She is a ghost (a story)

She is a ghost (a story)

By dencygirl in 3 Feb 2018 | 02:48
dencygirl dencygirl

dencygirl dencygirl

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Member since: 17 Jan 2017
Episode 1
Am a ghost! I know I am. For the past three years I have been wondering about from street to street without been noticed by any human being except ghosts like me. I have no idea of why am still in the human world, ghosts were suppose to be in heaven after they die not in the human world. It was a boring and tiring moments for me been living on earth as a ghost. So lonely and tiresome.
I don’t have any memory of how I die or what was behind my death because am still young.
I was walking down the street where people were moving about. Some were smiling and chatting with their friends, some were waiting by the bus stop for the next bus. While some were walking up and down the street. It obvious they didn’t notice me as some people even went through me while walking.
When I got to the bus stop, among the people standing by the road side, I saw a little boy staring at me. I stopped staring back at him. The boy should be around 11 to 12 years of age. He looks so dirty and rough. He can’t possibly see me except if he’s a ghost. I wonder if he saw me or was just staring at something else.”Can you see me?”I asked him. He wasn’t responding all he did was kept staring at me. I moved closer to him and bent a little to look at him closely”can you really see me?”I asked waving my hand before his eyes. He blinked and stared off. “Yes I did. And so?”he replied.
He can really see me? Why? Is he a ghost? An alien?. What exactly is he?” I thought to myself looking at him strangely. “Wow. You saw me. You really saw me. Am so happy you saw me.”I said smiling and jumping up happily. He looked at me and made a dull face”yes I can see you because am a ghost also”he said looking at me. He started moving leaving me behind.
I stood there staring at him as he left”what the hell was that? I was happy for no reason. He’s a ghost too. Am older than you. Don’t be so rude to me like that”I said looking at him as he left.
“Yeah it’s normal for ghosts to see ghosts. But why can’t a single human see me? Why? I thought some human has the ability to see ghosts. Why is it so hard to find one? Where are they all hiding?”I said sadly looking around. “Why am I still on earth? I should disappear from this world if I have nothing to do with this humans. I got so lonely and sad everyday. What’s my purpose for still staying on this lonely earth? Someone should tell me from up there”i yelled on top of My voice looking up at the sky. Thunder struck from the sky with lightning like its going to rain soon. As i heard the sound of thunder from the sky, i quickly bent down dodging beside a bench. I peeped slowly looking up to the sky”wow that really scared me. was i too loud? Was he angry at me? You guys have to go easy on me. You can’t kill me twice OK?”i said looking up. After a while, i stood up from where I dodged then continue walking heading to an unknown destination.
John’s POV
I was taking pictures of a pretty model artist. She was so hot and beautiful. I promise myself to have her pin after we finish shooting all the pictures,Then hook up with her later.
From my personality and attitudes towards ladies, You can call me a player. Am so handsome and smart. Ladies of this company were dying over me because of my amazing good looking face and body. Because of my look and appearance, I took the advantage to play with ladies all I like. Every girlfriend I have can only last for a week or less than that. No matter how pretty she is. After playing with them, I dumped their ass off and go for another new hot girl.
After shooting for 30minutes, I asked for five minutes break before we resume back. “Let’s take five minutes break”I said leaving the scene while handing over the camera to Sam, my personal assistant. He viewed through the pictures I have taken and smiled at me raising his thumb finger at me. That shows a sign of an excellent job. Tina brought a bottle of water to me with a face towel to dry my sweats. “Here sir”she said stretching them to me. I received the bottle water and drank from it, leaving the remaining on the table by my side. I kept staring at Debbie the model I just finished shooting her photos. She caught my eyes and was smiling in a seductive way. I smiled back winking my eyes at her. She smiled more covering her mouth with her fingers. “Wow. You fell for me already? I think that makes it so easy for me”I thought to myself smiling at her.
After I finished all the photo shoots, the director and everyone started to round up everything to leave.
Tina came to me and started drying my sweats with the towel she was holding. “That was a perfect job. You’re the best”she said smiling. “Of course I am”I said still staring at Debbie. Tina traced my gaze and smiled. “You like her too?”she asked as she withdrew the towel from my face.
I looked at her not replying. “Go to Sam and help him pack up OK”I said smiling while holding her shoulders. I left her and moved to where debbie was standing. Immediately Debbie saw me, a smile formed up on her face. I got to her smiling also. “You look most beautiful of all woman today.”I said looking at her. “Really? Wow am so happy to hear that”she said smiling. I can see she’s blushing by now.
“It’s time to leave”a lady said looking at us from afar. “Oh so sad I have to leave now”Debbie said looking at me. I dipped my hand into my pocket and brought out a pen. I took her hand and wrote my phone number on her arm. She smiled looking at me shyly. I kissed her soft lovely hand and left her to go. “I promise to call you soon”she said before leaving to meet others. I was staring at her sexy back view as she walks. the fitted gown she wore glued to her body showing her amazing curve. Her hips swayed to each side as she walked. I kept staring at her smiling to myself. “Let’s see how long you’ll last.”I said and also left the scene.
When it’s 7:30pm, I prepared to leave the company to my house.
After I finished viewing through some pictures and making an adjustment were they went bad, I stood up from the seat taking my car key with me. I left the office and headed to my car in the compound.
I was driving on the highway feeling happy about today’s work and thinking about my next target Debbie. I was smiling happy while driving. I noticed my car was acting strange. I decided to pull over and check what’s wrong with it. After pulling over, I came down from the car to check what’s wrong with it. I opened the bonnet although I have no idea of what to check or where to touch. I shut the it angrily which caused a loud sound. “What the f*ck is wrong with you? Why do you have to do this to me now?”I said looking at it. I checked my wrist watch and saw the time is almost 8:00pm. It’s dark and getting late already. I took my phone and dialed Sam’s number to come and pick me up from the place I told him the location and described the place. Immediately I told him, he said he’s on his way. I got a bit relieved and started walking from end to end waiting for him to arrive.
Stella’s POV
I was walking down beside the road roaming about as usual. I saw a guy standing by a red spot car. He looks amazingly good looking. From his facial expression, I can see he’s bothered by something. I stared at him for a while admiring his handsomeness. “Don’t be a stupid girl. Snap out of it. You’re a ghost not a human. He can’t even see you.”a voice said in my head. “Yes. Who cares if he’s bothered or not? Let me just go way and ignore him”I said walking towards him.
But he stopped as I got closer. I wanted to go to the other side through him, but he moved to the sideavoiding me. I stopped and looked up at him. “Why? Can you see me?”I asked looking at him. But he was not looking at me, he was staring at somewhere else. I moved to his front and tried to go through him again. He moved to the side avoiding me. I did it again and he avoided me again. I did it over and over and he also repeated the same thing. I looked up at him wondering what he’s doing. Does he see me? Why is he avoiding me? I thought to myself looking at him. I decided to touch his face maybe he can notice that too. I raised my hand up slowly looking at him. He stood still not looking at me. When I almost touch him, he looked down at my face angrily”why do you guys like doing this to me? can’t you just leave me alone and go your way!”he yelled at me in frustration and anger. I got so shocked and surprised looking at him. He can really see me. He just spoke to me. For the past three years, someone just noticed me. “I thought to myself as he was staring straight into my eyes with his bright charming eyes.
3 Feb 2018 | 02:48
Episode 2 I kept staring at him not knowing what to say. Am happy he can see me but one side of me was sad because he’s mad at me. I don’t really care about that. All that matters to me was that a human just saw me for the past three years. It seems so shocking to me. I moved back a bit facing him”you saw me? You can really see me. Am so happy you do see me. I don’t know what to do right now. You’re such a special being. It’s good to meet you”I said smiling happily. He doesn’t look good staring at me. He places his hands by his waist staring at me badly. “And so? So if I can see you what does that have to do with me? We have no business together so disappear from my sight”he said in a little harsh voice. I felt so bad by what he just said. He moved from my sight walking out on me. I tried to touch him although I know that’s not possible because I can’t touch human but when I tried it, I can really feel his body with my hand. My hand touched his arm lightly but he already walked pass me. I looked at my hand then looked back at him in surprise. I can touch him. I can feel it with my hand. Could this be real? I asked myself looking at him. I want to try it again maybe it was real. So I walked behind him and placed my hand on his arm. To my surprise it works. I can feel his warm body with my hand. I thought to myself smiling. He turned and looked at my hand then looked at my face. “Who the hell do you think you are to place those dirty hands on me?”he said looking annoyed. Why is he so angry? I never done anything wrong to him. Why is he treating me like a trash?”I thought to myself as I withdrew my hand from his arm slowly. “Am sorry for that. But why are you treating me this way? Did I do anything wrong to you?”I asked looking at him. He moved closer looking straight into my eyes. “Because I don’t want to see you. I want to live a normal life. Must I see you ghosts everyday. I mean why must you disturb me? why me of all people? I don’t want to see you. Get lost!”he said looking so annoyed and angry. A car horned from the road side which got him to looked back at it. A young guy came down from the car and started walking towards us. He got to us and started looking around in confusion. “I thought you were with someone. Why were you so loud? And who were you talking to?”the guy asked still looking around. “It’s nothing. I was talking to someone on phone”he replied raising his phone up. “Alright. Let’s leave this place it’s late and cold. Am scared a ghost might pop out to us”the young guy said rubbing his shoulders. He left for the car while the handsome guy walked behind him. When he got to the car and was about opening the door, he looked back at me with an unknown expression before opening the door. The car drove down the high way. I stared at it till it was out of sight. I sighed to myself looking around the dark area. “What should I do now? Since he’s the only human that can see me, I need to be around him maybe he can help me find the cause of my death. I really need his help but he’s too hard to talk to.”I said looking sad. I looked at the red sport car and smiled to myself. “Looks like am gonna see him again.”I said smiling. I moved to the side of the car and went inside through the door. I sat down on the seat comfortably leaning my head back with a smile on my face. : John’s POV. Sam was driving the car while I sat quietly not saying a word since we left the scene. My mood was ruin because of the ghost girl I saw earlier. Sam noticed this and asked what went wrong with me. “Why are you so Moody and sad? Do you have a bad conversation with the person you called? It’s rear to see this expression”Sam said. “I also don’t know why am like this. I just felt bad for no reason.”I replied not looking at him. “That’s so strange”he said looking at me. “You’ll have to to pick up my car tomorrow morning after the repair”I said. “Alright”Sam replied. After 10minutes drive, we got to my house. I got down from the car and waved him goodbye. “Drive carefully and don’t forget to come early tomorrow. We’re having another photo shoot by 8am tomorrow.”I said looking at him from the window. “Okay. Goodnight”he said. I left after he drove our of my compound. I headed towards the gate and unlocked it. I got to the living room and went straight to the fridge to drink some water. My living room was not that wide. It looks so neat and well set. The walls were painted with my best colour Pure white. While the couch, center table, rugs, cottons and the rest were in blue colour. I walked to the fridge and took water from it. After drinking, I threw the bottle in the waste bin beside the fridge and headed straight to my room. I got to my room and laid tiredly on the large sofa. My room was a medium size room. It has pictures and some stickers on the wall. It really looks like an high school student room by looking at it. It looks so rough because I was too lazy to tidy it up this morning. Clothes and underwear were flung at each angle of my room. It looks messy and rough. My mind flashed back to when I saw the ghost girl. The more I look at it, she looks so familiar to me. Who’s she? I think I have seen that face somewhere before. Where is that?”I thought to myself looking so worried and confused. : TBC….
3 Feb 2018 | 02:50
3 Feb 2018 | 03:51
nice one ride on
3 Feb 2018 | 06:10
Fallen in love wit dis story Continue
3 Feb 2018 | 06:18
I love the story already
3 Feb 2018 | 06:21
continue pls
3 Feb 2018 | 06:22
new tori don land oooo,, let some1 call the reg
3 Feb 2018 | 06:23
3 Feb 2018 | 06:23
ama loving it
3 Feb 2018 | 09:20
@fb-Anthonyjunior@itzprince @senatordaniel @jummybabe @ladyg @qeenvick @fridex @oluwaslimzy @nazeal @maths @hardeybless
3 Feb 2018 | 09:22
3 Feb 2018 | 10:18
3 Feb 2018 | 10:22
Bring it on
3 Feb 2018 | 11:05
Sounds like its gonna be entertaining
3 Feb 2018 | 12:03
nice one.ride on dear
3 Feb 2018 | 15:05
@ryder well done u can't even notify me
3 Feb 2018 | 15:15
Loving dis story already
3 Feb 2018 | 15:33
Episode 3 The more I tried to remember, the more I got more confused about it. “Well I might have seen her as a ghost somewhere before. Let’s just forget about her and get some sleep”I said turning to the other side. I was already dozing off when the ringtone of my phone pierced so loud into my ear. “Ooh seriously who is calling by this time?”I asked reaching my hand for it by my side. I brought it close to my face and saw an Unknow number. I guess it must be Debbie. I answer it and placed it to my ear. : Stella’s POV I was walking up and down around the car waiting for him to arrive. I waited and waited but he didn’t come for his car. After a while, a car packed by the road side. I was so happy he showed up at last. I waited patiently looking at the door expecting him to get down. But to my disappointment, it was a man that got down from the passenger seat. After he got down, the young man I saw yesterday also came down from the driver’s seat. I moved to the car and stated peeping through the window maybe Mr handsome is still inside but no one was their. I moved to them looking sad”where’s Mr handsome? Uhn. Why is he not coming?”I asked looking at both of them. “Here is the car”the young guy said to the man. The man went to the car and opened the door. He started the engine. After a while, he got down from the car and faced the young man. “There’s nothing wrong with this car. It’s working perfectly”the man said looking at him. “Really? This is so strange”the young man said scratching the back of his head. ” I thought he said it was acting bad yesterday”the young man said looking confused. “Nothing is wrong with it.”the other man said. “OK thanks. Sorry for stressing you”the young man said looking at him. “Oh am ok. Bye”the man said smiling. He left with the other car while the young man was still looking at the car. I moved closer to him looking sad. “Hey. Where’s Mr handsome? Why’s he not here? Please I need to see him”I said looking at him. He did notice me so he couldn’t hear any of my words. He wanted to go to the driver’s seat but I followed him again asking him all sorts of questions even though he can’t hear or see me. “Please just hear me out this once. I need to see Mr handsome.”I said following him. When he was about to open the door, I moved closer to his ear and blew soft air in his hear. He jacked back touching his ear. “What was that? It felt like someone just made a cold breath in my ear”he said looking around. I was standing before him but he can see me. “Here. Am right here. Please look at me”I said jumping up and waving my hand before him. After he looked around for a while, he opened the door and went in. “Ooh. Please don’t leave me.”I said looking at him through the window as he started the engine. He drove the car slowly then moved to the highway. “What should I do? I have to see Mr handsome”I said feeling impatient. I closed my eyes and disappear from where I stood then reappear in the car sitting at the back seat. The young man was playing a song which was so loud. He was driving and singing along with the music. “Oh my ear. It’s so loud. Please lower the volume”I said blocking my two ears with both hands. But he kept moving his head to the beat of the song singing excitedly. : John’s POV 30 minutes before the photo shoot would start, I was in Debbie’s car. Only the two of us. The director and others were at the studio doing whatever they have to do before we’ll start the shoot. She looks more pretty this morning. “You look like an angel. So beautiful like a queen”I said in a romantic voice. She smiled on hearing that. “Thanks for that. You’re also hot. So charming and romantic”she said smiling. “Wow. It’s first time a lady would tell me this. You’re so special from all the woman I know. You’re the most pretty girl In the world to me. Am telling you the truth right now”I said smiling. She laughed a little looking at me. “Am so happy to hear that. You’re so cute”she said hitting my shoulder lightly. I looked at her face for a while smiling at her. “Your eyes looks pretty. Your nose looks so perfect. And your lips….”I stopped looking down at her glossy pink lips. I used my thumb to wipe the corner of her lip”the lips gloss is too much. Should I reduce it for you?”I asked in a romantic voice. Her cheek turned red as she continue smiling. I looked at her eyes then looked down at her lips. I smiled to myself and leaned closer to kiss her. She was also ready for it that she closed her eyes slowly expecting the kiss from me. That gave me more chance as I leaned more closer to her lips. Our lips hardly crushed when the ring tone of my phone distracted us from the kiss. I quickly went back to my seating position and took my phone. I looked at her face”Answer it” she said smiling. It was Sam. I think he’s here already. I thought to myself as I took the call. “Hello. Am here”Sam said. “OK. I’ll join you now”I said to him. I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket. “I think I need to go for now. I’ll call you after the shoot. Can you hang out with me tonight?”I asked her. “Hmm. Let me check the remaining of my schedule for today. I’ll call you when I do that.”she replied. “Ok bye”I said smiling. I got down from her car and headed to where sam packed the car. When I looked at him from afar, I can see he was not alone. A girl was standing beside him looking around. I got to them and saw it was the ghost girl. Immediately I saw her, I pretended as if I didn’t see her. “Oh you’re here so fast.”I said looking at sam. “Yeah. He said nothing is wrong with your car so I brought it back”he said looking at me.”Really? OK. Thank you”I said. By now, the ghost girl was before me “hy. Please I need your help. Can you hear me out for once?”she asked looking at me. “Let’s go”I said to Sam. Me and Sam started heading towards the studio. “Please stop ignoring me. Hear me out please. I promise not to disturb you”she said following us. : Stella’s POV I was pleading him to give me audience but he refused to look at me or do as if he can hear me. “Mr handsome can you hear me please?”I asked walking behind him. After a while, I followed them to a place. The place was beautiful. It looks like they were about to shoot film or shoot some photos their. People were there doing different kind of things. Two ladies were putting some makeup on for a lady. I guess she’s a model by the way she dressed. I moved around the place looking at some things and others. As I moved about looking at the place, I saw a picture on the wall and stopped. The more I look at it,my head started spinning like I want to remember something by looking at the guy in the picture. I placed my hand on my forehead as my head started acting strange. a memory flashed into my head. *Memory* “Please spear me I promise not to tell anyone about this”a girl’s voice said. “It’s too late dear. Maybe that will be your next life. Am sorry OK. I love you bye”a guy said. He stabbed the girl with the dagger he was holding and I head a great plash of water. *reality* I came back to my senses wondering what just happened. The faces were not clear. The memory was so blur that I was only hearing there voices. “What just happened? Whose memory was that? Who are they?”I said looking confused. This never happened to me for the past three years I’ve been wondering about in this world. I felt really strange. Could that girl crying be me? Was I murdered? Who’s the guy that stabbed the girl?”I asked myself many questions I was not able to answer. : TBC….
3 Feb 2018 | 16:30
Episode 4 I stood there staring at the picture. After a while, I remembered I have to be with Mr handsome. I looked back and started searching for him looking around the place. I saw him standing among those people, holding a camera in his hand. I walked slowly towards him smiling. I stood beside him as he walks around from one place to another. “Is this where you work? Wow it’s so pretty and cool here.”I said looking around. : Few minutes later, the photo shoot started. The lady looks so beautiful as she did different poses in different fashion of dresses and shoes. I was standing beside Mr handsome looking at him as he was taking the pictures. By looking at his face, I could tell he like her by the way he smiles while taking the pictures. “I can see you had a crush on her. It’s OK you’re also a man you can fall for her. You can’t hide that”i said looking at him. He looked at me then concentrated back on the camera. Wow. He could hear that of all what I’ve been saying to him since. I thought to myself folding my arms together. “Well. She’s so pretty. Am so jealous of her”I said nodding my head. “Good thing you’re not blind”he said under his breath thinking I won’t hear him. After the the photo shoots, he went to sit down on a chair. And I followed him standing beside the table. A girl brought a bottle water and a towel. He received the bottle from her and opened the top. “You did a great job.”she said smiling. “Oh thanks. You guys should rest also. I have to meet someone by 12pm so, I won’t be around then. You guys should finish the rest OK?”he said standing up from the chair. “Yes sir”the lady replied. He went to the other young guy and whispered something in his ear. He nodded his head in agreement saying OK. Mr handsome left the studio walking down the passage. I followed him gently without his knowledge. When he got to the compound, before he could get to his car, he pressed a remote to unlock it. He opened the door and sat down pulling out the seat belt. He stopped and was looking around. He peeped through the window then looked behind him. I can tell he was looking for me. I was at a corner looking at him as he does all this. When he couldn’t find me, he took a deep breath wiping his face with his palm. I smiled to myself looking at him. “Don’t be relieved. Am not gone yet”I said smiling. When he fasten the seat belt, and was about driving, I disappeared from where I was hiding and reappeared beside him. He quickly stepped on the break looking at me in shock. “Ooh. You really scared me”he said looking at me. “Were you looking for me? Why? Do you miss me?”I askec looking at him. “What? Stop popping out like that scaring people around with your ugly face OK”he said. “You don’t have to be scared. It’s not you first time seeing me. Are you really scared of ghosts?”I asked looking at him. “What’s she saying? Am not scared of them. I just don’t like seeing ugly ghosts popping our of nowhere. They’ll look like a demon to me.”he said as he drives the car slowly out of the compound. “Really? So you’re not scared of me?”I asked. “Am not. I can’t be scared of you. You don’t even look scary”he replied. “That means am not an ugly ghost then? Since you’re not scared of me. Am a sexy ghost not an ugly one”I said smiling. On hearing that, he started laughing out loud. I wonder what he’s laughing about. I didn’t say anything funny. “What’s she saying?. Sexy ghosts?”he repeated and continue laughing. He almost bump into a car but quickly turn the staring to avoid it. “You have to be careful if you don’t want to end up with other ugly ghosts”I said looking at him. “So you mean there are sexy ghosts? That’s so funny. I have never heard of that before. You’re not even a pretty ghost”he said still smiling. I feel good to see him smile. He looks so cool and calm. : John’s POV As I was still talking and laughing at what the ghost Girl just said, a call came in and I took it. My expression changed immediately I saw the caller. It was my dad. I first hesitated to pick it but I took the call and placed the phone to my ear. He said he wants us to meet me at his office right now because he wants to have a meeting with everyone. I dropped the phone beside me after the call. I hate sitting down and talking with him. I don’t like him and I don’t feel happy anytime we’re together. But since it’s a family meeting, I have to show up. I was not the his first child. I have step brother and I have sisters also. He got married to three wives. Nathan was his first son. He’s two years older than me. While am three years older than Mary his younger sister. And Julie was the youngest wife’s daughter. She’s just 16 this year. Nathan’s mother was the first wife he married. She made life like hell for me and my mother when I was still young. She’s so scary and wicked. Even when father married the youngest wife, she hired gang to beat her up and destroy the pregnancy she’s having. She was rescued before they could do anything worst to her. Even though my dad knows she was the one who did it. He never confronted her or make any case on it. She’s so scary than demons or ghosts. I blamed my mum for getting married to my dad. But what can I do about it? It’s done already. Am one of Williams family. I don’t like engaging myself with family issues or about his companies. I like living a simple life and free from their problems. He has the biggest company in the state. He has so many companies and houses. But I disguise myself from Williams family. No one knows am Williams in my company. Even when I was still in school, no one knows am James Williams son. I hid my identity from people. Unlike my other brother Nathan. He boast about it and spend money like shit when he was in school. We’re not close at all. We hate each other ever since we were kids. We never act like real brothers even though we still have the same father. Mary was the only one who was close to me. She likes me and love hanging around me everything in school. She once told me she wished we were not siblings. She would have love to have me as her boyfriend. I took that as a joke the day she said that. Back to my car. I frowned my face on hearing he’s having a meeting with us. I have to go just to avoid his nagging. I made a U turn and went back heading to the company. When I got there, I packed my car at the garage then got down and walked towards the door. I entered the big company and make my way towards his office. “Why are you not looking good? Are you angry at something?”the ghost girl asked following me behind. I ignored her heading to the elevator. When I got to the elevator, I pressed the button and it opened. Who I saw there left me with shock and surprise. But I hid it not letting it show on my face. He smiled nodding his head at me. But I kept on the straight face looking at him. “Long time no see”he said putting on a fake smile. We both were staring at each other awkwardly while I still stood at the entrance blocking the elevator from closing. : TBC…
3 Feb 2018 | 16:34
@nanizzyfbaby @nazeal @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @light1259 @oneal32 @Robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhaybiextllez And others
3 Feb 2018 | 16:37
let's continue Dency @fb-mhizlilygold am really sorry biko
3 Feb 2018 | 16:41
This story is really intresting, John must be a special guy for him to see ghosts.
3 Feb 2018 | 19:18
Nice story. @bay come and read dis one o.
