PASSION FOR REVENGE( A Tale Of Love By Ifediri)

PASSION FOR REVENGE( A Tale Of Love By Ifediri)

By ifestan95 in 16 Dec 2016 | 05:08
ifestan95 ifestan95

ifestan95 ifestan95

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Member since: 19 Jul 2016
Passion For Revenge
A Tale Of Love By Ifediri
The Voice Told Me
"MY SON A Time Shall Come When You Will Have No Other Option Than
To Kill Your Best Friend,heaven Will Be Happy And The Earth Shall Rejoice
Peace Shall Be Returned To The Earth"
he further said
"you can never run away from your fate,the best only friend you love,
Thy Shall Be His Undoing"
How Did Fate Treat Me Unfair?
Deep Inside My Heart I Knew I Can't Hurt A Fly
Will I Be Able To Filfy The Prophecy?
Only A Time Will Tell

This Story Is Sex Free
Could Be Red By All Ages

read also my story sex in the cathedral,a tale of evil ,sex & mercy of god(+18 adult only)
16 Dec 2016 | 05:08
bring it on
16 Dec 2016 | 05:13
Your first story to be read by me....don't disappoint ooo
16 Dec 2016 | 05:23
16 Dec 2016 | 05:52
Just landed @jummybabe @enocksmith @oma @froshberry-2 @oneal32 @thahyzee Another new story here
16 Dec 2016 | 05:52
Gonna follow this one
16 Dec 2016 | 05:52
Already here. @kachiska.
16 Dec 2016 | 05:55
thanks @kachiska for d iv
16 Dec 2016 | 06:57
Episode 1 Profile Name=ifediri Stan Occupation=DSS OFFICER HEIGHT=6FEET NATIONALITY=NIGERIAN MOZAMBICANO LOCATION=CIDADE DE MAPUTO & Awka Anambra State BIRTHNAME= STANILAUS CHRISTIANO AGE=26 As Usual I Went To School That Faithful Bright Morning Been Monday Last Day Before Examination I Found A Quiet Place And Dwell Revising My Work So Far Dad Have Promise To Sent Me Back To Nigera My Courntry,i Can't Wait To See Nigeria My Fathers Land I Was Born At Maputo In The Year 1990 That Makes Me A Citizen By Birth I Can't Wait To Learn My Dad Dialect I Had That Nigeria Has Their Own English Hm Weired? Dad Use To Call It Pigin I Can't Wait To Hear Them Speak It Here In South African(mozambique) We Speak Portugeus Only I Love Watching My People On The Television Wishing And Hoping That Dad Wil Take Me Their Some Day All I Ever Wanted Was To Step My Foot On Nigerha, To Learn My Peoples Way Of Life Dad Promise To Take Me To Nigeria If Only I Made Good Marks Been That I Desire Knowing My People I Study Harder To Be Con
16 Dec 2016 | 11:04
I STUDY HARDER IN OTHER TO MAKE GOOD GRADE. LESS I FORGET AM THE FIRST IN THE FAMILY OF FIVE i was love by everyone, am a guy that love to have fun could be well describe as a funky guy though get hot temper my mum was a portugal,she hate nigerians i was wondering why she married dad knowing fully well he is a nigerian or should i say then monday is gone and finally exam was here,i tried my best after sleeples night the exam tiat seem neven ending,end and i waited impatiently for the day result will surface oh god help me i want to see my fathers land this was my prayers so far on the judgement day we stand on the assambly ground waiting when sudden my name was called but this school use to call student that fail first oh was this how my dream of going to nigeria were shattered? my legs turn into a jerry was unable to carry me when principal told me to stand aside so i failed woefully i lament the principal motion me to come forward ,i almost fainted what could be my fate?
16 Dec 2016 | 11:54
I STUDY HARDER IN OTHER TO MAKE GOOD GRADE. LESS I FORGET AM THE FIRST IN THE FAMILY OF FIVE i was love by everyone, am a guy that love to have fun could be well describe as a funky guy though get hot temper my mum was a portugal,she hate nigerians i was wondering why she married dad knowing fully well he is a nigerian or should i say then monday is gone and finally exam was here,i tried my best after sleeples night the exam tiat seem neven ending,end and i waited impatiently for the day result will surface oh god help me i want to see my fathers land this was my prayers so far on the judgement day we stand on the assambly ground waiting when sudden my name was called but this school use to call student that fail first oh was this how my dream of going to nigeria were shattered? my legs turn into a jerry was unable to carry me when principal told me to stand aside so i failed woefully i lament the principal motion me to come forward ,i almost fainted what could be my fate?
16 Dec 2016 | 11:56
Thanks @kachiska
16 Dec 2016 | 13:14
Sorry Friends For Not Beee Able To Publish The Story Since I Will Start Soon,once I Finish The One At Hand Now Thank U For Undestanding I Love You All Join Me Celebrate My Birthday On The 23rd December God Bless You From Your Boy In The House Ifestan Ifediri Fb Ifedirichukwu Laus Kemmy fb Page twitter stanislaus mattias
21 Dec 2016 | 05:14
am sorry my friends for not updating so far i was swept off by immigration South Africa but the good news is am back again my story the prophecy passion for revenge season 1 episode 1 I STUDY HARDER IN OTHER TO MAKE GOOD GRADE. LESS I FORGET AM THE FIRST IN THE FAMILY OF FIVE i was love by everyone, am a guy that love to have fun could be well describe as a funky guy though get hot temper my mum was a portugal,she hate nigerians i was wondering why she married dad knowing fully well he is a nigerian or should i say then monday is gone and finally exam was here,i tried my best after sleeples night the exam tiat seem neven ending,end and i waited impatiently for the day result will surface oh god help me i want to see my fathers land this was my prayers so far on the judgement day we stand on the assambly ground waiting when sudden my name was called but this school use to call student that fail first oh was this how my dream of going to nigeria were shattered? my legs turn into a jerry was unable to carry me when principal told me to stand aside so i failed woefully i lament the principal motion me to come forward ,i almost fainted what could be my fate? he pause for a while then saying what i can't fathom he did mentioned congratulations was he talking to me? or ismy hearing system playing tricks on me? was he drunk? only a time could tell Congratulations you make it I was surprised I didn't even believe I will make it I was happy I couldn't wait we to see Nigeria ;you make us proud we are proud of you ;You took the first position thank you for making us proud that is all he said I couldn't believe him I was happy oh my god is this how I'm going to go to Nigeria I can't wait to see you my father's land that is how my journey started wish i could see future then i could have stayed (Nigeria )my journey of Revenge and prophecy to be continued stay turned
5 Oct 2017 | 08:02
5 Oct 2017 | 12:15
Nice Start
5 Oct 2017 | 13:47
Seated and waiting patiently 4 d next epi
5 Oct 2017 | 16:25
Okay,shebi d tin dey sweet u
5 Oct 2017 | 17:54
5 Oct 2017 | 18:01
5 Oct 2017 | 18:44
haha mistake of ur life
5 Oct 2017 | 19:35
Ok ohhh, kwantinue
6 Oct 2017 | 03:42
6 Oct 2017 | 04:17
PASSION FOR REVENGE SEASON 1 EPISODE 2 after celebration # yes I have to go to the airport# told dad, that so many things happens in the house that's almost make me cry mommy broke down crying as am going to die Before then mommy prayed for me she advised me telling me to be a good boy wish nodded in affirmation mommy started sobbing when I look at her I almost cry I wish i could stay back no i really have to go that my dreams mum should reason with me na it is very painful to watch your mom crying especially when you cause her pain *ifediri you never hear word i said in my heart * . Dad called me yelling my name ??hello son do you want to miss ur flight what time is your flight? come let's go as ? I'm about to move my eyes make contact with my sister , I saw her crying she hug me and we're staring at our face we broke down crying she prefers spending her time with me she also let me know how much she love me tell me how she's going to miss me but I advised her that I'm not going to die but I will leave to the end. I also advised her to be a good girl and I promise to be a good boy Rita # let your brother go Dad said avoiding eye contact let me go# i said when i found my voice i did gave her a passionate kiss on the forehead and off I went daddy took me to his car he open the front door for me which I hope you and he started the engine and we PASSION FOR REVENGE SEASON 1 EPISODE 2 after celebration # yes I have to go to the airport# told dad, that so many things happens in the house that's almost make me cry mommy broke down crying as am going to die Before then mommy prayed for me she advised me telling me to be a good boy wish nodded in affirmation mommy started sobbing when I look at her I almost cry I wish i could stay back no i really have to go that my dreams mum should reason with me na it is very painful to watch your mom crying Dustin. He called me he yelled my name hello song do you want to miss your flight what time is your flight come let's go as I'm about to move my eyes made my sister I saw her crying hug me and we're looking we broke down crying she prefers that she love me tell me how she's going to miss me but I advised him that. I'm not going to die but I will leave to the end I also advised not to be a good girl and I promise to be a good boy Rita let your brother go let me go I did not a passionate kiss on the forehead and off I went daddy took me to his car he open the front door for me which I hopped in he started the engine and we drove off I could see my sister's Shadow waves at me I could feel her heart beatingbeatfast I saw her at the Middle With You not to me she shut it in the voice God be with you good luck off I could see my sister's Shadow I could see how the fraction from from the window I could feel her I could feel her heart beating very fast God be with you good luck! at the airport # we boarded at 17:30 before then dad called me three times he started his own sermon do good and do this of a things the only thing that i fathom out their is be a good boy my joy is for you to learn my cuture speak my tongue and always follow your heart shortly lunchtime surface.we ate and then fastened my belt then it happened was this my end? my dream of going to Nigeria fall apart? in isolated area we found ourselves my clothes tore and was as good as ragg smoke covers me then i saw a man that resemble dad he started saying mysterious things. welcome home you did come home sooner I tried to prevent him from saying further but seemed he don'tunderstand me suddenly everywhere went dimm and blur what is happening i cried is this my end? oh God have mercy on my sinful soul!! to be continued......
6 Oct 2017 | 11:06
passion for revenge SEASON 1 EPISODE 2 after celebration # yes I have to go to the airport# told dad, that so many things happens in the house that’s almost make me cry mommy broke down crying as am going to die Before then mommy prayed for me she advised me telling me to be a good boy wish nodded in affirmation mommy started sobbing when I look at her I almost cry I wish i could stay back no i really have to go that my dreams mum should reason with me na it is very painful to watch your mom crying especially when you cause her pain *ifediri you never hear word i said in my heart * . Dad called me yelling my name ??hello son do you want to miss ur flight what time is your flight? come let’s go as ? I’m about to move my eyes make contact with my sister , I saw her crying she hug me and we’re staring at our face we broke down crying she prefers spending her time with me she also let me know how much she love me tell me how she’s going to miss me but I advised her that I’m not going to die but I will leave to the end. I also advised her to be a good girl and I promise to be a good boy Rita # let your brother go Dad said avoiding eye contact let me go# i said when i found my voice i did gave her a passionate kiss on the forehead and off I went brother goodbye I'm going to miss you her voice keep ringing in my heart nampula airport time 17:30 terminal:a15 flight:jet 5790 seat number b34 airlines:Ethiopian at the airport # we boarded at 17:30 before then dad called me three times he started his own sermon do good and do this of a things the only thing that i fathom out their is be a good boy my joy is for you to learn my cuture speak my tongue and always follow your heart shortly lunchtime surface.we ate and then fastened my belt then it happened was this my end? my dream of going to Nigeria fall apart? in isolated area we found ourselves my clothes tore and was as good as ragg smoke covers me then i saw a man that resemble dad he started saying mysterious things. welcome home you did come home sooner I tried to prevent him from saying further but seemed he don’tunderstand me suddenly everywhere went dimm and blur what is happening i cried is this my end? oh God have mercy on my sinful soul!! to be continued……
6 Oct 2017 | 11:35
6 Oct 2017 | 13:42
Try and edit the stories, nd make some corrections pls cont
6 Oct 2017 | 13:59
6 Oct 2017 | 16:28
6 Oct 2017 | 16:45
6 Oct 2017 | 17:43
The story is too confusing and hard to understand... plus I've not gotten a thing since I started reading. I hope your story is not gonna be one numerous stories I left reading at first episode...
6 Oct 2017 | 19:07
sorry for the mistakes i promise to improve next time thanks for reading
6 Oct 2017 | 19:20
seated, but this episode is repeating it self too much
7 Oct 2017 | 13:06
Right here
7 Oct 2017 | 13:08
7 Oct 2017 | 15:37
PASSIONFOR REVENGE ???? episode 3 ?????? .......... .......... ........... ........ ........... ......... .......... ................. ................. continue FROM the last episode ?welcome back home?? i wonder what's wrong with him was he referring at me? is he mad? how can this old man telling a total stranger welcome back home which home? i think he need to see a doctor i do havemany questions to ask him. and i desire a honest answers. he need to start talking right now or i force him talking. but wait oh while am i dressing in rag.? ??????? ??????? i could remember wearing best of my clothes was i robb or something else? so many questions queued on my small coded brain. i sat down looking like a defeated soldier he comes closer and i tried seizing him on the cola but i am unable to hold feels like am trying to grap an air. . he looked hungry that i imagine last he ate ..... who are you? i asked at last when found my voice am your personal God;???? my personal God? i asked looking perplex gaving him a murderous stare what crab is he talking ? does person have personal God? i wish i could got hold of him his case will be obituary he noticed my range truly i was boiling with anger furiously i dive him hiting my head at rock it hurts so much ??????? ?????? ??????? i use to read stories about ghosts how the appear invisible in a state of vapour now am standing with one you can't harm me instead you're going to hurt self am your personal God ! . ????????? he reapeat and started fading simultaneously ??????????? just then i felt like myself falling into a portal of another world suddenly i started hearings female voices. the language they speak i can't comprehend i gues they're speaking English or IGBO am i falling into trance or hassination ?????????? gradually i open my eyes sighting an angel staring at me i don't understand her but from her voice i dictate she's happy she continued blabbering that became annoyed ^ voce quel problema?^ which translated ^what's your problem ^ ????????? that odd stage of your life when you found yourself in a midst of people that speak different language i felt miserable and hopeless ??????????? communication barer i encounter just then the man dad paid to help me with English arrived he will be my translator he hugged me and welcome me ??????????? am now relieved mmmmh I asked him what happened? where are my co passenger on board ????????? am sorry ifediri they couldn't make it! ???????? how? when? oh God have mercy ????????? ????????? ????????? to be continued ????????? .?????????? sorry for the mistake i made in the previous episode i promise to improve next time thanks for reading
9 Oct 2017 | 08:23
Alright let it flow
11 Oct 2017 | 02:15
passion for revenge episode 4 *the future* as I sat down revising my note suddenly a stone landed on my head ;;;;;gush! I shouted in pain cj ran to me on his knee begging : am sorry man.I miss a thrown I was highly irritated that I wanted to attack him first but my inner self seem to disagree with me go your way**I bark like an angry dog which have been starved for days I wiped my face and off I went he stand motionles staring at me confused am sorry he yelled the second time moving backwards getting ready to took off incase i launched an attack me too i pitied the fearful fellow. from my perspective he must be from a richest family in town. his dress sence portrays more luxurious his igbo accents sending signal that his dad must be a controversial hitmen in town let me use another word to describe him . he belongs to first class citizen. i think i like him though is still early making friends Daddy use to advise me that his people are not genuine that they always cheat on a novice, or a naive which he said his people generally name my type jjc. am just young Portuguese accent dude culture the say is a people way of life my culture was built on genuinely norm well that is a discussion for another day here in css Awka people love me maybe because am a halfcast IGBO /Portuguese man it's never hard to make friends here boys a AND girl flock around me like a fly following excrement cj :is my very first friend in Nigeria his birth names are Obinna smart sonma back to the story the present ************** after receiving treatment i was discharged and travel back to the South East learning igbo and English was very hard nut to crack Grammys is very happy to see me. she was quite disappointed that i can't speak neither IGBO nor English she later becomes use to the fact and accepted her fate every Sunday ,grandma Will take me to church she always use every opportunity to introduce me to her friends;family and well wishers people envy her some wishes to be her, some jealous intrigued in many my people never miss an opportunity to say her to me the road is nothing to write about i wonder what's wrong with my father's land no road nor water no power. i doubt i will survive a week here am totally disappointed with my courtry is this how the gaint of Africa i use to read on net looks like? hmm gradually jungle life got use to me .. forward############# ################# daddy suggest i will enrolled in community school to facilitate my IGBO tutor which granny bought the idea that's how i become a student of css Awka that's the beginning of my revenge mission *** back to the future**** i nodded in agreement which relieved him i told him not to worry cj;thanks so much to reply him is like quenching hell fire thanks to Google translator i brought out my android phone type in my word which is translated at once# me" #is ok you did not plan to hit me is normal: )forward( 5years later we became friends after secondary school we separate due to location that faithful day we met again... cj guy how far me:am fine guy finally we met again cj:am hungry hope you don't mind we talking their. i nodded in agreement we were served rice and beans with lots of drink i noticed his not happy i tried my best to share him up later he decided to start talking after all my parcels yet she turned me dowm he said vaguely taking me abackinne who is he talking about ? to be continued ****
11 Oct 2017 | 10:51
