I welcome you again to today's edition of RELATIONSHIP SURGERIES[/b]
[i]The previous week, a friend of mine was having an issue with his girlfriend; he was telling me, "I'm not going to call her because she is going to think that I'm weak". yet he was suffering at the same time. When I spoke to his girlfriend, she had expressed the exact same sentiments yet she too decided not to communicate her feelings. what was stopping them from communicating their actual feelings? Is this a game? Does one really need to win and lose? This is a good example of having your EGO and PRIDE get in the way if your relationship. Today I will write about ......[/i]
[color =red]EGO IN RELATIONSHIPS[/color]
[i]At the end of today's study; we will see how ego kills our relationships slowly but steady and How we can actually overcome it. (grab your popcorn and have your sit)[/i]
[b]Life is too short for pride And ego to get in your way. Having an ego is usually associated with arrogance and is a term used to describe someone who thinks he is better than others.[/b]
[b]Ego has no room in any loving relationship. It is a wall preventing entrance of the truth. there is no real connection or communication when ego takes precedence.[/b]
[b]Relationships are all About compromise and understanding whereas pride is an assertive stance which does not back down. The only relationship where ego wins is a destructive one. When we follow pride, we become selfish and isolated. slowly, slowly, we go far from our loved ones and we don't even realize it until we lose everything we care most about.[/b]
[b]i. Arrogance
ii. Greed
iii. Impatience
iv. Stubbornness
v. Martyrdom
vi. Self Destruction
vii. Self Deprecation[/b]
[b]1. The ego believes forgiveness is a sign of weakness (fear of letting go)
2. The ego is afraid of love (fear of what it can't control)
3. The ego believes dishonesty is the best strategy (fear of truth)
4. The ego believes relationships are about getting needs met (fear of giving)
5. The ego keeps constant score of injustices, hurt and flaws (fear of compassion)
6. The ego is heavily invested in the past (fear of the present) etc.[/b]
[color =green]Note: There is no need to bash the ego, because everybody has one, Therefore, the ego isn't the enemy, it simply not the right guide to turn to when it comes to making love and relationships decisions.[/color]
[b]The ego is resistance, unwillingness, hesitation, fear and cowardliness. It is the voice for doubt that whispers "keep those defenses up", "don't go all in", and "hold back a little".
One of ego's favorite arguments is "love is dangerous because it leads to pain".[/b]
[color =green]Bear this in mind; The ego doesn't solve problems, it creates problems because it is the problem.[/color]
[b]In a way, the ego is like a corrupt cop committing the same crimes it is pretending to protect you from. it is the problem trying to convince you its the solution.[/b]
[b]1. You can never see your mistakes.
2. you feel better than your partner
3. you lose value of what you have
4. cooperation would be far off
5. you would hardly listen to your partner
6. selfishness
7. lack of respect.[/b]
[color =red]OVERCOMING YOUR EGO[/color]
[b]1. Stop being offended
2. let go of the need to win
3. let go of the need to be right
4. let go of the need to be superior
5. let go of the need to have more
6. let go of identifying yourself by your achievements.
7. let go of your reputation .
8. Give more love
9. Be open to differences
10. Stop complaining[/b]
[color =blue]CONCLUSION
It is better to lose your PRIDE with someone you love than to lose that someone you LOVE with your useless pride.
The older you get, the more you realize that it isn't about the material things or pride or ego, its about our hearts and who they beats for.
so my beautiful friends, pride is man made and destructive, we have no use for it. pride is for warriors not for lovers. In the end we have our heart and our love.[/color]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
thank you