He thought he was a master of all,
He thought he was yet superior,
And needed not to consult anyone.
His shoulders were raised,
Thinking he was on top of the world.
Despite his inadequate knowledge,
Forgetting that pride is an instrument
That lures every man into the road of downfall
The ego in him was high and priceless,
Raging like a burning fire,
It drove him mad.
Like someone under the influence of hard drug
He soon met his Waterloo
humiliated without any regalia of praise.
Thinking he had enough to tame life,
Until he was shown what life is all about.
He was made to realize that,
the more you learn,
the more you know,
And the more humility should walk in.
He was made as the lead character
In the show of disgrace.
they made him aware he knows less
Of worth...
Adebiyi Deemola