PASSWORD season 1& 2

PASSWORD season 1& 2

By Viciyoung in 1 Apr 2018 | 20:20
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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Member since: 5 Jun 2016
©Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Episode 1

Episode Title: The Call of The Tengey

Restricted Content: 20 Years +
Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence..

There is a very loud knock on the door.
KOFI KUNTU opens one eye drowsily and squints at the clock on the little bedside table.
Its digital luminous face reads 2:22 a.m.
Who in his right senses will be knocking on his door at this time of day when all normal persons are asleep? Unless the person is a robber, of course.
But then again, how many robbers have the courtesy of knocking on your door before robbing you?
He groans and turns on his back, and his hand lands on the tender flesh of a woman sleeping by his side.
Kuntu runs his hand over the woman's naked belly to the juncture of her thighs, and his hand nestles in the thickest loin hair he has ever felt.
He remembers instantly!
It is AMINA, the polytechnic student girl he had picked up from a party the previous evening.
Her genital hair coverage is so thick and dense that his dick had almost gone dead when he had first removed her panties.
Dear Lord, what wild hair!
But of course he is not a boy who is scared of any tonga.
Hairy, hairless, bald-headed or styled, he will hit it.
Damn, he had known a girl once who had styled her pubic hair like a punk haircut.
But as long as there is a hole, Kuntu will find it and enter it!
The pounding on his door continues, louder now, causing Amina to stir restlessly.
Kofi Kuntu's hand is inside Amina's crazy pubic hair.
It feels like a jungle down there as he tries to part that hair and touch her pudenda.
She suddenly closes her thighs on his hand and turns on her side, bending his wrist so fast and hard that an excruciating pain shoots through his wrist, causing him to shout.
Ajeeeeeeeiii! Amina, Amina! Turn over! Ajeeeiiiii, Amina, release my wrist!
She mutters and begins to snore, and Kofi Kuntu pulls his wrist hard but it still will not come out.
She is a huge girl with very huge thighs, and the pain is killing him. He tugs and tugs but cannot get his wrist free, instead each tug causes him more pain.
He calls her, over and over, but she is snoring, and doesn't hear him.
Now he can feel his finger nestling inside her warm, slippery depths. He has penetrated all that thigh meat and wonderful hair, and his fingers are finally on her clitoris.
There is nothing else for Kuntu to do than to pinch her because, quite frankly, his wrist is getting sprained.
He pinches her clit, quite hard.
She bucks her buttocks up as the sharp pain penetrates the coma-like sleep she is in, and she lets out a massive blast of flatulence that enters straight into Kuntu's nostrils with its putrid glory.
The scent is so incredibly bad that for a moment Kuntu is quite convinced that she has shit on herself on his bed.
You damn girl... arrrrgh. Oh, God! Funnnn! You stinking girl, Amina! What did you eat last night? Arrrrgghh, it stinks bad, Amina... fuunnnn!!
He pinches her clit again, because now his whole arm is going numb.
She bucks again, shooting out her right leg, which catches him straight in the chest and flings him off the bed.
Don't touch my shinga!!!
Lying on the floor, his wrist paining him excruciatingly, Amina's foul-smelling flatulence driving him crazy, Kofi Kuntu hears her snoring immediately.
She is still deep asleep.
He takes shallow air and massages his wrist and wonders what the hell a 'shinga' is. Probably another name for her designer hole of sweetness.
The thudding on his door becomes greater, and with an angry curse he stands up and moves to the hall.
His room is a 'chamber-and-hall self-contained' unit in a compound house. He has other neighbours in the house. Some have single rooms, and others have chamber-and-hall.
The landlord and his family occupy the only two-bedroom unit in the house.
Kuntu puts on the hall lights and picks his towel from a leather chair and covers his nudity.
He stops behind the door that leads to the compound as the knocking continues.
Who's there?
The knocking stops, and then he hears a male's voice.
Your new neighbour, Mr. Kuntutututu.
Kuntu utters an angry retort and quickly turns the key in the lock and opens the door and glares at the man standing there.
He is a pudgy man wearing white pyjamas with black ducks on them, his fat feet encased in sandals that have feathers on the straps.
He is bald and has a huge round face with fat flappy cheeks and thick red lips.
He is holding a huge black Bible in his right hand, pressed tightly against his chest.
Who the fuck are you and what the fuck did you call me?
I called you by your name, Mr. Kuntutututu! I asked the landlord yesterday and he told me your name is Kofiaa Kuntutututu, ahem!
Kuntu puts his head to one side and regards the man.
He looks familiar, yes, and he has seen him around the house recently.
He takes a deep breath and strives to keep calm.
The name is Kofi Kuntukununku, sir, but since people can't pronounce it properly, I've shortened it to Kuntu. Kofi Kuntu.
Ahem! Mr. Kuntutunankututu, I-
What the hell is the matter with you, sir? It is two in the morning and I hate what is going on right now! Just call me Kofi! Who are you anyway and what do you want?
The man's eyes flare angrily at Kuntu, and a savage expression crosses his face, making Kuntu uneasy. He wonders briefly if the man might be mentally unstable.
You better watch your sinful mouth, young man, before I slap slap you silly! There's no need to be rude, ahem! I moved into the room at the entrance of the main gate with my wife Dzigbordi Ami Tengey. I'm an Evangelist. My name is Godnows Myredeemerliveth Tengey.
Kuntu begins to giggle instantly and shakes his head with incredulity.
What? Your name is what? You call yourself God Knows My Redeemer Leaving Tonga?
The man's face flush with unbridled rage and suddenly he throws a savage blow at Kuntu, aiming for his jaw.
Kuntu ducks, and the man's fist slams into the doorpost.
He screams with pain.
Awooooooo! Awoooooooo! Oh, Dzigbordi eeee! Awooooo! Awoooo!
Hey, sorry, man! But what the hell! Were you really trying to hit me? Seriously? What's wrong with you, man? You better get the hell out of here!
Some doors are opening, and some of the tenants are poking their heads out to see what's causing all the fuss.
Kuntu begins to close his door, but the man shakes his head and holds the door.
Ahem, please, please. I have to speak to you for a few minutes, ahem! You made me angry, but anger is not of the Lord, yes, yes, ahem. But you call me Mr. Tengey, not Tonga! Please don't fool around with my name like that, because I know what Tonga means, you idiot!
Kofi Kuntu giggles and strives to remain calm.
Alright. What can I do for you, Mr. Tengey?
Ahem, now you're being sensible. Now see, I told you I'm new on the compound. I'm an International Evangelist, and I've noticed something about you which I find quite distressing, seriously. Since the day I moved in, two weeks ago, I've counted not less than seven different women you've brought into your room to spend the night with. Mind you, that figure does not include the five girls you brought home in the afternoons. In just two weeks, my brother, you have slept with twelve girls! TWELVE GIRLS, my brother! Why? Why, my brother? Are you mad? Are you sick? Are you a dog? Are you a goat? Tell me now, brother! What is wrong with that penis between your legs? Why do you like vagina like that? Are you a dog? Tell me now, brother! Are you a dog? A mad dog?
Kofi Kuntu stares at the man with his mouth gaping open with shock.
He is totally flabbergasted!
He is absolutely perplexed!
Goodness me! Are you okay in the head, Mr. Tengey, or whoever the hell you are?
An expression of pure wrath crosses Mr. Tengey's face, and for a moment Kuntu thinks he is going to swing a blow at him again.
Look at a goat asking me, ME, if I'm okay in the head! I'm told you're engaged to a fine lady whom you're going to marry next month! A lady called Akweley, whose father is also your boss! I also heard that both your parents are dead! You have no mother and no father, and no siblings... just a useless orphan! And you behave like a crazy crocodile!
(shaking his head)
Have you ever seen a crazy crocodile, hm? And moreover, are you saying because my parents are dead, and I’m going to marry the daughter of my boss, I shouldn't jigijigi?
Fire of heaven burn your mouth! May angels whip you at night! A man gives you employment and gives you his daughter to marry, and you go around slipping into any woman that crosses your path! Are you not ashamed? Do you know you're headed for hell, for damnation? You're going to burn in the lake of fire for eternity! Siasem! Sia like you!
Kunto giggles suddenly as he looks at the maddened face of the self-acclaimed international evangelist.
So, humour me, how long have you been married, Mr. Tengey?
Twenty-eight years, hallelujah! And in all those years I've remained faithful to my wife! I have not looked at another woman!
Aha! You see? That's why you're mad! That Bible you're holding says that seven women will grab one man! And selfish men like you have stayed stuck to one woman! And there are mad men, and there are men in prison, leaving all those women alone in the world! Where are they supposed to find men to keep them company? Are they not also human? Men should be giving their dicks to women who want them, and not be selfish like you. Your wife has hijacked your dick and using it alone, greedy woman! Do you want those frustrated women to go mad? As for me I'm not selfish! My penis is a gift to any woman who wants to relieve some stress, Mr. Godseen Ten-
And that is when Mr. Tengey releases another roundhouse punch, catching Kofi by surprise, so that the blow hammers against Kofi's jaw!
Kofi is flung back against the door, and then he drops to the floor, dazed!
Kwasea bi ba! My name is Godknows, GODKNOWS! Not Godseen! May God have mercy on your fornicating soul, you dog!
Sitting on the floor, Kuntu is suffused with rage.
He unleashes a straight blow into Mr. Tengey's scrotal sac.
Mr. Tengey screams with agony, drops his Bible, clamps both hands to his balls, and sinks slowly down first to his knees, and then to his side.
Tears of agony brim in his eyes as he looks at Kofi Kuntu.
Kuntu is still sitting on the floor and massaging his jaw.
What's the matter with you? You see what you forced me to do to you! You woke me up at two in the morning and behaved like a mad man!
(moaning in anguish)
Ahem, aaaoww Dzigbordi eeeeee! Aaaow, aaaow, aaaow! Yesu Christo, the boy has killed my balls ooo! Oooh, Dzigbordi eeee! Oh, may God punish this boy paa for me o! For hitting the hwea balls of an international evangelist, may God punish you paa o! You will suffer o, Akofia Kuntunutututu! Oh, you will suffer!
Kofi shakes his head with wonder!
Here is a man who has hit him for not pronouncing his name well, and yet he goes ahead and call him Akofia Kuntunutututu!
Some of their neighbours are coming out now.
They troop around the fallen Tengey and help him up.
A severe-looking woman soon emerges around the corner.
She has a cloth tied around her middle, and she has the longest chewing-stick Kuntu has ever seen stuck between her teeth.
She sees Tengey being supported between two neighbours, and her face crumbles with sudden concern.
Aaow, Redeemer! What happened now? I told you the boy is evil so you should leave him alone la!
Aaow, my Dzigbordi, hold me o, hold me! The boy has killed my hwea balls o! Oh, he will never know peace! Oh, I curse him with the fire of God o!
The woman rushes to where Kofi Kuntu is standing.
So, this is the famous Dzigbordi, Kofi thinks.
She stands very close to Kofi and speaks with unbridled fury.
May God ponish you, Akofia! May He ponish you with leprosy, gono, AIDS, tratra, erm, headaches, everything, Akofia! May the fire of heaven crack your brain and drive you mad, you dog, Akofia! Oh, may He that made the Red Sea swallow the Egyptians and made the fire burn Sodom ponish you!
Just as wicked as your husband. By the way the word is punish, not ponish!
Fiafitor! God ponish your mouth, Akofia!
Kuntu, more intrigued and totally confused, enters his room and shuts the door, turning the key twice.
Thankfully, Amina is awake and smiling when he enters the bedroom, ready with her hairy shinga to take away the gloom that is befalling him as a direct result of his dawn altercation with a man called Godknows Myredeemerliveth Tengey.
Her glorious thighs are spread wide, and the hair on her pudenda looks very scary and intimidating.
But Kofi Kuntu is not a coward, and no bearded meat is ever going to scare him.
His machine stands up instantly, and he pulls the cloth away and mounts the bed.
He grabs Amina’s knees and spreads her legs wide.
She grunts with sinful desire, takes hold of his girth, and parts her bush for him to pass into glory!
Kofi sighs with contentment as her sweetness swallows him whole. He mauls her breasts and bends his head to receive her lips, and then he begins a sweet rhythm that unifies their bodies sweetly!
Kofi Kuntu works for his future father-in-law, MR. LARYEA ODAMTEN.
He is a real estate developer, and Kuntu works in the Marketing office of the LARYEA ODAMTEN WALLS.
Everybody in the office knows that Mr. Odamten dislikes Kofi. The truth is that Kofi also dislikes his soon-to-be father-in-law.
However, for the sake of beautiful AKWELEY ODAMTEN, the only daughter of Laryea, and the sweetheart of Kofi, they have learned to co-exist.
Kuntu had met Akweley at Kumasi Polytechnic.
She had been beautiful, wealthy and bored!
Boys had tried to impress her with expensive stuff she was already used to. She had been in Kuntu's class.
One day she had brought a difficult assignment on Cost Accounting to his room at the hostel. She wanted help with the assignment.
Kuntu had been a sort of authority in Cost Accounting.
Like all the boys he had been seriously fantasizing about Akweley Odamten for a long time, and so when she came to him with that assignment, it had been a most glorious day for him.
Prior to that they had barely spoken to each other even though they were in the same class, she being a part of the Upper Class, and Kuntu a poor orphan struggling to make it through the day, always broke and hungry.
Instead of doing the assignment with her, he had rather painstakingly guided her through the lesson to make her understand the topic, and then he had told her to tackle the assignment.
She had tackled it, easily.
She had whooped with joy, jumping up and down when he told her she had gotten all the answers right.
Now, Kuntu had already smoked a couple of rolls of marijuana a short while before she came inside, and it had turned him into a brave boy of sorts, and the sight of her jiggling breasts had been such a turn-on that Kuntu had grabbed one of them.
She had been shocked and still as a statue, and he had then grabbed the other breast too.
Her hands were raised, and she had stared at him with shock.
Then she had given him a double slap.
Her right hand came down... wham!
Her left hand came down... wham!
Although Kuntu's ears had rung, he had grinned nevertheless!
He had already done what he had always dreamed of doing: grabbing Akweley Odamten by the breasts!
She had taken her books and stormed out of the room.
Kuntu had put on some clothes and fled to town, afraid that she might call her famous and rich father who would bring an army of policemen.
But she hadn't done that.
Three days later she had come with another assignment.
Halfway through teaching her, unable to control himself, he had reached out and grabbed her boobs again, and this time he had felt her nipples hardening.
He bit down hard on his teeth in anticipation of the double slaps, but instead she had rushed at him and knocked him across the room straight into his lower-bunk bed!
They had kissed in frenzy!
He had gotten up and locked the door and then like Fela Kuti's song he had gone BANG, BANG, BANG, I JUST DEY GO OOOO!!
And they have been a couple since then!
Akweley, whose mother is dead, is the apple of her father's eye, and to please her Mr. Odamten has employed Kofi in his company after their graduation.
The Headoffice of the Company is a magnificent five-storey edifice.
Kuntu's office is on the ground floor in the Marketing Section.
He is in charge of the Marketing Software.
His assistant is a chubby round-faced womanizer called ATO SEY.
He is twenty-eight years old, two years older than Kofi. He had been employed first, and when Kofi came in he became Kofi's assistant.
Ato Sey, however, has never been bitter about being demoted. He and Kofi had hit it off from the first day, and they have shared many adventures together.
That morning, Kofi enters the office and sees that Ato is sitting behind his desk with his head on top of the desk, asleep and snoring with saliva drooling down the corner of his lips.
Kofi smiles, puts down his backpack, and then he opens the refrigerator, scoops some ice with his forefinger, tiptoes forward, and jams his ice-cold finger into Ato's exposed right ear.
Ato gives an ear-curdling frantic scream...
To be continued..

Invite as many peeps as you can to read and follow this story..
1 Apr 2018 | 20:20
This is an intresting story, Kofi should have dealt with that man a little bit harder cos i see no reason for him to wake Kofi up that early in the morning to talk shit.
2 Apr 2018 | 03:24
2 Apr 2018 | 05:05
@bayjenny @itzprince @denciebabe @maths @myraruby @ryder @nazeal @chimmy @other New story is here
2 Apr 2018 | 05:12
Let see what u got
2 Apr 2018 | 09:57
@jummybabe thanks for the iv, this story is going to be fun
2 Apr 2018 | 10:46
2 Apr 2018 | 11:08
here already
2 Apr 2018 | 12:31
Look at this pastor o
2 Apr 2018 | 13:45
Kofi baba of the girls let ur fiancee no catch u
2 Apr 2018 | 15:45
Kofi has got so many girls to bleep,right now bleeping amina with a lot grass in her field.
2 Apr 2018 | 15:47
Kuntutututu has got no worry with a lot of grass in amina's field...maybe he is not a sucker,he may suck the grass and her k!ttyc@t at the same time.
2 Apr 2018 | 15:53
Tongagaga must be a crazy evang or maybe a fighter 4 evang
2 Apr 2018 | 15:57
@jummybabe thanks 4 d i.v @chimmy @halleluyah89 abeg come read this funny story with me o.
2 Apr 2018 | 16:37
Thanks for d invi @maths
2 Apr 2018 | 16:53
wow!!! dis I'd funny,,, is dat d best way to put someone in d ryt way?
2 Apr 2018 | 17:35
Ride on
2 Apr 2018 | 18:06
Episode 2 . Continues.. Kofi collapses with peals of laughter as Ato sits up and looks around frantically, his eyes red and still heavy with sleep. KOFI (laughing) Playboy! Didn't you sleep last night? Ato wipes water from his ear and glares at Kofi with murderous eyes. ATO Bastardidant! Kofi collapses with laughter at that, and after a while Ato also begins to smile. KOFI You hammered Abrefi last night, didn't you? That's why you're sleeping like that. Kofi is putting on his PC when Ato smiles, stands up and approaches Kofi's desk. He takes out his wallet, unzips a pouch inside the wallet and takes out a small clear rubber pouch, the type medicine shops put pills in. Kofi sees that inside the pouch is a little black object. ATO (proudly) Last night was a bomb, my paddy! I disciplined that hole between Abrefi's thighs! KOFI Apuu! She always laughs at you for having your orgasms too fast! Last time I heard she said you were not man enough! Just then the office door opens and ABREFI DUFIE walks in. She is one of the Kitchen Staff. She is tall and shapely, and she wheels in their breakfast on a trolley. She smiles demurely at Ato as she goes inside a small inner office, which is a resting area for Ato and Kofi, and where they also took their meals. Kofi looks at Ato with sudden surprise. Abrefi, in the past, had never bothered to take their food inside the rest area to serve them. She normally leaves the trolley in front of Ato's desk. But today she has done the unexpected! She has really entered the rest room to serve their breakfast! Ato smiles broadly and winks at Kofi. Kofi stands up and peeks into the inner living-area. Abrefi is now setting the table for their breakfast. He turns and glares at Ato with total incomprehension. This is definitely unusual! Kofi raises his eyebrows, and Ato grins from ear to ear. Presently Abrefi emerges and smiles sweetly at Ato. ABREFI Your breakfast is ready, darling. ATO (brusquely) Thanks, Abrefi. She moves close to Ato and puts a hand on his shoulder. ABREFI Tonight, my love? ATO (unsmiling) Will check my schedule and call you. ABREFI (sweetly) Please do that, my love. She leans forward and kisses Ato lightly on the lips, and then she goes out and gently shuts the door. Kofi stares at them with mouth hanging open. This is so unlike the fiery Abrefi who always treats Ato with absolute disdain, calling him a moron ever since she went home with Ato one evening and he lasted under a minute with her, and couldn't get an erection again for the rest of the night. KOFI (awed) Jeezoz, Jeezoz, Ato! What did you do to Abrefi? You haven't jujued her, have you? Have you tied her mind with some black voodoo spell from Anloga? Ato smiles and points a finger at the sachet with the strange black stone in it. AtO (proudly) You're looking at the power of the Jamaican Stone, my atopa paddy! The Jamaican Stone, that is the thing right there in the pouch! Kofi picks up the pouch and looks at the strange black stone-like object in it. KOFI What the fuck is this, man? Ato preens and puffs out his chest. ATO There, my dear player, is the answer to every man's problem! It is called the Jamaican Stone, a little thing, but more powerful than a bazooka, or a grenade! There, my friend, is what will transform you from a player to a god! This is ogidigidi, python, lion, eagle power all rolled into one! That little thing made me destroy Abrefi last night. You see that she is meek now, and you think I jujued her? She was behaving so unnaturally, wasn't she? You thought she was mad, right? Last night I was giving it to her kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa and she was moaning with pleasure, shouting out my name like Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey! KOFI (intrigued) Damn! Tell me more, Ato! What does the Jamaincan Stone do? ATO That stone right there, which I got from a Malian friend, will lock your seed! You don't have to worry about coming! You see, Abrefi was laughing at me for not lasting for more than a minute in bed with her. My Malian friend gave me the Jamaican Stone. I swear, Kofi, when I used it my waist was just going like a machine-gun, gigigigigigigigigigi!! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa! No stopping! Almost one hour straight! Abrefi was running away! That silly, hungry nymphomaniac with the insatiable pussy fled from me! She begged me to allow her to sleep for a while! I let her sleep for one hour and then I woke her up and continued kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa and she was moaning Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey! I hammered her for another hour before I landed! I woke her up again at dawn and she said no more, she was tired! Yes man! I was King Kong, man!Bedroom bully of the highest hammering quality! And that was the work of the J Stone, man! KOFI (grinning) Wooooooow!! I want one, man! ATO Of course I knew you would, player! I bought that one for you. KOFI How do I use it? ATO It is touch and play, man! About fifteen minutes before the game, put a drop or two of water in your palm, and then grind the stone in the water. Don't ground it too much, my paddy. Grind it just a little, and the water will turn a milky white. Now take the Jamaican Stone out and use the milky solution to smear just the tip of your mamba, the circumcised head, not the whole shaft. Wait for ten minutes. It will start smarting you a bit, and then you wash it off with water and soap. That's all! It will make your penis less sensitive, and you can hammer the thing like a god! Don't brake, don't stop, don't pause! Long hours! Your waist will go like a jet plane, bro, ziiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn!! They both laugh and go inside to eat breakfast. KOFI I'll test it on Akweley tonight. It's her father's birthday party, and I'm sure we'll get a little privacy to get naughty, and I'll ride with the Jamaican Stone, man! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa!! . Ato stops and glares at Kofi, shaking his head. ATO Don't be stupid, man! Akweley is your fiancée. You're going to marry her next month, man! Don't use the J Stone on her, man! KOFI Comot for there, massa! Tonight I'm going to go kpa kpa kpa kpa!! The two friends laugh again, and then attack the delicious breakfast Abrefi has brought. Ato puts a huge slice of fried egg into a divided bread, bites a huge chunk and then looks at Kofi with sudden bright eyes. ATO (speaking from a full mouth) Herssh, don'tshs letsssh hershh shussks yoursshh penishhh whenshh youshh pushhs the Jamishaaan shtonesh on ishhh. KOFI (chuckling) Siasem, what the fuck is that? I didn't hear a thing! Swallow the food and speak well! Ato chuckles as he drops sugar into a cup of cocoa and adds a generous amount of milk. He stirs and then raises the cocoa and drinks. ATO I was telling you that don't let the chicks suck your prick when you put the Jamaican Stone on it. KOFI (frowning) What? Is it poisonous? I like my dick sucked. ATO I don't think it is poisonous, but that's what my Malian friend told me. Don't let the girl suck you when you use the Stone. KOFI But why? ATO I said I don't know, fuck off! It's just the instruction I was given! If you want fellatio let her do it before you smear the Stone solution on your dick, man. LATER THAT EVENING: Kofi gets to the ODAMTEN PREMISES around 7 p.m. He drives a white Mercedes Benz car. Actually it is not his car. It belongs to Akweley. She had tried unsuccessfully to make her father buy Kuntu a car. Her father, who dislikes Kuntu, hasn't budged despite his beloved daughter's heckling. In the end Akweley had simply given her Mercedes to Kuntu and informed her father. Mr. Laryea Odamten, not wanting his sweet daughter to move around in taxis, had released a Lexus to her, and bingo, Kuntu had a car. . It continues after comments..
2 Apr 2018 | 18:26
Akweley is just helping you and you are sleeping around like a dog
2 Apr 2018 | 19:51
do the excess and spoil everything... dawg
3 Apr 2018 | 03:36
If Akweley finds out about ur sidechick .Her father will have the opportunity to deal with u mercilessly
3 Apr 2018 | 03:51
Thanks for the iv @jummybabe
3 Apr 2018 | 05:17
wow dis 1 pass me and abibola
3 Apr 2018 | 06:36
Keep it up Mr Kuntununtututu
3 Apr 2018 | 07:32
Kuntu, for the sake of this lovely and awesome Akweeley, you ought to stop yr rendevouz with all other ladies
3 Apr 2018 | 07:53
This guy is not okay at all
3 Apr 2018 | 08:40
Bring it on
3 Apr 2018 | 09:14
3 Apr 2018 | 10:04
0 Likes evangelist indeed
3 Apr 2018 | 11:56
Kofi likes girls that can suck his joystick but right now is very risky
3 Apr 2018 | 14:08
Abrefi was satisfied last night after their hot sex and gave ato some respect because of the jaimacan stone,their helper.
3 Apr 2018 | 14:15
Akweley has been kind to him but he's not kind,thinking of sexting her with that stone
3 Apr 2018 | 14:20
kofia kuntukunutu, you Hav a woman dat loves u and ready to do anytin for u but u are stil messing around,,,, ko jo (get lost Kofi)
3 Apr 2018 | 18:45
Kofi the badz guy, u beta b careful with the jamaican stone d side effect may nt b good o.
3 Apr 2018 | 18:57
I know you'll misuse the stone
3 Apr 2018 | 22:17
were al dis type of girls Akweley, I nid dem like seriously
4 Apr 2018 | 10:27
PASSWORD Episode 3 . Continues.. Episode Title: A Present For Laryea . Kofi parks the car that night at the huge car park in front of the premises. Laryea Odamten, a Ga man who had been very poor once, has erected a house that looks like a mini castle. Kuntu knows that one day this great house will be his when he marries Akweley. It rises from the ground like a lion, and sprouts outward like a proud eagle. The architecture of the house is amazing. It is huge and spreads out, and it is ludicrous to know that such an edifice is occupied by only the man and his daughter. The car park is almost full, an indication of the number of people who have shown up for Mr. Odamten's birthday dinner. Kofi Kuntu gets out of the car and straightens up his tuxedo. He knows he looks handsome in it. He checks the inner pocket of the coat and makes sure that the Jamaican Stone is nestling there. Satisfied, he opens the back door and reaches inside. A moment later he brings out a huge dispenser bottle. It looks like the plastic can that is used for water dispensers, but the liquid in it is not water. It is filled with wine; a water dispenser can full of wine! Luckily, the plastic can has a handle, and so Kuntu lifts it and begins to walk towards the entrance. He has to stop several times to catch his breath because the can is quite heavy. He is sweating by the time he comes to the main entrance. One of the guards manning the gates sees him and takes the can from him, and Kuntu breathes with relief. He enters. The forecourt of the mini castle is a thing of beauty. Mr. Laryea Odamten has decorated it with exotic lights, awesome landscaping and jaw-dropping natural and artificial features that has transformed the whole place into an exotic, magical fantasy that belongs to a fairy tale. There is soft music playing. The tables are glass-topped and the chairs exquisite. There are long golden tables laden with assorted food. Many of the well-dressed men and women are already seated and eating, whilst others are serving themselves at the buffet tables. Mr Laryea Odamten, Akweley and some distinguished guests are seated at the High Table. There is an empty seat to Akweley's left. Sitting beside Akweley is a tall, dark, handsome young man in an excellently-tailored suit. His name is NANA KWASI. He is the son of a Minister of State. He has always been in love with Akweley, and it had been expected that they would have eventually gotten married, if Kofi Kuntu had not come around. Laryea Odamten likes Nana Kwasi, and that is why he cannot stand Kofi Kuntu. Nana Kwasi sees the gigantic can the guard is struggling with, and he sees Kuntu following the guard. Nana Kwasi's eyes narrow with a mischievous glint, and he stands up slowly when he sees the guard heading towards the spot where the Gift Table is. Kuntu approaches the High Table. Akweley sees him and she smiles appreciatively. Although she knows her father despises Kofi, there is no denying the fact that her man is exceedingly handsome. Maybe that is one of the reasons why her father cannot stand him. Kofi Kuntu is too handsome for his own good. Akweley sees the looks the other women at the High Table are casting Kuntu, the lecherous desires in the depths of their eyes, and she smiles with satisfaction. Kofi Kuntu and his incredible good looks are hers, forever. Akweley is tall and elegant. Her face is not so beautiful, though, but her figure is one to die for. She holds out a hand as Kuntu reaches the table. He takes her hand and kisses her lightly on the lips. Laryea Odamten, sitting at the head of the table with two beautiful young women on each side of him, looks on with a dark scowl. He is rotund, and has a shock of steel-grey hair and a handlebar moustache. AKWELEY Welcome,darling. KOFI (whispering) Damn, I missed you, Princess. Let me go and say hello to your father and come. She smiles demurely as Kuntu moves past her and goes to stand beside Mr. Odamten who looks up at Kofi with a smirk. MR. ODAMTEN Kofi Kuntukununku! You're late for my party, you see I'm eating, and you want to distract me. What's the matter with you, Kofi Kuntukununku? KOFI (sighing) Happy birthday, Mr. Odamten. I wish you to enjoy many more years of health, happiness and wealth. Mr. Laryea drinks from a dainty decanter, sets it down and looks up at Kofi. Just then Nana Kwasi appears at the other side of Mr. Laryea and speaks with laughter dancing in his eyes. NANA KWASI Goodness me, Mr. Odamten. You wouldn't believe what Mr. Kuntu brought you for a birthday present. Kofi scowls at Nana Kwasi. Mr. Odamten looks from Nana Kwasi to Kofi Kuntu. MR. ODAMTEN (softly) What did he bring? What did you bring, Kofi Kuntukununku? NANA KWASI Oh, I told the guys to bring it over, sir. But, seriously, is that Kuntu's full name? I never knew. What? Kuntukukuuunku? What? Seriously? So, like, Ak is going to be what, Mrs. Akweley Kuntukukuuuunku? MR. ODAMTEN Kuntukununku, yes, that's his name! That's the kind of sad name this boy is going to give to my lovely daughter, and to my grand-children! As you say, she will be known as Mrs. Akweley Kuntukununku! A name that sounds like the sound of a bass drum! Even if they name a grand-child after me, he will be called Laryea Odamten Kuntukununku, oh Jesus! Yes, that is what my daughter is going to do to me! NANA KWASI (shaking his head) Akweley Kuntutukuunku! Amazing! Simply amazing! Kuntu looks at him with venom on his face, trying to quell the anger that is assailing him. Nana Kwasi sees it, and he chuckles, enjoying himself, knowing that Kuntu will not dare misbehave by attacking him at Mr. Odamten's party. And that is when the guard suddenly appears with the gigantic bottle across his shoulders. GUARD Where do you want me to put it, please? NANA KWASI (chuckling) Oh, put it on the table, right here! He indicates a place beside Mr. Laryea's plate, and the guard drops the huge can on the table, making it shake. Mr. Laryea Odamten looks at the can which is filled with the red liquid, and his face goes dark with sudden anger. Mr. ODAMTEN And what the hell is this? Nana Kwasi is laughing and can barely speak as the gales rock his body. He points at the huge can and then points at Kuntu. NANA KWASI Your future son-in-law brought it to you as a birthday gift, sir! That is your own full can of dispenser wine! Mr. Laryea Odamten jumps to his feet and points a shaky finger at the huge can. MR. ODAMTEN (horrified, eyes bulging) That is... that is w-wine? Kofi Kuntu is looking very uncomfortable all of a sudden. It had seemed like a good idea when he conceived it many months ago. He knows his father-in-law-to-be loves wine, and that is why Kuntu had conceived the idea to bring him something he would appreciate. But now, like almost everything else he did, it is turning out to be a disaster. KOFI (lamely) Your birthday gift, sir. I know you love wine. MR. ODAMTEN (angrily) And so you filled a water dispenser bottle with pure wine? You brought me twenty litres of wine inside a water dispenser bottle? What wine is it? Imported wine? KOFI (miserably) No, sir! Imported wine was too expensive per bottle, and so I took it to the PAFUU DISTILLERIES to fill it. MR. ODAMTEN (apoplectic) YOU FILLED THIS HUGE WATER DISPENSER BOTTLE WITH TWENTY LITRES OF PAFUU WINE FOR ME? THAT POISON? DO YOU KNOW IT CONTAINS EIGHTY PERCENT ALCOHOL? TWENTY LITRES OF PAFUU WINE IN A PLASTIC DISPENSING CAN FOR MY BIRTHDAY? ARE YOU BONKERS? Many of the guests are laughing uproariously now. Akweley is suddenly on the scene, and she takes her father's face in her hands and looks at him gently. AKWELEY (gently) Sorry, Dad, but you know Kofi was just trying to impress you! . To be continued after comments..
4 Apr 2018 | 10:46
Hahahahahaha! That Kofi is mad... Imagine a dispenser wine as birthday gift
4 Apr 2018 | 13:16
hmmm lol, it sounds ridiculous
4 Apr 2018 | 14:36
hahahahaha all the character in this story are too funny...
4 Apr 2018 | 14:40
kuntu brought a dispenser can fill with cheap wine... wow humor me... best present gift ever; am sure if it was reality it would have gone viral
4 Apr 2018 | 14:42
Oh my gosh I can't stop laughing That guy is so stupid
4 Apr 2018 | 17:07
dis is funny,,, kofia, u want Ur future FIL to die of alcohol??? u could Hav brot just one bottle if imported wine now,,, just one bottle... dis Ur stupidity dey 4 higher level ooo
4 Apr 2018 | 17:45
Dis story is just comedy filled, ha!
4 Apr 2018 | 19:59
lol serious
5 Apr 2018 | 03:57
Nice move girl.
5 Apr 2018 | 05:15
PASSWORD Episode 4 Episode Title: Spreading an Overdose . Continues.. MR. ODAMTEN He wanted to impress me by giving me twenty litres of Pafuu wine on my birthday in a water dispenser bottle? AKWELEY He has no bad intentions, Dad, please! Of course we all know you love wine! It is just that he has been trying so hard all these years to make you accept him but nothing he does seems to please you! MR. ODAMTEN Because he's a fool! Come on, my darling! Please marry someone else, okay? This man is simply bonkers! Eighty percent alcoholic Pafuu Wine for me? He wants to kill me, dear, he wants to murder me! AKWELEY We have guests, Dad. It's okay. Please don't lose it. Sit down, Dad, please! Mr. Laryea Odamten sits down again and shakes his head. MR. ODAMTEN Take this damn thing away from my sight! The guard once again heaves and carries the gigantic bottle of wine away. People are still laughing. Akweley glares around the table, and slowly the laughter dies down. She fixes Nana Kwasi with a venomous look. Nana Kwasi is suddenly uncomfortable. NANA KWASI Come on, Ak! You know- AKWELEY (angrily) Save it, Kwasi! Just shovel it! Come with me, Kofi. Akweley takes the hapless Kuntu's hand and leads him inside the huge building. She leads him up an ornate staircase to an incredible landing above, and then down a corridor to her bedroom. Akweley opens her door and they enter. Kuntu is too flustered to admire the incredible view from the room like he usually does. Her room is upstairs, and overlooks an incredible view of the hills and valleys beyond, made almost terrestrial by the flickering lights of the night. Her room is huge, and has a round water-bed that can be powered to rotate. She has the biggest glass wardrobe Kuntu has ever seen. There is a gigantic curved Samsung HD television, a mini glass desk and swivel chair for her computer and Internet functions. Kuntu moves to the huge French Windows and runs a hand through his hair miserably. KOFI (sadly) You father will never like me, you know that. She comes up behind him and slips her arms around his waist, pressing herself fully against him. AKWELEY (tenderly) Oh, my love! I know he doesn't trust you, but you don't do yourself any favours! Goodness me, you knew his friends would be here, very important people, and you brought him a crazily gargantuan alcoholic Pufuam wine? KOFI (sadly) Pafuu wine, not Pufuam. AKWELEY Whatever, darling! That was largely inconsiderate! I've told you to discuss these things with me first! Anyway, it's done. Stop worrying about it and give me a big kiss! Kofi turns and sweeps her into his arms. Her lips are soft, wet and hot. They kiss fervently, and soon his erection begins to push against her belly. She reaches down and caresses it through the trousers, and he grabs her pliant buttocks tightly. He kisses her throat and the space between her ears. She has sprayed some heady perfume behind her ears, and its uncomfortable taste stings his tongue. KOFI Oh, oh, my love! I need you so hard! She parts her legs as he caresses her between her thighs. And then her phone rings. He holds her tightly but she firmly pushes him back because the tone is the special one for her father. She moves away as Kofi pants hard. She picks the call, listens for a while and speaks. AKWELEY Alright, Dad. I'm coming. She cuts the call. Kofi looks at her with shadowed eyes because he still wants her. She smiles and looks down at his erection. KOFI Blue balls coming up, my love! AKWELEY (smiling) Tell that hard beast not to go flabby! My father wants me to cut the birthday cake for him. I'll be right back so that you rip me apart, baby! Kuntu makes a hissing sound and begins to loosen his bow-tie. KOFI Hurry up, darling! Can't wait to feel your sweetness! Akweley wiggles her buttocks at him and quickly leaves the room. Kofi, all excited and hot, quickly takes off his clothes. And that is when he remembers the Jamaican Stone! It is time to try out some kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa!! Long distance, baby! No stopping, no shaking, no explosion, man! Only sweet dribbling, my paddy! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa ride, ziiiiiiiiiin!! Naked now, he takes the small pouch and enters the extra-nice bathroom of his fiancée. He pees into the bowl, flushes, and puts down the lid. He sits on the WC and slowly takes out the little stone from its rubber pouch. He leans over, opens the tap in the sink, and uses a finger of his left hand to put two drops of water into his right palm. He begins to grind the stone in the water, and very soon, true to Ato's words, the mixture becomes a chalky white. Kofi Kuntu uses the tip of his left forefinger to scoop the liquid, and he smears it over the top of his penis. He waits, but he does not feel anything. No stinging pain as Ato had said. KOFI Is that bastard shitting me? Why is this thing not smarting me? Could it be expired? He repeats the process, making the mixture a bit thicker than the previous experiment and rubs it over the head of his penis. He waits, still no stinging pain. Kofi Kuntu uses more water and more Jamaican Stone, this time whipping up a real paste, so that the stone whittles down to less than half its original size. This time he smears it all along his penis, disregarding Ato's first warning that it must be used only on the penis head. He puts the stone back, and shakes his head with disappointment. KOFI Fake, fake, fake! He stands up, and his flabby penis dangles over the top of his testicles, smearing it with some of the Jamaican Stone concoction. He walks to the bedroom and plods down naked on the bed. He stares at the murals above, and presently he feels very sleepy, and begins to doze. And when Akweley comes in almost an hour later, she finds him soundly asleep. She looks at him and shakes her head. She glances at her watch and quickly locks the door. She steps out of her dress and hangs it carefully on the swivel chair because she will be wearing it again. She slips out of her undershorts and white panties, and then she falls on the bed. She reaches for his manhood, bends and puts her lips on his manhood, blowing him hard. She grimaces with sudden disgust and sits up, shoving his thighs hard. Kofi wakes up with a grunt and looks at her. AKWELEY (grimacing) What the hell did you put on your dick, love? Tastes so bitter. Kofi looks at her, horrified. KOFI (horrified) You didn't... oh, hell! You're not supposed to taste it! I haven't even washed it off! Damn, love! I'm supposed to wipe it off with water and soap before anything! You're not even supposed to put your lips on it! AKWELEY (scared) What's it, Kofi? Is it poisonous? KOFI (shaking his head) Uh... nothing, nothing! Just something Ato gave me! Supposed to delay ejaculation and make us enjoy more minutes of lovemaking, you know! It wouldn't let me come early. AKWELEY And you put it on tonight, when we're not alone and all we've got is about twenty minutes or so? What's the matter with you, Kofi? You don't even need that thing! You're already a long-stayer! Do you want to kill me? Kofi grins stupidly. KOFI Just wanted to try it, love, but it didn't work anyway! AKWELEY Right, whatever! I feel too horny! Give me a quick roll, my love! She deftly turns in the 69-position and lowers herself onto his mouth. She wipes his penis off with a corner of the bedsheet, and then she puts it into her mouth again and begins to suck him! Kofi moans with pleasure and flicks his tongue across her excited clitoris, and then he grabs her waist and shoots his tongue deep into her moist, hot love hole! And that is when he begins to feel the pain! It is as if someone had just poured hot lava from an exploding volcano onto his balls and manhood! It is a pain no human being is expected to feel! . It continues after comments..
5 Apr 2018 | 07:26
5 Apr 2018 | 12:05
he was supposed to wait for some minutes bt he wanted it in an instant.... kuntu u messed up,,,, what's next?
5 Apr 2018 | 16:26
Odamten never wanted this kinda inlaw and kuntututu's gift made things worst
5 Apr 2018 | 16:41
They wanted to have sex but her father called and she's back
5 Apr 2018 | 16:46
hahahaha,, like seriously I can't laugh ooo,,, dis guy dey kolo 4 head oooo,,,, he wan kill himself be dis na
5 Apr 2018 | 16:49
Akweley tasted that,that's very risky...kuntututumtum is in pain right now because his stupidity
5 Apr 2018 | 16:52
Bad guy but you just kobalize that lady
5 Apr 2018 | 17:22
prepare for trouble kofi
5 Apr 2018 | 18:48
PASSWORD Episode 5 Episode Title: The Overdose . Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. . Kofi is lost in bliss as he grabs her waist and runs his tongue around her clitoris, tasting her salty wetness and feeling her lips on him as she slurps...and doing his best to forget the explosive pain in his genitals! And then, without warning, the pain just escalated as if someone had doused petrol on his penis and balls and set fire on them! It is the master of all pains, the capo di tutti capi of pains, the boss of bosses of pains! It is like suddenly his whole penis has been stuffed down the heart of a volcano! He gasps, and tears sprout into his eyes, and he removes his head from between her thighs and cries with a fierce grimace on his face. KOFI Ajeeeeeeeeeeiiiii!!! Akweley suddenly bucks up and jacknifes off his body! She does not appear to hear his scream because she is suddenly off the bed and rushing towards the bathroom with muted cries herself. Kofi tries to get off the bed, but the excruciating pain is killing the whole of his penis and balls, attacking his lower body with such terrible aggression that he cannot even stand up. He is moaning, and he feels the tears of agony tearing down his cheeks. He begins to crawl towards the bathroom as he moans. And then Akweley comes back into the bathroom, and she is prancing around and weeping and looking increasingly hysterical. AKWELEY (incoherently) Ahh canshhh feeesh ma massshhh! Kofi looks up at her through a blur of tears. He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, cupping his flaming groin. KOFI What? What did you say? AKWELEY (loudly) Yoush froush! You froush! I canshhh freesh ma massshh!! KOFI (getting scared) Come here, honey, please! What're you saying? I can't hear you! AKWELEY (screaming) I CAN'T FEEL MY MOUTH! MY MOUTH IS HEAVY AND NUMB AND PAINING ME!! YOU BASHTARSH!!! She begins to cry and fan her lips with her hands. And then it dawns on Kofi! Ato had warned him to use just a tiny mixture of the Jamaican Stone! But he has applied it over and over again! He has gone way above its dosage, and now he is in agony! Not only that... Ato had warned him that he should not let it touch any woman's lips, but in performing fellatio on him, the damn thing has now attacked Akweley's mouth too, making it numb, and it is also paining her! She is weeping now as she quickly flies into her clothes. Kofi gets off the floor in agony and approaches her. He cannot walk straight, and so he is doubled up as the excruciating pain blazes through his penis and balls. KOFI Hey, my love, darling... Akweley turns round and gives him a really healthy slap across the face as tears bubble down her cheeks in her agony. AKWELEY Don'tsh darlinshh meesh! Don'tsh yoush daressh darlinshh meesh, yoush bashtarsh! Kofi is weeping now! This is turning out to be a horrible night! Akweley has always been his ally, but now it seems she is hating him. He notices suddenly, to his horror, that her lips are now quite swollen rather badly. They are puckered and red and inflamed, absurdly huge as if they had been inflated with an air pump. KOFI (horrified) Oh! Oh! Oh! AKWELEY (panicking) Whatsh? Whatsh?? WHATSH??? KOFI (afraid) Your mouth! Your mouth is biiiiiig!! Oh, Lord! your lips are so biiiiiiig!!! She slaps him left and right, and runs to the dressing mirror. She takes one look at her face and gives a blood-curdling scream. AKWELEY DADDYYYYYYYYYYSHHHH!! Kofi approaches her, panicking. KOFI Oh, Oh, no, Akweley, Akweley, no, no! Not your father! She runs past him, unlocks the door, and runs out, screaming and crying as she goes. Kofi slowly walks to his clothes and begins to dress painfully, crying as he pulls on his trousers. The thing is both burning and extremely painful. The skin around his penis and on top of his balls are now bunched together in a rubbery way. Every single movement sends shards of agony through him. And then, after what seems like an eternity, he finally finishes dressing up. His boxers and briefs are jammed into the pocket of his coat because he cannot bear the agony it brings him when he tried to put them on. The door suddenly opens, and Mr. Laryea Odamten enters. Laryea is fuming with uncontrolled rage as he glares at Kuntu. He is biting his lower lip with cruel intensity. He is walking towards Kuntu, and the look on his face is really terrible. MR. ODAMTEN (menacingly) You bastard! You fucking bastard! You fool! I've had enough of your nonsense, do you hear me? You're fired! I'm sending Akweley to the hospital, and pray that nothing happens to her! If I ever see you here again or in the office, or anywhere around her, I'll kill you, do you understand? KOFI (miserably) Look here, Mr. Odamten- He stops talking because Mr. Laryea Odamten suddenly withdraws a gun from his pocket and points it at Kofi Kuntu. MR. ODAMTEN You better get out of here, or God help me, I'll shoot you dead!! And Kofi Kuntu, bent double and weeping, his groin blasting with sheer fire, leaves the house! Kofi can barely drive. The pain is now excruciating, and although he makes no sound the tears fall down his cheeks silently. He tries to stop crying, but to no avail. He has never known such agony. And in the midst of that agony is the terrible realization gnawing at the back of his mind that with such deep pain ravaging his manhood and balls, it is very likely that his genital organs are going to be destroyed, or that he is going to suffer some form of damage. Finally he parks his car at the side of the road. It is almost ten o'clock in the night. He fumbles out his phone and calls. ATO (laughing) Heeeerh, my paddy! You fool paa o! Heeeeeeerh! E be true sey you send dispenser bottle full of Pafuu wine to your father-in-law? You fool pass, K. K! KOFI (painfully) Cut out the shit, man! I dey trouble inside paa! The stone dey kill me! ATO (sounding serious now) The Jamaican Stone? KOFI What else? ATO Wetin happen? KOFI E dey burn me, my paddy! I put for there wey e dey burn me plenty! My dick, my hwea balls, all dey kill me! ATO Damn it, K.K.! I told you to use it sparingly, just small bi for the top of your dick! Why, you use plenty? KOFI As I apply am I no feel anything, then I apply more, still nothing, so I apply third time! ATO (horrified) Kwasea! Aaaaaaahhhh! You fool papa! Ebei! Gyimi paa be this? So what happen? KOFI Kwasea, what you think happen? My whole genital dey fire inside! Akweley also suck my dick and now e dey hospital because e mouth swell like elephant e ass, plus e dey pain inside! E poppy sack me from the house and if I no take time I go lose Akweley sef! ATO Oh, Kofi, Kofi, Kofi! I yob you sey just use small, just a dash, and no sucking! Why, you wanted to tear out Akweley e toto? And why use it on your real woman sef? This thing we dey use for side chick pussy, you fool! . It Continues After Comments..
5 Apr 2018 | 21:22
hmmm next
6 Apr 2018 | 03:36
fool indeed
6 Apr 2018 | 04:29
karma indeed
6 Apr 2018 | 04:46
Ahhhh God,,, dis writer want to kill somebody wit laughter ooo,,,, I can't laugh again,, my chest dey pain kraaaa,,, dis Kofi na king of fools
6 Apr 2018 | 04:59
He is a big fool.
6 Apr 2018 | 05:55
Most assuredly, Kofi Kuntu is a damn big fool
6 Apr 2018 | 06:58
She's back from answering her dad and S£X things began but sad things happened
6 Apr 2018 | 10:42
Akweley has got a foolish kofi kuntuntumtum as a boyfriend and he's little crazy.
6 Apr 2018 | 11:00
She has been doing all her best to make him a real man but he's acting foolish
6 Apr 2018 | 11:07
Very foolish of him
6 Apr 2018 | 13:02
hahahaha i bet Nana Kwasi will be jumping and jubilating that Kofi is out of his way and chance of staying with Akweley is 90%
6 Apr 2018 | 13:06
so Kofi I pray that thing under ur cut go just cut fall for ground
6 Apr 2018 | 13:09
Kofi is just a mature fool.
6 Apr 2018 | 15:26
PASSWORD Episode 6 Episode Title: Rendezvous with Yasmeen Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. KOFI (shouting) HEY! STOP THE SIASEM AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! I'M SUFFERING! IF THIS PAIN NO STOP MY DICK GO DIE!! ATO Relax, bro. Just relax. Find some chick and hammer am, that's all. You must enter pussy inside fast, and the moment you get one screw noooor the pain go stop! KOFI You sure? You very sure? ATO Positive, bro. Find some pussy bang and you go get relief! Kofi cuts the call. He opens his fly and pulls down the zip. He pulls his penis out of the trousers and displays it so that the car's air-condition will cool it. But there is no difference, the pain is there, unabated. At least the trouser material is not rubbing against it so it is a bit better. He flips through his phone and calls Amina. She tells him she has gone to Takoradi with her mother. It had been impromtu, and she will come back in a week's time. Kofi calls other girls, those he has slept with. The story is the same. None is available at the moment. The time notice is too short. Kofi Kuntu does more flipping. He has called about fifteen girls all with no success. He is now getting to the end of the contact list. He is in the 'S' column now, and sees a name he has saved as SAJILI INDIA. Sajili had been his mate at an IT course he had taken. She is a beautiful Indian who told him she fell in love with him the moment she saw him. They have been in touch. She is beautiful with a great body, and Kofi wants to make love to her. The only problem is that she wants him to marry her, and will not sleep with him unless he marries her. He hesitates for a moment. She stays with an aunt and her husband, although they have different apartments. She works in their restaurant as the Accountant. She has her own flat. They have come pretty close to making love several times, but always her demand for marriage had stopped him. He can go over now and promise her marriage and make love to her just to get rid of the pain. He sighs and flips through the names. And then he comes to the 'Y' section in the Contacts and pauses, sighing with relief. There is a name he has saved as YAASMEEN RUSSIA. Yes, that is his saviour! Yaasmeen and her parents and two younger siblings live just about ten blocks from where Kofi stays. Her parents run several electronic stores. She stays in the detached quarters of their house alone. She is extremely beautiful, though a little overweight. Most of their premises had been built by LARYEA ODAMTEN WALLS, and Kofi had met her through that. She always gives him calls and invites him over, telling him she will leave the small gate near the detached quarters open and put off the lights. She will also leash the dogs, allowing him time to get into her room. Kofi has so far not honoured his promise because there have been other women he has been serving, and he did not really have the hots for her. But today it is either her, or a prostitute. Kofi has never been with a prostitute. He hates them. He calls Yaasmeen. She picks the call even before the first ring has ended. YAASMEEN (excited) Ohhhhhh!! Kuuufi! Kuuuufi! My swiiiit darrrling! Was jost theenkeen abooot you! Are you comeeen over? KOFI Yes, my love! I miss you! I'm coming over now to make sweet love to you! YAASMEEN Oooooooooh! Come biiiby! Pliiis come! Gate is oopen! Come darrrling! Kofi cuts the call and quickly swings off the curb. KOFI Oh, thank you, blood of Jesus! He speeds towards Yaasmeen's house. Twenty minutes later she lets him into her room. Kofi goes into the bathroom straight away to wash the tears from his eyes as Yaasmeen lurks outside to make sure none of her family members has noticed her nefarious activities of the night. He cannot even stand straight as he cleans his face with a fluffy pink towel that smells like it has just been used to clean a vagina. He gags, imagining Yaasmeen doing just that. He walks stooped double to the bed, pushes a huge teddy bear to the floor, and quickly takes off his clothes. Naked now, he lies on the bed. Yaasmeen enters and closes the door. She is wearing an incredible red negligee that accentuates her incredible buxom figure. She pulls some strings in front of the nightdress and it parts, revealing her huge proud breasts, plump figure and a very bushy genital growth. She coils her long black hair on top of her head and covers it with a white spandex-like headgear. She steps out of the negligee and approaches him, her face red with desire as she looks at his already erect member. YAASMEEN (sexily) Oh, biiby Kuufi! I'm going to injoy thees veeery morch! She falls on him and clamps hot lips on his. He holds her and kisses her hard, pushing his tongue into her wet mouth and running his hands over her plump buttocks. She is moaning hard as she rears up and puts her huge breasts on his face, pushing first one nipple and then the other into his mouth. She grabs his furious rod and moves her hand up and down it. Each movement sends shafts of indescribable pain through Kofi, making him gasp with terror. She mistakes his moans of pain for passion, and she rubs harder. Suddenly the passion is ebbing from Kofi's body as the pain intensifies. He reaches down, holds her wrists, and jerks his penis out of her hand as tears slowly fall down the sides of his face. KOFI (moaning) Oh, God, God, God! I'm going to die!! With an effort he turns Yaasmeen over and kisses her throat, his hand going down to her bushy zone and his fingers expertly flicking her clitoris. She is so wet that it is as if some cream has been poured down there! Good! He can enter her and get some relief! She is panting with desire, bucking her buttocks up to meet his probing fingers as his free hand tweaks her nipples and rub her breasts. He bends and licks her taut nipples, running his fingers expertly across her navel and flicking her wet clitoris over and over. He spreads her ample thighs and positions himself and begins to guide his erection towards the zone of delight. Suddenly she bucks, pulling her buttocks away from his erection. YAASMEEN (lustfully) Wait, Kuufi, pliiis wait a mooment! She pushes him on his back, and he thinks she is going to get on top of him and straddle him. Some women prefer to be on top, and maybe she is one of them. Kofi doesn't care either way. He just wants to be there so that the pain will stop! But Yaasmeen does not straddle him. She gets off the bed and marches to her wardrobe. She pulls a lower drawer open and rummages in there, finally coming out with a panty. It is a red panty with a solid front, but a string for the back. She quickly puts on the panty. It covers her genitals completely, but when she turns round her buttocks is bare. She approaches him and gets on top of him. She kisses him deeply. He moans with desire and tries to enter her. She is almost crying with desire as she reaches across to the bedside table. She pulls a drawer and takes out a kind of rubber container. She opens the cap. Kofi can see what is written on the blue covering of the cylindrical container. SILKY SLYDER ANAL LUBE Kofi's eyes open wide with sudden confusion. Yaasmeen scoops some of the jell and rubs it all over Kofi's stiff member, covering it well. Whatever is in it increases the pain in his penis and balls, and tears come to his eyes again. Yaasmeen scoops more jell and leans forward and spreads it somewhere behind her. It continues after comments..
6 Apr 2018 | 17:28
Kofi kuntutumtum is trying to reduce the pain by bleeping a girl
6 Apr 2018 | 18:28
Kofi lost his job dats good
6 Apr 2018 | 20:27
Kofi you fool paa
6 Apr 2018 | 22:24
Kofi kuntutumtum is about bleep yaasmen with a painful joystick because of his supidity
6 Apr 2018 | 22:31
Yaasmen has her own S£X cream...kofi is in big touble.
6 Apr 2018 | 22:36
big time fool
7 Apr 2018 | 03:03
hmmmm next
7 Apr 2018 | 04:08
It serves you right
7 Apr 2018 | 04:13
the girl wants anal while Kofi is supposed to hammer kittycat for the pain to subside... kofi u are done for
7 Apr 2018 | 08:00
It seems the girl is ready for action... Lubricating her dam buttocks ready for a long fight
7 Apr 2018 | 10:37
She wants Kofi to fuck her fucking asshole! Am sure that the tightness of that hole just gonna increase the fucking pain. Hahaha... Kofi is so dead.
7 Apr 2018 | 11:53
PASSWORD Episode 7 Episode Title: Anulus Vagi-Vagi Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. She closes the container, wipes her hand on the bedspread, grabs Kofi's dick, and now tries to settle down on it... But in a moment Kofi feels that he is not entering her wet inner hole... She is trying to push it into her anus! Kofi jerks hard, drawing his penis away as he stares at her with a mixture of pain, desire and horror! KOFI (dazed) What are you doing? YAASMEEN (lustfully) Makeen love to you, Kuufi! Give eet to me! Give eet to meeee nooooow! KOFI But why are you wearing panties? It felt like you were putting it in your... you were trying to put my penis in your... your... YAASMEEN (impatiently) My ass! Yeees! I putteen it in the anulus! Come, biiiby! Faaack me hard! She holds Kofi's waist and draws him down and settles on him, working to put him in her anus again. Kofi bucks hard, and gets off from under her. KOFI (exasperated) I want to enter your pussy!! She scowls at him and wags a stiff forefinger. YAASMEEN (sternly) No-no, no-no, no-no! You can't enter my vagi-vagi! You can faack my anulus but not my vagi-vagi! Kofi almost breaks down into tears at that moment. The tears, for a fact, sting his eyes as he looks imploringly down at Yaasmeen's delicious body. KOFI Oh, why, Yaasmeen, oh why? I don't want the anulus! I want the vagi! Please, don't do this to me, baby! She shakes her head vigorously. YAASMEEN (sternly) No-no, no-no, no-no! I haveent marreed yet! When I marree my hoosband and his fameely they look for virgin! If I'm not virgin they throway me! They not marree me. I need to have proooof of virgin or I not getty the hoosband! So I caaant give you vagi-vagi, no-no! You have to faack the anulus! Kofi shakes his head with sudden sadness. The pain in his groin is unbearable! Dear Lord! He is dying! But this Arab girl is not going to allow him to make love to her because she needs to provide proof of virginity when she marries, so no one is allowed to enter her and break her hymen. She is keeping her virginity, but she is willing to give him anal sex! KOFI (imploringly) Please, Yaasmeen, please! I need to enter you, I beg you! Come on, please, darling, my sweetest princess, my precious! I need the vagi! YAASMEEN (almost angry) No-no, no-no! No vagi-vagi! Enter the anulus! Anulus is biiiig! I put cream in anulus and on your penini! My anulus can take your penini so put penini into anulus!! KOFI (exasperated) I can't fuck your ass, goddamn it! I don't like anal sex! I've never done it before! I hate it! I can't enter your anulus, gaddemn it! Your damn anulus is for shitu! My penini will hit your stinking shitu! YAASMEEN (wagging her forefinger) No-no, no-no, no-no, no shitu! I wash anulus weel weel! All shitu gone so put your penini in the anulus or no fack-fack!! Kofi, his dick paining him to the extreme degree, falls on her, kissing her fiercely, forcing her panties aside and positioning his penis at the entrance of her vagina. He begins to press forward. Yaasmeen bites his lips fiercely, causing Kofi to pause with the sudden fierce pain. She bucks her buttocks off and bunches her knees under him. She kicks out with her huge legs, sending him sailing into the air and smacking into a standing fan and sending it crashing. Kofi lies on the floor, dazed and whimpering. KOFI Oh, why, Yaasmeen! Oh, why!! She is sitting up on the bed, her face serious. YAASMEEN You try put penini in my vagi-vagi so I kiiiick you off, Kuufi! You can't have the vagi-vagi, no-no, no-no! Come and try anulus! Anulus sex is swiiiit! She gets on her hands and knees, sticks her ass in the air, reaches behind her and spreads her buttocks with both hands, exposing her gaping anal hole. KOFI Oh, shit! Oh, damn! Stop that nonsense this instant!! YAASMEEN (sexily) See the piiink? Anulus is jist like vagi-vagi! It is even tiiiighter! Come, Kuufi, stiiick your penini in anulus! KOFI (angrily) I don't like any anulus, damn you to hell!! Yaasmeen sits up now, her face instantly angry, the passion gone. YAASMEEN Baaastad! Baaastad! Geet out now! Ouut, ouut! No vagi-vagi for you. Geeet ouuut!!! She is coming at him angrily. Kofi gets on his knees and raises his hands. Maybe he can try it! Anything to stop the pain. He is in agony! KOFI Okay, okay! Baby! Let's try it! Let me enter the anulus!! She smiles, but suddenly she cocks her head, and runs to the window. She parts the curtain and looks out. She gives a gasp of fright. YAASMEEN (fearfully) Geeet ouuut! You maaake tooo much noisy-noisy! My papa he is comeeeen with gun! Come quiiiickly!! Kofi is scared witless! The noise has woken up her father, who is coming to investigate with a gun! He gathers his clothes and shoes. She opens a back door and points out the small gate to him. Kofi can hear the barks of giant dogs now and a man shouting. He can barely run because the pain is so excruciating. He hobbles to the small gate and goes out. He is naked, and it is late in the night, in a restricted community. Suddenly he knows his life is in grave danger. If he is sighted he will be mistaken for a thief, and they will kill him in a second. He sights a clump of bushes and flees into it. All around him the neighbourhood dogs are barking. He sees that the small gate has opened, and a man in pyjamas has come out with a gun in his hand. Kofi lies flat on his stomach, feeling the plants sticking into his penis, causing him more pain. After a while the man goes back into the house. Weeping and hurting all over, Kofi puts on his clothes and shoes in the bushes, comes out, and hobbles painfully towards the place he has parked his car. Yaasmeen hasn't worked out. His best alternative will have to be a prostitute, but driving all the way to their joint will require a mighty effort. Secondly, he does not know how long it will take making love to a woman before the pain subsides. He can pay for the night, if need be, but there is a danger there because he cannot wear a condom if he wants relief from the pain of the Jamaican stone. He will have to make love to the prostitute raw. He knows some prostitutes always insist on condoms. Even if she does not insist he wears a condom, he is not going to take the risk of making love to a prostitute without protection, never. Some will let him make love without a condom, but those ones are dangerous. What if he gets infected by some terrible sexually-transmitted disease? He sees his car and gets inside. There is only one option left for him to try. He takes out his phone and calls SAJILI INDIA. It continues after comments..