3 Feb 2018 | 20:46
@bayjenny come o
3 Feb 2018 | 20:48
carry go
4 Feb 2018 | 02:34
4 Feb 2018 | 03:21
@ryder thanks for the iv
4 Feb 2018 | 03:22
ride on
4 Feb 2018 | 03:23
weird... Continue pls
4 Feb 2018 | 05:37
Nice story
4 Feb 2018 | 08:29
Ride on
4 Feb 2018 | 09:05
this story is really interesting,,, @dencygirl include my name in ur reg
4 Feb 2018 | 09:12
4 Feb 2018 | 09:13
4 Feb 2018 | 10:03
Nice story
4 Feb 2018 | 13:24
next please
4 Feb 2018 | 17:38
ride on
5 Feb 2018 | 10:23
Episode 5 “Aren’t you getting in?”he asked looking at me. I looked behind me but I can’t find the ghost girl again. I wonder if she left already. I looked at Nathan and entered the elevator. It closed gently until it was locked finally. I think he just arrived back from America. I was told he left country three years ago”How have you been bro?”he asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand and removed it from my shoulder looking at him. “Why do you care about my well being?”I asked looking at him. “Why? Can’t I asked my brother how he has being doing?”he asked smiling. I laughed a little on hearing him say that. I looked at him putting on a straight and serious face. “That’s what am saying. Why do you care? Stop acting like you do when you don’t. I hate seeing you look at me with that face. Don’t fake yourself it doesn’t suit you”I said looking at him. When it got to our floor, the elevator opened and I went out leaving him behind. As I was walking down the passage heading to the office, the ghost girl appeared beside me. “Why is your expression like this? Do you fight with someone?”she asked walking beside me. “Where did you leave to?”I asked looking at her. Were you worried about me?”she asked smiling. “Why would i be worried about a ghost? I was just asking”I said not looking at her. “Hmm hmm just say you do”she said smiling. : At the meeting… We were all seating round with a wide table in the center. Mrs Olivia(the first wife) was sitting beside father. I was opposite to Nathan. Mary was sitting beside me while Julie and Roseline(the last wife) was sitting beside each other. Mr Raymond(his PA) was standing beside him. While three other men were also standing by each side of the office. I wonder why they are here with us. I thought this a family meeting not a conference. Why so much people staying here with us?”I thought to myself. After some minutes of silence, he began with his speeches. “I welcome you all for leaving what you were doing to attend this meeting. It’s good to see you all here together in a long time. And for the person that’s not here today, may her gentle soul rest in peace.”he said looking at everyone. The person he was talking about was my mother. My mother’s death was a mystery to me. She was missing for two days and the next we heard about her was her corpse was found at a sea shore. That day was the most saddest day of my life. I cried like I never did. I wonder what got her to the sea. Investigations were carried out but nothing was found behind her death. I know and believed the death was not a natural one. I always believe she was murdered. After she was buried, I didn’t go home that night. I cried and longed for her to come back to me. The world seem like it’s coming to an end that day. I slept at where she was buried. But when I slept, I dreamed she came back to me smiling and hugging me in her arms. By the time I woke up, I was not able to find her. I stood up and started crying calling her name. It was so dark and silent. Only the voice of my cries could be heard. “Mum don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me here. Come back or take me with you”I cried walking around the dark burial ground. As I was still crying, I noticed someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I turned to the person still sobbing and my face soaked in tears. “Mummy!”I called running into her arms. She strolled my hair gently kissing my forehead.”you’re so fearless. Crying alone in a graveyard. Your voice was so loud I couldn’t rest properly. Don’t cry again am here beside you.” She said patting my back. I raised my head up looking at her face”I know you won’t leave me. You can’t leave me right?”I asked sobbing. I brought out the golden medal i won in high jump three days ago and showed it to her. “Mummy. I won a golden medal again. I know you would be happy to see it. You told me am the greatest son in the world right?. Lets go home now uhm. I promise not to bother you anymore. I’ll try my best to be a good son from now on. I promise I won’t stay up late at night playing video games instead of studying. I will try my best to impress you from now on. So, Mummy please let’s go home”I said crying. She was also crying patting my head. “That’s good of you. Now stop crying it will ruin your handsome face”she said crying also. “Mummy let’s go home. Am scared of this place”I said crying. “Am so sorry son. Mummy is so sorry. I promise to protect you from any harm. Am so sorry to leave you so early”she said crying. She hugged me tight sobbing”Mummy why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”I said. She released me still holding my hand. She stepped back a bit crying silently. She waved her hand in a sign of good bye with tears on her face. “Mummy. Where are you leaving to. Please don’t leave me. You promised to always stay with me. You told me I’m your only hope in this world. Why? Mummy please!”I said crying out more louder. She disappeared into the thin air without a trace. “Mummy! Mummy please dont leave me!”i cried more kneeling on the floor. Everything seems like a bad dream to me. I wish someone could wake me up from the long dream. The following morning, dad sent his body guard to pick me up from the graveyard because I never wanted to leave. I was forced in the car and taken to him. He comforted me and promise to look after me in place of my mother. But all was false. The first wife made life hard for me when he noticed the special treatment I was receiving from him. She planned different tricks until she succeeded in turning his back on me. Even since I left the graveyard, I started seeing strange things people can’t see. At first I was scared and always scream every time they appear. But when time goes by, I got used to it. Until a day I was able to see my mum. I was so happy but it didn’t last for long. She used to visit me almost everyday and I was happy I could see ghosts at those moments. She told me to forget the past and move on with my life. After some times, I was not able to see her again but I could see other ghosts and evil spirits. : When dad said that, it reminds me of the painful memory. He gave his speeches talking about the company and others. “Since Nathan is the first son, I assigned to the post of this company president”he said looking at everyone. His PA handed him a file and he wrote something on it. “And john would be the vice president.”on hearing that, I almost laughed but I controlled myself. So, he believed I could work in his company? Never.”I thought to myself looking at him badly. He assigned Mary to his other company. And promise to do the same for Julie when she graduates. After the meeting, we all left the office. I planned to call father and tell him am not interested in what he offered later when I get home. As I walked towards the elevator, Nathan got to me. He stood before me smiling. : Stella’s POV. I reappeared before Mr handsome and saw a guy before him. He was also handsome but his face looks scary. “Who’s he?”I asked Mr handsome looking at the guy. Immediately I said that, he looks at my direction with a shock expression on his face. “Why? Can he see me?”I thought to myself staring at him in surprise. Mr handsome was also staring at him. : TBC
6 Feb 2018 | 08:59
Episode 6 He diverted his attention back to Mr handsome smiling. “It will be good to see you around. So let’s be good to each other from now on OK?”he said stretching his hand for a shake. Mr handsome was staring at him with bad looks. “It’s so painful that won’t be possible because I refuse to work here. I have my own job am not interested in what he said earlier. So, stop every naughty thoughts you have in your head”he said looking at him. The guy laughed out looking at him. “Why? Are you afraid of anything? Come on Bro.”he asked looking at him. He moved closer to his ear making a serious face. “I’ll also be happy if you do that. Live like this for the rest of your life”he said almost in a whisper. “What an evil guy.”I said looking at him badly. I could see how Mr handsome tightening his fist in anger. The bad guy tapped his shoulder lightly with a smile on his face”goodbye bro. We’ll meet again”he said and left. I moved to mr handsome side feeling pity for him. “How could he say that to you? He’s really a bad and evil human being. Don’t be annoyed by that OK?”I said feeling bad. He didn’t say anything to me or did as if he heard me. He walked towards the elevator still looking angry. “He’s not in a good mood again”I said looking sad also. I disappeared and followed him. : John’s POV When I got home, I called father and told him am not interested in the post he gave me. I told him am OK working and living on my own. But he refused to agree with that. He nagged and shouted on phone. He said i can’t live my life the way I want it if I can’t live as his own son. He can never let any of his child look like beggar. He even threatened to destroy the company am working for if I continue acting on my own. I told him I don’t care whatever he’ll do I can never work in his company. He got more angry and his noise became louder on phone. After the call, I was so down I don’t know what to do next. He’s capable of doing all what he said on phone. I don’t want innocent people suffering just because of me. But I never want to depend on his money or engage myself with his companies. I sat down on my bed looking annoyed. I threw the phone on the bed beside me. Few minutes later, as I was about standing up, a call came in again. I saw it was roseline, the last wife calling. I picked it and places it to my ear. She said dad called her and told her everything I said. Since she’s the closest to me ever since my mum died. So dad told her to talk to me about the matter if she doesn’t want to see me regret it later. She asked us to meet up at her place which I told her it’s OK. She hung up the call after we finished the. Conversations. I dropped my phone beside me looking more angry. “How could he tell her about it so fast? I don’t have think it’s a must I work for him. Why is he threatening me?”I thought to myself. I stood up and picked my car key heading out of my room. Immediately I got out, the ghost girl appeared beside me. “Where are you heading to? Should I follow you?”she asked walking beside me. Due to my anger, I was not able to reply or look at her. I went straight to my car and unlocked it. I sat down and fastened the seat belt. She also got in, sitting beside me. : At Mrs roseline house. We sat down opposite to each other in the living room. Julie was not back from school yet. Mrs roseline sat in way she was crossing her legs with a glass of wine in her hand. “Am so happy you came. Thanks for the honour and respect you showed me”she said placing the glass on the table. “Why do you reject the offer? You know I always support you in everything you do but this time, I can’t accept this”she said looking at me. “I know. What I want is freedom. I want to be free from my father’s shadow. Am happy living alone all by myself. Entering the company could take away the little happiness I have now. I don’t want to end up like my mother. I have to protect myself and live freely as she taught me”I said looking at her. She laughed heuristically after I said this. I wonder why she’s laughing. She stopped and looked at me. “My dear you’re funny. You’re still behaving childish. That’s not a good reason. You have to stop acting weak. I expected you to fight for your rights and position as the second child of James Williams. I know it’s a battlefield that’s why you have to face the worst parts of it just to win and get to the top. Many challenges will come your way but you have to overcome it. Am telling you this just because I cherish you like my real son. John it’s time to break out of your weak shell. Do you plan to live like a beggar for the rest of your life? It’s time to wake up from those false dreams. It’s time to stand up and fight for yourself.”she said looking serious. I was short of words, I don’t know what to say anymore. After some minutes, I finally replied to what she said. “I understand how you feel. And I know what am saying. Maybe I’ll think about it and give you feed back later”I said looking at her. She smiled nodding her head in agreement. “I’ll take my leave then”I said standing up. When I turned to leave, I saw the ghost girl standing behind me. She heard all what we just said. With the looks in her eyes, I could see she felt pity for me. “Drive carefully”Mrs roseline said. I walked towards the door ignoring the ghost girl. When I got to my car at the garage, she popped out from nowhere and stood beside me. “Am sorry for listening to your conversations.”she said. I ignored her not saying anything. “But I think what she said is truth. By looking at her, I could see she want the best for you. You have to follow her words, And for the lost of your mother…..” “Did I ask of your opinion? Why does it have to concern you? Don’t butt into my private life. You don’t have the right to pity me OK?”I said looking at her. “I know you don’t need my opinion but I just feel like telling you this. I think you have to follow her advises. If you continue acting stubborn, it might hurt people close to you. You have to obey what your father want if you want to keep everything you have”she said with a serious expression. “You don’t know anything about this so don’t just open your mouth and say whatever you feel like. I know what am saying, I know what am avoiding. I feel happy living on my own without being bothered by anyone. I have to avoid some things just to live a longer and happy life.”I said to her. “Fool! How could you say that? If you keep avoiding it, it will hurt you more. you might end up regretting your actions later in future. You have to face it just to overcome it. Stop being a coward. If you continue like this, your mother might curse you later in her grave. You’re acting childish as she said earlier. Your father want the best for you” the ghost girl said looking at me. I was so angry to hear her say that. I think she went too far with her words. I was staring at her badly. “Get lost!”I said looking at her angrily. “I know that’s the worst you could say. But it won’t change anything at all. I just felt pity for you that’s all”she said again sounding more annoying to me. My temper was becoming uncontrollable by now. “I said get lost. What right do you have to pity me? I don’t need that from you OK? You look more pitiful than I because you’re nothing but a ghost. Go away from me. Why do you follow me around saying rubbish with that mouth? I don’t want to see you again. So, Stop hunting me. Was I the one that killed you?”I asked looking at her angrily. She stared at me for a while with an unknown expression written on her face. “That’s true. You were not the one that murdered me. I think you could say that because you don’t know how valuable it is to be a human. You were seen by people you love and they could also see and talk to you. You were never as lonely as I am. The reason I was following you was because, I thought you were the right person to save me from my lonely days. I came to you because I thought you could help me. Do you know how hurt and lonely it is to walk alone not being noticed by people for three years? You never experienced that because you’re still using your chances as a human. Have you forgotten you would also end up like me one day? You don’t have to judge me badly because am a ghost. I was once a human like you. I was saying all that to you because I care and I want the best for you. But it seems like you’re not ok with it. It’s OK. I’ll get lost just like you said. I won’t bother you anymore from now on. I think I was mistaken for me to think you can help me.”she said looking sad. I felt really bad after hearing all what she said. I now feel like a bad guy by her words. I think I went too harsh on her. I felt so sorry towards her because I never knew she was this miserable than I. Before I could say a word, she disappeared into the thin air. I started looking around hoping for her to come back. : TBC….
6 Feb 2018 | 09:02
@nanizzyfbaby @nazeal @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @light1259 @oneal32 @robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhabiextllez @freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex
6 Feb 2018 | 09:07
hmmm nice ride on
6 Feb 2018 | 10:03
John at least give it a try.
6 Feb 2018 | 14:25
dency I fey fear ooo
6 Feb 2018 | 15:04
Never judge a book by it cover
6 Feb 2018 | 16:50
don't judge anyone, be it who
6 Feb 2018 | 18:45
she's gone
7 Feb 2018 | 08:43
My treasure @denciebabe what happened abeg come update ooooo
8 Feb 2018 | 05:19
Interesting, ride on
8 Feb 2018 | 12:28
Woow nice story, next pls
8 Feb 2018 | 12:30
Episode 7 After I searched and couldn’t find her, I rested my head on the body of my car feeling bad and worst. My phone was ringing but I was too weak to pick it. After it rang for long, it went off then rings again after some seconds. I brought it out from my pocket wondering who it could be. I checked the caller and saw it was Jane one of my ex girlfriend. I picked the call and placed it to my ear. “Why are you calling? I told you not to call again.”I said to her. “So you can do this to me after the promises you made? I thought you said you love me. Why are you pushing me away now?”she asked in a sad voice. “So you believe that? I don’t love you again just let me be. When I say game over just drop the card and get lost. Am tired of you”I said. “You’re a bad guy. I thought you really want me but you played me and now telling me to get lost. Fuck you! You won’t get away with that I promise you”she yelled angrily on phone. After saying that, she hung up the call. I brought down my phone slowly. Not too long, another call came in. I thought it was Jane again. I already prepared myself to block her ass of my line. But the person calling was Betty. She was my girlfriend also. We’ve been dating since last week but am tired of her already. When we first met was at a hotel I went to visit one of my friends. She came to me first when I was about leaving. She’s not that pretty but I just wish to have a taste of her and dump her off later because she was so hot that night. After saying sweet words to her, and she also fell deep into my romantic sweet trap. I succeeded in having one night stand with her that same night. We exchanged contacts and I promise to call her when I get home. She came to my house later again another day and we had sex. Since the day I had sex with her the second time, I got tired of her already when I met Jessy at a club. Jessy was so pretty and hot. She fell for me at first sight and I used the advantage on her. We’ve been dating for the past four days now. I know I’ll soon dump her too when the time comes. When I saw it was Betty calling, I first refused to pick it but when it rang the second time, I decided to take the call. Conversations. Me: what’s up? Betty: I don’t know you’re this worst. How could you cheat on me? So you were dating my friend Gabriella too right. How could you? So you were playing me? You’re worst than anything.”she said almost crying on phone. I never knew she and Gabriella were friends. I met that girl two week ago but I dumped her already maybe she found out am dating Betty too and told her everything. I already blocked her contact from my phone so, she won’t be able to reach me again except we bump into each other on street. Me: is there big deal in that?” I said in a mocking voice. Betty: you’re an asshole for saying that. I don’t need you again. Get the fuck out of my life. You this son of a bitch”she said angrily. I smiled to myself as she said that. How does she know am tired of her already?. Me: wow. That’s so cool babe. I’ve been looking for a way to say that instead. Because I can’t stand your ugliness anymore. Please can you hang it up over there too busy to do that here”I said smiling. Betty: do you mean that? Am sorry for what I said. I was really mad for a minute. Please forgive my manner. Please pardon me”she said in a pleading voice. Me: babe E.N.D means over. Game over”I said and hung up the call before any further explanation. I blocked her from calling me and was about putting my phone on the seat. It rang again and on the screen was Abigael. I hissed and dropped it angrily. “You guys won’t kill me at this point. Am tired Please!”I said sounding frustrated. I got in the car and drove straight home. : Stella’s POV I sat on top of a fence looking around the environment as people walks on the street from different angles. I sighed heavily looking sad and lonely. “He’s a bad jerk. How could he say that to me? He’s too cold and heartless. He’s more worst than evil spirits and ghosts.”I said to myself. As I was still talking to myself, I noticed some ghosts trying to get something from a little boy. He was struggling to free himself from them but he was too weak and tiny. “What the hell are they doing. Are they bullying him?”I said looking at the scene. I disappeared from the fence and reappeared behind them. I peeped through what they were fighting on and I saw it was a left over food. “I got it first. So it’s mine”the little boy said struggling himself from them. “Give it to us gently or we’ll beat you up”one of the two ghost said. “Like seriously. Are they ganging up on this tiny boy?”I said laughing. I moved closer to them folding my arms. “Why are you guys threatening the boy?”I asked when I got to them. “It’s none of your business so get lost”the first ghost said. “I think am hearing too much of that words today. Get lost. Get lost. Get lost. Why do you guys like saying that. You’re not the only who that could say that. Now am telling you guys to get lost instead.”I said moving closer to them with my two arms folded together. “You’re so fearless. How could you face three guys talking carelessly like that? Should I teach you a lesson?”one of them said looking at me. He moved closer and grabbed my hair tightly. “Ouch. That’s so painful. Let me go or you’ll regret this”I said. But he pulled more harder. I grabbed his hand and twisted it backward. The remaining two ghosts came to me and I started kicking them off with my feet. I threw the guy to the the floor and faced others. They stood up again and came to me. The first ghost hit my tummy and I punched his face in return. The little boy bit one of them at the arm which made him flung him at a wall far from us. I looked at the boy as he struggled to stand up but I felt a punch at my back. It moved me forward a bit that I almost fell to the ground. I turned to them feeling more angry”you guys are dead today”I said taking off the hairpin at my hair. I moved closer to them and stabbed the first ghost by it’s neck when I saw the glowing red sign which means the weak point. Once it was stab, they’ll turn into arches and vanish into the thin air. Some might have the sign at their chest, some by their arms while some by their heart. Once I stabbed the ghost with the sharp pointed pin, It turns into arches immediately I withdrew it. The two other ghosts saw this and quickly disappeared into the thin air. I inserted the pin back into my hair and went to the small boy. “Are you OK?”i asked him. He nodded his head smiling. “Yes. Because am a ghost”he said looking at me. That sounds familiar. I looked at him closely and remembered he was the little boy I met at the bus stop the other day. “Oh you’re the rude little boy”I said pointing at him. “Thanks for saving me from them”he said smiling. He stood up from the ground holding my hand. “Now. I think we’re friends”he said smiling. “Friends?”I asked looking at him. He nodded his head smiling. : John’s POV It’s dark already, I went out to buy some drugs from a pharmacy because I had been feeling sick since I got back. I bought the drugs and paid for it. “Thank you sir”the matron said smiling. I left the pharmacy and was leaving for my house. I wore a black hoodie cardigan covering my head with the Hood because of the cold weather. I walked down the silent and lonely street leading to my building. I started having different bad thoughts. “If an evil ghost popped out of nowhere that will be bad for me. What if it’s following me already? Am so scared like seriously”I thought to myself looking around the street like a lost stray cat. When I got to a corner, I noticed my shoelace was loose and it might fall me to the ground. I bent down and tied it properly. After tying it, I stood up still looking down at it. I raised my head up and saw a scary looking ghost’s face close to mine. “Oh my gosh!”I said and fell back to the ground in shock. It’s an evil ghost. It looks like it will pluck out my liver and eat it up. Because I learnt they eat up human livers. I was so scared I don’t know what to do next. He started moving closer and I was also moving back. “I want your liver. You’re so fresh and delicious. It will taste so yummy and good”he said laughing. “Go away from me. You can’t do that to me. Please go away”I said looking at it. It got closer and bent beside me smiling. “It has been long I tasted one. Am so happy and lucky to found you”he said reaching his hand to touch me. I spat on his face to stop him. “Stay back!”I yelled at him. “Seriously”he said wiping off the spite from his face. “You’re so fearless”he said again looking angry. He reached his hand for my neck and snapped it tightly. I struggled to free myself but he was too powerful. He took me up with my neck. My leg was hanging in the air as I find it really hard to breath. I held his hand with both hands looking down at him. He was smiling happily looking at my chest. “I think my time is up on earth. No one could save my liver from this evil spirit. So painful this how am gonna die. Am sorry to you all. Betty, Gabriella, Jane, Lizzy and all the girls I broke their hearts. Am really sorry to you guy please forgive me so that I can make it to heaven when I die. Ghost girl please forgive me too. I think I should say this at least before I die”I thought to myself as my breath became more header. He reached his hand towards my chest to ripe it out. I closed my eyes tightly as it got closer. Suddenly I heard a sound on stabbing. I thought his hand went in my chest already but I felt nothing. The next I know was that I fell hard to the ground breathing heavily and groaning in pain. I looked up but i couldn’t find the evil ghost anymore. All I could see was the image of the ghost girl holding a sharp long pointed steel in her hand. I closed my eyes then opened them again. I still saw her standing there staring at me. “Is this a dream?”I asked in a weak voice. She moved closer and bent her back a little looking at my face. “No it’s not”she replied looking at me. As she bent her back, a shining silver necklace was hanging down from her neck. I was surprised to see the necklace on her. There’s only one of the necklace in this world because I made the design specially for my mum on her 30th birthday. How come she’s having the necklace with her?”I thought to myself staring at the necklace and staring back at her face. : TBC…
8 Feb 2018 | 15:33
@nanizzyfbaby @nazeal @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @light1259 @oneal32 @robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhabiextllez @freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @bhaybiextellz
8 Feb 2018 | 15:35
maybe its your mum ghost ooo more like a Korean movie titled NIGHT WATCHMEN
8 Feb 2018 | 15:44
is she ur mum
9 Feb 2018 | 01:05
intresenting ride on
9 Feb 2018 | 05:00
Maybe she is your mom
9 Feb 2018 | 07:42
Maybe your mum send her to you.... .Continue
9 Feb 2018 | 08:30
ur mum I guess,, or maybe someone u knew better.
9 Feb 2018 | 08:46
now u had seen the reason why its good to be good to somebody be it who, or not to talk to someone any way so much feel like.
9 Feb 2018 | 08:48
if not for her, u could had been an ugly dead ghost as u used to refer to her. next abeg
9 Feb 2018 | 08:50
9 Feb 2018 | 08:51
Maybe she don meet your mumc b4
9 Feb 2018 | 08:59
I guess she died d xam day ur mum died
9 Feb 2018 | 10:48
Maybe it ur mum
9 Feb 2018 | 12:40
Maybe it's ur mum
9 Feb 2018 | 13:00
For her to rescue him,he needs to be kind.
9 Feb 2018 | 13:18
This time,there is nothing like get lost...she did rescue him.