for my friends in Portugal Angola and Mozambique Portuguese version paixão pela vingança episódio 4 *o futuro* quando me sentei revisando minha nota de repente uma pedra pousou na minha cabeça gush !;;;; Eu gritei com dor cj correu para mim em seu joelho implorando : Sinto muito, senhor. Sinto falta de uma jogada Eu estava altamente irritado que eu queria atacá-lo primeiro, mas meu eu interior parece estar em desacordo comigo siga o seu caminho ** Eu laco como um cão irritado que ficou faminto por dias Eu limpei meu rosto e eu fui ele está olhando para mim confuso desculpe, ele gritou pela segunda vez movendo-se para trás Preparando-se para decolar em caso eu lancei um ataque eu também eu pitied o companheiro temerário. do meu ponto de vista ele deve ser do mais rico família na cidade. seus retratos de sence de vestido mais luxuoso seus acentos igbo enviando sinal de que seu pai deve ser controverso assassinos da cidade deixe-me usar outra palavra para descrevê-lo . ele pertence à primeira classe cidadão. eu acho que eu gosto dele ainda é uma fase inicial amigos Papai usa para me aconselhar que seu povo não é genuíno que eles sempre trair um novato ou um ingênuo que ele disse o seu as pessoas geralmente nomeiam meu digite jjc. sou apenas um jovem sotaque português cara A cultura é uma pessoa modo de vida minha cultura foi construída sobre norma genuína   Bem, isso é uma discussão para outro dia aqui em css Awka as pessoas me amam talvez porque estou meio IGBO / homem português nunca é difícil faça amigos aqui Meninos e um grupo de meninas ao meu redor como uma mosca após o excremento cj: é o meu primeiro amigo na Nigéria seus nomes de nascimento são Obinna sonho inteligente de volta à história o presente ************** depois de receber tratamento eu estava de alta e viajo de volta ao sudeste aprendendo igbo e inglês era porca muito dura rachar Grammys é muito Feliz em me ver. ela estava bem decepcionado que eu não possa não fale nem IGBO nem Inglês ela se torna mais tarde usar o fato e aceitou-a destino todos os domingos, vc vai me leve à igreja ela sempre usa toda oportunidade para Me apresente para seus amigos, família e bem desejados  as pessoas a invejam alguns desejos para seja ela, alguns ciumento intrigado em muitos minha gente nunca perde uma oportunidade de dizer a ela mim a estrada não é nada para escrever sobre eu me pergunto o que está errado com a terra do meu pai sem estrada nem água nenhum poder. eu duvido que eu sobreviverei uma semana aqui Estou totalmente desapontado com meu tribunal É assim que o rosto da África eu uso para ler parece net? Hmm A vida gradual da selva foi usada para mim  ... progressivo############# ################# Papai sugere que me inscrevi na escola comunitária para facilitar o meu tutor IGBO qual aviação comprou a idéia é assim que me tornei um estudante de css Awka esse é o começo do meu missão de vingança *** de volta para o Futuro**** eu assenti com concordância o que o aliviou Eu disse a ele para não preocupação Muito obrigado para respondê-lo é como fogo extinguível graças ao tradutor do Google eu trouxe meu Tipo de telefone Android na minha palavra que é traduzida de uma vez só# mim" # está ok você não planejou me bater é normal: )progressivo( 5 anos depois nós nos tornamos amigos depois da escola secundária nos separamos devido a localização esse dia fiel nos conhecemos novamente ... cj guy até que ponto eu sou bom cara finalmente nos encontramos novamente cj: estou com fome, espero que não se importe com a conversa deles. eu assenti com concordância nos serviram arroz e feijão com muita bebida notei que não estava feliz eu tentei o meu melhor para compartilhá-lo mais tarde ele decidiu começar a falar depois de todas as minhas parcelas ainda assim ela me tornou dowm ele disse vagamente levando-me abackinne de quem ele está falando? continua ****
11 Oct 2017 | 11:29
Ride on
11 Oct 2017 | 17:12
@ifediri pls write ur story in a more understandable way
11 Oct 2017 | 18:28
11 Oct 2017 | 19:12
12 Oct 2017 | 04:26
12 Oct 2017 | 11:14
episode 5 he spoke from his heart after listening i fathom out meaning in his sentence three points his in love ^ she reject him^ he still want her^ without knowing that evil is growing in the desert.wish am a seer to view from the future . i console him promised to help him woe the babe. that's the beginning of my fault. cj :guy thanks so much for your words it did heal my broken heart.oyibo people do got good heart.a friend in need is a friend in deed today i will never forget soon. me:is nothing my friend i want you to remember that you're my brother from different parents your welcome things will be right sooner go in peace cj: truly you are my brother i promise to be your best friend for ever me:too. after conversation we parted minutes turned into a day days turned into a week week turned into a month we do communicate on phone occasionally making distance not been able to be a barrier in our friendship i continued my life as a Nigerians bynow I have learn how to speak pigin English to the extend it's affecting my vocabulary that faithful day i was returning back from onitcha when i bumped into mysterious stranger i felt something deep inside of me something in me jumped up.i feel like am flying over the moon. my blood pressure increases to danger level as if my heart is going to burst. i have never felt like this since birth was this love ? am i really falling in love with my mysterious stranger. who is she and why is she on a haste. she's curvy with a perfect face. everything falls at the right place this types must be created in Sunday. her immaculate set of white teeth could make an angry man smile. her smile could make a saint hard on. her pointed nose hang in her face like a child resting on her mothers chest her sexy eyes could make man go crazy her chest packaging could make a man in grave hard on only her perfumes could format a memory card with virus in a second. she's an epitome of beauty. symbol of pretty. her back side jungle and bridge together in a royal combat as if it's going to fall her long sexy legs cause my brain malfunction her flat Tommy Sending sweet signals to my brain i wish this feeling never end wish i never wake up from this dream this hallucination i wanted it to be forever her name must be an Angel she must be the first i her family. her long hair like a mamaid #back to the story^ she's not looking ahead of that she pierced my big toe with her shoe the type of cover shoe igbo calls koi koi instantly blood started gushing out it hurts so much i felt like strangling her at first but her gorgeous outfits format my anger making me smile like a foolish lamb led to slaughter the stranger;am sorry am in a haste ,forgive me sir did you got hurt? i remain silent i wanted to say something but it feels like some bubbles hold my phone . i kept mopping at her at every intervals
12 Oct 2017 | 15:43
12 Oct 2017 | 21:47
passion for revenge ..... . ..episode 6 am dumbfounded i open my mouth to speak nothing is coming if my sounds system broke down. like some bubbles hold my throat she begged me to permits her dress my wound i nodded in agreement flying in the world of imagination this girl must be a goddess her color her skin her nose her face is extremely beautiful i can't stop staring at her her beauty mesmerized me causing riot in my soul my heart is burning i felt somehow happy. my soul couldn't let go my emotions is betraying me for the first time. she deserved the best and she's my type. i must follow her bomba to bomba i wouldn't let this one slip off my hands. she's giving me hypertension. am really infatuated to her i love what am seeing just then i remember phyno song started playing on my head cause me smiles like an imbecile which took her aback. she made her ways towards me coming to stand infront of me,bending down at once accessing my wounded toe without my permit. she interrupted me brought me into reality by the tendency of her soft touch wish send sensitive signals all over my body .it feel so good that i prefer her touching there till morrow " hello are you sure your your ok" let me take you to a hospital you lose so much blood. she said paying rapt attention to my wound. without even looking atme which got me little upset i found my voice at last and told her not to worry am ok which she disagreed insisting we went to atleast to a chemist . she stood firm and her eyes glued on my face i guess she's admiring me am a fine boy. .half IGBO half Portugal am really handsome but am wrong she was staring at a meat leftover on my beard " remove dirty in your beard: " she said giving a laughing of my life i was humiliated and embarrassed i felt empty that i slugishly wipe my beard with my palms she stopped laughing immediately apologised expressing how hurts she felt at the moment am sorry i never mean to embarrass you please forgive my manners and approach! she said staring deep into my eyes. the eye contest lasted for three minutes when finally she break the silent " am very late.i have missed the is my card. call me we gave a lot to discuss." . am expecting you're calls she thrusts it in my bocket and disappeared in the tin air the way she appear when i reached home.the event with my mysterious stranger keeps playing on my memory like a DVD player in a repeat mode when i tried to eat is her. my dreams is her. i saw her in everything i did. am i under a spell or what? falling for a total stranger is weird maybe is my Destiny or should i say is lust. am seriously infatuated as if something bond us together. i haven't felt like this since birth. i can't sleep that i summoned courage to called her when it happened oh lord my soul i give you to keep::::::;;;;; to be continued..........
13 Oct 2017 | 09:14
TOUGH TIME NEVER LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO The top 20 principle s that can affect you life positively 1*****know who you are 2******Resist the urge of comparison 3*******manage your time wisely 4*******believe in yourself 5*********never give up 6********keep moving be original 7******actualised your dreams ************;;; to be continued
13 Oct 2017 | 09:22
@fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @patrick @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174
13 Oct 2017 | 19:18
Wait lemme enter your bus I get change
13 Oct 2017 | 19:45
Umu Let's welcome our bros eh
13 Oct 2017 | 19:50
She must be really an angel... You can send her to me if you don't have the courage to sample her
14 Oct 2017 | 01:40
ok no problem @itzprince
14 Oct 2017 | 05:50
PASSIONFOR REVENGE passion for revenge episode 7 nneka side of the story meeting him is something else. since then my life changed my soul nurture a feeling i can't explain for now. i really like his personality his funny. his humorous in nature i love smiling dudes not strictly mean guys. i think he got all i need in a man. who is he? he must be a foreigner . his genuinely motivates his innocent face. all about him is genuine. he must be a shy type he couldn't withstand my fantasy he trembled infrot of me like a babe that's what i love about him . i really want to see him more. i don't even ask his name i found myself thinking about him the memory was fresh and will never let go soon i really needs to hear his voice. or should I call him,?no am an African women i need to protect our pride and dignity maybe his married no God forbid! when am i going to see his face again but wait oh am i falling cheapishly for him am a naija girl na i no supposed fall for a guy like that na. # she was found on her bed tossy round without hope of sleep coming forth# in my dream it happened Ush! My toe-:he shouted in pain Am sorry young man;i apologized With a remorseful approach Your bleeding;i.said bringing my hankershief to tie his big toe :am gonna be fine don't worry go your way;he yelled at me with Bloody eyes.the pain was too Much to bear ;am sorry;i sympathized he wanted to launch an attack As helook at my face the second time his anger and grieve melted ;the pain is unbearable but I think I Can handle it; he said looking down :are you sure;i asked curiously touching it I feel like am flying over the moon Because of the tendency of his skin. he is cool Charming and more than cute I called him a handsome because his from the Kingdom of beauty. i summoned courage and gave him my card, showing him green light for him to play his wing but he seem to be a shy type. i stands up and wave him goodbye he stared at me till i vanish on the thin air the way i came *************** my phone wakes me up oh my God i thought it's happened in real life just a dreams mitch who is calling me,? peharps him? my imagination is taking over me or probably not him... only a matter of time we will noticed i was eager and curious to answer the call hmmmmm the caller is no other than wait oh the number is unknown which means is not saved contacts let me answere it i put the phone on my ear and use my well packaged voice speaking on soft low tune my heart melt and fall inside my stomach when i heard the caller from my mouth piece hello;;;;;;;;! to be continued ........... i know this episode is short please bear with me.
14 Oct 2017 | 07:43
Love in your dreams
14 Oct 2017 | 15:13
So you both have the same dream
14 Oct 2017 | 15:16
I Go love o
14 Oct 2017 | 18:10
near to the truth @jummybabe
15 Oct 2017 | 07:51
both of you hv d same thing in mind and which is love...
15 Oct 2017 | 10:20
let see how d story goes
15 Oct 2017 | 10:21
PASSION FOR REVENGE a tale of love season 8 i searched my pocket thoughly couldn't found the card # omo see gobe# what kind of badluck is this? who is after me? what spirit is haunting me? i almost died that night out of high blood pressure. when on earth will see her again. how i managed to hold myself that night is a story i can't narrate, i prayed and looks unto fate wishing things we turned into my good. :i wonder while she mean so much to me since i returned home i have seen many faces. many tried to force there way into me yet i turned all down. but this my mysterious stranger keeps playing with my emotions. why always her.? people even use to pay me to got them pregnant as to have a baby that looks like me. both single and married wound never let me rest. widows is not left in this mess all need my DNA in their gene . they way time flys these days fear me seconds turned into minutes minutes into hours hours into days days into weeks weeks into month's months into year i almost gave up not untill i read a book that boosted my ego causing me to strick more. the book i saw online title# tough time never last but tough people do#by ifediri the bait fall on my lane again i have to manage my time wisely when i saw her smiling face. my heart melt like a candle wax i sweat beneath trying to appear calm i gather mola and goes to her like a man i have grown-up to be ...You again!;I said trying my best to appear formal hoping not to make Her feel sad she started again by initiating conversation which almost swept my feet but like a sharp guy am . i stand firm # you think my learning is in vain. hahababa you must be a joker we just rolled nneka* Young man how is your Toe;she asked ignoring my Question me: Am fine;I said wondering why she cares For me.the look in her eyes is something else i continued ** Please I would like to know you Better nneka"??? What is that you want to know; i was uneasy and uncomfortable with her silly question.i just park to know where she's coming from # she reply in a high tone like if I have irritated him with My words She discover that am worried and afraid so she smile at me making me Feel relieved. My name is NNEKA;she said i replied interrupting him. Mine was ifediri ,my friends called me OBI she continued Ok hope your satisfied now,please permit me to go am in a haste I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out.I was wondering why am behaving this way.could this be love.? you didn't call why? she paused searched my eyes She looks me straight into my eyes and said to me with a smile Nice talking with you,we will see another time,am on my way to lectures.bye shy man She said waving me goodbye Is she going or what.I feel bad immediately she want to go.all I ever wanter is to stare at her beautiful face while she is talking.I manage to summon courage and shouted I miss you; She stops immediately and gave me a long gaze and smile Off she went,I was happy that she don not attack or fire me with what I said.could it be that she feels this way too because the way she stares at me is scaring .like if we are two love bird When I reached my working place All I do was thinking about her hoping she s mine forever.I can't wait to the day I will tell her how I feel. Maybe I was dreaming After work that day I dart out like a bat out of hell. I prayed to God to make her accept me because am not rich i love you so much girl* i screamed and turned only to receive shock of my life to be continued dedicated to my lovely sister Vicky who is always there for me
17 Oct 2017 | 20:48
Hope not the shock that can kill
17 Oct 2017 | 21:35
passion for revenge episode 9 behold cj stood behind me i was humiliated,i wish he never heared that.i use to told him that am not the type that summit to that madness call love. i further told him that love is nothing but a tricky devise women used tocontrol men.i have preach so much hate about love but now am screaming i love you so much with the same mouth i use to condemn love. what am i? an ungrateful fellow hmmm i felt like disappearing. wish i got a magic i could have use it to confuse him right now . . but looking at him i found out that something is eating him up. he looked week and tattered i goes to him.shake him and took him to a bar. that's what i learned from Nigeria drinking away sorrow with liquor . we proceed to CITY OF SIN BAR i order one crate of Hero with origin together with pepper soup we ate silently. i started remembering how he came to my like a child did to dad when their toy broken flash back* Cj came to me lamenting I was wondering how a grown Up man will be crying just for a woman he brought me into reality by breaking the ominous silent * After all I did to win her heart,still yet she turned me down for no reason despite my wealth;he weeps men* Man donnt for so low.your hurting yourself all bcos of a woman that feels nothing for you;I scold him flashing my mind back how NNEKA makes me feel trying hard to understand how he felt. Am sorry for him I tried all I could do to make Him forget his lover no avail ,I crack many jokes that day wondering when a turned into a comedian in a twinkle of an eye . i made him happy i make see and reason with me why he must forget that girl though i knew is very hard but he have to try cj Thanks my good and best friend;he said and shook hand with me I remember when my uncle died,CJ helped me a lot that time,he spend money without looking back that all our family feel like of DANGOTE grandma told me that CJ was full of emulation with good character,his a cheerful giver and meek in heart though hot temper Tears fills my eyes when I watch my good friend CJ lament,I wish I could make him happy He have done a lot for me His my brother from different parents He even helped me to secure a job am managing now How will I repair him back I prayed that God will give him joy and make him happy all the days of his life. My brother donnt worry I will help you win her; I promised CJ without thinking nor ponder on the things I said to him bcos human was full of betrayal and deceitful Thanks;he said he felt better now staring at him I noticed he laughed too.i feel like a hero. he continues She will be conducting a birthday party two months today,you will go with me?;he begged Yes;I yelled and promised Without knowing that matter will be complicated there Hmmmmm True friend hurts when it grows sour Frends for life Nothing good like a good friend Loyal and trust worthy guys embrace them and never let go* we parted after gotten tired of eating.we stagger home thanks to God for safety i was welcome by a text message meet me at doriss inn time:9:00am come alone to be continued........ .............
18 Oct 2017 | 09:06
From Who?
