned me about that I must return it. Tolu returned to spin the bottle and it stopped on Happy. " truth or dare " Tolu asked her. " truth " Happy selected comfortably. " who are you crushing on here " Tolu asked her . She stood up and head for the cup again and emptied the content into her stomach. " who could be her crush that made her want to hide him badly by going for the drink " I battled about the thought in my mind. " maybe Samuel her seating partner " I concluded in my mind. By this time, I knew I was high again and sitting down wasn't helping it because it will continue to weigh me down the more I sit down. She replaced the drink before she spinned the bottle and it stopped on Gina. I noticed everyone's expression towards this and I saw that everyone was anxious. " truth or dare " she asked Gina. " dare " Gina replied. " I dare you to give Philip a lap dance for five minutes " she dared Gina Gina stood up and head to the Mp3 first, increased its volume before she joined Philip and gave him lap dance for five minutes and to be honest, she was a great dancer. By the time she was done, Philip had developed a boner and we all laughed about it. Gina went for the bottle and spinned it and as karma would strike, it stopped on Happy. " wawu " Philip said smiling. " payback is a bitch " Gina muttered as she walked towards Happy. " truth or dare " she asked in sophisticated manner. " dare " Happy replied boldly. " I dare you to get in an hot romantic session with Ben for ten minutes " she dared Happy and I felt my soul ran out of my body. It paused and whispered into my ear " you're on your own" before it finally fled out of sight. Azeezah turned to look at me but I was soulless to even do anything as I stared at her blankly. But why is she even looking at me when I'm not the one at fault. Happy stood up and I could see blurringly that she was kinda staggering as she head to pick the cup. She almost fell down before she got closer to the cup. She took the cup and placed it on her lip and like Tolu did, she also changed her mind and dropped the cup and she started coming towards my direction. My soulless body couldn't do anything as I watched her moved closer to me, my brain was telling me to head for the cup but I rebuked it as I knew it was my village people that's behind the thought . I must walk back home with my own legs not by some peeps holding my hands to support me because I passed out. She held my hand and pulled me up. I couldn't think clearly due to the effect of the drink but it won't be the first time we're kissing, excluding the romantic aspect. I felt her head moving closer mine and I shut my eye as I brought mine down to hers since she's slow to do it. We locked lips as we started kissing intensely. I held her by her waist and pulled her body closer to mine and there was no space left between us. I placed my hands on her butt as I squeezed it. I didn't know how it happened but my right hand left her butt and got into her top and up it goes towards her boobs, it stopped moving when it touched her boobs and started squeezing it through her bra. She wrapped her arm around my neck as we kissed deeply while my hand, without my control worked mysteriously on her boobs. I felt great urge to take her clothes off her body and have sex with her at that moment but with the little insanity left in me, I placed the urge at bay and continued with what I was doing. " time up " I heard Philip voice but I was too long gone to heed to it. " time up " I heard it now from multiple voices. I startling disassociated from Happy. " now it's safe to return " I heard my soul said to me before it returned into my body. I suddenly got ashamed of myself realising what I did, I was already a little sober. " Azeezah " I called out as I saw that her seat was empty. " Where's Azeezah " I asked and that was when everyone noticed that she wasn't there again. They're all engrossed with the live xxx that was happening in front of them to notice her leaving . Philip suddenly scampered out of sight and returned with everyone's phone. " her phone isn't here " Philip said after sharing our phones to us and that confirmed that she was gone. " what do we have to talk about it " I asked her as the event that occurred at the ritual replayed in my head again. " everything " she said staring deep into my eye. To be continued...
2 Jul 2020 | 16:50
That was so naughty... Now wat dos happy got 2 talk about
2 Jul 2020 | 17:04
hmm nice ride
2 Jul 2020 | 22:29
hey the finest @fb-danieledem come with your queen the ritual case is settle o AND others
2 Jul 2020 | 22:33
To me its no big deal oo. It it just a game tho. But Ben and Azeez took it too far!!! @ladyg and @henrymary wat is ur take!!!
3 Jul 2020 | 06:25
Make we dey and see how the story unfolds!!
3 Jul 2020 | 06:30
Wonder shall never end...
3 Jul 2020 | 08:24
Ben you disappoint me in a big way, see how you say your goodbyes to AZ.... Very bad of you... Well life continues..
3 Jul 2020 | 08:46
i wonder what would happen when people get to find out that you guys are sibblings
3 Jul 2020 | 15:47
the poor girl left heartbroken
3 Jul 2020 | 15:48
fire on
3 Jul 2020 | 15:49
Hmmmm Wonderful 10mins 15secs make out session.. Burh ben would hav drank from the cup nah
3 Jul 2020 | 17:09
Well we know Happy has a crush on Ben..let just hear what she has to say
3 Jul 2020 | 17:10
My boo @fb-danieledem nd @kelly-kelvin wetin happen na wetin suspose happen o, so no long thing. My broda man @ele1 @emmy01 make una show, next biko.
4 Jul 2020 | 15:24
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 36&37? Happy's p.o.v Who said I didn't like what happened at the party, I wasn't pushed to do it because I couldn't take anymore drink but because I saw it as an opportunity which might not come knocking on my door again to finally have my wish granted . I knew Gina's plan was just to get me high because she thought she know me so much and thought I wouldn't make out with Ben because I told her when we're still friends that I had a boyfriend who's out of the country and who I wouldn't dare cheat on even at gunpoint because I love him more than I love my life. And with the fact that every time I'm dared in any of our party to do anything intimate with any guy, I always head for the drink, so she thought it was going to be the same and I would head for the third drink and get myself high, unknown to her she helped me and I made it looked like I didn't have any other choice by first heading for the cup before going to meet Ben. I always have it in my mind that I would keep my virginity till the night of my marriage but I realised that it would just be a mere wish if I date Ben. The feeling I got from the few minutes of romance was toxical and if it had been behind closed door, I was sure my hymen would have been perforated by his manhood. It was hell fighting the urge not to have my hand running through his body and I made sure to keep my lip locked with his because I would be moaning if I don't have my lip distracted by the kiss. The feeling was intense and I was sure I would be able derive that kinda feeling from any other guy apart from Ben. The kiss with him was even an hangover because I was less tipsy when we're through. But he took everything overhead either by guilt that he still referred me as his sister or the departure of Azeezah which we all know was because of what happened between us. He didn't utter a word to me as we returned home. Tho I got my heart desire but his silent was kinda freaking me out and that made me develop the motive to make him see that nothing is wrong with what we did and probably hint him that I liked it. Ben's p.o.v Even after trying everything to make sure I avoid her, she made sure that she cornered me to a spot where I couldn't avoid her and she wanted us to discuss about the issue. " then let's talk about what happened yesterday " she said and I paused what I was doing and stood up. " what do we have to talk about it " I asked her. " everything " she said staring deep into my eye. " you mean we should talk about the fact that we makeout when we're practically brother and sister " I said also staring at her . " what do you think will happen if anyone find out about that " I asked still staring at her. " firstly, I already told you that I don't regard you as my brother but a very close friend of mine,so such happening between us is nothing to me, to me it was even fun and secondly, we're cornered and left with no choice and you seemed to enjoy it so why trying to prove yourself now as a saint " she said it casually as if nothing was really wrong with it. " you're sick " I muttered as I was short of words. How can she regard it fun when I'm freaking out about it and tho as insane as it was, she was right that I enjoyed it and I hate that I enjoyed it because I was not supposed to enjoy it. Tho she regarded me as her friend not brother but I couldn't just wade off the thought that my mom is in a relationship with her dad, so it was wrong for us to be kissing when our parents are already doing that. " and you'll also be if you keep putting that to heart and keep on avoiding me because I'll keep on pestering you till you stop avoiding me " she said as she feebly hit me on my chest. " hello Ben " Gina said smiling as she walked towards our direction. Happy tilted her head to look at her with a funny facial expression that wasn't omitting anything positive. " babe " I said when she got closer as I smiled for the first time. The competition between Happy and Gina was really an intensed one, even in the aspect of beauty. They had almost the same shape, height and skin colour. Both of them have moderate butt and boobs to complement their beauty. They would have easily passed for a twin if not for their faces, which still looked pretty. They both had the kinda face used in beauty cream advertisement, smooth, milky and cute. But I regarded Happy as the prettiest maybe because she was my sister. " heard you and Philip would be representing us in swimming for the upcoming competition " she said as she made Happy looked invisible as she held my hand and started walking me away from Happy. " yeah " I replied her as I tilted my head backward to see Happy's expression, she just stood there glaring at us. " that's cool, didn't know you had it in you " she said smiling. " I just got lucky " I said also smiling. " and I also heard you and Happy will also be representing the school for table tennis " I added. " yeah, we've been representing the school since we're in Js3, so it's not a big deal " she replied and I could tell she was discontented about something regarding the table tennis through her expression and I was sure it's about Happy in the competition. " do you also know how to run" I asked her. " not really, running isn't for sophisticated ladies " she said smiling and I knew who she's stylishly hitting on. " what about guys , is it also not for sophisticated guys " I asked her " hell no " she said raising her voice. " I like it when a guy run, they look cute doing it and that's for a handsome guy not some ugly chipmunks " she added. " that means you can't like me " I said teasingly. " why " she asked with a surprised countenance. " because I can't run "I replied her feigning a sad emotion. " there's many things to like about you that's already filled the place of speed which you lack, so I still like you " she said staring at me as we stopped walking and stood in the heart of the pitch. " but why did you really dared Happy to get me into a romance session " I asked her. " do you really want to know " she asked me grinning. " yeah " I replied nodding my head. " because I wanted to get Happy drunk, I didn't believe she was going to do that because she had an anonymous boyfriend which she claimed that she love so much and wouldn't cheat on him no matter the situation " she explicated " and she always head for the cup not minding the amount she had before when dared to do anything naughty with any guy, so I was surprised like everyone when she did it with you" she added and I could tell that she was honest. " what's your relationship with her " she asked me, didn't even give me chance to drop my quota on all she uttered. The blaring sound of a whistle saved me from the question. I saw all students walking towards the direction where the sound of the whistle was coming from. " looks like it's time to see some interesting actions " she said smiling. " the coach is here " I asked her. " yeah " she replied. " then we should go meet him " I said to her. " point of correction, it ain't a he but a she and why will we go and meet her, all our classmates will be here soon to watch the runners ,so why go meet her " she asked me. " so as to run " I replied her. " I don't run, I'm only here to watch the runners only and you should stay with me since you can't and let us watch them together " she said to me. " who told you I can't run " I said smiling as I left her and started jogging towards the students that had already gathered round the coach. The spectators stand was already filled with some students. The coach was smoking hot with perfect shape. She looked like she had spent more time in gym than in bedroom. I later heard from a student that she's an athlete who had represent Nigeria in many competitions bagging some medals along the way. She gave the prep talk like other coaches and from her talk I discovered that some students had already been disqualified from two weeks ago to now. She admonished the remaining students to give their all as the competition is a big stage and some officials in charge of sports in Nigeria will be there to fish out outstanding talents and since it isn't schools from Lagos only that will be participating because it's a sport where every schools in Nigeria who qualified for the competition will be participating, she said it will be extraordinarily hard and won't be like other competitions they've been attending. I got to know from her speech that the first and second will be the main glory of the competition while the third and fourth will only be going because of the four times one hundred meter race (relay). She had three young teachers or should I call them her assistant because they looked younger, standing behind her, a lady and two men, she asked one of them to call the qualifiers for junior boys hundred meter. Eight names was called and everyone who had the bearing of the name fell out of the crowd and all looked excited, nervous and hopeful as they're marched to the starting lane of the hundred meter track. Everyone of us was sidelined as we watched the junior boys as they took to their positions with their boots firmed to their foot unlike me that's barefooted, but I wasn't without a partner. The coach stood behind the students while two of her assistant were stationed at the finishing point in order to pick out the winners. It was a moment of intensed action as the whistle was blown and the boys raced to victory. The students at the spectators stand and the ones on the pitch were doing great job in cheering the students up. After the students got to the finishing line, the coach left the remaining job to her two assistants as she came to meet us with the single assistant with her. She asked him to call out the senior boys and he called out twelve names. As they marched out I followed them and head directly to the coach. I introduced myself to her and my motive was also revealed to her. She seemed to be thinking about it for a while as she accessed me. " alright, I'll give you a chance, hope you deserve it " she said after arriving at a conclusion. She marched us to the starting lane before she gave out the instructions. Mohammed was giving me a weird stare as we marched down to the lane but I didn't bothered myself about him as I had a hearty smile on my lip. " we're supposed to have it as six by six and the two champions from the two groups will compete for their places but because of the last minute participation of Benjamin who's just a new student, one of the groups will be seven and three people will be selected for the final challenge, which means five of you will be going for the final spots and we'll get our four from the five" the coach explicated to us patiently before she grouped us into two groups. I and Mohammed found ourselves in the same group which was the group comprising of six while Philip was in seven. Philip's group was asked to take the spot first. " on your mark " the coach ordered and the seven of them bent down, with their hands on the lane. " set " she ordered and they raised their body up a bit and after few seconds, the whistle went off and the race started. The clamoring of cheer from the spectators this time was higher than the first. Philip took the first position. We're asked to take our positions after the first group got to the finishing line. Mohammed made an Undertaker signature to me by drawing his thumb on his neck like a knife slicing through it as we took to our position. I decided to surprise everyone by trying to look like I was lucky. When the whistle went off, I started at a slow pace and fifty meters to the finishing line, I increased my speed and took the second position which looked like luck. Mohammed took the first position and he looked very satisfied about it. " thought you said you can run " Philip snickered as we head back to the finishing line. " I thought I can " I replied him smiling. We all took to our position again and this time, I didn't know why but I was kinda feeling tensed as my heart was beating faster. The whistle went off and with all the speed I could muster from my body, I started running. By the time I got to the finishing line, I was slightly surprised not to see anyone beside me. I looked behind me and I saw them still running. All the spectators bursted into an uproar Philip and Mohammed got to the finishing line at the same time but Philip used his head to his advantage as he propelled it forward first. " that was extraordinarily great " the lady among the two assistants taking record accoladed me as we approached her to get our names down. " thank you " I said smiling. " your name " she asked. " Benjamin Salako " I replied her. Mohammed didn't hide his dissatisfaction on taking the third position as he stormed out of sight angrily when his name was recorded. " what else are you not good at " Philip asked me as we started heading towards the pitch. " being emir " I replied smiling. " you're right, because no one can be more of an emir than me " he said smiling. " do you see the look in Mohammed's eye, he looked like a clown who lost his equipments for performing cheap tricks " Philip said smiling as he tried to mimic Mohammed's facial expression . " Benjamin " I suddenly heard my name called. I turned and it was the coach. " see you later " I said to Philip as he head to the pitch to meet our classmates who had gathered there with Gina while I returned to the coach. Her assistant was the one marching the junior girls to the starting lane. " that was a great performance you pulled there and I must commend, you're very fast " she complemented me. " thank you ma " I appreciated her. " have you been running before maybe in your former school " she asked me " no " I replied her. " ever been to any competition before " she asked. " no " I replied her. " wow,then your former school must be filled with many Usain Bolt not to have taken you to any competition " she said with a surprised countenance. " no ma, I'm supposed to be the fastest student there but I didn't feel like running or participating in any competition for the school even when they tried to force me to " I said to her. " that's bad but it's good you decided to do it for us because with the speed you displayed, it's sure that we're winning at least a gold medal from track " she said with a smile with I haven't seen on her face since I saw her as she is been in action mode from the moment I saw her. " and I'm pleased to tell you that you've not displayed all the speed you've got because you're yet to be groomed into an athlete and when I'm done with you, you'll have a name behind running " she added losing the smile. " what's with every coach in the school with grooming " I said in my mind. What they don't know is that my talent is a raw one, right from the street and doesn't need any grooming, all I need to do is to continue doing it and I'll be best in it. "And if you're lucky, you might represent Nigeria in Olympic " she said as she recovered her smile. " I hope so " I said also smiling. " I'll draft out a time when I'll be training all of you that's representing the school for the competition, I hope to see more of you " she said before she finally let me go and coincidentally, it was time for the senior girls to run. I stood there to watch the race before joining Philip and the others. The coach withdrew her mantle from the assistant as she made the call. Like Philip told me, Happy won the race with spacious margin. " flash " they all started hailing me as I got to where they were all standing. " you're tricky you know " Gina said smiling. " I told ya'll that the time for ss2c to dominate the school in every aspect will soon arrive and now we've arrived at that moment with the arrival of Ben " Philip said laughing. " I'm pained that we could have lose him to another class because of that test, I would have gone to beg him to rejoin our class if he had failed it " Philip still laughing. " what about football " Oscar asked. " since Azeez had left us, we don't even have a representative from our class in the team" Oscar added. " fear no more my subjects, the gods of our class had seen all this and that's why they brought Ben to us because he said he also know how to play football too " Philip replied like a priest addressing the folks of a village. " this fucking calls for celebration, maybe we should organize another party " James said, the speed at which my neck tilted towards his direction was more than the pace of a rocket. " no party " I said aloud and everyone bursted into laughter as they might have known the reason for my objection. " since he said there's not going to be a party, then will ya'll permit me to do this " Gina said grinning weirdly as she stood in front of me and before I knew what she was up to, she goes on her toes and kissed me, tho not for long and there wasn't a mouth to mouth exposure, just a lip on lip kiss. " what's that for " I asked looking confused. " to tell you that she's crushing on you now because you did something that she love " Philip replied me. " ya'll sick " I said humorously, smiling as I turned to take my leave and saw Happy standing behind me as she stared at me with a blank expression. But why do I feel like a lover that was caught cheating all of a sudden as I stared at her Happy's p.o.v " weldone Okagbare junior " coach hailed me in her habitual manner as I head to the pitch, the usual spot of ss2c to watch the race instead of going to the spectators stand which can accommodate over one thousand people. It would have been better if I hadn't gone because my feelings was trampled on again as Gina revealed she was crushing on Ben. Tho Ben took it as a joke but I knew Gina more to than it was more than a joke. That was the same way she started dating Azeez. Ben turned and saw me staring at him, he kinda looked shocked but he swiftly braced himself and passed beside me without uttering a word. Right at that moment, I made my decision. If I want to live long, then it's a must I drop all the feelings I had inhabited into my heart for Ben. He isn't worth it again as he seemed to be the type of guy that girls get easily attracted to. He's even got something Gina like so much which is speed. Gina won't stop till she have him and I'm sure she's gonna do that at the end except if Azeezah resurface, and I've got the least chance of having him since he wouldn't even look at my face because of the union of our parents. Readied to call a spade a spade, I decided it was the best option to have Ben avoiding me and I was also ready to assist him by avoiding him too, that should work well for me to lose my interest in him, maybe accepting Philip's proposal might also be the right step in doing that. There isn't much different between the two of them, both are handsome,tall, lively and good at sport and I'm also sure Philip is more smarter. So I think it's time I give him a chance in my heart and have him kick out Ben's fragment inhabiting it. If I can stop on my childhood crushing on Ben and channel everything to Philip , then Ben will be nothing more than a brother which he's desiring to be seen as. But is all this even possible, someone I wouldn't stop loving even after been separated for such a long time. But time will tell. "I've got something to tell you " I said to Philip as I dragged him out of the multitude. To be continued...
6 Jul 2020 | 09:21
Happy take heart
6 Jul 2020 | 11:48
Ride on
6 Jul 2020 | 11:56
happy sorry o ben ......hummmm
6 Jul 2020 | 12:03
Happy don't be in a haste to make decision that u will regret soon
6 Jul 2020 | 12:21
Ben de flash jnr Take things easy am sure mohammed is already hating u for happy calm down
6 Jul 2020 | 12:28
Gina leave my ben alone oh
6 Jul 2020 | 12:30
*sighs* the matters of the heart is always complicated...this is not the first incident, it won't and would never be the last either
6 Jul 2020 | 13:12
@fb-danieledem me too want ladies to be fighting for..........
6 Jul 2020 | 13:17
Well done job...
6 Jul 2020 | 17:04
Good decision Happy, my boo @fb-danieledem thanks 4 d call.
6 Jul 2020 | 18:27
It will be best if u do dat cus i don't tink ur parent will accept it
7 Jul 2020 | 10:43
ben the naijaflash
7 Jul 2020 | 13:31
Happy,are u sure of dis decision u want to make? I will advise u think abt it again oo before u regret later sha!!!