9 Feb 2018 | 13:24
ask her
9 Feb 2018 | 13:35
Episode 8 “Are you OK?”she asked looking at me. I quickly stood up from the ground still starring at her neck. She looked at my face then looked back at the necklace. She wanted to put it back into her dress but I stopped her by holding her hand. She was staring at me strangely. I never touch her before ever since we met. Her skin was so cold and soft. I dropped her hand and looked at the necklace closely once again. After some seconds of staring, she covered it with her hand. she doesn’t understand why am staring at it like that. “Why? Why are you acting this way? You suppose to thank me for saving your liver and your life, but all you do Is stare at my necklace?”she asked looking at me. I held her shoulders looking straight into her eyes.”Where did you find that necklace? Please tell me why you’re having this necklace?”I asked looking impatient. “Calm down. Why are you like this?”she asked trying to remove my hands from her shoulder. “Please you have to tell me. That necklace was the only design I made myself for someone special to me as gift. That’s the only one design we have. How come you’re having it. I mean where did you get it?”I asked looking at her. She brought down my hands from her shoulders and sighed heavily. “I don’t even know why am having this. I just know it’s with me since three years now. I thought it might be a gift from my parents or boyfriend but I don’t remember any of them. I don’t even know how I die or what caused my death. For the past three years, this necklace has been with me”she said looking at me. I stared at her for seconds looking more confused. She said three years ago, Same year as my mum’s death. Could there death be connected? Is it possible they both died on the same day and location?”I thought to myself staring at her. “Do you remember the date of your death? Can you tell me the location? And what happened that day?”I asked impatiently. She sighed looking confused. “How do you expect me to tell you that when I don’t even know how I die. I told you I don’t have any memory of my death or how I live in the human world.”she replied looking at me. I looked around the dark street and checked my wrist watch. The time says quarter after eight. “Let’s get out of here first. It’s dangerous for me right now”I said. I walked down forgetting about the drugs I bought. I feel no pain anymore. Everything disappeared the first time I saw the evil ghost. “Where are we leaving to?”she asked. “My house”I replied not looking at her. “Really? Why? Do you plan to help me?”she asked sounding happy. I didn’t say anything but just kept going. : I sat down on the couch opposite to her. And I continued my questions. “So you mean you don’t even know the owner of the necklace?”I asked. She nodded her head in response. “I just know I have it”she replied. “Why are you so interested in this necklace?”she asked looking at me. “Because the necklace was a gift from me to my mum”I replied clearly. “How could that be? So you mean this is from your mum? But how does it got to me?”she asked confusingly. “Exactly! That’s what am trying to know. Why do you have it?”I said looking at her. “I think there’s something fishy about this case.”I added. “So could it be possible I met your mum before I die?”she asked. “So you mean you can’t even recall anything about that day?”I asked her. “No I don’t…”she stopped for a while thinking over it again. “Oh yes. I could only recall a memory not too long ago, which is not really clear to me.”she said trying to remember. On hearing that, I adjusted from my seat moving a little closer to her. “Can you tell me about it? How does it go?”I asked looking at her. “It was not clear but I remembered I heard my voice. And the second voice was a guy’s voice. I was crying and begging him to spare my life. But he said… “”It’s too late dear, maybe in the next life. Goodbye I love you””he said that and stabbed me with a sharp dagger. After he stabbed me, all I could hear was a great splash of water. That’s all I could remember”she said looking at me. “Murder? That means you were murdered by the guy in your memory. A great splash of water you said?”I asked. “That part is not clear. Does it mean someone fell into a river or what? It looks mysterious”I said wondering what happened at that part. “Is that all you could remember?”I asked her. “Yes. That’s all I could remember”she replied staring at me. “Something is off. Could the splash be when my mum fell or could it be the guy threw her into the river from a bridge?. If that’s it, how does she have her necklace then? Oh my God this is so confusing.” I thought to myself running my hand in my hair. : TBC…..
9 Feb 2018 | 13:39
Hmmm speechless ooooo
9 Feb 2018 | 17:06
Episode 9 “So, do you really plan to help me?”I asked looking at him. He stood up from the couch looking at me. “Yes. I will.”he replied heading towards his room. I stood up and followed him behind feeling happy. When he was about opening the door, he stopped at turned back. “Where do you think you’re following me to?”he asked still standing by the entrance. “Oops sorry. I lost my mind for a while. Are you going to bed already?”I asked. He sighed looking at me. “So where do you expect me to go? To watch movie? Please I need to sleep early because of my work tomorrow”he replied trying to go in. I held his cloth lightly looking at him. “What’s it again?”he asked looking at me. I faced the floor not looking at him. “What?”he asked again wondering what I want to say. “Can I stay here with you?”I asked not raising my head. He was silent for some minutes before replying me. “OK fine. You can, but on one condition”he replied. On hearing that, I raised my head feeling happy”really? Seriously? I can stay here?”I asked smiling happily. But when I thought of the condition he mentioned, I stopped smiling changing my expression. “What’s the condition?”I asked looking at him. “You’ll know that tomorrow”he replied and went inside shutting the door behind him. I walked away slowly from his door moving to the living room.”what could that be?”I asked feeling curious. I started walking around in the living room smiling happily. : Four days later… John’s POV I dressed in a neat well ironed black suite matching with my shining black well polished shoe. I picked my car key from the stood and walked out of my room. I got to the living room but couldn’t find the ghost girl. “I wondered where she left to this early morning”I said making my way out to the compound. I got to the compound and went to my car. When I drove out, I saw her talking to a little ghost boy. : Stella’s POV I gave the ghost boy some food from Mr handsome fridge before he could wake up. “Thank you so much”he said smiling as he received it from me. “Eat a lot OK? What’s your name?”I asked him as he started eating. “I don’t know my name. I can’t remember”he said rushing the food into his mouth. “You don’t have a name?”I asked. “Yes I don’t. I’ll like to remember my name at least but I couldn’t”he said. “OK. What if I give you a name?”I asked smiling. “Really? What’s it?”he asked smiling with his mouth full of some food particles. “Hmm. Alex”I said smiling. “Wow. I love it. So am Alex from now on?”he asked smiling happily. “Yes Alex”I replied patting his head lightly. I heard a car horning behind us and I quickly looked back. It’s Mr handsome. Where is he going to by this time? I thought to myself staring at his car. I faced Alex smiling. “I have to go now OK? I’ll talk to you later.”I said patting his back. “Ooh. Really?”he asked making a sad expression. “Don’t worry. I promise to bring a lot of food for you when I get back OK?”I said smiling. “OK. Bye”he said looking at me. I left him and walked to Mr handsome car. I disappeared into the car sitting beside him. I looked at the way he dressed. His dressing looks extra ordinary. I wonder if he’s going to his work dressing like that. “Why are you dressed like this? Are you going for wedding registration?”I asked looking at him. “Wedding… You’re so dumb. Can’t you tell am going to work?”I said dressing my suite well. “Oh work?”I repeated nodding my head. “So who do you want to propose to at your work place?”I asked again looking curious. He covered his face with his right palm in frustration. “I don’t know ghosts are this senseless”he said almost in a whisper thinking I won’t hear him. “What do you say?”I asked looking at him. “Never mind”He said. He removed his hand from his face and drove slowly down the street. Few minutes later, we got to a big company. I think we’ve been to this place before. He drove the car to the garage and got down locking the car with a remote. I also got out and stood beside him. I looked up at the giant looking company. Oh this is his father’s company. Does he agree to work here? I turned to him looking confused. “Do you finally agree to what your father said?”I asked him. “Of course. Am also James Williams son. From now on, I’ll live as my true identity. I plan to find the reason behind my mother’s death and punish whosoever was behind it. So, here I comes ANEL entertainment”he said smiling. I looked at him smiling also. : John’s POV We got to the elevator and I opened it. When I got to the eleventh floor, the elevator stopped and I walked out heading to my office. “Hey!”I heard a voice behind me. I looked back and saw Debbie. She was putting on a long pink gown matching with her blue hills and fashion blue hand bag. She looks pretty as always. As I saw her, a smile formed on my face. “Who’s she?”the ghost girl asked as she came closer. “Wow. It’s good to see you here. Are you here to visit someone?”I asked her smiling. “Oh actually I have something am doing here on the sixth floor. We’re having a fashion modeling program there. Am the moderator of the event so, that’s what brought me here. What of you? Are you here to see someone?”she asked. Just as I was about replying her, Stephen walked up to us. He was so surprised to see me in the company. We both were both staring at each other not saying anything or greeting each other.. I smiled on seeing the expression on his face. I know the battle line is drawn between both of us. Because am also ready for every worst part of it. I won’t lose to him this time like I did back in high school. : TBC….
10 Feb 2018 | 05:18
@freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @nazeal @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @freeco @frankkay @froshberry @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @oneal32 @willingyung @Robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @roes New episode
10 Feb 2018 | 05:22
Interesting thumbs up @dencygirl
10 Feb 2018 | 06:07
let's see how the battle later ended. ur reason for accepting to work there must be archived
10 Feb 2018 | 06:58
the ghost girl will serve as ur guide and informant I guess
10 Feb 2018 | 07:00
let's go @dencygirl
10 Feb 2018 | 07:01
I know the ghost will help you
10 Feb 2018 | 08:03
Let the game begin
10 Feb 2018 | 08:13
Loving Dis
10 Feb 2018 | 09:02
10 Feb 2018 | 09:09
You and the ghost girl will have to work together.
10 Feb 2018 | 09:51
I will be counting ur point for u o
10 Feb 2018 | 16:47
10 Feb 2018 | 16:51
Episode 10 I smiled stretching my hand for a shake. “Good morning. President Stephen”I said with a smile. He was not saying a word or reply to my greeting for a while. I withdrew my hand and dipped it into my pocket. “Good morning sir”Debbie greeted him smiling. He nodded his head smiling back at her. “Good morning”he replied. “Meet my friend Mr john”Debbie said pointing to me. Her phone rang and she excused herself to pick it.”person me”she said and left. Immediately she left, Stephen took a step closer to me. “Why are you here?”he asked. I laughed at that question before I gave him reply. “Why do you think am here at my father’s company? Oh have you forgotten am the vice president of this company?”I asked looking at him. He laughed out loud although my reply was not funny. “Oh I see. You chose to stay here. Good. Am loving this”he said smiling. “So. Let’s be good to each other from now on president Stephen”I said stretching my hand for a shake. He shook my hand but with a little squeeze. I looked at his face and smiled. I released his hand. Just then, Debbie came back holding her cell phone. “I’ll see you later. I have to take care of something”she said and left. Stephen was staring at her as she leaves. “Seems like you guys are close”he said looking at me. “Maybe you can ask her directly”I said with a smile. I left him and went towards my office. : Stella’s POV I was walking around on the eleventh floor, leaving Mr handsome after he left to his office. I disappeared and reappeared at a floor I don’t know. I walked slowly looking around as people walks to and fro the company. I got to a place and saw some beautiful ladies dancing. On seeing them, I went into the door looking at them as they move. “Wow. I love that”I said moving my head to the beat. As I continue looking at them and moving my body, a memory flashed to my head again. *memory* Some girls were in group gossiping. The way they dressed showed they just finished a dance practice or were about starting. I saw myself sitting beside a girl. She has a long fringe hair while I had a short black hair tied in a ponytail. The way both of us were sitting, it shows we could be sisters or best friends. I heard what those girls were saying but I ignored them pretending I don’t. “She’s so full of herself. I don’t know why Debbie hang around with her. She’s just acting like her dog or should I say handbag?”a girl said laughing. They all laughed out loud. “She’s not the only better one here. Why must she be the only one all the time? We can perform better too”another girl said. I looked at the girl beside me and she smiled inserting one air peace into my ear to stop me from hearing those annoying voices. I smiled back at her nodding my head. *reality* This memory was clear to me. The girl sitting beside me looks so familiar but the more I tried to remember her, the more hard it is to do so. That means I was a dancer when I was still alive? But why are they gossiping about me? Why do they envy me?”I thought to myself. I walked around in the practice room looking at the girls as they moved. “Jenny stop!”I heard the choreographer’s voice and I turned around looking at them. “Ooh. Not again. Why’s she getting it wrong again?”the remaining girls started complaining looking at her badly. The choreographer walked to a girl. She’ll be the same age as I. She has a brown skin which made her look more beautiful. But her expression was bad when the choreographer got to her. “This is the sixth time you’ll make the same mistake. If you do it one more time, you’re out”she said looking at her. “Am sorry ma”she said in a weak tone. She went back to the front and they started from a point. I was staring at the girl as she moved. She dance well but her moves were a bit slow. When they got to a stage, she made mistake again. “Oh why?”I said looking at her. “Jenny out. Meet me after practice”the choreographer said. She walked slowly out of the line and went to sit at the back of the practice room a little far from them. I could see how some girls reacted when she left. “Bad girls everywhere”I said looking at them. I walked to where the girl was sitting. She took off the Snickers she was putting on and drank from a bottle beside her. She placed it down and looked up to where I was standing. She has this surprised and scared expression when she looked up at me. She closed her eyes and started reciting something. I was confused at her reaction. “Hey!”I called. She dipped her hand into her pocket and brought out a chain which looks like a rosary. She continue reciting it with her eyes closed. I tried to touch her but a force pushed me back. I staggered back with a force which almost land me on the floor. She opened her eyes staring at me while breathing heavily. : TBC….
11 Feb 2018 | 07:22
Episode 11 John’s POV I sat in my office playing game on my phone. A lady walks in holding some files in her hand. She looks so hot and pretty. The skirt she was putting on was so tight and a bit short showing her fresh laps. She placed those files on my table smiling at me In a seductive manner. “Wow. You look more handsome than I heard about you.”she said smiling. Wow they already talked about me on my first day at work. This is so cool and interesting.”I thought to myself smiling at her. “I was asked to bring this files to you. Anyway my name is Cassandra. Am the president’s secretary nice meeting you”she said smiling. “Wow what a lovely name. Nice meeting you too”I said smiling. “I have to go for now. I’ll see you later because I have something to say to you”she said. “Oh really? Alright am here for you. Cassandra.”I said smiling. She turned back and started walking towards the door. Her back side was a huge one. She has a big Sexy ass figure. As she walks, her butt swayed right and left to every step she took. My eyes were fixed on her butt as they bounce like she’s tweaking. She opened the door and walked out. I swallowed hard when she left. Before I know it, I was already standing on my feet. I wonder how I got up from the seat. I sat back on the chair picking my phone from the desk. “Cassandra. Wow you hit me at the right point”I said smiling. : Stella’s POV When I balanced on my feet, I was staring at her in confusion wondering what just happened. She was also staring at me holding the rosary in her hand. I now understand what she just did. I leant some human have something to protect themselves from evil ghosts and evil spirits. I think she was reciting that because she saw me. She thought am an evil spirit or trying to harm her. I was moving closer to her slowly”Jenny. I mean no harm OK. Am not an evil person”I said looking at her. “Leave me alone!”she screamed on top of her voice which attracted the rest attention to her. The music was stopped as they were all staring at her in confusion. “Jenny what’s it?”the choreographer asked looking at her. “It’s nothing ma”she replied in a shaky voice. “Are you sure?”she asked again to confirm. “Yes ma.”she replied.”okay. Lower your voice OK”she said and they continue. Jenny stood up from where she was sitting and headed out. I followed her and found out she was heading to the bathroom. When she got there, she just went to the tap to wash her face. She looked into the mirror and I guess she could see me through the mirror because I can’t see myself through the mirror I could only see her. She turned back facing me. “Jenny I mean no harm. I felt bad about how the choreographer sent you out back there. I thought you could not see me but I was wrong about that. I mean you no harm.”I said looking at her. “Is that it?”she said looking at me. I was so happy she responded. I think I made another human friend so quick. “Yes. And am happy you responded. I know some pretend they don’t see us when they do. Am happy you could respond to me so quick”I said smiling. She smiled looking at me. “Thanks for your concern. This is not the first time of been kicked out of practice. I think this is not my path but my mum insisted I must be a dancer. She wants me to be a celebrity just like Debbie Annie, Suzy Mick and many other successful celebrity out there. Isn’t that funny? I think she’s too selfish. She only thought of how she feel not minding what her daughter might feel about it. Although I also love dancing but I think I can’t do any better than this. It makes me want to give up every time am trying to do better but she will never allow that. So funny “she said smiling. “Really? That’s so bad. But I think your mother want the best for you. You can also be better than those celebrities in future just believe in yourself. Believe you can do it. Every successful human today don’t give up on their dreams and ambitions they kept trying and trying till they were able to make it to their goals. Jenny you can do better. Believe in yourself and keep trying.”I said looking at her. She nodded her head looking at me. “You’re such a wonderful person. Thanks for the advise”she said smiling. : John’s POV It’s 6:45pm, I was already preparing to leave the office. But I think am missing something when I was about leaving. “What could I be missing? What’s it?”I started thinking hard to remember. “Oh yes. The ghost girl. Where could she be?”I said looking around. I stopped for a while feeling like a nuisance. “Why am worried about a ghost? It’s not like she doesn’t know how to make her way home.”I said. I picked my car key from the table and left the office heading out of to the elevator. I walked slowly hoping she’ll pop out to my side as usual but she was not showing up. “What could be happening?”I thought to myself not feeling comfortable. I got to the elevator and waited for it to open. After a while, the elevator opened. I looked at the person Inside and saw Debbie. I enter and pressed a button to close it. “Why are you leaving this late? Does the person you’re here to see delayed you?”she asked looking at me. “Should I say that?”I asked smiling. “Are you going home?”I asked her. “Yes. I am.”she replied. “Would you mind if I invite you for a drink?”I asked looking at her. “Really? That would be great. Am free for now”she replied smiling. The elevator stopped when it got to the last floor. We both walked out heading to the compound. : Stella’s POV By 7:15pm, Jenny and I were walking side by side on the street. I said I wish to walk her home and she was OK by that. I already told her about how I live my life as a ghost. I told her I was not able to remember how I died too and she also told me about when she started seeing ghosts. We’re already close just like Friends. I can see she’s a simple minded person. She’s free spirited and has a soft mind. She got shy when she’s with people but feel free when she’s with me. I wonder why she chose to act that way. “So, you mean you were also a dancer when you were still alive?”she asked. “Yes. I could remember that.”I replied. She stopped all of a sudden and started staring at me. “The more I look at you. You looks so familiar to me. But I can’t remember if I saw your face before. What’s your name?”she asked looking at me. “My name is Stella”I replied looking at her. “I think am wrong. You looks so familiar but I think that name doesn’t sound familiar. Maybe I once saw you as a ghost”she said thinking about it. She continue walking while I also walked beside her. “I guess you were a good dancer when you were still human”she said smiling. “Who knows. Everything is gone now that am a ghost. It’s useless”I said. “If you were so good, you might be of help to me someday.”she said smiling. “Huh. How can that be?”I asked looking at her. “I heard some ghosts could possess a human body. You’ll just have to do that for me during my performance. That’ll be so perfect. I mean if I could be seen by people dancing amazingly. That’ll make my mum so happy. And that would make me happy myself”she said smiling. “Is that possible?”I asked her. “I don’t know. I was just assuming”she said. “I never possess a human body before. I think that’s impossible”I said looking at her. “It might be and might not. My grandma told me it’s possible. But I never believe in that.”she said looking at me. “Could it be true? If I could possess human body, people would be able to see me. I won’t live a lonely life anymore. That would be so good. I think I might also help her. But I think it’s impossible”I thought to myself. “I can do anything just to be a good dancer. I want to impress my mum on my next performance. She always felt disappointed but this time, am trying my best to make her happy. Our performance is just four days to go. I don’t want to be left out this time too.”she said looking sad. I felt pity for her but there’s nothing I can do about that. Should I try possessing her body?”I thought to myself looking at her. But shook my head to snap out of it. “Should I try it?”I thought again but hesitated. She stopped and faced me smiling. “Would you give it a try?”she asked facing me. I was so surprised she knows what I’ve been thinking about. “Can you read my thoughts?”I thought to myself looking at her. “Yes I can. I know you wanted to help. I know you’re not a bad person, that was why I trust you easily at the first place. I can read thoughts so I know what you’re thinking.”she replied looking at me. My jaw dropped in amazement. “Do you really want me to possess you?”I asked her. “You can give it a try”she replied standing still. “I never done this before but I prayed it worked”I said looking at her. I closed my eyes and moved closer to her body. What I felt next was so shocking to me. : TBC
11 Feb 2018 | 07:36
@freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @nazeal @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @freeco @frankkay @froshberry @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @oneal32 @willingyung @robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @roes
11 Feb 2018 | 07:38
Wow I Love This Story
11 Feb 2018 | 11:54
Jenny got possessed by Stella
11 Feb 2018 | 12:15
she would be possessed and at the end she might not want to come out again
11 Feb 2018 | 13:10
she might be of help to u but at the end nko
11 Feb 2018 | 13:12
I sha love this story
11 Feb 2018 | 18:04
12 Feb 2018 | 02:22
my sweetie @denciebabe Don DA write story muah dear,cont
12 Feb 2018 | 04:15
hmm ride on
12 Feb 2018 | 04:53
I love the story bt then this Jenny might be knowing how Stella died hence her initial reaction. she may have a hidden motive for wanting Stella to possess her
12 Feb 2018 | 09:45
or maybe she just wants a little help but at end will not be able to be herself and it will be difficult to expel Stella's ghost from her. just be careful both of u.. continue plz
12 Feb 2018 | 09:48
Episode 12 I looked beside me but couldn’t find her anymore. “Jenny!”I called her name but the sound coming from me was different. “Am I possessing her body right now?”I said touching my face. The temperature felt warm just as a human body. I placed my hand on my chest to feel the heartbeat. To my surprise, it was beating. I quickly ran to a car packed by the side. I looked at myself in the mirror, I could see Jenny’s face in the mirror. “Wow. It works. It really works.”I said smiling. A man was passing by, I moved to his side smiling”can you see me?”I asked him. He looked at me In confusion “what’s this crazy girl talking about?”he said and went his way. I was so happy I could be seen by people but I was sad all was fake. Am possessing another person body. I felt something vibrating inside her pocket. I dipped my hand inside and brought out her phone. “Sweet mum”it was written on the screen. I was staring at it not knowing what to do. I was thinking if I could pick it or not. But when I thought of how she talked her mum, I think she was worried about her. I answered it and placed it to my ear. “Jenny. Why are you not home yet?”she asked sounding worried. I don’t know how to reply her. What, should I say to her? “A…am…on my… W..way home”I said in a stammer voice. “OK dear. Don’t be late OK?”she said and ended the call. I brought down the phone and put it back into her pocket. “How should I get out of her?”I thought to myself. I tried going out but it doesn’t seem easy to do like the first first time. I tried and tried but to no avail. “What should I do now? I think your mum is worried”I said feeling bad. I unlocked her phone to check if I could find her address. Luckily for me, I was able to find it on her Facebook timeline. I followed the address there until I was able to get to her street. I don’t know which way to go again so I started walking slowly. I accidentally bumped into someone. “Am sorry”I said looking at the girl. “Oh Jenny. Where are you heading to this late?”she asked looking at me. I had no idea of who she is. I think she might be one of her friend. I was staring at her for a while like a deaf and dumb. “Oh am heading home”I replied smiling. “Really? So you mean that’s the way home?”she asked looking at me. “Oh it’s not this way”I said looking at her. She was staring at me awkwardly. “That’s your building over there. Why are you acting wield?”she asked looking at me. I started laughing on hearing that. “Am I really acting wield? I think I drank too much that’s why”I said laughing. “Oh it seems so”she said looking at me. I quickly walked towards the gate she pointed to and opened it. I walked towards the building looking around the compound. It looks like an average class home. Not too rich and not poor. I walked to the door and pressed the bell on it. “Welcome home dear”a woman’s voice said. She opened the door smiling. She’s so pretty just like Jenny. She has a short blond hair and was putting on a red fitted gown. I entered and she closed the door behind us. I walked down the passage while she followed behind, few seconds later, I was in the living room. “How was practice today?”she asked smiling. “It was good ma”I replied looking at her. “Ma?”she repeated looking at me. “I mean mum”I corrected myself. “OK that’s good. Go and take a warm shower before having your dinner. Since you prefer doing that”she said. I stood up not knowing which way to go. “Where could her room be?”I thought to myself looking around. “Let me check something” She left the living room heading somewhere. I quickly went to one of the room and opened the door. I looked inside and saw how it was set. One could tell it’s her room. Because it was decorated in pink and purple and some celebrity poster on the wall. I entered and walked around in her room. I think she might caught on later. How should I keep this on? : John’s POV I sat in the living room expecting the ghost girl, but she was no where to be found. After waiting for some minutes, I went to my room to sleep. The following day.. Till I arrived at work, I couldn’t found her anywhere near my house. When I got to the company, I became more worried about her. “Could something bad had happen to her?”I thought to myself. As I was still thinking about her, a girl came to me smiling. She was putting on a black T-shirt which has blue stripes on it and a Jean pant trouser. She braided her hair into two tying the end with colorful bonds. She got to me and was smiling. “Good morning Mr handsome”she said smiling. “Mr handsome?”I said looking at her. That sounds familiar. “Sorry I didn’t show up yesterday. Something funny came up”she said. “Wait. Don’t tell me you….”I stopped looking at her. She moved closer to my ear. “It’s me Stella. I possessed this pretty girl’s body”she said in a whisper. My eyes went wild on hearing that. “How could you? Why?”I asked in surprise. She looked around and looked back at me. “I’ll tell you about it later. I need to go for practice at the sixth floor.”she said and left. “Wow I can’t believe she did that. This is driving me crazy”I said looking at her. : Stephen’s POV I was staring at john and the girl as they talk. The first time I saw her, I was so shocked and surprised. She’s so bold as always. She could even possess a human body? Impressive. “I can’t believe we could meet again. Long time no see Suzy Mick”i thought to myself looking at her as she left. : TBC
12 Feb 2018 | 21:35
She's going 4 a practice....the other girl may even learn like this,in her.
12 Feb 2018 | 22:35
I guess stephen iz d 1 behind her death
13 Feb 2018 | 06:42
How does Stephen know the ghost girl? And that she possessed another? Hmmmn
13 Feb 2018 | 06:47
so Stephen can as well see ghost,,,, and he's the one that killed her
13 Feb 2018 | 07:43
and how is she going to get out of that body? am confused..... hm that Stephen is something
13 Feb 2018 | 07:47
let her be mindful,, so as not to endanger the life of that innocent girl (jenny)
13 Feb 2018 | 07:49
So stephen can c ghost and it may b dat he is d one that killed her
13 Feb 2018 | 09:01
Hmmm so Stephen sees ghost too ,u might be the cause of her death abi
13 Feb 2018 | 10:44
Her name was Suzy Mick... getting more intresting.