18 Oct 2017 | 10:32
Who send it
18 Oct 2017 | 15:41
who could that be
18 Oct 2017 | 17:24
19 Oct 2017 | 19:33
PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 10 arriving at dorriss inn i was little scared but i hold myself as a man accepting any ugly situation that may surface. it high time i prove my maness. a man appears infrot me from my own views,he's a criminal or drugpusher he's a rugged man with a weed in both hands his voice very crack and deep. it sounded like a walking dead. his eyes pure red like a blood. his lips black thick. he wave at me which my brain translates to come over here i obliged moving like a sacrificial lamb the man is a horror "you have to deliver this package to the church gate go alone. any mistake i fuck your family. hope you love granny? now start going. any thing you receive drop at the entrance CITY OF SIN BAR you must not tamper with the package. am very blood i kill for pleasure i have no mercy in me you time is tiking you have twenty minutes to supply this package i repeat,any mistake your family will be a history he COMMAND and thrown a bag to me .. am hell scared . i trembled in fear with sweat all over my body in a harmattan season two this are involved .is either i deliver the package or my family dead .i don't know what is in the bag. what if am caught? how on earth will i explain this to my parents who's going to believe me? how did i come over here? who's he? only a matter of time, answers to my questions we surface first i have to save my family forward ? ****** .. i delivered the package perfectly and receive a surprise he hand me over a letter.he flattered me telling me how perfectly i did the job. he promise to be of my help anytime.saying i should call him when i needed him i fold the letter.took a cool bath,ready to attend a crusade every detail about him was written in their eccept his name. at the crusade i Met her again must our path always cross? fate is playing trick on me i can't understand while she keep appearing to me. i goes to her and we rolled like this¿ NNEkA!;I called when the crusade dismissed OBI nice meeting you again.I know we will see again one day;she said smiling So you lived around here;I asked her giving her a smile No !she said giggling º please donnt be offended can we talk;I asked giving her a gaze into her eyes♡ She was nervous and I tried to make her feel safe I mean no harm,just to talk; She nodded in agreement We headed to DORISS-INN( weird that i took her to the same restaurant i met that horrific dude that took pleasure in killing) I order three bottles of Red wine,two plate of fried rice and full chicken She stares at me and I feel happy to caught her staring.I empty my wine into my mouth and cleared my throat You spend a lot,all bcos of me.;she said out of pity. A Donnt worry my dear.;I said And continues:ever since that day will met I can't stop thinking of makes me go summarizes it am in love with u girl"♡♡♡♡♡ There was ominous silent I later broke the silence by adding Can we be friend? She was still muted which is making me uncomfortable and worried.I became afraid since she is not replying but I took courage as a man I am. I heard you.I will think over it.I will go now please don't be offended.thanks so much for the fun. i really like you:she thanking me and alright to go i screamed in hopeless voice I miss you :I said trembling in fears She stares at me for a long time and said:miss you too" was she talking to me,? is this real or dreams I was shocked when she said it.which means she feels same way too .no wonder while she kept staring at me at every interval that day is the When I reached house that day I kneeled down and thank God for a positive result I was not aware that she is same girl that is making my friend cry I wish I knew this on time All this may haven't happened Maybe it was destined Yes let me say it was my fate Love why me? were is this leading to? is falling in love a crime? . oh love have mercy on my poor sou♡♡♡ºººº♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡ºººººººº♡♡♡♡ to be continued.... sorry for late update.these days am really busy promise to keep updating frequently
23 Oct 2017 | 10:20
That may be fate
23 Oct 2017 | 16:18
24 Oct 2017 | 14:03
Lets say its fate
24 Oct 2017 | 14:03
25 Oct 2017 | 06:27
following jejely
25 Oct 2017 | 09:57
[b]passion for revenge .. episode 10 cj had earlier told me about shopping for his girl which we fix a date for that. i promised to help him pick one or two things together. after my incanter with my mysterious stranger,my life really change . am now a man with guts. fear was rolled away from me.right now i felt like jackie chan ? if you kick my ass we gonna ... ..hope you understand na* back to the story jor recently i have started falling deeply in love with my mysterious stranger, she is my breath nneka is my missing rib i must run her race. she'smy type and i will follow her willingly all i ever wanted , desired in this my short life is to be with her till the end of time as if i lost my soul at remembering her name something in me jumped up. my heart is on fire. with her by my side i have really conquered the world. my name shall be call blessings. let the moon listen let the breeze of the earth seize let the sun bear me witness the stars on the sky shall be my guest. let them listen from my heart let my heart beat frozen if i lie about the facts that i love nneka. my phone brought me back from dream land the caller happened to be only but him my friend i pick the call unwillingly trying to sound normal " Hello ifediri am traveling; don't forget the deal.CJ shouted i replied Ok my friend safe journey till then dude: I shout back His voice dies and I hang up i took a cold bath and off i went wandering around the city to cure my boredom at exactly the same place the incident happened I met nneka again. as if our soul were bold together.. as usually she were happy to see me. gaving me same charming smile of hers i can't stop staring at her i wanted to hug her at first but refrained. As she promised to give me answers to my request She told me that she was afraid of men then I assured her that am different and she accepted Like play,we get to know and fall for each other We love each other very much that people witches they were us People became to jealous us. Oh my God this can't be truth I hold a woman I love so much in my aims Could this be a dream,I wish I never wake up Uh! Am not dreaming this is reality not a trance After two weeks she told me about her birthday party My body was covered with geese pimples when I heard that I recall what my friend told me about helping him won a girl heart on her birthday party which I agreed could it be a mere cosidense, is the Girl dual ? could it be same girl,? i wouldn't betray my friend even if she's same am not ready toback off. Could she be The one that hurts my friend Am confused and afraid am a sincere dude. i need to ask her questions and she need to answer genuinely. I don't know the best approach to use ,maybe i should let the sleeping dog lay.i thought to myself other me disagreed demanding i cleared the air. it took me five hours to ask her the question Do you know CJ ;I pop in She was worried and confused about my questions No ;she said but I doubt her though I have no prove nor evidence to believe her Why that silly question; I have a friend who told me about a girl he loves so much that fails to returned. his love:she laughed when I said it and. called me a joker .telling me that there is many fishes in d river that someone love one girl in her apartment doesn't mean it was her so I believed her though still afraid and hoping she s not the one CJ loved and cherished**** just then cj call to inform me that his back waiting at home for me. i screamed in surprise i told him am coming just then he told me to look back. i turned behold cj stood a pole away with his hands folderd to be continued[/b]
26 Oct 2017 | 08:49
Hmm Hope it will be a lie that nneka is not the same person oo
27 Oct 2017 | 05:15
[b]episode 10B dairy of my love life♡º♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ re♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡ The best feeling in the world is being loved back by the person you love. The first time you fall in love, it changes your life forever. No matter how hard you try, the feeling never goes away. Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul. Love is the most beautiful thing to have, hardest thing to earn and most hurtful thing to lose. Without humor life is boring. Without love life is hopeless. We don'tmeet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason. Don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you like will leave you for the one they love. One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else .(am sorry cj,we can't tell a heart whom to choose. for the past years we got our back. i met.) You meet thousands of people, and none of them really mean anything to you. And then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever Distance means so little when someone means so much. It's crazy what people do for love, and it's even more crazy what love does to people.(why me love?) You don't give up on someone you love The foundation of a healthy relationship: Trust and communication. It's hard to be "just friends" with someone that you're in love with. I wish you knew how much I like you, how much I love talking to you and how much I wish you were mine for ever. i do love you girl. God bless the day i met you will always love you my darling without you nneka my life is incomplete to be continued ¤¤¤ [/b]
27 Oct 2017 | 19:47
Love nwantinti
28 Oct 2017 | 00:43
I GO LOVE OO :mail:
28 Oct 2017 | 03:18
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE episode 11 ¿me¿ when did you returned? hell you got me really scared. i asked fuming trying very hard to remove venom from my voice. "sorry man i never mean to scare you just to surprised you. the journey is cool i got so many goodies for you and my girl nneka hope you don't mind we visiting her this weekend?" thanks for the goodies i love the shirt am going to wear it on her birthday party. i will be their life and direct... after her party i will introduce my love to you. my angel. the harmony to my heart beat hope you wouldn't took her from me?:" no am your friend i got your back" just then i remember my girl she did say her birthday is on Monday what a cosidense. but something is not right must everything happened at same time. today is Sunday i iron my clothes getting ready for the occasion with my friend tomorrow . then grandma fall sick suddenly that i rush her to the hospital we sleep over. i called Cj and told him that i wouldn't attend the party again that something came up .i took out time to narrate all details to him very unfortunate he said on the phone feeling disappointed am sorry cj i said in my heart promising to attend but late he sent his friend who happens to be a doctor,he revived my grandma am very grateful how will i pay him,? God will bless you for me i prayed for him for over an hour. time flew very fast i manage to take my bath clad myself in the clothe he bought for me and dart out like a bat out of hell the party# As I came every where was noisy,people rocking and dancing i called cj he told me that his at the office that something came up. i call nnekas for directions to the greatest shock of my life it happened to be on desame hotel something is fishy danger is smelling here She welcomed me with a hug Your welcome;she said I gave her my gift and off I went ************************** Things begin to fall apart when nneka visited me.same day cj visit too Things get twisted As I came out to hug her Cj enters and I was unaware I goes to nneka embrace her so tight and kissed her hot but I was interrupted by CJ What a hell is going on? I was speechless and motionless How will I convince him that's it is not what he think. who will believe my stories? how will I explain to him? how it happened that it was coincide not done intentionally " My brother I trusted you,how could you do this thing to a know I love her,why her?;he said with hot tears rolling down his cheeks "is not what you think we need to talk.let me explain "I manage to say feeling guilty i opened my mouth to speak nothing is coming out their was ominous silent nneka broke the silent What is happening here?:she asked no one in particular looking shocked and surprise at same time None of us could reply her .cj was infuriated that he slap me but am lucky to saw him on time You will regret this,you deceived me and used my son of a carpenter. your grandfather is nobody. that yourdad sold his portion of land to travel overseas where he married a white old woman because of poverty. poor boy you will see.;he cursed me boring with anger i tried to explain things to him but end up infuriating him. Let me explain;I said but the matter keep on getting worst.he stared at me with a bloody eyes that scare a hell out of me. i continued " Friend not what you think:he will not listen to me I was angry when he moved to attack NNEKa Stop this!I shouted after all his in my house " You have the gut to shout at me. leave my house Leave my house!I ordered I stood there watching him leaving,I wish he will listen to me for once.I couldn't believe were fighting all bcos of her.I wish I never meet her.I wish he will come back I cried but too late.a Oh my good and best friend Am sorry but he was not there to take my apology.I wish the land could swallow me *********[\b]
28 Oct 2017 | 07:09
You fall in love with your heart beat without knowing that she is your best friend's crush so i see nothing wrong there... If there's anybody that needs to explain it should be Nneka
29 Oct 2017 | 03:52
You Ought To Wait And Hear Him Out Na
29 Oct 2017 | 04:11
He needs to listen to u the person to be blamed here is nneka
29 Oct 2017 | 08:27
ur friend could hv listen to what u want to say dan embarrassing ur family in front of her
29 Oct 2017 | 10:28
u hv actually ask nneka if she knew cj bt she said no nd also cj never show u nneka identity so I don't no where u r at fault
29 Oct 2017 | 10:30
29 Oct 2017 | 10:30
@jummybabe happy Sunday
29 Oct 2017 | 11:00
@freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
29 Oct 2017 | 13:54
Continue pls
29 Oct 2017 | 17:20
ride on
29 Oct 2017 | 19:24
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 12 , , , , , , , , , , , My Heart Skipped As I Watch Cj Left i knew what he's capable doing. he once beat a guy blue just that he step on him mistakenly. he even organizing rape for one lady that snop his father. How Wil I Explain This To Him How Wil I Convince Him To Believe Me I Wish The Land Could Swallow Me Hmm, , , , , , , , Nneka Was Confuse That She Stand Stil Trying Hard To Understand What Up She Open Her Mouth But Nothing Came Out , I Was Dumb Founded, I Dont Know How To Narrate My Story To Her That Best Of Friends Just Parted All Becos Of Her even though it sound like i betrayed him,Will never let nneka go even if it meant death nnekas love is worth die for. i really love her Oh My Friend Oh My Mysterious Stranger I Went Inside And Took My Bag take nneka home making sure she's save Off I Went , , , , , , , , I Entered A Bike With Absent Minded I Was Lost In My Thought Is This How I Repaire Cj For All He Has Been Doing For Me? Isn't My Fault How Do I Suppose Know That Nneka Is The Girl He's Talking About besides she's not his wife. i didn't see reasons why his mad at me. wouldn't it be ok if we talk? i needs to put him on the right track before things went out of hands. they're not dating for crying out loud not my fault at all. i remember those days in our secondary school he use to help me with English language and IGBO tutoring i remember when he use to buy me akara and agidi back then. he use to defend me fighting any one that cross my lane here in Nigeria guys fought to prove manness to show a hero he use to introduce me to his people helping me with IGBO attire from him i learn IGBO cuture norms and tradition. he even introduce me to a club known as BRIGHT STAR STUDENT hmm i wonder why some guys are quick to conclude. heavy judge us am i wrong? I Was Brought To Reality By An Okada Man 'Oga Here Is Ukka Jntion,my Money Please , I Hand Him His Money And Went Inside My Street When I Opened My Door Somethin Happend , , , , , , , , , , As I Hold The Knob I Saw An Envelope With My Name script On It , , , , , ,reading The Letter, , , , , , ifediri laus surman obi You Think You're Smart But I Will Show YOU Fire, you grandson of a carpenter! you Bite A Finger That Fed You ungrateful fellow I Trusted YOU With My Heart I Gave YOU My Resources But What Did I Get In Return, Betrayal. I Will Make Life A Living Hell For You Same With Nneka We will Meet,i Believe We're Friends All This While Not Knowing That you're A Wolf In A Sheep Clothe, I hope you Know Me Well The Reason I Was Called Cj my real name is cyplain Joan Be Ready For A Battle My Vengers Is Nearer F**k You Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.! I Read The Letter Trembling with Fear sweating profusely beneath I Knew Him Well,he Doesn't Joke Nor Mercy For His Offendant I Have To See Him Sooner As To Narrate How I Meet My Mysterious Stranger Who Happen To Be His crush I Called His Line But His Not Picking we really need to talk I Kneeled Down And Say A Short Prayer Before Going To Bed , , , , , ,i Was Awaken By A Rude Knock On The Door ' Open The Door Now ' intermission the genesis of my misery to be continued April 27, 2016 at 3:34p[/b]
31 Oct 2017 | 10:58
here i come @freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
31 Oct 2017 | 11:18
It is nobody's fault jare
31 Oct 2017 | 13:38
Hmm I Hope u guys get to talk
1 Nov 2017 | 07:52
Send A Text Message To Him And Explain Everything In Details
1 Nov 2017 | 09:07
CJ is going too far o
1 Nov 2017 | 09:38
cj could hv forgive u since he hasn't show u her place or her pics b4
1 Nov 2017 | 11:02
cj is not up to that na
1 Nov 2017 | 16:48
You are in deep sh-t
2 Nov 2017 | 02:45
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 12 the past* nneka side of the story it feels odd that i cause a dispute between best of friends. God why me? two besties falling for me at same time. i blamed myself for allowing this going out of hands. witches i could turned the clocks backwards. how on earth could i let this happened. what i saw in him is anger,PASSION for revenge i must talk sence to him. i needs to subdue his passion with my body no that is weird idea. he's taking this too far besides we're not dating. if he try something stupid i will set him up. but first i need to see him. nneka was seen knocking at cjs house. the door opened slowly and cj surfaced the looks in his eyes is terror . "my dear we needs to talk about you and your friend please blamed me instead. his not aware that you first crushing on me. am begging you to quit. you guys were friends before me. forgive me please. "hahaha you lie. he sent you to play me games. both of you will pay a price. am cj no man messes with me and lives to tell the story leave now!" he commanded. it provokes nneka that she finished him with mouth. "who do you think you are, ? small boy that's on top of his fathers money. go and make you onw money irresponsible dude you're nothing but a fool you woe me and i rejects your fantasy and you throw tantrum on me. stay away from me. am sorry i don't like you tankless of love. you better respect yourself. " nneka said "oh you still got mouth to talk bu the time am through with both you go know """"""""" the present back to my side of the story When We Arrived At The State CID,i Was Dragged Out Like A Crimminal What Crime Have I Commited I Surmon Courage And Ask 'rape Case Was Brought Here,and You Are The Last Person The Victim Was With Before The Incident,what Do U Have To Say,i Knew You Raped Her!' I Replied Almost Crying 'am Not A Rapist,my Hands Are Clean,by The Way Who Was Raped' 'shut Up You Skillful Rapist Hope You Knew What Awaits You,21years In Prisonment So St, , , ,he Was Interrupted 'sir The Victim Is Awake' I Was Totally Taking Aback Who Is Awake? 21 Years In Prison? So This's How I Will End Up,am Poor Who Wil Speak For A Common Like Me.I Burst Out Crying Like A Kid Wil I Win This Time?Probably No oh my mum my dad my sisters my family God in you i put my trust 'hee! Young Man Write A Statement'he Ordered Handing Me Over A Pen And A Paper Where Wil I Start? What Wil I Write?I Didn't Even Knew The Person They Suspect I Rape 'am Innocent!' I Said To Any Cop That Cares To Listen 'Nneka Was Raped'one Gentle Cop Told Me WHAT!!! I Shouted how? when? where? C J Why Me? Oh My God nneka am sorry i wouldn't be able to protect you am sorry i failed you. to be continued May 2, 2016 at 12:51pm[/b]
