

By Duru in 26 Sep 2020 | 18:14
Duru Jessica

Duru Jessica

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Posts: 333
Member since: 28 May 2020
In a distant land, lived a white, young swan. So elegant and poised;her beauty melting the face of the earth. And her smile captivating the heart of every man who beholds it.

Not so far off, lived a fine, young lad, whose very features captured the heart of every maiden into his charming den. But out of all the maidens, he chose the one lady whose beauty was such a gazing sight; the legendary belle as they called her.

He longed so much to have her in his arms, and alas, he won; his joy knowing no bounds. He loved her so. Not just any kind of love read in books and heard in tales. It was real, passionate, burning and could light even the darkest path ever come across. Having found such an amazing woman pleased him so, and he vowed never to love any woman besides her.

On her part, she saw him in many ways; a whole different ways only she could tell . And just as he loved her, she did in abundance, promising herself never to leave his side, but to forever cherish him until her last breath is drawn.

And thence from nowhere, came a mighty wind blowing everything in its path: shattering every single dream she once had. Only she never gave up loving her beloved as she hoped that someday she would see him again...

26 Sep 2020 | 18:14
Hi, guys. I've been absent for quite sometime, but it won't be so anymore. This line will be all about short stories and I'll try my very best to be posting any idea that comes to my mind. Missed y'all...??? Below are the Links To Available Episodes [color =purple] Scroll Down For Episode 1 [/color] ?????? Episode 2-3
26 Sep 2020 | 18:17
And oh, the first story was the first thing that came into play, so I had no option but to scribble the lots on a paper. The other stories after it will be, let's say fantastic. Bet you love those kinds, don't you? Lol. Of course, you do. Have a lovely night, pals. Love you.
26 Sep 2020 | 18:27
28 Sep 2020 | 09:55
We love you too And we are keenly following
29 Sep 2020 | 11:47
His eyes, dark brown... Hair, gorgeously smoothed and milky hot! Cheeks, dimple marked... And voice as soft as the wind... Oh, my imagination is really something, I thought, staring at Saint Seville as he walked past us. "Dude, your eyes are seriously going to pop out if you don't quit giving snazzy punk that look." Molly whispered to me. Molly was my best friend, and classmate of course. I was literally the nerd of the class, and no one wished to be my friend, apart from Molly Sans. We met in fourth grade and ever since then we've been best of friends. I was more of an introvert, really, the shy girl who had lots of pleasure staying behind closed doors...all by herself. I was average in height and had really huge, bulging, gray eyes, and a brunette fitted on my head. I won't say huge, though, but they weren't small, either. I gave Molly a naughty wink, and she gave me a slight spank on my butt. "Silly girl," I added, "Did you notice Seville's hair? It grew longer...and hot!" "Oh, it's just your eyes playing tricks on you, Mary Lou." She laughed, stealing a glance at the hallway clock. "OMG!" She exclaimed. "It's almost time," "Time for what?" I asked. "Ah, please tell me you didn't forget," She raised a brow at me. "Forget what?" I questioned again. "Oh!" A low moan escaped my lips. "You mean..." " know, for the musical that's coming up next month." She cut in, shaking her head. "Ugh! How could you forget?!" "Don't blame me. I've got a whole lot of things going on in my mind." "Like Mr Hot?" She joked, shutting her locker. "Oh, he's so cute." I blushed. "Ha! Fifty strokes of the cane for forgetting my musical." She frowned playfully. "Awe. Not me," I whimpered. "Oh, I'm just teasing." "I know, I know." I said. "Oh! Can't actually believe you're gonna leave me here," I stared with puppy eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby," but practice calls. You know how Ms Susan is. She sure doesn't miss her period." "Ugh! Tell me about it." I said, and we both laughed. "Did someone mention my name? Hmm?" A feminine voice came. "Ms Su!" We shouted in unison, turning around. "Uh-huh? You know Miss Sans, you ought to be in the grand hall by now, and not wandering the hallway! " She said to Molly. "Oh, um, I was just about to -" Molly stopped, her head bowed, as she scurried off. "And Miss Houghton," She turned, eyeing me. "Off to!" She commanded, walking off. I felt lonely, and I had no option, but to go to class, without Molly by my side. I shrugged, pulling my locker open again m, taking out my Math textbook, as a note fell freely from it, onto the neatly, mopped floor. "What's this?" I stared, eyes wide open. I picked it up, carefully slipping it open, as the words flashed before my eyes. Locker room...lunch time. Come alone! It read. I stood dazed, reading the words over again. "Could it be -" I stopped, shrugging the silly thoughts off. I shut my locker back, placing my book under my armpit as I headed for class. "Ooh, Frog eyes' looking good today." I heard Jackson's crew say, as I walked past them. They were the bullies of Beverly High, comprising Jackson Morrison, Colin Laurent, the Heathen twins (popularly known as the Stomping Slitters) and Fernandez Wilson...the Wacky Four, like I called them. They'd definitely kill me if they heard me say that - If they ever will. I kept on walking, trying not to be nervous like Molly had taught me, taking a glance over my shoulders, as I saw them make silly faces at me...the Heathen twins blowing kisses in my direction. God! That's gross, I scoffed, taking a final peek at them and walked into class. "Oh, there you are, Frog eyes," Sally Shay sang, rushing towards me. "I've been looking everywhere for you." "What for?" I asked, confused. Sally Shay, the head of the cheer leader team, and the grumpy, spoiled daughter of our school principal was pretty much a pain in the ass. She had everyone at her beck and call, and not even the Wacky Four dared cross her path. No wonder... "So, like I was saying..." "You said something?" I looked at her. "Oh, don't give me that, or you'll be in detention!" She scowled. Ugh! The only words in her vocabulary... "Now, come with me! I've got something for you." To the blonde mobile, I scoffed, following her. An hour passed, and the lunch bell rang. I got up from my seat, remembering the note I found in my locker, taking a quick pause. "What if it's a trap, Mary Lou?" "What's a trap?" Molly's voice came startling me. "N-nothing," I smiled nervously. "Huh? You hiding something from me, Lou?" She asked, a suspicious look emerging on her face. "N-nah,"I replied. Her lips curved slightly as her brows arched upwards. "Oh, you're one terrible liar, Mary Lou. Your nose is twitching...I can tell." "Oh, fine. You got me." I finally gave in. "So tell me. What was that about?" "I'll tell you all about it when I get back, I promise. " I said to her, hurrying off, not looking back. I ran through the hallway, into the empty locker room, as I rolled my eyes around, heart beating without pause. I walked quietly, hoping all this wasn't for nothing, as I heard footsteps not so far off. "Who's there?" I shrieked, my ears twitching in the direction. I listened quietly, trying not to panic, as I moved backwards, stopping abruptly at the sudden feel of my hands against something...not a thing! Gasping, I turned. "Boo!" "Oh my God!" I said aloud, my heart thumping. "Saint, what are you...?" "Shh. Someone's coming." He alerted, his fingers coming upon my lips. He signalled to me to come with him, as we went behind one of the yellow lockers, his body, rubbing against mine. "Too close," I breathed, shutting my eyes. "Scary kitty." He teased quietly, as we heard no one again. "He's gone." He spoke, pulling away. "Must have been one of the guys who forgot one thing or two." "Guess so," I managed to say, trying to relax. "Man! You're beautiful." I heard him say. "No wonder why those losers always pick on you." "Heh, I guess." I said, a blush coating my cheeks. "You know, if there's anything I'd like, is to have you, and by that, I mean..." "I'm sorry, did you just say "have me"? I mean, I probably didn't hear you well, right?" "Oh, you heard me right, baby girl." He grinned, giving his lips a slight lick. "So what do you say?" He asked. "I...I...I don't know," "Just say the word." He whispered, nibbling at my left ear. "Saint, I...I don't know. I'll have to think about this first." I swallowed hard. "All right, baby. By the way, I'll be having a party at my house tonight and I'd sure love to see you there." He said to me. "A party? I'm sorry, I can' know, party. I've got plenty of things to do, you know." "But I insist. C'mon, one party won't hurt." He said, rubbing my arms. "Oh, I don't know..." "Please don't say no," He begged. "Well, all right. Just this one." I faked a smile. "Aww. What a darling you are. I'll see you at 8." He said happily. "Come on now. Let's go eat." He said to me, as we went out. We walked together, all eyes focused on Saint and I, as I felt the smoothness of his hand in mine, giving me some tingling sensation in my tum. "What are you..." "Don't ruin the moment," He hushed, and I said no more. We headed straight to the counter, and we ordered for deep fried cornbread balls (popularly known as hush puppy) and two lemonade drinks, as we sat down, numerous eyes centered on us, making me more nervous. "Why are they all staring at you?" "Hmm?" "I mean everyone," I said in a hushed tone. "Oh, heh," He laughed. "Believe me, my lady, they're all staring at you, and not me." He winked, sipping his drink. Great! Totes great! I got home early, rummaging through my wardrobe for the perfect outfit. I couldn't say why I was doing this, but I knew there was no way I could go back on my words, even if I wanted to. "Mary," My mum called. "I'll be leaving now. Mary?" She called again, as my room door swung open. "Oh, mother." "Oh, sweetheart. I was looking for you." She said to me, drawing closer. "What are you doing?" "Oh, nothing, mum. I'm just looking for something for Molly and I sleepover." I lied. "It's today? Gosh! It must have skipped my mind." She said. "Oh, it's nothing to worry about, mum. I'm good." "You sure, baby? Ah, well if you say so. Just make sure you lock the doors properly when going. Okay?" "Sure, Mum. I will." I affirmed, as she graced my forehead with a kiss. "I love you." "I love you, too, Mum." I replied, seeing her out the door. I came back upstairs, taking a deep breath, as I slumped onto the bed, a frustrated sigh eluding my lips. Oh, gosh. What I'm doing? My conscience pricked my mind. Having told no one about this, or even my own mother, made me feel so worse. But like they say, it never hurts trying something new. "Whoo! Found it." I said delightedly, taking out the strapless yellow gown. I admired it for a second, carefully laying it out on my bed, as I quickly went to wash up. "Almost 8," I smiled, stepping into my shoes, having worn on a light makeup and one of my mom's expensive perfume. Pray she doesn't notice... I walked downstairs quietly, pulling the door open as I stepped out, having no second thoughts about what I was about doing. The Seville's residence was no different from what Saint had described to me. It was richly loaded, and had two swimming pools gracing its front. I felt my stomach rumble, and my legs quivered, as I stepped inside. The place was pretty noisy and the house shook with the loud bang and screams of ecstasy that went on hovering inside. I still wasn't sure if I belonged here, but I didn't let my mind overrule me this time. "Hi, baby," A half-drunk guy in baggy trousers said to me, as I made no utterances, increasing my step. "Come on, Saint. Where are you?" I winced at the sudden inhale of smoked pot. "Ooh, another pretty face in the house." A girl in a black, skinny gown said to me. "Hi. I'm looking for Saint Seville. Do you know where he is?" "Oooh, Saint. My man." The girl at the party said to me. "Come, let me take you to him." She offered, taking my hand, as we made towards the back, the stench of smoke almost choking me. "By the way, I'm Sybil." She introduced. "Sybil Krieger. What about you, cutie?" "I'm Mary Lou." I said to her. "Hot. Anyway, we're here." She said to me, as we approached a hallway. "We're here?" "Yup! If only you knew," Her voice came as I felt a napkin across my face, knocking me out instantly. ~~~~~~~~ I woke up to the chirping sound coming from right out the window, as I felt pains all over body, my head spinning so bad. I had no idea where I was at, until the previous night came crawling back in pieces. The house was quiet and void of people...the room stenching so badly of masculine sweat, and whatever that smell was. What happened? Why am I here? I muttered weakly, feeling my head. I was completely bare, my clothes scattered all over the floor, becoming to me to come pick them up. "Oh no!" I exclaimed, feeling the burning sensation in between my legs. I remembered Sybil and how gentle she was, and not to talk about her partner...the devil in disguise! I felt so miserable, trying to get up, but to no avail as I was completely worn out. I cried so much, my tears wetting the sheets, as I thought about the next thing to do. My eyes scanned the room, as I caught a glimpse of a note on the pillow right next to me. Reaching for it, I read. "You're such an amazing girl. Thanks for giving me a chance." I couldn't believe my eyes. It felt as though my world came crashing right before me, and I began weeping again. The one I had longed so much to be with, turned out to be nothing...but a ruthless beast! My hate for men grew stronger, and to crown it up, I never got to set my eyes on Saint Seville...ever again... ?ML ? 50 views and more to unlock my next story...???
12 Oct 2020 | 18:08
And oh,for my first story, it's not "alas", but "AT LAST". Please, take note of the words. Sure hope you love this one...??
12 Oct 2020 | 18:10
@sheegokeys Awe, thank you, dear ?
12 Oct 2020 | 18:11
@grace Thank you, hun ?
12 Oct 2020 | 18:11
@Grace Thank you, hun ?
12 Oct 2020 | 18:12
@fb- danielEdem Danny you're name is always so hard to mention here, but I sure hope you see this. Thanks so much, dear.
