Second chances

Second chances

By marcus in 15 May 2019 | 04:45
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Member since: 30 Mar 2016
Episode 1

Author :Rose Akpabior

The clouds had gathered once again, it was evident rain would fall that morning and it wasn’t going to settle well for Uyai.

‘Wake up sleepy head, rise and shine baby’ Ubong kissed her and presented her with a tray of coffee and biscuits.

‘No…’ she grumbled, not liking the way her husband had interrupted her sweet dream. She’d dreamt of a beautiful place, a field full of rose blooms and butterflies, she was with her husband and Angel their young daughter.

‘Baby, are you forgetting something? Are you forgetting your interview’? Ubong reminded her.

‘Oh my God, phew! Thanks for the reminder’ Uya jerked out of bed at the mention of the job interview.

‘Hey come here, come and eat first, then you take your time, you still have one hour to prepare, okay?’ Ubong dragged her back.

‘Thanks honey, I love you so much’ she pressed her soft lips against his forehead, he was such a beautiful man.

‘I love you more’ he relished her kiss.

Uyai was the love of her life, no one could separate them. Although his family didn’t approve of the relationship that later blossomed into a marriage, he wouldn’t listen to them, he loved her very much. Uyai was perfect for him and so was he for her.

‘So, did you check up on our baby girl?’ Uyai inquired.

‘Sure, she is sleeping fine. We should really do something about a baby sitter now you’d be getting a job, I don’t want to stress you’ Ubong suggested.

‘You’re so confident I’ll get this job. This is my ninth trial, I’m afraid if nothing good comes out, I’ll have to find a shop and sell clothes’ Uyai suddenly lost her appetite as she remembered how they’d suffered.

‘We’ll scale through this, just be patient darling, we’ll prove our family wrong’ Ubong caressed her palms.

‘I don’t know hubby, sometimes I feel they were right, maybe I’m not the one for you’ Uyai held her breath as she stared into his handsome face.

Ubong Davies was a charming man. He was tall, a six footer, dark and very handsome and she had fallen in love with him at first sight.

‘Don’t ever say that. From the moment I set my eyes on you at that housewarming party, I knew we were meant to be together. Just be patient and don’t be so pessimistic, you’re going to get that job and we’ll drink to that tonight’ he assured her.

Ubong had approached her for a relationship, surprisingly, she didn’t play hard to get. They’d dated for a while but when it got to marriage, his family had withheld their blessings. Ubong Davies was the last and fourth son of Chief

Ubong Davies was the last and fourth son of Chief Ukara Davies, a retired chattered accountant, who was very wealthy and owned lots of properties all over Nigeria. He had better plans for his son and was very disappointed when Ubong brought the daughter of a nobody home for marriage.

To that end, his father disinherited him before he died and made sure his mother or brothers would have nothing to do with him for disobeying his orders.

‘So are you still getting that promotion today?’ Uyai rubbed his head.

‘Sure, we have a lot to celebrate’ he kissed her chin. His father had left him to face the Nigerian labour market alone. Luckily for him, he got a job with a bank and though it was stressful, it was paid well enough for them t be comfortable.

‘I pray I get this job. Cookies is the biggest noodle company in Nigeria, many foreign-trained graduates would be coming for this interview too, I just hope I’ll get it’ Uyai sighed.

She was an orphan, but she was determined to make it in life. With the help of her grandmother, she had been able to study Marketing in University.

‘You will, I believe it’ he kissed her slowly and plunged his mouth deeply into hers.

‘Hmmm, baby, what are you doing?’ she groaned and tried to break free.

‘Early morning sugar’ he whispered against her ears and pulled her pajamas down.

‘We’re going to be late’ Uyai managed in a weak voice. Her husband was a very good lover, he knew the right buttons to press and each time he did, he made her very weak.

‘Being late is worth it, making love to you means the world to me’ he trailed a line from her neck to her breasts with his tongue and she moaned louder.

‘Honey, if you continue that way, you’ll wake little Angel, so I command you not to moan’ he kissed her again and she laughed.

‘I love you Uyai’ his breath was tepid as his fingers caressed her stomach and went beneath.

‘I love you Ubong’ she smiled shyly before she covered his mouth with hers.

‘Cookies’ was the name of his noodle company. He’d named it after his wife, Bimbo Williams, ‘Cookie’ was her nickname. Funsho Williams had branched out of the family business to create his own noodles empire. His father had kicked against it and had tried to stop him, but as stubborn as

His father had kicked against it and had tried to stop him, but as stubborn as mule that he was, he forged ahead. It took hard work and effort to get Cookies to where she was today but everything was worth it.

‘Done’ he rubbed his hands nervously as he signed the contract papers before him. A foreign company had indicated interest in working with Cookies and he was more than happy to work with them.

‘Don’t you ever get tired of working darling?’ Her sweet voice could serve as a lullaby to a restless person.

‘I have to put food on the table’ Funsho replied and shook her off. The woman with him was his mistress, Nelly and his secretary too.

‘Did you fight with her again?’ Nelly asked sweetly. Funsho rarely spoke about his failed marriage with his ass of a wife. Cookie was a handful and everyone knew this, she didn’t deserve a good man like Funsho.

‘Never you talk about my marriage!’ Funsho shoved her off angrily. It was true he was stuck in an unhappy marriage but that

It was true he was stuck in an unhappy marriage but that wasn’t no fault of his, he’d endured Cookie for a long time. It wasn’t in his nature to cheat on any woman he loved but Cookie had starved him of sex for a year before he made Nelly his mistress.

‘I want you to be a happy man Funsho, I see the way you look, you immerse yourself in work to avoid real life issues. I care for you darling, that’s why I’m asking’ She wouldn’t give up on him.

‘No you don’t, you just need something to gossip about with your friends. Leave my marriage out, I am and will always be a happy man’ he hissed angrily.

‘My friends? You think I am talkative? Where is this coming from?’ Nelly felt hurt that he’d think so little of her.

‘Just go Nelly, I’m not in a good mood. Get all the files of those coming for the interview, we’ll see at Cookies’ he pecked her face and fetched his briefcase before checking out of the hotel room.

‘Okay sir’ she nodded and watched him walk away.

