

By Thecomely in 24 May 2020 | 16:27
Thecomely Thecomely

Thecomely Thecomely

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Member since: 12 May 2018
Episode 1

Kate and Olivia had been friends since High school, They attended same high school and even same university,
They both came from an average families, They were both hardworking, ambitious and very beautiful too, no wonder they were doing well for themselves as they were not lacking good things of life. Olivia was a successful entrepreneur while Kate had a good job that paid her so well.
The Two friends had different dreams but they share the same notion of marrying a very wealthy man.

"Any man who wants to settle down with me, must be capable and more wealthier than I am or it won't work, I don't want a gold digger or a low life" Olivia would say
"Of course, my friend no time for nonsense, if a man is not doing well for himself, what does he want with successful Ladies like us" And Kate would chip in.

They were high class babes and any man who dared to woo anyone of them must climb a ladder to get to thier level, otherwise they would not take him seriously. Olivia and Kate were both very active on social media especially Facebook, where they don't miss a chance to posts about thier perfect life. They were so happy on social media as they always post PERFECT PICTURES of themselves on Facebook.

On social media, one would think that the two friends were not desperate to get married, but in reality they were in dire need of a rich man who would take away thier loneliness and give them the best things in life. They are both in need of companionship but their ego wouldn't let them admit it.

As time goes on Olivia met a well built handsome man named Fred, in one of her client's birthday party, They started dating almost immediately as Fred seems to have all the qualities she wanted in a man, He appeared wealthy, he owned exotic cars and a beautiful duplex, Fred spoilt her with expensive gifts and he took her to beautiful places. Olivia never missed a chance to post every details of thier relationship on social media and Facebook was on fire, when they Finally tied the knot in an elaborate wedding and went on a trip to Dubai for thier honeymoon. PERFECT and Lovely PICTURES were taken and Olivia made sure to keep her online friends and followers posted.

For a while, Olivia and Fred were one of those Attention-worthy couples anyone who was envious would love to hate on social media. They appeared to be perfect and deep in the love haze and couldn’t help themselves than to show the world how much they Love each other, but after thier returned from thier honey moon, they settled into a more realistic place as they lived together as husband and wife.

Few months later, Olivia started to see the cracks in their marriage. They still looked like they were living their own personal fairytale online, but behind closed doors, they were a total mess and a living proof that no one should believe what they see on social media.

Thier honey moon phase wore off so quickly but Olivia kept faking it, the lust phase died off and reality sunk in. Fred and Olivia got married so quickly as they only dated for few months before they tied the knot. Olivia didn't get to know him better, all she wanted was a wealthy man and Fred appeared wealthy but just few months after, Olivia started to see some important facts about him that she didn't bother to find out before marriage. The worst was that Fred was not wealthy as she thought he was, Fred was just a nobody who was living off his wealthy cousin that stayed abroad.
All the exotic cars and houses belonged to his cousin. Olivia almost dropped dead when she found out but Fred found a way to convince her that his cousin's properties were also his.

Once Olivia and Fred were in the more mundane, comfortable phase of thier marriage, Olivia still felt like she needed to keep up with her online personas. "After all, people were so happy for me thinking that I’d finally found the kind of love I thought I’d wanted and lacked for so long. Its my duty to continue carrying the torch" She had thought

Olivia became obsessed with glorifying Fred and all he did for her.
Every little thing Fred did got so much praise and attention from Olivia online. The small acts of love honestly meant so much to Olivia and most times she would get herself expensive gifts and her husband Fred would take the glory online, but soon she realized that glorifying the sweet gestures and thoughtfulness that should be normal in any marriage, only made Fred feel superior and he started to take advantage of that.

Olivia had thought posting the happy moments would outweigh to rough time she was having in her supposed perfect life.
When Fred and Olivia started to argue and he started exhibiting controlling behaviors, Olivia kept singing his praises online because she convinced herself that all marriages have rough patches and that she should still be grateful for the love they shared.

Even when it got to a point where thier marriage lacked excitement and was more daunting than joyful, Olivia still clung on tightly to those little things and shared them with her social media network as if she was the happiest married woman in the world. The truth was, She was slowly dying inside.
When Fred's cousin who lived abroad began to experience difficult time, He stopped sending money to Fred and he started experiencing money problems, Olivia began to spend her money on Fred.

6 months later, Fred stopped treating her like he used to long before thier demise as he was done pretending to be wealthy and acting up
Olivia woke up one day and in the blink of an eye, Fred had changed. He suddenly stopped being thoughtful towards her, he stopped helping out around the house, he started to demand more money from her. Olivia convinced herself that Fred was her husband and that she needed to help him out a bit, but the reality was that Fred was taking off his mask and showing Olivia the kind of man he truly was.

Olivia wasn't being honest with herself,
Despite how awful she was feeling inside of her marriage, She told herself that she was the problem because Fred convinced her of it. She tried so many times to have thoughtful and mature conversations about what was upsetting her and how they could work together to get back to a good place.

"Fred, you lied to me, I thought you had a good life and you were doing well for your self and ever since your cousin was jailed in the UK, I began to shoulder all your financial problems but I'm not complaining because I love you but the truth is that I can't continue to be fulfilling your financial demands, you are yet to pay back even the 2million I loaned you for our wedding and just last week I gave you a cheque of 1.5 million and you promised to pay back this week but with the look of things you are not paying back anytime soon, I suggest you get a Job or start a business, so the burden wouldn't be so much on me" Olivia had told her husband Fred but he walked out on her angrily without uttering a word.