12 Oct 2020 | 18:14
@Ele1 @thecomely @Henrymary @timson @iPhemloid
12 Oct 2020 | 18:14
????Girl × Girl???? ⚠ Don't read if you're not yet 18 ? ??AND DON'T CRITICIZE, PLEASE. THIS IS ONLY A STORY ‼ "Beverly Hills." I uttered, inhaling the nicely, cool breeze and admiring the beautiful scenery. It's being thirteen years. Thirteen years since I left this city, and now I'm back...back to where it all began! "Mum, will gran be coming to see us?" Louisa asked. "Of course, baby," I replied. " She's definitely gonna." "But you know, Mum, I miss Italy, already. You know, Diego, Theresa..." "Oh, I know, baby. But you know mum's on duty. And you know how making this film is pretty important and all," "Yeah, I know," She frowned. "Come on, baby. You're gonna love it here, trust me." I said to her, brushing her loose hair strand off. "Of course, Mommy. I trust you." She giggled, wrapping her arms around me. "That's my girl. Now let's go inside." I said to her, clasping her hand. "Oh, be careful, Sir. That is pretty fragile." I turned to the Chauffeur, as he moved our things inside. "Wow, Mommy, this place is really big." My daughter remarked. Louisa was the exact replica of me, but had her father's eyes, which sometimes reminded me of him....if only he could see what his daughter had become. " Please be careful." "Okay, Mama." She giggled, rushing out the door. I breathed a sigh, rolling my eyes around the living room, as a name struck my mind. Oh, my baby's gonna be mad, I said inwardly, searching for my phone. "Louisa!" I groaned, making for the door. "Baby? Baby -" I stopped, remembering where I had kept it. I quickly got it out, putting my girlfriend's number on the dial, as her voice came from the other line. "?Knock, knock," "?Who is there?" Candace spoke. "?Your favorite girlie," My voice rang. "?Oh, how much I've missed you, baby." Candace said. "?It's only being a day, Darling." I said to her. "?I know, but a day seems like forever to me. Gosh! How's my little baby, though? I bet she loves it there, already." "?Oh, Louisa's fine. She's out playing." "?Aww. That's cute. Well, have you eaten?" "?Just had coffee on the plane. Didn't really feel like." "?Awe. Bad mood?" "?Oh, no. You know I'm trying to maintain this hot figure here." I laughed. "?Oh, so true. Well, baby, I'll call you later. Then we can talk about our wedding prep and all." "?Ooh, can't wait. Love you." "?I love you more." She said, as the line went dead. I tossed my phone inside my bag, as my eyes went to the ring on my middle finger. Candace was one amazing woman. Met her in my first year at Harvard, and now, I just simply couldn't wait for us to be together, without anyone getting in our way! The next week was gonna be really stressful and I knew that for sure. I had an appointment with the director, who turned out to be Martha Fox...the one and only. "Ah, you must be Ms Houghton," She said, as I walked into her office. "Yes. Louise Houghton." I said to her, as she beckoned to me to sit down. "I've heard so much about you," She started. "Your movies...everything. They're really fascinating." "Oh, thank you. Thanks so much." "Oh, my pleasure. In the mail I received some days ago, it read you were going to be working with us, and I'm pretty sure you're the right one for this great project that's coming up." She continued. There was something in her voice that was captivating, the way her lips moved, and those big sized boobs wanting to wiggle free from their cups. It was enthralling, my eyes focused on them as she talked. "So do we have a deal?" "Um, yes, Ms Fox." I smiled, looking back at her. "You're not married, are you?" Her question came like a blast. "You know you're such a beautiful lady and I bet every man would love to have you for themselves." "Heh. Every," "Yes," She got up, making towards me. "I see you want this." She grinned naughtily, sticking a finger in her lips, the other one pushing her dress down, as her enlarged babies came in sight. I could feel the wetness in between my heat now, as I tightened my legs so I wouldn't burst. I watched as she sat on the table, parting her legs, as her neatly shaved kitty stood open. She's got nothing on, I gasped, feeling my hot juices rush onto my panties. "Come on, bitch. Have at it." She motioned, as I grinned. Now I knew I wasn't straight, but I've never made love to any lady, apart from Candace, and I knew she wouldn't mind, even if she saw me right now with another. Martha Fox was one hot lady, and I could say we had such a great time together, no one knowing what was really going on behind the door. "Would you mind finishing this at my hotel?" She asked, her breath coming upon my neck. "Oh, I sure don't. Anything for my seductive mistress." I replied, giving her a final kiss, as I quickly got dressed, and then bid her goodbye... ??50 views to unlock the next... I know you can do it... ???
13 Oct 2020 | 08:19
I don't love you, Julian. I don't love you anymore! Just please, let me go! I don't wanna have anything to do with you...ever again! Anna's voice echoed loudly, as Julian held on to her. "Annie, please. Please, don't do this to me," Julian begged endlessly. "I'm sorry, but it's over. It's over!" She cried, letting go of Julian, as Julian pulled her into his bosom. "Babe, please, don't do this. For my sake...for our baby's sake." "Our baby's sake?! Our baby, you say?!" She barked, eyes wide open. "How many times have I endured everything you did to me? How many times did I stand and watch you break my heart over and over again, without caring if I got hurt by everything? How many times, Julian? How many times?!" She questioned tearfully. "I know. I know I hurt you so much, but please forgive me. Please, baby. I can't stand losing you..." "Oh, you can't stand losing me?!" She laughed. "Now you're bothered about doing so. Well, sorry to burst your bubbles, Julian Nielsen, but you already have. Goodbye!" She said, pushing him aside, as she grabbed her things, stepping out into the dark, cold night...not looking back! ~~~~~~~~ It was one blissful morning. The sound of children chattering happily heard in the street, and the snowy air filled with such wonderful fragrance and the smell of Christmas cheers. Christmas was mostly everyone's favorite time of year, but not all took delight in celebrating it. Some just wanted to be left alone...not with anyone coming their way. "Mmm," Anna moaned, rubbing her belly, as she sat upright. "Merry Christmas, baby," She said to her husband, pecking his cheek, as he laid, back still turned. "Don't start!" He sighed, getting out of bed. She smiled, ignoring him, as she rolled the duvet off of her. "I'll go shower now." She said to him. He gave a slight shrug, making for the door, as he pulled it open and stepped out. Anna looked down at her belly, giving it a slight rub, as she made for the bathroom. "Hang in there, baby. All this will be over soon, I promise." She snivelled, a tear rolling down her face. She knew there wasn't anything that'd change her husband's attitude, but she still didn't give up on him. She loved him so, despite the fact he always maltreated her and did all manner of things, even in her presence state. Once, she had threatened to call the cops on him, but she didn't dare, as Julian threatened to rip her throat out the moment she went doing such. So she was left with no choice. "Annabel! Annabel!!" Julian bellowed. Poor Annie walked slowly, her body shaken with fear, as she made to answer. "Now tell me! Who took the money I left on the counter?!" He boiled with rage. "I...I have no idea. Believe me. I knew nothing about it." She shook. "You knew nothing?!" His eyes grew wider. "Then who took it?" He questioned. "I swear, I knew nothing. Please, believe me," "Oh, you're calling me a liar now, 'cause I'm quite sure I left it here!" He went on, drawing closer. "Julian...Julian, please..." "Oh, don't "Julian me", you shameless thief! Now! Come with me!" He ordered, dragging her roughly, his finger nails bruising her wrist. "Julian...Julian, you're hurting me. Julian!" She cried, as he pulled her with him. "I'll teach you some manners. Next time you won't try stealing from me!." "J-Julian...Julian, stop! Julian!" She cried bitterly, trying to wiggle free, as they climbed the stairs. "SHUT UP!" "Julian...Ow-oww!!" She groaned louder. He jerked the door open, ignoring her, as he pushed her in, slamming the door. "Julian...Julian, please, open the door. Julian!" She banged so hard, but all pleas fell on deaf ears. It felt as if the world had turned its back on her, as she felt so alone, with only the thought of her baby to comfort her, and to dry those bitter tears. Her cries grew faint, and her legs weakened. Not taking it anymore, she slumped onto the floor, wishing that when she'd wake up, everything would be normal...again. This is a full story, but it'll be in the short section for now 'cause I haven't prepared it yet ?. So y'all place your comments here. God bless ???
13 Oct 2020 | 18:11
@ciarajessy, do ensure to always add Episode numbers
14 Oct 2020 | 20:19
@Hormortiyor This particular story isn't base on episodes, Sir. Haven't you read short stories collection before?
15 Oct 2020 | 04:09
God bless you too. Ride on
15 Oct 2020 | 15:16
@queenprecious1 Amen. Thanks so much, ma'am
15 Oct 2020 | 20:35
Please guys, feel free to mention anyone you want. My next story will be coming up soon. Stay tuned.
15 Oct 2020 | 20:36
By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. The air reeked of deadly smoke as it hovered in the air, almost wanting to suffocate me like a firm grip around one's neck. I coughed endlessly, trying to push forward; vision blurred and almost without breath. I tried to yell but no words came out. I was trapped...trapped amidst the burning brushwood, a place I knew nothing about, or even how I got there. And if ever I was going to be free, I wasn't certain it would be in one piece. I looked to my right as a light shone amidst the darkness, rooting my legs to the ground as it seemed it was beckoning to me to come closer. It felt as though I was in some kind of trance but this was real...everything was . I heard a different from a whispering wind. "Roland," It called. " have to move. It's not yet your time. Keep moving..." My eyes widened, recognizing who's it was, "Roslyn?" I inched closer. "Rose is that you?" I asked, still not sure. "Give me your hand...give me your hand, Roland." I swallowed hard, making towards her. "Almost there...almost there," I spoke breathlessly, the heat seeking to consume me without mercy. I staggered, a loud cough eluding my lips as my breath got thinner, my legs unable to urge me on as I slumped...remembering nothing again. "Wakey-wakey. You're gonna be late." A cheery voice rang, the sound of swinging curtains ringing in my ears. "Mama Pea!" I squinted, burying my face in my pillow. "Get out of bed, Roland. Roslyn's been waiting for you." She urged, tugging at my feet. "Roslyn? Oh, shit! Roslyn!" I panicked, getting up. "Did she say anything, Mama?" "Ooh, look who's worried." She laughed. "I'm serious. Oh, God!" I breathed, taking up my pants. "Had the weirdest dream last night," I continued. "It was dark...burning bushes...and-and..." "Yeah, yeah, baby. There's Jesus. You can tell me all about it later." Mama Pea hushed. "But ma..." "Come on. Hurry. You gotta get the girl." She winked and wiggled her fingers, as she walked out the door. "And one more thing...freshen up!" "Oh." I laughed, shutting the door. I was such a handsome fellow...the blonde type and was quite naughty. One fact I was well known for, making everyone in our neighbourhood nickname me "the Grabbercino." "Whew! What took you so long?" Roslyn asked with a frown. "Not gonna give me a kiss?" I teased, looking at her. "Oh, you bet I would." She chuckled and plunged her lips on mine. "Mm...vanilla," I complimented with a grin. Roslyn was one hot lady you'd wanna be with. Our relationship was a bit complicated, really 'cause she saw me as some bad ass who didn't stick to one girl, which by the way, it's my thing. "Love it?" She blushed, running a finger on my lower lip. "Now you two quit doing that on my porch," Mama Pea interrupted. We turned, giving a slight chuckle. "Sorry grams." "Oh, I didn't see anything. Time, Roland. Time." She signalled to me, a finger on her wrist. "Right. Come on, baby. We gotta go." I said to Roslyn. "See you later, Mama." I turned to gran, pecking her senile cheek. "All right, baby. See you at dusk. And be careful." She called to us. "Don't worry. We'll take care." "Grams' always worried about you," Roslyn said, as we walked to the car. I laughed, pulling the door open for her. "Here we go." Covington was really a nice city, though not very large, but was still the of the best among all the cities situated in LA. The downtown streets were lined with boutiques, galleries and restaurants of all sorts, making it such a gazing sight to whoever came by. I could say it was far better than Nachitoches...a place I once called home... "You okay there?" "Mm?" I played dumb. "Yeah. You've been...I don't know...mute." Roslyn spoke. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine." I shrugged and focused on the road. "You're not tensed, are you?" She asked. "About what? The game, huh?" I asked. "You don't think I can beat those losers ass, do you?" I scoffed. "It's just a game, Roland. Whether or not you win, it doesn't matter." She smiled and rubbed my knuckles. I scoffed again. " 'Cause Lucas' playing?" "Lucas?" Her eyes widened. "Why'd you mention him?" "Saw you two some days Stalvey's," I frowned, taking my eyes off the road. "Roland, wait," "Fuck, Roslyn!" "I can explain..." "Like I actually need one?!" I laughed. "You still love him, but I act like I don't see it," "I don't love Lucas, Roland! Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?" " 'Cause I'm sick and tired of you going around with that asshole!" I shot back. She made to touch me, "T-the road..." "Don't you dare!!" I huffed. "Baby?" She gasped, her forehead glistening with sweat. "If you two ain't doing nothing wrong, then why are you sweating? No, answer me!" "I swear, Roland. Lucas and I didn't do anything. We just ate, that's all." She tried to explain. "And I saw you two kiss!" "N-n-no," She stuttered. "No, we...we didn't." I boiled harder, my rage getting the best of me, as I banged the steering so hard. "Screw you!" "Babe...." "Don't! Don't Roslyn...!" "T-the road...Babe...!!" She screamed but it was too late...too late to turn back the hands of time and make things right again. ~~~~~~~ "Call EMS.” "Start CPR...” "CPR! Turn on the defibrillator...” “Put the pads on the patients....pads on the patients! Pads on the patients...” The yelling went on; Roslyn and I lying helplessly, our bodies covered up in blood. Amidst the utter haze, we struggled...a struggle only I was able to overcome, as she slipped into the welcoming embrace of death... Your likes and comments will guarantee how I upload. Have a nice day.
16 Oct 2020 | 11:37
?If you're looking for a writer ? or a poet ? who can write 1000 plus words ? per day: romance ?, horror ?, children's fiction ?‍?‍?...anything ?. You can feel free to contact me, please?. I'll be really glad to accept your offer ?? P.S ✍️ Not for free ??