13 Feb 2018 | 12:21
am loving this story, abeg continue
13 Feb 2018 | 13:24
Its like Stephen has a cockroach in his cupboard
13 Feb 2018 | 13:54
ohhh,,,,, Stephen is d killer,,,, Suzy knew abt john's mother death, dats y he killed her
13 Feb 2018 | 17:39
Getting really interesting
13 Feb 2018 | 18:07
Stephen might be the one that killed her... and Stella find a way to come out of her; you are ruining things
14 Feb 2018 | 04:14
Episode 13 I turned back to leave, then I saw Debbie coming. I quickly put on a smile to hide the expression on my face. “Morning”she greeted. “Good morning. I expected you to meet with me yesterday but you didn’t show up”I said looking at her. “Yes. I had an emergency meeting yesterday. Sorry for disappointing you.”she said not looking good. “Really. I have missed you. It has been long we last talk properly ever since I left to the state. I want things back in place huh”I said looking at her. She nodded her head in response. “OK I understand you. You know am kind of too busy these days.”she replied. “OK. Can you make it tonight?”I asked. “I’ll call you when I check my schedule for today. It’s like am free tonight”she replied. “Alright. I’ll be expecting your call”I said and she left. I left the scene heading to my office. : Stella’s POV I entered the practice room and saw the girls already hanging around. The choreographer is not yet there. Since I don’t know anybody I could talk to, I sat alone beside the speaker. Some were doing free style some were laughing and chatting. I spotted three girls at a corner looking at me and gossiping about something. When I saw the killer look on their face, I also stared back at them badly. “I know you guys are the one giving the poor Jenny hard time. They’re not even as pretty as her”I thought to myself. They started coming towards me. When they got to me, they stopped and a weird looking girl stepped forward. She was putting on a loose long sleeve off shoulder top which was above her abdomen and a black bum short matching with her black and white Jordan sneakers. Her make up made her look like an evil ghost. On seeing her weird looking face, I couldn’t help it but giggle covering my mouth with my hand. I think that made her more annoyed. “Benny or whatever your name is called. You better work with your brain today. You’re giving others hard time OK?”she said folding her arms. “Yes that’s true. Her moves were so annoying and bad. If you find this hard, why don’t you quit already? No one is forcing you here”another girl said. “That’s it. It’s not compulsory you must be a dancer. Stop suffocating us horrible moves”another one said. “Oh my God! Is this what Jenny go through everyday? How could she take all this insult from these mean girls.? Well you guys are always like this. You don’t want anyone better than you”I thought to myself. I stood up and faced them. “You, you and you”I said pointing to them one after the other. The remaining girls around us, stopped all they were doing and faced me. By now all attentions were on me. But why? They didn’t do this when the girls were insulting me but when I spoke, they all were staring at me. I ignored them and continued. “You”I said pointing to the weird looking girl. “Did you forget to check your mirror before coming to practice? You have to take care of your horrible looking face before complaining about others mistakes”I said staring at her. “You guys should find something better to discuss. Stop wasting your time gossiping about innocent people. And mind you, it’s Jenny not Benny ok”i added looking at the remaining girls. They all were surprised by this. “Has she lost her mind? What has gotten over her? Are you sure she’s Jenny?”I heard some girls murmuring. “Wow. You became so bold overnight. I can’t believe people could change easily. We’ll see the horrible person here after the upcoming performance.”she said smiling. Just then, a lady came in. She wore a pink leggings and a black top which looks like a tube. Covering only the chest showing her flat tummy. “I’ve seen her before. Oh she’s the pretty model. Mr handsome crush”I thought to myself staring at her. “Girls! Let’s start”she said moving to the front. The three girls gave me a bad look before leaving. We all formed a three row and four column. Making twelve In number. “Let’s see what you were taught yesterday”she said. “What should I do? I don’t know what they were taught yesterday. How should I go about it?”I thought to myself feeling unease. She played the music and they started. I was just following what they were doing but it was not matching. The lady walks to me smiling. “Are you sure you practiced with them?”she asked looking at me. I nodded my head in respond and continue. The weird looking girl smiled and purposely pushed me with her shoulder. I twisted my ankle and fell. “Ouch!” I screamed out holding my ankle. As I fell to the ground, everyone stopped the dance and were staring at me. The lady bent down beside me holding my hand”are you OK? You should have be more careful”she said looking worried. When she said that, a memory flashed to my head again. *memory* We were in practice room dancing to a song, suddenly I twisted my ankle and fell to the ground. The girl I was sitting with the other day, quickly bent down beside me holding my hand”stella are you OK? You should have be more careful”she said having the same look as this present lady only the hair style was different. “Stella! Debbie! Are you guys OK?”a guy’s voice said from behind. “Am OK. I think I overdid it”I said smiling at her. “Are you sure it’s fine?”She said and helped me up also smiling. *reality* As she finished the statement, her face was clear to me as she was staring at me with those same look as then. I was so shocked by the memory I just remembered. I was staring at her confusingly. “Debbie?”that was all I could pronounce out. “If she’s really the Debbie in my memory, she might know the reason behind my death. Since she was my best friend then. She was staring at me confusingly : Tbc…
14 Feb 2018 | 18:14
Episode 14 John’s POV I was working on some files in my office. Someone knocked on the door and I responded the person should come in. I lifted my head to see the person, to my surprise it was Cassandra. The outfit she put on was so hot on her. A mini gown which fitted her body revealing those sexy curves. The chest was half covered. Her boobs were revealing at the top. Immediately she got in, my eyes were glued on her body as she walks towards my desk. I promise myself not to be a player anymore but seeing her in this tempting situation can’t let me stop. I must have her too. Even if it’ll last two days, I have to date her. She got to my desk and placed the files on it. “Good morning sir. How was your night?”she greeted as she dropped it. “Oh. It was fine and yours?”I replied smiling. “You never ask of what I have to tell you.”she said looking at me. “Sorry dear. I’ll like to know”I replied smiling. She moved closer to where I was sitting and placed her hand on my shoulder smiling seductively. : Stella’s POV As I called her name, everyone were silent looking at me. “Are you OK?”she asked trying to help me up. I manage to stand up myself. “You can take 5minutes break for now OK”she said looking at me. “OK. Thanks”I said. I left the queue and sat somewhere looking at them from where I sat. I was staring at Debbie as she spoke to them. When they were about starting, she looked back at me with an unknown expression then concentrated back to the girls. After practice, she came to where I was sitting and sat beside me. “Is your leg OK?”she asked looking at me. “Yes. Thanks for your concern”I replied smiling. She sighed and was quiet for a while. “Well, that happens ones in a while.”she said. “Dont hurt those pretty legs again. You need to be careful OK.”she said smiling. “Oh. Really? Am sorry for being rude back there. I mean the way I called you”I said. “That’s nothing. You don’t need to. But the way you called me reminds me of someone”she said smiling. I looked at her face and nodded my head. “Is that it? Saying it with this look on your face, I could tell that friend is far away from you or you guys lost contact”I said looking at her. She was silent for some seconds before replying me. “She’s dead”she said not looking at me. She has this painful expression on her face. “Am sorry”I said feeling bad. “It’s OK.”she said smiling. “She was my best friend when she was alive. Although I never believed she’s dead. But all evidence said she’s dead. It was so sad and painful”she said looking sad. I was so confused by her words. She said she can’t believe she’s dead, but why did she say that?””I thought to myself staring at her. “Why did you say that? Why don’t you believe she’s dead?”I asked looking curious. She faced me with this pitiful look on her face. “Because her body was not found”she said looking at me. : John’s POV Cassandra was beside me. She asked of my phone and I started searching for it. It was then I remembered I left it in my car. “Am sorry. I need to get it from my car”I said. “Why don’t you give me yours instead. I’ll save it to my phone later”I said bringing out a pen. I stretched it out to her but she pushed my hand down gentle. “I want to type it on your phone. Go and get it”she said smiling. “Ok. If you wish to. Let me get it I won’t be late”I said and stood up from the seat. “I’ll be right back”I said and walked towards the door. Few minutes later, I got my phone and was going back to office. I was smiling to myself as I walked towards my office. When I got to the door, I looked through the window And I noticed Cassandra was searching through my drawer. She searched the desk and some files on it. The look on her face showed she was looking for something. When I saw this, my expression changed. I wonder what she’s up to. Why’s she fumbling through my stuffs?””I thought to myself looking annoyed. I opened the door and she quickly went back to her standing position acting as if nothing just happened. “You’re here”she said smiling. I walked to my desk and arranged those files to how I kept them. She tried to touch me but I stopped her. “Were you able to find what you were looking for?”I asked staring at her. She was shocked to hear that from me. Her expression changed. “What do you mean?”she asked having this innocent look. “Who sent you?”I asked looking straight into her eyes. : Stephen’s POV When Cassandra told me everything on how john caught her, I landed a heavy slap on her face which made her staggered back holding the desk behind her. “How can you be so careless? Didn’t I warned you to be careful”I said looking at her angrily. “I won’t forgive you this time. Be prepared to see the worst”I said looking at her. She looked up at me begging me seriously for forgiveness. “Please spare me. I promise to do whatever you want. Please just give me one more chance. It won’t…..” I raised my hand to slap her again but I hanged it in the air looking at her. I brought it down gently still boiling in anger. “One more chance. One more chance. Am tired of that statement. Until when will I give you those chances?”I asked looking more angry. She went down on her kneel with tears on her face. “If I fail this time around. You can kill me. I will bet with my life this time.”she said looking at me. I smiled nodding my head. “Good. If you fail to gain his trust back and fulfill your mission, I will rip out your heart and throw your dead body in the cold river for fishes to feast on”I said looking at her in anger. : TBC
14 Feb 2018 | 18:16
@freeco @sabinto @sanctus4real @jummybabe @itzprince @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths Nd others New episode
15 Feb 2018 | 04:33
What are they getting at?
15 Feb 2018 | 06:04
Stephen a damn monster.
15 Feb 2018 | 06:47
I guess Debbie and Cassandra knew a whole lot in this,, but time shall tell
15 Feb 2018 | 06:50
oya let's movey
15 Feb 2018 | 07:19
no wonder Debbie said dey havnt discover Stella's body,,, its bcos Stephen is alws throwing dem inside d ocean
15 Feb 2018 | 09:22
In other words maybe stella's body was thrown into a river
15 Feb 2018 | 10:30
Stella you are getting there,but you need my help,lol
15 Feb 2018 | 13:40
15 Feb 2018 | 15:02
What was she looking for, this Stephen is something else
15 Feb 2018 | 16:56
Stephen the bastatd
15 Feb 2018 | 17:17
Hmmm so he wants to ruin his brother's documents
15 Feb 2018 | 18:37
Stephen you are gonna kill her and throw her dead body to the river for fishes to feast on her just like you did to your step mom right??!
15 Feb 2018 | 19:17
Episode 15 Stella’s POV When she said that, I was so confused. “Do you mean her body was not found till now. So if that’s it, why did you guys concluded she’s dead and not missing?”I asked her looking more confused. She looked at me smiling.”why are you so interested in this. So you mean you never read the news about Suzy Mick death?”she asked looking at me. “Am sorry for asking too much. But I just wish to know that one reason you guys don’t believe she’s dead”I said. “Only her bag and belongings could be seen by the sea shore. Her jacket was found with blood over it. But her own body was not found. They searched the sea and everywhere but she was not found. So they concluded the fishes ate up her body already. But I never believed any of it. She’s my close friend, she never told me she’s going to the place they found all those stuffs. She told me she’s meeting with someone. But I just hope he isn’t the one behind it. I must find out about everything. I must see her body with my eyes before I can believe she’s truly dead. I won’t forgive him if he really did that to my friend.”she said looking hurt and sad. “So sorry for that. But you were saying “him” sorry to ask but Do you suspect someone?”I asked her. She looked at me with a smile”are you interrogating me right now? Maybe you should be a prosecutor instead of a dancer”she said looking at me. “Sorry for that. I just felt bad about the incident. I wish to know more of it”I replied. “We’ll talk about that later. I need to go for now. Someone is waiting for me.”she said standing up from my side. I also stood up looking at her”OK. Thanks for today.”I said smiling. “You have to threat that leg OK”she said smiling. “Yes ma’am”I replied. : John’s POV I sat in my office thinking about the thing Cassandra did. “What’s she looking for? Why is she messing up with my stuffs?”I asked myself. I hated it when someone touch my stuffs without my knowledge. I think she has something she’s trying to get from my office. But what’s that?. The sound of the door made me snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at the door and saw Stella. She came to my desk and sat on the seat opposite to me. “Mr handsome I have something to say”she said looking at me. I sighed placing my hand on my forehead. “Will you please stop calling me that name. My name is john not Mr handsome”I corrrcted looking at her. “OK. Mr john. I just heard about something. It’s about my death”she said. “Really? What’s it about? Who did you hear that from?”I asked looking at her. “Debbie. Debbie told me about everything”she replied. “Debbie?”I asked looking surprised. I wonder how Debbie know about her death. “Yes. I had a memory of how she and I were close. Debbie was my closest friend. I just find that out today. She knows everything about me. She told me things I never know about my death today. She said my body was not found so there’s possibility am not dead but that’s so confusing to me. I mean am a ghost already”she said. “Your body was not found?”I asked again. “Yes. And she said something about Suzy Mick. Do you know the person named Suzy Mick?”she asked looking at me. I wonder why she brought that up. “Yes I know about that late celebrity. she died three years ago.”I replied looking at her. I meet with her once that was when I came to the company to meet my mum. I bumped into her that day. Even though I was at fault then, she apologized to me instead. I was so surprised by that. I also apologized to her immediately. It was then I developed interest in her. When I found out she died, it was so painful to me. Many of her fans were really heartbroken. “She’s a good and nice person. Her death was so hurtful to me”I said to her. Then I actually had feelings for her the first time I bumped into her. That was love at first sight. When we apologized to each other and she left, I saw a gold wrist chain on the floor. I think that dropped from her. I picked it up and tried to look for her but she was gone. On my way to office, I saw a poster placed on the wall it was her picture. She dressed like a pop star she looks so pretty while she smiles in the poster. A name was written at the right top corner. ‘Suzy mick’ I repeated the name smiling to myself. When I got back home, I went through the internet and started browsing through her biography and all details about her. It was then I know she’s a popular celebrity. I kept the wrist chain in a box and put it In my drawer wishing I could meet her again someday and return that to her. I visited my dad’s company times without numbers just hoping we could meet again. After three months, I heard the popular celebrity is dead. The news said she went to beach but was missing for two days. They found her belonging by the seashore and her body was eaten up by the sea animals. It was so painful to me. The second day was when my mum’s body was found by the same seashore. I had two painful feeling about my mum’s death and about her death. When Stella mentioned her name now, it reminds my of that painful memory. “Why did you ask about her?”I asked looking at her. She was not saying anything for a while. “Why are you silent?”I asked her. “Suzy Mick was Debbie’s best friend. If I have those memories am having now about Debbie and I, that means am the Suzy Mick”she said staring at me. That gave me a great shock. I remembered the day I first saw her as a ghost. She looks so familiar to me but I couldn’t recall her face then. But now that she just said this, her image formed in my head.”You’re are Suzy Mick!”I said looking at her. I couldn’t believe this is happening. She’s really the girl I met back then. What a coincident”i thought to myself. She was staring at me wondering why am acting that way. : TBC…..
16 Feb 2018 | 09:23
Episode 16 Cassandra managed to stand up. “I need to go home”she said not looking at me. I moved closer to her and lifted her chin up gently with my hand. “Don’t be mad at me. That was a mistake. You know I love you huh”I said looking at her. She nodded her head and moved her face from my hand. “I know. So please can I go and treat myself at home? My neck is burning”she said. She picked up her hand bag from the ground and left before I could say anything. I watched her leave until she got into her car and zoomed out. I wiped my face down in frustration. “John. You’re stepping on my toes. If you’re the one to take what are meant for me, I’ll rather clear you out of my way finally” I thought to myself. : John’s POV Debbie and I sat opposite to each other at the bar. I ordered for some refreshments and BBQ. After eating, we talk about lot of things. It was then I remembered what Stella told me about her so I asked her some questions. “I want to ask If you know anyone named Stella.”I said looking at her. She was quiet for a while before replying me. “Stella? I have lot of friends named Stella so I don’t know which one you’re asking of”she replied. “Oh really? OK what of Suzy Mick?”I asked. She looked at me strangely on hearing that. “Why are you asking these questions?”she asked looking at me. “Because am her fan. I heard you guys were so close when she was alive.”I said. She sighed”yes we were. Her name is Michael Stella and her stage name is Suzy Mick. It’s true she’s a close friend of mine. So bad death took her away so early.”She said looking sad. “Sorry for reminding you of the painful memory. She was also my female idol. Apart from that, she’s a friend of mine too. Her death was so painful. Since you’re her best friend, you might know a lot about her”I said. “Yes I do. But why are you so interested about her?”she asked looking at me. “Like I said earlier, she was my friend also. But her death was strange to me. Don’t you want to know the reason behind her death?”I asked looking at her. “Since we’re on the same boat, let’s work together and reveal the mystery behind her death”I added. “Good to hear that. Am doing it already. I know the person that kill her but the game is not easy to play with that kind of person”she said. : Stella’s POV It’s 7:00pm, Jenny had packed her stuffs and ready to go home, we both left the company walking beside each other. I already told her about everything that happened right from when I possessed her body till this present day. She was so surprised after I told her everything. “I never knew that could be possible. I thought it won’t work but it does.”she said looking at me. “Me too. After I did it, I tried going out but It does not work out. Am so sorry for that”I said. “You don’t need to be. You just helped me not offend me. I was surprised when those mean girls were praising me. I will be happy if that continues”she said smiling. “That’s so good but that can’t go forever. The best thing is to work for yourself.”I said looking at her. “Hmm. That’s true but I just want to impress everyone with my performance. I want to impress my mum especially.”she said. “OK. We’ll find a perfect solution to that”I said. “Thanks.”she replied looking at me. When we got to the compound, I saw the guy from the other day. He was heading back to the company. When he got to us, he stopped looking at Jenny. I think he can’t see me. Jenny’s expression changed after he stared at us for a while, he said hy. And walked pass us. When he left, Jenny turned back still staring at him. I tapped her shoulder and she turned back to me. “Why are you like this? What’s wrong?”I asked her. She took a step forward then started walking slowly ahead of me. I walked up to her and we continue walking towards the gate. “Why are you acting strange? Why that expression all of a sudden”That guy…that guy is strange”she said looking at me. “Why do you say that?”I asked looking confused. “I could see an evil spirit inside him. That guy is not an ordinary human being. And again his…..his thought said……”she stopped when we heard some foot steps behind us. We both turned back gently to see the person. To my surprise, it was the guy. Jenny moved closer to me I could see she’s trembling in fear as he got closer. : TBC
16 Feb 2018 | 09:26
@freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @oneal32 @willingyung @Robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @Robidon New episode
16 Feb 2018 | 09:30
So this is what happened,more truth about her is coming....
16 Feb 2018 | 11:24
Who is the guy?
16 Feb 2018 | 12:18
oh my, this is becoming more interesting and complicated in a way. post more please
16 Feb 2018 | 13:21
hmmmmm.....let see how it goes John need to be careful with Cassandra tactics
16 Feb 2018 | 17:25
Cassandra shall be of a great help when the time comes
17 Feb 2018 | 05:18
Which guy
17 Feb 2018 | 11:07
Who is this guy sef
17 Feb 2018 | 14:43
Strange!, how could he get to their back just like that?!