2 Nov 2017 | 09:33
@freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright am here @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola am
2 Nov 2017 | 09:40
@freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
2 Nov 2017 | 09:43
Hmm I pray u survive this
2 Nov 2017 | 09:53
[b]passion for revenge , , , , , EPISODE 13 i remember how i came here the past# When I Open The Door Behold 3 Hefty Police Men Stand Waiting Nervously For Me I Retrived My Step Thinking What Next To Do Should I Run ?No !They Were're Armed How Wil I Escape Even If I Succeed Now They Will Still Get To Me I Was Brough From My Thought By Them "you Are Needed At The Station' They Said Almost In Union .. For What!' I Replied Only To Recieve A Hot Slap On My Cheeks Which Force Me To Stagger 'Remain Silent'the Dark Mean guy Added. I Tried To Speak Then One Of Them Added"anything you Said Now Will Be Used Against you In The Court of law i advise you remains mute' I Was Afraid That I Remain Mute Is This How I Wil End? What Crime Did I Committed That Warrant Beating? This Is Cj Hand Work,i Knew It Cj Why Brutally Dealing With Me? All Because Nneka, Love Are You Wicked? God Are You Watching? Was This My Karma? No It Can't Be, I Was Drag Into Their Suv And Off They Drove The Short Journey Was Like The Far One,i Feel Like Disappering am already defeated i told myself hot tears escaped my eyes Oh My Cheek It Hurts that's how it happened the present***** after written a statement i was beating thrown back to jail when fortunately the news got to the station she's awake i was escorted to thehospital by five hefty armed police officers like a robber condemn to death the police lead the way finally we arrived emergency ward were nneka lay as i turned the knob my heart started beating very fast as if it's going to break ribcage i tried to appear normal curiosity is killing me i die slowly i look up I Saw Nneka Gasping For A Breathe,i Goes To Her Holding Her She Tried To Speak But Sound Is Not Coming Then Tears Fall On Her Eyes,she Wept Bitterly That I Joined Her Not Minding Where We Are .I Wiped Her Tears Trying Hard To Control Mine 'speak No More Nicky,all Is Well,i Felt Same Here,we Shall Fine The Rapist,he Must Pay For This,god Is By Your Side be strong together we will conquer ' I Assured Her (i saw my love surrounded with heavy armed police officers and i knew his in. cj Will frame him up. cj and his men raped me and attempt taking my life he shot me he told me his plans how my love will end in life Prisonment. i really need to tell the world what happened police should here my crying the only hold the innocent while the guilty is out there enjoying oh my voice mercy me let me speak for once the way it hurts i don't think i will survive tomorrow am losing my breath the end is nearer i can smell my grave my love i pray you overcome for me i wouldn't be able to be with you physically again but i will always watch you from spiritual world bye for now my breath my happiness my heart beat my soul mate my love it hurts saying goodbye i will miss you my darling cj you will die shamelessly) She Made Another Attept To Speak Again blood started dripping from her nose and ear Now Her Head Begin To Ache She's Lossing Consciousnes When I Called A Nurse For A Help She Bark At Us Telling Us That Their Patience Need A Space And Time To Rest I Learn That She Was Short Too Oh God Why Her Who Could Believe That Pretty Nneka Is The One Laying Their What Have She Done That Warrant This Purnishment? Was This The Passion For Revenge My Friend Promised Me But When Did Cj Became A Monster God Wil Purnish You? young man you look innocent why did you do it. only a time we tell i will help you if you say the truth hmmm man with the turn of events... hmmm pray That God Wil Help You Otherwise You Will End Up In Jail,'same Gentle Cop Adviced Leading Me Away that faithful day nneka was returning from her office as usually when they attack her she begged for mercy was denied cjs men raped her unfortunately she recognised one of them a friend she saved years back who goes by the name ken, ken shot her on the head three times episode 14 , ,ken Side Of the Story,,. I Was Shock The Time I Saw Her Pix Am I Skiful Killer Who Belong To Different Fraternity My Parents Are Rich And The First Son In A Family Of Five Age;27 Heigh;6 Ft I Kiled For Money Not For Pleasure I Met Nneka 3 Year Ago At Unizik Awka,i Was In Trouble Then And She Saved Me.She Treated My Bullet Wound I Was Shot In An Operation I Manage To Sneek Inside Her Yard Then,she Found Me Pity For Me And Hide Me On A Packing Store Were She Treat Me.I Lied To Her That I Was Shot By Robbers Which She Bought She Housed Me Feed Me Treat Me Saved My Life Then , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , When Cj Gave Us The Assigment Which Was Named Operation Wipe I Felt My Heart Beating As If It Wil Break My Rib Cage Cj Noticed It That He Ask Me What Is The Problem.I Lied That I Had A Typhoid. You Will Imagen How I Felt Raping Her,she Even Died By My Gun.I Shot Her To Clear Suspicious from my men most especially Hm My Conscience Will Never Let Me Rest what am i Ungrateful Fellow? Forgive Me Nneka Am Sorry I Prayed That Nneka Wil Overcome I Wonder When I Turned Into Prayer Warrior Over Night , , , , @ 10;45pm , I Have A Nightmare I Saw Nneka's Mother Weeping In A Place Like A Graveyard,on Her Right Side Was A Snake ,i Frozen Calling Her To Run For Her Life Then I Saw Nneka, She Was Dress In A White Brouse With A Blood Gulping From Her Mouth And Her Eyes She Tried Again To Speak But Nothing Came Out Now Her Picture Start Dimming .It Totally Turn Blur And Then Fade(dreams come and go i cross my finger hoping for it not past i saw your face in a distance fading gradually that i started running very fast as i can to tell you this hold up we can do this together,yes we can before is you alone but now is us against the world this is my last offer for ever more like it pain you so shall it pain him like it hurts so shall he like you lay on the pool of your blood so shall he an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth) Nneka!! No!O!O!O!O! I Screamed And Wake Up Then I Was Announce Wanted We Return To The Hospital But Nneka State Was Adamant When I Look At Her My Heart Bleed All Because Of Me! All Because Of Love She Suffers For A Crime I Commite Loving Her Was The Crime How Will I Save Her How Will I Took Her Pain Away God Please Save Her for me Oh Cj My Friend,i Promise To Retaliate You Draw The First Blood,we Shall See Then, with the last drop of my blood i will pay backyou. the battle just began i Crying out in a loud voice my heart was shattered and hardening all i know now was revenge the only language my soul understand now is vengeance to be continued...... .......... stay turned[/b]
3 Nov 2017 | 09:34
[b]passion for revenge , , , , , EPISODE 13 i remember how i came here the past# When I Open The Door Behold 3 Hefty Police Men Stand Waiting Nervously For Me I Retrived My Step Thinking What Next To Do Should I Run ?No !They Were're Armed How Wil I Escape Even If I Succeed Now They Will Still Get To Me I Was Brough From My Thought By Them "you Are Needed At The Station' They Said Almost In Union .. For What!' I Replied Only To Recieve A Hot Slap On My Cheeks Which Force Me To Stagger 'Remain Silent'the Dark Mean guy Added. I Tried To Speak Then One Of Them Added"anything you Said Now Will Be Used Against you In The Court of law i advise you remains mute' I Was Afraid That I Remain Mute Is This How I Wil End? What Crime Did I Committed That Warrant Beating? This Is Cj Hand Work,i Knew It Cj Why Brutally Dealing With Me? All Because Nneka, Love Are You Wicked? God Are You Watching? Was This My Karma? No It Can't Be, I Was Drag Into Their Suv And Off They Drove The Short Journey Was Like The Far One,i Feel Like Disappering am already defeated i told myself hot tears escaped my eyes Oh My Cheek It Hurts that's how it happened ****,,,,,,,,,,,, the present***** after written a statement i was beating thrown back to jail when fortunately the news got to the station she's awake i was escorted to thehospital by five hefty armed police officers like a robber condemn to death the police lead the way finally we arrived emergency ward were nneka lay as i turned the knob my heart started beating very fast as if it's going to break ribcage i tried to appear normal curiosity is killing me i die slowly i look up I Saw Nneka Gasping For A Breathe,i Goes To Her Holding Her She Tried To Speak But Sound Is Not Coming Then Tears Fall On Her Eyes,she Wept Bitterly That I Joined Her Not Minding Where We Are .I Wiped Her Tears Trying Hard To Control Mine 'speak No More Nicky,all Is Well,i Felt Same Here,we Shall Fine The Rapist,he Must Pay For This,god Is By Your Side be strong together we will conquer ' I Assured Her (i saw my love surrounded with heavy armed police officers and i knew his in. cj Will frame him up. cj and his men raped me and attempt taking my life he shot me he told me his plans how my love will end in life Prisonment. i really need to tell the world what happened police should here my crying the only hold the innocent while the guilty is out there enjoying oh my voice mercy me let me speak for once the way it hurts i don't think i will survive tomorrow am losing my breath the end is nearer i can smell my grave my love i pray you overcome for me i wouldn't be able to be with you physically again but i will always watch you from spiritual world bye for now my breath my happiness my heart beat my soul mate my love it hurts saying goodbye i will miss you my darling cj you will die shamelessly) She Made Another Attept To Speak Again blood started dripping from her nose and ear Now Her Head Begin To Ache She's Lossing Consciousnes When I Called A Nurse For A Help She Bark At Us Telling Us That Their Patience Need A Space And Time To Rest I Learn That She Was Short Too Oh God Why Her Who Could Believe That Pretty Nneka Is The One Laying Their What Have She Done That Warrant This Purnishment? Was This The Passion For Revenge My Friend Promised Me But When Did Cj Became A Monster God Wil Purnish You? young man you look innocent why did you do it. only a time we tell i will help you if you say the truth hmmm man with the turn of events... hmmm pray That God Wil Help You Otherwise You Will End Up In Jail,'same Gentle Cop Adviced Leading Me Away that faithful day nneka was returning from her office as usually when they attack her she begged for mercy was denied cjs men raped her unfortunately she recognised one of them a friend she saved years back who goes by the name ken, ken shot her on the head three times episode 14 , ,ken Side Of the Story,,. I Was Shock The Time I Saw Her Pix Am I Skiful Killer Who Belong To Different Fraternity My Parents Are Rich And The First Son In A Family Of Five Age;27 Heigh;6 Ft I Kiled For Money Not For Pleasure I Met Nneka 3 Year Ago At Unizik Awka,i Was In Trouble Then And She Saved Me.She Treated My Bullet Wound I Was Shot In An Operation I Manage To Sneek Inside Her Yard Then,she Found Me Pity For Me And Hide Me On A Packing Store Were She Treat Me.I Lied To Her That I Was Shot By Robbers Which She Bought She Housed Me Feed Me Treat Me Saved My Life Then , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , When Cj Gave Us The Assigment Which Was Named Operation Wipe I Felt My Heart Beating As If It Wil Break My Rib Cage Cj Noticed It That He Ask Me What Is The Problem.I Lied That I Had A Typhoid. You Will Imagen How I Felt Raping Her,she Even Died By My Gun.I Shot Her To Clear Suspicious from my men most especially Hm My Conscience Will Never Let Me Rest what am i Ungrateful Fellow? Forgive Me Nneka Am Sorry I Prayed That Nneka Wil Overcome I Wonder When I Turned Into Prayer Warrior Over Night , , , , @ 10;45pm , I Have A Nightmare I Saw Nneka's Mother Weeping In A Place Like A Graveyard,on Her Right Side Was A Snake ,i Frozen Calling Her To Run For Her Life Then I Saw Nneka, She Was Dress In A White Brouse With A Blood Gulping From Her Mouth And Her Eyes She Tried Again To Speak But Nothing Came Out Now Her Picture Start Dimming .It Totally Turn Blur And Then Fade(dreams come and go i cross my finger hoping for it not past i saw your face in a distance fading gradually that i started running very fast as i can to tell you this hold up we can do this together,yes we can before is you alone but now is us against the world this is my last offer for ever more like it pain you so shall it pain him like it hurts so shall he like you lay on the pool of your blood so shall he an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth) Nneka!! No!O!O!O!O! I Screamed And Wake Up Then I Was Announce Wanted We Return To The Hospital But Nneka State Was Adamant When I Look At Her My Heart Bleed All Because Of Me! All Because Of Love She Suffers For A Crime I Commite Loving Her Was The Crime How Will I Save Her How Will I Took Her Pain Away God Please Save Her for me Oh Cj My Friend,i Promise To Retaliate You Draw The First Blood,we Shall See Then, with the last drop of my blood i will pay backyou. the battle just began i Crying out in a loud voice my heart was shattered and hardening all i know now was revenge the only language my soul understand now is vengeance to be continued...... .......... stay turned[/b]
3 Nov 2017 | 09:43
thank you guys for reading without you i wouldn't be here thanks to my COOLVAL families my friends fans .i love you all my gratitude goes to Vicky for her role in my life also my late sister Ndidi . am grateful to God and to and you my reader i wouldn't forget my love on cooval @@jummybabe she really motivate me
3 Nov 2017 | 09:52
3 Nov 2017 | 10:52
Cj is a monster o
4 Nov 2017 | 15:51
4 Nov 2017 | 16:12
soo sad
4 Nov 2017 | 19:25
5 Nov 2017 | 03:47
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 15 i was speechless when the news got to me that my wallet was found on the crime scene. the worst-case is my finger print was found on the gun that police claimed they recover from the crime scene am in a hot soup who will believe me when concrete evidence shows i did it. my wallet which contains my atm my voters card and fingerprint. how on earth the move over their is what i can't comprehend. police will never believe me despite the facts that people knew am dating nneka. how on earth will a responsible man raped and shot the woman's he love i failed to understand how the planner master planned and manipulate events to his tide am smelling jail already my hope of winning is 0% no wealth no evidence no connection am wrestling with a controversial richest man from famous family am lost in this battle. maybe i will migrate to spiritual aspects because am not match for him. nneka cry no more be happy for me. sooner we will be away from it all. it had been two days i visited home grandma is worried asking anybody that cares to listen my way about she wept day and night for me. oh granny am sorry for the pains you're passing through all because of me. anyway let here cjs side of the story , , ,C J SIDE OF THE STORY, , , HAHAHA! HE LAUGHED when He WAS TOLD THAT THE JOB WAS DONE Let Me See How She Will Survived It. Let Me See How You Will Date Him Since I Can't Have You No Man Will have you You Dare Me You Tried My Temper You Know You Force Me To,,,hm Though My Pay Back Was Big But You Deserve It You Left Me For That Poor Fellow I Shower You Money Yet yoU Dare Turn Me Down me of all the people i controlled this state my dad is a senator No Woman Have Done This to me Before,you Know yoU Cause It Let Me See When You Will Kiss Him Again,as For My Friend ifediri You Are A Small Brute I Wil Clean You Any Time I Wish When I Told You That Money Is Everything You Never Believe me,now how far hope you enjoy the cell sooner prison shall be thy resident Nneka Rust In Hell Obi By The Time You Came Out Of The Prison Then I Wil Deal With You Too You grandSon Of A Carpenter Dare Me,infact Killing you Now Make No Sence You Got To Suffer first You kNow You're Not My Match That Is Why Am Called C J I Believed You Knew. My Passion For Revenge Just Started F**k You Do Oh Yuch I Hate you Looser You Are hahahahahshsa!!!! back to my side of the story my case was address at the customary court of appeal and i was found guilty mycase was postponed till next week after hearing my on defence i was drag out forcefully to the black maria were people sang with my name some throwing me a pure water while some stone or stick rapist must die!! in union women sing earlier i learnt that am the heading of today's news which goes like this half Portuguese /Nigerian rapist who was deported from Portugal is back raping young and mature was captured in the act after attempting killing a police officer ,he fled leaving his wallet and gadget behind you dog you deserve tough judgement the croud shouted causing me Nigeria media can lie i cried when i heard all this just then my eyes caught a familiar face behold the figure stood still crying a river you wouldn't believe who i saw oh God of mercy why have you deserted me! in a loud voice i cried to be continued[/b]
5 Nov 2017 | 13:48
God will see u through
5 Nov 2017 | 15:34
cj really gone far by killing her afterall she wasn't d only girl u hv
5 Nov 2017 | 21:52
5 Nov 2017 | 21:52
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 16 behold nnekas mom surfaced and i desire a honest approach this is the woman that breastfeed my love. i can't withstand her going emotional trauma enigma our soul got i wish i could heal her pain when is it going to end? i wanted to hug her and console her, but time is not on my side i watched her hopeless i was drag out forcefully and pushed inside black maria hot tears escaped my eyes it fall freely making ways towards my sheeks and landed on my chest. two day later i pleaded to see nneka for the very last time before my persecution through the help of same police officer that told me to pray who goes by the name Jonny Wilkinson he smell something fishy that he encouraged me telling me that this is not the end of life he together with three heavily arm officers escorted me to the hospital at the corner i sight nnekas mom i hug her cleaning her eyes with my palms telling her that all will be fine but deep inside of me i knew all is not fine As We Stood Their,she Started Convulsing With Her wide Eyes Open Which Turn Whitish she struggled for a breath ,now Blood Started Running From Her Mouth And Ear Then She Became Motionless, is the end? Doctor Ruched In Tried Hard To Save Her But Failed He Turned To Us And Said "am Sorry We Lost Her" No! No!! No!!! No!!!! N N E K A !!!!!! I Cried In Pain,my Heart Was Heavy I Wept They Never Allow Me To Stay A Moment With Her I Was Drag Out With A Handcuff On My Hands Why Me? Nneka Why Did You Die? My Only Evidence? Death Your Wicked 21 Years In Prison! How Will I Survive Oh My Poor Mother! Oh My Poo Siblings! Was This My End? Fate You Are Unfair How Wil I Convince The Court That Am Innocent Since My Finger Print And My Wallet Was Find At The Murder Sceen !Who Will Beleve My Plead For Innocency . , . . . . . . . we returned waiting for my final trial the date was fix on Monday am a living ghosts i lost hope my life is empty my life now is worthless even if am realeased the mass sees me as a murderer and a rapist what a life death please take me am alone now i lost all am defeated the world labelled me a rapist what good is my life? my poor life i failed my poor mother my Portuguese family and friends am sorry for failing you to Nigerians am sorry for failing you to IGBO am sorry all i wanted now is to end my miserable life God are you really watching?? hear my cry oh lord!!!!! time flew very fast the judgment day have finally arrived i stood alone at the pit watching them debate my case In the Court , , , , , , , , , , '"with The Testimonies And Evidence Against You,your Found Guilty Of Murder And Rape,I HERE BY SENTENCE YOU ₩₩%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hot Tears Escaped My Eyes ********************* what!!! was he talking to me to be continued[/b]
6 Nov 2017 | 08:13