7 Jul 2020 | 21:09
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 38? Ben's p.o.v I returned to class and it was empty. I sat down to contemplate why I felt like a cheat who was caught by my partner in action. I couldn't get a tangible reason for it so I stood up and head to the dressing room. I met some of my classmates inside there and I was sure they had come to also get change. I changed into my school uniform and returned to class and this time it already had some students inside it, just three girls. I sat down on my seat, checked the time and it was some minutes past eleven which means breaktime was already knocking on the door. I reminisced on my achievements for the day and I was contented with myself. Truly, I would have done my former school great by running for them, I understood why the coach hated me because of my act. He must have been excited when he first saw me run and thought of me as a great asset which he can develop into something great, but it ain't my fault that I didn't want to be sociable, falling from grace to grass wasn't an easy feat. And funnily, with my elevation back into grace, it felt like I've been in grass from the start, it was like I had no record of living in grace before in my memory. I distracted myself into different kinda thought and was subconscious with my surrounding. I knew students were coming in but it was a little part of me that was conscious of this. Someone even sat beside me and it was like I didn't see who the person was. " what are you thinking about " someone said to me pushing me away from the abyss of subconsciousness I compressed myself into. " nothing " I lied on seeing Gina. She was the one who sat beside me. The class was almost filled, only few spaces were missing their owners. " maybe you're thinking you're lucky to have me crushing on you " she said smiling. " me " I pricked out like some who was slightly pierced with a pin then a subtle smile from my lip followed. " why will I be lucky to have you crushing on me " I asked her still smiling. " because you can't see a hot girl as beautiful and talented like me anywhere " she replied and I snickered. " well I think I'm the one who fitted in what you just said, or where can you also see a cute guy like me who's also a good sportsman and smart to crush on " I said humorously. " don't be full of yourself, their are many guys who are more cuter and good in sport than you " she protested. " but do they possess my speed " I asked laughing. " you're not as fast as Usain Bolt " she countered. " and Usain Bolt isn't as cute as me " I said to her with a weird smile gracing my lip. " are you always like this " she asked frustratingly. " how " I asked. " annoying " she replied. " I just took up that trait last week and I seemed to be enjoying it " I said to her grinning making sure my teeth was slightly in view. " keep up with it and we'll soon start dating because I love annoying guys, I like to be troubled by my guy, it makes the relationship lively " she said winking at me. " Hello guys " Philip said smiling as he entered the class and stood in front of the white board behind the big desk for teachers teaching. Even Happy was already in the class but I didn't notice when she entered, I was already engrossed with Gina to notice anyone. Philip sure know how to gain everyone's attention inside the class. " your emir has gotten a great news he want to share with you " he said smiling like someone who just won a bilion dollar lotto. " after many sacrifice and plea to the gods of our class, they've finally touch your queen's heart and she's ready to be my one and only " he said smiling and everyone looked surprised including me. I knew who he was referring to as the class queen, it's Happy but what did he really meant that she's ready to be his one and only, a rhetorical question I wished he would help me answer without me directing it to him. " Happy and I have started dating officially starting from today " he said fulfilling my request. " she has finally given me the favourable reply I've been demanding for, so let everyone in this kingdom know that anyone that go closer to her will be castrated and turned into an eunuch ,and to mark this good news, I'm hosting a party for my queen and I on Saturday, time will be text to ya'll and my guy Benjamin, I feel you " he said smiling leaving me in confused state before he stopped talking. What did he mean by he feel me, another riddle to solve but why did Happy agreed to date him after he's tried for a lot of times and she rejected him. I felt she did it because of me, to show me that the kiss and the foreplay meant nothing to her. If that's the reason, I'll be mad at her because she's trying to prove her claim by playing on Philip's feelings or maybe she loved him all along and was trying to prove strong head first. Any reason it might be, I felt it will be respectful of me not to interfere but I felt like knowing if it was because of me or not. " why do you look like someone whose girl was snatched by another guy " Gina asked me teasingly. " my girl was just snatched from me by another guy who happened to be her father " I replied her smiling. " you good with words and reply you know " she said also smiling. " it's a talent " I said to her. The alarm for breaktime suddenly went off. " finally " Gina said excitedly. " let go and eat " she said standing up. " I'm not hungry " I said to her. " how can you not be hungry after sport " she asked with a surprised countenance. " because it's nothing " I replied her. " then I'm insisting that you eat or better, escort me to the cafeteria, you can sit beside me and watch me eat " she said staring at me. " I'm not going joor, I've got somewhere I'm going sef, so I can't escort you " I said to her. " where are you going " she asked with a curious expression as she sat down back. I saw Philip and Happy walking out of the class as they both held hands. " I'm going to js3 block " I replied her. " to do what " she asked. " must you know everything " I said as I winked at her in a funny manner. " stop that, it doesn't fit you " she said with a sulking expression. " don't tell me you've seen a girl you're planning on making your girlfriend in js3 " she said shocking me. " what " I exclaimed. " you're beautifully sick " I added laughing. " thanks for the compliment " she said laughing. " you're welcome " I said to her. " since you're not hungry, I'll leave you so that you can go visit your girlfriend " she said as she stood up again and made to leave. " or should I help you get snack when I'm coming back " she suddenly stopped to ask me. " I wouldn't mind " I said to her. She smiled as she continued with her journey. I stood up and head to the js3 block. I met Chris inside his class. He skipped going to the cafeteria because of me. He introduced me to his friends still remaining inside the class, and after a brief conversation between the two of us, I left the block and returned to class. On getting back to class , I met only Reuben and Geraldine at their usual spot eating from a big wafer in front of them as they're intimately close. Not paying attention to them, I head to my seat, took my native son and started reading from where I stopped. I so much love the story that whenever I'm reading it, I always find myself at every scene watching the unfolding of the event live, reason why I always lose conscious of my surrounding whenever I'm reading it. " is this your first time reading that " someone suddenly asked beside me. " what " I said slightly startled by the unannounced presence of the person who happened to be Gina. " nope, this should be my fifth or sixth time of reading it " I replied her. " then how can you be so engrossed in it that you failed to notice my presence " she asked me. " because you've got light feet " I replied her teasingly. " asking you question should be crossed out of my to do list " she said making a funny face. " and here " she said handing me a white polythene bag. I unloaded the content inside it and saw a meatpie, doughnut and bottled water. " you're a darling " I said appreciating her as I started munching on the meatpie. " which club will you be joining for the co-curricular activity " she asked me. " when is that " I asked her. " after breaktime " she replied me. " didn't know that it's been held today but I'll join literary and debating " I replied her. " why join that boring club " she asked me as she seemed unpleasant with my decision. " because I love it and that was where I was in my former school " I replied her. " you don't fit there, you've got moves and you can perfect it by joining the Art chapel " she said to me. " what's that " I asked looking surprised. " it's a club for artists, singers and dancers and you can dance, so you fit perfectly there " she replied me. " have you ever read any creative write-up written by me before " I asked her. " no " she replied. " if you had done that , you'll know that I fit more in literary and debating " I said to her. " you'll soon come running to Art chapel after today " she said to me boastfully. " what if I don't " I asked her. " then I owe you a French kiss " she replied. " it's a win win for me " she said smiling. As the talkative I've suddenly grown to become, we talked till the break was over and time for co-curricular activities was announced. Another building was built for the co-curricular activities. Gina was my guide to the literary and debate room, tho I would still have located it by myself because every rooms had an inscription of the club it was meant for but it would have not been easy for me to locate it. On getting into the room, I was disappointed with the population, only few students was inside and none of my classmates was in. Most of the students inside were juniors. I could easily tell this because of their uniform. " maybe they're yet to find their way here " I assured myself as I find a perfect spot to sit down. The room looked like a classroom with the whiteboard which I knew was necessary in front of it and a podium stationed in front of the whiteboard. I sat down patiently as I await the arrival of more students and the coordinators. The door was opening and students were coming in but none of my classmates came in. To quench my disappointment, many students were already inside but few seniors. But it was still better than having the scanty students I met when I got in. My neck wouldn't stop tilting to the door direction whenever it was opened. A teacher finally entered and it was Miss Tife. She had a book in her hand which she dropped on the podium. The door opened again and this time it was one of my classmates who also had her apartment in front of mine at home. Yeah, you guessed right, it was Happy. I swiftly averted my gaze from her direction to the board and met with miss Tife's gaze. She smiled at me as she noticed me and I smiled back at her. Happy came towards my direction and was about to sit on the chair closer to mine but as she saw me, she changed her direction to go sit at another place . This got me perplexed because she's doing the exact opposite to what she threatened to do. " hello students " Miss Tife greeted, but none responded and I was also lucky not to have responded. " Mr Prosper isn't around today, so I'll be the only person to take charge of the club today " she said as she started opening the book she placed on the podium. " I want us to work on this piece of works today " she said bringing out many A4 papers from inside the book. She shared it to all of us before she returned to the podium and gave out the instructions. in everyone's hand, is different papers which is only of two pairs, the papers consist of dramas from some reputable authors which I drafted out some of the scenes in their works which only consisted of two casts. I numbered everything and the ones with same scene has the same number, so number one will be with two students to the last number I shared. Beside the number is the name of the cast you're casting for. In every scene, I want us to pinpoint the feelings of the cast we're playing its role, the emotion that flow and after that, I'll ask us questions about the themes and subject matter of the scene after we're done playing the role . So practice it for just three minutes before we get at it. I was with number one to play a role of the cast named Robert, I swiftly went through it, took note of what the scene is about and the emotion content of both casts. It was about love and romance between two lovers but a taboo type because they're of the same blood from distant relative. " time up, let's have our two number one up here " she said and I stood up likewise Happy. " a coincidence in a million " I said in my mind smiling as I made my way to the podium. We both stared at ourselves for few seconds before I cleared my throat and started. " I can't continue this with thee, my man will behead me when he find out " I said staring at Happy who was temporarily Margaret per the drama. " oh my sweet love " she said moving closer to me and placed her hand on my cheek. " thy fear not my uncle, I can't shy away from what I feel towards thee, we'll walk to him and tell him about our love " she added staring into my eye. " I can't do it, he will develop stroke and pass away " I said turning my back against her. " don't you feel what I feel " she said as she hugged me from behind. " I do but we hath made a foolish mistake of having such feeling " I said dropping her hand away from my body. " thou hath talk like a coward, our love must be fought for in order for it to stand " she said as she walked to my front. " feel this " she said placing my hand on her chest, directly on her left side boob. " that's my heart fluttering for you " she said. " our heart will only bring us nothing but doom " I said as I withdrew my hand from her chest and feebly pushed her back " and turned my back against her. " this is the end " I said as I made to leave and she started sobbing. " that's not in the drama " I said in my mind as I checked the paper to confirm. She's not supposed to sob. " then should I pluck out my heart that can't do without you " she asked still sobbing. " I can't do without you " she added and I turned to look at her. I was surprised to see tears on her eye. I moved closer to her and wiped the tears from her eye with my hand. " I'm sorry, I was a coward " I said staring at her. " I'll fight for our love now " I said as I placed my hands on both side of her neck and kissed her. " that wasn't inside the script " I heard miss Tife mumbled. To be continued...
8 Jul 2020 | 16:47
make philip catch u
8 Jul 2020 | 17:21
Hmmm.... war
9 Jul 2020 | 05:22
Omo see heart felt confession
9 Jul 2020 | 05:51
I feel for ben nd happy .. they have dis mumu crush on each other.. Well castration in process
9 Jul 2020 | 05:53
look at this children
9 Jul 2020 | 06:15
A Romantic play in club consisting mostly by Junior students? The gods must hear this.
9 Jul 2020 | 08:36
Things ar getting complicated o
9 Jul 2020 | 09:52
What just happened.... An additional act 2 d script
9 Jul 2020 | 15:38
I think she really loves you
9 Jul 2020 | 18:38
You're doing well..... fantabulous......
9 Jul 2020 | 19:18
Ben, be ready to be castrated
10 Jul 2020 | 04:26
Bad guys, too much kissing
10 Jul 2020 | 17:13
Abeg ooh I can't see episode 21 Pls someone should help
11 Jul 2020 | 08:34
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 39? " what was that" Miss Tife asked with a surprised expression after we're through with our short drama. " what was written in the script " I replied smiling . " but I don't think the last act the two of you performed was in the script " she whispered to me. " that's what you call great acting, we perfected the work for the author " I replied her. " I'll get back to you two later "she said in a low tone. " you can return to your seat, let's give them a round of applause" she said aloud and we returned to our seat before she called on the next two number two. Unlike what Gina claimed that the club is boring and I'll change my mind on my first trial , I felt great throughout. It was really fun and lively as every students wore the coat of another personality. After the acting was over, Miss Tife asked every numbers to give out the mood, themes and some literary keys of the scene each and everyone of acted. She made contribution to where it was needed and before bringing the activity to an end, she made reference to the scene Happy and I undertook and named it the best act for the day. She said we're genuine with our feeling when we acted it and made it seemed so real and she almost forgot that we're acting a script she handed over to us. " Ben, make sure to see me before going home " she said to me before dismissing the club. " hello " I swiftly walked up to Happy as I saw her trying to leave. " hi " she said not stopping but I swiftly held her hand and pulled her from the way so that we wouldn't be disturbing anyone from leaving. " what's happening " I asked her. " like what " she asked. " it seems you're trying to avoid me " I replied her. " you're the one doing that's doing that and I don't want to disturb you " she said to me. " but you said that you'll keep disturbing me till I see nothing wrong with what happened yesterday " I said staring at her. " and do you feel nothing is wrong with it, or you really love the feeling of me chasing after you every time when you just get angry on baseless fact, what do you take me for " she said flaring up. " do you think I'm a pushover who doesn't have anything good to think about than you " she added and now she looked like she's mad at me, I've never seen her like that before. " firstly I don't think you're a pushover and me kissing you right in front of every students few minutes ago was to tell you that I don't see anything wrong with what happened at the party again " I said to her and I was honest about it. " what " she asked looking surprised. " I don't see anything wrong with what happened yesterday and I'll also love to have you as my bestfriend than having you as my half sister " I replied her. " it's too late " she muttered as she looked calm. " I can't have you as my bestfriend, I'm already over that phase, been my half sibling is nice, so keep that position " she said as she made attempt to leave. " did I hurt her that much or why does she looked so emotional " my mind wouldn't stop asking different questions as I watched her leave. The class was already empty at that time. " one more thing " I said aloud and she paused. " why did you accept to date Philip " I asked her. " I don't think I owe you an explanation for that " she replied coldly before she exited the class. " good for me " I muttered as I also left the class. " Ben " I heard Gina called out my name as I was heading to class, I paused to wait for her to catch up with me. " how was your boring club " she asked me smiling mischievously as she got to where I was standing. " it's the best thing after pounded yam and egusi soup " I replied her smiling. " you're weird " she said and hissed as she walked faster and left me behind. I knew I disappointed her with my reply. She was expecting me to say that it was boring. " my man " I heard Philip screamed from behind. I turned to looked at him and I felt like hating him tho I didn't know why but I couldn't bring myself to hate him. He's too cool to be hated. " wad up bro " I greeted him as he got to where I was standing. " I'm fine and thanks for today, didn't know you could do it that faster, ya really the guy " he said as we head to class .I was perplexed by all he was uttering as none made sense. " what do you mean " I managed to ask him after he finally kept quiet. " Happy's stuff na, I knew you're the one who helped me to talk to her after I asked you to help your brother " he said grinning excitedly. " ohh " I muttered as I was short of words. I didn't know if I should come out clean and tell him that I had nothing to do with the decision Happy made or just keep mute, not accepting that I did it nor also denying it. " I think I should follow the two of you home when we close " he said shocking me. " why " I asked looking surprised. " the swimming na, or have you forgotten that I offered to tutor you for swimming " he replied reminding me that we're supposed to meet at home. " but why will you follow us when your driver was supposed to pick you " I said to him. " I can easily call him and ask him not to bother himself " he retorted. " nope, go home first, change and you can come meet me at home or don't you know your way there " I asked him. " I know my way there and point of correction, I'm not coming down there for only you again, I now have a beautiful rose in there that I've got to nurture " he replied me smiling mischievously. " see you later bro" he said as we got to the entrance of our class. " what's up bae " I said smiling at Gina who was sitting down and had her leg occupying my portion of the seat as she had a novel in her hand which she feigned to be reading. " my sugar baloney " I teased her when she didn't reply me but she still kept mute. " I'll start kissing your legs if you don't move them " I threatened her smiling and she snickered. " will you keep this hot asset standing up " I asked her as she was unyielding. " stop disturbing me na, already told you that I don't sleep with guys with small pimpim " she suddenly said loudly getting the attention of everyone inside the and the mumu me was squatting beside her and looked like someone who was really begging her for something. Everyone suddenly bursted into laughter. I felt a little bit ashamed with the way she shaded me. I was kinda angry at first but suppressed it as I stood up smiling. She sat down properly smiling like someone whose crush commented and reacted love on a picture she uploaded on social media . I humbly sat down on my seat as I thought of a revenge plan. " are you angry " she asked me when she noticed my expression but I didn't reply her . " it's just a joke na, why are you taking it personal " she asked me but I kept mute. I could have had my revenge by also forming a sentence against her but I thought it to be old fashioned. My revenge will be more civilised than just mere shading. " what are you doing later in the day " she asked me. I took a long stare at her before I finally replied her. " I've got a lot to do at home " I replied her. " maybe I can even come over to your place and assist you " she offered. " do you know how to swim " I asked her. " no, why are you asking " she asked. " I'll be training how to swim and since you don't know how to swim, then your presence will yield nothing " I replied her. " what " she asked looking surprised. " did you just insulted me tushly " she asked smiling . " don't know about that " l replied smiling. " whatever you like you say, I'm coming over there and don't think it's for you only, I'm just in the mood to cause chaos today " she said and stood up. " so be expecting me " she said as she pecked me before she exited the class. " what did she mean by chaos " I asked myself as I watched her swaying her butt as she left the class. I took the the native son from under my desk and started reading it from where I stopped but I wasn't even able to cover two pages before the alarm for closing went of. I stood up at once as if I was expecting it and head to the car park with the novel in my hand. I was the first to get to the car this time, Chris later joined as we wait for Happy. I later saw her with Philip. They paused when they're about to get to the car, he hugged her before he head for his own ride. We both sat beside eachother without uttering a word to ourselves till we got home. As usual, Mr Adamu stopped in front of the house, we got down and entered the house . Like a stranger, we both slammed our door on each other. I dropped the novel in my hand and picked my phone as I entered. I sat on my bed as I powered it to life. I was welcomed with two messages in my notification panel. One from Azeezah and the other from my bank. I decided to check my bank's own first before going for Azeezah's own because I knew it wouldn't be pleasant. " what " I exclaimed as I saw the message from my bank as my phone fell from my hand. " no, I'm dreaming " I said as I picked it and counted the numbers of zero in it. My head started turning on its own as I tried to contain the news to myself without crying for help. " who could have done this " I asked myself as I checked the message again to confirm that my account was credited with five million naira. A call suddenly appeared on my phone from an international number. With fright I picked it. " hello son did you got my package " the person asked and I frozed where I was sitted as I tried to picked the person who own the voice because it sounded familiar. To be continued...
11 Jul 2020 | 15:58
11 Jul 2020 | 16:20
Hahaha... Ur dad is back 2 life
11 Jul 2020 | 18:02
Funke!! is it possible,ur dad is alive Trouble looming ahead
12 Jul 2020 | 05:24
i can guess the person that sent the money is the Owner of the school who travelled abroad recently
12 Jul 2020 | 06:51
She really loves you...
12 Jul 2020 | 07:40
Kudos ???
12 Jul 2020 | 09:17
@lagyg and @henrymary wat did the writer said abt Ben's real dad sef??
12 Jul 2020 | 09:24
Abeg tell us the ritual joor We're not their mom and dad
12 Jul 2020 | 12:08
@Jehliohn looks i would agree with u that it Mr Popoola the owner of the school
12 Jul 2020 | 13:54
Big boy, enough cash to blow. Next please
12 Jul 2020 | 13:54
@Paddy2x i trust the guy he is considerate in spending
12 Jul 2020 | 13:56
Could it be ur dad is still alive?
12 Jul 2020 | 14:32
12 Jul 2020 | 15:20
i can't talk now
12 Jul 2020 | 15:23
Who cud DAT be??? I hope it isn't ur dad???