Olivia tried to make Fred reason with her but it was of no use, He was a lazy man who was fortunate enough to have rich friends, rich family and a rich wife. Fred claimed Olivia was the one who changed and accused her of being unsupportive and out of line. Olivia just wanted so badly to be in a happy marriage so she continued to fake it online to anyone who would pay attention. The likes and comments she would get would feed her ego in the ways her marriage wasn’t.
24 May 2020 | 16:27
Hello guys here is another story help me with register o. Because I don't know people here am new. [hr] [b] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/b] •[url= ][b]Episode 2[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 3[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 4[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 5[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 6[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 7[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 8[/b][/url]
24 May 2020 | 16:32
Ok naw we are with you bro
24 May 2020 | 16:48
Imagine lobbish.. odikwa risky oh
24 May 2020 | 17:57
I don land
24 May 2020 | 18:21
Too much money 4 de account eehh
25 May 2020 | 05:36
My dictionary tells me that "picture perfect is a person with no flaws" .. You married your dream guy not the guy you love.. You live to impress people instead of expressing your true self but u re stil useful as a bad example so nobody wil make d same mistakes again first lady of coolval @LadyG @emmy01 @special @queenprecious1 @royalgold @ele1 new story here o.. Invite sb to invite sb
25 May 2020 | 07:39
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 2 Olivia gave in to Fred's demands when he threatened her with a divorce, She fell into the illusion that they were perfect because of thier online presence. "Money is not everything, so what if I'm giving him my money, he is my husband after all" She told herself No matter how bad things got or how intense arguments became, Olivia believed that they were truly the perfect couple because everyone on the outside looking in thought they were, even her best friend Kate wished for a man like Fred. She had thought that Fred was a successful man and her friend Olivia was lucky to have a man like Fred as her husband. Olivia fell into this character mindset of who she was online instead of who she was in real life with Fred. Online they were perfect and Fred was the wealthy husband who spoilt her with expensive gifts, gifts that she sometimes bought for herself to show off. Olivia posted frequently because she felt she needed to prove that her life was better than what it was in reality. The more she posted, the worse things were behind closed doors. Posting her glorified happiness made her feel as if the chaos that actually existed was minor or all in her head. Olivia had always been such a romantic person and she had spent half of her life searching for that big and deep love story. Because of this, she struggled to admit that her marriage was anything but a fairytale. She thought the more she wrote about it online, the more likely it’d be to come true. Obviously, that didn’t happen. In no time, Kate found love too but she was skeptical about giving her new love a chance. Kate met an hardworking but struggling, fine, young man named Victor, He was so in love with Kate, They had known each other for two years and Kate kept him in the friend zone because he was not as wealthy as her best friend's husband. But when she found out that she was in love with him too, they started dating, Kate was so ashamed to introduce him to her Friend Olivia. She dated Victor secretly. They were both in love, everyday Victor worked harder and little by little he began to make little progress and was ready to settle down. When Victor finally popped the question "Will you marry me?". Kate hesitated before she accepted. She had thought she was making the biggest mistake of her life by marrying a man who was not wealthy but when she thought of the love she had for him and his zealousness, She was not so scared. She managed to introduce him to her family and her parents gave thier blessings. Kate didn't introduce Victor to Olivia, her best friend, because she believed that Olivia had a perfect life with a perfect husband and Victor was no match to Fred. "Olivia would laugh me to scorn, if she finds out that I'm getting married to a man like Victor, I know that we love each other but Victor is still struggling" She thought When Olivia learnt about Kate's engagement and her wedding which was few weeks away. She was surprised. She wondered why Kate didn't post anything about her engagement and upcoming wedding online or tell her about it, She decided to give Kate a call. When Olivia finally called her friend Kate, She congratulated her on her upcoming big day and then She said "you didn't even post your man online, so the whole world would see how happy you are" Olivia uttered "Olivia my friend, I have stopped posting every important details of my life online, who I'm I impressing, I love Victor so much and I'm happy with him and I don't need to prove that on social media" Kate replied but deep down she knew that was not the reason. Olivia had always heard that best relationships doesn't need to prove anything on social media and the first time she heard that saying, She thought it was just what jealous people said of the love they didn’t have themselves, but hearing the same statement from her best friend, she went into a deep thoughts . "When your love is real, pure, and truly happy, you won’t have the time to post every single detail and glorify every small thing because you’ll be too busy enjoying and experiencing that joy to feel the need to prove it to your online world"Olivia thought she silently dropped the call. She may have seemed happy and head over heels in love with Fred on social media, but it was far from the truth. She concluded that Kate had found the perfect man, she wallowed in regrets , "My life has become a charade and it has continued far too long, I post happy selfies, when I'm dying inside but what would I do, My husband deceived me, my life is not perfect, My marriage is not either but I have to look for a way to make myself happy and feel fulfilled" She told herself. The problem with Olivia's marriage was that Fred, her husband was a narcissistic man, falling for a narcissistic man is that they make you question your instincts and your own sanity. Olivia believed that she needed to show her husband Fred more love, try harder, and give him constant ego boosts to improve what they had. She decided to go on a trip to Paris with her husband with all expenses paid from her bank account to celebrate their second year wedding anniversary "This trip would strengthen our relationship and heal our marriage" She had thought. Fred agreed at once to go on the trip and they started the processing and in few weeks they traveled to Paris. Of course she posts photos of thier PICTURE PERFECT family on their trip to Paris and her friend Kate almost died of envy, she wondered if her life would be as perfect as Olivia's with a man like Victor in her life. Kate was not as wealthy as Olivia, She was the first daughter of her family and all the money she made was not for herself alone as she tends to send money to her parent and for her younger ones school bills and upkeep. While Olivia was the last child of her parents, her parents were pensioners and she barely sends money to her parents. Tbc
25 May 2020 | 10:07
Another episode @ladyg @ela1 @harymary and other help me invite others
25 May 2020 | 10:08
My broda man @ele1 they said life is package, i ve seen it o, u wil see one woman sufferin feedin her family will kon out 2 tel her fellow woman dat her hubby gives her 1m every mnth 4 feedin en up keep, all na lie, sha dey kn d type of women dey wil deceived, nt LADYG . World ppl with packaging, odikwa risky o.
25 May 2020 | 10:24
@hemrymary @emmy01 @maths @emrkes @senatordaniel @atermarial @fb-danieledem @hormortiyor @kelly-kelvine @harzaroboy abeg make una cal odas kon o.
25 May 2020 | 10:31
This is a true picture of how many ladies lives, they forget that all that glittering are not gold. @LadyG thanks for the Iv
25 May 2020 | 11:18
@Ele1 I de here gidikpa, thanks man.
25 May 2020 | 11:24
Seated joor @ladyg thanks for the roll call
25 May 2020 | 16:26
*sips wine* @LadyG mah personal padi you have said it all, life na packaging, tats why we shouldnt envy anyone and start finding wetin we no lost
25 May 2020 | 17:50
Wahoooo dis is a big lesson for us all...
25 May 2020 | 18:17
Anyhow sha KATE you have to be strong hojd on, on what you have. Next pis
25 May 2020 | 20:35
Hmm..Olivia Olivia Olivia How many times did i call you This is 21st century Beta wake up
26 May 2020 | 04:54
Real example of suffering nd smiling Olivia dnt wake up yet..wen u discover dat fred has another woman or another family dat wen u will wake for nw enjoy ur sleep
26 May 2020 | 09:53