7 Apr 2018 | 12:00
trouble beginning
7 Apr 2018 | 17:54
7 Apr 2018 | 18:32
Kofi kunutumtum is still looking 4 a k!ttyc@t to cure his injured joystick
7 Apr 2018 | 19:37
He did this to himself,he's even thinking of making love to a prostitute
7 Apr 2018 | 19:41
Yaasmeen wants him to fuck her through anulus and not vagi-vagi
7 Apr 2018 | 19:47
Kontu this is just the beginning
8 Apr 2018 | 03:34
Anal sex...hope it reduce ur pain fool
8 Apr 2018 | 03:40
hmmmmmm sweet karma
8 Apr 2018 | 03:48
Kofi you are in deep shit
8 Apr 2018 | 04:03
0 Likes die you dey kofi
8 Apr 2018 | 04:46
8 Apr 2018 | 04:51
Hmmm so interested
8 Apr 2018 | 06:38
8 Apr 2018 | 07:57
Such calamity is for the greedy and foolish folks like Kofi. Simple instructions you flaunted all and this is the cross
8 Apr 2018 | 08:02
u didn't follow instructions kuntu. how sure are you that Indian is available? u are doomed
8 Apr 2018 | 08:59
8 Apr 2018 | 12:48
lost your job and girl and in serious pain
8 Apr 2018 | 17:09
I love how your problems is starting Mr player
8 Apr 2018 | 17:11
hahahaha, dis Kofi will not kill somebody ooo,,,,, she offered u anulus,, but u want vagi vagi,,, who suppose put I'm dick inside wall opening,,, if Not u,, stupid fool
8 Apr 2018 | 17:25
8 Apr 2018 | 18:14
That's a repeat
11 Apr 2018 | 04:24
@Viciyoung: we Hav read dis update day b4 yesterday jorr
11 Apr 2018 | 04:26
same episode with previous
11 Apr 2018 | 04:43
why the repeat? ?
11 Apr 2018 | 08:26
VagI vagi
11 Apr 2018 | 10:11
Episode 8 Episode Title: Sajili Prakash Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. Sajili is the Indian girl who will only make love to him if he promises to marry her. Of course he is going to promise. He has no other option now. But that does not mean that he is going to keep that promise. After making love to her, and getting his relief, he can always go back on his promise! Sajili Prakash lives inside the ATIEMO ESTATES. It is past midnight when Kofi Kuntu reaches the main entrance of the Estates. Sajili has already called the security detail that her friend is on the way over. There are four armed men at the gates, but Kofi knows one of them, and they allow him through. He drives to ELITE FLAT 209. The ELITE comprises a series of luxury detached houses. Kofi drives hunched over the steering-wheel because he simply cannot bear the pain anymore. KOFI (moaning) Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm! Sajili is wearing a green lacy dress, and she is almost breathless as she looks at him. She is very beautiful, but even at IT school she has always been frail, almost breathless all the time. She reaches over and touches his hot forehead, gently soothing him. SAJILI What's wrong, darling? This is a girl who never stops telling him she loves him desperately, and yet will only give herself to him if he promises marriage. KOFI Hmmm, hmmmmm, oh, mmmmm, mmmmm!! SAJILI Oh, poor, poor darling! She helps him out of the car. She guides him inside and makes him sit down in a luxurious leather chair. She stands near him massaging his neck as he moans. KOFI (painfully) Please, please, Saj! I need to be inside you, please. You need to make love to me, and only then will my pain stop, please! She scowls down at him. SAJILI You have pains in your lavde? KOFI (agitated) What's that? SAJILI Lavde pains, penis pains? KOFI Yeah, yeah, pains in my lavde! SAJILI Would you like something to eat, love? KOFI Gimme water, please! Water with ice cubes! She goes to the kitchen and returns with a long tumbler of refreshing water with ice cubes in it. SAJILI Here, my love! Kofi takes the glass of water, stands up from the chair, unzips his trousers and then he dips his penis into the ice-cold water. Sajili is staring at him with stunned incredulity which quickly turns to horror when she sees the tears streaming down Kofi's face. KOFI Please, Saj! I put some love potion on my penis, and it is giving me so much pain! I need to make love to you so much, please! She folds her arms and bites her lower lip. She tries to look at him but her eyes keep returning to the sight of his penis inside the tumbler. From where she is standing, the visual effect of the water has made his member look like it is filling the glass. SAJILI (thoughtfully) I see. Interesting. You used some bad sex ointment and now you want to put your lavde inside my chut! KOFI (sniffing) Your...chut? SAJILI Pussy! My pussy! Kofi nods vigorously with an imploring expression on his shattered face. KOFI Yes, yes, Saj! I need to put my lavde in your chut badly! SAJILI You know what that means, Kofi, darling? You'll have to promise me first that you'll marry me! KOFI (desperately) Yes, yes, Saj, please! Tomorrow, today, yes, I promise! I'll marry you! SAJILI (nodding) But, to be safe, I need to put a password on your lavde! KOFI What? SAJILI A password, my love! You can promise to marry me tonight, but in the morning, when you're free, and no longer in pain, you'll decide you don't need me after all. I can't give my chut to you free like that! If you really promise to marry me, then I will put a password on your lavde! KOFI (aghast) You'll put a password on my penis? Is that what you're trying to say? SAJILI (calmly) Yes, a password. So that if you're with any other woman you won't get an erection. You'll only get an erection when you're with me. KOFI (appalled) Whoever heard of such a silly thing? SAJILI It's up to you, Kofi love. You promise to marry me, I put a password on your dick, and then you can have my chut in any position and angle you want! If he had not been in so much pain Kofi would've laughed silly. Is this girl sound in the head? A password? Whoever heard of such a silly thing? KOFI (nodding) Alright, Saj! I promise to marry you! Put in your password and let's make love. She comes towards him and stands very close to him. She takes the tumbler from his hand and looks straight at him, her eyes serious. SAJILI This is not a game, Kofi. This is serious, so take it seriously. Believe me, it is not silly, and it is real. You must think about it well. With his penis out of the iced water the pain is so excruciating that Kofi grabs his balls and slowly falls down on the carpet. KOFI (painfully) DO IT, SAJ!! DO IT QUICKLY!! SAJILI (excited) Alright, my sweet love! She gets up and leaves the room. When she comes back she is completely naked. Kofi stares at her beautiful figure and shaved loins. Her breasts are heavy, sloping up enticingly. He is aroused immediately. She is holding a small glass, a little knife and a little black object. She kneels by his side, putting the things on the floor. She then proceeds to help him out of his clothes, and soon he is also naked. She picks the black object and opens it, and Kofi sees that it is a ring holder. There are two silver rings in it, one small, the other large. Sajili takes the rings and drops them in the glass. Suddenly she takes Kofi's left hand and pokes the tip of the knife into the tip of Kofi's ring finger. KOFI Ouch! What's that for? Her face is serious, and she does not utter a word as she brings Kofi's dripping finger to the glass, catching the drops of blood. Next she nips her own ring finger, and let her blood mingle with Kofi's, and now the two rings are covered with blood. She is muttering some words now as she takes the tumbler Kofi had dipped his penis into. She pours a little water into the glass with the rings, diluting their bloods, and mixing it. The rings tinkle at the bottom of the glass. She is muttering more words with her eyes closed. She then gives the glass to Kofi. It continues after comments..
11 Apr 2018 | 18:26
Kofi o
12 Apr 2018 | 02:59
bgam you don enter Kofi....
12 Apr 2018 | 03:35
hmmm trouble knocks on your door Kofi
12 Apr 2018 | 03:36
Kofi instead of this shit, better go and bang a prostitute or the best option is to seek for medical help
12 Apr 2018 | 03:42
You don enter am
12 Apr 2018 | 05:08
That is where your problem begin
12 Apr 2018 | 07:56
Kofi your trouble begins,,,,, u will marry her coz u can't back out and if you do, no erection. u messed up out of greed for pussy, poor u
12 Apr 2018 | 08:10
Eeya! sorry Kofi, but i think you should be happy that you will be getting married to another beautiful girl since your fiance left you aleast that should be a conselation.
12 Apr 2018 | 09:15
Kofi Satan Don butter ur bread.
12 Apr 2018 | 10:06
12 Apr 2018 | 11:15
God don catch u today ...were boy
12 Apr 2018 | 13:34
Restriction order on your penis.......Lol
12 Apr 2018 | 18:30
you have been trapped
12 Apr 2018 | 20:00
Mr player has been caged
13 Apr 2018 | 17:51
abi na convenant abi na wetin?
13 Apr 2018 | 17:56
Episode 9 Episode Title: Setting and Testing the Password SAJILI Drink half of the contents! KOFI What kind of ugly covenant is that? I certainly won't! SAJILI (calmly) Okay. Then you can get up and leave! Pain erupts in Kofi's balls and penis again, and he snatches the glass and drinks some of the liquid. Sajili's eyes are bright and she licks her lips with breathless delight. KOFI Just hurry up, Saj! My penis is burning! SAJILI This is the password! Apupuchacha! She reaches down and pulls Kofi's penis. SAJILI Chakonko Chakonko! She now pulls Kofi's left testicle. SAJILI Achanka Lolipopako! She holds the tip of Kofi's penis and rolls it round in an anti-clockwise direction two times. SAJILI Klinogo Tatafo! She pushes Kofi to the side and slaps his buttocks hard two times. KOFI Ajeeeeeii! You crazy bitch! What was that for? She drinks the rest of the contents in the glass. She now takes the rings from the bottom of the glass and slips one on Kofi's ring finger, and slips the smaller one on her finger. She crosses her legs and holds out her hands, like someone doing a yoga meditation, and then she closes her eyes and murmurs under her breath for about two minutes. She then opens her eyes. She looks so happy, so demure, so delighted with herself, and she smiles sweetly at Kofi. SAJILI Password is set. You can't make love to any other woman without the password, and so you're stuck with me. Kofi stares at her, not knowing whether to be angry or amused. At first it had all appeared silly to him, but suddenly he is filled with unease. Can it be true, or she is just pranking him? It all seems ridiculous and absolutely nonsense, but then again, the process itself had seemed scary. She suddenly falls on him, clamping her sweet lips to his. She is sensuous and so sexy. She moves along him, her body sexy and sweet, silky and curvy. KOFI (relieved, whispering) Oh, Lord! Finally, a pussy! His hands moves over her, down her sides, cupping her curvy buttocks. They kiss fiercely. She pushes her tongue into his mouth, exploring. SAJILI Oh, Kofi, Kofi, Kofi! KOFI My darling! My sweet beautiful Sajili darling! She moves down his body, grabbing his manhood, positioning her lips above it. Kofi Kuntu jerks his buttocks and sits up. She looks at him out of a face strained with passion. SAJILI You don't want me to suck your lavde? KOFI No, no, don't! I like it, but not tonight. The thing on my dick will make your mouth swell biiiiiig like a ship! She takes his hand and slides it between her thighs. She is so wet and dripping! He moves his fingers slowly, caressing her hard little clitoris, and she moans with deep hunger, bucking her waist impatiently on his fingers. And that is when it suddenly dawns on Kofi. His dick is soft and flabby! He doesn't have an erection. This is so unlike him. He looks at his penis which she is still holding. There is no power in it! It is as soft as a deflated balloon. Kofi looks at her with sudden horror, and he pushes away from her with a little groan of fear. KOfI Hey! Hey! What the hell have you done to my penis? Why am I still soft? Sajili smiles demurely at him. SAJILI Don't worry, Kofi, - KOFI (angrily, exasperated) What's wrong with my dick? SAJILI (smiling demurely) I passworded it, remember? I was testing it. Now, here we go! KOFI What's the matter with you? I thought it was a joke! She does not mind him. She positions herself in front of him and speaks. SAJILI APUPUCHACHA CHAKONKO CHAKONKO, ACHANKA LOLIPAKO KLINOGO TATAFO! She pulls his penis first, and then his left testicle, and then she holds the tip of his penis and turns it in the anti-clockwise direction two times, and then she pushes him sideways so that his buttocks is showing and then she gives his buttocks two hefty slaps that cause more pain in his penis! And then, surprisingly, his penis shoots up straight in an iron rod. Kofi stares at her, shocked, but before he can speak she pushes him down on the floor and straddles him. She settles herself slowly on top of him, and as he enters her he forgets all about the password on his penis! She is a fierce one, transforming herself totally from the gentle sweet girl he knows into an insane girl. Her waist moves faster than a piston, and she throws back her head and grips his shoulders and move faster than a jet plane. The Jamaican Stone has dulled the sensitive parts of his penis so completely that he doesn’t feel any sensation at all, so the only libido he has going is looking at her great figure and watching her huge boobs bouncing as she moans in ecstasy and rides him senseless! He reaches up and grabs her breasts, tweaking her nipples tenderly, and feeling the tender spots that spring up around her aureoles as her desire escalates! She falls forward and clamps her lips on his, kissing him deeply, never stopping the movements of her waist as she moves up and down on him. She gyrates and turns like a trapeze professional, totally blowing his mind. That Indian lady has more skills than a porno star, using Kofi’s lavde in her chut with talented finesse! She is a performer, switching between styles and angles like a witch, contorting like a standing fan now, spinning like a ceiling fan here, dancing like a ballerina there, scissoring him, bending for him, crouching, throwing herself about like a snake, twanging on him like a bass guitar... Kofi has never been with anyone like her! She was a lovemaking goddess! KOFI (whispering hoarsely) Heeeeerh Sajili! Eiiiii Sajili.... you're a witch! Oh, you're so sweet, baby! Don't stop it! Ahhhhhhh! Awurade Nyankopon Indian girl yi bekumi!! Aaaaaaaash! Hihihihiiiiiii...soooooooooosket!!! The great thing is that as she rocks his lavde he stops feeling the acute pain. It is like a balm, and the sheer relief almost makes him cry. Eventually she gets up and kneels in front of the settee, lifting one leg up and presenting him with a breath-taking view of her buttocks, and her incredible chut jutting out between her spread thighs. To Kofi Kuntu, a woman bent over is the most beautiful sight in the whole wild world, but to have that exquisite Indian ass turned to him, stuck in the air, is the most erotic thing he has ever seen. He gets on his knees behind her and slips his lavde into her chut. KOFI Ahhhhhhhh! She looks over her shoulder and digs an elbow into his side painfully. SAJILI Shut up and klonk me! Kofi gapes at her. KOFI What? SAJILI (screaming) Klonk it! Klonk me, bastard! Klonk me! KOFI Klonk? She pushes herself against him, and Kofi holds her waist and rams her good and fast. To be continued..
14 Apr 2018 | 02:57
Una 2 go die there
14 Apr 2018 | 04:03
I hate all these useless sex and fuck stories
14 Apr 2018 | 04:20
Passworded ...No more pussy for you again Kofi
14 Apr 2018 | 04:30
Kofi you don enter, to commot no go easy
14 Apr 2018 | 04:38
Awurade kwasa!!!!!
14 Apr 2018 | 04:45
Eyah ur tio don get password
14 Apr 2018 | 05:43
Kofi your penis password has been activated, its going to take a while for you to realise that you are in deep shit.
14 Apr 2018 | 07:58
ur penis and pussy is been passwarded ooo
14 Apr 2018 | 10:24
Aside her no more straffing
14 Apr 2018 | 11:47
Kofi you are donefor
14 Apr 2018 | 12:31
passworded dick that good
14 Apr 2018 | 14:37
You don enter one chance.
14 Apr 2018 | 15:14
hmm passworded dick... and the process self be like the process of summoning an evil spirit
14 Apr 2018 | 15:43
password.... enjoy that pussy while you can. no more for you unless you stick to her alone
14 Apr 2018 | 16:15
She said,u should shut up and do what?.and klonk her,bleep her until the pain u gave yourself is over
14 Apr 2018 | 21:37
Kofi kuntumtum is now bleeping a female native doctor.
14 Apr 2018 | 21:42
Special password 4 your joystick,from no vagi vagi only anulus to a female native doctor,only u
14 Apr 2018 | 21:51
Episode 10 Episode Title: Reality Dawns! Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. They go at it for a long time, and then Sajili stands up. She pushes Kofi down and sits on him. She laces her arms around his neck and rides him fast and hard, her head thrown back in unbridled ecstasy, her eyes deeply shut as she suddenly moans and screams as a powerful orgasm rocks her beautiful frame. Sajili having an orgasm is the most dangerous thing Kofi has ever experienced. She slaps his face and screams and scratches his chest, and then she holds his ears and raises his head and bangs his head down on the floor several times, dazing him, and then she sticks a finger into his eye. And Kofi screams. KOFI (screaming) Ajeeeeeeiiii! You burst my eye, you fucking girl! His eye is burning, and he tries to sit up but she wouldn't let him as she holds on tightly to him, and then she punches him repeatedly in the face. Kofi moans with pain, holds her hair, and drags her off him roughly, and then he crawls away as his whole body aches from her assault. She lies on the floor, still jerking, still moaning, and then thankfully she goes quiet as her orgasm peters off. Kofi looks at her with horror. KOFI Ebei, aba boshit nso nyi? But, thankfully, the pain in his loins is bearable now, but not gone completely. He can survive this. He slowly lowers himself down, closes his eyes, and falls asleep almost instantly. Kofi wakes up on the floor in the living-room. The lights are still on, and their clothes are still strewn untidily around the room. Sajili is not beside him, but he sees that the door to her bedroom is open. His bladder is craving with the urge to urinate. He stands up groggily. He walks to the bedroom. The lights are on, and Sajili is spread out naked on her bed, arms and legs wide, proud breasts standing poutingly up, chut nicely displayed. As Kofi looks at her it finally dawns on him! Usually, at three o'clock in the morning, he will have a great erection when he feels like urinating. The sight of Sajili's sweet nakedness fills him with a great longing, and yet his lavde remains soft and flabby. He moves to the bathroom and relieves his bladder, and then goes back to the bedroom. Slowly he gets on top of the bed and inches his way to Sajili. He kneels between her legs and rubs his lavde carefully along her chut. He does it gently, and soon she begins to moan, moving her hips up gently to receive his gentle probing. She is wet now, but he is still limp and flabby! Panic begins to assail Kofi, and the more panicked he becomes the more afraid he becomes, and incredibly it seems to him that instead of getting engorged with blood and standing up proudly for some chutting pleasure, his lavde is getting smaller and smaller as if it is.... KOFI (screaming with horror) SHRINKING!!! Sajili bolts upright, startled. She holds Kofi's shoulders and shakes him hard! SAJILI What's wrong with you? You startled me! KOFI (desperately, scared) What the hell have you done to my penis? Sajili looks at him and smiles gently. SAJILI Oh! It is now dawning on you that the password I put on your lavde is- KOFI (angrily) Stop that lavde, lavde, lavde bullcrap! SAJILI Bulltruth, my boy, bulltruth! I passworded your penis! You really didn't think I was going to allow a player like you to use me for free, did you? KOFI Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh! AAAHHHHHHH!! SAJILI I'm here for you, Kofi! This is the weekend, and you can make love to me as many times as you want, but from Monday no more chut for your lavde! You'll have to go to India with me and marry me! And then my chut will be for you forever, anytime and anywhere you want it. However, from today, you'll never be able to make love to any woman, myself included, unless the password is used! Kofisits back on the bed and looks at her with sudden sweat on his face. KOFI No, I won't believe that! It is a lie! That can't be! That is bullshit and you know it! That thing you did? That's nonsense! It is ridiculous! I won't believe it! She smiles at him demurely and lies back, spreading her smooth, curvy legs. SAJILI Come on then, loverboy! Take your fill! Hammer me like dough! KOFI (exasperated) Hammer you like dough. Nonsense. Is that one too supposed to be sexy? She giggles and holds out her arms. SAJILI Oh, loverboy is sulky! Come here, darling. Come and let me show you some loving! Reluctantly Kofi crawls towards her. He falls on her and their lips meet. She moans deeply and squirms against him. He rubs his hands gently on her breasts, flicking her hardened nipples. She reaches down and takes him in her hand and rubs the tip of his pole against the entrance of her hoop. She is wet, warm and dripping. Kofi kisses her harder and kisses her throat. He suddenly moves up her body and presents his essential member to her lips. She looks up at him with questioning, teasing look. KOFI (gently) Suck me, please. SAJILI But you're as soft as a piece of cushion! Do you want me to input the password and make it hard so that you enjoy the lavde sucking? KOFI (frustrated) I swear to God if you mention lavde again I'll slap you! SAJILI (giggling) So what do you want? Should I suck it like this, all soft and flabby, or you want it hard and sweet? KOFI Suck it! Suck it! It'll get hard and harder and hardened! There is no bloody password!! She shrugs and takes him in her mouth. Kofi closes his eyes and shuts out everything, and enjoys the sensation of being in her mouth. It lasts for about five minutes, and then she takes him out of her mouth with a disgusted look on her face. SAJILI Damn it! It's like sucking on a cushion! So soft and fucking mushy! Hey, you want the password or not? If you don't want it I'll go back to sleep. Kofi looks at her, appalled, his eyes now bulging with fear. KOFI You witch! SAJILI Do you want me to input the password? KOFI (fearfully) You bad witch! You fucking Indian witch! SAJILI (shrugging) Okay. Suit yourself! She turns her back to him. To be continued
15 Apr 2018 | 04:44
e dey happen first am hearing abt passwording a d...k o
15 Apr 2018 | 06:24
nothing person no go hear oo
15 Apr 2018 | 11:06
hahaha but you brought this upon yourself naa
15 Apr 2018 | 11:07
you never see anything yet
15 Apr 2018 | 11:08
Ti e ba e ma nanu @kofi
15 Apr 2018 | 13:11
ur own don do u b dat
15 Apr 2018 | 13:55
Hahaha Kofi kotuntutukuku. The playboy u are nw a robot with password. Ehya
15 Apr 2018 | 14:59
Kofi is in trouble because of his greedy 4 [email protected] to him,kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa,now because of his small penis it will be taa taa taa taa
15 Apr 2018 | 15:54
Sajili was the one that made use of the password to reduce his penis,she's not enjoying it again
15 Apr 2018 | 16:00
Kofi kuntumtum,allow her to use the password and high your penis small,ha ha ha ha ha
15 Apr 2018 | 16:05
The female native doctor from india,she's not joking..if he don't want u to high it with password,leave like low ha ha ha ha ha ha
15 Apr 2018 | 16:11
15 Apr 2018 | 17:32
your dick is locked...
15 Apr 2018 | 19:36
u are not going to marry an Indian woman...
15 Apr 2018 | 19:37
next ....
15 Apr 2018 | 19:41
Episode 11 Episode Title: Tightening Net Kofi reaches out and pulls her round, and it wasn't quite gentle. KOFI Okay, okay. Do the damn apupuchacha bullshit! SAJILI Now you're learning, darling. So you see, I control when you get an erection. That means, you can't come and worry me with your erect lavde when I'm not in the mood for sex. I will decide when you get an erection to make love. Isn't that wonderful? KOFI Just do it... DO IT, YOU WITCH!! She looks hurt suddenly and folds her arms across her chest and looks at him darkly. SAJILI No, I won't do it. KOFI (perplexed) What? Why? What are you talking about? SAJILI If you want to have an erection to make love, you better learn how to ask me nicely, Kofi. You don't want to make me angry when I control your erection. Kofi Kuntu is suddenly suffused with a terrible rage. His hands ball into fists and all he wants to do is beat her face up to pulp! He raises his right fist to hit her. She looks at him without fear and shakes her head gently, looking at him with something close to pity on her face. KOFI (apoplectic) You... you... SAJILI Don't make that mistake, my love. Remember, I control the most important organ in your life now. Be very, very careful about how you deal with me! Kofi harnesses all his inner power and relaxes. He breathes shallowly, and forces himself to calm down. KOFI Alright. Alright. Please, Saj, I want to make love to you, my sweet Princess! She smiles sweetly up at him. SAJILI Yes, of course, my sweet darling. You learn really fast, and that’s a good thing, sweet little Kofi. She gets on her knees and stars mumbling the password. Dimly Kofi is aware of her pulling his penis, one of his testicles, turning his flabby penis in an anti-clockwise circle and then comes the final hefty two slaps on his buttocks. Kofi feels the painful sting of her hands slapping his buttocks and looks at her with tears of fear in his eyes. His penis is erect now! He has no doubts now. The Indian Sajili has really put a password on his manhood! As incredible as it sounds, as crazy as it sounds... it is true. KOFI (sniffing) Kwasea wai! Aboa bi ba wate! SAJILI (squinting) Hey, what's that? Are you insulting me? KOFI You're a very wicked woman! So every time I want to make love I'll receive two hefty slaps on my bare buttocks? You fool!! She begins to laugh then with real mirth, looking at him with manic glee. SAJILI Yes, Kofi! That's for making me chase you for so long whilst you spurned me and chased after other girls, making me jealous! Don't worry, after we're married I'll reset the password and either make it one slap or, if you're a really sweet boy, take the slaps out of it all together. Now, I feel horny! Come and klonk me! Kofi does an odd thing then. He gets off the bed, still with his erection, and kneels down in front of the bed, facing her. He has tears in his eyes. KOFI Please, Saj. I beg of you, remove the password on my lavde! I really beg you! I have a fiancee! We're getting married in a month! I beg you, Saj, remove the password! She lies back and slowly spreads her legs and runs her hands down her breasts to her chut. SAJILI I'll never remove the password, Kofi, my love. I love you. You're the only man I want. And now, finally, I have you. You're going to be mine! Forever! You should get that into your head, and you should accept it. This is how your life is going to be, forever with me. Nothing angers me more than the way you've even saved my name on your phone. Sajili Indian. Such disrespect! Will you be happy if I save your name as Kofi Ghana, you fool! Now, be a good fiance, come and klonk me! Kofi stands up and looks at her. He feels so morose, so incredibly sad that he feels no urge to make love. KOFI Saj, please! I had no option than to agree to your terms because I used something on my dick, and it was hurting me! I have no intentions of marrying you! You know I have a girlfriend I'm going to marry! Please, I beg of you! You can't do this to me, Saj, please! SAJILI (pouting) I've finally got you where I want you, Kofi. I'm not going to let you marry that girl. Even if you marry her you're not going to be able to make love to her. You'll come and make love to me, only me. You're going to be faithful to me whether you like it or not, because your dick is passworded forever! Now come and klonk me, my darling! Without another word and with a heavy heart Kofi turns away from her and returns to the living-room. Tears sting his eyes as he dresses slowly. Sajili comes to the doorway and looks at him, her eyes bright, with no remorse on her face, only a triumphant smile. And Kofi knows he is in very deep trouble. He goes outside and leans against his car, his despair and acute depression buffeting him. Trembling, he takes out his phone and dials Ato's number. It rings several times. He keeps on calling until it is finally picked. ATO (drowsily) Hey, what the fuck, man! Do you know the time? KOFI (tremulously) She put a password on my dick, Ato. There is a shocked intake of breath from the other end. ATO What? What did you just say? KOFI The Indian chick, Sajili. The one I told you about. The IT classmate. ATO (confused) Did you say password on your penis? KOFI Yes, yes, my paddy. She put a password on my penis, and now I can't get an erection unless she inputs the password. ATO (furiously) You call me three in the morning to tell me there's a password on your penis? Wetin dey wrong you, Kofi? At this time that normal people are sleeping, you're walking around with Indians and saying you have a password on your dick! Nonsense! He cuts the call. Kofi calls again. Ato's phone is off. And Kofi Kuntu bends his head and for the first time in many years his shoulders shake uncontrollably with the depths of his tears. . To be continued..
15 Apr 2018 | 20:30
Now you believe.....hehehe
16 Apr 2018 | 02:30
16 Apr 2018 | 03:59
Don't you have herbalist in you village that will teach you how to put password to her vagi vagi so she will not be able to wee wee
16 Apr 2018 | 04:02
Eyah sorry oo
16 Apr 2018 | 04:29
Eiyaa! That's eternal punishment for being a jerk and a senseless player... Now, you've got a passworded lavade
16 Apr 2018 | 04:49
Indians are crazy
16 Apr 2018 | 05:28
Kofi just realise his mistake, he should have fuck a prostitue instead.
16 Apr 2018 | 05:47
Good for you Kofi
16 Apr 2018 | 08:26
It would have been better 4 him to cool his troubled joystick in a k!ttyc@t of a prostitute
16 Apr 2018 | 10:53
Kofi ghana...U remembered a vagi vagi that u have forbidden,dangerous vagi vagi
16 Apr 2018 | 11:01
Your indian female native doctor is using password on your joystick because of your overdose S£X attitude
16 Apr 2018 | 11:07
hahahaha,,,,, good for u kofia,,,, u should Hav done dat anulus,,,, but now, u are stuck wit sajili
16 Apr 2018 | 11:50
He agreed for his dick to be passworded outta desperation... lol. Now he wants it removed after being relieved... Sajili or Swahili, please don't remove it
16 Apr 2018 | 12:17
Still laughing.... At the foolish kuntu
16 Apr 2018 | 17:03
marry her, at least you are assured of having some pussy and with time. u can convince her that u love her and finally have the password removed
16 Apr 2018 | 17:22
16 Apr 2018 | 18:28
so now u are stuck
16 Apr 2018 | 18:29
Episode 12 Episode Title: Tongue Service Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. Kofi drives home and takes a very long shower. He presses his clothes and gets dressed because he cannot sleep. He is so stressed up, and he feels so lonely. He walks to his living-room and slots in his favourite porn movie. It is titled SLUTS AND THEIR HUGE TOYS 12. He has all the collection from one to twelve. It features solo masturbation scenes with well-endowed women. He sits in the chair and watches for almost forty minutes, shutting out his mind completely and concentrating on the big-breasted and huge-assed porn stars doing incredible things with massive dildos. Normally he gets an erection within the first five minutes of watching it. Just the sight of one of them getting out of their clothes is usually enough to make his lavde angry. But that dawn he sits through forty minutes, and he feels nothing. He unzips his fly and drags out his olidade ahunuabobrim from his boxers. It looks up sadly at him like some old mouse poking its head out of a hole. It looks so miserable. KOFI (in a trembling voice) This is just psychological. Kai, bullshit things! Whoever heard of a password on a dick? He continues to watch the video whilst massaging his langalanga, but still nothing! No power. No voltage. No anger. He stands up and beats his bula matari faster, concentrating on the porno movie which is now showing the antics of a curvy latino with super ass and paradise breasts who has fixed the dildo on the floor and is squatting over it, trying to impale that giant phallus all up inside her, presenting a back view that he finds absolutely arousing. But... Nothing! Tears comes to Kuntu's eyes. He looks down at his oluman sakora and pulls it hard. KOFI (tremulously) Wake up, bula, wake up! Come up! Don't let that Indian witch kill you, aboa bula! Just then his phone rings. It is the special tone for Akweley. The phone is on the leather seat, and he picks it up and puts it to his ear as he pauses the movie. AKWELEY (softly) Hello, my love. KOFI (weeping) Oh, Akwe! Oh, my love! I miss you so much! AKWELEY But where did you go to last night? I was expecting you at the hospital but you didn't show up! I was hurting so much and I needed you by my side terribly!! KOFI You father wouldn't let me! He drove me out of the house with a gun and warned me not to come near you again. He even sacked me from my job. AKWELEY It's alright, my love. You know his bark is always more powerful than his bite. He was just angry. He's okay now. I begged him on your behalf and he has agreed to give you a second chance, my love. KOFI But how are you, my love, my precious angel? AKWELEY I'm fine, love. Just that I miss you. KOFI Is your biiiiiiig mouth gone? Oh, sorry, love! It came out wrong. I didn't mean it to sound like that. AKWELEY (tenderly) That's okay, sweetheart. I'm okay now. What about you? Is the pain gone now? KOFI Yes, yes, it is gone. AKWELEY Then come over right now, love. I miss you so much. I want to see you. KOFI What? Now? AKWELEY Yes! Now! KOFI But your father! AKWELEY He's left already, love. Some partners he has to meet and some deals he has to close! You can come over and kiss me and still get to the office early. KOFI (excited) Alright, sweet honey, sweet abodoo, I'm on my way, my only Princess! AKWELEY Hurry, Stallion! I can't wait for your sweet- KOFI Klonka! He has spoken without even realizing he is speaking. He sighs with sudden apprehension. AKWELEY What? What did you say? KOFI I said creamy, love. I'm coming over right now! He cuts the call and stands for a moment. He looks down as his police abaa which is still out of his boxers and speaks. KOFI Adweaaa! You don't want any porno pussy, right? Well, guess what, I'm going to give you the best flesh in the business. Akweley is going to sit on you and bounce, so you better get up from your stupidity and get hard, kweku donsuro! He quickly locks up and runs to his car. He speeds through the empty streets towards his love! When he opens Akweley's door she is lying on the bed wearing only the tiniest G-string. Kofi Kuntu swallows with the rush of love and desire that rushes through him. He enters slowly and closes the door. He walks to the bed and stands looking down at her. She smiles seductively and slowly opens her legs, showing him a sight that makes his head pain him with instant lust. His knees go weak, and he looks from the tip of her toes to the amazing pair of breasts on her chest. AKWELEY (huskily) Get out of your clothes, K. K. Right now. Like a magician waving a wand Kofi shirks his clothes in a blink of an eye, and then joins her on the huge bed. He kisses her fiercely, passionately, hungrily. She shivers as his tongue scorches a trail down her throat. She moans deep in her throat, her fingers raking down his shoulders like talons. His lips are searing orbs of fire on her nipples, which are engorged and vibrating. His hand creeps gently up her inner thighs, caressing her gently until he comes to the juncture of her thighs. His fingers dive under her, playing a sweet kind of music on her central station. She is bucking now, her eyes glazed. His lips descend down her belly as he grasps her G-string and peel it down her long, smooth legs. He is kissing her navel now, and then his lips hover over her wet, warm, dripping muff. His tongue flicks over her clit. She moans and loses control as if a category hundred tsunami has blasted through her. As Kofi's lips move over her chut, licking and bringing her higher and higher, his left hand goes down to his own shaft, and tears fall from his eyes and mingle with her meat as he feels his soft flabby lavde. No power. No fire. No erection. He works like a machine now, aware that he needs Sajili's password to get an erection. There is simply no way he is going to be able to make love to his own fiancé, the girl he is going to marry in a month. Indeed, Sajili India has ruined him! AKWELEY (moaning) Oh, Kofi... aaash! Mmmm, mmm, mmmm! Assh... aaaaah, aaaaah, aaaah! Please, come up and make love to me... aaaaash! Kofi, if you don't come up now I'll explode and you'll be left hanging... come now! I need you inside me now, love! Ooooooooh...... She is holding Kofi's head, trying to pull him up. But Kofi has no erection, and he is scared. She pulls him hard, but he is stuck like a mountain, absolutely unmovable! He knows he cannot let Akweley find out what is going on. He has to find a solution fast before his marriage. He believes now. Sajili, indeed, has succeeded in rendering him impotent with all girls apart from herself. How can that be possible, oh Lord? What has he let himself into? To be Continued
16 Apr 2018 | 20:28
chai such life wouldn't pay
16 Apr 2018 | 21:32
Kofi you brought this upon yourself so deal with it
17 Apr 2018 | 03:17
ehyaa sorry... u think it was not real right?? fear Indians
17 Apr 2018 | 05:04
Find a way mumu
17 Apr 2018 | 05:12
Go look 4 solution in india or egypt *lol*
17 Apr 2018 | 05:25
since this girl is so much in love with you talk to her she might help
17 Apr 2018 | 05:49
hahahaha,,,,, its Ur call Kofi,,, pick it
17 Apr 2018 | 06:02
Lol.......good for you
17 Apr 2018 | 06:52
agagagaga sori
17 Apr 2018 | 07:11
Serves you right, now its time to stay faithful to one woman.
17 Apr 2018 | 09:25
Fear Indian magic
17 Apr 2018 | 09:34
hahahaha........ go look for solution
17 Apr 2018 | 12:06
Episode 13 Episode Title: A Man’s Tears What evil is this? What witchcraft is this? Oh, dear Lord! His tears fall faster as his lips laps down at Akweley. This is all he can do now: lick the cunts of girls! He is useless now! He cannot do anything! KOFI (sniffing) I can only lick! Oh, Awurade! I can only use my tongue on a vagi-vagi!! I can't fire! I can't hammer....oooooooh, Awuradeeeeiiii!! AKWELEY (moaning) Whaaaat? Whaaaaaat did you aaasssh mmmm, mmm, saaaaaay? Her thighs curl around Kofi's head in her orgasmic explosion, suffocating Kofi. He holds Akweley's thighs and tries to pry them apart as they tighten dangerously around his head. KOFI Heeerh Akweley, Akweley! Release my head, release my neck right now! Akweley, you're killing me, release my head! She can't hear him. She is exploding and squeezing him beyond his endurance. He stands up, almost lifting her off the bed, and pushes her off his neck. She plods back on the bed still bucking with pleasure, her eyes squeezed shut tightly. Kofi takes the opportunity to fly into his boxers and trousers. Her scent is all over his nose and lips, and he walks into the bathroom and washes his mouth and face. He washes the tears from his eyes. He stares at his reflection in the mirror and shakes his head with a heavy heart and dries his face. When he enters the bedroom she is still in bed, looking at him with dazed eyes, her face flushed with the magic of what had happened to her. AKWELEY You're getting dressed? He smiles sadly. KOFI Yes, love. Gotta rush to the office. Your pops is angry with me. Wanna be in the office on time. AKWELEY Oh, come on, love! He would be passing through other places before going to the office, I told you. I don't want you to have blue balls. You gave me a most incredible and powerful orgasm. Come and let me repay you. KOFI No, no, my love. Perhaps another time. We just have a month to the wedding and I don't want to infuriate your father further. Maybe he might pass through the office before going to wherever he plans to go. AKWELEY (smiling) Ei, Kofi Kuntu saying no to atopa? Wonders will never end! Don't worry, love. My father can never sack you as long as I love you. Come, baby. Let me give you one powerful round! I'll give you your favourite, the Cobra Strike! Come, la, my lion! KOFI I'll see you after work then, my love! She pouts with feigned anger as he quickly puts on his shirt. He heads towards the door. AKWELEY (crossly) Kofi Kuntu! Don't you dare! Don't I even get a kiss and a goodbye hug? He smiles and blows her a kiss. KOFI The way I'm feeling, if I kiss you I can't stop myself from ripping you apart like a lion. I'll klonk you bad! AKWELEY (laughing) Klonk? What kind of word is that one too? He laughs and quickly goes out and runs to his car. Oh, Lord! He is even speaking like that damn Sajili! Klonk? Has he actually used klonk? As he drives away he fights down his tears unsuccessfully. KOFI Oh, Saj! You wicked demon! When Kofi enters the office, Ato is already taking his breakfast in the small inner living-area. Kofi walks in and flops into a chair. Ato, dressed in a dark-blue suit with sky-blue shirt, puts down his teacup and looks at Kofi with sudden surprise. ATO Hey! You look like shit! KOFI (softly) You fucking asshole! Yesty I called you and you cut me off and switched off your damn phone! ATO (grinning) Sorry, rasta! My anus was paining me something fierce! KOFI (shocked) Your anus? ATO Yep. My anus. I've got piles, man. Bad piles! Kooko! Comes and goes, and it makes shitting a real horror movie when those piles rear their ugly heads. I was just from the can, bro, and my piles were killing me, and then you called with some shitty news that some Indian chick put a password on your prick. Kofi leans forward and stares at Ato balefully, his fear drawing a picture on his face. KOFI What told you I was shitting you? Sajili put a damn password on my dick! Ato doesn't appear to hear. He puts a piece of toasted bread in his mouth and looks at his phone. ATO I found the girl I want to marry, bro. Beautiful fresh meat called Maa Abena Nyantie. Beautiful girl, nurse, sweet like mwaaaah! She's in a WhatsApp group with me, you know, the GOLGOTHA CHURCH YOUTH GROUP. Look at her! Such a beauty! Ato leans forward and shows the photo on his phone to Kofi. Kofi takes the phone and looks at the profile picture of the girl who has gotten Ato so smitten. The picture is just the right eye of a woman, judging by the shape of the eyebrow. But it is just an eye. The right eye of a woman. It is a lovely eye in a way, penetrating and filled with some kind of amusing secret, an eye that seems to stare right through Kofi. A warm eye. An eye that seems to be staring right through him, seeking out his soul. KOFI It is an eye. ATO What do you mean it is an eye? KOFI (giving the phone back) You're going to marry an eye? ATO Fuck you, man! That's Maa Abena Nyantie. A girl on a platform I share. A sweet, beautiful nurse who- KOFI Yeah, yeah, you told me, but this is an eye! ATO It's Maa Abena's eye, fool. KOFI And you've seen more than her eye? ATO (softly) Nope. I asked her to send me a full facial pic but she just sent lol. But she intrigues me, man. I look at that eye and something goes through me viiiiim! KOFI You craze pass. You see a lady's eye and suddenly she is the girl of your dreams? You just want to klonk her, that's all. ATO (puzzled) I want to what? And that is when Kofi begins to cry. His shoulders shake and tears fall down his face and he looks absolutely shattered. Ato stares at him with his lips open wide. KOFI Oh, God... buuubuuubuu, hiiihiiihii, bubububbubb! Ato Sey cranes his head and looks at Kofi with stunned indignation. ATO Hey! Are you trying to make a fool of me? What the hell is going on? Are you really crying or you’re just pulling some prank on me? KOFI Hiihhiiii... Oh, Loooorrrd! My penis! My bula matari! Saji put a curse on my penis! She cursed my penini! She passworded it! To be continued
17 Apr 2018 | 20:28
Cant stop laughing.
18 Apr 2018 | 06:07
hmmm, ride on
18 Apr 2018 | 10:05
I tire o
18 Apr 2018 | 10:45
Hahahahahaha! You are stuck with Saji
18 Apr 2018 | 10:59
Akweley wanted something from her man,wanted S£X from him but never knew that kofi has got a joystick with password
18 Apr 2018 | 12:09
Kofi kuntumtum is in pain,he's now a cry cry baby,he did it to himself
18 Apr 2018 | 12:12
0 Likes really need to check out his joystick,it's not active anymore.
18 Apr 2018 | 12:16
I don't think Kofi can cram that password... the process is something else and who knows if it can only respond to Saji
18 Apr 2018 | 14:40
Akweley ur fiance weapon is passworded
18 Apr 2018 | 14:41
seriously,,,, laugh wan kill me die oooo
18 Apr 2018 | 14:43
Episode 14 Episode Title: The Elucidation of Ato Sey Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. Ato stands up and slowly approaches Kofi. Slowly he drops to one knee and tentatively reaches out and touches Kofi’s face. It is only when he ascertains that indeed Kofi is crying for real, that Ato's face softens and he breathes with horror. ATO Awurade Nyankopon! Are you going mad, Kofi? You’re really crying! What's wrong with you, Bro? Kofi Kuntu shakes his head and then, haltingly, he begins to narrate everything that happened to him since he rubbed the Jamaican Stone solution on his dick. Ato's eyes grow bigger and bigger with horror by the second, searching Kofi's face as if to find out some other hidden truth. Kofi runs a trembling hand through his hair and then uses his handkerchief to clean his face. KOFI So that's it, bro. My future is screwed up. I either marry this Indian chick, or I become impotent for life. I can't even marry Akweley because I'm now useless to her as a man! ATO Boshit! It is psychological, bro. She has messed up with your mind using a mixture of hypnotism and some witchcraft. It has given you performance anxiety of the worst kind. All of us get light offs once in a while. KOFI No, it's not psychological, man! Even with Sajili I only get an erection when she does the damn password thing. ATO Boshit! Listen, this can be cured fast, bro. Today I'll take you to ashawo line. You get roaring drunk, and then you'll be with one or two sluts, and bingo, you'll fire away! You only need to enter one hole, and your mind will be reset forever! KOFI (whimpering) It won't work. You don't understand, man, Saji has finished me! ATO (harshly) Stop your boshit, man! I'm gonna cure you fast! Now forget about everything. Take some breakfast and let's get some work done. And then, in the evening, we'll find a cure for you. And it is evening now. First Ato had taken Kofi to his own apartment, which is on the fifth floor of a six-floor building. He had tried to get Kofi to relax by making him eat some Chinese food they had bought, beef noodles, Kofi's favourite. And then he made sure Kofi was very drunk. He then forced him to swallow one Viagra pill. He then left Kofi in the bedroom, drunk and horny, and drove out. He returned about an hour later with a beautiful prostitute whom he told to make love to Kofi, but told her he would be watching. PROSTITUTE What? You want to watch me fuck your friend? ATO Well, not completely. Just want to see if he gets an erection, and then I'll leave you to it. She shrugs as she steps out of her dress and takes off her bra and panties. PROSTITUTE Whatever you want, dude. But remember, it'll cost you extra for this voyeur shit! Ato watches as Kofi giggles and takes off his boxers. KOFI (drunkenly) I'm gonna klonk you! I'm gonna klonk you hard and bad and klonkier! Hihiihihiihi!! He is naked, and he grabs the prostitute. And for the next forty minutes the prostitute does all she can, but Kofi remains flaccid... No power! No erection! Dead engine room! The girl finally pushes Kofi away and stands up. Kofi curls up on the bed in the foetal position and begins to weep heart-breakingly. The girl looks at him without expression, and then she quirks an eyebrow at Ato. PROSTITUTE So? This guy is very cute, most handsome guy I’ve probably ever seen, but he's useless. That dick is impotent. You wanna fuck me? Ato shakes his head numbly as he takes out his wallet and peels off money to the girl. She counts the money and narrows her eyes. ATO What? PROSTITUTE If you're not going to drop me off you better add my taxi charter money to it. A hundred Ghana cedis. ATO (angrily) Hundred Ghana? Are you going to charter a submarine? And that is when the prostitute screams like Bruce Lee and delivers two quick chops to Ato's head with her left fist. Ato screams with pain as the blows send him toppling backward. Kofi screams with sudden insane laughter and points a finger at Ato's bleeding nose. KOFI She kunfued you...hahahahahahaaa! The whore kunfued your fucking face!! The prostitute reaches for Ato's wallet and takes out an extra one hundred and fifty Ghana Cedis, and then throws the wallet at Ato. ATO You fucking thief! PROSTITUTE You're right about the 'fucking' part, but you're gonna pay for the 'thief' part! Hiyaaaa! She spins and her right foot crashes into Ato's head. KOFI (coughing with laughter) She Vandammed you! She did a turning-kick and Vandammed your fucking head! The girl gathers her things and walks out of the bedroom naked. Ato sits up holding his aching head, and glares at his friend. He is not surprised when Kofi suddenly breaks into tears. ATO You cut that shit out now! KOFI You see how my bula didn't even twitch? That's proof number one! Now, let's go to Sajili's house now! I'll give you proof number two! ATO C'mon man! It's all in your fucking head! You need a shrink, man, to set your brain straight! KOFI (screaming) Fuck you! Fuck you! There's nothing wrong with my head! Come with me! I'll show you Indian witchcraft, you bastard! And so, at around 10 p.m. that night, Ato and Kofi get into Ato's car and drive all the way to the ATIEMO ESTATES. Ato stays in the backseat as Kofi has instructed him. He knows that the door will be left unlocked. Sajili opens the door for Kofi, and soon he vanishes into the room. Ato waits for ten minutes as he had agreed with Kofi. He gets out of the car and walks quickly to the door which Kofi had unlocked after Sajili locked it, opens it, and enters a most luxurious-looking living-area. He finds the bedroom door open, and he lies flat on his stomach. He crawls flat towards the open bedroom door, which Kofi has left open intentionally. The light is on too, illuminating the bed. Ato comes inside, still flat on his stomach, and then he raises himself up to his knees and looks on the bed. Both Kofi and the Indian girl are naked, and Ato gets an instant erection when he sees how beautiful and curvaceous Sajili is. His erection begins to dwindle suddenly when he sees what Sajili Prakash is doing to his friend. She whispers some words and then pulls Kofi's penis. There are more words, and then she pulls Kofi's left testicle. Next she holds Kofi's penis and turns it anti-clockwise twice. Suddenly she turns Kofi over, murmurs some words, and then slaps his buttocks very hard, twice, and when she finally turns him over, Kofi's penis is erect, hard and big. Sajili rises herself above Kofi and settles herself unto his erection with a contented moan. She rides him, screaming with delight. SAJILI Oh, yes, yes, yes! I love your penis! It is only for me! Me only! My penis! My sweet penis! Only for me! Only for me! Enjoy it, Kofi! Enjoy it! This is the only pussy for you! Klonk me! Klonk me! Oh, Kofi darling, klonk me haaaaaard! My penis! My Peniiiiiiiiiiiis!! She is enjoying herself, but Kofi turns his face towards the door, and Ato sees that Kofi is weeping silently! It brings tears to Ato's eyes to see his friend weeping whilst he is deep inside that witch. How on earth can a person make love and cry at the same time? Ato crawls back slowly to the living-room, gets up, and rushes out to the car. ATO (shocked) My God! Kofi is right! That witch has put a password on his penis! To be continued
18 Apr 2018 | 20:14
Lol........this man no go kill me o
19 Apr 2018 | 03:32
hahahahaha biko lemme nt laught to much so that they wont block my own!
19 Apr 2018 | 03:56
Ato now you believe
19 Apr 2018 | 04:23
hahahaha,,, take him to Jamaica man u bot dat chalk from ooo Ato
19 Apr 2018 | 04:32
hmm Real deep shit
19 Apr 2018 | 04:48
the stone isn't the problem, the problem is that password. maybe if they look for an Indian witch, kofi might be lucky to have the password removed
19 Apr 2018 | 05:20
0 Likes u believe abi
19 Apr 2018 | 05:37
Lol good for yhu
19 Apr 2018 | 05:47
Yea she has a password on his dick
19 Apr 2018 | 05:57
Go and marry her then or better still, enter seminary and become a Revd. Father
19 Apr 2018 | 07:09
kofi in real shit
19 Apr 2018 | 09:04
The two of you better put your heads together and think of a solution to these gravious problem.
19 Apr 2018 | 09:17
now u belv
19 Apr 2018 | 13:01
Episode 15 Episode Title: Roping In The Police Ato lies in the backseat for about an hour, and then Kofi appears. Sajili kisses him in the doorway, and then goes back inside. Kofi enters the car and drives out. It is almost 2:00 a.m. Kofi stops the car when they are well clear of the estate, puts his forehead on the steering-wheel, and begins to shiver uncontrollably. Ato comes out of the backseat and sits by his friend. KOFI You saw it, didn't you? ATO (stunned) I saw it, bro. This is pure witchcraft! Let's go to the police station. My brother is a policeman! Let's go! They'll arrest that witch and force her to withdraw that damn password!! KOFI You s-sure? ATO Look, let me drive! We're bringing the police in first thing in the morning! This nonsense must stop right now! There is a police station quite near their workplace. At break time later that day Kuntu and Ato go to the police station to lodge a formal complaint. Ato's brother has directed them to a Sergeant Abbiw at the station. Sergeant Abbiw is a jovial, florid-faced man who is on his way out on another assignment, so he takes them into an inner office of the police station and leaves them with another Sergeant called Setorworfia to help them. SERGEANT SETORWORFIA is tall, dark and serious-faced. He listens patiently to them, and then he stands up and goes outside without a word. He returns a few minutes later with two pens and sheets of ruled paper. SERGEANT SETORWORFIA (gently) Listen, guys, you better write down your statements. We'll take it from there. Kuntu looks anxiously at him with very troubled eyes. KOFI We have a tight case, right? The policeman looks upwards for a bit, and then he looks at Kofi and smiles. SERGEANT SETORWORFIA You have an airtight case, bro. Don't worry a bit. We'll set you free soon. Tears almost glitter in Kofi's eyes with profound relief. KOFI Thank you, thank you very much, bro. Setorworfia leaves them, and Ato smiles reassuringly at Kofi and pats him on the shoulder. ATO Come on, Kofi. Write everything down. We'll give that Indian witch hell, I tell you! For the next thirty minutes Kuntu puts down everything that has happened since he received the Jamaican Stone from Ato. Sergeant Setorworfia comes in and takes their statements, and then he leaves quickly. Ten minutes later he pokes his head inside and speaks in a rush. SERGEANT SETORWORFIA (gruffly) Come with me, guys. Kofi stands up warily and looks at Ato with some discomfort. KOFI It seems that policeman is trying hard not to laugh, Ato. Ato nods and licks his lips nervously. ATO Yeah, yeah! I got the same impression, man. His cheeks were kinda shaking gbrada gbrada each time he came inside, and his eyes were very red as if he was laughing inside his chest... you know, like he is really trying hard not to let us see he's laughing! They follow Sergeant Setorworfia to the main reception area. There are other police personnel here, men and women, and all of them are striving to keep a straight face. One of the ladies, a beautiful black beauty, puts down her phone and looks at them. POLICE BEAUTY So which of them is the Kofi Kuntu? The moment she speaks all the police personnel burst into uncontrollable raucous laughter, making Kuntu and Ato look at each other with acute discomfiture. It is now quite evident to them that their case has become a sort of jest and fun for the police. Ato, chagrined, turns on Sergeant Setorworfia with some venom in his voice and on his face. ATO (angrily) Look here, what's the meaning of this, huh? We brought our case to you and you made it a public comedy of a thousand laughter? Setorworfia, who is leaning against the wall and laughing very hard whilst holding his stomach, now straightens with something like shame on his face. He shakes his head slowly and wipes tears of mirth from his eyes. SERGEANT SETORWORFIA Sorry, guys, but you must admit the whole incident is hilarious! You guys really didn't mean any of it, did you? There is a fresh bout of laughter, in the room. Kofi feels the helpless pain crushing his soul. Still, he notices that there is a corporal sitting behind the counter who is looking on without so much as a twitch to his face. Indeed, he looks almost angry. He is wearing his cap rigidly, and his face is a map of tribal scars. His eyes flit from Kofi to Ato, and finally settles coldly on Kofi. ATO (furiously) Damn sure we mean it! You have to arrest the Indian witch! This sets them off again into peals of uncontrolled laughter. Setorworfia waves their statements in the air and shakes his head as his mirth slowly peters out. SERGEANT SETORWORFIA (patronizingly) Listen, my friends. I was ordered by my Commandant to arrest the two of you, initially, but because Ato's brother is a policeman, we will let you go. KOFI (indignantly) Arrest us? Arrest us, you say? For what? Why? I have a case and- SERGEANT SETORWORFIA (harshly) You have no case, my brother! No case at all! This is not a criminal case. We don't deal in ghost and juju and spiritual things. On what charge are we going to arrest this Indian woman? And how are we going to prove that she made you impotent? When the case goes to court are you going to let her pull your penis and testicles and slap your buttocks so that your prick will erect? And you seriously think, for even one second, that she will do that supposing what you’re saying is true? No, she wouldn’t. Moreover, she can always deny that she and you made love. She’ll say you were impotent and couldn’t get it up from the word go, and now you're trying to put your impotency on her. No, my paddy. We can't arrest her, we can't send her to court. It is, at best, a most foolish case. Kofi and Ato look at each other with utter consternation. ATO (hoarsely) You mean... you mean you can't arrest Sajili? And you made us waste our time writing those statements? Aba boshit nso nyi? SERGEANT SETORWORFIA I'm sorry, dude. There's no charge to arrest her on. We don't deal in spiritual and psychological stuff. We deal in physical and fact-based crime. The police do a lot of things, but the one thing we don’t do is arrest witches and spiritual penis password specialists! There is a bout of laughter again. Ato takes Kofi's arm. ATO Let's get out of here, bro. The beautiful police woman stands up and puts her arms around Kofi's neck, looking at him with a mixture of pity and mirth. POLICE BEAUTY You're a handsome man, Kofi, so very handsome. Listen, next time she mentions the password, memorize it okay? Then come and tell me. I'll gladly pull your penis and turn it around and pull your hwea balls and slap your buttocks for you! I really want to do it for you! Maybe I can learn from it too, and keep my boyfriend’s dick on a password! Oh, every woman should have this ability to password a penis! Kofi stumbles out of her arms and rushes outside blindly. Ato follows him out. They can still hear the strident laughter of the police personnel from within the office. . To be continued..
19 Apr 2018 | 18:36
Serves U right Kofi, next time u will learn how to be faithful to the woman u want to marry
20 Apr 2018 | 05:40
it's indeed crazy to report such a thing to the police, who will be the witnesses
20 Apr 2018 | 06:09
me self dey laugh imagine taking this kind case to police
20 Apr 2018 | 07:40
You guys are fools, you should have consulted a spiritualist instead of going to the station.
20 Apr 2018 | 07:44
Hahahahahaha! Its indeed very funny
20 Apr 2018 | 08:21
Idiotic dudes...lolzzzzzz
20 Apr 2018 | 09:09
lol............ So funny
20 Apr 2018 | 12:47
I don't feel sorry for you Kofi
20 Apr 2018 | 15:27
Awu kofi kuntukutuku u hav nw bcome a laughing stock. Ayi
20 Apr 2018 | 17:28
20 Apr 2018 | 18:01
its really a serious and laffing case, but dey both lack common sense oooo, ato and kofi
20 Apr 2018 | 19:51
Kofi kuntumtum is still in the shame of his joystick with password
20 Apr 2018 | 23:23
The female indian native doctor is incharge of his penis
20 Apr 2018 | 23:33
So he was taking this kinda case to the police,public shame
20 Apr 2018 | 23:36
See your life
21 Apr 2018 | 08:14
Episode 16 Episode Title: Corporal Tiiiiinga Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. Kofi walks on rubbery legs to the car and leans against it wearily, his head thrown back to stem the tears in his eyes. He feels faint, and it feels as if sound is coming to him from a very far off. He feels a great sense of helplessness, and it begins to dawn on him that increasingly he will have to be with Sajili forever if he wants to slush some tonga. Otherwise he will forever spend his life as a completely impotent man. More than ever it is sinking in that he cannot marry Akweley. It takes him a moment for him to realize that Ato is speaking to him. He forces himself to concentrate. He looks unseeingly at his friend. ATO What are we going to do now, bro? Situation looks real bad! KOFI (voice trembling) I don't know, Ato, I don't know! I'll be married soon, and if I don't get this sorted out I'll lose Akweley! I'm going mad, man! I'm going outta my mind! Ato leans against the car too and purses his lips, and then he nods as if something is working in his mind. ATO Let's kidnap Sajili and beat the fuck outta her to reverse the curse! KOFI (shocked) What? ATO (looking demented) Yes, yes, yes! Let's put a gang together and kidnap Sajili! That girl does not respect herself, and we'll not respect her! We can kidnap her, take her somewhere, and beat her mercilessly until she unties your prick. KOFI (shocked) That’s barbaric, bro! ATO (angrily) Barbaric? Barbaric you say? You want to follow her to India so that they change your name to Dharam Veer Kuntu and put a turban on your head? Do you know that in their wedding ceremony she will hold the tail of your robe and you two will go around a fire, round round round? What will you do in India anyway? Play flutes for cobras? Sing songs like the way Amar, Akbar, Anthony, Jimmy and Shakar do in their movies? You'll be singing songs like Jaaaaguuuu, mena mena chaka bufa no papaaa! Damn it, boy! We need to get you well before that girl sends you to India! We need to kidnap Sajili and beat this boshit out of her! Kofi is looking at his friend in helpless horror when he notices a policeman approaching them. It is the corporal behind the counter, the one with the horrible tribal marks on his face who had not laughed when all the others were laughing. They look at him warily, and he stops and regards them coldly. KOFI What do you want now, please? CORPORAL TINGA I'm Corporal Seidu Tinga. ATO (angrily) You’re Seidu Atinga and so what? CORPORAL TINGA (calmly) I said Tinga, Tiiiiinga, not Atinga. Listen, I believe you guys. But I couldn't say it in there. We can't arrest the lady. It'll be like using petrol to fight fire. You need a fetish priest to remove the evil curse of the Indian, to enter the astral fields and meet her spirit in supernatural acrobatics and defeat her. You need a powerful Mallam. I know a powerful man of the spirits who can help you and get rid of this Indian in a second. Ato and Kofi look at each other, their hopes up. Kofi can barely believe his ears. He wipes his face with a trembling hand and almost hugs the policeman. KOFI Oh, really, Mr. Atinga? Sorry, Sorry, Mr. Tiiiinga! Mr. Tinga! You'll help me? This man can help me? CORPORAL TINGA Ahhhh. Koko koraa! He'll bloskoto this Indian girl juju like the way the most cataclysmic flatulence disappears in clean air! KOFI (excitedly) Oh, thank you, thank Mr. Atin ei, no, Tiiiinga! Thank you Mr. Tinga! You don't know just how relieved I am! Please, please, when can you take us to see this mallam? CORPORAL TINGA Don't worry, my friend. I can take you tomorrow if you can make the time! KOFI Oh, I've taken a week off my schedule to help me resolve this issue. My friend here is also on a week's leave. We can go with you tomorrow. CORPORAL TINGA Atigya! Okay, let's find somewhere to sit and plan. ATO (suspiciously) And where is this mystic man of yours, Corporal Tiiiinnnnnga? Don't tell me he's in Burkina Faso, or Jerusalem! And how much will it cost us? KOFI (angrily) Ato! Come on! Don't come and mess things up!! CORPORAL TINGA That's okay, really. He asked intelligent questions. Actually the mallam is in the Eastern Region. And he will not charge you a pesewa until the treatment is done, and then you'll be asked to pay a token, something small! KOFI Yooo! Yooo!! Agreed, Corporal Tinga! CORPORAL TINGA (coldly) You can call me Seidu. As agreed, Ato Sey sleeps over at Kofi's place for the night, and they set off at dawn around three o'clock in the morning to go and see the mallam. Ato is driving, and they pick up Corporal Seidu Tinga at the Atomic junction. He sits in the back and sighs. CORPORAL TINGA If day breaks and you see some Hausa Koko, let me buy some, okay? Man is hungry. ATO Yes, sir. Definitely. They listen to gospel music and preaching from an FM station. They stop to buy the porridge for the policeman two hours later when they get to Koforidua. The policeman directs them through the suburbs, and soon they leave the town behind and travel along a gutted, untarred road. Eventually the Ato stops the car and looks around with trepidation. They're deep inside some woods, and the track has ended, no longer passable. KOFI It seems we have come to the end of the road, sir. CORPORAL TINGA (yawning, exasperated) Ooooooooooh! I told you to call me Seidu. What sir sir is that? Yes, get out and lock the car. We walk from here. They all get out of the car and Ato locks it. The corporal then walks to the side of the road and a moment later takes a narrow path on the side of the road. Ato and Kofi follow him quickly. The path is wet and slippery, filled with tree roots that can snare a man's leg and break it. They walk in silence for a long time. The path seems to be meandering downward, and they had to be careful not to fall and plummet down the precarious descent. Kofi and Ato are panting and gasping for breath by the time they come to a level ground. The trees are thicker here, and so is the shrubbery. There is a wooden sign board nailed to the bark of a tree with an arrow pointing to the left and the inscription: TO MALLAM BUSANGA'S SHRINE There is a long wooden shed in a cleared area, and Corporal Atinga heads for the shed and enters, beckoning to them to follow. Ato and Kofi enter the shed and then they come to a complete halt with surprise. The floor of the shed is covered with footwear. Shoes, slippers, high heels and all sorts of footwear. Folded on some crude benches and tables are clothes, also ranging from formal suits, skirts and blouses to jeans, shorts and simple shirts and dresses. There are purses, handbags and wallets lying on top of most of the bundles of clothing. Ato looks incredulous and strangely scared as he raises questioning eyes. ATO And what does this mean, Seidu? CORPORAL TINGA We're now entering the shrine. You can't enter the shrine with your clothing. You have to leave them here. We will walk naked to the shrine. ATO (aghast) What? No, no, no, no! No, can't do. We can't do that! CORPORAL TINGA Then you have to return to Accra. You can't enter the shrine with clothes. ATO But what kind of boshit is that one too? I have to take off my clothes and with my penis hanging in front of me like a dead snake, walk into some mallam’s shrine? What at all is this? It continues after comment's..