16 Oct 2020 | 16:28
Okay. Since they said I should be tagging each story episode by episode, I'll do that right away. 3,028 words ?. God. It really took a great deal writing this. Please you guys, show some love ?. Creation is really hard. Your good wishes will cheer me up. By the way, I hope y'all are in good health. Please be safe and be all right. I wish I could contact you all, but this is the highest I can do. To my readers...I can't hear y'all less ??   "I love you, Sheila, and I wish to spend the rest of eternity…with you by my side." His words came like a shock to me.   He took a step forward and got on his knees, as he got a transparent box out of his breast pocket. "Sheila Del Bane, will you marry me?"   My mouth dropped open instantly. "Dennis?"   He nodded. "Go on, gorgeous. Say those words,"   "OH. Oh, yes…yes! I will marry you!" I screamed with joy as tears rolled down my cheeks.   It was a dream come true watching Dennis slip the silver ring onto my finger. It was such an amazing moment and I certainly wished for it to last…   "Time for morning lessons. Time for morning lessons."   I woke up to the sound of my alarm parrot; a gift Dad got me from Dubai. I groaned and turned my head in the opposite direction, ignoring it.   "You won't succeed this time, P head." I mumbled and curled into a ball; the duvet making some really tingling noise in my ears.   I yawned and shut my eyes partly, wishing to sleep some more, but to no avail. Thanks to the cuckoo sound coming from right out the window and the parrot head on the table top. Gee, I sighed and got up reluctantly, my eyes still closed, as I gave a stretch.   I made for the bathroom sleepily and turned the handle. Great! I gritted my teeth. "Mum...we're going to need the maintenance man."   "Okay, Sweet." I heard her say back.   I stepped inside, took up my brush at the top shelf and went into business. I showered minutes later, got out and got ready for school.   Ugh. School. Not like I hated school, but I can't say we were friends either. I went to an all-girls school and it was strictly Catholic. No wonder.   "Hi Mum. Hi Dad." I greeted, and pecked them each.   "Mm. Did you sleep well, my love?"   "Not quite." I frowned as last night's dream came crawling back.   I pulled the dining chair out and sat down. Gosh. I can't believe I actually said it was a dream come true getting married to Dennis Wayne. I shrugged my shoulders. Why do I keep seeing him? I slipped into thoughts.   "You okay there, hmm?"   "OH. Heh. Sorry, Dad. I wasn't listening." I laughed nervously.   I began eating breakfast; a cup of cocoa and two slices of bread with an omelet, which I dug my fork into angrily and glued my eyes back on the clock.   "Ooh, seems like someone slept on the wrong side today." Mum watched.   I stared with mocking eyes and faked a smile. "Certainly not me."   She wiggled her fingers and sipped her coffee.   "How come I'm the only one having cocoa?" I asked, rolling my eyes on her.   "Oh, dear. You're still young."   I gave a faint smile and shook my head. "Almost 7:30, I gulped.   I looked at Dad and found his cup and plate all cleaned up. "First time you're eating early,"   "Want to get all fat in, hey." He chuckled and got up.   "You better hurry. You're almost late." Mum tapped my shoulder.   "Come on, Ma. It's only 7,"   "What about the fifteen? You throwing it away?" She asked, her right brow arched.   "Ugh. Please don't say." I got up. "I'll be going now. Love you." I pecked her again and turned to Dad. "See ya, pops."   I walked out the door, down the lane. Saint Mary high was just few blocks away so I wasn't worried about being late.   "Sheila! Sheila, wait up!"   I groaned. "Wayne!!"   "Whew. Finally."   I bit my lip so hard and turned. "Finally what?!"   "Whoa, Tigress."   "Don't "tigress" me, you wimpy hart!" I snapped.   I had no idea what that meant but gee, this guy was really something.   Dennis Wayne lived in our neighborhood (just two blocks away),  but it seemed he was staying at our house. I never liked him for once and I certainly didn't want to. Many times he had tried getting associating with me but I never once gave him a chance. I didn't know why, really, but I certainly didn't want to go associating with some lame ass street dude.   "Ooh, you're one hot lady – "He teased and I boiled. "I mean…"   "Whatever." I brushed him aside. "I'll see you when I get back."   "C-cool. See you later. "He said and I set off.   I fixed my eyes on my watch, increasing my steps so as to get to school in time. I surely didn't want to have anything to do with Sister Loretta.   "You're late!"   "Oh!" A low moan escaped my lips. This is all your fault Dennis, I clenched my fist so tight.   "Care to explain, young lady?" Sister Janet asked as she rolled her eyes on me.   I knew what was next, and I definitely wasn't ready for it…not this  time.   "Reverend Sister," I started, clasping my hands. "I'm really sorry I didn't get to school in time. I was out doing something for my dearest mother." I lied.   OH, Lord. Have mercy for I have sinned, I prayed silently, releasing my hands as I clasped them behind. At least I'm lucky it isn't that fat, mole-face lady, I thought.   Sister Janet was one soft lady and a pretty one as at that. She was average, not so fat and was amazingly brilliant in a way that'll make you wonder if she was truly human. She looked younger at the same time and everyone could tell her age just by looking at her.   "Ah, I see." She said.   "Is everything all right there?" An elderly voice came and we turned.   "Oh, Reverend Mother. Miss Bane and I were just talking." Sister Jane explained. "Okay now. Hurry and join the rest at the main hall. Don't want to miss anything." She said to me and I heaved a sigh of relief.   "Thank you, Sister Janet. I'll go now, Reverend Mother." I bowed in respect and started out.   I walked towards Quiberon hall and found it packed. Chattering and laughter echoing as Saint Mary's girls talked. Seems like Christmas, I thought inwardly and smirked.   I went inside, rolling my eyes around as I found my clique already seated at one end. "There they are," I grinned and walked towards them.   "Hey, hey, chic. What's popping?" My best friend Hayley said to me.   "Oh, you know what's popping." I laughed, as we hugged.   "Hey! We're here, you know." Lucy, our clique head spoke.   "Aww, baby. I didn't forget you." I laughed and hugged her too. "You know you-know-who is gonna be her any minute…"   "Boo-hoo. Like we're scared." Polly cut in, blowing bubbles with her gum. "And girl, you didn't hug me," She stared with puppy eyes."   "Aww, here you go."   "Much better. Mmm."   I sat down with them, as we waited for Mother Cecilia to come address us. I could say we feared her more compared to the other sisters in the house. And although we feared her, we still loved her still.   "Okay, girls. I'll have the teachers share to you your weekly schedules." Her voice echoed in the mic.   "I hate schedules." Hayley whispered to me and I giggled.   "What's funny, Miss Bane?" I heard my name called suddenly.   Man! This lady got eyes, I moved my lips and got up. "Nothing, Reverend Mother."   "Good. You may sit." She said to me and went back to talking.   I heard some girls murmur amongst themselves and I so felt like giving them a piece of my mind.   "Easy there, Warrior Princess. You don't want to make a scene." Hayley held me back, signaling with her eyes.   I breathed in and out, and relaxed my nerves once again, as I spent the rest of my ten minutes listening to Mother Cecilia.   "Bless you, Mother." The students echoed.   We all got up and headed for class. I was an eleventh grader along with Hayley and the rest. We chatted on our way to class which wasn't so far off from the main hall.   "You coming?" Lucy turned to me.   "Coming where?" I asked in confusion.   "To the party of course." Polly cut in and added, "It's Raymond's birthday."   I gasped. "Raymond? Your bro?" My eyes shone. "Gosh. It must have skipped my mind." I muttered under my breath.   "Indeed." They laughed.   "You know that guy's got a huge crush on you." Hayley looked at me   "Certainly not Raymond Winchester." I shrugged.   "Of course it is, Sheil." Polly hung her right arm around my neck.   "Oh, you girls." I giggled, as we went on.   We had English for half a period before Sister Irina came in. Sister Vivian seemed like she was in a haste as she didn't last long enough.   "Okay, class. I'll take it from here," Sister Irina said and flipped through our English textbook   She wiped the heading off the white board and scribbled a new topic on it.   "Report Writing?" I gasped and stood up.   "Yes, Miss Bane. Want something?" Sister Irina asked like she had heard me.   "Oh. N-nothing ma'am." I stammered. I thought swiftly and made to talk. "Sister Irina,"   She eyed me. "I thought you said it was nothing."   "Yes, ma'am. I was only wondering why Sister Vivian stopped halfway in taking us –" I looked at Haley as she signaled with her eyes, a finger on her lips.   "Never mind, madam." I sat down again.   We took the rest of the class in silence, no one making a peek and eyes glued on the board. Sister Irina herself didn't last longer like we expected, along with the others, making it more suspicious.   "Did you see what happened?" I whispered to Hayley, as we headed for the cafeteria.   "Oh, I saw it all." Came her reply. "Heard lady Vivian's leaving." She released the bombshell.   "What?!" I shouted.   "Keep it down, you." She hushed, blinking.   "But why? Why Sister Vivian?" I asked, surprised.   "Heard she and Flora Weather did it."   "Did what now?"   "You should know." She gestured, looking down at my V-area.   "No way." I gaped at her.   "I'm serious, man. Sister Janet caught them two in the bathroom. I still can't believe it."   I shook my head. "Sweet Jesus. What the hell is happening in this school?"   "Keep it down, please. No one really knows."   "Then how do you?" I stared at her with suspicion. "You weren't eavesdropping, were you?" I rolled my eyes on her.   "Hell, yes. I'm a boss, you know." She grinned with pride.   "Yeah, yeah, bossy pants." I laughed as I hung my arms around her neck. "Come now. Let's get going."   I got home, so tired and famished as I tossed myself on the bed. "Man! Some day this is,"   I took a deep breath and my eye lids closed gradually.   "Sheila? Sheila, you there?" Mum's voice called from the stairs.   "Ah, jeez!" I grumbled hard and sluggishly brought my feet to the ground. "Coming, mother." I scoffed and made for the door.   "Honey, I need you to go to Mrs. Wayne's house…"   "What?!" I shouted. "Not there!" I went on.   "Oh, don't be like that. I need you to give her this." She handed a package to me. "The delivery man dropped it her by mistake. Guess he didn't know the right address." She continued and urged me to follow her.   "But mum –" I made to talk, then stopped. "Oh, fine." I said with a shrug and reluctantly walked downstairs.   I went out the door and made for their house. I knocked on the door, but no answer came. Great! I thought and moved backwards. "Mrs. Wayne." I called softly. "Mrs. Wayne, it's Sheila knocking."   I waited for someone to answer the door, but no answer came. I knocked the second time and gripped the door knob. "Bet they wouldn't mind." I huffed and opened the door.   I walked in, finding the living room empty. "Hm. Guess I'll leave this here." I frowned and dropped the package carefully on the glass table.   I scanned the parlor one more time, having admired the fine China plate and the expensive chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, as I made to leave.   "Oh my goodness." I yelled.   "My. What do we have here?" A grin broke out "A burglar…in my home."   "I wasn't breaking in." I scoffed and made to leave.   "No, no. Just stay right there." He grabbed hold of my arm.   "Dennis!!" I groaned, feeling the nerves to punch him.   "Ooh, she's boiling." He chuckled.   "Whatever. God! Stop touching me with those hands. Who knows how many things you've touched."   "Aa-ah-ah." He waved his pointy. ��Don't even." He bit his lip. "You wanted to see me?" He raised his brow.   "What?! When did I?"   "Oh, come on. Have you forgotten?"  He moved his eyes on my bosom.   Oh, no! My eyes shone. I had totally forgotten I wasn't putting on a brassiere and my tits were clearly visible with my top aiding it.   "I'm so gonna pluck out those eyes if they don't stop moving!" I spoke in a harsh tone.   "Come on. Are you always like this to other guys or just me?" His smile disappeared.   "Well…let's see. Aah-ah. Just you." I uttered with a hiss and he drew closer.   "Sheila Del Bane." He called my names. "What have I done for you to hate me like this?" He stared directly at me.   "I don't hate you. I  just don't –" I swallowed, averting my gaze.   "You feel that?"   "Feel what?!" I looked back at him.   "That tingling feeling in your heart…saying you want this." He puckered his lips.   "You jerk!" I growled, punching him real hard. "You think I'm like all those girlfriends of yours? God! You disgust me." I spat and stormed off.   "Dennis Wayne…more like Dennis Vain!" I said in a mocking tone as I climbed up the stairs, into my room, slamming the door so hard. "So mum's fault." I blamed, getting in bed. I rolled my duvet over, took my earrings off and laid down. I placed my right arm on my head and thought about what just happened; my left hand placed on my chest. Sheila you can't feel this way. You're better than this and you know it, my heart fluttered. It seemed like I was going to burst any minute and I couldn't take it anymore. I should call Hay. She should be able to help, the idea struck my mind, and I swiftly took up my phone and dialed her number.   "Hey girl." She spoke.   "Hayley, I need you."   "Whoa. Are you okay? You don't sound good, girl."   "Cause I'm not. Okay, let me start." I began explaining.   I told her everything, leaving no details out.   "But do you love him?"   "Love?" I repeated.   "Yes, love. You said you've been having these…dreams,"   "Yeah. They just keep coming and I don't know why. I don't even like this guy, Hayley." I saw myself saying.   I knew there was a part of me that wanted us to be close but I just couldn't let it. "Gosh. I'm so confused. What do I do?" I squeezed my hair.   "First of all, you're going to walk right back, do the talking and ka-boom!" She laughed and I too.   We talked some more, and when we were done, I ended the call. She had better be right, I sighed and got up. I got dressed, powdered my face, and walked out the door.   "Look who came back."   "Your face…" I froze. "Did I really do that? God. I'm so sorry. I…I'm really sorry." I rushed towards him.   "Ow. Easy," He winced, as I touched it.   I looked at him in pity, feeling sorry. "We should treat this,"   "We? Y-you said the word "we" –" He stared at me and I gulped, withdrawing my hand. "No, it's okay. It's okay to care, Sheila." He held my hand.   "Let's go inside." I said to him.   He laid down on the couch, and I made for the freezer. "Mind if I take an ice bag out?" I turned towards him as he affirmed. I quickly took it out and walked back to him, as he sat up, beckoning for the ice. "No, I'll do it." I added. "That'll be better."   I began placing the ice bag on his face as the coolness kissed my palm. I felt awkward in a way, but this was my doing.   We sat in silence, his eyes focused on me, making me pretty nervous. "You're looking." I felt shy.   "I'm not looking." He laughed and averted his gaze.   I felt nervous and got up. "Your parents aren't home yet?"   "You see them anywhere?" He curved his lips.   "I just asked." I rolled my eyes. "Here. It'd be all healed up soon." I made to leave.   "Oh, no, you don't." He held me back, and onto his bosom, I fell.   I felt his chest against me and for a moment l, I went mute.   "You're awfully clumsy there, Miss." He laughed.   I grew furious and made to get up. "I-I should go."   "No. No, stay. I need you here,"   "Dennis!" A voice hollered from the door.   "Oh, Mrs. Wayne," I gasped under my breath, wriggling out from under his arms."   "Oh, Sheila. It's you." Her lips broke into a smile.   "I'm sorry, ma'am. I was just leaving." I said to her, stealing a glance at Dennis, as I hurried out the door.   My heart kept beating till I got to our doorstep. Was he actually going to do that? What would have happened if his Mum didn't come walking through the door? These questions hovered in my mind. God, Sheila. You got to snap out of this. It can never be. That's what you get when you let a church rat in." My Mum whispered and walked upstairs.   I clenched my fist at those words and held all the rage I felt in. Sheila was different; different from any girl I'd ever seen, and a part of me wanted to be with her…to be by her side and to be the better one…if only she'd let me. . . . TBC ?? Dennis Et Sheila Coming Soon!