17 Feb 2018 | 15:05
I knw it stephen bt why is he like that
17 Feb 2018 | 15:32
bia do u want to kill somebody with suspense. pls update ooo
17 Feb 2018 | 19:08
double updates plz
17 Feb 2018 | 21:28
18 Feb 2018 | 02:00
Episode 18 He got to us and stopped looking at Jenny. He stretched out a hairpin to Jenny. “This dropped from you”he said looking at her. Jenny touched her hair but couldn’t find it. “Thanks” she said and received the pin from him. He nodded his head smiling. He left us while Jenny still looks uncomfortable and scared. When he left, I asked her if what she said was true. “Do you mean that guy is an evil spirit?”I asked looking surprised. “That means he can see me too.”I added looking at her. “Yes he does. He definitely saw you”Jenny replied. “I knew from the first day I saw him. His looks were weird and strange.”I said. “He’s a dangerous type. Do you know him specially from anywhere?”she asked me. “No. I don’t remember seeing him when I was still a human”I replied. “His thought interpretes that He’s someone who knows you better than anyone. He’s someone who knows every secret about your death.”Jenny said looking at me. I was so surprised to hear that. I never knew of all what she just said. I had no idea of who the guy is to me. : John’s POV After Debbie and I talked for long, and the time is almost 9pm. We left the bar for my car. After dropping her home, I drove back home still thinking about what she meant by “”the game is not easy to play with that kind of person.””I asked her about it but she refuses to reveal the person to me. When I got home, I packed my car in the compound and walked towards the door. I opened it and went inside. I saw Stella sitting on the chair in the living room. I was surprised she has turned back to ghost girl. When I got to her she stood up. : Stella’s POV When I saw john, I stood up from the couch looking at him. “You’re here already”he said looking at me. “Yes. I have something to tell you”I said. “What’s that? Am also just coming from Debbie”he said. “Jenny told me about your brother. The girl can read thoughts. We met him today while I was escorting Jenny home. Can your brother see ghosts?”I asked looking at him. He looks surprised by the question. I guess he doesn’t know about that. “What do you mean? Because I can see you that doesn’t mean my brother and sisters can also see ghosts”he replied looking at me strangely. I told him everything Jenny told me about Stephen. He found it so hard to believe. I wondered why he can’t believe me. “That’s unbelievable! Stephen can’t be. He might be bad, mean or wicked but he can never be that evil.”he said looking at me. : John’s POV When she told me the whole thing Jenny told her about Stephen, I found it so hard to believe. It was then I remembered what Debbie told me at the bar. Could the person be Stephen? If Stephen did that to her what’s his purpose and what does he gain from hurting an innocent person like her.””I thought to myself still staring at Stella. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Let me gather myself together first before I can say anything”I said and headed to my room. When I got to my room, I sat on the bed thinking about the whole thing over and over again. “Stephen was possessed? But when? How?”I asked myself lot of questions I was not able to give answers to. : Cassandra’s POV. When I was driving home, I got a call from my sister saying mum is so sick and requesting to see me. I don’t visit home for the past four years. Because I was an adopted child, I was treated badly by mummy. She always went against anything I do in the house. She threatened me to the extend that I ran away from home. When I ran away from their house, a car almost knock me down while I was walking around an unknown street. The driver turns out to be Stephen. He got down from his car to check if I had any injury. He asked where I was going to that late at night. I told him I was heading to nowhere. He asked me what the problem was and I told him everything about how my Foster mother treated me. I told him I can’t go back to the house because I don’t want to be treated bad anymore. It was then he accepted me and I started working for him. Till now I never visit them or want to know how they’ve been living. When their only daughter elle called me, she used another line to call me because I’ve been rejecting their calls all these years. When she told me about her mother’s health and her request to see me, I first hesitated but I thought I might be a bad person if I didn’t visit them. I thought of days she took care of me as her child and also thought of elle and fathers good treatments towards me. Because of that, I made up my mind to visit them. I made a U turn and drove to their place. When I got there, everywhere has really changed a lot. The houses and the environment has changed. Maybe because I’ve been there for long. I packed my car in front of their building and got down locking it with the remote. I walked slowly towards the building. When I got to the entrance, I took a deep breath before pressing the door bell. In few seconds, the door was opened by Elle. Immediately she saw me, she hugged me so tight with tears on her face. “I’ve missed you. Am sorry for everything mother did to you. Please forgive us”she said sobbing. I patted her back gently and withdrew her from the hug. She and father were the only one that took me as real family so they never offended me. Her face has not changed from how I left her. I smiled nodding my head. “Am also sorry for leaving you guys like that. I hope you forgive me also.”I said looking at her. We both went inside to see mother. When we got to her room, she was lying on the bed. Tears dropped from her face when she sighted me. I stood before her looking at her face. “Please forgive me Sandra. Am sorry for everything. I called you here just because I want to apologise properly. Please forgive me my daughter.”she said weeping. I moved closer to her bed and hold her hand. “I understand you mummy. Am also sorry for leaving you guys. I regretted leaving the house because I realized everything became more worst for me not better”I said looking at her. “Elle. Is your dad home yet?”she asked my sister. “Let me check him in his room”she said and headed out. “Thanks for coming. I had a slight fever. I was just discharged from your dad’s hospital today. You dad was giving me medications at home because I refused to stay at the hospital.”she said looking at me. “OK ma. How’s your health right now? Hope you’re getting better?”I asked. “Yes. Thank God”she replied smiling. The door opened and dad came in. I stood up and greeted him. “Cassandra! Is that really you?”he asked looking at me. “Am so sorry sir. Sorry for making you guys worry. I think you should understand why I did that”I said. He walked up to me and hugged me. “Am the one sorry for everything. Please forgive us”he said. He released me and looked at mother. “How’s your health dear?”he asked looking at her. “Am fine since I saw my daughter”she replied smiling. “Really? That’s so good”he said smiling. The door flung open and we all looked at the door wondering what happened. “She’s acting strange! Dad you need to check on her”elle rushed in screaming. Dad quickly rushed out with elle. Mum even tried to stand up but dad told her not to worry. I followed them out to where they’re going to. He opened a door and I followed him in. When we got inside, a lady breathing heavily while the bed was shaking seriously. She was on the bed with an oxygen mask covering her nose and mouth. She was on life supporting matching. I wasn’t able to see her face clearly so I moved closer as dad attended to her. When I got to her, I can now see her face clearly. She was the girl that died three years ago. “Suzy Mick!”I said looking at her. I covered my mouth with both hand staring at her confusingly. Stephen told me she was his ex-girlfriend when she was alive. He told me how and reason he killed her three years ago. I was the only one he revealed the whole secret to because he trusted me. I was so surprised to see her here. Why is she here? What relationship does she have with my Foster parents. I kept staring at her in shock. : TBC…
18 Feb 2018 | 10:33
Sorry.. That's episode 17
18 Feb 2018 | 10:34
Episode 18 John’s POV I stood up from my bed and moved closer to the drawer. I opened it and brought out the wristchain I had three years ago. “I missed you so much. Am so sorry for not recognizing earlier. Anyway am happy you’re still around me. I promise to reveal every single secret behind you and my mum’s death. That’s the only thing I can do for you now for your soul to rest in perfect peace.”I said looking at the wristchain. I stared at it for a while before closing the box and keeping it back in my drawer. I stood up and headed out of my room to see if she’s still in the living room. I feel like seeing her face again to compare to how she looks three years ago. When I got to the living room, I saw her still standing where I left her. “Why are you still standing there? I asked her.” She turned to me smiling. “Am having some sleep”she replied. “Seriously? Do you sleep?”I asked looking at her. “I was only kidding. I just feel like standing here. I will soon go back to Jenny now”she said smiling. That smile reminds me of when we first met. She smiled the same way while apologizing to me. “OK. Why don’t you stay here a little longer”I said looking at her. I feel like seeing her for a long time before going back to bed. “I have something to do with Jenny”she replied. “Oh. OK”I said looking at her. “Anyway why are you out of your room again? It’s late. Do you wish to see my face more before going to bed?”she asked jokingly. I was surprised she said that. What? Is she reading my mind? I thought to myself. I cleared my throat looking at her”what’s on your face? I just came to take some water”I said heading toward the center table. I heard her laughing behind me so I turned to her wondering why she laughing. “Is that the way to the fridge? That shows you just lied about that because your mind was not there”she said looking at me. I felt so embarrassed of myself. I quickly turned back and went to the fridge. I opened the it dodging my face behind the door in embarrassment. “She’s so smarter than I think”I said and took a bottled water from the freezer. I closed the door and twisted the cover of the bottle to open the lid. I was about taking the bottle to my mouth when I saw something strange. I looked at Stella and saw her body was becoming translucent and fading off into the air. The bottle dropped from my hand and I quickly went to her. “What’s happening to you? Why is your body like this?”I asked holding her shoulders. I could still feel her body but it felt different. “I don’t know. Please what’s happening? I think my time is up on earth. I don’t want to leave now. I still have a lot to do. I can’t leave now”she said crying. I was so sad and confused. I thought of how my mum vanished from this earth and I never saw her again. I got scared the same thing is about to happen to Stella. I still have a lot to tell her. I still have a lot to do with her. She can’t leave now but I can’t do anything about that. I looked at her and she’s becoming more translucent. “I think it cant be changed. Goodbye john. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. It’s time to go now”she said still crying. I hugged her tight almost crying. “Am sorry. Am sorry for everything right from when we met till now. Am sorry for not recognizing you earlier. Please forgive me. I can’t let you go this time also without saying my heart to you. I think I’ll regret that for the rest of my life. Stella. Am using this moment to tell you I love you. No one can fill your space in my heart. I wish to say this three years ago but you were gone. you might be gone now but I promise you to reveal the mystery behind your death. With that, I can feel at peace.”I said. I don’t know when tears rolled down my cheek. The hug became lose as her body faded more. “Goodbye my first love!”I said before her body faded out finally. My arms were in the air the same position I hugged her. I dropped my hand by my side loosely. “Why do you have to go now? Why do I recognize you so late? Why do I pushed you away the first time we met?”I said and wiped off the tears on my face. I regretted so many thing I did wrong to her. I leaned my back to the wall slowly feeling hurt and sad. : Cassandra’s POV Dad injected a shot in her arm and that calmed her. Elle also had this worried look on her face. Dad took a deep breath and placed both hands on his waist looking at her. “What happened? Dad what’s wrong with her?”elle asked looking at her dad. He sighed. “She got an arrest. Her condition is getting better but I can’t tell when she’ll be able to open her eyes.”he said looking at elle. She moved closer to her bed and stroked her hair gently. “Please you need to get better and come back to us your fans huh”she said looking at her face. Dad looked at me who was still surprised by what I just saw. “She’s my secret patient. She had been in coma for the past three years. For the past three years her body just acted this way today. You must not tell anyone about who you saw here. No one must know about her.”dad said looking at me. I nodded my head in response. I looked at elle and she also nodded her head in agreement to what dad said. : It’s 9pm and I already said my fare well to them. I told them I’ll visit them often from now on. After I left there house, I was driving back home but the thought of that girl kept disturbing me. If I should keep this to myself and Stephen later find out, my life could be in danger and if I reveal it to him, he’ll definitely kill her again before she wake up from coma. What should I do? I don’t want to betray my parent and I don’t want to face Stephen’s rage. “Dad, elle. Am sorry to you guys. I have to do this just to save my own life”I said and brought out my cell phone to call Stephen and tell him about the whole drama. I was dialing his number but didn’t notice an upcoming truck coming from the other side. It was on high speed. I tried stepping on the break pedal but it refuses to work. The truck got to me and hit my car. My car tumbled twice hitting the rocks by the cliff. The glasses broke as it landed on the rocks. I could not feel my body again as my eyes shut slowly. It continues hitting the rocks like that before falling down into the deep river. : TBC
18 Feb 2018 | 10:36
@freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @oneal32 @willingyung @Robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @roes @froshberry
18 Feb 2018 | 10:39
thank God she have an accident.
18 Feb 2018 | 12:50
am glad to hear that
18 Feb 2018 | 14:48
i think Stella will come back to life and expose Stephen or at least meet John again. as for Cassandra good for your to experience death and your ghost gets restless. next plz
18 Feb 2018 | 15:18
@dencygirl i owe u a kiss... I'm loving this story and ur 2 Episode update is totally on point, come for ur kiss on 29th of this month ?
18 Feb 2018 | 19:05
welcoming Cassandra to the restless life
18 Feb 2018 | 22:10
@softtouch you are not serious ne @dencygirl you have appointment for the kiss of life Cassandra you are honorless, and the life you plan to save is even fading away...
19 Feb 2018 | 03:37
@softtouch u no see ur self,, appointment for kiss @dencygirl my one and only
19 Feb 2018 | 06:00
Cassandras help shall be of a great achievement to u all
19 Feb 2018 | 06:15
@softtouch you are not serious ne @dencygirl you have appointment for the kiss of life Cassandra you are honorless, and the life you plan to save is even fading away…
Yes oo we have to make appointment for the kiss
19 Feb 2018 | 07:40
@Joshuaani abeg leave @dencygirl for me just for one day
19 Feb 2018 | 07:42
I feel sorry for her but I think that is better
19 Feb 2018 | 08:32
Cassandra got what she deserved
19 Feb 2018 | 08:50
19 Feb 2018 | 09:28
I hope Stella. will come to life
19 Feb 2018 | 09:29
19 Feb 2018 | 09:29
Stella maybe getting back,back to body,back to life.
19 Feb 2018 | 10:59
Good for u Cassandra
19 Feb 2018 | 13:53
Episode 19 I quickly woke up from my sleep-breathing heavily. “That was a scary dream,”I said wiping some sweats off my face. I looked around but found no one in the living room. I took my phone to check the time. It’s almost 10pm. I took my hand bag from the couch and headed to mum’s room. They were all there. I told them am leaving for home because I have something to do there. I said goodbye to them and promised to visit them often from now on. Elle escorted me to the gate before going back inside. I got into my car and drove down the street. When I got to the bridge, I thought of the dream I had. My phone rang and I checked the caller. It was Stephen. I refused to pick the call so I silent my phone. After driving for a while, I saw the same truck I saw in my dream coming from the same direction. It speed pass my car while I also drove normally without any problem. I wondered if I had picked Stephen’s call the accident would had happen because I would be distracted. I sighed and continue driving focusing more attention on the road. When I got home, Stephen called my line again. This time I picked the call to hear what he have to say. He asked if I had taken care of my neck and I told him I had. I didn’t tell him about what I saw. I kept it to myself as father instructed. : John’s POV I woke up very late and the first thing that came to my mind was Stella. My body feel so weak with her thought on my mind. Good thing it’s Saturday I don’t go to work on weekend. I stood up from my bed and headed to the living room to get some water. When I got there, I looked around with the hope I could see her pop out to me or see her hanging around somewhere but all was hopeless. I moved to the fridge and took water from there. I sat on the dinning chair feeling weak. It has been long I had this weak feeling. That was when my mum died. I looked up and saw stella standing before me. She was putting on the same outfit she wore three years ago. “Dont think too much its bad for your heart. You need to eat early for you to be healthy.”she said smiling at me. I stood up from the chair smiling. “Stella! Is that really you?”I asked looking at her. I tried to touch her but she vanished into the thin air. My hand froze in the air. I brought it down gently looking sad again. I then sat back on the chair burying my face in my palms. I felt a hand tapping my shoulder lightly. I looked up and saw Stella again. “Why are you so deep in thought? Are you like this because of me? Do you miss me already?”she asked looking at me. “I think Am now seeing things now.”I said ignoring her. “What?”she said looking at me. She moved closer and pinched my cheek. “Ouch!”I said touching my cheek. It was then I knew she’s for real. “Stella? You’re back! Oh my God I can’t believe this”I said looking at her. I drew her close to my body and hugged her smiling to myself. “You’ve been acting strange since yesterday. You’re hugging me again?”she said. I quickly withdrew her from my body. “I hugged you because I missed you. Don’t count that as anything”I said looking at her. She nodded her head looking back at me. “Really? And you did that yesterday also because you’ll miss me?”she asked nodding her head. “Yes. I did”I replied looking at her. She folded her arms together looking at me. “And if I remember, you said something about love and you were regretting about lot of things yesterday. Were you really referring to me?”she asked looking at me. Oh my God! How should I explain myself? I thought she would forget about that already””I thought to myself staring at her. “Are you sure you heard that? I didn’t say anything about those you’re talking about. I think you were just hearing things since you were in bad condition that moment I think that’s why”I replied smiling. “Really? Am sure I heard that”she said. “I never said that. Anyway good to see you again”I said smiling. “Me too. I don’t really know what happened yesterday. I never felt like that before it was this morning I found myself roaming about again so I came to you”she said. “We don’t have time right now. I think god gave me the second chance to find the truth that was why he sent me back.”she said staring at me. “Let’s go to Debbie am sure there would be a clue from her”I said. : Stephen’s POV I Sat on my bed holding the picture of Stella. On the pictures it was written RIP in a red ink. I smiled to myself nodding my head in satisfaction. “You shouldn’t have seen what you saw. I wish I could rewind the time back to the past. I would have stopped you from coming. But nothing can be done about that. You caused the whole drama to yourself.”I said staring at it. I opened my drawer and brought out the dagger I used on her the day I killed her. I kept the dagger for the past three years. “I have to destroy your spirit. If I don’t, you might end up telling the girl and john about what you saw and I might end up killing both of them the way I did to you”I said looking at the dagger. I hit the dagger on her picture I placed on the shelf. it pierced through it and stood straight. : Stella’s POV As john went in to pick his car key, my body started acting strange. My head feel like it’s spinning. Everything that happened that night of the incident three years ago, came back in a flash. I remembered everything from beginning to the end. I looked around wondering what just happened. John came back holding his car key. “Let’s go to her now”he said coming towards me. “I remember. I remembered everything that happen that night.”I said with tears rolling down my cheek. His eyes were wide opened on hearing that. “Really? What happened? Who did it? Why?”he asked looking at me. : TBC…. Loo
19 Feb 2018 | 14:15
I kept weeping without saying a word. “Why are you crying? Is it that bad?”he asked looking at me. I cried more looking at him. I tried to speak but can’t say anything but cry. He drew me closer to his body hugging me. He patted my back lightly to comfort me. “It’s OK. Everything is OK. If it’s that hard to say now, I’ll listen to it later. Sorry for everything that happened to you.”he said patting my back. Few minutes later, my body became calm and I was able to talk. I narrated everything to him. Flash back…. That night, I got a call from Stephen saying we should hook up at our usual place. When I got to the restaurant he mentioned, I didn’t see him there. I called his line, it was switched off. So, I left the restaurant and was heading to his house to check on him because he told me he’s just leaving home when we last spoke on phone. I was in my car driving and kept dialing his number maybe he would pick up but he wasn’t. I dropped my phone and concentrated on the road. When I almost got to his house like 5minutes drive to go. I got to a bridge and saw his car packed at on side of side of the road. Cars are not really moving on the road because it’s late. so it was silent and that area was dark. Immediately I saw his car, I pulled over to one side and got down from my car. Because of the cold outside, I took my jacket from the second seat and put it on. I walked slowly towards his car wondering what he’s doing by the road. I even thought he had an accident because accidents do happen on that bridge frequently. I walked towards the car peeping through the wind screen. When I got to the car, I saw another car before his car. A blue Toyota Camry. I peeped through his car and saw him carrying a lady out from there. I never saw her before. The lady was unconscious. He took her into the second car. “Is she dead?”I asked myself covering my mouth in shock. When he took her to the driver’s seat, he shut the door and looked around the area. I quickly dodged my head behind the car to avoid him seeing me. “What is he trying to do? Who’s the lady? Is she dead?”I asked myself looking scared. I heard the sound of the car and suddenly, I heard some glass scratch. I quickly looked at the direction of the car and saw as the car fell from the bridge down into the river. I tried to scream but covered my mouth in shock. He just committed murder and framed the accident. What should I do?. I started trembling in fear. I wanted to sneak back to where I left my car before he would see me. My phone started ringing. I quickly removed it from my pocket trying to silent it but my hand was trembling seriously. I heard some foot steps coming towards where I was hiding. At last I was able to silent it. I stood up and tried to leave but Stephen popped out to my front. When I saw him,my phone dropped from me in shock. My body started trembling in fear. He moved closer to me while I also moved backward. “What the fuck are you doing here? Why are you here?”he asked looking at me. His eyeball changed immediately. His body started diffusing black flames. “Please spare me. I promise I won’t tell anyone about it”I pleaded crying seriously. He moved closer looking at me while I also moved backward. “It’s too late dear. You’re not suppose to see this. Am sorry it’s too late”he said looking at me. I started running just to get away from him. When I got to the end of the bridge, I looked back and couldn’t see him again. I stopped to catch my breath. I looked up and saw his figure before me. I was so shocked to see that. “Dear. You can’t run away from me.”he said smiling. I blocked my two ears with both hands and started screaming for help. “Stop that you’re too loud. if you do that till tomorrow morning, no one will be able to hear you”he said. I started crying and pleading him to spare me. “Please I promise no one will know about it. Spear me please”I said begging him. He moved closer to me I was not able to move any further because the I have reached the end of the bridge. I looked behind me and saw water. I held the iron tightly looking at Stephen who has turned to a complete monster. I never knew this is the kind of person he is. I now know people shouldn’t be judge by their looks. “Am sorry dear. It’s too late. I have to do this. Goodbye my love”he said and I felt a sharp object pierced into my tummy. “Ahhhh!”I screamed holding his hand. I looked down at my tummy and saw blood dripping down from there. He withdrew the dagger from my tummy. I fell from the bridge and down into the water. As I sank down in the river, my eyes were still opened but I can’t breath. The water found it’s way into my nostril mouth ears. I tried to swim to the surface but my body was too weak to do that. What I remembered next was that I opened my eyes and saw a girl pressing down my chest. Her body was wet and the water in her hair was dripping down on my face as she continue shouting my name and shaking my body. She took off my bloody jacket and threw it down beside her. “Please save me!”I said in a low tone as my eyes were shutting back slowly. “Are you OK? Hang on. I’ll save you. Just some minutes”she said reaching for her phone. My eyes shut and that’s all I could remember. After telling john about this, he was looking at me in pity. He didn’t say anything. He got up from the couch and took his car key trying to head out. I stopped him by holding his hand. “Where are you going to?”I asked him. “To Stephen. I can’t take all these you just said. He must be punished for what he did to you. I promise he wouldn’t get away with it”he said looking at me. “And what do you plan to do? Fight with him, report him to the police? Or what do you plan to do to him when you get there?”I asked looking at him. “Yes. I would report him to the police. He must pay for his offense. He have to pay for it”he said trying to leave again. “And what will you report to the police? What evidence do you have? Do you plan to report that the ghost of the late Suzy mick told you about what he did? How does that even make sense to you?”I said looking at him. He wiped down his face in confusion and sat back on the couch. “For us to get him, a good evidence must be provided to the police. I know a spirit is controlling his soul. We need to be careful if you also don’t want to end in trouble”I said looking at him. : TBC…
19 Feb 2018 | 14:19
@freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @light1259 @softouch @chidavid
19 Feb 2018 | 14:21
Lolz.. @softtouch my calendar no get 29, I wud av been dia
19 Feb 2018 | 14:26
John be careful and don't try anything stupid
19 Feb 2018 | 14:49
@dencygirl don't worry, we go add 29th by ourselves
19 Feb 2018 | 15:49
I knew it, this Stephen is evil and something should be done. the girl must be Elle and I think if Stella comes back to life, they will be able to pin him down for John's mother death and attempted murder of Stella.... next plz
19 Feb 2018 | 16:52
Good for you Cassandra, i wish she should just die in that river. But for the sake of your kind father, maybe she can just have a memory loss instead. Suzy mick, your time as a ghost is over. Open your eyes... welcome back to the land of the living.
19 Feb 2018 | 18:09
So it was Stephen that did it?
19 Feb 2018 | 18:17
Thank goodness for that accident
20 Feb 2018 | 03:09
John just relax and take things slow okay... Stella thank God you are back... Cassandra thank God it was a dream and also thank your God you did not pick Stephen call. but Stephen your time is coming to an end since Stella has remember what happens to her.
20 Feb 2018 | 03:44
Stephens time is so close to come to an end
20 Feb 2018 | 05:14
had it been u picked his call as of that moment , u could have been a dead ghost by now.
20 Feb 2018 | 05:16
johns determination to bring stephen down is so impressive
20 Feb 2018 | 05:18
next epi my angel @dencygirl
20 Feb 2018 | 05:19
ur two episodes of update are so loving
20 Feb 2018 | 05:20
i think that person he kill is John mum
20 Feb 2018 | 06:36
xup @debbylove
20 Feb 2018 | 09:12
this is getting more interesting
20 Feb 2018 | 10:19
You guys need a strong Evidence to take him down
20 Feb 2018 | 13:26
Hmm interesting
20 Feb 2018 | 15:52
only strong evidence can take him down, and d evil spirit needs to leave his body for u yo bring him down
20 Feb 2018 | 16:48
Proceed with caution.
20 Feb 2018 | 18:06
Episode 21 I told him we need to be patient or he’ll do something more worst to innocent people. He agreed with me but promised to reveal everything when he find a good evidence. : I went to Jenny’s performance because I had promised to help her on that day. I stood by the entrance looking among the crowd because people were too much. I looked around for her but couldn’t find her. : Jenny’s POV After waiting some minutes, Stella never showed up. I now became scared and nervous. My mum was sitting at the first row looking at me. She was smiling nodding her head saying it’s OK. We were the second to the last group to perform. When it got to our turn, we were called out on stage. I looked around again and couldn’t find her. “Stella where are you?”I thought to myself. The sound was turned on and still she didn’t show up. We were about performing when she showed up from a corner. Immediately I saw her, I smiled to myself feeling happy. She walked slowly to me smiling. When she got to my front, I closed my eyes and that’s all I could remember. : Stella’s POV I moved into her body and possessed her. The dance began and we started dancing. As we were dancing my memory flashed back to how Stephen and I met. After my performance, Debbie introduced him to me as her friend when she was in school. We exchanged greetings and I fell in love with him at first sight because then he was so cool and nice. He looks harmless by his personality and appearance. Later when we met again, we exchanged contacts and start getting closer. That was how it happens. As I was remembering those memories, I was not focusing on the dance anymore. I could see people reactions. I took a deep breath and tried to meet up with others. I was able to do my best but one side of me was not happy. After we finished the performance, the judges have us the second place. The girls were so happy but I was not. Jenny’s mum was happy also. “Good job dear. You really impressed me”She hugged me smiling. “If this could continue, I know you would be able to do better than this”she said. “Don’t worry. I promise to do better from now on.”I said smiling. “Jenny, I hope I kept my promise to you now.”I thought to myself. : John’s POV When she told me she’s going to Jenny’s performance, after some minutes of staying at home, I left to the place to see her performance. After the performance, I saw a woman hugging her. I think that’s Jenny’s mum. I smiled looking at them from where I stood. When she saw me, she told the woman something and came towards me. I waited for her to get to me while she also smiles walking towards me. I looked behind her and noticed someone was following her. The person put on black outfit all through. And had a black faze cap on which was covering his face. He walked behind her looking around at people. I guess he’s up to something. Stella didn’t notice this. She kept smiling looking at me. The guy dipped his hand into the inner of his jacket and brought out something. I was not able to see it clearly because the place was a bit dark and crowdy. He moved closer to her and it was then I know he’s trying to do something bad. I saw a sharp object and when he was about hurting her,I shouted her name but it was too late”Stella watch out!”I said rushing towards her. Because we were a bit far from each other, before I could get to him, he had stabbed her with the object he was holding. As he tried to turn and flee, I got there and held his hand. He jacked off his hand from me and disappeared into the thin air. But I was able to remove the wrist watch he was putting on. People had gathered around the scene wondering what just happened. Stella went down slowly closing her eyes. I quickly moved to her side and she fainted in my arms. “Stella wake up please! Stella!”I shouted her name shaking her body. I touched her side and saw blood on my hand. : TBC…
21 Feb 2018 | 16:04
Episode 22 I kept shouting her name as people around us also attended to her. I heard a loud scream behind me which was Jenny’s mum. She sat beside her and started crying calling for help. “Jenny! What happened to my daughter? Please tell me what just happened to her. She was fine a while ago. How come she’s like this!”she said crying. I was not able to say anything to her because I was also heartbroken. Someone called an ambulance and it arrive in no time. Her body was taken on a stretcher and was driven towards the ambulance. I followed them as the took her on the stretcher. Her mum was weeping seriously holding the stretcher and following them behind. When she was taken in, I looked back and saw Stella behind me. I was surprised to see her there. She stood still on a spot looking at us. I could see tears on her face as she stared at Jenny’s body being taken in the ambulance. She was not able to move closer or say a word. I looked at Jenny who was unconscious and looked at her mother who was crying seriously because of her daughter state. Her mum got into the ambulance as they took her in. I also wanted to get in but looked back at Stella again. I then quickly got in and the door was closed. : When we got to the hospital, she was rushed into the operation room. Her mum wanted to follow them but was stopped by the doctor. “She’ll be OK. Please relax”she said looking at her. She quickly rushed in with other doctors and the door was closed. Her mum sat down on a chair for a while then stood up again and started moving about restlessly. She sat down again but felt uncomfortable. She stood up again looking worried and sad. I walked up to where she was standing and helped her to the seat. She sat down looking at me. “It’s OK ma. I know she’ll be fine. Please be calm”I said looking at her. “Thank you. But who are you?”she asked. “Am one of her friend,”I replied. “Do you think she’ll be OK? She’s the only one for me. I can’t let anything bad happen to her. What should I do now?”she said in sorrow. “It’s OK ma. She’ll be fine”I said to comfort her. After some minutes, the surgery ended and the doctor came out to us. Jenny’s mum quickly went to her before she could get to us. I also stood up and went to her. “How’s my daughter? What happened? Is she OK?”she asked looking impatient. “She’s OK. Good thing the wound was not that deep. It doesn’t affect her internal organ which could have make it worst. She’ll be OK soon but needs more time to rest for now. I think you guys will come back later.”she said. “Thank you so much doctor. Thanks for saving my only daughter. Thank you so much”she said crying again. The doctor left us. “She’s fine. You don’t need to bother anymore. She’ll recover soon”I said to her. “She wiped off the tears nodding her head. “Thank you.”she said. I saw Jenny coming our of the surgery room. She looks sad as she walks towards us. I guess she saw Jenny already. “You can leave now. Thanks for your support.”she said looking at me. Stella got to us looking sad”Am sorry. Am so sorry I did that to your poor Jenny. Please forgive me. Am sorry for dragging her into this”she said crying. She wanted to touch her shoulder but her hand could not touch her. The woman moved from her side and walked away slowly. I stared at her till she was gone. I looked back at Stella who was feeling guilty of the accident that happened to Jenny. “It’s OK. It’s not your fault. It was my fault for not acting fast. I would have stopped this from happening if I had gotten to your side earlier than that. Don’t blame yourself OK”I said looking at her. “Who did it?”she asked looking angry. “Who the hell did that to her?”she ask moving her gazes to me. “I brought out the wristwatch I took from the person and showed it to her. “He did it. We must find the owner if this wrist watch. He’s the culprit”I said showing her the wristwatch. She took it from me and looked at it closely. “Stephen!”she said looking at me. She diverted her eyes back to the watch looking more angry. “That bastard Stephen did it”she said looking at me. I was surprised at how she knows he’s the one. It’s true those gaze I saw were familiar to that of Stephen but I wanted to confirm before jumping into conclusion. But now that she said it, am 100percent sure he’s truly the culprit. She tightening her fist on the wristwatch looking angry. “I promise he won’t get away with it this time. I will make sure he regret hurting people dear to me. I’ll definitely make him regret everything he has done to me.”she said angrily. : TBC….