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 3 Kate and Victor finally tied the knot in a simple wedding but beautiful ceremony and of course she didn't post online cause she thought the wedding was not as elaborate as her friend's wedding. Even when Olivia called and urged her to send her wedding photos, Kate politely declined that she was extremely busy with her wedding party. Olivia who was far away in Paris with her husband for thier supposed second honeymoon, believed her. She was genuinely happy for her friend and She wished she was present but she promised to return with a wedding presence for her. After the wedding, Victor who couldn't afford an expensive trip to Dubai for thier honeymoon, suggested they visit a cattle ranch located at the outskirt of town for thier honeymoon and Kate was so pissed off at his suggestion that she snapped at him immediately. "Are you not ashamed, your mates takes thier newly wedded wives to Dubai and Bahamas for thier honeymoon and you are suggesting that we go to a local ranch, come on Victor, think big, has poverty affected your brain?" Victor felt bad as he stared at Kate speechlessly, For a moment, He shivered in fear, His future is doomed with an arrogant and rude wife. He quietly walked away and Kate was still boiling in anger, Anger that was induced by envy. Envy that was also induced by the picture her friend Olivia posted online some minutes ago, Olivia posted a smiling selfies with Fred at an exotic bar in Paris, She was humble bragging about their love and she even dished out marriage tips and Kate ended up thinking that her own life doesn't measure up to Olivia's. "I shouldn't have married Victor, yes I know that I love him but love is not enough, I won't eat love oh"She thought as tears rolled down from her eyes. Victor was hurt by the way Kate reacted and he vowed to make it up to her. "Kate deserves to be happy, she deserves a better life and I won't rest until I give her the best life she so much desired, everyday I will work harder, I love her so much" he told himself. Few weeks later, Olivia and her husband Fred got back from thier trip and she rang her friend. "Hello babe" Kate greeted "Hi dear"Olivia uttered excitedly. "babe How is everything? How was your trip? I Hope you had a swell time at Paris? " Kate asked curiously "Good, we bless God for safe travels. How are you and your husband?" Olivia entered "we are fine dear" Kate uttered "Babe, I don't like this your new attitude oh, you don't fill me in on things, How was your honey moon? " Olivia asked smiling at the other end of the phone. Kate was quiet for a while and Olivia repeated her question " Babe, how was your honey moon?" "it was lovely, we had a nice time at South Africa" She lied "South Africa? That's nice, I'm so happy for you, Babe I miss you so much, I can't wait to see you" Olivia said excitedly " I miss you more my friend " Kate said calmly and was shocked to see her husband Victor staring at her in disbelief, it was obvious that he heard her lie about going on a trip to South Africa when they only lodged at a nearby five star hotel. Victor quietly walked away. "On Sunday I will definitely pay you a visit, please send your home address" Olivia uttered. But Kate offered to visit her instead. "I will come along with my husband, please send my regards to your husband" She concluded and finally they ended up discussing some other things before they hanged up. On Sunday afternoon, Kate and Victor paid Olivia a visit and she welcomed them warmly, she offered them lunch and soft drinks. She brought out the wedding present she specially got for them, They conversed for a while and then all of a sudden, Kate asked "where is your husband, I will like to say hello to him" and Victor nodded in agreement. Olivia went in to call Fred. He was not interested in meeting Kate or her husband, he heard thier voice the whole time but choose not to come out. Few minutes later, he came out to the sitting room reluctantly and he exchanged greetings with Kate and he shook hands with Victor who was genuinely happy to see him. In no time, Victor and Fred started to talk about sports and other men stuff and Olivia took Kate to her room, She brought out all the lovely items she bought in Paris and Kate's attention went to a shinning gold necklace. She stared at the Jewelry for a while before she finally picked it up. "Wow, this is pure gold, I know it will be so expensive" Kate threw in "Yes, it's almost a million" Olivia said and Kate gave a faint smile, she was somewhat jealous, she wished Victor was as wealthy as Fred but who would tell her that things don't always appear as it seems. Kindly hi ome on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters to enjoy reading from there. "I know it's your husband that got this expensive necklace for you" Kate uttered calmly Olivia nodded "Yes" and she went into a deep thought. "How will I explain to my friend that I got this necklace by myself" She thought After that day, Kate's behavior towards her husband became worst, she talks more rudely to him and she demands what she knew that Victor wouldn't be able to afford, She doesn't miss a chance to remind him of how poor he was and how he couldn't meet her needs. At that moment, Victor could feel his heart being ripped from his body, He was not expecting that Kate would turn into a nagging and abusive wife, who would always bruise his ego. Kate always made him feel like a loser and failure. He tried to be matured about the whole thing. "My wife is right, I need to be rich and famous, this insult needs to stop" He thought "I know that I don't have enough money yet to give you the life you desire but I will work hard everyday and I will give you the best life" he said soberly. Kate felt bad knowing that Victor was probably hurt, but she didn't apologize to him. Victor didn't bear any grudge against her either, Victor loved Kate so much and He was a very nice and hardworking man but He was devastated and broken by the way her wife treated him, he was determined to make money and end the insults. One thing Kate wasn't aware of was that she had ignited a fire in her husband, A fire that would push him beyond the limits he had pushed himself before, from that day he became a changed person, Victor became money conscious and He became extremely busy trying to make money, he was ready to venture into any kind of business as long as it would yield big money. End Of Episode 3 To Be Continued
26 May 2020 | 18:51
Everything is not about money...
26 May 2020 | 19:33
Next please
27 May 2020 | 10:40
Money money money money money money money money money money, where are you?
27 May 2020 | 12:55
Kate u will push ur husband into making money thru illegal means all becos of envy
27 May 2020 | 14:54
Victor please you know you are my name sake don't go and stress yourself because of money i don't want anything happening to you @ladyG biko nu come and beg this man for me
27 May 2020 | 15:52
**clears throat** Comparism is the thief of joy, father of envy and grandfather of delusions, now victor wil end up destroying not only his marraige but the people he wil kil 4 his 4 money.. Envy and lack of contentment is the root of all evil .. Coolval couple @LadyG and @fb-danieledem .... Over here **sips wine**
27 May 2020 | 16:17
KATE you later regret what are doing oo
27 May 2020 | 22:26
Hmmmm @ele1 odikwa risky o, that's y LadyG is nt in competition with any body, if u like use Gold as ur chewing stick, i no even notice u, as i said early dat life is all abt packaging nd that's it.
28 May 2020 | 07:54
Ugo i no fit beg o sha d wife wants cash, make e go ahead do anytin to please her even make e kukuma use her sef do d money, Ewu can coke.
28 May 2020 | 08:00
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 4 Many Months later, Due to the Kate's constant insults, Victor refused to tell her about his recent dealings. "No need to tell my wife about my dealings, when the money comes, I will inform her, then I will spoil her with expensive gifts and shower her with so much money" Victor had thought. And silently and secretly he was making money moves. The new dealings looked promising and it involved him traveling to Ghana, He told Kate about his urgent business Trip and she reluctantly allowed him to go. Four weeks later, The worst thing happened, Kate lost her job and she became devastated, Victor was not back from his trip. With the whole situation Kate was frustrated and she wallowed in self pity with no one to console her, and then Olivia's call came right in. "Hello my friend" She greeted "Hello Olivia" Kate said in a low tone. Olivia sensed that something was wrong. "What's up babe? You sound so down, are you okay? " Olivia asked "I lost my Job today" She opened up "Awwww, so sorry about that, my dear I want you to see it as a blessing in disguise, you have been working for someone, the whole time, I guess this is the time you start working for yourself and become your own boss" Olivia said calmly "come and learn how to run my kind of business, it's very profitable, I don't mind I will coach you and when you have mastered every business tricks, I'm sure that your husband would gladly give you capital to start your own business" Olivia added, while Kate's thought went to her poor husband, Victor and she remembered that he had not heard from him the whole day. "Like how much are we looking at?"Kate asked curiously. "Like half a million or more" Olivia responded and Kate lost words, she was speechless for a while and when she got her speech back, she comported herself, She reluctantly agreed to learn Olivia's business, the two friends talked for a while, before they hanged up. "But how will I get the capital to start my own business?, my poor husband barely afford a hundred thousand, talk much of half a million" She thought. Talk of the devil and he appears, Victor call came in almost immediately, Kate threw all the frustration she was feeling at him, Kate told her husband about everything that went wrong. Victor felt bad when he learnt that his wife had lost her job. He promised to return in few days but to his utmost shock, Kate entered " I have lost my Job, now is the time to start fulfilling your responsibilities as a husband. don't you dare return empty, otherwise just remain where are you" and Victor was dumbfounded and he quietly ended the call. Few weeks later, Kate's apprenticeship began, Olivia took her time to teach her best friend everything she would need to know about her business. And Kate was thankful. One-day, Fred came over to see his wife Olivia at her shop, he needed money urgently and he was shocked to see Kate with Olivia. He wondered what she was doing there "Good afternoon Mr Fred, I know you missed your wife, that's why you couldn't wait for her to return home" Kate teased him and Fred managed to give a faint smile. "Mrs Victor, how is everything? And how is your husband?" Fred asked nervously "we thank God, My husband travelled for business" Kate replied And Olivia gave her husband a piercing look, she had been trying hard for months to get Fred to take up a job or start a business instead of sitting around waiting for her wealthy cousin or friends to send him free money but he refused. Fred knew why his wife was staring at him in that manner but he comported himself. "My love, come I want you to see something in the car" Fred entered and Olivia nodded, they both headed outside, holding hands. Kate concluded that Fred had bought another