23 Oct 2020 | 18:41
?The Boy In My Neighbourhood ? ?By Jessica Duru ? "I love you, Sheila, and I wish to spend the rest of eternity … with you by my side." His words came like a shock to me. He took a step forward and got on his knees, as he got a transparent box out of his breast pocket. "Sheila Del Bane, will you marry me?"   My mouth dropped open. "Dennis?"   He nodded. "Go on, gorgeous. Say those words,"   "OH. Oh, yes … yes! I will marry you!" I screamed with joy as tears rolled down my cheeks.   It was a dream come true watching Dennis Wayne slip the silver ring onto my finger. And I certainly didn't want it ending anytime soon ...   "Parr. Time for morning lessons. Time for morning lessons."   I woke up to the sound of my alarm parrot; a gift Dad got me from Dubai. I groaned and turned my head in the opposite direction, ignoring it.   "You won't succeed this time, P Head." I mumbled and curled into a ball; the duvet making some really tingling noise in my ears.   I yawned and shut my eyes partly, wishing to sleep some more, but to no avail. Thanks to the cuckoo sound coming from right out the window and the parrot head on the table top. Gee, I sighed and got up reluctantly, my eyes still closed, as I gave a stretch.   I made for the bathroom sleepily and turned the handle. Great! I gritted my teeth. "Mum... we're going to need the maintenance man."   "Okay, Sweet." I heard her say.   I stepped inside, took up my brush at the top shelf and went into business. I showered minutes later, got out and got ready for school.   Ugh. School. Not like I hated school, but I can't say we were friends either. I went to an all-girls school and it was strictly Catholic. No wonder.   "Hi Mum. Hi Dad." I greeted, and pecked them each.   "Mm. Did you sleep well, my love?"   "Not quite." I frowned as last night's dream came crawling back.   I pulled the dining chair out and sat down. Gosh. I can't believe I actually said it was a dream come true. I shrugged my shoulders. Why do I keep seeing him? I slipped into thoughts.   "You okay there, hm?"   "OH. Heh. Sorry, Dad. I wasn't listening." I laughed nervously.   I began eating breakfast; a cup of cocoa and two slices of bread with an omelet, which I dug my fork into and glued my eyes on the clock at the far corner.   "Ooh, seems like someone woke up on the wrong side today." Mum watched.   I stared with mocking eyes and faked a smile. "Certainly not me."   She wiggled her fingers and sipped her coffee.   "How come I'm the only one having cocoa?" I asked, rolling my eyes on her.   "Oh, dear. You're still young."   I gave a faint smile and shook my head. "Almost 7:30, I gulped.   I looked at Dad and found his cup and plate all cleaned up. "First time you're eating early,"   "Want to get all fat in, ay." He chuckled and got up.   "You better hurry. You're almost late." Mum tapped my shoulder.   "Come on, Ma. It's only 7,"   "What about the fifteen? You throwing it away?" She asked, her right brow arched.   "Ugh. Please don't say." I got up. "I'll be going now. Love you." I pecked her again and turned to Dad. "See ya, pops."   I walked out the door, down the lane. Saint Mary high was just few blocks away so I wasn't worried about being late.   "Sheila! Sheila, wait up!"   I groaned. "Wayne!!"   "Whew. Finally."   I bit my lip so hard and turned. "Finally what?!"   "Whoa, Tigress."   "Don't "tigress" me, you wimpy hart!" I snapped.   I had no idea what that meant, but gee, this guy was really something.   Dennis Wayne lived in our neighborhood (just two blocks away),  but it seemed he was staying at our house. I never liked him for once and I certainly didn't want to. Many times he had tried associating with me but I never gave him a chance... certainly didn't want to go associating with some lame ass street dude.   "Ooh, you're one hot lady – "He teased and I boiled. "I mean …"   "Whatever." I brushed him aside. "I'll see you when I get back."   "C-cool. See you later. "He said, and I set off.   I fixed my eyes on my watch, increasing my steps so as to get to school in time. I surely didn't want to have anything to do with Sister Loretta.   "You're late!"   "Oh!" A low moan escaped my lips. This is all your fault Dennis, I clenched my fist so tight.   "Care to explain, young lady?" Sister Janet asked as she rolled her eyes on me.   I knew what was next, and I definitely wasn't ready for it… not this  time!   "Reverend Sister," I started, clasping my hands. "I'm really sorry. I was out doing something for my dearest mother." I lied.   OH, Lord. Have mercy for I have sinned, I prayed silently, releasing my hands as I clasped them behind. At least I'm lucky it isn't that fat, mole-face lady, I thought.   Sister Janet was one soft lady and a pretty one as at that. She was average; not so fat, not so slim, and was amazingly brilliant in a way that made one wonder if she was truly human. She looked younger at the same time and everyone could tell she wasn't yet thirty.   "Ah, I see." She said.   "Is everything all right there?" An elderly voice came and we turned.   "Oh, Reverend Mother. Miss Bane and I were just talking." Sister Jane explained. "Okay now. Hurry and go join the rest at the main hall. Don't want to miss anything." She said to me and I heaved a sigh of relief.   "Thank you, Sister Janet. I'll go now, Reverend Mother." I bowed in respect and started out.   I walked towards Quiberon hall and found it packed; chattering and laughter echoing loudly as I drew nearer. Boy! I exclaimed, and went inside. I rolled my eyes around and found my clique seated at one end. "There they are," I grinned and walked towards them.   "Hey, hey, chic. What's popping?" My best friend Hayley spoke first.   "Oh, you know what is." I laughed, as we hugged.   "Hey! We're here, you know." Lucy, our clique head spoke.   "Aww, baby. I didn't forget you." I laughed and hugged her too. "You know you-know-who is gonna be here any minute …"   "Boohoo. Like we're scared." Polly cut in, blowing gum bubbles. "And girl, you didn't hug me," She stared with puppy eyes."   "Oh, here you go."   "Mm. Now, that's more like it." She snuggled perfectly.   I sat down with them, as we waited for Mother Cecilia to come. I could say we feared her more, compared to the rest. And although we did, we still loved her so.   "Okay, girls. I'll have the teachers share to you your weekly schedules. It's ready now." She spoke into the microphone in front of her.   "I hate schedules." Hayley whispered to me, as I giggled.   "What's funny, Miss Bane?" I heard my name called suddenly.   Man! This lady got eyes, I moved my lips and got up. "Nothing, Reverend Mother."   "Good. You may sit." She said to me and went back to talking.   I heard some girls chuckle amongst themselves and I so felt like walking up to them and giving them a piece of my mind.   "Easy there, Warrior Princess. You don't want to make a scene." Hayley held me, signaling with her eyes.   I breathed in and out, and relaxed my nerves once again, while I spent the rest of my ten minutes listening to Mother Cecilia.   "Bless you, Mother." The students echoed.   We all got up and headed for class. I was an eleventh grader along with Hayley and the rest. We chatted on our way to class which wasn't so far off from the main hall.   "You coming?" Lucy turned to me.   "Coming where?" I asked in confusion.   "To the party of course." Polly cut in and added, "It's Raymond's birthday."   I gasped. "Raymond? Your bro?" My eyes shone. "Gee! It must have skipped my mind." I muttered under my breath.   "Indeed." They laughed.   "You know that guy's got a huge crush on you." Hayley looked at me   "Certainly not Raymond Winchester." I shrugged.   "Of course it is, Sheil." Polly hung her right arm around my neck.   "Oh, you girls." I giggled, as we went on.   We had English for half a period, before Sister Irina came in. Sister Vivian seemed like she was in a haste as she didn't last long enough.   "Okay, class. I'll take it from here," Sister Irina said and flipped through our English textbook   She wiped the heading off the white board and scribbled a new topic on it.   "Report Writing?" I gasped and stood up.   "Yes, Miss Bane. Want something?" Sister Irina asked, like she had heard me.   "Oh. N-nothing ma'am." I stammered. I thought swiftly and made to talk. "Sister Irina,"   She eyed me. "I thought you said it was nothing."   "Yes, ma'am. I was only wondering why Sister Vivian stopped halfway in taking us –" I looked at Haley as she signaled with her eyes, a finger on her lips.   "Never mind, madam." I sat down again.   We took the rest of the class in silence, no one making a peek and eyes glued on the board. Sister Irina herself didn't last longer like we expected, along with the others, making it more suspicious.   "Did you see what happened?" I whispered to Hayley, as we headed for the cafeteria.   "Oh, I saw it all." Came her reply. "Heard lady Vivian's leaving." She released the bombshell.   "What?!" I shouted.   "Keep it down, you." She hushed, covering my mouth..   I blinked for a second and questioned. "But why? Why Sister Vivian?"   "Heard she and Flora Weather did it."   "Did what now?" I asked again.   "You should know." She gestured, looking down at my V-area.   "No way!" I gaped at her.   "I'm serious, man. Sister Janet caught them two in the bathroom. I still can't believe it."   I shook my head. "Sweet Jeez. What the hell is happening in this school?"   "Keep it down, please. No one really knows." She motioned to me.   "Then how do you?" I stared at her with suspicion. "You weren't eavesdropping, were you?" I rolled my eyes on her.   "Hell, yes. I'm a boss, you know." She grinned with pride.   "Yeah, yeah, bossy pants." I laughed and hung my arms around her neck. "Come on, now. Let's get going."   I got home, so tired and famished as I tossed myself on the bed. "Man! Some day this is,"   I took a deep breath and my eye lids closed gradually.   "Sheila? Sheila, you there?" Mum's voice called from the stairs.   "Ah, jeez!" I grumbled hard and sluggishly brought my feet to the ground. "Coming, mother." I scoffed and made for the door.   "Honey, I need you to go to Mrs. Wayne's house …"   "What?!" I shouted. "Not there!" I went on.   "Oh, don't be like that. I need you to give her this." She handed a package to me. "The delivery man dropped it here by mistake. Guess he didn't know the right address given to him." She continued and urged me to follow her.   "But mum –" I made to talk, then stopped. "Oh, fine." I said with a shrug and reluctantly walked downstairs.   I went out the door and made for the Wayne's house. I knocked on the door but no answer came. Great! I thought and moved backwards. "Mrs. Wayne." I called softly. "Mrs. Wayne, it's Sheila knocking."   I waited for someone to answer the door, but still... no answer. I sighed and knocked the second time, turning the door knob. "Bet they wouldn't mind."   I walked in, finding the living room empty. "Hm. Guess I'll leave this here." I frowned and dropped the package carefully on the glass table.   I scanned the parlor one more time, and I made to leave. "Oh my goodness." I yelled.   "My, my, my. What do we have here?" A grin broke out."   "Don't look at me." I scoffed, making to leave.   "No, no. Just stay right there." He grabbed hold of my arm.   "Dennis!!" I groaned, feeling the nerves to punch him.   "Ooh, she's boiling." He chuckled.   "Whatever. God! Stop touching me with those hands. Who knows how many things you've touched."   "Aa-ah-ah." He waved his pointy. Don't even start." He added, "You wanted to see me?"   "What?! When did I?" I raised a brow at him.   "Oh, come on. Have you forgotten?" He moved his eyes on my bosom.   Oh, no! My eyes shone. I had totally forgotten I wasn't putting on a brassiere and my tits were clearly visible, with my top aiding it.   "I'm so gonna pluck out those eyes if they don't stop moving!" I spoke harshly.   "Come on. Are you always like this to every guy or just me?" His smile disappeared.   "Well …let's see. There. Just you." I uttered with a hiss, and he drew closer.   "Sheila Del Bane." He called. "What have I done for you to hate me this much?" He peered directly into my eyes.   "I don't hate you. I just don't –" I swallowed, averting my gaze.   "You feel that?"   "Feel what?!" I looked back at him.   "That tingling feeling in your heart …saying you want -" He puckered his lips.   "You jerk!" I growled, punching him really hard. "You think I'm like all those girlfriends of yours?! God! You disgust me." I spat and stormed off.   "Dennis Wayne …more like Dennis V-A-I-N!" I said in a mocking tone, as I climbed up the stairs, into my room, and slammed the door. "So mum's fault." I blamed, getting in bed.   I rolled my duvet up my legs and took my earrings off, placing my right arm on my head as I thought about what happened. You can't feel this way, Sheila. You're better than this, my heart fluttered.   It seemed like I was going to burst any minute from now, and I certainly couldn't take it anymore. I should call Hay. She should be able to help, the idea struck my mind, and I swiftly took up my phone and dialed her number.   "Hey girl." She spoke.   "Hayley, I need you."   "Whoa. Are you okay? You don't sound good."   "Cause I'm not." I whispered. "Okay, let me start." I began explaining.   I told her everything, leaving not a single detail out.   "But do you love him?"   "Love?" I repeated.   "Yes, love. You said you've been having these dreams ..."   "Yeah. They just keep coming and I don't know why. I don't even like this guy, Hayley." I saw myself saying.   I knew that was a lie cause a part of me wanted to be with h, but I just couldn't let it. "Gosh. I'm so confused. What do I do?" I squeezed my hair.   "First of all, you're going to walk right back, do the talking and kaboom, baby!" She laughed and I too.   We talked some more, and when we were done, I ended the call.    "She had better be right," I sighed and got up. I quickly got dressed, powdered my face, and walked out the door.   "Look who came back."   "Your face …" I froze instantly. "Did I really do that?" I asked stupidly and made towards him. "Oh God. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry." I went on saying, examining his face.   "Ow. Easy." He winced.   I looked at him in pity. "We should treat this,"   "We? Y-you said the word "we" –" He stared at me, and I gulped, withdrawing my hand. "No, it's okay. It's okay to care, Sheila." He held my hand.   "Please let's go inside." I said to him and led the way.   He laid down on the couch, and I made for the freezer. "Mind if I take an ice bag out?" I turned towards him as he affirmed.   I quickly got it out and walked back, as he sat up, beckoning for the ice. "No, I'll do it. Just let me." I said to him and placed the ice bag on his face.   I felt pretty awkward, feeling the coolness on my palm and the silence that enveloped the living room, as two black eye balls looked directly into mine. "You're looking." I said shyly.   "No, I'm not." He laughed and took his eyes off me.   I felt nervous and got up. "Your parents aren't home yet?"   "You see them anywhere?" He curved his lips.   "I just asked." I rolled my eyes. "Here. That'll do." I made to leave.   "Oh, no, you don't." He held me back, and onto his bosom, I fell.   I felt his chest rub against mine, and for a moment there, I went mute.   "You're awfully clumsy there, Miss." He teased me.   I grew furious and made to get up. "I shouldn't be here."   ", stay. I need you."   "Dennis, stop. I can't." I breathed, pulling away, as he brought me down on him.   "Dennis ..."   "Just a kiss and I'll let you ..."   "Dennis!" A voice hollered from the door.   "Oh. Mrs. Wayne," I gasped under my breath, wriggling free."   "Oh, Sheila." Her lips broke into a smile.   "I'm sorry, ma'am. I...I was just...just leaving." I stuttered, feeling embarrassed.   I gave Dennis a final look and hurried out the door.    My heart kept beating till I got to our doorstep. Was he actually going to...? What would have happened if his Mum didn't walk through that door? These questions hovered in my mind. God, Sheila. You got to snap out of this. You and Dennis can never be. That's what you get when you let in a church rat." My Mum chuckled and walked upstairs.   I clenched my fist and held my rage in. It wasn't Sheila's fault, I wanted to say, but stopped. Sheila was different from any girl I'd ever seen, and a part of me wanted to be with her …to be by her side and to be that guy …not just that guy, but to be better. If only that day would come. . . . TBC ??? Dennis Et Sheila Coming Soon! ~~~~~~~~   3,033 words. Gosh! It really took a great deal writing this. Please you some love. Creation is really hard. Your good wishes will cheer me up. Added more stew ???