21 Apr 2018 | 10:41
Lol! The journey to your recovery just commenced. Seems the Mallam is somehow powerful but the question is "Can he match and defeat Saji's powers?"
21 Apr 2018 | 13:44
21 Apr 2018 | 15:16
no be only una dey dere na
21 Apr 2018 | 20:38
pull ur cloths and enter let's see if the man get power
21 Apr 2018 | 20:48
This story is so jst funny and interesting. kofi u kill it.
22 Apr 2018 | 02:18
Lauging Out
22 Apr 2018 | 02:31
If you can't do it, go back
22 Apr 2018 | 03:24
this kofi's life is full of crazy episodes
22 Apr 2018 | 13:24
PASSWORD ©Aaron Ansah-Agyeman Episode 17 Episode Title: Mallam Busanga Kofi puts a hand on the shoulder of his friend. KOFI (sadly) Come on, man. If that's what we gotta do to get me well, please, I beg of you, let's do it. Just then there is a rustle, and two people come into the shed from an entrance further down, both female. One is extremely fat, and the other is buxom and absolutely curvaceous, and they are both naked. The Corporal turns his head immediately and faces the wooden wall. Ato and Kofi gawk at the naked women. CORPORAL TINGA (desperately) Hey, hey! Don't look at them otherwise in the next three minutes you'll develop four permanent boils on your buttocks! Ato and Kofi turn their faces away immediately with little intakes of breath, and wait until the women have finished dressing and gone out. Corporal Tinga then begins to undress, causing Kofi and Ato to look at each other with mounting unease. Slowly they also begin to take off their own clothes. ATO In fact, this is boshit paaa! I don't like this at all! If I had known we are going to walk around naked in this forest I would've waited in the car! Corporal Tinga is first to finish undressing, and at the sight of his incredibly massive and vein-filled penis Kofi and Ato look at each other with stunned eyes. KOFI (shocked) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeerh!! ATO (shocked) Ewurade Nyankopon! Is that a leg or a bula? Kwasea! Kweeeeeeeerh! Do you have a wife, Tinga? The policeman looks at them and frowns. CORPORAL TINGA And what kind of stupid question is that one too? ATO (dazed) Aboooowa! Do you want to kill somebody's daughter? What is that monster for? Are you crazy? Do you call that thing a penis? CORPORAL TINGA (irritated) No, I call it a helicopter, fool! What's the matter with you? It has been marked! I don't put all of it into my wife! ATO Abakade! Heeeeerh! Who marked it? CORPORAL TINGA A doctor. I have a ring I put on it so that it doesn't go in past that ring, so my wife is safe! KOFI (giggling) Safe, my ass! If your father-in-law sees that thing I swear he'll let his daughter divorce you! Ring or no ring, no woman is safe with that thing! Oh, no, no, no, no! Heeeeeeeeerh!! Kote paa nie? ATO I swear! Haba! This banbala kote dier, it wasn't created by God, no way! That thing between your legs was created by Nebuchadnezzar or Jehoshaphat or Abimelech, I swear! Kofi and Ato burst into laughter as they finish undressing. Corporal Tinga looks at them and shakes his head with restrained anger. CORPORAL TINGA You have to put your wallets down. You can't bring the wallets. You have to walk to the shrine naked. If money is needed a servant will come with you to take it. ATO (exasperated) I can't leave my wallet here! Do you want it to be stolen? Corporal Tinga indicates the other purses and wallets lying on the other clothes. CORPORAL TINGA No one will dare steal your wallet! Whoever tries will become a cripple and fall down instantly. There is power here, I won't lie to you! Reluctantly Kofi and Ato place their wallets on their folded attire and follow the policeman out. They are now walking into thicker bush, the path so narrow that they have to walk in a single file. ATO (giggling) Kofi Kuntu, I see grey hairs on your buttocks! KOFI Oh comot for there! ATO (giggling) Ei, chale, because of small tonga, look at how grown men like us are walking naked in the forests of Koforidua with our penises swinging in front of us like the Catholic bells. God, have mercy on our souls o! KOFI (laughing) Stop fooling, Ato! Gyae nkwaseasem no, wate? After about thirty minutes of walking they finally come to a branch in the path. CORPORAL TINGA From here, the women take the left turn, and the men take the right turn! Just then an elderly woman emerges from the left, stark naked. Her grey hair is cropped short, and her breasts are so long and sallow that they almost touch her thighs. Her groin is a thick growth of grey, and the moment she sees the mammoth organ hanging in front of Corporal Tinga she gasps, looks startled, does a double shake and crosses herself quickly. WOMAN (scared) Eiiii, Awurade Nyame, kote ben nie? Blood of Jesus! Ato and Kofi break into gales of laughter instantly as they follow the policeman down the path branching to the right! ATO (laughing) Seidu, did you hear the woman? She’s scared of your tsunami bofti penis o! CORPORAL TINGA Will you stop that nonsense, aaaba? ATO (laughing) Massa, find some carpenter to use a saw blade and cut off some of that penis! It's a real horror! KOFI This one hacksaw blade can't cut it o, massa! He needs kpokplomaja, knicker knicker machine...tututututututuuu! As the two friends break into uncontrollable laughter, the Corporal looks at them angrily. CORPORAL TINGA Nkwaseafo! At least it doesn't have a password on it! Kofi stops laughing immediately and glares at the policeman. KOFI Aboa bi ba! Ato screams with laughter at that. ATO Heeeeeerh, e pain you roff!! A few minutes later they come to the shrine. It is a huge space filled with a lot of clay huts. There are also some cement structures. In the middle of the yard is a huge hole in which a gigantic snake is coiled, the sight of which make Ato and Kofi quiver with fear. There are a lot of naked men here. Some are lying on the bare floor. Others are lying or sitting on the verandas. Some are tied to posts. Two of them are pulling a huge rock with a rope tied around it. Others are in an open enclosure, smeared with blood and performing some sort of spiritual worship. There is a huge shed to one side of the worship temple. It is painted white, and under it are mats. At the head of it is an old man. He has a long, wrinkled face, and he has a turban on his head, and dressed in a long, white filmy material. He looks at them with rheumy eyes as they are ushered in by an attendant. There is a huge black pot on his right side that appears to be boiling because heat steam is emitting from it, but there is no fire under it. They are made to sit facing the man. The attendant speaks in one of the Northern dialects, and Corporal Tinga replies. The man in white has been staring fixedly at Kofi Kuntu. Aftera lot of conversation between the attendant and Tinga, the policeman turns to Kofi as the man in white begins to speak in a soft, bass voice. CORPORAL TINGA Mallam Busanga welcomes you. Kofi and Ato respond fearfully. The attendant is now speaking to the Mallam. After some time, the attendant turns and faces them. He speaks in a halting voice, his English heavily flawed by his accent. ATTENDANT Tor, tor, tor! Mallam Busanga, he shays your problemsh ish shmall problemshs, tor, tor, tor! Corporal Tinga speaks to the attendant rapidly, and the medicine man nods. The attendant then speaks in his local dialect to Tinga, who turns and faces Kofi. CORPORAL TINGA Well, I offered to do the translation, and Mallam Busanga accepted. The crux of the matter is that there is a simple solution, and a hard solution for your problem, Kofi. The simple solution is that Mallam can do everything today, and by this night you will be free, and then next week you will come and make payment to the gods. Tears come to Kofi's eyes immediately, because it seems a very heavy load has been lifted off his shoulders. KOFI Oh! Oh, yes! Thank you, thank you- CORPORAL TINGA (sharply) I haven't finished! The simple solution is that you will go to the hen coop and bring one hen. Mallam will put some corn seeds on the floor. If the hen swallows just one seed, it means Mallam will take the simple solution. However, if the hen does not swallow any of the corn seeds, then it will mean the gods have rejected the simple solution, and you will need to go on with a harder solution! KOFI (weeping) Any solution is a solution! I'm prepared to do anything! Mallam Busanga nods and points to the hen coop. The attendant walks out and beckons to Kofi and Ato. They follow him to a huge hen coop, and he opens the top hatch. There are five white hens in cubicles, clucking nervously. It continues after comments..
22 Apr 2018 | 13:44
so what's the solution
22 Apr 2018 | 16:57
u didn't even bother to ask abt dat hard solution,,, I pity Ur life in dis koforidua forest,,,, men!!!! I miss Ghana kraaa
23 Apr 2018 | 04:20
Idiot,u didn't bother to ask wat the other solution is
23 Apr 2018 | 04:45
Hahahahahaha, I yaff laff tire ooo
23 Apr 2018 | 04:59
u did not ask about the hard choice very foolish
23 Apr 2018 | 12:46
I think dat would be ur doom... let's ride
23 Apr 2018 | 12:51
b4 i forget how can Tinga's bulala big that big that people gasps when they See's it..
23 Apr 2018 | 12:52
Pray you pick an hungry hen that is going to eat the corn o, else you are doomed.
23 Apr 2018 | 13:36
The hard solution will fall on you
23 Apr 2018 | 14:21
d hen no go even look ground talkless of to swallow
23 Apr 2018 | 15:42
This is where your problem begin
23 Apr 2018 | 16:38
Episode 18 . Episode Title: Kicking The Hen’s Head . Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. . ATTENDANT (smiling broadly) Chuuush wine! ATO What? KOFI I think he says we should choose one. ATTENDANT (smiling) Yesh, yesh, chuush wine! Kofi and Ato exchange looks. KOFI Which one? ATO I don't know, bro. Just take one. As for one corn seed I'm sure any of the buggers can swallow that, at least. KOFI Hmmm. Okay, I'll take the one in the middle. Kofi takes the middle hen and they return to Mallam Busanga. The attendant gestures to Kofi to put the hen in front of the fetish priest. Kofi puts the hen down. It makes no attempt to flee. The Mallam opens his palm. There are five corn seeds in his palm. He drops them on the floor, just in front of the hen. The hen clucks excitedly and picks up one corn seed in its beak. It turns it over and over and over. Kofi and Ato are looking on with open mouths, praying that the hen will swallow the seed, but it suddenly drops the seed. It picks up another, rolls it, and drops it again disdainfully. And then it gets to its feet and begins to strut lazily away! ATO Shit. Damn shit! Akoko Sajili! KOFI Oh, no! Oh, no! Kofi gets to his feet blindly and stumbles after the hen. CORPORAL TINGA (panicking) Hey! What're you doing, Kofi? KOFI (angrily) Bad hen! Go and eat! Go and eat! The hen begins to run, and Kofi swings his leg desperately to stop the hen. His foot connects with the hen's head. HEN (swooning) Cukooo! Ku, ku! Cooo! And then the hen falls down dead. Kofi stares at the hen with an open mouth, too frightened to move. The frightened attendant rushes forward and picks up the hen. He turns it over and over, then looks at Kofi with shock. ATTENDANT Yew fuuuuul! Yew keeeled the cukoo! Why deed yew keeek the cukoo in the head, huh? Why deed yew keeek the cukoo la? Yew keeked the head of the cukoo! Yew fuuuul!! He carries the dead hen over to Mallam Busanga, who looks at it sadly and shakes his head. Kofi is still standing, still dazed with absolute shock, feeling even more naked, somehow aware that he has made one huge and terrible mistake. Even Corporal Tinga looks terrified. Mallam Busanga is speaking rapidly now. When he stops Corporal Tinga shakes his head with horror. ATO (hoarsely) What happens now? Kofi messed up, right? CORPORAL TINGA (bitterly) Messed up? He fucked up! It seems this Indian girl is very powerful! Now there is only the hard way for Kofi if he wants a solution. ATO And what's the hard way? CORPORAL TINGA Well, Mallam will prepare some concoction with the blood of the hen. Kofi will drink a little of that medicine, and smear some on his penis and testicles. And then, three days from today, he must find a mad woman and push his penis into her vagina, and he will be healed! ATO (shocked) What? Oh, please, no, no, no! Hey, wait a minute! A mad woman? Did you say a mad woman? Oh, come on, Mallam Busanga, please! Even you, as a mallam, can you find a mad woman and push your penis in her? Let’s be realistic here a bit, please! That sort of thing happens in Ghanaian and Nigerian films! Never thought it happens in real life. Please come again, please! CORPORAL TINGA (sadly) I'm afraid that’s it, guys. Mallam says that's the only way now. It must happen on the third day from today, otherwise he will be in deep, deep, deep trouble! KOFI (horrified) Oh, I beg you, Mallam Busanga! Please do something for me, I beg you! I just tried to make the hen peck just one corn, just one! I didn't mean to kick its head! Please, Mallam Busanga, can't we take another hen? I'm prepared to pay any price for it, please, please! Have mercy! I can't make love to a mad woman, please! ATTENDANT (hotly) Yew deeedn't jes keeek the head of the cukoo o! Yew booooted the head of the cukoo! Yew booooted it! Why did yew boooooot the cukoo? ATO (angrily) Oh, will you shut up over there? What's your own, la? Whether he kicked or booted the head, he has booted it! Now it's dead! Let's move forward and stop all that jazz la! ATTENDANT Wetin be yew own too? Yor fren keeeled the cukoo! He booooted the head of the cukoo! Why? Why? Why did he booooot the cukoo head? Mallam Busanga holds up a hand, and everybody falls quiet. He speaks slowly to Corporal Tinga, who then translates for the benefit of the two friends. CORPORAL TINGA It's quite alright, guys. Mallam says the spirit of the woman is very strong! She is also well-versed in the arts of the supernatural, and that's why the hen died. Now, the only thing to do is make sure you insert your penis into the vagina of a mad woman within three days, Kofi. Mallam says he sees a Dark Cloud following the Indian woman, and if you don't do it within three days, the solution will become even more difficult! ATO (angrily) Massa, don’t bore me! What's more difficult than putting your bula into a mad woman's toto? Kofi Kuntu, still standing, drops his head and begins tremble in a rather pitiful manner, his expression completely crestfallen. Ato stands up, approaches Kofi, and hugs him warmly. ATO Don't worry, Bro! Don't fret yourself, man! Whatever happens, we're gonna get this sorted out. This is not the time to lose hope. Every minute we now waste here is crucial. Let's go and think about how we’re going to find a mad woman for you to dip! KOFI (horrified) Oh, bodamfo twe! Mebedi bodamfo twe? Oh, dear Lord, I’m dead! I’m so dead! . To be continued
24 Apr 2018 | 18:45
Maybe the hard solution is to kill you you don't know
25 Apr 2018 | 02:45
Sleeping with a mad woman ...chaii Kofi ur own don manya ooo
25 Apr 2018 | 03:49
Kofi, you are finally into it
25 Apr 2018 | 03:52
Double Wahala
25 Apr 2018 | 03:55
hahahahaha,,,, Kofi kuntukuntutu,,,, Ur own don end be dat oooo,,,, but must u dig Ur pee in holes, can't u stay like dat and dedicate Ur life to God and take up His work,,,,, u Hav used Ur pee more Dan wat Ur age can take
25 Apr 2018 | 04:22
what a pity kofi kuntukunku
25 Apr 2018 | 04:42
Ur own don finnish
25 Apr 2018 | 05:21
Everyone With His Or Her Problem But Your Too Much
25 Apr 2018 | 05:41
You're gone man
25 Apr 2018 | 06:51
Just close your eyes enjoy the mad woman's punany.
25 Apr 2018 | 08:48
Kofi kuntumtum is into deep sh!t,he has got a tough task
25 Apr 2018 | 18:51
He was busy mocking at the police man who has a penis that can cause fainting 4 the ladies but forgot that he's own has got password
25 Apr 2018 | 18:56
The indian native doctor is also doing her own to make the password stronger
25 Apr 2018 | 19:00
It's time 4 him to do kpa kpa kpa kpa on top of a mad woman,putting his peny peny in a mad woman vagi vagi
25 Apr 2018 | 19:05
4 some time now kofi kuntumtum is a cry cry baby 4 what he did to himself
25 Apr 2018 | 19:08
all this in the name of sex, I hope you are going to enjoy a mad woman's pussy if at all u get one and convince her or u get her to sleep with u
26 Apr 2018 | 14:53
Episode 19 Episode Title: Arrangement For A Mad Woman They return to Accra in the afternoon. Corporal Tinga tells them he will be going to Takoradi for a seminar and so cannot be with them, but he tells Kofi to gather courage and do the needful. They give him Five Hundred Ghana Cedis for his troubles, and he beams with pleasure. Kofi's phone rings as they drive through the Haatso roads. It is Akweley. Kofi forces a vibrant note into his voice. KOFI Hello, my sexy delicious super love! How have you been? AKWELEY (crossly) I'm very angry with you, K.K. I didn't hear from you the whole of yesterday evening, and today too you haven't bothered to call me! Don't forget we have an appointment with my pastor on Wednesday! I heard you took some days off and you didn't inform me! You're not hiding somewhere with another girl, are you? KOFI Noooo, my love! How can I do that? I don't need any girl except you, darling. I was just about to call you. I took some days off to see... to see a doctor, love. Nowadays I've been having dizzy spells and severe headaches. Didn't want to worry you. AKWELEY (tenderly) Awwww! My love! And you didn't inform me? I would've come to pamper you, you know! Very sorry about that! But you know I miss you all the time! Where are you now? Have you seen the doctor yet? Can I come over? KOFI No, no, love! It's quite alright. I'm going to have some lab tests now and show the results to the doctor. AKWELEY Ohhh. I hope it's nothing serious. KOFI Oh, no, love. He was mentioning lack of rest and stuff like that. Let me finish and call you back, okay? AKWELEY Alright, my love. But pass through this evening, okay? I miss you too much. Maybe we can have a slow one when you come, to drive the blues away! KOFI (lustfully) Oh, yeah! I miss your sweet, sweet, place! Will definitely pass through and pass through you! Love you so much! AKWELEY (laughing tenderly) I hear you, Mr. Passing Through! Love you too much, K. K! Byeeeeee! Kofi cuts the call and looks sad immediately. KOFI (tremulously) That's Akweley! She wants to make love this evening... oh, Lord! ATO (irritably) Will you cut out that sadness crap? It's time to ball up and get this done, and the tears won't help, man! Cut out that crap! Listen, we'll find something to tell her in the evening. You come to my place, okay? We need to plan this, and find a way out quick. KOFI (sniffing) What am I going to do? Oh, what am I going to do? I can't dip a mad woman! You know I can't, bro! I can't, I can't I just can't! Bodamfo twe de, empare me koraa! ATO Hey, hey, hey, my paddy! You can! It's not as if you've been told to hammer the thing. You just drink the medicine, spread some on your bula, and dip it once into the mad woman's toto. That's all, man! Don't go saying all those bullshit things! If you don't do it, you'll lose your fiancee, you'll lose your job, and Sajili will take you to India to sing jaguu jagaa, malaguuuu oh oh jabaaaaa! KOFI (smiling) Aboa like that! ATO (giggling) Your mother! Next time play with women’s feelings! Ato takes Kofi to his apartment at Westlands. They buy some kenkey and fish on the way. Kofi is feeling a little better, and they begin to eat. He pours some water to drink, and then suddenly tears film up in his eyes again. KOFI (sadly) And where am I going to find a mad woman? And how am I going to put my thing inside her? What if people see me? Ahhhh, the disgrace, the shame alone! ATO (exasperated) You koraaa why la? Aaaaba! Eat komi ke kena and stop thinking about mad women! Tomorrow we'll plan! KOFI But I only have up to the day after tomorrow to do it! ATO Don't worry, brother! Eat and rest! We'll definitely find a way! There are a lot of mad women in Accra. Don't worry koraa! After eating, Ato tries to take Kofi's mind off the problem by playing FIFA 2017 on the X-Box One console with him. A call soon comes on Kofi's phone. He looks at the screen, and then the sides of his mouth drop and he begins to look fearfully sad and broken. Ato drops his controller and looks at his friend with pity. ATO (softly) Is it Akweley again? Kofi shakes his head, tears swimming in his eyes, and holds up the phone. KOFI No! Not Akweley. Sajili... oh, what does she want again? Ato stands up, takes Kofi's phone, opens the back, and removes the battery. Next he goes to his bedroom and crushes two tablets of a sleeping pill. He puts the powdery drug into a glass and pours some scotch on it. He returns to the living-room and puts iced cubes into it, and then he gives it to Kofi after shaking it well. ATO Here, man, drink up! KOFI (sniffing) What is it? ATO Just drink the fucking thing, man! Kofi nods, and drinks it. A few minutes later he stretches out on the carpeted floor, and a couple of minutes later he starts to snore. Ato sighs deeply and picks up his phone. He walks into the bedroom and makes a call to his friend, NII LIN. NII LIN Eeeei, saman! Father ghost! Eiiii! That's why the weather make so black! Eiiiii! You dey call me today after what, like two years? ATO (giggling) My paddy, cha how be? I call you teeeey! Ei, if you make rich man yob me o! NII LIN (laughing) See am! Your eye die now you wan flow nigga fans. So chale how far? I hear from you keep roff! ATO Cha, I chork well, by grace. E be my best nigga who get some massive problem, bro. Some Indian chick put some juju for e prick top wey ridee the prick no dey jack! E dey come marry too, so the situation make roff like maame wata e cunt inside! NII LIN Oh, cha! That be sad, man! Too sad! But you for try carry am to some mallam make e comot the curse give am. ATO Oh, we go, bro! Some policeman bi carry we go some bush inside go see some fetish priest! Heeerh, paddy! That place you for comot all your clothes and put your prick for naked before you walk inside! NII LIN (cackling with laughter) Heeeerh! No be easy! Eiii, all that wahala because of small tushy o! ATO (laughing) I tell you! Anyway, the aft be sey my paddy for put e prick inside mad woman e toto inside like one minute bi, abi you see that kan tin? The trouble be sey if we go outside go look for some mad woman, the police go fit barb my paddy, then e go turn another problem altogether. But then I come remember sey you dey job for the ADADA ASYLUM, then I start dey think sey if you go fit make some arrangement give my paddy so sey we go find some coins give you, then you go give am one of the mad women then the asylum so that my paddy go fit dip e prick inside am. NII LIN You dey talk pleeenty, massa! You no get problem. When e wan do am? ATO E for do am the day after moro! NII LIN No P. You bring am like around midnight moro, right, then I go fix am. I go arrange everything plus the security men so just bell me when you reach the gate. ATO Oh, cha! God bless you waa! You save man e neck! We go crosh then. We go do you fine, make you no fear! NII LIN I dey for you, massa! I go wedge you guys! To be continued..
26 Apr 2018 | 20:27
all the mad women in the asylum will rape you kofi,,,,, am just observing
27 Apr 2018 | 05:41
Thank your stars that your friend have an easy solution you else na to find a stinking mad woman fuck for remain o.
27 Apr 2018 | 06:17
The juju might not work with such classy insane people but with only the street stinking mad women... Lol! Kofi, you don enter
27 Apr 2018 | 06:57
27 Apr 2018 | 08:13
Hmm.....ride on
27 Apr 2018 | 09:23
27 Apr 2018 | 09:26
hmmmmmmm u need prayer
27 Apr 2018 | 09:47
Lol, Kofi,,,, dis no be no long thing,,, u don dey inside a very long thing,,,, very very long sef, I just dey sit dey watch una
27 Apr 2018 | 10:14
interesting go on
28 Apr 2018 | 11:55
Repeated episode
28 Apr 2018 | 13:28
you get luck
28 Apr 2018 | 16:04
28 Apr 2018 | 17:15
y u come dey repeat d episode now @viciyoung
28 Apr 2018 | 19:49
Episode 20 Episode Title: Inside The Adada Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. It is very late in the night, almost dawn, when Kofi wakes up. Because he is so heavy, Ato had left him lying on the floor and instead provided him with a pillow and covered him with a cloth. Ato is in the bedroom, fast asleep, when he feels himself being shaken awake. He sits up, and squints at the harsh light in the bedroom. Kofi is standing there in his briefs looking at him with huge eyes. ATO (sleepily) What the fuck, Kofi! Why did you wake me up? KOFI What am I doing in your room? Ato glares at his friend, instantly angry. ATO Aboa, you're here to roast cockroaches and fry bofrot! KOFI (screaming) WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING IN YOUR ROOM, ATO SEY? Ato is taken aback, and then it dawns on him that sometimes when alcohol is mixed with sleeping tablets it results in memory lapses. He holds up his hand and yawns hugely. ATO (gently) Relax, bro. Yesterday, when we came back from Mallam Busanga's place we bought some kenkey- KOFI (relaxing) Oh, yeah. We went with Corporal Tinga, the man with the bula like jet plane! ATO (giggling) Yeah. Doctors put a ring on his bula matari otherwise if he puts all of it inside his wife it will go and hit her heart! KOFI (laughing) No, no! It will go up her throat and come out at the top of her head like a horn! ATO (cackling with laughter) Penis horn! Penis tumour! They fall on the bed laughing, and then after a while they fall quiet. KOFI (sadly) So in the morning we go and look for a mad woman! Oh, Awurade Nyankopon, eben asem nso koraa nyi? ATO (gently) Relax, bro. It is sorted. KOFI Sorted? Sorted how? Have you got a mad woman? ATO Nah. One of my school mates works at the ADADA ASYLUM. It is filled with deranged women. He says he will arrange for one of them to be with you. Just one minute. You dip your penis in her and off we go to Mallam Busanga! Kofi turns and looks at his friend, his face filled with an expression of shock and filled with sudden hope and relief. Tears glisten in his eyes as he reaches out and squeezes Ato's hand. KOFI (tremulously) Just like that? Really? ATO (gently) You're sorted, man. KOFI (gratefully) Thank you, man. Thank you very much. ATO It's cool. Now turn off the damn light and let’s get some sleep. KOFI Sure. But I gotta wee wee. ATO Yeah, go and do that. That's all you can do with your dick at the moment anyway, just for wee wee. It is as useless as a condom in a catholic priest’s pocket! KOFI (laughing) Aboa ne ba!! ******* The ADADA ASYLUM is a huge, magnificent edifice located within the serene hills of the Akuapim Mountains. The STAFF QUARTERS is set way back from the main asylum buildings, and at eleven o'clock Ato drives into the compound. Nii Lin is waiting for them. The place is well-lighted, but almost everybody is asleep. Luckily, Nii Lin is not married, and he let's them into his chamber-and-hall quarters. It is surprisingly well-furnished. Nii is slim and tall, handsome in a rather rakish sort of way. He is down to earth, and he wastes no time in cracking jokes about Kofi's condition, which invariably lightens up Kofi's mood and helps to still his nervousness. Ato and Nii soon begin to talk about their old school, and Kofi tries to watch a Russell Crowe movie. The two old friends sleep, but Kofi is too nervous to sleep. At exactly half past midnight Nii wakes up and shakes Ato awake. NII LIN Here's the plan. I paid some of the night crew guys, and they have taken the woman to one of the new wards, so there are not many people around there. The security guy on that stretch has also been paid. KOFI (nervously) Thank you, Nii. I'll settle all the bills with more, bro. NII LIN Right. But you have to be quick, though. Sometimes the Director pays surprise visits at dawn. Let's hope today is not one of those days. Secondly, some of the security chaps and some staff members are really strict, and if we're caught it'll be nasty. So just go in there, do your shit, and come out as quickly as possible. ATO Yeah. It won't take more than a minute. NII LIN I paid one of the female nurses to bathe the woman and put some lubricant inside her crevice so you won't have much difficulty putting your penis into her, Kofi. We've also sedated her, so she's out cold. KOFI Thanks, thanks. I'm so grateful! Nii takes them down a path through some shrubbery to a small gate in the wall of the edifice. A security man in dark brown khaki opens the gate from inside. The premises is covered with lush green lawns, well-structured buildings, demarcated paths and spaces, and well-lit. Kofi is surprised at how beautiful it all is. NII LIN (whispering) We're going to the D-BLOCK. It is a new block and it houses the most violent and totally insane patients. We took the woman there because the Director is scared of the patients in D-BLOCK and never go there at night. They wall along the walls in the shadows so that the security cameras will not pick them up. Finally, they come to another gate. It is being manned by two armed men who opens it from the inside. D-BLOCK is not so clean and well-lighted like the other section of the asylum. It looms in the darkness, huge and foreboding. Nii Lin takes them up a series of stairs until they come to a dimly-lit landing. He puts a hand to his lips as they walk across a corridor that has cell-like rooms on both sides. Most of them are unoccupied, but a few have sleeping patients in them. Finally, they come to one of the cells, and see a gigantic man standing just near the gates. The metallic cell doors are secured tightly with huge iron padlocks. The scene inside the cell looks very chaotic indeed. The bed is overturned and the floor is littered with paper, tissue, trays, pans, food left-overs and a whole lot of dirty things. The man standing just inside the cell is indeed a mountain of a man. He is wearing only a pair of dirty jeans shorts. He is wearing a sort of black hat, and his arms and chest are as huge as that of a caveman. His arms has thick veins standing out angrily, and his face is dark with fury! He is muscle bound, and it is quite evident that he can crush a skull with just one blow! The moment Nii Lin sees the giant of a man inside the cell he suddenly rushes over to the other side of the corridor with great fear and stands staring at the man with incredible terror on his face. ATO (fearfully) Wetin be the matter, Nii? Nii points a trembling finger at the giant in the cell. NII LIN Baluu is awake! Dear God, Baluu is awake! No, no, no! To be continued
28 Apr 2018 | 21:12
29 Apr 2018 | 03:48
Who be Baalu
29 Apr 2018 | 04:30
U better run 4 ur lyf
29 Apr 2018 | 04:57
29 Apr 2018 | 06:24
End of the road! Tinz is gonna get nasty from here
29 Apr 2018 | 09:00
hahsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it serves you right
29 Apr 2018 | 09:34
Bad market, better run while you still can.
29 Apr 2018 | 10:03
who be baluu? baluu na aeroplane for my side oooo
29 Apr 2018 | 11:12
E be like say baluu no dey take bribe...he must be a dangerous baluu
29 Apr 2018 | 14:27
Akweley really needs some hot S£X but kofi her boyfriend has got a penis with password
29 Apr 2018 | 14:33
The policeman with a giant penis is rejoicing 4 the good cash job he did 4 them..his penis that can provoke a v@gina and the v@gina will reject it
29 Apr 2018 | 14:42
Sajili the indian native doctor called before,may she wanna on/off kofi's joystick 4 her own klonking alone and she don't wanna free him with her juju
29 Apr 2018 | 14:52
Kofi kuntumtum,u see your life,your life of overdoing kpa kpa kpa kpa,remember=BALUU IS AWAKE
29 Apr 2018 | 14:57
just like that your hopes are crashed,,,,, hmmm Indian witchcraft working magic
29 Apr 2018 | 15:36
What next now NII
30 Apr 2018 | 04:14
Episode 21 Episode Title: Doing The Needful ATO (carefully) And so? He's inside a padlocked cell! Nii Lin licks his lips rapidly. NII LIN You don't know Baluu! He is so violent! Oh, Lord! They should have sedated him, or put him in a strait jacket! KOFI (fearfully) Is he dangerous? NII LIN (trembling) Dangerous? He's a killer! He used to be a professional martial artist. He went crazy when he found his wife making love to his best friend! He killed both of them with his bare hands. In here he has fatally maimed three inmates, two security personnel and one nurse, not counting the others he has injured to minor extents. That is why they brought him to the D-BLOCK. None of the nurses, doctors or security guards can go near him. They use special weapons to fire sedative darts at him to make him weak and sleepy before anybody can go near him. He’s sedated each night and put in a strait jacket. If he comes out now we're dead! He’ll break our bones! He’ll kill us all! ATO C'mon, bro. Get a hold of yourself! These are giant padlocks, solid cast iron! Surely he cannot get out. NII LIN (giggling nervously) Yeah, yeah, maybe you're right! Come on, guys. The inmate called BALUU glares at them with murderous eyes from within his cell, but he makes no attempt to move as they walk past and head towards the end of the corridor. Finally, they come to a closed door with a glass pane fixed just on its upper portion so that they can look into the room beyond. Nii Lin knocks, and the door is opened by a young woman. She is thin and bony with a sharp, hard face. She is wearing a nurse's outfit, and her hard eyes drill into Kofi and Ato. The room within is bare save for a single bed. A woman is lying on the bed, and she seems to be asleep. Her face is turned towards the wall, and her arms are folded across her chest. Her legs are apart, and a clean white sheet is covering her. There is a single bulb burning up in the ceiling. Beyond her is another room with an open door, probably leading to a washroom. The nurse looks at Nii Lin. NURSE Yes, balance of my money! NII LIN Will give it to you when we get to the staff quarters, Akosua. NURSE (viciously) For where? My friend don't anger me! Give me the balance. NII LIN I'll give it to you, Akosua, when we get back. We need to be quick! Baluu is awake! The moment Akosua hears that Baluu is awake she turns quickly and flees down the corridor in the opposite direction, away from Baluu's cell, going down the stairs with incredible speed, her face filled with indescribable horror. Kofi and Ato look at each other with sudden fear. ATO This Baluu guy must be very deadly! NII LIN (shakily) He’s a devil incarnate, my paddy! Kofi, go in there and do your thing. We'll wait here! Kofi nods. He takes out the small bottle of medicine Mallam Busanga had given him. He presses a little into his palm, pulls down his trousers and spreads the liquid over his genitals. Next he pumps a mouthful of the bitter, disgusting medicine into his mouth and swallows. He enters the room. He walks towards the sedated mad woman. Kofi is so nervous and scared. He licks his lips as he slowly advances to the bed. He lifts the cloth off the woman's lower body. He glances up at her, expecting her to wake up, but the sedative is holding her strongly under. She is elderly, but quite beautiful. This makes Kofi very sad indeed. This is not something he would have done in a million years, and he is sickened to his stomach with himself. KOFI (hoarsely) I'm so sorry, madam! So very, very sorry! Please forgive me! He folds the cloth back neatly over the woman's lower body. Her genitals has been shaved, and it is bare and nice, shining with whatever lubricant the nurse had used on her. Kofi unzips again and takes out his flaccid member. He gets unto the bed and shuts his eyes tightly as tears fall down his cheeks. He feels like a creep, like a dirty, dirty creep who should be shot. Very carefully he positions himself on top of the woman, takes his flaccid member, and leans forward and dips it into her slippery vulva. It is difficult because he is so soft. He pries the woman’s thighs further apart with his knees, and then he holds his penis tightly and pushes its head and then its entire flaccid package into the woman’s chut. Out in the corridor there is a sudden shearing sound of metal being tortured and pulled apart. Nii Lin, who has been staring down the corridor all along, takes a sudden step back with terror! NII LIN (terrified) Oh, no! Baluu! Baluu dey come! ATO Don't be silly, my paddy! He no go fit break the padlocks! The harsh metal sounds come again! Suddenly a huge, thick leg steps through the iron bars! It is Baluu's leg! The giant is pulling the bars of the cell apart like plastic so that he can step through. NII LIN (shouting) I TOLD YOU! BALUUUUU!! He begins to take frantic steps towards the stairs. ATO (scared) Wait, wait, wait, man! You mean e dey force the iron bars apart? NII LIN (eyes bulging with fear) You don’t know that man! Make we go, chale! E go kill we all! ATO (frantic) What about Kofi? NII LIN We for leave am, man! It's too late! Baluu go kill we! ATO No, no, man! Hey, we for do some- He stops speaking because with a final ripping sound of metal he sees that Baluu's body is now coming out, and a moment later the giant of a man is suddenly standing in the corridor. Without another word Nii Lin turns and runs away down the stairs at the end of the corridor. Ato and the giant look at each other. Baluu suddenly reaches behind him, and a moment later Ato sees the longest, ugliest knife in the giant's hand! Trembling with fear, Ato sees that the key to the door Kofi is in is still in the lock. With trembling fingers he reaches out and locks the door on Kofi, and then he removes the key just as Baluu comes racing down the corridor with a murderous yell, his face maddened and insane, pointing the huge knife at Ato! Ato turns, heart pounding, and flees down the corridor after Nii Lin! Baluu chases after Ato, but when he gets to the door he stops suddenly. He walks towards it and stares through the glass panel and sees Kofi crouched on top of the woman. Baluu steps back, raises his right leg, and crashes it into the door, and it flies off its hinges! Kofi, who has been able to push his penis all the way into the woman now, looks over his shoulder with sudden apprehension, and sees the gigantic man standing there with a murderous look on his face and a wicked knife in his hand. Kofi begins to tremble violently. He knows he is dead! He almost collapses on top of the woman with terror. Baluu walks forward slowly and stops. His face is filled with righteous anger as he stares at Kofi's buttocks. BALUU (gruffly) Ei, no be small. Are you giving her bula matari? Kofi is trembling as he shakes his head numbly. Baluu suddenly steps forward and slaps Kofi so hard across his naked buttocks that Kofi is convinced his buttocks has shifted permanently. The pain of the slap brings great tears to Kofi's eyes! Baluu grabs Kofi by the scruff of the neck, lifts him up bodily, and throws him across the room. Kofi smashes into the wall face first, and tastes blood in his nose and mouth instantly. He lies on the floor with his trousers around his ankles. He holds his hands up defensively as Baluu bears down on him. To be continued
1 May 2018 | 21:26
2 May 2018 | 03:17
Sajili is monitoring u,you are gone kuntu
2 May 2018 | 04:31
Eeya!, its not a small matter o.
2 May 2018 | 06:16
if at all Kofi gets out of this without any problem he should repent and worship God fervently
2 May 2018 | 10:33
am alws Looking forward to dis hilarious story @viciyoung, Kofi is in a serious hot soup dat is still cooking on d gas sef,,,,, I pray baluu Hav pity on u oooo and I pray dat Ur stuff comes back to normal, den u can say wit all experience dat u have leant a great lesson
2 May 2018 | 16:02
2 May 2018 | 16:13
Baalu will kill you
3 May 2018 | 17:25
Episode 22 Episode Title: Baluu Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. KOFI (incoherently) I'm not making love to her! I swear to God I'm not! I don't even have an erection, please, look! Please, please don’t hurt me, please, I beg of you! I just brushed her! BALUU (furiously) Ei, no be small. Why is there frytol on your bula? KOFI (confused) Frytol? Where? Please? Baluu points at Kofi’s lavde with his knife. BALUU Ei, no be small. There, there, on your bula, frytol shining on your bula like twinkle twinkle little stars how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the skyyyyyy! Kofi looks down and sees his dick and lower body smeared with the lubricant the nurse had used. KOFI (moaning) That's not Frytol, please! It's a lubricant! BALUU Ei, no be small. Are you also calling me crazy? KOFI No, no, please! You're not crazy! BALUU Ei, no be small. You put frytol on your bula matari and you're giving Aunt Korkor atopa lobolobo! KOFI Yes, yes, I put frytol on my bula, but please I'm not sleeping with her, please. I just dipped into her...oh, Lord! BALUU (nodding) Ei, no be small. My paddy, once your bula enter Aunt Korkor's toto, na lobolobo ooo, no be dipping! I'm going to cut out your eyes, I swear! KOFI (terrified) Oh, no! No, no! You can't do that! The giant reaches down and takes Kofi by the neck and draws him up. Kofi opens his mouth to speak and the giant hits him across the face with the back of his hand, throwing Kofi back against the wall. BALUU Ei, no be small. Atopa lobolobo man! He raises his knife to cut open Kofi's throat! KOFI (almost fainting) No, no! Please don’t do that! You can't kill me! BALUU (suddenly confused) Ei, no be small. Why can't I kill you? And suddenly it dawns on Kofi that this man is not a normal man, he is mentally-challenged, and maybe the only way out of this is to do something unusual. KOFI Because I'm not what I am! Baluu grins suddenly, and begins to chuckle. BALUU Ei, no be small. You don't even know who you are and you're humping Aunt Korkor! Maaaaaaad boy! He swings the knife suddenly, and Kofi jumps back with a cry of horror, and his back hits the wall! He scrambles away along the wall! Baluu comes after him with leisurely strides. He raises the wicked knife again. KOFI (screaming) I'M NOT WHAT I AM! I AM GOD! I AM A GOD! Baluu stops and cocks his head to one side and looks at Kofi with sudden shock. BALUU (shocked) Ei, no be small. Are you God? KOFI (whimpering) I am a god! BALUU Ei, no be small. So you're the God that gives out flatulence on us and call it thunder, then you urinate on us and call it rain? KOFI (scared, horrified) What? BALUU (laughing) Ei, no be small. I don't think you're God. God, the oluman shingo de shingo never asks questions oooo! He kicks out suddenly into Kofi's stomach, and Kofi doubles over and vomits with the agonizing pain! A savage backhand again flings Kofi over, making him clash into the bed that the woman is lying on. He lies on the floor, dazed and bruised, and acutely aware that he has come very close to losing his life! KOFI (croaking) I'm the President of Ghana! Stop it right this instant! Baluu cocks his head again and looks at Kofi with sudden shock. BALUU Ei, no be small. The original Atopa President. So narrate the presidential oath. KOFI (panting) No, no, no, no! Please! I've... I've forgotten the oath, please. Baluu points the knife at Kofi, confused. BALUU Ei, no be small. A president that forgets? KOFI (hoarsely) I’m President Kofi Kuntukununku. And I’m here to set you free! BALUU Ei, no be small. A president that goes round with frytol on bula fucking mad women. Oh, Africa, we're dead. As for this president dier, walahi, he needs to die o! He lunges forward suddenly and slashes with the knife savagely, and it cuts across Kofi's arm, cutting the skin and drawing blood. Kofi feels the pain, and feels the warm blood running down his arm. He grabs his arm and feels the blood running between his fingers, KOFI (desperately, weeping) Stop it this instant! Oh, please! I’m not the President, please! I'm God's son! BALUU Ei, no be small. Akwasi Jesus. Do you think I'm a fool? Did you see Jesus running around with frytol on his bula matari and chopping alalagolaa? Baluu throws a straight punch that almost tears Kofi's head off. Kofi falls down, dazed, almost passing out, and sees Baluu raising the knife to strike through his head. KOFI (weakly) You can't kill me, Baluu! I'm already dead! I'm a ghost! Baluu kneels down and delivers three hefty slaps to Kofi’s face with unbridled rage. BALUU Ei, no be small. Osaman! Osaman hwea! Osaman kanto! Osaman osanini! Return to the grave, osaman tipoli, osaman atopa!! I don't think ghosts go round with frytol on their bula matari chopping mad women. Ei, no be small, but you koraa have you seen osaman with bula before? The room is spinning. Kofi can feel blood pouring down his face and nose. He feels the pain of the knife wound on his arm. He is so weak. He is almost passing out, and fear crystallizes in his heart, dragging him into paralyzing horror. Dimly he is aware of Baluu lifting the knife once again, ready to slam it down into his heart. KOFI I saw your wife, Baluu! I saw her and your best friend! And at that Baluu suddenly screeches! He drops the knife and puts four fingers of his left hand into his mouth. He is suddenly cowering with great fury, his eyes almost popping out as he glares at Kofi with terror! BALUU (terrified) Eiiiiii, no be smaaaaallllll!! Yei! Yikes! Bontonner shaka shaka menla! Blood of Jesus! Holy Spirit firewood! You saw Ama Kerosene? Ama Adwen Fi, Ama Okum Nipa? You saw her? Where? Where? And she was with Kwabena Bodamfo, Kwabena Yonko Bad? Where, where? Kofi points weakly towards the open bathroom beyond the bed on which the woman is lying. KOFI In there, Baluu. The two of them are in there! BALUU (weepily) Eiiiii, no be smaaaaaaallllll!! What are they doing? What is Ama Etwe Deep doing with Kwabena Yonko Bad? KOFI Kwabena is giving Ama, your wife... alagolaaaaa!!! Baluu lets out a crazed yell, tightening up his wrists and neck and shoulders as he screams and rushes blindly into the bathroom. BALUU EIIIIII, NO BE SMAAAAALLLLLL!!! I WILL KILL THOSE TWO TODAY! I WILL DEZONE THEM TODAY, AMA AND KWABENA! BAD, BAD, BAD BETRAYERS!! Kofi moves weakly towards the door after Baluu and then he pulls it shut and turns the key in the lock. He can hear Baluu still screaming and punching the walls of the bathroom. He rips the Water Closet tank off the wall and throws it across the room. He is screaming as he rips the shower curtain off and then he hurls himself against the wall, screaming and punching the tiles. He kicks at the tap, breaking it, and then he lunges and lands on the water closet bowl, breaking it to smithereens. Kofi, weeping, sore, bleeding, pulls up his trousers, goes out, and flees down the corridor with the maddened screams of Baluu still in his ears. He knows that he has come very close to death, and it sets a deep pain into his heart. His life is sordid! He is now cavorting with the devil, and he knows that if something doesn’t happen soon, things will definitely get darker! He knows he has never come so close to death! He could've died inside that room with a sedated insane woman on the bed, and his trousers around his knees with his head cut off or his intestines spilling out. It had been a near-death experience to him! KOFI Oh, Lord, my God! What is all this? What is happening to me? Why am I in such a dirty mire? Please save me, Father! Please save me!!! To be continued
3 May 2018 | 20:31
kofi u are lucky, pray baluu doesn't come after u.... hope after all the struggle u will get an erection
4 May 2018 | 05:49
4 May 2018 | 06:22
Kofi u get lucky if not u wil b dead by now
4 May 2018 | 07:10
4 May 2018 | 08:59
4 May 2018 | 09:01
next plz
4 May 2018 | 14:50
be updating twice a day plz I love this story so much
4 May 2018 | 14:51
Is your dick now getting hard without a password?!, else all you've been through is all for nothing.
4 May 2018 | 18:21
but Kofi, u still havnt gotten an erection now,,,, wit all d stress u passed tru,,, u still did not succeed. sorry oooo
4 May 2018 | 20:12
@viciyoung plz update
5 May 2018 | 06:14
Episode 23 Episode Title: Back To Busanga When Kofi gets to the ground level he sees an agitated Ato pacing, fear and horror on his face. When he sees Kofi he runs forward and embraces him hard. Nii quickly closes and locks the door leading to D-Block, and his face is terrified with the depths of his horror. NII LIN Oh, thank God! Thank God you’re okay, man!! ATO Oh, oh, oh! You made it! So sorry, man, so sorry! Didn't mean to leave you but that guy was crazy! Forgive me, man! KOFI (tremulously) It's okay. Not holding anything against you. Would've done the same! ATO Hell no, no, no, no! You would've stayed to help me out! KOFI (subdued) It's okay, man. I’m cool. NII LIN (scared) Let's get going, guys! All that noise might've woken some people. Let's get out of here first, and then I'll know what to do! Come on, come on, you're bleeding, Kofi! Let's go and let me get one of the nurses to stitch that cut, Kofi, otherwise you'll bleed to death! ATO Jeez, that Baluu cut you? What happened, rasta? KOFI (shakily) I’ll tell you on the way, bro. At least, we accomplished what we came to do. I was able to dip a mad woman. Let’s get out of here, man. I feel like I just died and resurrected! Almost an hour later, they begin the return journey to Accra. Nurse Akosua had stitched the ugly gash on KOfi's arm where Baluu had cut him. Now Kofi is lying in the back seat with a sad smile on his face. Ato is driving carefully because of the heavy fog on the mountains. He is hunched over the steering-wheel. He slots a CD into the player, and soon the cool soothing sounds of gospel music fills the car. ATO (smiling) Quite some adventure, right, bro? KOFI (sighing) Terrible, chale, terrible! That Baluu. He almost killed me, bro! ATO (chuckling) That Baluu nigga is crazy, man, just crazy! Heeerh! Shit, how did you get away from him anyway? KOFI (softly) Told him I saw his wife making love to his best friend inside the washroom! He ran into the washroom and I locked the door. Chale, you should’ve seen the way he was attacking the walls! He could've killed me! Ato looks at his friend miserably. ATO Sorry, bro. Really sorry. I feel kinda hungry, though. Let's stop somewhere for a little breakfast. KOFI Yeah, yeah, bro. Listen, Ato, thanks for everything, okay? You've been a real brother. I don't know what I would've done without you. ATO (smiling) What the dilly-dilly-dilly-dilly-yooooooo! It's all good, brother! KOFI (haltingly) I was able to dip the woman, bro, followed everything to the letter. Do you think maybe we should go to Accra first, you know, so that I try with Akweley whether it will work? ATO (scowling) No, my paddy, no! I don't trust those Busanga-Busanga people koraa! Let's go to the shrine, and pay up so that we know we have finished everything. Then tonight you can have Akweley and pound her till her toto removes! They burst into raucous laughter, and just then Kofi's phone rings. It is Akweley. He picks the call. KOFI (tenderly) Ohhhhh, my sunshine! You don't know how much I've missed you! AKWELEY (icily) K.K. what's wrong? Are you avoiding me? You promised to see me yesterday when you leave the hospital, and that's it! You put your phone off, and you've not even bothered to call me today to check up on me! KOFI (remorsefully) Ohh, my darling, my sweetheart! Please, please forgive me, okay? I didn't want to bother you last night. The truth is that I was also so very sick! Very ugly stomach ache that I couldn't even control. I was admitted to the hospital last night, dear. I received three infusions! AKWELEY (concerned) Oh, dear, dear, dear! Which hospital? I'm on my way over right now! KOFI I've been discharged, love. Ato is taking me home. Don't worry, you'll see me this evening, dear. I wanna kiss you and make love to you so hard that your thing will just get removed and fixed on my thing! AKWELEY (laughing) Ashawo awosha man! Well hurry up! You've put me in heat, love! Can't wait to have you in me! Love you so much! Kisses, mwaaah, mwaah, mwaaaaaah! KOFI Awwwwww! Mwaaaaaah! I'll see you soon! As Kofi is speaking another call comes through, and as he glances at the screen he sees that it is Sajili. He cuts off the call to Akweley quickly and picks the call. SAJILI (weakly) Hey. Where are you? KOFI (coldly) What do you want? SAJILI (very weakly) Please... Kofi! Come to the DIDI-FLON CLINIC immediately, please! KOFI (angrily) Why? What do you want, Saj? SAJILI (weeping) I'm on admission, my love! Please come and visit me... quickly, I beg of you! Kofi cuts the call with an angry sound. ATO The Indian horror? KOFI Yep. Says she's on admission at the DIDI-FLON. Wants to see me! ATO Heeeeeeeerh! This girl get powers! I'm sure she knows you broke her spell! She wants to trap you and do another spell! Kooooooshiaaa like that! KOFI (worried) She sounded genuinely sick, bro. ATO Tweeaa! Shun am, my paddy! Na act! Julius Ceaser drama group queen! Shun e matter! To Busanga we go! Today you'll receive your bula tenten back, and slush some pussy... sweet sweet tuuuuushy! KOFI (worried) She sounded bad, bro. Do you remember the mallam saying something about Sajili being covered by a dark cloud or something like that? She sounded bad, man! ATO (softly) Stop thinking about Indians now, bro. Priorities, man. We go to the Busanga, you get your healing, then go to Akweley and hammer a round, boy, pussy time! KOFI (laughing) I swear! I'll make the pussy go pheeee, pheeee, pheeeee!! Kpa, kpa, kpa! ATO (roaring with laughter) You know it! You know it! Kpa, kpa, kpa, kpa, bla K, bla K, bla K! Pussy King, man, pussy champion! About two hours later they come to Mallam Busanga's shrine. Like the last time they undress and walk the rest of the way to the shrine. KOFI Chale, it seems like the healing worked paa o! My langalanga is longer than usual! Ato turns and looks at Kofi's penis. ATO (giggling) Hehehehehe! Langalanga go chop weed today! KOFI (laughing) I tell you, brother. Ten rounds straight, no stopping! All about the kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa! ATO (laughing) Bla K, Bla K, Bla K! Oooooooh Bossu! To be continued
5 May 2018 | 09:02
hope you are really cured, I mean after all the stress.... lol.... maybe since sajili is not the one who broke the spell it has affected her... ride on
5 May 2018 | 09:22
see dis Kofi will not change, u that suppose to run away from all dis digging digging,,,, u are still talking abt 10rounds Wai,,,,,, why is sajili sick? is it bcos Kofi is healed? and Dats affecting her? just thinking sha
5 May 2018 | 11:58
and do go about tasting all girls again Kofi,,,, stay wit Ur fiancée only, wat does oda girls Hav dat she doesn't hav
5 May 2018 | 12:00
@viciyoung,,,, abeg no kill me wit laughter oooo
5 May 2018 | 12:01
6 May 2018 | 09:02
there is no songs of victory in war that is not yet over #KOFFI
6 May 2018 | 15:30
Hope it work
7 May 2018 | 03:23
Episode 24 Episode Title: The Wrong Kind Of Mad Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. They are taken to the shed where Mallam Busanga and his attendant are waiting. Mallam Busanga pops some seeds into his mouth and chews slowly, and then he lifts a black calabash and spits a dirty brown liquid into it. He then sits back and looks at them sombrely with his rheumy eyes. He speaks to his attendant slowly. The attendant listens, and then a huge grin splits his face as he looks at Kofi with gloating disdain. ATTENDANT Tor, tor, tor! You welcom agin. Ah, hm, tor, tor! Mallam Busanga, he say yew fooooool biiiiiig! ATO (stunned, angry) What? What did you say? What the fuck’s the matter with you? KOFI (scared) Take it easy, Ato. Let's listen. Please, why is Mallam saying we’re big fools? The Mallam speaks for a few minutes again, and once more a huge grin splits the attendant's face. ATTENDANT Mallam Busanga, he say he tell yew to go fuck fuck mad womin! Tor, tor, tor, to go puuuut penisa for vaginant of mad womin but yew deeednt! KOFI (tearful) Oh, but I did! I did it just this dawn! I dipped my penis into a mad woman's thing, just as he instructed. I put the medicine on it and swallowed some and then I dipped into her vulva for a minute, just like he said! The attendant whispers to the Mallam. Ato draws near to Kofi and whispers to him. ATO Shit! This guy must be fake, motherfucker! What the fuck is the meaning of this, huh? The attendant looks at them. ATTENDANT Tor, tor, tor! Mallam Busanga, he say the womin yew fuck fuck is not mad womin! ATO (exploding) What do you mean by she is not a mad woman? She was a mad woman! ATTENDANT Tor! Tor! Mallam Busanga, he say the womin yew fuck fuck is white peoples mad womin! He deeednt tell yew to go and fuck fuck mad womin from some mad house! Tor, tor, tor! That mad womin is in hospeetal, takeen white mans medicines and she is jes not mad womin! ATO (angry) What the fuck are you talking about now? KOFI (horrified) He means the woman is in an asylum receiving treatment, bro! ATTENDANT (elated) Yays! Yays! Tooooooor! Na that womin not mad womin! When Mallam Busanga say fuck fuck mad womin, he meansa mad womin from street, ahaaaa! Vely vely vely mad womin who eat bola and rubbish and shit theens, steeenkeen vely steeenkeen mad womin weeth very bushy and bad steenkeen vaginant! That is mad womin! The womin yew go fuck fuck is not mad womin, no, no, no, no! Mad womin is the one crazy in street shouteen kohaaa, kohaaa, kohaaa! Toooor, that is mad womin! KOFI (shattered, bitterly) Oh, Lord, oh Lord! They're saying the woman from the asylum is not a mad woman! They wanted me to take a stinking, really mad woman on the street and dip my penis in her! A crazy mad woman in the streets, not one from the asylum! ATO (furious) What's the difference? Mad is mad! So are they saying all that we did means nothing? ATTENDANT Tor, tor, tor, tooooor! Yew waste your forkeeeen time! Kai! So yew not know mad womin? Many nakid and derty, mad womin on the streeta and yew go for white-man mad womin? Yew foooool!! Kofi and Ato look at each other with abject misery! It has all been for nothing? They have wasted their time? He has been cut by Baluu for nothing? He should have taken a mad woman on the street and not one from the asylum? KOFI Oh, crap! This is not fair, Busanga! This is not fair at all! ATO (furiously) But why didn't you tell us we need a mad woman from the street and not one from an asylum? You fucking deceivers! You should’ve been more specific! Do you know what we went through to have that woman, how much we spent? What the fuck is this shit? ATTENDANT Yew fooooool! Mad womin in asyloom is called PATIENT! Mallam Busanga deeednt ask yew to go fuck fuck a PATIENT! Mad womin is mad womin not PATIENT! You go fuck fuck hospiteel patient and you teeenk you fuck fuck mad womin, you fooool! Ato puts an arm across Kofi's shoulders as he cries silently, suddenly unable to save his iron control. Ato is stunned, lost for words for a moment. This is definitely turning out to be a nightmare. ATO (gently) So what do we do now, Mallam, please? The Mallam speaks to the attendant quickly. ATTENDANT Tor, tor, tor! Mallam Busanga, he say the womin who put curse on the mans penisa is in hospiteel now now! Kofi looks up with sudden shock. KOFI (stunned) How did you know Sajili is in hospital? Yes, she called me and said she's in hospital. ATTENDANT Yays, yays! Mallam Busanga, he see everytin and know everytin! Mallam Busanga, he say only thing left to do now is to put your penisa into the vaginant of this woman! Mallam Busanga, he say you shoulda put the mediciiin on your penisa and drink some again and then dip it into the vaginant of the woman! KOFI Dip into Sajili? But she won't allow me! The attendant speaks for a moment with the mallam. He then turns and faces them. ATTENDANT Mallam Busanga, he say the womin is deed now! KOFI (hoarsely) What? What woman, Sajili? She is deed? What deed? ATTENDANT Deed, deed, deed! Ghosta deed! And then it sinks in with terrible numbness. ATO Oh, Jesus! KOFI (almost passing out) You mean dead? Sajili is dead? No, no, no, no! Please, please, master Busanga, please no! She can't die! Please do something, please! ATTENDANT No, no, no! Mallam Busanga, he say the womin is deed! When Mallam Busanga say she is deed, then she is deed! KOFI (shouting) No! She can't die! Why, oh why? She's a strong woman! There was no sign that she was sick or she wasn't feeling well! She must be on admission, but not dead! She can't be dead! ATTENDANT (angrily) Are you deeef? You must be deeef! The womin is deeeeeed!! ATO (shocked) Calm down, Kofi! Please calm down. Hey, please, so what happens right now that you're saying the woman is dead? Does it mean the password curse is broken? The attendant speaks to Mallam Busanga for some time, and then he turns and smiles. ATTENDANT Mallam Busanga, he say the curse is there, and yew have just three awars to puuuuta penisa into vaginant of deed womin or you be impotint foreva la! ATO Oh, no! You mean Kofi has just three hours to dip his penis into the dead Sajili, if indeed she is dead? And if he doesn’t Kofi will be impotent for life? ATTENDANT Tor, tor, tor! She is deed! If Mallam Busanga say she is deed, then she is deed! And the bad curse she put on this man will continue forever if this man deeednt puuuta his penisa into her vaginant in three awars! KOFI (perplexed, horrified) But that's impossible! That's terrible! Mad woman, fine, God knows that was bad enough! But how can I put my damn dick inside a dead woman? What is this? By now she will be in the mortuary! Please, please, please, don't do this! I beg of you, Mallam, please do something about it! First bodamfo twe, now India funu twe! Oh, oh, dear, Lord!! Mallam Busanga shakes his head sadly, and then reaches for the calabash and spits into it again. He speaks softly, and the attendant turns to Kofi and speaks elatedly. To be continued..
8 May 2018 | 00:41
haha haha I wish all the men will learn from this
8 May 2018 | 04:00
Kofi u have seen hell, maybe if you went to sajili when she called maybe she could have broken the password.... may God help you
8 May 2018 | 05:38
8 May 2018 | 06:58
Maybe Sajii wanted to free you from the curse and that was why she called you to come over at the hospital but you never came. I also knew that a mad woman from the Assylum would be rejected
8 May 2018 | 07:21
I wish dey will learn from this
8 May 2018 | 08:53
next episode pls
8 May 2018 | 08:54
You're doomed Kofi
8 May 2018 | 10:15
I think sajili wanted to lift dat curse from u, dat was y she was calling u,,,, eeyah, wen will Ur problem get solved.... Kofi, see Ur life oooo,,,,, every time Toto,,,,, punana,,,, see Ur life
8 May 2018 | 13:45
Kofi the password your darling Sajili puts on your dick is hardcore o, better go and fuck her dead body before its too late.