expensive gifts for his wife as usual. "This man keeps showering my friend with gift, Olivia is very lucky, I wished I married a man that would spoil me with gifts and sweet love like Fred, Victor have never given me a gift, we have been married for close to 2 years now, he is not doing anything about his poverty and he is expecting me to get pregnant in this condition, he traveled to Ghana for the past two months and he had only sent money just once, how will I cope now, when I have lost my job, I know my parents and my siblings will be expecting the money I promised them, oh Lord I wish I never married Victor, this man is not helping my life at all" She thought. As Kate was still in her thoughts, she felt the urgent need to puke(Vomit), she quickly ran to the rest room, she came out few minutes later, feeling nauseous and very weak, she wondered why she was feeling sick but she waved it off immediately at the sight of Agnes, Olivia's manager. "Where is my friend?"Kate asked the middle aged woman. "She left, She would be back soon, she headed to the bank with her husband" Agnes replied "bank? Oh OK. Thanks" Kate managed to say. Kate felt nauseous and tired, her thought went on seeing a doctor as she had been feeling nauseous and feverish for days, her menstrual flow was normal, she was certain that she was not pregnant. "It must be symptoms of malaria, a lot of mosquitoes species had dealt with me ever since Victor travelled, I must admit my husband takes good care of me, in his own way, sometimes, he stays awake to chase mosquitoes off my body and before I would be back from work, he would spray the mosquitoes repellant, I miss him so much" Kate thought as she smiled to herself. To Be Continued
28 May 2020 | 17:31
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 5 The next day, Kate visited the hospital and some medical tests including a Pregnancy test were run on her. She waited patiently for her results, She sat very close to the entrance of the room, when her sight wandered to a man and a pregnant lady, they both walked into the hospital's waiting room holding hands like a couple. One stare at the man, Kate could tell who he was "Fred?, what's he doing here? And who is that pregnant lady with him?"She thought as she kept staring at him and the lady, She stretched her head to see if she could see her friend Olivia but obviously she was no where around there. Kate concluded that the lady might be Fred's younger sister or cousin, as they appeared to be too familiar with each other. Fred gave the pregnant lady undivided attention as it seemed like they were both in a middle of a conversation. Unknowingly to Fred, Kate was staring the whole time, she sat at the entrance of the waiting room. Few minutes later, Kate stood up and was about to walk closer to them, at least to say "Hi" to Fred, When the nurse on duty announced "Mr and Mrs Fred Wilson, you can now go in to see the doctor" As Fred and the pregnant lady walked into the doctor's office, Kate's heart sank, "Mr and Mrs Fred? Fred has another wife?, what about my friend, Olivia? What's going on?"Kate thought, she almost collapsed due to shock but she somehow comported herself. 30 minutes later, Kate was called into the doctor's office for her results and drug prescription, but still She couldn't get her mind off what she saw. "Mrs Victor, the test results proves that you have malaria and...." The doctor paused, He stared into Kate's eyes, to see if she was prepared for the news, she was about to receive and then the doctor continued with a warm smile on his face. "Congratulations Mrs Victor, you are 9 weeks pregnant" "What?, no doctor, it can't be, I saw my monthly flow just last week, there's a mix up somewhere" Kate replied, "Ma'am, it's called implantation bleeding and it's normal, you are 9 weeks pregnant, . Congratulations once again MA. I will prescribe some medications for you, please adhere to the dosage and avoid stress" The doctor concluded and Kate gave a warm smile but she continued to stare at the doctor in disbelief, hot tears of Joy rolled down from her eyes. "I can't believe that I'm having a baby, I can't wait to share this good news with my husband, He had always expected this news"She thought in smiles . She quietly left the doctor's office after a list of prescribed medicines was handed to her. As she returned home, she couldn't stop thinking about Olivia and her jerk of a husband, Fred. "Some men are wicked oh, Fred is living a double life, He has two wives?, I don't think Olivia knows, oh my God, Olivia and Fred had been married for 4 years now" Kate returned home confused. She was somewhat happy about the news of her pregnancy and at the same time helpless and sad for her friend Olivia. She burst into uncontrollable tears when she also remembered her financial instabilities. "This pregnancy would have been a great news, if I still got my Job, now I'm jobless and pregnant, will my husband be able to provide for our little family? God please help My Husband and make a way" Kate said with tears in her eyes. That was the first time ever that she had prayed for her husband sincerely. With the whole situation Kate became emotional too. She kept contemplating on whether to inform her husband that she was pregnant on the phone or wait till he returns and then give him the good news. She was still in thought when Olivia's call came in. "Hello babe" She greeted "Babe how are you doing today?"Olivia asked calmly "I'm okay and you?"Kate responded "I'm OK, thank you" Olivia said The two friends chatted for a while and finally Kate shared the good news. "My friend I'm pregnant!" Kate announced and Olivia gave a loud noise of excitement on the other end of the phone. "Wow, congratulations my friend, Have you told your husband? When is he coming back? You don't have to be alone, you need some one around, let me come over, Fred is not even around, He left for Abuja this morning for an urgent trip, his mother is unwell and hospitalized" Olivia said and Kate felt bad knowing that Fred was deceiving her Best friend. For the first time, Kate agreed to have Olivia visit her at thier mini flat. She was no longer ashamed of her life. "No one has a perfect life after all, Fred might be wealthy but it's obvious that he is a jerk and a liar" She thought. Kate was overwhelmed with the whole situation that she had not observed that Victor had not called her for days. When her thoughts finally came to that direction, she shivered in fear. She picked up her phone and dialled Victor's number and he was unreachable. She panicked as her thoughts went to all those times that she bruised his ego, humiliated him and made him feel bad. "I even asked him to remain in Ghana and not to return empty, oh What have i done? I Hope he has not left me?" Kate thought as she wept bitterly, she kept dialling her husband's number but it was still the same, unreachable. She was so broken and in tears when she heard the door bell. She quickly ran to the door and almost collapsed when she saw who was at the door. "Victor, my love, you are back? I missed you so much" She said immediately and she hugged him so tightly. Victor wondered what was going on, Kate had never been so happy to see him. "Kate, slow down, how are you? Your eyes are red and swollen, were you crying?" Victor asked and Kate looked away "I came home empty handed, things didn't turn up as I expected, I'm not rich yet" Victor said smiling "I don't mind, I missed you, please don't go anywhere, please stay with me, we will manage, I will get another job and we work hard and harder, together, we will become very wealthy" Kate said in tears and Victor was surprised and speechless as he wondered what had happened to his wife. When Victor learnt that he was going to be a father, he was super excited and grateful to God. He showered his wife with kisses and promised to make her happy. Kate apologized for taking his love for granted and promised to stand by him forever. Kate and Victor were in each other's arms kissing and cuddling when Kate's phone rang. It was Olivia. Kate wondered if she was on her way already. "Hello babe" Kate said calmly "Babe, I don't think I could come over to your place today" Olivia said apologetically and Kate told her it was okay. "My Husband has returned" Kate announced and Olivia gave a loud noise of excitement at the other end of the phone. "Babe enjoy your self, my regards to your husband, see you tomorrow, good night" Olivia said and hanged up. Kate tried to get her mind off Olivia's problems and enjoy the evening with Her husband. Victor returned home looking more handsome and overly fresh. He had gained few weights and Kate admired how he looked. To Be Continued
28 May 2020 | 17:55
Nothing is perfect in this world Kate i did advice you to tell Olivia about who are husband really is
29 May 2020 | 06:11
Nothing last forever #Following @LadyG @fb-danieledem @Ele1 @timson7373 @Henrymary Come nd see This one de touch me
29 May 2020 | 06:13
Thank you have come back to your sences, congrats for your belle
29 May 2020 | 06:14
You don't know the value of what you have until you lose it...
29 May 2020 | 06:48
Things are getting better for you Victor... And for your friend am so sorry for her because everything that is shining is not a gold...
29 May 2020 | 07:00
Hmmmm Kate thank goodness u ve received ur brain bk wey goat chop remain 4 u. Olivia i pity u o, my husband this my husband that, ngwanu e don shaly. Ugonna @ugonnadeyoungestwriter wetin dey touch u there?
29 May 2020 | 07:23
29 May 2020 | 09:48
@ugonnadeyoungest writer you re sighted .. This life no balance at all.. Kate thank God that God showed you that scene before it was 2 late, there's no perfect marraige anywhere in the world.. No perfect relationship is real and no real relationship is perfect
29 May 2020 | 09:56
@ladyG my love you nah..i have thought,thought and thought and came to the conclusion that my love 4 u is indespensible,immeasurable,unconditional and passionate not even anyone that stop me from loving you..come let us draw a perfect picture for ourselves
29 May 2020 | 10:15
Good decision Kate..hope u continue to make more of this
29 May 2020 | 12:54
At kate just value what you and at the end things we be better @ugonnavictor i dey observe d matter ni 00 hqe