23 Oct 2020 | 21:57
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23 Oct 2020 | 22:52
And you guys stopped reading ??. Btw, I'm so done editing my stories. It takes time, like fucking takes time ?. So from now on, I'll be doing that at the end of everything. Please show some love. And oh, I also apologize for the excess mistakes. I was really sick yesterday and I lost strength in the process of proofreading. I hope you understand. ??OUR TALE ?? ?Dennis Et Sheila ? ?By Jessica Duru ? I’m Dennis Wayne and this is my story… You mean our story… And mine, too, baby! “Dennis!!!” ~~~~~~~~ It was one snowy morning in Bristol town. Christmas was around the corner, and the air gleamed so bright and white. Mm… just few more days to go, I grinned, placing the pancakes on the table. Ooh, I licked my lips and began singing. “I love pancakes… I love pancakes…” “And then she’ll say she’s not a kid.” I gasped and turned around. “When did you get here? I mean… what are you doing here?!” I squeezed my face. “The door was open,” My annoying jerk of a neighbor replied. “I didn’t say how –“ I folded my arms. “Ain’t you gonna give me anything?” He asked, and slumped onto the couch. “Eww. Get your smelly butt off my couch.” I ordered as he laughed. “Your couch? Seriously?” He laughed harder. “Like where’d you get the money to buy it?” “From your dick, bitch!” He raised his hands to his mouth. “Bloody hell! She talks dirty.” “Gasp all you want. Now get up!” I stormed towards him. “Gee! Why do you always have to act like a guy?” I snarled. “Fine! You can stay… all by yourself!” I sighed, and made to leave. “And do you always have to leave, too?” He clasped my hand. “Dennis!!” “That’s my name, baby.” He winked at me. “My, Santa’s gonna be really mad at someone for making the naughty list again.” “Like I care,” I shone my eyes. “You’re too silly, Sheila Bane.” He chuckled and poked my nose. “Why you…!” “Wimpy Hart? Ha! Is that the only word in your dictionary?” He mocked. “Whatevs,” I stuck my tongue out. “Just go. I don’t want my parents meeting us here. And, eww, certainly not with you.” I continued. “Oh, I’m not scared,” He shrugged, and inched closer. I moved backwards. "Wh-what’ you doing? D-Dennis… Dennis –“ I felt my back graze the wall. “I’m going to teach you a lesson, Sheila Del Bane.” A naughty grin broke out on his lips, he moistened them. "You’ve been such a naughty kitty this year.” He added. I could hear my heart beating really fast. OH, God. What’s he up to now? I shook, and prayed the wall would just take me in. “Dennis,” I breathed and closed my eyes. “Just stay still. It won’t hurt.” He whispered sweetly as a beeping sound came. "Oh!” He groaned, and pulled away. I heaved a deep sigh, and my heart went back to normal. What a close call, I thought and wiped my sweat off. “What?!” He shouted suddenly. “Wh-what happened?” I shuddered, and moved closer. “Mum just had an accident,” He said amid the call as I gasped. “Oh my God!” He ended the call and said to me. “I need to go.” “I should come,” I spoke hurriedly. He nodded, and we both rushed off. "Are you sure you’re going to go be able to drive?” I asked, as we headed for his Dad’s other car. “I’ll manage,” He said. He looked terrified and I could tell. Poor guy, I sulked and got in. He got in, too, and kicked the car in motion… “Where is mum, Dad? Wh-where is she?!” “Son…” “I said where is she? I need to see her,” “You can’t, son. She’s comfortable.” “Comfortable? Comfor… I mean, how can you even say such?!” His eyes shone. “My Mum’s lying in there and you’re saying she’s comfortable? And by the way, where the hell have you been?! Mum’s been calling you for weeks and you never cared to return her calls, or even at least pay us a visit. What kind of a father are you?!” He barked. I was stunned at his sudden change of attitude, and also confused. I moved towards him and tried to calm him down, but he brushed me aside like I was invisible. “Son… calm down. This really isn’t the best time to do this…” “Not the best time?! It’s all your fault Mum’s in this condition! You know what, I’m going in.” He ignored him and gave the door a shove. “No…!” “M-mum?” He called, shaken. "M-mum? No, it can’t be… it can’t be,” He shook his head, and a tear broke free. “Son, listen to me…” “No! No, don’t touch me!” He yelled, and made for her. I drew closer as my eyes met with the burnt figure on the bed. Mrs. Wayne, I froze as hot tears rolled down my face. “Mrs. Wayne was a kindhearted woman, a loving friend, and an amazing mother and wife. She’ll forever be missed… and never be forgotten. May her humble soul be received in our Lord’s bosom. Amen.” Father Richmond concluded, and we echoed an "amen". “Thank you. Thank you.” I sat in silence, watching Dennis father thank the guests. I wonder where Dennis is, I rolled my eyes and stood up. “Where’ you going, young lady?” My Dad raised his brows. “Dad, Mum, I was only wondering if I could check up on Dennis.” I said. “Oh. Okay, hon. That’ll be better.” Mum approved, and dad alongside. I caught a glimpse of him at the far corner of the grill and I couldn’t believe what I saw. Oh, this is bad, I shook my head and walked towards him. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked. “Oh, Mum. Your baby’s drinking again.” He said drunkenly. “Dennis. You know what, give me that!” I frowned and took the bottle from him. “Oh, don’t be such a kill joy. Just one more drink, hm. Waiter… oh, Waiter,” He sang. “That’s it! We’re going home!” “Home? There is no home." He spoke. "Dad’s off with his mistress... and you, mum, you’re the one suffering everything.” He sobbed, bringing his head to my bosom. “He couldn’t even take care of you, not even his own son. It’s all his fault. It’s all his –" “D…Dennis…” I called. “Dennis, it’s Sheila.” “What’s this rubbish?!” Dennis Dad bellowed from behind. “Ah. Mr. Wayne.” Dennis chuckled, and looked up at him. “Come to yell at your son, huh? The one you call miserable and useless.” He laughed further. “Son, you’re drunk. Come on, let's go home…” “I'm not going don’t anywhere with you. It’s your fault. You should have been there… you should have been there!” He ranted. “Dennis, listen to me. You have to…” “Just leave alone!” He thundered. “Don’t you dare talk to me in that tone, young man! I’m your father, and I don’t care whether you’re drunk or not.” “Ha-ha. My father?" He laughed. "My Dad will never abandon me.” “Oh, be careful,” I joined the drama as I held him in place. “Sh-sheila?” He squinted, turning in my direction. “Yes, Dennis. It’s me. You need to go home... please. You don’t look so good.” I joined the drama. “Sheila… oh, Sheila,” He fell into my arms and cried. I couldn’t imagine things could be this way. Seeing him like this made me feel worse, and I just couldn’t watch while he broke apart. “You’re going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay.. I promise.” I breathed, and gave his Dad a final look. “Do you need anything? Do you want a cup of coffee? I could make you one, you know.” I said, curving my fingers. “Oh, coffee’s a grandma’s thing.” He laughed weakly. “No, I’ll do it. Just stay right there. I will be back shortly.” I said to him, and made for the door. “Sheila,” He called, and I turned around. “Mm? What's it?” “Thank you.” He said, and I nodded. “You’re welcome.” Days passed and we began spending time together; I began seeing myself not being able to stay without him, and then I remembered what Hayley said to me some months ago. Is this really happening? I thought to myself as I walked to his house. “Am I really having feelings for him?” I thought aloud. “Having feelings for who?” A voice spoke behind, and I jumped. “Oh, Gosh! How did you…?” “I’ve got ears everywhere,” He grinned. “So who were you talking about?” He asked as his brows arched. "Ah, no one." I said sharply. Can't believe he heard me, I breathed, making a fast move. “Where have you been anyway? You didn't come home last night.” I changed the topic. “Yeah, why? Are you the outing police?” He joked, and I frowned. “I only asked. Humph!” I crossed my arms. Good job, Sheila. Good job, I smiled at a job well done, and raised a brow. “Think I didn’t see you two?” “Ooh, someone’s jelly.” He laughed, and poked my ribs. “I’m not.” I scoffed. “Who was she? Your girlfriend?” I questioned, eyeing him. “Who?” He curved his lips. “The girl from last night,” I shrugged. “Oh. You mean Linda?” He chuckled, and I felt stupid. “I’m sorry, did I say something funny?” I asked, as he went on laughing. “God. You’re funny.” He said between. “Linda’s a family friend. What were you thinking?” “Didn’t say I was, jerk.” I relaxed, a blush coating my cheeks. “Come on. Let’s go inside.” He clasped my hand and whispered. “Silly pea.” “Ugh! You’re so annoying.” “That’s my middle name, baby.” He laughed and pulled me into his arms. “Linda and I just ate out. That’s all.” “Okay,” I purred as he caressed my hair. “Say, would you like to go out one day? It can be anywhere you want, you know?” “Really?” I asked excitedly, and frowned again. “Oh, no. You’re just going to tease me again.” I sighed and pulled away. “Come on, I won’t.” “Promise?” I asked coyly. “I promise.” He smiled and hugged me. Months rolled by so fast and Dennis and I began dating. Every moment we had together was really precious… and I certainly did hope it wouldn’t end. “Aww, what a happy ending,” Dennis smiled as I finished the Tale of the Nightingales. “Like you were listening... and not making holes on me with those eyes.” I teased, and blushed. “Will you blame me? You do know there’s no one else in this world that is as pretty as my lady.” He praised. “Ha-ha. You're always pulling my legs.” “I’m serious,” He said, and leaned closer. “We won’t be needing this –“ He winked, taking the book from me. “Oh, give me that, will you?” “You’re so stubborn,” He laughed and graced my lips with a kiss. “I love you, Sheila Del Bane.” “Aww, I love you more.” I smiled and melted into his embrace. ~THE END ???
