

By olamide in 3 Apr 2020 | 03:59
olamide ayomide

olamide ayomide

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Episode 1

By: Stonez

I hated myself,regretted my action and i cursed my bad friend....
It was on my 27th birthday,i went out to drink with my friend,and they told there is a suprise package waiting for me in my room...we left bar and we went home,i alighted with my friends and they told me a call gorl(prostitute) is the suprised they had for me and she is waiting for me in my room ..they led me to my room because my drunken state.... i forced myself on the girl after beating her cuz she refused,i raped her..the next morning my friends came,took her out of my room and came back some munutes later,we discussed and i ask them if they have paid the girl,they said they've paid her,i was still suffering from hangover so they left me to sleep... i woke up an hour later,i decided to go downstairs,as i was coming down,i overheard my friend saying that they kidnapped and drugged the girl i had sex with...on hearing this,i ran downstairs and held Fred by his collar,i punched him hard and i ask him where they got the girl,he told me they kidnapped the girl a day before,i was furious that i sent them packing out from my house,i had to find the girl because i've defilled her,i need to amend my mistakes...
My name is Daniel,the only grandson of a rich business woman,born in USA,grew up in the phillipines and now living with my grandma in Manila...........
i hired my private investigation to help me find the girl and where she lives..........he returned the next day with all information about the girl
her name is katarina,she about to get married to a son of a rich politicaian named Roberto,and her all her family members knew about
what happened to her,i decided to start following her around and see how thing turns out.........
Finally,it was saturday katarina's wedding day,i dressed up in my tuxedo,drove to St Mary church,i got down,entered the church and i saw the groom standing in frontt of the priest and suddenly the church door opened and katarina came in,she walked down to the alter and it was time to take the vow,she took hers and it was Roberto's turn but to everyones suprise,he told the priest that he cant marry a rape victim and he walked out of the church........she ran after him but he asked his guard not to allow her follow him,he got into his car and drove off.......
Little by little,everybody started leaving the church since the groom has left...
I was just thinking why he cant just call off the wedding than just to disgrace her in front of everybody...she sat on the floor,crying like a baby with her mother...suddenly she stood up and ran out of the church,i followed her,she took a bus and i followed the bus in my car,she alighted on manila main bridge,i got down from my car and i was watching her from a distance and suddenly she jumped into the sea........


3 Apr 2020 | 03:59
Interesting. At least make it twice a week
3 Apr 2020 | 10:22
Maybe thrice self let the actioo begin¿....
3 Apr 2020 | 11:10
Fire on guy.
3 Apr 2020 | 11:23
Am here. Pls make it twice a week nw
3 Apr 2020 | 18:15
Why can't u just go and save her.
3 Apr 2020 | 18:16
Regret Episode 2 By: Stonez And boom,she jumped into the sea,i ran towards her direction and dive into the river after her,thank God am a good swimmer...I rescued her as she was about to drown,people already gathered by the bank of the sea,i carried her in a bridal style with her already dirty wedding gown,i took her to my car and drove off...i took her to my house,the one my grandma gave me as my 25th birthday,i dropped her in a room and ordered the maids to attend to her...i drove to her house and i saw Roberto's body guard chasing her out of the house with her clothes....i was watching the scene from a distance,i got out of my car,and went to meet her,i told hervto come with me,she refused at first but later agreed when i told her katarina is with me...i drove to my mansion,i took her to her daughter room and left both of them..... i woke up the next day to meet both mother and daughter in the lounge talking,o was afraid to face katarina because am not sure if she know that am the one that rape her,i summoned up courage and i ask her why she wanted to kill herself even though i already knew why...I told her mother that they could stay as long as they wanted.... I left the house to my office,i am the MD while my granny is the CEO.....i entered my office to see my bad friends giggling like a fool,i called the security to send them away....Not long after,my granny came to my office and told me i will be having a business date with Maria....Actually my granny had been trying to get me to marry one of the daughers of rich bussiness men in order to unite oue company with theirs...i told her i've heard because she wont take no for an answer........The date was just dry,i was not intrested sef,i juet agreed to satisfied my granny,i tried to make it business-based,but the yeye girl is just asking about my love life..Finally„at last the date is finally over,i escorted her to her and she suprised me by kissing and telling me that she love me. . . ...... On my way home,i stopped at a boutique to get some clothes for katarina and her mother......i got home and gave the cloth to her mum,she begged me to call a doctor to check on her,i called my doctor,he came and ran a test on her...when he left her room,he came to the sitting room where i sat down with her mother....... "She is two weeks pregnant" the doctor said....... . .. . EPISODE 3 COMING SOON AFTER COMMENTS BY STONEZ
3 Apr 2020 | 18:33
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041
3 Apr 2020 | 18:53
Ghen ghen. Now u are going to be a father.
3 Apr 2020 | 19:15
Pregnant ke??? Congratulations, u r going to be a father sha!!!
3 Apr 2020 | 21:46
3 Apr 2020 | 22:11
You're father already¿....
4 Apr 2020 | 02:43
I was thinking u would take d place of d groom or saved her before she jumped
4 Apr 2020 | 03:56
Ride on
4 Apr 2020 | 03:57
Now dat she is carry ur wud be better if u explain to her mum all dat happened
4 Apr 2020 | 04:00
Pregnant congrats
4 Apr 2020 | 07:21
Tell her everything
4 Apr 2020 | 11:51
Una 1st baby or babies, ride on.
4 Apr 2020 | 12:01
Bros,better confess to her n let her understand DAT it wasn't ur doing... Try n win her forgiveness n luv as well
4 Apr 2020 | 20:35
Regret Episode 3 By Stonez I was shocked and i,i asked the doctor again to be sure if my ear is functioning well,the doctor confirmed that she is pregnant...I was on a cross-road,i dont know which decision to make,should i confess or conceal the truth..I was lost in my thought not knowing her mother was talking me,she tapped me and asked what was wrong,i told her nothing,i took my key and left the house,i wanted to got to a club to chill out but decided against it....I got to my granny house,i met her in the sitting-room,i greeted her and went to my room,i sat down to make a choice,after considering all option,i decided not to tell her,i decided to keep it as a secret.....I also concluded to send my friends to the state because i know the three fools will let the cat out of the bag if i dont get rid of them....I called a travel agency and told him to prepare visas for my friends.......I woke up the next day and went to my friend house(they all live together),i met them by the poolside and they all started laughing immediately they saw me Byran:see who we have here Ray:he has finally gotten his sense back,common boy let have fun Ryan:i know he can do without us Me:cut the crap and shut the fuck up,i said angrily All:(laughing) Me:guys,i've got a job for u in the states Ryan:are u trying to send us away so we wont expose you Me:(shocked)no,why would i do that Ray:u know brain,i love it here in phillipines Me:if u work for my company in the states,u will earn $500,000 per week and i will pay you $25million each if u guy work for the company for 5years,think about it,i said and left....... I already laid the bait,i know they will call me soon,i need to get rid of them before they start blackmailing me... I got to my office,i told my PA to cancel all my schedule for the day,i need to see katarina,she is depressed and i dont want anything to happen to my baby,i called a childhood friend of mine who is a psychologist,i told her about katarina's plight and she told me to pick her up at her office so she could go and see her......I picked her up and we went home together,i told ann(katarina's mom) that Emily(the psychologist) would be coming to attend to friends called me later in the evening and they agreed to go to the states,i know they will agree because of the money i offered them...... Within few weeks,katarina is back to her old self,the usual happy and jovial person,she has recovered thanks to Emily and both of them are now close friends........ I am already developing feelings for katarina,actually she is a pretty lady,down to earth and she is caring but am not sure if she is also feeling the same...we always go out together,from cinema to the mall and to other places....Itook her out for a date and i confessed my feeling for her,promised her to take care of the baby and she accepted to be my girlfriend.........My friend travelled to the state a week later......... EPISODE 4 COMING AFTER COMMENTS
5 Apr 2020 | 09:46
oya oooo episode 3 don ready @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace
5 Apr 2020 | 09:55
Delay is dangerous man... It better u inform her now b4 things turn sour
5 Apr 2020 | 10:38
And dos ur friends might betray u... since they kw abt it and who knows they might have a video of ur sexual encounter
5 Apr 2020 | 10:40
5 Apr 2020 | 10:51
Wise guy, i dey hail u o bt make u kn say nothing is hidding under d sun o.
5 Apr 2020 | 12:27
Wahoo Good beginning
5 Apr 2020 | 13:31
5 Apr 2020 | 13:35
So now dat u hv confess ur feelins 2 ha will u let out da secret
5 Apr 2020 | 14:45
You should have told her and shame ur friends.
5 Apr 2020 | 16:21
Ur friends will come back and hurt u. So watch ur back
5 Apr 2020 | 16:23
Regret Episode 4 By STONEZ She accepted my proposal and we started dating,everything was going well and our love for each other is increasing day by day....After two month,her pregnancy is already visible.. I took her out for dinner a particular evening,after eating, "katarina will u marry me" i asked kneeling down and holding a diamond ring in my hand,she was shocked and wasnt expecting me marry her,"yes,i will marry you"she finally said after a long silence......... News spread so fast,when i got to my office the next day,everyone started congratulating me,i wondered how they got to know....i was signing some documents when my granny suddenly barge into my office Granny:is it true Me:what Granny:that you proposed to a girl yesterday,are u out of your mind Me:granny,nothing is wrong with me,am alright and yes i proposed to katarina and she is the woman i love and i am to marry her Granny:you mean u want to marry a girl that was raped,a rape victim Me:i dont care if she was raped or not,i love her Granny:Mr Alcantara,i mean his company withdrew their partnership with our compant all because u want to marry that thing Granny:i wont let u insult my wife,what does me getting married has to do with business Granny:shut up fool,dont u know that our three major partners joined our company because they thought u will marry their daughters Me:i did not promise that i will marry them,this is why i have been telling u not to set me up on a date with them...u dont care about me,u only care about the company Granny:(She slapped me),dont u dare talk to me like that,with all what i have done for u,i this how u will repay me.....she hissed and left my office... After she left,my PA informed that there is an emergecy board meeting.... I left for the board to see all board sitted including my granny,i sat down and the man at the far end spoke.... Man 1:welcome everyone,we called this emergency meeting because we lost 7 of our major partner and the contract awarded to us by PINGPONG has been withdrew (Everyone in the room was shocked) Me:who withdrew the PINGPONG contract from us Man 2:the CEO daughter Me:u mean karia cancelled the contract Granny:u see,ur decision is now affecting the company negatively Me:what does my private life has to do with business Man 3:we all know that we got all the partnership and contract because of they want u to marry their daughter... Man 1:i just got a mail from the GLAZZERS,theu also withdrew their partnership Granny:we have finally lost our partners,Daniel u have 72hours to set things right or i am going to fire u Me:no need to do that,i resign(i dropped my resignation letter on the table and left the boardroom..... I got to my office,pack my things and i gave the key to the office and that of my official car to my PA "give it to the new CEO" i said and left the office........ I drove home and i told katarina and her mother to pack that we are living the house....we packed and left to the new
7 Apr 2020 | 10:46
Episode 4 continued house i just bought,i went home to return the keys and document of thr house she bought for me........i want to start a new life,a family...katarina and my unborn child are my only happiness,i will protect them at all cost even if it is to sacrifice my life for then.....we choose our wedding day,i want us to get married before she give birth...A day to the wedding,i went to make arrangement concerning the church we are gonna use,as i was coming back,a car stopped at my front and my granny came out of the car with two armed men with a gun in her hand Granny:son,so u are finally getting married tomorrow,u disobeyed me and u repay all what i did for u disobeying me,no problem u will pay the price of disobedient...she raised the gun and pulled the triger BOOM,SHE SHOT ME AND I FELL BACK DEAD ON THE CAR SEAT........ BY STONEZ EPISODE 5 COMING AFTER COMMENTS
7 Apr 2020 | 11:00
Episode 4 continued we moved to the house i just bought,i went home to return the keys and document of thr house she bought for me........i want to start a new life,a family...katarina and my unborn child are my only happiness,i will protect them at all cost even if it is to sacrifice my life for then.....we choose our wedding day,i want us to get married before she give birth...A day to the wedding,i went to make arrangement concerning the church we are gonna use,as i was coming back,a car stopped at my front and my granny came out of the car with two armed men with a gun in her hand Granny:son,so u are finally getting married tomorrow,u disobeyed me and u repay all what i did for u disobeying me,no problem u will pay the price of disobedient...she raised the gun and pulled the triger BOOM,SHE SHOT ME AND I FELL BACK DEAD ON THE CAR SEAT........ BY STONEZ EPISODE 5 COMING AFTER COMMENTS
7 Apr 2020 | 11:02
oya ooo episode 4 is here oooo @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace
7 Apr 2020 | 11:24
Dan!!! I know there's so many untold story....
7 Apr 2020 | 12:00
Somebody shd tell me it's a dream oo cuz it can't be... U shot ur grand son cuz he decided to follow his heart???
