

By Victor in 13 Dec 2018 | 14:28
Victor Victor

Victor Victor

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Posts: 472
Member since: 7 Sep 2018


King Odele, a heartless man that rules his Kingdom Jada with whip and sexual immorality, Yaga the queen who possess black magic powers and an aldulteress. Buduka a handsome prince, troublesome and a warlord. The story is meaningless so don't read if you preach against x-rated stories thank you, from desk of Papa and Tony.

Episode 1

King Odele
in his inner chambers settled on the wooden
bed with lion sky that serves as mattress,
the curtain that serves as blockade swipe
aside by a maid bearing a wooden tray.
she dropped the little clay plates with
red oil and yam, with bush meat. She knelt
before the King and watch him consume
the meal, the King stare at her beautiful
face and her round boobs covered by
the piece of wrapper that runs round
her chest. she bend to carry the left
meal revealing her big ass to the King's
eyes, he grab her butt squeezing her ass
cheeks. Her eyes widen as she felt his strong
Palms on her ass, he ordered her to return
to his Chambers after dropping the wooden
tray. No one dares or question King Odele
except you want to die. Amara the new
maid left the King's inner chamber with
a heavy heart, she is just a new maid.

Queen Yaga, stare closely at the two bodyguards
before her. One of them dark and strong
with height, broad shoulder. The other
slim, fair and short, she needed something
new and big. She ordered both of them
to remove the enemy skin covering their
manhood, she ask the black one to leave
'Cause his dick isn't as big as him. Queen
Yaga unclad herself and spread her legs
guesture the slim guard to enter her, he
is very hard and ready to hit her hard.
Ohh escaped her lips when he gave a quick
thrust in, he penetrate harder and faster
on top her. she curled her legs over him
as he work himself to cum deep inside
her wet cunt.


Princess Yara always go to the stream
on noon and no one is expected to be at
the stream except her bodyguards, every
daughters and sons of Ona knows this. Prince
Buduka and his two friends Uche and
Idaye sit by the stream gisting and throwing
stones into the river at the river bank,
The two bodyguards at the princess command
wants to lift them out of the stream when
they refused to acknowledge the princess
presence and leave. Prince Buduka give
the first matchet blow to the advancing
bodyguard who drop to the stream blood
surface on the water, Idaye and Uche
get hold of the princess who wants to escape.
she struggle and scream with them but no
child of Ona is expected to be seen at the
river in that time, Pila the princess bodyguard
dropped his matchet to fight with peince
Buduka with bare hands who did the same
also, Pila launch his punch directly to
Prince Buduka's face losing his balance.
He lift him off the ground and wipe
on the ground, Prince Buduka strangle
him to death. Princess Yara was carried
on the shoulder by Uche to the bush beside
the stream followed by Prince Buduka
and Idaye. They hold her still but the naked
princess struggle, kicking her legs but prince
Buduka widen her legs forcefully easing
his hard dick inside her pussy deflowering
the maiden, ummh! He groan when her
tight pussy squeeze his cock, he bleep her
hard ignoring the pains and pleasure
Princess Yara is going through. they left
her in pains.


Dedicated to Osmas.
13 Dec 2018 | 14:28
13 Dec 2018 | 14:35
Continue please
13 Dec 2018 | 14:42
13 Dec 2018 | 16:01
13 Dec 2018 | 16:45
this one gonna be hot o
13 Dec 2018 | 16:48
Continue abeg
13 Dec 2018 | 17:01
yawa go dey
14 Dec 2018 | 00:59
interesting interested
14 Dec 2018 | 05:53
Why would Prince Baduka rape Princes Yara? Aren't they supposed to be sibblings?
