Seeking the truth episode1

Seeking the truth episode1

By Dioxidane in 12 Apr 2016 | 03:58
Dioxidane Dioxidane

Dioxidane Dioxidane

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Chiboy was visiting me again; after 10 long years! Just wow! I could barely contain myself. It was almost the same kind of feeling you get when you hear that your promotion letter at the office, was coming in anytime soon. Tingling raw excitement! Delight; and maybe even sheer whimsies! You keep asking everybody if they have heard any words yet and stuff. Something like that. It was just plain crazy. Crazier even, when you consider that the enthusiasm was just because of a 17 year old boy! Yes, Chigozie; or Chiboy as we prefer calling him, is just a few months older than 17. In fact, if my calculations are right, he only turned 17 about 3 months ago! But that was the exact same reason his coming kept thrilling me. He was young. Innocent. Full of life. Inquisitive and endlessly fun to be with! He was always going to be wonderful company - something I was desperately needing more and more these past months; more than ever before. I was admittedly animated and was pleasantly looking forward to the visit. Early details already suggest he was going to spend a considerable time in my home. Anything from three months was looking the best possible time frame. He was on holiday, so that looked inch perfect.
Chiboy is Chinelo's only son. And Chinelo is my girlfriend. We have been best friends for as long as I could remember. In fact, our mothers were 'besties' too and it wouldn't be wrong to say that their friendship simply transcended straight down to us. We had gone on to do a lot of things in common. We attended the same secondary school even though we didn't do so at the Primary level as well. We also gained admission into the same higher institution - Michael Okpara University (before it was upgraded). I went on to study Marketing, while Chinelo pursued a Law degree. It meant she would spend a year more in school than myself so we didn't leave at the same time. National Service was next and luckily, I landed a job just as soon as it was over. Chinelo's stars didn't really shine as urgently. She would still spend about another year or two before getting her hands on a decent job after service. But everything would change suddenly as soon as she got hooked to this amazing guy and they began preparations for marriage! I remember being taken by surprise most of the time as events after events kept sweeping past her in blurry succession! She instantly got married; then picked up a better job somewhere else and I quickly learnt she was pregnant with a baby boy! It was just a rapid series of very heart-gladdening events!
The boy would become Chiboy. A very handsome light-skinned baby boy. I was still working with the private firm I had secured a job with at the time and I usually had to make the fairly lengthy distance to Chinelo's house to spend some time with her and the baby, every day after work. It was quite the sacrifice and it always pleased me to know both herself and the husband appreciated the effort. The husband in particular was just adorable and I still feel even until today, that it is his personality that his son had mostly picked up. He was right about the perfect man and I sometimes envied Chinelo's luck with marriage. I was older than her by a few months and I was still very single. I wasn't even dating anybody at the time and the handful that had tried getting on with me turned out to be either assholes or just outright mismatches! It was clearly becoming an unwanted burden as the months wore on and I wasn't feeling comfortable discussing such matters with Chinelo anymore. So over time, loneliness began to creep in and I had to increasingly look for ways I could totally immerse myself into activities that would help distract me from such concerns. It still happened to be with Chinelo! While it looked as though her seemingly perfect marriage was such a trigger for self-pity and sympathy, visiting her home every now and then turned out to be just the soothing relief each time.
It was after about 7 years of constant visit and rapport with her family that I got to understand what the true attraction was - Chigozie. I had become immensely fond of him. He was now 7 years old and in Primary School. Given how often I did spend time with him, I was certain he was already taking me for one of his aunts. He would call me Auntie Daniela and would weirdly prefer my company to that of his mom! This meant I also equally longed to see him each day; bringing him little gifts and in some cases, dashing him a few coins. We would go on to play for some time before I eventually get to leave. I couldn't even exactly explain why I was doing all those and since his parents always felt happy about it all, I understandably continued. The lad seemed very happy equally, and the same could be said of myself. I hardly now had time to worry about relationships; instead, I always occupied my mind with thoughts of my little friend and ways I could make him even happier.