‘Poor you’ Nelly inhaled deeply, she could feel his pain, she was in love with her boss and she knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help it.
15 May 2019 | 04:45
15 May 2019 | 06:39
Fire on
15 May 2019 | 08:17
I thought this story has been posted her before
15 May 2019 | 18:29
This is gonna be interesting... Please continue
15 May 2019 | 19:41
Nice start... Continue...
15 May 2019 | 20:31
@chimmy i dont think so
16 May 2019 | 04:46
16 May 2019 | 11:37
Episode 2 ‘My love, I’m so happy you’re here, let’s be quick about this’ she began to undress and tug at his belt. ‘Where are Funsho and Princess?’ Demola asked as he unhooked her bra hurriedly. ‘Funsho isn’t around, probably at work and he wouldn’t come back soon. Little Princess is asleep’ Cookie replied hurriedly. ‘I love you baby and I am back for real, I am back to stay’ Demola tilted her chin upwards and gave her a slow and long kiss before fastening his mouth on her tits. ‘I love the way you make me feel baby, please don’t break my heart a second time’ she whispered weakly. ‘I won’t trust me’ Demola lifted her up and pinned his body on hers as they both fell on the bed. ‘Faster, please don’t stop’ she moaned as her lover rocked her. ‘Anything for you baby’ he grunted and rode her like a wild horse, till they climbed the apex of pleasure’s pyramid and fell apart. ‘You’re still so good at it, I love you baby’ Cookie snuggled against him. ‘I love you my Cookie, I wish you never married him’ Demola kissed her again. ‘I didn’t have a choice, you bailed out on me for years. If only I knew… Forgive me baby’ Cookie kissed him. ‘Let’s do it one more time, I need to appear at the office, it’s a big day at Cookies’ Demola rose to his feet. ‘A big day? What’s going on?’ Cookie asked. She knew her husband Funsho loved her very much, that was why he’d named his own company after her but she didn’t feel the same for him, her heart beat for Demola. ‘New recruits, interviews and lot of meetings, why do you care? You don’t like working’ Demola shrugged. ‘Work? Nah, Funsho provides all my needs, all I need do is snap my fingers’ she smiled and regretted her words as Demola’s face changed. ‘I am sorry’ she said quietly. ‘It’s okay, let’s just do it’ he fell on top her and was about plunging into her when they both heard a car honk. ‘Funsho! That’s his horn, oh my God, what are we going to do?’ Cookie rose to her feet. ‘Shit, and I never told him I had returned to Nigeria’ Demola cursed. ‘Hide’ Cookie ordered silently. ‘Hide? No, I can’t run from my own brother. I can face Funsho, I know he’ll forgive me for abandoning his company’ Demola breathed in confidently. ‘I pray he doesn’t get suspicious’ Cookie’s eyes brimmed with tears, she couldn’t risk her marriage over Demola, she inhaled deeply and decided to go see her husband. He stepped down from the car dejectedly. He was listed as one of the youngest African billionaires but he wasn’t a happy man. He owned one of the largest noodles producing companies in Africa but he still wasn’t satisfied. Although he was married and had a child, there was a vacuum in his life. He knew the love of his life had abandoned him but he didn’t seem to understand her reasons. Cookie had changed completely after their marriage but he loved her too much to let her go, he’d never loved any woman that way. ‘Good morning sir’ Cheta, one of his aides fetched his briefcase. ‘Morning Cheta, get the Prado ready’ Funsho acknowledged him with a nod of his head. ‘Okay sir, Demola is back’ Cheta informed his boss. ‘Demola? You can’t be serious’ Funsho scoffed, he knew the bastard of his brother wouldn’t dare return to Nigeria after what he’d done to him. ‘Well, well, who do we have here? the boss himself’ said Demola as he sauntered towards his brother. ‘What do you think you’re doing here’? Funsho gazed at him with contempt. ‘I am sorry brother but I swear, I am a changed man. I promise you, I have proof. I have what it takes to carry Cookies to its next level’ Demola knew it would be hard convincing Funsho he had repented but he had to try. I have what it takes to carry Cookies to its next level’ Demola knew it would be hard convincing Funsho he had repented but he had to try. ‘Listen, I don’t have time for this, just get your things and return to the states, I don’t want you around. The bill is on me’ Funsho hissed angrily and moved forward. ‘Please big bro, please don’t turn your back on me’ he begged. ‘Back off Demola, I already offered you the last chance, there’s no turning back’ Funsho replied and kept moving. It was the sweet and tiny voice that softened him and he grinned as she stepped outside in her pink nightwear. ‘Daddy, good morning, I miss you’ Princess rushed and hugged him. He noticed Cookie was smiling, she rarely smiled. His heart raced as he watched her beautiful face, was she ready to love him back? ‘Morning sweetheart, I miss you too, you know that, right?’ He kissed her lips quickly. ‘Yes dad, look what Uncle Demola bought for me’ Princess showed her father the parcel. ‘Oh? Let’s see what’s in it’? Funsho eyed Demola suspiciously. He knew his brother was trying to manipulate him, knowing very well he had a soft spot for Princess his daughter. ‘No dad, I want you to open it at midnight’ she snatched the gift away from him. ‘Midnight? Why is that darling’? Funsho smiled. ‘Because at midnight my fairy godmother would cause my gift to multiply’ she was excited. ‘Who taught you that’? Funsho burst out laughing. ‘My aunt in school,’ she replied. ‘What a sharp girl! She’s so brilliant bro, she must have taken that from you’ Demola winked at him. ‘Don’t insult me Demola, I was very good at maths’ Cookie chipped in. The only thing that pleased her was that Funsho was an amazing father to Princess but she’d planned not to give birth to more children. She had to focus on her love life with Demola. ‘I was only joking’ he burst out laughing and they all stepped inside. Of all the firms Uyai had gone job seeking, ‘Cookies’ was the biggest and it scared and discouraged her. What if they rejected her like they did at other places? She was going to be devastated, she was tired of being a housewife. She needed more kids, she didn’t plan on having Angel only, but she needed financial security before taking in, she’d sworn to work hard to give her kids a better life. ‘Here we go’ Uyai locked her car and adjusted the collar of her shirt before stepping into the noodles empire. Cookies was so enormous that it threatened to swallow anything that stepped into it. The building was made of glass, a twenty-storey building with the company’s name finely carved in bronze: ‘COOKIES: Classy and Tasteful’. She had never felt this nervous, it almost felt like the first time she went on a date with Ubong, she’d been so shy and unsettled but he’d calmed her fears. She smiled as she thought about her husband and father to her daughter, she decided to text him and ask him about his interview for the promotion. ‘Hello darling, how’s work going?’ she quickly typed and shoved the phone into her bag as she neared a security point. ‘Good morning’ she greeted the men in uniform. ‘Morning, can we see your Identity card?’ one of the men with an unfriendly look asked her. ‘Uhmmm, I don’t work here…’ she paused. ‘What do you mean? So what are you doing here? You need an Identity card or a pin to get in, please move back and let the next person come forward’ he dismissed her rudely and she felt embarrassed. ‘I actually came here for a job interview, please help me’ she begged. ‘Help you? Just wait somewhere over there’ he replied irritably. ‘Okay…’ her heart beat, this wasn’t a good sign, she’d never heard anything as absurd as that. She stood there for thirty minutes till there was no one else at the security post, then she went back to meet the man, her phone buzzed irritably, it was her husband. She smiled as he called her, she couldn’t wait for them to celebrate his elevation. ‘Hello, darling, how was it? I am so proud of you’ Uyai was so excited. ‘Darling’? he called gently. ‘I love you, my King, we need to celebrate’ she continued. ‘Uyai!’ Ubong called her sternly and she settled to hear what he had to say. ‘I just received a sack letter’ he replied. ‘What? I don’t understand’ her hands shook. ‘I…I lost my job’ Ubong replied, she was about replying when a car horn almost tore her ears apart. As she turned, she realised she’d been standing in someone’s way.
17 May 2019 | 04:00
Episode 3 Wow’ Demola gasped as he scanned the pretty light skinned woman who’d stood in their way. ‘Who’s that? I’ve never seen that face’ Funsho watched the woman’s face, she seemed like she was in trouble… He knew that look and something drew him to her. ‘Bro, you have over a thousand workers, there’s no way you can know them all’ Demola replied. As expected, Funsho had forgiven him and taken him back, he knew he had to be on his best behavior. ‘You’re right, Cheta, take a picture of her, do that discreetly. She looks like she needs help’ Funsho ordered his body guard. ‘You’re right, saving a damsel in distress is a gentlemanly thing to do’ Demola said. He had no reason to suspect his brother. Funsho was his opposite, he was a patient and faithful lover while he was a Casanova and loved to have fun. ‘Your assignment for the day is finding out who she is and bringing her to me, if you fail, your last chance is gone’ Funsho ordered him. ‘What? Bro you can’t do this to me, this company is so large, how would I find her again?’ Demola peered through the car window and noticed she was no longer there. ‘Well, if you’re serious about working with me, find her and I’ll make you Head of Graphics’ Funsho replied. ‘Stop the car’ Demola swallowed hard, he knew his brother meant every word and he wasn’t ready to fail. ‘I will find her’ Demola rushed out of the car. ‘God please don’t let me down, you can’t do this to me, we really need you now’ Uyai cried and started the car. She couldn’t go through with the interview anymore, she needed to see Ubong, maybe it was a dream, maybe she had not heard him clearly. His family had abandoned him because he chose to marry her, he got this job on merit and something was now trying to mess with him. If Ubong lost his job, then that was the beginning of trouble. She was so distressed that she’d forgotten about her own job interview. But she really didn’t care, all she wanted was to be sure Ubong was doing fine. ‘Honey, where are you?’ She parked the car neatly and rushed into the house. They had just one car, a blue camry and he had asked her to go with it because she was having an interview. ‘I’m here’ Ubong replied coolly. His thoughts had gone far. Now the company he worked for had laid him off alongside a thousand other workers, he needed to find another job and he knew just how difficult that would be. There were no jobs in the Nigerian labour market, even if one was qualified for employment, one needed to have a godfather. ‘Baby, are you drinking? It hasn’t come to this babe, you cannot drown in alcohol. Please you need to be strong for little Princess and I, we need you now more than ever’ tears stung her eyes as she took the can of beer away from him. ‘What else do I do Uyai? I am so lost right now, I don’t even know what to do’ Ubong hissed. His family had abandoned him, they’d left him to rot and now he was in so much trouble. He’d kept a grave secret from his wife, but all what he’d done was in their best interests. He prayed it worked out for him. ‘Pray. We could pray and hope for a better tomorrow. You losing that job isn’t the end of the world for you. If it gets worse, we’ll have to beg your family, surely when they see Princess, they wouldn’t be so hardened’ Uyai settled in a chair beside him. ‘My family? That’s the last thing I’d ever do! I would never ask them for help, they turned their backs on me because I chose you, we are in this together and we would find a way to pull through’ he inhaled deeply. He knew just how hard hearted his brothers were, they wouldn’t help him and he wasn’t ready to ask for help either. ‘It’s okay, we will be fine’ she caressed his palms. ‘How was your interview? How did it go? Any sign you’d get the job’? he asked. ‘Uhmmm, about that, there was a little problem and when I heard you lost yours, I just needed to see you immediately’ she licked her lips nervously. ‘What little problem?’ He asked and excused himself as his phone rang. They had called him, he prayed the deal had worked out. If it did, he wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of his wife and daughter. ‘Lord help us’ she rose to change her clothes, she couldn’t tell Ubong about what happened at Cookies, she would lie to him else he would be terribly mad at her. ‘So when should I come for it? I really need it’ she paused and listened to the call. Whatever he discussed seemed very important to him but something worried her. Ubong had never received any call in secret, who was on the line? She shrugged and left for their room, she’d find out later. All she needed now was to scout for another job, working at Cookies was completely out of the equation Funsho still thought about her, her face still flashed in his brain and he wasn’t liking it. He hated losing focus, he hated it whenever he lost control. Worse still, he felt confused, why was she still on his mind? She was a very pretty woman, even prettier than his wife Cookie but he didn’t feel any sexual attraction to her, what he felt was something else, something different. ‘Are you assuring me that if I find this lady, you’ll offer me a job?’ Demola asked again to be sure. ‘I don’t lie Demola, you know me very well, now if you will excuse me, I have an important meeting to attend’ Funsho replied and increased his pace. Funsho Williams was a boss in all ramifications, he was tall, dark and well muscled. His grey suit flattered his ebony skin and clung to his firm muscles tightly. He was a sight to behold, and whenever he walked, it was like a god taking a tour on the world that he created. It was hard not to look at Funsho,women swooned whenever they saw him but he was a very responsible man. Dealing with his wife’s crooked ways had unfortunately pushed him into making Nelly his mistress but he decided that would end once Cookie was back to her old self. Thinking of his wife, a smile curved on his lips, she seemed very different this morning, was she ready to work on their marriage? He decided he would buy her a gift, maybe they could make love that night, he missed having her in his arms. ‘Good morning sir’ Nelly smiled as he neared the office. ‘Miss Abia, send the files from the legal department to my office’ he acknowledged her with a nod. While in the office, they maintained a formal relationship, he couldn’t afford a scandal. He was a man of dignity, Funsho Williams was every woman’s dream. ‘Okay sir’ Nelly quickly arranged the files ready to step into his office, when a light skinned version of Funsho walked towards her and instantly she knew he must be his brother. ‘Good morning, are you lost?’ She flashed him a grin. ‘Hi honey, something close to that’ Demola eyed her wickedly, then winked. Unlike his brother, he was an extrovert and people liked him easily. Funsho on the other hand, was quite introverted and wasn’t really a good talker. ‘Wow, so who are you looking for?’ Nelly was liking him already. ‘Good question, see…’ he had gotten the woman’s picture from Cheta, Funsho’s body guard. ‘Huh? If that’s your girlfriend, she is very pretty I must say’ Nelly smiled, the woman that graced his screen was a prima dona. ‘Not really, I need your help, you see, that man inside the office is my brother and I love him so much’ Demola paused. ‘Yes, I can see that, you two look alike’ Nelly affirmed. ‘Good. Now, I pissed him off some years back and now I need a favor from him now. He wants me to find this lady, she works here, I can only get my job back if I find her’ Demola explained and suddenly regretted telling her too much. What if she was a gossip? That was what secretaries were known for. ‘Oh? The boss Is looking for her? Why?’ Nelly raised her brows. Was Funsho planning to get another mistress? Her heart churned jealously. ‘No, don’t put it like that, this woman bashed our car, and took off’ Demola lied. He couldn’t have rumors flying round the company about his brother. ‘Oh, I see. Truly, I have never seen her before, although over a thousand people work here. She seems very new’ Nelly clicked her tongue. ‘Wow, and I thought we were going to be good friends’ Demola made a puppy face. ‘Aren’t you just charming?’ Nelly smiled and grabbed the phone for him. Apart from being a secretary, she had skills in computer, you could call her a computer guru. ‘Let me see what I can do to help you’ she scanned the picture and pressed some buttons on her laptop and gbam! ‘Wow, how did you do that?’ Demola was excited. ‘I learnt how to work computers at a very young age’ she beckoned him over. “It turns out our mystery woman isn’t working here” ‘Now, that would be a problem cause I really need to find her’ Demola sighed. There was little information on the woman. She was Uyai Davies, married with a kid and nothing more. ‘What I am about to do is dangerous. I would stalk her on social media and possibly hack her account so you can get her address, you have to give me something in return’ Nelly flashed him a grin. ‘Sure, name your price’ Demola was happy she was willing to help him. ‘A cup of coffee with lots of cream’ she said as she typed. He was truly amazed at her capabilities. ‘Deal’ he patted her head. ‘Done! Copy this down quickly, she lives at Baasey Crescent, N0 56, Uyo’ she called out the address. ‘Thanks honey, let me talk to my brother for a minute. I promise to make my stay here worthwhile’ without thinking twice he pecked her and rushed into his brother’s office. Demola Williams was a free spirit and he enjoyed working with his brother, though he envied him very much. He had married his childhood sweetheart and now he could never have her back. ‘Yes can I help you? Don’t you knock?’ Funsho had been going through some paper work. ‘I found her. I need my job back’ Demola offered him the piece of paper. ‘Funny. Where is she?’ Funsho flung the paper away. ‘Where is she? This is her address, why are you so interested in her anyway? Is there something you’re not telling me?’ Demola was beginning to suspect his brother. ‘Maybe. That wasn’t the agreement, I need her in my office, I need to see her okay? Besides, this address may be wrong, how did you even come by this?’ Funsho scoffed. ‘Nevermind. I have some work to do now’ his phone beeped, a message had just come in from cookie. She was bored and at home and he looked forward to see her now Funsho was away.
17 May 2019 | 04:06
This going to have many crisis. And i'm going to enjoying it
17 May 2019 | 15:22
Cookie abi ki ni orukore and that good for nothing demola, conutiue but time will come that u will regret all u action
18 May 2019 | 16:27
You're something else
19 May 2019 | 09:41
19 May 2019 | 14:42
19 May 2019 | 14:43
20 May 2019 | 11:00
Episode 4 Cookie was a beautiful woman. She was of average height with a creamy chocolate complexion and sexy brown eyes. Her lips were full and plump and she was incredibly busty, one of the things that Demola loved very much. ‘I haven’t seen you here in a long time’ Madam Ngozi got under the dryer close to her. ‘Oh, Madam Ngozi, long time, you hardly call me now’ Cookie almost hugged her best friend but she refrained from doing that; she needed her curls to dry properly, she’d come to get made over so she’d look good for Demola. ‘I lost my phones, I am sorry honey’ Ngozi squeezed her hand. ‘And you couldn’t visit?’ Cookie raised her brow, she knew the reason why her friend had avoided her. ‘I was busy’ Ngozi looked away. She’d been very close to Cookie and Funsho till Cookie started acting very weird with her husband and she later got to know the reason behind her attitude. Cookie had fallen in love with a boy she’d met at a high school party, they even had a one night stand but after that, she never saw him again. She had cried for over two weeks but Demola was nowhere to be found. Many years later after she got married to Funsho, he returned from the States and they were both shocked to see each other. Ngozi never approved of the extramarital affair with her husband’s younger brother and that had led to a quarrel between them. ‘Liar’ Cookie scoffed. She knew her friend didn’t support her sleeping with Demola, but she couldn’t help it. She was in love with Demola, no one else could understand that. And nothing would stop her from pursuing her feelings. ‘I am not lying’ Ngozi replied. ‘Well, just so you know, he is back in town and we have resumed our affair, I love him so much Ngozi, you would not understand because you have never fallen in love before’ Cookie rose to her feet as the hair attendant certified her hair good to go. ‘Be careful, you cannot eat your cake and have it’ Ngozi watched as she walked away with no regret or remorse. ‘What a woman’ she sighed and shook her head. She quickly fetched her phone and wasn’t too pleased with the message she had received, it came from Uyai Davies, a member of the women’s fellowship in her church, of which she was president. ‘Oh God have mercy’ she sighed. Minutes later, Cookie was home. Thankfully no one else was home and she had sent the gate man on an errand. She smiled happily as she saw him looking so adorable on the balcony, she couldn’t wait to be in his arms. ‘You’re beautiful baby, always so sexy, electrifying’ Demola kissed her face as she reached him. ‘Thanks, love, I am glad you like it, I did it all for you’ she clung her arms around him. ‘I love it and I love these’ he kissed her lips and scooped her breasts. ‘Baby, I can’t wait to feel you inside me’ she moaned softly as he led her inside. Demola was a better lover than her husband. She wished she had married him, Funsho was just plain wrong for her and it was too late to leave him, that was why she was cooking up a plan and she knew Demola would accept it. How could he not? Minutes later after they were done, they both fell apart and began kissing afresh. The experience was scintillating, she had never felt happier. ‘I miss you so much Demola, I am happy you’re back’ she breathed against his ear. ‘Yes Cookie, I never stopped thinking about you, you were always on my mind’ he kissed her forehead. ‘Really? So why did you keep me in the dark? Why didn’t you ever call’? she raised her head and faced him looking shocked at his confession. ‘I was jealous. I thought of his hands touching you. I thought of Funsho making love to you and you actually enjoying it. It broke my heart’ he shifted from her and rose to his feet. The sheet slipped from him and showed his firm back, he was such a cute man. ‘Demola? I am sorry for everything, for this marriage’ she called to him. ‘It’s not your fault, some things are not meant to be, I could never have you’ he sighed and returned to bed. ‘How can you say so sweetie? You can have me if you really want, love comes at a price’ she caressed his head. ‘How is that possible? Funsho would have my head’ he replied. ‘Or maybe we could have his head. What if he died? We could get married and have our own kids, we could be happy together’ she suggested, she had thought about it and decided that would be the best thing for them. ‘What are you saying’? Demola swirled his head and stared at her in shock. Was she suggesting he killed his own brother? ‘I hope he isn’t back’ she rushed and peered at the window. Her phone was ringing and it was Funsho calling. ‘No, I don’t hear any horn’ Demola frowned. ‘Hello darling’ she called her husband sweetly. ‘Cookie, how are you today’? Funsho was excited, his wife had not spoken to him so warmly in a long time. ‘Very fine love, where are you?’ She bit her lip. ‘The office, I want to buy you ice cream, what flavour should I get for you?’ he asked. ‘Strawberry. Strawberry would be fine’ she nodded vehemently. ‘Okay. Take care of you’ he kissed her through the phone and broke the connection. ‘So what do you think? You can have me if you really want but Funsho has to be taken out of the picture’ she repeated, it seemed he had not heard her well. ‘You know what, I feel like making love to you all over again’ he pulled her body closer to him and kissed her. He couldn’t think right then. They had eaten dinner quietly, the night had been the most sombre they’d ever experienced. They were both afraid for the future, what if Ubong never found another job? That was going to be the end for both of them except God intervened. Uyai prayed like never before, she had told Madam Ngozi, the women fellowship leader, to include her in prayers. ‘I would be out for a while, there’s something I am expecting, it may take an hour’ Ubong rose to his feet. ‘I guess it’s something good’ she noticed he was in a good mood and was excited. ‘Sure, it would help us’ he kissed her and dashed into the bathroom. ‘You’re so faithful lord,’ she rose to her feet and left for her daughter’s room. The little girl was sleeping so innocently, so she decided to leave her that way. The head teacher in Angel’s school had started asking parents for fees, she knew she couldn’t ask Ubong for money now she decided her daughter would stay home for the day. ‘I am gone baby, take care of Angel’ Ubong rushed out of the house. The men had called him, the money was ready and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on it. ‘Bye honey’ she whispered and dashed off to her room. She quickly searched the internet concerning the Job interview at Cookies, if only the security officer had not asked her for some stupid pin, she would’ve been in for the interview but he chose to stand in her way. She couldn’t find anything much, so she folded the laptop and folded her arms, what kind of business was Ubong into? She wondered.