21 Feb 2018 | 16:07
Episode 23 I could see the anger all over her face. I moved to her side and placed my hand on her shoulder. “It’s OK. I know we’ll get him soon but we need to be patient just as you told me. Jenny would be OK”I said to comfort her. She faced me nodding her head. “I understand but I can’t just stay back and watch as he hurt people close to me. He might even do more than this next time. Please we need to do something before it’s too late”she said almost crying. : Cassandra’s POV I was in my room sitting on the bed with my body half covered with the blanket. I thought of all Stephen had done to me since the day we met till this present day. Sometimes when he’s angry, he will be out of control and hit me multiple times. My body was full of scares I got from him. I regretted ever going to him at the first place. Staying with my parent and suffering from my mean Foster mother would have been even better than staying with the evil Stephen. My friend Jane was murdered by Stephen because she wanted to quit and not work for him again. She was killed before my eyes. I was not able to defend her or do anything or else, we’ll both die together. Since she was gone, I suffered a lot from Stephen because when she was here, she always defend me and know her way to calm him down. I have thought of killing him multiple times or stabbing him to death when he’s asleep but I will end up dying at the end if I do so. I continue living in Stephen’s hell all this while. The only thing he does in return for me was providing all my needs. Expensive House, big cars and many good things in life. And he also promised to find my family for me in return. I just came back from my parents now. I asked everything about Suzy Mick from elle and she told me how she got there. And the day she took her to his father in pool of blood. The way she was talking about her, my Heart melted and I pitied her. I don’t think I can go against what my parents want. Since they are protecting her from harm, I have to do that also. But what of Stephen? : Stephen’s POV When I left the scene, I quickly went home and changed into my normal dress. I noticed my wristwatch was gone. I then remembered when john held my hand and I jacked my hand off. it was then he removed it. “Oh gosh! How can this happen?”I said hitting my fist to the wall. I heard someone pressing on the bell outside and I walked to the door slowly. I looked at the cctv screen by the door and saw it was Cassandra. I opened the door and she came in. We both walked back to the living room while I was still not feeling good. I sat down on the couch while she stood in front of me. “You called for me”she said not looking at me. “Yes I did. But let me leave that aside first. I was just coming from Jenny’s performance. I stabbed her because that girl was possessing her body. When I was about leaving the scene, john interfered trying to hold me. I was able to get away from his grip but my wristwatch was gone”he said looking at me. “What an evil creature! So you’re now hurting innocent people again?”I thought to myself angrily but didn’t show it in my expression. “So what do I need to do?”I asked him. “Get the wristwatch back before dawn. You must get it from him at all cost. Your failure will mean punishment”he said looking at me. By now, I got more angry but was not able to say anything than “OK. I will”I said. “Good! You can leave now. I’ll tell you the other one later”he said smiling. I walked slowly towards the door. When I got outside, I saw Mathew, one of his guy messenger heading in. He bowed his head to me before walking pass me. I turned back still looking at him. I wondered why he’s here out of the blue. He had not been around all these days I wonder what he had been doing for Stephen. I must find that out today. I thought to myself and dipped my hand into my bag. I brought out a small chip(a bug which records every sound when planted on someone or in a room) I looked at it smiling. When he was about going in, I called his name. “Mathew!” He stopped and looked back. “Yes ma’am”he replied looking at me. “Wow! I’ve seen you for long now. Hope everything is OK?”I asked smiling as I walked to him. “Yes ma’am. Thanks for your concern”he said smiling. I stretched my hand for a shake and he took it. I patted his back gently and used the chance to hide the small chip by his collar. “Take care OK”I said smiling. I released his hand and he left. I watched him till he got in and locked the door. I went into my car and brought out a device. I plugged it and plugged my iPod to it. I then put it on in a way it was covering my ears. I waited for there conversation. : Stephen’s POV. After Cassandra left, Mathew came in. He walked up to me and we greeted each other. “So how far have you gone with what I sent you?”I asked him. He was silent for a while before replying me. “Am done with it but….”he stopped looking at me. “But what? Let me know everything about it”I said. He brought down the bag pack he was carrying and brought out some files and pictures. He dropped them on the table before me. I took them one after the other looking at them carefully. “Why’s Cassandra with them? Why are they all together?. I asked you to find Cassandra’s biological parents. What does this pictures mean?”I asked looking at him. “That’s it. Cassandra was 15 when she got missing at a park. Her parents look for her but she was not found. She was taken in by doctor Josh who also don’t know about her but took her in as his daughter. I really don’t know how she got to them but I know they were the one taking care of her till she later left them because of some issues. I heard she had a brain trauma. Some of her memories are gone. But She would recover them back some day.”he said looking at me. “I understand. So you mean these people in the picture are her family?”I asked looking at him. “Yes. She’s Suzy Mick’s sister. This are their parent with them. They are truly siblings. So what should we do about this?”he asked looking at me. I was dumbfounded for a while. “What do you think we should do. There’s nothing to be done than to bury this down. She must not find out about this.”I said. “You know she’ll be happy to see her real parent. That’s what she wanted most from you. That’s what kept her here around you. She’ll feel bad if you were not able to do that for her”Mathew said looking at me. “I know. It’s not right to tell her she and Suzy mick are siblings! Just assume you were in her shoe. How will you feel when you know am the murderer of your late sister?”I asked looking at him. He took a heavy sighed not replying me. “You must not bring anything up about her family from now on. If anyone know about this apart from me and you, then you’re gone also”I said looking at him. : Sandra’s POV When I heard all these, my heart was hurt and heavy. I didn’t notice when tears started streaming down my face. I removed the iPod from my ear slowly feeling hurt and betrayed. : TBC…
21 Feb 2018 | 16:12
@freeco @fridex @itzprince @coolval222-2 @bhabiextellz @jummybabe @ryder @maths @myraruby @fb-mhizlilygold Others
21 Feb 2018 | 16:16
o my God, stephen ur days are number, ur secret will soon be out
22 Feb 2018 | 04:42
22 Feb 2018 | 05:18
thanks @denciebabe
22 Feb 2018 | 06:09
Stephen, u are a real scumbag bt your days are numbered now. the only thing I can tell Cassandra is to join John in his quest to bring down Stephen. say all you know and the recording from the bug will help a great deal. good work @denciebabe, continue...
22 Feb 2018 | 06:12
this Stephen is the devil himself
22 Feb 2018 | 06:14
Cassandra, now you know who you are living and working for, how are you going to tackle it
22 Feb 2018 | 07:22
Wow wow wow..... What a great story.... Ave been missing a lot.... Am here now.... Ride on dear
22 Feb 2018 | 07:55
Stephen is the defination of evil.
22 Feb 2018 | 12:25
Sandra the ball its in ur court... Think smart and act wise
22 Feb 2018 | 13:27
Stephen you are the Devil yourself
22 Feb 2018 | 14:59
Sandra be Wise
22 Feb 2018 | 15:22
naw u knw
22 Feb 2018 | 15:34
Thank God she heard them herself, next pls
22 Feb 2018 | 18:14
Hmmmm, dis Stephen is a very wicked guy,
23 Feb 2018 | 04:33
Still following
23 Feb 2018 | 09:54
@denciebabe come and update ooo.... Abi bc am here u don't want to update again?... Lol
23 Feb 2018 | 11:15
The open secret is coming out
23 Feb 2018 | 12:45
Episode 24 “You evil beast! I promise you’ll die by my hands on day. I will kill you myself.”I said crying out. After some minutes, my body was a little calm and I had stopped crying. “I promise to destroy all what you’ve worked for. I will show you what am capable of doing. Now, I don’t care if my life would be at risk. I’ll make you go on your kneel to those family you’ve offended or kill their child before you see your own grave.”I said looking angry. : John’s POV I and Stella went back to the hospital to visit Jenny. When we got to her Ward, her mum was already there taking care of her. “Good evening ma”I greeted her. “Oh good evening My son. Thanks for the other time.”she said smiling. “How’s she?”I asked looking at Jenny. She turned her face to me smiling. She was not really looking at me I looked beside me and it was then I knew she was looking at Stella. Stella walked slowly to her bed and sat down beside her. Although Jenny’s mum could not see her. She thought Jenny was looking at me. “Am sorry for making this happen”Stella said holding her hand. She nodded her head in response. “Am happy you were not that badly hurt by him. I promise to fight for everyone. He would soon be brought down by me. Please you need to get well soon OK”she said. Jenny smiled nodding her head again. Her mum was staring at her wondering what she was doing and who she was smiling at. “Jenny is anything wrong again?”she asked her. “Oh. Jenny are you now feeling OK? I had been so worried about you since yesterday. Hope everything is fine now?”I said cutting in to stop her mum from asking any further question. She smiled nodding her head. “Thank you sir. Am feeling better”she replied looking at me. “Why are you calling your friend sir? Are you not friends?”her mum asked looking confused. “My friend?”Jenny asked looking confused. “He’s the vice president of A.N.E.L entertainment company”she corrected her mum. Her mum looked at me then gasped in amazement covering her mouth with both hands. “Really? Am so sorry sir. I didn’t know that’s who you are. Please forgive my manner”she said looking at me. “No ma. It’s OK, you don’t need to be. Am OK with how you talk to me”I said smiling. “So you came to visit my daughter personally after her performance yesterday? Wow I can’t believe this. Thanks for everything sir. Am so happy for your concern”she said smiling. “Yes ma’am.”I said bowing a little. : After we left her Ward, I got to the compound and was about opening my car. I saw Cassandra standing at the other side beside my car. I was surprised to see her here at the hospital. I think Stephen sent her here again. She didn’t notice I was there so I wanted to ignore her and go our way. I thought what if she’s up to something?. I locked the door slamming it. The sound made her looked at my direction. Stella was not aware of this. She was at the back of the seat expecting me to drive. But when I slammed the door shut, she also got out of the car wondering what happened. She appeared to my side and asked why we’re not going again. “Why? Did you forget something?”she asked looking at me. : Cassandra’s POV After waiting in the hospital compound for a while, I heard a loud sound beside me and I saw it was john. I walked slowly towards him still feeling strange of what I was about to do. When I got to him, I greeted him but he was not replying me. “I have something to tell you”I said looking at him. “What is it? What are you guys planning this time around? Does he tell you to come and kill her finally?”he asked looking angry. I was so surprised he knew Stephen was the one behind it all. But why is he not reacting to it? So he also knew Stephen was trying to hurt Stella too? does that mean he was aware that Stephen framed his mother’s death?”I thought to myself looking at him. “Why? I think am not wrong? You actually came because of that?”he asked looking into my eyes. “A…am not here because of that. I have something to tell you”I said looking at him. “Your tricks won’t work on me anymore. I know if you open that mouth, all that will come out of there are nothing but lies. I don’t need to stand here with you wasting my time and energy. Please excuse me!”he said and turned to go. “You’re still behaving childish. Aren’t you? I think you don’t wish to know who was behind your mother’s death?”I said looking at his back as he was leaving. He stopped on hearing that. He then turned slowly to me like I just controlled him with a remote. He was staring at me straight in the eyes looking shocked and surprised. : TBC…
23 Feb 2018 | 14:27
Episode 25 “What do you mean by that?”he asked looking at me. “I mean, you don’t care to know the reason behind you mum’s death. Do you think it’s natural. If you want want to know from me then listen and if you choose not to, then go your way. Am only doing this because of my sister. I want to pay back for what I had done to her. If you chose not to believe me you can do it your own way”i said looking at him. I turned to leave but he stopped me. “Give me a good reason for me to believe you’re not deceiving us”he said. “Because am Michael Cassandra. You’re not the only one he hurt, am also a victim”I said looking at him. : Stella’s POV When she said she’s micheal Cassandra, I was so surprised. I had been wondering where I know the face because when I first set my eyes on her, I had this strange feeling. I remembered when we were still together. How we played, laugh and go to school together. Then I remembered the day we were looking for her at a park we went. We were shouting her name especially me. I had started crying while mum held my hand and we continue looking for her. “Cassandra!”the name came out of my mouth while john looked back at me with an unknown expression. He was not able to ask me anything because he thought he would look crazy to Cassandra who will think he’s talking to himself. : Two days later…… Jenny had recovered but the wound was not fully healed yet. She was discharged from the hospital and was taken home by her mother. John and I also went home after Jenny’s mum thanked him so much for his support. We left the hospital and went home. Cassandra had promised to work with us just to bring Stephen down. I told john about my memory and the fact that Cassandra is my sister. She knows about me but was not able to see me. “Now we know that you mean no harm, we can trust you and depend on one another”john said looking at her. “Yes”she replied. “So you mean you know who was behind my mum’s death? Can you tell me. now, I can believe everything you say”john said. She was silent for a while staring at john. “Who’s it? Let me know now”he said looking impatient. Just as Cassandra was about to talk, her phone rang and she took it. “Hello?” “Alright”that was all her respond to the caller. She took her bag and stood up. “Sorry that would be another day. Because it’s a long story. Stephen just called for me. I need to go now”she said looking at john. : Stephen’s POV When Cassandra got to me, she was not looking that good. I suspect something is wrong. “Why is your mood like this?”I asked her. “It’s nothing. I just feel a bit sick”she replied. “Will you go to the hospital? Is it much?”I asked. “Why did you call me here?”she asked looking at me. I noticed she had been acting strange and quiet these days. I wondered why she’s like that. “Yes I called for you. Sorry to tell you this, I had searched for your family which you asked me to do for you. But it’s so sad and heartbroken I found out they had all died in a motor accident. Only you survived the accident. So sorry to break down the sad news to you”I said looking at her. I brought out some pictures and documents I asked Mathew to get and showed it to her. It was another family picture who all died three years ago In a serious motor accident. When I gave it to her, she nodded her head positively without saying a word or two. She gave them back to me staring at me strangely. “That’s so bad”she said looking at me. “Is that all you could say?”I asked her. She didn’t react to it or start crying or do as if it hurts her. “That’s so painful but what can I do? They’re gone. So sad”she said covering her face with both hands. I took a deep breath and my body was relieved. : Cassandra’s POV I covered my face because I can’t stand to see the sight of that beast Stephen anymore. I cried a little at least for the family that lost their lives. And for him not to suspect me. I left his place and was heading back. I thought of going to Stella at my Foster family’s place. Just to check on her health. And to visit them because it had been long. I got into my car and headed there. : Stephen’s POV After she left, I thought of what she had been up to these days because she was acting strange. “Is she keeping anything from me?”I asked myself. I took my car key and also headed out to find out about what she’s up to. I saw her car as she zoomed out of the compound. I also got into my car and followed her but let the distance between us be a little far so that she won’t notice am following her. She turned to the left at a junction. “Where on earth is this girl going to?”I asked myself and also turned left. : TBC….
23 Feb 2018 | 14:30
@freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @oneal32 @willingyung @robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @robidon @myraruby
23 Feb 2018 | 14:34
@denciebabe thanks for the iv, hope they will be able to do something before Stephen harms Cassandra
23 Feb 2018 | 15:33
you guys need to do something fast before that beast kills another person o...
23 Feb 2018 | 16:01
This Stephen of a guy is something else
23 Feb 2018 | 16:07
gosh this guy is the devil himself
23 Feb 2018 | 16:16
Wow.... Sandra this devil z following u ooo.... U need to do something....
23 Feb 2018 | 18:37
Thrilling story.... Stephen your end is near You have committed too many atrocities..
24 Feb 2018 | 05:44
I wonder if Stephen also killed John's Mother
24 Feb 2018 | 05:45
yeah Stephen is sure responsible. am back again @dencygirl I knew I missed a lot
25 Feb 2018 | 15:15
U re welcome dear @myraruby
26 Feb 2018 | 03:02
Episode 26 Cassandra’s POV As I was driving down towards the place, my phone rang and I took it. “Hello Sandra”john said on phone. “Hello. Is anything the problem?”I asked. “Please come back to my place. I just have one thing to ask you. I can’t say it on phone. I need to ask from you right now. Please we need to see”he said sounding desperate. “I’ll come back to you later when am back. I need to get to somewhere right now. I can’t see you until am back. I’ll be back by 5:pm, you just have to wait till then”I said. “I can’t just keep this in mind till then. We need to see face to face on this issue. Can’t you even do that for me?”he asked. “Am so sorry. The place am heading to is so important. Please pardon me”I replied and hung up. I have not let them know about Stella. I still kept that a secret because of her safety. I continue driving but thought of what he want to ask me, to make him this serious about it. I thought for a while wondering whats going on with him. “Oh God! I already told them am on my way. Should I go back again?”I said feeling bad. I got to a junction and made a Uturn back heading to his place. : Stephen’s POV When she got to a junction and made a Uturn heading back home, I thought of what she was doing. “Why is this girl driving like this? Is she just driving and turning for fun? Was it because of the news I broke to her?”I thought to myself. My phone rang and I took it. They called because of an urgent meeting. I told them am on my way and quickly turned the opposite way she took and headed to the meeting I was called for. : John’s POV I and Stella were in the living room. When Sandra told me she’s not coming, I kept pondering over the matter. Few minutes later, she had arrived. She walked towards us and I quickly met at before she could get to us. “What’s so serious you want to ask that makes you call me back here?”she asked looking at me. “Please you need to tell me the truth. We can’t keep things for each other anymore right?” I asked looking at her. “Yes. I know that”she replied looking at me. “Was Stephen the one behind my mum’s death?”I asked her straight. She was silent for a while and that got me feeling more impatient. “Answer me!”I shouted holding her shoulders. “Stephen was not the one that really killed your mum”she replied looking at me. “Then who? Who did it?”I asked waiting for her to talk. : Debbie’s POV Today is my friend memorial day. I dressed in black outfit and was holding some flowers in my hand. I looked at her grave and saw many kind of flowers. Seems like her family just left. I dropped mine on her grave also and did the normal ritual while kneeling on the ground. I stood up still looking down at her grave. “We promised to fight for each other. We promised to to die for each other right?. And now I promise to punish all who are behind your death and bring them all to shame”I said looking at the grave. After I left her graveyard, I headed to Stephen’s house because he told me he’s home a while ago. And I also have a lot to ask him. And the reason why he didn’t attend Stella’s memorial when I got to his place, I packed my car at the garage and walked towards his building. I got to the door and unlocked it because I know his password. When I got in, I didn’t meet anyone inside. So I guess he would be inside his room. I tried opening his door but it was locked with password. I guess he’s not home. I thought to myself and was about leaving. When i got to the living room, I stopped and wondered why he even locked his room with password. Definitely there’s something suspicious in his room. I went to the window to check the environment. When I saw no one was there, I went back to his door. I tried the pin he used for his main door but it was not working. So I tried another one still the same. I thought of what he would have used. Then I used Stella’s birth date. It unlocked and I was surprised he used her birthday for his password. I opened the door slowly and walked in. I looked around his room in amazement. This would be my first time of entering his room. His room looks strange. I saw some pictures on the wall. Some were cross in a red ink. I moved closer to it. And saw Stella’s picture. “My love Stella. Died on 18-5-2015.”this was written in red ink at the bottom of the picture. I ignored that and started checking everywhere maybe I would find any other suspicious stuff. I opened his drawer and checked but can’t find anything. I opened the second one and found something mysterious. Something wrapped in a black napkin. I loosed the napkin and brought out what was inside. “What in the world is this?”I said trembling in fear. It was a sharp pointed dagger and the picture of Stella destroyed with a shark object. I saw a small book under where I took the napkin and brought it out. I opened it and started reading. It looks Like a diary. “I killed Elizabeth because she knows my true identity. I don’t mean to but she vowed to reveal it to the world.”the first page was written like that with the picture of a pretty girl. “Stephen killed someone?”I said covering my mouth in shock. I opened the second page then the third page. I then thought If what am guessing about him killing Stella was right, I would see her here also. I started opening the cover from page to page until I got to Stella’s part. My heart was beating very fast as if it would jump out of my chest. I can’t believe he really killed his ex-grlfriend Stella. When I read the whole content of it, tears were streaming down my cheek while my body was trembling in fear. I brought out my phone and snapped it all. Then forward them to john. I packed everything and put them back in his drawer. Just as I stood up still shaking in fear, I heard the sound of the buttons as if someone is unlocking the door. My eyes were widely opened as I heard the voice if Stephen. I stood still trembling in fear. : TBC…
26 Feb 2018 | 03:04
Episode 27 I quickly took my hand bag and walked to the door. When I got to the door, I opened it gently but couldn’t find anyone at the door. I heard him talking to someone on phone in the living room. I tiptoed and got out of his room closing the door gently. I walked towards the visitor toilet to hide there till he’ll be out again or go to his room. I don’t want him to know I came to his house. That might put me in trouble also. I stood in the visitor toilet trembling and weeping. I thought of what I read In the book and that bring more tears to my face. “Stephen why? Why did you guys do that?”I asked crying while covering my mouth with both hand to stop me from crying out. : John’s POV When I asked Cassandra who killed my mum, she was staring at me not replying. “Your silence is killing me. Please just tell me already”I said looking at her. “Your mum was murdered by….”she stopped and a message notification came into my phone. I saw Debbie’s number and quickly unlocked my phone. I saw the pictures she sent and started reading the content out. “April 18 2015, I killed Stella because she saw what she was not suppose to see. I didn’t kill jane(John’s mother) but her death was a mistake from my mother. My mum called Jane for a visit at her place just because she told her she have something to say to her. But that’s not the truth she called her for a reason. She threatened her to reject father’s offer of wanting him to live with her. John’s mum was favored a lot by father and this got my mum jealous. Because of that, my mum’s hatred for her grew stronger. When she told her to reject the offer, Jane refused to hear her. Arguments arises between both of them. My mum slapped her and hit her multiple times. She defended herself also by retaliating the slap back to my mum. In anger, my mum hit and pushed her. This made her hit her head at the pillar behind her and passed away immediately. My mum started trembling in fear and called me when she saw blood. She told me everything that happened between them and I told her not to worry about it. When I got there, I calmed her down. When I checked and found out Jane had stopped breathing, I took her to my car and told my mum not to mention this to anyone. When I drove her to a bridge, I asked my mum to bring her car just to make the accident real. When she brought it, she took a taxi and went back home. I placed her body on the driver seat. Just as I was about to start the engine, she opened her eyes looking at me. If I had taken her to the hospital, she would have survived but will report everything to the police and would put my mum and I in big trouble. “You guys can’t do this to me”she said in a weak voice. I ignored her and started the engine then removed the stone I placed on the break pedal. The car moved by itself and hit the bridge then down into the river. I closed my eyes as this happened. I paced at the spot the car hit for a while then I looked behind me and noticed someone was hiding behind my car. I opened the door quietly and brought out a sharp dagger with the aim of killing whosoever saw me. When I got there, I saw it was Stella. I was so surprised she was the one who saw all what I just did. It was so painful it was her and not another person. I never mean to hurt the girl I love but I can’t let her go. Because of my future and for my mum’s safety. Stella tried to run away from me but I caught her. She pleaded me to spare her but it was too late. I stabbed her with the dagger and threw her into the river also….. That was how Stella and Jane died the same day. : John’s POV When I finished reading this, my phone dropped from me in shock. I bent down on my kneel covering my face while tears dropped from my eyes. “How could you guys do this to my poor mother? Why? How could you?”I said crying. Cassandra and Stella came beside me and were comforting me. “Take heart dear. It’s so painful but you have to take heart”Sandra said patting my back. I stood up on my feet and faced Cassandra. “I can’t take this anymore. That beast don’t worth living on earth and breathing the same air with we humans. I will destroy him myself today”I said and headed out. Stella and Cassandra kept calling my name but the anger and revenge in me does not make me answer or go back to them. : TBC…
26 Feb 2018 | 03:06
New episode @freeco @freshgirl @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ryder @mizzykevin @maths @bhaybiextellz @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @jummybabe @victoriouschild @sommyangel @sanctus4real @lesky @oneal32 @willingyung @robidon @chilovely @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @robidon @myraruby
26 Feb 2018 | 03:09
Debbie is so brave to took such a risk,, if she's caught by Stephen na dying things oooo
26 Feb 2018 | 04:56
the truth is now unveiling its self. Stephen ur doom is near oooo
26 Feb 2018 | 04:58
thumb up @dencybabe let's keep on going
26 Feb 2018 | 05:00
Stephen is a very very evil beast...john should take it very very easy.