29 May 2020 | 17:37
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 6 Kate woke up the next morning, feeling happier than ever. She was contented and Happy to have her husband back. Kate and Victor sat down to a delicious breakfast that Victor specially prepared and afterwards Victor told Kate to get prepared that they would be going out. "Where are we going to?"Kate asked curiously "Don't worry, you will soon find out" Victor said mischievously and he smiled. Few hours later, Victor and Kate were sighted inside a cab, Kate was still unaware of thier destination, all Victor told the cab driver was "Take us to Yale Estate Phase 1" And all through the journey, Kate wondered what was happening at Yale Estate Phase 1" Victor was not willing to give her a hint, Kate was so eager to find out. Despite the air condition in the cab, she was tensed, nervous, sweaty and nauseous. "Lord please let this surprise be good, I don't want to be disappointed, please Lord" She thought. Victor knew that she was feeling uneasy, he smiled each time he looked into her eyes. He held her hands. "My love, Don't you trust me?"Victor said lovingly. Kate was speechless for a while and then her thoughts went to Fred, a man who showered her friend Olivia with so much love and expensive gifts but turned out to be a jerk, a liar and a cheat. "My Husband, I love you but trust is another thing oh, I love you so much my love" Kate entered and Victor laughed so hard. "You mean you don't trust me but you love me? Hmmm" Victor said in smiles and Kate nodded "Yes" Kate and Victor were still debating on love and trust, when the cab driver told them that they had arrived Yale Estate gate. "Are you dropping off here or you want me to drive in? "The Cab driver asked "Please drive in And stop at house 52" Victor responded and smiled as he caught Kate staring at him confusingly. Finally they arrived house 52, a very beautiful duplex, as they got down from the Cab and paid the Cab driver off, Kate wondered what was going on, Victor took her hands and they walked into the beautiful building, the gate was opened as if someone knew that they were coming. They walked into the stairs and then a lovely balcony and then to the living room, two men were standing beside the Door waiting for them. The two men immediately greeted Victor and Kate. Kate stared at them speechlessly "my love, these gentlemen are estate agents. And this duplex is our new home" Victor said lovingly Kate was shocked, "Are you kidding me? My love you know that I'm not feeling well, I'm weak and nauseous because of my pregnancy, please stop joking around" Kate said calmly and Victor assured him that he was not joking around. "Honey, This is our new home, come take a look, it's a duplex Situated in a calm and beautiful estate with 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchen, 2 dinning room, 1 lounge, 1 cabinet space, 2 bathroom, Terrace, Airconditioning,Pool, Cctv camera and it's all yours, I bought this house on your name" Victor said nicely and Kate burst into tears. The two Estate agents left quietly as Kate cried, Victor was shocked, She wondered why Kate was crying instead of rejoicing, "this is what she had always wanted, a wealthy husband" Victor thought. He held Kate's arms and enquired why she was in tears. "I have pushed you into committing crimes, how could you afford to buy this house? It's obvious that's it's expensive, what did you do to make much money? Tell me, I won't be angry cause it's my fault, I mounted so much pressure on you, please forgive me" Kate said in tears and Victor smiled and hugged her. "Yes I became so desperate, I ventured into alot of illegal deals but at the last minute, I changed my mind, I met a friend who taught me Forex trading and in four weeks, I made it big, don't be hard on yourself, I'm your husband and I need to take care of you, actually your constant nagging and pressure pushed me to succeed, I love you so much and I'm never angry at you, you are my wife and only you had the right to trouble me" Victor said as he wiped tears from his wife's eyes and made her feel better. The couple took a tour around thier new house, Kate hugged him when they were done with thier little tour. "Thank you, I love it" Kate said excitedly and Victor smiled, for the first time he felt like a real man. Kate's beautiful smile melted his heart. In few minutes, A beautiful Lady arrived and Victor introduced her to Kate as the interior decorator who would turn thier new house into a beautiful home with her creative designs. The young lady came with an estimate of what she needed and Victor quickly transferred the needed money to her account. "Please start working immediately, I want to move in with my beautiful wife, hopefully by next week" Victor said at once Kate stared at Victor the whole time he was conversing with the interior decorator, Victor had really changed, he spoke with confidence and authority, Money indeed is power and it's brings respect. Few hours later, Kate and Victor were in a car shop, Victor paid for two brand new cars, one for Kate and the other for himself. Kate was speechless and at time happy that Victor was now a wealthy man. "Lord bless My Husband with a long life, let me deliver safely and enjoy my marriage always, thank you for turning things around, I also pray for my friend, Olivia comfort her and reveal to her the secret, that she should know about her husband, I don't want to tell her that I saw Fred with his other wife, I will be held responsible if anything bad happens to her" Kate said within her. Kate and Victor were done at the car shop, when Olivia's call came in. Kate picked up immediately. "Hello babe" she greeted "Hello Kate, please come and take me away from here, please I need you" Olivia said in tears "What happened? Why are you crying? Where are you? " Kate asked at once "Give me that phone now, you good for nothing" a familiar voice said at the other end of the phone. And Kate could figure out who it was, her husband Fred and before she could say "Jack", The call ended. Kate turned pale and Victor wondered what had happened. "My love, Olivia is in trouble, please let's go to her house" Kate said at once. Victor got so scared at the mention of trouble that he drove off heading to Olivia's house in one of thier new car. To Be Continued
29 May 2020 | 18:10
I hope Olivia comes out of it
30 May 2020 | 02:21
thank god 4 victor
30 May 2020 | 08:34
I really thank God for you Victor, at least things are really turning around now for your good...
30 May 2020 | 09:41
Thank GOD for victor Our GOD is a wonderful working GOD AT KATE
30 May 2020 | 11:38
Thank God Victor has finnally made it, ndkate realized her mistakes b4 it was too late.
30 May 2020 | 14:17
**clears throat** thats the power of patience, i hope our lady reading this wil realise Rome wasnt built in a day, not every lady would be as lucky as kate, if you re nt sure of your husband or his future, visit a cleric or an ifa priest for "findings" @ladyg @emmy01 @lawman-2 invite others, the house warming party of kate and victor coming soon *sips wine*
30 May 2020 | 14:36
@henrymary @fb-danieledem @atermarial make una show like tv
30 May 2020 | 14:39
I also hope olivia come out of her one sided love marriage safely..and even if she does it would be hard for her cos d heartbreak can be killimg..
30 May 2020 | 14:53
Hmmmm Kate so hapi 4 u o. My dear @ele1 na make we woman get some sense o, look at olivia's life nw.
30 May 2020 | 16:39
Your life is way better than your friend's own. Next please
30 May 2020 | 18:06
@ugonnadeyoungestwrter dey thought it very well by d time persi go break ur left leg 4 u na dat time u go thought well.
31 May 2020 | 13:35
wetin happen na @thecomely com post na
3 Jun 2020 | 10:22
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 6 Kate woke up the next morning, feeling happier than ever. She was contented and Happy to have her husband back. Kate and Victor sat down to a delicious breakfast that Victor specially prepared and afterwards Victor told Kate to get prepared that they would be going out. "Where are we going to?"Kate asked curiously "Don't worry, you will soon find out" Victor said mischievously and he smiled. Few hours later, Victor and Kate were sighted inside a cab, Kate was still unaware of thier destination, all Victor told the cab driver was "Take us to Yale Estate Phase 1" And all through the journey, Kate wondered what was happening at Yale Estate Phase 1" Victor was not willing to give her a hint, Kate was so eager to find out. Despite the air condition in the cab, she was tensed, nervous, sweaty and nauseous. "Lord please let this surprise be good, I don't want to be disappointed, please Lord" She thought. Victor knew that she was feeling uneasy, he smiled each time he looked into her eyes. He held her hands. "My love, Don't you trust me?"Victor said lovingly. Kate was speechless for a while and then her thoughts went to Fred, a man who showered her friend Olivia with so much love and expensive gifts but turned out to be a jerk, a liar and a cheat. "My Husband, I love you but trust is another thing oh, I love you so much my love" Kate entered and Victor laughed so hard. "You mean you don't trust me but you love me? Hmmm" Victor said in smiles and Kate nodded "Yes" Kate and Victor were still debating on love and trust, when the cab driver told them that they had arrived Yale Estate gate. "Are you dropping off here or you want me to drive in? "The Cab driver asked "Please drive in And stop at house 52" Victor responded and smiled as he caught Kate staring at him confusingly. Finally they arrived house 52, a very beautiful duplex, as they got down from the Cab and paid the Cab driver off, Kate wondered what was going on, Victor took her hands and they walked into the beautiful building, the gate was opened as if someone knew that they were coming. They walked into the stairs and then a lovely balcony and then to the living room, two men were standing beside the Door waiting for them. The two men immediately greeted Victor and Kate. Kate stared at them speechlessly "my love, these gentlemen are estate agents. And this duplex is our new home" Victor said lovingly Kate was shocked, "Are