Rob & Rape

Rob & Rape

By Cool in 1 Jul 2014 | 15:52
Cool Val

Cool Val

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An action packed thrilling true life story of a midnight robbery that went down in an all girls hostel.
Narrated by somto & written by Valentine

Starts thursday. {July 10}
only on|AFRICA
1 Jul 2014 | 15:52
Val be fast
2 Jul 2014 | 08:06
TIME: 1:00AM, APRIL 16 2008 ST. GABRIEL GIRLS HOSTEL . za Somto's Story.... The sharp sound of gunshots woke me with a terrible jolt. I sprang up confused and nervous. Kpooaaaaaaa Another gunshot went off outside my window, sending me tumbling on the floor. I laid down quietly for some seconds before getting up to peep through the window. What i saw unsettled me tremendously. I saw about a dozen men standing well inside our hostel, near the gate, whispering amongst themselves. About five others stood outside the hostel keeping watch. They equally were the ones firing the gunshots, because just as i looked out of the window, one of them fire another shot. I was extremely scared and at lost on what to do. I remembered the horrible tale my coursemate Ujunwa told me some weeks back, when her hostel was attacked. The hostel equally was an all girls hostel just like mine and remembering the agony on her face as she told me how she was defiled, ripped my heart apart. I felt like crying. I felt like throwing up. Just that moment i heard gentle taps on my door which quickly sent my nerves flying high. "big mama, it's me Jenny, please open up" a female voice begged. I quickly opened my door and was surprised to see five of my neighbours who were living in the same floor with me standing and shaking with fear. They quickly rushed into my room while i shut the door instantly. "our hostel is being attacked. We are being robbed. They are downstairs" Jenny said with fright...... ______ Being older than most of my neighbours, plus my huge body size. I was highly respected and called Big Mama by all the girls, which kind of made me the defacto head girl of the lodge. My hostel being an all girls hostel used to be an easy target for cultists and armed robbers according to the stories i heard from older students who graduated the period i moved in. The hostel management then had to improve security by raising up the walls and upgrading the barbed wires on them. Iron protectors were equally installed on all corridors and entrances leading to each floor. The security measures made the lodge very safe that for two years after i moved in, nobody disturbed us until that fateful night. Looking at the hoodlums, there wasn't any doubt they came heavily prepared with enough manpower to subdue us... The sound of cries from downstairs soon hit our ears, notifying us that the mischief-makers were now fully in control of the building. "what do we do?, we can't just sit and wait for them to come rob and rape us?" Jenny cried with despair, while the other girls nodded in agreement, looking up to me for a solution, but unfortunately i was the most scared..... I was forced to play down my fears and think like a leader... To be continued shortly....
10 Jul 2014 | 11:18
Nice, pls update soon!
10 Jul 2014 | 13:56
*continues* More cries soon filled the air, sending more fear into us. We shook and stared at each other, too scared to say anything. I rushed to my window and peeped out again. "my God" i gasped as my eyes fell on more men who were freeing trooping into the hostel. The gate was now flung open like that of a night club.. It was just as if all members of a particular cult group were paying us a midnight visit. It really looked as if they came for another thing, not merely to rob us. "please leave me" "kill me" "i beg of you don't touch me" were the cries coming up from downstairs likewise the sound of doors being broken. We calmly waited for our turn even though i was extremely surprised that the hoodlums were yet to come up to the first floor. We were yet to hear any noise from our section of the lodge. "quickly call the police Jenny. I hope you have the security numbers the caretaker dropped earlier in the year?" i said to Jenny who quickly nodded. "i have been dialing the numbers for the past ten minutes but nobody is answering" she replied nervously. "they are definetly messing up the girls downstairs. They are taking their time with them, that's the reason they are yet to come up. Isn't this a one storey hostel with just thirty five rooms? And the time is still 1:15am" one of the girls in my room sobbed. "we have to prevent them from coming up" i finally concluded, "what?" they all asked curiously. "they didn't kill the lights {electricity} we can use it to our advantage" i revealed, "yea because they are probably wearing masks" Jenny argued. "first i have to take a look at the corridor. If the protectors are firmly locked as they should be, then we have a chance" i addressed the girls, "I still don't get you?" another girl spoke out, "we have to prevent them from getting to the two protectors guiding our floor by messing up the protectors" i answered. "with what exactly?" Jenny asked, "with faeces and urine of course" i answered with a nervous smile. "We pour them on the iron protectors, the rest will spill on the steps" i explained. "heyyyyyy!" they all gasped. To be continued. {You can easily get updated with the latest music in Africa by checking out the image feed on the bottom of each page...