26 Feb 2018 | 09:26
Stella & sandra are sisters...they are getting close to one thing
26 Feb 2018 | 09:34
things are turning into shape
26 Feb 2018 | 12:00
Stephen ur death is near
26 Feb 2018 | 12:01
I won't blame john for whatever decision he decides to make but at least have a plan on how to execute ur mission
26 Feb 2018 | 13:15
am enjoying dis story die
26 Feb 2018 | 13:19
Thank God the truth is revealed, pls invite me on new episodes. thanks
26 Feb 2018 | 14:39
Stephen is very evil you guys should be careful around him
26 Feb 2018 | 15:17
John don't take d law into ur hand o. Debbie b careful
26 Feb 2018 | 15:20
Pray Debbie will get out of that house safely, but how is Cassandra able to see Debbie??... that is quiet confusing.
26 Feb 2018 | 15:38
Pray Debbie will get out of that house safely, but how is Cassandra able to see Debbie??... that's confusing.
26 Feb 2018 | 15:39
Woow Debbie u did a very good job
26 Feb 2018 | 15:59
Stephen u are a monster, so cruel bt thank God your end is nearing
26 Feb 2018 | 17:29
Abeg tell me that Stephen did not catch Debbie
26 Feb 2018 | 17:37
Episode 28 Stephen’s POV When I finished receiving the call, I walked towards my room. I sat on the sofa looking around. I looked at some things in my room and noticed they were not as I left them. I stood up and started putting them back in place. I got to my drawer and saw it was not locked properly as I left it this morning. I checked the stuffs I put there and found out they’ve been touched by someone. “Who the hell tampered with my stuffs?”I asked in anger. Due to my anger, my body had started diffusing black flames and my finger nails had pointed sharp. I was so angry that if I should see the person right now, I would kill him/her whosoever it might be. I closed the drawer and went to the door. I sniffed the handle of the door to perceive the smell. I noticed the person just left my room not long. “That mean he/she is still inside my building”I thought to myself and opened the door. : Debbie’s POV. When I peeped through the door and saw he went into his room, I tiptoed and walked out of the visitor toilet. When I got to the living room, I heard his footsteps and I quickly hid behind the cotton. He walked around the living room looking at every angle. I was so surprised to see him In that state. He’s of no different from a beast. His fingers were pointed and his body were releasing thick black flames. His eyeballs were black. He looks just like a monster. This got me more scared. “God please save me from Stephen. God please protect me. Guide me till I leave his house. Don’t let me die here by his hand”I prayed to God silently. He went back towards his room. And I found my way out of his house. I went into my car and drove out of his compound. Just like 3minutes drive, I saw John’s car coming. I called him but he was not picking up. I blocked him with my car and he stepped on the break. I quickly get out of my car and went to his car. He also opened the door and came out looking at me. “What you sent to me,was that true? Could that be real?”he asked looking at me.” And if it’s real, Where are you going to in this state? I didn’t send that to you so that you can fight him. He’s not someone you can handle. This is not the next step. Let’s get out of here now. I know by now, he would be looking for the person that broke into his room which was me. Let’s just go back. We’ll talk better then”I said looking at him. He hit the body of his car looking hurt and angry. I went into my car and drove off. While he also turned and followed behind me. : Stephen’s POV After I searched everywhere and could not find anyone, I then started laughing to myself. “Hahahahahaaa”I laughed for so long. “Do you think you can get away from me? I’ll get you soon”I said and headed to the cctv screen. I backward it to when the person first got in. To my surprise, it was Debbie. I watched how she got into my room and how she was checking all the stuffs one after the other. When she took the black napkin and saw who was I the picture, I stopped watching and headed out of the room. “How dare you mess with me?”I said looking angry. I went to my room and opened my drawer. I brought out the dagger smiling to myself. : John’s POV Debbie told me all what she saw in his room. I was so angry that I wish I had a gun and shoot him dead immediately but Debbie told me to calm down. Cassandra told us Stephen just called her and told her everything on how someone broke into her room. “I will advise you to be careful. You’ll be his next target now because he knows you were the one”Sandra said looking at Debbie. We were all shocked while Debbie was trembling in fear. “What do we do? Let’s report him to the police.”Debbie said. “You guys cant report Stephen to the police, it would just make everything worst for you guys. Stephen must be killed for his evil deeds to end. If you report him, he’ll find his way out of there because he had so much connections. You guys can’t understand what am saying. Stephen have to die! For him to die, the evil spirit must be cast out.”Cassandra said looking at us. “What should I do? I can’t go home right now. My life is at stake”Debbie said looking scared. “Can you stay with me at my place?”Cassandra asked her. “Yes I think that idea would be good. You have to stay with her for the main time.”I said agreeing to what she said. “On thanks”Debbie replied. “But I need to get something from my house first”she said. “What is it? Get whatever you want to get before it’s late”Sandra said looking at her. I looked at Stella and nodded my head. : Cassandra’s POV Just to keep her safe, I followed her to her house to get whatever she wants to get before leaving for my place. When we got to her building, she unlocked her door and went in while I followed behind her. : Debbie’s POV Now, I know the reason the old woman gave me the black sachet. I got into my building and went towards my room. While Sandra waited in the living room watching the entrance and the compound. When I got to my door, I opened it and went in. I found out someone had gotten into my room because my stuffs were thrown to the floor and everywhere looked messed up. “What happened here?”I asked looking around. I think Stephen just left my house when he couldn’t find me. I quickly took my box and pack few clothes then take the black sachet I got from the old woman. I met her by the road side begging for food. I gave her money and some snack I bought from a store. She thanked me and when I was about driving on, she stopped me by hitting my car. She gave me a sachet. I asked what it was for and she smiled telling me I would need it later. She said it’s for destroying evil spirits and ghosts no matter how strong they are. Then, I wondered what I will have to do with evil spirit or ghost. I received it and dropped it in my bag thanking her. Now I know what she meant be that. I took the powder and dropped it in my box with the hope of giving it to john when we get back together. I closed my box and was dragging it along with me. When I got to the door and was about opening it, I heard some footsteps behind me. I stopped and swallowed hard shaking in fear. I turned back slowly to see if someone was behind me. When I looked behind me, I could not see anyone. I faced front slowly and to my greatest shock, I saw Stephen standing before me. The shock almost made me faint at the sight of him. He smiled looking at me. “Go away from me now!”I yelled at him. I took the black sachet from my box. My body was trembling seriously and the sachet fell down from me. He smiled looking at me. I tried to scream but he grabbed my neck and squeezed it. : Sandra’s POV I waited for long but could not see Debbie. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice from where she said to be her room. I quickly rushed towards there but was not able to find her room on time. Finally I opened a door and what I saw shocked me. I found Debbie in her own pool of blood. Her face was destroyed with sharp finger marks. Her body was badly injured with sharp paw marks. Her blood streamed down like water. When I saw this, I couldn’t hold in the fear any longer so I fainted out of shock. : TBC….
27 Feb 2018 | 11:14
Episode 29 John’s POV When Stella and I waited for Debbie and Sandra for so long, I took my phone and dialed Debbie’s number but she was not picking up. It rang for so long but no one pick it. “What’s happening? Why Is she not picking up?”Stella asked looking at me. “I don’t know. Let me get there now”I replied and took my car key from the couch heading out. She followed me and we both went to Debbie’s apartment. When I got there, I saw the door opened. I got to the living room and found Sandra’s phone on the center table. The house was so quiet that I wondered what really happened. I walked slowly towards her room. When I got there, I was so shocked by what I saw. When Stella also got there and looked inside, she opened her mouth in shock. “Debbie! Sandra! What really happened here?”she asked crying. She rushed to both of them calling there names. I was just staring at them. I don’t know what next to do. It felt like a bad dream to me. Stella was weeping while calling there names. “Stephen did it again?”I said in a low tone looking at both of them. Few minutes later, the ambulance came to take them after I reported the incident. Debbie was badly injured with her body full of blood. “Had I know, I won’t let her come for what she wants to take. I wonder what made her risked her life for it like this”I thought to myself regretting. As they took them into the ambulance, Stella was still crying. I followed them to the hospital in the ambulance. Just as they were giving them first aids, Cassandra opened her eyes and stood up. “Debbie! Where’s Debbie”that was her first statement. “Calm down. She’s in a critical state right now.” One of the nurse said holding her. When we got there, Debbie was taken into the operation room. While, Cassandra, Stella and I waited behind. I was so sad and was moving about looking worried. : Stella’s POV It was bad and heartbroken to see Debbie in that state. I knew Stephen was the one behind it. When the operation took so long, I got tired of waiting and headed there. “I have to see her now. I want to know what’s really happening”I said looking at john. “But you can’t. It would make you cry more”he said looking at me. Sandra was staring at his mouth while looking by each side looking for me. “I won’t. My mind is not at peace. Let me just go”I said and disappeared. When I got to the operation room, I saw as the doctors were trying their best on her. I moved closer and looked at her face weeping. I bit my finger shaking my head at her sight. The doctors were trying their best to save her life but it was all useless. When the machine drops to 00,they all gave up. I started crying more. “What happened to her? Is she dead? Why are you guys not doing anything?”I asked them even though they can’t hear my voice. I stood beside her crying seriously. “Debbie you can’t die also. Please wake up. Am sorry for everything. You’re like this because of me. Please wake up Debbie!”I screamed her name. I felt a light tap behind me and I looked back. To my surprise I saw Debbie. “It’s not your fault. It’s my fate to die today. I don’t regret anything because I know everything would be over soon. Stop weeping.”she said looking at me. “No! You can’t see me because you’re not dead yet. You have to stay alive to see Stephen doom. Don’t die now. Please do that for me as your best friend. Go back to life you’re not suppose to be here with me please!!!”I said crying. She nodded her head and walked towards the bed her soul was lying. She slept on it and her spirit disappeared. “Her heart Is beating again”a doctor said and they all continue the operation. I took a deep breath nodding my head positively. “Yes. That’s how it should be. You have to go back”I said looking at her. : John’s POV We waited almost 2hours and the operation was still going on. I wonder what’s really happening. After some minutes, the operation was over and the doctor came out. I quickly rushed to him “how was it? What will happen to her?”I asked him. “Her condition is very critical. She’s between life and death. we tried our best but no other option than to fly her out of this country for better treatment. Her rate of survival is so thin. We have to do that quickly or we’ll lose her.”the doctor said looking at me. “OK. That would be done soon. But please she must not die”I said looking at him. : Cassandra’s POV My phone rang and I picked it. I saw Stephen’s number and I quickly picked it. “Hello”I said. “Meet me at my place right now!”he said in a loud voice. He hung up the phone after her said that. “I will be back. Stephen just called”I said looking at john. He nodded his head in response and I left the hospital. When I got to his house, he opened the door and I walked in. “Why did you….”I’ve not finish the statement before he landed a thunderous slap on my face. “Why are with Debbie today? I wanted to kill you back there but I thought of one thing. You’re an orphan! With that, I hesitated”he said looking at me. I went on my kneels and started apologizing. “Am so sorry. Debbie and I went to her house because I want to get something from her. Please believe me. I’ll never do anything that’ll hurt you”I said with my face down. He moved closer to me while I already closed my eyes for him to do the worst. He patted my head gently”I know you can’t do anything to Hurt me. I trust you ok. Please let my trust in you be there”he said looking at me. I took a breath of relieve when I heard that. : John’s POV Stella came out and was standing beside me. “Debbie is going to be OK right?”she asked. “Yes. She’ll definitely be alright”i replied looking at her. “Why does Stephen keep hurting people around me. This is too much for me to bare. What should we do?”she asked looking at me. “That guy is so evil. I regretted ever being his blood. I can’t take this pain any longer”I said looking at Stella. I left her side and went out of the hospital. She followed me behind wondering what am up to. Because I left my car at Debbie’s house, I took a taxi and headed to Stephen’s place. When I got there, I paid the taxi man and headed towards his building. I pressed on the bell and the door was opened by Stephen. The look on his face was like, why-are-you-her e? “Hy Bro. Why are you here? I was so surprise to see you here for the first time”he said looking at me. “Why did you do that to her?”I asked, looking at me. “What are you talking about?”he asked acting innocent. “Stop putting on a show. Why did you do that to the innocent Debbie?”I repeated looking at her. “Why did you think it’s me? Do you have any evidence for that?”he asked smiling. The smile makes me more irritated and angry. I could Not hold in my anger any longer that I punched his face and that left a cut at the corner of his lips. TBC…
27 Feb 2018 | 11:16
@freeco @ryder @maths @myraruby @fb-mhizlilygold @jummybabe @coolval222-2 @bhabiextellz @chidavid01 @itzprince And others
27 Feb 2018 | 11:19
@denciebabe thanks for the iv, hope John's action won't bring problems for them. Debbie must get well and that evil spirit in Stephen must be destroyed in order for him to be punished appropriately. I still wonder what really he (Stephen) is.... more plz denciegirl
27 Feb 2018 | 11:40
I won't blame john for hitting Stephen... Its nit easy to endure pain or hold back the anger in our hearts especially when the person responsible for the pain is at oir reach
27 Feb 2018 | 12:15
John did you just do that OMG
27 Feb 2018 | 13:33
I hope he wouldn't kill John oo
27 Feb 2018 | 17:59
John, you're putting yourself in danger o, that guy is a beast
28 Feb 2018 | 01:36
Debbie should get well soon and find that satchet
28 Feb 2018 | 01:48
Episode 30 He looked at me and wiped the blood off from the corner of his lips with his finger. “You’re sure a funny type. How can you come to my house and pick up a fight with me for no reason?”he asked looking at me. “You’re a beast! You don’t worth living on earth. All your evil deeds will be revealed soon. I’ll make sure of that.”I said looking at him. “Really? Wow, you’re so amusing.”he said looking at me. He moved closer to my ear smiling. “Go ahead and do that. Let’s see what you’ve got. When you have the evidence, come back to me”he said. I tighten my fist getting more angry. He looked at me smiling. “You this monster! I’ll make sure I be the one to rip out your black evil heart. I’ll get revenge for what you and your witch mother did to my mum.”I said looking at him. I got out of his house and headed home still angry. : Debbie’s parent were informed about their daughter’s condition. After they took Debbie out of the country, the police began investigation on the incident. Evidence was not found because am sure Stephen would have took care of it. They continue the investigation on the case but the culprit was not found. : Sandra’s POV I was sitting opposite to stephen in the office. He brought out a black sachet from his drawer and showed it to me. “This dropped from Debbie. She tried to use this on me when I was with her. This is for destroying evil spirits and ghosts. I wonder where she got it from.”he said looking at it. “Really? You mean this can destroy evil spirits?”I asked in surprise. I now know why Debbie was so desperate to get this from her house. She planned to use it on Stephen?”I thought to myself staring at it. “But so bad this can’t work on me like that. Am so powerful than this. It can work only if one thing is added to it”he said looking at me. “I wonder what that could be but I don’t want to ask him too much of questions not to looks suspicious. “That only one thing that could be added to this to make it work one me is….. I can’t tell you about that. It’s a secret within me.”he said looking at me. He never tell me about it and I didn’t ask him. : John’s POV After I closed from work, I went home. When I got home and entered my room, I saw Stella moving about. I was so scared when I first saw her. I thought it was an evil ghost.”What are you doing here?”I asked her. “I just got In. I feel like seeing your room when you were absent. I didn’t know you’ll come back early”she replied looking at me. I moved to the shelf where she was standing and quickly picked the wrist chain up. I forgot to put it back into the drawer this morning. She looked at me smiling. “Don’t worry I saw it already.”she said smiling. “Really?”i asked and then closed the box and dropped it in my drawer closing it back. She turned to me making a serious face. “But.. That looks familiar.”she said. “Have we met before?”she asked staring at me. I was so confused of answer I suppose to say to the question. “Do you remember anything?”I asked her. “I have a feeling like we’ve met before”she said looking confused. “I don’t think so”I said and took off my suit. I heard out while she followed me. When I got to the living room, I heard someone pressing on the bell and I went to check who’s at the door. : Cassandra’s POV After we closed from work, I visited john and Stella. I think it’s time to let them know Stella is not dead yet but in coma. When I got to John’s house, I explained all what Stephen told me. “So you mean only one thing could be added to the black powder to make it work? But what is it?”he asked looking at me. “Yes. But I have no idea what it could be”I said. “We’ll find that out. We must find it out”he said looking at me. “And I have something to tell you guys.”I said looking at john and looking beside him not knowing where Stella could be. “What’s that?”he asked looking at me. TBC….
28 Feb 2018 | 02:05
New episode @freeco @ryder @maths @myraruby @fb-mhizlilygold @jummybabe @coolval222-2 @bhaybiextellz @luvlydamsel @itzprince @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @robidon @chilovely @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 Nd others
28 Feb 2018 | 02:08
still following
28 Feb 2018 | 04:18
hope they get the substance to destroy Stephen. thanks @denciebabe
28 Feb 2018 | 05:25
Stephen ur end is coming very soon
28 Feb 2018 | 06:58
This story is a wow
28 Feb 2018 | 07:14
Better decision and also tell them that she is ur biological sister
28 Feb 2018 | 07:50
Sandra you do the right thing by telling them about Stella What can be added to the stuff to kill Stephen and how can they get it
28 Feb 2018 | 08:00
hmm ride on
28 Feb 2018 | 08:04
I guess itz sandra blood
28 Feb 2018 | 10:33
I pray u guys should find that one thing to destroy the evil in him
28 Feb 2018 | 11:24
if she (stella) come back to life She will b a good evidence
28 Feb 2018 | 15:07
still waitin 4 ya
28 Feb 2018 | 16:02
Episode 31 He looks so much interested in what I want to say to him. “What’s that? Do still have any secret we don’t know about?”he asked looking at me. “Yes I do. And the secret is..”I stopped on seeing the reaction on his face. “Continue”he said looking at me. “The truth is, Stella is not dead yet but In coma”I finally said. His eyes went wild on hearing that. He has this confusing look on his face. He was silent for a while staring at me. : John’s POV When she said that, my heart beats so hard and I found it hard to believe. Stella was also surprised to hear that. She was also staring at Cassandra but can’t ask her anything about it because she can’t see or hear her. So, she faced me directly. “What’s the meaning of what she’s saying? Could that be truth? Am I not dead? Then why am I invisible to humans? What does she really mean?”she asked me questions continuously but I could not find any answer to that because I was more confused. “How? I mean have you seen her? Where’s she?”I asked looking at her. “My Foster parents home. They took her in the day of the accident because luckily for her, their daughter who happened to be one of her fan, found her and took her home that day. Since then, Stella had been in coma up till now am talking to you guys. She still have a chance to live, if the treatment make a quick recovery on her.”she said staring at me. “Really? I could still live as a human? Could this be real?”Stella said sounding unbelievable. I looked at her and smiled. “That’s a good news. That means you still have hope of returning being a human one day”I said looking at her. : Cassandra took us to where Stella was. When we got to their house, I greeted the woman and a girl. I guess she was the one who saved Stella. Cassandra called the woman privately to talk to her. After few minutes, they’re back to the living room. “Am so happy for this. We have been taking care of this girl for the past three years. Even though my husband doesn’t know her parents, he continue putting all his effort to her recovery. I also support her treatment due to my daughter’s love for her. Since she was stabbed the day she was brought her, i thing someone tried to kill her. Good thing she was found on time or else she would have died.”the woman said facing me. I looked at Stella beside me and nodded my head to her saying it’s OK. She felt bad remembering the whole incident again. I was taken to the room she was put in. I moved closer to bed and looked at her closely. Her face looks the same. It never change. Stella also moved closer but was a bit far from where I was standing. The looks on her face tells that she’s hurt. She feel sad looking at her body. “Lets go back”I said to stop her from looking. : After john went to the room to check on her, I sat down in the couch with mum the living room. : Jenny’s POV Stephen got into the room Stella was kept without anyone’s knowledge. He moved closer to her bed and removed a sharp knife from his coat. He raised it up to stab stella but Cassandra stopped her. She got into a real fight with Stephen stopping him from using the object on her. Stephen turned into a scary beast and overpowered Cassandra. He used the object on Cassandra instead. While Cassandra was battling with the spot she was stabbed, she still tried her best to stop Stephen. She brought out a black sachet from pocket and opened it with her teeth. She blew it on Stephen but it doesn’t work on him. Rather it makes him more powerful. The black powder stained her hand already. It mixed with the blood on her hands. While Stephen tried to attack her again, she pushed him away with her bloody hand. Stephen staggered back and the spot Sandra touched started burning. She looked at her hand In surprise and approached him. When she got to him, she touched his body with both hands and Stephen started burning. She did it continuously hitting him angrily with her hand. Stephen became more powerless. Finally, a black evil spirit came out of him and turns into arches before it disappeared into the thin air. After that, Cassandra fell to the ground and died while Stephen also fell to the ground and died also. I opened my eyes sweating and breathing heavily. It was all a dream? : TBC….
2 Mar 2018 | 02:09
Episode 32 “What do we do now? No one must hurt or die again”john said feeling bad. “I also don’t know what to do.”I replied looking at him. “Jenny told me her grandma can help on that. Should we give it a try?”I asked looking at him : The following day… Cassandra’s POV When I got to work, I went to Stephen’s office to check on him. Because that’s how I do everyday I got to work. I entered and looked around. I found no one in his office. I think he went somewhere. I know he’s at work because his office was not locked. I entered and went to his table. I remembered he brought out the black sachet from one of the drawer. I looked through the window to check if anyone is coming. When I saw no one was coming, I opened the drawer and started looking for the sachet. I searched everywhere In the drawer but was not able to find it. I closed them back and positioned everything the way they were kept. I stood up looking around. “Where could he have kept it? Why can’t I find it?”I asked myself looking at every angle. I looked at the waste bin by the door and my mind told me maybe he disposed it there. I walked there and opened the cover. I fumble with the peppers and other stuffs there. I haven’t search for long before I found it. I picked it and stood up holding it. “Yes! I got it”I said smiling. I placed back the trashes and covered the waste bin. I kept the sachet In my pocket and adjusted my dress properly. As I was about to leave, the door opened and Stephen walks in. My heart almost jump out at the sight of him. He was staring at me awkwardly and that made me more scared and restless. “Good morning”I said smiling with one mind. “How was your night?”he replied and walked towards his desk. He sat down on the chair looking at me. “I called your line yesterday night but you were not picking. Why?”he said looking at me. “Oh. I was at home. Maybe I was fast asleep then”I said in a firm voice. “You were asleep?”he asked looking at me. “Yes. Why did you call?”I asked. “I just wanted to ask if you arrived home safely”he said looking at me. “Yes. Thanks”I replied smiling. : Stephen’s POV I think she’s keeping something from me. How can she lie about her where about yesterday?”I thought to myself staring at her. Well I already implanted a bug in her favorite hand bag. Anything that happens, I would be able to know soon. “You can leave for now. I don’t have anything to say to you now. Maybe later in the day”I said looking at her. “Alright sir”she said and left my office. Three days gone. She didn’t go to that place. On the night of the fourth day, she headed there again. I also followed her. When she got there, she entered the building again. I packed my car to the side of the road. And connected the device. I inserted my Bluetooth to my ear to listening to whatever they were saying. : Sandra’s POV When I got to Elle’s parent home, I greeted everyone. “Welcome dear. How’s work?”dad asked smiling. I went to sit down on the couch beside mum. “Your mum was here today. She came to check on Stella. She just left not too long.”mum said smiling. “Really? I also called her this afternoon. I’ll give her a visit tomorrow. You wonder how I met my mum? Actually dad tried her best to find my biological parents when I told them Stella was my blood sister. Few weeks ago, he was able to find my mum. He told me our mum traveled out of the country a year after the news said Stella died. It was a painful experience for her. She was left with no one because father also died few days after he heard about Stella’s death. Mum found it hard to live on but was forced to accept that as fate. When she came back from traveling, doctor Josh was able to find her quickly because he told me my mum came for check up at his hospital. He found out she was his old friend in high school. They exchanged greetings and were so excited they met again. So, doctor asked her about her family. It was then she told her the story on how she lost me and how Stella died. Mr Josh said he was so surprised after she said all that. He also told her everything on how he found me and how he saved stella. He said my mum was overjoyed that day. She wanted to compensate her with a lot of money but Mr Josh rejected it saying it’s fate. He then brought my mum home that day. She saw where Stella was kept for treatment. That was why daddy called me to come home that day saying he have good news for me. When I got home, and he explained everything to me, my mum and I hugged each other crying. She cried so much that I consoled her. I told her nothing would happen to us again since we all met each other again. Even If Stella was still in coma, I know she’ll wake up one day. Back to present. “Oh I really missed. I’ll meet her tomorrow then”I said looking at dad. “How’s Stella’s health?”I asked dad. “She’s getting better than expected. I guaranty that she’ll wake up in no less than a week of two.”he replied. “Am so happy on how things changes now. My mum is back and my sister will wake up soon. I hope nothing bad happen to any of us again. And everybody”I said looking at dad. “Amen!”they chorused smiling. : Stephens POV When I heard all the conversation, I found it so hard to believe that Stella was not dead. How? I mean I stabbed her back then. And the dagger was not ordinary. She was suppose to be as good as dead. What went wrong that day? She must not wake up or my mum will be in trouble. I have to stop every chance of that.”I thought to myself. : TBC…
2 Mar 2018 | 02:11
@freeco @ryder @maths @myraruby @fb-mhizlilygold @jummybabe @coolval222-2 @bhaybiextellz @luvlydamsel @itzprince @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @robidon @chilovely @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01
2 Mar 2018 | 02:13
This stephen is becoming something else. Sorry for asking how did He (stephen) come about His evil power?