14 Dec 2018 | 06:09
14 Dec 2018 | 06:11
Yawa go gas o
14 Dec 2018 | 07:52
14 Dec 2018 | 09:42
Ride on
14 Dec 2018 | 10:57
Am I missing something? Prince and princess, are they not siblings or... Continue
14 Dec 2018 | 14:44
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episide 2 Omalicha weep silently on her friend's shoulder. she has been brutally raped by the King, she blame herself for accepting the offer to work in the King's palace. Her grandfather will not be happy to hear this. The man has been the only one since the death of her parents. ---- The head warrior of Ona delivered a message concerning the abominable act the prince Buduka commited against them. Five virgin and five lands at the boundary King Odele narrowed his eyes at the proposal and the cabinet are terrified of Ona people cause of their war prowess. Can you cut off this fool's head. They did cut off his head, King Odele and his only son Buduka are not the kind that wait for war instead they look for it. ---- Elder Obadi informed his friend Elder Tam that his son will leave for his maternal home right away, the king has summon the youths of the town for war on the Prince's command. Elder Tam and Obadi's Son escaped from the village. ---- Oohh... The youth groan in sexual excitement as he cummed into the mouth of Queen Yaga, the queen took turn sucking on their cock for a forbidden ritual. She spit their sperm into a calabash tied with red ribbon making them immune to injuries. The Queen ordered the one with the biggest cock into her chamber, he lie naked on the bed as she climb over him unclad. She position his hard member and lower herself, she Moan with excitement as his hard cock filled her wet pussy. She rode him fast, her hands on his hairy chest and her ass moving upward and downward with fast and slow rythmn. Oohh.. aaahh.. they moan and groan they both climaxed breathing heavily and sweating. ---- People of Ona are not aware that their enemies are ready for them, Prince Buduka ordered his warriors to dig holes. The next morning people of Ona mostly females visit the stream, as they are kidnapped and sedated with charm prepared by the queen in powder form. Any man or boy by chance seen were killed at the spot and buried. ---- King Ona walk restlessly in his palace with, the messenger he sent isn't yet back for three days, the journey to Jada isn't a day journey with horse. He called his head guard to send for the chief priest. . . . . TBC.. Dedicated to Browny Sonia
14 Dec 2018 | 18:49
Where d other episodes na
15 Dec 2018 | 01:21
Go on
15 Dec 2018 | 07:21
15 Dec 2018 | 07:45
15 Dec 2018 | 15:59
dats nt palace eeh mayb demons alter, criminalty z d mind set of al doz in kings family, d queen pisses me high here, she defiles d honour wth high reclascity!
16 Dec 2018 | 05:22
I'm following
16 Dec 2018 | 14:27
17 Dec 2018 | 03:30
19 Dec 2018 | 18:30
man dz ur story z delicious sweet, u cnt jst stop postng, abeg bring t on!
22 Dec 2018 | 02:26
hmmn getin intrestin
6 Jan 2019 | 05:15
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 3 Amara and Omalicha both maiden raped by King Odele informed him of their pregnancies which in turned he promise both of them marriage 'Cause is a taboo for a child of Jada to give birth out of wedlock, promising of marriage to his pregnant victims is a act he normally do. ---- The two bodyguard sent by the King of Ona arrived at the priest shrine to find it void, one of them pierced by arrow while the other one leaving his matchet behind escape using another footpath. Prince Buduka gave him a matchet blow before he could run into the bush when he emerge from his hide out. The cut sending the palace guard to the ground, the death body carried by Prince Buduka back to the Priest compund later dumped in same pit with the priest and his fellow bodyguard. The same action were done to subsequent bodyguards sent by the King of Ona. ---- King Odele rolled away from Queen Yaga body both breathing heavily, sweaty body gleaming with the local lantern illuminating the room. The sex was hot and thrilling for both of them, King Odele told Queen Yaga about the pregnancies, minutes later both of them covered their unclad bodies and went into a dark hut with thick dark smoke emanating from no source, Queen Yaga called the name of Amara and Omalicha a big clay Pot tied with red and white, she speak into it as the water in the pot turned into red as both of them went into frenzy laughter. ---- Back at Ona Village, those who went in search of their loved ones didn't return and the King of Ona is also missing when none of his guards he sent to call the priest didn't return, he has to do it himself without knowing the danger that awaits him. Prince Buduka cut off his head after bringing dowm four of his palace guards. Ona is in chaos as Prince Buduka and his warriors attack huts burning them down and killing every male that emerge from it, ir was a great massacre that Prince Buduka name was sung in centuries. . . . . . TBC... sorry, for not updating this story for so long.