12 Apr 2016 | 03:58
There was this little cool but weird habit he had, which I began thinking I could make a fascinating trick out of. He was always touching and fondling any considerably cold part on someone's body. And it was something I had seen him do to everyone at home. Chinelo even once explained that he said he loved the cold feel, and he would continue fondling the area until it went warm before switching to another part. While he preferred fondling his mom's soft cold calf and his dad's near-chilly earlobes, he kind of favored my upper arms in my case! Probably because of the considerable amount of ever-cold flesh I had on them! They were a tad flabby but unarguably soft! It was always quite amusing seeing him curling up and down the cushioning arm. And as soon as I conceived the said trick, it worked like a charm! Basically, it was a simple one. Since he enjoyed clinging onto my soft upper arm like some glue, I always used it as a bait to getting him to do things he wouldn't ordinarily want to do. Just like most kids, a simple promise of buying them biscuits and sweets in future would get them to do things like, chores, take-homes, etc. So in Chiboy's case, all I had to do was tell him he was going to be allowed to fondle my upper arm if he did so-so-so and so. Like I said earlier, it worked like charm! He barely spent another minute before doing as requested and it mostly worked whenever I wasseeking truthson facts, from him! This and many more, made it near-impossible for any day to pass without wanting to visit Chinelo's house. And I almost jumped in joy the day she suddenly asked if I was fine with Chiboy spending some part of his approaching holidays with me at my house! I was never expecting such news and to be honest, I wasn't ever thinking it was even possible given I was only just a family friend and not a relation. But then, who said I wasn't over the moon?! I totally loved the opportunity and I wasted no time in agreeing to the idea! I was further delighted when I was told Chiboy was even the one who demanded he be allowed to spend some of his holidays with me. He had always wanted it from his parents and they eventually had to give in when they realized he wasn't backing down any soon. He was certainly seeing me as part of the family now and that made me feel very honoured in essence. I quickly began making preparations for his coming. I fixed my Tv which had been faulty for quite some time. And then the tap on the kitchen sink. I also gave my bedroom and living room a face-lift, bringing in new flowers and in some cases, new wallpaper. Not to talk of a cool collection of toys and storybooks I had to sign up for! If Chiboy was going to feel comfortable in my place, then I had to have a home closely similar to his. Chinelo and her husband had managed to build up a decent amount of resources and wealth and that had reflected in the kind of things one finds in their house. While I may not be able to replicate all of it, I still had to do the couple that required little fund. Chiboy joined me a few weeks later. I picked him up myself. So...given my kind of person, and the amazing friendship I had with Chiboy, our little holiday was eventually the bomb! I called it our holiday because I had to sign up for leave at the office myself, which was fortunately granted. So for the two weeks and three days Chiboy spent in my house, I did so with him! It was endlessly fun! Sleep, eat, play, Tv, sleep, eat, play, Tv...repeat! I was already your fun-girl. I can be incredibly playful, even to a fault. And coupled with an unmatchable sense of humour, it was understandable why Chiboy soon began telling me he didn't wish to go back home! We were an incredible match! We loved about the same kind of things and preferred doing about the same kind of things! Sometimes, I couldn't believe he was just 7 years of age! Not like he was displaying any peculiar kind of maturity too significant for his age, but I never for once felt like I was with a kid! He was willing to talk and converse about anything at all and always did so with quite the confidence. Many things we had in common eventually blossomed during that time, including our little trick! I now used it every single time I wanted to get him to tell me the truth about anything! I would promise him that I was going to allow him fondle and grope either of my upper arms if he revealed the truth of the discussed fact to me. And then, without delay he would quickly do so! Using this rather bizarre strategy, I got to know that the reason Chinelo hadn't gotten pregnant again was because she was having some kind of complications. It was even more bizarre to imagine she could do without telling me all these while.