7 Apr 2020 | 13:27
That woman is a heartles being. Next epi. pls.
7 Apr 2020 | 13:28
Hmmmmm...datz if she iz even ur grandma Maybe wat she was supposed to gain was altered by ur decision to marry kate
7 Apr 2020 | 14:43
Regret Episode 5 By Stonez Boom,i started hearing my name,seems like someone is calling me but the voice is not clear enough.....i opened my eyes to see my maid calling me,so it was a dream and it was my maid that was calling me.....she told me my granny want to see me and she is waiting for me outside my house,i went outside and behold i saw her waiting outside with the two armed men i saw in my dream,she was even wearing the cloth she wore in my dream.... Granny:grandson,hw have u been Me:as if you care Granny:common son,dont talk like that i cared for u,i started taking care of u since you were 5years,when your parent died in plane crash so dont say that Me:u said it a thousand time,why are u here Granny:why did u want to do this Me:love,am doing all this for love Granny:so this is how u want to repay me for all what i've done for u Me:try to understand mom Granny:understand what,the company has lost all it major partners and all our major contract because of u Me:granny,i told u not to use me to get partners from the onset,u promised them that i will marry their daughter if they partner with your company,i told u not to set me up on a date with their daughters,u gave them hope of marriage and now see the outcome Granny:(she slapped me),how dare u,u know that u are not going to marry any of them and u had sex with them Me:concerning the sex,they also enjoyed it and u are even the cause Granny:i am not suprised that you want to marry a rape victim because u are also a product of rape Me:what did u mean Granny:i want you to re-think and give me answer tomorrow or u will have yourself to blame,she said and left angrilly I went back inside and what she said kept replaying on my mind...i wondered whar she meant about me being a victim of rape...... After two month my wedding day finally arrived,i have not heard from my granny since the day she left my house and i know she had a plan...i employed a bodyguard for katarina and her mom...on my wedding day,i ensured adequate security and i ordered the guard not to let anyone acting suspicious into the church premises.... The service started and the priest finally joined us together...she was scared when the priest asked if i accept her as my bride,she thought i was going to say no...when i looked back as everyone started congratulating me,i saw my granny and my three so called friends smiling at me.. I was shocked when i saw them,i knew they were up to something because i was expecting to see them...... My granny walked up to me and my wife and she said "congratulation son on your wedding,i would like to see u tomorrow at my office,i have some lovely video clips i would like to show u and am sure u are gonna like them... Me:what videos Granny:actually,your friends gave them to me after giving them a decent amount of money...... I knew my friends had finally betarayed me,so they had the rape videos and they already sold it to my granny.. I AM DOOMED BY STONEZ EPISODE 6 COMING AFTER COMMENTS
7 Apr 2020 | 15:46
Eposide 5 is here ooo @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace
7 Apr 2020 | 16:04
I knw there will be a video. That why u should tell her everything nw.
7 Apr 2020 | 18:09
It will be more painful if she here it from someone else or even seeing the video.
7 Apr 2020 | 18:11
Guy, u no smart at all, all this while u wuld v open up 2 ur now wife afterall it wz ur frnds plan nt urs.
8 Apr 2020 | 09:19
8 Apr 2020 | 16:48
Ma guy do u remember I told u to open up to her so u can win her forgiveness? Imagine what will happen if she sees dos videos??? I hope things don't get out of hands as I'm anticipating sha!!!
8 Apr 2020 | 22:04
Regret Episode 6 By Stonez I went home with my wife after the ceremony,i wasnt my self at all,i was just thinking about the video my granny was talking about.... katarina noticed my foul mood and she ask me of there is any problem,i told her there is no problem that i was just stressed up.... as we were talking i stylishly ask her what she is gonna do if she know the person that rape her,"i will personally put a bullet into the motherfucker head" she said...when she said that i knew there is gonna be a problem if she get to know that am one that rape her.. I pressed futher and said what if the person is someone very close to you.. Katarina:i dont care who the person is,and i will ensure that the person will not go unpunished.... She said and gave me a kiss as we engage in a hot romance and we end up going four round..... I woke up before her the next and serve her breakfast on bed before leaving for my grandma office...i got to her office and her secetary told me i would have to wait till she is ready to see me,i was allowed to see her after an hour,i entered into her office Granny:wow,see my newly wed son,how is your wife doing Me:just tell me the reason why am here Granny:relax son,i would like you to see some lovely videos before u i say anything, She played the video for me on her laptop and it was the rape video which show my face clearly... Granny:i never knew my son could stoop so low to raping a lady,when rich girls are dying to have you on their bed Me:what did u want,pls dont show her the videos,i will do anything pls dont jeopardise our marriage i beg u Granny:good what i want is simple,i want you to divorce her and i dont want u to have anything to do with her and get all our investors back Me:pls i will do any other thing but i cant divorce her,we just got married for crying out loud,pls dont be heartlesd,what did u start to gain from all these Granny:i will gain a lot,if u do as i say,all our partners and investors who left will come back and i will be finally be able to pursue my political dreams Me:political dreams!!! Granny:yes,i want to contest for the next ambassador of the phillipines Me:and what does that have to do with me marrying kate Granny:it has a lot to do,the president promised to help me win if u would marry his daughter Me:u promised a lot of people that i will marry their daughters without my consent Granny:did u know how much the company lost this week,infact this discussion is over,i give you 48 hours to part ways with your wife...gey out of my office She called her security to send me out of her office.... I was so annoyed,how will my friend betray me with all what i have done for them,and katarina promised to punish the person that rape her..... Am on a crossroad,i dont know which way to go,i dont know what to do...My life is really fucked up.. I drove to nearby bar and took a drink in order to increase my thinking faculty,i smiled to myself as l got a solution to my problem..... BY STONEZ EPISODE 7 COMING SOON
9 Apr 2020 | 03:18
oya oo episode 6 don land drop your comment before 7 go come out @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace
9 Apr 2020 | 03:25
And what is the solution to ur problem
9 Apr 2020 | 04:52
Next episode pls
9 Apr 2020 | 04:53
Next please
9 Apr 2020 | 06:51
U should have told her b4 u re at crossroad.. Just pray she dnt kill u
9 Apr 2020 | 07:24
Let see wat happens next
9 Apr 2020 | 07:26
Wat solution do u ve guy? U ve messed it already, u wuld ve open up 2 her b4 now, anyway let's see hw it goes, ur granny is a bleep up human being.
9 Apr 2020 | 09:31
And I do hope dis solution of urs is worth it oo,make u no go complicate matters oo!!!!
9 Apr 2020 | 12:33
Let see how it goes
9 Apr 2020 | 14:18
I also av a solution for u why nt leave the country and start a new life somewhere else
10 Apr 2020 | 05:05
The best solution is to come out clean to the wife. The wife will av much to lose if she don't forgive him
11 Apr 2020 | 11:29
Regret Episode 7 By STONEZ I drove back to my granny house, "i will do anything u want as long as you dont show her the video but you have to give me at least a month to sort thing out with my wife" Granny:u mean to say your ex-wife,son i give u two month to sort out the mess u called marriage and u have to resume back to your office tomorrow,we really need u here because things are not going as expected Me:i agree,i will start work tomorrow but stick to the deal because i know u well and dont try anything funny Granny:i will not release the videos as long as u are not trying to play smart with me Me:u know i dont voilate agreements so u better keep your mouth shut or else Granny:are u threatening me or what Me:u better not violate our agreement,i said and turn ti leave her office Granny:and young man,prepare for your date with the president daughter tomorrow Me:dont start fixing dates for me again Granny:u dare not refuse I left her office and drove home,it seems like my plan i working out,i know she knew i have a reason that i cant just give up like that... I drove home and i met my beautiful wife sitting and watching movie in the lounge,i kissed and sat beside her and suddenly she spoke up Katarina:honey,i think there is something you need to know concerning my health status Me:(worried),is anything wrong with the baby,i spoke with the doctor today and he did not say anything Katarina:relax,the baby is fine at least for now Me:what did u mean Katarina:my days are limited,i was born with a not too good heart,and i have been living on drugs to aid my heart Me:i dont get Katarina:my heart is failing little by little and my days are limited,i was born with a hole in my heart,and i have been sustaining thanks to drugs,but the drugs are no longer working...i planned having a transplant before i was raped and now that am pregnant,my doctor said i dont have up to five month left and the chances of me surviving the transplant now that i am pregnant is slim...Dan,am scared i dont wanna leave u,u taught me what love is all about,she said and she started crying Me:dont cry love,i will talk to the doctor tomorrow and we will see what can be done...i have once witness a heart transplant before so i will talk to my friend who is a cardiologist Katarina:are u into medical stuff Me:actually,i studied medcine and surgery in the states with the hope of having a hospital here but my granny did not support my career in medicine,she want me to take over her businesses so i had to take a two-year professional course on business management Katarina:so u are a doctor Me:partially because i havent treated anybody before but i still have a knowledge about it Katarina:so u quit your dream and career to please your granny Me:yeah Katarina:i wish i could lay my hand on the bastard who raped me,he is the cause of all this if not for him,i would have done the transplant earlier,she said while sobbing Me:dont cry dearie,everthing is gonna be ok Katarina:i love u BY STONEZ EPISODE 8 COMING AFTER COMMENTS
12 Apr 2020 | 15:19
episode 7 is ready oooo @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace
12 Apr 2020 | 15:30
Hmm. Things are getting complicated. So what next
12 Apr 2020 | 16:18
What if u bankrupt the company and elope out of the country, {wicked smile}.
12 Apr 2020 | 16:21
Hmmmm @maths ur advice is nt bad o , but guy, is God like won butter ur bread o, ur wify go soon waka, is it nt a good tin?
12 Apr 2020 | 18:59
@Maths ur plan no good oh Wich bread wants to better @LadyG she should nt die ohh..
13 Apr 2020 | 02:33
He should use dis time she has left to care for her Or better still fly her out of d country for her surgery Then whatever plan u want to take in handling ur grandma is in ur hand And biko stylish beg her to forgive d rapist so dat her heart will be okay..b4 u throw d real bomb Thanks 4 d invitation @Stonez @Jehliohn teleport to diz place kiakia
13 Apr 2020 | 02:39
Wahooo, what are you going to do now
13 Apr 2020 | 04:06
I pray u sort things out
13 Apr 2020 | 05:52
Then telling her will really break her
13 Apr 2020 | 10:18
My dear @henrymary, d thing is so complicated walahi, i pray let God give her a 2nd chance o.
13 Apr 2020 | 12:47
Us still harbour hatred n pains for ur rapist,no wonder de drugs for ur heart r no longer working,madam u better stop oo cuz una dey carry somebody for ur belle!!!
14 Apr 2020 | 19:56
15 Apr 2020 | 03:07
Regret Episode 8 By Stonez I was sad when i heard that she is gonna die if we dont do the surgery immediately I called my friend who is a surgeon,we both studied medcine in the university af Atlanta...he now works as a surgeon in the states...i told him about my wife health,he told me to bring her to the states for surgery....i called the agency who is in charge of my visa,i told them to prepare visa for my wife and her mother....i left for the office,my plan was to pretend that i agree to my grandma terms until my wife visa will be ready so we would go and start a new life with a new identity abroard.. I greeted her and went to my office i need to back all my stuff secretely because katarina need to operated soon...i drove home when i finished packing my stuff from the office,i am determined to bring my granny down if she does not back-off.....i will not let her come between me and my wife,because i know her...i was still in my thought when the intercom rang,i picked and came my granny voice "see me in mu office",she said...i left what i was doing and went to her office,i sat down Granny:prepare,u are having a dinner date tonight with the president daughter Me:granny,u just set me up on a date without knowing if i have any plans for tonight,i am fed up with your behavior..... Granny:just shut up,i brought u up so that u would be useful for the company...anyways,u have no choice than to comply....her father had decided to join his company with ours if u marry his i want you to meet with her tonight,so u can sign the contract concerning your marriage to her and that of the company...i dont want you to mess up because the alliance is gonna benefit and boost our stand in the international market.... Me:but Granny:no but,u have to do as i say as long as i and my lawyer still have the video and i will release the video and also charge you to court for rape if u dont follow my instruction and u know the punishment for rape here in the phillipnes is death/life imprisonment.......... Me:ok,time and venue Granny:good boy,give her a call and you fix the date and venue yourself Me:why would i be the one to call her Granny:because she is your wife-to-be Me:but am married Granny:you promised to divorce her right,so you are marrying karia I stormed out of her office angrily,hell no,it is not gonna happen i will not call karia... I went home and stayed with my wife who was sleeping peaceful,i was still having a nice time with wife when my granny called Granny:she is waiting for u at Atlantis Cafe,i guess u wont wanna keep her waiting I took my keys and i left for the cafe,i saw her sitting at the far end of the cafe,i sat in her front and muttered a silent HI Me:let go straight to business,let me have tje contract,i have things to do Karia:is that a polite way of greeting your wife Me:i beg your pardon,u are not my wife,so let me sign the contract and leave here She streched the contract to me and i collected it and it and read through it Me:what the fuck is wrong with you guys,thank God i read the contract,i will not agree to this trash you called contract,i yelled and storm out I drove back home,my agent called me to inform me that the visas are ready....... EPISODE 9 COMING AFTER COMMENTS GUYS MY DREAM WILL ALSO BE UPDATED TOMORROW BY STONEZ
15 Apr 2020 | 04:46
EPISODE 8 DON LAND OOOO @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace
15 Apr 2020 | 04:48
Thank goodness that d visa is now ready, u better leave b4 dat old woman messed things 4 u o, nxt.