you kidding me? My love you know that I'm not feeling well, I'm weak and nauseous because of my pregnancy, please stop joking around" Kate said calmly and Victor assured him that he was not joking around. "Honey, This is our new home, come take a look, it's a duplex Situated in a calm and beautiful estate with 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchen, 2 dinning room, 1 lounge, 1 cabinet space, 2 bathroom, Terrace, Airconditioning,Pool, Cctv camera and it's all yours, I bought this house on your name" Victor said nicely and Kate burst into tears. The two Estate agents left quietly as Kate cried, Victor was shocked, She wondered why Kate was crying instead of rejoicing, "this is what she had always wanted, a wealthy husband" Victor thought. He held Kate's arms and enquired why she was in tears. "I have pushed you into committing crimes, how could you afford to buy this house? It's obvious that's it's expensive, what did you do to make much money? Tell me, I won't be angry cause it's my fault, I mounted so much pressure on you, please forgive me" Kate said in tears and Victor smiled and hugged her. "Yes I became so desperate, I ventured into alot of illegal deals but at the last minute, I changed my mind, I met a friend who taught me Forex trading and in four weeks, I made it big, don't be hard on yourself, I'm your husband and I need to take care of you, actually your constant nagging and pressure pushed me to succeed, I love you so much and I'm never angry at you, you are my wife and only you had the right to trouble me" Victor said as he wiped tears from his wife's eyes and made her feel better. The couple took a tour around thier new house, Kate hugged him when they were done with thier little tour. "Thank you, I love it" Kate said excitedly and Victor smiled, for the first time he felt like a real man. Kate's beautiful smile melted his heart. In few minutes, A beautiful Lady arrived and Victor introduced her to Kate as the interior decorator who would turn thier new house into a beautiful home with her creative designs. The young lady came with an estimate of what she needed and Victor quickly transferred the needed money to her account. "Please start working immediately, I want to move in with my beautiful wife, hopefully by next week" Victor said at once Kate stared at Victor the whole time he was conversing with the interior decorator, Victor had really changed, he spoke with confidence and authority, Money indeed is power and it's brings respect. Few hours later, Kate and Victor were in a car shop, Victor paid for two brand new cars, one for Kate and the other for himself. Kate was speechless and at time happy that Victor was now a wealthy man. "Lord bless My Husband with a long life, let me deliver safely and enjoy my marriage always, thank you for turning things around, I also pray for my friend, Olivia comfort her and reveal to her the secret, that she should know about her husband, I don't want to tell her that I saw Fred with his other wife, I will be held responsible if anything bad happens to her" Kate said within her. Kate and Victor were done at the car shop, when Olivia's call came in. Kate picked up immediately. "Hello babe" she greeted "Hello Kate, please come and take me away from here, please I need you" Olivia said in tears "What happened? Why are you crying? Where are you? " Kate asked at once "Give me that phone now, you good for nothing" a familiar voice said at the other end of the phone. And Kate could figure out who it was, her husband Fred and before she could say "Jack", The call ended. Kate turned pale and Victor wondered what had happened. "My love, Olivia is in trouble, please let's go to her house" Kate said at once. Victor got so scared at the mention of trouble that he drove off heading to Olivia's house in one of thier new car. To Be Continued PICTURE PERFECT Episode 7 That day was September 7th, a day Olivia and Kate would never forget, September 7th was not just the day Kate became a land lady and a car owner, it was also a day Olivia's marriage with Fred hit the rock. That day would end up being a day Olivia watched her entire life come crashing down around her. She had discovered the double life of Fred, the man he had married. It had already been an awful marriage but still she tried all she could to make it work. Olivia was indeed in trouble. Fred, The man she loved was cruel. By the day as Olivia struggled just to make it in her business from sunup until sundown, so she could meet all her husband's financial needs, She was unaware that Fred was also giving out all the money to Justina, his other woman or Wife as the case maybe. Justina and Fred had been married for two years, Olivia had always been suspicious, she had always had this gut feeling that Fred was not sincere but each time she confronted him with proofs, Fred always had a way of convincing her that all was in her head and all of thier woes were somehow her fault and that she was the one with the problem. "My love is because we don't have own child yet, that's why you are always insecure, once you are pregnant and begin to bear children, you will see that our little family will grow stronger" Fred would always say. And Olivia always prayed for God to bless her Womb with a child. Being in a narcissistic abusive relationship or marriage feels like you being sucker-punched, then looking around for the one you love to help you up and discovering he was the one who made you hit the ground in the first place. Victor and Olivia's marriage was a marriage of confusion, surprises, of tricks and gun house mirrors, her marriage was like being in a circus that she didn’t remember buying a ticket to but waking up one day realizing the one she love was the Ringmaster. Fred was a pathological liar and he was like vampires, he had concealed his true identity in order to better feed his need for money as Olivia was the pot of Money. In the four years of marriage, Fred had hide behind a curtain and furthers his own image through lies, manipulation, coercion, and deceit. For four years, Fred conditioned Olivia to the point where she believed any trouble in their marriage was her own making and she keep up the façade of nothing being wrong with her marriage online while behind closed doors she was suffering in silence and shame. But thank God for Olivia's wonderful big brother who caught Fred red handed buying baby items with Justina at a popular shopping mall somewhere in town and he alerted his sister, Olivia was surprised because She had thought Fred was at Abuja tending to his sick mother who was hospitalized. Olivia's elder brother insisted that he saw Fred and he followed him immediately and then the truth came out, Olivia's big brother pounced on Fred and gave him the beating of his life. And then Fred returned home to take revenge on his sister Olivia, after Fred revealed the whole truth to Olivia, he gave her the beating of her life and he left with Olivia's credit card, expensive jewelries and plenty cash. " I have spent four years building a life with the man I loved who had presented himself as my dream come true when we first met. Over time, when the mask started to slip and I felt as though I still needed to put up with him because we love each other, now I know that I made the biggest mistake of my life by getting married to Fred" Olivia thought In fact, Kate and Victor met Olivia on her bedroom closet floor, crying inconsolably, She had bruises all over her body and face. She didn’t have the strength to get up, Kate and Victor kept staring at her in disbelief that Fred could do all that to her, "He cheated on you and he beat you up when you found out about his double life?, No that's wrong" Victor said Calmly. Kate also admitted that she saw Fred with his other woman and Olivia was shattered, She was too ashamed to also admit that Fred took her money and valuables. Kate and Victor still took Fred for a wealthy man and they tried all they could to ease Olivia's heartbreak and show her the way forward. "Call his family members, they need to come in, how could he get married to another woman, got her pregnant and when you found out, instead of apologizing, he had the gut to lay his filthy hands on you" Kate said angrily as Olivia shed tears of defeat, even with the whole situation, she was still hiding the truth, instead she would come clean that Fred was only a nobody, who was only interested in her money. Few months later, one sunny morning in the month of January, Olivia was sighted in a cab, From the car's window one could see Olivia stretching her head as far as her eye could see inside the cab. She was quiet but lost in thought. She wondered why she was unable to conceive all through the four years she was married to Fred. "But Fred got his other wife pregnant, I'm I barren as all the years I wasted with Fred" She thought — She was heading to her lawyer's office, Fred would be waiting at the lawyer's office And In fifteen minutes she would be there too, In Fifteen minutes she would no longer be Mrs. Kindly hi ome on+233544142683 to be added to storybaze, storyline, unlimited story room, House of stories to be able to read more of such story. Olivia Fred Wilson, she would be Miss Olivia Davids, or Olivia Onyemaechi(Who knows tomorrow) Davids —Her marriage with Fred would be annulled and she would be unattached and free! Free for what? From what? “Fred, Fred!” she whispered, and her heart was sick at the sound of his name. She could close her eyes and still see him, dark hair and dark, puzzled eyes and hurt. She screamed and cried "Fred couldn't even say sorry, he left me broken and empty, not that his Sorry could wipe out all the pain I feel inside, I never imagined that our marriage could end like this, Could a home end, all the things I had built, the life I had so carefully made—all our neighbors, all our friends? Our online presence Could all of it be wiped out with one word? Olivia thought. She was acting quite strange and that bothered the Cab driver who was staring at her through the mirror the whole time. The cab driver presumed that she was losing her mind or sick in the head. Olivia had called Kate and asked if she could come and stay with her and her husband after she was done at the lawyer's office and Kate gladly accepted. "I will be here waiting for you, my friend. Please be strong" Kate had told her with a warm sympathy clearly heard in her voice. Everything between Olivia and Fred had been finalized, They both wanted to go thier separate ways, Fred had left Olivia with all her life savings and Olivia couldn't prove a thing, The worst was that she was ashamed to admit that she was giving all her money to him. The voice of the cab driver, brought Olivia back to reality as she heard him call out, “Madam, we have gotten to your destination, would you mind paying me off?” and she started gathering together her things from the Cab, she picked up her hand bag and suit case, she paid the cab driver and he drove off. She looked out to the office of the Lawyer, she was heading to with tears dropping off her eyes. Olivia's life was now a mess, She couldn't fake it anymore, She had never taken a picture of herself for the past few months, not even a selfie, She had deactivated her Facebook account and was ready to start her life afresh. To Be Continued