23 May 2019 | 06:39
Episode 5 Though he’d lost his job, he felt more confident once the men called him that his money was ready. A colleague had introduced him to the scheme, it was a money doubling scheme and he kept it away from Uyai because he knew how religious she was and she would’ve dissuaded him, but now the money he would realize would save him a whole lot of trouble. All his life savings had been put in the scheme, he had so much faith in it. He’d seen it with his own eyes, it had worked for his colleague, it had to work for him. He arrived his destination, the venue for the meeting with the runners of the scheme. Unlike other ponzi schemes, customers were few and they dealt directly with their clientele. ‘Hello, I am opposite Kiracares Ice-cream shop, we should meet there soon, I am in a hurry’ he phoned one of the men. ‘Good. Step outside your car for a while and wait for us, we’re coming’ he replied. ‘Alright’ Ubong slid out of the car and waited patiently for his money. What he would gain would last him a long time before he started worrying about some other job. ‘Good morning Mr. Davies, how are you?’ A man dressed in black suit walked up to him with a briefcase. ‘Mr Nengak, good morning, so pleased to see you’ Ubong offered him a handshake which he readily accepted. ‘Thank you, so here is your money, I am happy you did business with us, tell more people about us’ Mr Nengak handed him the briefcase. ‘Thanks very much, can you step aside let me confirm the amount’? He felt so happy. ‘Sure, take your time Mr Davies’ the man obeyed and shifted farther. He flipped open the case with ease, then he felt something sharp pierce him but he relaxed, maybe the man had made some kind of mistake, why would the briefcase be filled with papers? ‘Mr Nengak? I think you brought the wrong briefcase here’ he turned and faced the man. ‘Really? What makes you think so?’ the man moved closer to him. ‘Check these out’ Ubong was slightly pissed, were they trying to play games with him? ‘Well, that’s what we can give you’ the man replied and snapped his fingers. ‘What are you talking about and who are those people?’ Ubong noticed three men had joined them. ‘Shut up and hand me your keys’ the man pointed a gun at him. ‘You can’t do this to me, this isn’t fair’ Ubong felt frustrated, he panicked once he sighted the gun and he had no other option but to hand then the keys to the blue Camry. ‘Please don’t do this to me, I just lost my job, you’re free to take the money. Take all of it, just give me the keys back, it’s all I’ve got to save my family from hunger’ he begged. ‘Boys? Why don’t you polish his face a little’ Mr. Nengak ordered his thugs to beat Ubong up. Second Chances – Episode Five Funsho woke up with a start as his daughter jumped into his bed. Princess was the reason he was still in the marriage. ‘Sweetheart, how are you doing?’ he pulled her in for a kiss. ‘Fine dad, I have a little gift for you’ Princess smiled shyly as her father lifted her up. ‘A gift huh? Let’s see what this is about’ he kissed her again and took her outside of his room. Maybe he’d read wrong, but Cookie was still acting weird. He had bought her ice cream and a necklace and she hadn’t said a word in appreciation to him, that hurt him very badly. ‘Why do you and mum sleep in separate rooms?’ Princess asked him. ‘Well, ehmmm’ Funsho was lost, why were children so inquisitive? The question really embarrassed him. Thankfully, Demola showed up just then, rescuing him from the awkward moment. ‘Uncle Demola! I gave daddy a gift’ she pointed at the envelop he was yet to open. ‘Wow, beautiful I guess, what’s in it?’ Demola kissed her face. He loved his niece so much, she was pretty, just like her mother. ‘A drawing of daddy’ she whispered excitedly. ‘A drawing? Interesting, let’s see it’ Demola grabbed the envelop from Funsho and was amazed by the sketch. ‘Where did you get this from?’ Funsho was equally surprised. Though the work looked nothing like him, it was still too complex for a little child like Princess to sketch. ‘My friend in school, she draws very well’ Princess replied. ‘Wow, what’s your friend’s name and why have you not told me about her?’ Funsho offered him her undivided attention. ‘Excuse me bro, I need to attend to some things’ Demola pressed his phone to his ear. Cookie and him had sex the night before, he noticed she didn’t share a room with her husband, that made their quickies very steamy and scintillating. ‘Okay?’ Funsho wondered what Demola was up to, he was still yet to bring the woman to him, that was the agreement they had. Without the woman, he wouldn’t take his younger brother very seriously. ‘Her name is Angel, but we call her little Angel because she is little’ Princess demonstrated with her hands. ‘That’s sweet honey. I would love to meet Angel, would you like that? Or you could invite her over’ Funsho said. ‘Yes dad. Thanks so much’ Princess hugged him and he felt happy. He wondered where Cookie was. It was bad enough she had packed out of their room, was she totally avoiding him now? He just couldn’t understand her, he was tired of complaining and he was confused. What exactly was her problem? Why wouldn’t she treat him like her husband? ‘I am back bro’ Demola returned after speaking with Cookie. Her boldness was starting to irk him, it was bad enough they were sleeping together under Funsho’s nose but she had called to remind him of what they’d discussed. ‘So, have you found the lady?’ Funsho asked. ‘Almost, but I’ll get it done’ he affirmed. ‘You better do Demola, you have to’ Funsho pointed a finger at him. ‘Are you okay? You don’t seem alright’ Demola noticed the sad look on his brother’s face. ‘Sure. I am fine. Just get dressed, let’s leave for work’ Funsho couldn’t bring Demola into his marital issues. He hated washing his dirty linens outside, he was a very patient man. ‘What are you drawing sweety?’ Uyai hovered over her daughter like a tree that provided shade. ‘A family’ Little Angel smiled. ‘I brought you cookies and milk, have this while we wait for your father’ Uyai pressed her lips on her forehead. ‘Thanks mum’ Little Angel smiled. Uyai stared at her proudly, she was lucky to have such a bright child. Angel was only four yet she was more mature than a six-year-old. She was drawn to the arts, she loved to draw and color papers, Uyai had noticed her love for crayons at a tender age. ‘I’ll support all your dreams baby girl’ Uyai rubbed her head and switched on the television. Her eyes riveted to the wall clock and she wondered what took Ubong so long, what exactly was he doing? ‘My friend’s dad has cookies too’ Angel grinned as she bit into the delicious Danish snack. ‘Wow, that’s sweet, everyone likes cookies’ Uyai nodded. ‘No, I mean my friend’s father owns cookies’ little Angel tried to pass a message across to her mother, but she wasn’t paying attention so she returned to her painting. ‘See my painting mum, this is you, dad and I’ she showed her mother the piece of paper. ‘That’s good, continue’ Uyai’s attention was glued to the television screen. Her heart raced and she prayed God touched Ubong’s brother, so he could help them. ‘So Uncle Ufot is now Commissioner for Tourism…’ her mouth fell apart as she saw her brother-in-law’s picture on the news. ‘What is it mum?’ Angel faced her. ‘Your uncle is a commissioner, do you know what this means?’ Uyai laughed excitedly. ‘No mum’ Little Angel shook her head in confusion. ‘Good, let me explain it to you. It means we’re going to be rich’ She danced excitedly then paused as the wind of euphoria stilled and she was brought back to reality. What exactly are you celebrating? She wondered. Ubong’s family had cut off all ties they had with her, simply because he married her, daughter of a nobody. What else could change their mind even after so many years? ‘I think your father is back, let’s see what he has for us’ Uyai peered through the window and was surprised to see Ubong walking with the car nowhere in sight. ‘Ubong? What happened to you?’ she rushed out of the house as she noticed he was bleeding. His shirt was torn and he wasn’t wearing any shoes. He looked dejected and downcast and that scared her. Was this about his lost job? ‘Darling, please talk to me, what happened? Where is our car?’ Tears welled up in her eyes. ‘I don’t know what happened Uyai, but I am finished. It is over for me’ a tear slipped from his eyes, he couldn’t hold the pain back any longer. ‘No, it is not finished, it can never be finished.’ She rose to her feet and fetched her phone once again. She hurriedly texted Madam Ngozi, to include her husband in prayers. ‘Where do I start from? I’ve lost everything, how do I take care of you and Angel?’ He lamented. ‘Okay honey, just tell me everything. Let me share your pain, that’s why I am your wife, okay?’ she rubbed his back to calm him. ‘I invested all my life savings in a ponzi scheme, today was meant to be my turn to get my full share of the money but I got duped and beaten up instead’ he explained. ‘Duped? So the car was snatched from you?’ Uyai bit her lip to prevent a sob from escaping. She knew what they had gone through before they were able to get a car. ‘Yes. They snatched it away from me at gunpoint. I had no choice, it was me or the car’ he could see the pain in her eyes, this was what he’d wanted to avoid. ‘Oh God. We really need help especially now you’ve lost your job’ she cried, how could people be so mean? ‘Is there hope for us at all? I am so scared, how’d we survive’? Ubong wailed. ‘Honey, you have to be strong, guess what?’ Uyai tried to lighten the mood. ‘What is it? have you gotten a job’? he asked her eagerly. ‘No, but your elder brother, Uncle Ufot has just been made a commissioner. Maybe if we could visit them with little Angel, that may soften their heart a little. Please don’t rule out this option, we’ll pray about it, I believe God will see us through’ she encouraged him. ‘No, my family turned their backs on me, it’s been a long time, if they couldn’t help us then, what makes you think they’d help us now? If you plan on using my daughter as an object to gain pity, then forget it, I am never going to them for help, get that straight’ he scowled angrily and moved away. How daft could his wife be? The moment he had disobeyed his family meant he no longer shared blood with them. He knew all of his brothers, even his own mother, he knew how hardened they could be. ‘I am sorry. I promise never to bring this up’ she begged him. She was equally surprised, Ubong had never snapped at her like that. It was difficult to get him angry, this new manifestation scared her. ‘Better’ he hissed angrily and left for the room. ‘Daddy welcome’ Little Angel ran to welcome him but he pushed her away.
23 May 2019 | 06:45
u can't take ur anger on your family now
23 May 2019 | 19:36
Episode 6 ‘So what’s your plan? Care to fill me in on how you plan to find her?’ Funsho scoffed. ‘You’re mocking me bro but I’m going to surprise you. I’m bringing her to your office today, I’m already working on that’ Demola couldn’t wait to spite his brother once he brought Uyai Davies to his office. ‘Surprise me little bro, I want to trust you again. I want to share with you my secrets knowing very well I would be talking to a man. Do you know who a man is?’ Funsho repaired his tie. ‘No’ Demola was touched by his brother’s words. So Funsho really wanted him back? And there he was plotting his brother’s downfall with his own wife. He felt ashamed of himself instantly. ‘A man becomes a man when he can jump past hurdles. I’ll be waiting for her. Bring her to me as promised’ Funsho was eager to meet her again. At least thoughts of her distracted him from the harsh reality of his marriage to Cookie. Demola nodded. He wouldn’t fail his brother, Funsho wasn’t a happy man, he could see that and it pricked his conscience. Whoever this woman was meant something to his brother and he needed to find her. ‘Here we go’ he fetched the car keys from Cheta and was about driving when the Bodyguard stopped him. ‘What are you doing’? Demola wondered why he had stopped him. ‘Protecting you. Mr Funsho gave me instructions to drive you and guard you wherever you go, till he found you a personal bodyguard’ Cheta insisted. ‘What? But I am grown, I can take care of myself’ Demola complained. ‘Well, I love to follow instructions, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll like to drive’ Cheta got the keys from him and fired the engine. ‘Where are we going?’ Cheta ignored his murderous stare. ‘Here’ Demola handed him a paper containing Uyai’s address. ‘Alright’. ‘Hello darling, how are you? Sorry I couldn’t see you before leaving for work. How are you holding up?’ His phone rung and he answered. Cookie had called. ‘I need you right now, I’m so horny’ Cookie groaned over the phone. ‘Oh baby, can we talk later? I am not free’ Demola felt his blood rush. She would get him into serious trouble. ‘Alright love, bye’ she kissed him over the phone. ‘What are you looking at? Do you mind focusing on the road before you get us killed?’ Demola wasn’t comfortable with Funsho’s guard. ‘Your girlfriend?’ Cheta tried to make small talk. ‘Again, mind your business, this doesn’t concern you’ Demola ignored him. ‘Well, it concerns me when you both are doing it under his nose. That’s the highest form of disrespect’ Cheta scoffed. It wasn’t a secret anymore among the domestic staff, they all wondered when Mr Funsho would send his wayward wife away. ‘Excuse me?’ Demola’s heart skipped. ‘You know very well what I’m talking about, just be careful and remember that walls have ears’ Cheta grinned and brought the car to a halt. ‘What are you talking about?’ Demola’s heart raced, what if Funsho knew about him and Cookie? ‘We’re here’ it was Cheta’s turn to ignore him as he pulled the car over. ‘Okay. Thanks’ Demola mumbled. If Funsho got to know the truth about his affair with Cookie, that would be the end of him and he knew this. He pondered on what Cookie had planned, but he didn’t have the stomach for it. He had never killed anyone in his life and he sure wasn’t going to start with his own brother. ‘Stay safe’ Cheta fetched his phone and typed a message. ‘I HAVE SOMETHING YOU COULD WORK WITH. LET’S HAVE THAT DATE’ Nelly had been busy when her phone buzzed and she couldn’t resist the urge to check the caller. ‘Oh, you’ she hissed as she briefly glanced through the text message Cheta had sent her. Funsho’s body guard had been pestering her life, he wanted them to have a relationship and that was never going to happen. How could he ask that of her when he knew she was dating his boss? And why would she even consider going out with him when she wanted Funsho for herself. So she’d tasked him to get information about Funsho’s marriage, if she could somehow get in, she’d be able to destroy it completely and take over his home. ‘Nelly, I need you for a minute’ Funsho’s voice brought her back to reality and she rushed into his office. ‘Lock the door’ he ordered her calmly. ‘Yes sir’ her eyes twinkled as she gazed at him, he was so handsome in black tux. The’ve had sex many times in a hotel, sometimes he had changed venues, sometimes they would even have it on his table, a fulfillment of one of her sexual fantasies. ‘Sit’ Funsho ordered her quietly. He had a long talk with himself while coming to the office, Cookie was taking him for granted and he made up his mind to ask her for a divorce, there was no need coping with her toxic behavior. He was patient enough and he wouldn’t bear it no more. ‘I like you very much Nelly and I am sexually attracted to you, I want you to back out of my family business. You really got me pissed the other day, can you do that?’ He asked. ‘Yes, please don’t break up with me, I promise to mind my business’ her heart raced. Were things now okay between him and Cookie? ‘No, I am not breaking up on you, I want us to go on vacation for a week, I want to take good care of you. I ordered a necklace for you, check it out’ Funsho winked and dropped a parcel in her hand. Since Cookie didn’t appreciate him, he was going to transfer his feelings to another. Many times he wondered if his wife was cheating but he quickly dismissed the thought, she couldn’t be commiting adultery, maybe she was just tired of being married. ‘Wow, this is beautiful, thank you so much baby, I love it’ she wrapped her hands round him. ‘You’re welcome love’ he kissed her firmly and grabbed her breasts. ‘I guess it’s time for me to show appreciation’ she dropped the parcel and began undressing. ‘Stop crying baby, Daddy is in a bad mood, some very bad men attacked daddy but he’ll be alright, we’ll all be alright’ Uyai kissed her daughter who had beeh crying, a reaction to her father’s rejection. ‘Someone’s knocking, mom’ Princess wiped her face with the back of her hand. ‘Let me go check it out honey, stay here’ Uyai wondered who had come visiting, she was not expecting anyone. Ubong was reluctant to report the matter to the police and she wouldn’t be the one to force him. Maybe Madam Ngozi had come to check on them. ‘Hello, good day’ Demola smiled as he stood face to face with his mystery woman. ‘Good afternoon, how may I help you?’ she wondered who the man was. She was sure she had not seen his face before. ‘I am Demola Williams from Cookies Noodles Company, my boss sent me to fetch you’ Demola decided to go straight to the point. ‘Fetch me?’ Uyai lifted a brow. What if this was another person coming to dupe them? ‘I am not a fraudster, here’s the company’s card, I could even do a video call and you would speak with him’ Demola offered her a card. ‘Cookies? Why does your boss want to see me?’ Uyai’s hopes were raised, did this mean she was getting the job? ‘I don’t know, maybe you could come with me right now? I assure you, you will be safe’ he tried to convince her. ‘I came there some days back for an interview but the security men wouldn’t let me through because had no PIN’ she narrated her experience to him and he looked stunned. ‘PIN? There’s no such thing at Cookies’ he shrugged. ‘Okay then, let me get dressed, I’ll meet your boss right now, I actually need a job badly’ she widened the door and he stepped into the house. ‘Is that your boyfriend? You now bring other men to my house since I lost my job?’ Ubong staggered into the living room. ‘Oh my God, Ubong, what is this? Why are you doing this?’ she rushed toward him, this was so embarrassing for her and Angel had started crying again. Demola knew it was the wrong time, the scene before him broke his heart especially when the little girl began to cry, she reminded him of his own niece, Princess. ‘Emm, Mrs Davies, I guess I’ll return later or maybe you can come to the company yourself’ he dashed off without warning. ‘Get out of my house you cheat’ Ubong yelled angrily at him. He was terribly drunk, he reeked of alcohol. ‘Ubong, drinking wouldn’t solve this problem, why are you doing this to me?’ Tears rolled on her cheeks. ‘I will do this and even more’ he grunted like an animal, then pushed her to the ground and begun to punch like he was practicing Boxing; even little Angel’s wails couldn’t stop him.
24 May 2019 | 05:12
war within
24 May 2019 | 14:09
What came over you, Ubong
24 May 2019 | 14:40
Ubong u're have Taken Over U boy.
24 May 2019 | 15:44
Ubong u're EMOTIONS have Taken Over U boy.
24 May 2019 | 15:46
Ubong have a screat that he don't want to review to his wife
25 May 2019 | 06:18
Funsho u don't have a wife
25 May 2019 | 06:19
Demola u need to change ur dirty afair
25 May 2019 | 06:21
stupid fool will that solve ur problem?
25 May 2019 | 10:30
why is he behaving this way
25 May 2019 | 13:21