8 May 2018 | 17:39
Good for you Kofi
8 May 2018 | 19:37
ride on
9 May 2018 | 05:01
Kofi fu<ked a mad woman in treatment,a mad woman that's getting better
10 May 2018 | 03:12
Kofi kuntumtum is fu<king in trouble is in fu<king a mad woman is in fu<king a dead woman
10 May 2018 | 03:19
Even when the indian native doctor is dead,u fu<king kuntumtum is still gonna do some nonsense fu<king
10 May 2018 | 03:26
Akweley...your man is sexting anyhow...when he's better,when he sext u,u are gonna like it
10 May 2018 | 03:33
Baluu is coming Baluu is awake and they will start running away...after baluu beating u,u still gonna do some nonsense
10 May 2018 | 03:41
Episode 25 Episode Title: A Room Of Corpses ATTENDANT Mallam Busanga, he say notheeen can be done! Three awars! Just three awars! Yew jes need to push your penisa into her vaginant once, and poooom, curse break at once, tor, tor, tooooor! And that is when Kofi and Ato leave the shrine and drive furiously back to Accra, going to the DIDI-FLON CLINIC to make sure that what the Mallam said is true! Kofi remembers how weak Sajili had sounded on the phone! KOFI Oh, no, no, no! Sajili, no! Don't do this to me! Don’t die on me, please! His life is becoming messier, and Kofi Kuntu is suddenly very afraid! He tries to stop himself, but he cannot, and the tears flow down his cheeks heedlessly. Ato, driving, casts concerned looks at his friend, and suddenly he begins to laugh, and this makes Kofi look at him with surprise. ATO (chuckling) I don't understand this, bro! All this trouble, for what? We've been in an asylum to put your dipstick into a mad woman, but we're told she is not a mad woman! We should've found a real stinking mad woman on the streets! You could've died when Baluu attacked you! Now look, if it is indeed true that Sajili has died, then you're going to find a way to fuck her corpse, otherwise she takes the password to the grave! Look at the indignity of walking naked to the shrine! All for what? All for the small tonga man must blow! It's madness! Because of a small hole that you must enter once in a while, look at how we're suffering! What madness is this? And then Kofi begins to chuckle as it also hits him, and a moment later the two friends begin to laugh uproariously! KOFI All because of tonga oo, brother! Hmmmm! His melancholic demeanour returned, though, as soon as they drive through the main gates of the clinic. The DIDI-FLON CLINIC is small, compared to other hospitals, but it is a good and expensive clinic. Manned mostly by foreign doctors and experts, it is one of the most expensive healthcare givers in the country. When Ato turns into the main courtyard of the hospital, Kofi sees Sajili's aunt, the one who owns the restaurant, walking towards a white car with her husband behind her. KOFI Damn! Stop the car, buddy! That's Sajili's aunt! Gotta talk to her! Ato stomps on the break, and Kofi is thrown forward violently but the seat-belt restrains him. ATO Yeah, go speak to her. Find out if Sajili is okay and which ward she is in! Kofi gets out of the car and runs towards the couple. The woman, GEETA PRAKASH, sees him and stops suddenly. She is obviously very disturbed, and she has great tears in her eyes. Kofi is a regular costumer at their restaurant, and she knows he is very close to Sajili. She whispers something to her husband and then walks forward rapidly to meet Kofi. AUNT GEETA (wailing) Oh, oh, oh, Fiko-Fiko! Saji is dead, oh, oh, Krishna! Saji! She is dead, Saji! Kofi is stunned! Sajili is really dead! She collapses against Kofi, and he holds her tightly as he feels the coldness spreading through him, his whole body going numb with the violence of his shock. KOFI (weeping uncontrollably) But how can that be? She spoke to me this morning! I saw her a couple of days ago! Oh, Saj, how can this be possible? AUNT GEETA Oh, Fiko! Fiko! Fiko-Fiko! Her heart, it was very diseased! The doctors told us many months ago that Saji can die any moment! She has known she will die! We all knew, but it is still so painful! So tragic! KOFI Oh, my God! She never told me she was terminally ill. She promised to marry me! AUNT GEETA Oh, Fiko, Fiko! Fiko-Fiko! She didn't want to hurt you! Yes, she told me the two of you are going to get married. She wanted to live long enough to go to India with you to see her parents and family, and get pregnant for you, but alas, she died this morning, shortly after speaking to you! She told me to tell you she was so sorry and that you should forgive her! KOFI Oh, Lord! Oh, Lord! Where's she now, please? I don't believe this! I have to pay my last respects to her! AUNT GEETA Oh, her body was taken to the morgue, for now! Oh, there's one of the nurses! Come, let me tell him to take you to see the body! Kofi cannot believe his luck! Aunt Geeta introduces him to the nurse, but Kofi is barely listening! The understanding nurse agrees to take him to see the body, but he asks Kofi to wait a while, he will be with him soon. Kofi nods and leads Aunt Geeta back to her car. The woman drives away with her husband, still crying, and then Ato appears from around the corner. ATO (desperately) Hey, how did it go, bro? She really dead? KOFI (agitated) Yes, yes, man. She had been terminally ill for some time, according to her aunt. Obviously she knew she was dying, but she was hoping she would live long enough to go to India with me to perform the marriage rites and give birth before dying, but she lost out, sadly. They're taking me to see the body, though. Where's Mallam Busanga's medicine? I will need to be fast! Ato brings the small phial containing Mallam Busanga's concoction from his pocket. They retreat to the corner of the building. Kofi quickly unzips and applies some of the medicine to his penis, and then he drinks some of the disgusting, nauseating and bitter medicine. Watching his squeezed-up face, Ato shakes his head sympathetically. ATO Oh, my paddy! You're suffering too much! The nurse appears and beckons to Kofi. Kofi follows him, and he is taken to the mortuary. The nurse introduces him to another man. He is a French man called ROBERT, who nods as the nurse explains the situation to him. ROBERT Come with me, Mr. Fiko. KOFI The name is actually Kofi. Mrs. Geeta has never been able to pronounce it right, and has always called me Fiko. ROBERT (laughing) You can't blame her now, can you? You Ghanaians have some names, always a mouthful! Like Akiiiampong, Yibuuuwa, Atopadi, Akiiaa, Kiiipodo..hahahahaaa! Always a mouthful! But Miss Sajili is right here! Tragic really, so tragic! Young girl, full of life! Heard you two were going to get married. KOFI Yes, sir. ROBERT So sad. But hey, look up and keep your head up, okay? Life’s a bitch sometimes but you gotta move on, seen? He takes Kofi through a series of corridors until they come to a steel door which he opens with three keys and pulls it open. KOFI She's in there? ROBERT Yeah, yeah! I was working on them. She's at the far end, I think. Hurry up, dude, okay? This is not normally allowed but seeing she was your fiancée and you need to say goodbye, I'm allowing this. Please be fast! Kofi steps into the room and comes to a halt with a sudden gasp of fear. The room is large and cold! It is painted white, and it has a myriad of tables and slides and gadgets. There is also a strong smell of disinfectants and deodorising agents in the room. What however catches Kofi's eyes is the long metallic bench against one wall in front of him! There are about ten corpses on the bench! They are all naked! There are four men, and all the rest are women! There is one black female and one black male, but all the rest are foreigners! There are name tags tied to their toes! Sajili is lying at the far right, the last in the row of dead bodies! Kofi looks around nervously. He licks his lips. He sees that the metallic door has an inner bolt and he quickly pushes the bolt in, locking it so that no one can come inside. He is shivering as he moves towards the naked body of Sajili. Her face is so dead, but he cannot deny the incredible figure she has. She had known she was terminally ill! Why the hell hadn't she told him? He is so sad to see her dead, and sorry too, but deep down he feels a tiny spark of relief. But it is not time to brood now! He approaches the dead body of Sajili, keeping his eyes off the other corpses as much as possible. To be continued..
12 May 2018 | 13:35
Just get these shit done and get the hell outta there.
12 May 2018 | 16:35
hmmmmmm,,,,,, wat if kofi deep his bula inside sajili and she wakes up? just saying
12 May 2018 | 19:47
Trouble again.ur penis wil stuck inside..Hahaha
13 May 2018 | 03:20
Better do it quickly b4 someone catch you
13 May 2018 | 10:45
Better do it quickly b4 someone catch you
13 May 2018 | 10:45
Better do it quickly b4 someone catch you
13 May 2018 | 10:45
13 May 2018 | 13:34
Hmmm.....Fiko what are you going to do now
14 May 2018 | 02:52
14 May 2018 | 05:10
Episode 26 Episode Title: The Ghost Banger Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. The corpse next to Sajili's is a huge, muscular, oriental with great tattoos on his body. It looks as if his eyes are not well closed, and Kofi looks away quickly, goose bumps forming on his body, trying hard not be afraid. Dead bodies have always freaked him out. KOFI (fearfully) Oh, dear Lord! Help me! He is trembling as he spreads Sajili's legs open and pulls her towards him. He quickly pulls down his zipper, opens his fly, and fumbles his flaccid penis out. He is almost crying with fear, frustration and stress as he prepares to dip Sajili. And then the head of the Chinese corpse turns slowly, and Kofi gasps with fear and moves backwards quickly! He stays like that for some time, looking out for any movement from the Chinese corpse, but it remains still. Heart thumping with great fear, Kofi slowly moves forward again and grabs Sajili's waist, and just as he begins to move forward the eyes of the Chinese corpse fly open and he looks at Kofi with fury. This time a scream of fear emits from Kofi's lips as he moves back quickly, his heart beating violently with terror, his body shaking, goose pimples huge on his body! Again he stays like that for a long time, staring at the Chinese corpse, his teeth almost beginning to chatter, and yet the body does not move. Kofi shuts his eyes tightly and fights for control. He doesn't need to do much, really. All he has to do is put in his dick to the full and withdraw, that is all, and he will be free. He will go and pay Mallam Busanga, and then he will marry Akweley and live the rest of his life in happiness. All he has to do is be cool, gather courage, and just dip Sajili's corpse! Kofi moves forward again. He quickly grabs Sajili's thighs and pulls her forward. With his free hand he takes hold of his penis and manages to meander it into Sajili, and that is when a very huge groans emits from the throat of the Chinese corpse... CHINESE CORPSE Chuchuuuuffuuuuuuuu.... Kofi screams loudly, totally out of control now as his fear escalates! A portion of his brain tells him that it is probably just trapped air emitting from the throat of the corpse, and that there is nothing to be afraid of. However, the other part of his brain is terrified and will just not listen! Kofi is in hysterics, gripped by uncontrollable terror! As he moves backwards frantically, Sajili's body, now very close to the edge of the metallic table and precariously unbalanced, also comes off. Kofi trips and falls heavily to the floor, and Sajili's body falls on him, still with his penis in her! Kofi screams loudly and turns Sajili's body over, still screaming, and now they are in the missionary position with Kofi on top! And that is when a door at the far end of the mortuary opens! Kofi has not noticed that there is another door at the far end of the room! The truth of the matter is that some journalists have visited the famous DIDI-FLON CLINIC to cover the ten years anniversary of the famous hospital, and they are being given a tour of the facility. They have now come to the mortuary to check it up. They are being led by three doctors from the hospital. There are about ten journalists, and they have entered through a door Kofi hasn't noticed when he bolted the front door! The doctors and the journalists see him on top of Sajili screaming! They do not know that it is a scream of acute fear and terror! They think it is a scream of ecstasy, that he is having an orgasm from making love to the corpse. This is because he is lying on the dead body, still with his limp penis inside her, and screaming! They look at him with shock, horror, fear, revulsion and absolute hatred! Some of the journalists turn their recording cameras on him instantly! One of the doctors, a huge black man, looks at Kofi with incredible revulsion! BLACK DOCTOR (nauseated) Why, you sick bastard! He takes three steps forward and kicks Kofi in the temple! Kofi collapses on top of Sajili's body... unconscious! Kofi’s life has just taken a dive… into a most terrible nightmare! Time passes in a blur. Kofi Kuntukununku is too zoned out by acute stress, pain and humiliation to keep track of what is going on. First he had woken up in a hospital bed handcuffed, with a police man sitting at the foot of the bed to prevent him from escaping. And then he had been transferred to the police station and slammed into a cell. Images and videos of his supposed indecent sexual assault on the corpse of an Indian beauty have been slammed on television and newspaper headline news, and splattered all over social media. The name given to him now is THE GHOST BANGER. His humiliation had been sky-high. Tears have become as common as breath to Kofi. He had quickly been arraigned before court, and the Judge, a rather severe-looking man called AKWASI BUABASAH, had ordered a complete psychological profiling on Kofi Kuntu, despite Kofi's cries that he is sane and does not have any mental challenges. The psychological evaluation of his mental state is to be performed by Doctor BOBO TOTOBI, Director of the ADADA ASYLUM. The police are ordered to take Kofi to the institution to be evaluated. On the morning he is supposed to go, two visitors come to see him. They are Laryea Odamten and his daughter Akweley Odamten. Kofi is not allowed to see them close up. Instead, he is taken to a room which has a glass partition separating it, and he has to speak to Akweley through a telephone. Akweley is wearing a simple sky-blue dress that accentuates her incredible figure and highlights her amazing colour. Her face, however, is puffy from the amount of tears she has shed. Her eyes are puffed up and red-rimmed as she sits down, holding a handkerchief sodden with tears. Kofi picks up the receiver and puts it to his ear. Akweley, her father standing primly behind her, hesitates for a moment, and then she picks up the receiver at her side of the glass partition. Tears fall down her face again as she glares at him, and when she speaks her voice is filled with venom, pain and bitterness. AKWELEY (hissing venomously) You... you... you! You bastard, K.K! How could you humiliate and destroy me like this? A corpse? You fuck corpses, you damn demon? The revulsion on her face brings tears to Kofi's eyes immediately. KOFI Please, love, listen- AKWELEY (hissing) Shut the fuck up, you damn evil boy! It is for demonic purposes, right? The same powers you used to blind me to your real character, isn't it? KOFI (weeping) No, no, no, no, Akweley! Love, just give me a chance to explain, okay? It is not as you think, please, please, please! I- And that is when Laryea Odamten leans forward and speaks near his daughter's ear so that Kofi hears everything. MR. ODAMTEN (venomously) Abooooooowa! You crazy freak! The thing that pains me the most is that when you go and put your lousy penis into the vagina of corpses then you come and put it inside my daughter! Abooooooowa wate! Maybe the thought of what her father described sinks into Akweley's visionary projections, because she turns her head suddenly away from the receiver and vomits on the floor. She stands up quickly, wipes her mouth with the handkerchief, and then throws Kofi's promissory ring on the counter. She leans forward and speaks with tears streaming down her face. AKWELEY I don't ever want to see you again, Kofi! It is over between us, do you hear? I'm sure you're going to prison, and I just want you to know that I won't wait for you! It is over, Kofi Kuntu! It is finished between us! I’m going to find myself another man, a good Christian man, to marry! I’m going to forget you, and I’m going to curse the memory of you forever, you damn sakawa boy! She runs from the room. Kofi bangs his fist against the glass as his own tears stream like a flood. KOFI (heartbreakingly) Akwe! Akwe! Akwe! My love! My booboo! My heart! Please don't do this to me! Please, wait! Please listen! Mr. Odamten grabs the receiver and speaks viciously into it. Mr. ODAMTEN I've fired you, Kofi! Aboooooowa! I've taken the car back too, Kofi, abooooowa! The thing that pains me the most is that when you put lousy penis inside the rotting vaginas of the corpses then you come and put it inside my daughter! Abooooowa! If I see you anywhere near her again, I swear I'll personally decapitate you and cut off your sakawa penis, you crazy sick boy! Aboooooowa! He turns to leave, but one of the policemen blocks his way. POLICEMAN Hey, who's going to clean the vomit, sir? Laryea Odamten takes out his wallet, peels off several notes of fifty cedis, and shoves them into the cop's hand, and then he follows his daughter out. To be continued
15 May 2018 | 04:18
Kofi in hot mess..... maybe that pastor who banged at his door past midnight cursed him for good
15 May 2018 | 16:23
Godknows Myredeemerliveth tengey or his wife must have cursed Kofi when he beat up the man
15 May 2018 | 16:27
Lol! That ghost don spoil market for you..
15 May 2018 | 16:59
Sajili and her vagi has put you in deep shit, how are you going to escape these?
15 May 2018 | 17:04
This is what u deserve for jumping from one woman to another when u've a rich and beautiful fiancee that loved u so much
15 May 2018 | 18:17
All this thing na dream
15 May 2018 | 18:26
15 May 2018 | 19:39
Hmm.....but the password has been broken
16 May 2018 | 00:34
you know wen a guy loves bleeping too much,,, dey later face serious problems dat will take away good things from dem
16 May 2018 | 09:32
Episode 27 Episode Title: Meeting The Eye Another policeman behind Kofi steps forward and clamps handcuffs on him. KOFI Hey! Be gentle! POLICEMAN Aboooooowa! Time for your madness scan, my boy. I like the way that man says the abooooowa! But seriously, you fool paa o! Ahhhhh! You get that beautiful girl all to yourself and you prefer to fuck corpses? Abooooowa! Olu waaa denkye! And that is why, two hours later, Kofi finds himself in an ultra-modern EVALUATION HALL at the ADADA ASYLUM. He is strapped into a comfortable chair with restraints on his wrists and legs. He is surrounded by a lot of machines and beeping readers. He is left alone in the room for a while, and then the door opens and she comes in. She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She is dressed in the white outfit of a nurse, and has a beautiful white cap on her head. She is not a big girl, but she has a most beautiful figure, rounded to perfection. His eyes go to her legs, and he notices how well-formed they are with a sleek, classy look. Her feet are encased in low-heeled canvas shoes. She is chocolate-skinned with an oval face. Tender lips, a quaint nose, rosy cheeks and well-shaped eyebrows! She is so lovely, so ethereal, so perfect! She is holding a clipper with a sheet of paper on it, and she takes a pen and sits opposite Kofi. There is something oddly familiar about her, and Kofi squints as he tries to recollect her. She asks his name and age, speaking professionally, but he notices that her lips are compressed, an indication that she finds him unpalatable. He answers her automatically, trying to recollect why she looks so familiar. She asks another question that Kofi barely hears, and she looks up at him with her eyebrows arched, and then it slips into place like jangling of coins! Finally he realizes where he knows her. KOFI (surprised) You! Ahaaaa! Yes! You're the eye! She looks at him quizzically. NURSE What? KOFI You! Yes! You're the eye, aren't you? NURSE The eye? What're you talking about? KOFI Your Whatsapp DP. Your display picture. It used to be an eye. Just an eye! She sits back with an intake of breath, her beautiful face displeased immediately. NURSE Yes, and it is still an eye. How did you know that? KOFI (smiling) Oh, my friend is Ato Sey. He and you are in this Whatsapp group, what's the name? I forgot the name of the group. She nods slowly as understanding dawns on her face. NURSE Oh, the Golgotha Church Youth Group. Yes. Ato Sey is your friend? KOFI (nodding) Yes, my best friend. Yes, he mentioned your name even. Maa Abena Nyantie. MAA ABENA (displeased) Yes. You seem to know a lot about me, Mr. Kuntukununku. Tell me, this friend, Ato… he's been sending me a lot of messages. We talk occasionally. Does he also, you know... Her voice trails off, and Kofi feels sad and humiliated and so down all of a sudden. Tears come to his eyes as he looks away from her. KOFI (chokingly) No, he doesn't go for corpses. She looks abashed immediately, almost shamefaced, and she glows with embarrassment. MAA ABENA I... I'm sorry, didn't mean it to come out like that! Before Kofi can answer, the door opens, and a tall, grim-looking man with glasses and a great moustache walks in. He is dressed in a three-piece black suit and shiny boots. His hair is a shock of afro grey, and it is parted in the side. He looks so ancient that Kofi is not surprised when he whips out a chain watch from his pocket and flicks it open to look at the time. Kofi would not have been surprised if the ancient man had brought out a monocle next and fixed it to his eye. He comes forward slowly and takes the clip from Maa Abena. He reads it for a moment, and then he nods once and stands looking at Kofi for a long time. DIRECTOR Thank you, nurse. You're excused. I'll take it from here. Maa Abena stands up, looks at Kofi, and then she walks like rhythm in motion out of the door. Kofi looks imploringly at Director Bobo Dovlo, and he puts on his best expression of innocence. KOFI (imploringly) Doc, please, I'm not mad. It has all been a very great misunderstanding! If you will allow me, I can explain everything that happened, please. The doctor nods and slowly lowers himself into the chair Maa Abena has vacated. He adjusts it and leans backward slowly with a most satisfied look on his face. DIRECTOR By all means, young man. Kindly explain to me why you preferred to have orgasms with dead Indian women. KOFI (sadly) You see, there lies all the sad misconception about the whole incident. DIRECTOR Please, by all means, I'm all ears. Feeling that his destiny lies in the hands of Doctor Bobo Dovlo, Kofi begins from the day Ato Sey handed him the Jamaican Stone to how he had gone to the morgue to dip Sajili. The director listens to him without interruption. Finally Kofi is done, and he looks at the man, seeking some compassion on that impassive face. KOFI So you see, that's exactly what happened, sir. If you ask my friend Ato, he will collaborate everything! To be continued
16 May 2018 | 16:54
I hope there will be some hope from the Doctor
16 May 2018 | 18:39
Kofi kuntumtumtotum is in deepest sh!t ever...he's a big disgrace to his generation
16 May 2018 | 18:52
Kofi kuntumtunku...this is what u have done to your self...i told i told u i told u but u were deaf
16 May 2018 | 19:05
A lot of stories about corpse but that chinese corpse speaking china must be a dangerous corpse
16 May 2018 | 19:11
Maa u are that eye...the other day i saw the mouth and the ear...see u don't need to feel sorry 4 your words,he did that
16 May 2018 | 19:18
Kofi kuntumtum...maybe U will change 4 good if u survive this...maybe u will make amend
16 May 2018 | 19:23
Akweley...even if u don't wanna forgive him is ok but if u do is alright...he's in deep sh!t
16 May 2018 | 19:28
Fiko kututukpatum....u were doing overdose of kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa kp a and now u are in trouble
16 May 2018 | 19:40
even if dey certified u sane, u wil stil go to prison for digging a corpse
17 May 2018 | 07:29
I pray these man vindicate you.
17 May 2018 | 10:36
You brought this upon yourself nao
17 May 2018 | 19:19
hmm next
18 May 2018 | 01:17
of course the doc can confirm that kofi is not mad, the case is already with the police and it was aired on tv so everyone is aware of it. unless the doctor fakes kofi's madness then I don't see any help for Kofi
18 May 2018 | 03:52
So what is the headway now
18 May 2018 | 07:41
Episode 28 Episode Title: Bobo Time Warning: Restricted Content: 20 Years + Coarse Language. Nudity. Sex. Violence. DIRECTOR Oh, yes, he has already done that. KOFI (excitedly) He has? Ato has spoken to you about it? DIRECTOR Oh, yes. He came here early in the morning when he heard I was going to do the psychological evaluation. Actually he told me the same story you've just narrated, and I'm prone to believe that indeed, you two have really told me the truth! KOFI (sobbing) Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, sir! I'm so grateful! The man slowly readjusts his chair, and it moves upward slowly until he is sitting straight and staring at Kofi. His face is impassive, and there is a certain calculating look in his eyes that Kofi finds very uncomfortable indeed. DIRECTOR And, if I may ask, why are you thanking me, and why are you being grateful? KOFI (carefully) I'm thankful that you believe my story, and based on that I'm certain you're going to declare me of sound mind, and for that I'm grateful in advance, because your verdict will exonerate me from this whole mess. Director Bobo Dovlo smiles in a sinister way and shakes his head. DIRECTOR Yes, I believe you, young man, and I know you're not insane. KOFI Thank you so much, sir. May God bless you. The man stands up and enters another office at the far end of the hall. He spends about thirty minutes in there, and when he finally comes out he is holding a sealed envelope. He stands in front of Kofi and gives his sinister smile again. DIRECTOR This is the report I'm going to give to the Judge, young man. It states that after observing you and doing several tests, I have come to the professional diagnosis that you're mentally unhinged and a danger to, not only yourself, but to the society. It also states categorically that if you're not admitted to the ADADA ASYLUM for treatment, there is a hundred percent probable chance that you will kill human beings within the next few days. Kofi shoots out of the chair with sudden horror, but the restraints across his chest, wrists and ankles tighten painfully, drawing him back. KOFI (terrified) Wh-what d-did you s-say, Doc? DIRECTOR (smiling menacingly) You heard me. Oh, yes, you heard me! I’ve officially declared you mentally insane, a menace to yourself and society. I’ve officially sentenced you to spend the rest of your natural life cooped up in this asylum, and there is no escape for you! KOFI (horrified) You're going to... to lie I'm insane and k-keep m-me here as a patient? DIRECTOR (nodding with a smile) Exaaaaaatally, as an Asian friend of mine will say. KOFI (struggling) But why? SIR, WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A WICKED AND DASTARDLY THING? Doctor Bobo throws back his head then and laughs harshly. DIRECTOR Oh, this is sweet! Little man, do you remember a certain woman named Naana? Naana Basiwaa? Suddenly a tight knot of fear slams into Kofi's belly! Madam Naana Basiwaa! Yes, Kofi remembers her! Shortly after he had been employed by Mr. Laryea Odamten, the elderly woman had come to the office to see Mr. Laryea. Kofi had been asked to drive her to one of the sites where she wanted to purchase a house. Two weeks later, Kofi and Madam Naana had started an affair! She had had money, and she had taken a really good fancy to him. She had been far older, but she had had a good body and had been very voracious in bed! It had been much later, about a year later, when Kofi had decided that he had had enough of her. He had broken off with her in the house she had purchased. She had cried and begged him not to leave her, but Kofi had had enough of her. He had left her, and had not heard from her again. And now this Director has given a medical report that will condemn Kofi to the asylum because of his involvement with Madam Naana Basiwaa? KOFI (horrified) Yes, I... I knew her, sir. B-but wh-what's t-that got to do w-with me? DIRECTOR (with a nasty smile) For starters, she was married to me. After you seduced her, she refused to make love to me again, for a whole year, and she wanted a divorce, which I wouldn't grant her because I loved her very much! She wasn’t working! All the money she showered on you, the gifts she bought for you, the nice places she took you, the hefty expenses she incurred were all coming from my pocket! I was crying each night, begging her to stop and be with me, but she wouldn’t! She tortured my soul, because of you! KOFI (terrified) Ohhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh, sir! I'm soooo sorry! I didn't know she was your wife! I broke off with her! DIRECTOR (insanely shouting) YES, YOU BROKE OFF WITH HER, AFTER SHE HAD WASTED MY MONEY ON YOU! AFTER YOU HAD HAD ENOUGH OF HER! SHE THEN CONFESSED TO ME AND SAID HOW SORRY SHE WAS FOR BEING UNFAITHFUL TO ME! I WAS SO MAD! ALTHOUGH SHE PROMISED IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN AGAIN AND SHE WOULD STAY WTIH ME FOREVER, I HATED HER! I DIVORCED HER, AND SHE COMMITTED SUICIDE TWO MONTHS LATER! AND I’VE BEEN IN PAIN EVER SINCE! YOU ROBBED ME OF A WIFE, YOUNG MAN, AND ROBBED MY CHILDREN OF A MOTHER! OH, YOU’RE SO GOING TO PAY, KOFI KUNTUKUNUNKU! YOU DON’T KNOW HOW LONG I’VE WAITED FOR A CHANCE LIKE THIS! YOU’RE GOING TO EXPERIENCE MY WRATH, MY FURY, AND MY VENGEANCE! KOFI (horrified) Ohhhhhhhhhh! Sir, sir, sir! I'm sorry! So sorry! Oh, I didn't know that! Please, sir, I beg of you! Don't do this, okay? I was young and stupid! DIRECTOR (fiercely) I don't give a fuck! I had planned for years, YEARS, of how to seek revenge on you, but there was nothing I could DO until you decided to fuck a dead Indian woman! Oh, Kofi Kuntu, I'm so glad you're here! You're going to spend the rest of your life here, and you're going to die a slow painful death here, that I promise you! You're going to have a funky time here! Kofi struggles futilely in the chair, his eyes bulging with terror as he realizes the terrible end the man has planned for him. KOFI (shrieking) No, no, no, no! You can't do this! Nooooo! I'm sorry! Oh, please, don't do this to meeeee... Director then takes a syringe out of his pocked and with a sudden movement he stabs it into Kofi’s neck and depresses the plunger. DIRECTOR (insanely) Well, I've just given you an injection with a hallucinatory effect. It will enter your bloodstream in moment, and render you temporarily insane. Of course I've taken the liberty to invite members of the press and the Judge here. After they see how the drug will make you behave, they'll believe my report! Welcome to ADADA, Mr. Kuntu! Thought you could fuck fuck my wife rough rough for free, huh? Your mother! You’re going to taste pepper, my friend! To be continued
18 May 2018 | 22:30
good for u Kofi,,,,, everything dat has a beginning definitely has an end too,,, but dia end all depends on how dia beginning started
19 May 2018 | 05:21
Chai, dis guy don too suffer abeg
19 May 2018 | 05:29
All in the name of fuck fuck...Sorry ooo kK
19 May 2018 | 05:55
this doc is actually insane bt Kofi u brought all this mess upon yourself.... what will be your end now that you have been condemned to live with the likes of baluu
19 May 2018 | 09:57
Good for you
19 May 2018 | 11:52
Kofi your life don ruined
19 May 2018 | 13:28
19 May 2018 | 18:44
20 May 2018 | 16:38
Finale Episode 29 Episode Title: Behaving Badly Kofi Kuntu feels his tongue getting heavy, and his sight blurring. DIRECTOR (softly) Say you will kill somebody, Kofi. KOFI (weeping, scared) You bad man! You bad, bad man! I won’t say I will kill! You’re so bad that’s why your wife left you! DIRECTOR Say it, Kofi! Say you will kill somebody! KOFI I won’t say it! I will kill somebody! Nooooo, I won’t say it, you fucking Ayigbe bastard! I will kill somebody! I will kiiiiiiilllll somebody! I will kill somebody! I will kill! I won’t kill! No, no, no, I won’t say it! I will kill! I will kill and kill and kill and kill somebody paaa!! Director Bobo Dovlo smiles to himself, and then he quietly leaves the room. Kofi begins to see some round faces on the ceiling that look like penis heads wearing X'mas hats, and then he begins to giggle insanely! Almost thirty minutes later, the door opens, and a sad-looking Director Bobo Dovlo enters with Judge Awasi Buabasah and some reporters. By this time Kofi is totally insane, and he is laughing uproariously as tears stream down his face. The judge, quite taken aback, looks at him with shock. JUDGE BUABASAH Goodness me, what's wrong with him? DIRECTOR (sadly) He's now totally insane, sir. I told you that in the report. He's become a danger to himself and other people. He can kill! KOFI (laughing) Say I will kill somebody! I won’t say it! I will kill and kill and kill you all! I see a lot of penises on the ceiling wearing Christmas hats! Hey, Papa Judge, you look like your wife's steenkeen vaginant tor, tor, tooor! Mallam Busanga, he says I should cut off your head and stick it into your anulus! Heeeeeey, did you see Corporal Tiiiiiiiiinga's penis? It looks like a tree! He's going to fuck Sajili with it! I will kill all of you, every one of you! Where's Akweley and her toto father? Abooooooooowa Laryea Odamten! I'll kill him too! My penis is not functioning because Sajili put a password on it! Hahahahahaaa! Did you hear that? I have a password on my dick! I will fuck all your anulus with my dick and bring out the shitu in your anulus! Heeeeey, Heeeeey, Heeeeey! Sawaaaaa gbontos! I wanna kill! Kill! Eeeeeeeei, Bobo Dovlo, your name sounds like shit! I fucked your wife's toto toto totoooooo! I made it go like pheeeeee pheeeeeee pheeeeeee! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa tofuuuuuuuu! Bla K, Bla K, bla Kaaaaaayyyyyyyy... The reporters are taking pictures! The Judge turns away with disgust. JUDGE BUABASAH The boy remains here, doctor. Do what you deem fit to take care of him. I'll issue my verdict tomorrow, and you will officially receive my verdict to remand him here! He needs to be cured of whatever madness is afflicting him. Such a fine young lad, what a pity! It’s the sakawa things they do, you know, dabbling in so much evil. Such a waste, such a pity! I hope he gets well you know. He’s such a fine lad, reminds me of my son. DiRECTOR (wiping tears) So sad! Such a fine young boy! I'll do my best for him! I’ll try and get him cured very soon, Your Honour! KOFI I will kill you, Your Honour! Abooooowa, I’m not your son! I eat the toto of the mad woman! Judge, your face like atopa! Your legs like Panadol! Your waist like Lucozade, Judge. Doctor Bobo Dovlo! Your name sounds like vagina! I fucked your wife Naana! She likes it from behind and when she’s coming she shouts ahooooooo, ahooooooo, ahooooooo! And then she tries to bite me! That’s why I broke off with her , you know! She bites! All the time she bites! Ah, small money so you should bite me rough rough? Nonsense! Eiiiiiii, I see penis heads on the ceiling! I see vaginant on your faces! Sajili has taken my penis password to the grave! Mallam Busanga is azaaa class one. Eeeei, Ato Sey, your head like Instagram! Corporal Tiiiiiiinga, your tiiiiiinga, you hear? Your bula like Director Dovlo Bobo’s head! Bobo Dovlo, aboooooowa man! I will kill somebody today, I swear! I don’t know whether you’re Director Bobo or Boobs. Bobo means vagina, do you know that? Laryea Odamten, aboooooowa! I will kill you all! The people in the room turn and leave, their faces very sad. Once outside, the Director addresses the press. Finally, when they leave, he calls some of his nurses. They can all hear Kofi screaming behind the closed door. MAA ABENA (concerned) Sir? What's wrong with Mr. Kuntu? DIRECTOR I'm afraid his mind finally gave in, nurse. Mr. Nii Lin, kindly coordinate the transfer of this boy to the institution. Send him to D-BLOCK. Let him be Baluu's room mate. NII LIN (horrified) Baluu? Did you say Baluu, sir? DIRECTOR Yes, you heard right. NII LIN But Baluu will kill him, sir, on sight! You know it, sir! We have other empty rooms, a lot of them inside the D-Block. We can even send him to the General Ward, sir, with all the other patients. There are a lot of beds there too. MAA ABENA (scared) Sir, surely you can’t send this new patient to Baluu’s room! Baluu will break every bone in his body. Surely, we can't keep him in a cell with Baluu, sir! DIRECTOR Stop challenging me this instant, both of you! Go in there for him and send him to Baluu’s room!! NOW!! I’ll go with you to make sure everything is alright! His diagnosis is bad, and he needs to spend more time with someone with dominant attributes like Baluu in order to suppress his spiking hallucinatory concepts about killing. So stop questioning me and get to your duties immediately! The nurses leave the office of the Director with various looks of anger, especially on the parts Nii Lin and Maa Abena. NII LIN My God! Why is the Director doing this? What is he thinking? He just signed Kofi's death warrant! Damn, Baluu hasn’t stopped talking about the man who lied to him and sent him to the bathroom. That’s all he talks about nowadays! If he sees Kofi again, trust me, he will rip his head off! Maa Abena looks at him thoughtfully. MAA ABENA You're speaking as if you know something I don't, Nii. NII LIN Oh, sorry, sorry. There must be something wrong, you know. Kofi never struck me as the dangerous type. Damn, he was cool when they brought him, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with him! MAA ABENA Oh, so you know him. NII LIN Yes, he's a friend. He's a friend of my school mate. MAA ABENA I see. Quite nice. I spoke to him too, you know. I did his profiling. Quite a handsome young man, and I wondered how he managed to get himself into such a mess. We have a mutual friend, you know. It came up during the profiling. I don’t really believe what the Director is saying is true, though. NII LIN There must be something wrong. Something really wrong. Please, wait for me, okay. I will go and get Nurse Elsie Ansah. She’ll know what to do. She’s the only one who can stand up to the Director because she’s the senior nurse here, and she takes no nonsense from anyone. MAA ABENA Oh, then please do, okay? You know I’m new here and I didn’t want to get into the bad books of the Director. But if there’s someone who can help please go and get here, please. Otherwise Baluu will kill that boy! Nii nodded and went in such of the senior nurse. And, inside the evaluating hall, Director Bobo Dovlo is sitting in front of Kofi and laughing his heart out whilst Kofi screams and screams and flail in the chair wildly like a fish out of water. KOFI Iphone penis! Samsung vagina! Tekno buttocks...eiiiiii what a telephone whore! Etwe bofu, Etwe kpotiii, etwe frimfraaaaaam! Penis Vagina, Vagina Penis, atopa Atopa yorrr! Ei, tooor tooooor, toooooor. Your Penisa into the vaginant of the mad woman, Mallam Busanga yooooor! Penis tree Tiiiinga! Jamaican Stone Ato Sey! Mr. Laryea Aboooooowa Odamten! Akweley the maidservant! Sajili Indian corpse! Yasmeen Anulus Anal Slyder! I will kiiiiillll somebody today! Baluuuuuuuu your mother!! And Director Bobo Dovlo laughs and laughs and can't stop laughing. He has never been so happy! Vengeance, indeed, is best served cold, he thinks. END OF SEASON 1.
20 May 2018 | 20:36
21 May 2018 | 04:43
Kofi u are now a mad man by force...u are now confessing all your evil like a mad man
21 May 2018 | 05:39
0 Likes matter what u are wicked and a heartless fool...he didn't kill your wife,u fu<king divorced her and that's while she's no more
21 May 2018 | 05:44
Maa abena...u people really need to do something to save kofi kunmadkunutu the foolish
21 May 2018 | 05:48
Nii Lin...go ahead and work on that to save him from forceful madness,i know u know something
21 May 2018 | 05:52
Kofi kunmadkunuku...shut up u there,u are not going to kill anybody u brought yourself into this
21 May 2018 | 05:56
What a world......awaiting the season 2
21 May 2018 | 06:02
Fiko kuntunmadmankuun....stop making noise there,baluu wanna finish u & u are doing kpa kpa kpa kpa pheee phee with your mouth
21 May 2018 | 06:02
21 May 2018 | 06:08
haba!!!!! Dats wickedness oooo,,,,, dat director is damn wicked,,, what type of vengeance is dis na?,,, even I want him to regret all d bleeping is doing oooo but dis revenge is too severe
21 May 2018 | 09:29
These is so sad. I just pray the nurse will be able to help Kofi, at least he has learnt his lesson.
21 May 2018 | 09:41
Director you are going down
21 May 2018 | 10:37
I hope something is done before Kofi meets with baluu. Kofi must come back to his senses and talk to Nii Lin, maybe he can have some hope
21 May 2018 | 16:02
This director will get into real trouble very soon
21 May 2018 | 18:25
chai sorry kofi
21 May 2018 | 18:30
PASSWORD Season 2 Episode 1 Ato Sey was almost weeping as he walked dejectedly down the narrow path toward Mallam Busanga’s shrine. He was naked, as usual, and he remembered how it had felt coming down here with Kofi, the fun and the adventures they had had! Kofi, his best friend, now confined to the ADADA ASYLUM! How could it be possible? Kofi, his only friend, with so much prospects, now mentally-challenged? That was not even remotely possible, and Ato just could not believe what that incompetent Director Dovlo was talking about! Ato had gone and explained everything that had happened to the Director of the Adada, Mr. Bobo Dovlo, and yet Kofi had still been declared insane and remanded indefinitely to the asylum. “This is not fair koraa!” Ato whispered, and fought the tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. And to think that all this had happened because of the Jamaican Stone that he had handed to Kofi. “Oh, K.K! I shouldn’t have stoned you! Aaaaah! The way I have regretted!” Ato mourned as he came within sight of the shrine. As he was ushered into Mallam Busanga’s presence under the shed, he noticed that there was a huge boulder in the middle of the yard with a tight rope coiled around it. He had not noticed that on any of their previous visits. Might be a new addition, he deduced. A moment later he lowered himself on the mat and faced the taciturn Mallam Busanga and his absolutely feral attendant. “Tor, tor, tor!” said the grinning attendant. “Mallam Busanga, he say he welcomes you weel weel to shrinana again! Mallam Busanga, he say he vely vely soly aboot whata happena to yew friend!” Ato’s eyes blazed angrily at them as he cleaned his face. “Sorry, huh? He’s sorry huh? So he knew about what happened to my friend, right?” “Tor, tor, tor! Mallam Busanga, he knowings evelytin! Evelytin!” “Then how the hell didn’t he know that there would be people at the mortuary that would catch my friend in the act of dipping his damn dick into the corpse of that Indian witch?” “Eiiii! Heyyy!” the attendant exclaimed, indignant. “Yew watcha yew morff ooo! You watcha yew morff vely vely weel before Mallam Busanga he getta angrily o!” “Oh, shun your body!” Ato ejected wildly, too angry to care anymore. “Surely, once we came here, he should’ve warned us! Anyway, that’s not the reason why I came here. I just want to find out from Mallam if the treatment worked, and if Kofi is now free of the password curse of Sajili!” The attendant turned and spoke to Mallam Busanga for some time. He then turned and looked at Kofi. “Tor, tor, tor-” he began. “Would you just cut out that tor-tor bullshit?” Kofi screamed angrily. The attendant looked at Mallam Busanga and smiled. Mallam Busanga shook his head slightly, and spoke again. “Tor, tor, tor!” the man said with deliberate emphasis. “Mallam Busanga, he say that ehn, the cure not working koraa! Your friend was asked to put the penisa intoa the vaginant of the deeeed Indian girl!” “Go to hell, you fake!” Ato exploded. “That is exactly what he did!” “No-no, no-no, no-no!” the attendant said, wagging his finger. “Your frienda, he puuuut the penisa for the vaginant, but he deeedn’t remove penisa himself! Some man geeev him blow and his penisa come outta the vaginant! He shoulda removed his penisa himself!” Ato lost it. He jumped to his feet and stood bristling with anger, his expression explosive, his face suffused with uncontrollable fury. “What the hell are you telling me now? Ato put his dick inside the dead woman but he didn’t remove it himself because some man gave him a blow and pushed him out of the corpse, so the cure wouldn’t work? What kind of chicken shit is that one?” “Hey, yew thees forkin man!” the attendant stated indignantly. “Yew caint talk talk shit shit here! Yays, he deeednt remova penisa himself! A man geev him blow and he fall off the deeed body! So the cure no wark wark!” “I’ve never heard such foolishness! Whether he removed it himself or somebody pushed him off, was it not in and out? Is that not what you said, you lying bunch of evildoers?” And for the very first time Mallam Busanga’s eyes flashed with sudden anger. The attendant looked at Ato with horrified eyes. “Eiiiiiii!! Yew callin’ the Busanga leear? Oh, yew weel puller rock!” Ato suddenly realized he had pushed the medicine man to the wall, but before he could utter a word Mallam Busanga lifted his hand and pointed a finger first at Ato, and then at the new gigantic rock in the middle of the yard. To be Continued
25 May 2018 | 14:22
EPISODE 2 Ato, transfixed and no more of his wits because of the evil spell the fetish priest had put on him, walked on stumbling legs to the centre of the yard. He was aware that he was under some spell, but try as hard as he could, he couldn’t shake it off. He picked up the ropes attached to the gigantic rock. Ato wanted to stop and run out of the evil place, but he had no control over his body anymore. He placed the two ropes across his shoulders. He began to pull the ropes, and the huge rock moved fractionally. For the next twenty minutes Ato Sey pulled the rock under the spell cast on him. His veins stood out, and sweat drenched his body. The despicable assistant stood not far from Ato and laughed uproariously. “I tuuld yew yew weel puller rock!” he jested. Ato, feeling dizzy and weak from pulling that heavy rock in the sweltering sun, dropped to his knees and summoned all his inner strength and screamed. “Jeeeeeeesus! Jeeeesus! Heeeelp me, Jeeeeesus!” He was aware of the attendant screaming and running away, but he stumbled suddenly and went crashing to the ground! Mallam Busanga fell from his perch and rolled down the steps! Suddenly Ato was free. He dropped the rope and shouted again. “In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, inthenameofjesus, inthenameofjesus, inthenameofjesus!” Each time he mentioned it Mallam Busanga and his attendant groaned and held their heads. Ato began to flee, stopping only briefly to kick Mallam Busanga in the head. “Awo bribaba!” Mallam Busanga groaned with the pain. Ato aimed another kick into the balls of the attendant, and had the satisfaction of seeing the man screaming and grabbing his balls, and then Ato fled naked out of the compound with his buttocks jigging and his balls swinging like pendulums. He did not stop saying ‘in the name of Jesus’ until he was safely in his car and driving out of the forest! He was still naked behind the wheel. He had only paused at the changing room to snatch his wallet and clothes, but hadn’t bothered to get dressed! He would get dressed when he was safely away! Nii Lin had gone to call Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah in a bid to persuade the Director of The Adada Asylum, Mr. Bobo Dovlo, from sending Kofi Kuntu to D-Block, precisely into the ward of the dangerous Baluu. Maa Abena Nyantie waited, glancing frequently at the main entrance to ascertain that Nii Lin was returning with the nurse, but all hopes seemed lost because there was no sight of Nii Lin. The security men bundled Kofi off into the back of an ambulance. Kofi Kuntu, given a dangerous injection by the Director to induce temporal madness, was still screaming out obscenities, forcing the security detail to gag him and put him in a straitjacket. They drove off with sirens wailing. Maa Abena, heart beating with fear, sat in the Director’s car to D-Block. She noticed that Mr. Dovlo had a strange contented smile on his face, and that he seemed to be secretly enjoying himself. Maa Abena scowled darkly. Contentment and enjoyment were not exactly the feelings she expected the caregiver to exhibit. She got out of the car when they reached D-Block. Kofi, now calm and appearing to be asleep, was put on a gurney and wheeled up the elevator, which swiftly took them to the fifth floor wards where, presently, Baluu was the only patient in the huge ward. Baluu was a monstrously huge and abnormally muscled man who had been brought in after murdering his wife and his brother when he caught them in bed. He was incredibly fierce and violent, and nobody could go near him. He was always shot with sedative darts which rendered him weak before anybody could enter his ward. They were on the corridor when they heard Baluu screaming wildly inside the cell-like ward. They came to a bend in the corridor, and stopped in front of the ward. The door was locked with an inner metal gridlock, and a normal door outside. Baluu was at the far end of the ward, standing on top of one of the beds. He was wearing only a pair of shorts, and his abnormally huge muscles were flexing. He was sweating, and he had wounded himself high on his brow, and blood was streaming down his face. Two nurses were standing by holding dart guns. The security men were trembling badly with fear as they unlocked the padlocks which were keeping the gridlock secure. Baluu suddenly let out an ear-splitting scream, jumped from the bed and raced towards the door, but he suddenly stopped when he saw the dart guns. He knew how painful the drugs from the darts were, and he tried to keep away from them. They removed the chains in the gridlock, pulled it to one side, and then they pushed Kofi Kuntu into the ward. It continues after comment's..
25 May 2018 | 14:24
26 May 2018 | 03:41
If Baluu should identify Kofi as the man who tricks him into the bathroom the other time, then Kofi is already a dead man walking.
26 May 2018 | 04:32
You arf gone kofi kunukuntuku
26 May 2018 | 05:19
this is wickedness of d highest level
26 May 2018 | 05:59
Kofi kuntu i pity u cos u are dead
26 May 2018 | 06:02
Kofi, may your ancestors watch over u
26 May 2018 | 06:40
Too bad
26 May 2018 | 08:27
This story is so hilarious
26 May 2018 | 09:20
hmmmmm next
26 May 2018 | 10:33
Haha this is too bad. I hope Koffi survive this
26 May 2018 | 11:00
Kofi you are finished
26 May 2018 | 18:22
i knw definitely dat kofi won't die like that
27 May 2018 | 07:58
27 May 2018 | 15:50
wow congrats bro the suspense and drama is killing Ghanaian stories are always worth reading keep it up bro
27 May 2018 | 17:27
Episode 3 Still Baluu remained far away as the security men locked the gridlock and secured it with the padlocks and the nurses held the dart guns pointed at him. Maa Abena was weeping silently now, and just then Nii Lin appeared with Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah. She was in blue housedress. Obviously she was not on duty but Nii Lin had hunted her down. Her face was filled with horror as she glared at the Director. “Mr. Dovlo!” she said harshly. “What do you think you’re doing? Putting a patient in the same ward with an unrestrained Baluu? What’s the meaning of this? Do you want him dead? Get him out of there this instant!” Director Bobo Dovlo turned and glared at her with fiendish scrutiny. “You dare question me?” “I’m not questioning you!” Elsie flared. “I’m just telling you that if any harm comes to that boy I’ll include this gross disregard to human life in my report, Mr. Bobo Dovlo!” Bobo Dovlo looked at Nurse Elsie with narrowed eyes and licked his lips. Suddenly it occurred to him that there were too many eyewitnesses, and maybe he could have handled this situation differently with only the security guards around. Hatred for Kofi Kuntu and the urge to see Baluu tearing him apart had made the Director behave in a rash manner, and now he sought a way out that would give him some leeway when the imminent death of Kofi occurred at the hands of the killer Baluu. “I’ve been trying to work out a new formula for Baluu to integrate him slowly to human co-existence, Nurse Ansah!” the Director said crossly. “You don’t understand my premium approach to cases like these, because you’re always in a rush to jump to conclusions!” “Get him out of there now, Director!” Nurse Elsie screamed. “Whatever treatment you’re aiming at will have to be tested under controlled situations first without humans exposed to acute danger that can lead to death! This is absolutely unacceptable!” Baluu could no longer wait. He let out an ear-splitting scream and rushed towards the door. The nurses, security men and doctors quickly moved away from the door against the wall. “My God!” Maa Abena said tearfully. “He’s going to kill Kofi!” Kofi Kuntu, who was free from the straitjacket now, and whose mind was still a little befuddled by the drug he had been given, suddenly stood up tall, and then he suddenly dropped on both his hands and knees and crawled forward toward the rushing Baluu. Baluu came to a sudden stop and looked at Kofi Kuntu crawling towards him on his hands and knees like a monkey. “Ei, no be small. Yie!” Baluu said softly. “And what animal is this?” Kofi still moved towards Baluu on all fours. Baluu’s face was a little uneasy now. He held out his hands towards the strange white thing coming towards him. “Ei, no be small! Hey, stop!” he said, taking a step back. “Stop!” When Kofi still came forward Baluu took a step forward and kicked him in the belly! Kofi grunted with pain and fell flat on his face, breathing with difficulty and looking up at Baluu with his face contorted with pain. “Ei, no be small. What do you think you were doing?” Baluu asked with an uneasy smile. “I’m hungry,” Kofi said, giggling suddenly through his pain. Baluu grabbed Kofi’s arm and suddenly hurled him through the air. Kofi smashed into one wall with a sickening thud, and this time he moaned with great pain. Maa Abena and Nurse Elsie both screamed with fright. Maa Abena Nyantie covered her face with her hands, unable to watch the terrible beating. Kofi could barely move now. The mist of madness induced by the injection Director Dovlo had given him was clearing fast now, and as he sat up with pain he looked at Baluu with confusion. “Aboa wati!” Kofi groaned with pain as Baluu dropped to one knee and raised a gigantic fist above Kofi’s face, ready to deliver a crushing blow to Kofi’s face. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “So you’re hungry. Ei, no be small. So what do you want to eat?” “The head of John the Baptist,” Kofi said and giggled insanely. And that was when Baluu began to laugh! For many years he had been kept at the Asylum, and no one had ever heard him laugh before. He dropped his fist and laughed so hard that he started farting with loud explosive sounds! Kofi was intrigued, and he slowly got up and sat down on one of the beds. Baluu was still laughing as he also got up and sat on the bed beside Kofi. The people in the corridor stared at the two of them with total shock. Director Bobo Dovlo’s face was like a death mask as he drew near the metal gates and peered inside, his mouth dropping open with total disbelief. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “You want to eat the head of John the Baptist, that rastaman preacher is in the Methodist Hymn Book?” Kofi giggled himself silly. “Yes, yes!” he said, giggling. “The one whose head was chopped off by King Herod for his step-daughter!” “Ei, no be small, you fool!” Baluu said, pushing Kofi’s head back. “It wasn’t King Herod who cut of the head of John Baptist! It was Jerry Rawlings!” Kofi giggled loudly and shook his head. “Crazy talk!” he said with glee. “What’s Jerry Rawlings doing in the Methodist Hymn Book?” Baluu laughed loudly with him. “Looking for Doctor Miamia!” Baluu said. The two of them laughed insanely, grabbing their bellies and exploding with laughter. Kofi spoke again through giggles. “But what did the girl do with the head of John the Baptist when King Herod gave it to him?” Kofi asked. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “Maybe she threw it into this room somewhere. Let’s look for it.” Kofi laughed loudly and nodded his head in acquiescence. “I like that, I like that!” Kofi guffawed. “We’re going to look for the head of John the Baptist!” “Ei, no be small!” Baluu screamed. “The head of John Baptist!” The two of them got off the bed and began to search frantically under the beds. “What will we do with the head of John the Baptist?” Kofi asked. “Ei, no be small! We’ll eat it together!” Baluu screamed, breaking into fresh laughter. “You will eat the eyes so that you can see! I will eat his ears so that I stop hearing the screams of my wife.” “And we’ll give his brains to Bobo Dovlo to eat so that he’ll get some sense!” Kofi said and guffawed. To be continued
29 May 2018 | 21:06
Episode 4 Laughing crazily together, and conversing with mad topics, the two of them trampled on every little portion of the room for John’s head. The Director screamed and shouted, but they did not listen to him. Maa Abena watched, shocked to the very foundations of her soul. Eventually, Kofi spread out on the floor, tired. Baluu came to lie by his side, and very soon, shockingly, both of them fell asleep on the floor! “Seems I owe you an apology!” Nurse Elsie said to Director Dovlo with a curl to her upper lip. “I was rash. Your new treatment seems to be working perfectly!” Doctor Bobo Dovlo took hold of the metal bars and shook them hard whilst making incorrigible sounds. After a moment he turned away, his face made ugly by the extreme jealousy in his breast, and by the strong sense of failure corroding his soul like undiluted acid on metal! He had failed! He had wanted Baluu to beat that little brat to pulp, but it had failed woefully! But it wasn’t over yet. Maybe it was better that it had ended this way because there had been too many eye-witnesses. Next time, Kofi Kuntu, it wouldn’t be so easy, he whispered under his breath as his sense of failure and anger consumed him. Nii Lin watched the Director moving away and laughed softly. “Well, well, well!” he said. “That motherfucker!” “Please, you have to take Kofi out,” Maa Abena said tremulously. “Baluu’s mind can change anytime. If he wakes up before Kofi, he will definitely kill him.” “That’s well said, young lady,” said Atakora Nana, the head of security. “But who’s going in there to save him? Definitely not me!” Elsie Ansah put a shaking hand on Maa Abena’s shoulder. “They’re right, my dear,” she said sombrely. “Baluu is too far away to fire a dart gun at him. If anyone dares go in there and he wakes up, he’ll kill whoever it is!” Maa Abena looked around at the regretful faces of the men looking at her, and none of them made any attempt to go in there and get Kofi Kuntu. She didn’t understand why she was feeling so protective of this Kofi boy anyway. Maybe it was because he was Ato’s friend. Maybe it was because Nii Lin knew him. Maybe it was because he had been so nice to her before the Director had a session with him. But she knew one thing for a fact: Baluu never stayed in a friendly mood for long. The moment he woke up and saw Kofi Kuntu in his ward he would attack. She licked her lips slowly. “Please open the gridlock,” she said fearfully. “Oh, no, no, no!” Nii Lin said with horror. “My dear, goodness me, no!” Elsie said, terrified. “I can’t allow you to do this!” “Why not?” Maa Abena asked. “Are we going to stand by doing nothing and see him murdered? No, please, I can’t do that. Please open the door!” Atakora looked at Maa Abena as if she were mad, and then he motioned to one of the security men to open the gridlock. When the padlocks came off Maa Abena took one of the dart guns and tiptoed into the ward. “The moment he stirs please run back here!” Nii Lin said fearfully. “If you stay in there he’ll tear off your head.” Maa Abena nodded, her throat dry, as she walked silently and carefully towards the two sleeping forms. She got to them, and was reaching down to shake Kofi Kuntu when Baluu opened his eyes. Maa Abena gasped, petrified, but she did not flee. She was shaking terribly as she looked into the murderous eyes of the killer. Baluu suddenly sat up with a violent motion. Behind her she could hear Elsie and the others screaming and shouting at her to retreat, but she was rooted to the spot with fear. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said softly, almost gently. “So the oluman shingo de shingo sent you to come and cut off my head like John the Baptist, eh?” Kofi opened his eyes just then, turned his head, and saw the awful spectacle around him. “Oh, my God!” Kofi whispered with horror. “My God, Maa Abena! What are we doing here with Baluu?” “Shut up, Kofi!” Maa Abena quavered, horror all over her face. “Please, we need to make a run for it, please, otherwise he’ll kill both of us!” “Ei, no be small!” Baluu shouted, looking at Kofi. “So, you’re the one that eats women in the dark! I see you now! You’re the ghost, osaman kanto, osaman atopa! I see you now!” Kofi was terrified! He jumped to his feet, and Baluu let out a huge scream of fury, scaring Maa Abena. He was on his feet in a flash, and he wrapped both of his giant hands around Kofi’s throat and began to squeeze! Kofi was choking. He could barely breathe! He held Baluu’s hands and tried to prise his fingers loose, but they were like vice bands. “I’ll kill you, you Akwesi Jesus, you Osaman Atopa!” Kofi was beginning to see hazes as death knocked on his door. He knew that it would take less than a minute for him to die now. He fought furiously but to no avail as Baluu’s fingers tightened harder around his throat, choking off all air. Maa Abena was so badly scared that she screamed with horror and pointed the dart gun at Baluu, and then she fired rapidly, over and over again. Eight darts hit Baluu’s back and arms, discharging their sedative solutions into him. He turned his crazed eyes on Maa Abena and smiled nastily. “Ei, no be small!” he said, his voice slurred, his eyes going out of focus. “The daughter of the harlot has cut off my adonigans! When I kill this rat completely, it is gonna be your turn. I’ll skin you like wele!” And then he toppled forward and fell down heavily, still holding Kofi’s throat, but his fingers were loose and slack now. Kofi kicked himself away from the huge form of Baluu who was now out cold due to the darts. Maa Abena was trembling badly and she dropped the dart gun. She took faltering steps forward, straight into Kofi’s arms. She began to weep tremulously as reaction set in, and her fear found a release. Kofi held her gently and rubbed her back. “Thank you, Abena,” he whispered unsteadily. “You came back for me. Thank you!” It continues after comments..
29 May 2018 | 21:07
thank God the effects of the drug have waned on Kofi and the others know that he isn't mad,,, somehow he might be helped
30 May 2018 | 03:41
Hmmm Kofi Thank God u are now saved from Baluu
30 May 2018 | 05:32
Wow....thank Jah
30 May 2018 | 06:04
Kofi almost meet his end, the nurse should test him now so as to be able to confirm the drugs inside his system.
30 May 2018 | 07:01
30 May 2018 | 07:32
thank God for Ur life Kofi,,,, and now u wil be able to tell wat d director did to u
30 May 2018 | 10:48
If they catch you director you are donefor
30 May 2018 | 12:12
Hmm, kofi, no be small suffer
30 May 2018 | 18:41
Episode 5 The other nurses took Kofi’s arm, and led him towards the doors. Elsie Ansah hugged Maa Abena tightly. “That was the bravest act I’ve ever seen, girl,” she said gently. “God bless you, God bless you.” “You craze, Abena?” Nii Lin said with a giggle. “You almost made me shit in my pants! I thought you were gonna be crushed by that imbecile!” *** Maa Abena kept tossing on her bed. The incident with Baluu just wouldn’t leave her, and she was having bad dreams about it. In the dream Baluu got up and clamped his huge hands on her neck and began squeezing, and she kept firing darts into his eyes but to no avail. She came awake with a start, and lay in bed panting. The luminous face of the bedside clock said it was two o’clock at dawn. She got up and padded to the bathroom, and then she came back to the bed after a while. She switched on the bedside lamp, then took her Bible and read a few verses in Psalms, and then she prayed. Her phone dinged softly, indicating a new message, as she put off the lamp. She picked up the phone, and saw she had numerous WhatsApp chat messages. She saw five messages from Ato Sey. He had sent them around midnight. ATO Aho)f3 Abena! Wada anaa? Ei, won’t you mind me? I see you online oo! Okay, it hasn’t checked blue lines yet, so you no see am. Or u just dey ignore me eh? Anyway, how’re you? How’s my bro faring? I’m so worried about him. That Director is a bad man. He refused to let me see K.K. PLEASE HELP HIM FOR MY SAKE, OKAY? HE’S SO INNOCENT. Maa Abena sighed, and then she put on the bedside lamp again and sat up in bed. She began to type: MAA ABENA Sorry, Ato. Was a bit tired yesterday so I went to bed early. Are you up yet? The message checked one tick, double ticks, and then double blue as Ato came online. ATO Yes, Beautiful. Couldn’t sleep much. Had a harrowing experience. How be K.K? MAA ABENA He’s doing well, Ato. I’m just a bit worried for him, though. Nii tells me you guys go way back, and that he knows Kofi too. ATO Yeah, yeah. Long story. I think I need to be open with you to help K.K. MAA ABENA So what really went down with your friend? ATO Longest story, dearest. Call u now? MAA ABENA Please do. She put off the lamp as his call came through instantly, and she snuggled under the sheets and fixed her earphones. She picked the call, and for the next hour listened to the most horrific tale she had ever heard. Ato told her everything, holding nothing back. “That’s horrible!” Maa Abena breathed at last, stunned. “I can’t believe this! Really?” “Yes, dearest,” Ato said sadly. “I went to Director Dovlo and told him everything. He seemed to believe me, and so I don’t understand why, suddenly, he’s making it seem like Kofi is mad.” For a moment Maa Abena debated telling Ato about what had happened the previous day at the Asylum, but she decided against it. “I think there’s more than meets the eye here,” she said finally. “I’ll keep an eye out and my ear to the ground. I’ll let Miss Elsie also be aware. If what you’ve told me is true, then Kofi really needs help. I’ll keep you updated.” “Thank you very much,” Ato said gratefully. “Any chance of doing lunch sometime soon?” “Well, I’ll see about that, Ato,” she said gently. “My days are always booked solid, but I have an off day once a week. I’ll let you know.” “Good, splendid,” Ato said with a giggle. “You’ll make me the happiest man.” “I see,” Maa Abena said softly. “And Kofi’s girlfriend? Akweley, isn’t it? Have you heard anything from her? She hasn’t come to visit him yet.”