28 Oct 2020 | 07:50
  "Let me go, Friedrich... let me go!" Maddie Petrograd cried.   He held onto her hands and bound them to the bedstead "Stay still, now. It won't be long." A naughty grin broke out on his lips as he got in between her legs.   He took his belt off, ignoring her as he went into business, driving his hard head into her walls; a piercing cry eluding the air, as moans of pleasure took it all in.   She watched, as her 18-years old stepbrother grunted and thrust with lust in his eyes. It was one tragic night for her, and she wished it was never a reality...   "Wakey-wakey." A voice rang happily, and a kissing sound came.   Maddie's eye lids rolled open slowly and she tried to get up. "Wh-what did you do to me?" She muttered weakly. "What did you do?!"    "Oh, don't be such a sissy." He shrugged and got in bed. "Dad's going to be home soon. So you better get dressed." He caressed her face and made hickeys on her neck.   "Don't touch me." She whimpered.   "Mm. You're really beautiful, Mi Amor." He ignored her and went on.   "How could you?! What did I ever do to you?" She spoke in a tearful manner.    "Oh, be quiet," He hushed and raised her chin. "Now, listen," He started. "Don't you go about telling anyone about this... not even that precious mommy of yours cause if you dare, I'll make sure you don't live to see another day." He gritted his teeth, and she spat on him.   "Rot in hell!"   "You bitch... I'll make you...!"   "Friedrich? Maddie? Where are you, guys?" A feminine voice called from downstairs.   "Ooh, mama's home." He laughed and put a finger across her lips.   She threw an angry stare at him, as he bit her lower lip. "I hate you!'   "And I love you." He smirked and got up. "Get dressed." He tersely said, and made for the door. What a drama queen, he shrugged and turned the handle; giving her a final look and stepped out.   Madison was a 16-years old brunet. Her father died when she was twelve and her Mum had to marry again. Her step dad was so kind, and he never for once treated her differently, making Maddie love him even more. His son Friedrich was just the opposite of him and she wished he wasn't so different from his father.   "Hey Steph." Friedrich greeted with a peck.   "Oh, son. How are you?" She smiled.   "Never been better." His pretentious tone came.   "Is your Dad home?" She asked.   "Nah. Not yet." He shook his head and turned around.     "Oh, Maddie. Come here." Stephanie beckoned to her daughter, as Friedrich took the grocery bag from her.   "I'll take that."   "Oh, thank you." She handed it off.   "Welcome, Mum." Maddie greeted.   Her mother gave a welcoming smile and she wished to be in her arms at that moment.   "Are you okay, baby? You don't look so..."   "I'm okay, Mommy. Just read all night." Maddie faked a smile.   "Really, my love?" She eyed her suspiciously.    "Yeah, Mum. There's no need to worry,"     "You know, Mum," Friedrich chimed in. "Maddie's being really hardworking these days. She even refused to watch a movie with me just so she could read." He looked at her.   "Mm. My baby really wants to get those grades for mama." Mrs. Wilson laughed and squeezed her shoulders.    "Heh." Maddie gave a nervous laugh and pulled away. "I'll go set the table now. Be back in a minute." She hurried off, her heart beating really fast.   How was she going to tell her Mum that her stepbrother raped her? She sulked as a tear rolled down her face.    "Get yourself together, will you? You're not the first girl in this world to be laid." Friedrich's voice startled her.   She turned in his direction, her fist clenched really tight as she flared, biting her lower lip so hard.   "Hey. Keep it down, you, or Steph's going to hear us." He tried to quieten. "And by the way, what would make you think I'll stay away from such a pretty swan like you?" He licked his lips and drew closer.   "Now don't you dare come near me, Friedrich Wilson. You're a devil!" She snivelled and rushed out.   The next day, her mother and stepfather left for work, leaving her and Friedrich alone. It was a no-school week and there was no way she could go out. Not like she knew nowhere, but her Mum was really strictly when it came to that. She had no option but to lock herself up in her room and cry her heart out. I miss you, Dad. I wish you were here, her tears flowed nonstop, wetting her palms.   "Maddie. Maddie..."    "Go away!" She yelled and buried her face in her palms again.   "I just want to apologize, Maddie. I know what I did was wrong. And I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me. I didn't know what came over me."He spoke softly.    "I said go away. Please...!"     "Look. I'm sorry. Okay? I really am. And I... Ah! Maddie!!" He screamed wildly, inducing terror in her.   "Friedrich?" She called. "Friedrich...?!" She called again.   She panicked and got up, not hearing his voice. "Oh God!" She breathed and rushed towards the door.  She quickly turned the door knob as a guffaw broke out. "No! No... No!!" She yelled and made to shut the door.   "You won't get away from me, Maddie Petrograd!" Her stepbrother bellowed and kicked the door, as she lost balance.   "Friedrich, no. Friedrich...!"    He gripped her by her ponytails and threw her on the bed. "I'm going to teach you a lesson, my little slut."   "Friedrich... Friedrich..." She struggled, smacking his arms.    He pulled a knife out of his pants, and her eyes grew wide. "F-Friedrich... F-Friedrich..."    "Shut up!" He slapped her hand, and with the blade, cut open her top.    She cried uncontrollably, feeling the weight of the monstrous beast atop her.    "Now, moan for daddy, my bitch." He grinned, and gave her pantie a sniff; the smell driving him crazy. "Oh, look how wet you are for me." He ran his slick tongue on it and tore it off, finding her sensitive part as his teeth grazed it.   A high-pitched cry eluded her lips. And she watched as he had her way with her, leaving her with no choice.   She became the submissive slave her stepbrother wanted her to be. And as the years went by, she became a pro. And in no time... a stripper!   "You're late." Mrs. Wilson got up from the couch and eyed her daughter.   "Mum?"   "Care to explain, young lady?" She arched her brow and raised her voice. "I mean, look at the time. It's 4:15 in the morning and you left me worried here. What were you thinking?"   "Just lost track of time at my place of work." She frowned and tossed her bag on the couch.   "Maddie, did we not talk about this? You working at that hotel isn't going to give you any good. Your father and I can take care of you, you know?" Her mother said concernedly.    "I can take care of myself, please. Besides, I'm a full grown woman." She shrugged her shoulders and took off her shoes.   "A grown woman?" Her Mum's forehead wrinkled. "You're only twenty, Madison."   "Mum, can we not talk about this now? I'm really tired." She made to leave.   "Hey... hey! Don't you dare walk out on me, young lady or I will..."   "I already have." She shrugged her shoulders and climbed up the stairs.   "Maddie... Maddie!" Mrs. Wilson called out to her and watched as her daughter left. My goodness! What has come over that girl? She wondered, and slumped onto the sofa.   Madison cried up in her room, remembering the rude remarks she made earlier. I'm really sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean to talk that way to you, she drew her breath, her head placed on the silky pillow. I'm such a failure. This is all your fault, Wilson, she gritted her teeth and placed a hand on her belly. "Now what am I going to do? She thought, as a knock came on her door. "Just leave me alone!"   "Maddie? It's me. I heard you come in." Her stepfather's voice came.   "D-Dad? Dad -" She quickly wiped her tears off and rushed to the door.   "Your Mum told me everything." He started as he walked in. "You know, she's kind of right. This work isn't suitable for you I'm anyway. It can distract you from focusing on your studies, and not just that..."   "I know, Daddy but -" She gulped.   "What's wrong? Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked, staring at her.   "No," She shook her head.   "Well, okay. You know your mother and I really love you very much and we don't want you making choices that'll affect you later. You understand?"   "I understand, Dad. But I still know my obligations, too. And besides, I'm way past eighteen, but Mum doesn't get it."   "I know. I know. Just don't be so hard on her, okay? She loves you very much. And I, too." He smiled and kissed her forehead.   "Thank you, Dad."   "You're welcome. Now get some sleep. I know you must be very tired." He said to her, and left.   Maddie thought about the things her stepfather said and shrugged them off. This was her life now and there was no going back, she made her decision.    She locked the door properly and made for her wardrobe; pulling it open, she brought out a mini box and made back to bed. She carefully opened it and rolled her eyes at the things enclosed in it. She took out her vibrator and a favorite porn CD of hers and inserted the latter into her laptop. She lubed the head of the bulging vibrator, and with legs spread wide, began doing what she knew best.   Her adventure into the masturbating world started when Friedrich left for college and was barely available for her. She became a sex addict and could literally let in anything with just a point inside of her... horny or not.   She waited for Friedrich to come to her room that morning but he didn't, leaving her horny still. And she was left with no choice but to go off to sleep, with only her imaginary friend keeping her company in wetland.   "Where have you been?" She questioned the minute the house was empty.   "Oh, there she is." Friedrich made to kiss her.   "Don't." She frowned and put a hand between them.   "Awe. Come on. Don't tell me you're angry because of that."   "I'm pregnant." She released the bombshell.   "What?!" He shouted. "Didn't you take the pills I gave you?"   "How was I supposed to know you were going to come in that night?" She eyed him.   "God! Maddie, I gave you them pills so you'd be taking them all the time." He struck his palm.   "I'm sorry. Who's the one always wanting it raw?" She clinched her teeth.   "Okay, okay. We got to think. We really have to think." He paced up and down the hall. "Wait. Hold on -" He stopped, looking at her. "How am I sure it's not one of those club geeks that got you pregnant accidentally?"   "You're unbelievable!" She boiled and made to leave.   "Hey," He held her arms. "Come on, baby, don't take it that way. I was only teasing."   "Then quit teasing and come up with a plan!" She spoke irritably. "This is my fifth pregnancy and there's no way I'm getting rid of it."   "What?! You have to." His eyes grew wide. "You know fully well that we can't have Mum and Dad know about this. And even if you went about telling them, they're never going to believe you." He chuckled nonchalantly.   "God! I can't believe you're this heartless." She gaped at him. "Do you know the pains I have to go through, watching those scissors and clipping things cut through me? And here you are laughing like it doesn't mean anything to you! Ugh. I can't believe your attitude right now." She sobbed and made for her room, as Friedrich followed.   "Maddie... Maddie, I'm sorry."   "Just leave me alone!" She yelled and shut him out.   She never believed this day would come. The day she'd finally have to tell everyone the truth; about the secrets she and Friedrich have being keeping for so long. It's all your fault, Madison. You should have run away when you had the chance, she cried bitterly as she blamed herself.   In no time, she got over it, and went back to her usual work at the casino.   "Hey girl. Table three's waiting." Victoria, a working girl said to her, as she wiggled her barely covered ass and gave her a wink.   She headed for the table and found two looking gentlemen already seated. "Hey handsome-s. Whatcha in need of?" She licked her lips and sexily pushed her butt up the table.   "You didn't tell me you were bringing me to this kind of place," The gentleman seated at the left whispered to his friend.   Madison gave a chuckle, hearing him as she inched closer, taking his collar in her hands. "You look a bit tensed there, love. Want me to rub it off you?" She licked his face and brought her strapless wear down with the other hand.   "Pablo, meet me outside!" Her new acquaintance got up, throwing a disgusting look at her.   She felt embarrassment flush all over her, as she watched him leave. This was one guy she didn't know but she could tell he was different.   "Don't worry about my friend. He's just not used to all this kind of stuff." His partner spoke.   "I... I'm sorry, but I'll have to use the bathroom." Her lips quivered and she hurried off.   She looked at herself in the mirror and saw an entirely different image she couldn't recognize. I shouldn't be here. I don't belong here, she panted for breath and turned on the tap, sprinkling the warm water on her face.   She walked out again, a hand gripping her this time. "F-Friedrich?" Her eyes shone. "Friedrich, what are you doing here?" She questioned in an unfriendly tone.   "Came to check up on you. I missed you, you know." He got behind her.   "I don't need anyone checking up on me." She gave her eyes a sharp roll and pulled away.    "Is that how to treat your baby Daddy?"   "Oh, now you know the baby is yours,"She gritted her teeth, and he gripped her.   "Now you listen," He dug his fingernails into her. "If you dare utter a word about that thing inside your tum one more time, I will make sure you..."   "Hey! What's going on there?" Someone spoke as the duo looked up.   That man, Maddie's countenance fell.   "Heh. Nothing, bruh. We're all good here. Right sis?" He looked at Maddie, as she gave a slight nod.   "Doesn't look like it to me," He drew close.   "I said we're good," Friedrich snorted and tugged at Maddie's arms. "Come on. Let's go home."    "Hey, hey. Take it easy..."   "Or what?!" Friedrich tightened his fist and took a step forward.   "That's enough, Friedrich. Please don't make a scene." She got in between them. "I... I'm sorry, Sir. Please forgive my brother."   "Are you begging him? What's his fucking business anyway?!" Friedrich continued.   "I said... Take Your Hands Off Her!!"   "Say that again...!"   "Friedrich, please..."   "Get off me, bitch!" He roared and pushed her roughly as she tripped and fell.   The whole place became filled with screams, as Maddie laid sprawled on the floor, getting the boys panic-stricken.   "She's still breathing. Pablo, come here!"   "Maddie?  Oh, non Maddie..."   "Take your hands off her! You've done enough." The young man scowled and brushed Friedrich aside, carrying Maddie in his arms. Oh Lord. Please save her, he prayed silently, rushing out.   The hospital reeked so badly of disinfectant, with a whole lot of things gaining entrance into several nostrils. A beeping sound echoed in the room, as a steady breathing could be heard.   "Who is she to you, Mr. Sanchez?"   "Um..."   "Baby -" The door swung open. "Oh, my baby. OH!" An older woman rushed in, as two other people followed behind.   "Ah, you must be the girl's parents." Doctor Harry turned and moved his glasses a little.   "Yes, Doctor." Mr. Wilson replied.   "Our son told us that our baby's being rushed to the hospital, so we got here as fast as we could." Mrs. Wilson breathed as she stared at her daughter with pity eyes.    Sanchez gave Friedrich a scowl at the sight of him, and he glared back.   "OH. Good. We were able to keep her stable, ma'am... and the baby, too. They're perfectly fine."   "T-the baby?" Mrs. Wilson's eyes glistened in disbelief. "There must be a mistake somewhere, doctor. My daughter can't be pregnant. Are you sure of this?"   "OH. I... I see she hasn't told you yet." Doctor Harry's mouth tightened.   Friedrich grew pale instantly, and Sanchez threw a suspicious look at him. "Why so tensed, punchy?"   "Mind your own business or I'll punch that pretty face of yours." He hissed.   "Friedrich!" Mrs. Wilson hollered.   "Dear, take it easy. This is not a good time for this." Mr. Wilson held her.   "Your husband's right. We'll still have to run some tests on her. We've done the MRI and it's clear..."   "Some tests? Oh God!" She exclaimed, placing her hand on her mouth. "Will she be okay, doctor? Will my baby be?" She panicked.   "Calm down, madame. We'll make certain that nothing happens to her." The doctor reassured.   Mrs. Wilson stood at Maddie's bedside, her hands clasping hers. "You must be the fine young man that brought our daughter here," She gave Sanchez a look.   "Yes, ma'am." Sanchez nodded.   "We really can't thank you enough, son."Mr. Wilson cut in, and Friedrich scoffed.   A smirk broke out on his lips and he averted his gaze.  "Aunt. Uncle. I'll be going now,"   "Awe. So soon?"Mrs. Wilson raised her head.   "Yeah, Aunt. But I promise to be back later. Hopefully, your daughter will be awake by then."   "OH. We pray, dear." Mrs. Wilson managed to say.   Maddie was able to regain consciousness in no time, and everyone was glad about that; Sanchez not excluded.   "Hey. You're not sleeping, why?" A gently voice spoke as Maddie's lips broke into a smile.   "I couldn't sleep," She sat up gently.   "I see. You feeling better? Talked with the doctor, you know... said you'll be discharged at noon."   "Really?" She happily asked.   "Uh-huh. And look, I got you something," He showed her the bags.   "Oh, you shouldn't have, Sir." She gave a weak smile.   "OH. It's nothing." He chuckled. "I'll just keep them here." He motioned to the rack by her side.   "So how are you?"   "How am I?" He arched his brows. "You're the one not feeling well, and yet you're worried about me?"   "Of course. And also because I'm grateful for your assistance, even though you barely know me."   "OH. Heh. You don't need to thank me, you know. Just get some rest, okay? So you won't be tired." He adjusted the pillow for her.   "All right." She smiled, and he rubbed her arm.    "Oh, I forgot. Where are your parents?"   "They went out to eat. They'll be back soon." She replied.   He rolled his eyes around and got up. "Would you like to eat something? I've got snacks here, you know."    "Oh, yes, please,"   "That's great," He got up and took a cranberry juice and some ritz out of one of the bags. "By the way, you don't need to call me sir. Adrian's okay... since we're friends now." He smiled, and she did, too.   Maddie and Adrian became really close afterwards and he visited her more often. They were getting along pretty well, and sometimes when he didn't come, she saw herself missing him.   On the other hand, Maddie was starting to turn a new leaf. And also tried her best avoiding her stepbrother. Even though he had his way of getting to her. He didn't care about her or her health, and she saw him for what he truly was.   No one still knew about the real father of the child she was carrying, as she was scared Friedrich would end up carrying out his threats. She wondered when she'll be free from this world of secrecy she was forced to dwell in and wished her unborn child wouldn't end up getting caught up in it alongside.   You deserve the best, my dear, and I'm going to give that to you. Even though I don't know how, she sighed, with her hands placed on her protruded belly. She began humming in the wind and allowed the warm breeze brush against her face.   "I knew I'll find you here,"   She shuddered and turned around. "Adrian?"   "Hi Maddie," His charming smile shone in the sun.   "Oh, Adrian. I didn't know you were here. Have you been standing there?" She asked, a blush coating her cheeks.   "A couple minutes -" He walked towards her.   "Really?"    "Uh-huh. What are you doing out here, anyway?"   "OH. I just felt really lonely inside. So I came outside, so I'd take some fresh air."   "Under the sun?" He laughed. "Do you even hear yourself?"   "Oh, don't tease me, you. Let's go inside." She said, and led the way.   They talked and chatted happily in the living room, as a sudden question came. "Well, ahem. I hope you don't mind me asking this, but who is the father of the child you're carrying?" Adrian motioned to her stomach, and Maddie went dumb.   Her eyes shook rapidly and she relieved them a bit. "Um... well..."   "Hold on. Why are there bruises on your right arm? Has your Mum seen this?" He clasped her hand and scowled. "Who the hell did this to you?"    "N-no one." She pulled away.   "No one? Then why are you talking through your teeth?"   "I said no one, Adrian," She rolled her eyes. It's really no one. I don't want any trouble." She bit her lower lip.   "Maddie," Adrian called and stood by her side. "I want you to tell me the truth. And nothing, but the truth." He stared deeply into her eyes.   Maddie couldn't hold back her tears anymore as they rolled down her cheeks. "I... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Adrian. I can't tell... I really can't tell." She trembled with fear.   "What do you mean you can't tell? Who hurt you?" He asked gently, clenching his fist.   "I... I'm scared. I'm so scared. I can't. I really can't." She sobbed, and Adrian pulled her into his arms.   He asked her to sit down and had her explain everything to him, leaving no details out. "What?! That bastard did all that and you endured it all?!"   "Adrian, please. You can't have him know I told you anything or he'll kill me," She sobbed.    "Kill you?! What else did he say to you?" He questioned, eyeing her. "What else did he say?!"    "He... he -" Maddie stuttered and shook. "He threatened to kill my baby if I told anyone. I'm scared, Adrian. I don't want to lose my child. She doesn't know anything. She can't suffer for the things she knows nothing of." She went on. "Please promise me you won't say a word about this to anyone..."   Adrian's eyes glistened with pity as he wrapped his arms around her, telling her everything was going to be all right.   Adrian laid on the couch in his living room, thinking all about Maddie and what she had told him. He couldn't imagine how heartless men could be. And he imagined the pain she'd being going through under the devil's wrath. He didn't just use her, he thought. He rough-handled her, and made use of her over and over again, he shook his head and sighed. "God! What is this?"   His mind went to the time he'd met her at the casino, and he remembered how innocent and gentle she looked from a distance, only for her to approach their table. He had sighted her that day and wondered why such a lady would be working in that kind of place. He breathed a sigh, picked up his car keys on the shelf, and stepped out into the evening light.   "Do you remember that girl we met at the casino some months ago?" His aching question came.   His pal Pablo raised his chin up and dropped his glass on the table. "Which girl?"   "Come on, man. You gotta think." Adrian said to him.   Pablo went into thoughts and memories of that day came crawling back. "OH. You mean the girl we rushed to the hospital? Yeah. What about her?"   "Well, nothing. I've been wanting to tell her something, you know. But I feel it's not the right time to -"   "Since when did Adrian Sanchez lose the guts to speak his mind?" His best friend raised an astonished brow at him.   "It's not that, man. I just feel she's got her own problems and I really don't wanna add to it. You get, right?"    "Hmm. You're really serious, aren't you?"   "In a way," Adrian shrugged.   "Well, man. If I am to tell you the truth, it's better you do what your mind tells you... before it's too late." Pablo opined. "Come on. If you got anything that's picking that mind of yours, you better let it out and start working towards it." He suggested.   "But what if it doesn't go the way I planned?" His countenance fell.   "Oh, man." He rolled his eyes. "I know you really well. And I know everything goes your way. Any day... anytime." He optimistically said, taking up his glass again. "To a successful plan."   Adrian laughed and raised his'. "To one, my friend."   The house seemed pretty quiet, apart from the noise that came from inside. Maddie and Friedrich were in the middle of a steamy argument again, as the latter went on insisting that only he raise decisions.   "What do you mean I can't be with my child?!" Maddie questioned, eyeing him.   "It's for your own good, Maddie. This could earn us millions."   "You're crazy. You want to sell my baby. And what?! Tell Mum and Dad that she died?" She gaped at him.   "Maddie, you gotta understand. I'm badly in need of cash, and this baby is all I need to hit the jackpot!"   "You're delusional, Friedrich. What kind of a guy are you? You want to sell your own flesh and blood just because of s-some mere cash?"    "Well, I don't care. And I simply do not care about you or that thing!" He pointed at her tummy. "As long as I'm the baby's real father, I get to decide what I'd do with it."    "It? God! You're insane!" She spat as the door swung open.   "What did you say?" Adrian's eyes grew wide.   "A-Adrian?" Maddie shook with fright.   "You animal! What do you think you want to do?!" Adrian rushed towards them, and grabbed hold of Friedrich.   The two began fighting and Maddie watched, terrified. "Adrian... Friedrich... please! Stop it! Adrian!" Her voice echoed, as tons of blows rained in the air.   "What's going on here? Friedrich!" A loud voice bellowed as Maddie gave way.   "Mum. Dad. Mum -" She rushed into her mother's arms.   Mr. Wilson headed for boys as he held them back "You two. Stop it! I said stop it!"   "Why don't you ask your precious son, Dad?!" Friedrich yelled.   "Oh, yeah? Who was the one planning on hurting an innocent child?!"   "I'm the child's legitimate father. So I got the right to make a decision about it..."   "What?!" Mrs. Wilson gasped.   "I mean..."   "Maddie, is this true?" Her mother turned to her, as tears rolled down her face.   "I can explain, Mommy -" A frightened Maddie gulped.   "Just shut up, bitch. Look what you've caused!" Friedrich barked.   "Son..."   "Leave me alone!" He yelled and pulled away from his Dad. "You're coming with me." He glared and gripped Maddie furiously.   "Hey, hey. Where are you taking her?" Adrian made to hold him, as Friedrich drew out a gun.   "Friedrich, no!"   "I said shut up!" He thundered and pointed the gun at them. "Now! If any of you try making a move, or even dare take a step forward, I will have no choice but to pull this fucking trigger! You hear me?!"   "Son, please... son!" Mrs. Wilson cried.   "I'm not your son! I was never your son. My mother left me so many years ago and I don't intend to have anyone replace her." He spat.   "Son... Son, listen to me...!"   "Give me that!" He snatched his Dad's car keys forcefully. "And stay back! I don't want to fight you, too, Dad! I never intended doing this, but you leave me no choice -" His teeth clenched, and he pulled Maddie with him.   Maddie cried for him to let go, but instead, he pushed her into the car and got in, driving off in a flash, a cloud of dust hovering behind.    "Friedrich, please. Please stop the car. Friedrich!" She begged, her face turning red, and his barking voice eluding the air.   He took a sharp turn as he sighted Adrian's car. "That son of a bitch!" He roared, picking up his gun, as he shut at it.   "Friedrich... Friedrich, don't do this." Maddie shivered nonstop, feeling the heat in between her legs. "Friedrich... Frie... Friedrich -" She breathed, clasping his arm.   "Get your hands off me!" He pushed her away.   "Ah-ah-aah!" A sudden scream broke out on her lips. "Ahhhh... Friedrich!" Her legs vibrated as she spread them apart.   Her stepbrother looked at her and she could see the disdain in his glowing eyes. He jerked the car to a stop, giving her a deadly glare." This will be the death of you!" He cursed and pushed the door open.    He corked his gun and fired in the air, making towards Maddie's side. "Get out! I said get out!"   "I can't, Friedrich. T-the baby..."   "I said get out!!" He fired the gun again and pulled her out roughly.   Hang in there, baby... for mommy, she held onto her belly as she felt the contraction get worst. "Friedrich....! Friedrich...!!"   Adrian got out of the car at the sight of Maddie struggling to breathe. "Friedrich, listen to me. You don't want to do this," He raised his hand.   "And why do you think I don't want to, huh?!"   "I know... I know there's no way you'd hurt your own blood. Please just leave her be," Adrian inched closer.   "Son..."   "Father? Father, I'm sorry..."   "I know, son. Just drop the gun. I'm here. I'm here -" Mr. Wilson drew closer.   "D-Dad. Dad..."   "Son, listen... you don't want to do this. I know you and I know I didn't raise you to be a murderer..."   "I'm sorry, Dad. I'm really sorry I failed you." He said, giving Maddie a final look and aimed the revolver at his head.    "Friedrich... no -" Maddie's faint cry came and her eyes slipped shut.       Maddie   It's being a year and the horror of June, 1995 still haunted me like it was yesterday. Hannah was growing really fast. I could still see him in her... the man that nearly destroyed my life. I missed him, though. But all the same, I'm really glad I found happiness in the end... if only my past wouldn't be my daughter's future! ~~~~~~~~ 5,273 words. Damn! You guys motivation keep me going. I love y'all.   
30 Oct 2020 | 13:29
@adebayo stephen @Ayo Deji @Yohanna B Sakya @DanxxyC Happy Reading ? @BRINPONG DANIEL @Osi Na Chi Prosper @Adekola @Onileaja Ifeoluwa Shaire @Hope Anthony @Mikel @Itz Prince Edet @Drexxie @RoyalGold @Juliusdavid @Abdul Rahaman Alhassan @Oluwafemi Damilola @AB Austine Best Ikechukwu @Spicy babe @temmysexy1 @Omobolanle Idowu Shotunde @iPhemloid @jacopet @coolval222-2 @ryder @individual @fb-danieledem @fridex @fb-aguamimu @youngben @bouqui1st @frankkay @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @vikkychidi94 @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-meritjohnson @mikelrado7 @fb-joshuajohn @fb-surevincopet @fb-nontexdick @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com @jehliohn @jessyjenny @jimmartin @mrchiller @fb-roseaweyo @kingsbest @judith08 @dijose10 @pizzaro @fb-emiolablessing @fb-ajanimoses @fb-ayindeadebayoabayomi @merjos @kuzzybhankz @wilson555 @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @sexy2017 @mickybrown @prosperyeboahgmail-com @fb-chancedegreatboy @fb-milesoz @fb-giddi-igoyaitz @fb-johnblack @fb-itzreindy @horlarmy @truthabeexs34 @danielj14 @fb-ahkeh @fb-etzslimv @fawzee @ladyg @jeri @henrymary @sommite @maths @kelly-kelvin @princejace @c-jay @fb-hunwisamuel @emreks @appleboi @harzaroboy @lawman-2 @fb-atermarial @sheegokeys @ele1 @promzy @fran6 @fb-mhiztaadebabs @jeri @fb-maxicamax @jaylogo @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @fb-itzreindy-2 @iphemloid @thecomely @fb-ubikyle @ciarajessy @fb-marliansnbg @fb-dannyede @fb-ajaoayanfeoluwa @fb-ayotundeayodabo @fb-itzskylord @fb-itzedet @stonez @abikoyeboluwatife @olamibobo @fb-mikeladebayo @doncentman @allanjapson @koladex20 @originalannchilexdel @blinq @ikwunnne @Oluwafemi @RoyalGold@Juliusdavid @Drexxie @Fweshex heritage Mob @sheegokeys @Hakalima Danny @Spicy @Funmilayo @timson @Grace @grace @Itzprince @Joshua John @Ofonime Udo @Lonewolf05 @wyse-one @mrpaulp @damariseze @victoriouschild @toochi @jummybabe @tinagabe @bimrach @blixin @vivian8 @denciebabe @viciyoung @john451 @bhorllhyqueen @abius @temmyjoy @delight @stephniepaul @jenny123 @dbramo @gracedkyenny @sommyangel @tomilayoadebukola @individual @harkeem @pheyisexy @bolanleraadebesin007 @diamora @thahyzee @promzy @osiwi @froshberry-2 @pappyjay @ritagold @donfrancis @slimolayinkastar @giftgodiva @pixzybee @hardeyjorjuy @merc @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @felicity @mrpaulp @damariseze @victoriouschild @toochi @jummybabe @tinagabe @bimrach @blixin @vivian8 @denciebabe @viciyoung @john451 @bhorllhyqueen @abius @temmyjoy @delight @stephniepaul @jenny123 @dbramo @gracedkyenny @sommyangel @tomilayoadebukola @individual @harkeem @pheyisexy – @diamora @thahyzee @promzy @osiwi @froshberry-2 @pappyjay @ritagold @donfrancis @slimolayinkastar @giftgodiva @pixzybee @hardeyjorjuy @mercy @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @felicity @steven david @Iffymania @Blazee @EMMANUEL EDEM @Zero @thecomely @Henrymary @fb-danielEdem Okay. I know I don't know y'all, but I'll appreciate it if you put down a word of encouragement or two. And tell me how this is. I'd really appreciate you guys doing so ✍️✍️?