12 Apr 2016 | 04:01
Anyway, Chiboy's holiday stay eventually came to an inevitable end after two fantastic weeks! They were some of the best days of my life. Like he had threatened earlier, he initially refused to go home and cried a lot on his final night despite all my efforts. It was just after I had slammed the front door at their house and turned to return home, that I felt my own tear too at the tip of my left eye. We both wished this could continue! However, while his stay couldn't go beyond the two weeks, the impression it created did. I became even happier as a person and felt freer than ever before. Things looked like they had opened up again and I even got this belated promotion I had been promised for so long! It was a good ensuing couple of weeks. But then, what did crown it all up so beautifully, was Mike! A marketing executive at a sister company who I had always known for quite some time. Barely a month after I had returned from leave, we became closer friends and one thing led to the other quite really fast - and we were getting married! Of course I didn't see that coming. I was 32 and already wishing to think less of finding that 'Mr. Right'. But I was going to be daft if I allowed this one slip away. So it proceeded and by the turn of the new year, we were a couple. It looked the perfect moment. Everyone was delighted and happy for us. My people were over the moon, mostly because they were already losing their patience. My friends never ceased sending across their congratulatory messages, and took every opportunity to emphasize how lucky I was to have the wealthy Mike. It was only always about how favoured and lucky I was. It was only always about Mike! And of course, he kind of carried it into marriage. He called himself the breadwinner even though I had a pretty significant job. And he barely always saw me as part of him. I was the weaker half; the helper; the wife and in some cases the satisfier! I wasn't supposed to have a life of my own or even desires and dreams of my own. I was only expected to stroke Mike's pompous ego while he went about town doing whatever he wanted! When it began looking like I wasn't going to pop my first baby anytime soon, the harsh treatment tripled! He took sides with his sister and mom in reigning terror in our home! It was horrifying. Fortunately though, it lasted for only three years. We divorced!
12 Apr 2016 | 04:07
Chinelo was the first person I told and she mourned my life like a dead son! She began visiting me regularly to make sure I retained my sanity. I had gone down 20 levels! A stagnant job; belated married life; a cruel husband; seeming bareness and ultimately, a grieving divorcee! I began wishing I wasn't born and wondering why I had to go through a life like this one. Thankfully, Chinelo was there to pull me back to my feet. Our friendship during those days counted for much! We even began sharing other secrets about our personal lives and they became some serious encouragement to me. I had barely visited her since I got married. Mike wouldn't allow that. So the divorce kind of brought us back together. Her own family was beginning to go through a rough patch equally. Her husband had been laid off and they now had to rely on her usually inadequate paycheck while he desperately looked for a new job. Moreover, Chiboy, who I hadn't now seen for over two years, had been admitted into a Federal Government College where he was a boarding student! Chinelo was having to bear the weight of his schooling virtually alone. It was generally a difficult time for all of us, but I was so lucky to have gained full recuperation through her help, before the news of their inevitable relocation broke out! Her husband eventually got a new job in Lagos, so they had to move. Chiboy was in boarding school anyways, so it wasn't affecting him very much. Ultimately, we cried in each other's arms (myself and Chinelo) the night before their full departure. We were still friends, but distance was going to deal a great blow to the relationship! Anyways, it's been more than 8 years now since all these happened! I've remained in Port Harcourt and on the same job. I've grown to the position of a Unit Head after all the slow climb. Things were fairly back to normal. A few guys had tried switching me on again, but then I have always been the one to pull out. Either because of the fear of being hurt again or the slimmest assurance that the dude in question wasn't even serious about anything other than getting into my pants. I fell for a few though but was wise enough to limit the damage much better. I had learnt to be lonely and by myself. I had begun writing short stories and posting on a friend's blog. All just to keep me occupied. So it should be clearer now, why it felt like a massive burst of colourful lively bubbles, when Chinelo called me on the phone on a certain night, to ask me if I would be willing to have Chiboy spend part of his holiday with me, in my house! I nearly screamed into the phone! I hadn't seen him in 10 freaking years and had had no form of contact with him whatsoever! I was still occasionally speaking with his mum, who barely discuss him apart from very few occasions. I needed not be told his was going to be much older now. He would be 17 given it's 10 years already since after he spent his very first holiday with me as a 7 year old. Just like the previous time, the excitement of his coming spontaneously gripped me so tenaciously and I began earnest preparations! I was now 42 and not even sure how I was supposed to get along with a 17 year old! But I saw myself repeating a 10 year old feat. I secured a leave at the office; repainted my living room and purchased a gaming console. Chiboy had to enjoy his latest stay, even if I wasn't sure of his preferences anymore! ************************* I picked Chiboy up from the bus park with my car, the Saturday evening he arrived Port Harcourt! Meeting him after 10 years had to count as one of the greatest shocks of my life! I had all along been expecting to meet the usually tiny Chigozie but was dead-stunned, when I found a rather well-built teenager! And he was still only 17! I couldn't even tell how I managed to recognize him as he was totally changed from whom I had known him to look like. He was now taller; something in the neighbourhoods of 6 feet. And looked even more like his dad than he was as a kid! I had to wonder what they fed them at boarding school! It was so very effective! "Auntie Daniela..." he began calling, probably as soon as he noticed me. He was all smiles and was waving a hand. That was when I found him too and out of shock, placed a hand over my open mouth!