2 Jun 2018 | 09:00
Episode 6 “Yes, she hasn’t,” Ato said sadly. “I’ve called her and tried to explain the situation to her, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I’ve been told she’s now thick with some guy who’s investing in her father’s business. But it’s all good. I know Kofi will be well.” “I’ll be praying for him,” Maa Abena said. “God can cure him of this evil curse. I’ll be trying my best to steer him towards God. Anyway, I have to catch up on some sleep. Will link up during the week, okay?” “Sure, sure!” Ato said. “Good night, Princess.” Maa Abena cut the call, sighed, and then lay staring into the empty darkness. It was indeed a very shattering and sobering story. If indeed Kofi Kuntu wasn’t insane, and had been a victim of his own personal folly, just as he had told her himself, why was Director Dovlo now so bent on presenting Kofi as mad, and even endangering his life by putting him in a room with the lethal Baluu? As Maa Abena drifted off to sleep it was Kofi’s handsome face that she saw in her mind’s eye. And, several miles away, Ato Sey put down his phone and walked to the bathroom to relieve his bladder. He walked back to his bedroom sleepily, and fell down on the bed. That was when the mattress gave a really scary bump, as if someone had kicked it from under the bed! Ato’s heart gave a lurch, and goose pimples sprang on his body immediately. He thought he had imagined it all, until it happened again, harder this time, making his body bounce on the mattress! There was no doubt about it! Someone, or something, was under the bed, kicking it up! Ato was so scared that he could barely breath! He could suddenly hear a soft voice coming from under the bed! His lips were very dry as he edged his body slowly to the side of the bed and peered under it. It was quite dark under the bed, and he could not see anything for a moment, but then he heard the low, angry voice from under the bed. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga in the haid!” the voice said in a grumble. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga in the haid!!” Ato was so petrified with fear that he could not move, and it was as if he was having sleep paralysis! He made moaning sounds in his throat as his bed began to tremble rather badly, as if the bed wanted to jog. Now he could hear the voices, thousands of them, in various tones, coming from under the bed. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga in the haid!” Ato Sey screamed and slammed off the bed in one motion and ran from the bedroom, through the hall, and tried to open the main door. It was only when he was out on the corridor of the apartment, and other neighbours were opening their doors to find out what was wrong, that he realized he was butt naked! He covered his genitals with his hands as his next door neighbour, a lady banker, stared at him with her eyes agog. “Mr. Sey!” she cried, alarmed. “Are you alright?” Ato Sey beat a hasty retreat back into the room and closed the door. He did not lock it though. He put on all the lights and sat on the floor. “In the name of Jesus!” he kept repeating over and over. When morning came, he came awake on the floor, and he stood up slowly. With the darkness gone, his fear was abated, and he smiled sheepishly, wondering how he was going to face his neighbour ever again. Maybe he had had too much to drink and dreamnt it all. He sighed heavily and walked to his bedroom, and when he entered he just stood there glaring at the bed. The mattress was on the floor, and all the wooden planks lying in the bed and supporting the mattress had been broken into several pieces. Lying on the floor, in the middle of the wooden debris, was a small black pot and a horsetail whisk. Ato’s heart gave a murderous lurch again. Now he was terrified! *** Nii Lin took Kofi to another ward on the second floor of D-Block. The room was pleasant, and had ten beds in a row, but there were only three other people in the room. They were all wearing the sky-blue pyjama-like uniform of the Adada Asylum. One was a smallish man sitting on his bed and watching the television fixed on the wall. He was sitting absolutely still, his eyes never moving from the television. Another was a really tall, gangling man, also in uniform, and he was standing with his face pressed into the wall, and his hands flat on the wall, as if he wanted to disappear into the wall. The third man was quite young, around Kofi’s age. He was of medium built and height, and he was lying on the bed curled up in the foetal position, gripping a huge black teddy bear with his right arm, and his left thumb stuck into his mouth. “Remember I told you only the severe cases were brought to the D-Block?” Nii Lin said as he pointed to a bed. “This is your bed, Kofi. You have a wardrobe here where we’ll keep your gowns and other essentials. The bathroom is in there, but it is mostly locked because these three need supervision to perform even the basic needs. You’re not going to be here long, my friend. We’re all finding out ways to help you.” “Thanks a mill, bro,” Kofi said sadly and sat down. “I appreciate it, man. But you better find some people to help me fast before that Director Dovlo drives me crazy, man.” “Don’t worry, bro, you’re in good hands,” Nii Lin said and smiled. “Senior Nurse Elsie has assigned Nurse Maa Abena Nyantie to take care of you. She’s a damn stunning hottie, isn’t she? I’m sure you’re going to like her. Now, I’ll go and rustle up some chow for you. It’s almost dinner time. But first, let me introduce you to your Ward mates. These are men who will not harm you if you leave them alone, Kofi, unlike Baluu. We give them nicknames here, you know, as part of the programme.” He pointed to the man watching the television. “That is Malboro. He’s okay, just that he can’t retain a memory for more than thirty minutes. He’s a great sort, but he’s irritating sometimes. The young man with the teddy lost his mind when his girlfriend jilted him and married his best friend. He’s Captain. Please, never touch his teddy bear. He’ll kill you if you do. The man against the wall is Pilot. He says he hears voices in the walls, and virtually anywhere. Like I said, they’re pretty harmless as long as you leave them alone.” “Thanks, Nii, I appreciate it,” Kofi said sadly. “Right,” Nii said. “Dinner is in the dining-room at the end of the corridor in thirty minutes.” Nii went out and Kofi Kuntu slowly changed into his gown and lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling morosely. He had lost everything. Sajili had taken everything from him. Worst, Akweley was gone now! But, in retrospect, he really had himself to blame. He had had it all! A good job, a good life, a wonderful woman. The only dark side had been Laryea Odamten, his girlfriend’s father, but he knew he eventually would have won the man over. Then he had gone in for the damn Jamaican Stone, and that simplest of acts, which had been targeted at some harmless fun, had progressed through a horrific series of events that had finally brought him into the claws of a man who felt aggrieved that his late wife had once been Kofi’s lover. Now he didn’t know what the future had in store for him, or how he was going to get out of this grave situation. Director Dovlo had almost gotten him killed, and Kofi was scared. That man was capable of anything. And even if redemption should come his way he might not have Akweley anymore! The pain was so sharp and devastating that tears came into Kofi’s eyes, and tried hard not to let them spill. This was not the time for crying; this was the time to get out of this extremely unfavourable situation. It continues after comments..
2 Jun 2018 | 09:01
Pls continue
2 Jun 2018 | 13:29
Look what pussy turn your live to
2 Jun 2018 | 15:00
thank God u know u alone are to blame for Ur misfortune,,,, but I wish u cone out of it quickly
2 Jun 2018 | 15:43
You ruin your life yourself, just pray you find a way out.
2 Jun 2018 | 21:30
Kofi u know what is doing u,u did this to yourself
3 Jun 2018 | 16:25
Nii lin...u got to do more,looking at his condition right now...he's in d!p sh!t
3 Jun 2018 | 16:31
Maa abena...u are gonna do more to help him,u have done the worst risky...U ARE A GENIUS
3 Jun 2018 | 16:36
Ato...u went too far to fight those native doctors with a kick...u got to ask yourself,are u strong enough to fight them
3 Jun 2018 | 16:44
ato himself will be driven crazy by the witchdoctor,, , Kofi u are lucky bt don't be comfortable yet . u are still within those four walls of the asylum, very much near director dovlo
3 Jun 2018 | 16:49
Kofi...u have been through so many tough sh!t and some soft sh!t and now u're looking like u wanna change
3 Jun 2018 | 16:51
i pray its over kk
6 Jun 2018 | 09:53
PASSWORD 2 Episode 7-8 Kofi sighed and turned on his side, and then he gave a startled cry when he saw that the man called Malboro had been standing by the side of the bed. Kofi stood up quickly and looked at the man, who suddenly thrust out his right hand and smiled broadly. “Hiya!” he said in a strong voice. “I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here.” Tentatively Kofi reached out and shook the man’s hand. “I’m Kofi,” he said carefully. “Glad to meet you.” Malboro withdrew his hand and went back to sit on his bed and resumed watching television. Kofi watched them for a while, and then his stomach rumbled, and he wished Nii would bring dinner soon. He fell back on the bed and turned his back to the others. He might have dozed off, because when his eyes opened again with a start, he found Malboro standing near the bed again and looking at him intently. Kofi sat up slowly and looked at him questioningly. The man suddenly thrust out his hand again. “Hiya, I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here.” Kofi looked at him with his anger brewing up. “Really? You wanna play that bullshit game with me?” he asked angrily. Malboro looked at him with something close to puzzlement. “Hiya, I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here!” “What’s the matter with you?” Kofi asked crossly. “We just introduced ourselves a few minutes ago.” “Hiya, I don’t know you. I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here.” “Just go away, man,” Kofi said irritably. And that was when Malboro began to scream shrilly, fiercely, at the top of his voice! Veins stood out on his neck, and his arms were straight at his sides as he employed all his breath in the scream. And then it finally dawned on Kofi as he remembered what Nii had told him about Malboro! Nii had said Malboro couldn’t keep a memory for more than thirty minutes. Kofi tried to calm him down, but the man screamed even more. To make matters worse Pilot joined in, and the two of them began a screaming frenzy that really shook up Kofi. He was standing there, unable to do a thing, when Captain came off the wall with roar. He jumped on one bed, and then he launched himself like a rocket, head first, at Kofi. Startled and suddenly scared, Kofi swerved, and Captain fell on the bed with a sickening thud. “Ow!” he cried, got to his feet and raised his right leg. “Some people are trying to use my leg for kako.” Kofi could barely hear him because of the screams of the other two, and he backed away slowly as Captain put his leg down and jumped on Kofi’s bed now. He took two steps and launched himself at Kofi again, head first, and again Kofi swerved him, and Captain fell again, striking the floor with his head. “Ow, my head!” he moaned. He stood up again and raised his leg. Pilot stopped screaming and watched Captain. “Some people are using my leg for kako,” Captain said. “Kako kako kako kako kako kako!” Pilot said, and kept repeating it in a high-pitched voice. Captain now ran to the end of the room and bowed his head like a ram and spread his arms wide. Evidently both Malboro and Pilot knew this gesture because they both stopped making screaming noises and climbed on their beds, looking at Captain with glints of horror on their faces. Before Kofi knew what was happening Captain came at him with top speed, his head lowered, seeking to ram Kofi in the belly. Kofi took quick steps back, and his back came up against the wall. He knew that if he swerved the head butt captain’s skull would smack into the wall, and he might break his neck. He just couldn’t swerve Captain now; he had to allow the man to head-butt him. “Oh, God!” Kofi whispered with sudden horror. “Oh, God, Oh, Lord!” He tried to steel himself for the strike and catch Captain’s head to reduce the impact, but it was no use. Captain’s head thudded into him viciously, straight into his stomach, smashing him into the wall and driving all the air from his body. Kofi dropped to his hands and knees as the most terrible of pains passed through him. “Goooooooaaaal!” all the three inmates shouted as they pointed at Kofi’s crumpled form. Captain was standing still now with a huge grin on his face, preening. Kofi looked at him through dazed eyes, and suddenly he was suffused with irrational fury. What was happening to him? Why was everything going so badly for him? Why should he suffer so much? With a roar of anger, he came off the ground and, screaming, rammed his shoulder into Captain’s belly, sending the both of them down in a rolling mass of limbs. “Goooooooaaaal!” Malboro and Pilot screamed. Captain was lying on his back, grabbing his stomach as Kofi got to his feet. Captain’s face was filled with fear as he looked up at Kofi. “You fool!” Captain groaned. “Why did you do that? Are you a goat? Why did you hit my belly with your head? You fool!” Kofi was filled with instant remorse, and he forgot his pain immediately. He reached out a hand to Captain. “I’m sorry, man,” he said remorsefully. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Malboro jumped from the bed and approached Kofi, smiling and stretching out his hand. “Hiya, I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here!” Kofi took his hand and shook it resignedly. “Pleased to meet you, Boro,” he said tiredly. Malboro pushed Kofi in the chest hard, his face suffused with sudden anger. “Me, Borrow?” he asked crossly. “Borrow what? What do you have that I’ll borrow, you koobi!” Kofi held out his hands placatingly. “Sorry, sorry, pal!” he said resignedly. “I meant to say Malboro!” Malboro looked at him with sudden surprise. “Hey, you know my name!” he said with a happy smile. “How did you know my name?” Kofi was silent. He didn’t know what to say because he wanted them to calm down, and it seemed anything he did or said led to something else. “Hey, you dog pile, I’m talking to you!” Malboro said angrily. “Won’t you answer me?” Kofi shook his head numbly. “I’ve forgotten what you asked,” he said lamely. Malboro’s face clouded for a moment. “Oh,” he said at last. “I don’t remember too. Hey! Who’re are you? Did you just join us? Hiya, I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here!” Kofi took the man’s outstretched hand and shook it without saying a word. Just then, luckily, the door suddenly opened and the incredibly beautiful nurse Maa Abena Nyantie came in. She held Malboro’s hand and guided him to his bed, speaking softly, and after a moment the man nodded and smiled, and sat down on his bed obediently. Next the nurse helped Captain to his feet. “That new man, nurse, he’s mad,” Captain said. “Do you know he’s mad? If you go near him, he becomes a goat. He turns into a he-goat, aponkye kwasi attah, and he butts your stomach! I was just standing there and he hit my stomach with his head! Such a rough goat!” Maa Abena chuckled but said nothing. She got Captain to lie down on his bed, and finally she attended to Pilot and had him on his bed too. Pilot lay on his bed and looked at Maa Abena. “I can hear soldiers in my head,” Pilot said in a serious voice. “They march on horses like krika krika krika krika krika krika!” “Those are not soldiers,” Captain said from across the room. “They are Hari Krishna ants. They will chew your brains until they march out of your ears and nose and eyes. I had Hari Krishna ants some time ago going kribo kribo kribo kribo in my head.” “You fool!” Pilot shouted. “Yours is kribo kribo kribo kribo and mine is krika krika krika krika krika! They can’t both be made by the same things!” “Oh, okay!” Captain said with a serious, wise face. “That must be your mother urinating in your head krika krika krika krika with her big hole!” And this infuriated Pilot so much that he sat up straight in bed and looked at the Captain with chagrin. “And yours is your father doing puupuu in your head with his big anus, aboa bi ba!” he said angrily. Malboro got out of bed swiftly and walked purposely forward with his hand out and a smile on his face. “Oh, God, no!” Kofi said wearily. “Oh, God, not again! Aaaba! Awurade, why?” Malboro was walking toward Kofi. “Hiya, I’m Malboro! Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here!” And that was when Kofi began to laugh. He laughed so hard that tears came to his eyes, and he sat on the floor howling with laughter. Malboro also sat on the floor, and he suddenly began to imitate everything that Kofi was doing, which filled Kofi with even more laughter, so much so that he could not breathe as he became locked in a laughing fit. He was laughing, but his mind was horrified! He was behaving just like them! He knew that if help didn’t come soon, he would go insane inside the Adada Asylum. More comments more Episodes..
7 Jun 2018 | 15:38
0 Likes are one of them directly or indirectly
8 Jun 2018 | 05:24
Hahahaha, Kofi will surely go insane in there.
8 Jun 2018 | 07:49
Kofi goes mad
8 Jun 2018 | 07:57
hahahaha,,,, oh pls,,,, my stomach oooo,,, my belle,,,, an damn hurting wit dis laffta dat filled my stomach
8 Jun 2018 | 09:56
Kofi kuntununkuku...before now u were doing overdose of kpa kpa kpa kpa and now u are doing meeting with mad people
8 Jun 2018 | 10:06
Maa's a good thing that u are here right now right on time to stop them
8 Jun 2018 | 10:13
Kofi kuntukununku...the way u are laughing out loud,people who don't know u will believe your enemy
8 Jun 2018 | 10:17
Malboro is that mad man that got mad because he lost his girlfriend and now, introduction all the time
8 Jun 2018 | 10:29
These mad people can be funny with their conversation like very funny
8 Jun 2018 | 10:31
lol sorry K.k
9 Jun 2018 | 03:27
PASSWORD 2 Episode 9-10 . Continues.. Maa Abena eventually managed to give them their medications. Soon two male attendants came and led the three away, leaving Kofi in the ward with Maa Abena. “Where are they being taken to?” Kofi asked hopefully. “To dinner,” Maa Abena Nyantie said. “Dining-hall is down the block, and I’ll show you later. This evening, however, I prepared some jollof for you so that you eat here, because I want to chat with you.” Their eyes met and held. She was a beauty, for a fact, more than Ato had described her. She was the kind of girl that men stared at and fantasized about. As he sat on his bed and looked at her, however, something hit him hard, and scared him a bit: he didn’t lust after her! That was a first for him. He got breathless whenever he saw a beautiful girl, and if it were possible that he could see a girl again, he would make a move on her. But, surprisingly, although he knew he might remain at the Adada Asylum for a while, he didn’t, for even one moment, imagine hitting on her and making love to her. There was something different about her that stirred more than lust within his heart. Maybe it was due to the fact that she might believe he was as insane as the Director was making it seem, and it could also be the fact that after the Sajili incident, he had lost his libido. But, whatever it was, he was looking at an incredibly beautiful woman, and for the first time he was not undressing her with his eyes, or imagining how she would look like from behind and sideways or naked on top of him. She lifted a blue food flask from a plastic basket on the floor and took out some plates. She opened the flask and served the jollof from it, and put it on the side-table which she drew toward Kofi. She sat at the desk of the NOD –Nurse on Duty – watching him as he ate. It was the most delicious rice configuration he had ever tasted. She had finished off with grilled fish, and he just couldn’t have enough. She watched him with mildly surprised eyes as he first used the spoon, then put it down and wolfed down the food with his fingers. There was the residue of chewed fish bones in the plate, and he looked up at her, licking his fingers, still not full but feeling suddenly abashed to ask for more. She stood up and approached him. She scooped the rest of the rice in the food flask into a new plate, put one more grilled fish beside it, and put it down in front of him. He looked at her with almost shy eyes. “That was reserved for yourself, wasn’t it?” he asked softly. “Finish it off,” she replied with a chuckle. “Sure?” he asked uncertainly. “I don’t like rice much, Kofi,” she said gently. “I prepared that for you, but I didn’t really believe you could eat all that.” He looked at her, startled, and saw her eyes twinkling, and knew she was making fun of him, and they both smiled at the same time. She dropped her eyes quickly, and he turned to the food, aware that within that harmony of their eyes meeting, a threshold had suddenly been breached, somehow. Not that she had felt it; maybe she hadn’t. A love note was the last thing he needed, though. He was now a disgraced man. The whole world knew he had tried to make love to a corpse. Videos and pictures of him had gone viral, and she was pretty well aware of that. Secondly, she was such a beauty, and it was absolutely inconceivable that she was without a man, someone who loved her enough to make a respectable woman out of her. And of course there was Ato, his friend. Ato had intimated this was the one girl he could love and marry, and as the Brother Code went, he could never express interest in the girl his friend loved. It was a taboo area. Finally, there was Akweley to consider. Kofi still loved her, and he had a deep pain in his heart that he had messed up and ruined their beautiful relationship. Maybe, if by some miracle he got out of here, Akweley would still be waiting for him because deep down she loved him, he was certain of that. He finished off the plate, and she poured water for him to wash his hands and gave him some disposable kitchen towels to clean his hands. She poured water for him to drink, and then she carefully packed the flask and bowls back into the basket. She went back to the NOD desk and after a moment she came toward him with some medicine in a tablet holder. On the holder was also an unbroken injectable ampoule and a syringe. She set it down on the side-table, and stood looking down at Kofi. His face was a mask of misery as he looked at the medication, and then at her face. His eyes were sad as he reached out slowly and covered her right hand with both of his, his look unwavering. “I want you to believe me, Maa Abena, please,” he said in an unsteady voice. “I don’t know what’s going to happen to me here, but I know one thing: if you give me those drugs, you’re going to drive me mad. I’m not crazy, Maa Abena. It has all been one great mess!” . Visit my website.. for more interesting stories.. Thanks... . She looked at him, and her face was troubled, a furrow puckering her brow. “I spoke to Ato deep into the dawn, Kofi,” she said in a worried voice. “He told me all that happened. But I’m confused, Kofi. If there’s nothing wrong with you, why did Director Dovlo confine you? Why did you act so absolutely crazy in the presence of the judge and journalists?” “He injected me with some drug, Maa Abena,” he said carefully. “He told me it would make me act like a madman and convince the judge and the others about how unstable I was.” She stepped away from him, her face filled with uncertainty, shaking her head. “Motive, Kofi, motive!” she said, her eyes accusing. “That man is a professional! I admire him so much, because he knows his work. He has cured many inmates that were brought here, and integrated them back into society successfully! How on earth would he want to do such a thing to you?” He stood up and walked slowly towards her. “A long time ago, a woman came to my workplace to see my director,” he said carefully. “That woman wanted to buy a house, and my director told me to take her round to see our completely-detached housing units so that she could make a choice. I was a poor, bad boy, then, Maa Abena. I was a womanizer, and I saw only a lonely, mature woman with money to spend. She was not wearing any wedding bands on her finger, and she told me she was a divorcee. I began an affair with her. It lasted for a year, and then I could not take it anymore. For one, I was very much in love with my fiancé then, and secondly I could not tolerate her demands any longer. She wanted me to move into the house she bought with her, and get married. She was domineering and very violent, and so I broke off with her. I had no idea then that she was still a married woman.” He stopped, his eyes filled with remorse, sweat on his face. She looked at him, but it was evident that he was reluctant to continue. “And what has that story got to do with Director Dovlo remanding you here?” she asked softly. “I only found out when I met him that indeed Naana Basiwaa was a married woman,” Kofi said miserably. “She was Mrs Naana Basiwaa Dovlo.” “Jesus!” Maa Abena exclaimed, shocked to her very bones. “Director Dovlo’s wife? The one who committed suicide?” Kofi was trembling, and he could not stand any longer. He lowered himself onto the bed. “Yes, Maa Abena, although I never knew she committed suicide. The Director told me. He is blaming me for her death, and he’s going to cut off his pound of flesh.” “That’s so preposterous!” she whispered, so horrified. “He’ll keep you here to exact revenge? Is that what he’s doing?” “That’s what he’s doing, Maa Abena,” Kofi said softly. “But he has the perfect excuse now passing me off as an insane man, and so he’ll get away with his evil.” “Not as long as I live!” Maa Abena said, still shaken. “That’s so horrible, Kofi dear, and so terrible! She went back to the desk and put her medicine holder down. She came and sat beside Kofi on the bed, and took his hands, looking deeply into his eyes. “If what you have told me is true, Kofi Kuntu, then a terrible injustice has been done to you, and I’m going to be your friend to ensure that this evil is exposed.” Tears shimmered in his eyes, and he turned his face up to the ceiling to keep them from falling. She was an angel, and she was on his side, and he was so grateful for that! “I spoke to Ato, like I told you,” she continued, her face sad. “Evidently he went back to the shrine.” Kofi scowled first, then raised his eyebrows. “Ato went back to Mallam Busanga?” he asked with some surprise. “Yes, Kofi,” Maa Abena replied. “He wanted to find out if that password situation has now been remedied since you were able to do whatever you were supposed to do with the corpse of that Indian lady.” Kofi looked at her expectantly now, his face flushed. “What did Mallam Busanga say?” he asked excitedly. She shook her head sadly at him. “Well, a load of nonsense, if I may put it bluntly,” she said. “The Mallam said that you were supposed to put in your…your…whatever, manhood, yes, and withdraw yourself. But since you put it in and then you were hit by a doctor, which forced you out of the woman, it means you didn’t withdraw your manhood yourself, so the password is still intact.” She saw Kofi’s face going through a very tragic transformation. The excitement slowly ebbed out of his face, and he looked bland for a moment but it rapidly changed to moroseness, then sadness, to agitation, and then, incredibly, his expression broke down and his face screwed up into a terrible line of sorrow, and then the tears walled up in his eyes like an overfilled dam, and slowly coursed down his cheeks. It was such a tragic show of the weakness and vulnerabilities of a man, and it made Maa Abena Nyantie sad indeed. She reached out and took his hands in hers. . To Be Continued…
13 Jun 2018 | 04:05
finally someone is by Kofi's side and he might get out of the asylum bt the password is still intact..... Kofi u will have to seek God's intervention
13 Jun 2018 | 08:36
Ur dick is on code by a ghost
13 Jun 2018 | 16:50
Am so sorry Kofi, thats life & you have to face it heads on. May God delivers you.
13 Jun 2018 | 17:08
only God can help u kofi
13 Jun 2018 | 17:14
Kofi it's only God that can save u from this password of a thing
13 Jun 2018 | 17:27
PASSWORD 2 Episode 11-12 She spoke gently. “You were approaching the whole situation wrongly, you know,” she said. “That Indian girl was evidently well-versed in the dark arts, and yet you went to a man of the dark arts to deal with it. Both powers are from the devil, you know, so how can the devil fight against himself?” Kofi took one of his hands from hers and slowly cleaned the tears from his face. His lips trembled with acute distress. “What are you talking about, Abena?” he asked softly. “You can’t fight evil with evil, Kofi,” she said gently. “It’s just like fighting fire with fire. You need a stronger force, the strongest of all powers, actually. You need Christ in your life. If only you’ll accept to be a Christian, the Holy Spirit will descend on you, and it would come with the full powers of God, and it would cancel out any evil spells on your body and in your spirit, and you’ll become whole.” He looked at her intently, his face both hopeful and scared. “I’ve never believed in God, Maa Abena,” he said slowly. “I was raised up in a foster home, you know, by a couple who were being paid by an agency to take care of homeless children. The story is that my folks died in an accident. So I was raised up without love, and had to fight for every morsel of food. I grew up hating God. How could I believe in something I have hated all my life?” She went back to the desk and rummaged through a drawer for some time, and then she came back to him holding a Bible and a sheet of printed paper. “Have you ever read the Bible, Kofi?” He shook his head slowly. “Believed it was filled with foolish fantasies,” he said, his expression tortured. “Maa Abena, you’re a good girl. I’ve never been a good boy, okay? I’ve slept with tens of women. I’ve cheated, I’ve stolen, I’ve taken drugs, I’ve smoked weed! I’m rotten to the core! I don’t think the God you believe wants anything to do with a sinner like me.” “And those are the reasons why Jesus came down to earth, Kofi,” she said, and smiled, and it was such a beautiful smile that it transformed her whole face, making it even more beautiful. “Here’s a Bible, and on this sheet you’ll find a list of quotations. These quotations have carefully been selected to help unbelievers discover the golden love in the Bible, and in God. You’ll read two verses a day. Here, let me show you.” And so the beautiful sweet girl sat down beside the confused shattered boy, and began to show him how to navigate through the Bible. Two weeks later, Maa Abena Nyantie entered Miss Elsie Ansah’s office. The senior nurse was in her beautiful white uniform; white shirt, skirt, socks and flat-heeled soft-soled white canvas. Her white cap was fixed on her hair, and she was sitting behind her desk filling out excel worksheets. She looked up and smiled warmly. “Abena, good to see you, come in, come in and take a seat,” she said and minimised the worksheet she was working on. Maa Abena sat down with a smile of her own. She was also in uniform, and she looked very beautiful indeed. “How’re you, my dear?” Miss Ansah asked. “I’m doing well, madam,” Maa Abena answered. “I suppose there’s something you want to tell me about our new patient,” she said kindly. Maa Abena licked her lips nervously, and she took a deep breath. It was quite evident that she was in a great quandary. She was new at the Adada Asylum, and she did not know how far she could trust the older woman, although Nii Lin had assured her that Miss Ansah was a good Christian who could be trusted. “Listen, my dear, I understand whatever you want to tell me has shocked you, and you’re wondering whether you should talk to me. Well, let me begin by telling you that Director Bobo Dovlo has been incredible all the years he has headed this institution, and I had been full of admiration for him, until Mr. Kofi Kuntu was brought here. I am convinced he is doing something very wrong where the boy is concerned, and I’m very worried about it. His choice of medication is suspect to me, and I’m not very comfortable at all. So if you know anything that could help me make a major decision, this is the time to let me know.” Maa Abena nodded and smiled nervously. “What I’m about to tell you will definitely shock you, madam,” she said quickly. “But I don’t know what to do at the moment, and I believe you would be in a better position to advise me.” “Go on, dear, I’m listening,” Miss Ansah said. Maa Abena began haltingly, and told the kind woman all that she had gathered about the Kofi Kuntu case. Elsie Ansah’s eyes widened with disbelief at first, to absolute shock and furious chagrin at the end. “My good gracious,” she whispered with horror when Maa Abena finished narrating her story. “It all makes perfect sense now! I was right in stopping you from giving Kofi medication for some time! My word! This is absolutely horrible! What to do, what to do, what to do!” She stood up and paced the room restlessly, finally going to the window where she stood gazing out for a long time as Maa Abena waited with bated breath. Finally, she turned from the window and came back to her seat, sitting down gingerly and almost wringing her hands. “We need to tread with caution, Abena,” she said carefully. “We can’t trust anyone here. Almost all the workers eat out of the Director’s hand, and they’ll do anything to please him. Let’s keep this between the three of us; me, you and Nii Lin. Director Dovlo has very powerful friends, both within and with government, and he’s one of the most respected people in the country, and he’s very talented in his field. If we give him so much as a tiny iota of suspicion he’ll do something to make Kofi insane for real. I’ll try and fix an appointment with Judge Akwasi Buabasah and let him know what’s going on.” Maa Abena breathed with relief, and her whole face lit up with happiness. “Oh, madam, that’ll great indeed!” she said. “I’m so grateful!” Senior Nurse Elsie raised her eyebrows at Maa Abena Nyantie. “Well, in as much as I must commend you for getting to the root of this matter, I must say I sense something extra in there, Abena,” she said with a glint in her eyes. “Something extra, madam?” Maa Abena asked, confused. “Yes, dear, like something extra for Kofi Kuntu?” she said with a smile. “He is, after all, a very attractive young man, and I’m sure he has the ability to make a lady’s heart go thump thump in the right place.” Maa Abena gasped, shocked, and tried hard to recover from her sudden unease and nervousness. “Oh!” she said, flustered. “Well, no, madam. I just…just feel a lot of pity for him, and nothing else, please.” The older woman laughed and waved a hand. “Don’t fret yourself, dear,” Elsie Ansah said. “Just needling you. But do take care, okay? I’ll let you know how it goes with Judge Buabasah.” “Yes, madam,” Maa Abena said hurriedly and stood up. “I’m grateful. God bless you. I’ll get back to work then.” “And one thing, Abena,” Senior Nurse Ansah said with a serious face. “Tell Nii Lin to begin rolling cameras in Kofi’s ward. I want him to give me copies of the video recordings for a month. One of his cousins is in the CCT room, and he can have copies from him. But please, let them keep it a secret! I don’t want the Director finding out about that.” “Yes, madam, I’ll tell him. Thanks again.” When Maa Abena went out of Nurse Elsie’s office, she stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. She evaluated herself for a moment, and then she shook her head, her beautiful face worried. “Nope, nope, I can’t be that transparent!” she whispered to herself. “I don’t feel anything for that boy. I’m just sad for him, and I’m pitying him! Well, it is true he is younger and handsomer than Roman Reigns, my WWE idol, but surely, I don’t fancy him, not a player like him anyway.” As she walked along, however, the worried lines still remained on her face. Her little self-motivational speech had done nothing to erase the image of Kofi’s face from her mind’s eye. If anything, she found herself looking forward to seeing him again. “Oh, crap!” she whispered to herself. “My dearest Lord, I’ve served you faithfully, please! Don’t let this heart do any thump thumping for that corpse banger!” She giggled suddenly to herself, and looked around quickly to see if anyone had seen her. *** When Kofi opened his eyes Pilot was naked and squatting on his bed with his face clenched so hard that his eyes were red and veins stood out on his neck, and he was farting monstrously. Kofi sat up quickly with great trepidation, staring at the man with bulging eyes. “What the hell are you doing?” he exploded. Captain, lying on his side on the bed and clutching his teddy bear, looked at Kofi’s shocked face and shook his head sadly. “He’s trying to shit on your bed,” Captain said. “He says he heard some evil voices coming from inside your bed, and he’s shitting on them.” Kofi got off the bed, grabbed Pilot by the arm and pulled him so hard that he crashed on the floor. The stench of the flatulence was so bad that Kofi curled his arm across his nose. Malboro suddenly grabbed Kofi’s shoulder and spun him around, smiling broadly and holding out his hand. “Hiya, I’m Malboro,” he said enthusiastically. “Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here.” “Oh comot for there!” Kofi said miserably and pushed Pilot away as he tried to climb on his bed again. “Hey! Go and shit on your own bed if you want to shit on a bed! Nkwaseasem ara kwa! Nonsense!” “You don’t understand!” Pilot said plaintively. “The voices are in your bed! They’re coming for you! They’ll kill us all if I don’t poop on them!” More comments more Episode's..
13 Jun 2018 | 20:32
Kofi and his crazy inmates
14 Jun 2018 | 04:00
Solution to your problems is with God
14 Jun 2018 | 04:03
Lol.......your inmate are all pathetic
14 Jun 2018 | 04:16
Your case is diffrent kofi kuntu
14 Jun 2018 | 04:51
Just can't stop laughing, Kofi's inmate are true definations of madness.
14 Jun 2018 | 06:09
Kofi u and these ur inmate,I hope they will not kill u one day
14 Jun 2018 | 07:26
lol, Kofi at least pilot won't strangle you,,,,, put up with his madness, the bed will be cleaned up for u
14 Jun 2018 | 10:06
Na only God can help you now kofi
14 Jun 2018 | 13:21
PASSWORD 2 Episode 13-14 . “The voices are not here!” Kofi explained. “They’re in the water closet! I heard them! If you want to poop go and do it in the water closet!” Pilot pushed Kofi hard in the chest. “You goat!” he said angrily. “How can voices be in the water closet? Are you crazy? Don’t you know they’ll drown in the water?” “Oh, yes,” Captain said. “They will drown like glonglonglon! And then they wouldn’t be able to swim because they’ve drowned.” “Hiya, I’m Malboro,” said Malboro. “Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here.” Pilot pointed to Captain’s teddy bear, his eyes suddenly wide with fear. “The voices are in that thing!” he cried suddenly. “They’re going to kill us all! I have to poop on it!” And Captain sat up suddenly and looked at Pilot with eyes that were suddenly mad with fury. “You want to shit on my brother?” he asked, and then he launched himself off the bed and smacked into Pilot, and both of them crashed to the floor in a heap of limbs. Malboro pointed to Pilot’s naked buttocks. “Do you know there’s one hair on this man’s bombom?” he asked with rather a serious face. “Just one hair. It is called Shalanta because it shalants.” Kofi looked at Malboro with suspicious eyes. “What is shalants?” he asked warily. “How would I know?” he said seriously, and then he smiled and held out his hand. “Hiya, I’m Malboro.” “Go and sleep, Malboro,” Kofi said and walked dejectedly to the chair behind the desk. “How can I sleep when I don’t have eyes?” Malboro asked rather crossly, frowning at Kofi. “Eyes are windows to the soul. So if I sleep the Spajigans will come and look through the eye-windows at my soul and laugh and hoohoo, hoohoo, hoohoo!” “Okay,” Kofi said and turned away to read his Bible. Captain and Pilot had stopped fighting. They were now both lying prone on the floor and pressing one ear each to the cold floor. “I hear something,” Pilot said and put a hand to his lips. “Shush, shush, I can hear it!” “What, what, what?” Captain said excitedly as he also strained to hear whatever it was. “I hear some krrrr-krrrr sounds too!” “No, no, no!” Pilot said. “The krrrr-krrrr sounds are coming from Malboro’s bed, he’s bouncing on it. Pay attention and listen to the floor! You’ll hear the voices!” They were both concentrated hard on the floor, their faces screwed up. “I hear it, I hear it!” Captain said, and Kofi turned his head to look at him. “What did you hear?” Pilot was asking eagerly. “I hear President Trump,” Captain said. “He’s singing Amakye Dede’s song!” “Wooooooow!!” Pilot said, listening hard. “Yeah, yeah! I can hear it too! He’s singing Amakye Dede’s Brebrebe song!” “Nooooo!” Captain said. “Listen well! It’s not Brebrebe!” “What is it then? What is it?” Pilot asked eagerly. “It is Brebrebe, can’t you hear?” Captain said. “Okay, I hear it now!” Malboro suddenly rushed to Kofi’s side. “Hiya. I’m Malboro!” he said brightly. “Heeeey! You’re reading the Bible! If you meet Lot ask him why he slept with his daughters! That man was such a fool!” “Lot?” Kofi asked, smiling in spite of himself. “Who’s he?” “Oh, that man whose wife turned to salt and he ended up shagging his daughters!” Malboro said excitedly. “I used to be a preacher, you know. I was preaching in the Synagogues to some thieves when Jesus came. Jesus didn’t have patience at all! He took a whip and caned all the thieves! Meanwhile I was preaching to them. That’s why I told Judas to betray Jesus. I even visited Rachel. She was a prostitute. I gave her three rounds gish gish gish and she ran away because her skolokakita was paining her.” “Her what?” Kofi asked with a huge grin. “Her skolokakita, smelly hole, hole of chanchuba, the hole of all troubles of all men of all countries! Don’t joke with skolokakita, the hole of papuloo, it can kill you! It can take you to your death, that hole of abalakus! If you follow it, you can even shag a corpse, I tell you!” Kofi began to giggle, and then it turned to a thunderous roar of laughter. Pilot and Captain sat up, looked at him, and they also roared with great laughter. Malboro had an uneasy look on his face, and then he also bleated out a high-pitched insane laugh that only made Kofi laugh harder… And when the door opened and Maa Abena Nyantie and Nii Lin walked in, they found all four of them laughing so hard that it scared Maa Abena to the very ends of her nerves; for a moment she couldn’t tell whether Kofi was sane or insane. She walked toward him slowly and saw that tears were streaming down his face because he had laughed so hard. She touched his arm gently. “Kofi?” she whispered. “Are you okay?” She knew deep down that it was now absolutely urgent to get Kofi out of the asylum. He was in a great risk of becoming insane if he should be left to operate under such acute stress. Malboro held out his hand to her. “Hiya. I’m Malboro. Welcome to madness. We’re all mad here.” “Hello, Malboro,” Maa Abena said. Kofi controlled his laughter and smiled at her, and she saw just how incredibly handsome he was, especially when he was smiling like that. “Hello, Abena,” he said, his eyes roving her face. “You’re so damn beautiful. Anytime I close my eyes I see you, can you believe that?” She tried hard not to smile, but when she looked down at her feet, she was smiling. And she was relieved. At least he was sane, for now. But she knew it was very dangerous to keep him cooped up in the asylum. Akweley didn’t know why she still had unhappy mood swings recently, especially late at nights just before she slept, and sometimes in the afternoons when she was all alone. It had been almost five months now since Kofi was sent to the asylum. During that period, she had borne the pity and support of her circle, who had all expressed shock sent her messages of support. Some too had only been filled with scorn, and laughed at her behind her back, but that didn’t worry her overly. It had been very difficult at first, once her initial anger had worn off. She had thought about Kofi a lot, and wondered what might have gone wrong to make him to betray her love and trust in that most terrible way. She had given him everything because she had loved him to her very core, with everything she had. She knew her father hated him, but she had loved him, and stayed with him through thick and thin. What he had done was dastardly, and she just couldn’t forgive him. There was no justification for it, and she just didn’t understand why he had done a horrible thing like that. But that was all in the past now. She had been shattered, and her heart had been filled with pain, but she was on the road to recovery now, or so she thought. In the gloom of her shattered life, Attah Badu had happened! It happened in a whirlwind fashion. Her father had been close to her, trying his best to help her through the crisis after Kofi’s shameful exposure with the Indian corpse. He had insisted on taking her to his office, and to his meetings, making her a part of his busy life. It was during one of those meetings with some new investors that she had met Attah Badu. He was a Ghanaian, but had lived almost his whole life in the United States, and had now come home to settle, and to invest. Apparently, he was investing a lot of money into the estate development market, and had chosen to partner her father. The company, LARYEA ODAMTEN WALLS, would now become ODAMTEN BADU ESTATES. Attah Badu was a perfect gentleman. He was well-groomed and dressed very well. He was tall and well-muscled, every little bit a fit man. He was kind and had a nice face. He was not as handsome as Kofi, no, and probably she would never meet anyone as handsome as Kofi, but he was a real man. From the very first time they met, and exchanged smiles, it had almost been as if they were meant to be together. She knew later on, from her father’s thoughtful shrewd looks, that it was something her father had been expecting. Attah pumped his money into the new partnership, and left the running to the experienced Laryea. He was forty years old, seventeen years older than Akweley, but he was a gentleman, and that was all that mattered. It was not like Akweley had seen him as a partner from the onset. He had been more like an older brother who was helping her though a very bad time. They had spent a lot of time together. They went to restaurants, to beaches and resorts and to other functions. They also sometimes went to his incredibly-beautiful house on the Akuapim Mountains. They visited many interesting parts of the country with Akweley serving as a tour guide. Sometimes they stayed longer than a day, but Attah Badu was always the perfect gentleman. He always paid for another room for her, and never made any advances at her. Gradually Akweley began to warm to his company, and her trust for him increased. She noticed that everywhere they went women stared at him with blatant invitation on their faces, but he never for once paid them any attention. She dared to ask him if he was in any relationship, but he explained that his marriage had ended in divorce two years previously, and that was why he had come down to Ghana to take things easy. Their friendship had grown. Akweley realized that when she was with Attah she didn’t think so much about Kofi. She realized that Attah was a great outlet for her pain, and four months into the relationship, he had brought her home, opened the car door for her, and as she stepped out he had kissed her slowly and gently. It was the first time she had been kissed by another man since meeting Kofi at school and falling in love with him. It had not been an exhilarating explosion of passion like she always felt with Kofi. The fire had not been there, that raging reckless fire that always ended up with heated lovemaking, but that was okay. It was because she was healing, and because it was a new relationship. It was also because she was growing, and things changed as one matured in life. A couple of weeks later he had proposed to her on his cruise ship as a musical quartet serenaded them. It had been quite romantic and heart-stopping, and she had accepted his proposal. Her father had been over the moon at the news, and wedding plans had started in earnest, slated for her birthday. The only one who had not been happy was Nana Akwasi, her friend. Nana, who had been a family friend since infancy and who had loved her all his life, had thought that with Kofi gone she would eventually be his, only to be met with this news that she was going to marry a forty-year-old naturalized American who was filthy rich! Nana Akwasi threw a wild fit, and for days refused to speak to Akweley. Not that she gave a care, anyway. She had been happy, especially when the wedding invitations were printed, and she scanned one and sent it to everybody in her contact list, and posted it on her social media accounts. The congratulatory messages poured in, and she was excited that she was on the right path to happiness at last…until one of her friends commented on her Facebook post that other girls could now compete for Kofi Kuntu’s love. Akweley didn’t know if the comment had been in jest, but suddenly that comment alone gathered tens of replies, from girls, all of them saying they would now go for Kofi Kuntu. That was not the kind of reaction she had expected. True, some of her male friends posted newspaper clippings of Kofi on top of the corpse, but they received harsh backlash responses from the females. Akweley lay in bed that night reading through the threads and feeling absolutely shocked by the fact that her female friends were jumping to Kofi’s defence despite the dastardly act he had committed. They were saying that since the court found Kofi mentally-unstable, it meant he needed help, and once cured, he would be available to them. This really infuriated Akweley, and brought sharp twinges of jealousy to her heart. And then she received a WhatsApp message from Ato Sey. ATO: You’re making a huge mistake! You don’t even know why Kofi did what he did! You’ve refused to listen to my explanations and now you’re going to get married? Well, I wish you all the best! Akweley read the message over and again, and as her anger boiled, she also felt a momentary coldness, of unease…and then her unhappiness set in. She replied Ato’s message. AKWELEY: U keep away frm me, both u nd ur occultic friend! She saw him online typing, and then the message came. ATO: Sure, we will. Kongratz with ur oluman buggy! Smdh! Akweley dropped the phone and walked to the window where she stood staring out for a very long time. She admitted to herself that she was very unhappy. “Leave me alone, Ato,” she whispered tremulously. “You and that friend of yours. Just leave me alone!”.. . No more delay as long as you find time to comment ur opinions after reading.. . so comment fast to receive the next episodes quickly..
16 Jun 2018 | 00:56
Well! The end will justify the means
16 Jun 2018 | 04:47
the story is really getting interesting
16 Jun 2018 | 05:15
well, Akweley all the best bt u should have listened to their explanation though still Kofi's action wasn't for the best
16 Jun 2018 | 05:51
but wen we look at it very well,,, den we will know akweley is really not to blame
16 Jun 2018 | 06:00
Akweley is getting married to someone she does not love, just like Ato said she is making a big mistake. Kofi should watch himself with Abena cos getting in a relationship with her will break Ato's heart.
16 Jun 2018 | 09:00
16 Jun 2018 | 09:09
Loving this story
16 Jun 2018 | 20:12
PASSWORD 2 Episode 15-16 . “I’m going to stab you,” Pilot said ominously. “I’m going to stab you really badly!” Kofi Kuntu opened his eyes slowly. It was still dark, and that meant they were supposed to be asleep. Pilot was standing beside his bed with his right hand behind him, concealing something, maybe a knife. Kofi’s heart gave a lurch of fear. Pilot was grinning fiendishly in the dim light provided by the shaded lamp above, the one that comes on during sleeping time. Kofi saw that Captain and Malboro were sleeping soundly. Pilot grinned again, and his teeth glinted in the dim light wolfishly. “I’m going to stab you goooood!” he drawled. Kofi was terrified. He carefully swung his legs to the other side of the bed and rolled off, gaining his feet. Pilot screamed behind him and came for him. Kofi fled to the door and yanked it open, and found himself on the corridor. He ran blindly along the corridor, and behind him came the Pilot, screeching maniacally. “I’m going to stab you goooood!” Kofi had never been so terrified in his life! He ran to the end of the corridor and found the stairs that led to the downstairs were cordoned off with huge chains linked with a padlock. He moved to the stairs that led upstairs and ran hard, wheezing with terror. “Oh, Jesus, dear Lord, please help me!” Kofi said as he ran, taking the steps two at a time, and all the while Pilot followed him, screaming with maddened glee. “I’ll stab you! I’ll stab you goooood!!” Kofi gained the upper corridor and ran down its length, wheezing for breath because he was so tired and scared. He was afraid that he would have a heart attack soon. Suddenly he tripped and fell, crashing heavily to the cemented floor. Panting with terror, he turned on his back and tried to get on his feet, but Pilot fell on him, giggling and screaming. Kofi screaming with fear as Pilot drew back his hand, sure that the man was going to stab him to death with his wicked knife… But there was no knife in Pilot’s hand. Instead he used his forefinger to stab Kofi’s chest over and over again. “Stab, stab, stab, stab!” Pilot said, laughing uncontrollably. “I told you I’ll stab you! I told you I’ll stab you goooood! Stab, stab, stab, stab!” Kofi’s heart was yammering crazily in his chest as he lay there, waiting for the terror to subside and feeling each jab of Pilot’s finger. He put an arm across his face suddenly as the sheer hopelessness of his situation hit him again, and he wondered if he would ever get out of the Adada Asylum alive, and with a sane mind! He was assailed with a sadness so deep that he could not control it. To think that he had it all…a good job, a good life, the love of a good girl! And he just threw it all away in the silly pursuit of the pleasure of the body. And now here he was, running in the deep of the night from inmates in an asylum who wanted to stab him with their fingers! Great sobs racked Kofi Kuntu, and he wept bitterly on the floor of the D-Block corridor. Pilot stopped jabbing him and looked at him with sudden dismay. “Hey!” he said, getting off the prone body of Kofi, who still cried, unable to stop himself. And then Pilot also began to bawl loudly, and as the two of them cried they failed to see that they had landed on the floor just in front of Baluu’s cell. Baluu, asleep on his cot, was awakened by their combined bawling, and he stood up slowly and walked toward the gate. Pilot was sitting with his back to iron railings of the cell gate, and Kofi’s arm was still flung across his face, and so neither of them saw Baluu approaching. Baluu reached between the railings, grabbed Pilot’s neck, and banged him hard against the railings, and then he began to choke Pilot. Pilot could not breathe, and in his agony he flailed his legs desperately, kicking into Kofi’s side. Kofi put down his arm and turned his head angrily, and that was when he saw Baluu choking the life out of Pilot. “Hey, Baluu!” Kofi screamed desperately. “Stop that! You’re killing him, you animal!” Kofi grabbed the giant’s arm and tried to pull it off Pilot’s throat, but Baluu’s arm did not budge! He was as strong as Samson! Kofi tried and tried! He pinched the man’s arm and even bent and bit him hard, but Baluu would not let go! Pilot’s eyes began to roll, and Kofi knew he could be dead in less than a minute! His eyes roved the corridor desperately, looking for something to use as a weapon, but there was nothing. Kofi began to scream for help, and then he saw the fire extinguisher against the wall at the end of the corridor. He ran to it fast, unclipped it, and ran back to where Baluu was killing Pilot. He removed the safety pin and pointed the nozzle at Baluu’s face, and then he depressed the trigger. The white foam jetted out with maximum force into Baluu’s face. The giant screamed with terror and let Pilot go. Baluu looked at the spraying foam fizzing out at great speed at him. “Eiii! No be small! Yieeeeeee!” he screamed, his eyes wide with fear and fled from the cell gate to the far end of his ward where he sat down in one corner, shivering with terror at the spray still gushing out of the nozzle of the extinguisher. Pilot was coughing on the floor, and he moved away quickly from the cell gate. “Come here, you bastard!” Kofi screamed at Baluu. “You bully, you murderer! Come here and I’ll spray your damn face for you!” But the giant was cowering in his corner, face still terrified, and he was making gibbering noises. He raised his hands suddenly and covered his face. “Eiiiii! No be small ooo! Eiii, no be small ooo! He gave me the white Jabujabu! He gave me the white Jabujabu! He sprayed the white jabujabu fuuuuuuuuush in my face o….ei, no be small! White jabujabu!” Baluu bellowed suddenly with fright, and trembled violently. Slowly the anger left Kofi, and he dropped the fire extinguisher. He stayed near the gate, so furious that he dared Baluu to come get him, but the giant remained on the floor, still terrified. “Dandruwaaah!” Kofi said disdainfully. He reached down and grabbed Pilot by the arm. “Hey, buddy, are you alright?” Pilot got to his feet and smiled weakly at Kofi. “Pilot wants to sleep now,” he said weakly. “Yeah, let’s go and sleep, buddy,” Kofi said with a relieved smile. As they walked toward the stairs, Pilot spoke. “Herh!” he said. “What?” Kofi queried. “That man was killing me paaa!” he said. “Herh, he squeezed my neck until I saw my own ghost standing in front of me.” “I’m sorry buddy,” Kofi said softly. “But you saved me, Kofi,” Pilot said. “Otherwise he would have killed me. I think he’s mad. Herh! He squeezed my neck paa o! I saw my own ghost standing right there in front of me ready to go somewhere la! That mad man almost killed me totally!” “Yeah, he’s very mad,” Kofi said. Pilot smiled and shook his head. “Why do they keep brining mad people to our house?” he asked. “It is dangerous, you know. They keep bringing mad men here.” Kofi chuckled, and then he laughed softly. “Don’t laugh, I’m serious,” Pilot said with all seriousness. “There are too many mad people here. Instead of sending them to the asylum they bring them here. Very soon the place will be full with mad people.” Kofi chuckled again, but this time in a subdued manner. He didn’t want Pilot to pick it up and begin screaming with laughter. They had had enough adventure for the night! “Kofi, where do you think ghosts go to?” Pilot asked when they were back in the room and lying down on their beds. “I saw my ghost standing in front of me. I almost died!” “Go to sleep, Pilot,” Kofi said gently. “What sleep?” Pilot shot right back. “I saw my own ghost and you want me to sleep. Have you seen your own ghost before?” “I believe it was your soul, maybe, not ghost!” Kofi said sleepily, still basking in the glow of getting a little revenge on Baluu. “What soul?” Pilot shouted. “Have you seen a pink soul before, you sprayer! It was my ghost, my own pink ghost. Hey, Kofi, why did that ghost have red eyes?” Kofi did not speak. He was fast asleep. “Maybe my ghost is from Cambodia,” Pilot said drowsily. “That’s why it had red eyes. Ei, Cambodia ghost…” A moment later he also drifted off into sleep. *** On Thursday evening Maa Abena stood near the bed and watched Kofi reading his Bible with hungry earnestness, and she smiled to herself as she walked to the washroom to freshen up. When she came back he was still reading, and she sat down beside him. He stopped reading and turned to smile at her. “I have a lot of questions, Abena,” he said, his face serious. “There are a lot of stuff here I didn’t know, and there are a lot of stuff here I don’t understand.” She smiled at him. “I don’t think there are many people who truly understand the Bible from cover to cover, Kofi,” she said gently. “My pastor will be here on Sunday. He comes here most Sundays to pray for the inmates. So reserve your questions. You can ask him everything about the Bible on Sunday.” He nodded, and smiled. “I’ll do that, Abena. And thanks so much for this Bible. I’m learning a lot of things.” “I’m glad to hear that, Kofi.” They were silent for a while, and then she stood up. “Well, I have to go now, Kofi,” she said in a rush. “Tomorrow is my off day, and so I’ll go and visit my parents.” He looked at her sharply, his face displeased immediately. “Oh!” he said, scowling. “Meaning I won’t see you tomorrow?” She heard the disappointment in his voice, and saw the earnestness on his face, and suddenly time ceased to exist as they stared into each other’s eyes, and it dawned on her that she would also miss him. Her off days had been on Sundays, and so he had not noticed it much, because she always made sure she came to the wards in the evenings. The roster, however, had been shuffled, and she now had her off days on Fridays. “I’ll come back tomorrow, of course, and I’ll see you in the evening, Kofi.” He reached out and touched her hand briefly. “Please do,” he said miserably. “I’ve grown used to seeing you.” That one hit her, and she looked deeply into his eyes, suddenly uneasy by a strange note she had heard in his voice. “Well, don’t you try your flattering skills on me, Kofi Kuntu!” she said softly, looking deeply into his eyes. “I don’t fall for sentiments.” . To be continued
18 Jun 2018 | 12:56
Kofi, pray hard for your survival
18 Jun 2018 | 15:13
Love in d air
19 Jun 2018 | 03:56
Kofi kuntu,,, u are in for a long thing oooo,,,, don't let abena fall for u oooo,,,, don't disappoint Ur frnd Ato,,,, u know he loves Maa Abena
19 Jun 2018 | 04:01
The same sentiments she has already fall for. Girls can lie sha.
19 Jun 2018 | 05:07
kofi kuntunkunttun.~there u are in the asylum.~some girls are waiting 4 u everyday
19 Jun 2018 | 06:56
maa abena~u can continue with your kindness 4 him~maybe there is something u saw about him
19 Jun 2018 | 07:00
akweley~u are going to get married to another~if u get married to another=i will not blame u
19 Jun 2018 | 07:05
ato~its not her fault if she gets married to another-the most thing is the freedom of kofi
19 Jun 2018 | 07:09
kofi kuvdmamjtumtujtk.~the only thing that can save u is the church things u don't know and she told u
19 Jun 2018 | 07:13
PASSWORD 2 Episode 17-18 Kofi’s eyes never wavered. “I love seeing you around, Abena,” he said softly. “That is a fact. And I’m not flattering you. I’ve lost my fiancée, forever I’m sure. She has not bothered to come and check up on me, and I don’t even have access to a phone to call her.” “We’re not allowed to bring phones to the wards, Kofi,” she said gently. “However, if you can give me her number, I’ll speak to her, and tell her you miss her, and that she made a mistake about you.” His eyes were tender as he looked at her. “I would love that, Abena,” he said softly. She gave him a pen and paper, and as he scribbled the name and telephone number of his fiancée, she wondered about the faint little twinge of distress she felt somewhere deep within her, and dismissed it quickly. She took the slip of paper and tucked it into her bag. “Well, I’ll be on my way then, Kofi,” she said, but as she made to move away he reached out suddenly and grabbed her wrist. “Please, Abena, sit with me for a while. I want to know everything about you. Would you tell me about yourself?” “Now?” she asked, taken aback. “Now, please,” he said gently. “At least it would make you spend a little more time with me.” She stared at him, secretly glad. She sat down and began to tell him about herself. When she left he was soundly asleep, and she stood gazing down at him for a little bit longer before she turned and left quietly. *** Maa Abena Nyantie, an only child, was always the centre of attention whenever she visited her parents. Each of them loved to fawn over her, making her feel extremely cherished. Although they were not overly rich, they had enough to make them happy, and she was the apple of their eyes. Being home that day was fun. She and her mother went shopping, and they cooked a sumptuous meal of banku and okra stew, and then the three of them had a feast in the dining-room. Her father, huge and grey-haired, took a toothpick after the meal and leaned back with a contented smile on his face. “How has it been with you, Abena, my princess?” he asked gently, but his eyes remained sharp. “I see you look extremely happy.” “Yes, because I’ve seen you and Mom, Daddy!” she said with a smile, and her mother chuckled. Both of them knew that was not what the man of the house was talking about. Mr. Fiifi Agyemang peeked at her from over the top of his spectacles. “Now look here, young lady, stop playing smart with me,” he said, ignoring the giggles of his wife and daughter. “You’re a fine woman, very beautiful, well-trained, kind-hearted…the kind of girl any man would want for a life partner. Now I thought you and Calvin were headed for the altar, but your mom told me a few days ago that you pulled the brakes on that. You broke off with Calvin. Now why did you do that? He seemed like a nice chap to me.” Maa Abena squeezed up her face at her father, and she giggled again. “Actually I didn’t, Daddy,” she said as she popped a piece of goat meat into her mouth. “Calvin pulled the breaks on himself when I found him in bed with a woman he claimed was his cousin.” “Ohhhhhh!” Mr. Agyemang said, shocked. “Is that so? He seemed like a good man. What about Smart? That boy was always in the shadows when you were tight with Calvin.” Maa Abena laughed at that, choked, and started coughing. She took a sip of water. “Smart?” she said when she put the glass of water down. “Let her eat, Fii!” Mrs. Agyemang said with a meaningful look at her husband. “It is red oil, and she might choke rather badly if she continues speaking.” “Well, she’s not a baby, is she?” Mr. Agyemang said defensively. “I’m okay, Mom, really,” Maa Abena said. “Well, about Smart. It came out he has proposed to almost all the unmarried girls in the church, and managed to see the nakedness of quite a number of them.” “Awoooooo!” Mr. Agyeman said, shocked. “Hmmm, so is there anyone else?” “Daddy!” Maa Abena said with a laugh. “I’m just twenty-three years old! I’ve not had enough of you and mom! Let me chill small wai, please! Don’t let me rush. God will bring whoever he is very soon.” “The earlier you marry the better, princess,” Mr. Agyemang said. “You marry early, and you give birth, and then you would have enough time and strength to take care of them. If you wait too much by the time your children reach their teenaged years you would be a very old woman!” “God will bring him, Daddy,” Maa Abena said. “Amen, I believe that,” Mrs. Agyemang said with a chuckle. “Which reminds me; yesterday I was at the saloon when my hairdresser asked about you. I told her you’ve now been posted to the Adada Asylum, and she was saying she hoped you don’t have to work with that boy who was sleeping with the rotten corpses.” .. Maa Abena stopped laughing immediately. “Is that where they took that boy?” Mr. Agyemang asked with a scowl. “What was that name the press gave him mpo…aha, The Ghost Banger. Is he at the Adada, dearest?” Maa Abena sighed, and then licked a bit of okra stew from her fingers. This was it. She needed to tell them about Kofi now because there was the likelihood that Kofi would meet them someday, as soon as his terrible mishap was sorted out. “His name is Kofi Kuntu, Daddy,” she said carefully. “Kofi Kuntukununku, to be precise!” “What a name!” Mr. Agyemang said, chuckling. “No wonder he sleeps with rotten women.” “Fii, stop that, would you?” his wife said with a scowl, and then she turned toward her daughter anxiously. “Do you see him? You shouldn’t go near him, dear. That man is evil.” “Actually, he’s my friend,” Maa Abena said. “Are you out of your mind, young woman?” her father thundered angrily. “No, baby, please don’t entertain that young man!” her mother chipped in. “His is a case of extreme prejudice and ill luck, Mama,” Maa Abena said softly, then she went ahead to tell her parents all about Yaw Kuntu. Mr. Fiifi Agyemang stared at her with a gaping mouth when she finished speaking. “Oh, but if that’s true then it’s absolutely preposterous!” he said angrily, shaking head. “The boy is obviously a fool, but that does not mean he should be subjected to such a beastly treatment!” Maa Abena winced at the ‘fool’ part. For some strange reason she suddenly did not want her father thinking of Kofi Kuntu as a fool. “Surely, this can’t be allowed to go on, dear!” Mrs. Agyemang said, appalled. “It’s against every figment of humanity! You should report to the police, or let the press know!” “With what evidence, Mama?” Maa Abena asked softly. “Director Bobo Dovlo is the best in the country. He’s respected worldwide. He can always deny, you know, and without proof we can’t do anything. If we bring that kind of pressure I’m afraid he might do something quite irreparable to Kofi to cover his tracks. Miss Elsie Ansah says she’ll speak with Judge Buabasah, so until then we have to play it safe.” “Play what safe?” Mr. Agyemang thundered. “There are things you play safe with, and there are things you need to force through! If this gets to the press Dovlo or whatever the jackass calls himself wouldn’t want the attention! An investigation could go on, and his reputation would be tainted! There’s no diplomacy here! Just report him to the police and give him to the press to chew!” Maa Abena looked at her father uneasily. “You believe so, Daddy?” she asked, a little scared. “Listen, my dear princess, if what you’re telling me about this man is true, and I have no reason whatsoever to doubt you, then that man is not human. There’s simply no way he’s going to allow that poor fool to come out of that asylum. He’s either going to kill Kofi, or he’s going to render him permanently insane. Any minute you waste is another nail in Kofi’s coffin. Tell Miss Elsie that she’s playing with fire. She must take action now!” “Yes, Daddy,” Maa Abena said miserably. “I’ll let her know.” **** Maa Abena called Ato Sey when she left home later that day. “Hey, the most beautiful girl in the world!” Ato said with an elated voice. “How’re you, dearest?” “I’m doing fine, by grace, Ato,” she said sunnily. “How’re you too?” “A bad day just received a blast of sunshine because you called me, my sweetest pumpkin. Wow, this is a surprise!” “Well, today is my day off so I came to see my parents,” Maa Abena said. “Oh, and you didn’t let me know yesterday?” Ato asked, his voice hurt. “We could’ve had lunch together. Hey, is it too late to hang out a bit?” “You’re working, aren’t you?” she asked with a chuckle. “Well, for you, I can always take a risk, my angel,” he said tenderly. “Well, actually, I wanted to speak to Akweley,” she said. Ato gasped at the end of the line. “Akweley?” he asked. “The Akweley I know? Kofi’s Akweley Odamten?” “Yes, I mean Kofi’s fiancée,” Maa Abena said. “He gave me her number, and I called her. She said she was at the office with her father, and could spare a few minutes with me. I told her it’s urgent, but I didn’t mention Kofi. I was wondering if you could direct me to the office.” Ato giggled uneasily. “Well, that’s another surprise,” he said softly. “She’s going to get married, you know.” “What?” Maa Abena said, surprised. “She’s going to get married?” “Yes, dear, to a wealthy guy from the diaspora who’s pumped money into her father’s ailing business. The wedding is in a couple of days, and she’s busy preparing. I don’t think she’s ready to listen to anything about Kofi.” To be continued
19 Jun 2018 | 17:51
Get yourself out first before you fall in love
20 Jun 2018 | 03:29
20 Jun 2018 | 05:19
Next please.......
20 Jun 2018 | 07:12
What next now
20 Jun 2018 | 09:21
What's next
20 Jun 2018 | 12:00
Kofi kuntunukukuku...your condition is making u to change to a better person who wouldn't like to throw away love again
20 Jun 2018 | 12:30
Maa abena...u are a good girl,your kindness towards him is doing a lot of work
20 Jun 2018 | 12:34
0 Likes's still hard to come back to a corpse banger...if u are not done with the u love him,u can wait or not wait
20 Jun 2018 | 12:39
Ato...maybe u should give maa abena more details about her office...she can do so many things
20 Jun 2018 | 12:43
Maa abena...u should go ahead with it...let her understand the reason 4 what he did
20 Jun 2018 | 12:48
If only Ato know how ready she is.