12 Jul 2020 | 18:20
Well, carry on
13 Jul 2020 | 02:57
13 Jul 2020 | 02:59
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 40? " hello son did you got my package " the person asked and I frozed where I was sitted as I tried to picked the person who own the voice because it sounded familiar. " please who are you "I asked when I couldn't decipher who own the voice. " this is Mr Popoola " the recipient replied. "Ohh, I'm sorry sir " I apologised. " it's okay son, I couldn't see you again as I promised " he said. " that's why I decided to send that token to you first after Tokunbo told me that he has opened a bank account for you " he added. " that's not a token sir " I said surprised at his words. " hahahaha " he laughed the rich people kinda laugh. " compare to what I'll later send to you and what our remaining friends will also send to you when I tell them that you and your mom are out of the hole you went to hide yourselves, what I sent you is just a token "he said and I didn't know when my lips parted from each other. " thank you sir " I managed to say. " it's alright, I'll get back to you later, have something to do and my regards to your mom " he said before disconnecting the call. I dropped my phone as I jumped on the bed excitedly. I was very happy, a proud owner of six million naira when I didn't even have a bank account two weeks ago. I remembered that I was supposed to call brother Solomon. I fished out his number and dialled it. " hello, who's this " he asked as he picked the call. " it's your boy, Ben " I replied him. " woow, Ben " he called out excitedly. " brother Solomon " I said smiling like a rich kid that have six million naira in his account. " you can't even tell me that you're leaving, I was slightly disappointed in you because I thought you held me in the same regard as I do " he said voicing out his displeasure about me not informing him before leaving. " I'm sorry brother, it was a sudden event which I didn't know about it before and I don't have your number " I said to him. " you should have collected it from your mom, she has my number na " he said. " oh, I've even forgotten, even thought you just gave my mom your number when she told me you called " I said to him. " it's alright but I've really missed you like mad " he said smiling. " I've also missed you but I'll try to find a time to visit you soon " I said to him. " that's good, I'll be expecting you" he said. " so how is hustle " I asked him. " which one out of the two " he asked still smiling. " both " I replied smiling. " both are not doing fine, got busted day before yesterday with my phone in my hand when I decided to buy indomie across the street since your mom isn't there again to sell it to us " he replied. " by who " I asked. " by sars ni oo, I bailed myself out with two hundred and fifty thousand naira and now I'm not even balance to be stressing myself at all " he replied. " but mum gave mummy Sesede the container, is she not operating it yet " I asked him. " that one isn't serious oo, since when she sold all the goods your mom left in the container, she has shut it down " he replied me. " she's not serious " I said as I remembered how happy she was when she was telling me that mom gifted her the container. " so how's your new place, hope it's good " he asked me. " it's awesome, maybe I'll invite you here after I've visited you " I said to him. " and I'll be glad to come " he said smiling. " since you now have phone, have you started hustling " he asked me. " who need to do yahoo when money is entering my account without me lifting a finger " I said in my mind. " nope, my mom and I are living great so I don't need it " I replied him. " really " he asked. " yeah " I replied him. " wow, gist me na " he said. " not now brother Solomon, maybe in the night, I've got something to do and after dropping the call send me your account number " I said to him. " hahaha " he laughed hysterically. " you've started learning hacking abi and you want to use my account to test your skill " he said still laughing. " sorry to disappoint you Ben, the money in my account after those useless souls extorted me, can't even flash mtn to mtn " he added still laughing. " you're funny egbon, send me something joor " I said. " okay o, don't sha say I didn't warn you " he said before dropping the call. I was having a inner battle on opening the message Azeezah texted me, I didn't want to spoil the happiness that was bubbling inside me but I was also curious to know what she had conveyed to me through the text. Still sitting on the fence, another message appeared on my phone's screen from brother Solomon. I opened it and it was his account number. I swiftly branched Google playstore and downloaded the bank app for the bank I was using. I activated it with my ATM card before I transferred three hundred thousand to brother Solomon. When a message appeared on my phone that the money was successfully sent, I decided to login to Fb, but I wasn't able to do that before brother Solomon call appeared on my phone. " hello egbon " I said as I picked the call . " are you the one that sent the three h that just got deposited into my bank account " he asked. " yeah " I replied smiling. " how, where did you get the money from " he asked probably surprised that a kid whose mom make earning from a container where she's selling few stuffs could send him such amount of money. " we'll talk about that in the night " I said to him. " alright, I'll call you via Whatsapp video call if you're on WhatsApp " he said. " alright and I'm on WhatsApp " I said to him. " cool, thank you so much, you just save a bro from impending hunger " he said laughing. " no qualms " I said before disconnecting the call. I dropped the phone after disconnecting the call and head to the bathroom to take my bath. After I was done taking my bath, I wore a knicker and a white singlet and head to the kitchen to get lunch. I met Happy inside the kitchen with a plate which contained fried egg and plantain. She made me feel invincible as she made to leave the kitchen without uttering a word to me. " what did I do wrong " I asked her as I intercepted her way. " nothing " she said as she tried to move pass me. " I don't think it's nothing, was it because I was angry about what happened at the party " I asked her. " I already told you it's nothing, so please let me go, my meal is getting cold " she said and I made way for her. I felt uneasy about her silent treatment and something was hitting my gut that something isn't right. She wanted a friend and I was ready to give her, so why continue giving me the silent treatment. " did she fried that herself " I asked no one in particular as I saw a frying pan on the gas cooker with little vegetable oil inside it. I started glancing through the kitchen not sure of what to eat. " what are you looking for " Susan asked me as she entered the kitchen. " I don't know, just wish to take something light for lunch " I replied her. " what about drinking garri " she asked me. " looks like you want to see my eyeball drop down from its socket " I said laughing. " why will your eyeball drop from your socket " she asked me. " because I'm allergic to it " I replied her. " I've never seen anyone having an allergy of garri " she said laughing. " I'm just joking but I don't like drinking it, can you suggest something else " I said to her. " okay, will you go with fried plantain and egg like Happy " she said. " did you prepare that for her " I asked her. " yeah, why are you asking " she asked. " nothing, help me too with a plate of that " l said to her. Happy's p.o.v Even tho it was harder than I planned it but I was happy that I was managing to go through with it. Even after hearing what I've been wishing to hear from him inside the literary class, I was surprised that I was able to handle it and showed no sign that it was what I wanted . Tho I wished he had said it sooner before I told Philip that I was ready to be his girl. but it was the right thing to do because I don't think he's gonna like me like I wanted him to so going with someone who love me is enough and okay than for me to always give myself headache over thinking about him flirting with other girls like he was doing with Gina inside the class before the alarm for closing went off. I was still eating my lunch which was freshly prepared by Susan when my phone suddenly rang. " why is Jamiu calling me " I asked as I saw that it was the gateman that was calling me. " hello ma, there's a young guy here who claimed that's he's here to see you " he said as I picked the call. " what's his name " I asked him. " Philip " he replied. " visual confirmation " I said to him and a message dropped on my phone. I checked it and it was the picture of Philip on his powerbike. " let him in " I ordered Jamiu as I disconnected the call and continued eating my food. Jamiu is new to the job and doesn't know my friends yet, if it had been the former gateman, he would have allowed him in without contacting me. Philip had earlier informed me in school that he'll be coming to my house because he has practice with Ben but I was sure I was his main objective for coming. I smiled as I remembered his expression when I told him I was ready to date him. He thought at first I was pranking him. I knew he love me so much but I don't love him, but I was ready to build the feelings for him, same reason I was planning to lose my virginy to him when comes into my room. I dropped the plate on my reading table, took a napkin and cleaned my hand as I head to my wardrobe to get a sexy and tempting cloth. " fuck sex before marriage " I muttered as I found the perfect dress I wanted. To be continued...
13 Jul 2020 | 15:29
Are you the one saying this? Well I still tink it's 4 d best
13 Jul 2020 | 16:07
is like u are sick in the head
13 Jul 2020 | 16:17
ode ni girl yi shar
13 Jul 2020 | 16:53
Hmmmm, seated!!
14 Jul 2020 | 04:33
i just hope she wouldn't regret it later
14 Jul 2020 | 05:57
i just hope u will not do u will regret in future
14 Jul 2020 | 06:27
Happy u re making a rash decision
14 Jul 2020 | 06:28
As for ben d zeros in ur acct go soon plenty... no forget us sha
14 Jul 2020 | 06:29
Let keep the ball rolling, for now I don't know what to say about Happy. Congrats to the young millionia ...
14 Jul 2020 | 10:16
Mr money..
14 Jul 2020 | 10:16
Your life to decide...,..
15 Jul 2020 | 02:25
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 41? Ben's p.o.v I stayed with Susan inside the kitchen as she made my lunch for me as we discussed and gist. Finally she was through with my meal, helped me to put in a plate before handing it to me. " thank you " I appreciated her as I received it from her. " care for some? " I asked her. " not a fan " she replied smiling. " then I'll be going to my room " I said as I exited the kitchen with my meal which looked appetizing. " Philip " I muttered, shocked as I saw Philip coming in through the front door. " how are you bro " he asked smiling. " I'm good, didn't know you'll come so soon " I said staring at him " hello Susan " he greeted Susan as she came out of the kitchen. " Philip, been ages " Susan said smiling. " yeah, that witch won't give me an excuse to come " he said smiling and I knew Happy was the one he was referring to as a witch. " not surprised " Susan said still smiling. " see you later " Susan said before she exited the sitting room. " Happy wanted me to come earlier, said she has something she wanted us to do together " Philip said replying the question I asked him before Susan cut in. " what's that " I asked as I suddenly became curious of what it was Happy wanted them to do. "I'm not sure but I think it's sex " he whispered to me. The plate in my hand almost fell down if not that I swiftly gripped it. " I'm telling you this because you're my bro, make sure you don't let anyone know " he said smiling before he started heading to our block He sure know his way around the house amd considering the conversation he had with Susan, he was not new to the house. I returned to my room and dropped the food on my reading table as I suddenly lose my appetite. I didn't know why but I felt it was wrong for them to have sex and I had to do something to stop it but I was short of idea on what to do. " Chris " I muttered as an idea suddenly crept into my head. I took my phone and dialed Chris number. " brother Ben " he said excitedly as he replied the call. " where are you and what are you doing " I asked him. " in my room playing game " he replied. " pause the game and come to my room now" I said to him. " alright " he said not even asking why I wanted him inside my room. It wasn't up to a minute before he appeared inside my room. Happy's p.o.v " what will you like to eat " I asked him as he sat on the only chair inside my room while I sat on the bed. I was wearing a short bum short which had almost all my thigh in view with a transparent dress and I was sure my boobs was visible inside it and I was also sure he noticed it because he could hardly control himself not to stare. " I made sure to eat before coming " he replied. " why, don't you want me to cook for you like I did that day " I asked smiling. " tho you cooked poison for me that day and I ate so that you won't try to cook for me again " he said smiling. " you're not serious, but I've improved in my cooking " I said laughing as I reminisced on the event that occurred the day he was talking about. I stood up and walked to my door and locked it. " will you like to eat this " I asked smiling naughtily as I sat down on his lap. I was shocked that he already had a hard on. I placed my lip on his as he was about to talk and kissed him. I couldn't go deep as my phone suddenly started ringing. " I'm sorry " I said as I stood up from Philip's lap. I picked my phone from the bed and found out that the call was from Chris. " why could he be calling me " I asked rhetorically as I swiped the green icon. " hello sister Happy " he said as I replied the call. " what is it " I asked. " come into the garage, I've got something I want to show you " he said to me. " what's that " I asked but he had already dropped the call. I thought about it for some seconds before I decided to go see what it was he wanted to show me . " I'm coming " I said to Philip as I exited the room. I got to the garage and met no one inside it. I tried Chris numberbut it wasn't going through. " is he pranking me " I asked smiling tho I liked it. Sitting on Philip's lap and kissing him made me realized something. It was that no one could replace Ben even if I decided to lose my virginity. I couldn't feel half of the vibe I felt when I was making out with Ben, when I was kissing him. Chris call was a savior in disguise because I was already having a second thought about the whole thing. And since he's nowhere to be found , I decided to return to Philip and tell him that I'm no longer in the mood again because of the call I received from Chris. " shit " I muttered as I tried to open the door of the garage and it wasn't opening. I tried Chris number again and this time it started ringing inside the garage. " hello " Ben suddenly came out of nowhere with Chris phone in his hand. " what's happening here " I asked glaring at him. " just checking up on you and since you're reluctant in opening up to me, then a brief silent time between us might change your mind " he said giving out that damned smile. That kinda smile that make you reply yes to every question you're been asked because you've lost your wit. " told you there's nothing wrong " I managed to talk with a voice lacking vigour unlike the ones I've been using for him. " really? " he asked as he moved closer to me. " ye, yes " I stuttered as I dragged my leg backward but the door stopped me. " Happy " he called out gently as he placed his cold hand on my neck, I couldn't help but let out a light moan. " I know something is wrong and I think I'm at fault but there's no way I'm going to realize my mistake if you don't open up to me " he said to me tenderly as he stared directly into my eye. " do you wanna know what's wrong " I asked him and he shook his head. " this " I said as wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him as I couldn't control myself again. He wrapped his arm around my waist as he pulled me closer to him and we started kissing intensely. I lost grab of time during this moment and by the time our lips were apart from each other, I was slightly gasping for breath. " see, I'm cool with it now " Ben muttered smiling. " but I'm not because I love you and I don't think you can love me back " I said to him lowering my voice. " what " he murmured with a blank expression as he stared at me. " that's why I want you to give me space so that I can sort out my feelings " I said when he seemed like he's lost of words. " I'm sorry " he said staring at me. " why " I asked with a surprised expression. " because I failed to notice this and made you witness some things " he replied. " it's alright, you ain't the one that asked me to love you " I said to him. " is that the reason you accepted to date Philip " he asked. " yes " I replied. " hmph " he sighed deeply. " okay but I don't want you to have sex with him now " he said almost in a whisper. " why can't I have sex with him and who told you I'm planning to have sex with him " I asked slightly surprised at his statement. " because it's too early to do that when you're not a one night stand " he replied me. " and I just presumed you two are planning to have sex, and see the way you're dressing " he said pointing at my boobs which are almost visible. " I think you're even trying to lure him to have sex with you, not him doing so " he added as his gaze was already off my boobs. " you're kinda right but I already dropped that mindset before coming here " I said to him. " why " he asked looking curious. " because he's not you " I replied him smiling. " you know that it can't work " he said staring at me. " why " I asked. " because our parents are already in love " he replied me. " and so "I asked but he couldn't reply before his phone started ringing. " who saved this number on my phone "he asked with a perplexed countenance. " which number " I asked as I peeped into his phone. " that's the gateman's number, must have been saved by dad before he gave you the phone " I said to him when I saw that it was Jamiu GM that was calling. " okay " he said as he picked the call. " who's that " he asked. " okay, let her in " he said before disconnecting. " next time ask for visual confirmation first before asking him to allow anyone inside " I said to him swallowing what I really had in mind to ask him which was "who's the person coming ". " okay,I'll put that in mind " he said to me. " so where did we stopped " he asked smiling. " I think you're expecting a visitor, maybe we should continue this conversation another day or later in the night " I said to him. " she's not really a guest, that's Gina " he said to me reluctantly. " Gina " I muttered with a surprised expression. " what's she doing here " I asked. " she insisted on coming that she want to hang out with me, tho I told her that I had training session with Philip but she wouldn't budge " he replied me. " typical Gina " I muttered. Ben's p.o.v I knocked the door lock loudly thrice and Chris opened it. " Ben " Gina called as she entered. " Happy " Philip also called out as he got to the sitting room. " here " I said handing Chris phone to him. " thank you " I whispered to him as I handed it to him. He smiled as he exited the sitting room. " when are we gonna start the training " I asked Philip as he made to leave the sitting room with Happy. " later bro, have something I've got to do before then " he replied as he winked at me before he exited the sitting room with Happy with his hand on her waist. " ode " I mumbled with a smile. " how do I take off this cloak " Gina asked. " which cloak " I asked as I viewed her from head to toe. She wasn't wearing any cloak except a short red gown and a sky blue jean jacket. " the invisible cloak " she said smiling. " you're not serious" I said smiling. " so what will you like to be offered " I asked her as I anchored her to sit on one of the chairs in the sitting room and sat beside her. " do you have weed " she asked. " the one that people use to smoke " I asked her confused as Nigeria itself . " no, the one that's used to do laundry " she teased smiling. " I don't know you smoke" I said not hiding the fact that I was surprised . " and I don't know you're also dumb to take me serious " she said smiling. " yara fuu " I said laughing because she got me. I really thought she smoke. " yara mumu boy " she said laughing. " seriously, what should I offer you " I asked her. " a tour to your room won't be bad " she replied. " so that you'll go and rape me inside my room abi, I'm not going " I said humorously " like you're even worth raping " she retorted with a grin. " bye bye, you're due to return to your house " I said and she knew that I didn't mean it. " do you have a private jet ready " she asked. " can't you see it on the roof when you're about to enter " I asked her. " no, I didn't, maybe it has been taken to the car wash for washing " she replied. " oh, you're right, I asked the driver to go and wash it " I said smiling. " it's a pilot not a driver " she corrected me laughing. " well done miss Oxford 2021 " I said winking in a funny manner at her. " you're not cute joor " she lamented smiling. " who asked you " I asked her. " your dumb soul did " she replied. " are you naturally born with sharp mouth or you picked it on the way while growing up " I asked her. " I was too busy getting prettier and more intelligent to take note of that " she replied. " like she's pretty " I mumbled. "At least I don't look in the mirror and see an ape staring back at me like you " she said fluently as if she had crammed everything before coming. " you're lucky that I'm not in the mood for savaging today, I would have been measuring it back for you in higher quantity " I said to her. " don't make me laugh " she said trying hard to hold in her laughter. " just like you always measure your stupidity in higher quantity before talking abi" she added as she let go of her laughter and she cackled out loudly. " I'll show you to my room " I said standing up. " better " she said as she also stood up, still laughing. " what's Happy and Philip doing all alone inside her room " she asked me. " maybe you should go and ask them " I replied her. " yara fuu " she said smiling. " could they be having sex " I asked not voicing it out as I got to the entrance of my room and opened the door. To be continue... Next on OCA { way to your heart} " it's painful, take it out " she said wringing her face in pain as I thrusted it in. Another episode coming in the night.
15 Jul 2020 | 04:18
You want to give the pupu to Philip just like that. Next please
15 Jul 2020 | 05:53
See me see trouble oo,what is painful n shd be taken out sha???