15 Apr 2020 | 06:17
See gobe...
15 Apr 2020 | 13:12
Diz ur grandma is doing dis 4 her own interest.. Quicky do and japa
15 Apr 2020 | 23:50
He's still making mistakes by not coming out to his wife and its personally paining me
16 Apr 2020 | 09:05
Next please
16 Apr 2020 | 14:11
Regret EPIDODE 9 BY STONEZ Unknown pov Katarina is mine and not for anyone,i will get back what belong to me....i really fucked,i shouldnt have left her,she truly loves me and she had a weak spot for me..i will get her back even if i have to kill her so called husband.......... Daniel pov I was elated when i heard that mt visa is ready,i thank him and promised to send him his balance....i put up all my house and my properties for sale...i need money for her surgery and we need money to start a new life abroad....i planned to move to Germany with my family after my wife surgery because if we stay in the states my granny is gonna find us and kill us...........After three days,my personal lawyer called me so i could sign the paper and hand over the house to it new owner,i signed and we were given 14days to vacate....i purchase our flight ticket and we were set to travel the next day...... Katarina pov Thank God for the husband you gave me,he is so caring and he even accept to be the father of my unborn child and we will be travelling to the states for my sugery Granny pov I think something is fishy,my grandson will never admit defeat easily,i need to act fast.......i picked my phone and called one of my boys Granny:i want all information about katarina and my son,i want to know all their movment Boy:yes ma'am,but u know it is gonna cost u money Granny:no problem,let me have your account details Boy:ok,i will get back to you in three hours... He called me back after three hours,he told me he is travelling tomorrow,and he told me about his wife health problem Granny:so daniel want to outsmart me **picked up my phone** Granny:get all the boys ready,u guys have a mission tomorrow Boy:yes ma'am, we are ready Granny:ok,i want u all by dawn at my house,no lateness Unknown pov I got a message from the boy i planted to watch over katarina,i heard she is leaving the country tomorrow...this is my chance to get her back and to kill her husband....... "Gather all members of the brotherhood,we have a mission tommorow,i said and i hanged up..... WATCH OUT FOR EPISODE 10 TITTLED INTERMISSION BY STONEZ
16 Apr 2020 | 21:09
e don ready ooo oya comment ooo @Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe
16 Apr 2020 | 21:14
Oh no o, God if u kn hw 2 communicate 2 Dan. 2 move d night b4 pls do it cos i dnt wnt anytin 2 happen 2 them o, @olamide-ayomide pls if u kn hw 2 twist dis story ps do cos i no wan hear say dey shot bird e mama fly o.
17 Apr 2020 | 06:06
I smell trouble for katrina and Daniel...
17 Apr 2020 | 06:55
Nothing go happen @ladyg cuz i dey their back....
17 Apr 2020 | 07:41
God will see you through
17 Apr 2020 | 11:25
This is war His grandma is wise Hope things would not go wrong
17 Apr 2020 | 12:21
Thanks @hbtmm i blive u die.
17 Apr 2020 | 12:27
Problem don come oo... Make I observe!!!
17 Apr 2020 | 17:34
Hmmm @LadyG am seeing dis in anoda way Granny will come with her men,and d unknown person(whom i think is kathrin's ex husband) will also come with his, There will be gun battle/exchange of bullets.. One person would get injured, d remaining iz history
17 Apr 2020 | 22:06
I guess d regret would soon come in also Rape video might get realeased
17 Apr 2020 | 22:08
Some guys re stupid, this is someone you disgraced and left at the altar and now you want her back. Next please
17 Apr 2020 | 23:21
Ok next
18 Apr 2020 | 01:52
Regret Episode 9 By Stonez I was packing our bags in the night when i saw my gun in my wardrobe,i bought the gun when i visited Russia two years ago,i have a international lisence for gun,so i can use it anywhere,i took the gun and i kept it in my bag....i also helped my wife and her mother with their bags before i slept........ Finally,i woke up the next day to start preparing for our trip,i made breakfast and we left for the airport...... Unknown pov The brotherhood were all at my house by dawn,i gave them daniel picture, "i want that guy dead,he will be travelling today,so i want u to kill him and kidnap the lady with him",i told them and i brought out three bags full of amunitions and everyone picked his choice,we entered 5 helux van and drove out of the compound.... Granny pov The boy i called yesterday came to my house very early with the rest of his gang, "my son is on his way to the airport,i want you to kill his wife and i want you to kidnap him him,he must not leave the country and i want his wife dead" i told the gang....They left for the airport in their bus while i drove behind them........ Katarina pov Finally,i will be having my surgery soon,i still have hope,i am not ready to die,not now that i have a man that cherish me,a man who could die for me,i love him and i want to be with him forever....i was still in my thought when a bullet shattered the windscreen and another bullet hit the tyres which made my husband lose control of the car.......... Daniel pov I was happy that all my nightmares are finally going to be over,i was driving on a high speed until someone shot the tyres,i lost control of the steering and the car tumbled twice and we crashed against a tree by the side of the road....i managed to open my wife and i saw my wife lying unconscious in her own pool of blood,i checked the back seat and i saw that her mother is dead,i saw men in mask approaching us with sophisticated guns,i opened my bag and i brought my 9mm pistol and i tucked it in mu tux,i wanted to get out of the car but i cant....They got to where we were,the door gave way and they dragged me and my wife out of the car...... Man 1:kill her and bring the man with me Man 2:i think she is dead already,no need to waste bullet... Then my granny came out of her car,i was shocked to see her,"what are u doing here" i managed to say Granny: u think u can outsmart me..."tie him up and take him to the car and kill the girl" she ordered and left..... Suddenly a bullet hit the man that wanted to tie me,i looked up and i saw that it was katarina ex-husband who shot the man..i was shocked to also see him...They started exchanging bullet...they engage in a serious gun battle...... By Stonez Episode 10 coming soon
18 Apr 2020 | 10:17
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read episode 9 ooo and make sure u comment
18 Apr 2020 | 10:21
Just exactly how i envisiage it
18 Apr 2020 | 11:42
I just pray he dnt die in d gun battle.. Just find a way to sneak out with ur wife and JAPA
18 Apr 2020 | 11:44
If Daniel nd his wife died, guy count me out of this story biko, haba wat nonsense.
18 Apr 2020 | 16:08
@fb-olamideayomide what happen to 'my dream' is the story abandon
19 Apr 2020 | 01:48
@ladyg am in support if anything happen to any of them especially linda we will protest. Abi @henrymary and @fb-danieledem @emmyteks won't u join the protest
19 Apr 2020 | 01:51
i already posted my dream @Maths
19 Apr 2020 | 04:19
@maths i will join and am sure @fb-danieledem will also join....
19 Apr 2020 | 05:56
@Maths we can kuku enter d story nd join in d fight so dat dey wnt die
19 Apr 2020 | 06:43
Nice one
19 Apr 2020 | 08:42
@Maths i dey the protest nah... Why actor go die...
19 Apr 2020 | 11:22
So ur dream is finally becoming a reality... Let's see what happens next!!!
20 Apr 2020 | 01:00
Regret Episode 10 By Stonez I carried my wife as they were battling with each other in a fierce gun battle...Roberto and his men seems to have the upperhand,i carried my wife and i brought out my gun,i carried her as i moved towards one of the helux van,i dropped my wife at the back of the van and i sat in the driver seat,i shot one of roberto's trying to block my way i drove away on a high speed,i need to get her to the hospital because she is badly injured,i drove straight to the hospital that have been handling her case,i immediately took her to the emergency section while i sat outside,i was really bleeding but i dont really care all that matters to me is my wife health...While i was waiting,one of the nurse treated and mend my wound...After an hour,one of the nurse attending to my wife came to meet me.... Nurse:Are u her husband Me:yes Nurse:Actually,we have a lot of problems Me:As in Nurse:Her heart is failing,she need to be operated soon Me:what are u waiting for,carry on with the operation Nurse:the surgeon is out of the country and she need a new heart and am not sure she could get one Me:i dont get Nurse:to be frank,your wife only have 5hours to live unless we do the transplant immediately Me:ok,so what about the heart Nurse:u can only get that at Manilla Central Hospital and am sure there are a lot of people currently in need of it..... Me:u mean i wont be able to get it Nurse:except you pull some strings Me:ok nurse,i will get to it... what about the surgeon Nurse:we already called his,he is on his way back....And u need to get the heart fast your wife only heve 4½hrs left..... I thanked the nurse and ran out of the hospital...... Granny pov I was relaxing in my lounge when one of my boys came to me Boy:ma'am, i have an information about your son and his wife Granny:ok go on,am listening Boy:his wife had a heart problem,she is currently in the hospital,she is about to undergo transplant and your son is currently on his way to get the heart.. Granny:ok,u must get the heart,dont allow my son to get hold of it,katarina must die so my son will have no choice but to obey me...Get the heart and kill anybody who want to stop you... Boy:ok ma Granny:i want a clean job I smiled as the boy left,it they get sucessfully get the heart then i will finally control my grandson........ Daniel pov I called the CMD of manilla central hospital,i told him what i need and he asked me to pay 5million dollar because a lot of people are seeking for the heart,i transferred the money to him and i told him to prepare it for transport that i will be there soon.... 5 cars drove into Manilla Central Hospital and 20 armed men came down they killed all the securities at the entrance and 10 of them went inside while 10 stood on guard outside...They went straight to the CMD office and forcefully collect the heart from him,they tied him and they exited the hospital......Daniel drove in immediately they left,he rushed into the hospital and he was told some harmed men just took the heart away.....he was told he need to get it fast because the heart can only live for 4hrs before it is gonna die..... Daniel pov i was sad when they told me about the heart,i need to find it so my wife can survive....i took my phone and dialled a number..... BY STONEZ EPISODE 11 COMING AFTER COMMENTS
20 Apr 2020 | 05:31
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read episode 10 ooo and make sure u comment
20 Apr 2020 | 05:34
Who did u call. Hope it someone that can help u
20 Apr 2020 | 06:15
Abeg make katrina no die ooo...
20 Apr 2020 | 07:02
What de hell is wrong with ur granny at all??? I hope something gud will come out of dis call u r making sha???
20 Apr 2020 | 11:24
Wow, next please
20 Apr 2020 | 14:39
I swear i "ll kill dat evil woman with my hands rubbish.
20 Apr 2020 | 18:26
@ladyg me too .....
20 Apr 2020 | 18:34
Regret Episode 11 By Stonez As i was about leaving,a nurse came to me handing a phone,"that is the location of the heart",go and save your wife.....i dialled a number on my phone Me:hello Man:hey Me:i need a package Man:ok,is it a complete set Me:yes Man:it is gonna cost 100,000 dollars Me:ok no problem,i have the money here with me,meet me at manila bridge in 15mins Man:ok I drove on a high speed following the direction on the phone,i got to manila bridge and i met him,i collected the package and i gave him the money I went to my car,opened the package and i smiled,the package is containing,3 pistols,a shot gun,3 smoke granade,empherine-cotimazol(drug) and a pack of heroine...... I swallowed the empherine-cotimazol and i injected the heroine.....i took a pistol and i kept it in my boot,i ignited the engine and drove off,i got to the location where they were,i parked my car a few meters away from the house....i took my guns and i advance toward the house,i fixed a silencer on my gun...i threw a stone at the gate while i hid behind a flower,a man opened the gate he came outside to check,as he passed where i was,i shot him in the head....i entered and i close the gate...i moved to the balcony and i peeped into the house and i saw two guys dicussing in the kitchen,i knocked on the door and one of the came to check,he was pointing his gun,ready to shoot,i came from his back,as i was about to pull the trigger,he turned and shot me but i was quick to dodge and i gave him a head-shot...the other guy started shooting randomly at anything thereby alerting the rest of the gang,thank God i already lock the gate,nobody is gonna escale,i rolled into the kitchen and i shot him... I moved to the next room,i kicked the door and i entered,i saw two of the gang having sex(a male and female) they were taken awy by pleasure orgasm that they did not notice me,i hit the female and she passed out,i tied both of them up....i went into the sitting and had a good gun fight with 7 of them,i won but i already ran of arms except for the one in my both,i interogated the two i tied down,they said the heart their is with their boss and he is in the underground section of the house,i killed the male and i told the female to take me to their boss,she led to the uderground passage she punched a code on the door and it opened revealing a flight of stair....we got down and saw their boss,i killed him and i took the box containing the heart....... By Stonez NEXT COMING SOON '
21 Apr 2020 | 19:11
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read episode 11 ooo and make sure u comment
21 Apr 2020 | 19:18
That's my G, haba i talk am say u go make us proud bt abeg run four four fourty 2 d hospital b4 we go hear smtin else o.