20 Jun 2018 | 19:02
PASSWORD 2 Episode 19-20 . “Oh, but she can’t do that!” Maa Abena cried. “Kofi is going to be so devastated! I have to speak to her. Can you direct me to the office?” “I’m sending you the Google Maps location via WhatsApp,” Ato said. “I’ll wait for you at the entrance.” “Alright, thank you so much, Ato.” She cut the call and waited. Less than a minute later Ato sent the location, and she hailed down a taxi and hopped in. It took almost an hour to get to the offices of the renamed ODAMTEN & BADU ESTATES. Ato, in a sleek black suit, white shirt and polka-dotted tie, was waiting for her at the plush reception. He hugged her briefly, and stayed a mite longer than usual just holding her, revelling in her classic beauty. “Wow, you’re even more beautiful close up, my Gem,” he whispered, aware that people in the reception were looking at them intently. “But come on, dearest. I’ll take you up to the Executive Lounge where you’ll find Akweley.” They exchanged light conversation as they rode the elevator to the topmost floor, and then walked along the most beautiful corridor she had ever seen into a glass-walled lounge with a breath-taking view of the city spread out beyond. Maa Abena walked to the window and stood gazing out, enjoying the picturesque view. “I’ll go get Akweley then, my gem,” Ato said with a smile. “And I hope afterwards we’ll go out to lunch.” She turned and smiled at him. “Took some heavy banku in the morning, Ato,” she said gently. “Still not feeling hungry yet.” “Then maybe you’ll keep me company as I take my lunch?” he asked hopefully. “Well, okay, that’ll be nice,” she said at last. He smiled happily and walked out. There was no one else in the lounge, and so she walked around, admiring the incredible furniture and the beautiful arrangement of the room. Some minutes later the door opened, and she turned round. Ato had returned with Akweley. She was wearing an excellently-tailored cream skirt suit and a white shirt opened at the neck and displaying a very expensive-looking gold chain. Her strap shoes were cream and of impeccable quality. Even then, as beautiful as she looked, she saw at a glance that the other girl standing near the window with a curious look on her face was a far more beautiful girl. Even in her black jeans and red T-shirt there was an inner glow about her that reflected on her clean, beautiful features. Akweley walked forward with a slight frown on her face. “Maa Abena Nyantie, I presume?” she asked, extending her hand. “We spoke on the phone. You said you had something urgent to tell me about a proposed business for my Dad?” Maa Abena shook Akweley’s hand and smiled guiltily. “Forgive me, please, madam,” Maa Abena said. “Actually, I lied. I didn’t want you to turn me away. Yes, I’m Abena, and I’m a nurse at the Adada Asylum where Kofi Kuntu is being kept.” She saw the furious look on Akweley’s face immediately, and she was dismayed. Without warning Akweley’s right hand flew out, and she slapped Maa Abena across the face rather cruelly. “How dared you, idiot!” Akweley hissed with uncontrollable wrath. “You’ll meet me under such deception? I’ll have the security throw you out of here, you idiot!” Maa Abena clutched her cheek, but she did not look afraid. Her eyes blazed with sudden anger at Akweley. Ato moved toward Akweley with an angry grunt, but Maa Abena held out her hand to him, halting him. “Throw me out of here?” Maa Abena said angrily. “Go on and try! For the world of me I can’t understand why you claimed you loved Kofi when you refuse, even now, to hear anything about him!” “Because he’s dead to me!” Akweley screamed, and raised her hand again. “Don’t you dare!” Maa Abena hissed furiously. “I let you hit me once, because you were right, I deceived you into meeting me, but if you dare hit me again, lady, I’ll show you what a real bitch can do!” They glared at each other, and Akweley realized slowly that indeed, this girl who looked so innocent and docile outwardly had a fire pit in her that shouldn’t be disturbed. Slowly she dropped her hand, breathing hard. “If Kofi sent you here, go and tell him I’m moving on, okay?” she said furiously. “Tell him to forget about me, because I’m going to get married to another man! Tell him that he’s dead to me, and he should never ever try to contact me again!” Maa Abena shook her head with wonder. “Goodness me, but this attitude is strange!” she said with repressed fury. “Of all the attitudes I expected, this blatant self-denial wasn’t one of them. You’re capable of walking away from Kofi without bothering to know what really happened that day he was caught on top of a corpse?” “That’s what I’ve been telling her all this while,” Ato said softly now, and the two of them became aware suddenly that he was still with them. “Well, what he did wasn’t shrouded with invisibility that required a special Merlin to interpret, was it?” Akweley asked angrily. “He was making love to a corpse!” “As ugly as that notion is, as shattering as it was, lady, you still owed it to him to know his side of the story, to know why he did it! You two were going to get married, for God’s sake! Instead of feeling so affronted why didn’t you just ask him why he did it? Why didn’t you allow him to explain himself even if he was speaking nonsense?” Akweley was still breathing hard, but deep in the depth of her eyes lurked a scream of uneasiness. She licked her lips and moved to the window where she stood gazing out for a long time, and then she turned and dropped into a chair. “It seems to me you know what really happened. Maybe he told you why he did it!” she said coldly. “Fine, sit down, and tell me what the catalyst for his madness was!” Maa Abena shook her head, staring at Akweley with disdain and disbelief. “Really?” she asked tightly. “Please, Abena, allow me,” Ato said, and sat down on the settee next to Akweley, and then he began to speak fast, narrating in detail everything that had happened to Kofi. Akweley sat quietly for a long time when Ato finished speaking. She looked suspiciously from Ato to Maa Abena, and it was quite evident that she found it hard believing them. “And you’re telling me this man, this Bobo whatever, decided to keep Kofi there because he feels affronted by Kofi’s supposed seduction of his late wife?” she asked softly. “You expect me to believe that?” Ato got to his feet warily, his face cold as he looked at Akweley. “I don’t expect you to believe it, Ak,” he said coldly. “I told you what went down, and you have two choices here: either believe your man, or don’t.” Akweley got to her feet and looked at him with fury. “You sick bastard!” she grated out with uncontrollable fury. “You sicken me! I gave that bastard everything! Everything! My life and my soul, and he was cheating on me with numerous girls?” “Yes, he was, Akweley, because deep down he’s always been the boy whose parents died in an accident, and he had to struggle through life from one foster home to the next! I’m not trying to justify his actions, far from it, and I know you got really hurt by what Kofi did, but we all learnt a lesson from what happened! I haven’t slept with any girl since! I can’t even sleep in my own bedroom now because of some scary shit happening in there, but my womanizing days are over. I want to fall in love, and marry! My playing days are over! This has changed Kofi too, and made him a better man! If you can forgive him, and help him to come out, you’ll have yourself a handsome, young husband devoted only to you! But, like I said, the decision is all yours, Akweley!” Akweley laughed scornfully and looked at Maa Abena. “Well, thanks for being here, but I possibly can’t forgive him for all the crap his selfish behaviour has brought my way,” she said icily. “I gave him my life, and he treated it with scorn! He exposed me to the worst form of public ridicule and humiliation. I’ve lived through hell! Now, my life is open ahead of me, and I have a man who will care for me. Kofi made his bed, and he can lie in it! He means nothing to me now. I hate him, and he disgusts me! Go and tell him that. It’s over, and I don’t ever want to see him again!” She left the room in a huff, leaving Maa Abena staring at the closed glass door with shock and disbelief. Ato sighed miserably and rubbed his forehead. “Well, that’s it,” he said sadly. “Listen, is there any way you can arrange for me to see Kofi?” Maa Abena placed a hand on her shoulder. “Not now, Ato,” she said kindly. “The Director has put a total slammer on all visits to the inmates at D-Block, especially to Kofi. We don’t want to do anything to alarm him or make him aware that we know what’s going down. I’ll speak to Miss Elsie and see our next line of action, okay? And then maybe we can work something out.” Ato leaned back and sighed heavily. “Well, then at least just smuggle a phone in there, okay, so that I can speak to him for a few minutes, please. I miss him so much!” “I’ll try, Ato,” she said gently. “There are CCTV cameras all over the place, but I’ll see what I can do. Now, I really have to go. I must admit that Akweley’s behaviour has put a damper on my mood. Rain cheque?” He smiled at her, although it was evident he was very disappointed. “No sweat, gem,” Ato said gently. “For, you, anything. But come, my shift is totally washed out by that encounter. I’ll drive you as far as my break-time will allow.” He took her hand as they walked to the elevator, and she smiled nervously. To be continued..
22 Jun 2018 | 16:02
where is dis thing heading to?
23 Jun 2018 | 07:57
Hmm..... Akweley why na
23 Jun 2018 | 08:09
any woman could Hav done d same think akweley did,,, so I don't blame her,,, it takes only a strong woman to forgive dis kind of act from a man
23 Jun 2018 | 09:00
Ato in love.
23 Jun 2018 | 18:17
nice one
24 Jun 2018 | 12:49
Kofi kuntunkukuku...your matter is in the headquaters of akweley
25 Jun 2018 | 15:58
Maa abena...u were there...u have to take the first one but refused the second...she did provoke u
25 Jun 2018 | 16:03
Ato...u were there...u tried to talk to her but she refused...saying that she don't wanna do this anymore
25 Jun 2018 | 16:13
Akweley...u are not to slap her...u didn't try on this one...if u refused to marry him,is not your fault
25 Jun 2018 | 16:28
Maa abena...u are working on rescue the man of sorrow because of his past wrong
25 Jun 2018 | 16:38
episode 21 It was late afternoon. Kofi had taken a bath, and read some Bible passages. It was amazing how he was becoming more and more fascinated by the things in the Bible each day. He was amazed that there were so many incredible stories in there, and he had spent almost twenty-five years on earth without being exposed to such jewels of knowledge. He wasn’t feeling hungry, and so he didn’t go for lunch. Maybe it was because of the fact that he missed Maa Abena so much, although he would be the last person to admit it. He could see those beautiful eyes of hers when he closed his eyes, those incredible curves that would have made him go mad with uncontrollable lust just a few months ago. But when he looked at her, lust was the last thing on his mind. He saw ant incredible woman, a selfless and entirely honest human being, the type of which he had not met frequently in life. He admitted to himself that it was becoming increasingly difficult not to think oft her as something more than a friend, although he knew he shouldn’t entertain any ideas about her. A girl as pretty as her wouldn’t be single, even though Ato seemed to think so. Ato, his best friend, was more than interested in Maa Abena, maybe he had even fallen in love with her. Buddy Code…Desert Area! Ato had told him about Maa Abena, and the fact that she could be the one woman he sent to the altar as his life partner. Kofi knew he had to honour that. Once Ato had put a claim of interest in Maa Abena, he had to abide by the ABCD of friends: Area for Buddy, Code Desert! He couldn’t make a play for Maa Abena, even if she bounced Ato’s proposal. Kofi Kuntu sighed deeply! Here was one instance that, for the very first time, the ABCD rule was really pinching him up! And of course there was Akweley to consider. She still might be angry, yes, but there was still the chance that what they had shared was strong enough for her to forgive him eventually. All that aside, however, he still missed Maa Abena so much. Her smile, her gentle laugh, the twinkle in her eyes, her aura, the shock of her touch, the sound of her voice, the way she moved, how her white uniform simplyt fitted her body. He missed her… With his three companions out for lunch in the dining-room, Kofi lay on his back and surveyed the ceiling, wondering if he would ever leave the Adada Asylum and know the peace of a meaningful life outside. He must have slipped off into sleep, because when he woke up he saw four fierce faces looking down at him. For a moment he thought they were his co-inmates, but slowly it dawned on him that they were wearing the uniforms of the security men of the institution. Kofi was suddenly scared, and he bolted upward. A fist thudded against his jaw, and he fell down on the bed again, and then the security men began hitting him with the short black batons they were holding. Kofi folded himself into a foetal position to protect his face as the blows pelted him left. right and centre. The painful beating continued for a while, and he felt inflamed pains all over his body, and felt blood trickling down the side of his head from a gash one of the wooden batons had opened. Why? In the name of God WHY? Why were they beating him now? What had he done now? His mind cried out against the cruel torture! Oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why….dear Lord, dear Jesus, DEAR GOD WHY AM I SUFFERING LIKE THIS? He was weak, almost passingg out, when they stopped hitting him. They held him by the arms and legs and lifted him onto a gurney, and they secured the restraints around his ankles, wrists and across his forehead. None of them spoke as they pushed the gurney out of the door and along the corridor. Kofi was in excruciating pain, and he could barely move. He wondered weakly if this was the end of his life. He had no doubts whatsoever that Director Bobo Dovlo was behind this new atrocity. The gurney was now being pushed up the stairs, and Kofi’s blood ran cold! Upstairs led to the floor where Baluu was being kept! He began to struggle feebly, and opened his mouth to scream but a baton landed savagely on his face, breaking his lips and causing more blood to erupt. He moaned with pain. They were on the corridor now, and he was being pushed along. This time Kofi did not weep. He was suffused with so much fury that he wished he had a gun. He would’ve shot all of them dead. Finally, the gurney stopped, and then a face appeared above his. It was the face of Director Bobo Dovlo. He smiled down at Kofi, and it was a very nasty smile indeed. “Now you know what happens to stupid young boys who go around sleeping with the wives of other men, you bastard! Next time, if you’re reincarnated, you wouldn’t go around sleeping with married women! Aboa bi ba!” Kofi glared up at the man with fury. He could hear a terrible sound on his left. It was a crashing sound, a destructive melee of violent sounds that filled him with fear. He knew it was Baluu. The giant was in a frenzy, like he sometimes slipped into, and he was destroying everything in his cell. Director Dovlo could see Kofi struggling, as if he wanted to say something. He bent low and peered at the boy.t “Do you want to say something, fool?” he asked disdainfully.t And that was when Kofi spat a mouthful of blood and spittle into the man’s face. “Go to hell, you bastard!” Kofi screamed with all the fury he could muster. Director Dovlo moved back from him with a scream of rage. He brought out a huge handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face as ift there was something corrosive on his face. “You mongrel!” Director Dovlo kept screaming as he wiped the disgusting liquid from his face. “You filthy, dirty, mongrel!” He suddenly slapped Kofi across the face, quite hard, his eyes bulging with enraged hatred. “Mongrel! Filthy, dirty, scum! Rabid mongrel!!” “What do we do with him, sir?” one of the security guards asked. “Throw him in there with Baluu!” Director Dovlo said. “Do it! Now!” The security men looked at each other with sudden trepidation, faces stunned. “Baluu is in murderous mood, sir,” said Atakora, the head of security. “He’ll kill the boy instantly!” “Don’t you dare question me, you diseased cancerous menstrual clot!” Director Dovlo screamed. “Throw the mongrel in there!” Kofi remained calm as they began to loosen the restraints holding him to the gurney. He was too weak to fight, anyway. When they unfastened the tight band across his forehead he turned his head and saw that Baluu was indeed in a killing mood. The terrible giant had overturned his bed and shredded his mattress. The floor was littered with torn Styrofoam and the covering around the mattress. He was naked, and he was breathing hard as he looked at the people on the corridor. He had smashed his fists into the walls, and he was bleeding across his knuckles. He was breathing hard, his monstrous muscles rising and falling. He was indeed in a killing rage. “Tuluku, tuluku, tuluku!” Baluu screamed fiendishly. “E no be small o, e no be small o! I’ll kill all of you tuluku shuku-shuku!” The guards removed the padlocks, opened the gates, and then they hurled Kofi’s body into the cell and quickly closed and locked the gate again but without the padlocks. Baluu gave a thunderous roar and raced at the cell door, crashing himself against it repeatedly, reaching through the bars to and trying to grab some of the securityf men, but they moved back out of reach with cries of terror. Director Dovlo looked at the insane man without any expression. “If you want someone to tuluku shuku-shuku, kill him!” he said, indicating Kofi’s body with a forefinger. Baluu turned round with another maddened roar, huffing and puffing like an angry giant, and then he saw Kofi’s body on the floor. He screamed insanely, bent, picked Kofi up, and then he threw him with savage madness against the far wall. Kofi’s body smacked into the wall, and he dropped to the ground, all but dead! He could feel every nerve end paining him terribly as he got to his hands and knees. He fought against the unconsciousness because he knew Baluu would kill him instantly if he became unconscious. Across from him, through the bars, he could see Director Dovlo and his four bad men laughing, and again his wrath soared at how human beings could do this to another human. They wanted him dead, and now they were going to stand there and watch Baluu killing him. Baluu roared insanely and rushed at Kofi again. Kofi raised his forefinger and pointed it at Baluu, remembering how the giant had been terrified of the fire extinguisher. Not knowing what he was doing, Kofi held out his right forefinger like the nozzle of a fire extinguisher and crooked his left forefinger like he was pressing down the trigger of the extinguisher, and then he made the sound of gaseous emissions. “FUUUUUSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!” Baluu stopped suddenly and threw up his massive arms as if to protect his face and he began to shake immediately with fear. “Ei, no be small oooo!” he screamed with sudden fear. “It’s you again o! Ei, no be small ooo! Don’t spray me with white jabujabu!” He stood trembling, as Kofi got to his feet slowly and in much pain, and approached the giant. He put a hand on Baluu’s arm, and Baluu flinched, his face torn with fear, terror shimmering in his eyes. “Ei, no be small!” he said, trembling. “Please, don’t spray me with white jabujabu!” “I’m not going to spray you, Baluu,” Kofi said weakly. “You see those men over there? They forgot to lock the cell door with the padlocks. I’m going to open the cell door. They wanted me to spray you, so I want you to kill all of them like tuluku shuku-shuku!” There was an instant look of wrath on his face. “Ei, no be small!” he said with fury. “They wanted you to spray me with white jabujabu? They’re dead! All the tuluku shuku-shuku are dead!” “Yes, with the white jabujabu, but you’re my friend!” “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said with a sudden huge grin. “Jabujabu is my friend!” “Yes, Jabujabu is your friend!” In the corridor the four security men stopped laughing. Director Dovlo was standing near the cell gate. He could see that Baluu and the boy were talking, but he didn’t know what they were talking about. Baluu was so huge and broad that he had totally blocked out any view they might have of Kofi, and so the director had not seen Kofi imitating a fire extinguisher. The fact that Baluu was not attacking Kofi and was having a conversation with him really infuriated the Director and absolutely flabbergasted him. He just couldn’t understand how Kofi had been able to neutralize the terror of this beast. It just didn’t make sense! His plan of having Baluu kill Kofi was not working, and it filled the Director with much murderous ire! “What’re you doing, Baluu, you filthy piece of piss?” “Ei, no be small,” Baluu said softly. “That man is calling me a piss!” “Yes, yes, Baluu,” Kofi said weakly. “Stay here. I’m going to open the gate for you! He is the chief tuluku shuku-shuku! Jabujabu wants you to hammer him first!” “Ei, no be small! But I hear you, Jabujabu!” When Kofi walked past him and approached the gate, they all moved back toward the wall with looks of shock and disbelief on their faces. “How did you control him?” Director Dovlo shouted with sudden shock, his face all contorted up with a mixture of fury, demented hatred and sudden apprehension. Kofi simply smiled as he walked forward. Just stand there, Director Kwasea Bobo, Kofi thought to himself as he walked, smiling fiendishly… Just stand there, don’t make a move, just wait for me…I’m the Jabujabu, and I’m going to show you how it is done…I’m going to let Baluu tear you to pieces, so you stand there for a minute longer, please, don’t you dare move…I’m going to let Baluu shred you like tolo beef! Kofi could actually hear the evil voice in his head, and at that particular moment all he wanted was to see Director Bobo Dovlo being mauled and torn to pieces! . More comment's more episodes..
28 Jun 2018 | 20:59
Kulutu..kulutu..shaku shaku be small
29 Jun 2018 | 04:32
God really save ur ass
29 Jun 2018 | 05:27
Jabujabu ei no be small thing o
29 Jun 2018 | 09:49
jabu jabu gan ni looto
29 Jun 2018 | 11:00
let me laugh small, Kofi u have suffered bt I remember that madam Elsie and maa abena fixed some cameras and the act was definitely captured.... waiting for director dovlo to be shredded by baluu
29 Jun 2018 | 11:45
Please Balu kill that Director for Jabujabu.
29 Jun 2018 | 11:57
Way 2 go kofi,nice one
29 Jun 2018 | 18:33
PASSWORD 2 Episode 23-24 . When Kofi got to the gate he reached through the bars and grabbed the large handle of the locking bar, which the security men had carelessly left unsecured with the padlocks. Director Dovlo was still looking at the broad back of Baluu with incomprehension, and then he suddenly saw Kofi pulling the locking bar up. Bobo Dovlo’s face paled, and sudden horror filled his eyes as it dawned on him that the gates had not been secured. “Oh, no!” Director Dovlo whispered, and then he turned without a word and began to ran away. “Oh no, you don’t, you lunatic!” Kofi screamed and yanked up the bar. The security men stared after the fleeing back of their boss with uncomprehending eyes until one of them saw what Kofi was doing and shouted. “Jesus!” the man said with terror. “He’s opened the gate, good grief!” They took precious seconds to react as Kofi pulled the gate open and rushed out into the corridor. There was a roar behind him as Baluu gained the corridor too in all his phenomenal fury and dangerous violence. Kofi began to run after Bobo Dovlo. There was absolute terror on the Director’s face as he glanced behind him and saw Kofi gaining on him. Atakora raised his baton to strike, but Baluu grabbed his neck, lifted him clear off the floor and slammed him with such sickening brutality into the wall that blood rushed out through Atakora’s mouth instantly. Baluu flung him away like discarded doll, spun round and slammed a fist into the jaw of another security man who had beaten Kofi the fiercest. There was a faint crack as the man’s jaw dislocated and he slumped to the floor with fractious torture on his face. The third security man was a huge hulking man, the one who had slammed a baton across Kofi’s mouth when he had tried to scream. He bent quickly and pulled out a wicked knife with serrated edges from his boot. He flexed the knife at Baluu. “Come on, you mad piece of cow dung!” he hissed in a terrible show of bravado, but the sweat glistening on his face clearly betrayed how terrified he really was inside. “Ei, no be small, you get the jaga-jaga knife!” Baluu said with a dark frown on his face. “Baluu will take the jaga-jaga knife and knife you deeply in your thigh, ei no be small! I’ll take the knife and knife you in your thigh chuuk-chuuk!” The Director had almost reached the end of the corridor when Kofi hurled himself at him, colliding solidly into the back of Director Dovlo, and both of them crashed to the ground. The Director shrugged free and tried to stand up, but Kofi swung his right leg straight into the man’s groin. Director Dovlo screamed with pain as Kofi’s kick sent shards of torture through his testicles. He clamped one of his hands to his testicles and, his face screwed up with pain, he tried to crawl to the stairs. Meanwhile the brawny guard leapt forward with his knife, intending to slash into Baluu’s stomach, but the giant jumped back with the litheness of a matador and unleashed a horrific right uppercut that almost tore off the man’s head! The blow lifted the huge man off his feet and slammed him into the wall, and he collapsed to the floor with terror on his face. Baluu squatted, picked up the knife which had fallen to the floor, and then he began sticking it into the security man’s thigh. He would stick it in, pull it out, stick it in, pull it out! The man moaned in deep anguish each time Baluu stuck him with the knife. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu was saying as he stuck the man. “I told you I’ll take your knife and knife your thigh chuuk-chuuk, take your knife and knife your thigh chuuk-chuuk, take your knife and knife your thigh chuuk-chuuk! Ei, no be small!” Blood had drenched the security man’s thighs, and Baluu got fed up and stood up, turning to face the fourth man. This last security man was young, around Kofi’s age, and he stood petrified against the wall. He was so filled with fear that his back was pressed against the wall and his hands splayed wide and up against the wall, as if he had been crucified to the wall. He was trembling rather badly, his eyes bulging and streaming tears, his mouth opened wide, and his nose trembling with uncontrollable terror. Baluu approached him holding the bloodied knife. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said as he looked at the young man. “I’m going to knife-knife your throat chaka-chaka-chaka!” And when the young man heard these words from Baluu, his bladder loosened up much against his will, and hot urine came gushing out, splaying his cream uniform and falling down his legs in torrents. Kofi got up on a half-crouch and slammed a shoulder into Director Dovlo, sending the man crashing to the floor once again. Kofi clamped his left arm around the Director’s neck and began to choke him. “Let me go!” Director Dovlo struggled feebly, his skin suffused with the putrid sweat of a coward. “You’re going to let that man kill me!” “That’s the idea, isn’t it?” Kofi hissed angrily into the man’s ears. “You wanted him to kill me, didn’t you? Now it’s your turn!” “Oh, please!” the Director wailed, and his face looked absolutely tattooed with fear. “Oh, please! Don’t do this this, please, please!” Kofi held on tight and looked up just in time to see Baluu standing in front of the young petrified security guard, and there was a bloodied knife in the giant’s hand! Kofi’s heart skipped a beat as terror grabbed him! He knew without a doubt that Baluu would kill the young man without the least care. “Hey!” Kofi screamed loudly. “Hey, Baluu! Come here! Jabujabu is calling you! The Chief Tuluku is here! I have him! Come and shuku-shuku him!” Baluu looked down the corridor at Kofi holding the Director, and then he looked at the young man against the wall standing in a pool of his own urine, and then he looked at the bloodied knife in his hand. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said softly. “I don’t want Chief Tuluku. I want to knife-knife this one chaka-chaka-chaka!” “Come here, Baluu!” Kofi screamed desperately. “Jabujabu is calling you!” “Ei, no be small!” Baluu replied. “Fucking Jabujabu! Where’s your jabujabu?” He suddenly reached out and grabbed the throat of the young man, and then he raised his knife. “Nooooo!” Kofi screamed. “If you don’t let me go, Baluu will kill that young man, and his blood will be on your hands!” Director Dovlo said through his choked throat. Kofi knew that Bobo Dovlo was right. As much as he hated the man, he would have to let him go otherwise Baluu would commit murder. He threw Bobo Dovlo away from him with disgust, stood up, and raced down the corridor towards Baluu. Director Dovlo got agonisingly to his feet and fled down the stairs, moaning with pain and terror! Kofi came to a stop and glared at Baluu. “Stop, Baluu, stop!” he shouted, straining to sound authoritative. “Leave that man alone right now! Don’t make me spray white jabujabu on you!” Baluu turned on Kofi with sudden fury and raised the bloodied knife. “Ei, no be small o, ei no be small o!” he screamed in a demented fashion. “I want to knife-knife this man chaka-chaka-chaka! If you keep disturbing me, I’ll knife-knife your aponkye face for you! Okusiee!” Kofi licked his lips. His fear was palpable. The young man against the wall could barely breathe, and his terror was making him pass more water, making the pool of urine around his feet even wider. Kofi tried a final time. “Jabujabu commands you to leave this man alone and return to your cell at once, Baluu!” And with a scream of demented fury Baluu swung the knife wildly at Kofi, almost splitting his face from forehead to chin. The only thing that saved Kofi was that he was already taking a step backward! Baluu swung the knife again, in a wide arc, aiming for Kofi’s throat this time. Kofi felt a faint scratch across his throat, and he knew death was beckoning him, and he was just seconds away from a most terrible end! He turned and ran down the corridor, and with a scream of fury Baluu came after him. Kofi was wounded, and his bones were cracked, and he was weak and dizzy, but he forced himself to ran to the fire extinguisher against the wall, all the while expecting Baluu’s knife to sink into the base of his neck! He dragged the fire extinguisher from the wall and released the pin before turning and aiming the nozzle! But Baluu was already running away from him, screaming with terror as he dropped the knife and ran like mad! “Ei, no be small ooo, ei no be small ooo!” Baluu was screaming as he ran, pumping his massive arms hard. “He has the jabujabu o! He has got the jabujabu o!!” Kofi’s heart was thudding with reaction as he dragged the fire extinguisher behind him to the cell gate. Baluu had entered the cell and was cowering in the far corner, covering his face with his arms with fear. Kofi sighed and dropped the fire extinguisher. He pushed in the locking bar on the cell and arduously fixed in the heavy padlocks. . More comments more Episodes..
1 Jul 2018 | 02:08
Ei no be small oo...So Ballu u wan kill our Kofi
1 Jul 2018 | 05:15
Ee no be small
1 Jul 2018 | 09:16
hahahaha,,,, ei no be small ooo,,, but as dis is goin on,,, is dia no one in dat hospital dat can come out and save dem?
1 Jul 2018 | 12:36
Kofi u narrowly escaped death.
1 Jul 2018 | 13:14
Baalu should have answered Kofi on time and kill that useless Director but he is a mad man so he has no fault, now Kofi knows that Baalu's weakness is that fire extinguisher.
1 Jul 2018 | 13:35
God save you Director but next time your head will roll on the floor
1 Jul 2018 | 14:14
Kofi kuntunkukuku...this your enemy really wanna kill u but u have a weapon that can stop baluu
1 Jul 2018 | 15:44
that director was lucky,,,,, I wanted him to taste his own medicine bt a bigger hit will come
1 Jul 2018 | 15:58
Maa abena...something is happenning somewhere...lemme give u details
1 Jul 2018 | 15:58
This dovlo the wicked director really need some share of baluu's anger
1 Jul 2018 | 16:05
The security men has to pay and the punishment 4 beating and trying to kill kofi
1 Jul 2018 | 16:10
Kofi kuntunkuku...don't even think that u can control baluu without your weapon of war
1 Jul 2018 | 16:14
Ei no be small, even the mighty Baluu has his fear.... Very funny. Nice try Kofi
1 Jul 2018 | 18:22
PASSWORD 2 Episode 25-26 The men who had beaten him were still on the floor in various positions, totally destroyed by Baluu, and Kofi felt a great sense of remorse and guilt as he looked at them. The young man was still pressed against the wall, still trembling and uttering gibberish, and Kofi felt so much guilty for the man’s predicament, and regretted setting Baluu on them. Maybe he should just have scared Baluu with the ‘jabujabu’ threat and left him alone in the cell. By setting Baluu on them, in his fierce moment of pain and bitterness, he had also allowed himself to sink to the despicable levels of Bobo Dovlo. There were some sounds down the corridor as Nii Lin suddenly appeared with two guards, two nurses and Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah. They rushed to his side and looked at all the carnage around. “Goodness me!” Nii Lin whispered with shock. “What happened, bro? We saw the Director fleeing down the compound and we thought something might be wrong. We went to your room and you were not there!” “Let him sit down, Nii!” Elsie Ansah said with sudden alarm. “He’s weak, he might pass out!” Nii Lin was helping Kofi on to the gurney when everything went dark, and Kofi didn’t see anything anymore. He was unconscious. ### The door of the infirmary ward opened, and Director Bobo Dovlo sauntered in casually, his hands linked behind his back. There were six beds in the ward, three on each side. They were all empty except for the one at the extreme end of the ward where Kofi Kuntu was lying. Doctor Joan Kankpe was adjusting the flow speed of the intravenous infusion in Kofi’s right arm. At the foot of the bed were Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah and a very scared-looking Maa Abena Nyantie. The three women turned and looked at him with various degrees of fury and disgust as he approached, and he made a mental note to do something about them, especially Elsie and that Maa Abena girl. He stopped beside the bed without greeting and looked at the swollen face of Kofi. He sighed deeply. It seemed the boys had gone a little too far and beat up the boy too severely, but then again, no one would know that it was the security men who had beaten him up. It could all be passed on to that crazy Baluu. “And what happened here?” he asked calmly, and saw the fury sizzling uncontrollably out of Elsie Ansah’s face. “My goodness, Director Dovlo, how can you stand there and ask such a question?” she shot back at him furiously, and he turned his cold eyes on her. “And why can’t I ask that question, Nurse Ansah?” he asked calmly. “The security men went to his room and beat him up!” Nurse Ansah said angrily. “And as if that wasn’t enough, they strapped him to a gurney, took him to the fifth floor and dumped him inside Baluu’s ward! Baluu almost killed three security men, and they are all on admission at the Central Hospital! The one that was spared, the young man, Fiifi Aidoo, confessed that you ordered that atrocity! If it is true, Director, I’m going to make a formal complaint to the Board!” Director Dovlo looked at her impassively. “Well, go ahead and make any complaints you want, Nurse,” Director Dovlo said with hard eyes. “I sent the men to take Kofi, that’s true. I told you I am working on new treatment schedules for both Kofi and Baluu. Kofi should have been docile, but when the men went there, he struggled with them. Do you know what that tells me? It only means that for some reason I don’t understand, either the medications I’ve prescribed for Kofi are not working, or someone is not giving him those medications. That was why he became so hostile, and we needed to subdue him, though I must admit that the men seemed to have gone a tad too far. So now, go ahead and report, Nurse Elsie, and I’ll also order lab samples of Kofi’s vitals. If I find out that somehow there are not expected levels of his prescribed medication in his streams, that will make this case criminal, and believe me I’ll have anyone responsible for not giving a mental patient the required medication thrown into jail. Do you understand me, Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah?” He had uttered his last words in a furious shout, and the three women looked at him with sudden trepidation. For one brief moment he had seemed almost unbalanced himself, and they all knew that here was a man who was too dangerous to cross. He turned his attention to the doctor. “How’s the patient doing, Doctor Joan?” he asked abruptly. “He’s badly bruised,” Joan said carefully. “No signs of internal haemorrhage though. Dehydrated too. He would run a fever for a couple of days, but nothing serious. He should be up and about in a week, as soon as he recovers from the wounds he sustained.” “Good,” the Director said and ripped off a Lab report form, and proceeded to scribble on it quickly. “I want these tests done on the patient as soon as practicable,” he said. “Yes, sir,” Doctor Joan said. “I’ll see to it myself.” “Good, doctor, and let me have the results as soon as they’re ready,” the Director said and turned away without another word. Doctor Joan Kankpe was reading through the ticked lab requests that the Director had effected on the form. She looked at Senior Nurse Elsie with a worried little frown on her face. “What’s going on here?” she asked carefully, and saw how Elsie and Maa Abena exchanged sudden worried looks. “Why are you asking, Doc?” Elsie shot back in an unsteady voice. “The lab request from the Director,” Doctor Joan said carefully. “Evidently, he wants to find out traces of some medication in Kofi’s blood streams and other vital organs. These traits come with extended use of some of the drugs he prescribed. If Kofi has not been taking the drugs, the results will indicate this aspect.” “Oh, goodness me!” Maa Abena said, her countenance obviously very disturbed, causing Nurse Elsie to put a comforting arm around her. “Anybody mind telling me what’s going on here?” Doctor Joan asked carefully. Elsie Ansah deliberated with herself for a minute, and then she sighed and told the Doctor everything she knew about the Kofi Kuntu case. “But that’s absolutely preposterous!” Joan exclaimed with disbelieving eyes, shaking her head in denial. “If what you’re saying is right, then the Director is nothing less than an animal! No, I can’t believe him capable of an atrocity like that! He’s too much of a professional to allow himself to stoop that low!” “I know it’s difficult to believe, Doctor,” Elsie said calmly. “I couldn’t believe it myself. I told Nii Lin to have them fix secret cameras in Kofi’s ward since I needed evidence before going to see Judge Buabasah. Well, this morning I let them play back the video recording inside the ward, and I transferred it to my phone. Here, take a look at this.” Nurse Elsie took out her phone and went to media. She selected the video and gave it to Doctor Joan, who watched it with mounting horror. She saw that the security men did not wake up Kofi, but began beating him mercilessly with their cudgels and batons as soon as they surrounded him on his bed and whilst Kofi was virtually still asleep. “Oh, dear Lord!” Doctor Joan said, looking at them with horror. “This is terrifying! Goodness gracious! You’re right! They did this to him and then threw him into Baluu’s cell?” “Exactly, dear Joan,” Elsie said softly. “By some miracle that boy escaped the horrors of Baluu, who could’ve killed him. The Director’s behaviour is both unprofessional and dangerous! We need to do something about it!” “Yes, yes!” Doctor Joan said, horrified. “Listen, I’ll falsify the report on the lab form, okay? I’ll let it show appreciable presence of the medication elements. But whatever you’re doing, you must do it fast, otherwise I fear for Kofi’s life!” “Thank you!” Maa Abena said and hugged Doctor Joan hard. “Oh, thank you so much! Thank you so very much!” “It’s alright, my dear,” the doctor said with a gentle smile. “Seems to me you care for him a lot. Hmm, can’t blame you. He’s a real dish!” They all laughed. They chatted for a while, and then Nurse Elsie and Maa Abena left after the doctor had promised to take very good care of Kofi. ### Director Bobo Dovlo had two residences. There was the residence inside the Adada Asylum, officially fully-furnished for his comfort. And he had a house of his own, the one he had built and occupied with his late wife, located on the Boi Hills around Abokobi. There was a caretaker in the little quarters he had built away from the main house. The caretaker’s name was Asiedu, and he knew that Sunday evening his master came around and spent the night with his mistress. The car horn came, and Asiedu opened the huge gates; he had already opened the garage doors so Bobo Dovlo drove straight through to the garage and parked. He got down and shut the garage door, and then the passenger door opened as usual and the woman stepped out. As it were, Asiedu had barely seen the woman before. Bobo Dovlo and his mistress took their small bags into the huge house. They took a bath together, and then she prepared some tea for both of them, after which they retired to the master bedroom and made love once. Afterwards they lay on their backs in the dark and checked their phones. After a while the woman drew closer to him and put her head on his shoulder. “So what are you going to do, dear?” Doctor Joan Kankpe asked. “I’m getting worried. If Elsie takes that tape to the judge it will be very dangerous.” To be continued
4 Jul 2018 | 15:45
Shit! Doctor Joan Kankpe played u guys, she is Director Dovlo's mistress, I hope they won't be able to get all the video evidence u've got now
5 Jul 2018 | 04:45
OMG!!!Joan is Dovlo's z trouble,frm frying pan to fire
5 Jul 2018 | 05:04
Chai...... Doc kanpke has expose you o..... Very bad for Kofi
5 Jul 2018 | 06:40
What da fuck..this is fucking crazy
5 Jul 2018 | 07:46
men;;;;! dis is bad, dey just played into a wicked trap
5 Jul 2018 | 10:14
Very good
5 Jul 2018 | 12:52
WTF! So the director is shagging the doctor. Goodness Lord this is bad for Kofi's case...
5 Jul 2018 | 14:42
This is bad from frying pan to fire
5 Jul 2018 | 17:18
Joan kankpe is also an enemy...sexting and planning evil with kofi's enemy,this is not good
5 Jul 2018 | 19:09
dovlo...u are really wanna kill him in there and now u evil planning another evil
5 Jul 2018 | 19:13
Maa abena...the way things are going right now..whatsoever that happens,u got to be strong
5 Jul 2018 | 19:18
Kofi kuntknbaluuku...even your life is at risk...even your doctor is your enemy...plenty wahala 4 your side
5 Jul 2018 | 19:25
Kofi! There are a lot more enemies in that asylum that your freedom will only come from a total dependence on God alone.. Maa Abena and Eilse cannot help you alone seeing that two powerful people in that [lace are working against your freedom
5 Jul 2018 | 20:44
These good ladies has been fighting hard to stop their enemy and the bad lady just came around
5 Jul 2018 | 22:44
Breeze don blow... Kofi is now in grave danger, i pray he survive the Adaba terror.
6 Jul 2018 | 13:31
PASSWORD 2 Episode 27-28 “I know, dear,” Bobo Dovlo said, and he indeed sounded worried. “I didn’t know they have managed to fix secret cameras inside Kofi’s ward. They didn’t say when they will take the videos, did they?” “No, dear,” replied Doctor Joan Kankpe. “I tricked them, like I said, and pretended to go along with it. My worry is also the testimony of that young security man, Fiifi Aidoo. If he collaborates Elsie’s claims, it could hold dire consequences for you, dear.” “Don’t worry about Fiifi, my dear,” Director Dovlo said. “He’s the son of a friend of mine, and I was only helping them when I engaged him as a security man here. I’ll have him resign tomorrow, and find some money for him. One of my friends will employ him and send him to Nigeria. It is the video Elsie has that is the problem. I didn’t know she and Maa Abena Nyantie and Nii Lin were up to such evil undertakings.” “If you can arrange to have that Fiifi Aidoo out of the Adada, that’s such great news, my dear,” Doctor Joan said. “I don’t think the other security men will betray you.” “I can’t count on them,” Bobo Dovlo said. “When heat is mounted on them I don’t know what they will say, but I can definitely deny any knowledge because I wasn’t captured on tape. I will call the judge tomorrow. I’ve already called the Director of the Board and informed him about how nurse Elsie Ansah had been undermining my work and turning the staff against me in a bid to make me unpopular and drive me away so that she could be appointed the new head. Luckily, the Director is the best friend of Judge Buabasah.” Doctor Joan Kankpe laughed lightly in the shadows and hugged Bobo Dovlo hard. “Wow, darling, that is magnificent!” she said happily. “That’s what I love so much about you…that evil mind! Now you have to tell the Director of the Board that Elsie even has some videos of some security men misbehaving, and threatening to send them to the judge to paint you black.” “Yes, I know,” Bobo Dovlo said softly. “But first, maybe they would decide to check for themselves, and send Kofi to another institution for a mental and psychological evaluation. If he passes, I would be in trouble. I’m now convinced they had not been giving the boy the medication I’ve been prescribing. This is what we’re going to do. Keep Kofi in the infirmary for a week. I would be giving you a specific drug to inject him with every day at four o’clock in the afternoon. It is going to make him completely insane after one week, and then I wouldn’t care about any request for re-evaluation of his mental faculties!” “I’ll do that, my love!” Doctor Joan said happily. “I’m just praying that you can get rid of Elsie and Maa Abena too.” “Don’t worry, dear,” Director Dovlo said thoughtfully. “I’ll begin pressing for her to be suspended, and then later transferred or preferably dismissed, together with Maa Abena and Nii Lin. And then I’ll have you appointed as Assistant Director, dear. After that, within a year, we shall get married. Right now, however, we still have to keep our love affair a secret until everything falls into place!” Doctor Joan Kankpe laughed with happiness and leaned over to kiss him hard and long. “I’ve been worried, but your plan is now making me relieved, happy and horny! Feel like you can manage another one?” she asked lustfully. “I don’t know,” Bobo said, feeling down for his joystick. “He seems flat. Let’s see if you can make him stand like a soldier!” Joan Kankpe giggled and sidled down lower, and then put her lips on his flaccid member… It took two days before Kofi Kuntu opened his eyes slowly inside the infirmary, and saw an elderly female doctor gently removing an intravenous feed from his arm. She was slim and pretty, and she looked down at him without smiling as she swabbed his arm with methylated spirit in a piece of cotton wool, and then she applied a strip of Elastoplast to the needle point prick in his vein. She was wearing a green dress underneath a white doctor’s tunic. Her hair was cut short, and she was wearing contact lenses, and her lips were a bit too red from the lipstick she was wearing. “Hello,” she said briskly. “I’m Doctor Joan Kankpe.” Kofi stared at her, a little startled, trying hard to suppress the amused smile that threatened to explode out into gales of laughter. “How’re you feeling now, Kofi?” she asked, and he wondered idly why her voice sounded so mechanical, as if she was really not feeling what she was verbally expressing. “Where am I, Doc?” he asked from a dry throat. “I feel thirsty.” She nodded. “Yes, and you must be famished too,” she said. “You were involved in a rather bad encounter with one of the inmates here, Baluu, two days ago. Do you remember?” Kofi squeezed up his face. “I seem to remember something like that,” he said slowly. “But what’s going on, Doc? I feel so weird. So tired. And I have a splitting headache.” “Yes, you’re going to be a bit unsteady for a while,” she replied. “You took quite a few bad knocks. You’ll be fine in a bit. Just rest now. You’ll be given some soup to drink, and then we would run a few tests, okay?” She walked away before Kofi could utter another word. He lay on the bed, strangely disoriented, and sometime later Nii Lin came in and stood by his side. “Hi, buddy, how’re you?” he asked with a concerned expression. “You gave us all a scare, especially Maa Abena. You good?” Kofi nodded slowly with a weak smile on his face. “Yeah, Nii. I’m good. Just hungry.” Nii smiled. “Cool, bro. Maa Abena is rustling up some chow for you. Come, lemme help you take a bath. By the time you finish she might be here.” He helped Kofi into the bathroom, and then after almost thirty minutes they returned to the ward, with Kofi wearing a blue gown and looking clean and shaved. Maa Abena was in the ward, sitting at the foot of the bed. She was wearing a simple blue dress, but it fitted her like a dream. Her hair was in a new style, a braided coiled beauty that set off her face to perfection. Kofi stayed in the doorway for a while, just staring at her. She looked at him too, with unblinking eyes. Time stood still for a moment, making that slice of time a most magical and heart-stopping moment, grabbing them in a fierce cocoon of self-awareness that was both scary and sweet. “You better sit down, Kofi,” Nii Lin said with a chuckle. “If this staring thing lasts a second more I’ll begin to think you’ve become a statue.” Kofi shook himself free from the web of that frightening moment, admitting to himself that he had indeed not felt this overwhelmed ever in his life. For a moment there all he had wanted to do was rush to that beautiful girl and take her in his arms. All he had wanted to do was hold her gently in his arms for eternity and feel her heartbeats in tandem with his. There was a slight frown of uncertainty on his face as he was helped by Nii Lin to sit down at the side of the bed. “Well, guess I’ll leave you two for now,” Nii Lin said and patted Kofi on the shoulder. “Will come back later.” “Thanks, Nii,” Kofi said weakly. “I really appreciate your efforts.” When Nii Lin left Doctor Joan approached with a hypodermic needle already filled with a greenish drug. “Just need to inject you with this, Kofi, before you drink your soup,” she said gently, and smiled at Maa Abena. Kofi tried to stand up, but the doctor put a warm hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, dear,” she said kindly. “I’ll inject you on the arm. No need to get up.” After administering the injection, which turned out to be excruciatingly painful, the doctor also excused herself. “I have a few rounds to make,” she said with a smile. “I’ll be back after you’ve eaten, Kofi.” She left quickly, leaving Kofi with Maa Abena, who had not uttered a word so far. And then, when the door closed behind the doctor, she stood up suddenly and walked toward him. Without warning she stood in front of him and put her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Kofi slipped his arms around her, and buried his face in the side of her neck. He could feel the length of her against him, feel the pressure of her breasts against his chest. He held her tight, drawing her even closer to him. Her heart was thudding, and she was trembling slightly. She smelled so fresh, so gentle. She was so beautiful, so precious! It was the most comfortable position he had ever been…right there in her arms! To be continued..
6 Jul 2018 | 18:33
I just hope you get out of that cage
7 Jul 2018 | 06:30
That devil doctor has already given Kofi the craze injection o, i just they find out on time that doctor Joan is not on their side.
7 Jul 2018 | 09:42
u go soon begin dey craze now
7 Jul 2018 | 11:49
So help you God
7 Jul 2018 | 12:29
8 Jul 2018 | 06:31
PASSWORD 2 Episode 29-30 She had prepared him the sweetest light soup he had ever tasted, replete with tender meat and succulent fish bits. She fed the soup to him slowly, refusing to let him take the bowl because he was in a hurry to drink it and not take it bit by bit from the spoon as she was doing. Afterwards, they chatted for a while. Kofi was alarmed because he was feeling slightly dizzy, and he was developing a headache somewhere in the regions around his eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening, Maa Abena,” he said carefully. “I should be stronger, but I’m getting quite weak and dizzy, and there’s this pain around my eyes.” “Please, lie down then,” she said quickly, pushing his chest gently. “It must be because of the beating you received from the guards and when Baluu threw you against the wall. Don’t worry, Doctor Joan is a good doctor, and she’ll get you on track very soon.” He lay back in bed, and looked at her with hooded eyes. “She should,” he said. “I miss our times together in the ward, Maa Abena.” She seemed to stiffen, and her eyes dropped suddenly. “Well, then here is better,” she said in a rush, feeling the sudden tension that had sprung up between them. “I can visit you as often as I like here, Kofi, and stay for as long as I like. When you’re in D-Block I can only be there during my shift.” He smiled weakly. “Then I’m glad,” he said. “Then Doctor Joan better keep me here forever, so that I get more of you. I can’t get enough of you, Maa Abena.” She looked up at him then, giving him the full blast of those lovely eyes, that beautiful face, and those full sensuous lips, which now seemed to quiver a bit. “Why, Kofi?” she asked calmly, a slight frown puckering her brow now. “Why do you want to see me?” He knew immediately that this was the first tentative steps of that alien thing brewing up between them. They both knew it was there, and although it was an exhilarating thing, with such powerful emotions, it was scary as well. By some silent converging of mutual agreement none of them had broached it till now, and as he looked at her it dawned on him quite suddenly that she had become an integral part of his existence. In all his afflictions, she had been there; somehow, she was that balm that had stood between him and absolute madness. “I won’t lie to you, Maa Abena,” he said quietly. “Not a single second passes without me thinking about you. You’re the last thought on my mind before I sleep, and the first when I wake up.” She raised her eyebrows, and she suddenly looked disappointed. “Really?” she said quietly. “You don’t disappoint, Kofi Kuntu. You think such cheap sentiments mean anything to me? You’ve probably used those same words on tens of girls already. I know your history, remember? You told me yourself! Don’t expect me to be one of your conquests, Kofi! This is one body you’re not shagging!” She was surprised at how hurt she was feeling all of a sudden. His words, in their cheap perfume, had really hurt her, and kindled up an alien feeling in her. She tried to stand up, but he reached out and held her wrist. “Abena,” he said quietly, and she saw the earnestness in his eyes. “If indeed you know my history, then you’d also know I’m not one to spend my time saying those cheap clichés like you’re the apple of my eye, the sugar in my tea, the sunshine in my life, I’ll go to the moon and back just for your love! I’ve always considered those words to be cheap sentimental trash! I’ve never uttered them to any girl! When I want a girl I go out and get her! I don’t waste my time with words and romantic crap! I go out there like a man and tell her like a man that I want her! It had never failed me! But you, damn it, Abena, you do something to me! I want to stick flowers in your hair and walk hand-in-hand with you on the beach on a moonlit September night! Yes, damn it, Abena, I feel all those silly things I’ve always scorned! I want to write you a poem! I want to ride to the moon for you! I want to serenade you with a fiddle and dance to salsa music with you! They may be cheap sentiments but goddamn it, girl, you make me feel them all!” He released her wrist and fell back on the bed, quite spent, quite aware that he had blurted out things he didn’t even know he had in his heart. She stood by the bed and looked at him, all beautiful and glowing like some fresh angel God had breathed into, her eyes dancing with unshed tears and her face glowing with the beauty of the stars. She clasped her hands in front of her and looked at him with abject misery and a suppressed desire, feeling the crushing waves of a craving need buffeting her in a tumultuous volcanic rhythm deep in her heart. “I’m an only child, Kofi Kuntu,” she said, her voice unsteady. “I’ve waited at the feet of the Lord all my years, because my parents brought me up a Christian. Many young men have proposed to me, and some I agreed to their proposals on the basis of Christian courtship, but they all failed simply because I refused to sleep with them before marriage. They were never faithful. I broke off these relationships, and I never hurt because they didn’t really enter my heart. All my life I’ve waited for the good Lord to bring me a worthy life partner, because I’ve been faithful and I’ve kept myself chaste according to His statutes! So why is my heart troubled now, Kofi? Why is it that all of a sudden I feel this way for a boy who has never lived in the ways of the Lord? A boy like you who has done everything appalling, everything sexually sinful? How can a girl like me feel this way for a boy like you, huh?” She stood trembling, and when a single tear rolled down her right cheek like a diamond, he reached out and spread his hand and the tear dropped into his palm, because he couldn’t bear the agony of having her tears hitting the ground because of him. With a groan he swung his legs off the bed so that they hung on either side of her, and then he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her near, burying his face in the pit of her stomach. She gasped, and put her hands on his shoulders, and she pushed him away hard, but he would not budge. He held her tightly, drawing her strongly into his embrace. Finally, she gently wrapped her arms around his neck, and drew him closer, lowering her chin on top of his head. They remained like that for a long time, and then he spoke against her stomach, his voice muffled. She lifted her head. “What did you say, K?” She felt him chuckling against her stomach, and then he raised his head, and his face was all handsome and shining with an inner glow of naughtiness that sent her heart yammering and fluttering like a torn kite in a gale. “I like that,” he said with his eyes half-shut. “I like that a whole lot.” “What?” she whispered. “That ‘K’ thing,” he said, and they smiled at each other. “You said something before that,” she said eventually. “What did you say?” “I said you’re the stew on my rice,” he said, and then both of them burst out into uncontrollable gales of laughter. “And that particular one always filled me with such wrath!” she whispered after a while. “But coming from you, it sounds romantic, can you believe that?” “I can believe that, Maa Abena,” he said, and he was no longer laughing, and his face was quite serious. “This thing between us, Abena, this thing we’re trying to talk about in such inadequate ways. There are problems, you know?” She raised her eyebrows. She was aware that he was still holding her, that his chest was still pressed against her, but she really enjoyed it, although it was the closest any man had ever come next to her. There had been hugs, yes, from men, but those had been perfunctory and barely felt. But this was different. This was…awesome, yes, and it scared the beJesus out of her. “Problems,” she said, looking down at his face. “Which kind?” “Well,” he said seriously. “For one I’m here in an asylum, Abena. I don’t have any work right now, I’m cooped up in an asylum. I don’t have much money saved, and to all intents and purposes, I’m completely impotent. Now, that’s not the kind of guy for a girl like you, Maa Abena.” “Well, that’s not a problem,” she said with a little smile. “I’ve served God all my life. Those things you see as problems would be fixed in a jiffy if I accept you and pray to God to help you.” “Oh!” he said, quite flustered. “You see it is as easy as that?” She chuckled. “You don’t know the God I serve, Kofi,” she said gently. “And that’s another thing. I can’t accept you if you don’t give your life completely to God, Kofi. That’s why I brought you the Bible. You should start life on the cleanest page when you leave here, and there’s none as clean as true repentance.” “Yes, I’ve been reading up on that and my mind is made up, Abena,” he said earnestly. “I truly want to be a Christian, believe me I do, and I’ve begun the journey, so trust me on that.” She smiled happily. “I do trust you on that, K,” she said, and they smiled at each other. “But, you still have some problems, don’t you?” He nodded, his face worried now. “Yes, Abena,” he said. “I’m worried about you and Ato.” She scowled and carefully stepped back a step, forcing his arms to drop from around her waist. She looked at him with a worried expression on her beautiful face. To be continued
9 Jul 2018 | 19:29
10 Jul 2018 | 05:37
Kofi surrender all to Jesus and u won't regret. your battles will be fought on your behalf
10 Jul 2018 | 06:00
10 Jul 2018 | 07:13
That's really good Kofi, bringing up Ato & Abena's relationship is great. The two of them are going to sort themselves before falling deep for each other.
10 Jul 2018 | 10:36
its good u are not appearing selfish,,,, and its left to abena to accept u or ato
10 Jul 2018 | 12:14
You're great man!!
10 Jul 2018 | 17:30
It nice you bring that up
10 Jul 2018 | 17:33
Boy o boy girl o girl...this one nah serious love nwantiti...complicated love nwantiti
10 Jul 2018 | 19:27
Kofi's like u are falling in love right now...she said,repent first
10 Jul 2018 | 22:13
Maa abena...maybe,it's likely that all the things he's saying is true,saying sweet love things...u love him too
10 Jul 2018 | 22:21
Kofi...In this situation when u have fallen in love with the right one...when u don't even know that your enemy has been feeding u with medical poison
10 Jul 2018 | 22:28
Maa abena...if this is what u want is okay...maybe,a new chapter 4 him with love
10 Jul 2018 | 22:35
19 Jul 2018 | 10:31
PASSWORD 2 Episode 31-32 “Ato,” she said. “What about him? What has he told you?” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “He’s my best friend, Abena,” he said quietly. “He’s been more than a brother to me. I love him above all men, and he’s very dear to me.” “I know all that already,” she said in a rush. “But what has that got to do with you and me?” “Oh, come on!” he said, almost agonised. “I knew about you from Ato, Maa Abena! He had a display photo of you on his phone, showing only your eye! He showed it to me several months ago! He told me you’re the only lady he would love to marry, you know, and we have this code we live by, the ABCD Code!” “Interesting,” she said, and the fire had disappeared from her face, and she looked very disappointed. “ABCD, I see. And what’s that?” He tried to hold her again because suddenly she was scaring him, but she moved back a pace, out of reach of his arms. “Tell me about this ABCD thing, Kofi.” He looked at her, saw she was serious, and he sighed. “It’s nothing, really, please,” he said unhappily. “It’s just a silly initialism for Area Buddy, Code Desert. It just means that if your friend has shown an interest in a girl, you never ever try to win the girl yourself even if she didn’t accept your friend’s proposal. In other words, you can’t date your friend’s ex, or relative, or a girl that refused to date your friend.” She was definitely hurt now, and she tried to speak for a moment, but she could not. She licked her lips, and then when she looked at him her lips trembled. “Wow, I see,” she said in a very soft voice. “So, because Ato told you he wants me, whatever that means, because he had not expressly intimated anything of the sort to me. So, if my understanding is clear here, Ato told you he would want to date me, and because of that I’m now out of bounds to you?” He nodded miserably. “Something like that, Abena,” he said slowly. “Look, after that I never really spoke to Ato. But I have to speak to him, you see, and find out if he really meant what he said. I’ll also tell him what I feel about you.” “Okay, let me get this straight,” she said, and nodded. “So if you speak to him, and he confirms that he likes me, or even loves me, let’s take it like that, then you can’t be with me even if it is you I prefer?” He nodded, looking absolutely shattered now, his face pained beyond recognition. “Yes, Maa Abena,” he said. “But I will –” “But nothing, Kofi,” she said in a hurt little voice, shaking her head, and once again tears glistened in her eyes. “You’ve really disappointed me, Kofi. I don’t think you’re the kind of man I want to fall in love with.” She moved away from him and snatched up the basket, and then she began to walk away. He was alarmed, and terrified immediately. He felt a sudden pain in his chest, a pain he was not accustomed to, a pain that tore through him with ferocious intensity. “Maa Abena, please wait!” he cried and tried to get out of the bed. “Don’t do this to me, please! This is all new to me! I’ve never felt like this before, please! Just wait and hear me out, please!” She stopped and turned to face him, and she was gasping with pain, her eyes filled with unshed tears and her lips trembling. “It is not me you want, Kofi Kuntu!” she said tremulously. “Your claim of love is as shallow as it is fickle! You better go fight for your Akweley. For your information, she found a new man. I saw her when I had my day off. She is going to get married to one of her father’s associates this weekend. Let Doctor Joan call her for you because she won’t pick my call. Tell her to wait for you. The two of you deserve each other. Just leave me alone, Kofi Kuntu!” And with that she turned away and rushed out of the infirmary, leaving Kofi all alone in his misery and hurting so badly that he could barely breathe. It dawned on him quite suddenly that he felt more for Maa Abena than he had admitted even to himself! When Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah entered the plush office of Judge Akwasi Buabasah, she was quite shocked to see that Dr. Hassan Braimah was also present. Hassan Braimah was the Chairman of the Adada Board, and she knew him to be a hard man. She had first considered taking her evidence to the Director, but she had known that he was a good friend of Bobo Dovlo, and she had been worried this would compromise the Chairman’s judgement. She had concluded that coming to Judge Buabasah was the best option. One, the judge was convinced that indeed a wrong had been committed against Kofi, he would reach out to the appropriate authority. She had called the judge and set up a meeting through his personal secretary, and here she was this early Tuesday morning, which was her off day. She had spoken to the judge, who had expressed interest in what she was going to say. She assumed that the gist she had given the judge was the reason why he had summoned the doctor. Elsie knew that under normal circumstances she would have been happy that the Chairman was there, but the fact that he was Director Dovlo’s best friend rather cast a dark slur on the whole issue. “Hello, Miss Elsie, I presume?” the judge asked and indicated a chair next to the chairman’s chair. “Please, have a seat. We have been expecting you. I take it you know Dr. Braimah?” Nurse Elsie smiled sheepishly as she greeted and sat down. “Yes, I do know the Chairman of the Adada Board, sir,” Elsie said nervously. “Good, good,” Judge Buabasah said and leaned back. “Hassan, this is the lady I spoke to you about. Actually, when Ruth set up the appointment I had her call Elsie yesterday, and we spoke. She had some really depressing news about one of the inmates I sent to the institution, Kofi Kuntu. She claims there is nothing wrong with the young man, who Director Bobo Dovlo, on the orders of the court, run a psychological analysis on and concluded that he was quite insane. I was present when the boy exhibited some rather insane antics, and I had no option than to remand him at the institution. Miss Elsie now tells me that Kofi’s reaction in my presence was induced by some injection Bobo Dovlo gave him.” Hassan Braimah, a large swarthy man wearing a smock and black trousers, turned his cold eyes on Nurse Elsie. “That is a really serious and dangerous allegation you’re making, Nurse Elsie, to put it mildly,” the Chairman said, and it was quite evident that he was displeased. “Now why on earth would Bobo Dovlo set out to intentionally drive a young man insane? It beats the imagination, and it is quite preposterous! I’ve known Bobo for quite some time now, you know. I was in Middle School with him, right down to the university, even before he married his first wife. What you’re inferring is absolutely mind-boggling, unethical, criminal, inconceivable and so barbaric that I just can’t wrap my mind around it. Give me a reason, just one, why a professional like Doctor Dovlo will do such a thing!” Elsie looked at the Chairman without batting an eye. “Because, some years ago, Kofi Kuntu made the unfortunate mistake of having a short affair with a woman he didn’t know was married,” Elsie said carefully. “That woman was Mrs. Naana Basiwaa Dovlo, the late wife of Doctor Bobo Dovlo.” There were sharp intakes of breath from both men, and then they exchanged startled looks. “Go on, Miss Elsie Ansah,” Judge Buabasah said tightly. “Tell us about this. Everything you know!” ### Events took quite a frightening turn later that afternoon! Maa Abena, hurting in her room after that painful moment with Kofi, heard a knock on her door, and when she opened it she saw Nii Lin standing there with a happy expression on his face. “Looks like you just won the lottery, Nii Lin,” she said, intrigued. “Wow, more than the lottery!” he said with a grin. “You know Miss Ansah went to see that buffoon of a judge?” Maa Abena smiled but she scowled at him too. “Yes, she told me, and I’ve been praying,” Maa Abena said. “Is she back?” “Yes!” Nii Lin said with a broader grin. “She came back with the Judge and the Chairman of the Adada Board! They’re all in Bobo Dovlo’s office. I was sent to call you.” “Oh, thank God, thank God!” Maa Abena said with a happy triumphant smile. “Just a moment, Nii Lin. Let put on my canvas shoes.” A few minutes later they rode the elevator to the fourth floor of the administrative block and entered the functional conference room where most meetings were held. Judge Akwasi Buabasah and Doctor Hassan Braimah, the Chairman of the Adada Asylum Board of Directors, were sitting at the head of huge glass-topped conference table. To be continued..