Episode 7 How did it go in there? You don’t look happy’ Cheta observed Demola’s downcast look as he came out of the house. ‘Can you just shut up and drive!’ Demola hissed, Cheta was getting on his nerves and had to be put in place. ‘Okay, I’m just being curious.’ he shrugged. He couldn’t wait to meet up with Nelly, maybe she’d finally give him a chance. He loved her very much, from the very first day he set eyes on her, he knew deep down they were meant to be together. He knew the boss was sleeping with her but he would wait, he was a very patient man. ‘Drop me here’ Demola said. Cookie had sent him a text, she was in the Salon and had requested to see him. He couldn’t say ‘no’ to her especially after what he’d witnessed, he needed someone to calm him down. The scene played back in his memory as he stepped down from the car. ‘What do I tell your brother?’ Cheta asked. ‘Anything’ Demola ignored him and stepped into the salon. So she was being abused by her husband… Uyai Davies was very beautiful, her eyes were brown and seemed fragile like she’d been crying. He felt pity for her and he wished his brother would do something to help her out. Marriage wasn’t a bed of roses, he decided. His conscience pricked him heavily, there he was judging the man that was abusing his wife and here he was doing something far worse, sneaking around with his elder brother’s wife. Second Chances - Episode Seven Second Chances – Episode Seven ‘Hey honey, wait outside for a while, my nails will soon be dry’ Cookie blew him a kiss. The girls who worked there seemed not to notice anything but he was greatly perturbed, how could she be so careless? What gave her such boldness to display her affection for him in public. ‘Okay, take your time’ he forced a smiled and walked towards her car. ‘Uyai Davies’ he repeated her name and searched the internet. He couldn’t bear seeing women in pain. Funsho had to help the woman, she had to be given a job at Cookies to get her far away from her sick husband. ‘Good afternoon young man, you must be Demola Williams’ an unfamiliar face stood in front of him. ‘Yes and who are you?’ He snapped at her, he wasn’t in a very good mood. ‘I see. I am here to warn you, I had a very bad dream about you, you’re doing something terrible with your brother’s wife. It will lead to your downfall but if you’re willing to repent and live upright, God will spare your life and make you whole’ the woman handed him a tract. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about and I don’t listen to strangers’ he moved away from her. ‘You know what I am talking about’ the woman stood her ground. Minutes later, Cookie stepped outside the salon, all made over and fresh. She couldn’t wait to feel her baby’s hands on her, her smile faded as she spotted Madam Ngozi close to him. What was she up to? ‘Is there a problem here?’ Cookie rushed towards them. ‘Hello Cookie, I was just telling your brother in-law about my church. See you later’ Madam Ngozi patted her on the shoulder and walked away. ‘You know her?’ Demola folded the paper neatly into his pocket as the woman disappeared. ‘Yes, she was once my friend before she got too nosy.’ Cookie nodded. ‘Alright’ Demola nodded. The words of the woman scared him. First, Cheta, Funsho’s guard had made it known that he was aware of their affair and now this? He couldn’t think of a better time to end things with Cookie, they had to stop seeing each other. ‘What’s wrong with you? Aren’t you happy to see me?’ she joined him in the car. ‘I am, we have to talk’ he replied coolly. ‘Sure, that’s why I called you. About what I said, you never gave me an answer. The faster we kill Funsho, the better for us. Something big is about happening to that company and if it works out, everything would belong to us. I am very sure I’ll inherit everything’ she smiled mischievously. Second Chances – Episode Seven ‘Have you seen his will’? Demola asked thoughtfully. ‘Not really, but I plan to forge one once we kill him’ she replied and leaned against him. ‘I can’t do it’ Demola replied flatly. ‘Excuse me?’ She raised her head up and faced him. ‘I can’t kill, Cookie, I am not a murderer, you have to understand that’ he repeated. ‘Are you kidding me? Why do you always chicken out when it comes to taking tough decisions? Why can’t you be and act like a man for once?’ She was greatly disappointed in him. ‘If being a man means killing my own brother, then by all means I reject your definition of manhood’ he replied. It was as if scales fell from his eyes and her true selfish nature became visible, what was she thinking? How could she ask him to kill his own brother? To what end? ‘Get out Demola. Just get out. I am ashamed of you’ she released her hand and gave him a slap. ‘Just so you know, it’s over between us’ her slap stung him, but he controlled himself. The woman had warned him and he was willing to take her advice. ‘damn you Demola. You’ll pay for this, for humiliating me, you’ll pay for everything’ she pushed him out of the car and drove off. ‘I feel better’ He sighed. It was as if a burden had been lifted off his chest. He needed to return to the office and give his brother news of his discovery. Second Chances – Episode Seven ‘That was sweet darling, I miss this, I miss you’ Nelly bit his lip and dug her fingers into his back. ‘Really? Was I that bad?’ Funsho winked and kissed her. ‘No, you were never weak, you’re a stallion in bed, a black stallion. You were just distant when we made love, it felt like nothing, it didn’t have any effect on me’ Nelly explained. She was liking this new Funsho. ‘Yea, maybe I had hope in things that I wasn’t supposed to’ he replied calmly. He’d given Cookie enough time to change, once he returned from his trip with Nelly, he would serve her a divorce. There was no point staying in an unhappy marriage, marriage wasn’t to be endured, it was for love and fulfillment, his marriage to Cookie represented none of that. ‘I need to get back to work babe, I’ll call you when I get home’ Funsho pushed her aside gently as he remembered the mystery woman. Had Demola found her? He hoped so. ‘Okay boss, we should do this often on this table’ she winked and got into her dress. ‘I have heard you, honey’ Funsho did same with his clothes. Minutes later, the office was well arranged, table polished and the boss was seated in his chair, no strand of hair was out of place. ‘Who’s there? Come on in’ Funsho inhaled deeply. For the first time, he felt no regret after sleeping with Nelly. Normally, he’d be plagued by guilt feelings but now he felt nothing, it was as if his heart was dead. Second Chances – Episode Seven ‘I owe you one Nelly’ he heard Demola’s voice before the door parted. ‘And here comes by younger brother. How may I help you young man, seeing that the mystery woman isn’t in your company?’ Funsho’s heart fell off hope’s cliff. He’d hoped to see her. ‘I swear I went to her house, Cheta can attest to that. I saw her, I spoke to her and she was pretty excited but something bad happened.’ Demola paused. ‘What’s that?’ Funsho asked. ‘She came here looking for a job and told me the security men asked for a pin, but that wasn’t the part that hurt me. She is married with a kid and in my presence, he beat her up’ Demola narrated his experience. ‘Who beat her up?’ Funsho rose to his feet quickly. ‘Her husband’ Demola replied. ‘She’s married?’ he raised his brow. ‘Yes’ Demola replied. ‘Her name is Uyai Davies and her husband is Ubong Davies. They have a child together from the little I garnered’ Demola said. ‘Oh, I see, so how do I get to meet her? I need to help her somehow. I knew it, I knew something wasn’t right with her, I could feel her pain the first time I laid eyes on her, I couldn’t get her off my mind’ he was excited and hurt at the same time. He was happy he would see her again and sad that her husband was beating her up. ‘I gave her the company’s card. I guess she will call, she really needs help’ Demola wondered why Funsho was so interested in the woman, his eyes strayed to the table and what he saw shocked him. Funsho noted the look of surprise on Demola’s face and followed his gaze, blood rushed to his cheeks and he avoided his brother’s eyes. ‘Don’t judge me, you don’t know what I’ve been through’ Funsho turned to the window and backed him. ‘It’s okay. I understand’ Demola lifted the pack of condoms from the office table and made for the door. So his brother was shagging someone? He wondered who the girl was, one thing was for sure, she was very close by and his mind wandered to Nelly. ‘Thanks’ Funsho replied.
27 May 2019 | 04:12
Episode 8 Tears streamed down her face as she rushed to her room. How could Demola abandon her a second time? She couldn’t bear the heartbreak. ‘Mommy, why are you crying?’ Princess had never seen her mother in such a mood before. ‘Get out of my way, you little bastard, you’re just as evil as your father’ Cookie spat angrily and rushed into her room. ‘No, no, he cannot leave me for another woman. I am his forever, he belongs to me and I belong to him’ she spoke to the mirror. She cried and bit her lip till she bled, then she sat on her bed and chewed her nails off. She needed to think, she needed to plan. Was Demola serious? What if he was joking with her? She calmed herself and reasoned, she would try seducing him one last time and if he was hell bent on disgracing her, then she would have no option but to fight him with everything in her. She would have no choice but to take away his peace. But one thing was sure, she couldn’t lose on both ends. If she couldn’t have Demola, she’d kill him and return to Funsho, her husband who had always loved her. ‘Mummy hates me’ she heard her daughter cry and her conscience pricked her; what had gotten into her? Why had she spoken to her child that way? If the worse were to happen and she lost at both ends, she would use Princess as leverage, she knew how much Demola and Funsho adored her daughter. ‘Come here darling, mommy is sorry, I didn’t mean what I said. Okay? Can I make you lemonade?’ She kissed the little girl. ‘Yes, thank you mommy’ her tears were quickly replaced with a smile. Second Chances - Episode Eight Second Chances – Episode Eight Her daughter had managed to sleep after crying for an hour plus. Pain coursed through her, her joints ached and her face bled from the bruises Ubong had inflicted on her. She had never experienced such a thing, but she didn’t blame him much, he was drunk. He had taken alcohol in frustration, that was why he acted that way. ‘Baby, I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I swear this wouldn’t happen again’ he knelt beside her and sobbed. ‘It’s okay, you were drunk and I totally understand’ she licked her cracked lips nervously. ‘So how do I make things work, please forgive me, what should I do to please you?’ He cried. ‘Just one thing, please promise you’ll do it’ she begged. ‘Yes. Anything for you’ he agreed. ‘Let’s find a way and see Uncle Ufot, let us beg him, it’s been a long time, surely someone cannot hold a grudge for that long, let us find a way and get help’ she suggested. ‘Okay,’ he fought with the fury that rose in his chest. ‘So who was that guy that came looking for you’ his eyes glared with jealousy. He wasn’t a blind man when he’d picked Uyai as a wife. She was beautiful like her name implied, she glowed like a diamond and her beauty was renewed each passing day. Now he’d lost his job, his fears were heightened, what if she left him for another man? What if she ran away with his daughter? She was so attractive and though she was married, some men still came after her. He wasn’t a blind man when he’d picked Uyai as a wife. She was beautiful like her name implied, she glowed like a diamond and her beauty was renewed each passing day. Now he’d lost his job, his fears were heightened, what if she left him for another man? What if she ran away with his daughter? She was so attractive and though she was married, some men still came after her. ‘Demola Williams, look what he gave to me’ she fetched the card from her bible and handed it to her husband. ‘Cookies? How did he know our house?’ his brows rose in suspicion. ‘Uhmmm, I forgot to ask that but he said his elder brother, Funsho Williams wanted to see me, maybe they could offer me a job. I am very excited but I don’t want to put all my hopes there’ she prayed for a miracle. ‘Okay. Let’s see how it goes. We’ll definitely see my brother tomorrow’ he replied coolly. His thoughts had gone wild and deep. Why would the boss of Cookies want to meet one on one with his wife? How had they gotten his address? ‘Let me go check on our daughter’ Uyai managed to walk. Ubong had hurt her very much. He didn’t utter a word, he just stared after her and felt angrier as he imagined another man on top his wife. She had only agreed to the date because she wanted to hear what he had to say about Funsho’s marriage. Cheta would be a means to an end and nothing more. She knew his kind of guy, ugly and broke and that wasn’t what she was about. She was all about rich and classy, a legacy that would last for more than a generation, Funsho was that man. He was the flag bearer of her dreams and she would pursue him till she had him to herself. ‘You’re late.’ She curved her lips into a fake smile. ‘I am sorry darling, Funsho asked me to do a few things for him’ he smiled shyly and pulled a chair. ‘Oh, so how are you? I love your shirt, blue is my favourite’ she gave him another smile. ‘Thanks, you’re so beautiful tonight, did you do all these for me?’ Cheta’s heart fluttered against his chest as he stared into her beautiful face. ‘Sure. So tell me what you got first, it’s really important to me, then we eat and chat some more’ she replied. ‘Really?’ Cheta chuckled. He wasn’t a fool and would not subject himself to emotional manipulation. ‘What’s funny?’ She snapped at him. ‘I am not stupid Nelly’ he stopped laughing. ‘I never said you were, just tell me what I need to know’ she relaxed against her chair. ‘I know you’re sleeping with Funsho, I am a trained bodyguard and I notice many things. I know you like him very much and probably have a plan to take over from Cookie but take it from me, that isn’t a good idea. I have something beneficial, an idea that could fetch us a lot of money’ he’d thought this through. ‘Is this why you called me here? I thought you said you had information concerning their marriage’ she rose to her feet angrily. ‘Relax, sit’ he pointed at the chair. ‘This better be good’ she flashed him a warning with her eyes. ‘Sure’ he nodded. ‘I have a plan that would make us rich. We should blackmail Cookie and Funsho, it would fetch us a fortune’ he replied. ‘I don’t understand, do you have dirt on them?’ Nelly asked. ‘Not really but I plan on getting some’ he replied. ‘You are funny! So you don’t have anything on these people and you wake up and feel you can just blackmail anyone, hello? This is reality. Now if you’re done, I have better things to do’ she hissed and rose to her feet. ‘Cookie is cheating on him’ Cheta spat the words out. ‘What? How did you know?’ Those words pleased her greatly, it now made sense. ‘I saw them.’ Cheta replied. ‘Them?’ she asked. ‘Yes, that’s all I can tell you now. If we’re to blackmail Funsho, you could cook up some lie that he raped you or we set him up somehow. If they’re willing to pay which I am sure they will because their reputation is important to them, then we would enrich ourselves greatly’ his eyes danced greedily. ‘I see. Let me sleep on it’ she replied and trotted away. The plan had sounded stupid to her at first, but it made sense. She wasn’t born with a silver spoon so she needed to make use of any opportunity that presented itself at her doorstep, but what was in it for Cheta? Was he really expecting her love? She laughed, that was never going to happen. ‘Thanks, angel, I know you will make the right decision’ he called after her.
27 May 2019 | 04:16
Bunch Of Useless People
27 May 2019 | 17:08
Marriage wasn't meant to be like this with a lot of broken promises. Funsho has always tried his best to make his marriage work with cookie. But, cookie was too far by falling in love with demola his younger.
27 May 2019 | 17:36
It wasn't really intentional for funsho by forcing himself to have a mistress, nelly his secretary doing many secretive sexting with him. Nelly shouldn't be doing any nonsense with cheta, she really need to think positively about it for her own good.
27 May 2019 | 18:13
Uyai and ubong has faced family rejections because of their love. This is not the time for ubong to be so foolish and selfish in his errors. Misbehaving in his own errors, many decisions can be made but uyai is wiser.
27 May 2019 | 18:25
Angel and Princess becoming close friends was for a purpose with their different intellectual abilities. Both families has got one or two things to do with each other. Ngozi was so doing good in her good to touch the heart of demola for good.
27 May 2019 | 18:35
Episode 9 The day had ended and Funsho returned home to his family. He noticed his brother had been quiet all through the ride but decided to give him his privacy. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’ it was now his turn to question Demola’s mood. ‘I am fine brother, just feeling depressed’ he replied. So many things weighed on his mind, he knew he would move out of his brother’s house soon, he couldn’t face Cookie and the demon inside of her. ‘Depressed over?’ Funsho asked. ‘Nothing much but one of them includes the scene I witnessed earlier’ he shrugged it off. ‘About that, what if she doesn’t call, have you considered that possibility? What if her crazy husband tears the card into shreds or even locks her up?’ Funsho voiced his fears. ‘You sound like a detective. If I didn’t know you well brother, I’d think you had a crush on her.’ Demola laughed. ‘A crush? I could never crush on a married woman’ Funsho laughed. ‘Well, she is a very pretty married woman’ Demola winked and silence cloaked them for a while before the chef set the dining table. ‘Daddy, will you read me a story before I sleep?’ Princess surfaced with her mother who held her in her arms. ‘I will, honey but let us eat first, I am famished’ Funsho snatched her from Cookie who acted like she hadn’t seen him. ‘Yummy, do you like it, should I feed you more?’ Funsho fed her spaghetti and egg sauce. ‘No, I am not hungry. I am sad’ Princess shrugged. ‘Why are you not hungry honey?’ Demola caressed her nose. He wondered why Cookie was so quiet, what was she planning? ‘My friend Angel, she didn’t come to school today and it’s because of fees’ she complained. ‘Wow, why didn’t you tell me this earlier? I could’ve helped her’ Funsho was proud of his little girl. He loved the fact that she wasn’t selfish. ‘I forgot’ she replied quietly. ‘Do you know this friend of hers?’ Funsho asked his wife. ‘Yes. She is little, I don’t know much about her or her parents’ Cookie picked on her food. ‘Good, find out and send the bill to me’ Funsho loved to help people in need. ‘I will be travelling to Paris next week’ Funsho announced once the table was cleared. ‘Paris? Why?’ Cookie asked this was the perfect opportunity to seduce Demola. She had her plans, she would drop Princess off at her mother’s, then she could have Demola all to herself.’s ‘Business trip. Just a week or two’ Funsho replied curtly. He couldn’t wait to spend time with Nelly. ‘Okay’ Cookie smiled. ‘I am still sad dad’ Princess pouted her lips. ‘Sad, what else do you want?’ He asked her gently. ‘I don’t want anything, I don’t like what mommy said to me today’ she pointed at her mother and all the adults faced her. ‘Go ahead, tell Daddy, what did mommy say?’ Funsho wondered. ‘I apologised Princess, why must you bring your father into this? I made your lemonade’ Cookie’s heart raced, what was she going to say? ‘Dad, what is the meaning of a bastard?’ she peered into his eyes innocently. ‘Bastard? Where did you learn that from?’ He was shocked. ‘That’s what mommy called me. A bastard’ she burst into tears as she remembered the way her mother had pushed past her. She laughed as her husband tickled her. It was as if it was their honeymoon, she remembered the hotel room vividly. ‘So how many kids do you want?’ He kissed her belly and begun to undress her. ‘How many are you willing to put into me?’ she bit his ear. ‘I see, you need a million’ he laughed and peeled the rest of her clothes off her body. The kiss was slow at first, then he increased the pace and bit her in the process. ‘Yubby, you’re rough’ she pulled back from him expecting an apology. ‘Rough? I like it rough’ he slapped her and she fell on the bed. ‘Jesus!’ she screamed and found her husband watching her with anger burning in his dark eyes, what had she done this time? ‘You woke late, I had to drop Princess at school, now hurry so we get to see my brother’ he spoke in a commanding tone. ‘Okay, ’ Uyai whispered weakly. Ubong was really different, he usually woke her up with kisses and love words but for some reason, he’d turned very cold towards her and it hurt her deeply. It scared her even more, as she had never seen this side of him before. She wasn’t herself, depression slipped into her bloodstream slowly and she was helpless, she hummed a tune as she turned on the tap, but nothing worked, not the hymn nor the coolness of the water could soothe her, could cure her ache. ‘I am ready’ She had finished dressing. ‘Good. About this, I’ll keep it’ he squeezed the complimentary card Demola Williams had given her into his pocket. ‘Okay, no problem, let’s just do this’ she nodded. This was totally her idea, she knew how much aversion Ubong had for his family especially after their abandonment, but they had to try, just this last time. ‘I pray this works out, it would be a miracle’ Ubong brought the car to a halt as they arrived Uncle Ufot’s mansion. He had loaned the neighbour’s car for appearance’s sake. The mansion flowed with people, most were moving furniture into a van, now he had been offered a new job by the government, everything about him had to change. ‘It will baby, just be patient’ she squeezed his hands. ‘About your eye, I am so sorry about it, if he asks you about the eye, tell him you had a fall. Okay? I don’t want to look bad before my brother’ he rubbed her hands gently. ‘Sure. No one would ever know about it, it’s our own little secret’ Uyai nodded and stared at the mirror briefly. Her face was bruised, so were her lips, Ubong had given her a black eye. ‘Good. Let’s go’ he slid out of the car immediately. ‘After you’ she kept staring at the mirror before her eyes reverted to the brakes and she noticed something strange. A little shiny object. ‘Oh no’ she pressed her hand to her beating chest, was Ubong now doing drugs? ‘How can I be of help to you two?’ Ufot had been informed by his men of Ubong’s presence. He had not set eyes on his younger brother for a long time and he wasn’t concerned, Ubong had turned his back on his family by getting married to a lowlife and he was paying for the sins of disobedience. ‘Uncle Ufot, good afternoon’ Uyai bent her knee. ‘I told you, this isn’t going to work’ Ubong grumbled. ‘Let me do the talking’ Uyai whispered to him. ‘Why are you two here? State your business in plain terms, I have an appointment with the governor, I don’t have all day’ he peered at his wrist watch. ‘Uhmmm, Uncle we need your help, things aren’t going very fine with us, even for our little daughter. Please help us’ Uyai begged. ‘Well, this show isn’t necessary, my brother already chose this fate for himself when he married you’ Ufot rose to his feet. ‘Get up Uyai, I told you, this would never work’ Ubong felt greatly humiliated. ‘One more thing bro, there’s still a chance for you in life. Divorce her and deny fathering her child and you get your inheritance back, this is a promise. Call me when you’re ready’ he patted him on the back and stormed out. ‘I am so sorry Ubong, I was so confident they’d accept you back after so many years, I underestimated him’ Uyai sobbed bitterly. ‘You should’ve listened to me, now the last shreds of my ego have been washed away by a stream of insults and it is all because of you.’ His eyes blazed in fury. How could his brother be so wicked? Why was his family so heartless! ‘I am sorry’ she replied weakly. ‘You better be’ he hissed loudly and walked towards the car.
28 May 2019 | 05:02
everyone is planning evil
28 May 2019 | 10:29
I'm hating this ubong while is he behaving like this
28 May 2019 | 20:09