[b]complete version sorry i mistakenly post the half script. PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 16 behold nnekas mom surfaced and i desire a honest approach this is the woman that breastfeed my love. i can't withstand her going emotional trauma enigma our soul got i wish i could heal her pain when is it going to end? i wanted to hug her and console her, but time is not on my side i watched her hopeless i was drag out forcefully and pushed inside black maria hot tears escaped my eyes it fall freely making ways towards my sheeks and landed on my chest. two day later i pleaded to see nneka for the very last time before my persecution through the help of same police officer that told me to pray who goes by the name Jonny Wilkinson he smell something fishy that he encouraged me telling me that this is not the end of life he together with three heavily arm officers escorted me to the hospital at the corner i sight nnekas mom i hug her cleaning her eyes with my palms telling her that all will be fine but deep inside of me i knew all is not fine As We Stood Their,she Started Convulsing With Her wide Eyes Open Which Turn Whitish she struggled for a breath ,now Blood Started Running From Her Mouth And Ear Then She Became Motionless, is the end? Doctor Ruched In Tried Hard To Save Her But Failed He Turned To Us And Said "am Sorry We Lost Her" No! No!! No!!! No!!!! N N E K A !!!!!! I Cried In Pain,my Heart Was Heavy I Wept They Never Allow Me To Stay A Moment With Her I Was Drag Out With A Handcuff On My Hands Why Me? Nneka Why Did You Die? My Only Evidence? Death Your Wicked 21 Years In Prison! How Will I Survive Oh My Poor Mother! Oh My Poo Siblings! Was This My End? Fate You Are Unfair How Wil I Convince The Court That Am Innocent Since My Finger Print And My Wallet Was Find At The Murder Sceen !Who Will Beleve My Plead For Innocency . , . . . . . . . we returned waiting for my final trial the date was fix on Monday am a living ghosts i lost hope my life is empty my life now is worthless even if am realeased the mass sees me as a murderer and a rapist what a life death please take me am alone now i lost all am defeated the world labelled me a rapist what good is my life? my poor life i failed my poor mother my Portuguese family and friends am sorry for failing you to Nigerians am sorry for failing you to IGBO am sorry all i wanted now is to end my miserable life hear my cry oh lord!!!!! time flew very fast the judgment day have finally arrived i stood alone at the pit watching them debate my case In the Court , , , , , , , , , , '"with The Testimonies And Evidence Against You,your Found Guilty Of Murder And Rape,I HERE BY SENTENCE YOU 21 year imprisonment with hard labour Hot Tears Escaped My Eyes ********************* what!!! was he talking to me It Ringing On My Head Again "I HERE BY SENTENCE YOU 21YEARS INPROSINMENT" I Saw Cj Jubilating,he Set Me Up,he Looks At Me And Smiled When I Look Behind Behond My Eyes Caught Me grandma she struggle with her walking stick losing her balance landed on the floor Tear Rolled Down Her Cheek, it Hurts Me Watching Her Cry, tell Me Who Can Withstand Seeing Her grandma Cry I Joined Her As Tears Escape My Eyes grandMa Sorry she manage to stand darting towards me with her last strength She Held Me Tight And Said"ifediri Why? tell me is not true i know you didn't but whose is after you and why? i need a genuine answer who is chasing after you and why? i deserves to know your dad is coming back. tell me every details son i trust you didn't do it"she sobbed on my body Her Tears Soaked My Clothe,i Open My Mouth To Explain But Nothing Came Out, How Wil I Narrate My Story To Her, I Saw Disappointment And Pain Written all Over Her Face "i Didn't Do It"i Manage To Say i believed you""" We Burst Out Again,we Cried Our Eyes Out That The Police That Was Assign To Me Can't Hold Back His Tear Again,Jonny Wilkinson Joined Us Tention Was Everywhere,my cousin sister Fainted grandMa was taken from me my time is over I Was Drag To The Black Maria Heading To Prison My grandma Shouted'my Son God Help You' Oh God This Was Too Much To Bear God Where Are You? I Cried And Fainted to be continued[/b]
6 Nov 2017 | 08:50
Hmm Gid will see h through
6 Nov 2017 | 08:52
I have no idea
6 Nov 2017 | 11:16
God will help you
6 Nov 2017 | 11:20
Only God can help you
6 Nov 2017 | 16:44
am here for you @freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
7 Nov 2017 | 02:16
Cj will pay for this
7 Nov 2017 | 04:45
This is too much
7 Nov 2017 | 07:26
[b][color=red]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 17 from the spiritual world nnekas side of the story my heart feels like its breaking my head as if it's going to burst suddenly something happened that i couldn't explaina alli knew is that something like a smoke carried my spirit leaving my body behind i stood aside watching with mix feelings were am u going from here? why are they wailing and crying. i can't help than grabbing the doctor on his cola I Was Astound That i was unable to hold him what is happening to me? asked no one in particular i tried stopping police officers from dragging obi my love instead my hand refused to feel their fresh i needed to hug him but can't. ,i Tried Talking Sense To ifediri But He Can't Hear Me I Tried Picking My Phone But My Hands Only Penetrate What Is Happening to every one no body is feeling my presence wait oh does it mean am dead? no i can't die now my proffection Why Is Everybody Not Hearing Nor Seeing Me? I Tried Touching Obi agAin yet I Can't? Then I Remember I Was Shot Twice Oh My God Does It Mean Am Dead,how Will I Tell the court What Happened To Me But For Ken The Reason He Shot Me I Can't Ascertain He Shot Me For No Apparent Reason That Fellow That I Saved Long Ago,was This How He Paid Me Back Ken My Venom You Shall Taste C J You Are A Hard And Cruel Man But Your Ending Will Be Astray i watched Them Take my Lifeless Body To The Motuary All i Could Do Is To Follow Them My Work My Dream All My Master Degrees Are Now Worthless i remember the good time we shared our lovely moment our honeymoon. ifediri is a man i promise my love he's my breath he's a man with a good heart. i pray my death never pollute your heart let my love never lead you astray you must not sore yours hands in the name of revenge. your better than this. now it's clear that you're going to spend 21 years in prison i pray that God will strengthen you i promise to stick by you i promise you my love i promise you my soul i promise you my body i gave you all yet not enough am now a lonely soul wandering in the land of the spirit. now all my promises i wouldn't be able to accomplish them we're now in different world i will do the revenge alone. i wish you happiness i wish you all the goodies life could offer am fading away gradually like a smoke watching you helplessly sentence 21 year imprisonment wish i got powers hmmm fare away for now am coming back to avenge stay cool my love it hurts that you can't hear nor feel me ..... peace i wish you in the prison i will always love you my darling i never regret loving you you're the love of my life My Life Interrupted All Because Of Love I Started Moving And Found Myself In A Lonely Place,i Can't Stop Myself From Moving,then It Was Obvious That Am Dead No Longer Alive Oh God Pity My Sinful Soul to be continued[/b][/color]
7 Nov 2017 | 08:06
Ok There
7 Nov 2017 | 09:54
He is in Heaven
7 Nov 2017 | 10:44
7 Nov 2017 | 17:08
so cj sent rappist to rape her nd kill her bcos of being showing ur friend what u r capable off
7 Nov 2017 | 20:18
so sad u lost her,I wish u expose him to d police to find a way to arrest him
7 Nov 2017 | 20:19
You have to avenge o @Nneka
8 Nov 2017 | 09:04
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE18 second turned to minutes minutes turned to hours hours turned to day days turned to week weeks turned to month's months turned to year is now three years in jail i have grown very thin that my beard covers my mouths. my hair grown-up like a thick forests. my eye socket have became deep like a pit to the extend it can be use to store up to three litres of water. i look tattered and unkept smelling like a pig. my mouths smelling like garlic my eyes reds like a burner. my stomachs flat like a cat fish.the lines in my lungs could be seen by a blind. my tongue dry like a dry clothes. i can count my rib borne. my soul have melted like an ice cube pour inside my stomach. the hairs on my armpit could be use to plait hair. every day by day i prayed for death to come but seem it distance self from me. my attempts of taking my life never yield. since death deserted me i have accepted my fate. losing hope on life. my life is a mess my life is enigma(lonely sorrowful astray soul) hopeless my friend. bitterness my companion cj Is A Bussines Man,the Blood Of Nneka He Killed 3years Ago Have Harding His Heart Making Him A Living Beast Despite His Riches He Never Find Peace Nor Happines He Own A Private Hospital Located At Nkpor he belongs to three fraternity for protection from the people he oppressed he owned the biggest men of underworld gang who deal on hard drugs and assassins police couldn't arrest him because of his father any police that attempt investigating will be eliminated that he became a terror to police force the way his men is killing government officials is making the governor uncomfortable. men affraid of him my friend heart have hardened that mercy is a history to him. he crushed men like a cockroach. , , , , , , , Nneka Keep On Tormenting ken Telling Him To Confess That Obi Should Be Free all she wanted is me to be free she appears in his dreams and in reality warned him But He Will Never Listen he remain adamant. founding spiritual ways to prevent her from coming,the more he try the more she torments him. Ken Was Found In His Room Sweating Profusely 'Nneka What You're Asking Is Hard My Job Is at stake here you better kill me than this tormenting. ,it Wil Implicate Me,i Don't Want To Go To Jail' How Did You Espect Me To Buy The Ideal Of Confessing, capital no you Better Kill Me, I Know You Wouldn't you have a good heart You Once Save My Life' nneka replied '' you want to die to escape from your crimes you want me to take your mesirable life no karma must pay you by your coins hell is your heritage of Cause I Will Not Stain My Hand In The Blood Of An Assassin Like You Am Giving You My Final Warning Now you supposed die long ago and i gave you a life Confess That My Love Should Be got his freedom ,your Crime He Suffer, ken 'Please Nneka Allow Me Have My Peace rather Than Confessing I Will Help Him Gain His Freedom Instead,am Sorry That You Died By My Gun, since you don't want to take the life you gave me i still need your mercy nneka. that night you saved me, i remember calling you an Angel i believed you're my guardian angel then but now our story head in mess i once loved you you even use to pray for me at night then that night i wanted to rape you but you're a good woman i later discovered that am missing love in my life my parents never play theirs roles but you did you nurtured me like a mother did to a son you turned me to a better person then because of you i went to church i lived a good life for years until you left i couldn't found a genuine job that my friends lure me into cjs gang i joined to earn a living cj is deadly to disappoint am sorry that i couldn't save your life the way you did my gun i use to taked you down i know is hard to do your mercy shower on me nneka forgive Me And Give Me A Fair Vengence Though I Don't Merit it. after some weeks ken succumb he decided to confess . what will be his fate? cj: how will he react,? will nneka forgive him? stay turned to be continued[/b]
8 Nov 2017 | 10:40
vamos juntus(lets go together) @freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
8 Nov 2017 | 10:52
here we go @freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
8 Nov 2017 | 10:56
Hmm u are wondering around in the land if spirits
8 Nov 2017 | 10:59
Hmmmm,, next please
8 Nov 2017 | 12:51
He should go and confess I don't care maybe they show mercy or not
8 Nov 2017 | 15:41
following keenly
8 Nov 2017 | 17:40
Confess your sin and thou shall be free
9 Nov 2017 | 07:23
9 Nov 2017 | 09:04
9 Nov 2017 | 11:04
9 Nov 2017 | 15:54
Move It Pls
10 Nov 2017 | 22:54
11 Nov 2017 | 03:41
De onde você é? eu sou nigeriano
11 Nov 2017 | 03:59
[b]EPISODE 19 one thing is sure for all our love ones,human animal who have departed this earthly existence their physical absence is keenly felt, but their spirit are vibrant;strong, amazingly resilient to dimming and with us every day nnekas soul wandering from portal to portal she need permission from the land of the spirit to torments humanity her merciful heart is her flaws she got a pure heart she was warn by the spiritual been not to stain her white globe they also advised her that revenge will contaminate her pure soul with sin because of this she tread with causion she decided to visit me for the first time hhhm it sound weird that the woman i love and cherished is visiting me for the first time after three years in jail any well that is spirit things i learned that there ways is far different from ours. at the gate of the prison she remembered her conversion with ken the ungrateful fellow 'am Sorry You Died By My Gun,please Give Me A Fair Vengence Though I Didn't Merit Your Mercy'ken Pleaded 'final Warning Ken,confess Is The Only Way To Gain My Forgivenes Confess Or Face My Wrath!' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , i Was Found In The Prison Weeping,i Prayed And Blame God At Same Time 'god Why Me,i Suffer For A Crime I Didn't Commit,was This The Blessing You Promised Me? God what sin have i committed that warrants this, i was told and i believed you're a merciful God instead you change in my case. did you hate me this much? # i remember the prophecy our pastor proclaimed then he said am created to be great he even said that the grace of our Lord Jesus is upon me to worsening the matter he added" you will be rich and famous above your mate in you people will testify the goodness of the Lord # i miss my family oh My Mother Hope Your Fine'as i Was Lamenting i Saw A Flash That Looks Like #it scared hell out of me that i seek defence hahaha it sound funny and weird that same me that prayed for death years ago is now protecting my miserable life life is sweet no matter the condition or situation you found yourself in suicide is never an option am saying from my own experience # back to the story^^^ A Star Coming straight To me At First I Wanted To Shout But Stops When The Star Like Flash Turn Into Nneka, immediately Hot Tears Escaped my Eyes, she spoke in an angelic voice her voice alone renewed my spirit ''obinna ifediri Surman Wipe Your Tears And Be Strong For Your Freedom Is Nearer, don't give up, each day is a fresh day you turn the tide in your favor in the faces of odds look at life with hope and enthusiasm yesterday is over what ever the situation you can make the best of things by the right approach preserve the peace of your mind in the presence of the heavy odds Stop Blaming God,his Not Your Problem . rather blocked God from saving you. remember what you say and believe can kill or preserve life you have stain your heart my love open your heart for God to save you remember when peter was drowning he stretched out his hands and jesus got hold of them and pull him to the boat don't feel alone am with you ,it Hurts Me Watching You Cry, Cry No More,be Strong The Mercy Of God Shall Be Thy Warrant' She Said And Disappeared Nneka Pls Don't Go! ! ! to be continued[/b]
11 Nov 2017 | 06:17
Hmm I hope he confesses soon so as to gain ur freedom
11 Nov 2017 | 07:22
[b]EPISODE 20 Jonny Wilkinson side of the story. i feel for him,my mind is telling me that his innocent. they set him up. viewing from my on points he was charged and persecuted for rape and murder but the strange things is that the supposed girl he raped was happy to see him from sick bed. in their eyes all i could see is nothing but Love. how can one be happy to see the person that raped her? that guy is innocent i need to help him.there is this inner voice telling me to help. the urge to help him was much to subdue my hands are tide down. cj and gang was a suicide mission. but it doesn't matter if i lost my life all ever want now is justice my vows is to protect the oppress to uphold the law to access law i can't fold my hands watching that guy rust in jail. all i need now is evidence. not just an evidence but concrete one to use pull cj down he must pay for the crimes and murder he committed in this state. i need to visit my old friends i really need them now ***,,,,,,,, ken was relieved when he wrote all his crimes in a note.he explained how he shot the guy that once saved his life. he decided to visit cj for the last time before yielding to the confession things. that is the mistake he made Is Now Three Months Since Ken Left Awka To Nnewi To Meet Cj When He Arrived Cj Usher Him In And Goes To His Bar And Pick The Best Of His Wine ( after the day he shot nneka.,cj use to suspect him because he feel insecure with the way the job is done that he start planning how to girl ken. he wanted to keep the secret to the grave an idea pop in that's to poison him. that'sthe easier way since physically his not match to ken omo see golden opportunity ) He Grab One And Goes To Meet Ken While Ken Was Found Absent Minded Staring At The Table Reciting"am Sorry Nneka' In His Mind Cj Was A Little Bit Pusillanimous,beacuse He Knows His Patner In Crime As A Hard And Sophiscated Killer,who Kills For Money He Feared Not,not A Merciful Dude Nor One With A Conscience,he Killed Senselesly But Today He Weared A Weired Look Either He Troubles Something Or Something Troubles Him.He Even Feel Awkward Since Then,he Remember Nneka Threaten Him In A Dream.He Drop The Drink At The Center Table And Brought Two Class Cup 'Heh Dude'he Said To Ken ' Cj Am Doomed' 'was It Because Of Her?Operatiom Wipe'cj Ask 'yes Nneka Is On My Nerve Threaten Me To Confess'he Said Pouring A Drink In A Cup Then Sipe studying cj facial expressions he noticed cj wanted to harm him but he maintained .Cj 'what You Can't Be serious" he said gulping down his drink reached for second glass. slowly he poured making sure not to fail nor making a mistakes he will regrets centuries to come. he light a ciggarate smoking silently then clear his throat by now ken is going for second glass cj continues , , 'what You Can't Be Serious' Cj repeated. it Provokes Ken 'we're Talking About My Life Here And You Telling Me That Crab' he backed trying harder to remove venom from my voice 'are You Going To Confess Then' Cj Asked Not Caring How Ken Felt 'find A Solution Now Or I Will Comply' He Said Now Boring In Anger ,but Even If He Tried To Kill Ken,Will He Succed Since Ken Is An Assassin,who Killed For Years For Money, Ken Also Sense Danger That He Gave Him A Deadly Stare,then He Ask Him "c J What Are You Thinking,,to Kill Me Right? You And I Knows That You Can't Dare Me,you Know My Occupation,am A Killer,hahaha' He Said Though This Scare Cj A Little Bit , 'what Did You Intend Doing,you Know That If You Confess Not Only That You Will Implicate Me But You Too, See Confesing You Shall Not Try,i Wil Take You To Babalawo To Tie Nneke Spirit,she Can Never Hurt You,those Threat Are Empty, ..' cj added. walking straight to his bar bringing more liquor Ken Stares At Him Doubting The Fact That She Can't Harm Him. he left him heading straight to the police station to confess ..... to be continued[/b]
13 Nov 2017 | 07:39
am here now looking @freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni
13 Nov 2017 | 07:44
Oh Ken
13 Nov 2017 | 14:44
in the shadow of death he rescued me
14 Nov 2017 | 01:40
dedicated to my love ol jum
14 Nov 2017 | 01:41
my nneka
14 Nov 2017 | 01:54
I hope u don't get killed on ur way there
14 Nov 2017 | 02:48
Go and confess if you really need forgiveness
14 Nov 2017 | 03:29
i stood alone at the gate staring deep into the sea
14 Nov 2017 | 08:28
Go and confess o ken
14 Nov 2017 | 13:41
loading 50:::::%
15 Nov 2017 | 03:19
Make I load fast
16 Nov 2017 | 05:40
I hope am not late
20 Nov 2017 | 02:45
no my guy you're not
20 Nov 2017 | 03:15