6 Jan 2019 | 17:43
6 Jan 2019 | 20:30
why late update
7 Jan 2019 | 12:14
Oya na continue
7 Jan 2019 | 14:57
When Karma go get this people ba?
7 Jan 2019 | 14:57
No network for villa, i am really sorry.
7 Jan 2019 | 15:40
Hmm this Prince Karma would surely speak
7 Jan 2019 | 19:33
This king made a wrong move to go on this mission which got him killed
7 Jan 2019 | 19:35
Next episode
7 Jan 2019 | 19:36
The King Of Ona Is A Big Fool
8 Jan 2019 | 06:04
Sha continue
8 Jan 2019 | 09:54
8 Jan 2019 | 15:49
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 4 The world isn't too small for the wicked neither too big for them, the unrepentant King Odele deeds has gotten to the gods and innocent blood shed by him seek justice so the gods entered into meeting to warn him of their impending wrath if he doesn't change from his devilish ways. The kingdom of Jada are known as peacemakers even when called into battle they rather seek peace rather than war, their ancestor Jada is a peaceful man who is the first to inhabit the land of Jada, Odele saw this as weakness and in search of powers and ambitions led him to killing his own brother and orchestrating his mother banish to the evil forest after bribing the former eyes of the gods who died painfully but unable to speak out to Jada people who actually killed the heir to the throne 'cause Odele killed him with the help of Yaga who Odele find to be a witch. Witches in Jada are burnt alive as custom demand out of threat of revealing her dark powers and hope for living Yaga join forces with the evil Prince to form a dynasty of doom. ----- The wailing in the palace is coming from two huts that has the chalk mark of royalty, Omalicha and Amara have both lost their Prospect babies as the King have used the infants for renewal of powers, they are going to lose their upcoming traditional marriage rite as warned by King Odele. ---- Yaga you are such a powerful woman Odele complimented, they wouldn't have had any child if not of the mark of the gods on Buduka head that makes every efforts towards using him as sacrifice futile, they drunk in celebration of more powers and longevity of leadership, the reign of the wicked may seem endless but eventually there is day where there is night. Yaga starked naked lie on the mat on the bed spreading her legs as King Odele thrust his hard member into her, a man who derived pleasure in seeing people suffer doesn't make love to a woman but make them experience his superiority, he grunted as he released his seed inside Queen Yaga who is close to tears as King Odele smile triumphantly Lying on his back on the mat properly placed on the heap mud taken as bed beside her. ---- King Odele the gods are not happy the voice of the priest echo loudly in the palace before the morning cock could rise to their tune of early music. . . . TBC...
8 Jan 2019 | 16:10
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 5 The sunrise in Ona kingdom was accompanied with wailing and ditch (mourning songs). The maidens of Ona were chained and taken to exile in Jada, the massacre few escaped and there is no notable life in Ona that alone send the message to neighbouring villages who still see Jada people as peacemakers. Buduka with the head of Ona King march in fore-front of the singing warriors with the head of King of Ona. ---- King Odele who hasn't heard the message of the gods by the mouthpiece of the gods ordered for his head on a stake in the entrance of the Palace to spite the gods more. Fire is destruction but when tamed became useful but fury isn't a tamed fire and burns every reason for it, King Odele has called the fury of the gods to his abode. ---- Few elders who kicked against the war suggestion were flogged naked in the market square when they requested for female slaves (Ona maidens) to be allocated to them as every family in Jada is entitled to war slaves. ---- Yaga the queen and King Odele were given a task to get a royal infant made from a man who has not known human to increase their power to be able to protect themselves from the powers that constitute the Land of Jada, among all the young men in the Land of Jada the powers for protection pick a youngman choosen by the gods of the land to serve him and him alone, he is married to Omuelle (mother of Earth). When there is famine in the land the people of Jada marry a male child to Omuelle. Obiora the husband of Omuelle forced from the shrine of Omuelle and brought to the Queen' s chambers by the palace guards, unclad and tied to the bed with ropes. Queen Yaga walk into her chambers and find the naked youngman stripped naked as she hungrily suck on his dick and unclad herself, she back him and pushing her ass to his view as she lower her pussy to his face. A taboo for a man of Jada to suck a woman private parts, Omuelle felt disregarded and insulted by the act and she swing to action. ---- The god Omuelle pleaded with the council of the gods to be the one to melt the deserved punishments to the couple, Obiora was sexually abused by Queen Yaga as she ride him to multiple orgasm. releasing the young lad she made him cripple before allowing the guards to untie him and throw him out of her chambers this fuel Omuelle anger. When much problems set in more complicated solutions comes into-play. . . . TBC...