Episode 10 She’d spent the night apologising to her husband and explaining why she’d been so abusive to their daughter. ‘It’s okay, just try to be in control of your emotions’ Funsho waved the matter aside. It was morning again, the skies had given way to a beautiful yellow sun, he felt happy and content that he was going to see her again. ‘Morning bro’ Demola sauntered into the dining room. ‘Morning, what are your plans for today?’ Funsho noticed Demola wasn’t still his normal bubbly self. ‘I don’t know, I guess I’ll still have to find a way to bring the mystery lady home’ he sighed and pulled a chair. ‘About that… We should pause, let’s wait a while, I have something else I want to work on’ Funsho replied. He didn’t know his daughter’s friend but Princess cared so much about her and he would speak to their head teacher first before taking any action. He intended to help Princess’s friend with her fees. He didn’t know his daughter’s friend but Princess cared so much about her and he would speak to their head teacher first before taking any action. He intended to help Princess’s friend with her fees. ‘Pause? Have you lost interest already?’ Demola wondered. ‘No, I want to help Princess’s friend, she told me her friend was owing fees, so maybe I could lend a hand’ Funsho said. ‘Really?’ Demola was not comfortable with the idea. ‘What? You don’t feel I’m doing the right thing?’ Funsho asked. ‘I don’t know but maybe you should see her parents first before paying the fees, it could hurt their ego very badly. What if they had the money and something else came up?’ Demola asked. ‘You’re right, I didn’t think about that at all’ Funsho rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He decided to see the girl’s parents first, maybe introduce himself as the father of their daughter’s friend before doing anything. ‘Yea, you could pay them a visit’ Demola replied. He wondered why Cookie had not come down for breakfast. He had a terrifying dream about her, she had chased him with a machete and he’d fallen into a ditch. Was she planning any evil against him? ‘You don’t look happy, are you okay?’ Funsho asked with concern. ‘I am fine, but I’ll be moving out of your house, I got myself a new house’ Demola lied. The dream had terrified him and he decided to stay far away from Cookie. ‘What? Is this about the job? Is this because I refused to offer you a job? Is that why you’re leaving?’ He felt hurt his brother would consider moving out of his house. ‘No, not at all, I just want to stay on my own, I need my own space’ he shrugged. ‘Space? I never stopped you from bringing your girlfriends home’ Funsho was surprised. ‘You wouldn’t understand bro, I’ll be leaving today but I’ll still be coming to work’ Demola wondered if he was doing the right thing. He didn’t have enough money in his bank account and he needed to rent a house Demola wondered if he was doing the right thing. He didn’t have enough money in his bank account and he needed to rent a house straight away. Then an idea came to him, what if he crashed with someone while waiting for his own apartment? But his heart sank as he Then an idea came to him, what if he crashed with someone while waiting for his own apartment? But his heart sank as he realised he had no friends back in Nigeria, most of his friends lived abroad. ‘Alright, the job is yours, at least you found out where she lives, that’s enough for me’ Funsho was persuasive. ‘That wouldn’t change my mind bro’ Demola rose to his feet and walked away. He couldn’t waste time, he needed to run very far from Cookie. He knew just where he would crash, he’d hoped Nelly would help him, they’d gotten somehow close and he liked her. ‘Wow, strange’ Funsho was surprised at his younger brother’s behaviour. First, it was Cookie, she’d called their only child a bastard, what was really happening? If Princess shared no resemblance to him, he would’ve taken her word ‘bastard’ very seriously, but he decided to let it pass. He had two things on his mind, seeing Little Angel’s parents and finding the mystery woman. ‘Good morning dad, I am set for school and I am late too’ Princess pouted and rushed to his side. ‘Don’t worry honey, I’ll drive fast’ he kissed her and took her in his arms. When she was sure Funsho had left with her daughter, she decided to seek Demola out. She loved him very much and wasn’t willing to let him go without a fight. She put on a tight short dress that stopped midway her laps. ‘That would do’ she smacked her lips and left for his room. ‘Please open the door darling’ she pawed sweetly, surely he wouldn’t resist her. ‘Who’s there’? Demola stalled, he’d begun to pack his belongings, they weren’t much, just a little box and few clothes. ‘Your Cookie’ she replied. He knew she would come and it scared him, what did she want? ‘Good morning, can I help you?’ He noticed she wore something sexy but he wasn’t moved, he was done with her. ‘How was your night baby and what are you up to?’ She pushed past him and stepped into the room uninvited. ‘What do you want Cookie?’ He wouldn’t indulge her. ‘Are you leaving me? Are you leaving this house?’ She couldn’t believe her eyes. ‘Get out of my room Cookie, I told you it was over’ Demola tried to push her out but she resisted. ‘Are you crazy Demola? You cannot leave me, no woman can ever love you the way I do, none can endure you. I am meant for you and you for me’ tears streamed down her face. ‘Sorry honey, our relationship was wrong from the beginning. I am sorry for sleeping with you, I should never have pursued anything with you once you became Funsho’s wife. Let’s not do this again. We all have second chances to do right, let’s take this one before Funsho finds out what we did’ Demola held her hands. He could feel her pain but he sought to do the right thing. ‘No, you cannot leave me’ she cried. ‘I have to’ he quickly fetched his buzzing phone, Nelly had returned his call. ‘Hello Demola, I saw your text message and that is okay, you’re lucky I don’t have a boyfriend and I have a spare room, you can always crash with me’ she sounded excited to have him close to her. ‘Thanks, Nelly, I promise not to inconvenience you much, I will move out in a week’s time, thanks’ ‘Alright, let me text you the address, I’m still at home, so hurry’ she replied. ‘Good’ he muttered to himself as he broke the call. ‘Nelly? Is that her name? the bitch you’re now sleeping with?’ Cookie screeched and launched herself at him. ‘Stop this Cookie! You’re too mature for this. I am not doing this anymore’ he pushed past her and hurried out of the house. ‘Fine then, be ready to suffer’ she groaned and fell on the ground. Demola had stood up to her, he’d broken her heart beyond repair and she would return the favour.
30 May 2019 | 06:25
Cookies has gone viral
30 May 2019 | 11:01
Episode 11 The drive was silent, suddenly Ubong’s phone rang, from the look on his face, it was evident whatever news he got wasn’t a good one. ‘Where are you going’? she asked he wasn’t taking the route home. ‘Angel’s school. Her class teacher just called me to pick her up, she has been sent home for not paying her fees’ he replied tightly. ‘Oh no’ tears welled up in Uyai’s eyes. Little Angel was attending the best Nursery/Primary school in Uyo. Now things were bad for them, it meant she had to stop going to school for a while or maybe she could go to a public school; but she didn’t want that for her daughter, she wanted the best for him. ‘Just shut your mouth up, this is all your fault’ he snapped at her and increased the speed. ‘My fault? What are you talking about?’ Uyai was surprised at his outburst. ‘Just shut up okay? Let’s get our daughter home. I wish I still had my job’ he complained bitterly. How could life be this cruel? Obedient to her husband, she stayed quiet and wept silently instead. Why had his character changed so much? He was no longer the caring husband she had married, he was a total stranger and slowly he was turning into a beast. They arrived at the school a few minutes later and met Angel standing outside the gate alongside some kids. ‘Mummy! Daddy!’ she called to them. Her little face was swollen from crying. ‘Sweetie, I am here now, don’t cry’ Uyai hugged her daughter and lifted her up. ‘Hurry into the car, let’s get the hell out of this place’ Ubong rushed towards the car. ‘Excuse me Mr Davies, you have to sign here’ Little Angel’s class teacher rushed up to them. ‘Yes? How can I help you Mrs Adesanya’? Ubong stared angrily at her. ‘I am so sorry Mr and Mrs Davies, you have to understand that we’re just following orders, the Head teacher had given this order. You have to sign here to prove you picked your daughter yourself’ she offered them a piece of paper and a pen. ‘Don’t sign that, get into the car and let’s go’ Ubong yelled at her. ‘Be patient darling, let me just sign this’ Uyai wondered why he was in such a hurry. ‘Thank you, Mrs Davies, please do not be upset with me, I’m just working under authority’ the woman apologised. ‘It’s okay’ Uyai smiled. ‘Angel!’ she turned as someone called her daughter’s name. ‘Princess!’ her daughter left her hand and ran towards another little girl. ‘Those ones? They’re best of friends’ Mrs Adesanya smiled as they both watched the little girls embrace themselves. ‘Really? Angel hasn’t spoken much about her’ Uyai relaxed and folded her hands across her chest, she was lost in that special moment and forgot all about her husband, who was boiling in the car. She saw a man step out from a black car, it looked very expensive, then he walked near the little girls. Ubong was handsome no doubt, but this man was like an angel. ‘That’s Princess’s father, Mr Williams, he owns Cookies, the popular Noodles company’ Mrs Adesanya explained. ‘Cookies? Really’? Uyai’s eyes twinkled, maybe she could get closer to him and ask him for a job, his brother had told her he’d wanted to see her. Why would such an important man want to see a nobody like her? ‘Uyai!’ Ubong yelled her name and she felt startled. ‘I guess it’s time to go’ Uyai breathed in deeply and walked towards the man and the little girls, she felt weak as she approached him. Funsho was surprised to see her, the mystery woman, she was so beautiful, her beauty was sophisticated and simple at the same time. She wore a black gown that showed her straight long legs, her neck was long and glorious and her eyes were pools of brown, but he was careful, she was a married woman. Had she recognised him? ‘Mummy, meet my friend Princess’ her daughter beckoned to her excitedly. ‘Oh, so Angel is your best friend’ Funsho was surprised at the coincidence. ‘Good morning Sir, I am really sorry, we have to go now’ Uyai wondered why she felt so nervous around him. ‘Oh? And here I was thinking, we’d talk some more’ Funsho noticed the black patch underneath her left eye, was that a black eye? ‘I…’ Uyai was confused. This was the miracle she needed, she was standing face to face with a man that could change her life forever but Ubong would be upset, she weighed her options and decided to speak to the man about her job situation. ‘Are you looking for someone?’ he followed her gaze. ‘No, I really need your help sir, I came for a job interview the other day but I wasn’t allowed into Cookies’ she explained in a rush. ‘Come over to my office, let’s talk about this’ Funsho dipped his hand into his pocket and offered her his complementary card. ‘Thank you very much’ a bright smile warmed her face and his heart stopped, she was so lovely. ‘Uyai!’ Ubong yelled and rushed towards her. ‘Who is that?’ Funsho saw an angry looking man walking towards her. ‘My husband’ she replied fearfully. ‘Okay then’ he smiled but his heart was unsettled, he could sense the fear in her and he realised his brother was right, her husband was abusive. ‘What are you still doing here?’ Ubong grabbed her hands roughly. ‘I, I was speaking to the boss of Cookies who turns out to be Angel’s friend’s dad, isn’t that wonderful’? she tried to lighten the mood, but Ubong wasn’t having any of that. ‘Goodbye Princess, Goodbye sir’ Uyai rushed back to the car. ‘Good day Mr Davies’ Funsho wondered why Ubong was so hostile. ‘Stay away from my wife’ Ubong eyed him dangerously and walked away. ‘Daddy, why is little Angel’s father so mean?’ Princess asked. ‘I don’t know love, I don’t know’ Funsho rubbed her head and led her to her class. Demola had been right, if he’d made the mistake of Paying Angel’s fees, Ubong would’ve been terribly mad. He felt bad for her, she seemed to be in so much pain and he wished he could rescue her from her crazy husband. ‘Ubong, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I am only doing this for us, please understand’ Uyai tried to meet up his pace as they arrived home. ‘Mummy, do you like my friend?’ Angel asked but got no response from her mother. ‘Doing this for us? So you’re now sleeping around cause I don’t have a job anymore?’ Ubong tugged at his belt. Why had that man stared at Uyai that way if they weren’t having an affair? ‘Ubong, how could you accuse me of such? I could never cheat on you, we’re in this marriage together, for better, for worse, please don’t say that, you’re hurting me’ tears welled up in her eyes. ‘Hurting you? You miserable whore, I picked you from the gutter, washed you clean and now you feel you can cheat on me? How dare you?’ He loosened his belt and launched it at her. ‘Daddy! Stop beating mommy, daddy please’ Little Angel sobbed. ‘Shut up and go to your room now!’ He yelled at the little girl and she ran away. ‘Ubong, stop this, what has come over you? Funsho is the owner of Cookies and wants to offer me a job, please don’t hurt me anymore’ she cried. ‘You know what? I think I know what to do to you’ he raised her up and took her to the room. ‘Ubong what are you doing?’ she was terribly frightened as he began to undress. ‘I want to rape you the way your boyfriends do’ he rushed to her and tore her clothes off. ‘No, please, don’t do this to me, I am your wife’ she cried but he was deaf to her plea. ‘Shut up bitch’ he tore off the last shreds of her underwear and plunged into her.
31 May 2019 | 06:53
Ubong need serious deliverance
31 May 2019 | 07:48
Like sirouse
31 May 2019 | 08:28
demola God we help you as u want to do the right thing
31 May 2019 | 09:03
Ubong u will regret and DEMOLA watch Ur back.
31 May 2019 | 09:26
31 May 2019 | 09:57
uyai u better keep fat complimentary card very well b4 it frustrated hubby tears it
31 May 2019 | 10:28
foolish man go an look for job stop beating ur wife idiot
31 May 2019 | 19:02
Episode 12 Cookie couldn’t bear the thought of Demola being with another woman, it was a thorn in her flesh and she needed to pay him back even at the cost of his own life. She had come up with two plans, and if the first plan failed, she would resort to Plan B. ‘Darling, you should eat before your food grows cold’ she warmed her husband’s shoulder with her hands. She couldn’t wait to tell him the true reason behind Demola’s exit. ‘I am coming, give me a second’ Funsho was quite surprised at Cookie’s new behavior, but that wasn’t going to change anything, she must have needed something from him, that was why she was being nice. ‘You’re always so busy’ she leaned slightly on him and seized that opportunity to peruse his tablet. Princess had taken dinner earlier and had gone to bed. ‘Okay, time to eat’ Funsho quickly switched off the tablet, he didn’t want Cookie in his business. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, what if Ubong was beating her right now? She was so fragile and her daughter too, how would the poor child cope in such a violent home? He’d searched her on the internet by himself, and he had gotten something on her, she had the qualifications to get employed in his company, and that was the first thing he’d do to help her. Maybe if she was financially buoyant, she’d run far from that crazy husband of hers. He’d seen things on domestic violence in movies and he knew one of the strongest things that glued women to such unhealthy marriage was lack of finances. ‘You have a call’ Cookie lied, what was Funsho hiding from her? She needed to check his tablet out. ‘Alright, let me pick my phone from the room’ Funsho rushed towards the bedroom. ‘Let’s see what you got’ she typed in his password, which was their daughter’s name and was stunned by the picture before her. So Funsho was equally cheating? She swallowed hard, how foolish she had been to think him a faithful husband. The woman before her was very light in complexion, her skin was flawless, everything about her seemed perfect especially her smile. So Funsho wasn’t that into her? She felt slightly jealous, how stupid she’d been. What if this woman eventually took over her home? ‘No, I can’t let that happen, I can’t lose at both ends’ she straightened. She needed to sit up and be a good wife, but not without teaching Demola a lesson or two. ‘First things first, Uyai Davies’ she called the name, she needed to find her husband’s mistress and warn her. ‘Honey, please bring the food here, my phone wasn’t ringing’ Funsho called out to her. ‘I’m coming’ she scanned the lady’s profile, it was confusing, she was a married woman, why would Funsho pick interest in her? He’d fixed his eyes on his tablet for more than an hour and when she’d arrived he quickly switched it off. Well, married women cheated too, she needed to find the woman or better still her husband, thank goodness her address was written on her profile. ‘Here it is darling’ she dropped the tray before him. ‘Thank you’ Funsho unbuttoned his shirt and began to eat. He still waited for it, she only acted nice whenever she needed something from him. ‘There’s something I must tell you and you must believe me, I could never lie to you’ Cookie licked her lips nervously. ‘Yes, go ahead, I am all ears.’ Funsho drank some water and paid attention to her. ‘There’s only one reason Demola left this house, and after I tell you this, I want you to sack him and make his life very miserable’ she replied. ‘Demola? Please go ahead, tell me everything, don’t hold anything back’ whatever she intended to tell him was serious. ‘He made advances towards me, he tried to rape me and when he knew I wouldn’t comply, he threatened to blackmail me, to tell you that we were having an affair when in all truth I had nothing to do with him. ‘That’s not true, Demola couldn’t do that’ Funsho scoffed. ‘I swear on my life and that of Princess, he tried to rape me’ She said. ‘Was that why he was so eager to leave the house?’ Funsho began to see things clearly, how could Demola betray him like that? ‘Yes, please do something urgently, before he rapes me for real’ a tear slipped down her cheeks. ‘So when did this thing happen? And what time?’ Funsho asked. A week had passed since Demola moved into her house, she liked her new housemate for many things, one of which was that he wasn’t nosy and he always stayed in his room that was why she’d invited Cheta over. She had made up her mind to work with him, but she would be smart, Cheta would always be a means to an end. She would get the information about who Cookie was sleeping with and she would tell Funsho about it, that way their already cracked marriage would be totally destroyed. ‘Come in’ she rushed towards the door as the doorbell rung. She had taken a peek at Demola’s room, he wasn’t on his bed and that meant he was in the bathroom or busy. Before he would surface, Cheta must have been done telling her what she needed to hear. ‘My Princess, you look so beautiful’ Cheta’s thick lips widened in a smile as she opened the door for him. ‘Thank you and welcome’ she returned his smile, how shallow he was to think she’d actually date someone like him. A hundred times over, she couldn’t compare these two men, Funsho was perfect for her and she was willing to get her hands dirty to have him. ‘So what can I offer you?’ She asked . ‘Nothing, let’s talk, I don’t have much time and Funsho may have someplace to go’ he tapped his feet nervously. ‘Oh, I see’ she raised her brow. She’d noticed a slight change in him, they had not met within the week, but she was patient knowing whatever disturbed him would come to an end and he would be his normal self. ‘So let’s be quick about this, are you in?’ Cheta asked. ‘Yes. Tell me who Cookie is sleeping with so I could work with that’ she said. ‘Work with that? We’re doing this together, we’re blackmailing her’ Cheta reminded her it was team work. ‘I am sorry, we would work together’ she lied, his attitude was irritating. ‘Demola.’ Cheta drummed his fingers on the table. ‘Demola? I don’t understand’ She raised a brow. ‘Cookie is sleeping with Demola, I know this for sure, I saw them once, this has been going on since he returned from America’ Cheta explained. ‘That is so dirty, how could she be sleeping with her husband’s brother?’ Nelly rejoiced inwardly, from the look of him, he was telling the truth. ‘I don’t know but that’s it, that’s all I have got’ he threw his hands in the air and relaxed. ‘Good, very good’ she rose to her feet and placed a light peck on his forehead, this pleased him greatly. She would call Funsho later and deliver this piece of news.
3 Jun 2019 | 05:19
problem everywhere
3 Jun 2019 | 16:38
hmmmm, This Nelly is Becoming Something.
3 Jun 2019 | 16:40
4 Jun 2019 | 06:07
This is real blackmail
4 Jun 2019 | 07:25
