Primarily, any person in order to show ‘himself’ as a highly regarded person in the society, should possess a ‘personality’. It should be a matured personality - socially, mentally, physically, emotionally, intellectually, etc to achieve perfection in one’s personality.
If any person wants to prove or get appreciated in the society, his personality needs an “Aura” -Appearance - then only he gets the right to say proudly, “I am”.
Then he does not need any introduction about himself, others recognise him and talk about him in the highest degree.
To achieve a pleasant personality, one should have the qualities mentioned below:
*Neat Appearance
*Positive Attitude
*Reacting according to the Situation
*Truthful Life
*Timely Decisions
*Respect and Regard
*Witty Conversation
*Melodious Voice
*Patience and Persistence
*Not Lying
*Sense of Humour
*Just Behaviour
*Controlling the Emotions
*Concern and Appreciation towards Life
*Acquiring Knowledge
*Love and Care for others
*Not to be Stubborn, Boastful and Proud
*Good Handshake and Pleasant Speaking
Now examine and self-evaluate yourself to find out how many of the above mentioned qualities are in you!
[b]Be Sincere To Yourself!![/b]