8 Jan 2019 | 16:11
nobe my fault I post now oohh.. is unfriendly phcn.
8 Jan 2019 | 16:12
8 Jan 2019 | 18:03
8 Jan 2019 | 19:22
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 6 The happiness you share today isn't for the wicked rather they bask in triumph over their deeds, and cry when the consequences come calling. before the night of the Full Moon King Odele will leave his chambers very early and stay in his palace, the first maiden that his eyes set on will be impregnated by him and the infant will be used as sacrifice. His eyes set on a beautiful who just return from the stream with music in her lips, a slave from Ona. fair and appealing King Odele drool over her beauty but resisted to take her in since the power behind his greatness hasn't ask him to do so. ---- When you seek for war and take peace of people around you, the place you called home will give you no peace also. Prince Buduka return from Obezie with foot when the search of trouble from the people of Obezie was unsuccessful 'cause they fear and avoided him like plague, he heard someone crying at the stream footpath and a man of trouble always search for trouble. He find Ore the beauty of the gods, a daughter of Ona holding the pieces of her water pot. Buduka wasn't expecting such matter should make someone cry and the well-being of his people never interest him, but trouble and fight is what his father made him to love unfailingly he did. Buduka saved Ore from the grievous punishment given to slaves that broke their water pot, Ore reciprocated this guesture by making him his best food, cleaning his tools, telling him war stories that his late grandmother told her, this alone made Buduka to like the maid. on his own he'll kill antelopes and ordered Ore to prepare it for herself, Ore sometimes followed him to the forest without him knowing, the gods made Ore to be more beautiful and irresistible to any man. Ore would have been killed by a lion but Buduka stand firm and killed the lion, he became a lion slayer, he ordered Ore never to show her face before him. Ore wasn't happy but the gods celebrate and jubilate in their court, nothing is hidden under the sun but there are secrets known to men who find favour from people above. TBC..
10 Jan 2019 | 03:49
Val, i don,t understand why my updates isn't showing among today updated stories oh. Sir Val.
10 Jan 2019 | 11:16
10 Jan 2019 | 11:17
Sir, register biko nu.
10 Jan 2019 | 11:18
so sorry bro. I didn't see it. please do well to notify me when next you update
10 Jan 2019 | 17:04
Thanks bro.
11 Jan 2019 | 04:34
@ITzPrince, can I post another episode?
11 Jan 2019 | 04:35
You can @elvictor
11 Jan 2019 | 05:58
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 7 There are certain mistakes that brings another mistake done by you or another that will affect the maker, King Odele believe everything is under his control and challenge the gods. ---- Love isn't a weakness or spell but when fate brings love it has a reason that will change the world we live in. Ore wasn't allowed to see the Prince anymore or get close to him, she keep on trying 'cause she find herself missing him everyday and loving him. Feeling dejected got her badly sick that the rumour of death may come her way circulate in the Palace, no matter how brave a man is his heart reasons with his head when he is in love. Prince Buduka visited her and Ore recovered with immediate effect, my love I won't endanger my life anymore, I'll live for you. She promised smiling weakly, the promise of a happy human holds no water. --- The laughter of Ore return to the Palace with her melodious voice, she pray to the gods to help her change the Prince for the better. Prince Buduka is in love with Ore and he decided to wait for the right time to tell his father about his feelings for Ore and his future plan to marry her. Time doesn't wait for anyone and he who thinks time wait for him doesn't know the essence of time and he/she is a butterfly who thinks himself a bird (Ola Rotimi). --- The time has come for the sin that brings punishment to all other sins commited in the Palace, King Odele sent for Ore to his chambers. She was scared that the love she shared with the Prince has gotten to the King's ears not knowing what awaits her. ---- King Odele odered her to unclad herself before him but Ore refused she didn't bulge, or break nor bend for him. What will be her fate if she sleep with the father of the man she loves, the angry King Odele became furious and grabbed her by the throat forcing life out of her. Ore died in his bare hands, he ripped her wrappers from her and had his way sucking and fondling with her breasts. The body of Ore was carried out of his chambers without cover to send warning to anyone who try to resist the King's move. --- No matter where ever we are, we remain connected With those we love and loves us, Prince Buduka couldn't continue the hunting expediture, he feel uncomfortable after killing the first antelope. He hurried home with weary look and happiness to meet the maiden who won his heart, his gun dropped from his hand and the matchet. he struggled to breath and tears roll down his cheeks, Ooooreeee! He screamed on sighting his father he shot him with his gun. . TBC..