[b]EPISODE 21 from Portugal , ifediri obinna's Mother Side Of The Story, When I heared from mother inlaw How they Dragged and pushed into suv,it Hurt And Broke My Heart I Remember How I Gave Birth To Him,how I Raise Him Tears Soaked My Pillow When My Son Became A Murderer And Rapist I Refuse To Believe I Know Him ,i Gave Birth To Him,But ifediri Jailed That One I Can't Accept Though Changes Is Constant Perhaps He Was Set Up But By Who? My Son Is Not A Trouble Maker Nor does he trespass against people The More She Thing About Him The More He Get Confused, 'oh My Son You Disgraced Me, how will Nigerians view me what message would it reflects am finished am Now A Rapist Mother No That I Can't Accept Though Evidence Is Showing Otherwise ,' After The Arrest Of Her Son, She Was No Longer Kate She Use To Be She Develop An Atom Of Madness ,after Struggling With It For Years, She Give Up Was This The Best Thing To Do? Is Her World Coming To An End Nor Her Fate? She Died buried by the missionary Devil Have Remember My Family my Junior Brother Lament ***,,,********** back to Nigeria Cj And Ken Was Found At The House Of Babalawo, The Place Was Old Fashioned,with A Mat Sprayed At The Center,at The End Were A Deity Which Looks Like A Dragon At The Left Were Pots Stain With Blood,where The Other Side A Wooden Tray With Lot Of Gin On It The Odour It Oozed Was Very Offencive,that a pregnant women could vomit her womb through her mouth every where is unkept only the noise of a cricket fills the room some sounds like its laughing a voice ordered them to remove their shoes at once standing with their hands folded The Man Command Them To Sit Near The Pot Of The Blood Which They Did At Once,he Then Gave Them A Scaring Stare Shocking Them With His Remark he laughed in a loud voice 'your're Here To Chain An Innocent Soul,who You Both Kill,the End Is Always Astray- No Matter How You Try, You Both Will Not End Well You Cause You Friend pain and blackmailed him Destiny must not denied The Master Of The Universe was with him All In Your So Call Passion For Revenge his pain you shall felt double his sorrows you shall felt double he will be your undoing Karma You Will Never Escape the girl you kill have special gift to influence your future calamity Both Of You Need Each Other As Both Fate Rythme But You Choose To Change Yours Destiny By Killing Your Destiny Helper in pursue of supremacy am Sorry Nothing I Can Do To Stop Her Spirit For Your Hand Both Was Stain With Blood. i can smell your end i can count your days the vulture will refused to peck your corpse If I Where You I Will Start Now To Turn A New Leaf For A Fair Wrath Of Karma. Leave My Temple! to be continued[/b]
20 Nov 2017 | 05:25
am here today @jummybabe @senator Daniel @rhyne bryne @itzprince
20 Nov 2017 | 05:30
in my world i see you @freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni November 13, 201
20 Nov 2017 | 05:38
@oma @kchiska
20 Nov 2017 | 05:43
Hmm CJ I pity ur life now u should have waited for him to explain but u took the law into ur own hands
20 Nov 2017 | 05:50
Next plz
20 Nov 2017 | 05:55
Karma will surely play its role. No two ways about it
20 Nov 2017 | 09:43
CJ your doom is near
20 Nov 2017 | 10:59
[b]episode 22&23 JONNY Wilkinson plead for Re investigating my case the court grant his request but warn he must return with best of results concrete evidence only he need to pull cj down he vow to arrests cj and gang. first he need permission from the dpo he advise he tread with caution. remembering him how deadly cj gang could be. all he needs now is support he let his old friend understand and reasons with him. his friend dad was murdered by ken so he waste no time in forming alliance with him later a female cop joined first he need to pull cj down by looking for a concrete evidence otherwise he revised the case will be he was expected to do it smartly and clean after some many digging he come up with an idea. first he needs to search my room though he knew am innocent but his curious to digg deeper in my room he found the card i once wrote short poem described how i met nneka how i fall for her the theme is my mysterious stranger keeps playing tricks on me the case is getting fascinating that he continued searching hopefully just then he came across my diary in there was a note nnekas purposely put in my between the pages she wrote in there how i stole her heart how happy i make her feel she explained further how he became trouble for me """heee guy over here i think i found vital information...jonny Wilkinson said breathing deeper then sign """could you imagen so this guys were dating and we........ JONNY Wilkinson interrupt him "from the very first time i knew his innocent they way the stare at each other at the hospital that faithful day convinced me that someone screwed him up manipulate events and sent him jailed that person i must fish out like i promised him"""":: """omo see love poem see true love we owned that guy an apology for falling him this was all set up. he was name a rapist he was humiliated and jailed with hard labour the master planner must be a devil himself what could he done that warrants this tough torture my heart bleed because of the lady killed with the last drop of my blood i must found the events planner by his coins we shall pay him first we need to get that guy out of the prison.... the female cop said almost crying ""for the honour of my late father am in together we shall win.... "" Jonny Wilkinson friend added ""are you with me in this battle """"Wilkinson said "were in"they respond in chorus """all i want is justice to prevail this injustice must end image the world without crimes """"Wilkinson said and off the went preparing for operation #findthetruth# Six Years And 64 Days Later,the State Government Granted Amnesty To 30 Prisoner Charged With Murder And am One Of Them(thank God for JONNY Wilkinson and co) i Was Lead To Sign Some Document And i Was Freed i Can't Believe This is Me Free From Hell? God Thank You? i Step Outside Of The Prison And View The Gate'gate Of Hell,bye' i Dart Out Like A Bat Out Of Hell i Run Until No Energy Left, my energy drains i Fall Down To Rest, my town is 5kilometre away i managed to Stands And Board A Bus, inside The Bus i Became The Movie Everybody Is Watching, i was made a celebrity i became the subject of mocking not Only Was i Unkept i Smells Also,the Odour Was To Much To Bear That Some Passenger started Murmuring 'was He Mad?' 'what A Dirty Fellow' 'is He A Begger?' A Lot Of Gossip Going Round The Bus But i Turn A Deaf Ear To What Ever They Were Saying The Journey Lasted For 35 minutes ,i Alight To Go When my Eyes Caught A Lady Standing By The Road Side,i Beg Her For Money To Eat That i Was Hungry, looks me from head to toe and mercy my soul Out Of Pity she Gave me Money And Off She Went, I Rushed The Food Like No Tomorrow * my brother hunger no be better thing oh* first i need a ticket to Portugal i need to see mum and dad i need to feel my sisters hug i miss my family that's only thingthat matters now i need to talk with mum i really need to convince my family that am innocent i needed them on my side to win this battle together we can win When I Enter My Compound That Faithful Day,i Can't Imagen What I Feel; Vengence,i Feel Like Killing 11;11am Was The Time On 11;11;16 I Went Inside And Found Our House Empty Where On Earth is Everybody? My House Is As Quiet As A Grave yard,where Is Jude,grandma and Chindi? Then My Eyes Caught Something That Look Like Obituary That Force Me Moving Closer As To Have Better View Jesus!! '' no this must be a dream i slapped myself to wake-up that is when its done to me that am not dreaming noooooooooooo!!!!!!!! noooooooooooo noooooooooooo noooooooooooo!!!!!!!! i Shouted, I Can't Believe The Picture And The Name It Bear,kate Surman That Is My Mumsy Name ''oh Mum Are You Gone For Real? I Refuse To Accept That Your No More' dead why always me me ajuda DEUS!= which translates in English as HELP ME GOD! Oh Gracious God, .i Vividly Remember The Smile Cj Gave Me At The Court,i Feel Like Crushing And Smashing His Small Coded Brain I Don't Even Attend The Burial Of Two Women I Love Oh Nneka Oh Mum When Shall I See Your Face Again I Miss Both Of You Rest In Peace Mum,i Was Brought Of My Though By Jude ''brother Is This Really You?' He Throw Himself On Me That We Both Fall Down, 'how Did She Died? when did you returned where is Jennifer? where is dad? Asked 'long Story,where Will I Start Brother' dad was frame up and government seized all his property he was deported without a pin he attempt suicide twice am now a brick layer MUM DEVELOP A Chronic Disease After were Jailed,she Was Admitted At The Hospital But Doctor Refuse To Administer To Her Saying We Must Pay A Sum Of 50,000, mum Later Got Mental Disoder When She Discovered That No Money To Pay Her Bill,i Looks For Help All Round Couldn't Found Any, Chindi Went To Your Friend Cj For Help Who Took Carnal Knowledge Of Her Without Gaving Her A Penny,she Joined Runz As To Raise Money. i Took Mum Home Hoping In Miracle,i Watch Her Die Of Lack Of Treatment And Nutrition,every Night She Groan In Pain,she Do Scream Your Name All The Time. It's Best She Die BecaUse Can't Bear Watching Her Suffer But Brother It Was All Your Fault That Mum Died,doctor Said Her Illness Was As A Result Of Shock,sadiness And Anxiety, i Will Never Forgive You For That.Everywhere I Go They Called Me Murderer And Rapist Brother,oh I Hate You' you seized to be my brother you rapist drpart from us we have suffered enough hope your happy now he Lament I Was Dumbfounded, Cj Have Succeded In Blackmailing Me,even My Family Don't Trust Me-oh Heaven Hear My Cry[/b]
20 Nov 2017 | 11:39
I hope the police will help u out
20 Nov 2017 | 12:31
It is time to also taste double of what CJ is passing through
20 Nov 2017 | 14:00
Why is your brother taking like this At least he should ask for details instead of saying Rubbish
20 Nov 2017 | 14:36
Hmm I pray the police succeeds in their investigation
21 Nov 2017 | 06:22
CJ I go sing everything na double double for u cox ur case is not small
21 Nov 2017 | 06:23
thank you so much for the correction @coolval
21 Nov 2017 | 11:17
hahaha am laughing in latin
21 Nov 2017 | 11:19
Jude no try at all. Why im dey talk like that nah?
21 Nov 2017 | 14:26
Hmmm... So sad
21 Nov 2017 | 15:10
even ur brother don't trust u nd can't even ask u full details abt it
21 Nov 2017 | 19:18
[color =red][b]PASSION for revenge EPISODE 24 & 25 As I Wanted To Talk Then Chindi Walks In Looking Shocked And Surprise At First She Wanted To Hug Me But She Stops Looking Pale,she Gave Me A Deadily Stare Confused At Same Time, Me Too Was Confuse,how Will I Prove My Innocent?How Will I Convince Them That Am Frame Up? ''my Dear Siblings,your Right To Be Angry. But Believed Me My Friend Framed Me Up,he Screwed Me Up,making Every One Believe That Am A Murderer And A Rapist, let me summarize how it happened we both fall for same woman am not aware that my so called lover is the girl my friend is crunching on same girl he killed to have same girl he raped to have he use to say that she's his Happiness i even help woo her though haven't saw her picture nor knew how she looks like until when our path cross it happened that fate join us together we followed our heart until when he noticed. to him i betrayed him but the truth is that his not dating her he's only crushing on her to nneka his a spoilt brute nneka chooses me he planned events and landed me on prison i spent 6years and 64days in jail with hard Labour my siblings my dear coursins my dear family, my Hands Are Clean, am not a rapist haven't kill before am still that Obinna you knew. am ifediri you're own blood give me a second chance to prove my love for you guys my family is all i got without you guys my life is meaningless without you guys am dead i will make it up to you believe me. am Sorry That All Of You Suffered because Of This,he Has Done So Much,mum Died Bcos Of Him,i Was Jailed Bcos Of Him , Cj Shall Taste My Wrath My Pain He Shall Feel My Venom He Shall Taste Cj Have Biting More Than He Can Shew if i lie let my brea seized let my legs paralyzed if am deceiving you guys i swelled hold hude tight chindi joined "stay away from me ifediri i don'tbuy that cheap sentimental lie. i love you and trusted you but you choose crime over us "she broke out sobbing i let go yet they couldn't let me go finally they let go As I Disengage Myself From My Junior Brother I Stand Motionless Looking At My Sister Jenny Who Gave Me A Deadly Stare I Need No Soothsayer To Tell Me That She's Mad At Me When I Stares At Her Tears Rolled Down My Cheeks How Will I Gain Her Trust Again? I Wish I Remain In The Prison i thought they will be happy to see me but am wrong oh my family believe me I Was In Deep Taught When She Brought Me To Reality ' God Will Purnish You Brother, for All I Went Through For Your Sake, where Is Mum Now? Hope U Are Happy! You Killed Her,i Hate You !'she Cried Broken Into A Sob I Watch Her As SheCried Her Pain Out My Heart Is Heavy,i Can Feel My Heart Racing As If It Will Break My Rib Cage nothing like family it hurt when you infringe pain in your family my life is as good as dead why are they not believing me does it mean they never knew my kind of person since then i wish mum is alive she's the only one that could understand me ????????? guys if your mum is still alive love and cherish her care for her for she have no replacement repairs her heart reciprocate her love mother's are worth more than a gold? back to the story # I Opened My Mouth To Talk But nothing Came Out ,it Feels Like A Bubble Is In My Throat, Loving Nneka Have Cost Me Much,i Wish I Never Love Her Then. My Sibling Is At War With Me, How Will It End? War Within,hmm I Gave Jenny Sign For Us To Go Inside First, We Have A Lot To Gist I Just Pray She Understands Me Hot Tears Escaped My Eyes am no more welcome in my family When We Went Inside,i Tried To Be Calm As Not To Appear Lunatic Yet Hot Tears Escaped My Eyes It Hurt So Much Hearing Those Words''i Hate U" From Jenny I Can Vividly Remember Our Past She Use To Spicy My Food And Makes Me Happy.I Was Her Bestie Then,she Loved Me So Much That People Called Us Twin She's Always By My Side Even When Am Wrong,when Other Left Me She Stood Ground Is This How I Repair Her Love And Care? Will She Ever Forgive Me? After All Not My Fault ,c J Set Me Up Making The Courntry Believe That Am A Rapist And A Murderer Procced In Narrating My Stories To Her,she Forgive Me And Pity for me ''brother That Your Friend Is A Beast,did U Know That He Took Carnal Knowledge Of Me And Chindu Without Giving Us A Penny As We Agreed' 'what He Did This To Both Of You! why did you use your legs willingly walked to the enermies den?' I Shoulted "i never knew your having issues with him.i went to him because we heard his your besties. i need money to save mum i have no option than to seek financial support "" Jennifer cries I Can't Believe This,,somebody Should Wake Me Up From This Dream Oh Cj You Have Done So Much We Shall See i really need spiritual powers to be able to win cj and gang I Went To Seek Spiritual Back Up Ready For My Revenge to be continued[/color][/b]
22 Nov 2017 | 05:01
@freeco @denciebabe @adiatu22 @toochukwu @cred @promzy @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @hardeymorlah @jack @evanz @itzshaxee @sheegokeys @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @jerrie @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @calebdanny @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @justify @maurice @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @temmymofrosh @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @dhemilade1 @franklin @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @aaron @tiffany1 @romancelord @john @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele1 @chilovely @jeddy @mackabsolute @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @softie @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @dangerkelv @mhizzthessy @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @oyesco48 @inemeka @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @dgreat @sexy2017 @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @peterox @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @deejaygrin @hitiswell @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @redlabel @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @robidon @senatordaniel @nanizzyfbaby @olawuni here i come
22 Nov 2017 | 05:20
interesting episodes :yes:
22 Nov 2017 | 05:51
This gonna be tough
22 Nov 2017 | 06:14
thanks @coolval
22 Nov 2017 | 07:50
I need more stories
22 Nov 2017 | 09:13
you really need to get back your family"s love
22 Nov 2017 | 10:52
This is getting more tough
22 Nov 2017 | 11:51
Waiting for it
22 Nov 2017 | 15:34
22 Nov 2017 | 15:41
22 Nov 2017 | 15:52
This story is such a pathetic one but the presentation is kinda funny.
22 Nov 2017 | 19:14
@chunamite pathetic indeed this kind story must not happens in real life. i pray
23 Nov 2017 | 01:49
if i were to choose i take dream
23 Nov 2017 | 01:51
lot of diamond in the sky
23 Nov 2017 | 08:45
23 Nov 2017 | 08:45
0 Likes loading
23 Nov 2017 | 08:46
[b]¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? EPISODE 25 intermission ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? johnny Wilkinson and co work harder to pull cj down and for there work so far the tide is turning on their favour state CID was impressed that they send arm squared to help dealing with security challenges. first johnny Wilkinson through the help of the female cop invade ken house secretly after long searching they discovered so many criminal activities and enough information that truely clearly testifying my innocent the diary ken recorded his incanter with nneka was recovered heaven is really on my side also state cid move the motion of apologies to me i was invited to the station were apologies was render to me. first my security is there priority state CID in congestion with the customary court of appeal have agreed to pay me a consolation fee 3million was mapped out for persecuting the innocent for the bad name and the inconvenience they have cause me and family i was asked to join the team since cj is my besties they believe i could help them take him down i joined secretly when the going get bloody the fate lead i was trained on how to use weapon i learn how to use gun of different kind and size when you get your enermy don't mercy crush him at once never leave a trace my team is now stronger working perfectly to fetch more evidence. i help them in areas i knows better my heart have hardern my soul dark and deadly mercy have long departed my soul blood my soul thirst and only cj blood could quench my thirsty our first mission is to arrest ken wether dead or alive i need spiritual back up i must visit the dark magic den to acquire powers cj gang had grown bigger am very happy for the world have really bear me witness that am innocent i have been vindicated my plea for innocency have been granted mum your death i must avenge nneka your death i must avenge for my pains he shall taste my adventure to acquire powers begins i went to a remote village some where in ijebu ode Wandering & Roaming The Street I Got,i Have A Particular Place On Mind,the More I walk The More I Became Eager To Avenge I Asked A Pass By Who Directed Me To The Darkone Who Specialise In Dark Magic ,just Then I Remember My Vow To God On The Day Of My Confirmation Not To Worshipe Any god Beside Him after many trekking I Sat Down To Rest For A While At A Mangoe Shade, like A Minute Later I Found Out I Have A Company.I Was Like How On Earth Is This Man Here Without Me Noticing,he Look Old,dress In White Garment* I Greeted Him But He Refuse To Respond Rather He Thrown Me Into Confuse By His Weired Behavior,he Said To Me ''my Son Let Go Of Your Grieve And Revenge, i know that you have hardened your heart not your fault. but try to remain real you your story the world will marvel at. attempting dark magic comes with a huge price could you be able to pay? remember it will cost you much you have lost many already i advice you went home let God finish what he started your cries had reach his ears tomorrow Is Brighter,for The spiritual Battle you Seek Will Consume you .When U Forgive,you Will Discover That God Is In Ur Side,you Are Made To Be Great'he Said Pointing At My Back When I Look Back And Turn To Ask Him His Name Behold He Was No Where To Be Found i became angry and my soul hardened more where was God when nneka died? where was God when mummy died? where was God when cj raped my two siblings? where was God when am blackmailed and sent to prison, where was he when i went through hell? where was God when i was sentenced to 21 imprisonment? am ready to pay any price all i ever wanted now is powers was this the best? am i heading to doom? watched out on the next EPISODE[/b]