15 Jul 2020 | 15:54
Am not even in support wit dis ur luv wit happy
16 Jul 2020 | 07:06
i think is the other way round instead of happy should be having sex with phillip but its ben and gina
16 Jul 2020 | 13:19
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 42? " welcome to my room " I said as we entered my room. " hmm, you try it's neat " she said as she glanced through the room. " who own this" she asked as she head for my lunch that was sitting comfortably on my reading table. " that's my lunch " I protested as she started eating it. " who told you that you can eat it " I asked her. " you did " she replied as she continued eating it. " when " I asked with a surprised countenance. " now " she said smiling as she continued eating it. Happy's p.o.v I returned to my room with Philip. I knew what he was expecting but I was keen on not giving it to him again. " where did we stop " he asked as he sat on the chair. " looks like we're not going to continue from that side again " I said smiling as I sat on the bed. " why " he asked looking confused. " because I think we're going too fast " I replied him. " does this have to do with Ben " he suddenly asked shocking me but I swiftly composed myself and feigned not to look shock. " what does this have to do with Ben " I asked . " what were you doing with him inside the garage because it seem to me like he lured you there to discourage you about doing the thing " he said. " which thing " I asked feigning innocent. " what we're about to do before you got the call " he replied. " and what was what that " I asked still feigning ignorance. " I thought we wanted to sex " he finally utter the word. " sex " I muttered feigning to be surprised. " why will you say we're about to have sex, thought we're just making out " I added still feigning ignorance. " was that your intention for coming here " I asked feigning to be angry. " nope " he muttered. " I thought you wanted it" he said in his defense. " so there's another version of Philip " I said laughing. " what do you mean " he asked with a confused countenance. " was just pulling your leg, didn't know you can be serious " I replied smiling. " but I was not planning on having sex with You, just wanted to have a nice time with you and Ben wasn't the one who called me, it was Chris " I said to him. " ohh, I'm sorry " he apologized. " it's okay, just let us take it steady " I said to him. Ben's p.o.v " do you know that's my lunch you're eating " I said to her as she continued eating the food. " that's great because you're the reason why I didn't take mine " she said smiling as she continued eating . " did I ask you to come " I asked feigning a sulk feeling. "You did " she replied. " what's that" she asked as she suddenly dropped the plate in her hand on the table and picked a ring on the floor. " did you bring that in " I asked as she held it in her hand. " do I look like queen of the ring to you " she asked. " you might be " i said teasingly. " you're not serious " she retorted smiling. " but it's pretty " she said staring at it. " take " she said as she threw it at me and I caught it. " wear it on my finger " she said stretching her hand toward me. " why will I wear it on your finger when I don't know the owner " I asked her. " and did I tell you that I'm leaving with it, I just want to see how it feels for a guy to put a ring on my finger " she replied me slightly frowning her face. " I'm not doing it " I said to her. " then it seems I'll be sleeping here tonight " she retorted as she laid on the bed. " I'm sure I'm the one who caused your death in your last life, that's why you're terrorizing my life " I said as I moved closer to her. " give me your hand " I said when I was standing in front of her. " good boy " she said smiling as she sat down on the bed and stretched her hand toward me. " you're not doing it properly " she said as she suddenly withdrew her hand. " how am I supposed to do it " I asked her shaking my head frustratingly. " you go on your knees, then stretch your left hand at me, I'll now place my left hand on your palm and you'll use your right hand to insert the ring into my finger romantically " she narrated smiling mischievously. " am I proposing to you" I asked with a confused expression. " maybe " she replied smiling " just that you're just practicing how you'll do it in future maybe in California or New York, in a five star hotel, surrounded by many white folks, clapping excitedly when I tell you yes" she added still smiling. " ya sick in the head " I said smiling as I knelt down with only my left knee, then stretched my left hand towards her like she explained. " wait " she said as she suddenly took her phone. " this kind of moment shouldn't be wasted " she said as she switched her phone camera on and set it to video. " now " she said as she placed her left hand on my palm while capturing everything with her phone on her right hand. I didn't care as I used my index and thumb finger to hold the ring. " he's about to proposed, he's really gonna propose to me " she said sounding excitedly like she's not the one staging the whole event. I smiled as a wicked idea flashed through my mind. The ring looked kinda small to fit her finger. The person who own the ring must have little fingers. With force, I inserted it into her index finger and it got stuck along the way. " it's painful, take it out " she said wringing her face in pain as I thrusted it in. " no, I've got to make sure it's fully in " I said smiling mischievously as I continued using force to pushed it in. " ya mad " she said as she forcefully withdrew her hand from mine. " no sane person can survive around you " I said laughing hysterically. Happy's p.o.v " I'll go and call Ben so that we can start our training " Philip said after we seemed to have used all the subscription for words in our mouth. He was less exciting as he has always been when we're not dating . " okay, let's go together, let me change my top " I said to him as I stood up amd head to my wardrobe to get another top. I swiftly excused myself to the bathroom to change it. " let's go " I said to Philip after coming out of the bathroom. " what could they be doing " Philip asked as we got to the entrance of his room. " let me confirm " I said smiling as I placed my ear on his door to eavesdrop on what's going on inside. " it's painful, take it out " I heard Gina said as she seemed to be in pain. " no, I've got to make sure it's fully in " Ben said " what could they be putting in and taking out " I asked myself inaudibly as my mood suddenly went sour. I knew what was happening, they're having sex while he asked me not to do it. I left Philip and returned to my room angrily . To be continue...
16 Jul 2020 | 15:57
Lolzzz Happy sorry oh
16 Jul 2020 | 17:22
Burh dis Gina have small sense..she brought the ring and wants Ben to put it in her finger so that it would look like he really proposed... Since everything would be on camera it would be like a prove that she is now Ben's girlfriend
16 Jul 2020 | 17:25
@Ele1 @ladyg @thecomely @timson7373 @iphemloid @harzaroboy @jaylogo @emmy01 [color =green] New Episode Guys [/color]
16 Jul 2020 | 17:27
Can just just help it but laugh my lungs out reading this episode.
16 Jul 2020 | 18:23
Nice one bro. @Henrymary I'm in the class, can't miss this for anything.
16 Jul 2020 | 18:25
thanks to first she/male @henrymary but this gina is very stupid why happy is somehow mugun
17 Jul 2020 | 03:42
Boom... Happy u will soon mk ppl find out ur feelings 4 Ben tk it easy
17 Jul 2020 | 16:39
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 43? Ben's p.o.v The training session went well with Philip and Gina as the spectator. I got to learn new techniques and I was also able to learn about the turning too. After learning everything, I was able to beat Philip in the last race we did. " what were you doing inside your room that made Happy angry " Philip asked me as he was drying his body with a towel I received from Susan inside my room. Gina had already left after so much pestering from me. She's a real thorn in the flesh but I liked her. She's cool, playful and careless. She seemed like a friend I need. " when " I asked Philip with a confused expression. " when I came to summon you for the practice " he replied. " but you're the only one at the entrance when I came to open the door for you " I said to him. " that's because she had stormed back into her room before I knocked on your door "he retorted. " hmmm, I wasn't doing anything with Gina but that's Happy for you, her mood always switch like network, get used to that bro " I said smiling. " thanks for the advice " he said as he started wearing his clothes. " anytime " I said smiling. " I've got to visit my beautiful rose before I leave, see you at school tomorrow " he said as he exited my room. I shut my eye as I sank into my bed still wearing my boxer which I changed into after swimming. I knew Happy was angry because I was entertaining her enemy inside my room but she need to get use to it because I'm not pushing anyone away for another. I suddenly felt my stomach grumbled depicting that I was hungry. " Gina " I muttered shaking my head as I took a polo, took the remnant of my food which she left and head to the kitchen. Susan was peeling potato inside the kitchen. " can I have this again " I asked her as I dropped the plate inside the sink. " you didn't finish the one you got before and here you are asking for another one " she protested. " I wasn't the one who ate it, Gina did " I said to her. " what's going on between the two of you " she asked me as she stopped what she was doing to steal a glance at me. " nothing, she's just my friend " I replied her. " are you sure " she asked giving me a weird stare. " I'm hungry na " I said to stopped her from drilling me. " go and cook na " she said. " alright, where is the plantain and egg " I asked her. " can you cook " she asked me. " I stayed in a ghetto for three years and you expect me not to know how to cook " I asked chuckling. " then you must be deluded " I added sounding less offensive. " just like you abi " she asked as she moved away from the potatoes to get the plantain and eggs. She took a small frying Pan and pour vegetable oil inside without switching on the gas cooker as she started peeling and slicing the plantain. " hope you know those two are arch enemy " she asked while she was preparing the meal. " which two " I asked feigning not to know what she's talking about. " Gina and Happy " she replied . " ohh, did you by chance drop a ring inside my room " I asked with the aim of shutting down the conversation she's aiming for. " ring " she asked turning to look at me. " I've scorched all the nook and cranny of this house looking for that ring, must have dropped it when I was cleaning your room this morning " she added before she continued with what she was doing. " do you wear the ring on your finger " I asked her. " nope, it's a pendant on the chain my loml bought for me, it must have fallen from the chain " she replied. " I thought as much " I mumbled. " where is it " she asked. " inside my room, I'll give it to you later "I replied her. She prepared excess of what I asked her to prepare, so I couldn't eat dinner because it was already in the evening when I ate it. I already told Susan that I won't be having dinner so that mine wouldn't be prepared. Throughout the evening I was tempted to go meet Happy but I controlled myself and kept myself busy with game and Facebook. I did WhatsApp video call with brother Solomon as we planned, in the night and after that, I showered before I settled down to sleep. I was about to sleep when my mom came in. " hello my prince charming " she said smiling as she entered. She was lucky I was just about to sleep. " mom " I said sitting down. " about to sleep " she asked. " yes mom " I replied as she sat beside me. " seemed I was lucky " she said smiling. " yes, you are " I muttered. " how was school today " she asked me. " it was good, achieved many things " I replied her smiling. " really " mom sounded excited. " what are the things " she asked with a curious countenance. " I will be representing the school in running and swimming in a national competition that will be holding soon " I replied. " wow, my champ " she said hugging me excitedly. " I knew you'll do well in sport because I was also good in sport during my days too " she said smiling. " are you sure I got that trait from you or my dad " I asked smiling mischievously. " your dad that can't even first a snail when we're in school, I was the school golden leg in every competition then " she replied. " good, so how is your mart " I asked her. " it's doing great, can't wait to have you visiting it " she said. " Saturday is already close " I retorted. " you're right, but I've got something to ask you " she said. " what's that " I asked staring at her. " what's going on between you and Happy " she asked. " nothing, why are you asking. " I replied and asked her. " you two seemed to have a misunderstanding, she didn't eat tonight, same as you " she said. " it's nothing serious mom, you don't need to concern yourself with it " I said to her. " and I didn't eat because I ate much in the evening, not because we're not on good term " I said to her. " do you know that you two are very close when you're young " she said. " me and who " I asked looking surprised. " you and Happy of course , you always pester me to visit them so that you two can play together " she replied. " and why didn't I remember any thing of such " I asked her. " that's because you fell down from the staircase in our house then and hit your head, losing some of your memory " she replied. " why are you lying mom, we've never lived in a house with staircase before, because of your phobia for staircase " I said to her and she smile subtly " and why did you think I've got phobia for staircase " she asked more like a rhetorical question. " it was because of you " she replied her question. " I got scared of staircase when you fell down then and was on the brink of death, I really thought you're going to die because you're unconscious and in coma for a month, I always picture you falling down anytime I climb a staircase, that's why we moved out of our house then and your dad bought this, but you can't remember it because of the accident then " she explicated to me. " wow " I exclaimed " why did you keep me out of it " I asked her. " because you didn't ask " she replied me. " and how will I asked when I've lost my memory " I asked smiling. " that doesn't concern me " she replied smiling. " what concern me is that I want you to try and be nice to Happy, you once liked her so much, so try getting that like again because she's your sister and will always be your sister " she added still smiling. " how are you sure I liked her as my sister then " I asked her. " you regard each other as brother and sister because of the little age difference between the two of you " she replied. " alright mom, I want to sleep " I said yawning. " you're sending me out niyen oo " she said smiling as she stood up from my bed. " sooth yourself " I said lying down. " goodnight my jewel " she said. " goodnight mom " I said as she exited my room. She was already out before I remembered that I didn't tell her about the money I received. Happy gave me the silent treatment again on our way to school but I was kinda used to it tho I didn't like it. I slept early but woke up late, so I didn't get to eat breakfast at home. I would have woken up early and eat my mom's delicacy if I knew that Gina has already broadcast the video she took about the fake proposal. I got into the cafeteria and got the repetition of the scene that happened during the incident of Azeezah. Maybe I was really created to always create scene. To be continued...
17 Jul 2020 | 16:43
I knew that was her plan all along and happy is going to misunderstand everything.. Plus the [color =red] "put it in gently,its painful ahhh" [/color] that she heard
17 Jul 2020 | 17:29
Benjamin,diz Gina is set to destroy u oh
17 Jul 2020 | 17:34
Ben you better be very careful about this girl called Gina or else she will put you in a lot of trouble and remember that you are still looking for the person that took the picture of you and AZ....
18 Jul 2020 | 09:47
U will be a play maker
18 Jul 2020 | 12:02
happy and Gina are like moon? and sun? cause if d two of them meet they are going to cause eclipse of ben
18 Jul 2020 | 16:15
getting more interesting
19 Jul 2020 | 06:22
Ben,what proposal are u talking abt? N by de way who proposed to who??? Who is de "proposer" n who is de proposee" lol...
19 Jul 2020 | 12:12
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 44? Happy's p.o.v I was really a fool to reverse my decision because of the few minutes inside the garage. I really thought it could be a start of something but here's a secondary school guy proposing to a girl after they've finished having sex. Or could it be that Gina demanded he propose to her first before he could allow him to have a taste. Gina wasn't a virgin, that I know and since she wanted Ben, it wouldn't be a big deal getting her pant down for him. I saw the video when Gina posted it on the class group. I knew Ben wouldn't have seen it because nor Philip, Gina or I that represent the group as its admin has added him as a member. I just couldn't believe he's gullible enough to propose to a girl all because of sex. I was tempted to show Mrs Salako the video when she came into my room before I slept but I refrained myself from doing it, tho I didn't know the reason why I stopped. On getting to school, I knew it was gonna be the hot topic and the cafeteria will be filled with every students from our class , even the ones that have already had their breakfast to gist about it. I was sure the class would be empty. Dropping down from the car, I head down to the locker room to get my books. Just like I predicted, the class was empty. I sat down on my chair and placed my head on the desk. I needed a quiet place and the class offered it. I was sure Ben would have already been placed in an awkward position because of the video. I suddenly felt like going there to give him a hug. But for what, for asking me not to have sex when he was planning to have it. I'll pass. Ben's p.o.v I knew that look, it was familiar, I've gotten it before but what was it this time. Philip winked at and made an inaudible apllauase. " what could it be this time " I asked rhetorically as I went to get my food. Gina was sitted at her usual spot all alone smiling mischievously at me as I passed by her. My heart suddenly sunk as a thought passed by it. Could it be that someone recorded the kiss between Happy and me during the literary and debate class but I was swift to wave the thought away when I remembered that Philip was laughing. He wouldn't be if that was the case. I got my meal of plain rice and stew with a fish and head to sit with Gina. I knew she knew what the news is about and will share it with me. " good morning " I greeted her as I sat beside her. " how are you my to be husby " she said smiling as I sat in front of her. She was eating noodles and egg. " who's your to be husby " I asked her as I began to eat my food. I was hungry because I didn't have dinner before sleeping. " you na, or what do you think you are after proposing to me " she said lifting her left hand up to flash the diamond ring sitting on it at me. I shook my head smiling as I saw it. I knew what everything is about at once. " you uploaded that video abi " I asked her still smiling. " yeep " she replied smiling. " I knew you'll do that, you've probably edited the part you're wringing your face right " I added still smiling. " I didn't edit it, I only removed it " she said laughing. " seems I'll be trending for quite some time now, thanks to you " I said as I continued eating my food. " you're born to make headlines " she said teasingly. I was cool with her Sharing the video because it was better than the disastrous event I had already thought of in my mind. " but why didn't I get the video " I asked her. " because we're yet to add you as a member to our class WhatsApp group " she replied. " why " I asked. " because it's probably been skipping our mind " she replied. " tssk, y'all are unbelievable " I said shaking my head. " I'll try to do that today when I get home because I didn't bring my phone " she said smiling. I took my time to eat because Gina insisted that we both leave the cafeteria together because she's my upcoming fiancee now. I thought taking long inside there would make her leave but she didn't. She made sure she locked arm with mine as we went to the locker room to get our books and on our way back to the class. She made it looked like we're couples and funnily, I didn't find anything wrong with it. After the first two subjects in the morning, we both went down to the cafeteria, she made me order her food alongside mine. She made it seemed like we're on a date. After we're through with the subject for the day, Philip went to the front of the class to pass another information. " as we all know that ever since Azeez left us, our relevance in the school football team was ousted and despite been good in all aspect, our class has been mocked because of a mere round leather " he said making sure his emotion convey his displeasure towards this. " but the gods of our class has bestowed us with a savior who's gonna liberate us from those dim wits mocking us in the person of Ben " he said as he started clapping his hands and other followed suit. I couldn't help but felt proud at that moment. " he's gonna try out for the school team today and we'll be there, all of us, no one is going home, to support and motivate him to do us proud " he said after the applause had died dowm. " did you bring your football boot " he came over to ask me. " no, I haven't gotten one " I replied him. " don't worry bro, I got you covered " he said before returning to his seat. " you play football also " Gina asked me. " I think so, tho I've not featured in a football team before " I replied her. " Azeez , your predecessor didn't feature in any football team too before I gave him good luck signature and he became the best player for the school team " she said smiling. " and what's the good luck signature " I asked her. " this " she said as she suddenly propelled her body closer to mine and kissed me. It wasn't a long one so I didn't need to push her away from me. Happy and I made eye contact but she swiftly averted her face. It was surprising how no one inside the class made any reaction towards it. If it had been my former school, you would have seen many immature peeps making fuse about it. " ya beautifully insane " I said to her as I stood up and exited the class. I wasn't long gone before I heard the alarm for closing went off. I head to the car park and informed Mr Adamu that it will take long before Happy and I will go home because of football training. He said he'll drop Chris at home first and come back for Happy and I. Philip gave me a pair of boot which I knew belong to him. He was the one to take me to the pitch and introduced me to the coach, even exaggerating on my performance as if he had seen me play football before. The coach decided to give me a chance based on Philip's recommendation and I could see how bitter Mohammed was about it. The spectator stand was filled with my classmates and some other students. I proved my worth to the coach and he was very satisfied with my performance. He wouldn't relent to shower me praise and also told the team that they've finally gotten what the school team lacked. A creative and complete player. Someone who can dribble, score, run and most importantly, create chances. I could see how bitter Mohammed was about this but I didn't give a damn. The coach informed us that there would practice on Monday, Thursday and Friday because of the upcoming competition My classmates, especially Philip wouldn't stop chanting my praise after the practice was over. Only Happy wasn't celebrating. By the time we returned to the car park, Mr Adamu was already waiting for us. I had it in mind to talk to Happy when we get home. She sat at the front seat while I sat at the back. Mr Adamu drove out of the school and we're on our way home. I was feasting my eye with the beauty of the surrounding when I saw a car with tinted glass suddenly sped passed us and pulled it break in front of our vehicle, double crossing it. Some men with guns suddenly came out shooting sporadically into the air. Mr Adamu on see this swiftly put our car on reverse but one of the gunmen shot at him, the bullet penetrated glass of our car and hit Mr Adam and he had to stop the car. " run " he managed to say to us before he passed out as his head hit the steering of the car and the horn was blaring out loud. Happy and I both got out of the car at once and started running. The gunmen pursued us at once, I was fast but Happy wasn't faster as I was. I had to slow down to held her by her hand and continued running. She was slowing me down and the gunmen were gaining on us. I knew I had to do something if I don't want both of us caught by them. I released my hold on her hand and asked her to run while I stood my ground to stop the gunmen, one of the most stupidest thing I've ever done . I spread my arm wide as I made to stop them. I was met with a brutal punch to my jaw and I passed out at once . To be continued...
19 Jul 2020 | 16:44
Super man ben
19 Jul 2020 | 17:19
You think say you wise You are a Mumu man
19 Jul 2020 | 19:15
His name is [color =blue] Benjamin [/color] nah... So he gat to behave like [color =purple] BEN 10 [/color]
19 Jul 2020 | 20:49
But i still dnt know why Happy cant approach u to ask what went down when she first saw the video... Maybe becos their bond is nt yet strong
19 Jul 2020 | 20:52
mumu boy you think you are super man right ode
19 Jul 2020 | 22:06
U stop to block the gunmen as in Super man wey u be laa. I think u haven't read the message sent to u by azezah ur EX-Lover abi ur faraway love??
20 Jul 2020 | 03:50
@ladyg and @henrymary abi he don open the message??? @thecomely kedu?
20 Jul 2020 | 03:52
Hmm... May God help u...
20 Jul 2020 | 04:25
Super hero Ben??
20 Jul 2020 | 06:31
Who are they and who send them...