22 Apr 2020 | 01:04
Now dat u've gotten d heart go to ur wife fast oh b4 we go hear anoda tin
22 Apr 2020 | 02:09
Nitro speed to the hospital abeg...
22 Apr 2020 | 05:03
Make i borrow you my power bike make she no die ooo....
22 Apr 2020 | 09:01
Please be fast
22 Apr 2020 | 12:46
Well-done job
22 Apr 2020 | 12:50
Bros make u hurry oo time no dey sha!!!
22 Apr 2020 | 14:49
22 Apr 2020 | 15:03
I don't understand this episode
22 Apr 2020 | 16:25
22 Apr 2020 | 16:32
Regret Episode 12 By Stonez I drove to the hospital like a mad man,i got out of the car and ran into the hospital with the heart.... i met the nurse waiting for me,"where is the doctor" i asked,she burst into tears and said "the doctor had a plane crash".....Nooo i asked again to be sure if i heard her right..... i sat dejectedly on the floor and i joined the nurse in crying..... The doctor is the only doctor that can perform heart transplant in the phillipines and he is the only doctor who has the lisence to perform the surgery...... Me:can you do it Nurse:though am a senior nurse,i cannot do it Me:is there any doctor u know that can perform the surgery in other hospitals Nurse:No,the doctor who had a plane crash is the only doctor that can do it Me:Nooo,i shouted Nurse:the heart has two hours left and your wife will die in the next 1½hrs if she is not operated now........ I sat on the floor,upon all my efforts,all the blood i shed because of her,all the sacrifices..... My dear readers,i need your help,my wife must not die,is there any doctor among you that can perform the surgery....... Next Episode Coming Soon I need to find a surgeon By Stonez
23 Apr 2020 | 13:58
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read episode 11 ooo and make sure u comment
23 Apr 2020 | 14:00
Guy, that has bn my prayer 4 ur wife o, come 2 think of dis it, shey u sd u ar a medical personal? Guy u can do it.
23 Apr 2020 | 14:58
@ladyg is there any available flight to phliptines cause am a surgeon....and my licience dey intact......
23 Apr 2020 | 16:11
@harzaroboy i knw bt lockdown dey.
23 Apr 2020 | 18:26
@ater williams, i don tell am already o, make e do smtin o b4 smtin go do am o.
24 Apr 2020 | 04:56
U can still do it I thought u are a doctor
24 Apr 2020 | 08:46
The whole thing is really wired honestly.
24 Apr 2020 | 10:55
God will see you through.
24 Apr 2020 | 13:31
Dats very unfortunate, but wait oo,I tot u said u r a doctor? Oga make una go try ur luck sha,,,,desperate times need desperate measures!!!
24 Apr 2020 | 18:19
I can perform it, bring her to Nigeria. Next please
24 Apr 2020 | 19:23
Nobody called me..and diz iz my speciality But as light no dey make we wait for miracle
25 Apr 2020 | 12:15
Regret Episode 13 By Stonez I sat down dejectedly and i spoke up after a while Me: I am a doctor/cardiologist,let me try the surgery on her Nurse:have u done it before Me:no,but i can try Nurse:did u have a lisence Me:no Nurse:dont try to fool me everyone knows u are a business man,pls dont try anything silly Me:i studied medicine and surgery in the states Nurse:everyone knows u are into business,so dont lie Me:but my wife life and my baby is at stake Nurse:hey,back off and stop or i will call the cops I removed my gun from my boot and i point it at her Me:tell me the name of two nurses who are good and experience in this hospital Nurse:nurse kim and nurse kira,she said with a trembling voice Me:give me your cellphone (she gave me and i kept it in my pocket)....prepare her for the surgery while i go get the nurse.... i wont hesitate to kill you if u do anything funny.... I ran to call the two nurses,they did not want to follow me at first but they complied when they saw my gun..... The nurses wheeled her into the theatre and connected her to a life-support machine and a heart-lung machine,i did a blood test and x-ray... i ran a call to my friend who was to operate her in the states,he told me to be brave and go ahead,he gave me some useful tips.... I started as i tore her tommy,my intention was to bring out the baby first before the transplant but the head nurse spoke up Head nurse:i hope u are not trying to get the baby out Me:that what i wanna do Head nurse:getting the baby out first is risky,because u are going to stress your wife in the process and she might not survive Me:i will do it my own way I proceeded and i sucessfully brought out the baby,it was a baby girl,i gave her to the nurse and she took her away for incubation because she is premature.... I checked the time and i realised that i have 45mins more to operate my wife.... i set to work and i sucessfully brought out her worn-out and hollowed her and i was transplanting the new donor heart,the unexpected happen....... By Stonez Next Episode Coming After Comments
26 Apr 2020 | 03:43
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo and make sure u comment
26 Apr 2020 | 07:38
What happened
26 Apr 2020 | 08:10
Hope all is well
26 Apr 2020 | 08:16
She died
26 Apr 2020 | 08:40
what was that
26 Apr 2020 | 09:18
Abeg wetin happen
26 Apr 2020 | 09:46
Oga which be the unexpected you better no do rubbish......
26 Apr 2020 | 09:51
Oga,which one be de unexpected na? Abeg tell us something better oo!!!
26 Apr 2020 | 10:41
If that lady die eh, me, @LadyG and @Maths no go take you funny ooo...
26 Apr 2020 | 12:05
Bia dnt tell me rubbish or @emreks will tell u our plan, nxt biko.
26 Apr 2020 | 13:09
shey she woke up ni?abi wetin wan happen again
26 Apr 2020 | 20:00
Regret Episode 14 By Stonez Her temprature stopped and she stopped breathing I immediately connect her to a ventilator to aid the flow of blood as i was about to remove the heart,i removec the heart and replaced it with the healthy one.....i connected the vien and arteries after giving her a anti-rejection injection so that her system will not reject the heart......i disconnect the ventilator and the heart started pumping and distributing blood.... i placed her on a heart activoty monitoring machine and i stitch the incision/cut i made when i wanted to operate her,i placed her on drip and i told the nurses to dress her cuts well......i went to check on my baby in the incubator....... We waited for three hours and she is not still awake,i checked on her and one of the nurses told me she has drifted into coma and all she need now is prayer....... we continue to monitor her heart beat and everything seems normal until the seventh day when we noticed that her arteries are blocked and she needs another surgery........ I did the surgery and it was sucessful...... She woke up after 3month,by then the baby is already matured and developed.... We went home,she named her EVA,i did not tell her about her mother death because she has not recovered fully...... I decided to start building my own business empire,we planed to start it abroad but we could not travel out of the country due to some reasons........ I ventured and start the same business that my granny is into which is importing & exporting....i invested 20billion dollars in the business and i used my connection to pull some deals and my business is fast growing...... my company made it big within few month and everything was going well,my granny and i became busuness rivals.... My company became popular than that of my granny,i became rich and very powerful and i employed bodyguards for my wife and daughter My love between wife and i grew up day by daughter is a beautiful like her mother,she is lovely and a good girl......... I became one of the biggest and richest businessman in the phillipines,we established branches all over the country and outside the country,i snatched all my granny business partners and my company is really making it big..... We were living fine until roberto which lead to a big problem By stonez Next coming soon
27 Apr 2020 | 03:55
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo and make sure u comment
27 Apr 2020 | 03:57
At least you tried no matter what happened
27 Apr 2020 | 04:24
Oh my oh my, thank goodness my woman did nt die, hmmmm @emreks time 4 thanksgiving o.
27 Apr 2020 | 04:52
@LadyG better thanksgiving ooo...
27 Apr 2020 | 05:58
@ladyg @fb-danieledem @maths @kelly-kelvin @fb-mhizadediwura make una follow thank GOD ooo cuz our wife no die....
27 Apr 2020 | 10:26
I just det arrive oooo
27 Apr 2020 | 10:33
I know there much be a problem
27 Apr 2020 | 12:20
Why must problem always come @stonez if u kill my heart with suspense u will have to give me a heart of gold oh
27 Apr 2020 | 13:18
what happen next i hate suspence
27 Apr 2020 | 22:07
Oooh what is it again na??? Must der always be a problem???
1 May 2020 | 20:19
Bia, what is holdin this story naa, no updates 4 wks now, hmmm odikwa risky o .
6 May 2020 | 17:23
Regret Episode 15 By stonez we were living peacefully until katarina ex-husband showed up.... i went on a dinner date with my wife,i took her to a fancy resturant outside town... we placed our orders and we were about eating when Roberto came out of nowhere to ruin our date.... he came to where we sat and said "my dear katarina,it been while... it quite a pity we did not end up together,i know u still love me and i promise you that i will get back what belong to me.....he left the resturant afterwards I drove my wife home,i felt like killing the idiot that ruined our date,i pulled over in front of my house,she got out of the car without uttering a word....... Later in the night,i laid beside her on the bed as we slept in each other arms...... Katarina:my love am scared Me:of what Katarina:concerning roberto's threat,he dosent make empty threat Me: relax,nothing is gonna happen,i wont let him come near u.......i consoled her and she slept off not long after.... I picked my phone and i called one of my friend Me:hey bro Friend:yes boss Me:i have a job for u,i need you to follow my wife and protect her without she knowing Friend:ok,that is not a problem Me:just be her bodyguard,keep an eye on,follow her everywhere she goes and dont hesitate to kill anyone if you need to,someone threatened her and i have to keep her save Friend:ok Me: and i also need one of your boys to monitor a guy,i will send money and the details of the guy to you...pls dont disappiont friend:ok.we will get to work.... i felt relieved after the call,i know they will work on it....... about a week later,it was on a saturday,Eva instited that i should take her and my wife to the park,i tried to turn down her request but my smart daughter wont take no for an awnser.... i agreed and i took them to a park not knowing that something bad awaits us at the park........ By Stonez Next coming soon
7 May 2020 | 18:18
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo and make sure u comment i apologise for not updating last week,
7 May 2020 | 18:19
@Stonez av almost 4gotten abt d story had to read previous episode to be on track
7 May 2020 | 20:46
Bodyguards on standby good job
7 May 2020 | 20:50
Okay guy welcome back, Aboki kontiune.
8 May 2020 | 04:36
Too short and you wasted a lot of time to post this
8 May 2020 | 10:14
Am happy that she is alive.... Well-done job doctor
8 May 2020 | 14:34
Did u say something bad? Hmmmmmm!!!
9 May 2020 | 15:47
Regret Episode 16 By Stonez I took them to the park, i sat and watch as my wife and daughter were having fun going on the roller coaster, i looked around and i saw Greg(my friend whom i paid to watch over my wife) sitting on a bench not too far from where i sat.... i stood up and i went to sit beside him, "my boys have been keeping tabs on the guy... there is nothing suspicious about him,but he met with your granny twice this week...seems like they are planning something big against you,be careful bro" he said and left... i was shocked,could my granny be working with Roberto.... i was still deep in my thought when i heard gushots and my wife scream my name........ I stood up and ran towards where my wife was only to see my daughter lying unconscious in a pool of blood,and a young girl was also on the floor... i saw greg and his men chasing some guys chasing someone with two of his boys.... for the first time in my life,i was scared,my daughter must not die.... i carried her and the other girl into my car and i rushed her to the hospital....... She was immediaty rushed to the emergency ward for treatment The doctor came out hours later looking sober and tired and said "am sorry " Next coming soon
11 May 2020 | 03:32
@LadyG and @Henrymary abeg help me call the rest
11 May 2020 | 03:40
Nothing must happen 2 dat innocent child pls but guy is it nt high time u keep dat ur evil grany where she suppose 2 b ? cos is getting too much of her.
11 May 2020 | 07:07
My pals abeg make una show ASAP @fb-danieledem @mahs @hormortiyor @atermarial @harzaroboy @emreks @kelly-kelvin @haykay As u come call others biko.
11 May 2020 | 07:15
Sorry for what nothing must happen to the innocent girl o
11 May 2020 | 09:56
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo and make sure u comment i apologise for not updating last week,
11 May 2020 | 11:21
Nawa oh..diz ur grandma na desperado oh Just pray ur dawta dnt kpeme
11 May 2020 | 15:56
She must not die ooo and your granny must pay for it in a very big way.
11 May 2020 | 16:52
I really Petty you
11 May 2020 | 16:53
But sorry who is now going to regret, you or your granny?