} [hr] [color=maroon]LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/color] EPISODE 3&4 (SCROLL DAWN) epsode 5 the end
11 Jul 2014 | 11:26
hehehehe! Smart gurls.
11 Jul 2014 | 14:44
*continues* "That's totally insane" Jenny cried, "insane measures are what we need in order to avoid being humiliated" i defended. "but we can't be taking such a decision without the support of others. We are not the only girls living on this floor. Don't you think we will be putting them more at risk?. What if the plan backfires and the idiots gets their way inside?" jenny questioned fearfully. "calm down my dear, we are already in danger. We have nothing to lose trying" i answered. "after messing up the protectors, who will clean them in the morning?" she asked, "see question. Abeg if you are scared just return to your room" i said with anger, stood up and went to my toilet where i fetched a small bucket. "we have no time. If you are with me, just come forward and make use of this bucket" i said with a commanding tone. None of the girls made any move. It was obvious my idea was sickening to them. "very well. I guess i'm on my own in this. Alright let's wait and get robbed. I have nothing to lose, after all i'm the least pretty here. I doubt if the guys would fancy me" i said with resignation. They all stared at each other with more fear. A girl stood up. "i'm in, let me have the bucket" she said. ____ Five minutes later, the small bucket was half filled with human waste. The girls looked at me waiting for the next stage of my plan. I opened my door and looked around. "the corridor is still free and safe. It's time to make use of the little time we have left" i smiled to them, carried the smelling bucket and headed out of my room. I acted as if i was very brave but unknown to them i was almost dead with fright. Slowly i cautiously carried the bucket of human waste to the corridor. My heart throbbing wildly and shaking my entire body. I was risking it all, putting my life and body on the line. Sincerely, it wasn't easy in any way. I forced myself to be courageous in order to pull it out successfully. I soon got to the corridor without any harm. I breathed deeply and opened the bucket. It was time to do the unthinkable. To be continued.
12 Jul 2014 | 13:05
*continues* I slowly emptied half of my load on the first iron protector, which quickly spilled to the stairs, polluting the whole place. A very nauseating experience, i must add. I quickly headed to the second protector and began pouring the rest of the stuff on it. In the process two guys showed up unexpectedly, on their way to our floor. I had no time to take a proper look at them because they first saw me and screamed furiously, leaving me with no choice than to nervously drop the bucket and run. I headed to my room totally shaken and scared. "They saw me. They almost got me" i nervously said to the girls. They all shivered and stared at each other. "I finally got the police when you left to do your thing. They are on their way, seems like someone else called them before i did. But i guess it's of no use now, since the idiots saw you and will probably get here before the police arrives" Jenny said sadly. "the stairs are well littered with the stuff and it's oozing down there. I don't think they can get across unless they are very determined" i said to her. "but they saw your face which could make them very angry and determined my dear. They might see your action as a challenge" she said, sending more fear into me. As i made to say something, male voices instantly hit our ears. We all froze and listened but couldn't pick out much of what they were saying. Their voices were coming right through the corridor, which told us that they were definetly close and about clamping down on us. I rushed to my door and placed my ear on the key hole while the girls in my room ran into the toilet. "chai you girls are in soup. You dared to keep us away with your smelling shit abi. With all these diseases una carry dey waka. We dey come" i heard them scream without anyone attempting to break the key used to lock the iron protectors. I realised this, because i heard no sound of clashing metals. I smiled to myself. It was obvious my plan was working, even though it made them very angry. Suddenly shots were fired well inside our lodge for the first time, almost killing me with shock. It instantly dawned on me that they were very determined to deal with us, perhaps for daring to challenge them. The guns that were fired outside the lodge were now being fired inside. "God help us" i prayed. To be continued.