20 Jul 2020 | 10:10
'You were born to make headlines' I pity you Ben
20 Jul 2020 | 11:27
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 45? Mr Tokunbo's p.o.v I was in a shareholder's meeting for one of the companies I've invested in when my phone suddenly rang. It was from my love, but the matter been discussed at the meeting need utmost attention so I had to drop the call and put my phone in silent. Immediately the meeting was over, I took my phone and called her as soon as I was out of the auditorium. " Ben and Happy has been kidnapped on their way back from school, it was gunmen, they shot Mr Adamu and took them away, I've been to the police station, they've taken down a statement from me " she kept talking as if she had a hot yam in her mouth and I couldn't fathom what she's really saying. " calm down and talk to me " I interrupted her. " Happy and Ben has been abducted on their way back from school " she said with a cracking voice. I didn't need to see her to know how disoriented she was. I mute for some seconds to digest the words she just uttered. " when and where " I asked trying to keep calm even tho my body wasn't normal again as I hastened my movement to the carpark to get my car. " this evening on their way back from school " she replied. " where are you now " I asked her. " I'm at home " she replied. " what about Chris and Adamu " I asked. " Chris wasn't in the car because he came home early before them and Adamu was shot but he's at the hospital receiving treatment " she replied. " okay " I said dropping the call as I ignited my car. I breath in and breath out three times before I started driving. I was confused on where to go, school, police station or house. I was disoriented and lacked focus. I almost bang the gate of my house down when I got to my house. I hit on the horn repeatedly and the gate was opened. I parked directly in front of the entrance of the building, got down without even killing the car's engine. Precious ran to meet me at once as she saw me enter the house. I swiftly put her into a warm embrace. Her face was all puffy and lacked life due to constant tears from her eye. " we'll get them back " I managed to say even tho I have little faith in that. I had to man up so as to control every affairs. " what did the police say " I asked her. " they said investigation is already on and they would be found in no time " she replied me. " who do you think could have done that " she asked me. " I don't know, I don't have anyone I'm having misunderstanding with, so I don't really know who could have done it " I replied trying hard not to give chance to the tears trying to force their way out of my eye. " what of Chris " I asked her. " he's in his room " she replied. " the wristwatch " I exclaimed loudly Ben's p.o.v I groaned in pain as I opened my eye slowly. Every thing was blurry at first but after much concentration I could see everything clearly. My jaw was paining me, I just woke up from a bad dream. I tried to move my hands and legs but couldn't. I tried again and that was when I knew I was tied up. That was when I knew that it wasn't a dream but real. " are you awake " I heard Happy's voice from behind me. " Happy " I exclaimed as I forcefully moved my body to turn to look at her. She looked rough as her cloth was dirty and her hair made everything worse. She was sitting down but tied up too. " are you alright " I asked her. " yeah " she replied nodding her head. " you're a fool you know " she said smiling. " why will you call me that " I asked her as I tried to also sit down. " maybe you've been watching too much of Indian film because I can't seem to fathom how you'll stand to stop gunmen with your bare hand "she replied staring at me. " I didn't know why I also did that, all I had in my head was just to save you but seems it failed because we're both here " I said trying hard to feign a smile but I couldn't. But she find it easy to smile. I was petrified of what was going on. We seemed to be in an uncompleted building, probably deep inside the forest because I could hear the chirping of crickets as evening had already dawn upon us. " who are those people and why are we here " I asked her. " I'm also clueless just like you " she replied me. " could they be dad's rival " I asked her. " I don't think so, dad doesn't deal in anything that will produce rivals because he's of feeble heart " she replied me. I heard footsteps and voices of some people coming closer, I kept shut as we both had our gaze fixed on the entrance of the room. Then they started entering, they're five and two guys outta them had weeds clamped between their lips as smoke puffed out of it, their looks was terrifying but I still managed to pull myself together. " African commando don wake up " one of them said mockingly and the rest of bosted into laughter, even Happy snickered. " what are your names " one of them asked. " please don't hurt us, call my dad, he'll be willing to pay any amount to get us out " Happy said. " why did we kidnap you if we didn't know that your parent will be able to afford our fee " one of them said and the rest bosted into laughter. " we're not here to hurt you, all we want is your cooperation and your parent's own too, so everything will be alright " the guy added. " so tell me your names " he ordered. " I'm Benjamin Salako " I was the first to say my name. I saw the expression of one of the guys change but he just let out a grin. " I'm Happy " Happy said after me. " so Ben and Happy, give us your parent's number " the guy said smiling. They're not harsh nor aggressive. They even looked educated apart from one of the weed smokers that looked odd. All of them are probably in their early thirties. " 0903880**** "Happy called out and one of them was pressing it on the phone in his hand. They looked inexperience for a kidnapper, it could be they just started and we're be their first prize. " are you guys hungry " the one talking most asked us. " no " Happy and I replied in unison.. " rethink it because we won't be here again until tomorrow " he said to us. " we'll pass happily " Happy said. " well if that's your choice, I'll respect it" he said giving up " goodnight " he added laughing as they exited the room. One of them, the one that looked odd outta them was staring at Happy weirdly, licking his lip as he went out. " you don't look scared " I said to her. " yeah " she replied smiling. " why " I asked her staring at her with a confused expression. " this wristwatch on my wrist was gotten for Chris and me last year by dad and it had GPS installed in it, so I'm sure rescue is already on the way " she said almost in a whisper. " wow " I said as I was finally able to smile. Everywhere had already gotten more darker and it was getting harder to see ourselves. I moved closer to her so that we could feel ourselves. " are we really close when we're young " I asked her. The aim was to ensue in a conversation with her because I don't want anyone of us to sleep since it was rapidly getting dark. " do you now remember " she asked me. " nope, I lost my memory when I was younger so I can't remember anything about us then, only what mom told me " I said to her. " then, it's a challenge, try and remember it yourself, heard lost memory ain't fully lost, it's just locked in a room waiting for you to find the right key to unlock it " she said to me. " did you hear that " I asked as I heard someone's footstep from a far distance. " I think so " she said. " maybe they brought food for us " I said waving off every negative thought in my mind. I was already hearing distance howling of wolves and different kinda odd sounds, I was praying it wasn't one of the wild animals that had broke in. The footsteps was drawing closer and I was getting scared, same as Happy as she clung onto me tightly. A flashlight suddenly shone upon us partially blinding us. The person moved closer reeking of weed. He placed the torchlight on the floor to face the roof so that it could lit the room. " Hello fine girl " he chuckled as he placed his hand on Happy's cheek. She moved her face to get the hands off it. " bitch " he said as he suddenly slapped her hardly. " leave her alone " I screamed trying to force myself free but the rope was tied tightly. He also slapped me and my body fell to the floor. He suddenly dragged Happy farther from me and started unbuttoning her shirt. " stop it " I screamed as he. To be continue...
20 Jul 2020 | 17:04
Mumu man indeed sheybi d two of u ar the best when it comes to running so wetin do happy o
20 Jul 2020 | 17:53
No worry happy help dea come dat guy no go chop ur thing.
20 Jul 2020 | 18:00
Ar u guy awake, if yes read with me @ele1 @ladyg @emmy01 @timson7373 @henrymary @fb-danieledem @kelly-kelvin @jaylogo nd other
20 Jul 2020 | 18:02
yeah @thecomely
20 Jul 2020 | 18:16
too much of indian film can make you misbehave
20 Jul 2020 | 18:17
imagine you standing infront of gunmen with bare hand and now with hood lump with your hand tied down
20 Jul 2020 | 18:22
just imagine
20 Jul 2020 | 18:23
Fire on
21 Jul 2020 | 05:43
I know that everything will be fine... Am just worried about Happy, hope the man will not rape her....
21 Jul 2020 | 09:29
But who is behind all this things that is happening to them...
21 Jul 2020 | 09:31
@thecomely i de ya back, thanks for the mention.
21 Jul 2020 | 09:44
I just hope Rescue would arrive on time to save this girl
21 Jul 2020 | 09:45
Tahts bullshit... Will she lose her virginity here?
21 Jul 2020 | 10:36
See wahala,a miracle needs to happen oo before dis hungry weed smoker of a rapist tears Happy apart!!!
21 Jul 2020 | 12:46
Mohammed is planning to get u down Ben
21 Jul 2020 | 14:09
Hmm... Rescue shld come fast o!
21 Jul 2020 | 18:24
I wonder the brain behind this their kidnap
21 Jul 2020 | 23:34
Mr Tokunbo should be on his way now... As for that guy some one should nak him stick on his head nah
21 Jul 2020 | 23:36
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 46? Continued from last scene He suddenly dragged Happy farther from me and started unbuttoning her shirt. " stop it " I screamed as he tried to pull down her skirt. I was trying hard to get my hands off the rope. Happy was also trying get her off him hut he was too strong and keen on getting his aim. " please, don't do this " I switched to begging since the person that tied me up had mistaken me for a cow. How on earth will they tie a human being like that. " paaaaam " I suddenly heard a loud bang sound. The guy slipped off from Happy's body and behind him was one of the kidnappers standing with a big plank in his hand. The guy who was staring at me weirdly when I said my name. He dropped the plank and brought out a switch knife as he approached Happy who was laying on the ground covered in dirt from furious battle with the useless guy that had almost raped her. She was sobbing as she stared at the guy. He moved closer to her and cut the rope used to tie her legs and hands. He came over to me too and did the same. Happy swiftly ran into my embrace still sobbing. " it's okay "I said as I used my hand to clean her face. " if you want to escape here, we've got to leave now " the guy that saved us said to us. " we " I exclaimed. " yeah, without my help you can't get out of this place successfully, so I've got to follow you " he said as he made to leave. " wait " I said not moving. I wasn't sure if he was to be trusted or not, even tho he just saved us. It might be that he wanted the ransom money all to himself. " how can we be sure that we can trust you " I asked him. " because I just saved you and to be frank, you don't really have a choice and trust me, if we don't leave now, you might not get a chance again " he replied me. " why are you helping us " I asked him. " I know you've got many questions but let's leave here first, I'll answer you on the way " he replied. I stared at Happy and she shook her head to affirm positive that we should follow him. I dusted some of the dirt on her cloth and took the torchlight on the ground. Like I predicted, it was an uncompleted building. But beside it was a big mansion which I'm sure the kidnapper are staying in. It was deep inside the forest like I also predicted as trees surrounded us. " now, we've got to hasten our movement because they would have seen us " the guy said to us pointing the torchlight in his hand at one of the CCTV cameras there. He led the way as he sank into the forest and we followed him as I firmly held Happy's hand with my right hand and the torchlight on my left hand. The guy was walking fast and we made sure to keep up with him. " why are you helping us " I asked him. " the guy you saw me hit with the plank, his name is Chima, I was new to join them to kidnap people and request for ransom without hurting them but I heard that he's got a knack for young girls, the first operation I did with them which was the one before yours, he raped the young girl brutally and he said it was due to the influence of alcohol and promised the team that he wouldn't do that again but I saw the way he was looking at her this evening " he said pointing at Happy " and seeing the way he was staring at her and him also volunteering to keep watch when we should have rolled a dice, I knew he was up to something " he added not decreasing his speed and we're also doing a great job to keep up with him. " but that doesn't really answer my question you know, you could have called the gang on him but seems you're already keen on getting us out maybe to safety or other agenda you might have in your mind " I said to him. " you're smart you know " he scoffed. " do you remember when you're still a student of Government community school in Lekki phase 2 " he asked me. " yes " I replied. " then, I think you're in Js2, I was working as a gateman slash security with a salary of twenty thousand naira in the school after searching for job with my second class upper certificate. My mom who was suddenly ill and diagnosed with a brain tumor. I was assured that a surgery which cost three hundred and fifty thousand naira will make her whole. How did they expect me to get such amount of money when I'm receiving a salary of twenty thousand naira.She was a single mom and sponsored my education with all she had, showered me with love and stood by me in every aspect of my life, it was my turn to reciprocate the love because she needed me. I went to meet the principal of the school to pay me an advance salary of twelve months because he's the one paying my salary not the government but he couldn't help. I sought for help in many places but none came while my mom was dying slowly on the hospital bed. One of the teachers told me about you and your mom and advised me to try and seek help from you. That day, as she came to pick you up at closing and was leaving, I accosted her and shared my plight with her as tears strolled down freely from my face. She wasn't going to help me but you told her to, she tried to explain to you that your dad will find out if she take such money from her account and will be furious to know that she gifted it to some random person but you wouldn't budge as you kept on pestering her. That same day, she wrote me a cheque of four hundred thousand naira and even gave me twenty thousand naira in cash. That money was able to save my mom and I promised myself that I must one day repay the favor you did to me " he narrated and I suddenly felt proud of myself. I remembered the incident and he was right. I remembered his face after his story. " to be honest, it was a great inner battle on deciding to help you because we planned on requesting fifty million naira for ransom but if I collected my share of the money, most of it will be used to take care of my mom that you helped saved her life. I won't be able to forgive myself if such happened " he added. Happy squeezed my hand smiling. I knew she was also proud of me. " thank you " I appreciated the guy. " and thank you too, didn't get to say it to you that day " he said smiling. " did you guys hear that " I asked as I heard sounds coming from behind us. The guy suddenly stopped walking and we followed suit. He had his hand on his ear to be sure. " run " he ordered as he also started running. I held Happy's hand more tightly as we scaled through the shrubs and trees. " this way " the guy said taking a swift cut to the right, I also pulled on my brake and took the cut, the sound of boots pressing hardly on the ground like marching soldiers was now more audible to the ear as it was closing in more on us. " can you shoot " the guy asked loudly so that I could hear. " I don't think so " I replied still running. " then think so " he said as he suddenly flung a gun at me without looking back. I didn't know how I was going to catch it with the torchlight and Happy's hand in my hand, but Happy came to my rescue as she caught it. The guy suddenly stopped and we also did. " follow this path and continue running, I'll try to slow them down " he said as he pushed us forward. I continued running with Happy on the cleared path which I'm sure lead to either the road or a community. I paused as I heard a gunshot, I turned to look back if it wasn't someone aiming at us. Another gunshot followed and Happy dragged me as we both continued running. The forest seemed not ending, the trees wouldn't stop been by our sides and the darkness wasn't ready to give way to the light. We're lucky it was a fool moon night, the job would have weighed the torchlight in my hand. After some minutes, the sound of the gunshot stopped and I took it that our helper has been eliminated. I wished I could see where the path we're following end, I wasn't even sure if we've not derailed from it. The leaves wouldn't stop giving us slap as we ran by them, I felt no pain even tho I I hit my leg on some hard substances many times. I was a short distance runner because I get tired quickly but the adrenaline circulating through me could power a whole state. Happy's hand suddenly got off from mine as she hit her leg on a protruding root of a big tree and stumbled on the ground. I pulled my brake and came back for her. I swiftly wrapped her arm around my shoulder as I helped her up. She squeezed her face in pain as she tried to stand very well. " I think I've injured my leg " she said with tension oozing out from her voice. " we've got to continue running if we're to get out of here " I said as I carried her in my arm and she wrapped her hands around my neck to support herself. I collected the gun from her hand and tuck it into the band of my trouser. I continued running but my speed had drastically decreased. It wasn't easy running with her in my hand, but getting us out of there was my main priority, especially Happy. " they're getting closer " Happy said as I was also hearing their footsteps drawing closer. " don't worry I'll get us out of here " I said as I continued running. " you can't, I'm slowing you down, just drop me, I know you'll be able to make it out because you're faster " she said. " no, I'll rather stay behind than leave you " I said as I continued running. " please, we can't make it like this " she pleaded with me. " yeah, not like this " I said as I reduced my speed. " we've got to get off this path because they believed we'll be following it to get out " I said as I threw the torchlight with all the strength I had to our front while I got off the path and sank into the forest. I dropped her and wrapped my arm around her waist while she supported herself by wrapping hers around my shoulder as we walked more into the heart of the forest. When I was sure we've gone far enough closer to safety, I told her we should rest. We sat under a big tree breathing heavily. " do you think the wristwatch is going to work because it is our only chance of getting out of here now " I said to her. " it should " she didn't finished her statement as she started checking her wrist. " the wristwatch is gone " she lamented. " maybe it dropped inside the building when that animal was trying to " I couldn't complete the sentence because it sounded odd for me to pronounce the last word. " what if they fish us out, how will my dad locate us now " she asked as she noticed my expression. " at least we still have this " I said as I took the gun out. " do you know how to use it " she asked. " I should be able to, I've watched many American movies to have an idea " I replied her. " did you hear that " she asked as she suddenly held my hand. " what again, I can't hear anything " I said as I was already exhausted of all my strength and adrenaline was no where to be found again. " someone is coming " she said and at that moment i heard the rustling of dried leaves on the ground. " Jesus " Happy exclaimed as an animal that looked like a wolf was in view. It growled loudly as it stared at us like someone staring at a delicious meal. Happy's face was buried in my chest as she held me tightly. I was scared but I didn't have anyone to hold onto like her. And the wolf looking animal looked like it was going to descend on us soon. I couldn't shoot it because it will alert the enemies of our location. It suddenly howled loudly and I remembered the movies I watched concerning wolves where wolves howl to get their members to join them. So after running away from kidnappers, wolves is what's coming to finish the job. To be continue... The story is coming to an end soon, few more episodes to go.
24 Jul 2020 | 12:02
Am still on it
24 Jul 2020 | 15:27
You av jumped from frying pan to pepper soup
24 Jul 2020 | 15:29
But Ben watching America film does not means you know how to shoot...lets see whether you can escape from the wolf
24 Jul 2020 | 15:34
let see how its goes
24 Jul 2020 | 17:07
From fry pan to fire
25 Jul 2020 | 06:30
Dont worry ben we will continue praying 4 u
25 Jul 2020 | 06:31
I know you people will be save....
25 Jul 2020 | 08:39
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 47? Mr Tokunbo's p.o.v After I took the package of the watch which had the details needed to track her and Ben, I assured Precious that I'll come back home with them before I head to the police station. It was hard asking her to stay home but I was able to convince her that's it's not safe for her to follow me. After taking the package to the police station and handed it to the officer in charge , the serial number and stuff they needed from it was jotted down, the ICT team was contacted immediately and before I knew what was happening, three vans was already loaded with armed police men. I followed them in my Lexus with the hope that I get my kids back. The GPS led to a lone road in the midst of trees. It got to a point we had to get off the vehicles and continued the hunt on foot through the forest. After trekking for almost an hour, we got to a place where two buildings were situated inside the forest. One was a big mansion with a big gate with little lights on it while the second was just an abandoned uncompleted building. The one leading the force made some signs to others, they grouped themselves into two, the first group stationed themselves outside while the second group trooped inside the uncompleted building. I followed them from behind and when they got to the room where the kids were supposed to be, it was only a guy that was unconscious that was found inside. Loosed ropes and the wristwatch was on the floor. The guy woke up as one of the force tapped him. He wanted to run away as he saw us but he was quickly detained and was taken outside. We're already ready to storm the mansion when We suddenly heard the sounds of gunshot, and it was coming from deep inside the forest. Ben's p.o.v It was growling as it made to advance towards us, not knowing what to do, I pointed the gun at it as I prayed in my mind that it will suddenly develop a knowledge of what I was pointing at it and run for its life. But instead of it to run away, it was moving more closer to us not in a frenzy manner, I aimed the gun at it and when it left me with no choice, I pulled the gun's trigger and off goes a loud deafening bang sound. Happy screeched out loudly holding onto me tightly. My hand was shaking as the gun fell down from my it. I couldn't hear anything as all I could hear was a loud high pitch tone which I was sure was caused by the gunshot. The wolf was already dead as the bullet hit it on its head. After few minutes, I was able to get hold of myself as my body system returned to it normal self. Happy finally freed me as she stared at me. " are you alright " she asked me as my gaze was fixed on the dead wolf in front of me. " I'm okay, we've got to leave now, I'm sure they're already coming for us " I said as I picked the gun and stood up, I tucked it into my trouser's band. I also helped her up, I wrapped my hand around her waist in order to assist her movement. We've not taken up to twenty steps when I suddenly heard someone screaming Happy's name including mine from far distance, more like an echo. It sounded more like dad's voice. " did you hear that " I asked her. " yes " she replied. " I think your wristwatch has finally led them here " I said smiling as we change our direction and started heading towards the direction we're coming from. " yes " Happy said smiling. The voice was getting more louder as we now walked back towards where it was sounding from. " where are you going kids " someone suddenly said coming out of the dark. Happy and I startling turned towards the direction the voice came from. It was the guy that was addressing us earlier when we're still tied up, with a gun pointed at us. " come over here or else I'll shoot the two of you " he threatened us making sure he didn't raise his voice. I knew we're closer to dad and I felt like screaming for help but I was sure I would have been dead alongside Happy before they arrive. " are you deaf " he said as he moved closer to us and tried to drag Happy by her arm. Like I've watched in movies, I swiftly pulled the gun out and shot him probably on his arm because I wasn't able to target where I wanted him to be hit by the bullet. Happy embraced me tightly as she sobbed. In the blink of an eye, the place was suddenly filled with armed men pointing guns at us. " Ben, Happy " daddy screamed excitedly as he scampered towards us and embraced us. One of the police vans escorted us back to the back to the police station where our statement was documented before we're taken to the hospital. Happy and I was admitted into different VIP wards. Tho I was protesting that I didn't need to be at the hospital except Happy but dad insisted that I was admitted. I was asked to change my clothes into the one of the hospital clothes. I was injected by the doctor and drip was fixed to my wrist. I was also given some tablets to use. I slept off before the doctor was through. I woke up later to find myself alone inside the ward. Everywhere was lit up but I could still tell that the day was yet to break. I stood up and detached the drip from my wrist. I stood up and head to Happy's ward which was directly next to mine. I opened it and entered. She was sleeping peacefully on the hospital. Cast had already been placed on her leg which she injured. She was looking neat and cute with the hospital clothes on her body. Her was neatly packed and tied into a ponytail. I sat beside her on the bed staring at her as she slept peacefully. I saw some sparks of her hair on her face and I did her the honor of taking it away. I couldn't recall the memory we had together when we're young but our little escapade with the kidnappers thought me something, I would do anything to ascertain her safety. Even tho it's kinda weird, I loved her not as a sister but as a lady, the few days I've started leaving with her, no one had made me happy like her and even tho I always try to deny it, she had slowly crept into my heart without me knowing it. I was still staring at her when she slowly started opening her eye. " Ben " she mumbled as she saw me. " hi " I said to her smiling. " what are you doing here, you should be resting " she said staring at me. " I'm making sure you're okay, don't want you to be kidnapped from my side again " I said with a scoff. " how's your leg " I asked her as I diverted my gaze to the cast on her leg. " it was scanned yesterday and the doctor said it's a small issue, I should be able to walk perfectly in two days time " she replied. " that's a good news, thought you've dislocated one of your bones " I said. " I'm stronger than that " she said smiling. " stronger " I scoffed . " that's why you're trembling when the wolf appeared abi " I added adding a little spice of mockery to my tone. " I thought it was a dog " she retorted. " I've got a dog PTSD after a dog bit me when I was younger " she added. " where did it bit you " I asked. " You don't wanna know there " she replied smiling. " I want to know " I said sounding more compelling. " promise me you won't laugh " she said. " I promised " I said to her. " right here on my buttock " she said and I bosted into laughter. " you promised not to laugh na " she said with a sulking expression. " my bad, i'm sorry " I said trying hard to hold my laughter. " how did it happen " I asked her. " not telling you, dohh " she said smiling. It was really great to see her smile again, she's extremely beautiful with her smile, I felt like planting my lips on hers but I was scared someone might walked in on us plus the CCTV inside the ward. But f**k them, I couldn't hold the feeling again as I started lowering my head to hers. Her eye widened in shock as she bit her lower lip staring at me as I made attempt to kiss her. When my face was few inches away from hers, she shut her eye and I took it as a go ahead for me as I planted my lips on hers. To be continue...