11 May 2020 | 16:54
Regret Episode 17 By Stonez "Am sorry to say this,your daughter has a slim chance of surviving,though she has no bullet wound like the other girl but she lost a lot of blood and she need blood urgently and her blood type is scarce,her blood does not match with her mother's blood and we dont have her type of blood in our blood bank" the doctor said...... Me:doctor take my blood,it match with her's Doctor:are you sure Me:am a universal donor Doctor:ok,let me take a sample of your blood to the lab for test Me:ok...he took a sample of my blood to the lab and he came back minutes later to take my blood after confirming that my blood match with hers..... I felt weak and dizzy after i donated three pant of blood,the doctor came out after 30mins.. "she is stable and now responding to treatment" the doctor told us.... After 3weeks she was discharged ...... ANN POV How on earth is it possible,daniel's blood match with Eva blood,can daniel be her biological father...... i need to get to the root of the matter,i will carry out a DNA test on them,i have a feeling that daniel is the guy that rape katarina....... i will go to their house tomorrow so that i can get the DNA samples....... Ann visited katarina the next day....... she sucessfully collected a sample from both daniel and eva,she secretely took some strand from Eva's hair and she snuck into daniel room where she also took some strand of his hair from his comb....... she took the samples to the lab and she was told to come back for the result after three days........ Granny pov I was in my office when my phone rang,i picked up the phone and it turns out that ot was roberto that was on the line Granny : hello Roberto: let meet tomorrow,come with the evidence Granny:ok but what do i get in exchange Roberto:i will get u new client in order to save your company and i will help you with your political ambition Granny: ok Roberto: i will send u the address,see you tomorrow Next coming soon What do u think Ann will do with the DNA result Will granny sell his grandson out and give out the evidence....... Make sure u comment after reading By Stonez
13 May 2020 | 01:36
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo and make sure u comment
13 May 2020 | 01:38
Nawa oh
14 May 2020 | 16:44
trouble over problem oga o
14 May 2020 | 16:57
Looks like derz problem looming oo,hmmmmmm wahala dey!!!
15 May 2020 | 16:55
My dream Episode 18 By Stonez Granny walked into crystal resturant with her guards,she saw Roberto at the far end of the resturant,she joined him Granny:sorry for keeping you waiting,let get down to business Roberto:ok,let me have the video,i already pull some strings concerning your political appointment and am sure u will get the post... Granny:what about the clients Roberto:i already contacted them and they promised to partner with you...i also have a plan to make your son client and investors become yours, so let me have the video.... Granny gave the video to roberto,he played the video and smiled to himself and he gave granny Some document to sign before they parted ways.... Three days later,granny's political appointment was confirmed by the government and she also has new investors for her company.... Ann went to the lab to collect the DNA result which was 99.9% match,the result confirmed that daniel is the real father of eva..... Roberto on the other hand has been trying to set-up a meeting with katarina,she refused at first but she later agreed,they met in a resturant... katarina:what do you want to tell me,we have just 10mins for this discussion Roberto:i already know the person that raped you Katarina:if u want to talk about our failed marriage,am sorry to tell you that am not intrested,it all in the past Roberto:it was daniel that raped u katarina:i see that u are going nut,am out of here {she stood up} Roberto:i know you wont believe me,take a look at this video{he played the video for her to see} katarina:where did you get this,she asked with a teary voice Roberto:i got it from his friends,he was the one kidnapped you that night,he defiled you and raped you and later married you in order to cover his trace katarina:no,i dont believe you,daniel can never do that to anyone Roberto:if you say am lying, the video cant lie,here take this home,re-watch it so you can know he is really the one that rape you,he gave her the phone and left the resturant...... Katarina left the resturant with a shattered heart she got home and she met Ann waiting for her.... Ann gave her the DNA result,she passed out when she read the result..... She woke up minutes later in her room,ann has gone home,she walked into the kitchen and saw daniel fixing dinner,she already decided not to tell him anything until she have a strong evidence...she joined him Daniel:(he pecked her) evening dear Katarina:evening love,when did you get back,am sorry i could not come to the office today daniel:apology accepted,but you must be at the office tomorrow,we will be having a meeting with our foreign investors...what wrong with you,you look worried katarina:am fine,am just stressed out daniel:or have i scored a goal katarina:naughty you,no am sorry to tell you that it is an offside,am not pregnant daniel:i thought u were,go get eva dinner is ready...... The next day,they both went to the office for the meeting,katarina left the office and went to ann office.... Next coming soon
17 May 2020 | 00:07
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo and make sure u comment
17 May 2020 | 02:47
Daniel Things are gonna go south
17 May 2020 | 07:58
Daniel am so sorry for you because what happened between you and your wife is not intentionally, but I believe that God will save you and help you
17 May 2020 | 08:59
Now everything av burst... Wat will danny do nw..and kate av nt even told him sef
17 May 2020 | 10:16
Daniel u see i hate pple dat dnt adhere 2 advice, had it bn u open up 2 ur wife, afteral it wz nt intentional, it was ur frnds ideal, sha God will see u thru, seeing ur heart nd all dat. Bt guy u get liver 2 leave dat ur old winch u cal grand ma, if na me i go use my hands kill am, anu ofia.
17 May 2020 | 13:10
See gbege........
18 May 2020 | 12:31
trouble knocking at the door
18 May 2020 | 19:52
My dream Episode (semi finale) By Stonez Ann we need to talk,katarina said as soon as she got into her office Ann:ok am listening katarina:who asked you to conduct a DNA test on my daughter,who ask you to and what did u tend to achieve by showing me the result Ann:the day your daughter had an accident and she needed blood,when daniel donated blood for her,g was the one who took the blood samples to the lab for test,so when i check the result,i discovered that the blood are almost the same...and you once told me that you did not know the father of eva because you were raped,that was why i carried out the test... Katarina:who else knew about it Ann:no one katarina:ok,i'll see you she step out of the hospital,she got a call from Roberto,he says that he want them to meet where they met a day before... she got to the resturant where she saw roberto with three other guys,it like i've met them before but i cant really remember,i sat down with them and roberto introduced them to me Roberto:meet daniel's friends,you must have met them before,they were present on your wedding day and they knew about the rape case...let them explain how it all happened....... Ryan:the three of us are friends with daniel,we all live together in his mansion,it was on the night of his birthday,we went to club and when we were coming,we saw u by the roadside,Daniel said he would like to have u for the night,i discourage him and told him that how will he want to sleep with a stranger,he said he must have his way with you and there is nothing i am going to do to stop him,he did not listen to me and he went ahead and kidnapped you,he took you home,raped you and defiled you and dumped you where he picked you the next day....we all promise to expose him but he threatened us and sent us out of his house....luckily for us,we got the video from the cctv in the house before he deleted it.... Dont think we are betraying him,we only want the truth to prevail and he married you in order to cover his trace.... We are ready to testify against him in court,act fast before he destroys you..... Katarina left the resturant with a heavy heart,she is really heartbroken and confused on what to do next....... Unknown to katarina,proberto already planned with daniel's friends that they should lie against daniel... immediately she left the resturant,roberto gave daniel's friends the money he promised them and they went their various ways....katarina got home,her husband was not yet back from work,she made up her mind to confront her husband when he comes back... Roberto called her not long after and said "katarina,i will send my lawyer to you tomorrow,so she can file the case to court" he said and he hung up..... katarina stormed into daniel office,she threw the phone at him and she asked him to explain the content of the video daniel:wifey,i can explain,they lied to you katarina:save your lies,i dont wanna hear,get ready to pay for yours sins, you will hear from my lawyer,she hissed and walked out Daniel sat in his office,minutes later daniels lawyer called him lawyer:sir,your wife filed a rape case and she also filed for divorce,the court hearing is in three days.... Next coming sooon @LadyG @Henrymary call the rest
28 May 2020 | 15:24
Diz daniel friends would surely regret this @stonez expecting finale soon
28 May 2020 | 16:05
@fb-danieledem @maths @paddy2x @ele1 @kelly-kelvin @harzaroboy @atermarial @iphemloid @ugonnadeyoungest writer @emmy01 @lawman-2
28 May 2020 | 16:08
@Henrymary u are really trying 4 me oo thanks for de invite
28 May 2020 | 16:59
I have really miss alot
5 Jun 2020 | 07:23
Regret semi finale cont'd Manilla supreme court court clerk:my lord,mrs katarina filed a divorce and rape case against her husband,but according to the law,we will be treating the divorce today while we treat the rape case later..... judge:ok,shall we proceed katarina's lawyer stepped forward and spoke her while daniel's lawyer defended daniel...... After both lawyers are done,the judge gave his verdict.... judge:i thank and praise both lawyers,after listening to both of them,here is my final judgement...........divorce,with all the document presented before me,70% of all his properties will go to his wife and the wife wins the custody of their child..... The court hearing concerning the rape case miss katarina filed against her ex-husband will be in a week time,till then mr daniel should be placed under house-arrest,i rise(he said and hit the gravel).......... clerk:court(he said and everybody present stood up).... three policemen walked daniel to his car,one of them drove his car and two followed them from behind....... they got to daniel house,and he was stripped off his phone and other gadgets.... later in the evening his lawyer visited him..... lawyer:daniel,am really sorry,there is nothing i could do,but that not the problem for now,you know she also filed a rape case against you,so i want you to tell me how it all happened.... Daniel went on and narated how it all happened to him... Lawyer:it is really a strong case,and our chance of winning is slim,especially when they have enough evidences against us..... Daniel:so what can we do Lawyer:we will plead guilty so the judge can reduce your punishment,according to the law of our country,the punishment of rape is death but you could get imprisonment if we plead guilty... i already worked on the house-arrest,you will be released tomorrow,let hope for a good and favourable judgement in court..... he said and walked out... The next day daniel was released and he went to the company,he walked into the fourth floor where his office is located and he saw that the office has been locked,he walked back into the lobby and saw katarina P.A,he asked her about his office and she said "the office now belong to my boss,your office has been moved to the last floor sir",she said I was suprised,i took the elevator to the last floor,immediately i stepped out of the elevator,my P.A came to me,she look sad P.A:morning sir,there os an emergency board meeting you need to attend sir,all our investors are there sir Daniel:who called for the meeting P.A:your ex-wife sir Daniel:ok,i said and left for the boardroom I got into the boardroom,i saw all our investors seated,and katarina sat on my seat,i walked in and i sat down on an empty chair Katarina:let proceed,she signalled her P.A and she gave a file to everyone present Katarina:am now the new CEO of this great company,the document shared among you guys confirms it...i now own 70% shares of the company,a new dawn has began and i will like to change some rules,and also appoint a new general mannager.... As from now,Mr Daniel no longer have the right to attend board meetings because he is a criminal,and the name of the company has been changed to KATARINA GROUPS...... Finale coming next @LadyG @Henrymary
5 Jun 2020 | 12:19
Innaa ehnn fear women o, Katarina or whatever they called ur name, you ar a heartless wailaha. You 4got so soon dat d life u ar enjoying is cos Daniel fought 4 it, am nt supportin Danny either, u wuld ve given him chance to at least explain. Had it bn he confess d sin he didnt commit 2 u, i dnt think it will b dis bad. But Katarina watch ur back.
5 Jun 2020 | 13:19
Well nothing much to say., Kath, d expression dat would grace ur face when u find out the truth would be big @Stonez thanks for i.v
5 Jun 2020 | 19:13
Hahahaha... This is funny
6 Jun 2020 | 10:48
Please be fast with it.... Send it in time
6 Jun 2020 | 12:43
Hav missed alot
6 Jun 2020 | 18:33
Please be fast with it.....
7 Jun 2020 | 04:27
Katrina is a fool
7 Jun 2020 | 12:47
On it
9 Jun 2020 | 12:40
Hmmm... How many years should we wait for the finale?