24 Jul 2018 | 05:02
These is a great news, i just pray that nurse Ruth has not given those crazy injections to Kofi yet?
24 Jul 2018 | 17:31
Hmmm I hope everything turns out well for u guys. @viciyoung why is it taking u forever to update na
24 Jul 2018 | 17:40
24 Jul 2018 | 18:19
Eih no be small thing,kofi is in love
24 Jul 2018 | 20:32
Let's see the turn out of event
25 Jul 2018 | 03:09
I can't celebrate for kofi, it's quite early..... Bobo dovlo is very cunning and the visit by the judge might end up badly for kofi's allies
25 Jul 2018 | 04:04
PASSWORD 2 Episode 33-34 Doctor Joan Kankpe was sitting at the right side of the table, whilst a grim-faced Bobo Dovlo was sitting at the left. Around the table were three men and two women from the National Medical Board. An unsmiling Elsie Ansah was sitting at the foot of the conference table with chairs on each side of her. Doctor Braimah instructed Nii Lin and Maa Abena to sit on either side of Nurse Elsie Ansah. “Well, since you’re all here, I’ll get straight to the subject,” Judge Buabasah began with a grim face. “You’re all aware that Mr. Kofi Kuntu was remanded here on the orders of the court, and to all intents on purposes we were waiting for him to get well, if it is possible, so that the substantive case against him can be heard in court. Well, we are privy to some rather disturbing and shocking information and videos, and these have necessitated our presence here today. The brief synopsis is that Mr. Kofi Kuntu was allegedly remanded here in this institution by Doctor Bobo Dovlo on a false psychological evaluation report. Furthermore, it is alleged that the security men, on the orders of Director Dovlo, have been meting out some cruel treatments to Mr. Kofi Kuntu. As you all know, such shocking revelations need to be investigated. We made it known to the National Medical Board, and a few decisions had been reached. I’ll leave it to Doctor Braimah to communicate these decisions.” Doctor Hassan Braimah sat up straight and pulled the microphone closer to his lips. “We have spoken to Doctor Bobo Dovlo, of course, and he has categorically denied these allegations,” the man said with a severe look on his face. “He also alleged that Miss Elsie Ansah is on a personal agenda to paint him black on any excuse, and turn the staff against him in a bid to ensure that he is sacked from his position.” “What?” Elsie exclaimed in a scandalized voice, looking at Director Dovlo with incredulous eyes. “Me? You said that of me, Director?” “Be quiet, Miss Ansah, I’m on the floor!” Doctor Braimah retorted in an angry voice, his eyes boring into Elsie Ansah. “Madam, you have made a worst allegation against the doctor, so allow me to speak! Now, the image of this institution is at stake, ladies and gentlemen, and so is the whole medical institution as a whole! So we don’t want the press to get wind of this! We should all treat it with utmost confidentiality. Is that clear?” There were stunned nods all around, and the tension in the conference room was absolutely indescribable. “Well, this is what we’re going to do,” Doctor Braimah said with a steely glare around the room. “Director Bobo Dovlo, Miss Elsie Ansah, Miss Maa Abena Nyantie, Mr. Nii Lin, Mr. Atakora Nana and three other security officers are to proceed immediately on suspended indefinite leave. You would be paid monthly, but all other allowances would be suspended. Doctor Joan Kankpe will hold the position of Acting Director until investigations end. The investigation committee, led by Doctor Aidly Boamah, has two weeks to submit a report to the Board of Directors, copied Judge Akwasi Buabasah. So, from here, you’re all expected to vacate your premises and offices immediately. Thank you. Everyone dismissed.” There was stunned incredulity in the room. Maa Abena could barely breathe! She couldn’t understand how it had come to this! Suddenly she was very scared! She had parted with Kofi on the most painful note, and not being able to see him brought sudden and irrepressible pain. The fact that none of them would be around to help him and take care of him was very terrifying indeed. She reached out and grabbed Elsie Ansah’s arm. “What’s going on, madam?” she asked fearfully. “Please, what’s going on?” “This is serious o!” Nii Lin exclaimed with shock. “There’s something really, really bad going on here! Something absolutely suspicious!” “Don’t worry, guys,” Elsie Ansah said, trying to stop her own fears. “This is a painful moment, but we must be glad. Doctor Joan Kankpe is a good woman. Kofi is in good hands. Let’s all pray that the right thing will be done for that boy.” Everything was a blur afterwards! The security men were on top of them everywhere, not allowing them to settle! They were forced out of their rooms with their packed bags. Maa Abena, Nii Lin and Elsie tried to see Kofi inside the infirmary, but the hard-faced security men would not let them. They tried calling Doctor Joan Kankpe, but her phone was switched off. In deep distress, they were forced out of the Adada Asylum, and they drove out in Elsie’s car. Director Bobo Dovlo looked at them from the window of his office, and he smiled grimly. He turned away from the window as Doctor Joan Kankpe joined him. They embraced, and kissed long and tenderly. Bobo Dovlo then picked up a packet from his desk and handed it over to Joan Kankpe. “Increase the dosage, darling,” he said softly. “Two ampoules a day, eight hour intervals. Should drive Kofi Kuntu pretty mad in a few days.” “Yes, my darling!” Joan Kankpe said. “He’s done for!” Ato Sey was exhilarated! He had finally done it! He had been going to the Golgotha Heights International Church Revival service for three nights in a row, just like he had promised Maa Abena in their WhatsApp chats. He had come to the realization that he needed something, somebody, more in life than his playing ways allowed. He had not been able to tell anybody about the horrors going on in his bedroom. Nowadays he used the guest bathroom attached to the hall and had moved almost all his clothing from the bedroom to the hall. There was something scary in the bedroom! At night he could hear the violent movements in the room, the strange voices, the crazy sounds that scared him so much that at times he moved the student mattress to the corridor outside to sleep. He had wanted on so many occasions to broach it to Maa Abena, but he had been scared that she might think he was going crazy. And for Maa Abena Nyantie to think of him as mentally-imbalanced was something he just couldn’t allow. The reason was simple: he knew he had found someone rare in Maa Abena. They had been speaking on phone, and chatting on WhatsApp, and he was simply besotted with her. She was always on his mind, and there wasn’t a second that he didn’t think about her. He wanted the perfect setting to let her know just how much important she had become to him. He had been amazed by her zeal and belief in Christianity, and her insistence that God could make everything right. He had listened to her, and when she advised him to try and attend the revival, he had been reluctant at first. He had missed the first three days, but then he had decided to go for the evening services since he wasn’t sleeping well anyway. He had hoped to find someone to help him with the horror in his bedroom. It had been a revelation! The second night had been a half-night service, and when the preacher had appealed to people who wanted to accept Christ to step forward, Ato Sey had not hesitated! He had accepted Christ, and had been baptised that dawn, and the preacher had told them they were new beings, and could do anything they wanted to do, and that they should not allow the devil to take over their lives. He had been waiting for a chance to speak to the preacher, but when he heard he was a new creation and could take on his problems, he decided to confront whatever was in the room himself! He knew that even if a preacher came with him to help, he would always be afraid of that room, and so he decided to take it on with his new-found faith! On the third night he reached home about thirty minutes shy of midnight. He entered the room and put his bag on the sofa and stood staring at his bedroom door. He had locked it many days ago and put the key on a shelf in the kitchen. He could see and hear the door rattling, as if there was something in there trying to get out. For a moment Ato was assailed by a strong terror, and then he swallowed painfully, but he steeled his nerves and began to sing one of the gospel songs he had heard at the revival, The Lord Is My Strength! He walked to the kitchen, still singing, and got the bedroom key. He walked back to the hall and approached the bedroom door. Everything was quiet behind the door now, and he smiled to himself. He inserted the key, turned it twice, and slowly pushed down the handle, and pushed the door inward. It was pitch-black inside the room, but a terrible scent assailed his nostrils, making him gasp. And then he heard the evil voice crooning! “The Mallam Busanga! He say yew keeked his haid! Yew keeked the Busanga head!” It was the voice of an old woman, and it brought such horrible terror to Kofi’s breast that he almost turned and walked away. He took a deep breath, and began to pray silently under his breath. He entered the room with an effort and reached over and switched the light on. Two things happened at once: one door slammed shut behind him, and the key turned in the lock, from the hall side of the door, locking him inside the room! Secondly, the window slides began to slide shut, slide open, slide shut, slide open…with maddening intensity! Ato took a look around the room, and then he saw the people, and then he began to scream! “Eiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!” Ato screamed shrilly as he felt warm urine sliding down his legs with the depths of his fear. “Yiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!!!” Apart from the fact that the room was in an unbelievable state of disarray, there were two people in the room! To be continued..
27 Jul 2018 | 13:14
28 Jul 2018 | 04:03
hahahaha,,, i guess Ato"'s case is d comic relief in dis story.... but as for Kofi,,, I pity u oooo,,, am sure by d time dos on suspension come back,,, he would be finally mad
28 Jul 2018 | 05:44
Your own madness don come
28 Jul 2018 | 06:02
Well Kofi, I can see ur freedom very soon and I know u will break that law between u and Ato cus u can't leave Maa Abena for Ato. Only Jesus can save u from that curse and no ow it seems Ato has received Jesus ur deliverance is coming soon
28 Jul 2018 | 06:31
Kofi kuntukununku.....does this abcd things means love?...that's the question u should be asking yourself...
28 Jul 2018 | 06:51
0 Likes doesn't mean love...if this is true love between u and maa abena...the fu<king abcd things will just fu<k off by it's own and then meant to be things will happen
28 Jul 2018 | 06:58
Maa abena...u have been doing a good job with kofi and ato...u have been doing everything u can to change them to someone...
28 Jul 2018 | 07:04
U have been Leading them to jesus...the greater one who can save them from their problems...this problem is too much 4 them
28 Jul 2018 | 07:12
Maa abena...u are also fighting 4 them physically with nana,elsie,nii lin and anyone that's still tough but u people will win
28 Jul 2018 | 07:25
Dovlo and joan are into some wicked things...which is too bad 4 them,medical ones 4 that matter...after everything they will still loose
28 Jul 2018 | 07:31
Ato is becoming someone better like his friend kofi...ato is in trouble but he has got someone greater to win..
28 Jul 2018 | 07:36
Kofi is done for, he can only survive that assylum with Gods intervention. Who are those inside Ato's room? he better start praying to wade these evil off.
28 Jul 2018 | 07:53
ato u are soon going mad bt be strong in faith, God will deliver u
28 Jul 2018 | 18:01
Kofi only God can intervene
28 Jul 2018 | 18:02
Hmmmmmmm who are they?
28 Jul 2018 | 20:24
PASSWORD 2 Episode 35-36 The wooden parts of the bed were all broken into little slabs! His mattress, clothes and papers in the room had all been shredded! The doors of the wardrobe had been ripped out! Every piece of wood was broken, and every piece of fabric was torn! And standing in one corner of the room was a very old, bald, naked man, and a very short evil-looking thing which was standing in a calabash! It looked like a little boy, but it was holding its head under its right armpit! Both of them were smeared with thick white clay from head to foot, and their eyes shone a bright red! The naked old man raised his left forefinger and pointed at Ato, and his eyes blazed with malevolent evil! And that was when Ato began to scream his lungs out! “Yeeeew!” the old man said in a croaking voice. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid! Yew will diesssssss!” “Yieeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Ato scream, and his head ached him so much that he almost blanked out. He had never seen such evil. “Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiii!!” He was suddenly lifted off his feet, and he was slammed into the wall, and then an invisible force lifted him along the wall, then across the ceiling! The ceiling-fan began to spin wildly, and he was dragged uncontrollably toward the blades! His head was held back by an invisible hand, exposing his tender neck toward the spinning blades! The naked old man was still pointing up at him, and Ato knew he was seconds away from a terrible death! One swipe from these blades and his jugular would be cut open, and he would be almost decapitated, dying painfully! “Yew wil diessssssss!” the naked old man was croaking with pure evil. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid…yew will diesssssssss!!” And as his neck crept toward the spinning blades, and death crept near, Ato finally remembered a snatch of Bible Psalm he had heard at the revival, and he suddenly began to shout it out! “Yea, though I walketh in the valley of the shadow of death, I shalt not fear evil, for thou are with me, thy rod and thy staff they comforteth me….amen o, amen o, amen o….Awurade eeeeei….amen o!” And he fell from the ceiling onto the floor heavily. The old man’s face was suffused with confusion, and yes, a texture of fear. He looked at the fan, which had stopped spinning, and he looked at Ato with something like trepidation on his face. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid!” he hissed. “Yew…” “Amen o, amen o, amen o!” Ato was screaming shrilly. “Awurade Yesu Christo eeeeeeiii, amen o, amen o, amen o! Awurade Yesu eeeeeei! Awurade Yesu eeeeei! Bra o, bra o, bra o!!” Something seemed to grab hold of the old, withered man and the headless boy! They were dragged with relentless force through the wall, and Ato saw their agonized expressions as they were sucked out with such uncompromising force that it appeared to be a blur! The last sight he had of them were their looks of acute pain and terror! At the same time the door unlocked and blasted open! Ato was weeping and praying as he fell to his knees with the release of terror! Something was stinking rather nastily, he realised after a while, and at first he thought it was something those evil entities had left in the room. It was when he felt a wetness in his behind that he realised his bowels had loosened, and he had messed himself up. He did not mind though. He was proud, and happy, and so filled with pride that he walked boldly into the bathroom to clean himself and take a shower! When he put on the bathroom door he saw another shrivelled old man sitting in the bath, covered from head to toe with calico! This man’s face was reversed! His chin was where his forehead was supposed to be, and then his mouth, nose, eyes and finally his forehead, which was sitting on his neck! “Eeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiii!” Ato scream with sheer terror again. “Woooooooooooo!!” The old man raised his hand and pointed a crooked finger at Ato. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid!” he began. “Yesu Christo eeeeeeiii!” Ato screamed as tears coursed down his cheeks. “Yesu bra ooo, bra oooo, bra oooo!” The man began to tremble as if a giant hand was rocking the bath! He was sucked through the air as he began to scream, and then he was pulled out of the window forcibly, his upside-down face shattering in a wail of terror and pain! Ato Sey, heart pounding, realized that he had messed himself up even more! He was weeping and jabbering as he cleaned himself, and the bathroom smelt as if it was the dumping site of the country’s faeces. A long time later, he took a long, sweet bath. He covered himself with perfume and deodorant, and then he went for his student mattress. He spread it on the floor in the bedroom, fell on it with his Bible, read Psalm 23 through, prayed, and then he slept the sleep of the dead! It was night, shortly after midnight, when the door to the infirmary opened slowly, and a slender figure slipped into the ward. It was a slender man. He moved in the darkness stealthily, making sure not to collide with any of the fixtures and cause noise. He moved to the last bed and found Kofi lying restlessly on his back. Kofi was in the sky-blue pyjamas of the inmates. He was asleep, but he was turning restlessly from side to side, his face covered with sweat, and his pyjama top pasted to his body because of the sweat he had shed. He was making silent moaning sounds in his throat, his face filled with a tortured expression even in his sleep. The slender man went closer to the bed and suddenly put his gloved hand across Kofi’s mouth. Kofi began to struggle furiously immediately, but the slender man bent over the bed and hissed desperately. “Hey, hey, take it easy, man! Take it easy!” Kofi opened his eyes slowly and peered into the gloom. The lights were out and the only form of illumination was the inadequate glow of the lights outside filtering into the room. “Who is it?” Kofi asked weakly. “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” “Shh, shh, shh!” the man who had clamped a hand over Kofi’s mouth shushed him desperately. “You’re making too much noise, man! Guards are patrolling outside, and I don’t want to alert them. My name is Fiifi Aidoo!” Kofi stopped struggling and lay still. The slender man slowly took his hand off Kofi’s mouth and sat down gingerly at the side of the bed. Kofi looked at him in the gloom with a certain level of mistrust. He wondered if more guards were waiting outside, to crowd him and beat him up again. “Fiifi Aidoo?” Kofi asked, puzzled. “The security man you saved from Baluu!” Fiifi said earnestly. “If you hadn’t come around, that man would have decapitated me with that knife! I owe you my life, man!” “Oh, I see now,” Kofi said, nodding weakly. “Yes, I do remember now. But what are you doing here now?” “Listen, I feel really bad about what went down,” Fiifi said in a rush, his voice quite unsteady. “I’ve been thinking about the whole thing, and I remember how I hit you with the baton. I was wrong, man.” “That’s okay, buddy,” Kofi said weakly and sat up in the bed. “Could you please get me some water? I feel so weak, so tired, and I have a splitting headache. I don’t know what is happening to me. I’ve been having very bad dreams, and I keep seeing visions!” Fiifi went to the little fridge in the corner and brought Kofi three sachets of water. Kofi drank all of them thirstily. “Thank you, buddy,” he said weakly and fell back down on the bed. “I don’t understand some things, man,” Fiifi said quickly. “I mean, the director and the security men told me there was bad streak in you. They said you sleep with corpses and kill people for ritual stuff!” “No, no, man,” Kofi said, panting for breath. “That ain’t true! The Director has a personal vendetta against me. That story is not true at all.” “Yeah, yeah, I know, man,” Fiifi said. “Nii Lin told me you’re just an innocent victim. And now all that shit is going down and I feel so confused. The Director has relieved me of my post, you know. He’s my father’s friend, and he tells me he has a new employment for me, with another Company. I start work next week, and so he wants me to leave this place, and that I shouldn’t tell anybody anything about what went down. I knew immediately that there was something fishy going down! And now the issue with Nii Lin and that nurse and that beautiful girl are all affecting me badly!” Kofi struggled up again, his heart beating with trepidation. “Nii and a nurse and a beautiful girl?” he asked, his body going numb. “What are you talking about?” “Shit, you haven’t heard?” Fiifi said and leaned closer. “Shit hit the ceiling today, man! Apparently the senior nurse here, Elsiesie or something…” “Nurse Elsie Ansah, yeah,” Kofi said impatiently. “What happened to her?” “She went to see the top brass, see? To complain about how you’re not insane but the Director is keeping you here. Well, this afternoon they all descended here, top top people from the top government things, man. Seems there’s going to be investigations into the allegations, and so the nurse, Nii and that sweet Abena chick were all forced out of here, man, to proceed on leave. The Director is also out, and that Kankpe woman is now in charge, bro, until investigations are over!” “My God!” Kofi breathed with equal measures of delight and sadness. “So where are they? Why didn’t any of them come to tell me?” “They were not allowed to get in here, man!” Fiifi said tautly. “That Abena chick was weeping, bro! She wanted to see you for just two minutes, but the guards, under the instructions of the Director, I guess, wouldn’t let her! I felt shitbombed, man, really bad!” Kofi smiled in the darkness, and tears came to his eyes. “She wanted to see me!” he said, nodding. “That’s a good sign! That’s a really good sign, yes, yes. You know something, she is right! She’s so right! I have to damn this ABCD shit and speak to Ato, you know, mano-a-mano, get this damn issue cleared up! But first I hear Akweley is gonna get married again. I hurt Akweley bad! Do you have a phone, man? Gotta call Akweley, and beg her for forgiveness. I owe her that much, you know, after all the shit I put her through. If she’ll accept me, I’ll make it up to her. If not, then I guess that is that, and my conscience will be clear as I fight for Abena!” “Hey, hey, hey, slow down, man, what the fuck!” Fiifi said, agitated. “You’ve got more problems, bro! Huge, gargantuan problems!” “What problems?” Kofi asked, smiling. “Bobo Dovlo is out of here! The investigations would reveal how diabolical he’s been! Whichever way it goes, the truth will come out, and he’s not getting out of this, man! I’m out of here, finally!” “So you think, man!” Fiifi said slowly. “That man has been a friend to my old man for a long time, buddy. I know him, and he’s very shrewd, very shrewd. You don’t want to underestimate that dude! He looked all smug and pompous this afternoon, and I knew something nasty was going on. And it was confirmed by Amina to me, this evening, and I just knew I had to wait and see you!” “Amina?” Kofi asked. “Who’s Amina?” “My girlfriend, bro, one of the cleaners here!” Fiifi said earnestly. “She was going to clean the washroom in the Director’s office about a month ago. She said the door to his office wasn’t closed all the way, and she saw the Director and that Doctor, that Kankpe woman, kissing inside the Director’s office! She was shocked, man, because no one even knew they were that close! They rarely speak to each other, man, but they’re bonking…” “Klonking!” Kofi whispered even before he knew he had spoken. “What was that?” Fiifi asked, puzzled. “I said bonking, bonking, not glonking!” “My goodness!” Kofi explained, going numb all over. “Elsie, Nii and Maa Abena are off, and Director Dovlo is off too, but if Doctor Joan Kankpe is in charge, and she’s Dovlo’s lover…” “Yes, yes, bro, then it means the Director is still in charge, and you’re roasted like Tamale pork! To be continued..
7 Aug 2018 | 03:06
hmmmmm,,,, this is bad for Kofi oooo,,, who wil save him,,,, eeeei... Awurade kasa!!!!
7 Aug 2018 | 14:50
Only God ll save him.
7 Aug 2018 | 18:02
That's a very good sign you are not gonna be left alone to go insane really, God is great
7 Aug 2018 | 18:38
God is behind you that is why this issue is unraveling by itself
7 Aug 2018 | 19:41
More trouble for you
8 Aug 2018 | 05:26
mmmm keep rolling on
8 Aug 2018 | 09:12
Ato has got some wars on his wasn't an easy war...but he's on the winning side...defeating those things
8 Aug 2018 | 18:45
Ato almost died in the hands of those nonsense that came to kill him...he was so lucky to survive that...with his new found faith
8 Aug 2018 | 18:52
Kofi kuntunatuatu...even though u have a good heart...ready to love...u never thought of kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa as the first thing of love
8 Aug 2018 | 23:57
It's good 4 u and your situation where there is a horrible hatred against u...when u are in a horrible pit and u found love in your heart
9 Aug 2018 | 00:08
No one taught u love but u have to learn from what is happening in your own life...not even what is happening in the life of others taught u
9 Aug 2018 | 00:19
Maa abena...there is nothing to worry about in this situation...u are doing a good job's just a little time out and your love
9 Aug 2018 | 00:25
Fiifi is giving kofi the necessary information he needs right now...4 he did a good thing 4 him when he was about to die
9 Aug 2018 | 00:42
He saved his life from the hands of baluu...dovlo and joan are into some heartless things...fiifi saw them doing there nonsense things,they thought they are having sex
9 Aug 2018 | 00:49
PASSWORD 2 Episode 37-38 Suddenly it all made sense to Kofi Kuntu! That was why he was being kept at the infirmary, and not getting any better! Instead, although his body was healing from the beating he had received, he was getting worse inside the infirmary! The headaches were frequent and bad. He was thirsty all the time! He had been seeing visions, nasty visions! He felt so disoriented all the time, and his dreams were now horrible nightmares! Doctor Joan Kankpe was slowly driving him insane…on Dovlo’s orders no doubt! “I’ve got to get out of here, bro!” Kofi said hoarsely. “Yeah, yeah, man, but you can’t get out just like that!” Fiifi replied. “The security has been beefed up solid. But I remember what you did for me, buddy, even though I was so mean to you, and I wanna help in any way I can! Do you know they’ve brought Baluu to the infirmary too?” “What?” Kofi asked hollowly. “Yes, this evening, after that meeting!” Fiifi said. “It seemed he was extremely fierce, and so they sedated him and brought him to the infirmary! He’s in Ward B, just across this ward, through that interconnecting door! When I checked that door, it was unlocked, and Baluu is sleeping! He’s not in a straitjacket too. If he wakes up and walks in here…ha, he’ll make you urinate and shit in your pants! He will wring you like Ashaiman laundry bedsheet. In fact, he will rokoto your neck like Abyssinia beads!” “Jesus!” Kofi whispered with fear. “Quick, man, quick! Is there any fire extinguisher around?” “Yeah, a small one is clipped to the wall at the entrance, outside! Why are you asking? I’m telling you about serious things and you’re worried about fires?” “Please, get it for me, quickly, please!” Kofi said with great horror. “Yeah, hey, hey, relax, man!” Fiifi said with some great unease and stood up. Some minutes later he came back with the small fire extinguisher and gave it to Kofi. “Listen, man!” Fiifi said earnestly. “I have seen what is going on here, and it is nasty, very nasty. I’ve been assigned new employment, but I waited to see how I could help you. I can go outside these walls, but you can’t. Please, what should I do? Is there someone you want me to contact? A friend, police, journalist? Just tell me, and I’ll do it!” “Yeah, there’s a man I sold a house to some time ago when I was working with Laryea Odamten,” Kofi said weakly. “You can…” Kofi could not finish because Fiifi Aidoo stood up with a sudden squeal of fear and began to dash madly through the darkness, running like a mad person, clattering into objects in his mad fear, and a moment later he went out of the main entrance screaming with terror! Kofi struggled slowly to his feet and turned, trying to find out what had spooked the young man so madly. And then he saw Baluu. The abnormally muscled giant was standing at the far end of the ward. He had just come out through the interconnecting door that linked Wards ‘A’ and ‘B’. He was wearing only the bottoms of his blue pyjamas, and his muscles shone and bunched in the darkness. He looked uncannily like a terrible ogre in the dim light! Suddenly he screamed madly and hammered his chest with both fists repeatedly, and then he came charging down the ward at Kofi, emitting an enraged bellow. Kofi kept his cool. He picked up the small fire extinguisher and pulled out the safety pin. He rotated the nozzle and kept his hand on the trigger. Baluu was throwing objects from his path with fierce abandon, and then he rounded the bed and came straight at Kofi. Kofi lifted the extinguisher, pointed the nozzle, and sprayed a blast of foaming liquid into the screaming face of Baluu! Baluu’s face changed from maddened wrath to heart-wrenching terror when he saw the extinguisher, and he threw up his massive arms to protect his face at the last instant. “Eiiiii, no be small oooo, no be small ooo!” he screamed shrilly with fear. “He has the white jabujabu ooo! White jabujabu ooo!” His head was lost in the spray of foam, and he fell down with screams of fear, and then he crawled fiercely on the floor away from Kofi. Kofi followed him, and Baluu crept under one of the ward beds and curled up with fear, whimpering miserably! Kofi stood there, his mind racing as he thought of action moves and rejected them. He had no allies now! It was true Maa Abena and the rest were out there somewhere, but none of them knew that Doctor Joan Kankpe was compromised! By the time the investigations were over, she might have rendered Kofi irreparably insane! He stood formulating plans as Baluu remained under the bed whimpering. Kofi knew he had to get out of the asylum, at least for a while, and make other plans. If he got out, he could go to a television station or the press and tell his side of the sordid story. Whatever happened, staying at the asylum was a deadly idea now, something he could not allow to happen. Finally, he bent on one knee and looked under the bed at the terrified Baluu. “Eiii, no be small ooo, no be small ooo!” Baluu shrieked. “Jabujabu is here o, Jabujabu is here!” “Come out, Baluu!” Kofi said, striving to sound harsh and authoritative, but he was too weak to sound anything but frail. “Come out now!” “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “You want to spray me with the white jabujabu o!” “Shut up, Baluu!” Kofi said desperately. “I’m not going to spray you. We’re getting out of here! If you don’t come out I’ll spray you, but if you come out I won’t spray you! Now step out!” Baluu scampered out and stood facing Kofi with fear on his face. “We’re getting out of here, Baluu!” Kofi said, pointing the nozzle of the extinguisher toward the entrance. “We’re going to go to the main gate and get out of here, okay?” “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “Jabujabu wants to vanish!” “Yes, yes, Baluu!” Kofi said. “And Baluu is going to help Jabujabu otherwise he will spray him. Alright, let’s move.” He prodded Baluu in the back with the nozzle of the extinguisher, and the muscled giant took off at a fast run. Kofi was too weak, and couldn’t follow. “Herh, herh, Baluu, wait up! Wait for me, otherwise I’ll spray your eyes with jabujabu!” he shouted. Baluu slowed down, and together they went out of the entrance. Three security guards were outside, and they had guns and Tasers, creeping slowly towards the entrance of the infirmary, evidently drawn by Baluu’s and Fiifi’s screams. However, the moment they saw Baluu, they all turned around and fled with shrieks of fear. Kofi and Baluu hurriedly run to the entrance. Kofi found out that the more he exerted himself, the easier it was for him to breathe, and so he ran harder! He was both scared and exhilarated! Already a deafening alarm was blowing, filling the night air with a terrible deafening wail. He knew that the security men who had fled had triggered the alarm! He had to work fast otherwise he would be surrounded by men with guns. When they approached the main gates they saw four security guards guarding it with drawn guns. Kofi stopped with a groan of despair! Baluu, however, kept moving forward! The guard nearest them fired off his shots, but shockingly, Baluu kept running forward. The shooting guard was terrified now. Obviously, he had been so scared that he had not been aiming his rifle well, and had missed Baluu’s huge bulk! He tried to reload, and Baluu snatched the rifle from him and smashed it across his temple, and the guard fell down without a sound. Baluu aimed a terrible right hook at the head of the nearest guard, and as the man fell down Baluu grabbed him by the ankle and spun him above his head like a rag, and then he threw the guard away. The man sailed through the air and smashed into a small car approaching from the administration block! A side window on the car shattered, and the guard fell down, groaning. The door of the car opened and a night nurse came out and took to her heels with shrieks of terror! Kofi quickly picked up the guard’s rifle and approached the stalled car. There was no one else inside. He could not believe his eyes as he entered the car and threw the rifle and the fire extinguisher in the back. He engaged the drive gear and stepped on the accelerator, speeding forward toward the gates. He saw that Baluu had grabbed one of the guards and was pulling his head up as if he wanted to tear the man’s head off his neck! Horrified, Kofi grabbed the rifle and the fire extinguisher and dashed out, and all the time the alarm kept wailing, and now lights were on everywhere, and more guards were running toward the scene. “Baluu, stop, stop, you’re killing him!” Kofi screamed. “Tell them to open the gates!” Baluu dropped the guard, and the man crawled away frantically, uttering the Lord’s Prayer in a whimpering voice! Baluu turned toward the last standing guard at the gates who had dropped his gun and was shivering, petrified. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu roared. “Open the gates!” The guard nodded and rushed into the security post at the side. A moment later the gigantic electronic gates swung open, and the three metal bars beyond that swung up! Kofi rushed to the car, and Baluu joined him. The approaching guards were firing now as Kofi gunned the car, and they shot out of the gate as bullets whined through the air and ricocheted out off the body of the car! Baluu was screaming wildly with ecstasy, and Kofi was also screaming and laughing and jabbering as they left the Adada Asylum behind! To Be Continued…
9 Aug 2018 | 03:20
Wow.... You did a great job Kofi
9 Aug 2018 | 07:56
haaaaaa,,,, no be small oooooo,,, Baluu is on the loose now,,, how will Kofi control him?
9 Aug 2018 | 10:49
Can’t really believe dis happened. Dat was great Koffi.
9 Aug 2018 | 18:36
PASSWORD 2 Episode 39-40 Akweley woke up to the persistent knocking on her door. She opened her eyes drowsily and looked at the luminous face of the digital clock on the small side-table of the bed. It was 04:10 a.m. She drew the sash of the nightie tighter around her and walked to the door. “Daddy?” she asked softly. She could now hear some faint raised voices, as if someone was screaming or shouting in the distance, and she scowled. “Yes, sweetheart,” came her father’s muffled voice, and she threw the door open and saw him standing out there, wearing a long white gown and holding a pistol in his hand, making her eyes go wide with fright instantly. “Daddy!” “Shh!” Laryea Odamten whispered. “It seems we’re being attacked by robbers, dear. The security people pressed the alarm signal, and I’ve called the police. We need to hide and wait till the police get…” Laryea Odamten stopped because just then they heard a voice shouting out Akweley’s name. “Akweley, Akweley! Are you in there? Come on, Akweley! It’s me, K.K!” Father and daughter looked at each other with absolute shock. “Kofi?” Akweley whispered, turned and rushed back into her room. She drew the blinds and slid the window to one side and looked outside. Kofi was standing out there in the courtyard, wearing sky-blue pajamas and holding what looked like a fire extinguisher. She blinked hard and looked again, sure that she might be dreaming. “Well, I’m going to kill this filthy bastard!” Laryea Odamten said savagely. He had been peering over Akweley’s shoulder, and he had also seen Kofi. He turned away but Akweley quickly held her father’s arm. “Daddy!” she said earnestly. “It’s okay! Let me speak to him!” “Why?” Laryea asked angrily. “That boy is mad! He obviously escaped from the asylum! What’s he doing here, anyway?” “Just let me speak to him, Daddy,” she said, striving to remain calm. “What for?” he asked acidly. “Remember you’re going to get married this weekend!” “I know, Daddy,” she said gently. “It’s okay. He’s not going to change my mind. I’ve written him off. Just let me change into some jeans, and I’ll go and send him away, please.” “Alright, Precious,” Laryea grated out. “But don’t entertain him here, please. How did he get past the security men anyway?” Akweley changed rapidly as Kofi continued to shout out her name. Kofi opened his mouth to shout out her name again, but he heard the locks behind drawn back, and then the keys turned in the security door, and then it swung open, and Akweley came out. He thought she looked even more beautiful than he remembered, even that early in the morning. She was wearing tight-fitting jeans and a hugging white blouse. A white towel was tied around her hair. She moved toward him slowly and stopped a good two paces away, and as she looked at him and he saw the expression of wariness on her face, pain cut through him to the core, and he shut his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. “I’m not insane, Ak,” he said softly. Her expression became hard. “Maybe you aren’t, Kofi,” she said slowly, her eyes beginning to glow with fury. “But to me you are, you know! After everything that I did for you, all the sacrifices I made for you, you were still cheating on me, you bastard!” She had expected him to go hard on her, like he always did when he was at fault, but he licked his lips and remained serious, as if he was trying to find the best way to address her. She saw that he had lost a little weight, and his hair was bushy, but even then he still remained so maddeningly handsome and incredibly sweet, and she fought the sudden urge to throw her arms around him. “You’re right, Ak,” he said in a soft voice. “But I’ve been through absolute hell! I’ve realized that the world is not as beautiful as I thought it was. I am an orphan, Ak, and never knew my parents. They tossed me from three or four foster homes, and I grew up without love! I became bitter, and stupid, and never knew the meaning of sacrifices, dearest.” His voice was earnest as he moved closer to her. “So yes, I cheated on you, Akweley, but I was a stupid, naïve guy, just out to get some fun. I’ve changed now, Ak. This experience has thought me to believe in God, and I came to tell you how sorry I am for all the things I did against you. I’m really, really sorry. You have every right to hate me, but I just want you to know that I’ve changed, for real. If you will give me a chance to make it right, I’ll be the most faithful and caring man you’ll ever want.” She crossed her arms under her breasts and gaped at him. This was a Kofi she didn’t know! Kofi Kuntu now soft and gentle and really showing remorse? Who would have believed it? The old Kuntu would have torn her jeans off right there, pushed her up against one of the pillars and slipped a hard-on into her! But then again they said he had lost his manhood. “So, is it true, all that Ato and that nurse girl told me?” she said carefully. “Is it really true?” “Yes, it is a true story that reads like the worst nightmare, Akweley,” he said slowly. “The Director of the Asylum is a man who wants to drive me crazy, and so I had to escape. I came to tell you I’m sorry. I’ve regretted being such an ungrateful scum. They told me that you’re going to get married. I came to ask for your forgiveness, and to tell you that if you will have me, I’m ready to worship you, because you deserve it. What we have might not have been love, and we may love different people now. However, I could not let you marry without saying sorry to you.” She looked at him for a long time, and then she sighed. “How I wish you had uttered those words whilst you were still with me, K.K,” she said softly. “Right now, it is too late, okay? I’ve found a new man, someone with money, a man who respects me, a man I’m going to marry this weekend. It is over between us, Kofi Kuntu.” He sighed miserably. “Do you love him, Akweley?” he asked. She shrugged. “Love is relative, Kofi,” she said. “Anyway, it’s none of your business. How could you even for a moment, think that I would want to have anything to do with you after all that you’ve been through? My father detests you, and you have been an inmate of an asylum, Kofi. An asylum! It doesn’t matter whether you were framed to be in there, but all my friends know you’ve been there! Even if I forgive you, and accept you back, this stigma will always follow you. My friends will laugh at me, and I would be the recipient of their scorn and derision for having married a man who had been in an asylum, an insane man! I’m sorry, Kofi. We’re through.” He looked very sad for a moment, and when he looked up at her she could see the tears shimmering in his eyes. “Well, put like that, it concludes everything, because I can’t possibly fight against the notion of a wife who will be ashamed to be seen with me because I’ve been in an asylum,” he said, and his voice was unsteady. “Congratulations then, Ak. I wish you happiness with this new man. At least my conscience is clear now, and I can move on with my life.” “You better leave, Kofi,” she said. “Daddy called the police, and they would be here any minute now. I wouldn’t like to see them roughing you up. But why did you escape anyway? You’ll only be captured and sent back, and life would be harder for you. You never seem to get any sense into your head, Kofi. Always the foolish, foolish boy!” Kofi turned away, deeply hurt. To be treated with such scorn, such disdain, such utter contempt by no other than Akweley, seared him right through to the heart, and he had to fight hard against the tears that fought in his chest. He took unsteady steps away and came to a pillar. “Come, Baluu, let’s go,” he said, pointing his fire extinguisher. Akweley gaped, sure that Kofi was speaking to invisible people now. She had wanted to ask him about the fire extinguisher, but she had forgotten. She shook her head, convinced that indeed Kofi was going insane, but just then a man stepped out from behind the pillar. Akweley almost screamed as the man turned. He was also wearing only the bottoms of the same sky-blue pajamas, but this man was a giant! He was not wearing any shirt, and his incredibly massive muscles and pectorals bulged with sheer power! His arms were massive, and his chest was like a mountain! He glared at Akweley with the evillest eyes she had ever seen, making her take faltering steps back with sudden terror. “Ei, no be small!” the giant said in an angry voice. “Lady kelewele, lady atopa, lady topai! Should I break her leg, Jabujabu?” Kofi turned and saw the terrified face of Akweley, and he smiled sadly and shook his head. “Let her be, Baluu. Let’s get out of here.” Akweley watched them leave, and for one wild moment she felt a great sense of loss and sadness, and almost rushed after Kofi. Her father, who had been behind the door, came out, took her arm, and led her inside. For once he was very quiet. He had seen that man with Kofi, and he was absolutely terrified! Kofi and Baluu reached the entrance. Two of the security men were still lying down in a faint; Baluu had poleaxed them when they had refused to let Kofi enter. The third man had fearfully opened the gates. ### Kofi had no money, no phone, and the petrol gauge indicated that he would run out of fuel soon. Baluu, too huge for the car, had gotten down shortly after they left the asylum, and had ripped out the front passenger seat. Now he sat in the front and leaned back, his massive frame lying on the back seat. He had literally filled the car! Kofi drove aimlessly through the streets of Accra whilst Baluu dozed off in the seat beside him. That was another factor. He had wanted to leave Baluu behind at the asylum, but the man had simply jumped into the car amidst the excitement, and with bullets whizzing past them there was no way he could have used the extinguisher to force the man out. He contemplated going to his house and getting some few things, but that was out of the question, for now. His neighbours might have been warned by now about his escape. Secondly, he could not risk Baluu around people. The giant could kill someone. He could not go to Ato’s place too because that would be one of the places the police would stake out. Unfortunately, he did not know the directions to Maa Abena’s house. She would be the best person to help him. Feeling weak, hungry and morose, Kofi parked at a bus station to rest a while. He knew he could not be in the car for long. It would be one of the things the police would look out for. He needed to plan and think about what to do. Kofi must have dozed off, and was awakened by sudden cries and screams and he woke up with a start and looked around him. There was a breakfast stand not far from where he had parked, and people had been having breakfast. Now they were screaming and running away! Baluu was there. There were two boys on the ground with looks of pain on their faces, felled by heavy slaps from the giant! Baluu was gripping the neck of a woman, obviously the seller and slapping her face left and right! “Oh, Lord no!” Kofi groaned and came out of the car and rushed toward them. “Baluu!” Kofi cried with horror. “Let her go at once!” Baluu looked at him and dumped the woman on the floor. “Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “I said foooood, she said go away, and so I hammered her!” Baluu then picked up two huge loaves of bread, two sardines, and then upended some fried eggs from a frying pan into a plastic cup. He turned and looked at the stunned woman still sitting dazedly on the ground. “Ei, no be small!” he growled at the whimpering seller. “Give me some of that oblayo and milk! Put some sugar in it! Make it two! Ei, no be small! Add some water too! I’m also thirsty! If you don’t do it I’ll rip your head off gbraaaaa!” The other buyers had scattered, and the woman obediently stood up, trembling badly, and put the porridge into polyethylene bags and put them in a bigger bag. Baluu took that and turned away. Kofi looked at the woman with regret. “Sorry, madam,” he said remorsefully. “Don’t worry, we’ll come and pay you soon, okay?” He followed Baluu into the car, and he started up immediately and drove away fast. Suddenly Baluu reached over and clamped a hand on Kofi’s neck! He grabbed the steering-wheel and turned it savagely. Kofi stomped on the break as he reached between his things and picked up the fire extinguisher. Baluu let go his neck immediately and screamed. “Ei, no be small o! Jabujabu!” He turned sideways and whimpered with fear. Kofi slowly straightened the car as he grabbed his throat and coughed painfully. He knew then that Baluu was a great liability! He just couldn’t move around town with the ginat! A couple of kilometers later he swung off the main road and followed a rutted track to a school field and a school. He parked the car and went out with Baluu. He made sure to take his fire extinguisher. And then, on the veranda of the school, they took breakfast, and it was one of the sweetest foods Kofi had taken in a while. To be continued..
10 Aug 2018 | 11:42
Narrow escape is one thing that did help this helpless guy to run away from their poison...doing that with his new found bodyguard
10 Aug 2018 | 14:32
His body guard is crazy killer who can kill his boss if the fire extinguisher is not around...baluu is a heartless mad man
10 Aug 2018 | 14:53
It's very risky to walk around with such bodyguard...a lot of security men has to go down 4 this narrow escape
10 Aug 2018 | 14:58
Even in the street...there is trouble to have baluu the baboo walking around...eating a good food after a very long 4 them
10 Aug 2018 | 15:05
Kofi u are running away 4 survival...always watch your back or the lunatic killer will eat u
10 Aug 2018 | 15:12
U have got to be wiser...the police might be everywhere looking 4 u...know the kinda next step to make and where to go
10 Aug 2018 | 15:19
Akweley...u have seen the changes in him 4 real...u still love him but the shame is still there...u have got a choice to make
10 Aug 2018 | 15:23
PASSWORD 2 Episode 41-42 “They escaped?” Director Dovlo barked with demented rage into the telephone. “How on earth did that happen?” “I don’t know, dear!” Doctor Joan Kankpe said from the other end, her voice unsteady and miserable. “Somehow, your plan of putting Baluu in Ward B so that he could attack Kofi failed! It seems Kofi can control Baluu! He used Baluu to escape! I tried calling you last night when the alarms went off, but all your phones were off!” “You nincompoops!” Director Dovlo barked with venom. “I left you just one bloody day and you allowed them to escape? Dearest goodness me! Have you informed the police?” “Yes, dearest,” Joan said miserably. “They’ll capture them, they promised! An alert has gone out!” “I’m coming over immediately!” Dovlo screamed. “They should stake out all the houses, including Maa Abena’s house! Incompetent fools!” He rushed out of his house in a maddened wrath! ### Maa Abena Nyantie, miserable and missing Kofi Kuntu terribly, had had a very bad night. She was worried because they had not parted on a good note, and if he found out that nobody had told him anything he would be very hurt. Secondly, although she trusted Doctor Joan Kankpe, she was still worried that Director Dovlo could reach out and hurt Kofi through some of the loyal employees. She was worried that Kofi was cooped in there all alone. She woke up early in the morning and went to the hall to begin tidying up. Her father, always an early riser, was in the hall reading his Bible. The television was on, but the volume was turned low. “Good morning, Dad,” she greeted. He looked up with worried lines puckering her brow. “Princess!” he said with disapproval. “You shouldn’t be up so early! I know you’re under a lot of stress, but the truth will come out, trust me. Go back to bed and rest a while.” “I can’t sleep, Dad,” she said miserably. “I’m so worried.” “Is it about that fool, that Kofi guy?” She looked at him sharply. “He’s not a fool, Dad!” she said, a little piqued. “He’s just a victim of his own ineptitude! He was lost, Dad!” He shrugged. “Well, he proved he was no fool, in fact!” he said with a little smile. “Story on television early this morning says he escaped from the asylum. He and a murderer called Balloon.” Maa Abena felt a kick to her heart and looked at her father with sudden shock. “Dad, what are you talking about?” she asked hollowly. “That Kofi Kuntu guy escaped from the asylum last night,” he said, gesturing toward the television with her head. “Was on the television a few minutes ago. He was with a guy called Balloon.” “Baluu?” Maa Abena whispered, aghast. “Kofi and Baluu?” She rushed to her room and picked her phone, and put a call through to Doctor Joan Kankpe. The screen said ‘Call Waiting’, and just as she was about to cut it, the Doctor’s voice came through. “Hello, Maa Abena!” she said, and her voice sounded very concerned. “Have you heard from Kofi?” Maa Abena gave a sharp intake of breath. “Is it true?” she asked in a horrified voice. “Kofi escaped?” “Yes, he and Baluu,” Doctor Kankpe said. “They wounded some of the guards severely! But don’t worry! The police are on their tails and they would be captured quickly enough. They went to the house of the woman Kofi was going to marry this morning. The lady’s father has reported them to the police so the search is concentrated on the area. Soon they would be captured.” “Oh, my God!” Maa Abena said hollowly. “Yes, dearest,” the doctor said. “If they contact you let me know okay? I want what’s best for him.” “Yes, Doctor,” Maa Abena said softly. “I’ll let you know immediately!” She sat on her bed for a long time, stumped. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around it! Why had Kofi done a thing like this? With Director Dovlo out of the system, he had been perfectly safe with Doctor Kankpe! Why then had he done this when it looked liked things were finally looking up? Her door opened and her father came in. “Confirmed?” he asked softly. Maa Abena looked dazedly at her father. “Yes, Dad, he escaped with that violent Baluu!” she said tremulously. “Baluu shouldn’t be out of the institution, Dad! He is dangerous and murderous! If he kills somebody out there Kofi would be held responsible! Why did he do such a thing, Dad?” Mr. Agyeman walked to his daughter, sat down beside her, and took her in his arms. “Just pray for him, dear, because I can see you care so much for him,” he said gently. “Just remember that sometimes all things work out for best for those that trust the Lord!” Maa Abena held her father tightly, and she bit her lower lip as tears shimmered in her eyes. The truth suddenly dawned on her! Kofi was at Akweley’s house! She remembered telling Kofi that Akweley was going to get married! It made perfect sense now! Kofi had broken out of the asylum to find Akweley because he didn’t want her to get married! It seemed Kofi was still in love with Akweley! The pain Maa Abena felt at the thought was so terrible that for a moment she could barely breathe! After their breakfast, Kofi took one of the sachet water and was drinking it when Baluu suddenly stood up and began running! “Oh, no!” Kofi cried and stood up. He grabbed the fire extinguisher and raced after Baluu. “Stop, stop, Baluu! The Jabujabu wants you to stop!” Kofi screamed as he ran. Baluu did not heed him. He suddenly veered off into a clump of bushes, running very hard, and Kofi chased him! It was a form of forest reserve, Kofi saw. There were a lot of trees, but the vegetation had been weeded nicely, leaving the trees standing proudly and well-reserved. Baluu was running like a man demented, and Kofi could barely keep up! He raced after him as best as he could, and a moment later he stopped running because he was absolutely out of breath. He walked along dejectedly, sure that Baluu was gone, and sick to his stomach of what the huge giant could do around people. There could only be chaos and absolute havoc! Finally, he came to the edge of the trees, and saw a huge expanse of water ahead of him. It was a man-made lake, and it shimmered so grandly and beautifully in the early sunlight. Kofi saw Baluu. The giant was sitting down on the edge of the lake quietly. Kofi, extremely tired, stopped several paces away to catch his breath, and when he was relatively calm, he moved forward haltingly, going round Baluu and coming to stand in front of him with the fire extinguisher raised. “We don’t have to be here, Baluu,” he said, trying to sound very harsh and in command. “Get up, let’s go, or I’ll spray the white jabujabu on you!” Baluu lifted up his face slowly, and then Kofi gasped at what he saw. The giant’s face was wet with tears, and on his face was the saddest expression Kofi had ever seen on a human being. It was not what he had been expecting, and he took a step back with stunned incredulity. “Whoa!” Kofi exclaimed, absolutely stumped. “What’s going on here, Baluu?” And then, incredibly, abnormally, the huge man’s face cracked open in a sad smile, further disorganizing Kofi. “My name is Baffour Adom Lawer Ugom Utey,” he said gently, and held out his right hand. “My initials form BALUU. I was a professional wrestler, and I was drafted into the WWE. Glad to meet you, my friend Kofi.” “What the fuck!” Kofi whispered and took a step back with fear. “What the fuck!” He thought he was going mad. He raised the fire extinguisher. “Let’s go, Baluu,” he began lamely. “Jabujabu wants you to get up!” And then the giant did something else that stupefied Kofi. He began to laugh gently. “Jabujabu? What’s that, Kofi?” he asked, his face filled with curiosity. Kofi stared at Baluu with his mouth so wide open that he was sure his jaw would hit the ground very soon. Surely this gentle, sweet man could not be the incredibly mad man he had known! This just couldn’t be true! “Am I going mad?” Kofi asked with sudden fear. Again Baluu laughed gently, but it was tinged with a load of sadness. “No, Kofi, you certainly aren’t,” he said gently. “This is my lucid moment. I have been having lucid moments quite frequently nowadays, and I try to hide those moments. I don’t know if I’ll ever make a full recovery because Dovlo had really been filling me with his deadly medicine for so many years now. But I do get lucid moments like this frequently now, and I see things clearly.” “Jesus!” Kofi whispered with absolute shock. “You’re Baluu! You caught your wife in bed with your own brother, and you killed them both! Since the time you’ve been at the asylum, you’ve killed two guards and one female nurse! Hell, you’ve tried to kill me more than three or four times, Baluu! What the hell is going on here?” The giant raised a hand and cleaned the tears from his face. “It’s a long story, Kofi,” he said gently. “But believe me, I’ve never killed a soul. Those are silly stories Dovlo used to keep me in his damn asylum. He has taken me from two previous mental institutions that he worked with, and he developed that false story to make people fear me. I’m aware he injects me to make me violent and absolutely mad, but I haven’t killed anybody. Those moment I try to kill people are times his drugs take total control of my brain and mess me up.” “Jesus!” Kofi whispered with horror and sat down beside Baluu, shaking violently. “You mean you’re also sane? Dovlo drove you mad?” “Well, I’m not mad,” Baluu said gently. “Dovlo has been injecting me, I know, trying to make me mad, and he has succeeded so far.” “Goodness me!” Kofi whispered, numb all over. “Why on earth would he do a crazy and wicked thing like that?” “He was married to my sister,” Baluu said with a sad chuckle. “Not his second wife, no. His first wife was my sister. Our parents had a lot of money, but my sister was in charge of it all, because she was older. Her name was Pomaa, and she fell in love with the wrong man, Bobo Dovlo.” Baluu paused and stared down at his linked hands for a long time, and then he took a deep breath. “You see, our parents wanted Pomaa and me to share everything equally. They died peacefully, seven days apart, after Pomaa’s marriage. Now, Pomaa’s wealth would come to me if she died earlier, and mine would go to her after my death, which was how our parents wanted it, if none of us had children. Pomaa didn’t have any children with Dovlo, but she entrusted him with our inheritance documents.” Kofi was horrified! He knew what was coming, and it terrified him! “She was diagnosed with cancer later on, and she died two years after our parents’ death. I’m inclined to believe that Dovlo might have had a hand in her death, because of what he did afterwards. He gave me something to drink after Pomaa’s burial, and I collapsed. I woke up in a room at the asylum tied up, and that was when he began to give me injections. He made me behave like a mad person, and then I was sent to my first asylum, with him taking care of me.” Kofi stared at the giant with horror. “And all your money went to Bobo Dovlo?” “All the wealth went to him, yes,” Baluu said sadly. “He had been giving me bad medicine to make me mad all these years, and maybe you saw me at my worst. I don’t remember those moments much, Kofi. They were terrible times for me!” “Oh, goodness me, I can imagine!” Kofi said with horror. “He planned to do the same thing to me.” “I’m going to kill that man,” Baluu stated so coldly that Kofi looked at him with fear. To be continued..
14 Aug 2018 | 17:46
15 Aug 2018 | 05:07
Director ur cup is almost full
15 Aug 2018 | 05:45
So he did same thing to Baluu
15 Aug 2018 | 10:29
Dovlo is just a devil walking around like a nonsense...he's so did evil that he never thought about the evil he's doing
15 Aug 2018 | 11:23
Even joan who has joined dovlo in this wickedness...she may receive her own karma when the time comes...they are...
15 Aug 2018 | 11:32
Oh my oh my...Those wealth belongs to baluu the wrestler...he's just a victim of dovlo the devil...things are getting clearer
15 Aug 2018 | 11:40
Baluu is in agony of injustice...this is that moment of his life when meditation takes place...maybe he has just gotten his healing.
15 Aug 2018 | 11:47
Maa abena...fine girl,u do always understand...don't take it to heart...baluu has got a story to tell...kofi has got some explanation 4 u
15 Aug 2018 | 11:53
Kofi kuntusurprisekutu...being the reason why he is out of cage...can be another reason 4 his healing
15 Aug 2018 | 11:59
Baluu the wrestler...try your best to stay healed...u can make it happen...this is that moment of your life,when we talk about your healing
15 Aug 2018 | 12:04
wow!!!! dis director is really a wicked man,,,,, his cup is definitely fill
15 Aug 2018 | 12:34
Time to pay for ur sins Mr. director
15 Aug 2018 | 16:40
Oh my God, the shit is just about to hit the fan. Baluu is a sane man all along and the devilish director kept him at the assylum?!... If these gets out director Dovlo is going to rot in jail.
15 Aug 2018 | 18:30
15 Aug 2018 | 18:35
So Baluu is alright Unbelievable
15 Aug 2018 | 18:57
This Doctor Dovlo sef is an hardened criminal!
15 Aug 2018 | 23:55
PASSWORD 2 Episode 43-44 Before he could utter another word the morning air was broken by sudden screams, and Kofi shot to his feet, and saw a great number of heavily-armed policemen emerging from the forest and coming at them with guns drawn. “Get down on the ground with your hands behind your head!” many of the policemen were screaming as they aimed their guns at them. “Get down on the ground with your hands behind your heads, now! That is your final warning!” Kofi dropped down flat on the ground and put his linked hands at the back of his head. “Down, Baluu, down!” Kofi cried earnestly. “Down, or they will shoot you!” Baluu looked down at Kofi, and tears streamed down his cheeks in torrents now. “I will die my own way, and live my own way!” he said softly. “There’s nothing in store for me if I’m captured again, Kofi. That evil man will not take the chance anymore. He will kill me. Don’t forget my story, Kofi. Let the world know!” “No, no, no!” Kofi groaned from the ground. “Get down, Baluu! He hasn’t succeeded in killing you! We will win this! There’s a committee in place to investigate him! Let’s continue the fight, please, get down!” “Thank you for making me a free man today, Kofi!” Baluu said, and then he uttered a frightening yell, his face suffused with absolute hatred, and charged the policemen. Kofi knew that Baluu was trying to get himself killed! “Noooooooo!” Kofi screamed and got off the ground. “Get down or we will kill you!” came the demented scream from the police. Kofi hurled himself at Baluu’s legs and wrapped his arms around them. The Giant stumbled and began to fall as some of the policemen opened fire! “Hold your fire, hold your fire, goddamn you stupid fools!” Kofi heard someone screaming as bullets zinged past them, kicking up the sand on the shore of the man-made pool. Baluu was still screaming as he tried to dislodge Kofi, but Kofi Kuntu held the legs of the giant tightly, knowing that if he released him the giant would attack the policemen and he would be shot to death! The maddened giant pried Kofi loose and tried to rise, but Kofi stood up, and as he threw himself at Baluu again he felt a sharp pain ripping across his back as a bullet smashed into him, and he was thrown into Baluu’s arms as blood spurted from his right shoulder in torrents! Baluu held Kofi as they both fell to the ground. “Kofi, Kofi, Kofi!” Baluu was screaming, but Kofi remained immobile, his eyes staring sightlessly at Baluu. “It wasn’t your fault, Baluu,” Kofi whispered, and then everything went dark, and his eyes closed. “Eiiiiii, no be smallll ooo, Ei no be small at all!!!” Baluu screamed as the insane version took over immediately. “You killed the Jabujabu? Ei, no be small o, Baluu will crush you all like Adukrom cockroaches!” He was on his feet, and he sent policemen falling left and right as he battered them, swinging his massive arms and smashing them as if they were toys! They could not open fire because he was so near to them, and they were scared of hitting each other. Baluu crushed them, with arms and feet, totally berserk! By the time the policemen finally managed to shoot Tasers into him, rendering him powerless with the electric bolts, and the handcuffs were slapped on him, he had wounded close to twenty policemen! Doctor Joan Kankpe, protected by some policemen, knelt and injected Baluu in the neck, and the giant became limp! Next she walked leisurely to where Kofi was lying on his chest, bleeding profusely on his back. She looked down at him without any concern. “Jesus, Doctor, what are you doing?” a police superintendent, Kelly Hope, asked with fierce eyes. “The boy is dying and you’re just standing there? He’s bleeding to death, for Christ’s sake! Do something about it!” Joan Kankpe suddenly shook herself free from the hatred she felt for Kofi, aware that the police could give a testimony later on against her. She dropped her medical pack and took out a pair of scissors. She cut the material off Kofi’s shoulder and attended to the wound. The bullet had passed through Kofi’s right shoulder cleanly, leaving two holes she had to deal with, and she did it quickly. The movement in the car might reopen the wound, and he would lose more blood, and probably die. “We need to rush him to the asylum so that I can properly mend the wound,” she said as a way of covering her tracks. “He can still bleed to death!” And then, as she was getting to her feet, the remaining portion of the blue material on Kofi’s back shifted lower, exposing a black birthmark on Kofi’s back that looked uncannily like an eagle in flight. Joan Kankpe’s eyes opened wide, and she gasped with sudden horror! She toppled forward, and might have fallen heavily had not the police superintendent reached out to steady her. Doctor Kankpe was aware of their concerned voices dimly as she fought off the unconsciousness trying to assail her. She dropped to her knees again with a little cry. Her right hand trembled violently as she reached down and dragged the material from Kofi’s back further down, and when she saw the strange birthmark she clamped her hand to her mouth with stunned horror. The men were lifting the stretcher on which Kofi was lying, but she held out a hand immediately. “Wait, please, wait, I need to treat that wound again!” The policemen watched with puzzled eyes as Doctor Joan Kankpe cut off the material from Kofi’s back, and then she opened up the plaster and gauze she had put on Kofi’s wound. The gauze was soaked with blood. She took her time now, and she was extremely fastidious as she worked on Kofi’s wound, sealing it carefully and dressing it. The policemen were even more shocked when she touched Kofi’s cheeks with trembling fingers, and then she burst into uncontrollable tears… Director Bobo Dovlo smiled with contented glee at Doctor Joan Kankpe across the huge study desk. “Couldn’t have ended better,” he said with sadistic ecstasy. “Just couldn’t have ended better! Both Kofi and Baluu back at the infirmary, under tight security! Oh, today is a great day!” Joan Kankpe smiled and leaned back luxuriously. “You’re a genius, my love,” she said and leaned forward to fondle his right hand which was lying on the desk. “You were able to kill your first wife and deal with her brother Baluu to take her wealth!” “She was a fool, darling,” Director Dovlo said, his eyes flashing. “That woman was leaving me, you know. She claimed she didn’t love me anymore. We had no kids, and so she was taking all her wealth away. I couldn’t have that, so yes, I killed her with a lethal substance that didn’t show up in an autopsy. Keeping Baluu insane has proved to be so fun, the bastard! He was always harping at his sister, and he is the direct reason why she asked for a divorce eventually.” “My super man!” Doctor Kankpe said with a loving grin. “No one crosses you and goes scot-free.” “No one, darling, no one!” Dovlo said with an evil grin. “I’ve lost interest in making Kofi insane, darling. All the fun is gone! I just want him dead now, just dead! He’s too much trouble! I don’t know how he was able to control Baluu, you know, after I had Baluu put in Ward B to maul Kofi. But that’s okay. Baluu was without medication for about twenty-four hours, and that’s dangerous, because he must have had a lucid moment, and he might have said something about himself to Kofi. So, I want you to inject Kofi with a lethal dose of my drug. Deliver it directly to the heart, darling, and Kofi will be dead in three days.” He pushed the deadly drug toward Doctor Kankpe, who nodded, took the drug, and put it in her bag. “I’ll do that, my love, my sweet darling!” Joan said. “With Kofi dead, you’ll marry me, won’t you?” He smiled at her. “I promise you, darling, as soon as this inquiry blows over, you’ll be Mrs. Dovlo, and the new Assistant Director of The Adada Asylum!” Joan Kankpe smiled happily and stood up. “I’ll fix you a drink then, my darling!” she said and walked over to the bar at the end of the study. She mixed his favourite drink and brought it to him. He took it with a murmur of thanks, and then she bent and kissed him sweetly and warmly. “Feel like some hot session, darling?” she whispered hoarsely, her voice brimming with desire. “Just give me thirty minutes to finish this report, sweetheart,” he murmured and kissed her nipple through her blouse. She giggled and went back to her seat. Director Dovlo took a long pull from the glass and set it down carefully on the small mat, and then he turned and opened his laptop and pressed the power button. He looked up suddenly at Joan Kankpe, and then he looked at the residue of the drink she had fixed him. Dovlo looked at her slowly, his face slack with absolute shock and disbelief! He looked at Joan’s phone, and he noticed that it had been on the desk all along, propped up on its stand and the camera facing him. His shock was suddenly filled with indescribable wrath and a mixture of fear! “What the hell did you put in my drink?” Dovlo whispered hoarsely as sweat fell down his face in torrents. “And your phone! You were recording our conversation, weren’t you? Video recording? What the hell is the matter with you, Jo?” Joan Kankpe stood up, licking her lips nervously. “Darling, what…what are you talking about?” she feigned innocence. Bobo Dovlo looked at her, and then he suddenly lunged for Joan’s phone! She snatched it up with a little cry of fear and dropped it into her bag. Bobo Dovlo snarled, his face losing every vestige of humanity as his eyes bored into her with animal ferocity. “You bitch!” he screamed wrathfully. “He screwed you too, didn’t he? That’s the only reason you’ll betray me like this! You fucking whore! ” He lifted a giant stapler machine on the desk and threw it at Joan Kankpe with all his remaining strength! She had no time to dodge, and the heavy metal struck her in the face, making her moan as she felt warm blood spurting from her nose! She turned to flee but Bobo Dovlo wrenched a drawer on his desk open and dragged out a pistol and pointed it at her. Joan Kankpe was terrified! She was staring death in the face! Bobo should have fallen unconscious by now because of the drug she had laced his drink with, but he was proving to be a devil! It seemed nothing could affect him! But when he looked at her with the gun pointed, his eyes were slightly unfocused, and his lips were slack and wide open, and she knew the drug was taking effect! He was losing motor functionality! The gun, however, was pointed straight at her heart! She was scared, and she held out her hands with supplication. “Darling, please, don’t do this, please, I beg of you!” she said. “Babobasha shilokoss shilomatamma agloshia shinshooor!” Bobo Dovlo drawled, the effects of the powerful drug she had laced in his drink greatly affecting his speech and his vision, making his words all jumbled up. “What, darling?” Joan asked with fear. “I didn’t understand what you said!” “Pasha dolospisho zialili pansharta!” Bobo screamed as he walked like a drunkard round the desk, thick saliva drooling from his mouth, his eyes as wild as those of a lion, fighting the effects of the drug. “Skilo shimpapa! Shooshor!” He fired the gun rapidly, but he was so affected by the drug at the last moment, making the gun tilt downward, and the bullets went into the floor of the library! But with each bang of the gun Joan jumped with fear, acutely aware that if it had not been because of the drug these bullets would’ve entered her body, and killed her! To be continued..