11 Jan 2019 | 07:09
@elvictor make your episodes longer please... am enjoying it
11 Jan 2019 | 08:40
ha turn of event the gods just set the son against the father with a woman...
11 Jan 2019 | 08:44
oya na next but try and make longer okay?
11 Jan 2019 | 08:45
na the next episides them
11 Jan 2019 | 12:20
this story is too short.
11 Jan 2019 | 15:03
Nice story please
11 Jan 2019 | 17:18
first sign
11 Jan 2019 | 17:25
11 Jan 2019 | 17:28
That served him right wicked king
11 Jan 2019 | 17:47
11 Jan 2019 | 17:49
Wonder shal nv end
11 Jan 2019 | 18:58
12 Jan 2019 | 00:51
war don start
12 Jan 2019 | 03:04
I am sorry for the short episodes.
12 Jan 2019 | 03:08
isn't my wish to make the episode short, isn't already written story. na em make.
12 Jan 2019 | 03:09
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 8 I cough when I felt choke with emotion. Tony: drink papa (I drained the cup) Me: thank you (my throat burning reduced) Tony: I'll come see you later. He left afterwards, I carried my sick body to the room. Wondering when death will come and free me from this sickness, food was brought to me but couldn't eat much. One of those days in April, Tony returned home with a girl. Me: come in (I said weakly) Tony: papa, meet my future wife Angelica. Angelica: good afternoon, papa. Me: thank you my daughter, Tony come let me bless you my son. They both knelt while I pray for them. Angelica: let me go see his mother (she exited the room) Tony: papa, is that the end of the story? Papa; no, my son. The greatest battle man could face is a battle against his own shadow, Buduka cry on the corpse of Ore, King Odele wasn't harmed by the gun. he walk back to the hut to think when the drizzling outside rain heavily with thunderstorm, he buried her in the Palace garden promising her to also take the life of those who killed her. --- Queen Yaga and Odele weren't expecting such move from the gods, they needed to make their son see reasons with them before it get worse. They sent for a guard to bring the prince for them but he returned with the news that he has left for the evil forest. The evil ones live long to change not to continue with their evil ways, their death is abominable. The worse has happen him going to the evil forest seek for their weaknesses, Queen Yaga and King Odele went to their secret room to caste a spell on him but the ritual task is a greater one. --- The bravest man is an angry man with a vengeful spirit, Prince Buduka storm the forest under the rain to seek for the downfall of his parents. Every animal in the foret coward at his sight and spirits avoided him, he wander in the forest for days until he find the oldest hut in the forest. There is no life for one who seek his parents death, Buduka the oldest creature in the evil forest called out to him from the hut, He went in to find a very old woman. Lara The banished queen told Buduka her story and advice him not to kill his parents that the battle is for the gods. The moment you kill your parents their blood will cry out to the gods for vengeance and they shall listen and come after you, protect those they will want to use for sacrifice and the gods will do their wish. Prince Buduka returned home a disappointed man and dream about his love Ore, he saw himself seeing the figure of Ore and whenever he get closer it become a tree. He is devastated and cried out, my love Ore called out to him. He hugged and pleaded that she shouldn't leave him, she promise not to if he will do what she wants him to do, He vowed to. please avenge me, she said to him. . . TBC...
12 Jan 2019 | 03:11
12 Jan 2019 | 09:17
12 Jan 2019 | 12:19
No try em ooo...