Episode 13 Demola’ he heard his name and he paused. Who had Nelly invited home? She rarely had visitors. He had been on his laptop for hours, working on a new advert for the Cookie brand, and then he had felt thirsty and decided to get himself a beer. ‘No’ he whispered as he listened to their conversation, how could Cheta betray him like this? And what did Nelly hope to gain by delivering such news to Funsho. He felt weak, blood rushed in his veins as he imagined the hell that would break lose if Funsho found out about his affair with Cookie. He would hate him so much and drive him away from the company. What was in it for Nelly? He pondered on that. Then it dawned on him, either money or she wanted Funsho for herself, the image of the condom he’d found on his table flashed in his memory and he realized Funsho and Nelly were sleeping together. ‘Shit’ he pressed a hand on his beating chest, he needed to tell his brother the truth before some other person did. He was prepared for the consequences, then his heart sunk, the woman at the salon had assured him his life would be okay as long as he wasn’t sleeping with Cookie, so why were things the opposite? He rushed into his room and fetched his phone, he needed to see Funsho urgently. Seven days had passed since Cookie shared the terrible news of his own biological brother who’d tried to seduce her. It made sense now, that was why Demola was eager to pack out of the house and that must have been the reason Cookie put up such a bad behavior, she wasn’t very good with expressing her feelings. He’d had a re-think about the divorce, this was the time she needed him most. Something else tugged at his mind as he waited patiently for Demola at the bar, his younger brother had called him and requested a meeting. He had chosen this bar because it wasn’t his house, as long as Demola lived, he would never set foot in his mansion. Uyai Davies still had a place in his thoughts, why hadn’t she showed up or called him or anything? He didn’t know why, but he was terribly worried for her safety. ‘Good evening brother’ Demola located him at the bar easily. ‘Evening Demola’ Funsho glanced at him briefly, he had not yet decided what best way to punish him for his stupidity but punish him, he would. ‘Nice bar’ Demola tried to cheer Funsho up, his brother wasn’t happy to see him, had he heard already? He swallowed hard and pulled a chair for himself. This was going to be hard, but he had to do it. ‘So how have you been?’ Funsho asked the bar man for more drinks. ‘Fine and you?’ Demola asked. ‘Good.’ Funsho replied and fell silent again. ‘Brother, I have something very important to tell you’ he rubbed his hands nervously. ‘Okay, go ahead’ Funsho pushed his drink aside and faced his brother. ‘I have wronged you greatly and I pray that you forgive me. I know after telling you this, you’ll be so mad and things will change between us, but I am doing this for you, I don’t want you to suffer’ he paused. He noticed his brother was smiling, had he heard the news already? His heart raced, had Nelly told Funsho about his affair with Cookie? ‘Go on, I’m listening’ Funsho beckoned him to speak, he sensed whatever news Demola had for him was related to the one Cookie had shared with him. ‘I have been sleeping with Cookie from the time you married her’ Demola waited for a reaction. Surprise? Anger? But nothing, this confirmed his fears. ‘We met at a party once, that was the first time I met her and we had a one night stand, we both fell in love, but couldn’t contact each other for many years and I later found out it was this same woman you married. Please forgive me Funsho, I couldn’t do it anymore, you’ve been a good brother to me’ Demola knelt on the marble floor of the bar. ‘Get up’ Funsho controlled himself, he was a public figure and couldn’t be seen in a situation like this one. ‘Have you forgiven me?’ Demola wondered why his brother took the news so lightly. ‘Let me check this’ he picked up his phone hurriedly, may be Uyai had called or texted him, the phone vibrated against the table. ‘MEET ME TONIGHT, I MISS YOU HONEY AND I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU, NELLY’ he dropped his phone after reading. Now that Cookie had revealed the truth about Demola, he wasn’t going to divorce her again, he would break up with Nelly instead, he needed his marriage to work, so he would see her one last time. ‘So you tried to rape Cookie and instead of apologizing for your behavior, you come here with lies. Cookie could never cheat on me. Bimbo is the love of my life, even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t do it with you. So get up and walk through that door, you cease to be my brother as from today. Get your things and get out of Nigeria’ Funsho poured his anger on him. ‘Rape her? Was that her own version?’ Demola scoffed. He now understood why Funsho had appeared calm. Cookie was faster than he was, she’d beaten him to the game, but he wasn’t going to bow out so easily. Since she’d decided to paint him black before his brother, he may as well reveal all their secrets. ‘She tried to kill you. She asked me to side with her, so we could kill you and take over Cookies for good, but I couldn’t think of murder, that was why I ended things with her, that was why I packed of the house because my conscience was eating me alive. Cookie is not who you think she is, she is very crazy, she demanded for your death. Here, read those messages, check those pictures out and if you still believe I tried to rape her, fine’ Demola gave his phone to Funsho who was hesitant at first. ‘I swear I never tried to rape her, but I am so sorry for sleeping with her in the first place, I am deeply sorry Funsho’ his eyes brimmed with tears of remorse. ‘I can’t believe this, why would my own wife try to murder me?’ Funsho was amazed at the latest revelation. He was tongue tied, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he went through Demola’s phone, the text messages between him and Cookie, the call log and pictures. Why had Cookie lied to him? ‘She wanted us to get married and take over Cookies’ Demola replied silently. ‘This is an unforgivable betrayal! All I have ever worked for, ever wanted was a better life for Cookie and Princess and she has been plotting my downfall all this time?’ He was heartbroken. ‘Brother, one more thing, be careful about Cheta and Nelly, they’re planning to blackmail Cookie and if they get to her, she may do anything to save herself’ Demola warned. ‘Cheta?’ Funsho wondered how his Body guard was connected to the matter. ‘He knew about my affair with Cookie, it seems Nelly is desperate to be your wife, she’d do anything to achieve her aim’ Demola continued. ‘Good. I know what to do. I haven’t forgiven you Demola. You stabbed my back when I had yours, you are not and will never be my brother’ Funsho rose to his feet and hastily walked out of the bar.
5 Jun 2019 | 05:02
That was a good move demola
5 Jun 2019 | 10:20
Sorry Demola, U did Ur best
5 Jun 2019 | 10:35
Good 4 u demola
5 Jun 2019 | 14:33
What demola has done is worth it, the evidence is clear for funsho to see all open secrets happening around him. Even nelly and cheta has been blown in their malicious mischief. Funsho really need to try his forgiveness ability on demola.
5 Jun 2019 | 16:52
Angel and Princess are gorgeous kids with the true bond of friendship. Uyai in this marriage, it won't be her fault if she goes for a divorce because ubong is becoming so violent in crazy. Cookie really tried to do more malice but failed, seeing that demola had more truthful evidence.
5 Jun 2019 | 17:05
you did the right thing Demola
5 Jun 2019 | 22:56
Demola u did way by telling him
6 Jun 2019 | 08:50
Episode 14 Mummy, why are you crying? Did daddy beat you again’? Little Angel watched as her mother wept silently. Even though a child, she had noticed a great change in her father’s behaviour, he was no longer happy and loving, he yelled at her most times and beat up her mother. ‘Please pick that phone for me’ tears poured heavily on Uyai’s pale cheeks. A week had passed and Ubong had not let her out of the house, it was a miracle he had forgotten to seize her phone. She had watched things like this in movies and they’d both condemned marriages where domestic violence especially wife battery was showcased and Ubong would be the first to speak against such men; he called them weaklings and cowards. But now he was doing the same thing to her. Uyai wondered where she had gone wrong, this wasn’t the man she had married, he was different and this scared her greatly. He was once gentle as a lamb, but he’d turned into something else overnight. She’d ignored the signs at first, the anger and the alcohol, she’d blamed it on his experiences then, losing his job and getting duped. But other men passed through similar situations and didn’t beat up or rape their wives. Within the past seven days, Ubong had beaten and raped her countless times, he treated her like an animal and it hurt her very much. This was the man she had trusted with her life, the man she’d dreamt of spending the rest of her life with. Now, he was the devil and she needed to get as far away as possible from him but she had no money. Even if she found a way to run from him, how would she survive with Angel? Her hands shook as she held the phone, he had torn the complementary car Mr Funsho had given to her, so she was back to square one, she didn’t know where to start. She decided to call Madam Ngozi, maybe she could help out. ‘Don’t worry baby, mum is going to be fine, we will fine’ she embraced her daughter. Ubong had left the house since morning and had not returned, this was the perfect time to escape. There was no cure for wife beaters like Ubong, she couldn’t risk her life by staying in a dead marriage, all she needed to do was run. ‘Hello, please call me back urgently, I need to talk to you’ she left a message for Madam Ngozi in her voicemail, she wondered why she had not picked her calls, that was unlike her. ‘You know what baby? Let’s pack our things, we are travelling’ Uyai rose to her feet. She had to leave, but where would she go? She decided she would cross that bridge once she got there, she still had some money with her. She hurriedly packed their belongings into a suitcase and rolled it towards the living room and then she found him standing right before her, her heart stopped, when had he returned? ‘What are you doing?’ Ubong wore a smile that didn’t reach his eyes and held a bouquet of roses. ‘I, hmmm, we’re just doing house cleaning’ Uyai lied. ‘Daddy, mummy says we’re travelling, are you coming with us?’ Little Angel was excited about the trip. ‘Traveling to where?’ Ubong calmed himself. So this was her plan eh? To travel and leave him for her boyfriends? He felt heartbroken that the woman he’d sacrificed everything for, he was abandoned by his family just because of her and now she wanted to leave with his daughter. ‘Don’t mind Angel, I just wanted to clean the house, everywhere is dusty’ Uyai explained in a shaky voice. ‘Okay. Take your time. I love you so much baby, I bought you flowers’ he knelt and offered them to her. ‘Thanks so much’ she smiled weakly knowing that his show of love wouldn’t stop her from staying, she had to leave. ‘What? Don’t you like it’? he sensed she wasn’t happy with him and he knew just what to do. She would pay for trying to run away, he would bring pain to her world, she would never forgive herself for it. ‘I do…’ she said. ‘Good. I am sorry for the way I have treated you in the past, I promise not to hit you again’ he apologised. ‘It’s okay, you can stand up now, I just want you to prove your love to me’ she licked her lips nervously. Ubong had apologised a hundred times but that had not stopped him from laying hands on her. ‘I want to take the job offer from Cookies noodle company’ she said. ‘Done, you’re free’ he replied. ‘Thank you’ she wondered why he’d agreed so quickly, what was he up to? She wondered if he’d truly changed or was pretending. She couldn’t wait to get the job, once she saved enough, she’d run from her crazy husband. ‘Cookie, please don’t do this to me, I have done you no wrong’ Ngozi begged for her life as she lay on the floor. ‘You have done me no wrong? Are you trying to be funny or you have amnesia? Because I remember everything quite well’ Cookie replied. Ngozi had ruined her life. Her relationship with Demola was smooth until she brought her nosy self into it. Whatever she must have discussed with Demola had scared him away and turned his mind against her. ‘You told Demola to stay away from me. I remember seeing you two at the Salon, what did you tell him if not that, because after that he started acting very strange?’ She slipped on her gloves and fetched a gun from her bag. This wasn’t the first time she was murdering someone, she’d poisoned her roommate back in school for flirting with one of her boyfriends. She was Cookie, and hated it when people stepped on her toes. ‘All I said was the truth, it pricked his conscience because he is a good person, even if you kill me, you cannot have him back, I am sure of that’ Ngozi replied. Her husband had taken the kids outing and she was left alone in the house. Cookie had called her and asked if she was alone, that she needed to discuss something urgently with her, she agreed and let the crazy woman into her house. She really pitied the woman that would marry Funsho. Her husband had taken the kids outing and she was left alone in the house. Cookie had called her and asked if she was alone, that she needed to discuss something urgently with her, she agreed and let the crazy woman into her house. ‘Good, then kill you I will’ she pulled the trigger without flinching and quickly rushed out of the house. She had meted out her revenge on a nosy bitch, her next target would be Demola himself. If Funsho hesitated in dealing with him, she’d do so without reluctance. She had the capacity to hate people with as much passion as she loved them. ‘No, she’ll go first’ Cookie changed her mind. She decided she would pay Uyai Davies a visit and give her a stern warning to stay off her husband and if she failed to hearken, it would not just be the end of her marriage or reputation, it would be the end of her. Funsho was stuck in traffic which wasn’t helping matters. He swam in a maze of confusion, what if Demola was lying to him? what if Cookie was telling the truth? Who could he believe? He had never been so confused in his life. He forced his eyes shut and went over the matter once again, Demola had shown him pictures, text messages and numerous calls from Cookie herself, he had proof but Cookie had not shown him any. ‘How stupid I have been’ he banged the steering. He had been so fast to believe Cookie over his brother. He needed to confront her, how could she be so callous? How could she make love to his own brother? Demola had hurt him very much and he’d sworn never to forgive him, that was a promise he intended to keep. He thought of his daughter Princess, how was she going to grow up knowing her mother had slept with her uncle in the same house? ‘Despicable’ he hissed, they’d played him for a fool, they’d betrayed the bonds of family. He didn’t know what to make out of Cheta and Nelly, but from the way he saw it, Demola wasn’t far from the truth. His phone cried shrilly and he picked it. The number was strange. ‘Hello good morning, Funsho Williams on the line’ he paused and waited for the person to speak. ‘Good morning sir, it’s Mrs Uyai Davies’ she replied. ‘Uyai Davies’? he felt warm as he heard her voice. Somehow he was lost in the moment, all the pain of his wife’s and brother’s betrayal vanished. He was happy she had called him, was she going to come to Cookies? ‘Yes, Your daughter’s friend’s mother, Little Angel’ she elaborated, in case he’d forgotten her. ‘I remember you, how are you? How have you been, how is Princess?’ He was thrilled to hear her voice. ‘We are fine. We are very fine’ she lied smoothly, she was far from the truth. He sounded so caring and that touched her very much. He reminded her of Ubong when they first got married. ‘Okay…’ he waited for her to state her intentions. ‘Sir, I would like to come to your office today…’ she licked her lips nervously, she suddenly felt shy. ‘Okay then, you’re free. I am heading there right now. When you get there, call me’ he replied and wondered why she’d been hesitant to talk about a job. ‘Thanks you sir’ she nodded and cut the call. ‘Welcome’ a smile warmed his perfect lips. A wave of peace calmed him and he felt better knowing he would see her again.
6 Jun 2019 | 08:53
Cookie's evil Had Started Long Ago Ahh!
6 Jun 2019 | 13:59
ride on
7 Jun 2019 | 01:01
Episode 15 ‘Daddy, why am I not going to school anymore? I am tired of being home, I miss my friends especially Princess’ the little girl asked, she was sad and tired of being home. ‘Don’t worry little one, your mother would soon get a job that would provide your fees’ Ubong replied. Uyai had left for Cookies, the moment she stepped out of the house, he knew she was going to see one of her lovers. He had searched the internet for Funsho Williams and it scared him, what he found about the man scared him. Funsho was one of the richest men in the country and his wife would no doubt be attracted to a man like that especially after he’d lost his job. He had not forgiven her for trying to run away with his daughter. He would destroy her world and give her so much pain. Uyai had betrayed him. ‘What are you writing?’ Little Angel peered at him. ‘A letter for your mother, she’d be very happy when she reads this’ he rubbed her head. ‘It seems we have a visitor’ a car had pulled over in his driveway. He quickly rushed towards the door and peeped, the woman’s face was unfamiliar. He had not seen her before. ‘Wait here’ he instructed Angel carefully and stepped outside to meet the woman. ‘Good morning sir, please I am looking for one Mr Davies’ Cookie slid off her sunshades. She’d thought of a better way to end her husband’s mistress, by reporting her to the husband. ‘Can I help you lady?’ Ubong asked. ‘Oh, I am here to report a very important matter and I will be very glad if you help me out’ Cookie rubbed her hands, she had no proof but she would denigrate this woman before her husband. ‘And what could that be?’ This was going to be interesting, Ubong decided. ‘Your wife, Uyai is seeing my husband, I have endured this for a month now, please warn her to stay away from Funsho else I would report to the police. My husband has been paying money into her account, he even furnished an apartment for her, pays her bills. I need her to back off. Thank you’ Cookie delivered her message. ‘What? Are you sure about this?’ It was as if a needle had pricked his heart. This was all the proof he needed. Uyai would pay for her crime. ‘Do I need to prove it? just warn her’ Cookie hissed and slid into her car. A mischievous smile curved on her lips as she watched the man’s face light with confusion, that would do the magic. ‘Daddy, I have seen that woman before, that is my best friend’s mother’ Angel rushed out to meet him. ‘Okay dear daughter, let’s go inside for a lemonade drink’ he lifted her up. Uyai had left him for another man, she had defiled their marriage bed. So Funsho had even bought her a house? Tears streamed down his face as he strolled inside, she would pay. He would take what she valued most along with his own life. ‘Have a seat Angel’ he poured the lemonade into two glasses. Then he left for his room and returned with a vial filled with a potent pesticide, he had to end it all, he had to end his misery. ‘What is that daddy’? she pointed at the vial. ‘Something that would take the pain away’ he patted her softly then emptied the chemical into his drink and hers. ‘This lemonade tastes different’ she poured the liquid out but it was too late. ‘Just finish it’ he drank from his glass too, then he rushed and continued writing the suicide note, he was quite sure the rest of her days would be miserable and bleak. ‘Daddy? My stomach hurts’ said Little Angel as she burst into tears. ‘Sorry honey, mine hurts too, but the pain would go away soon. We are going to heaven’ he grinned and rubbed his own stomach which had begun to hurt. Nelly had sent Funsho a message, requesting for a meeting but he had not called her back, maybe he was busy. Demola had finally found an apartment and had moved out, but she was surprised she had not seen him in his office, she would call him later. ‘Good morning boss, welcome’ she fetched his briefcase as they both matched into his office. ‘Morning’ Funsho replied tightly. She wondered why he was quiet, maybe he was in a bad mood, she decided she would talk to him later. ‘Wait’ Funsho called to her as she was about to leave. ‘I am here’ she turned swiftly but wasn’t comfortable with the look on his face. ‘You are both fired. You can also pass the message to Cheta. Now get out of my office’ he dismissed her. She stood there for some minutes not knowing what to do, maybe she had not heard him well, was that the end of the road for her? ‘I don’t understand’ she felt weak. ‘You don’t need to. You better leave before I call the security’ he threatened. ‘Baby, why are you doing this? Did someone tell you anything about me and Cheta? He was asking me out and I said no, I swear, I only pecked him’ she tried to explain as he had put her in a very dark place. ‘Oh? So he was your boyfriend too, how funny Nelly. Just go, you would never understand and if you try anything funny if you try pulling me down or tainting my name. I will make sure you disappear’ he rose to his feet and walked closer to her this time, he meant every word. ‘Okay’ she could see the anger in his eyes. Someone must have told him about her and Cheta, she was sure of it and now she’d lost the chance to tell him the truth. ‘Your wife is sleeping with your brother, I just thought I should let you know’ tears brimmed in her eyes as she walked out. ‘Thank you’ he replied quietly. Demola had not been far from the truth. He sent a message to one of his lawyers to arrange divorce papers, he was leaving Cookie for good, she didn’t deserve him. ‘I’ve lost everything’ she muttered to herself as she cleared her table. Uyai had taken a cab to Cookies, she didn’t want to rent a car, so she’d chattered a cab to pick her and drop her home later. She couldn’t believe her luck, she prayed everything worked out well for her this time. Once she got the job, she would run as far as possible from her toxic husband. ‘Good morning’ she realized the security section had been graced with new faces. ‘Morning madam, you look awesome’ one of the men complimented her and she blushed. She smacked her lips expertly, she had worn make-up to cover up the scars on her face, the places where Ubong had scratched her. One could never trust another so completely, she decided as she climbed the stairs, Ubong had totally changed overnight. Funsho had asked her to call him once she arrived, but she’d dismissed the thought, finding his office would be an adventure. It wasn’t much of a problem as she’d asked people around and they’d directed her to the 25th floor, a turn to the left, five offices before the one that belonged to Funsho. ‘Thank you’ she whispered to one of the men that had directed her and walked straight to the door that ‘C.E.O’ was inscribed upon. ‘Lord help me’ she breathed deeply as she tapped on the door twice. She checked her phone another time, she had sent Madam Ngozi a text message, but she wasn’t answering, what was happening? A bad feeling tugged at her belly, but she pushed it away. ‘Come in’ Funsho was on the phone. ‘Good morning sir’ she bent her knee as she greeted him. His office was large and very comfy, she noticed the picture of him that hung on the wall and decided: there was handsome and there was handsome. Funsho Williams was something else. ‘Morning, Have a seat’ he was tempted to address her by her first name, but that would paint an image he wasn’t interested in creating. She was a very beautiful woman, just like his wife had been, but now he only saw her as a whore. The whore that had opened her legs for his brother. ‘Thank you’ she smiled nervously and scanned the office. ‘Would you like something to drink?’ he stared into her brown eyes before she pulled her gaze away from his,’ it was like they were magnets and were attracted to each other, but none was ready to pursue such an abominable attraction. ‘No, thank you’ she swallowed and relaxed, she realised her hands were shaking, this man had a crazy effect on her. ‘Alright then, let’s get to business’ Funsho pulled out a pen and paper, he would interview her first. Even if she failed, he’d give her the job anyway, he wanted to have her around. He knew he was meant to be her protector, from the first day he’d set eyes on her. ‘Please, I would really love to work for you, I really need this job’ she dropped an envelope before him, it contained her credentials. ‘Then work for it’ he assessed the documents and nodded satisfactorily. ‘Are you ready? Take a deep breath, because you’re on a hot seat’ he teased her and she burst out laughing, the sound of her laughter made him warm. ‘Yes I am’ she smiled. Why was he so nice to her? She felt very comfortable around him, or maybe it was because Ubong had turned into a beast, maybe that was the reason she was responding to another man’s jokes. But a still little voice called her a liar, there was just something about Funsho, an aura of genuineness and honesty. ‘Good’ he fired her with some questions, which she answered readily and he felt impressed. ‘You have the job. I am very impressed’ he was about to shake her hand but she was already up and before you could say Jack Robinson, she threw her hands all over him. ‘Thank you, Thank you’ Uyai paused and realised she was hugging her boss. What had she been thinking? Euphoria was short term madness. ‘It’s okay, we all react to our emotions in different ways Mrs Davies’ Funsho smiled. He loved the way she smelt, a fresh clean scent and flowers. ‘I need to call my husband and daughter, I need to share this good news’ Uyai went berserk with joy. ‘Go ahead, ’ Funsho felt fulfilled, he had put a smile on her face. ‘COME HOME, WE HEARD LOTS OF SCREAMS IN YOUR HOUSE. YOUR DAUGHTER AND HUSBAND ARE BOTH DEAD’ ‘What is it?’ Funsho saw the frown that crossed her features as she scanned her phone. ‘I don’t know, a neighbor just sent me a very disturbing message’ she tried Ubong’s numbers but they weren’t going through. ‘What is it’? he walked towards her. He could see the fear in her eyes. ‘I don’t know what to make out of this,’ she showed him her phone ‘I am so scared’ a tear slipped from her eyes. ‘Let’s get you home first, let me take you’ Funsho fetched his car keys.