16 Jun 2020 | 10:38
Mo na come o @ele1 @ladyg abeg call others
16 Jun 2020 | 10:54
its sad olivia, audio hapiness, but in reality ya marraige is hell on earth.. YOU IS ORIGINAL, Mayb if you were yourself you could have found help since, feels good to have the story back, guess you would have repaired ya phone, sha make sure u store d story in ya email and fa so u kan retrieue it euen in 100 years time @henrymary @fb-danieledem @atermarial @royalgold @paddy2x @queenprecious1 @timson7373 @docentman et al. Ya latest episode is here
16 Jun 2020 | 14:40
16 Jun 2020 | 15:15
Thanks for callhn my broda@ele1. carry on s
16 Jun 2020 | 15:17
Hmmm Olivia i pity o. COMELY honestly i ve 4gotten dis story o anyway welcome bk.
16 Jun 2020 | 19:12
17 Jun 2020 | 05:15
p2 fake life doesn't last
17 Jun 2020 | 08:10
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 8 Olivia walked into the Lawyer's office and in half an hour she walked out in tears. Finally she was free and single. She flagged down a taxi. "Please take me to Yale Estate Phase 1" She said calmly. In few minutes she sat at the back seat of the vehicle heading to Her best friend's house. This is the first time she was visiting Kate in her new house and she couldn't wait to see the lovely house that Kate talked so much about. As she tried to think on happy thoughts, her problems kept creeping up on her mind, She kept thinking on what she did wrong that ruined her life Fred couldn’t afford to buy her the clothes or jewelry she wanted, but that hadn’t stopped her from dressing in the latest fashion, even though she had to get every thing she desired from her husband by herself. Her husband still gets the credit online. Thier home had always been beautiful, the meals she served Fred had been perfect. Olivia had been a model wife. And yet— Fred was not satisfied, "How? Why? What had been missing? What had kept Fred and me strangers for almost four years of married life? Was it our childlessness? But now I could thank Heaven for that. That was one problem I didn’t have to face, I'm glad nothing tied us together anymore" She thought Olivia felt a rush of fear. a desolate, lonely fear, and the tears started to roll from her eyes. "I'm Alone! This was how it would be from now on. Alone. I would have to rely on the few friends I have like Kate, the few people who felt sorry and stood by me out of pity" She told her self within In no time, Olivia arrived Kate's beautiful house and immediately Kate rushed out to welcome her, she gave Olivia a warm hug, Olivia could feel her baby bump as she hugged her, Kate was 6 months pregnant, her round face glowing with genuine warmth and pleasure as she paused for breath. The Two friends both stood there smiling, then Olivia shook her head. And Said, "Kate, you look so beautiful, Pregnancy really looks good on you” and Kate smiled and She replied, "Thanks my friend, let me get you inside, I know you must be tired and hungry, come in I prepared your favorite meal" Olivia looked at Kate sideways as they walked in, and Olivia was amazed at Kate's appearance, The two New cars parked inside the compound, thier new beautiful house, the interior were beautiful and expensive. "Life must have been good, for Kate and Victor to acquire such an amazing properties, my friend looks so relaxed and her skin glows, its obvious that she had no worries" She thought When they got into the house, Kate took Olivia to the visitor's room, She looked at Olivia apologetically, “You still look so young and fresh, Olivia I could swear getting married again to someone else who would love you like you deserve won't be hard for you. But I would want you to heal first, you are lucky, your marriage was annulled, you can move on like you were never married" She said Olivia felt the tears start to roll from her eyes for some inexplicable reason, and she fumbled for a handkerchief. Kate hugged Olivia and after a while she wiped her eyes and Olivia tried to smile. When she spoke her voice was very gentle and soft. “Thank you Kate, you are a true friend.” Kate was a good friend and Olivia needed her more than ever. Staying with Kate would help her get on her feet faster. In few minutes Victor also came into the visitor's room to say hello to Olivia “I’m glad you came, please feel at Home.” He said, and gave a quick and easy smile that moved from his lips to his eyes Victor and Kate were perfect couple Olivia saw it in the way they kissed each other and in the way they played with each other that evening. The three of them sat at the dinner table, and afterward Olivia went to the visitor's room to be alone with her thoughts while Victor helped his pregnant wife with the dishes. They ’ve planned to get help at the end of the month. “My love, But why didnt you tell me that Olivia would be coming over" Victor said Kate paused, she gave Victor a piercing look, Victor's hands were in the dishwater, while Kate's face was thoughtful. “why should I? I have every right to invite who ever I want!” She said and lowered her head. “Life’s has been very good to us, Kate. I never believed we could be so wealthy but we are not happy, why have you changed so much” Victor uttered "You know why I changed, you are a jerk and a heartless man, I will never forgive you" Kate said in tears "I have pleaded and begged for your forgiveness but you refused to forgive me but it's all good, you better comport yourself, remember your friend is here, I guess you don't want her to think we're barbarians, I don't want her to see us argue and fight like we always do lately" Victor said calmly After the dishes were washed and stacked, Victor took the towel out of his hands and Let the rest drain. He walked out from the kitchen leaving Kate behind. It was a pleasant and restful night for Olivia and that's just what she needed. The next day, she began to see a different happiness, a pure happiness that rose above outward show or the likes and comments she would get from posting online, pure happiness that concentrated on the basic relationships of life, Kate had agreed to invest in her business so they could become partners and She was so excited. She won't remain broke anymore with time she could recover all Fred stole from her. To Be Continued
17 Jun 2020 | 08:40
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 9 (Second To Last Episode) Kate and Victor continued to play the perfect couple in Olivia's presence. She was so envious and she wished she had a man like Victor. “I admire your Marriage, Kate. The way you both love each other , and the way you look at each other with love boldly printed out in your eyes, I wish for a Marriage like yours” Olivia had told Kate one evening. Kate was speechless, she gave a faint smile and turned away, biting her lip. Olivia kept thinking of finding a man like Victor. She kept trying to fight the threatening loneliness, the sense of being adrift and without direction or purpose. "Looking back on the years Fred and I had spent together there seemed nothing to hold on to, nothing to remember, How unfair that only Kate, got herself a good man like Victor and a peaceful and wealthy home, I am left with nothing" She thought But those were unjust thoughts. Olivia couldn’t grudge Kate happiness but she wished, she had what Kate had- a good husband and peaceful home with a baby on the way. "Seeing Kate's happiness made my life seemed suddenly dull and shabby, Kate is so lucky" she told herself. Olivia was in the visitor's room fantasizing about Kate's happy and perfect life. When she heard the sound of a breaking plates and Kate's voice. She ran to the kitchen and was surprised to see Kate and Victor arguing with each other. Kate had threw those breakable plates at the wall to scare Victor. "You don't deserve my forgiveness, I will never forgive you, you are a liar and a jerk, once I have my baby, I will leave you" Kate said at once. Olivia stared at the couple without uttering a word. It was obvious that she was shocked, when she comported herself "Kate what's going on? Take it easy because of your condition, you might hurt yourself or your child, come let's go to the sitting room" She said calmly. Victor walked away to thier bedroom while Kate and Olivia headed to the living room. Olivia gave Kate a cup of water and asked her to relax. "Babe, what's this? Why are you yelling at Victor, your husband, breaking plates and threatening to leave him after delivery, what happened? Some minutes ago, both of you were in each other's arms kissing and cuddling, what happened?" Olivia asked curiously Kate burst into tears as Olivia tried to console her. "all men are the same including Victor, heartless, wicked and shameless, Victor is a wicked man" Kate said in tears and Olivia stared at her confusingly. "What did he do to you? You both love each other so much, your life is much better than mine, Kate you have a good man" Olivia said as she put her arms around Kate "No Olivia, Victor is worst, He broke my heart into tiny pieces and I will never forgive him" Kate entered still in tears. Olivia was so exhausted, she already knew how stubborn and insensitive Kate could be sometimes. Olivia decided to calm her down instead