12 Apr 2016 | 04:11
12 Apr 2016 | 04:12
Where z episode one?
12 Apr 2016 | 04:12
12 Apr 2016 | 04:18
Ooppz! Next plz
12 Apr 2016 | 04:25
Getting interesting. Stil nt marry at age 42. More plz
12 Apr 2016 | 04:31
"Wooow..." my eyes had gone wide too! "Chiboy!" We got closer and embraced very tightly! "Good evening auntie" he greeted after we had found our breath. "Good evening Chi. How are you doing? You have grown so much oh!" I couldn't hide my excitement and on a larger scale, surprise! He smiled at my sheer enthusiasm. He was being a 'man' and doing well to conceal his own thrill. Exactly as his dad would do. "Come. Hop into the car..." I went ahead of him, helping him with the hand-carry he had on him. It was quite heavy - had to be his cloths and stuff. We hit the road in seconds. "How are your folks?" I started asking after driving for like a minute or two. I was also flashing him the occasional glance as we conversed. He hadn't just gone taller and stronger, but equally handsome! In fact, he was breathtakingly handsome now. His hair was uncommonly curly and his eye brows were full and thick! He was simply a more attractive version of his dad."They are fine ma. They drove me to the bus park this morning" he looked at me and looked away. "Ok. That's good. are now in what class?" "I've finished school ma". He surprised me. "I'm waiting for my JAMB result." I couldn't believe I had lost track of his progress in school. What distance could do. "Wow...that's good. So what course are you looking to study?" "Medicine and Surgery" was his brief answer I laughed loud and then commended his choice. I was so pleased with his growth all round. My little Chiboy was rapidly becoming a man - both academically and otherwise. He didn't seem to be as free as he used to be when he was much younger, though. He appeared a bit more in-between being reserved and extrovert. He wasn't shy at all but also looked like you'd need to do some work to get him to say things to you. I was generally pleased anyways. For the first time in our lives, we eventually transitioned into a no-talk moment and for the final 15 or so minutes of our drive, we both didn't say anything to each other. It was quite awkward to say the least, and if not for the fact that I caught him staring at me several times during that period, I would have thought he wasn't comfortable around me. He had to be, given that he even had the boldness to gawk at my partly exposed thighs, and for quite a long time too! He had to be, given that he even had the boldness to gawk at my partly exposed thighs, and for quite a long time too! However, we arrived my place not long after. I had made us a meal before departing to pick him up. So all I had to do was microwave it quickly to get us something to eat. His luggage was going to stay in my bedroom even though he would be sleeping in the living room (it was just a bedroom flat). I guess he perceived this early enough because as soon as he arrived, he quickly walked up to my longer couch and began to feel it up as though to tell how comfortable it was going to be. I also had a spare mattress in case he would prefer that either. Generally, his settling was reassuring. We changed clothes; had our early dinner and went for the Tv. All the while, we kept talking and chatting! He also seemed to be uncoiling from his shell given how much more he was willing to talk about. That was about the time he told him he was the one who asked his parents if he could spend his holiday with me. He confessed that memories of who I was, was kind of quickly fading off from him and so he wished he could see me again. The holiday stay then looked like the best bet and after his parents agreed, I was contacted. It was pretty touching a story, and I began to understand why he was struggling to be as comfortable around me as he used to be as a kid. He certainly didn't remember how close we used to be anymore. Anyways, what that still didn't explain, was the rather unsettling glances he was still throwing my way! While we were driving, I had assumed it probably had to do with his seeing me for the first time after 10 long years. But he's supposed to have 'seen me' enough already after 4 long hours. Instead, I was still catching his glances at my bustline and thighs, and each time I did, he would be quick to look away!
12 Apr 2016 | 11:52
Getting more interesting. Next plz
12 Apr 2016 | 12:08
12 Apr 2016 | 12:17


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