23 Nov 2017 | 10:58
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 26 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? EPISODE 25 intermission ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? johnny Wilkinson and co work harder to pull cj down and for there work so far the tide is turning on their favour state CID was impressed that they send arm squared to help dealing with security challenges. first johnny Wilkinson through the help of the female cop invade ken house secretly after long searching they discovered so many criminal activities and enough information that truely clearly testifying my innocent the diary ken recorded his incanter with nneka was recovered heaven is really on my side also state cid move the motion of apologies to me i was invited to the station were apologies was render to me. first my security is there priority state CID in congestion with the customary court of appeal have agreed to pay me a consolation fee 3million was mapped out for persecuting the innocent for the bad name and the inconvenience they have cause me and family i was asked to join the team since cj is my besties they believe i could help them take him down i joined secretly when the going get bloody the fate lead i was trained on how to use weapon i learn how to use gun of different kind and size when you get your enermy don't mercy crush him at once never leave a trace my team is now stronger working perfectly to fetch more evidence. i help them in areas i knows better my heart have hardern my soul dark and deadly mercy have long departed my soul blood my soul thirst and only cj blood could quench my thirsty our first mission is to arrest ken wether dead or alive i need spiritual back up i must visit the dark magic den to acquire powers cj gang had grown bigger am very happy for the world have really bear me witness that am innocent i have been vindicated my plea for innocency have been granted mum your death i must avenge nneka your death i must avenge for my pains he shall taste my adventure to acquire powers begins i went to a remote village some where in ijebu ode Wandering & Roaming The Street I Got,i Have A Particular Place On Mind,the More I walk The More I Became Eager To Avenge I Asked A Pass By Who Directed Me To The Darkone Who Specialise In Dark Magic ,just Then I Remember My Vow To God On The Day Of My Confirmation Not To Worshipe Any god Beside Him after many trekking I Sat Down To Rest For A While At A Mangoe Shade, like A Minute Later I Found Out I Have A Company.I Was Like How On Earth Is This Man Here Without Me Noticing,he Look Old,dress In White Garment* I Greeted Him But He Refuse To Respond Rather He Thrown Me Into Confuse By His Weired Behavior,he Said To Me ''my Son Let Go Of Your Grieve And Revenge, i know that you have hardened your heart not your fault. but try to remain real you your story the world will marvel at. attempting dark magic comes with a huge price could you be able to pay? remember it will cost you much you have lost many already i advice you went home let God finish what he started your cries had reach his ears tomorrow Is Brighter,for The spiritual Battle you Seek Will Consume you .When U Forgive,you Will Discover That God Is In Ur Side,you Are Made To Be Great'he Said Pointing At My Back When I Look Back And Turn To Ask Him His Name Behold He Was No Where To Be Found i became angry and my soul hardened more where was God when nneka died? where was God when mummy died? where was God when cj raped my two siblings? where was God when am blackmailed and sent to prison, where was he when i went through hell? where was God when i was sentenced to 21 imprisonment? am ready to pay any price all i ever wanted now is powers was this the best? am i heading to doom? watched out on the next EPISODE[/b]
23 Nov 2017 | 11:18
This won't turn out to be good
23 Nov 2017 | 12:06
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 27 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏⛏☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠↘☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠??↩↪↩↪↩↪↩↪↩↪↩???????????????????????????????????????????⏯⏯◀▶⏹⏺⏪⏭⏩⏯⏹⏮⏸⏏ cj paid him big to eliminate ken. he feels insecure with him towards nneka his eyes portray it all his fringing over a mere ghost people must not hear the truth the mass must not know the real events planners ifediri must been seen as a rapist and a murderer let me see how he will survive this time. i even taste his two siblings pleasure hole forcefully. by the time am done with him,he will know that i have powers to change his destiny babalawo said he will be my undoing. i doubted him. a mere halfcast who couldn't handle a knife that man must be sick upstairs. i have pull down many strong controversial dangerous men not to talk of that small sheet. in fact i must kill that medicine man for cooking up that story. am cj no one messed with me lived to tell the story. am the baddest in this state i rule my hood i controlled the city. ifediri is not in any way matches to me with my bare palm i will snuff life out him but ken is a hard not to crack i must look for his match my search lead me to a man called jack uzo the baddest killer his the master of the deadly gangster in my neighborhood he can perfect the job Profile Name;Jack Uzo Age;42 Height; 6ft Complexion;black Occupation;an Assassing Nationality; P R N When I Saw Cj That Faithful Morning With His Devilish Smile,i Knew There Must Be A Work To Do,i Was Told That By The King Of The Forest That He Looks For Me Round The City He Goes To Sit On The Cosh Looking Nervious,trembling In Fear. I Wonder Why He Appear Like That Maybe He Was Drunk I Gues,but Wait Oh! Drinks Wil Not Makes People Nervous Rather To Stagger after narrating his mission Their Were Ominous Silence I Broke The Silence With Questions Not Minding Wether His In The Mood Or Not,he Manage To Answere Me With Anxiety Written All Over His Face is that why you look down cast? "ken is brave you have to pay big" he added that nneka is disturbing him in the dream always issuing warnings jack Calm Him Down Assuring Him That What Ever Is Troubling Him Must Have A Solution.Further More Giving Him Hope Though My Inner Self Is Not In Support Of My Aid,let Me Say Instict Instead He Agreed To Pay Me 2million Which I Accepted Though Not Content With It,a Part Of Me Is Willing While The Other Reluctant I Bide Him Goodbye And Slept next day i prepared for the operations with my only best friend my pistol all this while remain my trusted friend i managed having my inside his room Ken Put A Key On His Door Only To Found Out That Somebody Tampered With His Door He Had No Idea Who It Could Be,that Person Did It Either For Pleasure Nor Revenge'he Told Himself,it Baffles Him Who Dares Him Knowing Well That His Deadly And Brave,maybe Am Not A Match To Him? he gave out a wry smile He Went Inside Trying To Be Calm Just Then He Notice A Movement On His Curtain,he Ruch Into His Bedroom To Bring His Gun Then He Saw A Gun Pointed At Him With A Mask Man Smiling,he Tried To Escaped But He Was Shot Twice On The Chest,just Then He Use Last Energy In Him To Stab Jack With His Dagger Several Times,jack Mourn In Pain As He Watch Ken Laughing At Him 'Am Not Going Alone' Ken Manage To Say,both Men Lay On Their pool of blood Gasping For A Breathe Jack Gave Him A Wry Smile Pull Out His Gun To Shot Him Again Only To Discover He Ran Out Of Bullet Ken Stab Him Again And Past Out 5 Minutes Later johnny Wilkinson team Arrive At The Sceen Only To Discover That Jack Was Alive,the Take Him To The Hospital With His Hand On Cuff the battle begins. to be continued[/b]
24 Nov 2017 | 04:38
Hmm CJ are biting more than u can chew
24 Nov 2017 | 05:30
The action part of story has started fully REGISTER @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
24 Nov 2017 | 09:41
getting more tough
24 Nov 2017 | 10:40
they will get to cj through Jack
24 Nov 2017 | 14:01
cj will never escape no matter how
24 Nov 2017 | 14:20
Let the game begin
24 Nov 2017 | 15:20
tougher than hell
24 Nov 2017 | 17:12
This is getting serious
24 Nov 2017 | 17:34
back again
25 Nov 2017 | 06:31
welcome @bestabbey
25 Nov 2017 | 11:43
I am an Igbo, I was born an Igbo, I live the life of an Igbo, I come from Igbo, I speak Igbo, I like to be Igbo, I like to dress in Igbo, I eat Igbo food, my heritage, culture and tradition is Igbo, my parents are Igbo, and I will marry Igbo. And God Almighty is the God of the Igbo. Am sorry I cannot help it if you hate my lineage. Am sorry I cannot help it if you detest Igbo, am sorry I cannot help it if you hate me because am Igbo. My name is Igbo. You see Igbo as a threat, why? You call Igbo rapist, criminals, ritualist, prostitutes, kidnappers. You attribute all negative vices to represent Igbo? Why do you do that? You do because you feel threatened that Igbo might outrun the rest of the tribes. Why do you hate Igbo and despise us? You do that because we are creative, enlightened, hardworking, industrious, genius, intelligent, smart, rich, beautiful, amazing and children of God Almighty. But its difficult for you to admit it because you feel jealous of Igbo race. Igbo do not own politics, Igbo do not control the economy neither do we control the natural resources and the common wealth of this nation Nigeria. You do, we don’t and yet, despite the fact that you own everything, we still remain one indispensable race that has outshined the other race in all ramifications. You fear us because you want to exterminate and annihilate our race, you deny us many things and yet we are stronger, richer and mightier. You fear us because we are everywhere. You fear us because no matter how rural a place might be, when Igbo steps in, they turn it into a Paradise. We have our own resources, which lies in resourcefulness, we do not bother you and your control over the polity, but yet when we cough you and the other race begin to shiver. Am proud being an Igbo, am proud of my heritage and culture. Igbo means God's own Children, Igbo means high class, Igbo means independence, Igbo means hard work and strength, Igbo means justice, Igbo means godliness, Igbo means riches, Igbo means resourcefulness, Igbo means self belonging, Igbo means self esteem, Igbo means pride, Igbo means swag. And in Biafra and with Biafra, Igbo will lead Africa and the rest of the world out of wilderness.
25 Nov 2017 | 13:40
[b]passion for revenge episode 28 when the tide got tougher the beat joined. my people said that he who always looks for be things will see big things because the world we live is like market. we got what we wish. the law of karma is indisputable you can't bribe your way karma is justice. the only true way nature pays mankind. but what we sore we ripe you can't sore corn and harvest beans ? Jonny wilkson was seen patrolling round ken street with his heavily armed team??? he got control if things making sure and vows catching those criminal involved in my case first the customary court of Appeals was happy of the turn of events the Chief Judge agog hoping and expecting victory concerning re opening my case CJ sent his squad to➡ finally perfect?✨??✨ the job, he never trust Jude so he sent?? five strong men's at work the ? deadliest among them "sciopion I trust you won't❌ let me ??fall finished him. waste ken at once go in a company of ?dragon snake tickettohell Mr ?⚰⚰⚰ dead I want his ???head in my bowl ; " say we will never fell you promise ?no mistake we are the best?? killer like a fowl we slaughter men " scorpion ???said and off ???the went. arrived their like about 6: 45pm "Mr ?⚰dead I trust you in this kind of operation lead ??us: " Mr ticket to hell said ™℅no dulling no mistake we will attack from behind√> Mr dead ?⚰?⚰said in a commanding tone at once they invade ken home home force there way towards➡➡ backyard only to meet lifeless ken in bewilderment they retrieve there step only to find angry??? police squad surrounded the place at once they fall back Jonny wilkson went on ☁✈ microphone "please???? drop your gun you have thirty minutes to do so we are police police is your friends???????????? if you cooperate we promise you guys a fair trial we need to end this hello! please???? ?drop your gun I ?repeat time is ticking. their is serious debate inside among the king of the forest "you have a family?????? that need your you have people that care s you have people that love❤??? you. you have parents and relatives think of how the will feel when you got yourself killed think and make♏??? a wise decision" Jonny wilkson added the criminal s was confused?❓?❓❔❓❓ Jonny wilkson words got on their nerves "no we are not cowards we most fought for our dignity together we conquer no going back? " scorpion said "for the sake of my gang and family I will fought the police" "like I slaughter men for pleasure so will I kill the police am Mr dead am not afraid am a man of honor. " "we shall never surrender no retreat no surrender " we will attack at once take position the dance of the dead just begin no mercy dead?⚰?⚰?⚰?⚰?⚰?⚰?⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰ "you have four minutes only submit your self and we promise you guys fair probing police is your friends imagine a world without crime think guys and make a wise decision " Jonny wilkson cried ?out scorpion yes am in position Mr dead yes am in position Mr tickets to hell yes am in position the battle have begun what happens next watch out for the next episode......[/b]
27 Nov 2017 | 11:33
back on time here we ?roll @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
27 Nov 2017 | 13:24
Mr ?⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰⚰ ? Mr dead is back @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
27 Nov 2017 | 13:29
Nwa nnaa edijwa too much ohh, ride on guy.
27 Nov 2017 | 16:34
thank you? my sister @ladyG
27 Nov 2017 | 18:43
My brother @Ifestan95 nothing does u, i dey behind u.
27 Nov 2017 | 23:04
[b]passion for revenge episode 29 and 30 finally I found the dark one the most powerful black magician of our time. he refused to help me advice I should rush home immediately I was disappointed that I feel like killing him "you are a good man don't sore your ✋??hands for your friend CJ karma will surely pay him good. save your peace and stop him from causes more havoc only you can stop him it's Ordenend by the spiritual realms for you to end him. no need of wasting your time for spiritual back up for you are already covered go home and allow destiny to pass through you. exactly this day I saw him doomed by your weapon. he will tremble on your feet judgement you passed on him. go now before things spoiled in your house trouble is hovering at your house but it will prepare you for the journey to the prophecy. run home young man?.. I was provoked that I abuse him on Portuguese voce e tem moito problema which translated to ?you have a big problem I board a bus and got myself a better seat I love staying at the windows. the journey lasted for 3hours I went to the bus stop⛔?⛔ and enter a bus to take me to my street the bus is almost full but due to the fact that am in a haste I entered seating at the middle suddenly I felt my ankle resting on soft something and I never mind until it keep getting softer and softer then my eyes caught a leg that looks like a woman seating on my right hand that it forced me turned to know that soft touch is coming from only for me to discover that my ankle is resting between a lady milk industry the worst is no space to adjust so we stare at each other for some time when suddenly our bus fall into a pot hole which make her dart ?forward brushing her oranges hard on me that my rod resurrected my joy stick nodded in Ruth with her movement I caution him and respect myself luckily we reach my bus? stop⛔⛔? and I alright heading straight to my house. I received a call from one of my pals and classmates that his waiting at my gate am glad that he visit after the incident I view him from far rushed him and gave him a hug of his life I usher him in i Was So Happy To See Him,little Did I Know That My Joy Will Never Last, ,i Goes To Near By Kiosk To Buy A Bottle Of Cocoa And gala Beef Roll Only To Return Seing My Friend Laying Helplessly On My Bed With A Knieve Stabbed On His Abdomen With An Inscritption That Bear My Name"r I P Smart,by Now You Wil Know That I Always Win,you Dare Toil With My Heart,rust In Hell' I Was Shocked That I Scream On Top Of My Voice, Before I Know What Happened I Was Surrounded With Cops Who Arrest Me Of Murder I Can't Believe This Me Going To Jail Again On A Crime I Never Committ Why Was My Fate Twisting? Why Is The World Unfair To Me? I Tried To Committ Succide But Fail As The Result Of The Intervention Of One Kind Cop By Name John 'why Did You Try Killing Urself am with you till end fear not the ?⚽??⚽ball is in our cut 'he Asked But I Refuse To Answere Him Begging Him To Take My Life they were never a police officer they only Inpersunating one the pushes me and thrown me at the booth that is when it's clear that am kidnapped my friend name is udo let here his side of the story/ i Open My Eyes Only To See Strange Thing,last I Could Remember Was Resting On My Best Friend Bed,waiting To Discussed How To Help Him Seek Vengers Sudden I Feel A Metal Object Piercing My Abdomen Then I Passed Out He Tried To Figure Out Where He Is I Tried Moving My Legs Together With My Hands But I Can't Rather I Feel Pain All Over My Body I Moved To My Right Side Only To See A Nurse Smiling At Me With A Best Reason Known To Her,she Utter A Wierd Word That Makes My Heart Beat Faster "welcome To Life,i Have Been Here Since you Were Admitted Here Hoping And Praying For U To Return Back Soon' Soon Police Joined us All Of Them Smile In Union ''Welcome Back Lucky Dude' They Chorus Cj Was Celebrating With His Friends Thinking That Am Down The News Was Broke At The Station And I Was Fetched thank to my stars? the declare me missing or kidnapped back to Ken House Mr ?⚰dead shot?? two police men when Jonny wikson take him down from behind Mr ticket to hell fire a shot on him luckily he saw him on time and take cover furiously he fire ??at Jonny wikson causing him to injure himself on the gutter Mr ticket to hell was carried away all he ever wanted was to take Jonny wikson down when the female ?? cop launched two attacks on him it hits his arms forcing him to loose his grab his gun fall to the ground rapidly he picks it with his left hand while she launched another attack it hit him hard force him fall back. scorpion was shot by Jonny wikson on the forest head twice after 39 minutes open ??fire Jonny and team won he arrested Mr ticket to hell and other while three dead the two officers was badly injured the bullets cut them big at the upper ??arm they were ruched to the hospital for medical assistance by his friend slowly Jonny and the remaining five officers patrol at eke awka main market there is a traffic jam that they start ??siren just the met the people that kidnapped me by chance. Jonny recognized the tattoo on the man's arm with ???same with Mr dead man he in a company of three boards a Keke na pepe (tricycle) controls the situation the guys with me noticed fishy movement that they head inside a street instead of normal lane the accelerated in a speed of a flash that they lost view of them earlier Jonny wikson have contacted the station and request for a back up while 7men was sent to the street through helicopter the street is the most rugged place for hide out gangster and so many criminals activity going on their the ghetto was located at agu awka is mainly occupied by Northerners who widely known as the Fulani herdsmen officers on the air contact Jonny sending them signal ?where to find them in a speed of a light the ghetto entrance and exist was block no movement on the street that the men of the underworld got provoked shooting senselessly astray bullet took five innocent street guys down then the blood feast began! to be continued what happens next? guess❓❓[/b]
30 Nov 2017 | 12:42
back on time here we ?roll @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
30 Nov 2017 | 12:45
30 Nov 2017 | 18:11
1 Dec 2017 | 09:56
waiting for the next episode
1 Dec 2017 | 11:42
abeg tell me what happened next
1 Dec 2017 | 21:14
2 Dec 2017 | 02:56
2 Dec 2017 | 06:45
ride on
2 Dec 2017 | 11:27
Tell me wetin happen nxt biko.