of interrogating her. "Kate, it's okay, couples do argue with each other, it's normal. Please calm down because of your baby"Olivia said calmly and lovingly. "No this is different, Olivia this is not an argument, Victor is a cheat, you won't believe he cheated on me, he cheated on me with the interior decorator he hired to design this house, I caught him on the act, Other men hide thier lover but Victor had the gut to introduce his lover to me as the interior decorator" Kate said in tears and Olivia hugged her. Olivia couldn't believe her ears, she was shocked beyond words and all she could do was to console Kate. "Please stop crying, can we talk about this tomorrow, please stop crying" Olivia managed to say Olivia took Kate to thier room and she slept off immediately, her body touched the bed. "all those yelling and screaming had gotten her exhausted" Olivia thought as she left Kate's matrimonial bedroom, she headed to the kitchen to see if the gas stove was turned off or not but she met Victor at the Kitchen. "Your wife is sleeping peacefully in your bedroom" Olivia told him And Victor thanked her as he gave a quick smile but there was a touch of uneasiness to his smile, it was obvious that he was embarrassed by the scene Kate put up in Olivia's presence. Victor didn't utter a word any further, he politely dismissed Olivia and she left to her room But for the rest of the evening there was an uncomfortable air in the house. The next day Kate barely spoke to her husband and that got Olivia worried. “Can I speak to you both?” Olivia asked Kate and Victor after breakfast one morning. They stared at her speechlessly but reluctantly nodded "Yes" "I’m glad,” Olivia said quietly, and for a long moment they sat there at the dining table staring at each other. Then Olivia continued “ I came here to heal and to get over my ex, Fred and his betrayal. Kate, You and your husband have been so good to me! I admire the love both of you share and I have wished for a love like yours, I'm sorry for interfering, I know that I'm not qualified to dish out marriage tips but one thing I know is I don't want your perfect marriage to break up like mine, Victor why would you cheat on my friend? I thought you are different, why would you do that to my friend?" Olivia said calmly Victor was in tears, "Olivia thank you for interfering, I know what I did was wrong but I have pleaded to Kate, yes she caught me kissing Joyce, the interior Decorator and I have pleaded for her forgiveness and I told her everything, Joyce seduced me" Victor said calmly "Liar, Seduce who? You were enjoying the kiss when I caught you, I can't believe you hired your lover to decorate the new house you claimed you bought for me, you are shameless" Kate said Sharply. To Be Continued
17 Jun 2020 | 08:54
PICTURE PERFECT Episode 10 (Final Episode) Olivia stared bemusedly at the couple, even as they argued, she could still see how much they love each other. Victor was remorseful while Kate was just Jealous. Olivia stood up, cleared her throat dramatically. “Mr.Victor, who is Joyce? What really happened between you two?” she asked, for a second Olivia felt like a judge. "Joyce works with a real estate firm and she is also a interior decorator, I met her for the first time in Ghana, we became friends, so when I needed to buy a house, she was the first person I discuss it with and she referred me to thier branch here in Nigeria and she made me promise to hire her for the interior designs, all along she had been flirting with me but I was not interested and I told her that I am married, when I acquired this house, I introduced her to Kate, just to get her off me but she was still bothering me, I wanted to tell Kate about it but I was scared of her reaction cause she once told me that she doesn't trust me" Fred narrated. Kate looked at her husband critically and then she hissed. Victor grimaced. “I know my wife doesn't trust me, but the truth is that we only kissed and I'm grateful to God that Kate caught us, because I would have succumbed to Joyce's evil plan, please Kate, I'm so sorry, forgive me, my love please.” Victor pleaded He stood up abruptly and came closer to Kate, Then the tears came rolling down from Kate's eyes, "I don't believe you, it's not just a kiss" Kate whispered . Victor wiped her tears and then he put his arm around her, patting her head gently. "My love, believe me, I never slept with Joyce, That day I only came to inspect Joyce's work, you knew how I was eager to pack into our new house, when I came, I met her alone, I never expected that but she told me that the workers were out for a lunch break, before I could say a word, she walked closer to me and she started to run her hands on me, I tried all I could to stop her but Joyce pushed me on the wall and locked her lips with mine, I tried my best not to give in but Joyce was honestly irresistible. We kissed passionately for a while and then you caught us, I'm so sorry, I'm telling you the whole truth, I'm so sorry for not being able to control my self and I allowed another woman to touch and kiss me, I'm so sorry for being so weak but I love the sound of the slap you landed on Joyce's cheek, she deserved it" Victor added and gave a quick smile and Kate looked away. "Babe, Please forgive your husband, he is sorry" Olivia pleaded. Finally Kate succumbed after her husband promised to be faithful and transparent. "But please my love, I want you to learn to trust me" Victor entered. The couple hugged and kissed each other while Olivia stared at them in admiration. Few weeks later, Olivia moved back to her parent's house. Few months later, Kate delivered a baby boy who they named Prince. Kate choose Olivia as her son's god mother and she was so excited, Kate made her hold her son. Olivia was genuinely happy, the sight of the the new born baby made her emotional. "I'm so sorry Kate for lying to you, I'm so sorry for being envious of you" Olivia said in tears while Kate was shocked and stared at her in confusion. "Olivia, I don't understand, you are a wonderful friend to me and I love you" Kate entered "do you remember when I got back from Paris with Fred my ex, you saw a jewelry, and you asked if Fred got it for me and I nodded yes, actually Fred was not the one that bought that expensive jewelry, I got it myself, my business suffered lose, because Fred stole all my money, I was so ashamed to admit that my ex husband was a low life, he married me for my money, he is a nobody, he has nothing even the house we lived in, belonged to his cousin, Fred had nothing and I kept faking it, please forgive me" Olivia said apologetically And Kate admitted that she was once envious of her too, "we didn't go to South Africa for our honeymoon, we only lodged in a nearby hotel, I always wished for what you had but now I know that I was so stupid, please forgive me" Kate confessed and Olivia was also shocked. "Its okay my friend, I'm glad you actually ended up with a wonderful husband, I pray a good man would find me soon" Olivia said calmly Few years later, Olivia met a new guy and they both seem to be in love with each other but Olivia was taking her time to Know her new man better, Olivia and Kate's business grew bigger and better. One-day, Kate and Olivia went out for lunch at a new nice restaurant that just got opened nearby. Join us through+233544142683 to get more of this. They were done with thier lunch and they were busy chatting when they stumbled upon a man, one look at him they both recognized him. "Fred?" they chorused. Fred looked miserable, it's obvious life was harsh on him, he was mopping the restaurant's floor, He was the janitor(cleaner) Olivia was shocked, she couldn't believe her eyes. "Fred, so you can now work, it's good to know, life has really humbled you, I heard your cousin sold off his house immediately he got back from the UK and of course, all the money you stole from me is exhausted, How is your wife?" Olivia said sharply. Fred was so embarrassed and ashamed. "I'm so sorry Olivia, Justina was a mistake, I'm not the father of her child, please forgive me for everything I have done to you" Fred said in tears. "of course you can't Father a child because you are impotent, you made me feel like I was the problem and the cause of our childlessness, when you are impotent. You remember the fertility test we did together, Our doctor gave me the results , a year after our marriage was annulled, and was shocked" Olivia said and Fred bowed his head in shame. No one is perfect but marry who loves, respects and cares for you. Marry someone who's capable of being the team mate you need in life. Being married won't heal you and being single won't kill you, don't rush, don't force it and don't be desperate, allow God to lead you. For the Ladies, Don't lose a good man because you think, He can't afford you, you are a soul to be loved and not a product to be bought. Be careful no body is posting thier failures on social media. Social media can seriously play a toxic role in an already toxic relationship. THE BEST RELATIONSHIPS DON’T NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING ON SOCIAL MEDIA The End @ele1 @ladyg @jaylogo and others the end has come has promised
17 Jun 2020 | 08:56
@henrymary @emmy01
17 Jun 2020 | 09:00
This is deep--"Being married wont heal you, being single who kill you" .. Its a wonderful ending.. More grease to the author of the story
17 Jun 2020 | 11:08
To God be the Glory, the story that has gone through self isolation and was quarantine has finally come to an end. @thecomely kudos, good job there.
17 Jun 2020 | 11:14
Wow Comely this is a wonderful nd it teaches alot, more wisdow.
17 Jun 2020 | 11:54
Wow I love this story It has moral.lesson
17 Jun 2020 | 12:23
17 Jun 2020 | 14:33
17 Jun 2020 | 17:40
Thanks for this wonderful story it teaches a lot of lesson
17 Jun 2020 | 17:43
so thrilling with moral lessons
17 Jun 2020 | 17:57
That is the end of your fake life....
17 Jun 2020 | 19:48
Thank you God bless you, I really enjoy and love this story...
17 Jun 2020 | 20:14
Fake life doesn't pay
19 Jun 2020 | 00:49
Nice work
19 Jun 2020 | 02:04
19 Jun 2020 | 05:09
Beautiful story
19 Jun 2020 | 08:57
nice job
22 Jun 2020 | 17:58


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