7 Jun 2019 | 05:52
Ubong why kill d innocent girl...
7 Jun 2019 | 07:29
Ubong whynot Take Your Life Alone.
7 Jun 2019 | 12:35
When Will This Cookie's evil Come To Stop.
7 Jun 2019 | 12:37
this ubong is a beast
8 Jun 2019 | 06:17
Arontic nounsence
8 Jun 2019 | 13:54
Ubong acted childish. he should have taken his own life and left d child... where will his wife start from? cookie is a bitch.
8 Jun 2019 | 14:00
I pray cookie should not harm u
9 Jun 2019 | 15:18
ubong,u are very very stupid an selfish foolish,why did u involved that little girl,now ur family we be blaming ur wife for ur die now,bec they didn't like her in the first place
9 Jun 2019 | 15:19
Episode 16 I hope this is a lie, I would die if anything happened to Angel’ she was already crying in the car. ‘Relax, let’s check this out first’ Funsho felt broken as she cried, he wished he could take all her pain away. ‘Ubong! Angel!’ She ran like a mad woman as Funsho brought the car to a halt. She called them repeatedly but there was no answer, her heart raced as she saw some of her neighbours gathered around with a few policemen. ‘What is going on here?’ She bit her lip as she neared the scene. ‘Good day Madam, one of your neighbours reported strange screams from this house thinking your husband was abusing you, but it turned out he poisoned himself and your daughter’ a policeman explained. ‘No, that doesn’t make sense, does it? Mr Williams does it?’ She searched his face for answers. ‘Uyai…’ he called her name trying to calm her. ‘Read this letter’ the Policeman said as he presented her with a suicide note. You sick bitch, I married you and changed your life, I picked you from the gutter, abandoned my family for you and you turned your back on me. You kept sleeping around; you thought I wouldn’t find out eh? Now read this, we are in a place far from you; we are in heaven with God and his angels, stay down there with your lovers and rot. I hope you enjoy this; this is your entire fault. ‘No, this is a lie, this isn’t true, Ubong is a liar, I hate him! He killed my daughter, he is my greatest mistake’ her hands shook as she read the letter. How could he accuse her of such a crime? ‘Please don’t cry, I am so sorry’ Funsho put his arms around her. ‘Madam, we searched the house and found some quantity of hard drugs, was your husband taking drugs? Because this would all make sense if he was a drug addict’ the policeman asked her. ‘No, I have never seen him with drugs, but he started drinking heavily after he lost his job and his attitude towards my daughter and I changed. He would beat me and accuse me of sleeping around but God knows it, I never cheated on Ubong’ tears ran down her cheeks. Where would she begin from? Why did he have to poison her little girl? ‘I am sorry madam, this is really sad’ said the policeman and walked away. ‘What do I do? How do I live without my daughter?’ She searched Funsho’s eyes for answers. Although she felt weak, she found assurance in his dark eyes and that scared her even more. Funsho stayed back with her and helped with the cleaning of the house. She’d insisted the police take the bodies away and cremate them. She couldn’t stand having a burial ceremony for both husband and child. People trooped in, neighbours, church members just to console her… then when they were gone, she was left alone with Funsho. ‘Thank you, Mr Williams, for staying and helping me with everything’ she managed a weak smile. ‘You’re welcome, don’t you have family?’ He glanced around, most of the people that had come to pay their condolences were either from her church or neighbourhood. ‘No, I was orphaned at a very young age, then I met Ubong, whose family threatened to disinherit him if he got married to me’ she explained. ‘Did they?’ Funsho was touched by her story, it was a sad one. ‘Yes, they disinherited him and turned their backs on us because I was a nobody, I didn’t come from a rich family, so they felt I didn’t deserve their son’ she sighed. ‘No, don’t say that you’re somebody, you’re an amazing woman’ how could she not know how beautiful she was? Who had degraded this rare beauty? ‘Why would you even say something like that? You don’t know me’ she shrugged and looked away from him. He seemed like a nice person, but she quickly reminded herself that he was a married man and had a family. ‘I know you didn’t cheat on your husband for one’ he shrugged, sadly, he couldn’t say same of his wife. ‘No, I never cheated on him’ she reiterated and then wondered where he was coming from, did his wife cheat on him? Why would someone cheat on a man like Funsho? She dismissed the thoughts, men wore facades, he looked like an Angel before her but he could be a devil to his wife, just like Ubong had been to her. ‘I have to take this’ Funsho raised a finger and moved away from her. He had spoken to one of his lawyers concerning his plans to divorce his wife. The papers were ready. Once Cookie signed it, their farce of a marriage was over. She wouldn’t know what hit her. She glanced around the house, once it had been a home where love and laughter reigned, now it was empty and was haunted by shadows of fear and agony. Tears welled up in her eyes once more but she controlled herself. ‘Uyai, are you okay?’ He decided to address her by her first name, damn the formality. ‘Yes I am fine’ she stuttered. She wasn’t fine, in fact, she would never be fine, her healing process would take a long time. ‘Please don’t cry, I know how you feel, I know how hurt and betrayed you feel, I don’t even know how I’ll break the news to my daughter, that Angel is dead. Please you need to be strong’ Funsho consoled her while checking the time, he needed to return home for the confrontation. ‘I’ll try, I miss her so much’ she blew her nose as more tears gathered in her eyes. ‘I have to go now, are you sure you’ll be fine by yourself? I don’t want anything bad to happen to you?’ He thought of taking her home but that wasn’t a good idea. ‘I’ll be fine’ she felt weak and scared, how would she stay alone in this apartment? ‘Okay, promise to be fine and call me if you need anything, I promise to be there for you’ he took her hands in his. ‘I promise’ she nodded. ‘Good’ Funsho felt bad leaving her all by herself, but he was going to call her once he got home. ‘Thank you’ she said again, then he did the unthinkable, he wrapped his arms around her and she felt at home, she felt safe in his arms. ‘Don’t mention’ he whispered. ‘She’s awake! Mum is awake’ she heard a little girl’s voice. Her head throbbed like she’d been hit with a strong object. ‘Obim, you are awake, I was scared I would lose you’ her husband rushed into the hospital ward where his wife laid. ‘Darling, what happened? Why am I here?’ Madam Ngozi scanned the room. ‘Uhmmm, I don’t really know. I came back home with Nneka and Chigozie and we found you bleeding on the floor, I quickly rushed you to the hospital and a bullet was extracted from your stomach, the doctor told me you were very lucky. It’s rare to survive such wound’ her husband explained. ‘Oh, I see’ she closed her eyes and searched the prison of her mind, then she found the answers she needed, she remembered what happened quite vividly. ‘Are you alright?’ he asked her. ‘Yes, honey, you need to call the police, someone tried to kill me’ she remembered how Cookie had pointed the gun at her. She would pay for her wickedness, and what made it awesome was that she had proof. Her phone had vibrated next to her when Uyai had called, so she quickly pressed ‘1’ which allowed her to do a recording. All what transpired between her and Cookie had been recorded, all she needed to put her down was the phone. ‘I already did honey, I am glad you are okay, tell me who this person is’ he rubbed her hands gently. ‘Bimbo Funsho Williams, Cookie, she tried to kill me because I preached to her brother-in –law to end their love affair’ Ngozi explained. ‘I see. She would be arrested for trying to end your life, for trying to take you away from us’ her husband was determined, the crazy woman would be brought to book. ‘One more thing, how is Uyai Davies? She called me while that lunatic was at my house, I have a bad feeling she wasn’t okay’? Madam Ngozi inquired. ‘About that honey, something tragic happened, we really need to include her in our prayers’ he carefully explained the recent happenings. ‘Oh my God! We need to visit her once I am back on my feet. Women shouldn’t stay in marriages where Domestic violence is the norm for the man’ her voice was low as the impact of the tragedy hit her. Tears rushed down on her face but her husband comforted her.
13 Jun 2019 | 06:05
Episode 17 ‘Wow, bloody and nice’ Cookie smiled as she watched an epic movie. She loved movies as they reminded her of Demola, he was a movie freak too. She sighed and rose to her feet, where was Funsho? He had not called her since morning and it was getting late. ‘Mummy, can we go visit my friend? I miss her very much, I have not seen her in school for some days now, she doesn’t have school fees’ Princess complained to her mother. ‘Go sit down girl, you’re interrupting my movie’ Cookie pushed her aside. ‘Why do you hate me mummy’? Princess felt hurt, her mother didn’t give her the attention she craved for. ‘I don’t hate you, I hate your father, I shouldn’t have married him’ Cookie yelled in frustration. ‘But you married my money’ Funsho had arrived unnoticed and having heard noises from Cookie’s room, had queitly walked up there. ‘Oh, honey, I didn’t mean that. Your daughter is just a handful’ she forced a smile and rose to welcome him. ‘Daddy! I miss you so much, I want to see my friend, little Angel’ she hugged her father. ‘I miss you, baby, love you so much, now give your mother and I a minute, we need to talk, okay?’ He pecked her and she rushed out of the room excitedly. ‘I am sorry Funsho, I just slipped, that happens a lot’ she fiddled her fingers, she couldn’t read him, what did he want to talk about? ‘You know I didn’t notice this part about you, this angry part of you when we were dating. You called our daughter a bastard and now you tell me that you hate this marriage, what am I supposed to believe? What do I make out of it? Or is there something you’ll like to tell me?’ he decided to play it cool with her. ‘Funsho, you’re taking this personal, I already told you, I am sorry’ Cookie sighed and climbed on her bed. ‘You don’t want this marriage. After we had our daughter, you changed, you became a stranger. I tried to change you, I worked on myself thinking there was something wrong with me; I prayed for us, I craved your attention, but you were never there, you blocked me out and treated me like a fool; you even starved me of sex but I endured all these, do you know why?’ He asked. ‘Funsho…’ she called him gently, she didn’t like the look on his face. ‘Answer me, do you know why?’ he repeated but she fell silent. ‘Because I loved you, I loved you so much. I even named my company after you but you threw my love to the worms and the worms ate it all and it’s all gone’ he sighed and joined her in the bed. ‘Baby, what are you saying? I told you before, I acted that way because Demola was making advances at me’ she started to cry but this time, her fake tears had no impact on him. ‘Demola tried to rape you? You were sleeping with my blood brother under my nose, in this house I built with my sweat and you’re still lying. Do I look like a fool to you?’ He was infuriated by her lies. ‘Honey, he must have fed you with lies. It’s not true, I have never slept with your brother’ she rose to her feet. Heart beating, fingers shaking, how did Funsho come by this truth? ‘You know what? Just save your explanation, I don’t need this marriage anymore, I release you to go and be with Demola or some other guy. You were never my missing rib. I release you Cookie, I release you’ he felt at peace with himself. ‘Release me? I don’t want to be with any other…’ she knelt before him as she realised she’d lost everything. ‘My lawyer has prepared the divorce papers and you’re signing them tomorrow, don’t worry about money, I’d pay you monthly, but you aren’t going anywhere with my daughter’ he pushed her away and stepped out of the room without looking back. ‘Come back Funsho, you cannot do this to me’ she sobbed loudly. Demola must have confessed everything to his brother. ‘And oh, I forgot to add this part, I forgive you for trying to kill me’ he stared at her in disappointment and walked away. ‘No!!!!’ she screamed. She couldn’t lose at both ends. She had soaked her pillow with tears as she remembered how happy she’d once been with Ubong and Angel. They’d eat from the same plate and sometimes slept on the same bed… But he had ruined it all. Her eyes went to the wall clock that had been staring at her for some time, it read twelve midnight. ‘Wherever you are, I miss you baby’ she rose to her feet. There was no point deceiving herself, sleep had eluded her and she felt so alone in the world, depression was setting in too. She left for the kitchen to make herself tea that would help her go to bed. Then the electricity went off and she froze, she had never felt more terrified in her life. She groped in the darkness in search of light, just as she reached her room, power was restored and she quickly climbed her bed and hid under the blanket. ‘Call me if you need anything’ Funsho’s words echoed in her brain and she quickly fetched her phone, this wasn’t the time to analyze the situation, whether what she was about doing was right or wrong, she just needed someone to talk to, she was going crazy with fear and somehow she found solace in her boss. She dialled the number swiftly and pressed the phone eagerly to her ears. He had not slept much, his mind wouldn’t let him sleep, he saw her in his dreams; she still wept for her family especially her daughter and he’d tried to console her. The shrill cry of his phone woke him up, he was confused at first when he heard the sound because he didn’t remember setting an alarm. ‘Hello, Uyai…’ he was happy she had called. ‘Good evening sir, I am sorry for disturbing your sleep’ she suddenly felt bad. ‘Hey, wait, it’s okay, I told you to call me anytime you needed me’ he slid off the bed and left for the kitchen. His mouth was gummy and he needed to drink some water or liquor, whichever came in handy. ‘Thank you. I am just scared and lonely and felt like talking to someone’ she told him how she was feeling. ‘It’s that way, that’s what grief does especially when you lose someone newly, you’d be scared but it would pass, give it time. Pain, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, time heals everything except the one we have refused to let heal’ he arrived the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. ‘That’s inspiring, I’ll remember that,’ his words soothed her. They were her comfort. ‘Yes, so are you coming to work tomorrow?’ he didn’t want to handle her with kid gloves. ‘Sure. That’s the only thing that would keep me sane’ she replied. ‘About your husband’s family, are they aware of Ubong’s demise? Maybe you should tell them’ Funsho suggested. ‘No. They turned their back on us, he had no family except Angel and I’ she replied stubbornly. ‘Alright, ’ he was intrigued by her boldness to stand up for herself. He knew some things about her now, and he wanted to get clos if only she would let him. They talked for over an hour until she yawned and slept off on him. He’d cracked jokes about his childhood and she laughed so much. That was his intention, to make her laugh tragedy in the face, to let death eat its own failure. ‘That is that’ he rubbed his hands, he felt happy, something he had not felt in a long time. He felt at peace and most importantly, he felt needed. He needed to resume his sleep. Suddenly he sensed he wasn’t alone and turned to find Cookie behind him with a gun. ‘What are you doing?’ he was shocked to see her with the weapon. ‘What does it look like huh?’ she kissed her teeth. She couldn’t lose everything, that was why she would kill Funsho and make it look like an armed robbery attack, after which she’d influence his will and inherit all his properties, maybe Demola would return to her after that. ‘You’re really sick, put that gun away Cookie, put it away now!’ He yelled angrily at her. ‘Don’t come any closer Funsho, this is the end of the road for you, I cannot lose everything’ she tightened her hold on the trigger. ‘Cookie what do you want, name your price but don’t kill me’ he begged, he could see she was serious about killing him. ‘Nothing. I want you dead’ she chuckled. He quickly rushed towards her and they both struggled for the gun, the battle was fierce as Cookie crashed to the ground, Funsho followed. ‘Get off of me you brute’ she cursed. ‘No!’ he screamed as she pulled the trigger. ‘Yes, I did it’ she released the gun and jumped to her feet trying to catch her breath. ‘Why?’ He winced in pain. She’d shot him on the belly and it hurt like hell. He moved his hands closer to the gun and held it tightly. Cookie wouldn’t go unpunished. ‘Just die already’ she hissed loudly, then paled as she realised he’d picked the gun. ‘Honey….’ She licked her lips nervously, but it was too late for her. ‘Say hi to the devil’ Funsho pulled the trigger and she fell on the floor. Cookie was dead. ‘Lord please help me…’ he grunted. If help didn’t come on time, he would bleed to death and he didn’t want that, who would care for Princess? Who would care for Uyai? Was he dreaming? His vision was fading, everything seemed blurry as he tried to reach his phone. Was that Demola? Was he dead already? He sighed and let sleep take him. ‘Stay with me Funsho…’ Demola helped his brother up. ‘Uncle, will daddy be alright?’ Princess had found her mother’s phone and had woken him up in the middle of the night. He’d prepared to return to the U.S but his flight was delayed for some reason. ‘Yes, I’m sorry about your mother, that was an accident’ he tried to shield her away from Cookie’s corpse. He wondered what had taken place, had Funsho killed his wife because of her infidelity? ‘She tried to kill daddy, I don’t miss her!’ the little girl retorted and he was surprised.
13 Jun 2019 | 06:13
13 Jun 2019 | 15:12
hmmmmmmmmm things are happening
13 Jun 2019 | 16:53
Episode 18 She had tried Funsho’s number severally in the morning but it wasn’t connecting. Had something bad happened to him? Or was she too clingy? Had she scared him off? Her thoughts raced as she made herself breakfast of toast and coffee. She still felt weak from crying, but Funsho had given her strength. Minutes after she was done getting dressed for her first day in office, the doorbell rang and a feeling of excitement she didn’t understand crept up her spine and she rushed towards the door, maybe it was Funsho, but why had she reacted that way? ‘Uyai! I missed you’ Madam Ngozi hugged her tightly and wept on her shoulder. ‘Madam Ngozi’ Uyai replied weakly, the woman had brought back painful memories she had tried to forget. ‘Honey, steady yourself, remember what the doctor told you’ her husband soon joined them. ‘I am so sorry for your loss, I heard what happened, it’s all my fault, I should’ve pulled through for you; I should have been there for you but I was too focused on myself’ Madam Ngozi shared the blame for what had happened to Uyai’s once beautiful family. ‘It’s okay, I trust Jesus to heal me and take all the pain away. I have forgiven Ubong. I am in a good place right now, I was actually heading to my work place’ she smiled. ‘You have a job? Wow, God be praised’ Ngozi was happy her friend seemed to be conquering grief. ‘Yes, I now work with Cookies Noodles Company, the boss has been very nice to me’ she narrated her encounter with Funsho Williams, but she noticed a sad look on their faces, weren’t they happy for her? ‘Uyai, your friend just returned from the hospital, do you know what happened to her?’ Ngozi’s husband asked. Apparently, Uyai was still in the dark, they didn’t blame her much, she was still mourning, the news was everywhere, armed robbers had attacked Mr Funsho Williams, and his wife had been shot. ‘No, I am sorry I failed to notice you were in so much pain’ she apologised. ‘It’s okay, your boss’ wife shot me, she meant to kill me but God preserved my life’ Ngozi explained everything to her. ‘What? Why would she want to kill you? Did you offend her?’ Uyai was shocked, so Funsho was married to a nut head? ‘Well, let’s not go into that, just be happy I survived but there’s bad news concerning your boss,’ Ngozi’s husband picked up from where she stopped. ‘What’s that’? Uyai rose to her feet. Was he dead? If he was, she’d just go crazy, she’d developed an attachment to Funsho. ‘Armed robbers attacked him and killed his wife, he is badly injured’ they replied. ‘Oh my God! How about Princess?’ Uyai swallowed hard. ‘She is fine’ Ngozi replied. Now Cookie was dead, there was no need for the police to arrest her, maybe she got the punishment she deserved, maybe or maybe not. Five days had passed since he’d rescued his brother from death, the doctors had worked wonders and Funsho was alive although he was still weak. The bullet had been successfully removed and he had been given enough blood. ‘Take me home, I hate hospitals’ those were the first words Funsho had spoken to him after he’d woken up from surgery. The doctors had eventually released him and promised to come to his house daily till he was permanently healed. Demola was a wise person. He had reported the issue as an armed robbery attack to the police, that would save his brother’s name from scandal and that in a way redeemed him too. He prayed Funsho forgave him wholeheartedly, he yearned for peace, he yearned to be one with his brother again, but he knew that path would be rough. ‘Thank you for saving me’ Funsho was carefully placed on the king sized bed. ‘That’s what brothers do’ Demola replied. ‘Brothers don’t sleep with each other’s wives’ Funso gritted his teeth, he still had not forgotten what his brother did to him. ‘I am sorry Funsho. What can I do to win your trust again? How can I earn your forgiveness?’ He asked. ‘Good question’ Funsho yawned. He missed her and he needed to see her again, now that Cookie was out of the way, she could come stay at his place, he had a plan. ‘I promise to do anything you ask’ Demola fell on his knees. ‘Anything huh?’ Funsho raised his brows and his brother nodded. ‘Good. Find Uyai Davies, I don’t know how you’ll do it but convince her to move in with me before nightfall’ Funsho replied and almost chuckled as he took one look at Demola’s face. ‘Okay,’ Demola replied. He wondered why was his brother so obsessed with Uyai? could it be that Funsho was in love with her? She had tried reaching out to him for days now but all to no avail. She prayed for him and Princess, she prayed nothing bad would befall them. Funsho was now part of her, he had comforted her in her time of sorrow; if anything happened to him, she’d be so scared and lonely. ‘I love you so much baby and I hope you find peace wherever you are’ she cried and caressed Little Angel’s picture. The police had dropped the cremated remains of her late husband and daughter for her; she had requested for cremation because it was easier for her to grief than organising a funeral which was even more emotional. She wiped her face and gathered all that belonged to both Ubong and Angel into large boxes, she wouldn’t mourn forever, wallowing in sadness wouldn’t bring them back to life, but she made a promise to her daughter, to always keep her alive in her heart. “Goodbye Baby mine” she kissed the box and rose to her feet. She still wondered why she had not seen that violent side of Ubong. Who would’ve known such a caring man would become a devil?! That got her thinking, what if Funsho was that way? What if he had a terrible behaviour that had driven his wife outside of their matrimonial home. What if he had pushed her into adultery? But that wasn’t enough reason for her to shoot Ngozi, that was extreme. Was Cookie an abusive wife? She poured herself some water and pondered some more, not that Funsho’s marriage was any of her business, she just wanted him to be happy, his daughter too. She quickly rushed to the window as she heard a car halt in front of her house. Was it Funsho? Was he back from the hospital? She smiled as Princess stepped out of the car alongside Demola but Funsho wasn’t with them. Her smile was quickly replaced with sadness, Princess reminded her of her own daughter, was the child aware her friend was dead? She decided to speak to Funsho first before saying a word. “Welcome,” she said as she welcomed them. “Aunty!” Princess clung to her dress and she picked the little girl up. Her eyes were swollen and her cheeks were pale, she must have been weeping for her mother. “Good afternoon Mrs Davies” Demola loved the picture before him, she was the perfect mother for his niece, Cookie had sucked at motherhood. “Hi, please call me Uyai” she corrected him. “Have you been crying baby?” Uyai turned to the girl. “Yes, my mummy is gone, I won’t see her again and my daddy is sick” she replied sadly. “Hey, look at me sweety, I am here for you, okay? Don’t cry, I am here for you” Uyai hugged her warmly and smiled, in that moment she saw her little girl. “Where is my friend? I came to see her, I miss her” Princess pulled away from her. “Uhmmm, your friend travelled with her dad” Demola chipped in, Funsho had told him everything and why he needed Uyai close to him. He had been right, Ubong was a very sick man. “Okay, I’ll just sit over there” she was not excited. “Let me get you a drink” Uyai smiled and rushed to the kitchen. “Do you like her?” Demola asked his niece. “Yes, I want her to be my new mummy, she is beautiful and smiles a lot” Princess grinned. “I am back guys, here we go” she offered them lemonade. “So, how are you holding up? Funsho told me everything that happened, I am really sorry” he rubbed her hand. “Thanks. Honestly, it’s a miracle I survived it, your brother helped me a lot. I wish armed robbers would be completely wiped off” Uyai gulped from her glass. “Yes” Demola nodded, Funsho would explain the truth later. He had come for business and he was not leaving without her, he needed to gain Funsho’s trust once again. “So how is your brother? I have been trying his lines but no answer, I hope he is okay” she asked. “Yes, he is a strong man, he sent me here and I need your help” Demola fell on his knees. “My help? Please stand up, I’d do anything to help Funsho, anything” she dropped her glass and tried to pull him up. “I need you to get your things and move in with us, Funsho wants you around, he cares about you so much and I know you can beg him for me” Demola held her hands. “That’s impossible, my husband just died and his wife too, what will people say? I can’t” she pulled away from him and poured more drink for Princess. “He hates me Uyai, I want my brother back. I need his forgiveness and it all depends on you. Please come with me even if it’s just for a day or a minute.” He begged. “You keep talking about forgiveness, what did you do to your brother?” She asked, hands akimbo, Funsho was really putting her in a difficult spot. He beckoned to her to step outside with him so Princess wouldn’t hear the conversation. She wore a puzzled frown hugged the little girl and she followed Demola outside “I was having an affair with Cookie, then she asked me to kill him. I couldn’t so I confessed and he got mad at me” he quickly gave her a summary. “That’s mean, your brother’s wife?!” She felt disgusted by it. So Cookie was the abusive one, then a strange feeling came over her, what if Cookie had tried to murder Funsho? “Please help me Uyai.” He wondered why she’d grown quiet. “Tell me Demola, who tried to Kill Funsho, Cookie or armed robbers?” Uyai raised a brow. “Cookie” he replied quietly, she was such a smart woman. “Give me five minutes, I’m coming with you” her decision had depended on his answer to her question. Funsho was a nice man, who’d married a devil just like realised they had a lot in common. She quickly stuffed her box with some clothes and toiletries, she had to go see him, this time she would do the comforting. But why did devils get married?
14 Jun 2019 | 04:27
14 Jun 2019 | 05:53
good 1
14 Jun 2019 | 14:17
that's good
14 Jun 2019 | 18:34
Yes i have always ask that particular question why do devils marry
15 Jun 2019 | 05:06
Episode 19 He dreamt of her beautiful face as she slept, he wondered if his brother was able to convince her to come over to his place, that would make him a very happy man. He realised he’d grown fond of her and she occupied a special place in his thoughts, that made him feel peace. He wished he had been her husband from the beginning, how could a man hurt such a beautiful woman? He believed God had plans for him, else Cookie would have ended his life that night. He had pulled the trigger without any regrets, if he had hesitated, she would’ve killed him. He had married a devil but God had offered him freedom, maybe God was sending him a message, right from the first day he set eyes on her, she had made a mark on him. Was Uyai his freedom? An hour later, his little daughter rushed into his room looking all excited, he returned her smile and knew that smile would soon vanish once he told her about her friend, he couldn’t find the courage to pass the message. ‘Daddy, Aunty Uyai is here, is she going to be my new mummy?’ Princess asked, eyes filled with hope. Click here to read this Powerful Story one of our best: My Woman My everything!!! ‘Uhmmmm, we’ll talk about that later honey’ said Funso sighting her at the door, he knew his daughter’s question had embarrassed her. ‘Good evening’ Uyai blushed and looked away. Her own feelings were alien to her, wasn’t it strange that her husband was dead and she felt no sorrow? Instead, she yearned to be in another man’s presence? ‘You look good’ Funsho observed, he was happy she was not overdoing the grieving thing. ‘Thanks. You helped me through’ Uyai scanned his room nervously. This man was very wealthy, his house was the most sophisticated she’d ever seen and yet he remained so humble. ‘I am glad you decided to come, I don’t know what I would have done without you’ he managed a smile. ‘I had to. I am happy you’re alive, sorry about your loss’ she sat at the edge of the bed. ‘Thanks’ he smiled. ‘Excuse me, I brought his drugs, maybe you could give them to him’ Demola dropped the drop basket with Uyai. ‘Okay, that wouldn’t be a problem, what’s the dosage?’ She scanned the bottles before her. Demola explained everything to her briefly and she nodded like a good student. ‘Thanks for coming’ Funsho felt so happy, so relaxed with her. ‘Don’t mention, your brother did a good job convincing me, you should thank him’ Uyai winked and began to mix the drugs. ‘Wait’ Funsho called to his brother as he was about leaving. He seemed truly sorry but it would take a long time for their relationship to heal; however, he was willing to work it through. ‘Yes?’ Demola swirled round. ‘I forgive you. Trusting you will take a long time but I am willing to work it through’ Funsho was genuine. ‘Thank you, bro, you don’t know what your forgiveness means to me. I promise never to betray you again’ Demola’s eyes brimmed with tears, of regret and remorse. ‘Alright, you can go now, let my doctor attend to me’ he dismissed his brother and Uyai burst out with laughter. He noticed how her face lit up anytime she laughed, all those lines of sadness close to her eyes vanished once she laughed. ‘What?’ Uyai blushed again. Funsho was staring at her unusually, this made her quite uncomfortable, only Ubong had stared at her that way, but that was before he turned into a beast. ‘You are beautiful when you laugh’ he caressed her face, he’d expected her to push his hands away but she didn’t. She just smiled. ‘You are a kind person’ she wondered how many men could forgive their brother or any man who slept with their wife; his latest action really touched her and her admiration for him grew. ‘Why? Why do you say that?’ He raised a brow. ‘You forgave your brother. He told me everything, I am so sorry for your pain’ she replied. ‘I had to, at least he didn’t kill me when my wife offered him the chance and he still saved my life. People make mistakes Uyai, but God gives second chances, who am I to deny Demola that? I am just a man like you, a mortal.’ Funsho had truly forgiven his brother. ‘That’s so sweet’ she blinked and fed him his drugs. ‘There’s a little problem Uyai…’ Funsho thought he should confide in her. ‘What’s that? How are you feeling?’ Fear gripped her, had she administered the drugs wrongly? ‘No, it isn’t about me. It’s about Princess, how do I tell her friend is gone?’ Funsho swallowed the pain that clogged his throat, he didn’t want to be the harbinger of bad news but death had left him no other option. ‘Honestly, I don’t know, I’ve thought of the same thing and it scares me. I can barely absorb the pain how much more such a little girl? Maybe we shouldn’t tell her, I lied that Princess had travelled.’ Uyai sighed. ‘No, we would tell her at the right time. Just be strong okay? I am happy you’re here with me’ he squeezed her hands. ‘Thanks’ she quickly pulled away and rose to her feet. ‘What’s wrong’? he asked. ‘Nothing, I should prepare you something to eat’ she replied. ‘And will you feed me?’ He asked. Please don’t say no, If you do I’d collapse’ he threatened. ‘Please don’t, I will feed you’ she laughed and rushed towards the kitchen. Uyai enjoyed living with Funsho and his daughter, they both were her pain numbing mechanism. She dropped Princess off at school every day and took care of her father who was growing stronger by the day. Funsho was now able to walk after two months and that made her very happy. He’d taken a sick leave to heal and his recovery had been quite speedy. Soon they were able to go to the movies together, they went shopping and he even paid for her spa treats. Funsho was a very generous man, he’d proven it severally. Princess had gone grocery shopping with her father, she’d planned to prepare vegetable Salad and Chinese rice. Everything seemed so perfect, she had forgotten about her painful past and life was beautiful but how long would she continue staying with him? ‘Geez’ her finger bled as she’d chopped it slightly. She turned on the tap and washed it neatly; she was scared of reality, one day she would leave Funsho and Princess and face her own life. What had she been thinking? Her heart raced as she thought about them, they’d replaced her late husband and daughter and they’d become one family. How stupid she was to wallow in make-believe. Funsho had a special place in her heart and as she thought about him, she realised she had come to care very deeply for him. She poured herself a glass of water and decided she would move out of his mansion the next day, she couldn’t put herself through another emotional torment.
15 Jun 2019 | 17:33
the two of you we make a good couple, after all ur husband die an his wife die too
16 Jun 2019 | 08:59
It'S Matter Of Opening Up.
16 Jun 2019 | 14:11
Final episode Dad? Why is Aunty Uyai not here? Why did you leave her alone?’ Princess waited for her dad to answer. ‘Honey it’s bad manners to question me while I’m talking to some other person okay?’ He said as he gave their order to the waitress. ‘That would be all’ he dismissed her. ‘I’m sorry dad’ Princess apologised. ‘It’s okay baby’ he pressed his lips to her forehead. ‘Why didn’t you bring Aunty Uyai? Don’t you love her again?’ Princess asked. ‘Wow, kids’ Funsho scoffed. Why had she used the word ‘love’? What he felt for Uyai was greater than that, it was an insult to cage his feelings into a word as subtle as love, he’d loved her from the first day he’d set eyes on her though he kept his feelings in check once he realised she was married, but they had resurfaced after Ubong had dies. She was sweet, caring and Princess bonded more with her than she ever did with Cookie while was alive. They’d spent two months together and gotten to know themselves better, his love for her grew each passing day and it scared him, what if she didn’t feel the same way about him? what if his love wouldn’t be returned? She’d been hurt deeply by Ubong, a man she’d loved once, would she trust again? Would she love again? ‘You’re right, I love her but I didn’t bring her because she wants to prepare us something delicious’ Funsho replied. ‘Wow, I love her so much, daddy, will you marry her?’ Princess asked. ‘Yes, if she agrees’ Funsho was totally honest. ‘But what about her other husband? What about Little Angel’s father’? she asked and he lost his voice. He still couldn’t tell Princess the truth, he couldn’t do it alone, he didn’t want her to suffer, she’d suffered enough under her devil of a mother. She deserved to be happy. ‘Well, overtaking is allowed’ he replied and got a tray filled with ice cream as the waiter arrived. ‘What is overtaking daddy’? she asked. ‘I’ll explain once you’re done eating your ice cream’ he winked. ‘What took you guys so long?’ Uyai had been a bit worried about them, she had almost called him, but she refrained herself from doing so. ‘We had ice cream and I had to buy you something. Here, Princess picked it for you’ he handed her a casing. ‘Is that so, honey?’ Uyai bent and rubbed heads with the girl. ‘Yes, I think the wristwatch would be nice on you’ she replied. ‘Thanks, baby, now go wash your hands so we can all have dinner’ she patted her on her shoulder. ‘How are you? You seem tired’ Funsho noticed she wasn’t her usual bright self, was she crying over her husband and daughter again? She had changed, this wasn’t the woman he’d left behind. ‘I am fine Funsho, let’s eat’ she directed him to the table. Dinner was eaten in silence, like someone had died afresh and they were afraid of mourning, of shedding tears. Uyai carefully avoided Funsho’s eyes all through the dinner, how could she look into the eyes of the man who’d stolen her heart? How foolish had she been to fall for a man who’d just lost his wife and her, a husband? ‘Let me put Princess to sleep’ he left with his daughter after dinner. ‘Okay’ Uyai muttered silently. They were just like the perfect family, but this time, it was a mirage, it wasn’t real and that was why she was leaving him. She needed to face her demons, she needed to stand still and behold fear face to face. ‘What is it? talk to me, I can feel it, you’re not alright’ he returned with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. ‘I am leaving tomorrow, I need to return to my house’ she spat the words out as they were bitter. ‘Excuse me? But I don’t remember asking you to leave, you’re fine here’ Funsho felt thrown off balance, how could she leave him? ‘I have to Funsho, I can’t stay here anymore, I am not a kid and I can take care of myself’ she blurted out. ‘Where is this coming from?’ he asked. She was sending a message, but it was encrypted and he needed to understand. ‘Look Funsho, you’ve done more than enough for me, but I can’t do this anymore, I need to go out and face my fears. I need to start all over again. I can handle it’ she explained. ‘Really? Can you handle this?’ He had not heard a word of what she was saying, all he thought of was her beautiful lips and how to kiss them, this was the right opportunity. She had not expected it. The kiss was swift, he plunged his tongue into her mouth and she responded in that same pace, she released all the passion that was bottled up inside her and kissed him back. ‘What are we doing?’ She quickly pulled away. ‘I am tired of pretending, I love you so much, I have always loved you. From the very first day I set my eyes on you, I knew somehow we were connected. That’s why I am asking you to stay, please don’t leave me Uyai, stay with me, I love you. Let me be your comfort and you be mine’ he poured his feelings out. ‘I don’t know what to say’ tears welled up in her eyes as his words calmed her racing thoughts and quenched her tears. She could see it in his eyes, he was being sincere but she was scared too, Ubong had been sincere too. ‘I am not Ubong, I swear on my life, I would never hit you’ he knelt before her. ‘I love you too, Funsho. You are everything to me, you’ve filled up a hollow part of me and I don’t know if I can ever repay you’ she cried. ‘No, Love is free, it doesn’t cost a thing’ he stood up and wiped her face. He then kissed her again. ‘You know what? I think we should celebrate’ she pointed at the wine glasses. ‘Not yet, will you marry me, Uyai Davies? Princess wants you to be her new mummy’ Funsho winked. ‘That’s such a bad way to propose. Well, I would’ve said yes, but there’s no ring, so I am reserving my answer’ she laughed. ‘I love you, baby, I love you so much’ he hung his arms around her and drew her in for a hug. ‘I love you too’ she inhaled the scent of him and felt lost in his arms; Funsho became her shield from the storm of loneliness and depression; she felt his heartbeat and it matched with hers. They were soul mates. They were meant to be together. ‘Are you sure you’re ready to do this? This is very important to you, maybe you should do it after the wedding’ Funsho suggested. ‘No, before I become your wife, I need to make peace with my past’ she replied and placed the containers that held the ashes from Ubong and Angel’s body into a carton. With the help of Funsho, she had secured a place in the cemetery where she would bury the containers and pay her last respect to her husband and daughter. ‘And Princess? I think she should come with us, this is the right time to tell her the truth’ Uyai peered at him. ‘Yes. I couldn’t agree more’ he nodded. It had been 10 months since he proposed. They were in love but agreed to take their time. They had planned a low key wedding, Uyai had requested for that and he agreed, he was ready to do anything that pleased her, as long as it was within his power. ‘I love you, and I’ll stand by you’ Funsho kissed her face as they climbed into the car. ‘Thank you’ she whispered. This was a huge step for her, she was burying her past family and once she did, they’d stay in her head, Funsho and Princess would become her new family; it pleased her greatly to become Funsho’s wife, he was the best husband any woman could pray for. ‘Daddy? Where are we going? This place seems scary’ Princess tightened her hold on her father’s hand as they stepped into the cemetery. ‘Honey, stay quiet, there’s something I need to tell you’ He lifted her up and hugged her first. ‘Okay’ Uyai nodded as she walked past him. She had come with roses and all kinds of flowers she’ll drop by her daughter’s grave. ‘What’s that daddy’? Princess asked. ‘Little Angel was your best friend, she was my friend too and I love her, but something terrible happened to her’ he paused and stared at Uyai who was weeping as she buried the containers in the grave. ‘Little Angel is gone baby, she died in an accident’ Funsho rubbed her head as she explained. He couldn’t go into details, she was too young to understand. ‘Gone? Like mummy?’ Princess asked then burst into tears. ‘I miss you baby girl and I brought you these flowers, I forgive your father for killing you and I know he is serving his punishment. I will always keep you alive in my heart and in my memory. Guess what? Your mother would soon give birth to another, you’ll have another sister or brother too. I love you’ Uyai kissed the flowers and dropped them by the grave. A gentle breeze waved passed them and she felt at peace with herself and everything around her. ‘You’re pregnant’? Funsho had stood behind her for long as she wept. ‘You scared me’ she swirled around and faced him. ‘Yes I am but I wanted to surprise you’ she rubbed her belly. ‘Did you hear that? Your mummy Is pregnant’ Funsho tried to cheer Princess up. ‘What’s wrong honey? Aren’t you happy for me? Don’t you want a sister or brother’? Uyai caressed her face. ‘I do but I want to give this to Little Angel’ she presented a yellowish flower she’d plucked from the graveyard. ‘Okay, it’s beautiful’ Uyai smiled and led her to the grave. ‘Goodbye, Little Angel’ she threw the yellow flower over it and hugged Uyai. ‘I love you, baby, I love you so much, we’ll survive together’ tears rolled down her cheeks as the little girl hugged her. ‘It’s okay, I got you now, I got all of you’ Funsho pulled them into his arms. Though they cried that day, though they sorrowed, they sorrowed together and as a family. In their tears, a bond was formed, one so strong that nothing could break them; this bond of family was love. When love dies, it could be reborn.
18 Jun 2019 | 05:13
nice story
18 Jun 2019 | 05:20
wow nice ending
18 Jun 2019 | 11:25
9c ending
18 Jun 2019 | 13:45
Great there to the writer
18 Jun 2019 | 20:48
wonderful and breathtaking
19 Jun 2019 | 03:00
Good job
19 Jun 2019 | 06:31
nice ending
19 Jun 2019 | 13:51
When love comes, bitterness will be gone. Angel and Princess has that friendship bond that continues, now has the same mom and a baby coming. Uyai and funsho have united the love that has living Angel no matter the distance, also in a better place.
19 Jun 2019 | 15:33
Forgiveness came to demola after his effort in saving his brother's life through intelligent princess who has got an intelligent angel. What a tragedy and foolishness from ubong and cookie, both died in folly while cheta and nelly lost their jobs in folly. Ngozi's efforts was never in vain, as she survived, smiling with her happy family. It's a SUPER LOVE SUPER MARRIAGE between funsho and uyai.
19 Jun 2019 | 15:48
19 Jun 2019 | 15:52
30 Jun 2019 | 13:06
I love this story
30 Jun 2019 | 13:06
30 Jun 2019 | 13:07


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