13 Jul 2014 | 10:30
Made sense buh kwanu, it was short
10 Aug 2014 | 04:16
15 Aug 2014 | 19:10
*continues* The sound of police siren coming from a distance soon caught my attention. I breathed deeply and thanked God. "Is that the police?" Jenny asked, peeping out from the toilet. "I guess so" i replied and hastily headed to the window, smiling in relief as i saw the hoodlums racing out of our lodge. "they are running away" i informed the girls. They all ran out of the toilet and joined me at the window. "idiots" Jenny cursed. I closed my eyes and thanked God over and over. Seriously i can't describe how relieved and happy i was seeing the police arrive that moment. They came at such a crucial point, who knows what could have happened supposing they came an hour late. "how do we now clean the mess you left outside?" Jenny queried. I stared at her for a while before shrugging. "i guess we have to leave it there. We can't do anything about it" i answered, shocking her with my reply. "Did you hear that?" she said to the girls, "c'mon you girls owe me a lot for sticking out my head for your safety, So let it be our secret. It's for our own good, you know the guys could return any day for payback huh" i addressed them convincingly. They all nodded in agreement and our secret it remained till we graduated. Nobody else knew the story behind the mysterious human waste littered all over the first floor of St. Gabriel Girls hostel after the terrifying robbery. It amused the police even though they all admitted that the horrible objects might have saved the girls living on the first floor. I saw myself as a hero. A super girl, someone who did the unimaginable to save her friends, even though i saved only but few girls. The horrible tales and cries from the unlucky ones however overshadowed my happiness. Till this day, i still dream about that terrible night. THE END.
17 Aug 2014 | 04:25
Coolval you tried it worth a plate of fried rice salad and chicken just check it at your door step. Nice one
6 Nov 2014 | 05:41
God help those girls
6 Nov 2014 | 05:47
Na copy
10 Nov 2014 | 19:07
Nice story
16 Nov 2014 | 13:48
Hmmm speechless
21 Nov 2014 | 02:11
Hmmm.....d title is sumhow not fitting
13 Dec 2014 | 05:36
I pray i wont b a victim of rob & rape
17 Dec 2014 | 13:40
Val that was cool and lovely story, keep it up.. .
15 Jan 2015 | 02:21
hmmm what a save
23 Mar 2015 | 14:05
Nice one
17 Apr 2015 | 19:25
nice one
5 May 2015 | 02:43
5 May 2015 | 02:45
May God lead u ladies tru....
15 May 2015 | 03:00
Dats brave of you!
25 May 2015 | 02:09
like seriously u be super hero interesting
10 Jun 2015 | 05:26
you were lucky
20 Jun 2015 | 14:58
Funny I could say, nice one also.
25 Jun 2015 | 07:57
is this real or just a fantasy
28 Jun 2015 | 18:09
Worthy risk
22 Jul 2015 | 08:12
uhm no be ur power or wiseness ooo
17 Aug 2015 | 07:55
15 Sep 2015 | 03:35
Hmm nawa o
19 Oct 2015 | 15:39
Great idea
19 Oct 2015 | 15:43
Great!!!.....u really tried....val more greese to ur elbow
10 Nov 2015 | 17:26
Please What Are They Paticipating For?. Am New Here
26 Nov 2015 | 01:18
My friend invited me to his church for a thanksgiving service, and I sat at the front row, when it was time for offering, the offering basket was passed around. Despite d Pastor charge for good offering, I still hurriedly and secretly pulled out N50 from my pocket and dropped it. Just then, the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a N1,000 note. I smiled, how generous, then majestically I looked around and put the N1,000 in the basket and passed it on, then I turned and thanked d man seriously for being so generous. He replied "don't mention, be more careful next time, it fell from your pocket" Whaaaat???????!!!!!.......usher please wait wrong Transaction!!!!!!!!!
1 Jan 2016 | 11:49
looking out
8 May 2016 | 03:28
God really saved them..
13 May 2016 | 00:45
Short but interesting
13 May 2016 | 17:49
30 May 2016 | 18:14
cool story, don't forget to vote for @lizzy22 as miss Coolval 2016 today. thanks
5 Jul 2016 | 03:41
Wow dats hw life be!!!
2 Aug 2016 | 09:49
tho not to long but scary
7 Aug 2016 | 04:14
Nice story Thumbs up
10 Aug 2016 | 05:14
9 Sep 2016 | 09:00
o boy see gbege
3 Oct 2016 | 17:52
great idea
10 Oct 2016 | 01:59
17 Oct 2017 | 02:10
28 Dec 2017 | 18:36
Nice One
28 Dec 2017 | 18:39
9ice 1
6 Feb 2018 | 20:22
Nice one
11 Jan 2019 | 00:32


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