26 Jul 2020 | 03:02
Thank God you guys are safe
26 Jul 2020 | 05:34
But Ben are you sure of your feelings for Happy?? Because there are many obstacles on the way
26 Jul 2020 | 05:36
@Fb-danieledem thanks for the invite
26 Jul 2020 | 05:37
Hmmmm inside life hope ur heart z not far away dat call has called it home to you happy
26 Jul 2020 | 07:42
Oya continue my broda nd thanks mr @fb-danieledem 4 the iv
26 Jul 2020 | 07:43
I thank God for you guys....
26 Jul 2020 | 15:37
Finally u guys got saved ??? Ben kissed Happy in front CCTV camera Ben never told us the content of the message sent by azezah Am now think how the Emir will feel because of this!!!
26 Jul 2020 | 16:37
Thank God help finally arrived,DAT was so close!!!
26 Jul 2020 | 16:40
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 48? Continued from last scene I detached my lips from hers after few seconds and we both stares at ourselves. " what was that about " she asked me with a soft smile on her lip. " this is my real reply to what you talked to me about in the garage " I replied her. " I love you and I don't think I can bear the thought of losing you " I added. She stared at me with a blank expression that I couldn't help but wondered what's going through hjer mind. She suddenly detached the drip syringe attached to her wrist, she stretched her hands towards me so that I could helped her up and I did. She sat down facing me now smiling. " do you mean what you just said or you love me as a sister " she asked me and I could tell that she was anxious. " Happiness " I called out tenderly holding her hand. " I love you as a lady " I said and she pulled me closer to her as she kissed me deeply. " what about your engagement with Gina " she asked as she abruptly stopped kissing me. " engagement " I repeated as I was kinda perplexed at the question. " you thought I didn't know you gave her the ring so that you could have sex with her day before yesterday " she said confusing me more. " wait " I said as I suddenly got hint of what she's driving at. " you thought we had sex day before yesterday and then I later proposed to her " I asked her. " tho you didn't get the order right but that's what I thought and think is right " she replied. " you're funny " I said cackling out loud. " that was why you're giving me the silent treatment yesterday " I said still laughing. " why are you laughing " she asked slightly frowning her face. " because your mind is dirty unlike your innocent face " I replied her still laughing. " and for your information, I didn't have sex with Gina and i didn't get engaged with her, Susan's pendant that looked like a ring must have gotten down from her chain when she came to clean my room, Gina saw it and manipulated me to put it in her finger to know how it feel for a guy to propose to someone, she made video of it and uploaded it, that's all " I explicated to her. " so that's what happened " she asked as she scoffed. " yeah " I replied her smiling. " typical Gina act " she muttered " what about what you said inside the garage " she asked. " what's that " I asked as I couldn't remember what she was talking about . " about our parents been in love, so we shouldn't be " she replied me. " hmmm " I sighed deeply. " I think we should tell them about our feelings, my mom will understand " I said to her. " and what will happen after that " she asked me. " I don't know, maybe she'll allow us to continued dating and since they're not legally married, our relationship can't be seen as incest " I said to her. " but how are you sure they won't get married sooner or later in the future or if they're already planning to do so and because of that your mom oppose our relationship and forbid it" she asked me and trust me, I was already getting strangled by the questions. " what do you suggest we do " I asked her. " that we don't tell them and you'll talk to your mom that you don't want any legal declaration of the two of them been together, that you're cool with how they are and I'll also tell my dad that too and with that, the case will be settled " she replied me. " what if they're able to detect that we like each other by doing that " I asked her. " trust me, they won't because they already expect us to have a condition on the coming together of the two of them " she replied me. " since when have you been planning this " I asked her. " since the day dad told me that you and your mom will be staying with us because he love her " she replied me. " you're an intelligent little devil " I said smiling. I was about to kiss her when the door of the ward suddenly opened. I swiftly composed myself and Happy swiftly laid down on the bed. Mom and Mr Tokunbo entered with Chris beside them entered. " brother Ben " Chris said as he came to meet me. " we've been to your ward and since you're nowhere to be found, we thought you'll be here to check on your sister " dad said as they got closer to us. " my kids " mom said as she put the two of us into a warm embrace. " I was very worried about the two of you as I thought that I've lost you " she said as a tear escaped her eye but she was swift to take it away. " it's alright mom, you don't have to be worried again " I said to her. " yes, my jewel " mom said smiling as she freed us. Barely looking at her, I knew she had went through a lot amidst the few hours we're kidnapped. She looked blank and lifeless. " what about Mr Adamu " I asked remembering he was shot. " he's alright, he's also here receiving treatment " Mr Tokunbo replied me. " good " I said heaving a sigh of relief. " what about the kidnappers, did the police capture them " I asked. " seemed one of them betrayed them and shot them, we're only able to get two of them, one was unconscious in the uncompleted building you're kept but the second was shot and receiving treatment" Mr Tokunbo replied. " the one I shot " I asked. " what, you shot someone " my mom asked raising her voice. " it was for survival mom, if I hadn't shot him, you won't be seeing me here now " I said to her. " calm down, our son is a hero " dad said smiling as he placed his hand on mom's shoulder. " and son, it's not the guy you shot, how do you expect him to survive a bullet to his neck " dad asked smiling. " neck " I exclaimed. " thought it was on his arm " I said. " that's because it's dark but here's the picture of the guy captured alive " dad said as he operated his phone and handed it to me . I showed Happy the picture at once seeing that it was our helper. " dad you've to help this guy " Happy said. " why " Mr Tokunbo asked. " do you remember when I was in Js2 when one of our gateman approached you and asked you to help his sick mom " I asked my mom. " yes, that I gave him like three or four hundred thousand naira, I can't really remember " Mom replied. " it was four hundred thousand naira mom " I said. " and he's the one who helped us out and killed his other gang members just to ascertain our safety " I added and everyone suddenly lose the knack for words as we all stared at ourselves. " but we would still have saved you if he didn't save you guys, he even made it worse for you " Mr Tokunbo said. " and I would have been raped furiously by the guy you met unconscious inside the building before your safety arrive " Happy said slightly raising her voice. " what " Mr Tokunbo exclaimed " you mean that goat in police custody tried to rape you " Mr Tokunbo asked now getting angry. " yes dad, but that guy saved me, so dad please try to get him out of this " Happy pleaded. " this is already out of my hand, the police won't release him even if I ask" Mr Tokunbo said now calming down . " what if we testify that he's not part of the gang, that he came to save us " I asked. " hmmm " Mr Tokunbo sighed deeply. " that could work but I've got to do something first, will be back soon " Mr Tokunbo said as he exited the ward. Mr Tokunbo's p.o.v I'm a business man, and a business man must know when to capitalize on advantage and disadvantage. I head to the ward the guy was admitted. Two policemen were stationed in front of it but because they recognized me and after squeezing twenty thousand naira into their hands, they allowed me inside. The bullet that had lodge into his arm had been withdrawn successfully and he's already conscious. I moved closer to his bed found out that he was handcuff to the bed but his eye was opened. " do you know me " I asked him making sure my voice was less audible to the officers stationed outside. He shook his head to affirm positive to the question. " then you must know that I'm the father of the kids you and your gang kidnapped " I said to him and he shook his head again. " good, the kids told me about how you helped them and in the course, even got shot and they wanted me to make sure you escape the wrath of law " I said to him. " but I'll only do this, even offer you a job that you'll be earning up to two hundred thousand naira per month if you answer my question " I added the job opportunity to entice him tho I'll have to revise his profile first to know if he's worth it. " who was your informant among those closer to me, because I'm sure you didn't pull it off by yourself " I asked him. " your driver " he mumbled without thinking about it. " Adamu " I muttered with a surprise expression. " yes " he mumbled. " how is that possible " I asked with a surprised countenance. To be continue...
27 Jul 2020 | 15:33
gbese re oooo.............driver keh? trust nobody
27 Jul 2020 | 16:56
Anytink can be possible mr. Tokumbo doh it only Liv u in surprise... Nw wats ur next step
27 Jul 2020 | 17:22
What!!! Did I hear u say Adamu??? Wonders indeed shall never never end!!!
27 Jul 2020 | 18:32
Haaaa!! Adamu ke?? Let see where this is headed
28 Jul 2020 | 05:56
Wonder shall never end, your driver Adamu....
28 Jul 2020 | 08:02
So mr Adamu was the chief planner and agreed to be shots. I comment my reserve
28 Jul 2020 | 08:08
Hmmmmm the insect way dea chop vegetable na under it he dea live
28 Jul 2020 | 14:31
what is day really it one of ur trusted worker this worth not to be trusted again
28 Jul 2020 | 16:09
Adamu as informant, God protect me from my close acquaintance; I can take care of my enemies. Next please
29 Jul 2020 | 11:44
Adamu d green snake
29 Jul 2020 | 14:02
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 49? Continued from last scene " who was your informant among those closer to me, because I'm sure you people didn't pull it off by yourself " I asked him. " your driver " he mumbled without thinking about it. " Adamu " I muttered with a surprise expression. " yes " he mumbled. " how is that possible " I asked with a surprised countenance. " he was shot during the scene by your crew, so how can you claim he's your informant " I asked him. " it was all planned before we carried out the operation, the first round of bullets we fired at the car was rubber bullets, meant only to crack the windscreen of the car and after we got the two kids and blindfolded the girl, we purposely shot him so as to divert all suspicions away from him, Carpon, our leader knew where to hit without taking his life, we even had someone stationed nearby as the good Samaritan that conveyed him to the hospital, our original plan was to kidnap the three children but he called us and told us about the change in plan because two kids decided to stay back in school, and we had to wait for them " he explicated to me in a detailed manner. Tho it was realistic and he doesn't stand to gain anything by mentioning Adamu as the informant but it was hard believing it. Adamu has been working for me for a long time that I can't even remember the year. I was good to him that his salary of thirty thousand naira which he started with was now one hundred and twenty thousand naira, I entrusted him with my life but he was the one who placed my children in danger. " do you have any proof " I asked him. "no, I don't , we always keep our track clean, even the CCTV in our den doesn't have memory card to keep content of what it record, but believe me, I'm saying the truth " he mumbled as he squirmed. " alright, I know what to do, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're a free man after confirming that you're saying the truth " I said to him as I made to leave but paused after taking two steps. " and thank you for saving my daughter " I muttered as I exited the ward. Ben's p.o.v We're discharged from the hospital early morning on Saturday . Happy's foot was now perfect to step the ground again without her seeking for support. We practically pushed for us to be discharged because we had no privacy for ourselves. Mom and Chris was also admitted along with us inside the hospital as they refused to go home. Dad was the one who was bringing food and clothes for them to change into. The most shocking news was Mr Adamu been the informant to the people who kidnapped us. Only God know how dad was able to sniff it out faster than the police and challenged him and he confessed to it. On getting back home, we all celebrated our safety with a sumptuous breakfast prepared by Susan who also joined us for it and a non alcoholic wine before Happy and I retired to our rooms . I picked my phone and powered it to life and decided to go through Azeezah's message which I've been avoiding. " firstly, I'll like to apologize for overeating for what happened in the game, it wasn't your fault and I failed to pinpoint that at that moment. It was hard watching you making out with another lady and you seemed to be enjoying it, but I forgot it was such a game and you can't help it even with the fact that you're already tipsy. I'm missing you so much right now and I feel like seeing your face, even if it's for the last time because dad said he'll be sending me out of the country tomorrow, ticket has been bought and I think it's the United kingdom because that's where my uncle is staying. I'll settle down there and complete my education after which I'll come back home to get married to Mohammed. I don't know if I'll be able to get in contact with you again but right now, all I want and desire is to see your face for the last time. I can't come to your place but I'll appreciate it if you can come to mine, I'll be outside waiting for you because my dad will collect my phone now. This is my last request Ben and I'll be extremely delighted if you can do it for me. I love you " her address was at the end of the message I was disheartened after reading the message. I blamed myself for not reading it after seeing it. She must have expected me to come but I didn't show up. I pictured how disappointed she must have been when I didn't show up. I tried calling the number but it didn't go through. I dropped my phone on the bed and started playing game on my play station to get my mood right. After playing for few minutes, I got tired of playing it and switched it off. I laid down on my bed and slept off. I woke up to the touch of someone on my forehead. " mom " I muttered as I opened my eye. She was sitting on the bed beside me. " my jewel " she said smiling. " hope I didn't disturb your sleep, I was just trying to feel if you're not running temperature " she said as I sat up. "You didn't " I said as I stretched out. " how are you feeling " she asked me. " I'm great mom, told you nothing to be panicked about happened to me " I replied her. " alright but I've got to be sure " she said smiling as she stared at me. " what's it " I asked as I was suspicious of the smile. I know my mom well to be sure that she's got a reason to be staring at me like that. " I'm just happy that I got you back unscathed, I don't know what would have happened to me if anything had happened to you, I could have been dead too because without you, I don't think I've got any reason to stay alive " she said still staring me passionately. " mom " I mumbled as I held her hand. " I love you " I said as I hugged her. " I love you too son, I love you so much " she said as she wrapped her arm around me. " I'm going to the police station with your dad to sort some things out, will you be okay all alone " she asked me after we've disengaged. " am I a kid " I asked smiling. " I'm sorry, I didn't know that I'm talking to one of my ancestors " she said sarcastically. " I've checked on your sister and she's also sleeping, please try as much you can not to disturb her, she need the rest " she said to me. " alright mom" I mumbled. " see you later " she said as she pecked me on my forehead before she exited my room. I was now better to when I read the message at first. I took my clothes off and went into the bathroom to take my shower. " I told you we've got to stop meeting like this " I said as I came out of my bathroom and met Happy sitting down on my bed. She was wearing a black short top which stopped above her navel and a blue bum shot . I couldn't help but wandered how many bum shot she has. " and I told you we'll stop meeting like this until you come out of the bathroom without your boxer " she said as she directed her gaze at my short. " in your wildest dream " I said smiling as I sat beside her. " thought mom said you're sleeping " I said to her. " yeah, woke up not quite long and decided to come see you " she said smiling. " good of you " I said as I wanted to kiss her but she stopped me with her hand. " not doing that until you answer query " she said as she picked my phone. " I must surely put password on my phone " I muttered knowing that she had seen the message because I didn't exit it from the home screen. " so did you go and visit her " she asked me. " nope " I muttered. " you're heartless, shouldn't you at least grant her last request " she said flaring up. " I swear, I just checked the message today, I would have meet with her if I had checked it the day she sent it " I said to her. " really " she asked. " yes " I replied nodding my head " good, I don't want a heartless guy " she said smiling. I wanted to kiss her again but she stopped me again. " I've got to tell you something first " she said. " what again " I asked. " after what happened to us in the kidnapper's den, I've finally made a decision " she said. " and what's the decision " I asked curiously. " that I'm ready to lose my virginity to you " she said shocking me. " what " I exclaimed shocked at what she said. But why are girls always wanting to lose their virginity to me. " I couldn't get the thought of losing my virginity to a goat in human form in future out of my head after that guy almost raped me, so I think it's better to lose it to someone I love and cherish most now when I'm able to " she said and I couldn't help but stared blankly at her. My brain stopped functioning as I didn't have anything for it to process. She suddenly took off the top she was wearing revealing her clad firm b**b. She moved closer to me and kissed me. To be continued..
29 Jul 2020 | 16:27
Will dis be d only chance u got?
29 Jul 2020 | 16:53
I will not be surprised if u impregnate Happy looking at de way things are going but de question is will ur parents be happy abt dat???
29 Jul 2020 | 19:39
Ben just follow your mind
30 Jul 2020 | 07:03
I support follow your mind Ben...
30 Jul 2020 | 08:11
Nkan be o
30 Jul 2020 | 08:24
I like this Ben just follow ur heart
30 Jul 2020 | 18:03
Enjoy yourselves guy, next please
31 Jul 2020 | 02:02
I know this kind of ladies like Happy, they usually make decisions from their heart instead of their head.