3 Dec 2017 | 17:47
[b]passion for revenge Episode 31 continued from the last episode five innocent civilians gunned down back to the stories what will you do if you find out that the Angel you know is a beast How will you feel when the bitter truth surface when not expected at times truth is better hidden in some cases butwas it the right way? I have a life of now hope my life crumbled and my world fallen apart. which I were never born which I remained in the womb or should I say heaven? inside of the boot feel like he'll Am having difficulties breathing Am sweating profusely beneath I can smell and sence my end my life on earth diminishing simultaneously I have kissed my dead Johnny Wilkinson and remained team fire on us forcing our tyre to burst which in return makes our car to hit a pole Sending our car smashing to piece at the wall of five storey that is the last I could remember. my vision went blur and I lost it Johnny Wilkinson arrested the men that abducted me and throw them at the Bank zoomed off my stories is the heading line on COOLVAL news every citizens have learned the truth there is a saying that you can't cover a pregnant nor cover a moon people pity me. because of MY case Johnny Wilkinson was promoted and he became a Hero that the state government awards him the best officer of the year with lots of goodies. Mr ticket to hell was tortured and he confessed working for KING of the forest which was sponsored by cj The court collaborate with the police to bring KING of the forest to book The Awka association of barristers was marvelled and impressed that the file New cases against cj and gang though the law firm is making it difficult for them because of the person involved. everything one is afraid to front the case. (cj)His father the senator using the connection he got with the president to frustrate the court and the police the case was sured to federal high court Abuja but judges access to the case was denied The president forbid the judiciary from reopening the case there's by declaring it void It stir confusion and murmuring round the country. able men start asking question. that barristers association Awka chapter file the case to the West African union (ecowas court) yet not yielding to a desired results that it was shifted to international criminal court with a concrete evidence by Johnny Wilkinson. The got the diary found in my room The agreement note recovered from Ken resident with some documents found with KING of the forest which is sponsored by cj. I was revived and I regained consciousness narrating my omen with cj gangster that persornate police officers a gun was assign to me and I visit my friend udo at the hospital which have fully recovered together we went home Went Home With Udo In A Company Of Four Police Men Incase Of Casuality.I Lay On Udo's Bed To Catch Some Sleep When My Phone Ring Irritating Me, At First I Refuse To Pick But Later Pick Since I Need Some Sleep I Was A Little Bit Scared Due To The Caller Is Unknown Since Cj Learn How To Kill Sencelessly I Learn To Be Alart Hello'i Shout At The Mouth Piece Only To Hear A Faminine Voice That Sound Familia 'am Rita Nneka's Sister,come To Our House Now Their Is Something You Need To See ' What Could It Be? Can't It Wait Next Time' 'Am Sorry But You Wil Like To See It If Only You Come' I Drag Myself Out The Bed Heading To Her House Which My Friend Protest ,i Bid Him Goodbye And Off I Went So Many Things On My Mind,why Did I Believe Her? What If Am Set Up Again? My Previous Problem Came From That Family Yet I Still Associate With Them, Why Did I Trust Her? Could She Hand Me Over To Cj? Or Was This A Trap? What Am I? A Fool? Hm Am Ready To Accept My Fate If It Was A Set Up I got dead ticket in my arms to be continues[/b]
7 Dec 2017 | 23:11
Hmm hopes everything turn out well
8 Dec 2017 | 01:11
on time here we ?roll @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 Welcome to my world
8 Dec 2017 | 02:30
Birthday party loading 50%
8 Dec 2017 | 02:32
8 Dec 2017 | 02:33
Sorry guys for later.not update Am really busy this days
8 Dec 2017 | 02:37
But I will try making it up to you guys
8 Dec 2017 | 02:37
[color= blue]Remember your comments keeps me refreshing It add more ink to my pen[/color]
8 Dec 2017 | 02:41
on time here we ?roll @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
8 Dec 2017 | 02:42
IF THERE IS ANYONE I WANT TO SEE AGAIN, IT IS THAT YOUNG MAN OF GOD WHO MADE ME LOSE THE GIRLFRIEND I LOVED SO MUCH. She loved me to the point that she was ready to be disowned by her parents when they wanted her to marry a rich politicians son. The love was simply so much…She visited me for a weekend and I took her to a program in church where I was invited… The two Guest Speakers for the 1st and 2nd days were wonderful… We laughed and shouted Fire and even sowed seeds of greatness… And I took my girlfriend back to my house… But the guest speaker that came on the last day was the one that caused the whole program for me… He did not wear any big shoe or expensive suit… His hair cut was even scattered… Unlike other guests, he did not have any escort or security. But I noticed that the moment he climbed the pulpit, the atmosphere changed… He started singing this song: # “Something more than gold… Something more than silver… The Word of God in the heart of a believer, it’s something more than gold”… And within 5 minutes, I began to see something like mist, like thick cloud inside that auditorium… And it was as if, millions of voices were singing that song at the same time. It was not long, I began to hear cries of men and women, boys and girls…: and yet, he has not opened the Bible… The church hall was tensed… You will wonder if this is the same church we have been coming to for the past 2days… “Lord, help me”… “Forgive me Jesus… ” ” Don’t leave me this way” “Jesus, I need You back… ” ” Holy spirit, break me… And use me… ” These and more were the deep cries I was hearing from people around where I was sitting… The choristers who were backing up the songs were slain… Some of them did not know when they began to shout, through the microphone:” Lord, show me your mercy… “Some were shouting:” I need your revival, Lord… Will you leave me this way”. I was afraid to open my eyes… The Glory inside that house was too much… When i managed to open my eyes, I didn’t not see anybody standing… I was the only one on feet… The pastor that hosted the program was on the floor, in front of the church, with his wife… The Assistant Pastors were with him in front of the church, crying,… The Preacher was lying flat, crying on the alter… Nobody could know who was the Preacher and who was the speaker… As a Preachers kid, born inside the church, I have seen revivals… I have seen the move of God’s power… But, never in my life have I seem such manifest Presence of God… And for more than 1:45 minutes, people were rolling on the floor, crying their hearts out… Yet, the guest minister did not open the Bible… I was still standing, looking around for my girlfriend… But I did not see her again… When I went outside… I saw her, lying on the floor, flat, crying… As I tried to pull her up, thinking that something might have hurt her… I saw her blouses soaked with tears… Her voice was already cracked… She had cried her heart out… I did not care to wait for the service to close … I managed to guide her back to my house… And throughout that short journey, on the road, she was weeping like children… When we go home and she managed to sleep, right from her sleep, at short intervals, she began to sob, crying out from sleep… And before long, the pillow were already soaked… The encounter she had in the church followed her home… And it continued like that for 3days… She was unable to eat anything… One of those nights, as she was praying and crying, she began to burst into tongues… She was crying and was blasting tongues, for more than 4 hours… How can I forget? The morning of the 3rd day, she told me: “Felix, when that young pastor was singing that song… My eyes was opened and I saw Jesus for the first time in my life… I saw the kind of splendor I cannot explain… I saw His wounds… I saw Him on the Cross… I saw Him calling me to surrender my life to Him…. Felix, something has happened to me… And I am no more that same person again”. The more I tried to cuddle her, the more she was running from my arms… She asked me: “Felix , did you not feel what I felt? Did you not see what I saw? What I saw is worth more than the whole world. I saw a Crown that I cannot lose… Felix, I have to surrender to Jesus… I have to pack my things now…” Before 30 minutes, she had picked her few things and about to go… As she was leaving, we both were in tears… She told me: “FELIX, I know I love you and you love me too…. But I have to let you go. This moment, I have surrendered to Jesus…. It will better to lose you than to lose that Crown that I saw… ” Tears had dried on our bodies and fresh ones were coming. I could not even stop her… The girl I knew before had changed… Her face was radiant… It dawned on me that that young man of God has made me loose the girlfriend I loved so much… And I was angry… As I roll from one part of the bed to the other, alone, inside my room, from morning till night… I began to blame myself for taking her along to that program… Don’t blame me… I was not born again then… Where else was I going to see another girl who will love me like her? I was furious… Yes, but deep down my heart, I knew that she has met God… I knew that this was exactly how it used to be in 1980s and 90s… On my own, I began to tell God: “If I will ever become a Preacher someday, this is the type I want to be… I will love people to come to my program and lose their girlfriends to You…” And thank God, in the fullness of time, when it pleases Him to intercept me from speedy journey to hell, I understood what happened those days to my ex girlfriend… Severally, I have seen that same thing she saw that made her lose me and not care about it. Friend, if you see what she saw, you will never be afraid to lose any man…. Paul said that when he fell and stood up on his way to Damascus, ‘I saw no man’… Why are you afraid for us that we will starve if we continue with this ‘criticizing’ ministry? Why are you complaining that nobody will host us in his big auditorium and give us big honorarium? Thanks for your concern brother man… But we can tell the whole world that ‘We too, like Apostle Paul, saw no man’… We did not see honorarium before we left all and embarked on this journey… We saw a Crown that we must not lose on the last day… Many are already wearing their own crowns here… They have forgotten the encounters God used to give them when they first met Jesus… Lord, anybody can go… I don’t want to lose the glory you showed me! … We don’t need too many friends… We don’t need those who wants to show everyone that they are succeeding in ministry, even when, they are not known in hell… Our lives are better with fewer people whose eyes are still on that Crown… With the help of God, in our weaknesses and fewness, if it please God, we might be able to stop the mouth of lions… That was how that young man made me to lose my girlfriend.. My friends told me to give her some time that she will run back to me when memories of our sinful past will begin to hunt her… I waited for months and years, up till now, she did not come back… Together, with her husband, they are running a revival ministry in my country Nigeria… And she too is reading this post now as you are reading it… Aleluiah! Man of God, I don’t know the last time people listened to you and they went back and move their things out from their boyfriends house and that was their last days in sin? When was the last time you preached and boys called their girlfriends on the phone and told them: “It is over… I have met with Jesus…. And am gone”,? Your last crusade, you came back with car keys… Laptops, iphones and landed documents… But there was no tears for repentance… Sinners came as Sinners, sowed their seeds as Sinners and left as Sinners…. When again are we going to see you preach and men will start falling over another, even without altar call, asking God for repentance for their adultery? Your choristers are already singing with sneered hearts… When are we going to hear somebody say about you, that: “This is that man of God that I heard and I left my sins and did not go back to them again? Sister, I don’t know what they are telling you in your church every Sunday… I know you want to shun your evil ways, but the church you submitted to seem not to have problem with your sinful lifestyle… From year to year, they don’t preach against sin…. Only giving you 100 ways to make wealth, even when you are sinking miserably in sin and addictions… The abuse of the gospel of miracle visa, miracle marriage, miracle contracts, and fighting of enemies is what brought this demonic wind upon us… Jacob had all those things and yet, he was crying to God for an encounter… And when He had it, that’s why we are still talking about him till now… Lock your self up this weekend and cry to God for that same encounter… If He has not shown up, don’t give up… If my ex girlfriend made up her mind to walk out from our relationship, there must be something she saw that’s worth more than me… Today, she is happily married with wonderful children… That God she saw that night has not failed her… That thing she saw has kept her all these years… I know you are afraid of what will become of you when you cut some ties… Sister, stop playing church while you are feasting on your vomits… It’s time to cry for an encounter… How long will you keep falling and rising and falling again?, It’s time to cry for just one touch of Fire,… Am sure heaven will not shun your wet eyes and torn lips. Share to others. From ifediri
8 Dec 2017 | 02:50
Cj is a beast
8 Dec 2017 | 02:54
@coolval Why is this stories episode not on fast link @frankjay
8 Dec 2017 | 02:56
@victoriouschild @frankkay @john451 Why is this stories episode not on fast link Urgent action needed
8 Dec 2017 | 03:07
next oo
8 Dec 2017 | 03:48
Ok my dear@luvlydamsel
8 Dec 2017 | 03:58
Ok my dear @luvlydamsel
8 Dec 2017 | 03:59
☆ @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @patrick @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174
8 Dec 2017 | 08:28
Hmmmm this story is so touching, the word of God is more than silver nd gold o, ride on.
8 Dec 2017 | 10:10
Following... Ride on
8 Dec 2017 | 14:46
8 Dec 2017 | 20:08
Ride on...
9 Dec 2017 | 02:39
[b]PASSION FOR REVENGE EPISODE 32 continue from the last episode I don't know why I'm really quick to judge like a flash I went to their house. how many times will this happen for me to learn the way I do things. I stopped at the bus stop and went inside I saw her smiling Nawaoo***** this smile I don't understand oh or did she wants us to continue from where nneka stopped this family is a nice one I know them to be responsible but wait oh mummy and daddy is responsible is never a guarantee that their children were be after all I use to see pastors daughters misbehaving I knew many deacons sons that is smoking weeds even raping cases have also reported from people from a good Christian upbring so hell with that stuff good background her sister wouldn't forgive me if i dance to her tone maybe they're planning to kill me I knew it from day onethat they believe cj even when am vindicated I knew that they stood with him because of political benefits His wealth and famous who am i that nneka chooses me out of the multitude I knew I spoilt things for them I knew I shattered there dreams of becoming rich there desire to materialism I terminated. I wonder how they choose to kill me wether through poison or gun whO knows now I use my legs walks into their trap she hand me over a letter (so finally it's through letter bomb though am afriad but i appeared calm and relaxed but deep inside am hell scared( nneka my love I will soon joined you there ,Your people have hand me letter bomb which will blast me to pieces please buy eye glass to enable you recognise me then# I said to myself and took the letter # opened at once What I Saw In Nneka's Diary Makes Me Wanna Cry She Wrote A Poem,which I Read Carefully "i Met Him The Mr Perfect Am Waiting For The Moon That Light My Heart He's My Sunshine My Heart Belongs To Him,i Love Him ,the Man That Gives Me Joy But I Feel Guilty In My Soul Am The Element Of Quarrel Between Two Best Of Friends Which I Can Turn Everything Right Again,today I Just Realised That I Come Between Destined Friends That Got Each Other Back,heaven I Seek Your Mercy Because Of Me They Fight They Become Worst Of Friends Still Yet My Heart Yawn For Him,i Couldn't Let Go' The Tention Was Much That Tears Rolls Freely Nneka Is Not Your Fault Rather Mine,please Stop Feeling Guilty.Because Of The Love I Have For you I Quit My Passion For Revenge this days I use to have emotion swing like a pregnant women freely I allowed the tears to roll down my cheeks was I really quitting? so after all he did to me he goes Scot free no way I went home downcasted I managed to eat took a cold bath and dust my gun.recently I enrolled on a police academics learning how to use a gun. my dream is to join DSS or SARS I know I will die sooner but KING of the forest is going down with me. I Turn My Radio Only To Hear That A Man Was Arrested At The Airport Who Is Dying To See Me, Hmmmmmm Who could it be? Why always me? Only a time shall tell To be continues Sorry for my low update I will try making it up to you guys[/b]
9 Dec 2017 | 06:13
Continue oo lets see what happens next
9 Dec 2017 | 15:50
CJ or who
10 Dec 2017 | 16:30
11 Dec 2017 | 03:12
nice story u have got here keep it up bro
11 Dec 2017 | 07:51
ThAnks @frankkay
11 Dec 2017 | 08:29
11 Dec 2017 | 10:11
Final episode loading
13 Dec 2017 | 09:48
My birthday loading
13 Dec 2017 | 09:49
[b]final episode passion for revenge I wonder who is looking for me but I have to go first . I took a cold bath wearing my clothes I wish this never start at first place I wish my life would be good I wish we never fought before I wish we shall live in peace and harmony I remember he used to buy things for me I used to be there for him clad myself in my jeans rush to the station fate in you I commit my soul my days are numbered I know that I would die soon . but even if I'm dying here we all are going down with me. dragging my mother to this I will not accept losing my mother I can't forgive him. he have done so much and with the last drop of my blood he must face judgment the Judgment I would give my best friend cj have caused so much pain for me because of him I lose my mom of him I lose my job because of him I went to prison because of him I saw my friends on Handcuff in the company of three policemen he looked very thin and unkempt that my heart mercy him though he have done much but he deserve a life What i saw today in nnekas diary changed me my so called passion for revenge meltdown my weakness is soft heart i can't hurt a fly that people always took advantage of me I have prayed severely for God to gave me a stones heart it seem he refused granting my request Am just a man outside but softer than a women inside atimes it ashamed me should I blamed God for giving me a merciful heart. our memories start playing in my brain this man here is once my best friend A brother from different parents But joining friends and enermy together that once I found difficult How we end here I never understand , we once lived in PEACE and harmony he promised to be their for me I vow to always got his back now past is playing trick on me I can t think forward. my brain failed to fed me with an idea I looked at right and I saw three hefty man I smell something fishy I searched for my only trusted officers Jonny Wilkinson and couldn't found him. I felt somehow I reached for my death ticket (pistol) still intact. I can't exactly explain how i felt some thing deeper is telling me all is not well .soon more officers joined my friend keep given me a wry smile that send shivers down my spine that I wanted to strangle him.imagen me standing Face to face with my worst of friend. I managed to control my emotions and remained calm like a lamb of God lead to death He pleaded to be uncuffed which they seek my opinion and I nodded in go ahead order cj start talking 'how Wil I Address You,as My Friend Or Enermy? Hahahaha,that Is What You Get When You Screwed Cj ,' He Pause For A While And Continues ' Why Are You Not Retaliating,i Killed Nneka, Your Mum Died And You Ment To Jail For 6years and With Hard Labour Is All My Doing Yet You,, Yo' He Couldn't Finish When He Broke Into A Sobb Together we cried 'i Remember Our Good Times,when Only Me And You, you Use To Write Exam For Me,always Got My Back,now I Hate You All Because Of Nneka i Interrupt Him "why Are You So Wicked,? Odinaka I Use To Know Then Is Kind And Merciful? How Did You Turn Into A Beast Over Night,all I Wanted Is To Avenge But Nneka Whom You Killed Stoped Me,you Wil Not Imagen What I Saw In Her Diary Today It Was Fate That We Met,unforgiven Leads To Doom,i Have Forgiven You But Will Never Forget I Have A Goodnews For You For The Old Things Have Passed Away we can amend let us traval far away and spend our lifes in PEACE and harmony we can turn the tide to our favour oh my dear friend pray that God may forgive you We Both Cried and nneka joined us He Begs For My Forgiveness Showing Regret And Remorse 'could You Expect Me To Let You Go But I Did so not For Friends Sake But God' cj continues 'the End Is Always Disatrous,like Babalawo Told Me In His Temple That I Will Never Escape Karma, I Invested In The Kingdom Darknes Where I Shall Reap.Please Forgive Me ifediri ,i Don't Derseve Your Forgiveness After All Am Going To Die' It hurts so much. it pierced my heart 'where Will I Start cj,you Took Carnal Knowledge Of My Both Siblings,you Killed Nneka ,ken And Mum ,i Went To Prison Bcos Of You, you Made The Nation Believe Am A Rapist And A Murderer Jonny Wilkinson emerged cj snatched gun from one of the officers and send Jonny Wilkinson flying on the air I watched him dying and I stood hopelessly attack was launched from different angles but the bullet not penetrating cjs body I forgive you Come To Awaiting Hand Of Jesus Who Died For Our Sins That We May Have Life' Please stop killing drop your gun"I said Could you Think your Jesus Will Forgive Me,i have Done Much,sin Pay It Wages Death.I Regret Taking Revenge,pls Help Me Tell The World To Say No To Revenge,too Late To Repent to late to opt out like they kill my gang so shall they died his never changed he shot more three police officers down. soon my friend Johnny Wilkinson died out of anger I brought my gun.recently and shot cj twice in the chest my bullet penetrates and cut him deep then police officers bullet started entering from different angles it pierced tearing him to pieces his fresh littered the place his skull fallen off from his skeleton rolling on the ground like a football It stop on my feet just then I remember the prophecy A TIME WILL COME WHEN YOU WILL HAVE NO OPTIONS THAN TO KILL YOUR BEST FRIEND ONLY YOU CAN stop him You'll be his undoing YOUR PEOPLE WILL BE GLAD And i wept going to carry Johnny Wilkinson corpes Jonny Wilkinson is a small God to me I wouldn't forget you now and to the world to come forever you're safe in my heart till we Meet to part not more cj Died The Most Painful Death I Witnessed.I Took Pen And A Book And Write Down What He Did For people to learn from his mistakes Everyday Of My Life It Ring On My Head MY PASSION FOR REVENGE AM REGRETTING THE END LESSONS forgiveness is what we did for ourselves not For others . revenge caused more pain : sorrows heartbroken guilty and premature death say no to revenge allow God to do the revenge very disastrous ending forgive as our father in heaven forgives our trespasses Thanks for reading[/b]
13 Dec 2017 | 09:50
Nice story
13 Dec 2017 | 10:46
He should just surrendered
13 Dec 2017 | 10:47
ThAnks for your time @rhyne bryne
13 Dec 2017 | 17:19
Last episode is out ☆ @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @patrick @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174
13 Dec 2017 | 17:30
Final episode ready for reading @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
13 Dec 2017 | 17:36
Thumbs up. An educative story
14 Dec 2017 | 02:23
U are always welcome @ifestan
14 Dec 2017 | 02:58
U are always welcome @ifestan
14 Dec 2017 | 03:01
Last episode here we go @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
14 Dec 2017 | 03:07
Thanks so much for your time @freshgirl
14 Dec 2017 | 03:10
New story starts soon
14 Dec 2017 | 03:11
Maybe I should continue my life Still cooking up some
14 Dec 2017 | 03:13
You're invited New episode is out @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
14 Dec 2017 | 03:15
Imbecile my love start today Don't Miss a bit
14 Dec 2017 | 03:18
nice story @ifestan
14 Dec 2017 | 06:52
ThAnks @luvlydamsel
14 Dec 2017 | 08:37
Thank you all for the complement don't appreciate that
14 Dec 2017 | 08:38
Nice story... We should leave vengeance for God
14 Dec 2017 | 08:48
U're welcome @ifestan
14 Dec 2017 | 09:50
14 Dec 2017 | 16:12
nyc.... ..
15 Dec 2017 | 12:14
Welcome bemvindo
15 Dec 2017 | 13:58


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