16 Aug 2018 | 17:43
Heartless Doctor
16 Aug 2018 | 21:20
wow what a shocking discovery
17 Aug 2018 | 03:54
17 Aug 2018 | 06:06
Nice one
17 Aug 2018 | 06:09
thank God for Kofi and baluu , Bobo yours just began
17 Aug 2018 | 09:12
Things turn out differently at the last moment, i think Doctor Joan is related to Kofi and am so glad the evil Doctor Dovlo has finally meet his end cos if he is going to wake up, he will do so inside the police cell.
17 Aug 2018 | 09:47
God is wonderful
17 Aug 2018 | 12:03
PASSWORD 2 Episode 45-46 Doctor Joan Kankpe began to scream shrilly, and then she turned and fled toward the door, but he was behind her like a wild beast. “Shooshor!” he drawled crazily. “Whishy dooshier tonkoshisho balatoodan?” He leapt on Joan Kankpe, and both of them crashed to the floor! He was on top of her, huge and heavy, and his huge hands crept around her neck, and he began to choke her viciously. She could not scream and she could not breathe! Death was knocking on her door! She tried to scratch his face, but he kept his head back, and she dug her nails into his upper arms, scratching cruelly, her fingers digging in and drawing blood, but he didn’t seem to feel it! He was just intent on strangling! “Shooshor!” he screamed as his saliva drooled from his mouth and spattered on her. “Youshooshor! Glash, shooshor, glash! Shoo atu kalpa duplash ashooshoo! Shooshor!” Joan Kankpe knew she had but a few seconds to live as the pressure became unbearable. And then, thankfully, the drug did its work at last, and Bobo Dovlo collapsed on top of her in a faint! She pushed him to the floor as she wept uncontrollably and choked horribly! Her throat was so sore! She could barely swallow saliva. She crawled to her bag and took her phone, and called Police Superintendent Kelly Hope. “Yes, Doctor?” he asked brusquely. “Whorszap!” Joan gasped painfully. “What?” the policeman shouted. “I can’t hear you!” “Whorszap! Whorszap!!” “WhatsApp?” the policeman asked, deeply puzzled. “Yersh, Yersh!” Joan said hoarsely. A moment later his WhatsApp text came. SUPERINTENDENT Are you alright? What’s going on? JOAN Sending you location. Bobo Dovlo’s residence. He killed his first wife and drove his brother in law insane. He wants to kill Kofi Kuntu. Pls come immediately. He has a gun, trying to kill me! SUPERINTENDENT 10 Minutes! Joan dropped the phone back into her bag and crawled to the open safe behind Bobo’s desk. She took out all the files in the upper drawer. And then she took the gun, sat very far away from Bobo, pointed the gun at him with the safety off, and waited for the policemen to arrive. *** Kofi Kuntu opened his eyes slowly. He saw at a glance that he was back inside the infirmary of The Adada Asylum. There was an infusion feed in his arm, and he felt a dull pain in his shoulder area. He was disoriented for a while, and then slowly the events that had led to him and Baluu being captured came to him, and he shut his eyes tightly as great depression assailed him. He was back in the clutches of Doctor Kankpe and Director Dovlo! What had they done to him now? He wondered how long he had been under. He turned his head slowly with despair. Sunlight was streaming in through the open windows, and he saw a woman sitting at the far end of the ward keying figures into a desktop computer. She turned her head and saw him, and then she stood up quickly and came over. She was an elderly woman in a cream dress, her grey hair carefully coiffured. “Hello,” she said in a kind voice and smiled down at him. “You’re finally awake.” He looked at her with miserable eyes. “How long have I been here, please?” Kofi asked. “Oh, you’ve been out for two days, actually,” she said, again with a kind smile. “My name is Aidly Boamah, a doctor. I want to reassure you that everything is okay now.” Kofi licked his lips nervously. “I’m not insane,” he said listlessly, and she smiled kindly at him and reached out to touch his cheek. “I know, Mr. Kuntu,” she said softly. “I know. You’ve been through a hell of a time, and I do feel so sorry for you. But, investigations are still going on, alright? I can’t give you much details now, but I want to reassure you that as soon as you’re well enough to be discharged, you’ll walk out of here a free man. We know what Doctor Bobo Dovlo tried to do to you.” Kofi shut his eyes tightly, but the hot tears slowly rolled down the sides of his eyes and fell hard. “Please, tell me I’m not dreaming!” he sobbed. “Your nightmare is over, Mr. Kuntu,” Doctor Boamah said. Kofi could not help it… He began to weep, his body shaking violently as the horrors of the last few months came back to assail him, and news of his freedom washed over him with the balm of precious peace. The doctor stood looking down at him, and then she touched his shoulder gently. “I know you can’t help it, Mr. Kuntu…” “Please, call me Kofi.” “Well enough,” she said with a smile. “You have to get a grip on yourself, Kofi. You were hit by a bullet, and we needed to do some minor surgery on your shoulder. If you shake too much it might affect the sutures and stitches, so try to lie as still as possible.” “And Dovlo?” he asked in a trembling voice. “Well, he was picked up yesterday evening by the police, Kofi,” she said with a little smile. “Like I said, I’m not cognizant with all the details of the case. I’ve just been informed that there is nothing wrong with you. When you’re a bit better, I’ll do an examination on you myself, just a formality, and you can leave.” “Oh, there’s another man here…Baluu,” Kofi said in a rush. “He’s not supposed to be here! For many years Director Dovlo had been giving him bad drugs to make him go insane.” “Yes, dear, we’re aware of that,” the woman said sadly. “But Baluu will have to stay here for a while longer to enable us slowly withdraw him from the medications and work on his mind. Fortunately, he’s been having very frequent lucid instances, so I’m sure that he’ll be integrated back into society very soon. He was asking how you were doing this morning.” Kofi nodded numbly, too emotional to speak. “There’s a man here whom we have allowed to come and see you,” Doctor Boamah said. “He’s been waiting since morning, ever since he heard you might wake up today.” “Ato?” Kofi asked eagerly, his wet face alight with pleasure, and tried to get up. He winced when a bout of pain lanced through his whole body. “Don’t try to get up!” the doctor said sharply, pressing his shoulders down. “Yes, it is Ato.” “Oh, where’s he? I gotta see him!” “Alright, wait a while,” she said and touched his cheek again. “I’ll go and get him.” She left him and went outside. Kofi kept staring at the door, and sometime later Ato appeared and looked down the ward for Kofi. He was looking good in black slacks and a white linen shirt, excellently-tailored. As he walked down hurriedly towards his friend, his face lit up with happiness, and tears brimmed in his eyes. He stood looking down at Kofi, and both of them were silent for a long while, and then he nodded. “Brother!” Ato whispered tremulously. Kofi’s lips trembled as he looked at Ato. “Something we need to discuss first, bro, before anything else goes down,” Kofi said quickly, his expression very distressed. “Code ABCD got fucked up, bro.” He watched with great inner turmoil and pain as the smile slowly disappeared from Ato’s face, and an expression of acute torture filled his eyes. “Maa Abena,” Ato whispered unsteadily, shaking his head numbly. Kofi nodded miserably. “Listen, bro, I’m so, so sorry!” he whispered tremulously. “I’ve never felt this way before about any girl. She’s the one, bro. I love her. I know I have to honour the Code, but I can’t bear to live without her, bro. It is a feeling I’ve never felt before. It is like she is a part of my generic makeup, mehn, like some precious organ, like my heart. The thought of living without her kills me! I can’t give her up, please, bro! I don’t know just how far you intend to go with her, and I’m so sorry for any pain this will bring you, bro! But Maa Abena…she’s my breath. Without her, I breathe not!” Ato was absolutely rigid as waves of pain washed through him. He looked at Kofi, and his lips trembled. “Not even for our friendship, K?” he asked unsteadily, and tears shimmered in his eyes. “No, Ato,” Kofi said, his own pain cracking his face, destroying it. “I’ll do anything for you, bro. I’ll die for you if I have to…but if I’m going to live, if I’m not going to die for you, then I can’t live without her.” Ato looked down at his shoes for a long time, and then when he looked up Kofi saw the raw pain cutting up his friend’s face, and it cut him to the core. Ato had unshed tears in his eyes as he looked at Kofi. “Oh, Ato!” Kofi wailed. “I didn’t know you felt that way too!” “Does she feel the same way about you?” Ato whispered. “I believe she does, bro,” Kofi said dejectedly. “I believe she does. We didn’t plan it, bro. We just lived it, man.” Without another word Ato reached into his pocket and brought out a beautiful glass case, and then he showed it to Kofi. It glittered with the most exquisite, diamond-studded engagement ring Kofi had ever seen. “I was going to ask you whether this is good enough for Maa Abena, before proposing to her, you bastard!” Ato said with pain, and then he put the case on the bed beside Kofi and turned away. “Ato!” Kofi cried with the depth of his misery. “Come on, man! Don’t leave like this! Please, Ato, please! Come back, bro!” “Fuck you, K!” Ato shouted and started running. Kofi watched his friend leaving, and a part of him died inside. As he turned his head he saw her. Maa Abena! She was standing at the entrance of Ward B. She was in her white uniform and cap, and canvas, and she looked just like an angel as she stood there…and even from that distance he could see the tears on her cheeks. She walked forward slowly until she was standing gazing down at his face. She raised a hand and brushed the tears from his cheeks slowly. “I heard,” she said softly. “I really mean that much to you, Kofi Kuntu?” Kofi’s lips trembled. “You mean more, Abena!” he whispered with passion. “You mean much, much more. I need only you, want only you, miss only you…I love only you, Abena.” She sat down slowly by his side, and then she bent her head, and when her lips touched his he almost cried…it was the most exquisite feeling he had ever had. Her lips were so soft, so sweet, so alive! He didn’t touch her. He just received her, and he wished he could stop time and freeze the particles of form so that he could remain like that for many years! Her tears mingled with his, and her heart beat in tandem with his, a perfect piece of rhythm that no composer could ever fathom. It was living. This was bliss…the heartbeats of happiness! To be continued..
17 Aug 2018 | 15:01
wow!!! I really love the way things turn out to be,,,, I guess Kofi is doctor Joanne's son,,,, dats y things changed at d last minute,,, good job u got dia
17 Aug 2018 | 17:50
Kofi is somehow related to Doctor Jo
17 Aug 2018 | 18:25
How is kofi related to Joan ? . . following
17 Aug 2018 | 19:57
Kofi is gonna be a free man after all these pain of fake madness...there was a little war in the bush...baluu has to fight a little
17 Aug 2018 | 20:12
ABCD code is now a fu<ked up thing...trying to break this friends...that has been there 4 each other 4 many years
17 Aug 2018 | 20:17
Dr joan has got her reason to end this heartless devil wasn't easy 4 her but she has to...4 the sake of what she saw
17 Aug 2018 | 20:21
Maa abena...u have got to watch all those with your own eyes...abcd code was fu<ked down...and love has taken over
17 Aug 2018 | 20:26
Kofi kuntuloventuku...u did learn how to cry...u did learn how to love...u did learn about life...u are just hanging around around with your lover
17 Aug 2018 | 20:31
Following Kudos writer Next pls
18 Aug 2018 | 05:44
I really feel for Ato
18 Aug 2018 | 05:50
Wow!, these episode leaves me with missed feelings. Am happy that everything turn out great for Kofi and he finds true love but am also sad for Ato because of the pains he is going through. I pray he lives through it quick.
18 Aug 2018 | 12:13
ATO take it easy, after all the girl had nothing for u. Kofi thank God fervently
18 Aug 2018 | 16:42
seems he got served by his own medicine
18 Aug 2018 | 18:42
What a happy vindication for Kofi but I really feel for Ato disappointment
18 Aug 2018 | 19:58
PASSWORD 2 Episode 47-48 When Ato came out of the little gate and rushed to the car park, he was crying. He felt so betrayed, so uncontrollably hurt. His heart was throbbing, and he could barely breathe! He had been so sure that Maa Abena was his! Their chats and telephone calls had been frequent, and his heart had been in a turmoil. True, he had not really told her how he felt toward her, but this was the one instant he had wanted to be sure, and not to rush. He had not wanted to make a mess of it. She had been happy that he had given his life to Christ, and she had been very encouraging. Before Kofi was taken to the asylum he had asked her if she was in a relationship, but she had said no, she was taking her time! He had not felt so profoundly in love with her at that time, true. However, as they interacted on phone and and through chats, his love for her had grown to proportions he could no longer control, and he had been certain that she would accept him! He had never thought it could pan out like this, no, not with Kofi! They were like brothers, and Code ABCD was law! It was a divine law! He had not expected it from Kofi, of all people! How could he stab him in the back like this? He took out a huge handkerchief and dabbed at his eyes when he got to the car park. He walked quickly towards his car, and then he came to a sudden halt. There was a man leaning against his car. He was dressed in all black: shoes, trousers, shirt and a black Stetson hat. His hands were shoved in his pockets, and his head was bent. As Ato drew nearer he saw that the man was wearing a white clerical collar around his neck. A man of God. This man was a pastor. He stopped and looked at the man because he was leaning against the driver’s door. “Excuse me, sir,” Ato said, dabbing at his eyes with the handkerchief. “That’s my car, please. I’m moving out.” The man looked up then, and Ato saw that he was tall and lean, and that he was also quite elderly. “She’s not meant for you,” the man said quietly. “What?” Ato gasped, shocked to his very bones. He looked around warily and saw that the whole car park was empty. There were cars around, but there was no one else. He was quite spooked suddenly as he gaped at the pastor. “What did you say?” “Maa Abena Nyantie is not for you, Yaw Ato Sey, and she was never meant to be with you,” the man continued gently. “From the onset, she was meant to be your friend’s wife.” Amazing! Ato just stared at the man with indescribable shock. He was further stunned when the back door of his car opened, and another man stepped out. This second man was tall and powerfully-built, and he was the most handsome man Ato had ever seen. He was very young, and he was dressed in black jeans, brown combat boots, and a beautiful white polo shirt. His eyes roamed over Ato expressionlessly, almost disdainfully. There was something very familiar about him; Ato felt strongly that he knew that handsome man somewhere. “H-how d-did you g-get into m-m-my car?” Ato stuttered, and he was getting really scared now. “Don’t be afraid, Ato, please relax,” the pastor said gently. “My name is Pastor Paul Anderson from Portville. This young man is Yaw Boat. God sent us to you, and here we are.” “This one is a fool,” Yaw Boat said as he leaned against the car and crossed his arms, his hard eyes digging into Ato. Ato gaped at him, shocked beyond words, and beginning to get angry. “Excuse me!” Ato said angrily. “What did you say? Who are you calling a fool?” “You,” the man called Yaw Boat replied, unruffled. “You’re a fool.” “Stop it, Yaw!” Pastor Anderson said, but he was smiling as if he found the whole scene amusing. “You were worse when I found you. Remember you were a womanizing fool! You also pushed and used drugs, remember? And you were sleeping with anyone in skirts!” “Maybe,” Yaw Boat said, still appraising Ato with unimpressed eyes. “But I didn’t shit on myself with my first unblind sight.” “You mean Stebbins?” Pastor Anderson said with a chuckle. “From what I heard you peed on yourself.” “Peed, yes, and I also vomited, yes, but I didn’t shit my pants,” Yaw Boat said, smiling now. “And that Stebbins monster was a hundred times scarier than those old demons that made this foolish boy shit on himself.” Ato took a step back from them as he realized suddenly that they were talking about his frightening encounter in his room! Who were these people? How had they known his most intimate secrets, something he had never told a single soul? How was it possible? His eyes were bulging with fear now, and he looked around desperately. “How did you guys know all that?” he whispered with terror. “You better leave here, otherwise I’ll call security on you! Are you two from Mallam Busanga?” The men looked at him, and then they looked at each other, and then they burst out laughing. The pastor laughed loudly, but Boat’s laugh was soft and gentle, like a pleasant rumbling. “How can you call security when you can’t move, or speak?” Yaw Boat asked gently, still chuckling. “Mallam Busanga! Told you this chap is a fool, Pastor.” That was it! Ato was not going to stand there and take any more of this bullcrap! He was going back into the Adada Asylum to bring some security men. But as he turned to leave, horrors of horrors, he realized he could not move his feet! He was stuck to the ground! Ato moved his feet desperately, but he was held in place by an invisible force! He tried to scream, but his lips were glued shut, and he could not open his mouth! His eyes opened wide with terror, and his heart pumped alarmingly, causing the older man to look concerned immediately. He took a step forward and put a gentle hand on Ato’s shoulder. “Relax, Ato, relax, we mean you no harm,” the pastor said gently, and with a warm smile. “We’re here to help you, okay? Those things you saw in your room, and effectively banished, were little agents of the devil. No naked eyes could have seen them. They could’ve killed you easily, but God opened your eyes to see them.” Stop stopped struggling, arrested by the pastor’s calm voice. He looked at them desperately, and realized suddenly that he was dealing with a power more potent than he had ever imagined possible. “People who can see these spiritual demons have a special ability from God called the Second Sight,” Pastor Anderson continued gently. “Yaw Boat and myself have this ability. We’re Unblinds, the name given to people with this ability to see things in the spiritual world.” Pastor Anderson was quiet for a while, and then he sighed heavily. “Your ability is raw, and God has sent us to you to help you develop it, and to allow you to join us. We’re like soldiers of God who deal with evil things. Now, relax. I’m stepping back, and I want to show you something. Your eyes are going to be opened into another plane.” The pastor took a step back, and as Ato watched, horrified, something incredibly amazing happened: The two people began to glow! He saw that they were surrounded by an amazing bright light, and it was so brilliant that Ato shut his eyes and looked away with sudden fear. A moment later he felt the Pastor’s touch on his arm, but he refused to open his eyes. “It’s okay, Ato, open your eyes now.” Ato opened his eyes slowly. The amazing shining thing was gone. “You can talk now, Ato!” Pastor Anderson said. “And you can move now.” Ato took faltering steps away from him now, holding out his right hand. “No!” he mumbled. “No, no! What the hell was that?” “That was something I used to call the Glow, but Yaw Boat calls it the force-field. It shields true Christians from evil, Ato. You don’t have it, yet, but believe me, if you had had it, those demons would’ve fled from your room before you entered. Are you following me?” Pastor Anderson said. Ato nodded numbly, awed by what he was hearing. “God wants you to be an Unblind, Ato. It comes with so much incredible powers! Yaw Boat here has been gifted with almost all powers of the Unblinds. This is a calling, Ato. We will be your teachers, and we will train you!” “To do what?” Ato screamed hoarsely. “Train me to do what?” “Combat evil, young man!” Pastor Anderson said, almost harshly. “Listen, boy,” Yaw Boat said impatiently. “We have better things to do and we don’t have all day. God wants you to join His army of Unblinds. What that means is that you will see things the ordinary human eye can’t see. You will see into the spiritual realm. You will see demons, and you will fight and destroy them. It you agree to be a part of it, we will train you, and you will receive powers and your own force-field. If you don’t want to be a part we will leave, and you will not remember any of this.” Ato took a stumbling step forward, his eyes beginning to twinkle with excitement. “Wow,” he said softly. “You mean, with this power, I can bloskoto people like Mallam Busanga and mess up his demons?” “Busanga is just a tiny inconsequential dot,” Yaw Boat said softly, his eyes serious. “I’m talking about huge, massive demons that would drive you out of your mind.” “Wow!” Ato said, smiling. “Wow! I think I like it! I like it a whole lot! Teach me, teach me now!” “Good!” Pastor Paul Anderson said. “Come with us then. Leave your car. We’ll take Boat’s car.” They turned and began to walk toward a beautiful, sleek, black Escalade parked a short distance away. Ato, extremely excited, took two steps toward them, and then he felt a crimpling pain in his belly, forcing him to moan with acute pain and fall instantly to his knees, clutching his stomach. The pastor and Boat turned toward him. “What’s it?” Pastor Anderson asked with concern. “My stomach!” Ato groaned with agony, and then he vomited wildly on the floor. “Pain! Can’t stand it!” “Call,” Paul Anderson and Yaw Boat said at the same time. “God has an assignment for you, boy,” Yaw Boat said next. “Something you must do before you leave.” “What?” Ato groaned with agony. “There’s nothing I want…wait, yes…my friend, K.K!” “What about him?” Paul Anderson asked with a frown. “There’s a curse on him,” Yaw Boat said suddenly, and his face was suddenly cold and harsh as he looked around. “The devil touched him with a curse. Ato has to break it before he leaves. That is his first call.” “Wow! you received the gift of healing too. Go then,” Paul Anderson said urgently. “We will wait for you here. Go and break it.” “Break what?” Ato groaned in anguish. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” “Just go and touch Kofi, and his curse will be broken,” Yaw Boat said, his voice hard. “Go and touch him?” Ato Sey asked with great pain. “You fool! Who do you think I am…Jesus Christ?” Without warning Yaw Boat stepped forward and gave Ato a shove in the chest. Ato tottered backward and fell down on his hands and knees. “Hey!” Ato shouted, alarmed. “What’s the matter with you? What was that for?” Without a word Boat raised his right leg, and stamped down cruelly with the heavy sole of his combat boot on Ato’s left hand which was splayed on the ground. Ato screamed shrilly as his fingers shattered, the bones sticking out in several places, and blood streaming out in torrents, wetting the hot concrete ground of the parking lot. He looked up at Yaw Boat’s grim face with sudden wrath. “Oh, you mad man!” Ato screamed in anguish. “You bloody fucking mad cockroach! You’ve destroyed my hand!” “Stop your whining!” Yaw Boat said, almost angrily. “Cover your left hand with your right hand! Now!” There was audacious authority in his voice that Ato couldn’t ignore. Trembling, he covered his broken fingers with his right hand. He felt a sharp, violent shock running through him, and his pain stopped almost immediately. He took his right hand away slowly… His left hand was whole! There was no sign that anything had ever happened to it! He waved his left hand with acute wonder, his eyes exploding out of his face. Had he dreamed it all? No! His blood was still on the ground to prove that his fingers had been broken! To be continued..
18 Aug 2018 | 20:05
Hmmm...interesting, continue....
18 Aug 2018 | 20:24
19 Aug 2018 | 04:24
Next oh, am still observing
19 Aug 2018 | 09:11
guess diz guy wrote d second sight story of yaw boat...
19 Aug 2018 | 09:36
Wow....... Interesting, continue
19 Aug 2018 | 11:14
Hey! so Ato is meant for greater things.
19 Aug 2018 | 11:14
the way this two friends has been crying is funny.~and the kids are singing 4 them~cry cry baby i want to see your mommy shame
19 Aug 2018 | 11:50
ato's heart has been broken into pieces~no,it's not into pieces~he's the one that will make into pieces
19 Aug 2018 | 11:55
as kofi kuntuajebkuntu is celebrating his love~ato is in another different thing~something that he knew not
19 Aug 2018 | 12:03
this has really taken anoda dimension oooo @viciyoung
19 Aug 2018 | 12:22
These pastors ato is having a conversation with are strange...the will say one thing...trying to reply them is....
19 Aug 2018 | 14:38
Even ato is becoming confuse with the's like they are with the remote control 4 ato...there is something about this pastors
19 Aug 2018 | 14:45
wow wow, ato u should be happy.... at least your friend will be delivered by u
19 Aug 2018 | 16:05
Hmm na wa
19 Aug 2018 | 16:18
Hmmm this is so serious, Ato a pastor! Can’t believe this.
20 Aug 2018 | 15:13
PASSWORD 2 Episode 49-50 Miracles do happen…Password continues… “Holy cow!” Ato screamed with indescribable excitement and joy. “Holy Mary cow!” “Watch your mouth there, boy!” Yaw Boat said sharply, but Pastor Anderson put a restraining hand on Boat’s shoulder and looked at Ato kindly. “Go on, son,” he said. “You now have the spirit of healing. I didn’t see it, but Boat is also a Seer too, you know, and he saw it. He has all the gifts. Go on, heal your friend and come back. After all, you started it all with that Jamaican Clay.” “Stone, old man, Jamaican Stone,” Yaw Boat said. “Foolish fools. Why they needed that damn thing still beats me.” Ato turned away with a shining face filled with excitement, and he began to run. He stopped suddenly and turned to them. “Hey, please don’t leave me, okay?” he said imploringly. “This is so great! Please be here when I come back, please!” “We’re not going anywhere, Ato,” Pastor Anderson said with a smile. “We came to get you, so we’ll wait.” “Are you sure?” Ato asked anxiously. “That man, that Yaw Boat, he seems impatient and wicked. Maybe he’ll…” Pastor Paul Anderson smiled. “This is God’s will, Ato,” he said with a chuckle. “Not Boat’s call. We will wait right here for one year if that’s how long God says we should wait.” “Oh, thank you, thank God, thank God!” Ato turned and run fast back to the asylum. When he was gone Pastor Anderson looked at Yaw Boat and smiled, shaking his head. “You’re such a bad recruiter, Yaw,” he said. “Did you have to break his fingers? Did I break your fingers when I came to recruit you?” “Nope,” Boat said with smile. “You made me miss a nice time with Elaine though. That was wickedness.” “Oh, yeah,” Pastor Anderson said with a smile. “I remember. That night you really meant to…what’s that word in that Kofi Kuntu’s head? Klonk, yes, klonk!” They both laughed as they headed toward the Escalade. Yaw Boat stopped suddenly. “Oh, man!” “What?” Paul Anderson asked, alarmed. “That fool forgot something,” Yaw Boat said, turned round, and began to walk towards the asylum in search of Ato Sey. “What?” Pastor Anderson asked, deeply intrigued. “All he can say is Yesu bra o, Yesu bra 0!” Yaw Boat said disdainfully. “I wonder how he’s going to cure his friend.” And Paul Anderson began to laugh softly. *** Maa Abena Nyantie took the glass case and looked at the exquisite ring inside with a sad smile on her face. “Two proposals, from two great men, on the same day,” she whispered. Kofi, lying on his back, gazed up at her with loving eyes. “I’m poor, Abena,” he said softly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get out of here. There’ll be a lot of evil tongues wagging about me. I can’t afford that kind of ring now, because I’m poor. And, more importantly, I have an evil curse on me which has rendered me impotent. Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me?” She touched his cheek, and her smile was a wonderful balm that warmed his heart. “We’re going to be fine, K,” she said softly. “It’s not about the quality of the ring, but the quality of the heart presenting it. I know you love me, and that is the most important thing. I’m glad you’ve taken the first step, and you’ve become a Christian and changed from your bad boy ways…and you’ll be shocked at what God will do. All other things shall be added to you, and you will be free forever.” His throat was choked with emotions. He tried to sit up and hold her, but the sharp pain held him back. “Be still, K,” she said gently, putting her hand on his chest. And suddenly the door swung open and crashed close, and Ato came running down the ward towards them, his face filled with a total happiness and joy that filled Kofi with wonder. This was not the heart-broken, angry, bitter, hurt and vengeful Ato who had left them a few minutes ago. Maa Abena looked at him with trepidation, not understanding what was happening to Ato to make him look so radiant. Kofi tried to sit up, but again a sharp pain tore through his shoulders, and he reclined back again with a soft moan. Ato got to their side and stood smiling broadly down at Kofi. “Hey, bro,” Kofi said nervously. “Everything okay with you? Are you steady?” Ato chuckled happily and held out his arms. “The most amazing, stupendous thing happened to me, K.K,” he said, his face bright and glowing with a happiness so great that Kofi began to be a little bit worried. “You just won’t understand! Will tell you all about it later, bro! Just came to tell you that I’m extremely happy you’ve fallen in love, and you won’t get anyone as great as the girl with the eye, Maa Abena Nyantie!” Kofi and Maa Abena looked at each other nervously. “Ato, are you okay?” Maa Abena asked. Ato turned to her and smiled broadly. “I couldn’t be any better, Abena!” He reached over and took the glass case from her and dropped it on the bed. “My brother K.K, that is my gift for you! And now, since I started all this, I want you to have your healing now. I gave you the Jamaican Stone, and now I heal you, my brother!” He gripped Kofi on the shoulder with his right hand, squeezing hard into Kofi’s wound…and Kofi screamed loudly. “Agyeeeeeeeeeeei! Aboa bi ba! You fool? Ato, you craze?” Kofi stuttered as shafts of pain tore through him agonizingly, almost rendering him unconscious. “Ato!” Maa Abena screamed, pushing Ato back with fear. “What’s gotten into you? You know he was shot! Are you okay?” Ato took horrified steps back, looking at his right hand with shock and confusion, his heart beating with great disappointment. “But…bu-but they said I sh-should just t-touch you!” he stuttered with pain, shaking his head numbly. “Forgive us, our bad,” a new voice said, and they looked up and around as a most incredibly handsome man approached them. Ato recognized Yaw Boat, and he went to meet him, his face shattered. “What happened, Mr. Boat?” he asked miserably. “I tried to heal him, Mr. Boat! I covered his wound and gripped it hard, but I only succeeded in hurting him, Mr. Boat!” “Call me Yaw, or Boat, my paddy,” Yaw Boat said. “Don’t worry, it is our fault. We all make that mistake, and mine cost me the life of my father.” There was a note of sudden sadness on his face as he spoke, but then he sighed heavily and seemed to get himself under control. “The powers are not coming from you, Ato,” he said. “It’s from God, in honour of His son, whose name God has made powerful above all names. So, we heal in the name of Jesus Christ. That’s how you do it. You say, ‘I heal you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Or you say, ‘receive your healing in the name of Jesus Christ.’ Go on, try it again! Oh, and you don’t necessarily have to touch his wound.” Ato turned away, quite miserable. Kofi and Maa Abena looked on, quite scared, not comprehending what was happening. “If you touch my wound again I swear I’ll kill you, Ato,” Kofi said with nervous pain. Ato walked forward on unsteady legs, reached out with a trembling right hand and touched Kofi’s left leg. “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, may your body be cured of all infirmities!” Ato whispered. “See you!” Yaw Boat muttered with a slight grin. “Too known kwa.” And Kofi felt it. Something quite strange and complete surged through him, tearing through his body and heart, shaking him, tearing him apart, and he jerked on the bed hard, causing Ato to shout and step back with fear! Maa Abena screamed, and gathered Kofi in her arms, calling for the doctor. Doctor Aidly Boamah came running from the office she had taken over. Maa Abena could feel Kofi jerking in her arms, and then he went quite still, absolutely still. His arms were around her, and he was sitting on the edge of the bed, and then he began to kiss her, fiercely and passionately, and her heart raced as alien feelings rocked her body, making her knees weak, and her heart pound. She was reaching out to push him away, quite alarmed at the strong urge to push him down on the bed and climb on top of him…when her hand brushed something hard and strong and stiff between them, and she stepped back, trembling with sudden awareness, staring down at him with shock! Kofi was shocked too! He was staring down at his groin! The front of his ward dress was stretched fit to bursting with the hardest erection he had ever had! He reached tentatively into the gown and touched his dogo yaro, and ascertained that indeed, it was his own ‘cassava’ which was that rock-hard! It was his alright! A strong, hard, standing, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful erection! He was aware of Doctor Aildly Boamah muttering shocked words behind because she had checked his wound, removed Elastoplast after Elastoplast…and Kofi’s skin was smooth and unblemished at his back, with no indication of his terrible bullet wound! When Kofi looked up, his face was covered with great tears, and Maa Abena was weeping too. Kofi looked round, but Ato and the strange man had already left the room. “Thank you, my paddy!” Kofi whispered as his tears fell. “Thank you, my brother. Forgive me, and may God use you!” He turned to Maa Abena and held out his arms. “Come, my love,” he whispered. “Please come to me.” Maa Abena shook her head and took two steps away from him, smiling and crying at the same time. “No way, K,” she said, her expression radiant. “You think I craze? Until we’re pronounced man and wife I’m not hugging or kissing you again, not with that thing working again. Apuu papa!” And the three of them laughed. Doctor Aidly Boamah stared at Kofi’s raging erection. “Please, cover that thing, please,” she said and turned away, still stunned. “Cover?” Kofi said, laughing and crying at the same time, absolutely bursting with happiness. “Apuu papa! Do you know the last time this thing stood up? I don’t even want it to go down again!” ### It had been the wedding of Akweley’s dreams! It had been with more pomp and pageantry than her wildest ever imagination! The setting alone had been breath-taking! The waterfall background at her husband’s private resort had been amazing! The reception had been on top of the great pool of water! There was a hardened and tempered glass across the pool of water, and the exquisite tables and chairs had been arranged on the glass for the guests to sit on. It had been as if they were suspended on the pool of water! Replete with the lovely gardens and hanging, lifelike angels, it had been tremendous and magical! It had been attended by great and famous people both from within and without the country! Her father had been proud and blown away! Akweley had seen the looks of envy and want on the faces of her friends! She knew it would be all over social media! Her famous wedding! One in town! None of her friends would ever be able to beat it! She was so happy, outwardly, but deep down within her she had still been seeing Kofi’s face, his forlorn look early that dawn when he came to visit her, and beg her to give him another chance! She was beginning to realize that she still loved him hard… But she had to stifle that feeling! She had to kill him and his memory! That life was done and dusted! This was her new life now! Their honeymoon would be a blast around some of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. They were going to spend three weeks in South Africa, then to Paris, Amsterdam, Moscow, London, Dusseldorf, Finland, Brazil, USA and finally home to Ghana! Three months of bliss, of sheer joy! It was beyond her imagination, and she was so ecstatic! After the reception they boarded her husband’s private jet to South Africa. The luxurious plane had a fully-enclosed suite for them. She entered ahead of her husband, and as soon as the door slid shut on them she flung herself at Attah Badu and clamped her lips on his with a groan! But… Akweley was afraid! She couldn’t feel happy! She had a premonition that something awful was about to happen! And try as hard as she could, she simply couldn’t shake off that feeling of dread! To be continued..
20 Aug 2018 | 17:01
Congrats Kofi you're fully back to been a real man
21 Aug 2018 | 04:19
21 Aug 2018 | 05:08
hmmmmm kofi's apuu papa is now working,,, Gud for him.... but akweley I don't pray dat u bcos a widow at such a young age oooo,,, and I really don't blame for leaving Kofi,,,, nobody should,,,, u tried for him,,,, but...
21 Aug 2018 | 06:07
am happy for Kofi and am sure everything will be fine, Akweley I don't blame you and I don't wish u ill bt the inevitable can happen. u allowed your father and friends to influence your decisions
21 Aug 2018 | 06:40
I love ur decision
21 Aug 2018 | 08:31
Thats strange, why is she feeling so uneasy?
21 Aug 2018 | 10:29
Happy for you Kofi
21 Aug 2018 | 10:59
Congrats Kofi. So so happy for u.
21 Aug 2018 | 19:10
@ last Kofi..congrats Akweley..don't even know what to say to u
21 Aug 2018 | 21:52
PASSWORD 2 Episode 51-52 The Password Saga continues now, with some rather unexpected holes for Akweley… Akweley kept seeing Kofi’s face, kept imagining the two of them together on a honeymoon! Suddenly her body was craving his touch, his sensual kisses, the ecstasy of feeling him inside her! Getting to the airport and entering the jet, she only wished it was Kofi by her side, and it was killing her! She just couldn’t have that, and she meant to kill his vision from her mind’s eye swiftly and brutally! She had rejected Kofi, and she was never one to go back to what she had vomited, as the saying went…and so she vowed that there was no way she was going to allow Kofi to ruin her chosen life. She needed to make sweet love with Attah Badu, and that would put Kofi’s memory in the ghost category forever! She was in great hurry now, kissing Attah Badu passionately, hungrily, driving her body into him! He giggled and allowed her to lead him to the huge, beautiful and comfortable bed in the middle of the enclosed suite in the jet plane. They fell on it, kissing desperately. Her hands roved his hard body, down to his groin, and she was a little bit dismayed when she didn’t feel any erection. Well, he might be a little tired, she thought. It had been a hard, tiring and exciting day! But she was going to blow his mind, or yes, and they were going to make great love! She got off the bed, and in a flash she had taken off her clothes, standing naked and ready in her arousal. Her breasts stood out proud and succulent! Her body was tight and incredible! She was wet and greatly aroused, feeling Kofi’s stiff love pole slowly… “No!” Akweley shouted, staring at the bed with tears blurring her eyes. She was not going to allow Kofi to do this to her…never! She gyrated sexily to the bed and fell down on it. Akweley helped him take off his suit, and she pushed them on the floor. She kissed him hard, running her hands over him. He was now in his boxers. She kissed his nipples, chest, navel and went down lower. Still she could not see any erection, but that did not deter her. She would take him in her mouth in a jiffy, and he would be as erect as a Scotland street light soon enough! She grabbed his boxers and pulled them off his athletic legs, and when she reached for his briefs she stopped quite suddenly! He was not wearing briefs! He was wearing sheer, sexy, black panties! Akweley gasped, her face shattered! She closed her eyes tightly and opened them slowly… Yes, her husband, her handsome, wealthy, athletic husband…was wearing black lacy sexy panties! Akweley refused to look up at his face. She was trembling as she reached out and took hold of the black panties, and he lifted his buttocks as she pulled them down his thighs and off his feet. She waited, numb all over! Attah Badu was lying still on the bed, looking at her, but she did not look at his face. She looked slowly at the juncture of his thighs. He giggled suddenly and slowly parted his thighs. His groin was completely shaved. The light was bright enough for Akweley to see that her husband had no penis…but he had a huge, gaping, wet vagina! The tears blinded Akweley as she looked up slowly into his face, and then he burst into raucous laughter, laughing hard with genuine mirth. “Oh, oh, oh! The look on your face, darling! How I’ve waited to see this look of pain on your face! Oh, Lord! This is so divine! I’m so very happy!” Akweley was almost dead! She shook her head numbly as she stared at this man-woman. “Who are you?” she whispered, almost passing out. “Why have you done this to me?” He burst into laughter again and got off the bed. He poured himself a drink from a bottle in an iced bucket and looked at her. “Oh, this is called transgender,” he said, still laughing at her. “This is so bliss! You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this. I’m a transgender species, yes!” “WHY?” Akweley screamed in great anguish. “WHY, WHY, WHY???” Attah Badu pointed a finger at her, still grinning. “Now, that is a good question, my dear girl,” he said and walked briskly to one part of the cabin and pulled a hidden door aside. “Come, let me show you why, my dear girl!” Almost in a trance, almost dead, Akweley stood up and walked on dead legs to his side, and looked into the cabin beyond. There was another bedroom there, smaller, and sitting on the bed was a thin, extremely sad-looking girl. She was wearing a black dress, and she was sitting perfectly still, staring unseeingly into space. Akweley walked into the cabin with shaky legs, peering at the girl, and then her eyes opened wide with shock when she recognised the pale girl sitting on the bed. The girl didn’t appear to see Akweley. She just sat there like a vegetable! Akweley screamed and moved from the girl. She stumbled and fell, and then she crawled to the far end of the room and looked at Attah Badu, standing there naked with his shaved vagina. Akweley was weeping bitterly as she looked at him. “This is Adwoa!” she wailed miserably. “What’s she doing here? Who’s she to you? I thought she was dead!” There was a sudden look of hatred on Attah Badu’s face, and suddenly he threw the glass he was holding with its contents at Akweley, and she cringed with fear. Luckily the glass missed her, and hit the floor and shattered. “Yes, that’s Adwoa Badu, my only sister!” he screamed shrilly, his face maddened with fury. “Your bad father promised to marry her! He made her fall in love with him so badly! He even made her pregnant! When she told your father about the pregnancy, he told her he didn’t love her, and that it was just for fun!” He moved forward, his face now taking on the etched lines of great hatred. “Your silly father told my dear sister that she’s a big girl, and so she should get rid of the pregnancy. When Adwoa came to your house, you were present! You and your father threw her out! Akweley, you drove my sister to the police station, accusing her of being a thief, and she was sent to prison for three months, locked up, for stealing your jewellery, but it was false! You put the jewellery in her handbag!” Attah Badu’s face looked quite maddened now as his hate-filled eyes tore into a hapless and shocked Akweley. “I came down from the states and had her set free!” he continued. “She loved your father very much, and I told her it was okay! She came to see your father again, four months pregnant, and what did you do? You told your father not to worry, and you sent her to a quack doctor for an abortion! And then you dumped her in the streets! When I found her she was almost dead! She never got better! She went crazy, Akweley! You and your fool of a father drove my only sister crazy!” Akweley crawled on the floor with shame, and she grabbed Attah Badu’s leg in supplication, her head bowed, weeping uncontrollably. “Please!” she wailed miserably. “Oh, please, I’m so sorry! Don’t do this to me, please! Don’t put this great punishment on me! Please, forgive me! Forgive my father! Forgive me!! Divorce me, I don’t want this marriage, no, no, no! Please don’t crucify me with this cross, I beg of you!” Attah Badu grabbed her hair and pulled her up, his maddened face staring at her with evil intent. “Listen, Akweley, I now own your father!” he hissed furiously. “I’ve pumped so much money into his business, and now I own ninety percent of his total business! I can destroy him anytime, and he will be ruined forever, and he will wallow in the gutter!” He bent and spoke with the passionate luxury of an starved python, ejecting each word with venomous intent. “This is my vengeance, girl! You will remain with me and take care of my sister! You and your father caused it, and yes, you’re going to be responsible for it! If you can make my sister sane again, maybe I’ll consider and let you go free. But as long as my sister remains insane, you will continue to be married to me!” He straightened and pointed an accusing finger at Akweley. “If you step out of this marriage I will claim all your father’s businesses, and you will be left on the streets without a penny! If you ever cheat on me, I’ll destroy you and you father! Do I make myself clear? The choice is yours!” He pushed Akweley away from him with disgust, and Akweley fell heavily! She was wailing and grovelling, and in an attempt to hold his thighs her fingers dipped into his vagina! Akweley drew her hand away with a shudder of fear, and wiped her fingers hard on the carpet. She began to scream with disgust, crawling away from him like a trapped beast, shaking her head with deep terror. Attah Badu looked down at her with hatred, and then he walked out and slid the door shut, and locked it! Akweley remained on the floor weeping thorns, nails and raw undiluted metal shavings…her agony was that fractious! *** Kofi spent about three hours at the Central Police Station the following Monday. Police Superintendent Kelly Hope had come to the Institute to tell him that he would be needed at the police station to give his testimony in an ongoing investigation of Doctor Bobo Dovlo. Kofi found himself in an air-conditioned conference room facing ten people in the panel. He recognized a few of them. Judge Akwasi Buabasah was present, and so also were Doctors Hassan Braimah and Aidly Boamah. He also recognized some high-ranking police officials. Lastly there was a gentleman in a fine suit seated at the far end of the panel, almost in darkness, but he was vaguely familiar. He was one of the richest men in the country, Kofi remembered, a manufacturer of sorts. They threw questions at Kofi from left, right and centre. Knowing his freedom was at stake, Kofi held nothing back. He knew that he still had a charge to answer at the court, concerning the Sajili scandal, and he knew he could be made to stand trial and sentenced, and so he told them the truth…everything. And after his incredible tale absolute silence reigned for a long time until Judge Akwasi Buabasah leaned forward and cleared his throat. “Mr. Kofi Kuntu, your journey hasn’t been an easy one,” he said, and the moment he said that tears came to Kofi’s eyes again. “However, taking aside the emotional trauma you suffered at the asylum, I can see that you’ve grown from a very selfish and irresponsible young chap, foolish at heart, to a very mature and wise man, someone who will be of great help to society.” There were murmurs of approval from the other members on the panel. “Your testimony has indeed shed great light on a savage and murderous man we trusted with innocent people, Doctor Bobo Dovlo. Your penance has been served, young man. I apologise, sincerely, for all the terrible times you went through. When you step out of this room, you’re a free man. However, that gentleman at the far end wants a word with you, in private, and so we’ll leave you two alone for now. Goodbye, Mr. Kofi Kuntu. I wish you God’s blessings from today!” Kofi could not stop his tears as the men and women stood up in ones and twos, and slowly left the room. The expensively-dressed manufacturer stood up and walked slowly towards Kofi. The man was evidently emotionally affected because his eyes, behind his glasses, were very wet with tears. He had iron-grey hair, and he sat down slowly on the table, facing Kofi Kuntu. “Hello,” he said gently. “My name is Brempong Assifuah.” “Oh, yes!” Kofi said, smiling. “I remember you now, sir! I was trying to place you. Knew you’re a wealthy manufacturer but I could not place you!” The man nodded again, and removed his glasses. He took a handkerchief and wiped his wet eyes and cleaned the glasses slowly; his hands shook rather badly, and Kofi’s eyes narrowed, wondering why the man seemed so jittery. “Oh, yeah, I’ve made quite a bit of money in industry,” he said with a sad smile. “Quite a bit of money. I had nothing else to do, you know. I lost my dearest wife many years ago, about twenty-five years now, actually. She died on the day she gave birth to my son.” “Oh!” Kofi whispered, sad immediately. “Oh, sorry, sir. So very sorry to hear that.” “Oh, that’s okay, that’s okay,” he said tremulously. “She gave birth in a hospital, way down in a village called Obomofodensua, her village. The doctor at the rural clinic who helped my wife to deliver is Doctor Joan Kankpe. I believe you’ve met her, yes, you talked about her in your testimony.” Kofi’s eyes hardened immediately. “That awful woman!” he said heatedly. “She was working with Director Dovlo to drive me mad!” “Quite right, quite right, but you can’t blame her too much,” Mr. Brempong said. “She was in love with the man, you know, and this Dovlo man lied to her that you’re a rapist. Dovlo told Joan Kankpe that you raped his wife and that you’ve been raping girls and getting away with it. Doctor Kankpe’s only daughter was raped and left traumatized many years ago, you know. You can understand her wrath when she heard that you’re a rapist from Dovlo. Plus Dovlo promised to marry her and make her assistant director and all, so she evidently went along with him.” “Still doesn’t’ absolve her for doing anything like that!” Kofi said, shaking his head. “She could have hurt me badly.” “Quite right, Kofi, but as it turned out, she’s the one responsible for exposing the murderous deeds of Bobo Dovlo,” Mr. Brempong said. “She got him to confess on video, and she brought his secret files too, detailing the number of atrocities he has committed, not only against you and this Baluu man you mentioned, but also against a lot of people he perceived as enemies. Director Bobo Dovlo is going to be in prison for a long, long time.” “He is a real beast,” Kofi said and shuddered. “He deserves to be locked away.” “Quite right, he does,” the man answered. To be continued..
22 Aug 2018 | 08:09
That was your daddy.
22 Aug 2018 | 14:45
The strange pastors later came up with something good...ato who is now there member was sent on a healing mission
22 Aug 2018 | 15:19
At first he was a learner...he was like adding salt to injury,adding pepper in the eyes...those pastors has to teach him
22 Aug 2018 | 15:26
Yes he did,he later healed his friend...every sickness his friend has got was healed...including his penis with password
22 Aug 2018 | 15:33
Suddenly kofi's penis start rising,pointing at maa abena's vagina...ready to move in without any excuse but...
22 Aug 2018 | 15:40
Maa abena wanna do it after marriage...yeah,she made her choice...even if she wanna do before marriage,not that moment
22 Aug 2018 | 15:46
storms z over
22 Aug 2018 | 15:51
If she's akweley,she will push anyone around away...she can't control it that moment his penis is pointing at her v@gina
22 Aug 2018 | 16:00
Talking about akweley...she is in trouble right now...the celebrated wedding is a nonsense...she's got a husband with v@gina
22 Aug 2018 | 16:06
Attah badu is akweley's husband with vag!na...he/she is on a revenge mission 4 what they did to adwoa he/hers sister,chai!
22 Aug 2018 | 16:14
Kofi kuntunhealingnku...after your healing...your miracle is coming...u are already a free man...another thing about u coming....
22 Aug 2018 | 16:26
Maa's a good thing of joy that the man u loved has received his healing physically,emotionally and spiritually
22 Aug 2018 | 16:31
Well the man is Kofi's father, if my instincts serves me right
22 Aug 2018 | 18:24
Pay back time for Akweley and her father
22 Aug 2018 | 18:45
This story is some how
23 Aug 2018 | 02:05
I think d man is Kofi’s father, if my instinct is right.
23 Aug 2018 | 14:55
PASSWORD 2 Episode 53 FINAL EPISODE There was a momentary silence between them. “Oh, you wanted to speak to me,” Kofi said with a smile. “Is it about a job offer? God knows I need a job urgently. I’m going to marry the girl I love, you know, a most wonderful girl called Maa Abena. Trouble is, I don’t have even one cedi in my name, can you imagine that?” “That, indeed is bad,” Mr. Brempong said. “We’ll see what we can do about that. But first, what I wanted to tell you about. As I was saying, my wife died a few minutes after giving birth to our son.” He paused again. He was obviously getting quite emotional as he fought back tears, and Kofi wondered what was really happening to this wealthy man. “We had been married for almost fifteen years without a child, and then she got pregnant, you know, and she was a little bit aged,” Mr. Brempong continued. “Everything went well, but she died suddenly with her son in her arms. Well, in the anxiety after her death, when I got to the clinic after Doctor Kankpe called me, I couldn’t find my son. It seemed that in the frantic activities that followed my wife’s death, someone stole our son.” “Jesus Christ!” Kofi said with shock. “You lost your wife and son at the same time?” Tears fell down Mr. Brempong’s face. “Yes, I did,” he said softly. “It was quite a terrible time for me. My younger brother was with my wife at the time. He’s called Abbiw, and he was supposed to have looked after my son. Well, we all thought someone stole him, and I have been living in a nightmare for twenty-five solid years. I never saw my son. Doctor Joan only told me that my son had a mark on his back, a black mark like a flying eagle.” Kofi Kuntu suddenly scrambled to his feet and moved away from the man with a stunned grunt. He took quick steps away from him, shaking his head numbly, too shocked to speak. The man followed him. He took out a white envelope from his pocket and extracted a sheet of paper from it. “Doctor Joan Kankpe called me, Kofi. You see, when you were shot and she was dressing your wound, and she saw the mark again! She knew you were the baby she helped my wife deliver and who was stolen right after her death! The mark at your back really fascinated her since eagles are her favourite birds, and so she never forgot it.” Kofi was dazed, and his heart was beating with a myriad of powerful emotions! Throughout school, that had been his nickname; ‘The Eagle.’ He had even had pictures taken of that strange birthmark, and had used it as for various associations, especially display photos. What was this man talking about? Surely this couldn’t be! “Doctor Joan Kankpe called me, and I came, and whilst you were on admission in the hospital, unconscious, we took your blood sample and we did the DNA test, and it proves you’re my son, Kofi!,” Mr. Brempong continued, unable to hold back his tears now. “But I didn’t need that test, my son! The moment I saw you on that bed, I knew who you were! You look exactly like your mother!” “No!” Kofi screamed as tears of anguish fell down his face. “No, no, no, no, no, no! That can’t be true, sir! They told me my parents died in an accident! I have lived from foster parents to foster parents, who were paid money from a government agency to raise me! I left the house of the last foster parents when I was sixteen years because the man beat me all the time!” “It was my brother’ fault, my brother Abbiw!” Mr. Brempong cried, his tears running unchecked now. “He didn’t want me to have an heir! When my wife died soon after giving birth to you, Abbiw took you and gave you to some people that trafficked in babies! They stole babies and sold them to wealthy people in need of children! But, their car was involved in a fatal accident, and the police found you. Abbiw traced you to the police station and brought some foster parents to come for you, whom he was paying secretly.” “That’s wickedness!” Kofi exploded, the pain in his heart extreme, his face tortured. “Why would he do such a thing to his own brother and his own nephew?” “Yes, sheer wickedness, and I’m really going to deal with him severely,” Mr. Brempong said. “He knew what he did was evil, and he was feeling so guilty! When your first foster parents died, because they were so old, he found new parents for you, but he never showed his face to you or the foster parents. He preferred to work through shady people who pretended to be government people.” He paused and took out a huge, perfumed handkerchief to wipe his tears. “When you fled from your last parents he could not trace you again, and he never tried to find you,” Mr. Brempong continued softly. “When I told him Joan found you again, he broke down and confessed everything! Your own uncle did this to you, to us, to me, my son. Come, Kofi Brempong, come to me! You don’t know how long I’ve longed to hold you in my arms!” Kofi could not speak as his father wrapped him in his arms. He held the man tightly. They could not speak. Their deep, shuddering tears was the only language they were capable of at that moment. ### They went to the cells before leaving the police station. Director Bobo Dovlo was standing at the far wall, but when he saw Kofi and his father standing outside in the corridor he ran to the cell gate and gripped it hard. He looked his age now, old and unkempt! His hair was grey and straggly, his clothes wrinkled and soiled. He hissed at Kofi, almost like snarl of a mad dog. “You bastard!” he whispered with hatred, reaching to through the bars and trying to grab Kofi. “You filthy, stinking little piece of shit! I’m going to kill you!” Kofi looked at him, and then he took a deep sigh, shaking his head sadly. “You’re going to spend the rest of your life in prison, Mr. Bobo,” Kofi said softly. “I forgive you. May you find favour in the sight of God.” “Bastard!” Bobo Dovlo cried and shook the cell gates with fury. “You stinking piece of cunt! Die a miserable death, do you hear me? You and that stupid Kankpe bitch! You will both die!” Obrempong Assiffuah placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Let’s get out of here, son,” he said softly. “This loser isn’t worth it. We have a lot to catch up on. Let’s go to my island. You’ll love it!” “Yeah, Dad,” Kofi said and turned away, and then he looked at his father with a happy smile on his face. “You have an island?” “We, son,” Obrempong said, smiling happily. “Serwaa Island, named after your mother. You’ll love it!” “Oh, boy!” Kofi said, slipping an arm around his father’s shoulders. “Oh boy, oh, boy, oh boy!” “Eat shit!” they heard Bobo Dovlo scream. “Eat shit, Kofi Kuntu! Lick shit! Aboa bi ba! You will die! You and Baluu, and Kankpe! All of you!” “I think that man has been mad for a long time,” Brempong stated. “I’m gonna kill you all!” Bobo Dovlo screamed. “You and Baluu!” That made Kofi stop. He was still as if frozen, and then he turned toward the cell again. “Kofi?” his father said tightly, not liking the look on Kofi’s face. Kofi traced his steps back to Bobo Dovlo and glared at the sick man with fury. “That reminds me,” Kofi said gently, but his eyes remained cold. “Baluu wanted to see you again, and to tear you from limb to limb! But you’re really not worth it. I’m very sad Baluu isn’t here to rip your head off your shoulders, you murderer!” “Eat shit, you turd!” Bobo Dovlo hissed with hatred. “Eat shit and die!” “I forgive you for what you did to me, Bobo Dovlo,” Kofi said menacingly. “I don’t hold any grudges! But this is for Baluu, you bastard!” “What is that?” Bobo Dovlo asked disdainfully. “What is for Baluu, you piece of shit?” Dovlo’s face was pressed into the bars of the cells as he looked at Kofi with hatred. Kofi gathered all his strength into his right fist, and he left fly! His fist smashed into Bobo’s face, hurling the man bag like a doll! Bobo screamed shrilly with pain. He smashed to the floor of the cell, his nose broken and lips broken by Kofi’s blow as blood splotched his face. He spat, and Kofi had the satisfaction of seeing some loose teeth falling from the man’s mouth. Bobo Dovlo was moaning with acute pain now, holding his mouth as blood seeped between his fingers. He looked up at Kofi from the floor, and this time there was terror in the depths of his eyes. Kofi, satisfied and appeased, walked out with his father. *** A month later the incredibly beautiful private helicopter circled Serwaa Island. “Goodness me!” Nii Lin exclaimed as he turned and peered out of the window of the helicopter. “It’s really an island! You’re having your wedding on an island, Maa Abena?” Maa Abena, in her beautiful wedding dress, smiled happily behind her veil, and gripped her father’s arm tightly. Across from her Elsie, the new Director of the Adada Asylum, was sitting with Maa Abena’s proud mother. “Herh, Kofi owns an island,” Mr. Agyeman said proudly. “He’s dosted roff! My son-in-law!” “Technically, it’s his father’s island,” Nii Lin supplied rather unnecessarily. This brought a roar of laughter from the people in the helicopter. Meanwhile, Kofi was at the altar, waiting impatiently. Ato Sey, his best man, was standing by his side. They looked so resplendent in their black wedding suits. The wedding arena was filled with people from all walks of life! It had been arranged to look like a real garden, complete with miniature angels and wild animals posing around the incredible garden. The wedding jingle began, and everyone looked up, and then she appeared. All eyes turned to watch her. Baluu, sitting in the front row with his beautiful fiancée, and wearing a beautiful white gown that would have taken a hundred yards to sew, turned and looked at Maa Abena. “Ei, no be small!” he said with a laugh, and Kofi turned to him with sudden fear, but Baluu and Ato began to laugh at the same time. “Don’t worry,” Ato said, chuckling. “God used me to cure him!” “Are you sure?” Kofi asked worriedly. “When that man says ei, no be small, usually somebody gets hammered!” “Your head wai!” Baluu shouted up at him, laughing. The giant was having such a great time! He had been out of the Adada for almost two weeks now. Kofi, Ato, Baluu and Brempong Assiffuah had had some incredible times on the island. Kofi could not take his eyes off Maa Abena as she approached. She was exquisite, the most beautiful and most amazing sight he had ever seen. He still stared at her even when she was standing by his side. Pastor Michael Crankson, the officiating minister, cleared his throat and bent his head, staring at the front of Kofi’s trousers. “Herh!” Pastor Crankson said, quite taken aback. “Herh! What is that?” Kofi, Ato and Maa Abena both looked down, and saw Kofi’s massive erection pushing out of his trousers. “Kweeerh!” Ato said, giggling. “That’s called jack, Pastor, also known as oluman dade, Kweku domsuro, ogidigidi, ahunu abobirem, police abaa, chuku-chaka train, okukuseku!” Maa Abena began to giggle, increasing Kofi’s discomfiture. “Ei, Kofi!” Maa Abena said, unable to keep her laughter away. “As for this night I’ll get pregnant and give birth to triplets before morning!” “What is wrong with you, young man?” Pastor Crankson said, quite unnerved. “I’ve never seen anything like this all my life as a pastor! Ohooo! Aaaba! Erection even before the vows? What’s wrong with you?” “There’s nothing wrong with me,” Kofi said, smiling. “Please, let’s hurry up!” . THE END. . Visit my website.. For more interesting stories and updates.. Thanks.. . Oh, yeah, almost forgot…. Maa Abena gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, nine and a half months later. Baluu reclaimed his inheritance and got married too. And Ato Sey now goes around doing terrifying things to demons… . THE END AGAIN…! . Oh, yeah, almost forgot… Director Bobo Kofi Dovlo, was sentenced to four hundred and twenty-five years in prison when he was found guilty of a long list of terrible atrocities, including a conviction on four counts of first degree murder… . THE END…REALLY..
23 Aug 2018 | 17:09
I have dis feeling dat mr brempong is kofi's father ,,,,, but akweley's karma is really a bastard
23 Aug 2018 | 17:18
it still remain one end b4 d FINAL FINAL END oooo,,,, akweley and her father saw kofi's massive wealth and dey regretted dia action
23 Aug 2018 | 17:50
Wow..nice story there Can't stop laffin on Kofi's erection @ d altar o
23 Aug 2018 | 19:50
ei eno really b small
24 Aug 2018 | 03:47
Kudos to you for a story well written.
24 Aug 2018 | 04:56
Wow wow wow........ Kudos to the writer
24 Aug 2018 | 06:20
Mr brempong has found his lost son...has found the heir to his wealth..he's missing his wife but having the eagle around brings joy
24 Aug 2018 | 07:46
That wicked brother of his,is now the loooooser...just 4 his brothers wealth he became a fool
24 Aug 2018 | 07:52
Bobo is the real mad man...nothing can save him right now...he's not even looking like he wanna change...that was the end of dovlo the devil
24 Aug 2018 | 07:58
Baluu the wrestler has gotten his wealth back...received a healing from ato,kofi's best man...also gotten 4 himself a fiance
24 Aug 2018 | 08:07
Akweley made the wrong choice...has chosen a husband with vag!na...that was tufiakwa marriage...that was a sad one 4 her
24 Aug 2018 | 08:13
Maa abena made the right choice...has chosen a wise husband right now who is wealthy...that was a real love marriage
24 Aug 2018 | 08:16
Please continue
24 Aug 2018 | 08:20
Kofi kuntumarriagelovinku...u have gotten 4 yourself a precious wife...your penis was getting ready 4 her v@gina
24 Aug 2018 | 08:21
Maa abena...u have gotten 4 yourself a changed and nice husband...your v@gina can motivate his penis...fine girl enjoy
24 Aug 2018 | 08:26
The End
24 Aug 2018 | 08:28
Wow!, at last a happy ending.
24 Aug 2018 | 11:37
This is so funny. Kudos writer, this is a beautiful great work of art. Well done. More pls.
25 Aug 2018 | 19:45
Nice 1
9 Aug 2019 | 00:26
this story is so lovely
12 Aug 2019 | 17:47
Twas really a tough one for at last love conquered.. Nice story
9 Sep 2019 | 18:01
this funny story
11 Sep 2019 | 17:31
Hahahahaha..... Very funny, kudos to the writer
9 Jun 2020 | 08:41


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