9 Jun 2020 | 13:08
MY DREAM FINALE BY STONEZ My words are law,it is not proper for a criminal to be in our midst,you all might not understand what i mean now but am sure you will understand very soon,till them this meeting is adjourned....she said and walked out.... THREE DAYS LATER,MANILA SUPREME COURT court clerk:my lord,today,we are treating case number 21,where miss katarina accuses her ex-husband of rape judge:shall we proceed katarina's lawyer(mrs tonia) stood up tonia:thank you my lord,jan 28 2010,my client was abducted and raped by mr daniel... judge:if am correct,the event took place ten year ago,so why are you just charging him to court Tonia:the matter was brought before the magistrate that year but the case was buried due to lack of evidence... judge:defence lawyer,is there anything you will like to say callum:no,my lord judge:ok,go on mrs tonia mrs tonia:i have some questions for mr dan,mr daniel pls step forward(daniel moved into the box)where were you that night daniel:it was my birthday,so i was at the club with my friends tonia:are you guilty as charged daniel:no tonia:if this honourable court perits me,i will like to call mr ryan to the witness box... judge:call him tonia:mr ryan,will you pls come into the witness box (ryan stepped forward) Tonia:where were you that night Ryan:i was with him that night Tonia:but mr daniel said you guys went to the club Ryan:it was his birthday,so we all went to the club together Tonia:did he really rape miss katarina or not Ryan:he raped her tonia:thank you,you may go have your seat,my lord(she faced the judge)kindly permit me to present my final evidence Judge:go on Tonia:(she brought out a flashdrive and her laptop)my lord,take a look at this video,it was recorded by his shows how mr daniel molested my client... judge:mr callum,is there anything you will like say Mr callum:my lord,my client plead guilty before this honurable court,i will be glad if you can reduce his sentence Judge:with all the investigations and evidence presented before this honourable court,it shows that Mr daniel is truly guily as charged,i hereby sentence Mr daniel to life imprisonment with hard labour and all his properties should be given to Miss katarina as compesation....... STONEZ POV THAT WAS HOW DANIEL WAS SENTENCE TO PRISON,KATARINA TOOK OVER DANIEL COMPANY,SHE BECAME RICH AND FAMOUS,EVERYTHING WAS GOING WELL FOR HER UNTIL SHE MARRIED ROBERTO.....TWO YEARS AFTER THEIR MARRIAGE,ROBERTO TOOK OVER HER COMPANY,SHE BECAME A SLAVE TO ROBERTO,SHE WENT THROUGH HELL IN THE HANDS OF ROBERTO,HE WOULD LOCK HER UP IN THE DOG CAGE,HE ALWAYS MOLEST HER.... GRANNY ALSO BECAME A TOP POLITICIAN AND BUSINESS TYCOON DANIEL BECAME A GANGSTAR IN PRISON,WITH THE CONNECTIONS HE HAD BEFORE HE WAS IMPRISONED,HE STARTED DOING DRUGS AGAIN (NOTE:HE WAS DOING DRUGS WHEN HE WAS IN USA BUT HE STOPPED WHEN HE RETURNED TO THE PHILLIPINES),HE BECAME STINKLY RICH AGAIN....WHILE IN PRISON,HE WAS PLANNING HIS REVENGE AND ESCAPE... I THOUGHT THIS IS GONNA BE THE FINALE BUT IT IS NOT WATCH OUT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE TITTLED 'ESCAPE AND REVENGE' @LadyG @Henrymary call the rest
11 Jun 2020 | 09:42
That serves katarina right, sha i told u 2 watch ur black, u ar fool. You dnt kn u cant fry popcorn in d fuel station. Mr Danny am behind u . My man u used another cover 2 cover this nice food o, pls check d litle of dis story.
11 Jun 2020 | 10:15
My mens, @ele1 @emmy01 @timson7373 @atermarial @kelly-kelvin @fb-danieledem Mary Henry @henrymary @phemloid @prosper @maths abeg is it true dat @ugonnadeyoungestwriter is in Isolation centre ? @harzaroboy, biko tag others alone.
11 Jun 2020 | 10:27
Nice one, please continue.... But don't keep us waiting anymore...
11 Jun 2020 | 11:18
@ladyg thanks for the i.v and @stonez kudos anticipating for season 2.....,.
11 Jun 2020 | 15:24
The Revenge would be centered on ~daniel 3 friends ~roberto ~katharina ~and granny
11 Jun 2020 | 15:51
@Stonez good work here nd thanks for the regular invite @ladyg thanks for i.v
11 Jun 2020 | 15:53
11 Jun 2020 | 15:57
Hmmmm @LADYG me too i don't know his where about, maybe we should ask @ELE1,@Thecomely @fb-danieledem @emmy01 @emreks @b,
11 Jun 2020 | 16:06
milady milady @ladyg et my small oga @timson7373 i think say @ugonnadeyoungestwriter him sub finish sha, my brother @iphemloid suppose no sth abt it, make we go investigate am
11 Jun 2020 | 16:24
I knw that Daniel lawyer was also bribed
11 Jun 2020 | 19:58
Escape and Revenge, woow I can't wait,just bring it on buddy!!!
13 Jun 2020 | 21:55
Regret season 2 Escape and Revenge By Stonez CORONA PRISON,MANILLA Warden:hey daniel,you have a visitor Daniel:a vistor,ok open the cell He opened and they both walked to the visiting room Daniel got there and he saw Humpty waiting for him Humpty is a friend of Daniel,he was the one who introduced Daniel into drugd back in the States,they went their seperate ways when daniel quitted drugs.... Daniel:(shocked) humpty,what are u doing here Humpty:is that how to greet a friend who you have not seen for a long time Daniel:sorry bro,hw have u been Humpty:good,i heard that you are back into the business Daniel:yeah bro,i need to leave this place Humpty:that why am here Daniel:so how will you get me out Humpty:it very simple,i already have everything planned out Daniel:ok Humpty:here is the game plan,(he gave him a tablet) take this tomorrow morning and you will be out of here Daniel:why are u helping me Humpty:cuz u also helped me in the states,take the drug tomorrow as i have said,he said and he exited the building...... The next day,daniel took the drug as he was instructed,but nothing happened until later in the evening when he started vomitting blood while they were playing basketball,he fell down and passed out,his fellow inmates gathered round his as the prison nurse started treating him Nurse:he was poisoned,we need to take him to the hospital Warder:it against the prison rule,we cant take him to the hospital Nurse:if you dont,he will die Warder:ok,i'll call an ambulance Nurse:be fast with it,we dont have much time An ambulance arrived immediaty and they took him to the hospital...... On their way,they had an accident,a boy ran across the road not caring to look before crossing,the driver quickly manovered so he wont hit the boy,the ambulance skidded off the road and went up in flames........ Next coming soon @LadyG @Henrymary Call others
14 Jun 2020 | 04:18
Wow d extraction was easier than i thought
14 Jun 2020 | 21:19
@Stonez ride on @ele1 @fb-danieledem @harzaroboy call others
14 Jun 2020 | 21:20
Please continue...
15 Jun 2020 | 03:34
Hmmm nice stratin
15 Jun 2020 | 06:10
15 Jun 2020 | 06:13
Well planed job, hope noting happened 2 my Danny o. Nice one stonez bt u joined d season 1 nd 2 togther, is dat hw u wnt it?
15 Jun 2020 | 06:22
Omo this one go set die.......@henrymary thanks for the i.v.......
15 Jun 2020 | 07:16
Thanks @timson7373 i see you. mr stone fire on
15 Jun 2020 | 11:53
Looks like de plan is working perfectly.... Continue!!!
15 Jun 2020 | 12:36
Regret Season Two Revenge and Escape Episode 2 By Stonez Daniel Pov I open my eyes slowly and i look round the room,i was in a strange place,i remembered i was playing basketball when i slumped,i dont know what happened and how i got here i tried to sit down that was when i studied my environment well,i was in a bedroom i noticed that i was on a drip,i laid on the bed and was about sleeping when someone opened the door,it was Humpty,he came in and sat down on the bed beside me smiling Humpty:Finally you are awake Daniel:how did i get here,what happened,why am i on drip Humpty:finally,you are now free,i told you that you are gonna leave the prison Daniel:how did it happened bro,hw did you do it Humpty:you remember that i gave you a drug to take Daniel:yeah Humpty:Actually the drug na poison Daniel:what did u want to kill me Humpty:actually it a weak poison,it is not really strong,it dosent kill.....I gave you the poison because i cant attack the prison or break into the prison to release you,so i decided to give you the poison to lure u guys out because i knew that they will take you to the hospital once they noticedd that you have been poisoned....You slumped when the drug took effect,and they rushed you to the hospital,on their way,an accident occured and everyone in the ambulance died...Actually,it was a planned accident,i and my boys caused the accident when we attacked the ambulance,we killed everyone and we rescued you....we also set the ambulance up on fire,so now we made everyone believe that none of you survived.... Daniel:wow,you are a genius Humpty:since the government and people already believed that you died in the accident,you need to leave the country Daniel:ok,i will but that will be after my revenge Humpty:you really wanna revenge Daniel:yeah Humpty:ok,i need to be somewhere now,did u need anything Daniel:yeah,i need my daughter,kidnapp her and bring her to me Humpty:ok Later in the evening,daniel decided to look around the house since he is now feeling better...he got out of the room,on opening the door,he saw four gaurds at the door,they bowed as he walked past them,he went outside the building that was when he realised that it is one of the house he just bought,guards were everywhere,he retired back into his room after he was through....... Next coming soon @LadyG,yh that how i want it,i just decided to join it with season 1 @Henrymary Call others
15 Jun 2020 | 19:07
Oh mehn dis story na bomb, Danny both ur grandy o, ur frnds o biko no mercy, ride on d Stone man i dey feel u.
16 Jun 2020 | 04:13
Guys muna come support Danny biko; @ele1 @emmy01 @fb-danieledem @senatordaniel @phemloid Timo de @timson7373 @henrymary @harzaroboy @emreks @atermarial @maths @thecomely @hormortiyor @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @prosper, Tag others biko.
16 Jun 2020 | 04:30
I advise you tell her now o
16 Jun 2020 | 05:01
Hmmm i still dea follow u o
16 Jun 2020 | 06:27
Dan, you should understand your wife. Rape is not easy to deal with but for your friends, well, don't kill them. Make them live to REGRET instead. Keep it up... @ladyg would you ever send me to jail if I did wrong?
16 Jun 2020 | 06:55
Interesting, next pls
16 Jun 2020 | 08:16
Please don't keep us waiting
16 Jun 2020 | 08:17
Hmmmm i think that your revenge will not take you somewhere.. o n ej
16 Jun 2020 | 09:25
16 Jun 2020 | 09:30
@ladyg Thanks l
16 Jun 2020 | 09:35
Infact @phemloid u go dey 4 jail marry.
16 Jun 2020 | 19:55
Revenge is sweet, can't wait to see all of them vampires suffer, especially those fake friends of yours and your idiotic ex-wife
17 Jun 2020 | 01:15
@ladyg marry you abi?
17 Jun 2020 | 02:53
@ladyg hope say you dey follow the flow.........
17 Jun 2020 | 06:13
Regret Season 2 Escape and Revenge Episode 3 I went back inside after checking my house,i sat and i turned on the television when i saw the news headline "POPULAR BUSINESS TYCOON WHO WAS IMPRISONED HAS BEEN REPORTED DEAD AFTER HE WAS INVOLVED IN A FATAL ACCIDENT".... I smiled when i saw the news,everyone now believed that i am dead,it will make my revenge easier.... i was still lost in my thought when i heard someone calling daddy,i looked up and i saw my daughter smiling and running towards me to hug me,she look lean and malnourished..... I was so happy,seeing my daughter after two years,she is already ten and i saw her last when she was eight..... Words could not describe how happy i am,i ordered the maids to bath her and dress her up.... Now that i have my daughter right with me,there is nothing that can make me lose this battle of revenge,because she is my only weakness and the only weapon in which the enemy can use to pull me down..... I bagan planning for my revenge,Humpty already returned to the state because of he is the man controlling drugs in los angeles..... I recuited my own men because the fight against roberto is gonna be a hard one... .. Firstly let me begin with know as a businessman i must not record any loss,i still remember i paid my three ingrate friends off with $5million each which makes it $15million and i must get my money back first........ Now let the game begin,i decided to send EVA abroad to stay with Humpty till my revenge game is over...... What suprised me most is that since the day my boys took my daughter away,katarina did not even look for her,i wonder the type of mother she is,i did not know when she became a monster..... Three days later,my daughter travelled to the state,now i can fully concentrate and carry on with my revenge...... Firstly my main aim is to get my $15million dollars back... I have a feeling that callum is also involved in it because he is also my granny's lawyer.... I sent my boys to bring ryan for me,they searched and searched but they could not find him,i want to start with him because he was the one who sold the video to my granny and he also testified against me....... After searching for 3weeks,they finally found him,he already fled to mexico,the found him and they brought him back to the phillipines... He will be my bait,i will use him to get my money back and he will tell me where brian and ray are...... Next coming soon The real game begin in the next episode @LadyG @Henrymary call others
18 Jun 2020 | 15:34
Let the game begin biko. @ele1 @emmy01 @fb-danieledem @thecomely @ryder @paddyx2 @phemloid @timson7373 @harzaroboy @kelly-kelvin @emreks @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @maths @senatordaniel @prosper, tag others.
18 Jun 2020 | 16:37
Am already seated
19 Jun 2020 | 05:03
Please continue
19 Jun 2020 | 05:53
Woow de action is abt to begin.... Let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeee!!!
19 Jun 2020 | 11:26
Oya bring it on
19 Jun 2020 | 13:19
Sweet revenge @ladyg and @stonez thanks for invite
19 Jun 2020 | 19:54
Look at your back. I dey there!