2 Mar 2018 | 04:31
Wow.... Enjoying every bit of this story.... Feed me more
2 Mar 2018 | 04:53
Try killin Stella again and its gonna be the last evil you will ever do on earth.
2 Mar 2018 | 06:54
I hope Jenny's dream about Stephen's death comes true bt not Cassandra... move on
2 Mar 2018 | 07:47
I think the sachet have to be mixed with blood in order for it to be effective on Stephen...
2 Mar 2018 | 08:12
intriguing, loving the story.. Next pls??
2 Mar 2018 | 08:13
I wonder what gives him his powers, but whatever it is will come to an end soon
2 Mar 2018 | 09:10
Na wa ooo
2 Mar 2018 | 11:04
Stephen is hurting them already...maybe is about time they destroy him.
2 Mar 2018 | 12:21
Stella saw her body,there is hope 4 her
2 Mar 2018 | 12:24
Good thing u saw ur mum, bad thing Stephen knows about ur sister
2 Mar 2018 | 13:08
but why didn't her spirit enter her body like she did before
2 Mar 2018 | 13:09
2 Mar 2018 | 14:59
2 Mar 2018 | 15:33
Stephen u will not succeed in whatsoever u are planning God we not allow u this time
2 Mar 2018 | 15:35
u would b caught tiz time around
2 Mar 2018 | 16:17
Abi this Stephen dey craze ni
2 Mar 2018 | 18:03
Seriously how did he got all this power
2 Mar 2018 | 18:22
Episode 33 John’s POV The following day, Jenny, Stella and I went to Jenny’s grandma’s place. It was a bit far from us. Not different from a hometown because everywhere still looks old unlike city. Jenny was directing me while I was driving. When we got there, I packed my car in front of their gate and we got down. “Is it this building?”I asked Jenny. “Yes. She lives here.”she replied nodding her head. The house still looks neat unlike some we saw while coming. It’s just a mini flat but looks old fashioned. Jenny moved closer to the gate and knocked on it. In Few seconds, a lady came to open it. “Good morning Jenny”she greeted smiling. “Good morning.”she returned the greeting while we walks in. “Grandma went to get something she’ll be back shortly”the lady said looking at Jenny. “Why can’t you get it for her instead of stressing her?”she asked. “She insisted on getting it herself. You know how she act stubborn”the lady said with a little frown. “Alright we’ll wait for her”Jenny said. “Let’s go in”she said facing us. She lead us in while we followed her behind. I was looking around the compound as we walked towards the door. When we got to the door, Jenny opened it and we got in. The house looks better that I think. It was well finished and neat unlike it’s outside. We got to the living room and she told us to have our seat. We sat down on the couch while the other lady left us. In few seconds, she came back with juice and two glass cups in a tray. She placed it on the table and was about opening it. “Don’t bother. I’ll do it myself”Jenny said. “Alright.”she said and left us. : Cassandra’s POV I visited my mum’s place as promised. When I got there, she was so happy to see me. “I went to Joshua’s place yesterday expecting you to be there”she said looking at me. “Yes I was told you came. I was busy at work by those time. That was why I came to visit you specially today.”I said smiling. “How’s everything? How are you doing at your work place?”she asked staring at me. “Am doing good.”I replied. “It was so boring living alone all this while. But now am happy that am not alone anymore.”she said looking at me. “I’ll soon move…”I stopped for a while when I saw something by my handbag. I removed it and was staring at it. I know Stephen planted this on me. “Oh my God! Am finished. He already heard so many things. What should I do?”I thought to myself looking at it. “What’s the problem? What’s that?”mum asked looking at my hand. I placed my finger to my lips giving her sign to be quiet for a while. I took my phone and texted her. “It’s a bug. Someone is monitoring me”I sent it to her. “Really? Who’s it?”she texted back. “I need to leave for now. I’ll visit you later”I texted and picked up my bag. I waved at her and left the living room heading out for my car. When I got to the compound and was about opening my car door, Stephen’s call came in. : John’s POV We waited more than 30mins before Jenny’s grandma arrives home. I greeted her and Jenny did the same. Stella didn’t bother to greet because she can’t see her anyway. She looks beside me as if she saw her. “You were not thought how to greet?”she asked looking beside me. I first thought she was referring to me but I found out it was Stella. “Good evening ma. I don’t know you could see me also”Stella said looking at her in surprise. “Why can’t I? Are you saying my sights are bad?”she asked looking at her. “Am sorry ma”Stella apologized again. “It OK. But learn to greet people”she said. By looking at her, she looks like a strict person. I guess she’ll be so wicked for real. By judging by her behavior, she must be a mean grandma”i thought to myself looking At her. She raised her eyebrows looking at me. Jenny also looked at my direction smiling. “Don’t judge people by their behaviors. Not everyone with bad behavior and attitudes are wicked OK?”she said looking at me badly. I was so surprised she knew what I was thinking. I tried so hard not to think she’s a witch or she might know that too. I focused my mind on another thing and try hard not to think about anything. “So, why are you guys here?”she asked. Jenny explained everything to her about Stephen and his evil deeds. She requested a way to get ride of Stephen without sacrificing any life. After Jenny told her this, she was silent for a while staring at us. “Who told you guys a life would be sacrificed?”she asked looking at us. “I told them. I dreamt about it a couple of days”Jenny said. ” It’s so simple. If you must get ride of the evil spirit inside him, he will die as well.”she said. “Yes. Who care?”Stella said looking at her. “OK. If you guys want to get ride of him, his true love blood would be mixed to the black power. Which is the girl you saw in your dream. She won’t die. If her blood is mixed with it, then that would get ride of him. His true love blood. But the spirit in me right now is telling me the girl is near to her grave because the evil spirit is after her. If you guys fail to do this tomorrow or earlier, two person will die soon. I don’t really see the second person but he/she is among us here right now”she said looking at us one after the other. My heart was beating so fast on hearing that. “Not again! No one must die again before his evil deed would be revealed.”I thought to myself feeling restless. : TBC…..
3 Mar 2018 | 13:22
Episode 34 We started staring at each other one after the other in shock. "That means we need to hurry up"Jenny said looking at me. "Let me call Sandra when we leave. Because I don't even know how to get the black powder. How should we do this?"I said. When we left Jenny grandma's place, we were heading back in my car. "We need to act fast or Stephen might win this time around too. I can't stand it if he hurt two people at the same day. We need to stop him"I said. I brought out my phone and called Sandra. "Hello. Where are you?"I asked her. "Stephen called for me. Am heading to his place now"she replied. "No! You can't. Please go to my place we'll soon be there. Stephen is planning something more bad this time. Your life is at risk. Don't go to him please"I said begging her. "OK. I will"she replied without hesitation. I dropped the call and concentrated in driving. "What did she say? Is she going to your house?"Stella asked sounding worried. "Yes she is"I replied and put more speed to the car. When we got to my house, I saw her car packed outside while she was standing beside it. I packed beside her and we all get out. "Let's go in"I said leading them towards the door. I opened the door with my key and we went in. We all sat in the living room with worried expression on everyone's face. I explained everything Jenny's grandma told us to Cassandra. She was so surprised her blood was the only ingredient that could be added to the powder to destroy Stephen. "Am ready to give as much blood as needed just to get ride of that demon"she said. "But what of the powder? How can we get that from him?"Jenny asked her. She smiled nodding her head. "No need to worry about that. I have it with me."she replied. I was so confused on how she got it from Stephen. "How did it get to you? Hope he won't suspect you take it?"I asked her. "He disposed it himself since it's something that might destroy him, I think that was why he disposed it. I was so lucky to find it before the cleaner could empty then trash"she replied. She opened her handbag and brought it out of an extra black nylon. "Here it is"she said showing it to us. I got relieved after seeing it but my mind was not at peace yet because we were told to act fast before it would be too late. A call came into Cassandra's phone. She took her phone and looked at the screen then looked back at us. "Stephen?"I guess looking at her. She nodded her head in response. "Pick it and tell him you're feeling sick so you can't make it to his place."I said looking at her. She picked it and placed it to her hear. "Hello. When I wanted to come, I felt a strong stomach ache so I went back inside to rest. Am sorry for not making it up to you"Sandra said sounding weak. I don't know Stephen's reply. "No you don't need to visit me. I'll be OK soon because I've called my doctor to attend to me. You don't need to bother about that"Sandra said. When she ended the call, I asked her what Stephen said to her on phone. "He said he want to come and check on me but I told him not to bother"she replied. "How do we withdraw your blood? We need to be fast as she told us"I said looking at Cassandra. : Stephen's POV When I called her, she lied to me she was at home when I knew she wasn't. I trusted Sandra with all my heart but she has betrayed me by working with john and co. I know what to do to her but I don't want something I'll regret later because I truly love her. Anytime the evil spirit in me tried to react to her, I always try best to stop that from happening because sometimes I use to have control over the spirit. Those time I can't control it were the time I killed Stella and Debbie and many other people that are so dear to me. my body was not acting then but the evil spirit in anger. I closed my eyes tightly and rested my head back on the seat. I heard some sounds In my head and that made me open them again. The spirit is trying to use me again. I stood up and blocked my ears but the sound increased. Few seconds later, it overpowered me and I was not in control anymore. I looked around the room smiling. It's 6:00pm, All my thoughts were to kill both Stella and Cassandra. I left my room and went for my car in the compound. I got into the car and drove out towards the place I heard Stella was receiving treatments. When I got there, I got down from my car and stood before the building smiling to myself. I used the power of speed and invisibility to enter through the window. I looked around the house and saw three people in the living room. They can't see me because I was in form of evil spirit. I started sniffing to guess the room she was kept. The scent lead me to the room she was kept. When I got there, the door was locked. I went through it and finally I saw her lying unconsciously on the bed with oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose. I smiled to myself and moved closer to her. : Cassandra's POV My blood was taken with a syringe. We all prepare to use that on Stephen but don't know where he would be and how to use it. Suddenly, Jenny closed her eyes. We all kept quiet looking at her. She stood up looking at us. "There's danger. We need to be fast. A spirit is telling me Stella is in danger. And I guess this can be true. Where's Stella? We need to go there now!"Jenny said looking impatient. We all stood up and rushed to the place. When we got there, I knocked on the gate and elle opened it. "Wel..."I didn't let her finish before I banged in and walked down towards their door. The rest followed me. When we got to the living room, mum and dad stood up on seeing the expression on our face. "Mum, dad, did you allow anyone into this house?"I asked them. "No one is here. We are the only one at home. Why did you ask?"dad asked looking at me. I looked at one of the windows and saw that the curtain was opened. "No Stephen. You can't do this"I said almost crying. "Get me the key! The key to special room"I requested looking at dad. "Elle get me the key from my bag"he said facing elle. Before she could go, I rushed there and opened her office bag. I scattered everything there and brought our the key. We quickly rushed to the door and opened it. I was the first to go in. When I got in, I saw Stephen about to stab Stella. "Stop!"I screamed rushing to him. : TBC...
3 Mar 2018 | 13:27
@jummybabe @coolval222-2 @bhaybiextellz @luvlydamsel @itzprince @onahsunday631 @freeco @ryder @maths @myraruby @fb-mhizlilygold Others
3 Mar 2018 | 13:34
there lies ur solution,, but the old woman na correct ooo, she can read ones thought
3 Mar 2018 | 13:52
well I guess now Stephen your end is near, talk about betrayal when you have done more than harm to innocent people. nkt!
3 Mar 2018 | 14:10
move on plz
3 Mar 2018 | 14:10
Stephen this is your end
4 Mar 2018 | 06:55
I hope u succeed cos if u don't stop him, he will be stopping ur life
4 Mar 2018 | 18:11
Episode 35 When I got to him, I pushed him away from Stella and he staggered back to the wall. "You can't do anything to my sister. You can't!"I screamed looking at him. : John's POV When I saw the situation Cassandra was, I have to stop everything at once. So, I brought out the black powder and the blood in the syringe. I was about opening the sachet when I noticed Stella was acting strange. Her body was fading off and she was becoming translucent as the other time. "Why are you like this again? You can't do this now"I said holding her arms. "I also don't know what's happening to me."she said looking at me. "Hold on. You can't go anywhere now. Everything would be over soon. Please hang on"I said. Her body became so translucent that I could see the other side through her. She was also crying confused at what's about to happen. I heard a loud noise from Sandra's direction and I quickly turned back. Stephen pushed her to some tools and stuffs beside her. She fell to the ground groaning in pain. Mr and Mrs Josh became more scared of the situation. "What's happening here? How does he get in? Who's he?"he asked looking confused. I turned back to look at Stella but she was gone. "No! You can't do that. What will happen to her? Is she gone for good? She can't die. Please you need to come back"I said crying. Jenny was also crying while Mr Josh and his family found it weird because they can't see who am talking to. Stephen tried to get closer to Stella's bed but I stopped him by pushing him away. When I pushed him, the syringe dropped to the ground and he stepped on it. He looked at me and started laughing. He moved closer to me and grabbed me by the neck. I tried to free myself but his power became more stronger. : Sandra's POV When I saw how Stephen tried to hurt john, I managed to stand up. I found out Stephen had stepped on the syringe and the blood has been spilled on the floor. "Let him go now you evil monster!"I screamed at him. "Will you shut your mouth? I thought you were different but you betrayed me. I'll tell you nobody betrayed me and go Scott free"he said applying more pressure to the way he grabbed John's neck. He dropped john and he landed on the floor. He was in pain and not able to stand up. Stephen faced me and moved closer when he was about to get to me, I heard the sound of hitting. Jenny hit his head with a whine bottle. He didn't move but stopped for a while and turned back slowly to look at Jenny. "You can't hurt anyone again. You have to stop here. Everyone saw you're the culprit now so stop everything and surrender yourself to the police"Jenny said panting heavily. "Who the hell are you? How dare you?"he said in a loud voice and hit Jenny with his hand. She flew and landed to the hard wall. She then fell to the ground groaning in pain. I picked the black powder from the floor and opened it. He then turned back to me smiling. "You actually thought you guys can destroy me with that? Why can't you believe what I told you? It can't work on me."he said laughing. I quickly moved to the desk behind me and too a sharp long tool there. I then stabbed my hand with it. "Then I'll do it like this. This would work on you"I said and pour the sachet in my palm then dropped my blood to it. I threw everything at him in anger. He started screaming as his body was burning up in flames. The evil spirit left his body then vanished into the thin air. He looked at me and fell to the ground slowly looking weak. I quickly went to others and helped them up. "He's gone. We did it. He's gone for good"I said helping them up. Few minutes later, the two police men came in while Mr Josh followed them behind. "Here he is. He broke into my house"he said pointing at the weak Stephen. The police took him away to their station. "Where's Stella? Where's she?"john said looking around. We all heard a soft coughing from her bed and everyone looked at her direction. Dr Josh quickly rushed to her bed and checked her up. "She's conscious! She's back to life"he shouted looking at us. We all rushed there and her eyes opened. She stared at us one after the other without moving her body or saying anything. : TBC...
5 Mar 2018 | 10:15
@coolval222-2 @bhaybiextellz @luvlydamsel @itzprince @onahsunday631 @olayintan @oluwaferanmi @soma @robidon @chilovely @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @fb-mhizlilygold @jummybabe @myraruby @freeco @ryder @maths
5 Mar 2018 | 10:16
finally the evil one is gone.. waiting for the end of all of it
5 Mar 2018 | 10:21
coming to an end finally
5 Mar 2018 | 17:03
evil spirit gone
5 Mar 2018 | 17:04
Finally the beast has been destroyed
5 Mar 2018 | 17:59
And Ella is back
5 Mar 2018 | 18:00
wow! Hope the story is not about to end??? Loving every bit...
6 Mar 2018 | 00:51
The action just began I hope the story is not about to end thou... Nxt pls?
6 Mar 2018 | 00:52
FINALE EPISODE Mr Josh moved closer to her smiling. "If you can hear me nod your head"he said looking at her. She nodded her head gently looking at him. "Can you see me? Can you see everyone?"I asked looking at her. She nodded her head softly. Mr Josh took his Thesloscope and put it in his ear then placed it on her chest to feel her heartbeat. He removed it and dropped it beside him. The oxygen mask was still on Stella. : John's POV I was staring at her wondering if she could remember me because the Stella I once know was a ghost and now she's gone. Could the real Stella possibly remember me?. I thought to myself looking at her. "You guys will have to come back in the evening or later. I don't think she can talk now"Dr Josh said looking at us. "Oh so bad"Sandra said looking at her. Stella moved her hand to her mouth and removed the oxygen mask slowly."Ca--s-s san--dra?"She said in a low and weak tone. We all looked at her in surprise. We were all surprised she spoke. Sandra moved to her and took her hand. "Thank you for waking up. Thank you so much"she said kissing her hand and smiling. Elle quickly rushed to her bed smiling. "Sis, what of me? Can you recognise me?"she asked looking at her. She nodded her head smiling. "Thank you so much"she said looking at her. "Wow, this is so wonderful!"Dr Josh said staring at her. She looked at Jenny then looked back at me with and unknown expression written all over her face. Cassandra noticed this and smiled. "Do you remember john?"she asked her. She looked at me for long before smiling and nodding her head. That put a smile on my face also because I don't expect her to remember me. "And what of her?"she asked pointing at Jenny. She nodded her head smiling again. Jenny also smiled looking at her. : Stephen's POV When I was taken to the police station, my mum and sister heard about it in no time. So she tried to cover it up by bribing the police for my freedom. But this time, the police never listen to her. I was accused of attempting murderer. : Sandra's POV After everything was solved, my mum was called for and she quickly rushed there in no time. She was so happy and overjoyed. She treated Stella as a new born baby for that moment. Three days later, Stella was using a wheel chair because she can't walk properly. After a week, she was able to work properly. The following week, she began to go out but used to cover her face in case someone might see her. Few days later, the reporter found out about her and our area was full of reporters and newscasters. She later disclosed the secret behind her death to them and it was published out. Dr Josh was compensated urgly by her company for the good work. Stella's fans were so happy about the good news and elle was popular among her friends in school for the closeness between her and Stella. : Stephen's POV The case was taken to court after they found out I was the one that murdered Stella and John's mother. My mum tried to stop it from happening by taken the blame before the court that she did it. She was the one that killed John's mother so I should be release. She started confessing all what happened that day before the court. I was given death penalty for hurting Stella, and for killing John's mother and to crown it all for making Debbie be in that condition and for the countless life I have wasted. My mum can't bare the pain so she fainted. I also cried and started regretting my actions. Dad was in the court listening to all this. His heart was broken because he never knew we did that to his favourite wife. When they were about taking me out, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. My body was aching seriously. It was then I remembered if the evil spirit leave my body, I would die. I finally collapsed on the floor and my eyes were shut. : John's POV After two weeks, I was able to meet Stella because she was too busy throughout these days because of the reporters and the incident that happened three years ago. We made an appointment to meet at a restaurant. When we met, I was so happy to finally see her. She was so different from the ghost Stella I know. She looks amazingly beautiful. When we met, we greeted each other and I ordered for the most expensive meal on the menu. After dinner, I asked her if we could go for a walk before departing. She agreed with me and we left the restaurant. We were walking down beside each other. I have something I have been trying to ask her since and I think now us the chance. I cleared my throat looking at her. "Can I ask you something?"I asked looking at her. "Yes you can"she replied. "How were you able to recognise me? Do you remember been a ghost?"I asked looking at her. She smiled looking at me. "Do ghost esist?"she asked. I was so surprised by the question. If she didn't remember, how can she know me and Jenny?" I thought to myself. "How do you remember us then"I asked her looking curious. "While I was sleeping, I had a wonderful dream about you guys been my saviour. I met you guys in my dream"she replied smiling. "Really? Wow that's not a dream though"I said looking at her. "Thank you for your effort in my dream. I can't thank you enough"she said looking at me. I stopped and faced her. I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought out the wrist chain. "I think it's time to return this to it's rightful owner"I said looking at her. I took her hand and wore it around her wrist. "Oh. You have this."she said looking at me. "You're the guy"she said smiling. I was confused by her action. "You mean?"I asked her. She smiled and hugged me tight. "Thanks for returning this. So much happy to meet you again"she said still hugging me. I was confused for a while. She quickly released me and looked at my face. "Am sorry for that. Good to meet you again."she said smiling. I don't believe she could remember that day also. I smiled looking at her while she also smiled looking happy. We continue walking down the street. I used the chance to hold her hand. She noticed this and smiled looking at me. . THE END...
6 Mar 2018 | 02:58
@coolval222-2 @bhaybiextellz @luvlydamsel @itzprince @onahsunday631 @freeco @ryder @maths @myraruby @fb-mhizlilygold @jummybabe @fridex @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @chilovely @charliebryn @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @qeenvick @chidavido1
6 Mar 2018 | 03:01
wow. very wonderful. Looking forward to more stories from you
6 Mar 2018 | 04:29
so wonderful, nice story
6 Mar 2018 | 04:37
nice write up dear, @dencygirl
6 Mar 2018 | 04:58
this story was one among the best stories I have red in this forum. expecting more from u dear
6 Mar 2018 | 05:00
Wow interesting bravo!
6 Mar 2018 | 06:36
Thanks @freeco Not d writer tho
6 Mar 2018 | 07:13
wonderful ending
6 Mar 2018 | 08:52
expecting more stories from you
6 Mar 2018 | 08:53
Nice story dear....
6 Mar 2018 | 10:34
Wooow nice story @dencgirl
6 Mar 2018 | 10:49
wow ....
6 Mar 2018 | 12:33
Wonderful story
6 Mar 2018 | 12:44
Nice story with happy ending
6 Mar 2018 | 13:18
6 Mar 2018 | 14:04
Hmmm just holding hands, no exchange of feelings and love words. nice story
6 Mar 2018 | 14:22
6 Mar 2018 | 15:38
Wonderful story
6 Mar 2018 | 15:58
Great, nice ending.
7 Mar 2018 | 00:13
Wonderful But what nw happen to Debby
7 Mar 2018 | 02:15
So wonderful...great
7 Mar 2018 | 02:42
Stella is back again...she dreamt about her friends & family that saved her...SHE'S A STAR
7 Mar 2018 | 03:23
The beast is dead...the secret is out
7 Mar 2018 | 03:25
7 Mar 2018 | 03:26
Wonderful piece of work
7 Mar 2018 | 05:25
Awesome one of the best story i have read so far... Thumbs up Dear
7 Mar 2018 | 07:09
It's such a wonderful story, kudos to u @dencygirl
8 Mar 2018 | 16:30
what a wonderful story.kudos 4 dis writer
12 Mar 2018 | 18:11
wonderful story
12 Mar 2018 | 20:25
nice story
18 Mar 2018 | 19:43
Woo Nyc Tori thumbs up @ Dencygirl
22 Mar 2018 | 13:01
wow! what a happy ending! interesting story
19 Apr 2018 | 11:29
Nyc one hw abt debbie
20 Apr 2018 | 18:39
May be u were mudered
6 Jun 2018 | 12:02
Interesting ride on
6 Jun 2018 | 12:58
She may b ur mum
6 Jun 2018 | 13:05
I jst pray it end well
6 Jun 2018 | 13:30
Stephen must b d one dat killed
6 Jun 2018 | 14:01
Stephen is a devil pls ride on it bcoming more interesting
6 Jun 2018 | 14:17
7 Jun 2018 | 03:24
kudos to u madam writer,will be expecting more from u!!!
8 Jun 2018 | 20:19
So interesting
14 Jun 2018 | 16:10
Wonderful story
14 Jun 2018 | 16:10
So what happened to John and Stella later... I hope they became an item
10 Aug 2018 | 16:11
16 Apr 2019 | 18:26
Wonderful story. God doesnt create someone he can't catch.
12 May 2020 | 19:24
Wow. I'm in love with this story ???
8 Dec 2020 | 06:05
Wow, wow, wow! This is more interesting and wonderful than I had expected.
5 Jul 2021 | 22:23


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