31 Jul 2020 | 07:21
I support also just follow ur mind
31 Jul 2020 | 22:50
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 50? My head couldn't think straight, I wanted it but I felt it was kinda wrong and too soon. " what's wrong " she asked as she suddenly stopped kissing me because I was giving little or less attention to the kiss. I wasn't responding to the kiss. " nothing but don't you think it's too soon to be doing this " I asked her. " yeah, it is " she replied. " but I'll rather do it too soon with you than do it with someone who doesn't worth it " she added staring at me. " but do you think a scenario is going to happen again where a is gonna try to have his way with you forcefully " I asked her. " well, if you had asked me such question that will I have a weedite trying to forcr his way into my pant before the end of the week, I would have probably replied no, I'm not a prophet and I can't see into the future, so will you do this for me or not " she asked me. " Happiness " I called her name staring into her eye as I made sure my view didn't go beyond her neck. I might lose control by staring at her boob. " do you know what could happen after we have sex " I asked her. " I don't know " she replied. " firstly, we could both lose the love we've got for ourselves, especially me and the secondly, you could get pregnant and that will be disastrous for us " I said to to her. " Ben " she called my name smiling. " I'm sure having sex with you will only make me love you more and if it's going to push you away from me, it's a risk I'm ready to take and concerning the pregnancy, I came prepare " she said as she took out a packet of condom out of the pocket attached to her bum shot and handed it to me. I was surprised at the length she was willing to go to lose her virginity. I was staring at the condom innocently before she suddenly wrapped her arm around my neck. She stared deep into my eye likewise me. I didn't know what I was feeling if it was either lust or love as I suddenly wanted her. Our lips connected as we started kissing like our lives depend on it. In a flash moment, we're on the bed clinging onto ourselves as we kissed deeply. I had no control over it again as I was ready to go all the way but a little portion of my heart wished that something will disrupt us but nothing did. After few minutes of intensed romance, I took one the condom out of its package and wore it on my d**k. We're both naked and I was sure there was no going back, she was ready for it and my fighting spirit had been murdered. I was ready to put it in when I suddenly stopped. " why are you stopping " she asked me. " do you really want this " I asked staring into her eye. " more than anything " she replied me. " what if I use my finger, it's the same as saying I disflowered you " I said to her as my mind suddenly went against doing it. It was a sudden thought that suddenly quiet down my raging hormones. " do you hate me that much " she asked me. " no, I don't " I replied her. " I just feel it's wrong " I added. " no it's not, I love you and you love me, that's all that matter " she said as she started kissing me and without further ado, I engaged in the process. It wasn't easy as I thought it would be but the end result was that she lost her virginity, same with mine. After we're done having sex, she proposed we showered because we both looked messed up, and she also proposed that we wash my bed sheet that had been smeared with her blood, but I told her that we should only wash the portion which was stained with the blood in my bathroom to avoid suspicion. We showered together and had another round of sex inside the bathroom . First time was the hardest, after that, I had no conscience pricking or pulling me back again. After we're through, she head to her room to change her clothes while I also changed my boxer and wore a short black jeans and white polo. I laid down on my bed thinking about everything that happened and I didn't regret it. I felt more closer to her and I was sure I even love her more. I was still lost in my thought when my door suddenly opened. It was Happy, she had changed into another cloth. She was wearing a red gown. She smiled as she joined me on the bed. " what are you thinking about " she asked me as she placed her hand on my chest. " about you " I replied her. " what are you thinking about me or have you lose the feelings you had towards me " she asked and I could see that she's sort of terrified. I smile as I sat down on the bed, she did too facing me. " are you scared " I asked her smiling. " nope " she replied twitching her eye lashes. " but I think you are " I said and she smiled. I planted a soft kiss on her lip. " do you still love me " sh e asked me. " more than you do to me " I replied. " that's not possible because the love I've gotten for you has triple itself in my heart and right now, I don't think I can exist without you " she said smiling. " why does it have to be me " I asked her. " because it could only be you, I don't know how you did it when we're young and I couldn't stop thinking about you, when I learnt that you and your mom had gone MIA three years ago, I got sick for three weeks as I thought that I'll never be able to see you again but funnily, that didn't stop me from loving you, you really messed with my head that I always see every other guys as my sister " " what tha heck " I exclaimed laughing. " funny " I added still laughing. " I wish I can also remember the memory maybe I might remember if I lighted candle for you when you're proving hard and the candle is what is tampering with your head till now " I said humorously. " then I wish the candle doesn't loose it efficiency till the end " she said smiling. " I love you " I said to her. " I love you too " she said and we kissed again. " are you not hungry " I asked her. " for you " she said naughtily. " do I look like pizza to you " I asked smiling. " to me you look more than pizza, you look appetizing " she replied smiling as she kissed me. " let's go on a date " she said to me. " now, today " I asked her. " yeah, let's go now " she said. " where are we really going " I asked her. " where did you and Azeezah go to for your date " she asked me. " we didn't go out on a date,that was just us hanging out " I replied her. " keep deceiving yourself " she scoffed. " so where did you hangout with her then " she asked me. " Ventura mall " I replied her. " good, let's go there " she said standing up from my bed. " you look like you've got another mission for going there " I said to her. " you're smart " she said smiling. " but I'm not telling you, just stand and dress up " she said before she exited my room. Happy's p.o.v He was right, I had another mission for going there. During the time Azeezah photos were leaked, Gina was the first person to post it on the WhatsApp group which means she had it before anyone, I took that as my first proof, Gina is also good with picture editing, that was my second proof and the third proof was to come in as concrete evidence from the CCTV of the mall. I had the date they had gone there, few hand cutting will provide me with the video I need and that way I'll be able to confirm if she was there or not and by doing so, Ben will hate her and the probability that anything will happen between them in future will be zero. Call me a bitch but I'm not losing Ben. I got him because of the kidnapping and I wouldn't watch someone kidnap him from me. I love wearing trouser but wanted to look like a princess beside my prince charming so I settled for a pink gown. I did little makeup and also added a little touch of perfume on my body. Before exiting my room, I made sure to place an order to an uber driver who promised to be in front of our house in five minutes. " how do I look " I asked Ben asbo entered his room. He moved closer to me and placed his hand on my waist as he stared deep into my eye. " you look beautiful " he said as he kissed me. He was dressed simple in a black chinos trouser and a white polo shirt. " are you set " I asked him. " yeah " he replied. " but how are we getting there " he asked me. " with private jet " I replied smiling. " let me get my bike key " he said as he wanted to go get it. " that was supposed to be a joke and you're supposed to laugh at a joke " I ranted. " didn't know " he said smiling. " I've called for an uber, so you don't need that " I said to him. " was that hard to say " he asked smiling. " nope " I replied as I moved closer to him, kissed him and used my finger to clean the touch of lipstick on his lip. " let's go " he said smiling as we exited his room. To be continue...
1 Aug 2020 | 15:12
finally...........una don do am just like that
1 Aug 2020 | 16:53
Oh so it finally happen
1 Aug 2020 | 20:15
It finally happened, well love is a beautiful thing that none can do without.
2 Aug 2020 | 10:41
There's something I like about Happiness, she knows what she wants and she makes sure she gets it. Always stand on your words, let your yes be yes and your no should be no.... So people will respect you for that, so Happiness I really respect you for that....
2 Aug 2020 | 10:47
Happiness somehow you win my heart...
2 Aug 2020 | 10:48
Inside life. ben has do the do
2 Aug 2020 | 12:40
Teenagers with high sexual drives always got landed on a destructive destination
2 Aug 2020 | 15:43
Well nothing much to say..since the both of them are in love....,i give my support
2 Aug 2020 | 19:00
[color =blue] TEAM [/color] [color =red] BEN[/color][color =green]API[/color] [color =purple] 2020 [/color] Pls come up with your own couple name
2 Aug 2020 | 19:04
@ladyg @ele1 @thecomely @timson7373 @lawman-2 @iphemloid @emmy01 @fb-ayotundeayodabo couple suggestion name pls
2 Aug 2020 | 19:06
3 Aug 2020 | 04:55
@Henrymary I stand with you...
3 Aug 2020 | 09:05
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 51? Ben's p.o.v Per what I've been trying to decipher concerning who edited and send the photo of Azeezah and me to her dad, Happy helped solved it with proof. It was Gina. Happy must have planned on checking the CCTV when she suggested that we go on a date to Ventura mall. I didn't know her plan until we returned home after having a nice time in the mall. She showed me the video on her phone where Gina stood taking pictures of me and Azeezah together. But the funny thing about it was that I didn't feel angry like I was supposed to. I was angry but not to the extent of how I was when the incident was still fresh. I asked Happy not to tell anyone about it because I wanted to handle it my way. Going along with Happy's plan, I told my mom about it and she agreed, I also told her about the money I've been receiving because it had accumulated to fifteen million naira with few change, up to like six hundred thousand naira. I kept receiving calls from people who claimed to be my dad's friend and also credit alerts. We couldn't go on picnic on Sunday because of the event that happened which made Happy and I had all the day to ourselves. We started living a couple's life as we locked the entrance door to our block. We played games and had fun, we also had sex which now seem like a normal thing to us. I loved her and she also do and that was enough to go through any risk. She had playfully told me that she'll tell her dad that she wanted us to stop our education in the country and continued it abroad, from there we'll drop every means of communication with everyone at home when we're through with our education and fully stable over there and ready to get married to ourselves. Another problem was Philip, he had somehow found out about the kidnapping and wanted to come visit his girl but Happy asked him not to come, tying him down with some illogical reasons. Mr Tokunbo was the one who conveyed us to school on Monday. A schedule was made where he'll be taking us in the morning while mom would come for us in the afternoon before she return to her matt. Happy and I had our breakfast before leaving home. We slept together after the normal goodnight from mom. She woke up before me and in the process of returning to her room to get dressed for school, I also woke up, but the funniest thing was that my eye didn't become itchy as it was supposed to be. I also got up and dressed for school and was able to take breakfast with her. We didn't need to visit the cafeteria again as we head to the locker room to get our books before heading to class. No student was inside the class but I couldn't sit together with her. The urge to sit with her was much but I had to control it in order not to throw everything away. I knew we're been watched by cameras which are not visible to eye. I took my government notebook which was the second subject for the day and started revising it in order to keep myself busy. Some minutes later, our classmates started coming in and congratulating us for getting out safely. Philip came in before Gina, he went to meet Happy and sat beside her. I couldn't hear what he was saying to her but I was sure he's happy as he held her hand smiling. He pecked her on her cheek as they continued talking. I was jealous but kept it to myself as I mustn't show any interest in what they're doing. When Happy's sitting partner came in, instead of him to disrupt the two of them, he didn't, as he took to Philip's seat. Few minutes later, Gina entered. She congratulated me on escaping from the kidnappers safely but I didn't reply her. She tried to make few jokes but got no reply from me. Not up to a minute from then, Mr Dandy the literature teacher entered. At the the dot of ten when he was through with his lecture, he left the class. " my guy " Philip said as he came to meet me. I snickered staring at him without uttering any word. " thank you for saving my queen " he said smiling. " you're welcome " I said to him. " but I don't deserve a congratulatory note from you because I'm not your queen abi " I said humorously. I knew the best thing to do is not changing how I behave around him. " I'm sorry " he said smiling. " let me leave you to your wife so that she won't blast me with laser from her eye " he said smiling as he stared at Gina. " what's the deal with you " Gina asked me as Philip left us. " why did you do it " I asked her. " do what " she asked looking innocent. " edit and send those pictures to Azeezah's dad " I replied her. She was shocked to hear it. Her expression and emotion said it all. She told me how she had an audition somewhere closer to the mall that day and that was the reason she left school early. She decided to get few things at the mall after she was through with the auditioning and that's when she saw me and Azeezah closer to the pool board. She took the picture and edited, sent it to Azeezah's dad because she wanted to put a stop on anything that might happen between the two of us but didn't know that it will lead to the withdrawal of Azeezah from the school. She was also sad about this but it was too late and that's the reason she allowed the two of us to stay together the last day together. She told me that she had already come clean to Azeezah the night of the party and she had forgiven her but couldn't do that to me because she's scared that I might hate her because of it. The thirty minutes break was used to discuss about the issue. To show how remorseful she was, she shed tears. I was very surprised at it. I asked her if she had done it because she love me and she said yes. I told her that I can't reciprocate the love because of some certain things but we agreed on been best friend and I forgave her. I used the opportunity to asked her why she and Happy ain't on good side. She told me how the two of them has been best friend since primary school. She loved Happy more than her own parents and when Happy's mom was diagnosed with an incurable disease when they're in Js3 , Happy had to miss all the three terms because she followed her mom out of the country. She had to miss the whole session and by the time they return to the country after her mom's demise. Her dad asked her to retake the Js3 class again because he doesn't want her to miss any class. Gina was to resume in ss1 class but felt it would be an act of betrayal if she does that. She demoted herself to Js3 so that they could be together. She said Happy and her had the same capability before Happy traveled but she later became more intelligent than Happy during the course. But she decided to stay on Happy's level so that there won't be any different between the two of them, but during the promotional examination, Happy betrayed her and indulged herself in studying more harder without informing her. She did exactly the level of Happiness in the exam and when the result was out, Happy was the second best student while she was rated fifth. Ever since then, it had been a war between the two of them. I felt for her but didn't feel like meditating between the two of them. After having the thirty minutes conversation with her, I felt like I knew her more than anyone inside the class. She used her outward behavior as a shield in order to avoid been hurt again and it was working fine for her. Ever since that day, we became more closer even tho Happy wasn't happy and against it, but I already told her that I'm less concerned with whatever it was that transpired between the two of them. Our cover was intact at home and at school, people thought Happy's guy is Philip while our parents thought we're siblings at home. We slept together, some times bath together, and it was fum having her as mine. My love for her didn't stop but kept increasing every day. Three weeks later, it was finally the week of the competition. I was representing the school in three segments, race, swimming and football. A week to the competition was an hectic one, I was practically doing only sport in school. I had improved greatly in swimming and Philip wasn't anywhere closer to me again. In running, no one came close and in football, Mohammed and I were the star there. Tho it's hard to believe but we've finally gotten along with ourselves. I learnt something in the school, never judge anyone without getting closer to them. Mohammed had his own down too which came in form of his father. He was moulded into a bully by his dad and I got to know that he didn't really love Azeezah but his dad made him feel like if he doesn't love or fight to get her, then he might end up been a failure to him. I couldn't take his position in the football team because we had a different role. I'm a playmaker while he's a striker. In training, the coach made us get used to ourselves so that the team can become more formidable to the opponents we'll be facing and it worked and that was how the two of us became closer. Even after training, we'll always wait behind to train on different type of techniques and also developed some secret languages which we can say or show when we wanted to divert the attention of defenders. I was more than ready for the competition, wishing it was how we've planned it to be, little did I know that training among your sect is really disastrous because you would be ignorant of the skills of the competitors thinking you're the best. Our first day thought me that lesson as Philip and I had to face agents of mami water, semi fish human in the swimming competition. To be continue...
3 Aug 2020 | 14:23
That why it is a competition..
3 Aug 2020 | 17:37
Ben i love the way you are getting along with everyone... As for the competition your first trial will determine how you perform in the next round
3 Aug 2020 | 17:42
@Ele1 @ladyg @iphemloid @fb-ayotundeayodabo @timson7373 @lawman-2 @thecomely @fb-danieledem come out from where you hide
3 Aug 2020 | 17:46
This gonna be tough Am here @henrymary
3 Aug 2020 | 18:45
So Ben has finally tasted the sweet wetness, but how will your emir feel discovering this. Happy, you betrayed your emir. Next please
4 Aug 2020 | 00:45
4 Aug 2020 | 08:21
Am happy that you all are now back together as one... Ben you get sense but be very careful because it's not everyone that says they love you, love you...
4 Aug 2020 | 08:48
So Gina is the devil in disguise,you are so wicked...
4 Aug 2020 | 08:51
So because of your own selfishness, you now cause Azeezat pain... Now do you now have Ben to yourself....
4 Aug 2020 | 08:53
Mr benrahma una try but watch ur back........
4 Aug 2020 | 10:41
Hmmm inside life i don stand up from my bed dat look like mat @henrymary thanks 4 weting me up
4 Aug 2020 | 17:10
?One Call Away? ? way to your heart ? ? written by Horluwa~p1 ? ?Episode 52 & 53? ?Semi final? " runners on your lane " the instructor screamed from a speaker hung closely to the starting point of the lane. I was filled with tension as I stood on the number five lane. Tho it had been easy for me throughout all the qualification stages but Philip was already out of the race. " on your mark " the speaker blared out. I heaved a sigh of relief as I went down. I swiftly took a quick glance at my opponents. They all had their eye fixed on the finishing line. They all looked ruthless as their vein stuck out from their flesh. " set " the speaker blared out again and I sighed deeply. I could hear the spectators screaming to cheer us up from their stand. Mom and Mr Tokunbo was also there. They came to support me and Happy. The sound of the gunshot went off and I started running, I was late to take off but I was fast enough to cover for the space. I ran with all the speed my legs and body could offer me. Unlike in school, I could still feel the presence of my competitors closer to me and that made me to focus more on the prize as I pushed myself to run faster . I wasn't only doing it for the school but myself included. Coach had told me that there would be different scouts from abroad and local to watch and evaluate us and if we're lucky to be scouted by the foreigners, it might be our gateway to obtaining a citizenship card of a foreign country without any stress because they'll be taking us to their country so that we could represent it in international competition, but such opportunity is often hard to come across. It was a moment I wouldn't be able to forget in my lifetime as I crossed the line and the spectators screamed out joyfully. Happy, Philip and other runners on the team scampered out from the athletes stand to join me as they all embraced me. I saw my mom from where she was standing as she celebrated my victory. I felt on top of the world as my competitors also came to shook hand with me. " you're the Usain Bolt of Nigeria " the guy that took the second position said teasingly. I thought he was just been sarcastic until I watch the last moment of the race on a big TV that was hung in front of the spectators stand and I saw that none of them came close, I was the one imagining them to be close. " we've a new record set by Salako Benjamin from Hibiscus valley for the one hundred meter race which he concluded at 9:58 seconds, beating the former record of 13:49 seconds set by Chukwuma Eberibe of Best brain college " the speaker blared out and the spectators roared joyfully. " congratulations my heart " Happy said to me after everyone had left to the stand. At her own race, she had picked the silver medal after coming second in a controversial decision by the panelists. It was a tough decision to call because she and the girl that took the first position were tied but somehow, they declared Happy second. " girls for the relay race should come forward " the speaker blared out. " wish you luck " I said to her as I head to the stand to meet my guys as the girls trooped out and head to the lane. They're all placed at their spot with Happy been the fastest runner for our school, she was the last leg. The girl that Happy had to compete the first position was also in the last leg and I wished Happy would beat her this time even if she doesn't come first because the race depend on the work rate of the partners. The first runner were all given a baton before the race started. As fate would have it, Happy and the girl was handed a baton by the third runners at the same time but they already had two girls who had received their batons before they collected their own in front of them. The two girls started running and in no time, the girls at the first were behind them. Like it happened in the hundred meter race, they're been tied again as they head to the finishing line. Few inches from the finishing line, Happy suddenly increased her speed and she was able to get to the finishing line first. Our team ran out from the stand to congratulate her and without much consultation from my brain , I was running towards her to lift her and hugged her, even kissed her because I was very proud of her, but Philip beat me to it as he lifted her up and spinned her around. I congratulated the rest of the girls as I returned to the stand. I was jealous but also happy that Philip beat me to it because I could have done something rash. Philip, Mohammed, Lekan and I didn't bother returning to the stand because we're next. Philip was to take the first leg, Lekan second, Mohammed third while I was stationed for the last leg. The gunshot went off and the race began, Philip took the first position and handed the baton to Lekan and he also was trying hard to keep the position intact until he was about to get to Mohammed and his speed suddenly decreased as he started limping on a leg, it was a muscle pull, Mohammed was swift to notice and helped cover the distance as he fell back to collect the baton from him and started running. Mohammed had already fallen to fifth position and had to run very fast in order to cover for the loss and by the time he got to where I was, he was able to drag the third position with another guy. I received the baton with two guys in front of me. I started running more faster than I did in the hundred meter race. In no time, I snatched the second position and was just few meters away from the first. I felt like my leg was going to get dislocated from my body with the way I was running. Few meter away from the finishing line, I was able to take the first position and maintained it till I crossed the finishing line. I got a standing ovation from all the spectators as my team mates except Lekan who was nowhere to be found, probably been taken off for treatment, all rushed to where I was. We all hugged ourselves happily jumping up excitedly. I saw Happy running towards us and instead of going for Philip, she jumped on me and embraced me passionately in front of everyone. Wondering why I didn't mention anything about the swimming competition, that's because Philip and I failed awfully in it. We competed with fishes and not humans, they're faster and more skillful than us. I was lucky to get the bronze medal in it. Our football team was also trying, we've qualified for the final after trashing the team we faced at the semi final two goals to nil. Both were scored by Mohammed and I provided one of the assists for it. The football final was to be the last game of the competition. We're facing a school from Abuja and from what we heard, they've been trashing all their opponents nothing less than five goals on their way to the final. I was sure we could defeat them because we had a good goalie. Throughout the competition, he only conceded only two goals in six matches and the combination of Mohammed and me, we're deadly. After the race, it was only remaining the final football game to round up the competition. I was already smiling at three medals inside my room but I felt like the football own will be the real deal. And the fact that it will be played in my school made it felt more significant. Winning the cup in such state would be great. The two days before the match was dedicated to training and it was visible in the team that we're all aiming for the cup. The match was fixed to Saturday but all the students came to school. The school was filled to brim. The governor of the state with honorable