22 Jun 2020 | 19:11
Regret Escape and revenge Episode 4 By Stonez I smiled as i entered into my safe house,my guards led the way and they opened a door,i entered and i saw Ryan tied to a chair,my boys brought a chair for me and i sat down.... I ordered them to remove the blindfold.....when he saw me,he was shocked and he look scared,i cleared my throat and said "long time bro" Ryan:but you are dead Me:no bro,that a false story,am alive and free... Ryan:pls dont kill me Me:i wont kill you as long as you return my money Ryan:which money Me:i can still remember i gave you money so you would keep the secret but u betrayed me,so i want my money back.... Ryan:you wont get a dime Me:if you say so I stood up and i said to my boys "guys,u know what to do,i want the money before 8pm after that,send him forth" with that i left with my guards..... Around 8pm at night,my boys called me that he already transferred the money to my acct and they already know where byran and ray are .... I ordered him to bring Ryan to my house,i want to kill him myself... They brought him and i personally put a bullet into his head ... I ordered my boys to send his head to ray and with a letter to inform him that he is the next....With ryan out of my way,i only have three more people to kill but before that,i wanna see my lovely ex-wife...... I was chilling in my house when i got a call from one of my boys that they could not find ray again after they delivered my letter to him... I smiled and told him not to worry that i will get back to him when i figure out a plan. I was lost in thought,thinking of every possible way to finish the game so i could leave the country quickly before the i get caught.....i smiled as i remembered that ray has a daughter,he got a girl pregnant 16years ago and kept her away from everyone..... I called hammed(one of my boys),i gave him the location of where ray's daughter is living and ask them to kidnap her....He later called me back to inform me that they already kidnapp the girl..... I know ray will call my boys once he find out that his daughter is missing,like i expected he called later at night and he was asked to bring $10 million dollars to a specific location as ransom for his daugher....I ordered my boys to abduct him once he bring the money.... Fortunately and unfortunately for me,bryan also came with him,both of them the money to the location i gave them but they cane with the police,a gun battle ensued between my boys and the cops,my boys won but i lost 10 out of 15 boys..... I came down from my car after the gun battle and walked up to where they tied the both of them and i killed them........ Only Roberto is remaining on my list,i knew killing him will be very hard,especially now that i only have 5men left.... I contacted humpty if i could get more boys but he said he does not have any.....That means that i have to fight with the little men i have left,my chance of winning is slim because the cops are on roberto's side..... Next coming soon @LadyG @Henrymary @Elle1
23 Jun 2020 | 10:51
Hmmmm Danny it will b tough for u bt dnt worry i gat ur back, next.
23 Jun 2020 | 13:06
@fb-danieledem @ele1 @emmy01 @atermarial @thecomely @sheegokeys @emreks @prospor @ryder @youngben @phemloid @kingvictor @harzaroboy @timson7373. Tag others new update.
23 Jun 2020 | 13:15
hummm u 4take it easy na y are u in hurry
24 Jun 2020 | 04:00
Be careful...
24 Jun 2020 | 05:03
Take it easy bro,i dey ur back like dis
24 Jun 2020 | 17:05
I knew it DAT it was going to get nasty..... Dis revenge of urs is really being served cold!!!
24 Jun 2020 | 18:04
Somehow hard but y0u will still win game, just q plan 0 it out ¥0q,
24 Jun 2020 | 22:58
@LADYG thanks for the call
24 Jun 2020 | 22:59
Diz revenge is now getting out of hand...Roberto might want to use ur ex wife as bait..
25 Jun 2020 | 04:45
Regret Episode 5 By Stonez I got back home,i was so tired and worried,i did not know where i will get more boys..... I placed a call to Humpty Humpty:hey bro,hw are u Me:Am not fine ooo Humpty:am sorry i cant help,i dont have much men again Me:ok,is there any top politician in the phillipines that is buying drugs from us Humpty:Yes,the minister for foreign affairs and the minister for education,they are our good client Me: That good Humpty:why asking Me:contact them and tell them that you need 5 boys from each of them to transport drugs Humpty: they wont agree Me: Send me their private line,i will talk to them myself... Humpty:ok Me:How is my daughter doing Humpty:she is fine Me:Good,pls thighten her security,i dont want to hear stories ooo Humpty:ok,no problem,he said Few minutes,i recieved a text containing the number i asked for from humpty..... I called the minister of education first Me:hello Voice:who is on the line Me:i want to speak with the minister Voice:your pass code Me:i dont have any pass code,tell him it is humpty Voice:give me a minute.....i will go give him the phone After some seconds,he gave the phone to the minister Minister:hello humpty Me:This is not humpty,am his boss Minister:how can i help you Me:i need 5boys from you,a package(coke) which is meant for you got missing,i need five of your trusted men to search for it...... I will send you a location now,send your boys to meet me there tomorrow....if you fail to do so,i'll expose you...i said and i hung up.. I also called the other minister and i threatened him.... The next day,both of them send me five boys each to the location i gave them,i sent my boys to pick them up.... I now have 15boys in total,i will launch my attack very soon but first i want to go see my granny... The next,i drove to my granny's office with 7 of my boys,we got to the gate and the company,the securities at the gate refused to let us in and i ordered my boys to shut them up,they beat and tied them up... Two stayed at the gate while five followed me inside,i put on my mask as we were about to enter,we got to her office without any form of disturbance... Her office is on the fifth floor,i took the elevator and two guards stayed while the remaining three followed me to her office..... Getting to her officei ,i destroyed all the cameras with my gun and i removed my mask ,i smiled as i opened the door,i webnt in while my guard stoodfff,, outside,granny was busy signing some documents she did not raise her head up,i sat down on the couch waiting patiently for her to finish what she was doing... She looked up some seconds later and she was shocked and i could see that "Hello granny " i said She picked her intercom,she want to call her securities Me:no need of doing that granny,am sure they are all sleeping as my boys already took care of them Granny:pls dont harm me,she said stammering Me:so you dont want to die,u dont want me to hurt you Granny:pls Me:am not here to kill you,it has been since i have seen you,i just wanna say hello and i want you to pass a message to Roberto,tell him that i am coming for him.....i killed byran,ryan and ray and he is the next and after him i will kill you .....Goodbye gran,ensure u pass my message across to him...i said and i left her office.... Next coming soon @ele1 @Henrymary @LadyG pls call others
26 Jun 2020 | 07:21
26 Jun 2020 | 07:53
Who later regret bayi
26 Jun 2020 | 10:07
Bring it on
26 Jun 2020 | 10:12
I can imagine de expression on granny's face,,,,,TERRIFIED!!! Roberto,watch out!!!
26 Jun 2020 | 13:54
Bia Danny dnt do smtin dat u wil later regret o, i thought u will do these things codely. Hmmm b careful o , nxt pls.
26 Jun 2020 | 13:58
@LadyG if he does nt regret then d story would av be given another name
26 Jun 2020 | 14:17
I just hope ur daughter does not suffer at the end of d day cos of ur quest for revenge
26 Jun 2020 | 14:19
@ladyg and @henrymary already commented my comment ride on
26 Jun 2020 | 16:54
@Ele1 gbayii i tok ur tok
26 Jun 2020 | 17:16
He will surely regret at the end
27 Jun 2020 | 05:24
Regret Season 2 Episode 6 By Stonez Leaving my granny office,i was not sure i did the right thing by showing up at her office but i could bet that she was scared.... I know that one of them will contact me soon,all i need is just a perfect plan,i hope granny delivers my message to him,i knew he already took over my former company..... I need to know his weakness and the people supporting him in the government....i need to get the defence to be on my side so the cops wont trouble me but how am i going to do that.... Thinking through and planning my next move,i remembered Katarina's PA,back then she had a crush on me and she wanted us to be intimate back then,she might be of great use and besides i need a mole in that company..... I decided to use her,i instructed my boys to keep tab on her,after my boys followed her for a week,i decided to pay her a visit.... I dont know if it is gonna work but i'll give it a trial I pulled over in front of her house with five of my boys,the all stood outside while i proceed to knock on her door,i knocked and i heard her asking who is at the door..she opened the door and drew back in shock when she saw me,i smiled and said Me:wont you let me in Sonia:come in Me:i know u have a lot of question to ask Sonia:but how come,they said you are dead Me:i smiled and i asked her to sit beside me on the couch,my dear am not dead,luckilly i survived the accident,i was rescued by a good samaritan.....i have no one to go to that why i came here Sonia:but you know the police will search for you once they find out Me:yes,that why i came here,i need to get my company back,afterwards i will surrender myself to the police and i will file an appeal again... Sonia:am sorry i cant help you,i dont want to get involve in any mess I stared silently at her not breaking eye contact,i bravely moved forward and kissed her,she was suprised and didnt respond but finally gave way after a while.... I carried her and removed her gown revealing her well shape body,we fucked like craze,from the sitting room to the kitchen to the bedroom and later the bathroom...... Later at night,she was rubbing my chest while we both lay naked under the duvet Sonia:i cant believe this,it finally a dream come true,i love you Me:u are so good,u almost killed me Sonia:she blushed and how did you plan to go about the company Me:that where i need u dearest,just provide me with every information you know that can help Sonia:yes,according to the contract roberto and katarina signed when they were about to get married,it states that katarina will sign all your properties to roberto after three years Me:what,is she insane Sonia:it mean that in the next three days,she will sign all your properties to Roberto Me:OMG,i need to act fast Sonia:yes,u need to be fast.....let sleep,we will talk tomorrow I held her as she slept,but i could not sleep,i need a game plan... Thinking all through night,i came up with a plan Early morning the next day,i dressed up and was about leaving,i walked into the sitting room and i saw Sonia watching the news i bade her goodbye and as i was about opening the door,i saw the news headline and i was shocked with what i saw "police are on the hunt for a popular business tycoonmr Daniel who escape from prison last month and went ahead to murder his three friends"... i sat down beside her to listen to the news,i took my phone to read the news online,according to what i read,it was my granny and roberto that inform the police that i already escape from prison....Scrolling down i saw my picture with the word "WANTED" boldly written on it.. I left her house,i could see my picture and police everywhere.. when i got home,i ordered my boys to kidnap katarina,i know that once she kidnapped,Roberto will look for her because she is yet to sign my properties over to himm Next coming sooon @LadyG @Henrymary @Maths @ele1
27 Jun 2020 | 08:41
Hmmmm Daniel u ve 2 use ur no. 6 o, odikwa risky o.
27 Jun 2020 | 09:31
Nawa oh..ur granny must av recorded ur conversation.. i dnt kw who is having the upper hand here
27 Jun 2020 | 12:11
He be like say na u go regret last last o
27 Jun 2020 | 15:00
Oya fire on
27 Jun 2020 | 15:01
Is dis guy doing de right thing at all? Oga don't do something DAT will make u regret later oo!!!
27 Jun 2020 | 16:52
Nice,but i think u should take it easy o
27 Jun 2020 | 17:06
you better think twice
28 Jun 2020 | 01:50
Bring it 0n 0o
28 Jun 2020 | 01:51
You better be fast and be very careful with what you are doing... Always wash your back...
28 Jun 2020 | 05:49
Daniel, your revenge plans are kind of childish. Next please
28 Jun 2020 | 11:14
just becareful sha i think thats enough for and be watchful
29 Jun 2020 | 12:24
ryda com ride on
4 Jul 2020 | 05:17
11 Jul 2020 | 21:30
Please continue..
12 Jul 2020 | 07:46
@Stonez dis one is Celine and Hoffman oh Pls review it
12 Jul 2020 | 09:27
Ah! Ah!! Am I reading de right story??? Mr writer,pls check it again for us kk!!!
13 Jul 2020 | 18:34
Regret By Stonez Season 2 Episode 7 Katarina pov I woke up in a strange room,i had no idea how i got there,all i could remember that i was slept in my room,how did i get here..... It been an hour and i havent seen anyone or heard any movement,i just hope that i've not been kidnapped..... Some minutes later,a woman came in with a tray of food and water,i tried talking to her but she didnt respond,she dropped the food and left the room..... I ate the food and i took my bath,i opened the wardrobe and i found different clothes of my size,i wore one and sat on the bed,i knew i have been abducted...... I knew roberto must have been looking for me by now,i dont know why they kidnapped me,i havent wronged anybody,my daughter got kidnapped last month and it me now.....i wonder who is doing all this.. Three days later It been three days now,am still in the room,i did not even know my abductor,the only person that always come to my room is the woman that always bring food for me....Apart from her,i havent seen anybody else since i was abducted and she keep assuring me that am in safe hands..... The next day,i finally met my abductor,i was shocked and suprised Daniel pov My boys called me that they sucessfully kidnapped katarina,i told them to bring her over to my safe house,she was locked up in a room and i assign a maid to care for,i have not seen her since they brought her in,i have been busy supervising drug sale... On the fourth day,i decided to see her,i opened the door to the room she was kept in,she was sleeping peacefully,i sat on the chair looking at her,i realised how much i've have missed her,i realised that with all what she did to me i still love her and am ready to spend the rest of my life with her.... I did not know when i slept off,i woke up to see her staring at me,she was shocked,scared and suprised when she saw that am the one sitting in front of her... I cleared my throat and said Me: i dont know where to start from but be assured,i wont hurt you and our daughter is safe....there is a lot u dont know,they decieved and lied to you....i knew i raped you but it wasnt my fault,i was decieved by my friends,i was drunk that night and they told me that you are a call-girl.....i had my way that night but when i got to know who you rely were,i felt guilty and decided to set thing right,i was at the church when he left you on the alter,i saved you from drowning,i disobeyed my granny and i married you,i gave up my inheritance all because of you......i went to prison because you did not let me explain.....i escape from prison to serk revenge but i find it hard to hurt you because i love you......You charge me for rape but you didnt do anything to the guy that keep molesting you every night....... I promise not to hurt you because i love you,i have decided to let you go but think twice before going back to that monster....i said and left the room I left her door open,few minutes later,she came to the sitting room Next coming tomorrow @LadyG @Henrymary @Math
23 Jul 2020 | 05:31
Guy nawa to u o, u jst abandon dis story, wetin come happen naa ? Anyway continue.