30 Oct 2020 | 13:33
    She's human... he's odd ‼      So odd, and not so sure what he is ‼ Genre: Horror Rome, 1971   "Aiuto! Qualcuno mi auiti per favore... per favore!"   >>>Help! Someone please help me... please!   Tired feet ran through the woods in the dead of the night, and loud breathing rang. The strong malodor of smoke and awful stench of burnt bodies ruled the night, while ouzels danced in the gray clouds.   "Qualcuno? Mi aiuti per favore. Aiutemi!"   >>>Anyone? Please help me. Help me!   A loud laughter erupted as the black birds hovered low.   "Non ti tirerai indietro da me,"   >>>You will not get away from me,   "No per favore. No!!!"   >>>No, please. No!!!   A piercing cry came, and was... no more!   >>>PRESENT DAY   I never really thought about how things were going to be when they went extreme. I wasn't the religious type, and I certainly wasn't a believer of anything. Unlike my older sister who was at Romania studying.   We had moved to Italy a month ago all because my Mom's new job didn't give us much of a choice. I was transferred to a new school immediately, and some boarding school at the heart of Viterbo didn't waste time acknowledging my transfer.   Viterbo was one place I never looked forward to living in; a city harboring all kinds of things and fairy tales read only in books and known to be Gothic... just like my Dad used to read to me when I was little.   Dad was Italian, while Mom was pretty much a Romanian. I took after her mostly. And Dad, well he died of cancer few years ago, leaving us three. Big sis took after him in all ways: His eyes colour. His smooth auburn hair, and also the way he walked. We all missed him so, but all the same, life still goes on.   " We're here,"   "Yay, us,"  I muttered sarcastically, and gave a slight shrug.   "You okay there, babe?"   "Yeah. Perfect." I pushed the door open.   "Ooh. First day's always exciting, isn't it?"   "Tell me about it,"   "Weird -" She looked at me. "You say something, now?"   I shrugged my shoulders again and threw my head in her direction. "Definitely not."   "Good. Now let's go." She pushed hers open and got out.   My eyes made a thorough scan of the gigantic school building, remembering how beautiful my old high school looked, with pretty garden flowers gracing all sides.   "Ain't it a beauty, hon?"   I scoffed and looked at her. "Mom, rhis place looks horrible," I added, "Just take a look at the gate. Who paints a school gate red?"   "Ha-oh. So the school gate's your problem, huh?" She asked with arms folded.   "It's just not the gate, mother. I miss my old high school pretty much. My old friends. Romania even," I said coyly.   "I know, baby. But you know Mom's got plenty of work here, and you know there's nothing she can do about it."   "Yeah, yeah. Journalism and stuff. I'll go grab my things." I sighed, and made for the back of the car.   "Olivia?"   "What?!"   "I love you,"   "Mom!" I frowned. "Seriously. Everyone's watching,"   "Then you should be proud that you've got an amazing mother like me." She laughed, and drew closer. "No hugs? You're going to make me cry if you don't do so," She whimpered playfully.   "Oh, fine." I reluctantly gave in.   "I'll see you soon, all right?"   "No problem. Love you." I heaved a sigh and finally let go.   She helped me fully pack in, as they allowed her, and in no time, we were done with everything, and I had to bid her goodbye.   I joined my new classmates, and the teacher introduced me to everyone and had me take my seat at the middle row.   "You must be the new girl," A flashy blue eyes girl said to me. "I'm Celeste Barese." She offered me her hand.   "Liv." I said laconically, and clasped my hands.   "OH. So um, you're new here?"   "Isn't that obvious?" I rolled my eyes at her.   "Heh. Well, enjoy the rest of the class. Welcome to Galena Academia once again." She said, and went back to reading.   "I saw that." came another voice.   I turned around, giving the whiskey brown hair girl a glare. "And you are?"   "I'm Lorraine. Lorraine Aguel." She said to me.   "I don't care." I shone my eyes. "Why don't you mind your own business?!" I huffed, and averted my gaze.   "Humph! Some girl,"   I heard her say, and I felt irritated at once, as my fingers clenched the table. Now breathe, Olivia. Breathe, I tried to calm myself.   The door to our class swung open, and a snazzy, gray hair guy walked in. My, oh, my. If there isn't anything I haven't seen in years? I admired his glowing skin and prayed he'd notice me.   "Don't waste your time doing that. He never talks to anyone," The blue eyes girl spoke again.   "Didn't I already told you not to -" I pinched myself. "Sorry. It's just the new environment tensing me up a bit." I faked a smile, and held my breath.   Her red lips shut, and she gave a nod. "I understand. But we can we be friends, right?" M   "Why not?" I gave a slight shrug, which I'm sure she didn't notice.   This school was really getting on my nerves and I definitely couldn't wait for the semester to be all over.   I kept stealing glances at the prince charming, and couldn't help but wonder how such a guy could have all features. God! He's so cute, I blushed hard, giving him a final look as our eyes met.   I was disappointed when he didn't return my smile but got up instead, walking out of the class. Unbelievable, I scoffed, and boiled. No one's ever done that to me. I'm always the catchy type. I felt my rage increase, and I got up instantly.   "Where are you going to?"   "Um, to pee." I lied, wiggling free from her grasp. "Be back in a minute." I said, and hurried out.   I followed and watched, as he disappeared into the other side. Sneaky, I shook my head, not giving up. I was curious to know what he's being up to, so I had no  option but to follow him, finding the place he had taken empty. "That's weird."   "What's weird?" A voice startled me.   "Oh gee!" I exclaimed, turning around. "You... you... you startled me -" I stuttered, trying to regain my breath.   "One advice. Stop following me!" He said coldly.   "I wasn't -" I made to talk, but he walked away before I was able to complete my words. So rude!   I walked back to class, feeling a little disappointed, and furious at the same time as I hoped he'd be there so I could give him a peace of my mind. "Where is he?" I clenched my fist and walked to Celeste.   "Who again?" She asked with a confused expression written on her face.   "That guy," I curved my lips. "You know, the one that sat over there for first period," I motioned to the back seat.   "OH. Oh, you mean Franco Gonzalez?"   Franco. So that's his name, I made a swift thought, my cheek turning red. "Anyway, don't bother." I made to sit, and the two of us got talking.   He didn't come back later on, and I wondered why. Maybe he's avoiding me. Or maybe, just maybe..."   ...Whoosh...   I bumped into someone as my books came falling. "Are you -" I stared into two similar eyes. "H-hi," I said nervously, as his lips remained shut. "Are you not going to apologize?"   He made no utterance and left. "Humph! Some attitude he's got." I scoffed, and picked up my books.   I looked back again and saw no one, a low groan eluding my lips. I shrugged my shoulders, and began heading for the cafeteria.   "Hey. Over here,"   I caught sight of Celeste as a faint smile broke out on my slightly moist lips. She was seated with three others, and I could tell they knew each from the way they talked.   "Guys, meet Liv," She introduced.   I said hi to them and sat down. "Actually, the name's Olivia. Olivia De Gatto." I introduced in full.   "De Gatto?" The boy in their midst spoke up. "Are you royal or something?"   "You wish." I laughed and placed my food on the table. "You from Italy?"   "Nope. Germany,"   "Fantastisch." I spoke in a German accent, and he gasped, with widened eyes.   "Beeindruckend! Du sprichst Deutsch?"   "Ja," I affirmed. "I can speak German." I replied in English, as Celeste and the girls watched.   We gave a slight chuckle and began talking. The two girls introduced themselves as Flores and Antoinette, and we became friends.   School was pretty over and we all had to go back to our respective hostels. Celeste was in the same block with me, while Flores and the rest had to leave for theirs, leaving Celeste and I to go to ours. I rolled my eyes at the tall buildings that stood like pillars on each sides, making the scenery a bit creepy for me as I imagined them falling like Jericho mighty wall Dad used to talk about.   "Where do you come from?" Celeste's question came.   Do you have to ask, I mumbled, and looked at her. "Romania,"   "Really? And you're really fluent in German?"   "Uh-huh. My Mom's a journalist. So she can speak mostly all languages. Even I." I said with pride, as we took a turn.   I got to say I was starting to enjoy talking to her, but I certainly couldn't wait to be out of this itchy white uniform.   We talked and walked for some minutes, and as we were, I caught a glimpse of someone at the far side, and my countenance fell. "Um, Celeste. I really got to go,"   "Mm? Are you okay?  What's with the face? And why are you in such a hurry?" She questioned simultaneously.   God. This girl talks too much. "Just don't follow me, please. I'll see you later." I said, and began moving, not looking back.   I really wanted to know this guy, and it did seem like he didn't want to be followed. I couldn't believe my eyes when I didn't see him anywhere, and I was certain it was him I saw. "Who's there?" A gasp escaped my lips at the sound of footsteps approaching.   I sharply rolled my eyes, looking back and forth, only to realize it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. I breathed a sigh and started moving again, as I noticed my breath get heavy.   The back of the school looked really worst, compared to the front as some musty old rags and sacks hovered on the line. I stopped for a moment, looking backwards again at the sound of a human feet, as I tried to relax, trying not to get terrified. "Hello? Is anyone there? Franco? If really it's you, why don't you come out and quit playing games?"  I grew furious.   I listened, hoping someone would answer, or him at least as only the wind whispered. I sighed, giving up instantly, and gave a final scan of the scenery.   "Didn't I tell you to stay away?" An angry voice spoke, as a hand gripped me.   "I'm... I'm sorry," I stammered unstably, staring into two bulging coloured eyes. "Y-your eyes -" I froze, as he released me. "T-they're red,"   He stopped, his face turning pale. " You should go. I don't want to hurt you,"   "But I only wanted to..."   "I said go! Get out!" His snorting came, and I trembled with fear.   I'd never felt like that in any way, and I certainly couldn't believe how my shaking feet could carry me till I reached my hostel. My breath still wasn't back to normal, and I sat lost in thought. "No, it can't be,"   "Hmm?" Celeste looked at me, with her eyebrows raised.   She averted her gaze, and back at me again, like she had clearly read my thoughts. She dropped the book she had in her hand on her bed and got up, moving towards me.   "What?" I looked at her.   "Nothing. But gosh, you look like you've seen a ghost or something. Is there something you're not telling me?" She eyed me thoroughly.   I bit my bottom lip, giving it a slight lick as I thought about what to say. "No, I'm fine. I just miss home, that's all."   "Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything now we're roomies?" She sat down beside me.   My hands were still shaking from the experience and I bet she could notice. "You don't have to worry, Est. Come on. Go back to reading," I gave a smile and picked up my book.   She gave my laps a slight rub and headed back to her bunk. I took off my shoes and laid down, having no energy to get up again as I fell into a deep slumber.   Olivia. Olivia...   "Wake up, sleepy head. It's almost time." A soft moan escaped my lips and I got up sleepily. "Almost time for what?"   "Time to eat, silly. My. You really slept a whole lot there," She laughed, as I gave a yawn.   "I did?" I blinked. "Wh-what's the time?" I asked in a hurry.   "Almost eight,"   "My goodness!" I exclaimed, looking down at my school uniform. "Oh, gee. I haven't pulled this yet," My eyes widened, and I yawned tiredly again.   "Oh, I don't blame you. You sure are new to this." She chuckled and got up. "Come on. I'll wait for you."   I pulled my hair into a bun after I was done changing and we began heading for the dining room.   Halfway out, we saw Flores and Antoinette, and we exchanged pleasantries as they tagged along.   We had dinner of bread rolls and hot chocolate, and we all headed back to our hostels.   "Okay, guys. Buona notte." Celeste and I bid them good night.   "You were awfully quiet when we were eating. Did something happen?" Celeste questioned.   I gave a slight shrug and mumbled unheard.   "Sorry?"   "I said I'm fine -" I gritted my teeth and my ears twitched. "Do you hear that?"   "Hear what?" She moved her eyes.   "Olivia..."   "There it is again," I gasped and listened.   "I'm not hearing anything, Liv. Come on, you're scaring me." She shivered, moving to my side.   "Come to me, Olivia. Come,"   The voice echoed, and I began walking in the direction.   "Olivia? Olivia, where are you going?" Celeste called to me, as I ignored her.   I went on walking, the voice leading me to a dark corner.   "I don't like this, Olivia. Please let's go," Celeste pleaded.   "Shh. Listen," I signaled to her, hearing a vibration, like the sound of a chainsaw jerked to life. "Someone's here." I breathed.   "Olivia -" Celeste whispered and clasped my hands tight, as a shadow emerged on the wall. "Olivia!" She shrieked, shutting her eyes.   I was frightened as she was, and I really wanted to make a run for it, but then all this would have been for nothing. "Who's there? I demand you show yourself!" I spoke firmly.   The shadow grew bigger, and disappeared all again. We heaved a sigh and watched a little furry creature pop out in front  "Aww, so cute," I smiled, throwing Celeste a jeering look. "It's only a bunny, you. You can let go now."   "Thank God. Can we go now, please? Lights out few minutes to go." She spoke, the sweat on her forehead glistening at the sudden reflection.   "Ah!" We yelled, holding it each other.   "My, my. What do we have here?" A dark figure stepped into the light.   "Mrs. Culottes?" Celeste gasped.   I tightened my mouth at the sound of her name, and tried so hard not to let out the chuckle that was wanting to break free.   "Wandering, are we?"   "Um, we weren't wandering, ma'am," I broke in.   "Good. Now you two had better go back to your rooms and quit making a noise with those silly flip-flops you're wearing."   "Oh, they're pretty expensive," I folded my arms, and Celeste hit me. "What?"   "Now you two... go sleep!" She humphed, and off we went.   The minute we were out of earshot, we began laughing and high-fived.   "Some lady,"   "I know, right? You should have seen her face when she told us-" I stopped, staring at the flickering bulbs as they all went off.   "The lights!"We panicked.   "But they shouldn't be going off by this time," Celeste muttered breathlessly.    "Oh, calm down, will you? Gosh. You're such a baby." I teased, taking her hands off me, as heavy footsteps trudged towards us. "Who's that?!" I squealed, feeling goose bumps flush all over me.   "Now who's acting like a baby?" Celeste mocked.   "Celeste...."   "Ah!!" A sharp scream filled the air, and I heard Celeste no more. "Celeste? Celeste!" I called, rooted, echoing her name. "Celeste..."   "You're next!" A voice hollered, and I uttered a loud cry. "No! No, please -" I began running; slipping and falling, and picking myself up again, as the darkness blinded me, with hot beads of sweat flushing my skin.   I yelled and panted heavily for breath, taking a sharp turn as I continued running. He was getting nearer and I could feel it. I caught glimpse of a figure silhouetted in the dark, and I screamed louder, slumping onto the hard tiles. I felt helpless as I watched him grip my neck and drive a knife through me. I let out a sharp cry and with that, breathed my last. >>>Ghosted     First time I'm writing a story not fully in English ?. Please guys, how is it? ↜(Ψ▼ー▼)
2 Nov 2020 | 03:42
It seems like you guys are losing interest in this particular story line.... If you still want me to continue posting, just comment a "hey" and if I don't get one, I'll stop... ???
2 Nov 2020 | 07:50
?️?Always a Mistress, never the Wife ??️ Rated 18 ??? Like what the fuck? ?? ?She's real bitchy ?; ?Fucking horny ? ?Slutty bossy ? ?Smoking hot ?; ?She's controlling ? ?Bing bang rolling ⚡ ?Always sucking ? ? Dripping wet ?? "Bradley? Bradley!" "Y-yes, Mistress," A boy of about twenty appeared in the living room. His hands were shaking, as his eyes glistened and rolled A seductive smile appeared on his Mistress' lips as she rubbed her laps, slowly pulling her skirt up. "Do you know what I need, Bradley?" "Y-yes, Mistress," His voice cracked. "Goody. Cause what I want now... is for you to eat me out like you've never had -" She gave a chuckle and trailed her fingers to her wetness, giving it a slight tease. The poor boy gulped and walked towards her, getting on his knees, as a soft moan eluded the air at his touch. "That's right, baby. Eat that out for Mama!" My name's Andrea Jennson. I'm almost forty, but still not married. I never wanted to be with any man in particular, and I enjoyed the fact I was having fun being single. I was bitchy and had already slept with many men than I could count and still looked forward to doing more. My slutty life began when I was in highschool; the day some unknown guys raped me on my way home. And from that day on, I swore never to value anything again, and my journey into the world of lust began. And thus, my story begins ‼️ . . . TBC ? ...Was actually thinking of uploading the full story, but I'd pretty much like to hear from you guys... ? Just in case... I need 100 views, more comments... to unlock ?? Can I count on you? ??
3 Nov 2020 | 05:59


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