12 Jan 2019 | 14:00
oya na continue that is not an excuse since you are the one and its from your imagination then make it longer, people who write long episodes dont pick it from the ground... no offence bro, i want to this to sound as a piece of moltivation... but if u still can't write it long den continue we are @ ur back :yes: :g
12 Jan 2019 | 14:04
Vengeance is for the Gods
12 Jan 2019 | 16:52
I like u @ryder, lol.
12 Jan 2019 | 18:15
Lets go dere
13 Jan 2019 | 05:41
PALACE OF SIN 18+ Episode 9 We shouldn't be carried away by our imagination sometimes it gear with our wrong thoughts. Prince Buduka thought about the dream for the whole night and decided the gods are fating him to kill his parents which he won't do. There is fate, there is will also, One is stronger while the other is weaker but could be made stronger with discipline and determination coupled with time. --- The greatest confusion is facing two stiff opposition that holds the same importance, King Odele and Queen Yaga have tried forcing many people to feast on their faeces they refused even when their life is on the line, heads rolled but couldn't succeed. They know the spell to caste on the Prince is bond to fail, the time has come for an infant of a chosen girl to be used as sacrifice. --- Orenma the daughter of Ije, a beautiful maiden with wild laughter caught the Prince fancy. The Prince always come to the stream to hear her laugh, she looks just like Ore his love. My Prince I can kill animals more than you, she will say and laugh loudly with her beautiful voice. She is a brave maiden and she is the girl King Odele sent for. --- King Odele with just his inner royal apparel walk around the room with confused mind, it have been over an hour he sent the guard to bring Orenma to his chambers. The guard returned and broke a very sad news that Prince Buduka has taken custody of the girl, he knows the sacrifice won't work and has to plead Dapel to pick another maiden. In three days one of you will die! The blood sucker dwarf spirit said and disappeared without listening to what they have to say, he sent guards in two days to bring the maiden but Prince Buduka has left for the neighbouring village to buttress the confusion. On the second night to the day one of them will die, King Odele invited Queen Yaga to his chambers to make their last love making, Queen Yaga lie on the bed spreading her legs. King Odele stare hungrily at her naked body, he thrust in brutally and grab her neck pressing life out of her. His long cock reduced her resistance as she remain stiff and a corpse, King Odele stood up with his erect cock. I King Odele the one who called the gods for war and they tremble at my name, the slayer of spirits and demi gods. He didn't complete his statement when thunder rumbling began, and thunder landed on the hut roof and the hut shook. --- The burial Yaga was done and King Odele couldn't wait to marry another wife, his intension is to marry Orenma and killing his wife gave him more time. He forced Orenma's parents to accept the bride price on hearing this Prince Buduka returned with Orenma to challenge his father, guards kill that boy, none of the guards could withstand the war lord. He slay like a lion, King Odele stood on his throne and pierced an arrow on his right hand, he walk down to where he knelt in pains and tried to strike his son when the gods intervene by striking him with thunder, Dapel has left him to the mercy of the gods. He died instant and his body was missing... --- I coughed out blood. Tony: Papa, are you okay? "Are you okay, Papa?" "Are you okay . ." "Are yo.." His faint voice fade away as every other thing. . . THE END. thanks, to all who take their time from their busy schedule to comment, I love you all. I maybe too fast to finish the story, please pardon me.
13 Jan 2019 | 06:29
thank you
13 Jan 2019 | 09:45
Thumbs up even though u are too fast
13 Jan 2019 | 11:40
Victor hope u re nt gay lol, just joking fire on...
13 Jan 2019 | 13:47
lol... I pity your bum bum Ryder
13 Jan 2019 | 14:46
Don't avenge her o pls
13 Jan 2019 | 16:48
13 Jan 2019 | 17:31
13 Jan 2019 | 18:21
It is an amazing story
14 Jan 2019 | 07:15
Kudos to you sir
14 Jan 2019 | 11:12
Thank you for the story more in to your pen
15 Jan 2019 | 01:41
nice ending
15 Jan 2019 | 11:44
7 Jul 2019 | 20:21
wow. such a wicked man
29 Oct 2019 | 00:16


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