23 Jul 2020 | 09:57
It's gud u didn't lay a finger on her but rather told her de truth n gave her de chance to make de right decision... Well done pal...
23 Jul 2020 | 18:30
hmmmmm okay
24 Jul 2020 | 02:22
Hmmmm you really have a good heart... Continue please...
24 Jul 2020 | 06:50
But she's still a big fool because she refused to find out what really happened in the past before she comes to conclusions, which is not suppose to be...
24 Jul 2020 | 06:52
At least she will think about the past and remember how the guy have been a helper to her when her so called husband to be left her at the church alter.... Sense she no get...
24 Jul 2020 | 06:55
Hmmmm u did well baba mi
24 Jul 2020 | 07:57
If lies travel 4 years one day d truth will catch up with it.
24 Jul 2020 | 07:59
Daniel be careful oooo
24 Jul 2020 | 18:03
You forgive this ingrate! Is your choice though. Next please
26 Jul 2020 | 00:17
Regret By Stonez Season 2 Episode 8 She look calm,she sat opposite me and said Katarina: where is my daughter,i want to see her.... I looked at her and i called Humpty and i told him to give the phone to eva,i gave katarina my phone..... I left for my room immediately,i need to take a bath..... Some minutes later,i came out of the bathroom to meet katarina sitting on my bed,she was staring at my wet body,i looked at her and said Me:what are you doing here Katarina: * stammering * i came to return the phone,she said while staring at my wet body I smiled and took the phone from her Me:anything else Katarina: no,i just want to apologise for all i've done,she said I smiled,i knew her body is on fire,she cant resist me.... I sat beside her on the bed,i held her hand and she immediately closed her eyes as our lips met....we end up making love passionately .... A loud knock at the door woke me up,i looked beside me and i saw katarina sleeping peacefully,i stood up and i opened the door,i saw one of my boys looking terrified Me:what is the matter Boy:Boss,we are under attack,you need to leave Me:by who Boy:the police Me:what,how did they get our location Boy:i dont know,boss you need to leave,we are out-numbered I quickly woke katarina up,i opened my drawer and brought out my 9mm revolver,i held her and we went out through backdoor,a car is already waiting for us outside the compound...... I carried her up so she could jump over the fence,she jumped over sucessfully.... As i was about to jump over too,a bullet hit my left shoulder and i fell down... I managed to stand up but i was shot again... Roberto walked towards me with the gun still in his hands,he pointed it at me and said "am smarter than you,u fell into my trap,i knew u were coming for her that why i planted a tracker on her" He stood up and backed,i try standing up but was sent back to the by a kick from him.... I closed my eyes and said my last prayer as he was about the trigger...A tear dropped from my eyes as i remember my daughter,i already had ny will prepared by my lawyer so that my daughter will not suffer if i die... I laid on the floor waiting for a bullet to pierce through my heart but nothing happened,i opened my eyes and i saw him battling with his gun,he is out of bullet... i stood up and braced myself for a fight.... i was weak but still managed to fight,after fighting for 10mins,he pinned me to the ground and held my neck,he wants to strangle me....he had a firm grip and am begining to lose consciousness,i brought a the kinfe he kelt in his pocket and drove it into his heart...i stabbed him to death.... I stood up so i can escape but i was caught and arrested by the police..... Final episode on the way @LadyG @Henrymary @ele1
26 Jul 2020 | 02:48
Now u will rot in prison all becos of revenge
26 Jul 2020 | 07:07
At least you still kill that fool for nothing...
26 Jul 2020 | 10:01
Come i told u dat u over do things, now look at wat is happening. Your amu jst dey control u, had it bn u leave dat mumu woman all this wont b happenin 2 u. Next biko.
26 Jul 2020 | 14:01
So is that how u gonna die
26 Jul 2020 | 17:42
Too bad,u ve been arrested again,dis is where de regret will surely happen!!!
27 Jul 2020 | 18:41
27 Jul 2020 | 19:22
Regret Season 2 Final Episode By Stonez Three months later,i was standing before the supreme court,the same court where i was sentence to life imprisonment three years ago..... Waiting to know my faith,according to my lawyer,i might get a death sentence.. Humpty visited me a day before and told me that i shouldnt worry myself that he has everything planned out but he refused to unveil his plans,i had no other choice than to wait for the judge verdict.... I dont know what happened or how it happened,my lawyer was changed before the hearing,humpty brought another lawyer to defend me..... This time around,it is a female lawyer that it is on seat.... The judge came in and the hearing commence Clerk:**he opened a file** Mr daniel was accussed of murder and for breaking out of prison Govt lawyer:my lord,three years ago in this same court,mr daniel was sentenced to llife imprisonment,he later broke out of prison after two and half years.....He want ahead and murdered mr roberto and his three friends after he escaped from prison........ My lawyer:My lord,my client is innocent,he did not commit any of the crime he is being accused of.... Govt lawyer:my lord permit me to ask mr daniel some questions Judge:go ahead Govt lawyer:Thank you my lord,***he turned to me**** Mr daniel,can you pls tell us why you broke out of prison Daniel:i did not escape or break out of prison Govt lawyer:-**she smiled** You broke out of prison in order to kill your friends My lawyer:objection my lord Judge:Objection overruled Govt lawyer:i will like to present my evidences to this honourable court **she gave a file to the court clerk and the clerk passed it to the judge** The files contain all the evidences you need We sucessfully retrived the knive used to kill mr roberto and the print on it matched with that of mr daniel... Also there is a footage which shows how mr daniel killed mr roberto... We visited the prison where he escaped from and we were told that he had been missing for over two months. My lawyer:my lord,all the evidences are fake except for the footage.... My client killed mr roberto out of self defence... My client did not break out of prison,three months ago he was poisoned while in prison,he was rushed to the hospital for treatment but unfortunately they had an accident on their way and my client was lucky to survive....After investigatinv the cause of the poison,we discovered that some group of people are after his life... The case got to the minister and he ordered that he should be kept in a safe house till he recovers,here are the document signed by the minister..... After further investigations,we got to know that it was mr roberto who paid some inmates to poison him....He later attacked mr daniel at the safe house,my client had no choice than to defend him self and fight back......he said and sat down..... I was stunned,how on earth did humpty and my lawyer came up with such story... The judge cleared her throat and said" judge:after all evidences provided before this court,i shows and prove that mr daniel is innocent of all charges against him,i hereby acquit and discharge him.....i rise I looked back and saw Humpty smillimg at me,an officer came forward and uncuff me.... Am glad,finally free at last,i wonder how my lawyer and Humpty was able to pull it off,everyone knows am guilty... On our way home Me:Humpty,how did you do it Humpty:quite,it just a little blackmail Me:how Humpty:The judge os into drugs,so i blackmailed her so she could set u free I got home to see my daughter and katarina waiting for me,i was happy to see my daughter...we were still hugging each other when granny came in,she knelt down crying and said "my son forgive me for all what i've done,i REGRET all my actions,pls spare and forgive me" i looked at her,though she did bad things to me,i still love her...she picked me up when my mother left me immediately she gave birth to me,she clothe and cater for me,she made me who i am.... i hugged her and said "i forgive you",i wiped her tears,she stood up and hug katarina..... i quit drug business and i re-build my business empire i merged my company with that of my granny on my granny's 70th birthday,i proposed to katarina and we got married some months later.... THE END WATCH OUT FOR MY NEXT STORY TITLED "NAMELESS"
1 Aug 2020 | 20:18
. Regret Season 2 Final Episode By Stonez Three months later,i was standing before the supreme court,the same court where i was sentence to life imprisonment three years ago..... Waiting to know my faith,according to my lawyer,i might get a death sentence.. Humpty visited me a day before and told me that i shouldnt worry myself that he has everything planned out but he refused to unveil his plans,i had no other choice than to wait for the judge verdict.... I dont know what happened or how it happened,my lawyer was changed before the hearing,humpty brought another lawyer to defend me..... This time around,it is a female lawyer that it is on seat.... The judge came in and the hearing commence Clerk:**he opened a file** Mr daniel was accussed of murder and for breaking out of prison Govt lawyer:my lord,three years ago in this same court,mr daniel was sentenced to llife imprisonment,he later broke out of prison after two and half years.....He want ahead and murdered mr roberto and his three friends after he escaped from prison........ My lawyer:My lord,my client is innocent,he did not commit any of the crime he is being accused of.... Govt lawyer:my lord permit me to ask mr daniel some questions Judge:go ahead Govt lawyer:Thank you my lord,***he turned to me**** Mr daniel,can you pls tell us why you broke out of prison Daniel:i did not escape or break out of prison Govt lawyer:-**she smiled** You broke out of prison in order to kill your friends My lawyer:objection my lord Judge:Objection overruled Govt lawyer:i will like to present my evidences to this honourable court **she gave a file to the court clerk and the clerk passed it to the judge** The files contain all the evidences you need We sucessfully retrived the knive used to kill mr roberto and the print on it matched with that of mr daniel... Also there is a footage which shows how mr daniel killed mr roberto... We visited the prison where he escaped from and we were told that he had been missing for over two months. My lawyer:my lord,all the evidences are fake except for the footage.... My client killed mr roberto out of self defence... My client did not break out of prison,three months ago he was poisoned while in prison,he was rushed to the hospital for treatment but unfortunately they had an accident on their way and my client was lucky to survive....After investigatinv the cause of the poison,we discovered that some group of people are after his life... The case got to the minister and he ordered that he should be kept in a safe house till he recovers,here are the document signed by the minister..... After further investigations,we got to know that it was mr roberto who paid some inmates to poison him....He later attacked mr daniel at the safe house,my client had no choice than to defend him self and fight back......he said and sat down..... I was stunned,how on earth did humpty and my lawyer came up with such story... The judge cleared her throat and said" judge:after all evidences provided before this court,i shows and prove that mr daniel is innocent of all charges against him,i hereby acquit and discharge him.....i rise I looked back and saw Humpty smillimg at me,an officer came forward and uncuff me.... Am glad,finally free at last,i wonder how my lawyer and Humpty was able to pull it off,everyone knows am guilty... On our way home Me:Humpty,how did you do it Humpty:quite,it just a little blackmail Me:how Humpty:The judge os into drugs,so i blackmailed her so she could set u free I got home to see my daughter and katarina waiting for me,i was happy to see my daughter...we were still hugging each other when granny came in,she knelt down crying and said "my son forgive me for all what i've done,i REGRET all my actions,pls spare and forgive me" i looked at her,though she did bad things to me,i still love her...she picked me up when my mother left me immediately she gave birth to me,she clothe and cater for me,she made me who i am.... i hugged her and said "i forgive you",i wiped her tears,she stood up and hug katarina..... i quit drug business and i re-build my business empire i merged my company with that of my granny on my granny's 70th birthday,i proposed to katarina and we got married some months later.... THE END WATCH OUT FOR MY NEXT STORY TITLED "NAMELESS"
1 Aug 2020 | 20:23
@LadyG @Henrymary @Thecomely @Maths
1 Aug 2020 | 20:23
superb story. Thanks so much
2 Aug 2020 | 00:42
Welldone for the good story
2 Aug 2020 | 01:42
2 Aug 2020 | 01:42
Well done job...
2 Aug 2020 | 06:56
Great story.. Am so happy for you dear, God really love and save you...
2 Aug 2020 | 06:58
Nice story, indeed ur grany regreted her actions. Waitin 4 ur next story my guy.
2 Aug 2020 | 15:12
Wow awesome. i love dis story nice ending
2 Aug 2020 | 16:02
More ink to ur pen bro
2 Aug 2020 | 16:04
2 Aug 2020 | 18:17
Nice ending
4 Aug 2020 | 00:15
DAT was really awesome,nice story as well.... Kudos to u de writer too!!!
5 Aug 2020 | 18:01
thank god for you after all she regret what she did
8 Aug 2020 | 04:14
27 Nov 2020 | 12:30
Ride on
27 Nov 2020 | 12:51
Becareful with him
27 Nov 2020 | 12:56
How did i miss this story
16 Oct 2021 | 15:58
you should have stopped her
19 Oct 2021 | 18:29
19 Oct 2021 | 18:32


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