dignitaries were in attendance. Mr Popoola the school owner was also around. It felt like we're playing world cup final. Our coach gave out many prep talk, giving us reasons why we must win and by the time we're out on the pitch and seeing those that came to watch us play, I felt the urge to win circulating more through my vein . The whistle was blared out from the referee whistle and the match was put to a start. Our opponents looked hungry for success but we're more hungrier. We played for over twenty minutes without anyone getting on the score line but our goalkeeper has been tested with three outstanding shots which he kept out and Mohammed was only able to shoot a shot that was off target. They're constantly on the attacking side making sure we're less with the ball. Our midfielders weren't doing good job in keeping the ball in our court and I couldn't play as a midfielder because we're playing on 442 information which required me to be a supportive striker. Forty minutes into the match, the ball finally located the back of the net , not for us but for our opponents. Our goalkeeper really tried, facing a total shots of six and only one made it into the net. Disappointment was written on our faces as we all looked moody. We passed and wanted to make a buildup on the ball but the ball was suddenly snatched from me and it became a temple run as we're countered and it resulted into a goal. Now we all know that we're heading for the five goals loss. The referee came to our rescue on the forty five minutes and stopped the match. It was a humiliating case for us, been trashed in our own backyard and having nothing to do about it. What we're really missing in the team is Lekan, if he had played, I would have been able to stick to my role without the team having any problem but after picking up an injury in the race, he couldn't be field. Our coach didn't have much to say to us than telling us to play the second half with all we have . I could sense disappointment from all our fans, Happy, my parents, Mr Popoola, our supporter in form of the students. I told my team that we should change the formation to five four one, Mohammed been the only striker, I'll fall to midfield while our five defense will make sure they keep there forwards away from our half. Instead of absorbing pressure, we're ready to dish it out. ?episode 53? The whistle went off to signify the start of the match and we moved up with our plans as we made sure to keep the ball in our reach. But after ten minutes, we're still struggling to get into their box eighteen. I remembered one of my personal training with Mohammed, I showed him the zero sign and he understood it. It was a trick to divert attention where I'll play as false nine and he'll fall back. I had the ball on my feet heading to the post, Mohammed fell back and another midfielder followed beside me to make sure the defenders had eye on him. I was sure Mohammed was following from the back with caution. I dribbled two defenders and when I was sure they'll try to tackle the ball from my leg, I made a calculative pass to Mohammed who was already waiting for it, and without entering the box eighteen, he volleyed the ball and it landed inside the net. The shout of goal shook the ground as we celebrated it. Our goal made them took to another tactics as more of their players fell back to defense. All our tactics to break into the defense all proved futile as they made sure there half is impenetrable. We're able to get some shots at the keeper but he kept everything out. It was already ninety minutes and we've been the only side playing the ball while they absorbed the pressure. At least we didn't lose with five goals but I still wished we won. All of us looked exhausted and we've exhibit the amount of substitutions allocated to us. They're playing a frustrative game to frustrate us. The referee added three minutes to it and I knew we must somehow pull a miracle in the three minutes. The formation was changed back to four four two as I pal with Mohammed to strike. Our midfielders also mpved to the front as we became more aggressive. But they somehow always calm our aggression whenever we're about to penetrate their defence . They're extremely solid at the back. It was remaining a minute and they're doing everything to hold us till the final whistle. An idea suddenly struck my mind but it was thirty percent rate at success. I decided to find a free kick in front of their box eighteen. Since they're not allowing us in, we should also try to fire in target from outside directly from a spot . The ball was passed to me and instead of playing to the nearest man, I decided to dribble my way into the heart of the defense. I got passed the first, second and third players easily, with my skill speed, and they didn't touch me. But the fourth player that came to tackle me facilitated my plan as his leg suddenly brushed mine. I fell down and held my legs as if a car hit me. The referee blew the whistle as everyone gathered around me. " I didn't touch him, I swear " I heard the player protesting " yeee, yeeee, yeee " I was screaming on the ground as I squeezed my face. I smiled as the referee handed him a yellow card. The first aid team swiftly ran into the pitch to attend to me. I was sure the people at the spectators must thought that I've broken the bone in my leg. After few seconds, I stood up and smiled at my team mates. The ball was directly at where I wanted it. It was now or never because if we lose it, then it's the end because I had exhausted all the time feigning fake injury. The wall was set up and Mohammed and I both stood behind the ball that was just like 30 meters away from the goal post. " will you like to play it " I asked Mohammed. " you worked for this bro, I saw what you did there and I think you should complete it " he replied. " alright, but do you think I can score directly from here " I asked him. " if anyone is to score from here, then it's you , you have scored from this distance more time in training " he replied. " let's do it this way, you will feign like you're the kicker, make sure you had the expression that you're playing shot but just pass it, I'll try to volley it in the angle the keeper is away from " I said to him " okay bro, let's do this, it's now or never " he said as the referee blew the whistle. Mohammed ran feigning to be the one to kick the ball but tip it forward a little, this act had made the goal keeper swerved to the right direction, I swiftly ran towards the ball and kicked it at once but the tension in me made me add less power to it, it wasn't going at the height and speed I wanted it to go, the keeper was swift to comport himself and ran towards the direction the ball was going. I knew he was going to catch the ball at that rate and it's the end but the ball suddenly hit one of the defenders head and changed direction to the right side of the post. I opened my eye and mouth wide as the ball moved in slow motion into the empty post with the keeper having less to do about it. " gooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaal " everywhere shook tremendously as jubilation filled the air. I ran as my team mates pursued me to celebrate with me. I did back flip before sliding on the green grass and my team mates all laid down on my body. Disappointment was written on our enemies face and I enjoyed it. The referee blew the whistle to signify the end of the game as we're to judge the outcome of the game by playing penalty. It was a matter of luck but I had faith in our goalkeeper. He's really good. As the captain of the team, Mohammed was called for the coin flipping to know who's playing first and they got the lead. Everywhere became silent as the penalty kick was started. They played their first and it scored, we played ours too and it entered. Their third players played his and it scored but our player lost his own and that was where tension set in again. I sat down frustrated on the pitch, not after going through everything. Their fourth player played his and our goal keeper punch it out from entering the post. We all shouted joyfully as I felt new adrenaline running through me. Mohammed played the fourth penalty for us and scored. Their fifth player played his own and it went over the bar. " yesss " we all screamed joyfully as I head to the spot to take mine. Me scoring means we're the winner but it was a lot of tension to take in. The post was big and I had many spot to kick it at and score but I was suddenly not sure of myself. The goalkeeper suddenly turned to a beast in front of me and it felt like he was going to catch it no matter the angle I kicked it at. I heard the referee blow the whistle and I felt scared. I moved backward and increased my speed as I ran to kick the ball. I kicked it with enough power and it seemed it was going over the bar after the keeper had gone in the opposite direction but hit the last angle bar and slot into the net. I didn't have the strength to jubilate or scream as I fell down at the spot I was, breathing heavily as I smiled at the sun that was hitting directly on my face. I felt my team mates dragged me up and placed me on their shoulders as we all celebrated. The pitch was suddenly filled with all the students as they all celebrated. I saw Chris running to me and asked my team mates to dropped me down. " I'm proud of you brother Ben " he said as I hugged him. " hello my talented best friend " I heard behind me and turned to see Gina. I smiled as I embraced her. " congratulations " she whispered into my ear. " thank " I said smiling. We're all given a gold medal which was personally hung on our neck by the governor of Lagos state. I also received the award for the best player of the tournament while the striker of the team we faced was awarded the golden boot. I was also given a cash prize of two million naira while the whole team was given ten million naira as the winner. I was also introduced to a foreign man by the coach who claimed that he's from England and he saw me running at the competition and will love to be my agent and introduce me to lifetime opportunities. He gave me his card as I told him I would be thinking about it. Mr Popoola was very proud of us as he claimed the football competition is the main heart of the competition and we winning it put the school in the spotlight. My mom hugged me for almost ten minutes, I could tell that she was extremely proud of me and Mr Tokunbo was also proud of me. Happy and I didn't say much except congratulations, no hugging or anything which was unlikely of her. On our way home, Mr Tokunbo took us to a five star restaurant where we celebrated our success, tho it was more on mine. Happy had a gold medal from table tennis plus silver and gold in race. We talked, gist laughed and had fun before we returned home. But Happy wasn't talking to me yet. When we got home, we both head to our rooms but instead of her going into her room, she followed me to mine. I turned to look at her and scoffed " thought you're angry with me " I said to her. " and why will I be " she asked me. " I don't know, because you aren't like your normal self when you're congratulating me " I replied her. " I'm like that because I'm planning to congratulate you here, instead of there where I'll have to suppress my feelings and wouldn't be able to do things I want to do like this " she said as she wrapped her arm around my neck, smiled seductively at me before she kissed me. " let me take a shower first " I said to as I disassociate my lips from hers. " nope, I want you like this " she said as she continued kissing. I lifted her up and placed her on my bed as I continued kissing her. I took off my shirt and she did that too as she remained on bra as we continued kissing. I was kissing her while my hand worked on her boobs in her bra. We're long gone in the pleasure when my door suddenly flung opened. " what " I heard my mom exclaimed. " mom " I said as I let go of Happy. " what are you doing " mom asked looking petrified. " I was going to tell you mom " I replied her. " that what " she asked as she kept her voice down. " that I love Happy and can't do without her, might even marry her " I replied. " no, no, no " she said getting tensed up. " is that the reason you asked me not to legalize my relationship with your dad " she asked me. " yes mom, I love Happy and can't lose her " I said to her. " no, this can't happen, this can't be happening, you're both siblings for God sake " she clamored making sure her voice was low. " not officially " Happy said and she seemed more bold than I was. " not officially but you're both sharing the same blood " she said as a y tear dropped from her eye. " what " Happy and I exclaimed in unison. To be continue... Watch out for the final episode on Saturday, precisely 8 pm. What do you will happen to the two love birds. Drop ur opinion.
6 Aug 2020 | 11:41
Am sure the new is going to cause different thoughts and one of them might include them running away...dnt know but i just hope ben and happy takes this in good faith
6 Aug 2020 | 11:53
By sharing the xame blood,does that mean Mr Tokunbo is Ben's real father?? Biko confusion av hook me And congratulations Ben and Happy on your success Expecting final episode Ride on pls
6 Aug 2020 | 11:54
@Ele1 @ladyg @paddy2x @thecomely @timson7373 @maths @lawman-2 @fb-danieledem @sheegokeys @iphemloid @emreks @fb-ayotundeayodabo @ciarajessy @harzaroboy @emmy01 @atermarial @itzprince @hormortiyor Invite others ...
6 Aug 2020 | 12:23
Hmmmm.... i cant comprehend this one o. This is a ill fatted love
6 Aug 2020 | 14:55
After all The celebrations now let see where this ungodly passion will lead yuan people
6 Aug 2020 | 15:00
@henrymary thank for the iv
6 Aug 2020 | 15:09
Congratulations to you all, am so proud of you Ben. I know you can make it...
6 Aug 2020 | 18:41
That is what you get when there is love in a team, success will surely come...
6 Aug 2020 | 18:43
Am so happy for you all, you really make me proud...
6 Aug 2020 | 18:44
Ben I stand with you always... Congrats...
6 Aug 2020 | 18:45
But Ben what is the message that your mom is trying to pass, that you and Happiness are the same blood. How can that be...
6 Aug 2020 | 18:47
Let see what will happen next.... I can't wait...
6 Aug 2020 | 18:47
Now it is becoming clearer. Ben has the same blood as Happy? Mr. Tòkunbó might be Ben's real father you know. Reason it was so easy for them form a reunion. But how is that possible?.
7 Aug 2020 | 00:57
Bring on the finale.
7 Aug 2020 | 00:57
Thanks for the call @henrymary
7 Aug 2020 | 00:58
Hmm, I'm suspecting Mr. Tokunbo being Ben
7 Aug 2020 | 03:43
congrat ben i'm proud of you both about sharing the same blood am just confused i'll just wait for saturday to come to cleared my mind
7 Aug 2020 | 06:03
He don will the show get explained .hmmmmm this statement z bad o. let see how they ar related
7 Aug 2020 | 06:42
Chaii see gobe? What do u mean by dey share de same blood? Can u imagine being disvirgined by ur biological brother? I see incest brewing oo!!!
7 Aug 2020 | 08:29
Hmm... Does it mean Mr Tokunbo is Ben's Dad?
7 Aug 2020 | 21:22
Chai!! The same blood ke,does that mean mr tokunbo is the biological father of ben.
7 Aug 2020 | 23:23
Pis comman post the final episode
9 Aug 2020 | 15:43
?One Call Away? ? Way To Your Heart? ?Written by Horluwa~P1? ?Episode 54? ?Season Finale? Silent suddenly engulfed the room like a blanket of cloud. We all passed the confused stare before mom started sobbing again. " what do you mean mom " I asked in a low tone as my lips became heavy and word had difficulty in making their way out. " I'm sorry Ben " she said as she moved closer me and wanted to touch me but I snubbed her hand off. " this isn't time to be sorry but to make more enlightenment on what you said earlier " I said glaring at her. " remembered when I told you that Tokunbo returned few weeks after I got married to your dad " she asked me but I let out no response. " I went to visit him so that we could sort things out but one thing led to another and I couldn't resist his touch on me, we had sex and that was the last time such thing happened between the two of us but I discovered after two weeks that I was pregnant and during this time your dad wasn't around, I knew it was his and told him about it, we decided it would be safe if I announced your dad as the owner and ever since then, it had been a secret " she explicated amidst tears. " so my dad knew about this " Happy asked. " yes " my mom replied. My head became all stuffed up as different kinda thought ran through it. I was a fool not to have noticed how he always looked at me like I was his real son, he even made a statement pertaining to such on my first day in the house, but I was so dumb to notice it. The luxury covered my deep sense of reasoning and that led me sleeping with my sister. Fucking hell, we even took each other virginity. " why mom " I asked as tears started strolling down my eye. " I knew it was wrong in the first place but the feelings I had for her, the love I felt for her wouldn't make me capitalize on that and I thought if we can severe anything to link us up as family, we would be safe to express our feelings for each other, we could live and one day even tie the knot " I said as I cleaned the tear drop on my face. " why didn't you tell me mom, we could have avoided this if I knew that we shared an inseparable bond, why " I screamed loudly. " I'm sorry son " she said as she placed her palm on my cheek, as she continued weeping. Happy just sat on the bed with a blank expression, staring at me. " what do you want me to do mom, what do you want us to do now when what's between the two of us is now more complicated " I asked her. I didn't know what I was bittered at, if it was because she cheated on dad, or because she lied and made me recognize another person as my dad, or if it was because I slept with Happy, numerous times at that or if it was because I couldn't have her again or how awkward it felt now knowing that we're real siblings. " have you two had sex " she asked me. The question felt like an hammer was hit on my skull. " yes " I replied almost inaudible to ear. Mom buried her face in her hand as she sobbed more. " we can't let anyone know about this " she said after few seconds. " and " I asked. " I'll make sure I try to correct everything, even if it's too late " she replied. " how " I asked her but she didn't reply as she stood up and made her way outside. " start packing your clothes " she said as she suddenly made a stop at the entrance of my room before she exited the room. Then the reality dawn, I couldn't face Happiness but I could felt her gaze on me. " what's going to happen now " she asked me breaking the silent between the two of us. " I don't know " I muttered without raising my head. " after everything I did just to get my way into my heart " she said and I heard her cackled. " why couldn't they come clean since all this days and I would have tried to get the feelings off my heart when I still could " she added with a breaking voice which depicted she was crying. " I love you so much and had patient just to find my way into your heart and now, this fucking revelation came out, what did you want me to do, what did they want me to do, you're just gonna pack your bags and walk out of my life like that " she was now weeping furiously now. " do you think I'll be able to love another person just like I love you, or do you think I'll be happy that you're going to belong to someone else when I'm already at a point where I can't have you, I didn't only love you, I was obsessed about you, I wanted you in my life more than I even wanted my parents, maybe it's because we shared the same blood " she said as she suddenly started laughing, weeping at the same time. " my Happiness " I said raising my head up for the first time to look at her and she looked pitiful. My sweet girl and always joyful girl had became a shadow of herself on the bed as tears and mucus smeared her beautiful face. If not for tradition and mental state, I could have suggested we run away at that moment to a far away place and start over. I had over fifty million naira in my account and I was sure if we ever go out of cash, a call is all I needed but it was too late. I held her trembling hand firmly and kissed it. I used my hand to clean her face but the tears wouldn't stop dropping profusely from her eye. " you don't need all this " I said calmly to her staring directly into her eye. " we can't be together again Ben, it's all over now " she said as she continued weeping. " please stop crying, it hurt me in as much as it hurt you and trust me, I'm also pained just like you but there's nothing we can do about it " I said to her. " I know, I fucking know and that's why I'm in so much pain, it was more easier with the kinda relationship we shared before but this " she couldn't continued the sentence as she broke down into tears again . " it's alright " I said as I put her into my embrace. " it's not " she said amidst tears. " we might not be together again but know that you'll always be in my heart forever " I said to her patting her on her back. " I would have fought to stay here with you but leaving is the best thing to do, it's dangerous to to have the two of us together but I'm promising you, I'll make sure you're not more than a call away from me, I'll always been in touch with you " I said and she scoffed as she freed herself from my embrace. " one call away " she muttered, smiling as tears still dropped from her face. " so after the tedious way to to your heart, that's what we are now, just a call away " she added smiling as she stood up and left my room like someone without soul. I heaved a sigh of relief as I stood up from the bed, dragged my travelling bag out and arranged all my clothes inside it. I also took my medals and shoes too. I changed my clothes and head to Happy's room and she was still sobbing. I moved closer to her and pulled her up. " this might be the last time we see ourselves in a long period of time now, and I want you to be happy just like your name, I don't want you to think much about me and I want you to know this " I said now staring directly into her eye. " I love you " I said as I kissed her. She wrapped her arm around my waist as she pulled me closer and kissed me like it was the last, tho it was really the last time. After disengaging the kiss, I handed her one of my gold medals which I placed inside my pocket. " just a token of remembrance " I said to her as I made my way out of her room. " Ben " she called out as I was about to open her door. I stopped as she swiftly opened her wardrobe and brought out a small box. She opened it and took out a gold chain . She moved closer to me and wore it on my neck. " this was my mom's last gift to me, and I trust you to help safe keep it " she said to me as she tried to kiss me. Wanted to stop her but since it was the last time, I reconsidered and kissed her. We stopped kissing when we heard the opening of my door. " take care of yourself " I said to her as I opened the door and left her room. I dragged my travelling bag behind mom as we made our way out of the house. By the time we got outside, Mr Tokunbo was standing beside one of his cars with Chris beside him. He moved closer to me as he saw us coming out. His eye was red and he looked like someone who just finished shedding tears. " my champ " he said as he hugged me passionately. " it's not the two of you fault but ours and I wished you'll find a place in your heart to forgive your dad " he said to me but I didn't give a reply. " since the day you and your mom got here, she wanted to tell you but she didn't want to hurt you more because you're still processing the pain of what happened but " he paused as he scoffed and cleaned his eye. " I'll always be in touch with you and your mom, I really hope you settle down soon when you get there " I was tempted to ask where but I didn't utter a word. Chris looked curious but I didn't say anything to him as I placed my luggage in the booth of the car and mom drove us out of the compound. Mom told me inside the car that we'll relocate to Mr Tokunbo's house in London in few weeks and we will start all over there and my education will be concluded there. We lodged in an hotel for a week as she processed our travelling stuffs and during this week, she wouldn't stop begging me. Tho I promised to be a call away from Happy but I couldn't bring myself to call her yet. I wanted her to heal fully before poking her wound. I didn't had any choice but to forgive mom, I had also experienced love to know what it could do to one's thinking ability. I was swift to settle down in London and got registered in a school tho I had to take a class backward. On my first day at the school, I met someone who I already thought I would meet if fate was to be on my side. Yeah, it was Azeezah, we're both in the same class and she even looked more beautiful than she was in Nigeria. It was really hard explaining to her that I didn't see her message until it was three days after she sent it, if not for the kidnapped case which was front on some newspage which I showed her, she wouldn't have believed me. We got back together and started our relationship afresh, I even made sure I granted her what she's been wanting me to do. A year later, Mr Tokunbo and Chris came to visit us and it has been like that till now that I'm graduating out of college with a distinction in Language Art. Happy had never for once visited but she's always a call away from me as we talk frequently. She was already through with her university education a year ago and from what I heard from her and her posts on her social media, she and Philip are really becoming a thing, same as Azeezah and I. It was really a best option for her to be a call away from me, I didn't know what might happen if we had visual contact and I didn't wish to know but I'm cool with my Azeezah and we might be tying the knot soon since a great job offer is already available for me. The end. Dedicated to Happiness Anthony. Heart u bae, stop stressing mama up there with ur tears, let her rest well. To God be the glory for the completion of another work composed & edited by me. To all my fans who stood around to read, like nd give good reviews, it was cool having you guys. I'm not coming out with another story soon but my next work is THE CHOSEN ONE {TAMING THE TAMER}. Thank you Admin P1
12 Aug 2020 | 16:23
Wow.... Such a great piece of work and at last a beautiful and painful ending... Love u bro kip it up
12 Aug 2020 | 18:23
oh my my............weldone bro
13 Aug 2020 | 03:04
Wow las las..... it ends well just as u may wish. happy just be happy as ur name implice. Am waiting for TCO. o
13 Aug 2020 | 04:52
Wow! great job there @horluwap1 Was about asking about this too though. TCO Anticipating
13 Aug 2020 | 10:05
This story is fantastic, fantabulous and the ending is sweet More wisdom bro
13 Aug 2020 | 10:43
Wahooo, wonderful story...
13 Aug 2020 | 11:09
such a wonderful piece bro
13 Aug 2020 | 14:12
[color =green] Another Completed Story [/color]
13 Aug 2020 | 15:28
Such a wonderful piece,kudos!!!
14 Aug 2020 | 09:39
Well done job more grace to you and more ink in your pen
14 Aug 2020 | 12:44
The story ends well...
14 Aug 2020 | 12:44
This is a wonderful story, I really enjoy it from beginning to the end. God bless you
14 Aug 2020 | 12:45
soft work bro anticipating for taking the tamer
19 Aug 2020 | 04:45
Nice one!
9 Sep 2020 | 16:00
Good story keep it up
17 Sep 2020 | 01:45
This is fantabulous bro! I see a clear reality here and the simple language makes it tipsy. Very nice story.
9 Oct 2020 | 18:35
one of the best ......
20 Jan 2021 | 02:22
18 Jan 2022 | 12:15
18 Jan 2022 | 12:24
What happened
18 Jan 2022 | 12:29
18 Jan 2022 | 12:34


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

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